Normandy Travel Guide

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Now firmly incorporated into the French mainstream, the seaboard province of Normandy has a history of prosperous and powerful independence. Colonized by Vikings from the ninth century onwards, it went on to conquer not only England but as far afield as Sicily and areas of the Near East. Later, as part of France, it was instrumental in the settlement of Canada.

The food of Normandy

Inland normandy, joan of arc, mont st-michel, seine maritime.

Normandy’s wealth has always depended on its ports: Rouen , on the Seine, is the nearest navigable point to Paris, while Dieppe , Le Havre and Cherbourg have important transatlantic trade. Inland, it is overwhelmingly agricultural – a fertile belt of tranquil pastureland, where the chief interest for many will be the groaning restaurant tables of regions such as the Pays d’Auge . While parts of the coast are overdeveloped, due either to industry, as with the huge sprawl of Le Havre, or tourism – as along the “Norman Riviera”, around Trouville and Deauville – ancient harbours such as Honfleur and Barfleur remain irresistible, and numerous seaside villages lack both crowds and affectations. The banks of the Seine, too, hold several delightful little communities.

Normandy also boasts extraordinary Romanesque and Gothic architectural treasures, although only its much-restored capital, Rouen, retains a complete medieval centre. Elsewhere, the attractions are more often single buildings than entire towns. Most famous of all is the spectacular merveille on the island of Mont St-Michel , but there are also the monasteries at Jumièges and Caen , the cathedrals of Bayeux and Coutances, and Richard the Lionheart’s castle above the Seine at Les Andelys . Bayeux has its vivid and astonishing tapestry, while more recent creations include Monet’s garden at Giverny . Furthermore, Normandy’s vernacular architecture makes it well worth exploring inland – rural back roads are lined with splendid centuries-old half-timbered manor houses. It’s remarkable how much has survived – or, less surprisingly, been restored – since the D-Day landings in 1944 and the subsequent Battle of Normandy, which has its own legacy in war museums, memorials and cemeteries.

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Travel ideas for France, created by local experts

An active walking tour out of the way in France

An active walking tour out of the way in France

Your trip starts with an in-depth introduction to France in Paris: several unique day excursions connect you with local Parisians to show you their city and way of life. Afterwards continue south to start a few days walking journey through Southern France before ending around Avignon.

Southern France – Walks in the Alpilles and Lavender fields

Southern France – Walks in the Alpilles and Lavender fields

Start your tour in the coastal city of Marseille, exploring Cassis on the way. Around the Alpilles in Provence, you will be provided with detailed walking materials to explore the area on foot, from both Les Baux and St Remy. End your tour in famous Avignon.

Tasting Eastern France

Tasting Eastern France

A delicious yet active journey through Eastern France. Start your trip in Lyon with some unique food tours before setting off on a 4-day walk across the Beaujolais region. Almost every day ends with a wine tasting in your guesthouse, soothing for body and soul.

Taste of Three - Belgium, France and Switzerland

Taste of Three - Belgium, France and Switzerland

Start your journey in Belgium and explore Brussels, Ghent and Bruges. A high-speed train will then take you to Strasbourg, from where you'll discover the Alsace. Proceed to Basel as your base, from where you'll see plenty of Switzerland: Zermatt, Matterhorn, Mount Pilatus and much more.

The food of Normandy owes its most distinctive characteristic – its gut-burting, heart-pounding richness – to the lush orchards and dairy herds of the region’s agricultural heartland, and especially the Pays d’Auge southeast of Caen. Menus abound in meat such as veal ( veau ) cooked in vallée d’Auge style, which consists largely of the profligate addition of cream and butter . Many dishes also feature orchard fruit, either in its natural state or in more alcoholic forms – either as apple or pear cider, or perhaps further distilled to produce brandies.

Normans relish blood and guts. In addition to gamier meat and fowl such as rabbit and duck (a speciality in Rouen, where the birds are strangled so their blood gets into the sauce), they enjoy such intestinal preparations as andouilles , the sausages known in English as chitterlings, and tripes , stewed for hours à la mode de Caen . A full blowout at a country restaurant traditionally entails pauses between courses for the trou normand : a glass of the apple brandy Calvados to let you catch your breath.

Normandy’s long coastline ensures that it is also renowned for its seafood . Waterfront restaurants in its ports and resorts compete for attention, each with its “ copieuse ” assiette de fruits de mer . Honfleur is the most enjoyable, but Dieppe , Étretat and Cherbourg also offer endless eating opportunities. The menus tend to be similar to those in Brittany, if perhaps slightly more expensive.

The most famous products of Normandy’s meadow-munching cows are, of course, their cheeses . Cheese-making in the Pays d’Auge started in the monasteries during the Dark Ages. By the eleventh century the local products were already well defined; in 1236, the Roman de la Rose referred to Angelot cheese, identified with a small coin depicting a young angel killing a dragon. The principal modern varieties began to emerge in the seventeenth century – Pont l’Evêque , which is square with a washed crust, soft but not runny, and Livarot , which is round, thick and firm, and has a stronger flavour. Although Marie Herel is generally credited with having invented Camembert in the 1790s, a smaller and stodgier version had already existed for some time. A priest fleeing the Revolution stayed in Madame Herel’s farmhouse at Camembert, and suggested modifications in line with the techniques used to make Brie de Meaux – a slower process, gentler on the curd and with more thorough drainage. The rich full cheese thus created was an instant success in the market at Vimoutiers, and the development of the railways (and the invention of the chipboard cheesebox in 1880) helped to give it a worldwide popularity.

Seeking out specific highlights is not really the point when you’re exploring inland Normandy . The pleasure lies not so much in show-stopping sights, or individual towns, as in the feel of the landscape, with its lush meadows, orchards and forests. On top of that, the major attraction in these rich dairy regions is the food . To the French, the Pays d’Auge and the Suisse Normande are synonymous with cheeses, cream, apple and pear brandies, and ciders.

This is also a place to be active. The Suisse Normande is canoeing and rock-climbing country, and there are countless good walks in the stretch further south. Of the towns, Falaise is inextricably associated with the story of William the Conqueror, while Lisieux was home to France’s best-loved modern saint.

The region that centres on St-Lô , just south of the Cotentin, is known as the Bocage ; the word describes a type of cultivated countryside common in western France, where fields are cut by tight hedgerows rooted into walls of earth well over 1m high. An effective form of smallhold farming in pre-industrial days, it also proved to be a perfect system of anti-tank barricades. When the Allied troops tried to advance through the region in 1944, it was almost impenetrable – certainly bearing no resemblance to the East Anglian plains where they had trained. The war here was hand-to-hand slaughter, and the destruction of villages was often wholesale.

The Pays d’Auge

The rolling hills and green twisting valleys of the Pays d’Auge , stretching south of Lisieux, are scattered with magnificent manor houses. The lush pastures here are responsible for the world-famous cheeses of Camembert, Livarot and Pont L’Evêque. They are intermingled with orchards yielding the best of Norman ciders , both apple and pear ( poiré ), as well as Calvados apple brandy.

For really good, solid Norman cooking visit one of this area’s fermes auberges , working farms which welcome paying visitors to share their meals. Local tourist offices can provide copious lists of these and of local producers from whom you can buy your cheese and booze.

By the time the 17-year-old peasant girl known to history as Joan of Arc (Jeanne d’Arc in French) arrived at the French court early in 1429, the Hundred Years’ War had already dragged on for more than ninety years. Most of northern France was in the grip of an Anglo–Burgundian alliance, but Joan, who had been hearing voices since 1425, was certain she could save the country, and came to present her case to the as-yet-uncrowned Dauphin. Partly through recognizing him despite a simple disguise he wore to fool her at their first meeting, she convinced him of her Divine guidance. After a remarkable three-week examination by a tribunal of the French parlement , she secured command of the armies of France. In a whirlwind campaign , which culminated in the raising of the siege of Orléans on May 8, 1429, she broke the English hold on the Loire Valley. She then escorted the Dauphin deep into enemy territory so that, in accordance with ancient tradition, he could be crowned King Charles VII of France in the cathedral at Reims, on July 17.

Within a year of her greatest triumph, Joan was captured by the Burgundian army at Compiègne in May 1430, and held to ransom. Chivalry dictated that any offer of payment from the vacillating Charles must be accepted, but in the absence of such an offer Joan was handed over to the English for 10,000 ducats. On Christmas Day, 1430, she was imprisoned in the château of Philippe-Auguste at Rouen.

Charged with heresy, on account of her “false and diabolical” visions and refusal to give up wearing men’s clothing, Joan was put on trial for her life on February 21, 1431. For three months, a changing panel of 131 assessors – only eight of them English-born – heard the evidence against her. Condemned, inevitably, to death, Joan recanted on the scaffold in St-Ouen cemetery on May 24, and her sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. The presiding judge, Bishop Pierre Cauchon of Beauvais, reassured disappointed English representatives “we will get her yet”. The next Sunday, Joan was tricked into putting on male clothing, and taken to the archbishop’s chapel in rue St-Romain to be condemned to death for the second time. On May 30, 1431, she was burned at the stake in the place du Vieux-Marché; her ashes, together with her unburned heart, were thrown into the Seine.

Joan passed into legend, until the transcript of her trial was discovered in the 1840s. The forbearance and humility she displayed throughout her ordeal added to her status as France’s greatest religious heroine. She was canonized in 1920, and soon afterwards became the country’s patron saint.

The stupendous abbey of Mont St-Michel was first erected on an island at the very frontier of Normandy and Brittany more than a millennium ago. Until recently, however, that island was attached to the mainland by a long causeway, topped by a road. Now, thanks to a vast hydraulic and reconstruction project, it has become an island once more, connected to the shore by a futuristic curved bridge, surfaced with wooden decking. Crucially, that has enabled tidal waters to sweep all around, and thus flush away centuries of accumulated sand.

The real point of all this work was to control access for the millions of tourists who come here. It’s therefore no longer possible to drive all the way to Mont-St-Michel in your own vehicle; instead you have to park on the mainland, roughly 2km away, and access the island either on foot, by bike, or riding in a shuttle bus or horse-drawn carriage.

Brief history

The 80m-high rocky outcrop on which the abbey stands was once known as “the Mount in Peril from the Sea”. Many a medieval pilgrim drowned while crossing the bay to reach it. The Archangel Michael was its vigorous protector, leaping from rock to rock in titanic struggles against Paganism and Evil.

The abbey itself dates back to the eighth century, after the archangel appeared to Aubert, bishop of Avranches. Since work on the sturdy church at the peak commenced in the eleventh century, new structures have been grafted to produce a fortified hotchpotch of Romanesque and Gothic buildings clambering to the pinnacle, forming probably the most recognizable silhouette in France after the Eiffel Tower. Although the abbey was a fortress town, home to a large community, even at its twelfth-century peak it never housed more than sixty monks.

After the Revolution the monastery became a prison, but in 1966, exactly a thousand years after Duke Richard the First originally brought the order here, the Benedictines returned. They departed again in 2001, after finding that the present-day island does not exactly lend itself to a life of quiet contemplation. A dozen nuns and monks from the Monastic Fraternity of Jerusalem now maintain a presence.

The département of Seine Maritime comprises three distinct sections: Normandy’s dramatic northern coastline , home to major ports like Dieppe and Le Havre and such delightful resorts as Étretat ; the meandering course of the River Seine , where unchanged villages stand both up- and downstream of Rouen; and the flat, chalky Caux plateau , which makes for pleasant cycling country but holds little to detain visitors.

Dieppe in particular offers an appealing introduction to France, and with the impressive white cliffs of the Côte d’Albâtre (Alabaster Coast) stretching to either side it makes a good base for a long stay. The most direct route to Rouen from here is simply to head south, but it’s well worth tracing the shore west to Le Havre , then following the Seine inland.

Driving along the D982 on the northern bank of the Seine, you’ll often find your course paralleled by mighty container ships on the water. Potential stops en route include the medieval abbey of Jumièges , but Rouen itself is the prime destination, its association with the execution of Joan of Arc the most compelling episode in its fascinating history. Further upstream, Monet’s wonderful house and garden at Giverny and the English frontier stronghold of Château Gaillard at Les Andelys also justify taking the slow road to Paris.

Abbaye de Jumièges

Nestled into an especially delightful loop of the river, 23km west of Rouen, the majestic abbey of Jumièges is said to have been founded by St Philibert in 654 AD. Now a haunting ruin, the abbey was burned by Vikings in 841, rebuilt a century later, then destroyed again during the Revolution. Its main surviving outline dates from the eleventh century – William the Conqueror himself attended its reconsecration in 1067. The twin towers, 52m high, are still standing, as is one arch of the roofless nave, while a one-sided yew tree stands amid what were once the cloisters.

Château Gaillard

The most dramatic sight anywhere along the Seine has to be Richard the Lionheart’s Château Gaillard, perched high above Les Andelys . Constructed in a position of impregnable power, it surveyed all movement on the river at the frontier of the English king’s domains. Built in less than a year (1196–97), the castle might have survived intact had Henri IV not ordered its destruction in 1603. As it is, the stout flint walls of its keep, roughly 4m thick, remain reasonably sound, and its overall outline is still clear, arranged over green and chalky knolls. To reach it on foot, climb the steep path that leads off rue Richard-Coeur-de-Lion in Petit Andely.

Squeezed between high cliff headlands, Dieppe is an enjoyably small-scale port that used to be more of a resort. During the nineteenth century, Parisians came here by train to take the sea air, promenading along the front while the English indulged in the peculiar pastime of swimming.

Though ferry services have diminished in recent years, Dieppe remains a nice little place. If you have kids in tow, the aquariums of the Cité de la Mer and the strip of pebble beach are the obvious attractions; otherwise, you could settle for admiring the cliffs and the castle as you stroll the seafront lawns.

Eating and drinking

The area around the gare SNCF is where to head for bars, cafés and brasseries, while all sorts of restaurants, from traditional French to Japanese, fill the back streets of the waterside St-François district.

The house where Claude Monet lived from 1883 until his death in 1926 remains much as he left it – complete with water-lily pond – at Giverny , 20km south of Les Andelys near the Seine's north bank. While the gardens that Monet laid out are still lovingly tended, none of his original paintings are on display, so art-lovers who make the pilgrimage here tend to be outnumbered by garden enthusiasts.

Visits start in the huge studio, built in 1915, where Monet painted the last and largest of his many depictions of water lilies ( nymphéas ). It now serves as a well-stocked book- and giftshop. The house itself is a long two-storey structure, painted pastel pink with green shutters. Almost all the main rooms are crammed floor-to-ceiling with Monet’s collection of Japanese prints. Most of the furnishings are gone, but you get a real sense of how the dining room used to be, with its walls and fittings painted a glorious bright yellow. The flower-filled gardens stretch down towards the river, though the footpath that drops to the water-lily pond now burrows beneath the road. Once there, paths around the pond, as well as arching Japanese footbridges, offer differing views of the water lilies , cherished by gardeners in rowing boats. May and June, when the rhododendrons flower and the wisteria is in bloom, are the best times to visit.

While LE HAVRE may hardly be picturesque or tranquil, it's not the soulless sprawl some travellers suggest. Its port, the second-largest in France, takes up half the Seine estuary, but the town itself, home to almost 200,000 people, is a place of pilgrimage for fans of contemporary architecture .

Built in 1517 to replace the ancient ports of Harfleur and Honfleur, then silting up, Le Havre – “The Harbour” – swiftly became the principal trading post of northern France. Following its near-destruction during World War II, it was rebuilt by a single architect, Auguste Perret , between 1946 and 1964.

The sheer sense of space can be exhilarating: the showpiece monuments have a winning self-confidence, and the few surviving relics of the old city have been sensitively integrated into the whole. While the endless mundane residential blocks can be dispiriting, even those visitors who fail to agree with Perret’s famous dictum that “concrete is beautiful” may enjoy a stroll around his city.

Rouen , the capital of Upper Normandy, is one of France’s most ancient cities. Standing on the site of Rotomagus, built by the Romans at the lowest point where they could bridge the Seine, it was laid out by Rollo, the first duke of Normandy, in 911. Captured by the English in 1419, it became the stage in 1431 for the trial and execution of Joan of Arc, before returning to French control in 1449.

Bombing during World War II destroyed all Rouen’s bridges, the area between the cathedral and the quais , and much of the left bank’s industrial quarter. When the city was rebuilt, its inner core of streets, north of the river, were turned into the closest approximation to a medieval city that modern imaginations could conceive.

Rouen today can be very seductive, its lively and bustling centre well equipped with impressive churches and museums, and the effect is enhanced by the fact that they’ve recently, at long last, got round to restoring the riverfront. As well as some great sights – Cathédrale de Notre-Dame , all the delightful twisting streets of timbered houses – there’s history aplenty too, most notably the links with Joan of Arc .

While Rouen proper is home to a population of 110,000, its metropolitan area holds five times that number, and it remains the fourth-largest port in the country. The city spreads deep into the loop of the Seine, with its docks and industrial infrastructure stretching endlessly away to the south.

Cathédrale de Notre-Dame

Despite the addition of all sorts of towers, spires and vertical extensions, Rouen’s Cathédrale de Notre-Dame remains at heart the Gothic masterpiece that was built in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Its intricately sculpted western facade was Monet ’s subject for multiple studies of changing light, several of which now hang in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. Monet might not recognize it today, however – it’s been scrubbed a gleaming white, free from the centuries of accreted dirt he so carefully recorded. Inside, the ambulatory and crypt hold the assorted tombs of various recumbent royalty, such as Duke Rollo, who died “enfeebled by toil” in 933 AD, and the actual heart of Richard the Lionheart.

On summer nights, under the name of Cathédrale de Lumière , spectacular thirty-minute light shows are projected onto the cathedral facade; one show draws on Monet’s paintings to create giant Impressionist canvases, while another depicts the story of Joan of Arc.

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updated 11.06.2024


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Updated on 17 August 2021

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The Ultimate Normandy Road Trip Itinerary

Planning a driving tour of Normandy? Then you are in for a treat!

Normandy is undoubtedly one of France’s most beautiful and historic regions. Situated in the northern part of the country, it is an area that boasts magnificent seaside resorts, grand casinos, beautiful hillsides, and Belle Époque–style villas.

It’s also packed with a plethora of mediaeval towns and historical landmarks, like the Mont-Saint-Michel and Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Rouen, that will charm and captivate you in equal measure.

Having played an integral role in the D-Day invasions of WWII, the area also provides a sombre reminder of the human cost of peace, as evidenced by the many memorials, museums, and cemeteries that are devoted to it.

Best discovered by walking through its mediaeval town centres, and engaging in scenic drives in Normandy, there are hundreds of places you can visit to really get a feel for the place.

In this guide, our aim is to help you plan your ultimate Normandy Road Trip itinerary. So let’s get into it!

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normandy road trip

Table of Contents

Planning a Road Trip in Normandy

When planning your Normandy road trip itinerary there is much to think about; not the least of which being when is the best time to go there.

How do you get there? And also what destinations should you visit once you arrive?

In the subsequent sections below we will try and answer these questions for you to help you to put together a proper schedule for your road trip in Normandy.

When is the Best Time to go on a Road Trip in Normandy?

The best time to embark on a Normandy road trip very much depends on what you are looking for.

For sure you’ll find the nicest weather between June and August. However, this also coincides with the peak tourist season, as well as the D-Day commemorations. So you are likely to encounter more people and higher accommodation prices around this time.

For this reason, the shoulder seasons of spring (April and May) and autumn (September and October) might be better options, as the weather is still pleasant (though you might need coats and jumpers), accommodation prices are cheaper and visitor numbers tend to be reduced.

Winter can be a good time to visit Normandy in the sense that accommodation rates will be at low season rates. However, the weather frequently might be cold, dark, and rainy, and you may even find some smaller towns, and several tourist attractions might have temporarily closed down.

How to Get to Normandy

Accessible by air, sea, road or rail, Normandy is a very easy destination to get to.

Just a two hour train journey from Paris, the region also boasts four cross-Channel ports, several major train stations and two international airports. So no matter how you choose to get there, you shouldn’t have too many problems.

Most international visitors to Normandy will fly into Paris Charles de Gaulle, Paris Orly, and Nantes International Airport. Although some flights from abroad will get you into Caen-Carpiquet and Deauville Airports. At all of these airports you will be able to hire a car from companies like Avis or Enterprise.

From the UK and Ireland, five different ferry companies operate, most of which will take you to Dieppe or Cherbourg.

If you would prefer to take the train, there are several stations around Normandy which can be reached from either Paris Gare Saint-Lazare train station, or Paris Gare Montparnasse. This includes Caen, Evreux, Le Havre, Rouen, Cherbourg, Dieppe, Bayeux, and Deauville.

The Perfect Itinerary for a Road Trip in Normandy

Planning a driving tour of Normandy? Well here are some terrific places to visit during your time there.

Stop 1: Rouen

The capital of Northern France, Rouen is the perfect place to start your scenic drives in Normandy.

Located on the River Seine, it is a city rich in history. Very important as a seaport in Roman times and the Middle Ages, it was claimed and reclaimed by both the English and French several times during the Hundred Years War. It was also here that Joan of Arc was famously tried and burned at the stake in 1431.

Now known for its charming, cobblestoned pedestrian centre, which features a number of notable mediaeval half-timbered houses, the city boasts some world-class cultural establishments including Rouen Cathedral, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Secq des Tournelles museum.

Also featuring a collection of Gothic Churches, including Saint-Ouen and Saint-Maclou, its skyline is defined by the Cathédrale Notre-Dame. Whose impressive spires were regularly immortalised in the works of Impressionist painter Claude Monet.

  • Stroll through the Jardin des Plantes: Covering 85,000 square metres, the Jardin des Plantes showcases plant species from all over the world. Major highlights include an Asian-inspired rock garden, a rose garden, and a garden for medicinal plants.
  • Visit Old Market Square: Situated at western end of the Rue du Gros-Horloge, this is where Joan of Arc was burnt alive. Around the square you will find some beautiful corbelled and half-timbered houses.
  • Check out the Musée Le Secq des Tournelles: This unique church is situated inside a former church – the Church of Saint-Laurent – which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. It exhibits a fascinating collection of centuries old ironworks that used to belong to Henri Secq Tournelles.
  • Peruse the Musée des Beaux-Arts: Rouen is home to a fine arts museum that features a range of art, sculpture, and decorative items that derive from the 1500s to the 20th century. Some of the cultural treasures you can see include the works of Monet, Pissaro, Degas, Sisley, and Renoir.
  • See the Gros Horloge: A big mediaeval landmark in Rouen, this impressive, astronomical clock is mounted above a beautiful renaissance passageway and arch. It features a mechanism from the 1300s that still works today!

Stop 2: Veules-les-Roses

Looking like it was plucked straight from the pages of a fairytale storybook, Veules-les-Roses is one of the oldest villages in the Pays de Caux. It is also undoubtedly one of the prettiest, too.

Situated on the Alabaster Coast, about 180 kilometres to the north of Paris, this stunning coastal village is a ‘must-see’ destination.

Rich in unspoilt charm, and featuring several gorgeous half-timbered cottages, the town is also divided by The Veules, which is France’s smallest river.

Once a flourishing fishing port in the Middle Ages, it has been a cherished holiday resort for painters, writers and poets since the 19th century. Providing an inspiring and relaxing backdrop for a coastal escape and a city detox.

  • Take a walk along the river: Enjoy the beautiful waterside scenery as you familiarise yourself with the area.
  • Check out the watercress fields: The town has an impressive area where it grows watercress. Against the backdrop of the waterways, it is an arresting sight.
  • See the mills: Mills have been a part of the Veules river since the 13th century. Though most of the remaining ones you can see today were built around the 18th and 19th century.
  • Walking along the Veules-les-Roses Beach: This pebbly beach showcases fabulous views of the cliffs that run all the way to the Saint-Valery-en-Caux, as well as a stunning pier.

Stop 3: Honfleur

Possessing one of the prettiest ports in France, Honfleur was an important trading post back in the Middle Ages.

Nestled on the southern banks of the Seine estuary, it enjoyed a strategic location, which was fortified by the French King during the Hundred Years’ War. (Although this didn’t prevent the English from taking control of it for multiple decades).

Today it is one of the country’s most visited towns. With thousands of people flocking here to see the iconic brightly coloured half-timbered houses that line the quay. 

Also well known for its captivating art galleries and delightful restaurants, the city boasts a famous wooden main church and a long-time association with such celebrated impressionist artists as Claude Monet, Eugène Boudin, and Gustave Courbet.

  • Enjoy the beautiful architecture of the Vieux Bassin: This gorgeous old Insta-worthy harbour is framed on three sides by narrow and very high timber-frame houses that come in all colours.
  • Be impressed by the Church of Sainte-Catherine: This incredible church was constructed entirely out of wood by shipwrights. It features many different decorative details that have a nautical theme. Not least, the ceiling that looks a lot like a ship’s hull.
  • Browse the Maritime Museum: Previously known as the Church of Saint-Étienne, this fascinating museum provides a detailed history of the Honfleur from a seafaring perspective.
  • Take in the magnificence of the Chapel of Notre-Dame-de-Grâce: A stunning 17th-century chapel that resides atop a hill and features an enchanting mix of paintings, plaques, and sculptures 
  • Delight at The Eugène Boudin Museum: This fine art museum houses several 19th and 20th century artworks by artists like Boudin, Monet, Jongkind, and Dufy that have a long association with the town.

Stop 4: Etretat

Nestled on the northern coast of France, Étretat enjoys one of the most breathtaking locations of anywhere in the country.

Definitely one to add to your bucket list, it is best known for its jaw-dropping 90-metre-high chalk cliffs. Which include three natural arches and a 70-metre pointed formation called L’Aiguille (the Needle).

Serving as the setting for ‘The Hollow Needle’, the popular 1909 French children’s book about Arsène Lupin that was written by Maurice Leblanc, the cliffs and its beach were also featured in the 2014 film Lucy – which was directed by Luc Besson.

They also served as an inspiration to many celebrated impressionist painters like Eugène Boudin, Claude Monet, Gustave Courbet, and Charles Daubigny, as well as countless tourists looking for that perfect Insta shot.

  • Take in the views of the cliffs: Lay down a towel, or set up a fold up chair, and spend some time taking in the magnificent views of the small pebbly beach, and the two majestic white chalk cliffs that bookend it.
  • Check out the outstanding views from the top of Notre Dame de la Garde: The existing chapel of Notre Dame de la Garde was built in the 1950s and replaced the previous one that was destroyed during the war by the Nazis in 1942. If you climb to the top of it, you will witness more incredible, panoramic views of the Etretat cliffs from a much higher vantage point.
  • Go to the Etretat Gardens: Sitting on top of the cliffs that overlook the impressive ‘Etretat Needle’, the gardens are a picturesque mix of huge sculptures and landscape art that are well worth viewing.
  • Play a round of golf at the Golf d’Etretat: Perched on top of the Norman cliffs and showcasing magnificent views of the Bay of Etretat, the golf course is a ‘must-play’ if you are into the sport.

Stop 5: Le Havre

Le Havre is a port city that is located at the mouth of the River Seine.

Regarded as the birthplace of the impressionist movement, it was here that Claude Monet painted ‘Impression, Sunrise’, a dramatic depiction of the sun rising through the industrial chimneys of the city. A painting that led one unimpressed critic to dismiss it as ‘impressionism’.

Almost completely rebuilt after suffering significant damage in World War II, the city features an unusual concrete landscape that was designed by Auguste Perret.

Now designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005, the city is known for its stunning beach, beautiful marina, very good bar and restaurant scene, and an excellent modern art museum.

  • Marvel at the St. Joseph’s Church: Built by Auguste Perret, this incredible church features a neo-gothic temple that boasts a 107 metre tall tower and 12,768 panes of coloured glass.
  • See the exhibits at Musée d’Art Moderne André Malraux: Contained within a modern steel and glass building adjacent to the marina, this museum features over 500 years of amazing artworks.
  • Sunbathe on Le Havre Beach: This massive pebble beach has been awarded Blue Flag status. For those who want to swim, the sea is very clean, though maybe a little cold. There are also plenty of restaurants to eat at with a lovely view.
  • Les Jardins Suspendus: An enchanting botanical garden that enjoys a stunning hilltop location. It features a fabulous selection of flora that derives from various parts of the world including North America, East Asia, and Oceania.

Stop 6: Deauville

Located on the Côte Fleurie, Deauville enjoys a reputation for being one of Normandy’s most upscale seaside resorts.

Famous for its iconic celebrity boardwalk, bright, multi-coloured parasols that line its beach, and for hosting the annual American Film Festival, it has been a popular holiday destination for the rich and famous since the 1800s.

Also well known for its magnificent casino, outstanding golf courses, and for its world-renowned horse racing tracks of Deauville la Touques and Clairefontaine, this is an area that oozes class.

Centred around the wonderful Les Planches – an immaculate, wide, sandy beach that features a boardwalk with colourful bathing cabins – it presents plenty of deluxe hotels, chic boutiques, high-end restaurants, and elegant belle epoque villas, as well as rejuvenating, and exclusive sea-related treatments from exclusive spas.

  • Relax on Deauville Beach: The iconic 1.5 mile sweep of soft pristine sand provides a fabulous backdrop in which to sunbathe. For the full Deauville Beach experience, be sure to rent out a colourful umbrella!
  • Walk the boardwalk: Built in 1923, the historic red ironwood Promenade des Planches boardwalk stretches for 2,000 feet and showcases tremendous views.
  • Enjoy a day at the Races: Deauville has a history of horse racing that dates back to 1863, when riders and horses galloped along the beach. Today, its two courses attract international jockeys, trainers, and horses for its summer and winter race programme that incorporates about 40 races every year.
  • Spot celebrities at The American Film Festival: This famous film festival takes place in September and features premiere screenings of new movie releases and A-List celebrities walking the red carpet.

Stop 7: Cabourg

Boasting a fabulous sandy beach that stretches far into the distance in both directions, Cabourg is another very popular seaside resort that you should make a point of heading to on your road trip in Normandy.

Founded in mediaeval times, over 1400 years ago, this historic region has been a popular spot for sea bathing since 1855. It is situated in the Calvados department of Normandy, at the mouth of the river Dives, and has affectionately been dubbed the ‘Queen of the Côte Fleurie’. 

With a casino, racecourse, several stunning Belle Epoque villas that line the waterfront promenade, beautiful gardens, and a very Grand Hôtel, there is plenty to captivate the visitor.

  • Walk the promenade: The Marcel Proust Promenade is a lovely place to stroll along. Providing eye-catching views of the coastal heights of the Côte Fleurie to the west, the stunning Côte de Nacre coastline to the west and Côte d’Albâtre and Le Havre over the water.
  • Try your luck in the Casino: Why not consider having a flutter at Cabourg’s iconic casino?
  • Check out the Casino Gardens: The Casino Gardens presents an outstanding floral environment that is well worth checking out.
  • Wander down Avenue de la Mer: Explore the boutique shops and restaurants on this popular pedestrianised street.

Stop 8: Caen

Caen is both a port city and the capital of the Normandy region’s Calvados department.

Enjoying a rich history, much of its architecture was constructed during the reign of William the Conqueror. Who, himself, was laid to rest there, after he died in Rouen in 1087.

During the Battle of Normandy in 1944 much of the city was destroyed. However, despite this, several notable buildings remained intact, including the imposing Château de Caen, which was built around 1060. 

Now fully rebuilt, this bustling city on the River Orne, is well known for its central location near several excellent beaches and imperious mountains, as well as being one of the oldest university towns in the country.

  • Visit the Abbey of Sainte-Trinité: Impressive Norman Romanesque abbey that was founded by Matilda of Flanders, the wife of William the Conqueror in mid-11th century. Her tomb lies in the abbey.
  • Head to Colline aux Oiseaux Rose Garden: Gorgeous manicured park with a beautiful rose garden that offers fantastic views over the city and its surroundings.
  • Check out the Abbaye aux Hommes: Established by William the Conqueror in 1063, this abbey is his final resting place. Built in a Norman Romanesque style, it features ornately decorated gothic towers on its western facade.
  • Have fun at the Festyland Parc: Divided into four different zones – Mediaeval, Viking, Belle Époque, and Pirate – Normandy’s largest theme park features two rollercoasters and four splash rides, as well as a 3D cinema, adventure playground, and a petting zoo.
  • Pop into the Château de Bénouville: A stunning stately country home northeast of Caen that was designed in an 18th-century neoclassical style by Claude Nicolas Ledoux.

Stop 9: Bayeux

Nestled on the Aure river, just 10 km from the Channel Coast, Bayeux is an idyllic and historic place to visit on your Normandy road trip.

Radiating a distinctly French air, the city was lucky enough to be quickly liberated by the Allies in June 1944. However, this came at a tragic human cost as evidenced by the commemorative war museum and British cemetery that resides here.

Known for the spectacular 68-metre Tapisserie de Bayeux, a UNESCO-listed 11th-century tapestry that depicts the Norman’s successful conquest of England in 1066, the city also features the impressive Norman-Gothic Cathédrale Notre-Dame.

In addition, it also boasts a charming mediaeval centre that comprises half-timbered houses and cobbled streets, which has a rather magical feel to it.

  • Revel in the magnificence of Notre-Dame Cathedral of Bayeux: Originally built in a Romanesque style in the 12th century, the church is an historic and stunning sight to visit.
  • Check out the Tapisserie de Bayeux: This incredible 900 year old tapestry will blow you away with its ornate and meticulous detail.
  • Visit the Bayeux War Cemetery: Pay your respects to the 4500+ fallen British soldiers who are buried here.
  • Enjoy the beauty of the old town: Take in the sights of the charming old town, which includes an historic waterwheel.

Stop 10: D-Day Beaches

For many people, the D-Day landing beaches are a must visit destination.

Extending for over 70 km, they run from Sainte-Marie-du-Mont to Ouistreham and also include Colleville-sur-Mer and Arromanches-les-Bains.

Graphically portrayed in the 1998 American epic war film Saving Private Ryan, which starred Tom Hanks and was directed by Steven Spielberg, nearly 3,000 Allied servicemen were killed on D-Day.

Now a testament to the human cost of peace across the world, millions of people come to the area every year to learn more about the events of that fateful day, visiting the numerous cemeteries, museums, and memorials in the area that commemorate what happened.

  • Visit the D-Day Museum in Arromanches: This museum pays homage to the Allied and British forces who fought and perished in the Battle of Normandy.
  • Pay your respects at Omaha Beach: Visit the American Cemetery, where over 3000 US Soldiers are buried, as well as the Overlord Museum.
  • Peruse the Sainte-Mère-Église and Airborne Museum: Discover the story of how paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Division played a critical role in liberating the town of Sainte-Mère-Église. The first in Normandy to be liberated.
  • Centre Juno Beach: Family-friendly series of displays, presentations, exhibits and films that convey Canada’s contributions to the Allied war effort.

Stop 11: Granville

Granville has been a popular seaside resort since the back end of the 19th century.

Nestled in between Mont-Saint-Michel to the north and Coutances to the south, it lies on the southwest coast of the Cotentin peninsula.

Presenting sensational views of the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel, as seen from its fortified headland, this fabulous destination features an eclectic mix of attractions. Its mediaeval Upper Town and bustling fishing port are well worth exploring. While the fabulous Chausey Islands are situated just a 15 km ferry ride away.

Talking of fabulous, the area was the birthplace of Christian Dior, and also boasts a magnificent beach; just as well, on the more sombre side, concrete block houses that provide a link back to the German occupation in World War II.

  • Explore the walled Upper Town: Comprises a gothic church, a house with multiple turrets, fine stone mansions, and a great selection of galleries, shops, restaurants, and crêperies.
  • Peruse the Christian Dior house: Celebrated couturier was born in Granville. His childhood home has been turned into a museum, which hosts an exhibition dedicated to him.
  • Eat lots of seafood: Granville is a major fishing harbour for clams, whelks, cuttlefish, dog cockles, scallops, and sea bream. There are plenty of restaurants where you can treat yourself to a delicious food platter.
  • Attend the Granville Carnival: If you happen to be here in February, you should attend this major event which has run for over 150 years. Attracting around 130,000 visitors every year, this five day festival features over 40 carnival floats and many tons of confetti.

Stop 12: Iles Chausey

Nestled just 15 km from Granville, Iles Chausey is a fascinating place to visit.

Known for its stunning natural beauty and impressive tides, the Chausey archipelago comprises 365 islets at low tide and only 52 at high tide.

Gifted to the Benedictine monks of Mont Saint-Michel by Richard II in 1022, the islands are a haven for fishermen. The pristine landscape also features six outstanding beaches, of which three are open to tourists for sunbathing and recreational activities.

It also boasts an iconic lighthouse too, which towers 39 metres above the sea and has been operational since 1847. It also includes a castle that dates back to 1559 and a chapel that was built in the 1840s.

Dolphins have been known to frequent the area too.

  • Sunbathe or Swim: On any of the three beaches that are open to the public.
  • Visit the chapel: Built around 1850 it possesses gorgeous stained-glass windows that were created by Yves Durand de Saint-Front
  • Check out the castle: Built in 1559, this magnificent structure was restored in 1923 by the industrialist Louis Renault.
  • Explore around the lighthouse: Observe the square stone tower which rises 62 feet from the 2-story keeper’s house that is nestled on the Grand Ile Chausey’s highest point. 

Stop 13: Mont-Saint-Michel

Situated just one kilometre off France’s north west coast, Mont-Saint-Michel is a small island commune that occupies just 240 acres.

Even though it is small – it is home to just 29 people – what it lacks in size, it more than makes up for in beauty and history. As it rises dramatically from the sea, don’t be surprised if you break out into goosebumps at first sight of it.

Dominated by the magnificent Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, this UNESCO World Heritage site is one of Normandy’s top attractions. It is also an important stop on the Chemin de Saint Jacques, which is the pilgrimage route that leads to Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

The stunning abbey is positioned on the highest point of the islet, while the impressive mediaeval village is enclosed by ancient defence walls. During high tide, the Mont Saint-Michel can appear foreboding and impenetrable against the raging waters. But at low tide, it is actually very possible to walk around its perimeter.

  • Take a guided tour of the abbey: Learn all about its history that dates back to the 18th century.
  • Stroll around the Chemin des Remparts: Taking in the magnificent scenic views of the surrounding waterway along the ramparts pathway.
  • Check out the Grand Rue: The island’s only street runs alongside the ramparts. It features a lovely mix of cafes, bars, souvenir shops, restaurants, and hotel accommodations.
  • Walk around the island: You can only do this during low tide, but it will give you a unique perspective of the islet.

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Normandy   Travel Guide

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18 Best Things To Do in Normandy

Updated Feb. 11, 2021

Normandy's attractions are spread across the region, so we suggest you either spend a few days in just one or two towns or you set aside a week or two, rent a car and see a cache. If you're a foodie, you'll enjoy the bounty in Trouville and Honfleur

  • All Things To Do

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D-Day Beaches D-Day Beaches free

World War II's successful Operation Overlord took place on the coast of France. Although there were heavy Allied casualties, this invasion turned the tide in the war and helped lead to the fall of Nazi Germany. Today this piece of coastline, which includes Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah beaches, is collectively known as the D-Day Beaches.

Visitors can tour the approximately 50-mile stretch of sand and pop by a number of museums, memorials and cemeteries that are spread out alongside the coastline either with a tour or on their own. If you're driving yourself, start in the town of Arromanches, which hosts two museums that help provide context for the battle sites. The American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer and the Pointe-du-Hoc bomb craters are also especially moving. If you'd rather let someone else do the driving, recent visitors recommend going with a tour guide to fully appreciate the area's historic importance and receive a comprehensive overview. If you're visiting in June, you'll likely come across several ceremonies and reenactment groups commemorating the anniversary. Thanks to Normandy's unpredictable weather, you'll want to dress in layers (no matter the time of your visit) and bring rain gear, according to past visitors.

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Mont Saint-Michel Abbey (Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel) Mont Saint-Michel Abbey (Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel)

Surrounded by sea in the high tide and sand in low, Abbaye du Mont-Saint-Michel is one of France's most-toured sites outside of the popular Parisian landmarks. It's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its first incarnation was raised on the 264-foot-high rock beginning in the 10th century, but additions were added well into the 19th century. Today, you can tour the abbey and the little village at its base, as well as several museums. Tours are offered year-round, but you can also traipse the massive structure on your own.

Guided tours – which are included in the cost of admission – do not require advance booking and are offered in French and English year-round. Tours are also offered in German, Italian and Spanish in July and August.

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Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Rouen Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Rouen free

Dating back to the 12th century, this Gothic cathedral was the world's tallest building for about five years – 1876 to 1880. But its beauty in changing light is what drew the impressionist artist, Claude Monet, whose work can be viewed at the Musee des Beaux-Arts de Rouen , to paint it several times. Today, the cathedral is one of the defining pieces of architecture in this part of Normandy. Aside from its striking architecture, it's also famous for its tombs – one of which houses the heart of Richard the Lionheart.

Visitors recommend going inside to view the many parts of this working Roman Catholic cathedral, including the lovely stained glass in the Lady Chapel, the transepts and the ambulatory monuments. Others add that it is worth coming at night in the summer to see the free light shows displayed outside. Reviewers also recommended reading up on the history of the church before you visit to enhance your experience and develop a better understanding of the many architectural styles on display.

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Popular Tours

Normandy American D-Day Beaches Full Day Tour from Bayeux

Normandy American D-Day Beaches Full Day Tour from Bayeux

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from $ 140.47

Normandy Battlefields D-Day Private Trip with VIP Services from Paris

Normandy Battlefields D-Day Private Trip with VIP Services from Paris

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from $ 842.83

D-Day Beaches Shore Excursion with Packed Lunch from Le Havre

D-Day Beaches Shore Excursion with Packed Lunch from Le Havre

(99 reviews)

from $ 130.47

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Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial free

Somewhere around 9,000 soldiers are buried in this Colleville-sur-Mer war cemetery, which overlooks Omaha Beach . Most of these lost their lives during the D-Day invasion. There's also a memorial that gives a narrative of the invasion, as well as a reflecting pool and a chapel. And about 1,500 soldiers who were missing-in-action are remembered on the Walls of the Missing, in a semicircle garden to the east of the memorial.

Recent visitors advised setting aside more time than you think you might need, as there is a lot to take in and you don't want to rush through such a moving place. Several others recommended visiting with a tour company to enjoy a more in-depth understanding of the site's significance. Companies like Normandy Sightseeing Tours , Bayeux Shuttle and Paris City Vision earn high praise from past visitors.

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Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen

The sprawling Museum of Fine Arts features paintings, sculptures, drawings and objets d'art that date back to the 15th century. Throughout the 19th century, generous donations made the museum home to one of the largest impressionist collections in France, with paintings by masters such as Monet, Sisley, Caillebotte, Pissarro, Degas and Renoir. Other highlights include works by Perugino, Veronese, Rubens, Caravaggio, Velázquez, Ribera and Poussin.

Recent visitors praised the museum's collection of impressionist works and the impressive range of styles represented here. For many, viewing Monet's paintings of the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Rouen was a particular highlight. However, reviewers advised going in with a plan, as the museum can be a little hard to navigate.

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Claude Monet's House and Garden Claude Monet's House and Garden

Who doesn't love water lilies, haystacks and gardens? Claude Monet, one of the world's most famous impressionists, lived and painted many of these subjects in his home in Giverny. Today, Monet fans can tour his excellently preserved home, studio and gardens. Among the highlights are the water garden (home to his famous water lilies) and the artist's house (especially the kitchen and the blue sitting room), which has been meticulously restored.

Recent visitors raved about the house and gardens, but many expressed disappointment with the crowds. If you want to avoid the onslaught of visitors, heed the advice of reviewers and visit right when the attraction opens to avoid the tour buses that descend in the afternoon. Others suggested visiting the lily ponds first and saving your house visit until the end.

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Bayeux War Cemetery Bayeux War Cemetery free

The Bayeux War Cemetery is one of the largest of 18 military cemeteries in Normandy, with more than 4,000 graves – many of which mark the plots of soldiers who were never identified. These headstones are inscribed with "A Soldier Known Unto God." Keep in mind that if you're an American looking for your ancestors, you'll most likely have more luck at the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer . The Bayeux War Cemetery contains soldiers from the United Kingdom and "the Continent," including some from Germany.

Recent visitors found the cemetery to be quite moving and somber. Others said this is a "must-see," applauding the beautiful grounds.

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Eglise Jeanne d'Arc Eglise Jeanne d'Arc free

This modern-looking church sits on the site of Jeanne d'Arc's (or Joan of Arc, to us Yanks) burning. The 19-year-old girl was burned at the stake for heresy in 1431. Today, you can tour this contemporary church built in 1979 (the exterior of which is reminiscent of fish scales) at Place du Vieux-Marche in Rouen. Pay attention to the building's design – the architect, Louis Arretche, wanted it to resemble the shape of an overturned boat.

Recent visitors loved the church's gorgeous stained-glass windows and say it was quite moving to be in the spot where Joan of Arc was killed.

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American D-Day Beaches Private Tour Full Day Tour from Bayeux

(379 reviews)

from $ 370.85

All-in-One Paris with River Cruise Shore Excursion from Le Havre

All-in-One Paris with River Cruise Shore Excursion from Le Havre

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from $ 122.49

Le Havre to Paris Shore Excursion: Shopping, Dining, Sightseeing

Le Havre to Paris Shore Excursion: Shopping, Dining, Sightseeing

(4 reviews)

from $ 84.28

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Etretat Cliffs Etretat Cliffs free

These stunning white chalk cliffs have drawn people, especially artists, such as Claude Monet and Guy de Maupassant, to the area for eons. The cliffs are often compared to the famous White Cliffs of Dover. Visitors can hike along the top of cliffs, as well as on the beach to check out the striking sight.

Recent visitors were astonished at the beauty of the cliffs and recommended visiting at sunrise and sunset for spectacular photo ops. Others suggested hiking to the top of the cliffs for unforgettable views. Reviewers also reported touring the town of Étretat.

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Museum of Modern Art André Malraux Museum of Modern Art André Malraux

This Le Havre art museum, located in a bright 1960s glass-and-metal building, boasts enormous plate glass windows that perfectly allow in the famous light that has fascinated artists for decades. This museum was actually the first to be built after the war. Le Havre's original Museum of Fine Arts was destroyed by bombing in 1944. Two local painters who immortalized the Normandy coast are highlighted here. The collection of works by Raoul Dufy includes oils, watercolors and sketches. Works by Eugène Boudin include his Normandy beach scenes and landscapes. It also has a number of works by Renoir, Pissarro, Sisley and Degas. 

Past visitors raved about the museum's stunning coastal location and the collection of impressionist works. Others praised the friendly, knowledgeable staff.

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Bayeux Tapestry Museum Bayeux Tapestry Museum

You might ask why on earth would you make a stop to see a tapestry when Camembert cheese, hard cider and the rolling Normandy hills are beckoning? Well, because the Bayeux Tapestry, an astonishingly long and beautifully made work of art, chronicles the 1066 Battle of Hastings.

The approximately 230-foot-long tapestry is displayed in a dark room with special lighting, so you can see every detail. Though it's described as a tapestry, it is actually linen cloth embroidered with wool thread. In another room of the museum, a permanent exhibition describes how it was made and gives an overview of the historical context and the Anglo-Norman kingdom in the 11th century. There is also a short 16-minute film, which details the making of the tapestry and includes reconstructions of scenes from the Battle of Hastings.

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Mémorial de Caen Mémorial de Caen

This museum details events leading up to WWII as well as its decadeslong aftermath, with exhibits ranging from photos and documents charting the Nazi's rise to power in the 1930s, to life before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. A tabletop map shows the location of the D-Day landings and a split-screen presentation of the D-Day invasion from both the Allied and Nazi standpoints gives a good overview. A 17-minute film, called "Europe Our History," is shown in a 360-degree theater and included with admission. Outside, you'll find three gardens dedicated to the memory of the Resistance fighters and Allied soldiers who died in Normandy. 

Recent visitors appreciated the comprehensive and educational way the museum covers the war. Others said a visit here is a must before a trip to the D-Day Beaches as it provides important context to the sites. Reviewers said you should plan to spend half a day here to make the most of the museum's offerings and that the audio guide is essential. One particular highlight for travelers was the reconstructed underground bunker of a Nazi general.

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Musée du Débarquement Musée du Débarquement

The Musée du Débarquement, located on the seafront where one of the most incredible achievements of WWII happened, shows how the prefabricated Mulberry Harbour was constructed. An engineering feat, the harbors were used to unload troops, vehicles and supplies during the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944. While not much is left of the floating harbors, you can still see some remnants of the concrete blocks that were towed across the English Channel. Museum exhibits include models, mock-ups, and photographs depicting its creation and the D-Day landings.

Recent visitors praised the small museum's models and explanations of how the harbor was conceived. However, some said its exhibits are a little dated.

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Utah & Omaha Beaches D-Day Group Tour from Bayeux

(1248 reviews)

from $ 160.70

D-Day Omaha Beach Morning or Afternoon Group Tour from Bayeux

D-Day Omaha Beach Morning or Afternoon Group Tour from Bayeux

(850 reviews)

from $ 92.71

Paris Gems & Charms Tour for Cruise Passengers from Le Havre

Paris Gems & Charms Tour for Cruise Passengers from Le Havre

(5 reviews)

from $ 86.53

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Palais Bénédictine Palais Bénédictine

Bénédictine liqueur is a big deal in Normandy and if you want to learn more about it, as well as take in the Palais Bénédictine – a Gothic- and Renaissance-inspired building erected in the late 1800s – this is the spot. Le Palais Bénédictine was built in honor of the Bénédictine liqueur by Alexandre Le Grand, a wine merchant from Fécamp who discovered a lost recipe for a potent elixir dating back to 1510 created by a Bénédictine monk. Le Grand named the liqueur after the monks. He also stocked the palace with his art collection. 

Today, visitors can explore the museum on a guided tour, which features collections of sacred and ancient art related to the legacy of Bénédictine, as well as a room dedicated to its industrial history. After the museum tour, you head to the only Bénédictine distillery in the world and enjoy a tasting of the liqueur in the palace's Winter Garden. 

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Chateau Gaillard Chateau Gaillard

This castle fortress was amazingly built in a mere two years, between 1196 and 1198, at the direction of Richard the Lionheart, King of England and the Duke of Normandy to protect Rouen against the French. It was captured by Philip II after a six-month siege; Henry IV later ordered that it be destroyed. Today, its clifftop ruins are a reminder of its dramatic past and a fascinating place to visit.

Recent visitors were fascinated by the complex history of the fortress. Others raved about the views and recommend bringing a picnic to enjoy on the grounds. According to recent travelers, there is a large free parking lot within walking distance.

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Historial Jeanne d’Arc Historial Jeanne d’Arc

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Cité de la Mer Cité de la Mer

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Airborne Museum Airborne Museum

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Paris Deluxe Shore Excursion from Le Havre Cruise Port

(19 reviews)

from $ 77.54

Normandy U.S. D-Day Sites Half Day Tour From Bayeux

Normandy U. S. D-Day Sites Half Day Tour From Bayeux

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From Le Havre: Paris Seine River Cruise and Highlights Shore Trip

From Le Havre: Paris Seine River Cruise and Highlights Shore Trip

(16 reviews)

from $ 167.44

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Normandy travel guide

Photo of Normandy

Visit Normandy, France

Normandy has many charms, from the beautiful countryside and the lovely local architecture to the historic highlights such as Mont Saint Michel and Chateau Gaillard, and the attractive cliffs and beaches along the coast. Important sights such as the Normandy Landing beaches and the Bayeux tapestry are also very popular and Normandy is truly a region with something for everyone!

Normandy tourism

The Normandy region is on the coast of north-west France, with the English Channel to the north and Brittany to the west.

Normandy landing beaches

Normandy is made up of two official regions and five French departments: Lower Normandy (containing the Calvados, Manche and Orne departments) and Upper Normandy (with the Eure and Seine-Maritime departments).

Because Normandy is so extensive and there is so much to enjoy we have summarised the highlights for each region below to help you decide which area is most interesting to you (beaches or countryside, historical monuments or pretty villages...). You can then find much more information in the individual travel guides for each department

For the most popular coastal destinations in the region see Normandy beaches and resorts

Lower Normandy

From the most famous abbey in France to the most famous tapestry in the world, from cider orchards to picturesque villages and the famous 'Normandy landing beaches', Lower Normandy has a great deal of interest to the visitor.

Calvados department

The Calvados department occupies the north-east of Lower Normandy and includes most of the Normandy landing beaches (the beaches where the allied troops landed during the invasion of France in the Second World War), and several very popular seaside resorts.

Lower Normandy beaches and coast in Calvados

'Normandy beaches' means different things to different people - to some it brings to mind the great turning point in the Second World War, while to others it brings to mind fashionable seaside resorts...

Normandy landing beaches

The WWII landing beaches (Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha and Utah beaches) are a popular pilgrimage destination in Normandy - see Normandy Landing Beaches and the Mulberry Harbour remains at Arromanches

Normandy also has many resort type beaches and coastal ports, for example at Deauville and Trouville , with their exceptional 19th century architecture carefully preserved, and also the picturesque harbour town of Honfleur (passing perhaps via the quiet resort at Villerville ).

Passing towards the west along the coast of Calvados you can visit the resort at Villers-sur-Mer then on to reach Houlgate , with its traditional 19th century villas.

Historians will want to visit Dives-sur-Mer , the town from which William the Conqueror launched the Norman conquest of Britain, while the next resort a few kilometres further west along the Cote Fleurie is Cabourg .

Other Calvados highlights


Also in Calvados you can visit the cathedral of Lisieux , an important pilgrimage centre, and at the town of Falaise you can see the medieval castle of William the Conqueror.

We also strongly recommend a visit to the village of Beuvron-en-Auge , a lovely traditional Normandy village to the south of Deauville.

Perhaps our favourite way to explore the local countryside and villages in Calvados is to follow the Normandy cider route (the route usually starts from Cambremer ).

See the Calvados travel guide for more information and highlights

Manche department

The Manche department is to the west of the region, with the abbey of Mont-Saint-Michel (the most visited site in France outside Paris) to the south-west and Cherbourg at the northern end of the Cotentin Peninsula.


The more western Normandy landing beaches are to the east of the department, as is the village of Sainte-Marie-Eglise, well known for being the first town in occupied France to be liberated by parachutists in June 1944.

Among other highlights in Manche we suggest a visit to the gothic cathedral at Coutances , and a visit to Barfleur , classified as one of the 'most beautiful villages in France'.

See the Manche travel guide for more information and highlights

Orne department

The south-east of the region is the Orne department, with rather less famous highlights than the northern parts of Lower Normandy but still a very pleasant area to explore with peaceful countryside and traditional small villages and market towns to discover.


Travel to Argentan to see the Chateau des Ducs and other historic monuments, and explore Domfront with its medieval castle and historic old town.

You can see more historic monuments in the centre of the busy town of Alencon , and the spa town of Bagnoles de l'Orne is ideal for those seeking rest and relaxation

You should also visit the picturesque village of St-Ceneri-le-Gerei to the south of the region, in lovely surroundings and a very pleasant area to explore. Whilst here be sure to visit the attractive Jardins de la Mansoniere .

See the Orne travel guide for more information and highlights

Visit Upper Normandy

Upper Normandy is a region of art and history, from Richard the Lionheart's castle to Monet's gardens, with dramatic coastal scenery and important towns and resorts to discover along the way...

Eure department

One of the most fascinating towns in Normandy, Rouen has an attractive medieval centre the highlight of which is a visit is the cathedral, famously painted 30 times by Monet and a masterpiece of gothic architecture.


Richard the Lionheart's impressive Chateau Gaillard , standing high above the village of Les Andelys on the Seine River, is another unmissable highlight when you explore the Eure.

The classified 'most beautiful village' of Lyons-la-Foret is another highlight in this region of Normandy, and we also enjoyed an afternoon exploring the town and cathedral at Evreux .

See the Eure travel guide for more information and highlights


Seine-Maritime department

The most visited region of the Seine-Maritime department is the Alabaster Coast, with its dramatic high chalky cliffs in the region of Etretat and Fécamp among the most beautiful coastlines in France.


In the inlets between the cliffs you will discover several pleasant and sophisticated little towns with yachts and casinos.

It is also here that you will discover the important ports of Dieppe and Le Havre , both worthy of investigating. The centre of Le Havre is protected as a world heritage site - because of its concrete architecture built in the 1950's during post-war development. Not necessarily what you came to Normandy to see but interesting anyway!

The imposing ruins of the abbey at Jumieges are another historically important monument in Seine-Maritime, and just one of several abbeys of interest to be visited between Le Havre and Rouen

See the Seine-Maritime travel guide for more information

The entry port at Caen is often passed through at speed on arriving in France, but deserves the time for a proper visit, as does the port at Cherbourg .

Normandy food and produce

If you love seafood the coastal region of northern France including Calais, Picardy, Normandy and Brittany is the place in France to visit to find some of the best lobster, mussels, scallops, sea bass, monkfish, and herring.

The area also has very high quality farm produce, the climate is ideal for growing some of the best fruit and vegetables to be found in France, and the cheese and cider produced in the region are excellent, as are many other local products. A gastronomic dream!

Six unmissable highlights of a visit to Normandy


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The French version of this page is at Normandy (Francais)

General Normandy travel information and articles

Guest article 1: a suggested holiday itinerary for a visit to Normandy places to visit in Normandy

Guest article 2: a useful guide to Upper Normandy

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The Geographical Cure

The Ultimate One Week Road Trip Itinerary For Normandy

Exploring Normandy? Here’s my guide to a one week road trip in this beautiful and storied region of northern France.

This guide covers all the top attractions and must visit towns in Normandy to see in 7 days. I also give you options for extending your trip in Normandy.

the picturesque town of Bayeux, a must visit destination in Normandy

Normandy is a region steeped in history. In Normandy, legendary figures like William the Conquerer and Joan of Arc changed the course of history.

Normandy’s landscapes inspired the Impressionist painters. D-Day beaches commemorate the horror of WWII. In Bayeux, a 1,000 year old tapestry tells the story of medieval warfare and sieges.

Handsome Normandy is crammed with appealingly diverse landscapes. From its picturesque pastures to its ancient fishing harbors, Normandy is a bucolic melange of medieval towns, sun-drenched seaside resorts, and towering Gothic cathedrals.

Pinterest pin for one week in Normandy itinerary

Colorful half timbered architecture, windows bursting with flower boxes, is everywhere. Weathered slate-steepled churches decorate apple orchards, which produce the region’s famed cider. Seaside pleasures, set against chalky cliffs, cater to the senses.

Normandy is the birthplace of the Impressionism movement. No place is more linked to a particular art movement than Normandy is linked to Impressionism.

Impressionists didn’t just share a unique style of painting, focused on light and color. The artists found a common muse in Normandy.

a cozy street in Rouen with beautiful half timber architecture

Here’s an overview of my recommended one week itinerary for visiting Normandy:

  • Day 1 : Drive to Rouen, stop in Giverny or at Chateau Gaillard
  • Day 2 : Explore Rouen
  • Day 3 : Drive to Honfleur
  • Day 4 : Day Trip To Etretat and/or Fecamp
  • Day 5 : Day trip to Le Havre or Deauville
  • Day 6 : Drive To Bayeux
  • Day 7 : Day Trip to D Day Beaches
  • More time: Mont Saint-Michel and Brittany

This 1 week itinerary assumes you’re departing for Normandy from Paris. If you want to spend time in Paris, I have a 3 day itinerary for Paris and a 5 day itinerary for Paris you may find useful.

For this Normandy itinerary, you’ll have three bases: (1) Rouen (2 nights); Honfleur (3 nights); and Bayeux (2 nights). If you don’t want to move bases, you can just pick one. The destinations in this Normandy itinerary aren’t far apart.

map of Normandy

I would recommend Bayeux, a beautiful town right out of the middle ages. Bauyeux is near the inland towns, but still only 4 miles from the coast of Normandy.

There are 16 direct trains from Paris from Bayeux, if you’d prefer not to drive from Paris. Honfleur also makes a good base, central to all the Normandy destinations I’ve listed.

This detailed 7 day road trip itinerary for Normandy has a mix of historic sites, leisurely villages, and nature. It’s perfectly adjustable, giving you some destination inspiration for Normandy.

You can make the road trip shorter or longer, depending on your available vacation time or personal fast/slow travel pace. If you just have a long weekend, skip Giverny and Rouen and head right to Honfleur or Bayeux.

the artist Claude Monet's house in Giverny, a must visit town in Normandy

One Week In Normandy Itinerary

Here’s how to spend 7 blissful days in beautiful Normandy.

Day 1: Paris To Rouen, Stop at Giverny or Chateau Gaillard En Route

On day 1, you’ll depart from Paris and head west on the A13 to the medieval town of Rouen.

En route, depending on your interest, stop in either Giverny (home of Claude Monet) or at Chateau Gaillard (medieval ruins of Richard Lionheart’s fortress).

1. Option 1: Monet’s House and Gardens in Giverny

En route, follow signs for Vernon and stop in Giverny. Giverny is about a one hour drive from Paris. Rouen is approximately 45 minutes further on from Giverny.

rose trellises in Monet's Clos Normand in Giverny

Giverny is the perfect place to start your Normandy adventure. Giverny is home to the house and gardens of Impressionist painter Claude Monet. It’s a one-of-a-kind pastoral paradise, born from the great artist’s obsession.

READ : The Monet Guide To Paris

Monet lived half his life in Giverny. You won’t find any original Monet paintings. Instead, you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped into one of his utopian paintings.

In Giverny, Monet, a devoted horticulturist, created an ethereal and exquisitely staged garden in the French-Norman countryside. With the scent of roses wafting in the air, Monet’s garden is one of the world’s most beautiful and popular gardens.

Monet's water garden

To wander through Monet’s Garden is akin to living in one of his paintings. A world of flowers of every color fills your field of view, nodding slightly in the breeze. It looks like a paint factory explosion, or a few flicks of Monet’s paintbrush.

There are two parts to Monet’s labor-of-love gardens — the Clos Normand flower garden and the Water Garden. The Clos Norman is a boldly colored display and expressly Western. The Water garden is organic, Asian, and more exotic.

The two gardens are connected by a tunnel passing under the road. The gardens are immensely popular — a pilgrimage and mecca for Monet fans, Francophiles, and avid gardeners.

Here’s my complete guide to visiting Giverny . Click here to book a 1.5 hour guided tour of Monet’s house and gardens. Click here to book a skip the line ticket + 2 hour guided tour.

ruins of Richard Lionheart's Chateau Gaillard in Normandy

2. Option 2: Chateau Gaillard

If you’re a ruin luster who’d like to avoid tourists, stop in Les Andelys on the Seine River to visit Chateau Gaillard . It’s a designated historic monument in France. Its name means “strong castle.”

Richard the Lionheart built Chateau Gaillard between 1196-98. Perched on the Seine, the fortress secured the western border of France and was a symbol of power. The fortress changed hands and endured various sieges until Henry IV ordered its destruction in 1603.

You can explore the chateau grounds year round. With a ticket, from March to November, you can head inside and visit the inner bailey, and upper courts, and dungeon.

aerial view of inner bailey of Chateau Gaillard, a historic ruin in Normandy

For the time, Chateau Gaillard had an innovative design.

The fortress was one of the earliest known examples in which machicolations were used – openings in the floor of battlements through which objects and hot liquids were thrown on would be attackers.

The chateau’s successive rings of moats and fortifications made the inner keep almost impregnable. It features a “stepped” or “scalloped” wall at the top of the defences. This allowed soldiers to shoot between sections of wall.

the pretty village of Lyon-la-Foret near Rouen in Normandy

Chateau Gaillard is 55 minutes from your destination of Rouen. If you have extra time en route to Rouen, you can also stop in the pretty village of Lyon-la-Foret, 30 minutes from the chateau.

Designated one of France’s Les Plus Beaux Villages, Lyons-la-Foret is a classic French village with half-timbered houses. It dates from the 17th and 18th century.

The town has cozy cafes, quaint antique shops, and a covered marketplace. If you want to grab some lunch, try Le Bistro du Grand Cerf, Le Petit Lyons, or La Licorne.

beautiful half timbered architecture in Rouen

From Lyons-la-Foret, it’s about 45 minutes to Rouen, which will be your first base.

Where to stay in Rouen : Hotel de Bourgtheroulde , Hotel Cardinal , Le Vieux Carre

Where to eat in Rouen : Restaurant Gill (Michelin), Restaurant Origine, l’Odas (Michelin), La Pecherie, Au Bouillon Normand

Day 2: Explore Rouen

Medieval Rouen is 2000 years old. It’s one of Normandy’s most engaging and historically rich destinations, with half timbered homes and winding medieval lanes.

With its lantern tower piercing the clouds, Cathdrale Notre-Dame de Rouen is Rouen’s crown jewel.

the Great Clock in Rouen

Rouen’s central square is where Joan of Arc, the teen who rallied France to drive out the English, was tried for heresy and burned at the stake in 1431. During WWII, Allied bombing raids laid waste to the city. A lot to endure, no?

But Rouen is still lovely and its cobbled old town is a joy to wander. You may want to book a guided walking tour .

Stroll the length of the Rue du Gros Horloge, the pedestrianized main drag, to Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Along the way, take in all the colorful half timbers, the Place du Vieux Marche, the massively ornate Great Clock, and the modern Joan of Arc Church. If you have time, climb the clock tower’s 100 steps for panoramic views.

cityscape of Rouen with Rouen Cathedral

Rouen’s Notre Dame Cathedral is a landmark of art history, one of Europe’s best cathedrals. Constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries, the cathedral was built on the foundations of a 4th century basilica.

The cathedral rises 151 meters tall, making it one of the tallest in France. The Dukes of Normandy were traditionally crowned and buried there. Richard the Lionhearted insisted his heart be kept there. You can still see what Impressionist artist Claude Monet painted more than a century ago.

Rouen also has a wonderful museum, the Musée des Beaux-Arts. It has masterpieces from the 15th century to the 21st century, including works from Velazquez, Van Dyke, Delacroix, Gericault, Delaroche, and the Impressionists.

>>> Click here to book a walking tour of Rouen

READ : Guide To the Impressionism Trail in Normandy

the beautiful harbor of Honfleur, a must visit stop on your one week in Normandy itinerary

Day 3: Drive To Honfleur

On day 3, head to Honfleur, your next base for 3 nights. Honfleur is a 50+ minute drive from Rouen. So, if you start early, you can spend most of the day there. To get oriented, you may want to book a 1.5 hour guided walking tour .

Honfleur is a classic Norman town, dubbed “the jewel of Normandy.” In Honfleur, the Seine flows into the English Channel, reflections mirrored in Le Vieux Bassin or old harbor.

The novelist Baudelaire once declared, “Honfleur has always been the dearest of my dreams.” Victor Hugo called Honfleur “a ravishing port full of masts and sails, crowned with green hills and surrounded by narrow houses.

READ : Guide To the Victor Hugo Museum in Paris

Honfleur is lined with gorgeous 16th to 18th century row houses with slate roofs and facades. Honfleur also has some beautiful churches and is laced with a maze of tiny cobbled streets.

medieval Church of Saint Catherine in Honfleur

The medieval Church of Saint Catherine is the largest wooden church in France, and Honfleur’s spiritual heart. It was built in the 15th century by sailors.

All this beauty besotted the Impressionists and fellow artists and writers. Art historians claimed that Honfleur was the “birthplace of Impressionism. There, local artist Eugene Boudin urged Monet to paint outside in “plein air,” changing the course of art history.

Honfleur is a cultural treasure. Not surprisingly for a town that begs to be painted, the town boasts 95 art galleries, with works by contemporary painters keeping Boudin’s spirit alive.

pretty architecture in historic Honfleur

Housed in a 19th century chapel, the Musee Eugene Boudin is a pleasing small museum with airy rooms. You’ll find myriad samples of dreamy coastal scenes by the Normandy-loving Impressionists, especially the Honfleur School.

There are plenty of meteorological coastal scenes by its namesake painter Boudin. There are also paintings by the likes of Courbet, Monet, Vuillard, Sisley, and Pissarro. You can see how Boudin inspired later masters, who took Boudin’s techniques to the next level.

Where to stay : Hotel de la Cheval Blanc , Horel de l’Ecrin , Hotel du Dauphin , La Maison de Lucie

Where to eat : La Bouilland Normand, Cote Resto, Restaurante la Lieutenance, Au P’tit Mreyeur, Fereme Saint Simeon, Sa.Qua.Na (Michelin), Entre Terre et Mer

white cliffs of Etretat

Day 4: Explore Honfleur + Half Day Trip To Etretat or Full Day Trip to Etretat and Fecamp

1. option 1: morning in honfleur, afternoon in etretat.

Spend the morning exploring or going to the museum, if you didn’t get a chance on your first day in Honfleur. After lunch, drive to the famous white cliffs of Etretat.

It’s an approximately 1.5 hour drive. En route, you’ll drive over the Pond de Normandie, the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world.

Sleepy Etretat is a classic old world French town with absolutely mesmerizing scenery. Etretat is set on the sea. Waves crash against the shores of a jagged chalky coastline, with a pretty beach promenade.

A monumental arch, Porte d’Aval, plunges into the sea. It’s France’s version of England’s White Cliffs of Dover.

white cliffs of Etretat Normandy

The town’s indescribable natural beauty inspired artists like Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Eugene Boudin, and Gustave Courbet. The cliffs, known as the Elephant and the Needle, were one of the artists’ favorite spots to paint. They’re huge and beautiful; softly undulating and momentous.

The best way to admire the seascape is to walk along the cliffs. It’s not intimidating at all. On your walk, you’ll come across the Chapel of Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde. The original was destroyed in WWII, but it was rebuilt in the 1950s.

When you’re done admiring the caves and tunnels carved into the cliffs, head down the staircase to the sparkling turquoise waters of Etretat Beach. The water is cold, but the pebbles are soft and smooth, not hard on the feet.

Etretat’s town center is quaint and shouldn’t be ignored. It’s bursting with shops, eateries, and art galleries.

Cider is a local specialty and there are plenty of crepes. There’s also quite a number of small bed and breakfasts — a testament to Etretat’s appeal to (mostly) French tourists.

Benedictine Palace Museum in Fecamp

2. Option 2: Full Day Trip to Both Etretat and Fecamp

Fecamp is about 25 minutes east of Etretat. Like Etretat, Fecamp is a pretty coastal resort town with dramatic white cliffs, just a 5 minute walk from the town center. You can stroll along the beaches and admire the lighthouse.

Cap Fagnet is Fecamp’s famous viewpoint, just across the port. On one side, you can admire the cliffs. On the other, you can see Fecamp’s harbor and block houses.

While in Fecamp, you should visit the Abbatiale de la Ste-Trinite, or the Benedictine Palace Museum. Built by Richard the Lionheart in the 12th and 13th centuries, it was the most important pilgrimage sites in Normandy until Mont Saint-Michel was built. Now, it has both Neo-Gothic and Renaissance architectural elements.

The abbey is famous for its Benedictine liqueur, which is still produced onsite. You’ll get a sip at the end of your visit. If you’re staying in Fecamp for dinner, you’ll find some good seafood restaurants. Try Chez Nounoute or La Maree

pretty houses in Deauville, a beautiful town on the coast of Normandy

Day 5: Day Trip To Deauville or Le Havre

On day 5, head to either Deauville or Le Havre. Your choice will depend on where you interests lie.

Deauville is an utterly charming resort town on the Parisian Riviera, about 25 minutes from Honfleur. In Deauville, you can hit the beach, relax, and enjoy the social whirl.

By contrast, Le Havre is for art lovers. Le Havre is also only 25 minutes afield as well. The town has one of France’s best museums, with a stunning collection of Impressionism.

the forest of colorful umbrellas that are permanent fixtures in Deauville

1. Option 1: Deauville

Glamorous Deauville is a favorite spot of wealthy Parisians. Deauville is like the Hamptons of Paris, a convenient and luxe beach resort just far enough to escape the bustle and heat of city life. The town is part of the “Parisian Riviera.”

The Parisian Riviera stretches for 25 miles between Caen and Honfleur and is known as the Cote Fleurie, or Flower Coast. In The Great Gatsby , Fitzgerald has his protagonists spend part of the year in Deauville.

Deauville is a beautiful town. It’s stuffed with aristocratic Anglo-Norman mansions from the Victorian era.

They’re elegant old world half timbered homes with Queen Anne style accents and witches’ hat turrets The houses are even more distinctive and ornamental than those in Alsace.

travel guide normandy

Aside from architecture, Deauville is renowned for its stately seaside strand (Promenade des Planches), horse racing, luxury shopping, delicious cuisine, and film festivals. Enjoy a stroll down the promenade and stop for lunch at Augusto Chez Laurent or La Peniche.

In addition to attracting Parisians, Deauville also enamored the Impressionist painters. Those included Monet, Berthe Morisot, Boudin, and Gustave Caillebotte. Lured by the setting, they set up their easels outside on the beach and painted Deauville’s beautiful coastal landscapes.

If you don’t want to indulge in beach time, instead take a coastal drive along the Cote Fleurie and see its other villages — Trouville-sur-Mer, Cabourg, Houlgate, and Cricqueboeuf. Trouville’s beach is known as the “Queen of the Beaches.”

the MUMA Museum in Le Havre

2. Option 2: Le Havre

As a result of Allied bombing, Le Havre was largely obliterated during WWII.

The town was rebuilt by the Belgian architect Auguste Perret, a mentor to Le Corbusier. His post-war modernist vision still marks the town, earning the first UNESCO designation for an urban center in 2005.

Le Havre was a favorite haunt of the Impressionist artists. Its location at the mouth of the Seine estuary gave the town exceptional light.

The water runs in a current, giving off glimmer and glints as the light catches it. Le Havre’s port, dockyards, beaches, and regattas inspired all the major players in Impressionism.

Monet, Impression: Sunrise, 1972 -- in the Musee Marmottan Monet

Claude Monet grew up in le Havre. In 1872, when he was 32, he painted the groundbreaking harbor scene Impression: Sunrise . It’s in a small secret museum in Paris , the Musee Marmottan Monet. The Post-Impressionist Raoul Dufy was also born in Le Havre.

The once gritty town has become a dynamic art center. The Andre Malraux Museum of Modern Art (known as MUMA), in and of itself, is an excellent reason to visit Le Havre.

Housed in a light-filled building overlooking the Seine, MUMA boasts one of the largest collections of French Impressionism in the world. It’s a mini Musee d’Orsay without the Paris crowds. There are works by Boudin, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Sisley, Pissarro, Courbet, and Dufy.

For lunch, have some crepes at the Creperie Soizic in the old quarter. For a cocktail, try L’Abri-Cotier on the promenade.

historic center of Bayeux

Day 6: Drive To Bayeux

On day 6, drive west from Honfleur to Bayeux. It’s about a one hour drive.

You’ll have the entire day to poke around and explore this delightful medieval town. You may want to book a 2 hour walking tour .

If you didn’t breakfast in Honfleur, head to the patisserie La Reine Mathilde.

Beautiful Bayeux is a town that played an outsized role in French history. It’s the perfect base for historic Normandy — the site of the Norman invasion of France in 1066 and WWII’s D-Day landings of 1944.

Most people go to Bayeux to see the thousand year old, and exceedingly long (230 feet), Bayeux Tapestry.

Housed in the Bayeux Tapestry Museum , the tapestry chronicles the events leading up to William the Conqueror’s invasion of France. In 50 scenes, it depicts the battle of Hastings and the showdown between William and King Harold II.

detail of the Bayeux Tapestry

It’s unclear when the the Bayeux Tapestry (actually an embroidery) was created. But historians speculate that it was not long after the events it depicts.

The tapestry is remarkably well-preserved given its age, though it has been restored several times. The tapestry was most likely created by William’s queen, Matilda, and her court.

The Nazis seized the tapestry during WWII. It would up at the Louvre , which the Nazis had commandeered and were using as a clearinghouse for art theft. After the war, the tapestry was returned to Bayeux, its rightful owner.

READ : Underrated Masterpieces of the Louvre

the massive Bayeux Cathedral

But Bayeux isn’t just a piece of cloth, however impressive. Full of medieval architecture, the town itself is delightful and fairytale-like. Honey colored stone buildings are topped with black slate roofs. Flowing flower boxes spill into the narrow lanes.

While you’re strolling, pop into Bayeux’s Notre-Dame Cathedral. This extremely large Norman-Romanesque church was consecrated in 1077 and has survived countless wars and conflicts.

The cathedral is thought to be the original home of the Bayeux Tapestry. Fierce gargoyles on the exterior scowl down at you. In the summer, there’s a fantastic nighttime light show.

Where to stay in Bayeux : Villa Lara , Chateau de Bellefontaine , Grand Hotel du Luxembourg , or Novotel Bayeux

Where to eat in Bayeux : La Rapiere, L’Angle Saint Laurent, Le Pommier, La Reine Mathilde (breakfast), Le Volet Qui Penche, P’tit Bistro

WWII cemetery near Omaha Beach

Day 7: Day Trip to the D-Day Beaches

On the last day of your one week Normand itinerary, you’ll visit the historic D-Day beaches. Bayeux makes the perfect base for visiting the D-Day beaches. Unchanged and undeveloped, the beaches are like a time capsule.

You may want to book a guided day trip tour. To do it all, you could go on a 9 hour guided tour of the beaches from Bayeux. Or you could take a half day trip lasting 5 hours .

There, the US successfully carried out the largest military operation in history on June 6, 1944. On this day, US troops gained a foothold in France, a pivotal moment in history which led to the crumbling of Nazi Germany.

You can immerse yourself in the history of Operation Overlord, and the daily lives of the German and Allied troops. For background, visit the America Gold Beach Museum , the Memorial Museum of the Battle of Normandy , and the Bayeux War Cemetery.

Omaha Beach Memorial in Normandy

The D-Day beaches consist of a 54 mile stretch of coast from Sword beach in the east to Utah beach in the west.

This area is dotted with WWII museums, cemeteries, monuments, and battle remains. For a comprehensive guide to the D-Day beaches, click here .

You won’t be able to see everything in a day, even with a tour guide. Plan your day around a theme, whether you want to visit the American, Canadian, or British sites and memorials. Five miles west of Omaha Beach is the area’s best scenic lookout, Pointe du Hoc.

If you rented a car, from Bayeux, it’s a three hour drive back to Paris. Or, if you picked up your car in Rouen, drop it in Bayeux and take the train back to Paris.

Mont Saint-Michel, one of France's most famous landmarks

Extra Time in Normandy? Visit Mont Saint-Michel

There are plenty more beautiful cities to visit in Normandy . But an absolute must visit l andmark in France is Mont Saint-Michel.

In fact, you could reverse this itinerary and start in Mont Saint-Michel, then travel east through Normandy. But, with no direct connections, Mont Saint can be a pain to get to from Paris.

In any event, from Bayeux to Mont Saint-Michel, it’s 1:35 drive by car. But the Mont is worth the effort, especially if you start early.

the stony village of Mont Saint-Michel

Click here to pre-book a ticket. You can also book a full day guided day trip tour from Bayeux .

Mont Saint-Michel is the crown jewel of Normandy. It’s one of France’s most recognizable silhouettes, a veritable castle in the clouds.

The famous landmark is a pretty-as-a mirage island sanctuary. Its steeply built architecture seems almost impossible. A surreal medieval stage set, the Mont’s sky-high spires, stout ramparts, and rocky outcrops rise dramatically from the sea.

Grande Rue in Mont Saint-MIchel

The immense stone pile stands guard over gleaming sands laid bare by a receding (and unpredictable) tide. At high tide, Mont Saint-Michel seems to float in the sea.

The hulking abbey is one of the most visited pilgrimage sites in Christendom. In medieval times, devotees flocked to venerate the Archangel Michael. The Mont’s star attraction is the ancient abbey crowning its top.

You can overnight at the Mont, on the mainland (pamper yourself at the luxury Chateau de Chantore ), or in nearby Saint-Malo (L’Ascott) in Brittany.

A trip to Mont Saint-Michel takes some time and planning. Click here for my complete guide to visiting Mont Saint-Michel, with tips for visiting.

If you have an extended vacation planned, Brittany is a fantastic place to continue your road trip. Click here for my guide to the 20 most beautiful villages in Brittany .

street in the town of Gerberoy, another cute village in Normandy

Tips for Visiting Normandy

The best time to visit Normandy is in late spring and summer. Then, the weather is pleasant, the days are longer, and the flowers are in full bloom. After summer, some villages go into hibernation mode and there’s not as much to see and do in Normandy.

Ideally, you should rent a car to explore Normandy. Normandy’s villages are best explored by car because public transportation is scarce.

Trains from Paris serve Rouen, Caen, Bayeux, and Mont St-Michel. But service interconnecting these Normandy destinations is frustrating or non-existent.

In Normandy, cars drive on the right hand side, so that will be familiar. You don’t even need an International Driver’s License in France. Most of the motorways have tolls, so have cash on hand.

In terms of cuisine, Normandy is known for the “four C’s” — camembert, cider, calvados (apple brandy), and cream. Creperies and galette cafes are omnipresent. There’s no local wine in Normandy. You’ll have to make do with cider or the white Muscadet wines made in neighboring Loire region.

Veules-les-Roses, another pretty town in Normandy

I hope you’ve enjoyed my 1 week itinerary for Normandy. You may enjoy these other France travel guides:

  • 3 Day Itinerary for Paris
  • 3 Day Art Weekend in Paris
  • Hidden Gems in Paris
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Southern France
  • Secret Towns in France
  • Hidden Gems in Provence
  • Beautiful Towns in Northern France
  • Hilltop Villages of the Luberon Valley
  • Historic Landmarks in Southern France
  • Beautiful Villages in Occitanie

If you’d like to road trip for one week in Normandy, pin it for later.

Pinterest pin for one week in Normandy itinerary

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Last Updated on August 26, 2023 by Leslie Livingston

14 of the best things to do in Normandy

Cyrena Lee

Feb 27, 2023 • 14 min read

travel guide normandy

Here are Normandy's best experiences © LightFieldStudios / Getty Images

Normandy : the northwest region of France rolls off an English-speaking tongue as easily as a French one.

It’s known for its bucolic countryside and impossibly long stretches of beach where the famous D-Day landings took place during WWII. Beyond the shores lies much to discover: a rich literary history, four protected designation of origin cheeses, and of course, the iconic Mont St-Michel, a surreal Gothic abbey dating from the 13th century set on top of an island that appears to float like a mystical dream on water during high tide.

But the floating abbey is just the tip of an iceberg of things to do in the region, which can be divided into two main sections. There’s La Normandie Haut, or upper Normandy aka the Parisian’s Normandie, accessible by train and dotted with beachgoers and casino gamblers in Deauville and Trouville. Then there’s La Basse Normandie, or lower Normandy, which is much farther from the country’s capital and offers sights and tastes a bit more off-the-beaten-track. For those who are in need of a deep breath of fresh air, here are the very best things to do, eat and see in Normandy that’ll leave you wanting to come back for more.

A close-up of a wooden barrier with the name Richard Chamberlain on it outside an art deco beach hut on a boardwalk by the sand

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Four days in Normandy road trip: The perfect Normandy itinerary

April 13, 2018 by Karen Turner 25 Comments

Considering visiting Normandy from Paris? You definitely should! Depending on how much you want to do, you can visit Normandy as a day trip from Paris if you only visit Rouen or spend three to four days road tripping in Normandy to enjoy the tranquility of the countryside in Normandy.

If you’re thinking that Normandy will be anything like Paris, get that thought out of your mind. Expect incredibly friendly people, reasonable accommodation options, mind-blowingly good food at the same price as an average meal in Paris, stunning cities filled with history and fantastic drinks.

This Northern region of France has a rich history stemming from the invasion of the Viking tribes.  For those who want to experience the serene beauty of France on an easy weekend trip from Paris will fall in love with the slow pace of Normandy, a sneak preview of how France  outside of Paris is.

If you have fewer than four days in Normandy, you might be able to combine two of these day trips into one day as I’ve purposely kept this Normandy itinerary slow to give you time to savor this region.  Our Normandy road trip left me wanting for far more than our long weekend in Normandy, however there’s always next trip for Mont St. Michel!

  • 0.1 Day 1: Drive along the coast in Normandy
  • 0.2 Veules-les-Roses
  • 1 Petites-Dalles
  • 2.2 Étretat
  • 2.3 Where to stay in Normandy
  • 2.4 Day 2: Honfleur
  • 2.5 Day 3: Rouen
  • 2.6 Day 4: D-Day Memorial & The Calvados/Cider Route in Normandy
  • 2.7 Map of your Normandy road trip
  • 3 Have you been to Normandy?

Day 1: Drive along the coast in Normandy

Rent a car in Paris and drive to Normandy’s coast.  Be aware that avoiding toll roads in France is tricky and you should expect to pay up to 20 euros to get up to Normandy.   If you don’t have four days in Normandy, this part of the trip can easily be done as a weekend trip from Paris.

If you’re trying to do your Normandy trip on a budget (or hate toll roads), it  is possible to avoid the tolls with the help of your GPS, but expect to double your time while driving through fields and one way roads. (I honestly enjoyed the scenic drive!)  


Photo of Veules-les-Roses, one of the most beautiful villages in Normandy. If you're planning a road trip in Normandy, you must stop off at this beautiful town in France! #france #normandy #europe #travel

This beautiful town in Normandy is considered one of the most beautiful villages in France and Normandy.  Its stunning timbered houses and scenic canals have long been an inspiration for writers and painters.   

If you’re looking for a fairytale during your time in Normandy, you must come to Veules-les-Roses, which is a two hour drive from Paris.  Be sure to admire the smallest river in France, which runs through the city center.


Petites-Dalles, a cute town in Normandy. Read your perfect Normandy itinerary for four days in Normandy! #travel #Normandy #france #europe

We ended up driving through Petites-Dalles. I just loved the Victorian houses in the hills. It’s just a beautiful town along the coast. The roads make it a bit tricky to end up near the water, but you’ll find some parking if you want to admire the cliffs.  (More epic views coming!)


Château de Sissi, a beautiful chateau hotel in Normandy to include on your Normandy road trip. #chateau #france #normandy #travel

Another beautiful town in Normandy that we passed through after seeing a sign for a chateau. Be sure to stop off to admire  Château de Sissi , an affordable chateau hotel with beautiful gardens.

Mussels cooked with calvados in Fécamp, a coastal town in Normandy. Read what to do in four days in Normandy with the perfect itinerary! #travel #food #mussels #normandy #calvados

Fécamp is a historic coastal town in Normandy with some of the most epic cliffs that you’ll find.  It’s famous for the Bénédictine liqueur distillery, which is still done at the nearby abbey.  Save your appetite until you get here as you’ll find a large assortment of seafood at an affordable price. 

We ended up having lunch at  La Cave du Salut , an affordable seafood place with delicious mussels with calvados (a local liquor).  After, we headed to the beach to admire the cliffs.

Cliffs in Fécamp, the best views of the cliffs in Normandy. Read your perfect Normandy itinerary! #travel #Normandy #France

The highlight of our day along the coast was Étretat.  When I was younger, I had seen a photo of these epic cliffs in Normandy, but I never imagined that I’d have the opportunity to visit them. Most people head there from town prior to heading back the same way, however it’s better to park outside of town, close to the golf course (20 Route du Havre). 

It’s a longer walk along the outskirts of the golf course, but you’ll be able to walk the full length of the cliffs with fewer people compared to the cliff close to town.  Continue walking towards town.  I found Étretat quite touristy compared to the other towns, however it’s worth visiting.

Cliffs of Étretat, one of the most famous attractions in Normandy France. Read what to do in Normandy on a long weekend trip from Paris! #normandy #france #travel #Étretat

Where to stay in Normandy

Scenic road with chateau in Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine, one of the most beautiful places to visit in Normandy. This beautiful park makes for a scenic road trip in Normandy! #travel #Normandy #france

I recommend staying in the area at one hotel as your base in Normandy for multiple nights and I particularly loved staying in the  Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine.  This park is a protected area meant to preserve both natural environments, historic buildings, and the cultural heritage of this region. 

Driving along the windy roads in the fog spotting chateaux as they popped up was dreamy.  We did this road trip in October, so the leaves turning just added another dimension to it.  I think this area is the perfect base for exploring Normandy by car and our chateau was less expensive than staying at a cozy B&B in Honfleur .

An affordable chateau hotel in Normandy France. Read your perfect Normandy itinerary for visiting Normandy from Paris! #Normandy #Chateau #travel #France

We stayed in this cozy  chateau in Normandy that I found on Airbnb  for $81.  Our host, the owner of  Chateau du Verbosc , and his assistant made us a cozy breakfast while the two adorable cats battled over pets (and food).   It was only a forty minute drive from our chateau to the the coast. We ended up having an incredible locally made dinner at  Auberge du Val au Cesne , a nearby half-timbered guesthouse from the 17th century surrounded by scenic countryside.

For a more luxurious experience, consider staying at  Chateau Du Landin , an epic chateau overlooking the Seine river with a large estate where the staff will cook a candlelit meal for you at your request.  It wasn’t available during our dates and it really disappointed me and I had my heart set on it.

Day 2: Honfleur

Honfleur, one of the most beautiful cities in Normandy that you must visit in Normandy! #travel #Normandy #Honfleur

Honfleur is one of the most beautiful cities in France and it’s worth the trip to this stunning seaside town, even just for the food and the architecture.  Located in the Calvados region of Normandy, Honfleur is one of the best places to try calvados, a spirit made with apples. 

Its stunning wooden port made me fall in love with the city, however the stunning half-timbered houses on the side streets were my preferred place to wander.  Don’t miss the Saint Catherine’s Church, a UNESCO-recognized church that is France’s largest timber-built church.  If you prefer to stay in Honfleur, you’ll find beautiful old B&Bs in historic half-timbered buildings .

Saint Catherine Church, one of the oldest churches in France, something that you must in Honfleur! Honfleur is one of the prettiest cities in Normandy #travel #normandy #honfleur #france

Day 3: Rouen

Beautiful medieval city center in Rouen, a city that you must include on your Normandy itinerary. #travel #normandy #rouen

Rouen is a beautiful city to visit if you’re interested in medieval history. This gorgeous French city with a clocktower dating back to the 14th century and half-timbered houses straight out of a fairy tale has a stunning historic cathedral (Rouen Cathedral) where Richard the Lionheart is buried. 

Rouen also is where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.  You can view her memorial in the city center.  I just loved getting lost in the cobblestoned alleyways here.  Don’t miss  Les Berthom for craft beer.

Richard the Lionheart's grave in Rouen, Normandy, France. #travel #history #france #Normandy

Day 4: D-Day Memorial & The Calvados/Cider Route in Normandy

A chateau in Normandy France. Read what you must include in your Normandy itinerary and the perfect plan for four days in Normandy! #travel #normandy #cider #france #chateau

For anyone visiting Normandy, Omaha Beach is a must-see.  You might want to switch hotels as you have a 1.5 hour drive to the area around Honfleur, Rouen, and  Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine.

I’d recommend staying at one of the many chateaux closer to the Cider Trail to minimize driving back.    This historic manor is right along the cider trail and a nice halfway point between Upper and Lower Normandy.   Alternatively, this refurbished chateaux is right near the D-Day landings.

Omaha beach in Normandy France. Pay your respect to fallen soldiers while visiting Normandy on a road trip. #france #normandy #dday

Pay your respects at the five beaches where the troops landed in World War II and the various cemeteries for the fallen soldiers. Click for more information about visiting Omaha Beach .   I recommend taking a tour if possible to learn more about  history .

Following this somber visit, head towards Normandy’s Cider Route for some cider tastings.  Although many foreigners aren’t aware of this, some of the best apple cider in the world comes from Normandy.  For a couple of euros, you can try calvados and cider directly at the source along the 40km cider route. 

I recommend stopping off in  Bonnebosq in particular as it’s particularly well known for cider and on your way back to Paris.    Note: Please ensure that the driver doesn’t drink and drive. You can buy a bottle to enjoy at home! Click for a map of the cider trail.

Beautiful houses in Normandy. Read what you must include on your Normandy road trip! #cider #normandy #france

Even if you don’t have time during your four days in Normandy to get out to the cider towns, you’re likely to pass a farm with a sign that says VENDRE with an apple on it if you’re driving on non-highway roads close to Calvados.  It usually means that you’ll be able to buy fresh Normandy cider!

Map of your Normandy road trip

Have you been to Normandy?

Please let me know what you thought of this Normandy itinerary and share this post!

Planning your trip to Normandy France? Your travel guide for Normandy France, including 4 day itinerary for Normandy, including the best places to visit in Normandy. This Normandy road trip includes the best things to do in Normandy and the best cities/towns to visit in Normandy, including Honfleur, Etretat, Omaha Beach, Rouen, the Normandy cider trail, and staying in a chateau in Normandy. #Normandy #France #travel #Europe #WWII

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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April 28, 2018 at 11:52 pm

This sounds like a dream! Beaches, history, craft cider, beautiful buildings, and delicious food?! Yes please!

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June 25, 2018 at 8:15 am

Thank you. I am going with my family this summer. This is so helpful

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July 11, 2018 at 4:33 am

Very helpful guide for variety of activities – thank you so much!

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August 14, 2018 at 1:12 am

Hi, so thankful for your blog. We booked our flights gets to Paris, but with a lot of family emergencies, we’ve had no time to figure out where to go. We just booked the chateau you recommended that you didn’t get to stay at. It looks amazing. We want to stay in Paris, but are not sure on which bank to get a hotel. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Karen

travel guide normandy

August 14, 2018 at 8:45 am

Hope the family emergency is improving. I generally recommend the right bank, especially the 3rd/4th arrondissement (Le Marais). It’s a good central location with a good selection of hotels for all budgets and typical Parisian buildings, so you can walk a lot of places easily.

Hope your vacation is restorative and you love the chateau! 🙂

Best, Karen

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August 17, 2018 at 10:11 pm

Great tips! We visited Normandy last summer and only allowed one night which wasn’t enough! We stayed in Bayeux and absolutely loved it. We’re heading back next summer and will be staying 1 night in Bayeux, 1 night in Mont St. Michel and 1 night in Honfleur. Can’t wait!

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September 5, 2018 at 5:18 pm

This is great and timely info. My wife and I are planning a trip for next Sept ish that includes visiting Normandy. Conceptually, we will travel from Amsterdam (by car or train or ?) to Normandy and then from Normandy to Paris and Paris to Dillingen (Saar), Germany. Originally, I was considering a rental and then driving the entire route, but my initial research is indicating that there are sizeable fees for renting/returning vehicles in different countries. Do you know if this is the case? Any suggestions on the leg of the trip from Amsterdam to Normandy? We’d prefer a way that keeps us close to the countryside – we want to experience the country – not just get from Amsterdam to Normandy. Mahalo!

September 5, 2018 at 8:35 pm

Hi Bryon, I’d recommend traveling by train to Normandy prior to renting a car in Paris. It’s probably cheaper to just rent it for the Normandy part of the trip. Alternatively, you could take the train through Belgium to Normandy prior to renting a car in Normandy itself–and then just taking the train to Paris. Belgium is full of charming towns and stunning countryside. You can check my blog for some recommendations in Belgium.

Most agencies fine you if you try to return the car somewhere different than where you started. It’s good to check to ensure that the same agencies are where you’re going and the policy of your rental.

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January 4, 2019 at 2:17 am

Dear Karen, This is a beautifulj road trip. My husband and I plan to have 4 days in end of May this year.. After read your itineray, it very helpful to us. All places are very amazing. We may copy your plan, thank you very much for share such a beautiful trip. Chalee

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May 3, 2019 at 9:57 pm

Used your website as inspiration and ended up having our base in Honfleur. Such a beautiful place. Cannot wait to return to Normandy again.

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May 7, 2019 at 8:19 pm

Karen, If I wanted to start from Honfleur and work senicly up to Calais to get to london. Whats your recommendation 🙂 my best, Nicole

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November 22, 2019 at 5:58 am

Thanks Karen, this info is very helpful. We, as a family, are planning a trip to the region in March and had no idea where to base ourselves!

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January 29, 2020 at 3:41 pm

Hello, this is great! We are traveling to Paris for a few days and then thinking of renting a villa in normandy for a week. Any ideas where a good “base” would be to do day trips to?

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February 10, 2020 at 2:24 am

It depends on what you want to see in Normandy. We stuck along the eastern coast, but both sides of the coast are lovely. I found a location closer to Honfleur to be helpful and there are many villas in the Parc Regionale mentioned in my article.

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February 22, 2020 at 4:58 am

Thank you for sharing. I literally can not wait to plan this trip.

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September 2, 2020 at 5:49 am

We are thinking of visiting Paris and then doing your tour of Normandy. Is there a particular villa in the Parc Regionale that you recommend? Also, if we are coming from Paris, do you recommend we rent a car in Paris and drive to Normandy, or do you recommend we train toward Normandy and rent a car outside of Paris? If so, what town?

September 15, 2020 at 1:32 am

Unfortunately, the one that I stayed at does not host anymore, but I link to a few other options within the post. A car is best for exploring Normandy!

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September 8, 2020 at 4:06 pm

Hi Karen! My husband and I are hoping to plan a trip to the Normandy area France in the next year or two. I would love to get your help in planning this trip, we will be celebrating 50 years of marriage. Your post is amazing and it’s been so helpful already…I know this is what we want to do. Thank you, Linda Wyatt

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April 11, 2021 at 1:46 am

Friend and i are planning to fly into paris stay 2 nts rent a car and head to normandy. We will take our car and ferry to guernsey for 5 nts then back to normandy area and head to paris to fly home to usa. Want to find a cool village between nrmandy and paris for a couple nts. We just plan to overnite in paris close to airport before we return home. Any suggestions on a quaint village for a noght or two on the way back to paris?

May 10, 2021 at 2:37 pm

Perhaps Rouen or Lyons-la-Forêt ?

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June 19, 2021 at 3:28 am

Hello I am planning a trip to France for two weeks next summer 2022. We would like to see Normandy Paris and wine country. Can this be done in two weeks

July 27, 2021 at 12:14 pm

It’s a lot, but I think so if you plan well!

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October 29, 2021 at 5:34 pm

Love you post, very informative. Do you have any suggestion for a private tour guide in this region?

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February 9, 2022 at 10:28 pm

Your thoughts on city/where to stay when visiting Normandy area. Plan to drive from CDG. Want to see D-Day Beaches, Mont Saint-Michel, other sights of interest. Thinking of staying in Caen or Bayeux. B&B suggestion?

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October 10, 2022 at 2:54 am

Greetings from the sunny Panhandle of Florida! Thank you so much for all of the information you have shared, as we have only ever visited Paris and Avignon. My husband has his heart set on WW2 history, while I have my heart set on horseback riding, breathtaking castles, and amazing food!!!! I look forward to any input you can offer; nothing like putting a trip together last minute. Be well, Chance S,

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Travel Guide

To normandy, about normandy.

Nestled along the picturesque coastline of the English Channel, Normandy is known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and charming towns. Normandy offers a captivating blend of medieval architecture, idyllic countryside, and WW2 battle sites. Explore the historic city of Rouen, with its magnificent Gothic cathedral and medieval streets. Immerse yourself in the poignant past of the D-Day landing beaches, where Allied forces changed the course of history. Indulge in the region’s culinary delights, including world-famous cheeses, cider, and fresh seafood. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, nature lover, or simply seeking an unforgettable experience, Normandy is a must-visit destination.

All Normandy

How to visit mont saint michel from paris, 7 great ways to explore normandy in the winter, from paris to normandy: a guide to the ideal road trip around normandy, a guide to monet’s garden at giverny, letter from normandy: remembrance of wars past and present, caen: the perfect day trip escape from paris, other places to visit, to ile-de-france, to provence, to nouvelle aquitaine.

travel guide normandy

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To Europe And Beyond

A first-timer’s guide to Normandy

Although the mere mention of a trip to France immediately conjures up afternoons lounging at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, there is, however, much more to see elsewhere in the country than just its capital. Why not a trip to Normandy ?

Normandy borders the English Channel, making it a prime location for travellers looking to explore French culture beyond the City of Light.

Additionally while you’re there, make sure you taste the local specialties! Firstly, local Normandie cheeses like Camembert, Neufchâtel and Pont-l’Évêque. Secondly, anything apple-based, like Calvados and cider .

Mont Saint-Michel


A few meters north of the Normandy coastline, straddling the Breton coast and at the edge of the Couesnon River, stands a fascinating rocky mound: Mont Saint-Michel, of course! Host of an abbey since the 18th century, the island with an impenetrable appearance jealously cultivates the aura of mystery that surrounds it. It is accessible on foot at low tide, but one must be quick, since the unfortunate visitors who linger there will be swept away by the current before they can admire this fortress.

+ FRANCE travel tips

Practical guide: visiting mont saint-michel in normandy, monet in normandy.

Water lillies Monet Gardens in Giverny

Claude Monet lived in the port city of Le Havre for many years; his most popular work, Impression, Sunrise, was produced there and later gave its name to the art movement. Not far away is the village of Giverny, where Monet also painted his iconic Water Lilies series, inspired by the gardens of his home.

+ france travel tips

How to plan a day trip to the monet gardens in giverny, d-day beaches.

world war ii d-day-beaches-in-normandy

Normandy was also the scene of significant events in the 20th century, including those of June 6, 1944. The Normandy landings changed the face of World War II and, more broadly, the world, as Allied soldiers from a variety of nations including Canada set foot on the French shore in the largest sea invasion in history.

Several sites in the region are now dedicated to the commemoration of this vast operation, including museums and guided tours, which provide a better understanding of the era. Likewise, perhaps the most significant to Canadians will be the Juno Beach Centre , a contemporary maple leaf-shaped space that commemorates the contributions of not only Canadians but also other Allied nations that took place on the beach.

If you’re travelling from Bayeux, this day trip to the American beaches might be of big interest to you.

Contemplating history on the D-Day landing beaches

Étretat in Normandy - day trips from Paris

Étretat are home to some of the most stunning cliffs in France. Made famous by its chalky, crisp-white arch and the gorgeous sunsets it welcomes every evening, it’s understandable a number of Impressionist painters were inspired by this absolutely stunning coastline. And no wonder Étretat is the place where Parisians go for a weekend at the beach.

Of course, it’s the English Channel; don’t get your hopes up about the water temperature, but hey, it’s still a beach!

Honfleur, Normandy - beautiful villages in France

Welcome to one of my favourite villages in France! The charming, colourful port is not just a sight for sore eyes, though; it was actually one of France’s major ports for commerce back in the 16th century. Did you know this is where Samuel de Champlain set sail from before he went on to found Quebec City?

The Vieux Bassin area of Honfleur is rightfully the best place to start. But make sure to also visit Les Maisons Satie, Musée Eugène Boudin and Église Ste-Catherine. And if you want a more personal experience of Honfleur, why not book a guided tour ?

My favourite & most beautiful villages in France

The best day trips from paris to normandy.

Vernon in Normandy

  • Normandy D-Day beaches and Honfleur
  • The fascinating city of Caen
  • Normandy coast day trip with cider tasting
  • Lisieux Cathedral
  • Normandy small-group day trip D-Day battlefields & landing beaches
  • Mont Saint-Michel guided day trip
  • Rouen and its stunning cathedral
  • Versailles Palace & Giverny’s Monet house guided visit
  • The glamour beaches of Deauville and its cinema festival

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Marie-Eve is a native Montrealer trying to balance a deep love for her hometown and an unquenchable thirst for travel and discovery. She has been to more than 36 countries, lived abroad in both France and the U.K., and is always on the lookout for authentic experiences wherever she travels -- especially if it involves wine.

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Normandy Travel Guide

Normandy is one of the most beautiful regions in France, with a rich history. Below is my Normandy Travel guide to help you plan your ideal itinerary including the best places in Normandy (especially villages, beaches, archaeological sites, castles, towns...), road trip guides and plenty of photos and video to make you dream of your next trip!

Make the most of your time in Normandy, France!

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All the articles are now redirecting to my regional website dedicated to my home region: Normandie. You will find even more content to help you plan your amazing trip!

Best things to do in Normandy

Discover some of the most beautiful places in Normandy the best beaches, the charming villages, the impressive castles and the fascinating historical sites. Those articles will give you a great overview of what there is to see in the region.

pictures landscapes Normandy Travel Guide

Normandy Landscapes in Pictures

best Things to do in Normandy Travel Guide

42 best things to do in Normandy

Most beautiful villages Normandy Travel Guide

Most beautiful villages in Normandy

best castles in Normandy Normandy Travel Guide

16 best castles in Normandy

where to go in Normandy destinations Travel Guide

Where to go in Normandy - best destinations

best abbeys in Normandy Normandy Travel Guide

Best abbeys in Normandy

best beaches in Normandy Travel Guide

Best beaches in Normandy

best towns in Normandy Travel Guide

Best towns in Normandy (and cities)

best Church Cathedral Normandy TravelGuide

The 7 Normandy Cathedrals and best churches in Normandy

And I have created an eBook to make the planning of your road trip even easier:

Be overwhelmed by the beauty, not the planning!

s the road trip guide normandy eBook cover

Plan your perfect trip around Normandy with:

  • 8 easy-to-plan Maps
  • 160+ pre-selected scenic locations
  • Planning tips to make the most of your time
  • 315+ large photos to decide where to go
  • GPS coordinates direct to the carparks

Planning a road trip in Normandy

There is so much to see in and do, that planning a road trip in Normandy might feel overwhelming. The following articles will help you plan your trip (step by step and with suggested itineraries) and get read (with a driving guide and accommodation suggestions).

road trip Normandy Travel Guide

11 steps to plan your Normandy road trip

Renting car France tips

Renting a car in France: 36 tips

driving in France tips

Driving in France: 27 tips

Need to rent a car in Normandy? My tips:

  • Compare car rental prices on - one of the best customer-rated comparison sites!
  • Consider their full coverage option - I always take it for peace of mind! 
  • Book early to have a large choice of vehicles!

Regions of Normandy - Map

Below is a simple Map of Normandy to help you get oriented with the various towns and regions.

Regions Normandy Map

Seine-Maritime Region

The main towns are Le Havre and Rouen.

Things to do in cote albatre Normandy Travel Guide

Best of Alabaster coast (Côte d'Albâtre), Normandy

Things to do in Le Havre Normandy France Travel Guide (1)

Things to do in Le Havre, Normandy

Things to do in Etretat Normandy Travel Guide

Things to do in Etretat, Normandy

Visiting Veules les Roses Normandy Travel Guide

Veules-les-Roses village and river walk

Things to do in Dieppe Normandy Travel Guide

25 best things to do in Dieppe

Things to do in Fecamp Normandy Travel Guide

18 Best things to do in Fécamp

Cap Fagnet Fecamp Normandy Travel Guide

Cap Fagnet, Fécamp, Normandy

Eure Region

The main town is Evreux

Visiting Le Bec Hellouin Normandy Travel Guide

Village of Le Bec-Hellouin, Normandy

Calvados Region

The main town is Caen.

Things to do in pays d auge Normandy visit

Best things to do in Pays d'Auge, Normandy

Things to do in Honfleur Normandy Travel Guide

Things to do in Honfleur

Orne Region

The main town is Alençon.

village Saint Ceneri le Gerei Normandy Travel Guide

Village of Saint-Cénéri-le-Gérei

Manche Region

The main towns are Saint-Lo and Cherbourg.

Lighthouse Gatteville village Barfleur Normandy Travel Guide

Barfleur village and Gatteville lighthouse

Cliffs Nez de Jobourg Normandy Travel Guide

The cliffs of Nez de Jobourg

And keep track of your own trip!

Normandy road trip Journal

Travel while at home! Plunge into theses landscapes by enjoying a puzzle:

Normandy France Jigsaw Puzzle - Beuvron en Auge

General Travel Tips

Practical websites to book your trip.


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Travel Safety Tips

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Best Travel Binoculars

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Normandy (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Normandy (France)

Visiting Normandy’s sights means seeing monuments and scenery that we’ve known since childhood, first-hand.

This goes for Mont-Saint-Michel and the Bayeaux Tapestry, or all the scenes depicted in Claude Monet’s paintings, like the cliffs at Étretat, the harbour at Honfleur and the artist’s own gardens.

The impressionist movement was born in Normandy, inspired by Monet’s “Impression” of the sunrise at Le Havre.

Normandy was also famously the site of one of the most pivotal battles in the Second World War, and the coast is peppered with memorials, museums, bunkers and beaches .

Let’s have a look at the best things to do in Normandy :

1. Étretat Cliffs

Étretat Cliffs

Étretat, in the Seine-Maritime department, is a small coastal commune in the middle of a pretty big seascape.

On both sides of the town and its pebble beach are gigantic white limestone cliffs with three natural arches and a 55-metre needle.

On the beach you can look east to La Porte d’Amont, the smallest of the arches, or west to the colossal L’Arche et l’Aiguille, an image immortalised by Monet and Gustave Courbet.

Past these landmarks is Étretat’s widest arch, La Manneporte, which you can get to with a brief but very scenic stroll along the top of the cliffs on the GR21 trail.

2. Mont-Saint-Michel


One of the world’s iconic man-made sights, UNESCO-listed Mont-Saint-Michel is a tidal island at the mouth of the Couesnon River where Normandy and Brittany meet.

The island’s steep slopes have been crowned by a monastery since the 700s, but the whole ensemble really took shape in Norman times, when ducal patronage funded the sublime abbey at the top, as well as the tough fortifications below.

Mont-Saint-Michel had great strategic value and was almost impregnable, never succumbing to British attacks in the Hundred Years’ War.

The zigzagging path up to the majestic abbey at the crest will feel like something out of a fantasy adventure, provided there aren’t too many tourists around!

3. Honfleur


Another of the scenes in Normandy that inspired the impressionists is this endearing old port in the Calvados department, just across the Seine from Le Havre.

The view of the harbour from the Quai Saint-Etienne is heart-achingly pretty, looking across to the tall, narrow slate-clad houses behind the masts of moored sailboats.

This is just the starting point, as you have to see Saint-Catherine’s Church, a timber construction built by shipbuilders in the 15th century and resembling the hull of a boat.

The bell-tower, also made of wood,  was built some way from the church in case of fire.

4. Tapisserie de Bayeaux

Tapisserie de Bayeaux

This world-renowned Anglo-Saxon embroidery is 70 metres long and half a metre high, depicting the events leading up to the Norman Conquest of England.

The tapestry is on display in its entirety in a glass case at this museum in Bayeaux.

A multilingual audio-guide clarifies every section as you go, from the visit of Harold Godwinson to Normandy  to his demise at the hands of William the Conqueror’s forces on the battlefield in Hastings in 1066. Upstairs there’s also a short film to fill you in on the details and context, as well as an exhibition of contemporary artefacts.

5. Claude Monet’s House and Gardens

Claude Monet's House and Gardens

Monet lived at this elegant house in Giverny from 1883 to 1926. It’s now a museum, maintaining the artist’s home and studio as if he were alive.

It’s equally eerie and stirring to peruse the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, sitting room of one of the great artists, all very tasteful and colourful and not conforming to the dark tones in fashion in the late-19th century.

Lovers of Monet’s art will cherish the grounds, where the sunflowers, wisteria, Japanese footbridge and water lily pond appear can be clearly recognised from some his most famous works.

6. Tatihou Island

Tatihou Island

Like Mont-Saint-Michel Tatihou is a tidal island, opposite Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue.

At low tide you can walk across the oyster beds to get there, and when the sea’s up you can catch an amphibious craft.

It’s a site with lots of stories to tell, having witnessed a climactic naval battle between the Anglo-Dutch fleet and French in 1692 (12 French ships were sunk), and events during the Napoleonic war, when a British gun frigate grounded on the island.

It’s a peaceful place now, with a little maritime museum showcasing the finds recovered from the naval battles, a botanical garden and the bastion of the old sea fortress.

7. Notre-Dame de Rouen

Notre-Dame de Rouen

This solemn cathedral is unique in France because its original 13th-century Episcopal palace is still part of the complex.

The cathedral itself is from the 11th century, a marvellous Norman gothic construction that was also the subject of a series of paintings by Claude Monet.

After renovations were made to the main spire in the 19th century, the cathedral, at 151 metres, was the tallest building in the world until 1880. Among the wealth of historical curiosities inside is the tomb of Rollo, a Viking noble who became the first ruler of Normandy in the early 10th century, and a tomb containing the heart of Richard the Lionheart.

8. Old Rouen

Old Town, Rouen

The historic centre of Rouen is one of the most delightful in France, with some 2,000 half-timbered houses, many of which are charmingly askew.

Nearly all of them date to before the 1500s, when this kind of building was deemed a fire hazard.

You can view these old buildings along pedestrianised cobblestone streets that also lead you past a host of gothic churches and sights like the Gros Horloge.

This is a marvellous astronomical clock, one of the oldest in the country, dating to the 1300s and installed above a renaissance archway from 1529. The Church of Saint-Ouen is also essential, a majestic piece of 14th-century Flamboyant Gothic architecture with an organ by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, considered one of the finest in the world.

9. Le Havre

Le Havre

While some bomb-damaged cities elected to restore their old architecture after the war, Le Havre took a bold approach, embracing the possibilities of concrete.

This radical redesign, spearheaded by Auguste Perret, has earned the centre of the city UNESCO status and will definitely catch your eye if you appreciate modern architecture.

This is typified by the Église Saint-Joseph, completed in 1956, which has a slightly classical appearance, but takes advantage of the great self-supporting strength of its building material by containing not a single column in its central section.

The André Malraux Museum of Modern Art should not be missed, as it contains the second-largest collection of French Impressionist painting in the country: Degas, Renoir, Manet, Gauguin and Monet are all here.

10. Gastronomic Experiences

Fromagerie Graindorge

Plenty of French delicacies are native to Normandy, two of the tastiest of which are the cheeses, Livarot and Camembert.

At the town of Livarot, in the Calvados countryside, you can take a free tour around the Fromagerie Graindorge to see how four Normandy AOP cheeses are made: Neufchâtel, Livarot, Pont l’Evêque and Camembert, heaven for anyone with a taste for great cheese.

This part of Normandy is also lush with apple orchards, producing cider (there are four museum devoted to this drink), and calvados, an apple brandy.

Hit the Route du Cidre for an itinerary of presses and distilleries.

11. Airborne Museum

Airborne Museum, Sainte-Mère-Église

In the commune of Sainte-Mère-Église is a museum for the paratroopers who landed in the Normandy countryside beyond the beaches on the 5th and 6th of June 1944. This location was chosen because it was the first village to be liberated by American troops, and because of one John Steele, whose parachute got caught on the belfry of the church leaving him stuck for two hours.

It’s on the site of a house that was burnt down in the fighting and displays a large amount of documentary footage and photographs, as well as weapons, tanks, planes and a WACO glider.

One part puts you in the very boots of a paratrooper, as you get to enter a C-47 that was used in the Battle of Normandy.

12. Omaha Beach

Omaha Beach

You don’t need to be a military historian to appreciate the poignancy of this historic battlefield between Sainte-Honorine-des-Pertes and Vierville-sur-Mer.

It’s the site one of the defining events of the Second World War, and saw the bloodiest fighting of any of the D-Day beachheads on June 6 1944. There’s a monument by the road, and you can drop by at the Memorial Museum, which has first-hand accounts of life during the occupation and then testimonies by veterans about the attack in 1944. There are also exhibits of personal items belonging to soldiers from both sides.

13. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen

This art museum in Rouen is also vital if you love impressionism.

This has a lot to do with François Depeaux, a turn of the century industrialist and art patron, who donated his massive collection to the museum in 1909. Renoir, Degas and Monet all feature, but the museum also has galleries with works dating back to the 1400s.

In fact, every major movement is covered, and renaissance and baroque masters like Veronese, van Dyck, Rubens, Caravaggio and Velázquez are all represented.

There’s also a set of rare Russian icons spanning the 1400s and 1800s.

14. Abbaye aux Hommes

Abbaye aux Hommes

The finest romanesque building in Normandy, made from Caen’s characteristic butter-yellow limestone, is home to the tomb of William the Conqueror.

When you see his final resting place you may be surprised by the modern-looking tomb: This is because it has been opened, moved and even destroyed over the last millennium.

So now there’s a relatively understated 19th-century marker made of white marble.

The abbey’s tranquil cloister was rebuilt in the mid-18th century in the Tuscan style, and outside you can find small remnants from when it was fortified for the Hundred Years’ War: There are two towers on Rue du Carel and Rue Lebailly.

15. Château Gaillard

Château Gaillard

This forbidding fortress is on a spur next to a kink in the River Seine  and dominates the commune of Les Andelys.

It was built by Richard the Lionheart in just two years at the end of the 12th century, and fell to Philip II in 1204. In the centuries that followed it was contested by the English and French, but has been in French hands permanently since 1449. It was then demolished in the 16th century, but despite this there’s a lot to see, including most of the keep and inner bailey and large parts of the outer walls.

The panoramas of the river and the green countryside around Les Andelys are also hauntingly picturesque.

15 Best Things to Do in Normandy (France):

  • Étretat Cliffs
  • Mont-Saint-Michel
  • Tapisserie de Bayeaux
  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens
  • Tatihou Island
  • Notre-Dame de Rouen
  • Gastronomic Experiences
  • Airborne Museum
  • Omaha Beach
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen
  • Abbaye aux Hommes
  • Château Gaillard

travel guide normandy

While in Paris, I traveled to see Normandy. The experience was as remarkable as you’d expect.

Occasionally during the Olympics, a Globe reporter will share observations from the Games. Today, Tara Sullivan shares her reflections about a day trip to Normandy. Read more about the Olympics here.

NORMANDY, France — Kudos to the Paris 2024 Olympic committee for doing such a beautiful job showcasing this city. Breathtaking sights greet us at every turn. Think the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Palais, the River Seine, the Arc de Triomphe. But for me, there was a more somber place I wanted to see in France, and earlier this week, with the blessing of editors who gave me a day off from writing Olympic events, I booked a guided, daylong tour from Paris to Normandy.

The history major in me couldn’t pass up the chance to visit the site of one of the most consequential moments in modern history, where 80 years ago this summer Allied Forces of World War II changed the tide with their landing on June 6 — D-Day. As my great colleague Bob Ryan wrote on X just days before my visit, “Just saw the brilliant NBC piece on Normandy. If you are fortunate enough to be an American of sufficient means, a trip to Normandy is a must. You will never regret it.”

As usual, he was right. From walking the sands on Utah Beach to standing by the crosses at the American cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, it was a day of days. One I will never forget.

It started early, meeting a tour bus outside Port Maillot at 7 a.m. Our guide Raymond, a Nigerian native living in France, was trilingual, putting his Masters in communication to good use as he detailed the historical events that preceded WWII and then guided us through each of our four stops on the tour.

We began at Utah Beach, where the museum was packed with artifacts from all different Allied forces, but time was so limited I took countless pictures so I could go back and reread them. I didn’t want to miss what was outside.

I stopped in the museum gift shop on the way out and purchased a commemorative glass vial to collect some sand, then headed to the beach. It was so calm and serene, people wading in the shallow edges. It was just impossible not to think of the footsteps that went before us 80 years ago, of those brave soldiers who stormed that beach, so many of whom never made it home.

I thought of the great Yogi Berra , who was on one of those rocket boats and lived to have a Hall of Fame baseball career, and Dick Winters, the star of the epic HBO miniseries “Band of Brothers” who led his paratroopers of Easy Company onto the beach. The grounds above are dotted with monuments dedicated to every branch of service involved in the effort.

From there we visited a local cider company for a tasting, which was a lovely interlude as well as support for a local business. As Raymond pointed out on the streets in the small villages we passed through, American flags still fly. There’s even a pub called the June 6 Pub. Then lunch in a waterside fishing village, before heading to Omaha Beach.

Walking around Omaha was awe inspiring, seeing the cliff faces that met soldiers who then had to rappel upwards to get to higher ground through German gunfire that shredded the troops, and seeing the remnants of German lookout points and concrete gun bunkers. How anyone survived is beyond me.

Our final stop was the American cemetery, which feels so much like visiting Arlington National in Washington, D.C. Rows and rows of simple white crosses or Star of David symbols. To quote the American Battle Monuments Commission about the first American cemetery on European soil of the war: “The cemetery site, at the north end of its half mile access road, covers 172.5 acres and contains the graves of 9,389 of our military dead, most of whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings and ensuing operations. On the Walls of the Missing, in a semicircular garden on the east side of the memorial, are inscribed 1,557 names. Rosettes mark the names of those since recovered and identified.”

From there it was back to Paris, a four-hour bus ride allowing for so much more contemplation and reflection. A truly unforgettable day.

More postcards from the Olympics

  • Adam Himmelsbach: The real Olympic party isn’t in Paris. It’s in Lille.
  • Tara Sullivan: A ‘Les Misérables’ fan goes to Mass in Victor Hugo’s Paris neighborhood
  • John Powers: The Paris Metro sure beats the Red Line
  • Tara Sullivan: The license plate game? I prefer the ‘last name game.’

The American cemetery in Normandy resembles Arlington National Cemetery.


  1. Normandy Road Trip

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  2. A trip to Normandy

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  3. Top things to do in Normandy France

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  4. Normandy region guide

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  5. The Ultimate Guide to the Best Things to Do in Normandy, France

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  6. The Rough Guide to Brittany & Normandy

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  1. Normandy Tourism: The official tourism website of Normandy, France

    Welcome to the official Normandy Tourism website, packed with ideas for things to see and do, places to stay, events, maps, videos and more! ... maps and guides ; The Normandy you'll love . Go back; Family-friendly Normandy ... Normandy Travel Trade; Normandy Meetings & Events; Supported by.

  2. Normandy Travel Guide Resources & Trip Planning Info by Rick Steves

    Normandy. Sweeping coastlines, half-timbered towns, and thatched roofs decorate the rolling green hills of Normandy. Despite the peacefulness you sense today, the region's history is filled with war, from Viking invasions to William the Conqueror, from Joan of Arc, and of course the 1944 battles of D-Day. The rugged, rainy Norman coast harbors ...

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    Normandy is one of the most famous destinations in France and in the world, most notably for its culture, architecture, picture-perfect coastline, historic D-Day Landing Beaches, delicious food and welcoming atmosphere. Whether you're visiting Normandy to holiday, work or study, we have all the information you need to plan the perfect trip ...

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    Europe. From the Norman invasion of England in 1066 to the D-Day landings of 1944, Normandy has long played an outsized role in European history. This rich and often brutal past is brought vividly to life by the spectacular and iconic island monastery of Mont St-Michel; the incomparable Bayeux Tapestry, world-famous for its cartoon scenes of ...

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  7. Brochures, maps and guides

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  8. The Ultimate Normandy Road Trip Itinerary

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  11. Normandy travel guide

    Visit Normandy, France. Book hotels, flights, car hire. Normandy has many charms, from the beautiful countryside and the lovely local architecture to the historic highlights such as Mont Saint Michel and Chateau Gaillard, and the attractive cliffs and beaches along the coast. Important sights such as the Normandy Landing beaches and the Bayeux ...

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  13. Best things to do in Normandy, France

    Spend a day in Rouen, Normandy's capital city. Array. Snag a striped sweater at Saint James. Array. Tour the D-Day beaches. Array. Visit the iconic abbey at Mont St-Michel. Array. From visiting the iconic abbey at Mont St-Michel to sampling local food and drink along the stunning coastline, here are the best things to do in Normandy.

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    Our weekend ideas: best-of, romantic, unusual, seaside, luxury, family. Itineraries: 5 days - 1 week. → Gastronomy. Best restaurants in Normandy (coming soon) Norman cheeses Culinary specialities. → Mont Saint-Michel.

  15. Four days in Normandy road trip: The perfect Normandy itinerary

    Day 1: Drive along the coast in Normandy. Rent a car in Paris and drive to Normandy's coast. Be aware that avoiding toll roads in France is tricky and you should expect to pay up to 20 euros to get up to Normandy. If you don't have four days in Normandy, this part of the trip can easily be done as a weekend trip from Paris.

  16. Normandy Travel Guide: Plan Your Next Trip

    Nestled along the picturesque coastline of the English Channel, Normandy is known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and charming towns. Normandy offers a captivating blend of medieval architecture, idyllic countryside, and WW2 battle sites. Explore the historic city of Rouen, with its magnificent Gothic cathedral and medieval streets.

  17. The Top things to Do in Normandy, France

    Here is our guide with all of the top things to do in Normandy, an amazing region of northern France. How to Get to Normandy Start by booking a sweet flight deal to Paris, which is perfectly situated to hop up to Normandy. Begin your tour of the region by booking a train from Paris to Rouen, at about $15-$20 one way.

  18. Normandy Travel Guide

    Normandy Travel Guide. By Peter 12 mins read. Normandy conjures up a few images. For starters, there's the D-Day Beaches. Then there's the Bayeux Tapestry, Joan of Arc and Mont St Michel. And don't forget the coastal resorts of Deauville, Trouville, Honfleur, and the birth of Impressionism.

  19. A first-timer's guide to Normandy

    D-Day beaches. Normandy was also the scene of significant events in the 20th century, including those of June 6, 1944. The Normandy landings changed the face of World War II and, more broadly, the world, as Allied soldiers from a variety of nations including Canada set foot on the French shore in the largest sea invasion in history.

  20. Normandy Travel Guide

    Normandy is one of the most beautiful regions in France, with a rich history. Below is my Normandy Travel guide to help you plan your ideal itinerary including the best places in Normandy (especially villages, beaches, archaeological sites, castles, towns...), road trip guides and plenty of photos and video to make you dream of your next trip!

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    Travel through Normandy on the way to the medieval Mont-St-Michel on a day trip from Paris aboard an air-conditioned bus. Choose to go alone, with a live guide, or with an audio guide. Discover the UNESCO-listed island and its Gothic abbey. Learn of its fascinating history and legendary stories. Depart Paris and travel through the French ...

  22. 15 Best Things to Do in Normandy (France)

    A multilingual audio-guide clarifies every section as you go, from the visit of Harold Godwinson to Normandy to his demise at the hands of William the Conqueror's forces on the battlefield in Hastings in 1066. Upstairs there's also a short film to fill you in on the details and context, as well as an exhibition of contemporary artefacts.

  23. Normandy Road Trip: Perfect 5-Day Itinerary

    D-Day Beaches Full-Day Tour. If you want to visit the D-Day Beaches, this Normandy American D-Day Beaches Full-Day Tour from Bayeux won the 2023 Viator Experience Award.. With over a thousand 5-star reviews and bookings, this intimate tour is definitely worth adding to your Normandy itinerary.. Led by a knowledgeable guide, you'll visit Omaha and Utah beaches, the Utah Beach Museum and the ...

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  25. While in Paris, I traveled to see Normandy. The experience was as ...

    NORMANDY, France — Kudos to the Paris 2024 Olympic committee for doing such a beautiful job showcasing this city. Breathtaking sights greet us at every turn. ... Our guide Raymond, a Nigerian ...

  26. 609 Normandy Rd, Madeira Beach, FL 33708

    Zillow has 44 photos of this $800,000 2 beds, 2 baths, 1,273 Square Feet single family home located at 609 Normandy Rd, Madeira Beach, FL 33708 built in 1954. MLS #U8252080.