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Enjoy half hour jet ski adventure in the Bahamas, perfect for individuals as well as couples.

Take a flight on the iconic London Eye to enjoy unparalleled 360-degree views of the city. See landmarks like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and St Paul’s Cathedral from 135 metres high in the sky.

Embark on a boat trip to Rose Island, departing from Paradise Island. Relax on a beautiful private beach, interact with playful swimming pigs, gon snorkeling, and enjoy a delicious buffet lunch.

Spend the day snorkeling and kayaking or lazing on a hammock on the private beach at Sandy Toes. If you feel like some adventure, take a tube ride in a water-ski tubes, or socialize with other guests during a game of volleyball or dizzy lizard. Rent a water float and bask in the sun or hang out at the Sandy Toes Beach Bar for music and a famous Sandy Toes drink. Whatever you fancy, your experience on the beach is sure to be a memorable one. Your full-day excursion includes a scenic boat ride to and from the Sandy Toes private island. Once on the island, an array of activities are available, including guided snorkeling and fish feedings. Dine on a buffet lunch, served on a southern pavilion overlooking the picturesque Lower Harbor, or shop in the Sandy Toes Gift Shop with one-of-a-kind souvenirs available for purchase.

Visit Green Cay, Athol Island, and Rose Island on a speedboat ride from Nassau. Marvel at swimming pigs, snorkel along a reef, view sea turtles, enjoy beautiful waters, and savor a Bahamian lunch.

hip travel

Navigating Travel Restrictions After Hip Replacement Surgery: What You Need To Know

  • Last updated Oct 25, 2023
  • Difficulty Beginner

Naim Haliti

  • Category United States

travel restrictions after hip replacement

Traveling can be an exciting and enriching experience, but what happens when you have just undergone a hip replacement? While there may be a newfound sense of freedom and mobility with your new hip, there are still a few travel restrictions to consider. From airplanes to adventure activities, it's important to be aware of how your hip replacement surgery may impact your upcoming journeys. In this article, we'll discuss some of the common travel restrictions after hip replacement and provide some insights on how to navigate them so you can still satisfy your wanderlust while staying safe.

What You'll Learn

What travel restrictions should i expect after undergoing a hip replacement surgery, how long should i wait before flying after having a hip replacement, are there any limitations on activities or modes of transportation post-hip replacement, are there any specific recommendations for traveling internationally after a hip replacement surgery, what should i do if i experience discomfort or need medical attention while traveling after a hip replacement.


After undergoing a hip replacement surgery, it is important to take certain travel restrictions into consideration in order to ensure a safe and smooth recovery process. Traveling too soon or without proper precautions can increase the risk of complications and hinder the healing process. Here are some guidelines to follow when planning your post-surgery travel:

  • Consult with your surgeon: Before making any travel arrangements, it is crucial to consult with your surgeon. They will be able to assess your individual situation and provide recommendations based on your specific needs and recovery progress. They may advise against certain modes of travel or specific destinations depending on the distance, the availability of medical facilities, and the potential risks involved.
  • Timeframe: Generally, it is recommended to wait at least 6 to 8 weeks before undertaking any long-distance travel. This timeframe allows for initial healing and reduces the risk of post-operative complications. However, it is important to note that every patient is different, and some may require more time to fully recover before traveling.
  • Mode of travel: When planning your post-surgery travel, consider the mode of transportation you will be using. Air travel, for instance, can pose certain challenges such as prolonged sitting, changes in cabin pressure, and limited mobility due to security checks and crowded airports. If possible, choose a travel method that allows for frequent movement and easy accessibility to comfort measures such as stretching or changing positions. Additionally, consider the duration of travel and whether it is feasible to take breaks or rest during the journey.
  • Assistance and accessibility: Ensure that you have the necessary assistance and accessibility arrangements in place to make your travel experience as smooth as possible. Request for wheelchair assistance or specialized seating arrangements if needed. Research the accessibility of your accommodations, transportation, and any activities you plan to engage in during your trip. This will help minimize physical strain and reduce the risk of falls or other accidents.
  • Medications and medical documents: Make sure to carry all necessary medications and medical documents with you when traveling. This includes any pain medications, antibiotics, or blood thinners prescribed by your surgeon. It is also important to have a copy of your medical records, surgical reports, and any other relevant documents in case of emergency medical care during your trip.
  • Adequate rest and recovery time: Traveling can be physically and mentally demanding, especially after a major surgery like hip replacement. It is essential to prioritize rest and recovery during your trip. Plan for rest breaks, avoid strenuous activities, and listen to your body's signals to avoid overexertion. Remember that pushing yourself too hard can delay healing and increase the risk of complications.

Example: Let's say John recently underwent a hip replacement surgery and wants to attend his daughter's wedding in another city, which is scheduled 6 weeks after his surgery. He should consult with his surgeon to get the green signal and discuss any specific precautions to take during travel. The surgeon may recommend avoiding air travel due to the prolonged sitting and cabin pressure involved. In this case, John can explore alternative modes of travel such as a train or car, which allow for more frequent movement and comfort measures. He should also arrange for wheelchair assistance at the airport or train station and ensure that his accommodations are wheelchair accessible. During the trip, John should take regular breaks to stretch and rest, avoid engaging in physically demanding activities, and maintain a balanced approach to his overall energy expenditure. By following these guidelines, John can attend his daughter's wedding while minimizing the risk of complications and ensuring a successful recovery process.

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Flying after having a hip replacement surgery is a concern for many patients. It is important to understand that the timing of flying after a hip replacement can vary depending on several factors, including the type of surgery, individual healing, and the recommendations of the surgeon. In general, it is advisable to wait at least 6-8 weeks before flying after a hip replacement surgery.

The primary reason for waiting is to allow enough time for proper healing and to minimize the risk of complications. Hip replacement surgery involves the removal of damaged bone and cartilage, followed by the placement of an artificial hip joint. The surgery also involves the manipulation of surrounding soft tissues and muscles. It takes time for the body to heal and for the artificial joint to integrate with the surrounding bone.

During the initial weeks after surgery, the patient may experience pain and swelling in the hip area. It is important to give the body enough time to recover and for the swelling to subside. Flying too soon after surgery can increase the risk of blood clots, which can be a serious complication. The risk of blood clots is higher in the first few weeks after surgery, and the air pressure changes in an airplane cabin can further increase this risk.

Apart from the healing process, the patient's mobility and ability to sit for an extended period of time also need to be considered before flying. In the initial weeks after surgery, walking, sitting, and standing for long periods can be challenging. It is important to have regained a reasonable level of mobility and endurance before undertaking a long flight.

It is also crucial to follow the surgeon's advice and guidelines regarding post-surgery care and activities. They will be able to provide specific recommendations based on the individual patient's circumstances. This may include exercises, physical therapy, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

In some cases, the surgeon may advise against flying altogether, especially if there are additional concerns or complications. This could include issues such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), chronic pain, or a compromised immune system. The surgeon's recommendations should be followed, as they have the best understanding of the individual's specific situation.

In conclusion, the recommended waiting time before flying after a hip replacement surgery is generally around 6-8 weeks. However, it is essential to consult with the surgeon and follow their specific recommendations. Healing, pain, swelling, mobility, and risk of complications can vary from person to person, so it is essential to have an individualized approach to flying after a hip replacement. Taking the necessary precautions and giving the body enough time to heal will help ensure a safe and comfortable flight experience.

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Hip replacement surgery is a common procedure performed to alleviate the pain and improve the mobility of individuals with severe hip damage or arthritis. While hip replacement surgery can significantly improve a person's quality of life, it is important to understand that there may be some limitations on activities and modes of transportation following the procedure.

After a hip replacement surgery, it is common for individuals to experience pain, swelling, and limited mobility in the affected hip for a period of time. This is a normal part of the healing process, and it is important to follow the recommendations provided by the surgeon and physical therapist to promote a successful recovery.

In the immediate post-operative period, individuals will typically be advised to use assistive devices like crutches or a walker to help them walk and maintain balance. This is to prevent any strain or pressure on the newly replaced hip joint, allowing it to heal properly. Gradually, as the hip strengthens and heals, individuals will be able to reduce their dependence on these assistive devices.

While it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions regarding weight-bearing and movement limitations, it is also important to gradually resume activities and exercise to regain strength and mobility. It is common for individuals to undergo physical therapy post-surgery, which helps in reinforcing the muscles around the hip joint and enhancing flexibility. The physical therapist will guide individuals through a series of exercises and stretches designed to facilitate healing and recovery. It is crucial to follow the physical therapist's instructions and guidelines to avoid any complications or setbacks.

In terms of activities and modes of transportation, it is important to listen to your body and avoid activities that cause pain or discomfort. High-impact activities like running, jumping, or contact sports are generally not recommended after hip replacement surgery as they can put excessive stress on the hip joint. However, low-impact activities like swimming, walking, cycling, and using an elliptical machine can be beneficial for maintaining cardiovascular fitness and overall health without putting excessive strain on the hip joint.

When it comes to modes of transportation, it is generally safe to resume driving after the surgeon has given the green signal. This is typically around 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery, but it is important to follow the surgeon's specific recommendations. It is important to ensure that you are comfortable and can operate the vehicle safely, as any discomfort or limitation in movement may impact your ability to drive safely.

In summary, while there may be some limitations on activities and modes of transportation following hip replacement surgery, it is important to gradually resume these activities under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It is crucial to follow the surgeon's instructions, attend physical therapy sessions, and listen to your body to promote a successful recovery and regain independence in daily activities and modes of transportation.

Latest Updates on Air Travel Restrictions in Kolkata

If you have recently undergone a hip replacement surgery and are planning to travel internationally, it is important to take some precautions to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Traveling after a hip replacement can be challenging, but with proper planning and preparation, you can enjoy your trip without any major difficulties. Here are some specific recommendations to consider when traveling internationally after a hip replacement surgery.

  • Consult your surgeon: Before making any travel plans, it is essential to consult your surgeon or healthcare provider. They can assess your condition and provide specific recommendations based on your individual needs. They may advise against certain activities or provide specific instructions for a smooth journey.
  • Time your travel wisely: It is advisable to wait for at least 6-8 weeks after hip replacement surgery before planning any international travel. This allows enough time for the incision to heal and reduces the risk of complications. Additionally, it is wise to avoid long-haul flights during the first few months after surgery, as the sitting for extended periods can increase the risk of blood clots.
  • Choose the right mode of transportation: Depending on your destination and personal preferences, you may need to consider the mode of transportation that suits you best. If you are traveling by air, request an aisle seat to allow for easy movement and leg stretching during the flight. If traveling by train or bus, consider booking an accessible seat with extra legroom. Avoid overcrowded public transportation whenever possible to reduce the risk of accidental bumps and falls.
  • Pack necessary supplies: It is important to pack essential supplies to support your recovery and comfort during the trip. This includes any prescribed medications, assistive devices like crutches or walking aids, and comfortable clothing and shoes. If you require any special equipment such as a raised toilet seat or shower chair, consider renting or arranging these items in advance at your destination.
  • Plan for accommodations: When booking accommodations, consider accessibility features such as elevators, ramps, and grab bars. Inform the hotel staff about your hip replacement surgery and any specific needs you may have. This will allow them to make necessary arrangements and assist you during your stay.
  • Take frequent breaks and stay hydrated: It is crucial to take regular breaks and stretch your legs during long journeys. This helps prevent stiffness and improves blood circulation. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as dehydration can increase the risk of blood clots.
  • Practice proper hygiene: Good hygiene is vital to prevent infections, especially during the post-surgery period. Carry hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes, and any necessary wound care supplies to maintain cleanliness. Avoid touching the incision area and always wash your hands before changing dressing or applying medication.
  • Follow your exercise and rehabilitation routine: Even while traveling, it is important to continue with your exercise and rehabilitation routine as recommended by your surgeon or physical therapist. This will help maintain joint flexibility, reduce stiffness, and aid in a smoother recovery process.

In conclusion, traveling internationally after a hip replacement surgery requires careful planning and preparation. By consulting your surgeon, timing your travel wisely, choosing the right mode of transportation, packing necessary supplies, planning for accommodations, taking frequent breaks, practicing proper hygiene, and following your exercise routine, you can ensure a safe and comfortable journey. Remember to always prioritize your health and well-being during your travels.

Navigating Air Travel Restrictions for Passengers with Disabilities

Traveling after a hip replacement surgery can be an exciting and enjoyable experience, but it's important to be prepared for any potential discomfort or medical issues that may arise during your trip. Here are some steps you can take if you experience discomfort or need medical attention while traveling after a hip replacement:

Be prepared before you travel:

  • Consult with your surgeon and/or healthcare provider before your trip to ensure you are physically ready to travel after your hip replacement surgery.
  • Pack any necessary medications, including pain relievers, antibiotics, and blood thinners, in your carry-on luggage.
  • Obtain a letter from your surgeon or healthcare provider that explains your medical condition and the need for any assistive devices, such as crutches or a cane.

Listen to your body:

  • Pay attention to any new or worsening pain, swelling, or discomfort in your hip area. It's important to listen to your body and not ignore any potential warning signs.
  • Take breaks and rest when needed. Avoid overexertion, as it may lead to increased discomfort or complications.

Seek medical attention if necessary:

  • If you experience severe pain, sudden swelling, or inability to bear weight on your operated leg, seek medical attention immediately. This could indicate a potential complication, such as an infection or dislocation, which may require prompt treatment.
  • If you are traveling internationally, research and locate nearby healthcare facilities or hospitals that offer orthopedic services. Keep their contact information handy in case you need to reach out to them.
  • Notify your travel companions or hotel staff of your situation and ask for assistance in getting medical help if needed.

Follow post-operative care instructions:

  • Follow your surgeon's post-operative care instructions, even while traveling. This may include regular icing of the surgical site, physical therapy exercises, and taking medications as prescribed.
  • If you have any concerns or questions about your recovery, contact your surgeon or healthcare provider for guidance.

Use assistive devices when necessary:

  • If you have been advised to use crutches, a cane, or a walker for stability and support, use them as directed. These assistive devices can help alleviate pressure on your hip and reduce the risk of falls or further injury.
  • If you are traveling by air, notify the airline in advance of your need for assistance or special accommodations, such as a wheelchair or extra legroom.
  • John had a hip replacement surgery six months ago and was scheduled to go on a beach vacation. During his trip, he experienced sudden pain and difficulty moving his operated leg. He immediately contacted the local hospital, where he was diagnosed with a dislocated hip. He underwent a reduction procedure and received the necessary medical attention to ensure his recovery.
  • Sarah was traveling internationally after her hip replacement surgery and experienced increased swelling and discomfort in her hip area. She referred to the contact information of a local orthopedic hospital provided by her surgeon. Upon visiting the hospital, she discovered that she had developed an infection in her surgical site. She received prompt medical treatment and was able to continue her trip after taking antibiotics and receiving follow-up care.

In conclusion, while traveling after a hip replacement surgery can be enjoyable, it's important to be prepared and aware of your body's signals. By listening to your body, seeking medical attention when necessary, and following post-operative care instructions, you can ensure a smooth and comfortable experience while traveling after a hip replacement.

Understanding the Travel Restrictions in Stowe: What You Need to Know

Frequently asked questions.

Yes, you can travel after having a hip replacement. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before making any travel plans. They will be able to assess your current condition and advise you on any necessary precautions you should take during your trip.

There are generally no specific restrictions on flying after a hip replacement. However, it is recommended to wait at least 6-8 weeks before taking a long flight to allow your body enough time to heal. During the flight, it is important to take regular breaks to walk around and stretch your legs to reduce the risk of blood clots.

While there may not be specific limitations on activities during travel after a hip replacement, it is important to avoid any strenuous activities that could put excessive strain on your hip joint. It is recommended to take frequent breaks and avoid carrying heavy luggage. Additionally, using mobility aids such as a cane or walker may be necessary to assist with walking longer distances.

It is advisable to take certain precautions when traveling after a hip replacement. These include packing necessary medications and ensuring you have proper travel insurance that covers any potential complications related to your hip replacement. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed to avoid overexertion. Additionally, informing the airline or transportation provider about your recent surgery and any mobility aids you may need can help ensure a smoother travel experience.

Naim Haliti

  • Naim Haliti Author Editor Reviewer Traveller

Melissa Carey

  • Melissa Carey Author Reviewer Traveller

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Nancy D Brown

What to expect after hip replacement and travel

feel better soon, susie cakes, monkey, cake, get well soon

Now that you’ve successfully had a total hip replacement, you may be wondering what to expect after hip replacement and travel. Everyone’s recovery from hip replacement is unique. With this post, I’ll attempt to share what this travel writer’s journey was like on the road to recovery and back to travel.

This is the third in a 4-part series that will help you deal with total hip replacement (THR) and travel.

Part 1: Denial to acceptance. Preparing for joint replacement surgery .

Part 2: Preparing for surgery

Part 3: Recovery and travel. What to expect after hip replacement and travel.

Part 4: On the travel road again

Disclaimer: Many people suffer from disabilities – either as a result of acquired disability, accidents, injuries, congenital or other factors. Fortunately, my disability is temporary, yet my experience opened my eyes to inclusive travel and the physical and emotional challenges disabled travelers face. I am fortunate to have had the choice of anterior approach hip replacement surgery.

nancy d brown, hip replacement, walker, john muir medical center, hospital

Precautions to take after hip replacement surgery

If  you sit either at an office or in a comfortable chair parked in front of the TV, remember to get up and walk every 30-45 minutes. This is just one of the tips my nurse practitioner shared with me on what precautions to take after hip replacement surgery.

Are you planning to travel anytime soon after hip replacement surgery? My surgeon recommended I wait six weeks before traveling by air. When you receive clearance from your doctor to fly again, you might want to consider wearing compression socks for airplane travel to prevent blood clots and deep vein thrombosis ( DVT).

A final tip from my nurse practitioner regarding hip replacement and travel. Set an alarm on your smart phone, or watch, to ring in 30-45 minutes. Get up and walk around every time the alarm rings. Your hip replacement will appreciate these exercises.

john muir medical center, john muir hospital, concord, california, cars

From walker to walking with your new hip replacement

If you have a truck or sport utility vehicle that is high off the ground, remember to bring a portable step stool for getting in and out of the vehicle during the early stages of recovery and when you leave the hospital.

Hip replacement and stairs

While I can only speak to my hip replacement, I imagine knee replacement might have the same approach to mastering stair climbing.  The key words to remember when ascending or descending stairs is “up with the good (leg) and down with the bad (leg).”  This mantra has helped me climb the 14 steps to and from my master bedroom.  I did spend the first night home sleeping downstairs in our daughter’s bedroom.

Have you had a hip or knee replacement? What tips do you have to share with others on what to expect with hip replacement and travel?

Related Post:

Preparing for hip replacement surgery What to expect before hip replacement surgery.

I would like to thank the doctors, nurses, physical therapists and staff members  of John Muir Medical Center, Concord who have provided assistance with this four-part series offering what to expect with total hip replacement (THR) and travel.

9 thoughts on “What to expect after hip replacement and travel”

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Great decision you made. So envious of your anterior hip approach! I am impressed – there has been so much progress since my hip replacement surgery almost 10 years ago, at age 55, with pain of bone grating on bone. I have a fading 9 inch long scar on side of my hip/leg. To celebrate my final post-surg checkup at 3 months I went home and pressed “go” on reservations for travel to a big conference in Indianapolis, then was delighted at 5 months to be able to cope with flight delays and huge amount of hiking around the multi-hotel conference site.

Airport security checks- yes, I always set off the metal detectors. It’s just a question of how loud and how the staff in that site and country choose to respond. Always get a least a partial pat-down by female agent, plus now the choice between full body scan or pat-down. I always allow extra time to go through security because of the unknowns. Worst I’ve heard – someone had to show her scar as proof! I also select travelling shoes for easy removal and putting back on. Yes, I wear prescription compression knee-hi’s for long flights.

Now even more complicated as I had an elbow replacement recently, after a freak accident, can’t yet bend it much and still frozen shoulder – so 2 pieces to set off the detectors, and can’t raise arms fully for scans! I carry a photo ID card from local hospital saying I have implants that set off security devices – I wave it along with my boarding pass and passport, and immediately after the noise, I point out that I have hip and elbow replacements on right side. More travel tips in another post.

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@NanC Wow! You have some great travel insight when it comes to dealing with joint replacements. You give me hope and remind me to allow more time for airport security screenings. Thanks for the tips!

For seating comfort on long flights (and events, eg seminars, soccer games) I carry a self-inflating Therma-Rest “Trail Seat” (abt 13 by 17 “)- rolls up and fits easily in carry-on bag. I bought a folding cane in a funky purple and pink pattern (might as well have some fun), also easy to tuck in carry-on bag. Given other chronic issues – lower back problems and weak leg from sciatica. nerve damage – I take the cane for support. The friend I was visiting in Mexico urged me to bring it for walking on cobblestone streets as she didn’t want me to become one of the “fallen women of San Migeul” . Last year the cane helped me feel more secure and independent as I climbed to the top of the Acropolis in Lindos and in Athens! Which brings me to the importance of exercise post- hip replacement, in order to do this travel as well as activities of daily living. Walking has been part of my lifestyle for years, as have deep water aquafit, swimming and Pilates. I returned to the pool when new session started about 3 months post-surgery (had to have strength to climb in and out of pool). Was able to drive myself there by then. Went back to Pilates at a different studio for private instruction about a year post-surgery. Then added Iyengar yoga at a studio a couple of blocks from home – the right yoga choice for me, with its highly trained teachers, attention to precision of movements, and use of props whenever needed (eg lean on a block when can’t stretch to touch floor). The past several years, have been doing personal fitness training with an excellent instructor at the Y. Then – came across a yoga and sea kayaking retreat – with assistance and a wider kayak, I could get in and out, sit comfortably and discovered I love kayaking! While travelling – can keep up the walking, swimming, Pilates and yoga (unkinks my hip and back).

@NanC Such great tips! I am anxiously awaiting my surgeon to approve my return to deep water aerobics. Hoping the ADA-approved lift will be fixed soon at our local aquatics center.

' data-src=

I read your first three and they were so inspiring. I was lucky to be able to read them a few days before going into surgery. I was able to get anterior, too. Thank you so much! But, I haven’t been able to find the 4th post in the series. Could you let me know how to find it! Your travel writing is excellent! Thanks, again!

@Dennis I’m so glad you have found my hip replacement and travel series helpful. The reason you are unable to find the 4th and final post in the series is because it hasn’t been written yet. I am seven weeks into my hip replacement and haven’t flown on an airplane yet. I will travel to Mazatlan, Mexico this weekend and let you know what it is like to be “on the travel road again.”

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The more I talk about the risks involved with travel – the more I feel I am psyching myself out and that something WILL happen. Caution and preparation is key, but I don’t think the fear should go overboard.

@Adison Risks are involved with travel, but it is all worth it in the end.

Pingback: Preparing for joint replacement surgery, one woman's journey | Nancy D Brown

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22 Best Fanny Packs and Belt Bags for Travel in 2024

Written by Becca

Updated on August 23rd, 2024

hip travel

What are the best fanny packs and belt bags for travel? Check this list of the best waist bags and hip packs for women travelers, before you book your next trip.

This article may contain affiliate links. We earn a small commissions when you purchase via those links — and it's free for you. It's only us (Becca & Dan) working on this website, so we value your support! Read our privacy policy and learn more about us .

Best Fanny Packs

  • lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L / 2L

Canvelle Fanny Pack

Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag

  • Moment Fanny Sling 2L

Hyperlite Mountain Gear Versa

Kibou Vegan Leather Bag

  • Quince All-Day Neoprene Belt Bag
  • Nike Elemental Premium 8L

Lux & Nyx Origami Belt Bag

SPI Crossbody Pouch

Kibou Mini Vegan Leather Fanny Pack

  • WANDRD All-New D1 Fanny Pack

Tortuga Travel Sling

TOPO Designs Mountain Waist Pack

Patagonia Black Hole Mini Hip Pack

Cotopaxi Coso 2L Hip Pack

  • Osprey Daylite Waist Pack

JanSport Fifth Ave Fanny Pack

Kånken Hip Pack

Herschel Settlement Hip Pack

Everlane Renew Transit Fanny Pack

LeSportSac Everyday Belt Bag

Call them what you want — fanny packs, waist bags, waist pouches, belt bags or hip packs — these types of travel bags that get slung around your hips are crucial, in my opinion, to convenience during a trip!

Wearing a fanny pack or waist pack during travel gives you a more hands-free flexibility than using a tote bag. It allows you to not have to flip your backpack to the front or take it off, if you just want to grab something quickly, like a phone or passport.

Having a bag around your waist is also a great way to keep lots of valuables in check, right in front of you, whether sightseeing, hiking or in the airport. I’ve really enjoyed keeping my passport, phone, wallet and headphones in a waist bag while flying, rather than having any of them in my personal item that gets stowed under a seat.

Browse our 5 favorite picks

  • lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L Check Availability
  • Canvelle Fanny Pack Check Availability
  • Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag Check Availability
  • Tortuga Travel Sling Check Availability
  • Quince All-Day Neoprene Belt Bag Check Availability

If you’re looking into a new waist pouch, belt bag or hip pack this season, why not check out the list below, which we’ve curated from the best travel brands? Read on, to see which fanny pack or waist pack is best for your upcoming trip.

lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L / 2L

I tried out this sleek and stylish belt bag from lululemon that can be worn as a waist pack or cross-body sling. Since getting this belt bag, we’ve seen so many people wearing this bag when we’re out and about. It is so popular and we’ve even had some friends buy it since we wrote about it here.

For these reasons, we’re naming it the #1 best belt bag in this “best of” list.

Women wearing the Everywhere belt bag from lululemon

Turning into a belt bag, it can be worn close to the shoulder and across your front. The strap adjusts all the way to 41.7”. I like the big buckle that makes a “snap” sound when you close it, and I also like the two elastics that hold the strap as it is adjusted into its different lengths.

Women wearing the Everywhere belt bag from lululemon

It has zippered pockets and an easy-access exterior pocket, along with one interior pocket for stashing valuables. I tried out the 2L version, and it holds a dab more than the 1L. It fits my wallet, my phone and my keys, and has space for a bunch of other daily essentials. Either one also makes a really nice gift for someone who’s always on the go.

You can see more photos at my lululemon belt bag review and if you’re also on the hunt for another style of a crossbody bag, head to see the lululemon gear I recommend at the best crossbody bags for travel .

hip travel

lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L

Keep your essentials close with the lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L, a perfect companion for the urban explorer.

Canvelle Fanny Pack

I became introduced to the Canvelle machine-washable fanny pack that comes in two convenient sizes, Oversized and Original. It’s a hands-free purse that I wear on my front and also on my back, and I like the gold zipper accents. When I mentioned my big fanny pack to my mom recently, she said, “Oh, you love that bag. You take it everywhere.” It’s true!

I turned the Canvelle fanny pack into my default day cross-body bag, and I like that it’s bigger, but it’s lightweight. It fits all my daily “stuff” from hand cream, hand sanitizer, keys, cards, wallet and phone, to more random items like even an entire water bottle.

Women wearing the Canvelle oversized fanny pack.

Canvelle’s fanny pack has several cool features, including numerous pockets. It has a secure zipper pocket inside the main compartment and a mesh pocket in front of it.

The front of the bag itself (in the “Oversized” size choice) has a second zipper pocket for things like keys, cards or tissues, and there’s a zipper pocket on the back as well, for whatever you please (it’s intended to be a water-resistant phone pouch!). There’s an interior key clip additionally that I use for my Canvelle flat wallet.

Women wearing the Canvelle oversized fanny pack.

For fanny pack colors, there’s Grey, Olive, Terracotta, Black and Quilted Black. I also have some of the patterned crossbody straps that you can purchase as add-ons. I have Black Jacquard for my Quilted Black fanny pack, and “Boho” for my Olive fanny pack.

hip travel

Use code HALFHALF15 to get 15% off your order, and learn more about the brand at my Canvelle brand page .

Canvelle fanny pack product photo.

Maintain your chic style on the move with the Canvelle Fanny Pack, combining fashion with function.

Photo via Canvelle

Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag

Are you new to the Public Rec brand ? The Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag is my favorite minimal and slim crossbody and waist bag that I cover in my Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag review .

hip travel

What I like about this belt bag is that it’s sleek and has lots of pockets. It’s also expandable. I like the shiny silver buckle that gives it a bit of pizzazz. I use this belt bag as my day-to-day bag for when I leave the house and all I need are my phone, wallet and keys, in a simple bag that I can throw into another larger tote or purse.

In its fanny pack form, the Public Rec belt bag was a great thing to bring as a waist pack on my and Dan’s trip to the Berkshires . I liked that I could easily and quickly convert it from a waist bag to a cross-body belt bag, whether we were hiking, shopping, walking or getting out of the car quickly at a rest stop during our road trip.

Public rec adapt belt bag product photo.

Stay organized on the go with the Public Rec Adapt Belt Bag, a sleek and practical accessory.

Photo via Public Rec

Moment Fanny Sling 2L

I like the down-to-earth and timeless look of these “fanny slings” from Moment. Coming in both 2-liter and 1-liter varieties, you can choose either, depending on how much you think you need to carry (or how big you like your sling bags to be). I liked trying out the Moment sling because I wanted to see how the materials felt, and they’re very lightweight with a very satisfying zipper.

hip travel

The 2L Moment Fanny Sling can be worn on either your shoulder or your hips like a hip pack, and it’s a great size overall. It can fit a small camera, or even a windbreaker, if folded up. It’s got a soft inner lining to keep everything safe, and rainstorm-proof construction. I liked checking out all the cool photo-savvy details like a little cleaning cloth on an elastic.

hip travel

If you like Moment, and you’re hunting for a new backpack as well, I recommend checking out our Moment Everything Backpack review .

Moment Fanny Sling

Embrace the convenience of the Moment Fanny Sling, a minimalist and functional solution for on-the-go storage.

Hyperlite Mountain Gear Versa

Hyperlite Mountain Gear is a company that makes camping backpacks, tents, camping sleep systems, apparel and outdoorsy accessories, so they know what’s up when it comes to adventure gear. Their Versa waist pack was designed to be a timeless type of fanny pack with ultimate versatility. This one’s a bit wide, so note the size: it measures 6 inches by 9 inches, but weighs in at only 5 ounces (wow?!).

When I’m wearing it, it’s hard to even tell I have it around my waist. It’s that level of weightless.

hip travel

So, it’s a super lightweight option for a travel waist bag and it has a waterproof construction meant to get you through hikes and any type of weather while on the road. That’s why I tried it out on a rainy day near home! What I like is the paper-like material with the crinkle effect that it’s made of. It kind of made me say, “Oh wow, I didn’t expect it to feel like this!”

hip travel

Standout features include a back slide-in phone pocket, front zipper pocket and space enough to even potentially fit a small water bottle. I also like the double zippers in the main pocket, and the petite buckle and thin strap. I prefer to wear this one as a fanny pack rather than a sling bag.

See why this ultra-lightweight waist bag is awesome for travel.

Kibou Vegan Leather Bag

Attention traveling moms (and dads): if you haven’t heard of the Kibou fanny pack sling bag, allow me to introduce it to you.

For a limited time: Join the list for 15% off your first order + get free shipping on orders $75+!

Shop the deal

Kibou was started by two cool moms who invented the first-ever diaper bag fanny pack, which is an incredible little belt bag to have on travel days, road trips and while changing a diaper on a plane . It’s a perfect little bag with a great design, and comes in a Mini version made of nylon , too.

hip travel

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a Kibou vegan leather crossbody pack to see what it was all about. Basically, it’s a place to put all your baby and child essentials, with bonus compartments of a waterproof zippered wipes sleeve and a fold-out changing pad that stashes into the backside.

The design is minimal, and the colors are bold and classy, like Blush, Olive, Charcoal, Smoky Indigo, Midnight and Jade. In the main compartment, I can fit sunglasses, my phone, a few diapers, a pacifier, diaper cream, hand sanitizer, keys, a slim wallet and a snack bar.

I’m looking forward to using my Kibou as a travel day fanny pack that I can go into a rest area with when we’re traveling with our baby , rather than my entire Deuter Up Seoul daypack that I use as a diaper bag right now. Check out the review of the Kibou that I posted, with even more photos.

Embrace style with the Kibou Vegan Leather Bag, a chic choice for the traveling parent.

Quince All-Day Neoprene Belt Bag

How adorable is Quince’s new neoprene belt bag? I tried out this waist bag and styled it both as a crossbody belt bag, as well as a snug hip pack around my middle. I have to say, it looks absolutely fantastic.

What I like, personally, about this travel fanny pack is that it’s lightweight, bold and comfortable. It’s fully adjustable, going from snug belt bag across my torso to a fanny pack on my waist or hips. There’s a zippered front pocket and a zippered main compartment that has a flap to protect your stuff from rain or elements.

hip travel

Is it sustainable? It’s made from 100% recycled nylon, and recycled water-resistant neoprene materials. And price-wise, this belt bag is priced competitively for what it is. At under $40, it’s almost a no-brainer when compared to more expensive options for a travel fanny pack that hold the same amount of stuff in 1 liter of volume.

hip travel

I like this travel belt bag from Quince and I think it’s going to be an essential part of future day trips and excursions.

Quince Neoprene Belt Bag

This cute waist bag and adjustable belt bag is minimal, cute and functional with its bold zippers and recycled materials.

Nike Elemental Premium 8L

This belt bag is the biggest one by volume in my list, and it’s big ! It’s also very affordable and often goes on sale (thanks, Nike!). As a highlight, it’s made from sustainable materials (recycled polyester fibers) and it’s sleek, modern and sporty.

If you’re on an active trip, or if you plan to be between hiking, activities and the hotel pool, I recommend the versatility of this bag.

The bag has a large double zipper compartment, front zipper pocket and two mesh inner pockets (with zippers). Honestly, this belt bag is so big that you could fit a sports water bottle, an extra shirt and maybe even a hiking shoe (just kidding).

It’s lightweight and comes in neutral colors, so it’s easily sharable with a sibling, friend or partner if you’re traveling together!

hip travel

As a short disclaimer, Nike gave me this product to try, and the opinions above are completely my own.

Nike Elemental Premium 8L Belt Bag

Gender-neutral and full of zippers, this sporty belt bag is spacious and sustainable.

Lux & Nyx Origami Belt Bag

I first noticed woman- and minority-owned brand Lux & Nyx for its satiny products that have the design theme of sleek “origami.” I was curious about the brand’s functional bags that are elevated for the stylish traveling woman.

hip travel

The company is an online-only seller of clutches, backpacks, handbags, crossbody bags and weekenders. Lux & Nyx aims to “keep the woman holding them confident and clutter-free.” I think the Lux & Nyx products work well for business travel, or for when you have semi-formal and formal (weddings!) occasions during a trip.

I tested the signature Origami Belt Bag , which looks cute as both a waist pack and crossbody sling. It’s refined, with a “victory sleeve” and interior zipper pocket hidden into the inner fabric. That’s a travel-forward feature that keeps things safe while in transit.

Inside, it has a D-ring for keys, and credit card slots, with a mesh pocket. I like the smooth adjustable strap, and the interesting magnetic buckle that I haven’t seen in other belt bags of this type. Some highlights are the upcycled leather trims, water-resistant interior and bold color choices like Crimson and Cardinal Red , which will add a pop of color to any outfit during travel.

A sleek and satiny belt bag with a hidden zipper pocket in origami-style design.

SPI Crossbody Pouch

The new SPI Crossbody Pouch came to me first as a cross-body tiny sling bag, and then I found out that it could double as a tiny waist bag.

SPI is a running company, and all their products are made for the outdoors and for convenience during workouts on the go . Last year though, when I got to try the SPI Crossbody Pouch for the first time, I started using it as a convenient sling pouch I could throw on as I was walking out the door to grab mail, take a walk around the block or go grab coffee.

I also used it as my #1 go-to pouch while going out bike riding, because I could have my phone and keys safely in there.

hip travel

As a bonus, and according to the product page on the SPI website , if you simply adjust it by double-wrapping it around your waist at the right length, it becomes a waist pack for running! Try that during your next trip when you want to work out during travels .

Stay organized on the go with the SPI Crossbody Pouch, a compact and savvy solution for carrying your essentials.

Kibou Mini Vegan Leather Fanny Pack

This mini fanny pack and belt bag from Kibou is such a cutie. Coming from one of my favorite brands ( Kibou ), the mini version of the original fanny pack is a compact “fit only what you need” waist pack that can be worn several ways.

hip travel

Among its cool features are the inner elastic pouch for protecting your phone’s screen, a key hook to keep keys in place, a waterproof “wet pocket” to hold wet wipes or sanitizing wipes and stain-resistant nylon lining. The nice exterior is vegan leather made from recycled textiles. It’s perfect for traveling parents who want to branch out from the full-size Kibou fanny .

hip travel

Not a fan of vegan leather? Try the Kibou Mini in black nylon , a please-all color and style.

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This perfectly-sized mini fanny pack can be worn as a belt bag, and comes in both vegan leather and nylon.

WANDRD All-New D1 Fanny Pack

The WANDRD D1 Fanny Pack is a modern and bold fanny pack that makes all other fanny packs look old-fashioned. Like the others we’ve mentioned, it can be worn cross-body, or at the hip like a hip pack.

I think one of the best features is the waterproof YKK zippers, along with the magnetic buckle that’s just a step above the competition.

You can fit a lot in this hip pack, which is meant to please anyone into photography. You’ll be able to fit a compact camera in here, along with your phone, wallet and keys (the big “don’t-leave-home-without-these” trifecta).

WANDRD D1 Fanny Pack

Experience hands-free convenience with the WANDRD D1 Fanny Pack, built for the essentials.

Tortuga Travel Sling

The Tortuga Travel Sling comes from the Tortuga Backpacks family of products and you may know some of their bags from my Tortuga Laptop Backpack review . This adjustable belt bag can be worn “however you want,” from a tight belt bag across your chest to a waist bag or hip pack on travel days.

hip travel

It’s versatile, just like all of Tortuga’s products. It’s not surprising that the quality is outstanding. With a 2.5-liter capacity and a weight of only 0.5 lbs when empty, it has cool build features like a magnetic buckle, YKK zipper hardware and weather-resistant waterproof fabric. All of these come in handy if you’re caught in a storm while sightseeing.

True to what I like about Tortuga’s backpacks, the interior is smart: it has mesh organization pockets, a key ring and an interior zipper mesh pocket for my coins, cards and packets of sanitizing wipes for on the go. You can see more about the background of the company at my Tortuga brand review .

You can get $20 off when you purchase it with a Tortuga travel backpack .

A smart and strong belt bag for travel with mesh pockets, strong zippers and versatile ways to wear.

TOPO Designs Mountain Waist Pack

We’ve liked TOPO Designs products, and the Mountain Waist Pack is a 2L outdoorsy bum bag for travelers.

TOPO Designs calls it the ideal adventure companion, to wear any way you want: over the shoulder or at your waist. This is a great hip bag for hiking and biking, with its big YKK zipper pulls and lightweight recycled nylon build.

Get outdoorsy with the TOPO Designs Mountain Waist Pack, a perfect carry-all hip bag.

Patagonia Black Hole Mini Hip Pack

Patagonia’s products always feel fun and fresh, even with their slight throwback designs that remind me a little bit of the 90s. The Mini Hip Pack is an ultralight fanny pack bag for travel that clocks in at 1 liter of volume! Does it remind you of a mini version of Dan’s Patagonia Black Hole Duffel ?

It’s not a big fanny pack at all, so it looks good on women, especially anyone who is petite. Much like the other hip packs and waist bags in this list, it easily extends with its adjustable strap and turns into a cross-body sling bag, just like that!

Other cool call-out features are that it is one-size-fits-all, and is crafted with 100% recycled body fabric, lining and webbing.

Compact and versatile, the Patagonia Black Hole Mini Hip Pack is perfect for your essentials on the go.

Cotopaxi Coso 2L Hip Pack

Leave it to Cotopaxi to make a cool hip pack type of fanny pack for the modern and rugged traveler. Of course, the Coso 2L Hip Pack - Cada Día comes in funky color combinations that will turn heads.

This waist bag also converts into a cross-body sling, and is great for both men and women. You could even use one among the entire family (or share it with a friend).

This hip pack has multiple grab handles, a back zippered pocket for security, and an interior fleece-lined pocket for a phone. Check out the innovative design at the Coso 2L product page .

Keep your essentials close with the Coso 2L Hip Pack, perfect for hands-free convenience.

Osprey Daylite Waist Pack

This waist pack from Osprey is for the hiker and adventurer. If you’re familiar with the Osprey brand, you may know we also recommend their backpacking backpacks in our list of the best travel backpacks for women !

This waist bag is not a fashion statement, but it will certainly be your chosen hip pack for hiking, backpacking and long-term travel. It also comes at an affordable price point for the budget-minded backpacker.

Osprey Daylite Hip Pack

Perfect for quick outings or festivals, the Daylite Waist Pack offers compact storage for your essentials without sacrificing style.

JanSport Fifth Ave Fanny Pack

JanSport has never been the fashion-forward style choice for travelers, but (!) JanSport is a brand that has stood the test of time and is trusted by anyone into a quality backpack or waistpack.

The JanSport fanny pack is lightweight and spacious, and converts to an over-the-shoulder cross-body belt bag, too. It’s ideal for camping and hiking, but could be your sling bag companion on your next city trip, too.

Carry your essentials in style with the JanSport Fifth Ave Fanny Pack, combining classic design and practicality.

Kånken Hip Pack

As you could’ve guessed, the Kånken Hip Pack from Fjallraven is pretty adorable! Just like the backpacks from Fjallraven, this waist pack comes in more colors than you could dream of. One of the benefits of buying from this brand is that Fjallraven offers lifetime repairs!

This hip pack is unisex, so don’t be surprised if someone else in your hiking group asks to borrow it! At its petite size, it’s only 135 g (0.29 lb) before you put anything in it, and it’ll fit your essentials.

The Kånken Hip Pack provides stylish, compact storage for your essentials, a perfect companion for city exploration or outdoor adventures.

Herschel Settlement Hip Pack

Herschel has made an on-trend hip pack that’ll serve as a cool and timeless fanny pack for travelers. The Settlement Hip Pack is specifically designed to fit your essentials (phone-wallet-keys). It comes in a very nice assortment of colors that’ll stand the test of time, like Ash Rose and Ivy Green.

I like that this one also converts to a cross-body sling pack. If you’re itching to see the other fanny packs that Herschel makes, check out the Settlement Hip Pack Quilted version , which is like “carrying your essentials on a cloud.”

Compact yet spacious, the Herschel Settlement Hip Pack provides on-the-go storage without weighing you down.

Everlane Renew Transit Fanny Pack

I really like look of this minimalist and modern fanny pack from Everlane, which they call The Renew Transit Fanny Pack . It has a wide build, so it’s not a snug and compact waist bag like some of the others in this list. It won’t be going out of style anytime soon.

Fun fact: this product is made from recycled bottles! It also comes in fresh colors, and you can definitely wear it in a waist pack fashion or a cross-body sling style.

Get the Everlane Renew Transit Fanny Pack, a stylish and minimal belt bag for travel.

LeSportSac Everyday Belt Bag

I have worn my LeSportSac fanny pack all over the world! I got it in 2019 and it has come with me on all my trips since then. What I like about it is that it has two separate pockets, has a thick adjustable strap and that it is super lightweight.

hip travel

It’s a classic style from LeSportSac, which is a classic brand. When I’m not wearing this belt bag, I just empty it and toss it in my backpack or other bag that’s with me on a trip.

I’ve even tried maxing out the adjustment of the strap to make it into a cross-body sling bag while biking in NYC.

Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Check out these photos of how I used this fanny pack during my trips to both Antigua, Guatemala and Merida, Mexico .

Keep your essentials close with the LeSportSac Everyday Belt Bag, a stylish and convenient solution for on-the-go storage.

Why should you trust me?

I’ve personally tested a large number of the fanny packs and belt bags you see here, and I’ve tested them during my travels, both at home and abroad!

I’ve been traveling for years, for all sorts of purposes, from backpacking Southeast Asia in my 20s to traveling for business in my 30s. Having a trusty and convenient pack around my waist is crucial, whether I’m traveling on a babymoon with Dan or flying for a one-day business trip .

I’ve looked for belt bags and waist packs that have great features like expandability, pockets, great styles, sustainable factors and affordable prices. I hope you trust my choices on this list so that you find the travel bag that is right for your next trip!

Pin Your Favorites on Pinterest!

Pinterest image from the '22 Best Fanny Packs and Belt Bags for Travel in 2024' article on Half Half Travel

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Travel Belles

Travel For Adventurous Women

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6 Hip & Trendy Moscow Restaurants Where Locals Dine & Wine!

Long gone are the days of the dreary and dark Moscow in which people lined up for hours on end for a loaf of bread. Now, the Russian capital is a thriving and contemporary city full of flavour – and that includes incredible eateries. Beyond the traditional Eastern European flavours, Moscow is one of those cities where trends are born. The number of sleek and trendy eateries in town is quite astounding!

Take a culinary trip down the greatest capital of Eastern Europe and enjoy the most exciting foodie experiences Moscow has to offer. Beautiful restaurant design, fascinating culinary fusions, and incredible service await. Head to the cool places where true Moscovites and expats go!

  • 15 Kitchen & Bar – The Cool Hole-in-the-Wall

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A hidden little gem, it’s hard to reach 15 Kitchen & Bar if you’re not specifically looking for it. The design of this place is just wonderful: colourful and with hipster sensibilities, there’s a whole lot of clear woods and splashes of colour, particularly hues similar to turquoise and aqua. There’s also lovely industrial vibe about the décor, with its concrete-filled spaces. If you’re visiting in the summer, make sure to dine at the backyard – and have your camera ready because you’ll definitely want to snap it away.

I absolutely love the cocktails in this place, and I think they should at least make the list of the best in town. Their auteur and best-selling drink Seven, inspired by Asian flavours, is a definite must-try. Plus, the bartenders are super friendly – and the bar area turns into a dance floor on weekend evenings!

hip travel

Besides its dreadfully cute interior, delicious cocktails and somewhat hidden vibe, I love that there’s always something exciting going on in the kitchen. They change cooks every three months, and each of them brings a completely new approach to cuisine. The menu is enticing and ever-changing, just what I crave from a cool eatery.

  • Strelka – A Bar for Architecture & Design Experts

hip travel

The Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design is a Moscow-based educational project focused on media and art – and it’s also home to the fun Strelka Bar . The heart of this iconic institute, it’s one of the most popular bars in Red October, Moscow’s iconic party island downtown. 

With an international menu and a fairly broad cocktail list, it’s not quite my favourite eatery – but it’s certainly one of my fave spots to hang out. The perfect place for a lazy afternoon, prepping before a party in the area.

In the summertime, Strelka opens its terrace for some of the loveliest views in town. Facing the Moscow river, you’ll be opposite Christ the Saviour Cathedral, basking in the incredible and hip atmosphere. A downright perfect place to catch a Moscovite sunset, not just for the lovely views but also the fun and hip ambiance. 

  • Saxon and Parole – A Manhattan Experience

hip travel

A sister to the New York restaurant of the same name, Saxon and Parole takes a bit of Manhattan to Moscow’s peculiar foodie scene. Located in my favourite area in town, Patriarshiye Prudy, it’s a beautiful place decorated in a fairly luxurious manner. Classic American luxury at its best, it’s a broad space in earth tones, with a fairly equine sensibility. You’ll find references to horses everywhere you look here, as the restaurant’s name comes from two famous New York racehorses from the 19th century.

In the summer, this becomes one of the most popular eateries in Patriks – perfect for some people-watching. Plus, the service is some of the best in town, as the restaurant’s entire concept is based on hospitality.

hip travel

The food at Saxon and Parole is all-American, from salads and seafood to the star: steak. It’s a wonderful place to get meat yearning out of your system, and the steaks are superb, often barbecued and with a great love for the meat. They also have a fantastic Angus beef burger, if you’re feeling like something a little more down-to-earth.

The luxurious look and the relatively casual food make for a fun combination here. Quite the New Yorker experience halfway across the world!

  • Cutfish – A Japanese Gastropub

hip travel

Another Patriarch Ponds gem, Cutfish is the place to go when your body demands to be fed sushi. The flavors are markedly Japanese, mostly focused on sushi but also exploring a few other elements in Asian cuisine. There’s a fusion of taste at play here, with fun and unassuming approach to cooking, with its open kitchen for the whole world to see. I particularly love their tuna carpaccio and crab cakes, not to mention the superb wine list. It’s quite the place to explore different flavours based on the traditions of the East. Lots of fish and greens, prepared with the freshest ingredients.

Besides its delicious and fascinating menu, another thing I love about Cutfish is its design. It’s very straightforward and simple, with a natural approach with tinges of industrial and Japanese. It’s a feast for the eyes – and the stomach!

  • Pinch – A Vibrant Atmosphere for Friends

hip travel

Serving everything from breakfast to dinner, the Pinch vibe is one of the most fun throughout Moscow. A very cosy eatery, the venue is fairly small and the tables are quite close to each other, which in turn makes for a very intimate feel. 

You end up sitting near every other patron on the cool wooden tables, feeling a little like a new family stuck together. It’s also the best place to have dinner before a night of barhopping or partying!

Dark and moody, I love the bar feel with the open kitchen. Serving international flavours in small plates to serve, my tip recommendations are the truffle carpaccio, crab cannelloni, burrata and beef from the charcoal grill. Start off our evening with one of their huge glasses of champagne and rock and roll!

  • Uilliam’s – The Most Popular Café in Patriks

hip travel

A hangout for all types of people passing through Patriarch Ponds, Uilliam’s is always full of people. While the brunch is pretty good, the food isn’t what keeps driving me back to this place – it’s the atmosphere. A meeting point for the hip crowd, it’s a great place to have a glass of wine – and in the hotter months, they open the windows, offering a lovely chance for people-watching. Loved the cosy design and décor, with a touch of hipster!

The Moscow gastronomy has so much to offer for every taste – and I hope this list serves as a fun opening point to get to know the city’s hip places and flavours!

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About the author.

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Linda Voltaire


Travel with a Silver Lining is the go to travel blog for conscious & curious travellers! It is home to reviews of the best boutique & design hotels, hip & trendy eateries as well as off the beaten track and the popular Instagram photography guides. 

Linda Voltaire, the founder of the blog, started blogging during a 3 months trip across South America in 2017. There and then she realised how much she loved not only to travel but also to share her travel experiences with others.

The rest is history and now you can find around 200 blog posts from all over the world on the blog. For more inspiration, follow her on Instagram ,   Facebook and Pinterest !

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The 11 Best Hip Packs You (Yes, Even You) Should Actually Buy

Say goodbye to annoying backpack straps … and hello to your new favorite fanny pack.

hip pack buying guide lululemon roark rapha

By Hayley Helms

Every product is carefully selected by our editors. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission.  Learn more

Fanny packs, waist packs, hip packs — whatever you call them, the ubiquitous 1990s accessory is back . While fashion designers may be incorporating them into their runway shows, the real place the hip pack shines is in motion.

best hiking backpacks

Whether on the trails or on the road, a waist pack is an easy, lightweight alternative to a hefty backpack or a hydration pack while riding. The fanny packs of years past filled with pens , snacks and an autograph book (let’s be honest, I never wore mine anywhere besides Disneyland), have been updated with pockets and longer-lasting fabric.

While you can sport one of these pretty much anywhere, the two places where you’ll get the most use out of them is on day hikes and mountain bike rides. When you’re hiking up a mountain, there’s absolutely no need for you to carry a huge pack. All you need is a water bottle , snacks and an extra layer — all of which can fit in a hip pack.

Products in the Guide

Best Overall Hiking Hip Pack

Most Minimal Hiking Hip Pack

Best Hydration Hip Pack

Best Ultralight Hiking Hip Pack

Best Overall Biking Hip Pack

Coolest Biking Hip Pack

Best Biking Hip Pack for Long Rides

Best Adventure-Ready Travel Hip Pack

Most Unique Travel Hip Pack

Sleekest Travel Hip Pack

Best Budget Travel Hip Pack

For ripping up trails on an MTB, a hip pack is an easy way to ditch cumbersome backpacks. Any core repair items and snacks can go in the pack along with pressure gauges, tools and CO2 canisters. Some hip packs for cycling now come with hydration options inside, so you can fit water in there as well. It’s an easy way to take a load off your back.

Hiking Hip Packs

Patagonia ultralight black hole mini hip pack.

patagonia ultralight black hole mini hip pack 1l

Patagonia Ultralight Black Hole Mini Hip Pack 1L

  • $35.00 at Patagonia
  • Fabric is recycled and ultralight
  • Strap feels thin and weak compared to durable body fabric
  • Capacity: 1.0 liter
  • Colorways: 7

You know that Black Hole duffel you love lugging around on your most epic adventures? Yeah, this is just like that — but bite-size. Made with the same tough recycled nylon fabric as the rest of the Black Hole line, Patagonia’s hip pack is made for tough trails and easy treks alike, and can withstand both sunny and inclement weather.

Topo Designs Mountain Waist Pack

topo designs mountain waist pack

  • $49.00 at
  • Bright colors make it easy to keep track of
  • Lightweight and comfortable to wear
  • Really small pocketing makes it hard to bring more than keys and a phone
  • Capacity: 2.0 liters
  • Colorways: 6

Over-packers — this hip pack may not be your perfect fit. I love it because it is an exercise in restraint: I can only pack the essentials, which keeps the load light on hikes. The Mountain Waist Pack can fit a smartphone, keys and some lip balm, and that’s about it. (It has a two-liter capacity compared to Patagonia’s one-liter hip pack, but still feels more shallow.) If you’re going on a shorter hike and don’t mind carrying your water bottle in your hand, great! You’ll be well served by the heavy-duty YKK zippers, lightweight but strong recycled nylon and seatbelt webbing strap.

Osprey Talon 6

osprey talon 6 waist pack

Osprey Talon 6 Waist Pack

  • $90.00 at REI
  • Integrated water bottle holders are sturdy
  • Bulky compared to more minimal hip packs
  • Capacity: 6.0 liters
  • Pockets: 4, plus 2 water bottle holders
  • Colorways: 3

In complete contrast to Topo Designs’ Mountain Waist Pack, the Talon 6 is for the hiker who wants to bring everything in their hip pack. It’s bulky, and can really only be worn as a fanny pack — no slinging it across your chest. The dual pockets on the Talon 6 are ideal for water bottles, and the extra pockets along your hips hold all the tiny essentials like keys or a pocketknife. This thing is less looks, more utility, and we’re cool with that. If you want something smaller than a hiking pack but more ample than some of the more trend-driven hip packs, this baby is where it’s at.

Hyperlite Mountain Gear Vice Versa

hyperlite mountain gear vice versa

  • $59.00 at
  • Dyneema fabric is incredibly lightweight and strong — don't worry about ripping this thing
  • Thin strap can be a little uncomfortable if hip pack is loaded too heavy
  • Capacity: 1.3 liters
  • Colorways: 2

HMG is known for using Dyneema — an ultra-strong, thin and lightweight ripstop fabric — in all of its packs and tents, and the Vice Versa gets the treatment as well. The younger sibling to the brand’s Versa hip pack, the Vice Versa is a teeny tiny hip pack meant for the minimalists among us. Designed to be worn with a pack or alone, this is the perfect little package to stuff your phone, keys or snacks — but one at a time, please. It’s 100-percent waterproof, less than three ounces and ready for adventure.

ski poles in a mountain landscape with a hike headline and outdoor badge icon

Biking Hip Packs

Rapha trail hip pack.

rapha trail hip pack

  • $90.00 at Rapha
  • Design helps stability and avoids bouncing on bumpy rides
  • Pockets can be hard to access
  • Capacity: 3.0 liters
  • Pockets: 4 (including water bottle pouches)

Whether you’re riding smooth trails or rutted out backroads, this waist pack stays nice and snug — no excessive bouncing. For anyone looking for a midsized hip pack that’s both easy on the eyes and the wallet, it’s hard to go wrong with this sleek option from Rapha. Sure, the pockets can be a little tricky to access on the go, but that’s sort of par for the course with smaller packs in general. The bottle pockets are snug and secure, and while the internal organization/ drawcord combo allow you to fit more than you’d think, the pack does feel smaller than its three liter billing.

Mission Workshop The Axis

hip packs are back here are 5 that dont look dumb gear patrol the axis

  • $195.00 at
  • Minimal design helps this blend in anywhere
  • Pricier than some backpacks
  • Capacity: 2.5 liters
  • Colorways: 11

We tested The Axis on the Kingdom Trails in Northeastern Vermont, and it continuously impressed each tester who gave it a try. The minimalist design combined with rugged materials makes for a pack that’s easy to wear and comfortable all day long.

Dakine Hot Laps 2L Waist Pack

dakine hot laps 2l bike waist bag

  • $55.00 at Amazon
  • Maximizes hydration on the trail
  • Not waterproof
  • Pockets: 3 (including water bottle holders)

The Hot Laps pack is perfect for singletrack laps. Dakine cracked the code on the ideal hip pack: abrasion-resistant fabric, a fleece lined pocket and loads of internal pockets. Pop out the bonus side pocket and throw in an extra water bottle if needed.

a helmet on a road landscape with a bike headline and outdoor badge icon

Travel Hip Packs

Roark compadre bag.

roark compadre bag

  • $59.00 at
  • Padded trap is comfortable on long travel days
  • Bulkiness can take some getting used to

If you’re the type that likes to make sure you have everything you need at your fingertips (and let’s get real, maybe a little extra) while you’re traveling, Roark’s do-it-all hip pack should be your go-to. It’s the most structured of all the hip packs we’ve tried, but it’s cushioned enough where it’s still comfortable to wear as a sling or on your hips — although we prefer the former. It’s got compartments inside so that you can stash your point-and-shoot, phone, passport and a snack or two… along with your earbuds, sunglasses, lip balm and whatever else you feel like putting in there. The bulkiness of the structured design can take some getting used to, but once you get used to having everything you want and your hands free, it’s going to be hard to go back.

Cotopaxi Del Dia Kapai 3L Hip Pack

cotopaxi kapai 3l hip pack

Cotopaxi Kapai 3L Hip Pack

  • $45.00 at
  • One-of-a-kind colorways means you'll never mix your pack up with someone else's
  • Colorways can be pretty loud
  • Colorways: Assorted

Cotopaxi is known for its bright and bold colorways — each Del Dia pack is made with hand-picked, repurposed scrap materials, making each bag one-of-a-kind. The Kapai Hip Pack continues that tradition. Along with its unique colorway, it also includes some useful features like a top handle for easy grabbing, a fleece-lined sleeve for your phone, a zippered front accessory pocket and a wide belt that doesn’t pinch or dig in.

Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag

everywhere belt bag lululemon

  • $38.00 at Lululemon
  • Internal mesh pocketing provides useful segmentation
  • Not for over-packers
  • Colorways: 10

Lululemon knew what it was doing when it named this hip pack: they’re literally everywhere. Everyone from your favorite fitness influencer to your mom and dad are wearing one, and we love ours for its sleek look, thoughtful pocketing and luxe feel. If you’re traveling and want a hip pack that can be worn under or over a coat, around your waist or as a sling, there’s probably no more widely available or comfortable pack we can think of.

Eagle Creek Ranger XE Waist Pack 3L

eagle creek ranger xe waist pack 3l

  • $39.00 at
  • Adjustable belt fits a variety of waists
  • Thin belt makes can be uncomfortable

If you’re looking for a wallet-friendly fix for your hip pack needs, look no further. With an adjustable belt that can accommodate a wide variety of waists, to the 100-percent recycled fabrics, this is a hard-working belt bag than can hang with the best of them. It’s not flashy, and three liters can be a lot while traveling, but if you want something of quality that’s under fifty bucks, you can’t go wrong with Eagle Creek’s entry into the hip pack game.

collage of different packing cubes

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How Soon Can You Fly After Hip Replacement? | Safe Timeline

hip travel

How Soon Can You Fly After Hip Replacement? 🛫

Undergoing hip replacement surgery marks a significant step towards reclaiming your mobility and leading a pain-free life. But as you navigate through the recovery process, one question that often bubbles up is, “How soon can you fly after hip replacement?” Let’s dive straight into this query, shall we?

The Short Answer

You’re likely itching to get back to your travel plans, but patience is key. Generally, flying after a hip replacement requires a waiting period to ensure your safety and comfort. Most health professionals recommend a waiting period of about 4 to 6 weeks for short-haul flights and up to three months for those long-haul adventures. These guidelines are there for good reasons, mainly to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and ensure your surgical wound has healed nicely.

Understanding the Wait 🕒

The timeline for when you can hit the skies again isn’t plucked from thin air. It’s grounded in solid medical advice and the need to mitigate risks that come with flying post-surgery.

Table 1: Recommended Waiting Periods for Different Travel Modes Post-Hip Replacement

What factors into this timeline.

It’s not just about marking days off the calendar. Several factors influence when you can confidently stride through the airport, boarding pass in hand.

  • Healing Progress: Your body’s healing timeline is unique. While the surgical site might look good on the outside, internal healing is what counts.
  • Comfort Levels: Can you sit comfortably for extended periods? Comfort is crucial, especially when confined to an airplane seat.
  • Travel Necessities: Depending on your destination, you’ll want to be sure you can navigate the trip without putting undue stress on your new hip.

Making the Journey Safe 🛡️

Got the green light from your doc? Fantastic! Here are some tips to make your flight as smooth as your new hip joint.

Table 2: In-Flight Recommendations for Post-Hip Replacement Passengers

Risks to keep on your radar.

Flying too soon isn’t just about discomfort. It can lead to serious health complications, such as:

  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): A blood clot in a deep vein, usually in your leg, which can become life-threatening if it travels to your lungs.
  • Pulmonary Embolism (PE): This happens when a blood clot gets lodged in an artery in the lungs, blocking blood flow.
  • Delayed Healing: Jumping on a plane too early could interfere with how well and how quickly your hip heals.

Activities and Precautions Post-Surgery 🚶‍♂️

As you ponder over flight tickets, don’t forget about keeping active and safe post-surgery. Here’s what’s advised:

Table 3: Post-Surgery Activities: Dos and Don’ts

🛫 deep dive into flying post-hip replacement.

Flying after a hip replacement does come with its set of challenges and considerations. It’s not just about the waiting period; it’s also about how you prepare for the flight and what you do during it. Here’s what you need to know to make your journey smoother:

Pre-Flight Preparations

  • Medical Clearance: This is a non-negotiable. Your surgeon’s approval is your ticket to fly. They know the ins and outs of your recovery and can give you the best advice.
  • Special Assistance: Airlines are equipped to help passengers with recent surgeries. Don’t shy away from requesting wheelchair assistance or priority boarding to ease your airport experience.
  • Seat Selection: Paying a bit extra for that aisle seat with extra legroom can make a world of difference. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about health – facilitating circulation and making it easier to stretch or walk around.
  • Travel Insurance: Ensure your policy covers complications related to hip replacement surgery. It’s better to have it and not need it than the other way around.

During the Flight

  • Stay Active: Even a short walk to the bathroom or simple leg stretches can boost your circulation, significantly reducing the risk of DVT.
  • Hydration is Key: Air travel is dehydrating, and dehydration can increase the risk of blood clots. Drink water regularly throughout the flight.
  • Compression Stockings: These are your best friends when it comes to preventing DVT. Wear them throughout the flight for added safety.
  • Medications on Hand: Keep your medications with you, not in your checked luggage. This includes pain relievers and any blood thinners prescribed by your doctor.

Post-Flight Recovery

After landing, give yourself time to recover from the flight. Continue with gentle exercises and follow any specific instructions from your healthcare provider. Monitor for any signs of DVT or infection and contact a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

📊 Relevant Tables & Bullet Points for Quick Reference

Table 1: checklist for safe air travel post-hip replacement, table 2: in-flight strategies to prevent dvt, table 3: post-flight recovery tips, practical considerations and adjustments.

  • Adjust Your Expectations: Your first few trips post-surgery might not be as smooth as you’re used to. Give yourself grace and time to adjust.
  • Plan for Rest Stops: If you’re traveling by car post-flight, plan for frequent stops to stretch and walk around. This keeps your circulation going and reduces the risk of complications.
  • Stay Connected: Keep your healthcare provider informed about your travel plans and any concerns that arise during or after your trip.

Maximizing Comfort and Safety During Recovery

After undergoing hip replacement surgery, your primary focus should be on recovery and rehabilitation. However, if travel is necessary, there are strategies to maximize comfort and safety.

Understanding Recovery Milestones

  • Immediate Recovery (0-2 Weeks): Focus on rest and follow your surgeon’s advice closely. This period is crucial for initial healing.
  • Early Rehabilitation (2-6 Weeks): Gradually increase activity levels under guidance. Assess your mobility and comfort for short travels.
  • Advanced Recovery (6-12 Weeks): Continue physical therapy and exercises. Evaluate readiness for longer travel based on healing progress and surgeon’s approval.

Pre-Travel Checklist

  • Surgeon Consultation: Your surgeon’s approval is paramount. Discuss your travel plans and get personalized advice based on your recovery progress.
  • Travel Insurance: Ensure your policy covers medical emergencies related to your recent surgery.
  • Accommodation Considerations: Choose accommodations that are accessible and won’t strain your mobility. Consider the need for elevators, the presence of stairs, and the availability of medical facilities nearby.

Packing Essentials

  • Medical Documentation: Carry a letter from your surgeon and a copy of your medical records detailing your condition and surgery.
  • Medication: Pack enough prescribed medication for the entire trip, plus some extra in case of delays.
  • Comfort Items: Include items that will aid your comfort and recovery, such as a travel pillow, compression stockings, and over-the-counter pain relief.

Travel Tips for Hip Replacement Patients

Choosing the right mode of travel.

  • Air Travel: Ideal for long distances but requires careful planning to minimize the risk of DVT and ensure comfort.
  • Car Travel: Offers flexibility but necessitates frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
  • Train Travel: Provides more room to move compared to airplanes but still requires mobility planning.

During the Journey

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly to avoid dehydration.
  • Frequent Movement: Perform simple leg exercises and walk around periodically to promote blood circulation.
  • Comfort Measures: Use pillows or blankets to support your hip and maintain a comfortable position.

Upon Arrival

  • Rest and Recuperate: Allow yourself time to rest after your journey before engaging in any strenuous activities.
  • Continue Physical Therapy: Stick to your rehabilitation exercises to aid your recovery, even while traveling.
  • Monitor Your Health: Be vigilant for any signs of complications, such as increased pain, swelling, or signs of infection, and seek medical advice if needed.

Table 1: Mode of Travel Considerations

Table 2: packing checklist for post-surgery travel, table 3: post-arrival recovery tips, 🔄 recap and conclusion- how soon can you fly after hip replacement.

Flying after hip replacement surgery is a significant milestone in your recovery journey. With the right preparations and precautions, you can ensure a safe and comfortable trip. Remember, the key to flying safely is not just waiting for a certain number of weeks post-surgery but also taking active steps to reduce your risk of complications such as DVT. Always consult with your healthcare provider to get personalized advice based on your specific situation.

In summary, most individuals can consider flying as early as 4 to 6 weeks post-hip replacement for short flights, with long-haul flights generally recommended after 3 months, depending on individual recovery and surgeon’s advice. By taking the right precautions and preparing adequately, you can make your post-hip replacement flight a smooth and safe journey.

About The Author



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Moscow, Idaho: A Hip College Town Worth a Visit

Moscow, idaho, a liberal hole in the donut.

By Lindsay Redifer

Where? Located about an hour away from Spokane , Washington in the heart of Idaho’s mountains.

WHY GO Moscow is nestled in the heart of some of Idaho’s most scenic mountains. It overlooks rolling hills and enjoys some of the most beautiful sunsets in the northwest. Moscow is a very liberal community, often honored by visiting authors, festivals, and plenty of local talent.

Every year new musical groups form and more local writers are published. Moscow is home to the University of Idaho, the host of the annual Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival . Lionel Hampton himself used to come before he passed away in 2002. Enjoy hundreds of jazz musicians young and old who perform for the students of the UI and their guests. There are also workshops, jam sessions, and opportunities to meet all of the musicians while they’re off the stage.

Perhaps the best reason to visit Moscow, ID is the people. Moscow’s main focus is the community, making the locals some of the friendliest people in the West.

Moscow is in bloom in the spring. This is a great time of year to visit the campus, see student artwork, and traverse the streets of downtown. February is our annual Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival. This is an exciting time to be a part of the Moscow community. Our summers are balmy and breezy. Stay a weekend or a month, either way, you’ll hate to leave.


By Plane Planes fly into both Lewiston, Idaho, (fifteen minutes away), and Spokane, Washington, (one hour away). From there you can rent a car or take a bus!

By Car You can drive to Moscow, Idaho if you live in one of the neighboring states.

Getting Around

Moscow is a great town to walk or ride your bike in. Feel free to drive, but keep in mind that everything is close together so hardly any time is lost during a leisurely walk. If you want to go beyond Moscow you can ride the commuter bus to Pullman, (an eight-mile drive), and back again. If you have a student with you, you ride for free.


Downtown Moscow is filled with great food and lots of curio shops. Also, every Saturday morning in downtown’s Friendship Square is an authentic Farmer’s Market . There one can find fresh vegetables, ethnic jewelry, fresh bread, and live entertainment. A visit to the Jazz Festival ensures hundreds of attractions every day. Just pick up a program and choose from concerts, speeches, intimate performances, and workshops.


All of Moscow is a little off-beat, but there are still extremes worth trying out. There are also centers of worship for Buddhists, Baha’i, Mormons, Christian Scientists, and Hindus. Just outside of Moscow in a town called Genesee is a Tao hermitage that is open during the Spring and Summer (call ahead).


Stop by the Moscow Information Center on Main Street for any information about the town. Also, don’t hesitate to ask one of the natives for any advice or directions.


The Moscow Yoga Center holds lessons for dance, yoga, NIA, and Ecstatic Dance. Meditation is also taught and the local practitioners of the Sufi faith hold their Dances of Universal Peace there. The more adventurous travelers might want to try camping on Moscow Mountain. There are many great sites and it’s a short drive from town.

Moscow, Idaho


There are lodgings at the University Inn and several other small hotels. Trailers and motorhomes are welcome as well.

There’s plenty to choose from as far as food in Moscow. Basilio’s offers traditional Italian, seafood, and steak at reasonable prices. The Pita Pit is a favorite among students for fast, healthy food and late hours. Here are reviews of the restaurants in Moscow from TripAdvisor.

Mikey’s Gyros offers exceptional Greek food and live performances are guaranteed on Thursday or Friday nights. The Moscow Food Co-Op recently opened a small cafe for those wanting natural, vegetarian food.


The entertainment in Moscow is often given by visiting artists. However, there is almost always a visiting artist in town. Operas, African dance troops, international symphonies, and Broadway acting troops are never far away.

Also, don’t miss some of the local actors. The UI campus has several theaters and lots of performances year-round of locally written and Broadway plays. Check out the annual Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in February! [email protected]


Book People, a unique bookstore in Moscow, Idaho.

One of the most popular places in town is the small bookstore named Book People. Here one can relax with a magazine and a cup of coffee, search for rare books or enjoy a poetry reading.

BEST SHOPPING Downtown offers some of the most diverse shopping. With the Farmer’s Market, antique shops, bookstores, coffee shops, and music stores, it has plenty to offer any visitor.

Moscow also has the Palouse Mall , which is connected to a Michael’s, Jo-Ann’s Fabric, a Rite-Aid, and a Hastings.

MONEY AND COMMUNICATIONS Money is not anything worth stressing over in Moscow. The most expensive meal in town is about $20.00 and the cheapest is around $4.00. Remember that Moscow is a college town so prices tend to be more than reasonable.

BEST RESOURCES Moscow’s gems often seem hidden, but don’t be afraid to go digging for them. Keep your eyes open for flyers announcing events, ads in the paper, and posters all around town. City of Moscow Moscow Chamber of Commerce

University of Idaho

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3 thoughts on “ Moscow, Idaho: A Hip College Town Worth a Visit ”

who writes these articles 🤣🤣 this guy has never been here and don’t bother coming, we don’t want you here anyways 🤣

What the hell, it seems like you haven’t been to Moscow before. We don’t have any of those restaurants and Mingles is not a recommendation for food. It’s a wonderful town but this looks to be written by someone who has no idea about this place.

This was written a very long time ago when this information would have been accurate.

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3D Printing

Integrating HIP with 3D Printing for Superior Part Performance

August 30, 2024

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has long been a valuable process in industries requiring high precision and material reliability, such as medical implants, aerospace, nuclear, and military sectors. As additive manufacturing (AM) continues to gain traction in these demanding fields, the integration of HIP technology is proving to be a powerful ally in enhancing the performance and reliability of 3D printed parts.

Quintus Technologies: Pioneering HIP for Additive Manufacturing

Quintus Technologies, a Swedish company known for its innovations in high-pressure technology, has been at the forefront of integrating HIP into the additive manufacturing process. The company, which rebranded as Quintus around a decade ago, initially gained recognition for developing a heat and pressure process for producing synthetic diamonds. In 2015, Quintus began focusing on how its technology could bring significant advantages to the emerging field of AM.

“We started to discuss with our customers what our technology could offer them in terms of value,” explained Henning, a representative from Quintus. As demand for AM grew, Quintus responded by developing high-pressure heat treatment technology tailored for industrial AM users. This technology combines the benefits of high-speed cooling with temperature uniformity, effectively allowing manufacturers to transition from printed products to fully functional, real-life applications.

Enhancing AM Parts with HIP

HIP technology addresses some of the unique challenges presented by metal AM parts, such as stresses, porosity, and cracking. These issues are critical to improving the mechanical properties of printed parts, including ductility, fracture toughness, elongation, and fatigue life. “HIPing is a known technology to many in the industry and it is applied very late in the process,” Henning noted. However, the specific microstructures of metal AM parts require different treatment considerations to maximize their performance.

Hiperbaric 20 HIP press

Quintus’ HIP technology has become particularly relevant in high-performance applications within the aerospace, medical, and space industries. As the demand for larger and more complex AM parts grows, the capability of AM-ready HIP equipment must keep pace. Quintus continues to expand its technology to accommodate these increasing demands, all while maintaining the same high-performance standards.

Henning emphasized the importance of using AM’s flexibility rather than simply replacing cast or forged parts with printed ones. “Everyone is trying to replace one part by making it a new way, but the real benefit is when you use the flexibility of AM,” he stated. This approach ensures that manufacturers can fully exploit the advantages of AM in combination with HIP technology, achieving optimal results.

Hiperbaric: Leveraging HIP for New AM Applications

Hiperbaric, another leader in high-pressure technology, has also recognized the synergy between AM and HIP. The company’s HIP technology is already being used by industries like aerospace to certify materials and parts with the highest quality and safety standards. For example, Hiperbaric’s HIP technology has become a decisive tool for Aenium Engineering in the space sector, where it ensures that printed components meet strict performance criteria.

Integrating HIP with 3D Printing for Superior Part Performance

Despite its advantages, HIP does have some limitations, particularly with parts that feature sandwich structures or advanced ceramics. These materials can present challenges during the HIP process due to their complex internal structures or the extreme conditions required for processing.

However, Hiperbaric sees “enormous potential” for HIP in new AM applications and materials. The company is currently working on R&D projects to enhance the properties of materials like silicon carbide (SiC) through HIP, which eliminates defects in polycrystalline SiC wafers. As AM adoption progresses, HIP is expected to play a critical role in reducing costs and improving the performance of components in industries ranging from space exploration to solid-state batteries.


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Moscow Travel Guide 2024

Welcome to , one of the oldest online resources for travellers planning to visit Moscow, Russia.

Here you’ll get all the information and tools that will make your stay in Moscow more exciting, productive and safe. Explore our sections dedicated to attractions , restaurants , nightlife , hotels , strip clubs and other fun things in Moscow.


Moscow Hotels

Moscow hosted more than 23 million tourists from around the globe in 2018. Today, despite current economic and political conditions, Moscow remains a very friendly , safe and exciting tourist destination.

The capital of Russia has a solid accomodation infrastructure with close to 1200 hotels that include 5, 4 and 3 star amenities.

Moscow experiences a continious growth in the number of tourists from the Middle East, Turkey as well as China. Today there are 13 flights from Dubai to Moscow taking place every day.

In some ways this growth is a result of the newly implemented electronic visa process available to visitors from 55 countries.

moscow hotels


Today Moscow offers numerous gastronomic options targeted at every budget. The restaurant industry on the city has more than 20,000 restaurants, bars and cafes.

Most of the major international chains like McDonald's continue to operate around the country under different names and local management.

Moscow is famous for its nightlife . There are many night clubs and bars that are open 24 hours. Checkout our dedicated nightlife section that features the latest openings along with ratings and recommendations.

moscow restaurants

Moscow is a large city that has more than 13 million people. There is an unofficial statistics data where estimated population of Moscow is actually close to 16 million.

The first figure is based on residents that hold official registration at the State migration service. Unofficial data is based on all people that come to Moscow from other regions of Russia and abroad despite their registration status.

Moscow Weather

January is assumed to be the coldest month of the year in Moscow. During this month average daily high temperature decreases to -6 Celsius (21 F) and daily average lows decrease to -10 Celsius (14 F).

It usually starts snowing in late November. By the end of March night temperatures settle above 32 degrees Fahrenheit (above 0 degrees Celsius).

Overall, Moscow climate is slightly milder comparing to North American regions within the same climate zone (for example Minnesota). The most comfortable months in Moscow are May, June, August and September. July is supposed to be the hottest month of the year. The average temperature in July is 19 degrees Celsius (65 F).

During summer months you can expect daily temperatures to fluctuate around 22 degrees Celsius (72 Fahrenheit). Occasional heat waves can increase daily temperatures up to 38 degrees Celsius (100 F).

Moscow Layout

moscow map

If you look at the modern map of Moscow you’ll see that the city consists of 4 parts that are formed by 4 main ring avenues connected by several major radial avenues. Moscow’s central point also known as “Kilometer Zero” is marked by the bronze plaque located near The Kremlin and Red Square.

Here are 4 main “Ring Roads” of Moscow

  • Boulevard Ring Road - goes around the whole historic part of Moscow. That’s where you’ll find all major attractions, old Moscow buildings and museums. “Boulevard Ring” is split into several parts that have different names like Petrovsky Boulevard or Gogolevsky Boulevard.
  • Garden Ring Road (“Sadovoe Koltso”) – covers a slightly broader area of the city. Everything referred to as Moscow center is assumed to be located inside the “Garden Ring Avenue”. “Garden Ring” is also split into parts that have different names.
  • Third Ring Road – the area between the “Garden Ring Road” and the 3rd Ring Road is adjacent to the central part of Moscow. Neighborhoods located inside 3rd Ring Road have an easy access to the center of the city. The area includes several notable high class residential neighborhoods and parks: Khamovniki District, Park Gorkogo and Luzhniki.
  • Moscow Ring Road . The substantial part of Moscow is located between the “Third Ring Road” and the outermost “Moscow Ring Road (MKAD)”. The area consists mostly of residential neighborhoods with multi story buildings and social infrastructure like schools, hospitals and department stores. The closer you get to the “Moscow Ring” the further you get from the center of the Moscow.

Some notable tourist spots located inside the 3rd Ring Avenue are Moscow State University, Sparrow Hills , Park Tsaritsino , Park Kolomenskoe, Izamilovo, Ostankino and several others.

Everything outside Moscow Ring Road (MKAD) is not considered Moscow except the newly merged “New Moscow” territory located south-west of the city.


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    17 Jan. Traveling with my people has been one of the best parts of raising a family. For the last 18 years, sharing the adventures we have together, and exploring the world has brought us so much joy. For us, 2022 was a lot of pent-up wanderlust and had a lot of change. A season of some very good and big ...

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    It is important to understand that the timing of flying after a hip replacement can vary depending on several factors, including the type of surgery, individual healing, and the recommendations of the surgeon. In general, it is advisable to wait at least 6-8 weeks before flying after a hip replacement surgery.

  4. Family Travel Expert, Luxury Travel Expert, Storyteller

    Anne Taylor Hartzell, a.k.a. Hip Travel Mama, is a travel expert and podcaster who promotes connected and culturally-aware families through travel. Learn more about her work, projects, and tips on her website and podcast.

  5. HIP Hotels

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  7. What to expect after hip replacement and travel

    This is the third in a 4-part series that will help you deal with total hip replacement (THR) and travel. Part 1: Denial to acceptance. Preparing for joint replacement surgery. Part 2: Preparing for surgery. Part 3: Recovery and travel. What to expect after hip replacement and travel. Part 4: On the travel road again.

  8. Hip Travel Mama

    Hip Travel Mama. 2,268 likes · 10 talking about this. In relentless pursuit of connecting with people and places that bring joy, exploring the world, and raising culturally aware, compassionate kids.

  9. Hotels in Moscow (Russia)

    Moscow. With an enticing history dating back over 800 years, Moscow is so much more than its Cold War reputation and Soviet architecture. It's a space that thrills with its creativity, history and majestic presence. Whilst reviews may cite Moscow as an unwelcoming city, its storied history and museums combined with a love for culture and ...

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    Hip pain can occur in the front, side, or back of the hip. 1 Wilson JJ, Furukawa M. Evaluation of the patient with hip pain. Am Fam Physician. 2014;89(1):27-34. The nerves from the hip that travel down the leg commonly cause radiating pain in the thigh, knee, and/or lower in the leg. 2 Lam S, Amies V. Hip arthritis presenting as knee pain. BMJ ...

  13. Hip Planet

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  17. The 11 Best Hip Packs You (Yes, Even You) Should Actually Buy

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  20. How Soon Can You Fly After Hip Replacement?

    The Short Answer. You're likely itching to get back to your travel plans, but patience is key. Generally, flying after a hip replacement requires a waiting period to ensure your safety and comfort. Most health professionals recommend a waiting period of about 4 to 6 weeks for short-haul flights and up to three months for those long-haul ...

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    Located about an hour away from Spokane, Washington in the heart of Idaho's mountains. WHY GO. Moscow is nestled in the heart of some of Idaho's most scenic mountains. It overlooks rolling hills and enjoys some of the most beautiful sunsets in the northwest. Moscow is a very liberal community, often honored by visiting authors, festivals ...

  22. Integrating HIP with 3D Printing for Superior Part Performance

    The company's HIP technology is already being used by industries like aerospace to certify materials and parts with the highest quality and safety standards. For example, Hiperbaric's HIP technology has become a decisive tool for Aenium Engineering in the space sector, where it ensures that printed components meet strict performance criteria.

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  24. Moscow, Russia (2024 Travel Guide + Tourist Info)

    Moscow hosted more than 23 million tourists from around the globe in 2018. Today, despite current economic and political conditions, Moscow remains a very friendly, safe and exciting tourist destination. The capital of Russia has a solid accomodation infrastructure with close to 1200 hotels that include 5, 4 and 3 star amenities.