1. DTI Infographics (Intelligent Tourist Destinations)

    intelligent tourism project

  2. Last year of the Project "SMARTOUR

    intelligent tourism project

  3. Implementation of intelligent tourism system

    intelligent tourism project

  4. Intelligenter Tourismus: Die Zukunft des Sektors wird technologisch sein

    intelligent tourism project

  5. Transforming tourism one destination at a time

    intelligent tourism project

  6. Terms to Know

    intelligent tourism project


  1. Intelligent Tourist Guide

  2. Intelligent Applications Project for Zhengzhou Airport Cargo Terminal Park

  3. Smart Destinations: english

  4. Deep Dive: Smart Tourism & Smart Destinations

  5. Intelligent System for Tourism (SEGITTUR)

  6. 《香港新活力》第33集 「智慧旅遊」推動旅遊業重拾光輝