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A Coach Trip

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A Coach Trip

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English Listening Exercises for B1 – Travel solutions

  • English Listening Exercises for B1

1. Complete the collocations with the verbs below.

board      book      check in      check into

hail      hire      miss      reach

1   …………………………….. your bags / your luggage

2   …………………………….. a room / a flight / a holiday

3   …………………………….. your destination

4   …………………………….. a hotel

5   …………………………….. a taxi

6   …………………………….. a train / a ship / a flight

7   …………………………….. a car

8   …………………………….. your flight / your train

1 check in   2 book   3 reach   4 check into   5 hail

6 board   7 hire   8 miss

Listening Strategy 1

It is sometimes difficult to catch names and proper nouns when you listen. However, you can use the words around them (including collocations) to work out what they are (a person, a place, etc.). For example, if you hear ‘ We stayed four nights at the Grand Plaza ’, the underlined words tell you that the Grand Plaza is a hotel.

2. Read Listening Strategy 1. Then listen to three short dialogues and answer the questions.

1    In dialogue 1, how are they planning to travel to their hotel?


2    In dialogue 2, what is the Aurora?

3    In dialogue 3, what does the man think he’s lost?


1 taxi   2 hotel   3 luggage / bag   4 car

Woman    There’s one! On the other side of the road! Quick!

Man    Sorry! I tried to hail it, but it didn’t stop. And I can’t see any others. Shall we walk back to the hotel?

W   No, it’s too far.

M   Well, let’s start walking in the right direction. I’m sure another one will come along soon.

W   Good idea.

Man    Our ship sails at seven in the morning. That’s early!

Woman    We’ll have to get up at about four o’clock. It’s quite a long drive.

M    I know. Let’s drive down the night before. We can check into the Aurora for the night. We’ve stayed there before – it’s fine.

W    And then we don’t have to get up so early. Good idea!

Woman    We should go to the departure gate now. What’s the matter?

Man    I think I’ve lost … hang on. Where is it?

W   What? What are you looking for? Your boarding pass is in your hand.

M   No it’s not that. Oh! Silly me. I checked it in, didn’t I?

W   Come on.

3. Listen again. Which verbs from exercise 1 helped you answer the questions in exercise 2?

Dialogue 1: …………………………………..

Dialogue 2: …………………………………..

Dialogue 3: …………………………………..

1 hail   2 check into   3 check in

See exercise 2.

Listening Strategy 2

Being aware of formal register can help you identify the context. Formal terms used in announcements include:

adjacent to (next to)      beverages (drinks)

to commence (to begin)      to depart (to leave)

due to (because of)      prior to (before)      to proceed to (to go to)

to purchase (to buy)      refreshments (food and drink)

to terminate (to end)

4. Read Listening Strategy 2. Then complete the sentences with formal words from the Strategy that mean the same as the words in brackets.

1   Will all passengers for Milan please …………………………. (go to) gate 7b, which is …………………………. (next to) gate 9.

2    A wide range of …………………………. (food and drink) are available to …………………………. (buy) in the departure lounge.

3    Passengers are advised that some flights will …………………………. (leave) later than scheduled. This is …………………………. (because of) the weather conditions.

4    This train …………………………. (ends) at Manchester. Please note that hot and cold …………………………. (drinks) are available from the buffet car.

1 proceed to, adjacent to   2 refreshments, purchase

3 depart, due to   4 terminates, beverages

5. Listen to three extracts. Which two are formal? Which formal terms from Listening Strategy 2 do they include?

Extract ◻ is formal.

It includes these formal terms: ………………………….

Extract ◻  is formal.

Extract 2 (formal) refreshments, to purchase, beverages

Extract 3 (informal) due to, prior to

OK. Can everyb ody hear me? Good. Now, we’ve got all morning to explore the old town – take some photos, buy some souvenirs. If you want a map, I’ve got some here, just come and ask. But please, don’t go yet … listen to this, it’s really important. Our coach is leaving at midday precisely. We can’t be late because we’ve got a lot of distance to cover this afternoon. So I want everybody to be here at ten to twelve at the latest, ready to board the coach. Is that clear? Please, please don’t be late. If you are, we will leave you behind, I promise!

Good afternoon. I would like to welcome all new passengers on board and remind them that refreshments are available from the buffet car, which is situated between carriages 9 and 10. We also offer a trolley service for passengers who wish to purchase light snacks and beverages from their seats. Please be aware that we will be arriving at our destination a few minutes ahead of schedule. We’d like to thank you for choosing Main Line Railways and hope to see you again in the near future.

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. This is Samantha and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Rodgers and his crew, I’d like to welcome you aboard Western Airways flight 456, our non-stop service from London to Paris which will depart in a few minutes. Please make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened prior to take-off, and that your seat back and tray are in an upright position. Any electronic equipment must be turned off for take-off due to the possibility of interference with our onboard navigation systems. Thank you.

6. Listen again and circle the correct answers

1   What is the speaker’s main purpose in extract 1?

a   To make sure everyone has a map.

b   To make sure nobody is late back to the coach.

c   To make sure everyone has time to buy souvenirs.

2   Where is the announcement in extract 2 being made?

a   On a train.

b   At an underground station.

c   In an airport terminal.

3   At what point in the flight is the announcement in extract 3 made?

a   Just before take-off.

b   Shortly after take-off.

c   Shortly before landing at the destination.

1 b   2 a   3 a   4 c

See exercise 5.

Extra exercises

Don’t rely on your general knowledge when choosing between true, false and not given answers. An answer can only be true for false if there is information in the text to support it.

1. Read the Strategy. Then read the extract from a recording and statements 1-6. Which statements match the information in the extract and are true? Which of the statements contain information that is not given in the extract? Why are the other statements false?

Liam      So Tony, do you think you’d ever try to organise something like the ‘Run for Life’ again?

Tony      I really doubt it. It was an amazing experience, and I don’t at all regret that I took it on. I got loads of help from both friends and complete strangers, and that kept me going. But I kept worrying that if it didn’t go well, it would be my responsibility. That put pressure on me. Next time, someone else can do the organising and I’ll just volunteer.

1   ‘Run for Life’ raises money for charity.

2   Tony is sorry that he decided to organise the event.

3   Tony appreciated the help that he got from others.

4   Tony felt that it would be his fault if the event failed.

5   Tony knows he worries too much about things.

6   Tony plans to organise the next ‘Run for Life’.

1    incorrect (I don’t at all regret that I took it on)

4    incorrect (Next time, someone else can do the organising)

2. You will hear an interview with a young person who has done something amazing. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)?

1   Lindsay’s bike ride from Aberdeen to Brighton was about six hundred miles.

2   Lindsay’s friend Stella was born blind.

3   The idea for a bike ride was inspired by something that Lindsay did with Stella before the accident.

4   Lindsay collected all the donations through the internet.

5   Lindsay met people who do voluntary work with blind people.

6   Almost £250,000 has already been donated.

1 NG   2 F   3 T   4 T   5 NG   6 F

David    In the studio today we have fifteen-year-old Lindsay Adams. Lindsay has just completed a solo bike ride from Aberdeen, Scotland to Brighton, England, in order to help the families of blind children. Lindsay. Why did you decide to undertake this trip?

Lindsay    Well, it started because my friend Stella had an accident last year and lost her sight. She was only fourteen then, and I saw all of the stress that it put on her family. Stella needed a lot of help, and it also takes a lot of money to provide everything a blind person needs. I just thought families like Stella’s needed help.

D   And why a bike ride? Did that have some special meaning?

L   It did. Stella and I often used to go cycling together, so I thought she’d appreciate it.

D   You got people to promise to give money before you started out. How did you do that?

L   I did it partly through social media, and a website I’d set up. But I also went door to door in my town, just explaining what I was doing − and how people could help.

D   So how long did the trip take?

L   It took me two weeks to complete the whole trip, but I did stop quite a lot. I visited hospitals and places along the way that work with blind people.

D   So how much money did you raise in the end?

L   We raised nearly a quarter of a million pounds. And donations are still coming in. People’s generosity is just amazing!

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Active listening: the key to hearing it all, how to listen well.

lis-ten-ing n:  the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages

Coaching is a different type of conversation than those we have on a day to day basis. When coaching, the coach is listening intently to what the client is saying and feeling. It is not a two-way conversation as such, rather the focus is on and all about the client. The coach should only share personal information and stories if they pertain to and can help the client.

If all we did was listen to our clients, it would be enough.

The equation for coaching is that the coach listens 80 % of the time and speaks 20 % of the time. If something different is happening, check in and see if you are really coaching or not.

The Importance of Listening

How many of us feel like we are really listened to – that people really get what we are saying? Most people do not feel like they are heard. As coaches, this is one of the most vital services we can provide. Part of what our clients are paying us for, is to simply listen to them. Just listen. That in itself is powerful.

Things to listen for when having a session with a client:

  • What they are saying
  • What they are not saying
  • How they are saying it
  • What feelings and emotions are being expressed (Are any being withheld?)
  • Cause vs. symptoms (Are symptoms being expressed? Or is it more a cause?)

In addition, a coach listens for what the client is committed to as opposed to their grumblings, whining, or their “stories.” A coach is listening for what truly inspires a client, lightens them up, excites them, what frees them, and keeps them from resignation. A coach then listens for what would fulfill that inspiration, and listens for what gets in the way. Above all, a coach listens to a client as a magnificent, extraordinary person, as their greater self and relates to them that way.

What are some other examples of things you could be listening for?

The client does not always tell you everything that is happening. Listen for subtle changes in voice, avoidance of questions or a change in subject. If a client starts to get aggravated or angry, you most likely are touching on something. Very gently, ask the client more questions. Let the client know what you are really hearing, and ask if there is something they want to say about it.

Active Listening

Listening is more than just hearing until the other person has stopped talking so we can share our thoughts with them. Active listening involves MUCH more than just talking! To be effective in your communication you must master the skill of “active listening.” To listen is to “tune in” to what is not being said, how it is said, and what feelings or emotions may or may not be expressed.

Most of us think we listen, yet we do not always “attend” to the person who is speaking to us. We are too busy doing other things. Or even thinking about things while others are talking to us! How many times do you catch yourself holding onto judgments, opinions, or even beliefs about someone or something that is being said – while they are talking! Sometimes we forget to “live in the present moment.” Active listening is about being in the present to “tune in” every moment that is necessary.

The following skills, when practiced, will improve your listening skills and your relationship with your clients!

To be an “active listener” you must develop the following skills:

Listen attentively

Remain silent when someone speaks. (Easy to say, hard to do.) Give the speaker your complete attention. Avoid distracting behaviors or interruptions. Coach from a clean desk. Keep anything distracting out of view to listen thoroughly.

Verify what you are hearing by repeating it back in your own words. A specific example of this might be; “What I heard you say was…” When you can repeat back what the client has just said, then you let the client know you have “truly heard” them. The client will feel understood and welcomed by your listening. That space of listening honors the client genuinely. This is a special gift you can give to your client. Too often, few people really “hear” what others say, but with active listening “hearing” becomes powerful.

Check Perceptions

Checking perception is similar to paraphrasing with one important distinction. Perception checking is about feelings more than words. The focus is on checking what you perceive to be the emotions that motivate the client’s communication. The concern is not what the client communicated in words, as much as it is what they conveyed by their tone of voice, what they really mean to say, and what emotion is genuine. The rest is just “noise or fog” clouding the truth.

Active listening is about listening to the truth, to what is honest and real. As a coach, you can mirror back to your client what is real, true and honest. This in itself is the gift of active listening.

We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we talk.

Coaches can miss many of the emotional dimensions of a conversation if they are not listening for what is not being said. Consequently, they can miss what the client’s personal reaction to the event is and how they really feel about it. If the feeling is missed, we lose the opportunity to sense the unique situation of the client. Feelings help us sort our data, organize it, and use it effectively as we shape and share relevant feedback.

As a coach, you can reflect feelings back to the client. You may say things such as: “It sounds as if you are feeling….” “You seem really upset, excited, overwhelmed about….” Give the client the opportunity to confirm or disagree with your reflections of their feelings. This, too, will allow the client to feel truly heard.

Be empathetic and non judgmental

When you value the client and accept the client’s feelings you will be able to empathize more, to “hear” more clearly and completely, and to offer them the gift of being heard. Forgo judgments. Just Listen!!

Tip: Our judgments can impair our listening. Opinions can have an impact on how we tend to listen to people and may have an impact on our relationships. As a coach, when you listen actively and stay in the “present” you are more likely to avoid making mistakes.


This is an excerpt from the full training module found in the Certified Coach Program. For more information or for a copy of the full module email us at [email protected]

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The Coach Trip

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The Coach Trip Audible Audiobook – Unabridged

In this heartwarming story of hope and second chances, Emma and Mel are about to discover that sometimes life is about the journey, not the destination…

Classic forgetful Emma—she’s done it again, this time accidentally ruining a Valentine’s Day surprise for her best friend Mel. Desperate to make up for it, she promises Mel a birthday trip to Edinburgh—a girls’ weekend to end all girls’ weekends. There’s just one massive hitch…

Emma has already promised her grandma that she’ll go on a coach trip with her to scatter her grandad’s ashes…In Edinburgh. On Mel’s birthday weekend. Oh God .

That’s right, with one innocent but inevitable diary clash, two very different road trips are thrust together. Surrounded by a bunch of septuagenarians who seem to have forgotten how to have fun, can Emma support Grandma through her grief and give Mel a birthday to remember? Or is their friendship doomed to become roadkill? She’s about to find out…

  • Listening Length 10 hours and 45 minutes
  • Author Izzy Bromley
  • Narrator Imogen Church
  • Audible release date May 16, 2023
  • Language English
  • Publisher Brilliance Audio
  • Version Unabridged
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • See all details

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Customers find the plot relatable and enjoyable. They describe the reading experience as wonderful and astute. Readers also say the characters are wonderful.

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Customers find the storyline enjoyable, heartwarming, and easy to follow. They also say it's a fascinating story of comparison of different generations and how coming to understand and appreciate each. Readers also mention the book is filled with laughter, suspense, and wonderful travel adventures.

"... Very refreshing read ." Read more

"...Funny and astute this is a good book to pass a pleasurable evening." Read more

"... A fun story , perfectly executed from the beginning to the end." Read more

"...pulled together though the years may have divided their lives... really good story ! I very much enjoyed!" Read more

Customers find the plot relatable and easy to follow.

"As always, the author has a way with words and descriptions such that the reader is experiencing / involved in the plot...." Read more

"...It has an easy-to-follow plot , and gets you from here to there, seeing remarkable places with an exceptional tour guide. Congratulations!..." Read more

"An eye opening read for all , especially for those of us who've interacted with different age groups, irrespective of our shared perspectives and..." Read more

"...added depth to the storyline, and it makes it more widely relatable to the reader . Thanks Izzy!" Read more

Customers find the characters in the book wonderful.

"...The characters are all wonderful . I can't wait to n read another of her books!" Read more

"Very entertaining. The mix of characters added depth to the storyline , and it makes it more widely relatable to the reader. Thanks Izzy!" Read more

" Great characters ..." Read more

Customers find the book an absolutely wonderful read with a nice story of two young women.

"...Funny and astute this is a good book to pass a pleasurable evening ." Read more

" Nice , gentle story of two young women who end up on a week long bus trip with a group of senior citizens...." Read more

" Absolutely Wonderful Read ..." Read more

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  • Trip to London


A. The Handy Craft Store is a lovely little store for those creative people who like making things. Great stock of kits for everything from candle making to making your own jumpers! Once you get into this paradise of creativity, you will be fascinated by all the things you can do.

B. The Great London Shop is a small shop in Regent Street, which sells quality goods for the choosy tourist. It has a great selection of the usual tourist items, including lovely Rose teapots and cups plus a full selection of teas. For the collector, there are model vehicles of every model from Rolls Royce to Minis.

C. Magic Music is a shop café just off Oxford Street where you can just chill out and listen to great music from live bands, or browse the music section for the latest tracks of your favourite artists. Great smoothies and snacks in the café, and great music of every genre!

D. The Riverside Market is not really a market, but more of a group of upmarket shops all under one roof, where you can buy literally anything! Browse around designer and high street shops for lovely clothes. There are sports and camping stores as well as home decoration shops.

E. Golden Oldies is a great store for those who love old things with a bit of history. Even if you can’t afford the prices, it’s a great place to wander around and look at antique clothes and jewellery. You might even be able to pick up old musical instruments, but that depends on luck and your budget!

F. Total Target is a great store to suit all budgets. On the first floor there are casual and sports clothes for those who don’t want to spend a fortune to look good. On the second floor, there is equipment for the serious sportsman who wants quality and style. Great student discounts!

G. The Wildlife Foundation Charity Shop is the perfect place to shop if you like to be a bit alternative and give your money to a good cause. With an amazing selection of books and magazines from 50p to £2.00, you can’t beat the prices. Lots of great clothes, jewellery and bits and pieces.

H. The Old Bazaar is a great way to spend your day. An old enclosed warehouse has been turned into a market with 200 different sellers selling everything from jewellery to vintage music and instruments. Spend your day wandering around and sit in one of the four cafes and watch the world go by!

Question 1 of 5

1. Sofia wants to buy presents. Her father collects models of old cars and her mother likes traditional English things. She has saved money to buy something nice.

Question 2 of 5

2. Isabella is worried that a day won't be enough time to do her shopping. She wants to buy a nice dress for her sister’s wedding and she has promised her brother a new sleeping bag for camping. Money is not a problem.

Question 3 of 5

3. Jack has been saving up to buy cool clothes in London. He plays a lot of sports so he wants casual clothes. He likes well-known brands that are of good quality and doesn’t mind paying for something different.

Question 4 of 5

4. Martina wants to buy some books in English to help her reading skills. She also wants to buy clothes and small gifts for her family. She can’t spend too much. She likes different things from the high street stores.

Question 5 of 5

5. Petro collects vinyl records from the 1960s and 70s and also has started collecting old posters of music stars. He doesn’t have much to spend and he is happy to spend most of the day looking at vintage things.

Here are new words and phrases from this exercise for the B1 Preliminary Part 2 reading section of the test:

  • antique clothes
  • choosy tourist
  • creative people
  • high street shops
  • home decoration
  • lovely little store
  • paradise of creativity
  • serious sportsman
  • upmarket shops
  • vintage music and instruments
  • Reading Part 1 & 2
  • Reading Part 3 & 4
  • Reading Part 5 & 6
  • Writing Part 1
  • Writing Part 2

Part 1 - Read five real-world notices, messages and other short texts for the main message.

  • Notices and Messages How to Video
  • Notices and Messages Set 1
  • Notices and Messages Set 2
  • Notices and Messages Set 3
  • Notices and Messages Set 4
  • Notices and Messages Set 5
  • Notices and Messages Set 6
  • Notices and Messages Set 7
  • Notices and Messages Set 8

Part 2 - Match five descriptions of people to eight short texts on a particular topic, showing detailed comprehension.

  • Films at the Cinema
  • Summer Camps

Part 3 - Read a longer text for detailed comprehension, gist, inference and global meaning, as well as writer’s attitude and opinion.

  • Being Special
  • Night Shift Work
  • Procedures for Part 3
  • Rock climbing
  • The Zookeeper

Part 4 - Read a longer text from which five sentences have been removed. Show understanding of how a coherent and well-structured text is formed.

  • Keep on Running
  • Student Budget
  • The Olympic Flame
  • The Puzzle Maker

Part 5 - Read a shorter text and choose the correct vocabulary items to complete gaps.

  • Book Recommendation
  • Mountain Climbing
  • Playing Computer Games
  • Popular Website
  • Saving a Tree
  • Single or Mixed-gender Schools
  • Work of Art

Part 6 - Read a shorter text and complete six gaps using one word for each gap.

  • Hometown Changes
  • Music Preferences
  • New Year’s Day
  • Party Invitation
  • Special Bike
  • Subject Choices
  • The First Day of Spring
  • The Oldest University in the World

Write about 100 words, answering the email and notes provided.

  • Birthday Money
  • Learning a language
  • New Cooking Club

Write about 100 words, either an article or story.

  • Being Healthy
  • Festival in Thailand
  • Learning and the Internet
  • Music Lover
  • Playing Games

Short Stories

  • A Broken Train
  • A Phone Call
  • Surprised Teacher
  • Weather Warning
  • Woke up late
  • Part 3 - Listening
  • Part 4 - Listening

Part 3 - Gap-Filled Exercise

  • Competition
  • Shopping Centre Visit

Part 4 - Multiple Choice Exercise

  • A Coach Trip
  • Fashion Designer
  • Talking about a Journey

The B1 Preliminary Speaking test has four parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners talks to you and the other examiner listens.

  • Kenza and Mohammed
  • Roberto and Simone
  • Crosswords Puzzles
  • Word Searches
  • Word Puzzles
  • Air Travel Crossword
  • Computer Crossword
  • Crime Crossword
  • Entertainment Crossword
  • Financial Language Crossword
  • Food Crossword
  • Health Crossword
  • Home Crossword
  • Language Crossword
  • Leisure Crossword
  • Money Crossword
  • Natural World Crossword
  • Places Crossword
  • Shopping Crossword
  • Sports Crossword
  • Technology Crossword
  • Texting Crossword
  • Time Crossword
  • Transport Crossword
  • Travel Crossword
  • Work and Jobs Crossword
  • Adjectives with -ing Word Search
  • Art Word Search
  • Bonfire Night Word Search
  • Buildings Word Search
  • Classical Music Word Search
  • Countryside Word Search
  • Drama Word Search
  • Education Word Search
  • Entertainment Word Search
  • Fast Food Word Search
  • Feelings Word Search
  • Food and Drink Word Search
  • Football Word Search
  • Gambling Word Search
  • Haunted House Word Search
  • Health Word Search
  • Home Word Search
  • Internet Word Search
  • Language Word Search
  • Leisure Word Search
  • Natural World Word Search
  • Shopping Word Search
  • Sports Facilities Word Search
  • Sports Word Search
  • Sushi Word Search
  • Technology Word Search
  • Time Word Search
  • Town and City Word Search
  • Travel Word Search
  • Weather Word Search
  • Work Word Search
  • Clothes Word Puzzle
  • Color Word Puzzle
  • Communication Word Puzzle
  • Easter Word Puzzle
  • Education Word Puzzle
  • Entertainment Word Puzzle
  • Environment Word Puzzle
  • Food Word Puzzle
  • Health Word Puzzle
  • Hobbies Word Puzzle
  • Language Word Puzzle
  • Medicine Word Puzzle
  • Natural World Word Puzzle
  • Technology Word Puzzle
  • Time Word Puzzle
  • Weather Word Puzzle
  • Vocabulary Skills
  • Grammar Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Speaking Skills
  • Air Travel Exercises
  • Animals and Pets
  • British and American English
  • Chinese New Year
  • Computer Exercises
  • Easter (A2 – B1 Levels)
  • Entertainment
  • Environment
  • Environmental Issues
  • Finance Exercises
  • Food and Drink
  • Leisure and Hobbies
  • Money Exercises
  • Phoning and Texting Exercises
  • Places and Buildings
  • Relationships
  • Transport and Travel
  • Work and Jobs
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Past Simple
  • Past Perfect
  • Past Continuous
  • Order of Adjectives
  • Linking Adjectives
  • Compound Nouns
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Short Story – Talent Contest
  • Blog Post – A New Life in Japan
  • Short Story – Computer Problems
  • Short Story – The Angel
  • Email – Favourite Film
  • Book Review – The Call
  • Report – Features of Glaciers
  • Email – Visiting a relative
  • Article – Being Famous
  • Article – Work of Art
  • News Report – Bank Robbery
  • Email – Party Invitation
  • Article – Schools for Boys and Girls
  • Email – about University
  • Email – School Holidays
  • Email – Holiday in Thailand
  • Email – Barbecue Invitation
  • Email – Borrowing
  • Speech – Course Introduction
  • Short Story – In Free Fall
  • Movie Review – Ted
  • Report – Eating out in Berlin
  • Short Story – Art Competition
  • Article – The Countryside
  • Email – Computer Games
  • Email – New School
  • Email – Saving Energy
  • Letter – Most Important Time
  • Email – Holiday Plans
  • Email – Subject Choices
  • Article – The Cardboard Bike
  • Email – Summer School
  • French words using [Ch]

Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the pre-intermediate level Cambridge English: Key (KET) to the very advanced level Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). These exams give candidates proof of their ability to use English in a wide variety of contexts, relevant to work, study and leisure activities.

A2 Key | B1 Preliminary | B2 First

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Practice KET (A2) Listening Test 14 with Answers and Audioscripts

  • KET (A2) Listening Tests

Listening Part 1

Questions 1-5.

For each question, choose the correct answer.

1    How long will they park for?

coach trip listening

2    What else will they have in their picnic?

coach trip listening

3    What will they take to hospital for Jemima?

coach trip listening

4    Where does Alex live?

coach trip listening

5    How much will Nicola pay for her hotel room?

coach trip listening

Answer & Audioscript

1 A   2 B   3 A   4 B   5 B


Woman :   Parking costs one pound for thirty minutes. Shall we pay for two hours?

Man :   Let’s say an hour.

Woman :   We’re getting you a suit. That takes a long time. We need two hours at least.

Man :   I’ll be finished in half an hour. Then another half an hour for the other things. We’ll be back in an hour.

Woman :   OK.

Now listen again.

2    What else will they have in their picnic

Woman :   Right … So, chicken and potato salad. What else shall we take on our picnic? Fruit? Sandwiches?

Man :   We always have fruit. What about something nice, like cake?

Woman :   Cake! We had cake yesterday. I can’t eat more cake.

Man :   OK, OK, you’re right. Sandwiches will fill me up. If I just have fruit, I’ll be hungry later.

Woman :   All right.

Woman :   We must take something when we visit Jemima in hospital.

Man :   People usually take flowers.

Woman :   They’re boring. Why not get her a book? Then she could do some reading.

Man :   But she’ll have her own book. What about some chocolates?

Woman :   I don’t think she can eat much. Let’s go with your first idea. They’ll look pretty in her room.

Woman :   How do we get to your house, Alex?

Alex :   Go up the High Street. past the post office. Take the first turning on your left. My house is on the right-hand side of the road. You can’t miss it.

Woman :   I get my left and right mixed up! Turn right after the post office?

Alex :   Left after the post office. Then cross the road to get to my house.

Nicola :   Can I book a room for two for Friday and Saturday night, please?

Man :   We have one with a king-size bed for £350.

Nicola :   That’s rather expensive.

Man :   Or with a queen-size bed for £315. Or a room with two single beds for £279.

Nicola :   Two single beds for £279?

Man :   Yes.

Nicola :   I’ll take the one with the queen-size bed, please.

Listening Part 2

Questions 6-10.

For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a number or a date or a time .

You will hear a speaker giving information at the start of a coach trip to London.

6 4.45   7 15/fifteen   8 ticket

9 wallets   10 5819 236

Woman :   Good morning, everyone. My name’s Michaela and I’m going to give you some information about our trip today. It takes two hours to get to London, so that means that you will have from ten fifteen until quarter to five to look around the city. We have to leave at that time as the traffic gets very bad after five o’clock.

I know some of you want to go shopping, and the new Kings and Queens shopping centre on Bristol Street is now open. You can get a 15% discount in the shops there. I know it’s not as good as the 20% we got last year, but I think you’ll agree it’s better than nothing. The staff there just need to see your coach ticket and they’ll give you your discount.

Please be careful with your wallets and purses! The streets and shops are crowded on Saturdays, and that’s a chance for pickpockets to steal things. If you have any problems, my mobile number is 0777-5819-236. That’s 0777-5819-236.

Listening Part 3

Questions 11-15.

11    The table in Vivien’s restaurant was

        A   too big.

        B   too small.

        C   too round.

12    Vivien’s restaurant

        A   had special food for people like Monica.

        B   had a lot of dishes on the menu.

        C   didn’t have vegetarian dishes.

13    At Vivien’s restaurant, Mark

        A   changed his order.

        B   ordered chicken.

        C   had steak.

14   At Tom’s restaurant,

        A   the dessert was the best part of the meal.

        B   everything was delicious, but not the dessert.

        C   the food was delicious, but the dessert wasn’t as good as the rest of the meal.

        A   paid too much for his meal.

        B   paid less than the full price for his meal.

        C   fixed the problem with the bill after half an hour.

11 B   12 C   13 C   14 A   15 B

Vivien :   Hi Tom.

Tom :   Hi Vivien. How was your meal last night?

Vivien :   Actually, it didn’t go too well. Firstly, we couldn’t get around the table. We’d booked for six people, but eight came.

Tom :   Oh dear!

Vivien :   Then they didn’t have anything for Monica to eat.

Tom :   She doesn’t eat meat or fish, does she?

Vivien :   That’s right. She’s a vegetarian. She wasn’t happy! Then they brought Mark the wrong dish. He ordered steak but they brought him chicken, so he sent it back, and then he had to wait again for his steak. What about your meal?

Tom :   The food was delicious, especially the dessert. Everything was perfect – until the bill arrived.

Vivien :   Was it expensive?

Tom :   Well, it was quite expensive, but we knew that from before. The problem was they gave us the bill for a different table. It took half an hour for them to fix the problem! In the end, they gave us a discount because of all the problems with the bill.

Vivien :   Well, that’s something at least.

Listening Part 4

Questions 16-20.

16   You will hear two friends talking.

        Why can’t the man play football this afternoon?

        A   He has a bad foot.

        B   He has to work.

        C   He has to go to the dentist.

17    You will hear a man talking.

        What animal did he see at the zoo?

        A   an elephant

        B   a bear

        C   a tiger

18    You will hear two friends talking.

        Where have they been?

        A   to the library

        B   shopping

        C   to the cinema

19   You will hear a woman talking.

        Where does her friend live?

        A   in a city

        B   in a village

        C   by the sea

20   You will hear two friends talking about cooking dinner.

        What will the man do?

        A   wash the vegetables

        B   cut the vegetables

        C   cook the vegetables

16 C   17 C   18 A   19 A   20 B

16    You will hear two friends talking. Why can’t the man play football this afternoon?

Woman :   So, are you playing football this afternoon?

Man :   I can’t.

Woman :   Don’t tell me. It’s your foot again, isn’t it?

Man :   It’s true I had problems with my foot, but it’s fine now. And my boss said I could leave work early to play. The trouble is I’ve got really bad toothache, so I’m going to see the dentist about that.

17    You will hear a man talking. What animal did he see at the zoo?

Man :   It was just so beautiful. I watched it while it was eating. Those big teeth! I wouldn’t like to be near it if it was hungry! That golden fur with the black stripes is fantastic. It must be really difficult to see it in the forest. And those yellow eyes! Just … beautiful!

18    You will hear two friends talking. Where have they been?

Woman :   I can’t believe it! They didn’t have anything we wanted!

Man :   I know! I was sure they’d have some of the things on our list.

Woman :   Maybe we can find them online.

Man :   Maybe, but I hate reading on a screen all the time.

Woman :   Me too. Let’s try the big one in the city centre tomorrow.

19     You will hear a woman talking. Where does her friend live?

Woman :   I had a lovely time with Aneka. She’s got a lovely place. You wouldn’t know that you were in the middle of a city, it’s so quiet. Her street has a village feel to it – everyone knows everyone. Then we went off to the seaside on Saturday. It took a while to get there, but it was great fun.

20    You will hear two friends talking about cooking dinner. What will the man do?

Woman :   You have to help me!

Man :   I always do!

Woman :   Not just the easy things. The hard work is washing and cutting the vegetables. Cooking them is easy.

Man :   But I’m good at cooking.

Woman :   Well, I’m not cutting them this time.

Man :   OK, I’ll do that. You do the rest.

Woman :   Fine.

Listening Part 5

Questions 20-25.

You will hear two people talking about their families. What activities do their children like?

Example :  George         D

21 F   22 A   23 H   24 C   25 G

Woman :   So, what kind of things do your children like doing?

Man :   George loves books. He reads anything.

Woman :   I wish Henry did! Henry spends all his time in front of a computer screen. I keep telling him to go outside, but he doesn’t listen.

Man :   Edward was like that, but he’s changed. He’s on the school chess team now!

Woman :   That’s great!

Man :   Yes, he loves games like chess, but he doesn’t do much exercise.

Woman :   And Annabel?

Man :   She’s the musician of the family. She plays in a band with some friends. They make a terrible noise! Luckily, they don’t practise at our house.

Woman :   She sounds very different to my Sophie.

Man :   Is she the dancer?

Woman :   You’re getting Ellie and Sophie mixed up. Sophie is the one who loves painting. She loves going to see shows with the very modern stuff, and she draws quite well herself. Ellie is the one who’s always practising in her bedroom. I can hear her jumping around, and she sometimes bumps into the furniture!

Man :   We can’t get any of them to do things with us.

Woman :   Same here! Not even Henry.

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  • Vocabulary Tests for A2
  • Vocabulary Tests for B1
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  1. Coach trip stock image. Image of coach, speaks, departure

    coach trip listening

  2. School trip coach teenagers hi-res stock photography and images

    coach trip listening

  3. 10 Tips For Travelling By Coach In The UK

    coach trip listening

  4. The 5 Keys to Active Listening

    coach trip listening

  5. Coaching Others: Use Active Listening Skills

    coach trip listening

  6. Active Listening: Using Listening Skills to Coach Others

    coach trip listening


  1. A Coach Trip

    4.1. ( 64) This listening exercise is about a tour guide talking about a coach trip to a group of tourists. This a multiple-choice listening exercise for Part 4 of the B1 Preliminary Listening Test. This gives you practice before you take the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary exam.

  2. B1 Preliminary Listening Test Part 4

    Tour guide: Good morning everyone. I'm your tour guide for today. We've made a change to the trip we usually make on Thursdays. I hope none of you will mind....

  3. Practice English Listening Test for A2 with ...

    Listening Part 1 Questions 1-5. You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. ... Listen to a girl asking for information about a coach trip to Edinburgh. For questions 11-15, tick ( ) A, B or C.

  4. A Coach Trip worksheet

    A Coach Trip A Coach Trip. Loading ad... Larysa. Member for 3 years 2 months Age: 12-17. ... : UA. Country: Ukraine. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Listening comprehension (2013242) From worksheet author: Listening on travelling. Loading ad... Share / Print Worksheet. Google Classroom Microsoft Teams

  5. Practice English Listening Test for B1 with ...

    Camping Trip. Coach leaves school at ... Listening Part 4 Questions 20-25. You will hear a conversation between a girl, Lisa, and a boy, Ben, about holidays. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES.

  6. Catching up after a trip

    Listening practice; listening comprehension; listening material about catching up after a trip; chat via phone call.You may create questions and exercises us...

  7. 11 Ways Coaches Can Improve Their Active Listening And Connect With

    Forbes Coaches Council members share strategies coaches can use to improve their listening and build better client relationships. Photos courtesy of the individual members. 1. Take Notes. Taking ...

  8. English Listening Exercises for B1

    Listening Strategy 1. It is sometimes difficult to catch names and proper nouns when you listen. However, you can use the words around them (including collocations) to work out what they are (a person, a place, etc.). For example, if you hear 'We stayed four nights at the Grand Plaza', the underlined words tell you that the Grand Plaza is a ...

  9. Active Listening: The Key to Hearing it All

    Active listening involves MUCH more than just talking! To be effective in your communication you must master the skill of "active listening.". To listen is to "tune in" to what is not being said, how it is said, and what feelings or emotions may or may not be expressed. Most of us think we listen, yet we do not always "attend" to ...

  10. Practice PET (B1) Listening Test 30 with Answers and Audioscripts

    B the teacher's lessons are difficult. C the teacher is patient. 9 You hear two friends talking about a school trip. What have they still got to pack? A travel documents. B more shoes. C spending money. 10 You will hear two friends talking about learning to play tennis. The girl advises the boy to.

  11. Talking about a Journey

    3.7. ( 88) This listening exercise is about a woman talking about a journey her family makes. This is a multiple-choice listening exercise for Part 4 of the B1 Preliminary Listening Test. This gives you practice before you take the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary exam.

  12. PDF A2 Key for Schools Listening Part 2

    Ask students to compare their answers with a partner. Do not check answers yet. 2nd listening. Play the audio for the 2nd listening (8:10-9:49) (from "Now listen again". Stop after "That is the end of Part 2") Send the task to students. Play the audio following one of the options described in the section above.

  13. The Coach Trip

    "The Coach Trip" reminds me of a Carolyn Brown book. If you like that type of cookie-cutter story, you might like this book but I can't really recommend it. ... Listen to Books & Original Audio Performances: Box Office Mojo Find Movie Box Office Data : Goodreads Book reviews & recommendations: IMDb Movies, TV & Celebrities:

  14. Practice English Listening Test for A2 with ...

    Listening Part 1 Questions 1-5. You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice. There is one question for each conversation. ... Hello everyone. I just want to tell you about our trip to the town of Chester. The coach will leave at nine fifteen tomorrow morning. It takes about an hour and a half to get to Chester ...

  15. Trip to London

    This is a text that looks at the option of going to different shops when on a trip to London. It provides practice for the reading section of the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary exam. About 5-10 minutes. Reading Skills. Expanding stage. Enhanced Accessibility. Text Vocabulary. Some teenagers are going on a trip to London and want to find good ...

  16. THE 10 BEST Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Sports Complexes (2023)

    Top Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Sports Complexes: See reviews and photos of Sports Complexes in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  17. THE BEST Nizhny Novgorod Horse-Drawn Carriage Tours

    Top Nizhny Novgorod Horse-Drawn Carriage Tours: See reviews and photos of Horse-Drawn Carriage Tours in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  18. Practice English Listening Test for A2 with ...

    Listening Part 1 Questions 1-5. You will hear five short conversations. ... You will hear a man talking about a day trip. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice. ... Tomorrow we're all going on a coach trip to Lake Tandy and I'd just like to give you some information about the trip.

  19. THE 10 BEST Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Tours & Excursions

    Top Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Tours: See reviews and photos of tours in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  20. Bor Map

    Bor Bor is a town in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the left bank of the Volga River, across from Nizhny Novgorod.The two cities are connected by bridges built in 1965 and 2017, and by ferry service.

  21. Practice PET (B1) Listening Test 26 with Answers and Audioscripts

    14 15th June 15 map 16 4/four kilometres. 17 Walsh 18 boots 19 7 / seven. Audioscripts. Woman: OK everyone, listen carefully as I need to give you some information about the geography trip.First of all it is no longer on Monday 13th June, it is on Wednesday 14th, (14) sorry I mean Wednesday 15th June.So please make sure you have the new date in your diary.

  22. Practice KET (A2) Listening Test 14 with Answers and Audioscripts

    The staff there just need to see your coach ticket and they'll give you your discount. Please be careful with your wallets and purses! The streets and shops are crowded on Saturdays, and that's a chance for pickpockets to steal things. If you have any problems, my mobile number is 0777-5819-236. That's 0777-5819-236. Now listen again.