Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

How to Road Trip Across the United States on a Budget

how to travel across the united states

The Great American Road Trip is a rite of passage in the United States . We Americans have a unique fascination with the open road. It’s built into our cultural DNA. In Jazz Age America, the car was a symbol of freedom — a chance to escape your small town and the watchful eyes of parents.

As the highway system was developed in the 1950s, a wave of kids set out on the road to explore the country, giving new life to America’s car and road trip culture. Today, many still dream of getting in a car and driving into wide open spaces for months on end.

I’ve had the privilege of taking several multi-week and multi-month road trips around the country over the years. From traveling the Deep South to criss-crossing the country coast to coast , I’ve visited almost every state, exploring the myriad nooks and crannies of Uncle Sam’s backyard.

One thing is for certain, in diversity and scale, the United States is virtually unrivaled.

But this isn’t a post about fawning over America and its landscapes ( this post is ). This article is about how you can travel around the US on a budget.

Because, as it turns out, this country is surprisingly easy to travel on the cheap.

While rising gas prices and rental car price gouging post-COVID put a damper on things, it’s still easier than you think to have a budget-friendly road trip adventure around the USA.

In this post, I’ll explain how much I spent on one of my trips, how much you should expect to spend, and how you can save money on your next road trip.

Table of Contents

How Much Did My Cross-Country Road Trip Cost?

How to save money on your road trip, how to save on accommodation, how to save on food, how to save on sightseeing, how to save on transportation.

yellowstone national park

After 116 days traveling around the United States on this trip, I spent $6,262.67 USD, or $53.98 USD per day. While that is slightly higher than $50 USD a day, there were many parts of my budget I splurged on (see breakdown below) which skewed the number up. I definitely could have visited the country even cheaper if I didn’t have an addiction to Starbucks and sushi.

Here is how the numbers from my road trip break down:

  • Accommodations: $1,036.36
  • Food: $3,258.23
  • Drinks: $438.94
  • Gas: $696.98
  • Parking: $253.00
  • Starbucks: $75.26
  • Miscellaneous (movies, toiletries, etc.): $170.00
  • Attractions: $269.40
  • Taxis: $41.00
  • Bus: $17.50
  • Subway: $6.00

Let’s break this down. First, my Starbucks addiction was unnecessary and added to my costs. Second, as a lover of sushi, trying various restaurants throughout my road trip drastically raised my food costs. Sushi, after all, is not cheap.

Moreover, I ate as if I wasn’t on a budget and rarely cooked, which is why my food expenses were so high relative to everything else. I would have definitely gone below $50 USD per day if I followed my own advice and cooked more often.

But, while I splurged in some places, three other things really helped me to keep expenses down: First, gas prices were low, averaging around $2.35 USD a gallon over the duration of my trip. (We’re going to discuss how to still do a road trip on a budget with high gas prices in the next section.)

Second, once you leave the big cities, prices for everything drop by nearly half so I spent a lot of time out of cities.

Third, I used Couchsurfing and cashed in hotel points to keep accommodation costs down. That helped a lot.

Overall, I didn’t do too bad and am happy with how much I spent. But is this how much you’ll spend, especially in the face of inflation and high gas prices? Let’s discuss that below.  

hanging out in redwood national park

It’s no secret travel costs a lot lately and inflation and high gas prices have really made super cheap road trips hard if you’re not staying places for free but that doesn’t mean the road trip has to be super expensive.

With that in mind, here’s how to cut your accommodation, sightseeing, food, and transportation costs — all without cutting into your experience!  

A charming lighthouse on the coast of Maine on a bright summer day

1. Couchsurf — Couchsurfing is a service that allows you to stay with locals for free. Using this website (or similar ones) is the best way to lower accommodation costs, as you can’t get cheaper than free!

More than that, it’s a wonderful way to meet locals, get insider tips, and find off-the-beaten-track stuff to do in the area you’re visiting. While you’re generally expected to reciprocate your host’s kindness (cooking them a meal, taking them out for drinks or coffee, etc.), it’s still far cheaper than paying for a hotel or motel.

While the app has seen its community shrink in recent years, there are still plenty of hosts across the United States so you’ll rarely find problems finding someone to put you up.

Additionally, if you don’t feel comfortable staying with a stranger, you can use the app to meet people for drinks, coffee, activities, or anything else you want to do. That way, you can still meet a local and get their insider tips without having to stay with them. The app has all kinds of meet-ups and events too so be sure to check it out.

2. Airbnb — I only recommend using Airbnb in rural, out of the way places where hotels are limited. Avoid them as much as possible in other circumstances. Here is why we don’t really recommend them.

3. Budget hotels — There are a plethora of cheap roadside hotels such as Motel 6 and Super 8 that will help you stay cheap. Rooms start around $50 USD per night and are super basic and always look well worn. You’ll get a bed, bathroom, TV, tiny closet, and maybe a desk. They are nothing to write home about, but for a quiet place to sleep for a night, they do the trick.

And if you’re traveling with someone you should always say the room is for one person as these hotels charge you more for two people.

Also, make sure you sign up for and loyalty programs. gives you a free room after 10 bookings, and offers members 10% off bookings, as well as free upgrades and perks if you book multiple times after signing up. They definitely helped a lot.

Pro tip : Book through websites like Mr.Rebates or Rakuten . By using their links before going to or Booking, you’ll get 2-4% cash back in addition to the loyalty program deals.

4. Hotel points — Be sure to sign up for hotel credit cards before you go and use those points when you travel. You can get upwards of 70,000 points as a sign-up bonus, which can translate into a week’s worth of accommodations.

The points came in handy in places where I couldn’t find an Airbnb, hostel, or Couchsurfing host. This saved my butt in big cities around the country. I was glad I had accrued so many hotel points before my trip.

To learn more about, check out these posts:

  • The Best Hotel Credit Cards
  • The Ultimate Guide to Picking the Best Travel Credit Card
  • Points and Miles 101: A Beginner’s Guide
  • The Best Travel Credit Cards

5. Hostels — There aren’t many hostels in the United States, and most of them are overpriced. A dorm room typically costs around $30 a night, which means you can obtain a similar private room on Airbnb at the same price. If you are traveling with others, it’s often more economical to get a budget hotel than a bunch of dorm beds.

However, if you are traveling solo and want to meet others, the social benefits may outweigh the lack of value. There were just some times I didn’t want to be alone – I wanted to be around other travelers.

Some of the hostels I loved are:

  • Samesun Venice Beach (LA)
  • South Beach Hostel (Miami)
  • India House (New Orleans)
  • Jazz Hostels (NYC)
  • ITH Adventure Hostel (San Diego)
  • The Green Tortoise (San Francisco and Seattle).

For more hostel suggestions, here’s a list of my favorite hostels in the USA.

6. Camping — Dotted around the country — including around all the national parks — are inexpensive campsites. If you have a tent and camping gear, this is by far the cheapest way to travel. Campsites cost between $10-30 USD per night, which makes seeing the country incredibly affordable. Most campsites have basic amenities like running water, bathrooms, and the ability to upgrade to get electricity.

In addition to your standard campgrounds, check out the sharing economy website Campspace . It lets you pitch a tent on private properties all around the country for a small fee. Much like Airbnb, some plots are super basic and barebones while others are more luxurious, so be sure to poke around for a cheap place to stay as there are plots available all around the country.

It’s also legal to wild camp in national forests and on BLM land unless otherwise marked.

7. Sleep in your car — I know this isn’t glamorous but sleeping in your vehicle brings your accommodation costs down to zero. I know lots of travelers who did this to make their trip more affordable, some sleeping in their car just occasionally and others doing it every night. Chances are you won’t sleep well but you will save money, and that’s a fair trade to some people!

For those traveling in an RV, there are tons of free places to park and camp all around the country. Use iOverlander to find the best spots.  

A take out dish of shrimp on a road trip by Nomadic Matt in Hawaii

To help you keep your food costs in check, here are a few quick tips:

1. Cook your own meals as often as possible – If you can bring a cooler in your vehicle, you can pack groceries instead of eating out all the time. And if you bring some containers, you can store leftovers in the car too, allowing you to cook larger meals at dinner that you can eat the next day for lunch.

2. Stay in accommodation with a kitchen – If you want to cook, you’ll need a kitchen. Prioritize accommodation like Couchsurfing, Airbnb, and hostels as those will typically provide kitchen access so you can cook your meals.

3. Shop cheap – Avoid the pricier grocery stores like Whole Foods when it comes to getting groceries and stick to budget places like Walmart. It’s not glamorous, but it will be cheap!

4. Find cheap restaurants – When you want to eat out but don’t want to break the bank, use Yelp, ask people on websites like Couchsurfing, or inquire at the desks at hostels for suggestions. Locals have the best tips and insights when it comes to where to eat so they can point you in the right direction. Simply cook, limit your eating out, and be happy!

The famous Horseshoe Bend as seen by Nomadic Matt while on a roadtrip

1. Get a National Parks pass — For $80, you can purchase an annual National Parks and Federal Lands ‘America the Beautiful’ pass that provides access to all 63 national parks (as well as any other recreation areas administered by the National Park Service). In total, you can visit more than 2,000 federal recreation sites with the same pass. At $20-35 USD per visit, seeing five during your trip makes the pass a money saver. When you visit your first park, simply buy the pass and you’re good to go. There’s no need to order it in advance.

The U.S. national park system is amazing and really highlights the diversity of landscapes in the country. You can’t travel across the country without stopping at many of the national parks, especially as you get out west.

2. City tourism cards — City tourism cards allow you to see a large number of attractions (and often include free public transportation) for one price, usually $75-100 USD. They provide free access to museums, reduced access to attractions, and restaurant discounts. Be sure to look into them if you plan on doing a lot of sightseeing, as they generally will save you money. They can be purchased at tourism information centers or online before you go.

3. Free museums and events — Inquire at tourism centers, use Google, or ask hotel or hostel staff for information about free events and museums. Many museums offer occasional free or discounted admission throughout the week. There are always tons of free activities in any city in the United States.

4. Free walking tours and city greeter programs — Many cities in the US have free walking tours or city greeter programs that pair you with a local guide who can give you a brief tour. Whenever I visit a new city, I start my trip off with one of these tours. They show you the lay of the land, introduce you to the main sights, and give you access to an expert local guide that can answer all your questions.

Check in with the local tourism office when you arrive to see what programs and tours are available.

For greeter programs, you’ll need to sign-up in advance before your visit. It’s good to give about 2 weeks’ notice as they have to find someone to take you around. Google “(city name) greeter program” to find them as some are run independently of the city tourism board so might not be listed on their website.

A lone road in Wyoming near Grand Teton National Park and its snow-capped mountains

Here are your options when it comes to traveling across the country:

1. Hitchhike — This isn’t something I did on my trip, as I had a car, but it’s very doable (and relatively safe). Here’s a post by my friend Matt who hitchhiked across the United States explaining how to do so and come out alive (don’t worry, it’s safer than you think)..

For more hitchhiking tips, use Hitchwiki .

2. Rideshare — Taking on riders can be a way to lower your costs. On my first trip across the U.S., I offered rides to people I met in hostels. On this trip, I had friends and readers join me along the way. You can post ads on Craigslist and Gumtree and at hostels to find riders. This not only makes the trip more enjoyable but lowers your gas costs. Or if you are a rider, you can use the same services to find rides to get you places.

3. Buy a car — If you don’t have a car or don’t want to rent one, you can buy cheap used cars from car dealers or owners on Craigslist. There are lots of listings, and you can resell the car at the end of your trip to recoup some of your initial purchase cost. While this is easy in other countries, it’s hard to do in the United States, so remember a couple of key points:

  • You’ll need a US address for registration documents to get sent to. I would use a hostel or hotel address and then set up a forwarding address with the Post Office.
  • You’ll have to buy car insurance, which can greatly add to the costs of your trip.

Another option is to use a car relocation service. This is when you take someone’s car and drive it across the country. You are usually paid, and gas is covered. The downside is you don’t often have a lot of leeway on timing, so you might not have much time to stop and sightsee along the way. Car relocation options are also usually limited. Two companies worth checking out are Transfercar and Hit the Road .

If you just want to rent a car, use Discover Cars .

4. Use gas apps & membership programs – Install GasBuddy , an app that finds the cheapest gas prices near you. It is a must. If you’re going on a longer road trip, sign up for the monthly program; it costs $9.99 but will save you up to 40 cents a gallon.

Also, sign up for every gas loyalty program you can, so as to maximize points and discounts. Moreover, if you get a brand’s credit card, your first 50 gallons usually come with 30 cents off per gallon.

You should also consider getting a Costco membership for cheap gas. They have around 574 stores around the US so you’ll be able to earn the cost of a membership back by saving money on both gas and food.

5. Download parking apps – Parking costs add up — especially in cities. Use apps like BestParking and Parker to find spots and compare prices.

6. Take the bus – If driving is entirely out of the question, you can find bus tickets for as little as $1 USD from Megabus. Greyhound and Flixbus also have cheap rides all around the US. Rides under five hours are usually around $20 USD if you book early, and overnight rides usually cost $50-100. You can save big if you book in advance (often upwards of 75%!).

Don’t let the United States fool you! A road trip across the United States is a fun way to see a lot of diverse landscapes, experience different cultures, and meet interesting people. Traveling America isn’t very expensive once you are outside the big cities and you can easily travel the country on a budget by using the advice in this article.

Book Your Trip to the USA: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on the United States? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on the US for even more planning tips!

Got a comment on this article? Join the conversation on Facebook , Instagram , or Twitter and share your thoughts!

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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A lake at Glacier National Park in Montana


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U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Trip Calculator

Trip vehicles, step 1 of 2. select one or more vehicles..

You can add, edit, and remove vehicles at any time.

You can edit vehicles to personalize the MPG and fuel prices.

Country road

In Step 2, you will enter the trip details including starting point, intermediate stops, and destination.

Enter the Trip

You will be able to modify the route by dragging the route line on the map.

The Trip Vehicles section above will be updated with the cost of fuel for the trip.

Directions and Map

This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

This website is administered by Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the U.S. DOE and the U.S. EPA.

Fuel Cost Calculator

This calculator can estimate fuel cost according to the distance of a trip, the fuel efficiency of the car, and the price of gas using various units.

Related Gas Mileage Calculator | Mileage Calculator

The price of gas may go up or down, but it's always a major expense for most drivers. The average American driver spends about $3,000 per year on gas, according to the American Automobile Association. Some of the practical ways to reduce fuel costs are listed below.

Use public transportation

Walking or biking does not consume fuel, and as such does not accumulate fuel cost. In most cases, public transport alternatives to cars such as buses, trains, and trolleys are viable options of reducing fuel costs. Due to the communal nature of ride sharing, the fuel costs of operating public transport are generally less than the fuel costs associated with each individual operating their own vehicle. In some places, public transport is free. Considering the costs associated with owning or renting a car creates even more incentive to use other modes of transportation.

Also known as car sharing, carpooling is the arrangement between two or more people to travel to a shared destination in a single vehicle. Although a heavier car consumes slightly more fuel, it is usually much more efficient than two people driving separate cars towards the same destination.

Use a more fuel efficient vehicle

Driving a smaller car makes a great difference – the fuel cost is about half for a small sedan than for a very large SUV. Similarly, drive with a less powerful engine than you need. Don't pay for an eight-cylinder engine when four cylinders work just fine. Unless you're hauling heavy loads on a routine basis, the extra cost of a bigger engine results in more money spent on gasoline.

Tune the engine

A properly tuned engine maximizes power and can greatly enhance fuel efficiency. But tuning the car engine is often done to increase horsepower – that's not the way to save on fuel. Make sure the tuner gets the message.

Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average of 4 percent – this amount will vary depending on the nature of the repair.

Fixing a serious maintenance problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your mileage by as much as 40 percent.

Placing ornaments and ground effects, aerodynamics kits, and airfoils, such as deck-lid spoilers, may make you feel good, but they also increase the car's drag and make it require more fuel. Such accessories offer no real handling enhancements, although they may look nice on your car. Also, place signs or cargo on the roof so that the object angles forward. This will reduce the frontal area of the object, and it will cause less drag, and cause you to use less fuel.

Adjust tires

Make sure the tires are inflated to the right levels. Properly inflated tires can reduce fuel consumption by up to 3 percent. Your tires also lose about 1 PSI per month, and when the tires are cold (e.g., in the winter), their pressure will decrease due to the thermal contraction of the air. It is recommended to check tires at least monthly, preferably weekly. Having properly inflated tires will also help you avoid uneven wear on the tread.

Gas stations don't always have accurate equipment for this purpose. Sometimes gas stations use automatic air compressors that stop at a pre-determined level. To make sure you inflate to the right level, double-check pressure with your own gauge.

Recommended inflation pressures are for cold tires; put about 3 PSI more in if the tires have been driven on a while. Inflate to the pressure recommended by the car manufacturer, not to the level stamped on the tire.

Use the correct motor oil

Gas mileage will improve by 1 percent to 2 percent if you use the manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. For example, using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to use 5W-30 can reduce your gas mileage by a considerable amount. Using 5W-30 in an engine designed for 5W-20 can lower your gas mileage by 1 percent to 2 percent. Also, look for motor oil that says "Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be sure it contains friction-reducing additives.

Plan trips carefully

There is no more obvious way to save gas than to drive a shorter distance.

Plan your route carefully. With today's GPS route planners, it's easy to calculate a straight route with the fewest stops and diversions. It is also possible to judge which route will have the least traffic. Take highways instead of local routes or city streets when possible – the steady speed maximizes fuel efficiency.

When driving in a city, try to park in a central location, and then walk from one appointment to another, or take public transportation. Ragged stop-and-go city driving is terrible for your gas mileage. This also saves the high level of gas used in parking and pulling out in a parking lot.

Factors that determine the fuel price

Government intervention.

Governments may intervene in gasoline (referred to as petrol in some parts of the world) markets by taxation, which may raise prices for consumers within or outside the governmental territory. Similarly, certain industries may receive financial support from the government to promote commercial enterprise (a subsidy). Generally, subsidized products or services can be sold at lower prices.

Financial markets

The global oil price fluctuates constantly. The key crudes quoted are Brent and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) in the unit of US$ per barrel. The retail fuel price is closely related to the global oil price fluctuation.

Political elements such as structure, regime, personnel, and events can all affect the cost of fuel. For instance, a change in leadership from a leader who doesn't believe in climate change to one who does may result in changes to the cost of fuel for consumers based on different policies, such as choosing not to subsidize fuel. Political relationships between countries are also a factor; nations can go to war over resources, or form alliances in order to trade, both of which can affect the cost of fuel.

Geographic area

Certain geographical areas or countries in the world have an abundance of oil, while others do not have a single drop. Regional consumers within close proximity of high supplies of oil are more likely to have lower costs of fuel due to ease of access. Areas without their own supply of oil that are isolated from the rest of the world (such as islands in the Pacific) can find fuel to be relatively expensive.

Natural disaster or weather

Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, major floods, and other such nature-related phenomena can affect the production, manufacturing, and logistics of gasoline, which can possibly affect the price of fuel. For instance, a snowstorm may close certain roads, disallowing the transportation of the resource and driving up fuel costs in these areas. Hurricanes or earthquakes can damage oil refineries, abruptly halting production, which can also eventually increase fuel costs.

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Road trip gas calculator

travel cost in car

Don't Just Estimate—Calculate and Optimize with Roadtrip

Welcome to the simple web version of Roadtrip's Fuel Calculator. More than just a calculator, this is your comprehensive guide to fuel cost planning, whether you're prepping for a quick commute or a grand road trip adventure.

Why Every Driver Needs Roadtrip's Gas and Fuel Calculator

  • Pinpoint Accuracy : Tailor your calculations based on your car's actual mileage for the most accurate estimates.
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  • 🌎 Smart Route Planning : The app's geo-location features do the hard work for you, finding the most fuel-efficient path.
  • 🔎 Just search for your car : We look up the specs of your car so you don't have to, ensuring our fuel calculator is as accurate as possible.
  • ⚡️ Electricity Costs, Too : Own a hybrid or electric vehicle? The app adapts to include local electricity costs in your estimates. Try the EV calculator.
  • 🌱 Carbon Emission Estimates : The app shows you the estimated carbon emissions for your trip based on how many gallons of gas or litres of petrol you use on your trip.

Bottom Line : If you find the Gas and Fuel Calculator useful, you'll find the Roadtrip app indispensable. Download it now and transform the way you plan your journeys.

How to Maximize Savings with Roadtrip's Gas and Fuel Calculator

  • Input Distance : Start by entering the distance of your journey.
  • Update Fuel Price : Use the most current local fuel prices for precise estimates.
  • Include Your Car's Mileage : Customization is key—enter your car's mileage for an estimate that's uniquely yours.
  • Calculate : Hit the button, and you'll get an instant, accurate estimate that helps you budget smarter for your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Gas and Fuel Calculator really accurate? A: Our Gas and Fuel Calculator is incredibly precise when given the right inputs. However, for a deeper dive into your trip costs, including live fuel prices, you'll want to download the Roadtrip app .

Q: How much does it cost to use the Gas and Fuel Calculator? A: It's entirely free. But for a full suite of planning tools and real-time updates, the Roadtrip app is your go-to resource .

Q: What extra features do I get with the Roadtrip app? A: Everything from real-time fuel price updates to route optimization is at your fingertips. Experience the difference today .

Download for free today!

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How to Calculate Cost of Travel

Last Updated: September 27, 2023

This article was co-authored by Greg Guiteras . Greg Guiteras is the CEO of Lorraine Travel, LLC, one of the largest privately-owned travel management companies in Florida founded in 1948. With over 34 years of experience, Greg's specialties are in corporate travel management, sales and marketing, contract negotiations, strategic partnerships, and luxury hotel sales. Greg holds a BS in Marketing from Florida State University. Greg has also created WhataHotel!, a website offering exclusive perks on hotel bookings, and CabinMate, an app that matches single cruise travelers with potential cabin matches "in the same boat" to avoid traveling solo on a cruise. This article has been viewed 152,947 times.

Calculating your travel costs can help you plan and organize your trip, and though it may seem difficult or confusing, it’s actually pretty easy to do. Look into the cost of lodging, vehicle rentals, fuel costs, flight costs, and any other expenses you may incur. Gather all of your costs together and keep them organized so you can plan for expenses and calculate your costs. You can also use a formula to figure out your fuel costs if you’re driving to your destination.

Calculating Your Travel Budget

Step 1 Keep track of your costs so they’re organized.

  • Use a spreadsheet to organize costs, make plans, and keep a checklist of items.
  • Write down any expenses that you make or plan to make in the document.

Step 2 Research the total cost of round trip airline tickets if you’re flying.

  • You can also estimate your budget based on other round trip ticket prices. For example, if you’re in the US, you could calculate round trip tickets across the country at around $500.
  • Look for roundtrip ticket deals that bundle your flights together.
  • Compare rates of round trip flights online so you can find the most affordable option.

Step 3 Look up the price of vehicle rentals where you’re going.

  • For example, if a rental company charges $50 a day, and you need to rent a vehicle for 3 days, then you’ll need to budget at least $150 for rental costs.
  • If you’re traveling far, choose the vehicle with the best mileage so you can save on fuel costs.

Step 4 Incorporate additional transportation you’ll use into your costs.

  • Search online to determine the type of travel you’ll use.
  • Find out the costs of using the transportation, whether it’s a rental fee or a ticket price, and estimate how much you’ll need to budget for it. For example, if you plan to take a ferry to visit a remote island at least 4 times, and the ticket prices are $5 per trip, then you can budget $20 for ferry tickets.
  • If you’re unsure of how to arrange for transportation at your destination, contact a travel agency and ask them to assist you. You’ll have to pay them for their services, but they’ll be able to fully assist you!

Step 5 Find out the costs of any lodgings you plan to use.

  • For instance, if you plan to stay at a hotel that costs $100 a night, and you plan to stay for 5 days, then you’ll need to budget $500 to stay there for the duration.
  • Calculate your total lodging costs by adding together the total amounts of each place you plan to stay.
  • You can find rental rates for many hotels on their website.

Step 6 Include the costs of food for each traveler.

  • Check to see if there are any restaurants that you plan to visit so you can adjust your food costs based on the prices of the restaurant.
  • If you plan to eat on the airplane, contact the airline to find out the cost of meals.

Tip: A good rule of thumb is to figure about $20 of food costs per person for a full day of traveling.

Step 7 Add in the costs of any activities you plan to do.

  • Try to think of any miscellaneous costs that you may have such as toll roads or baggage fees.

Budgeting Fuel Costs

Step 1 Find out the total distance you will drive on your trip.

  • Put together all of the driving trips you plan to take to get a total traveling distance.

Step 2 Divide the distance by your vehicle’s mileage to find your fuel needs.

  • For example, if you’re going to Kansas, you plan to drive a total of about 200 miles (320 km), and your rental car gets about 20 miles (32 km) per gallon of fuel, then you’ll need to purchase a total of about 10 gallons (38 L) of fuel in order to get around.

Step 3 Multiply how much fuel you need by the cost of fuel where you’re traveling.

  • For instance, if you need about 10 gallons (38 L) of fuel to travel around and the cost of fuel is about $3.00 per gallon, then you’ll need to spend about $30.00 on fuel.

Tip: If you’re traveling for business or you plan to be reimbursed for your expenses, keep your receipts so you can be reimbursed and calculate your mileage for tax purposes.

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Greg Guiteras

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  • Flight Houston - New York (IAH - LGA) $69+
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  • Rosen Inn International $64+
  • Flight Atlanta - Orlando (ATL - MCO) $37+
  • Flight Charlotte - Orlando (CLT - MCO) $41+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Orlando (CVG - MCO) $47+
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  • Generator London $31+
  • Nx London Hostel $37+
  • Palmers Lodge Swiss Cottage $38+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LGW) $285+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LGW) $340+
  • Flight New York - London (JFK - LHR) $347+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - STN) $367+

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  • Flight Raleigh - Fort Lauderdale (RDU - FLL) $39+
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  • HI Chicago Hostel $54+
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  • Flight Miami - Chicago (MIA - ORD) $41+

San Francisco

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  • The Mosser $73+
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  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $38+
  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $52+
  • Flight Santa Ana - San Francisco (SNA - SFO) $60+

Washington, D.C.

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  • Motto by Hilton Washington DC City Center $133+
  • Citizenm Washington DC Noma $135+
  • Hyatt Place Washington DC/US Capitol $137+
  • Glover Park Hotel Georgetown $139+
  • Citizenm Washington Dc Capitol $142+
  • Washington Plaza Hotel $143+
  • Henley Park Hotel $147+
  • Cambria Hotel Washington DC Navy Yard Riverfront $157+
  • Georgetown Residences by Luxurban $158+
  • Beacon Hotel & Corporate Quarters $159+
  • Flight Boston - Baltimore (BOS - BWI) $51+
  • Flight Atlanta - Baltimore (ATL - BWI) $52+
  • Flight Tampa - Baltimore (TPA - BWI) $53+
  • Flight Orlando - Baltimore (MCO - BWI) $59+
  • Flight Denver - Baltimore (DEN - BWI) $62+
  • Flight Dallas - Baltimore (DFW - BWI) $72+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Baltimore (FLL - BWI) $72+
  • Flight Houston - Baltimore (HOU - BWI) $73+
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  • Flight Chicago - Baltimore (ORD - BWI) $88+
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  • Wyndham Garden Cancun Downtown $73+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Cancún (FLL - CUN) $169+
  • Flight Dallas - Cancún (DFW - CUN) $191+
  • Flight Chicago - Cancún (ORD - CUN) $195+

United States

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  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - LGA) $62+
  • Flight Dallas - Las Vegas (DFW - LAS) $63+
  • Tip Top Motel Cafe & Bakery $176+
  • Kauai Palms Hotel $195+
  • Kauai Inn $226+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $136+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $150+
  • Flight San Diego - Hawaii (SAN - USHI) $197+
  • Stay Classy $53+
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  • Flight Phoenix - San Diego (PHX - SAN) $44+
  • Flight Oakland - San Diego (OAK - SAN) $53+
  • Shared Living Not A Hotel $38+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Phoenix West $51+
  • Extend-a-Suites Phoenix $51+
  • Flight Ontario - Phoenix (ONT - PHX) $38+
  • Flight Denver - Phoenix (DEN - PHX) $43+
  • Flight Dallas - Phoenix (DFW - PHX) $47+

Los Angeles

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  • City Center Hotel $102+
  • The Dixie Hollywood $108+
  • Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles International Airport $121+
  • Hotel Normandie $129+
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  • Flight Denver - Los Angeles (DEN - LAX) $59+
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  • Life House, Little Havana $96+
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  • Flight Chicago - Miami (ORD - MIA) $41+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $42+
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  • Flight Detroit - Miami (DTW - MIA) $52+
  • Flight Boston - Miami (BOS - MIA) $56+
  • Flight Charlotte - Miami (CLT - MIA) $63+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $64+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $66+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (HOU - MIA) $70+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $70+
  • Super 8 by Wyndham Denver Stapleton $64+
  • Hometowne Studios by Red Roof Denver - Glendale/Cherry Creek $66+
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  • Baymont by Wyndham Denver International Airport $75+
  • Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver Airport $78+
  • La Quinta Inn & Suites By Wyndham Denver Airport Dia $94+
  • Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Denver International Airport $116+
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  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $53+
  • Flight Chicago - Denver (ORD - DEN) $56+
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  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $68+
  • Flight Cincinnati - Denver (CVG - DEN) $76+
  • Flight Dallas - Denver (DFW - DEN) $80+
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  • Flight Chicago - Boston (ORD - BOS) $46+
  • Flight Miami - Boston (MIA - BOS) $53+
  • Ramada Plaza by Wyndham Atlanta Airport $61+
  • Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Atlanta/Buckhead Area $66+
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Atlanta Perimeter Dunwoody $88+
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  • Flight Newark - Atlanta (EWR - ATL) $37+
  • Flight Orlando - Atlanta (MCO - ATL) $37+
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  • Toc Hostel Madrid $32+
  • C&H Aravaca Garden $36+
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  • Flight New York - Lisbon (JFK - LIS) $347+
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  • Tampa Inn Near Busch Gardens $69+
  • Econo Lodge Airport at RJ Stadium $69+
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  • Flight Philadelphia - Florida (PHL - USFL) $50+
  • Flight Dallas - Florida (DFW - USFL) $51+
  • Flight Atlanta - Tampa (ATL - TPA) $44+
  • Flight Trenton - Tampa (TTN - TPA) $48+
  • Flight Baltimore - Tampa (BWI - TPA) $49+

New Orleans

  • Super 8 by Wyndham New Orleans $51+
  • Ramada by Wyndham New Orleans $54+
  • Maison Saint Charles by Hotel RL $86+
  • Flight Chicago - New Orleans (ORD - MSY) $37+
  • Flight Dallas - New Orleans (DFW - MSY) $37+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New Orleans (FLL - MSY) $48+

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Fuel Cost Calculator

Want to know how much your next trip will cost for fuel? Just input a few details into our fuel cost calculator and you’ll get an instant fuel cost calculation and fuel consumption calculation for your one-way or return journey in the UK.

Fuel Needed (Litres)

Fuel Cost (Estimated)

Car valuation

How to use our fuel cost calculator

Our fuel cost calculator is extremely easy to use, just use the input box to enter the price you’re paying per litre of fuel , your vehicle’s MPG (miles per gallon) figure, and the distance you intend to drive.

What does MPG mean?

In a nutshell, MPG means how many miles a car can go for every gallon of fuel. MPG is usually given as a number, and it can be used to compare the fuel efficiency of different vehicles.

The higher the MPG rating, the more efficient a car is , so choosing a vehicle with a high MPG can help you save money on fuel over time.

How our fuel cost calculator works

Our calculator uses a very simple formula to determine how much you will have to pay at the pumps for your journey. We use the formula: (c ost per litre x distance) ÷ vehicle MPG x 4.546.

How our calculator determines the fuel quantity required

Again, our calculator uses a very simple formula to calculate the amount of fuel needed for the journey. We use the formula: distance ÷ vehicle MPG x 4.546 .

Who needs a fuel and mileage cost calculator?

Anyone who travels a lot, either for work or pleasure can use our fuel and mileage cost calculator to see how much it would cost to get from A to B and back.

Whether you’re going on a weekend getaway or driving up and down the country for work, this tool can help you to budget better by letting you know exactly how much you have to pay at the pumps.

How to improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency and save money on fuel

fuel cost calculator

With fuel prices on the rise, it is becoming increasingly important to find ways to improve your vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

Whether you have a car or van, there are several small adjustments that you can make that will help to reduce your fuel usage and save you money over time.

1. Check your tyre pressure regularly

Having the right tire pressure is essential for getting the most out of your fuel economy.

Underinflated tires cause more drag and decrease how efficiently your car runs. Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly and top them up as needed.

2. Reduce unnecessary weight in your car

It may not seem like much, but those extra few pounds can add up quickly when it comes to reducing your mileage.

Remove any unnecessary items from the boot of your car, such as sports equipment or heavy tools that you don’t use often. Every little bit helps.

3. Change your oil regularly

When oil gets too dirty, it can reduce engine performance and lead to decreased fuel efficiency. It is recommended that you get an oil change every 3-5 months (depending on the type of oil used) so that your engine stays clean and operates at its optimum level of performance.

4. Use cruise control whenever possible

Cruise control helps maintain consistent speeds which translates into improved mileage since you don’t have sudden starts and stops or fluctuating speeds while driving.

So if you are going on a long drive or even to another town, cruise control can be a great way to save some money on fuel.

5. Drive at steady speeds

Driving at steady speeds helps conserve fuel because when you accelerate quickly it uses up more fuel than when acceleration occurs slowly over time. Try driving at a steady speed whenever possible in order to maximize fuel efficiency.

6. Take care of your engine

Taking care of your engine is one of the best ways to ensure maximum fuel efficiency for your vehicle. Change air filters regularly and make sure all fluids are topped off so that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

7. Avoid idling

Idling your vehicle for extended periods of time wastes a lot of fuel and can significantly reduce fuel efficiency. Whenever possible, try to turn off the engine when you’re stopped instead of letting it idle.

8 . Avoid high speeds

Driving at higher speeds can decrease your fuel efficiency significantly. Whenever possible, try to keep your speed below the posted speed limit in order to maximize fuel efficiency.

9. Use eco mode

Most modern cars come with an eco mode, which you can use to help reduce fuel consumption and get better mileage.

This mode helps reduce engine power and alters your transmission shift points in order to conserve fuel.

10. Drive smarter

Last but not least, smart driving is the best way to reduce fuel usage and save money in the long run.

Smart driving techniques include accelerating slowly, avoiding sudden braking and idling, using cruise control, and following the speed limit.

By driving more efficiently you can reduce your overall fuel costs while also being kinder to the environment.

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Save money on your next trip: Use these tips to never pay full price for a rental car

Kyle Olsen

Editor's Note

Summer brings warm weather, a break from school and plentiful opportunities for travel. However, traveling during summer can be quite expensive, especially if you need to rent a vehicle. Rental cars (like everything else) are no longer as affordable as they used to be. Plus, the initial price advertised can be misleading, as there are often hidden fees , damage waivers and other expenses to take into account.

If you're looking to cut costs on your upcoming car rental , you've come to the right place. This guide will provide all the tips and tricks you need to save money on your rental car.

Related: Underrated summer travel destinations

Use a  corporate, university or alumni code

travel cost in car

Using a corporate code from your job or university is one of the simplest ways to save on rental cars. It's worth checking your corporate or alumni travel site or student benefits page for rental company discounts. Many universities have deals with Avis, Enterprise, Hertz and National that can save students and alumni significant money. Some codes may even offer additional benefits, such as free extra drivers or waived fees for drivers under 25 .

Always ensure you can use these codes on personal rentals, as some corporate codes are exclusively for business travel. Sometimes, your company or university may have a separate code for personal use.

And although these codes can often be found online, using a code you are not eligible for is highly discouraged. Rental car companies often request proof of employment or alumni status, so booking with a code that doesn't apply to you isn't worth the risk.

Related: How to rent a car without a credit card

Join AAA to save on rental cars

travel cost in car

You're likely familiar with AAA , the auto club that offers its members roadside assistance and discounts on various services. One of the most significant discounts is on rental cars: You can save up to 20% on all Hertz rentals with the AAA discount code.

Using AAA's code when you book with Hertz provides several other benefits, such as waived fees for drivers under 25, discounts on prepaid fuel, a free additional driver and a complimentary child, infant or booster seat. Depending on how often you rent from Hertz, these discounts can more than compensate for AAA's membership fee of $64.99 to $124.99 per year.

Once you become a member, you can use Hertz's dedicated AAA website to book your discounted rental car. The process is the same as booking through the standard AAA website; all discounts are shown on the checkout screen.

Related: How to redeem points and miles for car rentals

See if you're eligible for USAA discounts

travel cost in car

USAA members are eligible for discounted rental cars with Avis, Budget, Enterprise and Hertz. By booking through the USAA portal, you can receive up to a 35% discount on your next rental and still earn points through the rental company's loyalty program. Additionally, you'll be eligible for discounts or waivers on various fees, such as those for additional drivers and drivers under 25.

However, not everyone is eligible for USAA discounts; membership is open to current and former military personnel and their spouses and children. If you qualify, it's worthwhile to start your car rental search with USAA to determine the baseline discount before comparing costs with credit card perks and other portals.

Related: The best military travel discounts and perks

Leverage credit card perks and discounts

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Several travel credit cards offer rental car perks and discounts. Here's a quick overview of what to expect from some of the most popular travel cards.

Chase Sapphire Reserve

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® offers a suite of car rental discounts. To take advantage of them at Avis and National, you must enter your Visa Infinite discount code at booking and pay with your Chase Sapphire Reserve card. At Audi on Demand, all you have to do is add your Chase Sapphire Reserve as the default payment method in your account.

The Platinum Card from American Express

Those with The Platinum Card® from American Express have access to a suite of benefits with Hertz, National and Avis (enrollment is required) that can save you money and elevate your rental experience (terms apply).

At Hertz, cardmembers can enjoy the following:

  • Complimentary Five Star elite status, which provides priority service at the counter and one-car-class upgrade when available
  • Up to 15% off standard rates and 25% off Prestige Collection vehicles
  • Free additional driver for spouse/civil partner
  • Four-hour grace period for rental returns

To take advantage of these benefits, you must first enroll in Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and then book your rental directly with Hertz or with Platinum Travel Services.

If you rent through Avis, you can get:

  • Priority service at the counter
  • Discounts on your rental
  • Free two-day weekend rental coupon after completing two qualifying rentals from Avis of two or more days in a six-month period

To use these perks, you must enroll in Avis Preferred and then book your rental directly with Avis or Platinum Travel Services.

If you rent with National — enrollment is required to receive a complimentary Emerald Club membership with Executive status — you can receive the following benefits:

  • Executive members can choose their own car from the Executive Selection area
  • Receive automatic upgrades when a full-size through luxury car is reserved
  • Earn a complimentary rental day after six qualifying rentals
  • Receive airline miles or hotel points from one of National's partners

United Club Infinite Card

Lastly, the United Club℠ Infinite Card includes complimentary Avis President's Club status, the highest tier in Avis' loyalty program. This includes the following valuable perks:

  • Complimentary two-car-class upgrades when available
  • Guaranteed car availability when you book at least 24 hours in advance
  • Expedited rental service
  • Dedicated phone line for reservations and customer support

If you don't have one of the aforementioned cards, it's worth checking to see if your credit card offers similar benefits. Often, these discounts can be applied to your rental by booking through a specific portal or using a designated discount code.

Related: Credit cards that offer elite status for car rentals

Use a credit card that includes a rental car damage waiver

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Damage waivers are an important part of renting a car. If you incur any damage to a rental (anything from a fender bender to theft), the damage waiver may provide coverage, limiting your out-of-pocket cost.

You can buy these waivers from your rental company, but they can be costly — usually between $10 and $20 per day. However, some credit cards include a primary collision damage waiver when you charge the rental cost to your credit card.

Two of these cards are the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card and Chase Sapphire Reserve . Both cards offer a primary damage waiver in case of damage or theft. There are a couple of exclusions — namely for exotic, "expensive" and antique vehicles — but your average rental car shouldn't be an issue.

Since the insurance is primary, you won't have to file a claim with your personal car insurance if damage is incurred. This is helpful since you won't have to pay a hefty deductible or be subject to rate changes. Just note that coverage is only valid on rentals of 31 consecutive days or less.

Book a rental car through an airline portal

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Many major airlines have partnerships with rental car companies, offering discounts, the ability to earn miles and more. For example, United Airlines MileagePlus members can earn up to 1,250 miles per qualifying rental and enjoy discounts of up to 35% at Avis and Budget. You can find more information, as well as current deals and offers, at United's car rental portal .

Better yet, many airline programs offer complimentary rental car status to their elite members. American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines offer status matches for elite members at certain rental companies, with United also offering status to select cobranded credit card holders .

Car rental status can include guaranteed free upgrades, bonus points and a wider selection of redemption options. The value of these perks can add up depending on how often you rent cars, so we highly recommend taking advantage of a status match if you're offered one.

That said, you'll miss out on rental car points if you choose to earn airline miles with your car rental. Consider which you find more valuable before you decide which currency you want to earn. Contrary to popular belief, rental car points can be very valuable depending on how you use them.

Related: Delta Air Lines expands its partnership with Hertz

Check alternate rental locations

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Major rental companies have numerous locations in key cities and airports. For instance, Hertz has over a dozen locations in New York City and Enterprise has more than 15 in the Denver metro area. To find the best possible deal, compare prices at all nearby locations.

Renting in town may save you money on airport pickup taxes and fees. These savings often apply to rentals where you pick up in town and drop off at the airport.

However, there are drawbacks to renting in town — mainly that in-town locations typically have fewer cars to choose from. This might be frustrating if the car you want is unavailable, and it may restrict your upgrade options.

In addition, picking up a rental in a city and then returning it to the airport at the end of your trip may subject you to one-way fees or daily rates — which can sometimes be exorbitant. Be sure to carefully compare prices to make sure you're not overpaying.

Related: Can't find a car rental? Here are secrets that may help

Rent a car from Lyft

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Did you know that you can rent a car from Lyft instead of requesting a ride? Most rentals are fulfilled by Flexdrive or Hertz, and prices are similar to what you'd pay directly.

When you rent with Lyft, you'll generally receive a $10 Lyft credit when you return your car. You can use this to pay for a ride from the rental car agency.

Related: How to easily earn points and miles on your Lyft rides

Borrow someone else's car with Turo

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You might also consider renting with Turo , a platform that allows you to rent cars from individuals in major cities across the U.S. Not only are the prices often competitive, but you can also rent unique cars unavailable from traditional rental companies, like electric vehicles, sports cars and specialized luxury vehicles.

To determine the best deal for your specific dates, compare the costs of traditional rentals with Turo. Some Turo rentals can even be dropped off and picked up at an airport lot, making it as convenient as any other rental.

Related: Are Turo car rentals covered by credit card insurance?

Find a deal with AutoSlash

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AutoSlash is a free website that helps you find the best possible deal on car rentals. When you enter your rental specifications and any eligible discounts (such as AAA membership), the website searches for rates from different companies as well as coupon codes that you can use. This simplifies the process of comparing prices.

Since AutoSlash is free, there are no downsides to using it. However, keep in mind that it cannot search for corporate and university codes, so it's essential to cross-check AutoSlash's price with your corporate code's price.

What distinguishes AutoSlash from other car rental sites is its ability to track rates and notify you when they decrease on a rental you've already booked. Specifically, AutoSlash finds cheaper rates using coupons, discount codes and membership-related discounts. You can then cancel your first reservation for a full refund and rebook at the lower rate.

Related: How to use AutoSlash to save on rental cars

How to avoid common fees when renting a car

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Sometimes, it seems like there are endless fees associated with renting a car, but most are avoidable. Here are ways to avoid common rental car fees that add up quickly.

Fill up the gas tank before you return a car

To avoid inflated fuel prices charged by the rental company, the best approach is to fill up the gas tank shortly before returning the car.

Another option is to prepay for a full tank when picking up the car. However, remember that most rental car companies don't offer refunds for unused fuel, so this option is only beneficial if you plan to use most of the tank. Therefore, we recommend refueling before dropping off the rental car to save money.

Bring your own toll transponder

Rental cars may come equipped with toll transponders — for instance, Hertz's PlatePass transponders can be used at cashless toll locations for E-ZPass and I-Pass throughout the U.S. Although these transponders are convenient, you may encounter convenience fees for using them.

When possible, bring your own toll transponder or pay tolls in cash and keep the rental car's transponder in the provided case. Otherwise, you may end up facing high convenience fees.

If renting a car in New York City, you can enroll in Pay Per Trip to pay for your bridge and tunnel tolls. All you have to do is register your rental license plate on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority website, and all tolls will be charged to your credit card on file.

As a Florida resident, TPG's senior editorial director, Nick Ewen, keeps a SunPass Pro transponder that works across Florida and 21 other states. Meanwhile, E-ZPass is an option for visiting Florida, as is the Visitor Toll Pass program for those flying into and departing from Orlando International Airport (MCO).

Skip the under-25 fee

As mentioned in this article, there are multiple tricks young renters can use to bypass the costly "under 25" fee. You can avoid this fee — and save a considerable amount of money — by booking your rental with certain corporate codes, AAA discount codes and university codes.

Related: How you can rent a $100,000 BMW for $3 a day

Bottom line

Renting a car can be expensive, but there are various ways to save money. Keep these tips in mind when booking your next rental, and remember to compare prices and read the fine print before you book — that will help you find the best deal and enjoy a stress-free rental car experience.

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7 AARP travel benefits seniors should know

By Joshua Rodriguez

Edited By Matt Richardson

July 12, 2024 / 11:11 AM EDT / CBS News


One benefit of retirement is having the freedom to choose what you'll do with your time. And, if you're like many, you're looking forward to using that freedom to travel. But traveling can be expensive and planning trips can be a headache. But, AARP may be able to help. 

AARP is an association that advocates for the interests of the 50-plus community. And, while the organization does work to improve seniors' legal rights, it also offers other benefits to its members . Many AARP benefits are centered around travel. And, if you're a senior planning to take trips throughout your retirement, you should know how the association can help. 

Sign up for an AARP membership to save as you travel .

AARP members can enjoy a wide range of travel benefits. Some of the most exciting include: 

Travel planning

There's quite a bit that goes into planning a trip. You'll need to pick a destination, decide how to get there, book a hotel, plan your meals and potentially rent a vehicle. There's so much involved in the process that many people pay travel agents to handle it. 

But, with AARP, planning a trip is simplified. As a member, you can access benefits like: 

  • AARP Destination Guides : Whether you want to learn more about popular destinations in the United States or globally, AARP Destination Guides can help. 
  • AARP Travel : Get advice, tips and tools for planning your trip that only AARP members can access. 
  • AARP Vacation Ideas : Not sure where you'd like to go? Choose one of many AARP Vacation Ideas to plan your next trip. 

Simplify the travel planning process with AARP today . 

Hotel, airfare and car rental discounts

Traveling can be costly, but AARP discounts can bring that cost down. The association partnered with Expedia to create the AARP Travel Center. Members can use this feature to find exclusive deals on hotels, airfare and car rentals, among other travel-related services like cruises. 

Restaurant discounts

It's important to plan for the cost of food when you travel. AARP can help you cut that cost, too. The association has partnered with many national brands and local restaurants to offer member discounts. Finding those deals is as simple as logging into your account and searching for restaurants the association has partnered with in and around your destination. 

Roadside assistance discounts

Something as simple as running out of gas or getting a flat tire can be stressful. That's especially true when you're traveling. But AARP can help alleviate that stress. Members can get 20% off of roadside assistance packages from Allstate. Plans start at just $5.50 monthly and cover a variety of items ranging from towing to tire changes and more.

Entertainment discounts

AARP connects its members with discounted local entertainment opportunities. You can find entertainment discounts in your destination by visiting the association's entertainment discount search page. Entertainment discounts often range from 20% to 50% off but may be higher or lower in some cases. 

Travel protection

Traveling can come with medical risks . For example, if you experience symptoms in a country with minimal medical support, you may need to go a long distance to find quality medical care. But, as an AARP member, you can get a 20% discount on their Medjet packages. If you take advantage of this offer and experience medical problems while traveling, Medjet will transport you to the closest acceptable medical facility, even if that means transporting you back to your hometown. 

Rushed passport savings

If you need a new passport, or to renew one, quickly, RushMyPassport can help. And, if you're an AARP member, you'll enjoy discounts on their services. 

The bottom line

AARP offers members a wide range of travel benefits. Whether you need help planning your next trip or you want to enjoy discounts on things like hotels, airfare and rental cars, a membership with the association will prove valuable. Members enjoy other discounts that can help with travel, too. As a member, you can save on restaurants, roadside assistance, entertainment, travel protection and even expedited passport services. Sign up for AARP now to tap into these and many more benefits . 

Joshua Rodriguez is a personal finance and investing writer with a passion for his craft. When he's not working, he enjoys time with his wife, two kids and two dogs.

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Study: These are the most expensive vehicles to drive per mile

Expensive evs are driven less and cost more, making them more expensive per mile.

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Gas prices have climbed to record highs in some places, but the data show that vehicles with internal combustion engines are still cheaper to drive than EVs. In fact, according to a recent iSeeCars study, the 15 most expensive vehicles to drive per mile are all plug-in models.

iSeeCars looked at the number and cost of miles driven by different fuel types between November 2022 and April 2023. EVs were driven the least and were the most expensive to drive 1,000 miles. Gas cars were driven the most but were slightly more expensive to operate over that same mileage cycle. Breaking things down further by model, the most expensive vehicles to operate on a per-mile basis were all plug-ins, with the Porsche Taycan being the priciest.

The 10 most expensive vehicles per mile:

  • Porsche Taycan : $22.02/mi ($22,021 per 1,000 miles)
  • Porsche Cayenne PHEV: $14.69
  • Tesla Model S : $11.62
  • Audi e-tron Sportback: $9.27
  • Audi e-tron: $8.78
  • Polestar 2 : $8.55
  • Lincoln Aviator PHEV: $7.71
  • Volvo XC40 Recharge: $7.44
  • BMW i3 : $7.24
  • BMW X5 PHEV : $7.35

The higher purchase price , combined with the fact that higher-end luxury vehicles tend to be driven less, pushes their average cost per mile higher than other models. That point becomes more apparent when looking at the two Porsche ’s average new prices, which land at $138,914 and $111,985 for the Taycan and Cayenne PHEV, respectively. They’re also the only two in the study with six-figure average price tags.

Hybrids, on the other hand, comprise most of the 15 cheapest vehicles to operate per mile. The Honda Insight had a per-mile cost of just $1.46, followed by the Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid at $1.81 and the Toyota Corolla Hybrid at $1.86. iSeeCars executive analyst Karl Brauer said that hybrids are becoming more attractive for buyers as the cost gap between them and traditional gasoline models continues to shrink .

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Understanding the Costco Car Rental Program and How It Can Save Money

A re you a Costco member who loves to travel? Did you know Costco offers an exclusive service for members that can save money on car rentals? This program can be accessed through Costco Travel’s services and collaborates with well-known car rental agencies to offer an extensive fleet of rental vehicles at discounted rates.

Understanding the Costco car rental program is vital for members planning on utilizing its services. It ensures transparency, prevents unexpected costs, and allows informed decisions on vehicles and exclusive member prices.  Though plenty of rental service options are available, Costco members are encouraged to take advantage of the many exclusive perks and discounts included with their membership. Not convinced yet? 

Let’s discuss, in detail, the advantages of choosing Costco’s car rental program for your future travel endeavors. Whether your travels include a week-long stay at a luxury hotel or an upcoming family road trip, knowing you have the best package on your car rental will give you peace of mind.

The Many Benefits of Costco Travel 

Costco Travel offers a myriad of benefits that make it a go-to choice for members looking for convenient and affordable travel options. One of the primary draws is the substantial cost savings and exclusive discounts available to Costco members. Through strategic partnerships with major car rental companies, Costco Travel ensures its members enjoy preferential rates, translating into significant savings on their travel expenses.

Moreover, the program boasts a diverse selection of available vehicles, catering to a wide range of preferences and travel needs. Whether members are searching for compact cars for city exploration, spacious SUVs for family adventures, or luxurious options for special occasions, Costco Travel provides vehicle options to suit every occasion.

In addition to cost-effectiveness and vehicle diversity, Costco Travel enhances the travel experience with additional perks and features. Members often benefit from complimentary extras like free additional drivers, unlimited mileage, and special promotions. These benefits add value to the rental and create a more enjoyable and stress-free travel experience.

Participating Car Rental Companies 

Costco Travel collaborates with major car rental companies, forming a robust network that provides Costco members with diverse choices and unique features for their rental needs. The program’s impressive roster of car rental partners includes well-known names in the industry, such as Avis, Budget, Enterprise, and Alamo. 

This extensive partnership ensures members have access to a broad spectrum of rental options, from economy cars to premium vehicles, enabling them to tailor their choices based on their preferences and travel requirements.

Each car rental partner within the Costco Travel program brings its own set of unique features and advantages. For instance, Avis and Budget are renowned for their widespread global presence and premium vehicle options, while Enterprise is recognized for its exceptional customer service and extensive network of conveniently located branches. 

Costco car rentals are available in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii , as well as several foreign countries.

How to Access Costco Travel’s Rental Car Program

Accessing Costco’s car rental program is a straightforward process that begins with meeting membership requirements. To unlock the program’s exclusive benefits and discounts, individuals must first be Costco members. 

The program is accessible both online and in the store. The online platform provides a user-friendly interface where members can explore various rental options, compare prices, and make reservations at their convenience.

Costco’s brick-and-mortar locations facilitate access to the rental car program for those who prefer a more hands-on approach. The knowledgeable staff at Costco’s physical stores can guide members through the process, offering in-person assistance and ensuring every member gets the most out of the program.

15 Best Books To Read Before Visiting Europe

Understanding the rental process.

Understanding the rental process with Costco Travel is essential for a smooth and stress-free experience. The steps are as follows:

  • Make a reservation (either online or in-store.) 
  • Provide travel details.
  • Select a vehicle.
  • Select a pickup and drop-off time and location

Cost Factors and Considerations 

The breakdown of rental fees, as provided by Costco Travel, ensures transparency, allowing members to comprehend the full cost upfront, including base rental rates, taxes, and any applicable fees. This clarity aids in accurate budgeting and eliminates unexpected financial surprises.

However, members should also be mindful of potential additional costs. These may include fees for extra services, fuel policies, and charges for returning the vehicle late. Costco Travel often details these potential costs, empowering members to make informed decisions that align with their preferences and travel budgets.

To maximize savings, Costco Travel offers valuable tips. Members can take advantage of exclusive discounts, promotions, and additional perks to maximize their travel budgets when utilizing Costco’s rental car program.

Insurance Options 

Costco’s rental program offers comprehensive insurance coverage options, aiming to provide members with peace of mind during their travels. The available insurance coverage typically includes:

Liability Insurance:  

Covers bodily injury and property damage claims up to a specified limit, offering financial protection in case of an accident for which the renter is responsible.

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW):  

CDW limits the renter’s financial responsibility for damage to the rental car, subject to a deductible.

Comprehensive Coverage:  

This coverage offers protection against non-collision incidents, such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI):  

PAI provides coverage for medical expenses and accidental death benefits for the renter and passengers.

Personal Effects Coverage:  

This option protects personal belongings inside the rental car in case of theft or damage.

Exclusive Offers and Promotions 

As mentioned, Costco Travel frequently offers periodic promotions as exclusive perks for its members, enhancing the value of the Costco car rental Program. These promotions can include special discounts, complimentary upgrades, additional benefits, or unique packages, providing members with opportunities to save money or enjoy extra amenities during their car rental experience.

Staying updated on these special offers is essential for Costco members looking to maximize their benefits. Here are ways members can stay informed about periodic promotions:

Costco Travel Website:

Regularly check the Costco Travel website for announcements and featured promotions. The website often highlights ongoing offers, providing detailed information on the benefits and terms associated with each promotion.

Email Notifications:

Costco may send email notifications to its members, alerting them to the latest travel promotions related to the car rental program. Members can subscribe to receive Costco communications to stay in the loop.

Costco Connection Magazine:

The Costco Connection magazine, available to Costco members, periodically features travel-related promotions and offers. Members can peruse the magazine for insights into the latest travel deals.

Costco Travel Social Media Channels:

Follow Costco Travel on social media platforms, where the company occasionally announces promotions and exclusive offers. Social media channels often serve as real-time communication tools for companies to connect with their members.

Membership Account Alerts:

Costco members can customize their online accounts to receive alerts and notifications about special promotions. Doing so ensures they are promptly informed when new offers become available.

These are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning Costco’s car rental program.

Membership Requirements:

  • “Do I need a Costco membership to access the car rental program?”
  • Yes, a Costco membership is required to benefit from the exclusive discounts and perks offered through the Costco car rental Program.

Rental Duration:

  • “What is the minimum/maximum rental duration allowed?”
  • Costco Travel typically offers flexibility in rental durations. Check the terms and conditions for specific details and any potential restrictions.

Insurance Coverage:

  • “What kind of insurance is included in the rental?”
  • Costco’s rental packages usually include basic insurance coverage. Members are encouraged to review the details and consider additional coverage based on their preferences and needs.

Clarifying Misconceptions

As straightforward as Costco’s car rental program is, there are still some commonly misunderstood features. Here are two of them:

Exclusive to Costco Members:

  • “The Costco car rental program is available to non-members.”
  • No, the Costco car rental program is exclusive to Costco members, and the benefits are a part of the membership offerings.

Limited Vehicle Options:

  • “Costco only offers basic car models.”
  • Costco’s program works with major rental companies, providing a broad selection of vehicles, including economy, SUVs, and luxury options.

Providing Contact Information for Further Assistance

For further assistance or specific inquiries, Costco members can reach out to Costco Travel through the following channels:

  • Customer Service Hotline:  

Members can contact the dedicated customer service line for assistance with reservations, clarifications, or concerns.

  • Online Help Center:  

The Costco Travel website often features a comprehensive help center with FAQs and guides to address common questions.

  • In-Store Assistance:  

Visit a local Costco store for in-person assistance from knowledgeable staff who can guide members through the program details.

Choose Costco Car Rental for Your Travel Needs 

As you consider exploring the Costco Travel offerings, remember the transparent breakdown of fees, potential additional costs, and valuable tips for maximizing savings. Understanding the rental process, from reservation procedures to pickup and drop-off details, adds to the seamless experience Costco aims to provide. You’ll travel with confidence when you choose a Costco car rental for your future travel needs.

12 Things You Simply Must Do in Stockholm on Your Next Visit

Understanding the Costco Car Rental Program and How It Can Save Money

Watch: What it's like to own a $20 million exotic car collection

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The 4 Best Ways to Travel from Tokyo to Osaka

Osaka is well-known for its fun, food, and its nightlife, and is just a few hours away from Tokyo.

We suggest taking the Japanese Shinkansen bullet train to get there, due to the fact that it is very quick, the views are great on the way, and the seats are comfortable. It's one of the fastest trains in the world, which is a great experience.

Read on for other options to get to Osaka, including by bus, by car, and by airplane.

1. Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka: The Best Way

Taking the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka is your best bet for convenience, speed, reliability, but also price and time trade-off. Relax on a comfortable and speedy train while watching the Japanese countryside pass by, and if you travel on a clear day, you will even be able to see the magnificent peak of Mount Fuji in passing.

Read on to find out more about how to get there, how long it takes, which trains are best to take, and whether you need to book in advance.

Which Trains Are Best: Nozomi, Hikari, or Kodama?

There are a few different types of Shinkansen bullet trains: Nozomi, Hikari and Kodama. The difference between these is the number of stops along the way, and thus the speed at which they get to your destination.

The Nozomi trains are the fastest, taking just 2½ hours to get to Osaka from Tokyo and departing every approximately 6–10 minutes. These trains are not included in the Japan Rail Pass unless you pay a small supplemental fee, which you can do at the station.

The second-fastest trains are the Hikari trains , which are covered by the Japan Rail Pass. This is the train we'd recommend for Japan Rail Pass travelers, unless you're open to paying the small additional fee, or unless you are traveling outside of the pass. In that case we suggest taking the Nozomi. Hikari trains take around 3 hours.

Your final option is the Kodama train , which takes around 4 hours. It is still high-speed, and costs slightly less, but takes that little longer due to the additional stops on the line.

Shinkansen trains usually have food and beverage carts coming through, but prices are a little higher so we suggest bringing your own snacks if you can.

Tokyo–Osaka Shinkansen Trains Summary Table

Train Schedules

There are a lot of trains to take you between Tokyo and Osaka.

Trains run between around 6am and 9pm, and there are trains every 6–10 minutes (Nozomi), every half an hour (Hikari), and every hour (Kodama).

If you are traveling on the Nozomi Shinkansen you don't even really need to check the schedule if you're not traveling in peak season (March to May and October to mid-December), because there are so many trains, making it really convenient.

How to Buy Shinkansen Tickets

Shinkansen tickets are available approximately 2–3 months ahead of time, and you can either buy them in advance, at the ticket machines or counters at the station on the day, or you don't need to book them at all if you're using the Japan Rail Pass and happy to travel in the non-reserved carriage.

If you have some other cities in mind to travel to with the bullet train, we highly suggest investing in a Japan Rail Pass, which covers unlimited travel on Shinkansen trains (Hikari and Kodama, and Nozomi too for an extra fee).

The pass is worth the money if you have a few journeys in mind — standard passes start at US$331 for 7 days, while a green pass (Japan Rail's first class), costs US$464. There are 14-day and 21-day options, too. If you do have this pass, you don't need a ticket, you can just show up and sit in the non-reserved carriage, or you can reserve a seat at the station or on the Japan Rail website.

For a one-off ticket , you will have to pay the base fare which is dependent on distance, a bullet train fee, and you will have the option to either pay to reserve a seat or to go into first class (the Green Car). A one-way ticket from Tokyo to Osaka costs around US$120. These tickets can be bought at the station or online in advance. There is also the SmartEX app , which is popular for booking.

Children between the ages of 6 and 11 pay half the adult fare, and up to two kids under the age of 5 can travel free with an adult.

Should You Purchase Tickets in Advance / Reserve Seats?

Whether you need to book tickets in advance depends on the time of year you're looking to travel.

Peak season is March to May as well as October to mid-December, and during this time we definitely recommend booking ahead of time and reserving a seat. Particularly if you are traveling with multiple people or if you have larger luggage.

At other times of the year, because there are so many trains, it's usually fine to book or reserve either the day before or the day of travel. We suggest reserving a seat on the right-hand side, or asking for a seat where you'll be able to see Mount Fuji on your way.

Which Station to Use in Tokyo and How to Board Your Train

Trains from Tokyo to Osaka depart from Tokyo Station, then stop at Shinagawa, and then go on towards Kyoto and Shin-Osaka Station. You can get on at either Tokyo Station or Shinagawa.

Getting on at Shinagawa makes it a little easier to navigate the station since this is smaller than Tokyo Station, while getting on at Tokyo Station makes it more likely to find a seat if you haven't reserved. We suggest going from Shinagawa and reserving a seat in advance, unless you want to visit shops or restaurants in Tokyo Station, which is bigger and has more going on.

At either station, you'll be able to find the right platform using signs at the station. There are also staff on site to help you navigate should you get lost. Platforms have automatic gates that you can either put your physical ticket into (don't forget to take it out at the other side of the ticket reader) and a QR code scanner if you have a QR ticket .

Train Luggage Allowance and Luggage Delivery from Tokyo to Osaka

Your Shinkansen ticket includes a luggage allowance of two pieces per person. Each bag's length, width, and height cannot exceed 250 cm (or 98 inches) and suitcases cannot weigh over 30 kilograms (66 pounds).

If you have larger luggage or pieces , you need to book a seat with luggage space especially so that you can sit in an area where you can fit the larger luggage. Exceptions to the luggage size restrictions include strollers, wheelchairs, or a bicycle in a carrier.

Japan also has an incredible luggage transfer service called takuhaibin. Through your hotel or at the train station it is possible to arrange for your luggage to be delivered to Osaka either the same day or the next day, saving you from having to carry it around or up and down stairs. A suitcase weighing less than 25 kilograms (or 55 pounds) costs around US$10 to ship from Tokyo to Osaka.

2. Flights from Tokyo to Osaka

There are flights from Tokyo to Osaka that take around 1 hour to 1 hour 25 minutes. While the flight itself is faster than the train ride, there is of course the time you need to get to/from the airport and checking in time that adds up. While we suggest taking the train if you're already in Tokyo, if you are going straight from Tokyo Airport to Osaka, transferring onto another flight is a good idea.

Prices range between US$60 and US$100, with Japan Airlines an ANA on the more premium side of airlines offering this route, and Peach and Jetstar Japan offering more budget options.

There are plenty of flights per day, most going from Haneda Airport, and some departing from Narita Airport. You can generally get tickets quite last minute because of the many flights available on this route, but booking ahead is better if you wish to save money.

3. Buses from Tokyo to Osaka

There are options to take a bus from Tokyo to Osaka. The buses take around 8 hours, but prices are low starting from approximately US$20. This is a good option if you are looking to travel to Osaka on a budget. Willer Budget run a lot of the budget buses, and there are also more premium options if you're open to pay US$50 or up. Buses go during the day or overnight.

4. Car / Private Vehicle from Tokyo to Osaka

Driving from Tokyo to Osaka is possible, and takes around 5 and a half hours minimum, more with traffic. While it is possible to rent a car or to book a private transfer, this is definitely not the fastest option nor the cheapest option. There are also tolls on expressways that cost around US$70.

If you're traveling with a family and prefer to take this route, do reach out to Asia Highlights, because our experts can help book you a private transfer with a safe and trustworthy driver. Contact us .

Can I Take a Day Trip from Tokyo to Osaka?

Due to the speed of the Shinkansen, it is possible to do a day trip from Tokyo to Osaka , although it will definitely be a busy and long day! The fastest train takes 2 and a half hours, and the first train leaves Tokyo at 6am, with the last train departing Shin-Osaka Station at 9.24pm. This gives you a good day to explore from mid-late morning until the evening. If you do decide to do this, please book your train back ahead of time to ensure you don't miss it.

We do suggest that if you'd like to visit Osaka, you stay for a night or two if your itinerary allows it, because Osaka has a lot to offer and is worth exploring.

You might like to read more about how to get around Japan:

How to Get around Japan — the Most Practical Ways

The Best Ways to Travel from Tokyo to Kyoto

Exploring Japan with Asia Highlights

Asia Highlights have decades of experience delivering custom tours, and our experts know the best places to visit in Japan. If you'd like to explore Japan, we would love to put together the best possible itinerary for you, and curate your visits to your preferences, needs, and requirements.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are looking for a unique Japan experience.

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