• Dom. Set 29th, 2024

La Guida Completa ai Travellers Cheque: Come Usarli in Modo Ottimale

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Di Remigio R. Franchescolli

Se sei un viaggiatore che preferisce la sicurezza e la comodità di portare con sé denaro in contanti, allora i traveller’s cheque potrebbero essere la soluzione perfetta per te. Questi assegni prepagati sono accettati in tutto il mondo e offrono una protezione extra in caso di smarrimento o furto. Scopri di più su come i traveller’s cheque possono semplificare i tuoi viaggi e offrirti tranquillità durante le tue avventure all’estero.

Qual è il traveller’s cheque?

I traveler’s cheque sono dei titoli di pagamento emessi da istituti finanziari non bancari (generalmente chiamati emittenti di traveler’s cheque) per agevolare i viaggiatori internazionali nel portare e pagare in modo sicuro i costi di viaggio durante il loro viaggio.

Sono ancora utilizzati i traveller’s cheque?

Risposta: Perché i traveller’s cheques stanno scomparendo. Negli anni ’90, tutti usavano i traveller’s cheques per portare i loro soldi all’estero. Nel 2020, esattamente 20 anni dopo, i traveller’s cheques stanno venendo sostituiti dalle carte forex.

Come posso convertire i traveller’s cheque in contanti?

Come convertire i travellers cheque in contanti? È semplice: basta presentare il cheque presso un ufficio di cambio o un esercente. Assicurati che chi accetta il cheque ti guardi mentre firmi nuovamente il cheque sulla linea inferiore della firma. Potrebbe essere richiesto un documento d’identità fotografico.

Un modo semplice per trasformare i travellers cheque in contanti è presentarli presso un ufficio di cambio o un esercente e firmarli nuovamente davanti al ricevente. Ricorda di avere con te un documento d’identità fotografico, potrebbe essere richiesto.

Per convertire i travellers cheque in contanti, basta portarli presso un ufficio di cambio o un esercente e firmarli nuovamente davanti al ricevente. Non dimenticare di avere con te un documento d’identità fotografico, potrebbe essere richiesto.

Massimizza i Vantaggi dei Travellers Cheque con Questa Guida Completa

Hai mai desiderato di massimizzare i vantaggi dei travellers cheque durante i tuoi viaggi? Se sì, sei nel posto giusto. Questa guida completa ti fornirà tutte le informazioni di cui hai bisogno per sfruttare al massimo i travellers cheque durante i tuoi viaggi. Scoprirai i migliori modi per acquistarli, utilizzarli e proteggerti da frodi o smarrimenti.

I travellers cheque possono essere un modo sicuro e conveniente per portare denaro con te durante i viaggi. Con questa guida completa, imparerai a massimizzare i vantaggi dei travellers cheque, evitando le commissioni e ottenendo il miglior tasso di cambio disponibile. Imparerai anche a proteggerti da frodi e smarrimenti, assicurandoti che il tuo denaro sia sempre al sicuro durante i tuoi viaggi.

Non lasciare che i travellers cheque siano un’opzione trascurata durante i tuoi viaggi. Con questa guida completa, imparerai tutto ciò che c’è da sapere su come massimizzare i vantaggi dei travellers cheque. Dalle informazioni su come acquistarli e utilizzarli in modo efficiente, fino alle migliori pratiche per proteggerti da frodi, questa guida ti aiuterà a sfruttare al massimo questa forma di pagamento durante i tuoi viaggi.

Scopri Tutti i Segreti per Utilizzare i Travellers Cheque al Meglio

Scopri tutti i segreti per utilizzare al meglio i travellers cheque, la soluzione perfetta per viaggiare in modo sicuro e conveniente. Con la possibilità di cambiarli in valuta locale presso banche e uffici di cambio in tutto il mondo, i travellers cheque offrono tranquillità e praticità durante i tuoi viaggi. Impara come evitare commissioni aggiuntive e massimizzare il loro utilizzo, garantendoti una gestione efficiente delle spese durante le tue avventure in giro per il mondo.

La Guida Essenziale per Sfruttare al Massimo i Vantaggi dei Travellers Cheque

Se stai pianificando un viaggio all’estero, non c’è niente di meglio dei travellers cheque per garantire la sicurezza dei tuoi fondi e la tranquillità durante il tuo viaggio. Con la loro ampia accettazione in tutto il mondo e la possibilità di essere rimborsati in caso di smarrimento o furto, i travellers cheque sono un modo conveniente e sicuro per gestire il denaro durante le tue vacanze. Assicurati di familiarizzare con le politiche e le procedure per l’uso dei travellers cheque prima della partenza per sfruttarne al massimo i vantaggi e goderti al meglio la tua esperienza di viaggio. Buon viaggio!

In conclusione, i traveller’s cheque offrono una soluzione sicura e conveniente per i viaggiatori di tutto il mondo. Con la loro accettazione diffusa e la protezione contro la perdita e il furto, i traveller’s cheque sono un’opzione affidabile per coloro che desiderano portare con sé denaro contante durante i loro viaggi. Grazie alla loro praticità e sicurezza, i traveller’s cheque rimangono una scelta popolare per i viaggiatori internazionali.


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Traveller's Cheque. Cosa sono?

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travel check cosa sono

I traveller’s cheque sono assegni turistici emessi in valuta estera (di solito a tagli fissi) destinati ad essere incassati all’estero. Sono autorizzati ad emetterli solo gli istituti di credito autorizzati : generalmente vanno prenotati presso la propria banca con un paio di settimane di anticipo, il richiedente versa la somma corrispondente all’atto della richiesta o dispone perché sia prelevata dal suo conto corrente.

Da quando si sono diffuse le carte di debito e credito, nonché le carte prepagate, il loro uso è andato diminuendo.

Chi li può utilizzare? Sono assegni nominativi , intestati quindi alla persona che dovrà utilizzarli. L’assegno è regolato dal meccanismo della doppia firma : si firmano quando si ritirano dalla banca e al momento dell’incasso all’estero. Chi riceve l’assegno può così fare il confronto con la firma originale ed essere sicuro della regolarità dell’operazione. Attenzione a porre firme assolutamente uguali, altrimenti si dubiterà della vostra identità; il documento di identità è necessario al momento dell’uso. E’ un’ottima alternativa alla carta di credito, specie per viaggi sporadici per privati e famiglie.

Dove si possono utilizzare? I traveller’s cheque sono un ottimo modo di portare valuta all’estero in sicurezza, in quanto possono essere utilizzati solo dalla persona che li ha firmati prima di partire: non possono essere utilizzati infatti senza la controfirma identica della persona intestataria e il suo documento di identità. Sono utilizzabili sia presso tutti gli istituti di credito all’estero , per prelevare il corrispondente in valuta locale, sia direttamente presso i più grossi alberghi, ristoranti, centri commerciali . Non sono utilizzabili presso piccoli esercizi commerciali o alberghetti locali, tutti quelli che di solito accettano solo contanti. Al rientro in Italia, potremo tenere per il prossimo viaggio o cambiare presso la propria banca tutti gli assegni avanzati.

E in caso di furto o smarrimento? In caso di furto o smarrimento, il proprietario dei traveller’s cheque deve telefonare immediatamente al centro rimborsi più vicino o alla banca, per bloccare gli assegni. Tale servizio è sempre disponibile 24 ore su 24. Di fatto non sono utilizzabili da eventuali terzi che non abbiano il vostro documento di identità e la medesima vostra firma. Per questo, vanno sempre tenuti separati da altri documenti. Dopo aver fatto la denuncia alle autorità giudiziarie il cliente deve compilare un modulo per la procedura di rimborso, al quale allegherà la copia del contratto di acquisto corrispondente agli assegni denunciati.

travel check cosa sono

What is a Traveler's Check?

What is a traveler's check and how might this payment option be useful on vacation? Learn more about the benefits of this prepaid check and how it can make travel easier.

Today there are many options available for travelers who want to safely travel abroad without risking lost or stolen money. You may not have heard of a traveler's check before, but they can be really useful when you need a secure form of payment while traveling abroad.

Learn all about what a traveler's check is and how they work so you can determine whether this is a good payment option for your trip or not.  

Do you have a check you need to cash? Visit any nearby Check City store today to use our quick and convenient check cashing services .  

travelers check definition

A traveler's check is a type of check with a prepaid amount so the user can exchange the check for local currency while traveling. They can also be referred to as "traveler's cheques."

It is a form of paper payment often used by travelers who need a secure form of payment while traveling abroad. It can also help make dealing with foreign currencies a little easier on travelers.  

They are a type of prepaid check that can act as an alternative to hard currency. Many travelers would rather not carry around hard cash while on vacation abroad. A traveler's check provides a different option for travelers and vacationers .

How Do Traveler's Checks Work?

Now that you know more about what a traveler's check is, you can learn more about how they work.

Travelers' checks work like cash, except this "cash" is a slip of paper that you have to sign yourself in order to be made valid upon payment. This provides a big security perk to anyone using this check because only the owner of the check can endorse the check for actual use.  

Travelers' checks can also be exchanged for local currency when a vender won't accept a check. But either way, you won't have to carry around cash on you all the time while traveling.  

These checks are also not linked to your bank account or checking account, so if someone does steal them, they won't gain access to your checking account or your credit or debit cards.  

How to Use a Traveler's Check

how to use a travelers check

Step 1: Find a financial institution that offers traveler's checks.

Step 2: Purchase the traveler's checks you need in whatever foreign currency you might need. When you purchase the traveler's checks, this gives the checks their monetary worth, allowing you to use them like cash.

Step 3: When you go to use a traveler's check, you'll endorse the check with your signature.  

Are Traveler's Checks Still Used?

Now you know more about what a traveler's check is and how they work, but are traveler's checks still used today?

Travelers checks were first issued in 1772 by the London Credit Exchange Company. In 1890, American Express copyrighted this product as a way for travelers to safely make transactions in foreign countries.

They were largely popular among travelers as a safer way to make foreign transactions up until the late 1980s when the product began being replaced by credit cards, prepaid cards, debit cards, and even special traveler's cards with security features for lost or stolen cards.  

Many financial institutions, like American Express, still offer traveler's checks, but there are many other alternatives to travelers checks available now.

Now travelers and tourists can use debit cards and credit cards that can accommodate the local currency and exchange rates of wherever you are traveling.

However, you may need to tell the financial institution that facilitates your bank account before traveling abroad to properly use foreign exchange capabilities on your card when abroad. Otherwise, your account may automatically lock when you try to use it in a foreign place.  

Weigh your options for making foreign transactions when traveling, because there are different foreign transaction fees and exchange rates to compare with each option.

pros and cons travelers checks

Alternatives to Travelers Checks

Knowing what a traveler's check is will help you better weigh your payment options when traveling.

There are many advantages to using traveler's checks, but you may still decide to go with another option. There are now many alternatives to traveler's checks that can potentially come with less cons and more benefits. 

Travel-Friendly Credit or Debit Cards

If you have a travel-friendly credit or debit card, then that can be a great option to use while abroad. Not all credit cards and debit cards can be used outside of the country though, so do your research.

You want a credit or debit card that works worldwide and that ideally also has the bank you are using present in that country. You also want to use a bank card that charges low or no foreign exchange fees or ATM fees so you can access cash without paying a lot in fees.

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Prepaid Cards

Prepaid cards are a great tool for travelers because they have their own account with their own funds outside of your checking account.

So instead of putting your checking account at risk, you can deposit a set amount of money you want available on your trip to a prepaid debit card instead.

Now, if your prepaid card is lost or stolen, card thieves only have access to whatever money you deposited onto the card and not your entire checking account.  

Prepaid cards can also help you budget for the trip. You can put only the money you want to spend on the trip on the card to avoid overspending or going over budget while you travel.

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travel check cosa sono

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  • Travel Tips

What Is A Traveler Check

Published: December 15, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Briney Alam

  • Budget Travel
  • Travel Guide



When it comes to traveling, ensuring that you have a secure and convenient method of payment is essential. While cash and credit cards are widely used, there is another option that provides added security and peace of mind: traveler’s checks. In this article, we will explore what traveler’s checks are, their purpose, and how to obtain and use them.

Traveler’s checks are a form of prepaid financial instrument that can be used as a safe and convenient alternative to carrying large amounts of cash while traveling. They were widely used before the advent of credit and debit cards but still remain a popular choice for many travelers.

The primary purpose of traveler’s checks is to provide a secure method of payment that is widely accepted worldwide. These checks are typically issued in fixed denominations, such as $20, $50, or $100, and can be replaced if lost or stolen, providing added protection in case of emergencies. They are also accepted at a wide range of businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and retail stores.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what traveler’s checks are, let’s delve deeper into how to obtain them and how they can be used during your travels.

Definition and Purpose of Traveler’s Checks

Traveler’s checks, also known as traveler’s cheques, are a type of pre-printed, fixed-denomination checks that serve as a reliable and secure payment method for travelers. These checks are typically issued by banks or financial institutions and can be used as a form of payment, similar to cash or credit cards.

The primary purpose of traveler’s checks is to provide travelers with a convenient way to carry and access funds while minimizing the risk of loss or theft. Unlike cash, which is irreplaceable if lost or stolen, traveler’s checks can be easily replaced if reported as lost or stolen, providing travelers with peace of mind. Additionally, these checks often come with additional security features, such as a signature line that needs to be filled out by the traveler at the time of use.

Another advantage of traveler’s checks is their widespread acceptance. They can be used in a variety of establishments, including hotels, restaurants, and shops, both domestically and internationally. Many major currencies, such as the US Dollar, Euro, British Pound, and Japanese Yen, can be obtained in the form of traveler’s checks, making them a versatile option for travelers heading to different destinations.

Traveler’s checks can also be a helpful budgeting tool for travelers. By purchasing checks in fixed denominations, individuals can better plan and manage their expenses, avoiding overspending or running out of cash during their trip. Furthermore, by using traveler’s checks, travelers can avoid potentially unfavorable exchange rates or transaction fees that may be associated with using international credit or debit cards.

In the next sections, we will explore how to obtain and use traveler’s checks, as well as the advantages and limitations of this payment method.

How to Obtain Traveler’s Checks

Obtaining traveler’s checks is a relatively straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Research and choose a reputable financial institution: Start by researching and identifying a trusted bank or financial institution that offers traveler’s checks. Look for institutions with a global presence and a reputation for reliability.
  • Visit the bank or financial institution: Once you have selected a suitable institution, visit their nearest branch in person.
  • Provide identification and personal information: When applying for traveler’s checks, you will need to provide valid identification, such as a passport or driver’s license. Additionally, the bank may require additional personal information, such as your address and contact details.
  • Choose the desired denomination and currency: Decide on the amount and currency you would like the traveler’s checks to be issued in. Most financial institutions offer a range of denominations to choose from.
  • Pay the required amount: Pay the total amount in the currency of your choice, along with any fees or commissions associated with the issuance of traveler’s checks.
  • Receive and sign the checks: Once the payment is made, the bank will issue the traveler’s checks to you. Take a moment to check the details and make sure they are correct. Sign each check in the designated area at the time of purchase.
  • Keep the checks in a secure place: It is important to safeguard your traveler’s checks during your trip. Keep them in a secure location, separate from your regular wallet or purse. Make a note of the serial numbers and keep a copy of that information separate from the checks themselves.

It is recommended to obtain traveler’s checks at least a few days before your departure to ensure that you have enough time to address any potential issues or delays. Additionally, it is advisable to check with your bank or financial institution regarding their policies on fees, replacement of lost or stolen checks, and any other relevant information that may affect your decision.

Now that you understand how to acquire traveler’s checks, let’s explore how they can be used effectively during your travels.

How to Use Traveler’s Checks

Using traveler’s checks is a convenient and safe way to make payments while traveling. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience:

  • Carry the traveler’s checks with you: Keep your traveler’s checks in a secure and separate location, such as a money belt or hidden pocket. It’s important to have easy access to them whenever you need to make a payment.
  • Identify establishments that accept traveler’s checks: Before making a purchase, check if the establishment accepts traveler’s checks. Look for signs or ask the staff if they accept this form of payment.
  • Present the traveler’s checks: When making a payment, present the traveler’s checks to the cashier or service provider. Ensure that they are aware you are using traveler’s checks and not regular cash or a credit card.
  • Sign the traveler’s checks: When using a traveler’s check, always sign it in the designated area in the presence of the cashier. This signature should match the signature provided at the time of purchase.
  • Provide identification, if necessary: In some cases, the establishment may request additional identification, especially for larger amounts. Be prepared to show your passport or any other identification documents as required.
  • Wait for verification: The cashier may need to verify the validity of the traveler’s checks by comparing your signature with the one on the check. This process is crucial in ensuring security and preventing fraud.
  • Receive change or a receipt: After the verification process, you will receive your change or a receipt for the transaction, just like any other payment method. Keep these records for your reference and financial tracking.

If you have unused traveler’s checks at the end of your trip, you have a few options. You can either deposit them back into your bank account, save them for future travels, or cash them out at a local bank or financial institution, subject to their policies.

Remember, it’s important to keep track of your traveler’s checks throughout your journey and report any loss or theft immediately to the issuing bank. Most banks have a toll-free number that you can call for assistance in case of emergencies.

Now that you know how to use traveler’s checks, let’s explore the advantages and limitations of this payment method.

Advantages of Traveler’s Checks

Traveler’s checks offer several advantages that make them a popular choice among travelers. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Security: Traveler’s checks provide enhanced security compared to cash. If lost or stolen, they can be easily replaced, minimizing the risk of financial loss. Additionally, traveler’s checks often come with additional security features, such as a signature line, making them difficult for others to use fraudulently.
  • Wide acceptance: Traveler’s checks are widely accepted at a variety of establishments, including hotels, restaurants, and retail shops. They can be used domestically and internationally, providing convenience and flexibility during your travels.
  • Budgeting tool: By purchasing traveler’s checks in fixed denominations, travelers can better manage their expenses and stick to their budget. The predetermined value of the checks can help prevent overspending and ensure that funds are allocated appropriately throughout the trip.
  • Protection against unfavorable exchange rates: When using traveler’s checks, you can avoid the potential pitfalls of fluctuating exchange rates. The checks are often obtained in major currencies, allowing you to lock in a favorable rate at the time of purchase.
  • Accessibility: Traveler’s checks are easily accessible and can be obtained from numerous banks and financial institutions worldwide. This availability ensures that you can acquire them before your trip, providing peace of mind and eliminating the need to carry large amounts of cash.

These advantages combine to make traveler’s checks a reliable and secure payment option for travelers of all types. However, it’s important to consider the limitations of traveler’s checks as well, which we will explore in the next section.

Limitations of Traveler’s Checks

While traveler’s checks offer numerous advantages, it’s important to consider their limitations before deciding to rely solely on them for your travel funds. Here are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • Acceptance may be limited: While traveler’s checks are widely accepted, there is still a possibility of encountering establishments, especially smaller vendors or local businesses, that do not accept them. It’s always a good idea to have an alternative form of payment, such as cash or a credit card, as a backup.
  • Finding exchange locations: In some destinations, finding banks or exchange offices that accept traveler’s checks may be challenging. It’s important to research ahead of time and identify where you can cash your checks if needed.
  • Transaction fees: Depending on the issuing bank and the destination, there may be transaction fees associated with using traveler’s checks. These fees can vary and may impact your overall expenses. It’s advisable to inquire about any fees before obtaining the checks.
  • Limited denominations: Traveler’s checks are typically available in fixed denominations, such as $20, $50, or $100. This may not always be convenient if you need smaller or larger amounts of money. It’s important to plan your finances accordingly and ensure that the available denominations meet your needs.
  • Replacement process: While traveler’s checks can be replaced if lost or stolen, the process can be cumbersome and time-consuming. You may need to report the loss or theft to the issuing bank, fill out paperwork, and potentially pay a fee to have the checks replaced. It’s crucial to keep track of your traveler’s checks and take necessary precautions to prevent loss or theft.

Considering these limitations, it is recommended to have a mix of payment options when traveling, including traveler’s checks as well as cash and credit cards. This way, you can ensure that you have multiple methods available to meet your financial needs and navigate any potential challenges.

Now that we have examined the advantages and limitations of traveler’s checks, let’s compare them with other popular payment methods for travelers.

Traveler’s Checks vs Other Payment Methods

When it comes to choosing the right payment method for your travels, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of each option. Here’s a comparison of traveler’s checks with other popular payment methods:

  • Advantages: Traveler’s checks offer enhanced security, wide acceptance, and can serve as a useful budgeting tool. They provide protection against loss or theft and can be easily replaced if necessary. They also allow you to lock in favorable exchange rates and are easily accessible from various banks and financial institutions.
  • Limitations: Traveler’s checks may have limited acceptance, especially in smaller establishments. Finding exchange locations can be a challenge in some destinations, and transaction fees may apply. The fixed denominations may not always align with your specific financial needs, and the replacement process can be time-consuming.
  • Advantages: Cash is widely accepted, easily accessible, and eliminates the need to depend on external financial institutions. It provides flexibility in all types of transactions, especially in remote areas with limited card acceptance.
  • Limitations: Carrying large amounts of cash can be risky. In the event of loss or theft, cash cannot be easily replaced, resulting in financial loss. Furthermore, exchanging money may incur additional fees, and you may face unfavorable exchange rates.
  • Advantages: Credit and debit cards offer convenience, widespread acceptance, and ease of use. They eliminate the need to carry large amounts of cash and can provide additional benefits such as travel insurance and rewards programs. Lost or stolen cards can be easily canceled and replaced, reducing the risk of financial loss.
  • Limitations: Some establishments, especially in remote areas or smaller businesses, may not accept cards. International transaction fees and unfavorable exchange rates may apply, and network outages or card malfunctions can cause temporary payment disruptions. Reliance on cards may also lead to overspending or accumulating debt.

Ultimately, the choice between traveler’s checks, cash, or cards depends on your personal preferences, destination, and the level of security and convenience you desire. It’s recommended to have a combination of different payment methods to ensure flexibility and adaptability to various situations.

With the comparison of payment methods covered, let’s now turn our attention to the safety and security aspects of using traveler’s checks.

Safety and Security of Traveler’s Checks

Traveler’s checks offer a high level of safety and security while traveling. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Protection against loss or theft: Traveler’s checks can be replaced if lost or stolen, provided that you report the loss to the issuing bank as soon as possible. This protection ensures that you won’t suffer a complete financial loss if your checks go missing.
  • Additional security features: Traveler’s checks often come with additional security features, such as a signature line that needs to be filled out at the time of use. This helps prevent fraudulent use of the checks by ensuring that the signature matches the one provided at the time of purchase.
  • Safekeeping: It’s essential to keep your traveler’s checks in a secure location while traveling. Consider using a money belt, hidden pouch, or hotel safe to store them. Keep a separate record of the serial numbers in case you need to report the loss or theft.
  • Emergency assistance: Most major banks offering traveler’s checks have a dedicated hotline or customer service support that can provide assistance in case of emergencies. It’s advisable to have the contact information readily available should you need to report a loss or require replacement checks.
  • Travel insurance: Some traveler’s check providers may offer additional benefits such as travel insurance coverage or emergency assistance services. It’s recommended to review the terms and conditions and understand the coverage provided before relying solely on this benefit.

While traveler’s checks provide a level of security, it’s important to take precautions to minimize the risk of loss or theft. Here are some tips to ensure the safety of your traveler’s checks:

  • Only carry the number of checks that you expect to use during your daily activities.
  • Keep your checks in a separate location from your regular wallet or purse.
  • Be discreet when using traveler’s checks in public to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.
  • Store a copy of the serial numbers and the customer service contact information in a separate location from the checks themselves.
  • Regularly check your transaction history and report any unauthorized use of your traveler’s checks immediately.

By following these safety measures and maintaining a vigilant approach, you can enjoy the ease and security that traveler’s checks provide during your travels.

Wrapping up the article, let’s summarize the key points discussed thus far.

Traveler’s checks have long been a trusted and reliable payment method for travelers around the world. With their enhanced security features, widespread acceptance, and convenience, they offer a secure alternative to carrying large amounts of cash when exploring new destinations.

We explored the definition and purpose of traveler’s checks, understanding how they provide peace of mind and financial protection for travelers. We discussed how to obtain traveler’s checks from reputable financial institutions and highlighted the importance of keeping them in a secure location while traveling.

Additionally, we compared traveler’s checks with other payment methods, such as cash and credit cards, to help you make an informed decision based on your needs and preferences. Both cash and cards have their advantages and limitations, and it’s recommended to have a mix of payment options for flexibility.

We also delved into the advantages of traveler’s checks, including their security, widespread acceptance, and budgeting benefits. However, we also acknowledged their limitations, such as limited acceptance in some establishments and potential transaction fees.

Finally, we emphasized the safety and security of traveler’s checks, highlighting their protection against loss or theft, additional security features, and the importance of safekeeping and emergency assistance. By following recommended safety precautions, you can confidently use traveler’s checks during your travels.

In conclusion, traveler’s checks continue to be a valuable payment method for travelers, offering a balance of security and convenience. By considering their benefits, limitations, and the specific requirements of your trip, you can determine whether traveler’s checks are the right choice for you. Remember to research and compare different options to find the best payment solutions that meet your travel needs and preferences.

Safe travels!


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What Are Traveler’s Checks & How Do They Work?

However, with the increasing popularity of credit cards and prepaid debit cards, traveler’s checks aren’t as common as they used to be. Still, it can be helpful to know their applications if you’re ever looking for more security during your international travels.

What Are Traveler’s Checks?

A traveler’s check is a secure and convenient payment option for people traveling abroad. Issued by financial institutions such as American Express, these paper checks can be used to make purchases or can be easily exchanged for cash without incurring foreign transaction or ATM fees .

They offer a reliable alternative to local currency, providing tourists with peace of mind against potential loss or theft while traveling. Traveler’s checks were once widely accepted, but the trends are changing.

The Decline of Traveler’s Checks

In recent years, traveler’s checks have experienced a significant decline in popularity for several reasons. Firstly, they are often deemed outdated and inconvenient in today’s digital age, where electronic payment methods, including credit cards and prepaid cards offer greater flexibility.

When comparing traveler’s checks to modern alternatives such as credit and debit cards, the limitations of traveler’s checks become evident.

Like credit and debit cards, traveler’s checks have a similar level of protection against loss or theft, but the process of replacing lost or stolen traveler’s checks can be both time-consuming and arduous, which may not be ideal if you are only abroad for a short period of time.

How Do Traveler’s Checks Work?

Traveler’s checks are pre-paid fixed-amount checks that function much like cash. They offer additional fraud protection by being easily replaceable if lost or stolen.

When a traveler’s check is purchased, it is assigned a unique check or serial number. In the event of loss or theft, the purchaser can report the incident, have the original check canceled, and receive a replacement.

These checks come in various fixed denominations and are available in different currencies, providing stability in regions with volatile exchange rates.

Security Features

One of the key features of traveler’s checks is their security. They are not directly linked to the purchaser’s bank account or credit line. They don’t contain personally identifiable information, minimizing the risk of identity theft.

They are designed with a dual signature system, requiring the purchaser to sign them upon purchase and again when cashing them to prevent unauthorized use.

Where to Purchase Traveler’s Checks

Credit card companies , banks, and credit unions issue traveler’s checks, so they’re relatively easy to find despite their decreased popularity. Major financial service institutions issue them, and they can be purchased in various denominations and currencies.

While they were historically widely accepted for cashing at banks, hotels, and retailers, the increasing global use of credit and debit cards.

Who Accepts Traveler’s Checks

It is essential for travelers to research and identify specific locations where their checks will be accepted beforehand, including contacting hotels, restaurants, and local businesses in the destination to verify whether they still accommodate traveler’s checks.

Every country will be different, and there may be differences between major cities, so don’t make any assumptions.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Safety and convenience factors.

Traveler’s checks offer a heightened level of safety compared to carrying cash. In the event of loss or theft, they can be replaced, providing peace of mind to travelers.

Potential Fees and Accessibility Issues

One drawback of traveler’s checks is the potential for fees. When purchasing traveler’s checks, buyers may encounter service fees. Moreover, some businesses and banks may charge additional fees for cashing traveler’s checks, affecting the overall accessibility of funds. To mitigate this inconvenience, we recommend researching fees and comparing them against foreign transaction fees to find the best option for your next trip and budget.

Exchange Rates and Foreign Use

When using traveler’s checks in foreign countries, exchange rates can impact the overall value. It’s important to stay informed about current exchange rates to maximize the value of your checks and minimize potential loss during transactions. Additionally, some establishments may not accept traveler’s checks, limiting their utility in certain locations.

How to Use Traveler’s Checks

Here’s how to make the most of traveler’s checks:

1. Buy Goods and Services with Traveler’s Checks

When making purchases, traveler’s checks can be used like cash. Many businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and shops, accept traveler’s checks as a form of payment. They offer the convenience of cash without the same level of risk. Simply hand over the check and give it in the presence of the recipient.

2. Cash Traveler’s Checks

In addition to using traveler’s checks for purchases, they can also be exchanged for local hard currency at banks, currency exchange offices, and select retailers.

When cashing a traveler’s check, be prepared to present identification, such as a passport, to verify your identity. Some establishments may charge a fee for cashing traveler’s checks, so make sure you inquire about potential fees beforehand.

What to Do if Your Traveler’s Checks are Lost or Stolen

In the event that your traveler’s checks are lost or stolen, it’s crucial to take immediate action to protect your funds. Contact the issuer of the traveler’s checks, such as American Express or another financial institution, to report the loss.

Most issuers offer a replacement service for lost or stolen traveler’s checks, allowing you to receive new checks to continue your travels without interruption.

Bottom Line

Traveler’s checks were once a popular and secure form of payment for travelers, providing a safe alternative to carrying cash while abroad.

However, with the increasing prevalence of credit cards and prepaid debit cards, the use of traveler’s checks has declined significantly.

Despite their decline, they still offer security and convenience for those who already have them on hand. Nevertheless, it’s important for travelers to consider the availability of institutions willing to cash traveler’s checks before relying on them as a primary form of currency.

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11 Min Read | Published: June 19, 2024

All About Traveler’s Checks and Alternatives

Learn about traveler’s checks and discover modern alternatives for secure travel currency. See how to choose the best payment options for your travel needs.

A person exploring the sights in a city

This article contains general information and is not intended to provide information that is specific to American Express products and services. Similar products and services offered by different companies will have different features and you should always read about product details before acquiring any financial product.


While traveler’s checks are less common than they used to be, they do still exist and are issued by a limited number of financial institutions, like banks and credit unions.

Traveler’s checks offer a secure payment mechanism for international travel that can be replaced if lost or stolen, unlike cash.

Credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets are modern alternatives to traveler’s checks and can offer greater flexibility and security while traveling.

Planning an international vacation is an exciting time. You can decide which sights to see, which towns to visit, and which wonderful restaurants and cuisines you’ll try. Yet, while planning your adventures, some more practical decisions need to be made. How will you get from the airport to the hotel? Will you purchase travel insurance? And how in the world will you safely pay for food, gifts, and other expenses in a local currency that’s not U.S. dollars?

Many travelers worry about how to pay securely for things while abroad. For many years, traveler’s checks filled this need, offering a secure payment mechanism long before the days of paying with plastic. While traveler’s checks have declined in popularity as debit and credit cards have risen to prominence, they do still exist. And ahead of your next trip, it’s important to get educated about all available travel payment options to choose the one that’s right for you.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of traveler’s checks, plus other more modern alternatives you may want to consider.

What Is a Traveler’s Check? 

A traveler’s check, sometimes still known under the British spelling “cheque,” is a paper check you purchase at a bank or credit union that you can then carry abroad instead of cash. Unlike cash, a traveler’s check is secured by your bank financial institution, meaning they’ll replace the funds if the check is lost or stolen during travel.

A traveler’s check can be redeemed in a couple of different ways: 

  • Exchange it for the local currency when you arrive at your destination. Companies that issue traveler’s checks often partner with banks or currency exchange partners to ensure you can turn in your check to get local currency abroad. Check with the issuing institution about local currency conversion and any associated fees or exchange rates.
  • Use it to pay for goods or services at your destination. You may be able to exchange your traveler’s check for goods and services. But as the use of this form of currency continues to decline, it’s critical to confirm acceptance with the merchant first. 

Did you know?

Some international destinations may accept payments in U.S. dollars, while others prefer you pay in the local currency. As you plan your trip, decide whether you should pay in local or home currency when traveling abroad .

A Brief History of Traveler’s Checks

The first reported use of traveler’s checks was in the late 1700s, though American Express is known for popularizing them and making them available to the masses over 130 years ago. They were designed to replace letters of credit and make it easier to take money on vacation to international destinations.

How Does a Traveler’s Check Work?

A traveler’s check is similar to other payment transactions that involve three parties: you, a bank or financial institution, and a merchant. While other types of payments, like a credit card, allow for a quick payment process, a traveler’s check requires a bit more legwork.

For one thing, you’ll need to find a financial institution that issues traveler’s checks, which might be the most challenging step in securing one. Even institutions like American Express, which issued traveler’s checks for over a century, have ceased to issue new checks (although those that were issued previously will continue to be honored with no expiration date). You may need to contact several banks, credit unions, or travel companies to find an issuer.

Depending on the institution, you may be able to purchase traveler’s checks (or at least initiate the process) online, via phone, or in person. Once you pay for them and receive the checks, it’s crucial that you sign on the first of two signature lines. The accepting merchant will later watch you sign and compare the two signatures at your destination. You may also be required to present identification that matches the name on the check, plus additional documentation at the discretion of the issuer and recipient.

Pros and Cons of Traveler’s Checks 

Before you seek out a traveler’s check for your next trip, it’s important to understand the pros and cons.

  • May Help You Avoid Foreign Transaction Fees Traveler’s checks may help you avoid foreign transaction fees. While you may have to pay fees when the check is issued and used, you’ll often avoid foreign transaction fees when you purchase something in a foreign currency. However, a credit card with no foreign transaction fees could provide similar benefits.
  • Safety  Traveler’s checks are safe. Traveler’s checks originated from a desire to secure money while traveling abroad. Unlike cash, which is not replaceable if lost, a traveler’s check affords travelers a simple way to ensure funds can be returned in case of theft or loss.
  • Don't Expire Traveler’s checks don’t typically expire. Once you purchase a traveler’s check, you can redeem it anytime with no expiration date. Even companies that no longer issue new traveler’s checks may continue to honor those that have been issued.
  • Fraud Protection Since traveler’s checks aren’t linked to your account, they offer a layer of fraud protection. While somebody could potentially use a credit or debit card to buy something before you realize it’s gone missing, a traveler’s check attempts to prevent this kind of financial fraud by requiring a matching signature when used.
  • Limited Redemption Options Traveler’s checks may have limited merchants where you can redeem the check. Before you leave for your trip, it’s wise to find exchange locations and check with local merchants to confirm they’ll accept a traveler’s check as payment.
  • May Have Purchase Or Redemption Fees Traveler’s checks often have purchase or redemption fees. The fees you’ll pay with a traveler’s check largely depends on where you get it from and where you spend it. For example, some banks may allow you to deposit a traveler’s check into your bank account for free, but you’ll need to pay a nominal fee to exchange the check for local currency. Ask for a free breakdown when you get your traveler’s checks to avoid unwelcome surprises later.
  • May Be Inconvenient Whoever the traveler’s check is issued to must redeem it. Part of the security aspect of a traveler’s check is that the person who signs to get the check must also redeem it. However, that security feature could cause a minor inconvenience if you’re traveling with a partner. Say, for instance, that your partner wants to check into the hotel early while you finish a client meeting. The hotel could only accept the traveler’s check with your signature and possibly proof of identification at their discretion. Note there is a different process to redeem a traveler’s check if it was inherited and the original purchaser is now deceased or incapacitated. Check with the issuing institution for more information.
  • Are Hard to Find Few institutions still offer traveler’s checks. Only a small number of banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions still offer traveler’s checks, and that number is likely to decrease as popularity declines.

Modern Payment Alternatives to Traveler’s Checks 

If you’re looking for secure ways to spend the next time you travel, there are several modern alternatives to consider, including:

  • Credit Cards Credit cards are a convenient and safe way to pay while you travel. Since many cards are equipped with EMV chips, they provide more secure payments. Your credit card issuer also handles currency conversion, so you don’t need to do the math to know how much something costs in your home currency. Plus, many travel credit cards  offer perks, like the ability to earn points or receive a one-time welcome offer, that may help you upgrade your travel experiences.

41% of Americans currently have a travel rewards credit card according to a NerdWallet survey. 1 The popularity of these cards means there are plenty of options available.  Finding the best travel credit card for your needs is as easy as outlining your travel goals and choosing a card whose benefits align with those goals.

Credit Cards

  • Debit Cards While debit cards look the same as credit cards, a purchase or automated teller machine (ATM) withdrawal from your debit card pulls money directly from your bank account instead of a line of credit. If your debit card doesn’t have ATM or foreign transaction fees , you may decide to use it to get cash while away. However, you’ll want to check with your bank in advance to confirm so you’re not surprised by excess fees in your account when you get home.
  • Prepaid Travel Cards Similar to a traveler’s check, you can load a prepaid card with a set amount before you travel. Once you arrive at your destination, you can use the prepaid card to get local currency, shop, dine, and more. Some travelers may prefer a prepaid card so they can leave their debit card at home, but keep in mind there are limitations. A prepaid card will have a maximum amount you can load upon purchase, meaning you’ll need to set a budget before you leave and be sure not to splurge on too many extras while away. Another potential downside is that if you misplace your prepaid card, the money is gone. But because it’s not linked to your bank account, someone who finds it can only spend up to the amount on the card.
  • Digital Wallets Contactless payments , also called tap-to-pay, are rising in popularity as mobile phone use grows. Analysts estimate an over 150% increase in the growth of digital wallet tap-to-pay transactions by 2028. 2   As more consumers seek to use this fast and secure payment option, merchants must first adopt the technology to accept these transactions. Especially in remote destinations, it may take years or decades before all merchants are set up to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between a traveler’s check and a cashier’s check.

A cashier’s check is purchased at a bank or credit union, similar to a traveler’s check. However, cashier’s checks are primarily used for big domestic purchases, like a home sale, while traveler’s checks are intended for international use.

How much does a traveler’s check cost?

The cost of a traveler’s check will vary based on the institution you’re purchasing it from, whether you’re a bank customer, and where you use the check. There may be costs when the check is issued and when you use it.

The Takeaway

While the popularity of traveler’s checks continues to decline in favor of more modern alternatives, they still exist and can be a secure way to spend money abroad. Before your next international trip, consider the pros and cons of traveler’s checks alongside other options like credit cards, debit cards, prepaid travel cards, and digital wallets. Combining several payment methods may be a good way to provide added security and certainty that you’ll be able to pay for everything you need while abroad.

Show Article Sources

1  “ How the 41% of Americans With a Travel Credit Card Can Boost Rewards ,” NerdWallet

2 “ Big Tech’s Role in Contactless Payments: Analysis of Mobile Device Operating Systems and Tap-to-Pay Practices ,” Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Headshot of Brooke Joly

Brooke Joly  is a writer on a mission to unravel the mysteries of personal finance and make them accessible to the everyday reader. When she’s not behind the keyboard, you can find her enjoying the outdoors in Charleston, SC.

All Credit Intel  content is written by freelance authors and commissioned and paid for by American Express. 

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Traveller’s Cheque

Prima di partire per un qualsiasi viaggio è sempre bene informarsi su quale sia la moneta corrente e in quali forme sia possibile pagare, questo perché in molti luoghi, specialmente quelli più remoti o meno attrezzati, il pagamento con carta di credito potrebbe non essere possibile o potrebbero non esserci sportelli automatici per prelevare denaro contante.

Il denaro contante resta la forma di pagamento più utilizzata ed è sempre consigliabile disporre di una piccola somma in contanti per le piccole spese, tuttavia esso può rappresentare tuttavia un rischio, dal momento che gli onnipresenti malintenzionati vedono nei turisti le loro vittime preferite. La forma di denaro più sicura quando si va all’estero è rappresentata dai traveller cheque , uno strumento poco conosciuto che in alcune situazioni può risultare tuttavia molto comodo. Si tratta di veri e propri assegni in tagli prefissati e in valuta estera : ad esempio quelli dell’American Express sono emessi solo in Euro e in Dollari, mentre quelli emessi di altri istituti possono essere anche in Sterline, Yen ecc.

La sicurezza di questi assegni è garantita dal fatto che devono essere firmati nel momento in cui vengono emessi e quando vengono cambiati. Inoltre, ogni assegno è dotato di un numero seriale e può essere bloccato in caso di furto o smarrimento. I traveller cheque sono entrati in circolazione alla fine del XIX secolo, diventando il primo strumento prepagato su larga scala. Ad emetterli fu l’American Express, cui seguirono a ruota altri istituti bancari e di credito come Mastercard, Visa e Citygroup.

I traveller cheque sono assegni speciali che possono essere cambiati solo in banca, mostrando il passaporto e controfirmandoli alla presenza del cassiere, e che permettono al turista di avere con sé la somma di denaro che desidera senza la paura di perdere i soldi oppure di essere derubato: in caso di furto vengono rimborsati dalla banca dietro presentazione di una denuncia all’autorità locale. I traveller cheque sono emessi solo da istituti di credito autorizzati e in genere vanno prenotati presso la propria banca con un paio di settimane di anticipo. Sono utilizzabili presso tutti gli istituti di credito all’estero, presso alberghi, ristoranti e centri commerciali. Solitamente non vengono accettati dai piccoli esercizi commerciali. Si tratta di un titolo prepagato consigliato soprattutto quando si viaggia in paesi dove esiste la reale possibilità di non trovare sportelli bancari o bancomat. I traveller cheque possono essere cambiati anche presso gli uffici di cambio presenti negli aeroporti, un bel vantaggio che consente di avere la moneta corrente del paese, senza doverla acquistare in Italia. Dal momento che non hanno una data di scadenza , i traveller cheque eventualmente non utilizzati possono essere conservati per un prossimo viaggio o cambiati presso la propria banca, pagando una piccola commissione.

Chi può utilizzarli

I traveller cheque sono assegni nominativi intestati alla persona che li utilizzerà. Al momento dell’acquisto, il futuro utilizzatore deve apporre una firma sugli assegni, mentre una seconda firma viene richiesta al momento della trasformazione in contanti. In questo modo, chi riceve l’assegno può confrontare la firma originale ed essere sicuro della regolarità dell’operazione. Per l’acquisto è richiesta una commissione fissa , più una variabile in funzione dell’importo. Può essere chiesta una commissione anche nel momento in cui vengono cambiati.

Cosa fare in caso di furto o smarrimento

Nel malaugurato caso di furto o smarrimento dei traveller cheque, occorre telefonare immediatamente alla banca o al centro rimborsi più vicino, in modo da bloccare gli assegni. In ogni caso gli assegni non sono utilizzabili da coloro che non siano in possesso del documento di identità del possessore e che non siano in grado di presentare una firma valida e credibile. Dopo aver presentato la denuncia di smarrimento o di furto alle autorità giudiziarie, occorre compilare un modulo per la procedura di rimborso, cui allegare la copia del contratto di acquisto corrispondente agli assegni denunciati.

Marco Togni

Marco Togni

Abito in Giappone, a Tokyo, da molti anni. Sono arrivato qui per la prima volta oltre 15 anni fa. Mi piace viaggiare, in particolare in Asia e non solo, e scoprire cibi, posti e culture. Fondatore di GiappoTour e GiappoLife. Sono da anni punto di riferimento per gli italiani che vogliono venire in Giappone per viaggio, lavoro o studio. Autore dei libri Giappone, la mia guida di viaggio , Giappone Spettacularis ed Instant Giapponese (ed.Gribaudo/Feltrinelli) e produttore di video-documentari per enti governativi giapponesi. Seguito da più di 2 milioni di persone sui vari social (Pagina Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Youtube).

How Traveler's Checks Work in the Modern World

Can You Still Buy Traveler's Checks?

travel check cosa sono

  • What Are Traveler’s Checks?

Best Ways to Use Traveler’s Checks

Evolution of traveler’s checks, how to use traveler’s checks, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Traveler’s checks, once a necessity for traveling abroad, can keep your money safe. While modern alternatives accomplish most of what traveler’s checks do, those checks are far from useless. Traveler’s checks probably don’t need to be your primary resource in areas with an ATM in every town (or on every corner), but they make for an excellent backup plan.

What Are Traveler’s Checks, Anyway?

That’s a fair question in the modern world. Traveler’s checks are paper documents that can be used like standard paper checks and cash. Traditionally, travelers carried these checks to get cash in local currency and pay merchants. Issuers print checks in varying denominations, and checks can be replaced quickly if lost or stolen. With the spread of digital payment options and ATMs, traveler’s checks have become less popular and more difficult to use.

Here are situations when you might want to use traveler's checks.

Low-Tech Access to Cash

In many places, you can get cash in local currency at an ATM , but they're rare in some areas of the world. What’s more, ATMs can malfunction , communication networks might be down, and machines occasionally run out of cash. Traveler’s checks allow you to get local currency at banks, hotels, and foreign exchange offices with a familiar piece of paper. That said, converting a traveler’s check to cash can be challenging and time-consuming.

Added Security

Traveler’s checks keep your money secure. Recipients are supposed to watch you countersign and compare signatures carefully when you use a traveler’s check, making them lose value when lost or stolen. Credit and debit cards provide similar protection, but they are more attractive to thieves who often use them successfully before you disable the stolen cards. You can replace lost or stolen traveler’s checks or get a refund from the issuer. On extended trips, you can keep traveler’s checks on hand for emergencies without risking large financial losses.

Currency Control

Buying traveler’s checks in your destination country’s currency helps you avoid surprises when it comes to exchange rates. You might not get the best conversion rates at home, but you can at least secure a portion of what you need at current rates.

Traveler’s checks aren’t what they used to be. Banks, hotels, and even merchants were once accustomed to taking traveler’s checks from foreigners. Nowadays, you may not be able to find anybody willing to accept a traveler’s check (or the process will be harder than in days past).

Prepaid travel cards are the modern version of traveler’s checks. They allow you to get local currency from ATMs and make purchases with merchants—effectively eliminating the need for traveler’s checks.

Prepaid cards are not linked to your bank account , which prevents anybody from draining your checking account if the card gets lost or stolen—and you can’t go into debt. Credit cards offer similar (or better) protection , but you might not want to use your everyday card abroad. By using a dedicated travel card, you avoid spreading your card numbers around, which means you can be less vigilant about monitoring your accounts when you get back home.

Visa and MasterCard both offer prepaid cards designed for use abroad. Those cards are available online, through travel agents, and at banks or credit unions. 

Travel cards should feature low ATM fees, technology that lets you operate like a local in foreign countries, emergency cash when you lose the card, and “zero liability” fraud protection. That said, prepaid cards can be expensive , so you need to compare fees against your other cards to decide whether or not a travel card makes sense.

As an alternative, if you already have credit or debit cards that you rarely use, reserve those cards for foreign travel. Be sure to test the card if it’s been dormant, check with the card issuer before you leave home, and monitor your accounts after you return.

Contact your card issuer before you travel. Otherwise, your purchases may be flagged as fraudulent, which could cause your account to be frozen.

You can still buy traveler’s checks in the U.S. and other countries. In the U.S., checks are available primarily from American Express , but you may need to do some legwork to get your hands on new checks.

Here are a few tips for using traveler's checks.

  • Keep purchase records separate from the checks: If checks get lost or stolen, you’ll need to provide proof of purchase and check numbers to get a refund. Leave those details with a friend or online for remote access.
  • Sign the checks immediately after you get them: Follow the issuer’s instructions to find out where to sign (and only sign once). You’ll sign the checks again when you use them to make a purchase or get cash.
  • Fill in the payee and date when you’re ready to use a check: Be sure that the payee actually accepts traveler’s checks before you do so.
  • Sign the check again when you complete your payment: The person or business you’re paying must be present to watch you sign. This ensures that the signatures are valid as both signatures must match.
  • Traveler’s checks don’t expire: You can either keep them for future use or deposit them into your bank account once you’re home.
  • If checks get lost or stolen, contact the issuer immediately: You may be able to get replacement checks locally, and the issuer needs to know which checks are potential fraud risks.

Where can I buy traveler's checks?

Most traveler's checks in the U.S. are issued by American Express, but you can also buy them through various small banks and credit unions throughout the country. Call your bank, or check online to see whether it offers this service.

What do traveler's checks cost?

You'll usually have to pay a service charge of between 1% and 4% for traveler's checks. Fees typically will be higher if you purchase from an institution where you don't already have an account.

What are the differences among a traveler's check, a cashier's check, and a money order?

Traveler's checks, cashier's checks , and money orders are all issued by banks and can be used as cash or personal-check substitutes for purchases in the U.S. However, traveler's checks are the best choice if you're traveling outside the country. They're designed to be accepted anywhere in the world, come in small denominations, and can be easily replaced if lost. They're also fairly secure, because you don't sign them a second time until you're in the presence of the recipient. However, they are becoming less common and are not as widely accepted as they once were.

American Express. " Online Travelers Cheques Redemption: Frequently Asked Questions ."

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. " What Is the Difference Between a Prepaid Card, a Credit Card, and a Debit Card? "

Visa. " Visa TravelMoney Prepaid ."

Mastercard. " Prepaid Travel Card by Mastercard ."

Federal Trade Commission. " When a Company Declines Your Credit or Debit Card ."

American Express. " Acceptance of American Express Travelers Cheques ," Page 2.

American Express. " American Express Travelers Cheques ."

Frommer's. " Traveler's Checks ."

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What Is a Traveler’s Check?

  • How It Works
  • Where to Get Traveler's Checks
  • Where to Cash Traveler's Checks
  • Pros and Cons
  • Alternatives to Traveler's Checks

The Bottom Line

  • Personal Finance

Traveler's Check: What It Is, How It's Used, Where to Buy

Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia.

travel check cosa sono

Investopedia / Eliana Rodgers

A traveler’s check (sometimes spelled "cheque") is a once-popular but now largely outmoded medium of exchange utilized as an alternative to hard currency and intended to aid tourists. The product is typically used by people on vacation in foreign countries. It offers a safe way to travel overseas without the risks associated with losing cash. The issuing party, usually a bank, provides security against lost or stolen checks.

Traveler’s checks have increasingly been supplanted by credit cards and prepaid debit cards.

Key Takeaways

  • Traveler’s checks are a form of payment issued by financial institutions.
  • These paper cheques are generally used by people when traveling to foreign countries.
  • They are purchased for set amounts and can be used to buy goods or services or be exchanged for cash.
  • If your traveler's check is lost or stolen it can readily be replaced.
  • Once widely used, traveler’s checks have largely been supplanted today by prepaid debit cards and credit cards.

How Traveler’s Checks Work

A traveler’s check is for a prepaid fixed amount and operates like cash, so a purchaser can use it to buy goods or services when traveling. A customer can also exchange a traveler’s check for cash. Major financial service institutions issue traveler’s checks, and banks and credit unions sell them, though their ranks have significantly dwindled today.

A traveler’s check is similar to a regular check because it has a unique check number or serial number. When a customer reports a check stolen or lost, the issuing company cancels that check and provides a new one. 

They come in several fixed denominations in a variety of currencies, making them a safeguard in countries with fluctuating exchange rates , and they do not have an expiration date. They are not linked to a customer’s bank account or line of credit and do not contain personally identifiable information, therefore eliminating the risk of identity theft. They operate via a dual signature system. You sign them when you purchase them, and then you sign them again when you cash them, which is designed to prevent anyone other than the purchaser from using them.

Many banks, hotels, and retailers used to accept them as cash, although some banks charged fees to cash them. However, with the rising worldwide use of credit cards and prepaid debit cards—such as the Visa TravelMoney card, which offers zero liability for its unauthorized use—it is getting much harder to find institutions that will cash traveler’s checks.

History of Traveler’s Checks

James C. Fargo, the president of the American Express Company, was a wealthy, well-known American who was unable to get checks cashed during a trip to Europe. In 1891, a company employee, Marcellus F. Berry, believed that the solution for taking money overseas required a check with the signature of the bearer and devised a product for it. American Express and Visa still use the British spelling on their products.

Where to Get Traveler's Checks

Companies that still issue traveler's checks today include Visa and AAA . They often come with a purchase fee. AAA now offers members pre-paid international Visa cards instead of paper checks.

In the U.S., they are available primarily from American Express locations. You can also buy traveler's checks online from the American Express website, but you need to be registered with an account. Visa offers traveler's checks at Citibank locations nationwide, as well as at several other banks.

American Express, Visa, and AAA are among the companies that still issue traveler’s checks.

Where to Cash Traveler's Checks

If you want to convert your traveler's checks into cash (instead of spending them directly), you can often deposit them normally at your bank. Many hotel or resort lobbies will also provide this service to guests at no charge. American Express also provides a service to redeem traveler's checks that they issue online to be deposited into your bank account.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveler's Checks

Traveler's checks are handy for tourists who do not want to risk losing their cash or having it stolen while abroad. Because traveler's checks can be reported lost or stolen and the funds replaced, they provide peace of mind. This was particularly a concern before credit cards and ATMs were widespread and affordable worldwide for most travelers. At the same time, these paper checks are now a bit outdated and come with a fee to purchase, making them potentially more expensive and cumbersome than using plastic or electronic payments.

Replaced if lost or stolen

Widely accepted around the world

Convenient to use

They don't expire

Must have the physical check to use it

Incurs a fee to purchase

Limited number of issuers today

Alternatives to Traveler's Checks

The most obvious alternative is to use a credit or debit card issued by a bank that works worldwide and charges low or no foreign exchange fees on purchases or ATM withdrawals. If your bank doesn't allow for this or charges high fees, then prepaid travel cards are the modern version of traveler’s checks. They allow you to get local currency from ATMs and make purchases with merchants—effectively eliminating the need for traveler’s checks.

Prepaid cards are not linked to your bank account, which prevents anybody from draining your checking account if the card gets lost or stolen—and you can’t go into debt. Credit cards offer similar (or better) protection, but you might not want to use your everyday card abroad. By using a dedicated travel card, you avoid spreading your card numbers around, which means you can be less vigilant about monitoring your accounts when you get back home. Visa and MasterCard both offer prepaid cards designed for use abroad. Those cards are available online, through travel agents, and at banks or credit unions. 

Travel cards should feature low ATM fees, technology that lets you operate like a local in foreign countries, emergency cash when you lose the card, and “zero liability” fraud protection. That said, prepaid cards can be expensive, so you need to compare fees against your other cards to decide whether or not a travel card makes sense.

For U.S. citizens living abroad for extended periods, maintaining checking and other bank accounts in the United States provides several advantages, and many checking accounts are friendly for foreign transactions .

Where Do You Buy Traveler's Checks?

You can buy still buy traveler's checks from Visa and a handful of other financial institutions. To buy them, visit a location or check the website of an issuing institution. You may need a photo ID in order to set up an account.

How Do You Cash Traveler's Checks?

Some hotels, resorts, and currency traders will cash traveler's checks in exchange for local currency. However, with the rising prevalence of credit and debit cards fewer locations cash traveler's checks.

What Do You Do With Traveler's Checks?

Traveler's checks are a secure way of carrying money while abroad. Many businesses in the tourism industry will cash traveler's checks, and they can also be deposited into a bank account. Because the checks can be easily replaced, they have a lower risk of theft or loss. However, traveler's checks have fallen out of favor due to the increased convenience of credit cards and prepaid debit cards.

Traveler's checks were once a popular way to carry money while vacationing abroad. They are sold in fixed denominations, and can be used for purchases or cashed like an ordinary check. Traveler's checks can be easily replaced, making them less risky than carrying large amounts of cash. However, they have fallen out of favor due to the convenience of using credit or debit cards.

Sparks, Evan. “ Nine Young Bankers Who Changed America: Marcellus Flemming Berry .” ABA Banking Journal, June 26, 2017.

Time Magazine. " Travel (April, 1956): The Host with the Most ."

American Express. " Travelers Cheques ."

travel check cosa sono

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Traveler’s Checks When Traveling Abroad — Useful or Outdated?

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Traveler’s Checks When Traveling Abroad — Useful or Outdated?

Table of Contents

What are traveler’s checks, how to buy and use traveler’s checks, what to do if traveler’s checks are stolen, best ways to use traveler’s checks, cons of using traveler’s checks, other alternatives, money tips for traveling abroad, final thoughts.

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When traveling abroad, you might wonder how to pay for things once you arrive. Should you bring currency on your trip? Which currency should you bring? Can you get money once you arrive? How much cash should you carry at once?

Many of these questions can be answered by using traveler’s checks. Traveler’s checks might seem like an outdated choice, but they can still be useful in certain situations.

In this article, we’ll explain what traveler’s checks are, how they work, and when they might be worth the hassle. We’ll also explore other more common alternatives and give tips for obtaining foreign currency.

Traveler’s checks are documents that can be used like standard paper checks and cash. Travelers purchase them before they leave home to exchange for cash in the local currency when they arrive at their destination.

These checks are printed in varying denominations, and each check is uniquely numbered so that it can be replaced quickly if lost or stolen.

Banks, hotels, and merchants were once very used to accepting traveler’s checks. These places liked traveler’s checks because of the safeguards that were put in place. Basically, as long as the original signature matched the signature made at the time of the purchase, payment is guaranteed — eliminating any “bounced checks.”

Now, with the increased use of credit and debit cards (especially those with no foreign transaction fees ), prepaid cards, and ATMs on every corner, traveler’s checks have become less popular.

You may find it difficult to find banks or hotels that accept them , and if you do, you might be at the mercy of their business hours to cash them in.

You can still buy and use traveler’s checks in the U.S. and other countries.

Where To Buy Traveler’s Checks

You can find traveler’s checks offered by companies like American Express and Visa . You can also go to your local AAA office to purchase them.

The best place to purchase traveler’s checks is from your own bank, but unfortunately, many banks no longer offer traveler’s checks, including Chase, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America.

If you’re not sure if your bank offers traveler’s checks, it’s worth contacting them to confirm. If you are a customer, banks typically waive any fees to obtain them and this can add up because other companies can add on a 1% to 3% fee on top of the base currency amount that you request.

In order to obtain a traveler’s check, you will need to:

  • Either go in person to an eligible bank or visit the website of the traveler’s check issuer.
  • Select the total amount of currency to purchase.
  • Submit payment, including any fees.

How To Use Traveler’s Checks

Once you have the traveler’s checks, you need to know how to use them. Traveler’s checks work a bit differently than other forms of currency. Here are the steps you’ll need to take:

  • Sign the checks immediately. Follow the issuer’s instructions to find out where to sign (and only sign once).
  • Leave evidence of your traveler’s check purchase somewhere safe. If checks get lost or stolen, you’ll need to provide proof of purchase along with check numbers to get a refund. Leave those details with a friend or save them online for easy remote access.
  • Complete the payee and date fields. Once you have confirmed that the payee or bank will accept traveler’s checks, fill out the payee and date fields.
  • Sign the check again. You must complete this portion in-person to ensure that the signature matches the original. You may also need to show some sort of identification as well. This is key to keeping traveler’s checks secure.
  • If checks get lost or stolen, contact the issuer immediately. You may be able to get replacement checks locally, and the issuer needs to know which checks to cancel.

Traveler’s checks don’t expire , so if you don’t use them you can either keep them for future use or deposit them into your bank account once you’re home.

If all of your cash is stolen while you’re traveling abroad, you’ll have next to no chance of getting it back.

However, if this happens with your traveler’s checks, you’ll likely get them replaced as long as you’ve complied with your check issuer’s purchase agreement . This is the primary benefit of traveling with traveler’s checks.

Bottom Line: Treat your traveler’s checks like cash. If you lose your checks, you may not get replacements if your check issuer has reason to believe you didn’t safeguard them appropriately.

Here’s what to do if your traveler’s checks are lost or stolen:

  • Call the customer service phone number provided by your issuer or find it by accessing their website.
  • Provide proof that the check is yours by submitting the check number, proof of purchase, and your identification. It’s important to have easy access to this information for this reason.
  • If required by your issuer, provide evidence that you have reported your stolen check to the police.
  • Be sure to return any other refund paperwork requested.

If you don’t comply, you could experience delays or even have your claim denied. After you’ve reported your missing check, your provider will void it and issue you a new check.

Some issuers even pledge to get replacement checks out to you within 24 hours !

The following are situations when you might consider using traveler’s checks:

1. No Access to Credit or Debit Card

If you don’t have a credit card or a debit card tied to your bank account, a traveler’s check could be a safe alternative to simply carrying lots of cash abroad.

This tip also applies if your particular credit or debit card isn’t accepted abroad. This is more likely to happen if your card is something other than a Visa or Mastercard , as those credit cards claim the widest global network.

2. Limited Access to ATMs

In many places, you can easily get cash in the local currency at an ATM once you arrive. This wouldn’t be a problem in Europe, for example, but ATMs are rare in some parts of the world. In addition, ATMs can malfunction, networks can be down, and machines might even run out of cash.

Traveler’s checks allow you to get local currency at participating banks, hotels, and other foreign locations without regard for these potential problems.

3. Access Good Exchange Rates 

Buying traveler’s checks can help you avoid bad exchange rates. If you decide to exchange currency once you arrive, you might not get the best conversion rates by doing this at the airport.

By purchasing traveler’s checks before you leave, you can lock in a set amount at the current exchange rate.

Read our guide for the best places to exchange currency .

4. Avoid Common Credit or Debit Fees

If your credit or debit card charges a foreign transaction fee , you can be charged a fee every time you make a purchase with your card in a foreign country. If your card also charges ATM fees, these fees can add up quickly.

To avoid these fees, it might make sense to use traveler’s checks. Although there may be a fee involved when you purchase or cash a traveler’s check, it might still be less than other fees your credit or debit card may charge.

Hot Tip: If your card charges a foreign transaction fee, it will typically be 3% of each purchase you make.

5. As an Added Safety Measure

If you’re traveling to a potentially unsafe region, traveler’s checks keep your money secure. Even if you’re in a relatively safe place, anyone who enters your room or has access to your bags could search for your money.

The main benefit of traveler’s checks is that they reduce your risk of theft or loss. Since they can’t be cashed without your signature and often require a photo ID, they are less appealing to thieves or pickpockets. They can also be easily replaced if you provide the issuer with the proper information.

Here are some reasons that might discourage you from using traveler’s checks:

1. Limited Availability for Use

In much of Europe and Asia, traveler’s checks are no longer widely accepted and cannot be easily cashed — even at the banks that issued them.

This means that cashing in traveler’s checks might require hunting down a bank branch or hotel that accepts them during business hours.

Bottom Line: Those relying solely on traveler’s checks may find that they are unable to cash them in many remote or rural locations.

2. Not All Banks Offer Them

Certain major banks, such as Bank of America, no longer offer traveler’s checks at all. This might mean ordering traveler’s checks online well in advance of your travel plans or having to find a new bank that offers them.

3. Potential for Additional Fees

If a company does offer traveler’s checks, it typically charges fees for both buying and cashing in a traveler’s check. While some banks offer them for free if you are a customer, others charge between 1% to 3% of the total purchase amount.

Check the math for your own situation, but using traveler’s checks could actually cost more than using an ATM or credit card abroad.

4. Bulky Paperwork

Not only are traveler’s checks a hassle to carry, but most companies also require that you keep proof of purchase for the checks to verify the check numbers if they are lost or stolen.

Both of these just add up to keeping track of additional paperwork.

Obviously, traveler’s checks aren’t your only option when it comes to obtaining foreign currency. Here are some other options you should consider.

Variety of Foreign Currency

Cash is convenient and relatively easy to exchange. You can bring money from home into a foreign bank or currency exchange location almost anywhere in the world. It can be easily exchanged without the worry of multiple bank fees or ATM fees adding up.

Hot Tip: Be aware: if you exchange your money in tourist areas, you might be hit with a bad exchange rate.

On the downside, carrying paper money is a risk since it can’t be replaced if stolen.

A debit card can be used at an ATM to collect cash. While not all ATM machines (especially in more rural places) accept foreign debit cards, you will find that most do.

Depending on your bank, you might even have to pay both an out-of-network ATM and an international ATM fee for this convenience.

Hot Tip: An out-of-network ATM fee is typically between $2 to $3.50 per transaction in 2021 and a typical international ATM fee can range from $2 to $7 per transaction (plus a 3% conversion fee), depending on your bank and card.

Most restaurants and stores accept foreign debit cards, but carrying a form of backup currency is always wise . Additionally, foreign transaction fees can add up quickly if you are using your debit card frequently.

Credit Card

Like debit cards, credit cards are small and easy to carry. Mastercard, Visa, and more recently, American Express , are widely accepted in other countries, so you can rest easy knowing you will be able to complete your purchases. You can also limit fees by getting a credit card with no foreign transaction fees .

A credit card also comes with fraud protection. You can dispute fraudulent charges and get them removed from your account if reported timely.

Hot Tip: While you can use a credit card for ATM transactions, you will be hit with a cash advance fee . It’s best to avoid doing this, if possible.

Prepaid Card

If you have difficulty getting approved for a credit card , a prepaid card could be a good alternative. You simply load the card with money from your bank account and use it as a debit card at an ATM or as a credit card at merchants and hotels.

While prepaid cards are locked with a PIN number, they can sometimes be difficult to use at ATM machines. Additionally, fees for foreign currency transactions can be as high as 7% , depending on the card.

Hot Tip: Booking hotels, airfare, or activities online will require either a credit card, debit card, or prepaid card.

Do Your Research

Know which types of currency are accepted at your destination and how much of each type (if any) you should bring. Especially be aware of any cash you might need on arrival (to obtain a visa , exchange upon arrival, etc.) in case you can’t immediately locate an ATM or a currency exchange office.

Carry a mix of cash, cards, and maybe even traveler’s checks. Ideally, the cards you bring with you shouldn’t have foreign transaction fees or ATM fees . Having some variety also helps if one of your cards isn’t accepted or your cash is lost or stolen. 

Tell Your Bank You Are Traveling

Always be sure to let your bank and credit card issuers know where you’re going and when so that your card isn’t declined when you try to make a purchase due to unusual activity.

If you exchange money at your bank, you will likely also get a better exchange rate.

Don’t Keep All of Your Money in 1 Place

Keep some of your currency or an extra card locked in your hotel room’s safe or in a money belt . In the terrible instance that you lose your purse or wallet, you would still have immediate access to additional money.

We’ve shown that traveler’s checks aren’t necessarily the most convenient way to take currency abroad, but depending on if you have limited access to debit or credit cards or they aren’t accepted where you are traveling, it might be worth it to bring some along.

Overall, if you’ve decided that traveler’s checks can be of use to you, taking some, along with some cash and a debit, credit, or prepaid card, may just be the smartest way to travel.

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    Cosa occorre quando si usano i travelers cheque Visa. Stai attento ai tuoi assegni così come faresti con il tuo denaro. ... Non accettare travelers cheque Visa che ti sono stati inviati senza essere richiesti, oppure da un mittente sconosciuto via posta o corriere. In tal caso, sporgi immediatamente denuncia alla polizia non appena li ricevi.

  5. What is a Traveler's Check?

    A traveler's check is a prepaid check that can be exchanged for local currency while traveling abroad. Learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of this payment option and how it compares to other alternatives.

  6. What Is A Traveler Check

    Introduction. When it comes to traveling, ensuring that you have a secure and convenient method of payment is essential. While cash and credit cards are widely used, there is another option that provides added security and peace of mind: traveler's checks.

  7. What Is a Traveler's Check? Definition and How to Use

    A traveler's check is a secure, prepaid form of money you can use when traveling abroad. Learn how to get, use, and replace traveler's checks, and compare them with other alternatives like credit cards and debit cards.

  8. What Are Traveler's Checks & How Do They Work?

    Traveler's checks are pre-paid fixed-amount checks that function much like cash and offer security and convenience for travelers. They can be used to make purchases or exchanged for cash, but they may have fees and limited acceptance in some countries.

  9. All About Traveler's Checks and Alternatives

    Learn about traveler's checks, a paper check you can carry abroad instead of cash, and their advantages and disadvantages. Compare traveler's checks with other payment options, such as credit cards, debit cards, and mobile wallets, for your next trip.

  10. Traveller's Cheque

    I traveller's cheque sono assegni prepagati in valuta estera, emessi da istituti di credito autorizzati, che offrono sicurezza e convenienza ai viaggiatori. Scopri la storia, i vantaggi, i limiti e le precauzioni di questo strumento di pagamento all'estero.

  11. Traveler's checks: What it is, When to use it, Where to buy

    Learn about traveler's checks, how to use them, and whether you should bring them on your next vacation. Find out the pros and cons of using traveler's checks, how to protect them from theft and loss, and how to convert them to cash or transfer them with Western Union.

  12. How Traveler's Checks Work in the Modern World

    Learn what traveler's checks are, how to use them, and why they are not as popular as they used to be. Find out the best ways to access your money abroad and the alternatives to traveler's checks.

  13. Traveler's Check: What It Is, How It's Used, Where to Buy

    Traveler's checks are paper cheques issued by banks that can be used as an alternative to cash when traveling abroad. They are not linked to a bank account and can be replaced if lost or stolen ...

  14. What Are Traveler's Checks & Do People Still Use Them?

    Learn what traveler's checks are, how they work, where to buy them, and their pros and cons. Find out if American Express still issues traveler's checks and how to use them abroad.

  15. Traveller's cheque

    A traveller's cheque is a preprinted, fixed-amount cheque that can be used in place of hard currency. Learn about its origin, advantages, disadvantages and alternatives, and why it is no longer widely accepted and cashed.

  16. Traveler's Checks When Traveling Abroad

    Traveler's checks are documents that can be used like cash or checks, but they are less popular than credit and debit cards. Learn what traveler's checks are, how they work, when to use them, and how to protect them from theft or loss.

  17. Using travellers cheques abroad: the pros and cons

    Travellers cheques are still a popular choice among holidaymakers because of the security they offer. In this guide we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using them.

  18. Nasrallah ucciso, cosa succede adesso. Le mosse dell'Iran e la

    Nasrallah ucciso, cosa succede adesso. Le mosse dell'Iran e la 'resurrezione' di Netanyahu Il nuovo leader di Hezbollah dovrebbe essere Hashem Safieddine.

  19. Omsk, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024 ...

    Omsk Tourism: Tripadvisor has 13,429 reviews of Omsk Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Omsk resource.

  20. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Omsk (2024)

    Check out must-see sights and activities: Monument to the Plumber Stepanych, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Monuments & Statues, Points of Interest & Landmarks. For personalized recommendations, try our AI trip-planning product.

  21. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Omsk (2024)

    Check out must-see sights and activities: Monument to the Plumber Stepanych, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Monuments & Statues, Parks. For personalised recommendations, try our AI trip-planning product.

  22. Roberto Gleboni e la strage di Nuoro, cosa è successo? Il litigio con

    Sale a cinque il numero delle vittime della strage familiare di ieri a Nuoro, per mano dell'operaio Roberto Gleboni. Sono morti nella notte anche il figlio piccolo Francesco, di 10 anni, e il ...

  23. Omsk

    Omsk is rich in shopping. There is a big difference between the rich and the poor in the city, and this is visible in its shopping malls. While there are shops with extremely cheap goods, there are also modern, upscale malls where every shop is very expensive; a simple shirt at one of these stores could be £100, for example, and a handbag £200.