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Beijing Duck

Sun Wah BBQ

Hong Kong Style Chinese Barbecue

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Sun Wah Cafe 新華茶餐廳 – Satay Beef Instant Noodles

The storefront of Sun Wah Cafe

Sun Wah Cafe serves up a marvelous rendition of ham omelette and satay beef instant noodles. While they are not as well known amongst international audiences as say the Australia Dairy Company, Kam Wah Cafe or even the Capital Cafe, the food quality at Sun Wah is really top notch. We highly recommend this place if the location is not too inconvenient for your itinerary.

During the planning stage of our Hong Kong trip, we actually ran out of breakfast cha chaan teng places to visit as we did not want to make repeat visits. Digging a bit deeper and we found out about Sun Wah Cafe near the Cheung Sha Wan MTR. While this wasn’t near the usual sights in Kowloon or Hong Kong Island, the location was actually somewhat on the way for us on our trip to Disneyland.

Service and Ordering

Unlike some of the other more ‘famous’ cha chaan tengs in Hong Kong, we did not encounter any questionable service here. Still, as with any eateries in Hong Kong, it pays to go there prepared especially if you are a Chinese with a problem speaking Cantonese.

Their famous set here is called the ‘special set’ or 特餐 ( tè cān ), it is the set located at the bottom left section of the left menu above. It comes with satay beef instant noodles, ham omelette, a bun with butter and coffee or tea. This set will set you back HK $36 . As usual we would recommend the milk tea and you will have to add HK $3 if you prefer the iced version. Unlike some of the other cha chaan tengs , you do not need to change your eggs as the ‘special set’ defaults to their delicious ham omelette.

We were seated on the second story for our visit, and they had this really cool elevator system for the food – the alarm would sound and the staff on the second story would go and collect the food from the food elevator. If you have some kind of choice, I would recommend try to sit further away from that and nearer to the entrance as the noise gets a bit irritating after a while.

Sun Wah Cafe Satay Instant Noodles

This is a pretty common breakfast dish in Hong Kong that we were pretty uncomfortable with. Initially. We had tried this particular dish at another cha chaan teng  just the day before and we were sorely disappointed so we did not have too high hopes for this dish here.

However we were given a very pleasant surprise. The instant noodles were served near al dente standard, and there was this intoxicating aroma that emerged from the satay beef. Our first mouthful was sheer delight, with the tender beef and the perfectly balanced satay sauce proving a very delicious combination together with the (no doubt MSG-laden) instant noodles. We rate this 4.2/5 . We did have a problem trying to rate this dish as instant noodle dishes are generally ‘cheat’ dishes with the seasoning doing more work than anything else. However this dish still required some skill in preparation with the satay beef and al dente noodles, and we had to give it props for the nice taste.

Ham Omelette

Next up we had our ham omelettes. It was our sixth day in Hong Kong and it was the first time we came across a cha chaan teng with an omelette as a signature. It was delicious. The ham was very fragrant and it provided a very good combination together with the soft omelette. This is not your 5-star hotel chef’s breakfast omelette but for the price it was certainly very satisfying. We rate this 4/5 .

If you dine at the well known cha chaan tengs in Hong Kong, you will almost never go wrong with their milk tea that is never diluted. It has the usual strong tea fragrance with an abundance of milk. We found the milk tea pleasantly satisfying and give it a 4/5 . However, we had been previously spoilt by the super delicious milk tea at Lan Fong Yuen  and Capital Cafe , so we have to put Sun Wah at the 3rd spot behind those in terms of the milk tea standard.

Yes, Sun Wah Cafe is well known for their egg tarts as well. If you noticed from the storefront picture, they have many empty trays egg tarts which no doubt attests to their popularity. After all our mad egg tart experiences in Hong Kong and Macau over the five days prior to our breakfast at Sun Wah Cafe, we realized that the key to a delicious egg tart is whether you get it piping hot. Unfortunately we were not able to get their egg tarts piping hot, but we can appreciate the ample custard and the nice balanced flaky crust that went along with it. We rate these 4/5 .

Final Thoughts

Come to Sun Wah Cafe for breakfast if you’re planning to spend a day at Disneyland. It is a no-brainer.

The breakfast cha chaan tengs really provide exceptional value for the quality of food. You get air-conditioned dining, a delicious drink and two usually delicious main dishes for the price of a McDonald’s meal. It makes one wonder whether this concept will work in Singapore, given that most seem to want to sleep more and do breakfast at home. In Singapore a breakfast cha chaan teng outlet will have to contend with the cut-throat fast food breakfast meal prices and the usual toast and various hawker breakfast stalls. Perhaps a bit too risky given the slim margins.

It would not be a bad idea if one of the top Hong Kong  cha chaan tengs  opened a branch in Singapore though, they would have the usual long queues as with all overseas fads and if they can keep a decent price point, I don’t see those queues abating.

   Sun Wah Cafe

Directions : MTR to Cheung Sha Wan, take the C2 exit and follow the snakey foot path on your side of the road perpendicular to Cheung Sha Wan Rd. This is tricky and you may need to ask for directions if you do not have GPS. Emerge at Cheung Fat St, walk down to Castle Peak Rd and turn left –  Google Maps

Opening Hours : Daily from 0600-2230hrs Signature items : Ham omelette, satay beef instant noodles, milk tea, egg tarts

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Sun Wah Cafe

Time out says.

This little cha chaan teng is as authentic as it gets. They do great beef brisket noodle soup, eggs and ham over rice, and other local favourites, but best of all, they have their own in-house bakery offering everything from egg tarts and cocktail buns to pineapple buns and cha siu buns.

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Sunwah Foundation Global Young Leaders Network (GYLN)

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Founded in 1957, Sunwah Group is a Hong Kong based diversified conglomerate with businesses in eight principal areas.

Seafood and foodstuff.

Sunwah is renowned for its seafood business and is recognized as “The King of Seafood”. Its vertically integrated seafood operation gives the Group complete control of its products from sea to shelf. Processing is handled in its packing and cold storage facilities and exported to more than 10 countries and regions. The Group is also the sole distributor of a number of food products including the Ajinomoto line of seasoning products from Japan, the Guangdong oil and cereal products, and famous chateaux and wine brands from France. Alongside its wholesale activities, Sun Wah operates a Japanese restaurant chain, the Nishimura Japanese Restaurant, with outlets in Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia. The Group is also specialized in worldwide physical trading as well as futures trading of Soft Commodities such as coffee and cocoa.

Real Estate

Sunwah started real estate development in 1977. The Company engages in property development, construction and property management in Hong Kong, Macau, China, North America, Vietnam and Cambodia. Recent large scale projects include the “Sun Wah International Finance Centre” in Shenyang and Tianjin. “Sun Wah Plaza” in Jinzhou. “Sun Wah International City” in Heshan, “Sun Wah Tower” and “Saigon Pearl” in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam, “Sun Wah IFC” and “Victory City” in Phnom Penh of Cambodia. These projects are multi-complexes composed of luxury residential buildings, shopping arcades and office blocks.

Financial Services

Sunwah Kingsway Group (a Hong Kong listed company) and Sunwah International Limited (a Toronto listed company) provide services including corporate finance, securities and futures broking and asset management. With operations and expertise in Hong Kong, China and North America, Sunwah International and Sunwah Kingsway are strategically positioned to capture the sizeable flows of capital moving between Asia and the international investment community.


Sunwah’s involvement in infrastructural projects began in 1992 with a focus on bridge and highway operations in China. The projects are mainly in Guangdong, Hubei, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Tianjin.

Sunwah Hi-tech offers services in software development, software outsourcing and development of Technology Parks. In co-operation with world renowned software outsourcing company, Sunwah Hi-Tech leads and builds a local Chinese professional team to tap the world market. Sunwah is actively involved in the development of technology parks in Nanjing and Guangzhou as bases for the software outsourcing industry.

Sunwah Media Group is the multimedia flagship of Sunwah Group. It is involved in films and TV programs production and distribution as well as development and management of cineplexes in China.

Education and Training

Education has always been a focal point of the Group’s development committed to enhance education systems of Mainland China and regions worldwide. For years, the Group has invested to support education which includes kindergartens, primary and middle schools, universities and professional education.

Green Technology

Sunwah Group has established Sunwah Homeland Co., Ltd., which specializes in providing water services to better the environment such as operation and business, investment and construction of water environment works, construction of environmentally friendly industrial parks, industrial sewage and polluted water treatment, etc. and providing master plans of construction and operation for entire systems.

For more information about Sunwah Group, please visit our website:

GYLN Chapters Connection

So far, GYLN has had 11 GYLN Chapters in many cities and countries in the world. Each Chapter creates and organizes its projects and events which are supported by Sunwah Foundation coordinators. Currently, local chapters based in:

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  • Michigan State University USA Chapter

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Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines specialises in Chinese herbs, imported medicines, Taiji ginseng and North Korean ginseng. The shop also sells quality bird's nests imported from Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

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    units 602-603 6/f eastcore nos. 398 - 402 kwun tong road kwun tong kowloon

  7. Sun Wah Cafe

    Discover Sun Wah Cafe, a hidden gem in Hong Kong that serves authentic and nostalgic cha chaan teng dishes with a modern twist.

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  9. SUN WAH CAFE, Hong Kong

    Sun Wah Cafe. Unclaimed. Review. 14 reviews. #2,527 of 11,667 Restaurants in Hong Kong $. 334 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong China +852 2387 3698 + Add website + Add hours Improve this listing. See all (24)

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  11. SUN WAH CAFE, Hong Kong

    10 reviews #3,983 of 12,201 Restaurants in Hong Kong. 334 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong China +852 2387 3698 + Add website + Add hours. See all (13) There aren't enough food, service, value or atmosphere ratings for Sun Wah Cafe, China yet. Be one of the first to write a review!

  12. Philip Chen Nan-lok

    Philip Chen at 2023 Hong Kong Book Fair. Philip Chen Nan-lok, GBS, JP (Chinese: 陳南祿; born 1955 in Hong Kong) is a Hong Kong businessman, best known for being the first local Hong Kong Chinese Chief Executive Officer and later Deputy Chairman of Cathay Pacific.He has also held a number of senior business posts in Hong Kong, such as Executive Director of Swire Pacific, Chairman of Ocean ...


    Sun Wah Hotel, Hong Kong: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Sun Wah Hotel at Tripadvisor.

  14. Sun Wah Cafe 新華茶餐廳

    Sun Wah Cafe. Address: 334 Castle Peak Rd, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong. Directions: MTR to Cheung Sha Wan, take the C2 exit and follow the snakey foot path on your side of the road perpendicular to Cheung Sha Wan Rd. This is tricky and you may need to ask for directions if you do not have GPS.

  15. Sun Wah Cafe

    334 Castle Peak Rd. Cheung Sha Wan. Hong Kong. Been there, done that? Think again, my friend. Get into a relationship with our newsletter. Discover the best of the city, first. By entering your ...

  16. SUN WAH CAFE, Hong Kong

    Sun Wah Cafe, Hong Kong: See 14 unbiased reviews of Sun Wah Cafe, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #2,877 of 13,329 restaurants in Hong Kong.

  17. Sunwah Group

    Sunwah started real estate development in 1977. The Company engages in property development, construction and property management in Hong Kong, Macau, China, North America, Vietnam and Cambodia. Recent large scale projects include the "Sun Wah International Finance Centre" in Shenyang and Tianjin. "Sun Wah Plaza" in Jinzhou.

  18. Sun Wah Cafe

    81,491,251. 新華茶餐廳Sun Wah Cafe's Address, Telephone Number, Ratings, Reviews, Photos and Menu, located at G/F, 334 Castle Peak Road Cheung Sha Wan. Signature dishes include 熱奶茶, 雞批, 熱辣蛋撻, 酥皮蛋撻, 蛋撻, 沙嗲牛肉麵, 奶茶, 特餐, 火腿奄列, 沙爹牛肉麵, 雪菜肉絲米, 葡撻, 沙爹牛肉飯, 凍 ...


    SUN WAH TRAVEL SERVICE LIMITED was incorporated on 21-OCT-1980 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. The date of annual examination for this private company limited is between Oct 21 and Dec 02 upon the anniversary of incorporation. The company's status is listed as "Dissolved" now.

  20. Sun Wah Cafe in Cheung Sha Wan Hong Kong

    OpenRice, the most popular dining guide in Hong Kong which has expanded to various Asian regions, provides you with comprehensive dining information, restaurant reviews and ratings. You can easily search and enjoy the best restaurants and local cuisines by using our services of online table booking, vouchers, take away and OpenRice Pay with ...

  21. Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines

    Sun Wah Herbs & Medicines specialises in Chinese herbs, imported medicines, Taiji ginseng and North Korean ginseng. The shop also sells quality bird's nests imported from Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

  22. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited

    Daily Quotations 163/240828 THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED (A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF HONG KONG EXCHANGES AND CLEARING LIMITED) EXCHANGE SQUARE, HONG KONG TEL: 25221122 DATE: 28 AUG 2024 (WEDNESDAY) MAIN BOARD AND TRADING ONLY STOCKS DAILY QUOTATIONS "Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and/or its subsidiaries endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information ...

  23. Sun Wah Cafe's Menu

    OpenRice, the most popular dining guide in Hong Kong which has expanded to various Asian regions, provides you with comprehensive dining information, restaurant reviews and ratings. You can easily search and enjoy the best restaurants and local cuisines by using our services of online table booking, vouchers, take away and OpenRice Pay with ...

  24. SUN WAH HOTEL: See Reviews and Traveller Photos (Hong Kong)

    No.14-24 Xiyangcai South Street No. 16, 3rd Floor, Ronghua Building, Hong Kong China. Name/address in local language. Sun Wah Hotel. Getting there. Somewhat walkable. Grade: 58 out of 100.