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Travel Accident Group Insurance

Rbc royal bank visa* platinum avion ® travel accident insurance certificate.

This Certificate contains limitations of coverage. It should be read carefully, kept in a safe place and carried with you when you travel.

This Certificate is effective May 1st, 2000 and is furnished to you, the Cardholder .

Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company (herein called the Insurer)


having issued Policy No. BR0001 (herein called the Policy) the Cardholder of an RBC Royal Bank (herein called the Policyholder) Visa Platinum Avion card is eligible for coverage under the Policy. An Covered person shall be covered whenever his/her transportation fare for a Trip on a Common Carrier has been charged to the Cardholder's account prior to any Injury resulting in loss, for which claim is made, under the Policy. Any such Trip shall herein be considered a covered Trip for the Covered person .


Italicized terms are defined in this section of the Certificate. Wherever used in this Certificate :

"Accident" means any bodily Injury , certified by a physician, due to sudden and unforeseen external causes resulting directly and independently of any other cause.

"Applicant" means a person who has signed and submitted an application as the applicant for an RBC Royal Bank card and in whose name the card account is established.

"Card" means an RBC Royal Bank Visa Platinum Avion card.

"Cardholder" means any person (includes applicants , co-applicants and authorized users) to whom the Policyholder has issued a Visa Card under one of the above Plans.

"Common Carrier" means any land, air or water conveyance for regular passenger service, which is licensed to transport passengers for compensation or hire.

"Company" means a customer who has signed an agreement with the Policyholder accepting all debt under the Card .

"Dependent Child" means a natural or adopted child, stepchild or foster child who resides with and is dependent upon the Cardholder for support and who is over 15 days of age and under 18 years of age, or 24 years of age or under if he is a full-time student at an education institution accredited by the appropriate authorities. Any mentally or physically handicapped child who, upon reaching the maximum age and thereafter, is incapable of self-sustaining employment and totally relies upon the Cardholder for support and maintenance, will also be covered.

"Hospital" means a facility licensed as a Hospital under legislation in effect in the country where it is located.

"Injury" means bodily Injury to the Covered person caused by an Accident occurring while this Certificate is in force. This Injury is the basis of claim and results directly and independently of all other causes, provided it is sustained under the circumstances and in the manner described in the section entitled "Coverage A."

"Covered person" means the applicant , his/her spouse or dependent child . A co-applicant or an authorized user to whom the Policyholder has issued a Visa Card under one of the above Plans is an Covered person in his/her own right. A co-applicant's or authorized user's spouse or dependent child is not eligible for this insurance. All Covered persons must be a permanent resident of Canada.

"Member of the Immediate Family" means the Spouse , parents, children, brothers, sisters or grandparents of the Cardholder .

"Permanent Resident" means a person who resides in Canada for at least 6 months of the year. However, individuals otherwise eligible for coverage who are members of the Canadian Foreign Service need not satisfy this requirement.

"Spouse" means either:

  • the individual to whom the Cardholder is legally married; or
  • a person who cohabits on a continuous basis with the Cardholder in a relationship of a conjugal nature which has been publicly recognized as such for at least one year.

"Trip" means travel away from the Covered person's residence. The travel cost must have been paid with the Card or via points earned under an airline points program. If only a partial payment is made under such program, the balance must be paid by the Card to be effective.

The hazards covered under the Policy are Injuries sustained during a Trip by an Covered person while and as a result of:

  • an Accident which occurs while the Covered person is riding as a passenger in or on, boarding or alighting from a Common Carrier which is providing the transportation for his/her covered Trip , or
  • being struck by such Common Carrier , or
  • which was a covered Trip for the Covered person , and
  • which was delayed or re-routed, requiring the carrier which would have operated the Common Carrier to arrange for such alternate transportation, or
  • being struck by a conveyance providing alternate transportation such as described above.
  • an Accident which occurs while the Covered person is riding as a passenger in a Common Carrier (limited to ground transportation only) when the Covered person is going directly to or from the passenger terminal for the purpose of boarding or disembarking from a Common Carrier providing transportation for the Covered person's covered Trip . The fare for such Common Carrier travel need not be charged to the Card .

an Accident sustained by the Covered person while he/she is at or on any passenger terminal immediately before or immediately after his/her covered Trip .

It is expressly understood and agreed that unless specifically stated otherwise, coverage under the Policy is valid only if the Covered person's fare for a Trip on a Common Carrier has been charged to the Card prior to any Injury resulting in a loss for which claim is made under the Policy. Any such Trip shall herein be considered a covered Trip for the Covered person .

The benefits payable under the Policy are in the lawful money of Canada.


When Injury results in any of the following losses within 365 days of the date of the Accident , the Insurer will pay:

"Loss" of a hand or a foot means the total and irrevocable loss of use, including the wrist joint and the ankle joint; with regard to eyes, total and irrecoverable loss of sight; with regard to a leg or an arm, the total and irrevocable loss of use through or above the knee or elbow joint; loss of a thumb and index finger means the total and irrevocable loss of use, including all phalanges, but excluding the loss of the hand or foot; with regard to speech and hearing, total and irrecoverable loss; loss of a finger or a toe means the total and irrevocable loss of use, including all phalanges, but excluding the loss of the hand or foot; with regard to paralysis (quadriplegia, paraplegia, hemiplegia), loss must result in the complete and irreversible paralysis of such limbs.

Benefits will not be paid while the Covered person is in a coma.


When, by reason of an Accident covered by the Policy, the Covered person is unavoidably exposed to the elements and as a result of such exposure, suffers a loss for which indemnity is otherwise payable under the Policy, such loss will be covered under the terms of the Policy.

If the body of the Covered person has not been found within one year of the disappearance, sinking, or wrecking of the Common Carrier in which the Covered person was riding at the time of the Accident , it will be presumed that the Covered person suffered loss of life resulting from bodily Injury caused by an Accident at the time of such disappearance, sinking or wrecking.

The Policy does not cover any loss, fatal or non-fatal, caused by or related to:

  • self-inflicted Injuries , while sane or insane;
  • an insurrection, war or act of war, whether declared or not;
  • a participation in a criminal offence or a riot;
  • active full-time service in the armed forces of any country;
  • riding as a pilot, operator or crew member in any aircraft or as a passenger in any aircraft except as a fare-paying passenger aboard an aircraft having a current and valid certificate of airworthiness and piloted by a person who then holds a current and valid pilot's licence of a rating authorizing him/her to pilot such aircraft;
  • an Accident which occurs while the Covered person was riding aboard a commercial vehicle as the driver, pilot or crew member;
  • death or loss of use resulting directly or indirectly from drug or alcohol abuse, or use of narcotics;
  • when death or loss of use occurs more than 52 weeks after the Accident , unless the Covered person is in a coma at the end of that period; the Insurer will determine which benefits the Covered person is entitled to, if applicable, when the Covered person regains consciousness.


When Injuries result in a payment being made under the "Specific Loss Accident Indemnity" (Coverage A), an additional amount will be paid as follows:

The reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred up to a limit of $2,500 for special training of the Covered person provided:

  • such training is required because of such Injuries , and in order for the Covered person to be qualified to engage in an occupation in which he/she would not have been engaged except for such Injuries ;
  • expenses be incurred within two (2) years from the date of the Accident .

No payment will be made for ordinary living, travelling or clothing expenses.


When an Covered person is confined as an inpatient in a Hospital for Injuries that result in a payable loss under the Policy and requires the personal attendance of a Member of the Immediate Family as recommended by the attending Physician, or where due to accidental death covered under the Policy, requires the attendance of a Member of the Immediate Family , the Insurer will pay for the expenses incurred by the Member of the Immediate Family for transportation by the most direct route by a licensed Common Carrier to the confined Covered person , but not to exceed an amount of $1,000.



Coverage will automatically terminate on the earliest of the following:

  • the date the Cardholder's account is cancelled;
  • the date the Cardholder's Card privileges are otherwise terminated ;
  • the date the Policy is cancelled by the Insurer or the Policyholder. However, such termination of coverage shall not apply to fares charged to the Cardholder's account prior to the termination date of the Policy.

Whenever the insurance also covers the Spouse or Dependent Children , in addition to the above conditions, the insurance will terminate on the date such Covered person ceases to be an eligible person under the Policy.


A Cardholder may designate a beneficiary or change a previously designated beneficiary.

No one else may designate or change a previously designated beneficiary. For such designation or change to become effective, a properly completed written request, on a form satisfactory to the Insurer, must be filed with the Insurer. Such designation or change shall take effect as of the date it was signed by the Cardholder . Any of the proceeds made by the Insurer prior to the receipt of such designation or change shall fully discharge the Insurer to the extent of such payment. If no designation is made, benefit shall be paid in accordance with the provisions under "Payment of Claims" for loss of life benefits; all other benefits are payable to the Cardholder , or in the event of the death of the Cardholder , in accordance with the provisions under "Payment of Claims".

Written notice of a claim must be given to the Insurer within 30 days after the occurrence or commencement of any loss covered by the Policy, or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible but in all events, written notice must be given to the Insurer with 1 year after the occurrence or commencement of any loss. Indemnities payable for any loss will be paid upon receipt of due written proof of such loss.


The Insurer, at its own expense, shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of any Covered person whose Injury is the basis of a claim hereunder when and so often as it may reasonably require during pendency of a claim hereunder, and also the right and opportunity to make an autopsy in case of death where it is not forbidden by law.


The benefits payable under the Policy are payable in the lawful money of Canada. Benefits for loss of life of an Covered person will be paid to the designated beneficiary. Benefits for all other covered losses sustained by an Covered person will be paid to the Cardholder , if living, otherwise to the designated beneficiary. If more than one beneficiary is designated and the beneficiaries' respective interests are not specified, the designated beneficiaries shall share equally. If no beneficiary has been designated, or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the Cardholder , the benefits will be paid to the surviving person or equally to the surviving persons in the first of the following classes of successive preference beneficiaries in which there is a living member:

  • the Cardholder's Spouse ;
  • his/her children, including legally adopted children;
  • his/her parents;
  • his/her brothers and sisters;
  • his/her estate.

In determining such person or persons, the Insurer may rely upon an affidavit by a member of any of the classes of preference beneficiaries described above. Payment based upon any such affidavit shall fully discharge the Insurer from all obligations under the Policy unless, before such payment is made, the Insurer has received at its Home Office written notice of a valid claim by some other person(s). Any amount payable to a minor may be paid to the minor's legal guardian.


No action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover on the Policy prior to the expiration of sixty days after the written proof of loss has been furnished in accordance with the requirements of the Policy. No such action shall be brought after the expiration of three years after the time written proof of loss has been furnished.


No person is eligible for coverage under more than one Certificate of insurance or insurance policy issued by the Insurer providing insurance coverage similar to that provided by this Certificate of insurance. In the event that an Covered person is covered under more than one such Certificate or policy, such person shall be deemed to be insured only under the Certificate or policy which affords that person the greatest amount of insurance coverage.

The indemnity provided under the section «Specific Loss Accident Indemnity» for all losses sustained by any one (1) Covered person as the result of any one (1) Accident will not exceed the Principal Sum stipulated in the section "Benefits".

The benefits, conditions and limitations are a summary of some of the provisions of the master Policy; however, they are not part of the Policy and are not terms of the insurance contract. This Certificate replaces any prior Certificate that may have been furnished in connection with the Policy.

Should you have any questions or if you require additional information, please Assured Assistance Inc. at these numbers :

From Canada and the US: 1-800-533-2778 All other locations: 905-816-2581

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Sign In to Avion Rewards

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If you have a personal credit card or deposit account, you need to enrol in RBC Online Banking to enjoy Avion Rewards. It’s easy and secure.

Avion Rewards FAQs

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Avion Rewards – General FAQ

For RBC Royal Bank credit card customer service, please send us an e-mail or call 1-800-769-2512 . If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

If you are a business or commercial credit card client you will be asked for an Identification Word (known only to you). This is your password to access your Avion Rewards account.

You may have already selected an Identification Word on your RBC Royal Bank credit card application. If not, you can select one by calling 1-800-769-2512 . If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

Please visit the Avion Rewards Eligibility page to see the list of eligible products.

As a client with an RBC Commercial Avion Visa card, you are able to access Avion Rewards and earn Avion points. However, at this time, you will not be assigned to either the Avion Premium or Avion Elite membership level .

As an RBC Commercial Avion Visa cardholder, you will continue to be able to:

  • Earn Avion points when you make purchases with your card
  • Choose how you want your Avion points allocated - roll up points to the company, roll-up to one person or keep the points with each individual cardholders.
  • Redeem or convert Avion points to use as you wish – redeem points for travel, merchandise and gift cards or convert your points to points, miles or other “partner rewards” offered through partners’ loyalty programs that we designate from time to time for this purpose.
  • Access The Avion Collection - From the golf green, to the red carpet, to dining & entertainment, you can unlock access to this ever-growing catalogue of exclusive experiences and benefits.

If you have one of these credit card products plus an Avion Rewards eligible product , you will have access to the Avion Rewards program.

If you only have one of these credit cards and do not have an Avion Rewards eligible product, you will not have access to the Avion Rewards program. However, you will be able to access Offers through the RBC Mobile app and RBC Online Banking.

Yes, if you hold an RBC Bank credit card in the U.S., you’re able to participate in the U.S. Avion Rewards program. If you also have a Canadian Avion Rewards account, you’re able to transfer the points you earn with your RBC Bank credit cards to your Canadian Avion account.

When transferring points from your U.S. to your Canadian Avion Rewards account, points are converted at a 1:1 ratio – meaning one U.S. Avion point is equal to one Canadian Avion point. Once points are transferred, they will be governed by the Avion Rewards Terms and Conditions at Royal Bank of Canada. For complete terms, conditions and restrictions that apply to the U.S. Avion Rewards program, please visit www.rbcbankrewards.com or call 1-888-257-6837 .

There are several ways to earn Avion points. Depending on the product you hold, you can earn points on:

I. Net purchases made with an eligible points-earning credit card , or when you make debit purchases with an eligible RBC personal deposit account that is enrolled in the Value Program.

II. Additional / bonus points earning opportunities and/or offers available from merchants, retailers or service providers from time to time

III. RBC Group Advantage members can also enjoy more ways to earn, save and be rewarded with Avion points through exclusive offers. Learn more (RBC Group Advantage, opens new window) .

The following RBC Royal Bank credit cards earn Avion points on net purchases and are points-earning credit cards:

  • RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege
  • RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege for Private Banking
  • RBC Avion Visa Infinite
  • RBC Avion Visa Platinum
  • RBC ION Visa
  • RBC ION+ Visa
  • RBC Rewards Visa Preferred
  • RBC Visa Gold Preferred
  • RBC Visa Platinum Preferred
  • Signature RBC Rewards Visa
  • RBC Rewards Visa Gold
  • RBC Rewards+ Visa
  • RBC U.S. Dollar Visa Gold
  • RBC Visa Classic II
  • RBC Visa Classic II Student
  • RBC Mike Weir Visa
  • RBC Avion Visa Business
  • RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business
  • RBC Royal Bank Visa CreditLine for Small Business
  • RBC Commercial Avion Visa

You will be able to access Avion Rewards by signing into avionrewards.com or the Avion Rewards app and accept the Avion Rewards Terms & Conditions.

Thereafter, you will be assigned an Avion Rewards Core Account where you will be able to earn Avion points on eligible offers, as well as discounts and cash back from merchants through the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension.

Note: The Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension is only available on mobile and through Safari on iOS.

Eligible personal RBC clients without an eligible points-earning credit card and/or an eligible personal deposit account that is enrolled in the Value Program are able to access Avion Rewards and will be given an Avion Rewards Core Account upon enrollment into the Avion Rewards Program.

If you have one of the following products you will be assigned to an Avion Rewards Core Account:

The following RBC Personal Deposit Accounts that have not been enrolled in the Value Program :

  • RBC Advantage Banking, RBC Day to Day Banking, RBC No Limit Banking, RBC No Limit Banking for Students, RBC Signature No Limit Banking, RBC Student Banking, RBC VIP Banking, U.S. Personal and RateLink Essential.

The following RBC Personal Credit Cards:

  • RBC Cash Back Mastercard, RBC Visa Cash Back, RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard, RBC Visa Classic Low Rate Option, RBC RateAdvantage Visa, RBC Visa Platinum.

The following RBC Personal Investment Products:

  • Life Income Fund (LIF), Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RSP), Canadian Market-Linked GIC, Income Builder GIC, Non-Redeemable GIC, One-Year Cashable GIC, Prime-Linked Cashable GIC, RateAdvantage GIC, RBC Canadian Banking MarketSmart GIC, RBC Canadian Utilities MarketSmart GIC, RBC ESG Market-Linked GIC, RBC North American MarketSmart GIC, RBC US MarketSmart GIC, Redeemable GIC, US Dollar Term Deposit.

The following RBC Installment Loans, Lines of Credit and Home Equity Financing:

  • Government Sponsored Student Loan, Personal Instalment Loans, RBC Employee Student Loan, RBC Energy Saver Loan, RSP Loan, Royal Credit Line, Royal Credit Line for General Program, Royal Credit line for Professional in Medical & Dental Studies, Royal Credit Line for Professional Studies (i.e. MBA/EMA, Law, Masters of Accounting, Master of Finance, Master of Science in Business Mgmt), Royal Credit Line for Special Programs, Royal Credit Line for Students – Students Studying Abroad, Adjustable Rate Mortage (ARM), Construction Mortgage, Fixed Rate Mortgage, Investment Properties Mortgage, Low Down Payment Mortgage, Manufactured Home Construction Mortgages, Ratecapper Mortgage, RBC Homeline Plan, Reverse Mortgage, Variable Rate Mortgage.

Avion Rewards members with an Avion Rewards Core Accounts do not earn Avion points on every purchase, however you are able to earn Avion points, cash back and discounts from offers depending on the products you hold.

Avion Rewards Core Accounts with a transacting product (eligible RBC personal debit or credit cards) , can:

  • Earn Avion points and cash back through offers
  • Earn Avion points from welcome bonus when acquiring a new eligible RBC product
  • Save with cash back and discounts from partner retailers through the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension

Avion Rewards Core Accounts without a transacting product (for example RBC Installment Loans, Lines of Credit and Home Equity Financing Products, Investments ) can:

For more information on RBC products that are eligible for the Avion Rewards Core Product Account, please visit the Avion Rewards Terms and Conditions .

The following RBC personal deposit accounts are eligible to be enrolled in the Value Program :

  • RBC Day to Day Banking
  • RBC Advantage Banking (includes RBC Advantage Banking for students)
  • RBC Signature No Limit Banking
  • RBC VIP Banking
  • RBC No Limit Banking (discontinued)
  • RBC Student Banking (discontinued)
  • RBC No Limit Banking for Students (discontinued)
  • RBC Day to Day Savings
  • RBC Enhanced Savings
  • RBC High Interest eSavings

Learn more about the Value Program or explore accounts now.

If you are opening a new account, you can enroll it in the Value Program at the same time you open the account. If you open an account online, simply enroll in the Value Program when you are invited to do so. If you already have an eligible account, an RBC advisor can enroll your account in the Value Program for you. Please book an appointment, call 1-800-769-2511 or visit a branch .

Yes, the points earn rate may differ for each account if you have multiple accounts enrolled in the Value Program. This is because each account will be assessed individually to evaluate the number of eligible product categories you have associated with each account, which determines the rate at which your account(s) earn Avion points.

For example, if you have two personal deposit accounts enrolled in the Value Program and 5 eligible product categories:

  • One account would have 3 product categories, which means you would earn 1 Avion point for every $3 spent on debit in-store and online using the enrolled account.
  • The second account would have the remaining 2 product categories, which means you would earn 1 Avion point for every $5 spent on debit in-store and online using the enrolled account.

No. To access your banking accounts online, please sign in to RBC Online Banking .

There are several ways to find out how many Avion points you have:

  • Sign in to RBC Online Banking. From the Account Summary page select "Go to Avion Rewards" within the Avion Rewards section.
  • If you are an RBC Royal Bank credit cardholder, check your monthly credit card statement to see how many Avion points you have available to redeem.
  • If you are an eligible Personal Banking client, view your Avion points in your Vantage Snapshot within the RBC Mobile App. a) Sign in to the RBC Mobile app. b) Tap More. c) Tap Vantage Snapshot. Your points will be listed under Available Points Balance.
  • View your Avion points by signing in to avionrewards.com or on the Avion Rewards app. 5 a) Sign-in to avionrewards.com or the Avion Rewards app. b) After signing in, you will see your points balance on the Home page. c) Click on the "Rewards Activity" to see your points activity.

Note: Only primary and co-applicant credit card holders have access to sign in to view their points.

To redeem your points, sign into Avion Rewards online or through the app, then select either “Travel “or “Redeem” in the nav bar or menu.

Go here to use your points for flights, hotels, vacation packages, car rentals and more.

Go here to use your points for anything other than travel, including:

Merchandise and gift cards in the Avion Rewards catalogue,

Donations to charity,

RBC Financial Rewards,

Convert points to partner loyalty programs,

Pay with points

Currently, Avion Select members can only redeem for travel, merchandise, gift cards and charity donations. More options coming soon. Not all rewards options are available to all members. Check eligibility, here

Exclusive offers and travel advantages are available to all RBC Avion Visa Infinite and RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege cardholders. Click below to learn more about these additional benefits:

Pending Points are the approximate amount of points you’ve earned since your last credit card statement.

They’ll become Available Points with your credit card next statement provided that the transactions they are based on haven’t since been cancelled or returned.

Pending Points will not reflect the following:

  • Bonus points that may be applied to a transaction
  • Transactions from a business roll-up account

You’ll be able to spend Pending Points once they become Available Points with your next credit card statement provided that the transactions they are based on are completed and have not been subsequently cancelled or returned.

If you are an RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business, RBC Avion Visa Business or RBC Commercial Avion Visa applicant. points roll-up allows you to combine the Avion points earned on all your employees' Avion Visa Infinite Business/Avion Visa Business/ Commercial Avion Visa cards into one account, and pool your points between your business and personal Avion cards

No, Avion points do not expire. Avion points are yours to use as long as your Avion Rewards eligible account remains open and in good standing. However, your points will be forfeited twelve (12) months after (i) you voluntarily close your account or (ii) RBC closes your account for any reason other than for cause.

Avion Rewards – Travel

Travel bookings must be booked through the Avion Rewards travel booking platform. To do this, sign in to Avion Rewards online or log into the app, and select Travel in the menu.

Avion Premium and Elite members can also call Avion Rewards Travel to book.

1-877-636-2870 , Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST, or Saturday & Sunday 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. EST. If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-773-7057 .

Note: For travel bookings by phone, a $30 booking fee will be charged per ticket or per hotel booking.

You can enjoy flexibility and benefits when converting your Avion points to points, miles or other "partner rewards" offered through partners’ loyalty programs that we designate from time to time for this purpose.

Avion Rewards members can convert their points to WestJet dollars, which can then be applied like cash towards WestJet marketed and operated flights and WestJet Vacations packages, at any time, for travel to any of WestJet’s destinations in North America, Mexico, Hawaii, Europe and the Caribbean - even during seat sales! 100 Avion Rewards points converted equals 1 WestJet dollar.

Only RBC Avion credit card holders can convert their Avion points to Cathay Pacific Asia Miles, British Airways Avios, or American Airlines AAdvantage miles which provides the ability to redeem for business class travel and access to the oneworld alliance partners. Avion points are converted to Asia Miles or Avios at a one-to-one ratio. For every 10 Avion points which are converted, you will receive 7 AAdvantage miles

Points conversion is not available for Avion Select members

This is dependent on the product you hold.

Select RBC Credit cards offer various travel insurances. Find out what insurance your card carries .

If your RBC credit card does not have travel insurance or you want to top-up your insurance, you can purchase insurance for your trip separately.

You should familiarize yourself with change and cancellation policies before you complete your booking. After you book travel through Avion Rewards, you will receive a confirmation email that includes important information about changing or cancelling your travel plans. The chart below outlines any Avion Rewards Travel booking fees or charges that may be applicable if you need to change or cancel your travel plans.

In addition, the travel supplier for your reservation (i.e. airline, tour operator, etc.) may also impose change or cancellation fees. Contact Avion Rewards Travel at 1-877-636-2870 to find out more.

Please contact Avion Rewards Travel at 1-877-636-2870 .

If you are an RBC ION Visa or an RBC ION+ Visa cardholder, you can redeem your Avion points at the rate of 172 Avion points = $1 CAD towards rail travel.

If you have any other travel eligible Avion Rewards product, you can redeem your Avion points at the rate of 100 Avion points = $1 CAD towards rail travel.

Currently, Avion Select members and those with an Avion Rewards Core Account are not eligible to redeem for a trip with Via Rail.

Only RBC Avion credit card holders are eligible to redeem their Avion points for flights on the Air Travel Redemption Schedule .

Clients with one of the following products are RBC Avion credit card holders:

Only RBC Avion credit card holders are eligible to redeem their Avion points for flights on the Air Travel Redemption Schedule . Before booking, you should keep in mind:

  • Check the number of points needed for your destination in the Air Travel Redemption Schedule.
  • Destinations have a Maximum Ticket Price (All taxes and service fees are separate and are not part of the maximum ticket price). In the event that a ticket costs more than the allowed amount, the additional cost can be charged to your credit card or you can use your Avion points at a rate of 100 points = $1 CAD.

For example:

A flight from Toronto to Vancouver has a Maximum Ticket Price of $750 CAD. If the base fare of the flight you select is $825 CAD, you can charge the excess amount of $75 ($825-$750=$75), (plus taxes and fees) to your credit card or redeem points at a rate of 100 points = $1 CAD (75x100= 7500 points)

If the base ticket price exceeds the Maximum Ticket Price, the additional cost can either be charged to your credit card or you can use any remaining points at a rate of 100 points = $1 CAD to pay for the amount over the maximum ticket price. Terms and Conditions .

A flight from Toronto to Montreal requires 15,000 Avion points and has a Maximum Ticket Price of $350 CAD (all taxes and service fees are separate and are not part of the ticket price.)

The base fare of the flight you select is $400 CAD. This amount exceeds the maximum ticket price ($350 CAD) by $50.

You can either charge the excess amount of $50 (plus taxes and fees) to your credit card, or use any remaining points at a rate of 100 points = $1 CAD (50x100=5 000 points).

For RBC Avion credit card holders who do not want to redeem from the Air Travel Redemption schedule, there is no Maximum Ticket Price for airline tickets.

Yes, you can pay for your booking with a combination of points and credit card.

For ION or ION+ cardholders, Avion Rewards Core Product Accounts and Avion Select members, 172 points = $1 CAD. A minimum of 2,500 points must be redeemed and the remaining balance can be paid with a credit card.

Other Avion Rewards members can redeem travel at a rate of 100 points =$1 CAD. A minimum of 1,000 points must be redeemed and the remaining balance can be paid with a credit card.

RBC Avion Visa cardholders who are redeeming Avion points for flights from the Air Travel Redemption Schedule can use their credit card to pay for taxes and fees and any amount above the Maximum Ticket Price.

RBC Avion Visa cardholders can also purchase additional points to use towards flights on the Air Travel Redemption Schedule and must have at least half of the required points for their booking in order to purchase additional points. The minimum amount of points to purchase is 1,000 and maximum is 15,000, and every 1,000 points costs $40 CAD plus applicable taxes.

Yes. There are three ways to redeem Avion points for first or business class seats.

Select either first class or business class before searching for flights. Then, redeem the required number of Avion points for the destination of your choice, up to the Maximum Ticket Price as indicated in the Air Travel Redemption Schedule. The Maximum Ticket Price excludes any applicable taxes, surcharges and fees. Finally, pay for the price difference between the Maximum Ticket Price and the total price of your first or business class ticket by redeeming your points at the rate of 100 points = $1.00 CAD.

Redeeming for a flight from Toronto to Vancouver from the Air Travel Redemption Schedule requires 35,000 points for a Maximum Ticket Price of $750 CAD. The Maximum Ticket Price excludes any applicable taxes, surcharges and fees. If the cost of the flight you select in business class is $1,000 CAD, you can pay for the price difference of $250 by redeeming 25,000 additional points (100 points = $1 CAD). In total, you would need to redeem 60,000 points.

If you are an RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege for Private Banking, RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege, RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business or RBC Commercial Avion Visa cardholder, you can pay for the entire price of a first or business class ticket (including any applicable taxes, surcharges and fees) by redeeming your points at the rate of 100 points = $2.00 CAD.

If a flight from Toronto to Vancouver in first class costs $3,200 CAD (including any applicable taxes, surcharges and fees), you would need to redeem 160,000 Avion points (100 points = $2 CAD)

Convert your Avion points to WestJet dollars or to British Airways Avios, American Airlines AAdvantage Miles or Cathay Pacific Asia Miles. Converting your Avion points gives you the flexibility to redeem for rewards and benefits these programs offer, including for first or business class seats. Once converted, points cannot be transferred or converted back to Avion points.

All travel reservations made over the phone will be subject to a $30 booking fee per ticket or hotel booking.

Avion Rewards members with an Avion Rewards Core Account can't make new bookings over the phone.

Yes. If the airline you have selected provides this service, you may pre-select your seat while booking travel online or after you have completed your redemption

Note: If fees apply, payment for your seat selection is by credit card only.

Children under the age of 2 can be booked online.

Unfortunately, at this time, booking travel to Cuba or Iran is unavailable through the Avion Rewards website, mobile app and the Avion Rewards Travel call centre. If you want to travel to Cuba or Iran, please call 1-800-ROYAL-1- 2.

Avion Rewards – Shop/Offers

Simply put, it’s a great way to ensure you don’t miss a deal, wherever you shop.

Less simply: Avion Rewards ShopPlus is a browser extension you add to your phone and desktop browsers. It searches for cash back deals and exclusive discounts from thousands of retailers and delivers them to you as you shop and search online.

You’ll be amazed at all the places you’ll find a deal.

The Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension is available on Mobile for iOS users on the Safari browser, and on a desktop through the Chrome, Safari and Edge browsers.

Once you have activated an offer through the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension and have fulfilled the offer requirements, your cash back will be deposited after the return window for the retailer has passed. Cash is awarded once a month.

  • If you have an RBC personal deposit account, your cash back will be deposited into your personal deposit account.
  • If you do not have an RBC personal deposit account, you will be provided an Available Cashback Balance, which will be accessible through an Interac e-Transfer.

Please note:

  • The ability to action an Interac e-Transfer from your Available Cashback Balance will be made available to you by March 2023.
  • Eligible Avion Rewards members must have a balance greater than $15 to action an Interac e-Transfer of their Available Cashback Balance.

The Available Cashback Balance is how Avion Rewards members who do not have an RBC personal deposit account will receive their cash back from offers fulfilled though the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension and Online Offers for you, presented in both the Avion Rewards website and app.

Note: The ability to action an Interac e-Transfer from your Available Cashback Balance will be made available to you by March 2023. Until then, eligible Avion Rewards members can continue earning cash back towards their $15 minimum balance.

The Rewards Activity Cashback tab shows users the cashback earned through Online Offers for You and through offers activated through the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension.

If you have an RBC Cash Back credit card, the cash back you earn on everyday purchases with your credit card will not be reflected here. Please refer to your credit card monthly statement for the cash back earned on everyday purchases.

Once you have activated an offer through the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension and have fulfilled the offer requirements, your cash back will be deposited after the return window for the retailer has passed.

Depending on the merchants return policy, you can expect your cash back in either 30, 60 or 90 days. Cash is awarded once a month.

Cash can be withdrawn through an Interac e-Transfer by selecting the Cash Out link displayed under your Available Cashback Balance (available in both the Avion Rewards website and the Avion Rewards app). Members must enter their email, prepare a security question and answer for the Interac e-Transfer.

  • It may take up to 5 business days for you to receive funds following an Interac e-Transfer request.

The Avion Rewards Access Card is how Avion members who do not have a personal deposit account will receive their cash back from offers fulfilled though the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension.

Note: The Avion Rewards Access Card will become available in September 2022 and will launch in coordination with the timing of applicable offers and when cash back is first awarded to Avion Rewards members.

As an Avion Rewards member you will be able to access offers through the Avion Rewards App, avionrewards.com , the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension, RBC Online Banking, and the RBC Mobile App.

If you do not have an Avion Rewards eligible product, eligible clients will have access to the Offers portal through both the RBC Mobile app and RBC Online Banking.

Shop the Web allows members to browse for items directly from within the Avion Rewards website or the Avion Rewards app, compare prices from multiple retailers and see price drops, offers, and more.

Visit the Shop page on the Avion Rewards website or the Avion Rewards app to learn more about Shop the Web.

To redeem your Avion points for merchandise from Apple, sign in through Avion Rewards.

  • Select the Apple logo in the Redeem with Points section on the Home page or the Shop page.
  • Shop the Apple catalogue to find the item(s) you want.
  • Select the item(s) of your choice and add it to your Cart.
  • Complete your purchase by redeeming your Avion points or by using a combination of points plus your credit card.

1. We can only accept returns on engraved items that arrive to you in a damaged state. If you received an engraved item that is damaged, just call us at 1-800-769-2512 for help. If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

Your order will be shipped to the Canadian address we have on file for your RBC Royal Bank Online Banking profile.

Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a Post Office Box.

We don't currently offer Apple Education Pricing in the Apple catalogue.

If you'd like to buy AppleCare Protection or AppleCare+, visit Apple's website or take your products to an Apple Store within 60 days of your purchase.

In the event that your order is lost, stolen, missing or if you want to return/exchange an item, just call us at 1-800-769-2512 and we'll be happy to help. If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

To return an item, call us within 14 days of the item being shipped.

Orders are usually shipped within 7-10 business days. We'll send you an email with tracking information when your order is shipped. Shipping lead times for each item are shown on the catalogue check out page. We'll send you an email with tracking information when your order is shipped.

We don't currently offer the option to pre-order Apple products through our catalogue.

You'll need Avion points for at least 20% of the total value of your purchase. You can pay for the remaining 80% of the order with your Avion points, your credit card, or a combination of both.

To redeem your Avion points for merchandise from Best Buy, sign in through Avion Rewards.

  • Select the Best Buy logo in the Redeem with Points section on the Home page or the Shop page.
  • Select the Best Buy link in the top navigation menu under Shop & Redeem.
  • Browse the Best Buy catalogue to find the item(s) you want.
  • Select the item(s) of your choice and add it to your Cart.*
  • Choose home delivery, or Quick and Easy reserve in store pick-up where available, for your item(s).

* Please be advised that there is currently a limit of one unit of the same item per order. If you wish to redeem for more than one unit of the same item per order, a separate order must be placed for each subsequent unit.

Avion Rewards members can access over 50,000 of the hottest tech items from Best Buy’s‡ online catalogue. You’ll have access to weekly sales, the latest products, and free shipping on almost every item, which is an exclusive benefit for Avion Rewards.

If you do not have the required Avion points for your redemption, you can pay for the remaining balance with your credit card. On the order summary screen, you can enter the amount of points you want to redeem and charge the balance to your credit card to complete the transaction, if needed.

Yes, you are entitled to the same warranty you would be when purchasing directly through Best Buy.

If your order was shipped to you, you may return your item(s) by mail. To start the return process, you will need to call us at 1-800-769-2512 . You cannot return a shipped-to-home item at a Best Buy store.

For Quick and Easy Store Pickup orders, you may return the item(s) in-store, at any Best Buy store within Canada. It cannot be returned by mail. All items that you return in store will be refunded by the issuance of a Best Buy gift card for the full value of the purchase price of the original item(s) you ordered, even if you have paid for your item(s) using Points and/or a credit card.

For all returns, you will need the following:

  • If you picked up your item(s) in store, the Ready for Pickup email that was sent to you
  • If your item(s) were delivered to you, the "Purchase Order Number" that was indicated on the confirmation email that was sent to you after placing your order; and
  • Original packaging of the item(s) being returned.

Most items must be returned within 14 to 30 days but some product lines have special restrictions or return policies.

Please see the Avion Rewards® Redemption, Return and Exchange Terms & Conditions for Best Buy‡ (opens in new window) for specific information about shipped versus in-store returns.

We currently do not offer the Low Price Guarantee with Rewards redemptions using points and/or cash.

Call us at 1-800-769-2512 to request the return for drop shipment or special delivery items. You will receive a gift card in the amount of your return's purchase price. If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

Yes, so long as it's returned within its window. Please see the Avion Rewards® Redemption, Return and Exchange Terms & Conditions for Best Buy‡ (opens in new window) for more information.

Note: Orders cannot be shipped to a post office box.

Shipping is included on almost every available item (special delivery items notwithstanding).

Subject to availability, you also have the option to pick up items at Best Buy locations through the Quick and Easy Store Pickup. You will see this option prior to online checkout. It shows which Best Buy locations have your chosen items available for in-store pick up. Not all items are available for this option. If available for Quick and Easy Store Pickup, the item(s) will be on hold at the Best Buy location for up to 3 days after you receive your Ready for Pickup email. You will need to present the email confirmation and 2 pieces of valid ID that matches the name on the order. At least one piece of ID should be government-issued photo ID.

Please see the Avion Rewards® Redemption, Return and Exchange Terms & Conditions for Best Buy‡ (opens in new window) for more information.

No, your points must be redeemed through the Avion Rewards website. Select Best Buy from under the Shop & Redeem menu in the top navigation to browse the Best Buy catalogue. Then, select the product you want, and add it to your cart.

Please be advised that your redemption may include an environmental handling fee (EHF) as may be required in your province. These fees are used to support provincial recycling and disposal programs, and are collected on products made with materials such as metal, glass, and plastic that can be recycled into other products. EHFs are also collected on products that may contain substances that are hazardous to the environment.

To learn more and to see how these fees are applied on a province by province basis, please see Best Buy's Environmental Handling Fees details.

Please contact RBC Royal Bank credit card customer service at 1-800-769-2512 . If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

Some items on our merchandise catalogue offer a manufacturer warranty. You will need to contact the manufacturer directly to take advantage of the manufacturer’s warranty. Please refer to your product packaging or the manufacturer’s website for contact information. If required by the product manufacturer, please contact RBC to obtain a proof of purchase. Please contact RBC Royal Bank credit card customer service at 1-800-769-2512 . If you are a commercial cardholder, please call 1-888-769-2534 .

No, you can only redeem Avion points to pay down your RBC points-earning credit card balance through Pay Credit Card with Points.

Eligible Avion Rewards members with an RBC points-earning credit card can use their points to redeem towards eligible transactions as a statement credit.

Note: Clients must have an RBC points-earning credit card in order to Pay Back Purchases with Points and RBC Commercial Avion Visa is not eligible.

Here’s how to Pay Back Purchases with Avion points:

  • Sign in to RBC Mobile or Online Banking
  • Go to credit card transaction details page
  • Double click on any particular transaction
  • There will be transaction details like purchase date, merchant name etc. and a Pay with Points button
  • Click on the Pay with Points button and go to the Pay Back with Points page where transaction details appear along with the current full points balance that is available
  • Choose any amount of points to use to “offset” all or even just a portion of the purchase amount
  • Redemption is completed with a confirmation and Avion points will be deducted from account balance right away
  • A credit will be posted on credit card account within 1-2 business days with a description of “rewards redemption – merchant name”

Note: This feature is only available in the RBC Mobile app.

Pay In-Store with Points is a capability available in the RBC Launch app that allows you to redeem your Avion points for purchases completed in stores with an eligible mobile wallet (iOS and Samsung).

Any purchase transactions between $1 and $250 CAD completed through an eligible mobile wallet using your device qualify.

  • Make sure you’ve downloaded the RBC Launch app. Sign in with your credentials and enable push notifications. There are 2 ways to redeem:
  • Sign in to the RBC Launch app. Select the transaction banner at the top, and redeem points towards your last purchase with Apple Pay.
  • Turn on push notifications for the RBC Launch app. We’ll let you know when your purchase is eligible to redeem points.
  • Get started by selecting the Samsung Pay app icon or by swiping up from the bottom of your screen.
  • Select Pay with Avion Rewards Points and choose how many points you’d like to use towards your purchase.
  • Tap to pay, and your purchase is complete.

The full purchase amount will be charged to your credit card for your purchase and a statement credit for the points redemption will be applied on your credit card account within 2-3 business days from the date of your purchase. Your statement credit will indicate which merchant your transaction was made with.

You will still continue to earn Avion points for the full purchase amount even when you redeem points for that purchase.

All redemptions are final and cannot be cancelled or reversed once submitted. The points redeemed will remain as a statement credit towards your account balance even when you return or refund your purchase. The number of points redeemed may vary during promotional campaigns.

Note: Push notifications may display account information, such as account balance and transaction information, on the screen of your device in a locked state and in your device notification center. You can disable push notifications in your notification settings.

Avion Rewards – Redeem

Yes, you can get one for yourself or send one to a friend. See our e-gift card FAQs to learn more.

Avion Rewards members with an Avion-points earning credit card can use their points to make a payment towards their credit card balance. Pay credit card with points does not allow you to redeem for items at point of sale.

Just follow these steps:

1. Sign in to Avion Rewards

2. Select “Redeem” in the top navigation or menu

3. From here, select “Pay Credit Card Now”

4. Choose the amount you wish to redeem

5. Redeem your points.

It usually takes 2-3 days for your redemptions to appear in your credit card account.

This benefit is only available to Avion Elite and Avion Premium members with an eligible RBC credit card.

Check eligibility, here

Yes. If you’re an eligible Avion Rewards member and a member of the Hudson’s Bay Rewards program, you can:

  • Convert your Avion points to Hudson’s Bay Rewards points.
  • Turn on auto-convert to have your Hudson’s Bay Rewards points automatically converted to Avion points.

With auto-convert, your current Hudson’s Bay Rewards points will automatically be converted to Avion points on an ongoing basis, until you turn it off. When auto-convert is turned on, you won’t be able to convert Avion points to Hudson’s Bay Rewards points.

You must be a member of the Hudson’s Bay Rewards program in order to complete either of the conversions above, and the Hudson’s Bay Rewards account must be in the same name as your RBC Royal Bank credit card account.

For one-time conversions, a minimum of 500 Avion points must be converted and they can only be converted in increments of 2 Avion points thereafter. For auto-convert, your Hudson’s Bay Rewards points will be automatically converted to Avion points when you have a minimum of 40 points in your Hudson’s Bay Rewards account and in increments of 4 Hudson’s Bay Rewards points thereafter.

Note: At this time, RBC ION Visa and RBC ION+ Visa cardholders are not eligible to convert their Avion points to the Hudson Bay Rewards Program and vice versa.

To turn on auto-convert:

  • Sign in to Avion Rewards
  • Select Redeem in the top navigation or menu.
  • Select Hudson’s Bay Rewards from the Convert Points menu.
  • Select the tab, Auto-convert your Hudson’s Bay Rewards points, and follow the steps.

This benefit is only available to Avion Elite and Avion Premium members with an eligible RBC credit card. At this time, RBC ION Visa and RBC ION+ Visa cardholders are not eligible to convert their Avion points to the Hudson Bay Rewards Program and vice versa.

No, we don’t currently offer this option. You can only convert Avion points to Hudson’s Bay Rewards as a one-time conversion with a minimum of 500 Avion points.

Transfer points gives you the ability to consolidate your Avion points where you need them most. Through a simple set of steps, you can transfer Avion points from one points account to another. Check out the individual perks and benefits of your points-earning account to see where you can maximize the value of your points.

Note: Points are transferred on a 1:1 basis, meaning the number of points you transfer will not change from one points-earning product to another. In addition, there is no fee to transfer points.

If you have more than one Avion points account, you can transfer points between most accounts that appear on your profile. Transfers are only eligible between points accounts that you own. Points earned by an authorized credit card user, belong to the primary credit cardholder.

Yes, you can combine the Avion points you have earned using your eligible personal deposit account (by making in-store or online debit purchases) with the Avion points you have earned with your personal, and business credit card and vice versa.

Here’s how to combine your Avion points between points-earning products:

  • Log in to avionrewards.com and click the "Transfer" menu.
  • On the landing page, select "Transfer Now” in the “Transfer Points” option. You can transfer points between the products shown in the drop-down menu.
  • Within "Transfer Points", you can set up a one-time transfer or an auto-transfer so that all the points you earn with your points-earning product(s) can be pooled to one points account, making it easy to keep track of your points in one place and get you closer to your redemption goals.

No. There is no minimum or maximum. You can transfer Avion points between accounts as you need, with no limits. Also, if you realize that you have transferred too many points in a points account, or into the wrong points account, you can always transfer them back, with no fees.

When you transfer Avion points from your U.S. Dollar Visa Gold points account to another Avion points account (non U.S. dollar), the points will be transferred at a rate of 1:1.

No. Avion points transfers are final, and cannot be reversed or cancelled. However, if you choose the wrong points account for your transfer or need the points back into the account you transferred from, you can just set up another transfer. Don’t worry, you will not pay any fees, or experience any loss in the transfer.

Yes. If your business banking profile is linked to your personal banking profile, you can transfer points to or from your business rewards account online.

If your business banking profile is not linked to your personal banking profile, you can transfer points from or to your business rewards account by calling us at 1-800-769-2512 .

Avion points will be awarded based on how many points you have earned up until the day you opt out. As long as your personal deposit account remains open (and in good standing?), you will not lose the points you have previously earned when you opt out of the Value Program .

If you close a personal deposit account that is enrolled in the Value Program:

  • The monthly fee rebate 1 you receive will be based on the number of eligible product categories you had and the specific account activities you completed (pre-authorized payment, direct deposit, eligible bill payment) in the previous calendar month. If you close your account on a day other than the last day of the calendar month, your monthly fee rebate will be pro-rated and paid on your next statement cycle date.
  • Avion points are earned up until the day the account is closed and are based on debit purchases made from the first day of the calendar month through the date you close your account.

After closing your personal deposit account, you have 12 months to use your Avion points, which can be redeemed by calling the RBC Advice Centre at 1-800-769-2512 .

Yes you can. You will be able to redeem Avion points you have earned (based on the rates associated with the closed account) for up to 12 months after closure. You can also transfer your points to any active points account you have and redeem from there. If you are not ready to redeem your points, be sure to transfer them to an active account before your 12 months are up.

Avion Rewards – How It Works

If you are an RBC client, review the list of eligible Avion Rewards products . Should you have an Avion Rewards eligible product, you can simply sign into Avion Rewards through the Avion Rewards website or app. If you are new to Avion Rewards, you will need to also accept the Avion Rewards Terms & Conditions upon first sign in.

Ampli is a Canadian cash back app that is powered by Avion Rewards. Ampli lets you earn cash back in your Ampli account on both online and in-store purchases at more than 125 brands, such as Lowe's, DoorDash, Rexall, H&M, Sephora, Lyft, and Indigo.ca.

To start earning cash back with Ampli, by:

  • Downloading the Ampli app
  • Signing up and securely connecting your Canadian debit and credit cards
  • Pay with your connected card online and in-store at participating brands and earn cash back automatically

Once you have accumulated a minimum of $15 CAD in cash back in your Ampli account, transfer cash back into your bank account with a free Interac e-Transfer®. Plus, connected RBC credit cards can earn even more cash back on select offers.

Note: Ampli is available to all Canadians, therefore you do not need to be an RBC client to join. For more information or to sign up for Ampli Powered by Avion Rewards visit: ampli.ca

The Avion Rewards program has 2 membership levels, Avion Premium and Avion Elite.

  • If you have an RBC Avion credit card, you are an Avion Elite member and will receive benefits associated with that membership level.
  • All other Avion Rewards eligible products qualify for the Avion Premium level.

Note: Your membership level provides you with additional benefits such as offers, however the number of points required to make a redemption is tied to either your RBC card product or your Avion Rewards Core Product Account.

You can apply for an RBC Avion credit card and once you have been approved and have activated your card, you will automatically have access to all benefits associated with the Avion Elite membership level.

If you cancel your RBC Avion credit card, you will no longer have access to the benefits associated with the Avion Elite membership level since having an RBC Avion credit card is required in order to be part Avion Elite.

Avion Rewards provides members many ways to earn Avion points. Depending on the Avion Rewards eligible product you hold, eligible members are able to earn Avion points from:

  • Purchases made with an eligible RBC points-earning credit card
  • The Value Program. Simply enroll an eligible personal deposit account and start earning Avion points on qualifying debit purchases made online or in-store.
  • Offers available on the Avion Rewards Shop page. Simply load your available offers to earn bonus Avion points on qualifying purchases and follow the steps on how to claim your offer.
  • When acquiring a new eligible RBC product, with an associated welcome points offer.
  • With qualifying purchases using your eligible linked RBC card at our select merchant partners like Petro Canada. Eligible clients receive 20% more Avion points at Petro Canada when they pay with their linked RBC points-earning credit card.

Eligible personal RBC clients without an eligible rewards credit card and/or an eligible personal deposit account that is enrolled in the Value Program are able to access Avion Rewards and will be given an Avion Rewards Core Account upon enrollment into the Avion Rewards Program.

RBC Personal Deposit Accounts that have not enrolled in the Value Program:

RBC Personal Credit Cards

RBC Personal Investment Products

RBC Installment Loans, Lines of Credit and Home Equity Financing that are not tied to a business banking profile

Please visit the Avion Rewards Terms and Conditions to learn more about the Avion Rewards Core Product Account.

Yes, you can pay down your RBC points-earning credit card balance with Avion points using the RBC Mobile app. The redemption process works similarly to how it does through the Avion Rewards web site–just choose the RBC points-earning credit card you would like to pay, the dollar denomination and corresponding amount of points you wish to redeem. The RBC Mobile app is available for iOS and Android.

Eligible Avion Rewards members can use their Avion points to send an Interac e-Transfer by sending to a payee through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app.

RBC Commercial Avion Visa, RBC Avion Visa Business and RBC Avion Visa Infinite Business credit cards, select Avion Rewards Core Product Accounts and single credit card only clients are not eligible to send an Interac e-transfer with points.

Please visit the Avion Rewards Terms & Conditions for more information on eligibility criteria.

Here’s how to send an Interac e-Transfer by redeeming Avion points:

In the RBC Mobile app:

  • Login and select the yellow circle with an arrow in the navigation menu
  • Choose Send or Cancel an Interac e-transfer;
  • Choose Avion Rewards, instead of RBC Account at the top of the page;
  • Enter the dollar amount to be sent –the number of points required will be automatically converted and displayed;
  • Select Continue and review the details;
  • Once you are ready to proceed, click “Send Now”.

On RBC Online Banking:

  • Login and select the “Send an Interac e-Transfer” in the right hand navigation under Transfers and Payments.
  • If you have more than one Avion Rewards account, choose the one that will fund the points;
  • Choose the payee;
  • Enter the dollar amount to be paid–the number of points required will be automatically converted and displayed to convert into points;

Avion Premium and Elite members can use Avion points to pay any bill that can be set up as a payee through RBC Online Banking or the RBC Mobile app.

Avion Select members are not eligible to pay bills with points.

Avion Rewards members can use their points to pay bills, like cable, gym memberships and more.

Here’s how it works:

On Avion Rewards web or App

1. Sign into Avion Rewards and select Redeem in the main navigation;

2. Select the “Pay Bills Now” option from this page. This will take you to RBC Mobile app;

3. If you have more than one Avion Rewards account, choose the one that will fund the points;

4. Choose your payee;

5. Enter the dollar amount to be paid–the number of points required will be automatically converted and displayed;

6. Select “Continue” to review the transaction;

7. Select “Pay Now” to submit the payment

On RBC Online Banking or App

1. Go to the “Pay Bill and Transfer Funds” page and select the “Pay with Avion points” tab;

2. If you have more than one Avion Rewards account, choose the one that will fund the points;

3. Choose the payee;

4. Enter the dollar amount to be paid–the number of points required will be automatically converted and displayed to convert into points;

5. Click “Submit” to complete the payment

This benefit is only available to Avion Elite and Avion Premium members with an eligible RBC credit card. Check eligibility, here

Through the Value Program , Avion points are reported monthly and take into account all in-store and online debit purchases from, and returns to, an enrolled personal deposit account.

For example, say you purchase a $300 blender with your debit card in December and received your Avion points. In January, you return the blender and get a $300 credit to your personal deposit account, but you also make $500 in debit purchases. For January, you would be awarded points for $200 of your debit spend ($500 in debit purchases minus the $300 return). Alternatively, if in January you do not make any debit purchases and only return the $300 blender, you would not be awarded any points for January and 300 points will be removed from your points account.

Avion Rewards – Avion Select

Avion Select is Avion Rewards’s newest membership level. It’s free for everyone to join (just like all our levels). As an Avion Select member, you can get cash back at thousands of retailers – with more not-to-miss benefits on the way.

To sign up for Avion Select, simply download the Avion Rewards mobile app and follow the onscreen prompts.

Anyone! You simply have to be the age of majority in your province. While our Premium and Elite levels require you to be an RBC client, Avion Select members can bank anywhere.

Download the Avion Rewards app or select “Join Now” on Avion Rewards. Sign up with your email address and you’re in!

Avion Select members enjoy early access to great deals and savings, including cash back offers from your favourite retailers.

Stay tuned for more benefits coming soon, such as travel offers and the ability to earn and redeem points.

Avion Select members will be able to earn and redeem points later in the year. For now, you can enjoy early access to our cash back offers.

To earn cash back as an Avion Select member, simply log into Avion Rewards on the app or the website and shop available offers.

You can also enable the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension and the cash back offers will come to you while you shop and search online.

Log into the Avion Rewards app and select See Activity. You’ll be able to view your points, cash back and savings history.

Funds are added to your available cash back balance after you have completed your transaction and the return window for the retailer has passed. Check with the retailer for details, but this is usually within 120 days.

Once funds appear in your available cash back balance, you can withdraw them to your bank account using Interac e-Transfer. Simply log in to the Avion Rewards app to view your available cash back balance and follow the onscreen prompts to cash out.

Please note that you will need to have Interac e-Transfer and autodeposit set up in your bank account and a minimum balance of $15 in order to withdraw funds.

You will need to set up Interac e-Transfer for your bank account in order to take advantage of cash savings.

You will need to set up an autodeposit with your bank in order to cash out to your bank account. If you do not have autodeposit set up, please log in to the Avion Rewards app, click on the “More” menu and click “Contact an Advisor”, where an advisor will be able to help you.

No, your cash back does not expire as long as you have an active account with us. After 24 months of inactivity, your account will be closed and any cash back balance will be lost.

No. You can only transfer your available cash back balance to the Interac e-Transfer email address you originally registered with.

You need a balance of $15 or over in order to send an Interac e-Transfer from your available cash back balance.

Interac e-Transfer transactions are usually completed within 24 hours.

Once you submit your Interac e-Transfer request, the transaction should be available in your Cash Back transaction history on the Rewards Activity page.

If you do not see this transaction and are still seeing a positive available cash back balance, try submitting the request again.

For additional help, visit the “Contact an Advisor” page in the “More” menu of the Avion Rewards app and one of our advisors will be able to help.

If you have not received your cash back, it may be because:

  • Ad blockers have prevented the offer from loading. Check your browser to make sure ad blockers are disabled for Avion Rewards
  • You purchased an item that is not included in the retailer’s offer. Check carefully before making your purchase that the offer applies to that specific product
  • You made the purchase through another loyalty program. You can not receive cash back through two programs at once
  • You made the purchase directly on the retailer’s site without clicking on “Load Offer” in Avion Rewards first. Offers are only activated when you click through from Avion Rewards

If you have checked all of the above, you should receive your cash back once the merchant’s return window has passed. Check with the merchant for details, but this is usually within 120 days.

If you have not received your cash back within 120 days, log in to the Avion Rewards app, click on the “More” menu and click “Contact an Advisor”, where an advisor will be able to help you.

You can review our privacy policy here .

If you no longer wish to benefit from Avion Rewards, you do not need to deactivate your account. You can simply delete the app, and your account will be automatically deactivated after 24 months of inactivity.

To reactivate your account, simply reinstall the Avion Rewards app and sign in with your previous username and password. You may need to reaccept the Terms & Conditions to become an active member of the program.

If your account has been inactive for 24 months, then it will be reactivated as a new account with no earning history.

If you forget your password, simply click “Forgot Password?” in the app and follow the steps provided.

No. For security reasons, you are not able to change the email address associated with your account.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from Avion Rewards, click the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of any Avion Rewards email that you receive.

The available cash back balance is the amount of cash back that can be withdrawn into your bank account.

In order to receive the offer, you need to shop through Avion Rewards. Simply select “Load Offer” and then click through the provided link.

No, not at this time. You must withdraw the full amount in your cash account, once it is $15 or over.

Cash back on eligible offers is issued in Canadian currency. For foreign currency transactions, the cash back earned may be subject to foreign exchange fees, foreign currency fluctuations or other factors that may influence the amount of cash back earned when calculating the Canadian dollar equivalent amount.

For cash back offers, there is a holding period before it is moved to an earned status and available to be cashed out by a member. This holding period varies by merchant as it is dependent upon each merchants return window plus associated processing time which can typically be up to 120 days after the original transaction date. During this period cash back will be reflected in your activity dashboard and can be found under the Pending tab. Once the holding period is complete it will move to the Earned tab within the activity dashboard.

As an Avion Select member, you can link and earn points and cash back at over 230 financial institutions.

Unfortunately, there are some financial institutions that don’t provide a consistent card connection experience, which could affect the ability to earn cash back and points. These financial institutions are not supported by Avion Rewards.

If you have an RBC product, you’re automatically an Elite or Premium member. Our great offers are available to Premium and Elite members when they shop with their RBC product–there is no need to link any cards.

Not a Premium or Elite member? Visit Become a Member to learn how you can elevate your current Avion Rewards membership.

Sometimes, your bank card(s) may become unlinked from your Avion Rewards profile due to an interrupted connection. This may be caused by factors such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), system outages or technical disruptions.

Don’t worry, it’s easy to fix! Simply log in and relink your bank card(s) using one of these three options:

  • Click the notification on the home screen
  • Visit the Manage Cards section of the More menu on the app
  • Visit the Profile & Settings menu on the desktop app

That way you can keep earning cash back on eligible purchases.

Yes! Once you successfully relink, we’ll honour all points or cash back earned on eligible purchases made up to 60 days prior.

Yes, you can remove individual cards or bank accounts from your Avion Rewards profile at any time by selecting the delete icon in the Manage Cards section. Once you’ve removed a card or bank account, you’ll no longer be eligible to earn points or cash back on transactions made using these cards.

To earn points or cash back on eligible purchases, Avion Rewards needs to be able to see that you’ve completed a transaction associated with an active offer. Rest assured; this is done with bank-level security practices to protect your privacy.

We use third-party account aggregation technology to match active offers with the purchases you make using the debit and/or credit card(s) you connect to your Avion Rewards profile. Our service provider uses masked login credentials to protect your privacy while providing us with transaction information from your connected accounts.

Please visit Avion Rewards Card Linking Terms & Conditions .

It’s easy! Simply open Avion Rewards on your mobile app or desktop and shop available offers. Make sure you read the offer details as you may need to load an offer or link a card before earning. You can also enable the Avion Rewards ShopPlus browser extension and cash back deals will be revealed as you shop online.

Avion Select members can redeem points for travel, gift cards, merchandise and charity donations– with more reward options coming soon. Keep shopping and look for offers to earn more points, faster, so you’re ready.

Missing cash back may be caused by one of these reasons:

  • You purchased an item that is not included in the merchant's offer. Check carefully before making your purchase that the offer applies to that specific product
  • You made the purchase through another loyalty program. You cannot receive cash back through two programs simultaneously
  • You made the purchase directly on the merchant’s site without clicking on “Load Offer” in Avion Rewards first. Offers are only activated when you click through from Avion Rewards
  • You made a purchase that required you to have a linked card when your card was actually unlinked. Relink your cards one of two ways: ○ Click the ntification on the home screen or visit the Manage Cards section of the More menu on the mobile app ○ Click the Profile & Settings menu on the desktop app. You're eligible to earn cash back for transactions made up to 60 days prior, as long as you relink.

If you’ve checked all of the above, you should receive your cash back once the merchant’s return window has passed. Check with the merchant for details, but this usually occurs within 120 days.

If you haven’t received your cash back within 120 days, visit the Avion Rewards More menu on the mobile app or Profile & Settings menu on the desktop app and click “Contact an Advisor,” where we’ll be able to help you.

Avion Rewards makes it easy to get rewarded. Here’s how:

Short points for travel? You can use your points AND credit card on the same purchase, so you never miss a deal on hotels, car rentals and more.

Merchandise, gift cards and charity donations can only be redeemed with Avion points but keep an eye out – we often have sales that allow you to redeem using fewer points than usual.

Still need more points? Keep shopping and look for bonus points offers from our retailers. They can help you earn more points, faster.

Note: More reward options are coming soon for Avion Select members!

Access your itinerary any time from the Avion Rewards app or website by visiting the travel booking platform and selecting "My Trips" on the top right of the page or the app.

Call 1-877-636-2870 to make changes to an existing travel booking. Please note that Avion Select members are not eligible to make new bookings on the phone.

All travel bookings must be booked through the Avion Rewards travel booking platform. To do this, sign in to Avion Rewards online or log into the app, and select Travel in the menu.

Travel insurance is not included in travel bookings for Avion Select members. Please buy this separately.

This will depend on your travel supplier’s change and cancellation policies. Please review them before booking.

After you’ve booked through Avion Rewards, you’ll receive a confirmation email that includes important information about changing or cancelling your trip.

Yes. If the airline you have selected provides this service, you may pre-select your seat while booking travel online or after you have completed your redemption.

Yes! It’s easy to book travel for friends and family through your profile. Just be sure the name on the itinerary is identical to their full name shown on their passport.

Avion Select members can redeem points for travel, as well as gift cards, merchandise and charity donations.

To redeem your points, first sign into Avion Rewards online or through the app. Then select "Travel” from the menu to book flights, hotels, car rentals and more, and “Redeem” to use your points for merchandise, gift cards and charity.

Note: More rewards options are coming soon for Avion Select members!

You can update your address by visiting your Avion Rewards profile in the app or website.

Avion Select members are not eligible to convert Avion points to other airline frequent flyer or airline loyalty programs.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Try this

RBC ® Travel Insurance

Taking a trip see if your rbc ® credit card covers you..

In just a few minutes, you can see what travel insurance you have on your RBC credit card, whether you have enough coverage for your trip, or if you need to buy additional coverage. It’s that simple!

See what travel insurance coverage your card has:

Required Information

Which RBC credit card did you use to pay for the full cost of your trip?

RBC Avion Visa Infinite

Good news! Your card has some travel insurance coverage.

Your card provides some valuable travel insurance coverage for you and other covered persons (opens modal window) .

Covered Persons

Covered Persons refer to you (the cardholder), your spouse and your dependent child/children who travel with you or join you and/or your spouse on the same trip. Plus, if your card includes Trip Cancellation and Interruption insurance your dependent children who are age 16-24 can travel on their own (without you or your spouse) and be covered for Trip Cancellation and Interruption. (Note: children under 16 travelling on their own are not covered). Other travellers on the same trip are not covered under your credit card travel insurance coverage.

Covered Persons refer to you (the card applicant), your spouse and your dependent child/children who travel with you or join you and/or your spouse on the same trip. Plus, if your card includes Trip Cancellation and Interruption insurance your dependent children who are age 16-24 can travel on their own (without you or your spouse) and be covered for Trip Cancellation and Interruption. (Note: children under 16 travelling on their own are not covered). Co-applicants and authorized users are also covered but their spouse and dependent children are not covered. Other travellers on the same trip are not covered under your credit card travel insurance coverage.

Refer to the credit card Certificate of Insurance for complete coverage details, limitations and exclusions.

Summary of Your Card’s Coverage

  • Under age 65: Unlimited coverage Disclaimer 1 for first fifteen (15) consecutive days of your trip
  • Age 65+: Unlimited coverage Disclaimer 1 for first three (3) consecutive days of your trip

Out of Province/Country Emergency Medical Insurance

This insurance covers reasonable and customary expenses, in excess of any medical expenses payable by your government health insurance plan or any other insurance plan, for emergency treatment medically required during your trip as a result of a medical emergency.

This is a summary only. All travel insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Refer to the credit card Certificate of Insurance for complete coverage details, limitations and exclusions.

Trip Cancellation Insurance

This insurance protects eligible cardholders against the cost of non-refundable prepaid travel arrangements if the trip is cancelled prior to your departure, due to a covered reason. For this coverage to be effective, you must have purchased your prepaid travel arrangements with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points.

Trip Interruption Insurance

Flight delay insurance.

If you miss your connecting flight, are denied boarding or your flight is delayed, this insurance reimburses you, up to a certain maximum, for reasonable and necessary expenses you may have (for example, a hotel room or restaurant meals) as long as you have checked in with the air carrier and you paid for your airline ticket with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points.

Delayed Baggage Insurance

If your checked baggage is lost or delayed, this insurance reimburses you, up to a certain maximum, for reasonable and necessary emergency purchases that you need, as long as you paid for your airline ticket with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points.

Hotel/Motel Burglary Insurance

If you need to repair or replace personal property that has been damaged or lost due to a burglary of your hotel/motel room or cruise cabin and you are a registered guest, this insurance reimburses you, up to a certain maximum, as long as you paid for your hotel/motel room or cruise cabin with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points.

Travel Accident Insurance

This insurance covers you for accidental bodily injury or death if you are injured during an accident that occurs while you are travelling on a common carrier (such as a passenger plane) as long as you paid for these transportation arrangements with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points before departing on your trip.

Auto Rental Collision/Loss Damage Waiver Insurance

When you pay for the entire cost of the rental vehicle using your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points, this Insurance covers you and/or a rental agency for loss/damages to eligible rental vehicles up to the actual cash value of the damaged or stolen rental vehicle. The length of time you rent the same vehicle must not exceed forty-eight (48) consecutive days.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Infinite Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

Legal Disclaimer 1) Unless otherwise noted in the Certificate of Insurance, the maximum benefit for emergency medical insurance is unlimited.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Platinum Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

Lost/Stolen Baggage

We will pay the covered person for loss or damage to owned baggage and personal effects used for the personal use of the covered person while in transit as checked-in baggage or carried on board the air carrier when the full cost of the airline ticket is paid with your RBC ® credit card and/or Avion ® points.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC ® Avion ® Visa Infinite Business ‡ Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Business Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

  • Under age 65: Unlimited coverage Disclaimer 1 for first thirty one (31) consecutive days of your trip
  • Age 65+: Unlimited coverage Disclaimer 1 for first seven (7) consecutive days of your trip

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege for Private Banking Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Rewards ® Visa ‡ Preferred Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC ® U.S. Dollar Visa ‡ Gold Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC ® British Airways Visa Infinite ‡ Certificate of Insurance (opens PDF in new window) for complete details.

Next Step: Tell us who is travelling so we can give you an accurate quote.

Who do you want to get a quote for?

Why we ask: Since your credit card’s travel insurance covers you, your spouse and/or your dependent children, your quote will calculate the coverage you already have on your card—saving you money!

Why we ask: Since your credit card’s travel insurance does not cover travellers other than you (the cardholder), your spouse and/or your dependent children, your quote for these travellers will not factor in your credit card coverage.

Tip: You will need to get a quote and buy travel insurance for other eligible travellers separately so that we can give you an accurate quote for everyone.


To be eligible for this insurance coverage, a traveller must be:

  • A client of the RBC companies or a spouse or child of a client
  • A Canadian resident (applicable for Emergency Medical Insurance coverage)

Travel Insurance coverage is not included on your card, but we can cover you!

Although the card you used to purchase your trip does not include coverage, you can get a quote and buy affordable travel insurance now.

rbc visa avion travel insurance contact

We are unable to determine the travel insurance coverage on your card

We can help make sure you’re protected financially every time you travel with affordable trip cancellation and interruption insurance, emergency medical insurance and more. Get a quote and buy affordable travel insurance now.

rbc visa avion travel insurance contact

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RBC Avion Visa Infinite Review 2024: Is It Worth It?

Georgia Rose photo

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This may influence which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own.

rbc visa avion travel insurance contact

NerdWallet Rating

NerdWallet CA

  • Pros: Petro-Canada fuel discounts, 12 months of free DoorDash deliveries and travel insurance. 
  • Cons: No airport lounge access, free checked bags or priority airport services.

What our Nerd thinks

“The RBC Avion Visa Infinite Card has some travel-specific perks that will appeal to jet setters and road trippers, but it puts in a decent showing as a general rewards card, too. Overall, I think the card will appeal in equal measure to Canadians who want a rewards program with diverse redemption options and travellers seeking the peace of mind provided by a card with travel insurance.”

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Shannon Terrell

The RBC Avion Visa Infinite card offers new cardholders up to 35,000 Avion Points. There are no spending categories to keep track of; cardholders earn one Avion point on all purchases and 1.25 points on eligible travel purchases. However, the card’s $60,000 minimum income requirement and $120 annual fee may be high for some applicants.

RBC Avion Visa Infinite

RBC Avion Visa Infinite

  • Annual Fee $120
  • Interest Rates 20.99% / 22.99% 20.99% on purchases, 22.99% on cash advances.
  • Rewards Rate 1x-1.25x Points Earn 1.25x Avion points on eligible travel-related purchases and 1x on everything else.
  • Intro Offer Up to 35,000 Points Get 35,000 welcome Avion points on approval** – Enough to fly anywhere in Canada & the U.S† (Alaska and Hawaii require more points)
  • Get 35,000 welcome Avion points on approval** – Enough to fly anywhere in Canada & the U.S† (Alaska and Hawaii require more points)
  • Earn 1 Avion point for every dollar you spend* and an extra 25% on eligible travel purchases.
  • Avioners can book flights with points on any airline, on any flight, at any time, early or last minute, with no blackout periods or restrictions.
  • Avioners earn points that never expire so your points will be waiting for your next adventure.
  • Redeem your points for travel and more. Use points for anything from paying bills and paying your card balance to redeeming for Gift Cards and Merchandise at top brands like Apple. The Avion Rewards program gives you the freedom of choice to use your points your way, and helps you make the most as an Avioner.
  • Eligible Avion Rewards members can also convert points to other loyalty programs including WestJet dollars, British Airways Avios points and Hudson’s Bay Rewards points.
  • Link your RBC card with a Petro-Points membership to instantly save 3₵ per litre on fuel at Petro-Canada stations and earn 20% more Petro-Points and 20% more Avion points.
  • Link your RBC card with a Rexall Be Well account and get 50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall. Redeem Be Well points faster for savings in store on eligible purchases where 25,000 Be Well points = $10.
  • Get access to RBC offers which provides access to earn points faster at specified brands.
  • Extensive insurance including: mobile device insurance, travel insurance (trip cancellation, interruption and emergency medical) and other eligible purchases to protect you and your family.
  • Avioners get access to luxury Visa Infinite benefits including first in line for exclusive events, and hotel and dining benefits.
  • Avioners no longer need 14-days to book travel using the RBC grid.
  • Get $0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash¹⁷ – Add your eligible RBC credit card to your DoorDash account to:
  • Get a 12-month complimentary DashPass subscription¹⁸ – a value of almost $120.
  • Enjoy unlimited deliveries with $0 delivery fees on orders of $15 or more when you pay with your eligible RBC credit card.
  • Corresponding legal references and product terms are available on the RBC website, which will be available and agreed upon in the customer onboarding process.
  • Full review
  • Customer ratings
  • Eligibility
  • How to apply

RBC Avion Visa Infinite vs TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite

  • Rating methodology

RBC Avion Visa Infinite full review

The RBC Avion Visa Infinite card is one of six personal credit cards from the Royal Bank of Canada that offers Avion points — a loyalty program specific to RBC. You can spend Avion points on a range of products like flights, electronics, investments and more. The company’s Visa Infinite card is among the more expensive of RBC’s personal Avion credit cards. 

Benefits of the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card

  • 35,000 Avion Points upon approval and 20,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in your first 6 months. Apply by Apr. 30, 2024.
  • No seat restrictions or blackouts when you book travel using Avion points.  
  • Free Doordash deliveries for 12 months. (Must activate before Jan. 1, 2024).
  • Discounts and additional Avion points available when you rent with Hertz, or link the card to a Petro-Canada card. 

Drawbacks of the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card

  • Minimum income requirement of $60,000 ($100,000 for household).
  • No airport lounge access. 
  • RBC has low Trustpilot and BBB ratings. 

Who should get the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card?

You may want to get the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card if you:

  • Want to collect Avion points on all purchases.
  • Have a Be Well or Petro-Canada card and want to take advantage of extra discounts. 
  • Use Hertz or Doordash and want to take advantage of the card’s free delivery offer and rental car discounts.

Is RBC Avion Visa Infinite worth it?

If you want a card that offers consistent Avion points across all purchases the RBC Avion Visa Infinite may be right for you. However, the high income requirement, lack of airport lounge access and an average earn rate that’s lower than other RBC credit cards may reduce this card’s value for some people. 

RBC customer ratings

  • Below average in customer satisfaction: RBC ranks 8 out of 13 in J.D. Power’s 2023 Canada Credit Card Satisfaction Study.
  • Low Trustpilot rating: 1.2 out of 5 possible stars based on over 1,000 customer reviews, as of this writing.
  • Low Better Business Bureau rating: 1.2 out of 5 possible stars based on over 130 customer reviews, as of this writing. RBC is not accredited by the BBB itself.

RBC Avion Visa Infinite eligibility

Who qualifies for the rbc avion visa infinite card.

To qualify for the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card, you must earn a gross income of at least $60,000 ($100,000 per household) or have a minimum of $250,000 investable assets. 

In general, you must be at least the age of majority and a resident of Canada to qualify, unless otherwise stated by the card issuer. 

Approximate credit score needed for approval

Canadian credit card issuers rarely disclose required credit scores, which makes it hard to know your chances of approval when comparing credit cards. What we do know is that higher scores have better chances of approval — that’s true no matter what type of credit you’re applying for. Want to learn more? Visit our “ What Credit Score is Needed for a Credit Card? ” page.

» MORE: How to Check Your Credit Score

RBC Avion Visa Infinite rewards

Earn 35,000 Avion points when you’re approved for the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card and 20,000 bonus points when you spend $5,000 in your first 6 months (must apply by April 30, 2024).

You could save up to $1,100 on flights. The card’s 35,000 welcome points can be used to purchase a long-haul return flight to eligible destinations with a maximum ticket price of $1,100.

  • Earn 1 Avion point for every CAD spent on all purchases. 
  • Earn 1.25x Avion points on eligible travel purchases. 
  • Earn 1.20x Avion points on eligible Petro-Canada purchases. 
  • Earn 3x Avion points on eligible Hertz purchases. 

How to apply for the RBC Avion Visa Infinite card

  • Click the Apply Now and then the Get Started buttons on the RBC Avion Visa Infinite web page.
  • Confirm if you are an existing RBC customer or not. Sign in if you are an existing customer for a faster application process. 
  • If you are not an existing member, review the card’s terms and conditions and click Continue. 
  • Enter your personal details, such as full name, email, date of birth and address.
  • Enter any employment or financial information requested. 
  • Review and submit your application.

Both cards have similar income requirements, but have different loyalty programs and earn rates.

Reasons you might want a different card

If you’re looking for a rewards card outside of the Avion points program, that has higher earn rates and offers airport lounge access, you may want to look elsewhere. 

RBC Avion Visa Infinite facts

Rating methodology.

NerdWallet Canada rates credit cards according to overall consumer value and their suitability for specific kinds of consumers. Factors in  our evaluation methodology  include annual and other fees, rewards rates, the earning structure (for example, flat-rate rewards versus bonus categories), redemption options, bonus offers for new cardholders, introductory and ongoing APRs, and other noteworthy features such as airline or hotel perks or the ability to transfer points.

Frequently asked questions about RBC Avion Visa Infinite

No. RBC Avion Visa Infinite does not offer access to airport lounges. The bank’s higher-tiered card (RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege) does offer lounge access.

You must have a minimum gross income of $60,000 ($100,000 for the household) or at least $250,000 of investable assets to be eligible for this card.

About the Author

Georgia Rose is a lead writer on the international team at NerdWallet. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Independent and The Associated…

Compare Canada’s Best Credit Cards for August 2024

Compare Canada’s Best Credit Cards for August 2024

NerdWallet Canada’s picks for the best credit cards include top contenders across numerous card categories. Compare these options to find the ideal card for you.

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10 Best RBC Credit Cards in Canada for 2024

The best RBC credit card options in Canada include several co-branded cards that are especially popular among those looking to earn travel rewards.

15 Best Rewards Credit Cards in Canada for August 2024

15 Best Rewards Credit Cards in Canada for August 2024

Compare the best rewards credit cards in Canada across numerous rewards categories, including travel, cash back and more, to find the ideal card for your spending preferences.

RBC Avion Visa Platinum Card review

Get 35,000 welcome Avion points on approval

  • Rates & Fees
  • Eligibility

1 Avion point for every dollar you spend qualifying purchases, plus earn bonus points through purchases at selected retailers using your Avion Rewards credit card.

3 cents per litre savings on fuel and 20% more Petro-Points at Petro-Canada gas stations

50 Be Well points for every $1 spent on eligible products at Rexall

20% savings and 2x the Avion points with Hertz rental cars.

$0 delivery fees for 12 months from DoorDash with a DashPass subscription

$500,000 Travel accident insurance

48 consecutive days of rental car insurance for cars up to $65,000 MSRP

$1,000 of trip cancellation insurance for each covered person, up to an overall maximum of $5,000

$250 of flight delay insurance per covered person to a maximum of $500 total per occurrence.

$500 for delayed baggage insurance per occurrence for each covered person to a maximum of $25,000 per occurrence.

$2,500 for hotel/motel burglary insurance per occurrence.

1 year of manufacturer's extended warranty insurance

$50,000 purchase security insurance for loss or accidental physical damage to insured items purchase with your card for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.

20.99% Purchase APR

3.00% Balance Transfer Rate

22.99% Cash Advance APR

$120 Annual Fee $50 for each additional card

Good Recommended Credit Score

By Justin da Rosa

Fact Checked: Amy Tokic

Updated: July 10, 2024

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  • RBC Cash Back Preferred World Elite Mastercard
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  • CIBC Dividend® Visa Infinite* Card
  • TD® Aeroplan® Visa Infinite* Card
  • Best travel credit cards in Canada
  • Scotiabank Passport® Visa Infinite* Card
  • Scotiabank Gold American Express® Card
  • Rogers™ World Elite® Mastercard®

Quick overview of the RBC Avion Visa Platinum Card

The RBC Avion Visa Platinum Card is a flexible travel rewards card aimed at the frequent flyer who likes to travel often and easily. Its point system is simple, allowing cardholders to use their points on any airline, on any flight, at any time with no blackouts or seat restrictions, even during peak seasons.

With an extensive travel insurance package and fuel savings, the RBC Avion Platinum card has features that’ll appeal to the frequent flyer and driver alike. 

Who is the RBC Avion Visa Platinum for?

Are you interested in travel rewards but find all of the options confusing? This card might be for you. While other cards have tiered rewards structures that offer different amounts of points for different spending categories, the Platinum RBC Avion Visa keeps things super simple, offering one point for every dollar spent. See? Nothing confusing here.

That philosophy carries over to how points are redeemed. While some cards only allow you to book on certain airlines at certain times of the year, the Avion card allows you to use your points for travel on any airline, for any seat, at any time of year – even during peak travel seasons.  Don’t be fooled by its simplicity, though. The card also comes with travel insurance that includes trip cancellation and interruption. However, if you’re looking for premium travel perks like no foreign exchange fees and lounge access, you’ll have to look elsewhere. Those features aren’t included with the RBC Avion Visa Platinum. 

Pros and cons

Get up to 35,000 bonus points

The welcome bonus is simple and doesn’t require a minimum spend

Included travel insurance

Save 3 cents per litre on fuel at Petro Canada

No lounge access

Earn only 1 point per dollar spent

High-interest rates

RBC Avion Visa Platinum Card welcome bonus

  • Earn 35,000 welcome Avion points
  • Points will appear on your first statement following approval
  • 35,000 points are enough to fly you anywhere in Canada or the US, excluding Hawaii and Alaska

How to earn Avion points with the RBC Avion Visa Platinum card

When you open a RBC Avion Visa Platinum card, you’ll earn 35,000 points right off the bat, just for opening the card – no minimum spend required. That little nest egg, valued at around $750, will get you started on your Avion point-earning journey. From there, you’ll earn one point for every dollar spent, no matter where you shop. Groceries? Check. Gas? Check. Netflix, bar tab, new clothes? Check, check, check. It’s nice not to have to tailor your spending at specific retailers to earn points. And, if you’d like to maximise your point-earning potential, you can link your Avion card to a free Petro Points card. Not only will you save 3 cents per litre at the pump, you’ll also earn 20% more Petro Points and 20% more Avion points when you purchase anything at the gas station. 

How to redeem Avion points

RBC makes it easy to redeem Avion points with its online portal. To redeem your points, visit the website and navigate to the redeem tab. Once there, you can use your points to pay some or all of your credit card balance, pay back purchases, pay bills, send Interac e-transfers, donate to charity, or shop. You can also use your points to book travel . RBC provides estimates to help you figure out how many points you might need to book specific flights. 

For example, 15,000 points can be used to book quick getaways within or to an adjacent province or state; 35,000 points can help you explore North America; 45,000 points can get you Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, Bermuda, Central America, or the Caribbean; 55,000 points can pay for a full vacation to one of those destinations; 65,000 points can get you to Europe; and 100,000 points can take you far-flung destinations such as New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Asia, the South Pacific, or South America. 

Another way to redeem Avion points is to download the Avion Rewards app in the Apple or Google Play store.

RBC Avion Visa Platinum key benefits

  • Generous welcome bonus of 35,000 points
  • Travel insurance
  • Save on gas at Petro Canada

RBC Avion Visa Platinum insurance coverage

  • Travel accident insurance: Coverage for accidental death or dismemberment. Maximum benefit: $500,000.
  • Auto rental collision/Loss damage insurance: Coverage for rental vehicles against damage or theft. Maximum rental period is 48 consecutive days; maximum benefit is the lesser of the vehicle's actual cash value or repair cost.
  • Trip interruption insurance: Coverage for eligible expenses if a covered trip is interrupted. Maximum benefit: $2,500 per insured person.
  • Emergency purchases insurance: Coverage for essential purchases in the event of delayed baggage. Maximum benefit: $500 per insured person.
  • Flight delay insurance: Reimbursement for necessary expenses due to flight delays. Coverage begins after a four-hour delay. Maximum benefit: $500 per insured person.
  • Travel emergency medical insurance: Coverage for emergency medical expenses during trips. Maximum benefit: $5,000,000 per insured person for eligible medical emergency expenses. Coverage for the first 15 consecutive days of a covered trip for persons aged 65 or over.
  • Hotel/motel burglary insurance: Coverage of up to $2,500 per occurrence.
  • Purchase security and extended warranty: Coverage of purchased items from loss or accidental damage for up to 90 days, up to a maximum of $50,000. Extended warranty of up to an additional year on top of the manufacturer’s warranty.  

Extra benefits

  • Earn additional Be Well points when shopping at Rexall
  • Get 20% off at Hertz car rental and 2x the Avion points
  • Get $0 delivery fees with DoorDash for a year

What people have to say about this card

In a Reddit thread entitled “ Is the RBC Avion credit card worth it ?” one user questioned why the pricey card only offers one point for every dollar spent. Others replied, explaining the best ways to take advantage of the rewards.According to a few users, redeeming points toward an RBC investing account is a great way to maximise your rewards. Another user claimed the travel insurance makes up for the yearly cost, claiming it once saved them $3,000. In another Reddit thread entitled “ Is the RBC Avion Visa Platinum worth it for travel? ” users complemented its flexible rewards redemption. However, some noted you can get more points with other cards, such as the American Express Cobalt card. 

How RBC Avion Visa Platinum compares

Rbc avion visa platinum vs. rbc ion visa.

The RBC ION Visa can be thought of as the RBC Avion light. It’ll earn you Avion points, but not as many right off the hop as the Platinum. While the Platinum offers 35,000 welcome points, the ION only provides 3,500. The ION also lacks travel insurance, which you’ll get with the Platinum card.

However, the ION will earn you more points in several spending categories. It offers 1.5 points per dollar spent on groceries, ride-sharing, gas, streaming, subscriptions and digital gaming. It also has no yearly fee, compared to the Platinum’s yearly cost of $120. 

RBC Avion Visa Platinum vs. American Express Cobalt

If you’re considering the RBC Avion Visa Platinum and American Express Cobalt , it might come down to the rewards program you prefer. The Avion is geared more toward travel rewards, whereas the Amex program is a more general rewards program. 

Both have a yearly fee ($120 for the Avion Visa and $155.88, paid $12.99 per month, for the Cobalt), come with travel insurance. When it comes to points, the Cobalt will earn you up to five points per dollar spent, which is much higher than the one point per dollar earned with the Avion card. The Visa Platinum will earn you more from the start, with a welcome bonus of 35,000 points (compared to 15,000 points with the Cobalt). 

RBC Avion Visa Platinum Vs. TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite

These two cards are quite similar. Sure, the TD Aeroplan Visa Infinite might cost a little more than the RBC Avion ($139 compared to $120 per year), but it’ll earn you a few more points for that extra cost (40,000 welcome points compared to 35,000) For everyday points earning, the Aeroplan card earns 1.5 points per dollar on gas, groceries and at Air Canada and one point for everything else; the Avion, meanwhile, earns one points per dollar spent for everything.

Both cards come with travel insurance and have the same interest rates but Aeroplan will get you free checked bags. Of course, you’ll save on gas at the Petro Canada with the Avion card, though. 

So, either card is a great choice for the travel rewards earner. The one you choose might come down to whether you prefer Avion points or Aeroplan points.

†Terms and conditions apply.

Is the RBC Avion Visa Platinum card worth it?

The RBC Avion Visa Platinum offers compelling benefits, making it worth considering for avid travellers. With a generous welcome bonus, flexible redemption options and comprehensive travel insurance coverage, it caters to diverse travel needs. 

The ability to earn points on everyday purchases enhances its value, particularly if you’re someone who wants to earn on every single purchase instead of just a few select retailers. However, the annual fee and interest rates should be weighed against the benefits. If you prioritise travel perks, including flight flexibility and insurance and are willing to manage associated costs responsibly, the RBC Avion Visa Platinum can be a valuable addition to your wallet.

Does the RBC Avion Visa Platinum come with lounge access?

While it is a travel rewards card, the RBC Avion Visa Platinum does not come with lounge access.

Does the RBC Avion Visa Platinum have travel insurance?

The RBC Avion Visa Platinum does come with travel insurance. This includes: travel accident insurance, auto rental collision/loss damage insurance, trip interruption insurance, emergency purchases insurance, flight delay insurance, travel emergency medical insurance, and hotel/motel burglary insurance.

Does the RBC Avion Visa Platinum have a welcome bonus?

The RBC Avion Visa Platinum does have a welcome bonus, and a generous one at that. Opening a new account with the Avion Visa Platinum will earn you 35,000 points on your first statement, regardless of how much you spend.

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Justin is a writer and editor who has been covering personal finance for over 10 years. He's written for companies such as KOHO, Ratehub, BMO, Zoocasa, and Questrade, among others. Justin also created a course in Content Creation, which he taught at York University for four years. When not writing, Justin can be found at a live concert, on the golf course, riding a motorcycle, or sailing.

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  • Credit Cards

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How To Check And Change Your Billing Address

Updated: Aug 7, 2024, 2:08pm

Reviewed By

Table of Contents

What is a billing address, how to change your billing address, how to fix billing address errors, bottom line.

Moving? Be sure to update your credit card issuer by changing your billing address. This allows your issuer to distribute important card-related mail (such as your monthly credit card statement) to the correct location. An updated billing address can also protect you from identity theft and credit card fraud.

Even if you haven’t moved recently, make sure your billing address is accurate. Incorrect billing addresses can delay receiving statements and result in denied transactions when you try to make a purchase.

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A billing address is the address a credit card issuer associates with your account for billing, reporting purposes and identity verification during card transactions. While they can be the same, a billing address is distinct from a shipping address and has a different purpose. Several differences separate these two addresses:

  • A billing address is the location where credit card statements, billing information and cards linked to your account are sent.
  • A shipping address is the location where online orders, mail and packages are sent.
  • Credit card issuers use billing addresses to verify a cardholder’s identity and to send important information.
  • Merchants protect against identity theft by using billing addresses when they use an address verification system, like entering your postal code when online shopping.

Why a Credit Card Issuer Needs Your Billing Address

An issuer needs your billing address to mail you important documents and cards linked to your account, protect you from identity theft or credit card fraud and verify your identity when exchanging information with credit bureaus. Address reporting to the credit bureaus doesn’t affect your credit score.

There are several options if you need to change your billing address:

  • Website or app.  Change your billing address on your credit card issuer’s website or mobile app.
  • Customer support.  Request your billing address be changed by calling the number on the back of your credit card and speaking with someone from customer service.
  • Via mail.  In the space for address changes on the back of the payment coupon included with your monthly statement, write the new address. On the front, check the box that indicates you’re changing addresses.
  • In person.  If you’re located near your credit card issuer’s branch, you can speak with one of the company representatives to update your mailing address.

If your card issuer is also your bank and your accounts involve a debit card, chequing account and credit card, changing your credit card address may not automatically make the change for the other billing addresses. It’s important to double-check every card or account associated with an institution to ensure each of address has been updated.

How To Check the Billing Address for a Credit Card

Finding the address printed on your billing statements is typically the easiest way to verify your billing address. If you haven’t received the statements, check via your issuer’s website or mobile app or by calling the number on the back of your card

Whether by typo or glitch, billing address errors happen. You may discover this when your card is declined or you don’t receive the statement you were expecting. Here’s how to fix it:

  • Logon or pick up the phone and check your billing address with your respective credit card issuer. You may need to change it, but most issuers make this a fairly straightforward process via phone, web or mobile app.
  • Make sure the spelling of your billing address and name match your credit card and banking account.
  • If there’s a second line in your address (i.e., an apartment or unit number), ensure it’s in the correct spot (the second line of the address field).

If you recently moved and have not received important documents from your bank or your new card is getting declined when you try to use it, check that your billing address is updated correctly. An updated credit card billing address will ensure you receive documents your credit card issuer is sending to you, help prevent identity theft and ensure you can use your card anywhere an address verification is required.

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Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance for RBC Clients 1

Things don't always go as planned.

Protect your travel investment—just in case your trip gets cancelled or interrupted.

Get a Quote

Financial protection for your trip expenses.

Have you bought an airline ticket or made a non-refundable and/or non-transferable hotel deposit? This coverage protects your purchase in case you get sick or an unexpected event forces you to cancel your trip, come home early or delay your return home. Here’s how it can help:

Before Departure 2

Trip cancellation insurance reimburses you for non-refundable and/or non-transferable deposits on pre-paid travel arrangements and cancellation penalties that a transportation carrier or tour guide may charge.

See More See Less

Insurance Documents:

For complete coverage details, limitations and exclusions, see:

  • Trip Cancellation and Interruption
  • Trip Cancellation and Interruption Quebec Documents

After Departure 2

Trip interruption insurance covers extra costs if you need to return home sooner or later than planned and reimburses you for non-refundable and/or non-transferable portions of unused, prepaid travel arrangements.

Other Expenses 2

Out of Pocket expenses reimburses you for extra expenses like a hotel, meals, taxi fares (ride sharing, or rental car in lieu of taxi fares) if a covered situation happens.

Do you need medical coverage, too?

Consider a travel insurance package instead if you think you may need coverage for emergency medical expenses and other situations. All of our packages include trip cancellation and interruption insurance.

Make sure you have the right travel insurance—get an online quote or call the Enrollment Centre.

Have an RBC Royal Bank credit card with travel coverage?

If you’re using an RBC Royal Bank credit card to pay for your trip in full, see if your card provides enough coverage for your trip.

See If My Card Covers Me

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Travel HealthProtector Has Been Replaced with New and Improved Coverage!

On May 1, 2020, we replaced Travel HealthProtector insurance with a new travel insurance product lineup.

RBC clients 1 can now enjoy:

  • More choice, including robust travel insurance packages and travel medical plans
  • Trip cancellation and interruption insurance as part of a package or stand-alone plan
  • A shorter and simpler medical questionnaire (for clients age 65 and older vs. age 60 and older)

1) RBC client is defined as a client of the RBC Companies or a spouse or child(ren) of a client.


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  1. Additional Coverage While You Travel

    To submit a claim for travel insurance provided under your RBC credit card: Call: 1-800-464-3211. Visit: the Allianz Claims Portal to submit a claim online. Create an account (if you do not have one already) Sign in to the Claims portal to easily open a new claim, track the status of an existing claim, or complete an existing claim. Start A Claim.

  2. RBC Avion Visa Infinite Credit Card

    Earn 1 Avion point for every dollar you spend 2. Choose any airline, any flight, any time. There are no blackout dates or advance booking restrictions, even during peak periods. No blackout periods or seat restrictions - ever! One-way flights start as low as 7,500 Avion points! ^. Note: This card requires a minimum personal income of $60,000 ...

  3. Travel Insurance Claims and Service for RBC Clients

    If you purchased your travel insurance directly from RBC Royal Bank call: Toll Free: 1-800-387-2487 (Canada and U.S.) Collect: (905) 816-2561 (collect from anywhere) If you have travel insurance through your RBC Credit Card call: Toll Free: 1-800-533-2778 (Canada and U.S.) Collect: (905) 816-2581 (collect from anywhere)

  4. Allianz Global Assistance

    Welcome to our Claims Portal. Our claims portal allows you to easily file a new claim, track the status of an existing claim or complete an existing claim. If you are currently travelling and need to seek medical treatment, please click here. Otherwise, please login or register below to submit or track your claim.

  5. Avion Rewards

    Please contact Avion Rewards Travel Call Centre at 1-877-636-2870 for more information; Airline credits (including taxes and fees) can only be used for air travel with the airline you originally booked with. ... For other travel insurance, please contact your travel provider directly. ... RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege for Private Banking ...

  6. Travel Insurance

    Get an online quote and buy travel insurance online, or call 1-866-896-8172. We offer affordable packages, travel medical plans, trip cancellation coverage and more. COVID-19 - How RBC Insurance is helping clients.

  7. Insurance Certificates

    RBC Royal Bank Visa* Platinum Avion ® Travel Accident Insurance Certificate. This Certificate contains limitations of coverage. It should be read carefully, kept in a safe place and carried with you when you travel. This Certificate is effective May 1st, 2000 and is furnished to you, the Cardholder. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance ...

  8. Request a Call from a Travel Advisor

    Please take a moment to provide us with some basic contact information. An RBC Travel Insurance advisor will be in touch with you within 2 business days. Required Information. First Name. Last Name. Postal Code. Phone Number. Best Time to Call. E-mail Address.

  9. Travel Insurance for RBC Clients

    Get a quote and buy travel insurance now. Explore a wide range of packages, travel medical plans, trip cancellation coverage and more. ... RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege; RBC ION+ Visa; What's New. View Offers; #LifeMatters: Bryan Baeumler on Choosing a Path Less Travelled ... you may contact us at 1-800-565-3129 to enroll in top-up coverage.

  10. PDF RBC Avion Visa Infinite

    n Travel insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden and unforeseeable ... 1-800-533-2778 or contact us at RBC Insurance Company of Canada Claims, c/o Allianz Global Assistance, P.O. Box 277, Waterloo, ON N2J 4A4. ... an RBC Avion Visa Infinite card, to whom a card has been issued and in whose name the card account is ...

  11. Your RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege

    Back to top Your RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege Card at a Glance MORE VALUE Exclusive benefits: • 24/7 priority client services and Visa Infinite Privilege Concierge± • VIP travel benefits including Global Airport Lounge Access (six lounge visits per membership year for every enrolled cardholder on your account!),** fast track security and other benefits at select airports.± MORE ...

  12. Frequently Asked Questions

    Contact Avion Rewards Travel at 1-877-636-2870 to find out more. I want to redeem my points for a trip with Via Rail but do not see it listed. ... RBC Avion Visa cardholders who are redeeming Avion points for flights from the Air Travel Redemption Schedule can use their credit card to pay for taxes and fees and any amount above the Maximum ...

  13. RBC® Travel Insurance

    card provides some valuable travel insurance coverage for you and other. for first fifteen (15) consecutive days of your trip. All insurance is subject to limitations and exclusions. Download the RBC Avion Visa Infinite. : $1,000 per covered person per trip ($5,000 maximum)

  14. RBC Visa Infinite Avion Travel Insurance

    RBC Visa Infinite Avion Insurance. Natasha Macmillan, Business Unit Director - Everyday Banking ... Travel Accident Insurance. Car Rental Insurance . Purchase Security . Up to $500,000. $65,000. Within 90 days of purchase. ... Contact us for more information. You can unsubscribe at any time.

  15. Travel Medical Insurance

    Protect yourself with travel medical insurance from RBC Insurance. Attention: RBC Insurance is Here with Help & Support. We are closely monitoring the wildfires in Jasper, Alberta, with a focus on the safety and well-being of our Employees, Clients & their Families. ... Contact Us; General Questions: Call 1-866-896-8172; Policy Questions ...

  16. RBC Avion Visa Infinite Review 2024: Is It Worth It?

    The RBC Avion Visa Infinite card offers new cardholders up to 35,000 Avion Points. There are no spending categories to keep track of; cardholders earn one Avion point on all purchases and 1.25 ...

  17. PDF Product Summary of Insurance Coverages with the RBC® Avion® Visa

    Mobile Device Insurance. Provides up to $1,500 of coverage for risks of accidental physical loss, accidental damage or mechanical failure for two (2) years from the date of purchase when a mobile device is purchased in full using your RBC Avion Visa Infinite Privilege card and/or Avion points. Benefits.

  18. PDF Your RBC Avion Visa Infinite

    Your RBC Avion Visa InfiniteYour RB. ® Avion® Visa Infinite‡Fly On Any A. ght, Anytime.Benefits GuideYour RBC Avion Visa Infinite card is the travel card that caters to your. very need, at home and away. You earn 1 Avion point for every $1 CAD you spend with your credit card1 - plus 25% more2 when you use your car.

  19. Avion Card Travel Insurance Coverage sufficient? : r/rbc

    For example: there's travel accident insurance and medical assistance insurance. The first is for an accident during the actual trip while in a plane. The other is for a medical emergency while in a trip. Check if your card has only travel accident and medical and not just one of them. The Infinite card provides 15d of coverage, while the ...

  20. Travel Insurance

    For questions about travel insurance or claims. Speak to a Travel Advisor at 1-866-896-8172. Get a Quote. View Legal Disclaimers. Hide Legal Disclaimers. Get an online quote and buy travel insurance online, or call 1-866-896-8172. We offer affordable packages, travel medical plans, trip cancellation coverage and more.

  21. RBC Avion Visa Platinum Review 2024

    The RBC Avion Visa Platinum Card is a flexible travel rewards card aimed at the frequent flyer who likes to travel often and easily. Its point system is simple, allowing cardholders to use their ...

  22. Personal Insurance Claims and Service

    Make a Claim by Mail. RBC Insurance has appointed AZGA Service Canada Inc. (operating as "Allianz Global Assistance") as the provider of all assistance and claims. To obtain claim forms, please call 1-888-431-1856 (Toll-free from Canada & U.S.). They can be contacted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  23. Travel Medical Insurance for RBC Clients

    24-hour worldwide emergency medical assistance. See More. Compare All Plans. Get a Quote. Make sure you have the right travel insurance—get an online quote or call the Enrollment Centre. Get a Quote for Travel Insurance. Opens in a new window. Call 1-800-565-3129. Apply at an RBC Branch Find an RBC Branch. opens in a new window.

  24. How To Check And Change Your Billing Address

    There are several options if you need to change your billing address: Website or app. Change your billing address on your credit card issuer's website or mobile app. Customer support. Request ...

  25. PDF Making a Claim

    There are specific forms that can be used to file a claim for insurance benefits. For questions, or to request a form, please contact Allianz Global Assistance at 1-800-387-2487. Having the policy number handy when you call will help us give you faster service. If you can't find it, don't worry—we can still assist you.

  26. Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance for RBC Clients

    All of our packages include trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Get a Quote. Make sure you have the right travel insurance—get an online quote or call the Enrollment Centre. Get a Quote for Travel Insurance. Opens in a new window. Call 1-800-565-3129. Apply at an RBC Branch Find an RBC Branch. opens in a new window.