• Destinazioni

Cosa vedere a Berna: le migliori attrazioni e consigli pratici sulla città

Bern Switzerland 23 Aug 2018 People Shopping Alley With Zytglogge Astronomical Clock Tower Bern Switzerland

  • Einstein Haus
  • Kunstmuseum Bern
  • Torre Kafigturm
  • Munster Kirche
  • Bernisches Historisches Museum ed Einstein Museum
  • Rosengarten
  • Paul Klee Center
  • Tierpark Dahlholzli
  • Monte Gurten

Altre attrattive da visitare

6 cose da fare a berna.

mappa principali attrazioni monumenti berna

Cerchi un hotel a Berna? Abbiamo selezionato per te le migliori offerte su Booking.com .

1 - Altstadt

piper fountain spitalgasse street with shopping area old city center bern switzerland

Cerca le fontane più particolari : la Città Vecchia di Berna è ricca di meravigliose fontane, ne vedrete alcune davvero meravigliose. Assicuratevi di non perdere le più belle e particolari, tra cui la Pfeiferbrunnen, la Kindlifresserbrunnen e la Gerechtigkeitsbrunnem!

2 - Einstein Haus

casa de albert einstein albert einstein s house

  • Come arrivare in Kramgasse 49, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi a ogni punto del centro storico e dalla stazione ferroviaria (1,1 km, 13 min). Fermata bus di riferimento Zytglogge - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari tutti i giorni 10:00-17:00
  • Costo biglietto intero 6,00 CHF (€5,60), studenti 4,50 CHF (€4,20), ridotto fino 15 anni 3,00 CHF (€2,80)
  • Tempo di visita 1,5 ore

3 - Zytglogge

bern switzerland 23 aug 2018 people shopping alley with zytglogge astronomical clock tower bern switzerland

Assisti allo spettacolo dell'orologio : allo scoccare di ogni ora, l'orologio astronomico offre al visitatore uno spettacolo unico! Le statuine di orsi e umani si muovono, danzando al ritmo del carosello.

  • Come arrivare in Bim Zytglogge 1, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi da ogni punto del centro storico e dalla stazione ferroviaria (900 m, 11 min). Fermata bus e tram di riferimento Zytglogge - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari esterno sempre accessibile / interno solo tramite visita guidata, ogni giorno ore 14:30
  • Costo biglietto esterno e spettacolo gratis
  • Tempo di visita 1 ora

4 - Kunstmuseum Bern

kunstmuseum bern

Segui un percorso ad hoc : il museo offre ai propri visitatori tour ed esperienze pensate appositamente per ogni categoria. Non il solito tour guidato, qui potrete scegliere il tour privato o pubblico, se siete in famiglia avrete a disposizione il tour "kids & family" e per i più giovani il tour "Young people".

  • Come arrivare in Hodlerstrasse 8, 3011 Bern, Svizzera, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi a ogni punto del centro storico e dalla stazione ferroviaria (850 m, 10 min). Fermata bus di riferimento Bollwerk - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari mar 10:00-21:00, mer-dom 10:00-17:00, lun chiuso
  • Costo biglietto intero 10,00 CHF (€9,30), ridotto 7,00 CHF (€6,50)
  • Tempo di visita 2 ore

5 - Torre Kafigturm

svizzera berna kafigturm

Scopri la sua storia attraverso i libri : se amate la storia e in particolare i racconti e le testimonianze di chi ha visuto in prima persona la prigionia, consultate i Turmbücher , ovvero i Libri della Torre . Qui sono raccolte storie di omicidi, furti e crimini delle persone imprigionate, oltre ad interrogatori, sentenze e confessioni. Tutte le info sul sito ufficiale .

  • Come arrivare in Marktgasse 67, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi a ogni punto del centro storico e dalla stazione ferroviaria (600 m, 7 min). Fermata bus e tram di riferimento Bärenplatz - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari lun 14:00-18:00, mar-ven 10:00-18:00, sab (solo mostre) 10:00-16:00
  • Costo biglietto variabile in base a mostre ed eventi, consultare il sito ufficiale
  • Tempo di visita 15 min

6 - Bundeshaus

view swiss parliament bundeshaus from kirchenfeldbruecke bridge

Organizza la visita : si possono visitare anche gli interni, ma trattandosi comunque di un palazzo governativo, ovviamente le visite saranno guidate e, soprattutto, a numero chiuso.

  • Come arrivare in Bundesplatz 3, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi a ogni punto del centro storico e dalla stazione ferroviaria (700 m, 9 min). Fermata bus di riferimento Bundesplatz - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari visite guidate mar-sab, uno o due turni a giornata. In italiano il sabato. Consultare il sito ufficiale
  • Costo biglietto gratis. Prenotazione tramite sito ufficiale

7 - Munster Kirche

bern rosengarten

Sali sul campanile : dalla cima potrete ammirare la vista più bella su tutto il centro storico e i dintorni di Berna! Assicuratevi quindi di non perdervi questa parte della Chiesa: per raggiungere la cima dovrete salire per ben 312 scalini, ma la fatica sarà assolutamente ripagata dalla vista.

  • Come arrivare in Münsterplatz 1, nell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a piedi da ogni punto del centro storico, come dal Zytglogge (350 m, 4 min) e dalla stazione ferroviaria (1,2 km, 14 min). Fermata bus di riferimento Rathaus - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari orari variabili in base alle giornate e alla stagione, lun-sab generalmente 10:00-15:30/17:00, dom dalle 11:30
  • Costo biglietto gratis

8 - Bernisches Historisches Museum ed Einstein Museum

bern switzerland bern historical museum was designed by architect andre lamber built 1894

  • Come arrivare in Helvetiapl. 5, a sud dell'Altstadt. Facilmente raggiungibile a pieid dal centro storico e dal Zytglogge (550 m, 7 min). Fermata bus e tram di riferimento Helvetiaplatz - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari Bernisches Historisches Museum ed Einstein Museummar-dom 10:00-17:00, lun chiuso
  • Costo biglietto Bernisches Historisches Museum intero 13,00 CHF (€12,00), ridotto 8,00 CHF (€7,40) / Einstein Museum intero 18,00 CHF (€16,70), ridotto 13,00 CHF (€12,00) / Mostre temporanee costo variabile, consultare il sito ufficiale

9 - Rosengarten

bern rosengarten teil ansicht

Goditi un pranzo con vista : vi consigliamo di fermarvi a pranzo o cena al Restaurant Rosengarten , uno dei migliori ristoranti della città, con una meravigliosa vista su Berna e dove poter assaggiare piatti locali, tra cui un'eccezionale Fondue.

10 - Bärenpark

barenpark 3984366724

Scopri il simbolo di Berna : l'orso sta molto a cuore alla città ed è il simbolo della capitale svizzera. Ma vi siete mai chiesti il perchè? Secondo una leggenda, Berthold V di Zahringen , il fondatore della città, uccise qui un orso. E Bern deriva proprio da Bär , che in tedesco vuol dire "orso".

11 - Paul Klee Center

the zentrum paul klee is a

Scopri tutti gli eventi : si tratta di un vero e proprio centro d'arte, un punto d'incontro e di ritrovo! Il centro ha un grande programma con diversi eventi di musica, letteratura e teatro. Date un'occhio a cosa c'è in programma durante la vostra permanenza sul sito ufficiale .

  • Come arrivare in Monument im Fruchtland 3, nella periferia di Berna. Raggiungibile anche a piedi dalla Fossa degli Orsi (1,5 km, 22 min). Più semplice dal centro con il bus diretto linea 12 fino a fermata Zentrum Paul Klee (15 min) - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari mar-dom 10:00-17:00, lun chiuso
  • Costo biglietto intero 20,00 CHF (€18,60), senior 18,00 CHF (€16,70), ridotto fino 16 anni 7,00 CHF (€6,50)

12 - Tierpark Dahlholzli

tierpark dahlholzli bern

Visita con i bambini : qui potrete avvicinarvi agli animali, accarezzarli e conoscere di più sulla loro vita. Una vera esperienza a 360° per tutta la famiglia.

  • Come arrivare in Tierparkweg 1, a sud dell'Altstadt, affacciato sul fiume Aar. Dal centro storico, bus diretto linea 19 fino fermata Ka-We-De (6 min), poi 5 min a piedi fion l'ingresso - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari tutti i giorni, da marzo a ottobre 8:30-19:00, da novembre a febbraio 9:00-17:00
  • Costo biglietto intero 10,00 CHF (€9,30), ridotto 6,00 CHF (€5,60), famiglia 24,00 CHF (€22,30)
  • Tempo di visita 4 ore

13 - Monte Gurten

gurtenbahn monte gurten

L'esperienza è inclusa nel soggiorno : pernottando una notte negli hotel di Berna, avrete il diritto al Bern Ticket, che permette di circolare liberamente su tram e bus nelle zone 100 e 101, quelle di maggiore interesse turistico. Ma non solo: nel biglietto è inclusa anche la funicolare Gurten!

  • Come arrivare a 3 km a sud dal centro città. Punto di partenza del monte è la funivia Wabern (Gurtenbahn), raggiungibile dal centro con tram linea 9 (10 min fino fermata Wabern). Poi salita in funivia o a piedi (1 h fino la cima) - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari Monte Gurten sempre accessibile / Funivia Gurten lun-sab 7:00-23:30, ultima discesa 23:45 (ogni 15 min), dom e festivi 7:00-20:00, ultima discesa 20:15 (partenze ogni 15 min)
  • Costo biglietto Monte Gurten gratis / Funivia Gurten 6,00 CHF (€5,60), a/r 10,50 CHF (€9,70)

14 - Interlaken

oberhofen castle sunset

Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da Oliver Nautsch (@ollispieps)
Visualizza questo post su Instagram Un post condiviso da S-Pixel Photography (@s_pixel_photography)
  • Relax a Freibad Marzili se visitate Berna nella bella stagione, prendetevi un pomeriggio per rilassarvi in questa piscina pubblica, accessibile gratuitamente, incorniciata da giardini e alberi e con una bella vista sulla città. Si tratta di uno dei luoghi preferiti dai locali
  • Cena al al Restaurant Kornhauskeller compleatamente arredato in stile barocco, è uno dei ristoranti più lussuosi e cari della città, ma il costo vale assolutamente l'esperienza
  • Selfie sul Lorrainebrücke dal ponte si ammira una meravigliosa vista sul fiume e sulla città! Incredibile in ogni stagione, in inverno ricoperto di neve, in autunno con gli alberi completamente rossi. Impossibile non scattarsi un selfie con i propri compagni di viaggio qui
  • Assaggiare la Fondue sulla funivia non si può lasciare Berna senza aver assaggiato la sua Fondue, ovvero il piatto invernale per eccellenza della città! E l'esperienza diventa ancora più bella se cenerete in una cabinovia del Ristorante Marzilibrucke. Consigliamo la prenotazione, in quanto è sempre molto richiesto
  • Selfie con Einstein nel parco del Museo Storico di Berna, nella parte del Museo di Einstein, si trova una panchina con una statua a grandezza naturale di Albert Einstein. Sedetevi vicino a lui e scattate una foto ricordo
  • Caffè e artigianato a Münsterplattform fermatevi a bere un caffè al Einstein au Jardin, sulla terrazza della Cattedrale. Inoltre, ogni sabato del mese qui si tiene il mercato dell'artigianato, con oltre 100 bancarelle tra cui passeggiare

Organizza il tuo soggiorno a Berna: voli e hotel

berna svizzera citt

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

17 Top Sights & Best Things to Do in Bern, Switzerland (+Map & Tips)

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: July 23, 2024

17 Top Sights & Best Things to Do in Bern, Switzerland (+Map & Tips)

Planning a visit to Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, and wondering what there’s to see and do in Bern, or whether it’s worth a trip? In this guide, we share the best things to do in Bern and some tips for your visit. I hope this will inspire you to visit!

Beautiful Bern is quite unlike any other city in Switzerland. From its covered arcades to its prestigious title as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is uniquely charming and very relaxed. Bern is rather small (at least for a capital city) and has a totally different feel than all the major capital cities in Europe.

Bern is really picturesque , with its medieval architecture lovingly preserved. There are cultural and historic gems scattered throughout. The city is also very easy to get around and is so compact that you can comfortably tour on foot. In fact, almost all the main landmarks and sights in Bern mentioned in this guide are within short walking distance from each other.

With so many attractions to visit, it can be difficult to know which ones to include in your itinerary. So in this guide, we focus only on the VERY BEST places to see and things to do in Bern that are worth it the most if visiting Bern for the first time. So if your Swiss trip itinerary includes one day in Bern, you know exactly where to go.

To help you plan your time, we also created a map of Bern attractions (you can find it at the bottom of this article), together with some practical info for your visit.

Top 3 Experiences in Bern:

  • Old Town Walking Tour.
  • Zytglogge Clock Tower .
  • Gruyères Cheese and Cailler Chocolate Tasting Tour .

Bern old town rooftops

Here are the main sights and things to do in Bern:

1. Bern Old Town

One of the first places to see in Bern is its medieval Old Town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is beautifully located, high on a cliff with the sparkling blue waters of the Aare River on three sides. But it’s the beautiful buildings, colorful flags, and traditional fountains that make it picture-perfect.

You’ll find most of Bern’s main landmarks in this part of town, along with numerous fountains, the famous Clock Tower, old statues, and impressive bridges that cross the Aare. Indeed, it is easy to spend many happy hours in the Old Town as there is simply so much to see and do.

Originally filled with wooden structures, Bern Old Town was devastated by fire in 1405. Tall sandstone buildings were built to replace them, uniform in appearance and most with arcades on the ground floor. These arcades are filled with cafés, restaurants, and shops. They run for several miles and the local tourist office describes them as the ‘longest covered shopping promenade in the world’.

There are four main streets in the Old Town – Spitalgasse , Marktgasse , Kramgasse , and Gerechtigkeitsgasse – running east from the city’s central station. When you walk them, you hardly notice when one street turns into the other – it looks almost like one long road. It’s not entirely reserved for pedestrians, but there’s usually little traffic and it’s wide enough to stroll along comfortably, (just look out for buses when you cross!).

Be sure to check out the rest of the Old Town as well and don’t miss the Rathausplatz where the Bern Town Hall and the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul are located. Lots of smaller streets are just as picturesque and usually not as busy as the main road, and you’ll find some really pretty buildings and town squares that are well worth seeing too.

TIP: If you want to see the very best of Bern in a short time, check out this popular old town walking tour . It takes about 1.5 hours and is a great first introduction to the city!

Bern city in Switzerland

2. Bern Fountains

Bern is home to a staggering 100 public fountains. Many have interesting histories behind them and some offer free, drinkable water to thirsty passers-by.

But the most famous of them all are the 11 Renaissance fountains in the city center . Attributed to the Swiss sculptor Hans Gieng, these fountains date back to the 16th century. They all feature polychrome sculptures on a pedestal .

Some sculptures are of some dignitary from Bern’s past, some others – of a historic figure like Moses ( Mosesbrunnen ), or a symbolic figure like Lady Justice. The latter can be seen atop the Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (Fountain of Justice).

The Zähringerbrunnen (Zähringen Fountain) – close to the Zytglogge clock – is worth a special mention too. It is topped with the statue of a bear in full armor, with weapons. The Läuferbrunnen (Runner Fountain) is another popular attraction, built in homage to Bern’s power.

The city originally had wooden fountains and these elaborate stone fountains were built to replace them. They played an important role in society and provided a place for locals to meet up and exchange gossip. They are still a focal point of Bern today, with some used as sites for Christmas markets and others used for gatherings like political demonstrations.

Good to know: Kronenbrunnen in the Postgasse is a sculpture known as a fountain without a sculpture on top. It’s a popular spot to pose for a photo – you can climb the stairs to the top and stand where the statue would be.

Zähringerbrunnen fountain and Zytlogge clock tower in Bern Switzerland

3. Cathedral of Bern

Also known as Berner Münster or the Cathedral of St. Vincent , the Cathedral of Bern is located right in the heart of the Old Town. Built from the 15th century onwards, Bern’s Cathedral is the tallest in Switzerland .

This beautiful Gothic building is made from sandstone and its chief attraction is its magnificent spire, which was only completed in 1893. It is more than 100 meters tall and you can buy tickets to climb all the way to the top – up an eye-watering 254 steps!

There is a lot to see inside the Cathedral too. As you enter, you come across the Last Judgement . This is a collection of stone and wood sculptures depicting naked sinners and clothed righteous gathered around Michael the Archangel. The stained glass windows are exceptional too, with the most memorable being Matter Chapel’s Dance of Death.

Also note the ornately carved choir stalls dating back to the 16th century, a Gothic font in the apse, and a magnificent Baroque organ from the early 18th century.

Bern Cathedral is an active place of worship and services are held every Saturday and Sunday.

Cathedral of Bern - Berner Münster

If you are feeling energetic, it’s well worth the effort to climb the tower of Berner Münster . The 360° views from the tower are wonderful. The entire city of Bern is under your feet – this is really the place to be for the very best views in Bern!

Inside the tower, you can also see the largest bell in Switzerland – “Grosse Glocke” (Big Bell) which weighs 10 tons. There are also several other bells, dating from the 14-19th centuries.

Good to know: No bags or backpacks are allowed inside the Cathedral tower. I had a really small purse with me and even that wasn’t allowed. Luckily, they have secure lockers where you can leave your (not too large) bags behind.

TIP: For some nice views without the climb, head to the Münsterplattform behind the Cathedral. From this pretty terrace, you can look right across the Aare river and the city.

Things to do in Bern - climb the tower of Berner Münster

4. Zytglogge Clock Tower

Zytglogge is one of the most famous landmarks in Bern. This clock tower dates back to the 12th century and is one of the remainders of Bern’s first city walls. In the early part of the 16th century, an astronomical clock was added which has struck on the hour ever since!

Be sure to arrive at Marktgasse several minutes before the hour and you’ll be rewarded with a fun sight when a circus of mechanical creatures appears and performs a little show.

PRO TIP: If you want to visit the Clock Tower inside, I highly recommend booking this highly-rated clock tower tour . It takes you inside the tower and behind the scenes to show you the mechanism controlling both the figures and the clock.

On this 1-hr tour, you can also climb the 130 steps of the spiral staircase to reach the lookout platform at the top. There are some nice views across the city’s rooftops. This is the most popular tour in Bern, so be sure to book in advance!

Good to know: In the high season (June-October), the tour of the Zytglogge clock tower runs daily. In the low season, there are no tours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Here you can check the availability and reserve your spot .

Bern Zytglogge Clock

5. Käfigturm

Käfigturm is another medieval tower in Bern, part of the old city gate. Featuring a clock at the top, its architecture is quite beautiful. Nowadays, trams pass directly through the arch at the base of the tower, where the city gate used to be. It’s always fun to see a tram drive under the tower.

This picturesque tower has a rather grim history. Built early in the 13th century, it was first used as a defense tower but later became a prison where criminals were interrogated and then locked away! Rumor has it that you can still see things the prisoners scribbled onto the doors of their dungeons…

Happily, the Käfigturm tower is now less forbidding and is used for political discussions instead.

Good to know: On request, guided tours of the tower are available from Polit-Forum Bern – see their website (in German) for more information. But it’s really not a must to visit inside – you can just admire the tower from the outside.

Käfigturm Bern

6. Bear Pit

Bears are the symbol of Bern and one appears on the city’s coat of arms. Legend has it that the founder of the city – Berchtold V. von Zähringen – went on a hunting expedition in the surrounding forest and a bear was the very first animal he caught. It was to this bear that the city owes its name!

The very first bear to be kept in Bern was brought home as the spoils of war after a battle. It was kept in front of the Käfigturm, in the city’s moat. Bears have continued to be kept in Bern ever since, and they were moved to the Bärengraben (or Bear Pit) in 1857.

Bear Pir is free to visit and is one of the most popular Bern attractions. You can’t come to Bern and not see its bears!

Covering a big area next to the river, the Bear Pit comprises two enclosures connected by a tunnel. One is the older, original pit which was rather basic and didn’t give the bears a very pleasant environment in which to live. The second – which you can also view from above – is far newer, richly forested, and much bigger.

The area surrounding the Pit has several scenic walkways and there is an elevator connecting the upper and lower levels. The best views are from the top.

At the moment, there are four bears kept here – Byörk, Finn, and their cubs Ursina and Berna. If you are lucky, you can see them play-fighting or eating their favorite foods – melons and apples. When we visited, the bears were hanging around in the forest part of their large enclosure. Even then we could still see them, but a bit of patience was required.

Good to know: The bears hibernate between October and March. So if you are visiting Bern in winter, you can only see them through a webcam.

Brown bear in Bern Bear Pit

7. Rosengarten

Not too far from the Bear Pit is Bern’s beautiful Rose Garden Park (Rosengarten) . Located high on a steep hill, it affords exceptional views of the Old Town and across to the Alps.

Once a cemetery, Rosengarten became a public park in 1913, with its very first roses planted a few years later. Now, it has over 200 kinds of roses plus hundreds of different types of rhododendrons, azaleas, and irises. You’ll also find a pond (which is dotted with gorgeous lilies in July), plus sculptures, fountains, and a pavilion.

Green and tranquil, it is a favorite spot with local families and couples. When we visited, there was even a morning yoga class on the big lawn with the most amazing city views. And there’s a big playground here as well, so if you are visiting Bern with kids, this might be a good place to blow off some steam…

The best time to visit the Rosengarten is, of course, in spring and in summer when all the flowers are in bloom. It’s also a nice spot to watch the sunset in Bern.

You can bring a picnic and stop here for lunch, or enjoy a meal at the lovely Restaurant Rosengarten. It is reasonably priced and has a large sun terrace with some fabulous views.

TIP: Don’t miss the Einstein bench close to the restaurant and overlooking the city. This is one of the four Einstein benches in Bern and a nice spot for a picture… Another Einstein bench that you can easily see is located at the Bern Historical Museum/Einstein Museum mentioned below.

Einstein bench at Rosengarten in Bern Switzerland

8. Einstein Museum/ Bern Historical Museum

Albert Einstein’s link to Bern is strong – he lived here for 7 years at the beginning of the 20th century. What’s more, Bern is where he developed his famous Theory of Relativity and published some of his most important papers. He also lectured at the University of Bern.

This link is celebrated at the Einstein Museum. It’s part of the Bern Historical Museum (Bernisches Historisches Museum) , Switzerland’s second-largest institution of its kind.

Bern’s Historical Museum focuses on ancient history, archeology, and ethnography. The Einstein Museum is a fascinating place too, with lots of photos, footage, and documents connected to his time there.

Highlights include a letter from Einstein to President Roosevelt, warning him of Germany’s nuclear capabilities, and Einstein’s 1921 Nobel Prize certificate. You can even see his (somewhat unimpressive) school reports. There is also a great deal of information about his private life – some of it quite surprising!

And if you’ve always wondered what the Theory of Relativity actually is, you can find out through an animated film designed for non-scientific minds!

Good to know: The Einstein Museum is open daily except on Mondays (see their website for more practical info). You need at least 1.5-2 hours for a quick visit to the Bern Historical Museum/ Einstein Museum. But you can easily spend half a day here too. It’s also a good place to visit in Bern when it rains.

TIP: It’s well worth coming here even if you don’t have the time or interest to visit the museum. The 19th-century castle-style building of the museum and the park are really beautiful and well worth seeing.

Einstein Museum Bern Historical Museum

9. Einstein House

Einstein House in the old town is another popular place to visit in Bern. If you don’t have the time for the Einstein Museum, this might be a good alternative. Einstein House is located in the city center and you only need 15-30 minutes for a visit. But you can’t really compare the two museums in any way.

At the Einstein House, you can see the third-floor flat where he lived from 1903 to 1905 with his wife Mileva Marić and son Hans Albert. At the time, Einstein was working for the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. More importantly, it was where he wrote the Annus Mirabilis papers which revolutionized the scientific community’s understanding of the universe.

There are two floors to explore at this museum – one scientific in nature and the other decorated to look as it would have done when the family lived here.

Good to know: Access is via a steep flight of stairs and there is no elevator, so this attraction is not suitable for anyone with mobility problems.

Practical info: Einstein House is open daily, except for a few weeks at the end of December and in January. See their website for more practical info.

TIP: Considering its popularity and the very small area this flat occupies, it can get very crowded here! Try to visit just as it opens or late in the day when there are fewer tourists.

Einstein House is one of the popular attractions in Bern Switzerland

10. Swiss Parliament Building

The Swiss Federal Assembly is one of the oldest democracies in the world. Its home in Bern’s Renaissance-style Parliament Building (Bundeshaus) is a must-see attraction. Not only is the building’s facade quite beautiful, but its interior is breathtaking, with stunning stained glass, elegantly carved wood, and magnificent sculptures.

The two chambers of the Swiss Parliament are housed in the domed block in the center, whilst the wings are used for different federal agencies and the federal library. Everything is open to the public, although access is restricted when Parliament is in session.

Good to know: Guided tours of the Parliament Building are free of charge and take around an hour. You have to book well in advance, as they are extremely popular. More info here .

Don’t miss the spectacular fountain on the Bundesplatz (Parliament Square) outside. It has 26 jets symbolizing the 26 cantons of Switzerland (the member states of the Swiss Confederation). The atmosphere here is relaxed and friendly. It’s a spot where locals come to socialize and you can sometimes catch a market by day, or a spectacular light show on the Parliament building at night.

TIP: Just beyond the Bundeshaus is the Bundeshausterrasse . This is a popular viewpoint with a small park where you’ll find some benches to relax. There are also a few giant chess boards where you can often see locals play. Here, you can also see a 3D model of the Parliament Building and there’s an orientation sign highlighting all the mountain peaks you can see in the distance.

Swiss Parliament Bundeshaus in Bern

11. Nydeggbrücke & Untertorbrücke

Nydeggbrücke is a bridge in the eastern end of the old city of Bern. The bridge is a Swiss heritage site of national significance, but it’s mostly worth visiting for the very picturesque view across the city and down to the Bear Pit.

From here, you can also see the older stone bridge Untertorbrücke which was originally the only bridge crossing the Aare.

Both bridges are quite picturesque – and the surroundings even more so. If you walk to/from Bear Pit or Rosengarten Park, you’ll likely cross Nydeggbrücke anyway. But even if you are not planning to visit those places, it’s worth coming to these bridges for the nice views of the city and the Aare.

Untertorbrücke view from Nydeggbrücke bridge in Bern

12. Zentrum Paul Klee

Located on the eastern outskirts of Bern, Zentrum Paul Klee is the best art museum in Bern.

This outstanding museum contains about 4,000 works by the German-Swiss painter Paul Klee, one of the early 20th century’s most influential artists. In this museum in Bern, you can see some of his most recognized works.

Because many of Klee’s works are very sensitive to light, they are shown on a rotational basis along with pieces from other artists. There are usually some 120 to 150 works of Paul Klee on display at any given time and the collection changes on a regular basis.

The building housing the museum is worth a visit in its own right! It was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano and commissioned by Klee’s daughter, who donated all of her inheritance to the city of Bern. Airy and light, it resembles a rolling landscape and is quite stunning!

Good to know: The museum is open daily except on Mondays and some public holidays. They run guided tours and creative workshops for all ages. For more information, check their website .

Getting there: If you don’t have a car, you can easily get here by bus #12 in the direction ‘Zentrum Paul Klee’ from the old town. It takes just 10-15 minutes.

Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern Switzerland

13. Hammam & Spa Oktogon

For a relaxing break from sightseeing in Bern and something different to do in the city, why not book a bathing ritual at the city’s Hammam & Spa Oktogon .

Spread over four floors, this unique spa is housed in a beautiful building that was once the home of Switzerland’s first gas boiler. It offers a really special experience that follows a fixed course, involving warming, cleansing, exfoliation, a bath, and a steam room.

Good to know: The culture in Bern is a little less body-shy than you might be used to, so be prepared to witness some nudity during your spa experience. It’s an adults-only experience (from 16 years), except a few days a year when they organize a special kids’ day.

TIP: The quietest time to visit is in the morning or around noon. You can find more info and opening times here .

Best things to do in Bern - Hammam & Spa Oktogon

14. Shopping & Dining

If you are looking for a more relaxing city trip, Bern offers some great shopping and dining too!

Its 6 km (almost 4 miles) of covered arcades in the Old Town protect you from the weather while you peruse the high-end boutiques and stores within. You’ll find everything from luxury goods to traditional Swiss knives and Einstein-themed souvenirs.

And everywhere you go, you’ll find brown bears – the symbol of the city. From irresistible cuddly bear toys to bear-shaped cookies, bear chocolates, etc.

If you like to check out some local markets , you have some choices in Bern, too. You’ll find a vegetable and flower market on the Bundesplatz every Tuesday and Saturday morning. On the third Saturday during the warm months, head to the Mühleplatz for Bern’s largest flea market. And if you’re lucky enough to be visiting at Christmas, check out the festive markets at the Waisenhausplatz and the Münsterplatz.

And as far as food goes, you’ll find plenty of nice restaurants in Bern, with lots of Swiss and also Italian restaurants. In summer, check out the restaurant terraces close to Käfigturm. It might be a bit touristy, but the atmosphere is great and the food is usually very good too.

TIP: If you are a chocolate lover, check out one of the Läderach chocolate shops. It offers some of the best Swiss chocolate you will ever taste, available in every flavor you can imagine!

Bear cake at a local bakery in Bern Switzerland

Gurten – or “Güsche” as locals call it – is a mountain located just to the south of Bern city. Even though Gurten is not that high (858 m (2,815 ft)) and is rather a hill than a mountain, it offers nice 360-degree views across the city and the Alps.

However, don’t expect the views like at Mt Titlis , Matterhorn Glacier Paradise , Gornergrat , or Mt Pilatus – it’s simply not high enough for that. This is a more low-key experience in Bern where you’ll find more locals than tourists.

At the top of Gurten Kulm, there is a free tower to climb (Gurten Observation Tower) and lots of scenic trails, taking in the dense forests and flowery meadows. There is also a charming miniature railway for children. The fun doesn’t stop in the winter. If there is enough snow, then you can enjoy a toboggan run and there is even skiing for kids.

TIP: There are several excellent dining options on Gurten, including the buffet-style offerings at Tapis Rouge and tasty brunches at the Pavilion. For a gourmet treat, dine at Gurtners, which is a great place to watch the sun go down over a truly stunning landscape.

Good to know: The Gurtenfestival is held in mid-July and has attracted some big names in music in the past. This means that the area can be very busy, so if you are visiting in this period, be prepared for long queues.

Getting there: Gurten is easy to access by tram no. 9 which takes just about 20 minutes from Bern city center. Once you get there, you can simply take the funicular to the top of the mountain. More than a century old, the funicular departs every 15 minutes and only takes a few minutes to get to the top.

Practical information: Gurten funicular runs daily the whole year round, except for a few days of annual maintenance. It usually starts at around 7 AM and runs until late in the evening. For more information, see the official website . Normally, you don’t have to plan much or book anything in advance – you can simply get tickets once you get there. If you have the Swiss Travel Pass, it’s valid here too.

READ ALSO: Swiss Travel Pass (& Is It Worth It)

Gurten funicular near Bern Switzerland

16. Emmental Valley

Located about 30km east of Bern, Emmental Valley is one of the places that might be worth visiting if you have more time in the area.

Less than an hour from Bern by car, Emmental has a quintessentially Swiss landscape. Its verdant hills are dotted with cows and farmhouses, set against a breathtaking backdrop of the Bernese Oberland.

You may recognize the name of this area by the cheese for which it is famous. If you are just passing the area by car, you can stop at Kambly Experience in Trubschachen, where you can taste Switzerland’s best-known premium biscuit brand, and the show dairy, where you can learn all about the history of Swiss cheese. Emmentaler Schaukäserei in Affoltern also organizes guided tours of a show dairy farm.

TIP: Some day tours that visit Bern from Zurich or Lucerne also include a stop here ( see this popular tour – it has the most complete itinerary for a day trip to Bern including Emmental Valley).

If you have more time, it is really worth visiting for its magnificent valley for hiking and biking too. Should you choose to visit in winter, then the terrain is completely covered in snow, with skiing and snowshoeing available too.

Good to know: E-bikes were invented here and they are ideal for exploring the uphill trails in the region. You can rent them locally but do some more research as to where exactly to go and what to see if you decide to spend more time here.

Emmental Valley in Switzerland

17. Helicopter Tours

If you are looking for something truly unique to do in Switzerland, you may want to consider a scenic helicopter flight above the Swiss Alps . Bern is a great place for that – with the central location and a small airport where helicopter flights depart from.

Because of its great location, you can choose from a big variety of helicopter tours from Bern .

There are shorter tours focusing on the Bern area (this is the most affordable option ) or somewhat longer ones to Interlaken or the famous mountains of the Jungfrau Region (see this tour ).

TIP: If money is not an issue and you are looking for something truly unique, you can take the longest scenic flight over the Swiss Alps and even get to see the Matterhorn in Zermatt . You can find more information about this helicopter flight and book it on Viator .

Good to know: Helicopter tours from Bern run the whole year. The tours we recommend above normally offer free cancelation up to 24 hours in advance, so you don’t risk much and can cancel if the weather isn’t great.

Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps view from a helicopter

Map of top places to see in Bern

To help you orient, we created this map indicating all the places and attractions in Bern city that are mentioned in this article. In addition to the main sights, we also indicated all the fountains, viewpoints, etc.

Further below, you can also find some practical information for your visit to Bern.

How to use this map:  Use your computer mouse (or fingers) to zoom in or out. Click on the icons to get more information about each place. Click the arrow on the top left corner for the index. Click the star next to the map’s title to add it to your Google Maps account. To view the saved map on your smartphone or PC, open Google Maps, click the menu and go to ‘Your Places’/’Maps’. If you want to print the map or see it in a bigger window, click on ‘View larger map’ in the top right corner.

Is Bern worth visiting?

With so many amazing places to see in Switzerland and limited time, you might be wondering whether Bern is worth it… Indeed, a lot depends on how much time you have.

But in itself, yes, Bern is absolutely worth seeing. With its beautiful location, picturesque old town, and cozy atmosphere, Bern is one of the nicest cities in Switzerland. Furthermore, it has good transport connections so it’s easy to get to, AND you can see most of the main landmarks of Bern in just a day. This makes it easy to include Bern in any Swiss itinerary.

How much time do you need in Bern?

As already mentioned, you can see the best that Bern has to offer in one day. So the majority of tourists visit Bern for a day, and there are also some day tours to Bern from other major cities in Switzerland.

TIP: One of the best options for a day trip is this Bern and Emmental Valley day tour from either Zurich or Lucerne.

If you spend at least one night/ two days in Bern, you should be able to cover all the places on this list.

Where to stay in Bern

If you are planning to spend a night or two in Bern and are traveling by train, you can stay pretty much anywhere in the old town. Bern station is located in the heart of the city center and you can walk to most hotels in just a few minutes.

Here are some of the best centrally-located hotels in Bern for all budgets :

  • $$$$$ 5* Hotel Schweizerhof Bern & Spa
  • $$$$ 4* THE BRISTOL
  • $$$ Akomo Bern
  • $$ Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocke

TIP: If you are visiting by car , check out Swissotel Kursaal Bern – it has private parking and is within easy walking distance from the old town.

I hope this guide to the best attractions in Bern has been helpful. Have a wonderful time in Switzerland’s scenic and tranquil capital city!

More destination guides to some of our favorite places in Switzerland:

  • Best Things to Do in Geneva
  • Best things to do in Zermatt (+ Gornergrat & Matterhorn Glacier Paradise )
  • Best things to do in Lucerne
  • Interlaken day trip
  • How to visit Mt Titlis
  • How to visit Jungfraujoch, Top of Europe
  • How to visit Mt Pilatus (+ Pilatus Golden Round Trip )
  • Things to do at Grindelwald – First
  • Grindelwald-First Cliff Walk
  • Best day trips from Lucerne
  • Switzerland Itinerary for 10 Days

If you found this post helpful, don’t forget to bookmark it and share it with your friends. Are you on Pinterest? Pin these images!

Best things to do in Bern Switzerland

Read also – some of our favorite hikes in Switzerland:

  • Matterhorn Glacier Trail  (in Zermatt)
  • Charles Kuonen Suspension Bridge Hike  (near Zermatt)
  • Hiking at Schynige Platte  (near Interlaken)
  • Oeschinensee Hike  (close to Interlaken)
  • Four Lakes Hike in Engelberg  (near Lucerne)
  • Bachalpsee Lake Hike  (Grindelwald)
  • Stoos Ridge Hike  (not far from Lucerne)

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nikita hemnani

Monday 11th of September 2023

hey I am visiting Switzerland from India in the first week of October. your blog is so detailed, to make a good itinerary. Can you please help me with if there are any adventurous things to do, or warm water lakes or spas. thank you.

Hi Nikita, there are plenty of adventurous things to do in Switzerland, like paragliding, canyoning, kayaking, via ferrata's, etc. You can find some fun tours here if interested. Just keep in mind that not everything might be available in October, so you'll have to check specifically for your travel dates (and the locations where you're planning on visiting). I haven't heard of any warm lakes, but there are lots of spas (like the one mentioned in this article about Bern). Many hotels have their own spas too. A popular place is Rigi Kaltbad Spa near Lucerne (usually visited in combination with Mt Rigi - see here for more info). Another very popular place for thermal pools is Leukerbad. Free entry to Leukerbad Therme is included if you stay in this hotel. Hope this helps. Have a great trip!

Michelle Stevenson

Thursday 10th of August 2023

Great article, very detailed & laid out well for a great visit to Bern. We are heading there next week but one of our days there is Sunday. Are the tourist attractions, some cafes or restaurants open please ?

Friday 11th of August 2023

@Jurga, that’s great. Thanks so much !

Hi Michelle, in general yes, pretty much all the main tourist sights are open on Sundays. The Zytglogge Tower tour also runs on Sundays. If, however, you absolutely want to visit a specific place, it's best to check their website in advance. Some museums (e.g. Einstein Museum and Zentrum Paul Klee) are closed on Mondays though. Have a great trip!

Tuesday 9th of May 2023

Good article. I also think the Natural History Museum of Bern is worth visiting just to see the Swiss mineral collection, particularly the giant transparent quartz crystals.

Thanks for the suggestion, Clayton. I'm sure it could be interesting to some people indeed. We never got there on during our multiple trips...

Milan Paunovic

Thursday 20th of April 2023

I have been twice to Bern. And about the bears they look in super health and well looked after. Bern has a lot of history and culture and the bears are in Berns history thank you for your history and nostalgia super

Yes, indeed, Milan. Happy travels!

Pete Jerdel

Monday 6th of March 2023

Sad about the bears. No animal should have to live confined for the sake of tourists. I ordinarily like your site but can't stomach the promotion of animal abuse.

Seriously?! It’s somehow my fault that bears are the symbol of the city of Bern, have been for hundreds of years, and the city chooses to have a huge enclosure where a few bears live??? And I really don’t think that the city symbol has anything to do with tourists. Btw, you likely never visited Bern and have no idea what you are even talking about… As for us. We document travel experiences as they are, and no guide to Bern would be complete without mentioning its bears. That’s all there is to it. That’s also what travel is about- getting to know the world as it is and understanding that people and cultures can be different, whether you like it or not. If you travel more, you learn to acknowledge the good and the not so good stuff without judging it.


19 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Bern

Written by Jim O'Donnell and Diana Bocco Updated Dec 22, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

The first time many visitors see Bern, they are stunned by the beauty of its setting. The capital of Switzerland is built on a sandstone ridge, encircled on three sides by the Aare flowing through a valley. High-level bridges link the city with the high ground on the right bank and with the newer parts of the city.

Houses and shops, with their street-level arcades and projecting roofs, reflect the prosperity of the citizens of Bern in the 17th and 18th centuries. And this charming character of the well-preserved old town is integrated into the everyday life of the city, causing it to be recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site .

Bern is rich in culture with year-round events such as the Summer and Winter Jazz Festivals; the Buskers Festival; and the Gurtenfestival, held in mid-July. Numerous museums and theaters cover a variety of interests, and visitors can enjoy street-side sightseeing such as the Zytglogge, a medieval clock tower with moving puppets.

Plan your visit with our list of top tourist attractions and things to do in Bern.

See also: Where to Stay in Bern

1. Stroll through the Old Town

2. see world-class art at the kunstmuseum, 3. visit the einstein museum and the historical museum of bern, 4. take a tour of the einstein haus, 5. spend an afternoon at the rosengarten, 6. discover the berner münster, 7. admire the clock tower, 8. browse art at the paul klee center (zentrum paul klee), 9. check out the town's ancient fountains, 10. stroll through the botanical garden, 11. explore the trails on the gurten, 12. pose in front of the fountain at the bundeshaus, 13. take in the wonders at the natural history museum, 14. play with technology at the communication museum, 15. shop at the weekly markets, 16. enjoy a wealth of activities at the aare river, 17. visit the bear park, 18. explore the many sides of the granary (kornhaus), 19. drop in at the french church, where to stay in bern for sightseeing, day trips from bern, 1. interlaken, 5. fribourg, map of attractions & things to do in bern, bern, switzerland - climate chart.

Bern's Old Town

The old town of Bern is more than worthy of its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Situated on a cliff surrounded on three sides by the stunning aquamarine waters of the Aare River, the old town has preserved much of its medieval character. The streets are cobbled and bordered by covered, arcade sidewalks that snake on for miles. On the lower levels of the buildings are shops, cafés, bookstores, and restaurants, while the upper floors are apartments.

This old area is where many of the best places to visit and things to do are located, including all of the bridges across the Aare, public fountains, old statues, towers, and the famous Clock Tower . Several days can be passed quite happily just strolling around the old town.


To the west of Waisenhausplatz, on the Hodlerstrasse, is the famed Kunstmuseum (Museum of Art). This massive and impressive art museum is home to more than 51,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, and films. It is the oldest art museum in Switzerland, built in 1879, and holds an international reputation.

The collection comprises art from the Italian Trecento (Duccio, Fra Angelico); Swiss art since the 15th century (Niklaus Manuel, Albert Anker, Ferdinand Hodler, Cuno Amiet); and international painting from the 19th and early 20th centuries (Impressionism, Cubism, Expressionism, Blaue Reiter, Surrealism); with particular focus on Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Pablo Picasso.

Both national art trends (Meret Oppenheim, Franz Gertsch, Markus Raetz) and international ones from Jackson Pollock to the present are also represented. Other exhibitions rotate in and out. Be sure to check the excellent website for the latest details. The museum offers both public and private tours.

Address: Hodlerstrasse 8-12, Bern

Official site: http://www.kunstmuseumbern.ch/

The Einstein Museum and the Historical Museum of Bern

Housed in a 130-year-old Andre-Lambert-designed building based on 15th-century castles, the Historical Museum of Bern combines with the Einstein Museum to form the second largest museum in Switzerland. Displays encompass more than half a million objects dating from the Stone Age through the Celts, Romans, Middle Ages, Napoleonic era, and into the 19th and 20th centuries. Objects from Alpine Stone Age burials are as impressive as 15th-century Flemish tapestries and the famous Königsfelden diptych painted for the King of Hungary.

The Einstein Museum is focused on the life of the great scientist, demonstrating how he lived, through dozens of old films, original objects, and letters. Even his 1921 Nobel Prize certificate is on display. And for those of us who are not genius physicists, animated films help the layperson understand Einstein's pioneering theories. The museum is found on the Helvetiaplatz just across the Aare from the Old Town.

Official site: http://www.bhm.ch/en/

Einstein Haus

If you've already visited the Einstein Museum, stopping by Einstein's former residence will give you some nice extra insight into the life of the genius scientist. Einstein lived at this second-floor apartment with his physicist wife Mileva Maric and their son Hans between 1903 and 1905. He did some of his most impressive work while living here, including writing the Annus Mirabilis papers on the photoelectric effect, the Brownian motion, the special theory of relativity, and E = mc 2 .

The apartment has been restored with period furniture, and a walk through the space gives you a good idea of how Einstein and his family were living at the time he wrote the paper that would change the course of science forever. A small exhibition on the third floor of the building showcases Einstein's work in plain words for the non-scientists, as well as presents interesting information about his life and achievements.

Address: Kramgasse 49, Bern

Official site: https://www.einstein-bern.ch/


One of the most peaceful and beautiful places in Bern with impressive views of the city. The Rose Garden Park (Rosengarten) is a large open area sitting on a hill slope just across the river from the center of town. Originally a cemetery (1765-1877), the area became a public park in 1913.

It was redesigned in the late 1950s and now sports more than 200 types of roses and another 200 species of irises, azaleas, and rhododendrons. There is also a large, splendid pond; a pavilion; restaurant; and picnic areas.

Berner Münster

Perhaps the most famous building in Bern, the Berner Münster is also known as the Bern Cathedral or the Cathedral of St. Vincent. The cathedral is Switzerland's largest church from the late Middle Ages, and played a vital role in the overall development of the city's architecture. The late Gothic creation is a three-aisled, pillared basilica that was under construction from 1421 until 1893, when the addition of the octagonal upper section and the openwork spire was completed.

The west doorway of Bern Minster is richly decorated with sculpture (now copies); in the tympanum is a Last Judgment (completed in 1495) containing a number of figures, and on the side walls are paintings of the Fall and the Annunciation.

The nave and the choir of Bern's St. Vincent Minster have reticulated vaulting with fine 16th-century coats-of-arms. The finely carved choir stalls (1523) were the first Renaissance work of art in Bern. In the apse are a Gothic font (1524) and beautiful stained glass (1441-50).

At the end of the south aisle is a monument to Berchtold von Zähringen (1601), incorporating a coat-of-arms. In the Matter chapel (seventh bay in the south aisle) is the Dance of Death window (1917), with 20 scenes from the Dance of Death (1516-19) by Niklaus Manuel-Deutsch. There is a magnificent Baroque organ (1726-30), with 5,404 pipes, and fine modern stained glass (1947) in the south aisle.

From the tree-planted Bern Minster terrace , there is an attractive view down into the Aare valley; and if you can make it up the 254 steps of the tower, the views over the city are outstanding - especially on a clear day when the Alps appear as a backdrop.

Minster (St Vincent) Berne - Floor plan map

The 800-year-old Clock Tower (Zytglogge) is one of Bern's most famous landmarks - and is well worth the visit (the clock dates to 1530). Just above the western gate tower in the old section of town, this 23-meter tower is decorated with an immense astronomical clock.

Beginning at just three minutes before every hour, a circus of mechanical creatures (The Fool, The Knight, The Rooster, The Piper, and more) come out to put on a little show. Inside, you can see the popularity of this ancient structure from the 130 worn stone steps. Visitors are welcome to climb to the observation platform, which sports some impressive views. Guided tours are excellent and informative.

Paul Klee Center

German-Swiss painter Paul Klee's work is perhaps some of the most recognizable and famous of all paintings from the first part of the 20th century. Transcending the zeitgeist of his age (surrealism, cubism, abstraction), Klee regularly combined various media into his works. His Writings on Form and Design Theory is considered one of the most important theoretical works on art ever written.

The center contains about 4,000 works by Klee including the famous Dame mit Sonnenschirm (Woman with Parasol), In den Häusern von St. Germain (Houses of St. Germain) and Tod und Feuer (Death and Fire). The building itself is outstanding. Designed by architect Renzo Piano, it takes the form of a rolling, hilly landscape. It is wide and open, light and airy, and a work of art in and of itself.

Official site: http://www.zpk.org/

Fountain in Bern

Scattered about the old town are a number of ancient public fountains. Installed in the 16th century, the fountains were topped with statues of ideas or biblical scenes such as Samson killing a lion. Others still sport statues praising the power of Bern, such as the Zähringerbrunnen (a bear in full armor) and the Läuferbrunnen (the Runner Fountain).

Fountain in Bern

These fountains replaced wooden ones at a time when the city was rapidly gaining wealth. There are 100 fountains. Eleven retain the original statues and all are carefully maintained and frequently repainted. And, yes, the water is still potable.

Flower in the botanical garden in Bern

The beautiful botanical garden is not to be missed. It will impress even those that might not think they are interested in plants and flowers. The garden contains several sections. The Alpinum focuses on montane ecosystems hosting mountain plants from Europe, Asia, and North America with a special focus on Swiss flora. There is also an interesting display on endangered species.

Three other buildings cover desert, tropical, and subtropical vegetation and environments. The Palm House is particularly interesting as it focuses on tropical food-producing plants such as bananas, coconuts, and coffee.


This is perhaps a favorite place in all of Bern. Just to the south of the center of the city, the Gurten is a high mountain (864 meters) with a 360-degree view. Below lies the gorgeous city with its towers and domes, while the spiky Alps jut from the countryside beyond. You can also see across the Three Lakes Region all the way to the Jura mountains.

Be sure to climb up the tower-it's free, and the views improve with every step. Several trails around the mountain offer leisurely hikes through flowery meadows and into thick forests.

In the winter, the mountain offers kids' skiing and toboggan runs. Finally, after all that activity, choose from one of several venues and enjoy a high-quality meal right on the mountain. The Gurtenfestival, a music festival, is held every year in the middle of July. The Gurten is easily accessible from the train station via buses or trams, but don't miss the chance to ride the century-old funicular up to the mountain.


Bern's Renaissance-style Bundeshaus (Parliament building) stands on the edge of the high ground above the Aare River. The domed central block contains the two chambers of the Swiss Parliament, the meeting places of the National Council, and the Council of States; in the east wing and west wings are various federal agencies and the federal library.

The entire place is open to visitors. Access is slightly restricted when Parliament is in session. From the Bundesterrasse, which rests on massive retaining walls, there are awesome views of the river Aare below and the Alps beyond.

All around the square are cafés, shops, and Renaissance-style buildings as well as the Banknote Museum . Just beyond is the Little Redoubt, a popular viewpoint in Bern, with an orientation map pointing out important sites. Next to this old structure are the gardens and a monument to Oskar Bider, who made the first flight over the Alps in 1913.

The Theaterplatz, to the east of the Bundesplatz, is where you will find the Hôtel de Musique , the Assembly and Concert Hall , and the Municipal and University Library .

Bundeshaus Bern - Floor plan map

A part of the University of Bern, the Natural History Museum was born in 1832 and includes more than 200 dioramas, including a 200-year-old preserved St. Bernard rescue dog named Barry. The dioramas are impressive even if they are outdated in a way. It is fascinating to see how museums were constructed in the mid-1800s.

Some of the preserved big game is impressive, as are the skeletons of The Big Bone Show. Don't miss the Stones of the Earth display where you can see Alpine gold, meteorites, and gigantic crystals. And the beetle and evolution exhibits are educational for all ages.

Address: Bernastrasse 15, Bern

Official site: http://www.nmbe.ch/

Exhibit at the Communication Museum

Founded in 1907, this unusual museum offers permanent exhibitions that showcase the history of human communication through the centuries. It comprises everything from sign language and speaking to postal services, the telegraph, telephone, and the Internet. This isn't so much a museum about technological advances in communication, but a museum about the relationship between men and how different cultures handle forms of communication.

Interactive displays, games, and workshops make the museum accessible and interesting for both children and adults.

Official site: http://www.mfk.ch

Onions for sale at the Onion Market

Bern is home to many markets-from flowers and food to flea markets and some magnificent Christmas marketplaces, the city has something for everyone. Just outside the Bundeshaus is the Bundesplatz, where an impressive vegetable and flower market takes place on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Bern's largest flea market (perfect for finding a treasure or two) takes place on the Mühleplatz in the Matte every third Saturday during the warm months.

Bern has two Christmas markets that run the entire month of December: one at the Waisenhausplatz and one on the Münsterplatz. And for a unique market you won't find anywhere else, there's also the Zibelemärit or Onion Market , which happens only once a year, on the fourth Monday in November, and it celebrates all things onion, including food but also artful onion wreaths, ready-to-eat meals, and even kitchen decor featuring onions.

Aerial view of Bern and the Aare River

The Aare River is an intrinsic part of Bern, a beautiful mass of crystal-clear turquoise waters that have shaped the city's life and landscape. While the river is stunning all year long-and a great place to take a stroll next to as a fresh coating of snow falls on the city-it becomes the center of activities during summer.

As soon as the temperatures start to rise, you'll find the locals swimming in the Aare. There are also several outdoor swimming pools on the banks of the river, including the famous Marzili pool complex, which offers several pools and beautiful views of the Parliament Building.

Both rafting and canoeing are popular in the Aare-and there's plenty to see from the water. If you're up for a real challenge, you can take on the Uttiger Schwelle rapids; otherwise, a popular route is to take the train to Thun and then drift down the river until you get back to Bern.

For the best views of the Aare, head to the Nydeggbrücke bridge, Bern's most famous and beloved bridge, which connects the old and new parts of town and offers fairy-tale views over red rooftops.

The Bear Park

Since the bear is the symbol of Bern, it's perhaps no surprise that the city has kept bears in a large compound for years. The area around the bears' compound is graced by an array of walking paths, many of which lead down to the river, and an inclined elevator now connects the lower area by the river to the top of the enclosure.

The bears' habitat was modernized in 2009 with the addition of a second, larger green enclosure that connects to the original one through a tunnel. The second enclosure also includes a section of the river, where the bears can safely take a dip when temperatures go up.

Bern's Kornhaus building

This impressive multi-use cultural space houses the City Theater's Kornhausbühne; the Kornhaus Library; the Library for Design; the Forum for Media and Design; and two renowned restaurants: the Kornhauskeller and Kornhauscafé. You might never guess it by looking at it today, but this building was originally used for grain storage.

The interior is decorated with twelve pillars featuring the traditional dress of Bernese women, as well as representations of more than two dozen musicians dressed in Swiss attire from the Renaissance period. It is like looking at a book.

The French Church

Just behind the Granary is the French Church, the oldest church in the city, with frescoes by a group of painters known as the "Master of the Carnation." It was originally built on the foundations of an even older church that dates back to the 13 th century. The final construction took several centuries, with new facades and frescoes added until its completion in 1754.

After 1623, French-speaking Protestants became the main worshippers in the church-a big change from the church's origins as a Dominican monastery. Huguenot (French Calvinists) took refuge here starting in 1685 when fleeing prosecution.

Bern's picturesque Old Town sits inside a long loop in the River Aare, almost completely surrounded by water. Most of the major attractions-the magnificent Munster, the clock tower, and several museums and churches-are close together on this finger of land, and the famous Bear Park and large Rose Garden are just across the bridge at the end of the Old Town. Prime locations for sightseeing are in the Old Town itself or across the river behind the Rose Garden, near a tram line. Here are some highly rated hotels in Bern:

Luxury Hotels :

  • Leading Hotels of the World member Hotel Schweizerhof Bern is near the train station and the top attractions of the Old Town.
  • Elegant guest rooms at the historic grand hotel BELLEVUE PALACE Bern overlook the river and mountain views.
  • At the tip of the old center, near the Bear Park, Hotel Belle Epoque is a boutique hotel full of character.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Hotel Alpenblick , in an elegant old building on a quiet residential street, is a pleasant walk away from the Rose Garden in the Old Town.
  • Overlooking a garden in a park-filled neighborhood, Hotel Jardin Bern is near a tram line and close to the center.
  • The Bristol is a boutique hotel located in the heart of Bern offering modern rooms with a quirky touch.

Budget Hotels:

  • Across the bridge from the Old Town, Hotel Landhaus is a good choice for those arriving by car as there is adjacent parking.
  • Ibis Bern Expo is opposite the Bern Expo Center, on a tram line directly to the Old Town and rail station.
  • A 10-minute walk from the center and on a tram line, Bed & Breakfast Wildrose provides guests with tram tickets.


Beautiful Interlaken is world-famous. About 60 kilometers from Bern in the Bernese-Oberland section of the Alps, the town and region is the gateway to a land of mountains, lakes, and rushing rivers. Found between Lake Thun and Lake Brienz , the town sits on the river that links the two bodies of water.

For centuries, Interlaken was known for its watchmaking and printing expertise, while today it is popular for its outdoor recreation. Visitors come around for mountain paragliding, canyon jumping, and hiking, as well as for Interlaken's many spas and wellness centers.

  • Read More: Top Tourist Attractions in Interlaken & Easy Day Trips

Picturesque Thun

Perhaps the most charming town in the country, Thun sits where the Aar River flows from Lake Thun-just 30 kilometers south of Bern. A castle dominates the town, while its flower-lined pedestrian walkways make the town stand out. This is a gateway to outdoor recreation in the mountains beyond, but be sure not to miss the castle, the old town hall, a walk along the lake, the Panzer Museum , and the Wocher Panorama - the oldest surviving panorama in the world.

Thun Map - Tourist Attractions

At the foot of the Jura Mountains on the eastern end of long Lake Biel lies the center of Swiss watchmaking. The little town of Biel maintains its historic center and has a charming bilingual tradition. With excellent museums, restaurants, and cafés, Biel is delightful in and of itself, but also be sure to explore the surrounding lake region.

Biel Map - Tourist Attractions

On the southeast shore of Lake Murten, the tiny medieval town of Murten sits on the ridge of hills that mark the linguistic boundary between German and French-speaking Switzerland. First mentioned in 515, Murten town is well preserved and picturesque. In fact, it is arguably the best-preserved medieval town in Europe, even retaining the medieval circuit of walls.

The town is known for water sports and cultural activities (surprisingly numerous for such a small town), but it's also a great place to take a peaceful stroll along the lake for a stunning view and a moment of quiet.

Murten (Morat) Map - Tourist Attractions

About 35 kilometers from Bern, Fribourg (in German Freiburg) is one of the finest medieval towns in Switzerland. It lies on the River Sarine (German Saane), which flows in a deep valley through the Mittelland and straddles the cultural border between German and French Switzerland. As a result, it offers a fascinating blend of cultures.

The Auge and Bourg quarters leading to the upper town perch in a picturesque location above the rocky banks of a bend in the river; in the lower town are the districts of Neuveville, on the left bank, and Planche, on the right bank.

Highlights here are the well-maintained old town with the Gothic Cathedral of St. Nicholas built from the 14th to the 15th centuries on the former site of a Romanesque building and renowned for its modern stained glass by Joseph de Mehoffer, as well as gold and ivory treasures from the 15th to 20th centuries. Fribourg is also home to an impressive clutch of museums, including the Natural History Museum , Musee Gutenberg , the Art and History Museum , and even a sewing machine museum.

Fribourg Map - Tourist Attractions

About 90 minutes away by train and surrounded by snow-capped peaks is Lucerne. A town with stunning medieval architecture where time doesn't seem to move quite as fast as everywhere else, Lucerne is well-known for its wooden Chapel Bridge, originally built in the 14th century.

Visitors can catch a paddle steamer cruise on Lake Lucerne or get on the "Dragon Ride" aerial cableway to reach the top of Mount Pilatus. Lucerne's historic core, Old Town, is car-free and a great place to explore on foot while admiring the stunning 17th-century architecture.

  • Read More: Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Lucerne

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Exploring Switzerland : While Switzerland has much to offer to visitors in any season, winter is when this small country truly shines. For an overview of the best places to get your fill of snow, check out our article on the Top-Rated Ski Resorts in Switzerland . Once you're done with your visit to Bern, see what other destinations are worth a visit in our article, Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Switzerland .

Berne Map - Tourist Attractions

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Switzerland Travel Guide

A Broken Backpack

Perfect 2 Days In Bern Itinerary

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Jan 22, 2023 | Europe , Switzerland , Travel Tips

Contemplating if you should spend 2 days in Bern ? Then keep on reading because the capital of Switzerland and a wonderful place to visit.

Unlike the more popular Swiss destinations of Geneva and Zurich , it has a relatively laid-back atmosphere. Yet it is still incredibly rich in culture and history – indeed, from the minute you arrive, you will feel as if you’ve stepped back hundreds of years in time.

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The reasons for the city’s UNESCO World Heritage status become immediately obvious, from the ancient buildings and narrow cobblestoned streets to the covered arcades, impressive clock towers, and elegant fountains.

Warm and sunny in the summer – cold and often snowy in the winter – Bern has many attractions at almost any time of year.

If you’re visiting the city for the first time, you may be wondering what to do in Bern in 2 days. This guide is designed to help!

We’ve put together a list of the top things to see and do each morning and afternoon of your stay. We’ve also recommended some great places to eat and our favorite places to stay.

This allows you to travel on public transport for free in Bern and nearby areas, with all streetcar and bus journeys in zones 100/101 operated by the LIBERO Association included.


On the first of your 2 days in Bern, you’ll be seeing the sights in its beautiful old town before visiting the city’s legendary bears, and admiring the art and architecture at Paul Klee Zentrum.

The natural starting point for your exploration of Bern is its historic Old Town, filled with fountains and lined with 15th-century arcades.

Go to see Bern Cathedral first – one of the city’s most iconic attractions. Originally built as a Catholic church in 1421, the 16th century saw it converted into a Swiss Reformed church.

Its tower wasn’t completed until 1893 and is so high that the cathedral now holds the honor of being the tallest in the country.

Its combination of Gothic architecture, awesome stained glass windows, and sculptures is magnificent to see. There are other interesting features, too, including a Gothic font in the apse, a Baroque organ, and exquisitely carved choir stalls.

The chief highlight of your visit, though, is the 254-step climb to the top of the 328 feet (100 meters) tower (you’ll need to buy tickets for this).

On a clear day, you’ll get amazing views from the top and may even be able to make out the Alps’ snowy peaks on the horizon.

You can also see the bell inside the tower. It weighs 10.5 tons and is the largest in the country.

Bern Cathedral

From the cathedral, it’s just a short walk to the Zytglogge. This clock tower was the city’s western gate from the 12th century, although the astronomical clock was a later addition in 1530.

It strikes hourly and is a sight to behold, with a circus of mechanical creatures performing a show. Make sure you arrive a few minutes before the hour so you don’t miss it!

You might want to consider booking a tour of the clock tower to make the most of your visit. It’s very interesting and goes behind the scenes, showing you the mechanisms that control the clock and the figures.

Stroll to take a look at the nearby Käfigturm tower next. It was constructed early in the 13th century as a defense tower but was later converted to a prison.

Although it is now used for political purposes you can request a free guided tour and see marks scribbled by prisoners on the dungeon walls.

Your final stop of the morning is at the Bundeshaus, Switzerland’s Federal Palace. It has a beautiful facade and stunning interior, with wonderful sculptures, elegantly carved wood, and dazzling stained glass.

The domed block at its center is home to the two chambers of the Swiss Parliament, whilst the outer wings house the library and various federal agencies. You can book a free guided tour of the building but make sure you do so well in advance – they get booked up quickly.

If you don’t get to see the interior be sure not to miss the incredible fountain on the Bundesplatz outside, with 26 jets symbolizing the 26 cantons of Switzerland. Locals come here to hang out and it’s a great place to people-watch.

Zytglogge Clock Tower

Begin your afternoon with lunch on the sun terrace at the Restaurant Rosengarten. The food is good and reasonably priced, while the views are wonderful!

Then take a walk through the Rosengarten (Rose Garden Park) itself. Tranquil and scenic, it is high on a hill and provides lovely views across the old town and the Alps.

Its very first roses were planted early in the 20th century and it now has over 200 different varieties, plus hundreds of rhododendrons, azaleas, and irises. You can also see a pretty pond, pavilion, fountains, and sculptures.

Now it’s time to see the iconic Bear Pit, located right beside the park. Bears are an emblem of the city and the four bears kept here are a ‘must visit’  when seeing Bern in 2 days.

Free to enter, the huge site has two enclosures connected by a tunnel. One is the basic, original pit and the other is the larger, newer pit, which gives the bears a much more comfortable environment in which to live.

If the bears are in hibernation when you visit, you can see them via a webcam instead.

Bern Barengraben

Complete your afternoon at Paul Klee Zentrum, located on Bern’s eastern outskirts. Here you can see a huge collection of works by the German-Swiss painter Paul Klee, considered to be one of the most influential artists of the early 20th century.

The building itself is as captivating as the artwork it houses. Designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, it is light, airy, and looks like a rolling landscape.

For a fantastic view of Bern at night, spend the evening at the rooftop bar at the Schweizerhof Hotel. In warm weather, you can enjoy summer drinks and snacks, whilst fondue and hot drinks are served in the winter months.

During the second of your two days in Bern you’ll be visiting its fascinating museums before indulging in a little retail therapy at some of the best shops in the world!

You will spend your morning at the Bern Historical Museum, the second largest museum in the country and one of its most important.

The Neo-Renaissance architecture of the building is quite beautiful, while inside you’ll find historic exhibits from the Stone Age right up to the present day. There is so much to see that you could easily spend an entire day here!

Part of this museum is the Einstein Museum. Here you can learn all about one of Bern’s most famous residents – the physicist Albert Einstein.

He lived here for 7 years at the start of the 20th century and published many of his important papers. He also lectured at the city’s university.

The focus of the exhibition is on Einstein’s development of the Theory of Relativity while living in Bern. You can see a range of letters, photos, footage, and items connected to his life and his work.

An animated film explains the Theory of Relativity in layman’s terms, and there are some notable items, including a letter from Einstein to President Roosevelt warning him of Germany’s nuclear capabilities.

You can also see Einstein’s Nobel Prize certificate from 1921.

Bern Historical Einstein Museum

After lunch, visit Einstein house, which is particularly interesting to see after the Einstein Museum.

This is the third-floor flat where he lived from 1903 to 1905 with his wife and son. Here he wrote the Annus Mirabilis papers that changed the way the scientific community viewed the universe.

Located over two floors, the attraction gives a greater understanding of Einstein’s scientific work but also an insight into his personal life, with one floor decorated to look just as it would have when he and his family lived there.

Now it’s time to head to the 3.7 mi (6 km) of covered arcades in Bern’s old town for some serious shopping! These arcades protect you from the weather while you browse the goods in the exclusive boutiques housed within.

If you want some luxury items to take home, shop at Spitalgasse and Marktgasse. While on Marktgasse check out Läderach which sells some of the finest Swiss chocolate you’ll ever experience.


The perfect end to your 2 days in Bern is with an evening cruise on one of its lakes. These are offered by BLS – the country’s largest transportation service – at certain times of the year.

Are 2 Days In Bern Enough?

As this itinerary shows, you can easily see the best of Bern in 2 days. It is a compact city that you can comfortably explore on foot, with excellent public transport links should you need them.

Do remember that this itinerary is for two full days in the city. Consider adding an extra night if you arrive late in the day or have an early departure time.

How Many Days In Bern

We recommend a minimum of two days in Bern, but if you’d rather have a relaxing pace, we recommend you go there for three days and two nights.

To figure out how many days you’ll need in Bern, we always suggest you make a list of all the things you wish to do in Bern.

Then, once you have a clearer idea of what to do, look at your arrival and departure time to see if it’s realistic.

Finally, adjust the number of days so that you can make the most of your time there.

There you have it – the perfect amount of time to spend in Bern.

Where To Stay In Bern

Here are some of our favorite accommodation options in Bern to suit every budget.

Best Budget Accommodation

Enjoying a perfect location in the Old Town just 300 feet (100 yards) from the famous Zytglogge Tower, the spotlessly clean Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocke has a fully equipped kitchen, laundry facilities, and free wifi in all public areas and rooms.

You can choose between a single bed in a dormitory, a room with a shared bathroom, or an en-suite room. Tea is available free of charge, and there is a large common room, where films in English are shown nightly.

Check Availability

Best Mid-Range Accommodation

The Akomo Bern is located just 1,350 feet (450 yards) from the Parliament building.

With a variety of rooms on offer – including family rooms – it has free wifi throughout. Each room has a desk, a flat-screen TV, a private bathroom, bed linen, towels, and a kettle, while some also feature a kitchen with a microwave, a fridge, and a stovetop.

Best Luxury Accommodation

If you want to feel pampered during your two days in Bern, book a stay at the Hotel Schweizerhof Bern & Spa . This 5-star hotel has a convenient location and beautiful rooms equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.

All rooms have minibars, large bathrooms with rain showers, Nespresso coffee machines, and excellent entertainment facilities, including an IP phone. There is also a wellness center and on-site restaurant.

Bern Swiss Parliament Building

Final Thoughts On Bern Travel Guide

A weekend in Bern is just the right amount of time to discover its historical and cultural gems, admire its architecture, and gain insight into local life.

We hope this guide has helped you plan your visit and that you have an enjoyable, memorable stay.

As you can see, there are so many things to do in Bern and we really hope you’ll get to make the most of it.

Traveling to Switzerland soon? Read one of the following guides:

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  • Is Interlaken worth visiting
  • How to get to Zermatt

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Not many cities have managed to retain their historic features quite as successfully as Bern, the capital of Switzerland. The old town of Bern is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and thanks to its 6 kilometres of arcades - the locals refer to them as 'Lauben' - boasts on of the longest weather-sheltered shopping promenades in Europe.

Old City of Bern

Bärenpark (bern bear park), kunstmuseum bern, six kilometres of arcades, paul klee center, bern cathedral, advertisement, bernisches historisches museum, zytglogge (clock tower), rose garden, bern grand-prix, zibelemärit in bern (be), bern at a glance.

The medieval air of this city with its many fountains, sandstone facades, narrow streets and historic towers is unique. The elevated Rose Garden  above the Bear Park  and the platform of the 101-metre-high cathedral  tower offer the best views of the old town  round which the River Aare  flows. The former entrenchments and bastions drop down steeply to the river. The boutiques, bars and cabaret stages of the old town, some of which are located in vaulted cellars, and the small street cafes attract locals as well as a lot of tourists. Although Bern has a very good public transport network it is best to explore the city centre on foot. The Zentrum Paul Klee  situated on the outskirts of the city houses the most comprehensive collection of works by the artist Paul Klee. The Albert Einstein House  bears testimony to the physics genius' stay in Bern at the start of the 20th century and may ideally be combined with a visit to the Einstein Museum. With the History Museum , Art Museum , Swiss Alpine Museum  and Communication Museum  Bern offers a very varied range of exhibitions. Bern is the seat of Switzerland's government. The Houses of Parliament  (Bundeshaus) rise above the city just a stone's throw away from the railway station. The doors to the Houses of Parliament are open to visitors most of the time, and if you're lucky you might even bump into a member of parliament in the streets of the city. In summer the River Aare provides an opportunity for the ultimate bathing experience ; very good, experienced swimmers allow themselves to drift along in the clean Aare while enjoying a view of the Houses of Parliament. The Botanical Gardens are also located along the river, as is the Dählhölzli  Zoo and the old Matte district. Bern and bears, the cities heraldic beast, are inseparable. A visit to the Bear Park, habitat of a family of bears, is a must-do. In the squares of the city centre colourful weekly markets present their wares. The Onion Market  (Zibelemärit) which takes place on the fourth Monday in November is particularly worth visiting: visitors to the traditional market dedicated to onions start pouring into the city in the early hours. Set in the heart of Switzerland, Bern is the gateway to the Alps. The capital city may easily be reached by car or by air via the Bern-Belp Airport and bus links to the city centre. Visitors who prefer to travel by train may take advantage of the dense rail network with its direct connections to the major European cities. Bern’s central location makes it the perfect base for overnight accommodation and for excursions throughout Switzerland.

travel 365 berna


  • until 4 Aug Sarah Morris. All Systems Fail Bern
  • until 11 Aug Tracey Rose. Shooting Down Babylon Bern
  • until 13 Oct FOKUS: Architektur mit Klee Bern
  • until 7 Dec Kosmos Klee. Die Sammlung Bern

The news listed here is maintained by the regional / local tourist offices, which is why Switzerland Tourism can not guarantee the content.

Major traditional sporting events in the Emmental, a colourful crowd of people peacefully breaking down barriers in the streets of Bern, and 21 st -century jousting in Bern’s waters – August has a lot in store for us. We are looking forward to new experiences and old favourites.  12 Bernese Highlights in August 


Experiences & activities, kunsteisbahn bundesplatz bern, dählhölzli animal park, heiliggeistkirche (holy spirit church), curlingbahn allmend cba, heiliggeistkirche (holy ghost church), stufenbau eventlocation, minster terrace, prison tower bern, excursion: alttäufergemeinde emmental, mennoniten (langnau mennonite church), craft beer from a microbrewery, jugendherberge bern.

Bern, Bern Region

Hotel Bellevue Palace 5 Stars


Hotel Schweizerhof Bern & Spa 5 Stars

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valid: 25.07.2024 - 30.09.2024

Sorell Hotel Ador, Bern Discover Bern Region

Price per double room valid: 25.07.2024 - 31.10.2024

Hotel Bären am Bundesplatz, Bern Grand Tour of Switzerland - Bern

Bern bern – museum card, bern guided tour of the solar power plant and a wind turbine in mont-soleil, hotel grauholz, ittigen all-day package.

valid: 25.07.2024 - 12.02.2025

Hotel Grauholz, Ittigen Half-day package

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Hotel Restaurant Goldener Schlüssel

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Bern Ticket

From your very first overnight stay at a tourist accommodation in the city of Bern, you will receive a Bern Ticket for your entire stay, which lets you travel for free on public transport in zones 100/101 operated by the Libero Association.

The picture shows a lively scene in the evening in front of the railway station with a canopy under which people and trams are moving. The dramatic evening light and the lively atmosphere create a sense of urban dynamism and transition.

Download the app

The Bern Ticket is ideal for travelling from A to B or for exploring and getting to know the federal city. With this ticket, you enjoy free travel in Bern and the surrounding area. All streetcar and bus journeys in zones 100/101 operated by the Libero Association are included.

The picture shows a man operating a smartphone. In the background, a historic street with Swiss flags and the famous Zytglogge tower in Bern can be recognised in a blur. The atmosphere is relaxed and focussed.

Activate your Bern Ticket in the Bern Welcome app

An aerial view of the city of Bern shows the dense development, the Aare meandering through the city, surrounded by green spaces and the Alpine panorama in the background.

Overview of the fare zones 100 and 101 in Bern

The photo shows Gurten Park, nestled in lush greenery, with an elegant building at its centre. The mood is idyllic and tranquil, with a picturesque mountain backdrop that conveys an atmosphere of natural beauty and peace.

The Bern Ticket also includes the famous Gurten and Marzili funiculars and the elevator to the platform of the Bern Minster.

On the day of your arrival, you won’t have to worry about a transfer ticket. If you haven’t already activated the ticket in advance via the Bern Welcome app, the hotel’s reservation confirmation is sufficient to travel from the train station or BERN Airport to your accommodation.

In the picture, we see two men in casual clothes looking at a smartphone together and smiling. In the background is a busy street in Bern with traditional architecture and a Swiss flag, creating a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

Information for accommodation providers

Bern Welcome app and ticket

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The giant canton of Bern takes in a swathe of diverse countryside from Alpine peaks to rolling farmland. The north of the canton is focused around Bern itself, Switzerland’s low-key and attractive federal capital. Plan your trip to Bern with our guide to Bern, based on The Rough Guide to Switzerland , your travel guide for Switzerland.

What to expect when visiting Bern — your Bern travel guide

Top attractions and things to do in bern, which areas should you visit in bern, best places to stay in bern, eating and drinking in bern - best restaurants, cafés and bars, nightlife and entertainment in zurich, how to get around bern, excursions and day trips from bern.


Discover colourful culture in our Bern travel guide, Switzerland © Shutterstock

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At the fulcrum of Swiss history, Bern has often dominated the fortunes of the country’s populated west-central heartland, or Mittelland. This arc of territory stretching from Lake Geneva to Zürich has always held Switzerland’s most fertile country, densest population and greatest wealth.

Every Swiss values his or her home canton above all the others, but the Bernese draw on a particularly deep wellspring of nationalistic pride.

They’re famous for their slow, deliberate manner, reflected in the lethargic, sing-song Bernese dialect of Swiss German that you’ll doubtless overhear.

Of all Swiss cities, Bern (Berne in French) is perhaps the most immediately charming. Crammed onto a steep-sided peninsula in a crook of the fast-flowing River Aare, its quiet, cobbled lanes are lined with sandstone arcaded buildings straddling the pavement.

Aerial view over the city of Bern - the capital city of Switzerland © 4kclips/Shutterstock

Aerial view over the city of Bern — the capital city of Switzerland © 4kclips/Shutterstock

The hills all around, and the steep banks of the river, are still wooded. Views over the Old Town’s clustered roofs, with the Alps on the horizon, are breathtaking. Coming from Zürich or Geneva , it’s hard to remember that tiny Bern – once voted Europe’s most floral city – is the nation’s capital.

Despite its political pre-eminence, Bern has a population under 140,000 and retains a small town’s easy approach to life. Traffic is kept out of the Old Town and you could spend days just wandering the streets and alleyways, café-hopping and – if it’s warm – joining the locals for a plunge into the river.

The medieval street plan, with its arcades, towers and street fountains, persuaded UNESCO to name Bern a World Heritage Site.

In a competition for the world’s most beautiful and relaxing capital city, it’s hard to think what could knock Bern into second place. Indeed, Bern is one of the reasons you voted Switzerland one of the most beautiful countries in the world .

Bern also happens to feature in our run-down of top things to do in Switzerland this summer .

1. Old Town

Wandering Bern’s UNESCO-protected Old Town can be a magical experience: few cities in Europe are so visibly wedded to their distant past, with architecture and a street plan essentially unchange since medieval times.

Take a tour of Bern in the company of an expert Bern travel guide to uncover history, followed by a pampering session in the Hamman and Spa .

Travelling with kids? Book a family-friendly walking tour to create a higlight of your Bern vacation.

2. The Münster

Bern’s late Gothic Münster is unmistakeable, its feathery spire – the highest in Switzerland – towering over the Old Town and its sonorous bells dominating the quiet city.

It’s a reverential place, both for its lofty, gloomy interior and the spectacular Alpine vistas from its tower, the tallest in Switzerland.

Rough Guides tip: To increase your chances of a great holiday, read how many days you need to spend in Switzerland .

Berner Muenster © scimmer/Shutterstock

Bern's magnificent Münster © scimmery/Shutterstock

3. Zentrum Paul Klee

Housed in an eye-catching Renzo Piano building, the superb museum Zentrum Paul Klee holds the world’s largest collection of the famous Swiss artist. With a steel roof that undulates in three graceful waves, or “hills”, the northern “hill” is dedicated to Klee the teacher and musician.

Below this is a children’s museum, and a subterranean concert hall, while the southern “hill” focuses on Klee the researcher and mathematician.

4. The Emmental

Just outside the eastern city limits of Bern rises the Bantiger mountain (947m); behind it stretches the Emmental, the valley (tal) of the River Emme. It’s a quintessentially Swiss landscape of peaceful, vibrantly green hills dotted with happily munching brown cows, sleepy rustic hamlets and isolated timber-built dairies.

As you probably guessed, this is the home region of Switzerland’s best-known cheese.

5. Kemmeriboden

Situated at an altitude of 976m, this end-of-the-road hamlet is sliced through by the rushing, tumbling Emme mountain torrent.

This is the place to get the single best meringue in Switzerland, and also the trailhead for many wilderness hikes, principally the tough path through the mountains to the 2350m Brienzer Rothorn (7hr).

Emmental village in the canton of Bern, Switzerland © Markus Thoenen/Shutterstock

An Emmental village in the canton of Bern, Switzerland © Markus Thoenen/Shutterstock

The Old Town stretches to the east of the train station, occupying the central high ground of a thin, finger-like peninsula.

Three long, parallel cobbled streets (which all change their names along their length) define the Old Town area: Aarbergergasse–Zeughausgasse–Rathausgasse–Postgasse is the northernmost; Spitalgasse–Marktgasse–Kramgasse–Gerechtigkeitsgasse is in the centre; Schauplatzgasse–Amthausgasse–Münstergasse–Junkerngasse is to the south.

The most hectic shopping goes on in the western half of the Old Town, on Marktgasse and Spitalgasse in particular; the older, eastern half is slower-paced. However, not for nothing does the tourist office tout the famous arcades, lining both sides of every street in the Old Town, as being “the longest covered shopping promenade in the world”.

Murten Berntor © Swiss Tourism

The Murten Berntor in Bern © Swiss Tourism

The Zytglogge clock-tower is in the centre of the Old Town, and is as much the symbol of Bern as the bear. The focal point of public transport and walking routes within the Old Town – and both the benchmark of official Bern time and the point from which all distances in the canton are measured.

Its squat shape, oversized spired roof and giant, gilded clock face will imprint themselves on your memory of the city.

The BärenPark (Bear Park) is to the east, where three shaggy brown bears are housed in a steep hillside area with a riverside pool at the bottom. The park was created in 2009, but bears were kept at this site from the early sixteenth century in the small Bärengraben (Bear Pits).

Bern's main museums are clustered around Helvetiaplatz to the south.

Bern’s accommodation is good value: it’s easy to choose an inexpensive hotel and still find yourself in a tasteful, tranquil room overlooking historic cobbled streets, with only voices and church bells as background.

Standards, even within historic buildings, are high – the only drawback is the need to book ahead.

Best hotels in Bern

  • Best for couples: Bären am Bundesplatz . This has a handy central location, just a few minutes’ walk from the train station. The communal areas and many of the rooms offer modern decor and extra comfort.
  • Best for luxury-lovers: Innere Enge . 5min by bus from town on the edge of open parkland, this fine old building, which hosted Empress Josephine in 1810, features superb Art Nouveau styling. Many rooms offer expansive views of the Alps.

Best guesthouses and hostels in Bern

  • Best for history buffs: Hotel Landhaus . The most attractive budget rooms in town, in a historic, renovated building (with spiralling wooden stairs but no lift) overlooking a curve in the river.
  • Best for character: Hotel Marthahaus . A friendly, well-run and cosy hotel-pension on a quiet cul-de-sac a few minutes out of the Old Town. Most rooms are en suite, and are spotless, fresh and airy.
  • Best for budget travellers: Bern Backpackers/Hotel Glocke . This Old Town fixture benefits from a perfect central location and excellent dorms and facilities, including a well-equipped kitchen and laundry.

Discover more of the best places to stay in Bern .

Bern Kramgasse © Swiss Tourism

Bern Kramgasse © Swiss Tourism

Bern’s compact Old Town groans with eating possibilities; vegetarians and vegans are particularly well catered for.

The busy Bärenplatz is lined with cafés and restaurants, but many of the best places are tucked away in the cobbled lanes, offering alfresco dining during the summer and firelit warmth in winter.

Best restaurants in Bern

  • Klötzlikeller : this fine traditional restaurant occupies an atmospheric seventeenth-century cellar off one of the main Old Town streets. The barrel-vaulted interior is a great place to tuck into hearty Swiss cooking,
  • Postgasse : this tiny old den on the quietest of alleys boasts an intimate atmosphere. The menu is good and not expensive, with a mix of hearty Swiss fare, pasta and moules frites in season.
  • Schwellenmätteli : an attractive riverside restaurant serving light Mediterranean dishes to a cool, fashion-conscious clientele. The terrace is spectacularly raised above the river.

Best cafés in Bern

  • Adrianos Bar & Café : this centrally-located coffee and cocktail bar offers a variety of sandwiches, pastries, cakes and freshly baked croissants.
  • Café des Pyrénées : a jovial and unpretentious meeting-place for equal numbers of twenty- and forty-somethings.
  • Sattler : a cool café-bar behind the station and near the university. The laidback atmosphere makes it a great place to linger over coffee or enjoy a beer on the terrace.

Best bars in Bern

  • Drei Eidgenossen : a small, noisy bar under the arcades in the Old Town with simple wooden chairs and tables and a small terrace spilling out onto the road.
  • Turnhalle : this former school gymnasium has been converted into one of the city’s hippest hangouts for concerts, DJ nights and cultural events. The leafy courtyard is great for summer drinking.

Snacks at Cafe Des Pyrenees, Bern © jtap.io/Shutterstock

Snacks at Cafe des Pyrenées — one of the best cafés in Bern © jtap.io/Shutterstock

Bern’s nightlife is surprisingly vibrant. For nightlife listings try Agenda, the Thurs supplement of the Berner Zeitung newspaper, available free from many cinemas.

Best entertainment venues in Bern

  • Marians Jazzroom : a celebrated basement jazz venue in the genteel, out-of-town hotel Innere Enge. It hosts Bern’s ten-week-long International Jazz Festival (March–May).
  • Reitschule : also known as Reithalle, this is the heart of Bern’s underground scene. Facilities include a cinema and the city's biggest concert venue.
  • Casino Bern : the main home of the Bern Symphony Orchestra, this early twentieth-century concert hall hosts a varied programme of modern and traditional classical music, usually staged in its grandiose main hall.
  • Licht Spiel : a superb little cinematheque with a small bar showing classic art-house films in the original language. The real treat is the enormous collection of old projectors cramming the shelves as you enter.

Bern’s centre is small enough that you can easily walk everywhere: the stroll from the station to the BärenPark is only around 20min and takes in the length of the Old Town on the way.

Walking is the only way to get a sense of the atmosphere of the arcades – and it’s the principal delight of Bern travel.

Getting around Bern by bus and tram

Bern’s network of buses and trams is comprehensive. Pretty much all lines run through Bahnhofplatz but Bern’s most useful bus line is the electric bus #12 (every 6min).

Aside from trams along Marktgasse, this is also the only public transport running through the Old Town. From the train station (direction Zentrum Paul Klee), the bus heads to the Zytglogge, then on down picturesque Kramgasse and Gerechtigkeitsgasse, and across the Nydeggbrücke to the BärenPark, terminating in the eastern suburbs at the Zentrum Paul Klee gallery.

Streets with shopping area and Zytglogge astronomical clock tower in the historic old medieval city centre of Bern © MrinaD_37/Shutterstock

Taking a tram in Bern is a scenic experience © MrinaD_37/Shutterstock

Getting around Bern by bike

The station has the usual paid bike-rental facilities (daily 8.30am–7pm) and there is also the Velo Bern bike sharing scheme with over 200 stations across the city.

Getting around Bern by taxi

Bern’s taxis are vying to be the most expensive in Europe — they’re about twice as pricey as London’s. There are public ranks at the train station, Casinoplatz and Waisenhausplatz. One company to try is Bären .

Also read about how to get to Switzerland .

It’s just a short day-trip from Bern to discover the finest Baroque city in the country. Solothurn's compact but atmospheric Old Town is crammed with an odd architectural mix of Swiss-German sturdiness and Italianate excess dating from the town’s heyday in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Explore Switzerland’s best-kept secret, a genial, bilingual university town with a fine tradition of fondues. Its splendid medieval Old Town is set on a forested peninsula in a meander of the River Sarine, with steep, cobbled streets, bedecked with wrought-iron lamp standards and ornate inn signs.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas, new Poya and old Zaehringen bridge by night, Fribourg © Elenarts/Shutterstock

St. Nicholas cathedral in Fribourg — one of the best excursions from Bern © Elenarts/Shutterstock

On a pleasant road 19km northeast of Bern through Krauchthal village, the picturesque old town of Burgdorf is built on a prominence above the Emme. Meander up into the Old Town to explore an atmospheric quarter characterized by steep cobbled streets. At the top is the mighty Schloss Burgdorf.

Lützelflüh, a charming village at the heart of the Emmental, was home to the novelist Gotthelf from 1831 to 1854. His life and works are celebrated in a museum housed in the former rectory where he lived with his family at Rainbergliweg. On the outskirts of the village you’ll pass the Kulturmühle, an old mill from 1821 that has been turned into a cultural centre.

If you're into the idea of exploring further afield, read up on the  best outdoor experiences in Switzerland .

Whatever kind of trip you're looking for, The Rough Guide to Switzerland and our run-down of  things not to miss in Switzerland  will help you plan — think of them as your personal travel guide to Switzerland.

Not a fan of planning? Consider booking a hassle-free tailor-made trip to Switzerland, with customisable itineraries covering everything from  unforgettable highlights of Switzerland , to touring the  Grand Circle .

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updated 13.07.2022


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Bern Travel Guide

Last Updated: August 17, 2023

The charming buildings of Bern, Switzerland along the river with hillside houses in the background

Bern is my favorite city in Switzerland . Set in the middle of the country (and of Europe), the Swiss capital is small, covered in cobblestones streets and medieval buildings, and set along a beautiful river close to the mountains. You can wander the city for days feeling like you’re back in the 1600s (but with more sanitary conditions).

Bern’s Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and features beautiful sandstone buildings that were part of a rebuilding effort after the city was ravaged by fire. The Old Town offers an impressive Parliament Building, several towers — the Clock Tower (Zytglogge), the Prison Tower (Käfigturm), and the Christoffel Tower (Christoffelturm) — as well as covered shopping arcades.

Because it is so small, you only really need a few days to visit Bern but, while you are here, be sure to try some of the delicious international food, tasty chocolate (Toblerone was started here), delicious local cheese (Emmental is made just outside the city), and craft breweries popping up throughout the city.

This travel guide to Bern can help you plan your trip, save money, and make the most of your time in this charming capital!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Bern

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Bern

Expansive street with a historic clocktower at the end, lit up at night in Bern, Switzerland

1. Stroll through Bern Cathedral

This 15th-century Swiss Reformed cathedral is the tallest cathedral in Switzerland. Admire the intricate details of the archways, marvel at the flying buttresses that decorate the ceiling, and the tall stained-glass windows. Climbing the tower costs 5 CHF. Audio guides are also 5 CHF.

2. Hike the Gurten

The Gurten is a mountain south of the city and is popular with locals who come to play sports, barbecue, hike, and relax in the sun. It features a park and great views of the city on one side and the Bernese Alps on the other. The funicular to the top for 6 CHF.

3. Visit the Bern Historical Museum

This castle-like museum is Switzerland’s second-largest cultural history museum. There are 10 permanent exhibits, delving into the topics like history, archeology, and ethnography. Admission is 13 CHF.

4. Tour the Swiss House of Parliament

Completed in 1902, the Swiss House of Parliament lies in the main square. The impressive Domed Hall is in the shape of the Swiss cross and has intricately carved columns, doorways, domed ceiling, stained-glass windows, and red accent walls. Free tours are offered when parliament is not in session.

5. Wander the Old Town

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the old town dates back to the end of the 12th-century. Visit the beautiful Zytglogge Clock Tower, Käfigturm Prison Tower, Christoffelturm (Christoffel) Tower, and the Renaissance fountains. Walk the cobblestone streets, shop, and explore the Lauben arcades.

Other Things to See and Do in Bern

1. take a free walking tour of bern.

One of the first things I do in a new city is to take a free walking tour. It’s the best way to see the lay of the land and connect with an expert local guide. Freewalk offers a free walking tour of Bern’s old city. It lasts around two hours and covers all the main sights. While the tour is free, remember to tip your guide at the end!

2. Visit Einstein’s home

In 1903, Einstein moved into an apartment in Bern with his wife, Mileva. Located on the second and third floors, Einsteinhaus has been converted into a visitors center. On the second floor, the apartment has been restored to look as it would have when Einstein lived there. The third floor has been converted into a small museum, filled with photos and information panels on Einstein, his scientific work, and his life. Admission is 5 CHF.

3. Tour the Kunstmuseum

Bern’s Museum of Fine Arts is one of the oldest art museums in Switzerland. It contains over 800 years of artwork, including paintings by masters like Picasso, Klee, Oppenheim, and more. There are more than 3,000 paintings and sculptures here. Basic entry costs 10 CHF while entry that includes the temporary exhibitions is 24 CHF.

4. See the Zytglogge

This medieval landmark is in the heart of the old city and was built at the turn of the 13th-cetury. In its prime, the Zytglogge has served as a guard tower for the city’s western fortifications, a women’s prison (supposedly for women who committed sexual sins with the clergy), and clock tower. The tower’s façade has changed several times over the centuries. It was decorated in a Burgundian Romantic style in the 15th-century while in the 18th-century, the tower was refurbished and adapted to the Baroque style. It changed again in the early 20th-century to the Rococo style. The clock tells time as well as the month, day, zodiac sign, and phase of the moon. A 60-minute guided tour highlights the tower’s history and costs 20 CHF (note they don’t run every day and the schedule depends on the season).

5. Enjoy a Turkish bath

Housed in an old gas-fired boiler and billiards factory, the Hammam & Spa Oktogon may not look fancy but it’s one of the best in the city. The rooms are octagonal and everyone is given linen clothing to wear (instead of walking around nude). A day admission costs 45 CHF and includes the traditional linen cloth, peeling glove, hammam wrap, and tea in the bistro.

7. Stop to smell the roses at the Rosegarten

A public park since 1913, this space served as a cemetery for lower Old Town from 1765 to 1877. Today, it is a lovely rose garden, with over 240 varieties of roses to admire. The cherry blossoms in spring are spectacular and the views of Old Town, Bern Münster (Cathedral), and the Aare river loop, are also stunning.

8. Swim in the river

In the summer, swimming in the River Aare is a popular activity. You can also do SUP, rafting, tubing, and river surfing too. The most popular section of the river is between Marzili pool and Camping Eichholz. Schönausteg pedestrian bridge is a popular spot for jumping into the river. SUP rentals cost around 80 CHF and a tube for 8-10 people is around 210 CHF.

9. Go to the city’s tiniest bar

ZAR café bar is known for being the tiniest bar in Bern. In summer, tables and chairs are set up outside its red and white striped awning and the sidewalk is as packed as the bar inside. Stop for some Swiss beer and try their meat and cheese plate.

10. Go shopping for souvenirs at a flea market

Flea markets can be a fun way to shop for souvenirs or to just people-watch and take in the local flavor of life. Tramdepot Areal, a flea market housed in an old tram depot, is open the last Saturday each month between March-October. Dampfzentrale is in the Marzili district and opens the last Sunday of each month between May-September. The market in Matte district, Mühlenplatz, is home to a small flea market on the 3rd Saturday of each month from May-October. It’s colorful and kitschy and filled with local artisans. Reitschule, however, is one of the largest markets in Switzerland, and not to be missed! It is open on the 1st Sunday of the month.

  For more information on other cities in Switzerland, check out these guides:

  • Basel Travel Guide
  • Geneva Travel Guide
  • Interlaken Travel Guide
  • Zurich Travel Guide

Bern Travel Costs

People walking down a cobblestone-lined street in the historic center of Bern, Switzerland

Hostel prices – There are only a few hostel options in the city — and they aren’t cheap. Dorm rooms with 6-8 beds cost around 40 CHF per night while private rooms start at 115 CHF per night. Free Wi-Fi is standard and most hostels have either free breakfast or self-catering facilities.

Alternatively, if you’re traveling with a tent you can camp for as little as 15 CHF per night at one of the campgrounds on the outskirts of Bern. Eichholz is one of the better options and is located just off the Aare river.

Budget hotel prices – Budget hotels start around 90 CHF per night, although most rooms average around 120 CHF. Expect basic amenities like free Wi-Fi, TV, and occasional free breakfast.

On Airbnb, you can find private rooms for 50-80 CHF per night. You can rent entire homes/apartments starting around 70 CHF per night (though double that price is more common).

Average cost of food – With strong French, German, and Italian influences, Swiss cuisine is a mix of meat and potato-based dishes along with plenty of local cheeses. Popular dishes include veal and mushrooms, fondue (with bread or potatoes), rösti (fried grated potatoes), and quiche. Naturally, Swiss cheese and chocolate should not be missed either. When it comes to breakfast, muesli is a go-to healthy choice.

Bars and cafés are the cheapest food option and cost about 9-15 CHF for a lunch special. Expect to pay around 25 CHF for a meal in an inexpensive restaurant and 50 CHF for a 3-course meal in a mid-range place.

For affordable meals, try Pittaria, Rice Up (Bern train station), Äss-Bar, and Restaurant Grosse Schanze. For traditional Swiss food, try Lötschberg, Harmonie, and Della Casa.

Fast food (think McDonald’s) costs around 15 CHF for a combo meal. A large pizza is 15-21 CHF.

Beer is around 7 CHF while a latte/cappuccino is around 5.5 CHF.

If you cook your meals, expect to pay 100-110 CHF per week for groceries. This gets you basic staples like pasta, vegetables, chicken, and other basic foodstuffs. The major supermarkets are Migros, COOP, and Spar. COOP is the most expensive.

Backpacking Bern Suggested Budgets

If you’re backpacking Bern, my suggested budget is 95 CHF per day. This covers staying in a hostel dorm, cooking all of your meals, limiting your drinking, taking public transportation to get around, and doing mostly free activities like swimming, hiking, and free tours.

A mid-range budget of about 200 CHF per day covers staying in a private Airbnb, eating out for a few meals, enjoying a couple of drinks, taking the occasional taxi to get around, and doing more paid activities and tours like riding the funicular and visiting some museums.

On a “luxury” budget of 400 CHF per day or more, you can stay in a hotel, eat out for all your meals, drink more, rent a car or take more taxis, and do whatever tours and activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily. Keep in mind these are daily averages — some days you spend more, some days you spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in CHF.

Bern Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Like the rest of the country, Bern isn’t a cheap place to visit. It’s hard to stay on a budget, especially if you eat out or drink a lot. There are a few ways to save money here though:

  • Use free local transportation with the Bern Ticket – When you check into your accommodation in Bern (hotel, youth hostel, or a campsite), you receive a Bern Ticket . This allows you to use public transportation with LIBERO Association in zones 100/101, for free. It also includes the Gurten and Marzilibahn funiculars, the elevator to Minter terrace, and travel to and from Bern Airport. The ticket is valid during the length of your stay.
  • Don’t drink – Alcohol is not cheap here. If you’re on a budget, skip the booze. If you do want to drink though, find happy hours and stick to cheap hostel bars.
  • Eat the lunch specials – If you are going to eat out, do so during lunch. This is where most lunch specials at cafes and restaurants only cost around 10-19 CHF per person. Moreover, stick to the Chinese, Middle Eastern, Indian, or Thai restaurants for the best deals and biggest portions.
  • Bring a water bottle – The tap water here is safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.
  • Take a free walking tour – To get a feel for the city and learn some of its history, be sure to take a free walking tour. Exploring a city on foot is the best way to understand it, and if you love architecture and history then this is a must! Just remember to tip your guide at the end.
  • Stay with a local – Couchsurfing is a service that lets travelers stay with locals for free. It was a lifesaver that allowed me to keep my costs down the most. Since a lot of travelers use this service, make your requests for hosts early.

Where to Stay in Bern

There are only a couple of hostels in Bern, so consider booking early if you’re visiting during the busy summer months. Here are my suggested places to stay:

  • Bern Backpackers Hotel & Hostel Glocke
  • Youth Hostel Bern
  • Hostel 77 Bern

How to Get Around Bern

Colorful houses surrounded by trees, set into a hill in Bern, Switzerland

When you check into your accommodations in Bern, you are entitled to a travel card that provides free public transportation in the city. The city is also pretty small and easy to walk around so you don’t need to use public transportation a lot.

Public transportation – A single journey ticket on the metro/bus is 4.60 CHF and lasts for 90 minutes. This ticket is valid for both the bus and the train during that time period.

Taxi – A taxi in Bern costs a minimum of 6.90 CHF and fares are 3.95 CHF per km. They are too expensive. Skip them.

Ridesharing – Uber is available here, and, while slightly cheaper than taxis, you really shouldn’t need to use it since the public transportation is reliable and the city isn’t that big.

Bike rental – Between April-October, you can use bikes from Publibike for 2.90 CHF for 30 minutes. It’s 0.10 CHF per minute thereafter up to a maximum of 20 CHF (e-bikes are more expensive).

When to Go to Bern

The best time to visit Bern is between April-September when the weather is warm enough for exploring on foot, patios are open, open-air markets are in full swing, and the Aare river is fit for swimming. During this time, temperatures average 23°C (72°F). This is the busiest time to visit Bern, so expect prices to be a little higher.

In May, the Bern Grand Prix is Switzerland’s largest marathon. In July, the Gurtenfestival is a huge music festival with performers from around the world. August 1st is Swiss National Day, and the perfect time for watching folklore performances, alphorn blowing, yodeling, fireworks, and more! The Bern Buckers’ Street Music Festival takes place in August as well.

In winter, temperatures in Bern hover just below freezing. While the festival and events calendar slows down, there is still plenty to do. In November and December, the Christmas market is open and filled with Swiss treats, handicrafts, and mulled wines. Zibelemärit, Bern’s annual onion festival, takes place on towards the end of November, a tradition since the 1850s. In February/March, the Bern Carnival begins its origins dating back to the peasant revolts in the 16th-century.

How to Stay Safe in Bern

Bern is quite safe. It is considered to be safer than other major Swiss cities like Zurich, and Geneva. There’s very little risk of anything happening here. People are generally friendly and helpful, and you’re unlikely to get into trouble. That said, always keep your valuables secure and out of reach just to be safe.

Solo female travelers should feel safe here, though the standard precautions apply (don’t leave your drink unattended at the bar, don’t walk home alone at night if intoxicated, etc.)

While scams here are rare, if you’re worried about getting ripped off you can read about common travel scams to avoid here.

If you plan on hiking or spending some time skiing in the mountains, pay careful attention to weather reports. Heed avalanche warnings, and stay off the trails if you’re told to do so.

If you experience an emergency, dial 117 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID. Forward your itinerary along to loved ones so they’ll know where you are.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past.

Bern Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Booking.com – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
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3-Day Bern Itinerary

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  • 2-Day Bern Itinerary
  • 4-Day Bern Itinerary
  • 5-Day Bern Itinerary

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Table of contents

Day 1: most popular attractions, day 2: northwest side of town, day 3: off the beaten path.

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Restaurant Rosengarten

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The Cathedral of Bern

Unesco - bern old town, einsteinhaus bern, where to eat, wein & sein, lo stuzzichino da mohan, altes tramdepot brauerei restaurant, bernaqua | erlebnisbad | fitness | wellness, kleine schanze, freibad marzili, gelateria di berna, rösterei kaffee und bar, jack's brasserie, museum of communication, naturhistorisches museum bern, restaurants terrasse, top searches in bern, popular road trips from bern, what's the weather like in bern.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Bern for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Bern in January
  • Weather in Bern in February
  • Weather in Bern in March
  • Weather in Bern in April
  • Weather in Bern in May
  • Weather in Bern in June
  • Weather in Bern in July
  • Weather in Bern in August
  • Weather in Bern in September
  • Weather in Bern in October
  • Weather in Bern in November
  • Weather in Bern in December

All road trips from Bern

  • Bern to Paris drive
  • Bern to London drive
  • Bern to Rome drive
  • Bern to Barcelona drive
  • Bern to Milan drive
  • Bern to Amsterdam drive
  • Bern to Florence drive
  • Bern to Prague drive
  • Bern to Venice drive
  • Bern to Berlin drive
  • Bern to Turin drive
  • Bern to Munich drive
  • Bern to Vienna drive
  • Bern to Madrid drive
  • Bern to Budapest drive
  • Bern to Brussels drive
  • Bern to Lyon drive
  • Bern to Zurich drive
  • Bern to Strasbourg drive
  • Bern to Edinburgh drive
  • Bern to Dublin drive
  • Bern to Geneva drive
  • Bern to Lisbon drive
  • Bern to Lucerne drive
  • Bern to Genoa drive
  • Bern to Naples drive
  • Bern to Nice drive
  • Bern to Copenhagen drive
  • Bern to Istanbul drive

Explore nearby places

  • Bremgarten bei Bern
  • Ostermundigen
  • Muri bei Bern
  • Kirchlindach
  • Urtenen-Schoenbuehl
  • Rueggisberg
  • Grosshochstetten
  • Schwarzenburg
  • Hasle bei Burgdorf

All related maps of Bern

  • Map of Bern
  • Map of Wabern
  • Map of Liebefeld
  • Map of Bremgarten bei Bern
  • Map of Ostermundigen
  • Map of Koeniz
  • Map of Muri bei Bern
  • Map of Kehrsatz
  • Map of Gumligen
  • Map of Kirchlindach
  • Map of Wohlen
  • Map of Belp
  • Map of Urtenen-Schoenbuehl
  • Map of Toffen
  • Map of Krauchthal
  • Map of Munsingen
  • Map of Walkringen
  • Map of Muhleberg
  • Map of Rueggisberg
  • Map of Detligen
  • Map of Laupen
  • Map of Grosshochstetten
  • Map of Riggisberg
  • Map of Schwarzenburg
  • Map of Aarberg
  • Map of Lyss
  • Map of Bosingen
  • Map of Kallnach
  • Map of Hasle bei Burgdorf
  • Map of Burgdorf
  • Map of Kappelen

Bern throughout the year

  • Bern in January
  • Bern in February
  • Bern in March
  • Bern in April
  • Bern in May
  • Bern in June
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Best places to visit in Switzerland

Best places to visit in Switzerland

Switzerland is a country that is known for its stunning landscapes, picturesque villages, and vibrant cities. From the majestic Swiss Alps to the serene Lake Geneva, Switzerland has a lot to offer for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and history buffs alike. In this article, we'll take a look at the best places to visit in … Continue reading Best places to visit in Switzerland

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Switzerland debuts a stunning multi-day hike just in time for summer: your guide to ViaBerna

May 24, 2022 • 2 min read

Rear view of three hikers hiking beneath rock overhang, Fil de Cassons, Segnesboden, Graubunden, Switzerland

The ViaBerna hiking route has 20 stages to facilitate hikers of all abilities Manuel Sulzer / Getty

Strap up your hiking boots and head out on Switzerland's  newest hiking trail: ViaBerna.

The new 300km hiking trail combines cities, lakes and mountains, showcasing the country's scenery to hikers of all abilities. ViaBerna has 20 stages that range in length from 10.5km to 24.3km, and are rated easy, moderate or difficult.

Charting the new ViaBerna route

The first five stages of the new route extend through the forested slopes of the Jura Mountains . The trail then passes the Swiss capital of Bern . It travels along Lake Thun and onto a spectacular trail leading through the Alps to the Susten Pass. The new trek also includes stopovers in Biel , Bern, Thun and Spiez.

ViaBerna's trailhead starts in  Bellelay  where hikers will get to see windmills and gorges as they pass through the Jura.

The best guide to your route will be through the  official ViaBerna website  which categorizes each stage in terms of length and difficulty, with directions, transport and accommodation details for each stage.

Views you have to see to believe: 9 must-do hikes in Switzerland

The abundant wildflowers you'll find throughout the Swiss Alps

4 highlights along the ViaBerna

1. The 15.5km hike from Bern to Münsingen in the Aare Valley takes travelers through river landscapes. Bern is worth a visit, thanks to it Unesco World Heritage Site old town, rich history and friendly inhabitants.  Berner Altstadt , Bern’s flag-bedecked medieval center, is also a great place to visit, thanks to its 6km of covered arcades, cellar shops and bars descending from the streets.

2. The summit of Mont-Sujet in the Jura offers hikers a colorful backdrop of wooded pasture, green forests and vibrant flowers. The reward for the climb is a fantastic view of the Alps.

3. The hike through the mystical Taubenloch Gorge is one of the region’s most popular experiences for the whole family. Discover the gorge and follow the Suze river, which flows as far as Biel/Bienne.

4. The alpine lakeside town of Thun has the impressive Schloss Castle , with distinctive towers that date back to the 12th century. It is crowned by a riot of turrets and affords tremendous views of the lake and Alps. The town church has an octagonal tower and baroque hall from the 14th century. The Schadau Park botanical gardens are a great place to unwind and give an impressive view of the lake and Alps.

For a full overview of the ViaBerna hiking route and its various stages, visit the official ViaBerna website .

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Lovely Travel Plans

Qué ver en Berna, la capital suiza

Escrito por Beatriz Sánchez

Cuando la gente piensa en Suiza, automáticamente relaciona el país con Zurich, Ginebra y Basilea, las grandes urbes suizas. Muchos no saben que la capital de Suiza es Berna , la quinta ciudad más poblada de Suiza por detrás de Zurich, Ginebra, Basilea y Lausanne, y una de las ciudades más bonitas. Viví allí durante un año… qué puedo decir 🙂 En este artículo te contaremos qué ver en Berna, la capital de Suiza .

Berna, la capital de Suiza

Cuándo viajar a suiza.

Cualquier momento del año es bueno aunque en invierno las temperaturas pueden ser muy bajas. La ventaja es que si visitas Berna en diciembre podrás disfrutar de su mercado de Navidad y su pista de patinaje.

También es curioso visitar Berna el cuarto lunes de noviembre, cuando se celebra la fiesta de la cebolla . El casco antiguo se llena de puestos al estilo de nuestros mercados medievales, donde se vende artesanía y productos típicos suizos, muchos de ellos, con la cebolla como ingrediente principal.

Pero sin duda la mejor época para viajar a Suiza es el verano  cuando las calles se llenan de terrazas, uno se puede bañar en el río y la ciudad tiene más vida de lo habitual.

Como llegar a Berna

Aunque Berna tiene un pequeño aeropuerto, lo más fácil desde España es volar a Ginebra o Basilea con aerolíneas low cost. Zurich por supuesto es otra muy buena opción, pero los vuelos suelen desde España suelen ser más caros.

Berna tiene trenes directos desde Zúrich, Ginebra y Basilea. Ahora sí, preparad la billetera, porque los billetes de tren son muy caros. Podéis consultar los horarios y precios aquí .

capital suiza

Hotel en Berna

  • Hotel Savoy
  • Boutique Hotel Belle Epoque
  • The Bristol
  • Best Western Plus Hotel
  • Hotel Bären am Bundesplatz
  • Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocker
  • Hostel 77 Bern
  • Hotel Landhaus
  • Boutique Hotel BS16

capital suiza

Qué ver en la capital suiza en un día

  • La torre del reloj del s. XII
  • El Parlamento Suizo
  • La plaza principal es Bärenplaz , donde se encuentra el Parlamento y donde se instala el mercado de navidad y la pista de patinaje durante el mes de diciembre

capital suiza

  • Recorrer la calle Kramgasse , un imprescindible si visitas Berna
  • La casa de Albert Einstein

capital suiza

  • La catedral de Berna
  • El parque de los osos, animal que simboliza a la ciudad
  • Las fuentes antiguas al más puro estilo suizo

capital suiza

  • Las trampillas que tienen todos los locales y que comunican de forma subterránea con el interior de ellos en las épocas de grandes nevadas
  • Recorrer el barrio de Marzilli , lleno de locales bohemios
  • Bañarte en la piscina Marzilli y si te atreves dejarte llevar por la corriente del río Aare (hay cuerdas a lo largo del rio para parar) ¡Ojo, porque el agua está muy frío y la corriente va rápido!   
  • Ayuntamiento de Berna

capital suiza

Excursiones desde Berna

  • Visita Lucerna y sube al monte Pilatus
  • Zurich – no te pierdas este Tour de Zúrich al completo
  • Internlaken
  • Viajar desde Laussanne hasta Montreux en barco por el Lago Lemann
  • Tres excursiones de montaña que no puedes perderte

Dónde comer en Berna comida suiza tradicional

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Grüezi mitenand!!

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3 comentarios.

hola me gustaria saber donde alojarse en berna muchas gracias

Hola Mari! Buena pregunta!:) Suiza es un país caro y eso se nota en el transporte y en los alojamientos. Berna es una ciudad muy manejable, por lo que cualquier alojamiento situado más o menos por el centro, estará bien. El tipo de alojamiento ya dependerá más de vuestro presupuesto. Si buscáis algo bueno pero asequible, mi recomendación es que echéis un vistazo a los apartamentos de airbnb. Seguro que encontráis algo a buen precio. En mi web tenéis un link para descontaros 25 euros de la reserva! Si preferís hoteles, en el centro hay unos cuantos. Un saludo! Beatriz

Yo he estado en Berna ,y lo que dices en este post es verdad. Es una ciudad que a mi personalmete me encanto.Animo a todos los seguidores de Lovely Plans, a qué hagáis una escapada a esta Ciudad.

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Intrepid Names New N.A. Managing Director

October 21, 2020

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Intrepid has named Matt Berna as Managing Director of North America to oversee the tour operator’s Toronto headquarters and employees based throughout Canada and the U.S.

The company notes that with the COVID-19 pandemic impacting international travel, it plans to expand the North American team’s remit beyond sales and marketing, focusing on increasing its operational capabilities to build more product in-house for its customers throughout the continent.

Berna began his career in travel as a tour leader over 25 years ago, fully appreciating what it takes to deliver an exceptional travel experience. Over this time, he has worked with some of the world’s leading tour operators to develop and grow their travel portfolios, from student groups and hiking trips to more cultural and luxurious itineraries.

He has held several roles within the Intrepid Group family of brands since 2008, most recently as General Manager of Global Sales for PEAK DMC – the destination management arm of Intrepid Group – during which time he worked with Intrepid and other tour operators to create, innovate and deliver travel itineraries around the world.

In his new role, Berna will be overseeing Intrepid’s direct and industry sales strategies in North America, as well as continuing to grow the region’s B2B white-label sales.

Additionally, he will have oversight of the development and operations of Intrepid’s North American-based trips, which will include domestic travel options as well as traditional Intrepid tours for international visitors.

Intrepid’s chief sales officer, Brett Mitchell said: “As we solidify our strategic plan for the next several years, taking into account the impacts COVID has had on both the travel industry and our business, it’s important that we have the right structure in place. The operational expertise Matt possesses, along with his tenure within the tourism sector and our business, allows him to lead our North American team with clear direction and bring even more sustainable and responsible trip offerings to our American and Canadian customers.”

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  1. Cosa vedere a Berna: le migliori attrazioni e consigli ...

    13 - Monte Gurten. Foto di MOs810. Ma Berna, oltre a meravigliose attrazioni nel centro storico, si trova in un contesto paesaggistico unico e meraviglioso, che merita di essere esplorato! A partire dal Monte Gurten, il monte a sud della città, chiamato anche la Montagna di Casa dagli abitanti di Berna.

  2. 2 Days in Bern: The Perfect Bern Itinerary

    Day 2 in Bern. With your second day, you have a few different options. Rather than being a long list of attractions, the following are different types of activities to fill part or all of your day, allowing some flexibility in what you choose to do. 1. Museum Quarter.

  3. 17 Top Sights & Best Things to Do in Bern, Switzerland (+Map & Tips)

    Pfeiferbrunnen fountain on Spitalgasse in Bern. 3. Cathedral of Bern. Also known as Berner Münster or the Cathedral of St. Vincent, the Cathedral of Bern is located right in the heart of the Old Town. Built from the 15th century onwards, Bern's Cathedral is the tallest in Switzerland.

  4. 19 Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Bern

    Plan your visit with our list of top tourist attractions and things to do in Bern. See also: Where to Stay in Bern. On This Page: 1. Stroll through the Old Town. 2. See World-Class Art at the Kunstmuseum. 3. Visit the Einstein Museum and the Historical Museum of Bern.

  5. Perfect 2 Days In Bern Itinerary

    This allows you to travel on public transport for free in Bern and nearby areas, with all streetcar and bus journeys in zones 100/101 operated by the LIBERO Association included. Contents hide. Day 1. Morning. Afternoon. Evening. Day 2. Morning.

  6. Bern

    Bern is the seat of Switzerland's government. The Houses of Parliament (Bundeshaus) rise above the city just a stone's throw away from the railway station. The doors to the Houses of Parliament are open to visitors most of the time, and if you're lucky you might even bump into a member of parliament in the streets of the city.

  7. Bern travel

    Bern. Switzerland, Europe. Wandering through the picture-postcard, Unesco World Heritage-listed Old Town, with its provincial, laid-back air, it's hard to believe that Bern (Berne in French) is the capital of Switzerland. Attractions.

  8. Bern Ticket

    Download the app. The Bern Ticket is ideal for travelling from A to B or for exploring and getting to know the federal city. With this ticket, you enjoy free travel in Bern and the surrounding area. All streetcar and bus journeys in zones 100/101 operated by the Libero Association are included.

  9. Bern Travel Guide

    The north of the canton is focused around Bern itself, Switzerland's low-key and attractive federal capital. Plan your trip to Bern with our guide to Bern, based on The Rough Guide to Switzerland, your travel guide for Switzerland. What to expect when visiting Bern — your Bern travel guide. Top attractions and things to do in Bern.

  10. Bern Budget Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

    Stroll through Bern Cathedral. This 15th-century Swiss Reformed cathedral is the tallest cathedral in Switzerland. Admire the intricate details of the archways, marvel at the flying buttresses that decorate the ceiling, and the tall stained-glass windows. Climbing the tower costs 5 CHF. Audio guides are also 5 CHF. 2.

  11. Berne

    Bern (German: Bern), the capital of Switzerland, is a small to medium sized city with a population of about 130,000 in the city proper and roughly 350,000 in the agglomeration area.It sits on a peninsula formed by the meandering turns of the river Aare. The remarkable design coherence of the Berne's old town has earned it a place on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

  12. One Day in Bern Itinerary: A Delightful Medieval Day Trip

    Located in the central west of Switzerland, Bern can easily be reached by train within a few hours from major cities using SBB Rail. I recommend downloading the SBB train app to your smartphone, as the timetables are available offline and make planning your trips a breeze. Geneva to Bern Hauptbahnhof - 1 hour 45mins, St Gallen direction.

  13. 3-Day Bern Itinerary

    The Einsteinhaus (Einstein House) is a museum and a former residence of Albert Einstein. It is located on Kramgasse No. 49 in Bern, Switzerland. A flat on the second floor of the house was occupied by Einstein, his wife Mileva Marić, and their son Hans Einstein from 1903 to 1905.

  14. bern

    Hey, it's Gian and Jack here, founders of TravelFun365! We're driven to craft stories and gear specifically for those adventurous souls, beach lovers, and travel enthusiasts just like you!

  15. Your guide to ViaBerna: Switzerland's newest hike

    Strap up your hiking boots and head out on Switzerland's newest hiking trail: ViaBerna. The new 300km hiking trail combines cities, lakes and mountains, showcasing the country's scenery to hikers of all abilities. ViaBerna has 20 stages that range in length from 10.5km to 24.3km, and are rated easy, moderate or difficult.

  16. Travel365

    Travel365 is the number 1 resource in Italy for always having travel guides, itineraries and advice on over 2,000 destinations around the world at hand. 🤑 special offers to book flights, hotels, tours and experiences. Furthermore, the new app will also offer you the possibility of saving your favorite destinations so you can browse them even ...

  17. Qué ver en Berna, la capital suiza

    Cuando la gente piensa en Suiza, automáticamente relaciona el país con Zurich, Ginebra y Basilea, las grandes urbes suizas. Muchos no saben que la capital de Suiza es Berna, la quinta ciudad más poblada de Suiza por detrás de Zurich, Ginebra, Basilea y Lausanne, y una de las ciudades más bonitas.Viví allí durante un año… qué puedo decir 🙂 En este artículo te contaremos qué ver ...

  18. Travel 365

    Travel 365. 234 likes. Welcome to "Travel 365". You don't have to be rich to travel well, So join with us. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other...

  19. ‎Travel365

    ‎Travel365 è la risorsa numero 1 in Italia per avere sempre a portata di mano guide di viaggio, itinerari e consigli su oltre 2.000 destinazioni in tutto il mondo. Con la nuova app, avrai a disposizione tutte le informazioni e i consigli per organizzare il tuo viaggio in modo semplice e veloce e cono…

  20. Vienna to Bern

    What companies run services between Vienna, Austria and Bern, Switzerland? Turancar operates a bus from Vienna, Central Station Südtiroler Platz to Bern 4 times a week. Tickets cost $55-65 and the journey takes 8h 45m. Alternatively, you can take a train from Wien Hbf to Bern via Zürich Hbf in around 9h 14m. Airlines.

  21. Travel Magazine Subscriptions

    Adventure Travel 365 is a hub for luxury travel experiences, the best trip activities, and indulgent vacations. We inspire travel with our carefully curated destinations, experiences, and deals offered exclusively to our group of discerning travelers who want, expect and are willing to spend for the best.

  22. Intrepid Names New N.A. Managing Director

    Intrepid has named Matt Berna as Managing Director of North America to oversee the tour operator's Toronto headquarters and employees based throughout Canada and the U.S. The company notes that with the COVID-19 pandemic impacting international travel, it plans to expand the North American team's remit beyond sales and marketing, focusing on increasing its operational capabilities…more ›