Star Trek Gowron GIF

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Memory Alpha

Gowron , son of M'Rel , was Chancellor of the Klingon High Council in the late 24th century . He ruled during the Klingon Civil War , Klingon-Cardassian War , and Dominion War . He was killed by Worf in 2375 .

  • 1.1 Early career
  • 1.2 Klingon Civil War
  • 1.3 Later career
  • 1.4 The Dominion War
  • 2 Memorable quotes
  • 3.1 Appearances
  • 3.2 Background information
  • 3.3 Apocrypha
  • 3.4 External links

History [ ]

Early career [ ].

Before 2367 , Gowron was a political outsider, who often challenged the decisions of the Klingon High Council . After the death of Chancellor K'mpec , Gowron and Duras, son of Ja'rod , became the two leading candidates for leadership of the council. It was suspected that Gowron had in fact poisoned K'mpec to advance his career, though many believe that K'mpec was indeed poisoned by Duras.

Gowron traveled on the IKS Buruk to undergo the Rite of Succession in the Gamma Arigulon system , where K'mpec had gone to rendezvous with Captain Jean-Luc Picard , who would serve as Arbiter of Succession . Gowron, like a typical Klingon, was skeptical of an outsider's ability to function as Arbiter, and was frustrated with his choice of undergoing the ja'chuq , but still went along with little argument. Once Duras was killed by Worf through the Right of Vengeance , Gowron's election as chancellor was complete. ( TNG : " Reunion ")

Klingon Civil War [ ]

Following Gowron's election, Duras' sisters, Lursa and B'Etor , challenged Gowron's office. They appealed to the High Council to install Toral , the illegitimate son of Duras, as chancellor. The resulting division of loyalty in the council quickly sparked the Klingon Civil War in late 2367. ( TNG : " Redemption ") After a few weeks, Gowron's forces emerged victorious. With the help of the Federation , ties that the Duras family had with the Romulan Star Empire were exposed. In addition, Gowron reinstated the House of Mogh in recognition of the actions of Worf and his brother Kurn coming to his aid in the conflict. ( TNG : " Redemption II ")

Later career [ ]

In the aftermath of the war, Gowron found it was best to avoid calling attention to the Federation's support during the war. He ordered that all official accounts of the events omit the Federation's involvement in the conflict and emphasize his own courage and strategic genius. ( TNG : " Unification I ")

When a clone of Kahless the Unforgettable was created in 2369, Gowron dismissed his right to rule the Klingon Empire , though he soon became worried that the clone 's existence would plunge the empire into another civil war. In order to keep the peace, he agreed to support Kahless as the spiritual leader of his people, agreeing to support his succession as "Emperor" (the title having been defunct for generations), while Gowron would remain leader of the Council. ( TNG : " Rightful Heir ")

In 2371 , a Klingon named Kozak was killed in an accident at Quark's on Deep Space 9 . D'Ghor , posing as Kozak's brother, made a claim before Gowron and the Council to the House of Kozak , but Gowron temporarily transferred leadership of the House of Kozak to Quark , who had secretly married Kozak's widow, Grilka . Together, they proved to Gowron that D'Ghor had dishonored himself by trying to financially ruin Kozak for years instead of openly fighting him. D'Ghor challenged Quark to personal combat, but Quark refused to fight. D'Ghor was about to kill the unarmed Ferengi when Gowron intervened and discommended D'Ghor for his dishonorable attempt to kill an unarmed opponent who was not even attempting to fight back. Furthermore, Gowron proclaimed that the House of Kozak would become the House of Grilka and commended the Ferengi for his uncommon bravery. ( DS9 : " The House of Quark ", " Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places ")

Later that year, Commander Sisko hypothesized that Gowron had sent the Klingon Intelligence agents Atul , Bo'rak and Morka to Deep Space 9 to spy on a Romulan delegation. ( DS9 : " Visionary ")

Gowron threat

" This we do not forgive… or forget. "

As the cold war between the Dominion and the Alpha Quadrant escalated during the 2370s, Gowron took prominent Klingon General Martok as his military adviser. Martok had secretly been replaced by a Changeling , and used his position to influence Gowron's military decisions. ( DS9 : " Apocalypse Rising ") When a civilian revolution took place on Cardassia Prime in 2372 , Martok spread misinformation that the Cardassian uprising had been supported by the Dominion. This view gained some credence as it fit the Founders' modus operandi, since they regularly made use of infiltrators to weaken their enemies. Martok led Gowron to believe that the civilian-led Detapa Council had been replaced by Changelings. Seeking to protect the Empire, Gowron ordered the invasion of the Cardassian Union . The move was condemned by the Federation Council , and Gowron withdrew from the Khitomer Accords , ending the decades-long alliance with the Federation, beginning the Federation-Klingon War . When Captain Sisko took the Detapa Council under his protection, Gowron led an unsuccessful assault on Deep Space Nine, ultimately withdrawing after conceding that it was not in the Empire's interest to fight a war with the Cardassian Union and the Federation at the same time. ( DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ", " Rules of Engagement ") Kurn revealed to Worf that Gowron's reasoning for breaking the treaty was " because [he] underestimates the Federation. He thinks they're soft, weak, but he is wrong. " ( DS9 : " Sons of Mogh ")

The Klingons conquered a number of Cardassian colonies but failed to take Cardassia Prime . Gowron declared victory anyway, in order to avoid assassination attempts. He fortified his positions in Cardassian space and continued expanding the borders of the Empire. He also ordered several attacks on Romulan targets on the Klingon-Romulan border . ( DS9 : " Hippocratic Oath ")

In late 2372, Gowron demanded that the Federation withdraw from the Archanis sector , in particular Archanis IV . During this time, the Dominion planted false information in Starfleet through Odo that Gowron, not Martok, was a Changeling spy. ( DS9 : " Broken Link ") Starfleet sent a team to Klingon military headquarters on Ty'Gokor to expose Gowron. Eventually, they discovered that Martok was, in fact, the Changeling agent, and Gowron's men swiftly killed the impostor. ( DS9 : " Apocalypse Rising ")

After the Cardassians joined the Dominion in 2373 , the Klingon forces were driven from Cardassian space. Facing the combined forces of the Dominion and Cardassia, Gowron reinstated the Khitomer Accords and posted a permanent contingent of Klingon officers on the Cardassian border at station Deep Space 9, commanded, ironically, by the real Martok. ( DS9 : " By Inferno's Light ")

The Dominion War [ ]

In 2374 , Gowron was reluctant to involve the Empire in Operation Return . However, he was later persuaded to assist Sisko's forces by Martok and Worf. The late arrival of the Klingon fleet proved critical in the battle, throwing the Dominion lines into disarray, and allowed the Defiant to break through. ( DS9 : " Favor the Bold ", " Sacrifice of Angels ")

Several months later, the Dominion and the Orion Syndicate used Gowron's feud with the Klingon ambassador to Farius Prime in an attempt to bring down the Treaty of Alliance . Gelnon and Raimus hoped that, by having Liam Bilby , Krole and Flith assassinate the ambassador with Klingon weapons, it would look like Gowron had ordered the pro-Dominion ambassador's execution. ( DS9 : " Honor Among Thieves ")

Gowron played a role, albeit unknowingly, in bringing the Romulan Star Empire into the war against the Dominion. In late 2374, Captain Sisko contacted Gowron and asked him to issue a formal pardon to Grathon Tolar , who was needed by Sisko and Elim Garak to forge a holo-recording . ( DS9 : " In the Pale Moonlight ")

Gowron and Worf battle

Gowron fights Worf to the death in 2375

Early in 2375, both Worf and Martok planned to speak to Gowron to see if he could find Kor a fitting assignment on Qo'noS . ( DS9 : " Once More Unto the Breach ")

Martok's actions during the war had made him a prominent figure throughout the Empire, such that he was regarded by the Klingon people as their savior. Feeling threatened by Martok's growing political influence, Gowron took direct control of the Klingon Defense Force in 2375. He began trying to undermine Martok's military standing, repeatedly sending him against impossible odds so that he would be forced to retreat. ( DS9 : " When It Rains... ") Martok refused to challenge Gowron even after such dishonorable actions, believing it would be tantamount to turning against the Empire.

Instead, Gowron was challenged by a member of Martok's house, Worf. Worf, who had been subtly directed by Captain Sisko to have Gowron removed as Chancellor, defeated Gowron in one-on-one combat, killing him, and passed the leadership of the High Council to Martok. Despite his disapproval of Gowron's actions, Worf still performed the Klingon death ritual for him, acknowledging the former Chancellor as a Klingon warrior. ( DS9 : " Tacking Into the Wind ")

Before leaving Deep Space 9 to take up his post as Martok's Federation ambassador, Worf recalled having fought Gowron for the leadership of the Empire. ( DS9 : " What You Leave Behind ")

Following his death, he was considered among the famous Klingons whose likenesses were used as the narrator / referee for the Ferengi video board game Bat'leths & BiHnuchs . ( LD : " The Least Dangerous Game ")

Memorable quotes [ ]

" You will die slowly, Duras. "

" K'mpec was also stubborn. He, too, refused to listen. Now… he is gone. You need not make the same mistake. "

" The grasp of Duras reaches up from the grave! "

" Are you blind to what they represent? Then go… your blood will paint the way to the future. "

" What are you, Worf? Do you tremble and quake with fear at the approach of combat, hoping to talk your way out of a fight like a Human? Or do you hear the cry of the warrior, calling you to battle, calling you to glory like a Klingon? "

" You have made many enemies, Worf. Fortunately, I am not one of them! "

" What kind of fools do you have working for you, Picard? "

" What was his name? If you were really there, you should be able to tell us the name of the man who stood outside the walls. Describe him to us. How tall was he? What was he wearing?!? What color… were his eyes ?! "

" Kahless has been dead for a thousand years; but the idea of Kahless is still alive. Have you ever fought an idea, Picard? It has no weapon to destroy, no body to kill. The idea of Kahless' return must be stopped here and now – or it will travel through the Empire like a wave, and leave nothing but destruction behind. "

" You should have killed me when you had the chance. I promise you will not get another. "

" It's time for me to take a more active role in this war. As of today, I'm assuming direct command of our forces. "

" I decide what can and cannot be done. "

" I should've known better than to trust you again. If you were a true Klingon, I would kill you where you stand! Fortunately for you, that child's uniform shields you from your rightful fate. "

" The Klingon Empire will remember what has happened here. You have sided against us in battle. And this we do not forgive… or forget! "

" You will not have this… day… "

" Think of it. Five years ago, no one had ever heard of Bajor or Deep Space 9. Now all our hopes rest here. Where the tides of fortune take us, no man can know. "

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " Reunion " (Season 4)
  • " Redemption "
  • " Redemption II " (Season 5)
  • " Rightful Heir " (Season 6)
  • " The House of Quark " (Season 3)
  • " The Way of the Warrior " (Season 4)
  • " Broken Link "
  • " Apocalypse Rising " (Season 5)
  • " By Inferno's Light "
  • " When It Rains... " (Season 7)
  • " Tacking Into the Wind "
  • " What You Leave Behind " (archive footage)

Background information [ ]

Gowron was played by actor Robert O'Reilly . He believed he was cast in the role by "Reunion" director Jonathan Frakes partly because of " that crazy loon eyeball thing, but he saw also a sense of humor, and he has one of the great senses of humor of all time. I think that created a curiosity in him and he wanted to see more of me. "

O'Reilly had been cast as Gowron after performing as Edmund in a production of King Lear , and this influenced his approach to the character. " I thought it absolutely fit. Remember, the way Gowron came in is not the way he went out. He went out as this bad, terrible Klingon, which I disagreed with strongly, but that's fine. But the earlier part of Gowron's arc, he was the outsider, the only one with honor, and he was sort of a crazed warrior who did not want to be anywhere near 'hew-mons.' So it started off very, very differently. If you take the point of view of Edmund, he's the outsider. He's the 'bastard', just out there and not part of the group, and then he decides to defeat everybody and become head of the group. " [1] (X)

Apocrypha [ ]

The Enhanced First Contact expansion of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game shows a card where, in an alternate universe , Gowron, not Picard (known as Locutus of Borg in his assimilated form), was assimilated by the Borg . His name was simply "Gowron of Borg".

Gowron also appeared (in character) in a 1994 Hallmark Keepsake ornament commercial filmed to promote a Klingon Bird-of-Prey ornament. Gowron also features heavily in the video games Star Trek: Klingon and Star Trek: The Next Generation - Klingon Honor Guard , with O'Reilly reprising his role in both games.

His mirror universe counterpart ( β ) is mentioned as being a colonel in the service of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance in the novella The Mirror-Scaled Serpent . A firm opponent of inter-species breeding, he sent a Terran slave to assassinate B'Elanna , the half-Klingon, half-Terran Supervisor of Ardana . The slave was unsuccessful and was killed, himself, by B'Elanna's personal aide Kate Janeway . He later appeared in the short story "For Want of a Nail", contained in the anthology Shards and Shadows , in which he was killed by Duras.

In Star Trek Online , Aakar, son of Aakam, a member of the House of Mo'Kai involved in the Federation-Klingon War as seen in Star Trek: Discovery , is revealed to be the grandfather of Gowron in the "House Divided" update released in June 2020, where he is voiced by Robert O'Reilly. [2] Gowron himself, also voiced by O'Reilly, appears in the "House Reborn" update released for the game's 11th anniversary in January 2021. Player characters accompanied by Martok and J'Ula, the matriarch of the House of Mo'Kai , encounter Gowron in "Koth", a sort of limbo for those souls not sent either to Sto-vo-kor or Gre'thor in death; though Gowron died in honorable combat, his spirit was sent to Koth as a result of Aakar's treachery staining his family honor for three generations. When the player character and their allies enter Gre'thor seeking to free the soul of former Chancellor L'Rell , Gowron offers his own in her place, declaring that at least he would be among Klingons, even dishonored ones, rather than alone in the void. J'Ula swears to Fek'lhr , lord of Gre'thor, that she will bring the souls of both Aakar and the self-styled Emperor J'mpok to Gre'thor in exchange for Gowron being allowed to go to Sto-vo-kor. In the "House United" update in May 2021, Aakar is killed by the player character with the aid of L'Rell; J'mpok falls to J'Ula's blades shortly afterward, thus ensuring Gowron will go to Sto-vo-kor.

External links [ ]

  • Gowron, son of M'Rel at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Gowron at Wikipedia
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)

Screen Rant

Why picard’s facepalm became star trek: tng’s most popular meme.


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10 Best Star Trek: Picard Memes That Sum Up Season 3's Ending

Recasting star trek: the next generation for a movie reboot, 34 years later, star trek's most disappointing tng character exit still hurts.

  • Captain Picard's iconic facepalm meme originates from Star Trek episodes, capturing his frustration in a humorous freeze frame moment.
  • The meme has become widely recognized and popular, inspiring merchandise and online jokes.
  • Both Picard and Riker's facepalms are sometimes used for comical effect outside of the series, adding a humorous twist to serious moments.

Star Trek: The Next Generation 's Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) would occasionally bring his hand to his face in an expression of exasperation - and thus the Picard facepalm meme was born. As Captain of the USS Enterprise-D, Picard had the unenviable task of looking out for his crew and facing off against dangerous alien foes and bizarre space anomalies. Captain Picard rarely let his emotions show, remaining calm and collected even in the tensest situations, but sometimes, Jean-Luc got irritated enough to facepalm.

It should come as no surprise that John de Lancie's Q was responsible for Captain Picard's exasperated facepalm in the most common version of the meme. Q was often a thorn in Picard's side in Star Trek: The Next Generation , popping up at the most inopportune times to drag Jean-Luc and the Enterprise into his problems or schemes. Picard resorted to facepalming several times throughout TNG in response to various other characters. Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes), too, occasionally expressed his frustration in the same way. No other single shot from TNG has become as widely recognized as Picard's facepalm and the memes it has spawned.

Star Trek: Picard season 3 gave The Next Generation a rousing ending and sparked a number of funny memes about the finale.

Captain Picard’s Star Trek: TNG Facepalm Meme Explained

Picard had plenty of good reasons to facepalm..

The most famous iteration of Captain Picard's facepalm meme comes from Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 13, "Deja Q." When Q appears on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D claiming to have been stripped of his powers, Picard and his crew members are less than sympathetic. As Q goes on about his misfortune, Picard brings his hand to his face in an obvious expression of exasperation. When Q calls Jean-Luc "the closest thing [he has] to a friend," Picard raises his eyes, staring at Q incredulously. The freeze frame just before Picard raises his head has since been immortalized as the now-famous meme.

Captain Picard does a similar facepalm move a few more times throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation, even using two hands to cover his face in TNG season 3, episode 16, "The Offspring." As Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) goes off on a tangent about various parenting styles, Picard briefly lets his frustration show as he tries to impress upon Data the consequences of creating another android like himself. As Picard covers his face with both hands, Data looks on in confusion, unsure how to interpret this very human expression. Picard facepalmed several times throughout TNG, generally when he was irritated or facing a particularly difficult decision.

Commander Riker facepalms in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 14, "A Matter of Perspective," as he watches the evidence being presented against him. This image has been photoshopped with the Picard image from "Deja Q" to show Picard and Riker side by side, giving a double facepalm.

Why Picard & Riker’s Star Trek: TNG Facepalms Are So Funny

Seeing two serious characters be used for ridiculous memes is always funny..

Captain Picard and Commander Riker's facepalms are only sometimes played for laughs within the context of Star Trek: The Next Generation . Riker's facepalm in "A Matter of Perspective," for example, comes during a tense trial where Riker has been accused of murder. Similarly, Picard raises his hand to his face again in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 4, episode 21, "The Drumhead" during a serious moment just before he delivers a powerful Picard speech . The memes depicting these facepalm freeze frames become funnier out of context when combined with modern-day problems or funny Star Trek tropes.

Captain Picard's facepalm meme has become so iconic that Star Trek fans can purchase all kinds of merchandise with variations of the meme, from stickers and magnets to t-shirts, and even a $100 Picard bust.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term "facepalm" was not coined until 1996, two years after TNG ended. Memes, too, began gaining recognition in the mid-1990s, although they would not become truly widespread until the rise of social media in the 2000s and 2010s. Patrick Stewart and the rest of Star Trek: The Next Generation's cast, of course, had no idea that their actions would be shared around as silly photos on the internet years later, making the widespread popularity of the Picard facepalm meme even more hilarious.

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  • Jean-Luc Picard

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All Memes › Gowron Announcements Star Trek

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    gowron star trek meme

  2. gowron Memes & GIFs

    gowron star trek meme

  3. Image tagged in gowron

    gowron star trek meme

  4. Gowron memes for the win : r/startrekmemes

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    gowron star trek meme

  6. Only a dishonored pataq doesn’t love Gowron : r/startrekmemes

    gowron star trek meme


  1. God of War: Ragnarök

  2. Just As Kahless Intended

  3. Adam Warlock Flying Meme

  4. Picard Can't Catch A Break

  5. Washing Machines Live Longer With Gowron

  6. 2011 Star Trek Convention (Vancouver): Gowron and Martok


  1. I seek glory! : r/startrekmemes

    My favorite Gowron meme is back! Here, have my holesome award. A Klingon needs two glory holes. Everytime I see this I always notice how much better this would be of the top image was moved to the bottom. Gowron's just following the latest 'peek before you poke' advice from the BC government.

  2. gowron Memes & GIFs

    GOWRON. Images tagged "gowron". Make your own images with our Meme Generator or Animated GIF Maker.

  3. Hey Gowron's eyes are up here. : r/startrekmemes

    367 votes, 31 comments. 121K subscribers in the startrekmemes community. Memes of the Star Trek franchise

  4. Where is Gowron? : r/startrekmemes

    Where is Gowron? A TRUE KLINGON. QuvlIjDaq yIH tu'be'lu'jaj. 717 votes, 102 comments. 120K subscribers in the startrekmemes community. Memes of the Star Trek franchise.

  5. Gowron Announcements Star Trek Meme Generator

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  6. Star Trek Gowron Forgive

    The perfect Star Trek Gowron Forgive Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor. ... Star Trek. gowron. forgive. forget. Share URL. Embed. Details File Size: 6158KB Duration: 4.600 sec Dimensions: 498x375 Created: 7/4/2022, 8:46:58 AM. Related GIFs.

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    StarTrekMemes › gowron Memes & GIFs. Memes. The Memal Frontier. These are the images of the Star Trek Memestream. Its ongoing mission is to seek out new fresh memes. Memes of yesterday, today and tomorrow. To boldy meme how no one has memed before. 281 followers. StarTrekMemes.

  8. Gowron

    Gowron, son of M'Rel, was Chancellor of the Klingon High Council in the late 24th century. He ruled during the Klingon Civil War, Klingon-Cardassian War, and Dominion War. He was killed by Worf in 2375. Before 2367, Gowron was a political outsider, who often challenged the decisions of the Klingon High Council. After the death of Chancellor K'mpec, Gowron and Duras, son of Ja'rod, became the ...

  9. Gowron

    Gowron, son of M'Rel, is a fictional character who appeared in the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.Portrayed by Robert O'Reilly, he is the leader of the Klingon Empire, known as the Chancellor.O'Reilly had appeared earlier in The Next Generation as Scarface in the second season episode "Manhunt", and was cast as Gowron ...

  10. Gowron memes. Best Collection of funny Gowron pictures on iFunny

    MAKES GOWRON MEMES AT WORK BOSS CONFRONTS ME SHE SAYS OH I LOVE STAR TREK TELLS ME I BRING HONOR AND GLORY TO MY HOUSE. #makes #gowron #memes #work #boss #confronts #says #oh #love #star #trek #tells #bring #honor #glory #house. SeumasDunfee . 1 feb 2024. 6 0. Duras, we need to talk about your flair. Gowron, fo for instance, has 37 pieces of flair.

  11. Gowron memes for the win : r/startrekmemes

    Gowron memes for the win. GLORY TO YOUR HOUSE! Season 2 TNG is the shortest. Piece of cake. Edit: yes yes, there are other short seasons of star trek, I meant shortest season of TNG.


    STAR TREK MEMES | Gowron, why? - Facebook ... Gowron, why?

  13. 15 GOWRON ideas in 2024

    Mar 15, 2024 - Explore AllendorferMA's board "GOWRON" on Pinterest. See more ideas about star trek funny, klingon, star trek.

  14. gowron gif

    The Best Gowron GIFs of All Time. Gowron is a legendary figure in the Star Trek universe, and his GIFs are just as iconic. From his classic Klingon battle cries, to his maniacal laughter, to his signature facial expressions, there's no denying that Gowron is one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

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    Glory to Gowron

  17. The Eyes of Gowron

    Discover the funniest Star Trek cast memes that will take you on a laughter-filled journey through the galaxy. Explore our collection of hilarious Star Trek memes and even create your own using our easy Meme Generator. Join Pun Memes® for endless entertainment!

  18. Give me your best "Gowron Eyes" : r/startrekmemes

    There's a guy that works at my closest Costco that not only has Gowron's eyes but dude straight up looks like a young Robert O'Reilly. His hair is a little messy. I don't know if its on purpose but every time I see him I want to address him as Chancellor. 3. MysteriousTBird.

  19. Gowron Law

    Feb 14, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Jennifer Payne. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest


    Browse and add captions to GOWRON LUMBERG, OFFICE SPACE, STAR TREK memes. Create. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational Hot New. Sort By: Hot New Top past 7 days Top past 30 days Top past year.

  21. What makes you think gowron is the real father? : r/startrekmemes

    Father, I can see nude mud baths with Adults might be considered inappropriate now! Cursed! Glory to you, and your house! Alexander: "I can see foreverrrrrr...." By Kahless…. I'm not sure whose eyes I'm more worried about, his or mine…. I think Bill Bailey would play an amazing Gowron. Glory to you , and your little museum dinosaur ...

  22. Why Picard's Facepalm Became Star Trek: TNG's Most Popular Meme

    Star Trek: The Next Generation's Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) would occasionally bring his hand to his face in an expression of exasperation - and thus the Picard facepalm meme was born.As Captain of the USS Enterprise-D, Picard had the unenviable task of looking out for his crew and facing off against dangerous alien foes and bizarre space anomalies.

  23. Pin on Nerd: Star Trek

    Gowron, Star Trek, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Meme, DS9, TNG, "Everyone was hurt in the making of this video", Klingon. Humour. Science Fiction. ... 23 Funny Memes For Star Trek Fans - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere. /

  24. Gowron Announcements Star Trek Memes

    Browse and add captions to Gowron Announcements Star Trek memes. Create. Make a Meme Make a GIF Make a Chart Make a Demotivational NSFW. All Memes › Gowron Announcements Star Trek. Caption this Meme. Blank Template. No "Gowron Announcements Star Trek" memes have been featured yet. Make your own ---->