New Orleans  >  Free French Quarter Walking Tour

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FREE New Orleans Walking Tour Map French Quarter - self guided

French Quarter Walking Tour:

Location :  French Quarter New Orleans Cost :  Free, Self-Guided ( Optional costs listed below ) Style :  Do-It-Yourself Walking Tour ( Self Guided ) Starting Point :  Washington Artillery Park & Terrace End Of Tour :  The Carousel Bar Walking Distance :  2.5 miles of walking ( -0.5 if you skip stops 9-13 ) Time Required : 2 Hours of walking ( +a few hours for food and drink ) Fun Scale :  9.5 out of 10

Overview of the French Quarter:

Our free, self-guided French Quarter walking tour will put you in the center of the cultural heartbeat of New Orleans for an unforgettable experience.  Originally called the  Vieux Carré  ( pronounced Vue Ca-Ray ), or Old Square in French, the French Quarter has vibrant roots dating long before New Orleans was officially founded in 1718.  From local Native Americans as early as 400AD to European settlers and slaves centuries later, the French Quarter grew as a blend of many cultures.  By its heyday in the mid-1800s, the French Quarter was a  thriving melting pot  of French, Spanish, African, Native-American, and Creole heritage.

Today the unique mix of culture shines through the French Quarter with bursts of colorful festivals, hints of voodoo, live jazz music, an unbeatable bar district and some of the best food in the country.  New Orleans is often considered the  most unique city in the world  and its all on display in the French Quarter.  We hope you enjoy our do-it-yourself French Quarter walking tour!

French Quarter Walking Tour Sights:

1. washington artillery park & terrace ( 768 decatur street ):.

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Washington Artillery Park cannon

About Washington Artillery Park :  While often overlooked by tourists, we love to start our French Quarter walking tour on the perch of Washington Artillery Park & Terrace.  The park is actually  on top of a levee  that was enhanced in the 1800s to protect New Orleans from the flood waters of the Mississippi River.  With its elevated position over Jackson Square to one side and the mighty Mississippi River on the other, the  stunning views  from the terrace really help you get a lay of the land.  It is no wonder that this position was used by the French, Spanish, Confederates, and Americans to defend New Orleans over the centuries.  A memorial in the middle of the terrace pays homage to its history as a military battery with a  Civil War-era cannon  always on guard.  The cannon is a model 1861 Parrot Rifle used in the Civil War and is dedicated to the local 141st Field Artillery of the Louisiana National Guard.

Looking toward the Mississippi River from the terrace, you’ll see a delightful waterfront walking path known locally as the Moonwalk.  If you hunt you for it, will also find a marker for the New Orleans Steamer which landed here in 1812 as the 1st steamboat to navigate both the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the Gulf of Mexico.

Before leaving the terrace, make sure to take in the perspective of the Saint Louis Cathedral and the  horse-drawn carriages  that line the front of the Jackson Square below you.  A ton of carriage companies are available on standby to take you anywhere you want in the French Quarter and Garden District, but our favorite is  Royal Carriages  ( website ).  As you descend toward the carriages, make note of the stepped amphitheater where you can often watch some great street performers in action.

2. Jackson Square ( 700 Decatur Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Jackson Square Horse Statue Place d’ Armes

About Jackson Square :  For as much fanfare Bourbon Street gets, the real heart of New Orleans has always been Jackson Square.  Soon after the French founded the city in 1718, they began carefully planning New Orleans around this large central square which was originally called  Place d’ Armes  ( meaning Weapons’ Square ).  The square, which opened in 1921, was modeled after the famous Place de Voeges in Paris and the location was selected because of its close proximity to a longstanding Native American trading post.

Today’s French Quarter neighborhood, first known as  Vieux Carré  ( meaning the Old Square ), was quickly built out around the Place d’ Armes in a clean grid system.  From the start, the main square quickly turned into an important gathering point in early New Orleans life.  France’s influence on the city was further highlighted by the construction of the Catholic Saint Louis Church on the North side of the square along with the adoption of the French language.

After a series of crippling wars in Canada and Europe, the French had to transfer all of the Louisiana Territory  under Spanish control  in 1762, which was cemented by the Treaty of Paris.  The name of the central square stayed intact ( Plaza de Armas ) and local French influence on culture remained strong as Spain chose to rule Louisiana at an arm’s length away from Cuba.  France eventually got Louisiana back from Spain, but in less than a year, Napoleon sold the entire territory to the United States in 1803 through the  Louisiana Purchase .

Even though America “owned” the entire Louisiana Territory and started forming new states out of it, they didn’t fully control it until they withstood British attacks in New Orleans as part of the  War of 1812 .  This war came to a climatic end when the United States won the  Battle of New Orleans  in 1815 under the leadership victorious  General Andrew Jackson .

During the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson had consulted with local pirates in New Orleans for the planning of the battle and then paraded over 6,000 troops in celebration around Place d’ Armes after they won.  It was this victory that made Jackson a national war hero and propelled his political career all the way to the United States Presidency ( U.S. President from 1829-37 ).  In 1856 a large statue of Andrew Jackson triumphantly riding on a horse was unveiled in the center of the square which  was renamed Jackson Square  in his honor.  In early day New Orleans, public executions commonly took place in the area of the square where the beautiful statue now sits.

Hours : Gates are open Daily 8am-7pm ( until 6pm in the Winter ).   Cost : Free.

3. Saint Louis Cathedral ( 615 Pere Antoine Alley ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Saint Louis Cathedral

About Saint Louis Cathedral :  Built in 1727 on the site of a hurricane-damaged parish, the Saint Louis Church was dedicated to the sainted King of France, Louis IX from the 1200s.  The church helped to better establish Catholicism in the  Louisiana Territory to contrast the largely Protestant United States.  Tragedy struck when a massive blaze known as the  Great Fire of 1788  badly burned the church and 855 other buildings in the French Quarter.  Luckily the church was quickly rebuilt thanks to funding nobleman Andrés Almonaster who also funded stops 4 & 5 of this walking tour.  The new Spanish-style church was  declared a Cathedral  soon after it opened on Christmas Eve, 1794.  The timing was perfect as the public badly needed the Church for moral support as earlier in the month the Great Fire of 1794 struck the heart of New Orleans and burned 212 buildings.  This led the Spanish to get away from wood and start building with brick and rod iron which can still be seen all over this free French Quarter walking tour.

As support beams were removed during a facade update in 1849 the roof collapsed, the walls developed cracks, and much of the Cathedral had to be demolished.  The following year a redesign began with heavy French architectural influences and the only main element they were able to salvage from the Spanish church was the central tower’s bell.  The final result of the relentless rebuilding is today’s breath-taking Saint Louis Cathedral, now designated as a basilica, which has become the  most iconic landmark  in all of New Orleans.  Make sure to check out the interior with its checkerboard tile floor and stained glass window depicting the life of King Louis IX including the 7th Crusade.  The flags hanging from the interior balconies on the right show the countries New Orleans has been under since 1718, while the left side has various Papel crests.

During  Hurricane Katrina  in 2004, two large oak trees in  St. Anthony’s Garden  on the backside of the Cathedral was ripped up along with portions of the Cathedral’s roof.  The hole in the roof allowed water to damage the pipe organ which required a lot of restoration.  You can still see some of the damage while in the garden behind the church where a marble statue of Jesus lost a finger and a thumb.  Even with the missing fingers, the statue has awesome lighting that at night casts a larger than life shadow onto the backside of the Cathedral.  The easiest way to reach the Garden is by walking down  Pirates’ Alley  which we will visit later on this tour.  The most celebrated moment in the history of the St. Louis Cathedral was the visit of  Pope John Paul II  in September 1987, although Pope Paul VI also stopped by in 1964.

Cathedral Website :  ( HERE ).

4. The Cabildo ( 701 Chartres Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - The Cabildo Museum

About The Cabildo :  The grand Cabildo was built in 1795 as the new New Orleans City Hall after the old building burned in the Great Fire of 1788.  The name come from the  Illustrious Cabildo ( City Council )  who would meet here during the years Span controlled Lousiana.  It was kind of a weird time for the local government as they spoke Spanish while the residents continued to speak French.  Famously, The Cabildo as the location of the  signing of the Louisiana Purchase  when the French sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States in 1803 less than one month after getting it back from Spain.

The building also served as the home of the Louisiana Supreme Court where the nationally significant decisions in both the  Slaughterhouse  and  Plessy vs. Ferguson  cases were handed down in the late 1800s.  We love the details from this period of history on the facade including the huge relief of an American eagle with cannonballs which replaced an image of the Spanish coat of arms in 1821.

Since 1911, The Cabildo has been the flagship building for the Louisiana State Museum.  Exactly two hundred years after it first burned down, The Cabildo was once again severely damaged by fire in 1988. Thankfully the building was beautifully restored using 600-year-old French timber framing methods and in 1994 reopened to the public with exhibits focusing on Louisiana’s early history.  There are excellent topics to explore ranging from local Native American history, to colonial events, the and the Civil War.  Our favorite item on display is  Napoleon’ Death Mask  from 1927 which was given to the city by France because Napoleon died on his way to New Orleans while seeking shelter during his exile.

Cabildo Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4:30pm.   Admission Cost :  Adults $6, Children Free ( Purchase tickets for 2 or more city museums and get 20% off ).   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

5. The Presbytère ( 751 Chartres Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - The Presbytere museum

About The Presbytère :  Flanking the Eastside of the Saint Louis Cathedral as a mirror bookend to The Cabildo is the timeless Presbytére.  This stunning building was completed in 1791 on the former site of the residence ( presbytére ) of the local Capuchin monks which had been damaged in the Fire of 1788 like much of the French Quarter.  The new Presbytére building served as a home for local clergy and was known as the  Casa Curial ( Ecclesiastical House ) .  Construction delays really hampered the completion of the Presbytére as the 2nd floor wasn’t finished until 1813 and the 3rd floor in 1847, more than 50 years after the project started.  The church finally sold the Casa Curial in 1853 and it became part of the Louisiana State Museum in 1911.

Our favorite exhibit at the Presbytére Museum is one highlighting the history of  Mardi Gras  with many stories, masks, party favors, souvenirs, invitations, and more all displayed in huge open storage cabinets.  The most dazzling exhibit is probably the  Crown Jewels Vault  with an astonishing array of tiaras, scepters, necklaces and other baubles worn by generations of royalty.  Artifacts in the main exhibit focus on the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005, provide an unforgettable experience of loss and devastation.

Presbytere Museum Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4:30pm; Closed Mondays.   Admission  Cost :  Adults $6, Children Free ( Purchase tickets for 2 or more city museums and get 20% off ).   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

6. The Pontalbas & 1850 House ( 523 Saint Ann Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - The Pontalbas 1850 House

About The Pontalbas :  Running along each side of Jackson Square are massive one block long, 4 story tall red brick complexes built in the 1840s by  Baroness Micaela Pontalba .  The Baroness spent in upwards of $300,000 on the buildings which were constructed in honor of her father Andrés Almonaster.  Her father was a Spanish colonial landowner who helped finance the current versions of The Cabildo, Saint Louis Cathedral, and The Presbytère we just visited on this free French Quarter walking tour.

Known today as The Pontalbas, the buildings were originally used as townhomes, but were later divided into upper-level apartments with lower level shops after the Great Depression.  To help give you a glimpse into what upper-class life was like in  antebellum era New Orleans ( 1840-50s ), the city set up a living museum called 1850 House.  Furnished with everyday items, decorative art, and clothing from the period, the 1850 House does a great job of depicting upper-middle-class family life during the most prosperous period in New Orleans’ history.  If you are trying to prioritize your time, keep in mind that later on this walking tour there are three other excellent period homes you can also tour including the Hermann-Grima House, Merieult House, and Gallier House.

1850 House Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4:30pm.   Admission Cost :  Adults $3, Children Free ( Purchase tickets for 2 or more city museums and get 20% off ).   1850 House Website : ( HERE ).

7. Cafe Du Monde ( 800 Decatur Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Cafe Du Monde Beignets doughnuts

About Cafe Du Monde :  Any time you go to New Orleans one of the first questions your friends will ask is, “Did you get a beignet at Cafe De Monde?”   Beignets  are square French-style doughnuts, lavishly covered with powdered sugar and they are delicious.

Cafe Du Monde, established in 1862, is also known for its strong coffee served both Black and  Au Lait .  Au Lait coffee means that it is mixed half and half with hot milk.  We highly suggest trying their  Chicory Root Coffee  which is a unique blend of coffee grounds mixed with the bitter chicory root of the endive plant.  The coffee was made very popular after the Civil War because coffee was scarce and the root added flavor to the brewing process.  Normally served Au Lait, the root added an almost chocolate flavor to your coffee.

Keep in mind that Cafe du Monde is so popular that the walk up line to buy beignets can often be a full city block long in the mid to late afternoon, especially on the weekends.  If you want a manageable line or a sit down spot inside the cafe you will want to visit early.

Cafe Hours :  Daily, 24 Hours.   Cafe Website :  ( HERE ).

8. Decatur Street ( 900-1100 Decatur Street ):

About Decatur Street :  As you leave Cafe Du Monde and stroll down Decatur Street you’ll find the best deals in town on your tourist souvenirs.  Although there are fancier shops and art galleries on Royal Street later on this free French Quarter walking tour, Decatur Street has a dense collection of great tourist shopping even though some of it is tacky.  The road was originally called Levee Street, but after the Mississippi River altered course in 1870 the levee located here was no longer needed and the street was renamed in honor of the naval hero Stephen Decatur.

At the start of the tourist shops, you’ll run into the  Central Market Deli  ( 923 Decatur, website ) which is famous for inventing the  Muffaletta , a delicious Italian deli sandwich that makes a get a snack or lunch to go.  We have the Muffaletta sandwich as one of our Top Ten Must Eats In New Orleans .  Another favorite place of ours to grab food in the area is  BB King’s Blues Club  ( 1104 Decatur, website ) which also has excellent live music.  The nearby  Crane & Table Restaurant ( 1113 Decatur, website ) is very well known for their great brunch and bottomless drinks.

Make sure to check out the golden Joan of Arc statue  in the middle of the small Latrobe Park while walking along Decatur Street.  Gold is the official color when she is honored with a parade here every January 6th as an unofficial patron saint of the city.  Joan’s time in France in the 1400s mirrors New Orleans own battles against the British as she had famously liberated the citizens of Orleans, France from British siege.

After Dark:  The stretch of Decatur Street between Dumaine Street to Esplanade Avenue can feel a bit seedy after dark, but is perfectly fine during the day and early evening.

9. French Market ( 1008 N. Peters Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - French Market

About The French Market :  What began as a Native American trading post and portage point on the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, was turned into a full market by French settlers in 1791 making the French Market  America’s oldest public market .  Over its long history, the French, Italians, Spanish, Portuguese, Moors, Irish, English, and Dutch have jockeyed for market share in the French Market making it a cultural melting pot.  The melting pot nature of the covered French Market lets you can find pretty much anything here as the Market serves as a Bazaar, Butcher’s Market, Seafood Market, Flea Market, Vegetable Market, and Farmers’ Market with a peppering of restaurants and shops.

Market Hours :  Flea Market Daily 7am-7pm, Farmer’s Market Daily 9am-7pm.   After Dark :  The stretch between stops 9-13 can get a little shady after dark with you aren’t with an official tour group and you may feel safer sticking to just the stops around Jackson Square, Royal Street, and Bourbon Street if it’s getting late.  Since the French Market is closed at 7pm it shouldn’t really be an issue anyway.   Market Website :  ( HERE ).

10. Old United States Mint & Jazz Museum ( 400 Esplanade Avenue ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Old U.S. Mint Jazz Museum

About The Mint Museum :  The Old United States Mint is the only building in America to have served as a mint for both the  United States and the Confederate States .  The Mint was built in 1835 under President Andrew Jackson, who had advocated for its establishment in order to help finance development of the nation’s Western frontier.  Jackson was always a huge supporter of coins and gold over paper money.

Now serving as a Museum, the 1st floor of the Mint houses an amazing collection of both Confederate and Union money while the 2nd floor is home to the New Orleans Jaxx Museum complete with a ton of instruments.  We have always felt that the Mint was built backward as the cool columned facade side of the building faces away from the French Quarter.  One block away is the lively Frenchmen Street which has amazing jazz clubs with live music in the evenings.

Hours :  Tuesday-Sunday 10am-4:30pm.   Cost :  Adults $6, Children Free ( Purchase tickets for 2 or more city museums and get 20% off ).   Jazz Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

11. Old Ursuline Convent ( 1100 Chartres Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Catholic Old Ursuline Convent Museum Vampire Caskets Haunted

About The Old Ursuline Convent :  With a storied past, the Ursuline Nuns were the  first religious order  to arrive in Louisiana when they landed in 1727.   The nuns’ first convent building was half-timbered which didn’t fare well in the humid climate of New Orleans and was a bit of a fire hazard.  The deteriorating structure was replaced by today’s impressive brick and stucco Colonial-style convent in 1751.  With tales of  vampires and casket girls , this eerie three-story convent is known for its intense stories of hauntings.

With a largely male population in the mid-1700s the King of France started to send poor and orphaned ladies from French convents to New Orleans.  Each girl was sent over with a casket shaped chest said to hold their belongings which were to be held in storage on the 3rd floor of the Ursuline Convent until the girls found an acceptable suitor.  Often looking sickly after 5 months at sea, and donning caskets, rumors that the girls were vampires or brought vampires with them started quickly.  Some of the girls did find husbands, but many fell in prostitution or were never heard from again.  With the local death rate starting to rise, the girls’ casket chests were found to be empty and the shutters of the 3rd story  windows were sealed up  out of fear.  It’s said that the Pope himself blessed the nails to keep in the evil and they remain closed to this day.

The sitting just across the street from the convent, the  Beauregard-Keyes Mansion  was built in 1826 a year after the Ursuline Nuns moved to a new convent starting to sell off their extra property.  During the Civil War the Greek revival mansion was home to Pierre Gustave Toutant-Beauregard, who was the first prominent general of the Confederate States Army.  Was later home to author Frances Parkinson Keyes.

Convent Hours & Tours :  Free self-guided tours available Monday through Friday, 10am-4pm; Saturday 9am-3pm; last admission 45 minutes before close; Closed Sundays.   Convent Website :  ( HERE ).  Keyes Mansion Hours & Tours :  For $10 the home and garden (added in 1833) there are tours each hour from 10am-3pm on Monday-Saturday.  Keyes Mansion Website :  ( HERE ).

12. Madame LaLaurie’s Mansion ( 1140 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Madame LaLaurie Mansion 1140 Royal Street

About Madame LaLaurie’s Mansion :  This creepy 3 story mansion was built in 1831 by the infamous Delphine LaLaurie and is considered to be the  most haunted house in New Orleans .  The twice-widowed Delphine, known as Madame LaLaurie, was fresh on a new marriage to a local doctor when something evil started brewing.  The LaLaurie’s neighbors were the first ones to suspect that something was wrong and that Delphine was potentially a  sinister woman .  They noticed that the LaLaurie family’s house slaves seemed to disappear often and that parlor maids would be replaced at will.  Some servants who disappeared were said to have committed “suicide” and one of their prominent stable boys suddenly vanished, never to be seen again.

he suspicions started coming to light one Summer’s day when a neighbor heard a scream and saw Delphine chasing a young servant girl with a whip.  The girl fled to the roof for safety, but when Delphine continued to come after her, the  girl jumped to her death .  The same neighbor later claimed to see the small slave girl being buried in a shallow grave beneath a tree in the yard.  It is said that even today the girl’s screams can still be heard from time to time.

The  most gruesome discovery  happened on April 10th, 1834 when a fire broke out in the home and neighbors burst in to help.  What they found on the top floor were a dozen starving slaves chained to tables, the walls, and even in cages.  Some of the slaves had their guts hanging out, others their lips stitched shut, and many others missing limbs.  As the neighbors ran after Delphine, calling for her head, she quickly jumped in her carriage to never be seen again.  The creepy history is part of the draw that got actor  Nicolas Cage  to own the home from 2007-09.  The story of Madame LaLaurie goes further attention when she becomes the main character of an entire season of the hit TV show  American Horror Story .

13. Gallier House ( 1132 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Gallier House haunted american horror story interview with a vampire inside 1132 Royal Street

About The Gallier House :  In the mid-1800s, James Gallier was one of New Orleans’ most prominent architects.  His design work found an enthusiastic audience of civic leaders, businessmen, and affluent families.  You will enjoy a stroll through Gallier’s elegant Victorian home, restored to reflect the lifestyle of a successful urban designer in pre-Civil War New Orleans.  Local author Anne Rice was inspired by the Gallier House and used it as the home of Lestat and Louis in her famous novel  Interview with the Vampire .  It’s said that Rice was inspired by the stories of  Count Saint Germain , son of the Prince of Transylvania, and one of New Orleans’ most famous vampires.  The Count was said to be an immortal man possible 500 years old who lived nearby at the intersection of Ursulines and Royal.  In 1902, a girl tried to escape him by jumping off the balcony but he got away.  When authorities arrived they found no dishes in the home but did find 17 bottles of human blood said to have over 100 strands of DNA.

In addition to its vampire fame, the exterior of the Gallier was also used as the facade of the Madame LaLaurie Mansion in the hit TV show  American Horror Story .  The same owners of the Gallier House also own the Hermann-Girma House which we will visit later in this free French Quarter walking tour.  Their other home was also featured in American Horror Story as the interior of the Madame LaLaurie Mansion.  We love touring both of these fabulous homes in the same day.

Hours & Tours :  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday hourly tours run from 10am-3pm; Wednesday tours by appointment only; Saturday hourly tours 12pm-4pm; Closed Sundays.    Admission Cost :  Adults $12, Children $10 ( you can add admission to the other home they manage at Stop 27 for $8 ).   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

14. Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar ( 941 Bourbon Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - pirate Lafittes Blacksmith Shop Bar oldest bar in america 941 Bourbon Street

About Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar :  With fireplace heating and no electric lights, a visit to Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar will make you feel like you are stepping back in time.  Built between 1722 and 1732 as a cottage-like home for Nicolas Touze, the historic tavern is considered the  Oldest Bar  in the American South.  From 1772-1791 the Blacksmith Shop served as a hideaway for  Jean Lafitte  ( pronounced Zhah La-feet ) and his band of pirates who posed as blacksmiths while they smuggled goods in from the Caribbean.  The smuggling operation was widely held under wraps by locals as New Orleans was under Spanish rule at the time and a trade embargo made it hard to get some goods in.

Jean Lafitte later became a national hero when he used his pirate expertise to help General Andrew Jackson defeat the British in the  Battle of New Orleans in 1815 .  With American troops outmatched and undersupplied, Lafitte secretly smuggled supplies to the Americans giving them the edge to win the Battle.  After his good deed was done Lafitte then sailed off to new adventures and the Blacksmith shop became a full-time tavern.  The tavern is our favorite stop on this free New Orleans walking tour.

You may notice that the  architectural style  of the Blacksmith Shop looks quite a bit different than most of the other houses in the neighborhood.  This is because a slate roof and brick helped to protect the Blacksmith Shop from the great fires in 1788 and 1794 which destroyed hundreds of the neighboring wooden homes.  With Spanish rule at the time of the fires, many of the rebuilt homes nearby had more of a Spanish influence compared to the old French cottage.  To this day the Blacksmith Shop still rolls old school with no electric lighting, allowing its fireplace, romantic candlelight, and live music make it a truly magical place to have a drink after dark.  While they have a wide selection of drinks, our favorite it the purple frozen  Voodoo Blend  that comes right out of an old school slushy machine.

Keep an eye out for other buildings in this style as you make your way further down Bourbon Street our free French Quarter Walking Tour.  While many of the other bars on Bourbon Street were also historic homes, most weren’t converted into bars until the late-1800s and have been heavily modernized inside.  The name Bourbon Street predates these bars as it was named after the  royal Bourbon Family  of France and not the alcohol.  It is also said that the bathroom of the Blacksmith Shop is haunted.

Blacksmith Bar Hours :  Open daily until late.   Blacksmith Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

15. New Orleans Voodoo Museum ( 724 Dumaine Street ):

FREE New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Map Mansions - New Orleans Voodoo Museum 724 Dumaine Street

About The New Orleans Voodoo Museum :  Really, no one grows up in New Orleans without being exposed to the culture of Voodoo.  In the case of Charles Massicot Gandolfo, the Voodoo Museum’s founder, it was a little stronger with tales that his great-grandfather had been raised in New Orleans by a real  Voodoo Queen .  An artist, with a passion for all the history and romance of New Orleans, Charles opened this museum in 1972 to share his fascination with the world.  Taking all the mysteries, the secrets, the history and folklore of rituals, zombies, and gris-gris of the Voodoo Queens, Charles put it all in one place in the heart of the New Orleans French Quarter.  This is a worthwhile stop if you want a better introduction to Voodoo than the souvenir shops give.  Cameras, photographs, and questions are always welcome and encouraged.

Hours :  Daily 10am-6pm.   Cost :  $7 for Adults; Children $3.50; Admission is FREE if you do their $19 Voodoo walking tour.   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

16. Cornstalk Hotel ( 915 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - cornstalk hotel fence 915 royal street rip van winkle

About The Cornstalk Hotel :  This elegant yellow hotel is one of our favorite homes in the French Quarter.  Judge Francois Xavier Martin, author and  first Attorney General of State of Louisiana , built the Cornstalk in 1816 and lived here until 1826.  Doctor Joseph Secondo Biamenti purchased the mansion in 1834, turned it into a hotel, and added its famous cast iron  Cornstalk Fence  in 1856.  The fence is truly a landmark that in itself has helped make the old French Quarter famous.  Your gaze will be drawn to the fence’s beautifully ornate and delicate iron handicraft.  Ripe ears of corn on their stalks are seemingly ready for the harvest, each kernel a work of art.  Pumpkins form the base of the iron columns around which are entwined by pumpkin vines and the leaves and morning glories.  Look for the yellow butterfly on the front gate.

Famous guests at the hotel include Bill & Hillary Clinton, and even the “King” himself…Elvis Presley.  Among many famous hotel guests,  Harriet Beecher Stowe  allegedly stopped here and was inspired to write  Uncle Tom’s Cabin  from the sights at nearby slave markets.  The novel was later a major influence on the starting the Civil War.  Speaking of famous guest, the neighboring Nine-O-Five Royal Inn ( 905 Royal St ) claims to have been a place where  Rip Van Winkle  slept.  It’s hard to believe this claim though since the fictional story of Rip was actually written in and based in England.  Also, make note of the  Romeo spikes  on the gallery posts across the street ( 910 Royal ) which are decorative, but also to stop intruders.  Famously in 1904, a man who was sleeping with the red-headed lady that lived her tried to slide down the pole to escape her fencing champion father and was split wide open.

Hotel Website :  ( HERE ).

17. Madame John’s Legacy ( 632 Dumaine Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Madame Johns Legacy Green creole house 632 Dumaine Street

About Madame John’s Legacy :  After the Great Fire of 1788, this timeless home was built on the ashes of the previous home that dated back to 1725.  Shortly after the new construction was finished, it ended up being one of the only houses in the area that  escaped the Great Fire of 1794 .  The name Madame John’s Legacy came much later from a story called Tite Poulete, written in 1879 by author Geo Cable Madame about the previous home that once stood here.  John’s Legacy is an excellent example of Louisiana  Creole design  from the end of the 18th century which mainly only survives today deep in the bayou.  Before the second great fire in New Orleans, it was commonplace to see many homes in this style all over the French Quarter.

Museum Website :  ( HERE ).   Hours :  Currently closed for 2019 for renovations but you can see it from the outside.

18. Royal Street Art Galleries ( 731-841 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Map Mansions - Royal Street Art Galleries

About The Royal Street Art Galleries :  In contrast to the sometimes grimy Bourbon Street bar scene, Royal Street offers a much higher quality shopping and tons of funky artist galleries.  While the art is fairly expensive, the classy galleries are a pure joy to wander through.  With a wide selection of sculptures and paintings, our favorite pieces are mixed media works depicting street scenes and jazz life in New Orleans.  Every day parts of Royal street are closed off to cars, creating a lively pedestrian-only zone.

19. Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo ( 739 Bourbon Street ):

FREE New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Map Mansions - Marie Laveau's House Of Voodoo shop 739 Bourbon Street

About Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo :  Marie Laveau’s House Of Voodoo is a really cool Voodoo themed tourist shop.  The House of Voodoo offers a wide variety of items to help in both learning about and practicing both the spiritual and religious ceremonies of Voodoo.  Tribal masks and statues from around the world symbolize man’s connection with the spirit and earth.  Talismans and charms directed towards all different things you many want from the spirits from health, to wealth, and much more.  They also have Mojo Bags, Voodoo Dolls, Spell Kits, and a fortune teller and palm reader on-site.  They typically do not allow photos inside.

Hours :  Sunday-Thursday 10am-11:30pm; Friday-Saturday 10am-1:30pm.   Cost :  Free to enter.   Museum Website : ( HERE ).

20. Tropical Isle Bar ( 721 Bourbon Street ):

FREE New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Map Mansions - Tropic Isle Bar Funky Pirate handgernade shark drink 721 Bourbon Street

About Tropical Isle :  Although the Original Tropical Isle is down the street ( 600 Bourbon Street ), this Tropical Isle location is one of the most fun bars on this free French Quarter walking tour.  They have live music, a really funky interior, great balcony, and are known for their over-the-top signature drinks the  Shark Attack and Hand Grenade .  The fun Shark Attack is truly that as each one comes with a rubber shark the attacks your drink as warning lights flash the bar leaving a pool of blood ( grenadine ).

Make sure to see how high you can blow on the  bar’s breathalyzer machine contest .  If competition is truly your thing, the urinals in the bath also have the  wizinator game  where you can race your neighbor.  Right next to the Tropic Isle is the  Funky Pirate Bar , which has the same owners and has a great assortment of late night live Blues music.

Bar Hours :  Daily Noon-2am ( 3:30am on Friday & Saturdays ).  Live Music Schedule :   Tropical Isle typically has live music Monday-Thursday 5pm-1:30am and Friday-Sunday 1pm-close; next door at the Funky Pirate their Jazz & Blues music runs Monday-Wednesday 8pm-close and Thursday-Sunday 4pm-Close with Saturdays sometimes starting at 1pm; the original Tropic Isle at 600 Bourbon has music daily 1pm-Close.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

21. Le Pretre Mansion ( 716 Dauphine Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - le Pretre Mansion Sultan of Turkey Murders 716 Dauphine Street

About Le Pretre Mansion :  The creepy Le Pretre Mansion is rumored to be haunted after the  gruesome events  that took place in the 1800s.  Built in 1836, the mansion was later bought by plantation owner Jean Baptist Le Pretre as an urban getaway during the Winter months.  In 1879 Le Pretre decided to rent his mansion out to the brother of the  Sultan of Turkey .  Along with the Sultan’s brother came eunuch guards and 17 harem girls.  The home quickly became the frequent scene of large parties and orgies.

After 3 years of frequent parties the house went silent one night in 1882 and an old lady passing by saw a  river of blood  pouring down into the street.  When the authorities burst in they found 37 mutilated bodies, but it took 3 days to find the body of the Sultan’s brother who was buried alive in the courtyard.  There had been no screams and the murders are still somewhat of an unsolved mystery.  To this day, however, many locals claim to have heard screams by the home and have seen haunting shadows in the windows.

22. Cat’s Meow Karaoke Bar ( 701 Bourbon Street ):

FREE New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Map Mansions - Cats Meow Karaoke Bar 701 Bourbon Street

About The Cat’s Meow :  The highly rated Cat’s Meow has way more of a lively party atmosphere then your normal Karaoke Bar and is very fun even if you don’t like to sing.  Many famous musicians have enjoyed some of the nightlife at the Cat’s Meow ranging from soul singer Seal to country musicians Brooks and Dunn, comedian/songwriter “Weird Al” Yankovic, the Smashing Pumpkins, Depeche Mode, and N’Sync have all sang here.  Other  celebrities  from software mogul Bill Gates of Microsoft, actors Tori Spelling, Mario Lopez, Julie and Doria of Playboy’s Night Calls, and adult film star Stormy Daniels have stopped into the Cat’s Meow to sing.

Aside from the more famous people that have visited Cats Meow, several national television shows shot on-site broadcasts from the club. The festive atmosphere of the Cats Meow has provided wonderful backdrop and ambiance for such popular TV programs like The Regis and Kelly Show, MTV’s Road Rules and The Grind.   We love the Bar’s 3-for-1 happy hour and of course the fact that all your friends back home can watch you sing your lungs out on the live webcam posted on their website.  If your more in the mood for some great live music, consider  Krazy Korner  ( website ) which lies kiddy corner from Cat’s Meow. This compact corner bar can be a really fun place to get your Jazz and Blues fix.

Cat’s Meow Hours :  Daily until late.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

23. Preservation Hall ( 726 Saint Peter Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Preservation Hall live jazz club music 726 Saint Peter Street

About Preservation Hall :  Today’s Preservation Hall was opened in 1961 to help protect the traditions of live Jazz music as Rock-n-Roll took over America.  The Hall is a popular place to hear traditional New Orleans Jazz at night.  It’s a widely popular place with older crowds to hear  traditional New Orleans Jazz  at night so check their nightly schedule as you pass by.  Please note that during the day they are closed, shows starting usually around 8pm, and even when they are open they do not sell alcohol.

Across the Street from the Hall are  Yo Mama’s , known for its great burgers, and an old French cottage building housing Reverend Zombies House of Voodoo.  The Voodoo shop is not as good as the others from earlier on this French Quarter walking tour, but just outside is where you can join a walking tour by  Haunted History Tours  ( website ).  We highly recommend fitting one of their tours into your stay if you are in New Orleans for a few days which range from ghosts, to cemeteries, and even vampires.  Others haunted tours that we like are Lord Chaz ( website ) and the very highly rated Jonathan Weiss Tours ( website ).

Preservation Hall Website :  ( HERE ).

24. Pat O’Brien’s Piano Bar ( 718 Saint Peter Street ):

french quarter walking tour self guided

About Pat O’Brien’s Piano Bar :  Pat O’Brien’s may be known for its red Hurricane Drinks,  Dueling Pianos , and large outdoor patio with flame fountains we also love the bar’s history.  In 1791, Maison de Flechier built a private home ( 600 Saint Peter Street ) which later became home to the French Theater Company, then was home to the 1st Grand Opera in America, and later then morphed into a speakeasy .  With the lifting of prohibition, Pat O’Brien bought the speakeasy in 1933 and turned it into a full-service bar.

Pat O’Brien’s Bar was so popular for its piano music and drinks that it needed to expand and quickly moved into the current location ( 718 Saint Peter Street ) which was built in 1834.  The bar’s popularity hit epic status when Pat O’Brien created the  Hurricane Drink  in the 1940s which cemented the establishments home forever in the New Orleans drinking scene.

As you enjoy some live dueling pianos, makes sure to notice the crossed muskets from 7 counties and over 500 beer steins that decorate the ceiling of the bar.  They also have a large outdoor courtyard with stunning fire fountains to keep you warm after dark.  If you happen to be in town with a group and are looking to book an amazing space for your private party, the Briar’s Lounge ( website ) at Pat O’Brien’s is amazing.  Modeled after Napolean’s private suite, the entire second floor really lets the 1834 roots of the building shine through.

Pat O’Brien’s Hours :  Monday-Thursday Noon-Close; Friday-Sunday 10am-Close.   Dueling Piano Music :  Often daily during the day but the main times are Monday-Thursday 6pm-Close; Friday-Sunday 2pm-Close.   Cup Deposits :  Included in the price of your Hurricane drinks is a deposit on your stylish glass which you can keep to bring home ( they can package it ) or turn it in for a refund.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

25. LaBranche House ( 700 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - LaBranche House peace yall christmas lights 700 Royal Street

About The LaBranche House :  Built in 1835, the large LaBranche House is one of 11 homes the rich sugar planter Jean Baptiste LaBranche built in the French Quarter.  With its many levels of detailed cast-iron gilding, the LaBranche House is one of the  most photographed buildings  in the New Orleans.  We especially like taking photos of this large corner lot mansion in December when it’s decorated in holiday lights.

It is important to note, especially among locals, that decorative balconies on the LaBranche House are  actually called galleries .  Galleries go all the way to the ground with supportive posts while balconies only jut out of the side of a home.  Sitting directly across Saint Peter Street from the LaBranche House, you’ll find the  Le Monnier Mansion  ( 640 Royal Street ).  When Le Monnier was built in 1811 it was considered to be a “sky scrapper” of its day even though it was just 3 stories tall at the time.

26. Pirates’ Alley ( 622-698 Pirates’ Alley ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Pirates' Alley cafe

About Pirates’ Alley :  Originally called Orleans Alley, the 16 foot wide Pirates’ Alley is  steeped in folklore .  The tales range from mad scientists to swashbuckling pirates, and although they are mainly fiction, the stories are fun to dream about.  In early day New Orleans, the alleyway was more of a shortcut path to get behind the cathedral and wasn’t even paved with cobblestones until 1831, long after pirates left New Orleans.  Because the alley was right next to the main public square, Cabildo town hall, and was home to the jail, the local pirates would have likely avoided the path.

In real life, the often foggy alley did house a few  famous residents  at times including briefly Andrew Jackson ( 616 Pirates Alley ) and author William Faulkner ( 624 Pirates Alley ).  Faulkner, the Nobel Prize prize winner author, wrote his first published novel Soldiers’ Pay in 1924 while living in this house.  Faulkner House Books ( website ) opened in the home on September  25th, 1990 in honor of the writer’s birthday.  Our favorite house is the Creole House which now holds the Pirate Alley Cafe ( 622 Pirates Alley,  website ).  This corner home started as a French guardhouse and jail in 1728 which was nicknamed the Calabozo during Spanish rule and rebuilt after a series of fires.  The Calabozo Jail once held Pierre Laffite, brother of pirate Jean Laffite, who famously escaped from prison here in 1814.  The current Creole House replaced the jail in 1837 and with the legends taking hold, the lane’s name was officially changed to Pirate’s Alley in 1964.

Before leaving the Pirate’s Alley, make sure to check out the fenced-in Saint Anthony Garden behind the Saint Louis Cathedral.  The beautiful statue of Jesus with his arms raised in the air is illuminated at night to cast a breath-taking shadow silhouette on the back wall of the church.  The statue, which was damaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2004, is often called  Touchdown Jesus  by local football fans.

27. Streetcar Named Desire House ( 632 Saint Peter Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Streetcar Named Desire House Avart-Peretti 632 Saint Peter Street

About The Streetcar Named Desire House :  If you pop down St. Peter a couple houses to 632 you’ll find the red brick home where  Tennessee Williams  wrote the book Streetcar Named Desire.  The book became not only and instant hit and symbol of New Orleans, but was also turned into a very successful play.  The film adaptation of the book from 1951 is a  must watch movie  before your visit to New Orleans.  From time to time you can still she tourists yell “Stella” at the house in the spirit of the play.

Next door to the Streetcar Named Desire House you’ll run into one of our favorite restaurants,  The Gumbo Shop  ( 630 Saint Peter Street,  website ).  This great restaurant will help you get your fill of Creole cooking with its mouth-watering Gumbo.  Our personal favorite is the chicken and sausage gumbo which is truly amazing and is on our list of the  Top Ten Must Eats In New Orleans .

28. Court of Two Sisters ( 613 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Court of Two Sisters 613 Royal Street

About The Court of Two Sisters :  The Court of Two Sisters is a great restaurant to visit if you want some more high end dining in New Orleans.  Their award-winning food is served in three different indoor dining areas, plus they have a timeless bar and a breath-taking inner courtyard under a gorgeous canopy of interlaced wisteria tree branches .  Make sure to rub wrought irons gates at the main entrance which were blessed by Queen Isabella of Spain for good luck.  While the food is gourmet, the atmosphere is still has a very laid back New Orleans feel.

The restaurant’s location also has a storied past to go along with the excellent food.  In 1726 Sieur Etienne de Perier, the second French royal governor of colonial Louisiana, was the first to live here.  Originally the entire 600 block of Royal Street was originally nicknamed  Governors’ Row  for all of its powerful residents.  At the time this stretch of road was home to 5 governors, 2 State Supreme Court Justices, a future U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and Zachary Taylor who later became the 12th President of the United States lived for a time at 621 Royal Street.  Needless to say, if you lived on this block of Royal Street in the mid-1700s you were among some excellent company.

The current building was completed in 1832 and after changing it became a store known as the  “The Shop of the Two Sisters” in 1886.  The shop was run by two daughters of a local aristocratic Creole family who became famous throughout the Gay 90s for there custom Mardi Gras dresses and perfumes imported from Paris.  After becoming a restaurant in 1968, The Court of Two Sisters became famous for their daily Jazz Brunch which takes place in the inner courtyard.  It’s said that the legendary pirate Jean Lafitte once killed three men in three separate duels one night under a willow tree that once stood in the courtyard.

Jazz Brunch :  The 3 course Jazz Brunch is excellent and starts around $50 per person.   Website :  ( HERE ).

29. Merieult House Collection ( 533 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Merieult House historic collection 533 Royal Street

About The Merieult House :  This block of Royal Street was originally owned by the French government who built a workmen’s barracks and the king’s forge here in 1720.  Those buildings, along with most of the neighborhood was lost in the Great Fire of 1788 which destroyed 856 of the 1,100 structures in New Orleans.  This epic blaze on Good Friday ( March 21, 1788 ) wiped out a lot of the original French architecture in the city as the recovery development was done under Spanish governance.

The destruction from the fire made way for the Merieult House which was built in 1792 by the prosperous merchant Jean Merieult.  It is said that Merieult’s wife was so beautiful that Napoleon wanted to buy some of her hair as a wig for the Sultan of Turkey.  Six years after the first huge fire the Great Fire of 1794 hit taking out 212 structures over 18 nearby blocks, but luckily the Merieult House barely survived it.

Today the Merieult House is the centerpiece of a collection of connected homes you can tour together to get a glimpse of life in the early-1800s.  The adjacent buildings you get to visit on the block as part of the tour include neighboring homes, former warehouses of Jean Merieult, the Counting House, and the Williams House.  The fine details and furnishing may not be as impressive as some of the other homes on this free French Quarter walking tour, but the guides are great and you get to cover a lot of buildings in a relatively quick visit.

Hours :  Tuesday-Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm; Sunday 10:30am-4:30pm; Closed Mondays.   Cost :  The 1st-floor gallery is Free, Guided Tours are $5.   Guided Tours :  45-minute tours of the 11 galleries on the second floor provide a comprehensive look at the settlement and development of Louisiana from the early 18th century to the present.  Tour Times : Tuesday–Saturday 10am, 11am, 2pm, 3pm and Sunday 11am, 2pm, 3pm.   Museum  Website :  ( HERE ).

30. One Eyed Jacks ( 615 Toulouse Street ):

About One Eyed Jacks :  Expect a lot of live music ranging from jazz, funk, hip hop, to rock as well as touring comedy acts and alternative shows at One Eyed Jacks.  The most famous show is the sexy Burlesque show called  Fleur de Tease  ( website ) which takes place daily at 8pm & 10pm.  Fleur de Tease is a premiere Variety Burlesque Revue.  This modern twist on a classic vaudeville show has something to please and tease every audience member.  Magicians, fire eaters, comedians, aerialists and of course beautiful burlesque dancers all make up the core members of the troupe.  Special guest artists such as sword swallowers, singers, and other circus acts make each show a unique and different experience so no two programs are ever the same.

Not far from One Eyed Jacks is the former home of Army Treasurer Don Vincente Jose Nuñez ( 619 Chartres Street ) where the Great Fire of 1788 started.

Burlesque Show Cost :  For the Fleur de Tease general admission is $15 and reserved seating is $20.  Other Shows vary.   Show Times :  Fleur de Tease is daily at 8 & 10pm.  Other traveling shows vary.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

31. Napoleon House ( 500 Chartres Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Napoleon House restaurant bar

About The Napoleon House :  House built for New Orleans mayor Nicholas Girod in 1812 who offered it to Napoleon in 1921 as a refugee during his exile from France.  Unfortunately, Napoleon died of poisoning the same year and never made it New Orleans.  Luckily the home was turned into a restaurant in 1914 and still bursts at the seams with charm.  Seriously go here and eat or at least stop by for a drink, the old vibe is awesome.

Hours :  Sunday-Thursday 11am-10pm; Friday & Saturday 11am-11pm.   Website :  ( HERE ).

32. Louisiana State Supreme Court ( 400 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Louisiana State Supreme Court

About The Louisiana State Supreme Court :  Built in 1908, the huge Louisiana State Supreme Court building looks almost like a marble palace and takes up an entire city block.  While the court was established in 1813, the new building was required when it moved from the Cabildo building in Jackson Square.  Nearby is a delightful yellow mansion which used to be the Louisiana State Bank.  The is not really a whole lot more to say about either building’s history, but every time we visit we end up being impressed and taking a lot of photos.

Website :  ( HERE ).

33. Antonie’s Annex ( 513 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Antonie's Annex Restaurant

About Antonie’s Annex :  After the restaurant opened in 1840, Antonie’s Annex quickly became the place for New Orleans locals to get their Bourbon Whiskey and Black Coffee drink called  Café Brûlot .  Variations of the drink were vast and in the 1890s the owner Jules Alciatore created a flaming concoction of coffee, brandy, and spices he called  Café Brûlot Diabolique .  This new concoction became a huge hit and even more popular during Prohibition as a great way to disguise alcohol.

If it is your first time to New Orleans, visiting the famous Antonie’s can be a little confusing as there 14 dining areas all with unique history and charm inside the  massive complex .  While many people all the entire place Antonie’s Annex, the Annex is actually the more casual cafe and deli area around the corner of the block ( 513 Royal Street ) with excellent coffee, sandwiches, pastries, and take away items.  We love the Annex, but it can also be nice to visit the unique dining rooms of the more fancy sit down Antonie’s Restaurant ( 713 Saint Louis Street ) which also has its own bar called Hermes.  The sit-down restaurant does have more limits hours of operation and you definitely want to make a reservation if you want to go for dinner.

Annex Cafe Hours : Daily 8am-7pm.   Restaurant Hours : Lunch Monday-Saturday 11:30am-2pm; Dinner Monday-Saturday 5:30-9pm; Jazz Brunch Sundays 11am-2pm.   Website :  ( HERE ).

34. Hermann-Grima House ( 820 Saint Louis Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Grima House American Horror Story

About The Hermann-Grima House :  While the Gallier House from earlier on this free French Quarter walking tour focused on middle-class living, it is the wealthy on showcase at the Hermann-Grima House.  A walk through the meticulously restored Hermann-Grima House and gardens allow you to peak back into this the Golden Age of New Orleans history.  It was built in 1831, by a German Jewish immigrant, Samuel Hermann, who amassed his fortune in the cotton market.  This handsome Federal mansion with its courtyard boasts the only horse stable and  functional 1830s outdoor kitchen  in the French Quarter.  The outdoor hearth kitchen, with its view of the antique roses, citrus and parterre gardens, provides a dynamic experience for our visitors.

As a museum, the home celebrates artistic contributions and building trades of the Free People of Color and enslaved persons in New Orleans, without who, the Hermann-Grima House would not stand today.  Visitors are also fascinated to learn that Hermann originally purchased the property from a  Free Woman of Color .  The interior of the home was also used as Madame LaLaurie Mansion in the TV show  American Horror Story .  The same owners of the Hermann-Girma House also own the Gallier House which we was earlier in this free French Quarter walking tour.

Hours & Tours :  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday hourly tours 10am-3pm; Wednesday tours by appointment; Saturday hourly tours 12pm-4pm.   Cost :  Adults $12; Children $10. Add the Gallier House ( Stop 13 ) for $8.   Museum Website :  ( HERE ).

35. Larry Flynt’s Barely Legal Strip Club ( 423 Bourbon Street ):

About Larry Flynt’s Barely Legal Strip Club :  Larry Flynt’s is one of the many strip, lap dance, and cabaret clubs that pepper the 200-400 blocks of Bourbon Street.  The presence of these clubs may feel trashy or grimy to some, but they are isolated and add to the personality of the care-free French Quarter.  While strip clubs aren’t really our thing, walking by them is still a unique tourist experience somewhat similar to the Red Light District in Amsterdam.  Do remember that you are in the Big Easy so try not to be uptight about the clubs being there.

Club Website :  ( HERE ).

36. Old Absinthe House ( 240 Bourbon Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Old Absinthe House Bar

About The Old Absinthe House :  Shortly after the building opened as a coffee house in 1807, the owners came up with a new drink using the wormwood herb-based alcohol Absinthe they called the  Absinthe House Frappe .  This narcotic-like drink became so popular that the owners eventually decided to change the coffee house’s name to the Old Absinthe House.  The name was later expanded to Jean Lafitte’s Old Absinthe House, as this is the place where pirate Jean Lafitte and General Andrew Jackson ended up  planning the Battle of New Orleans .

Lafitte and Jackson haven’t been the only celebrities to grace the bar as their bartenders tell us that Mark Twain, Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau, Oscar Wilde, P.T. Barnum, General Lee, and Edgar Allen Poe also came to get their Absinthe on.  As you can see by the business cards, postcards, sports jerseys, football helmets, and celebrity photos that plaster the walls of the bar, people are still coming here from all corners of the world.

When wormwood-based Absinthe became illegal in 1912 for being “hallucinogenic”, the owner switched to a Herbsaint-based Absinthe to keep the business running strong.  Thanks to a change in the law they were once again able to go back to using Wormwood in 2007.  One of the coolest things inside is the  original copper-colored bar  which had been removed for its own protection during Prohibition and was finally returned in 2004.  The photo we used of the Old Absinthe House is from a postcard dated 1910.

Attached to the Old Absinthe House the bar’s owner Tony’s Moran also runs called  Tony Moran’s Restaurant  ( website ) which is renown for its Crawfish.  Overall we’ve found Moran’s to be a little pricey for what you actually get and you are better off going down a block to Iberville Street where you’ll find  Felix’s Restaurant  ( website ) &  Acme Oyster Bar  ( website ).  Both of their menus are great, cover a wide range of food including Oysters and Crawfish, and are much more affordable than Tony Moran’s.  Our favorite New Orleans dishes are Po-boy Sandwiches and the Fried Seafood Platter so make sure to read more about our  Top Ten Must Eats In New Orleans .

Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

37. The Carousel Bar ( 214 Royal Street ):

FREE New Orleans French Quarter Walking Tour Map self guided - Carousel Bar Hotel Monteleone

About The Carousel Bar :  With great views overlooking Royal Street, The Carousel Bar in the  Hotel Monteleone  ( website ) is the only bar in New Orleans that revolves around the room.  The focal point of the bar is the  rotating the 25-seat carousel bar , which was originally installed in 1949.  The large embellished carousel turns on 2,000 large steel rollers, pulled by a chain powered with a one-quarter horsepower motor creating a very smooth ride. While the bar always rotates at the same speed, visitors who have drink at the bar for a while often claim that the bartender has turned up the motor’s speed.  The bar was renovated in 1992 when the current carousel top was added. Fiber optics were also installed in the ceiling to create unique stars in the night sky and even one special shooting star was created to cross the room at regular intervals.

In the early days of the Carousel Bar, the hotel was the home to the famous  Swan Room , a nightclub where celebrities such as  Liberace performed .  It wasn’t unusual for the performers to join their friends for a nightcap after their shows.  William Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, and Winston Grooms ( Forrest Gump ) are among the famous authors who have enjoyed drinks at the Carousel Bar. Today, the Carousel still attracts celebrities, including some recent sightings – Michael Jordan, Dennis Quaid, Greg Allman, and Sally Struthers.

In addition to the rotating bar, the adjoining room features quiet booths and tables where live entertainment is offered nightly at the piano. If you arrive at just the right time during the cocktail hour you can enjoy complimentary hors-d’oeuvres from the famous Monteleone kitchen.  Our favorite original drinks at the Carousel are French flared  Vieux Carre Cocktail  and the Caribbean inspired  Goody .

Bar Hours :  Daily 11am-2am, get there early to avoid a long wait for your turn on the 25-seat carousel.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

Other Sights Near The French Quarter Walking Tour:

38. house of the blues ( 225 decatur street ):.

About The House Of The Blues :  WEven with the heavy Jazz influence on New Orleans, you can’t come to the Big Easy without getting your fix of blues music and the House of the Blues gets some of the biggest names.  Even if you can’t make one of their daily performances, they have a unique vibe to grab a drink and the colorful entrance makes for great photo opportunities.  By far our favorite thing at the House of the Blues has an amazing  Gospel Choir Brunch  every Sunday morning which cost $40.

Bar Hours :  Daily 11:30am-Close.   Show Cost :  Daily performances/events costs vary, but they are always open for dining and drinks.   Bar Website :  ( HERE ).

39. Saint Louis Cemetery #1( ( 425 Basin Street ):

About Saint Louis Cemetery #1 :  New Orleans’ oldest cemetery from 1789 is a spooky one indeed with tales of  Bloody Mary  and the tomb of  Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau .  The blocks around the St Louis Cemetery #1 can be very shady as the neighbor is part of the often dangerous Storyville Projects.  Only go during the day with a tour group.  We like the tour from  Save Our Cemeteries  ( website ) the most which leaves Daily at 10am plus Fridays & Saturdays having a second tour at 1pm.  The tour is run amazing, costs $20 a person and lasts 1 hour.  Other tour companies charge from $30 to $50 per person for pretty much the same tour, however, the money that Save Our Cemeteries makes goes toward the restoration of the tombs.

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french quarter walking tour self guided

The best self guided walking tour of New Orleans’ French Quarter

The perfect french quarter self guided walking tour., this tour is meant to be followed in the following order… simply type the next address into your phone and get to walkin  enjoy your adventure.

Old US Mint (400 Esplanade Ave.)

 Built in 1835, the Old U.S. Mint is the only building in America to have served both as a United States and a Confederate Mint. President Andrew Jackson advocated the Mint’s establishment in order to help finance development of the nation’s western frontier.

Renowned architect William Strickland designed the building in the then-popular Greek Revival style. Three years after the building opened, in 1838, minting began.

In 1861, Louisiana seceded from the Union. State authorities seized the property and transferred it to the Confederate Army. For a short time, it was used to mint Confederate currency and to house Confederate troops. This ended when New Orleans was occupied by Federal forces. Following the Civil War, minting of United States coins resumed and continued until 1909. In 1966, the landmark building was transferred to the state of Louisiana, and in 1981, it opened to the public as part of the Louisiana State Museum complex.

French Market (French Market Pl.)

Over 200 years old, the french market is America’s oldest public market, being established in 1791.  What began as a Native American trading post on the banks of the mighty, muddy Mississippi River on the site chosen for the City by the French, has become a cultural, commercial and entertainment treasure which the Crescent City proudly shares with the world.  By the 1850’s and 60’s Italian immigrants moved into the market and developed groceries and deli’s within its open aired alleys. Italian families were such a strong economic and social force in the Quarter that St. Mary’s Church became known as “St. Mary’s Italian Church” to distinguish it from “St. Mary’s Assumption Church,” the church of the German community Uptown.

As population demographics shifted, the Italians moved out of the French Market proper, opening up Central Grocery and Progress Grocery, across the street on Decatur. The Perrone family moved the Progress Grocery business out to Metairie in the 1990s.  

While Cafe du Monde is the oldest tenant of the French Market, dating back to 1865, they were not the only coffee shop.  The Morning Call Coffee Stand first opened in the 1870s, behind the “red stores” buildings in the French Market. Morning Call replaced the Vegetable Market in the 1930s.  In its location at the Ursulines and Decatur, Morning Call offered curbside service; carhops would take your order so you didn’t have to leave the car. Morning Call was a fixture of the “back of the market” until the business moved to Metairie in 1974, across from Lakeside Mall.  The interior of the Metairie location features the original fixtures from the French Market stand.

In the 1990s, Cafe Du Monde opened a stand inside Lakeside mall itself, so once again, the two coffee stands are just a few blocks’ walk from each other.

Old Ursuline Convent (1114 Chartres Street)

Old building in the Mississippi River Valley.  The convent complex dates back to 1732, when construction of two buildings designed five years earlier by Ignace Nicholas Broutin, the Chief Engineer of Louisiana, and architect Andre de Batz, was completed, and the Ursuline nuns moved in. Most buildings in the 18th century city were covered with stucco, to offer some defense from the heat and humidity.

Unfortunately, the convent buildings weren’t, and the exposed walls suffered from a great deal of deterioration by 1745. Broutin re-designed the buildings, and they were rebuilt using brick, which was then covered with stucco. This re-design gave the convent a more plain/institutional look, symmetrical and formal. That wasn’t regarded as a problem at the time, of course, since the nuns used the ground floor of the facility as an orphanage and the second floor as their residence.

The convent’s survival of the massive fires of 1788 and 1794 are why its designation as “oldest building in New Orleans” is a bit dubious. The 1788 fire destroyed 856 buildings; the fire six years later an additional 212. Both fires spared the eastern or “down-river” side of the Quarter. Because the Spanish were in control of the city at the time of both fires, the “French Quarter” is actually more Spanish in style, but the convent remained as a major example of French architecture and design.

By the 1820s, the mission of the Ursulines outgrew their facility. They moved over to Faurborg Treme, turning over the original convent to the Bishop of New Orleans. This is why you sometimes see old postcards of the convent identifying it as the “Archbishop’s Palace.” The bishops (and later archbishops, as the diocese was promoted) lived on Rue Chartres until 1899, when they moved uptown, to the campus of Notre Dame Seminary

Until the diocese took over in 1825, the main entrance of the convent was on the river side of the building. A chapel and hospital building faced the Decatur Street side of the block. Bishop Duborg had a gatehouse and entrance portico constructed on the Rue Chartres side, effectively re-orienting the building.

The configuration of the bottom floor of the convent as an orphanage made it a good physical plant for a school. The diocese operated a boys school there for two years, but closed the school in 1827 because of high costs. The building was then leased to the city, which operated a school there until 1831, when the convent began a three-year period as the home of the Louisiana Legislature.

In 1845, the diocese constructed a church on Chartres Street, adjacent to the convent, to accommodate the population growth in the lower Quarter. The church, originally named “Our Lady of Victory,” became known as “St. Mary’s Italian Church,” because it became the home parish for the many Italian immigrants who arrived and settled in the neighborhood in the 1880s-90s. As the Italians moved in, the archdiocese (and the Ursulines, now based on Esplanade and N. Rampart) moved out, heading uptown. The convent still housed some archdiocesan offices, but also took on the role of church rectory.

Throughout the first half of the 20th Century, the facility assumed a very localized role, as the parish opened a school there. By the 1970s, the long-closed school had, along with the convent proper, fallen into serious disrepair. An effort to renovate and restore the convent began in 1976, keeping with its status (declared in 1960) as a National Historic Landmark

Today, the Old Ursuline Convent is restored and a popular historical attraction. It is also part of the Catholic Cultural Heritage Center of the Archdiocese of New Orleans, along with St. Louis Cathedral.

Beauregard House (1113 Chartres Street)

The house was built in 1826 by architect Francois Correjolles for a wealthy auctioneer by the name of Joseph Le Carpentier.

In 1829, LeCarpentier’s daughter, Louise Therese Felicite Thelcide LeCarpentier married Michel Alonzo Morphy. On June 22, 1827 their son Charles Paul Morphy, the world chess champion, was born. 

In 1833 LeCarpentier sold the house to John Ami Merle who later became the Swiss Consul to New Orleans. His wife, Anais Merle designed the House’s first parterre garden.

Josephine Laveau Trudeau, the widow of Bernard Noel (Manuel) Andry, purchased the House from the creditors of John A. Merle in 1841. Her daughter Adonai Andry married L. Armand Garidel and they moved into the house next door. When Madame Andry purchased the house, the property also included the corner area where Mrs. Merle had begun to develop the parterre garden, which Madame Andry and her daughter continued to maintain and improve. Following her death, Madame Andry’s daughter and her husband inherited the house and continued to live there until the end of the Civil War. 

General Beauregard never actually owned 1113 Chartres; however upon his return from the Civil War in late 1865 he, along with his two sons, rented the entire house from Dominique Lanata. His second wife, Caroline Deslonde, passed away while he was away at war and her family mansion on Esplanade Avenue which the two had shared prior to the war was sold at auction by her heirs. 

The house suffered from severe disrepair during the early 20th century. Fortunately, it was saved from destruction when it was purchased on July 8, 1926 by the well-known New Orleans architect, General Allison Owen, whose father, William Miler Owen, was one of the founders of the Louisiana Historical Association. General Owen’s purchase of the house gave time for the organization of what came to be called Beauregard House, Incorporated, for the purpose of preserving and restoring the house as a memorial to General Beauregard. The wood columns on the front portico were badly rotted and were replaced by General Owen with the present ones of concrete. However, the plans for creating a Beauregard memorial house were not successful. For several years, the house was partly occupied by Warrington House, a home for homeless men, and by Alcoholics Anonymous. Only a few repairs were made during this period, but enough to keep the house from falling to ruin.

Richard Simmons lived in the lower portion of the house during childhood (citation needed)

Soniat House (1133 Chartres Street)

1829, wealthy aristocratic planter and sugar cane plantation owner, Joseph Soniat du Fossat, built this place as a town house.  In the 1860’s, the wrought iron with which Monsieur du Fossat had embellished his home was torn away, replaced with the admirable cast-iron lacework it now wears.

Clay House (620 Gov. Nichols)

This is a residence built about 1828 by JohnClay for his wife.  Clay’s brother was the famous statesman, Henry Clay. The two-story building at the rear of the adjoining garden was added after 1871 and, in the 1890s, it was used by Frances Xavier Cabrini, the religious, now St. Frances Cabrini, as a schoolhouse. 

Madam LaLaurie Mansion (1140 Royal Street)

The LaLaurie Mansion is famous as the site of the torture and murder of a number of enslaved people owned by Marie Delphine Macarty who was commonly known as Madame LaLaurie. In 1832 Lalaurie, a New Orleans socialite, and her third husband, Dr. Leonard Louis Nicolas LaLaurie, built the three-story structure to house their family including two children.  

As was the custom in New Orleans at that time, enslaved blacks were kept in attached quarters. The LaLaurie slaves were kept in horrid conditions, even by the standards of slave treatment, and usually were half-starved. Despite their treatment, Madame LaLaurie was known in public to be polite to black people, and court records show that she manumitted two of her slaves. Regardless, rumors spread of the family’s mistreatment of their slaves, prompting an official investigation in 1832. A local attorney went to the mansion to investigate allegations of mistreatment of the LaLaurie slaves. He found no wrongdoing.  

Stories of mistreatment persisted, however, including accounts that were shared with Harriet Martineau, the prominent nineteenth century English writer who visited the city in 1833. One account describes Madame LaLaurie as becoming enraged when a twelve-year-old slave girl named Leah accidentally hit a snag while combing LaLaurie’s hair. LaLaurie chased the girl around the room with a whip until the child leaped off the balcony to her death. Leah was buried behind the mansion grounds, and LaLaurie was found guilty of cruelly abusing her slaves and forced to forfeit her nine remaining bondspeople. The slaves were taken away and scheduled to be sold at a public auction, but LaLaurie persuaded a relative to purchase the enslaved workers and return them to the mansion.

On April 10, 1834, a fire broke out in the kitchen of the LaLaurie Mansion. When the police and fire marshals arrived, they found a seventy-year-old woman, the family cook, chained to the stove. She later confessed that she intentionally had set the fire as a suicide attempt because she feared Madame LaLaurie intended to take her to the torture room as punishment. The cook claimed that anyone taken upstairs to the room never came back. This account, reported in the local press, led bystanders the next day to demand that the torture room be inspected. When the LaLauries denied them entrance, they broke down the doors and found seven mutilated slave bodies. Some were hung, others were stretched at their limbs, and still others were missing body parts. One surviving old slave woman had a wound on her head that left her too weak to walk.

When the discovery of the torture room became widely known, a mob attacked the LaLaurie Mansion. The surviving slaves were rescued and brought to a local jail for a macabre public viewing by more than four thousand New Orleans residents. Investigators later found several bodies, including one child, buried throughout the mansion grounds.

Madame LaLaurie and her family escaped the mansion just before the mob took control of it.  What they did for the next fifteen years is unclear. It is known is that Marie Delphine Macarty LaLaurie died in Paris, France, on December 7, 1849. The mansion that Lalaurie lived in now is a landmark of the French Quarter in New Orleans.

The Gallier House (1132 Royal Street)

Anne Rice’s “Interview with a vampire” house.  During the mid-1800s, when New Orleans was one of the largest cities in the United States and its major southern port, the city was enjoying an architectural boom. Among the most prominent architects of this glorious era were the Galliers – James and James, Jr. – father and son.

Between the two of them they designed some of New Orleans’ most famous and recognizable landmarks, a number of which still stand today, including the Greek Revival-style Gallier Hall on St. Charles Avenue, which served as New Orleans’ City Hall for a century. James Gallier Sr. also helped design the Pontalba Apartments on Jackson Square and the Leeds Building which today houses the Preservation Resource Center. James Gallier, Jr. designed the French Opera House that was the center of culture for the city from 1859 until it burned in 1919.

In 1857, at the height of their fame and prestige, the Galliers designed a home of their own in the 1100 block of Royal Street. It still stands today and Gallier House is one of the true architectural gems of the French Quarter.

Jean Lafitte’s Blacksmith Bar (941 Bourbon Street)

Privateer Jean Lafitte (1780-1823), aka John Lafitte, owned a business here early in the 19th century.

by 1809, Jean Lafitte and his brother Pierre apparently had established this property in New Orleans as a blacksmith shop that reportedly served as a depot for smuggled goods and slaves brought ashore by a band of privateers. From 1810 to 1814 this group probably formed the nucleus for Laffite’s illicit colony on the secluded islands of Barataria Bay south of the city. Holding privateer commissions from the republic of Cartagena (in modern Colombia), Laffite’s group preyed on Spanish commerce, illegally disposing of its plunder through merchant connections on the mainland.

Because Barataria Bay was an important approach to New Orleans, the British during the War of 1812 offered Laffite $30,000 and a captaincy in the Royal Navy for his allegiance. Laffite pretended to cooperate, then warned Louisiana officials of New Orleans’ peril. Instead of believing him, Gov. W.C.C. Claiborne summoned the U.S. Army and Navy to wipe out the colony. Some of Laffite’s ships were captured, but his business was not destroyed. Still protesting his loyalty to the U.S., Laffite next offered aid to the hard-pressed forces of Gen. Andrew Jackson in defense of New Orleans if he and his men could be granted a full pardon. Jackson accepted, and in the Battle of New Orleans (December 1814–January 1815) the Baratarians, as Laffite and his men came to be known, fought with distinction. Jackson personally commended Laffite as “one of the ablest men” of the battle, and Pres. James Madison issued a public proclamation of pardon for the group.

Cornstalk Fence (915 Royal Street)

Originally built in 1816 as the home of the first Attorney General of Louisiana, François Xavier-Martin, the Cornstalk Hotel attracts travelers who are intrigued by its history and old-world appeal.

While Judge Xavier-Martin is credited for the construction of the building known today, the earliest structure on the site goes back to 1730. It is believed that the previous homes on this lot had been destroyed by the Great Fires of New Orleans, which nearly consumed the French Quarter on both occasions. Unfortunately, any records of the families who had previously resided there were lost as well.

In 1834, the home was purchased by Dr. Joseph Secondo Biamenti for himself and his wife. A little over 20 years later, Dr. Secondo Biamenti’s wife fell homesick for her state of Iowa and its waving fields of corn. In hopes to ease her heartache, he had commissioned to have a decorative iron fence depicting corn created and erected around the home.

Miltenberger Houses (910 Royal Street)

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Dat Dog on Frenchmen

French Quarter Neighborhood Stroll

Explore the crown jewel of nola’s neighborhoods.

When you think of New Orleans, chances are you envision the picturesque French Quarter with its soaring St. Louis Cathedral , Jackson Square , iconic Royal Street , and all-around historic architecture.

Founded in 1718, this is the oldest neighborhood in the city of New Orleans. It is also known as the Vieux Carré , which translates to "Old Square." Throughout its timeline in the city, it has been home to a melting pot of shopping, restaurants, galleries, clubs, and much more. From 100-year-old businesses to new and contemporary ones, this area is certain to have something for everyone.

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French Market

1.  French Market

Begin your leisurely stroll at the open-air French Market, where vendors set up each day with trinkets and goodies of all kinds. It's a wonderful stop for someone looking to pick up souvenirs for loved ones back home. This area of the quarter has played a 200-year-old role in development and trade, becoming an iconic stop for our visitors. Remember to bring cash, as many of the vendors here are cash-only.

2.  New Orleans Jazz Museum

Just across the street from the French Market is the New Orleans Jazz Museum, which celebrates jazz in the city where it was born . Through dynamic interactive exhibits, multigenerational educational programming, research facilities, and engaging musical performances, the museum explores the music New Orleans made famous in all its forms. Housed in the historic Old U.S. Mint, and strategically located at the intersection of the French Quarter and the Frenchmen Street live music corridor, the New Orleans Jazz Museum is in the heart of the city's vibrant music scene. Through partnerships with local, national, and international educational institutions, the New Orleans Jazz Museum promotes the global understanding of jazz as one of the most innovative, historically pivotal musical art forms in world history.

3.  Café Envie

From there, you can walk to Café Envie, a delightful stop along Decatur where you can grab a coffee, pastry, lunch, or drink after visiting the museum. This quaint café has been a local favorite along this block for almost two decades and attracts all sorts of faces. Occasionally, you might even see a chess tournament in play.

Old Ursuline Convent

4.  Old Ursuline Convent

From there, head over to Chartres Street to find the Old Ursuline Convent, which was erected in 1745, making it the oldest building in the Mississippi Valley. Open Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with tour availability, this convent museum, although no longer serving as a functioning convent, exudes charm. If you take a ghost tour while here, you might even hear lore of the Casket Girls , the original New Orleans vampires , who may or may not have lived in the attic.

5. LaLaurie Mansion

One block over on the corner of Royal and Governor Nicholls streets, you’ll find the LaLaurie Mansion. For those who watched "Coven," the third season of American Horror Story, you may be familiar with the dark history of this mansion portrayed by Kathy Bates. Although the current structure is not the original building that Madame Delphine LaLaurie lived in, the architecture of this house of horrors is on many to-do lists for its grandeur alone. However, the story of Madame Delphine LaLaurie is reprehensible and not for the faint of heart. We encourage you to navigate her tale with caution if delving deeper into the history of the French Quarter.

6.  Gallier House

Gallier House of the Hermann-Grima + Gallier Historic Houses is a few doors down from LaLaurie. Completed in 1860, Gallier House was designed by famed New Orleans architect James Gallier Jr. Showcasing modern marvels of its time, such as indoor plumbing, hot and cold running water, and double skylights, this stop offers tours during its open hours to learn more about the lives of everyone under the roof of this kind of home during its heyday.

Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop

7.  Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop Bar

Have you ever been to the oldest bar in America? Well, if you make your way over to Bourbon Street for a stop on your walk here, not only can you say you have been, but you can also snag a local favorite, their Voodoo Daiquiri , better known as the Purple Drink! Lafitte’s was built between 1722 and 1732 and has hosted all kinds of famous people for a drink. You might see someone you love posted on the wall!

8.  New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum

Speaking of Voodoo but getting away from the daiquiri part, head over to the New Orleans Historic Voodoo Museum. Here, you can learn more about the practices of the New Orleans Voodoo religious practice. This museum space is small and filled with ceremonial tools and historic photos and paintings of the practice throughout its timeline in New Orleans.

9. Union Gallery

Royal Street itself is a wonderful block for those looking for some art to take home from the city. Filled with lots of local makers, we have to highlight Union Gallery, home to a mixture of artists. Not only does this space capture the charm and magic of artistry in the city, but it is also a women-owned and operated space that might just steal your heart between the charm of its owners and their sharp eye for art.

10.  New Orleans Vampire Café

What is the lore of New Orleans without the tale of the vampire? Cue the intro theme to “Interview with the Vampire.” Ahem, we are, of course, the land of the great late Anne Rice . So why not turn your curiosity into an experience? This café mixes the vampire with drinks and comes up with some fun ways to sip, like their blood bag cocktails. Yes, you read that right.

Beignets at Cafe du Monde

11.  Café Du Monde

I mean, it would be silly to take a stroll through the French Quarter without a stop at the iconic Café Du Monde. Like, do we really need to mention them? You already know. However, this is your reminder because what’s New Orleans without a beignet? The answer is sad. It is sad without a beignet.

Jackson Square

12.  Jackson Square & St. Louis Cathedral

Did someone say St. Louis Cathedral selfie? Click click! This is the stop. Steeped in history, this area can be considered the building blocks for the rest of the city. Housing the original government offices and lined by the Pontalba buildings, tge Jackson Square area is filled with food, sips, shopping, and more!

13.  M.S. Rau

Have you ever been to a museum with price tags? The answer is probably not. I mean, most institutes are not selling Picasso-level art, but back over on Royal Street, M.S. Rau has been doing just that since 1912 from antiques to crown jewel-quality gems. This is the stop for those who want to take in the history and for some of us potentially even home.

14.  The Historic New Orleans Collection

Itching for more knowledge of the history of New Orleans? Check out this free experience along Royal St. The collections and archives of this museum space are phenomenal, and so is their museum shop too. The museum offers permanent collections and rotating exhibitions and is never short of being inspiring when it comes to telling the story of our great city.

Antoine’s Restaurant

15.  Antoine’s

When was the last time you ate at a restaurant that opened in the spring of 1840? Serving up food for generations and holding true to the tradition of dressing for dinner. This classic French-Creole fare will make your taste buds sing.

16.  Bottom of The Cup Tea Room

Since 1929, Bottom of The Cup has been offering their services in the art of tea leaf reading and more. This establishment is steeped in history and is a great way of finding your fortunes in the city of New Orleans.

The Carousel Bar

17.  Hotel Monteleone

Known as the grand dame of Royal St., this hotel has been a staple in luxury stays since 1886. The exterior alone at this hotel is a marvel to see but tucked inside its front doors is even more glamour and the cherished Carousel Bar . Make this your final stop and have a sip to bask in all the art, culture, and historic sights you have seen for the day.

Cafe du Monde - Beignets and Coffee

Self-Guided French Quarter Food...

Beignets & gumbo & muffulettas–oh my! The Quarter is full of excellent eats; try 'em all with our guide to the best dishes in the city's most iconic neighborhood.

Exploring the French Quarter

Off-the-Beaten-Path French Quarter

Looking for hidden gems in one of the city’s most iconic neighborhoods? Follow our guide to find the best off-the-beaten-path places to eat, drink, shop, and see.

Jackson Square

Top Things to Do in the Quarter

From beignets at the French Market to fine dining, here are ten things you can't miss in the French Quarter.

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Power Traveller

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans

Exploring the vibrant French Quarter in New Orleans has never been easier. The self-guided walking tour puts the city’s storied past and lively present at your fingertips. With a user-friendly app as your guide, you’ll uncover iconic landmarks and hidden gems at your own pace. From the gothic splendor of the St. Louis Cathedral to the mouthwatering delicacies at Central Grocery, this immersive experience offers a truly authentic taste of the Big Easy. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned local, the tour promises to reveal a side of New Orleans that’ll leave you captivated and eager to discover more.

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Key Points

  • A downloadable app provides guidance and multimedia content for a self-guided walking tour of the historic French Quarter in New Orleans.
  • The tour allows flexible exploration of iconic landmarks, hidden gems, and local cuisine at the visitor’s own pace.
  • The tour starts at the Joan of Arc Statue on Decatur Street and concludes at the renowned Central Grocery and Deli.
  • The tour is accessible and available daily from May 2022 to August 2025, with pricing starting at $6.75 and a free cancellation policy.
  • The tour offers an immersive experience with positive reviews, highlighting the flexibility, interactive elements, and historical insights.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Adults-Only New Orleans Ghost, Crime, Voodoo, and Vampire Tour
  • Cemetery and Ghost BYOB Bus Tour in New Orleans
  • French Quarter Historical Sights and Stories Walking Tour
  • New Orleans Adults-Only Ghost, Voodoo and Vampire Tour

Tour Overview

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Tour Overview

This self-guided walking tour in New Orleans’ French Quarter allows visitors to explore the historic and vibrant district at their own pace. The tour is operated by WalknTours and features a downloadable app to guide you through the experience.

You’ll visit iconic landmarks and hidden gems without the constraints of a group tour or a human guide. The tour never expires, so you can revisit the sights whenever you like.

While the tour doesn’t include any food, drinks, or a professional guide, it provides the flexibility to discover the French Quarter on your own terms.

With an overall rating of 4.5 stars , this self-guided experience offers a unique and immersive way to experience the rich history and culture of this renowned neighborhood.

Meeting and End Points

The tour’s starting point is the iconic Joan of Arc Statue , situated at Place de France on Decatur Street in New Orleans’ French Quarter .

From there, participants can press ‘start’ on the app and follow the guided instructions to navigate through the historic district, ultimately concluding their self-paced exploration at the renowned Central Grocery and Deli , home of the famous Muffuletta sandwich.

This convenient route allows travelers to experience the highlights of the French Quarter at their own leisure, with the app providing valuable information and directions along the way.

Whether it’s your first or hundredth visit, this self-guided walking tour offers a flexible and immersive way to discover the charm and history of this vibrant neighborhood.

Availability and Pricing

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Availability and Pricing

The self-guided walking tour is available from May 23, 2022, through August 11, 2025, with daily operating hours from 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM.

Pricing for the experience starts at $6.75, and WalknTours offers a lowest price guarantee. Travelers can take advantage of the free cancellation policy up to 24 hours before the tour starts.

The tour’s availability and pricing offer several advantages:

Flexible scheduling: The daily operating hours allow visitors to explore the French Quarter at their convenience.

Competitive pricing: The starting price of $6.75 and the lowest price guarantee make the tour an affordable option.

Hassle-free cancellation: The free cancellation policy up to 24 hours before the tour provides peace of mind for travelers.

Tour Experience and Feedback

Travelers’ experiences with the self-guided walking tour in the French Quarter have been largely positive, with an overall rating of 4.5 stars across 8 reviews.

Highlights of the tour include the flexibility to explore at your own pace, interactive elements, and historical insights provided through the tour app.

Some users, however, have expressed confusion with the directions and noted that the information may be slightly outdated.

The tour offers a unique and personalized way to discover the charm and history of the French Quarter.

Suggestions from previous participants have been noted, and the tour operator, WalknTours, continues to work on improving the overall experience for future visitors.

Accessibility and Additional Information

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Accessibility and Additional Information

This self-guided walking tour in the French Quarter caters to a variety of travelers, though it’s not wheelchair accessible. Service animals, however, are permitted on the tour. Most people can easily access the tour starting point near public transportation, making it convenient for a wide range of participants. Visitors receive confirmation of their booking immediately after making their purchase.

The tour offers several additional benefits:

It’s a private experience, so you’ll be exploring the French Quarter with only your group.

The tour never expires, allowing you to revisit it anytime.

Customers can take advantage of the lowest price guarantee and free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance.

Getting to the Starting Point

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Getting to the Starting Point

Joan of Arc Statue, the tour’s meeting point, sits in Place de France along Decatur Street in New Orleans’ French Quarter. It’s accessible via public transportation, making it easy for most travelers to reach the starting point. The nearest options include:

Once at the starting point, simply open the tour app, press start, and begin your self-guided exploration of the historic French Quarter.

Using the Tour App

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Using the Tour App

With the tour app downloaded, users can seamlessly navigate the French Quarter at their own pace. The app provides turn-by-turn directions, historical insights, and interactive elements to enhance the self-guided experience. By simply pressing start at the Joan of Arc Statue, the tour will guide travelers through the vibrant streets, highlighting must-see sights and hidden gems along the way.

The app features:

Offline accessibility, ensuring users can explore without relying on cellular data.

Multimedia content like photos, videos, and audio clips to bring the history to life.

A built-in map that tracks the user’s location, keeping them oriented and on course.

The self-guided nature of the tour allows visitors to enjoy the French Quarter’s charms at their own rhythm, making the most of their time in this iconic New Orleans neighborhood.

Highlights and Tips

Self-Guided Walking Tour French Quarter In New Orleans - Highlights and Tips

The self-guided tour of the French Quarter offers an array of highlights that capture the neighborhood’s rich history and vibrant culture. Visitors can expect to discover iconic landmarks , hidden alleyways, and mouthwatering local cuisine as they explore the enchanting streets at their own pace.

One must-see is the iconic St. Louis Cathedral, a stunning example of French-Spanish colonial architecture. Wandering through the charming Jackson Square and Pirate’s Alley also provides a glimpse into the area’s past.

For foodies, the tour culminates at the famous Central Grocery, where you can indulge in the iconic Muffuletta sandwich . This self-guided experience allows travelers to enjoy the French Quarter’s timeless allure at their own convenience.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • New Orleans Airboat Ride
  • New Orleans Demonstration Cooking Class With Meal
  • New Orleans Food Walking Tour of the French Quarter With Small-Group Option
  • New Orleans Garden District Walking Tour Including Lafayette Cemetery No. 1
  • New Orleans Ghost, Voodoo and Vampire Combo Tour
  • New Orleans Swamp and Bayou Boat Tour With Transportation

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i bring food and drinks during the tour.

No, you can’t bring food and drinks during the tour. The tour overview states that no food or drinks are included. You’ll need to purchase any refreshments separately along the way.

How Long Does the Tour Typically Take to Complete?

The tour typically takes 2-3 hours to complete, depending on one’s pace and interest level. Visitors are free to explore the sights at their own leisurely rate without being rushed by a guide.

Is There a Specific Dress Code or Attire Recommended?

There is no specific dress code or attire required. The tour can be completed comfortably in casual, comfortable clothing and walking shoes. Visitors should dress appropriately for the weather conditions during their self-guided exploration.

Can I Stop and Take Breaks During the Tour?

Yes, you can take breaks during the tour. The self-guided nature allows you to explore at your own pace, stop for refreshments, or rest as needed. This flexibility provides a personalized experience to suit your preferences and energy levels.

Are There Any Discounts or Package Deals Available?

Yes, there are occasionally discounted package deals available for this tour. Customers can check the tour operator’s website or mobile app for any special offers or bundled pricing options that may provide savings.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Murder Mystery Night by Killer Theater
  • French Quarter Walking Tour: LGBTQ History, Literary History, and Voodoo
  • New Orleans: A Locals Eat Dat Food Tour
  • New Orleans Ghost Hunters 101 With Electronic Field Meter
  • Creole Kids Tour in New Orleans
  • Tale of Two Cities: Uptown Bike Tour in New Orleans
  • Laura Plantation Tour With Transportation
  • 60-minute Tremé Walking Tour & Photo Experience
  • Whitney Plantation and Manchac Swamp Kayak Tour Combo
  • Scandalous Cocktail Hour Tour
  • Garden District Walking Tour
  • Adults Only True Crime Dark History New Orleans Walking Tour
  • New Orleans Pottery Workshop: Take A Break To Play In The Clay
  • Hard Rock Cafe New Orleans
  • New Orleans Like a Local: Customized Private Tour

The Self-Guided Walking Tour of the French Quarter in New Orleans offers an immersive and flexible way to explore the city’s iconic landmarks and hidden gems.

With affordable pricing, offline accessibility, and a user-friendly app, this tour provides an enriching experience for both first-time and returning visitors.

Whether you’re craving a Muffuletta sandwich or seeking to uncover the area’s rich history , this self-guided adventure is a must-try for anyone wanting to discover the true essence of the French Quarter.

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Reserve Your Spot with Confidence! Full Refunds with 24 Hrs Notice. Reschedule at any point, even after tour, if space allows!

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French Quarter Walking Tour

french quarter walking tour self guided

Famous for its beads and beers on Bourbon Street, the Vieux Carre's reality far surpasses its Mardi Gras reputation.

In a city that dazzles visitors with its remarkable architecture, the French Quarter is certainly a standout, with Spanish, Caribbean, French, and American influences.

This post details our daily guided walking tour of the French Quarter.

We also include information on our self-guided GPS-enabled audio tour and our other tours in the Quarter.

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It's also a district full of characters: musicians, magicians, and voodoo practitioners.

french quarter walking tour self guided

More than Mardi Gras: French Quarter Tour

Our French Quarter Tour wanders the historic streets and alleys of the Old District, passing by the street theater, peeking into historic churches, and discovering hidden courtyards, all while entertaining you with stories of authors, and artists, priests, and pirates.

We’ll show you the real French Quarter beyond Bourbon Street, but we can’t NOT talk about Mardi Gras!

Our tour ends with tickets for a self-guided visit to the Presbytere and its exhibits for the history and meaning of Mardi Gras and how the city overcame Hurricane Katrina to keep celebrating this centuries-old tradition.

Sights we cover on this walking tour of the French Quarter:

  • Jackson Square:  Begin your adventure at the iconic  Jackson Square , a vibrant hub of activity and artistry that has been the heart of New Orleans since the 18th century.
  • St. Louis Cathedral:  Marvel at the stunning architecture of the  St. Louis Cathedral , one of the oldest cathedrals in the United States and a symbol of the city's deep-rooted Catholic heritage.
  • The Cabildo:  Explore The Cabildo, where the Louisiana Purchase was signed, and discover fascinating exhibits about the city’s colonial history.
  • Pirate Alley:  Wander down  Pirate Alley,  a narrow passageway with tales of pirate lore and literary legends.
  • William Faulkner House:  Visit the former residence of Nobel Prize-winning author William Faulkner, now a charming bookstore filled with rare and classic books.
  • Tennessee Williams House:  See the house where playwright Tennessee Williams penned some of his greatest works, including "A Streetcar Named Desire."
  • Bourbon Street:  No tour of the French Quarter would be complete without a stroll down Bourbon Street, famous for its vibrant nightlife and historic charm.  Read more about this famous attraction in New Orleans.
  • Lafitte Blacksmith Shop:  Conclude your tour at Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop, one of the oldest surviving structures in New Orleans and a former hideout for the infamous pirate Jean Lafitte.
  • Presbytere:  Delve into the Presbytere, which was built initially as a residence for clergy and is now housing captivating exhibits on Mardi Gras and Hurricane Katrina.

Or check out our free self-guided tour of the French Quarter .

french quarter walking tour self guided

French Quarter Walking Tour Map

Tour information

  • Meet your guide at the Andrew Jackson Statue in the center of Jackson Square ( map ).
  • The tour lasts 2 hours. Total walking is about 1 mile.


We also offer a self-guided audio tour for you to use anytime you wish.

The audio tour is GPS-enabled, so you can also follow on your phone. Downloads cost just $2.99.

Here is an audio sample.

We also offer audio tours of the Garden District, Lafayette Cemetery #1, and an audio tour of our Arts, Music, and More Tour.

Here is how it works:

  • Purchase an audio tour.
  • Get a confirmation email with .mp3, .pdf, and embeddable Google Map
  • Enjoy the tour(s).

Even if you don't download any tours, you will still have access to valuable information on sightseeing, eating, and playing in New Orleans.

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About The Author

french quarter walking tour self guided

Sarah Hester

North america, united kingdom & ireland, middle east & india, asia & oceania.


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