
7 Informative and Fun Maryland Field Trips

Being so close to D.C., it’s easy to overlook the plethora of amazing places you can visit in Maryland. At Chesapeake Charter, we happily have served as safe and reliable transportation for many school field trips. It’s an amazing opportunity to help teachers give kids the potential to learn outside the classroom. If you are looking for informative and fun Maryland field trips, here is our shortlist. Have suggestions? Let us know!

1. Maryland Symphony Orchestra

Categories: Indoors, Music Education, Grades K-College

What kid doesn’t love music? Okay, so this might not be Justin Beiber, however music appreciation can come from any genre. At the Maryland Symphony Orchestra, they provide FREE concert tickets to select classical performances. This is for all grade levels. Located in historic Maryland Theatre in downtown Hagerstown, it has a variety of programs for students.

And it’s not just for grade school either. While college students aren’t free, they are still eligible for $10 discounted tickets to select performances. Improve your students’ musical awareness and give them an experience of a lifetime at the Maryland Symphony Orchestra .

2. Arlington Echo

Categories: Outdoors, Hands-On, Environmental Science, Grades K-12

Did you know Maryland became the first state in the nation to require environmental literacy as a graduation requirement? It’s no wonder given how important our Chesapeake Bay is to us. While Arlington Echo has been around for nearly 50 years, in 1971 it was purchased by AACPS. It now serves as an outdoor education site. They work to provide interdisciplinary outdoor education for all students and teachers in Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

In addition to providing school-based curricula , they have many programs to choose from. They also provide information on how schools can be more green . All around it is a great way to get kids involved and reach their education requirements in a fun, hands-on way.

Port Discovery-Fun Maryland Field Trips

Anita C. Leight Estuary Center partners with Harford County Parks and Recreation, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve – Maryland, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Izaak Walton League of America, and the Otter Point Creek Alliance.

6. Anita C. Leight Estuary Center

Categories: Outdoors, Hands-On, Environmental Science, Grades 2-12

This research and education facility is dedicated to increasing appreciation and understanding of estuaries. It allows students to learn more about our amazing Chesapeake Bay through school programs optimized for their grade levels. For elementary students, they have Estuary Ecology where they can learn about the watersheds and estuaries through fun activities. Or to get more hands-on, a Wetland Animal and Plant adaptations program where they interact with animals like turtles, fish, birds, and beavers.

For middle school and high school, they have a canoe based Estuarine Ecology program or Otter Point Creek Environmental Survey . Both use more technology and take science one step further. You can learn about their programs on their website . It’s a great way to have fun and learn about our wonderful Maryland waterways.

7. Terrapin Adventures

Categories: Outdoors, Team-Building, Adventurous, Grades 5-12

Sometimes the greatest field trips are just plain fun! And that is exactly what you get at Terrapin Adventures. Great for classes, school clubs, sports team and more. The minimum requirement is that students be at least 8 years of age, 4 feet tall and over 80 lbs. Other than that, there are so many packages to choose from!

From building bonding moments to challenging courses, these programs are geared to have kids learning and working together. Think cooperation, creative problem solving, and uplifting activities. All skills kids can bring back to the classroom. While this isn’t on the cheap side, the benefits are well worth it. And for every 10 kids, one chaperone gets in free. Lunch options are also available. Check out all Terrapin Adventures overs on their website .

We Can Get You There!

While this isn’t an exhaustive list, it has some great places to visit. Kids learning outside the classroom helps them inside the classroom as well. And if you need transportation, Chesapeake Charter is here for you. Our drivers are certified professionals and are compliant with all DOT regulations. We are also the most recommended and used school bus charter company through Anne Arundel County and beyond. Not sure what you need? Call us today or request a quote online . Let’s make this school year one to remember!

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4 Fun Field Trips in Baltimore & Annapolis

Social studies, STEM, and just for fun!

Students on a field trip in Baltimore

Destination Education℠ by Watermark® immerses students in unique experiences. Our field trips support the social studies curriculum of Maryland and surrounding states. Many of our programs offer indoor and outdoor hands-on activities that meet STEM and environmental-literacy standards. Read on to learn about four of our fun field trips in Baltimore and Annapolis.

1. Aquatic Adventures

First, we have Aquatic Adventures offered in partnership with the National Aquarium . Our strong network of partners allows us to provide fully coordinated itineraries. This makes for exceptional field trips in Baltimore! Students explore an underwater world at the aquarium and then get out on the water for a 45-minute Baltimore Harbor Cruise. The narration shares the important history of the waterfront and its role today as a working port. Students may eat lunch on the boat while cruising past Federal Hill, Fell’s Point, Fort McHenry, and much more.

Baltimore | A fully-coordinated 3-to 4-hour itinerary | $30.95/Student (Minimum of 20 students.)

2. The Best of Annapolis

A popular choice for fourth-grade classes, this field trip shares the best that this charming city has to offer. Students begin their journey with a 90-minute Colonial Stroll led by a period-attired guide. They walk past historic mansions and learn about life in the 18th century. Our guides share stories of important figures that helped make Annapolis and Maryland what we see today. The tour includes the restored Maryland State House, where George Washington resigned as Commander-in-Chief.

The field trip continues on with a 45-minute walking tour of the United States Naval Academy. This unique institution is home to more than 4,000 midshipmen. Students experience the Academy’s sights, sounds, and history as they stroll.

Finally, the field trip ends with a 40-minute Annapolis Harbor & USNA Cruise. The cruise narration touches on history, navigation,   architecture, and ecology.

Annapolis | 3.5 hours | $16.50 Student/$23 Adult  

3. Chesapeake 101

Chesapeake 101 is a hands-on cruise that meets STEM and Environmental Literacy standards. First, students engage in problem solving and team building while they explore Chesapeake Bay ecology. Activities include oyster tonging, exploring oyster reef critters, oyster dissection, watershed pollution activity, seining for life in the creek, and crabbing.

Then, after a morning of ecological exploration, students climb aboard Harbor Queen for a 40-minute narrated Annapolis Harbor & USNA Cruise. Students are welcome to enjoy lunch during the cruise.

Annapolis | 3 hours | $17.50 Student/$22.50 Adult  

4. Pizza Party Cruise

On this entertaining field trip, students climb aboard to enjoy a DJ, pizza, and, above all, lots of fun. This event is customizable for your occasion. For example, 8th-grade graduations or the end of the year are wonderful reasons to celebrate. Our Youth Group Manager will help you tailor the party to your needs. Available as a field trip in Baltimore and Annapolis, this is a cruise for memories! Your students will certainly have a blast.

Annapolis & Baltimore | Call for pricing and availability.  

Maryland has a lot to offer for both the social studies and STEM subjects. Contact our Youth Group Manager to plan your next field trip in Baltimore and Annapolis.

Student group at the USNA: Department of Defense photo by Angel A. Clemons/Released.

Mad Science Voted Best Party Entertainer!

Parents across DC, Maryland, and Virginia voted Mad Science as Washington Parent Magazine's Best Party Entertainer! Find out what all the hype is about and book your Mad Science Party today!

Group of kids celebrate birthday party together with presents, confetti and balloons

After School Programs!

We are now setting up our winter and spring programs! Mad Science After School Programs are fun, hands-on, and educational. Your students will be having so much fun, they’ll forget they’re learning. Make Mad Science a part of your Fall After School schedule today!

Boy playing with slime in an Activity Cup that he made at a birthday party.

Thank you for a wonderful summer!

We can't wait for summer 2025! Registration opens December 1st, 2024! Mad Science Camps offer hands-on discovery and exploration of scientific principles. Your child will be able to touch, see, hear, and smell what science is really all about! Campers create a variety of take-home projects while exploring how science affects the world around us.

Kids wearing mad science lab coats sitting outside with a mad scientist with their thumbs up

For Schools

Mad Scientist blowing fire out of machine while kids look on at a mad science special event

Assemblies & Shows

Discover exciting and educational assemblies! Our stage shows captivate students anytime. Hassle-free, action-packed children's events with jaw-dropping science demos. Perfect for single classrooms, grades, or the entire school. Prepare for lots of "oohs" and "ahhs"!

2 girls and a boy laughing and playing with test tubes.  smoke coming out of 3 beakers

In-Class Field Trips & Workshops

Boost your science curriculum with Mad Science! Our engaging workshops reinforce classroom concepts through educational and enjoyable experiences for kids. All workshops align with Maryland, Virginia, and DC standards. With a wide range of topics, we offer hands-on learning that complements your curriculum. Let us help you find the perfect workshop to enhance your students' understanding!

3 kids putting blue and yellow substance in a test tube

STEM Nights & Booths

Planning a STEM night or school event? Need captivating entertainment? Look no further! Our interactive science booths offer hours of hands-on fun for students. Enhance the experience with an engaging stage show, just like our assemblies! Perfect for evening or weekend events hosted by your school or PTA. Get ready for an unforgettable and interactive experience!

For Organizations, Day Cares, Companies, and more

Mad scientist using smoke machine that is blowing rings while girl on stage looks on

Exciting event on the horizon? Experience our captivating stage shows and interactive fun stations! Hassle-free, action-packed children's events that will leave everyone amazed. Prepare for "oohs" and "ahhs" with our over-the-top science demos. Perfect for community festivals or daycare/camp groups. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!

Kids around a table playing with white cotton.

Is your organization looking for hands-on kids' science activities! Mad Science is here for you, whether you're a homeschool group, camp, daycare, or any other organization. Our workshops offer 35 to 60 minutes of interactive, hands-on learning. Our approach ensures a deeper understanding of fundamental scientific principles. Let us ignite curiosity and learning in your young participants!

A boy and girl taking liquid from beaker using a pipette. On the table there are beakers and test tubes with colored liquids

Preschool Programs

Seeking preschool entertainment? Look no further! We provide shows and workshops for our littlest Mad Scientists too! Our Pre-K shows bring excitement to students as young as 2 with color-changing reactions, bubbling potions, and more. Our workshops offer age-appropriate, hands-on experiments introducing basic scientific principles. Watch their squeals of delight as learning becomes fun!

Contests, Events and Resources

4‑H STEM programs provide youth with opportunities to learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) through hands-on projects that incorporate each of these four elements into the activities our educators and volunteers lead. STEM has always been part of 4-H’s history, as it has been providing hands-on learning opportunities for youth that incorporate science, engineering, and technology for over 100 years!

For more information about Maryland 4-H’s STEM opportunities, including those listed below, please e-mail Mark DeMorra, Maryland 4-H STEM Specialist, at [email protected] .

We look forward to seeing you at the Maryland State Fair at the 4-H Robotics and 4-H Engineering contests!


robotics revolution logo 4h-233x131


Check out the manuals below..

4-H Robotics Graphic

The Maryland State 4-H Robotics Challenges provide the opportunity for members to participate in an organized statewide robotics activity. Members in each county will form teams that will build robots to perform specific tasks. The county teams will then have the opportunity to compete at the Maryland State Fair.  Each year, teams of youth can compete in one of two Robotics Challenges: the “Lego Robotics Challenge” and the “Robotics Engineering Challenge” (REC).  Both divisions will have a Jr. Division (8-11), Intermediate Division (11-13), and a Senior Division (14-18). In addition, mixed-age teams will be allowed and will participate in the age division of the oldest member on the team. 

Please click on this link to access the   FAQ’s List

Have questions? Looking for help troubleshooting problems with building your robots or the field components? The 4-H Robotics Committee is here to help! You can ask questions and reply even without an account on our forum . Signing up will allow you to get notified of replies and contribute to other conversations, allowing for greater collaboration on best tackling this year’s 4-H Robotics Challenges. Take a look!

State Fair Registration

There is a cost of  $5 per youth  to register and participate in the Maryland 4-H Robotics Contests. Registration is done via  4-H Online  and is NOT done via the Maryland State Fair website.  Youth can not register as individuals for the robotics contests  but only as part of an established team whose club has already been charted and fully enrolled via 4-H Online, with at least 2 fully certified volunteers listed as the team’s leaders. Youth will need to choose the county their club meets in when registering, and teams will need to provide their local educator with a list of all youth participating on their team. If a club is fielding more than one team and has multiple teams competing per division (i.e., signified with A, B, C… or 1, 2, 3… or Jr, Intermediate, Sr…. etc.),  then the youth lists will need to be broken down for each team when submitted to the county educator.  4-H volunteers can coach more than one team, but  youth can only compete on one team  at the Maryland State Fair robotics contest. For more information on registration for these events, please contact your local 4-H educator.  Registration for these events closes on 4-H Online on July 31st

Maryland State 4-H Lego Challenge

Lego logo

The Maryland 4-H LEGO Robotics Challenge has 4-H members build robots using parts from the LEGO Mindstorms NXT, EV3, SPIKE Prime and/or RCX kits. The challenge is run on a 4’ X 4’ table where robots start in a home base area and then travel autonomously throughout the board, completing predetermined tasks. Robots are preprogrammed and score points as they complete tasks within a 2.5-minute time frame. Each team plays in multiple rounds, with their best robot game performance counting toward their final score.

The Maryland 4-H LEGO Robotics Challenge will also require the team to prepare a technical presentation for a panel of judges. In addition, the teams will demonstrate how their robot and attachments work, share their engineering notebook, and explain how they worked together throughout the season.

The community service project is a third component of the Maryland 4-H LEGO Robotics Challenge. Each season will present a new theme for the LEGO field and this project where teams will be asked to develop a service project that relates to such. The team will then prepare a visual presentation for a panel of judges explaining their service project and its impact on their communities.

The final overall score for each team will be a combination of their best robot round, their technical presentation score, and their service project score.

Maryland 4-H Lego Robotics Challenge Documents: 

  • 2024 4-H LEGO Robotics Challenge - The Bird Watchers  
  • The playlist for the 4-H Lego Challenge Build Guide is here:  https://bit.ly/20224-HLegoPlaylist

4-H Robotics Engineering Challenge

robotics challenge 4h logo

The Maryland 4-H Robotics Engineering Challenge (REC) will have 4-H members building larger, more complex robots up to 18” X 18” X 18” which will compete on a 12’ X 12’ playing field built from carpentry supplies. The robot can be constructed from a variety of robotic platforms, including, but not limited to, VEX, Tetrix, or LEGOs. The theme of the challenge will change every year and will integrate STEM topics relevant to careers and current priorities in the industrial & technological worlds. Each game lasts 2.5 minutes, with the first 30 seconds being where the robots will perform missions autonomously using code preprogrammed by the team. The final 2 minutes of each game will be driver-controlled (teleoperation) through wireless controllers. The team with the most points after the full 2.5 minutes wins the match.

REC Teams will also present their engineering notebook, which they started and maintained throughout the season, and be interviewed by a panel of judges in the technical round. Teams can also craft a custom presentation for the technical round if desired. Judges will ask questions and score the team based on information they shared during this round, including the robot’s construction, it's programming, the group’s overall teamwork, and their community service activities. 

2024 Maryland 4-H Robotics Engineering Challenge Documents: 

Updates to the 2024 REC manual are highlighted in the following updated document in yellow.

  • 2024 4-H REC Manual V3 with new additions & flowchart  (April 2024)
  • 2024 REC Build Guide  (April 2024)

National 4-H STEM Challenge

4-h stem challenge.

The  National 4-H STEM Challenge  is the premier national rallying event for year-round 4-H STEM programming, bringing together youth, volunteers, and educators to engage in a fun and exciting series of hands-on activities that touch on relevant topics in the modern world, including Computer Science, Astronomy, Engineering, Agriculture, Physics, and Environmental Science.

Launched in 2008 with Helpful Hydrogels, the 4-H STEM Challenge activities are designed for youth 8-18, and have included coding and animating a video game, building bristle bots, cleaning up an environmental spill, building a Mars Rover, investigating how to harness wind, and much more! The 2020 4-H STEM Challenge reached over 500,000 youth with the "Mars: Base Camp" kits, created and distributed in partnership with Google, Toyota, Bayer, and Maryland's own NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center! The 2021-22 theme is "Galactic Quest" sponsored by Bayer and the U.S. Space Force!

By being a part of these experiments, you can help Make the Best Better!

Go to the  National 4-H STEM Challenge website   for this year's challenge.

For more information contact: Mark DeMorra at  [email protected]  


New event: 4-h/ffa mechanical sciences day .

tractor, lawn tractor, engine, boy on bike

Event Date: June 29, 2024

Event Location: Queen Anne’s County 4-H Park, 100 Dulin Clark Rd, Centreville, MD 21617

This event will introduce participants to several agricultural and mechanical sciences-related 4-H/FFA project areas. Participants will learn about general knowledge, safety, and requirements for these state-level competitive events. 

The 4-H/FFA Mechanical Sciences Day is from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Queen Anne's County 4-H Park. The day's purpose is to provide general knowledge of various ag/mechanical science projects and introduce youth to state-level contests related to the projects. Topics include tractors, lawn tractors, bicycles, and small engines.  

This event is open to enrolled 4-H youth members ages 8-18 and FFA youth members ages 13-18. Age is determined by the youth's age on January 1, 2024.

Age-appropriate activities will be based on 4-H youth age divisions. 4-H age divisions are:

  • Junior - ages 8-10
  • Intermediate - ages 11-13
  • Senior - ages 14-18

Adult 4-H Volunteers may register by invitation only. 4-H Volunteers must have an approved enrollment for the current program year. Contact Jessica Mellon at  [email protected]  for more information.

This 4-H event must have at least 15 registered youth to take place. If the minimum number of registrations is not received by June 15, 2024, the event is subject to cancellation.

There is no fee for this event.


The next 4-H Engineering Camp will be in 2025. Stay tuned for information about the NEW Maryland 4-H Engineering Days coming this Summer!

The State 4-H Electricity/Energy contest is on hiatus until further notice. Coming in 2024: NEW State 4-H Drone Contest!

Maryland 4-H has a long history of offering in-depth and hands-on experiences involving Engineering. This includes our Engineering Challenges at the State Fair and Engineering Camp every Spring. More information about these 4-H Engineering opportunities, including helpful resources and event information, follow.





For more specific information about Maryland 4-H Engineering programs, Mark DeMorra, 4-H STEM Specialist, at [email protected] .

4-H Engineering Days

More information about these new STEM events in the Spring & Summer is coming soon!

Engineering Camp:

One of the greatest weekends in the Spring is the 4-H Engineering Camp! Located at the Harford County 4-H Campgrounds (The Rocks), its purpose is to introduce some of the numerous Engineering projects available through 4-H and to provide hands-on experiences to prepare youth for some of the county, regional, and state contests. In addition to in-depth exploration of Engineering projects, there will be fun challenges that will test youth's ability to use the Engineering Design Process to solve problems and achieve goals. Topics that have been featured include large tractor operation, welding, aerospace, computers, environmental engineering, GPS/GIS mapping, and underwater robotics. 

Location: The Rocks 4-H Camp, Street, MD

  • The MD 4-H Engineering Camp is for 4-H youth aged 12-18 (4-H age determined by youth's age on January 1 of that year). Youth must be enrolled in Maryland 4-H using the 4-H Online system to participate. There is a cap of 40 youth that can participate. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis determined by the date/time the registration is  submitted  through 4-H Online. 

4-H Engineering Challenges at the Maryland State Fair

Bicycle Safety: The State Fair "Bicycle Safety Challenge" tests youth's ability to operate, fix, and ride bicycles safely and effectively. The contest consists of a written test, Parts ID, and skills demonstrations by youth on to drive in a straight line, figure 8, on a city street, with double obstacles, and with double zig-zag obstacles. Resources youth can consult in preparation for the Bicycle Safety Challenge follow:

Purdue University Bicycle Safety Challenge:  https://www.asec.purdue.edu/naengr/Bicycle.pdf

Bicycle Universe-Bike Laws in MD:  https://bicycleuniverse.com/bicycle-laws/bike-laws-in-maryland/  

Bike Law Blog-MD Bike Laws:  https://www.bikelaw.com/2019/04/maryland-bike-laws/

Small Engine: The "Small Engine" Challenge at the Maryland State Fair evaluates youth knowledge of the safe operation and maintenance of small engines, present in many common devices such as lawn mowers, generators, tillers, and more. This is done through a written exam, parts ID, and a visual presentation given by youth. Resources youth can consult in preparation for the Small Engine Challenge follow:

Purdue University Small Engine Challenge:  https://www.asec.purdue.edu/naengr/Small%20Engine.pdf

John Deere Manuals & Training Resources:  https://www.deere.com/en/parts-and-service/manuals-and-training/

Lawn Tractor (Learn to Earn):  The "Lawn Tractor" event at State Fair is designed to offer 4-H youth an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the areas of lawn care, business management, tractor operation, maintenance, and safety. The day of the challenge at state fair features a written exam, parts ID, safe operation course, and a tractor driving course.  Resources youth can consult in preparation for the Lawn Tractor (Learn to Earn) Challenge follow:

Purdue University Lawn Tractor Challenge:  https://www.asec.purdue.edu/naengr/Lawn%20Tractor.pdf

Tractor Operator's Contest (4-H & FFA):  The “Large Tractor” event at State Fair is a joint challenge that both Maryland FFA and Senior-aged 4-H youth can participate in. It is meant to test their skills with operating agricultural tractors safely and effectively, including proper maintenance and care. The challenge consists of a written exam, practical exam, and 4 driving exams:

  • 2-Wheel Drive Safety
  • 2-Wheel Drive Operation Course
  • 4-Wheel Drive Safety
  • 4-Wheel Drive Operation Course

Competitors will be ranked both overall and via their specific program (4-H or FFA). Resources youth can consult in preparation for the Tractor Operator’s Contest follow:

Purdue University Tractor Operator's Safety Challenge:  https://www.asec.purdue.edu/naengr/Tractor.pdf

Purdue 4-H Tractor Curriculum:  https://extension.purdue.edu/4-H/projects/4-h-project-tractor-and-mower-safety-and-operator-skills.html

MD Aerospace Program

The Maryland 4-H Aerospace program blasts off into 2022! Youth ages 8-18 are encouraged to participate in this amazing program that may launch a STEM field career. The program focuses on model rocketry but incorporates educational and engineering activities into an out-of-this-world experience!

The 2022 Aerospace Contest Resources are LIVE!

  • NEW FOR 2022:  Registration for the 4-H Aerospace Workshops and Contest will be via 4-H Online. Registration for this event is through 4-H Online. To access the registration, log in to your 4-H Online family profile and click on the “Events” tab. You can find an Event Registration “how to” guide on the  Maryland 4-H website . 
  • National Association of Rocketry (NAR) Safety Code
  • Aerospace Glossary (including important people, NASA programs, scientific terms, rocketry parts & terms, and more!)
  • Recommended rocket kits for contest
  • Additional preparation resources in Aerospace Resource drive
  • Sample Challenge score sheets and contest forms
  • Junior Guide  (Ages 8-10)
  • Intermediate Guide  (Ages 11-13)
  • Senior Guide  (Ages 14-18)
  • 4-H Aerospace Program Resource Folder  (All age groups)

All 4-H youth ages 8-18 are eligible to participate in the 4-H Aerospace Challenge.  There is NO requirement to carry a rocketry or aerospace project. 

All challenge participants will be required to bring a rocket they have built themselves and prepare to speak about their design and on relevant Aerospace topics. At the event, individuals will participate in craftsmanship judging on their rocket, a live interview with a parts identification test with judges, and a short, written exam about aerospace history and knowledge. Seniors will be required to create a maximum 5-minute presentation about their rocket that they brought, the engineering and design process of its construction, and the important concepts behind the modern Aerospace industry.

All 4-H youth members are eligible and encouraged to participate in the workshops, to learn more about the Aerospace project or to prepare for the State 4-H Aerospace Challenge.  Participation in a 2022 4-H Aerospace Workshop is an eligibility requirement for a 4-H youth member to participate in the 2022 4-H Aerospace Challenge.  Adult 4-H Volunteers who want to learn more about the Aerospace Challenge are also invited to attend. Registration via  4-H Online  is required, which will also include the most up-to-date information on upcoming Aerospace workshops during the Spring and Summer. Volunteers will receive hands-on experience supervising and assisting youth with a model rocket build.

4-H STEAM Showcase

For youth ages 5-18. 

Your mission is to address the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) challenge below. Each team/individual that submits an entry that successfully addresses all six criteria will be awarded a participation prize for their efforts. 

“Spark Tank”: Design a new invention or an improvement on an existing invention aimed at helping youth and families to live healthily. Remember that Healthy Living can address social, emotional, physical, and financial health. You will submit a recorded video entry (max 3 minutes) outlining:

  • Problem Identification - Is the problem (the need for the invention/improvement) explained clearly and completely?
  • Proposed Solution - Does the invention/improvement represent a realistic, practical solution to the problem?
  • Healthy Living Connection - Does the invention/improvement clearly relate to, inspire, and/or support healthy living?
  • Ease of Use/Replicability - Is the invention/improvement easy to use and replicate? 
  • Creativity/Innovation - Does the invention/improvement represent a creative STEAM response to the problem?
  • Presentation Quality - Does the presentation as a whole clearly and completely explain/demonstrate the five criteria listed above?

All participants will have the opportunity to showcase their video presentations during the MD STEM Festival. Submit entries on or before October 14, 2021, using this link, https://forms.gle/1fw5ECAWhqZxPx3y7

The top 5 entries will be invited to present virtually live via Zoom at an interactive Spark Tank experience where Tank judges will evaluate, ask follow-up questions, and recognize the top entries. The Spark Tank event for the top 5 entries will be held virtually the week of November 14.

Healthy Living Spark Tank Examples and Illustrations

Physical Healthy Living Innovations

  • When your 4-H club visits the local nursing home, you notice that many of the older  residents have a hard time reading what type of medicine is in their various medicine bottles, so you develop a “Medicine Magnifier”. It’s a simple invention, but it will help so many people. The magnifier is a flexible plastic lens that you can lay over a medicine bottle label to magnify the text. The nursing home residents and so many others are so thankful for your invention.
  • Your class took a field trip to NASA. Your tour guide shared the many challenges astronauts face when they are in outer space. One challenge that really struck you was how difficult it is to use the restroom without gravity to hold your body on the toilet seat. So you decide to design a self-cleansing human waste removal system for a spacesuit similar to the self-cleaning cat litter boxes you’ve seen advertised on television. NASA and the astronauts will be forever grateful. 

Emotional Healthy Living Innovations

  • You are sad to see so many of your friends struggling emotionally. So you decide to create something that will help them cope with the stress and anxiety some of them wrestle with. You develop a coping strategy wheel and share it with them. They are so thankful for this new tool to help them cope with daily challenges.  
  • You’ve noticed that kids at school are being mean to each other. So you decide to build upon the concept of painted rocks and begin a campaign to create “Kindness Rocks”, which can be painted and decorated in any manner, but they all will have a tip on how to show kindness. The rocks are a hit, and before you know it a “kindness rocks” club is flourishing at school.

Social Healthy Living Innovations

  • Your 4-H club has been learning about healthy living. You were surprised to learn that so many kids today feel lonely since anyone can talk to anybody at any time with all of our social media tools and apps. You decide that kids will feel less alone if they are actually spending time with other people, instead of with their phones or computers. So you design an app that records how much time is spent on social media and reminds people to go outside and interact with the world and all the fascinating people in it.
  • You have a friend that has been severely bullied at school. You decide to raise awareness of bullying by designing and distributing anti-bullying buttons. These are pins with anti-bullying messages. You work with your teachers and principal to develop incentives to encourage kids to purchase and wear the anti-bullying buttons.  

Financial Healthy Living Innovations

  • You are taking a financial wellness class in school. In class, you learn that nearly 70% of Americans have less than $1000 in savings. So, for your class project, you decide to create an app to track spending, savings, and sharing (giving).  
  • Your little sister thinks she can have anything she wants. She doesn’t understand that money is a limited resource. To help her, and other young kids understand this, you develop a fun activity to help kids clarify needs from wants. 

 Score sheet

Adventures in Science

Adventures In Science  is a partnership between the University of Maryland Extension and AIS Inc. It is a science-based hands-on educational program reaching about 330 youth ages 8-14 in Montgomery County. The program is provided at six locations managed by organizational leaders and instructors. Parents and other volunteers help teach interactive 2-3 hours sessions every Saturday for 18 weeks. 

We love to hear from our 4-H Alumni! If you are a 4-H alum currently working in a STEM field, please e-mail Mark DeMorra at [email protected]. We’d love to hear how 4-H has impacted your life and your decisions to pursue a STEM career. Thank you!

In addition, click below to see a list of even more STEM Activities & Resources that you can use anytime or anywhere, even from home!

STEM Activities & Resources

Science, technology, engineering and math related websites:.

  • eGFI -- Engineering, Go For It! eGFI is sponsored by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). They are committed to promoting and enhancing efforts to improve K-12 STEM and engineering education.
  • Space Place from NASA Check out games, animations, projects, and fun facts about Earth, space and technology.
  • Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Careers Information about careers in Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Science Buddies Free Science Fair Project Ideas, Answers and Tools for Serious Students
  • The Science of Cooking Discover how a pinch of curiosity can improve cooking! Explore recipes, activities, and Webcasts that will enhance your understanding of the science behind food and cooking.
  • Kid Wind Promote wind power through education and activities that challenge, engage and inspire all ages
  • Natural History Museum in London Find on-line science activities for kids, families and teachers as well as highlights of current collections at the museum.
  • Galaxy Zoo Find out how you can help astronomers explore the universe. You will view images from the NASAQ's Hubble Space Telescope and classify them by shape.
  • Zero Robotics:  Zero Robotics is the first robotics competition in space! A partnership between MIT, NASA, and the International Space Station (ISS), students on teams across the world learn coding principles, math, computer science, and physics to virtually program satellite robots on the ISS, with the Astronauts giving play-by-play. Middle school and high school competitions take place each year, including in Maryland!
  • PhET Interactive Simulations:  The PhET website is the place to go to perform experiments and explore the world without ever leaving your chair! Run by the University of Colorado Boulder, PhET simulations are fun, engaging, and free interactive experiences that cover every branch of science and mathematics. You’d never be able to do some of these experiments at home or even at school, so don’t miss out, do them online at PhET!
  • Code.org: Computer science is an ever-growing and evolving field that also has one of the largest shortages of qualified candidates in the modern world. Code.org, who also leads the annual “Hour of Code,” offers fun projects and opportunities for youth to get engaged in computer science, while also working to increase its diversity and exposure to underserved populations. Creating new art projects, sprite designs, cell-phone apps, and games are just some of the fun projects kids can do in their virtual lab!
  • FIRST Robotics Competitions (Jr. FLL, FLL, FTC, FRC): FIRST is home to the largest and longest-running STEM competitions in the world, including FIRST Lego League, FIRST Tech Challenge, and FIRST Robotics Competition. Interested in robotics or trying to find a team? Take a look and get in on the fun!
  • VEX Competitions: VEX Robotics is a new approach to the competitive robotics world, with competitions for grade-school youth all the way through college. VEX IQ, VEX EDR, and VEX Pro await newcomers to get involved and become inspired, one robot at a time.
  • NXTprograms.com:  Love the Lego Mindstorms, but haven’t been able to find any new projects or ideas to use them for recently? This website has both building and programming ideas for the Lego Mindstorms line of robots, including both EV3 and NXT. Build instructions are included, in full color, and most are designed by kids!
  • KiwiCo:  KiwiCo offers monthly projects to kids of all ages! Broken down into 7 lines with varying age ranges and topics of focus, KiwiCo kits are hands-on, fun, and educational kits for kids young and old to become problem solvers and expand their creativity. The best part? Kids can do them at their own pace!
  • Science Sparks:  Science Sparks make science fun for kids! With lots of great ideas for fun science experiments to do at home, ideas for science fair projects, free worksheets for teachers to use in the classroom, and a bevy of fun facts to peruse, Science Sparks is one of the few one-stop shops for both kids and educators alike.
  • NASA For Students:  NASA’s youth website continues to grow, featuring resources and curriculum for educators as well as fun and engaging activities for youth, divided up by grade level. Fun videos, event information, the NASA Kids’ Club, and internship opportunities are just some of the cool things for kids and adults to explore!
  • Hyperphysics:  Do you enjoy Physics and Astronomy?... like REALLY enjoy them? Any questions about these complex and at times intimidating topics can be answered here. Georgia State’s website on Physics is an incredibly thorough and in-depth look at the subject featuring easily clickable crosslinks, pictures, breakdowns of complex equations, and even some interactive activities. It’s time to demystify Physics!
  • Physics Classroom:  Physics can be hard, and sometimes, having everything in one spot for kids and educators to look at when trying to “force” though the concepts can be really useful! With curriculum and worksheets available that align to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), plus interactive pages to help teach specific subjects across the entire physics “spectrum,” there’s a lot to look at. Plus, there are even specific resources for kids who will be taking the ACT test and for teachers who need help writing tests. The site is truly the “Big Bang” for getting through Physics in one piece!
  • Smithsonian Museum: The largest museum, education, and research complex in the world has a site for people to explore and interact with their science and nature exhibits. From tree frogs to fossils to computers to planetariums, the Smithsonian has it all!
  • Lawrence Hall of Science:  The Lawrence Hall of Science, based at the University of California Berkeley, is a hub for lots of fun activities and resources for both in-person and online visitors. The museum has modern exhibits going all the way back over 65 million years, while the website has apps for kids that have been downloaded over 1 million times! They even have NGSS-aligned activities and curriculum for educators plus activities for kids to do online too. They have everything… but that’s Berkeley for you!
  • Cospaces.io:  Interested in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality? Ever wanted to create your own 3D VR/AR worlds? Cospaces.io is the website to do just that! Once you create a free account, you can then open the app on almost any cellphone, insert it into a compatible VR/AR headset, and take a tour of all your virtual worlds firsthand. Also, built-in Scratch programming can be used to make your world even more interactive!
  • TinkerCAD: Interested in 3D printing and 3D modeling? Never done 3D modeling before though? That’s okay! TinkerCAD is the most popular 3D modeling program for kids! Learn how to 3D model objects, import 3D objects and edit them, and export your creations to view or even 3D print. You can do it all!
  • USA Science & Engineering Festival: The USA Science & Engineering Festival is one of the largest STEM events in the nation, taking place bi-annually at the Washington DC Convention Center. Over 400,000 people attended the 2018 festival over the course of 3 days, which featured over 3000 interactive exhibits. The next festival will be in 2020, with the theme “Vision of STEM,” but other STEM events across the nation are also featured!
  • Instructables:  Like to build things? You just hit paydirt! With Arduinos, leather, cosplay, jewelry, 3D printing, cooking, woodworking, gardening, and more, Instructables is where you can learn how to make just about anything!
  • Fields of Engineering Overview : There's a lot to Engineering. Not only are there dozens of major concentrations in the Engineering discipline, but each concentration has dozens of different types of roles and careers associated with it! Thankfully, a fellow teen with an interest in Engineering has compiled a nice list with resources on all the major disciplines of Engineering, including just exactly what Engineering does. The great people at IT HARE put it up on their site, which also has lots of in-depth articles about Best Practices, Tips & Tricks, and Research on Cybersecurity, System Architecture, and even the basics for how to create good online multiplayer games. That covers quite a breadth of STEM, doesn't it?
  • Student Guide to Eclipses :  Eclipses are really cool. They don't happen often, but when they do, they're big events. Did you know there are different types of eclipses though? Can you explain how eclipses work? There's a lot of really cool physics and astronomy behind eclipses, and if you want to learn more (without having to get a Ph.D.), a retired Electrical Engineer and Renewable Energy expert created a website during COVID-19 that breaks it all down so  everybody  can understand. His website also has great info on other topics related to the sun, including solar energy, electricity generation, solar cooking, and more. This is where you can really get a look at the "sunny side of life!"

The Educational Equity Center at the Academy for Educational Development (EEC/AED) through a grant from the National Science Foundation has developed Great Science for Girls: Extension Services for Gender Equity in Science through After School Programs (GSG), to provide inquiry-based, informal science learning programs that will stimulate girls’ curiosity, interest and persistence in STEM and break down the barriers of gender stereotyping.

Great resources are available for purchase to further the idea of Science and Math are FUN!

STEM Websites for Girls

  • Wonderwise-Women in Science Learning Series Introduces you to women who have made science their career.
  • Carnegie STEM girls This site is where girls can connect with the people and opportunities that can make their dreams happen.
  • Nerd Girls This website highlights a growing, global movement that celebrates smart-girl individuality that’s revolutionizing our future. They want to encourage other girls to change their world through Science, Technology, Engineering and Math while embracing their feminine power.
  • Engineer Girl Read about the EngineerGirl! Essay Contest. Find out more about engineering careers. See profiles of women engineers. Find out what classes to take in high school to pursue an engineering career.
  • Changing the Curve: Women in Computing : This site has a timeline of women's achievements in computing and computer science plus information about how gender gaps in education and the workforce are being addressed. Most uniquely, it also includes additional resources for women and specifically for women of color who are interested in pursuing STEM in college and beyond.
  • Women in Engineering and Technology :  Accomplishments in the field of Engineering have in great part helped to create the technologically advanced world that we live in, and have been responsible for numerous human innovations throughout our history. These accomplishments include  many  that were led by women! While some of these female engineers and their accomplishments are well-known, some are not. This website overviews some of the accomplishments of numerous female engineers, with the goal to encourage more girls to pursue engineering as a future career path.
  • STEM Identity Resources for Women and Girls Women in STEM jobs are increasing in numbers, but there is still a long way to go for equity. Keeping young girls engaged in science, technology, engineering and math from a young age, and avoiding the typical ‘drop off’ that happens to girls around the world in STEM will create a more equitable STEM workforce.

Maryland Science Center

Today ’s Hours 10am-4pm

stem field trips in maryland

For Parents & Homeschoolers

Homeschool programs, bring your homeschooler to msc for ha nds-on stem opportunities  .

Homeschool Workshops take place twice a year—in the fall and winter, and include opportunities such as enrichment programs, IMAX films, planetarium programs, and more. Admission to our exhibit halls is free to all homeschoolers on the day of the program with prepaid registration.

Our fall 2024 session will take place September 11 – 27, 2024.  Registration is now open. 

View schedules by week:.

Week 1 Schedule

Week 2 Schedule

Week 3 Schedule 

Homeschool Workshop Pricing

Everyone ages 3+ needs a ticket to get into the Planetarium, IMAX, MSC Theater, and Family Science Festival during Homeschool.

*Exhibits Only  admission can be purchased in person at the door, no advance registration will be accepted. All same day sales will be charged the admission fee. All homeschoolers participating in additional programs with advanced paid registration will have free admission to the exhibits for that day.

**Workshops requiring specialized materials or resources may require a lab fee. This additional charge will be noted on the registration page for programs which require a lab fee.

Interested in visiting during another part of the school year?

Homeschool Co-ops are welcome to use our opportunities guide to book a field trip to the Maryland Science Center. The Maryland Science Center will also travel to you! Information on our Traveling Science Programs and Family Science Nights can also be found inside our opportunities guide.

We are located at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor at the intersection of Light Street and Key Highway. Our physical address is 601 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.

Homeschoolers attending the Homeschool event should use the Constellation Energy Learning Entrance located on the Key Highway side of the building. Do not use the main Harborside Entrance. Please note we will begin the check-in process at 10am.

We validate parking at three nearby garages. Vouchers for all garages can be picked up at the Security Desk located on Level One. Visit our directions and parking page for details.

Yes, please print your tickets at home or save them to your electronic device.  You will be checked into each program using your tickets or our computer-generated registration list.

Late comers will still be admitted into their programming with the exception of programs held in the Planetarium and MSC Theater. For your safety, you will not be able to re-enter the planetarium if you leave once the presentation starts. There are no refunds or exchanges on any portion of missed programming.

Our café hosts a mini-mart with some quick lunch and snack options. You are also welcome to bring your lunch or leave the building.

Due to capacity issues, we only have space for the students that are registered. Please note everyone attending the Davis Planetarium and IMAX Theater age 3 and up must purchase a ticket.

All programs are age specific. Children must be in age-appropriate programming and must be the age of their programming by September 30, 2023.

Yes! If you plan to just tour the exhibits only, and are not participating in any programs, you do not need to register in advance. You will, however, need to register on the day you come in to tour the exhibits. Exhibits only admission fee is $10 per person.

Any programming that is available on the day of your visit can be added at the door. The Exhibits only fee applies to all same day door sales.

If you are just visiting the exhibit halls you can use your membership. All homeschool programming: enrichment programs, IMAX, and planetarium shows are not available to the public and require special tickets.

If the Maryland Science Center is closed due to inclement weather during the original date of this program, the make-up date will be announced. Your program will happen on the same day of the week and time of the original program. Should there be a weather incident, our website will be updated by 7am for that day’s programming. You will only receive a refund if MSC has to close during the make-up week.

Subscribe to our homeschool email list and more to get updates on all the opportunities for learning here at the Maryland Science Center!

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Information For

Virtual Field Trips

Inspire your students and spark their curiosity by allowing us to bring a Virtual Field Trip to your classroom remotely.

Kara Virtual Lab

With over eight activities to choose from for elementary, middle, and high school students, our instructors meet with your students virtually for an interactive scientific investigation experience. Our field trips have flexible timing, but you can generally expect the experience to take 60 minutes.

Our laboratory activities align with the Maryland State Science standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. Each activity is based on real-world problems and issues, allowing students to engage in scientific and engineering practices while learning content in new and challenging ways

Program Details

We typically conduct our Virtual Field Trips with a single class (up to 40 students) per session.  If you have more students that you would like to participate in a single session, please indicate it on your request form.

Field Trip Fee

The field trip fee is $50.00 per session. You can schedule up to four sessions/day.

Field trip fees will be waived for Maryland public and charter schools in underserved communities (at least 50% of students receive Free and Reduced Meals) and those that serve students traditionally underrepresented in STEM (at least 50% of students identify as African American and/or Hispanic). View the Fee Waiver Eligible (PDF)  list to determine if your school is eligible for a fee waiver.     

Payments are processed through Towson University’s invoicing system. We do not accept payments at our location. An invoice will be mailed to you separately by Towson University. Your school's   federal tax identification number (EIN) (PDF) is required. For acceptable forms of payment, please visit Towson University’s   Student & University Billing Office   website. Towson University does not accept purchase orders. 

Inclement Weather and Cancellation Policy

If your school is closed or has a delayed opening, you must contact us to reschedule your Virtual Field Trip. If our site is closed or has a delayed opening due to inclement weather, your Virtual Field Trip will be canceled. We follow   University of Baltimore (UB)   closures and delays. We will contact you the next open business day to reschedule your Virtual Field Trip.

We reserve the right to cancel your Virtual Field Trip at any time for emergency reasons. In the event of an emergency situation, we will make every effort to reach you via phone/email. If you have any doubts about whether or not your visit is canceled, please contact us at scitech AT_TOWSON .

Make a Reservation

In order to book a virtual field trip, you will need to submit the Virtual Field Trip Request Form. This form will be available in August for the 2024-2025 school year.

We will do our best to accommodate your first choice of dates.

We will be in contact with you within five business days of receiving your request form. If you do not hear from us, please email scitech AT_TOWSON or call 410-385-6323.

Activities Offered

Elementary education field trips.

We currently offer three lab activities for grades 3–6.  

Secondary Education Field Trips

We currently offer two lab activities for grades 6–9 and three labs for grades 9–12.

If you have questions, please email  scitech AT_TOWSON . 

Virtual Field Trips Request Form

Schedule a virtual field trip with our instructors!

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Maryland Field Trip Guide

Field Trip Ideas , Mid-Atlantic

Maryland Field Trip Guide

Museums in Maryland and other educational attractions make this state a fun and memorable place for student field trips

Defined by its abundant waterways and coastlines on the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean, Maryland provides many numerous opportunities to explore the Atlantic Coast and Chesapeake Bay while learning about America’s seafaring past (to say nothing of enjoying its local blue crabs). Educational harbor cruises are available in Baltimore, Annapolis and elsewhere.  A common field trip idea is to schedule at least one meal at a seafood restaurant, as Maryland is famous for crabs, clams, oysters and other fruits of the sea. Because the state borders Washington, D.C., many field trip groups combine a few days in Maryland with a visit to Our Nation’s Capital.

A Few Maryland Field Trip Ideas:

  • Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
  • National Museum of Civil War Medicine
  • Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center
  • Maryland Science Center
  • Baltimore’s National Aquarium
  • Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
  • Reginald F. Lewis Museum
  • Baltimore Museum of Art

Fort McHenry soldiers

Maryland History & Heritage Field Trip Ideas

Maryland, one of the 13 original colonies, is the perfect place for field trips delving into American history. Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine in Baltimore Harbor , attacked by the British in the War of 1812, is where Francis Scott Key penned his poem “The Star-Spangled Banner” after witnessing the bombardment. The poem was later set to music and became our national anthem in 1931.

Students learn about the Civil War’s bloodiest one-day battle at Antietam National Battlefield , near Sharpsburg. Frederick is home to the National Museum of Civil War Medicine , which is another great field trip idea for students.

The Colonial Annapolis Historic District offers an impressive concentration of 18th century buildings for students to experience, including homes of the four Maryland signers of the Declaration of Independence. A field trip to Annapolis, the capital of Maryland , is not complete without a visit to the U.S. Naval Academy Museum .

Historic St. Mary’s City , an 800-acre museum of archaeology and living history, is another amazing field trip idea that features costumed guides who interpret life in Maryland’s first capital, founded in 1634. On Maryland’s Eastern Shore, an important chapter in African American history comes alive at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center , which opened in March 2017 in Church Creek. Students learn about Tubman’s daring missions to lead some 70 friends and family members to freedom on the Underground Railroad, a secret network of places and people.

Music Center at Strathmore entrance

Performing Arts Locations to Visit

Chances for field trips to experience performing arts or school groups to perform in Baltimore include the Inner Harbor Amphitheater, National Aquarium, Maryland Zoo, Fort McHenry, B&O Railroad Museum and Hard Rock Cafe’s outdoor pier . Among Annapolis venues are Annapolis Town Centre, Annapolis City Dock, Westfield Annapolis Mall and U.S. Naval Academy Museum .

In Ocean City, the Boardwalk and Convention Center Performing Arts Center spotlight student talent. Columbia showcases student groups at Toby’s Dinner Theatre, The Mall in Columbia, Horowitz Performing Arts Center and the Gazebo at Lake Kittamaqundi in Columbia Town Centre.

In Montgomery County, northwest of Washington, D.C., places to perform include the Music Center at Strathmore , Clarksburg Premium Outlets and Westfield Montgomery Mall . East of D.C., school choirs and bands have opportunities to perform, mostly around Christmastime, at Six Flags America , a theme park in Largo, Prince George’s County. Other sites in the county include National Harbor, Bowie State University’s Fine and Performing Arts Center and Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center at the University of Maryland.

Maryland Arts & Culture Destinations for Students

Recognized as one of the world’s most important orchestras, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has attracted a devoted national and international following while maintaining deep bonds throughout Maryland via innovative education and community outreach initiatives. Offerings include free midweek concerts, open rehearsals for students and mentoring opportunities.

America’s official national museum and education center for intuitive, self-taught artistry, Baltimore’s American Visionary Art Museum offers both guided and self-guided tours as well as lesson plans and educational resources. Located in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the Reginald F. Lewis Museum is the authentic voice of Maryland African American art, history and culture.

Available for pre-K through high school students, tours of the Baltimore Museum of Art ’s collections and exhibitions combine close looking with interactive discussion. Tour themes for younger students include nature, feelings, stories in art, portraits and play, while middle and high-school students explore identity, power, and care and community.

Located in Baltimore’s Mount Vernon Cultural District, the Walters Art Museum offers in-person and virtual tours for pre-K school group with opportunities for both docent-led and self-guided experiences. Its extensive collections include art from pre-dynastic Egypt to 20 th -century Europe. The Chesapeake Shakespeare Company unlocks the magic of the Bard’s words with specially priced student matinees.

stem field trips in maryland

Educational Field Trips through STEM

Opportunities for educational field trips via STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) abound at two entertaining cultural institutions fronting Baltimore’s Inner Harbor . Three floors at the Maryland Science Center are filled with hands-on exhibits that cover subjects as diverse as physics, earth science, and health and the human body. Groups can watch educational films in the IMAX theater and learn about outer space in the Davis Planetarium. For school field trips, the museum can arrange classroom-style Enrichment Experiences for small groups (30 maximum) that focus on subjects like biology, chemistry and engineering design.

Baltimore’s National Aquarium is home to sharks, dolphins, turtles and other marine animals. For school field trips, its education programs offer hands-on discovery, structured lab activities and live animals encounters; all programs support Next Generation Science Standards.

Six Flags America theme park in Largo, between Baltimore and Washington, D.C., offers STEM Days programming for several days each spring, as students explore the physics behind the roller coasters. Nothing like a healthy mix of fun and learning while on a field trip. Maryland STEM activities also are available in fall and December.

Marine & Aquatic Field Trips for Student Groups

Located in Solomons, the Calvert Marine Museum combines pre-history, natural history and maritime heritage to tell a unique story of the Chesapeake Bay. Step back in time with a visit to Baltimore’s Project Liberty Ship S.S. John W. Brown , one of only two surviving fully operational Liberty Ships that participated in World War II, which operates now as a historic museum.

Main photo: Antietam cannons

For more student travel ideas and tips, visit   here  and be sure to subscribe for FREE to  Student Travel Planning  Guide for all the latest information to help plan your next student trip.

Student Travel Planning


Palm Springs Air Museum

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Maryland Science Center

With interactive exhibits, a planetarium and giant screen theater, science encounters and live shows, the Maryland Science Center offers much to see and do. It’s 170,000 square feet of science just waiting to be explored!

contact info

Helpful lesson plan(s), prepared by fieldtripdirectory.com.

stem field trips in maryland

Science Museum Lesson Plan

There are a wide variety of science museums out there. From archaeological artifacts to galactic adventures in museum planetarium domes, there’s something for just about everyone!

Many science museums offer interactive experiences for youth groups such as labs and simulated space missions. Find a science museum with offerings that align with your curriculum goals for a field trip that’ll be worth while.

Put on those lab coats and goggles! Students step into the shoes of scientists. Gear up for an exploration of science and all it has to offer.


  1. Maryland STEM Festival June 2023 Newsletter

    stem field trips in maryland

  2. Field Trips

    stem field trips in maryland

  3. 5 Tips to Planning the Best STEM Field Trip!

    stem field trips in maryland

  4. Maryland STEM Festival

    stem field trips in maryland

  5. 1st Maryland STEM Parade

    stem field trips in maryland

  6. Maryland STEM Festival

    stem field trips in maryland


  1. Maryland Field Trips

    GRADE LEVEL - Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School, High School PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Guided Tours, Self-Guided Tours, Guided Activities. COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Homeschool MARYLAND. St. Mary's City TEL - 301-994-4371 / 301-994-4372 Read More.

  2. For Schools

    In-School Field Trips. We have over 80 themes complementing the Maryland Next Generation Science Standards! Schedule a field trip that comes to you! No buses! We bring the excitement and education of a science museum directly into the classroom! In-school science workshops that move from classroom-to-classroom in 45-60 minute sessions

  3. Field Trips

    Call us (410-545-5929) Tuesday - Sunday from 10AM - 4PM or fill out a Field Trip Request Form and email it to [email protected]. Bookings open for the 2024-2025 school year on Wednesday, August 7.

  4. Outreach Programs

    Call us Tuesday - Sunday, 10am - 4pm at 410-545-5968 with the following information ready: desired program, intended date and time, alternate dates, and class size, or fill out a request form and email it to [email protected]. Reservations for the 2024-2025 school year open on Tuesday, August 20 at 10:00am. Family Science Night Form.

  5. STEM Achievement in Baltimore Elementary Schools

    SABES Field Trip Suggestions* *This information describes possible field trips related to STEM. The details of these field trips are subject to change. Please check with the provider for the most up-to-date information. Also, follow all school and organization protocols for permission and safety requirements. Banneker Planetarium at The Community College of Baltimore […]

  6. Field Trips

    Schedule a Field Trip. Booking a Watermark field trip is easy! Call us at 410-268-7601 x 200 or fill out the form below. Schedule a Field Trip. Download our Fall 2024-Spring 2025 brochure. Watermark. Unforgettable Journeys that await on the Chesapeake Bay. Sign up for our newsletter today to get all of the latest.

  7. Field Trips

    RSC offers monthly field trips to places of interest that are science related. Pre-registration is required. ... Stem Scouts. Girl Scout Badges. Clubs. Avatar Learning Center. Summer Camps. Adults. Classes. Lecture Series. ... 33F Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1084, Rockville, ...

  8. Baltimore Field Trips

    Field Trips in Baltimore. Watermark offers a variety of Social Studies and STEM field trips in Baltimore, Maryland. Our narrated sightseeing cruises and walking tours with period-attired guides are unique ways for students to explore this historic city. A strong network of partners allows us to plan seamless itineraries that fit your needs!

  9. For Teachers

    Call us (410-545-5929) Tuesday - Sunday from 10AM - 4PM with the following information ready: desired program, intended date of time, alternate date, class size. Bookings open for the 2024-2025 school year on Wednesday, August 7. You may also fill out one of our program request forms below and email it to [email protected].: Field Trip ...

  10. 7 Informative and Fun Maryland Field Trips

    7 Informative and Fun Maryland Field Trips. Being so close to D.C., it's easy to overlook the plethora of amazing places you can visit in Maryland. ... STEM, Arts & Culture, Music, Early Education. This one's just for the little guys. Port Discovery is a great non-profit children's museum. Geared for 5th grade and under, this is truly a ...

  11. Skate Zone

    Following the completion of the 1-hour STEM lesson, the students roller skate for physical fitness. While roller skating, the concepts the students learned are continually reinforced. Other field trip opportunities include Middle School Mixers, an icebreaker program, and Incentive Daytime Trips. All packages can include food and drinks.

  12. 4 Fun Field Trips in Baltimore & Annapolis

    Our field trips support the social studies curriculum of Maryland and surrounding states. Many of our programs offer indoor and outdoor hands-on activities that meet STEM and environmental-literacy standards. Read on to learn about four of our fun field trips in Baltimore and Annapolis. 1. Aquatic Adventures

  13. The Maryland Science Center

    Not only do you enjoy member-only perks, but you help support all our great events and programming. Members enjoy benefits reserved just for them. Your Maryland Science Center Membership includes many benefits such as discounts, VIP events, free admission to the Science Center and more! Become a Member View Benefits.

  14. Field Trip Experiences

    Located in the Inner Harbor of Baltimore, discover SciTech, a field trip destination that engages students in grades 3-12 in hands-on, inquiry-based science activities that stimulate thought and engage participants. With over fifteen different activities to choose from for elementary, middle, and high school students, educators are able to ...

  15. Kids Science Parties, Camps, After School & Events

    In-Class Field Trips & Workshops. Boost your science curriculum with Mad Science! Our engaging workshops reinforce classroom concepts through educational and enjoyable experiences for kids. All workshops align with Maryland, Virginia, and DC standards. With a wide range of topics, we offer hands-on learning that complements your curriculum.

  16. Maryland Field Trips

    Visitors explore sandy beaches, salt marshes, maritime forests and coastal bays. GRADE LEVEL - All GradesPROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Self-Guided Tours, Guided ActivitiesCOST - FeeGROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Camp, Homeschool, FamilyMARYLAND BerlinTEL - 410-641-1441. 1.

  17. Baltimore Field Trips

    GRADE LEVEL - Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Overnight Trips, Camping, Self-Guided Tours, Guided Tours, Self-Guided Activities, Guided Activities. COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Camp, Homeschool, Family MARYLAND. Baltimore. Frederick TEL - 301-888-8735 Read More.

  18. Washington DC Field Trips

    COST - Fee, Group Rates, Title I GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Homeschool, Family MARYLAND Baltimore Olney OUTREACH WASHINGTON DC-METRO TEL - 240-722-6019 Read More. ... Skate Zone is Crofton's #1 skating rink, offering skating lessons, STEM field trips, and more. School and camp groups welcome! Visit Skate Zone—where fun meets fitness!

  19. STEM

    The Maryland 4-H Aerospace program blasts off into 2022! Youth ages 8-18 are encouraged to participate in this amazing program that may launch a STEM field career. The program focuses on model rocketry but incorporates educational and engineering activities into an out-of-this-world experience! The 2022 Aerospace Contest Resources are LIVE!

  20. Homeschool Programs

    Homeschool Workshops take place twice a year—in the fall and winter, and include opportunities such as enrichment programs, IMAX films, planetarium programs, and more. Admission to our exhibit halls is free to all homeschoolers on the day of the program with prepaid registration. Our fall 2024 session will take place September 11 - 27, 2024.

  21. Virtual Field Trips

    Field trip fees will be waived for Maryland public and charter schools in underserved communities (at least 50% of students receive Free and Reduced Meals) and those that serve students traditionally underrepresented in STEM (at least 50% of students identify as African American and/or Hispanic).

  22. Maryland Field Trip Guide

    Opportunities for educational field trips via STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) abound at two entertaining cultural institutions fronting Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Three floors at the Maryland Science Center are filled with hands-on exhibits that cover subjects as diverse as physics, earth science, and health and the human body.

  23. Maryland Science Center

    Many science museums offer interactive experiences for youth groups such as labs and simulated space missions. Find a science museum with offerings that align with your curriculum goals for a field trip that'll be worth while. Put on those lab coats and goggles! Students step into the shoes of scientists.