Memory Alpha

Attack on Mars

The Attack on Mars was a surprise attack which occurred on April 5 , First Contact Day , in 2385 . It was masterminded by Commodore Oh , a Zhat Vash operative who had infiltrated Starfleet Security , and carried out through compromised A500 synths originating from the Daystrom Institute 's Division of Advanced Synthetic Research .

  • 2 The attack
  • 3 Aftermath
  • 5.1 Appearances
  • 5.2 References
  • 5.3 Apocrypha
  • 6 External link

Prelude [ ]

At some time following the defeat of the Reman military coup of the Romulan Star Empire , it was discovered that the Romulan sun would soon go supernova , likely destroying the planets Romulus and Remus . With the effect on other nearby systems, the impending disaster was anticipated to kill at least nine hundred million Romulans. The empire requested aid from the United Federation of Planets . Admiral Jean-Luc Picard convinced Starfleet to mobilize a massive rescue armada – "ten thousand warp-capable ferries " – to aid in the evacuation efforts, which were assembled over Mars. ( PIC : " Remembrance ")

Oh , a half -Romulan/half- Vulcan member of the Tal Shiar and its ultra-secretive Zhat Vash cabal , held a gathering of Zhat Vash operatives on the planet Aia . She reminded them of the Admonition , showing them devastation wrought upon the galaxy by artificial lifeforms, warning it would happen again. She selected Mars as an ideal target whose destruction would push the Federation towards a ban of artificial lifeforms. ( PIC : " Broken Pieces ")


F8, the android who helped initiate the attack

On First Contact Day in 2385 , only a skeleton crew remained to work at the center of the rescue fleet, the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards , during the holiday. Multiple A500 androids suddenly went rogue. One android, F8 , lowered the deflector shields protecting the shipyards and the planet itself, then hacked the Martian defense net . Once the attack began, F8 slaughtered his organic coworkers and then committed suicide. ( PIC : " Remembrance ", " Maps and Legends ")

The attack [ ]

Moments thereafter, numerous synth ships began targeting the rescue armada, the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards, the Mars Orbital Facility , and other Martian facilities. The satellite network surrounding Mars was turned against the surface. The synths then began bombarding the surface, igniting flammable vapors in the stratosphere and causing massive damage to the planet's infrastructure.

Starfleet dispatched a task force to Mars at high warp in response to the attack, but was unable to prevent the destruction of almost the entire surface of the planet.

Aftermath [ ]

Although initial reports only estimated more than three thousand killed, the death toll would eventually be revised to 92,143 in total. During the initial news reports, Admiral Picard was quoted on the Federation News Network , calling the attack "devastating". All reserve officers were called back into service. ( PRO : " Ouroboros, Part II ")

Since it was initially thought to be a programming error in the synths, the Federation Council placed a ban on synthetic lifeforms . Androids such as B-4 were dismantled, and the Daystrom Institute was restricted to "theoretical" studies on synthetics. Admiral Picard called this ban "a mistake". With all active positronic matrices shut down, people who would contract mendaxic neurosclerosis , such as Thaddeus Troi-Riker , would eventually die from the illness without treatment, increasing the death toll beyond the initial attack.

All exploration was put on hold, after Starfleet Command was asked to "scale back" operations in light of the personnel shortage and to focus on protecting Federation citizens; ships that were only good for exploration were slated for decommission . Furthermore, Starfleet Academy suspended operation for an unknown period of time, a decision held in error by Admiral Kathryn Janeway , who questioned what would happen if the Federation stopped exploring new worlds and new civilizations. Using her connections, Janeway reassigned the second Protostar -class , USS Prodigy , as a training ship in a pilot program under her command to continue the exploration aspect under the guise of training newly assigned ensigns.( PRO : " Ouroboros, Part II ")

With the destruction of the Romulan rescue armada, Admiral Picard submitted a plan to replace the lost ships with mothballed vessels from Beta Antares Ship Yards and the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards . Starfleet, aware that the Romulan rescue mission was unpopular among many of the Federation's member races, and with several saying they would leave the Federation if the rescue went forward, instead abandoned its promise to aid the Romulan evacuation altogether, a decision that shocked Picard.

In desperation, he submitted his resignation , demanding that Starfleet either accept it or honor their promise to the Romulans; to his surprise and dismay, they accepted the resignation, which angered Lieutenant Commander Raffi Musiker , who believed in his plans and was eventually discharged from Starfleet. In the years that followed, Picard developed recurring nightmares of the attack, partly from his loss of faith in Starfleet. Musiker, who had initially believed in some Tal Shiar involvement and not the accepted story of a programming error, would become obsessed with figuring out who really carried out the attack, with her conspiracy theories only getting as far as the Conclave of Eight . This obsession would lead to the destruction of her family and her drug addiction .

In 2387 , Ambassador Spock would attempt to stop the supernova from happening by using red matter aboard the starship Jellyfish . He would be too late, and when the Romulan sun did go supernova, it destroyed the Romulus system , killing millions. The Jellyfish would be attacked by the Romulan mining vessel Narada , whose captain Nero blamed Spock and the Federation for the death of his wife in the supernova. Both ships would be lost in a red matter-created black hole , leading to the creation of an alternate reality and, eventually, the destruction of that reality's Vulcan and an attack on Earth in retaliation for the prime Starfleet's refusal to help. Picard would go on to blame Starfleet's inaction for the high death toll, lamenting that their decision to call off the rescue and to abandon the Romulans was not just dishonorable, but also downright criminal, and it was not so easy for those either had died or left behind. The Romulan Star Empire was replaced by a Romulan Free State .

With the lack of Starfleet support, the sectors in and near the former Romulan Neutral Zone collapsed, and the planets there were left to themselves. Independent groups such as the Fenris Rangers would attempt to maintain order and help worlds like Vashti , the Romulan Relocation Hub before the attack, but by the end of the century these worlds would fall into chaos and poverty , becoming hotbeds for the Romulan Rebirth movement and petty warlords like Kar Kantar .

As of 2399 , Mars remained ablaze. Some individuals, such as Dr. Agnes Jurati , later referred to the planet as having been "destroyed" in the attack. At the same time, however, the Federation's synthetic ban was eventually lifted after it was discovered that the synthetics were not responsible for the attack, but rather it was orchestrated by the Zhat Vash whose sole mission was the extermination of all synthetic life, even at the apparent cost of their own homeworld and millions of innocent Romulans. ( Star Trek ; ST : " Children of Mars "; PIC : " Remembrance ", " Maps and Legends ", " The End is the Beginning ", " Absolute Candor ", " Stardust City Rag ", " Broken Pieces ", " Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2 ").

Rogue synth ships over the Martian colonies

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • ST : " Children of Mars " (first appearance)
  • " Remembrance "
  • " Maps and Legends "
  • " The End is the Beginning "
  • PRO : " Ouroboros, Part II "

References [ ]

  • " Absolute Candor "
  • " Stardust City Rag "
  • " Broken Pieces "

Apocrypha [ ]

In Star Trek Online , a Task Force Operation PVE mission based on the Attack on Mars is known as "Synth Wave". In it, players are tasked with attempting to rescue as many engineers as possible to get them to safety or get them into various Starfleet vessels to fight against the synth armada. Since the players' involvement in the event is only hypothetical , players can see what their actions could do in lessening the death toll of the attack.

External link [ ]

  • Attack on Mars at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 2 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)
  • Federation space stations
  • Space stations

Utopia Planitia Shipyards

  • VisualEditor

Faction Starfleet

The Utopia Planitia Shipyards are a Federation starship construction and repair facility in orbit of Mars in the Sol System . Along with the San Francisco Fleet Yards in Earth orbit, the Utopia Planitia Shipyards are one of the major starship design and construction facilities of Starfleet .

The shipyards, destroyed by Synth forces in 2385, have been rebuild prior to 2409 and are now defended by the 3rd fleet.

  • 1 Missions involved
  • 2 Other involvement
  • 3 Missions formerly involved
  • 4.1 Pre-2020
  • 4.2 2020 onwards
  • 4.3 Starfleet Department Patches
  • 4.4 Starship Development Patches
  • 6 External Links

Missions involved [ | ]


Other involvement [ | ]

  • "Utopia Planitia Report 1" : Lieutenant Whetu and Ensign Elyos of Utopia Planitia work to solve design problems with the plasma manifolds of the U.S.S. Hestia's engine assembly.
  • "Utopia Planitia Report 2" : Whetu and Elyos discuss ordered upgrades to the Galaxy dreadnought as part of Starfleet's ongoing efforts to remain competitive with the Klingons and Romulans , despite recent alliances.
  • "Utopia Planitia Report 3" : Disaster strikes while Whetu and Elyos are conducting an EVA to repair the U.S.S. Defiant . In order to rescue Elyos, Whetu must attempt an extremely dangerous maneuver.
  • "Utopia Planitia: One Big Ship" : Whetu and Elyos accompany a team of technicians on an inspection of the U.S.S. Enterprise , which is undergoing a large-scale refit. They meet with the Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Kirayoshi O'Brien , who welcomes them aboard and cautions them that he has made a number of nonstandard modifications to the ship, and that they should consult him if they find anything outside normal specifications. He arranges to meet Whetu over dinner in ten-forward to discuss their progress.
  • "A Gathering of Engineers" : At Utopia Planitia, Lieutenant Whetu meets with Tum'Era of the Klingon Empire and James Hunt of the Borg Cooperative to evaluate recent proposals for new Competitive Wargames. While they reject proposals from the Ferengi and Excalbians , they approve three simulations: “Binary Circuit” , from Izar ; “Core Assault” , from the Gorn ; and “Twin Tribulations” , the Reman entry.
  • "Utopia Planetia: The Mystery of Yard 39" : Leaving the Narendra's commissioning party, Whetu finds Elyos studying "weather reports" from the TL-9139 system. Elyos explains that nearly one hundred starships had been abandoned in the system in 2259 when a freak eruption from the local star flooded the area with Baryon radiation. Now, however, it appears that the radiation is abating, and it will be safe to re-enter the system within a few weeks. Elyos is excited by the prospect of recovering the antiquated ships, and applying what they learn from them to modern ship design.

Missions formerly involved [ | ]


Gallery [ | ]

Pre-2020 [ | ].

The shipywards in orbit

The shipywards in orbit

The research facility inside the shipyards

The research facility inside the shipyards

The shipyards as they appear during "Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning"

The shipyards as they appear during "Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning"

The shipyards as they appear during "The Odyssey Class"

The shipyards as they appear during "The Odyssey Class"

Observation Deck

Observation Deck

Design Room

Design Room

Conference Room

Conference Room

Model Starships

Model Starships

Main Station

Main Station

Docks in Orbit of Mars

Docks in Orbit of Mars

2020 onwards [ | ]

The shipyards in 2409

The shipyards in 2409

Looking down on ground facilities

Looking down on ground facilities

A simulation of the attack in 2385

A simulation of the attack in 2385

Starfleet Department Patches [ | ]

Advanced Starship Design Bureau

Advanced Starship Design Bureau

Fleet Modernization Program

Fleet Modernization Program

Utopia Planitia Shipyards

Starship Development Patches [ | ]

Dervish class

Dervish class

Excalibur class

Excalibur class

Galaxy class

Galaxy class

Intrepid class

Intrepid class

Luna class

Olympic class

Prometheus class

Prometheus class

Vesta class

Vesta class

Notes [ | ]

  • The map was remade in 2020 for “Mars, the Bringer of War” and “Synth Wave” . The introduction of Synth Wave, confirming the First Contact Day attack is in STO's timeline, with the remastering of the Klingon 2409 mission implies that the burning on Mars (ongoing in 2399) was ended and the shipyards rebuilt prior to 2409.

External Links [ | ]

  • Utopia Planitia Shipyards at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 List of canon starships
  • 3 Playable starship

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

From star trek: theurgy wiki.


Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards , also known as Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards or Utopia Planitia Shipyards , was a key Starfleet vessel construction and design facility in the 24 th century. The facility included a number of drydocks and space stations, as well as several large drafting rooms for starship design and planetary facilities on the surface of Mars. Because of its key role in Starfleet’s starship production, Utopia Planitia Shipyards was the construction site of many prominent vessels and the workplace of many prominent engineers and starship designers.

Utopia Planitia Shipyards collaborated with San Francisco Fleet Yards in the design and construction of the Luna class starship, including the USS Resolve that was commissioned on October 22nd, 2375.

In the 2350's Nicole Howard 's father worked at Utopia Planitia Shipyards until his alcoholism cost him his job.

In 2357, Kanti MacTavish 's parents, a joined Trill and human of Scottish descent both worked as engineers at Utopia Planitia Shipyards the year she was born.

Nator 159 served at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in the Advanced Starship Design Bureau from 2367 until 2380. During this time Nator was a member of both the Luna and Theurgy design and construction teams. Nator received two promotions during this time but was demoted a rank due to the actions of Liam Herrold .

After the Borg attack of 50893.5 (2373) , the USS Dawnguard was towed to Utopia Planitia Shipyards for repairs.

Crewman Liam Herrold served as a fighter weapons and ordinance technician at Utopia Planitia Shipyards from 2373 until he was promoted to petty officer third class and transferred to the USS Resolve in 2376. During this time he familiarized himself with the tactical systems of the Peregrine-class and Mark I AC-205 Valkyrie fighters . While serving at Utopia Planitia Shipyards Crewman Herrold specialized in fitting and loading torpedo based weaponry and calibrating their targeting software and developed an interest in the new pulse phaser technology .

In 2377, Lt. JG Azrin Ryn was assigned to Utopia Planitia Shipyards as part of the Hot Fire Test Team, running the final tests on newly built warp engines before the ships were allowed to leave the yards for their shakedowns.

After the Dominion War , Utopia Planitia Shipyards collaborated with the Antares Fleet Yards to construct the Theurgy-class prototype USS Theurgy which was commissioned on October 9th, 2378.

In 2380, Lt. JG Ryn had begun to miss serving on a starship, so she requsted a transfer from the shipyards and was assigned to the USS Theurgy .

Lieutenant (junior grade) Kaylon Jeen served at Utopia Planitia Shipyards for a year from 2379 to 2380. While there he worked to increase the efficiency of the new Powhatan class’s deuterium enrichment hardware, so that a starship on a deep space mission could make more efficient use of any raw deuterium that was collected and processed on board. It had the added advantage of increasing overall deuterium usage as well. For this he was awarded Starfleet 's Meritorious Service Medal.

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

  • Edit source

The Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards , or Utopia Planitia Ship Yards , is a key Starfleet starship construction and design facility in at least the 23rd and 24th centuries . It has drydocks and space stations in orbit above the Utopia Planitia region of Mars , as well as ground based facilities in that region of the planet .

  • 2 Ships developed and/or built at Utopia Planitia
  • 3 Personnel
  • 4.1 External links

History [ ]

Commander Clause Elberg commanded Utopia Planitia from 2270 to 2271 . ( Endless Winter )

Beginning in 2358 , Captain Jonathan Hofmann served with Starfleet Research and Development at Utopia Planitia. While there, he spearheaded the USS Scandalon and Pendragon -class Development Projects. ( PDN : "Children of the Burning Heart" , "Wings As Eagles" , "Restoration" )

Vice Admiral Theoderich Patterson began a tour of duty as commanding officer of the Fleet Yards here while the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) was being constructed. ( TNG novel: The Sky's the Limit : "Meet with Triumph and Disaster") He would still be in command years later when USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was launched. ( VOY : " Relativity ")

Lieutenant Commander James Tiberius Kirk was stationed at Utopia Planitia between 2364 and 2366 . During this time, he was part of the investigation into the destruction of the USS Yamato . ( TNG : " Contagion "; Epiphany Trek : "Epiphany")

Captain T'Sara was a project supervisor for the USS Buran (NCC-57580) Construction Team between 2365 and 2367 , which was abruptly halted by the Buran 's destruction during the Battle of Wolf 359 . ( Star Trek: Courageous )

Prior to his assignment to Deep Space 9 Benjamin Sisko was stationed at Utopia Planitia, where he assisted in the design work and flight tests of the USS Defiant . ( DS9 : " Emissary ", " The Search, Part I ")

In 2367 , the USS Prospect spent a few months in repair and being upgraded at the Utopia Planitia facility. ( TPC : "The Burnt Child" )

The USS Prospect -A was launched from Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2371 . ( TPC : "Home" )

Lieutenant Commanders Antonio Fernandes and Ethan Arden were stationed at Utopia Planitia for at least part of the USS Cantabrian 's refit between 2369 and 2372 . Commander Kwong Ju'an , their supervisor, was also stationed there. ( Star Trek: The Cantabrian Expeditions : " Catalyst, Part One ")

The shipyard, as well as a Federation rescue armada for the Romulan worlds imperilled by the coming Hobus supernova, was destroyed by rogue synths in 2385 . ( Short Treks : "Children of Mars"; PIC : " Remembrance ", " The End is the Beginning ")

When the IKS Descent accidentally sent itself too far back in time from 2411 , they found themselves in 2385 over the synth attack at Mars and Utopia Planitia, forcing them to assist in the defence. ( Star Trek: Phoenix-X : " Fanatical Online ")

Utopia Planitia was heavily damaged in a Klingon Defense Force raid in 2409 led by Lieutenant Commander Brokosh . ( Bait and Switch : Red Fire, Red Planet )

In 2752 , the fleet yards were set to be decommissioned due to a lack of resources, a move which Fleet Admiral Thomas Garrison protested and tried to get reversed. A slew of top-Admirals had planned to offset ship construction to the San Francisco Fleet Yards , which would only compensate half the duties of Utopia Planitia. When the Alliance came into knowledge of an issue at San Francisco that would cripple the Federation, the Admiralty ultimately decided to keep Utopia Planitia open. ( Star Trek: 001 : "New Beginnings" )

Ships developed and/or built at Utopia Planitia [ ]

  • USS Adventure
  • USS Argus (NCC-75124)
  • USS Avalon (NCC-85283)
  • USS Beliskner (NCC-71841)
  • USS Bellatrix (NCC-1832)
  • USS Calgary
  • USS Cantabrian (NCC-24705)
  • USS Chimera (NCC-91010)
  • USS Dawnstar (NCC-63571)
  • USS Dawnstar (NCC-63571-A)
  • USS Defiant (NX-74205)
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)
  • USS Farragut (NCC-60597)
  • USS Galaxy (NCC-70637)
  • USS Hannibal (NCC-512)
  • USS Intrepid (NCC-1738)
  • USS Kongo (NCC-10455)
  • USS Luna (NCC-80100)
  • USS Oberth (NX-602)
  • USS Odyssey (NCC-71832)
  • USS Pendragon (NCC-85000)
  • USS Prospect (NCC-60056)
  • USS Prospect (NCC-60056-A)
  • USS Repulse (NCC-71359)
  • USS Star League (NCC-2101)
  • USS Voyager (NCC-74656)
  • USS Zealous (NCC-59653)

Personnel [ ]

  • Seanna Jackie
  • Clause Elberg

Appendices [ ]

External links [ ].

  • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • 1 United Earth Oceans Organization
  • 3 Daniels (Agent)

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Star Trek Adventures Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook Star Trek Adventures Modiphius Entertainment

Star Trek Adventures Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook

Description, a tall ship, “my friends…we’ve come home.” – captain james t. kirk.

The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information centered around Starfleet operations and a complete guide to constructing Federation starships, space stations, and small craft, either using existing spaceframes or creating your own.

From the 21st century to the 25th, state-of-the-art Starfleet vessels push the boundaries of known space, gathering knowledge for all. Space stations form waypoints and communities in new regions of space. Bold crews staff those ships and stations, eager to make the next discovery.

What vessel will you take beyond the farthest star?

The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook is a handy reference for gamers and non-gamers alike.

  • An extensive discussion of Starfleet’s history, from its humble beginnings in the 22nd century to its operational capacity in the 25th century. Detailed information on operations aboard a Federation starship, including daily life, locations, shipboard systems, procedures, and more.
  • Guidance on how to create your group’s ‘home in the stars’, whether it’s a starship or space station, and on how to make that home a character in its own right.
  • A complete system for creating your own spaceframes for use in your ongoing missions and campaigns. Updated game statistics and graphics for more than 70 Federation and Starfleet starship classes, space stations, and small craft.
  • Gamemaster advice and optional rules to enable amazing ship- or station-based storytelling experiences.

This book requires a Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use.  You will receive the accompanying PDF immediately upon purchase.

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utopia planitia star trek

Continuing Mission

utopia planitia star trek

Review of Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook by Joseph Harney

By Joseph Harney

Like any good book review, let’s start by judging the book by its cover. And wow, are these some gorgeous covers! Modiphius has gone the extra mile and included both a TNG and TOS era collector’s edition cover, in addition to their Standard full wrap-around cover featuring a Constitution -class ship undergoing refit at the shipyards. Building on the fantastic Collector’s editions previously produced, the TNG era is a dark blue featuring the iconic Galaxy class ship, while the TOS era is a clean looking white with the Constitution class schematic foil stamped onto the cover.  Each will look absolutely amazing on your bookshelf, so you should just save yourself the trouble and buy both!

utopia planitia star trek

Opening the cover, you are immediately treated to a rogue’s gallery of top-down views of Federation starships from throughout the era, which continues on the back panel with even more ships to help players and GMs visualize these lesser-known vessels. Opening to the table of contents, I was immediately struck by how much content they managed to put into this 250-page book. In fact, we don’t even see our first space frame until page 95.  But don’t let that put you off, the first 3 chapters are packed full of tremendously useful information on how to bring your starships more fully alive in your game, and help bring you one step closer to Roddenbery’s vision that the ship is just as important a character to the story as any other crew member.

Chapter one is a brief history of Starfleet and its legacy from before the Federation was created through the 25 th century and beyond. In 12 pages the writers have somehow managed to give a brief history of 300 years of canon history, while still doing justice to each era of play.

utopia planitia star trek

Chapter two is all about life aboard a Federation starship. There is a great sidebar giving players a list of questions about their character’s daily schedule to help inject a bit more color into their story. Then the book talks about areas of interest on a starship, and what types of roleplaying scenes can likely take place.

There are several line drawings of bridge configurations that can easily be cropped from the pdf and dropped into a virtual tabletop program, which is a nice touch.

utopia planitia star trek

A section on Computers throughout the era of play and how they can be used to add drama to any scene is very much a welcome addition.

A couple of random game and martial arts tables let players come up with a near infinite combination of downtime activities for their character to engage in while not on duty. And no section on downtime would be complete without a random Holodeck Story starter table to allow your players to get up to photonic hijinx. 

Two great sidebars on FTL travel and moving at the speed of plot give GMs great advice on how to handle travel in their games without letting it bog down in minutia. Once done touring the ship, the next section is all about resource collection. Each section of the book starts with a quote from the franchise, and this one is my favorite quote from Janeway about Coffee and Nebulas.

utopia planitia star trek

The section starts by listing out 20 different canonically accurate resources and their futuristic uses. Each one is critical to some starship components, and securing these resources, especially in eras before replicator technology, could be the focus of entire stories or campaigns. Included in this section is a Mining and Resource Plot Component table, building on the Red/Blue/Gold plot components from the Core book and Division supplements. Accompanying the tables are some plot seed ideas and a mining hazard random table. The section has tips on how to incorporate a lack of resources as a plot point and suggestions on how to use negotiating for supplies in your game. Salvage and retrieval operations are presented as an extended task, and give some sample encounters any GM can either modify or drop into their existing story framework.

Chapter three moves onto ship design and begins with talking about the ship’s role in the game.

utopia planitia star trek

My second favorite table in the entire game appears here. It’s a table with a whole host of ship Idiosyncrasies that you can add to give it more character. There is a great bit on sentient ships and their implications, as well as how to make your ship a main character.

Then we move into the actual nuts and bolts of creating starships for the game mechanics. The book talks about how to create your own ship, echoing the process laid out in the core rules on taking spaceframes, and adding mission profiles and talents to get your final ship version. Then making shuttlecraft is discussed, as well as creating space stations. 

Section 3.50 has mission profiles you can select for your ship. In addition to new mission profiles, the design team thankfully included all the existing profiles from the core rulebook as well. This is done with talents, as well as spaceframes later on. This means that Utopia Planitia is a completely self-contained book, and you do not have to flip back and forth between this book and the core rulebook for all the various options for ship design.  This is by far the best “quality of life” improvement this book provides to GMs, as I know how difficult the struggle to contain page count in any sourcebook can be.

Section 3.70 goes into starship weapons, again pulling all the information from the core rulebook and other supplements into a single source.

utopia planitia star trek

Not much has changed for the weapons themselves, which I found to be slightly unfortunate. I had hoped the design team would have taken the opportunity to tweak some of the weapon types to make them feel more distinctive and address the discrepancy between energy weapons and torpedoes.  However, it’s not a big deal, and I will continue to use my house rules of significantly increased torpedo damage to give them the feel I think they have on the screen. This section also talks about mines and tractor beams, as well as a great sidebar on using a warp core as a weapon. Plenty of story ideas abound!

Next, we get to talents, and boy howdy are there a lot of them. 56 new and existing talents are presented, giving players and GMs a near infinite array of options to enhance a starship and make it unique to your group.

There are an incredible 55 spaceframes presented in this chapter, in glorious two-page spreads.

As I said in the beginning, we finally arrive at Chapter 4 and actual spaceframes. There are an incredible 55 spaceframes presented in this chapter, in glorious two-page spreads. Each spaceframe has a writeup on the overview and capabilities, along with the spaceframe stats itself, which is paired with a notable starship of the class that is fully fleshed out mechanically and ready to fly off the page and straight into your game.  Not to be outdone, there are 16 small craft and 10 space stations that get similar treatments.

utopia planitia star trek

Chapter 5 is all about gamemastering advice, including optional rules for jury-rigging repairs, building shuttles, crazy ship maneuvers, and space hazards. A great section on Diagnostics and Maintenance gives GMs a whole toolbox of ideas to toss complications at their players.  As has become the custom, this book concludes with 10 one-page mission briefs, all of which gave me thoughtful pause on how I could include them in my current game.

In conclusion, I would have been quite satisfied with a book that compiled all existing ship information from all currently published materials into a single, easy-to-use, reference book.  Instead, what we got was a tour de force on how the starship is a vital thing, the player’s home away from home, and its own character within a Star Trek Adventures story.  I could not be more pleased, and I cannot wait until I receive the physical copy that I pre-ordered immediately upon release.

I give Utopia Planitia a rating of Warp Factor 9.95. 

Continuing Mission has done so much to support STA that Modiphius wants to give some love back, and so we are pleased to offer this discount code,  CMISSION01 , which is a 10% off coupon for the STA Starter Set and usable on both the  Modiphius UK site  and the  Modiphius US site .

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6 responses to “Review of Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook by Joseph Harney”

Art Braune Avatar

Joseph – great review!

Would like to see more regarding this statement:

“However, it’s not a big deal, and I will continue to use my house rules of significantly increased torpedo damage to give them the feel I think they have on the screen.”

Geoff Zoeller Avatar


Brian Avatar

So because SOMEONE will want to know, I thought I’d add to this review by listing the full list of ships. Each ship has an “example ship” I’ll make note of any particularly exciting ones ships with an astirix beside their name come from non canon sources eaither novels or a video game. ships with a double astirix came from Star Trek online but where canonized with season 2 of Picard.

J-Class/Y-Class Warp Delta Daedalus 22nd Century Intrepid Type NX Class ( includes stats for Enterprise UESPA NX-01 as of 2161) Walker Shepard Magee Cardenas Hoover Malachowski Engle Nimitz Hiawatha Hermes Consisution (USS Enterprise NCC 1701 no bloody A B C or D) Antares freighter Crossfield (USS Discovery NCC 1031) Archer* Miranda (USS Reliant NCC 1864) Oberth Souyz Sydney Excelsior Centaur Constellation Ambassador Cheyenne Springfield Raven Type Niagara Galaxy (USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D) Challanger Freedom Nebula New Orleans Akira Nova Olympic Steamrunner Defiant (USS Defiant NX-74205) Norway Intrepid (USS Voyager NCC 74656) Saber Soverign (USS Enterprise NCC 1701 E) Luna (USS Titan NCC 80102) Promethus Vesta* Ross ** Inquiry (USS Zheng He NCC 86505) Reliant ** Sutherland ** Gagarian ** Oddessy * (USS Enterprise NCC 1701 F… here’s hoping I edit this later to add a second astrix!) Pathfinder

Takeshi Yamato Avatar

Nice list. But the Pathfinder comes from STO as well, and probably needs an Asterisk.

[…] full of everything you might need for starships in your campaign. While there’s already an excellent review (which I entirely agree with) on Continuing Mission, I wanted to give a little more detail. I’ve […]

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Star Trek Adventures Utopia Planitia Review

  • Thread starter robowieland
  • Start date Feb 11, 2023
  • Feb 11, 2023

utopia planitia star trek

Rob Wieland

Star Trek Starship Tactical Combat Simulator brings back many good memories. That scratched an itch I hadn't felt since Car Wars, would get a little taste of in Rogue Trader and never felt the same level of love again even after Battletech . Of course being a poor gamer out in Oklahoma, we only discovered that gem after it had been tossed in the bargain bin as a dead game line.  


  • Feb 16, 2023

Love this book, not just for all the cool ships but also all of the cool Mission Briefs in it.  

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

Utopia Planitia

Utopia Planitia was a region on the planet Mars , and the site of the city of Utopia Planitia. It was also the location of the surface facilities of Starfleet 's Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards .

Robin Lefler and her parents lived at Utopia Planitia briefly in 2357 . ( NF short story : " Lefler's Logs ")

In the mirror universe , the surface facilities of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards of the Terran Empire were based in the region during the 23rd century . ( TOS - Mirror Universe short story : " The Greater Good ")

External link [ ]

  • Utopia Planitia article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
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Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek Adventures: Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook - Hardcover Expansion RPG Book Medium

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Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek Adventures: Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook - Hardcover Expansion RPG Book Medium

About this item, a complete system for creating your own spaceframes for use in your ongoing missions and campaigns., updated game statistics and graphics for more than 70 federation and starfleet starship classes, space stations, and small craft..

Gamemaster advice and optional rules to enable amazing ship- or station-based storytelling.

This book requires Star Trek Adventures core rulebook to use.

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Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek Adventures Core Rulebook RPG for Adults, Family and Kids 13 Years Old and Up (Licensed Sci-

Product information

Product description.

The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information centered around Starfleet operations and a complete guide to constructing Federation starships, space stations, and small craft, either using existing spaceframes or creating your own. From the 20st century to the 25th, state-of-the-art Starfleet vessels push the boundaries of known space, gathering knowledge for all. Space stations form waypoints and communities in new regions of space. Bold crews staff those ships and stations, eager to make the next discovery. What vessel will you take beyond the farthest star? The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook is a handy reference for gamers and non-gamers alike. An extensive discussion of Starfleet's history, from its humble beginnings in the 22nd century to its operational capacity in the 25th century. Detailed information on operations aboard a Federation starship, including daily life, locations, shipboard systems, procedures, and more!

From the manufacturer


Star Trek Adventures: Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook

The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information centered around Starfleet operations and a complete guide to constructing Federation starships, space stations, and small craft, either using existing spaceframes or creating your own. From the 20st century to the 25th, state-of-the-art Starfleet vessels push the boundaries of known space, gathering knowledge for all. Space stations form waypoints and communities in new regions of space. Bold crews staff those ships and stations, eager to make the next discovery. What vessel will you take beyond the farthest star? The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook is a handy reference for gamers and non-gamers alike. An extensive discussion of Starfleet's history, from its humble beginnings in the 22nd century to its operational capacity in the 25th century. Detailed information on operations aboard a Federation starship, including daily life, locations, shipboard systems, procedures, and more!


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Utopia Planitia


I am excited!

Sorry in advance for the rework you’ll need to do on the builder app.

Yes! Prometheus class has finally arrived. Thank you!

Super cool and super awesome. Will totally buy this when it comes out and such. Starships and stations are awesome.

Space stations are perfect sector headquarters and game sites so having that be covered in whatever detail you guys are covering it is gonna be fun.

I guess having the Wells-class was a bit of an unreasonable expectation, but otherwise this looks awesome!

Unfortunately there are a couple of errors in the spaceframes. Will there be time to fix them before the book goes to print?


I can’t wait to order this. So happy to see STO ships in the book too.

No, but you can email any perceived errors to me and I’ll update the PDFs.

jim at ; make the subject heading clear, like [STA UP] Corrections

The deltas on the spine look like they’re mirrored in the collector’s editions… is that because they’re just mockups, and not actual pictures of the books? (I assume they’re mockups because the effect to make the shiny outlines on the front shiny looks more like a render than an actual reflection to me.)

absolutely amazing to have this book, am so happy to see the Oddessy… looking forward to seeing it on screen next year. The one thing that might drag down reviews of this book is the lack of Klingon Space frames. a handful of KDF space frames (such as the Mogh class Battle cruiser) would have been fun additions, but given the name is Utopia Planetia, I assume the focus is starfleet. with perhaps a future KDF ship supplement to come later

Good spot, they do seem to be mirrored. Hopefully it’s as you say - it’s just a mock up and it’s corrected in the actual copies.

Don’t know if there’ll be a non-Starfleet ships book. Have to see how this one does.

Just a mock-up error. The production files are correct. Some of the renders list “Starship Sourcebook” on the cover rather than the correct “Starfleet Sourcebook.” The latter is also in the production files.

I love it and all the rules within. Gives me plenty to work with. Almost bought both collector’s editions but I stopped myself and settled on TNG.

thats what I figured, maybe we’ll be able to get a “25th century” era book that covers picard, STO and has some ships in it, given STO starts with a war between starfleet and the Klingons I imagine there’s going to be demand. Speaking as a long time STO player, if you did a book and had to choose 4 Klingon ships to include in there I’d go with the Bortesque, Mogh, Vo’quv Carrier, and Matha Raptor. those are proably the most popular 25th century spaceframes for the KDF in game

So on another note, I found an “error” that states the eugenics where were in the 90s didn’t SNW eistablish that the eugenics wars where part of WW3? I’m guessing this was written before SNW came out and that the explination of “confused records” is staying but thought I’d raise this

I didn’t watch SNW yet, but I have watched PIC. There are hints that Khan Noonien Singh, who was part of the eugenic wars, was (part/offspring of a) a genetics project of Dr. Adam Soong between 1992 and 1997. While originating in the 90ies, the project might finally be used in WW3 (after 202x and prior to around 2060). In TOS 01x24 “Space Seed” there are, if I remember correctly, several on-screen mentions of the 90ies as the era of the Eugenic Wars.

So SNW establishing the Eugenics Wars part of WW3 is probably a ret-con (it definetly is a wonderful starting point of a pointless debate on timeline-continuity and this series not being part of that timeline/canon/whatever).

To make things worse, we have DS9 03x11 "Past Tense, Part I where Bashir, Dax, and Sisko accidentally travel to the 2020ies and land within a compound (called: “Sanctuary”) for homeless and/or unemployed people. Since it has been established that the Eugenics Wars killed a significant part of the human species, the mere existence of said compounds (which Sisko knew to be “normal” at that time) contradicts Eugenics Wars in the 90ies.

There’s also TNG 01x26 “The Neutral Zone” establishing that humans were (probably commercially) cryo-freezing recently died “in the late 20th century”.

yeah, SNW’s first episode gives us a fantastic speach by Pike that actually gives us proably the best and I’d say definative timline for WW3, the eugenics wars etc

utopia planitia star trek

worth watching although obviously spoilers. basicly it gives us some solid lore that actually builds on the Bell riots and addresses those issues.

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Get over 30 campaigns and add-ons for Star Trek Adventures with this $25 bundle

A Galaxy-class sized Star Trek Humble Bundle

by Alice Jovanée

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If you aren’t planning to jump ship when the second edition of the Star Trek Adventures core rulebooks hits shelves later this month, you’ll want to check out the First Edition Star Trek Adventures Collection at Humble . This $25 bundle includes 36 rulebooks and supplements for crafting the perfect away mission or campaign set in the Final Frontier.

While the upcoming second edition of the core rulebook for Star Trek Adventures will change and refine many of the rules from the first edition, publisher Modiphius has stated that the new rules will remain compatible with all first edition supplements and campaigns.

utopia planitia star trek

Star Trek Adventures First Edition Collection

Along with the core rulebook, Player’s Guide, Gamemaster’s Guide, and Starter Set for the first edition, this bundle features 29 other character packs, maps, and sourcebooks drawing from the classic and contemporary eras of Star Trek, including:

  • Character packs to play as characters from TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery Seasons 1,2 & 3, and Lower Decks Seasons 1 & 2
  • Sourcebooks for the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Quadrants
  • Map tiles for Starfleet and Klingon environments
  • Star Trek Animated Series supplement
  • Shackleton Expanse Campaign Guide
  • These are the Voyages: Mission Compendium Vol. 1
  • Strange New Worlds: Mission Compendium Vol. 2
  • Federation-Klingon War Tactical Campaign
  • Discovery Campaign Guide
  • Utopia Planitia Starfleet sourcebook
  • Klingon Empire Core Rulebook & Toolkit
  • Supplements for Starfleet Command, Science, and Operations Divisions
  • Lower Decks Campaign Guide
  • “Lurkers” Standalone Adventure
  • IDW Year Five tie-in supplement

Every Humble Bundle sends a portion of each sale to benefit a non-profit — in this case, your purchase will support Girls Who Code , an organization that aims to close the gender gap in programming and other STEM-related fields. Just remember you can always use the “Adjust Donation” drop-down menu to fine-tune how much goes to the publisher, the charity, or Humble.

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2. Chimera class

utopia planitia star trek

1.1 Star Trek history

The Chimera class introduced in the mid 24th century was one of the first starship classes of Starfleet to be particularly designed and constructed as a "scout", therefore being specially adjusted to the tasks reconaissance and undercover research. While Federation had mainly used Peregrine class courier ships or research ships during the long period of peace at the beginning of the 24th century due to the relative rarity of such missions, the significance and necessity of the obversation of enemy fleet movements and bases grew with the rapid deterioration of the relations to the Cardassian Union in the 2340s . It became obvious that the vessels previously used for this purpose wouldn't be up to these tasks in a war-like situation any longer, and instead, a compact, quick, but also powerful ship would be necessary. In 2345 , these considerations and the following project requirements exactly worked out by the ASDB resulted in the beginning of the Chimera project, with the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards being responsible for he construction. Although a non-propulsive base version of the prototype and the spaceframes of 6 additional vessels of the class were already avaiable 3 years late, the beginning of the Cardassian Wars in 2346 and the massacre of Setlik III in the following year showed that the project had been initiated too late. Therefore, from this moment the construction of the prototype was accelerated and additionally, it was decided to construct another four vessels of the class. Consequently, the USS Chimera, the first real scout ship of Starfleet, could be comissioned in 2350 . Together with the 10 series vessels comissioned between 2351 and 2355 , it did a good job for Starfleet during the Cardassian Wars. Although the Chimera class has been getting on in years and is inferior to the more modern starship classes like the Defiant class or Intrepid class in the meantime, the beginning of the conflict with the Dominion in late 2370 has shown that a compact and reliable scout is still needed by Starfleet.

1.2 Star Trek specifications

© 1999-2001 by Star Trek Dimension / Webmaster . Last update: January 1st, 2001

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  1. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

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  2. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

    utopia planitia star trek

  3. File:Utopia Planitia Shipyards.jpg

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  4. Utopia Planitia Review

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  5. Utopia Planitia by virtenebris on DeviantArt

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  6. Download The Iconic Space Dock of Star Trek's Utopia Planitia Fleet

    utopia planitia star trek


  1. Utopia Planitia

    Although never stated on-screen, Utopia Colony (itself possibly part of the Martian colonies) probably was located on Utopia Planitia. According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 538, the plain was "first explored by the automated space probe Viking 2, which softlanded there on September 3, 1976, part of Earth's first attempt to employ ...

  2. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

    Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, also known as Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards or Utopia Planitia Shipyards, was a key Starfleet vessel construction and design facility in the 24th century. The facility included several large drafting rooms for starship design and planetary facilities on the surface of Mars, as well as a number of drydocks and space stations in orbit. (TNG: "Booby Trap ...

  3. Attack on Mars

    F8, the android who helped initiate the attack. On First Contact Day in 2385, only a skeleton crew remained to work at the center of the rescue fleet, the Utopia Planitia Ship Yards, during the holiday.Multiple A500 androids suddenly went rogue. One android, F8, lowered the deflector shields protecting the shipyards and the planet itself, then hacked the Martian defense net.

  4. Utopia Planitia

    In the Star Trek media franchise, Utopia Planitia—both on Mars' surface and a space station in areosynchronous orbit above it—is the site of a major United Federation of Planets shipyard, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Ships such as the USS Enterprise-D, USS Defiant, USS Voyager and USS Sao Paulo were built there.

  5. Utopia Planitia Shipyards

    The Utopia Planitia Shipyards are a Federation starship construction and repair facility in orbit of Mars in the Sol System. Along with the San Francisco Fleet Yards in Earth orbit, the Utopia Planitia Shipyards are one of the major starship design and construction facilities of Starfleet. The shipyards, destroyed by Synth forces in 2385, have been rebuild prior to 2409 and are now defended by ...

  6. Utopia Planitia Review

    In a nutshell, the Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook is your one-stop shop for all things starship in a Federation game of Star Trek Adventures. The title indicates that Modiphius is leaving the door open for a Klingon (or other) starship book in the future but this is supposed to be the book for folks who just want more spaceframes.

  7. Star Trek Online: Utopia Planitia

    The shuttle pilot banked slightly and made a slow, curving turn around the stern of the massive starship that hung like a jewel in a spiderweb over Mars. Elyos reached out a hand and steadied himself against the wall, then craned his head back at the gaggle of junior technicians on the bench seats in back. An enigmatic smile crossed his face.

  8. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

    Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, also known as Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards or Utopia Planitia Shipyards, was a key Starfleet vessel construction and design facility in the 24 th century. The facility included a number of drydocks and space stations, as well as several large drafting rooms for starship design and planetary facilities on the surface of Mars.

  9. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

    The Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, or Utopia Planitia Ship Yards, is a key Starfleet starship construction and design facility in at least the 23rd and 24th centuries. It has drydocks and space stations in orbit above the Utopia Planitia region of Mars, as well as ground based facilities in that region of the planet. The term "Mars Spacedock" — used in Star Fleet Data File, vol. 1 — may be ...

  10. Star Trek Dimension

    The Utopia Planitia project of the Star Trek Dimension pursues - albeit not in "real" space, but in cyberspace - similiar goals: it is a creative, imaginery platform for the development and "construction" (i.e. modelling) of new shuttles, starships, space stations and other objects which are part of the Star Trek universe or are at least based ...

  11. Star Trek Adventures: Utopia Planitia Review by The Final Frontiersmen

    Tune in for Fleet Week's Utopia Planitia Panel on October 15th! Date September 27, 2022; Collectors Editions Arrive—Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook Date December 8, 2022; UTOPIA PLANITIA ADDENDUM 1.0: FEDERATION CLASS DREADNAUGHT Date November 20, 2023

  12. Star Trek Adventures Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook

    The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information centered around Starfleet operations and a complete guide to constructing Federation starships, space stations, and small craft, either using existing spaceframes or creating your own. From the 21st century to the 25th, state ...

  13. Star Trek Dimension

    The Utopia Planitia Station is loosely based on a type of starbase actually shown on Star Trek, which was shortly visible in the background of the vast Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. ... In this file, you will learn something about the real CGI model as well as the fictitious "Utopia Planitia Station" of the Star Trek universe in these ...

  14. Review of Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook by Joseph Harney

    Instead, what we got was a tour de force on how the starship is a vital thing, the player's home away from home, and its own character within a Star Trek Adventures story. I could not be more pleased, and I cannot wait until I receive the physical copy that I pre-ordered immediately upon release. I give Utopia Planitia a rating of Warp Factor ...

  15. Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

    For the mirror universe counterpart, see Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (mirror). The Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards was an important Starfleet starship construction and design facility based at the Utopia Planitia area on Mars in the Sol system. The shipyard spans from land-based portions all the way to geosynchronous orbit above the planet. Many important starships and a number of shuttlecraft ...

  16. Star Trek Dimension

    1.1 Star Trek history. The experimental Zodiac class used since the middle of the 24th century belongs, as well as the Olympic class, to one of the first projects of the Alternative Spacecraft Technologies group (AST) put into practice, being designed as a deep space explorer. Due to the restricted size, capacity and equipment of these ships, the class doesn't replace the rather old ...

  17. Star Trek Adventures Utopia Planitia Review

    Utopia Planitia is an excellent Star Trek Adventures book and my favorite ship book for any of the official lines because it provides plenty of ship content and so much more. Highly recommended. Reply. Reactions: Konrad13, jinnetics, Toriel and 5 others.

  18. Utopia Planitia

    Utopia Planitia was a region on the planet Mars, and the site of the city of Utopia Planitia. It was also the location of the surface facilities of Starfleet's Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Robin Lefler and her parents lived at Utopia Planitia briefly in 2357. (NF short story: "Lefler's Logs") In the mirror universe, the surface facilities of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards of the Terran Empire ...

  19. Utopia Planitia Sourcebook now available for Pre-order (PDF ...

    either way, thank you for contributing to this wonderful system, it really invigourated our 10+ year old game, where the players escaped the doomed star wars universe and let it implode, only to arrive in ours during star trek times. Theyre really loving it so far, and it means the world to me to have something so solid to use as a GM.

  20. Modiphius Entertainment Star Trek Adventures: Utopia Planitia Starfleet

    The Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game presents a wealth of information centered around Starfleet operations and a complete guide to constructing Federation starships, space stations, and small craft, either using existing spaceframes or creating your own.

  21. Star Trek Dimension

    Utopia Planitia Models. 4. Bradbury class. The Bradbury class is again an official Star Trek ship class of which we know little more than the prototype's name. However, in fandom it is regarded as a predecessor of the Sovereign and Intrepid classes. With regard to this assumption, this file presents a ship design for the class as well as ...

  22. Utopia Planitia

    The title of the book is Utopia Planitia Starfleet Sourcebook. Clearly Starfleet focused. Don't know if there'll be a non-Starfleet ships book. Have to see how this one does. ... Star Trek Adventures. 10: 624: October 17, 2021 Friends, Romulans, Countrymen! Star Trek Adventures. 22: 1100: August 16, 2022

  23. Get over 30 add-ons for the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG for ...

    The first edition collection for the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG includes supplements from every era of the sci-fi series for just $25. ... Utopia Planitia Starfleet sourcebook;

  24. Star Trek Dimension

    2. Chimera class. The Chimera class is an official starship class of the Star Trek universe, however, we do not know the actual design, but only the names and some basic facts about the ships of this class. It is the task of the Utopia Planitia Chimera project to fill the gaps and give the Chimera class starships a definite appearance.

  25. Humble RPG Bundle: Star Trek Adventure RPG 1st Edition Collection by

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