7 Wayfinders

Travel + 5 Kids + Real Life

family cruises to greece

Taking a Greek Cruise as a Family

Last Updated on August 15, 2024 by Leslie Stroud %AUTHOR_NAME% -->

For those wanting to visit Greece and enjoy the beautiful, ancient islands of the world , taking a family can present some challenges.  Each Greek island, of which there are hundreds, sits a considerable distance from its neighbors.  For example, a ferry ride from Athens to Santorini can last 10 hours or more.  Since we usually have a gaggle of kids in tow when we travel, this gave us pause as we planned to visit the amazing country of Greece as a family .

In addition to the long ferry ride times, the ferry cost is substantial, with many rides clocking in at around $100 per person .  As a family of seven, it didn’t make much sense for us to cart our family around by ferry, move from hotel to hotel every few days, and have to figure out the transportation on each island with all our luggage.  

We researched various Airbnbs, which demanded high prices in the summer months of our visit.  Economically, we didn’t know how to visit Greece as a family.

The ultimate way to see Greece is by private yacht, which allows you to enjoy the crystal blue waters and explore the islands away from the tourist groups during off hours.  However, economically, this was also out of our price range.  We initially got some quotes for $30,000 PLUS gas. The gas for these private yachts can be as much as the rental cost itself, and the weather can prevent them from making the long treks between islands.  We were left wondering what was the best way for our large family to visit Greece?

Ultimately, we settled on a Greek cruise with Celebrity Cruise Lines.  We have a wonderful travel agent, Deb, that we use almost exclusively when we want to travel by cruise.  The world of cruising delves into a world of its own, with the need to understand the timing, the boats, the dock restrictions, the room accommodations, and more.  It’s not a world we are all that familiar with, so we find using a travel agent to be immensely helpful in this situation.  If you are also new to cruising, consider using a travel agent (or comment below for Deb’s info!).

family cruises to greece

* Disclaimer:  This post may contain affiliate links. Opinions shared are my own, and I only endorse products I support. By clicking on any of the links below, I may get a small commission if you purchase at absolutely no additional charge to you. I appreciate your support. *

Table of Contents

  • 1 When To Do a Greek Cruise With Children
  • 2.1 Pros of a Greek Family Cruise
  • 2.2 Cons of a Greek Family Cruise
  • 3 What You Need To Know About Greek Cruises as a Family
  • 4.1 Aug 20: Thessaloniki
  • 4.2  Aug 21: Mykonos
  • 4.3 Aug 22: Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey
  • 4.4 Aug 23: Rhodes
  • 4.5 Aug 24: Santorini
  • 4.6 Aug 25: Hydra
  • 5 Family-Friendly Tours That Can Work With Cruises
  • 6 Where To Stay In Greece With Kids
  • 7 Additional Reading

When To Do a Greek Cruise With Children

There is good news and bad news about the timing of Greek cruises.  Summer offers the best weather and temperatures and coincides with your kid’s school break.   Bonus!  However, in summer, Greece gets 90% of its substantial tourists , and everything is crowded.  When I say crowded, I mean packed.  Waiting in line at a cruise terminal on Santorini can take upwards of three hours.

Most Greek islands shut down outside of the May to October time frame.   The islands are empty of people, restaurants shut down, and hotels shut their doors.  This doesn’t mean you cannot visit during these times, but your experience will likely be very different (and surprisingly chilly at times) compared to the blazing and glorious summer months.

The best times to do a Greek cruise are on the fringes of high seasons, such as late May or mid-September.   However, this is close to the beginning and ending of the school year and can be challenging for trip planning.

We went in the thick of the high season in late August.  It was gorgeous and absolutely packed with people.  I’ll be honest: We have zero desire to return to Greece at the moment, and much of this is due to the horrible crowds.  In Santorini’s picturesque port of Athinios, it was wall-to-wall people on the ancient, narrow streets and bodies pressed against bodies.  Forget trying to get a picture; we could barely even see the city itself among the crowd of people.

However, Rhodes was perfectly magical and crowd-free, and we loved the ancient city wall, the vibrant markets, and the awe-inspiring history.  We also loved our quick stop in Athens and craved the amazing Greek food we had there .  There can be some give and take when it comes to visiting Greece.  

family cruises to greece

Pros and Cons of Taking a Greek Cruise With Kids

Pros of a greek family cruise.

1. No packing up.  The biggest perk of a cruise, Greece or not, is seeing multiple places without packing up and moving your stuff.  Your hotel moves for you, and your room stays the same.  Any parent knows what a time suck it is to set up and take down your home base when traveling, especially with little kids.  Pile on the emotional energy required to figure out check-out times, luggage storage, transportation coordination, and the kids’ emotional well-being, and it’s exhausting!

We’ve traveled to nearly 50 countries with our five kids , most of which was accomplished through slow travel as we traveled full-time .  Settling in for 3-4 weeks is much easier than settling in for 3-4 days, which is often required to fit into school breaks.  

As our kids have gotten older, we’ve done some “fast” travel when we’ve switched lodging every one or two nights.  The kids get worn out quickly from the packing (even with only carry-ons) and the constant changes.  During our whirlwind Eurail train trip, we all got excited when we could stay in a hotel for three nights in a row.   We’ve done it, but it takes some serious energy and dedication.

family cruises to greece

2. The on-board entertainment.   In addition to being your floating hotel, a cruise ship can also be your mobile resort full of entertainment.  With kids, we’ve done mid to large ships with at least pools and kid clubs available.  One massive plus about a cruise journey is the ability to stay aboard the ship and entertain the family easily. Our kids loved the kids club on the Greek cruise and would beg to go as soon as we returned to the ship.  This gave the adults some time to relax by the pool or nap before dinner.

A cruise is also a closed bubble, and teens can easily meet up with new friends on board , roam the ship, and have fun in a way that would be impossible in a hotel on land.  

If your cruise ship is large enough, there can be nightly entertainment such as magic shows, theater productions, dance parties, and more.  If you are someone who might pay to go to these kinds of events anyway (like myself), this will satisfy your desire for entertainment without extra cost.

3. Savings on your food bill.   With many mouths to feed, we rack up large food bills wherever we are.  Eating out in Greece clocked in at a minimum of $100 per meal for our family.  Being able to eat a large breakfast on board, explore, and come back for the included lunch and dinner was a big plus for us.  We could buy some snacks or local favorites without having to break the bank on food.  

4. Avoid planning fatigue.   Being the main travel planner and executor in my family, burnout from planning and keeping up with schedules does surface from time to time .  I love the simplicity of a cruise itinerary that is printed and put on my bed each night.  I don’t need to do hours of research and can instead sit back and enjoy the schedule provided by the cruise itself.

family cruises to greece

Cons of a Greek Family Cruise

1. So many people.  The top reason why many people avoid cruises in the first place is the sheer amount of people crammed into one boat.  It can feel claustrophobic, for sure.  Eating can be challenging without reservations at specialty restaurants, and the buffet can get old quickly after 6-7 days.  Additionally, the ports in Greece are small and often require a tender boat.   This means getting up early to get a tender boat number, waiting in line, waiting to get back to the boat, and waiting to access some of the hot spots. 

2. Lack of a “real experience.”   For us, even more than the crowds of a cruise ship, the inability to really see a place when you are coming off a cruise is disappointing.  Cruises often offer tours through their trusted partners, but these operators are often selling you something on the tour and getting kickbacks from the other vendors they take you to.  It can feel very commercial and fake.

Unless you arrange your guide in a port, you will not be getting a good feel of the city you are visiting.  We currently live in Lisbon, which welcomes thousands of cruise passengers each year, and we know the small glimpse of Lisbon these passengers are getting is nothing like what we see living there.  Thousands of people belching out of the boat for a few hours is a limited method of seeing a city.  

However, I will say that in Greece, some of the islands are quite small, and a few hours in port may be all you need !  My parents, who traveled with us, arranged private tours in each port through GetYourGuide that matched up with the hours our ship would be in port.  We took private vehicles with locals and were able to see a LOT more of Greece this way.  I’d definitely recommend this to other families.  I’ll link some examples below of tours that can work with cruises.

3. Environmental impact.  It’s hard to ignore the massive impact cruise ships have on the environment and the oceans they sail .  We always take a heavy amount of guilt with us on our cruise journeys.  Just thinking of the human waste alone that must get dumped into the oceans is enough to make anyone a bit nauseous.  

4. Lack of flexibility on dates.  Cruises have set dates over a year in advance.  Travel days are set with no room for flexibility or emergencies .  If you miss a port for any reason, you have to get yourself to the next destination on your dime.  

family cruises to greece

What You Need To Know About Greek Cruises as a Family

  • You cannot visit all the islands, but you can see the popular ones.  It would be beneficial to try to visit some of the off-itinerary locations, either on Greece’s mainland or other islands, on either side of your cruise. 
  • Overall, Greece has a depressed economy .  We were a bit surprised by the overall conditions in Greece.  It was sometimes a bit depressing and always felt run down or rough around the edges.
  • Dishonesty is fairly high.   We were ripped off by more than one taxi driver in Greece.  Pickpockets are rampant, and you can even find yourself in some unsafe situations, especially in Athens. Be aware, and don’t be out after dark.
  • Greeks LOVE kids, and it’s very family-friendly.  Kids are welcome at all restaurants, cafes, and venues.  Don’t stress about having the kids!
  • Cats are everywhere.   In many ancient ruins, such as Ephesus, there are actually resident cats.  Many tourists think they are strays and tell their kids to avoid them, but this isn’t true or necessary. The cats are vaccinated and fed by the staff.  One cat even has his own social profile on IG! We all loved the friendly cats in Greece.
  • I got some great advice from a follower to buy all your souvenirs in Athens before your cruise, as you’ll see all the same stuff on the islands at a higher cost .  I second this!  We didn’t buy much on the islands after getting our initial souvenirs in Athens.
  • Book restaurants, if available on your cruise, well in advance.  This provides some fun nights with dinners out and a change of pace on the food. 

family cruises to greece

Our Family Greek Cruise Itinerary With Notes

This is our actual itinerary in 2023, with notes on what we did or liked in each port.

Aug 20: Thessaloniki

Tendered 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

We booked a GetYourGuide self-guided scavenger hunt here that was initially fun but burned out quickly as the heat and day wore on.  Thessaloniki is small but rich in history, like all the islands of the ancient world.   We liked seeing ancient Roman ruins, attending church, and learning about the White Tower.  The boardwalk next to the ocean is also a lovely walk.

 Aug 21: Mykonos

Tendered: 9:30 AM to 8:30 PM

Having shown our kids My Big Fat Greek Wedding in preparation for this trip (Which I wholeheartedly recommend!  They loved it!), we were excited to see Aunt Tia’s homeland.  Mykonos is gorgeous and maybe my favorite island .  Wander the gorgeous blue and white streets and get lost.  You’ll always be able to find your way to the ocean and back to the ship, but don’t make it too structured.  We had a wonderful lunch and did some shopping, although we found the prices insane and didn’t buy much. 

We also booked a tour to Delos Island to see the ancient city of Delos.  The kids kinda hated it, but it was fascinating for the adults.  Bring lots of water, as the island has none and has zero shade. We were scrambling for water by the end and even giving some to the museum cats, which lapped it up happily.  You can hike here to the top of the city/mountain, so bring appropriate footwear and clothing.  An umbrella can be used for the sun as well.  Everyone should have plenty of sunscreen and hats.  

family cruises to greece

Aug 22: Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey

Docked: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Ephesus was a huge draw for us, and we can’t wait to return to Turkey. It’s an amazing country! Ephesus could be explored for days and days. It’s mind-blowingly cool. If you are a fellow Christian, you will love standing in the theater where Paul stood and hearing the fantastic acoustics.  

My family of seven booked a small group tour through the cruise company that included the interior apartments that had been uncovered.  My parents spent a lot less on a private GetYourGuide tour.  I’d go their route next time.  They could go at their own pace, see what they wanted, and leave when they wanted.  On the other hand, our guide didn’t even like kids, was snippy with the kids and us, and then hard-sold everyone at a Turkish rug shop later on.  While the rug factory was kind of cool, they were hard-selling and were almost angry when we didn’t buy. It was not something we liked.

We liked walking a bit around Kusadasi and getting some Turkish ice cream (a must with kids, although you should barter for sure before you get started, as they will overcharge you).

family cruises to greece

Aug 23: Rhodes

Docked: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Rhodes was another favorite of our group.  The old city is amazingly preserved.  Again, we booked our own experience at the 9-D movie about Rhodes, which really brought the island and its history to life.  The kids loved it!  You can easily shop, wander and enjoy the city.  You can also bathe in the water right off your ship!

family cruises to greece

Aug 24: Santorini

Tendered: 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM

Oh, Santorini… what a mixed bag.  I was most excited about this stop, but unfortunately, I was highly disappointed.  There are some important things to note here:

Cruises and private ferry docks are located at different spots.  Cruises must dock and use tender boats to the funicular up the side of the cliffs.  This funicular can have massively long lines, so we woke up early (thanks to my stepdad for getting in line at 6 am!) for early tender boat numbers.  We made it super fast to the island and up the funicular (which is an extra charge).  We walked for about 30 minutes in the cool morning to get that iconic picture from Santorini.  We were treated to amazing views and dozens of women in their long, flowing gowns taking photos.  It was hard to even enjoy the scenery with so many women posing everywhere!  

We then walked back and met a private guide to tour the island.  This was much nicer than only staying near the port, but it was still hot, dry, and kind of boring for the kids.  The other port city (for ferry boats) was horribly packed with people and miserable.  We saw the black sand beach only from a distance and were all excited to return to the boat.  

When we went to return to the boat, the lines from the funicular were insane, and the wait time was 3 hours!  We decided to walk the donkey path down.  This is a 45-minute or so walk down a set of stairs carved into the side of the cliff, and it is free to walk up or down.  Donkeys are offered for rides, but we were informed by some other passengers ahead of time that these donkeys are not treated well.  We can attest to this.. their treatment is horrific.  They are often bleeding in their restraints, being whipped, deprived of water in the extreme heat, and sometimes drop down dead.  

Additionally, the ancient path is made of worn stone and is VERY slippery.  Even in proper footwear, I fell twice.  Many others fell as well.  There is donkey poop and pee and hay everywhere, along with hundreds of people trying to get back down to the tender boats.  It was honestly a horrible experience.  My mom was separated from our group and got lost in the massive crowds.  We couldn’t reach her and were trying our best to get the kids down without injuries.  Everyone was soaked through with sweat in the relentless sun…. Ugh.  I have no desire to ever go back to Santorini on a cruise journey!

Aug 25: Hydra

Tendered: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

This island is fairly small, and to be honest, we didn’t even get off the boat.  After the horrors of Santorini the day before and the kids’ absolute lack of desire to see yet another ancient ruin or do another tour, we stayed on board and enjoyed the pool instead!

family cruises to greece

Family-Friendly Tours That Can Work With Cruises

  • From Mykonos: Ancient Delos Tour – includes a visit to Agora, the Sacred Way, the Temple of Apollo, the house of Dionysus, the house of Cleopatra, and other notable homes.
  • From Kusadasi: Ephesus Private Tour for Cruise Passengers – enjoy your cruise stop with a tour of the House of the Virgin Mary, the ancient city of Ephesus, and the Temple of Artemis.
  • Thessaloniki: Self-Guided Highlights Scavenger Hunt & Tour – discover Thessaloniki while playing a self-paced scavenger hunt on your phone and soak in the views in a walking tour afterward.
  • Throne of Helios: The History of Rhodes 9D Experience – learn the history of Rhodes Island as if you’re back in time with this multi-dimension picture with sound, motion, and other real-life effects.

family cruises to greece

Where To Stay In Greece With Kids

  • Soak in the sea views while having your breakfast at Makedonia Palace . Located in Thessaloniki City Centre, this hotel also offers its guests some outdoor excitement, like hiking and biking trails.
  • Perfect for a beach getaway, Santa Ma rina Mykonos is a hotel on the beach and has two outdoor swimming pools. Kids can spend free time at the playground or plan a visit to the Windmills of Mykonos and the Church of Panagia Paraportiani.
  • Spoil yourself with a massage at the Atlantica Dreams Resort in Rhodes . The hotel also offers beachfront views and six onsite restaurants featuring Italian cuisine and more.

Greece is packed with history and views to capture. Be sure to plan your cruise and make the best out of your stay with our tips and tricks.

Travel Tip: This Charles Schwab Debit Card  refunds ALL ATM fees globally!  You can save a fortune on foreign fees!  How cool is that?  Perfect for your next family trip.

Catch great fare deals from Booking.com , Skyscanner , Kiwi.com , or Expedia

Find a family-friendly hotel in Greece from Expedia , or Vrbo , (we also love Tripadvisor and Hotels.com )

Discover more of Greece while having fun through exciting activities from GetYourGuide , Airbnb Experiences , or Viator

Need to rent a car to navigate the city? Visit Rentalcars.com .

Get insured while traveling with World Nomads .

Want to have a family photo shoot while traveling in Greece? Check out flytographer !

Capture your best travel memories in Greece as we do with a GoPro, Sony camera , or our favorite drones: DJI FPV , Air , and Mini

Check out your travel necessities from a comprehensive list of all the 7Wayfinders Travel Must-Haves. Click Here !

family cruises to greece

Additional Reading

Tourist Car Lease In Europe

17 Crazy Cool Things To Do in Singapore With Kids

What to Know When Visiting Athens, Greece With Kids

Pingback: Europe Trip by Car: 10 Things You Need to Know - 7 Wayfinders

Pingback: Taking Our Kids to Brian Head Ski Resort - 7 Wayfinders

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Leslie Stroud

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Welcome, Fellow Traveler! I'm Leslie, a mom of five crazy kiddos. Along with my husband, Chris, we've been full-time or part-time traveling the world as a family for over 4 years! We continue to invest in memories as we travel the world and love to empower other families to explore full-time travel or add more travel into their family life. Besides travel, we are foodies and love to explore through our tummies and can't keep away from Disney parks around the world. We currently reside in Portugal and are exploring expat life and learning a new language. Please explore our blog and reach out to us!

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Special Tauck Experience: a special dinner in Ancient Ephesus with musical entertainment


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Traveling with Tauck's private group and the same Tauck Director on land and at sea aboard the ship

Tauck's private shore excursions and distinctive inclusions valued at $3,970

2 nights at the Hotel Grande Bretagne in the heart of Athens

7-night cruise aboard the yacht Wind Star or Wind Spirit to Mykonos, Delos, Santorini, Patmos, Monemvasia & Ephesus


Active components such as hiking, bicycling and walking longer distances may be included, and hills and/or uneven terrain may be encountered on several days. Guests should be able to walk two to three miles and stand for long periods of time with no difficulty.

Moderately paced, and may include some early morning hotel departures, one or two on-tour flights, and extended motor coach travel.

Cultural journeys and expeditions

Step back in time to ancient Greece and sail to fabulous destinations steeped in legend, lore and sunshine and enjoy lovely sunsets over the Aegean Sea as our cruise blends ancient with modern in a kaleidoscope of discoveries both mythic and epic...

See for yourself what small ship cruising is all about, ephesus' library of celsus.

Although the ancient city of Ephesus, in what is now Turkey, was originally built by the Greeks in the 10th century AD, much of the ruins you'll see at the site today date to the city's Roman period – like the famed Library of Celsus, constructed in the 2nd century AD to memorialize a Roman governor of Asia. Only the facade of this remarkable building has survived, but restored and re-erected, it is a stunning example of Roman urban architecture.

Hotel Grande Bretagne

Eternal elegance in athens' ancient heart.

Situated right in the heart of Athens since 1874, the five-star, landmark Hotel Grande Bretagne offers an unrivalled perspective of the Greek capital's mythical history, with breathtaking views of the fabled Acropolis, regal Syntagma Square and the Parliament, lush Lycabettus Hill or the original Olympic Stadium. A favorite of celebrities and dignitaries for more than 140 years, this historic hotel is also within walking distance of exclusive shopping areas, museums and the business district.

From beginning to end, a fabulous vacation and a wonderful experience. The organization, itinerary and ship was superb.

Paul and Susan Spiess, NH

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About Booking This Tour

Travel Documents

If you are a U.S. citizen traveling internationally , you will need a passport valid for six months beyond the completion of your Tauck journey for entry into Greece and Turkey. Although Turkey usually requires foreign visitors to obtain a visa in order to enter the country, Tauck guests traveling aboard a ship are part of a validated escorted shore excursion and are thus not required to obtain an individual Turkish visa (regardless of their citizenship). You do not need a visa for Greece.

If you are a citizen of another country traveling internationally , you should contact a consulate or embassy of Greece to determine what travel documentation is required.

International maritime security guidelines require that your passport information be provided to us prior to your embarkation. You need to provide this information to us as soon as you book your cruise or boarding may be denied. Once you board the cruise ship, your passport will be held by the purser until you disembark.

You will be issued a boarding card, which you must present before embarking the ship in each port. This security measure also ensures that only Tauck guests are permitted onboard.

We recommend that you make at least two photocopies of all the travel documents that you bring with you. Include copies of the photo page of your passport that contains the date of issuance, the date of expiration and your citizenship. Secure one set of copies in the safe in your room while traveling and leave one set behind with someone at home who will assist you in the event your documents are misplaced, lost or stolen.

To facilitate Travel Requirements, destinations are increasingly utilizing online forms that require digital proof that you've successfully completed your submission (via an email, QR code, etc.) To ensure smooth travels and peace of mind, we strongly recommend all guests carry a personal smart phone and sign up for international data plans before traveling overseas.

TRAVELING WITH CHILDREN AS A GUARDIAN: If you are traveling as the guardian of a child/children, we strongly suggest that you carry a letter from both parents of the child authorizing emergency treatment in the event of illness or accident. For travel abroad, many foreign countries have specific entry requirements for children under 21 who are traveling internationally without BOTH parents. (These requirements are in response to the increased incidence of children being abducted and taken abroad.) PLEASE NOTE THAT TAUCK IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for the disruption of travel caused by improper documentation for children traveling without both parents.

How to Book a Tour

See your travel advisor, or call Tauck at 800-468-2825 to make a reservation.

At the time of booking, please have the following information ready for all members of your party:

  • Tour Name and Departure Date
  • Traveler's Name: First and last names as they appear on your passport or driver's license
  • Traveler's Address(es)
  • Email Address*
  • Traveler's Phone Number(s)*
  • Emergency Contact Information: Please provide the name and phone number  of a relative or friend (not travelling with you) whom we could contact during the tour in the unlikely event of an emergency
  • Interest in purchasing a travel protection plan (US and Canada)
  • Interest in extending your trip by staying in a Tauck recommended hotel before your trip begins or after it ends
  • Interest in our specially negotiated airfares

* Required Fields

Deposits & Final Payment

The deposit and the fees for the optional Protection Plan or Cancel Fee Waiver [CFW] coverage are due at time of booking.

The deposit amount is $1,500 per person

Final Payment is due to Tauck  60  days before departure for lands trips, and  120  days before departure for cruises and rail journeys. If your deposit was made by credit card, final payment will be automatic unless you opted out at time of booking. Bookings without full payment at this time may be subject to cancellation without notice. Failure to make payment will be a considered a cancellation by the guest and all applicable cancellation fees will apply.

Cruise Protection Plan

Effective for plans purchased as of July 1, 2021:

Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection

Tauck's Cruise & Event Protection provides you with cancellation protection before your journey begins as well as insurance benefits while you are traveling. It must be purchased within 10 days of your initial deposit. Guest Protection includes the following:

Cancellation Waiver – Provided by Tauck:

Under Tauck's Cancellation Fee Waiver you can cancel your tour for ANY REASON and Tauck will  reduce the regular cancellation fees outlined herein, provided we are notified of cancellation before your cruise departs. Certain terms and restrictions apply (see below*).

*Extreme Circumstances:  In the event of an act of God, war (whether declared or undeclared), terrorism, accident, natural disaster, outbreak of disease, or other event or circumstance beyond our control that contributes to or results in cancellation rates above our historical cancellation rates in the absence of such event or occurrence, Tauck reserves the right to issue a credit to you in lieu of a money-back refund, applicable to a future Tauck journey.  Travel Insurance Benefits – Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company.

  • Trip Cancellation –  Should you cancel for covered reasons, the plan reimburses cancellation fees imposed, up to your total trip cost. 
  • Trip Interruption –  If you have to interrupt your tour for covered reasons, the plan provides reimbursement to catch up to your tour or return home.
  • Travel Delay –  Provides reimbursement for missed, prepaid travel arrangements if you are delayed by a common carrier, natural disaster, unannounced strike, or other reasons as cited in the plan.
  • Medical Expense –  Reimburses covered medical expenses incurred in the event you become injured or sick during your trip. 
  • Baggage / Personal Effects Protection –  Provides reimbursement in the event your luggage or personal effects are, lost, stolen, damaged or delayed during your trip.

Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services –  Provided by Carefree Travel Assistance; 24-hour emergency telephone assistance hotline for medical and travel related problems.

The cost of Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection is:   $799   per person

This plan provides cancellation coverage for your trip and other insurance coverages that apply only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker.

This optional Cruise and Event Protection must be requested at time of booking and fee must be included in initial payment. Details will be provided with written confirmation of your reservation. Cruise and Event Protection does not protect travel agent commissions. Reimbursements will be made according to original method of payment. The amount of any refund shall be reduced by any recoveries obtained by you from any third parties.

To obtain your state-specific Certificate of Insurance that contains the complete terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the certificate, visit  affinitytravelcert.com/docs/TACCREINTL

If You Have To Cancel

If you cancel within 10 days of initial deposit

Within the first 10 days after you place your initial deposit, you may cancel your reservation for any reason with no cancellation fees.

If you cancel more than 10 days after initial deposit

Regardless of reason, cancellations result in costly charges from our travel and hotel providers covering penalties and fees incurred by canceling confirmed bookings. These fees vary from tour to tour. Therefore, the following fees apply for this tour.

Cancellation Fees with Tauck's Cruise Protection Plan:

120 days or more before departure: Loss of cost of Tauck's Cruise and Event Protection fee per person 119 – 60 days before departure: Loss of 25% of the cost of the cruise, not including air (if applicable), plus loss of Cruise and Event Protection fee, per person 59 – 1 days before departure: Loss of 50% of the cost of the cruise, not including air (if applicable), plus loss of Cruise and Event Protection fee, per person Cancellation Fees without Tauck's Cruise Protection Plan: 120 days or more before departure: $1500 per person 119 – 60 days before departure: Loss of 50% of the cost of cruise, not including air (if applicable), per person 59 - 1 days before departure: Loss of 100% of the cost of cruise, not including air (if applicable), per person Time of cancellation will be when notice is received in our Wilton Woods, CT office.

Tour Interruption Fees

If you have to interrupt your tour en route, you may be entitled to a refund for the unused land portion if it exceeds 24 hours; certain restrictions apply. Such refunds are based upon the number of overnights missed less a fee of $40 per person per day for unused transportation and other fixed expenses.

Partial Room Cancellation

A person who cancels or leaves a tour while a roommate remains constitutes a cancellation of one type of accommodation and rebooking of another type of accommodation. The price charged to the remaining person is the new, higher price for the new accommodation.

In the event of an unforeseen circumstance beyond our control, Tauck reserves the right to amend the cancellation and transfer terms outlined herein. Note: All Guests, regardless of residency, who book a Tauck journey have the option of purchasing the Cancellation Waiver provided by Tauck in the event they need to cancel their trip after making their reservations. Tauck's Cruise & Event Protection, which includes both the Cancellation Fee Waiver and the Travel Insurance Benefits and Assistance Services described above, is not available to residents of Puerto Rico.

Travel Terms and Conditions

Click here  to find Tauck's Travel Terms & Conditions.

Travel Requirements For This Tour

Air Information and Luggage Restrictions

AIRFARE: Airfare to and from this destination is not included in the journey cost. If purchasing your air elsewhere, it is very important to provide us with your confirmed arriving and departing flight information no later than 3 weeks before your arrival date. Flight information can be submitted to Tauck (or verified, if you've already provided it) in the My Account section of Tauck.com.

TAUCK AIRPORT TRANSFERS are included at the start and end of the journey between the airport and the Tauck hotel. Airport transfers are available for any pre tour or post tour hotel stays immediately consecutive to the tour, providing flight information is received in the Tauck office no later than three weeks in advance. Details on locating your transfer upon arrival to the tour start city will be included in your final documents.

AIRLINES and CHECKED LUGGAGE: Due to space limitations during your Tauck journey, we ask that you please limit your checked luggage to one average-size suitcase per person. Besides complying with the Tauck restriction noted above, you should also be sure to research and comply with all airline baggage restrictions relating to your flights to and from your Tauck journey. Airlines have become much more strict in enforcing size and weight limits in recent years, and are free to revise luggage policies without notice. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies. PLEASE NOTE that if you are booked on a tour that includes on-tour flights, the checked luggage weight restrictions for these flights may be lower than the weight restrictions for your international flights.

Special Luggage Restrictions for this Tour

Due to space constraints aboard the Windstar vessel and on motor coaches in Greece and Turkey, we recommend that you limit your hand luggage to one small carry-on, no larger than an average size knapsack, which will easily fit under your seat, as overhead racks are not wide enough to accommodate large bags.

Checked Luggage – General

Due to space restrictions, we ask that you please limit your checked luggage to one suitcase per person weighing no more than 50 pounds (23 kg) and with overall dimensions (length + width + height) not exceeding 62 inches (158 cm). 

Airlines are free to revise luggage policies without notice, and certain airlines have different baggage allowances for different classes of service. Researching and complying with airline luggage restrictions is the responsibility of the guest, and Tauck cannot be held responsible for any costs or disruptions to travel caused by the failure to research and comply with airline policies .

Tauck luggage tags will be provided by your Tauck Director on Day 1 of your itinerary. Please do not attach a Tauck luggage tag to any carry-on items, as the Tauck tags designate luggage that is to be handled and transferred by ground operators and hotel staff during your journey.

Health, Safety and Mobility


A doctor and limited medical facilities are available onboard. However, if you take special medications, please bring an adequate supply with you; they may not be available onboard. Medical services and all medicines (except acetaminophen, aspirin and anti-nausea pills) dispensed to you by the ship's doctor will be charged to your shipboard account. If you become ill during the voyage and the physician is unable to care for your needs onboard, you will be transferred to medical facilities onshore.

The Windstar cruise ships are registered in the Bahamas. Please check with your health insurance provider to determine whether you are covered while traveling. If you will not be covered under your current policy, we strongly suggest that you arrange for adequate coverage while on tour.

If you have a medical condition that might limit your participation in activities, please consult your physician for pre-departure health advice and notify us as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. We will advise your Tauck Director accordingly.


Some of the countries visited on this itinerary may require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against certain diseases in order to enter the country.  These requirements are subject to frequent change as outbreaks occur and subside in different areas, and it is therefore crucial that you obtain the very latest information on entry requirements as you prepare for your journey.

For the most current information, please consult the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) by clicking here  and the World Health Organization (WHO) by clicking here . You may also wish to visit the web sites for the embassies of the countries you will be visiting.  Besides providing details on vaccination requirements, these sites can also provide information on vaccinations that may be recommended (but aren't required) and other potential health issues for which no vaccines are available.

Any decisions relating to your health, of course, should not be based solely on information provided by a web site.  It is critically important that you consult with your personal physician prior to your journey to obtain any required vaccinations and to review any optional recommendations offered by the CDC or other sources.

Please be sure to discuss your journey with your physician at least four to six weeks in advance of your departure, as certain vaccinations take time to become fully effective.  Also, be certain to ask your physician for proof of any vaccinations you receive, and to pack this proof along with your other travel documents in your carry-on luggage (not in your checked luggage).

Researching and complying with vaccination entry requirements for the countries visited on this itinerary is the responsibility of the traveler and not Tauck. Tauck is therefore not responsible for any expenses incurred or disruptions to travel caused by improper or incomplete vaccinations, or by the failure to provide proof of required vaccinations.

If you do not obtain the necessary vaccinations and proper documentation, you may be denied entry into one or more countries, or temporarily quarantined until the necessary vaccinations are administered, or until proper documentation is provided.

To enjoy this cruise, you should be in good health and able to walk reasonable distances, often over unpaved and uneven surfaces. Some of the most memorable sightseeing can only be accomplished on foot.  Many of the sites visited were built in antiquity and have many steps and uneven surfaces. It is important that you wear sturdy, comfortable walking shoes that have already been broken-in. The amount of walking that you choose to do, however, is at your discretion. Additionally, you should be steady on your feet to circumnavigate the decks of the ship while cruising on the Aegean Sea. Some ship-to-shore transportation is by local tender.  Occasionally you may get wet with spray.

PLEASE NOTE:  We regret that this Tauck itinerary cannot accommodate wheelchairs or motorized scooters.  Likewise, we regret that we're unable to provide individual assistance to guests with walking difficulties or other personal needs.  The responsibility of the Tauck Director who accompanies your trip is to ensure that the larger group enjoys a relaxing and informative journey, and he or she cannot be relied upon to provide ongoing individual assistance to any one guest.  Guests requiring such individualized assistance must be accompanied by an able-bodied companion who can provide it. 

Your Windstar vessel does not have elevators. 


The restaurants, hotels, caterers and numerous other partners we work with all do their best to accommodate special dietary requests from Tauck guests. However, given the diverse nature of those food providers (from small wineries to grand hotels to world-famous restaurants in more than 70 countries worldwide), some of our partners are better able than others to accommodate such requests. We therefore cannot guarantee that all dietary requests can be accommodated at every meal. Also, please note that where dietary requests can be accommodated, choices will frequently be limited.

Smoking is not permitted on the motor coaches or inside the ship, including inside staterooms. Smoking is only permitted on the outer decks in the designated smoking areas. These regulations pertain to e-cigarettes as well.

Reading List

We have compiled a reading list of recommended books to give you more information about the destinations you will be traveling to on your upcoming journey! You can view the reading list  here .

What To Pack

Bringing the right clothing for your trip is important – we've partnered with Necessary Gear who provide an "easy-to-use, one-stop shop" for your Tauck travel needs, specifically selected for this trip. Click here to visit their site .

Your journey is designed with leisure in mind. Dress for comfort and convenience with a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering.  Most days are spent outside or in transit. Therefore, casual, comfortable, cotton clothing is recommended. Breezy days at sea and cool evenings will require warmer, layered clothing. A jacket and tie are not required for gentlemen aboard ship, but may be preferred or required at some local restaurants.

The "casual elegance" of a small cruise ship is also reflected in the way their guests' dress. We recommend that you wear relaxed and comfortable clothing, as you would at an elegant land resort. For women's daytime wear, we suggest walking shorts, skirts, sarongs, lightweight tops and cover-ups; for evening wear - sun dresses, pants, or informal cocktail attire. For men's daytime wear, we suggest Bermuda shorts, polo shirts, and khaki pants; in the evening - lightweight trousers and short-sleeved dress or polo shirts. No suits or ties are required. Shorts, jeans, and t-shirts are not permitted in the restaurant during the evening.

Valet laundry service is available at the hotel listed on this itinerary. On board the ship, next-day laundry and pressing service is available; dry cleaning services, irons and ironing boards are not available.

Following is a list of recommended items to pack for cruising on the Aegean Sea:

Rainwear, such as a raincoat and rain hat, plus a collapsible umbrella

Short and long-sleeved shirts/tee shirts (for the warmer, summer months extra tee shirts are always a good idea)

Shorts (for summer) and pants for casual daytime wear

Sport coat for men (suggested but not required) and slacks/dress for women for evening wear

Sweater; lightweight for summer, and medium weight for spring/fall

Camera, lenses, chargers, batteries and extra memory cards

Sunscreen and hat

Small flashlight

Insect repellent

Washcloth - not all European hotels provide washcloths, so you may want to bring one along.   A package of pre-moistened towlettes is an excellent alternative.

Travel alarm clock (many hotels do not have clocks in the rooms)

Reusable zipper lock bags or other waterproof bags

Prescription medicines (an adequate supply to last your entire journey), and written copies of your prescriptions from your doctor.  While it may be possible to refill prescriptions during your journey, the availability of refills cannot be guaranteed.  What's more, refilling prescriptions in foreign countries can be difficult and time-consuming.    

The Mediterranean and Aegean coasts of Greece and Turkey enjoy long hot dry summers and mild winters. Summer temperatures in Greece and Turkey are tempered by the Etesian northerly wind which blows across the Aegean Sea, and breezes called "meltemia", however, mainland temperatures are often very high. Winters are mild and wet, although rainfall is generally low in most areas.

To read about current weather conditions, we suggest you log on to the Internet website, noaa.gov , by clicking here.


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Greece Cruises

10 best greece cruises for 2025, italy, montenegro & croatia, jewels of the cyclades, mediterranean enchantments, classical greece, sailing the greek isles, the hidden pearls of the aegean sea, aegean escape, saronic gems, cruising the greek islands of the southern aegean: with smithsonian journeys, 5 best luxury cruises of the greek islands for 2025, top greece cruise deals for 2025, top small ships sailing the greek islands for 2025, royal clipper, sea cloud ii, emerald azzurra, le bougainville, variety voyager, m/y callisto, greece cruise guide & travel tips, greece cruise ports of call, best time to take a cruise in greece.

  • Santorini : Rising from the remnants of a volcanic crater, Santorini's beaches, breathtaking vistas, and iconic sunsets embody quintessential Greek charm. Home to the village of Oia, renowned for its whitewashed buildings and blue-domed churches.
  • Mykonos : Nestled in the Cyclades, Mykono’s labyrinthine streets, whitewashed abodes, and lively beach parties are framed by 16th-century windmills. Remember to explore the historic district of Little Venice.
  • Delos : Steeped in mythology as the birthplace of Apollo and Artemis, Delos reveals an archaeological trove of ruins that tell ancient tales. Its Sacred Way and Terrace of Lions are must-see highlights.
  • Corfu : Known as the emerald jewel of the Greek Isles, Corfu welcomes cruisers from international routes. Discover its Venetian architecture in the Old Town and stroll through Spianada Square.
  • Tinos: Nestled among terraced hills and marble quarries, Tinos hosts Greece's holiest sanctuary, Panagia Evangelistria. The island is famed for its intricate dovecotes.
  • Rhodes : Rich in historical grandeur, Rhodes features archaeological sites and coastal resorts that echo bygone eras. Its medieval Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Crete : Explore the legend of the Minotaur in the ancient city of Knossos near Rethymnon . Then, uncover Kythira's emerging allure and Chania's vibrant Venetian Harbor.
  • Naxos: As the largest of the Cyclades, Naxos captivates with diverse landscapes. Don't miss the monumental Portara, a massive marble doorway from an ancient temple.
  • Paros : With white-marble villages and traditional charm, Paros invites exploration of cobblestone alleys and historic churches. Delve into its history at ancient marble quarries.
  • Skiathos: Embrace Skiathos' blend of pine forests and golden beaches, harmonizing natural beauty and nightlife. Visit the iconic Evangelistria Monastery.
  • Patmos : A spiritual haven where the Book of Revelation was authored, Patmos beckons reflection at the Monastery of Saint John. Its Cave of the Apocalypse is UNESCO-listed.
  • Symi: Exuding elegance through pastel neoclassical architecture, Symi's harbor town offers tranquility. Explore the Panormitis Monastery's intricate frescoes.

Greece Overview

  • Athens : A testament to Ancient Greece's glory, Athens brims with historical significance. Unearth intriguing archaeological sites, from the iconic Parthenon atop the Acropolis to the vibrant Agora. Wander through the historic Plaka district to embrace its rich heritage.
  • Nafplion : Embraced by the Argolic Gulf, Nafplion holds both ancient myths and modern charm. Its captivating port town, believed to be founded by Poseidon's son, boasts cobbled streets adorned with quaint shops, inviting cafes, and enlightening museums. Explore the Palamidi Fortress gracing the skyline.
  • Katakolon : A gateway to Olympia's archaeological marvel, Katakolo unveils the origins of the Olympic Games. Delve into history at the archaeological site and museum, immersing yourself in the sacred past of this hallowed ground.
  • Heraklion: The capital of Crete, Heraklion seamlessly merges history and modernity. Discover the renowned Heraklion Archaeological Museum and delve into the ancient Minoan palace of Knossos, where myths take shape.
  • Kavala: This coastal haven invites leisurely strolls along its scenic harbor, adorned with neoclassical buildings and vibrant cafes. Ascend to Kavala Castle for panoramic vistas of the city and the Aegean Sea.
  • Volos: In the heart of Thessaly, Volos strikes a balance between tradition and innovation. Embrace the allure of Portaria village on Mount Pelion, with its cobblestone streets and charming guesthouses.
  • Rhodes Town: Beyond its island allure, Rhodes Town offers a passage through history. Traverse the medieval UNESCO-listed Old Town and glimpse the storied past at the Palace of the Grand Master.
  • Thessaloniki: As Greece's second-largest city, Thessaloniki is a melting pot of cultures and history. Byzantine walls, diverse architecture, and the iconic White Tower invite exploration into its myriad layers.
  • Croatia & the Dalmatian Coast: Setting sail on this captivating journey, you'll explore the maritime wonders of the Adriatic. Your adventure begins with the iconic city of Athens, and as you sail northward, you'll encounter the birthplace of the Olympic Games in Olympia and the legendary realm of Ithaca. Further enriching your experience, the voyage continues to unveil the hidden gems of Albania and Montenegro , inviting you to explore their cultures and history. Croatia's rugged beauty takes center stage as you dock at the famed Dubrovnik on the Adriatic Sea . Gaze upon the historic walls that have witnessed centuries of maritime history, a testament to the region's enduring charm.
  • Southern Cyclades & Turkey: The allure of this journey lies in its blend of enchanting Greek isles and the Turkish mystique. Rhodes, with its medieval marvels, sets the stage as you journey through history. Hydra beckons with its timeless elegance, followed by Athens, a city that marries ancient legacies with modern energy. The mesmerizing vistas of Santorini unfold, captivating all who visit. The Turkish port of Bodrum awaits, offering a glimpse into a culture where east meets west, as you indulge in the art, history, and maritime allure that define this enchanting region.
  • Italy , Greek Isles, Turkey & Athens: Departing from the eternal city of Rome, your voyage traverses the Mediterranean's most captivating destinations. Crete's archaeological treasures and Santorini's awe-inspiring caldera views set the stage for an unforgettable journey. As you approach the Turkish coast, Kusadasi emerges, offering a gateway to ancient Ephesus and a taste of Turkey's coastal allure. 

How to Choose a Mediterranean Cruise

Top 9 things to do in greek continental area - must-see attractions & experiences.

  • Acropolis of Athens: This iconic site showcases the architectural wonders of Ancient Greece, including the Parthenon and other ancient structures, perched atop the Acropolis hill overlooking Athens.
  • Medieval City of Rhodes: The medieval Old Town of Rhodes, with its well-preserved fortifications and historical architecture, is a testament to the island's medieval past and the influences of different civilizations.
  • Archaeological Site of Olympia: As the birthplace of the Olympic Games, Olympia features ancient ruins and temples that offer a glimpse into the origins of this celebrated sporting event.
  • Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns: These archaeological sites reveal the impressive remains of ancient Mycenaean civilizations, including fortifications, tombs, and palaces.
  • Archaeological Site of Delphi: Delphi was considered the center of the world in ancient Greek mythology and is home to the Temple of Apollo, the Oracle of Delphi, and other important structures.
  • Archaeological Site of Delos: T his uninhabited island near Mykonos is an archaeological treasure trove, featuring ruins of temples, houses, and monuments from various periods.
  • Meteora Monasteries: Although not directly visited through Greek cruises, the Meteora monasteries are often included in extended land tours. These monasteries are perched atop towering rock formations and offer breathtaking views.
  • Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus: This ancient healing center is renowned for its well-preserved theater and other structures that exemplify the architectural and medical achievements of the ancient Greeks.
  • Archaeological Site of Mystras: Mystras is a medieval town with well-preserved ruins, including palaces, churches, and fortifications, providing insight into Byzantine history and culture.
  • Archaeological Site of Knossos: Located on the island of Crete, Knossos is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on the island, showcasing the Minoan civilization's advanced architecture and art.

Top 9 Ports to Visit on North Aegean Sea Islands - Ultimate Island Hopping Guide

Top 10 things to do and see in crete - must-see attractions & experiences, best greece small ship cruise lines for 2025.

  • Ponant  - has voyages that include transfers to and from the ship, talks and discussions aboard ship by world-class Smithsonian experts, and a shore excursion in each port of call that immerses guests in the sights and sounds of their destination. Journey to the very heart of the Mediterranean on a cruise to Greece and the Cyclades on the  Le Bellot . 
  • Silversea Cruises  -  lets you discover the spellbinding beauty of Greece on an all-inclusive luxury cruise aboard the 254 guest  Silver Cloud . Stroll through labyrinthine streets gaze at iconic windmills and beaches with turquoise waters.
  • Lindblad Expeditions  -  visits some places largely unknown to all but residents and discerning travelers. Discover the romance and exhilaration of a tall ship sailing the Mediterranean aboard the legendary  Sea Cloud . Guests will have ample opportunities to stand on deck and watch the orchestrated frenzy of crew members going high aloft in the riggings to handset 30 sails.
  • Star Clippers Americas   - immerse travelers in the thrill of a true tall ship by delivering innovative itineraries and distinctive ports throughout the Mediterranean. The 379 feet long  Star Clipper  carries 166 guests in pampered comfort, over 36,000 square feet of sails. 
  • Variety Cruises  -  is a privately owned yacht cruise line based in Athens, Greece. Embark on the 72 guest  Variety Voyager  to explore the stunning Greek Islands of Athens, the Acropolis, Cyclades, Kea, Santorini, Mykonos, Delos, Crete, Kythira, Peloponnese, Nafplion, and Hydra. 
  • Emerald Waterways   - has a fleet of Star-Ships that cater from just 84 to a maximum of 186 guests, letting you meet like-minded travelers in a more intimate group. So much is included in the price of your holiday so you can have complete peace of mind while you travel. The attentive onboard crew, expert cruise directors, and knowledgeable onshore guides help to make your Greek island holiday truly memorable.
  • Sea Cloud Cruises  - has always preserved the true value of windjammers, where the beat of the wind and waves determines the rhythm and direction of life on board.  Sea Cloud II  perfectly combines spaciousness for up to 94 passengers with the lifestyle of a private yacht.
  • CroisiEurope   -   has been a French independent family business for 45 years. Venturing on a cruise on the Mediterranean coast aboard  MV La Belle de L'Adriatique  is always an excellent way to escape the dreariness of winter or to enjoy the summer fully.

Greek Cruise Video - Athens & Cyclades

Greece Travel FAQs

Top greece travel destinations.

  • Corinth Canal
  • Mediterranean

Greece Trips by Departure Date

  • 2024 Greece trips (39)
  • 2025 Greece trips (58)
  • 2026 Greece trips (6)
  • August 2024 (24)
  • September 2024 (20)
  • October 2024 (18)
  • May 2025 (20)
  • June 2025 (26)
  • July 2025 (27)
  • August 2025 (27)
  • September 2025 (18)
  • October 2025 (19)

Top Experiences in Greece

  • Greece Cruises (72)
  • Greece Small Ship Cruises (58)
  • Greece Beaches (20)
  • Greece Luxury (14)
  • Greece Cultural (13)
  • Greece Food & Wine (4)
  • Greece Most Popular (4)
  • Greece Active (3)
  • Greece Land Tours (3)

Greece Trips by Duration

  • 8 day trips (44)
  • 9 day trips (4)
  • 10 day trips (5)
  • 12 day trips (8)
  • 15 day trips (4)
  • 16 day trips (3)

Greece Trips by Activity

  • Greece archaeological site visits (55)
  • Greece village visits (32)
  • Greece small ship sailing (18)
  • Greece urban exploration (11)
  • Greece local market visits (11)
  • Greece snorkeling (10)
  • Greece wine tasting (5)
  • Greece kayaking (5)
  • Greece hiking (3)
  • Greece stand up paddle boarding (3)

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Best of Greece


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At Celebrity Cruises®, we believe choice matters. That’s why we’ve pre-packaged our most popular amenities—drinks, and Wi-Fi— Tips charged separately. So you can now choose the most convenient way to get the best value from your cruise.


Choose from an incredible array of beers, spirits, cocktails, liqueurs, frozen drinks, wines by the glass, sodas, juices, specialty coffees and bottled water.


We know staying in touch is important, so we’ve included internet access for all guests. Browse the web, check email, and use messaging apps.

Cruise Itinerary

  • Port of Departure
  • Port of Call
  • Cruise Route

Athens (Piraeus), Greece

Sat, Aug 30, 2025

Departs: 8:00PM

At Sea - Cruising

Sun, Aug 31, 2025

Santorini, Greece

Mon, Sep 1, 2025

Tendered: 7:00AM to 10:00PM

Ephesus (Kusadasi), Turkey

Tue, Sep 2, 2025

Docked: 9:00AM to 9:00PM

Mykonos, Greece

Wed, Sep 3, 2025

Tendered: 7:00AM to 6:00PM

Volos, Greece

Thu, Sep 4, 2025

Docked: 8:00AM to 7:00PM

Thessaloniki, Greece

Fri, Sep 5, 2025

Docked: 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Kavala, Greece

Sat, Sep 6, 2025

Tendered: 8:00AM to 6:00PM

Sun, Sep 7, 2025

Mon, Sep 8, 2025

Arrival: 5:00AM

See Full Itinerary

Cruise + Flight Package

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Celebrity Infinity Along Panama Canal

Celebrity Infinity Ship


Set sail on a vacation aboard Celebrity Infinity® and discover an unforgettable journey to the most exciting destinations in the world. Relax and feel at home in accommodations. Unwind and recharge aboard Celebrity Infinity and we’ll take care of every detail, so all you have to do is enjoy your vacation.

Onboard Features

The airy Main Restaurant offers exquisite menu selections, which change nightly to give you a variety of classic and contemporary choices. And the service? Legendary.

Clean, crisp flavors and inventive cuisine meet an extensive list of sustainable and biodynamic wines. Exclusively for AquaClass guests.

The exclusive restaurant for Guests of the Retreat. Select and cutting edge, the globally inspired menus at Luminae are not available in any other restaurant on board.

Constellation Lounge

The perfect daytime spot to gaze over the sea with a cocktail in hand. At night, the space comes alive with live music and dancing.

Rendezvous Lounge

On Millennium Class ships, the Rendezvous Lounge is the perfect place to gather before dinner for a cocktail and dancing.

Cellar Masters

Immerse yourself in wine culture. Cellar Masters lets you try a bold collection of both familiar and unknown wines from around the world.

The Retreat is an unparalleled vacation experience that includes every stunning suite, a private restaurant, and an exclusive lounge that rivals any high-end resort.

Say "Ahh" in spa-inspired staterooms designed just for you. Savor clean eating at Blu and escape to the Persian Garden.

Tailored services and amenities await you in these exceptionally appointed staterooms. We're here to help you make the most of your time on board and on shore.

Fortunes Casino

Relax, recharge, and play the hottest slots and table games at Fortunes Casino. It offers a sophisticated ambiance and a captivating atmosphere that comes alive with plenty of action.

Camp at Sea

For our Camp at Sea program, we’ve designed more than 500 activities that make every sailing a brand new experience and an unforgettable memory for our junior cruisers.

Art Gallery

When you visit the Art Gallery, you'll be surrounded with one of the world's largest permanent collections of contemporary art, accompanied by a complete art program.

Fitness Center

Bring your workout routine along on your modern luxury vacation and enjoy a variety of new fitness classes and seminars along with world class cruise fitness amenities.

Shops on Infinity

Celebrity's European-inspired piazza and elegant galleria hold riches of chic sophistication. Marble walkways lead you to modern boutiques and fine jewelry stores.

Rooftop Terrace

An alfresco movie theatre with cozy furnishings. The inviting Rooftop Terrace beckons you to stay a while.

Adults-only Solarium

A serenely beautiful adults-only pool and hot tub experience, The Solarium let’s you relax and daydream of the next destination you’ll be exploring.

Basketball Court

Shoot some hoops before or after your day’s adventure. Located centrally aboard the ship, you can enjoy a great basketball game while a nice ocean breeze keeps you cool.



Price is per person and applies to selected sailing, lowest available fare stateroom category, based on double-occupancy, reflects any promotional savings, and is subject to change and availability until booked. Additional terms and conditions apply to offers. Full deposit must be paid by deposit payment required due date. Standard full deposit penalty is applied if booking is cancelled within final payment period; see Celebrity’s cancellation policy for details. Non-Refundable Deposit Bookings (“NRDB”): To qualify for the lowest available cruise fare, guest must choose a non-refundable deposit. All deposit payments for NRDB made after 03/02/23 are non-refundable from the time of booking. NRDB are applicable to groups at prevailing rates. Not applicable to incentive, contract, or charter groups. Nonrefundable deposit offers are applicable to sailings within final payment, however full deposit is due at time of booking. 

Celebrity Edge® Series Iconic Suites, Edge Villas, Penthouse Suites, Royal Suites, Celebrity Suites, AquaClass® Sky Suites, and Sky Suites (and Family Suites during Holiday sailings) require double the deposit amounts listed.

All Included  pricing applies to sailings booked and departing on or after October 4, 2023, excluding Galapagos cruises, in an inside, ocean view, veranda, Concierge Class, or AquaClass stateroom (“Eligible Bookings”). All guests within an Eligible Booking who choose “All Included” pricing, will receive a Classic Drinks Package and an unlimited Basic Wi-Fi package. All guests in the same stateroom must choose the same rate.  Please visit www.celebritycruises.com/things-to-do-onboard/onboard-packages/beverage-packages for further information on available beverages and full restrictions and www.celebritycruises.com/things-to-do-onboard/onboard-packages/internet-and-phone-packages for further information on wi-fi.

All Included pricing applies to new individual bookings only. Changes to booking may result in removal of Offer. Prices and Offers are subject to availability and change without notice, may be withdrawn at any time, and not applicable to charters or contracted groups. All Included pricing is non-transferable and not combinable with certain rates including, Travel Agent, Interline, Net, Exciting Deals, or worker cabins.  Single occupancy guests paying 200% cruise fare are eligible for All Included pricing. Refer to celebritycruises.com and the Cruise Ticket Contract for additional terms and conditions. Celebrity Cruises reserves the right to cancel offer at any time, correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, and change or update fares, fees, and surcharges at any time without prior notice.

Imagery and messaging may not accurately reflect onboard and destination experiences, offerings, features, or itineraries. These may not be available during your voyage, may vary by ship and destination, and may be subject to change without notice.

*Port sequence may vary by sailing date.


Departing Aug 30, 2025

$1,077 USD * Avg Per Person

DAY 1 - Saturday , Aug 30

DAY 2 - Sunday , Aug 31

DAY 3 - Monday , Sep 01

DAY 4 - Tuesday , Sep 02

DAY 5 - Wednesday , Sep 03

DAY 6 - Thursday , Sep 04

DAY 7 - Friday , Sep 05

DAY 8 - Saturday , Sep 06

DAY 9 - Sunday , Sep 07

DAY 10 - Monday , Sep 08


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From Seaside to Cliffside

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A Greek Island Cruise With The Best Cruise Line

Take a holiday, cruise to Greece, and experience the beauty and magnificence of the Mediterranean for an unforgettable holiday. Explore the mainland and witness ancient history, or travel to the Greek Isles for rich culture and picturesque sun-drenched beaches of the once-powerful empire. Experience lively Santorini as you stroll through its picturesque, winding streets. Explore the island of Mykonos and its famed whitewashed homes and beautiful beaches. Or lose yourself in the deep blue waters of Corfu and its collection of quaint cafes. Historic ruins, Greek Gods and relaxation await you on your Greek cruise with Norwegian.

^Buy an air ticket and the 2nd guest flies for free. *View for full terms and conditions.

New Greek Isles Cruises

WE'RE BACK! Norwegian is Cruising to Greece this Summer

Sail aboard Norwegian Jade as we get ready break free this summer. As part of our first available sailings, experience a 7-day Greek Isles cruise from Athens (Piraeus) to Santorini and its famed blue-domed villages, Corfu’s rolling vineyards, and the islands’ breathtakingly beautiful coastlines. Explore the best of the Greek Isles on this port-intensive itinerary.

New Europe Cruises

NEW! Meet the All-New Norwegian Spirit, Cruising to Greece & Turkey

Every curve. Every view. Every single space — completely reimagined. Our most extensive ship renovation ever, harmonized to offer the best of Norwegian Cruise Line’s exceptional fleet. Every stateroom modernized. Every bar and lounge redesigned. Every dining experience elevated, featuring our new fine Italian restaurant Onda by Scarpetta.

Greek Isles Cruises

Greek Island Cruises From Venice, Athens & Rome

Take in the best of the Greek Isles on a cruise with Norwegian. Sip a glass of ouzo at a charming hillside tavern in Santorini , admiring the whitewashed houses and signature brilliant blue trim that matches perfectly with the Aegean Sea. Witness the one-and-only Acropolis in Athens , a citadel more than 2,500 years old and still a fixture of the city’s skyline. Or simply amble the narrow winding streets of picturesque Mykonos , famous for its scenic beauty. Feel free to go Greek with Norwegian. Opa!

Greek Island Cruises

What to Do on a Cruise to Greece

See dramatic blue waters and tranquil hillside villages in Corfu, Greece . Travel through the volcanic island of Santorini and take pictures of the villages clinging to the sides of the sea cliffs. Work on your tan at the beautiful beaches in Mykonos. Explore the oldest city in Europe and take in art, culture, cuisine, and shopping in Athens. Or experience daily life like a local on our new "Go Local" excursions , where authentic experiences await. It's all Greek on your cruise holiday with Norwegian.

Greek Isles Cruise Image Gallery

  • Corfu, Greece
  • Argostoli, Greece
  • Santorini, Greece
  • Mykonos, Greece
  • The Parthenon, Athens
  • Palaiokastritsa Bay, Corfu, Greece
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia
  • Patmos, Greece
  • Oia Village, Santorini, Greece

Corfu, Greece

Explore Greek Isles Cruise Ports

family cruises to greece

Best Greek Isles EXCURSIONS

Cruise to Santorini, Greece and Explore Like a Local with Norwegian

We know the destinations you'll be visiting and what there is to see, do and experience. We offer you a variety of excursions to choose from, in every port you'll visit.

family cruises to greece

Go Local - Cretan Village Of Krousonas

Explore the village of Krousonas and engage in activities that will provide an authentic glimpse into daily life....

family cruises to greece

Go Local - Traditional Sunday Lunch on the Athenian Riviera

Experience a hands-on lamb roasting class in Kalyvia. Learn techniques, prepare side dishes, and savor a classic Greek meal....

family cruises to greece

Go Local - Rhodes Traditional Inland Villages

Soak up the rural atmosphere in several inland villages while tasting classic Greek specialties such as sourdough bread, stuffed grape leaves and ouzo....

family cruises to greece

Go Local - A Day in the Country Life of a Corfiot Family

Experience a day on a Corfu farm in Alevropari, learn about country life, tour the farm, pick produce, and enjoy a family lunch....

Greek Isles HOTELS

family cruises to greece

Grand Hyatt Athens

Located on the famous Syngrou Avenue, between the cultural centre of the historic city of Athens and the cosmopolitan Athenian Riviera, Grand Hyatt Athens offers the ultimate hospitality experience in a city with a heady mix of history and edginess. Explore the vibrant city of Athens, discover the narrow streets and small buildings of Plaka, and merge into 3.000 years of Greek history whilst visiting the Acropolis Hill.

Amenities include 2 restaurants, an outdoor rooftop pool (seasonal), a spa, a gym, a business centre, and event space for up to 1,000 people. Breakfast, an airport shuttle and valet parking are available.

The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service to the airport. You're also walking distance to the rail station, where it's only 20 minutes to Venice by train.

Distance/ Airport: 25 miles Distance/ Pier: 10 miles

Package includes: Room and room tax Breakfast Bellman gratuities Transfers between Hotel and Pier

Important Note: Accommodations are based on double occupancy per room. Some accommodation will allow triple and quad guests in a room and are subject to availability and surcharge will apply. Additional hotel rooms to accommodate triple and quads may be required, and surcharge will apply.

Read THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT Greek Isles Cruises

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Best Cruises for Singles

From Corfu to Croatia, Santorini and Mykonos, Feel Free to sail along your own path with our best cruises for solo travellers.

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The Best of Mykonos

There's no shortage of things to see and do in Mykonos. Explore our top 10.

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Stroll Through Santorini

Wander through Santorini's iconic blue-domes and white stairs.

Family Cruises

Greek Islands

A Greek Islands cruise will take you to some of the most beautiful and fascinating ports in the world, including Corfu, Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes, Crete, Olympia and more. You'll find beautiful beaches, white-washed buildings and blue-domed churches along the way, plus magnificent antiquities and ruins of ancient civilizations. Shoppers will also love Greek Islands cruises, as the country's low cost of living translates into rock-bottom prices for most visitors.

Often Greek Islands cruises include a few other ports in the Mediterranean such as Istanbul or Venice.

  • The prime Greek Islands cruise season lasts from May through November.
  • Greek Islands cruises generally range from 7 to 21 nights.
  • If you need to fly a long distance to reach your port of departure, we suggest that you arrive at the port city at least one or two days in advance of your Greek Islands cruise. This will give you time to rest and get oriented before boarding the ship. Most cruise lines offer pre-cruise hotel packages.

family cruises to greece

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Cliff Greece Village and Beach Santorini


Greece & greek isles cruises.

Discover idyllic beaches and ancient ruins in the birthplace of poetry and art with a cruise to Greece and the Greek Isles.

Cruise to Greece and Greek Isles where temples, amphitheatres and villages preserved in volcanic ash still reveal the mysteries of the past. Enjoy dramatic sunsets across translucent waters while exploring the white cliffs of Milos, or transport yourself to the ancient past at ruins found on nearly every Greek island. The Temple of Aphaia looms over Aegina, while Delos Island hosts the incredible Terrace of the Lions. You'll find the world-famous Acropolis on Rhodes Island and the Akrotiri on Santorini. But don't forget to watch the sun rise over the Aegean while visiting the renowned windmills of Mykonos. Discover the magic with a Greece and Greek Isles cruise.

family cruises to greece

Save Big with these Greece and Greek Isles Cruise Deals

Explore more while spending less with Greece and Greek Isles cruise deals onboard our best cruise ships

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Corfu Cave Beach Rock Greece


Get in touch with traditional customs and soak in the Mediterranean waves on the sun-soaked Greek Isles onboard the best Greece and Greek Isles cruises. 

Restaurant  Tables Near Ocean in Santorini, Greece


Santorini only has villages, not towns, and these diverse areas provide a first-hand glimpse into Greek life. Because the whole island is less than 28 square miles, it's not difficult to take in most of the sights from the looming cliffs and still have time for shopping, eating and some down time on the Aegean Sea.

Greece Marine Life and Scuba Diver


Greece's underwater worlds complete with seahorses, eels and plenty of fish are almost too perfect not to grab your scuba gear and take the plunge. Santorini has an excellent dive center that will get you into the water fast with instructors who will guide you through the warm Mediterranean waters.

Greece Nea Kameni Volcano


Another great thing to do while in Greece are the daily tours of the volcano Nea Kameni, which is located on an uninhabited island close to Santorini: begin with a short boat ride, followed by a climb up to the volcanic craters that takes just over an hour. The tour then takes in hot springs and mud baths, where you can recharge your batteries.

Greek Isles Archaeological Site


Go on an archaeological exploration of the ancient world's most renowned sites, from Bronze Age excavations to temples dedicated to the Greek gods with your cruise to Greece and Greek Isles. 

Greek Isles Ancient Ruins


The largest of the Greek islands, Crete is both a beach paradise and home to some of the country's premier archaeological finds and attractions. Visit Greece and tour the Palace at Knossos, built by the Minoans more than 4,000 years ago, before exploring the Archaeological Museum, where the treasures of Knossos – including sculptures, jewellery and mosaics – are exhibited.

Akrotiri Historical Site Santorini Greece

Excavations of Akrotiri on Santorini Island date back to the Manoan Bronze Age, where the settlement was preserved in ash following a volcanic eruption in 1627 BC. The site is still being excavated today, and you can witness history first-hand by exploring the vast settlement and the enormous ongoing archaeological dig.

Ancient Greece Ruins Delos Apollo and Artemis


Delos is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, and it's also the mythological birthplace of the sun god, Apollo, and his twin, Artemis, goddess of the moon and the hunt. You can spend hours exploring the ruins and learning about Greek history on the most-sacred place of worship in Ancient Greece. Even the nearby old port has its own charm, with an amphitheatre, sanctuary and various dwellings waiting to be explored.

Beach Cave in Greece


This is not your average summer holiday in Europe – it’s an all-out culture trip you’ll never forget. Offering longer stays in port, Odyssey of the Seas℠ takes you deeper into the culture, history and natural beauty of some of Europe’s most incredible destinations. Cruise to Greece and explore the most beautiful isles in the Aegean.

Sunset in Santorini, Greece


There’s nothing like spending a summer in Greece, and an adventure on Odyssey of the Seas℠ , is the perfect way to experience it. Scope picture-perfect sunsets in Santorini. Tour a local vineyard in Crete. And spend a day soaking up the sun on a golden-sand beach in Mykonos . You’re in for adventure no matter how you choose to isle away the time.


The ancient city of Ephesus Selcuk Izmir Turkey


Experience the journey of a lifetime on a 12-night cruise on Odyssey of the Seas℠. Explore the stunning landscapes and rich history of Greece, Turkey and Italy. Indulge in exquisite cuisine, relax in luxury and embark on unforgettable shore excursions, all while enjoying the world-class amenities of our cruise ship.


Olive orchards often offer tours and tastings, so grab the chance to try some freshly pressed oil.

Santorini is known for one-day yacht tours that give you a unique view of the island and its neighbours.

Ftelia Beach, on the northern side of Mykonos, is the place for watersports and windsurfing, as well as those sunsets everyone dreams about.


The Greek islands are known for famous foods like feta cheese, but the location is also home to a slew of other delicacies. Olive oil plays a big part in the local cuisine, as does local produce, such as tomatoes and other Mediterranean vegetables. Feast on feta me meli, baked feta wrapped in filo or choriatiki: greek salad with tons of vegetables. While meat such as lamb, pork and veal are found everywhere, especially in gyros or keftethes (meatballs), fish and seafood are the undisputed stars, due to proximity to the sea.

Greek Feta Cheese and Kalamata Olives


Kefalonia is home to the legendary tiropita cheese puff, which is basically cheese baked in cheese, although you'll also find puffs filled with vegetables, particularly spinach, and even sometimes meat. You can also find local cheeses like feta, manuri or kefalotiri everywhere.

Greek Kreatopita Meat Pie


Meat pies filled with lamb, veal or sometimes pork are called kreatopita, and they are cooked with wine and tomatoes, garlic, cinnamon and nutmeg, creating a medley of flavours. There's also a variety called pastitsio that combines pasta and meat.

Greek Fresh Seafood Platter


Your choices are endless when it comes to fresh seafood prepared according to local tradition. Try a simple shrimp and pasta dish, or go wild with octapodi kokkinisto, octopus in tomato sauce, during your Greece cruise.


The beautiful Greece and Greek Isles cruise ports, from the in-progress archaeological digs at Delos to the Old Towns of Crete and Rhodes, the Greek Islands are brimming with history. And while it's wonderful to explore the past, the beaches of Mykonos and the architecture of Santorini and Athens are just a few of the many pleasures that await you.

Argostoli, Greece Kalamia Beach

Argostoli, Greece

Mykonos, Greece Windmills From Restaurant

Mykonos, Greece

Santorini, Greece Oia White Blue

Santorini, Greece

Chania, Crete Pristine Beach

Chania (Souda), Crete

Katakolon, Greece, Ancient Pilar Ruins

Olympia (Katakolon), Greece

Athens (Piraeus), Greece, View of city and Acropolis

Athens (Piraeus), Greece

Rhodes, Greece, Beach

Rhodes, Greece

Corfu, Greece, Paleokastritsa Beach

Corfu, Greece

Aerial view of Porto Zorro Azzurro beach in Zakynthos (Zante) island, in Greece

Zakynthos, Greece

Saint Paul cathedral in Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki, Greece

Skiathos Old Port with a Blue Sky, Skiathos, Greece

Skiathos, Greece

Street view of Pirgi, a village in Chios, Greece

Chios, Greece

Related Destinations

Beautiful, Mediterranean Coastal Town

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Mediterranean Cruises

Experience the cuisine and culture of italian and greek cruises.

Best Cruises in the Mediterranean

US News & World Report

On a Mediterranean cruise with Princess®, explore the homes of Greek gods, Italian artists and multicultural treasures. As you walk down bustling roads and beaches, cultures and history fill the air. Uncover divine legends at the Acropolis, admire religious relics at Dubrovnik’s Cathedral or climb the Leaning Tower of Pisa and soak up sweeping views of the emerald landscapes.

Best Mediterranean cruise options

Barcelona, Spain

The gateway to greatness

On these Mediterranean cruises, travel from Spain through some of Europe’s most famous ports as you make your way to Italy. Begin in Barcelona where archaic artwork is on display throughout the city. Then saunter through the lavender fields of Provence when you cruise to Marseille. Or visit Il Campo dei Miracoli, also known as “The Field of Miracles,” a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the heart of Pisa.

Rome, Italy

From one sea to another

Embark on a Mediterranean cruise through the Aegean Sea and stroll through highlights of Italy and Greece while also visiting hidden gems like Montenegro. Sail along the Amalfi Coast and tour ancient ruins, including Pompeii. Then cruise to Mykonos, where windmills and bright white architecture accent the turquoise sea. Continue indulging in dreamy landscapes in Athens where mythology comes to life.

Athens, Greece

Explore, Savor, Discover

Set sail on a Mediterranean adventure through the sparkling Adriatic Sea! Start in Athens, where you can explore the legendary Olympic stadium. Cruise over to Santorini for its stunning black-sand beaches and unforgettable sunsets. Indulge in Italy’s mouthwatering pizzas and pastas in Sicily and Naples. Wrap up your journey with a stylish arrival in Barcelona, where vibrant streets and lively squares are ready to be explored.

Trieste, Italy

Steeped in history and charm

Trieste is a city that seamlessly blends its diverse cultural influences. On a cruise to Europe departing from Trieste, arrive early to explore the city’s rich heritage — from the grandeur of Miramare Castle to the bustling Piazza Unità d'Italia. Savor delicious Italian cuisine at local trattorias and wander through the atmospheric streets lined with historic architecture. Don’t miss a visit to the Trieste Roman Theatre, where ancient history comes alive.

Mediterranean Cruisetours

13 - 31 Nights

Highlights of Spain Cruisetour

3 nights Madrid

1 night Valencia

2 nights Barcelona

Escorted by a Tour Director

Then board your Mediterranean cruise

Explore Gibraltar, Provence, Genoa and Florence

Select sightseeing included

Most meals included

13 - 27 Nights

Classic Italy Cruisetour

2 nights Venice

2 nights Florence

2 nights Rome

Then sail to Naples and Sicily, depending on your itinerary

Longer Mediterranean cruisetours may also visit ports in Greece, Turkey, France and beyond

11 - 25 Nights

Best of Greece Cruisetour

1 night Athens

1 night Nafplion (only on 2024 cruisetours)

1 night Delphi

1 night Kalambaka

Mediterranean Cruise Ports of Call

Discover some of the world-renowned destinations that await you on a Mediterranean cruise with Princess.

Santorini is the epitome of Greece. Wander into the welcoming cafes in Oia, a village teeming with whitewashed buildings and blue-domed roofs. Continue to some of the world’s oldest vineyards and taste the bouquet of wines produced on the island, making sure to visit the black-sand beach of Kamari before heading back to your Mediterranean cruise ship.

Rooted in Greek mythology, Athens is alive with stories from civilizations of the past. On a cruise to Europe departing from Athens, arrive early to tour the remains of ancient lores — like the Temple of Olympian Zeus and Acropolis — dine at the city’s lively tavernas and admire iconic sculptures bathed in natural light within the Acropolis Museum.

Until it was popularized by the 1992 Olympics, Barcelona was a hidden gem amidst Europe’s diverse landscapes. Now it’s widely recognized for its architectural masterpieces and spirited customs. On European cruises from Barcelona, leave enough time before you depart to visit Park Güell — a UNESCO World Heritage Site — and feel inspired by the colors and unique artistry that lies in the park and throughout the entire city.

Experience the captivating charm of Naples, Italy, with a range of enriching excursions. Explore the ancient ruins of Pompeii, where well-preserved mosaics and frescoes offer a glimpse into Roman life. For a taste of luxury, visit the stunning Isle of Capri. Enjoy a scenic jetfoil ride, explore Anacapri, and savor a southern Italian lunch with fresh, local ingredients. Wine enthusiasts can hike to Mount Vesuvius' summit for breathtaking views, followed by a vineyard tour and wine tasting paired with local delicacies. Discover the wonders of Naples on a Mediterranean cruise with Princess.

On a Mediterranean cruise to Livorno, travel to Florence or Pisa where artifacts abound. Capture snapshots of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, stop by Michelangelo’s David statue at the Accademia and walk up to the “Gates of Paradise” at the Baptistery. Or explore the countryside and meander through the region’s rolling hills that bear vineyards and green olive groves.

Nestled within Boka Bay lies a medieval gem. Kotor is enrobed in ancient houses, palaces and churches that speak to its 12th-century origins. On a Greek cruise, dine on Montenegrin cuisine in the home of a local chef, appreciate 14th-century Venetian art at St. Tryphon’s Cathedral and taste regional wines along the riviera. Or see another side of the city when you kayak through the tunnels of Lipa Cave.

Discover the vibrant culture of Istanbul, Turkey, with a variety of excursions. Explore the iconic Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, marvel at the treasures in Topkapi Palace, or wander through the bustling Grand Bazaar. Take a scenic Bosphorus Cruise, visit the ancient Underground Cistern, or experience a traditional Turkish breakfast. Each excursion offers a unique glimpse into Istanbul's rich history and dynamic present. Immerse yourself in the magic of this transcontinental city on a Mediterranean cruise with Princess.

Famous for its beaches and spirited lifestyle, Mykonos is the heartbeat of Greece. Embark on a jeep safari past the city’s windmills, lighthouses and lakes. Walk past temples and marble-lined sanctuaries in Delos, the birthplace of famous Greek gods. Or soak up a day of relaxation on the beach with the city’s Cycladic architecture as your backdrop — all on a Greek cruise with Princess.

Italy’s capital city is something of a dream. Grand chapels and stone angels line the roads, whispering secrets of Rome’s past. On a cruise to Europe from Rome, arrive early to toss a coin into Trevi Fountain. Legend has it, you’ll be guaranteed return to The Eternal City. Then walk in the footsteps of Emperors at the Colosseum, and receive a blessing from the Pope at St. Peter’s Square.

If you are interested in the longer Mediterranean cruises, you’ll love Princess® Epic Voyages. Learn more about our expertly curated itineraries for your next extraordinary adventure.

Why Cruise the Mediterranean

In lands where the culture is as flavorful as the cuisine, the splendor of the Mediterranean speaks for itself.

World-Class Dining

Captivating cuisine

With mouthwatering entrees and confections, the Mediterranean invites you to embark on a gourmet tour through iconic cities. Reawaken your taste buds with Italian classics like pastas, pizzas and gelato. Or fill your plate with gyros, keftethes and baklava on a Greek cruise. From breakfast to dinner and every delectable dessert in between, the best is before you with Princess.

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Ancient Ruins

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Art Galleries & Museums

Artistic ingenuity abounds

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Sun-Kissed Beaches

A vision of natural beauty

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Local connections

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More ashore

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Unforgettable Mediterranean Cruise Shore Excursions

Our award-winning Mediterranean cruise shore excursions bring you to iconic beaches, landmarks and ancient artifacts. See the yacht-lined shores of Kotor while riding on a tuk-tuk, an electric rickshaw. Savor the flavors of “Koum Kouat” liqueur, created from Corfu’s exclusive citrus plant. Or stroll along the streets of Dubrovnik’s Old Town, one of the most well-preserved medieval cities in the world.


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Must-do summertime activities in Scandinavia

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Five reasons to cruise from Southampton

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How to see Stockholm from a unique perspective

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Six places to see the Northern Lights in Norway

Hoping to see the Northern Lights in Norway? Discover the best places to try to catch a glimpse of Mother Nature's exceptional light show

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Greece with kids.

Greece › Family Holidays Updated: February 16, 2023 By Santorini Dave

  • Athens – Where to Stay & Go
  • Santorini – Where to Stay & Go
  • Mykonos – Where to Stay & Go
  • Naxos – Where to Stay & Go
  • Paros – Where to Stay & Go
  • Crete – Where to Stay & Go

Teens on the Greek island of Santorini.

My boys on a boat in the Santorini caldera. A boat tour of the caldera is one of the highlights of a family trip to Greece.

My Advice – 10 Things to Know for Planning a Greek Holiday 1. Greece is a Wonderful Destination for a Family Holiday Greece and the Greek Islands are my favorite place in Europe for a family vacation. Great beaches, interesting history, incredible food (much of it kid-friendly), wonderful people. Island hopping by ferry adds a bit of adventure to the whole thing and an opportunity to see several very distinct destinations. There are no extra vaccinations required, and no special medicine prescribed. Transport in Greece, whether by Greek ferry , bus, or plane, is efficient and comfortable. 2. My Family’s Favorite Islands My favorite places in Greece for my family are the Greek Islands, and my favorite island for families is Naxos . But there are many others that are also kid-friendly and great for families. Mykonos , Crete, Rhodes, and Corfu are four more that have great beaches, cool towns, and a family-friendly atmosphere. Santorini is typically thought of as a couples’ destination but there’s a lot to see and do and it’s still a great family destination (especially if your kids are a little older, say, 6 and up). 3. Greece is Easy to Get to from the U.K. and the Rest of Europe Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Kos, and a few other islands (depending on the year) have direct flights from the London, Manchester, Paris, Amsterdam, Oslo, and Rome making trips to a Greece quick and easy. It’s not unreasonable to be sitting on a beach 4 or 5 hours after taking off from your home airport. Getting to the Greek Islands from the U.S. will always require two flights (usually connecting in western Europe). A few North American cities (Toronto, New York City) have direct flights to Athens but none have direct flights to the Greek Islands. My kids on the wonderful beaches of Mykonos . Mykonos has a reputation as a party island (and there’s some truth to that) but the club scene is easy to avoid if your with kids. 4. Best Time to Visit Greece for a Family Holiday The best weather in Greece for kids, families, swimming, and beach time is from late May to early September. The sun will be out, skies blue, and there’s very little rain. The absolute best beach weather is from late June to early September. 5. The Highlights of Athens Can be Seen in One Full Day of Sightseeing The top attractions in Athens (Acropolis, Acropolis Museum, and historical sights in the Plaka) can be easily seen in one full (but busy) day – or take two if you want to take it a little slower. And then get on a ferry the next morning (most ferries from Athens to the islands leave between 7am and 8am) and get the kids to a beach. 6. The Best Greek Islands for History and Culture are Crete, Rhodes, Santorini, and Delos Crete has the single best historical sight on any of the Greek Islands: Knossos near Heraklio. Rhodes has the Medieval City of Rhodes Town and the Acropolis of Lindos. And Santorini has the caldera, the volcano, and the story of how this island was destroyed by an immense volcanic eruption. The entire small island of Delos is a UNESCO World Heritage Site full of incredible ruins; you can’t stay there, but it is easily reached from Mykonos. 7. The Best Beach for Kids in Greece The single best beach in Greece is Elafonisi Beach in Crete. Magical and very kid-friendly. Other great beaches for families can be found in Naxos, Paros, Antiparos, Mykonos, Lesvos, Skiathos, Skopelos, Corfu, and Rhodes. Santorini has great swimming and unique beaches but since they’re composed of volcanic rock they get very hot in the mid-day sun and aren’t really that kid-friendly. 8. Greek Restaurants are Very Kid Friendly Almost all Greek restaurants and tavernas have a family-friendly atmosphere where kids are welcomed and pampered. Santorini and Mykonos (known for luxury and nightlife) each have a handful of restaurants where kids might be a little out of place but these are the exceptions and the majority of restaurants on every Greek island will welcome your kids with open arms (literally). 9. Do a Tour Greek tour guides are great. (It’s a national law that tour guides need to have a degree in Greek history to conduct any tour to a historical sight in Greece.) And you’ll get much more out of any visit to a historical attraction if you get a guide. At some sights (e.g. Knossos) it’s easy to walk up and find a good guide. At other sights (Akrotiri in Santorini) it’s best to book in advance. Doing a food tour is also highly recommended (especially in Athens). 10. Best Websites for Planning a Greek Holiday Planning a greek holiday is easy to do by yourself. Don’t book a package holiday as you end up getting second-rate hotels and the worst flights. These are the websites I use and recommend for easy and reliable trip planning: Kayak.com to find the best airfares. Booking.com to book hotels. FerryHopper.com to find ferry schedules and book tickets. Welcome Pickups for port/airport transportation. RentalCars.com for reserving rental cars. GetYourGuide.com to find and book sightseeing tours. Special Considerations for Family Travel in Greece Perhaps the most challenging aspect for families is finding hotel rooms suitable for 4, 5, 6 or more people. The most common hotel room is small with 2 single beds with a small balcony and usually a small fridge. Many options do exist outside of these, but it will require some planning and booking in advance. All Greek taxis have a maximum limit of 4 passengers. If your hotel does not offer airport or ferry port transfer, Welcome Pickups pre-booked car service is a great option. Larger vehicles are available for groups of more than 4, and child car seats are available on request. High chairs are rarely to be found in restaurants which can make a stroller an appealing option as a place to sit a baby or small toddler during meal time. What are the Best Greek Islands for a family holiday? Folegandros is a great island for families interested in solitude, quiet, and good hiking. The 7 Best Greek Islands for Families: Crete • Rhodes • Paros • Naxos • Santorini • Mykonos • Corfu Best Greek Island for Families : Naxos Best Greek Island for Beaches : Naxos, Mykonos, Ios, Crete Best Greek Island for Teens : Santorini, Mykonos, Paros Best Greek Island for History : Crete, Rhodes, Santorini, Mykonos (Delos) Best Greek Island for Hiking : Crete, Folegandros, Santorini, Naxos Best Greek Island for Biking : Kos Best Greek Island for Luxury : Santorini, Mykonos Best Greek Island for Quiet and Solitude : Folegandros, Ikaria, Karpathos Best Greek Island for Outdoor Activity : Crete, Santorini Best Greek Island for Food : All of them Best Greek Island for Family Cruise : None of them – don’t do cruises, visit on your own Best for Island Hopping : Santorini, Naxos, Paros, Ios, Mykonos, and Milos are all well connected by ferry and great for island hopping

Should I book hotels in advance when visiting Greece?

Paros Beach.

Paros is a wonderful mix of charming towns and idyllic beaches. For best choice in hotels and rooms, book early – especially for very popular destinations like Mykonos, Santorini, Naxos, and Paros.

For July and August on the most popular islands — like Santorini and Mykonos — booking early is absolutely essential . It becomes increasingly less essential as you move away from those islands and those months. So, Naxos and Paros in June or September would be no problem at all to arrive at without reservations. That leaves a large gray area of course. Are reservations necessary for Santorini in June, Naxos in July, Paros in August? In general, booking early and making reservations will get you the best price, and give you a better selection of room size to fit your family’s needs. Booking.com is my favorite website for finding and booking hotels in Greece. They’re reliable, well-organized, and have offer generous cancellation plans. Flexibility is good (and fun). It’s nice to have some hotel reservations booked in advance – especially for your first nights on a new island – but it’s also nice to have some flexibility with where you’re going and how long you’re staying. Try to find a good balance – maybe have your first 2 nights on each island booked in advance, followed with a few days that you can fill as you wish. That said, flexibility might be a luxury that families don’t feel they can afford. In high season families and large groups should definitely book rooms in advance. If you do show up on an island without reservations you might see hotel owners greeting the ferry, asking if you need a room. These will often be budget hotels (but still nice, clean places to stay). If you do decide to stay with them, try to walk to the hotel from the pier. (This won’t be practical on every island, eg. Santorini’s port is a long ways from anywhere.) Most main towns are right by the ferry port, so if they’re telling you that their hotel is right “in town” you should be able to walk there no problem, right? If instead, they’re trying to get you and your bags into their pickup it’s likely it’s several miles outside of town. At the very least get them to pinpoint the hotel exactly on a map. Some hotel owners will “gently” lie but if faced with a precise question they’ll accurately tell you where it is on the map.

When is the best time to visit Greece for a family vacation?

two teenage boys pose for a photo at a beachfront table

Waterfront dining in Naxos (an awesome island for families). The best months to visit the Greek Islands with kids are June through September.

June and September are undeniably the best months for a holiday vacation in Greece , with July and August close behind. And if you’re really looking to narrow it down then mid-September is the absolute prime. The weather is essentially the same as late June but while the water can still be chilly in early summer, by September it’s perfect. The crowds arrive in late June and stay until the islands are packed in the last week of August. By early September you can feel a discernible difference in the number of visitors and hopping on a ferry, getting a seat at a popular restaurant, or finding a hotel room gets markedly easier. The difficulty of peak-season travel can be exaggerated, however. I’ve visited in the middle of summer many many times and never had any trouble finding a hotel on a Greek island. But if you do travel during July and August you should, at the very least, book your hotel rooms in advance and be prepared for some intense bustle on the ferries and in the tourist hot spots. May and October can be great as well but you’re taking a little bit of chance with the weather if your aim is beach and swimming time. On the other hand, if you’re more interested in hiking, biking, and historical sites then mid-April to early June and late September until early November can be fantastic options.

How do I get to the Greek Islands?

Map showing airports that have direct flights to Athens

These are the 4 easiest and most common ways to get to the Greek Islands: Fly to Athens and then ferry to the islands. The classic Greek vacation. The pluses include breaking up your journey mid-way, having an opportunity to tour Athens and getting to enjoy a long, often relaxing, occasionally magical ferry ride from Athens to the Islands.The minuses being that it takes up a few days on both ends of your trip. Stopping in Athens might not be the best use of time if you only have one or two weeks. The ferry schedule can be erratic in August as high winds in the Cyclades (called the Meltemi) can play havoc with ferries schedules. (The Cyclades are particularly vulnerable to high winds.) Cancellations for more than a day or two are rare but your itinerary could be messed up with one ill-timed delay. Fly directly to a Greek Island from a city in Northern or Western Europe. There are many cheap budget flight to a few Greek Islands from the main travel hubs in western Europe: London, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Milan.Pros: It can often be ridiculously cheap to get a flight from Western Europe directly to a Greek island on one of the European budget airlines. Plus, if you’re coming from North America, Asia, or Australia, you can have a few days in London or Paris or whatever city you transit through. Cons: Surprisingly difficult to arrange if you’re arriving from outside the continent.  The low-cost carriers often leave from smaller regional airports, not the large hubs where your long-haul jet landed. Getting from one airport to another can take the better part of a day. (For example, your flight from New York will arrive at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, but your flight to Greece will leave from Orly – on the opposite side of the city.) Also, only a handful of islands have direct flights from outside of Greece. Currently, the Greek Islands that have international flights are Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu, Zakynthos, Crete, Lesvos, Samos, Kos, and Rhodes. Fly to Athens, then fly to the islands. Pros: More time on the islands. There are more islands you can fly to from Athens than from outside the country. For example, Milos, Naxos, Paros, and Karpathos all have flights from Athens but do not have international arrivals, so you if you want to fly to the smaller islands you’ll have to go through Athens.Cons: You’ll miss out on island hopping by ferry. Though, of course, you can take ferries between the islands once you’re there it’s that initial trip from Athens out to the islands that’s filled with so much excitement and anticipation. Also, if you do stop in Athens it’s often easier (or just as easy) to go to the port and hop on a ferry as to make your way all the way back to the airport, go through security, and wait for your plane. When you factor in the extra time that taking a flight involves, a highspeed ferry will get you to some of the Cycladic islands nearly as fast as a flight. Combine a Greek trip with one of its neighbors to the east (Turkey) or west (Italy). There are several options for taking ferries to or from Turkey and Italy. On the Turkish side, ferries ply the waters between Lesvos and Ayvalik, Chios and Cesme, Samos and Kusadasi, Kos and Bodrum, and Rhodes and Marmaris. These boat rides vary in length but typically are about 1-3 hours long and can be booked the day prior to departure.A fantastic itinerary might look like this: Fly into Istanbul, tour the Turkish coast, ferry to an eastern Greek island and island hop through 2 or 3 islands, ending your trip in Athens and flying home from there. On the Italian side ferries run between the Greek island of Corfu and the Italian port towns of Ancona, Brindisi, Bari, and Venice. These take between 8 and 12 hours and are often overnight ferries, so it’s best to book at least a few days in advance. Book far in advance if you want to take a vehicle or have a sleeping compartment.

How to Travel with Kids on Greek Ferries

A child sits on the top berth of an overnight ferry cabin, giving a thumbs-up

Overnight ferries are a great way to travel long distances and not waste a day of sightseeing, and the cost of a cabin is similar to that of a hotel. Plus, you get to sleep on a bunk bed in a boat! How cool is that?

Ferries are one of the ingredients of what makes a trip to Greece so magical and unique. Ferry hopping around the islands — especially the Cyclades where the islands are very close to each other — is a ton of fun. And if you’re just going from one island to the next it’s very easy too. Foot passengers usually don’t need to book far in advance – especially for ferries between islands – just buy a ticket from a local agent the day before travel and hop on board. But for ferries from Piraeus (the port near Athens) to an island during high season, it’s recommended to book at least a week prior to your departure. Ferryhopper.com is the best website for searching ferry routes and booking tickets in advance When you start doing more than a walk-on ferry ride from, say, Santorini to Mykonos, it gets more difficult. Here are some choices you may need to make for longer ferry rides: Do I want to take a high-speed ferry, a catamaran, or a conventional ferry? If you want to take a high-speed ferry or catamaran to or from Athens then you’ll want to book about a week in advance. Do I want deck seating (also called 2nd class or airplane-style seating) or do I want to reserve a sleeping cabin? If you want a cabin you’ll want to book at least a few weeks in advance. Do I need to take a vehicle on board? If so, booking several weeks in advance is recommended as spots in the car garage are in short supply. Planning a Greek Island Trip Island hopping is what it’s all about. There are so many great islands in Greece it’s almost mandatory to visit more than one. With the exception of Crete (see below) don’t limit yourself to 1 island. But, don’t visit too many islands. Two nights (3 or 4 is best) is the minimum time needed to feel like you’ve seen an island at all, don’t spread your time too thin among the islands. Crete is a big island and requires at least a week to see well. If you’re on a tight schedule and want to see a bunch of different islands Crete might not be your best destination. It’s a fair distance from any other islands (and Athens) and takes a while to get around due to its size. The island could very easily keep you busy for 2 or more weeks and it has a bit of everything: arts, culture, cities, beaches, and quaint idyllic ports. If you have at least 10 days and want to visit Santorini – its closest neighbor – that is very doable. Hotels and restaurants on most islands close during the winter months. You’ll always find something open, but things can be very quiet in the offseason. On the less popular islands things close down even earlier in the fall and open up later in the spring. For example, Santorini will get very quiet by mid-November. The hotels and restaurants that close will start to reopen in late March. But a less popular island like Folegandros will start slowing down significantly in late September and not be completely re-opened until mid-May. Depart and arrive from different cities. Having to return to the city that you first arrived in is a waste of time and money. Open-jaw tickets cost a little more but you’ll save that money by not having to buy tickets back to a place you’ve already been. Example 1) Arrive Thessaloniki travel through the Aegean and Cycladic islands and fly home from Santorini. Example 2) Arrive in Istanbul, visit the Turkish coast, ferry to a Greek island and then more ferries and islands on your way back to Athens for your flight home. Example 3) Fly to Heraklio on Crete, tour that island before visiting Santorini, Mykonos, Naxos on your way back to Athens and home. These are just a few of a number of very good routes and options – all made easier and more fun by not having to return to the city that you flew into. Don’t ignore Northern Greece . Thessaloniki, the Halkidiki, and the North Aegean islands are less popular than the southern destinations but have some great sights and make a great vacation destination. If you’re looking for quieter towns and secluded beaches the north is great. Consider combining a vacation in Greece with a visit to a neighboring country , most likely Italy or Turkey. The Ionian islands in northwest Greece are an easy overnight ferry from Italy’s eastern coast. The Sporades and Aegean islands make a good circular route with Thessaloniki in Northern Greece, Istanbul, and the very popular Turkish coast and beaches. The winds can be intense in summer , especially in August and especially in the Cyclades. The wind blows from the north so beaches on the south coast of an island generally are the least blustery. Naxos, in particular, has a long string of protected beaches on it’s southwest coast. There are different spellings for the same islands and places – usually because of differences between their English and Greek names. The ones that cause the most problems: Zante and Zakynthos are the same island. Corfu is Kerkyra . Santorini is Thira . Chania – the city in Crete – is also Hania , and Heraklio is also Heraklion , Iraklion , or Iraklio . Thessalaniki and Salonika are the same city. Piraeus is the port that ferries leave from near Athens . It is often used interchangeably with Athens when discussing ferry routes. Suggested Ferry-Hopping Itineraries 1-Week Recommended Itinerary for Greece: 2 or 3 islands — probably in the Cyclades as they’re relatively close to Athens and ferry rides from one island to the next are short and tickets are easy to book. The best islands in the Cyclades: Naxos, Santorini, Folegandros, Paros, Mykonos, Milos. Finish your trip with 1 full day in Athens. 2-Week Itinerary: Do 1 week in Crete and then the 1-week itinerary described above. 1 Month Itinerary: Start in Lesvos or Samos in the Aegean islands, either by direct flight or ferry from Athens. Spend a week in those two islands before moving on to the Dodecanese spending a week in Rhodes, Ikaria and Karpathos, then continue with the 2 week itinerary above.

Choosing Ferries and Buying Tickets

  • The best website for viewing ferry schedules and buying tickets for Greek ferries is FerryHopper.com .
  • Ticket prices on a similar ferry will always be the same between 2 ports (the prices are set by the government) but services, speeds, and amenities can vary greatly between types of ferry and ferry companies.
  • Most islands are connected to Athens by at least one ferry a day — even in winter. A subway connects downtown Athens with the port of Piraeus making getting to your ferry cheap and easy, but the port is huge and confusing to figure out for a first timer. Plan to get to the port at least an hour before your ferry departs. There are lots of places to eat and buy snacks in Piraeus before you get on your ferry. A suburban train route connects the airport with the port of Piraeus where the ferries leave for the Greek Islands. If you’re flying to Athens but don’t want to stay there you can almost completely bypass it. (See our Athens Ferry Port Guide for more information.) Most ferries to the islands leave early in the morning so even the best-executed plans will have you staying the night in Athens.
  • High speed ferries ,  catamarans , and  Flying Dolphin hydrofoils  will cost about twice the price of a conventional car/passenger ferry. (Believe me, if you think keeping all the ferries straight is confusing, I know. I’m very familiar with the different types and I can just barely remember which is which.)
  • Generally, the slower the ferry, the more stable the ride. Larger car/passenger ferries will take a lot longer, but they are much more stable than faster ferries on rocky seas.
  • Cabins are recommended for long overnight ferries  to Crete, Rhodes and other islands far from Piraeus (Athens’ ferry port). You’ll see lots of folks camped out in the hallways and stairwells, or sleeping upright in seats, but everyone does better the next day after a good night’s sleep – and the convenience of a cabin is well worth the price.
  • Ferries do not travel between every 2 islands in Greece.  Far from it. Ferries tend to move within island groups – between different Cycladic islands for example – with the most popular islands within a group serving as a hub to neighboring island groups. This makes the idea of vacationing in just one island group a good plan to follow unless you have lots of time to spare.
  • During high season (June to September) there are departures to all of the most popular islands every day – usually multiple departures. There are far fewer ferries in the winter months, but at all times of the year there will be the following departures:

Morning Ferries

  • Piraeus to Syros, Tinos and Mykonos
  • Piraeus to Paros, Naxos, los and Santorini
  • Piraeus to Kythnos, Serifos, Sifnos and Milos

Evening overnight ferries

  • Piraeus to Hania, Crete
  • Piraeus to Heraklion, Crete
  • Piraeus to Rhodes and neighboring islands
  • Piraeus to Lesvos and Chios

What are the Greek Island groups and why do they matter?

A young girl pets a cat as she watches the sunset in Greece

One of the many cats of Greece. Milos, like many islands in the Cyclades, has an organizations that provides food and medical care to the many feral cats that delight kid and adult visitors alike.

The Greek Islands are divided into several island groups. In part for administrative reasons, but more commonly for shared history and island geography. Ferries and catamarans run more frequently within island groups than between them, so don’t assume that 2 neighboring islands will have daily ferry connections if they lie in different island groups. The most popular island groups for tourists being: Saronic Islands – a few hours by ferry from Athens. Most popular islands: Hydra, Aegina, Poros, Spetses. Cycladic Islands – in the middle of the Aegean Sea, about 4-8 hours from Athens by ferry. Most popular islands: Santorini, Mykonos, Naxos, Paros, Ios, Milos. Dodecanese Islands – in the southeast of the Aegean Sea, off the southwest coast of Turkey. 10-18 hours by ferry from Athens. Most popular islands: Rhodes, Karpathos, Kos, Patmos. Aegean Islands – off the central coast of Turkey. 8-15 hours from Athens by ferry. Most popular islands: Samos, Chios, Lesvos. (Northern) Sporades : – in the northeastern section of the Aegean, closer to Thessaloniki and Istanbul then to Athens, 2-5 hours by ferry from Thessaloniki. Most popular islands: Skiathos, Skopelos, and Skyros. Crete : – the biggest island in Greece and thus it’s own island group, 10-15 hours by ferry from Athens. Main Cities: Heraklio, Rethymno, Hania. Ionian Islands : – the only group on the west side of Greece, 1 or 2 hours by ferry from the western ports of Igoumenitsa and Patras, or overnight ferry from Bari or Brindisi in Italy. Most popular islands: Corfu, Kefalonia and Zante (Zakynthos).

About Santorini Dave

Santorini Dave

Mother, daughter and 9-year-old granddaughter looking to visit Greece for the first time from US. We have 8 or 9 nights. What itinerary do you recommend? Want to see at least 3 islands if possible. Do we start/end in Athens?

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You most likely will fly into and out of Athens (most visitors do) but if you can avoid it with direct flights to an island, that’s fine too. Naxos, Paros, Milos, Sifnos, and Serifos would all be good choices. Mykonos too, which would allow for direct flights from Western Europe (if you want to skip Athens).

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What are the best housing options for a group of 13, it’s 4 families mixed with kids. Are villas our best option? And if so which island is best for this large of a group?

It is not a cheap option but the villas at Aria Suites would be my top choice. If you rented the 4-neighboring villas you’d have a shared courtyard completely your own, 4 hot tubs, and marvelous caldera views. The pool at the hotel is a short walk up the lane.

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Hello, We are a family of six with four kids ages – 14 to 1. We are thinking of doing two weeks in Greece. Do you recommend one week in Crete and what three islands do you suggest with the kids?

Probably Santorini (do a boat tour), Naxos, and Paros. Though doing 2 might be better than 3. Mykonos might also be worth some consideration as you can then fly directly from there (or Santorini) to Western Europe.

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We are a family of 5 with 3 teenage girls. What would you suggest around Athens with the kids that are fun things to do?

Thanks you and great Site.

Fun things to do in Athens with kids/teens: • Street Art Tour • Athens Food Tour • Bike Tour of Historic Athens • Day Trip to Saronic Islands

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We are planning a nearly 3-week vacation to Greece for our family – my husband and me, and our 7 kids ages 13 down to <6 months old – from late December (a couple of days after Christmas) until mid-January. We are coming from Iowa, USA, and travel extensively, usually in the off-season, though we’ve not been to Greece. I am thinking about Athens, Crete, and Santorini, but Rhodes and a day or two in Turkey would be great also. We will be renting a van that I am currently working on the details for now. We are homeschoolers who love to learn about history, culture, and food! Any suggestions, Dave? Your website is amazing!

Greece can be wonderful in winter. The biggest problem is getting between the islands. For example, there will be no Crete to Santorini ferry running in winter. There might be a once-weekly ferry from Crete to Rhodes – but maybe not. And there are some Rhodes to Turkey ferries in the off-season but not a lot so you’ll have to organize and research more than you would in summer. Getting a van on ferries is an expensive hassle – much easier to go as a walk-on passenger and rent different vehicles in each location. (In any case, few rental companies allow their vehicles to go on a ferry.) I would suggest limiting yourself to Athens and Crete. Crete is a large island (and the warmest in winter) and could easily fill 15 to 20 days of driving and exploring.

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We are heading to Paros and Santorini with our 2.5-year-old in August. Just wondering if an ATV is safe for our 2.5 year old to sit on in between us or if we should hire a car? Thanks Claire

ATVs are the least-safe way to get around the islands. Go by bus or rental car.

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Hi Dave. Thanks for your fabulous website! My husband and I and our 8 year old daughter have been spending our summer vacations in Greece for the past 3 years. Naxos is our fave, as well as Paros and Antiparos. This year we’ve booked Naxos again, but also have plans to visit Ios and Santorini for a few days each. School hols mean we have to travel in July/August, but I’m concerned that Ios is going to be too loud and insane in early August. I’ve booked Island House Hotel on Mylopotas beach – any advice on that area? Your description and the pics of the beach look lovely, but I don’t want to be listening to house music for 4 days and nights. Sorry for this long post, and many thanks in advance. Sally [Amsterdam]

Ios is not as crazy as you might have heard. Yes, there are plenty of young people there to party but it’s pretty calm and (almost) quiet through the day. The real party starts late at night in the Chora (and nowhere near where you’re staying). Of course, your perceived vibe of the island can change depending on who’s staying at your hotel or who the regulars are at a nearby taverna during your stay. So there can be big swings in the atmosphere based on unpredictable variables. But all that said, I’d be surprised if you found Ios “too crazy”. The beaches are wonderful. And even the Chora is pretty family-friendly until well into the evening.

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Can you tell me if it is best or nessesary to rent a car on any specific island? We plan on visiting Naxos, Santorini, and Rhodes. Very quick short visits.

Those are 3 islands where it’s nice to have a rental car for a day or two. Not sure what you mean by “quick shorts visits” but if you had 3 days on an island spending one of them exploring the island with a rental car would be good.

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Hi Dave! Thank you for all the great info in this post. We are a family of 5 (kids ages 5, 3 and 1) and are coming from the USA. Which island would be best for staying at a house directly on the beach? Preferably a beach where the kids/us can get into the water without worrying about giant waves or too many rocks. Thanks in advance!

There are not a lot of house-like rentals directly on the beach. So it’s not so much which island but searching to find the right place (regardless of island). Naxos would be a good place to start. (Note, there are no giant waves in the Greek islands.)

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Hi Dave – awesome tips! Our family of four (kids 3 & 4 yrs) will be enjoying the islands for 3 weeks in August and September. Thinking Crete + Cyclades. Debating hiring a car so we can drive on/off ferries, rather than struggling carrying all luggage and 2 young kids. Plus we’ll have transport to explore the islands. Limited info available online, seems hire cos don’t like their cars travelling between islands. Is this your understanding? We’ll fly into Crete from UK, and home to Australia from Athens, so will be a point-to-point booking. Should we pursue, or will a car be more trouble than it’s worth? TIA.

Renting a car and taking it on the ferry to multiple islands is not worth the effort and you’re right: most car companies won’t allow it.

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What would you recommend for a family of 4 considering a family holiday to some of the Greek islands? We have 2 weeks holidays and debating between 1 week in Greece (with 1 week in Italy) and 2 weeks in Greece? We would be flying out of Heathrow and want to visit Mykonos, Santorini, Naxos, and Crete. Athens is not a necessity but would be nice too. Suggestions on our itinerary?

Thanks Derrick

You either have to limit the islands you visit or forget about Italy and only visit Greece. With 1 week in Greece, I would only visit 2 or 3 islands. Either fly Heathrow to Mykonos, ferry to Santorini, then fly Santorini to Italy, or could add Naxos in between. But if you spent the entire two weeks in Greece then you could fly to Athens, ferry to Mykonos, ferry to Naxos, and ferry to Santorini spending 1 full day in Athens and 3 or 4 nights on each of those 3 islands. Personally I would drop Italy from this trip and leave it for another holiday. Also, Crete (much larger than the other Greek islands) is an island too far for this holiday and would spread your time too thin.

Family of 5 looking for an idyllic Greek island with kid-friendly beaches. What Greek island is best for a family holiday?

There are many great islands in Greece for a family holiday – you almost can’t go wrong. But the best of the best are Naxos, Paros, Crete, Rhodes, Kos, and Mykonos. If you can only do one then go with Naxos.

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Family Cruises

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A family cruise Vacation in the Mediterranean offers a cost-effective opportunity to explore some of the world’s most captivating and enchanting countries in a short space of time. With a host of beautiful islands, historic locations and charming villages to discover, you can create magical moments to share with the family forever.  

Our family cruises are designed to create an unforgettable journey of discovery. The fun-filled itinerary includes visits to spectacular iconic landmarks where you will hear about the mysteries of history including tales of brave knights, mythical battles and romantic stories.  

There is plenty of entertainment onboard as well. With a wide range of amenities including a pool, sports courts, spa, casino and beauty salon, there is something for mum, dad and children of all ages. Our authentic cuisine is also varied and our Inclusive fare includes select drinks with meals in the price.  

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Diverse Excursion

The excursions we offer are designed to appeal to all types of interests so that families are not excluded. You also have plenty of free time at each destination to enjoy magical family moments that you create for yourselves.

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A visit to the magical Med would not be complete without the opportunity of a beach visit. We provide several opportunities to balance sightseeing opportunities with leisure time on sun-drenched sandy beaches that are perfect for swimming and enjoying water sports.

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Keep Children Entertained

The activities we have onboard are ideal for all the family. Our cruises give you the opportunity to play fun and games, take traditional dancing lessons and participate in arts and crafts. Youngsters can make their own postcards for friends and family back home.  

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Cruising The Celestyal Way

A cruise vacation with Celestyal involves more than an adventure to romantic destinations – we also treat our guests to a wide range of onboard culinary delights, a full program of entertainment and all port charges and gratuities included as standard. If you want to indulge more, our Inclusive cruise adds a complimentary €75 shore excursion discount and select drinks to enjoy with meals. And if you want to go even further , simply upgrade to the Enhance Fare to add a complimentary €150 shore excursion discount , premium drinks package, 25% speciality dining discount , one hour of Wi-Fi access and an optional premium plus drinks package. We believe in total transparency and do not have any hidden charges – so you can plan your vacation budget with confidence.  

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**2024 Greece & Mediterranean cruises include US$80 shore excursion discount.

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Onboard Entertainment

Daily shows. Live music. Clubs, classes and crafts. All our onboard entertainment is Included so you can take your pick. Or for quiet relaxation, you can also read a book by the pool.

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Sail in Greece is a team of specialists that love to travel! Our company specializes in cruises and adventures around Greece. As we are specilized in one country, we excel at it! We share the same passion as if we join every cruise we make, and our fellow travelers become our close friends. Our experiences are vast, and our desire is to share them with the world!

Jump onboard one of our privately owned gulets with like-minded travelers and experience Greece!

Discover the azure waters of the Mediterranean by exploring tiny islands and secluded bays that are only accessible via boat!

Experience the best nightlife Europe has to offer!

Get lost in the seaside towns dotted along the Greek coast, and uncover their abundance of history, culture, and tradition.

Lounge on the top deck or dive into the sea. Greece is the perfect place to relax and unwind.



Ionian Cruise


Zante Cruise


Mykonos Cruise


Harmony Cruise




Rhodes Cruise


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Join us for an unforgettable journey as we explore the highlights of Paxos, on our Ionian cruise. 🇬🇷 Immerse yourself in the beauty of this destination, nestled in the heart of the Ionian sea and take advantage of the unique opportunity to experience everything it has to offer firsthand. ⬇ Find us ⬇ [email protected] ✉ 📞 +44 203 239 9253 🇬🇧 📞 +30 211 215 25 95 🇬🇷

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Do you want to explore the Cyclades with us? 🇬🇷 Our 7-day itinerary offers the opportunity to visit some of the most beautiful islands of the Greek region. A blend of historic sights, on board activities and vibrant nightlife will ensure a wonderful experience that will be proven unforgettable. Get ready for this experience and sail with us! ⛵️ ⬇️Find us ⬇️ 📧: [email protected] 🇬🇧: +44 203 239 9253 ☎️ 🇬🇷: + 30 211 215 25 95 ☎️ #cyclades #greece #greekislands #mykonos #kythnos #kea #syros

Ready to celebrate your birthday on board? 🌊🎉 Join us for an unforgettable experience at sea! 🎂✨ Select any of our incredible cruises, and let us guide you to the perfect birthday celebration. From breathtaking views to exciting activities, we have everything you need to make your special day extraordinary. Check out our amazing birthday moments from 2024 and book your celebration with us today! 🎁 ⬇️Find us⬇️ [email protected] ✉️ 📞+44 203 239 9253🇬🇧 📞+30 211 215 25 95🇬🇷

Sail in Greece has been honored with the Tripadvisor Travelers` Choice Award for 2024! 🏆⛵ This recognition reflects our commitment to excellence and the memorable experiences we strive to provide. Thank you to our incredible customers for your support and positive reviews. We couldn`t have achieved this without you! Here`s to more amazing adventures ahead! 🌊✨ #TravelersChoice2024 #ThankYou #AwardWinning #Tripadvisor

✨A glimpse of summer moments in Harmony Cruise ✨ Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the Saronic Gulf with our exclusive cruise. Just a short distance from Athens, the capital city of Greece, you`ll have the opportunity to explore the historically rich and picturesque islands of the Saronic Gulf. Experience immersive sightseeing, discover ancient landmarks, and relax in beauty of these enchanting islands, all while enjoying the exceptional amenities and service of our cruise. Join us for an everlasting experience that combines history, culture, and unparalleled comfort. ⬇️Find us⬇️ [email protected] ✉️ 📞+44 203 239 9253🇬🇧 📞+30 211 215 25 95🇬🇷 #saronicgulf #saronicislands #aegina #poros #ermioni #nafplio #hydra #epidavros #summer

✨ A glimpse of summer moments in Zante Cruise ✨ Experience the essence of summer in Zante with our exceptional tours. Discover the beauty of Zante and its neighboring islands, creating unforgettable memories along the way. 🇬🇷 ⛵️ Join us for a truly exquisite journey. ⛵️ ⬇️Find us⬇️ [email protected] ✉️ 📞+44 203 239 9253🇬🇧 📞+30 211 215 25 95🇬🇷 #zante #meganisi #kefalonia #fiscardo #lefkada #summer #vacation #ithaca #agiaethimia

We invite you to get to know us and embark on an unforgettable journey through the enchanting Greek islands. Our expertly curated maritime adventures offer you the perfect opportunity to explore the breathtaking beauty of destinations such as Mykonos, Zante, the idyllic Ionian Islands, and many more. ⚓ Our services feature seven-day private and crewed charters, providing you with a luxurious and personalized experience tailored to your preferences. ☀ Get ready for this summer!! ☀ Visit our website: www.sail-ingreece.com or ⬇ Find us ⬇ [email protected] ✉ 📞 +44 203 239 9253 🇬🇧 📞 +30 211 215 25 95 🇬🇷 #cruises #summer #Greece #GreekIslands #ionianislands #Zante #gulets

✨ Discover the hidden gem of Syvota, Greece! The perfect place to witness breathtaking sunsets.✨🌅 Nestled on the northwestern coast, Syvota is a premier exotic destination, renowned for its crystal blue waters and rich local culture. As the second stop on our Ionian cruise, Syvota offers a plethora of activities, including water sports and hidden cove explorations with our gulets. ⛵⚓ So.. Prepare for an unforgettable summer adventure on the stunning Ionian side. ☀ #Greece #Ionian #TravelGreece #Syvota #ExoticDestination #IonianCruise #SummerGetaway

Experience the unparalleled beauty of Greece like never before with our exquisite gulet cruises. Embark on one of our specially curated 7-day itineraries, exploring the breathtaking Greek islands. ⚓ Whether you`re seeking relaxation, adventure, or a bit of both, our luxurious gulet cruises offer the perfect way to discover the magic of Greece. 💙 ⛵☀ Book your journey today and let the adventure begin! ⛵☀ Find us ⬇️ 📧 [email protected] ☎️ +44 203 239 9253 🇬🇧 ☎️ +30 211 215 25 95 🇬🇷 #Greece #greekislands #exploregreece #7dayscruise #ionianislands #zante #summervacation

Explore the Ionian islands with us: where turquoise waters meet lush landscapes, and every sunset feels like a dream. From the charm of Corfu, the majestic Parga and Syvota to the hidden gems of Paxos and Antipaxos, adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into paradise! 🏝️🌊 Get ready for this summer! ☀ #greece #greekislands #ionianislands #corfu #syvota #parga #paxos #antipaxos

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Greece Cruises

Family Cruises

Cruise ships are an ideal setting for a family vacation. Large ships are designed with kids-only facilities, counselors, planned activities and babysitting. Most cruise lines welcome children to travel on their ships, though infants and pregnant women are subject to some restrictions ( click here to read more).

On cruise lines with full youth programs, parents can plan their vacation knowing they will be able to relax and enjoy themselves while their children are being well taken care of, making new friends, and having fun. On cruise lines with no youth programs or dedicated youth facilities, kids should not expect to find playmates onboard and parents should plan to entertain their kids for the duration of the cruise.

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View all the available family cruises where your children cruise free of charge.

Greek Islands Family Tours & Vacation Packages

Greek Islands Family Tours & Vacation Packages

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10 Greek Islands Family trips

Compiled by

Greek Islands travel expert at TourRadar

Melissa Greek Islands travel expert at TourRadar

Family Greek Coast Caique Cruise

Greek island hopper (10 days), greek island explorer (10 days), greek island hopper (classic, 10 days), 3 day island tour: santorini, mykonos to explore the best of cyclades, athens, santorini & mykonos with 3 guided tours | semiprivate | 10 days, greek island hopping | semiprivate with 4* hotels | 11 days, cultural athens & island hopping mykonos - santorini (self-guided), best of greece (15 days) athens & 4 islands in 15 days (self-guided), 9 day private tour in santorini & mykonos from athens.

Family Greek Coast Caique Cruise

  • Wake up to a new view every morning in the Mediterranean
  • Enjoy six nights under the stars on a traditional wooden boat
  • Swim in the azure blue waters of the beautiful Evia Island
“Best family vacation ever. Both my kids have said they cannot wait to go back and would do this tour again!”

Greek Island Hopper (10 Days)

  • Island Hopping
  • Sightseeing
  • Get lost amidst the island's labyrinthine of laneways
  • Enjoy a leisurely swim in the calm waters of the Aegean
  • Wander through the quaint cliff-top towns of Santorini
“We had plenty of time for shopping, dining, checking out local places of interest at our own pace.”

Greek Island Explorer (10 Days)

  • Enjoy a Greek meal in a cliff-top restaurant of Santorini
  • Celebrate a beautiful sunset drinking local Ouzo
  • Visit the remarkable Acropolis and the Parthenon
“The included meal in Mykonos was top notch. Mykonos lodging was good except lack of hot water for two days.”

Greek Island Hopper (Classic, 10 Days)

  • Cruise around Mykonos in a kaiki
  • Explore ancient myths in Athens
  • Taste local delicacies in Mykonos

3 Day Island Tour: Santorini, Mykonos to Explore the Best of Cyclades

  • Visit the famous vibrant, Picturesque & Luxurious Mykonos Island
  • Walk at the Village of Oia, a seaside village with the island’s best viewpoints
  • Admire the Breathtaking and romantic sunset in Fira town
“Mykonos was amazing and very laid back, and we loved having time on our own to do what we wanted to do.”

Athens, Santorini & Mykonos with 3 Guided Tours | SemiPrivate  | 10 Days

  • Visit the world's most famous islands
  • See the Little Venice in Mykonos
  • Enjoy a cruise to the small volcanic islands of Santorini
“Tourradar made planning our Greece trip simple and a great experience. Hotels were in excellent locations.”

Greek Island Hopping | SemiPrivate with 4* Hotels | 11 Days

  • Sail around the volcanic island of Santorini & enjoy the sunset
  • Island hopping to Mykonos, Paros, Naxos & Santorini
  • Stroll through the narrow streets of Paros
“Accommodation was excellent.”

Cultural Athens & Island Hopping Mykonos - Santorini (Self-guided)

  • Explore the Gems of Athens
  • Discover & stroll around the whitewashed alleys of Mykonos
  • Experience Greece within 7 days

Best of Greece (15 days) Athens & 4 Islands in 15 days (Self-Guided)

  • Uncover Crete's rich history and landscapes
  • Explore ancient Athens and the Acropolis
  • Relax on the aristocratic island of Syros

9 Day Private Tour in Santorini & Mykonos from Athens

  • Visit the iconic Acropolis of Athens
  • Village of Oia, a seaside village with the island’s best viewpoints
“The cars, the hotels and the optional tours were very good.”

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Wildfires around Athens under control, Greek officials say. This follows the evacuation of thousands of people earlier this week.

Updated on: August 14, 2024 / 12:25 PM EDT / CBS/AFP

Firefighters and milder winds have helped tame a spate of active wildfires surrounding Athens, but the risk for flare ups remains, officials told CBS partner network BBC on Wednesday.

Vasilis Vathrakogiannis, Greece's chief fire brigade spokesman, said officials remain on high alert and that firefighters are keeping close watch on the ground.

As of Monday, there were 41 agroforestry fires raging, according to the Fire Brigade of Greece.

One woman was reported dead and dozens more injured from the blaze that ripped through 100,000 acres of land since it started on Sunday, the BCC reported . Eight others were hospitalized with respiratory problems.

More than 700 firefighters, 199 fire engines and 35 waterbombing aircraft were called in to battle the blaze, which forced thousands to flee their homes, according to the BBC .

Residents of the historic town of Marathon were among those who evacuated, as a huge wildfire front crept closer to the Greek capital despite "superhuman" efforts to contain the blaze, officials said. The historic city's 7,000 residents were told to head for the coastal town of Nea Makri.

Authorities ordered at least five more communities and two hospitals northeast of Athens to leave after eight nearby villages, including Marathon, were told to evacuate on Sunday.

Major wildfire continues to rage in Greece's Attica region

Marathon Mayor Stergios Tsirkas said the town, which gave its name to the long-distance race that is the centerpiece of the Olympics, was facing a "biblical catastrophe."

"Our whole town is engulfed in flames and going through difficult times," Tsirkas told local media.

Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis cut his summer vacation short to return to Athens to oversee the fire response, The Guardian newspaper reported. At least half the country was under a "red alert," the highest level of fire risk in Greece's warning system.

A 20-mile-long wall of flames, more than 80 feet high in places, was moving toward Athens, the ERT public broadcaster reported.

The smell of smoke drifted through Athens' center as thick grey clouds engulfed Mount Pentelicus, also known as Mount Pentelikon, which looms above the capital and is known for producing the marble used in the Acropolis and other ancient buildings. 

The smoke had dissipated by Tuesday, the BBC reported , but the hazy skies continued to linger over the Greek capital.

The destruction revived memories of the Mati disaster, the coastal area near Marathon where 104 people died in July 2018 in a tragedy later blamed on evacuation delays and errors.

The summer wildfire season in Greece this year has seen dozens of daily blazes after the Mediterranean country recorded its warmest winter and the hottest June and July since reliable data collection began in 1960.

Temperatures in Athens were forecast  to reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday.

Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias had warned Saturday that half the country was under a high-risk warning for fires due to high temperatures, wind gusts and drought conditions.

On Monday, he said the fire that broke out on Sunday afternoon near the town of Varnavas spread even though a water-bombing aircraft reached the area in just five minutes.

"We're working 24-hour shifts, all of us," said fireman Marinos Peristeropoulos.

"The fire spread very quickly because of the strong wind," he told AFP near one of the hotspots in Grammatiko.

Scientists warn that human-induced fossil fuel emissions are worsening the length, frequency and intensity of heatwaves across the world.

The rising temperatures are leading to longer wildfire seasons and increasing the area burnt in the flames, according to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Other parts of Europe are also struggling with high temperatures this week. In Rome, temperatures were expected to top 100 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday.

In the southern Netherlands, temperatures of up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit are expected, made worse by high humidity.

Haley Ott contributed to this report.

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With Wildfires Near Athens, Here's What Travelers to Greece Should Know

Image may contain Architecture Building Temple Prayer Shrine Pillar Parthenon and Person

Dangerous wildfires near Athens, Greece forced thousands of residents to evacuate the suburbs north of the country's capital on Monday, August 12. The event was reported to be the worst blaze the Mediterranean country has seen so far this year, burning 40 square miles of land (nearly twice the size of Manhattan), killing a local factory worker, damaging 22 businesses, and leaving at least 78 homes uninhabitable, the Associated Press reports .

As of Wednesday, August 15, there are no active fires in the wider Athens region, Greece's chief fire brigade spokesperson told the BBC. However, residual flare ups still remain a risk.

The fires were first reported raging through the forests north of Athens on August 10. A weekend of consistently high temperatures and strong winds had led to a continuous escalation of the situation. It's the latest of a summer marked by extreme temperatures and earlier heatwaves in Greece . In July, wildfires also burned on the Greek islands of Kos, in the Dodecanese islands, and across Chios and Crete .

Understandably, the recent news has led travelers to wonder if they should postpone trips to Athens and elsewhere in Greece. “The air quality is not great for people with respiratory issues, but otherwise, I would see no reason to stay away from Athens right now,” Athens-based Jacoline Vinke , a Condé Nast Traveler travel specialist and trip planner at Trufflepig said Monday. "The fires are not in a touristic area; flights are not affected and there has been no personal danger for anyone. That said, it is a dramatic and frightening situation for the local people.”

Below, see answers to travelers' frequently asked questions concerning the wildfires with insight from local travel experts.

What's causing the wildfires near Athens, Greece?

Authorities are still investigating the cause of the wildfire; a faulty power cable may have started the blaze, sources told Reuters , but that has yet to be confirmed.

Gale-force winds of around 31 mph in some areas north of the Greek capital, plus several days of extreme temperatures approaching 104 degrees Fahrenheit, meant emergency services worked tirelessly to extinguish the blazes.

“The strong wind is the main problem in the affected areas,” Vinke said on Monday. “Tonight and tomorrow it will be slightly better so hopefully that will help getting the situation under control.”

Image may contain Architecture Building House Housing Villa Smoke and Person

The wildfire prompted evacuation orders in the suburbs north of Athens on Monday, August 12.

Is it safe to travel to Athens?

The Greek authorities have not announced a state of emergency in Athens. On August 12, the US Embassy in Greece issued a Natural Disaster Alert advising US citizens to “exercise extreme caution” in areas impacted by the wildfires.

“The General Secretariat for Civil Protection has announced Very High Fire Risk (Risk Category 4) and Extreme Fire Risk (Risk Category 5) for many areas in Greece, including areas close to Athens, which can be seen on the Daily Fire Risk Map . This high risk of fire is expected to continue in the coming days,” the alert says. “US citizens living in or traveling near any of the affected areas should follow instructions from local authorities and closely monitor the local media and emergency alerts.”

The good news for travelers is that there are currently no fires in areas that are frequented by tourists on the mainland or on the Greek Islands , Vinke told Traveler on Monday.

“Given the heat in Athens and the air quality, I would suggest to anyone visiting the capital to adjust their pace, avoid going for long walks especially in the middle of the day, and perhaps visit a museum rather than climbing up Filopappou Hill or running in the old Olympic stadium," she said. "The conditions in Athens are not ideal for a long stay, but that holds for August in general. The islands, in contrast, are lovely and breezy right now, wonderful for enjoying holidays without having to deal with the unbearable heat large parts of southern Europe suffer this time of year.”

"In short, I see no reason for anyone who has booked holidays in Greece to change plans, and indeed, coming for holidays as planned is also the best way to help [local residents and businesses]” Vinke said.

Which airlines have canceled flights to Athens?

As of Thursday August 15, airlines have not altered their flight schedule or canceled flights to or from Athens due to the wildfires. “The main concern is if the fires get any closer to Athens, flights will be affected. The airport is north of Athens and the fires are north of Athens,” Ronnie Liadis , a Condé Nast Traveler travel specialist with an expertise in Greece, said on Monday.

“Several airlines operate directly into the islands and Athens can be avoided,” she said. “Airlines such as British Airways, Lufthansa, Aegean, and SkyExpress operate direct flights from several cities in Europe such as Frankfurt, Paris, and London. This is an option for travelers who are flying to Mykonos, Crete, Santorini and Corfu. ”

As for transit around Greece, the coast guard has redirected all ferries from the Rafina port in Athens to Laviro, a port located further south, Athens-based travel blogger and Condé Nast Traveler contributor Rebecca Hall told Traveler.

This is a developing news story and will be updated with more information. A version of this article was originally published on Condé Nast Traveller UK.

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Search suspended after young Brit falls off Royal Caribbean cruise ship near Croatia

R escue crews suspended their search efforts Sunday for a young British man who fell off a Royal Caribbean cruise ship in the waters near Croatia early Friday morning.

The passenger, who has not been publicly identified, fell overboard into the Adriatic Sea while traveling on the cruise line’s Explorer of the Seas in the early morning hours, according to local Croatian news outlets.

The man plunged nearly 100 feet off the ship into waters near the uninhabited island of Jabuka, the local news station 24 SATA reported.

Royal Caribbean crew members who witnessed the man’s fall immediately tossed over a life ring but could not see him in the water, according to the station.

A massive multi-agency search — spearheaded by the National Center for Coordination of Search and Rescue at Sea — was launched from both sea and air and continued over the weekend.

The rescuers were hopeful that if the Brit survived the fall, he would be able to survive in the warmer waters of the Adriatic Sea during this time of year.

“Survival in these conditions is more than 12 hours, and the search lasts twice as long, at least 24 hours,” Radovan Linić, the coordinator of the search and rescue agency, told 24 SATA in Croatian.

But after three days of searching, the rescue teams were unable to locate the missing man and officially called off the search at around 2 p.m. Sunday, Croatian outlet HRT reported.

The seven-day Royal Caribbean cruise from Greece was headed to Zadar when the man tumbled into the sea.

Another passenger aboard the cruise ship said she was awakened by an emergency message blasting “Oscar Oscar Oscar off the port side. Man overboard” at around 3:40 a.m., she shared on X .

The ship canceled its docking in Zadar but continued on its path after hours of searching when the Croatian coast guard took over the immediate search, Nicole Bullock wrote.

The Post has reached out to Royal Caribbean for comment.

In May, a man reportedly jumped from Royal Caribbran’s Icon of the Seas, the world’s largest cruise ship, on the first night of his week-long voyage soon after it left Florida. His body was recovered, and he was pronounced dead.

A month before, a 20-year-old man believed to be drunk allegedly jumped off Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas as it sailed between Cuba and the Bahamas while on a vacation with his family.

Search suspended after young Brit falls off Royal Caribbean cruise ship near Croatia


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