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The Best And Worst Cities For Traveling Alone, According To Solo Travelers Who Have Been All Over The Globe

"I think people overlook this country when planning a trip, but it should be high on any solo traveler's radar."

Hannah Loewentheil

BuzzFeed Staff

Maybe you love traveling alone , or perhaps you're thinking of embarking on your first solo adventure. Whatever the situation, there are certain destinations that are especially great for solo travel and others that are best for visiting with a companion or group. So I rounded up responses from the subreddit r/travel of the best and worst destinations for anyone thinking of traveling alone.

And of course, there's always risk involved with any type of travel, so it's important to do your own research and take precautions whether going solo or with a group.

1. Best: Japan

A man in a bamboo forest in Japan.

"Japan is a great place to travel alone. The country is clean, safe, has great food, lots to see, cool night life, and people will even approach you to you and ask if need help. I've never experienced that while traveling anywhere else!"

— u/margikarp

"Even if you don't speak the language, people will gladly help you. The food is amazing (and it's very common to eat alone). Plus, I never felt afraid or unsafe even after dark."

— u/UnimpressionableBot

2. Best: Ireland

Temple Bar in Dublin.

"I had a blast in Ireland by myself. I took a week-long bus trip, spent another week in a hostel in Dublin, and in both places I was surrounded by other tourists so I always had people to hang out with. Plus, if you're outgoing in just about any pub you'll become instant friends with a bunch of Irish people." 

— u/ihopeyoulikeapples

3. Worst: Paris

A quiet street in Paris.

"I did not enjoy traveling alone in Paris. I found the people to be rude, and it was one of the most expensive cities I've ever visited."

— u/ tastesliketurtles

"Having lived in Paris, I wouldn’t naturally say it’s safe for a woman traveling alone. I’ve been followed many times, I've had random men approach me, and I have even had a few try to grab me or a friend. There are definitely certain areas I wouldn’t go to unless I was accompanied by someone else. Paris is also a pretty racist city for a capital city, so for Black Asian travelers especially, there is a lot of covert prejudice and discrimination."

— just a harmless potato

4. Best: Taiwan

A sprawling view of Taipei

"I spent a month in Taiwan and had an amazing time. I spent more of my time in Taipei, but I also visited Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Taichung. I went solo and met lots of great people in my hostel in Taipei. Taipei boasts tons of things to do, great food, interesting culture, and it's not nearly as touristy as most popular destinations like Hong Kong and Tokyo. The only downside is that because it's less touristy, it can be a bit tricky to get around if you don't speak Chinese. That being said, it's really worth a visit and I'd go back to Taipei in a heartbeat."

— u/skincareaddiction987

5. Best: The Netherlands

Woman Standing On Footbridge Over Canal In City

"Holland is a fantastic place to visit alone. I've found Dutch people to be very welcoming and helpful, plus I've always felt safe in the three major cities I visited (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Den Haag). Everyone speaks English, the streets are clean, and weed is legal. Things are organized and calm, but locals know how to party and get down. It was a great experience traveling there solo."

— u/Traveler2121

6. Worst: Colombia

A fruit market in Colombia

"I would not recommend visiting Colombia alone. I visited Bogota and was robbed at knife point on my first night there. I definitely recommend traveling to this country, but it's better with a travel partner or a local guide.

7. Best: Portugal

Boats in a river and a colorful city in the backdrop.

"Both Porto and Lisbon are great cities for solo travel. In fact, the country is just so wonderful, not to mention super affordable. I feel like people often overlook Portugal when planning European travel, but it should be high on your radar."

8. Best: Guatemala

An outdoor market in front of a church

"Guatemala was great solo, especially Lake Atitlan. There are so many calm, laid-back, and beautiful places to stay and relax. But Guatemala can also be a lot of fun if you're looking for adventure or a party scene."

— u/ silentsunfox

9. Best: Argentina

Horses with mountains in the background.

"When I was traveling in Argentina, there were a ton of backpackers on long-term trips who were interested in hanging out. There were tons of cheap activities and amazing yet affordable food (think: Argentinian steak). I even stayed at a hostel with free wine, which made conversations flow and friendships easy to make."

— u/ Andromeda321

10. Worst: Rome

Rome during the fall.

"IMO, Rome is tough for solo travel. It's very hard to find non-touristy places (it's doable, but you have to search hard), and everything is crowded with tourists. Wherever you go, people are hassling you trying to get you to buy things or eat at their restaurant. I was there in the off-season, so I can't imagine how unpleasant it is during the summer."

11. Best: New Zealand

A traveler looking at a glacial lake

"My first solo trip was to New Zealand, and I fell in love with the place. I came back three years later on a Working Holiday Visa and never left. It's a great place to travel on your own. There are tons of people traveling alone and backpackers (similar to hostels, but nicer) nearly everywhere. These accommodations are a great way to meet people."

— u/ ratguy

12. Best: Portland, Oregon

A beautiful fall sunset in Downtown Portland

"Everyone is so friendly. You'll have 10 new best friends within a few hours of arriving in the city."

— u/ Yazbremski

13. Best: Thailand

A young woman sitting on a wooden boat in the water

"I was there recently and met so many fellow solo travelers. The great thing about traveling in Thailand is that you can do so many things from chilling on a beach in the south to heading to Northern Thailand for delicious food and culture. The whole country was pretty cheap, felt safe, and it was relatively easy to get around."

14. Worst: Marrakesh

An alleyway in Marrakesh.

"Marrakesh still holds the record as my worst solo travel experience. I experienced lots of hasslers, threats, and unwanted stares while exploring alone in the Medina. I think Marrakesh isn’t the best place for exploring alone, and it's better to hire a reputable local tour guide. I also found it hard to meet others while staying at a riad." 

— u/ Varekai79

15. Best: Crete, Greece

A Greek church surrounded by mountains.

"I spent two months this summer backpacking around Europe, and Crete was by far my favorite place. The island is so huge that you can't run out of places to explore. And the bus system is fantastic." 

— robj4e3e3ff32

16. Best: Mexico

A colorful street in Mexico.

"Mexico has hugely diverse ecosystems and cultures so it will cater to any kind of traveller. You'll find a mix of ecotourism and all-inclusive hotels to stay at. There's pre-colonial history including well-preserved ruins you can visit, thriving Indigenous communities and artesian industries, world-class nightlife, museums, beautiful beaches, and some of the best food in the world, IMO. Plus, Mexico is easy to navigate and has several great bus systems. The whole country is quite affordable for travelers coming from western countries. No matter where you visit (even somewhere touristy like Cancun), you can always find incredible off-the-beaten-path experiences."

— u/eastvankitty

17. Worst: Ibiza, Spain

A busy beach with lots of umbrellas set up

"I went to ibiza alone, and while the festivals and clubs were lively and fun, I still felt extremely out of place going out by myself. I also had my phone stolen. I wouldn’t go back to Ibiza myself and wouldn't recommend it as a solo trip to others, but I think with a group, Ibiza would be one of the most fun places on the planet."

— u/c11anderson

18. Best: New York City

A person walking by the Brooklyn Bridge.

"I've been lucky enough to circle the globe a couple of times, and I still find that NYC is one of the most social cities I've ever visited, perfect for solo travelers. I'm pretty shy, but every single night in New York I ended up meeting a group of strangers to socialize with. It made my experience very memorable."

— u/AutoSuggestUsername2

19. Best: Hanoi, Vietnam

The streets of Hanoi

"I would say Hanoi is one of the best cities for solo travel, and it's the best option in Southeast Asia. The city has charm, culture, hospitality, and affordable prices, whereas other urban hubs like Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are very heavily modernized. In Hanoi, there are many vibrant hostels filled with backpackers near the French Quarter and its beautiful architecture. It's really easy to meet fellow travelers here to travel to the northern reaches of Vietnam (Sapa, Ha Giang) or head down to Saigon.

20. Worst: Egypt

A busy shopping street in Cairo

"I was constantly hassled and physically touched. Kids grab you and beg for money, which is horribly sad. The country was stunning, but the experience was unsettling."

— u/Dreaming-of-books

"I remember a man said I was worth five camels while other men asked me where my father was. A man screamed at me at the pyramids of Giza because I asked him to stop following me, and I was heckled so badly at the Cairo Market. I absolutely loved the food, learning about the incredible history, and seeing how different the whole Egyptian way of life is, but as an American woman I never felt safe." 

— u/lsigfrid

21. Worst: India

A busy street with traffic in India

"IMO, India is not a good place to travel alone. I felt that I was constantly being scammed, and at least in Delhi, it didn't feel entirely safe. Plus, it is so crowded and so loud that you'll experience a lot of confusion for the first few days. India has a ton to offer and so many beautiful sites that it's well worth a visit, but I would suggest going with others." 

— u/i_don_wan

22. Best: Malta

An alleyway with colorful plants and shutters.

"Malta is insanely beautiful and serene. It's small and easy to get around by bus, and the locals are incredibly nice and helpful. I spent a total of 36 hours there during my two-week solo European vacation, and I can say without a doubt that it is the best place for soul searching. Most importantly, I felt extremely safe."

— sparklesmuggler

23. Worst: South Africa

Colorful houses in front of a mountain

"I loved South Africa, but it's better to visit this country with company. The personal safety concerns are real and something I was constantly aware of during my time there. I felt the most comfortable when I was with a local friend." 

— u/ sfhkkkgftyg

24. Best: Iceland

A woman in a natural hot spring

"Iceland is a great country to choose for your first solo trip. There's lots to see, there's basically no crime, and it's easy to navigate. It is fairly expensive though, so be prepared. There's so much to see and do like the Golden Circle (Thingvellir National Park and Gulfoss), Southern Iceland loop (Vik, Jokulsarlon, Skaftafell), and, of course, the city of Reykjavik. Iceland was one of the travel highlights of my lifetime."

— u/ thuyghe

25. Best: Republic of Georgia

A church on a hill overlooking colorful buildings

"Georgia is home to super-welcoming people and amazing food and wine. I found other travelers tended to be incredibly friendly. You won’t be alone for long once you arrive, nor will you feel unsafe."


26. Best: South Korea

People shopping in a large fish market

"As a solo traveler, South Korea was an extremely fulfilling experience. I never felt out of place, no one gave me any funny looks, and as a woman, I was never harassed or felt uncomfortable. Both Seoul and Busan have everything there is to offer in terms of sightseeing. And even in the metropolis of Seoul, you can easily get away from the city to do some hiking. In nature I think it would be an ideal place for other people who are embarking on their first solo travel adventure. In addition, Korea is more affordable than other popular Asian countries like Japan. You can eat well and use the public transportation on a budget."

— u/deleted

If you've traveled alone, what destinations would you recommend and which would you warn solo travelers to avoid? Tell us about your experiences in the comments!

Disclaimer: This article was written to provide travel recommendations or suggestions; however, it’s important to keep in mind your own health, community health, and COVID-19 exposure risk.

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

22 Best Solo Road Trip Ideas In The USA (Epic!)

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Looking for fun solo road trip ideas in the USA?

Then you’re in the right place!

Whether it’s your first time going on a road trip by yourself or the hundredth, the solo road trip destinations and routes mentioned below are sure to please.

Discover stunning coastal drives, adventurous routes showcasing national parks, and road trips that introduce you to local history, cultural, and even a few oddities!

Best of all, each road trip listed below has been carefully curated to appeal to solo travelers specifically so that you can confidently hit the road on your own and have an amazing time.

Ready to get inspired and find your perfect solo road trip? Keep reading!

Table of Contents

Road Trip By Yourself With Confidence (Free Course!)

But first, before we dive into our ultimate solo road trip guide, I want to invite you to grab access to the free Savvy Solo Traveler ecourse, which can help you successfully plan your  first solo travel experience !

The six-day ecourse is designed to help you feel confident about booking your solo trip and exploring the world alone. Lessons include:

  • Common solo travel fears and how to overcome them
  • How to choose your perfect solo trip
  • How to tell loved ones you’re hitting the road solo
  • Mentally preparing for your solo journey without losing your mind
  • Essential steps for staying safe on a solo trip
  • How to take amazing solo selfies

Grab your seat in the course here . Then keep reading to learn everything you need to know about creating the perfect solo road trip itinerary and how to travel solo successfully .

Best Solo Road Trip Ideas In The USA

Now it’s time to dive into our list of epic solo road trip destinations in the United States!

One of the biggest solo travel advantages is having ultimate freedom over your itinerary, and this guide shares some great routes to schedule into yours.

This list is in no way exhaustive, so if you have a route to add please leave it in the comments below. For instance, while many of the trips in this list are shorter, you might also consider a cross country road trip alone .

My goal: To empower this solo female travel community to confidently hit the road solo!

1. NYC To The 1000 Islands

Solo road trip ideas on the east coast from NYC to the 1000 Islands

Start: New York City

End: 1000 Islands, New York State

Distance: 352 miles+

About the solo road trip:

Looking for solo road trip ideas on the East Coast ? This is one of my favorites!

First of all, bustling New York York sits in stark contrast to the laid-back 1000 Islands, a region that straddles the New York (US)-Canadian border and features 1,864 islands. This means you get two completely different experiences at the beginning and end of your trip.

In NYC, wander interesting neighborhoods like the Upper East Side and the West Village , book a private NYC photo tour or explore local culture through a fun group tour , enjoy outdoor adventure through hiking in Manhattan , dine at truly unique New York restaurants , and take in some of the best views in NYC for free , to name a few experiences.

Honestly, I recommend spending as much time as possible in New York City before your road trip begins, as it’s one of the best places to travel solo in the US !

In the 1000 Islands, take a SUP yoga class with River Yoga, sip your way through the Thousand Islands Seaway Wine Trail, go whitewater rafting on the Black River with Whitewater Challengers, take a sunset sail with Sail Ontario, hike in the 2,636-acre Wellesley Island State Park, and visit the famous Boldt Castle before relaxing with a waterfront meal at Bella’s Restaurant in Clayton.

But, that’s not all.

Along this solo road trip, you’ll have numerous options for interesting stopovers, like Corning (home to the famous Corning Museum of Glass !), Oswego County (with beautiful parks like the Happy Valley Wildlife Management Area and Salmon River Falls Unique Area), Lewis County (where you can explore rugged countrsyide), and Lawrence County (home to some of the best hiking in Upstate New York ).

This road trip is great for solo travelers because it truly offers a choose-your-own adventure experience. You can go off the grid and travel in solitude or choose popular activities that put you with other people.

Moreover, there are loads of things to do in New York State that you can explore along the route!

-Jessie Festa, Jessie on a Journey + Epicure & Culture

2. Las Vegas To Grand Canyon Solo Road Trip

solo road trip ideas to the Grand Canyon South Rim

Start: Las Vegas, Nevada

End: Grand Canyon, Arizona

Distance: 270 miles+

One of the coolest and safest road trips in the USA for solo travelers is the route from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon, which is stunning and is also done on interstate highways. 

It will take about four hours one way to get there, covering about 270 miles. Drive down the Las Vegas Strip and head towards the Hoover Dam (via I-515 S and I-11 S), which you’ll get to in about 40 minutes.

Spend a couple of hours admiring this man-made engineering marvel, which straddles the Nevada-Arizona border. It is recommended that you book tickets in advance for touring the Hoover Dam and visiting special exhibits, which you can do here.

From the Hoover Dam, it is another 95 miles to reach the Grand Canyon West Rim and 240 miles to the Grand Canyon National Park. Once you are at the park’s West Rim, you can enjoy the glass-bottomed Skywalk Bridge ( tickets here ) and soak in the views of the natural gem.

If you are heading towards the South Rim, consider spending a night or two in the Grand Canyon village to sleep right in the park. This makes it easier to wake up early and take in a gorgeous Grand Canyon sunrise, as well!

– Mayuri from ToSomePlaceNew

3. Maui’s Road To Hana In Hawaii

Road to Hana is the ultimate solo road trip

Start: Paia, Hawaii

End: Haleakala National Park Entrance, Kipahulu District, Hawaii

Distance:  60 miles

About the solo road trip :

Maui’s Road to Hana is one of the most famous US road trips — and with over 600 hairpin turns, dozens of beautiful vistas, and plenty of exciting stops along the way, it’s easy to see why!

Plus, beautiful and safe Hawaii is a paradise for those traveling solo , making this road trip the perfect addition to a solo Hawaii itinerary.

Start your drive in Paia, a surfing town on the north side of the island. Follow the road east for the next 60 miles for some of Maui’s most beautiful scenery!

Technically, this road goes past the tiny town of Hana and ends at the eastern entrance of Haleakala National Park. This is one road trip that is definitely more about the journey than the destination.

For the best experience, rent a car and drive this road yourself. That way, you can stop along the route as much as you want!

To get helpful and entertaining commentary along the way, download an audio guide app before you go, such as the Shaka Guide. 

While there are dozens of stops along the way, there are a few must-visits. The first one is the Keanae Peninsula, which you’ll see just past Mile Marker 16. Here you can try the famous Aunty Sandy’s banana bread — made with sweet Maui bananas — and enjoy views of the ocean along the rugged, lava-crusted coastline.

Next, make sure to visit Waianapanapa State Park at Mile Marker 32! You’ll need an advance reservation to enter, but it’s worth it to visit Maui’s most beautiful black sand beach. 

Just past Mile Marker 45, you’ll reach the most photographed waterfall on Maui, Wailua Falls! This 80-foot waterfall is just a short hike from the road.

Finally, make sure to stop at Haleakala National Park at Mile Marker 42 (the mile markers start going down once you pass the town of Hana). Here you can hike the famous Pipiwai Trail — one of the world’s most beautiful hiking trails — which takes you through a bamboo forest and to the gorgeous 400-foot Waimoku Falls.

-Jennifer from Glassesandboardingpasses

4. Blue Ridge Parkway In North Carolina

Linville Gorge Wilderness is one of the top solo road trip destinations

Start: Cherokee, North Carolina

End:  Waynesboro, Virginia

Distance: 469 miles

Arguably ranking among the world’s greatest road trips and the most iconic driving routes in the United States, the Blue Ridge Parkway stretches 469 miles from Cherokee, North Carolina to Waynesboro, Virginia. 

This stunningly scenic route was originally envisioned by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1935 as a means to connect Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia — where it turns into the equally picturesque Skyline Drive. 

The visionary plan was part of his historic New Deal initiative, which FDR designed to improve American infrastructure and create jobs as a means to accelerate the nation’s economic recovery after the Great Depression. 

The vast majority of the construction of the 469-mile parkway was completed by 1966, but it took another 21 years to finish the eight-mile stretch in North Carolina that includes the technically difficult engineering feat now known as the Linn Cove Viaduct.

Now, with more than 15 million people driving some portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway every year, it is the most visited unit of the US National Park Service. 

The fact that the Blue Ridge Parkway is so popular is a big part of what makes it so safe for solo travelers. You may be alone in your car, but there are virtually always other cars, RVs, and cyclists riding the winding, mountainous roads through the heart of the Blue Ridge region.

You’ll likely encounter friendly strangers at many of the 200+ breathtaking overlooks along the way, and the 200-mile North Carolina section takes you close to charming mountain towns such as Asheville, Cherokee, Banner Elk, Blowing Rock, and Boone that offer plenty of overnight accommodation options. There are also great hiking trails near Boone !

The parkway is an extraordinary conservation initiative, with virtually no commerce — including hotels, restaurants, billboards or, importantly, gas stations — alongside the road.

What it does offer is jaw-dropping natural beauty, including Jefferson, George Washington, Nantahala, and Pisgah National Forests; numerous impressive state parks; and countless hiking trails, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and streams. 

The North Carolina section is where you’ll find many of the parkway’s most noteworthy landmarks, including Mount Mitchell (the tallest peak east of the Mississippi River), Grandfather Mountain, the Linville Gorge Wilderness, Looking Glass Rock, and Julian Price Memorial Park.

Each of these iconic places offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the splendor of America’s wilderness at its most pristine.  

-Bret Love & Mary Gabbett from Blue Ridge Mountains Travel Guide

5. Solo Road Trip Through New York’s Finger Lakes Region

Visiting Rainbow Falls in Watkins Glen State Park on a solo road trip

Start : Rochester, New York

End : Syracuse, New York

Distance: 270 – 350 miles

New York’s incredibly popular Finger Lakes region is a peaceful getaway filled with world-famous wine, locally produced ciders and craft beers, stunning waterfalls, dramatic gorges, and some of the best hikes in Upstate New York . It’s the perfect combination for a solo road trip!

Road tripping routes through the Finger Lakes are completely open to your own interpretation. 

A more relaxing break might involve circumnavigating Seneca and Cayuga Lakes on boozy wine tasting tours and slowly exploring quaint lakeside villages.

However, the action-packed Finger Lakes itinerary I’ll be sharing begins in Rochester and ends in Syracuse, with a total driving distance of anywhere between 270 miles by main roads and 350 miles by taking the scenic route.

Up first is a true Finger Lakes hidden gem: Letchworth State Park, which is lesser-known and further out from the epicenter of state parks around Ithaca, New York. Three gorgeous waterfalls and a dramatic 400-foot deep horseshoe-shaped gorge are unmissable Letchworth highlights.

From hidden gem to magazine front cover, the Finger Lakes’ star attraction is Watkins Glen State Park , which is one place you absolutely can’t miss on a visit to the region. A beautifully crafted stone walkway transports visitors past 19 picturesque waterfalls cascading through Glen Canyon, climaxing at spectacular Rainbow Falls.

Take a break from the waterfalls by sampling award-winning wines, swimming in Seneca Lake, and visiting 19th-century Belhurst Castle in the small but charming city of Geneva.

Back to gorges and waterfalls, a scenic trip awaits in the famous college town of Ithaca.

First is Taughannock Falls State Park, which features the tallest single drop waterfall east of the Rockies. Next up, blow the cobwebs off with steep gorge hikes in both Robert H Treman and Buttermilk Falls State Parks.

The last stop after leaving Ithaca is arguably the prettiest and most tourist-friendly village in the region, Skaneateles. This quintessential and vibrant Finger Lakes hamlet sits on a clear blue lake with high-end dining and boutique stores a plenty.

New York’s Finger Lakes cater to solo travelers who enjoy photography, hiking, countryside drives, and escapism; however, starting out solo doesn’t necessarily mean staying solo. Join a highly rated wine tour to meet like-minded people and make new connections.

– Mark and Kristen from Where Are Those Morgans ?

6. Driving The Great River Road In Louisiana

Great River Road is one of the top solo road trips

Start : New Orleans, Louisiana

End : New Orleans, Louisiana

Distance: 280 miles

The Great River Road in Louisiana isn’t a shy kind of place. Its iconic images include grand avenues with dripping live oaks, opulent plantation homes, and mint juleps on the side. 

Yet, of course, there’s more to it than that. And through initiatives like the Whitney Plantation Museum, which focuses on sharing the stories of those enslaved rather than their owners, there’s never been a better time to explore this part of the US. 

Most road trips start and finish in New Orleans — and with very good reason. It’s a fantastic city to explore. Forget any notions of all-night parties (unless you want to), as in New Orleans you’ll find tasteful art galleries, cool gardens, acres of history, and an abundance of chicory coffee and sugary beignets. 

From there, consider a detour to Lafayette to see Vermilionville, a living museum that tells the tale of the Acadian people, refugees from French Canada and forerunners of Cajun culture and cuisine. Stop along the way for bowls of gumbo and foot-stomping Zydeco music. Just watch out for the gators along the edge of the road. 

Then follow the Old Man River and drive beside the Mississippi along the Great River Road. It’s fun to stop off at Louisiana’s state capital Baton Rouge to check out the museums and the bar that serves oysters in nearly 100 different ways. 

But the real draw is the story of those swamps and those grand plantation homes. 

It may not sound like it but a swamp tour is a serene way to spend half a day. Drift amid marshmallow and tumbling leaves on the bayous as alligators watch with glee. 

Then make sure to visit at least these two plantation homes: Oak Alley and the Whitney. 

Oak Alley is the famous one; the one with a tunnel of trees along the driveway and a feature in a Beyoncé video. 

Then there is the Whitney, a place with haunting statues of enslaved children. A graveyard for babies. Trading chains and shackles amid the Gone with the Wind era romance.

It makes for a sobering visit. And adds important context to an otherwise flamboyant and fun road trip from New Orleans.

In terms of why this road trip is great for solo travelers, you can explore the plantations at your own pace and yet there’s always company to be found thanks to the legendary southern hospitality.

-Abigail from Inside the Travel Lab

7. Death Valley To Yosemite National Park In California

Mammoth Lakes is one of the top solo road trip ideas

Start: Death Valley, California

End: Yosemite National Park, California

Distance: 285 miles

An amazing solo road trip in the US is the drive through the Eastern Sierras from Death Valley to Yosemite. The views out your window will take your breath away, and this 285-mile trip through California features many spectacular outdoor spaces that you can explore to your heart’s content and truly enjoy solo.

Begin your solo road trip in the unique and unforgiving landscape of Death Valley National Park near the border of Nevada. This desert is the hottest place on earth, and you can visit the lowest point in North America at Badwater Basin.

From there, head west to the town of Lone Pine to check out the highest point in the continental US, Mount Whitney. While you can hike to the 14,505 foot tall Mount Whitney summit in one day — if you’re lucky enough to win the permit lottery — it is a very intense hike. You can take an easier hike to appreciate this epic peak in the distance instead.

Then continue your road trip north to Bishop. This cool mountain town is a playground for hiking, mountain biking, and rock climbing.

Continue your outdoor adventures by exploring all the things to do in Mammoth Lakes, where you can also rejuvenate with a relaxing soak in the local hot springs.

This awesome road trip culminates in the iconic Yosemite National Park. Enjoy the beauty of Tuolumne Meadows on your drive into the park as you head to Yosemite Valley. Here you’ll find yourself in the shadow of the grand granite walls of Half Dome and El Capitan. Be sure to spend at least a night or two in the park to cap off your Eastern Sierras solo road trip!

-Allison from She Dreams of Alpine

8. San Diego To Los Angeles California Road Trip

San Diego to Los Angeles is the best road trip for single woman in the USA

Start: San Diego, California

End: Los Angeles, California

Distance: 120 miles

If you’re looking for solo road trip ideas that are simple yet scenic, this one is for you.

A road trip from San Diego to Los Angeles might not win you any points for originality, but it works perfectly if you are a solo traveler looking for a convenient and safe adventure with stunning scenery and plenty of options for lodging, entertainment, and dining. 

Unlike some other California road trips, the drive from San Diego to Los Angeles doesn’t require you to spend hours on the road and go to remote areas with scarce cell phone coverage. 

Moreover, if you decide to take a 120-mile drive from San Diego to Los Angeles, you will have countless options — from the upscale La Jolla just north of San Diego where you can visit galleries and admire wildlife to beautiful Orange County famous for its surfing spots like Trestles and San Onofre and the historic mission in San Juan Capistrano. 

Another spot that is worth your attention is Laguna Beach, home to the stunning Crystal Cove State Park showcasing unspoiled beauty and rich marine wildlife. If you’re looking for a solo beach vacation , it’s perfect for that, too.

And then there is Dana Point, a small seaside town that has been dubbed “the whale capital of the west” that offers daily boat tours if you want to see these iconic animals. 

Of course, solo travel in Los Angeles also offers tons of things to do and see, from beautiful beaches to amazing shopping to world-class restaurants to epic LA hikes with waterfalls .

If you plan to do this route for the first time, make sure to spare enough time because you will have an infinite amount of places to choose from. At the end, it’s recommended to spend a minimum of 3 days in Los Angeles .

-Daria from The Discovery Nut

9. Route 66 From Chicago To Los Angeles

the Blue Whale of Catoosa along Route 66 is one of the top solo road trip destinations

Start: Chicago, Illinois

End: Los Angelos, California

Distance: About 2,500 miles

Route 66 is an iconic highway in the United States , originally created to connect Chicago to Los Angeles. It has since been re-routed and extended.

Moreover, it’s also known as the Will Rogers Highway or simply “The Mother Road” and has been recognized in popular culture on TV shows like The Simpsons and Doctor Who and on video games such as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Start in Chicago at the “Begin” sign and see a bit of the city before heading off on your 2,500-mile adventure road-tripping from Chicago to Los Angeles while traversing eight states:

  • New Mexico,
  • and California.

Make your way over two weeks to Los Angeles, where you’ll be rewarded with Pacific Ocean views. Most choose to end their adventure at the Santa Monica Boardwalk.

There are many attractions along Route 66, but some of the most famous ones are the St. Louis Gateway Arch in Missouri, the Blue Whale of Catoosa outside of Tulsa in Oklahoma, and the Grand Canyon, which is one of the most popular day trips from Route 66. 

Plus, there are so many fun things to do when traveling solo in Texas .

This road trip is perfect for solo travelers because it’s fast-paced and provides many opportunities to meet other travelers on the road. While you may spend your nights in interesting kitschy motels, you’ll spend your days in diners and at roadside attractions where quirky characters abound.

-Stephanie from Oklahoma Wonders

10. Florida’s Gulf Coast

Florida Gulf Road Trip

Start: Destin, Florida

End: Marco Island, Florida

Distance: 600 miles

As one of the largest states in the US, the Sunshine State of Florida has a huge diversity of culture, climates, and landscapes that’s often lost on many travelers who may build their vacation around just one place. From north to south, Florida has so many faces, making it perfect for exploring on a road trip.

The Gulf Coast of Florida in particular offers a variety of local foods, ecosystems, and some of the best beaches in the country.

Your road trip starts on Florida’s Panhandle — so named as the handle by which the entire peninsula can be carried. 

Known as the Emerald Coast, one visit to the town of Destin will show you why. The emerald green waters beg you to stay for at least a few days, and you should. Hike the dune trails at Henderson Beach State Park then spend time lounging on these gorgeous beaches.

From Destin, head east to the state capital of Tallahassee. The landscape becomes wooded and the small city is easy to navigate. Don’t miss the Tallahassee Museum and a Shakespeare performance at the Amphitheatre.

The next day set off for Cedar Key to explore one of Florida’s hidden gems. Foodies will love a visit here as the small town is famous for their clams.

This part of the Gulf coast below the Big Bend is where Florida’s Nature Coast begins. Drive south to Crystal River and Homosassa and spend a few days exploring Three Sisters Springs by kayak where you can swim with manatees in the crystal clear warm springs.

Just south of the Nature Coast is Tampa and St. Petersburg where you should visit Ybor City, the historically Cuban quarter of Tampa. The food and local culture here are worth the day trip to the city.

After exploring the many things to do in Tampa and Sarasota, the drive south reveals a landscape that’s more remote and coastal as you head to southwest Florida.

Fort Myers is a vibrant and vintage city made famous by its notable summer residents Henry Ford and Thomas Edison, who both had homes here. Plan a visit to tour their houses and spend a day swimming and sunbathing on Sanibel Island or Fort Myers Beach.

From here, wind your way to the Paradise Coast of Naples and Marco Island, the gateway to the Florida Everglades and the Ten Thousand Islands, one of the most beautiful and popular destinations in Florida.

-Lori from Naples Florida Travel Guide

11. Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway In South Dakota

Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway

Start: Black Hills, South Dakota

End: Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota

Distance: 20 miles

If you’re looking for solo road trip ideas for the Midwest , this route takes you through 1,000-foot limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and stunning scenery without the crowds!

Head to the Black Hills of South Dakota for a spectacular drive through the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway. This peaceful 20-mile winding drive runs through a canyon between Spearfish and Cheyenne Crossing and is filled with breathtaking scenery, waterfalls, lakes, and limestone cliffs — natural beauty you have to see for yourself!

There are three waterfalls in the canyon and all bring their own unique appeal. The first being Bridal Veil Falls, which you can see from the road, making it a convenient stop. The other two are Roughlock Falls and Spearfish Falls, both near the Spearfish Canyon Lodge. Viewing all three is a must.

If you’re up for a little adventure travel , you can rent an ATV across from the Spearfish Canyon Lodge and explore the area, ride around the trails, and jump in a cool creek.

Other than near Roughlock Falls, you likely won’t run into anyone except the free-range cows, which makes for a fun way to explore the canyon. There are also numerous hiking trails throughout the route.

As you’re probably gathering, if you want to spend the night, the Spearfish Canyon Lodge is a great place to do that as it sits along the Scenic Byway and is near two of the three falls. There’s an on-site restaurant and Little Spearfish Creek runs behind the lodge and provides a serene setting to relax. 

While in the area, you’re near so many historic sites, such as Mt. Rushmore, Deadwood, and the Crazy Horse Memorial. There’s so much to see and do! The area is beautiful any time of year, but fall is especially pretty when the autumn colors come alive. 

This route is perfect for solo travelers, too, as it’s easy to get to and traverse, and there’s a sense of solitude and calm. That being said, you’re still close to amenities and civilization. Bonus: The people of South Dakota are very friendly!

You can go at your own pace, stop when you want to stop, and take in the peace and beauty that surrounds you.

-Erica from Ericakeel

12. Solo Road Trip From NYC To Boston

Don't miss the NYC skyline when you road trip alone as a female

Start:  New York City

End: Boston, Massachusetts

Distance : 200 miles

The drive from New York City to Boston is ideal for those searching for a quick and reasonable road trip. It’s a great choice for solo travelers since it’s not too long and there is lots to see along the way. Along the route, you’ll get to enjoy two of the East Coast’s major cities as well as the stunning coastline. 

Go on this road trip during the summer, when the weather is pleasant and great for sightseeing. This area of the US is especially beautiful during the fall when the forests are tinted orange and make a great photo subject.

With just over 200 miles this road trip takes around 3.5 hours one way — although you could drive for slightly longer and take the scenic road through Providence, a highlight of New England. Definitely make a stop in New Haven, Connecticut for some fantastic museums, beautiful architecture, and delicious thin-crust coal-fired New Haven-style pizza.

This is the perfect weekend road trip, although you could also spend an extra week if you want to explore the many fun and unique things to do in NYC and Boston .

You’ll start in New York City and head north. If you’re up for it, make a little detour to Long Island to explore the local wine country , hiking trails , and beaches that are perfect for a picnic along the way.

– Victoria from Guide your travel

13. Length Of Vermont To The Canadian border

Biking in Stowe is a fun activity if you want solo road trip ideas on the East Coast

Start : Brattleboro, Vermont

End : Canadian border near Alburg, Vermont

A road trip the length of Vermont to the Canadian border is a delight for solo travelers. Vermont locals are typically kind, friendly, and willing to help out when needed. The charm of tiny Vermont villages and their residents enhances any road trip through the Green Mountain state.

Start your journey in the south at Brattleboro. The first stop is at the West Dummerston covered bridge, one of over 100 covered bridges in Vermont.

Head up scenic Route 100 through the heart of the Green Mountain. Stop at picturesque towns with nary a stoplight. Don’t miss the Vermont Country Store in Weston for unique gifts.

The iconic town of Stowe is an all-season destination on your solo road trip. It’s a world-class ski destination in the winter and a popular foliage spot in the fall. In summer, outdoor enthusiasts have loads of choices for adventure travel , including hikes to waterfalls, biking on the Stowe Rec Path, or scaling Mount Mansfield, the highest peak in Vermont.  

The vibrant city of Burlington is your next destination. Rent a bike to pedal along the Burlington Bike Path, one of my favorite beautiful bike rides . The bike trail leads to spectacular beaches with views of the Adirondacks across Lake Champlain.

For a relaxing afternoon, take a cruise on the Spirit of Ethan Allen with narration about the history and nature of the Lake Champlain Valley. 

The final stage of your solo road trip is a drive through the bucolic Champlain Islands. Search for the mysterious miniature stone castles along the roadsides and sample some local agrotourism products. Apple picking and wine tasting opportunities also abound.

The road trip is just over 200 miles from Brattleboro to the Canadian border. Each mile is packed with Vermont charm and friendliness. 

-Karen from Outdoor Adventure Sampler

14. Southern Utah Solo Road Trip

solo road trip ideas in the Midwest include visiting national parks

Start : Las Vegas, Nevada

End: Las Vegas, Nevada

Distance: 1,049 miles

One of the best solo road trips in the US is in Southern Utah exploring the state’s five national parks and everything in between. It’s best done in 10-14 days as a loop from Las Vegas. 

In terms of distance, the route is a little over 1,000 miles in total, but I would leave wiggle room for side trips and any last-minute additions.

While the five national parks — Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Arches, and Canyonlands — are the main highlight, there are so many other amazing things to do and see. A few recommendations include:

  • trekking the Burr Trail (of the best Utah hiking trails ),
  • driving Scenic Byway 12,
  • exploring Goblin Valley State Park and Snow Canyon State Park,
  • seeing the giant sandstone buttes of Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park,
  • hiking to the Horseshoe Bend overlook,
  • walking inside of Antelope Canyon,
  • and swimming at Lake Powell, to name a few.

This is a particularly great road trip for solo travelers because it’s popular and easy to be around people, though it’s just as easy to get away from those crowds if you wish. 

No matter what you do, you’ll see some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. 

This is a must-do for outdoor enthusiasts, no matter the skill level. Just be sure you’re prepared according to that level and always let someone know where you’re going and when to expect you back.

-Megan from Red Around the World

15. Savannah To Charleston Solo Road Trip

Savannah to Charleston is a popular solo road trip route

Start : Savannah, Georgia

End:  Charleston, South Carolina

Distance:  105.9 miles

If you’re a fan of beautiful architecture, Southern food, and coastal cities, Savannah and Charleston make an ideal option for a road trip. Southerners are known for their overt friendliness, and both cities are accustomed to hosting solo travelers.

The two cities are close to one another, so you won’t waste much time driving — which means more time for exploring.

The distance between Savannah and Charleston is approximately two hours, and the most common route is HWY 17 to I-95 and then back to HWY 17.   

The best place to stay in Savannah is the Historic District, and The Marshall House is a good centrally located hotel for solo travelers.

River Street, City Market, and the Plant Riverside District are known for being entertainment hubs. They’re packed with the highest concentration of restaurants and bars and are where you’ll find the most live entertainment — and also the largest crowds.

If you prefer enjoying lovely old architecture in a more romantic setting, try strolling along Jones Street. It’s known for being one of the prettiest streets in the city and walking it is one of the best things to do in Savannah .

A few must-see attractions include the stunning Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Bonaventure Cemetery, Wormsloe, and Forsyth Park. The Olde Pink House is the most iconic restaurant in Savannah, while ghost and trolley tours are the most popular activities.

On the drive from Savannah to Charleston, be sure to detour through Yemassee to see the Old Sheldon Church Ruins, and then stop to visit The Angel Oak, a giant 60-foot-tall oak tree estimated to be over 400 years old located on the outskirts of Charleston.

Once you’re in Charleston, the Spectator Hotel and Planters Inn are two fantastic hotel options. It’s easy to walk to numerous attractions and restaurants from either spot.

Charleston is also a great city for shopping! Visit Historic Charleston City Market to watch local Gullah artists make sweetgrass baskets by hand, and then head over to the shops lining King Street to do more high-end shopping.

If you’re a fan of architecture, be sure to stroll down Charleston’s cobblestone streets, which are lined with historic churches and beautiful mansions. The always-popular Rainbow Row makes an ideal place to snap a few selfies.

Stroll down The Battery to catch a sunset along the water before heading to Husk for dinner and then on to Babas on Cannon for an evening cocktail.  

-Erin from Savannah First-Timer’s Guide

16. Overseas Highway In Florida

Overseas Highway in Florida is one of the top solo road trip ideas in the USA

Start: Miami, Florida

End: Key West, Florida

Distance: 150 miles

Driving the Overseas Highway is the perfect solo road trip for travelers that love the Florida weather and dream of visiting the beautiful Florida Keys.

This route starts in Miami and takes you all the way to Key West, the southernmost city of the United States. The 150-mile scenic drive is iconic and offers unbelievable views of the Gulf of Mexico and all of the islands in the Florida Keys.

Even though the drive can be made in only three and a half hours, the best way to do it is by taking at least two or four days to fully take in the route’s beauty and take advantage of the excellent stops along the 42 bridges that make the road. So take your time!

Some of the must-do stops on the way are the stunning Islamorada (a village of six islands), the Dolphin Research Center in Marathon, and the Seven Mile Bridge — the largest segmental bridge in the world.

Other nice places to stop along the way include the Coral Castle Museum in Homestead, Everglades National Park , Bahia Honda State Park, and Key Largo, one of the best scuba diving destinations in the country.

This is an excellent road trip for solo travelers because it is easy to navigate, has amazing weather all-year-round, and allows you to visit some of the prettiest places in Florida.

-Camila from Travel Cami

17. Geronimo Trail From Arizona To New Mexico

Driving the Geronimo Trail on a solo road trip

Start: Douglas, Arizona

End: Cloverdale Cemetery Animas, New Mexico

Distance: 54 miles

If you are a solo road tripper and crave a drive that is totally off the grid, I have one for you. After hundreds of US road trips, my favorite remains the Geronimo Trail in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. 

It is one of the most unique US road trips and it is much more remote and isolated than the famous highway in Nevada that claims to be the Loneliest Road. How lonely? On a 90-minute drive on Geronimo Trail, I saw only three cars.

Geronimo Trail starts just east of Douglas, Arizona, where 15th Street turns into Geronimo Trail at the small Douglas Airport. A few miles later, the pavement ends and Geronimo Trail is a dirt road from this point. 

Note: A 4WD vehicle is highly recommended! Also, please pack solo road trip essentials like a spare tire and extra food and water just in case you run into any issues. I had no problem with a small SUV. 

About 35 miles later you will reach the Arizona/New Mexico border. About six miles into New Mexico, Geronimo Trail officially ends and turns into County Road 002—which is even more lonely. I saw only one car in 90 minutes!

The massive appeal along Geronimo Trail is rustic vibes, wide open spaces, astounding scenery, and time to be at one with your thoughts. The beginning of Geronimo Trail runs along the US/Mexico border and you will likely see Border Patrol agents and vehicles. 

As Geronimo Trail turns northeast, San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge signs appear. The refuge is an oasis in the surrounding desert and features protected fish and seldom-seen migrating birds. If you enjoy hiking, the Black Draw Trail is a great spot for bird watchers. 

Between the refuge and the AZ/NM border, there are a handful of large ranches, intense side roads (like Sycamore Canyon), one Mormon Trail historic marker, and a few small pioneer cemeteries. Basically, Geronimo Trail’s allure is miles and miles of dirt road, astounding scenery, and just you and your vehicle. Crank your tunes—or turn the radio off to let your deepest thoughts surface.

To find this approximate route on Google Maps, search Douglas, AZ to Cloverdale Cemetery Animas, NM in “Get Directions”. Note that Street View (the blue man) is not available for almost all of this road trip, which lends to its mystique.

-Charles from McCool Travel

18. Kansas City To Rocky Mountain National Park In Colorado

Kansas City to Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the top solo road trip ideas in the USA

Start: Kansas City, Kansas

End: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Distance: 650 miles

A road trip from Kansas City to Rocky Mountain National Park is an essential trek through Americana. 

Around 650 miles separate these two disparate destinations. The craggy peaks of the Rocky Mountains are a stark contrast from the flatlands of Kansas. But both offer stunning beauty in their own rights. 

Starting in Kansas City, you do what pioneers, prospectors, and cowboys did 150 years ago; head west!

Crossing the prairie, you can imagine what those early settlers saw. So much of it remains as it was back then. 

Especially beautiful are the rolling grasslands of the Flint Hills in Kansas. The springtime is especially amazing as the fresh shoots of grass carpet the hills in a lush green blanket.

Stop into the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve to stroll through the hills of native grasses and herds of bison.

But don’t dally too long. You still have a bit of a drive to get to Rocky Mountain National Park.

Until you reach Denver, you will be covering mile after mile of this grassland. Although beautiful, you’ll likely be ready for a change of scenery.

And what a welcome sight Denver is! The Rocky Mountains set the backdrop behind the skyline to welcome you to the next part of your journey.

There are so many fun things to do in Denver for solo travelers , too. Additionally, nearby, Boulder is a smaller college town with plenty to explore. And Estes Park is right outside of your final destination. Any of these are also great stopping points for a bite to eat or to pick up supplies. 

Stop into Mountain Sun Pub in Boulder for some great food in a lively atmosphere. There are only booths along two walls with the center lined with tables. As a solo traveler, this is a great way to meet the locals and fellow visitors alike.

But don’t forget what you came for: The amazing hikes and camping in Rocky Mountain National Park. Honestly, this park has some of the best hikes in the world ! Stop into the visitors center and pick up your map. You have endless trails to choose from.

The park offers shuttle service to many of the trailheads, which makes it great for hiking as you don’t need loop trails to get you back to your car. 

Alpine lakes, streams, and trails open up plenty of ways to explore or relax. 

The long, open road and the serene mountain trails both offer solitude for the lone traveler. But there are lots of places to mingle with locals and visitors alike for the more social solo travelers. 

-Steve from Maps Over Coffee

19. Michigan’s Lower Peninsula

Stopping at a beach on a Lower Michigan Peninsula solo road trip

Start:  Benton Harbor, Michigan

End:  Mackinac Island, Michigan

Distance: 340 miles

The west side of Michigan features natural beauty, food and drinks, and fun cultural attractions worth writing home about.

This 350-mile route is great for solo travelers because the driving is easy, there are plenty of places to take breaks, and you can see the best scenery without having to venture too far off the beaten path.

Starting from the southern border, work your way up Lake Michigan along I-94 and then I-196. You’ll find tons of beach towns as well as plenty of lighthouses as you make your way to Holland. This small town is known for its Dutch heritage and features a windmill originally from the Netherlands.

Continue northeast to Grand Rapids, also known as Beer City USA. Sample drinks at one or more of its breweries and visit the larger-than-life sculptures at Meijer Gardens or the Gerald Ford Presidential Library.

Heading west on I-96 brings you to Muskegon where you’ll find even more beaches. This small town also has an amusement and water park called Michigan’s Adventure, which features a handful of roller coasters. Closer to the lake, you can tour the USS Silversides, a WWII-era submarine docked along the shore.

Continuing north on US-31 and then M-22, you’ll arrive at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, which is highlighted by sand dunes towering 400 feet above the turquoise waters of Lake Michigan. You can take a scenic drive to the top of one for stunning views with minimal effort or try climbing up one yourself.

Continue on M-22 around the Leelanau Peninsula through the heart of Michigan’s wine country. Stop into tasting rooms yourself or continue to the resort town of Traverse City and join a tour so you don’t have to drive.

While you’re in Traverse City, try its famous cherries and dine in the local farm-to-table restaurants. Once you’ve had your fill, continue north on US-31 to I-75.

Mackinaw City serves as the gateway to both the Mackinac Bridge and Mackinac Island. The bridge connects the Upper and Lower Peninsulas and there are great spots to view it from Fort Michilimackinac and the beaches to the east. Mackinac Island is most easily reached via ferry. 

The small island in Lake Huron has no motorized vehicles, so visitors and locals walk, bike, or ride horse-drawn carriages. It’s famous for its Victorian architecture and delicious fudge and is the perfect cap for your Michigan road trip.

-Kris from My Michigan Travel

20. Montana Road Trip On I-90 & Highway 93

Glacier National Park is one of the top solo road trip destination

Start: Billings, Montana

End: Glacier National Park, Montana

Distance: 637 miles

If you’re looking to safely road trip alone as a female , I highly recommend visiting Montana.

After growing up there and taking several of my own, there are many reasons to consider a drive along I-90, including the fact that some of the most beautiful nature is located along this route. 

I recommend starting your trip in Billings, which is easy to fly into and is Montana’s largest city, before heading to Bozeman and Yellowstone National Park. You’ll need to make a slight detour from I-90 to get to the park on Highway 191.

Along the way up north on Highway 93, make sure to add stops in Butte, Missoula, and Whitefish. All offer unique reasons to visit and a different feel—Montana is more varied than you might think! 

If you have the time, also make sure to stop off at the Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park, which features cave formations that are millions of years old.

The remaining drive is super easy with very clearly marked signs that take you from one town to another. Most of it is highway driving with little traffic and plenty of beautiful views. 

Finally, if one national park wasn’t enough, you get to end your 637-mile trip at another national park: Glacier. I do recommend planning your accommodations in advance if you can in order to make sure you have a place to stay when you get there!

-Alex from Alex on the Map

21. California Solo Trip Along The Mendocino Coast From San Francisco

California is a popular option for a road trip alone as a female in the USA

Start: San Francisco, California

End: Redwood National Park, California

Distance: 311 miles

Highway 1 from San Francisco up to Mendocino Coast and Redwood National Park is one of the most beautiful drives on the planet, maybe comparable to the Canadian Icefields Parkway in Banff and Jasper National Parks in its grandeur. One is through the mountains and the other along the Pacific, both equally fantastic. 

You can do a loop or drive out-and-back from San Francisco. The route on 101 is inland and boring but it’s a lot faster.

The route on Highway 1 is drop-dead gorgeous but very time-consuming because of the many stops, activities, and the winding road. You can do 101 going one way and loop back on Highway 1 to get both the benefits. 

The drive from San Francisco to Redwood National Park is 320 miles and takes about six hours on 101. You can choose to go further up or do a shorter route depending on your timeline. 

Some of the top attractions on the drive include Redwood National and State Parks where you can spend a few days and do many hikes and activities.

The scenic Avenue of the Giants runs parallel to the freeway and has many amazing stops. You can drive the entire road or a section as you coast through redwood trees and stop at many state parks along the way. 

Another recommended stop is at the Laguna Point Beach at MacKerricher State Park, which offers some of the most spectacular tide pools absolutely worth visiting for half a day or more.

Additionally, next to MacKerricher State Park is Glass Beach, a popular spot for finding sea glass — though note that because so many people take the sea glass it’s becoming increasingly harder to find.

There are many more attractions along the drive so you can take a day or a few days to drive. 

This is a great road trip for solo travelers because it’s an amazing way to experience natural wonders in peace. The solo road trip allows for solitude but it also offers fun beaches and mountain towns with great food and company. Moreover, the drive is very safe for the solo traveler. 

– Jyoti from Story at Every Corner

22. Skyline Drive In Virginia

Views along Skyline Drive in Virginia on the ultimate solo road trip

Start: Front Royal, Virginia (northern entrance to Skyline Drive)

End: Rockfish Gap exit, Virginia

Distance : 105 miles

Skyline Drive is pure sky! From the second you enter this highway winding through Shenandoah National Park at Front Royal until you exit at the Rockfish Gap Entrance Station there is a big blue sky ahead. And if you’re lucky enough to own a convertible, you will feel like an eagle on your solo trek. 

No matter what season you visit Shenandoah National Park—spring, summer, fall, or winter—you’ll delight in the deep forests, curving roads, and waterfalls to be discovered. Wild creatures abound, including bats, turkeys, and black bears. 

Located within convenient driving distance of Richmond, Charlottesville, and Washington, DC, Shenandoah National Park attracts solo runners, hikers, and walkers.

This is a great getaway for city folk especially with all the Airbnb rentals available. That being said, if you want to stay at the park campgrounds or at Skyland Resort and Big Meadows Hotel , you need to book early. 

Note: Depending on what season you visit, the 105-mile Skyline Drive can turn into a traffic jam. This is also not a road built as a raceway. Skyline Drive weaves its way across western Virginia with a speed limit of 35 mph.

For Washingtonians, the best entrance is the Front Royal Entrance. 

Stop at the Dickey Ridge Visitors Center to shop for books on hiking or get a panoramic portrait. There are regular stops along the way where you can park in a lot to hike through forests, climb Stony Man or Hawksbill, check out the Appalachian Trail, or meditate at the Shenandoah waterfalls.

Expect to take three hours traveling the entire length of the park on Skyline Drive. 

Skyline Drive ends at Rockfish Gap; it is the northern entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are 200,000 acres of protected land at Shenandoah National Park for you to explore.

– Terri at FemaleSoloTrek.com

Renting A Car For Your Solo Road Trip

Need a rental car for road tripping by yourself in the USA?

Use  Discover Cars  to quickly compare your car rental options. Their comparison tool does the homework for you, so there’s no need to have up 10+ tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. Actually, you can save up to 70% using their tool!

view from the car window during a solo road trip through the USA

How To Road Trip Alone

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to traveling alone , though ultimately solo travel is an empowering experience that gives you total freedom over your itinerary.

That being said, if it your first time heading out on a solo adventure by car, the following solo road trip tips can help:

-Make sure you have good car insurance as well as roadside assistance (like AAA) in case of an emergency.

-Travel with solo road trip essentials like a spare tire, extra food and water, a sleeping bag and pillow, and sunglasses.

-Know your limits when it comes to how far you can drive, especially as nobody else will be in the car to help keep you awake.

-Keep loved ones informed of your travel plans and check in regularly. This way your absense will be noticed right away in an emergency.

-Install personal safety apps on your phone — like the Emergency App from the American Red Cross.

Travel Insurance For Your Solo Road Trip

When visiting the USA — or anywhere else in the world — it’s wise to get travel insurance.

One of the  best travel medical insurance for travelers  is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

Click here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

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About Jessie Festa

Jessie Festa is a New York-based travel content creator who is passionate about empowering her audience to experience new places and live a life of adventure. She is the founder of the solo female travel blog, Jessie on a Journey, and is editor-in-chief of Epicure & Culture , an online conscious tourism magazine. Along with writing, Jessie is a professional photographer and is the owner of NYC Photo Journeys , which offers New York photo tours, photo shoots, and wedding photography. Her work has appeared in publications like USA Today, CNN, Business Insider, Thrillist, and WestJet Magazine.

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

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Taranaki volcano, New Zealand

The 15 best places to travel alone

There’s nothing like gallivanting around the globe on your own. These are the best solo travel destinations in the world

John Bills

Nothing sounds quite as liberating as upping sticks and going to see the world, at whatever pace, and for however long you want. The freedom of only being tied to your own schedule is the beauty of travelling solo, and it seems like lots of us are catching on. 

Travelling the world alone has only grown in popularity since we came out of pandemic restrictions, with many of us adopting the ‘life’s too short’ mindset, and working up the courage to just book that damn flight. And why shouldn’t we? There’s such an abundance of places to travel solo, some so glorious that you won’t even notice you don’t have company. 

Of course, there are some things to consider if you’re jetting off solo. Safety, especially for women travellers , is an important element to factor into your planning, among plenty of other aspects that need weighing up. We’ve done our research: here is our list of the best solo travel destinations in the world. 

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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

The best places to travel alone

1.  iceland.


The aptly-named ‘land of fire and ice’ is a magnet for nature fanatics, and perfect for those travelling solo. An abundance of caves, caverns, black-sand beaches, waterfalls, volcanoes and geysers should be plenty to keep you occupied, as the landscape and scope of this Nordic island is second to none. The country’s charming capital, Reykjavik , is jam-packed with activity – why not add the Blue Lagoon or the Laugarvatn Fontana to your to-do list for some solo relaxation? And the best thing about Iceland for solo travellers is the safety. The country is named time and time again named  one of the safest places for travellers , thanks to low crime rates and a generally accepting society. It’s definitely one for the bucket list.

📍 Discover the best things to do in Iceland

2.  East Coast Australia

East Coast Australia

It goes without saying that Australia is absolutely massive. Mahoosive. Ginormous. And while that fact might make it seem daunting, particularly for those of us travelling solo, most of the action is concentrated on the East Coast. There are plenty of classic routes that run from Adelaide to Brisbane and beyond, allowing intrepid explorers to visit a variety of exciting towns that each seem to have their own magnificent ocean view. Australians are famously sociable, too, so meeting new people will never be an issue in this isolated corner of our beautiful planet.

📍 Discover the best places to visit in Australia

3.  Botswana


For those keen to explore the wonders of Africa, Botswana is likely your best bet. The country has a wealth of wildlife to appreciate and observe, with nearly 40 percent of its land area being devoted to national parks. The Okavango Delta, Kalahari Desert and Chobe National Park are world-renowned safari spots, home to everything from giraffes to rhinos. Botswana is also a politically and economically steady nation, and ranks highly on safety indexes for African countries. This, plus the fact that many Botswanans speak excellent English, makes it a great destination to navigate on your solo travels.

4.  Canada


Canada ’s name is one thrown around most often when it comes to solo travel. The population has a worldwide reputation for their friendliness, and the country has everything you could want from a travel destination. Incredible off-the-grid adventure opportunities like visiting the Rockies, Niagara Falls and Banff National Park offer up plenty to see for intrepid globetrotters. However, Toronto is considered one of the world’s most multicultural cities, and Vancouver is famed for its unique urban design, stunning surroundings and the fact it's on the doorstep to some incredible nature. The weather? Not so great, but the people? Incredible.

5.  Vietnam


Vietnam ’s unique beauty and complicated history make it a compelling travel destination, particularly for those doing so alone. The country has grown into a popular travelling hotspot, and that’s led to a thriving social scene – the well-established tourist route means it should be really easy to meet like-minded travellers to journey alongside. Ha Long Bay, Hanoi and the Ha Giang Loop are three of the nation’s tourist highlights. There are also great transport networks, it’s budget-friendly and full of hostels. What more could you ask for when you’re travelling alone?

📍 Discover the  best things to do in Vietnam

6.  Portugal


Portugal’s most popular spots frequently pick up travel awards and plaudits alike, and the hype is not without good reason. Lisbon is a backpacker’s dream, while the dreamlike beauty of Porto attracts wide-eyed adventurers from all over the world.  The Algarve is much more than its budget holiday destination suggests, and the rest of the country is packed with stunning sights and spots. This European treasure boasts 800km of coastline, and it’s a particularly surfer-friendly paradise, thanks to the fact it’s perched on the edge of the Atlantic.

📍 Discover the best things to do in Portugal

7.  Chile


In South America, Chile leads the way in terms of quality of life, and unsurprisingly, lowest crime rate. It’s the perfect destination for people travelling alone thanks to its tight-knit community of backpackers, and, of course, abundance of sights to see. Atacama, the driest desert in the world, is located in the north, while there’s plenty to see in Santiago, the nation’s capital. You won’t go thirsty either, thanks to the fantastic Chilean repertoire of beer and wine. It’s also considered one of the best places in the world for stargazing, thanks to its high altitude.

8.  Slovenia


Small but perfectly formed, Slovenia is a tremendous destination for solo travellers. The old ‘four seasons in a day’ adage is very much alive and well in a place where you can spend the morning skiing in the Alps before heading for a romantic solo sunset on the Adriatic at Piran. The capital, Ljubljana, is the perfect base for exploration, a city of friendly people and social spots an easy bus or train from Slovenia’s famous lakes and less-famous postcard villages. Pro tip: pick up a €15 IZLETka train ticket and get unlimited travel on the weekends.

📍 Discover four Slovenian getaways that are good for the planet

9.  New Zealand

New Zealand

New Zealand is a country that just gets things right. For one, it takes its reputation as one of the safest countries in the world very seriously, meaning travellers can explore in total security. But it isn’t usually safety that brings individual adventurers to New Zealand ; instead, it’s the dazzling landscapes, buzzing towns and cities and convivial people that make NZ the place it is. All of the bigger towns are backpacker paradises filled with history, culture and booze (the great trifecta of backpacking), and the scenery in between is staggering.

📍 Discover the best things to do in New Zealand

10.  Ireland


Irish storytelling is world-famous, immortalised in the novels of Joyce, Stoker, Wilde and the rest. Spend an evening in any Dublin pub and you will almost certainly hear a tale for the ages, as locals spin yarns and transport listeners to a world within a world, one pint at a time. The friendly hospitality of the Irish guarantees good conversation, while the stunning breadth of nature here allows for tranquil walks and plenty of room to think, ideal for solo travel. Getting around also couldn’t be easier, as it looks like Irish railway services are about to be amped up .

📍 Discover the best things to do in Ireland

11.  Japan


It can often feel as though Japan has been organised with solo travellers in mind. The efficiency of its transport links is as legendary as such things can be, allowing vagabonds all the time in the world to hit up the gripping cities and out-of-this-world scenery. (Check out our Japan rail itinerary if you’re planning to see the place by train.) The Japanese are among the friendliest in the world, the food is incredible and the whole experience is exactly that: an experience. It’s also another country that is consistently ranked the safest destination in the world for solo travellers .

📍 Discover the best things to do in Japan

12.  Greek Islands

Greek Islands

No matter your preferred form of travel, a spot of island-hopping in Greece is almost a rite of passage for any traveller. That’s why you’ll meet everyone from excitable backpackers to considered veterans of the road here, each with a different story to tell. The Greek Islands are gorgeous and lush, not to mention packed with excellent food. Each one seems ready to capture your heart and convince you to stay forever and ever. Kefalonia and Corfu are the most popular and thus offer endless social opportunities, while the serenity of Naxos and Icaria will appeal to more introverted explorers.

📍 Discover the best Greek islands

13.  Bhutan


What could be safer than a culture so infused with Buddhism? Bhutan is definitely a place to include on your list should safety be one of your top priorities. The Trans Bhutan Trail reopened in 2022 , meaning travellers can follow in the footsteps of pilgrims and monks who trod the 400km route. The architecture is awe-inspiring, and the tiny country is of course perched on the very edge of the Himalayas, meaning the views are truly unmatched. There’s also tranquil lakes, luscious green valleys and dazzling glaciers to admire. Take heed: you will need some extra cash to splash in Bhutan, as the country has a pretty steep tourist tax .

14.  Croatia


Another super-safe solo-friendly destination is this jewel of the Adriatic. Boundless glorious beaches, fascinating mediaeval towns and relatively low prices are what Croatia has become so popular for. The nightlife is another perk of this place – the festival calendar is absolutely jam-packed, and Croatian cities are known for their cheap drinks and plethora of party spots. Eight national parks are also dotted around the country. Like waterfalls? There’s a whopping 90 of them at Plitvice Lakes,  though if you want a dip, head to the smaller falls at Krka National Park instead. Croatia is also an underrated wine producer and, of course, a hotspot for  Game of Thrones  fans.

📍 Discover the best things to do in Croatia

15.  Singapore


The phrase ‘melting pot’ is ridiculously overused, but one place that’s truly worthy of the label is Singapore . The island nation is a glorious meeting of different cuisines and cultures, with a landscape characterised by ancient temples and towering glass skyscrapers. Singapore is also incredibly safe, according to 96 percent of locals who we surveyed last year for our annual list of the world’s best cities . There are plenty of hostels if you’re wanting to meet other travellers. Spend your time soaking up the year-round tropical climate, and make sure to go on a food tour through Singapore’s  markets . 

📍 Discover the best things to do in Singapore

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The Best Solo Travel Destinations in the United States for an Unforgettable Adventure

Whether you're looking for activity or relaxation, your dream trip awaits.

preview for 15 of the Best Solo Getaways for a Little You Time

While traveling with friends and family can be a lot of fun, going somewhere alone has its perks. You get to choose everything — the destination, the hotel, the itinerary, the restaurants, how much money you spend and beyond. Only one opinion matters...yours. It's also a great way to push yourself out of your comfort zone, meet new people (if you so choose), unplug, rejuvenate and bask in moments of reflection — or even just escape reality for a few days.

Whether you're planning your first adventure on your own or are a solo travel veteran, choosing a destination can be overwhelming, especially if you still have a lot of places to check off your bucket list . The good news is, you don't have to go far for the adventure or relaxation you crave, because there are plenty of options across the U.S.

Weighing variables such as walkability, safety, self care opportunities, number of historic sites and museums and access to nature, we've come up with a list of the best places in the U.S. for solo travelers — ranging from mountain and beach destinations to small towns and large cities. Time to book your ticket for one, plan your itinerary (or don't, remember, it's your trip!) and answer to no one except yourself for a few days.

Saratoga Springs, New York

saratoga springs, new york

This beautiful upstate New York town is a short Amtrak ride from the city, so it's ideal for NYC residents looking for a quick solo escape. Watch a horse race at the historic Saratoga Race Track, jam out at a concert at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center and enjoy the mineral spring baths (where the city gets its name!) at the Saratoga Spa State Park. Oh and don't miss the fabulous dining and shopping up and down Broadway.


Waco, Texas

waco, tx, usa march 18, 2017 the entrance to magnolia seed and supply overlooking plants in the garden area of magnolia silos

Ideal for the Fixer Upper fan looking for a low-key getaway, the heart of Chip and Joanna Gaines's Magnolia empire is a fun Texas town that's a short drive from both Austin and Dallas. Stop at Magnolia Market for tasty treats and farmhouse chic shopping. Beyond Magnolia, there's boutique shopping, wine and beer tastings and an impressive nightlife downtown. For more fun, tour the Dr. Pepper Museum, check out the Mammoth National Monument or visit the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum.

Carmel-by-the-Sea, California

fairy tale like small store with straw roof

You'll feel like the main character in a storybook in Carmel-by-the-Sea — but in addition to marveling at the fairytale-like village, there's plenty to do. You'll find the famous Pebble Beach golf course, the Carmel Mission Basilica Museum, Point Lobos State Natural Reserve and the white-sand Carmel Beach all nearby. Pro tip: Carmel Bakery and The Cottage of Sweets are great treat-yourself stops.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

inn and spa at loretto hotel, santa fe

Santa Fe is a prime destination for art lovers, as it's home to both the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and the original Meow Wolf (an experimental, immersive art exhibit that doubles as something of a psychedelic escape room). Art galleries, antique stores and craft shops line picturesque downtown Santa Fe, which is also a great place to try New Mexico's famous red and green chiles. Don't forget to book a spa day at the Inn & Spa at Loretto .

Burlington, Vermont

burlington skyline on the banks of lake champlain

If relaxation is what you crave, Burlington is a bucolic little town with a laid-back atmosphere. Saunter through the lovely Church Street Marketplace, tour the Ben & Jerry's factory, grab a cold drink at a craft brewery or take a cooking class at Essex Resort & Spa (just a short 20-minute drive away). When the weather's warm, partake in all of Lake Champlain's fun — from boating and sunbathing at the beach to hiking along the shore. Or visit during the fall, when the foliage is nothing short of superb.

Flagstaff, Arizona

downtown flagstaff

Flagstaff has as many activities as a big city, but with a small town vibe. It's close to natural and historical wonders, like the Grand Canyon, Walnut Canyon and the Wupatki National Monument, but you won't need a car to see them — plenty of tour operators are located in Flagstaff. If you're into space, the famous Lowell Observatory — a.k.a. where astronomers first discovered the ex-planet Pluto — is just outside of town. The city's downtown is a destination in its own right, with restaurants and bars to fill your time between adventures in the desert.

Portland, Maine

aerial view portland head lighthouse maine usa

Ranked one of the 25 safest places to live by U.S. News , Portland is a pristine New England seaside city with beautiful lighthouses, an art museum and opulent Victorian mansions. Stop by any of the waterfront restaurants for the fresh catch of the day, or pop into a local brewpub for a pint.

New York City, New York

brooklyin bridge's pedestrian walkway at sunrise, new york city

Big city energy seekers, this one's for you! Solo travelers will never run out things to do in the city that never sleeps. Visit some of the world's best museums, catch a Broadway show or join the hunt for the "best" slice of pizza or bagel in the city — both matters of some dispute. You'll need the extra carbs to explore the vast city by subway, from Central Park and Battery Park to the hipster enclaves of Brooklyn and the multi-cultural offerings of Queens.

The Poconos, Pennsylvania

fire pits at sunset at lake resort

The Poconos, a mountainous region in northeastern Pennsylvania filled with ski slopes and charming small towns, is a great option for adventure and relaxation seekers alike. You'll need a car to get around, but driving through the scenery — especially in the fall — is one of the area's highlights. Hit hiking trails, like the one to Bushkill Falls, and stop at local gems, like Callie's Candy Kitchen. If you're seeking relaxation (and a spa) more than action, stay at one of the many resorts in the Poconos, like Skytop Lodge.

Savannah, Georgia

around forsyth park

Savannah is best known for its historic district, filled with beautiful architecture, museums, art galleries and lush green squares — all ideal for solo exploration. Plus, the "Hostess City of the South" is a foodie paradise, with a diverse range of restaurants and cafes serving all sorts of delicious cuisine. But don't forget to make time for Southern food while you're there!

Boise, Idaho

hot air balloons

Another one of the U.S.'s 25 safest places to live , Boise is surrounded by mountains, making it a scenic location and hiker's paradise. The city itself has quite a few green spaces, including the Idaho Botanical Garden and Camel's Back Park. On Saturdays from mid-April to mid-December, it hosts the Capital City Public Market, filled with local food and craft vendors. If you happen to visit in late summer, don't miss the magical annual Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic held in Ann Morrison Park.

Ann Arbor, Michigan

liberty street scene in ann arbor

Ann Arbor is an under-the-radar town perfect for museum lovers, thanks to the University of Michigan. Worth a visit are the institution's Museum of Art, Museum of Natural History and Museum of Archaeology. We also suggest strolling through the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and catching a show at the Hill Auditorium. Off campus, visit the Nickels Arcade for shopping and eats.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

bricktown, oklahoma city

To put it simply, Oklahoma City is an underrated destination. Between its boisterous Bricktown neighborhood, unique Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum, beautiful Myriad Botanical Gardens and whitewater rafting and kayaking facility, you might be surprised by how much there is to do. For food and accommodations, check out the newly-opened National Hotel, housed in a former bank (psst, there's a cocktail bar in the old vault).

Reno, Nevada

welcome to reno

Sure, Las Vegas might get most of the attention in Nevada, but Reno is a more approachable destination for a solo trip. Yes, there are casinos here, but you'll also find impressive art and automobile museums, a lovely rose garden and the Nevada Historical Society. In the winter, skiing is nearby, and in the early fall, Reno hosts the world's largest free hot air balloon event. "The Biggest Little City in the World" certainly lives up to its moniker.

Tampa, Florida

tampa florida skyline

Most travelers are familiar with South Florida's hotspots, but Tampa to the west (also considered one of the safest cities to live in the U.S. ) is rightfully drawing attention. Its most famous attraction is Busch Gardens, but the city has more to offer than roller coasters. Head to the Tampa Riverwalk for waterfront dining, or visit Ybor City for lively nightlife, classic cigar lounges and the original 118-year-old Columbia Restaurant — home to one of the tastiest house salads you'll ever eat and a must-see flamenco show.

Asheville, North Carolina

house on the hill

Asheville has an impressive range of offerings for all types of interests. Are you a fan of history? There's the Biltmore Estate.Shopper? Head for the Grove Arcade. Hiker? The Blue Ridge Mountains are yours to explore. Art Lover? Stroll through the River Arts District. Oh, and did we mention the local breweries and exceptional Southern comfort food?

Boulder, Colorado

pearl street mall, downtown boulder

Before you hit the ski slopes or hiking trails (depending on the season), check out the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, filled with quirky shops and tasty eats. You might not expect it, but Boulder is also home to a landmark tea spot called the Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse (a solo afternoon tea sounds divine to us), a contemporary art museum and the Shelby American Collection of classic cars.

Chicago, Illinois

cloud gate sculpture at att plaza,chicago

Chicago may be a big city, but it's easy to navigate on foot — or on the "L" train system. There's no shortage of activities, whether you're interested in taking an architectural history boat tour, visiting the Art Institute of Chicago or Field Museum or taking a selfie with the famous "Bean." This should go without saying, but make sure to take yourself on a deep-dish pizza tour, because you deserve it (and you'll have the whole pie to yourself).

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia

harpers ferry, west virginia

If you're interested in hiking part of the Appalachian Trail, hit the region around Harpers Ferry. The visitor center is considered the "psychological midpoint" of the trail, and there are a number of scenic day hikes in the area. The town itself — which boasts small-town charm — is part of the Harpers Ferry National Historical Park and has an antique shop (called The Gilded Flea) and a historic candy shop.

South Bend, Indiana

morris performing arts center in south bend

College towns make for perfect weekend getaways for solo travelers, with lively downtowns and impressive museums — and South Bend is no exception. There's a three-story automotive museum, two art museums, a gorgeous neo-Gothic church, the Morris Performing Arts Center and a scenic riverfront park to fill your itinerary. It also has several chocolate shops, the Indiana Whiskey Company for tastings and restaurants serving cuisine from all around the world.

Headshot of Stefanie Waldek

Stefanie Waldek is a Brooklyn-based writer covering architecture, design, and travel. She's worked on staff at Architectural Digest, ARTnews, and Oyster.com, a TripAdvisor company, and has contributed to Condé Nast Traveler, The Washington Post, Design Milk, and Hunker, among others. When she's not dreaming about midcentury chairs, you can find her re-watching The X-Files,  likely in an airport lounge or on a plane.

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20 expert solo travel tips for women from the Lonely Planet team

Nov 17, 2023 • 10 min read

solo trip ideas reddit

Solo travel is one of the most exciting and liberating experiences you can have © Deepa Lakshmin / Lonely Planet

If you’re eager to see the world, why hold out for the ideal travel companion? Solo journeys create indelible memories.

Yet while voyaging by yourself can exhilarate, it can also be dauting– especially for female travelers. That’s why we asked a few travel-expert colleagues here at Lonely Planet for ideas that any woman setting out alone should keep in mind.

Here are 20 tips to keep you safe, grounded and ready to set out for the trip of a lifetime. All by yourself.

Akanksha Singh in Portugal, standing with the Tagus River behind her.

1. Seek out female hosts (ideally with pets)

If I’m booking accommodation online, I tend to opt for women owners (preferably with pets in their host photos!). This is partly psychological – but I’ve also found that women tend to think about things like where to go to avoid crowds or safer alternatives to more touristy places. It’s nice how protective women are of each other, especially when we’re traveling alone.

– Akanksha Singh , Destination Editor 

Deepa Lakshmin in Morocco, laughing and standing on a wall with the city of Chefchaouen in the background.

2. Ease into it 

It can be tempting to throw yourself outside of your comfort zone all at once, but doing things alone – solo traveling, or even just going out to dinner or the movies by yourself – can feel intimidating at first. But it’s a muscle you build up over time. Start with a day trip or an afternoon wandering a museum you’ve always wanted to see but didn’t know who to go with. When I backpacked through Australia and New Zealand , I tacked on extra days at the end of group tours so I had solo time to explore (and decompress!) after nonstop socializing and being “on.” I’d already acclimated to the new-to-me destination while traveling with the group, which meant I had more confidence and knowledge to navigate the streets on my own.

– Deepa Lakshmin , Social Media Director

Sasha Brady standing in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

3. Consider hostels for connecting with like-minded people of all ages

Hostels are a great way to meet people, especially fellow solo female travelers. I truly believe you’re never too old for hostels. Many cater to people of various age groups and backgrounds, and offer private rooms for added comfort and privacy. I find it’s easier to meet like-minded people in communal settings – the kind of people who are eager to exchange travel tips and stories with you and who genuinely want you to have a good time. I’ve made lifelong connections with people I’ve met in hostels. 

– Sasha Brady , Digital Editor 

Rachel Lewis taking a selfie on the sands at Kure Beach, North Carolina

4. Start with a solo afternoon

I’m not quite 100% to the point where I’m ready to dive into solo travel, so I like to just carve out a day or an afternoon of Rachy Adventures when I’m traveling with friends or my wife. (Said adventure often involves a croissant and an overpriced latte.) Some of my absolute favorite parts of a trip have been a rainy afternoon spent wandering alone in Boston , or sitting alone with a good book on a largely empty beach, taking in the waves.

– Rachel Lewis, Senior Social Media Manager 

Fionnuala McCarthy stands in front of a huge, snow-topped mountain peak, holding up her arms and smiling

5. Book some group activities

If you’re feeling apprehensive about taking a big solo trip, arrange a tour or activity for each day. This way your days will be organized around a preplanned group event. I made connections from all over the world on a solo trip to Australia in my early 20s – and 20 years on, am still in regular touch with a Swedish woman I met on a boat trip to the Great Barrier Reef .

– Fionnuala McCarthy , Editorial Director

Brekke Fletcher stands on a lawn in Napa, California, with the landscape stretching out beyond the cluster of low-rise buildings directly behind

6. Hop on a boat or a bus

I get my bearings by taking either a hop-on, hop-off bus tour or a boat tour. On my first solo trip to Paris , I decided to take a cruise down the Seine – during which I wrote out my plans for the trip and got to know people by offering to snap their photograph. I also find spending time in local bookstores to be a great way to immerse myself in the destination as well as meet fellow travelers and locals who seem very happy to help and offer tips and advice. 

– Brekke Fletcher , Senior Director of Content

Amy Lynch smiling at the camera with the craggy coastline of the Outer Hebrides, Scotland in the background

7. Bring a book 

I’ve cycled and hiked and taken trains all over the world by myself, and I never did any of it without a book on hand. Waiting on delayed trains, sitting down to meals, relaxing in a bar at the end of the day: all of these situations are improved with a book. Reading can also be a useful way to put off any potential unwanted conversation. A woman on her own can be a magnet for chatterers, and I’m not always in the mood to talk to strangers when traveling.

– Amy Lynch , Destination Editor

Morgan Wegner standing on a rock and looking upwards, amidst sun-dappled trees and foliage

8. Indulge your hobbies

Look for activities related to what you already like to do at home. For example, I love to thrift-shop, so I’ll often look up secondhand or charity shops in foreign cities: it’s a great way to get a sense for local fashions and find unique souvenirs. I also love to embroider, and I’ve spent hours at textile galleries, oohing over fine needlework and learning about local fiber-art traditions. I couldn’t do that with a bored travel companion.

– Morgan Wegner, Senior Operations Editor

Erin Lenczycki walking on a rocky outcrop along the coastline in Morocco at sunset

9. Embrace “yes!” – within reason

One of the best things about solo travel is the freedom to make or break plans whenever you want. Some of my favorite travel memories (including meeting my husband!) are because I took a chance and made a plan with new friends over an impromptu drink or meal. Celebrate saying “yes” to things you wouldn’t normally do – but trust the voice in your head at the same time. If the hair on the back of your neck stands up at a turn Google is telling you to make, take a different route. Learn to expand your boundaries – while trusting your intuition.

– Erin Lenczycki, Photo Editor

AnneMarie McCarthy standing beside the sign for the town of Camembert in Normandy, France

10. Be present

Traveling by yourself is a great opportunity to be mindful. With no need to rush or please anyone else, I find myself doing a lot of thinking and reflecting while traveling alone. I try to limit my interaction with my phone as well to really enjoy the quiet. I find some of my most vivid traveling memories have come from these trips.

– AnneMarie McCarthy , Destination Editor

Ann Douglas Lott standing on a harbourside walkway, with the rear propeller of a seaplane behind

11. Plan rest days

For every seven to 10 days of travel, set aside a day to breathe. Sleep in, treat yourself to a nice meal or just give your legs a break. If you can resist the pressure to program every moment of your trip, you won’t feel like you’re “wasting” your time. This is especially true when you’re traveling solo and not on anyone else’s schedule. 

– Ann Douglas Lott , Associate Editor

Jessica Lockhart in New Zealand, standing on a rock behind a wooden sign marking the summit of Mt Tarawera

12. Use apps to your advantage (and with headphones)

When navigating a new city on foot, plug your destination into a maps app, then listen to the walking directions through headphones. This allows you to avoid pulling out a map – which is equivalent to waving a flag printed with “tourist!” Most importantly, when you’re making your plans, try to resist fear (which is used to manufacture headlines and generate clicks). Language and cultural barriers can raise discomfort, which will make you hyper-aware of your surroundings. But that doesn’t mean said surroundings are unsafe. 

– Jessica Lockhart, Destination Editor

Alex Butler standing in front of a sculpture of a red tree on the High Line in New York City

13. Go on a food tour

One thing that makes a lot of solo travelers apprehensive is the thought of dining alone. But if you join a food tour, you’ll have dining companions for the evening and the opportunity to try out a bunch of new restaurants ⁠— all while learning about the local culture. I joined a food tour of Trastevere while traveling solo in Rome : not only did I get to meet fellow travelers, but the tour included a mix of casual street-food spots (excellent for solo travelers) and restaurants. After you check these places out in a group, you may feel more relaxed coming back on your own for a solo-dining experience.

– Alex Butler , Managing Editor 

Zara Sekhavati standing in front of high, pinkish-brown rock formations in Jordan

14. Travel with a power bank

Traveling alone, you will most likely be using your phone more than usual to take photos and videos, and for navigating maps. Even if your phone has a reliable battery, it’s always good to know you have a backup, especially if you’re on your own. There are plenty of small and lightweight power banks that you can purchase to slot into your bag when on the road.

– Zara Sekhavati, Destination Editor

15. Share your location 

To ensure peace of mind, I make it a habit to inform at least one person back home of my whereabouts using the Find My Friend app , which allows them to track my location in real time. While it can be reassuring for safety reasons, what I appreciate the most about it is the tangible sense of connection it provides. My family, in particular, loves that they can place me on a map and accompany me virtually on my explorations.

– Sasha Brady

Melissa Yeager taking a selfie in a mountain range in Argentina, with undulating pink and orange crevasses in the background

16. Traveling solo doesn’t mean traveling alone

For me, traveling solo can be a great way to meet new, like-minded people. Join a tour group like G Adventures or Intrepid for an entire trip, book a day tour with GetYourGuide , find a class for something you’re passionate about like art or cooking, research some of the digital-nomad meetups, find a bar where they show the games of your favorite team…there are lots of ways to forge new friendships on the road. 

– Melissa Yeager , Senior Editor 

Laura Motta sitting in a restaurant in Italy

17. Don’t wait for a partner

I’ve traveled solo to places like Hawaii , the Amalfi Coast and the Dominican Republic . When I tell these stories, someone will occasionally say something to me like, “Oh, I want to go there on my honeymoon, so I’m waiting to take that trip.” My advice? Don’t wait. If you want to somewhere, even a place with a reputation as a “romantic” destination or a honeymoon getaway, go anyway. There are so many ways to enjoy a destination and to make your own memories, with or without another person. If resorts or entire destinations cater specifically to couples, you will see a different – and sometimes more interesting – side of it by going solo.   

– Laura Motta , Senior Director of Content

Alicia Johnson standing in front of a notable house in Barbados, looking at something just out of shot

18. Don’t overshare

The temptation to share your entire trip via social media can be overwhelming – especially if you’re having a fantastic time. But for safety concerns, it’s best to avoid sharing every movement with every follower until you return home. Not only do real-time posts alert people to where you are during every part of your trip, but they also let folks know you’re not home. Consider sharing your photos and videos from the road just with a close number of friends, or wait until your trip is over to flood your social media. 

– Alicia Johnson , Destination Editor

19. Role-play at restaurants

Dining alone can be the best kind of mini-adventure. You can chat with the bartender – often a wealth of local knowledge – or other patrons. You can play at being an international woman of mystery and hunker down with a book or a notebook and pen. And if you’ve had a long day of sightseeing, sometimes it feels good to just sit at a quiet table and fiddle with your phone. The best part? Solo diners can often glide right to the front of the line at popular and award-winning restaurants, even without a reservation. 

– Laura Motta

20. Feel your feelings – and cry when you need to

Especially if you’re traveling alone for the first time. Especially if you’re far away from everything you’ve ever known. Especially if you feel confused or lonely or out of place. I’ve shed tears in more airports than I care to admit. You’re outside your comfort zone, and that’s scary! It’s normal to feel homesick and miss the people, places and routines that feel familiar to you. But you probably embarked on a solo adventure because some part of you craves something new – and any change requires getting comfortable with being uncomfortable, at least for a little bit. It’s OK to go through it.

– Deepa Lakshmin

This article was first published May 25, 2019 and updated Nov 17, 2023.

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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

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The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It

Janice Waugh

January 4, 2024 by Janice Waugh

image, solo traveler, travel alone and love it

What is solo travel? After 15 years of traveling solo, I've concluded that it is two things. Solo travel can be done independently or on a group tour. Essentially, solo travel is when you leave behind everyone you know and embark on a trip. Independent solo travel is when you plan and navigate the travel yourself. Group solo travel is when you join a tour or cruise alone. Both provide the unique experience of exploring the world without family and friends who have expectations of you. It's about discovering who you are when no one (that you know) is looking.

Traveling alone delivers access to the world in ways that other forms of travel don't. It is an essential mode of travel, at least some of the time.

However, not everyone takes to it naturally. Some worry about traveling solo. There are concerns around loneliness, safety, and more.

While we have hundreds of articles on the site that get into the details of how to travel solo, here, in one place, is the ultimate guide for those who want to travel alone. The tips in this post will help you have the best experience possible. They will help you travel alone and love it.

If you are traveling independently, read on.

If you plan to go on an organized tour, don't miss our page of tours with no or low single supplement . It's updated at least once a month and if you'd like to receive it via email you can sign up here .

image, travel alone backpacker

Table of Contents

Why You Will Love Solo Travel

When you travel alone, you travel on your terms. You get to do what you want, when you want. You can connect with people if you wish or avoid them completely. Those are the obvious benefits for going solo as a traveler.

But there are many benefits of solo travel that affect your whole life. The experience encourages you to stretch and grow as a person. You gain confidence and get better at problem solving. You understand yourself better, become more independent, and become a more interesting person.

For more, read Why Travel Solo? 15 Reasons Going Alone Makes Travel Better . Now, let's get on to the ultimate solo travel guide.

image, solo traveler takeing cooking class

Your Guide for Planning to Travel Alone

Planning a solo trip takes a bit of time and thought. To cover everything, this would be an extremely long article. Instead, I'm pointing you to some of the basic planning posts on Solo Traveler. There over 600 posts on Solo Traveler. This just takes you to the ones that cover the fundamentals.

  • Solo Travel Planning Guide with Trends, a Checklist, and Insider Tips
  • Solo Travel Safety: 50+ Proven Tips to Keep You Safe
  • Carry-On Packing List That Makes Sense: Traveler Tested
  • Best Accommodation for Solo Travelers
  • A Complete Guide to Travel Insurance for Solo Travelers
  • Eating Alone Is Easy When You Know How

image, solo travel, walking tour

Ultimate Tips to Travel Alone and Love It!

Let's get into the experience of traveling alone.

For some people, enjoying a solo trip comes naturally. Others have to work at how to travel alone. Most who do, fall in love with it. Here are a few things you can do to ensure a great solo adventure.

1. Visualize the trip you want. It's all about you.

Start thinking about the opportunities that are present when you travel alone long before you leave. Is it down time you really want? Build that into the plan. Are you after a creative travel experience ? Research the opportunities before you go and then dream on them until you get there.

2. Gather firsthand knowledge before you go. Personal stories tell you more.

Talk to people who have already traveled to your destination. Doing this was so incredibly helpful when planning my trip to Patagonia. At the time, no amount of research helped me plan the logistics. Talking to people who had made a similar trip gave me insight into the travel options and tips on how to avoid the mistakes they had made. Use your social network to find people. Join online meetup groups based in your destination. Find expat groups at your destination. By talking to people you will learn more about things to do as well as things that are not really for you.

3. Learn to chat with strangers.

Starting conversations with strangers can be a challenge, especially when you're an introvert like I am. However, these conversations can be trip-changing, if not life-changing. There are many skills that can be developed for this and one is never too old to learn them. In fact, it was only when traveling alone after my husband passed away that I learned how much I had grown and taken on the techniques of an extrovert. I learned that I could talk to strangers easily.

4. Tap the experience of the people you meet. Get current information.

As a solo traveler, you'll meet more travelers and locals than those who travel with a partner. Ask a traveler about the best thing they've done so far or a local for the best hidden gem restaurant in the area. The people you meet and the advice they offer will greatly enrich your trip.

5. Be flexible with your plans. Opportunities arise!

When suggestions or opportunities arise from these chance encounters, be flexible enough to act on them. There are times when flexibility must reign and the schedule should be thrown away. I do this most often on road or rail trips.

6. Don't over-plan. You will absolutely need relaxing time.

Managing your travels yourself takes more energy than if you are with someone else. It is important to have extra time in your itinerary to wander a market leisurely, linger over a coffee at an outdoor café, or take that trip into the mountains you hadn't considered.

7. Be patient. Take time to settle in and learn how the city works.

It can be difficult arriving in a new city alone. Take your time. Take a day to relax, watch the city function, and settle in. Read Solo Travel Confidence: How to Be Strong, Capable, and Safe .

8. Explore your destination at different levels. Gain different perspectives.

In London, it's natural to take the Tube. However, riding on the top of a double-decker bus gives you another perspective on the city. But you still wouldn't want to miss the Tube as it's an experience unto itself. My point is, explore the city in as many ways as possible: on foot, by bicycle, via public transit. Take a taxi and talk to the driver. Rent a car and learn what it's like to park or drive on the opposite side of the road. Every mode of movement offers new perspectives.

9. Take in local events. Get to know the daily life of a culture.

Whether it's a street festival or a sporting event, these are opportunities to rub shoulders with locals, offering insight into the culture and, potentially, fun conversations. Events made for tourism will not be as successful for this as events created by and for locals.

10. Be proactive if you’re unsure of yourself.

Ask for help. Standing around looking dazed will not get you where you want to go and it may get you noticed by the wrong people. Go ahead, smile, and ask for help. It's one of the fundamentals of staying safe as you travel solo .

11. Eat locally! Discover the culture through food.

There is nothing like exploring the local cuisine. It gives you a new path into your destination's culture, history, and geography. There is always a reason, historical or geographic, for a specific cuisine that can be explored through your tastebuds and your mind.

12. Shop where the locals shop.

Are you into home renovations? Then a hardware store in another country could be quite interesting. Are you a foodie? Go to the grocery store or the street where all the specialty vendors are located. Are you into fashion or interior decorating? Again, explore (you don't have to buy) where the locals shop.

13. Know which way is up. An old-school map is your friend.

Study a map of your destination. Get to know it. Get a sense of direction using major landmarks like Central Park in New York City or the CN Tower in Toronto. This will help you explore cities happily, with greater confidence. Read How to Navigate a New City Solo .

13. Find people who share your passion.

Whether it's chess or poetry or badminton or books, there will be hubs or groups that share your passion at your destination. Many destinations have an English bookstore which is typically a great resource for events you will want to attend. Google search or find them on meetup.com. What a great way to combine your love of travel with your love of other things.

14. Take day tours and classes.

There are many benefits to punctuating your independent trip with local tours such as cooking classes . You have new ways to better experience your destination, enjoy some social time (after all, solo travelers are not necessarily loners), and you get to take a break and let the tour company run the logistics and planning of the experience.

15. Have great evenings out.

Just because you're traveling solo doesn't mean you have to stay in at night with a book. There are many options for things to do in the evening. If you're in a country where you don't speak the language, music is a good bet. Read What to Do at Night When Traveling Alone and How to Enjoy Going to a Bar Alone When You Travel .

image, solo travler, relaxing

What If You Don't Love Solo Travel?

Let's face it, not everyone likes the same thing. Some people will travel alone and, for one reason or another, not enjoy it.

The first thing I suggest is that you be patient. You're not going to find your solo travel groove on the first day of your first trip. You need to give yourself some time to settle into your destination and apply some of the many travel alone tips above.

If, then, you're still not loving it, read  What If You Travel and You Don’t Love It ? and the advice of other solo travelers in Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Conquer First-Day Solo Travel Anxiety .

image: travel signs

Round Out Your Guide to Solo Travel with These Resources

Here are a few posts to explore to help you plan your best solo trip.

  • How to Save Money for Travel
  • How to Plan Your Travel Budget: Luxury or Frugal
  • Best Solo Travel Destinations: Real Solo Travelers Love These
  • Feeling the Pinch? Solo Travelers Save Money at The Airport
  • How to Get Through an Airport by Yourself with Ease
  • Carry On Packing List That Makes Sense: Traveler Tested
  • Checked Baggage: Top Planning and Packing Tips.
  • Best VPN for Travel: What, Why, How & New Recommendations
  • Road Trip Alone with Confidence: 10 Tips for a Great Trip

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Publisher Janice: info @ solotravelerworld.com

Editor Tracey: tracey @ solotravelerworld.com

Sales Simon: simon @ solotravelerworld.com

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25 Best International Destinations for Solo Travel

When you’re looking to travel alone, these are the safest, most exciting, and all-around best destinations for flying solo.

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Whether you want to ski in Japan on your own terms or your friends can’t fit that Scottish sojourn into their schedule, there are a variety of reasons to travel solo — and it can be one of life's most rewarding experiences.

The benefits range from the freedom to fully indulge your every whim to a sense of empowerment to opportunities for reflection, self-discovery, and new friendships.

We wouldn't want a lack of company to keep you from booking that ticket, so we've rounded up a list of countries ideal for both first-time and experienced solo travelers, including safe destinations where you can expect a warm welcome. We take you through longtime favorites like Mexico, as well as destinations that are becoming increasingly popular with solo travelers like Egypt and Albania.

  • Best tourist destination: Thailand
  • Underrated hidden gem: Albania
  • Best for outdoor adventure: Costa Rica
  • Best for public transportation: Germany
  • Best for foodies: Vietnam

From castle crawls in Germany to gaping at the northern lights in Norway, here are the best countries for solo travel abroad.

Marco Bottigelli/Getty Images

Thailand has long been an affordable destination and, because of its safe, accessible destinations, it’s just as popular with solo travelers as it is with groups. Explore the delicious food, thrilling nightlife, and tranquil spas of Bangkok . The beautiful beaches of Phuket, Krabi, and the Phi Phi Islands are tropical paradises, ideal for lounging the day away by the Andaman Sea.  

Public transportation is easy and readily available, from trains, subways, buses, and taxis to long-tail boats and tuk-tuks. Head here in mid-April for the Songkran Water Splashing Festival to celebrate the Songkran (New Year's) with parades, street parties, and performances. 

Its extremely hospitable locals and gorgeous scenery make Albania an up-and-coming destination for solo travelers. Journey to the Blue Eye spring near Saranda and you'll encounter some of the bluest, clearest water in the world. Since you might find the water too cold to swim in, head to the Albanian coast for fun and sun on any of the country's beautiful beaches, or soak in Përmet's Benja Thermal Baths — they're said to have healing properties.

You may also want to consider taking a day trip from Tirana to Berat, about two hours by car. Marvel at the city's stunning architecture, which has earned it the nickname "town of a thousand windows." From the Ottoman-era buildings and medieval castles to the mosques and Holy Trinity Church, you'll quickly see why the city — along with Gjirokaster in the South — has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site .

Arctic-Images/Getty Images

Costa Rica has long had a reputation as one of the happiest countries in the world, and it's easy to see why. In Costa Rica, you'll find plenty of outdoor activities to please your adventurous side, from whitewater rafting down the Reventazón River and zip lining through gorgeous rainforests to rappelling down waterfalls and hiking in Arenal Volcano National Park .

If you need a bit of respite amidst all the activity, Arenal has hot springs perfect for relaxing, or you can enjoy the white sands and wildlife at Playa Manuel Antonio, a tropical beach in Manuel Antonio National Park .

Germany has several major cities that are accessible to anyone traveling on their own. Hop on a bike in Berlin to explore the city's abundance of museums, historical sites, cafés, nightclubs, and parks. You can also visit Munich during Oktoberfest , but if you'd rather avoid the crowds, you can enjoy the city's beer gardens any time of year. And if you head to Frankfurt, you'll discover in this increasingly popular city an eclectic array of museums, cafés, boutiques, restaurants, and a lush botanical garden .

You should also consider planning side trips to see some of Germany's famous castles — there are over 20,000 of them. From the Gothic-style Liechtenstein Castle to the dramatic Neuschwanstein Castle , visiting any of Germany's magical old sites will have you feeling like you stepped straight into a fairy tale.

Renting a car is expensive when you're not splitting the costs, something to take into account when considering where to travel alone in Europe. Germany's excellent and relatively inexpensive public transportation system makes it easy to get around by train and bus.

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

Endless adventure and dishes to tantalize your tastebuds await in Vietnam. Hop on a boat that departs from Hạ Long Bay and cruise through Bai Tu Long Bay, home to some of the world's most striking blue water and natural landscapes. Take a guided tour of Hang Sơn Đoòng, the largest natural cave in the world. Visit Hội An during the full moon and you'll be welcomed by the awe-inspiring sight of hundreds of lanterns floating down the Thu Bồn River during the city's monthly full moon festival.

In Ho Chi Minh City, you can indulge in steaming bowls of phở and bánh xèo (a crispy, filled rice flour pancake) at Bến Thành Market, one of the city's earliest surviving structures, and brush up on Vietnam War history during a tour of the War Remnants Museum and the Củ Chi Tunnels. Travel to Hanoi to explore the capital's impressive historical and cultural sites, and take a leisurely stroll around Hoàn Kiếm Lake.

There's a reason why Iceland has consistently ranked among the hottest destinations in recent years: The country is a haven for travelers who love the outdoors, with caverns and caves to explore, volcanoes and glaciers to hike, and geothermal spas to soak in. Plus, it's the most peaceful country in the world, according to the 2024 Global Peace Index report, making it among the best countries for solo female travel.

From Reykjavík, consider taking a day trip to the ever-popular Blue Lagoon or go whale watching in Faxaflói Bay. For those wanting to get out of the city, Thingvellir National Park  offers camping, hiking trails, horseback riding, and the freshwater Silfra fissure , considered one of the best diving spots in the world. No matter what's on your itinerary, make sure to leave time to eat some of the country's delectable pastries .

New Zealand

New Zealand is a popular destination for backpackers, outdoor enthusiasts , and thrill-seekers striking out on their own — maybe because it's the fourth most peaceful country in the world, according to the 2024 Global Peace Index .

The country is a haven for outdoorsy types and one of the best places to meet fellow travelers. You can take a cruise through the fjords, rainforests, and waterfalls of Milford Sound; heli-hike your way through Franz Josef Glacier ; trek part (or all) of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing ; explore the Waitomo Glowworm Caves ; or go whale-watching in the Bay of Plenty .

If you need some downtime from all your adventuring, take a day trip to Waiheke Island for wine tours or make your way to the Hobbiton Movie Set to wander the real-life version of the Shire.

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

With a thriving backpacker culture and accommodating resorts, Mexico is an optimal place for any type of solo trip. And, if you're coming from the U.S. or Canada, there are loads of direct flights. Mexicans on the whole are warm, and the country is dotted with cultural sites and a beautiful natural landscape — never mind all the tacos, empanadas, and tortas!  

You'll find Mayan ruins near Cancun , whale watching in Los Cabos, Instagram opportunities in Tulum , tamales and mezcal in Oaxaca , and a thriving art scene in Mexico City .  


Switzerland is known for its stunning beauty, and there's no better way to see the country than by train. Purchase a Swiss Travel Pass , which gives you unlimited travel by train, bus, and boat, and journey past stunning waterfalls, forests, and lakes. Then, hop off the train to hike the Alps, visit medieval castles, and eat raclette and fondue.

In the country that invented milk chocolate, indulging in the decadent, creamy treat is a no-brainer. But instead of simply picking up a bar of Toblerone or Lindt at the nearest grocery store, take a chocolate-themed walking tour in Lucerne or Zürich, or visit one of the area's several world-famous chocolate factories.

Rory Fuller/Travel + Leisure

Chile's landscape is as beautiful as it is diverse. Whether you explore Torres del Paine National Park or the San Rafael Glacier in Patagonia, climb an active volcano in the Lake District , or camp in the Atacama Desert for incredible stargazing, you're sure to find an adventure that suits your fancy.

Adventure meets culture in capital city Santiago, which is easy to navigate by foot or bicycle. You can hike hills San Cristóbal or Santa Lucía for panoramic views of the capital, browse boutiques, take a break at cafés, and meet other travelers at cocktail bars in the Bellavista neighborhood, or explore the city's museums and art galleries.


Michela Sieman/Travel + Leisure

For any first-time solo traveler, the Netherlands is a great place to get your newly-independent feet wet. Begin in Amsterdam and do as the locals do: get around by bike . Start in Vondelpark , a popular urban park, then bike to world-famous museums like the Van Gogh Museum , passing the city's picturesque canals and bridges along the way.

Head to the Netherlands between mid-April and the first week of May and you'll be welcomed by a glorious array of the country's most beloved flower: the tulip. The Keukenhof , also known as the Garden of Europe, is located just outside Amsterdam and boasts over seven million bulbs and hundreds of varieties of tulips. Or, go to Noordoostpolder to see even more colorful blooms during the annual Tulip Festival .

Spain has a little bit of everything to please everyone: art museums, gorgeous architecture, delicious food, stunning beaches, exciting nightlife, and jaw-dropping hikes.

In Barcelona, wander Park Güell , a UNESCO World Heritage site full of modern architecture, sculptures, and mosaics designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. Continue your Gaudí tour at Sagrada Família before moving on to the Picasso Museum . When you start to get hungry, make your way to Mercado de La Boqueria , the oldest market in the city.

You can also find some of the world's best beaches in Spain , such as Portinatx on Ibiza Barcelona and Lumebó Cove in Galicia. The brave and truly adventurous can join an organized hike through Caminito del Rey in Málaga or begin their journey along the famed Camino de Santiago.

Austria is a must-see for solo travelers with a taste for fine culture. See for yourself why Vienna is known as the City of Music and attend a concert at the State Opera House or the Musikverein . The city also boasts hundreds of museums, prime for exploring in between experiencing traditional Viennese coffeehouse culture.

In Salzburg, the backdrop to "The Sound of Music," fans of the musical can take themed tours of the city and round out their trip by visiting Mozart's Birthplace and climbing to the top of Hohensalzburg Fortress for unforgettable views of the city.

Denmark is another country that's easy for solo travelers. Start in Copenhagen and head to the Nyhavn district to see the city's iconic wooden ships and colorful townhouses lining the canal. Afterward, take a stroll through Tivoli Gardens . While beloved for its amusement park, the popular attraction also features flower gardens, bubble fountains, and an aquarium.

Shakespeare aficionados should head to Kronborg Castle , a UNESCO World Heritage site that inspired Elsinore Castle in "Hamlet." While there, take the train to nearby Hillerød, where you'll find Frederiksborg Castle, home to the Danish Museum of National History .

First stop: Tokyo. Whether you shop in the pricey Ginza neighborhood, ride to the top of the world's tallest tower , tour Sensō-ji temple , slurp ramen at Ichiran Shibuya (a chain serving inexpensive steaming bowls at no-frills booths), or stroll through a traditional garden, you'll never run out of things to do in this glitzy city.

If you need some rest from the hustle and bustle, you can take a bullet train to Kyoto which, although extremely popular with tourists, is much smaller than Tokyo; you'll find here a plethora of shrines, gardens, and temples. Since the tea ceremony has its roots in Kyoto , you may wish to partake in the tradition while you're there. Be sure to visit during the springtime to see the gorgeous cherry blossoms in bloom.

Lara D'agostino/Travel + Leisure

Visit Norway during the summer for warmer weather and lots of outdoor attractions and activities. In Oslo, you can explore the capital's many museums, restaurants, and parks by walking, cycling, or taking public transportation. Or, book a spot on a Hurtigruten coastal steamer — there's no single supplement on select voyages — and cruise through the country's famous fjords on a multi-day adventure, stopping at numerous ports of call along the stunning coastline to hike, kayak, and more. You'll even cross the Arctic Circle!

On the other hand, if seeing the northern lights tops your list, a trip to Norway between November and March will land you there during peak aurora borealis season. For optimum viewing of the natural phenomenon, head to the heart of the aurora zone: the city of Tromsø.

As with Iceland, Norway is extremely safe and this makes it among the best countries for solo travel as a woman .

If the idea of traveling by yourself to a country where you don't speak the language makes you nervous, then opt to visit Ireland. In Dublin , you can take a literary walking tour of the UNESCO City of Literature , browse Grafton Street's bustling shops, and chat with other travelers in the Guinness Storehouse with a pint of the world-famous stout.

With its stunning scenery and friendly inhabitants, Galway is not to be missed, either. While you're there, stroll along the lovely Salthill Promenade, or park yourself in a traditional pub in Eyre Square to listen to live Irish folk music. If you're looking to get out of the city, hop on a ferry to the nearby Aran Islands to explore medieval ruins and forts, or take a public bus to the iconic Cliffs of Moher for breathtaking views.

This South American country is perfect for those who just want to relax by the ocean and soak up the sun . Punta del Este may be best known for its gorgeous beaches, like Playa Mansa and Playa Brava. But, if you want to escape the crowds, consider visiting the more secluded beaches in Jose Ignacio and Rocha.

Montevideo isn't short on beaches, either, and for those who want to mix up sunbathing with cultural experiences, the capital also offers historical attractions, museums, and traditional Candombe music and dance performances.

Thanks to the camaraderie of the traditional sauna experience , it's easy to meet people in Finland as a solo traveler. The country is home to over three million saunas, from Helsinki to Tampere and Savonlinna.

But there's more to Finland than saunas . In Helsinki, you'll find magnificent architecture, museums, parks, markets, and more — all easily accessible by foot or public transportation. Travel to the coasts to see a lovely array of lighthouses, or head to Rauma or Loviisa to spend a day in a wooden town. While it may be best to go to "The Land of the Midnight Sun" in the summer, visit during the winter for peak viewing of the northern lights .

Jess Macdonald/Travel + Leisure

With extensive folklore, outdoor adventure, and stunning beauty around every corner, Scotland is the perfect place to reconnect with yourself. It’s a safe, cozy sojourn for anyone who loves postcard-perfect views. Start off by exploring Edinburgh by bike, stopping at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art and Holyrood Park . 

If golf is your thing, Scotland has more than 550 courses to choose from. Feeling brave? Head to the Scottish Highlands to seek out the legendary underwater monster at Loch Ness, and while you're there, visit Urquhart Castle , which dates back to the 13th century.  

Australia is an exceptionally safe place with a wide range of areas to explore and is a popular solo travel destination. You’ll probably want to fly between most places — this is a huge country, after all — but you can also rent a car and indulge in an Australian road trip. Or, go old-school and traverse the country by train on The Ghan , where you can experience the outback on a journey from Adelaide to Darwin.

Start in New South Wales' capital, Sydney, with its friendly vibe and thriving art, food, and sports scenes, where you can walk around Sydney Harbour or explore the white-sand shore at Bondi Beach. In Victoria, ride the tram around Melbourne for a coffee shop crawl. Commune with nature down in Tasmania, where the island's many hiking trails allow you to experience Australia's natural splendor by foot. Up north, the Great Barrier Reef awaits snorkelers off the coast of Far North Queensland. 

Getty Images/Julia Gnther/EyeEm

From the slopes of British Columbia to the cosmopolitan wonders of Toronto, Canada has tons to keep you entertained, even when you’re alone. Our neighbor to the north is a quick flight (or a reasonable drive depending on where you’re coming from and going to) and accessible in terms of language, exchange rate, and transportation.   

If you opt for Canada's largest city, explore the arts and culture of Toronto’s Harbourfront Centre , eat your way through St. Lawrence Market , or get to know the city's eclectic range of neighborhoods. Over in Vancouver , you can bike your way through the waterfront city, or cross the vertigo-inducing Capilano Suspension Bridge , a 450-foot-long, 230-foot-high bridge cutting through lush woodland. Go straight to Alberta to explore Banff National Park ’s famous glacial lakes and Rocky Mountain vistas.   

Dreamer4787/Getty Images

Book a solo trip to Croatia to swim at spectacular beaches , dive into rich history, and eat delectable cuisine. Become a beach bum on the unspoiled shores of the Dalmatian Islands, where you’ll have blue waters, white sands, and dramatic limestone cliffs to admire as you lounge. Then, eat your weight in white truffle pasta and fresh seafood before walking it off around Dubrovnik ’s medieval Old Town.  

Anton Aleksenko/Getty Images

If you love ancient history, desert activities, and scuba diving, Egypt is the solo travel destination for you — and a cruise down the Nile can be one of the safest and most convenient ways to see everything. Eat delicious falafel and go shopping in Cairo , then gape at the Great Pyramids in Giza before returning to your five-star accommodations and sailing off to the next archaeological wonder; these include seven UNESCO World Heritage sites like the incredible temples of Luxor, Karnak, and Abu Simbel.

Take solitary strolls along stunning cliffs, in quaint villages, or down urban streets in England. London is a natural choice starting point; traipse around Trafalgar Square , see the Rembrandts and Cézannes at the National Gallery , or enjoy a proper afternoon tea service at The Lanesborough . 

Once you've had your fill, take the train to any number of charming English towns that'll make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time. One of the best parts of traveling to England is the long, rich history, and you’ll find plenty of that in its storybook castles and even in cities like Leeds in Yorkshire.

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Solo travel for women: the 18 best destinations (plus tips).

Plan an independent getaway to suit your own personal travel style.

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Solo Travel for Women

Iceland landscape photo of brave girl who proudly standing with his arms raised in front of water wall of mighty waterfall.

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For your next solo adventure, consider exploring waterfalls in Iceland, rice fields in Indonesia, beaches in Thailand and more.

Perhaps you have a bucket list of places you've always wanted to travel at the ready but you just keep waiting for the right person to go with you. But if your friends are busy, you just broke up with your partner and you're not feeling a family vacation, you don't have to wait to embark on a new adventure – just go solo .

Traveling by yourself, even as a woman, is not as challenging or scary as you might think. There are plenty of benefits: You don't have to adhere to anyone else's schedule, budget or food preferences, so you can truly prioritize yourself. Solo travel means doing whatever you want whenever you want, while seeing the places that you most want to visit. Adventuring alone as a woman can empower you to see the world on your terms.

Whether you're concerned about safety or seeking companionship, there are plenty of places around the globe to consider for your next solo trip. U.S. News has compiled this list of top solo travel destinations (and helpful tips) with expertise from women who have traversed the globe by themselves and loved it.

Barcelona, Spain

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With a visit to Barcelona , immerse yourself in the local culture at your leisure, whether you want to dine at Michelin-starred restaurants or go cheer at a football (soccer) game. Writer Mona Gable says, "Barcelona is a place of wonder − medieval neighborhoods, sunny beaches, and world-class museums, not to mention Antoni Gaudí's celebrated architecture." She enjoyed exploring the Mediterranean port city, especially because of its walkability and easy-to-navigate transportation system with metro lines and buses. She also noted feeling safe on her own: "As a female traveler, I felt perfectly at ease wandering many neighborhoods alone, even at late hours, when Catalans famously dine out."

Travel tip: Gable says it's best to avoid touristy Las Ramblas – Barcelona's main thoroughfare – except to see La Boqueria, the city's legendary food market.

[See more of Barcelona:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

African elephant (Loxodonta africana) Calves playing. Okovango Delta, Botswana

Botswana is well known for African wildlife safaris , where travelers might encounter elephants, zebras, rhinos, lions and cheetahs while glamping in luxury tents and dining on gourmet food. "Wildlife travel offers an outstanding combination of camaraderie, safety and autonomy," says Darcie Smith, owner of Great Expeditions Travel . She recommends Botswana's green season (November to March) for solo female travelers; at this time of year the single supplement surcharge is waived at many safari camps, which offers an excellent value and means you're more likely to meet other solo travelers. It is also peak season for birding, and you'll find plenty of opportunities to spot wildlife in the lush landscape.

Many camps will send someone to meet guests upon arrival to help you navigate airports or transfers. In Smith's experience, camp guests are also escorted to their rooms at night, for an added wildlife safety element. "Solo female travelers can enjoy daily shared safari activities in intimate camps that encourage social gatherings with full independence to design the itinerary around what's best for you," she says.

Travel tip: Smith recommends making your social media accounts private when you travel so strangers can't track your location as well as learning about the customs of your destination. "This will help avoid accidentally coming across as forward or flirtatious based on local standards," she explains. "For example, while long eye contact may be considered a sign of self-confidence or being polite at home, it may come across as flirtatious in your new destination."

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Picture yourself indulging in pizza and gelato, visiting world-famous museums, touring picturesque wineries, and shopping at designer boutiques – all of that is at your fingertips in Italy , writer Martha McCully's go-to travel destination. "Italians want to share their culture and it's part of their personality to welcome you," she says. "Plus, the food and wine are outrageously divine."

The idea that traveling solo means you will be alone is a misconception, according to McCully. "It's simply not true," she says. "Book a group tour at your destination, or DM a friend from your past on Instagram, which is what I did in Bologna." There are plenty of unique ways to meet fellow travelers in Italy; she recommends signing up for a cooking class in Bologna through Taste of Italy, a food tour by Curious Appetite or a painting class with Plein Air Tuscany. "The idea is you will be with like-minded travelers and someone else is doing all the organizing," McCully explains.

Travel tip: McCully suggests sticking to your wellness routine while on the road to keep healthy habits. "I like to take my rituals with me," she says. "When I ground myself with what I know makes me feel good physically and mentally, it's like I'm living in another country, not just visiting."

[Read: The Top Italy Tours .]

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With glaciers, volcanoes, waterfalls and hot springs galore, the dramatic landscapes of Iceland make it a must-visit destination. The "Land of Fire and Ice" is also known for puffins, its Viking history and women's empowerment, with the country's reputation as a champion of gender equality.

"Iceland is a favorite destination for female solo travelers because it is easily one of the safest countries in the world," says Jenny Ly, professional travel blogger at Go Wanderly . Iceland has one of the world's lowest crime rates and no animal predators dangerous to humans – just prepare for challenging weather and exercise caution if you plan to do any driving. Ly's itinerary recommendations include whale watching, with nearly a dozen types of whales navigating Icelandic waters; visiting Vatnajökull Glacier's ice caves; and chasing the northern lights in the darker months (October to April).

Travel tip: Ly encourages solo female travelers to not let the lack of a travel companion prevent them from exploring the world. "It can be both empowering and rewarding for women to travel solo, at least once in their life," she says. "While traveling alone can be riskier than traveling with others, it can also be more fun and gratifying." Her tip is to always be aware of your surroundings.

[Read: The Top Iceland Tours .]

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

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While some women may shy away from traveling to Mexico due to safety concerns, travel blogger Jeanine Romo of lewildexplorer.com , who has ventured solo to many countries, recommends visiting the charming town of San Miguel de Allende . "I decided to go on my own and had such a wonderful time," she says. "The people are friendly, the hospitality is amazing, and there are so many things to do if you love art, incredible food, and incredible architecture." San Miguel de Allende is a great option for women travelers because the city center is easily walkable and Uber is available, which Romo says made her feel safe because she could always call a ride.

Travel tip: For women traveling by themselves, Romo advises doing research on transportation options (such as local buses, metro lines and ride-sharing app availability) before you arrive. "I like to know how walkable the city I'm visiting is," says Romo. "This helps me feel so much more confident when navigating a new city."

[See more of San Miguel de Allende: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

New Zealand

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From pristine beaches on the North Island to snowy mountains on the South Island – and all kinds of geological wonders in between – the diversity of New Zealand is a major draw for tourists. Travelers can learn about the indigenous Māori culture, visit a sheep farm or go sailing in Auckland , among an abundance of other incredible things to do in this island nation.

Travel blogger Nina Ragusa of whereintheworldisnina.com enjoys visiting because of the welcoming culture, outdoor adventure and feeling of safety. "Traveling New Zealand as a solo woman is quite easy, and if it's your first trip solo, this would be a good country to start in," she says. Ragusa spent a month camping in a van by herself and said she never had to worry about her safety, even in more remote areas. "I went on hikes solo, some of them deep into the mountains for miles and miles, and was either alone or passing other tourists or friendly kiwis to wave hello to," she says. Ragusa adds that New Zealand is not the cheapest travel destination, but her personal recommendation for saving money on longer trips here is to rent – or buy and later sell – a van to live in.

Travel tip: Ragusa recommends steering clear of the outskirts of the bigger cities (particularly if you do travel by van). She warns that, as in most urban destinations around the world, those parts of New Zealand are where you're more likely to run into trouble.

El Calafate, Patagonia, Argentina

People hiking in a row on the ice of Perito Moreno glacier, Los Glaciares national park, Santa Cruz province, Patagonia Argentina

For an outdoor adventure in South America, Argentine Patagonia offers pristine ice hiking, backpacking, kayaking, trekking and wildlife viewing. Nicol Gillum-Thomas, an African-American solo female traveler whose mission is to encourage women to live life as an adventure, enjoyed her time in the town of El Calafate. "El Calafate, Argentina, was the destination that seemed the most off-putting in my imagination, but became the trip with the most adventure, awe-inspiring beauty and ease," she says.

Travel tip: Gillum-Thomas recommends a stay at the América del Sur Hostel Calafate, saying she appreciated the clean accommodations and interesting guests.

Dubrovnik, Croatia

The Old City of Dubrovnik situated on the Dalmatian coast, became an important Mediterranean sea power from the 13th century onwards. Although severely damaged by an earthquake in 1667, Dubrovnik managed to preserve its beautiful Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque churches, monasteries, palaces and fountains. Damaged again in the 1990s by armed conflict, it is now the focus of a major restoration programme co-ordinated by UNESCO. Clinging to a rock, encased by a girdle of ramparts and lapped by a turquoise sea, Croatia’s famous town is fully worthy of its title “Pearl of the Adriatic”.

If you dream of a getaway that includes picturesque beaches and crystal-clear water, Croatia is the perfect spot to explore. In Dubrovnik , the ancient city walls and medieval architecture of Old Town , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, set a particularly gorgeous scene when the sun goes down. Tamara Williams, owner of solo female travel-focused blog My Elated Odyssey , says the unmatched beauty of the surrounding sea and mountains is only one reason to plan a trip here.

"The locals are some of the nicest people I have ever met," Williams says. "They truly made it feel like a second home. They spoke English well, so no need to worry about a language barrier." She adds that this Balkan country is also considerably more affordable than destinations in Western Europe.

Travel tip: For solo female travelers, Williams suggests staying in the Lapad neighborhood or near Old Town. "Both are full of cafes, bars and shopping to keep you busy," she says.

[See more of Dubrovnik: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Svalbard, Norway

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) sniffs air while walking on rocky shore of Malmgren Island on foggy evening. | Location: Malmgren Island, Svalbard, Norway.

You can't go wrong in Norway , with breathtaking fjords, fascinating wildlife, scenic railways, outdoor adventure and the chance to glimpse the northern lights . Jurga Rubinovaite, founder of the travel blog Full Suitcase , says you won't want to miss Svalbard: a Norwegian archipelago located approximately 800 miles from the North Pole. "It is one of the most unique nature destinations in the world," she says. "Despite being so far north in the Arctic, it's extremely easy to visit and is also a great and safe destination for solo female travelers."

The main town, Longyearbyen, is the focal point of activities in Svalbard, which range from hiking and boat tours in the summer to winter pursuits such as ice cave visits and snowmobiling. "Because of the presence of polar bears, everything you do in Svalbard requires booking a guided tour, so you are always in safe hands," Rubinovaite explains. "Longyearbyen town itself is very lively and safe, with lots of accommodations, restaurants, shops, and a few museums, all within easy walking distance from each other."

Travel tip: For women traveling alone, Rubinovaite advises thorough research in advance of your trip to this Arctic locale; staying in hotels, rather than private accommodations; and booking guided tours or looking for a travel buddy when venturing out to very remote places.

Ireland, County Clare, Lahinch: tourist gazing at the majestic Cliffs of Moher at sunset in late spring.

Head to Ireland for a memorable solo getaway complete with rolling emerald-green hills, fairytale castles and Irish coffee. Experienced traveler Kelie Fiala of the Vacations Planned blog ranks this European country at the top of her list for solo travel spots. "Many attractions in Ireland are wonderful for solo travelers because they offer peaceful spots to stop and enjoy the gorgeous views, but also provide plenty of opportunities to meet friendly people at cafes and other points of interest," she says.

Fiala appreciates the nightlife and music scene of Ireland as much as the history and scenery. She suggests experiencing some of the country's pubs, even if you're a woman traveling alone, since you'll almost always find live music and friendly people. "Even if you start out by yourself, you'll easily find that you're having great conversations in no time," she says.

Travel tip: Fiala warns that for solo travelers, especially women, it's best to be careful how much you drink and leave the situation if you ever feel uncomfortable. But she also encourages women to not be afraid to have a chat. "You could hear some great stories, and make a new friend," she says.

Thai traditional wooden longtail boat and beautiful sand Railay Beach in Krabi province. Ao Nang, Thailand.

Beautiful beaches, delicious food, friendly people, exotic animals and floating markets are just some of the incredible things that you can experience in Thailand . Loredana Gogoescu, head of content for Destguides.com , says she felt safe in Thailand as soon as she arrived. "Thai people are hospitable and kind," she says. "Moreover, as a solo traveler, I was surprisingly never alone. I had to book a private room for myself at one point just to get a breather, as I was constantly meeting new people!"

Travel tip: If you're apprehensive about exploring a new place on your own, especially if you've never traveled abroad before, Gogoescu recommends sorting out all the logistics like accommodations and transportation in advance so it's easier to acclimate once you get there. She adds, "If you're afraid of being alone, join different apps like Bumble and Facebook groups for the destination you're traveling to, to see if you can match up with other solo female travelers who will be in the area at the same time as you."


Amsterdam buildings at sunrise

Nailah Hayward of TheresSoMuchToSee.com says the Netherlands is a superb option for first-time solo female travelers, based on ease of transportation, overall safety, the variety of things to do and other factors. "The Netherlands comes out high on all of these areas," she says. "And after multiple visits to the country, traveling through big cities and small towns, I always felt extremely safe." With the country's extensive train system, in addition to local trams and bike lanes, navigating the Netherlands by yourself doesn't pose too great a burden. Hayward also appreciates the ease of communicating with locals as an English speaker, since most people speak English in addition to Dutch.

"Whether you are into the arts scene, outdoor activities, luxury experiences, cultural exploration or culinary delights, the Netherlands has a huge variety of activities to dive into," Hayward says. "All of these elements make the Netherlands a place that I enthusiastically recommend for solo women travelers."

Travel tip: Don't carry cash. Hayward says most transactions can be done electronically, so there's no need for frequent trips to the ATM.

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

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Luxury family travel influencer Irina Claire Bromberg suggests Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands as a top spot for solo female travel, partially because of its high safety rating from the U.S. Department of State. There's also no shortage of activities in this Caribbean destination, with Bromberg calling Stingray City a must. "The stingrays are peaceful and gentle," she says. "They glide along the ocean floor and you're free to observe and even play with them in their natural habitat." She also recommends soaking up some sun at the renowned Seven Mile Beach .

Grand Cayman is also a foodie paradise, according to Bromberg. "The vibrant dishes are as tasty as they are exciting, representing the fascinating mix of cultures and traditions that make the island so unique," she says. Her suggestions for food to try include the classic Cayman-style lobster, coconut shrimp and Johnny cakes.

Travel tip: Bromberg recommends checking the U.S. Department of State safety rating and other solo travelers' experiences prior to booking a trip.

[See more of the Cayman Islands:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

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View of the Galata Tower and The Suleymaniye Mosque at dusk in Istanbul, Turkey

Chart your course for Istanbul , the only city in the world that straddles two continents, Europe and Asia. This anomaly is one of many features making the Turkish city stand out as a unique destination; you'll get to experience its Byzantine architecture, Ottoman cuisine and landmarks like the Grand Bazaar on a trip here. Farihah Fuaad, a Muslim solo travel expert and founder of MuslimSoloTravel.com , says, "It offers the best of both worlds – East and West, Europe and Asia, modern and ancient – and lots of surprises." This lively, fast-paced metropolis is also rich in history and culture, with remnants of bygone eras visible in the skyline of Istanbul, according to Fuuad.

For solo travelers, there are endless opportunities for memorable experiences. "Wherever you go in Istanbul, multiple surprises await you at the corner of every street, its cobblestone alleys, or within the maze-like structure in Grand Bazaar," Fuaad says. The network of easy and convenient public transportation options also makes Istanbul a great choice for women traveling solo.

Travel tip: For first-time solo female travelers, Fuaad suggests taking time to adjust to being on your own: "Start small, by venturing to your next neighboring town or city first, or any city in your country first before you make the leap into solo traveling abroad." She adds, "Don't do things you're not comfortable with. Listen to your gut feelings – they're always right!"

[See more of Istanbul:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Bali, Indonesia

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For a tropical island escape, Bali is undeniably magical. Its natural beauty spans volcanoes, waterfalls and stunning beaches, as well as sprawling rice fields, diverse nightlife and breathtaking temples. Katie Caf, travel blogger at KatieCafTravel.com , who has been traveling solo full time for the past year and a half, says Bali is by far her favorite place to visit. "The Balinese people are very respectful towards female travelers, there's no street harassment based on gender like you might find in other locations, and while no place is perfect, Bali just feels very safe as a woman," Caf says. She adds that, although Indonesia is a conservative country, she found that women traveling there aren't expected to cover up except in temples or other sacred religious sites.

Travel tip: Caf recommends that travelers always use ride-sharing apps like Uber, Gojek and Grab rather than hailing cabs off the street, since the apps' tracking features make them much safer to use for solo female travelers in foreign countries. Some of these sites also allow you to share your route with chosen contacts for added safety.

[See more of Bali:  Things to Do  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Young woman tourist in sun hat and white dress standing in front of Eiffel Tower in Paris at sunset. Travel in France, tourism concept. High quality photo

Paris is one of the most iconic destinations in Europe for any traveler. Antoinette Harris, founder and owner of travel blog Frolic & Courage , considers the "City of Love" a superb option for women traveling solo due to its cuisine, cultural attractions and hands-on activities of all sorts. "I consider Paris the city of self-love because it has everything solo women travelers need to care for themselves and their interests," Harris says.

With the flexibility of traveling on your own, you can plan the Paris trip of your dreams. Depending on what you're interested in, you may choose to learn about French cooking, immerse yourself in the Louvre , attend an opera at the historic Palais Garnier or browse local shops, as Harris has done. "Uninhibited by the demands or requests of others, I was able to really take the time to focus on who I am, what I wanted and what sparks joy and life in my spirit," she says. "Traveling to Paris taught me how to truly enjoy spending time solo."

Travel tip: One of Harris' top tips is to not bring more than you can carry, as you won't always find someone to help you with your luggage if an escalator breaks and you have to take the stairs. "By keeping only the essentials, you're able to move quickly to and from your destination without worrying too much about being a target for crime," Harris says. She also recommends downloading an offline map you can reference even without internet connection and sharing your itinerary with family members or friends who could help in a sticky situation.

[See more of Paris:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

New York City

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It's hard to beat the allure of the twinkling lights of Times Square , award-winning Broadway shows and Lady Liberty . Melanie Musson, a travel expert with AutoInsurance.org , loves taking a solo trip to New York City , saying she doesn't even have the chance to feel lonely because the hustle and bustle of the big city keeps her sufficiently distracted.

Musson says that, while there are risks for visitors in any city, the odds of anything scary happening to you in New York are low as long as you take appropriate precautions. "New York City prioritizes tourist safety because they know they’d lose this valuable industry if visitors had frequent bad experiences," she explains, adding that you may be surprised how friendly the local residents are. "They're usually happy to help you identify the right subway line to take or bus to catch. They'll probably even give you tips on the best places to eat or things to see."

Travel tip: Musson's pre-trip tip is to check crime reports in the destination you're heading to and stay within the safe areas. "Trust your gut and get out of the area if you don't feel safe," she cautions.

[See more of New York City:  Things to Do  |  Tours  |  Hotels  |  When to Visit  |  Photos  ]

Oct 2004

The city of Singapore is known for being clean, green and safe for travelers – as well as expensive. Singapore boasts impressive architecture, the iconic Singapore sling cocktail, street food markets and luxury shopping malls. Daina Cohen, editor at WorldlyKnown.com , says, "Singapore is a fantastic destination for solo women travelers because of its vibrant, yet safe culture and exciting sights." On a solo trip to this Southeast Asian city, you can experience the unique blend of diverse cultures and cuisines, Cohen says, in addition to other benefits. "It's easy to navigate with plenty of public transportation options, plus an excellent healthcare system, which makes it a great choice for those who want to travel solo," Cohen notes. Tourists should research Singapore's laws – such as a ban on chewing gum – before traveling there to avoid fines.

Travel tip: Cohen advises staying in a hostel (which often have options for women-only dorms) or renting an Airbnb for more privacy. You'll also want to familiarize yourself with the city's public transportation system prior to arrival.

[See more of Singapore: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Sharael Kolberg is a U.S. News & World Report contributor with a wealth of knowledge when it comes to solo travel for women. Her first trip by herself was to New Zealand when she was 19. Since then, she has traveled solo all over the U.S. and to countries such as Fiji, Argentina, Chile and Italy. Her favorite destination to travel alone is still her native California, which offers a diverse landscape from the city to the sea and the mountains and the desert.

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The Grand Canyon Makes For The Perfect Solo Trip, And Here Are Some Reddit-Approved Tips


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Solo trips are one of the most enriching forms of travel out ther e. When it comes to destinations that are tailor-made for solo trips, the Grand Canyon is one that provides travelers with plenty of options. From hiking trails to group tours that give travelers a great chance to socialize, there's something for everyone at this World Wonder.

Additionally, travel options in and around the Grand Canyon lend themselves well to those traveling alone. Budget-friendly accommodations such as camping are a great way to immerse oneself in nature, while also give travelers the chance to explore on their own. Here are some tips from Reddit on how to turn a solo Grand Canyon trip into one of the most memorable vacations.

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What To See Solo At The Grand Canyon

There's no denying that there's plenty to see at the Grand Canyon , and it can be overwhelming. The benefit of traveling solo is that one will already know the pace at which they can explore without first having to check with additional travelers, which will help plan an itinerary. For the solo traveler, it's worth it to get an early start and see some crucial aspects of the canyon as well as consider some tours. To start, Reddit recommends beginning the scenic trip with the drive.

Petrified Forest

Despite its name, the Petrified Forest is much more than petrified trees, and it's one of the most fascinating landscapes in the country. There's plenty of ecological history to be found here, and it's an easy stop to add on the way to the Grand Canyon for those driving on old Route 66.

  • Hours: Daily, 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Fees: $25 for one vehicle (good for a week), $15 for one hiker, $20 for motorcycles

Painted Desert

Yet another geological wonder that resides in Arizona's backyard is the Painted Desert, which encompasses a total of 93,500 acres of badlands. One of the most notable features of this landscape - as its name implies - is the brilliant hues of orange, pink, and red that appear in the canyons during different times of the day.

  • Hours: Daily from sunrise to sunset

Meteor Crater

The Meteor Crater is an attraction found at the Barringer Space Museum , and it's also the museum's main attraction. The crater is estimated to be more than 50,000 years old and measures 150 wide in diameter with a depth of 550 feet. It's an incredible sight to see and not one that many people realize is so close to the Grand Canyon (two hours).

  • Hours: Daily 8 AM - 5 P
  • Admission: Adults (13+) $22, Juniors (ages 6 - 12) $13, Seniors (60+) $20

Arriving At The Grand Canyon

It's the big day - the first day of the big Grand Canyon tour! From this point, there are many options by which to actually explore this massive landscape. For those who have never been there, choosing from the sheer number of tours can feel daunting. Additionally, the number of hiking trails available can also be confusing - here's what Reddit suggests.

Grand Canyon Jeep Tours

Jeep tours have been ongoing at the Grand Canyon since 1993, and this is a great way to explore it without having to worry about driving around the entire canyon rim. As one Reddit user said, it's also a great way to see views of the Grand Canyon that the typical visitor wouldn't even know to exist. There are three main tours to choose from:

  • Grand Sunset Tour
  • Indian Paintings Tour
  • Grand Canyon Safari & Rim Tour (a combined walking and 4x4 tour)

Depending on how much time one has to spend, any one of these tours would be worth it - plus, it gives a solo traveler the advantage of getting to know an intimate tour group.

Hiking At The Grand Canyon

For those who want a bit more adventure and might plan on camping during their solo trip, the most suggested hiking trail is Bright Angel (and campground).

The benefit of this trail and its campground is that it's rarely deserted which means there's always someone around, which might be a comfort to those who are new to solo travel. The views along this trail are excellent, and the entire thing can be split into two days of hiking.

Another alternative ( which also requires a permit ) is the Clear Creek trail, which excludes some of the crowds. In total, the trip should last anywhere from three to four days. The benefit of camping is that visitors will have the chance to see the Grand Canyon multiple times of the day, and have the chance to explore the surrounding areas (not limited to tours).

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  • Grand Canyon


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  6. The Ultimate Luxury Travel Experience in Asia!


  1. Favorite Places that you've traveled solo : r/solotravel

    Overall, I loved my first solo trip because when it came down to it, I liked having my "me time" and not worry about socializing all the time. I also know that it's considered a negative of solo travel (depending on how you look at it) but again I prefer my own company more than having to be constantly going places with people and to enjoy my ...

  2. Just had my first solo travel experience, and I feel like I ...

    I also found my first solo trip in a foreign country to be extremely enlightening and wonderful. I felt like I unlocked a new world. Like I did all that myself. My second trip, I had a great time, however I didnt feel that same high I did on/after the first trip. So be prepared for the come down.

  3. USA solo travel recommendations? : r/solotravel

    I went on my first solo trip to the USA in 2019 (Im Australian). Its safe and I was walking around New York at night. Only place that was a little dodgy was New Orleans. I stayed in Airbnb's in LA, Philly, Boston and hotels in Vegas, New York, New Orleans. Best thing I did was stay a 8 nights in New York.

  4. Solo Vacations: The 29 Best Places to Travel Alone in the U.S.

    This City Was Just Named the No. 1 Solo Travel Destination in the U.S. 12 LGBTQ+-friendly Resorts in the U.S. and Caribbean for a Fun and Inclusive Getaway 15 Best Places to Retire in Florida

  5. Solo Travel: The Best And Worst Places To Travel Alone

    And of course, there's always risk involved with any type of travel, so it's important to do your own research and take precautions whether going solo or with a group. 1. Best: Japan. Hannah ...

  6. 10 top spots for solo travelers at any time of year

    The island's artistic and spiritual center, Ubud, is where the author found love (and presumably ate and prayed) and it remains a wonderfully laid-back place for solo travelers to relax, reflect and recharge. And Bali is a year-round destination - summer is peak season, but the island has a quieter and calmer charm in winter.

  7. How to Travel Alone, According to Reddit

    Traveling alone has its perks, including more flexibility and ease of mobility, which opens you up to exploring lesser-known locales and attractions. When considering solo travel to Spain ...

  8. 22 Best Solo Road Trip Ideas In The USA (Epic!)

    Each of these iconic places offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the splendor of America's wilderness at its most pristine. -Bret Love & Mary Gabbett from Blue Ridge Mountains Travel Guide. 5. Solo Road Trip Through New York's Finger Lakes Region. Rainbow Falls in Watkins Glen State Park.

  9. Travel Solo for the First Time: Complete Guide for Newbies

    Having a good sense of what solo travel is like and planning for it will go a long way to easing you into your first solo trip. There is a lot of information on Solo Traveler. In fact, there are over 700 posts about the many aspects of solo travel. This post covers the basics of how to travel alone for the first time.

  10. 25 Best Solo Travel Destinations In Europe (Told By Travelers!)

    1. Durbuy, Belgium. belgium is one of the best solo travel destination in europe. There are loads of great destinations for solo travelers but one of the quieter ones that really stands out is a small city called Durbuy in Belgium. When I say small, I mean really small.

  11. The 15 best places to travel alone

    1. Iceland. The aptly-named 'land of fire and ice' is a magnet for nature fanatics, and perfect for those travelling solo. An abundance of caves, caverns, black-sand beaches, waterfalls ...

  12. Year-long solo trip: Advice and tips on loose itinerary requested

    All of my "plans" thus far is a loose hodgepodge of ideas - a sort of loose itinerary, and I anticipate my plans may/will change as I go. I'd love any feedback, advice or ideas from some of you other long-term travelers that have done something similar. I will be working with a budget of about $32,000 USD. My goal is to average $1500 a month ...

  13. 15 Best Trip Destinations for Solo Travel for Women

    Best for those with safety top of mind: Iceland. Best for booking single rooms: Copenhagen, Denmark. Best for free attractions: Washington, D.C. Best walkable destination: Barcelona. Best for ...

  14. 42 of the Best Solo Travel Destinations in the United States

    Savannah is best known for its historic district, filled with beautiful architecture, museums, art galleries and lush green squares — all ideal for solo exploration. Plus, the "Hostess City of ...

  15. Expert advice for female solo travelers

    That's why we asked a few travel-expert colleagues here at Lonely Planet for ideas that any woman setting out alone should keep in mind. Here are 20 tips to keep you safe, grounded and ready to set out for the trip of a lifetime. All by yourself. Akanksha Singh in Portugal. 1. Seek out female hosts (ideally with pets)

  16. Solo Vacations: The 36 Best Places to Travel Alone in 2024

    Santa Fe, New Mexico. Solo travelers seeking clear skies and a laid-back trip should consider visiting Santa Fe. Offering more than 320 days of sunshine per year and plenty of things to do, this ...

  17. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It

    As a solo traveler, you'll meet more travelers and locals than those who travel with a partner. Ask a traveler about the best thing they've done so far or a local for the best hidden gem restaurant in the area. The people you meet and the advice they offer will greatly enrich your trip. 5. Be flexible with your plans.

  18. /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

    Introduction. If you're just starting out on your first-ever solo trip, the thought of planning everything yourself might seem daunting. Never fear; everyone starts somewhere! To get you started, the mods of r/solotravel have compiled this guide to walk you through the very basics. Note that some of the content in this guide overlaps with our ...

  19. Any Reddit'ers out there?

    Information Item: Top 100 Tips for Planning A Solo Trip; Collection of travel blogs and websites (non-commercial) for new solo travelers; Inspirational Traveler Experiences (posts) and Articles on the Power of Solo Travel; My First Solo Trip; Trip Reports - Going Solo; Trip Reports 2 - Going Solo; Trip Reports 3 - Going Solo

  20. 25 Best International Destinations for Solo Travel

    Best tourist destination: Thailand. Underrated hidden gem: Albania. Best for outdoor adventure: Costa Rica. Best for public transportation: Germany. Best for foodies: Vietnam. From castle crawls ...

  21. Fun solo spots for weekend trips in the USA? : r/solotravel

    The food is some of the best in the US. Houston, TX - warm, beautiful sunsets, museums. Portland, OR - similar to Seattle expect smaller and safer, lots of hiking and museums. Chicago, IL - You can make a Chicago trip *less expensive but not cheap. The architectural history is really cool and the food is great.

  22. Solo Travel for Women: The 18 Best Destinations (Plus Tips)

    Solo Travel for Women. For your next solo adventure, consider exploring waterfalls in Iceland, rice fields in Indonesia, beaches in Thailand and more. Perhaps you have a bucket list of places you ...

  23. The Grand Canyon Makes For The Perfect Solo Trip, And Here ...

    As one Reddit user said, it's also a great way to see views of the Grand Canyon that the typical visitor wouldn't even know to exist. There are three main tours to choose from: Grand Sunset Tour. Indian Paintings Tour. Grand Canyon Safari & Rim Tour (a combined walking and 4x4 tour) Depending on how much time one has to spend, any one of these ...