Ultimate Galápagos

Two weeks by luxury private yacht.

Straddling the equator 600 miles west of mainland Ecuador are  Las Islas Encantadas —the Enchanted Islands. Better known as the Galápagos Archipelago, it is one of the premier nature photography locations in the world, and a must-see for anyone who enjoys experiencing wildlife at close range, warm tropical weather, snorkeling with colorful fishes, and al fresco dining under the stars.

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Participants see virtually all of the famous Galápagos wildlife specialties, and photograph many of the incredible and unique life forms that captivated Charles Darwin. One of the great joys of a visit to these islands is the remarkably unwary seabirds, which include such photogenic favorites as the red-footed, blue-footed and Nazca boobies, as well as the flamboyant magnificent frigatebirds with their scarlet throat pouches and aerial acrobatics. These birds of the open ocean allow human approach within a few yards during courtship and breeding. In addition there are elegant swallow-tailed gulls, handsome waved albatrosses, red-billed tropicbirds and flocks of resplendent American flamingos in their feathered finery.

Our extended tour includes the less-visited western side of the archipelago where we photograph, and possibly snorkel with, endearing Galápagos penguins and comical flightless cormorants—both of which are rare endemics of the archipelago. The islands are also home to those marvels of evolution, “Darwin’s finches,” as well as lumbering giant tortoises, marine and land iguanas, colorful Sally Lightfoot crabs and abundant sea lions with their doe-eyed pups. Each island is its own microcosm, different from but integrally linked to, the others of the group.

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Our comprehensive schedule is arranged for early morning and late afternoon photography—the best times for observing and photographing animals and shooting landscapes. Whenever possible between morning and afternoon shooting sessions, we take time to snorkel in the coastal waters of the islands, searching for green sea turtles and enjoying the myriad coral reef fishes that bejewel the clear water.

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We have timed the trip to coincide with one of Nature’s busiest seasons in the islands. Early summer is a time when warm weather, calm seas, blue skies and occasional showers combine to stimulate elaborate courtship displays in the birds and cloak the desert landscape in greenery, Chick rearing has begun, and we will see chick feedings as well as frigatebirds chasing food-laden gulls, terns, pelicans and boobies. 

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We cruise aboard the aptly named  M/V TipTop II —a safe, comfortable, and upscale catamaran that combines a casual barefoot cruising style with spacious cabins and common areas.  Like a floating safari lodge,  TipTop II  offers an excellent “platform” from which to base this exciting photo cruise.  Our roomy vessel provides plenty of outside deck space yet is small enough to reach secluded anchorages that only a smaller ship can provide.

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This voyage has been designed as our Galápagos dream trip. Most trips to the islands are a week in length and confine themselves to the eastern half of the archipelago. These days, popular landing sites have restricted access to make the nature experience a wilder one. Therefore, on weeklong trips, many of the best photo locations may be excluded from an eastern-oriented itinerary to cut down on visitor traffic. Our route and landing permissions take us to all the best visitor sites in the east, but also include Fernandina Island and the western shore of Isabela. In addition to the penguins and cormorants we see there, the area offers great opportunities to shoot American flamingos and rugged volcanic landscapes. We go where the majority of tourists never go and see the islands as they really should be seen—with a small group, at a relaxed pace, and on a new and comfortable boat.

Join us for this exceptional opportunity to photograph all of the extraordinary wildlife of the Galápagos, without sacrificing time to relax, snorkel and get a true “sense of place.”

Tour Itinerary

Day 1 (May 29, 2024) Depart home for Quito, Ecuador. Arrive in late evening and transfer to our hotel.

Day 2 Following breakfast, meet in the hotel lobby at 9 AM.  A comprehensive city tour of Quito provides opportunities to photograph regal metropolitan landscapes and pleasing architectural details in this beautiful colonial city nestled in the slopes of the Andes at 9,200 feet. (NOTE: The tour begins with a walk in the Old City.)

Those who would like to rest in lieu of the city tour can meet the group in the lobby at 7:30 PM for dinner at our hotel. (B, L on city tour, D)

Day 3 Fly to San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos, complete national park formalities and embark our comfortable vessel.  Following lunch, we make our first photography landing in the archipelago. (B at hotel, then all meals aboard ship)

Days 4–16 We have 13 days to photograph at the following productive sites:

Kicker Rock The remains of an eroded lava cone, two towering basalt monoliths rise 500 feet out of the sea—an excellent location for sunset photography.

galapagos photo tours

Santa Cruz Island From the dock at Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island, we have two options—drive into the highlands or visit the town and Charles Darwin Research Station.

In the highlands we explore the lush  scalesia  forests, investigate volcanic craters and lava tubes, and visit a tortoise reserve to photograph these charismatic animals in the wild.

In the small city of Puerto Ayora, we spend time at the Charles Darwin Research Station, which plays a major role in the environmental monitoring of the archipelago.  Here we see rearing pens for giant tortoises from the different islands and have another chance to photograph the large reptiles at close range.  We usually end the day on Santa Cruz in town with time to shop before returning to our vessel for dinner.

South Plaza and North Seymour Islands The Plaza Islands are flat, gently-tilted, lava fault blocks uplifted from beneath the sea.  Our visit is particularly interesting because of several hundred land iguanas that live there among the island’s giant cacti.  Our landing beach is a whelping area for sea lions, and the steep wind-blown cliffs along the southern coast are one of the best locations in the islands to photograph flying red-billed tropicbirds with their elegant streaming tail feathers.

galapagos photo tours

Genovesa Island Genovesa Island is the summit of a partially submerged volcano and circular caldera which has been breached by the sea.  Gentle slopes covered with sprawling  Opuntia  cacti and silvery  palo santo  trees rise 200 feet above the rugged shoreline.  We go ashore at dawn to explore a coral-covered beach and tidal lagoons.  This is the best spot in the islands to photograph great frigatebirds, yellow-crowned night herons and swallow-tailed gulls, as well as lava gulls.  With a total population of just 400 pairs, the sooty-plumaged lava gull is the rarest gull in the world.  In the afternoon we climb the spectacular cliffs of the caldera and hike through a  palo santo  forest, photographing Nazca and red-footed boobies, Galápagos doves and mockingbirds.  There are at least four kinds of Darwin’s finches and the possiblility of finding the endemic race of the elusive short-eared owl.

galapagos photo tours

Close by is the the stark volcanic terrain of Sullivan Bay.  Two hundred years ago an eruption covered the area with molten rock leaving behind dramatic examples of ropy lava and spatter cones, all of which are a graphic photographer’s dream.  We also expect to find Galápagos penguins.

Rábida and Santiago Islands Rábida Island lies at the center of the Galápagos Archipelago.  The reddish sand beach always has clusters of sea lions lounging and loafing in the surf and brown pelicans commonly nest at shoulder height in saltbushes close by.  The island is a good location to search for Galápagos hawks, some of which may perch right over our heads.

A stroll along the intertidal rocks of Puerto Egas on Santiago Island reveals black sand beaches which were the site of a small salt mining industry in the 1960s.  A hike in the area should provide an excellent opportunity to see finches, doves and hawks.  Along the coast, basking marine iguanas, gaudy orange Sally Lightfoot crabs, and feeding American oystercatchers keep us busy until we reach a colony of Galápagos fur seals resting on the black lava rock at the end of our walk.  Snorkeling is good in the waters near our landing beach.

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At Urbina Bay, we search for land iguanas and possibly more giant tortoises.  In the afternoon we explore the beautiful mangrove channels of Elizabeth Bay where we again encounter flightless cormorants.  The sheltered waters are an important mating area for green sea turtles, and snorkeling among the mangroves can be an exciting and novel experience.  At sunset we board pangas to explore three small islets known as Las Marielas ,  home to one of the largest concentrations of Galápagos penguins in the islands.

Punta Moreno is perfect for an afternoon outing.  The stark barren beauty of the lava landscape is dotted with brackish ponds where we search for “shocking pink” American flamingos, as well as ducks and a variety of shorebirds.

galapagos photo tours

Floreana Island Floreana rises to a height of 2,100 feet and is studded with volcanic cinder cones. “Post Office Bay” is one of the key historic sites on the islands.  In the early 1800s, whalers in the area were the first to use an old barrel as a post box to send their mail home to family and friends.  The tradition continues today.  Search the barrel for mail directed to an address near your home, then deliver it when you return. You can also drop off a postcard to see how long it takes to be delivered to you!  Of course, as everywhere in the Galápagos, there is plentiful wildlife here as well.  Darwin’s finches abound and, in a small lagoon behind the beach, herons and shorebirds frequently rest in the vegetation.

An old, eroded volcanic cone offshore is called the Devil’s Crown, and is a roosting site for boobies, pelicans and frigatebirds.  The center of the “crown” provides some of the best snorkeling in the Galápagos.

At Punta Cormorant there are forests of  palo santo  and  scalesia  that harbor the endemic medium tree finch.  The pale green sand beaches and shallow lagoons are home to flamingos, as well as ducks.

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It is hard to resist the antics of the lounging sea lion pups as they frolic in the shoreline surf, wrestle and play with each other, and pester their mothers at Gardner Bay.  All of this is set against a backdrop of turquoise water and azure sky.

Day 17 We return to San Cristóbal Island and visit Puerto Baquerizo Moreno’s Interpretation Center.  Our 10:05 AM flight takes us to Quito by 2:50 PM.  Meet in the hotel lobby at a time TBD to go to dinner in the hotel restaurant.  (B, L on the plane, D)

Day 18 (Jun 15) Depart for home. (B)

Please Note :  Participants should allow for flexibility due to changes in weather, natural history events or other logistical arrangements deemed necessary by our leaders. Final determinations are subject to permits issued by the Galápagos National Park Service.

Our Ship—Tip Top II

The luxurious 104-foot  Tip Top II  offers the elegance and amenities to make your cruise a comfortable and unforgettable experience. Six cabins have twin or king beds, large windows with expansive ocean views, private baths and air conditioning. There are two single cabins with large windows with expansive ocean views, private baths and air conditioning. The yacht’s spacious cabins are much more akin to cabins on a cruise ship rather than the small cabins with upper and lower berths featured on most vessels operating in the Galápagos.

There is a spacious air-conditioned dining room with an excellent dining experience, a well-appointed lounge area and bar, plus many decks—outstanding platforms for photography—with comfortable lounge chairs from which you can enjoy the relaxing sparkle of equatorial waters, discuss photography and natural history with our leaders and fellow travelers, as well as search for seabirds and whales.

Tip Top II

Click to view larger image

Tour Details

2024 Ultimate Galápagos: Easy Activity Level: Luxury yacht, bus, and commercial aircraft transportation. Hiking on sandy beaches, rough lava, and rocky trails. Generally short slow walks infrequently for up to two miles round-trip during a few landings. Transfer from boat to shore in “Zodiac-style” pangas. Occasional wildlife and landscape photography from the pangas. Our pace is relaxed and very conducive for photography, but Gálpagos regulations require the entire group must stay within sight of our local Galápagos guide, and not leaving designated trails. Snorkeling from the boat and beaches in chilly water usually requiring thin wet suits.

Special Terms and Conditions Apply

Tour Highlights

  • Fourteen luxurious cruising days , with plenty of onshore time to explore virtually all of the most photogenic wildlife locations in the Galápagos, as well as the amazing “forgotten” islands of this famous archipelago
  • Cruise in a comfortable and spacious vessel with just 14 photographers and two outstanding leaders.
  • Catamaran provides plenty of outside deck space for photography
  • Colorful boobies, albatrosses, gulls and frigatebirds in courtship display within a few feet of your camera
  • Snorkel with Galápagos penguins, sea lions and spectacular colorful fish
  • Trip includes all meals and shipboard lodging, three nights hotel accommodations in Quito, round-trip flights to from Quito to the Galápagos, Quito city tour, Galápagos National Park fees, Zodiac transportation, photo guides and instruction

Tour Leaders

Wayne lynch.

Wayne Lynch

and local Galápagos naturalist guide

YouTube Video


If you love nature, close encounters with birds, seals, tortoises and flamingos (to name a few) and would enjoy staying on a luxurious yacht with all the amenities in one of the most unique and beautiful places on earth, this trip is for you! Photo ops were phenomenal, good times and memories outstanding! — B. & R.

Rarely does one take a trip in which the details are so totally handled that there is an environment provided for really creative photography. —E. J.

The Galápagos Islands are a must-see for any nature photographer. The trip with Van Os was outstanding in every way and provided incredible photo opportunities. —Peter. B

Trip Reports

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Ultimate Galapagos 2022 Trip Report

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Tour Description

Discover your next favorite photo tour.

Your Photography Adventure Starts Here!

Joseph Van Os Photo Safaris Enrollment Information

2024 ultimate galápagos.

May 29 – Jun 15 2024

ENROLLMENT CONDITIONS 1. REGISTRATION A deposit and completed and signed Registration Form are required to reserve a place on a Van Os Photo Safari.

2. PAYMENTS, CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS All prices are quoted in US dollars and all payments must be paid in US dollars. For deposits only we accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Final payment of the trip fee is due 120 days prior to departure and may be paid by check or bank transfer. If you wish to make your final payment with a credit card a 3% convenience fee will be charged.

We must receive written notice of your cancellation. Based on the cancellation date the following applies:

Trip deposits are non-refundable . 150-91 days before the trip start date: We will refund any payments made exceeding 50% of the total trip cost. 90-61 days before the trip start date: We will refund any payments made exceeding 75% of the total trip cost. Within 60 days of the start of the trip: No refund.

If, on the trip start date , your space has been resold and the tour is full—as designated by “Limit” number of travelers on the tour website page—we will refund your payment, minus the non-refundable trip deposit and any discounts given to resell your space.

No partial refunds are made for unused portions or services of a trip for any reason. Trips are sold as a package only. This policy also applies to tour extensions and independent travel arrangements. Cancellation fees are not transferable.

Emergency evacuation insurance is REQUIRED for this tour. Upon request, we can provide travel insurance options that includes the required medical evacuation insurance. Participants purchasing trip insurance on their own should confirm that emergency evacuation is included in their policy.

3. TRIP INSURANCE We strongly encourage you to protect your travel investment and purchase a comprehensive travel insurance policy that includes emergency evacuation coverage.     We can provide travel insurance options, or it can be purchased online. A CANCEL FOR ANY REASON policy is available. Trip participants without travel protection insurance are considered “self-insured.” Without insurance you assume all risks and losses for any conditions requiring your cancellation.

4. HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS Van Os Photo Safaris are within the capabilities of average people in good health. Some of these trips require the capability of walking for several miles over uneven trails, stepping from a small boat to a wave-washed rocky beach, flying in small planes and helicopters, and occasionally hiking at high elevations—all while carrying an assortment of camera equipment. If you have concerns about your own capabilities and/or fitness as it relates to a trip, please inquire with our office before reserving a space. By forwarding a signed Registration Form and trip deposit, you certify that you do not knowingly have any physical or other conditions of disability that would create a risk for you, or other trip participants and you agree to inform our office in writing if changes in your health, including viral illnesses, occur any time prior to the tour. We reserve the right to request a doctor's statement of good health. The company's or trip leader's judgment shall provide the ultimate determination of an individual's ability to embark upon or to continue a trip. Once a trip has been confirmed, medical circumstances will not be considered as exceptions to our cancellation policy. We assume no responsibility for medical care or for special dietary requirements. Tour members are asked to refrain from smoking with or near the group.

5. CONTACT SCHEDULE Participants will receive three emails before the trip departs: 1. Initial Tour Information sheet confirms the deposit and provides pre-departure information. 2. Invoice/Practical Information provides clothing and photo gear recommendations, climate data, and applicable health advisories. Visa information will also be included (if applicable). 3. Final Tour Information includes arrival instructions, itinerary revisions (if any), hotel addresses, trip telephone contact information and participant list. We provide the trip leader's telephone number(s) and/or email address with final documents so you can inquire about special photographic questions you may have regarding your trip. We welcome your calls or email messages to [email protected].

6. PHOTO SAFARI TRIP FEE INCLUSIONS Information supplied upon enrollment describes the specific details that are included in your trip fee. Generally, these include lodging in double room occupancy, all meals (specified in the itinerary as BLD denoting breakfast, lunch, or dinner), ground transportation during the trip in vans or small busses, internal tour air transportation as specified, meal and baggage tipping, and guide services provided by the trip leaders. Not included are airfare or other transportation from your home to the trip staging location, airport departure taxes, insurance, alcoholic beverages, and bar expenses (plus bottled water and soft drink expenses on international tours outside of North America), tips and gratuities to local guides, phone calls, passport or visa expenses, laundry, or items of a personal nature. Gratuities to Van Os Photo Safaris trip leaders are optional and always appreciated. Rates are based on group tariffs; if the trip does not have sufficient registration, a small party supplement may be charged.

Most of our trips are priced in double occupancy (shared) accommodations. Single accommodation is available for a supplemental cost in many locations; see the pre-departure trip information or call our office for details. You will be charged the single supplement fee if you desire single accommodation or if you wish to have a roommate, but one is not available. In some remote locations, clients with single rooms are infrequently compelled to share a room due to circumstances beyond our control. In such cases, appropriate per diem refunds will be made reflecting the direct cost of the single room at the facility where clients are required to share. There is no additional single supplement fee on ship-based cruises if you request a roommate and one is not available.

Cost increases may occur unexpectedly due to rising costs of airfares, ground transport, fuel surcharges, accommodations, and currency fluctuations, among others. Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. may be compelled to amend prices, and we reserve the right to do so without prior notice. An increase in trip prices shall not be sufficient grounds for any refund of funds paid for the trip other than as determined by the terms of our cancellation policy.

7. LOGISTICS Whenever possible, our trip participants are lodged in comfortable, modern hotels. We select among the best available accommodations but refrain from extravagance. Some interesting photographic destinations are far removed from modern amenities, however, and where necessary we will be accommodated in rustic country inns, cabins, or tented camps.

Meals are always a special part of our trips for the camaraderie they engender and the opportunity they provide to try new foods from different areas. Depending on the trip and specific locale, participants order restaurant meals from the full menu or, less frequently, table d'hôte. Some trips include picnic lunches in the field. Fruit juice for breakfast and coffee or tea is included with the meals. Soft drinks are included with meals on tours within North America. Participants are responsible for their own bar tab (including bottled water, soft drinks, as well as alcoholic beverages on tours outside of North America) at restaurant lunches and dinners.

Our itineraries are intended as examples only. Participants should allow for flexibility due to changes in weather, natural history or cultural events, or other logistical arrangements deemed necessary by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or our leaders.

The second tour leader (and any subsequent additional leaders) listed for each trip on the website will be added as the group size warrants. If only one space remains on a trip, and logistics permit, we accept two people traveling together, even if it exceeds the trip maximum.

8. RESPONSIBILITY Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. and/or their Agents act only as agents for the passenger (trip participant) in regard to travel including, but not limited to, sightseeing, meals, lodging, transportation, and all other services whether by railroad, motor coach, automobile, van, boat, ship or aircraft or any other conveyance, and they assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned for any reason whatsoever, or through the acts, bankruptcy or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out the arrangements of the trip.

They can accept no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay, cancellations or changes in flights or other tour services, and by force majeure including sickness, weather, strike, war, volcanic eruption, terrorist acts, political unrest, quarantine, epidemics, pandemics and outbreaks, or other causes. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger, as trip fees provide for arrangements only for the times and locations stated. Baggage is at the owner's risk entirely.

The right is reserved to 1) substitute hotels of similar category for those indicated and to make any changes in the itinerary or transport where deemed necessary, or caused by changes in flight schedules or equipment substitution; 2) cancel any trip prior to departure due to low enrollment, in which case full refund of the paid trip funds will be given, but Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. is not responsible for any other trip preparation expenses such as penalized or non-refundable air tickets, visa fees, travel insurance premiums and medical related expenses; 3) At the company’s sole discretion, suspend or postpone any trip due to force majeure or disease outbreak in which case the trip may be rescheduled, or a refund issued less any non-refundable deposits paid to tour component providers on behalf of the passenger, or a travel credit given, but Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. is not responsible for any other trip preparation expenses such as penalized or non-refundable air tickets, visa fees and medical related expenses; 4) substitute trip leader(s) for the leader(s) originally specified, in which case the substitution is not a basis for participant cancellation or refund other than provided by our normal cancellation policy; or 5) accept or retain any person as a member of any trip.

Trip prices are based on tariffs and exchange rates in effect at the time of publication and are subject to adjustment in the event of any change therein.

A signed Registration Form with the Enrollment Conditions and Release and Assumption of Risk sections must be returned by each participant prior to the commencement of the trip. Participation by any trip member will be declined in the absence of the signed Registration Form including the Release and Assumption of Risk section, with no trip fee refund. No modification to the Registration Form including the Release and Assumption of Risk section will be accepted.

Should Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur attorney's fees and any costs to enforce this agreement, the enrolling trip participant(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event a lawsuit is filed, the enrolling participant(s) agree(s) to do so solely in the County of Lewis in the State of Washington.


I have read, understand, and agree to the terms, conditions, and provisions of the enrollment information, as stated on the Van Os Photo Safaris Inc. website and the Enrollment Conditions section of this form, especially noting the policy on cancellations, refunds, and limitations on responsibility.

I am aware that during any trip or tour that I am voluntarily participating in under the arrangements of Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., a Washington corporation, and its employees, agents and associates, certain risks and dangers exist while traveling in the United States, foreign countries, and wilderness areas in any country or territory that include the possibility of property damage, bodily injury, and death. There is a possibility of accident or illness occurring without access to immediate or timely medical treatment or facilities. There is a risk of tropical or communicable diseases that may require quarantine and removal from the tour at my expense, food-related illnesses, the risk of personal injury and property damage or delay or inconvenience by forces of nature, wildlife or wildlife models, quarantine, political instability, acts of terrorism, strikes, government restrictions or regulations change, thefts, and the risk of accidents during travel while on foot or by aircraft, train, automobile, van, bus, boat, ship, or other conveyance. I understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this trip or tour.

In consideration of, and as part payment for the right to participate in such trips, tours and/or other activities and services arranged for me by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, agents and associates, I have and do hereby assume all risks, and hereby release Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, shareholders, agents and associates, and will hold them harmless from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, debts, claims, and demands of every kind and nature, howsoever caused, which I now have or which may arise of or in connection with any of my trips or tours and participation in any activities arranged for me by Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, agents and associates.

Should Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., or anyone acting on their behalf, be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this Agreement, I agree to indemnify them and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event any lawsuit is filed, I agree to do so solely in the County of Lewis in the State of Washington and further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict-of-law rules of that state. The terms hereof shall serve as a release and assumption of all risk for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, and for all members of my family.

Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc. may take photos and video during your photo tour and use them for promotional purposes. By making a trip reservation with us, you agree to let us use your name and likeness in any images and video in which you may appear, for our promotional materials, website, or advertising. We may also use any written reviews or photos and video you may provide us with for use on our website and in any advertising and all other forms of publicity. If you prefer to be excluded from this proviso, please let your tour leader know at the beginning of your trip.

If any part, article, paragraph, sentence, or clause of this Agreement is not enforceable, the affected provision shall be curtailed and limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the requirements of the law, and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against Van Os Photo Safaris, Inc., its employees, shareholders, agents, and associates, based on any and all claims from which I have released them.

Get Your Free Ebook A Guide To Organizing And Finding Your Images By John Shaw

Van Os Photo Safaris uses the information you provide to contact you about our upcoming tours, special offers, and trip reports. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information, check out our Privacy Policy.

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Get Your Free Ebook Panorama by John Shaw

Shetzers Photography

Galapagos Photo Tour, East Cruise: Expert-Led Photography Travel

In Upcoming Workshops , Galapagos Photo Workshop by Matt Shetzer May 26, 2022

May 1 - 9, 2025 (ONLY 3 SPACES AVAILABLE)

Important Details

  • $7,995 USD per person
  • Single supplement (private cabin) option of $2,995 USD.

Deposit: $1,000 USD

Group Size: 14 guests, 2 guides

Duration: 9 days, 8 nights. 8 day, 7 night cruise

Skill Level: Beginner to pro

  • Non-photographers get $250 USD off!

Trip Leader: Matt Shetzer

The Galápagos Islands are one of nature’s most stunning works of art.

With wild scenery, rare birds, and abundant animal habitats, they practically demand to be photographed. And our exclusive galapagos photography tours are the best way to get close to these stunning sights.

sally lightfoot crab photographed on our Galapagos photo tour

Galápagos East Route Highlights

The volcanic islands of the Galapagos have the largest number of endemic species in the world: reptiles like the famous giant tortoise, mammals like the Galapagos fur seal, and birds like the Galapagos penguin — the only penguin that lives in the Northern Hemisphere! — can be found nowhere else.

Only four of the islands are inhabited by humans, making them one of the best places in the world to see nature in its true wild state. Animals on the wild islands have no fear of people. They will walk, fly, or swim directly up to you as if posing for that perfect photograph.

The landscapes and scenery of the islands are also entrancing, with stark volcanic rocks, teeming mangrove bays, awesome marine sunsets, and the rare sight of both northern and southern constellations in the sky on clear nights.

Why Choose Our Photo Tour?

  • Our wildlife photography tour allows you to experience the majesty of the Galapagos Islands and learn to take photographs that bring that majesty home. With professional instruction and a luxury yacht whose crew works diligently to keep you safe and comfortable, you’ll have nothing to worry about but taking the best photographs of your life.
  • Even non-photographers will find the tour a thrilling experience as they enjoy opportunities for activities such as wildlife watching, hiking, snorkeling, and exploring landscapes unlike any other on Earth.
  • We’ll follow best practices at every stop to preserve the sensitive ecosystem for future generations. Our expert crew of Galapagos locals will ensure we photograph the landscape and scenery with a respectful, low-impact approach so you can travel to the islands again and again to make new memories.
  • With a maximum of 14 guests served by 8 crew and 2 photography instructors, we can promise you that our cruises are like no other trip you’ll ever take!


Over 90% of Our Clients Are Repeat Customers

Here’s why.

Wildlife images worth sharing and beyond: Matt tailors his expert guidance to your needs

Matt is that person who exceeds at providing a well-organized photographic expedition … he guides you through his evening classes, nightly photo reviews, and on the scene attention in order for you to get the right exposure and composition resulting in photographs that you will want to hang on your wall at home or share with friends and relatives. If you’re looking for workshop that encompasses all the minute details to get the photos you want to be proud of, then Matt Shetzer is the photographer you want to sign up with!

from Nebraska

Elevate your skills and get stunning shots: Matt’s hands-on help makes it worth the investment!

Matt is tireless in making sure all his guests are well accommodated and that they are getting good photos. He makes it easy to get good shots. He conducts very useful workshops in the evening that help prepare you for getting the best possible photos. The trips are dedicated to photography which means lots of time shooting at the best sites … But the most important measure of the success of the trips is the large number of excellent photos I got, which exceeded my expectations!

from California

Clients rate us five out of five stars on Google .


What You’ll Learn on our Photography Tours

At each destination, your trip leader, professional wildlife photographer Matt Shetzer , will be on hand to help you take the best possible photographs. Our Galapagos naturalist will discuss this unique archipelago’s history, geology, and ecology.

After the sun goes down and we’ve enjoyed a delicious dinner the onboard chef prepares, we’ll gather for photography workshops in the comfortable salon. Matt will draw on his decades of experience to teach you about composition, lighting, camera settings, and other techniques to bring out the best in your Galapagos images.

Images From Our Galapagos Photography Tour

A prehistoric looking endemic Marine Iguana poses for a photo showing all its colors

Trip Itinerary Maximizes Your Time With Wildlife

The trip starts in Quito, Ecuador, a lively and historic city where we’ll meet to fly to the islands. We’ll travel to the eastern side of the Galapagos Islands after meeting the yacht on Balta Island. Using two eco-friendly zodiac rafts, we’ll cruise into narrow inlets and up to remote islands on our daily trips.

galapagos photo tours

Galapagos Photo Tour – East Route

Wildlife on the Islands: East Route

The east route takes us to some of the best locations in the world to photograph rare birds in nature.

On the islands we visit, you’ll have opportunities to capture photos of great frigatebirds nesting and displaying their red pouches, blue-footed boobies trying to impress mates with their striking blue feet, and Galapagos penguins leaping into the water to fish. Catch a glimpse of Darwin’s finches, whose distinctive beaks inspired Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

  • Galapagos Penguin (endemic)
  • Blue-footed booby (native)
  • Red-footed booby (native)
  • Nazca booby (native)
  • Galapagos Fur Seals (endemic)
  • Galapagos Sea Lions (endemic sub-species)
  • Greater flamingo (native)
  • Waved albatross (endemic)
  • Great frigatebird (native)
  • Magnificent frigatebird (native)
  • Galapagos Short-eared Owl (endemic)
  • Great blue heron (native)
  • Galapagos flycatcher (endemic)
  • Galapagos mockingbirds (endemic)
  • White-cheeked pintail Duck (native)
  • Darwin’s Finches or Galapagos Finches (endemic)
  • Elliot’s Storm Petrel (native)
  • Galapagos Dove (endemic)
  • Galapagos heron or Lava heron (endemic)
  • Galapagos petrel (endemic)
  • Sally Lightfoot Crabs
  • Santa Fé Iguanas (endemic)
  • Yellow-crowned night heron (native)
  • Lava Cactus
  • Semi-palmated plover (migrant)
  • Española marine iguana (endemic)
  • Española lava lizard (endemic)
  • Black-necked stilt (native)
  • Giant Tortoises (endemic)
  • Galapagos Green Turtle (endemic sub-species)
  • Land Iguana (endemic)
  • Lava Lizards (endemic)
  • Marine Iguana (endemic)
  • Española Mockingbird (endemic)
  • Brown Noddy (native)
  • Brown pelican (native)
  • Cattle egret (native)
  • Galapagos Gull or Swallow-tailed Gull (endemic)
  • Large cactus finch (endemic)
  • Large Ground-finch (endemic)
  • Lava Gull (endemic)
  • Medium ground finch (endemic)
  • Red-billed Tropicbird (native)
  • Sharp-beaked ground-finch or Vampire finch (endemic)
  • Small ground finch (endemic)
  • Small tree finch (endemic)
  • Warbler-finch (endemic)
  • Yellow-Crowned Night Heron (native)
  • Bottle-nosed Dolphin
  • Short-finned Pilot Whale
  • Galapagos Shear-water (endemic)
  • Yellow Warbler (endemic)
  • Sanderling (migrant)
  • Whimbrel (migrant)

While we won’t be able to photograph all these species during our Galapagos photography tour (we can always hope) this list provides a good sample of the Galapagos wildlife that we’ll have opportunities to photograph. See the tour itinerary .

Flamingos are always a favorite of the Galápagos photo workshops

Your Floating Hotel for the Week: Where Luxury Meets Adventure

Our luxury yacht for the week blends luxury and comfort with a 104-foot length and 40-foot beam. Taking only 14 guests, supported by 8 crew members, the yacht provides excellent service, accommodations, and fine dining.

There’s nothing rustic about our floating base for this adventure. It combines the luxury of a fine hotel with the ability to go places a bigger cruise ship could only dream of. Featuring 10 passenger cabins, air conditioning, and private bathrooms, the ship also includes a beautiful sundeck and a combination dining room/salon. Two 12-person zodiac rafts will ferry us daily to and from our destinations.

The crew includes a captain, a mate, an engineer, two deckhands, two cooks, and a naturalist. Many are native to the islands.

galapagos photo tours

Our First Class charter for the week. A 104′ beautiful catamaran.

Double Stateroom

Ready to Start Your Photographic Adventure?

If you’ve been looking for a chance to see new vistas while growing in your favorite hobby, our Galapagos Islands expedition is the trip you’ve been looking for.

Sign up for a Galapagos Photo Tour today and experience what it is like to photograph wildlife so unafraid of humans that you’ll not even need a long lens.

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Tour: 14-Day Galapagos Photo Tour

galapagos photo tours

  • Hands-on photography workshop
  • Sunrise and sunset activities
  • Snorkel with sea lions, sea turtles and marine life
  • Daily photography critiquing by expert photographers
  • Visits to San Cristobal, Floreana, Isabela, Santa Cruz and Seymour Islands

Tour Overview

This expert-led Galapagos photo tour is one part adventure and one part photography workshop.

Each of our Galapagos Photo Tours includes hands-on learning workshops with experienced photographers. Some past tours have been run by National Geographic  photographers Ivan Kashinsky and Karla Gachet. Throughout each photo trip, you’ll have a rare opportunity to hone and improve your photography skills in an open learning environment with industry professionals.

Carefully created by Galakiwi and your photography instructors, each day of the Galapagos photography itinerary has been crafted to provide a mix of adventure and free time. As a land-based photography tour, visiting all the inhabited islands of the Galapagos, your free time will be spent in town getting to know the locals, instead of offshore on a boat.

On the activity side you may find yourself cycling through lush highlands one day, snorkeling with sea lions the next day or hiking to a seaside lookout.

Welcoming wildlife, including blue-footed booby birds, marine iguanas and sea lions, will present you with ample opportunities for close-up and action photography. The quaint towns and farms of the inhabited islands of the Galapagos will also provide you with a great contrast to the inviting wildlife of the archipelago. Photography opportunities abound and each day of this Galapagos photo trip takes advantage of the golden hours of morning and evening light.

On the photography workshop side, your special guest guides will provide advice on different aspects of photography and present a daily challenge. During the course of your Galapagos photo workshop, you’ll complete a project and share your photographic results with the rest of your group.

With plenty of one-on-one time and photo critiquing, this Galapagos photo tour is geared towards passionate amateur photographers wanting to learn more and enthusiasts who may feel that their skill level has hit a plateau and needs a spark.

Nightly recaps and photography chats will round out your days. Over the course of the workshop you’ll learn new skills and gain a deeper understanding of your personal shooting style and preferences. Following the guidance of your instructor you’ll finish this photography workshop armed with the tools needed to advance your hobby or career in photography.

  • 13 Nights Accommodation
  • All activity fees
  • All meals, except where indicated
  • Daily photography workshops
  • Drinking water
  • Internal flights to and from Galapagos
  • Tips for local support crew
  • Transportation between and on islands
  • $100 pp park entry fee - cash only
  • $20 pp Ingala fee - cash only
  • 3 evening meals (budget $5-$15 per person per meal)
  • Drinks other than water
  • Optional Diving (Please inquire in advance)
  • Tip for tour leader/guide

Four of the islands in the Galapagos are inhabited, yet the first inhabited island has the smallest population!

Tortoises live in the water and turtles live on land?


  1. Enchanted Galapagos Islands

    galapagos photo tours

  2. Ecuador Travel & Galapagos Tours with Enchanting Travels

    galapagos photo tours

  3. Fun and Memorable Things to Do in Galapagos Islands Once You Arrive

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  4. A Five-Stop Guide to the Galapagos Islands

    galapagos photo tours

  5. Galapagos Island Hopping

    galapagos photo tours


    galapagos photo tours