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A Child's First Dental Visit Fact Sheet

When should your child first see a dentist? You can take your child at a younger age, but experts recommend taking him or her within 6 months of the first tooth coming in (erupting), or by about 12 months at the latest.

At this time, the dentist can give you information on:

Baby bottle tooth decay

Infant feeding practices

Mouth cleaning

Pacifier habits

Finger-sucking habits

Prepare your child

If possible, schedule morning appointments so young children are alert and fresh.

Prepare a preschooler or older child for the visit by giving him or her a general idea of what to expect. Explain why it is important to go to the dentist. Build excitement and understanding.

Prepare yourself

Discuss your questions and concerns with the dentist. Remember that your feeling toward dental visits can be quite different from your child's. Be honest with your view of the dentist. If you have dental anxieties, be careful not to relate those fears or dislikes to your child. Parents need to give moral support by staying calm while in the dental exam room. Children can pick up parents' anxieties and become anxious themselves.

Prepare the dentist

At the first visit, give the dentist your child's complete health history. For a restoration visit, such as getting a cavity filled, tell the dentist if your child tends to be stubborn, defiant, anxious, or fearful in other situations.

Watch how your child reacts. Many parents are able to guess how their child will respond and should tell the dentist. Certain behaviors may be linked to your child's age:

10 to 24 months. Some securely attached children may get upset when taken from their parents for an exam.

2 to 3 years. A securely attached child may be able to cope with a brief separation from parents. In a 2-year-old, "no" may be a common response.

3 years. Three-year-olds may not be OK being apart from a parent when having a dental procedure such as getting a cavity filled. This is because most 3-year-olds are not socially mature enough to separate from parents.

4 years. Most children should be able to sit in another room from parents for exams and treatment procedures.

The first visit

Your child's first dental visit is to help your child feel comfortable with the dentist. The first dental visit is recommended by 12 months of age, or within 6 months of the first tooth coming in. The first visit often lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on your child's age, the visit may include a full exam of the teeth, jaws, bite, gums, and oral tissues to check growth and development. If needed, your child may also have a gentle cleaning. This includes polishing teeth and removing any plaque, tartar, and stains. The dentist may show you and your child proper home cleaning such as flossing, and advise you on the need for fluoride. Baby teeth fall out, so X-rays aren’t often done. But your child's dentist may recommend X-rays to diagnose decay, depending on your child's age. X-rays are also used to see if the root of a jammed baby tooth may be affecting an adult tooth. In general, it is best that young children not have dental X-rays unless absolutely needed.

The second visit

Just like adults, children should see the dentist every 6 months. Some dentists may schedule visits more often, such as every 3 months. This can build comfort and confidence in the child. More frequent visits can also help keep an eye on a development problem.

Protect your children's teeth at home

 Here are some tips to protect your children's teeth:

Before teeth come in, clean gums with a clean, damp cloth.

Start brushing with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a very small amount of toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) when your child's first tooth appears. Use a pea-sized dab of fluoridated toothpaste after 3 years of age. This is when the child is old enough to spit out the toothpaste after brushing.

Prevent baby bottle tooth decay. Don't give children a bottle of milk, juice, or sweetened liquid at bedtime or when put down to nap.

Limit the time your child has a bottle. Your child should empty a bottle in 5 to 6 minutes or less.

Help your child brush his or her own teeth until age 7 or 8. Have the child watch you brush, and follow the same brushing pattern to reduce missed spots.

Limit foods and treats that increase tooth decay. This includes hard or sticky candies, fruit leather, and sweetened drinks and juice. Offer fruit rather than juice. The fiber in fruit tends to scrape the teeth clean. Juice just exposes the teeth to sugar.

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When Should Baby Visit the Dentist for the First Time?

When to schedule baby's first dental visit, how to choose a dentist for your child, read this next, what happens at baby's first dentist visit, tips to make your child’s dentist visit easier, how often to visit the dentist.

Based on how your toddler’s teeth look, your dentist will let you know when to make the next visit. Most experts recommend that toddlers see the dentist about every six months — as long as there are no major problems. So don’t forget to schedule your child’s second appointment on your way out the door!

What to Expect the First Year , 3rd Edition, Heidi Murkoff. What to Expect the Second Year , Heidi Murkoff. WhatToExpect.com, Toddler Dental Care , March 2019. WhatToExpect.com, Is Your Toddler Teething? , April 2020. WhatToExpect.com, Preventing Cavities and Keeping Baby's Teeth Healthy , April 2020. WhatToExpect.com, Brushing Baby's Teeth , July 2020. American Academy of Pediatrics, Baby's First Tooth: 7 Facts Parents Should Know , November 2020. American Academy of Pediatrics, Good Oral Health Starts Early , November 2020 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Frequently Asked Questions , 2021. American Dental Association, Taking Care of Your Child’s Smile , May 2014.

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A child's first dental visit fact sheet.

When should your child first see a dentist? You can take your child at a younger age, but experts recommend taking your child within 6 months of the first tooth coming in (erupting), or by about 12 months at the latest.

At this time, the dentist can give you information on:

Baby bottle tooth decay

Infant feeding practices

Mouth cleaning

Pacifier habits

Finger-sucking habits

Prepare your child

If possible, schedule morning appointments so young children are alert and fresh.

Prepare a preschooler or older child for the visit by giving them a general idea of what to expect. You can tell them about the exam room, the instruments they might see, the face masks the dentist and hygienist may wear, and the bright exam light. Explain why it is important to go to the dentist. Build excitement and understanding.

Prepare yourself

Discuss your questions and concerns with the dentist. Remember that your feeling toward dental visits can be quite different from your child's. Be honest with your view of the dentist. If you have dental anxieties, be careful not to relate those fears or dislikes to your child. Parents need to give moral support by staying calm while in the dental exam room. Children can pick up parents' anxieties and become anxious themselves.

Prepare the dentist

If you don't know the dentist, interview the person first to see if they sound right for your child's needs and personality. At the first visit, give the dentist your child's complete health history. For a restoration visit, such as getting a cavity filled, tell the dentist if your child tends to be stubborn, defiant, anxious, or fearful in other situations. Ask the dentist how they handle such behavior. If you aren't comfortable with the answer, find another dentist.

Watch how your child reacts. Many parents are able to guess how their child will respond and should tell the dentist. Certain behaviors may be linked to your child's age:

10 to 24 months. Some securely attached children may get upset when taken from their parents for an exam.

2 to 3 years. A securely attached child may be able to cope with a brief separation from parents. In a 2-year-old, "no" may be a common response.

3 years. Three-year-olds may not be OK being apart from a parent when having a dental procedure, such as getting a cavity filled. This is because most 3-year-olds are not socially mature enough to separate from parents.

4 years. Most children should be able to sit in another room from parents for exams and treatment procedures.

The first visit

Your child's first dental visit is to help your child feel comfortable with the dentist. The first dental visit is recommended by 12 months of age, or within 6 months of the first tooth coming in. The first visit often lasts 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on your child's age, the visit may include a full exam of the teeth, jaws, bite, gums, and oral tissues to check growth and development. If needed, your child may also have a gentle cleaning. This includes polishing teeth and removing any plaque, tartar, and stains. The dentist may show you and your child correct home cleaning, such as flossing, and advise you on the need for fluoride. Baby teeth fall out, so X-rays aren’t often done. But your child's dentist may recommend X-rays to diagnose decay, depending on your child's age. X-rays are also used to see if the root of a jammed baby tooth may be affecting an adult tooth. In general, it is best that young children not have dental X-rays unless absolutely needed.

The second visit

Just like adults, children should see the dentist every 6 months. Some dentists may schedule visits more often, such as every 3 months. This can build comfort and confidence in the child. More frequent visits can also help keep an eye on a developmental problem. Talk to your dentist about payment options if the cost of dental care is a problem for you.

Protect your children's teeth at home

 Here are some tips to protect your children's teeth:

Before teeth come in, clean gums with a clean, damp cloth.

Start brushing with a small, soft-bristled toothbrush and a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) when your child's first tooth appears. Use a pea-sized dab of fluoridated toothpaste after 3 years of age. Children should spit after brushing. Encourage them not to swallow extra toothpaste.

Prevent baby bottle tooth decay. Only put breastmilk or formula in bottles. Don't give children a bottle of juice, soft drinks, or sweetened liquid.

Limit the time your child has a bottle. Children should finish bottles before going to sleep.

Encourage your child to use a cup around their first birthday.

Help your child brush their teeth until age 7 or 8. Have the child watch you brush and follow the same brushing pattern to reduce missed spots.

Limit foods and treats that increase tooth decay. This includes hard or sticky candies, fruit leather, and sweetened drinks and juice. Offer fruit rather than juice. The fiber in fruit tends to scrape the teeth clean. Juice just exposes the teeth to sugar.

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When should your child first visit the dentist?

recommended age for first dental visit

Most American children see their family dentist for the first time well after their second birthday, far later than recommended by dental professionals.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that children visit the dentist for the first time by age 1, or within six months of the date their first tooth erupts. Primary teeth typically begin growing in around 6 months of age.

Why caring for baby teeth is important

According to the AAPD, primary (or “baby”) teeth in should stay in place until they’re lost naturally. This is because these teeth serve several important purposes:

  • They help children chew properly.
  • They’re involved in speech development.
  • They save space for permanent teeth.
  • A healthy smile helps children feel good about how they look.

Preparing for your child’s first dentist visit

If you begin taking your children to the dentist around the time the first tooth erupts, then they’re probably too young to be nervous. But if you wait until your children are older than 2 years old to take them to the dentist for the first time, they may feel anxious about their visit.

What’s the best way to prepare your child for the whirring machinery and sharp instruments, and the strangers who will be examining his or her teeth?

  • Give your child a sneak preview . Take your child to your next dental checkup so he or she can watch you have your teeth examined and cleaned.
  • Learn more about it . You can find books and online resources to teach children more about dental health and dentist visits. Try a classic children’s book about going to the dentist for the first time, such as  Curious George Visits the Dentist .
  • Play dentist . Take turns being the dentist and the patient with your child. Examine each other’s teeth with a mirror, or use your fingers to count each other’s teeth so that your child will be familiar with the feel of a dentist examination.
  • Timing is everything . Plan plenty of time so that the dental visit isn’t rushed, and make sure your child is well-rested before the visit so that he or she feels relaxed and comfortable.

Last updated Febrary 3, 2022

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The oral health information on this website is intended for educational purposes only. Always consult a licensed dentist or other qualified health care professional for any questions concerning your oral health.

Decisions in Dentistry

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recommended age for first dental visit

A Child’s First Dental Visit

An exploration of why the age 1 visit is a game changer in terms of overall oral health and childhood caries.


After reading this course, the participant should be able to:

  • Explain the concept and value of a dental home and the Age 1 dental visit, as well as utilization rates for this model of care.
  • Describe fundamental clinical practices and challenges when caring for infants and young children.
  • Detail key issues surrounding childhood caries and the need to educate parents and caregivers of young pediatric patients.

For the better part of the last 100 years, dentistry followed the “see and treat” concept; meaning that oral health care was, for the most part, treatment oriented. Dentists did what they were trained to do, which was to treat dental caries. Most patients visited the dentist to address a specific problem (usually prompted by the occurrence of pain). Many did not consider primary teeth important, since they were looked upon as being transitional, and would soon be exfoliated and replaced by permanent teeth. In fact, in the 1950s some dental offices had signs in their waiting rooms proclaiming, “No children under age 13 treated.”

With an increase in the knowledge of the dental caries process, dentists gradually began to see children at earlier ages. Many dentists were ill equipped to communicate with and/or treat such young patients; consequently, the recommended age for the child’s first dental visit was on or after the 3rd birthday. Dentistry for patients under the age of 3 was largely approached didactically and not clinically. Prevention of dental disease for this group was a mere afterthought.


Once dental caries was understood as a chronic bacterial disease with a behavioral component, the paradigm shifted from treating the resulting damage to addressing the cause (prevention). In turn, this shift had a significant impact on determining the optimal age for the first dental visit.

Dentistry will never “drill its way out” of the early childhood caries (ECC) epidemic. For practitioners to succeed in the fight against ECC, they must improve preventive efforts and manage lesions in their earliest stages. A patient’s risk of developing dental caries starts with the introduction of oral pathogens into an infant’s mouth; therefore, first seeing the dentist at age 3 could prove too late. The age 1 visit not only allows for preventive therapies and early treatment, it also benefits the child by helping to establish optimal feeding and oral hygiene habits.

In a 1992 policy statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics proposed a definition of the medical home and referred to the “delivery of advanced primary care, with the goal of addressing and integrating high quality health promotion, acute care, and chronic condition management in a planned, coordinated and family centered manner.” 2 In 2001, the AAPD adopted its Policy on the Dental Home, based on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ medical home concept. Children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate and routine preventive care and thus have a reduced risk of dental disease. 3

The recommendation for a child’s first dental visit to occur at or before age 1 has been the standard since 2001. Yet, practically speaking, dentistry for patients under the age of 3 continues to be largely spoken of didactically, and not widely implemented clinically in general practice. This is not a criticism as much as an observation. Dentists are busy addressing the functional and physical effects of dental caries and have little time to address the process. Many have not been adequately trained to understand the purpose and method of introducing the age 1 patient to clinical practice. This article will explain the rationale, benefit and technique for implementing the age 1 dental visit. The goal is to make dental practitioners comfortable and competent in meeting this standard of care.


Dental caries is a preventable, chronic disease that is influenced by social and behavioral factors. Improving access to — and the use of — preventive and disease management strategies, along with early dental visits, will contribute to better patient outcomes, reduction of per capita health care expenses, and improved utilization of services.

According to research, annual treatment costs for children who had their first dental visit by age 1 are significantly less than for patients who wait until they are older. 4 Children seen by a dentist before age 1 are more likely to see the dentist on an ongoing basis, and less likely to require restorative or emergency visits. By comparison, those seen for the first time at age 2 and age 3 have an increased need for preventive, restorative and emergency visits over time. 5

Unfortunately, 23% of children continue to experience dental caries, with children from ages 2 to 5 experiencing increasing rates. 6 In 2015, 57% of children on Medicaid did not receive preventive oral health services. 7 Previous research showed that Medicaid patients ages 1 to 5 accounted for 45% of total dental costs, even though this age group represented only 5% of the insured population. 6 In a 2015 retrospective review of privately insured patients, only 1% had their first dental visit by age 1. 8

It is logical to ask, “If so much could be done to enhance oral health with effective preventive strategies implemented in the first year of life, why hasn’t dentistry been more effective in this regard?” This is a good question with a complex answer.

Seldom is a patient under the age of 3 cooperative in the dental office. If the dentist’s role is only restorative, there is a dilemma of how to perform complicated procedures on kicking, screaming and crying patients. In years past, many dentists were ill prepared to cope with such patients, therefore treatment was delayed until after the patients were better able to cooperate, usually after their 3rd birthday.

Only recently have the age 1 visit, the value of a dental home, and the clinical skills to complete an infant oral examination been emphasized in dental school curricula. While practicing general dentists may have been exposed to these concepts, as previously noted, many have not been trained in the delivery of care for such young patients.

In addition, dentists are trained to diagnose and restore the consequences of dental disease. Far too often, dentistry is viewed as a surgical specialty, and the schedules of many dentists are customarily filled with patients having broken-down teeth needing immediate attention. If this pattern is to be reversed, there must be a complete paradigm shift emphasizing preventive care and, when possible, nonsurgical management.

Caries risk assessment for first dental visit


A proper infant oral examination visit rests upon three pillars:

  • Risk assessment
  • Oral examination
  • Anticipatory guidance

Risk Assessment: Effective infant preventive dentistry begins with an assessment of individual risk factors, as established through the medical, social and dental histories (Table 1). Preventive strategies are subsequently developed to address the patient’s specific risk. These activities occur before the patient’s oral exam and are aimed at providing the primary caregiver with adequate information to reduce the risk of dental caries.

Special attention should be given to the primary caregiver’s dental history. The infant’s oral pathogens are the result of vertical transmission from the primary caregiver. Untreated caries and high bacterial counts from periodontal conditions in the caregiver’s mouth result in the infant having a bacterial flora conducive to caries development. 9

Infant at the first dental visit

Feeding habits affect caries risk through both what is eaten, and how it is eaten. Carbohydrate-rich diets are highly cariogenic and should be limited. Feeding on demand and/or at night leads to what was formerly referred to as “baby bottle decay,” but now is now known as ECC. 10 The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend infants be breastfed until age 1. 11 Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding should not be ad lib. Feeding at night increases the risk of caries formation. During sleep, the body’s systems slow and respirations and the heart rate decreases. There is also reduced salivary flow, and this diminishes the natural cleaning and buffering effect of saliva.

Oral Examination: The examination of the infant’s oral cavity takes place in a knee-to-knee fashion (Figure 1). The dentist cradles the infant’s head in his or her lap while supporting the head. The caregiver holds the infant’s hands and feet. It is normal and beneficial for the infant to cry, as this ensures the mouth is open and an adequate visual examination is possible. The dentist should communicate throughout the examination and remain complimentary of the infant and caregiver. Clinical observations should be pointed out, and the provider should demonstrate proper technique for cleaning the teeth using a gauze, toothbrush or washcloth. Finally, fluoride varnish should be applied. (Additional clinical resources are found in Table 2.)

Anticipatory Guidance: In terms of diet and feeding habits, breastfeeding should be encouraged and added carbohydrates avoided. Feeding should be on a schedule and infants should never be put to bed with a bottle. Water after feeding should also be encouraged.

The child should be introduced to toothbrushing when the first tooth erupts. A soft-bristle brush with an age-appropriate amount of fluoridated toothpaste is recommended (refer to the AAPD’s guideline on fluoride use). As noted, the dentist should demonstrate the technique to the caregiver during the knee-to-knee examination. Other sources of fluoride include drinking fluoridated water and use of fluoride varnish, which should be placed on primary teeth at each dental visit.


Resources for first dental visit


Nonnutritive oral habits are common in infants. The caregiver should be assured these are normal and that most infants discontinue them in time. Persistent habits that are causing distortion of the oral cavity can be addressed when the patient is mature enough to want to quit. Until then, the dentist should monitor the habit and any resulting oral changes it is causing.


High-risk patients should be placed on a three-month recall schedule. Fluoride varnish should be applied at these visits. Additional anticipatory guidance information should be reemphasized at each appointment. More information on the infant examination can be found in the AAPD Guideline for Infant Oral Health Care ( aapd.org/ media/ Policies_ Guidelines/ G_ InfantOralHealthCare.pdf ).

Dentists who provide care for pediatric patients are highly encouraged to adopt the age 1 visit. It is the standard of care for young patients and supported by the AAPD, American Dental Association and American Academy of Pediatrics. While preventive measures are important for all patients, waiting to institute these measures at age 3 would be too late for patients at high risk of dental caries. The patient with ECC will require more dental care, incur more expense, and is likely to face a lifetime of caries. For dentistry to address this dilemma in any significant way requires intervention upon the eruption of the first primary tooth.

Just as pediatricians are the primary medical care providers for infants, dentists are the primary oral health care providers for this patient population. The role and responsibility of the dentist is to provide education and training to the parents/caregivers and, when appropriate, the child, too. The value of the child’s first dental visit, and subsequent routine appointments, is not merely the dental prophylaxis. It is the supervision and educational information the parent/caregiver and patient receives from the dental team that will provide a lifetime of value in terms of oral and overall health.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Maintaining and improving the oral health of young children. Section on oral health. Pediatrics. 2014;134:1224–1229.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics. Medical Home definition. Available at: https://www.aap.org/en-us/professional-resources/practice-transformation/ medicalhome/Pages/home.aspx. Accessed January 17, 2019.
  • American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Definition of Dental Home. Available at: http://www.aapd.org/ media/policies_guidelines/d_dentalhome.pdf. Accessed January 17, 2019.
  • Dye BA, Thornton-Evans G, Li X, Iafolla TJ. Dental caries and sealant prevalence in children and adolescents in the United States, 2011–2012. NCHS Data Brief . 2015;191:1–8.
  • Nowak A, Christensen JR, Mabry TR, Townsend JA, Wells MH. Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy through Adolescence . 6th ed. Philidelphia: Saunders; 2018:137.6.
  • Lee JY, Bouwens TJ, Savage MF, Vann WF Jr. Examining the cost-effectiveness of early dental visits. Pediatr Dent . 2006;28:102–105.
  • Casamassimo PS, Hammersmith K, Gross EL, Amini H. Infant oral health: an emerging dental public health measure. Dent Clin North Am . 2018;62:235–244.
  • Kolstad C, Zavras A, Yoon RK. Cost-benefit analysis of the age one dental visit for the privately insured. Pediatr Dent . 2015;37:376–380.
  • Dye BA, Vargas CM, Lee JJ, Magder L, Tinanoff N. Assessing the relationship between children’s oral health status and that of their mothers. J Am Dent Assoc . 2011;142:173–183.
  • Kierce EA, Rainchuso L. Comprehensive approach to early childhood caries. Decisions in Dentistry. 2017;3(12):34–36,39.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics Policy on Breastfeeding. Available at: https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/ Breastfeeding/Pages/AAP-Policy-on-Breastfeeding.aspx. Accessed   January 17, 2019.


From Decisions in Dentistry.  February 2019;5(2):30—32,35.

recommended age for first dental visit

Orpheus L. Triplett, DDS, is an associate professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry, where he serves as director of Community Relations and Outreach. Triplett has more than 20 years experience in private practice and has also served as dental director for Christ Community Health Services, a multisite federally qualified health center in Memphis.

recommended age for first dental visit

Larry Dormois, DDS, MS, is chair of Pediatric Dentistry and Community Oral Health at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Dentistry in Memphis. Board certified by the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, he is also a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American College of Dentists. Dormois serves as an examiner for the American Board of Dentistry and is a site visitor for the Council on Dental Accreditation with the American Dental Association. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Brushing is should start as soon as teeth appear, which can be as early as 4 months. Babies usually get bottom teeth first, then top ones. Don’t get too worked up about when baby teeth come in.

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Your child’s first dental visit 


A child’s first visit to the dentist is an exciting milestone. But it’s also an important appointment that can help set them on a lifelong path toward good oral health.

The right time to schedule a first visit is within six months of their first tooth coming in, or no later than their first birthday. This timing is crucial because it’s important to: 


Learn how to help your child avoid cavities and reduce health risks.

Find out who to call if there is an emergency.

Get to know your child’s dentist.

In the long run, you’ll also save money by learning how to take care of your child’s oral health and reducing the risk of more serious or expensive issues. 

Getting your child ready 

In advance of the visit, give them an idea of what to expect:

Go over what will happen at the appointment (more on that below). And be sure not to pass on any personal fear you may have of dentists to your child.  Give them every opportunity to enjoy their first visit.

Explain why it’s important to go to the dentist and how it keeps them healthy.

Take time to answer any questions they may have. 

Try to schedule a morning appointment when your child is likely to be more awake and attentive. 

The day of the visit, go over what to expect one more time. Don’t share any negative experiences that you or other family members may have had with the dentist – instead, remain calm and positive! Your child will likely mirror the feelings you express about the appointment.

It can help to bring a comfort item or quiet game so they can have a little fun while they wait. It’s also an option to plan a positive reward for after the appointment.

What will happen during the visit?

During the routine exam, the dentist will check your child for cavities and review overall growth and development. The dentist will also demonstrate how to properly brush and floss your child’s teeth at home to make sure you’re as effective as possible in removing the plaque bacteria from all tooth surfaces.

To help you continue to care for your child’s oral health, you and your dentist will also: 

Discuss food, drinks, and habits that can cause cavities and healthy alternatives

Review the vital role fluoride plays in strengthening tooth enamel and protecting your child’s smile

Be given helpful information for preventing accidents as your child grows

Why is it important to practice good oral health care from an early age? Because untreated oral health issues will continue to worsen over time – and more than half of children ages 6 to 8 have had a cavity in at least one baby tooth. 1

By taking your child to the dentist, you’re pointing them toward the path of good oral health. Prepare a little in advance to make sure it’s a great appointment! 

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

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recommended age for first dental visit

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When Should My Child Have Their First Dental Appointment?

First tooth. first birthday. first dental appointment..

As a mom or dad to your little one, you get to experience so many ‘firsts’ right alongside them. Their first word, first day of school, and even their first dental appointment. We want to make your child’s first trip to the dentist a fun and memorable one that sets the tone of healthy habits your child will retain for a lifetime.

How old should my child be when they visit the dentist?

A common question new parents ask is, “How soon should I take my child to the dentist?” According to the American Association of Pediatric Dentists , it’s recommended that kids go in for their first oral health checkup when their baby teeth first begin to emerge or by the time their first birthday comes around. Though it may seem early, this visit is essential to ensure your child doesn’t have any signs of gum or tooth decay and that their teeth are erupting and developing properly. Baby teeth can begin emerging as early as six months, so make sure their dental appointment isn’t far behind!

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common childhood disease, yet it is almost always entirely preventable? Often times, kids will come in for their first appointment at three or four years old with cavities and tooth decay that could have been prevented with a routine checkup. That’s why it’s so important to start them young!

What should I expect at my child’s first visit to the dentist?

Our doctors and staff take extra care to make sure your child has fun at their dental visit and that they’re as comfortable as possible. If your child is nervous about their first dental appointment, we always welcome parents to bring their child by our office to take a look around, meet the staff, and get acclimated to our clinic before your visit with us! If you think this would help your child, feel free to give us a call to schedule a tour of our office.

At your child’s dental appointment, a hygienist will: 

  • Examine and clean your baby’s teeth
  • Show you how to play a role in properly cleaning your baby’s teeth (we know it’s not always easy with those tiny little mouths!),
  • Discuss diet and fluoride needs
  • Recommend oral care products.

Your dentist will then join you and your baby. They will:

  • Examine your baby’s mouth closely to check for any tooth decay
  • Share any concerns they may have regarding your baby’s oral development.
  • Answer all of your questions regarding your baby’s teeth and oral development.

At your child’s first dental appointment, the doctor may conduct what we call a knee-to-knee exam . This technique will help your child feel even more comfortable since they’ll be laid in your lap as we go through their oral health checkup. Your baby’s visit will conclude by us providing a patient dental health bag, complete with a specially-sized infant or toddler toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Find out more about what to expect when accompanying your child to their dental checkup . Online Form – CDH – Organic

Ready to get your child’s smile on track?

To schedule your child’s first appointment, give us a call at 1-(866) KIDS-DENTAL .

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recommended age for first dental visit

A Child’s First Dental Visit: What to Expect

recommended age for first dental visit

In this article

A child’s first dental visit is pivotal in their health care journey. It marks the beginning of a lifelong commitment to oral health.

This first visit isn’t just about checking for cavities or other dental issues⁠—it’s an educational experience for both the child and the parents. This article covers what happens during a child’s first dental visit, including what to expect and how to prepare for the visit.

Introduction to the Dental Office

A child’s first encounter with the dental office is designed to be as welcoming and stress-free as possible. Pediatric dental offices often feature child-friendly decor, including bright colors, toys, and books to make the child feel at ease.

“Remember to bring your child to your local dental office before their first birthday. Before the dental visit, practice opening your child’s mouth at home and counting their teeth.”

Early check-ups help establish a dental home. They also help parents and kids get used to going to the dentist, which can lead to good, lifelong dental habits.

What Happens During the First Dental Visit?

This is what usually happens during your child’s first visit to the dentist:

The Dental Exam

During the exam, the dentist will check the child’s teeth, gums, and jaw for proper development and any signs of potential issues. This examination is gentle and non-invasive.

Dentists will use tools like mouth mirrors to make the child’s experience as comfortable as possible:

“Your child will be given sunglasses, so the light will be blocked out. Your child will be in a knee-to-knee position for the dental exam.”

Cleaning and Preventive Care

A gentle cleaning may be performed, depending on the child’s age and cooperation level. This includes brushing, polishing, and flossing the teeth and removing any plaque or tartar. The dentist may also apply fluoride to help protect the teeth against decay.

“A mouth mirror will be used during the dental exam, and a staff member will show you how to keep your child’s mouth clean.”

Tips for Parents for a Child’s First Dental Visit

Here are some tips for parents bringing their children to the dentist for the first time:

Education and Guidance 

A significant portion of the visit is dedicated to educating parents on proper oral hygiene techniques for their child, dietary recommendations, and managing habits like thumb-sucking.

“After the exam, the dentist will give you useful tips regarding teething and development, how to prevent cavities, proper use of fluoride, ways to prevent accidents and trauma to the teeth, diet, and oral hygiene instructions.”

This information is crucial for parents to help maintain their child’s oral health at home.

Coping with Anxiety

Dentists employ various strategies to make children feel more comfortable, such as explaining procedures in child-friendly language and allowing the child to handle dental instruments.

“Watching a video or reading a children’s book about a dental visit before your child’s appointment can also relieve some anxious feelings towards a dental visit.”

Providing distractions like TV shows or music can also help ease the child’s anxiety.

Pre-Visit Preparation

It’s important for parents to prepare their children for the dentist. You can do the following:

  • Start with storytelling ⁠ — Use children’s books with bright pictures and positive messages to introduce the dentist in a fun way. Share your own positive dental experiences to help them feel comfortable.
  • Role-playing games — Take turns playing dentist and patient with a toothbrush to familiarize them with the process. Create a simple dental kit for them to examine their stuffed animals and dolls, adding an element of fun.
  • Visual and audio aids — Watch engaging videos with characters visiting the dentist to show the positive aspects of dental care. Use interactive apps designed to teach children about dental hygiene and visits in a playful manner.
  • Desensitization — If possible, arrange a casual visit to the dental office beforehand so they can meet the friendly staff and see the environment. Explain the dentist’s tools in simple terms, like the mirror for seeing teeth and the small brush for cleaning.

Follow-up and Future Visits

The first visit also sets the stage for future dental care. Dentists discuss the frequency of visits and what to expect as the child grows.

“Routine evaluations are recommended every 3 to 6 months.”

Regular visits are crucial for monitoring the child’s oral health and addressing any issues early. They’re an opportunity to establish a positive relationship with dental care and to educate parents and children on maintaining good oral health. 

By making the visit informative and stress-free, dental professionals aim to encourage good oral hygiene practices and reduce any potential anxiety associated with dental care.

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  • “What to Expect at Your Child’s 1st Dental Visit.” YouTube, uploaded by Dr. Alida Andersen – Dental Tips, 2017.
  • “What Happens During Child’s First Dental Visit – Children’s Dentist in Camp Hill PA.” YouTube, uploaded by Cumberland Valley Pediatric Dentistry, 2020.
  • “What to Expect at a Child’s First Dental Visit.” YouTube, uploaded by Healthy Smile Happy Child, 2021. 
  • Bagattoni et al. “Preparing Children for Their First Dental Visit: A Guide for Parents.” Healthcare, 2022.
  • Qu et al. “Effects of early preventive dental visits and its associations with dental caries experience: a cross-sectional study.” BMC Oral Health, 2022.
  • “A Child’s First Dental Visit Fact Sheet.” Stanford Medicine Children’s Health.

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recommended age for first dental visit


What Is the Youngest Age to Go to the Dentist?


recommended age for first dental visit

It’s never too early to start thinking about your baby’s dental care. Encouraging good dental habits at a young age can set your child up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. While you can start cleaning your baby’s teeth on your own at home as soon as their teeth begin to appear, knowing when to take your child to the dentist can be less clear.

Below, you’ll learn when a child should see the dentist for the first time, how to prepare for your child’s first dentist appointment and what to expect at the office. Keep reading to discover how to take the best care of your child’s oral health.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

  • When Should A Child See the Dentist for the First Time
  • Why It Is Important for Children to Visit the Dentist Early On
  • How to Prepare Your Child for the Dentist
  • What Happens at a Baby’s First Dentist Appointment

recommended age for first dental visit

When Should a Child See the Dentist for the First Time?

A child should have their first dentist appointment  by the time they’re 1 year old , according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Once a baby starts teething, they should see the dentist within six months of their first tooth coming in. Because infants usually  begin teething between 3 and 6 months old , a baby’s first dentist visit typically happens right around their first birthday.

Dentists take care of more than just teeth — a dental checkup can be beneficial to your infant’s oral health regardless of whether they have teeth yet or not. Even if your child begins teething later than the average age, you can still take them to see the dentist before they develop a tooth. If your child has not gotten a tooth by the time of their first birthday, you should go ahead and bring them in for a dentist visit anyway.

Of course, every child is different, and the answer to “When should I take my child to the dentist?” can vary. Although experts recommend taking your baby to see a pediatric dentist around their first birthday, there is no need to distress if you miss this milestone. Many parents don’t quite hit the one-year mark. It’s common for a young child’s first dentist appointment to happen at age 2, 3 or even 4.

Regardless of when you choose to schedule your child’s first dental exam, make sure you book the appointment with a  reputable board certified pediatric dentist . Just like you would take your baby to a pediatrician for their primary care physician, taking your child to a pediatric dentist ensures they see a qualified professional with expertise in working with children.

Pediatric dentists are specialists who have received extra training beyond dental school to learn how to treat children and provide them with the best experience and care possible. A reliable pediatric dentist will be able to adapt to your child’s age, developmental readiness and temperament to make their first dentist visit comfortable and enjoyable.

Why Is It Important for Children to Go to the Dentist Early On?

Now that you know when you should schedule your baby’s first dentist appointment, it’s time to discuss why you should make it. Discover the importance of a child’s first dental visit with the following advantages:

1. Establish Healthy Oral Care Habits

Children should see the dentist early in their lives because it’s essential to form good oral hygiene habits from the very first tooth. Even before your baby gets their first tooth, you can introduce them to healthy oral hygiene practices by routinely wiping their gums with a damp cloth. Once you start to notice teeth popping in through your child’s gums, begin brushing their gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Those practices and regular dental visits will set your child up with healthy dental hygiene habits early on.

recommended age for first dental visit

2. Prevent Tooth Decay

Visiting the dentist early in life can help your child avoid tooth decay and other oral health problems. About  20% of children experience untreated tooth decay , but you can help prevent this issue by taking your baby to the dentist.

3. Protect Overall Health

Taking your child to the dentist at an early age can help preserve their oral health and general health. Introducing your child to good oral hygiene early on will ensure they have healthy gums and teeth, which will allow them to chew and speak comfortably.

Teaching your children to take care of their oral health early can also help them avoid serious health issues later in life. Concerns like heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis have a  strong link with oral health . Taking the initiative to schedule a dental exam for your child early can protect their oral and overall health for years to come.

4. Provide Parental Education

An early dentist visit can benefit the parents just as much as their infant. At the appointment, your dentist can show you  how to clean your baby’s teeth  and gums properly. They can also supply you with clear instructions on how to prevent tooth decay and other dental problems. Your dentist can address other key childhood dental concerns throughout the appointment based on your infant’s needs, as well.

In particular, your dentist can provide you with information about these topics during your baby’s first dental exam:

  • Mouth cleaning
  • Infant feeding practices
  • Baby bottle tooth decay
  • Pacifier habits
  • Finger-sucking habits
  • Any other infant dental issues you may have questions about

5. Create Positive Associations

Helping your child grow accustomed to visiting the dentist at an early age will teach them that going to the dentist’s office is nothing to worry about.  Approximately 36% of people  experience some anxiety or fear about visiting the dentist. But you can minimize the chances of your child developing these negative feelings by helping them create positive associations with the dentist’s office.

The memories we create in our earliest years can impact us for the rest of our lives, so you should provide your child with fond memories of going to the dentist. At your child’s initial dental exams, the dentist will not do much poking or prodding. Instead, the appointments will be used more as opportunities for your child to become comfortable at the office.

These first few visits will allow your child to familiarize themselves with the staff and build trust with them. Only once your child is comfortable, the dentist will take a look at their mouth. This positive dentist-patient relationship will help your child feel more relaxed about visiting the dentist in the future. Who knows — they may even grow to look forward to each dental appointment!

How Do I Prepare My Child for the Dentist?

While your child’s first dentist appointment may seem daunting, you can make the visit feel more manageable by preparing for it. Being well-prepared will put both you and your child at ease. To help your child’s first dentist visit go smoothly, here are tips on how to prepare your child, yourself and your dentist.

How to Prepare Your Child

The first step to preparing your child for visiting the dentist is to schedule an early morning appointment when your child is fresh and at their most alert. You also want to ensure your child feels as safe and comfortable as possible about going to the dentist’s office. The best way to help your child feel calm is to remain calm yourself. Your child will pick up on your positive view of the dentist and most likely react similarly.

Of course, preparation for visiting the dentist depends on your child’s age, and an infant will not understand as much as a toddler. But babies can sense your tone of voice and feelings, so you should seem happy and excited when talking about their dental appointment. This positivity can have a significant impact on how your child feels about seeing the dentist.

If your child is old enough to have a discussion about seeing the dentist, try to give them a basic idea of what to expect at the visit. Explain in simple terms why going to the dentist is important and how it can help them grow up strong and healthy. You could also read age-appropriate books about the dentist with them to help them relax and alleviate the fear of the unknown.

During your discussion, make sure you choose your words carefully so you don’t frighten your child unnecessarily. Avoid using words that insinuate seeing the dentist will be painful, such as “shot,” “drilling” or “hurt.” Treating a visit to the dentist like it’s not a big deal will signal to your child there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Instead, use positive, non-threatening words to describe in plain language what the dentist will do during the appointment. Use phrases that will make sense to your child, such as telling them the dentist will “brush their teeth,” “count their teeth,” “clean their mouth” and “take pictures of their teeth.” Having some idea of what to expect can help your child feel more at ease with this new experience.

How to Prepare Yourself

Even though you won’t be the one receiving the dental exam, you’ll still need to prepare yourself for your child’s first dentist visit. Discuss any concerns you may have with the dentist before the day of the appointment. Come prepared with a list of any oral health questions you want to ask the dentist so you don’t forget anything important. 

If you have your own dental anxieties, be careful not to let those fears or negative associations influence your child’s view of the dentist. Because children can quickly pick up on their parent’s anxieties and become worried themselves, you can provide moral support by appearing relaxed and calm throughout the appointment.

How to Prepare the Dentist

For your child’s first dentist visit, you will need to provide the dentist with a record of your child’s health history to go over before the appointment. You will also want to let the dentist know if your child tends to be anxious, fearful, stubborn or defiant in certain situations. Depending on your child’s age, you may also alert the dentist of any behavioral or temperamental issues that may occur.

In general, these are the main problems linked with children’s ages:

  • Infants:  Many babies under 1 year old are highly attached to their parents and do not react well to being removed from their parent’s side for the dental exam. To alleviate this, most infants will stay sitting on their parents’ lap during the dental exam.
  • Toddlers:  By the time they reach 3 years, most children can cope with being away from their parents for a brief time. But they may not deal well with being separated for the entire duration of a dental procedure like getting a cavity filled. Therefore, we always allow (and encourage) parents to be in the room during the cleaning and exam.
  • Four-year-olds:  Most children are able to be apart from their parents for dental exams and treatment procedures by the time they’re 4 years old. However, it is still important for parents to be present so they can listen to any feedback from the dental team.

recommended age for first dental visit

What Happens at a Baby’s First Dentist Appointment?

Knowing what to expect at your baby’s first dentist appointment can help you be better prepared. The goal of a first dentist visit is mainly to introduce your child to the office and get them comfortable with the idea of dentistry. The appointment will take less than an hour and show your child the dentist’s office is a safe place to visit .

At Sprout Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, a  typical first dentist appointment  includes:

  • A tour:  To get started, the dentist will show your child the dentist’s chair and the dental tools used for a checkup. They’ll briefly explain what happens when they look at your child’s mouth and teeth. For children who are old enough to understand, having a conversation about the exam and meeting the staff helps them feel calmer and safer. If your child is an infant, a short tour is still beneficial for helping parents to become familiar with the office and staff.
  • An exam:  After the tour, the dentist will begin the exam portion of the visit. Children under 2 years of age will usually sit in their parent’s lap in the dentist’s chair to make them feel more comfortable. During the exam, the dentist will count and assess each tooth along with your child’s gums, bite and jaw.
  • A thorough cleaning:  Each exam includes a routine cleaning, which may be very quick for babies with only a few teeth. For your child’s first visit, the dentist will use a regular toothbrush to complete the cleaning. Using a toothbrush instead of dental tools creates an opportunity to demonstrate proper at-home brushing techniques. Older children who can handle sitting in the dentist’s chair by themselves will receive a cleaning with a soft rubber polishing brush. That tool provides delicate teeth with a gentle, deep clean.
  • A fluoride treatment:  The dentist might apply a fluoride treatment to help protect your child’s enamel and prevent cavities. Although the treatment used to be applied by placing Styrofoam trays filled with fluoride into patients’ mouths, dentists now simply paint a drop or two of a fluoride varnish treatment onto patients’ teeth with a brush. This method is far more comfortable than the old one, takes mere seconds and allows your child to eat or drink immediately following their appointment.

recommended age for first dental visit

Schedule Your Child’s First Dentist Appointment With Sprout Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics

If you’re looking for a friendly, caring dentist office to take your child to, schedule an appointment with Sprout Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics. At Sprout, we’re dedicated to providing the highest quality pediatric dental care in a warm and welcoming environment that kids will actually look forward to visiting. We even offer the option of watching a movie during dental exams and cleanings to help put children at ease.

Along with a thorough exam and cleaning, the Sprout team will offer oral hygiene tips like how to brush your baby’s teeth so you can ensure your child stays healthy in between visits.  Our dental team  loves children and their families and looks forward to becoming your regular pediatric dental choice. No referrals are needed for children to visit our office, so you can  book your appointment  today!

Dr. Dana Fox

Dr. Dana  grew up in Portland and went to Temple University in Philadelphia, PA for dental school. She then moved to Anchorage, AK for her  residency in Pediatric Dentistry . Dr. Dana takes a holistic approach to pediatric dentistry & is able to use her own parenting experience to sympathize and understand each family’s unique dynamic.

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Dental Health Society

When Should I Schedule My Kid’s First Dentist Appointment?

When Should I Schedule My Kid’s First Dentist Appointment?

When your child is born, you find a pediatrician. It may not occur to you that you should also find a dentist. But dental care for your infant or toddler is just as important for their health and development.

What Is the Best Age to Start Visiting the Dentist?

The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry agree that the best time for a child’s first visit to a dentist is by age one. Primary teeth, also called baby teeth, usually start to come in at around six months of age.

The experts here at the Dental Health Society suggest using a developmental milestone instead of a specific age. They advise that your child’s first visit should be within six months of their first teeth erupting (coming through the gums).

Some dentists feel that it’s fine to wait longer, but only if the child has moved from a bottle to drinking from a cup, and does not drink anything overnight. But switching to drinking cups and solid foods is exactly when tooth decay can start setting in. This is another reason why our dentists recommend earlier action.

Still, it can take two years for all of a child’s baby teeth to come in. Permanent teeth won’t start to replace baby teeth until about age six. Over that time, sugary foods, fruit juices, soda, and even milk can settle on gums and baby teeth. For this reason, the first dental visit is usually recommended sooner rather than later.

Why Dental Visits are Necessary

Even with good oral hygiene at home, your child can benefit from visiting the dentist before all of his or her teeth come in. You may think that if you check your child’s teeth regularly, you will see evidence of a cavity if one pops up. But once a cavity is visible as a brown or white spot, or pit in your child’s tooth, it has already spread and will need to be fixed. Regular trips to the dentist can catch these issues before they become problematic.

In addition to discovering potential cavities, a dentist can help with other developmental issues. He can offer parents advice about teething, thumb sucking, and the importance of fluoride.

Concerns That Keep Parents from Scheduling a Dental Appointment

Parents may be tempted to wait until their child is older before they make their first appointment at the dentist. They may think their child isn’t capable of sitting still and following directions during the office visit. They might also think the child will be frightened.

But pediatric dentists and many family dentists are equipped to examine and treat very small children. Parents are often encouraged to participate in the appointment by holding the child so he or she will feel more at ease. The earlier your child becomes familiar with the dentist and the dental office environment, the less fearful they will be.

The goal is to make visiting the dentist something that isn’t scary or uncomfortable. If your child gets used to going to the dentist at a young age, chances are they won’t mind their dental appointments as they grow. The result will be good dental care throughout their life.

When you decide it is time to schedule your kid’s first dentist appointment, read more about how to prepare them.

Finding the Right Dentist

A first dental appointment is an important milestone for a child. It is important to find a dentist that makes both you and your child comfortable. Our article 5 Tips for Finding a Kid-Friendly Dentist will help. If your child is on the autism spectrum, you will want to take even more care in finding the best fit. Our article How to Find a Dentist for a Child Who is “On the Spectrum” for Autism will help guide you.

Rather than taking your child to your regular family dentist, you might feel that a pediatric dentist could be a better option. They are specialists in treating children and offer special accommodations to make little ones more comfortable. They Our articles Does My Kid Need a Pediatric Dentist? will help you decide if one is right for your family.

Are Baby Teeth Important?

You might think that your child’s baby teeth are not important, since they will eventually fall out. But baby teeth can get cavities just like permanent teeth. And those permanent teeth are developing underneath your baby’s teeth. Maintaining healthy baby teeth is vital for the overall dental health in the future.

Baby teeth are not just placeholders for the adult teeth that will come in later. They will also determine other aspects of your child’s development like chewing and talking. If they have trouble chewing their food or with their speech, it could indicate an issue with your child’s teeth or gums. Visiting a dentist will help you identify those issues.

Good Dental Health Begins with You

Even before your baby’s teeth erupt, the same bacteria that cause decay can settle on the gums. Parents should wipe their babies gums regularly using gauze or a soft cloth. Once that first tooth pops out, it is time to start brushing. You should clean your child’s new teeth at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush and a tiny amount of toothpaste. The amount should be about the size of a grain of rice.

Eventually your child will be old enough to hold the toothbrush to brush his or her own teeth. You should continue to supervise them to make sure they are brushing properly. The amount of toothpaste can be increased to the size of a pea.

Routine cleaning before and after teeth appear will get your child used to having someone touch and care for his mouth. This will go a long way to prepare your child for his first visit to the dentist.

Make the First Dental Appointment by the First Birthday

To give your child the best start on good dental health, you should not wait too long to schedule their first dentist appointment. When those first few teeth start to come in, it’s time to start planning that first visit.



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At What Age Should My Child First See a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric Dentistry

As parents, ensuring the health and well-being of our children is always a top priority. One important aspect of a child’s overall health is dental care. A common question among parents is: “At what age should my child first see a pediatric dentist?” The answer might surprise you. Early dental visits are crucial for setting the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. In this blog, we’ll explore the ideal timing for your child’s first dental visit and the reasons why early dental care is so important.

The Recommended Age for the First Dental Visit

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) , a child should have their first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months after the first tooth emerges, whichever comes first. This recommendation might seem early to some parents, but it’s based on the understanding that dental issues can begin to develop as soon as the first tooth appears.

The Importance of Early Dental Visits

Preventing dental problems.

Early dental visits allow a pediatric dentist to monitor the development of your child’s teeth and gums. These initial appointments are crucial for identifying any early signs of dental issues such as tooth decay, which can occur even in very young children. By visiting a Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford early, you can help prevent minor problems from becoming major issues.

Establishing Good Oral Hygiene Habits

Visiting a pediatric dentist early helps establish good oral hygiene habits from a young age. A Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford can guide proper brushing and flossing techniques, and offer advice on nutrition and habits that can impact dental health. This early education is invaluable in helping children develop a routine that promotes healthy teeth and gums throughout their lives.

Reducing Dental Anxiety

Many adults suffer from dental anxiety, often due to negative experiences during childhood. Early and positive dental visits can help children become comfortable with the dental environment, reducing the likelihood of anxiety in the future. A Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford is trained to make these early visits as stress-free and enjoyable as possible for young children.

What to Expect During the First Dental Visit

A gentle introduction.

The first dental visit is usually short and involves very little treatment. It’s more about introducing your child to the dental office and the pediatric dentist in a friendly and non-threatening way. During this visit, the Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford will examine your child’s teeth, gums, jaw, and bite to ensure everything is developing as it should.

Education for Parents

The pediatric dentist will also spend time educating parents on how to care for their child’s teeth. This includes discussing topics such as proper brushing techniques, the importance of fluoride, and how to prevent dental injuries. Parents can also ask any questions they have about their child’s oral health.

Creating a Dental Home

Establishing a “dental home” for your child early on is important. This term refers to the ongoing relationship between the dentist and the patient, encompassing all aspects of oral health care delivered in a comprehensive, continuously accessible, coordinated, and family-centered way. A Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford will become a trusted partner in maintaining your child’s oral health as they grow.

Signs It’s Time for a Dental Visit

While it’s recommended to schedule the first dental visit by your child’s first birthday, there are specific signs that indicate a visit might be necessary even sooner. These include:

  • Eruption of the First Tooth : Schedule a visit within six months after the first tooth appears.
  • Discoloration or Spots : If you notice any white or brown spots on your child’s teeth, it could be a sign of early tooth decay.
  • Injury : If your child experiences a dental injury, it’s important to see a pediatric dentist immediately.

How to Prepare Your Child for the First Visit

Stay positive.

Children can pick up on their parent’s anxieties, so it’s important to stay positive and calm when talking about the dentist. Explain that the dentist is a friendly doctor who helps keep their teeth healthy and strong.

Read Books or Watch Videos

There are many children’s books and videos about visiting the dentist that can help prepare your child for what to expect. These resources can make the idea of a dental visit fun and less intimidating.

Practice at Home

You can play “dentist” at home to familiarize your child with the process. Use a toothbrush to count your child’s teeth and show them how the dentist might look in their mouth.

The Role of Diet in Dental Health

A pediatric dentist will also discuss the role of diet in maintaining healthy teeth. Limiting sugary snacks and drinks can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay. Encouraging a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and dairy products helps provide the necessary nutrients for strong teeth and gums.

Finding the Right Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford

When looking for a Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford, it’s important to choose someone who is experienced in working with children and understands their unique needs. A pediatric dentist should be patient, gentle, and able to create a welcoming and friendly environment for young patients.

Ask for Recommendations

You can start by asking your pediatrician or other parents for recommendations. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into which pediatric dentists are well-regarded in the Pittsford area.

Check Credentials

Ensure that the pediatric dentist is board-certified and has the necessary qualifications to provide specialized care for children. This ensures that they have the training and expertise to handle a variety of pediatric dental issues.

Visit the Office

Before making a decision, visit the dental office to see if it’s a good fit for your child. The office should be clean, child-friendly, and staffed by professionals who are welcoming and accommodating.

The first dental visit is a significant milestone in your child’s life. By scheduling an early visit to a Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford, you can set the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Early dental care helps prevent problems, establishes good habits, and reduces anxiety about dental visits. Remember, the foundation for a healthy smile begins with that first dental appointment. Don’t wait—schedule your child’s first visit to a Pediatric Dentist in Pittsford today and take the first step towards ensuring their oral health for years to come.

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University General Dentists

What’s the Right Age for a Child’s First Dentist Visit?

by University General Dentists Team Member | May 7, 2019 | Dentistry , Oral Health , Pediatric Dentistry

Young boy meeting with his knoxville dentist for the first time

Deciding the right time for a child’s first dentist visit can be tricky. There’s a vast amount of information online with, often, conflicting advice. Some dentists will advise that a child’s first dentist visit should come when all their baby teeth have come in around the age of 2 or 3, and still others will advise only to go in there this early if your child is experiencing issues with their teeth. We dug into the recommendations of countless general dentistry and pediatric dentists alike to get to the bottom of this intriguing question.

Child’s First Dentist Visit

Pediatric dentists tend to preach the “early and often” mantra when it comes to taking your child to the dentist for the first time. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association recommends taking your child to the dentist on their first birthday. Some children’s health practitioners say that it’s okay to wait until their second birthday if they have graduated from a bottle to a cup. This first dentist visit is more about allowing your little one to become familiar with the process and comfortable with visiting the dentist. This comfort with the dentist is established through exposure.

Benefits of Early Dental Visits

Some children don’t get their first tooth in their first year, and if this is your child, then you can delay their first dental visit until it does appear. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) , the average age of a child’s first dental visit is 2.6 years old. Visiting the dentist early in life helps ensure baby or primary teeth stay in place until they fall out naturally. This will not only set your child up for lifelong oral health but ensure that their bite develops at the proper rate and promotes a confident smile. Early visits to the dentist can also help in spotting and circumventing possible issues with spacing, the gums, or the alignment of your child’s teeth that might affect the emergence of an adult tooth or detect future problems early.

Waiting on First Dentist Visit

Many parents don’t receive guidance from their pediatrician, primary care physician, or general dentist regarding dental care for extremely young children. It’s not uncommon for parents to wait until the age of 4 or 5 before they go on their first dentist visit. In fact, a recent survey showed that 17% of parents waited until their child was older than four to go to the dentist. Dentists generally advise against waiting this long, as the risk of dental issues for your child begins as soon as their first tooth arrives. Waiting until children are approaching Kindergarten means that their teeth are more prone to cavities caused by plaque.

Knoxville Pediatric Dentistry & General Dentistry

Obviously, we care deeply about our children and their health. Just like so many health-related issues, everyone is different, and thus no traditional practice dictates when exactly your child should have their first dentist visit. It’s essential, however, not to delay starting your child on the right path to healthy habits. It could be younger than 1, or it could be two years old. By incorporating dental checkups and examinations early in life, parents can also make future trips much less stressful for everyone involved. Whether you have a pediatric dentist in your city or not, most general dentistry offices will see young children. Contact your local dentist to ask them for guidance about when your child should have their first dentist visit or with oral health questions regarding your child.

At University General Dentists, we offer dental care to patients of all ages.  Call us today to schedule your appointment at one of our two Knoxville, TN, locations–University of Tennessee Medical Center 865-305-9440 and West Knoxville at 865-500-5700 .

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What is the best age for a first dental visit?

Baby chewing on a blanket

A new mom excitedly told a friend that she had scheduled her daughter’s first dental appointment. Her friend looked at her like she was crazy. “Your daughter is only 11 months old!” she exclaimed. “She doesn’t need to go to the dentist !” The young mom was confused. Had she acted prematurely? What is the best age for a first dental visit?

At Smiles Dentistry for Kids , we know that parents face conflicting advice on all sides. That’s why Dr. Matt and his Overland Park, KS, team provide parent education in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment . Not only can we help you determine the best age for a first dental visit; we will also explain what you and your child can expect when you come into the office. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment or to find out if your child is ready for the dentist.

When should you schedule the first visit?

Children should have their initial dental appointments around their first birthdays . Some children may need to come in sooner if they are early teethers. Dr. Matt recommends that children visit the dentist no more than six months after their first tooth erupts. 

If your child has not started teething by 12 months , there’s likely no reason to be alarmed. But you should still schedule an appointment so that your pediatric dentist can check your child’s dental development.

What can you expect at your child’s first visit?

For children under age 2, the first dental visit is usually quite brief . We focus on getting them acclimated to the office, monitoring dental development, and helping parents to establish good dental habits. Dr. Matt checks to make sure that teeth are coming in properly. He can even let you know if you can expect new teeth to emerge soon! 

If your child is older than 24 months, it’s certainly not too late to schedule a first dental visit. For older children, we will typically include a routine cleaning, x-rays, and any necessary restorative treatment.

Is early treatment really that important?

Absolutely! Children can easily develop cavities from a young age. In fact, according to the journal Pediatrics , dental costs before age 5 are 40% lower for children who have their first dental visit before age one.

Because we are so firmly committed to early preventive care, we even offer free exams and cleanings for children under the age of two. 

What should you do in between dental visits?

Of course, though dental visits are vital, they are not the only component of children’s oral health. To further protect your little one’s teeth, start brushing twice a day as soon as that first tooth appears . Flossing should begin as soon as there are two touching teeth. As your child gets older, help him to learn how to brush for himself, though you should continue to supervise dental hygiene until you are confident that your child has mastered the skill. 

And, of course, model good dental hygiene yourself and plan healthy, nutrient-dense meals for the family.

Schedule Your First Dental Visit Today

To make your child’s initial appointment, contact Smiles Dentistry for Kids today. 

Reach us online or call us at (913) 685-9990.

Smiles Dentistry For Kids

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How to Prepare for Your Child's First Dental Visit

Medically Reviewed By Colgate Global Scientific Communications

Little girl at dentist holding a teddy bear and high fiving the dentist.

Whether your baby's first tooth popped up this week or your toddler's finally ready to sit still for the dentist, you made your child's first dental appointment. Hooray! The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends scheduling a dental visit as soon as the child's first tooth appears. Still, it's never too late to take your kid to see the dentist. After you've completed the hard work of finding a kid-friendly dentist , you might wonder how to best prepare for your child's first dental visit. Check out these three simple steps and learn what you can expect once your kid's in the dental chair.

Step 1: Schedule the Dental Appointment

Try to schedule your child's first dentist appointment when they will be the least fussy, and make sure they are well-rested and fed before you arrive. While making the appointment, you can also ask about completing health history forms in advance and if the office will need any additional information to help limit the time waiting in the office. A quick call to your dental insurance provider can also confirm your coverage and determine if there will be any additional copays.

Step 2: Prepare for the Dental Appointment

A child's first dental visit should not be a surprise. Take some time to talk to your child about what will happen at the appointment. You can also read books or watch a television show about a friendly dental visit to help them visualize what it will be like. If your child is older, you can make a pretend trip to the dentist and practice opening their mouth wide to count their teeth. For more ambitious parents, the internet provides a variety of crafts to teach your children the importance of taking care of your teeth. Parents can also prepare for a child's first visit by completing any paperwork, writing down the child's medications, and making a list of any questions.

Step 3: Make the Dental Appointment Fun

Keeping a positive attitude and talking excitedly about the dental visit will go a long way in making your child feel comfortable instead of scared. However, if you sense your child is nervous, bring along a stuffed animal friend. The "friend" — or an older sibling — can go first, and the dental professional can demonstrate what will happen next or answer any of the child's questions. If your child still has dental anxiety , there are many things you can do to make them feel safe. Many dentists will provide a reward at the end of the appointment, but you may also want to pack a treat. Stickers, a new toothbrush, or a small toy all make great rewards.

What to Expect at Your Baby's First Dental Appointment

Depending on how comfortable — or wiggly — your child is, they may sit directly in the chair or in your lap. The dentist will check their jaw, teeth, and gums for proper development, cavities, or other issues. Either the dentist or dental hygienist will clean the child's teeth and provide education on how to properly take care of your child's teeth and gums. At the end of the appointment, the dentist can answer any questions you may have — from pacifier use to the best nutrition for healthy teeth.

Setting a positive precedent for dental appointments at an early age can help children create lifelong oral hygiene habits. By following these steps and taking the time to prepare for your child's first dental visit, you can help your child enjoy the dentist and look forward to future appointments.

Oral Care Center articles are reviewed by an oral health medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your dentist, physician or other qualified healthcare provider. 


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recommended age for first dental visit

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When Should A Child Have Their First Dental Visit?

When Should A Child Have Their First Dental Visit?

Team December 30, 2022 Pediatric Dentistry

The first dental visit is an important milestone in a child’s life. It starts them on the right track to a lifetime of dental health. If you’re a first time parent, you may be wondering when you should take your child to the dentist for the first time. You may be surprised, because the first dental visit should be earlier than you think. 

Best Age For the First Dental Exam

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should have their first dental exam within 6 months of the eruption of their first tooth or by age one. This means professional dental care should begin in infancy. 

Why Should the First Dental Visit Be So Early? 

Many parents wonder why they need to take their baby to the dentist so early. There are many reasons for early dental care: 

  • Assess current dental health. Any teeth that have erupted and are showing above the gum line should be evaluated. It is never too early for tooth decay to occur.
  • Assess current oral health. It is also important for the dentist to check the soft tissues of your baby’s mouth, including the gums. Even when there are not many teeth in place yet, the gums can still develop infection. 
  • Clean any existing teeth. If possible, any existing teeth should be cleaned, as long as it can be done without causing any stress or fear. No force or pressure to comply; just kind and gentle encouragement. 
  • Introduce your child to the experience. The goal of the first appointment is to introduce your child to the experience of going to the dentist. When the first experience is positive, it helps your child develop a positive association with dental care. Each consecutive visit every 6 months will reinforce the concept. 

What if My Child Has No Teeth By Age One? 

The average age for teeth to erupt is between 6 and 12 months. Parents are sometimes concerned if the first tooth hasn’t come in by their child’s first birthday. There is no reason to worry, because babies develop at different rates. It is still a good idea to make an appointment for a dental examination in case there is a problem preventing the teeth from erupting. 

Babies get teeth at different ages due primarily to genetics. Interestingly, the sooner your baby’s first tooth comes in, the sooner they tend to lose their first tooth later in childhood. 

How Should I Care For My Baby’s Teeth and Gums?

From birth you should clean your baby’s gums with a clean washcloth once a day. Once they are a few months old, you can use a silicone finger toothbrush to clean their gums. After the eruption of the first tooth, use a soft bristled infant toothbrush and a tiny dab of fluoride toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice) to brush any teeth that are visible above the gums. You should also brush the gum tissue where there are not yet any teeth showing. This should keep your baby’s teeth and gums healthy between dental visits. 

Emerson Dental Provides Pediatric Dentistry 

Emerson Dental provides pediatric dentistry for children beginning with the first appointment when they are around a year old. We strive to establish a positive relationship with your child from the start so that they feel comfortable going to the dentist and having their teeth cleaned and examined. Our doctors and staff provide compassionate, gentle dental care for all patients from the youngest to the oldest. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.


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  20. What is the best age for a first dental visit?

    In fact, according to the journal Pediatrics, dental costs before age 5 are 40% lower for children who have their first dental visit before age one. Because we are so firmly committed to early preventive care, we even offer free exams and cleanings for children under the age of two.

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    Step 3: Make the Dental Appointment Fun. Keeping a positive attitude and talking excitedly about the dental visit will go a long way in making your child feel comfortable instead of scared. However, if you sense your child is nervous, bring along a stuffed animal friend. The "friend" — or an older sibling — can go first, and the dental ...

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    The first dental visit is an important milestone in a child's life. It starts them on the right track to a lifetime of dental health. If you're a first time parent, you may be wondering when you should take your child to the dentist for the first time. ... Best Age For the First Dental Exam. According to the American Academy of Pediatric ...

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