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Traveling Red Hatters

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Editor’s note: This is the first installment of a new bimonthly feature in The Group Travel Leader that will profile the many types of groups that are traveling throughout the United States and internationally.

You spot them in airports, hotels, convention halls, and restaurants; on cruise ships; and in a hundred other places. They’re proudly wearing their signature red hats and purple outfits, and although you may hate to admit it, they seem to be smiling, laughing and having more fun than you are.

They’re members of the Red Hat Society (RHS), an international society of women age 50 or older dedicated to reshaping the way women are viewed in today’s culture.

Founded in 1998, the society embraces five F’s: fun, friendship, freedom, fulfillment and fitness. The Red Hatters really know how to get out there. “It’s amazing, our women love to travel. I don’t think there’s a cruise out there that doesn’t have Red Hatters on it,” said Debra Granich, CEO of the RHS based in Fullerton, Calif.

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RHS has 70,000-plus members in 20,000 local chapters. Marlene Matthews is a member of two chapters: Ramblin’ Roses of Orange County, Calif., and a travel group with a pirate theme called Wenches Gone Wild.

“It’s a fun chapter that only gets together at conventions,” said Matthews. “It started at one in Savannah, Ga., where they arranged dinner at a place called the Pirate House. Some of us modified our red hat attire and took on a pirate motif.

“Since then, we’ve had pirate wench luncheons and dinners in Washington, D.C.; San Diego; Detroit; Dallas; all over.”

Matthews has twice gone to the annual New Year’s Day Parade in London, at which hundreds of Red Hatters march or ride atop double-decker buses.

“It was quite a sight to see people line the streets and wave,” said Matthews. “After one parade, we got together with Red Hatters from England at a tea back at the hotel.”

Matthews expects to be in New Orleans this summer for the RHS international convention. Her husband doesn’t enjoy traveling, so she’s free to take off to meet up with Red Hat girlfriends.

“I joined the Red Hat Society to have lunch with local ladies in my city, but that’s taken a back seat. My main priority now is about where I can go with the Red Hat Society,” she said.

Granich is proud that whenever RHS holds a convention, it’s at a top-tier vacation site.

“Women come to see the city, get to know it, as well as meet and celebrate fun and friendship with their sisters,” she said.

The society offers travel packages and events for woman of all ages and economic backgrounds.

“It’s not about age or what you look like. It’s about what you feel within,” Granich said. “I’ve invited guests to our events, and they see what we do and the love and camaraderie that are shared.”

RHS marketing director Emily Yost chimes in that age isn’t an obstacle to travel. “The older they are the more they’re free to embrace getting out there and doing what they’ve always wanted to do,” she said. “Quite honestly, sometimes they wear us out and are up dancing the night away longer than we are.

“We make accommodations for anyone with special needs and make sure our events include time to sit, play and rest.”

Granich remembers her transition to full-fledged Red Hatter while on a cruise in Alaska. “Two hundred fifty women celebrated me entering my 50th year. We took over a restaurant, and they ‘red-uated’ me, meaning I was transformed from wearing a pink hat and lavender clothing — reserved for women under 50 — to someone who could wear a red hat and purple clothing. “The lesson — there was a whole life awaiting me after age 50.”

Mary Bahnmaier is with several local chapters including S.A.S.S., or South Awesome Sassy Sisters, based in Lawrence, Kan. She’s cruised with Red Hatters in the Caribbean, Alaska and Hawaii, and out of Houston.

“In many places, people want to take your picture, especially if they have relatives, mothers or grandmothers who are also Red Hatters,” she said.

Bahnmaier and her friends love to combine road trips with attending RHS conventions. A regional convention in Chicago included side trips to Mall of America in suburban Minneapolis; Mackinaw Island, Mich.; and Lincoln’s Springfield, Ill.

A national convention in Orlando, Fla., included visits to Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta; Savannah, Ga.; Charleston, S.C.; and St. Augustine, Fla. She’s also attended the London parade four of the past five years.

“It was great. We had a ball. Red Hatters always have fun,” she said. To join the Red Hat Society or to form a chapter, visit or call 1-866-FUN-AT-50 (386-2850). America’s Traveling Groups A bimonthly GTL series There are now more than 400 Red Hat travel organizers and members receiving The Group Travel Leader each month and attending GLAMER Chapter Meetings in their cities. Watch for our next feature in our series, America’s Traveling Groups, in May, when we profile alumni travel programs across America.

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Using GDB to time travel

Time traveling is an extremely useful tool for developers that found a bug in their code. Beyond wanting to travel to a future where the bug is fixed, developers will usually try to slow down time with a debugger, so they can examine where things go wrong. But what if even with a debugger, it is still too late and the bug has already happened? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go back in time and see it happening in real time?

Let’s talk about time travel debugging. In this post, I’ll go over the following commands:

  • record stop
  • record save
  • record full restore
  • reverse-next ( rn )
  • reverse-step ( rs )
  • set exec-direction
  • reverse-continue ( rc )

As a final note, there are many implementations on many different debuggers, but this post will be focusing on GNU Debugger’s (GDB) record-full implementation. Other options are mentioned at the end, but to follow this tutorial, all you’ll need is GDB in Linux .

Why would I want to go back?

When I tell anyone about this feature, one of the most common questions I get is “why would I do that?”. There are many situations where the code that reports an error is after all the code that could generate that error in the first place. Take the following toy code as an example:

This little toy shows a very common pattern in programming in general, where you’ll first do a lot of processing, and later verify if the result is correct. This pattern is useful and sometimes necessary, since data can interact in complex ways, but it can make debugging an issue incredibly difficult. Let’s run this program and hope it doesn’t have any issues:

Oh oops, who could have seen this coming! In one of the iterations, the inferior (i.e., the program we’re debugging) thinks the array isn’t sorted. We could go forward and check each iteration, but we don’t know if the problem is sorting the array or checking if it is sorted, and we don’t know which of the 5 iterations is incorrect. The fastest way to find the problem is setting a breakpoint at line 42, meaning we will stop at the failing iteration:

Stopping at the breakpoint, we can confirm that the array really is unsorted, so we don’t have to worry about debugging the sorted function, but there isn’t much more we can do. We could try to find some unique way to identify the iteration and go from the start, but that isn’t always possible (like in this case), so without the ability to go back, all we can do is check all 5 invocations of  bubble_sort searching for the one which produces the incorrect result. This is one of the easiest use cases to see how time travel debugging can be used, because—now that we know we are in a faulty iteration—we could time travel to the start of the iteration and only analyze the incorrect one.

Other use cases include unreliable bugs—so that you can stop when the problem happens and study what non-deterministic thing changes between executions—and unexpected side effects—in case you skip a function and realize later that it is the reason a bug is happening.

I’m convinced. How do I time travel?

First we need to restart the inferior. Despite calling it “time travel”, what the record-full system actually does is record the execution of the inferior, which allows you to “rewind the tape” and see what was recorded in the past, rather than true time travel. That’s why it is more often called "reverse debugging".

With this in mind, let’s start again, and record the execution until right before the error is reported:

Note, we have to start the inferior before asking to record because GDB resets the recording state between runs.

We’re back to where we were before, but now we can go back to the end of the bubble_sort . For that, let’s look at the next 2 interesting commands:  reverse-next ( rn ) and  reverse-step ( rs ). Similar to their forward counterparts, these functions tell GDB to execute the inferior until we reach a different line, with next skipping function calls and step entering those calls. For example:

In this case, we’re next-ing over the call to sorted, and then step-ing into the call to  bubble_sort . Notice how we can’t really see which function we’ll be stepping into, but rather which function we just skipped. This is unfortunately a limitation of the information GDB has to print the current location. I’ll talk about the major limitations closer to the end. If you plan on issuing many commands moving backwards, you can set the execution direction to be  reverse , instead of prefixing commands with  reverse- . To show one more neat feature, let’s continue to the start of  bubble_sort :

Notice that we asked GDB to place a breakpoint in code that we have executed before, and GDB recognized that it was hit anyway. This also works for watchpoints and such. Ideally, a user shouldn’t care if the execution is going forwards or backwards when issuing commands for inferior execution. At this point, you’re free to continue debugging as normal, and finding the problem on line 5 ( j should be initialized to 0).

One final interesting set of instructions for particularly complex bugs, or ones that refuse to present themselves in the development environment, are the commands  record save and  record full restore . Since we have the full execution history in memory, GDB is able to write everything that happened and load later. This means you can grab the execution log in one machine and debug in another, or send the execution log to a coworker. However, this feature has been very broken between GDB 10 and GDB 15.1 (the latest release),but a fix is already merged and will be in the next version of GDB (likely 15.2).

Also be aware that GDB expects the recording to be from a CPU with a similar architecture, and the same registers available. I’m not sure what happens if you load a recording that attempts to modify registers your machine doesn’t have, but I can only imagine that the best case scenario would be GDB crashing.

Which leads us nicely into the next section...

You mentioned limitations?

Yes, I did. Reverse debugging is all well and good in theory, but each implementation comes with its drawbacks, and  record full has a few very important ones.  First, there are memory considerations, since all the changes are saved in memory. By default, GDB keeps the latest 200 thousand instructions, each of which consuming at least 96 bytes, usually more due to implementation details (explained in  this talk if you’re curious). This means that to fill the default instruction size, you need at least 18 Gb of ram in the machine that is running GDB. To avoid stopping your system entirely, you may want to reduce the maximum number of recorded instructions.

The second big limitation is spotty support. Most notably, we can’t record multi-threaded programs. GDB won’t complain if you try, and will do its best, but this will only make a mess of the recorded history. Beyond this, there are still a few architectures that  record full doesn’t support—most notably RISC-V—and GDB won’t let you record at all if you try. Also, unfortunately, x86_64 is only partially supported. If you try to record the execution of an AVX, AVX2, or AVX512 instruction (so using optimized libc functions or similar) GDB will say it can’t understand them and refuse to move forward. I have been working on  supporting them , and hope to have some land on GDB 16, but that will depend on many factors and might not happen.

Thirdly, there is a very noticeable slowdown when recording, due to it being completely implemented in software. It is hard to calculate the slowdown, as memory usage is very large, swap and caching issues may happen and so on, but as a benchmark, I tried recording a simple program that calculates the 35th fibonacci number, and it was slowed down by 130 thousand times, while the internet seems to agree on 50 thousand times. My best suggestion is to get as close to the error location as possible, to minimize the effect. We GDB developers are keenly aware of this, but it is a layered problem to solve, and unfortunately not a priority yet.

Finally, the user experience is lacking. I have already highlighted that it’s hard to know which function you’ll be stepping into or what you’ll be undoing, since GDB doesn’t have a way to ask “what was the previously executed line” to the recording. We also have issues with missing commands, like function-call-history , which is implemented for record btrace but not record full . There has been some recent movement in this area, though, with improvements to  error messages and  some commands finally being implemented.

If most of these limitations are too important for you, there are other options that manage almost everything. The only limitation that can't be worked around is the user experience, since every option I have experience with still uses GDB as a front end, so it still rules over the user experience.

What are the other options?

As I mentioned at the very beginning of this post, there are many implementations for reverse debugging. I know of 2 other major implementations: GDB’s  record btrace and RR .

btrace has the advantage of also being built into GDB (so no extra programs or configuration is needed), the slowdown is manageable, and it can handle multi-threaded programs; however, it is dependent on an Intel hardware feature, so it supports very few CPUs. btrace is also only able to record the program counter, so while you will be able to see the path your software took, you won’t know what the memory looked like in the past. To use btrace recording, just switch the record command to  record btrace . Everything else should work the same, with the exception of  record save and  record full restore , which is not implemented at all for  btrace .

RR (record and replay) is a different program that is able to quickly record the execution of almost any program, but only in a select few microarchitectures. Will Cohen has a  blog post explaining how to operate it, so I won’t go into details. Will’s post misses one important limitation, which is that if some part of the program depends on non-deterministic instructions, like  RdRand , RR may see an inconsistent state and crash.

In this post, I explained why and how to use GDB’s reverse debugging facility. I hope this post was informative and gave you a new way to solve those pesky problems that always crop up in our perfect software. If you are in need of more debugging tips, check out  how to make full use of breakpoints , or  how to debug lambdas in GDB .

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Is the Red Hat Society a Viable Group Travel Market?

Affinity Travel , Expert Advice

Red Hat Society

We are the mothers, grandmothers and daughters of society, so say a jubilant group of women who don red hats and purple dress-up outfits and play with girlfriends who are all members of the Red Hat Society.

The Red Hat Society is based on a philosophy of giving yourself and life a break by embracing and enjoying all things privately longed for, to share your joy within a sisterhood of Red Hatters, and do it all with style and a lot of fanfare. The organizations genius stems from a fun birthday celebration when Sue Ellen Cooper, Red Hat Societys now Exalted Queen Mother, gave a copy of the Jenny Joseph poem Warning and a bright red vintage fedora to a friend who was celebrating her 55th birthday. Taking the poems message to heart, they and a group of girlfriends decided to meet on a regular basis and live the message. Throwing caution to the wind, following the prescribed dress code and calling themselves the Red Hat Society, these fun-loving ladies traveled around conservative Orange County, Calif., having a jolly good time. It was not long before they caught the attention of a local news reporter whose story about the society was picked up by the wire service. As soon as the first story hit the papers, Sue Ellen received hundreds, and then thousands, of emails asking how to join her group. I did not know where this was going, but I knew we would have fun getting there, said Sue Ellen.

The Beginnings of the Red Hat Society

The concept of the Red Hat Society has been infectious and now boasts more than 40,000 chapters in 33 countries. The typical chapter has 20-25 members, though some are larger. Membership is primarily women age 50 years and older. The groups trademark is to wear a stylish purple ensemble with a stunning red hat, and younger members wear pink and lavender. The organization is very loosely structured, having only a few rules and formalities. Whoever starts a chapter is referred to as Queen or Queen Mother. All members have an opportunity to join the Red Hats Purple Perks merchandise and service discount program.

Each chapter organizes get-togethers that are fitting to the style that is most appealing to its membership. Most include a luncheon or tea, and many take trips to the theater, a museum, shopping center and to events promoted for Red Hatters. At some point in every gathering, the Queen Mother will calm the members chatter and ask, Ladies, what should we do and where should we go next? Members offer suggestions and the group votes on what they think are good ideas. More often than not, whoever brought forth the idea is put in charge of making the arrangements.

Viability of Red Hat Society as Group Travel Prospects

Professional travel companies find that making a connection with one chapter member is a great way to secure an inside ambassador who can pitch the company’s packages to the membership. Most companies that work with Red Hatters agree on certain key elements to keep in mind when packaging for these groups. Never forget the philosophy of the Society and avoid anything that might interfere with the ladies having fun and a good laugh. Standard sightseeing does not work for Red Hatters; most positively respond to a trip that has quirks, themes and fun surprises. Main Street Tours has been effective in developing this kind of relationship with several groups in Southern California. We find that most groups make their own trip arrangements when there is only one feature to be organized, said Shawn Tokudomi of Main Street. This tour operator is well known for its unique and clever packaging ideas, and of the 20 Red Hat groups we operated this last year, our Chocolate Covered LA was by far the most popular. This itinerary includes visits to a chocolate packinghouse, candy-maker, Chado Tea Room for chocolate infused tea and other delights.

The word is out that Hatters love a party. More and more attractions and destinations are creating a celebration day just for Red Hat clubs.

Suppliers are taking notice and developing travel packages for the Red Hat Society groups. Bonfante Gardens in Gilroy, Calif, reserves a spring day just for Red Hat Chapters. The park is closed to other guests and special amenities are arranged, including horticultural tours of the grounds, an all-you-can-eat picnic lunch and Red Hat afternoon tea. Groups came from all over Northern California and Nevada, said David Slone, one of the visiting Red Hat Day husbands.


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Ryazan Oblast, Russia

The capital city of Ryazan oblast: Ryazan .

Ryazan Oblast - Overview

Ryazan Oblast is a federal subject of Russia located in the center of the European part of the country, in the Central Federal District. Ryazan is the capital city of the region.

The population of Ryazan Oblast is about 1,085,100 (2022), the area - 39,605 sq. km.

Ryazan oblast flag

Ryazan oblast coat of arms.

Ryazan oblast coat of arms

Ryazan oblast map, Russia

Ryazan oblast latest news and posts from our blog:.

8 August, 2017 / Ryazan Kremlin - one of the oldest museums in Russia .

27 February, 2017 / Vvedensky Church in Pet - the gem of the Ryazan region .

15 July, 2010 / The architectural monuments of Ryazan oblast photos .

24 May, 2010 / Ryazan oblast beautiful abandoned cathedral photos .

History of Ryazan Oblast

According to archaeological excavations, the first people settled in what is now the Ryazan region in the Upper Paleolithic (15 - 25 thousand years ago). The first known inhabitants of this area were the tribes of Finno-Ugric group: Mer, Ves, Muroma, Meshchera, Mordvinians and others, who gave a lot of preserved to this day geographical names.

The Slavic tribes moved to the east at the end of the 1st millennium AD. The tribes of Vyatichi and Radimichi settled in the upper and middle reaches of the Oka River. Over time, these lands came under the control of the Kiev principality. Further expansion of the Slavs to the east was stopped by the Kama Bulgars.

According to the latest archaeological data, the town of Staraya (Old) Ryazan was founded in the 10th century (about 50 km south-east of the present Ryazan). The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky was first mentioned in 1095.

In the 13th century, the Ryazan Principality, with its core in the middle reaches of the Oka, extended south to the Voronezh and Don rivers.

Despite the vast territory of the region and mixed composition of the population, it was gradually exposed to the Christianization, a lot of churches and monasteries were built. In the 12th century, Olgovsky Assumption Monastery was founded (the present village of Lgovo) - one of the oldest monasteries in the North-Eastern Russia.

More Historical Facts…

In 1237, Staraya Ryazan, the capital of the principality, was destroyed during the Mongol invasion. After that, its place in the principality was gradually taken by Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, which, later, inherited the name of the former capital.

The rise of the Ryazan Principality is usually associated with Prince Oleg Ivanovich (1350-1402), who, with varying degrees of success, competed with the Moscow princes. His descendants were not so successful in opposing Moscow and the Ryazan principality ceased to exist in 1521 and became part of the Moscow Principality.

In the 16th-17th centuries, the Ryazan region, being the southern boundary of the Russian state, suffered from frequent devastating raids of nomads. Ryazan guberniya (province) of the Russian Empire was established by the decree of Catherine II in 1778. The town of Pereyaslavl-Ryazansky, the administrative center of the province, received a new name - Ryazan.

In the 18th century, metallurgy (iron foundries, needle factories), textile (cloth, rope, linen factories) and leather industries appeared in the region. In the 19th century, coal mines, cement, brick, tile, match factories were opened. In the north of the province, there were several glass factories.

In the southern districts of the province, agricultural processing industry was developed. Construction of railways, along with the traditional and already well-developed river navigation, was essential for the development of the regional economy.

In 1929, almost the entire territory of the Ryazan region became part of Moscow Oblast. In 1937, a separate Ryazan Oblast was formed. During the Second World War, only the south-western districts of the region (Mikhailov, Skopin) were occupied by the German troops.

In the post-Soviet period, an outflow of population from Ryazan Oblast has begun (due to the proximity to Moscow). In 1991-2015, the population of the region decreased by more than 200 thousand people.

Beautiful nature of Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Lake in Ryazan Oblast

Author: Mikhail Grizly

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Forest stream in Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Ryazan Oblast scenery

Author: Alexander Vasiliev

Ryazan Oblast - Features

Ryazan Oblast is located in the depression between the Central and Volga Uplands, in the central part of the Russian Plain. The region stretches for 220 km from north to south and 259 km from west to east.

The Oka River divides the territory of Ryazan oblast in two parts: the northern with coniferous forests, and the southern with deciduous forests and forest-steppes. In total, forests cover about one third of the territory.

The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is minus 10.6 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.7 degrees Celsius. The region has such natural resources as cement limestone, marl, refractory clay, glass and quartz sand, high-quality peat, phosphorite, lignite.

The most developed industries are engineering and metalworking, oil refining, power engineering, and food industry. Production of construction materials, leather are also developed as well as non-ferrous metallurgy. The main industrial centers are Ryazan, Skopin, Kasimov. Ryazan refinery is one of the largest enterprises in the region. The largest in Europe underground reservoir of natural gas “Kasimovskoye” (8,500 million cubic m) is located in Ryazan oblast.

Agriculture is specialized on cattle-, pig-, sheep-breeding, poultry farming. Barley, wheat, rye, oats, forage crops, sugar beets, fruits, and berries are cultivated in the region.

Two important railways pass through the territory of the Ryazan region: the “historical” branch of the Trans-Siberian Railway and two main lines in the direction of the Caucasus railway. The express “Sergei Yesenin”, a special train of Ryazan Oblast, runs daily between Ryazan and Moscow. Two federal highways cross the territory of the region: M5 “Ural” and M6 “Kaspiy”. The Oka River is navigable with ports in Ryazan and Kasimov.

The radioactive fallout, which spread as a result of the Chernobyl accident, fell on the south-western territories of the region.

Attractions of Ryazan Oblast

Ryazan Oblast is a real reserve of Russian folk culture with its unique music, song and choreography, poetic traditions, multicolor palette of folk costumes, arts and crafts. Eight settlements are included in the list of historic settlements of Russia: Ryazan, Kasimov, Mikhailov, Ryazhsk, Skopin, Spas-Klepiki, Spassk-Ryazansky, Shatsk.

Architectural monuments of the region include monuments of church architecture, manor complexes, industrial buildings, merchants’ mansions. Altogether there are about 1,200 architectural monuments and more than 2,200 archaeological sites. There are more than 100 thousand hectares of protected areas on the territory of the Ryazan region (47 nature reserves and 57 natural monuments).

The main attractions of Ryazan Oblast:

  • Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve “Ryazan Kremlin”,
  • Ryazan Art Museum named after I.P. Pozhalostin,
  • Museum-Estate of the Academician I.P. Pavlov in Ryazan,
  • Solotcha resort village in the suburbs of Ryazan,
  • Museum-Reserve of S.A. Esenin in the village of Konstantinovo,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Staraya Ryazan”,
  • Historical-Landscape Reserve “Glebovo-Gorodishche”,
  • Manor of fon Derviz in Kiritsy (1889) - an amazing beautiful architectural ensemble located 60 km from Ryazan,
  • Historical-Cultural and Natural-Landscape Reserve “Manor of S.N. Khudekov”,
  • Stud farm in Starozhilovo,
  • Museum of the History of Cosmonautics and the Memorial House-Museum of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in Izhevskoye,
  • Museum of Wooden Architecture in the village of Lunkino in Klepikovsky district,
  • Khan’s mosque with a minaret, museum “Russian Samovar” and museum of bells in Kasimov,
  • Svyato-Ioanno-Bogoslovsky Monastery in the village of Poshupovo in Rybnovsky district, on the right bank of the Oka, about 25 km north of Ryazan,
  • Nativity of the Virgin Convent in Solotcha,
  • The first park of S.N.Khudekov in the village of Yerlino in Korablinsky district; later, he created a similar park in Sochi,
  • Oka State Biosphere Reserve with a nature museum and zoo,
  • Meshchyora National Park.

Ryazan oblast of Russia photos

Pictures of the ryazan region.

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Ryazan Oblast landscape

Author: Mikhail Maksimov

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Monastery in Solotcha in the Ryazan region

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned church in Ryazan Oblast

Churches in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Wooden church in Ryazan Oblast

Winter in the Ryazan region

Winter in the Ryazan region

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

Abandoned cathedral in Ryazan Oblast

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When you land it’s not straight to the tourist traps for you. You have things to do and see in Ryazan Oblast that aren’t on a map or in the “Best of. . .” guides. You know this region is filled with hidden haunts, locals-only know favorites, and the off-beat-so-weird-it’s-amazing places. And you plan to find every last one of them. Good thing you’ll save a grip of cash on your flight so you can daytrip far and wide.

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The Red Hat Society Travel Guide: Hitting the Road with Confidence, Class, and Style

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Cynthia Glidewell

The Red Hat Society Travel Guide: Hitting the Road with Confidence, Class, and Style Paperback – January 1, 2008

The Red Hat Society Travel Guide is the perfect travel guide for ladies over 50 who want to become savvy, safe travelers and have fun doing it .

The Red Hat Society is made up of hundreds of thousands of ladies over 50 who love life and want to live it to the fullest. This travel guide is for Red Hatters or other seasoned ladies who love to travel, and provides insights, tips, and destinations that appeal to them. It will cover all of the basics that experienced travelers take for granted but that might be intimidating for those who are traveling alone, or with their girlfriends, for the first time. Time and money saving ideas, safety tips, and packing and shopping plans are just a few of the features. Also featured are 20 U.S. destinations and suggestions for great restaurants, events, and attractions-- some specifically for Red Hatters, but all of interest to ladies who travel. First-person accounts of Red Hat experiences add an element of fun.

  • Print length 324 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Publication date January 1, 2008
  • Dimensions 6.5 x 0.75 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1401603645
  • ISBN-13 978-1401603649
  • See all details

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Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Thomas Nelson Inc (January 1, 2008)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 324 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1401603645
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1401603649
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6.5 x 0.75 x 9 inches
  • #1,063 in Senior Travel Guides

About the author

Cynthia glidewell.

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Leading Spanish Travel Operator Chooses Red Hat to Virtualize Its IT Environment

Barceló Viajes relies on Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to consolidate its datacenters in Madrid and Palma de Mallorca

Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Barceló Viajes, a leading Spanish travel operator, has chosen Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to consolidate its datacenters that support the company's mission-critical business platforms. By virtualizing its systems, Barceló aims to reduce its server farm by half. With Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, Barceló has enhanced the ease of management of its systems and has experienced improved flexibility, scalability and performance.

Following an agreement with American Express Travel to form the joint venture "American Express Barceló Viajes", one of the leading Spanish corporate travel companies, Barceló required the installation of a new Business Continuity Plan, which required the establishment of a new datacenter in Madrid, in addition to the Palma de Mallorca datacenter. Barceló expanded its existing deployment of Red Hat Enterprise Linux to its new datacenter, and implemented Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization across all of its systems to support all of Barceló's operating and business applications, including SAP solutions, Oracle databases, e-mail management, internal project management applications and monitoring.

We cannot afford any service downtime. Having carried out successful projects with Red Hat, we were confident this implementation would be rolled out smoothly. Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization offered a highly reliable foundation for our mission-critical applications that is capable of supporting large workloads. It has enabled smooth integration with the rest of our operating applications," said Mar Muñoz, systems director, Barceló Viajes.

In addition to a new Business Continuity Plan, Barceló also required a solution that could meet the continuous growth of its service offerings. Barceló's legacy systems required an ongoing expansion of its server farm, resulting in increasingly complex management and growth of human and hardware resources. By virtualizing its platform with Red Hat, Barceló expects to improve the scalability of its infrastructure and gain the ability to take full advantage of the resources available. Red Hat is working with Barceló with the objective of reducing its server farm by half and enabling Barceló to realize savings in operating costs, energy consumption and space.

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager provides Barceló with a simpler and more efficient management tool for its platforms. Amongst other functionalities, the organization can deploy new virtual servers in a few minutes, thus responding more quickly to an increase in demand for its IT services.

"Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization based on KVM technology provides us with enhanced capabilities, such as live migration, high availability, system scheduler and power saver, that combined with the solution's cost efficiency and powerful performance, meets Barceló's business needs. We are convinced that Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization will continue to provide market-leading capabilities," said Muñoz. "Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization has a promising product roadmap that we consider very powerful."

For more information about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, visit .

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Red Hat, the world's leading provider of open source solutions and an S&P 500 company, is headquartered in Raleigh, NC with over 65 offices spanning the globe. CIOs ranked Red Hat as one of the top vendors delivering value in Enterprise Software for seven consecutive years in the CIO Insight Magazine Vendor Value survey. Red Hat provides high-quality, affordable technology with its operating system platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, together with virtualization, applications, management and Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) solutions, including Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and JBoss Enterprise Middleware. Red Hat also offers support, training and consulting services to its customers worldwide. Learn more: .

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  9. The Red Hat Society Travel Guide: Hitting the Road with Confidence

    The Red Hat Society Travel Guide is the perfect travel guide for ladies over 50 who want to become savvy, safe travelers and have fun doing it. The Red Hat Society is made up of hundreds of thousands of ladies over 50 who love life and want to live it to the fullest. This travel guide is for Red Hatters or other seasoned ladies who love to ...

  10. 'Red Hat' travel guide gives tips on how to travel with confidence, style

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    About Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog. The Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog is the official source for discovering and learning more about the Red Hat Ecosystem of both Red Hat and certified third-party products and services. We're the world's leading provider of enterprise open source solutions—including Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes.

  18. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Ryazan (UPDATED 2024)

    In the heart of Ryazan city, on the Territory of Ryazan Kremlin, the Museum of Ryazan lollipop history has opened its doors. 2. Ryazan Kremlin. 817. Speciality Museums. By sergeyk147. Doesn't look like a standard Kremlin. 3. Museum of the History of Ryazan Chocolate.

  19. Ryazan

    Ryazan (Russian: Рязань, IPA: [rʲɪˈzanʲ] ⓘ; also Riazan) is the largest city and administrative center of Ryazan Oblast, Russia.The city is located on the banks of the Oka River in Central Russia, 196 km (122 mi) southeast of Moscow.As of the 2010 Census, Ryazan had a population of 524,927, making it the 33rd most populated city in Russia, and the fourth most populated in Central ...

  20. Ryazan Oblast, Russia guide

    Ryazan Oblast is located in the depression between the Central and Volga Uplands, in the central part of the Russian Plain. The region stretches for 220 km from north to south and 259 km from west to east. The Oka River divides the territory of Ryazan oblast in two parts: the northern with coniferous forests, and the southern with deciduous ...

  21. Office locations

    Canberra +61 2 6145 2810. Level 11, 40 Marcus Clarke Street. Canberra ACT 2601, Australia. Melbourne +61 3 9624 8100. Level 24, 120 Collins Street. Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia. Perth. 152 St Georges Terrace. Perth WA 6000, Australia.

  22. Cheap Flights to Ryazan Oblast

    Find the best flights to Ryazan Oblast, starting at ! Plan your trip with Hotwire and enjoy last minute savings with our Hot Rate deals.

  23. The Red Hat Society Travel Guide: Hitting the Road with Confidence

    The Red Hat Society Travel Guide is the perfect travel guide for ladies over 50 who want to become savvy, safe travelers and have fun doing it. The Red Hat Society is made up of hundreds of thousands of ladies over 50 who love life and want to live it to the fullest. This travel guide is for Red Hatters or other seasoned ladies who love to ...

  24. Meet OpenShift Lightspeed, Red Hat's AI tool for Kubernetes admins

    To get started, users need a Red Hat OpenShift 4.15 (or above) cluster and a subscription to one of the following LLM providers: IBM, Microsoft Azure OpenAI, or OpenAI.

  25. Travel Channel: A Red Hat Customer Success Story

    Richard Hood, Senior Manager of IT Operations, and Chuck Payne, Systems Administratior, both from Travel Channel, talk about the evolution and challenges of content and technology on their website and television programs - and their use of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2, data storage (SAN), application containers, and Red Hat JBoss Middleware.Travel Channel uses these tools to provide ...

  26. Football latest news & gossip

    Follow all the latest news and gossip from the world of football.

  27. Leading Spanish Travel Operator Chooses Red Hat to Virtualize Its IT

    Red Hat, Inc. (NYSE: RHT), the world's leading provider of open source solutions, today announced that Barceló Viajes, a leading Spanish travel operator, has chosen Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization to consolidate its datacenters that support the company's mission-critical business platforms. By virtualizing its systems, Barceló aims to reduce its server farm by half.