Brilliant Maps

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Star Trek Map Of The Alpha & Beta Quadrants

Last Updated: March 3, 2023 25 Comments

The map above is Shakaar’s Alpha/Beta map v3.3; a fan-made creation showing the Alpha and Beta quadrants of the Star Trek universe.

The map shows both major and minor powers that have appeared in the various series over the years.

At the centre is the United Federation of Planets, which borders the major power of the Klingon Empire, Roman Star Empire and the Cardassian Union. More minor powers include the Breen, Ferengi Alliance, Tholian Assembly, Sheliak Corporate and the Gorn Hegemony among many, many others.

The map highlights:

  • Principal Systems
  • Minor Systems
  • Non-Aligned Systems
  • Dead Systems
  • Government Borders
  • Points of Interest
  • Navigation Hazards
  • Star Clusters
  • Stations or Starbases

For more Star Trek maps see:

  • Star Trek Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library
  • Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek
  • Star Trek Maps

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December 13, 2017 at 8:14 pm

I know that: a) it’s a bit of fun b) it’s hard to make a 2d map of 3d space and c) there no official maps to go off

But Christ, there’s a lot of stuff on here which makes no sense.

Justin Spaulding says

September 7, 2019 at 2:36 am

Isn’t gamma haromi 2 supposed to be in the haromi cluster…. Good effort though! S3. E8 I think. The “gatherers”

Danny Beans says

November 11, 2019 at 11:18 pm

Why are Ceti Alpha V and Ceti Alpha VI in completely different sectors? I mean, okay, Chekov can be a little dumb sometimes, but that’s one helluva mistake to make.

Jadziah Dax says

April 7, 2021 at 6:03 pm

Can’t wait to see the one you do!

petewinsemiusyahoocom says

November 23, 2022 at 3:47 pm

I agree, several planets said to be in the alpha quadrant are in the beta quadrant and vice versa or not listed at all.

Resolute_Phoenix says

February 8, 2018 at 11:41 pm

Okay so Xindus by Vulcan…. kys I’m not even gona bother looking further don’t make a map if you don’t know what your talking about

February 18, 2019 at 9:03 pm

Romulons should have Dyson sphere (at least at Romulus and Remus). Their ship tech is based on creating black holes which will give a ship a reactor core with a life of a handful of years BUT it’s just like an inefficient battery because it takes way more energy to initially create it then it will give off over its life BUT it’s portable. Sure beats light sails if your depending on home system energy and way more flexible too. This was their tech wheelhouse, and was their interstellar travel energy source instead of antimatter. It makes total sense for them to have harnessed the majority of their native suns energy to create reactor cores wherever they needed a portable energy that couldn’t tap into the system wide grid.

February 22, 2019 at 9:26 pm

A few questions… 1) Why are there several Indus VIII on the map?, 2) I do not see the First Federation on this map — they should be near the Ferengi!, 3) Where is the Kelvin planet? (The planet colonized by the Kelvins from “By Any Other Name”), 4) Maybe I’m wrong, but I do not see the Dyson Sphere that TNG crew ran into?

Shane Montgomery says

March 4, 2020 at 10:25 pm

I don’t see Barzan II or the Barzan Wormhole here?

Pickard says

January 23, 2021 at 3:39 pm

They are there. Literally the only Dyson sphere symbol near the bottom.

Jonathan Dumire says

September 7, 2023 at 2:29 am

There are 2 Cygnet XIV on the map as well

August 6, 2019 at 5:03 pm

Spock: He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking.

Glenn Bryson says

November 15, 2019 at 6:52 pm

Not your fault, I know;

Vulcan is “Supposed” to be “A little over sixteen” light years from earth. Yet the map has it at around 1000. That’s one of my biggest gripes about Star Trek (I absolutely love Star Trek, don’t get me wrong). Distances and travel times are so inconsistent and unrealistic based on the documented scales, maps, etc.

March 14, 2020 at 11:46 pm

Did you mean Starbase 375 instead of 395? As in the starbase from S6 of DS9 after the Dominion took over the station?

Avro Arrow says

March 24, 2020 at 7:04 pm

I love this map, especially how you have the Hydran Kingdom, the Lyran Star Empire and the Kzinti Hegemony are listed (where is the Interstellar Concordium?). I have one small nit-pick to make and that is you have two systems named “Nelvana III”. They’re both in the upspin Beta quadrant but one is in the Romulan Neutral Zone and the other is further upspin and outward (left). I think that you might consider making most of the empty space that is coreward of Klingon and Romulan space into the ISC. They were referred to as being a Galactic Superpower residing on the far side of both those Empires (so, coreward).

Gray.Elton says

May 19, 2020 at 3:21 am

If we do or don’t do it, someone will laugh

July 15, 2020 at 1:53 am

I dont understand how this can be called a map of the star trek galaxy when there isnt even a spot or indication of where earth is. Who makes a map without earth when you have a series where its location is based on earth. In the series they refer to Earth as Earth. Yet the closes thing to it is on the map is Volcan. Y not add Earth as well? If there is an alternative name how come it’s never mentioned in the shows and a secret for fans?

Brandon says

August 15, 2020 at 4:14 pm

Earth is 100 percent there. It’s Sol. It’s a common alternate name for our star system and has been used in Trek.

February 8, 2021 at 3:26 pm

Sol system. The Greek word for sun. Follow the bold line and look for the team Terran and Vulcan sectors. Sol is on the 4 corners there

May 23, 2021 at 11:35 pm

Cheron is not in the Romulan sphere of influence. It is located in the “Southern most part of the Galaxy”, Captain Kirk. Episode “Let That Be Your Last Battlefield”

That dude says

September 6, 2021 at 5:31 am

Issues: Tykens rift, not Titans. Starbase 47 is about 10 sectors off as memory Beta says it is located between the Tholian assembly and the Klingon empire. Prophets Landing is in the gamma quadrant.

That’s all for now!

That Guy says

May 17, 2022 at 11:20 pm

Alpha Onias III is on here multiple times

John S says

November 16, 2022 at 4:31 am

Don’t the Klingon and Cardassian Empires border each other? A lot of DS9 s4 doesn’t make sense if they don’t…

martijn says

March 18, 2023 at 11:16 pm

where is earth ?

Your Mom says

May 29, 2023 at 2:05 am

You’ve got 2 Nelvana III.

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2.1.1 The subdivision of the Galaxy

While in our time, we haven't ventured deep enough into space to need other systems for the exact determination of positions within our incredibly large galaxy than the equatorial and galactic coordinate systems, in the world of Star Trek, in which the interstellar navigation is the basis of trade, politics and the everyday life of billions of people, a further subdivision of space is used, beside the much two large  division into "galaxies" and the much two small division into "planetary systems" - the subdivision into quadrants and sectors. These two terms, whose meaning was quite contradictious at the beginning, but has been exactly fixed in the meantime, have become a basic element of the space navigation shown in  Star Trek through the years, since with the sector and quadrant system, a certain place can be quite precisely localized, without using a complicated coordinate system.

1. The four quadrants

Already in the era of Classic Trek, the expression "quadrant" was used for the exact determination of positions in the Star Trek universe. However, this cartographic term which literally refers to "a quarter" was used for completely different three-dimensional volumes at that time: sometimes a quadrant indeed corresponded to a quarter of the galaxy, but all too often it also denoted considerably smaller regions. In this connotation, the size of a quadrant rather corresponded to the size of a sector, like the designation "quadrant 904" in [TOS] The Squire of Gothos indicates. Up to the beginning of The Next Generation and also in the first movies the "quadrant" wasn't defined unambiguously and was used contradictorily. Finally in Star Trek VI, the current - and correct - quadrant system was introduced, according to which "the galaxy is subdivided into 4 quadrants, from which each forms a 90 degrees piece of cake, viewing the galaxy from the top or the bottom" (Star Trek Encyclopedia). An insider information on this movie even implies that the system was mainly introduced to justify Captain Sulu's claim that "he is in the Beta quadrant and currently the only Star Fleet ship in the quadrant."

Even a subspace transmission (warp 9.9999 with amplification) covers this distance in more than three    months. Consequently, only the fact that Earth, the Federation and most of the other empires are located at the frontier between Alpha and Beta quadrant makes it possible that we hear something about other quadrants at all, and it isn't surprising that the two remaining quadrants - Gamma and Delta - were not  explored until the era of DS9 and Voyager started, and then only with "tricks" like wormholes and intergalactic displacement waves.

2. The sectors

In contrast to the quadrants, space sectors, that are mentioned in nearly every episode (remember sector 001 - the solar system), are an astronomically small division of the galaxy and therefore more useful for the exact determination of positions in Star Fleet's everyday life - what explains their often use (although, however, in the recent seasons of Voyager and DS9 the Alpha Quadrant was mentioned in every second episode). Because the dimensions of a sector are, in contrast to the quadrants, not important for the episodes and this subdivision was always used for space regions of small scale, it isn't astonishing that the official definition was not determined "first hand" in a episode or movie (not even as background information), but in an official documentation.

At any rate, a sector is apparently not a natural, but a artificial, systematic subdivision of the galaxy into smaller space regions, what is also supported by the Encyclopedia, which suggests that "a typical sector in Federation space contains 6-10 planetary systems, although there are many more in the sectors near the Galactic core." Therefore, Sector 001 should not only contain the solar system, but also e.g. the Wolf and Alpha Centauri systems.

Just as the quadrants, also the sectors have some irregularities in their designation, but that's acceptable in this case, because of the sector numbering system of the Federation, we only know the starting point (sector 001), but not the direction of the numbering, and the situation of the numbered sectors introduced in different episodes towards each other is unknown. However, it is very likely that in view of the centuries of space exploration and already different designation systems today, the system of the Federation is contradictious itself and the sectors are numbered more or less arbitrarily. It is also possible that the sector numbers, like the registry numbers, were assigned to newly discovered space regions at entirely different locations in space with increasing sequence, and the sector system accordingly has a chronological order.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia suggests that "some sectors kept their old designations from earlier cartographing systems the same way as we use today both the older Messier and the newer NGC numbering system." In fact, some sectors apparently haven't a number at all (like the Igo Sector and the Bajoran Sector); they were named after the dominating planetary system or most important star in the sector.

2.1.2 The political division of the Galaxy

Already the mere space explored by humanity - about 5000 ly on both sides of the Alpha/Beta Quadrant border, at which Earth is located, there are six closely adjoined interstellar alliances and empires - Federation, Romulan Star Empire, Klingon Empire, Cardassian Union, Breen Confederacy, the Tholian Assembly and a dozen other important powers such as the Ferengi, Trill, Talarians, Tzenkethi and Gorn. However, actually solely the United Federation of Planets with 150+ member planets, numerous Federation protectorates and hundreds of colonized planets, which are scattered over 8000 ly and distributed to several agglomeration areas ("cores"), is large enough to be visible on an overview map without exaggerated dimensions. Beside the Federation, the sole super power in the (known) lower part of the Milky Way, however, there are more comparably large or even larger powers in the upper half: the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant, which takes up a whole part of the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way, and the Borg Collective, which core region has a perhaps five times as large volume than the Federation has, but whose sphere of influence extends over the half Delta and Beta Quadrant. There are still other powers in the Galaxy, but which do not owe their large territories to their political status (like the Federation as a loose, not necessarily spatially joined interplanetary alliance) or their superiority to other species in numbers or technology (like the Borg or the Dominion), but to other factors, which effect the extension of their empires. For example, the Krenim belong(ed) to the dominating super powers in the Delta Quadrant with almost a thousand planetary systems solely due to alterations of the time line, which enlarged their empire and finally made it smaller again. On the other hand, the Hirogen dominate a larger area of space despite their slow ships because of the nomadic way of life which is typical for them - they restlessly travel around to hunt their prey. The Turei inhabit a larger part of the lower Delta Quadrant, because they have access to the sophisticated subspace corridor system of the Vaadwaur. In the end, most peoples have too little influence on other empires or a too less established territory to be called a super power, so that the number of interstellar important alliances is very limited. Finally, the exact political subdivision of the Galaxy remains unknown, because our knowledge is sketchy at best. Only some small parts of the Alpha, Beta and Delta quadrants are known, in which nonetheless the territories of more than a dozen powers are located. The Gamma Quadrant could be explored merely four years, until the Dominion - the sole power known in this quadrant - prevented this. Consequently, there is enough space in the Milky Way for hundreds of interstellar alliances and empires, which could be discovered already with the next deep space mission - the Cytherians, which apparently populate a huge part of the galactic center, are only one example.

After this summarizing introduction in the general subdivision of the Milky Way and the political situation in the Galaxy, now the time has come to immerse in the Star Trek Galaxy and to examine the most important planetary alliances and empires, their location, structure, formation and development more elaborately, starting with the United Federation of Planets.

� 1999-2001 by Star Trek Dimension / Webmaster . Last update: April 27th, 2000

Star Trek : Map

Galactic quadrant ( Star Trek )

In the television series Star Trek and its spin-offs, a galactic quadrant refers to an area of the Milky Way Galaxy . In the original Star Trek , it referred to an area interchangeable with a sector . However, in the various spin-off series and movies beginning with Star Trek: The Next Generation , it refers to a system of four galactic quadrants, designated by the Greek letters Alpha , Beta , Gamma , and Delta .

  • 1 Original usage
  • 2.1 Alpha and Beta Quadrants
  • 2.2.1 Bajoran wormhole
  • 2.3 Delta Quadrant
  • 3 Galactic Core
  • 4 References
  • 6 External links

Original usage

The original usage of quadrant occurs in episodes such as " The Deadly Years " and " The Squire of Gothos ", where numbered quadrants (448 and 904) are given. [1] In other episodes it appears to refer to an entire quarter of the galaxy. [2] The season 3 Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual asserts that there are four quadrants in each sector (which seem to vary in size). [3]

Four quadrants

The exact quadrant borders are not clearly established in the series canon. Episodes often contradict each other. Art staff explanations also contradict each other. The 1988 Star Trek: The Next Generation episode " The Price " introduced the concept of four quadrants of the galaxy, named the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta quadrants.

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country implies that the Alpha/Beta border runs through, or is relatively close to, Federation space. The Star Trek Encyclopedia attributes this decision to a desire to rationalize a line in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , in which James T. Kirk claimed that the Enterprise was the only ship in a Quadrant. [1] [2] Most of the maps produced by the art staff for the series (both on-screen and published) show that the Solar system is roughly in the center of the Alpha Quadrant, however some of the maps show that the Solar system is at the edge of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. [4]

Alpha and Beta Quadrants

Assuming the galactic meridian runs from the center of the galaxy through the Solar System, then the Alpha Quadrant is between 90 degrees and 180 degrees, and the Beta Quadrant is between 180 degrees and 270 degrees.

The Alpha Quadrant and the nearby areas of the Beta Quadrant are the primary setting of Star Trek , Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , and Star Trek: Enterprise . According to the Encyclopedia , the Federation is largely on the Alpha Quadrant side, but with parts in the Beta Quadrant; whereas the Klingon and Romulan Empires are mainly in the Beta Quadrant but extend in part into the Alpha Quadrant. [2] The Star Trek Star Charts have the Romulans and Klingons entirely within the Beta Quadrant, as well as the Gorn Hegemony , the Son'a Solidarity and the Metron Consortium . Star Trek Star Charts further located the First Federation , Breen , Ferengi , Tzenkethi , Cardassians , Bajorans , Talarians and Tholians in the Alpha Quadrant.

Of core worlds, Star Trek Star Charts claims that Vulcan ( 40 Eridani ), Andoria ( Procyon ), Risa and the Rigel (Beta Rigel ) systems are in the Beta Quadrant, with Tellar ( 61 Cygni ), Trill and Betazed in the Alpha Quadrant. [4]

Star Trek Star Charts has the Romulans corewards and counterclockwise from the Federation core, with the Klingons rimwards of the Romulans. Federation territory is shown to expand around the backs of the Klingon and Romulan Empires, further into the Beta Quadrant. Other powers such as the Cardassians, Tholians and Ferengi are on the clockwise side of the Federation. The 1975 Star Fleet Technical Manual by Franz Joseph also has a galactic meridian running through Sol, but depicted the Romulans as being counterclockwise, and the Klingons as being clockwise.

Although the Romulans and Klingons are shown by maps as part of the Beta Quadrant, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine did not use this terminology, referring to them as Alpha Quadrant powers. Ronald D. Moore noted that the "Alpha quadrant is firmly planted in the audience's mind as where the Federation, the Klingons, and the Romulans all live so I think we'll stick with that nomenclature". [5]

About 600,000 years ago, the Alpha Quadrant was dominated by the Tkon Empire , which is long since vanished by the time of the Star Trek series.

Gamma Quadrant

The Gamma Quadrant is situated between 0 degrees and 90 degrees. It is the home of the Changelings , or Founders. The majority of it is ruled by the Dominion .

Bajoran wormhole

In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Bajoran wormhole is a unique spatial anomaly located near the planet Bajor . The Bajoran religion refers to the wormhole as the "Celestial Temple". It appears as an aperture of swirling golden light surrounded by blue clouds, which appears when a vessel approaches and disappears when the vessel enters it; it also appears when discharging a vessel. The wormhole can only be traversed by ships traveling at impulse (sub-light speed) velocities.

The wormhole is discovered in the first episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . It is found to lead from the Bajor-B'Hava'el system in the Alpha Quadrant to the Idran system in the Gamma Quadrant, 70,000 light-years away and on the other side of the galaxy. Due to the strategic importance of such a phenomenon, the Deep Space Nine space station is moved out of Bajor 's orbit and repositioned near the wormhole.

Starfleet Commander Benjamin Sisko and Lt. Jadzia Dax are the first to make contact with the wormhole and its creators, noncorporeal beings known as the Prophets in Bajoran religion; they are simply referred to as "wormhole aliens" by the Federation. It is they who provided the Orb-like energy artifacts (or " Tears of the Prophets ") to the Bajorans and these artifacts are the basis of Bajoran religion.

The wormhole becomes a point of conflict throughout the series, since it permits travel between the Alpha Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant controlled by the Dominion, a militaristic interstellar state led by the race of shapeshifters known as the Changelings. Neither the Dominion nor the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant wish the other to gain a foothold in their relative quadrants, which explains the strategic importance of the wormhole running between them. The wormhole closes at one point, as a result of one of the Tears of the Prophets being temporarily rendered inert by the Pah Wraiths . It is later restored by the discovery of an additional orb by Benjamin Sisko.

Delta Quadrant

The Delta Quadrant is situated between 270 degrees and 360 degrees.

Most of the information about the Delta Quadrant and its inhabitants comes from the show Star Trek: Voyager . Apart from the voyages of the USS Voyager , the USS Equinox , the USS Raven , briefly the USS Enterprise -D , and the Federation citizens assimilated or de-assimilated from the Borg, the Federation has not explored this quadrant.

The Delta Quadrant is home to the Borg Collective , the Kazon , the Vidiians , the Talaxians , the Ocampa , the Hirogen , the Malon , the Devore, and the Ankari. Species 8472 , beings from "fluidic space", are first encountered in this quadrant, although they are not native to this region or physical dimension.

Galactic Core

On some maps the center of the galaxy is regarded as its own area, not part of any of the four quadrants. The Great Barrier is here as are the Cytherians from the TNG episode, " The Nth Degree ".

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  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'strict' not found.
  • Galactic quadrant

External links

  • Alpha Quadrant at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki )
  • Beta Quadrant at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki )
  • Gamma Quadrant at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki )
  • Delta Quadrant at Memory Alpha (a Star Trek wiki )
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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

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Milky Way

The Milky Way Galaxy.

The Milky Way Galaxy was split into four quadrants , a wedge-shaped measurement spreading out from the galaxy center. A quadrant was a region of space measuring 50,000 light-years by 50,000 light-years. The quadrants were positioned neither clockwise nor counterclockwise. ( ST reference : Star Charts )

Other interstellar regions and smaller locations were also known as quadrants, like the Morgana Quadrant . ( TNG episode : " Pen Pals ")

  • 1.1 Stellar cartography key
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 External links

Galactic quadrants [ ]

Milky Way quadrants

The four quadrants.

The four galactic quadrants were named for Greek letters. These letters were also used as visual shorthand for each quadrant. ( ST reference : Star Charts ) In the early 25th century , the Delta Quadrant was represented by an upper-case Delta , whereas lower-case letters were used for the three other quadrants. ( STO - Klingon War mission : " Welcome to Earth Spacedock " in-game "Galaxy" map)

The Delta Quadrant was known as the "First Quadrant" by the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant . ( VOY novel : Protectors )

  • Alpha Quadrant
  • Beta Quadrant
  • Gamma Quadrant
  • Delta Quadrant

Stellar cartography key [ ]

History [ ].

Over eons of time, stellar drift caused star systems to move between quadrants over millions of years . ( TNG - The Lost Era novel : The Buried Age )

The differentiation between galactic quadrant was in use as early as the 22nd century . In 2152 , Captain Jonathan Archer advised Subcommander T'Pol that cybernetic attackers encountered by Enterprise NX-01 had sent a signal to their presumed homeworld in the Delta Quadrant. ( ENT episode : " Regeneration ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external links [ ].

  • Quadrant article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Sector_space article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 USS Wasp (NCC-9701)
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class

star trek 4 quadrants

8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

  • Star Trek: Voyager finds familiar things from the Alpha Quadrant in the Delta Quadrant, sparking important questions and connections.
  • Encounter with Ferengi negotiators leads Voyager crew to stop their interference in a pre-warp civilization for profits.
  • Janeway and crew discover humans abducted by aliens in the 1930s living in the Delta Quadrant, including Amelia Earhart.

For a show with the conceit of being so far from home, Star Trek: Voyager found a surprising number of things in the Delta Quadrant that originated in the Alpha Quadrant, including several from Earth itself. The USS Voyager, commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), and Commander Chakotay's (Robert Beltran) Maquis raider Val Jean were both brought to the Delta Quadrant in 2371 by the Caretaker (Basil Langton). After Janeway destroyed the Caretaker's array to save the Ocampa , Voyager and the Val Jean were left without a ticket back to the Alpha Quadrant, and banded together to make the long journey.

Finding something familiar in an otherwise totally alien corner of the galaxy brought a sense of familiarity to the USS Voyager crew and viewers at home alike, but the presence of something from the Alpha Quadrant in the Delta Quadrant inevitably raised important questions , like how familiar people and objects traveled 70,000 light years from home in the first place, and whether the find could lead Captain Kathryn Janeway towards a quicker path home to Earth.

Star Trek: Voyagers 20 Best Episodes Ranked

A pair of ferengi negotiators, arridor and kol, star trek: voyager season 3, episode 5 "false profits".

The USS Voyager encounters a pair of Ferengi negotiators, Arridor (Dan Shor) and Kol (Leslie Jordan), who claim to be the prophesied Great Sages of the Takarians, a society with Bronze Age level technology. The Ferengi have no Prime Directive to deter them from interfering with the Takarians' development , so they're performing "miracles" with a standard replicator to reap the monetary benefits of the Takarians' worship. Voyager's crew know the Ferengi reputation well enough to know they're no Sages, so they must figure out how to put a stop to Arridor and Kol's grift.

"False Profits" serves as a Star Trek sequel episode to Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 8 "The Price", as Voyager catches up with Arridor and Kol (formerly played by J. R. Quinonez) seven years after their Delta Quadrant arrival. The Ferengi took a test flight through the supposedly stable wormhole near Barzan II, which was supposed to emerge in the Gamma Quadrant, but instead stranded the Ferengi in the Delta Quadrant, where they made the best of their situation as only Ferengi can.

Star Trek: Voyager Season 3, Episode 23 "Distant Origin"

"Distant Origin" opens on Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz), a scientist who discovers that his people, the Voth, share certain genetic similarities with the humans aboard the USS Voyager. While this confirms Gegen's theory that the Voth are the descendants of a species brought to their homeworld millions of years ago , religious leader Minister Odala (Concetta Tomei) refuses to accept the truth. Even with Commander Chakotay present as a living specimen of humanity, Odala pushes Gegen to recant, because Gegen's theory goes against the Voth Doctrine that keeps Odala in power.

After meeting Gegen's assistant, Tova Veer (Christopher Liam Moore), Janeway and the Doctor use the holodeck as a research guide to extrapolate how hadrosaurs might look in the 24th century if they'd been able to evolve into a humanoid form with comparable intelligence. The result resembles Veer, so Janeway and the Doctor conclude, like Gegen, that the Voth evolved from hadrosaurs into a highly advanced species on Earth , then fled to the Delta Quadrant in spacefaring vessels instead of being wiped out with the other dinosaurs.

The Friendship One Probe

Star trek: voyager season 7, episode 21 "friendship one".

By Star Trek: Voyager season 7 , the USS Voyager is in regular contact with Starfleet Command, and Starfleet gives Voyager a mission to retrieve a 21st-century Earth probe, Friendship One . The probe proves difficult to find, but once discovered on an alien planet suffering devastating climate collapse, the implications of Friendship One's launch become clear. Besides the irreversible damage to the planet's climate, the inhabitants are all suffering from radiation sickness, and bear understandable hostility towards Earth, because the aliens believe humans orchestrated their destruction with the Friendship One probe.

The United Earth Space Probe Agency was one of the early names for the organization the USS Enterprise belongs to in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode, "Charlie X".

Friendship One was launched in 2067 by the United Earth Space Probe Agency with the intention of making friends with whomever found it, as the name implies. Although Friendship One, the 400-year-old Earth probe, traveled for centuries carrying messages of peace, musical recordings, and ways to translate languages, the people who discovered Friendship One in the Delta Quadrant took a greater interest in the antimatter it used to travel across space. Without the proper knowledge of its use, antimatter proved devastating to the planet and its people, resulting in death and disease for generations.

Dreadnought, a Cardassian Missile

Star trek: voyager season 2, episode 17 "dreadnought".

The USS Voyager discovers a dangerously powerful, self-guided Cardassian missile in the Delta Quadrant, which Lt. B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) recognizes as one nicknamed "Dreadnought" . When B'Elanna was with the Maquis, Torres had actually reprogrammed the missile herself, with the intention of turning the Cardassians' own weapon against them. Without a Cardassian target in sight, the artificially intelligent Cardassian Dreadnought targets a heavily-populated Class-M planet , Rakosa V. B'Elanna determines she must be the one to keep Dreadnought from hurting anyone else, and boards the missile to convince it to stand down.

While no concrete reason is given for exactly how the Dreadnought wound up in the Delta Quadrant, its last known location in the Alpha Quadrant was the Badlands, the same rough patch of space where Voyager and the Val Jean, Chakotay's Maquis raider, fatefully met. Because of this, Torres theorizes that Dreadnought arrived in the Delta Quadrant the same way that Voyager and the Val Jean did , courtesy of the Caretaker.

Star Trek: Voyagers BElanna Is More Klingon Than TNGs Worf Ever Was

A klingon d-7 class cruiser, complete with klingons, star trek: voyager, season 7, episode 14 "prophecy".

The USS Voyager certainly never expected to find a Klingon ship in the Delta Quadrant, but more surprising is the fact that the crew of the Klingon D-7 Class Cruiser believes their savior, the prophesied kuvah'magh, is aboard Voyager . Janeway assures the Klingon captain, Kohlar (Wren T. Brown), that the Federation and Klingon Empire have been allies for the past 80 years, and offers Voyager's own half-Klingon, Lt. B'Elanna Torres, as proof their societies are working together now. The kuvah'magh is Torres' unborn daughter, who does save the Klingons, but not the way they expected.

Centuries ago, Kohlar's great-grandfather set off on a quest to find the kuvah'magh, and the Klingon D-7 Cruiser became a generation ship that is now crewed by the descendants of its original crew . The quest begun by Kohlar's great-grandfather brought Kohlar and his crew to the Delta Quadrant after four generations of searching. Whether B'Elanna's child is actually the kuvah'magh or not, Kohlar desperately wants the baby to be their savior, so that his people may finally rest.

Amelia Earhart

Star trek: voyager season 2, episode 1 "the 37s".

The discovery of a 1936 Ford truck, seemingly disconnected from any parent vehicle, leads the USS Voyager to a nearby Class-L planet, where they find eight humans who have been in cryo-stasis since they were abducted by aliens in the 1930s. Among them are one of Janeway's personal heroes, legendary American aviator Amelia Earhart (Sharon Lawrence) , who disappeared without a trace while attempting to fly around the world, and Earhart's navigator, Fred Noonan (David Graf). Earhart and the other preserved humans are known by the planet's inhabitants as "The 37s", and revered as sacred.

Originally thought to be aliens, the natives of the unnamed planet are the descendants of humans. A species called the Briori abducted the natives' ancestors, along with Earhart and the other 37s, from Earth centuries earlier , and took them to the Delta Quadrant. Once held as slaves, the humans who weren't in stasis revolted to free themselves from the Briori, and developed a thriving, Earth-like civilization in the Delta Quadrant. Voyager's crew consider staying with the humans in their little slice of home, while Janeway also offers a ride back to Earth to anyone who wants it, including Amelia Earhart.

The USS Equinox

Star trek: voyager season 5, episode 26 & season 6, episode 1 "equinox".

The crew of the USS Voyager believe they're the only Starfleet vessel in the Delta Quadrant until they find the USS Equinox, five years into their journey home. Captain Rudolph Ransom (John Savage) and the Equinox crew have had a harder time in the Delta Quadrant than Voyager, with more damage, fewer starting resources, and fewer opportunities to make friends along the way. Ransom's survival tactics include sacrificing innocent nucleogenic life forms for a more efficient form of fuel, which Janeway finds hard to stomach, and decides that Ransom needs to be held accountable for defying Federation ideals, regardless of how badly the Equinox is damaged.

Although Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) suggests that the Equinox might be in the Delta Quadrant on a rescue mission to find Voyager, the USS Equinox's specs don't fit the profile of a starship that would be assigned to a long-range mission. The explanation of how the Equinox arrived in the Delta Quadrant in the first place seems fairly simple, because Captain Ransom tells Janeway that the Equinox was also abducted by the Caretaker , just like Voyager, but the Equinox has only been in the Delta Quadrant for 2 years, and Janeway destroyed the Caretaker's array 5 years earlier.

Seven of Nine

Debuts in star trek: voyager season 4, episode 1 "scorpion, part 2".

When Captain Kathryn Janeway allies with the Borg in order to secure safe passage across Borg space, Janeway refuses the cursory assimilation that the Borg want to use to communicate with Janeway and Voyager's crew, and instead requests a speaker for the Borg, citing the existence of Locutus (Patrick Stewart) as precedent. Seven of Nine , Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix 01, is selected as the Borg drone to act as liaison between the Collective and Voyager, likely because Seven of Nine had once been a member of Species 5168, like most of Voyager's crew -- in other words, human.

Voyager season 5, episodes 15 & 16, "Dark Frontier" provides even more detail of the Hansens' fateful journey.

After Seven's link with the Collective is severed, more information about Seven's human origin comes to light. In Voyager season 4, episode 6 "The Raven", when Voyager nears the Hansens' ship, the USS Raven, memories of Seven's early life surface, revealing that Seven had been six-year-old human Annika Hansen , the daughter of Magnus Hansen (Kirk Baily) and Erin Hansen (Laura Stepp), Federation scientists who were studying the Borg when they were assimilated. Voyager season 5, episodes 15 & 16, "Dark Frontier" provides even more detail of the Hansens' fateful journey, showing the Raven arriving in the Delta Quadrant by following a Borg Cube through a transwarp conduit.

10 Ways USS Voyager Changed In Star Treks Delta Quadrant

Star Trek: Voyager links back to the greater Star Trek universe with people and starships from the Alpha Quadrant. Connections to the familiar were especially important early on, because Voyager 's place in the Star Trek franchise was established and aided by the legitimacy these finds offered. Later, when the USS Voyager used the Hirogen communications array to communicate with Starfleet Command, links back to the Alpha Quadrant were plentiful again, not only to prove that the USS Voyager was closer to home, but to help Star Trek: Voyager maintain connections to Star Trek and carry the franchise in its final years.

Star Trek: Voyager is available to stream on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Voyager

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Release Date May 23, 1995

Genres Sci-Fi, Adventure

Network UPN

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Rating TV-PG

8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

Screen Rant

I wish star trek: voyager showed more of captain janeway’s forgotten fiancé.


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How To Watch All Star Trek TV Shows In Timeline Order

Star trek: voyager abandoning “year of hell's" original ending was a huge mistake, does admiral janeway still need to time travel for star trek: voyager's finale to happen.

Sometimes it baffles me that Star Trek: Voyager didn't show more of the relationship between Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and her finacé Mark (Stan Ivar). As the star of Voyager 's cast of characters , Janeway was the definitive head of a large ensemble and the first female lead that the Star Trek franchise ever featured. As such, Janeway and Mulgrew were both inspirations to many, and continue to have a lasting impact on the franchise with further appearances in modern series like Star Trek: Prodigy .

I have long considered Captain Janeway as one of the best Star Trek characters . Mulgrew's portrayal of her is flawless, and Janeway's combination of authority, humor, stubborn determination, and deep compassion has always struck a chord with me , drawing me into Voyager from the very first. However, for every Janeway storyline that Voyager handled well, there were some that I feel weren't explored as thoroughly as they could have been, including one of the most important relationships of her life.

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

Why Star Trek: Voyager Needed To Show Showed More Janeway & Her Forgotten Fiancé

Janeway and mark's break up wasn't very impactful.

At the start of Voyager season 1, Janeway was engaged to Mark Johnson, a relationship that was barely shown at all during the show's run . This was mainly because Mark was not a Starfleet officer, and Janeway left him on Earth when the ship became stranded in the Delta Quadrant. Janeway had no way to contact Mark until season 4, episode 15, "Hunters," when Voyager 's crew received the first letters from their families in four years. However, Janeway and Mark's relationship ended on a whimper rather than a bang when she discovered he'd moved on, thinking her dead.

Losing Mark seemed to be just as much an afterthought for Janeway as it did for viewers.

Janeway and Mark's break-up during "Hunters" was played as a painful moment, but for me, it never hit as hard as it could have. Voyager showed us nothing of Janeway and Mark's relationship aside from a few disparate moments. By season 4, I wouldn't be surprised if viewers had forgotten about Mark altogether , despite him being an important member of Janeway's love interests . If Voyager had featured more of Mark, the audience could have felt Janeway's pain with her. Instead, losing Mark seemed to be just as much an afterthought for Janeway as it did for viewers.

Why Captain Janeway Never Had A Serious Romance On Star Trek: Voyager

Romance wasn't really part of janeway's story.

Additionally, Janeway's romances during Voyager 's run were fleeting at best, including Mark. Although Janeway had the occasional lover during certain episodes, her overall storyline didn't feature much romance, and certainly nothing long-term . It's interesting to consider what could have been if Voyager had made more out of Janeway and Mark's past relationship. Instead, Janeway focused on the present and prioritized her ship and crew, zeroing in on getting them home while letting her personal life fall by the wayside.

To give some idea of how rare and often bizarre Janeway's romantic encounters were, one of her most famous relationships during Voyager 's run was with a non-sentient hologram.

This was partially a decision by Kate Mulgrew, who wanted Janeway to be respected as a character and knew the double standard for women at the time would prevent this if her story was too romantically focused. For the most part, I agree that a lack of romance for Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager was the right choice. The absence of a serious relationship put her in line with other previous Star Trek Captains, including Captain Kirk (William Shatner) and Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart). However, I can't help but feel that not exploring Mark further was a missed opportunity.

Star Trek: Voyager

Not available

Star Trek: Voyager

Memory Alpha

Beta Quadrant

The Beta Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy . It was adjacent to the Alpha and Delta Quadrants . One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. ( Star Trek: Voyager , Season 7 production art ; [1] Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics )

Part of the United Federation of Planets was located in the Beta Quadrant, along with the bulk of the Klingon and Romulan Empires , including their homeworlds of Qo'noS and Romulus . ( Star Trek: Insurrection display graphic ; DIS : " Context Is for Kings " display graphic ; PIC : " The End is the Beginning "; PRO : " Starstruck ").

The location of Qo'noS was established in the targeted comm burst viewscreen graphic from Star Trek Into Darkness . [2] The information of the locations of the empires comes from an illegible display graphic seen on a PADD in Star Trek: Insurrection . The PADD was sold on It's A Wrap! sale and auction . [3] (X)

The Yattho , a species known for their precognitive abilities , were native to the Beta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Before and After ")

  • 1.1 Captain Riker – holoprogram
  • 2 Governments
  • 3 Homeworlds
  • 4 Colonies and outposts
  • 5 Starbases
  • 6 Spatial landmarks
  • 7.1 See also
  • 7.2 Related links
  • 7.3 Background information
  • 7.4 Alpha/Beta quadrant border
  • 7.5 External link

History [ ]

In 2259 , the R'ongovian Protectorate held a small but strategically-important region of space in between Klingon and Romulan territory; the Federation sought an alliance with them to secure a safe path to the other side of the Beta Quadrant. ( SNW : " Spock Amok ")

In 2293 , the starship USS Excelsior , commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu , completed a three-year exploratory voyage in the Beta Quadrant which included cataloging gaseous anomalies. ( Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

In 2363 , Captain Lisa Cusak and the crew of the USS Olympia began an eight-year mission in the Beta Quadrant. Following this mission, the Olympia crashed on a planet in the Rutharian sector en route back to Federation space. While escorting a convoy to the Vegan system in 2374 , the crew of the USS Defiant made contact with Cusak in 2371 via a temporal anomaly . ( DS9 : " The Sound of Her Voice ")

In an alternate timeline, the USS Voyager used a quantum slipstream drive to cross the Delta and Beta Quadrants, before crashing on a class L planet in the Takara sector , a few parsecs short of reaching the Alpha Quadrant. Also in this timeline, Starfleet Intelligence had salvaged a Borg temporal transmitter from the debris of a Borg cube in the Beta Quadrant. ( VOY : " Timeless ")

A Borg scout ship , crewed by Axum and other liberated drones, was located in a remote sector of the Beta Quadrant patrolling the border of fluidic space . ( VOY : " Unimatrix Zero, Part II ")

When members of the Hierarchy captured Captain Janeway and forced The Doctor to obtain Voyager 's warp core for them, he impersonated Janeway and told Commander Chakotay a cover story involving a fictitious R'Kaal Imperium which supposedly controlled "thousands of parsecs from here to the edge of the Beta Quadrant." ( VOY : " Renaissance Man ")

Borg transwarp network

The Borg transwarp network

The Borg maintained at least one transwarp hub and thousands of exit apertures in the Beta Quadrant until 2378 , when the entire transwarp network was destroyed by the USS Voyager . ( VOY : " Endgame ")

In the 2380s , the Romulan supernova threatened the lives of billions of people in this quadrant within its burst radius . ( PIC : " The End is the Beginning ")

In 2384 , the Janeway wormhole was located on the Beta Quadrant border. ( PRO : " Into the Breach, Part II ")

Captain Riker – holoprogram [ ]

Riker personnel file 2 remastered

Beta Quadrant in Riker's service record

In 2367 , while exploring a cavern on Alpha Onias III , Commander William T. Riker was rendered unconscious by gases . While unconscious, neural scanners scanned Commander Riker's brain . The scanners used elements of Riker's reality and constructed a holoprogram with those elements interspersed throughout, so that it felt real to him. What Riker wanted, the scanners made possible.

In one of these simulations, the Axanar hosted a conference on Beta Quadrant exploration and Federation security that was held at the Deneva Special Congress on Interstellar Affairs . On Stardate 52384, Captain Riker, the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise -D , was selected for recognition as the special Federation representative to this conference. In 2383 , the quadrant was mentioned in Riker's service record that was on display in his quarters on the Enterprise -D. ( TNG : " Future Imperfect " okudagram )

For the remastered episode of "Future Imperfect", the original text of Riker's service record was replaced.

Governments [ ]

  • Acamarian Ruling Council
  • Gorn Hegemony
  • Iconian Empire
  • Klingon Empire
  • R'ongovian Protectorate
  • Romulan Free State
  • Romulan Star Empire (until 2387 )
  • United Federation of Planets

Homeworlds [ ]

  • Alpha Carinae II
  • Argelius II
  • Kolarus III
  • Krios Prime
  • Ramatis III
  • Sigma Iotia II

Colonies and outposts [ ]

  • Ajilon Prime
  • Amargosa observatory
  • Archanis IV ( Archanis IV Research Outpost )
  • Beta Agni II
  • Delta Outpost 9
  • Delta Outpost 10
  • Delta Outpost 11
  • Doctari Alpha ( Doctari Alpha Research Outpost )
  • Epsilon Outpost 1
  • Epsilon Outpost 2
  • Epsilon Outpost 3
  • Epsilon Outpost 4
  • Epsilon Outpost 5
  • Epsilon Outpost 6
  • Epsilon Outpost 7
  • Epsilon Outpost 8
  • Epsilon Outpost 9
  • Epsilon Outpost 10
  • Epsilon Outpost 11
  • Epsilon Outpost 12
  • Epsilon Outpost 15
  • Gamma Hydra IV
  • Jouret IV ( New Providence colony )
  • Khitomer (Khitomer Outpost)
  • Korvat colony
  • Narendra III
  • Nuzzo Station
  • Okrand Colony
  • Qu'Vat ( Qu'Vat Colony )
  • Relay Station 47
  • Rura Penthe
  • Science Station 0812
  • Science Station Delta-05
  • Terralysium

Starbases [ ]

  • Deep Space 2
  • Deep Space 4
  • Deep Space Station K-7
  • Lya III starbase
  • Starbase 18
  • Starbase 23
  • Starbase 24
  • Starbase 36
  • Starbase 39-Sierra
  • Starbase 88
  • Starbase 105
  • Starbase 117
  • Starbase 152
  • Starbase 157
  • Starbase 173
  • Starbase 234
  • Starbase 343
  • Starbase 718

Spatial landmarks [ ]

  • 'etnap Nebula
  • Azure Nebula
  • Baber Nebula
  • Barnes Nebula
  • Chantico Nebula
  • Foster Nebula
  • Frazee's Nova
  • Friedlich Nebula
  • Gullory Nebula
  • Hodges Nebula
  • Hromi Cluster
  • Janeway wormhole (Alpha Quadrant border)
  • Mutara Nebula
  • Paulson Nebula
  • Ryton Nebula
  • Stevens Nebula
  • Typhon Expanse
  • Winter's Nova
  • Wise Nebula

Appendices [ ]

See also [ ].

  • Alpha Quadrant
  • Gamma Quadrant
  • Delta Quadrant

Related links [ ]

  • Unnamed Alpha and Beta Quadrant planets
  • Unnamed Alpha and Beta Quadrant starships

Background information [ ]

Alpha/beta quadrant border [ ].

The Star Trek Encyclopedia , 2nd ed., p. 393 states that the Federation was spread across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, with Earth as the border between, in order to explain why the USS Enterprise was often the "only ship in the quadrant", though the term quadrant has been often used to refer to smaller segments of the galaxy as well. The maps in the Star Trek: Star Charts also use Earth as the border between the Alpha and Beta quadrants.

Graphics used in astrometrics for Star Trek: Voyager , starting with the episode " Year of Hell ", and on a PADD on Picard's ready room desk in Star Trek: Insurrection , also have Earth and the Federation straddling the border between the two quadrants. [4]

Alpha Beta Quadrant Overview star chart

"Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview" map seen in the background of "Context Is for Kings", et al.

Dialogue in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager , however, firmly establish that Earth is located on the Alpha Quadrant side of the border. Graphics used in Star Trek: Discovery and the alternate reality films support this, where the Alpha/Beta Quadrant border is moved one sector "west" and a star chart graphic used in Star Trek Into Darkness had the label "Alpha Quadrant" near Sector 01 (Level 3-B) , which contains Earth. [5]

According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 2nd ed., p. 393, Federation, Klingon, and Romulan territories are situated in both the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Dialogue from Deep Space Nine and Voyager exclusively referred to all three powers and governments in their vicinity as Alpha Quadrant powers.

STO galaxy map

The in-game map of the apocryphal Star Trek Online video game, depicting Klingon and Romulan space in the Beta Quadrant

In most reference works , novels , and games , Klingon and Romulan space are usually depicted or stated to be located solely in the Beta Quadrant. This would make the Federation the only government spanning both quadrants.

The video game Star Trek Online is largely faithful to the Star Charts representation of the galaxy, with a few systems moved for gameplay considerations.

According to the Star Charts , most of the early voyages of Enterprise NX-01 took place in the Beta Quadrant with only a few excursions in the Alpha Quadrant.

The Fen Domar , with whom Voyager was engaged in battle in an alternate timeline , may very likely be a Beta Quadrant civilization. This is based on the ship's close proximity to the quadrant's border in " Endgame " and Admiral Kathryn Janeway 's comments that the ship would have encountered them just a few years after the events of that episode.

According to Star Trek: Star Charts , the Beta Quadrant was home to the Vulcans , Andorians , Orions , Bolians , Son'a , Risians , Organians , Coridanite , Axanar , Nausicaans , Suliban , Gorn , and many other alien races.

External link [ ]

  • Beta Quadrant at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Past Tense, Part I (episode)


  1. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    star trek 4 quadrants

  2. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    star trek 4 quadrants

  3. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    star trek 4 quadrants

  4. Everything You Need To Know About The Star Trek Quadrants

    star trek 4 quadrants

  5. Star Trek > The Four Quadrants

    star trek 4 quadrants

  6. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    star trek 4 quadrants


  1. STO Gamma Quadrant

  2. Starship Troopers: Terran Command

  3. Quadrax IV level 4

  4. Star Trek: TNG Review

  5. Star Trek: Generations 4K UHD

  6. STAR TREK 4 A First Look That Will Change Everything


  1. Star Trek's 4 Quadrants & Galaxy Explained

    The Star Trek galaxy explained that apart from the Romulans and the different versions of the Klingons, the Beta Quadrant's highlight is Vulcan, the native planet of Spock and other members of the Vulcan species.Multiple Star Trek encyclopedias suggest that Vulcan is located in a Sector of the same name within the Beta Quadrant. The 2002 publication Star Trek Charts also estimates Vulcan's ...

  2. Quadrant

    (X) Dialogue in Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, however, firmly establish that Earth is located on the Alpha Quadrant side of the border. It is unclear how the names for each of the four major quadrants were assigned, as they do not seem to follow any discernible pattern, instead of in clockwise or counterclockwise order.

  3. List of Star Trek regions of space

    The Badlands comprise an area of space that appears (or is referenced) in episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager. [1]Located in Star Trek ' s Alpha Quadrant, the Badlands are characterized by constant plasma storms and funnel clouds. [1] The Maquis use it in several episodes as a meeting or hiding place because of its treacherous navigation. [1]

  4. Star Trek Map Of The Alpha & Beta Quadrants

    Click To Get My 10 Best Brilliant Maps For Free: Found via reddit. The map above is Shakaar's Alpha/Beta map v3.3; a fan-made creation showing the Alpha and Beta quadrants of the Star Trek universe. The map shows both major and minor powers that have appeared in the various series over the years. At the centre is the United Federation of ...

  5. Star Trek Dimension

    1. The four quadrants. Already in the era of Classic Trek, the expression "quadrant" was used for the exact determination of positions in the Star Trek universe. However, this cartographic term which literally refers to "a quarter" was used for completely different three-dimensional volumes at that time: sometimes a quadrant indeed corresponded ...

  6. Star Trek : Map

    Warp Scale: Crusher TNG. Warp Factor. Engine Score. Power Requirement. Speed. Time. vpn_key Map Key. The galaxy is divided into four quadrants (α, β, γ, δ), defined by two meridian passing through the galactic core. The quadrants are divided into sectors, a sector is typically 20x20x20 light years in size and is assigned a number when charted.

  7. Alpha Quadrant

    The Alpha Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy.It was adjacent to the Beta Quadrant and the Gamma Quadrant.One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art; Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics) In late 24th century interstellar politics and diplomacy, the four great powers in the Alpha ...

  8. Milky Way Galaxy

    Each quadrant was divided into thousands of sectors. The Galactic core was the intersection of all four quadrants. (TNG: "The Price"; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; VOY: "Pathfinder") In the mid-22nd century, scientists estimated that one out of every 43,000 planets in the galaxy supported intelligent lifeforms.

  9. Stellar Cartography

    An overview of the entire galaxy. Gamma Quadrant. The Gamma Quadrant was first surveyed by the Quadros-1 probe, launched during the 22nd century. After initial discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole in 2369 extensive exploration began, which unfortunately also led to one of the most devastating wars in Federation history: The Dominion War. Local Space.


    The Star Trek Universe is complicated. The main area (The Milky Way) is split into Quadrants. What are they? How were they created? What is in them? Todays v...

  11. Can anyone explain the Star Trek astrography (i.e. quadrants)?

    Star Trek was almost entirely set in our Milky Way galaxy. Earth was in the Alpha quadrant along with most of Federation space and the home planets of the Ferengis, Cardassians and Bajorans. One end of the Bajoran wormhole (featured in Deep Space 9) is also in the Alpha quadrant.

  12. Galactic quadrant

    Quadrants are described using ordinals—for example, "1st galactic quadrant", [1] "second galactic quadrant", [2] or "third quadrant of the Galaxy". [3] Viewing from the north galactic pole with 0 degrees (°) as the ray that runs starting from the Sun and through the galactic center, the quadrants are as follows (where l is galactic longitude): . 1st galactic quadrant - 0° ≤ l ≤ 90° [4]

  13. Digital interactive map of the star trek galaxy : r/startrek

    The source at the moment is the official "star trek: star charts" and the star charts book as well as other almost-canon subregion maps. ... The space within the Alpha and Beta Quadrants is excellently rendered, but all of the Delta Quadrant things besides the Borg and Hirogen are far too large (Devore are supposed to control 12 star systems ...

  14. Galactic quadrant (Star Trek)

    Original usage. The original usage of quadrant occurs in episodes such as "The Deadly Years" and "The Squire of Gothos", where numbered quadrants (448 and 904) are given. In other episodes it appears to refer to an entire quarter of the galaxy. The season 3 Star Trek: The Next Generation Writers' Technical Manual asserts that there are four quadrants in each sector (which seem to vary in size).

  15. =/\= Map of the Galaxy

    Select a quadrant to view ... Map of the Galaxy Select a quadrant to view ... Buy the book at Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek ... Star Trek Star Charts: The Complete Atlas of Star Trek =/\\= Today is Stardate 78124.9: E-mail questions or comments ...

  16. Delta Quadrant

    The Delta Quadrant is one of the four quadrants of the Milky Way Galaxy, and is home to many alien races and cultures, most notably the Borg Collective. (TNG episode: "The Price"; DS9 episode: "Q-Less", Star Trek: Voyager) The members of the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant refer to the quadrant as the First Quadrant. (VOY novel: Acts of Contrition) The Delta Quadrant comprises ...

  17. Stellar Cartography

    The Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy which is roughly 100,000 light years in diameter and is divided into four quadrants (α, β, γ, δ), defined by two meridian passing through the galactic core. Containing over 400 billion stars, only 23.25 out of 1,000,000 planets found in those star systems support intelligent life, which may develop a ...

  18. Quadrant

    Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. The Milky Way Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy was split into four quadrants, a wedge-shaped measurement spreading out from the galaxy center. A quadrant was a region of space measuring 50,000 light-years by 50,000 light-years. The quadrants were positioned neither clockwise nor counterclockwise.

  19. Delta Quadrant

    The Delta Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. This quadrant was adjacent to the Beta Quadrant and to the Gamma Quadrant. The quadrant's closest point to the United Federation of Planets was located in the galactic core, which was located approximately thirty thousand light years away. (Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art [1]) The Delta Quadrant ...

  20. Galactic quadrant

    The "Star Trek view" of the galaxy in real life []The Milky Way's four galactic quadrants as depicted in Star Trek with the general locations of the major political forces labeled in yellow text. The term "quadrant" has been used in Star Trek: The Original Series since its inception in 1966. Note that, at the time, the galactic coordinate system had only been recently standardized in 1958.

  21. 8 Alpha Quadrant Things Star Trek: Voyager Found In Delta Quadrant

    Star Trek: Voyager's 20 best episodes bring out the best in Captain Kathryn Janeway, Seven of Nine, and the USS Voyager in the far-off Delta Quadrant. A Pair of Ferengi Negotiators, Arridor and Kol

  22. Morgana Quadrant

    The Morgana Quadrant was a region of space. By early 2365, this region had been explored by unmanned Federation ships. In that year, the USS Enterprise-D was traveling to the Morgana Quadrant when it encountered the lifeform known as Nagilum during a star mapping mission. The Enterprise-D became the first manned Federation starship to chart this quadrant. (TNG: "The Child", "Where Silence Has ...

  23. I Wish Star Trek: Voyager Showed More Of Captain Janeway's Forgotten Fiancé

    Sometimes it baffles me that Star Trek: Voyager didn't show more of the relationship between Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and her finacé Mark (Stan Ivar). As the star of Voyager's cast of characters, Janeway was the definitive head of a large ensemble and the first female lead that the Star Trek franchise ever featured. As such, Janeway and Mulgrew were both inspirations to many, and ...

  24. Letters from the Delta Quadrant: Tom Paris

    Disclaimer: Paramount Pictures owns Star Trek, Tom Paris, Kathryn Janeway, Harry Kim, Chakotay, Tuvok, Kes, Telek R'Mor and B'Elanna Torres. No copyright infringement is intended. ... So it's ironic — here we are stuck out in the Delta Quadrant, and I'm probably the only one who really doesn't want to go home. I wish I wanted to go home, so I ...

  25. Gamma Quadrant

    The Gamma Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. This quadrant was adjacent to the Alpha Quadrant and to the Delta Quadrant. One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. The Denkiri Arm was located in this quadrant. (TNG: "The Price"; Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art [1]) Vash commented that some of the cultures she had ...

  26. Beta Quadrant

    The Beta Quadrant was the common designation for one-quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. It was adjacent to the Alpha and Delta Quadrants. One-quarter of the galactic core was located in this quadrant. (Star Trek: Voyager, Season 7 production art; [1] Star Trek Into Darkness display graphics) Part of the United Federation of Planets was located in the Beta Quadrant, along with the bulk of the ...