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How to Say “Have a Safe Trip”: Formal and Informal Ways

When someone is about to embark on a journey, it’s always thoughtful to express your well wishes and hopes for their safety. Saying “have a safe trip” is a common phrase used to convey this sentiment. However, there are various ways to express this phrase, depending on the level of formality and the regional dialects. In this guide, we will explore the formal and informal ways to say “have a safe trip” while also providing tips, examples, and insights.

Table of Contents

Formal Expressions for “Have a Safe Trip”

Formal expressions are commonly used in professional or polite settings. When wishing someone a safe journey in a formal manner, you can say:

“May you have a safe trip.”

This phrase is a kind wish that explicitly expresses your hope for their well-being during their travels. It is a polite and formal way to wish someone a safe journey.

Another formal way to say “have a safe trip” is:

“Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey.”

This phrase not only conveys your concern for their safety but also emphasizes your desire for them to have a pleasant experience while traveling.

Informal Expressions for “Have a Safe Trip”

Informal expressions are commonly used among friends, family, or in casual conversations. When you want to convey your well wishes in a more familiar way, you can use these informal phrases:

1. “Have a safe trip!”

This simple and straightforward phrase is commonly used to wish someone a safe and trouble-free journey. It’s often used among friends and family members.

2. “Take care and have a safe journey!”

This expression not only wishes the person a safe trip but also reminds them to take care of themselves throughout their journey. It shows your concern for their well-being.

3. “Stay safe and have a great trip!”

This phrase combines the wish for safety with a hope for an enjoyable trip. It conveys your genuine care for the person’s safety while encouraging them to have a wonderful time.

Tips for Expressing “Have a Safe Trip”

Here are some tips to keep in mind when expressing your wishes for a safe trip:

1. Consider the Recipient

Before selecting an expression, consider the relationship you have with the person and the context of the conversation. Choose a formal or informal expression accordingly.

2. Use Warm and Positive Language

When expressing your well wishes, use warm and positive language to convey your sincerity and genuine care for the person’s safety. This helps create a positive impact and leaves a lasting impression.

3. Personalize Your Message

Add a personal touch to your message by including the person’s name or specific details about their trip. This shows that you are genuinely interested in their well-being and are invested in their journey.

4. Offer Assistance If Appropriate

If you are close to the person and willing to help, offer assistance with tasks such as pet sitting, collecting mail, or any other support they may need during their absence. This shows your willingness to go the extra mile.

Examples for “Have a Safe Trip”

Now, let’s look at some examples of how to say “have a safe trip” using the different expressions discussed above:

Formal Examples:

  • “May you have a safe trip, John. Take care and stay well.”
  • “Wishing you a safe and pleasant journey to Paris, Sarah. Enjoy your time there!”

Informal Examples:

  • “Have a safe trip, Mom. Drive carefully and call us when you arrive.”
  • “Take care and have a safe journey, my friend! Let’s catch up when you’re back.”

Remember, the key is to convey your genuine concern for the person’s safety and well-being while tailoring your expressions to the appropriate level of formality.

In conclusion, there are various ways to say “have a safe trip” depending on the level of formality and the nature of your relationship with the person. Whether you choose a formal expression such as “May you have a safe trip” or an informal phrase like “Have a safe trip,” the most important thing is to convey your genuine care and concern for their safety. So next time someone you know is heading out on a journey, don’t forget to wish them a safe and pleasant trip!

Related Guides:

  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip Back Home”: A Guide with Tips and Examples
  • Guide: How to Say “Have a Safe Trip Home”
  • Guide: How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in French
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Korean: Formal and Informal Ways
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Somali: A Comprehensive Guide
  • How to Say “Have a Safe Trip” in Spanish: Guide with Tips and Examples
  • Tips on Wishing Someone a Safe Trip Back Home
  • How to Say “Safe Trip” in Korean: A Comprehensive Guide

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The Correct Usage of Safe Travels and Safe Travel To You: A Guide to You Journey

Zackary Hooper

Map of the world, The Correct Usage of Safe Travels and Safe Travel To You: A Guide to You Journey

Are you puzzled by correctly using well-wishing phrases such as “ safe travel s ” and “safe travel to you”? If so, you’re not alone. As a seasoned traveler myself, I’ve often wondered about the proper etiquette and usage of these expressions, which led me to delve deep into understanding their origins and appropriate contexts.

Table of Contents

This blog aims to guide you through these travel phrase dilemmas while maintaining respect for cultural differences. Hang tight; an enlightening journey awaits!

Key Takeaways

  • “Safe travels” and “safe travel” are both acceptable phrases to wish someone a safe journey.
  • “Safe travels” is more commonly used when wishing multiple individuals or groups well on their journeys.
  • “Safe travel” is used when addressing an individual specifically or referring to travel as a concept rather than specific instances.
  • It’s important to be sincere and genuine in your well-wishes, showing care and concern for the person’s safety and enjoyment during their journey.

Understanding the Meaning and Usage of “Safe Travels” and “Safe Travel”

When we wish someone a safe journey, it is important to use the appropriate expression – “safe travels” or “safe travel” – depending on the context.

The significance of well-wishing on journeys

Well-wishing on journeys holds a deep-rooted significance that extends far beyond surface-level politeness. It acts as a verbal token of care and concern , often strengthening bonds between individuals .

Wishing someone “Safe travels” or “Have a safe flight” communicates your desires for their well-being during travel, underlining the shared human experience of venturing into the unknown.

In many cultures around the world, expressions of good fortune for journeys carry symbolic weight and are considered important customs to observe . These wishes also provide comfort and reassurance to travelers setting out on big adventures or navigating unfamiliar paths.

Hence, they serve as an emotional compass guiding us through our collective journey – embodying empathy in its purest form.

Man on a backpacking trip, Exploring the difference between "safe travels" and "safe travel"

Exploring the difference between “safe travels” and “safe travel”

“Safe travels” and “safe travel” are two phrases commonly used to wish someone a safe journey. While they both convey the same meaning and intent, there is a slight difference in their usage .

The phrase “safe travels” is more commonly used , especially when wishing well to multiple individuals or groups. It is often used as a general expression of good wishes for anyone embarking on a journey, whether it’s by land, sea, or air.

On the other hand, “safe travel” is less common but still acceptable . It tends to be used when addressing an individual specifically or when referring to travel as a concept rather than specific instances.

Common Ways to Wish Someone a Safe Journey

Some numerous alternative phrases and expressions can be used to wish someone a safe journey.

Alternative phrases and expressions for well-wishing

When wishing someone a safe journey, you can use several alternative phrases and expressions. Here are some options to consider:

  • Bon voyage !
  • Have a great trip !
  • Arrive safe and sound !
  • Wishing you a smooth journey !
  • Enjoy your vacation!
  • Take lots of pictures!
  • Travel safely !
  • Have an amazing adventure!
  • Best wishes for your travels !
  • May your journey be filled with joy!

Proper etiquette for wishing well on travels

When wishing someone well on their travels, it is important to follow proper etiquette . One should always be sincere and genuine in their wishes, showing that they care about the person’s safety and enjoyment during their journey.

Using phrases like “safe travels” or “have a safe trip” are commonly accepted and appreciated. It is also nice to offer additional blessings or well-wishes such as “wishing you a safe journey” or “enjoy your holiday.” Remember to be respectful of cultural differences and norms when expressing these wishes, as some people may have different customs or superstitions associated with travel.

Travel etiquette is all about spreading positive vibes and goodwill for safe journeys without causing any offense.

Examples of Correct Usage of “Safe Travels” and “Safe Travel”

– “I always say ‘safe travels’ to my friends when they embark on a trip abroad.”

– “When my sister went on a hiking expedition, I wished her ‘safe travel’ since it was a singular journey.”

– “Before boarding the plane, the flight attendant announced, ‘Have a safe flight,’ ensuring everyone’s well-being during their travels.”

– “As an avid traveler, I often use phrases like ‘wishing you a safe journey’ or ‘arrive safe and sound’ to convey my good wishes for others.”

Sentences and scenarios demonstrating the appropriate usage

I often find myself using the phrases “ safe travel s ” and “safe travel” interchangeably, but there are actually subtle differences in their usage. Here are some examples to help you understand when it’s appropriate to use each phrase:

  • As my friend embarked on her journey, I wished her safe travels.
  • It’s common to use “safe travels” when someone is going on a trip involving multiple destinations or modes of transportation .
  • When my brother set off on his solo road trip, I wished him safe travel.
  • “Safe travel” is typically used when referring to a single journey or specific mode of transportation .
  • Before my parents boarded their flight, I said, “Have a safe flight!”
  • Saying “have a safe flight” is another common way to wish someone well on their journey by plane .
  • As my colleague headed out for her vacation, I offered the traditional phrase : “Bon voyage!”
  • “Bon voyage” is an alternative expression that conveys well – wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey.
  • When bidding farewell to a friend going on holiday, I said, “Wishing you a safe journey! Enjoy your time away.”
  • Combining the wish for a safe journey with an expression of enjoyment can create a more personalized and heartfelt message.

Tips for using the phrases effectively in various contexts

Here are some tips for using the phrases “Safe Travels” and “Safe Travel” effectively in different situations:

  • Use “Safe Travels” when wishing someone well on a long journey or multiple trips.
  • Use “Safe Travel” when wishing someone a safe single trip or a specific part of their journey.
  • Consider the context and duration of the trip before deciding which phrase to use.
  • Be mindful of the person’s mode of transportation – for air travel, saying “Safe Flight” is also common and appropriate.
  • Customize your well – wishes by adding specific details to make them more personal and meaningful.
  • Stay positive and genuine in your delivery – sincerity goes a long way in conveying your good intentions.
  • Consider cultural norms and customs when expressing well-wishes – certain phrases may be more common or preferred in different regions or communities.

Addressing the Rudeness Concern: Is it Rude to Say "Have a Safe Flight"? Safe Travel To You.

Addressing the Rudeness Concern: Is it Rude to Say “Have a Safe Flight”?

Is it rude to say “Have a safe flight”?

Discussing social norms and cultural differences

Social norms and cultural differences play a significant role in how we communicate our well-wishes for safe travels. In some cultures, people may find it more appropriate to say “Have a safe journey” or “Wishing you a safe trip” rather than using the phrase “Safe Travels.” It’s important to be mindful of these cultural nuances and adapt our expressions accordingly when interacting with people from different backgrounds.

Additionally, social norms can vary when it comes to expressing well-wishes for specific modes of travel such as flights . While saying “Have a safe flight” is widely accepted in many countries, there are places where this phrase might not be commonly used or even considered rude.

Understanding these social norms helps us navigate diverse situations and ensure that our intentions are positively received across cultures.

Understanding the intention behind the phrase and its impact

When we wish someone a safe journey, it’s important to understand the intention behind our words and the impact they can have. By expressing our well-wishes, we are showing care and concern for the person embarking on their travels.

We want them to have a positive experience and return safely. Our words can provide reassurance and comfort , making them feel supported as they set off on their adventure. So next time you wish someone safe travels or safe travel, remember the power of your words and how they can bring positivity into someone’s journey .

Conclusion: Spreading Positive Vibes and Well-Wishes for Safe Journeys

In conclusion, it is important to spread positive vibes and well-wishes for safe journeys. By correctly using phrases like “safe travels” and “safe travel,” we can show our care and concern for others as they embark on their trips.

Remembering proper etiquette and using appropriate expressions will make our wishes meaningful and heartfelt. So let’s continue to wish everyone a safe journey filled with adventure, good fortune, and happy memories!

FAQs on Safe Travel To You

1. should i say “safe travels” or “safe travel” when wishing someone well on a journey.

Both “safe travels” and “safe travel” are grammatically correct and commonly used expressions to wish someone well on their journey.

2. Can I use “safe travels” for multiple people?

Yes, you can use “safe travels” to wish multiple people well on their journeys.

3. Is there any difference in meaning between “safe travels” and “safe travel”?

There is no significant difference in meaning between the two phrases; they both convey the same sentiment of wishing someone a safe journey.

4. Are there any other alternative phrases to wish someone a safe journey?

Yes, other alternatives include phrases like “have a safe trip,” “travel safely,” or simply saying “stay safe.”

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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Fill in the form below and receive news in your email box, safe travels: definition, meaning and origin.

The idiom "safe travels" means wishing someone a secure, pleasant, and problem-free journey. It is a friendly expression used to convey good wishes for someone's trip.

"Safe travels" is a way to wish someone a secure and enjoyable journey.

What Does "Safe Travels" Mean?

People use the idiom "safe travels" to wish someone a secure and pleasant journey. It is a warm and friendly expression, often used when saying goodbye to someone who is about to embark on a trip. The phrase can be applied to various modes of transportation, such as driving, flying, or taking a train.

  • Wishing someone a secure journey
  • Conveying a pleasant and trouble-free trip
  • Expressing goodwill and affection

Where Does "Safe Travels" Come From?

The exact origin of "safe travels" is unclear, but it likely evolved from the idea of wishing someone safety and well-being on their journey. The word "safe" comes from the Old French "salf," which means "unharmed" or "uninjured," and the Middle English "save," meaning "protected" or "secure."

The word "travel" has its roots in the French word "travail," meaning hard work or exertion, whether physical or mental. This term, in turn, originates from the Medieval Latin word "trepalium," which was an ancient instrument of torture consisting of three stakes on which victims were tied and set on fire. Thus, for our ancestors, travel was not the leisurely activity we enjoy today but a grueling task bordering on torture.

Historical Example

"Be sure to thank the participants for their involvement in the course and wish them safe travels home." - Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime, 1993

10 Examples of "Safe Travels" in Sentences

Here are some examples of the idiom used in various contexts:

  • Have a great time on your vacation, and safe travels !
  • You're most welcome ; glad I could help - wishing you safe travels on your upcoming vacation!
  • I hope you have a fantastic trip and safe travels back home.
  • Before boarding the plane, her friends wished her safe travels .
  • How is your day going so far? I just wanted to wish you safe travels  for your flight this evening!
  • Our family wishes you safe travels and a memorable journey.
  • May your journey be filled with joy and safe travels .
  • Despite the stormy weather , I hope you have  safe travels on your road trip this weekend.
  • Enjoy your time abroad, and we'll be thinking of you with hopes for safe travels .
  • Have a blast on your trip, and safe travels as you explore new places!

Examples of "Safe Travels" in Pop Culture

The phrase has been featured in various forms of pop culture, including movies, literature, and music.

Some notable examples are:

  • "We kiss your eyes and wish you safe travels" is a quote from the 1998 fantasy book "The Coming of a New Millenium" by Heidi Neale and Nick Manolukas.
  • "Safe Travels" is the title of the song by Peter and the Wolf from the album Lightness.
  • "Safe Travels" is the title of the third studio album by the American power pop band, Jukebox the Ghost.

Other/Different Ways to Say "Safe Travels"

There are several alternatives to expressing the sentiment of "safe travels" in English, including:

  • Have a safe trip
  • Travel safely
  • Smooth sailing
  • Safe journey
  • All the best

10 Frequently Asked Questions About "Safe Travels":

  • What does "safe travels" mean today?
"Safe travels" is a friendly expression used to wish someone a secure and pleasant journey.
  • What is the origin of the phrase "safe travels"?
The exact origin of "safe travels" is unclear, but it likely evolved from the idea of wishing someone safety and well-being on their journey. The terms "safe" and "travels" have their roots in Old French and Middle English.
  • How can I use 'safe travels ' in a sentence?
You can use "safe travels" in a sentence to wish someone a secure and enjoyable journey, such as, "Safe travels to you on your upcoming trip, your kindness and generosity are much appreciated !"
  • Can "safe travels" be used in both formal and informal settings?
Yes, "safe travels" can be used in both formal and informal settings, depending on the context and your relationship with the person you are addressing.
  • Is "safe travels" used worldwide?
"Safe travels" is a widely understood expression, though it may be expressed differently in various languages and cultures. The sentiment behind the phrase remains universal.
  • What are some alternatives to "safe travels"?
Some alternatives to "safe travels" include 'have a great trip,' 'bon voyage,' 'happy journey,' 'travel safely,' and 'all the best for your trip.'
  • Can people use "safe travels" for short trips as well as long journeys?
Yes, "safe travels" can be used to wish someone well on both short trips and long journeys, regardless of the mode of transportation.
  • Is "safe travels" appropriate for business trips?
Yes, "safe travels" is appropriate for business trips, as it is a friendly and polite way to wish someone a pleasant journey, regardless of the purpose of their travel.
  • In written communication, how do people use "safe travels"?
"Safe travels" can be used in written communication, such as emails, text messages, or greeting cards, to convey warm wishes for someone's journey. For example, you might write, "Wishing you safe travels and a successful business trip."
  • Can people use "safe travels" for return trips, or does it only apply to departing journeys?
"Safe travels" can be used for both departing journeys and return trips, as the sentiment behind the expression is to wish someone a secure and pleasant journey, regardless of the direction.

Final Thoughts About "Safe Travels"

In summary, the idiom "safe travels" is a warm and friendly expression used to wish someone a secure, pleasant, and problem-free journey. It is a versatile phrase that can be applied to various situations and modes of transportation, and it conveys care and goodwill for the person about to embark on a trip.

Key takeaways about the idiom "safe travels":

  • Conveys a wish for someone's secure and enjoyable journey
  • Applicable to different modes of transportation, such as driving, flying, or taking a train
  • It can be used in both formal and informal settings, depending on the context and your relationship with the person

Using the idiom "safe travels" is a thoughtful way to express your care and good wishes for someone about to embark on a journey. Whether it's a short trip or a long voyage, a business excursion, or a leisurely vacation, saying "safe travels" convey your hopes for their well-being and a pleasant experience.

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65 Beautiful Quotes to Wish Someone a Safe Journey

Know someone who is about to set off on holiday or go abroad? Here are 65 creative and thoughtful ways to say ‘Have a safe trip’. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes to show them that you care.

Saying goodbye to someone who’s about to depart on a journey can be difficult. Even as a writer, I often struggle to find the right words to say.

These days, I’m usually on the receiving end of goodbyes – but I’ve had to say my fair share of farewells, too.

While ‘Have a safe journey’ will sometimes suffice, quoting a simple message, a beautiful saying or even a traditional blessing is an easy way to make a farewell more meaningful and memorable.

I’ve searched books, song lyrics and inspirational sites to come up with this list of 65 safe journey wishes . You can say these out loud, or you can copy and paste your favourite into an email, use it in a caption on social media, or better still, jot it down on a hand-written note!

  • The best quotes about travelling with friends
  • The best quotes about travelling alone
  • The best quotes for travelling with family
  • Inspiring quotes about adventure & hiking
  • Beautiful sunset captions for social media

Please note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link (at no extra cost to you). Learn more.

Tips for wishing someone a safe journey

Goodbyes are often emotional and can be overwhelming, especially when they take place at the airport or at the station. These tips can make saying farewell that much easier.

  • Don’t leave your goodbye until the last minute. If you want to make it meaningful, make sure you set aside enough time to say everything you want to say.
  • Focus on the next time you’ll meet. Whether it’s catching up for a meal or picking them up from the airport, make a plan and remind them (and yourself) that it’s only a matter of time before you see each other again.
  • Make a time to speak. If you know you’ll hear their voice when the flight lands or the train pulls in, you’ll feel much better about sending them off.
  • Remember, the person travelling is excited for the journey ahead – but they’re probably just as emotional as you!
  • Reassure them that you’ll be thinking of them. These safe journey wishes are perfect for just that.
  • It’s not only about what you say, it’s also what you do. Depending on your relationship, a warm hug or a hand on the shoulder can mean a lot.

Short and sweet safe journey wishes

These safe journey messages are thoughtful but to the point. They’re especially good for saying a quick goodbye on social media or by text message.

  • Best wishes for a safe, happy and fulfilling journey.
  • May the road be kind to you.
  • Go safe, move safe, leave safe, home safe.

A quote graphic.

This goodbye message comes from a Middle English phrase meaning ‘May you prosper’.

When NASA astronaut John Glenn made the first manned orbital flight in 1962, mission control used the word ‘Godspeed’ to wish him a safe journey.

  • Catch you on the flip side!

We often use this friendly way of saying goodbye in Australia. It comes from late-night radio DJs, who would use the phrase before they put on a vinyl record.

Listeners knew they wouldn’t hear from the DJ again until the record had played through and they had ‘flipped’ the vinyl to the B side.

  • Stay out of trouble!

A cheeky way of saying ‘Have a safe journey’, appropriate for someone you know well!

  • Smooth sailing!

First coined in the 14th Century, this phrase prophesied calm waters free from rough waves for someone who was about to set sail on the high seas.

It doesn’t just apply to water travel – nowadays, it can be used as a generic saying to wish someone a breezy journey.

  • “May the air be clear, your flight smooth, the plane ride safe, and the sky blue!” – Unknown
  • “May angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat cake!” – Unknown

A quote graphic.

  • “The world is waiting for you. Good Luck. Travel Safe. Go!” – Phil Keoghan (The Amazing Race)
  • “I don’t want you coming back empty-handed – I want you coming back with a head full of tall tales, absurdities, and little moments of beauty. Have a safe trip!” – Unknown

How to wish someone safe travels in a different language

Are you saying goodbye to someone who is travelling overseas? Why not wish them a safe journey in the local language of their destination.

  • Bon voyage! – French
  • Buon viaggio! – Italian
  • Gluckliche reise! – German
  • Viaje seguro! – Spanish
  • Boa viagem! – Portuguese

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • Tsetchem leshalom (נסיעה בטוחה) – Hebrew
  • Chuyến đi an toàn – Vietnamese
  • Anzen’na tabi (安全な旅) – Japanese
  • Yīlù píng’ān (一路平安) – Chinese
  • Surakshit yaatra (सुरक्षित यात्रा) – Hindi
  • Mae alsalama (مع السلامة) – Arabic
  • Safari salama – Swahili

Inspiring safe journey wishes

Are you wishing a safe journey to some who is feeling nervous or anxious? Or maybe you just want to offer some parting words of wisdom that will inspire them to make the most of their trip. Travelling is a life-changing experience , and these quotes perfectly capture that sentiment.

These inspirational journey quotes and travel affirmations are suitable for family, friends or your significant other.

  • “It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.” – Ernie Harwell
  • “Not I, nor anyone else can travel that road for you. You must travel it by yourself. It is not far. It is within reach. Perhaps you have been on it since you were born, and did not know. Perhaps it is everywhere – on water and land.” – Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass
  • “If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” – Paulo Coelho

A quote graphic.

  • “As with most phobias, the fear of flying does make some sense, but if ever there was a fear worth quashing then this is it. After all, life is short, and there’s a great big world to explore out there.” – Beth Ditto
  • “The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it. The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.” – J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
  • “Embrace what you don’t understand, what you can’t see just yet, experience something new.” – Unknown
  • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Lanterns in Chiang Mai.

  • “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It’s the too-huge world vaulting us, and it’s good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road
  • “Today is the first step on a brand new journey. All you have to do is keep moving.” – Unknown
  • “Most people spend their lives dreaming about somewhere else, go there.” – Unknown
  • “Ships may be safest docked in the harbour, but that is not what they were designed to do.” – Unknown
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” – Confucius
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

A mountaintop monastery with a beautiful quote overlaid on the graphic.

  • “Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travellers don’t know where they’re going.” – Paul Theroux
  • “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu
  • “The world is open to an endless stream of potential experiences; it’s up to you to navigate that raging torrent of possibilities and find your own destination.” – Unknown
  • “Remember that true contentment comes from stepping out into the unknown and beating back the ghosts of insecurity. Enjoy this trip and all that it has to offer and let your mind be open to new experiences.” – Unknown
  • “Get ready for the unexpected, for the trivial and mundane to be turned into the profound and insightful.” – Unknown
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “Travel is about the gorgeous feeling of teetering in the unknown.” – Anthony Bourdain

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell
  • “Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” – Henry David Thoreau

Safe journey wishes for your significant other

Saying farewell to the person you love – be they a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife – is often the hardest goodbye of all.

These romantic quotes can help you convey your feelings while wishing your loved one a safe journey.

  • “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” – A.A. Milne (Winnie-the-Pooh)
  • “Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown
  • “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi

A beautiful quote graphic.

  • “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.” – Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)
  • “You’re my favourite hello, but my hardest goodbye.” – Unknown

And if it’s you who’s saying goodbye…

  • “Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you Tomorrow I’ll miss you Remember I’ll always be true And then while I’m away I’ll write home every day And I’ll send all my lovin’ to you” – The Beatles, All My Loving
  • “So kiss me and smile for me Tell me that you’ll wait for me Hold me like you’ll never let me go ‘Cause I’m leavin’ on a jet plane Don’t know when I’ll be back again Oh babe, I hate to go” – John Denver, Leaving on a Jet Plane

Thoughtful safe journey wishes for friends & family

These friendly travel quotes are perfect if you’re parting ways with a friend or family member.

  • “Though miles may lie between us, we are never far apart, for friendship doesn’t count miles, it’s measured by the heart.” – Unknown
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” – Mahatma Gandhi

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes.” – Henry David Thoreau
  • “Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means I’ll miss you until we meet again.” – Unknown
  • “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.” – Charles Dickens

Traditional safe journey messages from around the world

Every culture and religion has its own beautiful and poetic ways of saying farewell. Here are just a few of my favourites.

  • “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields and, Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand, May Angels fly with you wherever you roam and guide you back safely to family and home.” – Traditional Irish blessing
  • “May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.” – Traditional Irish farewell

65 creative and thoughtful ways to say 'have a safe journey' to a traveller. Copy and paste these safe journey wishes and show them that you care.

  • “Goodbye, goodbye, loved one, goodbye. We’ll meet again, God willing.” – Kwa Heri by Libana, a Swahili goodbye song
  • “May you ride comfortably and tirelessly on the road you travel! May your golden way be filled with prosperity! Please go easy and well on your way! Please go well!” – Traditional Mongolian farewell

Beautiful safe travel blessings & prayers

  • For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. – Psalm 91:11-12
  • “Arise with you in the morning, travel with you through each day, Welcome you on your arrival. God, be with you all the way.” – Christian prayer
  • “Be mindful, O Lord, of those who travel by land, by sea, and by air… upon them all send forth Thy mercies, for Thou art the Giver of all good things.” – Orthodox Christian prayer

And there you have it – 65 thoughtful and heartfelt ways to say farewell to someone who’s travelling. What are your favourite goodbye quotes?

World’s best and golden words I’ve read here . I wanted to wish my crush and this site helped me a lot . Thank you very much.

Thank you for sharing 🙂

Just a little note on the Portuguese wishes, “Viagem segura” is grammatically correct but no one really says it that way, we say “Boa viagem”

Obrigado, Rita! I’ve just updated it 🙂

Amazing, these are cute wishes and I think best way to say good-bye to anyone in a beautiful way. Keep sharing good stuff!

Great page! Very inspiring. Very meaningful. Very informative.

Please note typo: Buon viaggion! – Italian should be Buon viaggio! (There is no letter n.)

Keep up the good work,

Whoops, fixed! Thanks for pointing out the typo.

Kindest, Emily

Your words are amazing!

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  • Safe Travels or Safe Travel? Which is the Correct Expression?
  • Learn English
  • James Prior
  • No Comments
  • Updated May 6, 2023

Safe travels or safe travel

The next time someone you know is traveling somewhere or going on a trip, you might want to wish them a safe journey without any problems. But, what is the correct expression for this? Is it “safe travels” or safe travel”?

Let’s take a look at the correct way to wish someone a safe journey.

Table of Contents

Safe travels or safe travel?

Both safe travels and safe travel are correct ways of wishing someone a safe journey. However, “safe travels” is much more commonly used.

Safe travels

The meaning of safe travels is to wish someone a safe journey and good fortune on their trip.

Safe travels implies that the person being spoken to is involved in some sort of extended traveling where there will be more than one “travel”. For example, they could be about to go traveling around South America or Asia. Alternatively, it implies that several travels or journeys will occur within a singular trip. Therefore, safe travels uses the countable form of the noun, because there is more than one travel.

Safe travel

Safe travel uses the uncountable form of the noun. It refers to all of the travels the person being spoken to might collectively make on a particular trip. Although you’ll rarely hear this used.

Travel safe, on the other hand, is a lot more common. This is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey. It is a friendly imperative that is often used when seeing off friends or family before a trip and expresses that you hope they have a pleasant, uneventful journey.

When is the correct time to wish someone safe travels?

You can wish someone safe travels when you want to wish them a good, safe journey. This might be before they are going to teach English abroad, going on holiday, or if they’re embarking on a long trip home.

Other ways to say safe travels

There are also other ways to express safe travels, such as:

  • Travel safely.
  • Have a good trip.
  • Have a safe trip.
  • Have a safe journey.
  • Drive safe.
  • Bon voyage.

You can also say safe trip and safe journey, but we usually add “Have a..” in front of this.

What about bon voyage?

Yes, I know what you’re thinking, doesn’t Bon Voyage sound French? Well, yes, it is French and it literally means “safe journey” or “have a good trip”. It is one of a number of foreign words that are used in the English language.

Conclusion: Safe travels

So, until next time, I wish you safe travels! Best wishes for your onward journey through the English language .

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Have a Safe Journey: Unraveling the Depths of its Meaning

Have a Safe Journey

In the vast landscape of human interaction, certain phrases have become so commonplace that their profound implications are often overlooked. One such phrase is “Have a safe journey.” On the surface, it appears to be nothing more than a simple wish for safety and security during travel. However, when one delves deeper into the essence of this seemingly mundane expression, layers of meaning emerge that speak volumes about our shared human experience.

The phrase “Have a safe journey” is not merely an utterance; it is a manifestation of empathy, a testament to the inherent human capacity for concern and care. It is an acknowledgement of the uncertainties that accompany every journey, and a quiet prayer for the traveler’s well-being. This blog seeks to explore the hidden depths of this common phrase, shedding light on its cultural, emotional, and philosophical dimensions. As we embark on this exploration, we invite you to join us in redefining what it means to wish someone a “safe journey”.

1. The Cultural Significance of “Have a Safe Journey” 2. The Emotional Resonance of Wishing for Safety 3. The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Phrase 4. The Evolution of “Have a Safe Journey” in Literature 5. Reinterpreting “Have a Safe Journey” in Modern Times

The Cultural Significance of “Have a Safe Journey”

Have a Safe Journey

In the great tapestry of human interactions, the phrase “Have a safe journey” holds a special place. It is a common sentiment that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries, serving as a universal expression of concern and well-wishing. Its roots can be traced back to times when journeys were fraught with peril, and safety was not guaranteed. Even in contemporary times, despite the relative security of most forms of travel, this phrase remains deeply ingrained in our lexicon, reflecting our collective consciousness of the inherent uncertainties of life.

The cultural significance of “Have a safe journey” lies not only in its ubiquity but also in its versatility. It is equally at home in the casual farewells of friends, the solemn partings of lovers, and the anxious goodbyes of parents to their traveling offspring. This phrase serves as an emotional shorthand, encapsulating a range of feelings from affection and concern to hope and longing. It is a testament to the power of language, capable of conveying complex emotions in a simple, universally understood manner.

Interestingly, the phrase “Have a safe journey” has also found its way into the world of literature, where it often serves as a metaphor for life’s journey. From Shakespeare’s tragic heroes embarking on quests of redemption to Hemingway’s stoic protagonists confronting the harsh realities of existence, this phrase has been employed by authors to underscore the unpredictability and inherent risks of life. Thus, “Have a safe journey” is more than just a farewell greeting; it is a cultural artifact, a linguistic thread that weaves together the shared experiences of humanity across time and space.

2. The Emotional Resonance of Wishing for Safety

Have a Safe Journey

The phrase “Have a safe journey” resonates deeply with our primal instincts for safety and survival. It is an expression of our innate desire to protect ourselves and our loved ones from harm, a sentiment that is as old as humanity itself. When we wish someone a safe journey , we are acknowledging the inherent risks of travel and expressing our hope that they will be spared from any harm. This act of wishing for safety serves as a psychological buffer against the unpredictable nature of life, providing us with a semblance of control in a world often characterized by chaos and uncertainty.

On an emotional level, the act of wishing for safety can also serve as a profound expression of love and concern. Each time we utter the words “Have a safe journey”, we are effectively saying, “I care about your well-being. I want you to return to me unscathed.” In this sense, the phrase is not just a casual farewell greeting but a heartfelt declaration of affection. It is a testament to the depth of our emotional bonds, revealing our capacity for empathy and compassion.

Furthermore, the emotional resonance of wishing for safety extends beyond our personal relationships. It reflects our collective aspiration for a safer, more secure world. Every time we wish someone a safe journey, we are contributing to a culture of care and concern, reinforcing the social norms that underpin our communal life. Thus, the phrase “Have a safe journey” serves not only as an individual expression of concern but also as a symbol of our shared commitment to each other’s well-being..

3. The Philosophical Underpinnings of the Phrase

Have a Safe Journey

The phrase “Have a safe journey” carries with it a depth of philosophical significance that reaches far beyond its surface meaning. It is more than just an expression of concern or a wish for safety; it is a reflection of our understanding of life as a journey, fraught with uncertainties and dangers.

At its core, this phrase embodies the human condition’s vulnerability and acknowledges the inherent unpredictability of life. When we say, “Have a safe journey,” we recognize that despite our best efforts, we cannot control everything. We are at the mercy of circumstances beyond our reach, subject to the whims of fate. This realization, sobering as it may be, is a fundamental aspect of human existence. It reminds us of our limitations, prompting us to appreciate the present moment and cherish the people around us.

Moreover, the phrase also encapsulates a profound sense of hope and optimism. By wishing for someone’s safety, we express our belief in the possibility of a positive outcome. We affirm our faith in the idea that, despite the risks and challenges, the journey will ultimately be safe and rewarding. This optimistic outlook is a testament to our resilience as a species, reflecting our ability to find hope amidst uncertainty and to remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

4. The Evolution of “Have a Safe Journey” in Literature

Have a Safe Journey

The phrase “Have a safe journey” has been woven into the fabric of literature, evolving in its usage and connotation over time. It has been employed by authors as a tool to convey a myriad of emotions and situations, reflecting the cultural and societal changes that have occurred.

In early works of literature, the phrase was often used in the context of physical journeys, particularly those fraught with danger or uncertainty. Characters embarking on epic quests or long voyages would be bid farewell with these words, underlining the perilous nature of their endeavors. This usage reflects the realities of the time when travel was a risky venture, filled with potential hazards and unforeseen complications.

As literature progressed, the phrase began to acquire metaphorical dimensions. In modern and contemporary literature, “Have a safe journey” is not restricted to physical travel but extends to emotional and psychological journeys as well. Characters navigating the complexities of relationships, grappling with inner conflicts, or undergoing personal transformations are often wished a ‘safe journey’, signifying an understanding of their internal struggles and an expression of empathy and support.

This evolution in literature mirrors the broader shifts in our understanding of safety and journeying. As society became more complex, so did the challenges we face, extending beyond the physical realm into the psychological and emotional spheres. The phrase “Have a safe journey”, therefore, serves as a literary testament to these changes, encapsulating our collective experiences and evolving perceptions.

5. Reinterpreting “Have a Safe Journey” in Modern Times

Have a Safe Journey

In the contemporary world, the phrase “Have a safe journey” has taken on new meanings and interpretations. As society becomes increasingly globalized and interconnected, physical travel is no longer the perilous venture it once was. Instead, safety concerns have shifted towards the digital realm, where cyber threats and information security are paramount. Thus, wishing someone a ‘safe journey’ could now imply a desire for their digital protection, particularly when navigating the vast, often treacherous landscape of the internet.

Moreover, as our understanding of mental health continues to evolve, the concept of a ‘safe journey’ has expanded to encompass emotional and psychological well-being. In this context, wishing someone a ‘safe journey’ may be an expression of support for their mental health journey, acknowledging the challenges they may face while affirming their resilience and strength. This reinterpretation reflects the growing recognition of mental health issues and the importance of emotional safety in our society.

Lastly, the phrase “Have a safe journey” is also being reinterpreted in the context of social and cultural journeys. As people navigate the complexities of identity, gender, race, and culture, the journey towards self-understanding and acceptance can be fraught with difficulties. Wishing someone a ‘safe journey’ in this context is a way of expressing solidarity, empathy, and respect for their struggles and experiences. This reinterpretation underscores the ongoing societal shifts towards greater inclusivity, diversity, and understanding. In conclusion, the phrase “Have a safe journey” is more than a mere farewell or a casual expression of concern. It is a testament to our shared human experience, a reflection of our collective hopes and fears, and a symbol of our capacity for empathy and compassion. As we navigate through the unpredictable seas of life, these three simple words serve as a beacon of hope, reminding us that we are not alone in our struggles and that there is always someone wishing for our safety and well-being.

As we unravel the layers of meaning behind this common phrase, we are reminded of the power of language to connect us on a deeper level. Whether it’s a heartfelt goodbye from a loved one, a casual farewell from an acquaintance, or a silent prayer from a stranger, the phrase “Have a safe journey” resonates with all of us, echoing our shared desire for safety, security, and peace.

In the end, every journey—whether physical or metaphorical—is fraught with uncertainties and challenges. But as long as there are people wishing us a safe journey, we can face these challenges with courage and optimism, knowing that we are not alone in our journey. So the next time you wish someone a “safe journey”, remember the profound significance of your words, and take a moment to appreciate the deep connections they foster.

A Lover’s Journey

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11 Better Ways To Say “Safe Travels”

“Safe travels” is a polite way to wish somebody well on their upcoming journey. However, there are better ways to be polite and reassuring to your friends when they’re ready to go somewhere (often by plane). This article will share the best alternatives for such a case with you.

What Can I Say Instead Of “Safe Travels”?

There are plenty of ways to use “safe travels” in more exciting manners. You should check out one of the following:

  • Have a good flight
  • Happy landings
  • See you on the other side
  • Let me know when you arrive safely
  • Stay safe out there
  • Enjoy your trip
  • Have a relaxing time away
  • Happy travels

Better Ways To Say Safe Travels

The preferred version is “be safe” because it keeps it simple. It’s a common phrase we use when we want to wish someone well, and we don’t want them to come across any complications or dangers that might occur if they’re not “careful” enough.

“Be safe” is great to show we care about someone. It lets them know that we worry about them, and we want them to stay “safe” no matter what happens. It works regardless of the method of transport for the journey as well, which makes it a good general phrase.

It’s common for family members to use the phrase “ be safe ” when seeing each other off. This shows that there is a lot of love behind the phrase and that it works well to show how much you care about someone’s wellbeing.

Here are a few ways we might be able to use this phrase:

  • Be safe out there. I know you like to find trouble, but for once, I’d love it if you looked after yourself!
  • Be safe on your way out! I would love to hear from you and see the pictures of all the things you get up to.
  • Don’t forget to message me when you get there! Be safe, and I love you!

“Safe trip” is a simple phrase we can use to make sure someone knows we care. Using words like “safe” reminds people that we worry about them. Even if we are not physically there with them, we hope they are “safe” and do not get into trouble.

This phrase works well regardless of the trip that someone is taking. It could be a long-distance or a short-distance trip. Likewise, it could be by car, plane, boat, or something else entirely!

This phrase works in the following situations:

  • Safe trip, Yuri! I’ll miss you, but I know you’ll be thinking about me while you’re away.
  • Safe trip back to your hometown, then. Let me know when you get there safely.
  • Safe trip, old friend. I’ll see you again whenever you’re next in town!

Have A Good Flight

“Have a good flight” is appropriate to use when someone is going to get on a plane. We use “flight” here to be specific, which helps us to show that we know what someone is getting up to and what they’re likely going to expect from their journey.

We can use this phrase in the following ways:

  • Have a good flight! I’m sure you can get all the food and drink you want on there!
  • Have a good flight, and don’t forget to let me know when you land safely!
  • Have a good flight! There’s nothing to worry about, and you know it’ll all be okay!

Happy Landings

“Happy landings” specifically highlights the “landing” portion of a journey. It works well when someone is going on a plane, and we want them to be “happy” throughout the course of their journey.

Here are a few useful examples of how this one works:

  • Happy landings, fella! Don’t forget that they really like their tips out there when you’re dining out!
  • Happy landings, then! I’ll miss you every second, so I want you to send me all the photos you can!
  • Happy landings! Don’t forget to explore some of the local scenery!

See You On The Other Side

“See you on the other side” is an informal idiom that works well in many cases. We can do it when we know that someone will be returning to see us again soon. “The other side” indicates the place where we will be staying while they go on a journey.

Check out some of these examples to see how it looks:

  • See you on the other side, then! Have a great holiday!
  • Have a great time away, Fred! See you on the other side!
  • I’ll be here waiting for you as always! See you on the other side!

Let Me Know When You Arrive Safely

“Let me know when you arrive safely” is a calm way to let someone know that you are worried. When they arrive at their destination, we can ask them to “message” us to ease our minds and show us that they are thinking about us even after their journey.

We could also use a phrase like “text me when” instead of “let me know when.” If we want to be more specific about the manner of messaging, this phrase works just as well.

This phrase works well in the following ways:

  • Let me know when you arrive safely, please! You know how much I worry about you while I’m not around!
  • Text me when you arrive safely, please! I want to know just how much fun you’re getting up to.
  • Let me know when you arrive safely! I’ll miss you every second that you’re away.

Stay Safe Out There

“Stay safe out there” is a good way to show that you care about someone. “Stay safe” helps to let them know that you’ll be looking out for them and that you want them to explore, but in a reasonable way that won’t cause them harm.

We typically use this phrase when someone is going on a long-distance journey. “Out there” is a good indicator of that.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • Stay safe out there, then! I know you’ll make all the best choices while you’re away.
  • Stay safe out there! I’ll miss you, but I know you’ll be having an absolutely adoring time!
  • Stay safe out there. You never know what hijinx you might get into, so make sure you text me!

Enjoy Your Trip

“Enjoy your trip” is a simple way to show someone that you care. It helps to let them know that we want them to “enjoy” themselves. While trips can sometimes be boring (especially long-distance ones), we want people to feel like they can still have fun.

This simple phrase works as follows:

  • Enjoy your trip, Michael! Let me know when you arrive so we can discuss the adventure more!
  • Enjoy your trip! Don’t forget to immerse yourself in the local culture when you get there!
  • Enjoy your trip! I expect you to be fluent in German by the time you get back, okay?

Have A Relaxing Time Away

“Have a relaxing time away” works well in many cases. It’s most effective when we know that someone is inclined to worry (whether about the journey or the place they’re going). If we want to calm them down, this phrase works well.

These examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • Have a relaxing time away! Remember, you don’t need to worry about a thing when you get on that plane!
  • Have a relaxing time away! If anyone deserves it, it is most certainly you!
  • Have a relaxing time away! I’m going to miss you, but I know you’ll be back in no time!

Happy Travels

“Happy travels” works really well when we want people to feel “happy” on their journey. “Travels” can refer to any method of transport, but the idea is that they’ll be spending a long time getting from point A to point B, and we want them to feel “happy.”

Perhaps one of these examples will help you make more sense of it:

  • Happy travels, mate! I know you’ll love it over there in Australia, but you must tell me all about it.
  • Happy travels, Sue! I’ll miss you, so don’t forget to write to me every day about what you do.
  • Happy travels, Dan! Thank you for coming to see me again, and I’ll see you again soon, yeah?

“Bon voyage” is a great way to wish someone well before they go on an adventure. It’s French (and Italian), and it means “good journey.” It’s a commonly-used exclamation in English when we want to wish somebody well for something they’re going to do.

It’s also comforting because it shows that we do not wish any problems to come their way when they’re on their journey.

  • Bon voyage, my little friend! I’ll see you again when you return!
  • Bon voyage, then! I will miss you, but I hope you get a chance to text me a bunch when you get there!
  • Bon voyage! I love you so much, and I’ll definitely miss you while you’re away.

You may also like: Safe Travels – Meaning & Usage (Helpful Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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Husband and wife duo with a passion for travel and documenting the journey along the way!

Have a safe flight - 15 different ways to say it

20 Ways to Say Have a Safe Flight!

Do you have a loved one who is about to go on a flight and looking for a clever way to kick off their trip letting them know you’re thinking of them? Then this list of 20 different ways to say have a safe flight is perfect for you.

The list below encompasses some of the most common terms used to wish someone a safe journey. Most of these are terms used for journeys involving flights, however, some are generic for any type of travel.

Before we jump into the list of different ways to say have a safe flight, here are a few other travel-related posts you may be interested in.

  • 13 Clever ways to ask:  How was your trip?
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  • How to get a complimentary trip to Atlantis Bahamas

journey safe meaning

If you’re limited on time, then here’s a short list:

Have a Safe Flight Sayings

  • Have a safe flight!
  • Safe travels!
  • Text me when you land!
  • Enjoy the trip!
  • Enjoy the trip! See you next fall! (humor)
  • Wishing you a relaxing time in the sky
  • Wishing you a safe and joyful journey ahead
  • Have a blast and don’t enjoy it too much!
  • Looking forward to hearing about your trip!
  • I hope you have smooth skies!
  • Bon Voyage!
  • Have a safe journey, I’ll be thinking of you!
  • Can’t wait to see you when you get back, I wish I was with you!
  • Have a safe journey and a relaxing vacation!
  • Safe flight, can’t wait to have you home, safe and sound!
  • Happy travels!
  • If you fly into turbulence, just think you’re on a roller coaster and enjoy the ride!
  • Don’t be nervous, flying is the safest form of travel!
  • The chances of a plane crash are 1 in 11 million (according to The Economist)
  • There are over 80,000 flights flown every day

Don’t forget your MASK!

15 different ways to say have a safe flight

Most common ways to say have a safe flight

The two most common ways to wish someone a safe flight is “Have a safe flight”, “Safe travels”, and “text me when you land” The saying “safe travels” is more broadly used and accepted for any mode of transportation. This could come in handy especially in a setting where you do not know exactly how someone is traveling.

Creative ways to say have a safe flight

The phrases listed below are less common than “have a safe flight” and “safe travels” but could add some spice to your conversations with your loved ones!

  • Enjoy the trip! See you next fall!

For the fearful travelers

If your loved one is afraid to fly, then these statistical phrases may help ease their fear.

It’s really remarkable how safe flying is, the fact that there are over 80,000 flights flown every single day and so many security measures in place to ensure everything operates as planned.

20 different ways to say have a safe flight

Tips for a safe flight

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If your loved one is new to flying, then here are a few helpful tips to ensure everything goes smoothly

  • This is especially true for flying out of a major city hub. If you’re flying out of a major city and flying internationally, then you may want to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before the departure time.
  • If possible, consider bringing only a personal and a carryon for your trip and avoid checking a bag. This will save you money since most airlines charge you to check bags (some charge you for carryons as well). It will also save you time since you do not have to worry about dropping your luggage off at the gate.
  • Flights tend to dehydrate you, so do your best to hydrate well throughout the flight.
  • The mobile app allows an airline to send push notifications directly to your phone indicating you of any gate changes, delays, and more.
  • Checking into your flight online often saves you time and money. Then you can pull up your boarding pass directly on your phone without having to worry about losing your paper boarding pass ticket.
  • Some flights are hot and some are cold, I always bring an extra layer to keep me warm during a flight. If I get hot I can always take it off!

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Track your loved one in real-time

It is relatively easy to track your loved ones adventure with today’s technology. I use an app called Flight Radar 24 , which allows you to track the exact flight they’re on and pinpoint exactly where they are in the sky.

have a safe flight 20 different ways to say safe travels

This is also great if you want to know if there will be any delays or exactly when they land.

You can use this app for other things as well, like exploring the map view and seeing every plane in the sky! It’s amazing to see how many planes are actually in the sky at once.

In general, it’s always good to stay in close contact with your loved ones, especially when they’re away from you! Letting them know you’re thinking of them with a simple text message goes a long way!

I hope this list of how to say have a safe flight adds some flavor to your conversations and if you want to help continue to grow this list then please leave a suggestion below in a comment!

Also if you know someone who just came back from a trip and want to ask them about it, then check out our 13 clever ways to ask extend the question, how was your trip?

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It sure was helpful when you said that you must do your best to do well throughout the flight since lights tend to dehydrate you. This is something that I will share with my parents since they mentioned that they are planning to rent a helicopter for a tour next week. They have been wanting to tour different places since last year, and they want to do their adventures before the year ends.

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OneMinute English Logo

Safe Journey or Save Journey? Which is correct?

“Safe Journey” is correct and “Save Journey” is incorrect in English. “Safe Journey” is a way to wish someone well when they embark on a journey to another place.

I am going to London later this evening.

Oh great, I hope you enjoy yourself. Safe Journey!

Safe Journey

“Safe Journey” is a way to wish someone well when they are traveling to another place. We use this when we want someone to have a safe trip as sometimes accidents can happen while traveling to another place. 

Alternatives to Safe Journey

  • Safe travels
  • Bon voyage 
  • Travel safely 
  • Drive safely
  • Have a safe trip
  • Have a nice trip
  • Have a safe journey

We use “save” when we want to keep something or gather something together. It doesn’t make sense with “journey” or “trip” so “Save Journey” and “Save Trip” are incorrect. They should be “Safe Journey” or “Safe trip”. 

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Two Minute English

Is It Correct to Say “Safe Travels”?

Marcus Froland

March 28, 2024

When it comes to saying goodbye, we often find ourselves stuck in a maze of words, searching for the perfect phrase that conveys our well wishes without sounding too cliché. You might have heard people use the term “safe travels” and wondered if it’s grammatically correct or just another colloquialism that’s found its way into our everyday language. It’s a common scenario at airports, train stations, and even in casual conversations when someone is about to embark on a journey.

The English language is like a living organism; it grows, evolves, and adapts to suit the needs of its speakers. This evolution brings about changes that sometimes challenge the traditional rules we’ve come to accept. The phrase “safe travels” sits at this intersection of change, raising eyebrows among purists while being embraced by modern speakers for its simplicity and warmth. But before you decide which side you’re on, there’s more to this story.

The debate around “safe travels” opens up a broader conversation about language evolution and how we communicate care in different contexts. So, as you stand at this linguistic crossroads wondering which path to take, remember that words are more than just syntax and semantics; they’re carriers of emotion and intention. And perhaps there’s no simple answer—but isn’t the journey of discovery what truly enriches our understanding? Stay tuned as we delve deeper into this intriguing topic.

When you want to wish someone well on their journey, saying “ Safe travels ” is perfectly fine. This phrase is a common way to express your hope that their trip goes smoothly and without any problems. It’s used in casual conversations, often when saying goodbye to someone who is about to go on a trip. The term “ travels ” here covers all parts of the journey, not just one trip. So, if you’re looking for a simple and warm way to wish someone well before they leave, “Safe travels” is a good choice.

The Origin and Use of “Safe Travels”

The phrase “safe travels” is a popular expression conveying good fortune and safety to someone who is about to undertake a journey, be it extended travels or multiple journeys within one trip. The countable noun form “travels” suggests various stages of the journey or different destinations involved. It also reflects a historical context where travel posed greater risks, making the sentiment behind safe journey wishes all the more meaningful.

Over time, “safe travels” has persisted as a way to wish someone well on their journey, regardless of distance or destination. The expression has transcended borders and language barriers, becoming a universal travel courtesy.

Understanding the Expression

At the core of the meaning of safe travels lies a heartfelt wish for loved ones and even strangers to have an enjoyable, incident-free journey. While travel has become safer in the modern age, the sentiment behind safe travels remains as potent as ever. It is a succinct way to convey your care and concern for the welfare of the traveler.

“Safe travels” is more than just a casual farewell; it functions as a heartfelt reminder to take care and remain vigilant throughout the course of a journey.

When and Where to Use It

In determining when to say safe travels , it is important to consider the context and the type of journey being undertaken. “Safe travels” is suitably used when someone is about to go on a significant trip, such as traveling abroad, or embarking on a long journey home. It is not typically used for short commutes. It carries the connotation of wishing well for the entirety of the person’s travel plans, including any transfers and destinations.

Here are some examples of scenarios where using safe travels would be appropriate:

  • Seeing off a friend at the airport before their international flight.
  • Wishing a coworker well as they depart for a long-distance business trip.
  • Sending a message to a family member embarking on a road trip or cruise vacation.

Ultimately, the appropriate context for travel wishes such as “safe travels” depends largely on the nature of the journey and the relationship between the individuals involved. However, with its universally positive meaning, “safe travels” can generally be used in a wide variety of travel-related situations without causing offense or confusion.

Grammar Behind “Safe Travels” and “Safe Travel”

Understanding the grammar of safe travels and related travel expressions involves distinguishing between countable and uncountable nouns. “Safe travels” employs the plural form of the noun “travel” to indicate multiple journeys or aspects of a trip, such as various flights, layovers, and destinations. On the other hand, “safe travel” uses the uncountable form of the noun to encompass the general concept of traveling safely.

Both “safe travels” and “safe travel” are grammatically correct, albeit with nuanced differences in meaning and connotation. Using “safe travels” tends to be more inclusive, addressing the various stages, stops, or layers of a person’s trip. Meanwhile, “safe travel” focuses on the broader theme of travel safety without explicitly referring to the multiple elements within a journey.

“Safe Travels” = wishing safety for multiple journeys/aspects of a trip “Safe Travel” = wishing safety for the overall concept of traveling

Various travel expressions also incorporate countable and uncountable nouns. For example:

  • Flights : countable, refers to individual airplane journeys
  • Trip : uncountable, denotes an overall voyage consisting of one or more legs
  • Vacations : countable, signifies several separate holiday experiences
  • Holiday : uncountable, represents the general concept of leisure time away from home

Ultimately, both “safe travels” and “safe travel” remain valid ways to wish someone well on their journey. Keep in mind the subtle distinctions between them when deciding which phrase best suits the particular context or trip in question.

Comparing “Safe Travels” with Other Farewell Phrases

Whether you are heading to a nearby town or embarking on an international adventure, well-wishers often use farewell phrases to convey their hopes for a safe and enjoyable journey. Though “safe travels” is a popular travel-related expression, there are several other phrases that can be used to wish someone well on their journey. In this section, we will discuss some common alternatives to “safe travels” and explore the cultural variations in parting words .

Common Alternatives to “Safe Travels”

Depending on the context of the journey and the relationship with the person leaving, there are various ways to express similar sentiments as “safe travels.” Among the most common alternatives are:

  • Travel safely
  • Have a good trip
  • Have a safe journey
  • Have a safe trip

Travel safely , have a safe journey , and have a safe trip all share a similar intention of wishing someone safety during their travels. In contrast, have a good trip leans more towards wishing a positive experience on the journey. Similarly, drive safe emphasizes car travel safety and is most fitting for road trips or shorter journeys that involve driving. The classic French phrase bon voyage means “good trip” or “safe journey,” and has been incorporated into the English language as an elegant alternative to “safe travels.”

Cultural Variations in Parting Words

Cultural expressions of farewell often have deep historical roots and vary from one society to another. These differences can provide added nuances to the conventional travel wishes , emphasizing the divergent aspects of different traveling experiences. Some examples of cultural variations include:

  • Gute Reise – A German phrase meaning “good trip” or “safe journey”
  • ¡Buen viaje! – A Spanish expression meaning “good trip” or “have a nice trip”
  • 祝你一路顺风 (Zhù nǐ yílù shùnfēng) – A Chinese phrase, which translates to “wish you a smooth journey”
  • いってらっしゃい (Itterasshai) – A Japanese expression used when someone is leaving home, meaning “please go and come back”

These international travel phrases not only demonstrate the rich variety of linguistic expression but also shed light on shared wishes for safe and pleasant travel experiences across cultures.

When considering which farewell phrase to use, take note of the relationship with the traveler, the specific context of their journey, and the intended message you aim to convey. While “safe travels” is an appropriate and versatile expression, slight variations in wording or even incorporating a phrase from another culture can add sincerity and personal charm to your well-wishes.

The Appropriateness of “Safe Travels” in Different Contexts

Understanding the appropriateness of using the phrase “safe travels” can significantly impact our social interactions. Knowing when to use this expression is essential for context-specific travel wishes that effectively convey our sentiments for a traveler’s wellbeing and safety. Let’s explore some examples to demonstrate the appropriate use of “safe travels” in various situations.

International Travel or Multi-city Tours

When wishing someone well as they embark on a long journey, such as international travel or a multi-city tour, “safe travels” is an ideal choice. In these instances, the person is likely to experience multiple legs of their journey, and the phrase acknowledges their entire adventure.

For routine or short-distance travel, it’s more appropriate to use phrases like “drive safely” or “have a good ride.” These expressions are better suited for wishing well to those embarking on a daily commute, a quick trip to the store, or carpooling short distances.

Remember, the key lies in matching the phrasing with the context to offer genuine well-wishes that resonate with the traveler and their particular journey.

Vacation and Leisure Travel

A more personalized way to convey travel wishes for friends and family heading off on vacation might be “enjoy your vacation” or “have a great time.” This would emphasize a focus on relaxation and leisure, while still acknowledging the importance of their safety and security during the trip.

  • Safe travels – International travel, multi-city tours
  • Drive safely – Short-distance travel, routine commutes
  • Enjoy your vacation – Vacation and leisure travel

Always consider the context when choosing the right travel wishes to express your sentiments. “Safe travels” is most suitable for longer journeys and complex trips, while other phrases like “drive safely” are better for routine, short-distance travel.

Modern Travel and the Relevance of “Safe Travels”

Despite significant advancements in technology and improved safety measures, modern travel still has its share of risks. For this reason, the expression “safe travels” remains relevant in the present day, serving as a form of polite or phatic communication. Moreover, the phrase symbolizes goodwill towards travelers, regardless of the decreased frequency of historical travel dangers.

Although the risks involved in traveling may differ from what they were in the past, contemporary travel methods are far from risk-free. Today, modern travel safety encompasses a range of potential threats, including terrorism, global pandemics, and natural disasters. The wish for “safe travels” demonstrates a continued concern for navigational challenges, advocating a cautious and informed approach to travel.

Safe travels – a timeless phrase that transcends the evolving challenges of global exploration.

The relevance of travel wishes like “safe travels” lies in addressing the emotional needs of a traveler. In an era of information overload, having someone express concern about your safety in the form of travel wishes can provide emotional assurance. Wishing someone “safe travels” acknowledges the risks involved while conveying hope for a successful journey, fostering a sense of comfort and calmness in the traveler.

  • Flight delays and cancellations
  • Theft or loss of personal belongings
  • Health concerns and travel-related illnesses
  • Rapidly changing political situations

As a timeless expression, “safe travels” can be tailored to address various travel risks and provide comfort for the traveler, irrespective of the type of journey or destination. This versatile phrase maintains its importance in conversations by symbolizing a genuine care for the traveler’s safety and well-being.

Phatic Expressions and Why We Use Them

Phatic expressions are social gestures that facilitate interactions without necessarily carrying substantial or literal meaning. They are used to maintain a sense of politeness and connection in conversations. One such expression is “safe travels,” which, while not necessarily reflecting genuine concern for the safety of the traveler, serves to exhibit politeness and maintain social bonds.

The Psychology Behind Wishing Someone Well

The act of wishing someone well through expressions like “safe travels” can be explained by the psychology of farewells and the importance of establishing goodwill during parting moments. Farewells often evoke mixed emotions, as they signify both an end to the current interaction and the beginning of a new one. By wishing someone well, we are intentionally channeling positive energy into the parting moment, thereby fostering an optimistic outlook for the future.

“Safe travels,” while not necessarily reflecting genuine concern for the safety of the traveler, serves to exhibit politeness and maintain social bonds.

The act of wishing well psychologically consists of two parts. First, it serves to affirm the value of the individual and their experiences during their journey. Second, it provides a space for the person to feel acknowledged and supported, both emotionally and mentally, as they embark on their travels. In essence, these expressions contribute to maintaining and strengthening social connections while promoting a sense of unity and shared joy through the act of traveling.

  • The significance of affirming the value of the individual and their experiences
  • The importance of providing emotional and mental support
  • The role of shared joy in strengthening social connections

The use of phatic expressions , such as “safe travels,” might seem trivial at first glance, but they play a crucial role in interpersonal communication. Farewells carry psychological weight and impact our emotions. By acknowledging the importance of these moments in our lives and using polite expressions to wish someone well, we contribute to a healthier and more supportive social environment.

Positive Alternatives to “Safe Travels”

While “safe travels” is a popular and well-intended expression for conveying good fortune and safety to someone embarking on a journey, it may inadvertently bring attention to potential travel risks . To focus on the exciting, enjoyable aspects of travel, consider using some of these positive and encouraging travel phrases instead:

“Have a good trip!” “Enjoy your trip!” “Have a good vacation!” “Have a good flight!”

These positive travel expressions emphasize the pleasure and fun that awaits the traveler, without referencing the unintended dangers of travel. Additionally, the well-known French phrase bon voyage conveys a similar optimistic sentiment, wishing the traveler a delightful and memorable journey.

Ultimately, the choice of farewell phrase depends on your specific relationship with the person traveling and the context of their trip. Regardless, any of these encouraging travel phrases can convey your warm wishes and positive intentions toward their journey.

Concluding Thoughts on Wishing Someone “Safe Travels”

As we’ve seen, the phrase “safe travels” is part of a long-standing tradition of offering good wishes to those about to embark on a journey. Regardless of changes in travel safety over time, these simple yet heartfelt expressions endure as significant elements of our social interactions. They speak to our collective need to show support and convey care for one another.

At its core, the usage of “safe travels” and similar expressions serves as a reflection of our shared values and empathy towards fellow travelers. In doing so, we acknowledge the exciting and sometimes challenging aspects of travel while hoping for positive and meaningful experiences. Furthermore, these phrases help forge and maintain connections, even as journeys lead us across different paths.

Ultimately, whether saying “safe travels,” “travel safe,” or any other alternative travel expression, the intent is the same—we wish the traveler a pleasant and secure journey. These gestures, as small and customary as they may be, play a valuable role in promoting camaraderie and understanding in a world that is constantly on the move.

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Definition of journey

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Definition of journey  (Entry 2 of 2)

intransitive verb

transitive verb

Did you know?

The Latin adjective diurnus means “pertaining to a day, daily”; English diurnal stems ultimately from this word. When Latin developed into French, diurnus became a noun, jour, meaning simply “day” The medieval French derivative journee meant either “day” or “something done during the day,” such as work or travel. Middle English borrowed journee as journey in both senses, but only the sense “a day’s travel” survived into modern usage. In modern English, journey now refers to a trip without regard to the amount of time it takes. The verb journey developed from the noun and is first attested in the 14th century.

  • peregrination
  • peregrinate

Examples of journey in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'journey.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Noun and Verb

Middle English, from Anglo-French jurnee day, day's journey, from jur day, from Late Latin diurnum , from Latin, neuter of diurnus — see journal entry 1

13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

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“Journey.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 18 Aug. 2024.

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Kids Definition of journey  (Entry 2 of 2)

Middle English journey "a trip, travel," from early French journee "day's work, day's journey," from jour "day," derived from Latin diurnus "of a day, daily," from dies "day" — related to diary , journal

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Meaning of journey in English

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journey noun [C] ( TRIP )

  • She gave the children some sweets to chew on during the long car journey.
  • The journey was quite quick because the road was clear .
  • I expect you'd like to rest after your long journey.
  • We did the journey to Wales in five hours .
  • The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills .
  • break-journey
  • circumnavigation

journey noun [C] ( EXPERIENCES )

  • adaptive evolution
  • advance the cause
  • advancement
  • formatively
  • from A to B idiom
  • progressive
  • punctuated equilibrium

journey noun [C] ( BOOK )

  • absorptive capacity
  • achievement gap
  • acquisition
  • know better (than someone ) idiom
  • know better (than to do something ) idiom
  • know something from something
  • know something like the back of your hand idiom
  • know your way around something idiom
  • orientation
  • recognition
  • study holiday
  • study under someone
  • subspeciality
  • subspecialize
  • around Robin Hood's barn idiom
  • communication
  • first class
  • overnighter
  • peripatetically
  • public transport
  • super-commuting

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Hackers may have stolen your Social Security number in a massive breach. Here's what to know.

By Aimee Picchi

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

Updated on: August 16, 2024 / 3:02 PM EDT / CBS News

A new lawsuit is claiming hackers have gained access to the personal information of "billions of individuals," including their Social Security numbers, current and past addresses and the names of siblings and parents — personal data that could allow fraudsters to infiltrate financial accounts or take out loans in their names. 

The allegation arose in a lawsuit filed earlier this month by Christopher Hofmann, a California resident who claims his identity theft protection service alerted him that his personal information had been leaked to the dark web by the "" breach. The lawsuit was earlier reported by Bloomberg Law.

The breach allegedly occurred around April 2024, with a hacker group called USDoD exfiltrating the unencrypted personal information of billions of individuals from a company called National Public Data (NPD), a background check company, according to the lawsuit. Earlier this month, a hacker leaked a version of the stolen NPD data for free on a hacking forum, tech site Bleeping Computer reported . 

That hacker claimed the stolen files include 2.7 billion records, with each listing a person's full name, address, date of birth, Social Security number and phone number, Bleeping Computer said. While it's unclear how many people that includes, it's likely "that everyone with a Social Security number was impacted," said Cliff Steinhauer, director of information security and engagement at The National Cybersecurity Alliance, a nonprofit that promotes online safety.

"It's a reminder of the importance of protecting yourself, because clearly companies and the government aren't doing it for us," Steinhauer told CBS MoneyWatch.

In a statement posted to its website, NPD said the breach involved a "third-party bad actor that was trying to hack into data in late December 2023, with potential leaks of certain data in April 2024 and summer 2024."

The company added that it is working with law enforcement and government investigators. NPD said it "will try to notify you if there are further significant developments applicable to you."

Here's what to know about the alleged hack. 

What is National Public Data? 

National Public Data is a data company based in Coral Springs, Florida, that provides background checks for employers, investigators and other businesses that want to check people's backgrounds. Its searches include criminal records, vital records, SSN traces and more information, its website says.

There are many similar companies that scrape public data to create files on consumers, which they then sell to other businesses, Steinhauer said.

"They are data brokers that collect and sell data about people, sometimes for background check purposes," he said. "It's because there's no national privacy law in the U.S. — there is no law against them collecting this data against our consent."

What happened with the USDoD hack?

According to the new lawsuit, USDoD on April 8 posted a database called "National Public Data" on the dark web, claiming to have records for about 2.9 billion individuals. It was asking for a purchase price of $3.5 million, the lawsuit claims. 

However, Bleeping Computer reported that the file was later leaked for free on a hacker forum, as noted above. 

How many people have been impacted?

The number of people impacted by the breach is unclear. Although the lawsuit claims "billions of individuals" had their data stolen, the total population of the U.S. stands at about 330 million. The lawsuit also alleges that the data includes personal information of deceased individuals.

Bleeping Computer reports that the hacked data involves 2.7 billion records, with individuals having multiple records in the database. In other words, one individual could have separate records for each address where they've lived, which means the number of impacted people may be far lower than the lawsuit claims, the site noted.

The data may reach back at least three decades, according to law firm Schubert Jonckheer & Kolbe, which said on Monday it is investigating the breach.

Did NPD alert individuals about the hack? 

It's unclear, although the lawsuit claims that NPD "has still not provided any notice or warning" to Hoffman or other people affected by the breach. 

"In fact, upon information and belief, the vast majority of Class Members were unaware that their sensitive [personal information] had been compromised, and that they were, and continue to be, at significant risk of identity theft and various other forms of personal, social, and financial harm," the lawsuit claims. 

Information security company McAfee reported that it hasn't found any filings with state attorneys general. Some states require companies that have experienced data breaches to file reports with their AG offices. 

However, NPD posted an alert about the breach on its website, stating that it believes the information breached includes names, email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers and mailing addresses.

Can you find out if your data was part of the hack?

There are tools available that will monitor what information about you is available on the dark web, noted Michael Blair, managing director of cybersecurity firm NukuDo. Commonly breached data includes your personal addresses, passwords and email, he added.

One such service is how Hofmann, who filed the lawsuit, found out that his information has been leaked as part of NPD breach.

"Make sure to use reputable companies to look that up," Blair said. 

What should I do to protect my information?

Security experts recommend that consumers put freezes on their credit files at the three big credit bureaus, Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. Freezing your credit is free, and will stop bad actors from taking out loans or opening credit cards in your name. 

"The biggest thing is to freeze your credit report, so it can't be used to open new accounts in your name and commit other fraud in your name," Steinhauer said. 

Steinhauer recommends consumers take several additional steps to protect their data and finances:

  • Make sure your passwords are at least 16 characters in length, and are complex. 
  • Use a password manager to save those long, complex passwords.
  • Enable multifactor authentication, which Steinhauer calls "critical," because simply using a single password to access your accounts isn't enough protection against hackers. 
  • Be on alert for phishing and other scams. One red flag is that the scammers will try to create a sense of urgency to manipulate their victims.
  • Keep your security software updated on your computer and other devices. For instance, make sure you download the latest security updates from Microsoft or Apple onto your apps and devices. 

You can also get a tracking service that will alert you if your data appears on the dark web. 

"You should assume you have been compromised and act accordingly," Steinhauer said. 

  • Data Breach
  • Social Security

Aimee Picchi is the associate managing editor for CBS MoneyWatch, where she covers business and personal finance. She previously worked at Bloomberg News and has written for national news outlets including USA Today and Consumer Reports.

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Japan issued its first-ever megaquake alert. What does that mean?

Naoshi Hirata (center), chairman of a committee tasked with evaluating the risk of a Nankai Trough earthquake, speaks at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday.

Japan’s first-ever alert for a possible Nankai Trough megaquake, announced Thursday evening following a magnitude 7.1 tremor earlier in the day, left many wondering what to make of the relatively unknown warning.

The impact of Thursday’s quake so far appears to be minor, with 16 injuries and three buildings damaged reported in the regions affected.

But the alert that followed may have put residents on edge. How serious is the situation, and what should people do in the days to come? Here’s what you need to know.

At 7:15 p.m. Thursday, over two hours after the quake struck off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, the Meteorological Agency issued a megaquake alert.

At a news conference that followed, the agency said the chance of a major earthquake striking along the Nankai Trough is relatively higher than usual, although the alert doesn’t mean a major earthquake will necessarily occur within a specific time-frame.

However, considering that this is the first alert of its kind, the agency is urging people to be prepared for potential disasters while avoiding panic.

The agency issues alerts on the possibility of a megaquake when abnormal phenomena are observed along the Nankai Trough, or when the possibility of an earthquake is believed to have increased.

After initial alerts are issued, an expert committee of the weather agency meets to evaluate the situation and update the alert level based on conditions such as the magnitude of the earthquake that happened at the plate boundary.

Hirata and other committee members meet in Tokyo on Thursday.

Such notices are delivered at two levels based on the committee’s assessment — an alert and a more serious warning. The agency issued the lower level alert on Thursday, which means people should be prepared for potential cases requiring evacuation.

Thursday’s quake was higher than magnitude 7, leading to the lower alert level. A quake of magnitude 8 or higher would trigger the higher level warning.

The alert is expected to last for a week in principle, and can be lifted based on further expert analysis. But that wouldn’t mean the chance of a major quake striking anytime soon is zero.

Nankai Trough earthquakes

The Nankai Trough is a trench-like seafloor structure in the area where the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate meet, extending from Shizuoka Prefecture’s Suruga Bay to offshore Hyuganada, off Miyazaki Prefecture.

Large quakes in the Nankai Trough, which have occurred in the past in roughly 100 to 150-year cycles, have historically caused severe damage. The most recent one, on Dec. 21, 1946, was measured between 8.1 and 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale.

According to the government’s damage assessments, a large quake in the Nankai Trough could cause a maximum of 323,000 deaths and missing person cases in the worst scenario. The government aims to reduce that by 80% with adequate evacuation measures.

As it’s been 78 years since the last major quake in the area, the likelihood that a magnitude 8 to 9 class earthquake will strike in the next 30 years ranges from 70% to 80%, according to government data.

On top of that, there’s a possibility that the regions hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake or higher, such as the one that struck Miyazaki on Thursday, could be hit by additional quakes of magnitude 8 or higher.

In the event of a large-scale earthquake along the Nankai Trough, tsunami arrival times could be very short, giving people little time to flee to safety.

Authorities and transportation

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said the government is closely monitoring the situation and urged the public to continue their day-to-day activities.

“We urge everyone to take preventive measures such as preventing furniture from falling over, checking evacuation routes and means of communications with their family, and evacuating immediately in case of an earthquake,” Hayashi told a regular news conference Friday.

He added that the government found three cases on social media where misleading information about earthquakes is being used to direct people to harmful websites, stressing the importance of caution online.

Electronic boards at Tokyo Station on Friday notify passengers of delays to bullet trains due to the megaquake alert.

The government has two designations for specific areas requiring enhanced prevention measures, based on the projected intensity of a quake and the expected level of tsunami damage. Such cities and towns are required to set up their own procedures specifically for a possible megaquake in the Nankai Trough.

Meanwhile, the Wakayama Prefectural Government, after setting up a dedicated task force Thursday night, said it will have staff on rotation 24 hours a day in each department for the next week to coordinate any response to a potential earthquake. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government also established a similar task force.

The alert has also seen a response from railway operators. On Thursday evening, Central Japan Railway announced the suspension of some of its express trains.

In addition, while the alert is in effect, the Tokaido Shinkansen line, which connects Tokyo and Osaka, will operate at reduced speed between Mishima and Mikawa-Anjo stations, resulting in at least 10-minute delays. East Japan Railway took similar measures on portions of its Tokaido, Ito and Chuo lines.

Being prepared

Getting ready for an earthquake doesn’t require a huge effort. Make sure to have:

  • Enough water for you and your family, with 3 liters per person per day for at least three days recommended
  • Portable toilets and toilet paper
  • A small emergency kit you can carry with you
  • A car with a full tank of gas, if you have one
  • Some cash readily available

For more, here’s a full list on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Naoshi Hirata (center), chairman of a committee tasked with evaluating the risk of a Nankai Trough earthquake, speaks at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday. | JIJI

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Letters to the Editor: The Half Dome cables aren’t safe. Nothing in Yosemite is. Get over it

The Half Dome cables span the last 400 feet of an eight-mile hike from Yosemite Valley to the top of Half Dome.

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To the editor: I have climbed Half Dome 13 times, descending the cables each time. I have more experience than most, so here is my opinion. (“ Want to make Half Dome safer? Remove the climbing cables for good ,” letters, Aug. 11)

The National Park Service does not take the cables down, ever. That is a misunderstanding of what it does. It removes the stanchions that hold the cables about three feet off the rock and removes the wood planks that provide footing. The cables are always there.

The first time I climbed the cables with my son, I thought they must certainly be safe or else they wouldn’t let us do it. That’s not true. There are lots of things in nature that are inherently dangerous, and the park service doesn’t have the responsibility for making everything completely safe.

The cables are dangerous. Running into a bear in Little Yosemite Valley is dangerous (as we did once). Driving to Yosemite is dangerous. Get over it.

There are plenty of signs that tell you to stay off the rock if weather is on the way. Sometimes people don’t recognize that weather is on the way.

It’s sad that a young woman died, and I’m not certain of all of the circumstances of her death, but removing the cables will not keep people from dying when they make bad decisions.

Jim Dover, Idyllwild

To the editor: A few years ago, I saw a vintage photo from the 1930s depicting a group of Boy Scouts as they prepared to ascend the cables to the top of Half Dome. What impressed me was that each scout was wearing a harness with lanyard that would be affixed to the cable during their climb, likely saving a life if someone were to slip.

It seems like a common-sense approach in 2024. If required along with the climbing permit, we wouldn’t have to read more stories of climbers falling to their death.

Dan Murray, San Mateo, Calif.

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Monday's rare super blue moon is a confounding statistical marvel

How rare is it that depends on who you ask. but it's safe to say, monday's full moon will be special..

Portrait of Doyle Rice

A rare sky spectacle will occur Monday night that (probably) won't happen again for years: A full moon that can be called both a supermoon and blue moon will grace the night skies over the U.S.

Dubbed a "super blue moon," the rare combination occurs when the different cycles of blue and supermoons happen to align on the calendar, said NASA's Noah Petro, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project scientist .

If that's not confusing enough, astronomers also have varying definitions for what counts as a supermoon and what counts as a blue moon. (Just last year a full moon met the criteria for both, by some definitions .)

Here's why Monday's full moon is so special:

What is a supermoon?

When the moon’s orbit brings it closer to Earth than usual, this cosmic combo is called a supermoon. A supermoon occurs when the moon’s orbit is closest to Earth at the same time the moon is full. The term was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979.

"Different publications use slightly different thresholds for deciding when a full moon is close enough to the Earth to qualify as a supermoon," NASA said. "Because the orbit of the moon is not a perfect circle, the moon is sometimes closer to the Earth than at other times during its orbit."

When the moon reaches its closest point to Earth, about 226,000 miles away, full moons appears larger and brighter than at other times. A supermoon will appear 30% brighter and 14% larger than a typical full moon.

What is a blue moon?

There are two types of blue moons: seasonal and monthly. The one Monday will be of the seasonal variety.

A seasonal blue moon occurs when there are four full moons in a single season (on this occasion, summer). When this happens, the third of the four is considered a blue moon.

The second definition – which arose from a misunderstanding of the original – is the monthly blue moon, referring to the second full moon in a single calendar month.

In either case, blue moons earn their reputation for being rare because of a quirk in the typical rhythm of one full moon per month.

The moon's cycle takes 29.5 days. But, as Missouri State University professor of astrophysics Mike Reed notes, months can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days.

The two cycles create odd mismatches resulting in one more moon in a season or month than is typical – that's a blue moon.

Months usually have one full moon – unless there's a (monthly) blue moon. And seasons typically have three full moons – unless there's a (seasonal) blue moon.

In addition, Monday's full moon is unlikely to appear blue, however: Blue-colored moons in photos are usually made using special blue camera filters or photo editing apps.

How rare is a super blue moon? When will the next one occur?

"It's tricky to answer, because it depends on your definition of a supermoon and a blue moon," Edward Bloomer, senior astronomy manager at the U.K.'s Royal Observatory Greenwich told USA TODAY via e-mail.

The answer is different depending on whether you're talking about a seasonal blue moon or a monthly blue moon. If you tweak what counts as a supermoon, the answer also changes.

In general, a blue moon happens once every two or three years on average, according to NASA. The time between super blue moons can be as much as 20 years – but in general, 10 years is the average.

So when will the next super blue moon actually occur?

A safe bet is January 2037, according to NASA .

However, depending on what you count as a super blue moon, you may hear of another one rising before then.

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I’m a Liberal. We Need to Face an Awkward Truth.

The columnist argues there’s a human cost to liberal purity..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

Democrats are going to be going to voters this fall and asking for their votes. But one challenge is that the parts of the country that are the bluest, the cities on the West Coast, are a complete mess. And I think centrist voters can plausibly ask why put liberals in charge nationally, when the places around the country where liberals have the greatest control are plagued by homelessness, crime, and dysfunction?

I’m Nick Kristof. I’m a columnist for “The New York Times,” and I should rush to say a liberal, but I do think that liberals like me need to face the awkward fact that something has gone badly wrong where we’re in charge up and down the West Coast from San Diego to Seattle.

Conservatives look at the West, and they say, hey, the problem is simply the left. But overall, it seems to me the Democratic states have outperformed Republican ones. Liberalism has done a better job raising people’s well-being than conservatism has done.

For example, Democratic states have a life expectancy that is two years longer than Republican states. Per capita GDP is higher in Democratic states. Child poverty is lower. Overall, liberal places have enjoyed faster economic growth and higher living standards than conservative places. So I would argue that the problem we’re seeing, it’s not liberalism as such. It’s with a thread of West Coast liberalism.

And I’m an Oregonian.

I bore people at cocktail parties by singing the praises of the West Coast. But the truth is that we too often have a version of progressivism that just does not result in progress, and the metric of progressivism should be progress.


I think on the West Coast, we tend to be full of good intentions. We have some great slogans. We’re more likely to repeat the slogan that housing is a human right than conservatives are in Florida or Texas, but they’re the ones who are actually more likely to get people housed. We’re too often infected with ideological purity that is very much focused on good intentions, and not so much on oversight and on outcomes. And that’s where we have this gulf between our values and our outcomes.

So, for example, there was a volunteer group here in Oregon called the Portland Freedom Fund, and it was set up to pay bail for people of color. It was raising money from well-intentioned, liberal donors, and it was addressing a genuine problem. Portland did have a history of racist policing, and bail requirements hit poor people particularly hard.

So in 2022, the Portland Freedom Fund bailed out a Black man who was named Mohamed Adan. He had been arrested for allegedly attacking his former girlfriend, holding a gun to her head, and then violating a restraining order by going to her building. She felt that her life was in danger, but the Freedom Fund paid Adan’s bail, and he walked out of jail.

We’re going to begin tonight with a sort of a sickening story about a murder in Portland that should have never happened. Now, of course, you can see —

A week later, he allegedly removed his GPS monitor again and went to that former girlfriend’s house.

The case involves the murder of a woman named Racheal Abraham. She was 36 years old.

Police found her body drenched in blood with a large knife nearby. Adan was charged with murder. This time, there was no bail. And that incident did prompt real soul searching in Portland, but maybe not enough. This was a well-meaning effort to help people of color, but it may have cost the life of a woman of color.

Also, for example, some blue states have these very well-meant laws meant to protect people from involuntary commitment to mental institutions. But these laws can crush the people they’re supposed to help. And I speak from experience there.

One of my school friends from my hometown of Yamhill, Oregon, Stacy, struggled for many years with alcoholism and mental illness. She was homeless. She had lived in a tent in a park in a nearby town. But it’s almost impossible in these kind of cases to move somebody involuntarily into an institution to get help. And so Stacy froze to death one winter night. And I think of Stacy suffering and dying unnecessarily on that winter night. And I fear that our liberalism just failed her.

I wonder if one reason why we have so much ideological purity out west is that there isn’t much political competition. Republicans are pretty much irrelevant in much of the far west, and so that they can’t hold Democrats’ feet to the fire, which just pushes Democrats farther and farther to the left. Out west, when we don’t have Republicans looking over our shoulders, we sometimes end up with well-intentioned laws that hurts the people they’re supposed to protect.

I’m still a believer in the West Coast. I love this region. It’s the physical beauty, the outdoor opportunities. And the West has this history of reinventing itself. I remember Seattle back in the 1970s, when there was a billboard near the airport that said, will the last person leaving Seattle turn out the lights?

The West Coast has rescued itself by seizing new ideas and building on them, from personal computers to the internet. Maybe the new idea we need is this — less purity and more pragmatism. That would go a long way. But maybe the very first step to cultivate that pragmatism is the humility to acknowledge our failures.

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By Nicholas Kristof

Produced by Jillian Weinberger

Nicholas Kristof is an Oregonian and, he is quick to point out, a liberal. But in this audio essay, Kristof takes liberals to task for their governing of cities on the West Coast. It’s an election year, and so he asks the question he believes many Americans are thinking: “Why put liberals in charge nationally when the places around the country where liberals have the greatest control are plagued by homelessness, crime and dysfunction?”

(A full transcript of this audio essay will be available within 24 hours of publication in the audio player above.)

A blue illustration of a city skyline.

Thoughts? Email us at [email protected] .

This episode of “The Opinions” was produced by Jillian Weinberger. It was edited by Kaari Pitkin and Alison Bruzek. Mixing by Pat McCusker. Original music by Carole Sabouraud, Issac Jones and Pat McCusker. Fact-checking by Mary Marge Locker. Audience strategy by Kristina Samulewski and Shannon Busta. The executive producer of Opinion Audio is Annie-Rose Strasser.

The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips . And here’s our email: [email protected] .

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Nicholas Kristof became a columnist for The Times Opinion desk in 2001 and has won two Pulitzer Prizes. His new memoir is “ Chasing Hope: A Reporter's Life .” @ NickKristof


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  5. meaning

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  6. Have A Safe Trip: Definition, Meaning and Origin

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  7. "Safe Travels": Meaning, Usage & Examples

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  8. Safe Travels: Definition, Meaning and Origin

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  9. Have a safe journey

    Definition of have a safe journey in the Idioms Dictionary. have a safe journey phrase. What does have a safe journey expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

  10. Understanding "Safe Journey!"

    Unraveling 'Safe Journey!' - Decoding an English Phrase • Join us as we delve into the meaning and usage of the English phrase 'Safe Journey!' Discover its o...

  11. Safe travels or Safe travel? Which is correct?

    When you want to wish someone to have a journey that is completed without a problem you can say "Safe Travels". Safe travel is ok but not commonly used. Correct Ways to wish someone a safe journey: Safe travels. Bon voyage. Travel safely. Drive safely. Have a safe trip. Have a nice trip.

  12. safe journey collocation

    Examples of safe journey in a sentence, how to use it. 15 examples: Passengers are entitled to and must enjoy a safe journey to the same extent as they are entitled to…

  13. Safe Journey Quotes: 65 Creative & Meaningful Messages

    The reason birds can fly and we can't is simply that they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings.". - J. M. Barrie (Peter Pan) "Embrace what you don't understand, what you can't see just yet, experience something new.". - Unknown. "Life is a journey, not a destination.". - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

  14. Safe Travels or Safe Travel? Which is the Correct Expression?

    Safe travel uses the uncountable form of the noun. It refers to all of the travels the person being spoken to might collectively make on a particular trip. Although you'll rarely hear this used. Travel safe, on the other hand, is a lot more common. This is a polite way of wishing someone a safe journey.

  15. Have a Safe Journey: Unraveling the Depths of its Meaning

    The phrase "Have a safe journey" carries with it a depth of philosophical significance that reaches far beyond its surface meaning. It is more than just an expression of concern or a wish for safety; it is a reflection of our understanding of life as a journey, fraught with uncertainties and dangers.

  16. safe journey/arrival/return etc

    From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English safe journey/arrival/return etc safe journey/arrival/return etc SAFE a journey etc when someone or something is not harmed or lost His family celebrated his safe return home. safe journey British English (= said to someone when they start a long journey) Dad rang to wish me a safe journey. → ...

  17. 11 Better Ways To Say "Safe Travels"

    There are plenty of ways to use "safe travels" in more exciting manners. You should check out one of the following: Be safe. Safe trip. Have a good flight. Happy landings. See you on the other side. Let me know when you arrive safely. Stay safe out there.

  18. 20 Ways to Say Have a Safe Flight!

    Most common ways to say have a safe flight. The two most common ways to wish someone a safe flight is "Have a safe flight", "Safe travels", and "text me when you land" The saying "safe travels" is more broadly used and accepted for any mode of transportation. This could come in handy especially in a setting where you do not know ...

  19. Safe Journey or Save Journey? Which is correct?

    Save. We use "save" when we want to keep something or gather something together. It doesn't make sense with "journey" or "trip" so "Save Journey" and "Save Trip" are incorrect. They should be "Safe Journey" or "Safe trip". Conor is the main writer here at One Minute English and was an English teacher for 10 years.

  20. Is It Correct to Say "Safe Travels"?

    Ultimately, the appropriate context for travel wishes such as "safe travels" depends largely on the nature of the journey and the relationship between the individuals involved. However, with its universally positive meaning, "safe travels" can generally be used in a wide variety of travel-related situations without causing offense or confusion.

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  22. Journey Definition & Meaning

    journey: [noun] something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another.


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    The impact of Thursday's quake so far appears to be minor, with 16 injuries and three buildings damaged reported in the regions affected. But the alert that followed may have put residents on edge.

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  28. The Half Dome cables aren't safe. Nothing in Yosemite is. Get over it

    The cables are dangerous. Running into a bear in Little Yosemite Valley is dangerous (as we did once). Driving to Yosemite is dangerous. Get over it.

  29. August full moon: A supermoon blue moon is a confounding marvel

    The second definition - which arose from a misunderstanding of the original - is the monthly blue moon, referring to the second full moon in a single calendar month.

  30. Opinion

    This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this ...