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Karahantepe is located 60 km east of Şanlıurfa. With a history of 12,000 years, Şanlıurfa, believed by some to be the ancient city of Ur Kaśdim (Ur of the Chaldeans), proudly exhibits the legacy of…

Troya RuinsThe oldest settlements in Truva, which has a complex and rich archaeological structure, with 10 different city layers belonging to different periods, dating back to 3,000 BCE.  This…

Arslantepe Mound, which was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List in 2021, is six kilometres away from Malatya city centre. Excavations have been carried out since 1932, Arslantepe was…


News and announcements, monthly border bulletin (june 2024) is published..

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Short Term Rentals Licensed By Ministry of Culture and Tourism

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Accommodation Facilities Registered by Ministry of Culture and Tourism

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Safe Tourism Certified Accommodation Facilities

This section contains detailed information about our visual and auditory arts and their subsections.



This section contains publications of Publishing Department of Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism.


Stolen Works

This section contains detailed information about historical works stolen from Türkiye.


Türkiye on the World Heritage List

Türkiye signed the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention) in 1983 and through the work carried out under the responsibility of the General Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Museums, 10 properties were inscribed on the World Heritage List.


Ancient Items from Asia Minor

This section detailed information about Ancıent Gems And Finger Rings From Asia Minor.


Sparkles From the Deep

The book "Sparkles From the Deep" prepared by Aynur Özet and published by Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Monuments and Museums has been taken as a reference in the preparation of this section.


Archaeological Works

This section contains detailed informations about ancient jewellery exhibited, ancient glass of asia minor, Elmalı coins, historical relief maps




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Travel Advisory July 26, 2023

Turkey - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise increased caution when traveling to Turkey due to terrorism and arbitrary detentions. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do Not Travel To:

  • Sirnak province, Hakkari province, and any area within six miles (10 kilometers) of the Syrian border due to terrorism.

Country Summary:  Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Turkey.  Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas.

Security forces have detained tens of thousands of individuals, including U.S. citizens, for alleged affiliations with terrorist organizations based on scant or secret evidence and grounds that appear to be politically motivated.  U.S. citizens have also been subject to travel bans that prevent them from departing Turkey. Participation in demonstrations not explicitly approved by the Government of Turkey, as well as criticism of the government (including on social media), can result in arrest.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Turkey.

If you decide to travel to Turkey:

  • Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists.
  • Avoid demonstrations and crowds.
  • Stay at hotels with identifiable security measures.
  • Monitor local media and be prepared to adjust your plans quickly.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive travel alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report for Turkey.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel. 
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Sirnak Province, Hakkari Province, and Any Area within six miles (ten kilometers) of the Syrian Border – Level 4:  Do Not Travel

Do not travel to Sirnak province, Hakkari province, or any area within six miles (10 kilometers) of the Turkey/Syria border due to the continued threat of attacks by terrorist groups, armed conflict, and civil unrest.  Terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, ambushes, car bomb detonations, and improvised explosive devices, as well as shootings, and illegal roadblocks leading to violence have occurred in these areas. U.S. government employees are subject to travel restrictions in the entire provinces of Sirnak and Hakkari, and any areas within 10 km of the Syrian border.

Visit our website for  Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Six months beyond date of entry

One page for entry and exit stamps

Not required for stays under 90 days

25,000 Turkish lira or 10,000 euros (or equivalent)

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy ankara.

1480 Sok No:1 Cukurambar Mah  Cankaya 06530, Ankara Turkey Telephone: +(90) (312) 294-0000 (emergencies only) Fax: +(90) (312) 232-7472 Contact American Citizen Services Ankara

U.S. Consulate General Istanbul Istinye Mahallesi, Üç Şehitler Sokak No.2 Istinye 34460 – Istanbul, Turkey Telephone: +(90) (212) 335-9000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(90) (212) 335-9000 Fax: +(90) (212) 335-9102 Contact American Citizen Services Istanbul

U.S. Consulate Adana Girne Bulvari No. 212, Güzelevler Mahallesi, Yüregir Adana, Turkey Telephone: +(90) (322) 455-4100 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(90) (322) 455-4100 Fax: +(90)(322) 455-4141 Contact American Citizen Services Adana

U.S. Consular Agent - Izmir Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(90) (312) 455-5555 [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Visit the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey  website for the most current visa and residency permit information.

  • In Turkey, contact the nearest Directorate General of Migration Management office to obtain a residence permit.

Obey all Turkish visa regulations and maintain valid residence permits at all times.  The U.S. Embassy is unable to assist with Turkish immigration or visa-related matters.  Turkish authorities enforce immigration laws.

  • Passports must be valid for six months beyond your entry date.  You will be  denied entry  into Turkey if there is not enough space for  entry and exit stamps  in your passport.
  • Official passport holders are required to have visa to enter Türkiye .
  • Ordinary passport holders are exempted from visa up to 90 days in any 180-day period.
  • Get entry and exit stamps . You must have a Turkish entry stamp to fly domestically.  Get an exit stamp in your passport when leaving the country  or you may face  difficulties re-entering Turkey in the future  and  a fine .
  • If you are planning to  work, study, or conduct academic or scientific research  in Turkey, you must receive a visa from a Turkish embassy or consulate before arriving in Turkey. Visit  “Living in Turkey”  on the U.S. Embassy’s website.

Syria:  See the  Syria travel advisory.  The U.S. Embassy in Damascus suspended operations in February 2012.  The Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens against all travel to Syria.  At this time, the Turkey-Syria border is closed except in cases of urgent medical treatment or safety from immediate danger as defined by the Government of Turkey.

Iraq:  See the  Iraq travel advisory .  The Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens against all travel to Iraq.  The Turkish Government tightly controls entry and exit on the border.

HIV/AIDS restrictions:   The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Turkey.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorism:  The potential for terrorist attacks in Turkey, including against U.S. citizens and interests, remains high.

  • Terrorists have previously attacked U.S. interests in Turkey, including the U.S. Embassy in Ankara, the U.S. Consulate General in Istanbul, and the U.S. Consulate in Adana.
  • Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Turkey. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas. Terrorists have also previously targeted Western tourists and expatriates.

Under laws passed in 2018, Turkish security forces have an expanded legal ability to stop and search individuals and to  detain individuals without charge.

For your own safety:

  • Carry a passport or identity document at all times.
  • Follow local news sources during your stay to remain abreast of any potential areas, dates, or times of concern.
  • Exercise caution and good judgment, keep a low profile, and maintain a high level of vigilance.
  • Avoid demonstrations, which may become violent and unpredictable.
  • Obey the instructions of Turkish security personnel at all times.

There have also been threats and acts of violence targeting religious minorities, groups, institutions, and places of worship in Turkey. The level of anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic sentiment remains significant.

Protests and gatherings:  Public gatherings are common in Turkey and can include protests or demonstrations, holiday celebrations, family events, sporting events, and political events in the lead up to elections and following the announcement of election results. U.S. citizens should

  • Avoid demonstrations and gatherings, as they may become violent and unpredictable. 
  • Be aware celebratory gunfire is common in some areas and has resulted in deaths in recent years. 
  • Follow local authorities instructions, police may take action to disperse the group, including possibly using teargas or detaining participants, even when the government has approved gatherings.

Crime:  Overall street crime in Turkey is low; however, you should use the same precautions you would take in the United States. The following types of crime have been reported in Turkey:

  • Pick-pocketing ,  purse snatching , and  mugging.  Carry only necessary items when in tourist areas. 
  • Residential crime  occurs more often in major cities, with criminals targeting ground floor apartments for theft.
  • Sexual assault  has occurred in Turkish baths ( hamams ) or spas, in taxis, and when traveling alone at night. Assaults involving  date rape drugs  have also been reported.
  • Confidence schemes  occur where travelers are tricked into ordering food or drinks at a restaurant, and then are charged incredibly high prices. Patronize well-established restaurants and ask to see a menu with prices before ordering anything.
  • Scams  are common in Turkey, particularly internet scams involving people who met online. Typically, the person in Turkey asks the other person to wire large sums of money to provide financial assistance.  Do not send money to someone you have never met in person.  Exercise due diligence when purchasing jewelry, rugs, or real estate. See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information on scams.

Eastern and Southeastern Turkey: We strongly recommend that U.S. citizens reconsider travel to specific areas in eastern and southeastern Turkey, and do not travel to areas near the Syrian or Iraqi borders.

U.S. Government employees are subject to travel restrictions  to the provinces of Batman, Bingol, Bitlis, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Hakkari, Hatay, Kilis, Mardin, Sanliurfa, Siirt, Sirnak, Tunceli and Van.  Mount Ararat , in Agri province, is a special military zone, and  access permission must be obtained before coming to Turkey  from a Turkish Embassy or Consulate.

The following incidents and activities have taken place in eastern and   southeastern Turkey :

  • Terrorist attacks:  Terrorist groups, including Da’esh, also referred to as The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) or The Islamic State of Iraq and ash Sham (ISIS), and the PKK (the Kurdistan Workers’ Party), have conducted large-scale attacks in the area, including suicide bombings, ambushes, and the detonation of car bombs, improvised explosive devices, and other homemade weapons. The PKK has attacked Turkish military and police personnel in the eastern and southeastern provinces, occasionally harming bystanders.
  • Restricted access:  Turkish security forces control access to the southeastern provinces of Hakkari, Mardin and Sirnak along the Iraqi border, and the entire Turkey-Syria border.  Do not photograph or video Turkish military operations or attempt to enter military installations anywhere in Turkey.
  • Shootings:  Turkish towns located along the border with Syria have been struck by bullets and artillery rounds that originate in Syria, some resulting in deaths or injuries.
  • Roadblocks:  Use commercial air travel whenever possible while traveling to southeastern Turkey.  If road travel is necessary, drive only during daylight hours and on major highways.  The Turkish  Jandarma  (rural police) monitors checkpoints on roads. Cooperate if stopped at a checkpoint. Be prepared to provide identification and vehicle registration. Remain calm, do not make any sudden movements, and obey all instructions.  We strongly discourage the use of public transportation in the southeastern region.
  • Demonstrations:  Violent clashes have taken place between Kurdish groups and Turkish police resulting from organized demonstrations.
  • Curfews:  The Turkish Government has instituted temporary curfews in cities throughout the southeast due to blockades of certain neighborhoods by the PKK. Adhere to any locally imposed curfews.

Victims of Crime:  Report crimes to the local police by dialing 155 and contact the U.S. Embassy or nearest consulate. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime. See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas . We urge U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault to contact the U.S. Embassy or closest consulate.

 We can:

  • help you find appropriate medical care
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion.
  • provide a list of local attorneys
  • provide our information on  victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • help you find resources for accommodation and flights home
  • replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance and visit the  Embassy webpage  for resources.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is generally regulated and rules with regard to best practices and safety inspections are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout the country. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance .

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.

  • Always carry with you a form of official government photo identification, such as a residence permit or copy of your passport.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the U.S., regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately.  Turkish authorities may not inform U.S. officials of dual nationals arrested in Turkey.  See our  webpage  for further information on arrests.

  • Insulting the State:  It is illegal to show disrespect to the name or image of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, or to insult the Turkish Government, flag, President, or security forces,  including on social media . Erase any sensitive photos, comments, or other materials from your social media pages, cameras, laptops, and other electronic devices that could be considered controversial or provocative.
  • Drug offenses:  Turkish law enforcement is  very aggressive  in combating illegal drugs. Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking of illegal drugs are very strict, and include heavy fines and jail sentences between four and 20 years.
  • Cultural artifacts:  Turkish law has a broad definition of “antiquities” and makes it a crime to remove any from the country. If you buy antiquities, use authorized dealers and get museum certificates for each item. Failure to have a receipt and certificate at departure can result in  your arrest , and  jail time . Contact the  Embassy of the Republic of Turkey  in Washington for specific information regarding customs requirements.
  • Male dual nationals over the age of 18 may be subject to Turkish conscription and compulsory military service. Consult officials at Turkish Embassies or Consulates with any questions before entering Turkey.
  • Counterfeit goods:  Do not buy counterfeit or pirated goods, even if widely available. They are both illegal to bring back into the United States and to purchase locally.
  • Religious proselytizing:  There is no law against religious proselytizing.

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  Homophobia, transphobia, and intolerance towards homosexuality are widespread throughout Turkey. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals are  not protected by anti-discrimination laws  and have been the targets of violence in recent years. References in the law relating to “offenses against public morality,” “protection of the family,” and “unnatural sexual behavior,” are sometimes used as a basis for abuse by law enforcement officials. In addition, the law states that “no association may be founded for purposes against law and morality,” a clause which has been used by authorities in attempts to shut down or limit the activities of associations working on LGBTI matters.

See   our  LGBTI Travel Information   page and section 6 of our Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:   The Turkish constitution prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities in the provision of state services, employment, education and access to health care. However, access to buildings and public transportation for the disabled in most cities is quite limited, and generally, accessibility for people with disabilities in Turkey is poor. Airports and metro stations are typically accessible, but other forms of public transport (buses) are not.

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  The Embassy is aware of multiple sexual assaults against U.S. citizens in Turkey, including assaults against tourists traveling alone or in small groups, and at spas and  hamams.

  • If you are sexually assaulted, please seek immediate help from the Turkish National Police, Turkish Health Services, or nearest hospital if you feel safe doing so.
  • We urge you to contact the closest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance.

See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

Earthquakes:  Earthquakes occur throughout Turkey. Make contingency plans and leave emergency contact information with family members outside Turkey. General information about natural disaster preparedness is available from the  U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)  and at For more information on disaster preparedness, please click on the following links:

  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • FEMA: Earthquakes
  • FEMA for Kids: Emergency Preparedness
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Earthquake Preparedness

Medical care provided in Turkish hospitals varies greatly. Though new private hospitals in Ankara, Antalya, Izmir and Istanbul have modern facilities, equipment, numerous U.S.-trained specialists, and international accreditation, some still may be unable to treat certain serious conditions. Health care standards are lower in small cities in Turkey.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare does not apply overseas.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance overseas.

We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance   to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the government of Turkey to ensure the medication is legal in Turkey. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. Some medications may be unavailable in Turkey.

For U.S. citizens who live in Turkey , please see the Embassy’s website for  information on the Turkish General Health Insurance (GHI) law . If you are considering enrolling in Turkish GHI, carefully research what is and is not covered. Once you enroll in GHI, your coverage can only be cancelled if your residence permit expires or if you no longer reside in Turkey.

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Roads in Turkey range from single-lane country roads to modern, divided motorways. Highways in the tourist-frequented western, southwestern, and coastal regions of Turkey are generally in good condition and are well maintained, while conditions in other areas vary.

Be extremely cautious while driving at night.  Driving after dark, especially in rural areas, requires extra caution due to dangers such as livestock on the road or narrow unmarked or unpaved roads.

In case of an  accident  or  car trouble :

  • Pull to the side of the road, turn on hazard lights, and use reflector triangles.
  • For accidents with only vehicular damage, exchange insurance information, take photos of the accident before moving the vehicles, and depart if both sides agree. Turkish law requires drivers to fill out a Turkish-only form and provide pictures of the damage. Non-Turkish speakers should call and wait for the police.
  • For accidents with injury  or a disagreement, remain at the site of the accident.  Do not move the vehicle  – even out of the way – until the Traffic Police arrive. Report the accident to the Traffic Police (dial 155) or Jandarma (dial 156). Get a certified copy of the official report from the Traffic Police office (this can take several days).
  • The owner of the damaged vehicle should also apply to the customs authority with his passport and accident report before attempting to repair the vehicle or leave the country without the vehicle.
  • When in doubt, it is best to call the Traffic Police or the Jandarma in the event of an accident.

Traffic Laws:  Drive defensively at all times. Drivers routinely ignore traffic regulations, including driving through red lights and stop signs, and turning left from the far right lane. These and other similar driving practices cause frequent traffic accidents.

  • Penalties for  driving drunk  (blood alcohol levels at or above 0.05 percent) include a  fine  and the individual’s license being confiscated for  six months .
  • Using cell phones while driving is  illegal  and can lead to a  fine .

Driver’s license requirements include:

  • For stays up to 180 days : A valid U.S. driver’s license or an International Driving Permit and a U.S. driver’s license is acceptable.
  • For stays longer than 180 days : Obtain a Turkish driver’s license from the Turkish Security Directorate, Traffic Department (Emniyet Müdürlüğü, Trafik Hizmetleri Başkanlığı).
  • A vehicle can be brought into Turkey for up to six months. Find information at the Turkish Touring and Automobile Club.

Public Transportation:  Major cities in   Turkey have extensive public transportation options including taxis, subways, ferries, trains, buses and mini-buses. Licensed cabs are metered. Between cities, Turkey has bus routes, train, and air services.

See our  Road Safety page  for more information.

Aviation Safety Oversight:   The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Turkey’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Turkey’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Turkey should also check U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the NGA broadcast warnings website  - select “broadcast warnings”.

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  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Turkey . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

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Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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Turkey Travel Guide: Plan Your Perfect Trip

Written by Jess Lee Updated Sep 24, 2021

Turkey is a destination that offers something for all visitors. During the long, hot summer, tourism is concentrated in Istanbul and along the coast, but even a beach holiday is easily combined with cultural sightseeing, as most of the popular resort towns are within day-trip distance to some of the country's most famous classical-era ruins.

Travel inland from the feted coastline, though, and the true diversity of Turkey is revealed. From vast ruins perched on mountain summits to fresco-covered Byzantine-era cave churches and Ottoman mosques, and hiking trails following ancient pilgrimage paths to the buzzing foodie and café culture of the cities, a vacation in Turkey can effortlessly incorporate both epic history and an incredible variety of landscapes.

On This Page:

Inspirational ideas for planning your trip to turkey, best time to visit turkey, visitors guide to istanbul, visitors guide to antalya, best towns in turkey, outdoor attractions & activities in turkey, historic highlights of turkey, essential stats & facts, first-time traveler tips for turkey.

Aerial view of Ölüdeniz beach & lagoon

Whether you're planning a trip that concentrates on history, hitting the beach, exploring Turkey's varied countryside or a mix of it all, find out what the highlights are with our overviews on the best places to add to your visit.

  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Turkey
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Turkey
  • Plan Your Trip to Turkey: Best Itineraries
  • Best Cities in Turkey
  • Best Honeymoon Destinations in Turkey
  • Best Mosques in Turkey
  • Best Things to Do in Winter in Turkey
  • Turkey in Pictures: 17 Beautiful Places to Photograph

Hot-air balloons over Cappadocia

Summer: This is high season in Turkey, when visitors from across Europe fly in for some Mediterranean beach time, and Turks take advantage of the long summer school holiday to head for the sand as well. The resorts all along the coast spring into action, and Istanbul bustles every weekend with visitors on short city breaks.

Blue skies and hot weather prevail across the entire country. In eastern Turkey, temperatures soar. If you want to head to the mountains for hiking, though, or to Mount Nemrut to view the stone heads on the summit, this is the best season to go. Pre-booking hotels in popular tourism destinations (Istanbul, all along the coast, and Cappadocia) is a good idea. Also, expect hotel prices in the above destinations to be at their highest.

Fall: (September and October) This is a great time to visit Turkey. Along the coast, it's less busy, and hotel prices fall, but the weather is still mostly sunny and warm. Once the summer heat has fizzled out, it's perfect sightseeing weather to explore eastern Turkey, with plenty of blue skies still and moderate temperatures (though pack some cold-weather clothes, as the first snow out in the east can hit from mid-October).

Winter: Many resorts along the coast shut up shop completely, and hotels that stay open drop prices substantially. Expect plenty of rain along the coast, and inland to be blanketed in snow. Hotel prices in Istanbul and in Cappadocia are at their lowest, though many travelers specifically travel to Cappadocia during this season to see the fairy chimneys dusted with snow. Ski season begins in November.

Spring: Unless you're visiting specifically for a beach holiday, this is the best season to visit Turkey. Wildflowers cover the countryside, hotel prices in major destinations are still low, and historic sights aren't crowded. Istanbul's public parks are covered in tulips in April. Many hotels in beach towns don't open their doors until May. Mount Nemrut has generally opened for visits by mid-April.

May is one of the best months of the year to travel in eastern Turkey, with moderate temperatures. Do pack your umbrella if traveling in spring, as this is Turkey's rainiest season.

Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya) in Sultanahment, Istanbul

Istanbul is a destination in itself. Once Constantinople, the grand capital of both the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, it is one of the world's great cities.

Although rightly famed for its historic monuments, Istanbul is also the heartbeat of contemporary, cosmopolitan Turkey with a thriving modern art, music, and cultural scene and the most interesting and varied shopping, dining, and café life in the country.

  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Istanbul
  • Exploring Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya): A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Istanbul's Archaeological Museum: A Visitor's Guide
  • Istanbul's Grand Bazaar: Things to Buy & Shopping Tips
  • Best Places for Shopping in Istanbul
  • Top-Rated Day Trips from Istanbul
  • Visiting Troy from Istanbul: Attractions, Tips & Tours
  • Best Beaches near Istanbul
  • Best Parks in Istanbul
  • From Istanbul to Bodrum: Best Ways to Get There
  • From Istanbul to Pamukkale: Best Ways to Get There
  • From Istanbul to Izmir: Best Ways to Get There

Antalya old town's Roman harbor

During the Turkish summer, Antalya is the major gateway city to the Mediterranean shore.

This city isn't just a staging post for hitting the beach, though. Some of Turkey's most famous classical-era ruins including Aspendos, Perge, and the ruins of Side are within easy day-tripping distance, while Antalya is also the perfect starting or ending point for travel itineraries taking in the coastal scenery and historic highlights of Turkey's coastline.

  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Antalya
  • Exploring the Ancient City of Aspendos: A Visitor's Guide
  • From Istanbul to Antalya: Best Ways to Get There

Cobblestone street in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Safranbolu

While the beach towns along the Aegean and Mediterranean grab the most visitors, away from the coast, Turkey's provincial cities and towns offer plenty of historical and cultural sightseeing.

Turkish capital Ankara is home to two of the country's most important monuments. Konya is where the whirling dervishes began, foodie visitors head to Gaziantep simply to eat its world-renowned baklava and to Bursa to sample its Iskender kebap, and Safranbolu is a painstakingly preserved Ottoman-era old town.

Out east, Mardin and Şanlıurfa are two of the most popular bases to explore the rugged landscapes, multi-ethnic heritage, and lonely ruins of eastern Turkey.

For the famous classical-era ruins along the Aegean Coast, Selçuk and Izmir are great bases, while Fethiye and Kaş offer sailing, kayaking, hiking, and many other outdoor activities along with plenty of ruins within day-tripping distance.

Best Towns for the Beach & Outdoor Activities

  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Fethiye
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Bodrum
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Kaş
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Marmaris
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Alanya
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Side
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Kuşadası

Best Towns for History & Culture

  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Ankara
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Konya
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Safranbolu
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Gaziantep
  • Top-Rated Attractions & Things to Do in Bursa, Turkey
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Mardin
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Şanlıurfa
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Adana, Turkey
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Edirne, Turkey
  • Top-Rated Attractions in Selçuk & Ephesus

Sailboat anchored off Oludeniz Beach

The calcite travertines of Pamukkale and the fairy chimney landscape of Cappadocia are two of Turkey's most famous landscapes. Both are prime bases for plenty of historic sites and ruins and outdoor activities, including hot-air ballooning, hiking, horse riding, and paragliding.

Down on the coast, the beaches are the main attraction, though activities such as hiking, sailing, kayaking, and paragliding offer plentiful opportunities to get off the sand.

To experience Turkey's most lush landscapes, don't miss adding the Black Sea coast into your itinerary, while the mountains and lakes around Eğirdir are an easy add-on to a coastal trip and provide a glimpse into the variety of Turkey's countryside.

  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Cappadocia
  • Hot-Air Ballooning in Cappadocia: A Complete Guide
  • From Istanbul to Cappadocia: Best Ways to Get There
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Pamukkale
  • Top-Rated Things to Do in Ölüdeniz
  • Top-Rated Beaches in Turkey
  • Top-Rated Attractions on the Black Sea Coast, Turkey
  • Exploring the Sagalassos Ruins and Lake Eğirdir
  • Top-Rated Islands in Turkey

Roman theater in Ephesus

Turkey's history is mind-boggling. Many travelers head here specifically to visit classical-era ruins such as Ephesus, and then realize once here just how much more there is to see.

Archaeological sites here cover the full breadth of human history, from the earliest temple and earliest Neolithic villages ever discovered, right up to the glorious mosques and monuments of the Ottoman era.

  • Visiting Ephesus: Attractions, Tips & Tours
  • Exploring Laodikeia: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Mount Nemrut: A Visitor's Guide
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in the Mount Nemrut Region
  • Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Pergamum & the North Aegean
  • Top-Rated Attractions in Çanakkale, Gallipoli Peninsula & Troy
  • Exploring the Mevlana Museum: A Visitor's Guide
  • Exploring Ancient Olympos & the Chimaera: A Visitor's Guide
  • Visiting the Atatürk Mausoleum (Anıtkabir)
  • Exploring the Top Attractions of Ancient Harran
  • Exploring Gordion, Museum & History
  • A Visitor's Guide to Çatalhöyük: Excavations & History

Pamukkale's calcite travertine

  • Population of Turkey: The population of Turkey is 82 million. Turkey's population has seen dramatic urbanization, with approximately 76 percent of the population living in urban areas. The country's northwest is the most densely populated region with around 20 percent of the population living in Istanbul.
  • Capital of Turkey: The capital of Turkey is Ankara. It has a population of five million.
  • Geography of Turkey: Turkey is the 38th largest country in the world, covering 783,562 square kilometers. Turkey shares borders with eight countries: Bulgaria and Greece to the west; Georgia, Armenia, the Azerbaijan exclave of Nakhichivan, Iran, and Iraq to the east; and Syria to the south.
  • Languages of Turkey: The official language of Turkey is Turkish. Around 10 percent of the population is Kurdish and speak Kurmanji (Northern Kurdish) as well.
  • Currency of Turkey: Turkey's currency is the Turkish Lira
  • Time Zone of Turkey: Turkey's time zone is UTC + 3

Akdamar Island on Lake Van

Tourist Visas: Turkish tourist visas are required and must be purchased pre-arrival through the official e-visa website.

Electricity: Turkey uses two-prong European-style plugs.

Hotel Rates: Hotel rates in Turkey normally include breakfast and Wi-Fi.

Visiting Mosques: Outside of prayer times, mosques in Turkey are open for non-Muslims to visit. Wear modest clothing and always take your shoes off before entering the prayer hall (a shelf for shoes is normally provided at the entrance). Women should don a headscarf before entering. At larger famous mosques, there is usually a bin full of headscarfs you can borrow.

The National Drink: Turkey's national drink is tea, served black in small tulip-shaped glasses. Turkey consumes the most tea in the world, and tea (grown in the Black Sea region) is also one of its most profitable agricultural exports. You will be offered tea everywhere. When using a tea self-service urn (at hotel breakfasts) there is one tap for straight tea and another for hot water. You are supposed to mix it to your required taste. Try one third tea to two thirds water.

Shoes: If you're invited into a home in Turkey, always take your shoes off at the door.

Smoking: In Turkey, smoking is officially banned in all indoor spaces, including restaurants and hotels. The ban is strictly enforced in Istanbul and in areas that receive a lot of tourism (such as the coastal resort towns and Cappadocia) but be aware that it tends to be more loosely adhered to outside of these areas.

Turkey Maps


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Serene coastal campsite in Türkiye with a tent near turquoise waters and mountains.

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Aerial view of a beautiful bay in Bodrum, Turkey, with turquoise waters, sandy beach, and lush green forests.

Discover the Stunning Bays of Bodrum: A Complete Travel Guide

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A beach near Istanbul with clear blue waters, sandy shores, sunbeds, umbrellas, and a distant view of the city skyline.

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Nightlife in Istanbul featuring a bustling rooftop bar with views of the Bosphorus.

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Collage of top diving destinations in Turkey featuring underwater scenes of coral reefs, shipwrecks in Bodrum, clear waters in Kaş, and serene beaches of Fethiye and Marmaris.

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Collage of adventure activities in Turkey featuring hikers on the Lycian Way, climbers on Mt. Ararat, cyclists in Cappadocia, and a Gulet boat on the Turquoise Coast.

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Turkey is a country that offers an incredible diversity of […]

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Collage of iconic Turkish landmarks including Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Cappadocia, Pamukkale, and the Grand Bazaar.

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Historic thermal bathhouse in Bursa, Türkiye, surrounded by lush greenery with classic Ottoman architecture featuring domes and arches.

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Scenic view of Türkiye's cultural heritage, featuring ancient Hittite ruins in Hattusa, lush Anatolian landscapes, and elements of traditional Turkish crafts along the historic Silk Road.

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A bustling view of Bagdat Street in Istanbul with luxury boutiques, local shops, and cafes, capturing the lively shopping atmosphere.

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Breathtaking view of Yerköprü Waterfall in Mersin, Turkey, cascading into a pool surrounded by lush greenery and cliffs.

Yerköprü Waterfall (Mersin)

Welcome to an exploration of one of Turkey’s hidden gems, […]

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Ancient caravanserai in Istanbul's Eminönü district with historic architecture, arched doorways, cobblestone pathways, and a central courtyard.

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Vibrant street scene in Nişantaşı, Istanbul, featuring trendy cafes, chic restaurants, and bustling pubs with people enjoying their time.

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A lively girls' night out scene in Istanbul with friends enjoying drinks and food in a cozy cafe with stylish decor.

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Picturesque beach in Muğla, Turkey, with golden sands and crystal-clear blue waters.

Best of Muğla Beaches: Your Ultimate Guide to Sun, Sand, and Sea

Muğla, a picturesque province in southwestern Turkey, is home to […]

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Historic Samatya neighborhood in Fatih, Istanbul, with traditional wooden houses, ancient city walls, and vibrant street life.

Samatya – Fatih, Istanbul

Samatya, a charming quarter in the Fatih district of Istanbul, […]

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Scenic view of Kızılcahamam, Ankara, showcasing the lush forests of Soğuksu National Park with a peaceful pathway leading into the forest.

Kızılcahamam, Ankara

Kızılcahamam, Ankara, is a picturesque district nestled within the heart […]

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Pamukkale, Denizli

Pamukkale, located in southwestern Turkey, is one of the country’s […]

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A scenic view of Gündoğan, Bodrum featuring a coastline with clear blue waters, ancient rock tombs, traditional stone houses, and a boat near the shore.

Gündoğan, Bodrum

Nestled on the northern coast of the Bodrum Peninsula, Gündoğan, […]

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Scenic view of Tosmur, Alanya with sandy beach, turquoise waters, and Taurus Mountains in the background.

Tosmur, Alanya

Tosmur, a serene and recently developed district located just 7 […]

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Scenic view of Aliağa, Izmir with ancient ruins, Aegean Sea, and industrial backdrop

Aliağa, Izmir

Introduction to Aliağa, Izmir Aliağa, a charming coastal district in […]

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A picturesque view of Akyaka, Ula, Turkey, featuring a serene bay with clear blue waters, sandy beaches, and traditional Turkish houses with wooden balconies. The scene includes lush greenery, small fishing boats, and a backdrop of pine-clad hills.

Akyaka, Ula

Akyaka is a charming neighborhood situated in the municipality and […]

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A bustling street scene in Ümraniye, Istanbul, Turkey, showcasing a mix of modern buildings and traditional shops. People are walking along the sidewalks, and the street is lined with cafes and local markets.

Ümraniye, Istanbul

Ümraniye, pronounced [ymˈɾaːnije], is a dynamic municipality and district located […]

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Konak Square, Izmir

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Coastal view of Fethiye, Turkey, featuring beachfront resorts, boutique hotels, and a vibrant marina.

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Scenic view of Pamukkale's white travertine terraces with thermal pools and nearby hotels.

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10 of the best places to visit in Türkiye

Jennifer Hattam

Dec 14, 2023 • 6 min read


Plan your visit to Türkiye with these top places to see © rudi_suardi / Getty Images

The eclectic city of Istanbul, the fantastical rock forms of Cappadocia, the ancient ruins of Ephesus, and the glimmering Mediterranean and Aegean coastlines are Türkiye ’s biggest draws, but each region of the country has something distinct to offer.

The diversity of landscapes, heritage and culinary culture will surprise those who have never ventured beyond holiday resorts and the beach. Even though it’s easy to get around Türkiye , the country has too much to see and do to tackle it all on one trip. Because most domestic flights route through Istanbul, spend at least a few days in this dynamic global metropolis before heading out to one of our other top places to visit in Türkiye.

An interior shot of a grand mosque building, with a huge central golden dome and massive chandeliers hanging down from the ceiling

1. Istanbul

Best for ancient sites and modern neighborhoods

One of the world’s greatest cities, Istanbul should be on every traveler’s must-visit list. Highlight sights like the grand Byzantine basilica Aya Sofya , often called Hagia Sophia in English, and the Ottoman sultans’ lavish Topkapı Palace attest to the city’s centuries-long history as the capital of powerful empires.

But set aside some time to experience Istanbul as it is today, too. Go cafe- or bar-hopping in the hip Kadıköy neighborhood, wander the backstreets of more conservative Fatih or peruse contemporary art in Beyoğlu . Don’t forget the simple pleasure of drinking çay (tea) on the ferry while taking in spectacular views of the city.

Planning tip:  You could easily spend your entire vacation in Istanbul, but if you have the time, it's worth venturing further afield in search of other Turkish delights.

Aerial shot of brightly colored hot-air balloons over a landscape with a lot of hills, exposed rock, and other geological features

2. Cappadocia

Best for its unique landscape

Cappadocia is a geological wonderland in the center of Türkiye. The history of early Christians in Anatolia comes alive at the Göreme Open-Air Museum and the other cave churches and underground cities scattered around the valley. Romance blossoms in the area’s cozy cave hotels and restaurants, not to mention sunrise balloon rides complete with a champagne toast. Adventure awaits amid the green valleys and undulating rocks for hikers, mountain bikers and trail runners .

A curved stretch of empty beach as the sun sets

3. Turquoise Coast

Best for history lovers and beaches

Yes, Türkiye's  Mediterranean coastline between Fethiye and Antalya is full of beautiful places for sun, sea and sand vacations , but it’s also dappled with evidence of the ancient civilizations that once populated the area. The seaside ruins of Patara (which boasts one of Türkiye's best beaches too) and Phaselis are particularly picturesque, and the rock tombs of Myra are especially impressive. The Antalya Museum offers good insights into the region’s history. Explore by sea on a gület cruise, on foot along the Lycian Way hiking path or by driving the scenic (but winding!) coastal roads.

A monastery building constructed into the side of a huge cliff high up above a valley

4. Eastern Black Sea and Kaçkar Mountains

Best for rural traditions

The rough, cold waters of the Black Sea aren’t particularly inviting, but turn your gaze inland, where lush green valleys spill down to the coast from high peaks, to see the region’s appeal. The lower elevations are home to most of Türkiye's tea and hazelnut production, while the high plateaus ( yaylalar ) like Pokut , that were once used as summer pastures for livestock, are becoming popular with tourists seeking out scenic views and a taste of traditional Black Sea culture and cuisine. Further above, the Kaçkar Mountains offer spectacular trekking in summer for experienced hikers.

Planning tip:  Trabzon, home to the cliff-side Sumela Monastery , is the area’s main hub for air travel.

A sandstone-colored monastery building viewed through an archway

5. Southeastern Anatolia

Best for culture and food

The often-overlooked southeastern Anatolia region is one of Türkiye's cultural – and culinary – stars. The cities of Gaziantep and Antakya (Hatay) are famed for their food, and both also boast museums with incredible collections of Roman mosaics. Mardin ’s picturesque, well-preserved old town also makes a great base for exploring the monasteries and Roman ruins in the surrounding area. The world’s oldest religious site, Göbeklitepe , lies just outside of Şanlıurfa, which has its own fine archaeology museum and bazaar .

6. Datça and Bozburun peninsulas

Best for relaxation

Chilling out and getting back to nature is the order of the day on the remote  Datça and Bozburun peninsulas in the south Aegean. In place of the boisterous nightlife of nearby Bodrum and Marmaris, you’ll find miles of dramatic rocky coastline, scenic rural villages, and small, quiet beach resorts and seaside towns.

Planning tip:  The Carian Trail long-distance hiking path encircles both peninsulas. Check before setting out as some sections of the route were inaccessible following wildfire damage in the summer of 2021.

A red-stone palace with a central domed tower. A snow-capped mountain rises in the distance

7. Türkiye's far east

Best for rugged beauty

The vast landscapes of Türkiye's far east have a remote ruggedness unmatched elsewhere in the country. Perhaps best known to travelers as the terminus of the Doğu Ekpresi (Eastern Express) , a popular and scenic overnight train trip from Ankara , the border city of Kars retains striking architecture from its years as a Russian outpost in the 1800s. Nearby are the extensive and evocative UNESCO-listed ruins of Ani , an ancient Armenian capital.

A three-hour drive south will take you to the remote İshak Paşa Palace , passing by the fabled Mt Ararat (Ağrı Dağı) en route. Continue on to Van , where you can fuel up on one of the city’s famously elaborate breakfast spreads before visiting the fine museum in town and taking a day excursion to Akdamar Kilisesi , a masterfully decorated Armenian church and monastery complex on a small island in Lake Van.

A semi-ruined amphitheater facing a crumbling stone wall

8. Gallipoli and the North Aegean

Best for WWI history and ancient Troy

Cemeteries devoted to the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in bloody battles on the Gallipoli Peninsula during WWI are scattered around bucolic rolling hills, all the more poignant amidst such serenely beautiful landscapes.

The area is also the gateway to Türkiye's North Aegean coast, a more relaxed alternative to the Mediterranean where you can take a leisurely tour of pleasant seaside towns like Ayvalık and Foça, the island wineries of Bozcaada, the ancient city of Troy (with its standout museum ) and the spectacularly sited hilltop acropolis of Bergama .

A series of timbered houses built into a hillside

9. Safranbolu

Best for Ottoman atmosphere

Named for the saffron that was grown and traded here for centuries, Safranbolu is today popular with visitors who come to soak in its old Ottoman atmosphere. Many of the town’s historic wood-framed mansions have been restored and converted into picture-perfect boutique hotels, cafes and restaurants.

Planning tip:  If it all starts to seem a little too cutesy, the canyons, waterfalls and woods of the nearby Yenice Forest are a natural tonic.

A series of white tiered flat rocks in the setting sun

10. Pamukkale

Best for its ancient spa

The bright-white terraces of Pamukkale are surely one of the most photographed sites in Türkiye, incongruously gleaming above the rural town like freshly fallen snow. The warm mineral water that flows through them was the basis for the ancient spa city of Hierapolis , whose extensive remains sprawl out along the hilltop next to the famous travertines.

Planning tip:  Pamukkale also makes a good base for visiting other nearby ancient sites like Laodicea , Tripolis and – most notably – the gorgeous ruins of Afrodisias with its impressive collection of Roman marble sculptures.

This article was first published Sep 30, 2021 and updated Dec 14, 2023.

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  • Consular Info
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  • General Information About Turkish Visas

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It is highly recommended that foreigners, who wish to visit Türkiye, should read the related information about our country’s visa regime. Visa regime for Touristic and Business Purposed visit of a country may differ from Work and Education Purposed visit. Also Türkiye’s visa regime may change according to reciprocity principle. While some applicants may be exempt from visa for their touristic or business visit to Türkiye, the others can obtain an e-Visa. All other applicants will need to obtain a visa through Turkish Representations in the abroad. An information note about visa regime of Türkiye is available in the following address: Visa types granted by Türkiye are; 1- TOURIST/BUSINESSPERSON a) Touristic Visit b) Single Transit c) Double Transit d) Business Meeting/Commerce e) Conference/Seminar/Meeting f) Festival/Fair/Exhibition g) Sportive Activity h) Cultural Artistic Activity i) Official Visit j) Visit to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 2- OFFICIAL VISA a) Assigned for duty b) Courier 3- STUDENT – EDUCATION VISA a) Internship Visa b) Internship ERASMUS c) Internship AISEC d) Turkish Language Course Purpose e) Course Purpose f) Education Purpose g) Education in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 4- WORKING VISA a) Employment Purpose/Special Employment Purpose b) Assigned Lecturers/Academics c) Assigned Sportsperson d) Assigned Artists e) Assigned Free Zone Workers f) Assigned Journalists g) Montage and Repairman Purposes 5- OTHER VISAS a) Archaeological Excavation, Exploration Purpose b) Documentary Purpose c) Tour Operator Representative d) Medical Treatment Purposes e) Accompaniment Purpose f) Family Unification Purpose g) Freight Vısa h) Seafarer Visa PASSPORT VALIDITY In accordance with the article 7.1b of “the Law on Foreigners and International Protection” no.6458, foreigners wishing to enter Türkiye should carry a travel document (passport) with an expiration date at least 60 days beyond the “duration of stay” of their visa, e-Visa, visa exemption, or residence permit. Example A: In order to enter Türkiye having a visa with 90 days “duration of stay”, foreigners should hold a travel document valid at least for an additional 60 days which totals to 150 days (90 days + 60 days) of validity at the time of entrance. Example B: In order to enter Türkiye having a visa with 30 days “duration of stay”, foreigners should hold a travel document valid at least for an additional 60 days which totals to 90 days (30 days + 60 days) of validity at the time of entrance." In accordance with international agreements and special legal provisions, the following categories are exempted from this provision: a) Citizens of countries who are allowed to enter Türkiye with their national ID’s in accordance with “European Agreement on Regulations governing the Movement of Persons between Member States of the Council of Europe”; 1- Germany 2- Belgium 3- France 4- Georgia 5- The Netherlands 6- Spain 7- Switzerland 8- İtaly 9- Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 10- Liechtenstein 11- Luxembourg 12- Malta 13- Portugal 14- Greece b) Citizens of countries holding passports which are expired but considered as valid for a certain period 1. Germany – Passports expired within the last year / ID’s expired within the last year 2. Belgium - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 3. France - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 4. Spain - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 5. Switzerland - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 6. Luxemburg - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 7. Portugal - Passports expired within the last 5 years. 8. Bulgaria – Valid ordinary passport c) Holders of diplomatic, special and official passports GENERAL INFORMATION - Visitors who are not exempt from entry visa must obtain their visas or schedule an appointment with the Turkish Consular offices via Pre-Application System for Turkish Sticker Visa ( ). The applicants who meet the requirements will be directed by the Pre-Application System for Turkish Sticker Visa to the e-Visa system ( ) In those countries where Türkiye does not have a consular representation can also use online scheduling for appointments with the nearest accredited consular office of Türkiye. - In order to avoid inconveniences that may be caused by delays in processing, it is recommended to apply for visas at least one month in advance before the planned travel. - The visas submitted to foreigners do not guarantee absolute rights of entry to Türkiye. - Visa fees are not refundable in cases where applications are rejected - All applicants are required to have a medical insurance that will be valid during their stay in Türkiye. - The length of stay provided by visa or visa exemption cannot exceed 90 days within each 180 days. The regulation of 90 days of stay within the last 180 days is binding for all foreigners that will travel to Türkiye. - It is not possible for foreigners holding two passports to stay in Türkiye for 90 days each with their two different passports within the last 180 days. - In all types of visa applications, Turkish consular offices may issue visas with a maximum duration of stay of 90 days. The foreigners who wish to stay longer than 90 days in Türkiye, should apply for “Short Term Residence Permit” at the Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration in order to extend their residence. - The residence permit of the foreigners will be cancelled if they stay outside Türkiye for longer than 120 days in total during the last year. - For United Nations (UN) Travel Document (Laissez-Passer) holders who have blue UN travel documents, visa exemption with 90 days length of stay within the preceding 180 days may apply during their official visit to Türkiye if they can certify their official assignment. Red UN Travel Document holders, shall be exempt from entry visa and may stay in Türkiye 90 days within the preceding 180 days regardless of their purpose of visit. General visa provisions shall apply for Blue UN travel document holders subject to regulations specified according to their country of origin. - Visa applications for travels except for touristic or trade purposes (work or study etc.) will need to obtain visa through Turkish Representations in the abroad. - Regardless of the visa regime applied towards the citizens of a country, the travel document holders of that country need to obtain visa from Turkish missions beforehand. - Any applicant under the age of 18 must submit official written approvals from both parents. For those applicants who certify that their parents are officially divorced and prove the parent holding their custody as well as for those with one parent deceased, visas may be issued in accordance with their purpose of visit. - The authorization of processing the residence permit applications submitted by the following persons who enter Türkiye availing visa-free regime and without requirement of obtainment of Student Visas lays with Local Immigration Offices (Provincial Directorates of Migration): Foreigners who arrive in Türkiye upon invitations by universities under Turkish Higher Education Board to study at the associate, undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate, Ph. D levels pursuant to international student exchange programs, cultural programs as well as under EU Education and Youth Programs. - For foreigners wishing to enter Türkiye via naval ports with touristic purposes, visa-free entry permits may be issued by the local governorates. These permits shall have a maximum 72 hours duration of stay and will be only valid for sightseeing purposes in the vicinity of naval ports where they entered the country. This practice, as it intends to facilitate entry for those visitors subject to visa, does not entitle visitors to visa. Passports of these visitors are not retained by the border authorities; however, visitors are given "Harbor City Entry Permit" which is required to be returned to the authorities upon their exits. - Any piece of data submitted here may be processed and stored in database accessible to the relevant Turkish authorities in accordance with their respective mandates. Tourist Visa - If an invitation letter is submitted for a Touristic Visa application, it must include the inviting person's TR Identity Number, clear identity, the list of invitees, permanent address, contact number, length and purpose of stay and the affinity with the applicant must be stated in the letter. If the inviting side is an organization or a company, tax registration certificate of the organization will be required. In the invitation letter it is also required for the inviting person/authority to pledge for covering victuals and accommodation expenses and for taking their own responsibility. The applicant is required to have sufficient and/or regular remunerations. Working Visa: - Foreigners lay their applications for work permit through our consular offices in the country of their residence or nationality. - To work in Türkiye, you must apply to the nearest Turkish mission to obtain work permit and visa. Your passport, visa application form and a letter from your employer are the necessary documents for your application. Other documents should be submitted to the Turkish Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MLSS) by your employer within ten working days after your application. - Work Permit Applications are concluded positively or negatively by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Work Permits have equivalence to residence permits. Thus, should a working permit is approved by the Ministry, the foreigner is charged an Entry Visa Fee, Work Permit Certificate Fee and Residence Fee by the Turkish consular offices. Since Work Permit Card substitute residence permit in Türkiye, "Work Annotated Visa" issued by these offices can only be used for entrance and for 90 days at maximum. - You may find the list of those documents in the MLSS’s website ( ). Applications are finalized by the MLSS within thirty days at the latest. Right after your arrival in Türkiye (before starting to work), you should be registered at the local police department within one month to obtain the necessary residence permit. - Work permit is granted to foreigners who will work in Free Zones in our country by the Ministry of Economy, to those to work in units under Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the mentioned Ministry and to foreign national personnel to work in universities by the Higher Education Board. Internship Visa / Work Permit Exemption: - Applicants need to obtain a work permit from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security pursuant to the Law numbered 4817 for private internship applications outside the provisions set forth in the Article 55 "Work Permit Exemption" title of Law Enforcement Regulation about Working Permits of Foreigners. - Article 55 of the Law Enforcement Regulation on Working Permits of Foreigners no. 4817 regulating working permit exemptions, the extent and the lengths of time the foreigners are exempt from working permit are stated. Those who meet the requirements below do not need to obtain a work permit. (1) Without prejudice to the provisions set out in specific laws and on condition that the foreigner and the employer fulfill their obligations resulting from other laws; a) The persons exempted from work visa under the bilateral or multilateral agreements to which Türkiye is a signatory party, b) the foreigners holding permanent residences abroad and wishing to visit Türkiye temporarily with purposes of scientific studies, cultural and artistic activities for a period shorter than a month and with the aim of sporting activities for a period less than four months, c) For the purpose of installation, maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment imported to Türkiye, providing training for their utilization or transporting of defective equipment from Türkiye and provided that they do not exceed the total stay of three months within a year as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones coming to Türkiye, ç) For the purpose of training in the use of goods and services exported from or imported to Türkiye and provided that they do not exceed three months totally within a year as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition thanks to the documents that they will submit, the ones in Türkiye d) Being an entertainer, performer and etc. in charge at fair and circuses which are going to carry out activities outside the borders of certificated tourism establishments and provided that they do not exceed six months as of the date of entry into Türkiye and verify this condition with the documents that they will submit, the ones in Türkiye e) On condition that it does not exceed two years and it will be limited to the period of study, the foreigners coming to state institutions and organizations together with the universities so as to enhance their information and good manners by verifying their state via the documents that they will submit, f) Persons who notified the Turkish authorities on the fact that they will provide important services and contributions socio-cultural and technological fields and educational fields within a period not exceeding six months. g) Persons visiting Türkiye under the programs of the Center for European Union Education and Youth Programs (National Agency), ğ) The foreigners to go on a training under the framework of international trainee programs sanctioned by the Higher Education Board, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. h) The foreigners who are the representatives of tour operators coming to Türkiye on condition that the term of contract does not exceed eight months, ı) During the contracts of other athletes, trainers, football players whose requests are approved by Turkish Football Federation or General Directorate of Youth and Sports i) By the bilateral protocols signed under the Rule no. I/10 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, the foreign seafarers serving on vessels which have received " Conformity Approval Certificate" from the related administration and is registered in Turkish International Ship Registry Law and operate outside the cabotage line, j) Foreign experts employed in the projects that are conducted within the scope of Türkiye-European Union Financial Cooperation Programs are not in need of obtaining a work visa during their term of office. - Within the scope of article 55, residence permits of the foreigners coming to Türkiye are given as “Short Term" residence permits by Provincial Directorate of Migration Administration. Exemption periods cannot be extended, the foreigners under this provision can make use of exemption rules only once within one calendar year. However, it is required that it must have been three months as of the expiry date of the residence permit granted to the foreigner with the same purpose in order to exercise this right. In case of the need of working longer than the exemption period allows, the foreigner has to obtain a work visa through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Tour Operator Representative Visa - The foreign representatives of tour operators, are exempted from obtaining a work visa for their duties for up to eight months. The applications of the foreigners asking for a residence permit from Provincial Directorate of Migration as the representatives of tour operators are processed under rules regulating touristic visits. Transportation Visa - The foreigners applying for visa for transportation may be given a multiple entry visa valid for one year in case they submit the required documents. - Visa regime for truck drivers of a country may differ from the overall visa regime effective for citizens of that particular country. For further information, please contact the nearest Turkish mission. The Personnel Assigned for Foreign Religious Foundations - The personnel employed officially in foreign religious foundations in Türkiye - Work permits of the foreigners employed in religious foundations are under the framework of exceptional condition. Applications of permission are made via our Ministry and residence permits are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs so that they can work in our country. Archaeological Excavation, Exploration, Documentary Purpose Visas - Foreigners who will shoot a documentary film conduct a research or an archeological excavation should get a special permission from the Turkish authorities in advance. - It is necessary that the one should enter Türkiye by obtaining a relevant visa via our foreign representatives for excavation and research. - The foreigners to come to our country for the purpose of movie and documentary shooting should obtain a permit document from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Directorate General of Cinema and the provincial Governorate. - One can directly apply to the related institutions for scientific researches, sound track recording, filming documentaries and movies, photo shooting to be carried out on archeological, historical, geological, sociological and natural issues in Türkiye, on land, in the air, at sea, at river and at lake. Applications on surface explorations to be made on the land registry cadaster records with archaeological excavations and underwater archaeological researches apart from these are made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the applicant's own diplomatic mission in Türkiye and to the Ministry via Turkish foreign representatives abroad on the other hand.

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Turkey Travel Guide

Heterogeneous Turkey shows influences from the Middle East, Mediterranean, the Balkan peninsula, and Central Asia, but it’s much more than its clichéd image of where East meets West. Stylish Istanbul holds one of the world’s youngest populations. Beach towns scattered along the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts tempt tourists to resorts, while world-class archaeological sites dot unforgettable desert landscapes. Combined with innovative cuisine, maze-like bazaars, and friendly people, there’s something for everyone.

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18 interesting facts about Tükiye (Turkey) you need to know about

by Jason Brasier | 21 Aug 2024

We love these facts about Türkiye (formally known as Turkey), a fascinating country that straddles both Europe and Asia. It’s had such a long history of conquest and clashes of civilizations, meaning there are plenty of ancient ruins and historic spots explore. Whether you’re planning a visit or simply curious about this fascinating country, here are 18 insightful facts that will give you a deeper insight into Türkiye’s diverse and dynamic character. You’ll find many of these facts and more on a Türkiye guided tour with Insight Vacations.

Santa Claus was born in Türkiye

Alican, one of our partners who organizes our tours in Turkey, shared one of his favorite facts about Türkiye , his home country.

“Saint Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus was born in Patara and became the bishop of nearby Myra, on Turkiye’s Mediterranean coast.”

He then got his trusty team to share their favorite picks.

Mosque in Istanbul

Julius Caesar’s most famous words

Ever heard of Julius Caesar’s famous saying “Veni Vidi Vici”‘? It means ‘I came, I saw, I conquered.’ and he reportedly said the phrase after the battle of Zela, 47 BC in what is now known as Almus (in the Tokat province of northern Türkiye)

Türkiye gave us the world’s first coin

The first ever coin of the world was minted in today’s Türkiye by the Lydians, an Anatolian ancient empire who eventually fell to the Persians.

Wonders of Turkey


Türkiye is predominantly Muslim, but its national drink is an alcohol

Even though most of Türkiye is muslim, their national drink is Raki. Otherwise known as ‘Lion’s Milk’, Raki is a 45% clear brandy made of grapes and raisins, twice-distilled and flavored with aniseed.

Turks prefer tea over coffee

Even though we all know Türkiye for its famous coffee (and if you don’t, you can read more about it here – it’s pretty unique), the most consumed beverage is tea.

Tulips originated in Türkiye

When you think of tulips, we all picture the colorful countryside outside Amsterdam , but did you know that they actually originated in Central Asia, and were first cultivated by the Turks and Persians? They were eventually introduced to Europe in the 16th century.

a close up shot of a brown bear’s face, with shaggy brown fur

Türkiye used to have two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Today, you may have been lucky enough to see some of the wonders of the world: Machu Picchu, Rome’s Colosseum, Rio de Janeiro’s Christ the Redeemer statue… but did you know that there used to be seven wonders of the Ancient World? These sights were given their prestige only after Alexander the Great conquered much of the western world in the 4th century BC, granting Hellenistic travelers unbridled access to the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Persia and Babylon.

Only one of the ancient wonders survives today: the Great Pyramids of Giza . But two used to be in ancient Türkiye. The Temple of Artemis was a great Greek temple dedicated to the goddess of the hunt, and was built by the last king of Lydia (remember them?). It was ultimately destroyed by invading Goths in 262 CE. The second wonder was the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,  which was a huge tomb built for an ancient king in what is now known as Bodrum. It was adorned with sculptures from four leading Greek artists, and likely was destroyed in subsequent earthquakes.

Welcome to the fairytale world of Turkey's Cappadocia

It’s home to the world’s oldest temple.

In southeastern Türkiye you’ll find what many scholars argue is the world’s oldest temple. Göbekli Tepe is a Neolithic site said to date back to 9600 BCE, making it even older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids.

The Gordian Knot came from Turkey

The Gordian Knot was a legendary and complex knot tied by King Gordius of Phrygia, which was said to be impossible to untie. According to the legend, Alexander the Great solved the problem by cutting through the knot with his sword, fulfilling the prophecy that whoever unraveled it would rule Asia. Gordion is located near Ankara, Türkiye’s capital city.

fairy chimneys in cappadocia


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It may be the resting place of Noah’s Ark

Mount Ararat (Ağrı Dağı in Turkish), located in eastern Türkiye, is traditionally considered to be the resting place of Noah’s Ark according to some interpretations of the Bible.

Two cities in Türkiye were the only ones that Alexander the Great couldn’t conquer in Asia Minor

Termessos is an ancient city perched on a hilltop deep in the Taurus mountain range, close to Antalya. It’s one of only two cities in Asia Minor (the other being Sillyon) that even the Macedonian King Alexander the Great couldn’t conquer. The ancient city was first mentioned in Homer’s epic tale the Iliad, which recounts the last few weeks of the ten-year siege of Troy. Its first historical mention though, dates back to 334 BC, when Alexander the Great unsuccessfully attempted to capture it.

a close up shot of a brown bear’s face, with shaggy brown fur

Türkiye has the oldest operating underground train in continental Europe

Türkey’s Tünel funicular is the oldest operating underground railway in continental Europe. Opened in 1875, it connects the districts of Karakoy and Beyoglu and is second in age only to the London Underground, which opened in 1863.

Turkey in November: Crowd-Free Sights, Coastal Serenity

Turks have chicken in their dessert.

A typical Ottoman dessert is tavuk göğsü, chicken breast pudding. It’s a strange concoction of boiled chicken, milk and sugar, flavoured with cinnamon. And it’s delicious!

Istanbul is the only city in the world that spans two continents

Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey, is unique as it straddles both Europe and Asia, divided by the Bosphorus Strait. This geographical distinction makes Istanbul the only city in the world located on two continents.

istanbul skyline at sunset

The ancient city of Troy was in Türkiye

The ancient city of Troy, made famous by Homer’s Iliad and the legendary Trojan War, is located in modern-day Türkiye. The archaeological site is near the Dardanelles, where you can visit the ruins that once inspired one of the greatest stories ever told.

The world’s first international peace treaty was signed in Türkiye

The Treaty of Kadesh, considered the oldest surviving peace treaty in history, was signed in 1259 BCE between the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II and Hittite King Muwatalli II. This historic agreement was concluded near the city of Kadesh in what is now southeastern Türkiye.

woman browsing carpet market in turkey

The traditional national sport of Türkiye is oil wrestling

Oil wrestling, known as “Yağlı Güreş” in Turkish, is a traditional sport where wrestlers douse themselves in olive oil before competing. The sport dates back to the Ottoman Empire and is still practiced today, particularly during the annual Kirkpinar Festival in Edirne. The objective is to pin your opponent to the ground while grappling in a slippery and oily environment.

Turkish Delight: why November is one of the best times to visit Turkey

Turkish women could leave their husbands for coffee.

In Ottoman times, coffee was so central to Turkish culture that a woman could legally leave her husband if he did not provide her with enough coffee. This reflects the historical importance of coffee in Turkish society and its role in daily life and social rituals.

The Turks eat three times their own weight in bread every year

Turkey has the highest bread consumption per person in the world. Turkish cuisine is famous for its bread, which is a staple in the diet. On average, each person in Türkiye consumes about 200 kilograms (approximately 440 pounds) of bread annually. This high consumption highlights the integral role bread plays in Turkish meals and the country’s culinary traditions.

Discover all the sights and insights for yourself on our popular Treasures of Turkey  tour.

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  1. Visa Information For Foreigners

    The Electronic Visa (e-Visa) Application System was launched on 17 April 2013 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye. This system allows visitors travelling to Türkiye to easily obtain their e-Visas online (, in approximately three minutes. It is possible to obtain e-Visa 7/24 at everywhere with ...

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  5. Entry into Turkey

    Entry into and exit from Turkey shall be through the border gates with a valid passport or travel document. 1- Foreigners should submit their passport or, travel document or documents to the officials at the time of entry into and exit from Turkey. 2- Document checks regarding border crossings can also be carried out on vehicles while they are ...

  6. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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  7. Visa Information

    Visa Information For Foreigners. Fees for e-Visa and visa on arrival. Visa Form. Countries whose citizens are allowed to enter Türkiye with their national ID's. Passport Validity Requirements While Entering Türkiye in Accordance with Law on Foreigners and International Protection. Ministry Organization Chart Turkish Representations List of ...

  8. e-Visa

    An e-Visa is an official document permitting entry into and travel within Türkiye. The e-Visa is an alternative to visas issued at Turkish missions and at the ports of entry. Applicants obtain their visas electronically after entering required information and making payments by a credit or debit card (Mastercard, Visa or UnionPay).

  9. TGA

    goturkiye. all rights reserved © 2022 | t.c. culture and tourism ministry

  10. Turkey International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

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    Adventure Travel. Art & Culture. Beaches, Coasts & Islands. Food & Drink. Activities. A first-time guide to Giresun and Ordu on Türkiye's Black Sea Coast. Jul 29, 2024 • 6 min read. The small eastern Black Sea cities of Giresun and Ordu in Türkiye are gateways to mountain villages, canyons and waterfalls. in partnership with getyourguide.

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  14. e-Visa is ready to be downloaded!

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  16. SEE & DO

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    Turkey. Take a hot-air balloon ride in Cappadocia, visit the stunning Blue Mosque in Istanbul, or cruise the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas. Goreme National Park: The Complete Guide. The Complete Guide to Ephesus, a Highlight of the Ancient World. The Complete Guide To Turkey's Mt. Erciyes.

  18. 10 of the best places to visit in Türkiye (Turkey)

    2. Cappadocia. Best for its unique landscape. Cappadocia is a geological wonderland in the center of Türkiye. The history of early Christians in Anatolia comes alive at the Göreme Open-Air Museum and the other cave churches and underground cities scattered around the valley.

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  20. General Information About Turkish Visas

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  21. Visit Turkey Official (@visitsturkey)

    Visit Turkey Official 🔹 (@visitsturkey) • Instagram photos and videos. 19K Followers, 11 Following, 133 Posts - Visit Turkey Official 🔹 (@visitsturkey) on Instagram: "Turkey 🇹🇷 @visitistanbul Don't plan your trip before you follow us Surrounded by three seas #turkey #visitturkey".

  22. Turkey Travel Guide

    Stylish Istanbul holds one of the world's youngest populations. Beach towns scattered along the Aegean and Mediterranean coasts tempt tourists to resorts, while world-class archaeological sites ...

  23. Turkey (Türkiye)

    In 2019, Turkey was the United States' 28th largest goods export market and its 32nd largest supplier of goods imports. Turkey is the 7th largest purchaser of U.S. liquified natural gas exports worldwide and an emerging regional. Although overall U.S.-Turkey trade jumped from $10.8 billion in 2009 to $21 billion in 2020, it remains modest ...

  24. 18 Interesting Facts About Turkey

    We love these facts about Türkiye (formally known as Turkey), a fascinating country that straddles both Europe and Asia. ... Whether you're planning a visit or simply curious about this fascinating country, here are 18 insightful facts that will give you a deeper insight into Türkiye's diverse and dynamic character. ... Göbekli Tepe is a ...