Trekker School

55 Simple and Memorable Field Trip Ideas

We all know that field trips are fun- we have all been there. But when you are on the side that you have to plan them, it becomes a bit less fun, and a lot more stressful. It does not really need to be, though, because there are so many fun things out there that your middle schoolers will love to do.

In this article, we will give you 29 excellent field trip ideas. And remember, these are just ideas- there are tons more out there! Get creative!

I don’t know what it is about the zoo, but there is just something about the zoo that makes it one of the best places on earth. And this is true for most ages, not just preschoolers. Running around, finding favorite animals, discovering new ones, and learning more about animals that may be endangered is so fun.

Your middle schoolers will think so, too. Many zoos offer free (or at least discounted) admission for field trips, as long as they’re booked in advance. ( Source )

2. Water Park

Visiting a water park is a great way to either say goodbye to warmer weather or to celebrate the return of it. The best thing about many water parks is that they have arcades too, so those who do not like swimming can just try to win the giant plushies and lava lamps that we all envied as children.

3. Art Museum

An art museum is a great way to infuse culture into middle schoolers. Most are old enough to know museum etiquette, and the museum can introduce them to so many different art styles, types of people, and countries. They may come out thinking about art in a completely different way.

4. State and National Parks

If you live by a state or national park, consider yourself incredibly lucky, and then go get in there! This is a great way to expose middle schoolers to nature, and it helps them to love the outdoors if they do not already. State and national parks are beautiful, and they give the perfect opportunity to teach about the importance of taking care of the environment!

5. Movie Theater

You can never go wrong with a movie. All kids like movies. As long as it’s rated G or PG, and you have parental approval, the employees will be ready with popcorn and drinks in excess for your middle schoolers to enjoy.

photography field trip ideas

6. Aquarium

Like the zoo, it is impossible to go wrong with a trip to the aquarium. Many aquariums have rehabilitated animals, which presents a great opportunity to teach about the importance of picking up after ourselves, and not throwing trash in the ocean. It is never too early to help kids become environmentally conscious.

7. Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens give the wonderful chance to be outside, and it provides a controlled environment to do so. They are beautifully landscaped, and they usually have pretty fountains and waterfalls that provide a really calming atmosphere.

An added bonus: it is easy to reinforce what your middle schoolers have been learning about plants in science classes with what you see!

8. An Actual Theatre

Exposing middle schoolers to the arts should be considered an essential part of their education. And, what’s more, going to plays just makes kids feel mature and important. Maybe it is just because of the way the phrase “going to the theatre” sounds when someone says it with a British accent. If that wasn’t enough, then the fact that education in fine arts is proven to increase students’ self-confidence, self-understanding, communication skills, and cognitive abilities. ( Source )

9. Go on a Hike

This is a good field trip for many reasons. Exercising is an important thing to get in the habit of at a young age, and nature is something that everyone should appreciate. And, as if that was not enough, learning about rocks and rock formations is fascinating, too. This is a great way to combine what you’re teaching in class with what the kids are experiencing in real life.

10. Planetarium

The planetarium is another one of those places that are impossible for someone to not enjoy, even if they are starting to act more and more like a teenager. Besides, middle schoolers will understand the concepts and words used at the planetarium a lot better than elementary schoolers would.

photography field trip ideas

11. Local High School

If there is one thing middle schoolers love, it is that they are going to be in high school soon. Take advantage of that! Take them to high school productions of plays, on tours of the high school they will be going to, and to other high school concerts and athletic events.

12. Local Colleges

While college is still far off for middle schoolers, it’s never too early to give them a good impression of college. Communicate how important a college education can be, and do not forget to mention how fun college life is, either. Get them excited about college before the application process rolls around. The best part about this trip: it’s free!

13. Library

Going to the local library is always a good idea. There is so much to learn (Dewey Decimal System, anybody?), and it is a great way to encourage kids to read. Making this trip coincide with a book report project or readathon might help them to check out books, too!

14. Government Buildings

A government building may be fun to tour. This includes things like the state Capitol building, or maybe even a local government office. There are often tours of the bigger buildings, and these are great opportunities to help students learn more about the government system in our country.

15. Local Festivals

Taking your middle schoolers to local festivals is another great field trip idea. Every town has some sort of interesting festival that they are known for. Take advantage of teaching the kids about the history of their town! Some examples are music festivals, farmers’ markets, local races, and holiday events.

photography field trip ideas

16. Railroad

Local railroads may be hard to come by, but if you are lucky enough to have one in your area, they have tons of history. In addition to this, taking train rides is so much fun. Middle schoolers will love learning about the history of the railroad, taking a ride, and let’s be honest- the concessions on the train will help, too.

17. Local Factories

Going to local factories or businesses is another really great opportunity for middle schoolers. Exposing them to how things work is a great way to help them on the path toward finding out what they want to do in their life. When they see how many types of businesses work, they can better figure out what they like and what they don’t.

18. Amusement Park

Amusement parks are tons of fun. That said, they do require a bit more effort as a field trip. Especially if you are a public school teacher taking 20-30 kids with you, you will need chaperones, permission slips, and plenty of focus, because middle schoolers can wander off.

19. Just a Regular Park

This one is almost effortless, and it is still so much fun. Going to a park, sitting in nature, having a picnic, and then just playing exploring is so good for kids. Getting that time to just relieve stress is key to creating a balanced lifestyle for middle schoolers.

20. Historical Monuments

Historical monuments are there for a reason. They exist to teach us about the people and events that came before us. So why not introduce your middle schoolers to these amazing monuments? They are beautifully built, and being in a historical spot to learn about something that happened before is such a cool experience. What if there is not a monument in your town? There probably is, but if not, a neighboring town will definitely have one.

photography field trip ideas

Caving is such a blast. If you live near a cave, taking middle school students caving would be a fantastic field trip. Before you go, make sure you check the difficulty level of the cave, so that everybody can participate. This is a great way to either introduce or just reinforce what students are learning about rocks, erosion, weathering, and more.

22. Historical Buildings, Homes, or other Sites

This is a great way to learn about specific people that may have had a huge influence on your town, organizations that shaped how your town functioned, or just other historical events that may have caused your town to be built in the first place.

Middle schoolers will love seeing places that appear in books they have read or movies they have seen, and if they are not familiar, they will just enjoy seeing the collection of old things.

23. Local Fire Station

Visiting the local fire station would be a very fun field trip for those who have dreams of being a fireman, but it will also be fun for those who don’t. Kids find it fascinating to learn about the process of it all: seeing the fire station, the fire trucks, and asking the firemen what their typical day looks like is a great way to get them engaged.

24. Local Police Station

It’s the same for the local police station. Not only will kids learn a lot about the government and what police do, but they’ll also learn that they don’t have to be afraid of all police officers. This is a great way to help middle schoolers become more comfortable around police and other emergency personnel. In addition to this, seeing the inside of a police officer’s car is sure to keep middle schoolers occupied: there’s a lot there!

25. Pottery Studio

There are several commercial pottery studios sprinkled around the country that anybody can use. So why not make a field trip out of it? Middle schoolers love working with their hands, and one thing that always makes field trips extra special is a souvenir that they can take home at the end of the day.

photography field trip ideas

26. Fish Hatchery

If you live near a fish hatchery, this would be a really interesting field trip for middle schoolers. It does smell weird, but kids will love seeing the process that they go through in the hatchery. They will get to see a couple of different kinds of fish, and this field trip also gives the added benefit of some outdoor time.

27. Aviation Museum

An aviation museum is another excellent idea for a field trip for middle schoolers. Even if some students are not obsessed with planes and vehicles, the things that one can see at an aviation museum are undeniably fascinating.

Students will get to see several different types of planes, learn about famous pilots and wars, maybe see a rocket, and learn how aviation has changed since it first came into practice.

28. Local Power Plant, Dam, or Locks

This is another information-filled field trip. Though many dams and locks may not have tours, they usually have plenty of signs with blurbs to read that will provide for a lovely, self-guided tour. A lot of power plants will offer tours, though. In these places, middle schoolers will learn so much about modern technology, how things are powered, and more.

29. A Walking Tour of Your Town or City

Obviously, if you live in a big city, this may not be the safest idea, but if you feel you can conduct a safe walking tour of your town or city, do it! Even if they have lived in the town or city for a long time, many middle schoolers may still learn something about the town, and they may find something new to do. Pick a few destinations beforehand so that you can show your students the best-kept secrets of your city.

Remember that these ideas only scratch the surface of possibilities for fun field trips for middle schoolers. Students will appreciate any effort to add variety to their learning, so get creative!

30. Farmers Market

The Farmer’s Market is a great way for students to become involved in the community. Beforehand you can teach them about farming and how important it is to support your local farmers. Then you can take them to the market and let them pick something out or learn about all of the different produce. There are also sometimes animals there that they can pet.

Many communities host Farmer’s markets on Saturdays, so you might need to find out if your local farmer’s market takes place during the week!

31. Animal Shelter

The Animal Shelter is an awesome field trip not only for the kids but for the dogs and cats as well. The animals in animal shelters have often been neglected and abused. All they want is some love, which the kids will gladly give. It may inspire some families to adopt and give the animals a loving home.

32. Recycling Center

Learning about recycling is important. Visiting a Recycling Center might not be the most entertaining for the kids, but they will learn a valuable lesson about the importance of recycling and why we do it. They will also learn how to recycle and what can be reused, from plastic to paper to clothes.

33. A Hospital, Clinic, Dentist’s Office, etc

It is always a great idea to take the children to certain places where they can learn about different professions and what they could be when they grow up. Some kids may be scared of the hospital or doctor, but this way they can learn that doctors and nurses are here to help them.

If you can’t get the hospital to offer a tour, consider a tour of just any local clinic of a medical professional. Perhaps even a parent of a student in the class could offer a tour so that kids can learn about different professions.

Going to the bank may not sound the most fun to elementary school students, but they can learn important information that isn’t being fully taught in schools. Kids can go behind the scenes and possibly get a tour of the vault as well as learn how to write a check and what the purpose of a credit card is.

35. News, TV, or Radio Station

These field trips are fascinating because you can see the behind-the-scenes of the studio that the online viewers or listeners don’t get to see. The children will love to see the cameras and recording equipment, maybe even meet the people that their parents watch on TV every morning. Some kids could decide that this is the career path they want to move towards. The world always needs people to tell stories and report on what’s happening.

36. Local Business

It’s always important to highlight and remember local businesses. Local business owners would love to give back to the community by giving a tour to the students, inspiring them to chase their dreams. You never know which field trip is going to spark interest and help a kid decide what they want to be someday.

37. Restaurant or Bakery

Going to a restaurant or local bakery is something that children will love because they can get a behind-the-scenes tour, as well as some sampling of the food or treats. It will probably end up being one of their favorites since food is involved. Many local businesses will offer tours free of charge. ( Source )

photography field trip ideas

38. Senior Care Facility

Taking the elementary school students to a retirement home is a great opportunity to teach them about the importance of service and learning from their elders. Children can oftentimes be egotistic because their brains aren’t fully developed. Volunteering is a great way to teach them compassion and kindness, and it will make the residents’ day as well.

39. Sporting Game

Sporting games are purely an entertaining field trip, and the students will be very excited. Most areas in the United States have a sports team, but even if you don’t live near a major city, you can find some minor league teams as well. Taking the students to a baseball or soccer game is probably the most common sport for a field trip. ( Source )

photography field trip ideas

40. Theatre

Going to a theatre to see a play is also very exciting and entertaining. Communities almost always have a local theatre putting on a play for all ages to enjoy. You could even take the students to a play at the middle school or high school in the area. Make sure to pick an age-friendly play that they are willing to sit through for a few hours since young kids have a hard time sitting for long periods of time.

Going to the movies is a great indoor winter activity and very exciting for the children. It can get expensive, but there are also oftentimes group rate discounts, especially for schools. Maybe the movie field trip can be at the end of a big test as a reward. Don’t forget to get popcorn!

42. Orchestra

Going to the symphony or orchestra is a very special experience that not every child would normally experience. Classical music is very healthy for the brain. These days, everybody wants to listen to recorded music, but it’s important to instill a love of live music in the newer generations as well.

43. Pumpkin Patch

Fall is always a fun time of the year, and there are so many activities to do! This includes going to the pumpkin patch. Oftentimes, pumpkin patches not only have pumpkins to pick out and carve, but hayrides, mazes, and fun foods to try. My favorite pumpkin patch treats as a kid were apple cider donuts.

Picnics are easy and simple, probably costing zero dollars to the budget. All you have to do is make sure that every student brings a lunch from home and a blanket to sit on. Then all you have to do is take the class outside, set up the blankets, and they can sit with their friends and eat their lunch. Field Trips don’t always have to be big and extravagant.

45. Waterpark

The waterpark could be a great end-of-the-year activity since it needs to be warmer weather to go swimming. This field trip idea would probably need the most organizing, but it will be much worth it when it all comes together and you can celebrate the year together with students, parents, and teachers. This activity is recommended for older elementary school students that know how to swim.

There are endless opportunities for elementary school field trips! These young students are excited and curious about everything. Many of these places are free of charge and are happy to give a tour or experience to the students. Just make sure to plan everything out in advance and find enough chaperones to supervise the kids alongside the teachers. Good Luck! ( Source )

46. Explore a Local Recreation Center

Another great local resource that students can explore is a local recreation center. Finding and understanding available resources in the community is an important skill for kids as they transition to adulthood. A field trip to a recreation center can also emphasize the importance of health and lifelong physical activity to students as they begin to have more control over their lives.

47. Volunteer at a Food Pantry

Field trip education can be about more than just the sciences; giving high school students opportunities to serve in the community can be an important way for young adults to build character.

Many local food pantries would welcome the assistance of a large group of high school students. Taking a field trip day to volunteer at a local food pantry can help students understand more about supply chain management, while simultaneously helping them to build empathy.

48. Visit a Technology Company/Area

Technology is another area experiencing lots of growth. Helping to expose more students to areas like this can help give them direction when they may have none, and can also help fill a societal need.

If possible, arrange for students to take a field trip to a local software company where they can have opportunities to see the background processes of coding, system networks, and other tech phenomena. Showing students something like a server room, or cable management practices could be beneficial as well!

49. Visit the Capitol or Other Government Building

Whether it’s for History class, Political Science, or just to increase students’ social understanding, taking students to visit a capitol building or other government building can be both interesting and thought-provoking. This can be beneficial for all students as citizens, whether they are interested in pursuing education or careers in government or not.

50. Plan a College Visit

With students looking to the future, being able to get them on a university campus can be extremely helpful in guiding them in their decisions. Planning to visit a campus—or multiple campuses—could be a beneficial experience, especially for those on the fence about going.

Many colleges love to welcome high school students for campus visits and tours. Additionally, students may feel more comfortable being able to do a visit with friends and other peers with similar interests. Since Juniors will be thinking about which colleges to apply to, plan these trips preferably during students’ Junior year!

51. Plan a Photography Trip

With the invention of smartphones, and the popularity of Instagram, all students like to be both the photographer and the model. You can provide a field trip for them by taking them somewhere unique to take pictures and teaching them about principles of good photography, like lighting, balance, and the rule of thirds!

Alternatively, you could take them to a studio and allow them to take portraits or shoot other professional pieces, such as jewelry.

52. Plan a Painting Trip

For your more artsy individuals, you could consider planning a day trip to somewhere scenic where they could practice their painting skills. They could practice landscapes, nature scenes, or even portraits in nature.

53. Plan a Geological Trip

Another trip that could be fun is a trip to a location of geological significance. This could be something visual, such as being able to identify different strata on the side of a mountain, or something more tactile, like digging in an area for pieces of archeological or historical significance. It could even be something as simple as comparing rocks and their features depending on the area in which they’re found.

54. Do a Service Project Using Just Serve

We mentioned service in some of the above ideas (food pantry or homeless shelter), but you could also consider planning your own service project! Whether that’s planting trees locally, visiting an old folks’ home to visit with the residents there, or picking up trash.

There’s actually a great free website called Just Serve that allows you to quickly find service project needs for local non-profits. You could probably find something easy.

Allowing students to plan and prepare their own service activity can get them more engaged and help them feel like they can make a difference themselves.

55. Visit an Escape Room — or Any Activity Just for Fun!

Finally, we’d encourage you to be okay with some field trips being just for fun. Let your students go to an escape room, an amusement park, or a pool just for fun. Students need a break sometimes too!


Photography Day Trip Ideas

photography field trip ideas

Go out and photograph with some friends!

It has been a long 15months and we are all ready to get on with our lives. What better way than to go out with some friends or your family on a fun day trip while capturing the memories with your camera.

Luckily, there are lots of places opening up and just in time for summer. Here are some attractions opening backup that are both great locations to go to with people as well as capturing some breathtaking photographs.

photography field trip ideas

1. 4th of July/Fireworks Celebrations - These will be great family events and we would recommend having a good general-purpose lens like a 24-70 (18-55 for cropped cameras). This will allow you to shoot about 90% of anything you want to photograph like the kids playing with sparklers or fireworks at night. A tip for photographing fireworks is to use a tripod and set your camera for manual focus at iso400, 1sec shutter speed and f5.6 as a starting point.

photography field trip ideas

2. Grants Farm and Anheuser Busch Tours - Grants Farm is a great family and friends location, while the brewery tour is fun for your adult friends as you end the tour in the tasting room. For the brewery, I would bring a fast lens, something that goes to f2.8as you will be inside a lot and for Grants Farm bring a longer lens to get great shots of the animals.

photography field trip ideas

3. Winery Trips - The Wineries inAugusta are just 50 minutes away and make for a fun day trip. The vineyards and landscapes are great at dawn on a misty morning and provide lovely sunsets.Bring a tripod so you can get in the shot.

4. City Museum - The City Museum is a great place for kids of all ages. Before the lockdown, this was a go to location when I had out of town guests coming to visit. Additionally, it is a great place for anyone to have a good time and watch sunsets while enjoying a drink on the roof. Grab a flash for your camera to capture all the great indoor spaces and grab your skateboard if you want to join in on all the fun.

photography field trip ideas

5. Explore Waterfalls - Go for a hike and find some waterfalls. Within a two hour drive, you can find some nice wet weather waterfalls. What do I mean by wet weather? Well you will need to go just after a good rain to get a good water flow, but it can be worth it. Places like Hickory Canyon, Don Robinson State Park, and Mina Sauk Falls at Taum SaukMountain are great locations. Grab your tripod so you can use a slow shutter speed for the waterfalls (I use anything from 1/4sec-2sec). Also, grab a rain poncho to protect your camera.

6. 9Mile Garden - 9 Mile Garden is a great place to go with family and friends to grab some food and listen to live music after a long week. This outside venue allows those who still feel a little uncomfortable to be outside and socialize while still practicing social distancing. Grab your camera with a 35mm lens so you can capture great group shots and the entertainment going on.

7. Farmers Markets - Farmers markets are not only a great place to get locally produced food, but they are also a lot of fun. Taking your kids is so worth it as they interact with the food and vendors. They learn about where their food comes from and you can capture some adorable images. Soulard is always an option, but I prefer the Tower Grove andSOL Markets as they are more open and kid friendly. 

8. Float Trips - Summer is here and the rivers of southern Missouri offer plenty of day and weekend float trips.These are fun with friends and families. Twin Rivers Landing in Lesterville is just two hours away and the float is just 5 miles making for a perfect day trip. Make sure your camera is safe from the elements, or grab an action camera like the Olympus Tough TG-6 that is able to survive depths of up to 50ft (also a must if you plan on going to any beach). 

photography field trip ideas

9. Local Attractions - Union Station, theAquarium, and the St. Louis Wheel are some of the newest attractions to the St.Louis area. These would all be great places to explore with your camera and friends in tow. It can be tricky to photograph into an aquarium, so it is best to get your lens right up to the glass. I highly recommend the Wheel at night.The city lights are beautiful from the top. A wide-angle lens with your ISO setup between 800-1250 should give you some great shots.

photography field trip ideas

10. Travel - The National Parks have been reopened and flights are filling up as travel resumes. Almost any camera will work to capture your vacation, but I use a smaller camera with a Tamron 18-400mm lens so I can travel light. Whatever camera you take, make sure it is ready for the task.

Once you have had your fun, bring your film or digital files into Schillers for a set of prints for everyone. One thing we have learned over the past year is the importance of friends and family – let Schillers help you keep and share those memories for generations to come! 

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5 top tips for a nature photography field trip

  • Author(s) Alice Gage
  • Category Museullaneous
  • Published 21 August 2018
  • Read time 2 minutes

Grab your camera and pull on your boots as nature photographer Kirsten Woodforth gives her tips for a great family day out.

When Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year finalist Kirsten Woodforth was eight years old, her parents gave her her first camera. Born and bred in Lake Macquarie, New South Wales, Woodforth grew up taking “adventure walks” with her mum and dad through the bush reserves in the area, where she set herself the challenge of photographing tiny native bees. A love of both nature and photography blossomed. Over the years, she turned her eye to birds, and specifically, bird behaviour.

“I find nature inspiring,” explains Woodforth. “In my work as a commercial architecture photographer I control everything – the subject, the light. In nature I have none – I don’t know where the birds are going to be, I have to find them.”

Woodforth hopes that the photograph she was nominated for – a female yellow-tailed black cockatoo preening its feathers – will inspire people to get out into the bush and take their own adventure walks.

We asked Woodforth to give us her top nature photography field trip tips:

Talk to experts in the area about what fauna you might be able to spot. “I went to local birdwatching groups and attended their bushwalks, and then I’d go back to the same spots on my own to spend more time taking photos,” says Kirsten. “It was a great way to learn about the species in my area and how to spot them.”

It doesn’t have to be birds – National Parks information centres and local societies can provide you with lots of information about which marsupials, monotremes, amphibians, insects and reptiles are living in your area. It’s all about what takes your interest and how much patience you have!

You don’t need super fancy equipment “I use a Nikon with a standard 200-500mm lens,” explains Woodforth. “My photography is all hand-held, I don’t carry a tripod. I don’t use a hide (a camouflaged tent or netting construction used to conceal a nature photographer). I take a backpack. I bring my kids – they have sharp eyes.”

While Woodforth’s Nikon D810 is at the upper end of the camera range, her method is stripped back. The most important elements come for free – timing, artistry and honed technique.

Stop and stand still “While you’re walking, stop and stand still for five minutes. Find, look and listen. You’ll hear the telltale cries of juveniles, or see a nest. You’ll hear something you’ve not heard before, or you’ll see something in the corner of your eye,” says Woodforth.

Adventure walks are all about soaking up the Australian bush and losing yourself in the sounds, smells and sights. If you slow down and let your senses take over, you may capture something extraordinary.

Frequent the same places so you learn what to look for “I continue to go back to the same places to take photos because I’ve come to know what I will see. And when I see something rare like the yellow-tailed black cockatoo, I know it’s special,” says Woodforth.

Once you’ve visited the same place a couple of times, you will grow accustomed to what kind of habitats are around and what sightings are possible.

Feed the kids’ interest in photography and bring the family together “I have wonderful parents that took me on adventure walks when I was young, so it’s always been in the family. I was given my first camera about the age of eight and I’ve been documenting ever since – I now work as a commercial photographer.”

Woodforth suggests, “Take the kids with you, take a picnic lunch so they’re not going to starve. They’re useful too as they have sharp eyes!”

Children and young people have never been more interested in capturing images and video – why not fuel that interest in the best way possible by introducing them to nature photography? Fresh air, stimulating subjects and time together – adventure walks could be good for all of us!

Ask Kirsten Woodforth more about her career and techniques at Night talk: Kirsten Woodforth – The beauty of the bush on 6 Sept.

The Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year 2018 exhibition is on at the Australian Museum from 24 August.

Photo of two painted shields

The Australian Museum respects and acknowledges the Gadigal people as the First Peoples and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which the Museum stands.

Image credit: gadigal yilimung (shield) made by Uncle Charles  Chicka  Madden

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Photography Tours & Trips

Embark on a journey where the world becomes your canvas, and every moment is a masterpiece waiting to be captured. Photography tours offer a unique fusion of adventure, art, and self-discovery, allowing you to explore breathtaking landscapes and hidden gems through the lens of your camera. With each click, you’ll not only freeze time but also unlock a deeper connection with the world around you, weaving together stories that transcend borders and inspire generations to come—whether you photograph the wildlife in  Tanzania  or you’re chasing the northern lights in  Europe .

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What is a photography tour?

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What to expect on a photography tour

photography field trip ideas

How to plan a photography trip

Types of photography tours, wildlife & nature.

Nature photography is a great way to get up close and personal with wildlife without harming the environment. On a wildlife photography tour, you will have a chance to spot tigers in India, bears in the USA, and the Big Five in Africa. You‘ll leave with the perfect souvenir—amazing photos of animals. 

People & culture

Immersing yourself in a new culture is one of the best reasons to get out of your comfort zone and explore a new place! With a people and culture photography tour, you can learn how to recreate the feelings you had when you first experienced a place or tried pizza in Italy. 

sunset over river and forest

Private photography tours

Photography tours for every type of traveler.

You’ll find a photography tour for every level of experience and every type of traveler. Solo travelers will love the chance to learn new skills and meet new people on the road. Senior travelers will find photography tours with a slower pace and more accessible excursions. There are even luxury photography tours available! No matter what you want to photograph and what kind of traveler you are, you can find a photography tour for you.  

Popular destinations for photography tours

Arctic circle.

Prepare to be enchanted by pristine beauty and ethereal landscapes. From shimmering icebergs and dancing Northern Lights to majestic Arctic wildlife, expect to witness awe-inspiring moments that will challenge your skills and ignite your creative spirit, as you capture the untouched serenity of this icy wonderland.

Immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, rich cultural heritage, and stunning landscapes. From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene backwaters of Kerala, capture iconic landmarks, witness age-old traditions, and forge unforgettable connections with the diverse people and wildlife.

A photography tour in Tanzania is an adventure unlike any other! Focus your camera lens on spectacular sights such as zebras, crocodiles, and wildebeests in the famous Serengeti National Park or explore the extraordinary Ngorongoro Highlands and document the beautiful traditions of the Maasai.

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photography field trip ideas

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Your photography tour questions, answered, what should i bring on the photography tour.

As photography tours require plenty of gear, such as lenses, tripods, and, of course, your camera, we recommend you pack lightly. It’s always a good idea to bring extra memory cards, batteries, and chargers, and dress in layers for those chilly sunrise shots . Keep in mind suitcase space will be limited.

How big is the group on a photography trip?

The size of the group varies from tour to tour, but photography tour groups are usually small. Generally, travelers can expect anywhere from two people on a private tour, to up to 15. The size of the group will be adjusted to ensure optimal photography opportunities for everyone.   

What photography skills do I need to join the tour?

While there are certainly photography tours out there for experts, generally speaking, it's expected that there will be some beginners in a group. Being familiar with your gear and knowing your camera’s basic settings is usually enough,  your guide will help with the rest!   

Will there be a professional photographer on the tour?

Usually, there will be a professional photographer on the tour who will be available to answer questions, give tips, and share their knowledge. However, this isn’t always the case, and travelers should always check with their tour operators to learn who will be guiding the tour beforehand.   

How to Photograph the Northern Lights with a Smartphone or Camera

How to Photograph the Northern Lights with a Smartphone or Camera

#DreamTravelShots: All the Colours of The World

#DreamTravelShots: All the Colours of The World

Days to Come Editorial Team

How to Take Better Travel Photos of Yourself

How to Take Better Travel Photos of Yourself

10 Wildlife Photography Tips for Beginners

10 Wildlife Photography Tips for Beginners

Ashley Nitransky

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photography field trip ideas

25 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas

Fuel Your Imagination and Planning

Nothing captivates students and youth groups more than the thrill of FIELD TRIPS! These special excursions give kids a chance to encounter new experiences, expand their horizons, cultivate fresh interests, and revel in fun with friends. Below, we’re sharing 25 of our favorite field trip ideas to fuel your imagination and planning.

field trip ideas

Terrific Tips for Field Trip Planning 

Wherever you decide to venture, remember these tips to ensure a safe and splendid experience for everyone: 

Align field trips with educational objectives or significant milestones in the school year.

Choose age-appropriate venues and activities, and come prepared with a game plan and instructional materials.

Provide enough chaperones to ensure the safety of all students/group members. ( Pro Tip:   Use SignUp to recruit parent volunteers! )

Follow school/group guidelines for arranging transportation, collecting permission slips, organizing buses, carpooling, etc. 

Communicate expectations for bringing or buying snacks, lunch, and beverages.

For elective and costly field trips, provide  fundraising opportunities  to enable more students to participate.

Educate both children and chaperones on safety measures and emergency procedures.

Fantastic Field Trip Ideas 

Art Museum:  Ignite creative expression and cultivate an appreciation for cultures, history, and identity by visiting a local museum. Many offer curriculum tailored to specific age groups, along with knowledgeable guides and engaging activities for your class or group.

Aquarium:  Dive into the world of ocean life and ecosystem conservation by exploring an oceanarium or aquarium.

Bank : Extend financial literacy lessons with a visit to a main bank branch, offering insights into opening savings accounts, understanding money flow, and even a glimpse into the vault.

Bakery or Candy/Ice Cream Factory : Arrange a tour of a local bakery or industrial food production site to discover the intricacies of food production, complete with delicious samples!

Botanical Garden : Embark on a journey through diverse plant species, learn about local ecosystems, and marvel at the beauty and wonders of nature.

Civil Rights Landmarks : Explore historical sites related to civil rights to enhance students' understanding of the enduring struggle for racial and social equality .

College Campus : Introduce students to the college experience, sparking excitement about higher education and future possibilities.

Cultural Neighborhood Tour : Roam through culturally vibrant neighborhoods to gain insight into various traditions, cuisines, and customs.

Environmental Cleanup Expedition:  Participate in a cleanup event at a local park, lake, or trail promoting environmental awareness and community engagement.

Farm or Dairy:  Gain hands-on knowledge of sustainable agriculture, interact with farm animals, and learn about the farm-to-table process.

Government : Foster civic participation with a tour of local, state or national houses of government, complete with an introduction to elected representatives.

Graveyard : Pay a visit to the resting places of local heroes and significant historical figures to pay respects, and to discover their life stories and the influence they've had on your community.

Field Trip SignUp on iPhones

Historical Reenactment:  Immerse in living history at reenactment events while giving students an experiential understanding of the past.

Local Business/Factory : Take a revealing tour of a prominent local business or factory to learn about their products, manufacturing processes, and community impact.

Nature Photography : Organize a nature photography expedition where students can capture the beauty of the outdoors and showcase their creativity.

Performing Arts Showcase : Attend a theater performance, dance show, or concert to foster an appreciation for the performing arts and encourage creative expression.

Preserve or Park : Explore local green spaces to study wildlife, conduct nature walks, and emphasize the importance of nature conservation.

Pumpkin Patch:  Embrace fall with a visit to the nearby pumpkin patch where students can enjoy hay rides, corn mazes, face painting, and the delight of picking their own pumpkins. 

Science or Innovation Center:  Explore a science or technical innovation center where students can participate in interactive exhibits, conduct science experiments, and learn about exciting future technologies.

Skating : Mark a school year milestone with a party at your local (ice or roller) skating rink, complete with beginner lessons, pizza, and treats.

Stadium or Sports Arena:  Visit the home of your local sports team and get a behind-the-scenes tour of the venue, complete with team autographs. 

Theme Park:  Celebrate hard work with a recreational outing to a local amusement park, water park, or other entertainment center. 

Virtual Reality Tours : Transport students to renowned museums and iconic sites around the world through virtual reality, offering a unique way to explore art and history.

Volunteer Experience : Dedicate a day to community service at a local nonprofit, teaching students the importance of supporting their community and offering insight into nonprofit operations.

Wilderness Surviva l: Collaborate with a local guide or company to arrange a wilderness survival camp that teaches students essential skills like shelter construction, fire-making, foraging for food, water purification, and more.


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WildNature Photo Expeditions

Wildlife & Landscape Photography Tours, Professional Photography Adventures, Safaris & Workshops

Photographers sillhuuette

Australian Photography Workshops and Tours

Whale Photography Workshop - Redcliffe, Qld

August 2024.

Whale Photography Workshop

Wildlife Photography Workshop – Taronga Zoo - Sydney

September 2024.

Chimp with baby

Brisbane City Lights Photography Workshop


2 Day Bird Photography – Bunya Mountains, Qld

Only one spot left.

Rose Robin Bunya Mountains

Wildlife Photography Workshop - Lone Pine Sanctuary - Brisbane

Common Wombat

Macro Photography Workshop - Toowong, Qld

Mt coot-tha botanic gardens.


8 Day Bird Photography Workshop - Victoria

October 2024

With Michael Snedic and Professional Birding Guide Barry Davies



5 Day Tarkine Photography Tour – Tasmania


Tarkine Photography Tour

7 Day Lord Howe Island Photography Tour

November 2024

Join Waitlist

View to Mt Lidgebird - Lord Howe Island

4 Day Bird and Flora Photography Masterclass - Lamington NP – Qld

With Michael Snedic and Georgina Steytler

Michael and Georgina

5 Day Freycinet (east coast Tasmania) Photography Adventure

Whale Photography Workshop

8 Day Bird Photography Workshop - Top End (Northern Territory)

Register Your Interest


11 Day Kimberley Coast Photography Expedition


8 Day Bird Photography Workshop - Tropical North Queensland

August 2025.

Red-tailed Black Cockatoos

5 Day Tarkine Photography Adventure – Tasmania

November 2025

Wildlife Photography Workshop – Nth Wst Brisbane, Qld

Mammals, frogs and reptiles

Wildlife Photography Workshop – Nth Wst Brisbane, Qld

Half Day Wildlife Photography Workshop – Australia Zoo - Qld

Koala with joey - Australian Zoo workshop

5 Day Nature Photography Workshop - Lamington National Park - Qld

Regent Bowerbird

3 Day Bird Photography Workshop – Lamington NP – Qld

Albert's Lyrebird

International Photography Workshops and Tours

13 Day Subantarctic Photography Expedition

(inc. Macquarie and CampbeIl Islands)

royal penguins - Samuel Blanc

9 Day Zambia and Zambezi Photo Safari


17 Day Japan Islands Photography Expedition


11 Day Antarctic Photo Expedition

Lone Adelie Penguin

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Nikon School Instructor - Australia


A Wild Read

Photography Competition Ambassador & Judge – 2015, 2016 & 2017


Photography Competition Judge – 2023

Birdlife Photography Award

About WildNature Photo Expeditions

Amazing Polar Bear encounter

WildNature Photo Expeditions is owned by Michael Snedic , a renowned Australian-based wildlife and nature photographer, writer and tutor. Michael has presented hundreds of photography workshops, tours and expeditions around Australia and overseas over the past 17 years, to thousands of workshop participants. As a result, Michael knows what customers want…

Photography Tips and Techniques

Picnic Rocks

Nature Photography Guide to Tasmania (April 2023)

Tasmania is an island state, situated 240kms south of the Australian mainland and separated by Bass Strait. Its landscapes are incredibly photogenic and range across rugged and diverse terrain including alpine heathlands, dry midlands, evergreen eucalypt forests, cool temperate rainforests and so much more…. read more

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Walking by the Way

the road to inspired learning

The Ultimate List of Indiana Field Trips

March 6, 2016 by ami 5 Comments

A huge thanks to my friend and co-op cohort, Heidi Rider , for contributing her gigantic list of Indiana field trips; she spent hours and hours compiling the trips around our great state. Another thanks to the Interest Led Homeschooling Facebook group as well as the IAHE Facebook group for sharing more great field trip ideas.

"There's more than corn in Indiana!" It's truly true. If you are homeschooling in Indiana, there more than 300 places for you to visit and experience throughout the state.

Since there are so many opportunities across our great state, I decided to split the list of Indiana Field Trips into the following categories: 

  • Factories, Businesses, Farms, Orchards, and Unique Places to Eat  
  • Museums  
  • State Parks, Forests, and Lakes + Other Nature Trips  
  • Zoos, Animal Parks, Gardens + Other Activities  
  • Historical Sites, Landmarks, and Monuments

I did not include Indiana festivals on the lists, but you can order or download a free Festival Guide to Indiana at this website .

You can also download this printable checklist and keep track of where you've been and what you've done.

Download Indiana Field Trip Checklist

I hope you enjoy your many adventures throughout Indiana!

photography field trip ideas

March 8, 2016 at 7:37 pm

Thanks for this wonderful list!

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June 7, 2019 at 1:56 pm

Wow! This is so cool. Thank you so much!!

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February 20, 2020 at 3:44 pm

When the list of field trip destinations is updated, you will want to be sure to add the Marian University Nina Mason Pulliam EcoLab. It is a 75-acre natural area and there are a variety of standards-based, facilitated field trips available. It is a wonderful venue for environmental education and exploration.

[…] Visit Walking by the Way for the Ultimate List of Indiana Field Trips. […]

[…] Ultimate List of Indiana Field Trips by Ami at Walk By The Way […]

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photography field trip ideas

Awesome Field Trip Ideas for Students of All Ages

kids in school bus with windows down

There’s no question about it: students love field trips! Field trips are an exciting and unique way to get students out of the classroom and into the “real world” during the school year. Some of your best memories from your own school days might be the awesome field trips you and your classmates took. Are you looking for fun and educational field trip ideas to inspire students of all ages? Maybe you’re stumped on where to take older students or brainstorming homeschool field trips. Whether you’re teaching elementary, middle, or high school students, look no further than these great ideas for field trips!

Visit a Museum

Museums are time-honored field trip destinations for a good reason! They provide entertaining and educational talking points for classes of all ages and are already created to appeal to younger and older students alike. Check out these kinds of museums.

  • Art museums
  • Science museums (don’t skip the planetarium!)
  • Maritime museums
  • Archaeology museums
  • Historic house/building museums
  • Cemetery or gravesite museums
  • Technology museums

Enjoy Nature

The natural world is an invaluable learning resource and a source of countless field trip ideas! These nature-based field trip ideas will be sure to keep your students entertained.

National or state parks

Go for a hike or tour the visitor’s center at your local state or national park. Supporting the national parks system helps it stay beautiful for years to come! You can integrate geography, biology, history, geology, and more into your visit.

Botanical gardens

Botanical gardens are beautiful and a great place to talk about science and art. You can even have your students do a photography project!

Sculpture gardens

While sculpture gardens are technically more art than nature, they are another fabulous field trip idea. Some are even interactive or encourage touching the art!

Meet the Animals

Whether you’re wrangling 35 middle school students or you’re a parent teaching homeschooled kids, you’d have a hard time finding a student without a favorite animal, and chances are they’ll see that animal when you visit one of these destinations!

Zoos or conservation centers

The zoo is another field trip idea that has stood the test of time. Many zoos offer group or student discounts and include built-in activities for your visit, such as scavenger hunts or guided tours.

Farms are not only a place to visit animals but also a chance to talk about history, biology, and even economics. Plus, you can never go wrong by supporting your local farmers!

If you asked students their favorite field trip idea on this list, many would vote for a visit to the aquarium! Aquariums engage students of all ages while providing helpful information about the natural world.

Fish hatcheries

A fish hatchery might not be the first location that comes to mind when you think about entertaining your students, but it’s actually a great field trip idea. Fish hatcheries are full of interesting information, often offer tours, and can provide a wealth of knowledge on your local region’s waterways.

Watch a Show

Taking your students to a show serves as a jumping-off point for conversations about literature, art, theater, music, and everything else under the sun. It also makes an ideal rainy-day trip as your students will stay safe and dry. These and more performances make great learning experiences for your students.

  • Theater productions
  • Acrobatic performances
  • Magic shows
  • Presentations (think TED Talks!)
  • Book talks or poetry readings

Get Patriotic

The United States has many unique characteristics that you can talk about while teaching anything from history to archaeology to government. Visit these uniquely American destinations!

Capital buildings

Whether you visit your state capital or the nation’s capital in Washington, DC, there’s always something to learn about American history when you visit its source!

Historical sites

You don’t have to go to a museum to see historical artifacts and buildings — some of them are in your own backyard! Check out historical sites near you and see if any offer tours.

Post offices

The United States Postal Service is a venerable and uniquely American institution that’s been around for hundreds of years, and your students can learn about anything from history to commerce to government by taking a post office tour! Many post offices will be glad to help you arrange a visit with your students.

Teaching the value of ecological preservation? It’s always a good lesson for students to learn their impact on the world around them. Try these field trip ideas for a greener world:

  • A recycling center
  • An alternative energy plant
  • The local landfill or garbage processing facility
  • An ecological cleanup site (can also serve as an opportunity for volunteer work!)

Explore the Working World

It’s never too early to talk to your students about the future, which means career-based field trip ideas are always on the table. Explore the working world when you visit these destinations.

  • TV stations
  • Manufacturing plants or factories
  • Science labs
  • Technology companies
  • Courthouses
  • Healthcare facilities
  • Food production facilities
  • Colleges or universities

Reward Your Students

While field trips are about having fun as much as they’re about an educational experience, some field trips serve more to reward your students for their hard work at the end of the school year or after a particularly hard quarter or semester. Sometimes you can even sneak in a few physics, math, or English lessons, too! You’re sure to make students happy when you arrive at these destinations.

Bowling alley

Bowling is a great field trip idea for students who just need some time to have fun. You can often rent out a whole bowling alley to accommodate as many students as needed.

Laser tag/arcade

Everyone loves laser tag! Laser tag arenas often include arcades as well for students who don’t want to run around in the dark. There are often group and student discounts for laser tag, although it can be on the pricier side of field trip ideas.

Ice skating

Ice skating is a unique and fun field trip idea that is relatively easy to organize! It’s best suited for older students who view learning to skate as a fun challenge.

Sports game

Do you have a class full of aspiring MLB or NBA players? Trying to get your homeschooled kids interested in sports? Going to a baseball, football, basketball, or soccer game can be a fun class activity. Make sure you can book seats all together so your students can bond and relax watching the game while you keep an eye on the venue.

Amusement park

What list of field trip ideas would be complete without mentioning a visit to an amusement park? Amusement parks are designed to be fun, meaning there’s something every student can enjoy. However, they can be somewhat overwhelming, so be sure to check out these tips for an amusement park trip with kids before you go.

School Bus Rentals For Field Trips

Ready to take your students to a destination they’ll love? YellowBird Bus Company provides school bus rentals for all kinds of field trips, no matter where you’re headed! Contact us today, and we’ll get you and your students rolling!

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photography field trip ideas

  • Outreach Performances & Programs
  • Fundraising
  • Field trip lesson plans
  • Field Trips Grants
  • Service Learning
  • Hot Springs
  • Little Rock
  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Colorado Springs
  • Statewide / Region
  • Daytona Beach
  • Fort Lauderdale
  • Gainesville
  • Jacksonville
  • Orlando-Metro
  • Palm Beach Metro
  • Space Coast
  • Tallahassee
  • St. Augustine
  • St Petersburg-Clearwater
  • Atlanta-Metro
  • Chicago-Metro
  • Springfield
  • Central Region
  • Indianapolis
  • North Region
  • South Region
  • Bowling Green
  • Baton Rouge
  • New Orleans
  • Baltimore-Metro
  • The Berkshires
  • Boston-Metro
  • Cape Cod/Plymouth
  • Greater Lowell
  • Greater Springfield
  • Grand Rapids
  • Capital-River Region
  • Delta Region
  • Gulf Coast Region
  • Hills Region
  • Pines Region
  • Jefferson City
  • Kansas City
  • Springfield-MO
  • Delaware River Region
  • Gateway Region NJ
  • Greater Atlantic City
  • Shore Region
  • Skylands Region
  • Southern Shore Region
  • Capital District Region
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  • Finger Lakes Region
  • Hudson Valley Region
  • Long Island
  • Mohawk Valley Region
  • New York City
  • North Country Region
  • Southern Tier Region
  • Western New York Region
  • Cincinnati Ohio
  • Cleveland Ohio
  • Columbus Ohio
  • Metro Canton Ohio
  • Oklahoma City
  • Allegheny Mts. & Valleys
  • Gettysburg/York
  • Harrisburg-Metro
  • Lakes & Erie Regions
  • Lancaster-Metro
  • Lehigh Valley
  • Philadelphia Metro
  • Pittsburgh & Laurel Highlands
  • The Poconos
  • Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
  • Chattanooga
  • East Tennessee
  • Middle Tennessee
  • The Smokies
  • West Tennessee
  • Bryan - College Station
  • Corpus Christi
  • Dallas/Fort Worth
  • Panhandle Plains Region
  • San Antonio
  • Central Virginia
  • Chesapeake Bay Region
  • Coastal Virginia -Eastern Shore
  • Coastal Virginia-Hampton Roads
  • Northern Virginia
  • Shenandoah Valley
  • Southern Virginia
  • Southwest Virginia-Blue Ridge Highlands
  • Southwest Virginia-Heart of the Appalachia
  • Virginia Mountains
  • Martinsburg
  • Madison Wisconsin


To help plan SEPTEMBER curriculum focused classroom activities, field trips and school assembly programs, these September themed celebrations might be a helpful focus. MONTHLY : Classical Music Month. Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15). Library Card Sign-Up Month. National Courtesy Month. DAILY : Sept. 6: National Read a Book. Sept. 7: International Day of Clean Air. Sept. 12: National Day of Encouragement. Sept. 15: Greenpeace Day. Sept. 16: National Collect Rocks Day. Sept. 17: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. Sept. 18: National Respect Day. Sept. 22: Autumnal Equinox Day. Sept. 24 :  National Punctuation Day. CLICK on the ACTIVITY FILTER below for activity type of field trips to learn about. For those unable to travel to these locations, have the fun come to you. Check out the Outreach Field Trips & School Assembly Programs  section.    

  • Financial Support
  • Proms & Project Graduations
  • Children's Museums & Indoor Fun
  • Petting Zoos/Barnyard Fun
  • Fundraising Products
  • American Revolution
  • Archaeology/Paleontology
  • Business & Economics
  • Government, Civics & Presidents
  • Historic Places
  • Historical Boat Excursions
  • Historical Railroad Excursions
  • History Behind-the-Scenes Tours
  • History Museums, Exhibits & Sites
  • Living History
  • Multicultural & Heritage
  • People & Notable Figures
  • Transportation: Boats, Planes, Trains, & Trollies
  • Team Building
  • History, Heritage & Civics Outreach Field Trips
  • Mobile Science, Astronomy & Planetarium, Nature & STEM Programs
  • Adventure Parks, Climbing, Ninja & Ropes Course, Ziplines
  • Amusement Parks & Water Parks
  • Bowling & Bocce
  • Educational Attraction
  • Go Karts, Whiryball
  • Indoor Amusement & Recreation Centers
  • Laser Tag/Laser Maze
  • Outdoor Amusement & Recreation Centers
  • Spectator Sports
  • Sports/Games/Fitness & Water Wars
  • Group-Friendly Restaurants
  • Aquariums, Marine Life, Hatcheries
  • Birds, Butterflies, Bees
  • Botanical Gardens & Arboreta
  • Caves, Canyons, Mines & Gorges
  • Environmental Studies, Outdoor Education, Conservation, Sustainability
  • Farms, Mazes, Pick-Your-Own
  • Mineral & Gemstone Panning
  • Planetariums & Astronomy
  • Science Behind-the-Scenes Tours
  • Science Museums & Exhibits
  • STEM/STEAM Enrichment
  • Zoos, Wildlife, Safari Tours, Reptiles, Animal Shows, Vertebrates
  • Art Museums, Design, Exhibits, Architecture, Photography & Films
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Theater, Dance, Music, Movies, Shows
  • Group Tour Operators
  • Transportation & Charter Bus Services
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School

photography field trip ideas

Acrisure Stadium

Tour Acrisure Stadium for the ultimate football experience! Customized tours for youth groups explore behind-the-scenes areas of Acrisure Stadium—a destination for excellence and world-class performances—both on the stage and on the field!

photography field trip ideas

Awbury Arboretum

Awbury Arboretum combines nature and history through preservation of its historic landscape. Groups will have opportunities to explore environmental education, see animals, and more.

photography field trip ideas

Carnegie Science Center

Carnegie Science Center connects people and science through interactive exhibits, fostering curiosity, ideal for enriching field trips with hands-on learning experiences.

photography field trip ideas

Crystal Cave

Visit Crystal Cave—Pennsylvania’s greatest natural wonder! Discovered by William Merkel and John Gehret in 1871, the cave features flowstone, stalactites, stalagmites, aragonite crystals, and more.

photography field trip ideas

Dave and Buster’s Philadelphia

Groups will have a blast at Dave & Buster’s Philadelphia! Start out with a delicious meal in the group-friendly restaurant and then move on to some games—billiards, shuffleboard, air hockey, and more—in Dave’s Arcade.

photography field trip ideas

Gettysburg Ghost Tours

Gettysburg Ghost Tours has been providing fun and informative ghost tours that are family friendly, less walking and more talking along one of the most haunted areas of Gettysburg.

photography field trip ideas

Go ‘N Bananas Family Fun Center

Go ‘N Bananas Family Fun Center is Lancaster’s premier indoor, climate-controlled Family amusement center! Perfect for Summer Camps, Sports Teams, Team Bonding, Day Care Groups, Clubs, Girl and Boy Scout Groups.

photography field trip ideas

Great Wolf Lodge – Pocono Mountains

There is no place better than Great Wolf Lodge – Pocono Mountains, the Northeast’s largest indoor waterpark resort for fun, educational school, scout, and homeschool trips.

photography field trip ideas

Hersheypark Amusement Park

H ersheypark in Hershey, Pennsylvania offers over 100 years of history and fun! Home to more than 70 rides and attractions including 14 roller coasters, Hersheypark offers something for all.

photography field trip ideas

Hershey’s Chocolate World

Unwrap your chocolate adventure at Hershey’s Chocolate World in Hershey, PA or Times Square, NY. Sweet & educational experiences will make your trip for your youth group and family – one to remember!

photography field trip ideas

Keystone Safari

Keystone Safari goes far beyond being an incredible Wildlife Park with its zip-line/ropes courses, butterfly house and drive-thru options. Something for Everyone!

photography field trip ideas

Lahey Family Fun Park

Lahey Family Fun Park offers a complete range of fun for any group. Super Go-Cart Track with fifteen single and 5 double cars, 9 state-of-the-art batting cages, 36 holes of the finest Mini-Golf on 2.5 acres, Bumper Boats on a natural pond and an indoor Arcade. offers enriching experiences for Pennsylvania school groups, scout groups, homeschool groups, camp groups and families at Pennsylvania Museums.

Pennsylvania Museums offer field trips that offer hands-on exhibits, guided tours and guided activities for early childhood through high school grades. Pennsylvania Art Museums , Science Museums , History Museums , Multicultural Museums and Children’s Museums offers educational experiences that support classroom curriculum and scout badge achievement. Beside museums, you can search for other learning experiences at Botanical Gardens, Planetariums, Living History Programs, STEM & STEAM, Planetariums, Farms, Zoos and Aquariums, Theaters and Concerts, Service Learning and more.

Can’t go on a field trip to a museum, your students, scouts, and families can still experience these fun enriching experience by scheduling a  Museum Virtual Field Trip  anywhere and at anytime.

Want the fun to come to you- book a  School Assembly Programs, Outreach Field Trips or Residency  at your school, homeschool association or scout council. They support and enhance a school’s curriculum, offers opportunities for scout badge achievement and enriches a camp program. There are mobile museum exhibits, traveling planetariums and classroom and grade level workshops and residencies.

To help fund field trips, virtual programs and school assembly programs visit our section on  Grants  and  Fundraising Programs . (formerly and offers field trip ideas for class trips, scout group trips, camp group field trips, and homeschool group field trips in Pennsylvania—early childhood through college. Search for class trips in Pennsylvania by by group type, cost, activity/curriculum type, grade level, distance, and venue name or keyword. Day class trips are divided by curriculum and subject area:

  • ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Find Pennsylvania art museums, theater, dance, and music concert field trips.
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  • SCIENCE & NATURE Find Pennsylvania aquariums, botanical gardens, environmental studies & nature centers, farms & mazes, planetariums, science museums, STEAM & STEM field trips, dinosaur exhibits, and zoos.
  • RECREATION Find Pennsylvania field trip ideas for adventure parks, ropes courses, ziplines, boat excursions, amusement parks, waterparks, kayaking, rafting, tubing, laser tag paintball, roller skating rinks, ice-skating rinks, mini-golf attractions, indoor amusement & recreation centers, and outdoor amusement & recreation centers.

Overnight field trips include trips to NYC, trips to Boston, trips to Philadelphia, trips to Washington, DC, trips to Chicago, trips to Atlanta, trips to Austin, and other historic cities throughout the US. Retreats are available for environmental education, team building, and recreation. We created field trip lesson plans to help teachers, scout leaders, camp counselors, and homeschool parents provide an enriching experience for their groups. We know funds for class trips are limited, so we’ve included grants for field trips that cover admission, transportation, and more. It’s important that students and youth explore new environments, learn about other cultures, and develop an understanding of inclusivity as part of the educational process. People learn in different ways—through hearing, seeing, touching, talking, or doing. Class trips can provide a multi-dimensional learning experience. can help you find the right trip for your group. A world of experiences is just a click away at

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24 Best Ideas for Field Trips for Schools for All Ages

Leah Nguyen • 08 August, 2023 • 8 min read

The best part of when you're a student is probably going on a school field trip (no homework, no sitting around waiting for recess, who doesn't like it?)

That's why as a teacher, coming up with a field trip that ensures the students are having the time of their life but also educative has been the top priority.

Here are 24 awesome ideas for field trips for schools that offer tons of fun and great lessons!

Table of Contents

The importance of field trips in education, kindergarten field trips ideas, primary school field trips ideas, middle and high school field trip ideas, homeschool field trip ideas, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

field trips for schools

Field trips for schools provide many positive aspects to students' learning pathways. They can:

• Supplement the curriculum: Field trips can complement and reinforce what students are learning in the classroom. Visiting places related to curricular topics brings lessons to life.

• Develop real-world skills: Field trips provide opportunities for students to practice skills like observation, critical thinking, collaboration and communication in authentic settings outside of school.

• Inspire continuous learning: Experiencing new places can spark students' curiosity and motivation to learn more about related topics when they return to the classroom. Field trips ignite students' imagination and natural sense of wonder.

• Foster social and emotional growth: Field trips for schools in groups give students opportunities for social interaction, teamwork, responsibility and independence - skills that contribute to social-emotional learning and development.

• Expose students to new people and places: Field trips broaden students' experiences and exposure to the world, helping them build background knowledge and vocabulary. This can be especially valuable for underserved students.

What are Good Ideas for a Field Trip?

From homeschooling to high school, these field trips for schools will bring great memories to students and enrich their experience with the outer world.

Field trips for schools - Kindergarten

#1. Zoo - Kids love seeing and learning about different animals at the zoo. Focus on the smaller animals and insect exhibits. You can collaborate with the zoo to have tour guides talk about wildlife and animal behaviours.

#2. Farm - Seeing farm animals up close like fluffy sheep and cute rabbits will surely enchant all the young kids. They can also pick produce, and experience rural life firsthand. Petting zoos are especially fun for kindergarteners.

#3. Botanical garden - Colourful flowers, plants and outdoor spaces make botanical gardens a sensory-rich experience for kindergarteners. Consider a children-friendly space if available.

#4. Fire station - Seeing a firefighter in real life is like observing a superhero on missions, and your little ones sure are fond of that! Kids love seeing a real fire truck, meeting firefighters and learning basic fire safety. Many stations offer station tours and demonstrations.

#5. Orchard - Picking and tasting fresh produces in an orchard connects kids to the cycle of nature while engaging multiple senses. You can contact a local orchard and plant out in advance, but be aware if there's any kid that is allergic to the fruit.

#6. Cooking class - A hands-on cooking or baking lesson allows kindergartners to develop early math, literacy and fine motor skills through food prep and following recipes.

Field trips for schools - Primary school

#7. Nature centre - Field trips to nature centres provide opportunities for kids to experience and learn about the outdoors through guided hikes, activities and exhibits.

#8. Nursing home - Intergenerational field trips for schools give kids a chance to talk with and learn from seniors while bringing joy to residents. Kids this age often connect easily with the elderly.

#9. Aquarium - Tanks full of fish, turtles, rays and other aquatic creatures inspire wonder in primary school students. Many aquariums have interactive programs and touch pools.

#10. Theatre - Watching a live performance designed for children gives students an introduction to the performing arts in an interactive and engaging way.

#11. Camping - A 1-day outdoor camping provides plenty of activities. Nature observation, outdoor cooking (don't forget the S'mores), campfire programs and games will bring the camping experience to life for students.

#12. Virtual museum visit - Can't organise this year's field trip? Not a problem because there are plenty of exciting virtual museum tours that you can show students in the class. You can triple the engagement and discussion by organising an interactive quiz to test students' knowledge after that.

Host fun quiz games with AhaSlides

Lessons can be learned in a fun way. Make engaging quizzes for students with our free education templates❗️

Field trips for schools - Middle and high school field trip ideas

#13. College campus - Visiting a local college campus can inspire and expose students to future possibilities as well as provide an engaging learning experience.

#14. Art museum - Art museums offer exhibitions and programs tailored for teens that expose them to new artists and develop their visual literacy and critical thinking skills.

#15. Science museum - Hands-on exhibits and interactive activities at science museums bring concepts to life in engaging ways that capture teenagers' interests.

#16. Community service project - Volunteering as a class for a community service project teaches valuable skills while engaging students in important social issues and causes. You can choose an animal shelter, a food bank, or a community shelter. The choices are endless, depending on what your learning objective is.

#17. Business/industry tour - Touring a local business or area of industry relevant to student's interests can provide real-world connections and potential career exposure. It also encourages students to know the importance of small businesses in supporting the local economy.

#18. Indoor recreational areas - These areas are often equipped with exciting activities such as indoor rock climbing, zipline and adventure games that will bring the adrenaline rush to the young blood. They also have team-building activities that are perfect for bonding and learning the spirit of teamwork.

Field trips for schools - Homeschool field trip ideas

#19. Farmers market - Bring your kids to a local farmers market to learn about produce, talk to farmers, and get ideas for meals. Kids can help pick out fresh items to cook at home, making this a nice bonding lesson.

#20. Artisan workshop - Sign up for group knitting or crocheting lessons just for kids. It's a great hands-on way to learn a useful life skill.

#21. Trampoline park - Great for all ages, trampoline parks are a unique indoor field trip option for physical education and socialising during homeschooling. Kids get lots of exercise too.

#22. Working studio - Artisans like ceramicists, glassblowers, woodworkers and more may welcome student groups to observe and learn from their creative process. Kids come away inspired.

#23. World cultures VR - In the age of technology, we can tour around the world from the comfort of our houses. Equip the kid with a VR headset and let them explore different locations around the world to learn about each distinctive culture immersively.

#24. Performing arts venue - Theaters, orchestra halls, opera houses and dance companies offer backstage tours, workshops and lectures for students of all ages. Kids can get inspired by the creative process.

With proper planning, guidance and age-appropriate structure, field trips for schools can provide students opportunities for hands-on learning, team building, developing responsibility and independence, and unplugging in the outside world - all valuable educational benefits. Just be sure safety, preparedness and educational goals are prioritised in your planning.

What is a field trip in the classroom?

A field trip in the classroom is an excursion outside of the school that has an educational purpose.

What is the purpose of a field trip?

The primary purpose of field trips for schools is to provide students with educational experiences beyond textbooks and classrooms that complement and reinforce curricular aims while developing important skills and social tendencies in students. Field trips offer "invisible" benefits that transcend direct academic goals.

How do you organise a school field trip?

Here are the key steps to organise a successful school field trip: · Identify learning objectives · Get administrative approval

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

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12 Amazing Field Trips Every Idahoan Took As A Kid (And Should Retake Now)

photography field trip ideas

Super-rad musician, scholar, photographer, and traveler. The Mountain West and larger PNW = home, but can be found wherever there's adventure.

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As just about any kid will tell you, the best days of the schoolyear are field trip days – a distant second would be the occasional movie day (even those monotone documentaries were better than endless worksheets!) Whether to the zoo, the local museum, or to somewhere a little more exotic, getting out and learning a few new tidbits while seeing old sights is always worth it! But, I’ll let you in on a little secret… you don’t have to be eight years old to take a field trip or enjoy your state from a new perspective. In fact, if you cast your adult-hat aside and step back into childhood for a day, you might just find yourself caught up in awe of our historic and diverse state. Take the time to explore all those places you explored as a child, and you might just be surprised at how little (or much) things have changed. For a day of fun reliving your childhood rediscovering the joy of discovery, here are 12 places you’ve probably already visited, but should definitely take a second look at:

photography field trip ideas

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photography field trip ideas

Ah, nostalgia! Where was your favorite field trip as a child? Let us know!

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41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

August 14, 2023 //  by  Lauren Du Plessis

Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we’ve curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning experiences for you and your young explorers! From museums to farms, TV stations to local startups, these trips will ignite curiosity and enhance learning, so let’s jump right in to explore more.

Preschool (3-5 years)

1. puppet theater.

photography field trip ideas

Ever wondered what your puppets would say if they could talk? It’s time to unleash creativity and weave magic with a charming puppet theater. The stage is set, the lights dim, and your young puppeteers have a chance to spin enchanting tales for all of their peers to enjoy.

Learn More: Bob Baker Marionette Theater

2. Children’s Museum

photography field trip ideas

This next field trip idea allows your littles to discover something new with every step they take! Children’s Museums are a galaxy of interactive exhibits- with every room designed to pique curiosity and spark fascination.

Learn More: MCM

Let’s swap those classroom walls for sun-drenched fields and wide-open skies. Among the chirping birds and friendly farm animals, your kids can delve into the heart of rural life; discovering a new respect for farmers and all the hard work they complete.

Learn More: YouTube

4. Local Library

photography field trip ideas

Let the local library shelves whisper tales of mystery, adventure, and knowledge into your students’ ears. Watch as their curious minds unearth the joy of reading and embark on countless journeys through the pages of their favorite books.

Learn More: The Colorful Apple

5. Petting Zoo

photography field trip ideas

Ready for a fuzzy, furry adventure? The petting zoo awaits to greet your students with an assortment of friendly wildlife. As your kids pet and care for these adorable animals, they’ll learn important lessons about empathy and responsibility.

Learn More: Seattle’s Child

6. Fruit Picking Farm

photography field trip ideas

Swap the hustle and bustle of the city for a day amidst vibrant orchards. A fruit-picking farm offers an opportunity to pluck, taste, and learn about various fruits. As your students reach out for those ripe apples and juicy strawberries, they are sure to experience the farm-to-table journey firsthand.

Learn More: Smith’s Nursery Inc.

7. Toy Factory

photography field trip ideas

Step into a life-sized playhouse with your students by taking them on an enchanting trip to the toy factory! Watch the wonder evolve as they discover the intriguing process behind how their favorite toys get created.

Learn More:

8. Children’s Art Studio

photography field trip ideas

Welcome to the colorful chaos of a children’s art studio! Here, creativity reigns supreme, and messes are masterpieces in the making. Let your little Picassos unveil themselves through their imaginative designs and creations.

Learn More: Art Fun Studio

9. Aquarium

Dive into a magical underwater realm with a trip to the aquarium! As your students marvel at the vibrant marine life, they’ll gain insights into the mysteries and beauty of our oceans.

10. Local Bakery

photography field trip ideas

Tell your students to grab their chefs’ hats as you step into the aromatic world of a local bakery. During this scrumptious adventure, they will discover the science behind baking and might even get to try their hands at decorating cookies!

Learn More: Good Time DIY

11. City Park

There’s more to city parks than meets the eye. These spaces are living classrooms nestled in nature- offering lessons about local wildlife and providing countless outdoor activities for your students to indulge in.

Learn More: City Park Conservancy

12. Dance Studio

Let your students be entranced by the beat of the music and the flow of movement at a local dance studio. This field trip provides a space where your little ones can discover the joy of dancing, paired with the harmony between body and mind. Get their feet tapping and their hearts racing on this rhythmic journey.

Learn More: Jadore Dance

13. Botanical Garden

photography field trip ideas

Envision the botanical garden as a living book of floral wonders just waiting to be explored by your kiddos. As they wander through a stunning array of plants, they’ll uncover the fascinating world of nature’s extraordinary diversity.

Learn More: Naples Garden

Elementary School (6-10 years)

14. planetarium.

photography field trip ideas

Buckle up and prepare your pupils for a cosmic journey as they visit a local planetarium! As they gaze at the starlit dome, the mysteries of the universe are displayed- sparking curiosity and wonder about the cosmos with a quick voyage amongst the stars!

Learn More: HRM

15. Historical Museum

photography field trip ideas

Step back in time with a trip to the historical museum. Each artifact tells a riveting tale; bringing history to life for your young explorers. From stone tools to vintage attire, every exhibit is a time capsule for your elementary learners to enjoy.

Learn More: History Colorado

16. Art Museum

photography field trip ideas

Embark on a kaleidoscopic journey by visiting an art museum. This artistic adventure is sure to awaken your students’ creative side and inspire a deeper appreciation for the arts.

Learn More: The Art of Education

17. Recycling Center

photography field trip ideas

Reduce, reuse, recycle! At the recycling center, your everyday trash gets transformed into treasures! Here, your children can discover the importance of recycling and how it preserves our planet- making this a memorable lesson in waste management.

Learn More: Rethink Waste

18. Science Museum

photography field trip ideas

How about a trip to the science museum to ring home those hard-to-explain concepts? Interactive exhibits morph complex scientific concepts into fun-filled experiences; resulting in a hands-on approach to learning that lets your kids experience the thrills of scientific discovery.

Learn More: EdSurge

19. Historic Houses

photography field trip ideas

Peek into the past with a visit to historic houses. As your students walk through these corridors of history, they’ll develop an appreciation for the heritage and culture of eras gone by.

Learn More: Simple Homeschool

20. Conservatories

photography field trip ideas

Welcome to the conservatory, where every plant holds a lesson in biology, conservation, and ecology. As your children discover the wonder of our green planet, they’ll be encouraged to take better care of our Earthly home.

Learn More: Phipps Conservatory

21. Music Studio

photography field trip ideas

Transport your students to a world of rhythm and rhyme with a trip to the music studio. Here, your learners are sure to strike the right chord in more ways than one- getting an introduction to different instruments and the recording process at large.

Learn More: PBS

Middle School (11-13 years)

22. tech company.

photography field trip ideas

What does the future look like? Let your students discover this answer for themselves at a tech company! In our ever-changing world of technology and innovation, your children will gain insights into the possibilities of tomorrow!

Learn More: The Tech Interactive

23. Archaeological Sites

photography field trip ideas

Give your students the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of their ancient ancestors by visiting an archaeological site. As they explore these open-air museums of human history, they’ll connect with the past and unravel the threads of evolution and civilization.

Learn More: Explore Hampi

24. University Laboratory

photography field trip ideas

Enter the frontier of scientific discovery with a visit to a university laboratory. In this bustling hub of investigation, your student’s experimental ambitions are sure to be sparked; feeding their curiosity and opening their eyes to the wonders of scientific exploration.

Learn More: The Cre8ive Zone

25. Theater

photography field trip ideas

Lights, camera, action! Let your students experience the enchanting world of performing arts with a visit to the theater. From costume design to dramatic performances, they’ll get a glimpse of the magic behind the curtains- igniting a passion for drama and possibly even playwriting!

Learn More: KMS Drama

26. Sports Complex

photography field trip ideas

As your students sprint on the tracks or score goals on the fields, they’ll learn the importance of teamwork, physical fitness, and healthy competition. Taking them to the local sports complex teaches them that not only winning is celebrated, but taking part matters as well.

Learn More: LA Galaxy

photography field trip ideas

A fun-filled adventure to the zoo is a classic field trip idea! Every enclosure will provide your learners insight into the beauty of the animal kingdom; inviting them to discover facts relating to animals from around the world and learn more about the importance of conservation efforts.

Learn More: Lincoln Park Zoo

28. Community Service Centers

photography field trip ideas

At community service centers, kindness isn’t just a virtue; it’s a way of life. Here, your children will learn about the power of empathy and helping others- reinforcing the crucial lesson of giving back to the community. This field trip will allow them to grow, not just as individuals; but as compassionate members of society.

Learn More: Lancaster Edu

29. Local Newspaper

photography field trip ideas

The bustling newsroom of a local newspaper opens a window into the world of journalism. Amid the clattering keyboards and the urgent phone calls, your learners can grasp what goes into the process of news creation, from just a spark of information to a published article.

Learn More: English Classes Cygnaeus Pori

30. Historical Reenactment Sites

photography field trip ideas

Journey back in time by taking your students to historical reenactment sites. Here, history gets brought to life through vibrant performances where your kids can learn about the past in a way that textbooks could never teach them!

Learn More: Student Travel Planning Guide

31. Weather Station

photography field trip ideas

I’m sure all your students have wondered how the forecast predicts if you need an umbrella or sunglasses! Answer their burning questions by taking them to your local weather station. From temperature readings to radar images, they’ll get a firsthand experience of meteorology!

Learn More: CW3E Edu

High School (14-18 years)

32. national park.

photography field trip ideas

In the national park, lessons are etched in the rings of trees and whispered on the wings of butterflies. It’s here that your children can learn about the harmony of nature and the importance of conservation- bonding with the great outdoors and having a well-deserved break from classroom life.

Learn More: Global Travel Alliance

33. TV Station

The TV station pulls back the curtain on the captivating world of television production. From script writing to broadcasting, your learners will get the chance to witness the exciting process of how their favorite shows get created.

34. Biotech Company

photography field trip ideas

Venture into the cutting-edge world of Biotech! Here, your students will get a glimpse into the science that is shaping the future of health and medicine. It’s an awe-inspiring experience that could inspire the next generation of biomedical innovators.

Learn More: Promega Connections

35. Local Government Office

photography field trip ideas

With this field trip your pupils can learn about the inner workings of local governance- getting a practical understanding of civics that no textbook could provide. Bonus: It’s a hands-on lesson in leadership and responsibility.

Learn More: Nations Classroom Tours

36. News Studio

photography field trip ideas

Enterinto the bustling energy of a live broadcast studio. From the anchors’ desks to the control room, your children will get a dynamic view of live journalism to fuel a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

Learn More: Olympic High School

37. Courthouse

photography field trip ideas

Step into the halls of justice with a visit to the courthouse. Given the opportunity to learn about all kinds of legal processes, your learners can gain real-world insight into the judicial system; promoting a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

Learn More: FHN Today

38. Botanical Research Institute

photography field trip ideas

Green thumbs at the ready! Taking your kids to the botanical research institute offers a unique opportunity for them to learn about the importance of plants and their environmental significance. Who knows, this could be the seed that grows into a future career in botany!

Learn More: GITM Edu

39. Architectural Firms

photography field trip ideas

Explore the nitty-gritty blueprints behind society with this field trip! As your learners observe how architects design and build, they’ll gain an appreciation for the relationship between art, science, and community at large.

Learn More: Arch Design

40. Local Startups

photography field trip ideas

Welcome to the ambition playground! On a trip to local startups, your students will witness the journey of how an idea transforms into a thriving business. This trip might inspire them to become the startup heroes of tomorrow

41. Film Studios

photography field trip ideas

Take a behind-the-scenes tour of the big screen! From script to screen, your learners will witness the mesmerizing process of filmmaking. This cinematic adventure might inspire the next generation of filmmakers within your school!

Learn More: NST Group

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Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

Field Trip Ideas , Mid-Atlantic

Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

Industrial history and colonial heritage are abound in Pennsylvania

Home to chocolate factories, industry and rich American history, the Keystone State is an ideal location for your next student adventure . The state is home to many firsts: the first American flag, the first baseball stadium, the first computer and the first daily newspaper. But that’s not all it has brought to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Independence Hall in Philadelphia housed the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. So let freedom ring, and visit one of the 13 original colonies: Pennsylvania.

A Few Pennsylvania Field Trip Ideas:

  • National Constitution Center
  • Independence Hall
  • Kimmel Cultural Campus
  • Hersheypark
  • Autobahn Indoor Speedway
  • Carnegie Museum of Art
  • Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Independence Seaport Museum

photography field trip ideas

Pennsylvania History & Heritage Field Trip Ideas

The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg is the largest museum in the world dedicated to the American Civil War. Though the museum is designed to be explored without a guide, historians are available to lead large groups and answer any questions. The museum offers students the chance to learn about the troubling issues that pitted brother against brother, and the nation’s struggle for survival and healing.

Managed by the National Park Service, Gettysburg National Military Park protects almost 7,000 acres of the site where the three-day Battle of Gettysburg was fought in July 1863. The park offers guided battlefield tours and free ranger-led educational programs.

Explore the principles of U.S. democracy at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The nonpartisan approach lets visitors understand and talk about their thoughts on the creation of the Constitution and how it is being interpreted in society today. Special group offerings, exhibits and programs allow students to get involved in civic engagement.

Nearby is Independence Hall , the site of the signing of the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Built in 1732, it originally held all three branches of Pennsylvania’s colonial government. George Washington was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army there in 1775. During a visit, you can see the courtroom of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Long Gallery, Governor’s Council Chamber and Committee of the Assembly Chamber Hall.

Kimmel Cultural Campus

Performing Arts Locations to Visit

Student groups have many venues to display their talents across the state. The Kimmel Cultural Campus in Philadelphia is one of the state’s premier performance venues, with several stages of various sizes. Verizon Hall, seating 2,500, provides a grand feel for any performer. The cello-shapes theater provides advanced acoustics that can suit diverse types of performers. The Perelman Theater, seating at 650, is home of the Philadelphia Chamber Music Society and the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia. The 75-foot turntable stage can transform to a deeper stage, an orchestra pit and a retractable first-level seating gives performers plenty of space.

Bands and choirs can perform for attendees at Hersheypark in Hershey. The annual High Note Festival provides your group with two adjudicators to evaluate the performances and provide you with written and audio commentary along with a numerical rating. The recorded audio comments will serve as a clinic when played for your students. Once your scheduled performance is complete, you and your students are free to enjoy an afternoon of fun at the theme park.

Arts & Culture Field Trips in Pennsylvania

Part of the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh, the Carnegie Museum of Art features American and European works from the 16 th century to present. The museum welcomes students to engage with art and ideas in a Looking and Learning Tour, an inquiry-based conversational experience that engages students in careful observation, discussion and interpretation of objects from a variety of time periods and cultures.

At the Philadelphia Museum of Art ’s 200 galleries, visitors will find art that spans from antiquity to the present, including more than a dozen masterpieces from Monet. The museum offers tours designed to serve as interactive lessons for K-12 students.

A premier ballet company offering performances at the Academy of Music and Merriam Theater, the Pennsylvania Ballet features behind-the-scenes tours of their studio as well as the opportunity to attend dress rehearsals.

Dedicated to Latin American and Caribbean art, Philadelphia’s Taller Puertorriqueno features a large exhibition space, play areas, dance and theater studios, and an outdoor sculpture patio. Educational programs are available for elementary through high school students.

The African American Museum in Philadelphia is the first institution funded and built by a major municipality to preserve, interpret and exhibit the heritage of African Americans. AAMP offers a variety of programs and learning opportunities for visitors of all ages, including guided tours, film screenings, and hands-on arts and crafts activities.

Kids enjoying Hersheypark

Educational Field Trips through STEM

With a wide variety of attractions and events year-round, Hersheypark offers a wide array of ways for visitors to explore the theme park. School groups can visit on their own or attend one of the five Education Days which feature subjects including STEM (Science, Math, Technology & Engineering) , Business and Marketing, Health & Wellness and more.

At the  Autobahn Indoor Speedway in Harrisburg, racers of all kinds will experience high speeds and a state-of-the-art facility. Drive a high-performance, fast-paced vehicle in a safe, comfortable and fun environment. Give students a once-in-a-lifetime experience through STEM Academy at the Autobahn Indoor Speedway. Learn about subjects such as the history of racing, mathematics, racing terminology and more while still learning about racing and taking part in this high-thrill adventure. Through the STEM Academy, racers get a hands-on experience while enhancing their learning.

See, smell, create and taste your way through Hershey’s Chocolate World . See how the world-famous chocolate is made by embarking on a chocolate tour or help solve a mystery at the 4D Chocolate movie or even create your own chocolate bar through the workshop. There are a variety of tour options open to student groups including Make It, Tour It, Taste It and Little Taste. Each tour option is different and provides a unique experience for students.

Marine & Aquatic Adventures in Pennsylvania

Collections at Philadelphia’s Independence Seaport Museum document maritime history and culture along the Delaware River. Climb aboard two National Historic Landmark ships: Cruiser Olympia and Submarine Becuna.

For 50 years, Chesapeake Bay Foundation ’s award-winning environmental education program has been one of the cornerstones of their effort to reverse the Bay watershed’s decline. They offer hands-on, unique outdoor education experiences for students—on the water and on land—in some of the region’s most inspiring places.

Main photo: Benjamin Franklin Museum

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Field trip fun with firsties!

first grade field trips

Who doesn’t have fond memories of their first grade field trip? I know I do. Mrs. Lew took us to see James and The Giant Peach at the local children’s theater … and it was magical. There’s something about the first grade field trip that’s so special. We’ve rounded up our favorite first grade field trips that students will remember forever.

Not all of these trips will be possible everywhere, but keep in mind local treasures that are unique to your area. And when you can’t manage a trip—for whatever reason—try our virtual first grade field trips below.

In-Person First Grade Field Trips

1. the children’s theater.

First grade is an ideal time to introduce kids to the live theater experience. Children’s theaters generally have offerings based on age-appropriateness. Many plays are based on classic children’s literature, so you can read the book aloud first.

Going to the zoo provides students with the chance to observe animal behaviors and learn about wildlife conservation. Most of them,  like the San Diego Zoo , have educational programs, including keeper talks and up-close animal encounters.

3. A Factory

photography field trip ideas

First graders are starting to be curious about how things are made, so a trip to a factory is likely to be of high interest to them. Cars, chocolates, textiles … the possibilities are endless!


4. A Children’s Museum

At a children’s museum, the rule is: Please touch! For first graders, look for role play areas, imagination studios, and—always a firstie favorite—dinosaurs!

5. The Police Station

Grades K–2 are big on learning about community helpers, so the police station is a great choice (especially if they went to the fire station in kinder). First graders can learn more about personal safety and the work of police officers.

6. A Veterinary Clinic

photography field trip ideas

Vets are always a favorite Career Day visitor, so why not go see them in action? First graders are all about their pets, and they can learn a lot about caring for them, as well as veterinary medicine, on a tour of a veterinary hospital.

7. The Aquarium

If you’re not lucky enough to have a zoo close by, an aquarium is another good choice. Students will get a window into life under the sea, and lots of aquariums have touch pools for the ultimate in hands-on learning.

8. A Planetarium

Kids love to look at the moon and stars. A visit to a planetarium is the perfect introduction to the solar system. First graders will get a kick out of the shows and many are geared toward young children.

9. A Fish Hatchery

photography field trip ideas

Life cycles are a hot topic for first graders, and a trip to the fish hatchery is a great way to round out that unit of study. Plus, the kids will enjoy the underwater viewing windows and the opportunity to feed the young fish that are features of most hatcheries.

10. The Farmer’s Market

For kids who went to a farm, apple orchard, or pumpkin patch in kindergarten, the farmer’s market is a nice follow-up. Your first graders can see firsthand what happens to the fruits and vegetables that were harvested … and one of the ways they get into the hands of consumers!

Virtual First Grade Field Trips

1. an egg farm.

photography field trip ideas

We love these virtual egg farm field trips from the American Egg Board. Make sure you catch the elementary-friendly versions of Hertzfeld Poultry and Creighton Brothers Farms.


Most zoos have live webcams in some of their most popular exhibits, such as the Panda Cam at Zoo Atlanta . However, some zoos offer a more in-depth look. You’ll definitely want to check out the San Diego Zoo .

3. The Aquarium


It’s a similar story with aquariums. You have your pick of live webcams, but our favorites are the Georgia Aquarium’s Ocean Voyager webcam (wait for the whale shark!) and the “jellycam” at Monterey Bay Aquarium (so soothing). And definitely check out  The Maritime Aquarium where you can register for their virtual programs (try Shark Safari!).

4. Boston Children’s Museum

“Walk” through all three floors of the Boston Children’s Museum on this virtual tour . Be sure to direct your students to the Explore-a-Saurus exhibit.

5. A Planetarium

Through Stellarium Web , kids can explore over 60,000 stars, locate planets, and watch sunrises and solar eclipses. If you enter your location, you can see all the constellations that are visible in the night sky in your corner of the world.

What are your favorite first grade field trips? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, check out the Best Field Trip Ideas for Every Age and Interest (Virtual Options Too!)

The Best In-Person and Virtual First Grade Field Trips

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The Homeschool Resource Room

The Homeschool Resource Room

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40 Fun and Educational Field Trips. Check out these fantastic field trips ordered by category: Science field trips, History field trips, Art and Music field trips, Field trips for every community, and virtual field trip resources! #education #fieldtrips #elementary

40+ Fantastic Field Trips for Kids

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40 fun and educational field trips . Check out these fantastic field trips ordered by category. Find likes and resources available in communities all over the US and virtual field trip resources too!

40 Fun and Educational Field Trips. Check out these fantastic field trips ordered by category: Science field trips, History field trips, Art and Music field trips, Field trips for every community, and virtual field trip resources! #education #fieldtrips #elementary

Ready to get your kids excited about learning? Take them out for a field trip! Check out these fun field trips listed by category:

  • Art and Music

Virtual Field Trips

Science field trips.

Field Trips

1.Science Museum – Get hands-on with science at your local science museum or science center. Check for shows and special tours for kids.

2. Natural History Museum – See the history of science and learn about plants, animals, and the history of our natural world.

3. Planetarium – Look up for a tour of the starts and learn all about outer space with IMAX movies projected onto a dome.

4. Aquarium – Get up-close and personal with a variety of sea creatures at an aquarium.

5. Botanical Garden – Tour a beautiful botanical garden to see local and exotic plants.

6. Local Animal Sanctuary or Zoo – Animal lovers will love to visit their local sanctuary or zoo. Be sure to ask about demonstrations and animal feeding times!

7. Visit Local, State, or National Parks – Your park system has a lot to offer! Check the websites of your local, state, and national parks to find out about programs, tours, and the natural and historical landmarks you can visit.

Art and Music Field Trips

8. Art Museum or Gallery – Start here to get kids interested in art and culture. You’ll find everything from ancient artifacts to today’s contemporary art.

9. Art Walk or Outdoor Craft Fair – When the weather is nice, take a walk around a local art walk or craft fair. A great time to meet local artists and talk to them about their craft.

10. Orchestra – Don’t miss a trip to the orchestra or children’s orchestra. A field trip that both a budding musician and music novice will love.

Field Trips

11. Ballet, Play, or Concert  – Whether you’re watching community theater or seeing a Broadway show, a field trip to a performance is a must!

12. Tour Urban Art or Music – Search for urban art, street musicians, and outdoor art. A great way to explore and learn about your city.

13. Local Music Festival – Hit a festival and enjoy some music from your local musicians.

History Field Trips

14. Presidential Library – A fantastic field trip if you have one near you! Learn all about the president’s life and work. 14 Presidential Libraries

15. Renaissance Fair – What a fun way to get your kids into history! Look for local Renaissance or Medieval Fairs. List of Renaissance Fairs by State

Field Trips

16. Reenactment – Do you live by a historical reenactment site? Check your local tourist attractions to find all kinds of reenactments from Civil War battles to early American daily life.

17. Native American Historical Sites – Delve deeper into US history by visiting a Native American historical site near you. A list of sites from the National Park Service

18. Holocaust Museum – Learn about the history of the Holocaust and how the events still impact us today at one of our nation’s Holocaust Museums .

19. African American History Museum – Tour an African American History Museum in the US to learn about civil rights, culture, and history of black Americans.

20. Local Landmarks and Historical Sites – Learn this history of your town or city by finding local historical sites. A great place to start is your city or town’s library or visitor’s center for information.

21. Visit your State Capitol – Make a trip to your state capital to visit the Capitol Building and your state’s historical sites. Request information from the city’s tourism website for free guides and details about what to visit.

22. Memorials or Monuments – Do you have a National Memorial near you? Visit memorials or monuments to learn about the people and events that changed our country’s history.

Community Field Trips

23. Fire or Police Station Tour – A great way to learn about our community helpers and safety for young children.

24. Library Tour – Go behind-the-scenes in your local library to see how books are processed and repaired.

25. Farm – Learn about life on the farm, the food we eat, and farm animals when you visit a local farm and meet a farming family.

26. Farmer’s Market – Check out local produce grown by farmers in your area. A great time to meet a variety of people and learn about different jobs in your community.

27. Grocery Store Tour – Contact your local grocery store for a tour of the store! You’ll meet your local butcher, baker, see the big freezers, and the loading dock where deliveries are made. A great field trip to pair with the farm or farmer’s market to learn where our food comes from.

28. Recycling Center or Local Dump – A surprisingly fun and interesting tour. Learn all about where our trash goes after you put it in the bin. Also, check out our Garbage and Recycling unit !

Field Trips

29. Local Factory Tours – Contact a local factory for a tour. You’ll meet the factory employees and see how things are made, by hand or by machine.

30. Sporting Events – Root for your local teams or make a trip to a professional sporting event. Learn about all types of sports from baseball and basketball to swimming or rowing.

31. Dentist, Hospital, or Veterinarian Office Tour – Take a tour or schedule a presentation with your group at a local dentist’s office, hospital, or vet’s office. A great way to learn about these careers.

32. College Campus Tour – Checking out college campuses isn’t only for seniors! Tour your local campus, take a look at student exhibits or displays, or catch a game while you’re there!

33. Television or Radio Station Tour – Contact local stations or colleges for a tour of their studios.

If you want to travel somewhere a little more exotic, you can find a slew of virtual field trips free online.

Through Google Arts and Culture you can visit places all over the world including:

  • 34. The White House
  • 35. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • 36. The Colliseum
  • 37. The Eiffel Tower

38. You can also tour the Presidential Libraries through their individual websites. List of 14 Presidential Libraries from the National Archive

Head on over to Google Streetview to tour historical and natural sites around the world including:

  • 39. Australian Parks and Wildlife
  • 40. International Space Station
  • 41. Machu Picchu
  • 42. The Amazon River

photography field trip ideas

Ashley helps parents who want to homeschool find the resources they need to successfully teach their children. Ashley is a former teacher, current homeschooler, published author, and designer behind Circle Time with Miss Fox printables as well as the creator of this website, The Homeschool Resource Room.

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A Waldorf Journey

A Waldorf Journey

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20 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas (and why you should take them)

Curriculum Tips , Resources / August 20, 2016 by Meredith / Leave a Comment

20 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas

I’m a huge fan of field trips.

It’s one of the things that makes me grateful for the flexibility of Waldorf teaching. Why do I love field trips so much?

I love exploring the world with my students.

It feels like another opportunity for me to teach them things about interacting with the world. I’ve taught them to always offer their seat when riding the bus and smile when passing someone on the sidewalk. On camping trips they’ve learned to do their own dishes, pack their own lunches and set up their own tents. There are so many opportunities for teaching courtesy and independence that you just can’t get in the classroom.

I love sharing my students with the world.

Because our school is downtown, we often walk through the business/financial part of town. Our excursions inspire lots of smiles and comments from men in 3-piece suits and women in fashionable pumps. I love that these people get to witness a polite and enthusiastic group of children learning about the world in a unique way. So, I guess our trips include a little bit of public service.

There are so many opportunities and experiences that groups of students can engage in that just aren’t possible for individuals.

Over the years I’ve taken students on tours of local small businesses (a printing press, a bakery, a chocolate factory.) We’ve attended student-oriented orchestra concerts. We even took over a historic schooner for a class sailing trip! Heading out for an excursion like that, with 20 of your best friends, is an experience that can only happen on a class field trip.

Planning for those trips, though, can sometimes feel like the one extra thing that can put us over the edge. And in this day and age, parents worry and want to know that your trips are well-managed and their children will be safe.

To help with this, I’ve put together a free Field Trip Planner pdf. Just enter your email address in the form below to get it.

Free Field Trip Planner PDF

Planning field trips can feel overwhelming. Make sure you're not forgetting anything by following this easy checklist.

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Deciding where to go can be another big challenge. Some main lesson blocks really lend themselves to field trips, but for others it’s more challenging to find curriculum-appropriate trips. For example, the 4th grade local geography block is perfectly suited to getting out and visiting the important historical places in your community. And for your 3rd grade farming block, you better head out to a local farm! But what about 5th grade India? Or 6th grade Physics?

If you push yourself, you can probably come up with some creative curriculum-appropriate options, even for those challenging blocks, but I encourage you to not let the curriculum limit your options. It’s perfectly fine to take a field trip, just for the sake of taking a trip, even if it is only tangentially (or not at all) related to the curriculum.

Here are some ideas for some non-curriculum specific field trips that your students will love, no matter what block you’re in.

  • Class camping trip (with families when younger, with just chaperones with older students.)
  • Miniature golf
  • Pumpkin patch
  • Tour of a local historic church, synagogue, mosque
  • Art or History Museum
  • Performance at a retirement home
  • Caroling at local businesses
  • Working at a food kitchen
  • Park clean-up (call your local parks and rec department)
  • Tour of local businesses (especially great for 6th grade business math)
  • A visit to the science department of a local university
  • A visit to a local hospital
  • Local fire station
  • Local police department
  • Visit to an animal shelter

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  • Senior Travel

14 Best Senior-friendly Travel Groups

Joining a tour can take the guesswork out of planning, making adventures safer, more affordable, and fun.

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Whether you’re ready to take the trip of a lifetime after retirement or just want to make new friends on a relaxed walking vacation, there are many reasons to book with a specialist travel company. Senior-friendly travel groups take the time-consuming research and guesswork out of planning, especially if you want to go to multiple destinations or experience a place from a local perspective. Group travel is safer for mature adventurers, and options are often categorized by activity level, so you can be sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew. There are also trips specially designed for singles.

These travel companies offer a range of tours for every budget and mode of transportation, from bikes to cruises. Some are specifically aimed at seniors, while others feature experiences that are flexible enough to accommodate a variety of travelers.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Road Scholar emphasizes the value of "lifelong learning" with affordable, educational journeys.
  • Choose an "easygoing" Dolce Tempo walking tour or a more challenging adventure with Backroads.
  • With expertise in more than 100 destinations worldwide, Kensington Tours can craft the perfect itinerary for your group.
  • Senior Cycling offers intermediate and advanced bike tours for active over-50s, which are always accompanied by a "sag wagon."
  • Despite the name, the AARP-approved Grand European Travel extends beyond the continent with a wide range of destinations, budget options, and modes of transportation.

Road Scholar

Originally launched as Elderhostel in 1975, this nonprofit organization rebranded in 2010 as Road Scholar , recognizing the values and interests of "lifelong learners" who have participated in their lectures, tours, field trips, and immersive educational experiences over the years. Participants are typically over the age of 50 and ready to learn from travel or focus on a specific subject. Trip themes such as grandparent adventures (special types of trips you can take with your grandchild), cruises, urban exploration, art and history, historical sites, and academic topics can be browsed by destination, activity level, and interest to help clients select their ideal itinerary.

Seniors interested in active vacations should check out Backroads , based out of Berkeley, California. Tours typically include participants in a variety of age groups, with an average age of 55. The company offers guided biking, walking, and "multi-adventure" tours to destinations across the globe, including Antarctica. There are women-only trips and options for families traveling with "teens and kids," "older teens and 20s," and those in their "20s and beyond." The company's Dolce Tempo tours offer a more relaxed pace, and include an Easygoing E-bike Tour in California wine country and Easygoing Multi-adventure Tour in New Zealand.

Kensington Tours

If you're looking to create a fully customized, privately guided trip based on your group's specific needs and travel preferences, look no further than Kensington Tours . Their expertise in more than 100 destinations worldwide makes planning easy, whether the goal is a culturally immersive experience, enjoying fine wine and dining, discovering the history of a place, or relaxation. While these arrangements are ideal for mature travelers who appreciate ease and luxury, the company also provides family trips to countries like Thailand, Japan, Iceland, and South Africa that come with private vehicles, local guides, and kid-friendly dining options.

Senior Cycling

Specializing in bicycle tours for active adults ages 50 and up, Senior Cycling typically limits groups to 13 participants. And they are always accompanied by the "sag wagon" in case someone needs a break from riding. Trips are rated at two levels: intermediate (for the occasional rider who prefers bike paths and flat terrain for 20–35 miles per day) and advanced (for those who are at ease with up to 50 miles per day, hills, and traffic). Custom tours can also be arranged for families or groups of friends.

Grand European Travel

Grand European Travel is an AARP-preferred travel provider (check the website for members-only discounts) that promotes itself as a one-stop shop to help clients plan their desired travel experiences. The company is part of The Travel Corporation , which represents more than 40 brands, including the likes of Trafalgar and Insight Tours. Despite the name, offerings extend far beyond the continent and range from budget to luxury getaways, and everything from cruises to land tours. The company also creates itineraries specifically for women over 55 so solo travelers can feel secure in far-flung destinations (or those closer to home).

Walking the World

Operating out of Grand Junction, Colorado, Walking the World offers walking and hiking tours mainly for travelers over the age of 50 who want to be immersed in the destinations they choose. Experienced hikers will enjoy its Rocky Mountain National Park tour , for example, with treks of up to 10 miles on some days during the eight-day itinerary. Meanwhile, the Ireland trip covers 11 days of exploring fishing villages, rolling green hills, the stunning Cliffs of Moher, the Dingle Peninsula, and Killarney National Park. Daily walks range from five to eight miles and are described as easy to moderate.

Ariel Skelley / Getty Images

Adventures Abroad

While Adventures Abroad largely caters to travelers over 50, tours are open to adults of all ages, and operate on every continent except for Antarctica. The company's "soft adventure" trips, which focus on the culture and history of a destination, don't include strenuous activities, though a reasonable degree of fitness and the ability to walk are required. Trips are rated from one to three based on physical activity, with the first level featuring only leisurely walks and level two meaning more time on your feet each day. Level-three trips might include walks or hikes on uneven ground for three to seven hours, though at a leisurely pace. Specific trips are suggested for each activity level for easy planning.

An adventure travel company designed for people ages 50 and over, ElderTreks offers small-group adventures — think wildlife safaris, hiking trips, cultural journeys, and other unique expeditions — in more than 100 countries. The tours are rated by activity level, ranging from one to five. At level one, travelers should be able to walk for one to two hours, whereas at level five, they'll need to be capable of hiking for more than five hours.

Firebird Tours

Firebird Tours offers small group trips to destinations in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East that deliver value, comfort, and quality. Themes for guided tours include gastronomy, history, architecture, and the northern lights , as well as theater and opera. Seniors might want to check out a sightseeing highlights tour of Italy , or a two-week rail journey across Scandinavia with guided tours in cities like Copenhagen and Stockholm and an overnight in a scenic Norwegian fjord town.

Overseas Adventure Travel

With a variety of trips available to destinations on every continent, Overseas Adventure Travel makes a great choice if you're interested in seeing the world via small-ship cruises. In addition to guided land tours for groups of eight to 16, OAT offers sailings through the Norwegian fjords, along West Africa's coast, and throughout the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. Mature travelers are often attracted to the flexibility of the trips and the ability to personalize activities. Recognizing that many of its customers travel alone (half are solo women), O.A.T. has created getaways with single travelers in mind, whether they're first-timers or experienced adventurers.

EF Go Ahead Tours

Operating out of Cambridge, Massachusetts, EF Go Ahead Tours offers a selection of small group tours for 10 to 22 guests. The senior-friendly trips focus on interests such as food and wine, adventure, and safaris, as well as specific destinations and seasonal events (think Oktoberfest in Germany, holiday markets in Europe , or St. Patrick's Day in Ireland). Looking for travel groups geared toward singles? The company's solo tours provide private rooms, social events, and personalized experiences like yoga and cooking classes. Clients can also gather their own group and take advantage of the services of EF's professional coordinators.

Intrepid Travel

A leading adventure tour operator known for its efforts to make travel accessible to all, Intrepid Travel offers a good mix of bespoke and ready-made options, from walking tours in U.S. national parks to Galápagos Islands cruises . Seniors might want to check out the Premium or Comfort trips, which offer more upscale accommodations and private transportation. Each trip is given a physical rating between one and five to help you determine its strenuousness, and consultants can help travelers with disabilities choose the perfect itinerary.

YMT Vacations

In business since 1967, YMT Vacations designs all-inclusive trips with mature travelers in mind. Prices cover hotel accommodations, guided sightseeing tours, baggage handling, and the expertise of tour directors and driver guides. Destinations are scattered around the world, with a particularly wide choice in the U.S. and Europe, including a variety of cruise options. The company also arranges travel for popular events such as the Rose Parade in California.

Country Walkers

Country Walkers aims to introduce travelers to new landscapes and cultures around the world by traveling on foot. Established in 1979, the Vermont-based operator offers walking tours in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. Tour types include guided (in a small group of up to 18) and self-guided (in a private group of up to 12), providing a great option for independent exploration. Travelers can choose from five levels, starting at "easy walking," which includes a daily distance of two to six miles for up to four hours per day. "Moderate walking," the mid-range option, typically entails four to 10 miles and up to six hours of walking per day. Trips at the "challenging walking" level might go up to seven hours a day on foot, covering anywhere from six to 14 miles. Guests of all ages should be able to find a destination and tour that's best suited for their interests and fitness level.

photography field trip ideas

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David Lammy is heading to Israel for talks with senior ministers as the foreign secretary looks to help prevent "an all-out war" in the Middle East. Meanwhile, the Tories take credit for positive economic news - but A-level results day brings universities' financial strife to the fore.

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With those details in our previous post of David Lammy's imminent Middle East visit, notably to Israel, we're bringing the Politics Hub to a close for the time being.

Be sure to scroll back through the Hub to catch up on what was a busy day both domestically and internationally for British ministers.

We had a significant update on how the economy's doing, A-level results day was somewhat marred by fears about the future of our universities, confirmation reached us of Ukraine using British tanks in Russia, and we had that news of the foreign secretary heading to Israel.

Thanks for joining us - and we'll see you next time.

More details of the foreign secretary's trip to Israel have been released.

The Foreign Office has announced David Lammy will be heading to the Middle East with his French counterpart Stephane Sejourne in what is the first joint UK-France visit in more than a decade.

They will meet Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz and strategic affairs minister Ron Dermer, though there is no confirmation of whether they will also speak with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

A diplomatic source told Sky News earlier today Mr Lammy's main objective was to try to prevent "all-out war" in the Middle East, and we understand a meeting with the Israeli leader is expected too ( see 16.27 post ).

It comes amid fears of an Iranian attack on Israel, possibly carried out with the help of Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Iran has warned of a response following the killing of Hamas's leader in Tehran last month.

Mr Lammy and Mr Sejourne will call for calm and also for a ceasefire in Gaza, with talks on that having begun in Qatar today.

Mr Lammy said it was a "dangerous moment" for the region and "all parties must engage seriously in negotiations".

By Alix Culbertson , political reporter

People living in areas at the highest risk of flooding face cuts to key services due to a sharp rise in flood defence costs, councils have warned.

The government is being urged to overhaul funding for the bodies overseeing flood alleviation as soaring costs have seen an average rise of 28% over the past two years, according to data from the District Councils' Network, which represents 169 English councils.

Higher energy and fuel prices - needed for pumping stations - increasingly extreme wet weather and wage increases are the main causes of the cost of flood defences being pushed up for the current 2024/25 financial year.

By Deborah Haynes , security and defence editor

Ukrainian troops have used British Challenger 2 tanks in their offensive inside Russia, Sky News understands.

It is believed to be the first time British tanks - operated by Ukrainian soldiers - have been used in combat on Russian territory.

The Ministry of Defence in London declined to comment on operational detail, but did tell Sky News there has been no change in policy.

Ukraine's armed forces did not offer a comment.

According to government policy, the UK has confirmed Ukraine is free to use British weapons on Russian territory.

A source said this included Challenger 2 tanks and signalled that they had been used during the Ukrainian incursion, which began on 6 August.

On what was A-level results day, the education secretary was asked about the controversial prospect of raising tuition fees as many universities grapple with serious financial challenges.

Our business correspondent Paul Kelso   says the picture across the sector right now is pretty negative.

And that's because, anecdotally at least, there's been a 30% fall in how many overseas students are applying for British universities.

 " That matters because overseas students underwrite the British university system," says Paul. "They may make up about 26% of the academic population, but provide 46% of the fees."

So why the drop in applications? Britain's top universities have long been extremely popular with international students.

Paul says the sector thinks it's being driven largely by visa rule changes the previous government introduced, which include preventing foreign students from bringing family members with them.

It was a bid by Rishi Sunak to bring down levels of immigration.

The change and subsequent drop in applicants "poses a fundamental threat to the financial health of the university sector", says Paul.

"Domestic fees simply do not cover the cost".

The Sky News Daily podcast looked into this further - watch a clip below and find the full episode at the top of this page.

As students receive their A-level results, many of the universities they'll enrol in are facing their own concerns.

Academics have warned years of underfunding and a lack of lucrative international students at British universities after visa changes risk the sector's ability to provide top-class education and, for some institutions, whether they'll be able to keep teaching at all.  

On this episode, Niall Paterson is joined by two university vice-chancellors, Professor Jane Harrington at Greenwich and Professor David Maguire at East Anglia, to hear the realities and challenges faced by universities across the country.  

Plus, our business correspondent Paul Kelso explains why higher education is facing the crisis it's in now. 

👉 Click to subscribe to the Sky News Daily wherever you get your podcasts 👈        

The Scottish first minster held talks with the deputy prime minister in Edinburgh today - and had a bone to pick.

John Swinney raised the UK government's decision to begin means testing the winter fuel payment, which means only those eligible for existing benefits will still receive it.

The SNP administration at Holyrood said yesterday it would have to adopt the same policy because the controversial move had left it with a £160m gap in spending power.

Mr Swinney has conceded it will impact "tens of thousands" of pensioners and "expressed concern" with Angela Rayner today.

He also reiterated his desire for an "injection of investment" in the country's public services.

But he's still hoping for a more positive relationship with the Labour government than his party had with the Tories, working together on "shared priorities" such as reaching net zero.

By Darren McCaffrey, political correspondent 

Make no two bones about it – it has been a good week on the economic news front.

Today's stellar GDP growth figures at 0.6% are in line with expectation but are also a reflection of a strong year of growth, with the UK the fastest growing in the G7 this year - although it has lagged slightly behind the US in Q2.

This - coupled with falling unemployment, wage growth and pretty stable inflation (listen to the podcast on this in the previous post) - means the macroeconomic situation has not looked this good in years.

Normally the government would be crowing from the rooftops about such good news.

Instead, the Treasury this morning continues to talk about the "scale of challenges" and being determined "to fix the foundations".

Why? Because they want to stop the Conservatives - who are unsurprisingly very frustrated - from being able to claim the last government left the country in a good state.

Politically, this is important for Labour – part of a wider strategy to thrash the Tory record, while cementing future credit for economic good news.

Despite the attempt to shape narratives, in the end voters will only really thank Labour if this stellar economic growth continues.

Inflation is up for the first time this year.   

Prices went up by 2.2% in the year to July – moving the rate above the Bank of England target of 2%.  

Experts had expected an up tick as energy prices are falling by less than they did a year ago, and the increase doesn't seem to change hope for further interest rate cuts in the months to come.

But what else can we expect from the economy this autumn as the new government continues to warn about the "challenges" it's inherited, and as the chancellor prepares her first budget in October?

Joining Niall Paterson  is our business correspondent Paul Kelso and political correspondent Darren McCaffrey . 

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It's time for your evening bulletin from the Politics Hub - summing up the main things you need to know today:

  • The foreign secretary , David Lammy, is heading to Israel for talks with the country's prime minister;
  • A source described the meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu as "an attempt to prevent all-out war" in the Middle East , amid fears of an Iranian attack on Israel and talks over a ceasefire in Gaza;
  • Mr Lammy described it as a "crucial moment for global security" .
  • Sticking with foreign policy, and the Ministry of Defence has said it's  happy for Ukraine to be using British weapons inside Russia ;
  • Sky News understands tanks supplied by the UK are also being deployed across the border  during Kyiv's surprise incursion.
  • On the domestic front,  the Tories claim the chancellor will be "fuming"  after new figures showed  Britain's economy grew during the previous quarter ;
  • Rachel Reeves has repeatedly bemoaned the government's economic inheritance from Rishi Sunak's administration, but  GDP is up 0.6% - higher than other major European countries ;
  • And on A-level results day , the education secretary told Sky News it would be  "unpalatable" to raise tuition fees  despite the financial challenges facing Britain's universities.

That's all for now - we'll bring you any further political news and analysis over the next few hours.

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photography field trip ideas



    photography field trip ideas

  2. 20 Nature Field Trip Ideas

    photography field trip ideas

  3. 20 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas (and why you should take them)

    photography field trip ideas

  4. Field Trip Portrait Session

    photography field trip ideas


    photography field trip ideas

  6. Field Trip Ideas From Home

    photography field trip ideas


  1. 55 Simple and Memorable Field Trip Ideas

    You can provide a field trip for them by taking them somewhere unique to take pictures and teaching them about principles of good photography, like lighting, balance, and the rule of thirds!

  2. Field Trip: Tips for Choosing the Photo Workshop That Works ...

    Bob is probably best described as a motivated and passionate photo enthusiast, and his evaluation of the workshop process was as carefully considered as his photography. If a photo workshop is in your thoughts, check this out. You arrive in the dark and wait for the sun if you want dramatic images of Easter Island's iconic statuary—and you ...

  3. 900+ Photo field trip ideas in 2024

    Jul 17, 2024 - Explore Ange Fitzgerald's board "photo field trip", followed by 845 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about photo, field trip, photography.

  4. Photography Day Trip Ideas

    It has been a long 15 months and we are all ready to get on with our lives. What better way than to go out with some friends or your family on a fun day trip while capturing the memories with your camera.

  5. 5 top tips for a nature photography field trip

    Grab your camera and pull on your boots as nature photographer Kirsten Woodforth gives her tips for a great family day out.

  6. 10 Amazing Photography Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Photography tours are an amazing way to learn a new skill while exploring a beautiful destination. Check out the best photography tours worldwide!

  7. 35 Field Trip Ideas

    Educational and affordable field trip ideas for elementary, middle and high school students that will keep them engaged in and outside the classroom.

  8. 25 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas

    Fantastic Field Trip Ideas. Art Museum: Ignite creative expression and cultivate an appreciation for cultures, history, and identity by visiting a local museum. Many offer curriculum tailored to specific age groups, along with knowledgeable guides and engaging activities for your class or group. Aquarium: Dive into the world of ocean life and ...

  9. Wildlife and Nature Photography Tours

    Wildlife and Nature Photography Workshops, Tours and Adventures across Australia and the world, in stunning, natural locations.

  10. 260+ Field Trip Ideas for Grades PreK-12 (In-Person and Virtual)

    Looking for some exciting new field trip ideas? Find them here! Unique ideas for every grade and interest, including virtual options.

  11. Photo Ideas for Field or Camping Trips for Artists on the Go

    To save you from unnecessary stress, here is a list of photo ideas that will help you make the most of your travels. Table of Contents. Wide Shots Featuring Your Surroundings - Landscape Photography. Details - Macro Photography/Diptychs. Posed and Candid Photos - Portrait Photography. Bird's Eye View - Drone Photography.

  12. The Ultimate List of Indiana Field Trips

    A huge thanks to my friend and co-op cohort, Heidi Rider, for contributing her gigantic list of Indiana field trips; she spent hours and hours compiling the trips around our great state. Another thanks to the Interest Led Homeschooling Facebook group as well as the IAHE Facebook group for sharing more great field trip ideas.

  13. In-House Field-Trips

    Nexplore in-house field trips are structured as exciting, in-person 45-60 minute workshops that run back-to-back. Our certified instructors may simply be stationed in one room and work with up to 20 students in rotation. In these highly interactive, standalone experiences, students may "make and take" home a STEM-based project, create ...

  14. Awesome Field Trip Ideas for Students of All Ages

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  15. Pennsylvania Field Trips

    Find the perfect Pennsylvania field trip for school, scout, camp, and homeschool groups or plan a family outing with the Field Trip Directory.

  16. 24 Best Ideas for Field Trips for Schools for All Ages

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  17. 12 Amazing Idaho Field Trips And Attractions For Families

    12 Amazing Field Trips Every Idahoan Took As A Kid (And Should Retake Now) By Jennifer | Published June 16, 2017

  18. 41 Exciting Project-Based Learning Field Trip Ideas

    Discover a world beyond your classroom with 41 vibrant project-based learning field trip ideas. As teachers, we continually seek new ways to engage and inspire our young learners. For this reason, we've curated a list of unique educational destinations- each offering a wealth of hands-on learning experiences for you and your young explorers! From museums …

  19. Pennsylvania Field Trip Guide

    They offer hands-on, unique outdoor education experiences for students—on the water and on land—in some of the region's most inspiring places. Main photo: Benjamin Franklin Museum If you'd like to Get More Field Trip Ideas, be sure to Subscribe to Student Travel Planning Guide and Download our Current Issue for FREE

  20. Our Favorite Second Grade Field Trips (Virtual and In-Person)

    Important learning happens outside the classroom. Check out our list of the best second grade field trips, from the nature center to the hospital.

  21. The Best In-Person and Virtual First Grade Field Trips

    Most people have fond memories of their first grade field trip, and with good reason. First grade field trips are the best—check out our faves.

  22. 40+ Fantastic Field Trips for Kids

    40 Fun and Educational Field Trips. Check out these fantastic field trips ordered by category: Science field trips, History field trips, Art and Music field trips, Field trips for every community, and virtual field trip resources!

  23. 20 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas (and why you should take them)

    20 Fantastic Field Trip Ideas. Class camping trip (with families when younger, with just chaperones with older students.) Bowling. Miniature golf. Pumpkin patch. Tour of a local historic church, synagogue, mosque. Art or History Museum. Performance at a retirement home. Caroling at local businesses.

  24. 55 of the World's Most Beautiful Destinations

    Please fill out this field. Trip Ideas Trip Ideas. Weekend Getaways ... Trip Ideas; The 55 Most Beautiful Places in the World ... Tahreer Photography / Getty Images.

  25. 14 Best Senior Travel Groups

    Joining a tour can make travel easier, safer, more affordable, and fun. The best senior-friendly travel groups offer a range of adventures around the world.

  26. Politics latest: New poll makes grim reading for Farage

    Politics latest: New poll makes grim reading for Farage - as PM tells COBRA meeting to 'maintain high alert' Sir Keir Starmer stressed the need to "maintain high alert" for more disorder as he ...