Casal First Tour – Eventos para Casais Liberais

Casal First Tour – Eventos para Casais Liberais

Monte verde 2018.

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Monte Verde está há 163km de São Paulo.O trajeto de carro dura em torno de 2h30min. Política de Cancelamento

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Entre 60 e 40 dias da viagem – 50% de multa.

Com menos de 40 dias da viagem – 100%  


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09 h as 13 h e das 14 h as 19 h

55 11. 2092.4365

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III Spa Swing nas alturas

Monte verde,   de 26 a 28, fevereiro 2016.

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 Monte Verde é um local que abrange todo o tipo de entretenimento, é conhecido tanto como a "vila dos esportes radicais" à um dos lugares mais charmosos do Brasil e até mesmo é comparado com locais do exterior quando é chamado de "Suíça brasileira". Lá você poderá conhecer o melhor de sua rica gastronomia em um dos 85 restaurantes, se encantar nas trilhas e picos, se apaixonar pela cultura singular e encantadora e tudo isso com a paz e tranquilidade localizada a 1600 metros de altitude !

 A cidade é classificada como Destino Indutor de Minas Gerais e recebeu também o título de "Melhor Destino de Inverno" e " Melhor Destino de Romance " do Brasil.

Um local sedutoramente agradável, relaxante, charmoso e rústico.

Estamos na 3ª edição do evento Spa Swing nas Alturas , porque não repetir o que já é um sucesso?

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• 02 noites com café da manhã na acomodação escolhida;

• 01 coquetel de integração;

• 01 jantar e festa temática.

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Chalé Master

R$  2668 ,41

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R$  2711 ,93

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R$  3532 ,50

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How To Make A Day Trip To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal (Or Vice Versa)

Home » Transportation In Costa Rica » How To Make A Day Trip To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal (Or Vice Versa)

How To Make A Day Trip To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal (Or Vice Versa)

Last updated on July 9th, 2024 at 08:53 am

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Written by Nikki Solano

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Get the Costa Rica info you need by browsing our article's TABLE OF CONTENTS:

Is it worth it to make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal (or vice versa)?

Itinerary #1: spend a few days and nights in la fortuna / arenal and monteverde, itinerary #2: spend a few days and nights in either la fortuna / arenal or monteverde, option #1: reserve an organized, full-day, guided tour to monteverde from la fortuna / arenal, option #2: plan your own full-day tour to monteverde or la fortuna / arenal using the popular van-boat-van service, option #3: plan your own full-day tour to monteverde or la fortuna / arenal using alternative transportation services, map of la fortuna / arenal costa rica, map of monteverde costa rica.

If you’re planning a trip to Costa Rica and you don’t plan on lounging around a beach the whole time, chances are you’ll venture into the northern inland region, where some of the nation’s best nature and adventure tours explore the rainforest, the cloud forest, volcanoes, rivers, and canyons. The anchors of the northern inland region are La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde , two destinations divided by a 3-hour drive. While it’s best to visit both of these diverse areas during your time in the country, if you only plan to park yourself in one, you may be wondering if it’s possible to make a day trip to the other, essentially experiencing both places in one swoop. While our answer to this question is “ Yes, it’s possible to make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or a day trip to La Fortuna / Arenal from Monteverde ” (below, we explain three ways to accomplish this), the more important question to ask is: “Is it worth it to make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or a day trip to La Fortuna / Arenal from Monteverde?”

Let’s cut straight to the point. In our opinion, no, it isn’t worth it to try to cram in a visit to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or a visit to La Fortuna / Arenal from Monteverde over the course of one day . Despite harboring a deep love for each of the two destinations and highly recommending visits to both during your time in Costa Rica, the reality is, day trips between La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde aren’t quick, aren’t cheap, and don’t leave much time to actually enjoy your visit . Day trips made between La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde can also be awfully tiring ; they require a minimum of 6 hours of driving time , a lot of which is conducted over bumpy or curvy roads .

Though we feel that making a day trip between La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde isn’t the best use of vacation time and trip funds , assuming you want to make the trip anyway, our article below explains how.

Our two recommended itinerary plans

Before we outline how to make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or to La Fortuna / Arenal from Monteverde, we’ll briefly cover what we’d prefer to see you do instead.

The number of days and nights you should spend at each destination is up to you, but we’d love to see you commit to traveling to, staying overnight at, and exploring both La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde during your vacation. This itinerary plan involves adding both places to your trip itinerary as separate stops. If the amount of time you have to spend in Costa Rica is limited, go with itinerary option #2.

The number of days and nights you should spend at the destination you choose is up to you, but commit to traveling to, staying overnight at, and exploring either La Fortuna /Arenal or Monteverde during your vacation. This itinerary plan involves adding only one of the two places to your trip itinerary.

Trying to decide between visiting La Fortuna / Arenal or Monteverde? Don’t miss our related blog post: How To Decide Between La Fortuna / Arenal Or Monteverde (Or Why You Should Visit Both)
Want more information about La Fortuna / Arenal? Don’t miss our free La Fortuna City Guide: Must-Know Info About La Fortuna Costa Rica From Longtime Residents
Want more information about Monteverde? Don’t miss our free Monteverde City Guide: Must-Know Info About Monteverde Costa Rica From Seasoned Visitors

Three ways to make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal (or vice versa)

If you absolutely must make a day trip to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or to La Fortuna / Arenal from Monteverde, here’s how to make it happen.

A handful of La Fortuna-based tour operators run organized day tours to Monteverde , meaning you’ll get picked up and dropped off at your La Fortuna / Arenal hotel but you’ll explore Monteverde for a few hours during the day. More specifically, the tours depart from La Fortuna / Arenal early in the morning, include one or two activities in the Monteverde region during the late morning and/or early afternoon, and return to La Fortuna / Arenal in the late afternoon or the early evening on the same day . Here are some pros and cons to consider with this option:

Advantages to reserving an organized, full-day, guided tour to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal

  • This option requires little effort and organization on your part beyond simply choosing and reserving your preferred full-day Monteverde tour.

Disadvantages to reserving an organized, full-day, guided tour to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal

  • Full-day Monteverde tours are typically quite expensive because they need to cover city-to-city transportation expenses in addition to expenses that pertain to tour guides, food, and/or activities.
  • Tour operators usually require a minimum number of tour participants (typically 4 people) to run full-day Monteverde tours in order to cover all of the operating expenses. This minimum participant requirement can be difficult to meet during the low/rain/green season, or by independent travelers or small travel groups.
  • Full-day Monteverde tours have predetermined, set tour durations and travel times . This means you’ll have little say in the tour departure time from La Fortuna / Arenal, the amount of time you’ll get to spend in Monteverde, and the return time to La Fortuna / Arenal.
  • Full-day Monteverde tours include predetermined, set activities . This means you’ll have little control over the type of activities you’ll experience while in Monteverde.

With this option, you can create your own custom full-day tour to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or vice versa by relying on the convenient van-boat-van service that connects the two destinations across Lake Arenal . (See our related blog post Best Ways To Travel To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal (Or Vice Versa) for an explanation of what the van-boat-van service—also called the jeep-boat-jeep service or the  taxi-boat-taxi service—entails.) Since the 3.5-hour van-boat-van service departs from La Fortuna / Arenal and Monteverde twice daily (around 8:30am and 2:30pm from each destination), you can give yourself approximately 2.5 hours of free time in Monteverde by taking the round-trip service in one day. While in Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal, you can choose to experience an activity that interests you among those that can be experienced in the short amount of time you’ll have to explore the area.

Advantages to planning your own full-day tour to Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal using the van-boat-van service

  • Since the van-boat-van service is a relatively affordable mode of transportation, this option is less expensive than Option #1 described above.
  • Since you’re not joining an organized tour, you won’t need to meet a tour operator’s minimum participant requirement . There may still be a minimum participant requirement for the specific activity you choose to experience in La Fortuna / Arenal or Monteverde, though.
  • This option provides moderate freedom ; you’re free to choose the activities you wish to experience while in Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal.

Disadvantages to planning your own full-day tour to Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal using the van-boat-van service

  • Moderate effort and organization is required to reserve the van-boat-van service in two directions, as well as whichever activity you’d like to experience.
  • Since van-boat-van services have set departure times , you have little control over departure and return times.

This option offers the greatest flexibility . It allows you to create your own custom full-day tour to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal or vice versa that utilizes a mix of transportation services that provide you with some control over departure and return times . Possible transportation types include van-boat-van services (see Option #2 above), shared shuttle services, private transfer services, and/or a rental car.

As described with Option #2 above, if you rely on round-trip van-boat-van services to travel between Monteverde and La Fortuna / Arenal, you’ll have little time at your chosen destination to experience its sights. Alternative types of transportation services, however, can provide you with more time to explore . For example, while creating a day trip from La Fortuna / Arenal to Monteverde, if you book a private transfer service—a mode of transportation that allows you to select your own departure time—with a departure time from La Fortuna / Arenal at 7:00am and a departure time from Monteverde at 7:00pm, you’ll have roughly 6 hours to explore Monteverde’s top attractions. Renting a car to drive yourself to Monteverde from La Fortuna / Arenal (or vice versa) is another possibility, and if you head out on the road early in the morning from one destination and late in the evening from the other, this will also help you maximize the day-trip experience. You can also mix and match transportation services; consider using a one-way shared shuttle service in the morning and a one-way private transfer service (scheduled at the departure time of your choosing) back to your home base late in the day.

Advantages to planning your own full-day tour to Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal using alternative transportation services

  • This option offers ultimate flexibility and freedom ; you can choose the transportation services you prefer to use, the activities you wish to participate in, and the duration of the day trip.
  • Since you’re not joining an organized tour, you won’t need to meet a tour operator’s minimum participant requirement. There may still be a minimum participant requirement for the specific activities you choose to experience in La Fortuna / Arenal or Monteverde, though.

Disadvantages to planning your own full-day tour to Monteverde or La Fortuna / Arenal using alternative transportation services

  • Depending on which transportation services are used (especially if private transfer services are considered), this option can be the most expensive .
  • Moderate effort and organization is required to reserve your desired transportation services in two directions, as well as whichever activities you’d like to experience.

Do you have questions about making day trips between La Fortuna and Monteverde, want help deciding whether a day trip is worth it, or need help coordinating a day trip? No problem! When you’re ready, make an appointment here to communicate with me (Nikki) privately and we can discuss these and other topics to get your questions answered fast and your Costa Rica trip poised for success. Pura vida, amigos! 🙂

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How To Make A Day Trip To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal (Or Vice Versa)

Tagged:  arenal , budget travel , costa rica , costa rica travel , costa rica travel tips , costa rica vacation , la fortuna , monteverde , tourism , travel , travel guide , travel tips , vacation

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The comment section of this article has moved! If you have a question or comment about our article above or Costa Rica travel in general, please post it in our Questions and Answers Forum on DIY Costa Rica , our sister website, where you can also access our private Costa Rica recommendations, our Costa Rica Destination Tool, and our Costa Rica Recommendations Map. See you there, amigos! 🙂

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We’re heading to Monte Verde and I’ll be posting a report on my blog.

Hi billjoehunter!

That’s great to hear! We’d love to read it when it becomes available. Will you be staying overnight in Monteverde or will you be visiting the destination as part of a day trip?

Pura vida! 🙂

Day and a half. Then off to some airport (Liberia?) for the flight home.

Hi again billjoehunter!

Sounds good! Let us know how everything goes. 🙂

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Thank you for this. We are planning to come to CR for a week and have 3 days at the beach, 3 days in La Fortuna, and 1 day in San Jose. We were planning to take a day trip to Monteverde, but you may have just saved us what is likely to be a VERY long day with 2 kids and some arguing to boot. Thanks for your honest opinions.

Hello Beki!

No problem at all! Thank you for your interest in our blog and for commenting. Wishing you and your family an absolutely wonderful time here! 🙂

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Travelers to Costa Rica have no idea until they actually experience this. We did a whirlwind tour of CR, which suits our traveling style. We stayed a couple of nights in Tortuguero, a couple in La Fortuna, one night in Monteverde, and a couple of nights in Manuel Antonio. We happen to like road trips, so we enjoyed the long, albeit bumpy roads that gave us a chance to see more of beautiful Costa Rica. As much as we loved all of the places, we fell in love with Monteverde. One 24 hour period was not enough time for us to adequately explore the area, but we are happy we made the trip. For us it worked to take the taxi-boat-taxi to Monteverde and take a 1:00 shuttle the next day to our next location. That gave us time to take a night tour and take another tour the next morning, and also allowed time to try some restaurants and see the famous strangler fig and the town of Santa Elena. I cannot imagine trying to do the trip in one day. I would have felt very disappointed. As it is, 24 hours was not quite enough time to make us truly satisfied, but at least we know where we are going when we return.

Hey c2avilez!

That’s wonderful feedback! Thanks so much for sharing. We also love Monteverde; it’s my second-favorite destination in Costa Rica and Ricky’s all-time favorite. And we agree with your observation and opinion: 24 hours isn’t enough time to explore Monteverde. When you make your return trip, please report back to us again to share what you did in Monteverde the second time around! 🙂

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You saved the day!! Thank you. This is such a helpful response. I will be in CR in February with my husband and 3 kids (8,10,12). I have been to CR in the past and went to coast, Arenal, and Monteverde, but given the logistics, price, and time frame, it makes more sense for us to prioritize which would be the best destination. Since we live in the Hamptons in NY near the ocean, we decided on La Fortunate but was contemplating Monteverde too–whether day trip or 2 days. Your blog about one vs the other was also so helpful. Given my kids’ ages and the need for TLC at the end of the day, we decided to stay in La Fortuna the entire time where we can hike, springs, horseback ride, do zip line and hanging brideges and stay at great place, Leaves and Lizards. I feel so good having read your blog. Thank you!!!

Hey Claire!

Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙂 I’m so glad to know that you’ve found our blog to be helpful. And, for what it’s worth, I think you made the right call regarding La Fortuna vs. Monteverde given your interests and the ages of your children. Wishing you a wonderful return trip! 🙂

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We are in Costa Rica from a Saturday to a Saturday, but we leave to go home at 12:30pm from Liberia so we will not be able to use that day for activities. We are thinking to arrive in La Fortuna around 2pm the first Saturday and stay the night and then Sunday explore the volcano. Then on Monday, were thinking to driving to Monteverde at 6am and explore once we get there around 11am until sunset and stay 1 night. Then on Tuesday morning, get up and explore until 12pm and drive to Tamarindo for the reminder of the trip. Are we crazy to make this our itinerary?

Not at all! Many people fit two or even three destinations into a one-week vacation, and your plan to combine time spent in La Fortuna and Monteverde with time spent at a beach town is a very popular one. More specifically, the La Fortuna -> Monteverde -> Tamarindo itinerary is one of the most common that we see. Have fun! 🙂

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Would you recommend going to Monteverde for just one night? I have planned a one day/night stop there between Arenal and Manuel Antonio. I would leave Arenal early in the morning to have as much time in Monteverde as possible. Thanks for your insight.

It’s tough to specifically recommend going to Monteverde for only one night because there’s enough to do there to warrant spending more time at the destination. That being said, if your time is limited, one night is better than no nights! 🙂 You’ll add about 1.5 hours of drive time if you decide to travel from La Fortuna to Monteverde and then Monteverde to Manuel Antonio (as opposed to from La Fortuna to Manuel Antonio directly), but that’s a small price to pay for getting to experience one of Costa Rica’s most precious gems.

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hey, thanks for your info! do you think its feasible to visit Monteverde and Arenal volcano the same day? if yes, which detailed itinerary or connections would you recommend? same questions if 2 days to do both and be in the late evening in San Jose?

Our article above ( How To Make A Day Trip To Monteverde From La Fortuna / Arenal ) delves into this question! 😉

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Hello, We are meeting up with the group late at night at Arenal and do not have Monteverde in the group itinerary. We are staying in Arenal for 4 nights. We will be traveling from Playa Flamengo and have a “free” day. We were wondering if we can go to Monteverde , do Cloud Forest Hike and then go to Arenal. We will have a 4X4 Rental car. What do you say? How doable is it and is it worth it?

Thanks, Sasha

Yes, you can visit Monteverde on the day that you travel between Playa Flamingo and La Fortuna / Arenal. Driving out of the way to visit Monteverde will add about 3 hours of extra drive time to your day, but the detour is worth it if you want to experience Monteverde’s cloud forest. If you leave Playa Flamingo at 8:00am and plan to arrive at La Fortuna before 6:00pm (when it gets dark), you’ll have about 3-3.5 hours to enjoy Monteverde during the day. (The other approximate 6.5 hours will be spent driving from Playa Flamingo to Monteverde and from Monteverde to La Fortuna / Arenal.)

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Arenal, Monteverde & Manuel Antonio Get Started -->

Experience costa rica’s diverse landscapes, from arenal and monteverde to the beaches of manuel antonio.

Days: 9 | From: $5,990/per person

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Starting in the capital of San Jose, take a night to explore Costa Rica's gateway city. From there, travel to the Arenal volcano region, spend time exploring the lush Monteverde cloud forest, and finish with a visit to a beautiful village overlooking the Central Pacific Coast.

We tailor itineraries to your dates and interests, adjusting hotels, excursions and length as desired.

We consistently receive 5 star reviews from our discerning clients.

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At a glance

  • San Jose 1 night: discover the capital city of San Jose
  • Arenal 2 nights: explore the Arenal volcano region and visit the famous La Fortuna waterfall
  • Monteverde 2 nights: enjoy this beautiful, mountainous cloud forest environment
  • Manuel Antonio 3 nights: visit a beautiful village overlooking the Central Pacific Coast

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Sample itinerary

Welcome to san jose.

Costa Rica - San Jose

Fly into San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica. Your private guide will meet you at the airport and transfer you to your hotel. If you arrive early in the day, enjoy some time to explore the city or visit the Jade Museum or the Gold Museum.

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Accommodations: Grano de Oro

Located on a shady street near Paseo Colon, San Jose’s main thoroughfare, Hotel Grano de Oro provides an elegant oasis in the city center. Converted from a Victorian mansion, this 40-room hotel blends the hospitality of a private home with the amenities of a boutique hotel. Period photographs line the corridors, samples of local art meander throughout the building, and tropical floral arrangements appear at every turn. The hotel boasts an ideal location for exploring San Jose and its museums and day trips to the local rainforest and volcanoes.

Sarchi, Zarcero and the Arenal Volcano

Costa Rica - Arenal Volcano

Set out for the Arenal Volcano region, an area known for its lush scenery and enchanting waterfalls. Along the way, stop to see the handmade crafts of Sarchi and the topiary gardens of Zarcero.

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Accommodations: Amor Arenal , 2 nights

The boutique hotel Amor Arenal is set at the foothills of the Arenal Volcano, by the edge of a virgin forest canyon. From your room, walk right onto the jungle trails or soak in one of the spring fed pools. Enjoy beautiful views of the volcano and the San Carlos Valley as you enjoy organic meals made with local produce.

Arenal Volcano & La Fortuna Waterfall

Costa Rica - La Fortuna Waterfall

Enjoy a morning hike around the base of the volcano, where you can see solidified lava flow and enjoy spectacular views up to the smoldering crater. In the afternoon, visit the Arenal Vida Campesina organic farm to learn about Costa Rica’s primary crops like coffee, bananas, and plantains. Enjoy a lunch prepared with freshly harvested vegetables, then set out to visit the 200 foot tall La Fortuna Waterfall. Descend the short, steep path to the base, and reward your efforts with a swim in the cool, waterfall-fed lagoon.

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Monteverde Cloud Forest

Costa Rica - Monteverde Hanging Bridges

Explore the remarkable Arenal Hanging Bridges, a complex of suspension bridges and trails through the forest canopy. This area is home to a variety of birdlife and other fauna, including toucans, sloths, coatis, and capuchin monkeys. In the afternoon, set out for the Monteverde Cloud Forest, where you’ll be staying in a lovely small hotel with great views of the lush surrounding area.

casal first tour monte verde

Accommodations: Senda Monteverde , 2 nights

The Senda Monteverde Hotel is a proud member of The Cayuga Collection of Sustainable Luxury Hotels, and boasts a stylish, welcoming indoor setting that connects seamlessly with the surrounding forest. It is a great base for cloud forest adventures, completely surrounded by nature and with easy access to all the cloud forest has to offer. Visitors have access to the onsite nature trails and can enjoy complimentary access to the nearby Aguti Wildlife Reserve.

Costa Rica - Hummingbird

Sink into nature as you explore Monteverde, a uniquely beautiful, mountainous cloud forest environment. Start your morning on the Selvatura’s Canopy zipline, one of the longest ziplines of its kind, which whisks you through the virgin cloud forest canopy. For those who prefer to move at their own pace, opt instead for the Skywalk Canopy Tour, exploring a series of suspended bridges that cross through the cloud forest canopy. In the afternoon, enjoy a guided walk through the forest to get a different perspective on life below the canopy.

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The Sparkling Beaches of Manuel Antonio

Manuel Antonio, National Park in Costa Rica - beautiful tropical beach at pacific coast

Set out for glittering Manuel Antonio, a beautiful small town overlooking the Central Pacific Coast. This area is home to a variety of birds and wildlife, and offers sweeping ocean views and lush greenery.

casal first tour monte verde

Accommodations: Arenas del Mar Beachfront & Rainforest Resort , 3 nights

Located on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific Coast, Arenas Del Mar sits on a cliff overlooking two beaches and the spectacular Manuel Antonio National Park. The hotel is composed of 38 rooms and suites, the majority of which have private decks with views. The hotel’s scenic 11-acre property offers two pools, a spa, restaurant, bar, pool bar, and easy access to the beach.

Manuel Antonio National Park

Costa Rica - Manuel Antonio Wildlife

Discover natural beauty at Manuel Antonio National Park, located just south of your hotel. This lovely forest is spread along the Pacific coast and home to a variety of birds, monkeys, and other wildlife, which you will be able to spot as you explore the trails. In the afternoon, relax on one of the beautiful beaches, or set out to stroll along one of the many trails in the area.

casal first tour monte verde

Manuel Antonio

Costa Rica - Manuel Antonio Horse on Beach

Enjoy a relaxing leisure day or try one of the many activities offered in this area, including rafting, snorkeling, sportfishing, hiking, and boat trips, such as out to Damas Island.

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Return to San Jose

Take a quick flight back to San Jose, where you will be transferred to the international airport for your flight home.

More Photos From This Trip

Popular ways to customize this itinerary.

Add 3 nights at one of the remotest and wildest areas in the country: the Osa Peninsula . Located on the Southwest Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, next to Corcovado National Park, the Osa Peninsula is one of the most biologically diverse places in the world. Activities available in the area include hiking, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, and kayaking just to name a few.

Add 3 nights on the Caribbean coast by visiting Tortuguero National Park . Tortuguero is famous for its wildlife, particularly the giant sea turtles that nest on the nearby beaches. The area teems with a wide variety of monkeys, tropical birds, and many other creatures, including the rare and elusive jaguar.

Include some downtime for rest and relaxation! Some free time to unwind or have a massage will allow you to feel refreshed and ready for the remainder of your trip. Many of our properties include excellent spas or wellness centers. We can help arrange these services or include properties that offer health & wellness amenities.

Contact us to learn about more options for designing and customizing your trip.

Reviews From This Trip

Overall trip was amazing. We absolutely loved Costa Rica.
We had an excellent trip to Costa Rica. All of the arrangements went like clockwork.
All guides and drivers were amazingly friendly.

Call us to start planning your journey today:

+1 (510) 548-8487

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Monteverde Tours

Your reliable guide for tours and activities in monteverde, choose a category to find the best monteverde tours, zipline tours.

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Natural History

Horseback riding, hanging bridges, birdwatching, coffee tours, waterfall tours, night tours, e-bike tours, welcome to monteverde tours.

Nestled in the heart of Costa Rica, Monteverde is a haven for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to reconnect with the great outdoors. Our Monteverde Tours offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in the lush, misty landscapes of this renowned cloud forest region.

Why Choose Monteverde Tours?

  • Unparalleled Natural Beauty: Monteverde is breathtaking, from verdant landscapes to stunning wildlife.
  • Expert Guides: Our experienced tour guides are passionate about sharing the secrets of Monteverde with you.
  • Diverse Offerings: Whether you prefer zip-lining, bird-watching, or simply hiking through the forests, we have something for everyone.
  • Sustainable Tourism: We’re committed to responsible tourism, ensuring Monteverde remains pristine for generations.

What Travelers Say About our Monteverde Tours

We had a great time at Sky Trek Monteverde. We had an excellent guide, and we felt very safe. They use thicker cables and automatic brake systems that the other local tour companies don't offer. And all the equipment was well-maintained and in excellent condition.

We had a great time at the Selvatura ziplining tour with 13 Ziplines and a Tarzan Swing. You get a great view of the forest from above. You must walk from each platform to the next, so you need comfortable shoes. You should also bring a rain jacket if it's even close to rain.

If you plan on zip lining in Costa Rica, you should visit Aventura Monteverde! This place was amazing! There are 11 lines/stations, including a repel line, superman lines, a Mega Tarzan swing at the end, and the longest zipline in Latin America, which was 1.5 kilometers!

Explore Our Most Popular Monteverde Tours

Zipline tours:.

Soar through the clouds and experience Monteverde from an exhilarating perspective. Our Zipline Tours take you on an adrenaline-pumping journey across vast canyons, through the dense forest canopy, and over breathtaking landscapes. With state-of-the-art safety equipment and expert guides, you’re in for the ride of a lifetime.

Hanging Bridges Tours:

Wander through the heart of the cloud forest via a series of suspended bridges. These architectural marvels offer a unique vantage point, allowing you to explore the diverse ecosystems of Monteverde from high above the forest floor. Along the way, our guides will share fascinating insights about the flora and fauna you encounter.

Waterfall Tours:

Monteverde boasts some of the most picturesque waterfalls in Costa Rica. Embark on a hike through lush trails, leading you to cascading falls where you can enjoy a refreshing dip or marvel at nature’s sheer power and beauty.

Natural History Tours:

Dive deep into the rich biodiversity of Monteverde with our Natural History Tours. Led by expert naturalists, these tours offer a comprehensive look into the region’s unique ecosystems, geology, and conservation efforts. You’ll leave with a newfound appreciation for the wonders of nature.

Birdwatching Tours:

With over 400 bird species calling Monteverde home, it’s a birder’s paradise. Join our ornithological experts as they help you spot and identify rare and vibrant species, from the elusive Resplendent Quetzal to the vibrant Toucans. Whether you’re an avid birder or a curious novice, this tour is a feast for the eyes.

Night Tours:

As the sun sets, Monteverde comes alive in a whole new way. Armed with flashlights, explore the nocturnal side of the forest, discovering creatures that remain hidden during the day. From bioluminescent fungi to night-crawling insects and tree-dwelling mammals, it’s an enchanting world to be uncovered.

Horseback Riding Tours:

Experience Monteverde’s scenic beauty from the back of a gentle steed. Our Horseback Riding Tours offer a leisurely way to traverse the region’s rolling hills, open meadows, and hidden trails. Suitable for all ages and experience levels, it’s a delightful blend of nature and adventure.

Coffee Tours:

Dive into the rich history and culture of Costa Rican coffee. Visit local plantations, learn about the intricate process from bean to cup, and indulge in some of the freshest coffee you’ll ever taste. Our Coffee Tours are a sensory treat and a journey into Costa Rica’s proud coffee heritage.

E-Bike Tours:

Explore Monteverde at your own pace with our E-Bike Tours. These electric-powered bikes offer a sustainable and fun way to cover more ground, taking you to off-the-beaten-path spots and scenic viewpoints. With customizable routes and varying difficulty levels, it’s an adventure tailored to your preferences.

A person walking across a bridge on the Monteverde Hanging Bridges at Monteverde Tours

Musings of a Rover

A Self-Guided Hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest

On our first day in Monteverde we headed for the cloud forest. Would we see any animals on our own?

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

The Cloud Forest. This was the reason we came to Monteverde. We wanted to see this primary, virginal forest cloaked in clouds. And one of the best places to see it is in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Biological Reserve. The namesake reserve for the whole area. But we decided not to sign up for its pricey, crowded tours. Instead we decided to do our own self-guided hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest.

And we saw plenty without a guide.

casal first tour monte verde

(Now caveat – we did do guided tours for our time in Monteverde, we just didn’t do them at the main Monteverde Reserve. More is coming on our tours with Oscar at the Monteverde Refuge (different form the main Reserve) and Curi Cancha. We personally decided not to do one at the main Monteverde Cloud Forest. So you don’t have to do a tour during your time in the Monteverde area. You can definitely get by on your own.)

For our hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest, we did a loop in the center of the reserve and hit all of the major stops: Sendero Nuboso, La Ventana (and the Continental Divide), the suspension bridge, and the waterfall.

Map for our self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

Sendero Nuboso

We arrived at the Monteverde Cloud Forest around noon. We definitely did not wake up early on our first day. But we also avoided some of the morning rush since several vans were leaving as we were arriving.

Our hike started off on the Sendero Nuboso trail. I’d read this was a pretty popular trail but for about half of it, we didn’t run into a single person. It was also one of the more beautiful sections of the entire hike.

The entire forest around us was literally draped in clouds.

Everywhere you looked it was green…unless it wasn’t. Vibrants flowers sprung from the foliage, their petals literally dripping from the mist that hung around us.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

We even spotted a coati just hanging out on the trail. I rounded a corner and BAM there he was. My feet ground to a halt as I quickly rose my camera to catch a few shots of him before he disappeared into the greenery on the side of the trail. And he did disappear. I quickly ran over to the spot but it was so dense with leaves and plants, I couldn’t see anything.

Unfortunately, our good experience on the trail quickly came to an end. About halfway along the Sendero Nuboso, a group caught up with us. There were about 5 of them and we could hear them a good 100 meters away. They were so incredibly loud. The forest instantly quieted as they approached.

And for the next hour we couldn’t shake them. If we slowed down, they slowed down. If we sped up, they walked faster. They were always within earshot. Which meant they were also within earshot of the animals around us.

Their presence ruined the next part of our trip, but I tried my best to ignore them.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

La Ventana and the Continental Divide

Sendero Nuboso ends at the small trail Sendero La Ventana which connects to this viewpoint. On a clear day you can see far to the east and west (even to the Nicoya Peninsula).

But not for us. The tops of the mountains were covered in clouds. The winds were rising, fast, up the eastern side and then descending down to the west. Everything was shrouded in mist and cloud. My hair quickly plastered itself to my face.

And though we couldn’t see anything, it did feel very surreal. Standing there in the middle of a cloud. On the top of the continental divide.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

Suspension Bridge

After we left the viewpoint, we turned for the bridge. The Sendero Camino trail was boring and very wide (almost like a road), but was mostly flat. When we turned for Sendero Roble though things quickly changed.

The first part of this trail is just steps. I felt like every turn we made just led to more steps leading up. This was one tiring climb. I literally felt like I was on the stair-master at the gym. But I powered through and passed the noisy group. I wanted to make sure we hit the bridge first.

And we did!

Coming down off a small rise, I saw the red through the mist in the trees and squealed. We weren’t planning on going to any other park that had the bridges, so this one would be our only one.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

The bridge spans a valley and it was quite high. Smaller trees lingered below us while larger ones, closer to the either end, reached up past the bridge. And then all around us were the canopies of others.

If you want to see the tops of the trees and be in the canopy itself, this is the place to do it.

We spent a lot of time on the bridge spotting birds and just enjoying the gentle sway in the breeze. The mist here was still thick, but every once in awhile, the clouds would part for a moment and sunlight would pierce through to us.

The fact that I have no pictures of said sunlight shows how fleeting these moments were.

Another great part about the bridge? Because we spent so much time there, we finally lost the obnoxious group.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

The Waterfall

After leaving the bridge, we headed towards the waterfall. This isn’t on the map online , but the printed map we received at the entrance had the waterfall marked.

We went on Sendero Wilford Guindon and it was here we quickly realized how lucky we were to lose the loud group. On a quick stop to rest our feet, a family of large brown birds crossed the path not 20 feet in front of us and lazily took their time wandering by.

As we turned on Sendero Tosi, the weather around us began to change. The temperature warmed and the mist disappeared. Sunlight streamed down through the canopy above us. The difference between this side of the park and the Sendero Nuboso was incredible.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

The waterfall in Monteverde Cloud Forest is pretty but also small. If you don’t have the time to hike out this way, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

But the great part of this hike was that it was mostly deserted at this time of day. And we spotted several birds in the trees around us.

On our way back to the entrance, we also spotted an agouti on the way and a birdwatching tour let us peek in their scope to see a female quetzal.

By the time we made it back to the entrance, it was a little after 3pm. And though we didn’t go on a guided tour, we both felt like our self-guided hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest was perfect.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

Tips for Visiting the Monteverde Cloud Forest

How to avoid the crowds.

This can be hard. Very hard. The Monteverde Cloud Forest is awesome, so a lot of people want to come and see it. It’s obviously more crowded in the dry season than the rainy season (and even more so during holidays like New Years). We visited in late March and it wasn’t too bad. Yes there were people (including that loud, obnoxious group), but we maybe only saw 10 other groups total.

Some people would also recommend coming in the morning to avoid the larger tour groups, but we visited in the late afternoon and didn’t come across any large bus-loads of people.

You could also hike some of the other trails that are less frequented. There are less people on these (Sendero Pantanoso & the northern parts of Sendero Chomogo and Sendero El Rio). But the map we received at the entrance didn’t have these trails on it, so we weren’t sure if they were closed or not. If you want to hike these, make sure to inquire about them when you buy your tickets.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

How to See Wildlife

Okay for starters, see the above. Avoiding other groups and being quiet is going to be your number one friend in this regard.

If the Monteverde Cloud Forest is also going to be your only hike in the area, I would consider then hiring a guide if you absolutely want to see wildlife. Like I mentioned above, we didn’t and we still saw plenty. But that’s not always a guarantee (hell, it isn’t a guarantee even with a guide). So if this is make or break for you, consider their tours.

You can find information on their tours here . They offer birdwatching tours, natural history walks, and night tours.

casal first tour monte verde

Be Prepared for the Weather

So it’s a cloud forest. And you need to be prepared for walking around in a cloud. It’s a little drier from December to April, but there’s a good chance you’ll still get wet. We did on the first half of our hike. It’s also slightly cooler here (even during the day). I wore long pants and a long sleeve shirt ( plus my rain jacket ).

I would recommend a pair of hiking boots  or a pair of sneakers that can get dirty and muddy. Because they will.

You may also want a rain jacket . Mine was helpful not only here, but also as an extra layer in town at night since it was much cooler in Santa Elena than I thought it would be.

Lastly, if you have some nice photography equipment, consider a bag with it’s own rain cover. My PacSafe bag has one built in. This allowed me to easily snap it on when the mist got a bit too much.

Self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest

Nitty Gritty

Price. Basically you’ll pay about $20 per person. There are discounts for students, children, and if you are a Costa Rican resident. But everyone else pays $20. Details on the fees here.

Map of Trails. There are 13km of trails you can explore (and so much more of the park is off limits to visitors). The map we received at the entrance is slightly different than the one in the post above, but it should give you an idea of the trails. (Unfortunately I cannot find the map above on their site anymore, or else I’d link to it.)

Hours. The Monteverde Cloud Forest is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Location.  If you have your own car, you can easily google map your way there. Note that at least half the road between Santa Elena and the Reserve is unpaved. And it’s really, really rough gravel/dirt.

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2 thoughts on “ a self-guided hike in the monteverde cloud forest ”.

The what to pack tips are super helpful – thanks!

very helpful, thank you!Sa

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Pasión Costa Rica

Genuine experiences, from nature to culture

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Welcome to Monteverde

One of the most biodiverse places on the planet and named by National Geographic as the crown jewel of cloud forest reserves. Let us take you on a tour!

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Pasión Costa Rica is an operator of naturalist guided tours based in Monteverde, Costa Rica. We specialize in private tours which are great for birders, families with kids, or anyone who wants to make the most of their time in Monteverde. Founded in 2012, Pasión Costa Rica provides experienced naturalist guides to help you enjoy Costa Rica’s natural history, cloud forest, and culture . A seasoned guide can turn a good tour into an exceptional one. 

Total Clients

Tours conducted, year founded, personalized experience.

The name of our company carries the word Pasión for a very important reason: it is our driving force in each of our actions, allowing us to provide a personalized experience for each of our clients. We love Monteverde and we are excited to show you why. Let’s take a tour!

We specialize in private tours which are great for birders, families with kids, or anyone who wants to make the most of their time in Monteverde. Founded in 2012, Pasión Costa Rica provides experienced naturalist guides to help you enjoy Costa Rica’s natural history, cloud forest, and culture . A seasoned guide can turn a good tour into an exceptional one. Pasión Costa Rica is an operator of naturalist guided tours based in Monteverde, Costa Rica.

Close your eyes and listen to a night you could live

by Pasión Costa Rica

Ready for discovery?

Trails, bridges, parks, tours... it's nice to have someone you can trust to help you pick the best fit for you., no better way to appreciate nature than to be immersed in it., we believe the forest is the best and most fun classroom., bird calls and bird songs and bird lists, oh my, we'd love to be your host.

casal first tour monte verde

Marcos Méndez has an encyclopedic knowledge of Costa Rica’s flora and fauna , and leads engaging tours around the area, specializing in smaller groups and customized tours. He’s been a guide for more than 20 years , and you might say, the   pasión   shines through. Tour times are flexible and include transportation.

Lonely Planet Review

casal first tour monte verde

What are our clients saying about us?

casal first tour monte verde

I went on a private tour for several hours. It was one of the highlights of my time in Costa Rica! The guide, Vicelino, was extremely knowledgeable and always made sure to customize the walk to my wishes . We spotted beautiful birds including three Quetzals. The green parrot snake was also a highlight. And with Vicelinos help I was able to capture all the animals in gorgeous pictures .


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Two Weeks in Costa Rica

Travel and Moving Blog

A Night Walk in Monteverde: Sleeping Toucans, Sloths & Snakes

  • Jenn and Matt

Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Exploring Monteverde’s cloud forest by day will let you enjoy views of mossy trees, twisted roots, and misty horizons. Wildlife, however, can be hard to find in these dense woodlands. While it may seem counterintuitive, cloud-forest creatures can be much easier to spot at night. In this post, we’ll share our experience on a Monteverde night walk.

Night Walk Monteverde

Monteverde is an iconic destination in Costa Rica. The quaint mountain town sits at about 4,200 feet (1,300 meters) in elevation, right along the Continental Divide. This means that the mountains sweep down toward the Pacific Ocean in one direction and the Caribbean Sea in the other. From some spots in town, you can see the Pacific on a clear day.

At this Divide, wind and wet weather converge to create a lush, green, and cloudy environment. These elements make for the perfect hiding place for many species of birds, insects, reptiles, and mammals.

Our Night Walk Experience

Our night walk started at the Monteverde Wildlife Refuge where we met our guide, Esteban. It was about 6 p.m. and darkness was falling quickly over the forest.

Scope Night Tour

In Costa Rica, the sun sets on a regular schedule because of its proximity to the equator. So, by 6 p.m., it is almost always dark, year-round.

Starting the Tour

After some introductions, we quickly got started on the tour. It was just our family, which was nice since we had our two young boys with us (ages 3 and 6 at the time).

With a sprinkle of rain hitting our heads, we set off with flashlights in hand. Esteban, our certified naturalist guide, explained that it was important for us to stay on the trail and let him lead the way. There were things in the forest that could potentially be dangerous.

A Short History Lesson

Walking up a small hill, Esteban told us about the land that made up the Monteverde Wildlife Refuge.

The property began as a large dairy farm. Over time, the owners began to see the environmental significance of their land. They also realized that tourism could eventually replace the farm’s earnings.

People from around the globe were showing up in Monteverde to view the beautiful landscapes and many birds and animals. The family transitioned from farming to conservation, and the forest quickly returned.

As we walked the uneven path, it was hard to believe that fields and barns once made up the land. Our flashlights beamed up at giant trees and through broad-leafed shrubs and wispy vines.

Night Walk Monteverde Wildlife Refuge

First Wildlife Encounters

It wasn’t long before Esteban had found something for us to take a closer look at. It was a golden-orb spider perched in its web. The silk from this spider, he told us, was one of the strongest materials in the world. It is even used to make bullet-proof clothing.

As we looked at the large black and gold spider with our flashlights, we heard some excitement on the trail nearby. Esteban listened for a moment and then told us that another group had seen a snake.

Weaving our way along the trail behind him, we came to another guide and small group. The two guides made an exchange in Spanish along with some pointing.

Esteban set up his scope after the group left. Taking a closer look, he told us that it was indeed a snake—the same one he had seen for the past few days in this very spot. He thought it may have eaten a large meal and was now digesting it while staying on the same branch.

The snake was about 30 feet (9 meters) away, but through Esteban’s scope we could see it in close detail. It was a side-striped palm-pit viper.

The snake was dark green with a light yellow belly. Its head was triangular, telling us it was likely venomous. Esteban confirmed that it was a dangerous snake and told us it was one of the most common in the cloud forest. This one was about 2-feet (0.6 meters) long.

Snake Night Tour Monteverde

After the snake sighting, everyone stayed especially close to Esteban as we continued down the trail. Now the rain had returned, but we kept mostly dry under umbrellas and raincoats.

Interesting Insects

As we walked, we saw many interesting insects along the way. One was a katydid, a sort of grasshopper that looks exactly like a leaf. Esteban quizzed our oldest son (age 6) about why it would look like that. They then had a discussion all about camouflage and predators.

Katydid Monteverde

There were also a lot of stick bugs of various shapes and sizes. Talk about camouflage, these awkward bugs blended in so well that, even when they were close by, they looked just like dead sticks.

Stick Bug Cloud Forest

Esteban did an excellent job explaining that most creatures living in the cloud forest try to blend in as best they can. If they are left exposed, they may get snatched up by a predator. That is why they are especially hard to see during the day. At night, they move around much more, using the darkness for additional protection.

The River Trail

Esteban could see that our family was getting a bit wet and tired. In fact, our three-year old was strapped onto Jenn’s back fast asleep in the carrier. At the next trail intersection, he asked if we wanted to go back or do a short loop down to the river.

We appreciated his flexibility but those of us who were still awake were ready to see more. Esteban reassured us that usually some cool stuff was found down by the river.

At the bottom of some steps, we were rewarded.

Esteban shined his light into the trees where a beautiful Keel-billed Toucan was perched. We had woken him from his slumber, but he sat still, allowing us to get the scope set up. Drops of rain dripped from the toucan’s large colorful beak as we watched through the special lens.

Keel-billed Toucan Monteverde

We continued forward, letting the bird doze back to sleep.

Farther up the trail we saw another side-striped palm-pit viper snake. This one was a baby, only about 8 inches (20 cm) long. It was curled up on some barbed-wire fence.

And close to the water, Esteban was able to focus his scope on some frog eggs. He explained that the eggs were safer up in a tree, hidden under the leaves. When they hatched into tadpoles, they would drop down into the water and then develop into baby frogs.

Frog eggs Monteverde

One Last Critter

Our final highlight was on the walk back to the reception area. The group ahead of us had stopped and were shining their lights into the branches above. To be honest, they were being very loud and obnoxious. Soon we learned why. There, creeping along through the canopy, was a two-toed sloth.

We have seen sloths all over Costa Rica and at the Sloth Sanctuary in Monteverde. But this was the first time we had seen one in the wild, in Monteverde. With the rain, we weren’t able to snap a good picture, but it was still really fun to see.

Seeing a sloth Monteverde night tour

Concluding Our Tour

Back at the reception area and out of the rain, we said goodbye to Esteban and thanked him for a great experience. Taking a night walk tour in Costa Rica’s cloud forest was an adventure, maybe a little wet, but totally worth it.

Booking a Night Tour in Monteverde

If you would like to book your own night tour adventure, we can help. Just use the link below and we will contact the guide and his team to secure your reservation. Booking through us costs the same and helps support our website. You won’t pay until your reservation is confirmed. Learn more about our booking process here .

Keel-billed toucan night tour Monteverde

Night Walk (Private Tour) – From Monteverde

Note: The guide we use now takes people to a different reserve right next to the Monteverde Wildlife Refuge. This reserve (Santamaria Reserve) is a little less busy and has a lower admission price. The experience and trail conditions are very similar, though.

Tour Details

The night walk tour is about 2 hours and includes a bilingual naturalist guide and flashlight. Transportation is available for an additional charge.

Cost of Guided Private Tour

$50 per person adults and children ages 4 and up + admission ($7 per person)

Self-guided night tours are not allowed for safety.

Tour Start Time & Duration

Night walks start around 6:00 p.m., just after sunset. The tour lasts about 2 hours.

Have a question about the night walk in Monteverde? Have you been? What did you see? Leave us a comment below.

Looking for more information to help you plan check out these posts:.

Selvatura Park: Cloud Forest Hanging Bridges Walk – If you are looking to check hanging bridges off your list, this is one of our favorite places.

Monteverde Hummingbird Gallery – Stay alert as hummingbirds are darting all around you. This quick stop is the perfect add-on to a hike or adventure activity in the cloud forest.

Curi-Cancha Reserve: Avoiding the Crowds in Monteverde – With a limit to the amount of visitors let in at any one time, the Curi-Cancha Reserve can be a lot less crowded. It’s also a great place for birders.

How to plan the ultimate family trip to Monteverde, Costa Rica

Megadiverse Costa Rica has long impressed adventure travellers with its lush rainforests and outstanding wildlife, but the country's Monteverde region is increasingly becoming a top destination for families, too.

Volcan Arenal dominates the landscape during sunset, as seen from the Monteverde area, Costa Rica.

Think of Costa Rica and the images that first come to mind are of untouched rainforests teeming with wildlife and dotted with waterfalls cascading into clear blue pools. It’s the first tropical country on the planet that has actively reversed deforestation and now protects a quarter of its territory — one of the largest proportions in the world. Hidden away in the Tilarán Range in the country’s northwestern interior, misty Monteverde is a canton with serious environmental credentials. Nearly half of Costa Rica’s biodiversity is found within its surrounding virgin cloud forest, which is protected by several reserves.

Monteverde’s main attraction is its wildlife, ranging from the red-eyed tree frog to the country’s huge variety of colourful birds. Travellers of all ages will be equally awed by treetop bridges and nighttime walks, which make for a magical introduction to the region’s unique ecosystem, the cloud forest. Here’s how to plan an adventure-fuelled family trip.

A red-eyed tree frog on an orange leaf in the cloud forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica.

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is the nature reserve that put the area on the map. Arrange your ticket in advance — as only 250 visitors per day can explore the reserve’s paths, which weave between evergreen trees slung with bromeliads and strangler figs. The trails are quieter, however, at the Santa Elena Cloud Forest Reserve further north. Keep your eyes peeled for white-faced capuchin monkeys perched up in the canopy and groups of coatis (raccoon-like animals also known as coatimundis) trundling along the paths. What's more, on clear days, you can spot the huge conical Arenal Volcano looming in the distance.

Next, experience the rainforest from a perspective normally reserved for birds and monkeys at the 850-acre Selvatura Adventure Park . Eight hanging bridges are suspended within the forest’s mist-veiled canopy and form part of a 1.9-mile trail that is suitable for all ages. Families can join a guided tour of the forest for the chance to learn more about it from a biological and ornithological perspective. Dusk falls early, so even the youngest travellers will be awake for a guided night walk through the Children's Eternal Rainforest reserve. The family-friendly trails turn into a buzzing metropolis of creatures you’re unlikely to see in the day — if you’re lucky, you might spot golden-orb spiders, pit vipers and even slumbering toucans.

The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve offers visitors 15sq-miles of cloud forest to explore.

Where to eat

For a relaxed brunch, stop for a coffee, freshly made pancakes or a typical Central American dish of huevos rancheros (eggs with chillies, tomatoes and peppers in burritos) at the excellent Stella’s Cafe , a low-key cafe surrounded by greenery and darting hummingbirds. If you need a sweet treat after an active day, book a tour at Don Juan , a nearby coffee and chocolate farm. You’ll learn about the coffee and cocoa bean growing and harvesting processes, before watching the real magic happen as cacao is turned into chocolate. A tasting is included, of course. A late lunch or early dinner is best enjoyed on the terrace of the hillside Restaurante El Sapo , where the choice ranges from salads to pastas, all featuring locally sourced ingredients. Its ‘Mini Explorers Menu’ is designed for smaller appetites and is a hit with youngsters — crowd-pleasing options include burgers and mac and cheese.

What to see

More than 400 species of birds inhabit the Monteverde region, but its most prized resident can be elusive. Rise early for a dawn walk with a naturalist guide in the Curi-Cancha Reserve to search for the resplendent quetzal. With an iridescent plumage of shimmering green and red, half-metre-long tails and a feathery mohawk, the quetzal's are simple to identify, but surprisingly challenging to find. Fortunately, Monteverde ranks as one of the easiest places to spot these remarkable birds. If you visit during mating season (February through July), you can increase your chances of seeing them.

Smaller critters are well-represented in Monteverde, too. On the edge of the area’s main town, Santa Elena, the Monteverde Butterfly Gardens are best visited on a sunny day — encounter a riot of colour as the huge iridescent blue morpho butterfly and 29 other species flit and flutter around the enclosures. Next, spend an hour or two in the Ranario Monteverde Frog Pond , with its glass terrariums housing numerous frog species, including the poison dart and the boldly colourful red-eyed tree frog. A little further south, the Bat Jungle is similarly enthralling. Bats comprise over half of the region’s mammal species — catch them feeding and even listen in on their conversations using the sanctuary’s ultrasonic microphone.

A white-nosed coati walking through the grass at Koora Hotel in Monteverde, Costa Rica.

Where to stay

Nothing beats waking up to a spectacular dawn chorus, which can be heard at the boutique Koora Hotel . This 24-bedroom hotel has suites with plunge pools, bungalows and spacious family rooms nestled into the cloud forest. Enjoy hot chocolate and marshmallows by the fire, relax with a board game or watch the wildlife — such as monkeys, coatis and birds — that regularly visit. The hotel also offers a family-friendly tour planning service to take the hassle out of plotting your adventures in Monteverde. The adjoining Aguti Wildlife Reserve has 2.5 miles of private hiking trails and is home to grand old trees and a host of interesting characters — including its namesake rodent and cousin of the guinea pig, the agouti. Head into the quiet reserve on a self-guided tour or enlist the expertise of a tour guide to learn more about the flora and fauna.

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Logo Santamarias Night Tour

Santamarias Night Walk Tour

Monteverde, CR

We are located just at 5 minutes from Santa Elena Town

+506 6176 3151 Whatsapp its also welcome!

Reserve with us!

Ready for the tour? Lets book it!

Our experience guides will take you to our property which combines a beautiful forest, with a sustainable coffee, banana and sugar cain area. An interest combination of the past work of Monteverde with the new conservation efforts present on the community.

Mammals, Birds, Snakes, Insects and the change of day and night.

All our guides are locals of Monteverde and surrounding areas.

Our family has owned the property since 1948 and started on forest and environment protection since 2005.



Costa Rica Travel Life

Home » Destinations » Inland Costa Rica » Monteverde » 3 Best Coffee Tours in Monteverde + Our TOP Choice!

3 Best Coffee Tours in Monteverde + Our TOP Choice!

By Author Costa Rica Travel Life

Posted on Last updated: July 16, 2024

3 Best Coffee Tours in Monteverde + Our TOP Choice!

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The main attraction in Costa Rica’s beautiful Monteverde region is the famous cloud forest , but a coffee tour is also a must while you’re here! One of the things Costa Rica is famous for is its coffee and Monteverde is actually one of the best places to do a coffee tour . There are some fantastic tours here where coffee is the star of the show, as we’ve discovered on our many visits to this stunning region. 

We love a cup of coffee to start a busy day of exploring Costa Rica – whether we’re grabbing it at a local shop or in our hotel room before heading out. But I think there’s something really cool about going to a coffee farm to see how this delicious drink gets its start.

Another huge bonus about coffee tours (if you have a sweet tooth like me!) is that they also often teach you about chocolate. Now, we know that not everyone likes coffee, but I haven’t met someone who doesn’t love chocolate!

A coffee tour is such a fun way to learn more about the Monteverde region. So whether you love coffee or could live without it (something that I personally couldn’t imagine), keep on reading to discover our top 3 picks for coffee tours in Monteverde.

About Coffee in Monteverde 

Bailey grinds Cacao Beans on a chocolate tour in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is among the top 20 largest coffee producers in the world, despite the fact that it only makes around 1% of the world’s coffee beans. Still, Costa Rican coffee is held in very high regard thanks to its incredible flavor. Plus, the country’s diverse landscape produces several different types of beans. 

Coffee has been grown in Costa Rica since the early 1800s, but plantations only began popping up in the Monteverde region in the early 1930s. Families from Costa Rica’s central valley moved out here and introduced coffee farming to a totally different part of the country! 

Monteverde is one of the lushest regions of Costa Rica, which is really saying something. One thing that makes Monteverde stand out is how many different flavors it’s able to produce. Some of the most notable ones are fruit, chocolate, citrus, and cedar, whereas many other areas are known for just one or two of these. 

There are lots of small farms in the area, many of whom work together to ship exceptional coffee all over the world! Monteverde has a pretty small population, so coffee is a big part of the local economy here. 

Related Read: While you’re filling up your trip agenda, check out our ideas on how to spend a week in Costa Rica and the absolute best tours !

Best Coffee Tours in Monteverde

1. coffee, chocolate, and sugar cane tour (best overall).

Grinding Cacao Beans on the Don Juan Coffee Tour Monteverde

This coffee tour  is our favorite overall! It’s a guided tour of the Don Juan coffee plantation, and it’s super fun and engaging. We had an amazing time when we did this – in fact, we think it’s one of the best coffee tours in the whole of Costa Rica .

As you explore the lush fields of the farm, you’ll learn so much about how coffee, cacao beans, and sugar cane are grown, and then transformed into the products we know and love. The tour is very interactive and you’ll help your guide press sugar cane juice, and of course, get to taste plenty of coffee. There’s also a chocolate workshop where you’ll make your own, and then get to eat it for a true bean-to-bar experience.

This tour was so interesting, our guide had us captivated the entire time. It’s also a perfect tour for families because it’s so interactive and walking around the farm isn’t physically strenuous at all. Plus, all the paths are paved, so they can easily accommodate a stroller or wheelchair. Basically, it’s a great tour for travelers of all ages. 

The tour costs $52 USD for adults and $16 USD for kids, although this doesn’t include transport to and from the Don Juan plantation . It’s really easy to reach from Santa Elena though, which is where most people stay in Monteverde. It’s 10 minutes in a taxi or you can drive yourself if you’ve got a rental car . 

The tour lasts for 2 hours and you can  reserve it online here  for 8 am, 10 am, 1 pm, or 3 pm. It’s available every day of the week, so it’s easy to fit into your trip, and it really does deliver an exceptional experience. 

2. Coffee and Chocolate Walking and Sightseeing Tour

Coffee beans on the plant in Costa Rica

If you’re looking for a coffee tour that includes transport,  this half-day tour  is the perfect choice. You’ll be picked up at 8 am, so you can enjoy walking around the farm before it gets too hot, and then have the rest of the day free to relax or tick off another must-do Monteverde activity . 

You’ll visit a plantation near the Monteverde Cloud Forest and learn all about how coffee and chocolate are grown and produced in this lush tropical environment. Your guide will also teach you more about the parts that these products play in Costa Rica’s economy and society. Then, after you’ve finished exploring, you’ll enjoy a coffee and chocolate tasting with views over the Gulf of Nicoya. 

The tour costs $81 USD per person and you need to book for at least two people at a time. It lasts for 4 hours, so you’ll be back at around midday to grab lunch at one of the best restaurants in Monteverde . We really like the fact that this tour includes hotel pickup and drop-off so you don’t need to worry about it on the day.

So for a hassle-free way to enjoy amazing coffee and chocolate, book your tour now !

Related Read: Another must is exploring Monteverde’s hanging bridges ! These epic bridges suspended over the jungle get you closer to Costa Rica’s wildlife since you’re eye to eye with all the birds !

3. Monteverde Cloud Forest and Coffee Tour Shore Excursion

Coffee beans dry in Costa Rica

If you’re staying in the coastal city of Puntarenas or stopping here on a cruise, you can explore Monteverde’s famous cloud forest AND visit a coffee farm on  this full-day tour that leaves from the port!

You’ll be picked up from the port or your hotel in Puntarenas around 8 am and driven to Monteverde, which is about 1.5 hours inland. There, you’ll head into the stunning Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve , which you’ll explore by hiking across suspended bridges. From here, you get amazing views of the forest and you’ll see so much tropical wildlife. 

It’s great going with a guide because they will teach you about this amazing forest and help you spot wildlife, including quetzals and poison dart frogs! The Cloud Forest is also home to monkeys, ocelots, jaguars, and 14 different species of hummingbirds, so you’re bound to see some cool creatures along the way. Our guide was awesome at pointing out animals I totally would have walked right by!

After exploring Monteverde Cloud Forest, you’ll have a traditional Costa Rican meal for lunch, which is usually a  casado  consisting of meat, rice, and beans. 

Then, you’ll head to a coffee plantation to see a totally different side of the Monteverde region. You’ll get to learn about the bean-to-cup process and of course sample some of the plantation’s top blends. Then, you’ll head back to Puntarenas where you’ll be dropped back at the port at 3 pm. 

It costs $174 USD which we think is a good deal since it includes transport, lunch, and guided tours of the Cloud Forest and a coffee plantation. It’s perfect if you’re not staying in Monteverde but still want to see the area and do a coffee tour! 

We think that this tour is a fantastic way to get a snapshot of Monteverde in just one day, not to mention enjoy a quintessential Costa Rica coffee farm experience, so reserve a spot online here if this sounds like the experience for you!

Why We Book Tours with Viator

Viator is a trusted online booking system for tours around the world! We almost always book our tours using Viator for a couple of reasons:

  • Free cancellation on most tours – Most of the tours on Viator allow you to cancel and get a full refund up to 24 hours in advance. This is handy in case plans change, or if booking an outdoor activity, the weather forecast is looking grim.
  • Reserve now and pay later – You can secure your spot on some of the most popular tours well in advance and not pay until closer to the day of the tour.
  • Lowest price guarantee – If you happen to find the same tour at a lower price elsewhere, Viator will refund you the price difference.
  • Pay in your chosen currency – Avoid costly international transaction fees by choosing to pay in your home currency.
  • Peace of mind – When booking with tour operators you find in person on the street or in small booking offices, you are often promised one thing and given another. This online platform holds tour operators accountable with a written description of inclusions as well as the opportunity for customers to leave reviews.

Check out the Viator website here ! Or, for more info, read our detailed review about Viator here .

Are Coffee Tours in Monteverde worth it? 

A guide shows us small coffee sprouts in Costa Rica during a guided tour in Monteverde

Yes! We had an incredible time on  the tour that we did , and overall we think that Monteverde is one of the best places to do a coffee tour in Costa Rica. 

The other is La Fortuna , where there are also lots of great choices. One that really stands out, though, is  the Don Olivo chocolate tour . On this tour, you get to explore a farm that has been producing chocolate for almost a century, as well as tropical fruit, rum, sugar cane, and spices.

It’s a family-run plantation, so it’s a great place to support, and the guides are so passionate and funny. You get to sample so much fruit, coffee, and of course chocolate along the way that you’ll feel a bit like a kid in a candy store – only better! Plus, it’s a steal at only $25 USD per person when you book online . 

Other Things to do While You’re in Monteverde

casal first tour monte verde

While enjoying some of the best coffee in the country is definitely a must-do, don’t forget to explore the rest of this area. There are so many fun activities in Monteverde , that you could spend your entire vacation here! These are just a few of our favorites:

  • Night walk – There are some animals you can only see at night! Guided Night Walks in Monteverde are a great way to (safely!) explore the jungle after dark. This night tour is a small group of up to 8 and you’ll have a naturalist guide to help you spot all the nocturnal creatures. It’s also super affordable at only $33 USD including round-trip transport.
  • Go ziplining – Ziplining is easily a top adventure activity in Monteverde. This ziplining tour has it all ! It’s three hours of fun including the Superman zipline, which is the longest and highest  zipline in Costa Rica  and all of Latin America! 
  • Selvatura Park  – Selvatura Park is a nature and adventure park located inside 850 acres of protected rainforest. This park has a network of  hanging bridges  above the tree canopy that give you incredible aerial views of the rainforest. Get the chance to explore all the bridges, go ziplining across 15 different lines, and try out the thrilling Tarzan swing on  this Selvatura Park Combo Tour !
  • Go bungy jumping  – Bungy jumping is one of the fun Monteverde attractions you have to try … if you’re brave enough!  The Extreme Bungee Jumping in Monteverde Tour  has a daring jump from over 460 feet (140 meters). That’s the highest in Costa Rica and all of Central America! 
  • Horseback riding  – This is a great way to give your feet a break and explore the Monteverde Cloud Forest!  This Monteverde Cloud Forest horseback riding tour  lets you cover a lot of ground as you trek through farmland and the surrounding landscape in Monteverde. Keep an eye out for toucans, parrots, monkeys, and other critters as you experience the rural side of Costa Rica, far from any crowds or traffic. 

Where to Stay in Monteverde, Costa Rica

The hot tub at Chira Glamping in Monteverde, Costa Rica

Monteverde may be a small tourist town but there are a surprisingly large amount of great hotels in all budget ranges. To help you pick a favorite, here are our top recommendations:

Selina Monteverde – $

If you’re a budget traveler or backpacker, there are lots of nice hostels in Monteverde. If you like modern features and outstanding facilities,  Selina Monteverde  is the best option. The hostel is beautiful, has great reviews, and lots of activities including yoga.

The only downside is Selina is a high-end backpacker hostel. Prices begin at $97 USD for a one-night stay. You can book Selina  on or  here on Hostelworld .

Camino Verde B&B Monteverde – $$

For those well past their backpacking days who can spend a little more, I love  Camino Verde B&B Monteverde Costa Rica . This boutique hotel has beautiful rooms, a deck with magnificent views, and includes breakfast. It’s a comfortable hotel that comes at a great price.

Rates begin at $176 USD/night. You can check availability and book a room online here .

Chira Glamping Monteverde – $$$

If you’re a luxury traveler I highly suggest choosing what we call a “destination hotel”. These hotels are an attraction in themselves because of the unique experience they offer. In Monteverde one of the best is  Chira Glamping Monteverde which offers luxury camping with the option to have your own private hottub surrounded by nature.

The view from the property is incredible! Rates begin at $375 USD/night. You can check availability and book online with .

Getting Around Costa Rica

Bailey with our rental car near Rio Celeste Costa Rica

How you choose to get around Costa Rica is one of the biggest decisions you’ll make when planning your holiday here! How you do it depends on your budget, travel style, and comfort level. 

Renting a Car

Without a doubt, the number one way to explore Costa Rica is in a rental car. We book rental cars on the Discover Cars website as we have had good experiences with them in the past.

One of the things you need to watch for when renting a car in Costa Rica is the mandatory insurance that the government requires you to have. There are a lot of very cheap rentals that don’t include this mandatory insurance (TPL) in the original booking price, but there are also ones that do. To avoid additional surprise charges when you pick up your rental car, be sure to rent a car that includes the mandatory insurance when you book.

Thankfully, on Discover Cars it’s easy to tell apart the companies that include the mandatory insurance and those that don’t. The trick is you can’t pick any car on their website. In the picture below, you can see this rental car, with pick up in Jaco, includes the TPL. That means the mandatory insurance is included in the price. Any cover you get above that is extra.

Of course, I still suggest getting the full coverage offered by Discover Cars, which covers you even more.

You can  browse cars on Discover Cars here .

TPL Cover Costa Rica

Book Shuttles

If renting a car isn’t in your budget, you don’t feel comfortable driving in Costa Rica , or you just don’t like driving, shuttles are the next best option. There are hundreds of shuttle routes available all over the country, and they are very affordable.

Shuttles in Costa Rica are specifically for tourists and often include pick up and drop off at your selected hotels and airports. The drivers also speak some English, and the vehicles have air conditioning. You’ll also be guaranteed a seat when you book a shuttle (which isn’t the case with the public bus system.)

To get the best price, use the website  Bookaway . They compare all the offers and prices of shuttle companies in Costa Rica so you get the best price! Honestly, we have saved so much money using Bookaway! 

You can search for shuttles online on Bookaway here.

Lastly, you can use the public bus system. On short journeys, such as from San Jose to La Fortuna or Uvita to Manuel Antonio, this system is great. However, the longer the journey the more hassle and time spent on a bus. It’s undoubtedly best to save the public bus in Costa Rica for short and straightforward trips!  

The public buses are definitely the cheapest way to get around Costa Rica, but they are not always very reliable and schedules often change without notice and delays are to be expected. The buses can also be very crowded and hot – so just be prepared!

It’s also good to speak some Spanish if you plan on riding the public bus since most drivers and ticket booth operators don’t speak English.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance!

If you’re looking to save money on travel insurance, we currently use and recommend  SafetyWing . We’ve been using their coverage since 2018 and they’ve had our backs when we needed emergency flights and got sick overseas.

SafetyWing is one of the cheapest providers out there and covers everything from medical costs to lost luggage, travel delays, and emergency flights. A huge difference we’ve found between them and other companies is that they let you take out a policy AFTER leaving your home country. We’ve also found it handy that it’s a monthly payment rather than a lump sum, and you can get a refund for unused time.

SafetyWing has helped us out in some scary situations before and their affordable coverage has given us peace of mind.

Book your travel insurance with SafetyWing here!

Daniel and Bailey take a selfie ona coffee tour in Monteverde, Costa Rica

I hope we’ve helped you narrow down which coffee tour to take in Monteverde! There’s something about a cup of coffee on vacation that tastes even better – am I right? And when it’s fresh on a coffee farm, it’s even more delicious!

While you’re planning your getaway to Costa Rica, be sure to have a look through our other blogs . We’ve lived and traveled all across this beautiful country and are happy to fill you in on all the local spots you won’t want to miss. Here are a few popular reads to get you started:

5 BEST Night Tours in Monteverde (Monteverde Night Walks)

Is Costa Rica Expensive? Cost of Traveling to Costa Rica

3 Best Bird-Watching Tours in Monteverde 

15 BEST All-Inclusive Resorts in Costa Rica (Our Unbiased Opinion!)


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    San Jose. 1 night: discover the capital city of San Jose. Arenal. 2 nights: explore the Arenal volcano region and visit the famous La Fortuna waterfall. Monteverde. 2 nights: enjoy this beautiful, mountainous cloud forest environment. Manuel Antonio. 3 nights: visit a beautiful village overlooking the Central Pacific Coast.

  12. THE 10 BEST Monteverde Tours & Excursions for 2024 (from C$10)

    Zip line through one of the most breath taking views in Monteverde, the Extremo Monteverde Park offers views to a waterfall…. Free cancellation. from. C$113. per adult. 7. Zipline and Hanging Bridges Combo Tour in Monteverde Cloud Forest. 46. Wildlife Watching.

  13. Monteverde Tours: Costa Rica's Best Cloud Forest Adventures

    Welcome to Monteverde Tours. Nestled in the heart of Costa Rica, Monteverde is a haven for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and those looking to reconnect with the great outdoors. Our Monteverde Tours offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to immerse yourself in the lush, misty landscapes of this renowned cloud forest region.

  14. 5 BEST Night Tours in Monteverde (Monteverde Night Walks)

    The BEST Night Tours in Monteverde. 1. Monteverde Coffee, Chocolate, and Night Tour (best combo tour!) Traditional coffee brewer in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Not only is the Monteverde area home to the cloud forest, but it is also the ideal conditions for coffee and chocolate production. This Coffee, Chocolate, and Night Tour might be my favorite ...

  15. A Self-Guided Hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve

    The Monteverde Cloud Forest is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location. If you have your own car, you can easily google map your way there. Note that at least half the road between Santa Elena and the Reserve is unpaved. And it's really, really rough gravel/dirt. Don't miss out on visiting the Monteverde Cloud Forest.

  16. THE 10 BEST Monteverde Tours & Excursions

    3. Monteverde Cloud Forest Tour. 256. Recommended by 95% of travelers. Nature and Wildlife Tours 2-3 hours English. This great tour all ways provide a good oportunity to watch allot of the local wild life, specially in a Tropical Cloud Forest a unique in the planet make aout this tour a magical natural experince. from.

  17. Best of Costa Rica: Arenal, Monteverde & Manuel Antonio

    This 8-day trip is ideal for travelers looking to experience Costa Rica's highlights. Go for a dip in Arenal's hot springs and spot monkeys and other wildlife on hikes around the famous volcano. Continue to Monteverde, where you'll discover the remarkable flora and fauna of the cloud forest. Finally, spend a few days in Manuel Antonio National Park, kayaking through turquoise waters and ...

  18. THE 30 BEST Monteverde Tours & Excursions (from £6)

    3. Monteverde Cloud Forest Tour. 256. Recommended by 95% of travellers. Nature and Wildlife Tours 2-3 hours English. This great tour all ways provide a good oportunity to watch allot of the local wild life, specially in a Tropical Cloud Forest a unique in the planet make aout this tour a magical natural experince. from.

  19. Pasión Costa Rica

    Pasión Costa Rica is an operator of naturalist guided tours based in Monteverde, Costa Rica. We specialize in private tours which are great for birders, families with kids, or anyone who wants to make the most of their time in Monteverde. Founded in 2012, Pasión Costa Rica provides experienced naturalist guides to help you enjoy Costa Rica ...

  20. A Night Walk in Monteverde: Sleeping Toucans, Sloths & Snakes

    Night Walk (Private Tour) - From Monteverde. Price: From: $ 44.00 +VAT Select options. Note: The guide we use now takes people to a different reserve right next to the Monteverde Wildlife Refuge. This reserve (Santamaria Reserve) is a little less busy and has a lower admission price.

  21. 8 Things to Know BEFORE Ziplining in Monteverde

    Longest and Highest Extreme Zipline Experience in Monteverde. This 3-hour tour takes you to Monteverde Extremo Park, where you'll zoom along some of the highest ziplines in the country. There's a 14-cable course, and the lines range between 75 m (246 ft) to 150 m (492 ft) above the forest floor.

  22. How to plan the ultimate family trip to Monteverde, Costa Rica

    What to do. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve is the nature reserve that put the area on the map. Arrange your ticket in advance — as only 250 visitors per day can explore the reserve's ...

  23. Night Tour Santamarias

    An interest combination of the past work of Monteverde with the new conservation efforts present on the community. Mammals, Birds, Snakes, Insects and the change of day and night. All our guides are locals of Monteverde and surrounding areas. Our family has owned the property since 1948 and started on forest and environment protection since 2005.

  24. 3 Best Coffee Tours in Monteverde + Our TOP Choice!

    1. Coffee, Chocolate, and Sugar Cane Tour (Best Overall) Grinding cacao beans on the Don Juan Coffee Tour in Monteverde. Costa Rican coffee brewer! This coffee tour is our favorite overall! It's a guided tour of the Don Juan coffee plantation, and it's super fun and engaging. We had an amazing time when we did this - in fact, we think it ...