17 Top-Rated Things to Do in Haifa

Written by Jess Lee Updated Oct 14, 2022

Modern Haifa is a bustling port town, but unlike many industry-focused cities, its landscape of steep cliffs rolling down to the shore gives it a beautiful setting.

For travelers who want a base with both good access to the sights of the north and plentiful city buzz, with a thriving café and dining scene, this is one of the best places to visit.

Haifa's hillside location is enhanced by the Baha'i Gardens, which are the central city's dominating feature. These cascading terraces of manicured lawns are Haifa's number one tourist attraction.

As well as being a center of the Baha'i faith, which brings Baha'i pilgrims from across the world to the city, Haifa is the base for visiting the sites upon Mount Carmel and is within day-tripping reach of important ruins such as Caesarea.

Discover the best places to visit with our list of the top things to do in Haifa.

1. Tour the Baha'i Gardens

2. stella maris carmelite monastery, 3. ride the haifa cable car, 4. elijah's cave, 5. day trip to caesarea, 6. stroll around downtown haifa, 7. take a road trip to mount carmel's sights, 8. hang out on haifa's beaches, 9. walk the suspension bridges of nesher park, 10. explore jewish history at beit shearim, 11. visit atlit immigration camp, 12. mane katz museum, 13. ursula malbin sculpture park, 14. hecht museum, 15. keep the kids busy at madatech, 16. get some beach time in dor, 17. national maritime museum, map of things to do in haifa.

Baha'i Shrine and Gardens

The extraordinary Baha'i Gardens are top of the things to do list in town, and the Baha'i Shrine, with its golden dome, is the city's landmark monument.

The Baha'i faith began in Iran when, in 1844, Iranian Mirza Ali Mohammed declared himself "Bab" (gateway to God) and founded the faith.

When he was assassinated in Tabriz in 1850, his successor, Mirza Hussein Ali (who later was known as Bahá'u'lláh), fled into the Ottoman Empire. In 1868, when he declared himself Imam, he was held in captivity at Akko for 24 years, up until his death in 1892.

After the death of Mirza Hussein Ali, Baha'i devotees secretly brought the remains of his predecessor, Mirza Ali Mohammed, from Iran to Haifa and built his tomb, the Shrine of the Bab, here.

Today, the terraced gardens and shrine are an incredibly tranquil and beautiful memorial, as well as an immaculate example of garden landscaping.

UNESCO has declared them a World Heritage Site for their cultural value, as well as natural beauty. For those of the Baha'i faith they are also an important place of pilgrimage.

Free tours, in a selection of languages, are offered throughout the day. The access road to the entrance, Yefe Nof Street, offers commanding vistas down over the garden terraces and Mediterranean beyond.

Address: Off Yefe Nof Street, Central Haifa

Official site:

Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery

The present Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery was built in 1836 and is noted for its lush frescoes portraying St. Elijah.

The interior also contains paintings of scenes of the lives of the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel and has a cedar figurine of the Virgin known as the Madonna of Mt. Carmel.

The Carmelite order was founded on Mount Carmel in 1150 as a hermetic Catholic sect. When the order sided with Napoleon during his battle against the Ottoman Turks in 1799, the Carmelite monasteries were destroyed. In front of the building is the tomb of the French soldiers who were killed during the battle.

Afterwards, the monastery was rebuilt but was again razed in 1821 by the pasha of Akko (Acre).

Many people come here simply for the views alone, which stretch across central Haifa below, out to the sea.

From the monastery, a trail leads down to the grotto known as Elijah's cave, believed to be either the one-time dwelling place or tomb of Elijah.

Address: Off Tchernikovsky Street, West Haifa

Cable Car

The Haifa cable car is the easiest way to get up the steep hill to the Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery and by far the most fun.

There are excellent panoramic vistas over the city and its major points of interest all the way up, making this an excellent activity for photographers.

Note, that it is a very short ride, and even if you're not interested in visiting the monastery itself, the views from the lookout point at the top of the hill, across the sprawl of Haifa and out to the Mediterranean, are usually judged well worth taking the cable car for if you don't fancy the walk.

There's a small cafe selling refreshments at the summit.

Address: Entry from HaHaganah Street, Galshanim Beach

View of the entrance to Elijah's Cave

Opposite the Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery a path leads down to Elijah's Cave at the foot of the cape. Visitors that don't fancy the trek down the hill can access the cave off Allenby Street.

Believers hold that Prophet Elijah hid here after killing the priests of Ba'al.

It is an important pilgrimage site for Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike who all hold Elijah in high regard.

If you're going to visit, remember to dress modestly to respect the pilgrims who might be visiting the site at the same time.

Until 1948, the site was a mosque.


Halfway along the coast, between Haifa and Tel Aviv, Caesarea is home to one of Israel's most fascinating ancient sites.

The site has been occupied since the 4th century BCE, when the Phoenicians used it as a strategic port, but it was Herod I (Herod the Great) in 22 BCE who went on to build the harbor city here, with its temples, a theater, and hippodrome. He named the town Caesarea in honor of the Emperor Augustus.

The city's heyday was from the 1st century CE to the 6th century CE, first as capital of the Roman province of Judea, which later became the Roman province of Syria Palaestina, and later as an important center of early Christianity. St. Paul and St. Peter both spent time here.

During the Byzantine era, it continued to be a provincial capital up until the Arab conquest in 637 CE, after which it still remained but lost its importance. It was only during the Crusader era that the site's strategic location caused a flurry of building works, with further fortifications added.

Archaeological investigation of the site continues, and a number of important finds from the site, including a figure of Artemis of the third century BCE and an important Byzantine mosaic, are now in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem .

The Crusader-era city remains and Roman theater (within the archaeological park itself) and the gorgeously melancholy remnant of the ancient aqueduct (upon the beach), that was part of the city's Herodian period, are the three highlights of a visit here.

Caesarea Map - Tourist Attractions

Ben-Gurion Street is the old main street of the German Protestant colony founded here in 1868 by members of the Society of the Temple, who believed that settling in Palestine would bring about the Second Coming. The society continued to exist until the Second World War.

The old houses, with their tiled roofs, have all been spruced-up and are very characteristic of their period. The street is now home to Haifa's best dining and shopping.

The cemetery of these zealot settlers lies to the northwest, at 150 Jaffa Street, next to a British military cemetery of the First World War.

Mount Carmel

If you have your own wheels, tooling around the slopes of Mount Carmel makes an excellent day trip from Haifa.

The big historic sightseeing attraction here is the Carmelite Monastery of St. Elijah where, according to tradition, Elijah set up an altar during his conflict with the priests of Baal.

The small settlements that speckle the slopes of the mountain are just as interesting as the church, if not more so.

Make sure to stop off at Ein Hod, an artists' village riddled with galleries. Bet Oren, on the lower slopes, is where the remains of the "Carmel Man" (a Paleolithic skeleton unearthed in caves six kilometers west of the actual village) was found. The remains, and other finds from the site, are now in Jerusalem's Rockefeller Museum.

Beach at Haifa

Haifa has three main beaches for visitors who want to add some sand and sea into their stay.

Bat Galim Beach, at the city's northern tip, is a favorite spot with local water sports enthusiasts. Windsurfers and kiteboarders take to the waves on sunny days, and you'll find water sports operators here who rent equipment and give lessons.

Carmel Beach, on Haifa's western shoreline, is more about laid-back sunbathing and general lounging and is a favorite haunt for local families on sunny weekends.

Just to the south of Carmel Beach is Dado Beach, which is known for its surfing.

All three beaches have excellent facilities, with cafés along the shore and sun shades and sun loungers for rent.

Suspension bridge in Nesher Park

In Nesher, right at the southern edge of Haifa on Mount Carmel's northern slope, Nesher Park's dense evergreen forest is a good place to visit for a quick hike if you need a break from the city.

The circular trail here is most famous for its two 70-meter-long steel cable suspension bridges strung over a deep gorge, which are great photography spots for scenic vistas.

There are also various panoramic lookout points along the trail for more views of the lush surrounding countryside.

The easiest and shortest trail is less than two kilometers in length and is a non-strenuous walk that is suitable for children. The only issues would be with tackling the suspension bridges for walkers who don't have a head for heights.

There's a picnic area at the starting point of the trail, which is often busy with local families taking a nature break on sunny weekends.

Beit Shearim

This fascinating archaeological site, recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is particularly notable for the impressive catacombs excavated by B. Mazar in 1936, and later, by N. Avigad.

Although the site has been dated back as far as the Iron Age, most of the ruins that can be seen today date from the 2nd century CE, when the town enjoyed a heyday as an important rabbinical city.

Archaeology buffs will find exploring the Jewish necropolis here, only 20 kilometers southeast from Haifa, an engrossing half-day trip from the city.

Atlit Illegal Immigrants Camp

Atlit, 20 kilometers south of Haifa, is home to two historical sites.

Atlit Crusader Castle dates from 1200, when it was known as Castrum Peregrinorum or Chateau des Pelerins (Castle of the Pilgrims). Unfortunately, these days you can't enter it, as it is on military land, but you can get a good view of the ruins from Atlit Beach.

Much more recently, Atlit was the destination where Jewish refugees from Europe were detained when they arrived in British Mandate Palestine after World War II.

The Atlit Immigration Camp which was built by the British to hold them, has been preserved as a museum, with excellent guided tours available.

Sign to the Mane Katz Museum

This excellent, well-curated museum is a must-stop for any art enthusiast. It contains the paintings and sculptures of Mane Katz, who was an influential 20th century Jewish artist.

As well as his Expressionist art, Katz was a great collector, and his personal collection of Judaica and antique furniture are on display here.

There are great Haifa views from the on-site café.

Just down the road is the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art (89 Hanassi Avenue), which features exhibits of Japanese artistry from the 14th century right up to the present day.

Address: 89 Yefe Nof Street, Carmel Center

Ursula Malbin Sculpture Park

This lovely public park is full of gorgeous bronze statues and is a great place to relax after a morning of sightseeing.

The statues were all made by German-born artist Ursula Malbin who lives part of the year in Israel.

If you're traveling with children, they'll love exploring the well-maintained trails through the park and peering at the quirky monuments.

In the early evening, plenty of Haifa locals come here for a stroll so it's a great place for a spot of people watching and to check out local life.

Eshkol Tower at Haifa University

Haifa's large university complex, 2.5 kilometers south of the central city, is well worth the short hop from the center if you're interested in ancient history because it's home to the Hecht Museum.

The Hecht Museum collection ranges from the Chalcolithic era up to the Byzantine period and was built around the personal collection of Dr Reuben Hecht, who gifted it to the university.

Its most famous artifact on display is the wreck of 5th-century BCE Ma'agan Mikhail Ancient Ship, which was discovered in 1985.

There are also well-displayed and themed exhibits on Phoenician seafaring history and culture, Jewish coins, Biblical-era seals, and ancient crafts, including mosaic and glasswork.

Address: University of Haifa, 199 Aba-Hushi Avenue

Official site:


If you have kids in tow, make a beeline for this interactive science museum that will keep kids - both big and small - thoroughly engrossed and amazed.

The museum's stately building was once the base for Israel's Institute of Technology and was erected in 1913.

Inside, there are all manner of science-based exhibits, from zany and colourful chemistry displays to exhibits explaining aviation and green energy. It's a great example of how to make science fun and accessible for all ages.

Address: 25 Shermaryahu Levin Street, Hadar HaCarmel

Official site:

Dor Beach, one of most beautiful beaches in Israel

A favorite weekend hangout for stressed out city folk from Haifa, Dor is home to one of the most picture-perfect beaches in the area. It's only 29 kilometers south of the city, so is easily visited as a day trip.

Although today people mostly travel here for the pleasures of sun, sand, and sea, Dor has a rather illustrious history.

Excavations here, just to the north of the modern town, have brought to light remains of the old harbor, a Crusader era castle , and a 6th century Byzantine church. If you can manage to drag yourself away from the beach, the ruins are well worth a look.

National Maritime Museum

The National Maritime Museum holds a collection of model ships, maps, and charts that illustrate the history of seafaring in the Mediterranean region.

Anyone with an interest in maritime history and in the leading role the Mediterranean played in shaping the centuries of human history in this region will enjoy a visit.

Just down the road is the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum which documents the Zionist movement's efforts to get Jewish refugees into Palestine during the British Mandate period.

Address: 198 Allenby Road, Central Haifa

Although it was destroyed in the 7th century, Haifa was famed in the 11th century for its shipbuilding and its Talmudic college.

In 1099, it withstood a six-month-long siege by the Crusaders, but was finally destroyed. In 1187, Saladin captured it from the Crusaders, but in 1191 it was recovered by Richard Coeur de Lion.

The Crusaders were finally expelled from the town by Sultan Baibars. The monasteries of the Carmelite order, which was founded in Haifa in 1150 by a monk named Berthold, were destroyed after the fall of Acre in 1291, when the monks returned to Europe .

Under the Mamelukes (from 1517) and the Ottomans, Haifa was an insignificant fishing village. In 1740 Daher el-Amr, lord of Galilee, took the place and founded a new settlement, the present Old City, between Kikar Paris (Paris Square) and the Head Post Office. He also developed the harbor for the export of grain to Egypt .

Under Ahmed el-Jazzar, who succeeded Daher in 1775, the Carmelites were able to re-establish themselves near Elijah's Cave. In 1799, during Napoleon's advance on Akko (Acre), their monastery was used as a military hospital, but after Napoleon's withdrawal, the French wounded were killed by Ahmed el-Jazzar.

The importance of Haifa increased with the coming of steamships, for which the nearby harbor of Akko was too small.

In 1868, the population was increased by the arrival of German settlers, members of the Society of the Temple. When the German Emperor, William II, visited Haifa in 1898, a jetty was constructed, and thereafter the development of the port continued.

The emperor promoted the idea of linking Haifa with the Hejaz railroad and thus opening up the town's hinterland. The upswing in the economy led to the expansion of the Old City to the northwest, in the direction of the German Colony.

As the city grew, Christian Palestinians from the surrounding area moved into the town, as well as Mizrahi Jews. The first Jewish school was established in 1881. Two faiths that had broken away from Islam, the Baha'i from Iran and the Ahmadiya from India, also made Haifa their headquarters.

In September 1918, British forces occupied the town. Thereafter, a new railroad line was built, linking Haifa with Egypt by way of Gaza. New industrial installations came into being. This development continued in spite of conflicts between the Jewish and the Palestinian populations.

The modern deep-water harbor was completed in 1933, followed in 1934 by the development of the oil terminal at the end of the pipeline from Iraq.

In 1936, following further outbreaks of violence, the Jewish population left the eastern part of the lower town and concentrated in the Hadar HaCarmel district. Haifa was thus, for all practical purposes, divided into two.

During the Second World War, the German members of the Society of the Temple were evacuated. After the war, there was continuing conflict between the Jewish underground organization Haganah, the British naval base, and the Palestinians – a conflict from which Haganah emerged victorious.

Haifa Map - Tourist Attractions

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Haifa is Israel’s third-largest city, Israel’s chief port and home to 400,000.  Draped around the slopes of biblical Mount Carmel, it is a 100-year-old city whose importance burgeoned in the 1920’s and 1930’s as Britain followed its League of Nations mandate over Palestine to create a Jewish homeland. The bustling lower Carmel neighborhood is the port area and where much of Haifa’s daily business is conducted. The slopes of central Carmel are largely residential, and the mountaintop Upper Carmel is home to museums, many hotels and shops. Transportation from the top to the bottom of Mount Carmel is achieved by the Carmelit subway, the Bat Ganim cable car and, of course, by road.

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Haifa’s iconic symbol is the golden-domed Baha’i Shrine of the Bab, completed in 1953, that abuts the international headquarters of the Baha’i Faith, a network of giant white Greco-Roman buildings whose beauty stuns the visitor. The Shrine of the Bab was further beautified with the completion in 2001 of the “hanging gardens” (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) magnificent terraced gardens that lead from the shrine to the bottom of Mount Carmel. Here is the restored Templer Colony – where the homes and workshops of 19 th -century German Christian “Templer” immigrants are now a network of chic stores, bars and restaurants.

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Haifa is home to a dozen museums – including a museum of Japanese Art, Israel’s Railway Museum and the Af-Al-Pi-Chen Museum of Illegal Immigration. It is also home to the Technion, Israel’s version of MIT. Haifa’s Wadi Nisnas neighborhood is the center of multi-holiday celebrations reflecting Haifa’s identity as city that is home to Jews, Christians, Muslims and Baha’is.

Baha’i Shrine of the Bab

Baha’i “Hanging Gardens”

Panorama of Haifa Bay from Upper Carmel

Templer Colony


Af-Al-Pi-Chen Museum of Illegal Immigration

Israel Railway Museum

Museum of Japanese Art

Wadi Nisnas




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Photographers: Guy Yehieli, Adam Primer, Kfir Boltin, Linnea Andres, Kfir Sivan, Haim Yafim, Dana Fridlander, refael Ben Ari, Itamar Greenberg, Moshik Lindbaum, Ori Ackerman Video Credits: Israeli food channel, National Geographic



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Top Places to See and Unforgettable Things to Do in Haifa

  • April 5, 2023

Located on the slopes of Mount Carmel along the Mediterranean coast in northern Israel, Haifa is the country’s third-largest city and one of its most important port cities. Blessed with a pleasant Mediterranean climate, Haifa enjoys hot summers with average temperatures ranging from 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F) and mild, wet winters, with temperatures averaging between 10°C to 14°C (50°F to 57°F). The best time to visit Haifa is during the spring and fall, when the weather is mild and comfortable, and the city is adorned with vibrant flowers and foliage.

If you’re looking for an enchanting vacation destination filled with history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes, Haifa is the place to be! This charming Israeli city boasts a diverse array of attractions that cater to all tastes and preferences. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top places to visit in Haifa and the most exciting things to do in this beautiful city. So, buckle up, and let’s embark on a thrilling journey through Haifa’s captivating tourist attractions!

Visit the Baha’i Gardens

Undoubtedly one of the most iconic Haifa attractions, the Baha’i Gardens are an absolute must-see. These stunning terraced gardens, stretching over 19 levels, provide a tranquil sanctuary for visitors, complete with lush greenery, elegant fountains, and exquisite sculptures. As you stroll through the gardens, you’ll be treated to stunning views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea. To make the most of your visit, join one of the free guided tours available daily, except on Wednesdays.

Explore the German Colony

Established in the late 19th century by German Templers, the German Colony is one of the most picturesque places to visit in Haifa. With its lovingly restored red-roofed houses, vibrant restaurants, and charming boutiques, the German Colony offers a unique cultural experience. Be sure to stroll down Ben Gurion Avenue, the heart of the German Colony, where you’ll find several Haifa tourist attractions, such as the Templers Cemetery and the Schumacher House.

Visit the Stella Maris Monastery

stella maris church dome

Perched atop the Carmel Mountain, the Stella Maris Monastery is one of the top things to do in Haifa. This Carmelite Monastery offers stunning views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea. Inside the church, you’ll find beautiful Baroque architecture and an impressive collection of religious artifacts. The monastery is also home to the Cave of Elijah, a sacred site believed to be where the prophet Elijah once resided. A visit to the Stella Maris Monastery is not only a spiritual experience but also a chance to appreciate the breathtaking beauty of Haifa’s surroundings.

Discover the Wadi Nisnas Market

One of the most vibrant places to go in Haifa is the Wadi Nisnas Market. Located in the city’s Arab quarter, this bustling market offers a sensory feast, with its colorful array of fresh produce, mouthwatering street food, and aromatic spices. As you wander through the narrow alleys, you’ll also come across local art installations and handicrafts, making Wadi Nisnas a fantastic place to experience Haifa’s rich cultural tapestry.

Experience Haifa’s Museum Mile

For art and history enthusiasts, Haifa’s Museum Mile is a treasure trove of fascinating exhibits. Some of the must-visit museums include the Haifa Museum of Art , the National Maritime Museum, and the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art. Each museum offers a unique glimpse into different aspects of Haifa’s history, culture, and artistic heritage, making it one of the top things to do in Haifa.

Relax on the Beaches

No trip to Haifa would be complete without spending some time on its beautiful beaches. With miles of golden sands and crystal-clear waters, Haifa’s beaches are perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. Some of the most popular beaches include Dado Zamir Beach, Bat Galim Beach, and Carmel Beach. If you’re visiting during summer, you might also catch one of many beachside festivals and events, adding an extra layer of excitement to your beach day.

Wander Through the Carmel National Park

Nature lovers will be delighted by the Carmel National Park, which offers a serene escape from the bustling city. With over 10,000 hectares of forests, cliffs, and valleys, the park is home to diverse flora and fauna, making it the perfect spot for hiking, picnicking, and wildlife spotting. Don’t miss the Little Switzerland area, where you’ll find stunning panoramic views and picturesque trails.

Experience Haifa on Shabbat

If you’re looking for things to do in Haifa on Shabbat, you’ll be pleased to discover that many attractions remain open, offering unique experiences. The Baha’i Gardens and the Carmel National Park are excellent spots to spend a peaceful Shabbat, as are the city’s beautiful beaches. Additionally, some museums, such as the Haifa Museum of Art and the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art, also open their doors on Shabbat, allowing you to explore Haifa’s cultural offerings during this special time.

Take a Scenic Cable Car Ride

haifa scenic cable car

One of the most exhilarating things to see in Haifa is the panoramic view from a cable car ride. The Carmelit, Israel’s only subway system, whisks you from downtown Haifa to the top of Mount Carmel in just a few minutes, offering incredible views along the way. Alternatively, hop on the cable car at Bat Galim Beach and enjoy a scenic ride to the Stella Maris Monastery, where you’ll be greeted with breathtaking vistas of Haifa and its surroundings.

Enjoy Haifa’s Culinary Scene

A trip to Haifa wouldn’t be complete without indulging in the city’s delicious culinary offerings. From traditional Israeli dishes to international cuisine, Haifa’s restaurants and cafes cater to every palate. Be sure to sample local favorites such as falafel, shawarma, and hummus, and don’t miss the opportunity to taste the city’s legendary sweets, like baklava and knafeh.

Traveling to Haifa from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem

Getting to Haifa is relatively easy, with convenient transportation options available from major cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Traveling from Tel Aviv to Haifa:

  • By train: Israel Railways operates frequent train services between Tel Aviv and Haifa, with a journey time of approximately one hour. Trains run from early morning until late evening, and tickets can be purchased at the station or online.
  • By bus: Egged bus company offers regular services between Tel Aviv and Haifa. The trip takes around 1.5 hours, and buses are available throughout the day. Tickets can be bought at the bus station or on the Egged website.
  • By car: If you prefer to drive, the distance between Tel Aviv and Haifa is approximately 90 kilometers (56 miles). The drive takes about an hour, depending on traffic, via Route 2 or Route 4.

Also read: Top 7 day trips from Tel Aviv

Traveling from Jerusalem to Haifa:

  • By train: Traveling from Jerusalem to Haifa by train involves a transfer at Tel Aviv’s HaHagana Station. The total journey time is around 2 to 2.5 hours, and tickets can be purchased at the station or online.
  • By bus: Egged bus company also offers direct services between Jerusalem and Haifa. The trip takes approximately 2.5 hours, and buses run throughout the day. Tickets can be bought at the bus station or on the Egged website.
  • By car: Driving from Jerusalem to Haifa covers a distance of about 150 kilometers (93 miles) and takes roughly 2 hours via Route 6.

Visiting Haifa Your Way

From historical sites and cultural experiences to natural wonders and delectable cuisine, Haifa truly has something for everyone. With its warm Mediterranean climate, excellent transport connections, and a wealth of Haifa attractions to explore, this enchanting city should be at the top of your travel bucket list. So, pack your bags and get ready to discover the many wonders that await you in Haifa!

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The Bahai Gardens on Mount Carmel

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Haifa homepage 2018

A Perfect Day in Haifa

Welcome to the city of coexistence – with beautiful views of the country's coastline, a burgeoning art scene, and some of the best hummus in the Middle East.

While  Tel Aviv   and Jerusalem  are arguably the most popular cities to visit on an Israeli itinerary, a weekend stopover in Haifa  is definitely worth the train or road trip . With absolutely stunning sites like the Baha’i Gardens, some of the best  street food  around, and plenty of museums and cultural destinations, this northern destination offers a whole other perspective of the country.

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Haifa's sites and attractions

Baha'i gardens.

  • Attractions
  • Parks and gardens
  • Hadar-Carmel‏

Baha'i Gardens

The Baha’i gardens are built on 19 terraces, beginning at the foot of the mountain and ascending towards its summit. The main axis points towards Acre, a historically and religiously important city to the Baha'i. At the center of the exceptionally beautiful and meticulously maintained gardens stands the Shrine of the Bab, the burial place of the religion's founder, whose golden dome illuminates the grounds. Various sections of the gardens are separated by gravel paths, trimmed hedges and flower beds, which are carefully tended to by a dedicated gardening team. The gardens offer splendid views of the Haifa Bay, the Galilee and the Mediterranean. It's possible to tour independently, but for an enlightening experience, join the free guided tours (every day but Wednesday). Reservations are not necessary. As the Baha'i Gardens are a Holy place, visitors are asked to dress modestly, keep the place clean and respect its special character.

Rakevel (Cable Car)

  • Sightseeing

Rakevel (Cable Car)

Haifa’s cable cars are fun for the whole family. The line runs from the Bat Galim Promenade to the Stella Maris lookout point on top of Mount Carmel, and hosts a view for the ages. The ride is five minutes in a glass car that allows you to enjoy the scenery from every angle. For those who enjoy a walk, one way tickets can be purchased, allowing visitors to take a twenty minute journey back. The lower terminal features Yotvata Restaurant, famous for its salads and ice cream, as well as an art exhibit. The upper terminal has a refreshment kiosk. Free for children under 2.

Talpiot Market

  • Markets and fairs

Talpiot Market

Talpiot Market is housed in the historic Hadar HaCarmel building, which was built in the late 1930s. Here you can find farm-to-table produce, spices, freshly baked goods, and much more, all at fair prices. There are also plenty of eateries and street-food stalls that have popped up amongst the vendors - making for great lunch breaks on your way to do your shopping.

Louis Promenade

  • Public spaces

Louis Promenade

One of the most beautiful walking trails in Haifa is the Louis Promenade on Mount Carmel. It is located just minutes away from numerous museums, shops and hotels, making it a must-see when visiting. Louis Promenade is perfect for enjoying the sunshine with an exceptional view that includes Haifa, distant white outcropping Rosh NaHikra, the coastal cities of Nahariya, Akko, and the Krayot, and the mountains of the Western Galilee. The promenade lasts about twenty minutes, while connecting to various other walking trails. Bring your camera any day of the year to this free of charge sightseeing opportunity. 

Haifa Flea market

Haifa Flea market

The flea market in Haifa's Lower City is a gem for vintage lovers and collectors, but a recent facelift has opened the area to the wider public. On weekdays, the market is quiet, operating solely during morning hours, but it comes to life on Saturdays and Sundays selling everything from old enamel utensils and used sneakers to ornaments and cut class.

Madatech, Israel’s National Museum of Science, Technology & Space

Madatech, Israel’s National Museum of Science, Technology & Space

This is a great museum for curious kids and adults alike. Giant exhibitions invite visitors to a hands-on experience surrounding history's greatest scientists and inventors. 3D films in the ‘Cinematrix’ are enhanced by moving seats, wind, water, and bubbles.

Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art

Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art

Nestled between tall bamboo, this museum is dedicated to art from the Land of the Rising Sun, showcasing a broad cross-section of both traditional and modern Japanese prints and paintings. Due to the delicate nature of Japanese craftsmanship, which is sensitive to light and weather, exhibits change frequently.

Hummus Bardicef

  • Street food
  • price 1 of 4

Hummus Bardicef

Elad Bardicef takes the hummusia to the next level with hummus like you’ve never tasted before. Always made fresh, in small batches, and served warm as it should be, it is exceedingly rich from smooth, creamy tahini and jazzed up with elevated, yet classic toppings such as mashed broad beans, stewed chickpeas, parsley (in this case parsley-pesto) and olive oil. Also try their other Israeli dishes, such as sabich and shakshuka that are plated beautifully, and made with organic and fresh ingredients, yet are still just as affordable as the humbler versions found elsewhere in the city. Made with extra care by an attentive staff, it’s no wonder you’ll be hard pressed to find a stool here most days of the week. The Chasidic charm and cool Israeli attitude only add to the experience, making this an absolute favorite.

Bardicef’s new branch at 34 Shivat Tzion street brings their brand of heavenly hummus and other freshly prepared Israeli gourmet vegetarian delicacies to Haifa’s lower city. You’ll be blown away by their elegant take on homemade Israeli flavors that will simultaneously warm your heart and satisfy your belly.

Bay Club - an Atlas Boutique Hotel

  • The Lower City

Bay Club - an Atlas Boutique Hotel

Offering garden-view rooms with free Wi-Fi and a flat-screen TV, the luxurious Bay Club - an Atlas Boutique Hotel is half way between Haifa Bay and the peak of Mount Carmel. The style of the property is inspired by the famous resort towns of the Mediterranean Sea.

Guests benefit from free shuttle to the Bahai Gardens tour.

Air-conditioned rooms at the Atlas Boutique include a fridge, seating area, and electric kettle with tea and coffee. The private bathroom has a bath or shower. Some rooms feature a terrace.

An Israeli breakfast is served daily in the spacious lounge which opens on the garden with pond fountain. It includes cheese, eggs, and bread, along with cold drinks. In the afternoon of weekdays you can enjoy free drinks and appetizers in the lounge.

The Israeli National Maritime Museum is 500 metres away, while Haifa Airport is 12 km from the property. In 10 minutes you can drive to the Mediterranean Sea and the Bahai Gardens.

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Must-see attractions in Haifa

Shrine of the Bab and lower terraces at the Bahai World Center in Haifa, Israel.

Baha’i Gardens

These formal gardens flowing down 19 steep terraces to a resplendent domed shrine – the final resting place of the prophet-herald of the Baha’i faith –…

The Hecht Museum, located on the grounds of the University of Haifa.

Hecht Museum

This university campus museum showcases engrossing archaeological finds such as well-restored mosaics and troves of ancient coins, but the pièce de…

HAIFA, ISRAEL - JULY 17, 2008:  View on Stella Maris church of Carmelite monastery interior with dome painted by icons on July 17, 2008 in Haifa..; Shutterstock ID 741333706

Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery

The Carmelite Order was established in the late 12th century when Crusader-era pilgrims, inspired by the prophet Elijah, opted for a hermitic life on the…

HAIFA, ISRAEL - DECEMBER 4,2013: INS Mivtach, retired ship on permanent display at Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum at the bottom of Mount Carmel.; Shutterstock ID 612169475

Clandestine Immigration & Naval Museum

Using a series of powerful video testimonials, this fascinating museum showcases the Zionist Movement’s determined efforts to infiltrate Jewish refugees…

Shrine of the Báb

Though it’s primarily a pilgrimage site, modestly dressed visitors are allowed to enter this domed shrine holding the remains of the Báb, spiritual…

Madatech, Israel National Museum of Science, Technology, and Space.

Kid-friendly science exhibits fill this elegant 1912 building, including hands-on displays in the astronomy rooms, optical illusions and a hall of mirrors…

HAIFA, ISRAEL - DECEMBER 5,2013: Statue of Archimedes in a bathtub, demonstrating principle of buoyant force. Located at Madatech, Israel's National Museum of Science, Technology, and Space.; Shutterstock ID 611544791; Your name (First / Last): Lauren Keith; GL account no.: 65050; Netsuite department name: Online Editorial; Full Product or Project name including edition: Haifa Guides app update

Haifa Museum of Art

Challenging and contemporary, the Museum of Art's three exhibition spaces showcase mixed media and photography by Israeli and international artists. If…

visit haifa

National Maritime Museum

This museum, founded in 1953, covers five millennia of maritime history across its three floors, from barnacle-clung amphorae to Israel's recent naval…

Viewing Balcony

Situated about 100m up the hill from the tour entrance of the Baha’i Gardens, this viewing platform allows a bird’s-eye view over the Shrine of the Báb…

Museum Without Walls

More than 60 open-air murals and sculptures form a route through the lanes and alleys of Wadi Nisnas, from superhero murals to mixed-media sculptures and…

Elijah’s Cave

Holy to Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze, this cave is where the prophet Elijah is believed to have prayed before challenging the priests of Ba’al on…

Mané–Katz Museum

Ukraine-born artist Emmanuel Mané-Katz (1894–1962) was an influential member of the early-20th-century School of Paris and is best known for his colourful…

Haifa City Museum

Split across two buildings, the City Museum examines Haifa's last century of history and features rotating exhibitions on contemporary life here. Most…

Eshkol Tower

A lift shudders its way up to the 30th-floor observation area of Eshkol Tower, the brazen high-rise topping Haifa University. Designed by renowned…

Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art

Founded in 1959 by art collector Felix Tikotin, this small, low-lit gallery immerses visitors in the sensory qualities of Japanese art. A visit here is…

Beit HaGefen Cultural Center

In an old stone building across the street from the modern Beit HaGefen Arab–Jewish Center, this gallery-cum-social space sponsors interfaith social and…

Sculpted on the crest of Mt Carmel in 1913, this shady, kid-friendly public garden – whose name means 'Mother’s Park' – has a zoo, a playground and an…

Louis Promenade

A 15-minute walking path running parallel to Yefe Nof St, Louis Promenade offers lofty views over Haifa Bay and connects to other trails that thread their…

Al Jarina Mosque

A few hundred metres east of Paris Sq is the late 18th-century Al Jarina Mosque, topped by an early-20th-century minaret that looks a little like a…

The shaded slopes below Gan Ha'Em are home to a compact zoo with free-roaming peacocks, an aviary, a reptile house and habitats for monkeys, meerkats,…

Mahmoud Mosque

Serving Haifa's Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, founded in India in 1889, this mosque is on the Mediterranean-facing slopes of Mt Carmel in the palm-lined…

Istiqlal Mosque

Haifa's largest mosque, built in 1926, is open only to worshippers. For shoppers and travellers, it serves as a landmark signalling the start of the…

Haifa Travel Guide

Haifa Bahai Gardens

Haifa, the third-largest city in Israel, is usually overlooked by locals and tourists alike. I often go there for the Holiday of Holidays Festival that takes place every December and celebrates the diversity of religions in Haifa. And while I’m there, I also stop by new and old restaurants and enjoy the city’s exciting food scene. Yes, Haifa is well known for its food thanks to its large Arab population. Arab food is delicious.

But Haifa has more to experience than just food and the Holiday of Holidays. It has an interesting history, some nice beaches, and top-notch museums. Because it’s situated on the slopes of Mount Carmel, it also offers some pleasant and beautiful nature trails. Oh, and I totally forgot the Bahai Gardens!

This travel guide to Haifa includes everything you need to know for a perfect visit to the city. And I’m updating it all the time.

Planning a trip to Israel? Here are 11 tips to Planning Your Budget Trip to Israel.

Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through the links, at no extra cost to you. These links help me keep the website alive! Thank you.

5 top things to see and do in Haifa

Eat, eat, and eat.

Haifa is a food-lover paradise. Downtown is packed with a variety of restaurants, selling anything from street food to fancy food. I recommend checking out the restaurants in Wadi Nisnas and its surroundings. Read more >> The Best Restaurants in Haifa: Wadi Nisnas and Beyond .

Delicious shawarma near Wadi Nisnas, Haifa

Go on a free tour of the Bahai Gardens

The Bahai Gardens are the most famous landmark in Haifa. They are located on the slope of Mount Carmel and are BEAUTIFUL. The main building in the gardens is the Shrine in which the founders of the Bahai religion are buried. The Bahais offer free guided tours in the gardens, led by Bahai volunteers. Check out the available tours here .

I also recommend going to the German Colony a short while after sunset to view the Bahai Gardens in the dark. They are lit up and very magical.

The view of the Bahai Gardens at night in Haifa

Try the Carmelit

The Carmelit is an underground funicular that connects Downtown Haifa to the upper parts of Mount Carmel. You can call it is one of the shortest subways in the world, although it’s not exactly a subway. You can use it to reach the Louis Promenade and the upper gate of the Bahai Garden, or just take a ride for fun. Read more about the Carmelit on its official website.

The Carmelit, Haifa

Visit a museum

Haifa has some of the best museums in Israel. The National Maritime Museum is a fascinating museum that shows the development of the shipping industry in Israel. There are many artifacts on display, that were taken from shipwrecks in the area.

Another museum I recommend is the Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum which tells the story of the illegal immigration to the Land of Israel during the British mandate. You can also look into some of the navy’s vessels.

Besides these two museums, there are many more museums, including the Hecht Museum , the Madatech Museum , and the Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art . So, if you’re a museum-lover, you have plenty of museums to visit in Haifa.

Madatech Museum courtyard in Haifa

Take a look at the view

Haifa offers fantastic views of Israel’s northern coast. For the best view, go up to the Louis Promenade. The best way to get there is by taking the Carmelit up to Gan Ha’em Station and walking from there. When you look at the view from Louis Promenade, you can see the entire coast from Haifa Bay to the northern tip of Israel – Rosh Hanikra. It’s BEAUTIFUL!

The view from Louis Promenade

More things to do in Haifa

Explore the history of old haifa.

There are few remains from Haifa’s old city. For many years, Haifa was a fishermen’s village. In the 18 th century, Daher al-Omar established the modern city and built defensive walls around it. In 1869, the city expanded outside the walls, which were later demolished. But we don’t know much about the history of the city because most of the documentation was destroyed by fire during the violent events that took place in 1929 and 1936.  

You can walk around the little remains in Downtown Haifa. At Falcon’s shop on Kibbutz Galuyot 42 Street, you can see an old wall painting depicting the battle between the Turks and British. Here and there you can see some old and abandoned buildings. To really understand what you’re looking at, it’s best to take a tour guide.

The old wall painting at Falcon's

Go to the beach

There are several declared beaches in Haifa, so if you want to spend some time on the beach, it’s a possibility. One of the most popular beaches is Dado Beach, but if you’re looking for quieter beaches, it might be best to go to Bat Galim Beach or Neve Yam Beach.  

Enjoy Haifa’s nature trails

Haifa is located on the slope of Mount Carmel, and blends into the Carmel Forest. So, there are many nature trails all around the city, as well as outside it. For example, one of the most popular and pleasant trails in the city is the Nahal Lotem trail, which starts at Tishbi Street and ends at Gan Ha’em.

Here are other trails on the Carmel:

Hiking Down the Carmel Through Wadi Kelah and Galim

Hiking Mount Carmel on the Israel National Trail

Looking for a tour guide in Israel? I might be free to guide you while you’re here. Contact me by email at [email protected] .

How many days to visit Haifa?

It depends on what you want to do. Haifa is very accessible from Tel Aviv and can be a pleasant day trip by train. In one day, you can taste some great food, visit the Bahai Gardens, and maybe squeeze in another activity. If you want to see more and absorb the atmosphere, I’d say 2-3 days should be enough.

When to come to Haifa?

I think the best time to come is October-December or March-May when the weather is usually pleasant. Haifa is right next to the sea. If you’re not planning on the beach, I would skip coming here in June-September because of the high humidity.

If you want to avoid the crowds, don’t come in December because that’s the time of the Holiday of Holidays Festival and everything is crowded.

Where to stay in Haifa?

I’d search for stay options near Downtown, the German Colony, or Wadi Nisnas. That’s where all the good restaurants are located. Here are three places I’ve stayed during my visits to Haifa:

  • Nesthouse Haifa : A cozy place in Downtown Haifa, a few steps away from the train station. This place offers a mixed dormitory and private rooms. Read my full review here.
  • Hostel Roks: A clean place in Downtown Haifa, about 10 minutes walk from Wadi Nisnas. There are no dormitory rooms here, but the private room prices are cheap compared to other places. Read my full review here.
  • The Colony Hotel : This place is a boutique hotel, so it isn’t cheap. But if it’s within your budget, it’s centrally located in the German Colony, and you can see the Bahai Gardens from its rooftop. The rooms have a special inner design. Though, breakfast wasn’t so delicious (maybe because it was a Saturday).

The private room at NestHouse Haifa

Where to eat in Haifa?

As I’ve already mentioned, Haifa is a paradise for food lovers. If you’re looking for good food, look in Wadi Nisnas and its surroundings. There’s much more than falafel and shawarma. You can also try pita with cheese and za’atar, kanafeh, fatayer, and stuffed vegetables. Ask around and you’ll probably get some good recommendations. Here are my favorite places to eat >>> The Best Restaurants in Haifa: Wadi Nisnas and Beyond .

Money-saving tips for Haifa

Like all places in Israel, Haifa isn’t cheap. Expect to spend around 160-300 ILS (50-90 USD) per day, including food and accommodation. If you’ll follow these money-saving tips, you can keep your budget low:

Use Couchsurfing.

If you want to save money on accommodation,  Couchsurfing  is a great option. They have started charging an annual subscription, but it’s still worth it. Couchsurfing is a platform that connects travelers with local hosts, who will be happy to host you for free. This way, you save money and also get to know the local people! Couchsurfing is very popular in Israel, so it’s easy to find a host. Just make sure to read the references before you send a request and  stick to the safety basics.

Make your own meal.

An average meal costs 30-50 ILS. So to save money, it’s best to purchase supplies in a local supermarket and make your own meals. Though, I do recommend eating out a few times just to taste the food. If you’re staying in a hostel, you can use the shared kitchen. Don’t go to the market because the prices there are generally higher than in supermarkets. Plus, the vendors can tell you a higher price just because you are tourists.

Drink during Happy Hour.

In Israel, alcohol is expensive. If you go to the supermarket, a bottle of beer costs about 10 ILS, depending on the type. In a bar, prices range around 30-35 ILS! So, if you want to hang out in one of Haifa’s bars but also want to save money, come for Happy Hour. The nightlife scene starts late, around 10-11 PM, so you’ll find Happy Hour deals earlier, around 5-8 PM. This way, you’ll get more for less.

How to get around Haifa

It’s not so easy walking around Haifa because it’s situated on the slope of Mount Carmel. So, if you choose to walk, I recommend taking transport up to the highest point you plan to visit and walk down from there.

I think Haifa’s public transportation is the best in Israel. There are regular buses going anywhere you need, and they usually have their own lanes which means less traffic jams. There’s also the Carmelit, an underground funicular railway that connects Downtown Haifa to the higher parts of the Carmel. A one-way ticket costs 6.6 ILS. The bus fare is quite the same. Make sure to get a Rav-Kav public transit card before boarding any sort of transportation.   

To find the best route in the city, you can use the Moovit app or Google Maps .

To learn more, read my full guide to public transportation in Israel .

 How to get to certain attractions from Downtown

If you’re traveling on foot, it’s easy to walk between Downtown places like Wadi Nisnas, the German Colony, and the nightlife area (HaNamal Street). But if you want to visit other attractions, here are some popular attractions and how you can reach them by public transportation:

The Bahai Gardens: You can look at the Bahai Gardens from the bottom of the gardens, but if you want to attend a free tour, you’ll need to get to one of the garden’s top entrances depending on the tour you’re taking. To get to the middle gate on Hatzionut Street, you can walk uphill for about 20 minutes or take bus #136 from Downtown. To get to the upper gate on Yefe Nof Street, take bus #136 and get off at HaNassi/ Iris. Then walk a bit to the entrance.

Stella Maris Monastery: Take bus #58 from Downtown and get off at Cable Car/ Stella Maris station. It takes about 10 minutes.

Madatech Museum: Take bus #28 or #37 from Downtown and get off at Madatek/ Balfour station. It takes about 10 minutes.

Bat Galim Beach: Take bus #16 or #24 from Downtown and get off at Ha’Aliya Hashniya/ Lotz station. From there, walk a bit to the beach.

Annual events and festivals in Haifa

Holiday of holidays.

Dates not set yet – usually December

The Holiday of Holidays Festival in Haifa is one of the top events in Israel. It celebrates the three main monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It’s celebrated in December because Christmas and Chanukkah usually fall together in that month. Sometimes, the Muslim Ramadan also falls in December, but it’s more rare.  

During the festival, there are many tours that introduce you to the people that live in Wadi Nisnas. You get to hear their stories and sometimes taste some local food. Unfortunately, these tours are usually only in Hebrew. Besides these tours, it’s nice to walk around Downtown and enjoy the Christmas decorations.

For more information, check out the official website of Holiday of Holidays .

Check out this video by Israel:

visit haifa

Haifa International Film Festival

This year – 8-17 October 2022

This is the first international film festival in Israel and one of the biggest cinematic events in the country. It takes place every year during Chol HaMoed Sukkot and screens hundreds of international and local films. If you love the movies, it’s worth going.

For more information, check out the official website of Haifa International Film Festival .

Recommended day trips

Haifa is in northern Israel, about 1.5 hours by train from Tel Aviv and 2 hours by bus from Jerusalem. If you want to use it as a base to explore the North, it’s about an hour by bus from Nazareth and 1.5 hours by bus from Tiberias/ the Sea of Galilee. If you want to use it as a base, I think it’s best to rent a car.

Here are some recommended day trips from Haifa:

  • Acre (Akko): About one hour by train, Acre is one of the most charming towns in Israel. It has old and winding alleys, good food, and UNESCO Heritage Sites such as the Knights Hall. Read my post >> Top Free Things to do in Acre .
  • Daliyat al-Karmel: About one hour by bus, Daliyat al-Karmel is a famous Druze village on Mount Carmel. You can walk around the village, visit the market, and also take a short bus ride to Deir Al-Mukhraqa Carmelite Monastery.
  • Caesarea National Park: About 1.5 hours by bus, Caesarea is one of the leading national parks in Israel. It has an impressive Roman theatre and amphitheater, a beautiful view of the Med Sea, and some interesting exhibitions. Read my post >> A Walk Through Ancient Caesarea.  

Haifa is a fascinating city that combines religion, history, and good food. While it’s not a MUST, it could be a great addition to your trip itinerary.

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visit haifa

12 Fun Things To Do When Visiting Haifa

Haifa is a special city full of spiritual wonders and breathtaking sights. Located in Israel, visitors can explore the Shrine of the Bab, and take a cable car ride to Mount Carmel. Wander through Baha’i Gardens, relax at Bat Galim beach, and much more. From traditional Israeli cuisine to art galleries and natural reserves, there’s something for everyone in Haifa!

Are you looking for an exciting destination with plenty of fun activities? Look no further than Haifa, Israel! This gorgeous city is packed with beautiful sights and things to do. From visiting the Shrine of the Bab to walking along the Louis Promenade, there’s something here for everyone. Here are 12 fun activities you can enjoy when visiting Haifa. Enjoy!

1. Visit the Shrine of the Bab

The Shrine of the Bab, situated in Haifa, Israel is an important pilgrimage site for Bahá’ís across the world. The Shrine was built to commemorate the life and teachings of Siyyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi – also known as The Bab. It is widely believed that he heralded a new religious era and his death marked the beginning of a spiritual revolution.

The Shrine stands tall at the top of Mount Carmel, in the heart of Haifa, and is one of the most beautiful structures in the world. The architecture of the Shrine is unique – it has nine sides that represent unity and harmony between all people. Inside its walls lies a garden terrace where visitors can sit and relax.

1. Visit the Shrine of the Bab

Address: Shrine of the Báb, Haifa, 3339213, Israel

Hours Open: Sunday – Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Phone: +972 (4) 831 3131

Email: [email protected]

For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

2. Take a cable car to Mount Carmel

A visit to the Shrine of the Bab is not complete without a breathtaking ride on the Mount Carmel cable car. This cable car takes visitors up to the top of Mount Carmel, where they get a panoramic view of Haifa and the Mediterranean Sea. From here, you can see all around you – from the port city of Acre in the north to Nazareth and Mount Tabor in the east.

The cable car ride itself is quite an experience, as it winds its way up Mount Carmel. Make sure to take your time and enjoy the views, as they are truly spectacular. Once you arrive at the top of the mountain, you can take a leisurely walk to the Shrine of the Bab.

2. Take a cable car to Mount Carmel

Navigate here to see the location’s actual view.

3. Wander around Baha’i Gardens

The Baha’i Gardens consist of nineteen terraces that stretch from the base of Mount Carmel to its summit. These gardens are a reflection of the principles of unity and harmony advocated by Bahá’ís around the world. You can wander through these terraces, admiring their beauty as you soak in the tranquility that they bring.

The centerpiece of the gardens is the beautiful golden dome, located in the center of the terraces. This dome stands as a symbol of unity and harmony between all people, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. These gardens are truly an experience not to be missed when visiting Haifa.

3. Wander around Baha'i Gardens

Address: Yefe Nof St 61, Haifa, Israel

Hours Open: Sunday – Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

4. Relax at Bat Galim beach

After visiting the Shrine of the Bab and wandering around the Baha’i Gardens, take some time to relax at Bat Galim beach. This beach is one of Haifa’s most popular spots for tourists and locals alike, due to its stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. Here you can go swimming, sunbathing or simply relax in the sand.

There are plenty of restaurants and cafes along Bat Galim beach, so you can enjoy a delicious meal while admiring the views. The beach is also home to many different activities throughout the year, such as carnivals and concerts. So make sure to check out what’s on offer when you’re there!

4. Relax at Bat Galim beach

5. Explore the German Colony

The German Colony is a historic area in Haifa that was founded by German Templars in 1868. This area is now home to a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants, making it the perfect place to explore. Make sure to check out some of the boutiques, where you can find unique souvenirs and handicrafts.

You can also visit some of the German Colony’s historical sites, such as the Haifa Museum and the Templars’ Tower. And if you’re feeling peckish, there are plenty of great places to eat in this part of town. From traditional Israeli cuisine to modern fusion dishes, it’s all here!

5. Explore the German Colony

6. Visit Elijah’s Cave

Elijah’s Cave is a special place for many Christians, Jews, and followers of Bahá’í. Located in Haifa, this cave has become a popular pilgrimage site. It is believed to be the location where Prophet Elijah ascended into Heaven on a chariot of fire.

Visitors can take guided tours around the cave’s chambers, which are believed to be the place where Elijah used to meditate and pray. Inside you will find many artifacts and inscriptions related to the prophet’s life and teachings.

Address: Derech Allenby 227, Haifa, Israel

Opening Hours:

  • Sunday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 7:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Saturday Closed

Phone: +972 02-6540303

7. Visit Haifa University and Enjoy its Views

Haifa University is located in the city center and its campus offers stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s a great place to take a relaxing stroll and admire the views, but there are also plenty of other things to do here.

Take a tour of the university’s museums and galleries, explore its lush gardens, or simply relax in one of the many cafes. The university also regularly hosts a variety of events, such as concerts and art exhibitions. So make sure to check out what’s on offer before you visit!

7. Visit Haifa University and Enjoy its Views

Address: Abba Khoushy Ave 199, Haifa, 3498838, Israel

Hours Open: 24 hours

Phone: +972 4-824-0111

8. Walk along the Louis Promenade

The Louis Promenade is a scenic 4-kilometer-long pathway that runs along the Mediterranean Sea. This promenade offers stunning views of Haifa’s skyline and the sea, making it a great place to take a relaxing stroll.

Along this path you will find many cafes and restaurants where you can sit and enjoy the scenery. Make sure to take your time and enjoy all the little things along this path, such as small boutiques, street art, and sculptures. The Louis Promenade is a great way to end your visit to Haifa!

8. Walk along the Louis Promenade

9. Relax at the Dado Beach

The Dado Beach is a popular spot in Haifa, situated at the base of Mount Carmel. This beach offers stunning views of the sea and plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy. You can go swimming, sunbathing or simply relax in the sand.

This beach also has many restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy delicious meals while admiring the views. There are also plenty of activities and events taking place throughout the year, so make sure to check out what’s on offer when you visit!

9. Relax at the Dado Beach

10. Visit the Stella Maris Monastery

The Stella Maris Monastery is a beautiful landmark located on top of Mount Carmel. This monastery was founded in the 18th century by monks. Since becoming an important pilgrimage site for both Christians and Bahá’ís alike.

Visitors can take guided tours around the monastery, admiring its unique architecture and learning about its history. After exploring, take some time to relax in the monastery’s gardens and enjoy the stunning views of Haifa below.

The Stella Maris Monastery is an important part of Haifa’s history and culture, so make sure to add it to your list of places to visit when in town.

Address: Stella Maris Rd 100, Haifa, 3109002, Israel

  • Monday – Saturday 6:30 AM – 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Phone: +972 4-833-7758

11. Discover the “Grand Canyon” in Nahal Kishon Nature Reserve

Nahal Kishon Nature Reserve is home to an impressive canyon, known locally as the “Grand Canyon”. Here you can explore a variety of hiking trails and admire stunning views of the surrounding area.

The reserve also has plenty of wildlife – from wild boars and foxes to eagles and hawks. Make sure to bring your camera and take lots of photos!

The Nahal Kishon Nature Reserve is a great place to explore when you’re in Haifa. With its stunning views and abundant wildlife, it’s an experience not to be missed.

11. Discover the “Grand Canyon” in Nahal Kishon Nature Reserve

12. Visit the Haifa Museum of Art

The Haifa Museum of Art is located in the heart of the city and is home to a variety of collections spanning from ancient art to modern works. This museum has something for everyone, from contemporary paintings to sculptures and photographs.

Take some time to wander through its galleries and enjoy the many breathtaking pieces on display. The museum also hosts a variety of educational programs, lectures, and events throughout the year, so make sure to check out what’s on offer before you visit!

Address: Shabtai Levi St 26, Haifa, 3304331, Israel

  • Tuesday – Wednesday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
  • Saturday – Sunday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Phone: +972 4-603-0800

In conclusion

The city of Haifa, Israel is full of wonders and surprises. From the Shrine of the Bab to beautiful beaches and lush nature reserves, this city has something to offer everyone.

Whether you’re looking for a spiritual experience or simply taking in the sights and sounds, Haifa will not disappoint! So make sure to add it to your list of places to visit and discover the beauty of this unique city.

visit haifa

Haifa may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re thinking of a good time in

visit haifa

The best food in HaifaHaifa has four religions, one port, and the best street food in Israel. The city

visit haifa

It’s hard to rebrand an entire city, especially if you want to appeal to young people. Especially if that

visit haifa

Of course, if you’re a tourist in Israel, you’ll go to see Tel-Aviv; Jerusalem will be an obvious destination.

The Bahai Gardens in Haifa

It’s not just ranking high on the top to-do-lists of Haifa, but of all of Israel. This beautiful shrine

Haifa Wadi Nisnas

Haifa cable car and Stella Maris The Haifa cable car takes you for a five-minute journey between heaven and

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Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Best Things To Do In 2024 (+ Pros, Cons & Map)

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If you’re wondering, “is Haifa worth visiting?” The answer is yes, Haifa is absolutely worth visiting as a day trip or a multi-day stop as part of any Israel trip, if you know all the things to do to make it worthwhile. And I’m going to share everything you need to know to do just that!

Why listen to me about how to make your trip to Haifa worthwhile? I lived in Haifa for about half a year, and then in Tel Aviv for about 1.5 years! I also visit Israel quite a bit, and have traveled pretty much all over the country. Plus, I worked at a hostel in Tel Aviv and experienced tourism in Israel first-hand!

Haifa B'hai Gardens

Planning Your Haifa Trip? Use my favorite resources:

Accommodation: Rent a Car: Discover Cars Travel Insurance: Allianz Flights: WayAway Tours: Airport Transfers: KiwiTaxi

Haifa, Israel view

Haifa is the third largest city in Israel after Tel Aviv and Jerusalem . It’s located on Mt. Carmel in Northern Israel, about an hour by train from Tel Aviv. Haifa is a great place to start exploring Northern Israel as well. If you’re traveling with kids, Haifa has a lot for families – it’s slower-paced than the other big cities so a lot of families live here.

When I lived in Haifa, I interned for the Israel Nature and Parks Authority, taking photos of famous archaeological sites in Northern Israel which are all relatively close. Of course, Haifa is a city to explore all on its own, from the famous UNESCO B’hai Gardens site, to hiking, beaches, museums, art and more!

Map of Things To Do In Haifa, Israel

Haifa trail views on Mt. Carmel in Israel while hiking

Pros of Haifa

✔️ Amazing historical and archaeological sites including the UNESCO B’hai Gardens, Elijah’s Cave and more, plus many nearby archaeological sites

✔️ Wonderful hiking opportunities, from the Haifa trail to National Parks and more

✔️ A number of museums to explore

✔️ Great public transportation, including a subway system and buses, and a train to major cities (plus a cable car)

✔️ Unique beaches that are fun to visit with bars and cafes

✔️ Haifa is an amazing place to visit in Israel for its coexistence and is perfect to visit during the Holiday of Holidays celebration!

Cons of Haifa

✔️ A bit more difficult to navigate (use Moovit and Google translate), and the roads wind around a lot (because it’s a mountain)

✔️ Not everyone speaks English as much as in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem (but most do)

✔️ It’s a mountain, and buses don’t run on Shabbat – which means you’ll have to pay for a taxi or be ready to exercise if you need to go up or down the mountain

🇮🇱 Pro or Con: Haifa has celebrations with street fairs and live music for things like Israel’s Independence Day, which are super fun and popular for families with kids. If you’re a college student or non-family solo traveler or group, you’ll probably like Tel Aviv more for these!

Haifa Israel Independence Day celebration

Here’s my list of all things to enjoy in the city where I lived for 5+ months!

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? 38 Things To Do To Make Your Trip Worthwhile

1. is haifa worth visiting yes, if you tour the bahá’í gardens (haifa’s number one thing to do).

Haifa B'hai Gardens - Is Haifa Worth Visiting?

The Bahá’í Gardens is probably the most famous spot in Haifa, and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , which makes it the number one thing to do in Haifa! Fun fact: when I first moved to Haifa I lived in an apartment at the top of the mountain. There is a beautiful lookout point where you can see straight down the garden.

The Bahá’í Gardens have 19 terraces going up Mount Carmel, and in the middle is the Shrine of the Báb, who was the prophet of Bahá’í. On a tour, it is interesting to learn about the Bahá’í faith. People of the faith do not actually live in Haifa typically. But the main reason we liked touring the gardens is because the views and symmetry are just spectacular to witness in person. On a tour you get to see both the terraces, and additional garden areas.

Plan before you go – B’hai Gardens 👉 Make sure to go to the main entrance at 80 Hatzionut Avenue for tickets 👉 Hours are from 9 am – 5 pm daily. 👉 You can do a free walk-in tour every day except Wednesday. 👉 Make sure to dress modestly, as that is one of the requirements.

🇮🇱 Check out this Haifa Highlights Private Tour for a Day Trip Here

2. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you hike the Haifa Trail

Haifa trail spring - Is Haifa Worth Visiting?

For some reason, I didn’t know about the Haifa Trail much of the time I was there; this was probably because it’s not easy to find online on tourist sites. I accidentally found the trail one day and explored part of it (because it goes throughout Haifa as part of the Israel trail, so it’s too much to see the whole thing when it’s discovered unexpectedly!).

While I haven’t been to all of the trail yet (or even close – it’s one of the things I plan to do when I go back), what I did see was so cool that I returned with friends before moving to Tel Aviv so I could share it with them.

Haifa Trail Spring

3. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you visit the Cave of Elijah

The Cave of Elijah is actually two grottoes located on Mt Carmel in Haifa, where Elijah is believed to have possibly prayed. He also hid in a grotto from King Ahab and Jezebel in 1 Kings. The main “Cave of Elijah” is located on Allenby Road, and has been considered the main shrine for centuries.

The Cave of Elijah is one of the best things to do in Haifa because many religions consider it to be holy. The main shrine has two sections for praying (one for men, one for women). Some people think this shrine is miracle-working.

You can reach the grotto by using stairs off Allenby road, which are near the cable car, or from the Carmelite church on Stella Maris road down as steep pathway. It’s located in a residential area, and you can see writings from pilgrims on the walls.

The second grotto is near the Stella Maris Monastery, near Bat Galim.

4. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you take in the sunset from the Louis Promenade

Walking, running and taking the view of the Haifa Port and more from the Louis Promenade is one of the best things to do in Haifa because it’s near many of the major hotels like the Dan Panorama, Dan Carmel and more.

You can also grab some hummus or shawarma to go and eat on the promenade while watching the sunset!

Haifa, Israel view from the Louis Promenade

5. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you go to the Stella Maris Monastery

Also located on Mt Carmel, the Stella Monis Monastery is for Carmelite Monks, and supposedly contains the Cave of Elijah.

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you check out the amazing Museums

6. beit hagefen (one of the best things to do in haifa).

Haifa, Israel Beit Hagefen Cultural Center and Museum

Beit Hagefen is an Arab-Jewish Cultural Center located in Haifa, and Israel’s main cultural center for joint Jewish-Arab dialogue. It is made up of three buildings which include a library, a theater, and a gallery.

The cultural center also gives walking tours through Wadi Nisnas to show and explain the art installations in the neighborhood. This tour sheds light on one of Haifa’s most historic cities and why it’s so important. I highly recommend getting a tour here!

7. The Haifa Museum of Art

The Haifa Museum of Art showcases work by Israeli and international artists, and shows the culture of Israel from the start of the 20th century and its place in the world. The museum is one of the three biggest museums in Israel, so it’s worth a visit!

Make sure to check the hours before you go.

8. Explore the Haifa Sculpture Garden

The Haifa Sculpture Garden is a definite must-see stop, as there are both cool statues to see and amazing views of the city. I had a blast running around and interacting with all the statues in the park with friends!

9. Madatech Science & Technology Museum

I visited the Madatech Science & Technology Museum and loved it! It’s definitely one of the best things to do in Haifa for kids and families, but people of all ages can enjoy the interactive nature of the exhibits. There are indoor and outdoor exhibits to explore. Topics include natural science, magical science, the Energy Science Park, Sports Science, and more.

Haifa Madatech science museum - Is Haifa Worth Visiting?

10. Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art

The Tikotin Museum of Japanese Art is the only museum in the Middle East dedicated to preserving Japanese Art, making it a top museum to see in Haifa!

11. Haifa City Museum

The Haifa City Museum is located in the German colony. It explores the history and architecture of Haifa.

12. The Atlit Detention Camp and Mordechai (Moka) Limon Clandestine Jewish Immigration Information and Research Center

The Atlit Detention Camp Museum is an Israeli National Heritage Site that tells the history of immigration to Israel of Jews who were escaping the Holocaust and British mandate, and had to fight against rule by the British.

The original camp has been restored, and there’s an interactive exhibit, a film, a C-46 Commando transport aircraft that brought Jews over from Iraq and Italy in Operation Michaelberg.

The Mordechai (Moka) Limon Clandestine Jewish Immigration Information and Research Center is a database with names of the immigrants and activists.

13. Clandestine Immigration and Navy Museum & National Maritime Museum

The Clandestine Immigration and Navy Museum is dedicated to the history of the navy in Israel from the time of the British Mandate. There’s a clandestine immigrant ship displayed, the Af Al Pi Chen” (lit. “Nevertheless”), as well as reconstructed camps that were located in Cyprus, a submarine and more.

The National Maritime Museum is located right next door. It has exhibits on the history of shipping in the Mediterranean, as well as the story of the port city of Haifa, from 5000 years ago with maritime archaeological finds and information. There is also an exhibit on pirates.

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you visit the incredibly unique Neighborhoods

14. wadi nisnas & street art.

Wadi Nisnas is an Arabic name. It means the riverbed mongoose. The reason for this is that the Wadi is a actually a dried up riverbed, and when it rains, the area can flood. In addition, the mongoose is a native animal to the area.

You can also find the Arab outdoor market in Wadi Nisnas.

Exploring Ein Hod’s amazing street art is a fabulous way to spend a morning or afternoon in Haifa!

Haifa Street Art

15. Ein Hod

Ein Hod is a small artists’ village in Haifa that is known for its shops and galleries. There are printers’ shops, sculptors, photographers, silk screeners, musicians, ceramicists, mosaic artists, designers, stained glass makers, blacksmiths, and lithographers here.

Gertrud Kraus House is a local spot where you can find concerts and lectures twice a week. In the summer there are outdoor concerts as well for free.

Ein Hod has a major exhibition gallery with five halls. There is also a museum of antique musical instruments called The Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music.

16. Masada Street

Masada Street is the place for street parties and more; the hipster side of Haifa is how it’s described by most people. You can find trendy shops and cafes there, and it’s a great place to find things to do during the day and at night!

I spent Purim on Masada Street. It’s not a large section of Haifa, but it is definitely a place you should stop by and explore if you have the chance, because you’ll hear people talk about it and suggest you visit.

17. German Colony

Haifa German Colony night - Is Haifa Worth Visiting?

German colonies are in more than one place in Israel. There is one in Haifa, one in Tel Aviv near Sarona Market, and more throughout the country. These colonies were started by Templars from Germany in the 1860s when Israel was overtaken by the Ottoman Empire.

Today, the German Colony in Haifa is a cool place to go because it still has the original 1860s stone buildings built by German Protestant Templars. It’s a scenic street, which excellent views of the Bahá’í Gardens, and many restaurants and shops as well as hotels and The Haifa City Museum. This is another fantastic area for nightlife in the city.

More Haifa Places & Experiences

18. is haifa worth visiting yes, if you visit the haifa educational zoo.

I visited the Haifa Educational Zoo with friends and it’s really fun, with loads of animals – over 100 species! We even got to play with the Lemurs outside of their cages (we didn’t touch them though)! There’s also a prehistory museum, which is fitting since Haifa University’s archaeological department does prehistorical archaeology (I almost did an internship there).

Haifa Zoo Sarah

So you can be prepared, a warning that the zoo has a lot of steep inclines… but it’s worth it, and it’s accessible as well.

19. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you visit Broken Fingaz Murals

The Broken Fingaz Crew are four artists who have created spray-paint pop-art murals around the world. They’re from Haifa and you can find murals by them in the city. This. is an excellent way to spend Shabbat in Haifa!

20. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you ride the Haifa Cable Car

You can ride the cable car up the mountain from Bat Galim to the Stella Maris Monastery. You’ll get amazing views of Haifa, and it’s a preferable option to taking the bus or a taxi, for sure!

21. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you visit Ramat Hanadiv Memorial Park

Ramat Hanadiv is a big, tranquil landscaped nature park in honor of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Walk the paths and enjoy the beautiful scenery, especially if you’re looking for something to do on Shabbat!

22. Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you’re there for the Holiday of Holidays

In keeping with the coexistence theme in Haifa is the Holiday of Holidays ( Chag HaChagim in Hebrew), a multicultural celebration that takes place during the Winter holiday season in December every year. There are light displays and more for all the holidays – Hanukkah, Christmas, and Ramadan for the Jewish, Christian and Muslim residents of Haifa.

There are street fairs with food carts, antiques and art fairs, live music, and more performances with a theme of peaceful coexistence of all the religions in Haifa. The celebration is located in Wadi Nisnas to the German Colony and ends by the B’hai Gardens.

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you explore the one-of-a-kind Beaches

There are many beaches in Haifa, as there are throughout Israel. Spending a day at the beach is one of the best things to do while in Haifa at any time of day, night and during Shabbat (just make sure you have transportation if you have to do back up the mountain)!

The thing I like most about Haifa beaches is that although they can get crowded at times, in general they are much quieter and less populated than beaches in Tel Aviv. This gives visitors a chance to really see the geography of the beach, hear the sounds, and enjoy more space to yourself.

Here’s a list of my favorite beaches in Haifa:

23. Hof HaCarmel Beach

Haifa beach Hof Ha Carmel

Hof HaCarmel is located in western Haifa. It’s a nice beach, populated, with restaurants and fabulous sunset views.

The beach has changing rooms, restrooms, lifeguard, parking and more amenities.

24. Dado Beach (Hof Dado)

Haifa beach Hof Dado

This is a popular beach located by the Hof HaCarmel train station with a long walkway where people come to skate and walk. It’s populated, with bars and restaurants along the way, and people are always surfing and playing volleyball on the sand. It definitely has some Cali vibes.

🏄‍♂️ Fun Fact: many Haifa beaches have surf clubs you can join!

Past Hof Dado beach you get to this unique part of the coast with geological formations at the shoreline that is really cool – it’s one of my favorite areas in Haifa!

visit haifa

25. Bat Galim Beach

Haifa, Israel Bat Galim Beach

Bat Galim is a neighborhood in Haifa with a popular beach along its coastline. I would always see a lot of surfers in this area. It’s popular for SUP, windsurfing and kitesurfing as well.

There are restaurants, umbrellas and beach chairs, a lifeguard, changing room and restrooms, showers and more amenities.

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you know where to eat & drink

visit haifa

26. HaZkenim Falafel

HaZkenim Falafel has wonderful falafel. It’s located in the neighborhood of Wadi Nisnas.

27. Abu Shaker

Abu Shaker is a great hummus place.

28. Fattoush

Fattoush is located in the older, more Arab area of Haifa (Haifa is a very mixed city. Along with Hebrew-speaking Israelis, there is also a large population of Russian and Arabic speakers, as well as Druze people and the B’hai people who come and work in the gardens.) This area also happens to be the more touristy part of Haifa because, aesthetically, the architecture is lovely and it’s just below the B’hai gardens. It’s a must-visit for the view looking up at the gardens and the food, which is a bit more expensive, but absolutely delicious.

29. Chain Restaurants

Here are some Israeli chain restaurants that you can find not only all over Haifa, but all over Israel. Due to their proximity to my apartment and relative affordability (in varying degrees), these places were staples for everyday life while I was living there.

Landwer Cafe – Landwer is a chain in Israel that has amazing breakfast, but you can also go for other meals. Try the shakshuka here for sure!

Aroma – Israel’s version of Starbucks, only better. You can get shakshuka and other breakfasts here (so much better than a pastry when you’re hungry!). And they have freshly made food, including vegetables, so it’s an actual meal (no wonder they don’t let Starbucks have a hold in this country).

Cofix – Israel’s dollar store version of Starbucks with way less options and way better prices, but not as good of taste. It was, honestly, a staple of everyday life. I would go to Cofix for coffee on my early mornings before catching a bus to wherever I had to meet someone to get to one of the National Parks I photographed for my internship.

BBB (Burgus Burger Bar) – A burger chain that is better than most, at least Haifa, for a burger (needed when you miss that kind of thing being away from the states for longer periods of time). Israelis also really have a thing for American style burger joints, which is what BBB is. I had a membership card with them to get discounts, so going out to get burgers with a friend became somewhat of a regular thing for me.

Is Haifa Worth Visiting? Yes, if you take day trips to nearby sites and cities

If you’re looking for even more things to do in and around Haifa, there are a lot of nearby spots that make fabulous day trips!

30. Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Israel Mount of Olives view

Any trip to Israel is remiss without seeing Jerusalem (read more here) !

🇮🇱 How to get to Jerusalem from Haifa: 🚎 You can purchase a Rav Kav card and use the app to load money on it for bus and train transport, or buy tickets online or in person at the station. You can also pay in the bus with local cash (shekels). 🚎 For buses and trains: There is no service from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening due to Shabbat 👉 Train (Recommended): around 2 hours to Yitzhak Navon station Leaves every half hour from HaShmona, Bat Galim, or Hof HaCarmel station Change trains at either Tel Aviv Savidor or Ben Gurion Airport station 👉 Egged Bus (cheapest): around 2 hours Bus stations: Haifa Merkazit Hamifrats/Inter-City Platform, Hof HaCarmel, Technion/visitors station 👉 Car : around 2 hours on Route 90 (Yitzhak Rabin Highway) Rent a car in Haifa – it’s not expensive for tourists 👉 More Options : Taxi, sherut (shared taxi), or tour

🇮🇱 Check out this Private Jerusalem Tour from Haifa Here

31. Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv Beach Israel Yafo port skyline

Tel Aviv is another must-see city in Israel – there’s so much to see and do (read more here !

🇮🇱 How to get to Tel Aviv from Haifa : 🚎 You can purchase a Rav Kav card and use the app to load money on it for bus and train transport, or buy tickets online or in person at the station. You can also pay in the bus with local cash (shekels). 🚎 For buses and trains: There is no service from Friday afternoon until Saturday evening due to Shabbat 👉 Train (Recommended): around 1 hour Leaves every half hour from HaShmona, Bat Galim, or Hof HaCarmel station 👉 Egged Bus (cheapest): around 1.5 hours Take Bus 910 from Hof HaCarmel Central Bus Station to Tel Aviv’s Central Bus Station to the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station 👉 Car : 1-2 hours via Road 2, the Coastal Road Rent a car in Haifa – it’s not too expensive for tourists 👉 More Options : Taxi, sherut (shared taxi), or tour

32. Nazareth, Zippori (Sepphoris) and Bet Shearim

Sarah Nazareth precipice view

Nazareth is another city in Israel that you can visit for religious reasons as well as to hike the trails and see the views! It’s close to Tel Zippori (Sepphoris), one the best archaeological sites in Israel. It’s big, and is home to the Mona Lisa of Israel along with many other mosaics! Then, there’s Bet Shearim, a 2nd Temple-period burial site with tombs you can explore that have carvings, curses and more.

🇮🇱 Check out this Nazareth and Sea of Galilee Day Tour from Haifa Port Here

33. Kohav Hayarden (Belvoir Fortress)

Kochav Hayarden fortress Israel

You’ll definitely need a car to drive up the winding mountain road to this amazing Crusader Fortress, the best preserved in Israel! It’s one of my favorite sites to explore, and boasts spectacular views.

34. Korazim

Korazim Israel synagogue

Korazim is famous for being a biblical site cursed by Jesus. There’s a synagogue and other impressive archaeology – it’s entirely built of basalt, too. Plus, you’ll see more spectacular views and hopefully some rock badgers chilling out!

35. Tel Afeq (or Afek)

Tel Afeq fortress window Israel

Tel Afeq has a Crusader fortress with a lower level-area that has an Egyptian administration center, plus other archaeological remains and British mandate-era admin buildings. There’s also a nature reserve there.

36. Akko (Acre)

Akko Israel

Akko (Acre) is really close by to Haifa, a quick bus ride away. You can tour the Crusader fortress and museum, tunnels, the walls and more. There’s also a market and old city with shopping and amazing restaurants, a beach and other amazing things to discover!

🇮🇱 Check out this Haifa and Akko Private Tour Here

37. Caesarea

Israel Caesarea

Caesarea is an archaeological park that is home to Herod’s palace, a major ancient amphitheater that is used today (pictured above), a harbor, and many other ancient findings to discover from under and above water!

🇮🇱 Check out this Private Tour to Israel’s Coastline: Caesarea, Haifa & Acre Here

38. Rosh HaNiqra (HaNikra)

visit haifa

Rosh HaNikra has grottos to explore, and it’s right on the Lebanon border! You can get amazing views, explore, and go the beach.

🇮🇱 Check out this One-Day Private Guided Tour to Bahai Gardens Haifa, Acre & Rosh Hanikra Here

FAQs about Is Haifa Israel worth visiting and things to do in Haifa:

👉 How many days should I spend in Haifa?

You only need one day in Haifa, but with more there is more to see and you can also do day trips to many close-by tourist and archaeological sites like Akko, Rosh Hanikra, Caesarea, Zippori and more.

👉 What is Haifa Israel known for?

Haifa, Israel is mostly known for the B’hai Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage site that is definitely worth a visit for the amazing views and information you’ll learn!

👉 What is cool about Haifa?

Haifa is especially cool because it’s a city in Israel focused on coexistence. Visit Beit Hagefen Cultural Heritage Center to learn more. It’s also cool because of the B’hai Gardens (a UNESCO famous site), museums, hiking, unique beaches, culture, food and much more, like the Israeli Film Star’s Avenue (pictured below)!

Haifa, Israel Israeli Film Star's Avenue

Getting Around In Haifa

Haifa has a subway, the bus, and you can rent a car . Just remember Haifa is a steep mountain, so you’ll have to prepared to drive it!

👉 If you rent a car, just be prepared, especially for driving in Israel. You’ll need to be an aggressive driver. To rent a car in Israel, Discover Cars is a great tool to use to find the best deals!

👉 Use the apps Moovit (for public transporation) and Waze (for driving directions).

👉 For a taxi, use the Gett app in Israel.

As for walking the mountain, there are A LOT of stairs… I walked it once when I first arrived for my program and was out of shape for mountain-climbing. Of course, the Bahá’í Gardens tour is a walk down the mountain, so it’s not as difficult. Spending time in Haifa will let you know if you’re lacking leg strength, but don’t worry – you’ll build it up while you’re there!

Haifa Israel map

Where to Stay In Haifa On Any Budget

✅ budget option: the port inn.

I stayed at The Port Inn and highly recommend it (as do others – it’s top-rated in its class)! It’s located downtown at the bottom of the mountain, which is better to stay than the top (you can reach the beach and train easily)!

🛏️ Check Availability at The Port Inn Here

✅ Mid-Tier Option: Leonardo Plaza Hotel Haifa

The Leonardo Plaza Hotel Haifa is a beachfront hotel with a heated pool, free breakfast, and more – plus, it’s top-rated.

🛏️ Check Availability at the Leonardo Plaza Hotel Haifa Here

✅ Luxury Option: Dan Carmel Haifa

Dan Carmel Haifa is at the top of Mt Carmel, and will give you the best views! It’s near the promenade and other places of interest, and includes a pool, fitness center, babysitting and more. There’s taxi service and paid private parking as well.

🛏️ Check Availability at Dan Carmel Haifa Here

👉 Check out this guide for more places to stay on any budget, by area in Haifa!

What you’ll need for Haifa, Israel

👉 For flights, WayAway is a flight aggregator that helps you find the cheapest flights. Use the code MUKI-TRAVELS for 10% off WayAway Plus.

👉 Find more tips on things like travel insurance, what to pack, and more on my travel resources page .

All in All: Is Haifa Worth Visiting + Things To Do

I loved my time living in and exploring Haifa, Israel and I hope you love your experience there as much as I did with this list of amazing things to do and see!

Check out these posts for more info on Israel & Middle East travel

👉 31+ Best Things To Do In Tel Aviv (With Map) 👉 Is Israel Safe For Travel In 2024? Important Advice Amidst War 👉 Where To Stay In Tel Aviv: Best Places for Every Budget (Neighborhoods, Hotels + More) 👉 The best time to visit Tel Aviv 👉 The 20 Best Day Trips from Tel Aviv 👉 8 Best Tours From Tel Aviv To Jerusalem To Check Out 👉 Is Tel Aviv Worth Visiting? 18 Ways To Make Your Trip Worthwhile (plus pros & cons) 👉 Renting A Car In Tel Aviv: Everything You Need To Know 👉 The Best Time To Visit Jerusalem (+ 25 Things To Do) 👉 Is Jerusalem Worth Visiting? 26 Things To Do To Make Your Trip Worthwhile (with pros & cons) 👉 What To Pack For Israel In Winter (Dec-Feb) 👉 What To Pack For Israel In Spring (March-May) 👉 What To Pack For Israel In Summer (June-Sept) 👉 What To Pack For Israel In Fall (Oct-Nov) 👉 Winter in Jerusalem: Weather, Things To Do + Travel Tips 👉 Tel Aviv to Jerusalem / Jerusalem to Tel Aviv: All You Need To Know 👉 Jerusalem to Galilee / Galilee to Jerusalem: All You Need To Know 👉 Israel Archaeology: Volunteer On An Excavation 👉 Israel Archaeology List: learn about famous sites 👉 Jordan to Jerusalem / Jerusalem to Jordan: All You Need To Know 👉 Rome to Jerusalem / Jerusalem to Rome: All You Need To Know 👉 Israel & Palestine, and the Conflict: A Beginner’s Guide (History, Maps & Resources) 👉 The 17 Best Israel Souvenirs 👉 Top 25 Biblical Sites In Israel 👉 Captivating Scenes: A Photo Journey Through Historic Jerusalem 👉 10+ Unique and Captivating Photos of Tel Aviv, Israel

👉 Also check out this post on Cairo for more Middle East travel! 👉 For more International Travel guides, check out this page .

Get my guide on the Israel & Palestine conflict

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Hi! I'm Sarah Simon, the founder of Mukikapup's Travels! I created this blog as a place to share travel and photography tips that I've learned and additional research using my experience solo traveling and living abroad, plus getting various degrees, including a Masters in Archaeology from Tel Aviv University in Israel. Mukikapup is a character my grandfather created to tell us stories about - read more on my "about" page. I'm so glad you're here!

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  • 8 Best Places To Visit In Haifa For A Perfect Middle Eastern Trip!

Also known as “Israel’s San Francisco”, Haifa is the third largest city of Israel. Gorgeously set on the slopes of Mount Carmel with the mesmerizing view of the Mediterranean Sea it is a hidden gem for amazing number of ancient sites of the country. Even though being a bustling port town, it is one of the most loved tourist destinations of Israel. Home to lovely Baha’i Gardens and Elijah’s cave, Haifa is a perfect example of the modern city life with a harmonious approach. There are a tremendous number of places to visit in Haifa which will stun you with their serene beauty.

8 Amazing Places To Visit In Haifa On Your Trip

Haifa is one of the most beautiful cities of Israel. Hidden gem for the ancient sites, you will find swo many amazing things in the city. Here is the list of 8 astonishing places to visit in haifa.

  • Baha’i Shrine and Gardens
  • Elijah’s Cave
  • Bat Galim Beach
  • Ursula Malbin Sculpture Park
  • Mount Carmel
  • Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery
  • Falafel HaZkenim

1. Baha’i Shrine and Gardens

Baha'i Shrine and Gardens

Image Source If you are interested in history and cultures then head to the incredible Baha’i Shrine and Gardens, it is one of the best places to visit in Haifa, Israel. Baha’i Shrine, with its golden dome, is the city’s significant monument. It contains the tomb of Iranian Mirza Al Mohammed who called himself “Bab” or “gateway to God”. It one of the top places to visit in Haifa. It is declared as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for its immense cultural and natural beauty. Enjoy a fun day exploring the beautiful gardens and the shrine, and get close to the city’s culture.

Address: Off Yefe Nof Street, Central Haifa

Must Read: 6 Haifa Hostels For You To Have A Comfortable Stay On Your Haifa Trip

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2. Elijah’s Cave

Elijah's Cave

Image Source Elijah’s Cave is just opposite to the Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery and is one of the important pilgrimage sites in Haifa. Until 1948, It was a mosque and it is believed that Prophet Elijah hid here after killing the priests of Ba’al. It is a significant site for Muslims, Christians and Jews who all believe in Elijah in high regard. You will experience a peaceful time here. It is recommended to dress modestly to respect the pilgrims who are visiting the site.

Address: Off Tchernichovsky Street, West Haifa

Suggested Read: Experience The Ultimate Haifa Nightlife In These 8 Captivating Venues

3. Bat Galim Beach

Bat Galim Beach

Image Source Haifa has two popular beaches where you can indulge in thrilling water activities or even spend a laid-back day soaking in the sun by the beach. Bat Galim Beach is the most known beach of Haifa. A paradise for sports enthusiasts, you can enjoy all kinds of water activities here, From kiteboarding to windsurfing, snorkeling to jetskiing, and much more. It ranks as the best place to visit in Haifa. After a thrill activity satisfy your hunger with delectable Israel cuisine, as there are many cafes and restaurants by the beach where you will find amazing dishes to satisfy your cravings.

Location: Haifa shoreline

Suggested Read: 7 Restaurants In Haifa That Will Make You Visit There Again And Again

4. Ursula Malbin Sculpture Park

Ursula Malbin

Image Source If you want to take to take a break from sightseeing and enjoy a relaxing time in the lush greenery then head to Ursula Malbin Sculpture Park. Filled with gorgeous bronze statues this park is a favourite spot for locals to come and take a stroll with their friends and family. If you are travelling with children than it is a best place to let them play and enjoy with their friends. Located in the center of the city is gives you a break from the hustle bustle of the streets and traffic on the roads.

Address: Sderot Hatzionut, Haifa, Israel

Suggested Read: Top 10 Things To Do In Haifa That Will Let You Have An Incredible Vacay

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5. Caesarea


Image Source If you like to explore the ancient history of the city to know more about the roots of the city than make sure to visit Caesarea while vacaying in Haifa. Located between Haifa and Tel Aviv, Caesarea is home to country’s most magnificent ancient sites. You will find many antique discoveries here one of them is the famous figure of Artemis which is now preserved in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Take a visit here and explore the ancient sites of Israel with your loved ones.

Location: 43 kilometers south of Haifa

Suggested Read: 12 Perfect Wedding Venues In Israel

6. Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel

Image Source If you are a trekk lover, then pack your belongings and get ready for an adventurous trek on the slopes of Mount Carmel, it makes an excellent day trip from the city. The main historic attraction of here is the famous Carmelite Monastery of St. Elijah, where it is believed that Elijah set up an altar during the conflict with the priests of Baal. It is one of the famous places to see in Haifa. After a thrilling trek, explore the beautiful Ein Hod, which is an artists’ village comprising colourful galleries.

Address: off Tchernichovsky Street, West Haifa

Suggested Read: 9 Gorgeous Places Near Israel For Those Who Wish To Explore Beyond The Promised Land

7. Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery

Stella Maris

Image Source One of the most significant pilgrimages in Haifa, Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery is known for its lush frescoes portraying St. Elijah. Rebuilt in 1836, after being destroyed by the Napoleon and Ottoman battle, is now one of the most important pilgrims for local people of Israel. It is a great place to learn about the history of the country. An interesting museum is in a room adjoining the monastery entrance that you can explore and learn more about the monastery. After exploring the museum you can head to the Elijah’s cave, which is nearby the Monastery.

Suggested Read: 10 Places For Scuba Diving In Israel To Satiate Your Adventure-Lust

8. Falafel HaZkenim

Falafel HaZkenim

Image Source Haifa is not just famous for incredible sites that take you on a trip to the past, but is is one of the best cities in the country serving the most authentic Israeli cuisine, which is undoubtedly delectable. Talking about the Israeli cuisine, Falafel is everyone’s favourite and is something which you definitely cannot miss while in Haifa. Falafel HaZkenim is the oldest restaurant in the town serving the most delicious Falafel. You will have to wait in long queues as there are thousands of people visiting this restaurant for the best falafel of the town. The taste of pita wrapped around the crunchy falafel with a small slick of tahina (sesame paste) will surely leave you speechless. Make sure to visit this restaurant as it is one of the famous places to go out in Haifa. Address: Wadi St 18, Haifa, Israel

Further Read: 10 Best Places To Visit In Israel For An Extended Tour Of The Holy Land

Haifa is the crown jewel of Israel which will stun you with its beauty and rich history. With so much to offer there are many places to visit in Haifa, from majestic ancient monuments to famous restaurants this city is a wonderful destination for spending a fun-filled vacation with your loved ones. Plan a trip to Israel and make the most of your holidays!

Frequently Asked Questions about Places to visit in Haifa

What are the top attractions in Haifa?

Some of the best attraction to explore during your visit to Haifa include Baha’i Shrine and Gardens, Elijah’s Cave, Bat Galim Beach, Ursula Malbin Sculpture Park, Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery, and Falafel HaZkenim.

What is there to do outdoors in Haifa?

Haifa is known for its amazing ancient architecture that can be explored during your visit. Other things to do outdoors include enjoying the renowned eateries and Haifa and going for the enticing adventures such as history walks, visiting museums, and exploring historical sites.

Is it safe to visit Haifa during covid times?

Since the number of covid cases are decreasing constantly, the Government of Israel has resumed tourism within the country and issued some important protocols to to contain covid from spreading. Travelers who are fully vaccinated are exempted from any kind of covid tests, whereas non-vaccinated travelers are supposed to test themselves for covid at least 48 hrs before departure.

What is Haifa known for?

Haifa is one of the largest cities in Israel and is known for its ancient architectures that are still well-preserved. Haifa, which is now a modern city, comprises various historical monuments and religious sites.

What can you do in Haifa at night?

Haifa has one of the most vibrant nightlife in Israel and there are many things to do such as dining at some of the popular restaurants, strolling along the streets, and going camping in the wild.

What is there to do in Haifa in 2 days?

The best things that you could do in 2 days in Haifa include exploring some of the popular tourist attractions, enjoying various savory cuisines at popular restaurants, and strolling around the artistic streets of Haifa.

What are the best months to explore Haifa?

The best months to explore Haifa are during March and April, and during the winters. The summers in Haifa might be a little unpleasant for some of the travelers, therefore traveling in these months is recommended.

How many days are required to explore Haifa?

For a brief visit to Haifa, a 1-2 days tour is recommended in order to explore the major attractions in the city but if you want to go for a thorough vacation, then 3-4 days are sufficient to explore the hidden gems of the city.

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lauren on location

9 Unique Things to Do in Haifa, Israel

As you may already know, I recently did a Birthright trip to Israel! It was ah-maz-ing. The Birthright trip was a nice intro to the country, but I definitely would like to spend some more time there. I know I’ll be going back sooner rather than later. And so, when Jacob, who lived in Israel for several months, reached out with an idea for a guest post about things to do in Haifa, Israel , I jumped at the offer.

I didn’t make it to Haifa while touring Israel, but Jacob makes Israel’s third largest city seem like a dream. It’s now fully on my radar and on my list of sites to visit the next time I make it over there!

Here’s Jacob!


7 Best Things to do in Haifa

Israel is easily the best country I’ve visited — the weather, people, food, cities, landscape, environment, and history are unrivaled anywhere else in the world.

Whether you’re exploring the ancient city of Jerusalem, hiking up Mount Masada , floating on the Dead Sea or partying in one of Tel Aviv’s many nightclubs along the beach, you’ll never run out of things to do. For such a small country, Israel has a lot to offer!

There are beautiful Mediterranean beaches along the coast, tall mountains, forests, deserts, incredible wildlife and plenty of happening cities. In fact, I called one of those cities home for a month, Haifa! 

The city of Haifa sits mostly atop Mount Carmel, a beautiful mountain range in the north of Israel near the border of Lebanon. Situated along the Mediterranean sea and a short train ride away from the ancient city of Akko, Haifa is one of the most culturally diverse cities in all of Israel . 

In this post, we’re going to talk about some of my favorite things to do in Haifa after spending a month living in the city’s downtown. 

#1 Visit the Bahá’í Gardens 

The Bahá’í Gardens ( bahai gardens ) are almost as famous as they are beautiful. This world heritage site is carved into the side of Mount Carmel, and is one of the most magnificent works of art you’ll ever lay eyes on. 

The Bahá’í religion is relatively new — they’re peaceful people who believe we should all get along, regardless of our race, religion, gender, etc. 

Their garden terraces are maintained year round, and are around the Shrine of the Báb (founder of the Báb faith, forerunner of the Bahá’í fath) is buried there. 

It’s a beautiful shrine that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. If you can manage to walk up the seemingly endless stairs, you’ll enjoy a breathtaking view of the gardens, city, and sea below. 

When looking for things to do in Haifa, be sure. to visit the bahai gardens.

If you like beautiful views (who doesn’t) incredible landscaping and brilliant architecture, you’ll definitely enjoy Haifa’s Bahá’í gardens. They’re open from 09:00 to 17:00 every day, but the shrine closes at 12:00 noon. You can walk through the gardens on your own, or go on a free guided tour. More information about the tours is also on their website . 

?Location: Yefe Nof St 61, Haifa, Israel

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

#2 Hit The Beach

Haifa is mostly built on a mountain, but the lower downtown area near the German colony is right along the coast.

There are buses that’ll take you up and down the coast of Haifa for pretty cheap, not to mention a train with several stops in the city. One of them stops right at Carmel beach, the biggest beach in Haifa.

The long boardwalk style walkway parallel to the coast is lined with shops, restaurants, palm trees, and workout parks. Music is common, as are people dancing or playing an instrument. Don’t get me wrong, the beaches in Tel Aviv are also spectacular, but something about Carmel beach in Haifa really blew me away.

Things to do in Haifa: Go to Carmel Beach

Haifa also has a bunch of smaller beaches along the coast, like Bat Galim beach near the Port of Haifa . It’s in a small Russian neighborhood, so if you prefer quiet and an escape away from all the action, then this is the beach for you. 

Bat Galim beach was much closer to my place in Haifa, so I frequented it often. It still had a few ice cream shops nearby, as well as an awesome abandoned building which we’ll talk about down below. 

?Location: Carmel Beach

#3 Buy Fruit from Haifa’s Local Markets

It is known that Israel has the best food in the world — not just Israeli food, all of the food. 

A lot of the ingredients used in American cooking are highly processed, genetically modified, and either imported or shipped across the country. On the other hand, Israeli food is made with fresh ingredients grown no more than an hour away ( because Israel is tiny ).

It’s no secret that better ingredients make better food! ?

Don’t get me wrong, I love eating hummus and tahini, but you can also get a great burger in Tel Aviv or have terrific pizza if that suits your fancy. 

What I loved about Haifa, however, were the local street food markets throughout the city. Talpiot Market was one of my favorites, and is always full of fresh local fruit grown nearby. You’ll never bite into a juicier piece of fruit anywhere else! 

?Talpiot Market Location: Sirkin St 38, Haifa, Israel

#4 Water Sports

When looking for things to do in Haifa a friend of mine offered to take me out for a ride on his Saba 50 Catamaran!!  If you’re not as fortunate as me to have a friend with a boat, there are also plenty of companies that’ll take you out for a day!

Haifa is a huge water sport city. Every morning I saw people on surfboards paddling out into the sea to ride the waves. And there is some great surfing along the coast.

There are also surf clubs you can join if you’re experienced, and lessons available for beginners. In addition, plenty of people ride the waves on paddleboards , which I found beginner friendly.

You can also find a bunch of people parasailing, paramotoring, and boating on any given day, especially in the summertime.

All in all, Haifa has a bunch of water sports to try for veterans and beginners alike.

?Location: David Elazar St 2

#5 Eat Hummus, Tahini and Falafel!

Alright, fine, eating hummus, tahini and falafel isn’t something exclusive to Haifa, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t indulge!

Hummus in Haifa, Israel

I frequented a delicious falafel restaurant called HaZkenim Falafel — hands down the best falafel I’ve ever had.

My favorite place to get hummus in Haifa, Israel

It’s a family restaurant, and a young boy was working there, probably around 14 years old. We were talking about the American rappers he liked. Then his grandmother started screaming at him.  I thought he was in trouble — but after asking, he told me she said “did you watch the soccer game last night?” ?

Important note: People from the middle east speaking both Hebrew and Arabic tend to seem like they’re fighting and yelling all of the time, even when they’re not. 

Either way, the hummus in Israel slaps, and you can’t go wrong with the Tahini either. 

?Location: HaZkenim Falafel, Wadi St 18, Haifa, Israel

#6 Visit a Local Pub

If you love to party, Tel Aviv is definitely the place to be in Israel, where bars, pubs, and nightclubs are packed full every night, even during the week. 

On the other hand, Haifa is a bit more relaxed — there’s not much going on during the week, but there are a lot of fun places to go on the weekend. 

Eli's Pub in downtown Haifa

When looking for things to do in Haifa, it was common that I’d visit the local pubs with my friends in the downtown area. Eli’s Pub was my favorite – there was always live music and a great atmosphere, not to mention gorgeous bartenders ( sorry, I’m only human ).

Once I was a bit more adventurous and went to a nightclub, where I danced the night away with some friendly and also somewhat intoxicated strangers!

Don’t expect to rave all night, every night, but that’s not to say there isn’t a good nightlife scene in Haifa if you know where ( and when ) to look. 

? Eli’s Pub Location: Derekh Yafo 35, Haifa, Israel

#7 Watch The Sunset over the water

There’s an abandoned building in Haifa near Bat Galim beach with a tremendous view of the ocean, and it holds a special place in my heart. 

This one’s a bit dodgy, and to be quite honest I’m not sure about the legality of it. As far as I know, climbing up an old ladder into an abandoned building probably isn’t the best idea. [ If you chose to do this, do so at your own risk. Lauren on Location is not responsible for anything that may happen during execution of these activities, and only serves to be a source of information . All decisions made to pursue activities are your own. ]

Watching the sunset from the abandoned building

My friends and I made this a habit, and did it almost every evening to watch the sunset with a few beers, and it was probably my favorite thing to do. Nothing is better than looking at the jaw dropping beauty of the water with the sun going down, alongside your good friends. Couple that sensory overload with the wind in your face and a slight buzz. It doesn’t get better than that!

Seriously though, this one is a risky thing to do in Hafia, and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it. BUT there are other places to watch the sunset as well. Try St. John Chapel, the Louis Promenade near the Dan Carmel, or one of these options listed by Time Out Israel .

? Location: Bat Galim Beach, Haifa

#8 Go Cliff Jumping in Acre

Yet another risking thing to do in Haifa… what can I say?!

Acre (sounds like Akko) is an ancient city just north of Haifa. If you’re already in the area, you should definitely check it out.  The wall you see in the picture is great for cliff jumping. In the middle of the picture you’ll see stone blocks at the end of the wall. That’s where you climb up after hurling yourself off the wall and falling 13 meters into the water. ?

Acre (sounds like Akko) is an ancient city just north

The ancient walls defended the city from several attempted invasions throughout history, including an attempt by the French general Napoleon during his Egypt and Syria campaign. 

You can find ancient ruins of Templar churches, and an awesome Arab market full of, well, a bunch of random crap and delicious food. Worth checking out! 

Cliff jumping outside of Haifa

For me, the highlight of my trip to Acre was jumping off the 13 meter ancient city walls into the water below. It’s pretty dangerous and only safe in a certain spot. I went twice during the summer, and both times the locals were jumping off and doing crazy backflips. [ Again, if you chose to do this, do so at your own risk. Lauren on Location is not responsible for any actions taken after reading this informative guide .]

I played it safe and jumped feet first — or at least, as safe as I could while cliff jumping . If you’re an adrenaline junky and like a rush, this may be your type of activity.

Some say you don’t need travel insurance , especially in Israel. But if you’re going to partake risky activities while traveling, I’d recommend you have a good policy! 

?Location: Old Acre City Walls

#9 Haifa Cable Car and Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery

Haifa has some pretty cool cable cars that’ll take you up the hill to Stella Maris Monastery, another popular tourist attraction. The cable cars are the easiest and fastest way up, unless you want to hike up a pretty big hill. 

The Monastery is beautiful, both inside and out. Not only is the building’s architecture impressive to say the least, but the view from the mountain is terrific. 

Stella Maris Monastery

The reason why I didn’t do all of the “touristy” things in Haifa is because I was living there as a digital nomad. When you live somewhere for a month or two at a time, I’ve found that you adopt a “I’ll do it tomorrow” attitude about sightseeing. Before you know it, it’s time to move on to the next location. 

If you’ve only got a short stay in Haifa, I’d definitely prioritize some of the more touristy attractions, but be sure to get in some local activities from this list as well!

?Location: Stella Maris Rd 100, Haifa, Israel

Additional Things to do in Haifa, Israel:

  • If you’re looking for day tours outside of Haifa , or nature-friendly things to do in Haifa, check out Carmel Mountain National Park ! It’s Israel’s largest national park, containing over 10K hectares of pine, eucalyptus, and cypress forest!! 
  • If you like art or museums, be sure to check out Haifa’s Museum of Art , located in Wadi Nisnas downtown in a historic building built back in the 1930s.

And if you’re headed to Tel Aviv sometime on your trip, be sure to check out Lauren’s post about A Cooking Class in Tel Aviv with an Israeli Local !

Have you ever been to Israel? After reading this post, would you like to visit Haifa?? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below ⬇️⬇️

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Haifa is a gem of a city in northern Israel, and actually Israel's third largest city! This post is a list of the best things to do in Haifa, as well as some unique and off-the-beaten path activities, that most tourists don't do. If you're looking for a guide to enjoy the most of your time in Haifa, Israel, this post is for you! #haifa #israeltravel #haifaisrael

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I have not been to Israel but have wanted to go since I was young. I thought that Jerusalem and Tel Aviv would make my trip perfect but your description and images of Haifa have made me ad this city to the list. I am impressed by the up the hill shot of the Bahá’í temple.

I made it to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on my last trip, but next time around I’m definitely going to make it to Haifa! I would go just for the Bahá’í gardens 🙂

This city is absolutely stunning! I know very little about Israel but wow, I would definitely go out of my way to visit Haifa! It was also interesting to read about the Bahai Gardens as I know some people here who practice Bahai and it also was sort of a blank spot in my knowledge. Great post :))

How cool! I wish I actually new people that practiced Bahai. I first learned about the religion when I went to the temple in Santiago, and it seems like such an interesting and inclusive belief system. Thanks Cynthia!

Excited to see this post! Haifa is a wonderful city. The port area is being developed and is a cool place to stay now. Love Acre too – though I have NOT tried the jumping!

Once all of these travel bans are over, I REALLY want to get back to Israel, and will definitely be heading to Haifa! Looks like such a cool city!

Haifa looks beautiful! I can imagine the food there is really good too. Do you know if a lot of solo travellers go there? I’m curious because I travel solo mostly and I would loveeee to go Hafia!

Hi Queenie! Haifa does look beautiful, doesn’t it!? Unfortunately, this was a guest post, so I’ve never been there personally. BUT, you can reach out to Jacob at [email protected] . He wrote this article and also lived in Haifa for a few months, so I’m sure he can give you lots of great info! 🙂 I hope that helps!

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Top 5 Sites to See in Haifa, Israel

Stunning view of Haifa from the Bahai Gardens

The Baha’i Gardens

Bahá'í Temple, Park

Bahai Shrine Gardens in Haifa international headquarters Bahai Faith pilgrimage destination Bahai believers all world unique

No visit to Haifa would be complete without a tour of this majestic World Heritage Site. Meditative paths weave through the 19 immaculately landscaped terraces, and the hillside location offers visitors panoramic views of the seaside town and harbor. The continuity of the gardens and the design of the shrine reflect the central belief of the Baha’i religion in the oneness of God, of mankind, and the truthfulness of all prophets of the various faiths as messengers of God. The cultural influence of East and West is evident in the myriad plant species and landscape designs. The biological diversity and excellent guided tours will fascinate horticulturalists and religious scholars equally.

The Baha’i gardens are open from 9am-5pm daily and the shrine welcomes visitors from 9am-noon daily. Tours of both should be reserved in advance.

The German Colony and Wadi Nisnas

View of the German Colony, the Bahai gardens and shrine, at sunrise, in Haifa, Israel

Madatech Science and Technology Museum

Building, Museum, Theater, University

Madatech, Israeli National Museum of Science Technology and Space, Haifa, Israel Solar system exhibit

The Beachfront and Boardwalks

ME0A7G the promenade at The Carmel Beach in Haifa in Israel

Haifa truly wins the prize for urban beaches in Israel, with plenty of beachfront cafés and bars to keep you hydrated and socializing all day long, and a range of watersports for the adrenaline junkie. Lessons in surfing, kite-surfing, wind-surfing, paddleboarding and more are available through KiteClub. Dado beach is the southern shore of Haifa and is served by the Hof HaCarmel Bus and Train stations, making it the go-to sunbathing spot for locals. From Dado, the beachfront continues south uninterrupted into the gorgeous dunes and tide pools of the Carmel Coast nature reserve .

Also perfect for a beach day in the city is Bat Galim , adjacent to Rambam Hospital and accessible via the train . Bat Galim offers a picturesque boardwalk with restaurants galore, and is the departure point for the cable-car, which delivers passengers in style to the fifth and final must-see site in Haifa.

Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery and Elijah’s Cave

R6FN8D The Dome Interior Of The Stella Maris Monastery Or The Monastery Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel In Haifa, Israel

Take an exciting ride up in Haifa’s cable-cars (summer: 9am-8pm; winter: 10am-6pm) to one of the oldest monasteries in the world, which has its early roots in the 12th century and a complicated history to date. The decorations are stunning as are the panoramic views of the harbor and city. A short walk down the staircase leads to Elijah’s Cave , thought to be the abode of the prophet so important in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths. The cave is now housed in an ornate, domed chapel. Both the monastery and the cave offer visitors guided tours and in-depth historical and biblical references.

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Stella Maris Monastery, Derech Stella Maris, Haifa, Israel +972-4-833-7758

Elijah’s Cave, 230 Derech Allenby, Haifa, Israel +972-4-852-7430 By Jennifer Strauss Originally hailing from the USA, Jenny has explored some of the world’s most remote locations, climbing and sampling the local cuisine. Her passions are compost, mountaineering, and sourdough baking. Jenny currently makes her happy home in the Galilean hills, participating in local food culture, health initiatives, and travel writing.

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  25. Haifa

    Haifa's main tourist attraction is the Baháʼí World Centre, with the golden-domed Shrine of the Báb and the surrounding gardens. Between 2005 and 2006, 86,037 visited the shrine. [138] In 2008, the Baháʼí gardens were designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.