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33 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

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Road trips should always be full of memorable moments and fun experiences! Whether you are planning the next journey with your pals or you are already on the road and need to make it more interesting, below you’ll find 33 fun things you can do on a road trip with friends!

Going on a road trip can be a nice way to bond with people and deepen your relationship. On this list there is a bunch of different activities: some are supposed to make you laugh together, others may give you the opportunity to be more authentic and really talk to each other. And of course, there are some silly ways to spend time on the road that you’ll all remember for years to come!

Because this is what road trips are all about, right? Being silly together, sharing amazing experiences, handling various issues that may come up, and being there for each other for all the good and not-so-good moments. That’s what friends are for.

How to make road trips more fun

Three core things that make every road trip fun and special are people, surprises, and memories. Take a couple of good friends or meet new ones along the way. Plan some fun activities but allow for unexpected things to happen. And take a ton of photos to remember your amazing trip!

You are the one responsible for making sure you have fun!

Always start with a positive mindset and prepare for emergencies so they don’t ruin your experience. Have a plan but make it flexible enough to be open to the opportunities that may be waiting along the road.

Surround yourself with things and people that make you happy. For someone, it may be a group of active enthusiastic friends, for someone else a peaceful beautiful location is more important for having a good time. Find out what fills you up with positive energy and make sure to have it with you on every road trip!

Road trip essentials for adults checklist

Many things can happen on a road trip, so you gotta be prepared. Even if you don’t get to use half of these things, it’s better to have them handy just in case. Traveling is not always 100% predictable and you never know what could go wrong.

By packing all the essentials, you can handle any mishaps along the road without stressing too much about it. Traveling with friends usually shows different sides of people, especially in unexpected situations. Even Mark Twain had something to say about this:

I have found out that there ain’t no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.

Why not minimize the potential negativity by putting a bit more thought into the preparation phase, right? Here is my list of important things to pack for a road trip, whether you go with friends or alone.

  • Drinking water
  • Healthy snacks
  • Travel-size hand sanitizer
  • Car power universal charger
  • Foldable car garbage can
  • First aid kit
  • Tampons – if there are girls on a trip
  • Natural pills for motion sickness relief

Useful things

  • Car seat organizer
  • Reusable coffee cup or a foldable one
  • Memory foam travel pillow
  • Road trip discussion prompts
  • Electric car blanket
  • Seat cushion for the driver
  • Portable hammock – if nature is in the picture
  • Waterless mini toothbrush

33 fun things to do on a road trip with friends

Regularly spending quality time with friends is crucial for building long-lasting relationships. Going on a fun road trip together is one of the ways to keep your connection strong and, hopefully, forever.

Whether it’s getting lost together, engaging in cool adventures, or simply talking in the car about life, you are bound to get closer after spending hours on the road!

With that said, prepare to have a great ride with your friends and have lots of joy together by using this extensive list of fun road trip things to do!

1. Let your hair down

let your hair down and have fun

Going on a road trip means detaching from your daily reality for a little bit and doing something different.

I’m not saying you should get wild and end up in jail or something, but let yourself get loose a little! Mix up your routines, try to be more spontaneous, say yes to more things, and be open for new opportunities to come your way.

And the most important: have fun!

2. Ride without navigation

Isn’t it fun to get lost together? This is likely an adventure you’ll always remember!

If you are used to always coming on a trip with a strict plan, maybe try to offer more freedom this time. If organizing everything is important to you, include being spontaneous to the plan! It may mean to only plan the big destination points without binding them to time intervals or to have chunks of the plan with no specific route.

In other words, plan your road trip well but allow for unexpected detours. Allow yourself and others to be more flexible and let the road give you more fun adventures!

3. Get inspired with some quotes about traveling with friends

Are you already in a car or just thinking about organizing a road trip? In any case, here are some fun quotes about trips with friends that will inspire you and get your mood up! Share a few favorites with your road trip buddies and discuss what they mean to you both.

A weird but true fact: sometimes other people can express your feelings more than you can express them yourself. Especially when they are writers and public speakers who know their ways with words, right?

4. Ask fun road trip questions

Ask fun road trip questions

The main idea behind going on road trips with your friends is not only to relax and have fun but also to deepen your connections. Asking each other interesting questions, even silly ones, may result in having a discussion on subjects you’ve never touched before.

If you think you know your friends too well for this, these conversation starters can easily prove you wrong!

5. Listen to a podcast

When you are tired from all the talking from the previous point, a good idea is to shut up for a bit and listen to someone other than each other. Thankfully, it’s 2021 and you are not limited by the radio stations as people were before. While people on the radio often talk about random things, consider listening to a podcast dedicated to a specific topic that interests all of you.

Here is a good selection of podcasts to listen to during a long road trip.

6. Stop for a picnic

make a stop along the road to have a picnic with your friends

Instead of inevitably eating super unhealthy things like burgers or hot dogs at gas stations or in the car, why not plan a picnic as a part of your journey!

Find a beautiful spot while driving and pull over to have a bite together in a nice setting. You can prepare some food and snacks at home or get takeout on the way (preferably not your typical junk food – maybe grab a salad instead this time?). You can even combine this with ideas #23 or #31 from this list if you want!

If that’s something you may enjoy, don’t forget to pack an outdoor blanket and a pack of eco-friendly bamboo utensils instead of plastic ones. This picnic may also be a good time to play “Exploding kittens” or “Unstable unicorns” if you are into board games like me!

7. Play Would You Rather

I obviously didn’t invent this game, and you likely played it already if that’s not your first ever road trip.

In any case, you can still make it fun and unique every time by using different sets of questions. For example, here is a whole book with more than 500 Would-You-Rather questions you can ask each other.

Some of them are silly (“Would you rather have three arms or three legs?”), while others may lead to deeper conversations (“Would you rather make a small difference in the lives of ten people or a massive difference in the life of one person?”).

This is the kind of game that may uncover new sides of your friends for you, even if you know each other for ages.

8. Get out of the car and walk around

Unless you are on a highway, nothing stops you from pulling over once in a while to walk around and stretch your body. Your muscles likely get stiff after all the sitting so you’ll feel wonderful to get out of the car. At least stop for a coffee and don’t have it inside the car!

These five to ten minutes out will let the blood flow better inside your body and will give a refreshing feeling to all your muscles. This can also be a good time to have that picnic from idea #6 and get some fresh air and food at the same time!

9. Take a group photo that is special to this road trip

Take a group photo that is special to this road trip

Instead of the usual selfie, try to capture something more special and unique this time. Maybe it’s a beautiful location, the feeling of happiness on your friends’ faces, or an interesting group activity you don’t usually do. Try to incorporate the mood of this road trip into your fun pictures.

If there are more than two or three of you on the road, consider taking a selfie stick or a tripod with you to make sure everyone can fit nicely in group photos. It gives you some flexibility when you can capture more than just your heads!

Put some thought into it cause these photos will remind you of your friendship and make you smile even decades later! How nice is it to find a picture you haven’t seen in years and immediately feel the wonderful atmosphere from that trip!

You can even print a mini photo book later with your photos from a road trip (and give it as a gift to everyone who was in it!).

10. Read a book out loud

When exactly was the last time you read a book aloud? Did you ever do it as an adult?

I always bring either a book or my Kindle when I’m traveling but I never actually considered reading aloud to a person who is with me. Maybe it’s because I’m a shy introvert and don’t wanna bother other people. Or maybe our tastes in literature are too dissimilar…

reading together on a road trip

Sometimes I read the best parts aloud to a person next to me but I’ve never thought about reading something together! I should probably consider it for my next road trip as well.

Anyway, if you have a book and others only have their phones, offer to read to them! You can take turns in reading so nobody gets too tired, just don’t involve the driver. Such a nice way to kill time together!

11. …or Listen to an audiobook

Not everyone is a very talkative person, especially when your road consists of many long hours. More often than not you just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy something pleasant. Instead of everyone reaching for their phones and getting lost in scrolling social media, better listen to a good book and then discuss it together!

Depending on your road trip length, you can probably listen to a whole book, or even a few, during your journey. If you have an Audible subscription , you can choose from a variety of great books or switch to listening to another one if you don’t enjoy the current one.

Make sure to choose something that every one of your friends will enjoy too! While it may not be as easy with fiction genres, you may still try finding something in recent Amazon bestsellers . Or listen to an uplifting non-fiction book like You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero that will definitely improve everyone’s mood.

12. Play I wish I didn’t know

Play I wish I didn't know

Wanna do something funny? How about a world’s filthiest trivia game ?

This is definitely not for kids. In fact, it has a 17+ age restriction on the cover! But play with a group of adults, and you’ll all get to learn many new things about the world that you’d rather not know.

There will be a lot of laugh, a lot of hope, and likely a lot of screaming “ewww, gross!”. But you want an unforgettable road trip experience, right?

13. Lock up your phones

While that’s not a fun activity by itself, it’s a prerequisite to having more fun together!

You probably heard by now about these smartphone containers that help people cope with digital addictions. If your friends are often distracted by their phones when you are trying to have a conversation, a safe like this may be a good solution!

You can all agree to take a break from social media and put all your devices in a box for a specified time interval. You can try it for an hour and see how it goes. I wouldn’t recommend blocking phone access for the whole trip ’cause there may be some situations when you’ll need them. For example, to pay for something if you are out of cash or to make a call in case of emergency.

Eliminating digital distractions like that is a great way to connect with your friends and spend more quality time together instead of endless scrolling.

14. Wear matching road trip shirts

traveling road trip with friends

If you want to make this trip more special, order a bunch of matching themed shirts in advance!

It can be a shirt with a special message like on this picture above, or a fun travel-themed T-shirt that everyone could wear more than just this one time.

Don’t do it for every trip or it stops being special. But do it at least once so everyone has something at the end to remember this particular journey. Also, the photos from your road trip will be much cooler if you all are wearing awesome matching shirts!

15. Find little souvenirs to remember this trip

You can be as creative with this as you want!

Postcards and fridge magnets are the most common things to bring back as souvenirs. I also used to collect sugar packets from cafeterias around the world.

If something especially interesting happens to you on this trip, think about something related to the situation that will remind you about it back at home. As long as it makes you smile, reminisce, and brings out warm feelings for your friends, take it as a souvenir!

If you travel to another country, a good idea can be to get a wall art piece. It can be a beautiful painting from a local shop or a minimalist photograph that would look nice in your room. Or you can print your own photo from this road trip on a canvas if you capture something worth being on the wall.

When it comes to souvenirs, it can literally be a little something from a gas station you stopped at. It doesn’t even need to mean anything to anyone other than you and your friends!

Whatever you decide to take, make sure it’s not illegal. For example, taking sand from some beaches is against the law so do your research in advance to avoid the trouble!

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16. Stretch together on the go

Sitting in a car for many hours at a time can feel very uncomfortable.

Don’t make it seem like another workday behind the desk! This may give your brain the wrong associations and make the trip impression much less fun.

The human body is meant to be active, and being in a limited space is not an excuse. There are a lot of things you can do to move around even in a moving car. Make sure to talk your friends into stretching with you so you aren’t the only one doing weird moves.

Here is a good example of the stretching poses you can do in the car (unless you are a driver):

17. Make a fun road trip playlist and sing along

Driving with feel-good music is usually more comfortable than listening to the radio, news, or going in silence. Fun songs help to tune the overall mood of your trip into a more positive one, and make you feel more energized.

Make a selection of your favorite songs that you can all sing along to together or find a ready-made playlist in a genre you prefer. Aim to choose uplifting and positive songs instead of depressing or sad ones, even if that’s what you are used to listening to. Remember that you want to make everyone smile on a trip, not cry!

Here is an example of a good playlist on Youtube specially made for road trips:

18. Meet new people

Even when you travel with friends , you can always meet more good people along the road. Be nice and friendly and allow for your path to cross with someone else’s. Who knows what might come out of it!

If you are visiting a new area, meeting locals can be very beneficial. Even if you don’t become instant friends, they may show you some local gems and add an unexpected spark to your trip. Literally even talking for a minute with someone can give you new ideas and place recommendations you never considered before!

You May Also Like: 82 Positive Affirmations For Lasting Friendship And Making New Friends

19. Count colorful cars

Watching cars is a fun simple game you can play with adults or kids.

Each person picks a color and whenever you pass a car of that color, you get a point. You can play till 10 or 50, or 100 points, or just play till the next stop and see whose color wins by comparing the points you all got.

This works very well to kill some time when everyone is tired and not really up for more intelligent games and deep conversations.

20. Answer some road trip trivia questions

If you have a growth mindset, you know that you can learn new things and continue to develop your intelligence at any age. A road trip is a very convenient place to expand your horizons by playing a trivia game that fills the knowledge gaps you may have.

There are all kinds of trivia question sets available online, for example, here on Amazon . Some are general knowledge questions, some can be more specific around one topic or location, and there are some tricky question sets that are especially fun to play with a group of close friends.

Here are some trivia cards that are good for the road trip:

  • Good Guess: A Social Trivia Game
  • I should have known that!
  • Brain Quest for the Car

21. Make an Instagram contest

Make an Instagram contest

If you all like taking photos, come up with some kind of a photo contest for the trip. Aim to create one amazing photo each and then share all of them on Instagram and make people vote on the best one!

You can even decide on a prize for a winner to make it more interesting and competitive. And don’t forget to use some of the best friendship hashtags for more exposure!

22. Eat something unusual

With friends or not, road trips are meant to be different from your usual life!

One way to experience something new is to eat something new. We all have to eat every day anyway, so the only thing you need to do is to be more open-minded with your meal choices.

Before leaving for your trip, explore the target areas online: look through the restaurant reviews on Tripadvisor or find a few local gems that you will be passing. Try to not order anything that you usually order. For example, if you always eat pizza, then have pasta, or go to a Thai restaurant instead of Italian. Or try to find the food you haven’t tasted before! This will give you another new thing to remember about this trip.

As an alternative, make a new tradition with friends to eat something specific on a road trip! Whether it’s sharing a pizza, enjoying tacos, or indulging in oysters, why not let it become your special group thing?

23. Brew your own coffee in the wild

If you are a coffee lover like I am, you would enjoy making coffee outdoors for a change!

I once saw a video from one of my favorite videographers on Youtube and I have this idea in mind ever since. This is what I’m talking about:

Doesn’t it look amazingly cool?

The process doesn’t have to be as hard either: there are many great portable espresso machines designed specifically for camping and travelers so you can have a fresh cup of coffee wherever you are. This will impress your friends, too!

24. Catch up on sleep

Unless you are a designated driver, take some time in a car to catch up on your sleep. Especially if you aren’t sleeping the healthy 8-9 hours every day (who does?), this may be a good time to relax and have a nap.

Far away, in the middle of some unknown road, you can’t make yourself busy with a bunch of tasks like you would at home. That’s why there is no need to feel guilty even if you take a nap at midday. Call it a siesta, and enjoy it like Spanish people do!

To make sleeping in a moving car more comfortable, always bring an inflatable pillow to support your head. A sleeping mask and earplugs will also come in handy so others can talk without disturbing your sleep.

25. Take funny photos of sleeping friends

If you have a really long road trip, there will be time when some of you are sleeping. Many people sleep in funny poses, especially when there isn’t much room in a car. You can spend some time “decorating” them with whatever stuff you have at your disposal and taking a few pictures just for fun!

But please, please, don’t post those pics anywhere. It’s one thing to laugh together, but embarrassing them in front of other people may easily do harm to your future relationship. Chances are, they won’t ever go on another road trip with you!

If you are immature enough to paint your friends’ faces for fun, make sure to not use a permanent marker like Ross did to Rachel!

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26. Share your dreams

Share your dreams on a road trip with friends

When was the last time, if ever, that you talked to your friends about your dreams and goals?

Unless you go on a trip with a bunch of strangers with whom you don’t feel comfortable sharing personal stuff, bring up the dreams subject somewhere along the way.

What would you do if money/society/age/physics/etc wasn’t an issue? What is the specific idea of a dream life for you and why does it seem unrealistic to you? What about your friends? Discussing these things may be very therapeutic because some things aren’t as impossible as you may think. By brainstorming together, you may share different perspectives and maybe come closer to achieving your dreams!

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27. Exercise your creativity with friends

Exercise your creativity

There are many ways to be creative together on a road trip! Here are a couple of my random ideas:

  • Create an interesting story together. One person starts with an opening sentence, the next one continues the story with another sentence, and so on. You can go as many circles as you want and come up with crazy plot twists. The fun part is to add an unexpected turn of events and make the next player look for the way out! And nobody knows how it ends until it does!
  • Draw an unusual creature together. This is the one the driver should probably sit out because it’s too distracting. Take a piece of paper and a pen (or a tablet if you didn’t do #13) and draw a base of a character. It’s easier to start with some kind of geometrical or abstract shape to be your creature’s body. Then pass it on to someone else to add something to the picture, and so on. In the end, you should get a really fun and unique character in the creation of which each of your participated equally!

28. Participate in a silly dance together

Remember that road trip playlist from idea #17? Wait for an especially uplifting song and dance, even if that’s just with the upper part of your body. Engage the others and learn silly moves from each other to have more fun.

This is also a nice way to stay somewhat active during a long drive!

By the way, if you haven’t seen this guy dancing, I’ll just leave this video here for good vibes!

29. Talk about something deep

When you are driving in the dark and just can’t laugh anymore, it may be time for some deeper bonding with your friends. You may think you know who they are and what they are all about but in reality, you never know all of it. Humans are complicated beings, after all.

More often than not, we only see the top layer of someone’s life, personality, and feelings. If you are interested to see the rest of their icebergs (and let them see yours), deep conversation starters may be very helpful. Or just ask them how they feel and discuss each other’s long-term goals. You may be surprised!

30. Play magnetic chess or checkers

Stuck in the back seat and getting bored while friends in the front are talking without you?

Pull a travel chess board out of your bag and invite one of your friends to play with you! Make sure to bring a magnetic travel version so your pieces don’t get flying all over when the car jerks on a pebble.

If you aren’t sure whether your friends can play chess, consider bringing a 3-in-1 set with checkers and backgammon to have more options.

31. Watch a sunset

watching a sunset with friends

Beautiful pinky-orange hues of sunset always make the world more beautiful!

If your timeline allows for it, make a stop someplace nice to watch a sunset and spend some quiet time in nature surrounded by people you love.

Sunrise may also work but everyone is more sleepy and sometimes cranky, and it’s usually colder early in the morning, so personally, I prefer sunsets. But if you are on the road anyway and the sky starts to look especially beautiful, make a stop and let yourself enjoy it!

32. Catch little moments and make a video after

You don’t have to be a professional videographer to make fun videos these days. People do it every day with entry-level vlogging cameras or even in a form of Instagram reels captured with a phone.

I love taking photos but with videos, you get to capture much more of the mood and details of your journey, as opposed to a bunch of still moments. Shoot movement, landscapes, your friends having fun, and beautiful surroundings that give you the feeling of what that place is all about.

Here is an inspirational video for your road trip with friends. Try to make your own like that!

33. Enjoy the journey

Last, but not least, of my road trip tips with friends, is to enjoy every minute of it!

Don’t focus on the destination alone: you have hours in the company of great people, so why not make the most of it? Use the ideas from this list or do something completely different next time to stay away from boredom. Engage other guys in conversations and learn more about each other while you are stuck in a small metal box for all those hours!

Have an awesome road trip with friends!

These were my 33 fun ideas of what you can do on a road trip with friends. Keep this list handy for your next adventure so you never get bored and always have plenty of fun adult things to do together!

What is your favorite thing to do on a trip like that? How do you manage to stay active and prevent other people in the car from getting bored? Tell me in the comments if you have some fun road trip experiences or more ideas to share!

More fun resources for building warm friendships:

  • 84 Travel Quotes With Friends To Inspire Your Next Adventure
  • 82 Positive Affirmations For Lasting Friendship And Making New Friends
  • 120 Heart Touching Quotes About Long Distance Friendships
  • 125 Best Friendship Hashtags For Instagram In 2024
  • 85 Hilarious Quotes About Crazy Friends

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Juliet Hunter is an introvert who had a tough time making friends after relocating across the world at the age of 30. As she went on a journey to become more social, she launched Gifts Of Friendship to empower others with her proven strategies and resources and to show that finding your people is way easier than it seems.

Gifts Of Friendship

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Ellie's Travel Tips

Road Trip with Friends in the USA: 20 Best Stops!

Planning a road trip with your besties? Well, you are in the right place!

With countless amazing destinations to choose from, I have collected the top stops for your road trip with friends through the United States.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read full disclosure  here .

Key West road trip with friends

Key West, Florida

Recommended by Cami from Travel Cami

Key West is the perfect destination for a road trip with friends. Since it is located on the last of the Florida Keys, to get there you will have to drive through the world-famous Seven Mile Bridge, which makes for one of the most scenic and epic drives in the United States.

Along the bridge, there are several cool stops to make. The coolest are the islands of Islamorada and Key Largo. Once you get to Key West, there is a handful of awesome things to do, like going to the beach, pub crawling, going on a classic Key West sunset sail, and even snorkeling with dolphins.

 Also, from Key West, you can go on a day trip to Dry Tortugas, one of the most remote and unique National Parks in the country. You can read about more awesome things to do in Key West here . Another great thing about Key West is all the great dining options it offers.

Make sure to grab a bite at Lobster Shack, Santiago’s Bodega, and Blue Heaven (which has the best brunch ever!) Regarding places to stay, the best choices are Parrot Key Hotel & Villas, Marquesa Hotel, and Ocean Key Spa and Resort.

Related: Dry Tortugas National Park

Friends road trip to Mt Shasta California

Mt Shasta, California

Recommended by Sumeeta from Sumeeta Seeks

Any road trip with friends in Northern California should include a stop in the town of Mt. Shasta.

Nestled five hours north of San Francisco and an hour south of Oregon, it’s the perfect destination with friends, either as a standalone trip or as part of a West Coast adventure.

Mt. Shasta is a treasure trove of stunning nature and tons of fun things to do . Best of all, it isn’t overrun with tourists so you can feel like you have the place all to yourselves!

Skiing and winter sports are abundant in the winter, and in the other seasons there are a ton of great hikes for hiking lovers.

Some of the best include hiking from Castle Lake to Heart Lake, hiking to Castle Dome in Castle Crags State Park, and hiking any of the awesome trails on the mountain of Mt. Shasta itself.

If you and your friends prefer relaxation, you can have epic picnics and swim in gorgeous spots including Mossbrae Falls, Hedge Creek Falls, and Lake Siskiyou.

You can then finish up an awesome day in nature during your road trip with friends with some spirituality and an incredible meal.

Be sure to check out the Gateway Peace Garden where you can say a prayer or meditate. Afterwards grab some food at one of the best eateries in town – Seven Suns for vegan fare, Lily’s for café grub, Crave for Mexican and BBQ, or Bistro No. 107 for burgers and a great selection of microbrews and wines.

Mt. Shasta is a hidden gem you and your friends are sure to love!

Burlington, Vermont

Burlington, Vermont

Recommended by Karen from Outdoor Adventure Sampler

Burlington, Vermont is a must stop if you are planning a road trip with friends through New England.

This vibrant city is located on Lake Champlain with the backdrop of the Adirondack Mountains across the lake. Stroll through Waterfront Park to soak in the beauty.

For more active exploration, rent bikes on the Burlington Bike Path. Ride to some of the beautiful beaches along the trail. North Beach or Leddy Beach are perfect destinations.

Burlington is a foodie town with excellent craft breweries and Mad River distillery. The gang might have a blast tasting their way around town. Foam Brewers on the waterfront is very popular.

The next stop is a visit to the open-air pedestrian mall of Church Street. With its unique stores, street performers, and restaurants with outdoor seating, you can spend a whole afternoon there. Grab a table at Honey Road on the mall for scrumptious Eastern Mediterranean small plates to share with friends.

In the evening, check out the arts and music scene before heading back to Waterfront Park for a magnificent sunset over Lake Champlain.

Have a nightcap at upscale Hen of the Woods before retiring next door to the Garden Hilton Inn with rooms with views of the lake.

Las Vegas road trip with friends

Las Vegas, Nevada

Recommended by Debbie from World Adventurists

Las Vegas is one of the most popular destinations in the USA to visit for some fun with friends. The glitz, glamour, and neon lights of Vegas are absolutely intoxicating.

Las Vegas is known as the entertainment capital of the world. With its variety of entertainment options that include shows, museums, exhibits, pool parties, casinos, and themed hotels, you’ll never run out of things to do.

Each hotel will transport you to somewhere different. You could spend an entire day just wandering the hotels and soaking it all in.

The Venetian Resort brings Venice to the heart of Las Vegas through its detailed replicas. The Bellagio is a Las Vegas Landmark that draws inspiration from European villages.

The hotel also features the famous Bellagio Conservatory & Botanical Garden.Do not be afraid to venture  beyond the Las Vegas Strip .

Free-fall from the sky, take a helicopter ride, ride along in a race car, or go hiking. The sky is the limit for what you can do and experience; it is what keeps people flocking to Vegas all year-round.Las Vegas is a foodie paradise.

You won’t find as many celebrity chefs anywhere else. However, if you don’t fancy spending an entire paycheck on a meal, you can have a great time at Tacos El Gordo, Secret Pizza, Robert Irvine’s Public House, or Nacho Daddy.

It also isn’t a perfect road trip with friends to Vegas without a group photo in front of the famous Welcome to Las Vegas sign!

Rocky Mountain National Park road trip with friends

Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

Recommended by Meg from Fox in the Forest

Set just an hour away from Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park is one of the best destinations in the USA for a road trip with friends if you’re into nature and keen to explore one of the most  beautiful places in Colorado .

Boasting over 110 hiking trails, gearing up for a day spent hiking is one of the best things to do here (options are aplenty for both newbie and seasoned hikers).

Think crystal-clear alpine lakes, rugged ridgelines, and unbelievable awe-inspiring landscapes to get a picture of what hiking here is all about!

If you and your friends would prefer not to break a sweat, another option to explore the park is to go on a scenic drive to hit all the best viewpoints.

The Trail Ridge Road and the Peak-to-Peak Highway are considered two of the most beautiful roads in Colorado!

Eating options are aplenty in the nearby Estes Park. Some of the best eateries to grab a bite are The Rock Inn Mountain Tavern (hearty food to get you ready for the adventure), Trailhead Restaurant (classic American), and Estes Brewery (hand-crafted beer, pizza, burgers, and delicious sandwiches).

There are many lodging options close to Rocky Mountain in the nearby Estes Park (Della Terra Mountain Chateau and Estes Hotel are both great options).

For more budget-friendly choices during your road trip with friends, consider driving a bit further away on your road trip with friends to Lyons or Boulder.

Moreover, there are five campgrounds in the Rocky Mountains if you’re feeling up for an adventure!

Friends road trip to Charleston South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina

Recommended by Dymphe from Dymabroad

A great stop on a road trip with friends in the USA is Charleston. Charleston is a great city to visit and there are many things to do and see there.

You find Charleston in South Carolina along the east coast of the United States.

The city of Charleston has a very rich history and culture, which is great to experience. One of the best things to do in Charleston is exploring the French Quarter.

You find here many beautiful streets that are great to wander around at with friends.

These beautiful places also make for great places for photography in Charleston .

For example, Rainbow Row is a street with many colorful houses. You could go here with friends to take photos together.  

Another great thing to do in Charleston is to go to one of the rooftop bars in the city. This is the perfect place to have a drink and watch the city from above.

Another great activity is to go to the beach. Folly Beach is a great beach near Charleston, with many fun water activities.

A great place to have food with friends in Charleston is CO on Lower King Street. Furthermore, a good place to stay is The Spectator Hotel.

Friends road trip to Rainbow Springs Florida

Rainbow Springs, Florida

Recommended by Rebecca from Whatever Packs Your Bag

Rainbow Springs State Park, Florida is a great underrated stop on a road trip with friends. It is located in Central Florida, right outside Dunnellon, Florida.

The natural spring produces over 490 million gallons of beautiful clean fresh water daily! 

It has a very interesting history, in the 1930’s it developed into a road side attraction, with submarines to view the water and wildlife.

It had a full zoo with exotic animals, however the interstate, and the new Disney parks soon made tourists dwindle. It was closed, and then donated to Florida.

Florida developed it as a state park as it remains to this day. You can go swimming in the swimming area, for an entrance fee of $2 per person. 

The real fun comes from tubing the Rainbow Springs River, there are several local options, but doing it at the state park supports the preservation efforts.

The tube and tram fee is $20 per person, and covers the ride down to the launch point as many times as you wish to go. You exit at the parking lot. You can bring your own tube and pay a slightly smaller entrance fee for just the tram.

It is super important to remember sunscreen as the sun will be pretty strong as you float down the river. It is relaxing, and the water is 72 degrees year round. It is the perfect road trip with  friends stop in Florida.

Friends road trip to Leavenworth, Washington

Leavenworth, Washington

Recommended by Chantelle from Flannels or Flip Flops

Leavenworth Washington is an amazing stop on a road trip with friends! There is so much to do in this tiny Bavarian Town that no matter what time of year you and your friends visit you will have so much fun! 

Leavenworth is just over 2 hours from Seattle and makes an excellent road trip destination, or a stop along  Washington’s most beautiful road trip the Cascade Loop.

The town of Leavenworth is a Bavarian themed town that oozes charm around every corner. It sits at the base of mountains so large, you’ll swear your are on a Hollywood Movie set!

You and your friends will enjoy wine tasting, and microbreweries up and down the main street.  There is also great food and super fun shopping! 

In the summer months, the town is beautiful for a road trip with friends with the Wenatchee River flowing through it.

There is excellent hiking, rafting, and biking in and around Leavenworth! In October, Oktoberfest is so much fun in Leavenworth. During the Christmas season, the whole town is sparkling with lights and has a nightly tree lighting ceremony.  

There are many Bed and Breakfasts located in and around Leavenworth, as well as airbnbs and hotels.  The most popular are the Bavarian Lodge and the Enzian Inn.

You’ll want to book your accommodations early, especially during Oktoberfest or the Holidays.  If you can’t find lodging in Leavenworth the nearby town of Wenatchee is a more affordable and not too far away choice.  

friend road trip to Rachel, Nevada

Rachel, Nevada

Recommended by Erin from Pina Travels

Rachel is a tiny town out in the desert of Nevada, about a 2 hour drive from Las Vegas. It’s the perfect stop on a road trip with friends because of it’s quirky reputation.

With a population of around 70 people, this little town is known for being a destination on the famous Extraterrestrial Highway (Nevada State Route 375).

It’s a 98-mile stretch of road that runs alongside the famously secretive Area 51, a classified United States Air Force facility that is off-limits to civilians.

The idea that Area 51’s secretive military base is a cover for alien research has become a popular part of pop culture alien lore.

Space enthusiasts believe that it’s possible to spot aliens and UFOs when you drive out into the Nevada desert on the Extraterrestrial Highway!

Because of all this alien lore, driving the highway out to the town of Rachel is a hilariously fun road trip with friends.

Along the way there are lots of alien-themed stops you can make for fun photo-ops. Be sure to stop at E.T. Fresh Jerk, the Alien Research Centre, and the Extraterrestrial Highway Sign!

When you get to Rachel on your road trip with friends, you’ll find the famous cafe, the Little A’Le’Inn. It’s an eccentric little bar, restaurant and motel full of alien themed kitsch and memorabilia.

There, you can have a drink and a meal (try the Alien Burger!) while chatting with locals who are likely to drop by and tell you their wild stories about Area 51 and alien sightings. If you really fall in love, you can check into the Little A’Le’Inn motel for the night.

Friends road trip to New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans, Louisiana

Recommended by Martina from PlacesofJuma

New Orleans is a really cool city for a road trip with friends. Located in Louisiana, this city is famous for its vibrant nightlife and the really cool music scene.

Also culinary you can experience a lot: The cuisine of New Orleans combines the French with the African and American – and so you will find many amazing food to try!

Every year the legendary Mardi Gras takes place here, a huge carnival party, but the city is also worth seeing outside this time.

New Orleans is the city of music, and you can feel that at any time of the day or night! So you experience with your girls a really cool flair and you can switch off from the stressful everyday life optimally.

As soon as the sun goes down there is dancing in the city, there are countless possibilities for live music and nightlife. Perfect if you want to party all night long with the girls.

But also during the day you can experience a lot of amazing things. New Orleans has a beautiful historic old town (“French Quarter”) with numerous buildings in Spanish and French colonial style.

Interesting is also, that New Orleans makes it consistently to the list of the most haunted cities in America!? So if you believe in the paranormal you should definitely book yourself and your girls a spooky room in one of the haunted hotels!

friend road trip to Washington DC

Washington DC

Recommended by Cynthia from Sharing the Wander

Washington D.C. is an easy stop on a road trip with friends. All major routes down the East Coast pass through here and there’s tons to do, a lot of it free.

The DC Metro is clean and fast and makes it easy to move around the city.  Have kids in tow? Washington DC is also fabulous for families. Check out How to Have the Most Fun in Washington D.C. with Kids .

Toss down a picnic blanket on the National Mall, and hit up the various food trucks. There’s a great selection of trucks that park across from the National Museum of the American Indian.

This museum also has a terrific native café. Relax in the sun and people watch, or wander through the various monuments.

Catch the DC Circulator to the Tidal Basin to see some of the newer memorials including the stunning Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, and the FDR Memorial.

In the Spring, this area has an amazing concentration of cherry blossoms.

Catch up with your besties while you stroll through the National Portrait Gallery to check out the Obamas’ Official Portraits, or check out the original Declaration of Independence at the National Archives. Feeling adventurous?

Head to the International Spy Museum, where each of you will be given a secret mission and you can test your spy skills.

Ready to head out for the evening? Head to U Street, the birthplace of jazz legend Duke Ellington. There are lots of options, from upscale dining to Ben’s Chili Bowl. On the Eastern end of this area, you’ll find Little Ethiopia. There are lots of bars and music venues, from jazz clubs to live DJs.

Friends road trip to Houston Texas

Houston, Texas

Recommended by Gabby from Office Escape Artist

If you’re unfamiliar with Houston, you may think of Houston as a concrete jungle with hurricanes and oil companies.  Besides NASA, it isn’t really famous for anything touristy like Austin or San Antonio.

Don’t let these misconceptions fool you.  Houston is an underrated gem in Texas and is well worth a stop on a road trip with friends.  

If you’re spending the night, you’ll want to stay “in the Loop”. Houstonians call the I-610 loop the “Inner Loop” and that’s where the best and trendiest activity happens. For a quick trip, most of the action is west of I-45 in the Loop.  

If you’re a fresh college graduate and want to party, definitely check out the Midtown neighborhood during your road trip with friends. For young professionals still interested in the bar scene, Washington Avenue might be a better neighborhood for you.

If you’re looking for a neighborhood vibe with awesome restaurants, either the Heights or Montrose would be great for you.  Luxury travelers can’t miss either the Galleria or River Oaks neighborhoods but museumgoers should stay closer to the Museum District.

For a quick road trip stop, the best way to experience Houston is through the restaurants.  Houston’s dining scene is truly world-class, but still affordable and non-pretentious – really similar to Houston itself. Take your friends to get some amazing Tex-Mex at either El Tiempo or Ninfa’s on Navigation (and definitely  try the margaritas). 

Experience real BBQ Pinkerton’s and taste Viet-Cajun crawfish at Crawfish and Noodles (as seen on Netflix’s Ugly Delicious!)  

Dine at Beyonce’s favorite steakhouse, B&B Butchers, or enjoy  omakase  sushi at Uchi.   Houston has so many amazing restaurants so you won’t go wrong planning your road trip around food.

road trip with friends to San Francisco

San Francisco, California

Recommended by Stéphanie from Bey Of Travel

During a road trip with friends in the USA, you should absolutely make a stop to enjoy  some time in San Francisco . Located in the north of the state of California, San Francisco is a peninsula on the Pacific Ocean. Reserve two to three days to enjoy your stay to the fullest.

Book a room in the InterContinental San Francisco located close to all of the city’s highlights. San Francisco is home to different backgrounds and cultures and the city embraces the hippie & LGBTQ communities. You will see the colorful rainbow flags all over the city. 

Rent a bike and head over to the Golden Gate Bridge, an absolute must while in the city. Take the time to explore the nearby Golden Gate Park. Fisherman’s Wharf should also be high on your USA bucket list , besides the many good restaurants you will see many sea lions sunbathing along the pier.

Take a boat ride to visit the world-famous Alcatraz, the place where many famous gangsters have been kept prison. In addition, there are plenty of beautiful parks to visit, beautiful streets to explore and art stores to visit. In need of some Sun? Enjoy a relaxing day on Ocean Beach.

road trip with friends to Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Recommended by Lina from Bucket List Places

Picture a spa getaway surrounded by mountains in a picture-perfect town in Colorado. Add a natural hot spring in the middle of the river in town.

Pagosa Springs is a destination to add to any Colorado road trip itinerary .Located on the Continental Divide, this quiet town is fed by mineral waters from the deepest hot spring in the world.

Famous for its sunshine, you can choose whether you prefer to visit one of the several luxurious spas or if you prefer the budget option, you can soak for free in the natural pools in the river right in town.  

If you are planning a road trip with friends during the winter, the area is also famous for Wolf Creek, the ski resort with the most amount of snow in Colorado.  

The surrounding San Juan mountains offer more than 2.5 million acres of hiking trails in the national forest. Other activities in the area include kayaking, rafting, waterfalls, biking and more.

Minneapolis Minnesota road trip with friends

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Recommended by Ellie

If you are planning your road trip with friends in the Midwest, you are definitely going to want to add Minneapolis to your itinerary!

Minneapolis has long been a popular travel destination– whether visiting to explore the Mall of America or discover Minnesota’s natural wonders. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to explore this fascinating city on a budget.

There are dozens of fun and free activities in Minneapolis . Start off by strolling down the scenic Stone Arch Bridge while snapping some awe-inspiring photos of you and your friends.

Later, head over to the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden to explore the iconic red cherry and spoon. If you are looking for an urban natural escape, check out Minnehaha Falls Regional Park. This beautiful park boasts over 190 acres of natural land filled with limestone bluffs, river outlooks, and a 53-foot-tall waterfall.

A great way to spend time in Minneapolis on your road trip with friends is trying out some of the local-favorite restaurants! I actually grew up around 20-minutes south of Minneapolis, and can honestly say that Minneapolis boasts some of the best restaurants ever!

If you are into Vietnamese food, check out Hai Hai. If you prefer tasty cocktails and seafood, head over to Martina. Whatever you choose, I guarantee you will love what Minneapolis has to offer.

For places to stay during your road trip with friends, the Ramada located around 3 miles outside of downtown is far more affordable and comfortable than any hotel you would find in the heart of the city!

road trip with friends to Joshua Tree, California

Joshua Tree, California

Recommended by Jacqueline from Your Travel Flamingo

In recent years, Joshua Tree National Park has exploded with popularity, namely with the influencer crowd.

It’s become an Instagram hotspot, and upon arriving here, it’s not hard to see why. Aside from being extremely photogenic, Joshua Tree is also a place like no other. Set in the Mojave Desert, this place is the ultimate playground for wild adventures in the untamed desert.

But it’s also a serene place for sundowners by the pool, nights spent stargazing, and admiring the dreamy lavender and pink hued skies during sunset. 

As a California native, I can tell you this is a local favorite pit stop for road trips with friends and outdoor adventures.

Things not to miss while here are hiking to Skull Rock, The Arch Rock, Cholla Cactus Garden (best photo spot during Golden Hour!) and Barker Dam. Also, a great activity to do with friends, is just having a do-it-yourself photoshoot.

For the best photos, shoot during golden hour right before sunset. The iconic photos usually are with a native Joshua Tree, and you will have no trouble finding one of those guys!

For dining, head to Joshua Tree Town, where you’ll be transported back into the days of the wild west. Some of the buildings here resemble historic saloons, reminiscent of old cowboy movies.

A great place to eat is Joshua Tree Saloon, a quirky and lively restaurant serving up juicy steaks and burgers.

As for accommodation during your road trip with friends, there are endless options on Airbnb in Joshua Tree, from rustic cabins, to luxury glamping sites. The best way to enjoy Joshua Tree is by going out in the mornings and afternoons to avoid the heat, and relaxing at your chic cabin during midday. 

friend road trip Moab, Utah

Recommended by Megan from Red Around the World

Moab is one of the best places to stop on a friends road trip, especially for outdoor lovers.  There is so much to do there, it’s crazy.  

If you’re on a budget, consider the Lazy Lizard Hostel (it’s not glamorous at all but it’s fun, even if you don’t stay, I’d highly recommend reading the Google reviews).  If you want to spend a little more, the Slickrock Quality Inn is good.  

As for food, there are tons of delicious options.  The Spoke, Josie Wyatts, Quesadilla Mobilla, and Tacos El Gordo (in the food truck park) are some of my favorites.  Now for the good stuff, all the awesome things to do in Moab.

Make sure to visit Arches and Canyonlands National Parks on your road trip with friends.  

Dead Horse Point is a state park with amazing canyon views, Potash Road has petroglyphs and some arches, hike to Corona Arch, drive the Colorado River Scenic Byway, or check out some of the amazing rock art in Moab.  

If you want to do something more adventurous, join a canyoneering, ATV, Jeep, or off-road tour.  And if you’re feeling super adventurous, sky dive over Canyonlands!

Savannah road trip with friends

Savannah, Georgia

Recommended by Brittany from Travel by Brit

Savannah, Georgia, is an unforgettable stop on a road trip with friends—the charming city offers haunted history, fabulous restaurants, and stunning architecture.   

Since the entire city is walkable, Savannah is the perfect destination to spend some time out of your vehicle, stretch your legs, and explore during a long road trip. Also, Savannah is one of the only cities in the United States with open container laws, so you can sip on a drink while you stroll through Historic Savannah.   

During your time in the city, you can’t miss the opportunity to go on a haunted ghost tour, stroll through Forsyth Park, tour a historic home,  or explore City Market and River Street.   

Savannah is a foodie city, so one of the best things you’ll do during your road trip with friends is eat tons of delicious southern food!

You’ll discover tons of  excellent restaurants in Savannah , like The Olde Pink House for upscale, southern dining, Leopold’s for classic, homemade ice cream, and Huey’s along the river for fresh-baked, doughy beignets!   

Choose accommodations in Historic Savannah to be close to the action during your road trip with friends. You’ll love the DeSoto Savannah  for a classy, centrally-located hotel, The Hamilton-Turner Inn  for a charming bed and breakfast experience, and The Marshall House for a historic (and spooky!) setting.  

Solvang California road trip with friends

Solvang, California

Recommended by Olivia from the Girl With Blue Sails

The quaint city of Solvang, California is one of the best stops on a road trip with friends in the USA.

Often referred to as “a little slice of Denmark in Southern California,” you will feel like you’ve stepped into another country as you walk down streets filled with rural Danish architecture and windmills. No matter the length of your road trip,  planning one day in Solvang, California is a must do. 

The most popular things to do in Solvang include eating Danish pastries and wine tasting while you window shop.

Notorious for its decadent bakeries, Solvang has many to choose from, but one local favorite is Mortensen’s Bakery. Having a fresh bear claw or Danish kringle with your coffee is the perfect way to start the day. 

Embarking on a wine tasting journey is easy to do, as Solvang has tasting rooms set up in the center of town. The city is surrounded by lush wine regions, so there are plenty of local wineries featured.

The tasting rooms are used to groups of friends passing through, so they all have pre-selected wine flight recommendations from which to choose.  

When planning where to spend the night, location is everything. Highly recommended is The Landsby. The look and feel of this hotel is contemporary with a hint of traditional Scandinavian design.

Located right in the heart of town, it is the perfect place to settle down with your friends and toast the quaint town of Solvang.  

Seattle, Washington road trip with friends

Seattle, Washington

Recommended by Karee from Our Woven Journey

Seattle is a perfect place to stop on a road trip with friends. There’s so much to do, you’re sure to find something of interest for everyone in your group to enjoy!

Start your day at the famous Pike Place Market where you’ll find fishmongers doing what they’re most famous for—throwing fish! They often put on a show for customers that draws quite a crowd.

Pike Place has over 500 shops and booths, so you’ll have plenty to explore besides flying fish. You’ll find fresh flowers, local artisans, quirky museum pieces and much more.

You’ll also want to spend time wandering the nearby area where you can add your contribution to Seattle’s Gum Wall (it’s as disgusting as it sounds) and stop by the original Starbucks store.

There’s no shortage of food at Pike Place Market, including those that serve local seafood. You can choose whether to snack your way through the day or stop for lunch at one of the many restaurants.

From there, make your way to the iconic Seattle Space Needle and treat yourself to an amazing view of the city. (Pro tip: if the sun is sunsetting early enough, time your visit to be there for it!) You can visit the beautiful Chihuly Glass Museum at the base of the Space Needle when you’re done.

For dinner, head on over to the Fisherman’s Wharf and have dinner at the Crab Pot, then wrap up your evening by taking a ride on Seattle’s Great Wheel!

Brevard, North Carolina road trip with friends

Brevard, North Carolina

Recommended by Megan from Virginia Travel Tips

There are so many incredible stops along the famous Blue Ridge Parkway that winds through a couple of states on the East Coast, but one of the most underrated (and best) is the charming town of Brevard, North Carolina.

It is the ideal stop on a road trip with friends!There are so many cool  things to do in Brevard  but one of the absolute best reasons to visit the North Carolina town is to explore Pisgah National Forest and all of the waterfalls that naturally occur in the region!

Some of the most notable waterfalls near Brevard are Rainbow Falls, Looking Glass Falls, Sliding Rock, and more!

Another reason to stop in Brevard on your Blue Ridge Parkway road trip with friends is that there are some wonderful hikes there.

The Art Loeb Trail is one of the most notable extreme hikes on the East Coast and it is a perfect place to visit from April until November.

If nature isn’t your cup of tea, there is a plentiful craft beer scene in Brevard.  Be sure to check out the Brevard Brewing Co as well as Ecusta in nearby Pisgah Forest.

While the Blue Ridge Parkway is home to plenty of awesome stops, Brevard is often overlooked in favor of Asheville – but, stop at both!

Kansas City road trip with friends

Kansas City, Missouri

Recommended by Alexa from Travel in Missouri

Kansas City is known for a lot including the Kansas City Chiefs super bowl win in 2019 and of course some of the best BBQ & Jazz in the United States.

With more than 100 BBQ restaurants throughout the city and a history dating back more than a century, visitors simply can’t go wrong with KC barbecue. Kansas City is most famous for its burnt ends, no matter the meat.  

Some of the best places to stop for BBQ on a road trip with friends through Kansas City, Missouri are Joe’s Kansas City Bar-B-Que, Slap’s BBQ. Arthur Bryant’s Barbeque, Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue, Q39, Jones BBQ, Plowboys BBQ and Gates Bar-B-Q. 

Beyond BBQ, Kansas City, Missouri is also known for its music; rhythm and blues, big band and most of all, its jazz. There are many great clubs and joints to hear great jazz music in Kansas City. A few favorites are The Phoenix that features live music from local jazz bands and has a Saturday jazz brunch.

Another fun choice is the Blue Room which is a jazz club inside the American Jazz Museum, located in the historic ’18th and Vine Jazz District’ area of Kansas City where Kansas City jazz originates from.

Downtown Kansas City is a great choice for accommodations during your road trip with friends. There is an abundance to do and an easily walkable city.

There is also a free street car that runs from Union Station to the River Walk and the oldest farmers market in the city. Hotel Indigo Kansas City Downtown is a great choice for those looking to make their Kansas City road trip a weekend adventure. 

Dripping Springs Texas road trip with friends

Dripping Springs, Texas

Dripping Springs, as one of the cutest Texas towns , is a fabulous stop to add to your road trip with friends itinerary! Located just 23 miles west of the world-renown city of Austin, you and your besties can explore a wide array of fun outdoor activities at a fraction of the cost.

Whether taking a refreshing dip in the beautiful Hamilton Pool Preserve (shown above) or exploring the unique olive trees at the Texas Hill Country Olive Company, Dripping Springs offers amazing activities and attractions as a fantastic stop on your road trip with friends.

Another great area to explore is the limestone cliffs found around Dripping Springs’ Pedernales River. This spot is perfect for adventurous rock climbing and picture-opts with your best friends.

If you and your besties are looking to go horseback riding or fishing during your friend road trip, make sure to head over to Reimers Ranch. Here, you can enjoy 3 continuous miles of pristine riverfront coastline to explore.

If you are looking for an affordable place to stay on your road trip with friends, I highly recommend checking out the Holiday Inn Express & Suites which is found not far from the center of Dripping Springs.

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Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

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Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

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Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends. Road trips are an amazing way to see the country. But before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road? #RoadTrip #RoadTripWithFriends #BestFriends #Vacation #RoadTripPlanning

Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends.

Sometimes when people picture cross country road trips they might think of a tired family packed into a station wagon sporadically chanting, “are we there yet?” while driving endlessly from home to their destination. But road trips are anything but that.

Road trips are an amazing way to see the country, even if you’re just seeing a small part of it. There is no better vacation freedom than packing up your car, going where you want to go, and stopping where you want to stop. And, if you’re bringing along friends: even better.

Taking a road trip with friends makes for a fun vacation and epic adventure. It allows you to spend more time with the person or people who mean the world to you, create a lasting memory, and get plenty of Instagram photos along the way.

Before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road?

Road tripping with friends?

Tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, where to go on a road trip with friends.

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

Make this book your third wheel!

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features 100 activities to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route. It’s a must-have book for a road trip with friends. Create a road trip hashtag, complete a TikTok-inspired challenge, curate the perfect gallery, and record every turn of the wheel.

Tips for Taking a Road Trip with Friends

You love your best friends to pieces, so of course you should take a road trip with them! Right? Well… maybe. Or maybe not. Just because you get along with your best friend in daily life doesn’t mean you’ll still feel so chummy after being cooped up in a car together with no breaks for days on end. No matter how much you and your friends get along, be prepared for a fight or two with your road trip friends and some hurt feelings along the way. I’m not saying here don’t take a road trip with friends. Actually, quite the opposite. Traveling with friends can be an amazing, fun, memorable adventure. But only if you’re prepared. Here are our tips to make sure your best friends road trip is the best it can be.

Make Sure You’re on the Same Page

When taking a road trip with friends it is vital to have a conversation beforehand and make sure everyone is on the same page before you decide to journey together. Even best friends might have different travel styles. One person might be a strict planner while the other a more go-with-the-flow type. One person might be a night owl and the other an early bird with an early (and loud) morning alarm. One person might love living off the land and camping while the other might only order room service in five-star hotels.

Before making any concrete decisions make sure you and your friends are road trip compatible. There should always be room for everyone to compromise a little, but if your ideas on how to travel are wildly different it might be a better idea to travel apart. Here are some things to make sure you discuss beforehand:

  • Who is coming on the road trip?
  • How early or late do you want to start your day?
  • Whose car are you taking?
  • Who will be driving? Will you take turns? How often will you switch?
  • What is your budget?
  • What level of accommodation are you comfortable with?
  • Are you OK sharing a bed and/or room?
  • Do you prefer air conditioner or open windows in the car?
  • What types of stops do you want to make?
  • How often will you stop?

Make a Road Trip Route, Itinerary, and Plan

When traveling with other people it is always a good idea to have a plan. It doesn’t have to be an iron-clad itinerary no one is allowed to stray from. In fact, you should definitely plan to be at least a little flexible. But, with multiple opinions, tastes, and travel styles, figuring out your road trip route and itinerary before leaving will allow you to plan a trip with input from everyone in the car and agree on stops beforehand.

Need a little extra help with how to plan a road trip with friends? Join our challenge! Sign up below and in just five days you can have your entire route planned!

How to plan a road trip with Google Maps - woman pointing at a road map with a camera, passport, and laptop

Road Trip Road Map

Five days to a better road trip route.

Take your road trip planning to the next level  join our five-day road trip planning challenge!  Over the next five days we will show you our method for planning a road trip route that will get you from point A to point Z without missing a letter in between. Sign up for our email list today and get ready to hit the road!

Decide How You’re Going to Pay and Make a Spending Spreadsheet

With road trips come lots of expenses: hotel bookings, gas, national park admissions, snacks. When traveling with friends it’s important to determine how you’re going to be paying for everything you need to pay for. You want to be fair to everyone and make sure everyone is paying equally. Sometimes one person will put everything on her credit card and others will Venmo that person their share. Sometimes everyone will pay for a different things until it balances out. There is no right or wrong answer, you just want to make sure that everyone on your road trip agrees to a method. No matter what you decide it’s a good idea to start a spending spreadsheet to track those expenses so you can make sure everyone paid their fair share.

Assign Roles

It isn’t necessary for everyone to take on roles, but sometimes it just makes sense. If one person is driving, another should be in charge of music. If one person is the impeccably organized planner in charge of keeping the itinerary on track, another should be in charge of sandwiches and snacks . Not everyone has to have a specific role, but you want to make sure one person isn’t booking all the hotels, driving, making the route, AND bringing the Cheez-Its.

Set Boundaries

While a roadtrip with friends will often come with a lot of compromise, it is also OK to set boundaries. If you haven’t driven since 2010 and aren’t comfortable driving someone else’s car, say no. If you’re an introvert like me and need some alone time at the end of a long day in the car, tell your friends you need to go hang out by yourself for a bit. Establishing boundaries is one of the most important road trip rules for friends.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

Who says car rides are boring? Especially when you’re traveling with friends. You’re sure to have an amazing adventure that is fun on its own. But, just in case you need a few ideas on how to occupy your time in the car and in the hotel room, here are 25 fun things to do on a road trip with friends.

Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends Stop at Some Roadside Attractions! Make a Group Playlist Play a Classic Road Trip Game Buy Gas Station Snacks for the Car Record the Journey Sing some Car Karaoke! Buy Funny Souvenirs Take a Hike Reminisce Over Memories Make a Road Trip Hashtag Get Matching T-Shirts Get Matching Tattoos Play Truth or Dare Make TikTok Videos Relax at the Hotel Pool Listen to a Podcast Put Away Your Phones Eat Something New Stop at a Hot Spring Ask Each Other Questions Have a Picnic Go Camping (Or Glamping) Listen to an Audiobook Play Would You Rather Take Lots of Photos

Stop at Some Roadside Attractions!

Whether you’re near the world’s largest strawberry , a fun muffler man , or a giant pink elephant , pull over at one of America’s best roadside attractions! Roadside attractions are fun stops for everyone and make great Instagram selfies. Use a website like ours here at Silly America or an app like the Roadside America App or Roadtrippers Plus to find fun road trip stops!

Make a Group Playlist

Before leaving on your road trip, start a group playlist with your friends. This will give everyone a chance to contribute their favorite songs. Shuffle the playlist and enjoy fun music your whole trip long. Need inspiration? Check out our list of the Best Road Trip Songs to Blast in the Car !

Play a Classic Road Trip Game

Road trip games are classic for a reason: they are easy, fun, and keep you entertained while stuck in a car. There are many road trip games to choose from so gather a few and pack them in your car. Here are some of the best classic road trip games to play in the car :

  • License Plate Game
  • Road Sign Bingo
  • Road Trip Scavenger Hunt

For even more inspiration find our lists of 55 Road Trip Games for Adults , 25 Best Road Trip Games for Two , and Games to Play in a Hotel .


The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation. The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book features fun and engaging journal prompts. plus 100 activities and games to play in the car, at your hotel, or at stops along your route.

Buy Gas Station Snacks for the Car

For a fun twist on gas station snacks, have everyone go into the gas station one by one and get snacks for the whole car. Either go in with a no rules except buy one for everyone approach or assign everyone a different category: salty, sweet, breakfast, drinks, hot, cold, etc. Need inspiration? Check out our list of the Best Junk Food Road Trip Snacks .

Carpool Karaoke Machine for Kids & Adults, Carpool Karaoke The Mic 1.0 by Singing Machine - Wireless & Bluetooth Karaoke Microphone with Mic Volume, Echo Controls as White Elephant Gift, Gold & White

Sing some Car Karaoke!

Move a step beyond just blasting music in the car to becoming a highway superstar. Sing along to the car stereo at the top of your lungs! Or, better yet, get a wireless car karaoke microphone and take runs passing it around (to anyone who isn’t driving, of course).

Buy Funny Souvenirs

Funny souvenirs abound at gas stations and roadside stands across the country. There are magnets, mugs, t-shirts, hats, keychains, and so many other options to choose from. Make it a game to always find souvenirs printed with your names or a contest to find the weirdest souvenirs you can find on your road trip.

Record the Journey

Roadtripping with your friends will be an experience you will never want to forget. So be sure to record the journey. Take plenty of iPhone photos and post lots of Instagram stories , but if you want lasting memories, go one step further. Consider buying a road trip journal for everyone to contribute to. Or get an instant camera for instant souvenirs.

Take a Hike

Make time to get out of the car and stretch your legs. Taking hikes (whether multiple miles or easy strolls) is a great way to get some exercise in in the middle of a long drive.

Reminisce Over Memories

If you’re taking a road trip with friends, you’re probably pretty close. And if you’re pretty close, you probably have a lot of memories together. Spend some time in the car reminiscing over some of your best shared memories. You might even remember something special that you’ve forgotten!

Make a Road Trip Hashtag

#BestiesOnTheRoad Commemorate your road trip with your own hashtag Use it across social media when posting online about your road trip to organize your pics and to reminisce about the trip later.

Get Matching T-Shirts

Show the world you’re on a road trip together! Get matching road trip t-shirts! Matching t-shirts is a great way for a big group of friends to show the world they are traveling together. And they make for fun group photos!

Get Matching Tattoos

Want a more permanent reminder of your road trip with your friends? How about getting matching road trip tattoos! Stop somewhere along your route and get something to remember each other and your epic trip together.

Play Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is a fun game for friends to play on a road trip. Have everyone take turns either answering a personal question or doing a small dare that can easily be done from the car. Something like, text your ex or blast classical music for the next ten miles. Just be safe: no daring the driver to swerve into oncoming traffic or anything that could get you hurt or a traffic ticket.

Make TikTok Videos

A fun way to pass the time on a road trip with friends is to make TikTok videos ! Find the perfect trending sound to film in the car or your destination. Or start a trend of your own!

GoFloats Inflatable Pool and Hot Tub Drink Holders (3 Pack) (Choose - Unicorn, Flamingo, Palm Tree and More)

Relax at the Hotel Pool

After a long day of driving and stopping at roadside attractions and other fun road trip stops, you deserve a little time to relax! Grab your bathing suits and go hang out by the hotel pool.

Listen to a Podcast

If you want to take a break from blasting tunes, try listening to a podcast in the car. If you all are addicted to the same true crime podcast, play the latest episodes. Or, have everyone in the car pick their favorite and take turns sharing.

Put Away Your Phones

For at least part of your road trip, have everyone put away their phones. It is easy to get distracted by social media or start texting with friends who are back at home. But spend some time with your full attention on each other, the amazing stops you’re making, and the road.

Eat Something New

Have you ever tried Rocky Mountain Oysters? Here’s a hint: they aint oysters. Make a pact to taste test local delicacies wherever you go. Sure, some might be weird (or seemingly gross) but you might just find your new favorite cuisine!

Stop at a Hot Spring

Hot Springs are often an overlooked road trip stop . But they are a super fun road trip stop, especially for a group of friends. Relax in a scalding hot pool while, often, overlooking nature, and give your weary muscles a break after being cooped up in a car.

Ask Each Other Questions

You’ll be stuck in the car for hours with your friends on a road trip, so use that time wisely. Ask each other questions and get to know each other even more! Ask things you’ve always wanted to know, silly scenarios, or a list of road trip questions .

Sunflora Picnic Backpack for 4 Person with Blanket Picnic Basket Set for 2 with Insulated Cooler Wine Pouch for Family Couples (Brush Beige)

Have a Picnic

Instead of stopping at yet anther fast food drive through, pack up a cooler with sandwiches , snacks, and drinks and have a picnic. Find a park, rest area, or even dine under a world’s largest thing.

Go Camping (Or Glamping)

If you’re the type of friends who feel more comfortable in nature over a four star hotel, go camping! Spend at least one night of your trip sleeping under the stars, starting a roaring fire, toasting hot dogs and marshmallows for s’mores, and telling ghost stories. If your style is a little more refined or you’re not quite into roughing it, give glamping a try!

Listen to an Audiobook

For another alternative to music, listen to an audiobook in the car. Pick a favorite amongst your friends, a current New York Times Best Seller, a steamy romance novel, a cheesy YA novel, or anything you all want to hear read! Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks.

Play Would You Rather

Would You Rather is another fun road trip game to play with friends! Give each other hypothetical scenarios where you have to choose if you world rather do one or the other.

Fujifilm Instax Mini 11 Instant Camera - Lilac Purple

Take Lots of Photos

Don’t forget to take lots of photos! If you’re taking a road trip with your friends it’s most likely because you love them, want to spend more time with them, and enjoy being together. Commemorate your epic travel adventure by taking lots of photos of your surroundings, stops, food, and, of course, each other.

Where to Go on a Road Trip with Friends

If you’re taking a road trip with your friends, you can go anywhere you want! Travel as far or stay as close as you want. See the things you want to see. Eat where you want to eat. And do what you want to do. The sky is the limit when it comes to choosing a road trip route (or, OK, maybe the ocean). But what are some of the best places to road trip with friends? Here are some ideas for fun road trips to take with friends.

Route 66 is a classic road trip route and the perfect road trip to take with friends. The iconic road spans 2,400 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. Though the official road was decommissioned in 1985, road trip loves from around the world still flock to the Mother Road for a sense of nostalgia and the thrill of the open road. At every turn of the journey that takes you through Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California you’ll find plenty of fun things. There are weird roadside attractions, muffler men, national parks and monuments, classic diners, historic motels, museums, souvenir shops, and more. Ready to hit the Mother Road? Check out our list of the top must-see attractions on Route 66 or plan a Route 66 road trip !

Pacific Coast Highway: Highway 101 & Highway 1

The Pacific Coast Highway is the ultimate road trip for friends. Drive Highway 1 from San Francisco to San Diego or take the entire stretch from San Diego to Seattle. This West Coast Road Trip is full of breathtaking sites, beaches, forests, mountains, delicious food, and plenty of sun. You’re guaranteed to have an amazing adventure with your friends.

Themed Road Trip

Not every road trip has to follow a particular route. Sometimes it is most fun to chase a theme. I LOVE roadside attractions so I will often pick a state and find all the roadside attractions in it I can, no matter where it takes me. Here are some ideas for road trip themes you can take:

  • Roadside Attractions
  • Amusement Parks

National Parks

Looking for fun places to go on a road trip with friends? Consider building a trip around National Parks. Experience beautiful nature, natural formations, and scenic trails while bonding with the people you love most.

Disney World

A lot of times road trips are more about the stops along the way than the actual destination. But, sometimes, they are more about the destination. Disney World (Or Disney Land) is a fun destination for a girls trip. If you all love Disney spend the trip blasting your favorite soundtracks, pack some ears, and end up at the happiest place on Earth.

Pin this post on Taking a Road Trip with Friends to save for your next adventure!

Windows down. Music blasting. Sunglasses on. It’s time to take a road trip with friends. Road trips are an amazing way to see the country. But before your bestie calls shotgun, here are some helpful tips for taking a road trip with friends, fun things to do on a road trip with friends, and some suggestions for routes and destinations to take together. Ready to hit the road? #RoadTrip #RoadTripWithFriends #BestFriends #Vacation #RoadTripPlanning

Photo by Annie Theby on Unsplash Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash Photo by  Rachel Claire  from  Pexels Photo by Alex Jumper on Unsplash

Plan Your Road Trip

Road trip entertainment ideas to keep your car passengers having fun from home to destination. Read on for some ideas for what to do in the car for kids or adults and things to bring on a road trip for entertainment. #RoadTrip #RoadTripPlanning #RoadTripGames #RoadTripEntertainment

Road Trip Entertainment Ideas (2023 List)

While some of us can drive for hours on end without getting bored of the drive, others… might need a little extra to keep them …

Road Trip Lunch Ideas - Chicken fried steak and eggs at Sunnyside Diner in Oklahoma City

Road Trip Lunch Ideas

Let’s do lunch! They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but lunch is often the favorite meal of the day. …

Best Road Trip Gifts for Couples - couple kissing in the rearview mirror of a car

Best Road Trip Gifts for Couples Who Love to Travel

Are you in a couple who love taking road trips together and are looking for the perfect present for your ride or die? Or are …

Valerie Bromann

Founder & road trip expert.

Valerie Bromann is a a website manager, content creator, and writer from Chicago, Illinois (currently living in Dallas, Texas). As an avid road tripper who has visited hundreds of roadside attractions, Val always pull over for a world’s largest thing. Founder of Silly America and author of The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book , she visits, photographs, and writes about all the weird tourist destinations she visits and offers road trip planning advice and inspiration based on her own travels so you can hit the road for yourself.

World's Largest Mailbox in Casey, Illinois roadside attraction

Follow Valerie & Silly America

Last modified: December 21, 2023 Category: Road Trip Planning

Kansas Route 66 Map

Where does route 66 start and end, share this post ⤵.

The Road Trip Journal & Activity Book - Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip! By Valerie Bromann

Everything You Need to Have and Record an Epic Road Trip!

By valerie bromann.

Enjoy fun games and challenges to pass the time on your next road trip and have a keepsake to look back on for years to come with this entertaining must-have for your next vacation.

The road trip you’ve been dreaming of starts here! Journal about your stops and get to know your fellow passengers with activities and exercises designed to pass the time and bring you closer together. Instead of “Are we there yet?” you’ll find yourself asking, “We’re there already?”. Complete with prompts you can turn to while driving between locations, this journal will one day be a memento of your life-changing trip.

Silly America

Silly America - The best roadside attractions in America and road trip inspiration and road trip planning and advice.

Silly America is a roadside attractions blog designed to help travelers find unique stops for their next road trip. The website is a tribute to the great American road trip, devoted to all that is odd in America: roadside attractions, tourist traps, peculiar destinations, bizarre events, road food, fun festivals, and more! It’s a travel website and trip planner for those seeking an offbeat road trip.

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traveling road trip with friends

How to travel with friends – without falling out

Emma Sparks

Sep 3, 2019 • 6 min read

traveling road trip with friends

Travelling together offers friends the chance to enjoy quality time awash with in-jokes, proper catch-ups and unforgettable experiences. Sound like bliss? It can be. But beware: even the best of friendships can be tested on the road.

Whether you’re about to embark on your first adventure with your mates in tow or are looking to improve on past experiences, here are writer Emma Sparks' 10 tips for having a harmonious trip with friends.

Five people sitting on building terrace overlooking the cityscape of Barcelona.

Beginners: start on the right foot

1. choose the right people to go with.

Pick any old pal with a passport at your peril. Just because you share a love of Nicolas Cage movies and Chinese food doesn’t mean you’re compatible travel buddies. Think twice before travelling with someone you only ever see in one context; your coffee-and-cake companion, yoga chum or work bestie might be a dream to hang out with at home, but a nightmare when it comes to exploring somewhere new. Opt for someone you’re confident you could tolerate for three days straight and you should have a reasonably hiccup-free trip – but there are no guarantees.

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2. Set expectations

Is this trip about winding down and going with the flow, or ticking off a list of sights the length of your arm? Will it be action-packed and outdoorsy, or heavy on the hangovers? It’s easy to make assumptions about your friends’ vision for a trip based on their usual behaviour, but travel can bring with it a different set of priorities and reveal a totally different side of people. Night owl travelling with early birds or vice versa? Proceed with caution – or agree to adjust your body clocks accordingly. Verbalise your needs: a simple conversation about what each of you wants to get out of the holiday – and what you don’t want to do – should do the trick.

Two laughing girls take a winter selfie outside a church in Saint Petersburg.

3. Discuss your budget

You probably have an idea of how flash or frugal your friends are, but it’s worth chatting about what you intend to spend on food and activities before you go. In situ, manage money sensitively – some people are happy to split the bill every time, while others will find subsidising your dessert addiction stressful. Keep a tally in a group budgeting app like Splitwise if you like, but don’t sweat the small stuff – no-one likes a penny-pincher.

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4. Prepare for close quarters

If you’re sharing accommodation, prepare to learn a lot more about your mates. Sleeping habits, bathroom routines and kitchen cleanliness (or lack thereof) can all cause friction between friends. Years of sharing rooms with incessant snorers, shower hoggers and the occasional gleeful farter have taught me that the best way to overcome small irritations is to make light of them – no doubt you have your own shortcomings too – and always pack earplugs...

‘When we travel as a three, Emily always gets a room to herself as she’s the loudest snorer. Emma puts up with my mild snores and I ignore the fact she leaves hair in the plughole’ – Mary, Emma’s travel buddy on many long weekends in Europe .

Emma and her friend Helen stand in front of a green lake with trees in the background and a statue in front of it.

Intermediate: avoid common pitfalls

5. hanger and fatigue.

The needs of travelling adults often mirror those of a two year old’s. If someone’s acting moody, chances are they’re hungry or overtired. Punctuate sightseeing with plenty of pit stops and snacks, or work siestas into your holiday routine to keep the peace.

‘I like my sleep and I’m prone to energy dips if I don’t eat at regular intervals. Before a long hike through the Latvian wilderness, Emma made sure to buy some carb-heavy snacks and sugary sweets, which saved the day’  – Helen, Emma’s travel buddy in Australia , Latvia and Estonia .

6. Too much time together

Find yourself lingering in the loo, or volunteering to pop to the shops for the milk and a few precious minutes by yourself? Don’t feel bad about taking some time away from each other. Introverts in particular often need plenty of alone time to avoid burnout – but splitting up for a few hours here and there can refresh and revive everyone. 

Five people jumping from a sailboat into the ocean during summer.

7. Lack of flexibility

Travelling with friends is a masterclass in the art of the compromise. When Friend A is laser-focused on finding a tabbacheria for their strictly-on-holiday smokes, Friend B wants nothing more than an Aperol spritz and a sit down, and you want to get to the top local landmark before it closes, something has to give. If it isn’t essential to you, let it go – but don’t let dominant or demanding personalities get their way every time. If you’re lucky, everyone’s wants and needs can be met with some tactical shuffling of schedules. 

‘Emma has dragged us up church spires and medieval towers in Florence , Porto , Seville and more – we expect it now, just as she expects to skip a few sights so we can sample local tipples in the sun’ – Emily, Emma’s travel buddy on many long weekends in Europe.

8. Overenthusiasm

The weeks and months ahead of a trip can be saturated with hope and high expectations, excited text messages and squeals of anticipation. So much so that by the time you board the plane, you’re already exhausted. Then, in the face of adversity – a disappointing Airbnb, bad weather or mosquito invasions – one friend may appoint themselves as a hype man, ignoring glaring issues and refusing to let anyone whinge. While positivity is a lifesaver on group trips, you can still keep it real. It’s OK if things aren’t perfect, so don’t put pressure on yourself or each other to have the best time ever – go with the flow and it will happen naturally.

Young friends with a skip in their step jaunt down a lake's dock with paddles to a waiting canoe.

Advanced: be your best self

9. forgive (and apologise) quickly.

An intense dose of togetherness coupled with new, sometimes challenging experiences means minor niggles are almost inevitable. Left to fester, resentment and pettiness can thrive. Unresolved tension is a sure-fire way to spoil a trip, so be honest about the way you’re feeling. If anyone gets snappy, forgive and forget immediately – and always apologise if you’re the grump of the group.

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10. Be considerate and self aware

When it comes to maintaining a good group dynamic, basic courtesies go a long way – and taking extra care of each other (without fussing) will give you the warm and fuzzies. Make sure you’ve got the fundamentals covered, such as doing your fair share of washing up and collecting the morning croissants, then go the extra mile by keeping tabs on hydration levels and sunscreen top ups, or volunteering to drive.

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traveling road trip with friends

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Epic Travel Plans

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Trips with friends, best places to travel with friends on the weekend and in the world

30 Best Trips with Friends! FUN Weekend and International Places to Go

Best trips with friends on the weekend and in the world

But before you decide on a destination, be sure to keep the personalities and preferences of your friends top of mind. Some friends are awesome to lay on a beach with, but not so great for trekking through the jungle or road tripping through Europe.

My top tip: Embrace the personalities and preferences of who you’re traveling with, and let it guide your destination.

After getting trip ideas below, check out my travel planning guide to help you make it epic.

Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links to excellent travel-related products. If you use the links below to make a purchase, we’ll receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

15 FUN Places to go with friends on the weekend

I highly recommend OFTEN taking fun trips with friends near where you live. Short and sweet trips are a great way to “test the waters” of traveling with friends without putting too much stress on a relationship. Especially if your travel styles are quite different.

Here are awesome places to go with friends on the weekend, including ideas across the US and Canada.

traveling road trip with friends

1. HOUSEBOATING near you

My very first BIG trip with friends was a houseboating weekend in beautiful British Columbia. It was perfect! 

We soaked in the hot tub and slid down the waterslide when we got too hot. Ate way too much ice cream. Met some cuties. And we even crashed. Yup, we did. There’s nothing like a little drama to pull you together! (Make sure you get insurance, ‘cause those boats are harder to steer than they look!)

Find the nearest pretty lake country near you, book a car and make it happen. It’s like camping but with a waterslide.

2. Fun LOS ANGELES weekend getaway for girls

Crossroads sign of Via Rodeo and Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles

A girls trip to LA is pretty classic. Strut your stuff like Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive. Hit up the star-prone restaurants. And time it with the Oscars to experience the red carpet. It’s possibly THE most epic place to travel with friends on the weekend.

Or, if you’re not into the Hollywood mayhem, stay on beautiful Santa Monica Beach. Cycle The Strand bike path along the waterfront. Ride the ferris wheel on the pier. And people-watch while enjoying incredible beachfront restaurants.

Where to stay with friends in Los Angeles:

  • Casa Del Mar resort and spa (Santa Monica): Right on Santa Monica Beach, with an outdoor pool, restaurants and live music on Sundays. Every room has a hydrotherapy spa tub and floor-to-ceiling windows, some with an ocean view.
  • Beverly Wilshire (Beverly Hills): As close as you can get to Rodeo Drive, overlooking Rodeo Drive and the Via Rodeo fountain and steps. An epic place for a trip with friends to explore Rodeo Drive’s boutique shops and cafes.
  • SIXTY Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills): Five blocks from Rodeo Drive along Wilshire Blvd, with a pretty rooftop pool and bar.

Casa Del Mar LA, best trips with friends on the weekend

3. FLORIDA KEYS road trips with friends

Drinks in Florida Keys, places to stop on drive to Key West from Miami Florida

A road trip from Miami to the tip of the Florida Keys is the perfect mix of beach and culture. It’s only about 3.5 hours, with plenty of time to stop along the way.

If you’re not from Miami, spend a day exploring its museums, Bayside Marketplace at the waterfront, or cultural neighborhoods like Little Havana.

Then, rent a car and head out to Key West. Along the way, stop to play with dolphins, feel the sand between your toes, and eat and drink with a view. Want more adventure? Where better to go skydiving with the girls than in Key West?!

Find all you need to plan your Florida Keys road trip with friends .


4. NEW ORLEANS weekend getaway with friends

traveling road trip with friends

Visiting the plantations in Louisiana would certainly make for a memorable travel experience with friends in the USA. Stay in a former plantation mansion, the elegant Nottoway Plantation that dates back to the 1850s. It’s the south’s largest antebellum mansion, located right on the Mississippi River. It features antiques and fireplaces in the rooms. Plus, an outdoor pool, hot tub, onsite dining and self-guided tours.

Plantations to visit near New Orleans, Louisiana:

  • Oak Alley Plantation : Known for the stunning Oak-lined path entrance to this sugarcane plantation. Features tours of the “big house” (with a pretty wrap-around upper balcony), slave cabins, expansive garden and exhibits.
  • Whitney Plantation : Famous for its ground-breaking slavery museum, with restored buildings and educational guided tours.
  • Destrehan Plantation : Established in 1787, this sugar plantation was the site of one of the three trials following the 1811 Slave Revolt. Features interpretive tours, exhibits and pretty grounds.

5. Fun trips with friends to NEW YORK CITY

traveling road trip with friends

New York City can be anything you and your friends want it to be. 

Times Square and Fifth Avenue are perfect for high-end shopping, flashing lights and nightlife. Its museums, Broadway theater and The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts are epic for the culturalists. Foodies will love exploring Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. And for those who love relaxation, Central Park, Staten Island and Brooklyn waterfront promise amazing views. I’d argue that NYC is one of the BEST places to travel with friends.

On my trip with friends to NYC, we stayed in a boutique hotel in the Upper West Side . Within a block, we had a small pastry shop, grocery store and plenty of cute cafes. We could easily walk to Central Park and Riverside Park (perfect for a You’ve Got Mail walking tour). And since we were surrounded by residential streets, I got to meet so many dogs out for their walk! Plus, easy subway access to everything else.

Find your perfect place to stay in Manhattan , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Queens and the Bronx (a 3-part series).

6. SEATTLE jazz weekend trips with friends

traveling road trip with friends

I love Seattle, Washington. Its Pike Place Market and waterfront restaurants. Plenty of jazz clubs. And lots of excellent shopping and coffee shops, too. Seattle has beautiful waterfront parks, artsy museums, Space Needle views, and boat tours to stay busy. Time it with a concert, too!

When I visited Seattle with one of my best friends, we LOVED the comfortable beds and pillows at the Staypineapple Maxwell Hotel . You simply cannot get a better sleep! It’s colorful vibe is super fun, too, and it has an indoor pool and bikes you can use. Price includes wifi.

Now, as much as I love the Staypineapple beds, you can’t get a better location than The Edgewater . It’s right at Pier 67, with fabulous views of Elliot Bay and the Olympic Mountains. Elegant rooms have fireplaces, cozy furnishings and spa bathroom. The property features an onsite restaurant, gift shop and coffee bar. Price includes wifi and downtown shuttle.

The Edgewater hotel in Seattle USA, weekend getaway trips with mom in USA

7. Fun LAS VEGAS weekend trips with friends

I’ll admit that Las Vegas is pretty low on my list of places to visit, but I understand the appeal – especially with friends. Awesome shows. Epic shopping. Sights you just won’t see anywhere else.

If you want to embrace the chaos, Las Vegas Strip is the place to stay. If you want to come up to breathe, consider a place like Tahiti Village Resort & Spa near the airport and outlet mall.

You’ll also find some incredible house rentals on VRBO , both near The Strip or near the mountains.


8. Epic CANYON road trips with friends

traveling road trip with friends

A great add-on to a friends Vegas trip, especially for the outdoorsy adventurers at heart, is a 2-day canyon road trip . Hike the amazing canyons of Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon North Rim and Antelope slot canyon.

You have some incredible options for places to stay, too. Under Canvas near Lake Powell has lovely tents with a cozy wood-burning stove and private balcony with canyon views. Or book the luxury Amangiri spa resort, tucked right into the rocks. It has an onsite restaurant, bar, concierge, sauna and spa. And the rooms look AMAZING.

Under Canvas near Lake Powell Utah, luxury glamping experience retirement gift for woman friend

9. AMUSEMENT PARK hopping trips with friends

Are you guys dare-devils? How fun would it be to go amusement park hopping together?!

Top on my list are Coney Island in New York City and Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. In Canada, Montreal’s Six Flags is lots of fun.

To visit a bunch on one trip, take a road trip through California or Pennsylvania. Yup, Pennsylvania! Check out this USA Today article for 17 awesome parks.

10. BEACH resort weekend getaway with friends

Ponte Vedra Inn, Hotels for romantic getaways to Florida USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, Ponte Vedra Inn

You can have an amazing beach resort getaway with friends even without leaving the continental USA. One of my favorite spots is about half an hour from downtown Jacksonville, Florida, at the lovely Ponte Vedra Beach seaside community. It’s also known as San Pablo Island, and is a great mixture of relaxing beaches and bustling Jacksonville nearby.

A wonderful place for a beach weekend getaway with friends is Ponte Vedra Inn and Club . Its beach and gardens are beautiful, with warm and comfortable rooms. Enjoy four heated pools, bikes, seven restaurants and lounges, and plenty of onsite shops and boutiques. Despite all of its amenities, it feels like a charming boutique inn.

Our equivalent for relaxation in Canada is Prince Edward Island. It’s super low-key and perfect for friends who just want to chill.

Dalvay by the Sea Hotel is classic and luxurious, located on the north shore. It’s inside a national park and has an onsite restaurant, bar, tennis courts and bike rentals. Or stay in one of many lovely historic inns in Charlottetown. I highly recommend the charming Fairholm National Historic Inn .

11. Fun ARTSY places to go with friends

Hotels for romantic getaways Near NYC USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, East Hampton Art House Bed Breakfast

Here are two very different types of artsy places to go with friends.

First, East Hampton Art Bed and Breakfast on Long Island. This sprawling property is perfect for art lovers and those looking for a refreshing getaway. Relax in the outdoor pool and jacuzzi while admiring the meditation garden, waterfalls, and lotus pond.

And second, head to Memphis to meet the king! If your friends are big music buffs, you’ll enjoy exploring the Memphis Rock ‘n Soul Museum, Gibson Guitar Factory, and Orpheum Theatre. And of course, the iconic Beale Street’s shops and restaurants. 

Stay at the Peabody Memphis with an onsite dining room, spa, indoor pool and luxurious bathrobes. And don’t miss Peabody’s “March of the ducks” tradition!

12. LAKEFRONT retreat weekend trips with friends

Inns of Aurora New York, places to travel with friends in USA

Head to Upstate New York for a weekend trip with friends at the lake. 

Inns of Aurora is a community of five lakefront properties. They’re beautiful and cozy, with wine tastings, yoga and painting classes. Plus, a private beach, lakeside firepits, paddling and bikes. Organic, fair-trade coffee and fresh scones in the morning. Farm-to-table restaurant during the day. Book a room with a fireplace and lake views.

13. Fun weekend trips with friends in TEXAS

Commodore Perry Estate, romantic getaways Texas Hill Country, Austin Texas hotels, Texas resorts

There are plenty of beautiful resorts in Texas perfect for weekend trips with friends. One of my favorites is the JL Bar Ranch Resort and Spa in lovely Texas Hill Country. This estate is grand, with a full-service spa, outdoor pool and two restaurants. Plus, pretty gardens to explore, complete with a fountain. Rooms offer warm decor, with gorgeous dark wood accents, furnished patios, bathrobes and slippers. Price includes wifi.

Another favorite is Commodore Perry Estate in Austin Texas. Its manicured gardens are gorgeous, as is the massive library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases and plush couches. You’ll also spend plenty of time in its elegant tea room, pool, terrace and restaurant. Book a room with a terrace for pretty views. Price includes wifi and shuttle service.

14. WINE AND SPA getaways with friends

Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley California, best places to travel with friends in USA

Do you girls love sipping wine and relaxing with beautiful views? One of the best places to travel with friends in the USA is Napa Valley, California. Napa Valley is about 1.5 hours northeast of the San Francisco International Airport. You’ll find more than 375 wineries, more than 150 restaurants, and beautiful weather year-round. Napa Valley is nestled among two mountain ranges, with incredible views wherever you look.

For weekend getaways with friends at Canadian wineries, choose from gorgeous views in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, and Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. All three locations have excellent wines, spas and views.

Where to stay for a wine and spa getaway with the girls:

  • Auberge du Soleil Resort (Rutherford, California): This gorgeous resort is the ultimate friends weekend getaway, surrounded by a 33-acre olive grove. Relax in cabanas at the pool. Indulge at the spa and fine dining restaurant.
  • Therapy Vineyards (Okanagan, BC): Suites overlook the vineyard and Okanagan Lake, with oversized windows, fireplace, patio and oversized tub. The property also has an outdoor fireplace and hot tub, and serves breakfast.
  • Prince of Wales (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario): This elegant Victorian-style luxury hotel is the perfect base for exploring nearby wineries. Features an onsite spa and indoor pool. Enjoy traditional English tea at the onsite restaurant and local wines in the cozy lounge.


15. CRAFTING retreat with the girls

There’s something about a crafting getaway that screams “treat”! How often do you dedicate time to create together?

You can find accommodations that offer things like cooking classes or join a retreat that focuses on a particular craft, like painting. For me and my friends, we’d just bring our favorite crafting supplies to a cozy cabin retreat with a hot tub and views.

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List Template ebook

15 BEST Places to travel with friends in Europe and the world

Taking international trips with friends is a sure way to create lasting memories and bonds. But the stress of international travel will put pressure on your friendship. Make sure you choose a destination that complements your relationship and how you enjoy spending time together.

In Europe, my favorite place to look for accommodations is Plum Guide . You’ll find the coolest house rentals ever, all verified and not all ridiculously expensive.

Here are awesome places to travel with friends in the world, including Europe.

Hunters Moon home rental in England, Unique Christmas getaways for couples Europe

16. European CASTLE getaway with friends

Take your international trip with friends around Europe chasing castles! The biggest challenge will be narrowing your castle adventure to a geographical area, like England or France.

Pick the most iconic castle or area you most want to see and plan the rest of your friends vacation from there. Here are three ideas:

  • Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany): The most classic fairytale-like castle nestled in the Bavarian Alps. Take in its stunning architecture, lush surroundings, and panoramic views. Other (relatively) nearby castles to visit include the medieval and mountaintop Hohenwerfen Fortress in Austria and 
  • Château de Chambord (France): A Renaissance masterpiece with elegant French architecture and vast gardens. It’ll enchant you with its grand halls and intricate details. Other notable French castles to visit include the lovely Château de Chenonceau built atop an old mill and the opulent Palace of Versailles.
  • Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland): A remarkably enchanting castle among many in Scotland, with its charming bridge and moss-covered walls near the entrance to the Isle of Skye. My other favorite castles are on the opposite side of Scotland: the grand Sterling Castle and romantic cliffside Dunnottar Castle.

17. International trips with friends to AUSTRIA

Panoramic views of Melk from Melk Abbey's terrace

Austria is a captivating blend of stunning landscapes, rich history, and cultural experiences. Start your trip with friends in Vienna , the capital city. It’s a hub of art, music and architecture, with magnificent palaces, cathedrals and museums. Pick accommodations near City Center so you can walk to St. Stephen’s Cathedral for evening drinks.

Then, travel through the Danube’s Wachau Valley before heading south to Salzburg. Wachau Valley is a beautiful area of vineyards and cute villages along the river valley. I also highly recommend a stop at Stift Melk Abbey .

Roam the streets and hills surrounding the lovely city of Salzburg , the birthplace of Mozart and setting for the Sound of Music. It’s a charming old town with cobblestone streets, lovely gardens, and the iconic Hohensalzburg Fortress looming above.

traveling road trip with friends

18. ENGLAND road trips with friends

Take a road trip with friends through the English countryside. There are SO many romantic castles, parks and gardens. Quaint villages in the Cotswolds. Rugged rolling hills in the Lake District. And haunting mysteries of Rosslyn Chapel. Experience England’s beauty on a drive from London to Edinburgh .

If you’d prefer a relaxing group tour rather than driving yourself, check out excellent tours of England from Trafalgar . Include a tour of Scotland and Ireland, too.

Find amazing places to stay on .

Home rentals in Europe, best international trips with friends

19. EUROPEAN CRUISE vacation with friends 

A European cruise vacation with friends would be AMAZING. You have all the benefits of world-class service, entertainment and food. Plus the gorgeous cities, islands and rugged coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Elegant spires off the Baltic Sea. Incredible history and the Cliffs of Dover off the North Sea. And then the more intimate cruise experience of exploring the Rhine or Danube.

Choosing your perfect European cruise option will be the toughest part. River cruises are quite unique, and an incredible way to experience Europe together.


20. Road trips through ITALY with friends

I’ve been to Italy only once and long to go back. There is SO much to see in Italy and it would be absolutely amazing to experience it with my best girl friends. Given the variety of sights to see, I recommend either getting a train pass for the time you’re there or renting a car.

On a road trip through Italy, start and stop in the vibrant city of Rome. Rome is a must-visit for historical landmarks like the Colosseum, Vatican City, and the Trevi Fountain. Stroll its charmings streets while indulging in pastas and gelato.

Then head up to Venice, a unique floating city built on canals. On your return to Rome, stop in Florence to see the famous Statue of David and beautiful churches. Then calm things down with a few days exploring the stunning Cinque Terre coastline and Tuscany wineries.

If you have more time, continue south of Rome to explore the historic ruins of Pompeii. It’s just south of Naples, another gorgeous coastal city. Sorrento and the Amalfi coast promise more spectacular views and memories for an epic trip with friends.

Find amazing home rentals on and hotels on .

Grande Amore home rental in Tuscany Italy, romantic Christmas getaways for couples

21. Explore ICELAND on a trip with friends

Iceland is a magical land of fire and ice, with waterfalls, the Blue Lagoon and ice caves. It’s an amazing trip with friends who love exploring nature’s wonders … and don’t mind a remote experience. There are no Starbucks in Iceland! But you will find other delicious coffee.

Visit the famous Golden Circle, which includes the breathtaking Gullfoss waterfall, the Geysir geothermal area, and the Þingvellir National Park. Take in the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and nearby Diamond Beach. Hike through the mesmerizing landscapes of Landmannalaugar or the volcanic region of Mývatn. Discover rugged fjords and black sand beaches, and then soak in the soothing Blue Lagoon geothermal spa.

If you want to explore Iceland’s famous ice caves or chase the Northern Lights, you must come in winter. Plan your friend’s trip between mid-November and mid-March.

traveling road trip with friends

22. Fun CARIBBEAN CRUISE trips with friends

A cruise is as easy as they come for trips with friends. Choose a destination, timing, and go!

A super easy cruise vacation for friends would be the Bahamas or Caribbean. Hop from beautiful island to beautiful island, all while enjoying luxury amenities, entertainment, and dining onboard.

A cruise is also a fantastic solution to taking trips with friends who have different interests. So long as you can agree on a cruise destination, you can go your separate ways in the afternoon and come back together at dinner.

Explore cruises on .

23. INDIA adventure places to travel with friends

India is rich in cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and unforgettable experiences for friends traveling together. Explore the bustling streets of Delhi and vibrant markets of Jaipur. Visit the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra. And take a spiritual journey in Varanasi.

But to see the best of India on your trip with friends, you need to leave the popular northern cities. Travel south to the popular Kovalam Beach and witness the breathtaking landscapes of Kerala’s backwaters.

Find incredible treehouses for your next best adventure with friends! Check out these treehouses on , including in India, Chile, Costa Rica and more.

Treehouse in India, best international trips with friends

24. International trips with friends to THAILAND

Are you and your friends intrigued by Asian culture and finding the perfect secluded beach (like in The Beach movie)? Then I’m guessing Thailand is on your radar for international places to visit with friends. 

My main tip for visiting Thailand is to get out of Bangkok as quickly as possible. It’s busy, smoggy and not especially friendly. Instead, head north to Chiang Mai to experience the floating markets . Climb an ancient temple and brush up against an elephant. Then indulge at a beach resort at Phuket or the Phi Phi islands . Bask on white sand beach, surrounded by gorgeous limestone peaks and perfect turquoise waters.

Interested in a guided group tour? I highly recommend Intrepid small group tours for an incredibly rich, “local” experience. They have tours into Northern and Southern Thailand, including food and beach tours!

You may also like 5 Charities in SE Asia Tourists Should Visit .

25. Epic CAMBODIA trips with friends

Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, best international trips, bucket list destinations

Ancient temples, jungle and Tomb Raider. And an incredibly resilient people that carry an awful history of genocide. Cambodia is a place that will touch your soul and guarantees a friends trip you’ll never forget.

You’ll want to visit both the capital of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, home to the famous temples. In Phnom Penh, visit markets, temples and gardens. But hold onto your food, because those monkeys are gutsy! And my opinion is that tourists should pay their respects at the genocide sites . How else can we begin to appreciate what their people have been through?

In Siem Reap, explore the gorgeous temple ruins of Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple and Ta Prohm. A local guide can also take you to lesser-known temples you can climb with a jungle view all to yourself. Be sure to have a drink at The Red Piano and ask for a Tomb Raider drink. Cheers!

When I was in Siem Reap, my sister challenged me to do more than visit, so I will challenge you. Read about my experience of donating blood in Cambodia . (Yes, it was safe.)

26. JAPANESE MONASTERY places to travel with friends

Mount Koya Japanese monastery, best international trips with friends

I’ve only had a taste of visiting Japan on a layover in Tokyo on our way to Vietnam, but they completely charmed me with their hospitality! Japan is now on my bucket list, and specifically the zen experience of staying in Japanese monasteries.

Two iconic Japanese monastery communities to visit on a trip with friends include Kōya-san (Mount Kōya) and Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion). Mount Kōya is in a mountainous region about 7 hours southwest of Tokyo. It’s home to over a hundred temples including the famous Kongōbu-ji. Stay in shukubo (temple lodgings) with traditional Japanese-style rooms, vegetarian meals, and the opportunity to participate in morning meditations.

Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) is right in Kyoto. It’s known for its stunning golden exterior, and creates a breathtaking view as it reflects off the surrounding pond. Explore its exquisite gardens and the historic tea house inside the complex.

traveling road trip with friends

27. Fun AUSTRALIA beach road trips with friends

Australia is known for powdery white-sand beaches. So, rent a car and go beach-hopping on a road trip with friends!

Fly into Sydney and start your trip with friends at the iconic Bondi Beach . It’s known for its vibrant atmosphere, excellent surf and coastal walks. Take in the lively beach culture as you sample the many beachside cafes.

Then, head south for about 3 hours to Hyams Beach in Jervis Bay. It holds a Guinness World Record for having the whitest sand. Swim and snorkel at these beautiful clear waters and enjoy the laid-back coastal vibe.

Along the way, stop at the coastal Royal National Park and inland Heathcote National Park . They offer rugged hiking and other adventures that balance nicely with beach-bumming!

28. International trips with friends to BRAZIL

Iguazu Falls Argentina Brazil, best trips with mom, places to go for mother daughter trips of a lifetime

Have you heard of Iguazu Falls? Iguazu Falls is the world’s LARGEST waterfall, made up of a massive 270 separate falls! Check it out for yourself in the best virtual tours of waterfalls around the world . Iguazu Falls is right on the Brazil and Argentina border. 

Along with Iguazu Falls, experience Brazil’s beaches, rainforest and Rio de Janeiro. Make the epic climb up to Christ the Redeemer for epic views.

If you’re interested in a guided tour, check out Trafalgar’s tours in South America . This would be an easy way to explore the best sights on a trip with friends.


29. COSTA RICA best places to travel with friends

Costa Rica resort, romantic beach Christmas vacation ideas for couples, best international trips

I SO want to experience the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica. And stay in treehouse resorts. It sounds incredible.

Costa Rica is a tropical paradise known for its incredible biodiversity and natural wonders. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve offers breathtaking views, misty forests, and the chance to see rare wildlife. The nearby Arenal Volcano National Park provides thrilling hikes and hot springs for relaxing afterwards. 

For a beach experience, head to Manuel Antonio National Park. Manuel Antonio National Park is renowned for stunning beaches and lots of wildlife, perfect for relaxing and snorkeling. It’s on the Pacific Ocean and accessible by road.

With its lush rainforests, stunning coastlines, and eco-friendly practices, Costa Rica offers a memorable and sustainable travel experience for friends.

30. Fun MEXICO beach trips with friends

There’s a reason why North Americans flock to beautiful Mexico! Mexico has some of the world’s finest beaches, best preserved Mayan ruins and fascinating, colorful cultures. But with all the options, where should you travel with friends? I suggest two. 

First, Cancun is an obvious choice. It’s a world-class destination with something for everyone. Exquisite beaches, first-class hotels, a more authentic downtown area, Mayan ruins and fantastic weather year-round. For an incredible trip with Mom to Cancun, stay at the adults-only all-inclusive Le Blanc Spa Resort . 

A second, quieter choice is Playa Maroma. About 30 miles from Riviera Maya, Playa Maroma has arguably the best beaches in the world. Plus rainforests and snorkeling right off the beach. A beautiful all-inclusive resort to check out is Catalonia Playa Maroma .

Enjoy at Le Blanc Spa Resort Fish Spa, Massage, DeepTissue and more.

You may also like:

  • How to travel with friends: Trip planning
  • How to find better accommodations
  • Trips with Mom and Trips with Dad

Featured photo: Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash.

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Awesome Ideas and Helpful Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

by Danielle Owen | Apr 1, 2022 | Group Travel | 0 comments

traveling road trip with friends

A road trip with friends can be the experience of a lifetime. But it takes some planning to make a group trip as stress-free as possible. While spontaneity is one of the best parts of hitting the road, there are still some things that should be figured out in advance.

Troupe’s group travel planner is the perfect pre-road trip tool to help you sort out your adventure. Share ideas for destinations and let trip members vote on their favorites to help plan out your route. You can also suggest dates that group members can approve and Troupe will let you know which dates work before for everyone.

Check out these top tips and ideas for a road trip with friends:

Plan a road trip based on a shared interest

  • Take the scenic route

Everyone plan a day

Rent an rv or camper van, leave some wiggle room in your schedule, have a plan for splitting shared costs, play car games to pass the time, take lots of photos.

  • Don’t be afraid to split up

Share driving responsibilities

  • Have a positive attitude (and a backup plan)

traveling road trip with friends

Fun road trip ideas for friends

Maybe you all love music and want to catch a show in each city you visit. Or maybe you’re avid hikers who plan on tackling bucket list hikes across the country. Whatever you all love, consider basing the road trip around a shared hobby or passion.

Simply take the scenic route

Half of the fun of a road trip with friends is the time you spend on the road, listening to music, laughing, and enjoying the drive. There’s nothing wrong with taking a road trip simply for the sake of taking a road trip. Choose a scenic route near you, whether that’s a coastal highway or a mountain pass, and hit the road.

If you’re taking a multi-day trip, consider planning out a general route and splitting it up into one-day chunks. Then let each person on the trip be responsible for planning a leg of the journey. You can even keep the plans a surprise to make them more exciting. Each person would choose the city to stop in for the night and an activity at that destination or along the route.

While road trips in cars are great and everything, a road trip in an RV is a next-level experience. You and your friends won’t soon forget the week you spent in your home on wheels.

traveling road trip with friends

Top tips for a road trip with friends

Don’t plan such a strict road trip itinerary that you don’t have room to stop and smell the roses along the way. Whether that’s literally stopping to enjoy a beautiful, flower-strewn vista or deciding that a quirky pitstop town is worth spending an extra night or two.

Make sure you have a plan in advance for how to split costs or someone will inevitably get the short end of the stick. Using apps like Splitwise and Venmo are great for calculating who owes who what and to send payments instantly. Check out more tips for splitting expenses on a group trip .

No matter how much good music you listen to or how beautiful the scenery is, you’re bound to become a bit bored after full days spent in the car. That’s where car games come in. Everyone knows the license plate game (keep track of all the out-of-state plates you see and try to spot all 50).

But you can also play more thought-provoking games to keep you alert. Try choosing a letter and a category (e.g. ‘C’ and animals) and go around in a circle naming items that correspond (cheetah, cockatoo) until someone is stumped.

traveling road trip with friends

Don’t hesitate to take photos. Everything about a road trip with friends is meant to be remembered. Take photos (safely) in the car. Pull over as often as you’d like to take pictures of the scenery. Just don’t forget to take it all in without the camera, as well. Snap a nice shot and then put the phone or camera away and just enjoy the view and time with your friends.

Very few people would be happy to get stuck behind the wheel for the entire trip. And it’s also not the safest way to take a road trip. Rotate drivers every few hours so you’ll all have a chance to kick back and you’ll be alert when it’s your turn to take the wheel.

traveling road trip with friends

Dont be afraid to split up for a while

If you and your friends only have one or two days at any of your destinations and some people want to do a grueling hike while others want to visit a museum, don’t stress! Everyone’s interests aren’t always going to align. As long as everyone feels safe on their own, don’t be afraid to split up for the day. Meet back up for dinner to share your different experiences.

Have a positive attitude and a backup plan

Things can, and will, go wrong at some point during a road trip even if it’s just bad traffic at some point along the way. Have a plan in advance for what to do in case of an emergency.

Does someone in the group have AAA? Is there a spare tire in working condition? Consider learning how to change it yourself if you don’t already know. Do you have chains in case of snowy conditions? Who is going to hold on to the spare set of keys?

You should know the answer to all those questions that are frequent road trip mishaps. In addition, remember to roll with the punches. When planning a road trip with friends, carefully consider who you invite to spend all those hours with. No one wants a fun sucker along for the ride.

traveling road trip with friends

Most importantly, have fun, be safe, and enjoy the time together with your friends. While you’re at it, start planning your next epic group adventure. Check out these articles for group travel inspiration.

  • Learn all there is to enjoy on a Lake Tahoe itinerary .
  • Discover more about the best countries to visit in South America .
  • Not sure where to go? Use this list of fun places to go with friends as a starting point.
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This Rare Earth

A travel resource for the adventurous and often-solo female

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends

USA , Blog , North America / February 28, 2023 by Monica / Leave a Comment

There is nothing quite like taking a road trip with friends. The laughs, the adventure, the wrong turns! Here are some of the best places to visit and things to do on a road trip with friends, including my top tips on how to manage expectations and budgets. Let’s go!

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Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends Pinterest pin.

If you have been here for a while, then you already know that I take solo road trips quite frequently. Like, very frequently.

But some of the best travel memories I have come from various road trips I took with friends over the years. There is always a lot of laughter, a lot of joking, and usually tons of unexpected stops and adventures along the way.

Now, if you are headed on a long trip, you are going to need some entertainment to pass the time. Here we are going to cover some of the best things to do on a road trip with friends.

In addition, we will cover some important road trip with friends tips, as well as some of the best road trips to take with friends!

Let’s dive in, there is a lot to cover.

Table of Contents

No matter how fun you and your friends may be, there comes a time on every road trip that you might start to feel a bit antsy. Maybe the route is just long, or you are stuck in traffic, or you are just looking for some good old fashioned entertainment.

Let’s cover some of the best things to do on a road trip with friends that (hopefully!) everyone can agree on!

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - listen to a podcast.

1. Listen to a podcast

Podcasts are my go-to road trip activity. I love getting lost in a story or a mystery and becoming captivated on how it will turn out.

Before you and your friends head out on the road, download a variety of podcasts that you think you and your friends would be interested in. Perhaps interviews with their favorite celebrities, some true crime for suspense, or a comedy if you want to keep things light.

Be sure to actually download them rather than just bookmark them. You may very well hit areas with patchy cell service, and in those instances, you will lose your audio unless it has been downloaded.

Check out my top travel apps for my best suggestions.

2. Listen to an audiobook

Headed on a long journey? If your trip is more than a day long, you may opt for something longer. Like, an entire audio book.

Look up a few titles that sound interesting and send them out to your friends. Have everyone take a vote or download their favorite. If you are driving cross country, perhaps you will have time for more than one!

3. Play a road trip game

When I was a kid, we had all kinds of road trip games in the car for long drives to Florida or North Carolina. They kept me and my brothers, cousins, and friends entertained for pretty significant chunks of time… which I am sure that my parents were happy about.

No matter your age, invest in a few fun travel games to keep on hand! Whether its a card game, a thinking game, or a thoughtful word game, these are great ways to pass the time.

Here are a few personal favorites:

traveling road trip with friends

4. Stop for a hike or to do something active

Particularly if you are on a long trip, you are going to want to get out and stretch your legs. Me? I want to do more than just stretch. I often plan for a hike or some type of activity along my route to keep my muscles moving.

Check your route. Do you see any state or national parks on the way? Chances are you will find some very scenic hikes without much investgating.

Be sure to pack a day pack stuffed with all the hiking essentials before you go!

You May Also Like: The Best Hiking Gear for Women

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica taking a photo in Sedona.

5. Take some photos

Make an agreement ahead of time that when you hit scenic stretches of highway, you want to get out and take photos!

Rule number one, do it safely. Find a legal and safe area to pull over, and snap away. I’ve seen some pretty epic waterfalls and rock formations on some of my trips through the southwest.

The drive from Phoenix to Sedona has lots to see and do, and the drive along the Pacific Coast Highway is absolutely breathtaking. You are going to want to remember it.

Check out some of my most recommended photo gear here.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - three friends taking a photo near a colorful wall.

6. Document the trip

No matter how often you see them, you are going to want to document your road trip with friends. As you get older or move to different areas, you may not be able to see them as much or get to have an adventure like this anytime soon.

Take video, take group photos, and if it is an especially sentimental trip (like, a graduation trip or a bridesmaid trip) then you may want to even write in a journal about it.

7. Take turns sleeping

If your trip is quite long, or if you plan to drive through the night, don’t forget to get some shut-eye. Take turns sleeping and driving in shifts if you aren’t getting a hotel room for the night.

Side note, this is another instance where your podcasts can really come in handy. If its late and your friends are sleeping, that podcast just might keep you entertained while you are solo.

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8. Take all the detours.

Of all the things to do on a road trip with friends, this is easily one of my favorites. Take detours. Lots of them. In fact, all of them.

Hands down, I have made the best travel memories by stumbling upon the unexpected. So if you see an interesting street or a sign for the World’s Largest Pistachio, by all means go see it.

I can almost guarantee that years down the line, you and your friends will still be saying, “Remember that time when we saw……”

My Top Tips for Keeping a Road Trip with Friends Civil

Like I’ve already mentioned, taking a road trip with friends can be an unforgettable experience. It’s the perfect way to connect with old friends and even learn things about them you didn’t know.

That said, there are some things you should be mindful of when planning your friends road trip. These top tips may help ensure that your road trip is full of adventure and laugs rather than fighting or bickering.

Even the closest of friends are not immune to hurt feelings.

Let’s dive into my top tips for planning the best road trips with friends without any of the drama.

You May Also Like: How to Travel With Friends: Tips and Etiquette

1. Pick your road trip friends wisely.

I have no doubt that you have some fabulous friends. Smart friends, funny friends, wild friends, and adventurous friends.

That said, not all friends were meant to be tucked into a car with you for several days or weeks.

Be mindful about who you plan your road trip with in the first place.

You likely can think of one friend already that you love dearly, but you wouldn’t necessarily want to be stuffed in a sardine can with for the week. They could be the best person in the world… just be honest about your car compatibility.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - girl planning the travel route on a map.

2. Plan an itinerary.

You are going to want to have a chat ahead of time about the basic itinerary. Discussing your starting point, ending point, and how many days you expect to be on the road are all a must.

But beyond that, have a chat about what sights and scenic stops everyone in the car is interested in. It’s a good idea to try and hit everyone’s top sight at the very least. Obviously, it will create some resentment if the driver gets to stop and see all of their sights but ignores everyone else’s must-sees.

Got it? Good.

3. But make sure you all stay flexible, too.

Have you ever hit terrible traffic and ended up an hour late to your destination? Or, perhaps you got a flat and had to reroute to a tire shop.

It’s a good idea to be flexible on your road trip with friends, and to make sure that everyone else is on the same page too. Anything can happen on the road.

Have your ideal itinerary, but also have a backup plan. Maybe even a backup money stash for an extra hotel if needed. The point is, remember that things can always go awry!

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4. Be up front and communicate.

In every relationship, communication is key. Your road trip with friends is no different.

Both when in the planning phase and when on the trip, be up front an honest about expectations. Discuss the basics, like how you will split the budget and what date you must be home by.

This will help avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings in most cases.

While on the trip, if anything isn’t working for you, speak up – kindly. And, be equally willing to listed to your friends, too. Communication is the key to a smooth ride!

5. Know your boundaries.

Are you an introvert? Are you traveling with extroverts? Or, are you a night owl and your road trip friends are early risers? Knowing your boundaries is important when traveling with friends.

If you already know your travel styles or lifestyles don’t match, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t go on the road trip together. You just need to decide where the hard lines are drawn.

For example, one person is free to go out and party or stay up all night reading, but both must be aware that we hit the road by 9am. Or, one person typically takes over an hour to get ready in the morning, but the other gets up and is out the door. Perhaps you need two different alarms.

Whatever the situation is, you get the idea. Set whatever boundaries you all need to abide by together.

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - girl taking a break from driving.

6. Take turns being in the driver’s seat.

Ya’all, I love road trips. I typically don’t mind driving them, mostly because I drive most of them solo.

but when I’m on a road trip with friends – especially a long one – I prefer to take turns. I want time that I can let me brain relax and I can curl my legs up and relax.

The same probably goes for you, and for whoever you are driving with. Things don’t have to be split 50/50 necessarily, but make sure you go with a ratio that works for both people. If both of you are tapped out, you probably need to refer back to the “Stop for a hike” section.

Where to Go on a Road Trip with Friends

Now that we’ve covered all of the planning aspects, let’s talk about where to go on a road trip with friends.

So, I like to consider myself somewhat of a road trip expert. I’ve driven across the United States nine times (yes you read that right) and have driven so much of the American Southwest that I know parts of it by heart.

I’m going to list all of my top road trip route suggestions that you could consider taking with friends. In no particular order, let’s dive in!

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - drive the Pacific Coast Highway.

1. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway with friends.

There is a reason that this is one of the most popular road trips in all of America. It is downright stunning! Driving the entire Pacific Coast Highway is an unforgettable experience. I think everyone should do it at least once.

From the rugged beaches in Malibu to quaint Santa Barbara and all the way up north past San Francisco, this drive has it all. Loads of ocean views, plenty of stops for hikes, and even small wine towns if that’s your kind of thing.

Find out more here: A 7 Day Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Itinerary

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring Joshua Tree.

2. Experience the California Deserts.

I know that when most people picture California, they picture beach. But for me, the California desert is my favorite area in the whole state.

I highly recommend taking a Joshua Tree to Death Valley road trip with friends. Or, exploring the Mojave National Preserve .

I bet you’d be surprised by just how fun the desert can be. Here are some more planning resources centered around Joshua Tree, which is the one desert requirement you can’t miss:

More Joshua Tree National Park Resources:

  • One Day in Joshua Tree National Park
  • The Best Joshua Tree Sunrise Hikes and Locations
  • The Best Hikes in Joshua Tree National Park
  • A Joshua Tree Photography Guide
  • All About the Joshua Tree: A Mojave Desert Staple
  • Five Drawbacks of Joshua Tree – and How to Beat Them
  • 10 Tips for Visiting Joshua Tree National Park
  • A Los Angeles to Joshua Tree National Park Road Trip
  • National Parks Near Los Angeles
  • Desert Wear and Hiking Essentials for the American Southwest
  • Ten Desert Hiking Safety Tips

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring White Sands.

3. Embark on a seven day New Mexico road trip.

I’ve driven through New Mexico many times. But recently, I returned back for a ten day road trip to re-visit some of my old favorite spots and explore new sights.

I traveled from Albuquerque to Santa Fe and soaked in some gorgeous hot springs . The Bisti Badlands was the perfect landscape to hike for days. I checked out the Aztec Ruins National Monument and made it all the way down to White Sands National Park and Roswell . It was incredible.

New Mexico has way more to offer than you might think! It’s such a great state to explore on a road trip with friends.

You May Also Like: The Best New Mexico Road Trip Itinerary

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - a sunny beach in Baja.

4. Or, go south of the border to Baja.

You may know, I love Mexico. And, my favorite area within Mexico is the Baja Peninsula.

There are so many fun things to do in Cabo – from boat rides to beaches to ATV adventures. La Paz and Balandra Bay offers some of the prettiest lesser-known beaches.

My personal favorite place to enjoy in Baja is hands down the Santa Rita Hot Springs . This is one of the best stops in all of Baja!

Staying in the north? Then check out San Felipe and the stunning Valle de Los Gigantes .

Get more info in my post about planning a Baja Sur Road Trip !

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - Monica exploring the Valley of Fire.

5. In the Las Vegas area?

If you are starting in the Las Vegas area, I have loads of road trips from Nevada to consider.

Nature lovers can enjoy Death Valley or the Valley of Fire . Art lovers should check out the Seven Magic Mountains at installation. And those looking for everything including hiking, good food, and spirituality should head to Sedona .

You May Also Like: The Top 10 Road Trips from Las Vegas

Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends - visit Yellowstone National Park.

6. See one of the most popular national parks driving Salt Lake City to Yellowstone.

There is a reason that Yellowstone National Park is one of the most visited parks each and every year. Yellowstone is basically a legend!

If you drive from Salt Lake City to Yellowstone , you can turn a drive to a single destination into a fun and scenic road trip. Simply choose the right route for landscapes and pit stops. Read all about my recommendations here .

I hope that these suggestions on things to do, how to prepare, and where to go help you plan your road trip with friends! These tips have never failed me and will set you up for a good time.

Let me know below – which route will you be taking?

traveling road trip with friends

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traveling road trip with friends

About Monica

Monica has been a solo female world traveler for over 15 years. She is an expert on outdoor adventures, solo female travel, and off the beaten path destinations. She is the founder of This Rare Earth and is a firm believer that the world is not as scary as the media might have you think! Learn more about her here . Connect with her on Instagram .

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Monica in the Egypt, UAE, California and New Mexico deserts.


How to Organize the Perfect Road Trip With Friends

traveling road trip with friends

Traveling with friends can be fun, and you don’t need to spend a lot on plane tickets or travel when you can simply stick to the family car. Road trips are also perfect for bonding since they are much more intimate and will let everyone see the country at a slower pace.  

Since local is the way to go in order to stay inside your budget, the South would be a great option. You can enjoy the amazing food and history, and you are destined to meet friendly people that will be more than happy to assist you and help make the most out of your experience.

There are many road trip tips you can use to make your own trip unforgettable, but first you will need to take the time to plan. To make things easier, here’s a list of the top things to consider when planning a road trip with friends.

Plan Wisely

Before you begin a road trip, it is important to plan ahead so that you can control the amount of money you can expect to spend. You should start by mapping the route together with your friends so that you can determine how many days your trip will last.

Once you have the miles and days figured out, you can create a budget for food, lodging and gas. You will also be able to know what you will need to pack for the trip and how much. You can use Google maps or any of the many trip planner websites to make it easier for you to find places to visit, ATM locations, gas stations, restaurants and more sites along your route.

You should also bring a real map to track your progress using a pen and also for backup. Furthermore, you’ll need to plan some breaks for eating, using the restroom and stretching. It’s wise to prepare some alternate routes beforehand since you never know what you’ll encounter on the road.

Lastly, you will need to pack wisely. It’s tempting to pack too much, but that can easily fill up the entire car. Keep in mind to pack outfits that will suit your activities. If you are a fan of music, you should add something fancy in your bag for a night out in Nashville, but if Martin Luther King Jr. history interests you, then take comfy shoes for exploring related sites in Atlanta.

The essential items to bring with you include a GPS or phone for navigation, car charger for your phone, camera, emergency car kit, first aid kit, clothing and attire (only the essentials) and food and drinks.

Keep Yourselves Entertained

Boredom can easily set in along the road, which is why you should bring some music with you to last you for the entire road trip. You can use your favorite music app, but you may risk driving in a region with low Internet reception in which case old-school CDs are much more reliable.

Another fun idea to make the time pass faster is to make up your own road games. You can get creative here and play games such as I Spy or count how many times you see a certain word on a billboard. You can find even more ideas to make your road trip more entertaining in Sound-Unsound magazine .

It is also smart to travel during the summer months, since the weather is warmer and you will find many festivals, concerts, art shows, free fairs and more along the way. As a plus, you can also save a lot of money by camping .

Choose a tent, and you will surely enjoy the vast terrain that the South has to offer. Don’t forget to explore the Mississippi River’s banks and rediscover your childhood by reading Mark Twain’s famous book, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn .

Consult With Your Friends

It can be tricky to travel with friends, since your travel style won’t always align with theirs, and it is important to figure out if they’ll enjoy doing the same activities as you. If not, you’ll need to plan together and figure out what your goals are before you hit the road.

Every city will have plenty of things to visit, but you should only spend about two days at each destination so that you can keep the trip moving. If you have plenty of places to visit, you shouldn’t be afraid to cut some of them if you need to. Keep the places that everyone is excited about and take out those where nobody really wants to go.

Money is also very important, and you’ll need to make sure that you all have the same budget available. You shouldn’t book a trip if you know that some of your friends will want to spend significantly more or less money than you. This way you can avoid embarrassing situations and remain friends once you return from the road.


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Tips & Tricks · May 3, 2022

The Ultimate Guide For Traveling With Friends [15 Tips]

Traveling with friends isn’t always easy. You are dealing with sleep schedules, expectations, quirks, and budgets that are not always in line. The goal is to enjoy time and new experiences with your friends, but sometimes you quickly realize people are more complex when you spend 4 days in close quarters vs. a night out for dinner.

traveling with friends

Group trips are usually amazing or quite the opposite and the truth is, the little things usually make the difference! Here are 15 tips for traveling with friends that will help create a positive travel experience and create memorable moments.

Make sure everyone has a good time—the whole time.

traveling with friends tips

Before You Commit to Traveling with Friends

There are top things to consider before you even sign up to take a trip with friends. The first step…

1. Understand WHO You are Saying Yes to:

You are not required to travel with everyone and anyone. It’s not always a good idea are simply people we are compatible with and those who we should spend a limited amount of time with—even if we appreciate it to the fullest.

Red flags? You’re a morning person and get up at 6:00 am and your potential traveling companions prefer 11:00 am. Maybe they can’t walk .5 miles without complaining or they only eat kale. Take some time to think about who your good friends are, how they operate, and if a trip together is a great idea.

If you have common travel styles and are able to set similar expectations, book those flights! There’s nothing like traveling with those closest to you. And who doesn’t love finding “vacation friends?”

traveling with friends

Here are a few questions to think about:

  • Does their travel style line up with mine?
  • What about travel costs? Do you have similar budgets? (At least for this trip)
  • Can I voice honest opinions with these people?
  • What do I love about them?
  • What really annoys me about them? (And is this list longer than the question above…)

2. Understand WHERE You are Saying Yes to:

You’re not done thinking yet. Equally as important, you need to consider which travel destination they are asking you to go. If the destination is on your list (and you’ve decided they are a trusty travel companion)—great! But if it’s somewhere that has never been of interest or looks boring, chaotic, or unappealing, you should say no.

Maybe they want to head to the boundary waters but sleeping on the ground makes you cringe. Or they want you to join their kids birthday party in Wisconsin Dells because “it will be fun for the adults too.” (Okay, Megan…) You know what you are interested in and what will be fun for YOU. Unless it’s required, don’t commit and spend money on a trip you know is going to drive you nuts.

Commitment Rule of Thumb: If It’s Not A Quick Yes, It’s a No.

Let me explain. You get a text from your best friend Hey! Me and Brittany are thinking about going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras! Wanna come? What is your VERY FIRST thought? Listen to that. It’s your intuition.

traveling with friends guide

Maybe it’s OMG I have always wanted to experience Mardi Gras. On the flip side, it might be, Mardi Gras with Sam and Brittany…those two partying together is bad news…

Your first thought is going to give you A LOT of what you need to know. If it’s excitement, keep the door open. If it’s negative, you probably don’t want to do it and shouldn’t force yourself.

3. Pick One Way or the Other

It’s not required that you say yes to traveling with friends. We all have priorities. If you have reasonable friends, they are going to understand if you don’t have the money right now, or are committed to something else, feeling burnt out, or not interested in the destination.

That said, one thing to stay away from is the middle ground. That sounds so fun, let me think about it! And then…crickets. Don’t put your friends, or yourself, in that position. For them, it’s hard to continue planning. For you, you are wasting time thinking about your decision when you likely deep down already know the answer.

should i travel with friends

If it’s a no, don’t fall into avoidance mode. Thanks for the invite but I’m going to have to pass. I don’t have the money right now and it’s not great for my schedule. I hope you guys have a blast! Or Thanks for the invite. I’M IN. LET’S GOOOOOO!

Tip: Set a date for decisions to be made as a group so everyone knows that’s when the next steps are going to happen.

Once you’re committed to traveling with friends.

You’re all in! It’s time to start planning what’s going to be an unforgettable time traveling with your friends—assuming you follow the rest of these tips.

traveling with friends

4. Appoint a Leader

In most cases, this happens naturally. It could potentially fall on the person who ties the group together. Or maybe it’s the one friend who knows what she’s doing 18 weeks from now—she just loves planning and being a travel agent.

She can schedule the pre-trip chats, book the hotel, provide information, and give reminders. Have the planner start a group text or email chain which is a great way to keep a record of your plans.

5. Schedule a Group Chat

This is one of the best things you can do! Trip plans and details are easily sorted out when you meet in person. Avoid only communicating through text where you can’t gauge emotions and feelings. Make it fun and grab happy hour after work one night (in-person or on Zoom) to discuss the next steps.

Tip: If you can’t meet up before the trip, use the first breakfast as a time to align.

traveling with friends ideas

6. Determine Transportatio n as a Group

Planes, trains, and automobiles. Determine the times of day first. Are you aiming to leave Thursday night and return Sunday afternoon? Great, now the group knows what to look out for instead of scanning every available flight, as well as the information needed to take off work and other activities. It’s also helpful if you are coming from different cities in order to align the arrival times as closely as possible. (And don’t forget rental cars!)

Tip: if you purchase on one credit card, you are much more likely to sit together without paying any extra fees – even if you don’t choose the seats yourself.

If you are taking a road trip, make sure to lock down who is driving and what vehicle you are taking. Schedule a time/place to meet and don’t forget to tell the notoriously late friend a solid 30 minutes earlier. In addition, be mindful of how many bags can fit with the number of bodies going! Notoriously late friend’s suitcase has to fit too!

traveling with friends tips

7. Determine Where You are Going to Stay as a Group

AirBnbs are great options when traveling with friends and are typically budget-friendly. A hotel room allows for great perks like pools with swim-up bars. Figure out the following:

  • Max budget; Most websites will have a filter to only show what is in your price range. Four people, $75 per day = filter at $300/night (likely a little below due to taxes/fees). Don’t even look at what’s not in everyone’s range.
  • Location; The heart of downtown for the experience and walking accessibility? A nearby suburb to save money? Near one particular attraction?
  • Special Accommodations; Free breakfast, outdoor pool, etc. Note: this may cost more upfront, but think about a day at the pool—very inexpensive compared to other activities, so it may be worth it. (I take that back if you opted for the swim-up bar.)
  • The key to finding the perfect place to stay is determining all of the above and then filtering. It’s much easier to pick and choose between 3 than it is to sort through the 100s that come up in your initial search of the city.

traveling with friends

8. Choose One Priority Each

As you’re discussing how to get there and where to stay, listen to everyone’s feedback. It’s likely going to give you answers as to what everyone wants to do. Make a mental note or write down any restaurants, shops, museums, and activities people mention.

Talk about the list of things along with any other ideas and have each person name one experience they want to make sure you do. You want to make sure everyone has input. Plus, it allows people to try new things and get out of their comfort zone!

traveling road trip with friends

While Traveling with Friends

9. make splitting expenses easy:.

When traveling with close friends, credit cards are going to be flying around left and right. Paying the bill at dinner, purchasing tickets for the group, hopping in Ubers after the unnecessary round of shots. To make it as easy as possible, here are my tips:

  • Don’t “figure it out later:” when someone pays, make sure you determine who owes what and at least have a running note on your phone. You are going to forget if you go through 4 days of expenses.
  • Venmo App ; the easiest and best way to pay others back—if you don’t have it, it’s time to get with the times!
  • Community Fund ; have everyone in the group throw in $50 or so that can be used throughout the trip on Ubers, a round of drinks, or any other smaller purchases that requires everyone to pitch in. That way, you’re not constantly sending $5 back and forth.
  • Don’t count pennies ; we all have that friend Becky who calculates the bill and says “Okay, everyone owes me $22.47.” Don’t be, Becky. Pennies all come full circle in the end.

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10. Break Off Into Smaller Groups

Is your group not agreeing on an activity? Not. A. Big. Deal. Don’t let this turn into tension or a fight—you don’t need to be together the entire trip. Split off into smaller groups, or head somewhere alone if you’d like.

Tip: make sure to set a time to meet up again.

Whether it’s the end of the day or even the next morning. This helps set expectations and no one is left out or feels bad. Continue using the group text for communication and everyone can enjoy their own great adventures!

11. Find Personal Time

Traveling with a group of friends forces you to be around people at all times. If you are any bit of an introvert, you will likely need to make space for some alone time.

Spend an hour at a coffee shop in the morning or head to the hotel lobby. Maybe it’s before bed as you scroll your phone and watch the day’s best YouTube videos. The chance to unwind and be alone, outside of the shower, is crucial and the best way to remain a good travel companion.

traveling road trip with friends

12. Do NOT Gossip About Each Other

If she talks about her boyfriend one more time I am going to freak out. Stop. Do not talk crap about your travel buddies; it’s the best way to end things in disaster. This will cause a divide for the rest of the trip and it’s likely not worth it at all. Have FUN with each other; that’s why you are together and you want to spend as much time HAPPY as possible.

13. Always Carry a Few Snacks

For when your friend starts whining about something dumb. They need a Snickers. (Nuts, apples, and beef jerky are healthier, easy to carry, no mess options as well.) Ha, seriously, this is one of those small ideas that end up being one of the most important things.

traveling road trip with friends

Final Tips for Traveling with Friends

14. communication is key..

Make sure everyone is on the same page with travel plans as often as possible. And don’t be afraid to speak up. Did your friends do something they weren’t thrilled to take part in? Say thank you. Travel companion annoying you? Tell them, nicely, to cut the shit. Just kidding, but do nicely say something. If you’re traveling with them and they are true friends, you should feel comfortable being honest.

Most group travel frustrations are due to a lack of communication and expectations.

15. and remember….

Traveling with friends can be an amazing experience and bring you closer than ever before. You will share good times and memories you remember forever, learn more about them, and experience new places. Make planning, listening, and communicating a priority, and you are going to have an incredible time.

Enjoy your next adventure with your closest friends!

traveling road trip with friends

My Best Group Trip Recommendations? Sedona , Las Vegas , and Austin !

Do You Have More Tips for Traveling with Friends?

Let me know in the comments how you can have the best time with a travel buddy or five!

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How to Plan a Trip with Friends

Last Updated: March 3, 2024 References

This article was co-authored by Amy Tan . Amy Tan is a Travel Planner and the Founder of Planet Hoppers, a boutique travel design team founded in 2002. Planet Hoppers specializes in brainstorming and creating itineraries for dream vacations, honeymoons, exotic adventures, family reunions, and group trips. Planet Hoppers is a TRUE accredited travel agency and a member of the Signature Travel Network, the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), and Travel Leaders. Amy earned a BA in Communications and a BS in Physics from the University of California, Davis in 2000. This article has been viewed 119,536 times.

The only thing better than a vacation with friends is a well-planned vacation with friends. With careful preparation and good communication, you can ensure that your group will stay energized and enthusiastic through the whole trip. Choose your friends, destination and activities wisely and your group will enjoy a fun and memorable holiday--and start getting ready to plan the next one.

Getting Your Group Together

Step 1 Choose friends you get along well with.

  • If you enjoy trips with lots of walking or hiking, but your friend would rather lounge by a pool all day, consider how much you’ll both be willing to compromise and if it’s worth it to invite them or not. Also consider whether a friend is an early riser or prefers to go to sleep late, and how high-maintenance they tend to be.

Step 2 Decide on a date.

  • If one or two people simply aren’t available, tell them that you’re sorry it didn’t work out for this trip and that you’ll let them know when you’re planning your next holiday with friends.

Step 3 Discuss a budget early on.

  • For example, you could say, “I know it’s awkward, but we should talk about a budget before we start planning everything. I know I’d like to keep the full cost of the trip under $2,000, if we can!”
  • If it starts getting too expensive for any of your friends, let them know that you understand if they’re not able to splurge for this trip, and that you’re excited to travel with them at a time that’s better for them.

Choosing a Destination

Step 1 Travel abroad with a smaller group of adventurous friends.

  • Choose friends who aren’t afraid to try new things and who won’t be too grumpy in the face of jet lag or long days of walking.

Step 2 Go on a beach trip with a more relaxed group.

  • This is a great choice for a larger group of five people or more, because there’s something for everyone and the group can easily split up if some of the group can lay in the sun all day, while more active friends can rent jet skis or go snorkeling.

Step 3 Choose a road trip for a small group that gets along well.

  • Ask your friends to take turns driving, so one person isn’t behind the wheel the whole time.

Step 4 Head for a big city with a group that loves excitement and sightseeing.

Creating an Itinerary for Everyone

Step 1 Decide if the itinerary will be planned by one person or everyone.

  • Use online documents to share ideas as you create the itinerary, and send out a final version when it’s all done.

Step 2 Find accommodations.

  • Let your group know early on if you’ll be sharing rooms, so they can choose roommates and work out any issues.

Step 3 Plan transportation.

  • If some activities are similar, like boating and snorkeling, try to merge them. For example, you can rent a boat for the day and bring snorkeling equipment for those who want to swim.

Step 5 Factor in downtime.

  • Plan for downtime in the afternoon, especially after lunch when the group may be full and sleepy or as a quick pick-me-up before dinner.

Step 6 Provide options for solo trips or splitting up.

  • Plan a meetup spot and time, especially if you’re in a foreign country where not everyone has phone service.

Step 7 Find food options.

  • Remind your friends that you won’t be able to accommodate everyone at every restaurant. If your group has widely varying tastes, compromise: choose a burger place one night, and go out for sushi the next. Not everyone will get their favorite food every night, but they’ll be happier to compromise knowing that their voice was heard.

Preparing for Departure

Step 1 Email out departure information.

  • Remind your group to bring any IDs necessary for traveling. If you’re going abroad, you’ll need your passport. If you’re staying in the country, make sure to bring your driver’s license or another government-issued ID card.

Step 2 Pack consistently across your group.

  • Share luggage space and items like toothpaste, shampoo or camping tents.

Step 3 Communicate about clothing and weather.

Expert Q&A

Amy Tan

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  • ↑ Amy Tan. Travel Planner. Expert Interview. 12 March 2020.
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About This Article

Amy Tan

If you want to plan a trip with friends, start by agreeing on dates that suit everyone in the group and a budget that everyone can afford. Then, choose a destination to suit your group, like a road trip for a small group that gets on well or a beach holiday for a larger, relaxed group. You’ll also want to designate 1-2 people in your group to organize an itinerary, including travel and accommodation, as this will ensure bookings are made more quickly. When the details are confirmed, email them to everyone in the group so they’re aware of the details. For tips on how to select friends for a trip and how to deal with currency exchange, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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11 Fun Road Trip Ideas With Friends and Family

So you’ve decided to go on a road trip in your new car!

Maybe you’ve invited friends along for the ride or maybe you just want a really long drive with your family. The idea sounds incredible on paper, but the reality of spending several hours on a road can fail to live up to your expectations.

So many people have had their fair share of boring, uneventful road trips that the mini-vacation is getting a bad rep. But if you plan it just right, you can make the road trip feel incredible. Here is our list of tried and tested ideas for long road trips – whether you’ve got adult passengers or small children in tow, there’s so much you can do.

Road tripping

1. Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts are great for long drives and road trips. You can choose from a dizzying selection of thought-provoking podcasts that are being produced around the world. But the freedom to choose from such a wide variety of imaginative podcasts can feel a bit overwhelming. Our favorite is Ear Hustle, a nonfiction podcast about the life of incarcerated people and what happens once they return to society.

These stories can be every bit as funny as heart-wrenching and difficult. The perfect recipe for a fun road trip!

2. Discuss the Podcasts

Once you’ve finished listening to a podcast, take away the most interesting concepts and discuss them with your friends. You may find engaging topics to talk about – some of which can get rather heated and keep you occupied for hours.

3. Listen to an Audiobook

Whether you need something to entertain everyone or keep your kids from going bananas, a roadworthy audiobook will keep everyone occupied. Besides, books tend to be long and you can’t finish them in one sitting – perfect for a road trip. This is a great opportunity to share the experience of great writing. From bone-chilling mysteries to laugh-out-loud comedies to fantasy and science fiction, you can choose from a wide range of entertainment options! Happy listening!

Open road

4. Listen to a Playlist

No road trip is complete without an upbeat playlist.

Before you leave for the road trip, make sure you have compiled a selection of your favorite tunes. This list could include rock and roll, classics, R&B – anything that can keep you and your lot occupied. The best part about preparing playlists is the input you get from friends. This is a great way to hype up the road trip.

Or you could go for a pre-made playlist for road trips. There are several playlists you can check out on YouTube, Soundcloud, and Spotify. Simply search, “road trip tunes” and you’ll find playlists that are full of exciting music.

5. Binge-Watching Movies

With Netflix on your phone and the TV on your laptop, you can binge-watch your favorite series and films as time passes by in a flash. The experience is even better if you watch the same film or TV show with friends.

Your driver will obviously have to sit this one out. They have to concentrate on the road while you can escape to your TV fantasies. Make sure to keep the driver company too or take turns driving.

6. Tell Each Other Fun Stories

Telling fun stories to each other is a prerequisite for a memorable road trip.

Besides, when was the last time you told someone a story? It will make you feel like a kid again. The long road trip is the perfect opportunity to exercise your creativity in front of friends and family.

Plus, stories are nice for the driver as well. They can focus on the road and stay entertained.


7. Play Games on Your Phone

Co-op games on your phone are an excellent way of staying engaged on long road trips. There is no shortage of games on the phone such as Words with Friends or License Plate Poker to keep everyone occupied.

8. Name That Tune

Chances are, everyone knows about the tunes in your playlist – but you can’t say the same for what’s on the radio. Turn the radio on and change stations until you hear a familiar beat, and see who can name the song first. Do this as many times as you like.

9. Take Several Photos and Videos

Don’t forget to take photos and videos for friends and fans on social media! Most people will pull their phones out at every opportunity on the road trip – and it’s the perfect way to record the amazing things you see.

You can also spice things up by challenging each other with photo competitions to see who snaps the best pictures. There are so many ideas.

And if you really want to take the best pictures, you may want to bring a dedicated camera for the road trip. Mix up the camera’s mounting positions and angles to keep things interesting. A GoPro camera can also come in handy due to its small size.

10. Document Your Trip on Social Media

Sure it seems antisocial to stay glued to your phone screen on a road trip, but there’s no denying that social media can provide another outlet for endless entertainment.

Or better yet, why not create a separate Instagram account to document your trip? You could even share the credentials with your friends and everyone will get an opportunity to upload the photos and videos.

Loved ones back home, and even fans, can check in on what you are up to. Plus, you never know if you’re on the cusp of something big!

Pro tip : Don’t forget to keep your phone and other electronic gadgets charged up. These days, cars like the  Hyundai i30  come with wireless charging to keep your electronics fully charged up.

Winding road

11. Connect With Each Other

When was the last time you sat down with your friends and family, and really opened up to each other? Use this road trip as an opportunity to reconnect with one another. Ask them about life, future plans, and other thought-provoking questions that require deep introspection.

We hope we’ve given you tons of ideas to pass the time on a long road trip. Whether you’re driving with friends, family, or doing it alone, there are many ways of making your getaway fun and memorable.

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Fun Places To Go On A Road Trip With Friends in the US

Fun Places To Go On A Road Trip With Friends in the US

Last Updated on September 23, 2022 by Rose Morah

If you’re looking for fun places to go on a road trip with friends, this article provides the best road trip destinations that you can take advantage of to help make your trip a fun getaway.

To break it down, in this article, we will cover friends’ road trip destinations in the US, fun things to do, and places to visit in those destinations.

Best road trip destinations

Here are some of the best road trip destinations while on a road trip with friends in the US:

Colorado road trip

Montana road trip.

  • South Dakota road trip

California road trip

  • Michigan road trip

First, to get the most out of a friend’s road trip, ensure you set aside some adequate time to plan. This could mean a minimum of 5 days to rent a car or an RV and prepare well before you finally hit the road.

Related: How to prepare and plan a road trip with friends .

A Colorado road trip is great if you are looking for some breathtaking scenic views.

TIP : Summer Colorado road trips are the best, but winter road trips are not that great!

Fun places to visit in Colorado on a road trip with friends

Before jumping into the fun places to visit, check out the map below to better understand what a Colorado trip will look like.

Friends road trip


Colorado friends road trip

28 Best and Must-have Road Trip Car Accessories .

How To Entertain and Keep Yourself Busy On A Long Car Ride (10 Tips) .

Here are the fun places to visit on your Colorado road trip:

  • Red Rock Canyon 

The good thing is, there’s no entrance fee to Red Rock Canyon. You will enjoy great walking trails and places for picnics and biking. 

  • Garden of the Gods

If you love walking, Garden of the Gods has beautiful trails for hiking that suit everyone.

These are some of its hiking trails:

  • SIAMESE TWINS TRAIL is an easy 1-mile round trip (this was my best trail).
  • RIDGE TRAIL – 1/2 mile.

Related: 20 Fun things to do on a road trip with friends.

While you are in the Garden of the Gods park, you can also indulge in other fun activities with friends such as:

  • Taking a jeep and Segway tour.
  • Going through the terrain while riding on rented bikes and electric bikes.

Did you know that the Garden of the Gods is the most photographed scenic attraction in Colorado?

So, enjoy the incredible views and don’t forget to take pictures.

N/B: You can access the Garden of the Gods park by car from many entrances. Find out more from here .

See also: A Complete Overlanding Trip Checklist .

  • Paradise Cove Swimming Hole 

I remember having lots of fun at Paradise Cove Hole during our Colorado road trip.

We enjoyed cliff jumping into the water. We were also lucky to find a swimming hole which made the whole experience unforgettable. When traveling with friends in Colorado, this should definitely be on your bucket list!

Other sweet memories that we made in Paradise Cove Hole included an encounter with the chipmunks 🙂 . I remember them coming to steal our fries and feeding on the spilled foods. We also hand-fed them.

Then, while heading back home, we saw a cute baby deer!

If I could turn back time, I definitely would relive those moments once more. I must go back to the Paradise Cove Swimming Hole.

N/B: The best time to visit Paradise Cove Hole is from May to September.

  • Hot Sulphur Springs 

Hot Sulphur Springs is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the water as you unwind.

And the restaurant food here is also great! 

  • National Sand dunes 

The experience in Great Sand Dune National Park is breathtaking from its huge dunes. Definitely, a great place to stop and have a good time with friends as you take pictures during a road trip.

See also: Cheap Warm Winter Vacations In The US .

A Montana road trip is also quite adventurous, especially in the company of great friends.

The map shows you some of the best routes to take and scenic views that you shouldn’t miss out on.

Montana road trip

Fun places to visit in Montana on a road trip with friends

1. glacier national park.

While on your way to Glacier National Park, pull over a few times and enjoy the beautiful mother nature. And if you have more time, you can use it to explore the woods to get a better view of nature, the river, and waterfalls.

Here are the things to do at Glacier National Park on your road trip with friends;

  • Visit Lake McDonald – Remember to carry a hard copy map or offline map. GPS could fail due to poor connections in the place. While in Lake McDonald, you will also get to enjoy the beautiful sunset views in the evening.
  • Hungry Horse Dam – You can access Hungry Horse Dam from the West or East entrance of the Glacier National Park.
  • Bowman lake and Polebridge – This is on the West side entrance of the park. If you’re traveling in an RV, due to the road condition, some RVs may not fit well on that road and might experience difficulties getting there due to the limited pullouts.
  • Avalanche Lake – The distance to Avalanche Lake is about a 7-miles-hike, which is not that hard to cover because of the great terrain. On our way there, I remember we found a cool jumping hole.
  • APGAR Village – Stop and eat some good ice cream at APGAR Village. But, unfortunately,  if you are driving an RV it may be hard to find a parking spot.
  • Downtown Whitefish – This is a great place to eat and spend the night. Whitefish also has a beautiful scenic view of the snow-capped mountain. 

2. Yellowstone National Park

Here are things to do in Yellowstone National Park;

  • Artists Paintpots – This place is quite colorful. While you are here, you’ll get to see mud pots and colored bubbling hot springs. Artists Paintpots is definitely worth your time!
  • Fairy lake – You get to see its spectacular waterfall.
  • Mammoth hot spring – Mammoth hot spring has a very unique scenic view. It is located at the far south of the Yellowstone North entrance.
  • Lamar Valley – Lamar Valley is located on the northern side of Yellowstone. It is mostly inhabited by wildlife. You will hence spot herds of bison, pronghorn, deer, elk, wolves, and many more animal species.

South Dakota road trip with friends

The best thing about a South Dakota road trip for me was getting to see animals by the roadside. Additionally, I enjoyed the beauty of nature and the air that smelled so fresh.


Fun places to visit in South Dakota road trip with friends

  • SIOUX Falls – in South Dakota.
  • Badlands National Park – in South Dakota.
  • Black Hills National forest – South Dakota, northeastern Wyoming. Go hiking and get to see the Devil’s tower and the waterfalls.

Nothing like a California road trip along The Pacific Coast Highway with friends. The highway stretches along the coast of California, which gives you a spectacular view of the ocean and breathtaking attractions along the way as you drive on this road.

California road trip with friends

Fun places to visit on a California road trip with friends

  • Hearst Castle
  • Greyhound Rock Beach 
  • Pfeiffer State Beach 
  • Point Loma 

Michigan Road Trip

If you do not have much time on your road trip with friends, a Michigan road trip will be perfect for you. Take a trip to Torch lake and spend a few days there. It never gets boring.

  • If you are going on a road trip in an RV check out Kampground of America, to get the best camping grounds.
  • Carry food that is easy to cook while on the road.

traveling road trip with friends

Hello there! My name is Rose. I’m passionate about electric cars and clean energy. My adventurous spirit and journalistic pursuits make each day fascinating and far greater. I consider traveling not just about the grandeur moments, but the little elements that transform the whole experience.

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Tips For Taking A Road Trip With Friends

Tips for taking road trips with friends

When it comes to traveling, one of the top things people choose to do is take a road trip. It’s a fantastic way for you to see multiple destinations, to try something a little different and spend time with friends, family or go solo. You could decide to do a road trip with a campervan, pitching up in different places, perhaps you could ride a motorbike, or you could take a car. Be sure whatever method you choose, that you get it serviced beforehand as the last thing you want is to break down on the road!

For your motorbike, get it repaired officially and be sure to check out the manufacturer motorbike such as your Harley service manual so it’s covered under warranty. If you have a car, get it serviced and MOT’d and be sure to always check the rules and regulations for the road where you’re going. Here are some top tips for taking a road trip with friends you don’t want to miss out on.

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Why go on a road trip with friends?

There are many reasons you should take a road trip and it will often end up being one of the best holidays you’ve ever gone on. This includes:

  • You have the freedom to where you want, when you want. You aren’t tied down to excursions and public transport, instead you are free to decide whatever you fancy doing.
  • You aren’t restricted with luggage. Often with normal holidays you can only take what you can fit into a certain size bag or what will accommodate a specific weight. On a road trip you can take whatever you can fit into your car.
  • It’s a great way to spend time with friends or family. A road trip offers uninterrupted time to spend with each other, enjoying each other’s company
  • It’s more scenic. Often when you are travelling by plane or train you go the unscenic routes, missing out on beautiful sights just beyond the window. When you drive, you can choose to go more scenic routes, passing stops of interest and deciding to get out at points across the way. This makes it more beautiful and more fun too!

See our cross-country roadtrip

Decide where you want to go

The first thing you need to think about when you are heading on a road trip is where you want to go and how many places you want to stay . This depends on how long you are going for overall, but you might want to go to multiple places and stay in them, or just visit two or three and spend longer in them. It can be that you arrive somewhere and decide you want to stay for longer or move on quicker and doing a road trip enables you the flexibility to do this when you wouldn’t otherwise.

Consider booking activities ahead of time

If there are specific things you want to do in certain areas, it’s a good idea to have these booked ahead of time. This will help ensure you don’t miss out or get dates wrong. The activity, for example, might only run on certain days and if you don’t have long somewhere you don’t want to miss it. If it’s popular it might also sell out and that could mean you can’t go in. Another benefit to booking ahead of time is that you can often get a discount booking online before you go, saving you money.

Think about the accommodation you want to stay in 

As well as your overall itinerary, you need to decide the sort of accommodation you want to stay in. If you are doing a road trip in your camper van, you won’t need to worry about this, but if you aren’t, then you are going to need to decide. You might opt for a hotel when everything is done for you, you could choose a self-catered apartment so you have the freedom, flexibility and privacy this brings, or you might decide to do a bit of both. Budget can differ greatly depending on the facility and what you opt for, so keep this in mind.

Think about a rough budget you want to spend

As with any trip, a road trip can soon add up and so it’s a good idea to have a rough budget in mind that you want to spend. Think about all the things you need to factor in, such as fuel, food and drink, accommodation and activities. This is another reason it’s good to pay for what you can beforehand, so you don’t need as much when you are on the road. Decide what you will split between you all and consider having a pot you all put money into for communal spending such as gas.

Decide who will be doing the driving

Driving is a big part of a road trip and you want to figure out who is driving pretty early on to avoid anyone being upset. It could be that you or someone else loves driving so wants to do it all, someone might hate it and want to do none, or you might all decide to split the driving between you. It’s up to you all to decide but you want to sort it out ahead of time and find a solution that works for all of you. You could compromise that whoever drives, the other person cooks or something that makes everyone happy.

That’s A Wrap!

These are just a few top tips for a road trip with friends that are sure to help you have a great and memorable time. There are so many factors why a road trip is great and so you want to execute it correctly and make the most out of it. After all, any time away is to be cherished and you want to look back and know you did everything that you wanted to. What are some of your top tips for heading on a road trip with friends? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.

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I am a busy mama with 3 delicious babies and a serious itch for travel and writing (when I am not bartending, that is)! After graduating from Cal State San Marcos with a B.A. in Communications, I decided to start a family and pursue a career in freelance writing. I created HotMamaTravel as an outlet to do what I love while sharing useful travel tips and inspiration with others. Our mission is to show parents how to master travel with kids, while keeping your Saturday-night selves. We call it "Family travel...with a twist".

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Let's Roam Explorer

17 Fun Trips to Take With Friends

Traveling with friends can be a life-changing experience. Check out this list of fun trips to take with friends and create a lifetime of memories!

traveling road trip with friends

From weekend getaways to New York City to long-haul adventures across Southeast Asia, traveling with friends can be an unforgettable experience. You not only learn a lot about each other but also about yourself. You also create great new memories that are sure to last a lifetime! It’s a time when you can focus on self-care and reflection and think about how lucky you are to have so many great people in your life.

We know how important and meaningful traveling with friends can be. So, we’ve put together a list of fun trips to take with friends. These adventures around the world can be done with just your bestie or with a whole heap of friends!

Enjoying Precious Time With Let’s Roam

If you’re interested in fun trips to take with friends, bonding must be on the brain! Let’s Roam is dedicated to helping you enjoy every precious moment of time you have with friends and family. It doesn’t matter if you’re hanging out at home or exploring the world! With hundreds of great scavenger hunts in cities across the globe, expertly designed scratch-off adventure books full of fun activities, and virtual games that are perfect for both kids and adults, Let’s Roam gives you plenty of great ways to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary!

Great Travel Experiences to Enjoy With Friends

Below, you will find a long list of travel ideas you can do with friends. Since we know some of these places may be a bit far to travel to from North America, we’ve included some additional adventures. You can include these in your trip to make the most of your travel time! We’ve also included some useful travel tips for traveling with friends based on our own decades of travel experience. 

1. Go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef.

Roughly the size of 70 million football fields, the Great Barrier Reef off of the eastern coast of Australia is big. Like, really, really big. It’s the world’s largest coral reef system and is home to millions of colorful fish, turtles, sharks, sea snakes, dolphins, seabirds, eels, mollusks, sponges, and, of course, coral. Thanks to this incredible biodiversity and how easily accessible it is from cities like Sydney and Melbourne, it’s high on the bucket lists of many travelers. So, why not take a trip with a great group of friends?

You can choose to visit the Great Barrier Reef on a day trip from Cairns. These boats tend to be big and crowded. It can be difficult to explore the reefs without having a lot of other people around. Alternatively, you can book a spot on one of the liveaboard diving boats that go out for a few days at a time. This is a great option if you have the time and the budget. It allows you to experience the reef with significantly fewer people, and it gives you the chance to spend the night floating above this breathtaking natural landscape.

Expert tip: While you’re underwater, you’re very likely to hear a chomping sound, like someone or something is taking a big bite of something crunchy. That’s actually the colorful parrotfish eating algae off the coral. They’re an important part of the reef’s ecosystem. It’s one of my favorite parts of snorkeling, and I love watching the fish happily chomp away on the coral. 

Additional Adventures in Australia

After you’ve snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef, you can continue your Australian adventure by heading up through northern Queensland to the Daintree Rainforest. This is the oldest rainforest in the world at a whopping 135 million years old. You can visit as a day trip from Cairns or spend the night in one of the many lodges located nearby. There are many different hiking trails within the rainforest that let you get a closer look at the unique flora and fauna there. 

2. Spend a weekend visiting the historic bars of New York City.

New York is a fascinating city, and many tourists barely even scratch the surface of what it has to offer. For many people, their first visit to the Big Apple includes highlights like Times Square and Broadway, Central Park, and the World Trade Center. However, if you want to see how New Yorkers really spend their time and learn more about the cultural fabric of the city, why not spend a weekend bar hopping through some of the city’s historic dive bars? 

The many dive bars scattered across the island of Manhattan are a treasure trove for history buffs looking to get a peek at old NYC. Some of the most popular historic bars, like McSorley’s, Rudy’s, and Jeremy’s Ale House, still have much of their original decor. If you look closely, you can often see the ornate woodwork, colorful flooring, and vaulted ceilings of yesteryears. To make it even better, the drinks are often much, much cheaper than what you would pay at some of the trendy bars of the Meatpacking District or Midtown. 

To help break up your day of drinking a bit, we suggest taking the time to see some of the many attractions located near the bars, especially ones off the beaten tourist path, such as the many tiny parks hidden amongst apartment buildings and niche museums that you had no idea even existed. 

While you’re there, don’t forget to check out one of the Let’s Roam New York scavenger hunts ! These hunts are expertly designed to help you get off the normal tourist trail and see some of the lesser-known sights. From the public art of Chelsea to the ghost of Greenwich , there’s something to fit the unique tastes of every traveler!

3. Check out the nightlife of Hong Kong.

With buildings that reach high into the sky, sparkling seas, and emerald-green hills, Hong Kong is one of the world’s most photogenic mega-cities. It’s also one of the most vibrant. While New York is often considered the city that never sleeps, Hong Kong can easily be considered the Big Apple’s sister from another mister. 

Additional Adventures in Hong Kong

If you don’t have a Chinese visa but still want to combine your trip to Hong Kong with another nearby destination, we highly recommend taking the ferry to Macau. Once a Portuguese colony, Macau is now the Las Vegas of Asia with tons of casinos, grandiose hotels, entertainment venues, and bars. You can still see vestiges of its colonial days in the downtown area as well as some of the original Chinese casinos built there. This creates a fascinating juxtaposition that you can’t find anywhere else and makes it well worth the trip.

4. Take a road trip across Patagonia.

With wide open spaces, rugged mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and charming mountain towns, Patagonia is the ultimate destination for a road trip. You can begin your journey in Santiago and head south, crisscrossing the border of Chile and Argentina. Or, head straight down to Ushuaia, the end of the world, and work your way north from there. 

When you’re planning your journey, make sure to leave plenty of time for hiking. This region is home to some of the world’s most magnificent hikes, including the incomparable W Trek in Torres del Paine National Park. This five-day trek takes you high into the Andes Mountains, offering breathtaking views and breathtaking ascents along the way! 

Additional Adventures in Chile and Argentina 

The lands of Patagonia take a surprisingly long time to get to from the United States, so if you have the time, we definitely recommend staying a bit longer to see other great destinations. Check out the enigmatic Easter Island, the beautiful city of Buenos Aires, or Iguassu Falls, one of the world’s biggest waterfalls. Domestic flights are relatively inexpensive, which makes it easy to travel around. There’s so much to see that you may find yourself wishing you had many months to spend there!

5. Say hello to Lady Luck in Las Vegas.

Will luck be a lady tonight? This is something you can only find out by organizing a fun getaway to Las Vegas ! Las Vegas, Nevada, has come a long way from its days as the original Sin City. Besides what feels like an endless line of slot machines and over-the-top casinos that make you feel like you’re in some weird version of Disneyland, Las Vegas offers some of the world’s best hotels, entertainment venues, bars, and restaurants just waiting to show you a good time (and to take some of that hard-earned money off your hands!). It’s even the temporary home to some of the country’s most famous musical artists who have long-running residencies there. 

This fun combination of activities makes it the perfect spot for weekend getaways for anyone wanting to spend the day lounging by the pool with a colorful cocktail in hand, trying their luck on the slot machines, and watching their favorite musicians sing their hearts out.

6. Hit up the all-inclusive resorts of the Yucatan Peninsula.

While it’s fun to DIY your own trip, sometimes nothing beats a week at an all-inclusive resort with your best friends. Gone is the stress of having to pick a restaurant, call a taxi, or find a bar to go to. Instead, you have everything you need all under one roof! All-inclusive resorts range from intimate affairs with a handful of restaurants and idyllic poolsides to full-blown resorts with tons of restaurants, pools, and activities to choose from. These ones are usually a bit better suited for groups of friends, but to each their own, right? The beauty of going to an all-inclusive resort lies in the lack of planning you need to put into it. You can simply show up and be you!

While you can find all-inclusive resorts scattered across the Caribbean and Southeast Asia, we love going to the ones in the Yucatan simply because there is so much to do around them! Not only is the peninsula blessed with gorgeous white sand beaches and marvelous weather most of the year, but it’s also dotted with ancient Mayan ruins, fascinating sinkholes that are perfect for swimming in, and colorful colonial towns. This gives you the chance to easily learn more about the history, culture, and geography of this amazing country! 

Some of the most popular areas to stay in include Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum, but you can find high-end resorts dotted all along the coastline. 

7. Swim with whale sharks in Mexico.

Mexico is famous for having good food, beautiful scenery, great weather, and friendly people. However, if you still need another reason to visit this amazing country, we have one more for you. Mexico is also one of the few places in the world where you can swim with whale sharks.

Whale sharks are the biggest fish on the planet, measuring more than 40 feet in length and weighing as much as 47,000 pounds. Their mouths alone can stretch up to five feet wide with 300 tiny teeth. Although they’re considered sharks, they’re not dangerous to humans. In fact, these gentle giants eat only plankton. Swimming with whale sharks is an incredible experience. Although you get just a few minutes in the water with them due to strict conservation rules, it feels like a lifetime as you watch their muscular bodies glide gracefully below you.

The best place to join a whale shark tour is in Isla de Mujeres, just a short boat ride from Cancun. This tourist-friendly island has a downtown area lined with budget-friendly accommodation options, souvenir shops, and restaurants. It’s a nice, laid-back spot to spend a few days before or after your trip, and it gives you a little taste of Mexico without having to deal with all the craziness of Cancun. 

8. Explore the Tuscan wine country in Italy.

While Napa Valley is considered one of the best wine regions in the US, why not think a bit bigger when it comes to having an awesome and memorable vacation with your besties? Just imagine yourselves sitting with a glass of Chianti, overlooking rolling hills lined with vineyards and dotted with historic farmhouses. Taking a wine tour of Tuscany is a great way to try a whole new range of mouthwatering wines that you normally wouldn’t have access to and learn more about Italian culture and heritage. 

The wine region of Tuscany in Italy is relatively easy to get to from major tourist hotspots like Florence, Rome, and Milan. Otherwise, you can base yourself in one of the smaller cities or towns nearby, like Sienna, San Gimignano, and Pisa. Here, you will find a wide range of accommodation options, including boutique hotels, charming B&Bs, and vacation rentals. There are also tons of different wine tours that you can choose from. Otherwise, you can create your own DIY wine tour and make your way to the wineries by train, car, or bike. Or go on foot for tours of the wineries and wine tastings. 

Additional Adventures in Italy

After you’ve tasted the nectar of the gods in Tuscany, why not visit the ancient delights of Rome or Pompeii? Check out the Renaissance masterpieces in Florence or pretend like you’re holding up a certain tower in Pisa. The comprehensive and budget-friendly train network makes it easy to get around!

9. Take the train across Canada.

All aboard! Epic train rides like the Orient Express may seem like a thing of the past, but in fact, they’re thriving in many parts of the world! The Blue Train in South Africa and The Ghan in Australia are still Mesmerizing riders today. But if you want to try something a little closer to home, you may want to consider riding the long-distance rails of Canada!

Train rides in Canada can range from multi-day adventures to shorter hops between destinations. Some of the most popular routes include Halifax to Montreal and the much longer Rocky Mountaineer that goes from Vancouver all the way to Banff. This luxurious rail journey takes you along the Canadian Pacific Railway in custom-designed trains complete with panoramic glass roofs. The daytime views along the way are breathtaking. At night, you can stop in towns like Whistler, Jasper, Lake Louise, and Quesnel.

10. Visit the honky tonks of Nashville.

Nashville has been THE place to go in the US for live music for decades. From the stages of the Grand Ole Opry and Ryman Auditorium to the bustling honky tonks of the Broadway Historic District, it’s easy to see why it earned the nickname “Music City.” If you and your friends love spending a night out on the town shaking your groove thing, Nashville has plenty of fun in store for you! 

One of the best ways to get the night rolling is with our Nashville Bar Crawl Scavenger Hunt ! This hunt will take you to some of the best bars and watering holes in Nashville, giving you plenty of chances to make new memories as you complete one quirky challenge after another!

During the day, you can either explore the many different museums on offer in Music City or head out for a day trip to Mammoth Cave National Park or to the Jack Daniel Distillery, both of which are about an hour and a half drive away. You can also combine it with a mini road trip to Memphis!

11. Go for a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia.

Famous for its fairy chimneys, Cappadocia looks like it’s straight out of a fairy tale. And there’s no better way to view these than from up above! There’s something quite magical about going on a hot air balloon ride. From feeling the heat of the fire to seeing the earth slowly melt away below you, hot air balloons have a special something that many other air activities don’t. It’s an even more memorable experience when you’re flying over something amazing!

Flights depart nearly every morning, weather permitting, and you only normally need to book a few days in advance. Make sure to wear plenty of warm clothes, as it can get pretty chilly up there, and have your cameras ready!

Additional Adventures in Turkey

Before or after visiting Cappadocia, make sure to spend some time exploring Istanbul. Straddling both Europe and Asia, this city truly is where east meets west. It’s a fascinating blend of cultures from all over the world. From there, you can head down to Izmir and begin a southwest Turkey road trip down toward Ephesus, one of the many ancient wonders left behind by the Romans. 

12. Island hop in the Aegean Sea.

Most of us have probably seen photos of the Greek Isles. The white-washed houses with their blue roofs surrounded by the sparkling Aegean Sea are the stuff that dreams are made of. This image has graced everything from mouse pads to coffee mugs. While islands like Santorini, Patmos, Mykonos, and Rhodes are incredibly beautiful, one of the best things about visiting them is just how accessible they are!

Although there are many cruises that roam the waters between the Greek islands, you can visit many of the islands simply by hopping onto one of the many ferries leaving Athens, Greece. While this does require a bit more planning than simply booking a cruise, this gives you the chance to spend as much time as you want on each of the islands. You can see what they’re like when the cruises leave. 

Additional Adventures in Greece

Once you’ve finished island-hopping, you may want to consider spending a few days exploring the ancient ruins of Athens or traveling up to see the sky-high monasteries of Meteora.

13. Unlock your inner mermaid at Miami Beach.

The beautiful shoreline and sunny weather of Florida have been attracting northerners for centuries, and Miami has long been at the top of the list of must-see destinations. From the white sand beach to the curvy Art Deco architecture, Miami Beach feels like a completely different city than the rest of Miami. By day, you can be lounging around in the sun or wandering up the cute residential streets. By night, you can go to some of the hottest clubs in the entire country. 

If you plan on spending the full day at the beach, there are places where you can grab beach chairs and umbrella rentals that allow you to get extra comfy, and don’t forget to bring plenty of sunscreen with you! Nothing ruins a great vacation faster than a painful sunburn. 

Travel tip: While you’re in Miami, don’t forget to visit Wyndood Walls. This collection of street art and murals spread across warehouses and shop exteriors resembles a long line of outdoor art galleries. The neighborhood is also home to a few microbreweries and pop-up restaurants, making it a great place for foodies and craft beer lovers who are in serious need of a break from the beach. 

14. Get weird in Austin, Texas. 

Located in the great state of Texas, Austin is unapologetically weird. Home to both the University of Texas’s main campus and the Texas State Capitol, the city has an interesting mix of government buildings and a fun, youthful energy. As you would expect from a city this diverse, there is a wide range of restaurants, bars, and cultural attractions to choose from. You can even do your very own pub crawl while you’re there! 

Austin isn’t just all culture-vulturing, though. There are plenty of unique activities to do here. During your stay, you can cool down at Barton Springs, a natural pool full of fresh water, watch millions of bats take flight at the Congress Avenue Bridge, take a stroll around Lady Bird Lake, or pick up your very own pair of authentic cowboy boots at Allen’s Boots, an Austin institution!

15. Enjoy a week of outdoor adventures in Iceland.

Iceland was once a bit of a hidden gem for outdoor adventure and other-worldly natural attractions. However, with the rise of low-cost airlines and a massive drop in their currency, Iceland became much more accessible as a vacation destination. Suddenly, it exploded onto seemingly every must-see list. While the excitement surrounding Iceland as a destination has abated a bit, this doesn’t mean that it is any less stunning than it was a few years ago. It simply means that you are likely to have many of the biggest sites all to yourself! 

Most people start their trip in the capital city of Reykjavik before venturing out for an epic road trip on Iceland’s famous Ring Road. Stretching 825 miles, this road takes you by some of the biggest natural attractions in the country, including Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss waterfalls, Dyrhólaey cliffs, and Jökulsárlón glacier lagoon. While the entire road can be driven in 24 hours, it is best to slow down and take your time so that you can truly enjoy all of the many waterfalls, glaciers, gorges, and hiking trails you see along the way. 

Before you leave, make sure to take some time to relax at the Blue Lagoon, which is conveniently located close to the airport. This will give you some time to reflect on your remarkable journey and all of the magnificent things you saw and did!

16. Get your jazz on in New Orleans.

Throughout the course of history, the city of New Orleans changed hands repeatedly. This wave of cultures left an undeniable mark on the city in terms of architecture, culture, cuisine, and, of course, music. New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz, so what better place could there be to spend a few evenings at a smoky jazz club listening to these lively melodies? Some of the most popular places to listen to jazz music include the historic Preservation Hall and the intimate The Spotted Cat, so one of these should be your first port of call regardless of whether you are a jazz aficionado or a new fan!

While New Orleans is famous for its nightlife, there is plenty to do during the day as well! You can explore the streets of the French Quarter, explore the wide boulevards lined with stately homes in the Garden District, or visit world-class museums, such as the National WWII Museum or the New Orleans Museum of Art.

Travel tip: If you plan on traveling to New Orleans during Mardi Gras, make sure to book your accommodation well in advance as places tend to sell out very quickly!

17. Explore the natural wonders of Costa Rica.

Thanks to the country’s focus on providing excellent ecotourism experiences, the country of Costa Rica has been a fantastic vacation destination for decades. With beautiful beaches, tranquil cloud forests, smoking volcanoes, and gushing waterfalls, Costa Rica provides the perfect backdrop for tons of great outdoor activities. During your trip, you can put some miles in on the hiking trails, go ziplining above the treeline, or spend your days relaxing on the beach, enjoying the sea breezes coming off the Caribbean.

Travel tip: Prices for hotels and activities have gone up substantially in Costa Rica over the past few decades, making it one of the most expensive travel destinations in Latin America. Make sure to double-check the prices of things before you book your hotels and flights to ensure you will be able to have the vacation you’re dreaming of without having to empty your bank account too much!

So, Ready to Roam?

We hope this list of fun trips to take with friends has given you plenty of inspiration! As always, we would love to hear your feedback, so please let us know if there are any great adventures you think should be added to this list!

If you would like to learn more about any of these destinations, make sure to check out the Let’s Roam Explorer blog , where you can find hundreds of travel guides, to-do lists, and blog posts about both domestic and international travel. You can also download the Let’s Roam app to find scavenger hunts near you as well as user-generated info on destinations around the world. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to have a nice time, what about a weekend in New York or Las Vegas ? If you want to go further afield, Australia , Argentina , and Italy are great options for something unique and memorable!

To make a friends’ trip a bit more fun for everyone, why not try a fun-filled destination scavenger hunt ? With hundreds of hunts to choose from, there is sure to be one perfect for your group!

Mexico , Australia , and Costa Rica all have beautiful beaches and are easy to travel to with friends. Download the Let’s Roam app to see how the locals spend their time in these great spots!

If you want to ensure that you have a great trip with friends , try to schedule a mixture of unique activities like scavenger hunts with plenty of free time for people to explore on their own!

New York , Las Vegas , and Miami all have something unique to offer, making them great destinations for getaways with friends ! Get the Let’s Roam app to access travel tips for these locations and more!

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traveling road trip with friends

100 Road Trip Trivia Questions To Make That Long Drive More Fun

M ost people enjoy going on a road trip for the destination, but this doesn’t mean that one should neglect the journey. Traveling with family, friends or other loved ones does not have to become boring after the first hour. Use these 100 road trip trivia questions when you want to keep the energy alive and have fun on your road trip. They are perfect for long drives as you have a seemingly endless amount of time to brainstorm each answer.

This may seem like a simple activity, but it is a great way to pass time. You never know what you will learn or discover you already knew when teasing your brain with these questions. To make the game even more fun, put a praise or punishment at stake for the winner or loser once you arrive at your destination. Also, do not forget to involve the driver so they can stay alert and engaged while driving (but of course make sure they are not distracted ).

Here are 100 road trip trivia questions to lighten the mood and make the drive go by faster.

How Much Do You Know About Famous Landmarks?

  • What iconic monument in Egypt is known for its massive limestone structure and Sphinx guarding its entrance? (Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza)
  • Which famous bridge in San Francisco is often shrouded in fog and connects the city to Marin County? (Answer: Golden Gate Bridge)
  • The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against invasions from which historical group of people? (Answer: Mongol Invasions)
  • What famous statue stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor and was a gift from France to the United States in 1886? (Answer: Statue of Liberty)
  • In which city can you find the Colosseum, an ancient amphitheater known for its gladiatorial contests and events? (Answer: Rome, Italy)
  • What natural wonder along the US-Canada border is one of the world’s largest and most famous waterfalls? (Answer: Niagara Falls)
  • The Taj Mahal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a beautiful white marble mausoleum located in which Indian city? (Answer: Agra)
  • What is the name of the iconic skyscraper in Dubai, known for its futuristic design and being the tallest man-made structure in the world? (Answer: Burj Khalifa)
  • Which ancient archaeological site in Peru is famous for its intricate terraces and was once the center of the Inca Empire? (Answer: Machu Picchu)
  • Stonehenge, a mysterious prehistoric monument, is located in which country in the United Kingdom? (Answer: England)

Test Your Geography Knowledge

  • What is the largest desert in the world? (Answer: The Sahara Desert)
  • Which river is the longest in the world? (Answer: The Nile River)
  • What is the world’s largest ocean? (Answer: The Pacific Ocean)
  • Which country is both the smallest by land area and population in the world? (Answer: Vatican City)
  • What mountain range runs along the western edge of South America? (Answer: The Andes Mountains)
  • In which ocean would you find the Maldives, a tropical paradise known for its overwater bungalows? (Answer: Indian Ocean)
  • Which African country is known as the “Land of a Thousand Hills” due to its hilly and mountainous terrain? (Answer: Rwanda)
  • What is the world’s largest coral reef system, located off the coast of Queensland, Australia? (Answer: The Great Barrier Reef)
  • Which U.S. state is the only one to be located entirely in the Pacific Ocean? (Answer: Hawaii)
  • What body of water lies between Saudi Arabia and Africa? (Answer: The Red Sea)

Do You Remember the US State Capitals?

  • What is the capital of California? (Answer: Sacramento)
  • Which state capital is known as the “Mile High City”? (Answer: Denver, Colorado)
  • What is the capital of Texas? (Answer: Austin)
  • Augusta is the capital of which U.S. state? (Answer: Maine)
  • Which state capital is located on the banks of the Mississippi River and is known for its jazz and blues music heritage? (Answer: Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
  • What is the capital of New York? (Answer: Albany)
  • Honolulu is the capital of which U.S. state? (Answer: Hawaii)
  • In which state capital can you find the famous “Freedom Trail” and the Massachusetts State House? (Answer: Boston, Massachusetts)
  • Carson City serves as the capital of which U.S. state? (Answer: Nevada)
  • What is the capital of Arizona, known for its dry desert climate and the Grand Canyon State nickname? (Answer: Phoenix)

How Well Do You Know the Capitals of Countries Around the World?

  • What is the capital of France? (Answer: Paris)
  • Which country’s capital is Wellington and is known for its stunning landscapes featured in “The Lord of the Rings” film series? (Answer: New Zealand)
  • What is the capital of Brazil? (Answer: Brasília)
  • Which European capital is often called the “Venice of the North” due to its numerous canals and waterways? (Answer: Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • What is the capital of South Africa, known for its legislative buildings and the Union Buildings? (Answer: Pretoria)
  • In which country would you find the capital city of Bangkok? (Answer: Thailand)
  • What is the capital of Canada? (Answer: Ottawa)
  • Which country’s capital is Nairobi and is famous for its wildlife and national parks, including the Maasai Mara? (Answer: Kenya)
  • In which European city can you find the Acropolis, a famous ancient citadel and UNESCO World Heritage Site? (Answer: Athens, Greece)
  • What is the capital of Russia, known for its historic Red Square and the Kremlin? (Answer: Moscow)

American History Trivia Every Citizen Should Know

  • Who was the first President of the United States? (Answer: George Washington)
  • What historic event took place on July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was adopted? (Answer: The United States declared its independence from Britain.)
  • Which American inventor is credited with inventing the light bulb? (Answer: Thomas Edison)
  • During which war was the Battle of Gettysburg fought? (Answer: The American Civil War)
  • What is the name of the ship that carried the Pilgrims to America in 1620? (Answer: The Mayflower)
  • Who wrote the “Star-Spangled Banner,” the national anthem of the United States? (Answer: Francis Scott Key)
  • What event in 1848 led to a rush of people seeking gold in California? (Answer: The California Gold Rush)
  • Which American aviator was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean? (Answer: Charles Lindbergh)
  • What U.S. president is known for delivering the Gettysburg Address during the Civil War? (Answer: Abraham Lincoln)
  • In 1969, which Apollo mission successfully landed the first humans on the moon? (Answer: Apollo 11)

World History Road Trip Trivia To Test Global Knowledge

  • Who is credited with painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous artworks in the world? (Answer: Leonardo da Vinci)
  • What treaty officially ended World War I in 1919? (Answer: Treaty of Versailles)
  • Which ancient wonder of the world was a monumental tomb built for an Egyptian pharaoh? (Answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza)
  • What event in 1066 marked the Norman conquest of England? (Answer: The Battle of Hastings)
  • Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean in 1932? (Answer: Amelia Earhart)
  • What major historical event took place on November 9, 1989, leading to the reunification of Germany? (Answer: The fall of the Berlin Wall)
  • What ancient civilization built Machu Picchu, a stunning mountaintop city in Peru? (Answer: The Inca civilization)
  • In what year did the Titanic sink on its maiden voyage? (Answer: 1912)
  • What is the name of the historic document that was signed in 1215, limiting the power of the English monarchy? (Answer: Magna Carta)
  • Who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule and a proponent of nonviolent civil disobedience? (Answer: Mahatma Gandhi)

Road Trip Trivia About Wildlife 

  • What is the largest species of big cat in the world? (Answer: Siberian Tiger)
  • Which bird is known for its colorful plumage and is often associated with the rainforests of Central and South America? (Answer: Scarlet Macaw)
  • What is the largest species of penguin, known for its distinctive yellow crest on its head? (Answer: Emperor Penguin)
  • Which marine mammal is also known as the “sea cow” and is known for its slow and gentle nature? (Answer: Manatee)
  • What is the largest species of shark, known for its enormous size and filter-feeding behavior? (Answer: Whale Shark)
  • Which African animal is known as the “king of the jungle” and is the largest big cat species in Africa? (Answer: Lion)
  • What is the world’s smallest mammal, often mistaken for a large bumblebee due to its size? (Answer: Bumblebee Bat)
  • Which reptile is known for its bright green color, prehensile tail, and is often kept as a pet? (Answer: Green Iguana)
  • What is the largest species of sea turtle, known for its distinctive ridged shell? (Answer: Leatherback Turtle)
  • Which large herbivorous mammal is native to Africa and is known for its long neck and legs? (Answer: Giraffe)

How Many Scientific Road Trip Trivia Questions Can You Answer?

  • What is the chemical symbol for the element oxygen? (Answer: O)
  • In the human body, what is the main function of the heart? (Answer: Pumping blood)
  • What is the process by which plants make their own food using sunlight? (Answer: Photosynthesis)
  • What is the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element? (Answer: Atom)
  • Which planet in our solar system is known as the “Red Planet”? (Answer: Mars)
  • What is the Earth’s largest organ, responsible for protecting the body from external threats? (Answer: Skin)
  • What is the formula for calculating the speed of an object? (Answer: Speed = Distance / Time)
  • Which gas makes up the majority of Earth’s atmosphere? (Answer: Nitrogen)
  • What is the process by which plants and animals naturally evolve over time? (Answer: Evolution)
  • What is the scientific term for the bending of light as it passes through different mediums, like air and water? (Answer: Refraction)

How Well Do You Remember the Books and Poetry You Read in School?

  • Who is the author of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” a classic novel set in the American South during the 1930s? (Answer: Harper Lee)
  • Which Shakespearean play features the famous quote, “To be or not to be, that is the question”? (Answer: “Hamlet”)
  • What is the title of J.K. Rowling’s first book in the “Harry Potter” series? (Answer: “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” or “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” in some regions)
  • Who wrote the epic poem “Paradise Lost,” which tells the story of the fall of Satan and the creation of mankind? (Answer: John Milton)
  • In George Orwell’s dystopian novel, what is the name of the totalitarian regime that watches and controls the citizens of Oceania? (Answer: Big Brother in “1984”)
  • What classic novel, written by Jane Austen, explores the themes of love and class in 19th-century England? (Answer: “Pride and Prejudice”)
  • Who penned the poem “The Road Not Taken,” which includes the famous lines, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by”? (Answer: Robert Frost)
  • What is the title of the novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores the decadence and excess of the Jazz Age in America? (Answer: “The Great Gatsby”)
  • Which book by Aldous Huxley envisions a future society where citizens are controlled through pleasure and conformity? (Answer: “Brave New World”)
  • Who is the author of the fantasy series “The Chronicles of Narnia,” which includes “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”? (Answer: C.S. Lewis)

Mythological Road Trip Trivia Questions

  • In Greek mythology, who is the king of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus? (Answer: Zeus)
  • Which Norse god wields the mighty hammer Mjölnir and is known as the god of thunder? (Answer: Thor)
  • Who is the Egyptian goddess of wisdom, writing, and magic, often depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness or a housecat? (Answer: Bastet)
  • In Hindu mythology, what is the name of the god known as the preserver of the universe, often depicted with blue skin? (Answer: Vishnu)
  • Which Greek hero is famous for his incredible strength and completing the Twelve Labors as punishment for his crimes? (Answer: Heracles, or Hercules in Roman mythology)
  • In Chinese mythology, what legendary creature is often considered a symbol of good luck and protection? (Answer: Dragon)
  • What is the name of the Greek mythological figure who flew too close to the sun with wax wings, leading to his downfall? (Answer: Icarus)
  • Who is the Aztec god of sun, war, and human sacrifice, often depicted with a headdress of feathers? (Answer: Huitzilopochtli)
  • In Norse mythology, what creature is said to herald the arrival of Ragnarök, the end of the world? (Answer: The wolf Fenrir)
  • Which Roman goddess is associated with love and beauty and is often depicted with a shell and a mirror? (Answer: Venus, or Aphrodite in Greek mythology)

Try to answer these road trip trivia questions with the people you are travelling with to make the drive more enjoyable. Pictured: An open, windy road surrounded by trees and mountains on a sunny day.

29 Questions to Ask Before Traveling With Friends

Before booking that flight and spending your hard-earned cheddar on that big trip with friends , it’s important to know whether you’re all compatible travel buddies.

Keeping some thoughts handy like these questions to ask before traveling with friends is a good way to get a sense of what you’re dealing with, especially if these are new pals in your orbit.

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below may be affiliate links, including links through the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program . As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases . At no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I won’t recommend something I have not used/would not use myself, and any income earned supports the upkeep of this site.

What do you know about questions to ask before traveling with friends?

When it comes to traveling with friends and traveling with a partner , my husband Brian is the usual suspect as far as who’s coming with me on the next adventure.

He passed the test of how to react to horrible things happening on an international vacation on our first big trip together to Peru. I cried, he didn’t, and everything worked out.

If I’m not with him, I’ve collected some compatible travel partners over the years, along with couple friends who boast similarly frenetic travel styles.

A group of friends hiking in Iceland after completing a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends

What I’ve learned is that there are some rules to follow in finding the ideal travel friend for that next holiday , whether you’re romantically entangled with them or not.

A romance blog this is not —  I’ve got an e-book about all that if you’re interested — but I’m beyond a good judge of character at this point. I’ve collected tips and tricks on perfecting travel with friends so that you can keep your friends close and your crappy travel buddies not so close.  

Let’s get started.

1. Where do you want to go?

This one should feel simple, but it really isn’t.

If you have a lengthy bucket list of destinations in your travel brain that you never deviate from, that can leave little room for your friends’ hopes and dreams. It can also leave little room for good deals that come into your inbox.

I tend to want to do all of the things at all times, so if you’re headed somewhere that sounds remotely fun , I’ll likely want to latch onto that plan. The only exception may be if I’ve been somewhere a dozen times…unless it’s the Wisconsin Dells or somewhere of similar high caliber.

2. What’s your booking style like?

I’ve completely embraced choosing destinations based on hot deals , but that doesn’t mean I’m completely against booking a trip because one of my friends really wants to go on that trip.

I don’t love last-minute travel, though, unless it’s on one of those aforementioned deals. If you don’t plan ahead, you’re more likely paying more than you should for that trip, especially if you’re traveling in the summer months.

If you can’t agree to basics like how you’ll book that trip and when, your travel styles may not be compatible.

3. What’s your travel style?

If you live in a constant state of FOMO and your travel partner just wants to kick it at a local coffee shop for the duration of your stay to really “get a feel for it,” it’s going to be a frustrating trip for you both.

You’ll be cranky about missing out on whatever bucket list experience  you’re missing out on, and they’ll be cranky because they’re tired from trying to keep up with you.

I’m all about enjoying the local caffeine, but I tend to fall into the camp of doing what I can with the time that I’ve got. I’ve calmed down quite a bit lately, but I’m just not going to laze around too much, perusing the local Netflix.

4. What’s your idea of the perfect vacation?

Along those lines, get to know the kinds of things that get your friends’ motors running when it comes to planning travel.

When I’m touring somewhere new, there are rest breaks in there for cheese and wine, but if it’s not a super unique thing to do at the destination I’m in, I’m going to want to move on fairly quickly.

This means shopping is limited to local wares, not explorations of international versions of American chains, so Red Lobster, be gone with you.

Note: If you come across a travel blog that recommends Red Lobster as a must-stop no matter where you’re at, run. It’s never a must-stop. I promise.

Anyway, here’s a tip if you’re not sure whether you’ve signed on to a potential disaster, especially with new friends travel. Take a little test run with your potential travel partner with a local day trip somewhere.

Two girls get ready to sip on some bubbles after completing a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

You’ll know what you’re dealing with fairly quickly. 

5. What’s your budget?

This can come down to a daily budget or a total budget. I’m in the mid-range travel camp. I’ll share a room if absolutely necessary or in a city where rooms cost many many dollars and I want to save money.

I typically prefer my own space if we’re talking about a longer vacay, though, whether that’s in a hotel or something more condo-like. 

Even if you arrange your own lodging, if you’re traveling with someone who wants to blow their budget on an executive suite, it’s going to get awkward quickly by the next morning.

They’ll be talking about their private jacuzzi jets and room service at breakfast while you’ll be there thinking about how you were bumping elbows while brushing your teeth with your husband in your budget bathroom.

The expenses don’t end there.

You’ll need to nail down the tours or excursions you’re all into, transportation costs, and a food budget.

6. Are you invested in visiting international McDonald’s locations?

Your travel partners may not need to eat at every restaurant featured on Chef’s Table. Conversely, they may be into daily visits to the international McDonald’s.

I really don’t want to give the McDonald’s corporation any of my money domestically, so am even less likely to do so abroad. If you’re only comfortable at chain restaurants and fast food joints, we wouldn’t be good travel buddies. I need to travel with folks who want to try the local cuisine, or at least local takes on ethnic cuisine.

No, McDonald’s doesn’t count.

A man gets ready to eat some herring after completing a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

7. Is there anything that would cause you to deviate from that budget?

I’m not saying you should all return broke from travel abroad, but if there’s something one person in your travel group is likely to splurge on, it’s a good thing to know. That could affect your own budget, especially if you have a hard time saying “no” when decisions are being made quickly.

8. Are you super flexible or super rigid?

I’ve been doing some work in this area over the years, as I’m Type A to the max and have been known to wig out when I have to deviate from plans. I’m trying to be better about things that happen that are out of my control, like having the airline misplace your luggage on back-to-back trips to the same region of the world.

What I tend to have, though, are backup plans. When I’m in that situation of “Well, what do we do now?” there’s a ready answer that’s just as good a time as the planned one.

A group of friends pose on an escalator. They look as if they're completed a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

9. How do you react when things go wrong?

Do you go into meltdown mode, ruining the rest of the day with your tantrum?

This requires some self-awareness, but it’s easy enough to figure out about others. As a little test to figure out what you’re dealing with when considering travel with your pals, try switching up dinner plans with said would-be travel partner to see how they handle it.

If they blow up at you or resort to physical violence, international travel with them could be too much too soon.

10. How involved do you want to be in the planning?

I usually take on most of the planning when it comes to travel.

My travel buddies know this about me and are typically relieved that I’m taking it off of their shoulders.

This doesn’t mean that they don’t get any say in what we’re doing on our shared trip together. I’ll typically figure out the route, and offer up options by neighborhood at our chosen destination, for efficiency’s sake. From there, my travel pals can identify their priorities and we go from there.

It’s quite the system, isn’t it?

If you’d like to break up some of the tasks, make sure they’re going with someone who will follow through. You don’t want to get to your destination to find out an attraction is sold out because Karen forgot to get those front-of-the-line tickets.

A woman stands besides a sign that reads, "SOLD OUT!" She didn't complete a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

11. Can you get to the airport on time?

In the most basic sense, you want to travel with people who will do things like get to the airport on time. A Home Alone -style rush to the airport starts the trip off in a super stressful way, and that’s not what I’m about when I’m traveling.

12. What friendship qualities do you bring to the table?

You want travel friends who pay you what they owe you if you’re taking turns sharing costs (hellloooo  Splitwise !) and bring what they need with them so you’re not spending a bunch of time abroad buying bathing suits for Karen. In this scenario, Karen forgot to bring one on your Caribbean cruise.

Note: I’ve never been on a cruise nor have any interest in  going on a cruise . This was obviously just a bad example.

Friends with a good sense of direction, even in a brand new place, are good to keep around, too.  This is especially true when you’re planning a road trip with friends.

A group of friends hang out at a winery. They completed a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

13. What’s your approach to food?

Are you going to invite your vegan friend on a tour of all the BBQ meats in the Carolinas?

That may be the end of that friendship, which is hopefully the outcome you were seeking if you pulled this move.

Eating the local cuisine is a huge deal for me. Despite how squeamish I may be about certain textures I’m going to try my best to try new things.

Fun fact: I’ve tried oysters, aka “the boogers of the sea,” patent pending, numerous times. It’s just not working for me, so please no recs in that direction.

On the flip side, if you’re a less adventurous eater, you may need to make sure that your travel partner(s) is/are flexible enough with you that you won’t be having to hoard food from the continental breakfast every morning.

14. Do you get hangry?

Hanger is real. I know that Brian needs regular meals and snacks throughout the day if he’s going to be in a decent mood during travel. Add jet lag into the mix and things can get even spicier. If you know you’ll need to eat at regular intervals, let your friends know so that can be a part of your planning processes.

A man gets ready to eat ice cream because he is hangry. He completed a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

15. Do you bail on plans?

We all have that one friend. She’s supposedly on her way to the group dinner you’ve had planned for six weeks, and then at the last minute, she bails because she got a flat tire.

Maybe her ex-boyfriend just called her and now she’s a mess. Maybe she just got the dates mixed up. You said you were on your way, Gina!

Still, you don’t completely cut her off, because once in a blue moon, she does make it out and it’s the most fun you’ve had in a long time.

That doesn’t mean you should travel with her, though.  Find a travel buddy that doesn’t add to your anxiety.

Can you imagine that girl on a large scale? If she even made her flight, you’d be dealing with her flakiness for the entire trip and you don’t have time to wait around. There are cheese plates to be had.

16. Do we have common interests?

You hopefully know most of your friends well enough that you already know what, if any, your common interests are, and whether they travel with a specific purpose in mind. 

Two men drink beer abroad, likely after completing a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

If you don’t, you should keep in closer contact with them. Play some getting-to-know-you games or something. Peruse their Facebook if you’re still into that. (I’m not.)

Sometimes you meet people that you feel like you’re really gelling with, and want to take that plunge and plan a trip with them. Explore what they like to do on trips they’ve taken. People love talking about themselves and places they’ve been, so this shouldn’t be that difficult of a research task. 

17. How adventurous are you?

There are some people who only travel to climb mountains. 

There are some people who only travel if they’re able to bring their kids.

Others only vacation if there’s scuba diving involved. 

That’s not me, but those are important things for me to know before I’m going to decide whether you’re a compatible travel buddy for me. I’m not a climber, although I love a good hiking trip, and I do quite a few things that are not child-friendly. I’ve been diving, but do I want to do it on every single trip?

18. Are you open to compromise?

I’ve already told you that I have a frenetic travel style. That doesn’t mean I’m ONLY taking those kinds of trips.

I have friends who I wouldn’t necessarily take on a tour of Europe , where I’m looking to beat the previous day’s step count with all of my aggressive sightseeing.

I DO have friends that I’d take on a more relaxed trip, which I do from time to time. Those are your beach vacay friends. They like a cocktail with a little umbrella inside, and reading trashy novels on the sand or by the pool. They know this.

To compromise, they’re not opposed to a few excursions or exploration activities on a trip that’s otherwise meant for relaxation. A trip with friends doesn’t have to be all about one thing unless you’ve all agreed that’s what you’re after.

Just make sure everyone knows what they’re signing up for before booking your travel.

A group of friends walks through Belgium, likely after completing a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

19. Are you cool with other cultures?

Do your due diligence as to whether your potential travel partner is a closet dirtbag.

Do they make frequent comments about how disturbed they are by how not everyone knows English? A trip to a remote corner of the world may not be the best bet for them unless they’re footing the bill. (I kid.)

Do they make awkward faces whenever presented with a cuisine they’re not familiar with?

Are they judgemental about food when it’s different from what they’re used to?

Do they refuse to learn anything about the cultures, customs, or languages they’ll be experiencing?

20. Do you have a sense of humor about travel?

A sense of humor goes a long way when the sh*t hits the fan while you’re abroad.

A group of women laugh at lunch. They're done with a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

You can get upset and refuse to leave your hotel room because something didn’t go your way, something went wrong, or you weren’t able to do something you were looking forward to doing.

Or you can roll with it, laugh it off, and find joy in the fact that you’re all lucky enough to be traveling together in the first place.

Obviously, if something truly awful happens you can feel those feelings. If your friend turns into some monster jerk while abroad, you can call them out on it and leave them at home the next time around.

If it’s a minor thing, though, laugh about it. Embrace the moment. It’ll all make for great stories around margaritas when you’re back at home.

21. Do we have to do everything together?

I don’t even have to do everything with Brian when we’re traveling. He likes to golf. I don’t. It’s a good time for us to spend some time apart pursuing our own interests.

This is a good one to consider especially if it’s not the first time you’re visiting a place. You may not want to drop a bunch of cash on an activity that you’ve already done. If your friend has never done that thing, they may want to prioritize that activity.

That’s the perfect time to go your separate ways and do the solo travel thing for the afternoon. It’ll be OK.

If your friend is a nervous traveler, though, they may not want any time away from you. It’s important to discuss beforehand.

22. Do you have any major pet peeves?

I’m sure I have some annoying quirks that I haven’t even identified yet. I know my own list of pet peeves in others is probably too long.

A big one for me is efficiency in travel. I like to plot out my days by neighborhood. I don’t like spending hours on public transit to return to the same place I was at yesterday because my friend forgot they wanted to see this or that in that place. If this feels specific it’s because it is.

If you’re a more laidback individual who likes to while away the afternoons at distance cafes, we’re just not a great fit.

I can also be fairly introverted. My best friends are all comfortable with an easy silence. We don’t need to chat for the duration of our flight because that’s when we can catch up on our stories.

23. Are you a night owl or an early bird?

I feel like I’m at my best around midday, so I can’t really call myself either. If you’re firmly in one camp over the other, though, that’s a good thing for your potential travel buddies to know. It can be a challenge to wake up for a morning excursion if you were up all night. You likely don’t want to deal with someone forced to wake up after a long night out, either.

24. Is there anything you’d be uncomfortable doing?

If your travel pal is sober, you probably shouldn’t be planning a worldwide distillery tour with them. If they suffer from intrusive thoughts as I do, they may not be as adventurous as you’d like. Talk through your non-negotiables before you book a trip so that no one is stressed out or disappointed on your trip.

A group of travel pals pose in a tree after answering a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

25. What’s your transportation style?

You may not want to plan a road trip with someone who doesn’t even have a driver’s license. You may not want to plan a European vacation with someone who has an aversion to public transportation.

Have you been on their trains, though? They’re awesome.

Before booking a trip, have a sense of what your friends expect as far as how you’ll be getting from Point A to Point B. This may come down to budget, too. I wouldn’t sign off on a trip that involved black limousine service to and from each stop.

26. Are you planning to unplug on this trip?

I’m pretty terrible about finding the right balance between work and play. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid, so I’m rarely completely unplugged from the outside world.

If my friend has the expectation that they’ll have my undivided attention for the duration of our trip, they’ll likely be disappointed if they don’t express that desire to me ahead of time.

A woman with a sad face drinks wine. She didn't complete a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

If you’re traveling together without your partners, that’s something to consider, too. Are you two going to spend large chunks of time on pillow talk with loved ones at home, or will you be more present?

27. Are there any health or medical concerns to share?

I’m not telling you to violate HIPAA, but if there are things going on with your friend that will affect your travel, that’s important information to know. This includes physical limitations, food allergies, and any medication regimens that require that you’re out of the sun, off the sauce, or in bed by a certain hour.

28. Are we close enough for brutal honesty?

Let’s say you’ve determined based on the tips above that the friend you’ve been thinking about bringing along on your next vacay does not meet the criteria for being a good travel buddy for you.

That doesn’t mean they’re never going to leave the state. 

It just means that maybe there’s someone else out there who will be a better fit for what they’re looking for, and vice versa.

A man poses in a wildflower field. He completed a list of questions to ask before traveling with friends.

It also doesn’t mean that you can’t be friends with this person. I have all kinds of friends who I don’t travel with, but I enjoy their company immensely. I also have friends whom I love dearly who just can’t travel, for a number of reasons.

Life doesn’t include travel for everyone, and I’m not going to judge you for it.

Fun fact: Yes, you can still be friends with pals that you know you wouldn’t gel with abroad, or those who can’t come along on trips with you. It’ll all be OK.

29. Am I a good fit for your kind of travel?

This isn’t just about finding the perfect travel buddy for you. It’s also about finding the perfect travel buddy for them . I’m talking about those friends of yours who are shelling out quite a bit of cash to go abroad .

They want a great experience, too.

Are you a good traveler yourself? Are you a good communicator when things go wrong, and when you’re letting the group know what you envision for a trip abroad?

Are you a rigid traveler, or a flexible one? It’s important that your friends know what they’re getting themselves into if you’re the one that may be a tougher sell on them.

Prove them wrong. Be the cool, calm, collected you that I know you can be, and have the time of your life experiencing all there is to experience out there in the big, wide world.

Differences are good.

You and your travel buddies don’t have to have everything in common. In fact, there’s really no such thing as the perfect travel buddy.

Is traveling with friends a good idea? Traveling with friends is a good idea when you cover basic compatibility quesitons around budget, travel style, and expectations.

There’s always compromise involved when you’re traveling with friends, whether that’s on how much of your preferred itinerary you get through or where you’re going to have dinner tonight.

Differences are fine. In fact, differences are good.

You may find yourself enjoying something new that your friend heard about, or embracing a little more spontaneity if you’re the planner in the group.

It’s how you flex that problem-solving muscle and get through those trips that really matters. Even the best of friends get a little saucy from time to time. You’ll be fine finding friends for travel as long as everyone is communicating.

Ready to Travel Together?

Your Flight:  I use a variety of tools to find cheap airfare, but if you’re looking to book during a particular period of time, especially during busy times (e.g. school breaks), you should use  Skyscanner . It’s a great tool for when you’re more flexible, too, as it allows you to compare travel based on length of travel, departure date, etc.

Adventurous folks may love subscribing to  Going , formerly Scott’s Cheap Flights. You’ll get all kinds of deals in your inbox throughout the year. Yes, it can become dangerous.

Your Accommodations: I start with sites like and for accommodations. Vrbo has become my preferred Airbnb alternative.

Seeking even more wallet-friendly accommodations? Try Hostelworld . Their picks are heavily vetted and reviewed to offer you a safe experience on a budget.

Etc.:  For general travel goodies, visit my  Favorite Things  page. For more information on planning your travel, visit my  Travel Tools  page.

Love these questions to ask when planning a group vacation? Pin it for later!

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Agnes Groonwald

16 thoughts on “29 Questions to Ask Before Traveling With Friends”

Note to self…never be a “Karen”!

You got it!

I can totally relate! I find it super hard to travel with others for more than 2 days haha

Ha! It is hard to find those compatible travel buddies!

I’m a Karen and traveled with hundreds of people over the years. Great post though.

Hahahahahahaha. Thanks, Karen!

Yes! Hard to find people who are similar travelers.

But when you do, it’s a wonderful thing!

Your last few tips cracked me up. I totally agree with these tips. As a FT travel blogger, it is sometimes difficult to find the right people to travel with. Luckily, I travel with my husband 9 times out of 10 and (like you), we figured out how to travel well together :)

I’m sure you each have your strengths like we do!

I so enjoyed reading this post. You made me literally laugh out loud a couple of times. I think because I could relate so well to what you were saying. Your tips are so on point and you really do have to engage in some hard conversations prior to traveling or you might not have a good time.

I’m glad you enjoyed it, Michelle!

Absolutely great tips. You need to talk about all these things before you start. The budget one is particularly important from past experience :)

For sure! Things can get awkward quick!

I love these; they are true and funny!

Thanks! Was looking for something lighter in this moment!

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This Gorgeous Region in Greece Is Where the Greeks Go on Vacation — With Magical Blue Water, Friendly Villages, and Local Food

Take the ultimate road trip unveiling Greece’s best kept secrets.

traveling road trip with friends


Sithonia peninsula, mount athos.

Sucheta Rawal/Travel + Leisure

If you feel outpriced for a vacation in the Greek Islands, you're not entirely out of luck — there’s a lesser-known alternative to experiencing the same magical blue waters, friendly village vibe, and fresh Greek food.

Greek-Macedonia, the country's northern region, offers a broader variety of experiences for history buffs, beach lovers, and road-trippers, and still has an ancient history that compares to Athens, dramatic coastlines similar to the Greek Isles, some of the most extensive spans of green olive groves in the world, and the country’s most spiritual sites — all within a few miles from each other.

Northern Greece is also easier and more affordable to navigate independently than elsewhere in the country. Rent a car or hop on a public bus; stay at a beachfront bungalow, a village guesthouse, or camp at a beach or inside a forested national park.

With milder climates, fewer crowds, and great prices (including many free attractions), it is no surprise that this is where the Greeks themselves prefer to go for their summer breaks and long weekends.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Grab a drink, listen to live music, enjoy the nightlife, and people-watch in the vibrant Ladadika district of Thessaloniki.
  • Visit King Phillip II’s gleaming royal tomb, complete with delicate artifacts, discovered in the lost city of Aigai after 2,000 years.
  • Take a day cruise to the Athos Peninsula and admire the remote architecture of 1,000-year-old monasteries. The autonomous region is considered the spiritual center of Orthodox Greeks and is not easily accessible to travelers.  
  • Book a dinner at Hierion Restaurant at Athena Pallas Resort. You will feel like a Byzantine emperor as you taste a medieval menu with Mt. Athos paired wines inside a space replicating a portico of a Byzantine monastery. 
  • Take a scenic drive from the mountain town of Litochoro through winding roads overlooking the sea and mountains into Mt. Olympus National Park.

Sucheta Rawal/Travel + Leisure

Start your trip in Thessaloniki — Greece’s second largest city and trade junction, with a major airport and seaport along the Thermaic Gulf of the Aegean Sea. Named a UNESCO City of Gastronomy, Thessaloniki is where some of Greece’s best chefs experiment with traditional flavors and modern cooking techniques. Locals, known as Hellenes, will tell you this is where the Greek coffee culture originated. A common sight is friends and families lingering for hours at al fresco coffee shops, discussing everything from world affairs to office gossip over cigarettes and bitter coffee.

Visitors often overlook the modern European economic hub, but it offers many historical sites, quality restaurants, bustling nightlife, and plenty of shopping at a fraction of the prices compared to other well-known parts of Greece. The city’s extensive makeup of working professionals and university students provides a nonstop street party atmosphere. It is common to find otherwise quiet neighborhood streets and abandoned buildings transformed into temporary live music venues (without the high-priced cover charges) thumping beats until after midnight. Stay away from the crowds at the artfully-decorated Elisabeth Boutique Hotel , located in a historic building.

It's easy to explore the 2,300-year-old city on foot, uncovering layers of Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman history, especially around Ano Poli, the upper town. Among 15 Byzantine UNESCO monuments in the area, you can visit the catacombs at the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist near the sixth-century Hagia Sophia, the seventh-century Church of Hagios Demetrios, Aristotelous Square, the Archaeological Museum, Byzantine Museum, and White Tower Museum. In the evening, walk along Aristotelous Square and the bustling waterfront, where it feels as though the entire city is out running, walking, watching street performances, and enjoying happy hours around the lively areas.

For dinner, there are hundreds of traditional Greek, international, and even vegan restaurants along the narrow alleys of Old Town and Ladadika districts. Try Frutti de Mare for seafood, Roots for vegan Mediterranean, and Oval Bistronomy for modern Greek with a view of the tower. 

Drive about 45 miles west from Thessaloniki to Vergina to see one of the best-preserved moments in archeological history. From the outside, the grassy mound may not look like much, but once you go underground, your eyes will adjust to the bright gold objects stored in a dark and cool museum.

Here, you can see a glorious, shiny tomb of King Philip II, father of Alexander the Great, who died in 336 BC. The Museum of the Royal Tombs of Aigai, constructed by the Kingdom of Macedon at Aigai, was only identified in 1977, and the museum was completed in 1997. Inside, you can see silver and bronze vessels, carved ivory, gold armor, delicate jewelry, weapons, shields, and the king’s bones in the Golden Larnax. Entry tickets are half-price between November and March.

To continue on the trail of Alexander the Great, you can also visit nearby Polycentric Museum of Aigai in the restored part of Macedon’s  Royal Palace , which, in its day, was three times bigger than the  Parthenon .

Head further south to the region of Pieria, a quaint weekend mountain escape outside the big city of Thessaloniki. Many Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbians, and Albanians drive to the area for active adventures, fresh air, and quiet retreats. Litochoro is a charming 14th-century traditional village at the foothills of the mythical Mount Olympus, offering stunning views of the sea and the mountains.

Stroll around the cobblestone streets, and you will find adorable Macedonian-style houses decorated with rose, olive, and fig trees, rustic stone chapels, and a dozen tourist shops selling local wine, honey, herbs, and traditional sweets. A romantic dinner for two, including a bottle of Greek wine at one of the nicer restaurants — Hairi Green and Μεζέ Μεζέ — costs less than $30. Join local residents at one of the many taverna and ouzo bars to watch a game and spark a conversation.

Take the scenic 30-minute route from Litochoro village to Olympus National Park, the first national park in Greece established in 1938. Windy roads will bring you through 11,000 acres of alpine vegetation, including oak, black pine, beech, and white pine, to a monastery in Mount Olympus's heart. Visit the open-air Monastery of St. Dionysios, destroyed during World War II, and take a short hike along the icy Enippeas River to the holy caves.

Mount Olympus is a sacred place for Greeks and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve for its diversity of flora and fauna. You can book a day-long guided hiking, mountain climbing, or canyoning tour, or for a more leisurely pace, take the trail from the village to see the spanning gorge and Enipeas waterfalls.

In the afternoon, drive a few minutes south of Litochoro to the beach town of Plaka, where you can take a relaxing swim in the glistening blue waters, have drinks and snacks at an old train tunnel transformed into Galleria Café, or take in panoramic views from the Castle of Platamon.

Head east of Thessaloniki toward three legs of the Halkidi peninsula. Each has a different vibe, focusing on hiking, beaches, and religion. The middle — and the largest peninsula in northern Greece — is Sithonia, which resembles the Greek Isles without the whitewash. Instead, you will find red terracotta rooftops, quiet hamlets, and expansive hills filled with Cyprus and olive trees. Greek vacationers prefer to sprawl around laidback villages dotted with 100 or so Blue Flag-recognized Aegean beaches boasting milder climates and pristine beaches. In Vourvourou, teenagers and families rent small self-piloted boats and move the day-long party to the crystal clear water.

As you circumvent the 26-mile-long panoramic drive along the coastline, stop at ancient settlements, olive-tasting rooms, and beachside cafes. Make time for the old village of Nikiti, Neos Marmaras, the ancient ruins of Toroni castle, and the village and beach of Agios Nikolaos. Climb to the top of Mount Itamos for a coffee and panoramic peninsula views. Sithonia is dotted with affordable Greek restaurants where you can drink tsipouro and eat fresh-caught seafood with your feet still in the sand.

Catering to all types of travelers, the Sithonia Peninsula offers accommodations for as low as $50 per night, ranging from campgrounds and apartments to beachfront villas and luxury resorts. To experience part of the Byzantine era, stay at the family-owned and operated Athena Pallas Resort , where the food and architecture are inspired by Mt. Athos monasteries. Taste different aspects of Greek culinary history at one of the onsite restaurants and get access to the famous Elia beach.

Mount Athos is the third peninsula of Halkidiki, also known as the Vatican of Greece. There are 12 fully autonomous 1,000-year-old Byzantine monasteries currently operational on the peninsula. While the holy mountain is visible from many spots in Greek Macedonia, it is not easily accessible. Male pilgrims must apply for limited permits to enter the sacred Mount Athos region, while women are not allowed to enter.

From the water, anyone can enjoy the pristine natural beauty and grandeur of the monasteries' architecture. Drive to the village of Ouranoupolis and embark on a three-hour cruise with Athos Sea Cruises to sail along the peninsula. From your boat, you can see many of the Monasteries of Mount Athos, with their large campus and remote locations nestled amidst the lush mountains.

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The Most Epic Road Trip in North America

RV driving from Terrace to Prince Rupert on Highway 16, along the Skeena River.

Immerse yourself in awe-inspiring landscapes, geological wonders, and cultural experiences closely tied to the land in The Great Wilderness of northern British Columbia

Massive in scale and steeped in Indigenous cultures that go back millennia, the far north of British Columbia is unlike anywhere you’ve ever experienced. These vast otherworldly landscapes call to those who seek a deeper connection to nature. From geothermal hot springs and ancient lava beds to one of the largest glaciers in Canada, you could spend a lifetime adventuring in this remote region, known as The Great Wilderness , and there will always be more to see and learn.

Photographed while approaching Mt. Robson on Highway 16 in the summer.

Whether you have a few days or a couple weeks to explore, the Great Northern Circle Route is a great place to start. This 1,981-mile loop connects the Stewart-Cassiar (Hwy. 37), Yellowhead (Hwy. 16), and Alaska (Hwy. 97) highways on a journey packed with natural wonders and community immersion. Connect with the histories and living cultures of more than 50 distinct First Nations who have been caretakers of these spectacular landscapes from the start. Traverse rolling prairies, hike through boreal forests, and witness incredible biodiversity. Starting from Prince George—where direct flights from Vancouver and six other airports in British Columbia and Alberta easily connect travelers to all the grandeur The Great Wilderness has in store—here are just some of the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that await you in the far north of British Columbia.

Spot Awe-Inspiring Wildlife

In an area as vast as The Great Wilderness , wildlife encounters could happen in many places, but a few spots stand out for animal activity. Enormous even by The Great Wilderness standards, the 25,000-square-mile Muskwa-Kechika Management Area is a haven for subarctic species, including moose, elk, plains bison, grizzly bears, Stone’s sheep, and northern mountain caribou. This uniquely managed area, in the traditional territories of the Kaska Dena, Treaty 8, and Carrier-Sekani, aims to balance conservation and responsible land use based on centuries of Indigenous wisdom and teachings. Because the area has limited road access from the Alaska Highway, wildlife lovers will get the most out of a visit to Muskwa-Kechika’s ancient mountain ranges, alpine meadows, and river valleys with a multiday backcountry experience. Access Muskwa-Kechika by floatplane, then travel by foot, horseback, or canoe to explore routes that crisscross this remote wilderness. If it’s your first time in the backcountry of northern British Columbia, book a guided trip. Knowledgeable local outfitters can help you safely and respectfully spot a range of wildlife in the area.

Waterfall in Stone Mountain Provincial Park.

Soak in a Natural Hot Spring

Those with ancestral roots in the Liard River area—people speaking the Athapaskan and Kaska languages, with original groups including the Beaver, Sikanni, Nahanni, and Dog Rib—have understood the therapeutic benefits of geothermal energy for thousands of years. Experience the calming effects of soaking in naturally heated mineral-infused water yourself at Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park , the second-largest hot springs in Canada. Tucked into a spruce-filled boreal wetland, the hot springs complex consists of eight natural springs, including a rustic pool built for soaking in 108-degree water.

After your soak, wander along the boardwalks to explore this unique ecosystem. The area’s geothermal activity attracts more than just human visitors. Keep an eye out for unique flora and fauna, including massive moose, which frequent the area year-round to graze on aquatic vegetation, tiny chub that thrive in warm water, and 14 varieties of orchids.

Soak in naturally heated, mineral-infused water at Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park.

Learn from the Gitxsan People

The Great Wilderness offers many opportunities to connect with communities who have stewarded this land for thousands of years. Foster your understanding and appreciation of the enduring legacy of the Gitxsan people at the ‘Ksan Historical Village and Museum . Located at the confluence of the Skeena and Bulkley rivers, the replica village gives visitors a chance to see Gitxsan traditions firsthand. Listen as practiced storytellers share oral histories of the Gitxsan culture, spiritual beliefs, artistry, and social structures. Take a peek inside traditional Gitxsan and Wet’suwet’en longhouses. Then see intricate totem poles up close and watch traditional totem carvers at work.

Totem poles and longhouses in Ksan.

See How Glaciers Shaped the Landscape

The topography of The Great Wilderness is deeply connected to glacier activity over thousands of years. Get an up-close look at the massive scale of glacial ice at the Salmon Glacier , located 25 miles northwest of Stewart, British Columbia. As the fifth-largest glacier in Canada and the largest vehicle-accessible glacier in the world, the Salmon Glacier offers a chance to fully appreciate the grandeur of these ancient ice giants. Stop at the Stewart Visitor Center for details on road conditions before heading out on a 23-mile drive along the unpaved Granduc Road (Salmon Glacier Road), passing dense forests and historic mining camps along the route. Near mile 17, stop at the glacier’s toe, where you can hop out for a closer look and a photo. Then continue on to the upper viewpoint at about 4,000 feet.

Note: The road to access the Salmon Glacier from Stewart crosses into Alaska before returning to the high point of the glacier in British Columbia. You can find border-crossing information here .

Ready to trade your day-to-day for a journey into these extraordinary landscapes? On the Great Northern Circle route, you can feel the heartbeat of The Great Wilderness and learn from those who have shaped this diverse and magnetic area. Get more details on the adventures above and countless other ways to experience the captivating The Great Wilderness of northern British Columbia at .

Journey into The Great Wilderness, the northernmost area of British Columbia, Canada, where adventures await curious wanderers. Immerse yourself in a place where Indigenous culture is deeply rooted in the vast lands, an extraordinary landscape of jagged mountains, glittering glaciers, booming waterways, and diverse wildlife. Learn more at .

Continue Exploring British Columbia

Journey into The Great Wilderness
Ski the Best-Kept Secrets in British Columbia, Canada
  • British Columbia

I traveled with friends in my early 20s and again in my 40s. I love traveling with girlfriends at different life stages.

  • My friends and I traveled together through Southeast Asia in our 20s.
  • We just took another trip together, this time to Bhutan, nearly two decades later. 
  • Though much has changed, our friendships are still strong. 

Insider Today

I walked around Singapore Changi Airport feeling like a kid at summer camp for the first time. It was my first trip away from my family in a decade.

"Will I be OK?" I wondered. "What if I feel homesick and want to go home to my children and husband?"

I sat down and checked my backpack for the 10th time to make sure my passport and wallet were still inside. Then, I took a deep breath and wondered why I felt so anxious.

An earlier version of me used to travel alone all the time when I was in my 20s, filled with a naïve optimism that everything would work out. Yet there I was, at 39, feeling completely out of my depth.

I connected to WiFi, and my phone lit up with a message. I felt a rush of relief as I remembered I wasn't alone on the other side of the world. Three of my college friends were heading to Bhutan with me.

They had just touched down from Brisbane and wanted to know where to meet up. "See you at the gate," I wrote, and started making my way through the terminal.

Suddenly, I heard my college bestie call out my name. "Millllllls," she yelled. It was like a scene from a bad romcom, as she came sprinting along the travelator and tackled me. We laughed and hugged, then made our way to the other women.

Three of us are moms who ditched our husbands at home with the kids . The fourth friend decided to join us literally a couple of weeks before the trip, much to our delight.

We've all had vastly different life experiences, but we share an enduring bond — the kind that's formed during those early foundational years and lasts the ages. We met at college and traveled through Cambodia and Vietnam together in our early 20s.

Over the next eight nights, we had the time of our lives in Bhutan. It had been almost 20 years since the four of us had traveled together, but somehow, we picked up right where we left off. Another friend also joined along the way, and she fit in perfectly with the group.

During the holiday, I had so many revelations. The main one was how much I love traveling with girlfriends at different life stages.

We laughed more than I thought possible

There were times when we laughed so much that we cried, starting with our layover in Kathmandu on the way to Bhutan. I had woken up to go to the toilet, and when I reappeared in our twin room, my friend thought I was an intruder. She let out a blood-curdling scream that shook the walls. "It's me, Carmen," I said, then we both collapsed in a fit of hysterics, laughing until our stomachs ached.

Another time, we talked about something serious in a restaurant when the only other patron let out an almighty belch. We all looked at each other, then keeled over with laughter.

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But the funniest moment of all was when our somewhat conservative Bhutanese guide took us to a hot spring in Gasa and appeared in his very tight undies. Up until that point, he had been wearing his traditional robe, known as a gho.

We were all sitting in the hot springs nearby as he took a 10-minute shower, meticulously scrubbing every inch of his hair and body. My friend piped up something like, "Queue 'Mysterious Girl' by Peter Andre," and we all lost it. It was so immature, but all of us were enjoying ourselves.

We had the best conversations

Another thing I loved was our deep and varied conversations. Nothing had been off limits during our trip together around Southeast Asia , and the same was true during this trip.

We talked about old relationships and current ones; parenting and puberty; religion and life after death. We discussed the merits of early sex education and the importance of teaching our sons about consent.

Sometimes, we chatted about lighter topics like eyelash curlers and brands of face cream, but I enjoyed those conversations, too. Often, we told stories about our earlier trip together, and through shared experiences, we briefly re-lived our youth.

We embraced the comfortable silences

Part of what I found incredible was how easy and familiar it felt to travel with these friends despite such a long gap between holidays.

There were times when we would embrace the comfortable silences while hiking in the mountains, enjoying the silent companionship rather than filling the void with constant chatter.

The silences never felt awkward, but instead offered opportunities for thoughtfulness and reflection, leading to a deeper sense of connection between us.

We rallied together and enjoyed the sisterhood

There's nothing quite like the bond of female friendship , and I really felt the solidarity of sisterhood during our trip. When women come together, they empower one another to be stronger and offer a tremendous well of emotional support.

When one of my friends began her cycle earlier than anticipated on a remote hike, we all rallied together and pooled our sanitary pads to get her through.

When I had a moment of height-induced panic on a hike, my friends reassured me I would be OK and encouraged me to keep going.

When another friend ended up in tears because her daughter had received some bad news, we hugged her and tried to support her through it.

There were so many beautiful moments of connection like these that I will hold in my heart in years to come.

So, what's next for our traveling girl squad ? We all lead very busy lives, and most of us live in different areas of Australia and the world (our fifth friend is based in Hong Kong). It's hard to know when exactly we might have the opportunity to connect again for another overseas adventure.

However, one thing's for sure. The memories of our trip will sustain us until we meet again — and there will be a next time, even if it's another decade in the making.

Watch: Marriott International's Tina Edmundson tells Insider that the travel mindset has changed since the pandemic

traveling road trip with friends

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The 22 Best Items To Pack For A Family Road Trip

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Road trips are a rite of passage for many families. Whether long or short, the car’s trunk has plenty of room to stash lots of stuff without the pressure of weighing luggage or fitting into a carry-on bag. As the mom to three kids, we love road trips—both short, impromptu day trips and longer journeys for extended vacations. While the car provides ample room, it’s helpful to have a strategy for packing and entertainment, like quiet games, music and other items that help pass the time.

We've rounded up the best gear to pack for your next family road trip.

To find the best gear for a family road trip, I spoke to other seasoned parents and took into account my experience from countless trips with my family. We considered major categories like travel items, entertainment, snacks, storage and supplies, and have shared our favorites below.

When planning your road trip, also consider creating music playlists (a perfect task for a tween or teen), brushing up on the rules of 20 Questions or other car games, researching playgrounds or fun destinations along your route, and preparing for an adventure. Just don’t ask, “Are we there yet? ”

Travel Items

Our favorite travel crib, babybjörn travel crib light.

If your baby doesn’t sleep well, there’s a good chance no one will sleep well. Pack this easy-to-set-up travel crib from Baby Bjorn and give yourself the peace of mind of having a safe and comfortable spot for your baby to sleep. Our favorite travel crib , we love that it’s super easy to pack and unpack. The entire travel crib weighs just 11 pounds and neatly packs into a flat bag with handles, so it can compactly fit in your car trunk.

A Compact Carrier

Ergobaby omni 360 all-position baby carrier.

Bring a baby carrier even if you’re heading out for a quick day trip and want to ditch the stroller. This well-reviewed Ergobaby pick can carry kiddos from 7 to 45 pounds, and tops our list of the best baby carriers . There are four positions to hold the baby, and the carrier is easily adjustable, making it comfortable for any adult in your group to carry the kid. 

Baby carriers have been my saviors on beach days, hiking and places like apple picking, where a stroller would be a huge hassle. Still, without a carrier, I would have never been able to hold my baby for hours or have her take a cozy carrier nap.

Soothing Sounds For Sleep

Dreamland baby sound machine.

A good night’s sleep is so crucial for everyone in the family. My family loves this white noise machine; it’s a constant staple in my daughter’s travel backpack for any trip. It may have been our family savior on a recent trip to Disney World, where all five of us slept in the same hotel room. I love that it’s compact but powerful. There are seven soothing sounds, and the machine doubles as a nightlight. It charges via a UBC cord, so as long as you keep it charged, it can also function as an on-the-go machine.

A Versatile Wagon

Veer all-terrain cruiser.

Lightweight and durable, adding this all-terrain cruiser to your arsenal is an investment, but if you’re a family with two young kids, this can be a game-changer. Double strollers are big and bulky, this stroller wagon allows for lots of versatility—there are two (or four) three-point harnesses, snack trays, hidden pockets and many add-ons like a car seat carrier. That’s just a few of the reason it’s our top stroller wagon overall.

The cruiser works in both push and pull mode and, thanks to the all-terrain tires, moves seamlessly over sand, grass, bumpy fields, or anywhere else. There’s also a city version. My kids are now too old to fit, but I love the versatility that this provides—it can hold plenty of gear and your kiddos. For a road trip, it folds flat and weighs 32 pounds.


A mess-free distraction, water magic activity pads (2 pack).

Fill these scented water pens with a bit of water, and you’ve got a mess-free distraction that’s fun and interactive. We love that these are easy to use–perfect for a car ride. Thanks to the technology, once the image dries, it can be used repeatedly. The set comes with a two-pack, perfect for siblings, friends or an extra to have on hand.

Imaginative Play On The Go

Playmobil my take along puppet theater.

For kids who love imaginative play, this take-along theater set is a lovely idea that provides hours of fun both in the car and at your destination. The portable storage case doubles as a theater, with removable scene screens. There are also figures and accessories, so your kiddo can set up all kinds of plays while cruising along in the back seat.

A Handheld Scavenger Hunt

Bizyboo: the original seek & find plush.

Lightweight, affordable and fun, these interactive seek-and-find games are handheld scavenger hunts and fidget toys all rolled into one. Each character features 25 items hidden within the body of the plush, and the included card shows kids all the items they need to find. Not only does this help pass the time, but it also helps develop fine motor skills, problem-solving abilities, letter recognition, attention and object recognition. Choose from 12 unique characters.

A Screen-Free Player That's Useful Beyond The Car

Yoto player kids bluetooth speaker.

A fantastic addition to a kid’s arsenal, the Yoto Player is an engaging gadget that’s tons of fun. Simply pop a Yoto audiobook card into the player and listen to music, stories, books and educational content. There’s an interactive pixel display with images that correspond to the story. Additionally, the player functions to play sleep sounds, as a bedtime storyteller with a nightlight, an alarm clock with an okay-to-wake function, a room thermometer and more. 

All of the content is kid-friendly and with a headphone jack and 24-hour run time from one charge, this is a nifty gadget. My 7-year-old daughter listens to her Yoto every night. She brought it along on a recent trip, popped her headphones in, and listened to a whole book.

Mess-Free Activities For The Car Or Camper

Dot it sticker art for kids.

We love no-mess activities for the car, so this Dot It sticker activity is perfect—it takes just enough focus to keep kids busy but can be done in the car. Kids peel and place the stickers using colorful backgrounds to complete the images. This is fun, and the activity boosts imagination and fine motor skills. There are seven unique designs, which are great for kids 3 to 8 years old.

A Card Game With A Fitting Theme

Skillmatics guess in 10 card game.

Portable and travel-friendly, the whole family can play this fun game in the car. Divide into teams—you’ll get to ask up to 10 questions to guess the state on the game card. Your kids can have fun while learning something, too. If the United States of America isn’t your jam, many other versions exist, including Disney, cities, and more. The Disney version kept my crew happy while we waited in line at Disney World.

A New Way To Solve A Classic Puzzle

Rubik’s coach cube.

Celebrating 50 years of existence, the Rubik’s cube is an interactive puzzle that stumps many people. Use a long car ride to engage with the cube in a new way—the cube coaches kids (and adults) to learn how to solve the puzzling cube. Reviewers say the instructions and method for removing stickers on the cube are clear and easy to understand. This is a fun twist for older kids who are up for a challenge.

An Activity Book Made For The Car

The ultimate on-the-go activity book.

With 144 pages of road trip-ready activities, this book will keep kids in the backseat very busy. There’s a great mix of quiet activities for kids to do alone and interactive games that involve the whole family. We love Highlights as a trusted source for safe, smart and engaging books and magazines for kids, so we like that this book comes from a reputable publisher. It’s best for 7-year-old kids and up, but can involve a car full of people.

Hugs And Cuddles In Their Seat

Bumpas weighted plush toy.

Think of these unique weighted plush toys as a combination of a stuffed animal and a weighted blanket. The adorable creatures are made for kids with soft, cozy fabric and plush stuffing. They weigh just over 2 pounds, so they provide some soothing comfort, especially for kids with sensory issues. We love that no matter which of the seven unique characters you choose, each has long arms to hug. These are cozy for a car ride (when you don’t have to worry about carrying extra weight on an airplane), and they can double as a pillow or a soft plush to snuggle on a nap.

A Creative Craft Kit For The Backseat

Rainbow loom beadmoji mini combo kit.

Whether your kiddo is a rainbow loom maven or a newbie, this mini combo set is the perfect addition to any road trip. It includes over 250 unique beads with cute images and over a thousand rubber bands of various colors. The set all packs into its own portable storage case, so it’s easy to pack and neatly store the beads and finished creations. 

Snacks And Storage

A lunchbox with room for big appetites, lunch box for kids.

Packing a meal or snacks ahead of time on a road trip eliminates the need for multiple stops, saving time and money. We love this portable bento box because it’s large and made for bigger kids and bigger appetites. There’s room for eight and a half cups of food, with one large enough compartment to hold a big sandwich. The outer material is a silicone stretch, so you can even fit a whole apple into the box. There are 12 colorways, so there’s a good chance you can find an option that your kiddo likes.

Cold Snacks And Drinks For The Car

Rtic soft cooler (20 can).

We all know kids get hungry, and snacks are a great distraction. Keep snacks, drinks, breastmilk or anything else nice and cold with this top-rated soft-side cooler. Lightweight and durable, we love that the waterproof zippered top has a wide opening. You’ll have a full view of the insides of the cooler and won’t have to go digging around mindlessly looking for that one special snack. Available in 12 colorways, this cooler has two tote handles and one larger shoulder strap. It’s easy to tote around and is helpful in all kinds of situations beyond your road trip.

A Healthy Snack

Gimme organic roasted seaweed snacks.

It’s not always easy to find a healthy, portable snack that’s doesn’t need to be refrigerated and is tasty. Look no further than these roasted seaweed snacks, which we like because they suit a wide range of dietary needs, from vegan to gluten-free. A single pack is loaded with fiber, vitamins and nutrients. Throw a few packs in your car and hand them out when you need a yummy diversion.

A Drink In A Fun Reusable Bottle

Good2grow drinks.

These juice bottles are adorable, practical and less precious than a sippy cup. The spill-proof bottles come with a wide range of juices, don’t need to be refrigerated and are made without any added sugar. The bottles are reusable once the juice is gone, so your kiddo can use them repeatedly on the road trip. However, unlike a sippy cup, you won't be heartbroken if they get tossed or lost.

Car Supplies

Tech support on the go, large double layer cable bag.

If your family is anything like mine, keeping all the family headphones, cords and chargers in a neat and organized spot is challenging, and a person sitting shotgun doubles as tech support. Keep all those cords stashed with this double-layer bag. We love the mesh pockets, which make it easy to spot what you need, while the built-in elastic straps keep all the cords neatly contained.

A Hands-Free Bag For Quick Stops

Black quilted belt bag.

Even if you pack a giant bag of gear for your road trip, we recommend a small belted bag to keep the essentials–keys, wallet, phone and anything else. This way, if you need to head into a rest stop, check into a hotel, or do anything else, you can quickly hop out of the car without digging for your most important stuff. Since this one is affordable and neutral, it’s an excellent option for a teen or tween who might bring their own device and allowance on a road trip.

For more for choices (including splurge-worthy picks for parents), check out our list of the best crossbody bags .

Extra Wipes

Huggies fragrance-free baby wipes.

If you have kiddos still in diapers, you know wipes are essential. Even if you’re way past the diapering stage, I still recommend keeping a resealable pack of baby wipes in your car at all times, especially on a road trip. They’re so helpful for cleaning messy faces and sticky hands and can even be used as their original intention—a wipe. Add a pack to your car, and you won’t regret it.

A Just-In-Case Kit For The Trunk

Car roadside emergency kit.

For under $40, you’ll have peace of mind knowing you have a slew of essentials to help you and your family in an auto emergency. While jumper cables take up the bulk of the kit, you’ll also be stocked with many supplies, including a tool kit, first aid supplies, a safety hammer, a tire pressure gauge, a reflective vest and so much more. Store this in your trunk, and hope you never have to use it.

Casper Vs. Nectar: Which Popular Foam Mattress Suits You Better?

The best wayfair outdoor furniture deals to shop this weekend, why trust forbes vetted.

At Forbes Vetted, we’ve researched, tested and written about a wide range of baby and kids' gear . We offer intelligent shopping advice and thoughtful reviews.

  • The author, Maya Polton , is a regular Forbes Vetted contributor, an experienced product reviewer, a tester and a mother of three. She’s also reported on the best stroller fans and the best sleeping bags for kids .
  • While researching this story, she spoke with numerous parents and relied on her experience of taking many family road trips with her three kids.
  • This story was edited by Margaret Badore , the baby and kids gear editor for Forbes Vetted. She has over 15 years of experience covering health and science topics—and loves a good road trip herself.

Maya Polton

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Planning a road trip? Stop at one of these 18 uniquely Arizona roadside attractions

traveling road trip with friends

While the nearest rest stop or fast-food chain restaurant may be the most convenient place for tired travelers searching for a reprieve from the open road, it would be remiss of road trippers to ignore the unusual roadside attractions scattered along the Arizona highways.

If life-sized cartoon characters near the Grand Canyon or exotic animals on the way to Tucson sound like better pit stops than the local gas station, you're in luck when driving in Arizona.

Here are some of the most notable Arizona roadside attractions you can check out the next time you cross the Grand Canyon state.

Bedrock City at Raptor Ranch

As if Fred Flintstone's prehistoric town had always been set in Arizona, visiting Bedrock City at Raptor Ranch will make baby boomers (and anyone else who watched reruns of the popular '60s cartoon) nostalgic for their childhood. Colorful statues of familiar characters and the iconic brontosaurus slide have been essential roadside attractions off State Route 64 in Valle.

Details: 332 S. State Route 64, Valle. 928-635-3072. .

Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park

Less of a roadside attraction and more of a cool fun fact you can share, the Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park recognizes the only place in the U.S. where the borders of four states meet. After visiting, you can finally join many Southwestern residents in saying you have been in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona all at the same time.

Details: 597 NM-597, Teec Nos Pos. 928-206-2540.

Meteor Crater

Over 50,000 years ago, an iron-nickel meteorite approximately 150 feet wide collided with what is now northern Arizona. According to the site's website, the impact hit the Earth with a force 150 times greater than an atomic bomb. The crater this meteor left is now the best-preserved meteorite site on Earth and a historic landmark to visit if you are driving near Flagstaff.

Details: Interstate 40, Exit 233, Winslow. 928-289-5898. .

Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

If you are heading south near Picacho Peak, it is hard to miss the billboards advertising Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch. Seemingly the only place you can find stingrays, donkeys, deer, parrots and dozens of ostriches in the middle of nowhere, this roadside attraction is a great spot for adults and children to make memories.

Details: 17599 E Peak Lane, Picacho. 520-466-3658. .

Take the scenic route: This stunning Arizona roadway was ranked most scenic drive in the US. See why

Standin' on the Corner Park

You don't have to be an Eagles groupie to be familiar with the nod to this Arizona town in one of their most popular songs, "Take it Easy." "Standin' on the corner in Winslow, Arizona ..." is a line memorialized by Winslow residents at Standin' on the Corner Park. A bronze statue of a young musician is a salute to the troubadours who put Winslow on the classic rock map.

Details: Corner of Kinsley Avenue and Second Street in Winslow. 928-289-2434. .

Without spoiling the enigma that can be uncovered in Benson, The Thing is a worthy roadside attraction to consider as you head down the I-10. The various billboards that line the highway are hard to miss as you get closer to the "Mystery of the Desert." Located next to a Dairy Queen and a Shell gas station, you can take care of your hunger, gas tank and curiosity at the same time.

Details: 2631 N. Johnson Road, Benson. 520-586-2581. .

Arizona's 'world's largest' roadside wonders

According to a map created by , more than 195 roadside attractions in the U.S. consider themselves the “world’s largest” something. These are Arizona's "world's largest" wonders and where they are located.

  • World's Largest Cow Skull, Amado.
  • World's Largest Petrified Tree, Holbrook.
  • World's Largest Map of Old Route 66, Meteor City.
  • World's Largest Kokopelli, Camp Verde.
  • World's Largest Kachina, Carefree.

Find out more: Arizona is home to 5 of the 'World's Largest' things — do you know what they are?

Giganticus Headicus

Art is completely subjective. To Kingman residents, Giganticus Headicus is one of the most iconic art pieces off Route 66. Created by local artist Gregg Arnold, the tiki-style head is 14 feet tall and bright green. If taking a picture isn't enough, you can further memorialize your time with the head with a miniature from the local gift shop.

Details: 9855 AZ-66, Kingman. .

Wigwam Village Motel

Need a place to stay overnight? Have you considered a wigwam? This quaint village off Mother Road may be just the eccentric place to spend a night while traveling through the state. Constructed in the 1950s, a night in a wigwam will make you forget why you would want to sleep anywhere else.

Details: 811 W. Hopi Drive, Holbrook. 928-524-3048. .

Lumberjack muffler man

A familiar face to Northern Arizona University students, the 25-foot-tall muffler man resembles the school's mascot, Louie the Lumberjack. Before being moved outside of the Skydome, the lumberjack was located outside the Lumberjack Cafe and appeared in the background of the 1969 movie "Easy Rider."

Details: 1701 S. San Francisco St., Flagstaff.

Rainbow Rock Shop Dinosaurs

If you're in search of more prehistoric creatures to gape at, stop at the Rainbow Rock Shop as you drive along Route 66. Fans of geodes and other pretty rocks will be able to admire the variety of concrete dinosaurs while searching for their next gem.

Details: 101 Navajo Blvd., Holbrook.

Located near the Mexico border, Dateland is a necessary stop on Interstate 8. A major producer of the Medjool dates, the dry heat provides the perfect climate for cultivating the fruit. Dates are fiber-rich, sweet as candy and contain more potassium than a banana. Try Dateland's world-famous date shake when you visit.

Details: 1737 Ave. 64 E., Dateland. 928-454-2772. .

London Bridge

You don't need to travel across the world to experience a little European history. As a result of a strange series of events, the London Bridge , which once crossed the River Thames, was broken down and rebuilt in Lake Havasu City by Robert P. McCulloch. This British import attracts tens of thousands of travelers every year.

Details: 1340 McCulloch Blvd. N., Lake Havasu City. 928-453-3444. .

Take a break from speeding down the highway by cruising through the ponderosa pine forest. An attraction you don't need to get out of your car to enjoy, Bearizona has over three miles of road surrounded by picturesque nature and North American animals. If your legs need a break from sitting in a cramped car, the park also has a 20-acre walk-through area.

Details: 1500 E Route 66, Williams. 928-635-2289. .


  1. 37 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends (Quick-Fire)

    27. Catch Up - Have a Heart to Heart. Let's face it, you're going to be spending A LOT of time together. Taking a road trip with your friends means a lot of time in close quarters when you're on the road. For that reason, it's the perfect time to have a serious chinwag and catch up on everything.

  2. 25 Fun Things To Do on A Road Trip With Friends

    9. Take turns to drive. Driving in turns can make a boring road trip fun for everyone, of course, provided that each of you can legally drive. This is because most people love being in control. The good thing is, taking turns to drive relieves the pressure off the primary driver from long hours of driving.

  3. 33 Fun Things To Do On A Road Trip With Friends

    Lifesavers. Useful things. 33 fun things to do on a road trip with friends. 1. Let your hair down. 2. Ride without navigation. 3. Get inspired with some quotes about traveling with friends.

  4. Road Trip with Friends in the USA: 20 Best Stops!

    Kansas City is most famous for its burnt ends, no matter the meat. Some of the best places to stop for BBQ on a road trip with friends through Kansas City, Missouri are Joe's Kansas City Bar-B-Que, Slap's BBQ. Arthur Bryant's Barbeque, Fiorella's Jack Stack Barbecue, Q39, Jones BBQ, Plowboys BBQ and Gates Bar-B-Q.

  5. Best Places to Travel with Friends: 20 Trips & Vacations for Groups

    9. Iceland is a top place to travel with friends for adventure seekers. Iceland is a dreamy destination for outdoor lovers. It's jam-packed with precious scenery, including everything from geysers and hot springs to glaciers, fjords, and black sand beaches, making it the ideal destination for road trips.

  6. Taking a Road Trip with Friends (Tips + Fun Things To Do)

    Route 66 is a classic road trip route and the perfect road trip to take with friends. The iconic road spans 2,400 miles from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. Though the official road was decommissioned in 1985, road trip loves from around the world still flock to the Mother Road for a sense of nostalgia and the thrill of the open road.

  7. How To Prepare And Plan A Road Trip With Friends

    Traveling with friends on a road trip can really test your relationship, and I am talking about even with the closest friends. Perhaps you might have known each other during the good times. But one thing's for sure when you are in the midst of challenging or difficult times on the road, chances are you will have conflicts and disagreements.

  8. 50+ Boredom-Buster Things to do on a Road Trip

    License Plate game. The License Plate game is pretty much an all day affair. You can't expect to find all of the states (or countries if you are embarking on an international road trip) in 15 minutes. Print out all of the license plates (50 states, EU countries, etc.) that you can look for during the long drive throughout the day.

  9. How to travel with friends

    Beginners: start on the right foot. 1. Choose the right people to go with. Pick any old pal with a passport at your peril. Just because you share a love of Nicolas Cage movies and Chinese food doesn't mean you're compatible travel buddies. Think twice before travelling with someone you only ever see in one context; your coffee-and-cake ...

  10. 255 Road Trip Questions for a Fun Car Ride

    Ask Away—255 Road Trip Questions To Really Keep Your Wheels Turning. These 255 questions (and answers) will make the miles on the road fly by. Please keep your arms, feet and legs inside the ...

  11. 30 Best Trips with Friends! FUN Weekend and International Places to Go

    Here are awesome places to travel with friends in the world, including Europe. Hunters Moon, England ( Chambers, Rome ( The Poets Once Said, Italy ( 16. European CASTLE getaway with friends. Take your international trip with friends around Europe chasing castles!

  12. Awesome Ideas and Helpful Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

    Check out these top tips and ideas for a road trip with friends: Plan a road trip based on a shared interest. Take the scenic route. Everyone plan a day. Rent an RV or camper van. Leave some wiggle room in your schedule. Have a plan for splitting shared costs. Play car games to pass the time. Take lots of photos.

  13. Things to Do on a Road Trip with Friends

    7. Take turns sleeping. If your trip is quite long, or if you plan to drive through the night, don't forget to get some shut-eye. Take turns sleeping and driving in shifts if you aren't getting a hotel room for the night. Side note, this is another instance where your podcasts can really come in handy.

  14. How to Organize the Perfect Road Trip With Friends

    1. Traveling with friends can be fun, and you don't need to spend a lot on plane tickets or travel when you can simply stick to the family car. Road trips are also perfect for bonding since they are much more intimate and will let everyone see the country at a slower pace. Since local is the way to go in order to stay inside your budget, the ...

  15. Road Trip Planner

    Keep exploring with the Roadtrippers mobile apps. Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you when you hit the road! Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.

  16. The Ultimate Guide For Traveling With Friends [15 Tips]

    9. Make Splitting Expenses Easy: When traveling with close friends, credit cards are going to be flying around left and right. Paying the bill at dinner, purchasing tickets for the group, hopping in Ubers after the unnecessary round of shots. To make it as easy as possible, here are my tips:

  17. How to Plan a Trip with Friends (with Pictures)

    2. Decide on a date. Ask your friends when they can take time off from school or work. Narrow down preferences to a date and timespan that works for the most people. The larger your group is, the harder it will be to find a time that works for all of you. Be patient and flexible, and compromise when you can.

  18. 11 Fun Road Trip Ideas With Friends and Family

    They can focus on the road and stay entertained. Driving. 7. Play Games on Your Phone. Co-op games on your phone are an excellent way of staying engaged on long road trips. There is no shortage of games on the phone such as Words with Friends or License Plate Poker to keep everyone occupied.

  19. Fun Places To Go On A Road Trip With Friends in the US

    Here are some of the best road trip destinations while on a road trip with friends in the US: Colorado road trip. Montana road trip. South Dakota road trip. California road trip. Michigan road trip. First, to get the most out of a friend's road trip, ensure you set aside some adequate time to plan. This could mean a minimum of 5 days to rent ...

  20. Our 11 Best Tips for a Road Trip With Friends

    Take Turns Driving. Some people enjoy driving and some people hate it, but hardly anyone wants to do all the driving on a long road trip. For this reason, we highly recommend taking turns driving, splitting the time on the road as evenly as possible. This will help ensure nobody gets too tired of being behind the wheel, will give everyone a ...

  21. Tips For Taking A Road Trip With Friends

    When it comes to traveling, one of the top things people choose to do is take a road trip. It's a fantastic way for you to see multiple destinations, to try something a little different and spend time with friends, family or go solo. You could decide to do a road trip with a campervan, pitching up in different places, perhaps you could ride a motorbike, or you could take a car. Be sure ...

  22. 17 Fun Trips to Take With Friends

    We've also included some useful travel tips for traveling with friends based on our own decades of travel experience. 1. Go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. Roughly the size of 70 million football fields, the Great Barrier Reef off of the eastern coast of Australia is big. Like, really, really big.

  23. 100 Road Trip Trivia Questions To Make That Long Drive More Fun

    Traveling with family, friends or other loved ones does not have to become boring after the first hour. Use these 100 road trip trivia questions when you want to keep the energy alive and have fun ...

  24. 29 Key Questions to Ask Before Traveling With Friends

    Note: I've never been on a cruise nor have any interest in going on a cruise. This was obviously just a bad example. Friends with a good sense of direction, even in a brand new place, are good to keep around, too. This is especially true when you're planning a road trip with friends. 13.

  25. This Gorgeous Region in Greece Is Where the Greeks Go on ...

    This Gorgeous Region in Greece Is Where the Greeks Go on Vacation — With Magical Blue Water, Friendly Villages, and Local Food. Take the ultimate road trip unveiling Greece's best kept secrets.

  26. The Most Epic Road Trip in North America

    Road tripping on Highway 16 in the summertime. (Photo: Destination BC/Stephen Shelesky) Whether you have a few days or a couple weeks to explore, the Great Northern Circle Route is a great place ...

  27. I Traveled With Friends in My Early 20s and Then Again in My 40s

    My friends and I traveled together through Southeast Asia in our 20s. We just took another trip together, this time to Bhutan, nearly two decades later. Though much has changed, our friendships ...

  28. Best RV Parks in the U.S. 2024

    As an RV camper with more than 10 years of experience traveling the roads of Montana, Idaho and beyond—learning about camping and exploring some of the best hiking trails along the way—I can ...

  29. What To Pack For A Family Road Trip

    Bring a baby carrier even if you're heading out for a quick day trip and want to ditch the stroller. This well-reviewed Ergobaby pick can carry kiddos from 7 to 45 pounds, and tops our list of ...

  30. 18 uniquely AZ roadside attractions for your summer road trip

    Details: 332 S. State Route 64, Valle. Four Corners Monument Navajo Tribal Park. Less of a roadside attraction and more of a cool fun fact you can share, the ...