Allgemein: Tour Transalp 2018: Anspruchsvolle Strecke von Brixen bis Riva

28. November 2017 by Florian Nowak

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Jedermann: Auch 2018 dürfte die Tour Transalp wieder  bei viele Hobbysportlern  als eines der Highlights im Radsportkalender  stehen. Erstmals wird der Start in Italien, um genauer zu sein in Brixen und nicht in Deutschland oder Österreich erfolgen. Ab 5.Dezember um 12:00 Uhr kann man sich wieder für die begehrten Startplätze registrieren.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Von 24. bis 30. Juni 2018 wird die Tour Transalp wieder zum Saisonhighlight für diverse Hobbyradsportler. Die 16. Auflage des Rennradetappenrennen für Zweierteams startet in 2018 erstmals in Brixen (Italien) und endet in Riva del Garda. Dazwischen stehen die Teilnehmer aber vor einer anspruchsvollen Aufgabe. Mit Station in St. Vigil, Sillian, Fiera di Primiero, Crespano del Grappa, Trento sowie Kaltern am See sind insgesamt 18 Pässe zu bewältigen. Neben dem Grödnerjoch ganz zu Beginn der siebentägigen Radsportveranstaltung zählen vor allem Furkelpass, Passo Giau, Monte Grappa und die Valico di Valbona zu den Highlights der Streckenführung in 2018. Hinzu kommt die Königsetappe von Crespano del Grappa nach Trento, die mit fast 150 km Länge und über 3.100 Höhenmetern eine echte Herausforderung darstellen dürfte.

Tour Transalp 2018 – Die Strecke im Überblick

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Die Transalp Strecke 2018 wird in 7 Etappen von Brixen bis nach Riva an den Gardasee führen. Neben landschaftlichen Schönheiten und eindrucksvollen Ausblicken erwartet die Teilnehmer eine Länge von insgesamt 819,19 Kilometern mit 18 Pässen und sagenhaften 17.739 Höhenmeter.

Etappe 1: Brixen – St-Vigil; 88,82 km; 2.299 Hm                                                                                                      Etappe 2: St. Vigil – Sillian; 131,72 km; 2.697 Hm Etappe 3: Sillian – Fiera di Primiero; 133,62 km; 2.701 Hm Etappe 4: Fiera di Primiero – Crespano del Grappa; 98,28 km; 2.407 Hm Etappe 5: Crespano del Grappa – Trento; 148,74 km; 3.117 Hm Etappe 6: Trento – Kaltern am See; 116,36 km; 3.003 Hm Etappe 7: Kaltern am See – Riva del Garda; 101,65 km; 1.515 Hm

Tour Transalp 2018 – Registrierung am 5. Dezember

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Die Online-Anmeldung zur Tour Transalp 2018 startet am 5. Dezember 2017 um 12:00 Uhr. Erstmals wird die Abendverpflegung (Meet & Eat-Tickets) als Zusatzoption angeboten. Der Rücktransfer zum Startort, die Übernachtung im Transalp-Camp und ein Deluxe Bike Support können ebenfalls hinzugebucht werden. Der Startplatz kostet € 999 und für U23-Fahrer € 799 pro Person. Hier geht´s zur Registrierung

Über Florian Nowak

Florian Nowak ist Radprofi auf EuropeTour Ebene und war schon bei vielen internationalen Rennen am Start. Bei der deutschen Meisterschaft 2017 war er bester nicht WorldTour Profi auf Platz 7 und konnte sich somit für die Tour de L'Avenir und die Weltmeisterschaften empfehlen. Er fühlt sich aber nicht nur auf dem Rennrad wohl, immer wieder zieht es ihn auch ins Gelände. Neben dem Sport arbeitet er an seinem zweiten Standbein und hat sein BWL Studium an der LMU München abgeschlossen.

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Transalp 2018

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Land: Österreich

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

Transalp Dolomiti

Die  Transalp Dolomiti war ein voller Erfolg, tolle (aber auch harte) Strecken, super Aussichten, tolle Hütten. Daher wollen wir unsere (GPS-)Strecke und unsere Erfahrungen hier mit allen Interessierten teilen.

Aus Termingründen hatten wir uns diesmal für eine kürzere “Transalp”-Variante entschieden, die man auch ein einem verlängerten Wochenende von 4 Tagen absolvieren kann. Es geht bei dieser Transalp Dolomiti , wie der Name schon sagt durch das Gebiet der Dolomiten, einem der schönsten Mountainbike-Gebiete der Alpen. Wir haben dabei versucht möglichst viele Highlights in die vier Tage zu packen. Insgesamt ist die Tour ca. 220 km lang und hat etwas über 9000 HM . Wie immer stellen wir euch unsere GPX-Dateien weiter unten zur Ansicht und zum Download bereit!

Verlauf der Transalp Dolomiti :

Los geht es in St. Martin , ca. 2 Autostunden von Innsbruck entfernt. Am ersten Tag geht es über zwei Anstiege hoch auf die Dürrensteinhütte die mit tollen Ausblicken auf die Dolomiten lockt.  Danach geht es hinab und über Höhlenstein hoch zur Dreizinnenhütte , dabei immer im Blick das berühmte gleichnamige Gebirgsmassiv. Anschließend geht es hinab über den malerischen Misurina-See nach Cortina d’Ampezzo . Nach einem langen Bergsprint entlang der Cinque Torri kommt man am zweiten Etappenziel an, dem Rifugio Scoiattolo . Von dort aus geht es über Andraz und Arabba hoch zum Bindelweg und Kutschertrail nach St. Ulrich (oder alternativ bei schlechtem Wetter wie in unserem Fall über den Campolongo – Pass).  Von dort geht es dann schließlich vorbei an der Malga Brogles Alm und über den das Kreuzjoch zurück nach St. Martin.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Alle GPX-Files kann man über den Link unserer Startseite aufrufen. Gründsätzliche Tipps zur Tour-Planung findet ihr in unserem ultimativen Guide .

Verwandte Beiträge

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Eine Transalp ist nie wirklich "easy", jedoch kann man durch eine passende Routenwahl sprichwörtlich einige Spitzen rausnehmen. Die folgende "Easybiker" Transalp ist dabei eine solche entschärfte Route. An sechs Tagen…

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Hier einmal eine etwas andere Route, die wir im August 2017 so gefahren sind: Es geht nicht von Nord nach Süd, sondern wir sind von Westen nach Osten gefahren, daher…

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Plant ihr gerade eure Transalp 2017? Seid ihr auf der Suche nach einer geeigneten Route? Falls ja, hätten wir einen Vorschlag für euch: Die Eisjöchl-Transalp, die wir im letzten Jahr…

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Nachdem wir letzte Woche bereits die Eisjöchl Transalp vorgestellt haben, berichten wir heute von der Transalp Classic, die euch ebenfalls gelegen kommen könnte, wenn ihr gerade nach einer Transalp-Route für…

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Transalp 2018 Albrechtroute V2

Profilbild von Frank Schäfer


Anreise nach Garmisch und "über Umwege nach Grainau

1. Tag Grainau - Eibsee - Fernpass-Trail - Imst - Strengen

2. Tag Strengen - St. Anton - Verwalltal - Neue Heilbroner Hütte - Galtür - Bodenalpe

3. Tag: Bodenalpe - Fimberpass - Scuols - S-Charl- Passo Costainas Tschierv

4. Tag Tschierv - Val Müstair -Passo Verva - Grosio

5. Tag Grosio - Passo del Alpe - Passo Gavia - Ponte di Legno

6. Tag: Ponte di Legno - Montozzoscharte - Dimaro - Madonna di Campiglio

7. Tag 6. Tag: Madonna di Campiglio - Passo Ballino - Torbole


Buchtipps für die region, kartentipps für die region, ähnliche touren in der umgebung.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

  • 2011.09.10 Garmisch - Imst
  • MTB Transalp Garmisch-Riva 1.Etappe (Fernpass, Gacher-Blick) von 5 Etappen

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Tour Transalp

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The Tour Transalp (proper spelling TOUR Transalp ) is a by TOUR magazine organized racing - stage race for teams of two and single driver of the Alps . The TOUR Transalp is one of the most beautiful stage trips in the world for ambitious amateur racing cyclists.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Categories
  • 1.3 Framework program
  • 4 items of evidence


The Tour Transalp has been held regularly in the last week of June since 2003. The founder Ulrich Stanciu , later editor of the bike magazine and author of the Delius Klasing Verlag , was also the founder of the comparable BIKE-Transalp , an event of the sister magazine bike for mountain bikes.

At the 2018 event (start on June 24th), the two ex- triathletes and Ironman world champions Faris Al-Sultan and Thomas Hellriegel were also part of the team. [1]

The Transalp tour usually leads over seven stages from southern Germany or Austria over the Alps to northern Lake Garda . The race is traditionally driven in teams of two (individual starters have also been possible since 2019) and is divided into five categories:

  • Masters [2] (in the team a total age of more than 80 years)
  • Grand Masters (in the team a total age of more than 100 years)

At each stage, a small fair including a chill-out area will be set up around the start and finish area, in which the drivers will receive their first refreshments after arriving at the finish. In addition, you can get replacement material and accessories as well as bike service from the exhibitors. There are material trolleys on the route for bicycle defects.

Supporting program

The event includes an evening pasta party. Here the drivers can exchange information about the daily stage and watch the pictures and videos of the day. The briefing for the next stage also takes place at the pasta party .

The “Finisher Party” takes place at the destination of the Tour Transalp. At the party, every driver who has completed all stages within the specified framework will be given a “finisher jersey” .

The route of this crossing of the Alps varies every year. The previous starting locations were Sonthofen , Mittenwald , Oberammergau and Innsbruck . To the finish in Arco or Riva del Garda more than 800 km are covered and almost 18,000 meters of altitude are crossed.

  • TOUR Transalp website

Individual evidence

  • ↑ Ex-triathletes at the Everyman's Race - Ironman World Champions Al-Sultan and Hellriegel start at TOUR Transalp 2018 (June 6, 2018)
  • ↑ Senior sports (last accessed October 21, 2009)

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Registrations are about to open, and the Transalp Race Organisers have revealed the route for next year’s route crossing the European Alps.

The 21st edition of the world’s classic paired mountain bike stage race kicks of in Imst, Austria on July 15 and finishes in Arco, Italy seven days later on July 21.

In total, the participants of this prestigious classic – including international pros as well as hundreds of amateurs alike – will have to pedal a total of 503.54 kilometres and conquer 18,004 metres of climbing while crossing the main ridge of the Alps.

What do we think the best stage races are?

During the one week trip through the Massive Central the field will stop in Nauders, Livigno, Bormio, Ponte di Legno, Val di Sole as well as Valle del Chiese.

CRAFT BIKE TRANSALP - STAGE 7 Start Photo: Oliver Krauss.

Photo: Oliver Krauss.

And like in the previous years, Race Organisers have again put together a package of famous passages and brand new single tracks which has no equal.

“The route of the 21st edition is a challenge, but also an extravagant and thrilling mix which you don’t get elsewhere,” says Race Director Marc Schneider.

What bike should you take to Transalp?

After things have kicked off with new trails at Nauder’s Bergkastel and the beautiful singletrack through the Valmora featured on the queen’s stage to Livigno, the scenic and technical delectation continues on the next days.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

The trail through the Val Mora might be one of the best pieces of natural singletrack you will ride.

Besides the freeride trails at Carosello 3000 the well-known Alta Via Camuna, an isolated mountain path high above the alpine tree line leading to Passo Tonale during the stage to Val di Sole, is also one of the 2018 highlights.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Above that, Schneider explains that there are also “some more secret nature tracks to be ridden during the stage into the Chiese Valley or in the valley of di Ledro which we will pass on the final day. In addition, the Via Claudia in the Inn Valley which racers will tackle on the opening day is also worth mentioning.”

Besides that, the route offers even more scenic-wise: “The panorama views you get at Ortler, Adamello Alps or Brenta are a class of their own.”

Push yourself and you push your team – how to make your team work out!

While the 21st ever race edition therefore offers once again a route which is a credit to the Transalp myth, participants can look forward to a new Deluxe Bike Support which can be booked additionally.

The return transfer to the start or accommodation in the Transalp camp are also available as add-ons. The entry fee per person is € 899, U23 riders have to pay € 699.

Participants of the 2018 BIKE Transalp powered by Sigma will pedal a total of 503.54 km from Imst to Lake Garda while also mastering 18,004 metres of climbing.

Need more details? Hit the website.

A closer look at the Transalp stages

Stage 1: Imst – Nauders; 88.90 km; 2,942 m;  stage overview Stage 2: Nauders – Livigno: 101.82 km; 3,512 m;  stage overview Stage 3: Livigno – Bormio: 67.98 km; 2,230 m;  stage overview Stage 4: Bormio – Ponte di Legno: 57.66 km; 2,393 m;  stage overview Stage 5: Ponte di Legno – Val di Sole: 49.66 km; 1,967 m;  stage overview Stage 6: Val di Sole – Valle del Chiese: 78.96 km; 2,772 m;  stage overview Stage 7: Valle del Chiese – Arco: 58.56 km; 2,179 m;  stage overview

About Mike Blewitt

Mike loves all things bike, but marathons definitely hold a special place in his heart. He's the co-founder of He's raced extensively throughout Europe, North America and Australia and has represented Australia twice at the UCI Marathon World Championships.

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May 24, 2018

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

Strecke 2024

Seid gespannt auf die TOUR Transalp Strecke 2024. Diese werden wir im Dezember 2023 verkünden.

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

Experience the Transalp myth on the EMTB! For the first time in 2024, e-mountain bikers will also be able to experience the original route of the MAXXIS BIKE Transalp. The race feeling is heated up with staggered starts and individual challenges. Battery exchange stations and rental bikes are available. Register now and join in! #Transalp2024 #EMTB

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Von der Zugspitze an den Gardasee in sieben maximal harten Etappen. Die Maxxis BIKE Transalp wird auch dieses Jahr kein Ponyreiten. Doch es gibt gute Gründe, warum sich viele Teilnehmer dieses Großereignis immer wieder antun.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Mit dem E-MTB über die Alpen – neue leistungsstarke Akkus mit Range Extender-Technik sollen nun auch lange Tagesetappen in alpinem Gelände möglich machen. Wir haben das System auf der BIKE Transalp Route 2024 schon mal ausprobiert.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

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tour transalp 2018 strecke

Übersäuerung ist bei der TOUR Transalp ein großes Thema. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, was dagegen hilft und erhalten wichtige Tipps.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Always an Adventure

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BIKE TransAlp MTB 2018

Seven gruelling days, stunning views and a major mountain range to cross. Throw in team dynamics plus fast and technical descents and you have the BIKE TransAlp stage race (link to race website here ). Alex and I had completed the Haute Route last year so the seven stages did not seem too intimidating; however, racing together was a big unknown as, in common with many other mountain-bike stage races, the TransAlp is raced in a team of two.

Like me, Alex has an adventurous streak – he spent April mountain-biking around the Annapurna Circuit – but there the similarities end. He’s a more powerful rider and in spite of being relatively new to mountain-biking has tons of natural talent. Thankfully he’s also a bit more laid back. Reading an article about how to ride a MTB stage race successfully, in which it said that agreeing on your goals was key, we decided to try and clarify that up front. My goal was to finish as high up the placings as we could and to remain friends. Alex’s was to be on the Masters podium; it appeared that we had some serious goal divergence! We agreed that we would ride at a pace that worked for us for the first two stages and then if we were close to the podium we could target it in earnest. As this is one of the premier stage races in Europe I thought I knew how that would pan out but one never knows….

Stage 1 commenced in Imst, a small town close to Innsbruck. A heavy downpour a couple of hours before the start made us a little worried about the conditions but in the end it was nice to be riding in cooler temperatures although there were a some more rain showers.

Because the route did not cross any famous cols it was hard to visualise where we were going. (You can see the route here:  TransAlp map .) At one point we crossed into Switzerland, briefly passing a customs post in a village. We didn’t even notice the return to Austria as we must have been somewhere in the forest when that happened.

It’s probably easier to break down the stage into sections based on physical suffering and mental stress. The initial 5km downhill and flat section to the first climb… easy but dangerous in a massive bunch with a couple of clashes of (very wide) handlebars. The first climb where Alex was going that little bit too fast… Stu and Rusty (two of our other Chaingang teammates) where riding more at my pace; however my heart rate still above 170 for pretty much the whole 70 minute climb. Then the first downhill… where I misjudged a gravel corner and rode off the track. Unfortunately Rusty punctured at the bottom of that descent so it was then just Alex and I.

On the second climb Alex set a good pace for me and on the final one we were both suffering from cramps, low energy and general tiredness. It ended with a descent flying down into the finish town of Nauders, 88km and 4 hours 49 after the start. We are in 80th place, decent enough to get us into the first start pen tomorrow. Nowhere near the podium, being 22nd in the Masters category but still a job well done. We finished with time to watch the crash carnage on the Tour de France stage to Roubaix and France win the World Cup.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Alex and Stu wondering what the day and weather would bring

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Team pose at the start in Imst

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Clean bike ready for Stage 1

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Short road descent just over the top of the second climb

tour transalp 2018 strecke

I had a pleasant surprise in Nauders when I found that the Scott crew would clean and lube my bike after every stage; it is reason enough to buy a Scott, plus the bike performed really well – I love it

Stage 2 was the Queen Stage covering 101km with 3500m of ascent. Particularly concerning was the second climb with 1400m vertical ascent in total with the last 1000m being a steep gravel trail with some portions single-track. My main impression of the day were some fast and scary gravel descents on one of which I crashed, losing my front wheel on a hairpin bend, and a lot of climbing. Once we had completed the more initial approach to the steeper part of the big climb I encouraged myself with the thought that all we had to do in terms of ascent was Alpe d’Huez, which I have done many a time.

However, the slower off-road surface plus the steep (15+%) sections made it a lot harder. Towards the top I remember thinking that I was feeling the most tired on the bike than I had for a long time and I fantasised about dipping my head in the beautifully clear stream that was running alongside. The good news was the climb eventually ended and led to an amazing flowing descent down the side of the valley involving a traverse over a snow filled ravine and several tricky landslide and stream crossings.

At the second food stop, 77km into the stage, Stu and Rusty caught us, having started a couple of minutes behind in the second start pen (they were 10 places behind us due to the delays from the puncture in Stage 1). We rode the final climb and descent together and then the cruellest part of the route planning started. We were already in the finish town of Livigno, when we were taken up onto the local mountain bike trails by some viciously steep ascents. The main bit of the trail through was enjoyable and a great way to finish the stage. Alex blasted down the descent – unless Alex misjudges his nutrition he is faster than me on both the ups and downs – and waited for the final run-in to the finish which we reached after nearly 6 and a half hours of racing.

Rusty and Stu dropped behind us on this final section with Stu probably suffering from a massive effort trying to make back time yesterday. But because they crossed the start line after us, in the end we were only separated by 10 seconds. A good day for Chaingang, although I took some flack from the boys for wearing my Dynamo kit!

tour transalp 2018 strecke

At the start in Nauders (the races leaders were in the front pen with then the teams up to 85th position being in our one)

tour transalp 2018 strecke

I’d said to Alex that if he was going to go ahead on the first climb the least he could do was take a photo!

tour transalp 2018 strecke

I’m not sure what these things were but wonder if they were a relic from the First World War

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Some fun single track awaited at the top of the climb

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Beautiful Alpine scenery and weather

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Pretty bashed up end of the stage as I had a couple of minor falls, which I realised was because I was locking my front wheel on the loose descents

The morning of Stage 3 was the first one where my legs felt properly tired. However the stage looked fun having the highest amount of single track of all the stages. The only catch was that to get to it we had to climb to 3000m which included 200m of vertical ascent up a steep track that was classified as a push/carry. Actually if one was strong enough it may have been possible to ride it all, but on the steepest sections it seemed more efficient to walk. Unfortunately walking in completely rigid cycling shoes was tough on the calves so I was just glad when it was over.

The reward was a descent of about 10km down flowing and hugely enjoyable mountain biking trails (probably about blue standard, the main section being called, appropriately,  Rollercoaster). Stu and Rusty had caught me on the climb so we descended it together. The next climb was mainly single-track, climbing about 600m over about 14km. Alas I just didn’t have it in the legs and Alex and I had to watch Stu and Rusty ride off into the distance. We both felt pretty rough near the bottom – some more pushing was required – and whilst Alex recovered it didn’t get any better for me. Luckily the remainder of the stage passed by a bit better and after the timing stopped we flew down the road to Bormio on bottom section of the Passo di Stelvio. After the gravel trails descending fast on the road felt safe and secure.

It was a spectacular day with the highlight being the first descent. We finished 24th in Masters, a bit down on previous days, but Stu and Rusty had a great ride finishing 4 minutes ahead and putting themselves in the top 85 teams in GC and therefore being eligible to join us in the second start pen.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Rusty pushing the pace on the final grind to 3000m after the pushing (Photo thanks to Willem, partner of Dave, an ex-Dynamo in the cyan Saikal kit)

tour transalp 2018 strecke

About to start the descent with one of the 3rd placed women’s team behind me (we saw them a fair bit over the seven days)

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Alex and Rusty on the flow trails

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Just good fun… no time to stop to zip up my gilet however

The last time I was Bormio was for the 2015 London Dynamo club sportive. Back then we descended the Col di Gavia during a warm-up ride so I was excited that we would be going back up there in Stage 4 . After about 17km and 500m of off-road climbing we joined the main road. Compared to being on the tracks and trails, riding on the road felt easy and even the 10% sections did not feel too bad. Stu and Rusty had set an ideal pace to that point but then Rusty put the power down and they sped up and I let them disappear up the road. Fifteen minutes later I started to gain on them again and it was clear that Rusty was having a bad day, possibly from the altitude. Alex and I had come to an arrangement, the worked well for both of us, where he would burn up the first climb as fast as he wanted but he was waiting at a food stop 400 vertical metres below the col and we ended up cresting the summit together.

There then followed a descent which was super-steep and in many places not fit for cycling. Which was because it was a rocky walking path. We lost 700m of height in under 2km. I eventually caught up a line of people who were walking most of the descent and only began riding again near the bottom. Alex, who was waiting there, then rode with me to end, which involved some horribly steep bike pushes through a forest with the reward being a downhill flow trail to the finish in Ponte di Legno. The announcer that morning had described it as ‘spicy’ and with rocks, tree roots and some drop-offs it did not disappoint. It was actually a lot of fun to ride and both of us finished the day on a high taking 19th place in the Masters and 67th overall. Our best day so far. Rusty and Stu had a hard day but pulled off a decent recovery and only lost about 8 minutes to us.

The TransAlp is a true road trip with every stage starting and finishing in a different town. However, for this and the following day’s finishes we had the luxury of staying in the same hotel on the Passo dei Tonale (which was between the two finish towns), the only downside being that it involved some bus transfers. In fact the next day’s stage, from Ponte di Legno to Val di Sole would pass just behind our hotel.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Rusty and Stu being interviewed at the start in Bormio

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One of women’s team in 2nd place  (a light, and strong, rider on a super-light bike)  – we saw a lot of them too

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Alex on the top section of the Col di Gavia

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Approaching the top of the Gavia

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After descending a few hairpins of the Gavia we turned off the road onto the gravel and rock

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Some engaging sections over rocks and through mud

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After this the descent then became steeper and steeper until there were sections where I had to walk

Stage 5 started with a 1200m climb with around two-thirds on gravel. However tired legs meant the pace set by those ahead was steadier and it wasn’t too painful. Alex went ahead and although we could see each for most of the climb I did not actually meet him again until the second food stop 27km into the stage. This was after a fantastic traverse along the side of the valley on the Alta Via Camuna. It was exposed but not that technical. Just a great place to be.

The stage itself was only 50km long and was over quickly though not without some super-fast descents on gravel trails. Amongst the teams we were riding with I was one of the slower descenders and I was quickly dropped by, amongst others, the women’s team who was placed second. I eventually tagged onto a mixed team who were descending at a pace that I didn’t think was crazy. It was sensible to play it safe though as there was a bad crash behind us with someone needing to be helicoptered off the mountain resulting in a suspension of the race for an hour or so. Alex was happy descending very quickly and gained about 5 minutes on me on the descents over the course of the day and a couple of minutes on the first climb. Nevertheless it was a good day for us as a team, coming 17th in the Masters and 66th overall. Stu and Rusty took the first climb at a slightly slower pace but as a consequence both had an enjoyable day too.

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Dawn from our hotel on the Passo dei Tonale

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Alex looking fresh, me looking tired – it may have been due to all the watermelon and potatoes he ate whilst waiting at the food-stop!

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… although I’m looking a bit more relaxed here

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Alex in his hunting dog pose… about to try and catch some prey on the long gravel descent to follow

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Ice bath for the legs and Bitburger Radler – unfortunately alcohol free – for recovery

Stage 6 was the point where we felt we had been doing this for weeks, with it being difficult to remember where we had gone in the earlier stages. The route took us past the Brenta Dolomites, which had we been able to see them through the cloud would be been spectacular (I had been there with my dad when I was a teenager). It was the second longest stage so as usual my plan was to take it easy on the early climbs and hopefully have something left in the tank for the end.

As it was I ended up riding all of the stage with Stu and Rusty. The end of the second climb featured a steep push up accompanied by that feeling of humidity and foreboding that precedes a rainstorm. A few drops fells as we crested the top and a lot more came down as we slid down a steep and technical descent. Luckily with my dropper seat post down I found I could ride most of it okay.

On the final climb (about 600m of vertical but mainly on the road) Rusty popped a caffeine gel and shot up the road. However, about half way up he slowed and Stu and I had to pull/push him over the top. He recovered pretty well from this near-death experience and we finished together. (Alex had met us before the climb but pulled ahead and waited for us just before the finish.)

It was a good if testing day. It was fun to ride with Stu and Rusty and satisfying to help Rusty through his low point. We finished 24th equal. With Alex and I 19th in GC (in the Masters), we were well positioned for the final stage tomorrow.

After we finished it started to thunder and rain very hard so I think we got lucky with the weather.

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A steep ascent out of the valley was followed by this traverse and then more climbing

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A long drag to the push-up at the end of the second climb

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The pushing begins – steeper than it looks in this photo

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A muddy and tired Chaingang crew at the end of Stage 6 

Up until now Alex and I had essentially ridden as two individuals connected by the same team number. In a lot of other teams the stronger rider would push the more tired one on the climbs. Although I cursed Alex more than once for riding up the trail and not giving me a push, I was also proud to not have had any assistance. I was also aware that some of the things that Alex said to me in encouragement, such as “we’re only doing 200 Watts”, were almost exactly what I have said to Lillian in the past when we’ve been riding together, so I guess I had that coming to me. Nevertheless, for Stage 7 I wanted to protect our 19th position in GC and also see what we could do if we worked together as a team. Alex wanted to leave it all on the road (trail?) so he was up for it too.

Overnight there was another massive thunderstorm but thankfully it was dry at the start. As agreed I went as hard as I could on the first climb helped by some pushes by Alex every time I started to get dropped by the group we were with. A wet descent – which I did semi-blind as my glasses fogged up – led to a longer climb where I started to perfect my two-finger pocket grabbing technique. More rain and more slip-sliding traverses and descents led to a final 900m climb. Alex gave me some tows for the first two thirds but on the final section even he seemed tired. I can tell you though that being pulled is not as easy as it sounds as you lose the right to set your own pace and there’s a temptation to pedal too hard. Not that I wasn’t grateful for all the assistance.

We crested the final climb and began a brake pad burning (literally… I could smell them) descent to the vineyards and narrow back-streets of Arco. A couple of small punchy climbs led to the finish line. Strangely we didn’t do as well I thought we would given how hard we went – we were 24th on the day – but we gained a place in GC to finish 18th. The 17th team was 40 minutes ahead so I think that was as good a result as we could have hoped for. Stu and Rusty were 23rd in Masters. We were all then drenched by another thunder storm and took shelter in a café by the finish where we had a team blowout meal. Pasta, beer, chicken schnitzel, chips and affogato! A great way to end a memorable week!

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Happy to finish or too tired for it to register?

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This is what happens when the photographer asks for ‘more emotion’

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An extremely wet afternoon in Arco – luckily the sun came out the following day and we saw Lake Garda at its best

And in terms of our goals, Alex and I are still friends. I was very happy with the top 20 GC position and thankful to Alex for getting us there, although he could have finished higher up the standings with a stronger partner. I don’t think the race was a physically exhausting as the Haute Route, as there were fewer hours in the saddle, but in other ways it was tougher and it’s not something I am going to forget soon. It was also very well organised with accommodation in 4 star hotels (with most of them being worthy of their stars). All told,  fantastic race and experience. More info on the race is here ( BIKE TransAlp ) and the route here ( Entire route ).

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6 Responses

tour transalp 2018 strecke

David Donaldson

Awesome right up Mark. Seems like you should have joined us in Nepal for some altitude training! Alex (sandy to us) never pushed me up any of the trails…the bastard! Tell me…at the of the day…when your legs were Jelly and he had been waiting 2 hours for you…did he put put his arm round your shoulders and announce, “you were strong today Mark” ! Cheers Downhill Dave

tour transalp 2018 strecke

He may have. 🙂 Sandy. One day you will have to tell me how he got that nickname.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Steve Smales

Hi, thanks so much for this…’s really good to get an insight into these races…..I did Dolomiti Superbike with virtually no information as to what to expect in English.

Thanks for reading. It’s fun writing this stuff but nice to know that it’s also useful to other racers.

tour transalp 2018 strecke

Shane Maher

Glad I wasn’t the only guy who walked some of those DH sections that year. Luckily I brought some spare enduro shoes that made it easier to walk in on those days. After 2020 got cancelled I quite fancy the dolomite route in 2022. Transpyr looks good too. Might catch you at a Gorrick with Russ Jones when they get started again.

The days of riding mountain stage races seem like a different world. One which we will hopefully be back to by the summer. Hope to bump into you at one of them, or more likely a Gorrick.

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