• Public Education

Visiting Singapore

We welcome all visitors to Singapore. To ensure you have a successful and memorable trip, please read on to find out what you need to know.

You should submit your personal information, trip details and health declaration electronically within three days prior to the date of your arrival in Singapore. This can be done using the SG Arrival Card e-Service.

Please note the SG Arrival Card is  not  a visa and the use of the SG Arrival Card e-Service is  free of charge .

You can submit the SG Arrival Card via https://eservices.ica.gov.sg/sgarrivalcard/  or through " MyICA " mobile application that can be downloaded for free from either the App Store  (iOS) or Google Play  (Android). Please refer to entry requirements for more information on entering Singapore.

You will receive your SG Arrival Card in the form of a PDF document (applicable for web service only, see below for a specimen) or email once ICA has successfully processed your submission. Please note that the SG Arrival Card comes with a unique DE Number that accompanies your passport number.

Please see below for a specimen of the SG Arrival Card.

Click to enlarge the image.


You must present yourself for immigration clearance at a point of entry into Singapore. You must satisfy the basic entry requirements before you can be considered for entry. The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry.

From 11 March 2022 , all foreign visitors arriving in Singapore will be notified digitally of their Visit Pass (e-Pass) through email. There will not be any endorsement on your passport. The e-Pass notification will indicate the period of stay granted and last day of stay allowed. Please ensure that you provide a valid email address when submitting the SG Arrival Card .

Please refer to  entry requirements  for more information.

If you hold a travel document issued by one of the listed countries or places, you will require a valid Singapore visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. Please refer to  visa requirements  if you require a Singapore visa and for more information.

Upon successful processing of your visa application, you will be issued an e-visa in the form of a PDF document.

Please note that possession of a valid visa does not guarantee entry into Singapore . The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry. The period of stay granted is not tied to the validity of your visa.

Please see below for a specimen of the e-visa.


Related Links

  • Applying for Long-Term Immigration Facilities and Submission of SG Arrival Card Through Commercial Entities or Consultants
  • Entry Requirements
  • SG Arrival Card
  • Visa Requirements

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Exercise normal safety precautions in Singapore.


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Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies.

Call 995 or go to the hospital.

Advice levels

Exercise normal safety precautions  in Singapore.

  • Unauthorised public demonstrations are illegal. You need a police permit for any public gatherings, even if you're the only one demonstrating or protesting. Public demonstrations are only allowed at Speakers Corner in Hong Lim Park. If you're not a permanent resident, you need a police permit to join these.
  • Violent crime against tourists is rare. Petty crime, such as theft and pickpocketing, happens at the airport, in tourist areas and on public transport. Safeguard your belongings.
  • Scammers call or send text messages and pretend to be local government officials, banks or telcos. They try to obtain your personal information. Hang up immediately if the caller cannot identify themselves correctly. Delete texts quickly. Verify first by going to official websites or calling the company's hotline.
  • Scammers pretend to be landlords on property websites and offer fake rental properties. Research the property and landlord before agreeing to a property rental or sale contract.
  • Terrorism is a possible threat. Perpetrators may be self-radicalised individuals. Potential targets include businesses and public areas popular with foreigners. Take official warnings seriously.
  • Strong winds and heavy rain happen during the monsoon seasons from December to March and June to September. Follow the advice of local officials.

Full travel advice:  Safety

  • The standard of medical facilities and care is similar to or higher than in Australia. The cost is much higher, and payment may be required upfront. Ensure your travel insurance covers medical costs.
  • Bringing personal medication may require approval, even in transit. If in doubt, check and seek approval with the Singapore  Health Sciences Authority . 
  • Dengue fever is endemic in Singapore. The number of reported cases remains high. Follow the  National Environment Agency  advice to mitigate the risk of transmission.
  • Zika virus is a risk. If you're pregnant, discuss your travel plans with your doctor. Other insect-borne diseases include chikungunya and Japanese encephalitis. Ensure your accommodation is insect-proof. Use insect repellent. Get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis before you travel.
  • Smoke haze may occur from June to October. The  National Environment Agency  gives updates and health warnings.

Full travel advice:  Health

  • Don't use or carry illegal drugs. It's illegal to have drugs in your system. Penalties for the use and carriage of drugs include caning and the mandatory death sentence for some trafficking offences. It is also illegal to have drugs in your system. You can be charged for consuming drugs even if you took them outside Singapore. 
  • Singapore has strict laws for 'outrage of modesty' offences or being drunk and disorderly in public. You should avoid any action that could be interpreted as molestation, including inappropriate touching or language. Penalties include jail, fines and caning.
  • Singapore has strict laws and penalties for acts that are legal or minor offences in Australia. These include smoking in public places or restaurants, spitting, importing or chewing gum, chewing tobacco, littering and jaywalking.
  • Strict laws control alcohol, e-cigarettes and vaporisers. It's illegal to drink in public between 10:30pm and 7am or in Liquor Control Zones. Importing vaporisers, including for your own use, is also illegal.
  • Be careful when taking photos. It's illegal to photograph official buildings where there are signs banning photos.
  • Penalties are severe for crimes that affect social, racial or ethnic harmony. These include racial insults and promoting ill will and hostility between different races or classes. Apply for a Miscellaneous Work Pass from the Ministry of Manpower if you want to speak publicly on racial, communal, religious or political topics.

Same-sex acts are no longer illegal. You should be aware there are local sensitivities, and behaviour standards are conservative. Public displays of affection may offend.

Full travel advice:  Local laws

  • Foreign short-term visitors holding passports or travel documents issued by a  visa-required country  must apply for an entry visa.
  • Before arriving in Singapore, you must complete an electronic  Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC) . There is no charge for this. You may need to present your SGAC acknowledgment email with supporting documentation to the airlines at check-in.
  • Do not bring medicinal cannabis to Singapore, even during transit. If you take prescribed medicinal cannabis, you should contact the Singapore Health Science Authority to review your situation.

Full travel advice:  Travel

Local contacts

  • The  Consular Services Charter  details what we can and can't do to help you overseas.
  • For consular help, contact the  Australian High Commission in Singapore .

Full travel advice:  Local contacts

Full advice

Civil unrest and political tension, demonstrations and protests.

Unauthorised public demonstrations are illegal.

You need a police permit for:

  • a public gathering to which the public has been invited, even if you are the only one demonstrating or protesting
  • a public procession of 2 or more people to which the public has been invited

Public demonstrations are only allowed at Speakers Corner in Hong Lim Park. Non-permanent residents need a permit to join any activities at Speakers Corner. Penalties can be severe.

More information:

  • Singapore Police Force
  • Demonstrations and civil unrest

Violent crime against tourists is rare.

Pickpocketing and street theft happens at the airport, tourist destinations, hotels and on public transport.

Watch your belongings, especially in tourist areas and on public transport.

Scams and fraud

Impersonation scams happen regularly.

Scammers are using automated voice calls or text messages or impersonating local government officials (e.g. from the Ministry of Health or Immigration & Checkpoints Authority), bank or telco staff. Calls ask for personal details and often use scare tactics (such as claiming you have committed an offence or have account issues). You should hang up immediately if the caller cannot identify themselves correctly. Always verify the information or request through official websites or call the company/department hotline before offering any personal information. Delete text messages quickly. 

Property rental  scams  happen.

Con artists pretend to be landlords on property websites and offer fake rental properties.

To protect yourself from property scams:

  • research the property and landlord before agreeing to a property rental or purchase contract. See the  Singapore Land Authority  for information.
  • don't make large payments in cash
  • only use accredited property agents
  • make sure landlords and agents are present when you sign tenancy documents

Be wary of dishonest retailers of mobile phones, electrical goods and cameras.

Information about known scams is available on the  Scam Alert website .

If you live in Singapore, go to the  Consumers Association of Singapore  to lodge a complaint.

Cyber security

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you’re connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or to Bluetooth.

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions, or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media.

More information: 

  • Cyber security when travelling overseas

Kidnapping can happen anywhere, anytime, including destinations that are typically at lower risk. 

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers. 

More information:  

  • Kidnapping 

Terrorist attacks could happen in Singapore. Attacks could be random and may affect places that Westerners frequent. 

Singapore has enhanced security measures, including:

  • strong border controls
  • security and police surveillance
  • restrictions on access to some public venues

Ministers have issued public warnings about the seriousness of the terrorist threat.

The Singapore government has developed the  SG Secure app to help prevent terrorist incidents and alert people to security or other threats. 

Possible terrorist targets include businesses and public areas popular with travellers. 

These include:

  • hotels, clubs, restaurants and bars
  • places of worship
  • outdoor events and markets
  • tourist areas
  • transport hubs, such as train stations
  • places associated with the Singapore Government

To stay safe:

  • be alert to possible threats, especially in public places
  • report any suspicious activity or items to police
  • monitor the media for new threats
  • follow the advice of local authorities

If there's an attack, leave the area as soon as it's safe. Avoid the affected area in case of secondary attacks.

Terrorism is a threat worldwide.

  • Terrorist threats

Climate and natural disasters

Singapore experiences  severe weather , including severe rainstorms. 

The monsoon seasons are from December to March and June to September. Strong winds and heavy rain happen.

If there's a natural disaster:

  • secure your passport in a safe, waterproof location
  • keep in contact with your friends and family
  • monitor local media, weather reports and the  Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System
  • check with tour operators before travelling to affected areas

Earthquakes in other countries in the region can affect Singapore.

Singapore is a major flight hub. Natural disasters in other parts of the world may affect flights. These include volcanic ash plumes.

Contact your airline or travel agent for flight updates.

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive  travel insurance  before you leave. 

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are. 

Medical care is expensive. If you're not insured, you may find yourself paying thousands of dollars for medical treatment. 

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be away.

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition. 

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need.

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave. 

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare or the welfare of someone you know, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location.

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)


Not all medication available over the counter or by prescription in Australia is available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication, check if it's legal in Singapore. Take enough legal medicine for your trip.

Strict rules control substances in personal medication. Check the  Singapore Health Sciences Authority  for a list of controlled substances. It also explains how to apply for approval at least 10 working days before you arrive.

You don't need pre-approval if you don't leave the airport transit zone (without clearing Singapore immigration). Be aware that prohibited substances, such as chewing gum, cannabis and products containing cannabis extracts, are not allowed to be brought with you, even if you are staying in the airport transit zone. If you take prescribed medicinal cannabis, you should contact the Singapore Health Science Authority to review your situation. 

Carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage
  • that it's for personal use
  • Regulations for bringing personal medications into Singapore

Health risks

Insect-borne diseases.

There is some spread of  Zika virus. There's no vaccination for it.

If you're pregnant:

  • discuss any travel plans with your doctor
  • consider deferring non-essential travel to affected areas

Outbreaks of other insect-borne illnesses can happen. These include:

  • chikungunya
  • Japanese encephalitis

The risk of insect-borne illnesses increases during the wetter months, from December to March and June to September. Follow the  National Environment Agency's  advice for preventing and identifying dengue and Zika infection. Dengue fever is endemic in Singapore, and the number of reported cases remains high.

Areas are regularly 'fogged' to stop the spread of insect-borne illnesses. The 'fog' includes toxic chemicals. Don't travel to areas straight after fogging.

To protect yourself against illness:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect-proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
  • get vaccinated against Japanese encephalitis before you travel
  • Infectious diseases

Other health risks

Smoke haze happens from June to October.

Check for haze and any health warnings the Singapore Government issues. Get medical advice if needed.

Singapore's  National Environment Agency  gives updates when smoke haze happens. It also has information about public health issues.

Medical care

Medical facilities.

The standard of medical facilities and care is similar to or higher than Australia.

The cost of medical services is much higher.

Many places will want up-front payment or confirmed payment from your insurer before they provide treatment.

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian Government will do what it can to help you under our  Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail. 

If you're arrested, authorities may detain you while police investigate. You may be detained for up to 48 hours. During this period, you won't be allowed to speak with anyone, not even a lawyer. 

Police confiscate your passport if you're under investigation. There is no set timeline for investigations and can take several months. You won't be allowed to leave Singapore. You can't get a replacement passport until legal matters are settled. You must be able to support yourself financially during this time.

Drugs are illegal in Singapore. The penalties for use and possession are severe, including the death penalty. It's illegal to have drugs in your system. This includes traces being found in blood and urine tests. 

While some destinations may have legalised drug use, you can be charged for consuming drugs even if you took them outside Singapore.

Do not bring medicinal cannabis to Singapore, even during transit. If you take prescribed medicinal cannabis, you should contact the Singapore Health Science Authorit y to review your situation. 

Severe penalties for drug offences include the death sentence and caning.

  • Carrying or using drugs

Serious crimes

Serious crimes, such as murder, abduction and weapons offences, can attract the death penalty.

Corporal punishment includes caning. This is a penalty for crimes including:

  • outrage of modesty
  • visa offences

Singapore has strict laws for 'outrage of modesty' cases. You should avoid any action that could be interpreted as molestation. This includes:

  • inappropriate touching or grabbing (whether drunk or not)
  • inappropriate language

Penalties include jail, fines, and caning.

Drunk and disorderly conduct in public is an offence.

You could be arrested for:

  • being found drunk in public
  • fighting and becoming a nuisance in public
  • resisting arrest, assaulting, or hurting a public servant (this includes police and taxi drivers)
  • drinking beyond the prescribed hours and in the allowed areas.

Minor crimes

Singapore has strict laws and penalties for things that are legal or are minor offences in Australia.

  • smoking in public places or indoor restaurants
  • importing or chewing gum
  • chewing tobacco

Racial crimes

Penalties are severe for crimes that affect social, racial or ethnic harmony. These include racial insults and promoting ill-will and hostility between different races or classes.

If you want to speak publicly on racial, communal, religious or political topics, you must apply for a Miscellaneous Work Pass from the  Ministry of Manpower .

Alcohol and vaporiser laws

Serious penalties, including detention or jail, apply for these illegal activities: 

  • being drunk, behaving badly or using offensive language during a flight
  • importing vaporisers, such as e-cigarettes, e-pipes, e-cigars, and refills into Singapore, including for your own use
  • driving under the influence of alcohol
  • drinking alcohol in public places between 10:30pm and 7am
  • drinking alcohol in a Liquor Control Zone

Liquor control zones include specified areas in Geylang and Little India. Additional restrictions apply on weekends and public holidays.

Copyrighted and prohibited material

Material that is legal in Australia may be illegal in Singapore. Serious penalties apply, including detention or jail, for bringing:

  • pirated copyright material
  • printed and recorded material considered obscene or prohibited

Serious penalties, including detention or imprisonment, apply for these illegal activities:

  • illegal immigration
  • overstaying your visa
  • shoplifting and theft
  • being caught with weapons, military souvenirs, replica weapons or ammunition, including empty cartridges
  • working without a valid work pass — (see ' Travel ')
  • taking photos of official buildings where there are signs banning photos

If you're  working in Singapore , your work pass may be cancelled if you break the law.

  • Ministry of Home Affairs  
  • Singapore Customs

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you're overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

  • Staying within the law

Local customs

Behaviour standards are conservative.

Public displays of affection may offend.

Take care not to offend. If in doubt, seek local advice.

  • Dual nationals

Singapore doesn't recognise dual nationality for people aged over 21 years.

Male citizens and permanent residents between the ages of 16 and 50 must do 2 years of national service. They must also do further training after completing national service.

If you're a dual citizen or want permanent residency, know the national service requirements before deciding to travel to, transit or live in Singapore. Failure to complete national service may result in penalties, including custodial sentences.

  • Singapore Ministry of Defence
  • Immigration and Checkpoints Authority

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

Foreign short-term visitors holding passports or travel documents issued by a visa-required country must apply for an entry visa.

For work or study, you'll need to apply for a visa before you travel. Check work visa information with the  Ministry of Manpower .

Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the nearest  embassy or consulate of Singapore  for details about visas, currency, customs and quarantine rules.

At immigration, you may have to show:

  • a passport with at least 6 months validity
  • evidence of enough funds for your intended stay
  • a confirmed onward or return flight ticket
  • a valid visa to enter your next destination
  • a yellow fever vaccination certificate, if needed

Border measures

On arrival in Singapore, you'll need to show:

  • your completed  Singapore Arrival Card (SGAC)  (there is no charge for the SGAC). There are scam websites that ask for payment. Make sure you use the official ICA website).

More information is available on the  ICA | Entering, Transiting and Departing website .

Transit through Singapore

Singapore is open to all transit travellers. See Changi Airport website for more information on transiting.

Do not bring medicinal cannabis to Singapore, even during transit. If you take prescribed medicinal cannabis, you should contact the Singapore Health Science Authority to review your situation. 

Check flight schedules directly with your airline. Confirm your arrangements with your airline or travel agent before travelling.

Expect to be screened during your transit in Singapore. You may be security screened when boarding your flight to Singapore and before boarding your connecting flight. See  Changi Airport website for further information on transit requirements.

Check the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority website or Changi Airport for the latest advice.

Other formalities

You need to scan your thumbprints each time you arrive and depart Singapore. Children aged younger than 6 years don't need to.

If you register your thumbprints on BioScreen at the immigration counter on arrival, you can use the self-clearance system for departure.

If you're carrying medication that's controlled in Singapore, you'll need an import permit to show on arrival. (See ' Health ')

Some countries, including Singapore, won't let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you're transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport's expiry date before you travel. If you're not sure it'll be valid for long enough, consider getting a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the  Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest  Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with ‘X’ gender identifier

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can’t guarantee that a passport showing 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the  nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination  before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers.

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers

The official currency is the Singapore Dollar (SGD).

You can easily exchange Australian dollars for SGD in Singapore.

You must declare amounts over SGD20,000 or the same amount in foreign currency on arrival. This covers all forms of currency, not only cash.

ATMs are available across the country. Hotels, restaurants and shops accept international credit cards.

  • The Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) 

Local travel

Driving permit.

To drive, you must be at least 18 years old and have an Australian driver's licence and an International Driving Permit (IDP).

If you stay longer than 12 months, you'll need a Singaporean licence.

If you're a permanent resident, get a Singaporean licence within 3 months of getting residency.

  • Singapore Government

Road travel

Road conditions and driving practices are similar to those found in Australian capital cities.

  • Driving or riding


Check if your travel insurance policy covers you when riding a motorbike.

Always wear a helmet.

Safe, metered taxis are available from official taxi ranks.

Rideshare services are legal and widely used.

Public transport

Singapore's efficient rail network  Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT)  runs throughout the island between 5:30am and midnight.

There's also a large network of public and private bus services.

  • SBS Transit
  • Transport and getting around safely

Piracy  occurs in the coastal areas around Singapore.

If you're  travelling by boat , take safety precautions.

  • Going on a cruise
  • International Maritime Bureau

DFAT doesn't provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check  Singapore's air safety profile  with the Aviation Safety Network.

  • Air travel ​​


Depending on what you need, contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Always get a police report when you report a crime.

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Read the  Consular Services Charter  for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

For consular assistance, contact the Australian High Commission in Singapore.

Australian High Commission, Singapore

25 Napier Road Singapore 258507  Phone: (+65) 6836 4100  Website:  singapore.highcommission.gov.au Email:  [email protected] Facebook:  Australia in Singapore X: @AusHCSG  

Check the High Commission website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

  • Countries & Regions
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  • International Peacekeeping
  • Singapore's Voluntary National Review
  • Small States
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  • Pedra Branca
  • Singapore Universal Periodic Review
  • Water Agreements
  • Find A Singapore Overseas Mission
  • Foreign Representatives To Singapore
  • COVID-19 Information
  • Travel Tips

Visa Information

  • I Need Help Overseas
  • Passport Matters
  • Legalisation of Documents
  • Travel Advisories and Notices
  • Useful links
  • Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos
  • Announcements and Highlights
  • Experience Singapore
  • Foreign Service Officer (Functional and Corporate)
  • Foreign Service Officer (Political and Economic)
  • Foreign Service Administration Specialist
  • Job Opportunities
  • Pre-University
  • Undergraduate
  • Foreign Service Scholarships
  • Recruitment
  • Scholarship
  • Reach.gov.sg

The following information are obtained from ICA, which is the authority responsible for visa matters.  Please visit ICA’s website   for detailed information on visa and entry requirements . Alternatively, you may email us at [email protected] f or enquiries on application of Singapore visa abroad.  The visa application form is available free of charge at all Singapore overseas missions (except for non-resident High Commissioners/Ambassadors based in Singapore). You may also download the form   here .

You may also wish to apply for a visa through a local contact in Singapore who is a Singapore citizen or a Permanent Resident in possession of a “SingPass” account. The visa application can be submitted  online  through your local contact in Singapore via the SAVE system at Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)’s website. If your application is approved, your local contact in Singapore can use the SAVE system to print a copy of your e-Visa for you.

Visa and Entry Requirements for Foreigners All visitors to Singapore must meet the following entry requirements:

  • Valid travel document (minimum validity of 6 months at the time of departure)
  • Confirmed onward or return tickets (if applicable)
  • Entry facilities, including visas, to the next destination;
  • Sufficient funds to maintain themselves during their stay in Singapore; and,
  • Visa for entry into Singapore (if applicable)
  • Yellow Fever Vaccination (if applicable)

Click here to check Entry Requirements for Foreigners (For Social Visit purposes only)

Enquiries or feedback to ICA can be submitted using the online feedback form at  www.ica.gov.sg/feedbackform .

To keep updated on travel advisories while you travel, follow @MFAsgConsular on Twitter.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a ministry of the Government of Singapore responsible for conducting and managing diplomatic relations between Singapore and other countries and regions.

Travel Page

Do you need a visa for Singapore?

Man gazing out of the window of a boat on the harbour in Singapore

The short answer is yes and no. Passport holders from the below countries (among others) are required to obtain an entry visa before their arrival in Singapore : 

People's Republic of Korea 

People's Republic of China

For the full list of countries, visit the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority website.  

Please note that obtaining an entry visa does not automatically mean you'll be granted entry into Singapore. Upon your arrival, you'll still have to clear immigration with ICA officers the only ones able to grant immigration passes for entry into Singapore. This also applies to passport holders who don't require entry visas. 

If you're not travelling from one of the aforementioned countries then you don't need to apply for a Singapore visa, however, all travellers (including ones who need to apply for a visa) need to apply for a Singapore Arrival Card which can be obtained online. Find out more information regarding Singapore Arrival Card requirements and how to apply. 

There are a couple of ways to apply for a Singapore visa; online and by visiting an embassy or consulate. Applying for a visa online is by far the easiest option and doesn't require a lot of time to complete. 

1. Fill out the online visa application form found on the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority website. Make sure you proofread and double-check that all your information is correct (especially your email address and passport details) before proceeding to the next stage in your application process. Please note that supporting documentation may be needed, in which case an Immigration official will contact you about further requirements. 

2. After submitting your eVisa application, you'll need to pay for the visa by filling out your preferred method of payment. The cost of a Singapore visa can depend on the type of visa, pass, or permit you're submitting for, but short-term visitors can expect to pay SGD$30. All Singapore visa payments are non-refundable. 

3. Once your visa's been paid for you'll receive a confirmation email stating your application has been submitted. It's common for visa applications to take up to 4 days to be approved. If your application is approved your visa will be emailed in PDF format and will contain a unique identification number needed to gain entry into Singapore. There's no need to print out this document to take with you to the airport as it's already uploaded to Singapore Immigration's system and will automatically appear when you visit a passport control officer as part of the immigration process once you've landed. 

If you're a passport holder from a country that doesn't require a visa then you can stay in Singapore for a maximum of 30 days (without requiring a visa).

If you're a passport holder from Australia, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, the United States, or if you're a European Union citizen, you can stay in Singapore for a maximum of 90 days before having to acquire a visa.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 6 March 2022

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Home → Apply Visa → Visa Type

Visa Information

Select the visa type that is right for you to see important information on visa fees, documents required, forms, photo specifications and processing times.


A Singapore visa is not an immigration pass. It is a pre-entry permission for the holder of a valid Singapore visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry. Possession of a valid visa alone does not guarantee entry into Singapore.

The period of stay granted is shown on the visit pass endorsement given on your passport and it is not tied to the validity of your visa.

For information on whether you require a visa to enter Singapore (social visits only), please click here .

If you are visiting Singapore to conduct or participate in a conference, seminar, workshop or gathering of a racial/ communal, religious, cause-related or political nature; or if you are a reporter/ journalist who are visiting Singapore to write a story; or if you are performing at nightclubs and lounges, you will need to apply for a Miscellaneous Work Pass/ Work Permit (Performing Artiste).  Please contact the Ministry of Manpower Singapore for more information or visit website www.mom.gov.sg .

All holders of travel documents, such as Australian Travel Document, Certificate of Identity, Document of Identity and other forms of temporary passports will have to first consult with the Singapore High Commission on visa requirements to enter Singapore. Please refer to the Singapore High Commission Canberra website for more information.

Entry Visa to Singapore

Documents required, photo specifications.

  • Processing Time

If you are visiting Singapore to conduct or participate in a conference, seminar, workshop or gathering of a racial/ communal, religious, cause-related or political nature; or if you are a reporter/ journalist who are visiting Singapore to write a story; or if you are performing at nightclubs and lounges, you will need to apply for a Miscellaneous Work Pass/ Work Permit (Performing Artiste). Please contact the Ministry of Manpower Singapore for more information or visit website www.mom.gov.sg .

The visa processing fee for every application is AUD 33.0 and has to be paid upon application of visa. The visa processing fee is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application or if you choose to withdraw after the process of your visa application has commenced.

VFS Global Service Charges

A service fee of AUD 77 for every application is chargeable by the VFS Global as an Authorized Visa Agent for the services in addition to the visa processing fee of AUD 33.0 per application.

Please select your nationality below for Visa Forms and list of Documents Required:

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

  • Recent passport sized colour photo taken within the last 3 months
  • Size 35mm X 45 mm
  • White background
  • Matt or semi–matt finish
  • Full face visible and without the headgear (Headgear worn according to religious reasons is acceptable).
  • Facial features clearly visible
  • You should face the camera directly
  • Facial features should be clearly evident in the photo
  • Spectacles can be worn if normally used, but there should be no reflection on the eyeglasses. The eyes should be clearly visible
  • Background should be plain white
  • Facial image should not be too big, hair should not be cropped off, part of shoulders should be visible
  • The photograph should have an even exposure of light
  • Blurred or Grainy photos aren’t accepted
  • Photos that are cropped and printed aren’t accepted
  • Photos taken as Selfie aren’t accepted

Processing Times

For information on processing times, please click on your nationality below and refer to the ‘Important Notes’ section of the checklist.

Do I need a visa to visit Singapore?

Juan  Martinez

Sep 7, 2023 • 3 min read

MAY 12, 2017: Visitors watching the sunset from the Observation Deck Skypark of Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Singapore is famously known for being a state of rules, so check to see whether you need a visa for your visit © 2p2play / Shutterstock

A visit to Singapore is a glimpse into the future. From its modern and almost surreal airport  to its eye-catching and ever-changing skyline, Singapore is continuously innovative.

Even though the tourist entry requirements for most nationalities are straightforward, Singapore is known for its commitment to the rules. Here's what you need to know about visas for Singapore, including what types of visas are available and the rules you’ll need to navigate for trouble-free travel.

What you need to know about visas in Singapore

The visa requirements for travel to Singapore depend on your nationality, how many days you'll spend in the country and why you're visiting. Citizens of 164 different countries can enter Singapore as tourists for a period of 30 or 90 days without a visa.  

Passport holders from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan and the United States get 90 days visa-free in Singapore, while citizens of some other countries can stay a maximum of 30 days without applying for a visa.

Travelers from countries that aren't on the visa waiver list  have to apply for either an e-visa or a regular tourist visa, depending on their nationality. While e-visa applications can be easily done at any online e-visa provider and have a processing time of just one day, regular visas are a bit more involved, requiring travelers to get in contact with their nearest Singaporean diplomatic mission or apply for a visa through an agent.

The famous Rain Vortex inside Changi Airport in Singapore

Singapore's Frequent Traveller Programme

The Frequent Traveller Programme allows visitors from Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States to use the automated clearance facilities at immigration, a process that significantly simplifies entering Singapore and helps frequent travelers avoid long wait times at peak hours.

What else do you need when visiting Singapore?

All tourists arriving in Singapore must have a valid passport (with a minimum validity of six months at the time of departure), sufficient funds for their stay in Singapore and an SG Arrival Card.

Unlike most other Southeast Asian countries, Singapore does not have a paper-based Disembarkation Card to be filled out on arrival in the country. Instead, all travelers (including those enrolled in the Frequent Traveller Programme) are required to submit an SG Arrival Card online, which asks for basic personal information, trip details and a health declaration. Obtain an SG Arrival Card on the MyICA phone app or the official ICA website .

All travelers, including residents, who arrive in Singapore from countries with a risk of yellow fever transmission must present a yellow fever vaccine certificate. Travelers who do not have a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate are liable to be quarantined at their own cost for up to six days.

Visitors walk past the gold-roofed, white-walled Sultan Mosque in Singapore's Kampong Glam

Will I get a stamp in my passport?

Travelers passing through immigration at Changi Airport receive an electronic Visit Pass (e-Pass) via email rather than a passport stamp. The e-Pass contains details of the visit pass granted, including the maximum number of days and the last day you're allowed to stay in Singapore.

This article was first published Oct 22, 2021 and updated Sep 7, 2023.

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Get a Singapore Visa

Tourist travel requirements for a singapore visa for australian citizens, visa exempt.

  • Hold a passport valid at least six months beyond the period of intended stay with one blank visa page
  • Hold proof of sufficient funds
  • Hold proof of confirmed onward/return airline tickets
  • Hold documents showing proof of purpose of trip
  • Hold all documents required for the next destination
  • Hold a visa for the next country, where applicable
  • Confirm with their airline that boarding will be permitted without a visa as these conditions are subject to change

Business Travel Requirements for a Singapore Visa for Australian Citizens

Singapore visa faq, when is the best time to apply for my singapore visa, do i have to send you my passport to get a singapore visa is it safe to send a passport.

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Australia entry requirements for Singaporean Citizens

All Singaporean nationals must obtain a visa to travel to Australia . When visiting on holiday, for business, or when transiting through the country, they can apply for the Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) .

You can apply for this convenient travel authorisation rapidly through the online platform.

Basic information about ETA for Singapore

The Australian ETA for Singapore is an electronic visa that can be obtained online in a matter of minutes.

Since Singaporean applicants receive their visa by email , there is no need to contact an Australian embassy or consulate before travelling.

australia entry requirements for singaporean

Permitted travel purposes with an Australian ETA from Singapore

Singaporean travellers can use the ETA when travelling to Australia for one of the following reasons:

  • Tourism or leisure
  • To see family or friends
  • Business (meetings, conferences, seminars, courses)
  • Short-term volunteering (this must not be the main reason for travelling to Australia)

Can Singaporeans use an ETA to work in Australia?

No. Singaporean nationals cannot use their ETA to engage in paid work in Australia.

Can Singaporean citizens get a visa on arrival in Australia?

Unlike some other countries, Australia does not offer visas on arrival. This means that travellers from Singapore cannot get an ETA at the airport . They must hold a valid visa before arriving at the border crossing.

Health and safety requirements to get an Australian ETA from Singapore

Singaporeans who intend to travel to Australia must be in good health . They should not require extensive treatments that would restrict access to medical services for Australian citizens. In addition, they must not suffer from medical conditions that could compromise the safety of the Australian population.

Other than meeting the above health requirements, Singaporeans visiting Australia must not have a criminal record with serious offences or convictions with a prison sentence of 12 months or more.

Singaporean citizens are required to answer health and security-related questions as part of their ETA application process.

Australian ETA processing time for Singaporean applicants

Singaporean candidates will receive an email confirmation as soon as they submit the application.

The Australian ETA processing time is up to 24 hours , unless there are mistakes or discrepancies in the application form. In this case, candidates are asked to start a new application process and pay another visa processing fee.

What should Singaporean travellers do after they receive the ETA for Australia?

Singaporean applicants are advised to print the Australian ETA . They should be prepared to present it, along with a valid passport, at the border crossing.

Please note that having an ETA does not guarantee entry into Australia from Singapore. This right is determined by the border immigration officials at the port of entry, after having examined the passenger’s travel documentation.

Travellers from Singapore can check the status of their ETA application at any time by following the link included in the confirmation email.

Validity of ETA for Australia from Singapore

The validity of Australian ETA for Singapore is one year from the date of the issue .

The Australian ETA is a multiple entry visa that can be used for any number of trips within its validity period. The duration of each trip must not exceed 90 days (3 months).

Can Singaporean nationals renew their ETA for Australia?

No. The Australian ETA cannot be renewed. Singaporean visitors who would like to extend their trip have two different options:

  • They can apply for another ETA from outside of Australia at least two weeks before their visa expiration date
  • They can apply for another type of Australian visa suitable for longer stays

What are the consequences of overstaying an Australian ETA for Singapore?

Overstaying an Australian ETA is strictly against the law . Depending on the number of days overstayed, Singaporean travellers may be required to pay fines and even lose the right to obtain another Australian visa in the future.

Singapore Changi Airport

Singapore Changi Airport

Is There a Singapore Visa On Arrival? Everything You Need To Know

Goh Jun Cheng

October 11, 2023

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

Singapore is a popular travel destination known for its stunning architecture, diverse cultures, mouthwatering cuisine, and reputation as one of the safest and cleanest cities in the world. Many travelers wonder if they can get a visa on arrival when landing in Singapore, or if they need to apply for a visa beforehand.

In this in-depth blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about getting a Singapore visa on arrival versus applying for a visa beforehand.

Table of Contents

Overview of Singapore Visa Requirements

In general, citizens of most countries need to obtain a visa before traveling to Singapore. There are a few exceptions where travelers can obtain a visa on arrival, which we will cover in the next section. Singapore has three main types of visas:

  • Tourist visa  – For short-term leisure travel of up to 30 days.
  • Business visa  – For business trips, corporate events, seminars, etc. Valid up to 3 months.
  • Work visa  – For foreigners seeking employment in Singapore. Typically valid 1-2 years.

The visa application process entails filling out an online form, providing supporting documents, paying a visa fee, and in some cases attending an in-person interview at the Singapore embassy. Processing times range from 1 week to 1 month depending on nationality.

Countries That Qualify for Visa On Arrival

Citizens from the following countries can obtain a 30-day tourist visa upon arrival at the airport in Singapore:

  • United States
  • Most European countries
  • New Zealand

In addition, citizens of the following countries can get a 90-day tourist visa on arrival with prior approval obtained online:

The visa on arrival is only valid if traveling by air and entering Singapore through Changi Airport. Travelers who enter by land from Malaysia or elsewhere must get a visa before arrival.

How to Get Singapore Visa On Arrival

If you qualify for a visa on arrival based on your nationality, the process is straightforward:

Step 1: Check Eligibility

Double check the government website to confirm your nationality is eligible for on-arrival visa before your trip. Eligibility can change periodically.

Step 2: Have Documents Ready

You will need to provide your valid passport, a printed return ticket or onward journey ticket, and sufficient funds to cover your stay.

Step 3: Complete Disembarkation/Embarkation Card

This arrival card will be distributed during your flight – fill it out completely before landing.

Step 4: Get Stamped

Proceed to the designated visa on arrival lane after disembarking the plane. Queue up and when it’s your turn, submit your arrival card and passport to the immigration officer. They will review your documents and stamp your passport with entry permit valid for 30 or 90 days from arrival. The whole process takes only a few minutes if you have all your papers ready!

Why Get Visa Beforehand Instead?

While the visa on arrival option is great for its convenience, there are a few reasons you may want to consider arranging your Singapore visa beforehand:

  • Pre-approval  – With a visa issued ahead of time, there is no risk when you land that you will be denied entry for any reason.
  • More validity  – Visas issued by consulates are often valid for longer, such as 6 month tourist or 1 year business visas.
  • Multiple entry  – Pre-issued visas often permit multiple entries, while on-arrival visas are single entry.
  • Save time  – Get through immigration faster by having visa ready to go in passport versus having to wait in visa-on-arrival line.
  • Documentation  – Applying beforehand gives you more time to get any required documents translated or notarized if needed.
  • Trip prep  – Take care of visa early so it’s not something to worry about right before traveling.

So while the Singapore visa on arrival is great for short term or last minute trips, applying in advance has some advantages for many travelers.

Bottom Line

Citizens from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, NZ and several other countries can indeed get a tourist visa on arrival when entering Singapore by air through Changi airport. For travelers from other nations, or those looking to stay longer than 30 days on their first entry, applying for the necessary Singapore visa ahead of time is required.

Hopefully this guide has provided you with clarity on whether you can get a visa on arrival for your upcoming Singapore trip.

Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, “Countries/Regions With Visa Exemption”, https://www.ica.gov.sg/visit-pass/visitor-visa/visa-requirement-for-foreign-visitors

Singapore Tourism Board, “Do You Need a Visa for Singapore?”, https://www.visitsingapore.com/travel-guide-tips/getting-to-around-singapore/do-you-need-a-visa-for-singapore/

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

Goh Jun Cheng is the chief staff writer for SingaporeAirport.com. Jun Cheng graduated with a degree in journalism from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

He has over 5 years of experience writing about aviation, tourism, and lifestyle topics relevant to locals and visitors in Singapore. His articles provide insights into the rich culture, cuisine, and attractions of Singapore. Jun Cheng is an avid traveler who has visited over 15 countries.

When he is not writing or traveling, he enjoys photography, trying new foods, and hiking. As a longtime Singapore resident, Jun Cheng is passionate about sharing hidden gems and perspectives about his home country.

1 thought on “Is There a Singapore Visa On Arrival? Everything You Need To Know”

OK when I arrive at Changi. However, what do I do when I come back by Ferry Boat from Batam Island (Indonesia) to catch my flight back to the U.S. ? Thank you for the info. Paul R.

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How to Apply for an Australia Tourist Visa in Singapore

If you’ve set your sights on visiting Australia this year, whether for a holiday vacation or a short visit to a relative or friend , then you need to first process your tourist visa before you get packing and head your way to the land from down under.

For starters, there are various kinds of visas that you can avail depending on your purpose and length of stay in Australia. But if you’re a Singapore passport holder, you are eligible to apply for an ETA visa (Subclass 601), otherwise, foreign nationals or expats living in Singapore can apply for a visit (Subclass e600) visa online through ImmiAccount or through the Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC).

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

Applying for an Australian Tourist Visa – Step By Step Process:

Here are the steps and requirements for your Australian tourist visa application through the Australian Visa Application Centre (AVAC):


For the specified reason/s above- classified under Subclass 600 , all those who wish to visit Australia are required to completely fill out form 1419 which you can download here along with a copy of the Subclass 600 checklist which you can get here to apply for an Australian tourist visa. Also, consider preparing your visa application by as early as 3 months before your target travel date.

You will also need the following documents to support your tourist visa application:

  • Important for first-time visitors to Australia : Prepare copies of your passport’s travel pages to establish your travel records and history.
  • Provide any of the following: National Registration ID Card (NRIC) , Employment Pass, Social Visit Pass, Dependent Pass, Student Pass, or Work Permit
  • A passport size photograph
  • Note: It is best to wait for your visa to be approved first prior paying for your flight ticket to avoid any difficulties.
  • For employed individuals: a letter from your employer indicating your employment status, your length of employment, salary and position, your approved leave dates, and whether your leave is compensated or not. If you plan to go on an extended leave from work, the letter should also indicate if your job would still be available to you on your return (specify business registration, if applicable). For those who have just recently started with a new job, consider preparing a similar document to support your recent employment and salary history.
  • If you are unemployed and are married: present your marriage certificate, and documents that will serve as proof of your spouse’s employment status and income (as detailed in the previous point)
  • If married or in a de facto spouse relationship where your spouse is also not concurrently applying for visa: prepare a copy of your spouse’s passport’s identity page.


  • Identify the visa subclass that is appropriate for the purpose of your visit in Australia.
  • Prepare all the required documents to support your application.

Note: Make sure to submit all supporting documents at the time of your application to avoid unnecessary delays .

  • Prepare your payments for your application as well as for the service charges. To check the updated list of visa application fees and service charges, check out the VFS Global Website .
  • Set an appointment online to submit your visa application and requirements (including your biometric data) at the AVAC.

Note: Applications sent by mail or through courier do not need to have an appointment schedule.

  • Submit your visa application either by mail or in person. The Australian Visa Application Cantre can be located at:

135 Cecil Street #08-01 MYP Plaza Singapore 069536

As mentioned, filing your visa application should be done at least two months before your travel date. It’s also important that you turn in all the required documents at the time of your application.

And as a final tip: Remember that the seasons in Australia are quite the opposite from the Northern hemisphere so be properly advised.

Zebedee Springs, The Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Australia Recommends 2024

Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel, Cairns, Queensland © Tourism Australia

Travel Inspiration

Uluru, NT

G'day, the short film

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, Victoria © Tourism Australia

Discover your Australia

Kangaroo Island, South Australia © Tourism Australia

Travel videos

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Deals and offers

Jacarandas and Sydney Harbour at sunset, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Australian Capital Territory

Bondi, Sydney, NSW © Georges Antoni and Ken Butti

New South Wales

West MacDonnell Ranges, NT © Tourism Australia

Northern Territory

Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism Australia

South Australia

Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, TAS © Pierre Destribats

Western Australia

Aerial shot of Emily Bay on Norfolk Island © Rose Evans (Norfolk Island Tourism)

External Territories

Bondi Beach, Sydney, NSW ©  Daniel Tran

The Whitsundays

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Cape Le Grand National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Mornington Peninsula

Paddleboarding, Noosa, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Port Douglas

Cape Byron Lighthouse, Byron Bay, NSW © Destination NSW

Ningaloo Reef

Airlie Beach, Whitsunday Coast, QLD © Tourism Whitsundays

Airlie Beach

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. © South Australian Tourism Commission

Kangaroo Island

The Basin, Rottnest Island, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia

Rottnest Island

Lake McKenzie, K’gari (Fraser Island), QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

Hamilton Island

Lord Howe Island, NSW © Trevor King, Destination New South Wales

Lord Howe Island

Tiwi Design, Tiwi Islands © Tourism NT/Shaana McNaught

Tiwi Islands

Little penguins, Phillip Island Nature Park, VIC © Phillip Island Nature Park

Phillip Island

Bruny Island Paddle, Southern Sea Ventures, Bruny Island, Tasmania © Southern Sea Ventures

Bruny Island

Cape Naturaliste, near Dunsborough, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Margaret River

St Hugo Wines, Barossa Valley, SA © Tourism Australia

Barossa Valley

Grampians National Park, Victoria © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

The Grampians

Audrey Wilkinson, Hunter Valley, NSW © Audrey Wilkinson

Hunter Valley

Dominique Portet Winery, Yarra Valley, VIC © Tourism Australia

Yarra Valley

Sea turtle, Lady Elliot Island, Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Tourism & Events Queensland

McLaren Vale

Glass House Mountains, Sunshine Coast, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Glass House Mountains

Bubble Tents, Capertree, Mudgee Region, NSW © Australian Traveller

Alice Springs

Cable Beach, Broome, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

The Kimberley, WA © Tourism Australia

The Kimberley

The Arkaba Walk, Elder Camp, Flinders Ranges National Park, SA © Adam Bruzzone, South Australian Tourism Commission

Flinders Ranges

Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu National Park, NT © Jarrad Seng, all rights reserved

Kakadu National Park

Eyre Peninsula, SA © David Edgar

Eyre Peninsula

Hamersley Gorge , Karijini National Park, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Karijini National Park

Monkey Mia, Shark Bay World Heritage Area, WA © Tourism Western Australia

Great Barrier Reef

Blue Mountains, NSW © Destination NSW

Blue Mountains

Cassowary in Daintree Rainforest, Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Daintree Rainforest

Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road, VIC © Greg Snell, Tourism Australia

Great Ocean Road

Spicers Peak, Scenic Rim, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Purnululu National Park

Boat Shed, Lake Dove and Cradle Mountain, Cradle-Mountain Lake St Clare National Park, TAS © Adrian Cook

Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park

Wangi Falls, Litchfield National Park, NT © Tourism NT, Dan Moore

Litchfield National Park

Saffire Signature Experiences, Freycinet Marine Oyster Farm, Coles Bay, Freycinet National Park, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

Aboriginal experiences

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, VIC © Robert Blackburn, Visit Victoria

Arts and culture

WOMADelaide 2019, Adelaide, SA Ⓒ Grant Hancock

Festivals and events

Detour Restaurant, Brisbane, QLD © @detourrestaurant and @dine.agency

Food and drink

Raging Thunder, Tully, QLD © Tourism Australia

Adventure and sports

Three Capes Track, Tasman National Park, TAS © Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service

Walks and hikes

Great Ocean Road, VIC © Tourism Australia

Road trips and drives

True North at Bedwell Island, Rowley Shoals, WA © True North

Beaches and islands

Nature's Window, Kalbarri National Park, WA © Tourism Australia

Nature and national parks

Wombat, Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh, NSW © Destination NSW

Eco-friendly travel

Group of friends participate in a body clay ritual at Peninsula Hot Springs © Peninsula Hot Springs

Health and wellness

The Dune Pavilion Deck with views of Uluru at Longitude 131 in the Northern Territory © Baillies Longitude 131

Family travel

Table Cape Tulip Farm, Wynyard, Tasmania © Tourism Australia

Family destinations

Hellfire Bay, Esperance, Western Australia © Tourism Australia

Family road trips

Merewether Baths, Newcastle, NSW © Destination NSW


Ellery Creek Big Hole, West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern Territory © Tourism NT/Salty Aura

Work and holiday

Sand Dune Adventures at Stockton Beach, Port Stephens, NSW © Tourism Australia

Beginner's guide

Man in a wheelchair looking up at the canopy of the Daintree Rainforest in Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

Accessible travel

 Mrs Macquarie's Chair, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

Planning tips

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

Trip planner

Cape Tribulation, Tropical North Queensland, QLD © Tourism Australia

Australian budget guide

 Aerial of car driving through palm trees in Tropical North Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland / Sean Scott.

Itinerary planner

Kangaroo, Lucky Bay, Esperance, WA © Australia’s Golden Outback

Find a travel agent

Beach House on Wategos Beach, Byron Bay, NSW © Tourism Australia

Find accommodation

Indian Pacific, Lake Hart, SA © Andrew Gregory

Find transport

Snowy region, Jindabyne, NSW © DPIE-Murray Van Der Veer

Visitor information centres

Deals and travel packages

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Visa and entry requirements FAQ

Kanangra-Boyd National Park, Kanangra, NSW © Destination NSW

COVID-19 travel and entry advice

Passengers using SmartGate © Australian Border Force

Customs and biosecurity

Uluru, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, NT © Tourism NT/Matt Cherubino

Working Holiday Maker visas

Bronte Baths, Bronte Beach, Sydney, NSW © Tourism Australia

Facts about Australia

Prairie Hotel, Parachilna, SA © South Australian Tourism Commission

Experiences that will make you feel like an Aussie

Great Barrier Reef, QLD © Georges Antoni / Tourism Australia

People and culture

Castle Hill, Townsville, QLD © Tourism and Events Queensland

Health and safety FAQ

Sorrento Pier, VIC © Visit Victoria, Ewen Bell

Cities, states & territories

Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower, Lord Howe Island © Tom Archer

Iconic places and attractions

  Wildflowers, near Hamelin Pool, WA © Tourism Western Australia

When is the best time to visit Australia?

Ringer Reef Winery, Bright, VIC © Visit Victoria

Seasonal travel

Human Progress Pride flag, Sydney, NSW © Daniel Boud

Events and festivals

Silverdale Olive Orchard, Coral Coast, WA © Australia's Coral Coast

School holidays

Sydney New Year's Eve, Sydney Harbour, NSW © Destination NSW

Public holidays

Sydney Harbour, Sydney, NSW © Destination NSW

How to get to Australia's most iconic cities

Gantheaume Point, Broome, WA © Tourism Australia

How long do I need for my trip to Australia?

Self-drive, Marrawah, TAS © Tourism Tasmania

How to travel around Australia

Car driving on road next to the ocean in Lagoons Beach Conservation Area © Pete Harmsen/Tourism Tasmania

Guide to driving in Australia

Maui Motorhome parked on the coastline in Tasmania © Tourism Australia

How to hire a car or campervan

Family strolling alongside Tilligerry Creek © Destination NSW

How to plan a family road trip

 Car drives along the Matilda Way in Outback Queensland © Tourism and Events Queensland

How to plan an outback road trip


  • Australian visa information
  • Working holiday visas

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Sydney Airport, New South Wales © Sydney Airport

Australian Visa and Entry Requirements FAQs

Learn about visa requirements for entry to Australia for tourism purposes with this list of frequently asked questions. 

Please note this page is intended to provide general information only and does not constitute legal advice. Tourism Australia is not the Australian government visa granting authority. For information on visas to enter Australia, visitors should seek the most up-to-date information from Australian Government Department of Home Affairs .*

Ready to plan your trip? We're ready to welcome you! Here are some helpful tips for getting your visa sorted: 

  • Be sure to secure the appropriate visa before travelling to Australia. Use the Visa Finder to explore your options.
  • Ensure all details are correct and provide all required documents when you apply. An incomplete or incorrect application can delay your visa.
  • Submitting multiple applications at the same time can slow the process. For visitor visas, submit one application per person, including children. 
  • Questions? The Australian Government's Global Service Centre can help.

Australian Visa Information

Unless you are an Australian citizen, you will need a valid Australian visa to enter the country. New Zealand passport holders can apply for a visa upon arrival in the country. All other passport holders, regardless of age, must apply for a visa before leaving home. You can apply for a range of Australian visa types, including tourist visas and working holiday visas, via the ETA app or on the  Department of Home Affairs website.

There are different Australian visa types available for travellers to Australia. Knowing which Australian visa to apply for depends on the length of your stay, your passport and the purpose of your visit. You’ll also need to meet certain financial and medical requirements, be outside of Australia when applying and maintain health insurance for the duration of your stay. 

Electronic Travel Authority visa  (subclass 601) This visa allows you to visit Australia as many times as you want, for up to a year, and stay for three months each visit. This visa is available to passport holders from a number of countries and regions, who live outside Australia. A step-by-step guide on how to apply is  here .

All ETA-eligible passport holders must apply for an ETA using the Australian ETA app. Agents can assist you in the application process, but you must be physically present as a live facial image is required.

eVisitor  (subclass 651) This is a free visa for multiple visits to Australia for tourism or business purposes for up to three months at a time within a 12-month period. This visa is available to passport holders from a number of European countries and it cannot be extended.

Visitor visa  (subclass 600) The Visitor visa allows you to visit Australia, either for tourism or business purposes. It is open to all nationalities. Generally, a period of stay of up to three months is granted, but up to 12 months may be granted in certain circumstances. Applicants will have to pay a fee to submit their application.

The application process may differ depending on which visa you need.

You can only apply for the  Electronic Travel Authority visa  (subclass 601) through the Australian ETA app. A step-by-step guide on how to apply is located  here .

For other visas, you can apply online by creating an ImmiAccount and completing the application process. Be sure to submit your application well in advance of your travel date to allow enough time for processing. You may be asked to provide further supporting information. You will be notified in writing if your tourist visa is approved and it will be digitally linked to your passport. For more information on different visa types, and Australian visa requirements including how to apply for an Australian visa, visit the  Department of Home Affairs  website.

If you are already in Australia and hold a valid Electronic Travel Authority visa (subclass 601) you can extend your stay by applying for another visa, such as a Visitor visa (subclass 600). An eVisitor (subclass 651) cannot be extended.

See the Department of Home Affairs website for details.

Working Holiday Visas

Australia's Working Holiday Maker program allows visitors aged under 30 (or 35 in certain cases) who hold a passport from a participating country to travel and work in Australia. Working holiday visas are valid for one year, or up to three years if you meet certain conditions.

Find out more about working holiday visas here .

*Australian visa regulations (including visa application charges) change from time to time. The information provided here is valid at the time of publication, but visitors should check this information is still current by visiting the Australian Department of Home Affairs .

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How to apply for a Singapore tourist visa: A step-by-step by guide

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / Updated : Aug 8, 2024, 18:42 IST

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Singapore attracted international travelers due to its combination of modernity and tradition. Prospective visitors needed to apply for a tourist visa, requiring a valid passport, visa application form, recent photo, and travel de … Read more

Singapore attracted international travelers due to its combination of modernity and tradition. Prospective visitors needed to apply for a tourist visa, requiring a valid passport, visa application form, recent photo, and travel details. Applications could be made online or through authorized agents, with a fee. Approved visas were delivered electronically. Read less

How to apply for a Singapore tourist visa: A step-by-step by guide

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How to apply for a Singapore tourist visa: A step-by-step by guide

Singapore attracted international travelers due to its combination of modernity and tradition. Prospective visitors needed to apply for a tourist visa, requiring a valid passport, visa application for...

singapore tourist visa for australian citizens

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How Indians Can Apply For A Singapore Visa; Everything You Should Know

If you’re planning a trip to Singapore, you’ll need to obtain a visa. Here’s an easy guide with all the essential information you need to know:

Itisha Arya

  • Itisha Arya
  • Updated - 2024-08-07, 12:20 IST

documents for singapore visa

How To Apply For A Singapore Visa

  • A completed Form 14A, signed by you, which can be found here: (https://www.ica.gov.sg/docs/default-source/ica/forms/form14a.pdf)
  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining
  • A minimum of two recent passport-sized photographs

Singapore Arrival Card

singapore visa

Requirements For SG Arrival Card

  • A copy of your valid Indian passport with at least six months of validity remaining. This should be uploaded in JPG, PNG, or JPEG format.
  • Details of your accommodation in Singapore, including the name and address of your hotel or host.
  • Information about your trip and itinerary, such as flight details and your expected arrival date.
  • All travellers must submit the SG Arrival Card within three three days (including the day of arrival) before arriving in Singapore, with the following exceptions:
  • Travellers who are transiting or transferring through Singapore without clearing immigration.
  • Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents, and Long-Term Pass Holders entering via land checkpoints.
  • Submitting the SG Arrival Card is free and can be done through the SGAC e-Service or the MyICA Mobile app.

How To Check Status Of Singapore Visa Application

apply singapore visa

  • Visit the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website at www.ica.gov.sg.
  • On the homepage, scroll down to the <e-Services and Forms> section and click on <Apply Entry Visa>.
  • Scroll down and select <Enquiry Application Status>.
  • Enter your <Visa Reference Number (MUBXXXXXXSAXXXXXXX)> and <Applicant's Travel Document Number (XXXXXXXX)>.
  • If your application is approved, click <Print e-Visa> to print a copy of your e-Visa.
  • If you have a valid visa but have lost your e-Visa copy, you can follow the same steps to print a new copy. Alternatively, you can contact the authorised visa agent who assisted with your application for help.

Credits: Freepik

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Australia to join US Global Entry program to cut travellers' airport wait times

Penny Wong speaks at a podium in front of Australian and US flags.

Australian travellers will soon have access to the US' Global Entry and TSA PreCheck programs, which speed up customs and security clearances at American airports.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong says the necessary legislation will be introduced in the Australian parliament next year.

What's next?

From January, 1,000 frequent travellers will be able to apply, but the government says there are plans to expand eligibility later in 2025.

Australians will become eligible for easier passage through American airports with participation in the US Global Entry program set to begin early next year.

The program allows pre-approved, low-risk travellers from selected countries to use automated kiosks to speed up their processing times upon landing in the US. 

They'll also get access to faster security screening for domestic flights.

American citizens can already use self-service "SmartGates" at Australian airports, but a plan to open up Global Entry to Australians stalled after being first flagged in 2018.

"It's good for Australian businesses, and it's good for our friendship," said Foreign Minister Penny Wong, who made the announcement in Washington DC.

"This program and our participation in it is a sign of our closeness and our trust."

A two-step process

Australia's participation in the Global Entry program will occur in two stages, with 1,000 frequent travellers able to apply from January 2025. 

They'll need to have travelled to the US at least five times in the previous 12 months. 

However, that requirement will be lifted when phase two begins and the number of Australians able to enrol becomes unlimited. 

That second, expanded stage will require legislation to be passed through the Australian parliament, and is expected to begin "later" in 2025.

A man stands at a touchscreen which has a 'Global Entry' sign above it.

Australians approved for Global Entry will skip the general lines upon arriving at an American airport and will instead present at an automated kiosk.

They'll also get access to the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) "PreCheck" program, which provides faster security screening for domestic US flights.

Who will be eligible? 

The program will be open to Australian citizens who meet a set of requirements on both the Australian and US sides. 

Applicants will be subject to a Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. 

Current or former members of the Australian Defence Force will be checked for military convictions.

The Department of Home Affairs will make a preliminary assessment on whether someone should be approved, but the final decision rests with US authorities. 

Applicants can be denied for reasons such as having any criminal convictions or pending criminal charges, violations of customs laws in any country, or providing false information on the application form. 

The US charges a non-refundable fee of $US100 ($154) per Global Entry application. If approved, it lasts for five years.

Australia will also charge applicants for the cost of processing background checks.

However, those fees haven't yet been set and they'll be waived for the 1,000 people who become eligible in phase one.

What's behind the delay?

The Global Entry program is already open to citizens of more than a dozen other countries, including the UK, Germany, Singapore, Bahrain and Brazil. 

Australia and the US agreed to start working towards an agreement in 2018 but it was delayed due to the pandemic. 

Asked to provide details on the hold-up, Senator Wong said she'd "asked the same question".

"I understand this was flagged many, many years ago, but didn't come to fruition," she said.

"It's the previous government, so you'd have to ask them, but I'm just pleased that we've managed to land it."

Senator Wong is in the US for the annual AUSMIN talks between Australian and US foreign and defence ministers. 

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  1. ICA

    Check if You Need an Entry Visa. If you hold a travel document issued by one of the countries or places listed below, you will require a valid Singapore entry visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. Possession of a valid visa does not guarantee entry into Singapore. Please refer to entry requirements for more information.

  2. Visas and Migration

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  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

    A Singapore visa is not an immigration pass. It is a pre-entry permission for the holder of a valid Singapore visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry. Possession of a valid visa alone does not guarantee entry into Singapore.

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  5. ICA

    If you hold a travel document issued by one of the listed countries or places, you will require a valid Singapore visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. Please refer to visa requirements if you require a Singapore visa and for more information. Upon successful processing of your visa application, you will be issued an e-visa in the ...

  6. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

    The visa, if granted, will be valid for six years and will allow Singapore citizens to visit multiple times for up to 90 days per visit. As visa requirements often change at short notice, we advise you to contact your travel agency, or the Australian High Commission in Singapore for up-to-date information. Australia commits to strict ...

  7. Singapore Travel Advice & Safety

    Australian Government travel advice for Singapore. Exercise normal safety precautions. Travel advice level GREEN. ... short-term visitors holding passports or travel documents issued by a visa-required country must apply for an entry visa. Before arriving in Singapore, ... Male citizens and permanent residents between the ages of 16 and 50 must ...

  8. Full guide about the Singapore visa for Australian citizens

    Yes, Australians need a visa for Singapore, but not a traditional visa. Australian citizens need to apply for the SG Arrival Card to travel to Singapore . The SG Arrival Card can be easily applied for online. This travel permit will be exchanged by singaporean authorities once you arrive in the country .

  9. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore

    Visa Information. The following information are obtained from ICA, which is the authority responsible for visa matters. Please visit ICA's website for detailed information on visa and entry requirements.Alternatively, you may email us at [email protected] f or enquiries on application of Singapore visa abroad. The visa application form is available free of charge at all Singapore overseas ...

  10. Do I need a visa for Singapore?

    The cost of a Singapore visa can depend on the type of visa, pass, or permit you're submitting for, but short-term visitors can expect to pay SGD$30. ... If you're a passport holder from Australia, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, the United States, or if you're a European Union citizen, you can stay in Singapore for a maximum of ...

  11. Visa Information

    It is a pre-entry permission for the holder of a valid Singapore visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry. Possession of a valid visa alone does not guarantee entry into Singapore. The period of stay granted is shown on the visit pass ...

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    Citizens of 164 different countries can enter Singapore as tourists for a period of 30 or 90 days without a visa. Passport holders from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan and the United States get 90 days visa-free in Singapore, while citizens of some other countries can stay ...

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  14. Australia Entry Requirements from Singapore

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  15. Singapore Visa for Australian citizens in 2024

    Australian citizens do not need a tourist visa when travelling to Singapore. Applicants are required to be present when applying for the Singapore Visa free. This tourist visa typically allows a short term stay. The Singapore tourist visa remains valid for 3 months. A total of 4 documents are required to apply for the Singapore Visa free.

  16. Is the Singapore visa free for Australians?

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  20. Frequently Asked Questions

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  23. How to apply for a Singapore tourist visa: A step-by-step by guide

    Singapore attracted international travelers due to its combination of modernity and tradition. Prospective visitors needed to apply for a tourist visa, requiring a valid passport, visa application ...

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    Don't Miss: South Korea Tourist Visa For Indians: Your Guide To The World Of K-Pop. Indian citizens visiting Singapore need to apply for the SG Arrival Card within three days before their arrival, regardless of the type of visa they hold, whether it's a work visa, tourist visa, etc. It is important to note that the SG Arrival Card e-service ...

  25. Australia to join US Global Entry program to cut travellers' airport

    The Global Entry program is already open to citizens of more than a dozen other countries, including the UK, Germany, Singapore, Bahrain and Brazil. Australia and the US agreed to start working ...