• Bæjardyr
  • Íbúagátt
  • About Grundarfjörður
  • Useful Information about living in Grundarfjörður
  • Grundarfjörður Twin Town – Paimpol
  • Snæfellsnes Environmental Certification - Earth Check
  • Snæfellsnes Regional Park
  • Education and Training
  • Saga Centre Grundarfjörður
  • Grundarfjörður Library
  • Bæringsstofa
  • Community Center Grundarfjörður (Samkomuhús)
  • Annual Festivals
  • Grundarfjörður Sports Center
  • Sports and Leisure Clubs
  • Public Transport
  • Recreational Areas
  • Ski Resort Snæfellsnes
  • Place Names Eyrarsveit
  • Tourist Information Center Grundarfjörður
  • Places to Stay in Grundarfjörður
  • Places to Eat in Grundarfjörður
  • Outdoor Activities & Tours in Grundarfjörður
  • Things to do in Grundarfjörður
  • Outdoor Art in Grundarfjörður
  • Map of Grundarfjörður
  • Hiking Trails in Grundarfjörður
  • Grundarfjörður Campsite
  • In Case of Emergency
  • Public Restroom Grundarfjörður
  • Grundarfjörður - Interesting Iceland Film Location
  • Przydatne informacje o życiu w Grundarfjörður
  • Grundarfjörður Miasto partnerskie - Paimpol
  • Transport publiczny
  • Centrum sportowe Grundarfjörður
  • Kluby sportowe i rekreacyjne
  • Centrum Saga Grundarfjörður
  • Biblioteka w Grundarfjörður
  • Ośrodek kultury Grundarfjörður (Samkomuhús)
  • Festiwale doroczne
  • Dobro społeczne
  • Pole kempingowe w Grundarfjörður
  • W razie wypadku
  • Szlaki górskie w Grundarfjörður
  • Mapa Grundarfjörður
  • Leikskólinn Sólvellir
  • Leikskóladeildin Eldhamrar
  • Heilsdagsskóli
  • Tónlistarskóli Grundarfjarðar
  • Vinnuskóli
  • Sumarnámskeið fyrir börn
  • Skólaþjónustan
  • Fjölbrautaskóli Snæfellinga
  • Símenntun
  • Heimaþjónusta
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  • Eldri borgarar
  • Heilsuefling 60+
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  • Félagsmiðstöðin Eden
  • Golfklúbburinn Vestarr
  • Skotfélagið Skotgrund
  • Hesteigendafélag Grundarfjarðar
  • Almenningssamgöngur
  • Snjómokstur
  • Landupplýsingakerfi
  • Lausar lóðir
  • Aðalskipulag Grundarfjarðarbæjar
  • Deiliskipulag
  • Sorphirða
  • Upplýsingamiðstöð Grundarfjarðar
  • List í Grundarfirði
  • Tjaldsvæði Grundarfjarðar
  • Götukort af Grundarfirði
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  • Bæjarstjórn
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  • Ársreikningar
  • Tíu ára fjárhagsyfirlit Grundarfjarðarbæjar
  • Úttekt á rekstri 2012
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  • Jeratún ehf.
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  • Bókasafn Grundarfjarðar
  • Samkomuhús
  • Fólkið, fjöllin, fjörðurinn
  • Listi yfir félagasamtök
  • Paimpol Vinabæjarsamskipti
  • Grundarfjarðarkirkja
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  • Örnefnavefur
  • Uppbygging Þríhyrningsins
  • Viðburðir
  • Þjónusta í Grundarfirði
  • Upplýsingar um fyrirtæki
  • Grundarfjarðarbær
  • Kosningasaga Grundarfjarðarbæjar
  • Saga kaupstaðaréttinda
  • Upplýsingar um Grundarfjörð
  • Þjónusta fyrirtækja í Grundarfirði

Things to Do in Grundarfjörður

Mount Kirkjufell

Mount Kirkjufell is the most famous landmark of Grundarfjörður. Kirkjufell means Church Mountain, referring to its majestic size, iconic shape and the freestanding form of the mountain. It is visible from all angles in town and is the ideal place to enjoy the amazing light during sunset.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Kirkjufellsfoss Waterfall

Within walking distance from Kirkjufell, you find the beautiful waterfall Kirkjufellsfoss. This is a small but beautiful series of waterfalls just 2.5 kilometers west of Grundarfjörður.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Grundarfoss Waterfall

Grundarfoss is one of the highest waterfalls in the West of Iceland and very impressive to see. This waterfall falls over a wall of basalt 70 meters deep, in a single drop.

Grundarfjörður Harbor

The harbor is the district’s lifeline and one of the 10 largest quota-fishery harbors in the country. We recommend visitors to follow the footpath along the shore to enjoy the famous Mt. Kirkjufell from a different perspective and breathe the ocean air. There is an interesting information board depicting a timeline of the harbor and its functions as well as some interesting stone sculptures from local artist, Liston.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Saga Center Grundarfjörður

We highly recommend all visitors to stop at the Saga Center in the middle of the town. The building houses the tourist information , the public library, and several interesting exhibits and a photographic collection about the town in former times ( ! some exhibitions are closed for renovation in 2022) . All exhibitions are free of charge.

Photos from the Icelandic photographer Bæring Cecilsson (1923-2002) represent the daily life in the town in the old days. There is also a replica of an old shop from the fifties and an old fishing boat on display ( closed for renovation) .

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Grundarfjörður Church

The church in Grundarfjördur is an interesting landmark and quite big for Icelandic standards. The church was opened in 1966 and took five years to build. The architect was Halldór Halldórsson, who also designed the church in Dalvik as well as a number of other churches in Iceland. A litho-printed copy of the Guðbrand’s Bible is on display in the church. It is the first book to be printed in Iceland and one of 500 original copies.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Grundarfjörður Swimming Pool

Grundarfjörður has a lovely swimming pool next to the campsite . It is the perfect place to relax in the hot pots, experience the Icelandic tradition of bathing, and enjoy the view.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Grundarfjörður for Children

The town has a lot to offer for children and we highly recommend a stop at our wonderful playground next to the primary school. During the school year, it is accessible during the weekend and when the school is closed in the evenings. Between June and August, when the school is closed for summer holidays, you can visit the playground every day of the week. There you find also a basketball court, a soccer field and skateboard ramps. There is also a little hill for sledding fun in winter and in summer, you should not miss the trampoline.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Hiking in and around Grundarfjörður

Grundarfjörður offers many nice hiking trails and we highly recommend spending some great time outside in the mountains.

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

  Outdoor Activities

Outdoor enthusiasts feel at home in Grundarfjörður. A variety of recreational activities is offered in town including horseback riding, kayaking, glacier tours, whale watching, golfing, "folfing" (frisbee golf), sea angling, or bird watching by boat. 

Here is an overview of the tour operators in town:

  • Snæfellsnes Excursions  offering glacier, lava & private day tours 
  • Vestarr Golf Club  with a 9-hole golf course in Suður Bár
  • Vestur Adventures  offering kayaking tours (Sæból 14)

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Restaurants and Cafés in Grundarfjörður

If you are visiting Grundarfjörður, we highly recommend to visit one of the great restaurants and/or cafés in town.

  • Restaurant  Bjargarsteinn Mathús  (Sólvellir 15)
  • Kaffi 59  - café and restaurant (Grundargata 59)
  • Græna kompaníið - café (Hrannarstígur 5) 
  • Mæstro Street Food  (Grundargata 33) - open May-August 

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Information on other services and accommodations can be found in Icelandic on our site companies in Grundarfjörður . 


Borgarbraut 16

350 Grundarfirði

Kt. 520169-1729

Opið virka daga 10:00-14:00

Sími  430 8500

[email protected]

  • Skólar & menntun
  • Velferð & fjölskylda
  • Íþróttir & tómstundir
  • Samgöngur
  • Skipulags- & byggingarmál
  • Ferðaþjónusta
  • Stjórnun
  • Vinnustaðurinn
  • Stefnumótun
  • Fjármál
  • Grundarfjarðarhöfn
  • Félög og samskipti
  • Viðburðir og útivist
  • Að búa í Grundarfirði
  • Atvinnulíf
  • Grundarfjörður

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tours in grundarfjordur iceland


The town under kirkjufell mountain in iceland.



Recommended Tours

  • How to get there
  • Things to do
  • Places to eat
  • Accommodation

Grundarfjordur in winter

Interesting places near grundarfjordur.

Grundarfjordur is a charming village on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula. It sits under Kirkjufell Mountain – the most photographed mountain in Iceland. Read all you need to know about this iconic fishing village in West Iceland!

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Snaefellsnes & Kirkjufell Small Group Tour

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8 Day Iceland Ring Road Tour

2-Day Tour to Snæfellsnes Peninsula & Borgarfjörður Fjord

2-Day Tour to Snæfellsnes Peninsula & Borgarfjörður Fjord

If there ever was a good reason to establish a settlement, the picturesque  mountain of Kirkjufell  would be it! It rises tall out on its very own peninsula framing in the low land and gives anyone who visits impeccable views.

Grundarfjordur Panorama

Grundarfjörður is a relatively small town on the  Snæfellsnes peninsula  with a population little under 900 people. It is a fishing town and until the tourism boom in the 21st century, the majority of all employment in town was linked to fisheries.

Today the town is commonly recognized as the town of Kirkjufell,  the church mountain,  which is so conveniently located right above it. The town is vibrant with colorful houses – many of them surrounded by the corrugated iron. 

Grundarfjordur Village in Iceland

Many of the townsfolk are great nature lovers who love to be surrounded by the mountains, ocean and fantastic hiking and horse riding trails surrounding the settlement. There is also a fantastic golf course, Vestarr, right at the brim of the town’s border.

Where is Grundarfjordur located?

Grundarfjörður is located at the northern point of the Snaefellsnes peninsula,  West Iceland . It is right between the towns of Stykkishólmur and Ólafsvík near the fjord, Kolgrafarfjörður. The distance between  Reykjavík  and Grundarfjordur is 177 kilometers or 110 miles.

GPS coordinates of Grundarfjörður:   64.9247° N, 23.2604° W

How to get to Grundarfjordur?

Getting to Grundarfjordur is quite an easy task but will require some driving. You can easily get to Grundarfjordur by hiring a rental car, joining one of our many tours to the place or by catching the public bus.

Grundarfjordur Village Distance view in Iceland

Driving from Reykjavík to Grundarfjordur   will firstly take you along the  Ring Road 1  out of Reykjavík in a northerly direction. You will pass Reykjavík’s renowned  Mt. Esja ,   go through Hvalfjardargong, and continue following Road 1 until you reach the town of Borgarnes.

At the last roundabout, turn towards Snæfellsnes onto Road 54. You will continue on this road until you have the options to turn left for Grundarfjordur or right for Stykkisholmur (you cannot go straight). Take a  left   and the road will take you into Grundarfjordur!

What to do at Grundarfjordur?

Mt. Kirkjufell and Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall in Iceland

  • Admire Kirkjufell and Kirkjufellsfoss.   Most of those travelers who visit Grundarfjordur are there to take in the magnificent Mt. Kirkjufell and its neighboring waterfall. It can be enjoyed from several viewing points around town or an expert-guided hike. 
  • In Summer, join a Whale Watching tour.  G et to know the giants of the ocean in their natural habitat. Grundarfjordur is especially great for spotting Orcas (or Killing Whales).
  • Take a dip in the local swimming pool. No   matter how small the fishing village, you will always find a swimming pool in Iceland. Luckily, Grundarfjordur is no exception.
  • Visit Grundarfoss Waterfall.  This water-charmer drops in a straight line down the stunning cliffs that surround Grundarfjordur. Its vertical falling is very unique and well worth the road trip.
  • In summer, join a sea kayaking tour under Kirkjufell.   It’s a  truly new way to explore the popular mountain. Let’s get paddling!
  • Check out the Shark Museum.  At Bjarnarhöfn you will get to know everything there is to know about the Greenland Shark. 

Whale Watching in North of Iceland

Where to eat at Grundarfjordur?

  • Bjargarsteinn Mathús  – the best-rated restaurant in Grundarfjordur and possibly even the best in Iceland. The ambiance, interior, views, quality of the ingredients, local dishes and presentation all get 5-star ratings. (Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten-Free options)
  • Café Emil  (at the Information Centre) – grab some delicious coffee and a slice of cake with your travel info. (Vegetarian options)
  • Laki Hafnarkaffi  – great local food, such as the Plokkfiskur “Fish Stew” with rye bread. If you’re less adventurous, their pizzas are to die for! (Vegetarian and Vegan options)
  • Meistarinn Food Truck  – only open in summer, but offers some good deep fried hot dogs and other comfort food.
  • Kaffi 59   – a typical diner bar where you can get the basics. Hamburgers, Fish and Chips, soup, the traditional Icelandic meat soup and other tasty treats. Good for families!

Seafood restaurant in Grundarfjörþur with a view

Photo from bjargarsteinn.is

Where to stay at Grundarfjordur? | Grundarfjordur Accommodation

  • Hotel Framnes
  • Grundarfjordur HI Hostel

Grundarfjordur Hi Hostel in West Iceland

Guesthouses, B&B and Farmstays

  • H5 Apartments
  • G4 Apartments
  • Kirkjufell Guesthouse
  • Bjarg Apartments
  • Guesthouse 43
  • Hamrahlíð 9 Guesthouse
  • Grundarfjordur Guesthouse and Apartments
  • Hellnafell Farmstay
  • The Old Post Office Guesthouse
  • Jf Comfy Stay
  • Grund í Grundarfirði
  • Dis Cottages
  • Skjolsteinar

Camping near Kirkjufell

Camping in Grundafjörður will give you a fantastic opportunity to view the glorious Kirkjufell mountain day in and day out.

The campground is located right next to the local swimming pool and offers great wheelchair accessibility and electricity. Further information for the campground is given at the swimming pool’s reception.

Open : From the 1st of June until the 7th of October.

Address : Borgarbraut 10, Grundarfjörður.

GPS POINTS:  N64° 55′ 17.494″ W23° 15′ 31.988″

Grundarfjörður is a great place to visit in winter, the mountains get covered with snow and the town somehow becomes even more peaceful and wonderful. It’s also less busy so you might even have the mountain to yourself!

Northern Lights over Kirkjufell Mountain in Iceland

Grundarfjörður, due to its size and very limited lighting, is a fabulous place to witness the Northern Lights in winter. You might have to stay a few nights to see it but when they start dancing behind Kirkjufell it will all be worth it!

  • Snæfellsjökull  National Park
  • Kirkjufell Mountain
  • Kirkjufellsfoss Waterfall
  • Berserkjahraun Lava Field
  • Ólafsvík Town
  • Stykkishólmur Town
  • Hellissandur
  • Lýsuhólslaug Swimming Pool
  • Snæfellsjökull Glacier
  • Bjarnarfoss Waterfall
  • Bjarnarhöfn Shark Museum
  • Djúpalónssandur Black Pebble Beach
  • Búðakirkja Black Church
  • Eldborg Crater
  • Rauðfeldsgjá
  • Ytri-Tunga Seal Beach
  • Lóndrangar Stacks
  • Vatnshellir Cave
  • Söngvellir Cave
  • Gerðuberg Basalt Cliffs

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Top 10 Things to Do in Grundarfjordur Iceland – Town Next to Mt. Kirkjufell

Top 10 Things to Do in Grundarfjordur Iceland – Town Next to Mt. Kirkjufell

Grundarfjordur is a lovely fishing town located on the Northside of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in West Iceland. For most travelers, a stop at Kirkjufell is a must-do when visiting this area. But there is more to see and do in and around Grundarfjordur. In this article, we list the top 10 things to do in Grundarfjordur.

1. Mount Kirkjufell and the Waterfall Kirkjufellsfoss

No article can be written about things to do in Grundarfjördur without mentioning the famous Mt Kirkjufell and the beautiful waterfall Kirkjufellsfoss right next to it. So let us write about the most photographed mountain in Iceland first. 🙂 Kirkjufell means church mountain and it refers to its majestic size and the freestanding form of the mountain. The formation of Mount Kirkjufell took millions of years. During the ice age the mountain, located exactly in the middle of two glaciers, was shaped by glacial erosion.

Because of its popularity, it can get quite crowded there during the day. Therefore, we highly recommend our readers and guests to look for a different angle instead of taking the same photo as other hundreds of travelers before. Kirkjufell is always present when walking around Grundarfjordur so why not take a pleasant walk around town, visit the other places we describe in this article and look for an interesting (new) perspective. In this article we describe the most interesting things to do near kirkjufell.

2. An Orca in the Middle of Grundarfjordur

Did you know that there is an orca you can see on land in Grundarfjordur? This sculpture, created by Unnsteinn Guðmundsson, is modeled after a special male orca named “Thunderstorm”. This orca is a fully-grown male we regularly see on our whale watching tours in winter. He is a member of a family of 9 orcas. Read more about its creation on the Orca Guardian’s Iceland website and do not miss it when visiting Grundarfjördur.

3. Grundarfjordur Information Center

The information center is located right in the middle of town. Inside are different interesting exhibits which you should not miss when visiting Grundarfjordur. Entrance is available during the opening hours of the library and free of charge. What we highly recommend is the Bæringsstofa photo exhibition. Photos from the Icelandic photographer Bæring Cecilsson (1923-2002) are on display that show the daily life in town in the old days. Another interesting artifact in this museum is an old cannon which was found in the shore sand next to Kirkjufell. It belonged to a French whaling boat that stranded there in 1720.

4. Liston Art Gallery and Workshop

The art of the town’s most famous artist Liston is present all around Grundarfjordur. Definitely look for his stone sculptures when wandering around. You should also stop by at his art gallery and workshop filled with art and creative Icelandic spirit in Sólvellir 6. An artwork from Liston might be a very special memory of your holidays in Iceland. Check the artist’s Facebook page to get an idea about Liston’s work of art.

5. Join one of our Boat Tours in Grundarfjordur

The most authentic way of exploring a little fishing town is by boat. So one of the top things to do in Grundarfjordur is definitely a boat tour. During summer, you can choose between a puffin watching tour or a sea angling trip . In winter, you should not miss our unique winter whale watching from Grundarfjordur . From the boat you can also enjoy a unique view on Kirkjufell. Therefore these boat tours are a great option if you look for things to do near kirkjufell.

6. Swimming Pool Grundarfjordur

We might not have the largest and most fanciest swimming pool in Iceland but the pool in Grundarfjordur is a great place to relax in the hot pots and to experience the Icelandic bathing tradition. Enjoy a wonderful mountain view while sitting in the warm water. We recommend checking the opening hours since especially in winter they are a bit more limited.

7. Grundarfjordur Harbor

The harbor is the livelihood of the town and normally quite busy during the day. Fishing boats are coming in and out, the fish gets out of the boats and is transferred to the factory. From there, large trucks transport it to the supermarkets or larger harbors for export. Here is a nice time lapse about the different seasons at Grundarfjordur harbor.

grundarfjordur harbor webcam

8. Grundarfjordur Church & Statue “Sýn” by Steinunn Þórarinsdóttir 

The church in Grundarfjördur is an interesting landmark and quite big for Icelandic standards. The church was opened in 1961 and took five years to build. The architect was Halldór Halldórsson, who also designed a number of other churches in Iceland. The church is a nice photo motif when walking around Grundarfjordur.

Next to the church, you find an impressive sculpture created by the famous Icelandic artist Steinunn Þórarinsdóttir . The sculpture shows an Icelandic fisherwoman and is a tribute to the life and work of fishermen.

Grundarfjoss Waterfall Grundarfjordur Iceland - Photo by Oliver Degener

9. Grundarfoss Waterfall

Many people miss this nice waterfall and only know about the town’s best known waterfall Kirkjufellsfoss. We highly recommend to also include this in your travel itinerary. Especially when you stay in town for the night it might be a nice option for a lovely evening hike. You have to walk for about 20 minutes to reach this waterfall. The waterfall is 70 meters high and falls in the river of Grundará. Next to parking lot is an unlocked gate you can use but please definitely close and secure it behind you.

10. Láki Hafnarkaffi

After a nice city walk we recommend a visit of Láki Hafnarkaffi . Our cafe is only a stone’s throw away from the harbor and the perfect place to relax after finishing with our “top things to do in Grundarfjordur” list.

Map of Grundarfjordur

grundarfjordur street map

Grundarfjördur Street Map PDF Document

Seeing the aurora borealis or northern lights in Iceland

  • +354 546 6808
  • Nesvegur 5 - Grundarfjörður 350
  • info@lakitours.com

sperm whale watching iceland

Grundarfjörður Travel Guide


Grundarfjörður is a small town found on the north coast of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in the west of Iceland. It has an approximate population of 872 people and has been twinned with the French town Paimpol since 2004.

Visit this area on a self drive tour in Iceland.

Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by Chensiyuan . No edits made.

The town’s main industries lie in fishing and fish processing. Grundarfjörður also bears host to substantial ship traffic, a consequence of’ the settlement’s natural harbour.

More recently, it has become a centre for tourism, due to the incredible beauty of the features on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula . It is developing to meet the needs of those who travel through it.

Grundarfjörður boasts a public library, a historical centre, a resident’s café and a photography exhibition, Bæringsstofa, which is a collection of pictures by the late Icelandic photographer and honorary citizen of Grundarfjörður, Bærings Cecilsson.

Asides from accommodation and amenities, Grundarfjörður offers the opportunity to partake in numerous outdoor activities, ranging from horseback riding and camping to ice-climbing.

One can also find a nine-hole golf course beside the town.

Kirkjufell Mountain

Kirkjufell Mountain in winter.

Visitors to Grundarfjörður will likely visit the town’s main landmark, the photogenic Kirkjufell , which translates to ‘Church Mountain’. Clearly distinguishable, and standing alone on the edge of the sea, its dramatic slopes, steeple-like peak and surrounding shorelines make it one of the country’s most beautiful summits.

Kirkjufell is often called the most photographed mountain in Iceland, due to the variety of different way you can shoot it, and how starkly different it appears under different lights.

Besides the mountain itself, one can find Kirkjufellsfoss (Church Mountain Falls), a beautiful three-pronged waterfall, which is often favoured as a foreground.

Rock climbing is possible up Kirkjufell, but only for the very experienced as there have been accidents before.

Folklore & History

Nearby, one can find the town and municipality of Stykkishólmur , which has a population of 1,195, and is a centre of commerce and services for the region. The town, more than any other in the region, is considered mystical, with many folk stories and Sagas referencing it.

The road from Grundarfjörður to Stykkishólmur crosses a wide lava field known as Berserkjahraun. The name of this lava field is derived from the Eyrbyggja saga, in which it said two berserkers (Viking Warriors) were slaughtered by their master because one of them fell madly in love with own daughter.

It was said that the master had then pave the road across it before killing them.

Grundarfjörður is an important historical town in Iceland, having been a centre of trade for the Snæfellsnes Peninsula since at least the 15th century. The town was certified official as one the country’s six designated marketplaces in the year 1786.

There are a number of antiquity sites around the town, however, that point to the region being well-inhabited as far back as the Viking era.

Like many places on the peninsula, it is likely that it could have been one of the first inhabited places in the country, due to its harbour and the wealth of fish that live just off its shores.

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Grundarfoss Waterfall

Grundarfoss Waterfall


Kirkjufellsfoss Waterfall


Bjarnarfoss Waterfall

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Home / Tours / Grundarfjordur / Snaefellsnes National Park

Snaefellsnes National Park

Snaefellsjokull beach

• The photogenic Kirkjufell mountain and waterfall, also featured in the Game of Thrones series • Panoramic views from the Saxholl crater • The Djupalonssandur black sand beach • The lighthouse and Information Centre at Malarrif • The basalt columns at Londrangar • Arnarstapi fishing village and the Bardur sculpture • Budir black church • Panoramic views over the Berserkjahraun lava fields from the Selvallavatn Lake

  • Minimum Age

More about the Tour

The Snaefellsnes peninsula is often referred to as “Iceland in miniature” because of the incredible variety of sights offered by this small region. The majestic Snaefellsjokull glacier volcano dominates the peninsula and was also featured in Jules Verne’s famous The Journey to the Center of the Earth.

We start the tour with a short drive outside the town to the very photogenic Kirkjufell Mountain and waterfall. Translated as “Church Mountain”, it is a favourite with photographers and is also featured in the Game of Thrones series as the “Arrow Head Mountain”.

Continuing along the coast, we stop at the Saxholl crater. The easy climb, thanks to the walking path, offers one of the best views of the peninsula, the ocean and the glacier volcano.

Further ahead is the wind swept Djupalonssandur black sand beach with peculiar rock formations. Once crowded with fishing boats, the bay is now uninhabited but you can still check out the four lifting stones used by fishermen to test their strength.

We will stop at the Malarrif, the site of an old farm and lighthouse, which is now an Information Centre where you can learn more about the peninsula.

In the vicinity, the eroded remains of the Londrangar volcanic crater rising from the ocean are an impressive sight. The basalt columns and surrounding cliffs are home to many species of birds including the puffin, fulmar and kittiwake.

Arnarstapi is a small fishing village steeped in history. At the beautiful beach, you will find the huge stone sculpture of the half-man half-troll Bardur, known to be the protector of Snaefellsnes.

We continue along the southern coast of the peninsula to the Budir black wooden church set at the edge of a lava field by the sea.

Our last stop is the Selvallavatn Lake where we have a panoramic view over Berserkjahraun, an ancient lava field. A setting for the 13th century Eyrbyggja Saga, the landscape is colourful and dramatic with moss-covered lava, red crater hills and unusual rock formations.

If you’re interested in more, it is possible to add an hour to the tour for one of the following detour options: – A lava cave tour in Vatnshellir, an 8000-year-old lava tube. – A coastal walk between the fishing villages of Arnarstapi and Hellnar. The breathtaking route is dotted with remarkable rock formations abound with seabirds, the most striking being the Gatklettur stone arch with a circular window. – A detour to Stykkisholmur, the biggest town of the peninsula, with a charming harbour area, brightly coloured lighthouse Sugandiseyjarviti and beautiful views of the Breidafjordur bay. – A walk through the colourful and dramatic landscape of the Berserkjahraun lava field.

*Please note that private tour bookings are classed as requests until availability can be confirmed by our staff. Prices shown are flexible and you may be offered different prices, subject to availability.


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Iceland Puffin

Puffin watching in Grundarfjörður

From 6.900  kr.

On this tour, you will visit the Hafnarholmi area, home to a large puffin colony and known as one of the best puffin watching areas in the world.

  • Description

Tour Enquiry

  • Locally guided puffin watching tour

Daily Itinerary

The presence of hundreds of puffins on and around Melrakkaey Island with its basalt columns is a sight to behold. On our traditional oak boat, we get as close to the cliffs as possible to see these small birds with their brightly coloured beaks.

We then sail around the island nature reserve to get a view of the other birds that nest there, including shags, cormorants, guillemots, kittiwakes and many others. A one-hour plus tour on Láki offers the maximum potential to see these endearing creatures in their nesting environment. On our way home, we get to soak up the beautiful scenery of the fjord which includes Mt Kirkjufell, the most photographed mountain in Iceland. This tour is a perfect family outing and a great opportunity for photographers.

Dates & prices

Departures : Daily from June t0 middle of August

Tour Duration : 1 hour

Price per person: ISK. 6.900

Youth 7-15 years: ISK 3.450

Child 0-6 years: free of charge

Included in the price:

  • Entry or admission fee

Meeting point: 

  • Grundarfjordur Harbour

Book This Tour

Puffin watching in grundarfjordur.

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How will you feel if you can stay at the foot of the most photographed mountain in Iceland ? Will you want to miss the chance of watching the mountain change its color throughout the day? We all know the answer, and that’s why Grundarfjordur is one of the most famous tourist spots in Iceland.   

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Grundarfjörður, Kirkjufell | 4K

Where is Grundarfjordur?

Grundarfjordur is a small fishing town located on the north coast of the  Snaefellsnes Peninsula  in  West Iceland . The distance between Grundarfjordur and Reykjavik is 177 km. It is situated near the fjord, Kolgrafarfjordur, between two major cities Stykkisholmur and Olafsvik.

Why is Grundarfjordur so popular?

grundarfjordur town in iceland

Grundarfjordur is a fishing village with a population of around 900 people. Most of the people are engaged in fishery and related industries. Until the 21st century, it was like any other Icelandic town with a laidback lifestyle that seldom created any stir. However, with the boom in the tourism industry in Iceland, people started taking notice of Grundarfjordur.  

Its location at the foot of  Kirkjufell Mountain became a huge draw for tourists and photographers. Slowly, it became one of the most iconic fishing villages in Iceland that offers incredible views of the Church Mountain, the most photographed mountain in Iceland. 

Rising out of the peninsula, commanding attention from everyone, and framing the entire low land,  Kirkjufell Mountain is fabulous. It attracts photographers from all corners of the world who rush to take snaps from different angles.  

white horse and kirkjufell mountain in iceland

However, Grundarfjordur has its own attractions. The small town, with its colorful houses, creates a vibrant backdrop to appreciate the coastal life of Iceland. 

Numerous trails around the village lead to the mountains and ridges with splendid views. There is scope for horse riding, and Grundarfjordur boasts of a golf course too. So, your Grundarfjordur Iceland tour will be filled with exciting activities that you can cherish for ages. 

How to reach Grundarfjordur?

view of the road near grundarfjordur in iceland

You can reach Grundarfjordur by rental car or public bus. From Reykjavik , you have to take Ring Road 1 and drive north to pass Mt. Esja, Hvalfjardargong, and reach  Borgarnes . 

From here, take the roundabout to road 54, and drive until you reach the crossing where you have to take a left turn to visit Grundarfjordur. 

Things to do in Grundarfjordur

summer view of kirkjufell mountain in iceland

Here is a list of things you can do in this charming hamlet. Choose the activities that excite you the most. 

See  Kirkjufell  and Kirkjufellsfoss  – You cannot miss the town’s prime attraction. Like most travelers, you will spend a chunk of your time visiting Church Mountain and admiring its beauty. There is mighty Kirkjufellsfoss Waterfall, another favorite with tourists. Trek around the adjoining hills to capture enticing views of the peak and the waterfall. 

There is another exclusive way to get closer to the famous mountain – sea kayaking . This activity is available in summer, and no one wants to miss it as you can paddle around in the lake that is created at the foot of the hills and view Grundarfjordur rising high above the land. 

Go on a whale watching tour – Grundarfjordur is known for its whales, and if you are visiting the area in the summer, go on a whale watching tour. You will be fascinated by the lives of these giants of the water as they play in their natural habitat. 

whale jumping out of water in iceland

Visit the Shark Museum – If the giant predators attract you, please pay a visit to the museum at Bjarnarhofn to know everything about Greenland sharks. 

Splash in the local swimming pool – There is something special about every Icelandic village. No matter how small, they all have a swimming pool. So, if you love swimming, Grundarfjordur will not let you down. Have a nice time in the swimming pool, enjoying the breeze, scenery, and ambiance. 

See Grundarfoss Waterfall  – It is one of the most stunning waterfalls in Iceland. The massive waterfall cascades sharply, creating an impressive view along with the surrounding cliffs and ridges. Take a road trip to see the tumbling waters without which your Grundarfjordur trip will remain incomplete. 

What to eat at Grundarfjordur?

icelandic fish and chips

We should have framed the question as what not to eat at Grundarfjordur because the small town offers plenty of varieties in cuisine.

  • Meistarinn Food Truck – Let’s begin with the basics. This truck is only available during summer and offers comfort foods like hot dogs.  
  • Bjargarsteinn Mathus – This restaurant sets the benchmark in Icelandic hospitality. Be its ambiance, quality of food, presentation, or views, no place can match it. You will find a wide range of options like vegan, gluten-free, and vegetarian dishes. The local dishes made with fresh ingredients are superb.  
  • Laki Hafnarkaffi – This restaurant is known for its local delicacies like fish stew and rye bread. If you are craving pizza, your taste buds will be delighted after tasting the pizzas here. 
  • Kaffi 59 – Comfort your soul with your favorite items like hamburgers, fish and chips, and basic soups. This place is great for family outings. You may try traditional Icelandic dishes like meat soup here. 
  • Café Emil – This café also works as an information center. You can grab some coffee and cakes while browsing through the leaflets. 

Accommodation at Grundarfjordur

colorful street view of grundarfjordur

When it comes to staying at Grundarfjordur , there are a few good options. 

  • Hotel Framnes will ensure your comfort. 
  • If you want to stay in a hostel , Grundarfjordur HI Hostel can be your best choice. 

Grundarfjordur also has several guesthouses, farm stays, and B&Bs that offer inexpensive but cozy accommodation. 

  • Skjolsteinar  
  • Guesthouse 43 
  • G4 Apartments 
  • The Old Post Office Guesthouse 
  • Bjarg Apartments 
  • Hellnafell Farmstay 
  • Jf Comfy Stay 
  • Dis Cottages 

Camping at Grundarfjordur

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Many visitors prefer to camp near Grundarfjordur to enjoy the delightful sights of  Kirkjufell Mountain . They also get a chance to enjoy the natural setting of this wonderful village. So, you can also stay at the campsite which is next to the swimming pool. The camping ground remains open in summer and offers basic facilities like electricity. It is also accessible by wheelchair. 

Grundarfjordur in winter – come for a serene holiday

snowy grundarfjordur town in iceland

Winter enhances the beauty of Grundarfjordur. The snow-covered mountains look peaceful. Since the country witnesses less tourism during winter, most of the cities and towns remain quiet. This ensures that you can enjoy the views unhindered. For an unforgettable holiday experience, come to Grundarfjordur Iceland during the winter. 

The greatest attraction of Iceland, the Northern Lights , can be witnessed from Grundarfjordur also. The town, being small, has limited lights, and so the  Northern Lights  become more prominent. The entire peninsula and the  Kirkjufell Mountain  get illuminated by the multiple hues of the ethereal lights. 

What are the major attractions near Grundarfjordur?

Are you looking for interesting things to do on your Grundarfjordur tour? Here are a few places you may check out.

Visit  Hellnar    

cliffs of snaefellsnes peninsula in iceland

Visit this fishing village to see the dramatic rock formations that have made  Snaefellsnes Peninsula a paradise for nature lovers. Hellnar is a tiny village located on the westernmost part of the peninsula. Once a busy fishing hub, it has lost its importance with time and changes in the economy.  

Tourists throng this village to witness the rock cuts formed by the relentless pounding of the waves against soft and brittle lava rock. 

You can see colonies of birds here and watch the glacier looming in the sky. A day trip to Hellnar is all you need to appreciate the natural wonders of Iceland.

Explore  Eldborg  Crater  

eldborg crater in iceland

Iceland is the land of volcanoes , and if you want to see a crater, you have to take a short drive to the east of the  Snaefellsnes Peninsula . Hiking to the crater is one of the favorite activities of the tourists.  

Eldborg Crater or Fortress of Fire, is a perfect circle, rising 60 m from the surrounding lava, creating one of the most intriguing natural scenes in Iceland. With the glacier at the backdrop, the crater creates breathtaking composition for photos.

A trip to  Ytri -Tunga seal beach  

curious seal in ytri tunga in iceland

Is your heart craving for something unique? Here is a chance to see seals in their natural habitat along with visiting one of the most beautiful beaches in the  Snaefellsnes Peninsula . Ytri-Tunga is a large beach where during the summer months you can see seals. 

Seal sighting has brought fame to this little-known beach. A trip to the south of the  Snaefellsnes Peninsula  to watch seals may become the highlight of your Iceland tour.

Let  Londrangar  Stacks mesmerize you  

londrangar view on snaefellsnes peninsula in iceland

Iceland is the land of geological wonders, and Londrangar Stacks will blow your mind away with its towering basalt cliffs. The battering of waves has reduced the crater into two gigantic pillars that command attraction from a distance. Walk on mossy lava to reach the cliffs for a closer look.  

Tourists also love to surf in the waters, watching the great peaks from different angles.

Astound yourself at Búðakirkja Black Church 

budakirkja balck church in iceland

Have you ever seen a black church? Not likely. Iceland creates strong impressions in your mind, and the black church of Budir is one of them. Budir is a small village on the peninsula with a single hotel and a church. Set on a lava field, the black church produces a dramatic effect.  

Grundarfjordur promises serene holidays to all. The vibrant village will make your Iceland trip memorable. Enjoy its ambiance to have a fascinating vacation. 

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- visit grundarfjörður.

Grundarfjörður is a picturesque town situated on the fjord of Breiðafjörður. The town is located right next to Kirkjufell mountain which is certainly one of the most famous mountains in Iceland, if not the world. Mt. Kirkjufell is the landmark of Grundarfjörður and visible from all angles in town.

  • N64° 55' 30.102" W23° 15' 33.471"
  • Get directions
  • Postal code: 350
  • grundarfjordur.is/is/eng/grundarfjordur-municipality

Grundarfjörður Information Center

Grundarfjörður Information Center

Grundarfjörður Guesthouse & Harbour Cafe

Grundarfjörður Guesthouse & Harbour Cafe

Vestur Adventures

Vestur Adventures

Kirkjufell Hotel

Kirkjufell Hotel

Láki Tours

The Old Post Office

Vedurhorfur - 112 Words for Wind

Vedurhorfur - 112 Words for Wind

Bjargarsteinn House of Food

Bjargarsteinn House of Food

Grundarfjörður Swimming pool

Grundarfjörður Swimming pool

Grundarfjörður Camping Ground

Grundarfjörður Camping Ground

Grundarfjörður walking trail

Grundarfjörður walking trail

María Apartment

María Apartment

Kirkjufell Guesthouse

Kirkjufell Guesthouse

Grund Guesthouse

Grund Guesthouse

Kirkjufellsfoss, waterfall, in Snaefellsnes

Kirkjufellsfoss, waterfall, in Snaefellsnes

Kirkjufell mountain

Kirkjufell mountain

Suður-Bár Guesthouse

Suður-Bár Guesthouse


Bifrost Borgarfjord



Hvanneyri in Borgarfjordur

Hvanneyri in Borgarfjordur

Olafsvik in Snaefellsnes peninsula

Olafsvik in Snaefellsnes peninsula

Reykholt í Borgarfjord

Reykholt í Borgarfjord

Rif at Snaefellsnes peninsula.

Rif at Snaefellsnes peninsula.



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Grundarfjörður Shore Excursions

Iceland offers some of the most stunning natural beauty on earth. Discover shore excursions that are designed for cruise ships that arrive in Iceland

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Kirkjufell Kayaking tour

Kirkjufell Kayaking Tour | 2 Hour Kayaking Tour on Snæfellsnes Peninsula

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From 12,900 ISK

Kirkjufell mountain and Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall at sunset in Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Snæfellsnes Private Tour

Private Tours

Reykjavik, Keflavik Airport, Grundarfjordur

From 130,000 ISK

Kirkjufell mountain and Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall at sunset in Snæfellsnes Peninsula

Snæfellsnes Peninsula from Grundarfjörður Port

From 24,990 isk.

Grundarfjörður village in Snæfellsnes Peninsula with view over Kirkjufell mountain

Snæfellsnes Peninsula from Grundarfjörður | Private Cruise Excursion | Eco friendly

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Folaldafoss waterfall in Öxi Djúpivogur village in East Iceland

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Kirkjufell mountain and Kirkjufellsfoss waterfall at sunset in Snæfellsnes Peninsula


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Contact Info

Úlfarsbraut 113, Reykjavík

tours in grundarfjordur iceland

Puffin Tour from Grundarfjörður

Witness the awe-inspiring sight of hundreds of puffins on and around Melrakkaey Island, just a short distance away from Grundarfjordur. Our traditional oak boat, Láki, will take you as close as possible to these adorable creatures with their brightly colored beaks. Melrakkaey Island is a unique and exceptional location to observe puffins in Iceland, making this tour a must-do for all bird enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Join us on an unforgettable adventure to witness the charming and colorful Puffin tour from Grundarfjörður in their natural habitat. Our traditional oak boat, Láki , will take you as close to the cliffs as possible, giving you an up-close view of these adorable birds with their bright beaks. As we sail around the island nature reserve, you’ll have the opportunity to spot other birds like shags, cormorants, guillemots, and kittiwakes. Capture the beauty of these birds and the surrounding scenery, including the majestic Mt. Kirkjufell, the most photographed mountain in Iceland. This tour is perfect for families and photographers alike, offering a unique and memorable experience that you’ll cherish forever. Don’t miss out on this chance to explore the stunning Grundarfjordur area and its amazing wildlife. Book now and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your daily departure schedule.

This tour operates daily from June to August.

Where is the meeting location?

Will I make it on time before my cruise ship departure?

If you have a same-day departure, please make sure that you choose a tour that returns at least 30min. before your cruise ship’s departure. If you are not sure what tour options fit your plan, email us at  [email protected] , and we will gladly help you find the best option.

Why is the tour price different today from the last time I checked?

Kindly note that prices in all currencies, except ISK, may change due to currency exchange rates.

If the cruise can’t dock, what is the cancellation policy?

We offer flexibility for cruise passengers for this tour if reached out timely via [email protected] .

Cancellation Policy

  • We charge a cancellation fee of 96.5% if you cancel your tour 24 hours prior to your departure time.
  • Please check your email on the day of your departure for cancellations due to weather. If we canceled the tour, you will be refunded 96.5%.
  • 3.5% is a non-refundable merchant fee.
  • Departure Nesvegur 5, 350 Grundarfjöður
  • Departure Time 13:00 ; 15:00
  • Included English Speaking Guide
  • Not Included Binoculars Warm Clothing, Hats & Gloves

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  1. THE 10 BEST Grundarfjorour Tours & Excursions

    1. Snaefellsnes Peninsula Tour from Grundarfjordur Port. 2. Historical Tours. 5 hours. Experience the Snæfellsnes Peninsula's natural wonders with convenience and efficiency on this tour from Grundarfjörður. …. Free cancellation. from. $190.

  2. Grundarfjörður Shore Excursions

    Grundarfjordur is a picturesque town on the north shore of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in Iceland and an ideal destination for shore excursions. With plenty of exciting activities and attractions on offer, Grundarfjordur offers something exciting for everyone. One of the most sought-after shore excursions in Grundarfjordur is a trip to Kirkjufell Mountain.

  3. The BEST Grundarfjörður Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    From Reykjavik: Snæfellsnes Peninsula Full-Day Tour. Depart Reykjavik and head to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula on a bus day trip to experience Iceland's diverse natural beauty. Take in the dramatic landscape of volcanic peaks, sea cliffs, golden beaches, and sparkling fjords. Visit charming fishing villages, such as Grundarfjordur, Arnarstapi ...

  4. Snæfellsnes Tour

    May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep. Availability 59. A Magical Shore Excursion from Grundarfjörður Port. Embark from Grundarfjörður Port on a captivating journey to explore the enchanting Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Known for its dramatic landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, this tour promises an unforgettable exploration of Iceland's natural ...

  5. Grundarfjörður Village

    When heading towards Grundarfjordur, you will cross Reykjavík's renowned Mt. Esja, drive through Hvalfjardargong, and follow Road 1 until you reach Borgarnes. Turn towards Snæfellsnes, from the last roundabout, onto Road 54. Continue on the road and take the last left for Grundarfjordur.

  6. Things to Do in Grundarfjörður

    Outdoor Activities. Outdoor enthusiasts feel at home in Grundarfjörður. A variety of recreational activities is offered in town including horseback riding, kayaking, glacier tours, whale watching, golfing, "folfing" (frisbee golf), sea angling, or bird watching by boat. Here is an overview of the tour operators in town:

  7. Best Grundarfjordur Shore Excursions

    Grundarfjordur is a charming fishing town, situated in the West of Iceland.Many travellers in Iceland visit this place because of the famous Mt. Kirkjufell located on the west side of the town. Kirkjufell is probably the most photographed mountain in Iceland and not the only highlight to explore in and around Grundarfjordur.

  8. Grundarfjörður

    Grundarfjörður is a charming village on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula, famous for its mountain Kirkjufell. Find out how to get there, what to do, where to eat and stay, and join one of the recommended tours to explore this stunning area.

  9. The BEST Grundarfjörður Tours 2024

    From Reykjavik: Snæfellsnes Peninsula Full-Day Tour. Depart Reykjavik and head to the Snæfellsnes Peninsula on a bus day trip to experience Iceland's diverse natural beauty. Take in the dramatic landscape of volcanic peaks, sea cliffs, golden beaches, and sparkling fjords. Visit charming fishing villages, such as Grundarfjordur, Arnarstapi ...

  10. Top 10 Things to Do in Grundarfjordur Iceland

    Grundarfjordur is a lovely fishing town located on the Northside of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in West Iceland. For most travelers, a stop at Kirkjufell is a must-do when visiting this area. But there is more to see and do in and around Grundarfjordur. In this article, we list the top 10 things to do in Grundarfjordur.

  11. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Grundarfjorour

    7 Day Around Iceland Tour- PRIVATE TOUR. 6. 4WD Tours. from . $10,605. per adult (price varies by group size) Private day tour in Snaefellsnes Peninsula . 2. 4WD Tours ... Vestur Adventures is a tour company that offers guided kayaking tours in Grundarfjordur in the west of Iceland on the Snaefellsnes peninsula. We are located right by the ...

  12. Grundarfjörður Travel Guide

    Grundarfjörður Travel Guide. Grundarfjörður is a small town found on the north coast of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in the west of Iceland. It has an approximate population of 872 people and has been twinned with the French town Paimpol since 2004. Visit this area on a self drive tour in Iceland. Photo from Wikimedia, Creative Commons, by ...

  13. THE 10 BEST Grundarfjorour Nature & Wildlife Tours

    2. Snaefellsnes Peninsula Full Day Tour from Reykjavik. 250. Full-day Tours. 6+ hours. Iceland may be a tiny country, but Reykjavik visitors know that this humble island nation is teeming with natural wonders…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 96% of travelers. from.

  14. Snaefellsnes National Park

    The Snaefellsnes peninsula is often referred to as "Iceland in miniature" because of the incredible variety of sights offered by this small region. The majestic Snaefellsjokull glacier volcano dominates the peninsula and was also featured in Jules Verne's famous The Journey to the Center of the Earth. We start the tour with a short drive ...

  15. Grundarfjordur: Small-Group Kayak Fishing Tour 2024

    Private Snaefellsnes Peninsula Tour From Grundarfjordur Harbour. from $1,850.00. Per group. Western Region, Iceland. Into the Glacier: Langjökull Glacier Ice Cave from Húsafell. 23. from $183.42. Western Region, Iceland. Midnight Sun Kayaking Adventure by Mt. Kirkjufell.

  16. Puffin watching in Grundarfjörður

    Cruise Shore Excursion Dynjandi Waterfall - Half day trip From 16.990kr. Day Tour Inside the Volcano From 47.000kr. Puffin watching in Grundarfjörður. On this tour, you will visit the Hafnarholmi area, home to a large puffin colony and known as one of the best puffin watching areas in the world.

  17. Best Tours by Local Guides in grundarfjordur

    Discover grundarfjordur on a private tour with a local tour guide. Book our guided tours in grundarfjordur now & experience the best things to do in the city. We are performing an update on our site right now and some site functionality will be degraded until the update completes. Contact Us. Tour Guide Shore Excursions Safari Live Virtual Tour ...

  18. Grundarfjordur village

    Grundarfjordur is a charming fishing village located on the Snaefellsnes peninsula, best known for Kirkjufell Mt. towering over the village. ... Tours. Destinations. Blog. Podcasts. About Iceland. FAQs. Environmental Policy. Agent Web Login. Please enter the e-mail that you have registered with us, and we will send you a one-time-link to sign ...

  19. Grundarfjordur in Iceland

    Grundarfjordur is a small fishing town located on the north coast of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula in West Iceland. The distance between Grundarfjordur and Reykjavik is 177 km. It is situated near the fjord, Kolgrafarfjordur, between two major cities Stykkisholmur and Olafsvik.

  20. Grundarfjordur

    Grundarfjordur at the Snæfellsnes peninsula is the hometown of Kirkjufell, which is one of the most famous mountains in Iceland, if not the whole worl María Apartment A friendly family-run guesthouse in the heart of Grundarfjörður just meters away from the harbour, town centre and walking paths.

  21. Grundarfjörður Shore Excursions

    Best tours to take on your cruise stop in Grundarfjörður. Discover tours that are designed for cruise stops, with pick up from the harbor. ... Iceland offers some of the most stunning natural beauty on earth. Discover shore excursions that are designed for cruise ships that arrive in Iceland ... Reykjavik, Keflavik Airport, Grundarfjordur ...

  22. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in Grundarfjordur

    Enjoy your trip with peace of mind knowing everything is taken care of. Explore the list of top ranked local tour guides in Grundarfjordur. Get tour activities offered by tour companies and independent travel guides in Grundarfjordur.

  23. Puffin Tour from Grundarfjörður

    Puffin Tour from Grundarfjörður. #1020. 2 hours. Age 1+. Jun, Jul, Aug. Availability 20. Witness the awe-inspiring sight of hundreds of puffins on and around Melrakkaey Island, just a short distance away from Grundarfjordur. Our traditional oak boat, Láki, will take you as close as possible to these adorable creatures with their brightly ...