diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Diploma TTHM

Diploma in travel, tourism & hospitality management tthm.

   ● Introduction to the Program ●

Course : Istituto Europeo’s Diploma in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management (TTHM hereafter) prepares students for a wide array of rewarding careers within one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industry.  This program offers a comprehensive set of core theoretical requirements and practical experiences that provide solid foundations in a variety of areas: accounting, cultural economics, management, international business, marketing, communications, human resources management, events planning and management, market operations, tourism strategy and more. TTHM aim is to prepare its student to excel and lead in the biggest economic sector in the world.

Location : According to some estimate, in present-day world economic scenario, one out of 10 workers is employed in the tourism industry. Over the next ten years, it is forecasted that the industry will grow at a rate of more than 4% per year. Undoubtedly, this sector promises real opportunities for fulfilling and exciting careers. And it is hard to find a more appropriate and relevant place to earn a Diploma in TTHM than Florence, in Tuscany. Florence, once the cradle of Renaissance, is one of the world’s most visited tourist destinations, celebrated for its architectural and artistic heritage. Traditional Tuscan cuisine, a unique cultural and artistic patrimony, and a welcoming and warm atmosphere make it a must-visit for any tourist. Florence is sometimes depicted as one of the world’s largest open-air museums – and it is. But Florence is much more: it is also a vibrant, metropolitan city that has retained its political and economic splendor in Europe since the Renaissance era. Florence offers many opportunities to millennials looking for engaging experiences and preparing to relevant and rewarding professions in the sector. There is really no better place to study Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management than Florence.

Career Opportunities: The travel and tourism sector offers a multitude of career opportunities for those with marketing and business management skills. This leading industry includes the marketing and service management of all forms of temporary accommodations, of museums and art galleries, of leisure and business transportation services, and more. Culture, education, business and recreation – be it as it may, but each area of the travel and tourism industry provides satisfying and dynamic career possibilities. The widespread presence of inexpensive and online travel planning platforms, in addition to an increase in leisure time, have all contributed to the present richness of entrepreneurial and career opportunities in the sector.

Course focus: IE’s Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management syllabus is specifically intended to provide students with the planning and management skills to relate to the current expansion and development of the travel tourism sector throughout the globe. Combining Italian language courses and core business courses with specialized modules in travel and tourism provides a perfect theoretical base. On the practical side, the ‘real-world experience’ component of the program provides students the nowadays indispensable know-how.

● Course Details ●

  • Duration: 1 Academic Year (6 months coursework + 6 months internship/training project)
  • Level: Further/Continuing Education
  • Language of Instruction: English (Students must meet one of the following language requirements: IELTS 5.0 overall with a minimum score of 4.5 in each section; TOEFL iBT 45; CAEL 40, or equivalent) except for Italian language course .
  • Entree Eligibility: Students who have successfully passed a 12 th grade standard/Higher Secondary School or equivalent level of examination from any recognized educational institution.

  ● Course Structure ●

  The one-year Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management program consists of 6 months frontal, classwork studies followed by 6 academic months of practical training in the form of an internship in a hotel, restaurant or any other relevant touristic enterprise.


During the first semester, students will attend Italian classes, learning to master conversational and written communication as they practice linguistic structures and tenses, with a focus on proper pronunciation. Students with more advanced skills can focus on more complex sentence structure and verb tenses. The emphasis is on reading, writing and comprehension. But, most of all, students have the entire city of Florence as their personal classroom! Whether they’re total beginners or practically fluent, students will be amazed at how much better their Italian becomes and just how much fun learning a language can be when totally immersed in the local culture. The program provides for the following two modules of Italian language:

IE 101 – Italian Language A1 (Elementary Italian)

The beginning class, covering basic pronunciation, sentence structure, numbers, present-tense verb conjugation and the introduction of past tense.  

IE 102 – Italian Language A2 (Intermediate Italian)

This class picks up where the elementary class ends, covering more in-depth use of the past tense, along with the imperfect, future and conditional tenses as well as subjunctives.

The Diploma in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management will prepare students for flexible and dynamic careers in this expanding international marketplace. Alongside Italian language courses, throughout the first academic semester, students will be equipped with essential sector knowledge and marketing and management skills. The program features courses in the following four key areas:

TTHM 101 – Accounting Essentials for the Hospitality Industry

This module aims at imparting student the required knowledge, understanding and skills to use and elaborate cost information for budgeting and forecasting purposes in business management – with emphasis on the specificities of travel and tourism businesses. It explores how cost data is collected, organized, analyzed and elaborated into useful information for business managers. Students will be encouraged to apply these elements of accounting during various class activities, collective exercises and by in-depth analysis of tourism companies’ case-studies. Furthermore, the course deals with budgetary planning and control. It investigates the ways in which businesses prepare forecasts and budgets and compare these to actual economic outcomes. Finally, the module deals with different costing and budgetary mechanism and systems as well as with the possible causes of resulting variances between the latter, alongside with the possible corrective actions that business managers should implement.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course students are expected to be able to:

  • Describe, explain and implement double entry bookkeeping principles;
  • Prepare a set of end-of-the-year accounts, including any appropriate financial adjustments needed for a single trader, business partner and a limited company;
  • Comprehend the functioning and complete accurately a cash flow statement;
  • Complete a financial ratio analysis of a company’s accounts and make sound judgements and comments on a company performance based on their accounting data;
  • Describe, explain and calculate accurately different costs elements;
  • Describe and explain the essential concepts and principles of break-even analysis and undertake the relevant calculations accurately;
  • Describe and explain the elements and principles of budgeting and the essential aspects behind budgetary monitoring.

TTHM 102 – Elements of Business Administration & Development

Have you ever wondered what traits billionaire Bill Gates, technology visionary Steve Jobs, or Tesla CEO Elon Musk all have in common? After this course, you may possibly find that you already possess in you some of those qualities as other successful entrepreneurs. This business module is intended as a survey course that will carry you on a journey through contemporary business vocabulary, core concepts, and issues. The core aim is to develop a workable and up-to-date business vocabulary, perfect critical and analytical reasoning, and improve your business management and decision-making skills. In this course, students will acquire this set of capacities by engaging with relevant reading material, collective class exercises, and research assignments that simulate the workplace reality. Furthermore, by attending this unit, you will be imparted the necessary knowledge and understanding to better define your professional trajectory and career path in business.

Learning Outcome

  • Understand, describe and explain the nature and purpose of businesses in terms of their core activities, their necessities and responsibilities;
  • Describe and explain the structure and categorization of businesses;
  • Understand the variety of objectives in a business and appreciate and evaluate the different stakeholder perspectives and needs;
  • Understand how the external business environment may generate opportunities but also potential threats for a business;
  • Understand the economic determinants of the production scale, the location and types of productive processes;
  • Explain the need for, and describe the means of, quality monitoring and stockage in production;
  • Understand and explain the marketing process in terms of the identification, targeting and satisfaction of a target market and customers of reference;
  • Understand and explain marketing strategy and planning;
  • Describe and explain relevant sources of finance for different business purposes and forms;
  • Understand the importance of human resources management and human resource planning.

TTHM 103 – Introduction to Hospitality Management 

This unit has been designed to give students a thorough theoretical and practical grounding in the hospitality and events industry and it has a strong vocational emphasis. Particular focus is granted to incorporating current industrial developments and practices. This is achieved through a variety of educative strategies including: lecturers utilizing their close links with industry representatives, collective class exercises, organizing site-visits, and, finally, industry scenarios and case studies.

  • Define, explain and elaborate on the interrelationships and interdependencies between the travel, tourism and hospitality areas and their constitutive concepts (e.g. leisure and recreation);
  • Identify and comprehend the major trends and regularities with regard to tourist movements and tourism flow patterns;
  • Individuate and understand the function of each sub-sectors of travel, tourism and hospitality and the role that each play in the totality of the tourist experience;
  • Define the core international travel and transport developments that have affected the tourism industry in recent years;
  • Understand the key role of intermediaries within the travel and touristic system;
  • Recognize and categorize the core types of tourist groups and their main necessities;
  • Understand and explain the main motivational factors underpinning tourists’ choices of travel;
  • Identify the basic requirements for the growth of a tourism destination and its businesses;
  • Evaluate a government’s engagement involvement with main public tourism organizations at both national and international levels.

TTHM 104 – Principles of Marketing & Communications

Business communications is a term which encompasses a multitude of activities and operations, including, but not limited to, the followings: strategic communications planning, PR (including also social media, broadcast and written communications etc.), public reputation management,  media relations, brand management, customer services, employee communications and more. Nowadays, SMEs often engage solely with a few of the communication activities above listed, while larger companies and organizations tends to implement instruments drawn from the entire spectrum of communication techniques. Given the complexities of developing and performing simultaneously such a wide range of communication skills, communications specialists tends to limit their expertise to one or two of these strategies, while also displaying working knowledge of the majority of them. To this day, the most important and most commonly appreciate skill that communication professional may possess remain still the followings: excellent writing skills, social and interpersonal abilities, and, last but not least, the capacity for critical and strategic thinking – three skills that this module aims to impart to its students.

  • Understand and explain the principles governing the transmission of information in business situations;
  • Compose all the most used types of written communication in a clear, concise and correct way, with particular focus paid to presentational skills and neatness;
  • Describe the principles of an effective oral communication;
  • Explain the positive and negative role of non-verbal signs in communication;
  • Describe and identify common barriers to successful communication and explain how to possibly surpass them;
  • Summarize effectively and concisely a variety of business documents;
  • Describe the roles of modern technology in modern business communication;
  • Describe formal and informal communications structures in business situation and explain why, and how, they function;
  • Understand and employ a contemporary business vocabulary, and also explain the benefits and drawbacks of its use.

Interships in Hospitality at Istituto Europeo Florence - Italy


At the Istituto Europeo of Florence, we prepare students for dynamic career paths also by imparting practical knowledge and skills. And how could these be acquired if not by hands-on experience? As an accredited Centre for Professional Training by the Region of Tuscany (OF0242), the Istituto Europeo of Florence has accumulated over 15 years of experience in running successful internship programs and now gives the opportunity to TTHM students to gain first-hand, working experience through training projects in local tourism-related businesses: hotels, festivals, museums, media companies, travel agencies, and other travel-&-tourism-related organizations. Upon completion of the first academic semesters, students from the Diploma in TTHM will find themselves equipped with the necessary management skills and operational knowledge to undertake their 6-months internship/training project. Restaurants, museums, hotel, travel agencies and galleries – all looking for interns with the skills that are taught on this program!

For further information and costs, please contact [email protected]

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Hospitality and Tourism Management - Travel and Tourism Major

People in a travel agency desk

Credit credentials

A credit credential includes courses with post-secondary credit applied.

These credits will be used towards your specific program and may be accepted towards a credential at SAIT or a different post-secondary institution.

The credit credentials include a bachelor's degree, applied degree, diploma, certificate and post-diploma certificate.

Bachelor Degree

SAIT has bachelor's degree programs in business, construction, and hospitality and tourism management.

Bachelor's degrees are generally four-year programs, but you have up to 10 academic years to complete your courses.

Applied Degree

SAIT's full-time applied degree programs involve one year of study through classes and lab work followed by one year of directed studies in a workplace setting. This builds on the completion of a recognized two-year diploma, which you must have to be admitted to an applied degree program.

You then have seven academic years to finish your applied degree, starting from the day you begin the first course in that program.

At SAIT, over 40 full-time diploma programs cover a broad range of areas, from aircraft maintenance to travel and tourism.

Most diploma programs are completed in two years, though you can take up to seven academic years to complete the requirements.


SAIT has several certificate programs in the sciences, health and trades.

These programs provide the essential skills to start a career but are shorter in length than SAIT's diploma programs - usually a year or less. However, you have up to five years to complete your program.

Post-Diploma Certificate

These programs build on skills developed through a diploma or degree program and combine classroom instruction with a workplace practicum.

They are often completed in a year or less.


A certified journeyperson is recognized as a qualified and skilled person in a trade and is entitled to the wages and benefits associated with that trade. You must complete all apprenticeship periods and pass the exams to earn a journeyperson designation.

Non-credit credentials

A non-credit credential comprises courses and programs designed for professional or personal development.

Because these do not have post-secondary credits attached, they cannot be used towards any of the credentials above. We also cannot guarantee an external institute will accept these courses or credentials for transfer credit.

SAIT's non-credit certificates of achievement and completion are offered through Continuing Education and Professional Studies .

Certificate of Achievement

Certificates of achievement recognize the completion of a program that includes a formal evaluation of performance and a minimum of 144 (required and elective) course hours.

Certificates of achievement typically develop broader, complex skill sets. As of July 1, 2022, you have up to three years to complete the certificate. If you began these programs before July 1, 2022, you still have five calendar years to complete the program from when you began the first course.

Certificate of Completion

Certificates of completion recognize the completion of a program that includes a formal evaluation of performance and a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 143 course hours.

These certificates are shorter in duration than certificates of achievement and offer a focused education program. As of July 1, 2022, you have up to three years to complete the certificate. If you began before July 1, 2022, you will have five calendar years to complete the program from when you began the first course.

Professional Certificate

Program certificates recognize completion of a program that includes the formal evaluation of performance, and that is a minimum of one year in length.

These certificates have program-specific admission requirements.


A micro-credential recognizes the completion of a non-credit course that includes a formal performance evaluation and verifies you have demonstrated specific competencies.

Micro-credentials focus on the mastery of specific skills. You receive a digital, shareable badge upon completing a SAIT micro-credential (SAITMicro).

Program length

Estimated program length if you study full-time (nine or more credits per semester.) Actual program length will vary based on the number of courses you are registered in and successfully complete per semester.

You must complete your credential within the timeframes listed below:

  • Applied degree: up to seven academic years to complete all courses.
  • Diploma: up to seven academic years to complete all courses.
  • Certificates: up to five academic years to complete all courses.

The location (also known as delivery mode) is where your classes will take place. For programs with multiple locations, some delivery options may not be offered in every intake or semester.

You'll take all your classes in person on the specified campus.

You'll take all your classes online.

You'll take some classes in person at the specified campus and others online.

This program accepts international applicants and meets the eligibility criteria for the Post-Graduation Work Permit program as long as the student is enrolled in the on-campus delivery mode or completes more than 50% of the courses on campus (for the blended option).

International students attending all classes online will NOT be eligible for a Post-Graduate Work Permit. International students are responsible for maintaining their eligibility throughout their studies.

This program is available to international applicants , however, program availability may be limited. This program does not meet the eligibility criteria for the Post-Graduation Work Permit program.

This program only accepts international applicants if taken as part of a program bundle - two programs taken consecutively. Find available bundles that include this program under specialized intakes in the program overview.

If you complete both programs in the bundle, you will be eligible for a post-graduation work permit for up to three years.

Find available international program bundles and details .

This program does not accept international applicants at this time.

On this page:

Are you looking to embark on a career in the vibrant world of travel and tourism? Our Hospitality and Tourism Management program, specializing in Travel and Tourism, is tailored to provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this exciting industry.  

This program will give you insights into travel products and help you understand the travel and tourism ecosystem. It equips you to design memorable travel experiences and prepares you for travel jobs, destination planning, and travel consultancy.  

Our program offers small classes covering various aspects of the global travel environment. Throughout the program, you’ll:   

  • learn how to manage travel inventories proficiently and estimate costs 
  • delve into the financial intricacies of the travel industry and apply accounting concepts to real-world business challenges 
  • master guest experience by prioritizing guest satisfaction, understanding needs, and providing solutions
  • learn impactful sales strategies and marketing techniques tailored for the travel sector 
  • develop effective and respectful communication skills for diverse groups
  • learn to embrace leadership roles and instill a sustainable, ethically driven corporate culture 
  • implement economic theories and data-driven insights
  • leverage technology to heighten productivity
  • gain an understanding of how policy, planning, and execution can achieve operational success.  

Our program ensures you stay updated with industry trends and technologies, ensuring relevance in an evolving market. 

It also includes hands-on experience through collaborations with our on-campus Travel Centre industry partners.  

As a graduate, you’ll emerge as a well-rounded professional in the hospitality sector, with potential roles such as travel agent or counsellor, tourism jobs such as sales and marketing coordinator, working with a destination marketing organization, airline sales and reservations, and many other customer-service roles.  

The Hospitality and Tourism Management Travel and Tourism specialization sets the foundation for your success in the dynamic world of travel and tourism. Whether you see yourself as a travel consultant, event planner, or an entrepreneur in the world of hospitality, it will prepare you for a rewarding career in this industry. 

Traits, skills and aptitudes

Those in the travel and tourism industry tend to be social, methodical and innovative. 

You need: 

  • a good memory 
  • patience and a pleasant manner to deal with all types of people 
  • attention to detail 
  • well-developed sales skills 
  • typing and computer skills 
  • organization skills 
  • a working knowledge of global geography 
  • the ability to serve customers quickly and efficiently 
  • the ability to handle stressful situations calmly and effectively. 

You should enjoy working with people, performing detailed work, and working on a computer. You should also have a love of travel and promoting travel experiences.

Academic path

Graduates of this program may continue their education in the SAIT Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management program and earn their degree with a further two years of study. 

Learn more about  program and institution transfer options .

Practicum, co-op and work integrated learning

Between your first and second year, you’ll complete an internship where you’ll complete 400 hours of industry work.  

The choice of worksite is flexible and can include hotels, restaurants, tour operators, car rental agencies, resorts, and other approved hospitality and tourism operations. 

You’ll also work in Destinations, SAIT’s student-run travel agency throughout the program. 

Accreditations, designations and certifications

The Travel and Tourism specialization is well aligned with the Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA) endorsement standards to allow you to pursue the Certified Travel Counsellor (CTC) accreditation once you graduate. 

You’ll also acquire key industry certifications in Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS), food safety, ProServe, and hospitality and tourism awareness.  All these certifications must be completed in your first semester. 


After successfully completing this program, you’ll receive a SAIT Hospitality and Tourism Management diploma with a specialization in Travel and Tourism. 

Careers and opportunities

Each year, SAIT conducts a survey between February and April to determine the employment rate, salary and satisfaction of our newest SAIT alumni. 

people icon

Find out more about our graduate employment statistics >

Our graduates may work in the following occupations. Some careers require additional experience and education.

Associated National Occupational Classification (NOC) codes: 60030, 60031, 62022, 64310, 64314, 64320, 65210.


Career counselling and support

Unsure which career path is for you? SAIT offers career planning services to help you decide your future.

You can also get started by taking our online career finder quiz , which can help you narrow down your search based on your current skills and interests.

Finally, you can also head to Alberta alis for various tools and resources, including additional quizzes and labour market information to help you narrow down a career path.

The Hospitality and Tourism Management - Travel and Tourism diploma requires 63 credits (22 courses) to complete.

The program spans 2 years, with two semesters in year one and two semesters in year two.

View classes by semester

Suggested schedule of study

Required courses, hospitality and tourism core, travel and tourism core, progression.

You must pass the prerequisite courses to progress through the program. Admission to SAIT and other post-secondary programs can be highly competitive. Grades higher than a minimal pass improve opportunities for admission to post-secondary programs.

See our course upgrading pathways .

Review our grading and progression procedure >


Explore your options!

Some courses in this program are available through Open Studies. You can complete courses via Open Studies to get a head start on your education, reduce your course load once accepted into a credentialed program, or determine which career path best suits you before you fully commit. 

You may also take courses for general interest or personal and professional development.

  • Admission requirements

Applicants educated in Canada

All applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency and meet the following requirements or equivalents.

  • at least 50% in Math 30-1 or Math 30-2 or Pure Math 30 or at least 60% in Applied Math 30
  • at least 50% in English Language Arts 30-1 or at least 60% in English Language Arts 30-2.

SAIT accepts high school course equivalents for admission for applicants educated outside Alberta.

Applicants educated outside of Canada

All applicants who were educated outside of Canada must demonstrate English Language proficiency and provide proof they meet the program admission requirements with an international document assessment. Find out what educational documents are accepted and assessment options .

SAIT may also accept courses completed at certain international post-secondary institutions .


Academic Upgrading

Missing an admission requirement for this program? Upgrade your prior education to help you receive admission into one of SAIT's career programs.


English language proficiency

All applicants must demonstrate  English language proficiency  prior to admission, including students educated in Canada.

Transfer agreements

At SAIT, we evaluate post-secondary credit you have previously earned and apply it to your SAIT credential. Explore our formal transfer agreements available for this program.

We can evaluate your prior education, even if we don't have a formal agreement in place.

Submit a transfer credit application

There are no formal transfer agreements currently in place for this program.

Transfer options for graduates

Build on the knowledge you’ve learned at SAIT. The opportunity to advance your education at an accredited post-secondary institution may be available.

🔗 Visit Transfer Alberta search tool for a full list of transfer opportunities within the province.

Credits this program transfers to

University of victoria.

Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree at the University of Victoria.

Applicants will be evaluated for admission into the BCom program based on:

  • their final GPA from the Hospitality and Tourism Management program (60% as determined by the University of Victoria)
  • a qualitative assessment (40% as outlined in the university calendar and the Gustavson School of Business.)

A minimum GPA of B or 73%, as calculated by the University of Victoria, is required. 

The following courses are also entry requirements. You should complete these courses within or alongside the SAIT Hospitality and Tourism Management diploma program.

You must also complete a course satisfying the academic writing requirement, equivalent to English AWR 100 level. ENGL 1101 or CMNS 1811 are suggested acceptable options offered through Thompson Rivers University Open Learning.

If you receive an offer of admission to the BCom program, you will need to complete COM 200, a condensed online summer class through the University of Victoria, prior to beginning the degree.

The required courses must have a combined average of a B- (70%) with no grades below a C+ (65%).

These courses must be completed by August 31 of the year you intend to start at the University of Victoria.

Griffith University

Upon successful completion of this program, you'll be eligible to receive up to 45 credits (1.5 years) toward Griffith's Bachelor of International Tourism and Hotel Management program.

This degree is a three-year program with intakes offered in February and July each year.

Available intakes

Start dates:

  • Sep 03, 2024
  • Application deadline: June 28, 2024
  • Application deadline: May 29, 2024

Winter 2025

  • Jan 06, 2025
  • Application deadline: Oct. 25, 2024
  • Application deadline: Sept. 30, 2024

Spring 2025

  • May 05, 2025
  • Application deadline: April 30, 2025
  • Application deadline: March 28, 2025

2024/25 tuition and fees

The following costs are effective as of July 1, 2024.

Domestic students

International students, books and supplies.

Books and supplies are approximately $1,000 - $1,500 per full-time year.

This is a bring-your-own-device program with a standard computer hardware and software requirement. See the specific requirements on our computers and laptops page .

Find your booklist on the SAIT Bookstore's  website. The booklist will be available closer to the program start date.

Can’t find your program or course? The bookstore didn't receive a textbook list. Contact your program directly to determine if they’re still refining course details or if you're in luck; no textbook purchase is required this term.


Financial aid

Paying for your education may feel overwhelming, but we have resources and programs that can help, including information about payment options, student loans, grants and scholarships.

Your fees are calculated based on the number of course credits you take per semester (approximately 16 weeks of study). In most cases, your fee is determined based on whether you're taking   more   or   less   than nine (9) course credits (more than nine credits in a semester are considered full-time studies.)

Fees are adjusted for programs with start dates outside the typical 15-week program.

2024/25 fees per semester

Fees are subject to change without notice.

Tuition fees

For a detailed breakdown of tuition costs per course, visit the domestic and international fee tables. Tuition, fees, books and supply costs are subject to change.

Application process

When applying in the application portal, select Hospitality and Tourism Management. You will be able to select Travel and Tourism as your major during the application process.


Begin your application

Apply now using the online application portal. 

Ensure you have a valid Visa or Mastercard to pay the non-refundable application fee of $120 for domestic applicants or $150 for international applicants. 

Ready to apply?

Follow our step-by-step guide to submitting a successful application.

Learn how to apply

Communication during admission

Email is the primary source of communication during the selection process. Ensure your personal email account is managed appropriately to receive our emails, files and communications.  We recommend you add the  [email protected] domain to your safe senders' list or you risk missing critical email messages.

Information sessions

Prepare for a strong start in your chosen program or get the details you need to decide your future path.

Our expert staff and faculty are ready to answer your questions and provide information about the following:

  • What sets SAIT apart
  • An introduction to the program and area of study
  • Future career paths
  • Information on the earning potential and graduate employment rates.

School of Hospitality and Tourism Advising

International student advising, other programs you may be interested in, bachelor of hospitality and tourism management show details.

Move into senior positions by studying leadership and project management, intercultural communications, global tourism, sales and marketing, and sustainability.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Business Administration - Management Major Show details

The Business Administration Management major will help you develop general management skills in project management, international management, human resources and leadership.

A group of people working in a boardroom

Hospitality and Tourism Management - Entrepreneurship and Innovation Major Show details

Whether your passion is starting your own hospitality business or creating innovative products within a larger company, this specialization introduces you to the entrepreneurial mindset, design thinking and new venture planning.

A group of people discussing while seated in what looks like a hotel restaurant

Hospitality and Tourism Management - Hotels and Accommodation Major Show details

Gain strong hotel industry knowledge on the interconnectivity of all departments that bring a guest experience to life through two practicum placements with leading hotel partners.

A photo of four people walking along a corridor of a hotel

Subscribe for updates

Your journey starts here! Sign up to get important updates on:

  • Hospitality programs
  • Application information
  • Relevant news and events

a view of the moutains and stream in between

Oki, Âba wathtech, Danit'ada, Tawnshi, Hello.

SAIT is located on the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of Treaty 7 which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina and the Îyârhe Nakoda of Bearspaw, Chiniki and Goodstoney.

We are situated in an area the Blackfoot tribes traditionally called Moh’kinsstis, where the Bow River meets the Elbow River. We now call it the city of Calgary, which is also home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3.

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Postgraduate diploma in tourism and hospitality management.

Learn New Approaches to Serving Guests and Clients

Make Your Guests Feel at Home

Establish a foundation of basic management skills that support all other occupational skills. Then broaden your portfolio or learn to market your potential through a specialized selection of electives, including branding, market research, internal and customer-facing communication, and effective management. Apply yourself through an internship with an American business and confirm your capability to bring success both inside a company and outside with customers, clients, and tourists.

Est. Tuition $18,200

Learning Format In-Class

Duration 34 weeks *

Total Units 47 Units

What You'll Learn

  • Tried-and-true methods for basic, multi-functional management applications
  • Various types of tourism and hospitality careers, integrated leadership skills, and related topics
  • How to present your portfolio or yourself successfully and persuasively to potential clients or employers


  • Students who hold Bachelor's degrees in Tourism or Hospitality and wish to concentrate or expand their knowledge in the field
  • Students who are enrolled in a Master's in Tourism or Hospitality at their home institution
  • Professionals who have several years of work experience
  • A Bachelor's degree in Tourism or Hospitality (or equivalent)
  • International applicants are required to demonstrate English language fluency and must attain minimum scores of TOEFL PBT 550, iBT 80, IELTS 6.5, Duolingo English Test 100; or the equivalent

Before You Apply

  • Agency/embassy/partner university information (only required if you have one)
  • Copy of your passport photo page
  • Statement of Financial Support Form (only if your program requires an F-1 (student) visa)
  • Financial statement from the Bank, in English (only if your program requires an F-1 (student) visa)

Required Courses

Course formats.

Take a seat in our Virtual Classroom to discover more about learning formats.

Getting Started

We offer multiple start dates to give you flexibility in your education, life and work schedules.

Dates and Fees

Start dates by season.

  • Mar 27 - Dec 13
  • Jun 24 - Mar 21, 2025
  • Sep 23 - Jun 13, 2025

Get the facts about the Postgraduate Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management Learn New Approaches to Serving Guests and Clients.

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Program Brochure

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Three female business professionals discussing around a table

Postgraduate Diploma in Management

Female business woman looking at project plan with male businessman

Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management

Business man in office inquiring about a project

Postgraduate Certificate in Management

Professional man and woman in lab coats looking at a microscope

Postgraduate Diploma in Bioengineering Management

Business man writing on paper at desk

Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Leading the Advancement of the Hospitality, Tourism and Travel Sectors

  • Name * First Last
  • Degree * Destination Marketing and Management Event Leadership, MS Event Management Event Management, BS Financial Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industry Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS Hospitality and Tourism Technologies Hospitality Management, BS Leadership and Strategy in Hospitality and Tourism Lifestyle Community Management, BS Lodging and Restaurant Management, BS Travel Technology and Analytics, MS
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diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Online Hospitality Degrees

U.S. News and World Report Best Colleges badge - Most Innovative 2021

Think of the best trip you’ve ever been on. From the transportation used to the hotel stay to dining out at restaurants, many factors contributed to the memories you made. Learn how to create those same unforgettable experiences for others with a hospitality degree from UCF Online. Positioned to understand Florida tourism, American tourism, and international tourism, UCF offers a unique perspective to earning a hospitality degree. Whether you are studying event management, entertainment management, tourism or travel, there is no better place to advance your hospitality skills and knowledge than by studying at the university located in the No. 1 tourist destination in America. And with courses taught by our diverse and experienced faculty, you’ll gain the exposure you need to excel your hospitality career by learning directly from leaders within the industry.

Rosen Campus

The Future of Hospitality

With a number of different areas to break into, there’s a world of opportunity in hospitality. This $20 billion industry offers exceptional growth potential with some of the top positions in event planning, destination marketing and food service management — each projected to grow faster than many other industries over the next decade. As the industry evolves over time, the curriculum students learn in the classroom must keep up to stay relevant. Currently, UCF Online hospitality programs focus on the latest trends and techniques, from demographics to technological advancements to providing exceptional guest service.

Annual Growth

Total Hospitality Businesses

Median Salary Hospitality Management Position

Explore UCF Online Hospitality Degrees

Online bachelor’s degrees.

  • Hospitality Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Lodging & Restaurant Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Senior Living Management, BS Online Bachelor’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management

Online Master’s Degrees

  • Event Leadership, MS Online Master’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS Online Master’s from the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Travel Technology and Analytics, MS Online Master’s from the College of Engineering and Computer Science

Online Graduate Certificates

  • Destination Marketing and Management Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Event Management Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality and Tourism Technologies Online Certificatesfrom the Rosen College of Hospitality Management
The Rosen College online programs have been choreographed to provide students round-the-clock access, convenience and quality education in a comfortable and innovative learning environment.” Manuel Rivera Associate Dean

hospitality instructor discusses wine.

Hospitality and Tourism Management Education through UCF Online

UCF’s Rosen College of Hospitality Management provides online degrees that help students take their career aspirations to the next level. In fact, the online master’s in hospitality management ranked No. 1 in the nation by bestcolleges.com. Whether you are just getting started, or have been working in the industry for years, advance your skills by learning from our world-renowned faculty. From food and beverages to travel, lodging and recreation, gain the skills to help you level up in your professional development. Earning your hospitality degree through UCF Online prepares you to lead the way in this exciting industry. So, what do you need to know before you get started?

Hospitality and Tourism Options

UCF offers online bachelor’s, master’s and graduate certificates that cover varying aspects of the hospitality and tourism industry. If you are earning your bachelor’s degree and ready to transfer into an undergraduate program, the Hospitality Management, BS is a great way to begin your journey. If you would like to gain additional career traction but aren’t ready to commit to a two-year graduate-level program, you can focus on the skill set of Event Management with our online graduate certificate. Take time to explore the degree options and choose the program that works best for you.

Convenience and Affordability

Depending on the degree level and the program you choose, completing your degree through UCF Online can take as little as one to two years. For example, the Destination Marketing and Management Graduate Certificate can be completed in one year. Professionals who are working in the field and interested in becoming a leader for their organization can stand out with the Hospitality and Tourism Management, MS , which can be completed in two years. UCF Online offers the access and convenience that allows you to earn your degree on your schedule.

Earning an online degree in hospitality doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality for affordability. UCF Online offers significant cost savings to students by waiving some campus-based fees. For example, out-of-state undergraduate students can save $365.03 per credit hour — a substantial 48 percent discount. Visit the tuition, fees and scholarships pages for more information.

Hospitality Faculty

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Latest Hospitality News

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Get Connected.

Contact the UCF Online Connect Center to learn more about the available online programs or for help finding an online degree that works for you.

Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. (ET) Sat: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (ET) Closed Sundays & Holidays

Why earn a degree from UCF Online?

Access. innovation. impact..

UCF Online is a community of thinkers, helpers and makers who use bold ideas to challenge the ordinary and devise solutions to solve the world’s most pressing problems. A great university can unleash the potential to change the world. Listed as one of the most innovative universities in the nation by the U.S. News & World Report ’s Best Colleges 2024 Guide, UCF specializes in providing high-quality online degree programs for those talented students and working professionals who are unable to physically attend our Orlando main campus or one of our 14 Central Florida locations .

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SIT50122 | CRICOS: 112776J

Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

Take your career in travel and tourism to the next level with this advanced-level course that will qualify you to work as a travel or tourism manager.

Course overview

  • Ways to study
  • Payment options

Important information

Ask a question.

Upgrade your career in tourism and travel with this advanced-level qualification. This course will give you the high-level communication and technical skills that you need to manage a travel or tourism business.

Travel and tourism is one of the largest and resilient industries in the world and employers are looking for qualified candidates who provide good customer service, have strong people skills, and are well presented. 

Our industry-expert teachers will ensure you are ready to jump aboard the travel and tourism industry with hands-on and theoretical knowledge gained in the workplace and our state-of-the-art facilities using the latest industry software.This course will give you the skills you need to manage budgets, lead and manage people, plan e-marketing strategies, and sell tourism products and services. 

Successful completion of this course will qualify you to work as a travel or tourism manager and provide you the foundation skills necessary to undertake further study in the field.

What can I do?

  • Tour Operations Manager
  • Travel Agency Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager

Course outcome:

SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

Join our Virtual Classroom

100% virtual delivery without compromising on quality and without any on-campus commitments. Real-time interaction and learning between students and educators. Flexibility to study anytime, anywhere, 24/7, classes are recorded for your convenience.

Collaborative learning environments in timetabled virtual classes, two nights a week, plus the opportunity to attend a one-day virtual workshop per skillset.

Complete a specialised skill set or the full qualification. Enrolment opportunities every 8 weeks and multiple intakes per year. Learn more>  

Industry-relevant teachers

Our teaching staff are at the top of their game and are still heavily involved in the industry. This means you're being taught by people who know what employers are looking for and where the sector is headed.

The successful achievement of this qualification requires you to complete all core and 10 elective units from the list below. You will also be required to undertake 70 hours of vocational placement in an approved setting.

Online Virtual Classroom No vocational placement is required.

  • BSBTWK501 Lead diversity and inclusion UNIT CODE : BSBTWK501 Unit description : This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to lead diversity for a work area. It covers implementing the organisation's diversity policy, fostering diversity within the work team and promoting the benefits of a diverse workplace.
  • Lead diversity and inclusion
  • SIRXOSM007 Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting UNIT CODE : SIRXOSM007 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and implement processes for managing risks to an organisation's reputation associated with social media and online engagement, including the impacts of online negative commentary, complaints and criticism.
  • Manage risk to organisational reputation in an online setting
  • SITTIND003 Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry UNIT CODE : SITTIND003 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source and use current and emerging information on the tourism and travel industry. This includes industry structures, technology, laws and ethical issues specifically relevant to the tourism and travel industry. Tourism and travel personnel integrate this essential knowledge on a daily basis to work effectively in the industry.
  • Source and use information on the tourism and travel industry
  • SITXCCS015 Enhance customer service experiences UNIT CODE : SITXCCS015 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide professional and personalised customer service experiences. It requires the ability to determine and meet customer preferences, develop customer relationships, respond to difficult service situations and take responsibility for resolving complaints.
  • Enhance customer service experiences
  • SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices UNIT CODE : SITXCCS016 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop, monitor and adjust customer service practices. It requires the ability to consult with colleagues and customers, develop policies and procedures for quality service provision, and manage the delivery of customer service.
  • Develop and manage quality customer service practices
  • SITXCOM010 Manage conflict UNIT CODE : SITXCOM010 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to resolve complex or escalated complaints and disputes with internal and external customers and colleagues. It requires the ability to use effective conflict resolution techniques and communication skills to manage conflict and develop solutions. It does not cover formal negotiation, counselling or mediation.
  • Manage conflict
  • SITXFIN008 Interpret financial information UNIT CODE : SITXFIN008 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to interpret financial information and reports used by organisations to monitor business performance and provide information on operational or departmental financial activities.
  • Interpret financial information
  • SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget UNIT CODE : SITXFIN009 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to take responsibility for budget management where others may have developed the budget. It requires the ability to interpret budgetary requirements, allocate resources, monitor actual income and expenditure, and report on budgetary deviations.
  • Manage finances within a budget
  • SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets UNIT CODE : SITXFIN010 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to analyse financial and other business information to prepare and monitor budgets. It requires the ability to draft and negotiate budgets, identify deviations, and manage the delivery of successful budgetary performance.
  • Prepare and monitor budgets
  • SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people UNIT CODE : SITXHRM009 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to lead and manage people individually and in teams, and support and encourage their commitment to the organisation. It requires the ability to lead by example and manage performance through effective leadership.
  • Lead and manage people
  • SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations UNIT CODE : SITXMGT004 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to oversee and monitor the quality of day-to-day work. It requires the ability to communicate effectively with team members, plan and organise operational functions, and solve problems.
  • Monitor work operations
  • SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships UNIT CODE : SITXMGT005 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to establish and manage positive business relationships. It requires the ability to use high level communication and relationship building skills to conduct formal negotiations and make commercially significant business-to-business agreements.
  • Establish and conduct business relationships
  • SITXWHS007 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices UNIT CODE : SITXWHS007 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement predetermined work health, safety and security practices designed, at management level, to ensure a safe workplace. It requires the ability to monitor safe work practices and coordinate consultative arrangements, risk assessments, work health and safety training, and the maintenance of records.
  • Implement and monitor work health and safety practices

Elective units

  • Online Self-directed
  • BSBTWK503 Manage meetings UNIT CODE : BSBTWK503 Unit description : This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to manage a range of meetings including overseeing the meeting preparation processes, chairing meetings, organising the minutes and reporting meeting outcomes.
  • Manage meetings
  • SIRXOSM002 Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms UNIT CODE : SIRXOSM002 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source information on, and work according to, a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.
  • Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms
  • SITTGDE017 Prepare and present tour commentaries or activities UNIT CODE : SITTGDE017 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to construct commentaries or activities and to use effective interpretation and presentation techniques to ensure customer participation and enjoyment in tours or activities. Guides may be presenting generalist or specialist information.
  • Prepare and present tour commentaries or activities
  • SITTGDE022 Prepare specialised interpretive content on cultural and heritage environments UNIT CODE : SITTGDE022 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to research and critically analyse specialised information on cultural and heritage environments to develop interpretive themes and messages. It highlights the need for ongoing research to update and expand knowledge.
  • Prepare specialised interpretive content on cultural and heritage environments
  • SITTTVL003 Provide advice on Australian destinations UNIT CODE : SITTTVL003 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source and provide customer information and advice relating to Australian destinations and their features. It requires the ability to identify appropriate information sources and research destinations in order to develop and update a general destination knowledge base.
  • Provide advice on Australian destinations
  • SITTTVL004 Sell tourism products or services UNIT CODE : SITTTVL004 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to proactively sell tourism products and services. It requires the ability to identify specific customer needs, suggest a range of products to meet those needs, provide current and accurate product information and close the sale.
  • Sell tourism products or services
  • SITTTVL005 Prepare customer quotations UNIT CODE : SITTTVL005 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to calculate the costs of products and services and to present quotations to customers. It requires the ability to provide quotations for products and services where business pricing has already been determined.
  • Prepare customer quotations
  • SITTTVL006 Book tourism products and process documentation UNIT CODE : SITTTVL006 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to make and administer customer bookings for products and services. It requires the ability to administer all bookings from identification of customer booking requirements, through to finalisation and issue of documentation. This may include determining availability of the product or service, offering alternatives, accurately recording the booking details, interpreting all documentation requirements and preparing and despatching documents within designated deadlines.
  • Book tourism products and process documentation
  • SITTTVL011 Provide specialist advice on cruises UNIT CODE : SITTTVL011 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop detailed knowledge of cruise operations, products and destinations and to provide information and advice to customers on extended cruise options.
  • Provide specialist advice on cruises
  • SITXMPR012 Coordinate marketing activities UNIT CODE : SITXMPR012 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to plan and coordinate a range of marketing and promotional activities at an operational level. The unit incorporates knowledge of marketing principles.
  • Coordinate marketing activities
  • BSBSUS411 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices UNIT CODE : BSBSUS411 Unit description : This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to analyse and implement improvements to the environmental sustainability of work practices and monitor their effectiveness.
  • Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
  • SIRXOSM003 Use social media and online tools UNIT CODE : SIRXOSM003 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to implement the use of social media and online platforms for organisational purposes. It requires the ability to identify the objectives for online communications, create and post relevant content to promote engagement with the organisation, and to engage professionally with customers. Pre-requisite unit : SIRXOSM002
  • Use social media and online tools
  • SITTTVL001 Access and interpret product information UNIT CODE : SITTTVL001 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to access product information about travel products to fulfil sales or operational needs. It requires the ability to identify sources of information and to interpret specific details of the products.
  • Access and interpret product information
  • SITTTVL007 Use a computerised reservations or operations system UNIT CODE : SITTTVL007 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to use a computerised reservations or operations system to create, maintain and administer bookings for products and services. The unit covers the required computer skills to use all system functions and capabilities and not the related sales skills, which are found in other units.
  • Use a computerised reservations or operations system
  • SITTTVL009 Construct international airfares UNIT CODE : SITTTVL009 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to create flight itineraries and construct international airfares. It requires the ability to interpret flight information and conditions applicable to specific fares and to construct airfares that meet customer needs according to International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations.
  • Construct international airfares
  • Online Virtual Classroom
  • BSBTEC303 Create electronic presentations UNIT CODE : BSBTEC303 Unit description : This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to design and produce electronic presentations using various applications and platforms.
  • Create electronic presentations
  • SITTTVL002 Provide advice on international destinations UNIT CODE : SITTTVL002 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to source and provide customer information and advice relating to international destinations and their features. It requires the ability to identify appropriate information sources and research destinations in order to develop and update a general destination knowledge base.
  • Provide advice on international destinations
  • SITXCCS010 Provide visitor information UNIT CODE : SITXCCS010 Unit description : This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to access general information on facilities, products and services available in the local area and to provide this to visitors.
  • Provide visitor information

Note: For some courses, not all electives are available at all campuses.

You’ll primarily learn face to face with a teacher in one of our learning spaces such as a classroom or simulated workplace environment. Some of your training may also take place via video or Zoom.  Learn more

All of your study will be done online and you can work through your studies at your own pace. You can access your learning materials 24/7 through our online learning management system Connect.  Learn more

You will study online however your classes will be delivered in real time via a scheduled timetable. You will interact with your teachers and other students using programs like Zoom. Learn more

You'll learn face to face with a teacher in a classroom or simulated workplace environment. You may access learning materials through our online learning management system Connect. Learn more

Studying on campus is a great way to enjoy the benefits of face-to-face education in a way that is far removed from a typical school. No matter which campus you choose, you know that you will be learning in an adult environment where you will be respected and nurtured. Attend a campus to learn face-to-face with a teacher in one of our learning spaces; such as a classroom, workshop, laboratory or simulated environments, or interact with teachers using real-time video or web conference tools. Learn more

Courses delivered on campus may have a combination of online and classroom based learning. Students are expected to undertake additional personal study to complete the course requirements.

Enjoy the freedom and flexibility of choosing when and where you study. Direct your own learning with all your study materials online, allowing you to manage your own workload and fit your studies around your lifestyle. Access your learning space 24 hours a day, seven days a week and be supported by high-quality educators who are devoted to your outcomes. Learn more

You will be able to access your learning materials from the first day of the study period. You must be enrolled to be able to access your learning materials. You will be expected to undertake additional self-directed study in order to complete the course requirements.

Choosing to study a TAFE at School course is a great way to get a vocational qualification while you’re still in high school. You also gain valuable credits towards your QCE, an apprenticeship, a diploma or university. TAFE at School gives you a taste of what higher education is all about, makes you work-ready, and helps you build practical skills in an adult-learning environment. Successful completion of a TAFE at School qualification gives you direct entry into any of our diploma courses. Learn more

You must be a Year 10, 11 or 12 student enrolled at a participating high school. In addition, the duration of your TAFE at School course cannot be longer than your remaining high school studies. Speak to your high school guidance counsellor or careers advisor for more information. Course placements are subject to availability.

Information is current at time of publishing, to confirm the QCE points for your course please speak to your high school guidance counsellor or careers advisor, or visit the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) website.

As an international student at TAFE Queensland you'll gain hands-on experience in our modern classrooms, laboratories and workshops using state-of-the-art facilities and the same tools and equipment used in industry.

Get the internationally-recognised qualification you need to launch your career while enjoying the unique Australian landscape, culture, and lifestyle.

No matter where you are in your study journey, our team of international student support advisors can help you settle into life in Australia and provide support and assistance to help you throughout your studies.

As an international student you’ll study face-to-face in a classroom with other international and Australian students at one of our campus locations.

You will be expected to undertake additional personal study to complete the course requirements. The number of hours of personal study required is dependent on your existing knowledge, skills and language needs.

Download Brochure

  • TAFE at School
  • International
  • By location

Payment Options

How can i pay for this course.

No matter what your circumstances, TAFE Queensland has a payment option to suit you. If you are unsure of what’s right for you, get in touch. We’re here to help. 

Payment plan

If you have difficulty paying for the full cost of a course upfront, you may be eligible for a payment plan.

Upfront payment

This may be the full fee for the course, or the student contribution amount if you are eligible for a subsidy or concession.

VET Student Loan - $12,063 cap

The VET Student Loans program assists eligible students enrolled in approved courses to pay their tuition fees.  The Australian Government charges full fee-paying (non-subsidised) students a 20 per cent loan fee in addition to their tuition fees.  A VET Student Loan is a debt that must be repaid.

International student payment

Our preferred payment method is telegraphic transfer or credit card using  Convera Global Pay for Students  or the  Flywire Payment Portal . Convera and Flywire both allow you to complete your payment in your own currency using a telegraphic transfer with no processing fees or delays. Learn more

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course.

Selection criteria

Domestic students While there is no official selection criteria, due to the intensive study schedule it is recommended that students work or have worked in the service industry and / or completed lower level qualifications e.g.: Certificate II or III in Tourism, Certificate III in Travel, Certificate III in Events or a Certificate III in Hospitality.

Online Virtual Classroom A course / content expert within the faculty will telephone each student to arrange a professional conversation (over a virtual platform).  At this meeting readiness requirements to participate in the course prior to it's start of study will be discussed including RPL and credit transfer opportunities.  **PLEASE NOTE THE PROFESSIONAL CONVERSATION WILL NEED TO OCCUR PRIOR TO FINALISING ENROLMENT**

Face to Face (on campus) 18 years of age or over OR completion of year 12 of high schooling. TAFE at School All students must be enrolled in a High School program and have completed Year 11 with sound achievement in English, Mathematics and computer skills.

BKSB Prior to enrolment, ALL students will need to complete a Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB) assessment and achieve a competency of at least Exit Level 4 in the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) in both language and numeracy. Students are required to access and use technology to complete the learning and assessment activities and resources within this program. This can be through their own device and internet connection, or through regional TAFE campus classes or library. To access Higher Level Skills funding or VSL funding for this course the prospective student must meet all subsidy eligibility with parental consent.

International students The following selection criteria requirements apply only to International students:

  • English Language Proficiency: Academic IELTS 6.0 (no individual band less than 5.5) or equivalent - For a list of all  English Language  tests accepted by TAFE Queensland International.
  • Academic Requirements: Completion of Year 12 (or equivalent). Non school-leavers must have relevant work experience or qualification that indicates likely success of course completion. View more information on the international education achievement levels equivalent to Year 10 and 12.

Applicants should be a minimum of 17 years of age and turning 18 during the first year of study with TAFE Queensland. International students who are under 18 years of age and are applying for a student visa are required by the Australian Department of Home Affairs to have adequate welfare arrangements in place.  

Resources required

It is recommended that you have access to a reliable internet connection to access TAFE Queensland's online learning system Connect, and a computer with up-to-date software, including Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader. This equipment and software is available for use at all TAFE Queensland locations.

You will be provided with a recommended reading list and/or required textbooks during orientation or at the start of each unit. The purchase of these resources may incur additional costs of approximately $80.00, or you may be able to borrow them from the TAFE Queensland library network. You may also be required to purchase Industry Standard uniform items (including TAFE Queensland branded items, standard black clothing, and enclosed shoes). These details will also be provided during orientation. The purchase of these uniform items may incur additional costs of approximately $100.00.

Online Virtual Classroom It is imperative that students have sound digital literacy skills, access to strong internet and a personal computer with a camera and microphone.

Face to Face (on campus) Students are provided access to classroom computers and internet access.

Vaccination requirements  COVID-19 vaccination requirements across a range of high-risk settings have eased. There are no Public Health Directions in affect requiring you to be vaccinated in high risk settings. However, decisions on mandatory vaccinations will be made by the owner or operator of these settings. Some facilities may also mandate the number of vaccinations required. These requirements will be provided to the student, prior to arrangements being made for the completion of vocational placement.

Online Virtual Classroom No Vocational Placement or Work Experience required.

Face to Face (on campus) Completing Vocational Placement is compulsory, you are required to undertake a minimum of 70 hours of Vocational Placement to complete this course. You will need to manage your commitments in order to complete a rewarding and successful placement. A VPC officer will connect with all students and provide placement in a Travel or Tourism Business e.g.: Visitor information centre, Travel Agency, Hotel, Tour wholesaler etc.

Online Virtual Classroom The online virtual classroom program is delivered virtually, meaning students will participate in online delivery.  For this part time delivery model it is a minimum 12 months duration, delivery will consist of 2 night sessions per week x 3hrs per session, with the ability to access recorded sessions for on-demand access. For each teaching block there is also a scheduled workshop.

This course is organised in 8 week teaching blocks. This program will require students to complete a minimum of  9 sets of 8 week teaching blocks to complete the full qualification to the commencement of your course, you will receive an invitation to attend an orientation week to ensure that you are supported prior to commencement of study. 

Please view the  Virtual Delivery Flyer .

TAFE at School High school students enrolling in this delivery will complete a total of 12 of 23 units (Stage 1) from the SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management qualification across year 12 of their high school enrolment.  Upon successful completion of Stage 1 of the program, students will achieve 8 QCE points and have met all requirements of Semester 1 of the qualification and will complete Semester 2 (Stage 2) of the mainstream SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism qualification once they have graduated from high school.

TAFE Queensland students have the opportunity to travel to locations across the globe as part of their studies in selected courses. Studying abroad gives you with the chance to immerse yourself in different cultures, as well as develop your skills and network with professionals in your chosen industry. This qualification offers a Study Abroad program as part of the course.

Assessment methods

Skill and knowledge assessments are an essential step in progressing through your course. You may be assessed in a number of ways while you are studying at TAFE Queensland, including observation, written assessment, questioning, portfolios, work samples, third-party feedback, and through recognition of prior learning. Read more about  assessment methods .

University pathways

If you want to go on to further study at university, TAFE Queensland has a pathway option to get you there. In many cases, completing one of our diplomas may give you a full year of credit towards a degree with one of our partner universities.

Learn more about University Pathways

James Cook University

How to apply

Direct application.

If you're ready to get started, simply hit the Apply Now button on your preferred course information page and get your application underway online. 

Apply through QTAC

You can apply to study this course through the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC). You will need to submit your application on the QTAC website. It will be assessed, and if you are successful you will receive an offer directly through QTAC. You will need to accept your offer from QTAC before enrolling with TAFE Queensland.

For International students

International students can either apply directly through our TAFE Queensland International Application portal , or through one of our education agents . Our registered agents can assist you with your visa application and guide you through the enrolment process. If you are from this list of countries , you will need to apply through an agent. Learn more

Course disclaimer

All information was accurate at time of publication, however TAFE policies, tuition fees and course content is subject to change without notice. Course commencement is dependent on sufficient enrolment numbers. Timetable information is subject to change prior to commencement and/or during the duration of your course.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) and credit transfers

Fast track your way to a formal qualification by earning credit for the things you already know. We can assess your skills, directly apply credits from previous successful study, and give you advanced standing in your course.

Related courses

Certificate iii in tourism.

Kick start your career in tourism with this entry-level course that will qualify you to become an inbound tour coordinator, marine tourism assistant, or visitor information officer.

  • Visitor Information Officer
  • Marine Tourism Assistant
  • Inbound Tour Coordinator
  • Cellar Door Salesperson and Guide
  • Reservations Sales Agent

Certificate III in Travel

Kick start your career in travel with this entry-level course that will qualify you to work as an international, corporate or online travel consultant, or a reservation sales agent for a tour operator.

  • Reservation Sales Agent (Tour Operator)
  • International Corporate or Online Travel Consultant

Diploma of Hospitality Management

Increase your hospitality skills and learn how to solve complex problems in a team environment. Take the next step in your career and get the skills you need to take on a management role in the hospitality industry.

  • Motel Manager
  • Restaurant Manager
  • Banquet Manager
  • Functions Manager
  • Cafe or Restaurant Manager
  • Bar Manager
  • Chef de Cuisine
  • Club Manager
  • Front Office Manager
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Unit Manager (Catering Operations)

Change your profile here

Switch roles to view website content tailored to your needs.

Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management (C67)

Welcome enjoy your journey in hospitality, minimum entry requirements, for o levels.

To find out more about aggregate type and ELR2B2, please  visit here .

Minimum entry requirements / Grades

  • English Language : 6
  • Mathematics (Elementary/Additional) : 6
  • Art / Higher Art
  • Business Studies
  • Combined Humanities
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, History / Geography)
  • Introduction to Enterprise Development
  • Literature in English / Chinese / Malay / Tamil
  • Media Studies (English / Chinese)
  • Music / Higher Music
  • Principles of Accounts

Admission to a course is based on merit and subject to the availability of vacancies. The range of net ELR2B2 aggregate score of the students who were admitted to these courses through the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE) are shown as a general reference.

For N levels

  • English Language Syllabus A : 2
  • Mathematics Syllabus A / Additional Mathematics : 3
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Geography)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, History)
  • Humanities (Social Studies, Literature in English)
  • Literature in English
  • Any two other subjects (excluding CCA): 4
  • Introduction
  • Opportunities
  • Testimonials

Master the complexities of marketing destinations and developing memorable experiences

You will become professionals who are:

What you'll learn

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

About this course

Develop the expertise to manage and develop destinations, craft experiences, and navigate this dynamic industry by combining theoretical knowledge with industry immersion.

At the end of this diploma course, you’ll gain the following course competencies:

  • Accommodation Management
  • Business Communication & Innovation
  • Business Intelligence & Data Science
  • Business Operations & Resource Management
  • Marketing & Experience Design Management
  • MICE Management 
  • Tourism Business Sustainability Management

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Course structure

The NYP-PCM for the Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management consists of:

  • 23 Competency Units (CmUs) Within each Competency Unit, the skills and knowledge of different disciplines are integrated and taught holistically. This enables learners to fulfil specific work tasks upon completion.
  • 7 Course Competencies Each Course Competency consists of a collection of Competency Units that develops specific learning outcomes and competencies.
  • 2 Competency Canvases Each Competency Canvas consists of a collection of Competency Units and a Work- Integration Unit (WIU), which is a workplace-contextualised project. Competency Canvases help learners develop and demonstrate their abilities to perform work tasks at a higher proficiency.
  • 1 Internship Programme
  • 11 General Studies Modules These modules allow you to explore other areas of interest beyond your chosen area of specialisation.

Course Curriculum

This course adopts the new  Professional Competency Model

You will take a total of  3 elective GSMs  in Year 1. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

Elective General Studies Modules

Each elective module consists of 10 hours of class time and 5 hours of eLearning/self-directed learning.

School of Applied Science

Science behind Skin Care (ASX111)

Taking care of our skin is important, but which is the right routine for our individual skin type? Do expensive skin care products do a better job than cheaper ones? Learn more about what goes into a skin care product, the chemistry behind a good skincare product, as well as the myths and facts behind skin care.

Understanding Our Environment (ASX112)

Industrialisation and a rapidly growing population are putting a lot of stress on our planet, including global warming, ocean acidification, water shortage, biodiversity loss and desertification. This module will cover important environmental issues and how human activities affect them.

School of Design and Media

Digital Photography (DXX111)

Have you always wished to take the kind of breathtaking, Instagram-worthy photos you see in your social media feeds? You will learn how to do so in this module. We will teach you how to use composition, natural lighting, colours and angles to take the perfect snap every time.

Art & Mindfulness (DXX112)

You are chill with your unique talent in expressing art and emotions through different mediums and techniques. This module focuses on non-striving and non-judging, i.e., mindfulness practices that engage learners now and reduces stress in an intuitive non-outcome-based session. The fun thing is that there is no wrong way to do it; show up and allow yourself to be curious about your environment. This module provides experiential learning knowledge through proven demonstrations and thoughtful guidance in sketching your world.

The Story of Animation (DXX113)

Don’t miss this module if you love animated movies. You will discover some of the most important work done in this industry and learn about different animation media, techniques and trends.

Urban Sketching (DXX114)

Are you curious about the amazing buildings, hidden gems, and fascinating people in our city? This module will take you on an exciting adventure to explore and capture the urban environment visually for the next generation! In this interactive module, explore the expression of ideas on paper through drawing and storytelling by discovering different places of interest. Get ready to go outside the classroom and explore the built environment with a journal, a keen eye, a fast hand, sunscreen, and a hat. Here's to capturing snapshots of these urban adventures together and the creation of a visual diary that tells our story!

Navigating Design Sustainability (DXX115)

Do you wish to know how shoes or trainers are made from ocean plastic, or how products can be made from used coffee ground? Dive into “Navigating Design Sustainability”, an exciting module offered by The School of Design and Media. This module introduces you how to combine aesthetics and function with eco-friendliness, changing how you think about making things from the start. Learn about circular design principles and how to create designs that look great and are beneficial for our planet. This module is perfect for beginners or anyone who wants to learn more on how to positively impact the world through design.

School of Engineering

Introduction to Quadcoptors (EGX111)

A quadcopter is a multi-rotor aerial vehicle used in aerial photography and videography, inspections, surveillance, entertainment and car-racing sports. Quadcopters have gained popularity because they are affordable and easy to control. In this module, you will learn to assemble a quadcopter, calibrate the flight controller and fly it.

3D Print Your Design (EGX112)

3D printing is changing the way products are manufactured today. In this module, you will learn about the endless possibilities of this technology, and learn how to bring your creative ideas to life.

Harvesting Green Energy (EGX113)

Play a part in preserving our planet for the sake of our future generations. The world is increasingly looking to environmentally friendly and sustainable energy sources to meet future energy demands. Green energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, can be used to meet the world’s (and Singapore’s) growing energy needs, while ensuring environmental sustainability. Through this module, you will be able to better understand how green energy helps to reduce our carbon footprints.

Appreciation of Smart Technology in Daily Life (EGX114)

Singapore is constantly being referred to as a smart nation where smart technologies are applied, but what exactly does that mean? In this module, you will learn about the key technology enablers and business opportunities involved in employing technology on a large scale, as well as the social benefits created by our smart nation.

School of Health and Social Sciences

Basic Sign Language (HSX111)

Sign languages are one of the most important and accessible means of communication for the vast majority of deaf and people who are hard-of-hearing. This module will enable learners to communicate and participate in simple conversations with the deaf communities. In addition, you will be introduced to the history of sign language, its traditions and cultures, and will have a better understanding on how to integrate with individuals with hearing loss. You will also develop an awareness of and sensitivity to the deaf culture and learn to accommodate diversity and contribute to universal inclusion.

Sustainable Health & Social Care in Singapore (HSX112)

Sustainability is not a destination but a journey. Since independence, sustainable development has been integral to Singapore’s nation-building where policies have been designed with long-term sustainability in mind. Learners are provided an overview of Singapore’s approach and commitment to this, with particular focus on health and social care. Gain insights to these practices and be challenged to come up with ways on how you can support and/or contribute whilst improving health and social care services.

School of Information Technology

Computational Thinking for Everyday Life (ITX111)

In an increasingly complex world, having the ability to tackle tough problems is a valuable asset to have in any situation. Using a computational thinking framework, this module teaches you problem-solving skills and techniques that will help you tackle complex problems in both work and life.

The Importance of Cyber Security (ITX112)

With the boom in digital data, companies and individuals are finding it challenging to make their data secure. Learn more about cybersecurity and how everyone can play a part in avoiding or reducing the risks against cyber threats.

Create Professional Business Documentations (ITX113)

Have a great business idea, but not sure how to put together a winning proposal to impress others? This module will teach you tips and tricks to enhance your word processing skills using Microsoft Word to create impressive, professional-looking documents.

Digital Technologies for Sustainability (ITX114)

Discover how digital technologies can tackle sustainability challenges and help achieve sustainability goals in our fast-paced world. This module uses real-world case studies spanning sectors like renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management to witness digital solutions in action. You will gain valuable insights into the environmental and social impacts of these technologies, and pinpoint digital technologies for promoting sustainability.

Centre for Foundation & General Studies

Bounce Back! The ABCs of Resilience (FGX111)

Facing difficulties in life is inevitable. Many people react to these challenging events with strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty. Yet, some people bounce back from such adversities.

Discover how you can take control and bounce back when faced with adversity!

Healthy Relationships, Enriched Lives (FGX112)

Healthy relationships can build us up, while toxic relationships can tear us down. Learn the steps to building supportive relationships with people around you, as you pick up skills to better engage and communicate with others.

Emotional Intelligence (FGX113)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and control your emotions. People with high emotional intelligence don’t let their emotions affect their judgment or decision-making. They are also good at recognising the feelings of others, making them great at managing relationships and relating to others. This module will give you tips on how to build and manage your emotional intelligence.

Developing Personal Effectiveness (FGX114)

Have you ever dreamt of being a highly successful person? Come embark on an exciting learning journey to maximise your personal effectiveness and achieve your goals. We will use experiential learning activities to introduce several practical strategies for becoming a more effective individual. Don’t just admire the inspirational role models in your life; start on a path to becoming them!

Introduction to French Language 1 (FGX115)

Bonjour!  Interested in learning some basic French? Oui? Then this module is for you! You will learn handy phrases you can use when you are in France or when you are making first contact with the French. A bientôt!

Introduction to German Language 1 (FGX116)

Guten Tag!  Did you know that 100 million people outside Germany are able to speak German? Learn phrases to use when you are in the country or when communicating with your German friends.

Introduction to Japanese Language 1 (FGX117)

こんにちは(konnichiwa). Want to be able to speak some basic Japanese? Through this module, you will learn basic pronunciation and writing, so you will be able to understand what your Japanese friends in class are saying.

Introduction to Korean Language 1 (FGX118)

안녕하세요! Keen to learn some basic Korean? Learn phrases you can use when travelling in Korea or when speaking with your Korean friends. You can even better enjoy your favourite Korean drama or K-pop music!

Introduction to Malay Language (FGX119)

Selamat datang ke kelas bahasa Melayu! (Welcome to the Malay Language class!)

Always wanted to converse with your friends in Malay? Need to travel to Malaysia or Indonesia for the weekend? This module is for you. It will equip you with the basics of the Malay language through situational dialogues and give you a glimpse of the Malay culture and customs. 

As this is an introductory module, only students with no prior formal training in Malay may apply.

You will take a total of  2 elective GSMs  in Year 2. You will have a wide range of elective GSMs to choose from. Please note that the modules offered are subject to change each semester.

Fun with Chemistry (ASX201)

Your favourite shirt has a stain and you are not sure how to get rid of it. Or maybe you are interested in creating your own cleaning agents or curious to know more about the chemical compounds that make up your unique scent. Go on a fun and exciting journey to understand how chemistry is all around us and how it affects our daily lives.

Understanding Our Environment (ASX202)

Wonders of Alternative Medicines (ASX203)

From acupuncture, homeopathy, Ayurveda to traditional Chinese medicine – find out how these forms of alternative medicine work when compared to modern medicine.

Science behind Skin Care (ASX204)

Food Culture (ASX205)

Curious about how culture & lifestyle influence our food choices and the different kinds of food from the world over?

Sign up for this module and be fascinated by an array of food found in Asian and Western cuisines and countries.

Colourise Your Life (DXX202)

Find out what colours make you stand out and what makes you fade away with this module on colour theory. You will learn about the use of colours to create different moods and coordinated impressions. Find out more about the colour wheel, colour psychology and more.

Computer Game Logic (DXX203)

Did you know that your favourite video games are all governed by a set of rules and logic? In this module, you will find out how these games are created and the logic behind them. You will also learn a trick or two about playing your favourite game, as well as ways to progress and advance through tough stages.

Game Art Basics (DXX205)

Interested in finding out how graphics in computer games are created? In this module, you will learn how to create pixel art for retro-style games, such as Pac-Man and Super Mario, and replace them with your own designs.

UX Design (DXX207)

User experience (UX) design is the process of creating products that functions well and are a joy to use. It’s about enhancing the experience that people have while interacting with your product. This module will teach you what makes a good user experience, as well as several techniques and tools to design content or products that are enjoyable to use.

Elements of Interior Design (DXX208)

Are you fascinated by the beautiful rooms in interior design magazines and wish to be able to design your own? This module teaches you to sketch, create your own layout plans and visualise your ideas using simple 3D illustrations. You will also pick up tips on choosing the right colours, materials and finishes for furniture in a room.

Fascinating World of Robots (EGX201)

From the surface of Mars to your living room floor, robots are everywhere! Explore the world of robots and discover how they have been evolving – from the way they are built to the way they move, their interaction with the world and their usefulness in our lives.

Understanding Internet of Things (EGX202)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is all about enabling all our devices to connect to the Internet and with each other. This includes everything from smartphones to washing machines, refrigerators and lamps. Discover how IoT is changing the way we work and live.

Harvesting Green Energy (EGX203)

Journey to the Nano World (EGX204)

From nanoelectronics to nano zinc oxide sunscreen lotion and anti-wet and scratch-resistant coating, nanotech products are all around us. When and how did nanoscience and nanotechnology become so popular? Find out in this module as you explore the nano world.

Creative Expression Through Projection (EGX205)

Are you dazzled by the multi-coloured projection shows at the National Day Parade or at major sporting events? Get a glimpse into the art and science of 3D projection mapping – find out just how they are created and how you can tell interesting stories through this medium!

3D Print Your Design (EGX207)

Impact of Disruptive Innovation on Business (EGX208)

Ever wondered how some companies are able to build their brands by inventing products that completely transform the way we live and do things, thereby creating a whole new market and pushing out other competitors? Find out how disruptive innovation greatly affects not only the business world, but also our personal lives in this module.

Appreciating Wireless Technology (EGX210)

Wireless technology is arguably one of the greatest inventions from the past decades. It has evolved greatly to be able to deliver rich content to our mobile devices at high speed, changing our lifestyles. But what else can you do with your mobile devices? And what does the future hold for this technology? Find out in this course.

Improving Lives with Medical Technology (EGX211)

Thanks to progress in medical research, the way diseases are treated and our quality of life as greatly improved. Learn all about the amazing new technology that is being developed to help doctors and surgeons in their life-saving work – from medical implants to 3D printing to make body parts.

Choices in Relationships (HSX202)

Our relationships with others are what makes our lives happy and fulfilling. In this module, you will learn what makes a positive relationship and the effects of negative ones. From family relations to friendships and working relationships, you will learn to identify potential conflicts and manage interpersonal differences. You will also develop a deeper understanding of yourself and learn how to make positive choices to enhance your relationships with others.

Healthy and Resilient Families (HSX207)

Your emotional health is directly connected to the relationships you have with the people around you. Learn to form healthy relationships with others that will give you emotional strength and a positive outlook in life. Pick up strategies on how to communicate effectively and overcome difficult patches in relationships.

Computational Thinking for Everyday Life (ITX201)

The Importance of Cyber Security (ITX202)

Create Professional Business Documentations (ITX203)

Have a great business idea, but not sure how to put together a winning proposal to impress others? This module will teach you  tips and tricks to enhance your word processing skills using Microsoft Word to create impressive, professional-looking documents.

Making Impactful PowerPoint Presentations (ITX204)

Want to give a presentation that will blow your audience away? In this module, you will learn to use the advanced features in Microsoft PowerPoint to create dynamic and beautiful presentations easily.

Get More Out of Spreadsheets (ITX205)

Spreadsheets are a powerful tool for analysing data and helping us make decisions. Knowing how to use Microsoft Excel effectively is important in almost every industry. Through this course, you will learn how to use Excel’s advanced features to improve your work productivity and organise and present data effectively.

Business Analytics Primer (ITX206)

Data analytics has in recent years gained a lot of attention and interest from organisations and governments alike. But what is it all about?

In this module, you will learn the basics of business analytics and how data is managed, analysed and used to help businesses perform better. Find meaning behind the data and learn to unlock its secrets.

Insights on Ethical Hacking (ITX207)

To beat a hacker, you need to think like one. Find out how ethical hacking can help protect IT systems from cyberthreats with this module, which also teaches you the rules and tools used in ethical hacking.

Coding for Beginners (ITX208)

Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” Learning to code also makes you more productive, efficient and effective.

In this course, you will learn how to construct a program from a series of simple instructions in Python. There are no prerequisites and anyone with moderate computer experience will find this module fun and useful.

Introduction to Sociology (FGX201)

Want to gain a better understanding of the world we live in? This module looks at social causes and patterns of relationships as you learn how we interact with one another as a society.

Bounce Back! The ABCs of Resilience (FGX202)

Healthy Relationships, Enriched Lives (FGX203)

Introduction to French Language 1 (FGX204)

Bonjour! Do you want to learn some basic French? Oui? Then this module is for you! You will learn handy phrases you can use when you are in France or when you are making first contact with the French. A bientôt!

Introduction to German Language 1 (FGX205)

Guten Tag! Did you know that 100 million people outside Germany are able to speak German?  Learn phrases to use when you are in the country or when communicating with your German friends.

Introduction to Japanese Language 1 (FGX206)

Introduction to Korean Language 1 (FGX207)

Emotional Intelligence (FGX211)

Developing Personal Effectiveness (FGX213)

Introduction to Chinese Language (FGX214)

Are you ready to learn Chinese? Do you wish to converse with others around you in Mandarin? Starting with Hanyu Pinyin and the four tones, you will learn to speak basic Mandarin in situations involving simple interactions and daily activities. This module will also introduce you to Chinese culture and customs.

As this is an introductory module, only students with no prior formal training in Chinese may apply.

Business Chinese (FGX215)

In this module, you will capitalise on your Chinese language background to appreciate the Chinese way of thinking, which would be of great help if you are to work in China or with people from China. With a perspective anchored in culture and tradition, you will discover the underlying characteristics of Chinese as a communication tool in typical business and work environments.

As this module will be conducted in Chinese, only students with O-Level Chinese background (or the equivalent) may apply.

Introduction to Malay Language (FGX216)

Sustainability: Building a Better World (FGX217)

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on the planet? Ready to explore the exciting world of sustainability and shape a greener future? Look no further! This cutting-edge online sustainability course is your gateway to understanding and implementing socio- and eco-friendly practices that matter. We are inviting you to take our entirely asynchronous online module “Sustainability: Building a Better World”.

From climate change to renewable energy, the module covers a wide range of crucial sustainability topics that are shaping our world today. By enrolling in this course, you're not just gaining knowledge — you're also empowering yourself to be a catalyst for positive change in your community and beyond.

Introduction to Political Science (FGX218)

Ever wondered how countries are run and governed? This introductory module teaches you about the state, the different systems of government as well as political activity and behaviour. Through lectures and classroom discussions, you will also gain a better understanding of socio-political issues around the world.

Current Issues in Perspective (FGX219)

How does disruptive technology and the economy impact your life? And what skills do you need in order to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Learn these and other current issues to prepare yourself for life in the 21st century.

Learn to Lead (FGX220)

Leading a team can be challenging and scary. Yet, it is important to be able to do so if you want to succeed in school and at work. Take this course and gain confidence through activities designed to build your leadership skills.

Introduction to French Language 2 (FGX221)

Now that you have completed the basic French module, take your knowledge one step further and learn how to interact with people in everyday situations, such as at a retail store or restaurant and when finding your way around Paris.

Introduction to German Language 2 (FGX222)

Keen to build on the basic German language skills you have gained? In this module, you will learn how to communicate in various social settings, such as telling your German friend about your favourite hobbies and leisure activities or finding your way around Berlin.

Introduction to Japanese Language 2 (FGX223)

Upgrade your basic Japanese language skills and learn how to communicate in daily situations, such as ordering food at restaurants and telling your Japanese friends about your favourite pastimes – skills that will come in handy if you are planning to travel to Japan.

Introduction to Korean Language 2 (FGX224)

If you are having fun using your basic Korean language skills in simple conversations, take this module to learn how to converse confidently in your daily situations.

Sustainability in Action (FGX225)

Take action, empower change: Sustainability in Action!

Embark on a journey of real-world impact with this dynamic course which equips you to be a champion for sustainability. This module takes learning beyond the classroom and into the heart of the community. Engage in hands-on sustainability activities that not only benefit the environment but also promote sustainable behaviours to external stakeholders. Join us in making a difference and shaping a more sustainable future for generations to come!

Nurturing you to be future-ready

Overseas programmes, industry collaborations, internships, competitions.

Expand your global horizons by exploring diverse business landscapes, international trends, and networking opportunities. Participate in overseas study exchanges and educational trips ranging from 1 week to 1 semester.  

Immerse in NYP's short trips to ASEAN, China, and India . Or join our diploma-specific trips . Learn about the destination’s culture and business.

Participate in overseas internships with reputable names such as Disneyland Hong Kong, Ritz Carlton HK, or JW Marriott Vietnam.

Under NYP's  Overseas Student Exchange Programme (OSEP) , study abroad for one semester in one of 65 University partners in 23 countries like France, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, South Korea, Japan, and more.   

Study Trip, Tama Uni, Tokyo

Cultural exchange to Tama University, Tokyo

We forge partnerships with industry leaders for you to acquire business competencies and bring lessons to life. 

Gain valuable experiences with our Hospitality Services Scaffolded Sampler (HS3) programme , which will prepare you for the Hospitality & Tourism world.

  • Go deep into the intricacies of MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions) operations , 
  • Receive guidance with hotel operations mentorship from local hoteliers, and
  • Enrich your learning with our learning journeys and guest lectures.

With every professional industry encounter, you will b uild your network, glimpse future trends, and acquire the practical skills you need to thrive.

Learn from the best and gain an opportunity to fast-track your career: Participate in our unique Accelerated Management Training Programme (AMTP) with Raffles Hotel, or fly the world with Singapore Airlines.

Be mentored by professionals from local and global leading Hospitality & Tourism organisations during our six-month internship programme. Put what you learnt into practice, grow your networks and build your resume.

You may even be among those to receive a priority offer at the end of your internship, and get a head start to your career in the Hospitality & Tourism sector. 

Companies that offer internships to our learners include:

Ritz Carlton HK

The Ritz Carlton in Hong Kong, China

Our students regularly emerge tops in the prestigious AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge , pitting their skills against teams from across Asia. These meets not only allow you to gain valuable industry knowledge and confidence but also lifelong friendships as you collaborate and compete.

Post-graduation options

Pursue a degree.

Get advanced standing for courses at local and overseas universities. Our graduates have pursued degrees at:

  • National University of Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Singapore Management University
  • Singapore Institute of Technology
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences
  • EHL Hospitality Business School

Kickstart your Career

Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in the Hotel & Resort, MICE, and Tourism sectors.

Advance your diploma

Pursue post-diploma opportunities , including specialist diplomas, industry-recognised certifications, and work-study programmes.

Our graduates are highly sought after in dynamic industries, with rewarding careers in:

Hotel & Resort Sector

  • Guest Services Manager
  • Hotel & Resort Manager
  • Hotel Sales & Marketing Manager
  • Rooms Division Manager

MICE Sector

  • Convention Planner & Manager
  • Event Operations Manager
  • Event Planner & Manager
  • Incentive Travel Planner & Manager
  • Wedding Planner

Tourism Sector

  • Airline & Cruise Manager
  • Destination & Attractions Manager
  • Tour Planner

Who's on board with us


Ng Gian Heng

Director of Human Resources, Capella Singapore

Gardens by the Bay

Ong Kian Ann

Director, Business Development, Gardens by the Bay

Suntec Singapore

Senior Director, HR, Business Solutions & Operations, Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre


Under the Professional Competency Model (PCM), the Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) Diploma in Hospitality & Tourism Management synthesises core business skillsets with domain competencies. Learners in the programme will have a better appreciation of how business fundamentals are applied in the tourism industry. They will also benefit from an agile curriculum that is aligned to industry trends. Capella Singapore looks forward to partnering with NYP on various platforms in fulfilling this meaningful and worthwhile development initiative.

Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay commends NYP for restructuring this programme under the PCM. This will allow students to better integrate and apply knowledge and skillsets picked up throughout their learning journey. Under the PCM, closer industry collaboration is accorded with co-development, co-delivery and co-assessment of curriculum. This ensures that students are equipped with the crucial and relevant competencies to thrive in a challenging (tourism) business environment.

Suntec Singapore

As a working mother to one kid, taking part-time classes through the Professional Development Centre at Nanyang Polytechnic has been ideal. I am able to learn together with my child in a classroom setting and at the same time put into practice at my work place the valuable skills I have acquired from my part time course. The small class-size, team of professional lecturers and friendly staff at the polytechnic made my experience at NYP more rewarding than I could have imagined!

Sim Wen Jing

Real experiences, real results

Get the inside scoop – students’ insights, experiences, and stories! Learn about the heartbeat of student life at NYP in their own words.

  • (won't show)

AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Our students have routinely taken top spots at the annual AFECA (Asian Federation of Exhibition and Convention Associations) Asia MICE Youth Challenge.

NYP Hospitality Club

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

The NYP Hospitality Club gets our students involved in myriad activities – including bringing joy to communities.

Explore. Learn. Grow.

Hospitality Suite: mock hotel room

Hospitality Suite: mock hotel room

Develop real-world hospitality and event skills in a unique learning lab that features a dedicated hotel room and reception area.

Hospitality Suite: mock reception area

Hospitality Suite: mock reception area

This immersive experience allows you to hone your skills in a practical setting, preparing you to hit the ground running in your hospitality career.

Apply to this course

To apply to this course, please visit our  admissions page  for more information.

For enquiries, please contact:

  • Mr Eugene Pang
  • Tel: 6550 1168
  • Email: eugene_pang@nyp.edu.sg

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School of Business Management

In business with the best

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hospitality & hotel management students

Online - Hospitality & Hotel Management

ICE’s online Hospitality & Hotel Management program is accredited and designed for the individual who is unable to attend ICE in person, but wants training in how to launch a career in the world of hotels, tourism and many other areas of the hospitality industry.

100% Online* Courses – Get Ready to Pursue A Career with Global Potential

Just like our on-campus program, the Institute of Culinary Education’s online diploma program in Hospitality & Hotel Management trains students for a career in industries such as travel, tourism and event planning. This synchronous online diploma program is scheduled to align with the Hospitality Management courses being taught at ICE's  New York campus . Just like students in our campus classrooms, online students can earn their diploma in less than a year.

Hospitality management is a field in which great talent is rewarded — and promoted. With a solid education to support your career and plenty of opportunities for growth in this exciting industry, you’ll have the potential to advance quickly and work with a diverse group of colleagues. 

*The externship portion of this program must be completed in person.

Quick Facts

Program Name: Hospitality & Hotel Management - Online

Program Duration:  8 or 12 months

Class Times:  morning, afternoon, evening 

Get More Info

A student learning online

Is Our Online Program Right For You?

If you’re unable to attend class in person at one of ICE's campuses and are looking for a comprehensive education in the business side of the hospitality industry, our online program is a perfect option. Class schedules align with our New York campus class schedules so our online students can enroll in a program that starts and ends at times that work best for their lifestyle.

An ICE hospitality student shares a presentation with the class at the Institute of Culinary Education

Unique & Specific Training

An education specifically dedicated to hospitality management lays the foundation for a wide variety of potential career paths by exposing you to what it takes to run a hospitality establishment; from large international hotel chains, to boutique hotels, bed and breakfasts, short and long-term homestays and much more. With our flagship campus located in one of the most famous tourism cities in the world, instructors from ICE New York provide online students with a unique opportunity to learn the nuances of this field from educators with years of industry experience.

Staff of a hospitality business mixing beverages

Real-World Hospitality Education

Our Hospitality & Hotel Management curriculum blends course work, role-playing, guest lectures by industry experts and when possible, field trips — using NYC as your classroom. ICE’s hospitality management classes cover topics such as sales and marketing, hotel management, restaurant management, human resources and more. The accounting and finance unit teaches practical skills such as menu pricing and managing payroll, while the operations courses cover front and back-office hotel management responsibilities, including reservations and security. In other segments, students study such topics as menu design, marketing and public relations, event management and conference planning. The curriculum culminates with a 200-hour externship at a hotel or hospitality enterprise selected by you, with the support and guidance of your personal Career Services Advisor. 

Online - Hotel & Hospitality Management Program Schedule

ICE is approved to offer online distance education to students in  select states . ICE's online Hospitality & Hotel Management program is taught synchronously, which means students  must be  present (online) at the time the class is scheduled. Class times for this online program are scheduled at the same time as on-campus Hospitality & Hotel Management program taught at ICE's New York Campus. Like the on-campus program, this online program is offered in a wide variety of schedule options, including mornings, afternoons and evenings. Classes meet three, four or five times per week..

Tuition includes all books and supplies, so you're fully equipped from day one. All online Hotel & Hospitality Management program students are also eligible to take our popular Wine Essentials series on campus at no additional charge. Visit our Tuition and Discounts page for complete information on the cost for specific class dates and times.

Evening (12 months)

  • Hours: Mon., Tues., Weds., Thurs., 6 p.m.-9 p.m.
  • Start Date:  TBD

Morning (12 months)

  • Hours: Mon., Weds., Fri., 8 a.m.-12 p.m.
  • Start Date: TBD

Afternoon (8 months)

  • Hours : Mon.-Fri, 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
  • Start Date : TBD

Dual Diploma Discount

Combine business and cooking skills to accelerate success. Students enrolled in the online Hospitality & Hotel Management program who also enroll in another diploma program, such as Culinary Arts , Plant-Based Culinary Arts or Pastry & Baking Arts can receive a discount worth up to $4,000.


Take the Next Step Toward a Hospitality Career

The admissions process is the start of a lasting relationship with ICE. Your Admissions Representative will introduce you to the personal experience our school is known for. Their mission is to understand your career goals and help you select the right program(s) to fit your needs and interests.

Why Choose ICE

You know it's in you — the ambition to pursue a rewarding career in hospitality. ICE is ready to help you achieve your career dreams.

12 Reasons Why You Should Choose ICE.

Learn about Externships

A hands-on externship in a professional hospitality business is a vital component to the ICE education. Working closely with your Career Services Advisor, we’ll help you find the right fit to start getting experience and broadening your network, even while you’re still in school.

Learn More About Externships.

Resources :

Ready to take your interest in ICE further? Speak to an Admissions Representative about your personal goals, start your application or download our career brochure so you can access our program information anytime.

Request Information

Applying to ICE

NY Career Brochure

LA Career Brochure

ICE's Hospitality & Hotel Management diploma program is taught synchronously with the on-campus program at ICE's New York campus. The program includes lectures, guest speakers from successful hospitality enterprises and, when possible, field trips to local hotels and hospitality businesses.

This 638 clock-hour diploma program consists of six modules divided into 11 courses. The first 10 courses are held at ICE. This program is offered as a synchronous distance education meeting via video conference software. The eleventh course is a 200-hour off-site externship. 

The online Hospitality & Hotel Management training program is constructed as follows:


From marketing and management to food costs and event planning, this first course introduces students to the wide world of hospitality management. Students will receive an overview of the functions and structures within a typical hospitality enterprise.


One of the most essential components of a successful hospitality enterprise is the people. This course teaches students how to effectively recruit, train, supervise and maintain the staff that will either make or break their property. Learn the skills needed to successfully manage a team-oriented staff through lectures and discussions about computerized human resource information systems, management techniques, union shops and employee discipline. 


A hospitality enterprise's room division is responsible for meeting guests' expectations for a clean, safe and secure environment. This course provides students with an understanding of the essential safety policies and procedures associated with OSHA safety regulations, laundry and maintenance operations and the best practices for effectively managing a secure environment for your guests. 


Like most industries, success in the hospitality management industry depends on ambition, hard work and numbers. Menu pricing, profit and loss statements (P&Ls) and occupancy rates are just a few of the topics covered in this course, which teaches students how to accurately and efficiently associate numbers with both the financial and logistical aspects of hospitality management. 


Restaurants, banquet halls, in-room dining services and lounges are all a part of any top-level hospitality enterprise. They rely on the food and beverage division. This course explores menu design, restaurant public relations, dining room management, alcoholic beverage service and financial management tools. 


Successfully managing a hotel requires an awareness of every transaction and process that takes place from the time a guest checks in to the time they check out. This course provides students with a comprehensive look at both front and back office management responsibilities including reservation, security, record keeping and audit procedures.


Even the most extraordinary property can fall if it is not positioned and marketed properly. From marketing audits and evaluations to consumer targeting and evaluation, this course examines the sales office organization, telemarketing, cross-promotions and sales force management required to optimize a property's performance and reach a targeted demographic. 


The best hotels typically boast excellent food venues. Being equipped to manage kitchens efficiently and understand food production is a valuable skill that is essential in today's cost-sensitive environment. The food production course will explore this important department from inventory to purchasing, storing, menu design and preparation, to plate presentation, planning and operations. Students will examine kitchen operations in a professional environment.


As the hospitality management industry grows, so too does the size and scale of conferences, conventions and galas. Large-scale events require complex management skills to create themes, organize timelines and coordinate catering and technical resources that include special audio/visual effects and lighting. This course provides students with an in-depth look at event and conference planning through interactive lectures and group discussions.


The digital age hasn't left the hospitality management industry behind. An ever-increasing number of hotels and resorts rely on key property management systems to control everything from reservations and energy management to security and event catering. This course familiarizes students with the industry-leading Micros OPERA System by training them in the uses and functions of technology within hospitality management. 

At the end of their in-class training, students complete an externship to apply the skills they have gained. Students may choose to complete their externship within a broad range of hospitality and tourism venues, such as hotels, events or catering companies.

Hospitality & Hotel Management Program Instructors

Each instructor in ICE's Hospitality & Hotel Management Program, some of whom are active consultants, has in-depth experience in the hospitality industry, offering students access to their rich experiences and the very latest real-world insights on the business. 

Rick Camac

Katie Chamberlain

Andrew Catalano is an instructor at The Institute of Culinary Education

Andrew Catalano

Bob Warman

Robert Warman

Hospitality: thriving with opportunity, the global force of hospitality management.

Hospitality and hotel management is a key discipline for the trillion-dollar global hospitality industry consisting of travel, tourism and hotels. Its practitioners enjoy careers found in hotels, resorts, spas, casinos, cruise ships, conference planning and event management, food, beverage and catering, as well as at health, sports, entertainment venues, country clubs and more.

The front desk in a modern hotel lobby

Industry Highlights

While the term 'hospitality industry' covers many different services, it can generally be defined through five different sectors: lodging, travel and tourism, food and beverage, recreation, and meetings and events. Here are are some interesting statistics about this robust industry:

The global hospitality industry is worth over $3.952 trillion as of 2021 and there are about 1.6 million people employed by the U.S.’s accommodation industry. Recently the U.S. hotel industry has been estimated to be worth $177.6 billion  and is predicted to grow by 33.6% in 2022. (Hospitality Trends and Market Data, Zippia.com Nov. 2022 )

In terms of job market, the World Travel & Tourism Council's recent Economic Impact Report (EIR), announced the travel and tourism industry is expected to create nearly 126 million new jobs within the next 10 years .

A cruise ship sails through the ocean blue

The Industry for Travelers

New York City was expected to welcome 56.4 million visitors in 2022 alone, up from 32.9 million in 2020. Visitation is forecasted to have grown up to 61.7 million in 2023 and surpass 2019 levels by 2024. ( NYC & Company, October 2022 )

An ICE student graduates from the Hospitality & Hotel Management program

Built on Diversity

The hospitality management industry demands a multicultural, multigenerational workforce. The industry does not discriminate — it enables. Career momentum within the hospitality industry is well documented, as larger organizations have structured, in-house career training programs and offer managers the opportunity to transfer to other locations across the globe. The world of hotels and tourism provides an opportunity for exposure to everything from family-owned bed & breakfasts, to the ability to climb the corporate ladder at some of the world's largest hospitality companies.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) April 2022 employment report, jobs in the leisure and hospitality sector increased by 78,000, with workers ages 45 and older making up 26% of the workforce. It is not uncommon for restaurants, hotels, resorts and other hospitality businesses to have four or more generations of employees  proudly working alongside one another toward the common goal of providing guests an unforgettable experience.

ICE alum Rommel Gopez shares why he decided to enroll in ICE's Hospitality management program

“Before I went to ICE, I was already working in the hospitality industry. But I wanted to learn more and have something under my belt to show that I was serious about my profession. I wanted the diploma to go with my work experience.”

Technology Taught: ResNexus

Communication among various teams within all hotel departments makes or breaks the guest experience, which means knowing how to effectively use a hotel's reservation management system is vital. This is why ICE provides hands-on training to our hospitality program students on ResNexus, a popular online property management booking system. This software seamlessly transmits property information and rates, and provides many of the tools a hotel staff needs to do their day-to-day jobs. Tasks covered in ResNexus include handling reservations, checking guests in and out, assigning rooms, managing room inventory, accommodating the needs of in-house guests and handling accounting and billing. This multi-faceted perspective helps staff process rooms and serve their guests with the greatest amount of insight.

Stories from ICE

Can a restaurant do well and do good at the same time, 5 new la restaurants to dine in this summer, is culinary school worth it, in the news.

Southern Living featured Institute of Culinary Education in an article

The Best Oats for Baking According to ICE Chef Kierin Baldwin

Huff Post featured Institute of Culinary Education in an article

Salad Tips & Tricks from an ICE Chef

Serious Eats included Institute of Culinary Education in an article

Tips for Storing Wine from Dean of Wine Studies Scott Carney

18 Best universities for Hospitality / Hotel Management in Russia

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in Russia ranked based on their research performance in Hospitality and Hotel Management. A graph of 12.5K citations received by 3.37K academic papers made by 18 universities in Russia was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. Moscow State University

For Hospitality and Hotel Management

Moscow State University logo

2. National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics logo

3. Southern Federal University

Southern Federal University logo

4. South Ural State University

South Ural State University logo

5. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics logo

6. Kazan Federal University

Kazan Federal University logo

7. Tomsk State University

Tomsk State University logo

8. Tomsk Polytechnic University

Tomsk Polytechnic University logo

9. St. Petersburg State University

St. Petersburg State University logo

10. St. Petersburg State University of Economics

St. Petersburg State University of Economics logo

11. Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation logo

12. Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University

Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University logo

13. RUDN University

RUDN University logo

14. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University logo

15. Ural Federal University

Ural Federal University logo

16. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration logo

17. State University of Management

State University of Management logo

18. Russian State Social University

Russian State Social University logo

The best cities to study Hospitality and Hotel Management in Russia based on the number of universities and their ranks are Moscow , Rostov-on-Don , Chelyabinsk , and Kazan .

Business subfields in Russia

Boxed Backgrounds

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Tourism Study Programs - University of Colombo

About the University

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The oldest University in Sri Lanka, the University of Colombo is a sprawling complex located in the heart of the capital city of Colombo. In keeping with its motto “Buddhi Sarvathra Bhrajate”, Sanskrit for “Wisdom Enlightens”, the University of Colombo strives to maintain academic excellence in all areas of study. The University of Colombo has 7 Faculties with 43 Academic Departments, a Campus, a School, 7 Institutes and several Centres and Units. Many undergraduate and postgraduate study courses in the fields of Arts, Science, Medicine, Management, Finance, Law, Education, IT, Aesthetic Studies. Molecular Biology etc are conducted by the University. The University also offers several other services, such as library services, career guidance, and services for differently-abled students. Student life is enhanced by a plethora of extra-curricular activities offered on campus. The beautiful playground and the modern gymnasium offer sportsmen and women the opportunity to exploit and develop their abilities to the fullest. The New Arts Theatre is often the arena for spotlighting the dramatic/ musical talents of our student population. Today, the University of Colombo with a proud history of over 115 years continues in its endeavour to meet the challenge of maintaining its position as the “Metropolitan University, Modern and International in Outlook and Character”. The location of the University affords the student population all the advantages of a “metropolitan university”, with easy access to international information/ resource centres, libraries, theatres, sports complexes etc. Its central location within the City of Colombo provides easy access to a wide range of cultural, entertainment and business facilities. The University of Colombo has a multi-cultural multi-ethnic student and staff population, fostering social harmony, cultural diversity, equal opportunity and unity.

Vision 2 Voice

This magazine is an outlet to share pertinent information with all the tourism industry experts, academics, and students who have a thirst to quench the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Also, it is a platform generated for all the students to obtain knowledge and for the upcoming writers to show up their creativity, writing skills and potential outside the classroom. This magazine is surely an eye-opener for students and industry experts who are eager to collect new knowledge about the industry. For this debut issue, several interviews and articles covering the theme of “Rethinking Tourism” are included. Contact the Editorial Team [email protected] or 0768044440. Advertise in Vision 2 Voice Submit an article

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Message from Dr. D.A.C. Suranga Silva

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

When we take this into consideration in tourism education, universities need to develop study programs and on occasion tailor- made programs rather than ready made ones to address the industry human capital requirements. This is our goal right now.

  • Take Creative decisions
  • Use Innovative Management Techniques
  • Create effective Marketing campaigns
  • Show Responsible Leadership

I believe that this can only be achieved through the industry professionals and decision makers who can combine their industry expertise with scientific and academic wisdom. Participants of this academic program are 90% from the tourism industry. These programs provide the students with application-oriented industry interactive, evidence based analytical knowledge. Our students also discuss the future prospects and the potential for the future development of Sri Lanka Tourism. We have made efforts through this program to inculcate among our students the need for research-oriented sensitivity in handling contemporary issues and challenges for sustainable development in Sri Lanka. Designing quality tourism services and competitive products has become more important than ever if we want to position Sri Lanka as one of the best destination in the World.

Choosing a career path should be driven by the desire of what one really wants to do, and tourism is such a versatile industry, learning is life long so why not choose to ‘Learn what you Love’! I know that studying at the DTTEHM Program will be exciting, interesting, colourful and challenging, yet also a very rewarding experience. I encourage you to now take the next step in ‘creating your tomorrow’.

Faithfully, Dr. D.A.C. Suranga Silva, Course Co-ordinator University of Colombo

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Why Choose Us


The Economics Department of the University of Colombo offers multi-disciplinary programmes in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management from Diploma to Masters level. They are especially designed to respond to the increasing demand for multi-skilled practitioners and professionals who are able to take responsibility for a wide range of complex industry processes to contribute towards the growth ad sustainability of the industry. These programmes prepare them to improve their knowledge through an interactive and application-oriented approach to meet the present challenges of global trends in the travel and tourism industry. The programmes provide practical and analytical competence in socio-economic, ecological, marketing, managerial, accounting, information technological and legal aspects of the travel and tourism industry. Read More

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Hospitality & Tourism Diploma Co-op

Our Hospitality and Tourism diploma co-op pathway is designed give you options, both in your education, and your career.

hospitality and tourism diploma co-op

About Our Hospitality and Tourism Diploma Co-op

Advantages of diploma in hospitality and tourism with co-op.

  • Co-op placement gives students an opportunity to have a hands-on experience of the studies of their interest by working with Canadian industries after completing the theoretical portion of the diploma, an edge over the normal Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism.
  • Students will attain more crucial skills and advantages through Co-op placement such as: practical communication skills with clients and co-workers and work experience will create more efficiency and awareness about tourism, customer services, hospitality, and marketing skills.
  • During placement students can work more than 8 hours every day hence can collect sufficient funds for their diploma and future education; accruing more productivity.
  • Most importantly this program provides tremendous flexibility for international students. If a student wants to follow a UFV pathway, after a diploma with Co-op in Focus College and 1 year at UFV, a student may be studying for two years and will have a work permit for up to 4 years. It is the best route for international students as they will get up to 4 years of work opportunities for approximately 2 years of study; study less years, work more, gain Canadian experience!
  • Canadian work experience of one year during Co-op placement may help students in getting better jobs in their field of study and help international students in their Permanent Residence application.

University Pathway Program

The Hospitality and Tourism Diploma program has pathway opportunities! Students are able to transfer to BCIT to continue their studies. If you are interested in learning more about the pathway programs at Focus College, click here to download the catalogue!

BCIT School of Business and Media

  • Focus College Announcement – COVID-19

Focus College response to Covid-19

Updated March 16, 2020

Due to the current pandemic and the desire to protect the health of our students, Focus College is taking measures which incorporate social isolation.

For current students:

We are suspending our Advanced Diploma and Office Manager courses for the week of March 16-20th, to allow for temporary distance learning to be set up. If any students do not have access to a computer from home, we request that they notify the college immediately. Further information on how courses will be delivered will be available as the week goes on. Please monitor your student email for further information throughout the week.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Schiller University 60 Years Commemorative Logo with Color Design

Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management

Prepare for a successful career in the hospitality and tourism industry with Schiller International University. Join our Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management to create a successful career pathway in this dynamic and booming sector.

40 months/ 4 years

120 American Credits, (equivalent to 240 ECTS)

€ 15,400* / year

Study Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management

Gain the practical knowledge and skills required to pursue a successful career in the hospitality and tourism industry with Schiller International University. Our Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management course offers you an in-depth study in one of the fastest-growing sectors in the service industry, which will help shape your future in this dynamic and vibrant sector. From managing hotels, resorts, and restaurant operations to leading leisure and recreational activities worldwide, the course provides the latest insights into the hospitality and tourism industry. Our Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management will help you develop your strategic business acumen and implement innovative business models in different markets with an emphasis on analysis, planning, implementation, and control.

Our Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management curriculum is expertly curated to help you apply management disciplines such as marketing, human resources management, operations, and accounting within the international hospitality and tourism sector. So, what are you waiting for? Join us to start your journey towards a successful career in this booming industry.

A study plan showing Curriculum: General Education, Knowledge Area and Elective Courses


The Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management course at Schiller International University offers you a meticulously crafted syllabus designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of international management in the global hospitality and tourism landscape.

You will study General Education, specific knowledge from your area of study, and technical courses applied to your industry:

As you will study an international degree based on the American system, do you want to learn more about this? Read about it in the "Academics" section on our FAQ page.

Course Highlights

  • Welcome the world: Dive into the heart of Tourism and Hospitality, gaining skills that open doors to captivating cultures and global adventures.
  • Crafting memorable experiences: Learn to curate unforgettable moments for travelers, blending artful hospitality with strategic tourism insights.
  • Trends that shape tourism: Stay at the forefront of industry trends with our Hospitality and Tourism Management course by using the latest research to innovate and redefine the future of travel experiences.
  • Cultural fusion expertise: Learn the art of bridging cultures, catering to diverse travelers' desires and international management while championing cross-cultural understanding.
  • Strategies for travel triumph: Develop winning business models for various destinations, turning your passion for tourism into a flourishing career.
  • Navigate global landscapes: Seamlessly orchestrate resources and operations across international settings, becoming a force in tourism and hospitality.
  • Ethics in every encounter: Embrace ethical practices that resonate with responsible tourism, leaving a positive impact on the world and its communities.
  • Skills for touristic success: Hone your communication, teamwork, and independent learning abilities, ensuring you're primed for a dynamic tourism future.

Required General Education Courses

Required Core Courses

Elective Courses

*The curriculum is subject to change. Each campus and program may have additional requirements and exceptions. An Additional UK Final Thesis is required if applying for a dual degree.

Why Study Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Gain Global Perspective

At Schiller International University, we offer our Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management learners a unique opportunity to gain a global perspective and experience diverse cultures. With students from over 130 nationalities and a vast network of 20,000 alumni, you can study in an international setting that provides a rich and immersive learning experience.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Dual Degree Dual Opportunities

Join our Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management course to broaden your horizons and advance your hospitality and tourism career with our US and European degrees. Prepare for a Global Future in the hospitality and tourism industry with Schiller International University. Join us and take the first step toward a brighter future!

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Challenge-Based Learning

At Schiller, we strongly believe in practical-based learning. Our Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management course is designed to provide you with hands-on experience by working with international startups on real-world challenges. You will develop top skills and gain valuable insights into the hospitality and tourism industry.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Global Employability Path

Become a Smart Global Professional ready for the challenges of the hospitality and tourism industry with our immersive, highly employability-oriented training activities. Our Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management course will provide you with direct access to international professionals and leading companies/organizations to build a Global Employability Path from day one.

Schiller University partner for dual degrees: University of Roehampton London Logo

Our Numbers


Years of Experience

International Campuses

Cost of the Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality and Tourism Management*

Tuition fees for european campuses, additional fee for university of roehampton degree (european campuses).

*Price per average school year – 10 courses/months – 30 credits. The standard price, not including additional possible scholarships.

SIU has partnered with Flywire, a global payment platform that helps you make international payments reliably, at favorable exchange rates, and without costly bank fees.

Scholarships available!

Discover all the scholarships you can apply for and choose the one that fits your situation!

At Schiller International University, we provide you with a full detailed list of available scholarships: Initial eligibility, Documentation requirements, Amount of the award, Continued eligibility requirements, and Eligibility for reapplying upon loss of an award. If you need additional information or personalized attention, contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Cost of Living

Please check the table below to find the estimate we have calculated for various expenses you could face while living in one of the four cities our campuses are located in. The price is estimated on a monthly basis

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees for Schiller Online (Distance Learning)


Admission Process

Fill out the application Enrollment

Go to application enrollment.

Complete the interview

The interview with your Admissions Representative provides a great opportunity to ask questions, define your educational and professional goals, and discuss whether a Schiller degree will meet your needs.

Send all required admissions documents

This includes transcripts, passport documentation, proof of English proficiency, etc.

Once accepted, you will receive an acceptance package

In the case of students needing a VISA, you will receive a scanned copy of a conditional letter of acceptance, along with the invoice for your first semester’s tuition. Once it is paid, you will receive the official copy of your acceptance letter and acceptance package.


You are now part of Schiller’s learning community.

Fill the Application Form

Credit Recognitions and Transfers

At Schiller International University, we understand that your academic journey is unique. If you've completed the American High School system, A-levels, AP (Advanced Placement), IB (International Baccalaureate), or the French Baccalaureate, you have the opportunity to accelerate your path to success.

Request a Credit Transfer Review and validate up to 36 credits of your General Education. Contact our admissions team for further information.

Try our Global Employability Path (GEP) to acquire knowledge, develop your soft skills, build connections, and succeed as a Smart Global Professional. The program is designed to provide graduates with one year and undergraduates with four years of skills training and experience. Upon completion, you will receive a Global Employability Certificate. We are confident that the GEP program will prepare you to thrive in a competitive and dynamic global environment.

Schiller International University's global employability path ensures you become a smart global professional

Words From Our Alumni

Find out what our alumni say about their experiences at Schiller International University!

A Schiller University Alumna: Allan Arciniegas, BS in International Business

Allan Arciniegas

International Business (BS)

Absolutely wonderful!

One day, I came across Schiller University, and it seemed like a perfect fit for me. I was particularly excited to discover that they had campuses in multiple locations, including one in Tampa, where my dad lived.

A Schiller University Alumnus: Remedios Santos Molina, BS in International Business

Remedios Santos Molina

Transformative journey!

Schiller International University has been a transformative part of my journey. It not only provided me with a strong academic foundation but also shaped me as an individual. I'm grateful for the supportive community and the invaluable lessons I learned during my time at Schiller.

A Schiller University Alumna: Hussain Ayoub, BS in International Business

Hussain Ayoub

Amazing experience!

I already had family here in Germany and Schiller was the best choice for me. As a Schiller student, together with the education, living so close to campus was of great benefit. After class we can all go out and have coffee, lunch, or dinner together.

A Schiller University Alumnus: Madison Jefferis, BS in International Business

Madison Jefferis

Incredibly rewarding!

My experience of coming to the Schiller Heidelberg Campus and adapting to the local culture has been incredibly rewarding. Despite some challenges in the transition, being part of a smaller private university provided me with ample opportunities for personal and academic growth.

Discover Our Most Popular Program

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40 months, 4 years

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Madrid, Paris

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

40 months/4 years

Madrid, Paris, Heidelberg

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Madrid, Paris, Heidelberg, Tampa, Online

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

12 months (15 months for UK Dual Degree)

Paris, Heidelberg, Tampa

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Heidelberg, Paris, Madrid

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Get Diploma in :

Get certification in :, photography, performing arts, advertising, exclusive jobs & careers, top companies.

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Contact us to get them answered!

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  • Photography - Foundation
  • Fashion Photography
  • Wildlife Photography
  • Food Photography
  • Product Photography
  • Smartphone Photography
  • Photo Editing Softwares

Diploma Courses

Certification courses, know about this course.

Do you have any questions?

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Send us your Enquiry

August batch.

Admissions Open

Batch Commences: 17th Aug'24

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

This course is recognized by the National Skill Development Corporation, a PPP under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of the Government of India.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Diploma in Travel & Tourism

Master the art of travel management and gain global expertise with our comprehensive 1-year Diploma in Travel and Tourism.


Last date of submitting applications: 5th Jul'24

Limited Merit Based Scholarships upto Rs 15,000

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Diploma in Travel & Tourism Course Insights

Unlock the gateway to a vibrant and dynamic industry with the Diploma in Travel & Tourism. In today's fast-paced world, where exploration and adventure are valued more than ever, the demand for skilled professionals in the travel and tourism sector is soaring. Discover the diverse facets of this exciting field, from understanding global travel trends to mastering the art of crafting unforgettable experiences for travelers. Join industry experts and immerse yourself in the world of leisure, business, and adventure tourism, paving the way for a rewarding career in shaping the journeys of tomorrow.


  • Duration- 1 Year
  • Live Virtual Classes
  • On-Demand Video Lectures
  • Recorded Lectures
  • Practical Projects
  • Industry Expert Mentoring
  • Networking Platform
  • Downloadable Content / E-Workbooks
  • Self-paced Learning
  • Placement Assistance
  • E-Certification

Embark on a journey of discovery with the Online Diploma in Travel & Tourism. Gain a deep understanding of the industry, from its historical roots to modern-day trends. Explore diverse travel segments and learn how to create unforgettable experiences for travelers worldwide. Master the essentials of logistics, customer service, and sustainable practices, preparing yourself for a fulfilling career shaping the future of travel and hospitality.

  • History and Evolution of Travel and Tourism
  • Fundamentals of Tourism
  • Tourism Industry Segments
  • Global Tourism Infrastructure
  • Destination Exploration
  • Travel Logistics
  • Customer Service and Experience
  • Hospitality and Marketing
  • Sustainability in Tourism
  • A genuine passion for travel and exploration is essential.
  • Strong communication skills are necessary for interacting with diverse travelers and cultures.
  • Adaptability to dynamic environments is crucial in the fast-paced travel industry.
  • Cultural awareness and language proficiency are advantageous.

Travel & Tourism Career Pathways

Embark on a journey of professional growth with our Travel & Tourism Diploma, leading to diverse career avenues in the dynamic world of hospitality, travel management, and leisure services.

Event planner

Travel Agent curates unforgettable journeys, orchestrating seamless travel experiences tailored to individual preferences and desires.

Travel Agent

Exhibition Organizer

Tour Operator crafts immersive itineraries, unlocking the wonders of destinations worldwide, and ensuring memorable adventures for travelers.

Tour Operator

Museumgallery exhibitionsofficer

Tour Guide helps people explore by sharing interesting stories and facts about the places they visit, making the experience enjoyable and educational.

Stage decorator

Airline Customer Service Agent provides attentive assistance and support to travelers, ensuring smooth and hassle-free journeys from check-in to boarding.

Airline Customer Service Agent


Hotel Manager oversees the seamless operation of hospitality establishments, fostering exceptional guest experiences and maintaining impeccable standards of service.

Hotel Manager

Event planner

Event and Conference Planner designs and executes flawless events, from intimate gatherings to large-scale conferences, creating unforgettable moments for attendees.

Event and Conference Planner

Event planner

Destination Marketing Manager showcases the allure of destinations, crafting compelling narratives and strategies to attract visitors and drive tourism growth.

Destination Marketing Manager

Event planner

Travel Writer/Blogger crafts captivating narratives and visuals, sharing insights and inspirations from global adventures, and inspiring wanderlust among readers.

Travel Writer/Blogger

Event planner

Eco-Tourism Specialist champions sustainable travel practices, fostering conservation efforts and promoting responsible tourism experiences in harmony with nature.

Eco-Tourism Specialist

Event planner

Travel Consultant offers expert guidance and personalized recommendations, creating bespoke travel experiences tailored to individual preferences and needs.

Travel Consultant

Event planner

Adventure Tourism Specialist designs adrenaline-pumping excursions and experiences, catering to thrill-seekers and adventurers seeking new challenges.

Adventure Tourism Specialist

Event planner

Transportation Manager oversees the logistics of travel infrastructure, ensuring safe and efficient transportation networks for travelers.

Transportation Manager

Event planner

Visitor Information Manager provides essential guidance and resources to travelers, enhancing their experiences and facilitating exploration of destinations.

Visitor Information Manager

Jumpstarting your Career as a Travel & Tourism Professional


Diploma in Travel & Tourism Course Synopsis

Grasp essential skills and knowledge to embark on a rewarding career journey in the vibrant world of Travel and Tourism.

Module 1: Introduction to the Travel and Tourism Industry

Module 2: Geography in Travel Planning

Module 3: Travel Products and Services

Module 4: Customer Service in Tourism

Module 5: Travel Agency Operations

Module 6: Hospitality Management

Module 7: Basics of Tourism Marketing

Module 8: Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

Module 9: Travel Documentation and Logistics

Module 10: Tourism Information Systems

Module 11: Event Tourism

Module 12: Cultural and Heritage Tourism

Module 13: Adventure Tourism

Module 14: Business Travel Management

Module 15: Tourism Economics

Module 16: Airline Operations Management

Module 17: Destination Management and Marketing

Module 18: Travel Writing and Blogging

Module 19: Hospitality Revenue Management

Module 20: E-Tourism and Digital Strategies

Module 21: Health and Wellness Tourism

Module 22: Ecotourism

Module 23: Wine and Culinary Tourism

Module 24: Tourism Law and Policy

Module 25: Strategic Management in Tourism

Module 26: International Tourism

Module 27: Cruise Industry Management

Module 28: Tourism Technology and Innovation

Module 29: Sustainable Tourism Development

Module 30: Tourism Marketing Strategies

Module 31: Event and Festival Management

Module 32: Luxury Tourism and Management

Module 33: Travel Safety and Security

Module 34: Human Resources Management in Tourism

Module 35: Tourism Policy and Advocacy

Module 36: Destination Branding and Promotion

Module 37: Entrepreneurship in Tourism

Module 38: Tourism Analytics and Big Data

Module 39: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in Tourism

Module 40: Global Tourism Challenges and Opportunities

Module 41: Accessible Tourism

Module 42: Social Media and Influencer Marketing in Tourism

Module 43: Green Tourism and Eco-labels

Module 44: Cultural Intelligence in Tourism

Module 45: Tourism and Community Development

Module 46: Professional Skills for the Tourism Industry

Module 47: Research Methods in Tourism

Module 48: Capstone Project

Key Projects

Journey into practical learning experiences with our signature projects in the Travel & Tourism Diploma, tailor-made to immerse you in the intricacies of the industry and prepare you for exciting career opportunities.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Travel Industry Evolution Photo Documentary

Global tourism impact report , virtual destination tour, customer service role-play, travel agency simulation , hospitality management case study, tourism marketing campaign, sustainable tourism project, travel documentation guide  , event tourism plan, cultural heritage promotion project , adventure tourism safety manual.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Upcoming Travel and Tourism Diploma Application Deadline:

Our Admissions will close once the requisite number of learners enroll for the upcoming batch. Apply early to secure your seat.

Batch Commencement: 17th Aug'24

NSDC Certificate

This course is recognized by the National Skill Development Corporation, a PPP under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of the Government of India. You will receive a certificate cobranded by NSDC and Skill India on successful completion.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

AAFT Placements

Get inspired by the recent career destinations of our graduates in Advertising, PR & Corporate Communication.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Shivani Gupta

Executive - Events, Venue Look

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Gagandeep Singh

Event Management, The Thinking Hat

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Vanshika Manuja

Asst. Manager - Sales, Bloom Brain

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Ishita Jain

Exec. - Sales & Marketing, Primär Partners

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Palak Sethi

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Some of our recruiters are

Asia lifestyle week

Know our Travel Experts

Meet our seasoned industry professionals at AAFT Online, blending experience and academia to equip you for success in Travel and Tourism.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Dr. Akriti Singh

Dr. Akriti Singh, Ph.D. in Food Technology, brings 15 years of expertise in research, teaching, and training. With 17 publications and affiliations with AOAC INTERNATIONAL, she's recognized for her contributions to the field. Certified by MoFPI and ASA, she's honored by CIAE, Bhopal, and USDA. As a GRAS-certified Personality Development Trainer, she guides Ph.D. students and contributes to APEDA projects and FSSAI, NABL accredited food labs.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Ms. Shipra, with a postgraduate degree in Tourism and Travel Management from Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management, holds 11 years of combined industry and academic experience. Passionate about teaching, she's an avid traveler, with extensive exploration in India and Europe. She actively participates in events and conferences, contributing two international research papers.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Ms. Meenal Sharma

Ms. Meenal Sharma, B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration, specializes in accommodation operations. With a Master's in Travel and Tourism from IGNOU, she brings 5 years of industry experience from Crowne Plaza, Okhla, Shangri La, and Eros New Delhi. Additionally, she has 5 years of academic experience as an Assistant Professor and Training & Placement head.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Ms. Shefali Narang

Ms. Shefali, a Certified Hospitality Trainer, holds a Master's in Travel and Tourism Management from IGNOU. With 9+ years of experience, she's contributed to syllabus development for Diploma programs. She's moderated events for YMCA, SSS, and American Community Support Association. Passionate about learning, she's received appreciation letters from previous associations with YMCA and Food Craft Institute, Ajmer.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

Ms. Aaditi Kashyap

Ms. Aaditi, an NHTET qualified hospitality trainer and PhD scholar, holds a master's degree from IHM, Pusa. With 5 years of experience in hospitality education and training, she's worked with renowned institutions and 5-star hotels like Taj, Radisson, and Westin. Passionate about research and sustainability, she engages in NGO volunteering and academic conferences.

Diploma in Travel & Tourism Course FAQs

Ans: Yes, our diploma is designed to cater to learners at all levels, whether you're new to the field or seeking to enhance your existing knowledge and skills.

Ans: No specific prerequisites are required. However, a passion for travel and a keen interest in the tourism industry are beneficial. For more information you can contact us via email or phone, the contact details are mentioned below:

Email – [email protected]

Contact - 08068975580

Ans: Our diploma opens doors to a wide range of career paths in the travel and tourism sector, including roles such as travel agent, tour operator, hospitality specialist, and more.

Know more about course

Eldoret Aviation Training Institute


International air transport association courses, diploma in travel, tourism & hospitality management, course outline.

This course aims to provide a basic knowledge of scheduled and non-scheduled airlines and their services, fare structures and marketing procedures, travel and tour operations.

diploma in travel tourism and hospitality

International Travel & Tourism

Module     –     Course Module 1 – The travel and tourism industry and the travel professional Module 2 – Geography in Travel Planning Module 3 – travel formalities Module 4 – air transport essentials) Module 5 – land transport: introduction to passenger rail Module 6 – Land transport: car & camper Module 7 – hotel product and services Module 8 – water transport: ferries & cruises Module 9 – tour packages Module 10 – serving the travel customer Online content downloadable from your LMS user account Module 11 – fundamentals in air fares and ticketing Module 12 – technology in the travel industry Module 13 – electronic booking tool (abacus/Amadeus/Galileo/sabre) Attachments A to G

International Tourism & Hospitality Management

Module    –   Course

Module 10 – Introduction to Tour operations Module 11 – Touristic circuits Module 12 – Hotels and Lodges classification Module 13 – Professional Techniques in Travel Agency Operations Module 14 – Tour costing management Module 15 – Itineraries and client briefing/handling procedures Module 16 – Car Hire, Reservation and Booking procedure Module 17 – Tour Marketing Module 18 – Communication Skills Module 19 – Field attachment Module 20 – Tour guiding techniques Module 21 – Fauna and Flora

The programme is continuously assessed with final exams by: – 1. Eldoret Aviation Training Institute 2. IATA Montreal – Canada

Recommended Candidates

High School mean grade C- (Minus) for Diploma and D (Plain) for Certificate levels. Students with lower KCSE grades can also be admitted after successfully passing the institute‟s aptitude test.

Educational Tours

  • Eldoret International Airport
  • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
  • Wilson Airport – Nairobi
  • National referral hospital (MTRH, KNH)
  • Private and mission hospitals
  • 1 year for Diploma and 3 years for Certificate levels.

Achievement at the end of the course

Institute’s certificate of course completion in line with IATA Diploma

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities for successful graduates of this course exist in the following areas.

  • Airports-Employed as:- + Facilitation Staff + Flight Information officers + Customer Care Personnel + Aviation Security + Public Relation Officers + VIP/VVIP protocol staff
  • Travel Agencies
  • Airlines-Employed as reservation agents
  • Customer service agents
  • Hotels and Lodges,
  • National parks and Game Reserves as Tour Guides
  • Tour Companies and conservancies

Join Us Today

1. Sending SMS: name, email address, KCSE mean grade, desired course to 0780063637. 2. Sending email to [email protected]. 3. Writing through our address: - P.O. Box 9606 – 30112, Eldoret. 4. Students are encouraged to apply through email & SMS since it is the fastest mode of communication. 5. Applicants are encouraged to have email addresses since it is more reliable, convenient and fast.


INTAKE DATES - January, May and September.

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  • Minutes of School Board
  • Diploma in Tourism Studies (DTS)

BPP from IGNOU or 10+2 or its equivalent

Medium of Instructions: English and Hindi

  • Programme overview
  • Related Information

Course Overview

DTS provides learners with the facility to specialise in the chosen operational areas in tourism studies and helps them acquire associated skills. This 36-credit programme has three (3) compulsory core courses (TS-1 to TS-3 listed under BTS), one elective course, and a project related to the elective course (TS-4/TS-5/TS-6 and PTS-4/PTS-5/PTS6 listed under BTS)

Future Prospects : One may go for job in Travel and Tourism Industry or start own business in the area.  For further studies one may go for Bachelor’s in Tourism Studies. Teleconferencing

Teleconferencing is a one-way video and two-way audio facility. Teleconferencing will be held every month. During teleconferencing session, you will get an opportunity to interact by phone in facility or fax with the resource persons/experts who participate in teleconferencing session and clear your doubts immediately.

The teleconferencing facility will be available at the Regional Centre and Selected Study Centres. The teleconferencing schedule will be sent to the Programme In-charge and Regional Director who would inform the students. Teleconferencing is done through Gyan Darshan Channel. Students must regularly attend these sessions. These will help you to clarify doubts and interact with other learners all over the country.

Radio Counselling

Radio counselling will be held through FM and you can ask questions free of cost with phone in facilities right from your home. 

Continuous Evaluation of Theory Component


Assignment is a means of continuing assessment of theory and practical. Assignments will help you to recapitulate the theory and go back to the text again in case you are unable to answer a particular question. Thus assignments also help to reinforce learning in distance learning system of education.

These assignments consist of a set of questions and activities that you will answer at your own place by referring your blocks. The assignments will carry thirty percent weightage. Students will be required to obtain fifty percent marks as pass percentage in each assignment separately. Each assignment will carry 100 marks. In the final result assignments will carry thirty percent weightage.

Term-end Examination

Term-End examination is the major component of the evaluation system and it carries seventy percent weightage in the Final result. The University conducts term-end examination twice a year i.e., in June and December. Students can take the examination only after completion of the course, failing which you can take the same in December or June of subsequent years within the total span of the programme.

In case students fail to get a pass score in the Tern-end Examination, you will be eligible to reappear at the next Term-end Examination for that course as and when it is held, within the total span of the programme.

Other Programmes

  • Master's Degree
  • Master of Tourism & Travel Management (MTTM)
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • B.A in Tourism Studies (BTS)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Facility and Services Management) (BAFSM )
  • B.A. in Vocational Studies Tourism Management (BAVTM)
  • Certificate
  • Certificate in House Keeping Operation (CHO)
  • Certificate in Front Office Operation (CFO)
  • Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS)
  • Certificate in Food & Beverage Service Operation (CFBO)
  • Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel Operation (PGDHO)

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[Updated on 02-Jul-2024]

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    Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. 17. State University of Management. 18. Russian State Social University. The best cities to study Hospitality and Hotel Management in Russia based on the number of universities and their ranks are Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk, and Kazan.

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    Overview. Our Diploma, Advanced and Professional Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management is specifically designed to give students first hand experience, relevant on the job training and the direct connection with local tourism and hospitality employers that will lead to future jobs and careers in the region.

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    Prospective travel agents need at least a high school diploma and an interest in travel. They may also benefit from earning an associate degree or bachelor's degree in an area like hospitality and tourism management or applying for a professional travel agent certification. Travel agents often start as employees and then become managers as ...

  16. UOC Tourism

    This magazine is surely an eye-opener for students and industry experts who are eager to collect new knowledge about the industry. For this debut issue, several interviews and articles covering the theme of "Rethinking Tourism" are included. [email protected] or 0768044440.

  17. Hospitality And Tourism Diploma Co-op Path

    The Hospitality and Tourism Diploma Co-op Path program is designed to lead to employment in a range of organizations such as retail and business travel agencies, tour operators, coach, rail and sea operators and providers of ancillary services including car rental, insurance, and foreign exchange. This diploma may also provide preparation for ...

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    The college administration sets the overall Diploma in Travel and Tourism fees. Depending on the curriculum, each institution tends to have its unique cost system. Private colleges may pay higher fees than public colleges. A Diploma in Travel and Tourism can cost from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 1,00,000.

  20. Diploma in Travel & Tourism

    Join industry experts and immerse yourself in the world of leisure, business, and adventure tourism, paving the way for a rewarding career in shaping the journeys of tomorrow. Diploma in Travel & Tourism Course Highlights. Duration- 1 Year. Live Virtual Classes. On-Demand Video Lectures.

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    Penn Foster's Hotel and Restaurant Management Career Diploma Program can help prepare you for the first step in your hospitality management career. This program has helped recent graduates find new jobs or start their own businesses while learning at their own pace. Learn more about Penn Foster graduates' experiences and how Penn Foster ...

  22. Diploma in Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management

    Module - Course. Module 1 - The travel and tourism industry and the travel professional. Module 2 - Geography in Travel Planning. Module 3 - travel formalities. Module 4 - air transport essentials) Module 5 - land transport: introduction to passenger rail. Module 6 - Land transport: car & camper.

  23. IGNOU

    DTS provides learners with the facility to specialise in the chosen operational areas in tourism studies and helps them acquire associated skills. This 36-credit programme has three (3) compulsory core courses (TS-1 to TS-3 listed under BTS), one elective course, and a project related to the elective course (TS-4/TS-5/TS-6 and PTS-4/PTS-5/PTS6 ...