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travel to ceres base bug

How to travel to Cere’s Base and open the door on Jedha in Jedi Survivor

Image of Chris Carter

Look at the wall

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a very interesting game, in that it doesn’t provide obvious hints on where to go: even in critical path areas. Here’s how to open the door on Jedha and find Cere’s base.

travel to ceres base bug

Force push the ball on the wall to open doors on Jedha

So this one took me a bit because I was wayyyyyy overthinking it: and actually thought it was a progress-halting bug.

Once you land on Jedha and enter the Veiled Hangar, you’re tasked with finding Cere’s base. The thing is, it’s just a few doors away from the landing pad, and the only thing that stands between you and your destination is one sealed section.

On Jedha, some doors are locked using ball mechanisms found on the side of the wall. To change which door is currently open, you’ll need to force push (L2/LT) the pinball-like contraption to the other side . The ball will fly over and unlock the door, so you can continue in to Cere’s base of operations.

This principle will also apply to other doors in the base and on Jedha itself. When in doubt, look for a target to force push and potentially clear the way.

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travel to ceres base bug

How to open the Veiled Hangar locked door in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Image of Gavin Mackenzie

The Veiled Hangar is the largest section of Cere’s Base in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor . Cere’s Base is a Jedi hideout in the Narkis Desert on the planet Jedha. When you meet Merrin on Jedha and find Spamels, your next objective is to travel to Cera’s Base. But the objective doesn’t complete when you reach Cera’s Base. You have to actually meet Cera first, and she’s on the other side of a slightly confusing door.

Related: How to complete Chamber of Detachment in Jedi: Survivor

How to travel to Cere’s Base in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

After finding the Spamels in the Divine Oasis, your next objective is to travel to Cere’s Base. There are three ways out of the Divine Oasis, but it’s not necessarily obvious which way leads to Cere’s Base. Do you go back the way you came? Through the door to the Halls of Ranvel ? Or down the slope and under the bridge?

travel to ceres base bug

While it might be a good idea to go to the Halls of Ranvell Meditation Point to rest and unlock some skills, the way to Cere’s Base is down that slope and under that bridge. And you have to go that way on the back of a Spamel. Remember all those slippery slopes you couldn’t get up when exploring the Ancient Ruins earlier? The Spamel can walk up those, and they lead out of the Ancient Ruins onto the Abandoned Tradeway through the Sandblasted Vestiges, the Sheltered Hollow, and the Desert Ridge of the Narkis Desert.

You will have to contend with a sandstorm and some Imperial forces on your way to Cere’s Base, but it’s a linear path. The tricky part comes when you want to open the door inside Cere’s Base.

Is there a “Travel to Cere’s Base” bug in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor ?

travel to ceres base bug

I have done some research and as far as I can tell, there is no bug preventing anyone from completing the “Travel to Cere’s Base” objective in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor . The reason some players think there is a bug is that Cere’s Base is divided in half by a really weird set of doors. You need to pass through these doors to get from the Veiled Hangar to The Archive and complete the objective, but when you approach the door to The Archive, nothing happens. It doesn’t open automatically, you can’t interact with it, there’s no control panel next to it, and you can’t even open it with a Force push like you can with the front door of Cere’s Base. But it’s not a bug: it’s just that these doors have an unnecessarily complicated opening mechanism.

How to unlock the door in the Veiled Hangar in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

travel to ceres base bug

The locked door is in a kind of airlock in Cere’s Base between the Veiled Hangar and The Archive. As you enter the airlock through the open door from the Veiled Hangar, turn to the left. There’s a groove running the full length of the wall and a large ball inside the groove. Force Push the ball, and it will slide all the way to the other end of the groove. This will close the door back to the Veiled Hangar, but open the door to The Archive, allowing you to complete the “Travel to Cere’s Base” objective.

By the way, the door is designed like this because the game needs time to load the areas on each side of the airlock. Rather than make you look at a loading screen, the game’s designers included this airlock as a way to buy some time to load The Archive (or the Veiled Hangar if you’re going back the other way) while you’re working the lock.

Two Star Wars Outlaws gangsters patrol a snowy street with blasters in hand while several frightened onlookers cower under a space-fantasy bar.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Chapter 3: Travel To Cere’s Base Walkthrough


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Fallout 76 players are rallying against bra straps, elden ring fans are disappointed with shadow of the erdtree’s waterfalls, quick links, lead the way, merrin, boss battle - skriton, riding spamels through the storm, arriving at cere’s base.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor takes place five years after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order. The game continues to follow Cal Kestis and BD-1 in their neverending struggle to topple the Galactic Empire and restore the Jedi Order.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Hardest Trophies To Get

Kestis’s journey takes him to the desert planet of Jedha, where he hopes to reunite with his former Jedi companion Cere Junda. Kestis managed to find her contact to help reach her hidden base but they’ll need to hold off patrolling Empire forces.

After Merrin arrives to save Kestis from a group of Stormtroopers, a few more waves of enemies will attack you. Utilize Merrin’s dark magic to immobilize enemies to make it easier for you to take them down.

Once you’ve defeated the Empire forces, have Merrin create a holder for Kestis’ ascension cable so you can ascend the wall.

Merrin’s magic allows her to create ascension holders that were previously broken.

Head down the path and loop around to the next level. You’ll find a Jedha Scroll to your left, then use the Force to push the large block down the slope .

Continue pushing the block until it’s in between the stone walls , then climb up the block to reach the ledge above you.

Keep heading down the path as it narrows until a cutscene occurs.

Drop down into the group of Stormtroopers and clear out the patrol.

Interact with the speeder to trigger another cutscene, then have Merrin create a holder for Kestis’s ascension cable to wall run and reach the other side.

There will be a longer wall to run on, so you might need to jump in the middle to reset Kestis’s wall run.

Squeeze through the opening and use the Force to push the opening but the rocks will block the path.

Merrin will use her magic to restore the opening so you can continue moving forward.

Wall run and jump on the metal grate to climb on the wall . Examine the Spamels from a distance, then use the Halls Of Ranvell Meditation Point nearby.

After using the Meditation Point, sense the Echo down the path to the right of Merrin . Keep heading down the path to find a Jedha Scroll at the bottom of the steps.

The door is locked on the other side, so head back up to the Meditation Point and run toward Merrin. Use a sky attack on the Stormtroopers below and eliminate the rest of the group.

You can use the Force to pull the shield off a Stormtrooper and throw it back at them for damage .

Before asking Merrin to make a holder for your ascension cable, turn around and run on the wall to reach an area that Merrin will say isn’t in the direction of Cere’s base .

Jump on the patches of the wall so Kestis can stick to them until you reach the top platform. Interact with the Powerup to receive some experience points .

Be sure to use the Meditation Point to cash in the Skill Point you most likely earned from the Powerup.

Return to the area you defeated the Stormtroopers and now ask Merrin to create the ascension cable holder and climb up the ledge. There will be a Stormtrooper to the left waiting to shoot you, so be prepared to block right away .

Jump on the ceiling to climb across to the other side, then round the corner and take down the Flametrooper waiting on the steps. Defeat them and scan the databank to the left .

Drop down from the ledge and defeat the first Stormtrooper before deflecting several blaster shots from the other Stormtrooper from the other side of the platform.

Once they’re dead, run on the wall to the other side and climb up the metal wall grate. As you’re climbing, you’ll see Merrin take down a few Stormtroopers. Climb up the ledge and head down the path to find another ledge to climb.

Head out of the side opening and wall jump to an opening above you to find a Jedha Scroll .

Drop down to the lowest level of the structure and follow the path to find a holder for your ascension cable to latch yourself to a grate above .

Swing your way to the end of the path and drop down on the Stormtrooper. Head inside and walk along the path then wall run to reach the other side across the gap.

Turn around and wall run again to reach another platform.

Continue down the ramp and wall run again to reach the highest platform. Kill the Stormtroopers in the area, then scan the databank on the far lefthand wall.

Directly on the opposite wall of the databank will be a crate with Common Plastoid color palette for BD-1 Materials .

There is a workbench next to the crate that you can use.

Head down the side path and climb up the metal grate, then climb around the left side to find a patrol of Stormtroopers . Defeat the Stormtroopers and have BD-1 activate a shortcut .

Examine the storm in the distance, then run to the edge of the path, and wall run to the end of the cliff wall to use your lightsaber to descend .

Kestis and Merrin will land in a Skriton lair, the beast that was stalking you underneath the sand earlier. This creature resembles a giant scorpion, so you’ll want to avoid its claws and tail.

The Skriton will use its larger claw to protect its face and lash out quickly with its tail. It will also try slamming its claw into the ground as an unguardable attack.

Alternate between Merrin’s dark magic and Kestis’s time-slow ability and the Skriton will be disposed of rather quickly.

Scan the Skriton corpse, then have Merrin create a holder for your ascension cable. You’ll emerge in the Divine Oasis, the main open area of Jedha .

Sense the Echo near the camp and then circle around to find a Jedha Scroll .

Tame the Spamel , and you’ll be able to ride the creature.

Unlike the Nekkos on Koboh, Spamels can sprint . They can also walk up the slopes , so follow the path over the slope and you’ll be in the same area where you swung on the metal bar into the group of Hardshells .

Lead the Spamel up the middle path that resembles an open hand and head across the pillar. Continue heading down the path until you enter the Abandoned Tradeway .

Keep following the path through an underpass and sprint through the desert after the Empire ships. The desert storm winds will become more intense and a cutscene will trigger as you run into another Skriton .

Kestis will be knocked off the Spamel, so walk carefully through the storm to find Merrin, and she’ll fix the broken bridge. When you try to walk across it, a pillar will fall and break it .

Continue following Merrin through the storm until you encounter a group of Stormtroopers. There will also be an AT-ST among the group as well, a giant machine that fires blasters and grenades.

Use Merrin to immobilize the AT-ST and continue to hack away. When its health is depleted, use your ascension cable to scale the AT-ST, and Kestis will yank the pilot from the cockpit .

After the cutscene, continue following Merrin to find shelter from the sandstorm . You’ll also find the Spamel safe in the cave. Another cutscene will occur.

When Kestis and Merrin wake up, the storm has cleared. Head through the cave and use the Sheltered Hollow Meditation Point on the right.

Continue down the path and open the crate on the left for another Health Stim .

Use your ascension cable to begin wall running - you’ll need to jump in the middle to keep wall running to reach the next ascension cable holder before falling to the slope below.

Once you drop into the new area, jump across the gap and climb the ledges on the rock pillar. Run on the wall to the top platform where Merrin is waiting and keep heading toward the metal door on the side of the rock wall .

When you reach the door, a cutscene will trigger, and Jedi Master Eno Cordova opens the door for you. Follow Cordova and Merrin to the Base Antechamber and take the lift down.

Eventually, you’ll see the Mantis descend into the hangar. Use the second lift to arrive on the ground level with the Mantis.

Head across the hangar, and you’ll pass a spike with Stormtrooper armor on it. There will be a lift behind the spike, but you won’t be able to use it .

Continue into the next area and use the Force to push the orb across the room to open the door to the Archives. Here, you'll find Cere and complete the objective.

NEXT: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - How To Defeat Every Legendary Enemy

Chapter 3: Rendezvous With Cere’s Contact Walkthrough

Star wars jedi: survivor - complete guide, boss fight: dagan gera.

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  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Jedi Survivor Jedha Guide: How to find Cere

This guide will show you how to traverse Jedha in Cal’s mission to find and meet Cere in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Follow this guide closely and you’ll make it out alive without succumbing to the sands of Jedha!

If you are looking for help on How to Reach Pilgrim’s Sanctuary on Jedha , then check out our other guide in the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Walkthrough series.

Find Cere on Jedha Walkthrough

This is a step-by-step walkthrough summary of the mission to find Cere on Jedha, part of the Star Wars Jedi Survivor main story. Each step is explained in great detail in the full walkthrough below.


Rendezvous with cere’s contact.

  • After you land, climb the slope and activate the rope at the top.
  • Move through the desert pit while avoiding creature that lurks beneath the sands. Move from one hard rock surface to another. Avoid stepping on the sands.
  • Past the gate, take the right path leading up the stairs.
  • When the floor beneath you gives way, jump at the end of the slope and climb up the pillar to get past the sand creature.
  • Move forward past the Meditation Point and walk into the building where you will be ambushed by Stormstroopers.
  • With the help from Merrin, defeat the troopers and droids.

Travel to Cere’s Base

  • Ask Merring to restore a grapple point. Climb up and push down the big metal cube. Climb on it and follow the path.
  • When you reach Merrin's speeder, jump down and defeat the Stormtroopers.
  • Follow the path until you find yourself inside a Skriton's lair. Defeat the mini-boss. Use Merrin's unique ability to stun a target.
  • Reach the Spammes and tame the one closest to you.
  • Ride the Spammel until you get dismounted by the storm.
  • Find Merrin and follow her. Defeat the troopers and the AT-ST on your way to a shelter.
  • After the cinematic, be sure to pick up the Stim canister upgrade right in front of you.
  • Follow Merrin's lead until you reach the base's gate.
  • Open the gate with a Force Push.
  • Watch the cinematic cutscene.

There are several optional encounters and collectibles you may want to do while exploring this area. The detailed walkthrough and the video below will show you how to reach and get them.

Rendezvous with Cere’s Contact

When you first land on Jedha you’ll learn that your current objective is to rendezvous with Cere’s contact who will act as an escort. To get past this initial obstacle, jump up the ledges going to the left then wall run across the wall to reach the large ledge on the right where the hardshells are.

How to climb the steep slope

Wall jump then grab onto the ledge and shimmy to the left, jump up when you reach the end to grab another ledge and wall run to the top. There you’ll find a shortcut you can create slice that will allow you to skip this in the future.

Make your way to the Meditation Point and interact with it.

As you walk forward, you’ll see that there is a group of three stormtroopers that will get consumed by something hiding underneath the sand. This is a very subtle hint from the game developers that you should avoid being on the sand, so let’s get ready to go on the sand!

How to move forward and avoid the sand creature

There’s a shiny metal gate on the other side of this area that you’ll need to get to. Head to the left of the Meditation Point and use your ascension cable to reach the first pillar.

Keep jumping on the pillars to avoid the sand until you reach the long horizontal pillar on the ground. You’ll need to run on the sand without stopping and Force Push the metal gate then immediately run through.

When you go through the gate, there will be a group of stormtroopers in front of you. To the right will be the path you need to follow. Use the ascension cable to wall jump across your way through this area.

When you get to the other side, the floor will give way and you’ll begin sliding down into the creature that has been hiding in the sands. Jump over it to reach the rocky ledge on the other side. There will be a pillar with a pole and flag, get around it and use the ascension cable to grab onto the ledge and climb the pillar.

The creature reveals itself to be a large insect and will begin attacking the pillar. Don’t let this bother you, it can’t do anything to you while you’re up here.

You’ll eventually get to a ledge right above the pole, drop down and swing from the pole then double jump to the ledge ahead.

Once you’ve reached the upper levels, run up the fallen pillar and wall run up to this ledge. Once you’re up the ledge, cut the cable line in front of you to create a shortcut to Meditation Point.

To the left, you’ll encounter two flametroopers, defeat them and move into the building ahead. You’ll find an opening where you’ll see a squad of stormtroopers below. Jump and grab onto the metal beam above you and make it to the Meditation Point. Activate it and rest if you need to.

Walk into the building and you’ll see this grate in front of you. Jump onto it and work your way to some ledges.

You’ll be attacked by a jet trooper which will start a quick time event. Mash the button shown on the screen to break free and you’ll slide down into a room where you’ll fight even more jet troopers. If they throw grenades at you, use Force Push to throw it back at them.

After you defeat the jet troopers, a cutscene will play. It’ll be revealed that Cere’s contact is none other than the Nightsister, Merrin! After the cutscene, more Imperials will show up to attack you and Merrin, defeat them to start with your next objective.

Travel to Cere’s Base

If you recall your time with Bode on Coruscant, companions can be commanded to interact with the environment to help Cal get across obstacles. Merrin can create grapple points that you can use your ascension cable on. Keep an eye out for these points you can interact with!

Go up the ledge with the ascension cable and follow Merrin. To the right you’ll run into a large box you can push with the Force. Push it down so it slides down into the chamber you came from.

Slide down and push the box into a nook near the Jedi statues. climb the box then double jump to the ledge above.

Follow Merrin until you get to a fight with a group of stormtroopers guarding a speeder. Watch out for the Rocket Launcher Trooper and use the Force to push back any rockets they fire. After the battle, interact with Merrin to start a cutscene.

Reach the Spamels

With your ride to Cere destroyed, you’ll need to follow the four legged creature seen in the cutscene. Move forward until you reach this area. Have Merrin create a grapple point and get across to wall jump up to the ledge.

Once you get up the ledge, you’ll find an area that requires wall running. Though in this segment, you can only run on the right side of the wall. Run along the wall and jump a little to the left to get past the obstacle and jump right again to run along the wall again.

You’ll have yet another area where you’ll need to wall run then follow Merrin to a crack you need to squeeze through. Force Push the broken door and proceed to the next room. Wall run along the wall to reach the grates and climb up.

Rest at the Meditation Point and follow Merrin. Defeat the stormtroopers below and have Merrin create a grapple point. Use the ascension cable to get to the ledge above and defeat the stormtrooper across the gap. Use the grates above you to reach the other side.

Keep following the path until you reach a vertical shaft. Go down it to proceed but if you wall jump to the top, you can find a Jedha Scroll.

Use the ascension cable to reach the grates and follow the path. You’ll run into this room, you’ll need to wall run forward then wall run back the way you came from only you’re aiming for the upper level. Walk to the other side of the room and wall run to reach the top level.

Once you get to the top there will be two paths ahead of you. To your left will be a room with stormtroopers, a chest, a workbench, and some things you can scan. To the right is a path that leads to a bridge outside. The path to reach the Oasis where the Spamels are is to the right.

Climb up the grates and defeat the jet troopers you meet at the top. Activate the shortcut and return to the Meditation Point if you need to save and rest.

Wall run to reach the wall with the vertical marks on the other side to slide down into the cave below. Merrin will point out that this is a Skriton lair.

Boss Battle: Skriton

That creature that was following you in the sand is called a Skriton. This creature is both durable and extremely dangerous. If you fail to dodge its unblockable attack, it will grab you with its large pincer and sting you with its tail.

There are a couple ways you can defeat this boss. You can be on the defensive, blocking and parrying attacks while dodging unblockable attacks as Merrin chips away at it. Alternatively, if you take a more active approach then you should try to attack it from its right side. The Skriton’s left side has a power claw that can block your attacks so try to attack it from its rght.

You can destroy the claw if you damage it enough but this might not be worth the effort on higher difficulties where every move matters.

Once the Skriton is defeated, look for a spot where Merrin can make a grapple point. Have Merrin make the grapple point and scale the wall.

Once you reach the Oasis, tame one of the Spamels so you can mount it and start a cutscene.

Ride the Spamel

Now that you and Merrin are riding the Spamel, simply follow the linear path to proceed while Cal and Merrin catch up.

The sandstorm gets closer and you get attacked by a Skriton, knocking Cal and Merrin off the spamel. You’ll be in the middle of a sandstorm so you’ll need to walk forward until you see a flame. Follow this flame to reunite with Merrin.

Have Merrin create a bridge for you to cross. A pillar will fall over and break the bridge sending you downwards. Follow Merrin and you’ll eventually run into some imperials.

Boss Battle: AT-ST

Some of the stormtroopers you encounter will run away. Following them will reveal that they were baiting you to an AT-ST. Clear out any remaining stormtroopers first so you can focus on the AT-ST.

Reflect any blaster bolts it fires at you and make sure to dodge the unblockable attacks. It will occasionally shoot out stun grenades, push these away with the Force to make sure they don’t hit you.

It will also fire rockets at you that you can push back at the AT-ST with the Force. Try to close the gap so you can attack it at melee range, or you can also defeat it by using its own weapons against it.

Reaching Cere’s Base

Once the AT-ST is defeated, follow Merrin where you’ll run into your Spamel friend once again and begin a cutscene. After the cutscene, there will be a Stim Canister Upgrade right in front of you. Don’t forget to pick it up. Then you’ll need to grapple and wall run to reach the high ground.

Once you get outside, you’ll encounter a slope that you can easily slide down if you touch it. Jump to the rocky ledge and climb up the pillar, then wall run to reach Merrin.

Merrin will lead you to this door, however, it doesn’t have any form of a switch to open it. Instead, you must Force Push the door to unlock it.

A cutscene will play and now you will be able to reunite with Cere and other familiar faces! I’ll let the rest be a surprise as this next segment is very straightforward. Have fun!

After completing this objective, you will have unlocked Merrin for the Holitactics mini-game available in the Pyloon’s Saloon. We have a comprehensive Holitactics guide , which includes how to unlock all opponents and tested and proven winning strategies against each of them!

Looking for more? Check the rest of our Star Wars Jedi Survivor coverage here on VULKK.com. We have everything from beginner guides, to exploration, collectibles locations, side missions, builds.

Following the events on Jedha, we continue our walkthrough with a Guide to the Puzzles at the Stone Spires on Koboh , where you have to research Tanelorr.

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Ordinary Gaming

Gaming Walkthroughs, Reviews And Guides

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere’s Base Walkthrough

April 29, 2023 by Ordinary Gaming

Travel To Cere’s Base is a main objective in Jedha of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Your objective is to travel with Merrin to meet Cere at her base.

Here’s a walkthrough & guide of Travel To Cere’s Base in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base Walkthrough

Head towards Cere’s base

After the fight, ask Merrin to create a structure to allow you to use your ascension cable.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base

Then, follow her as she leads you towards Cere’s base.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base guide

To proceed, use the force to push the crate down.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base wiki

Then, push the crate towards the side of the statue. Use it to climb to the top.

travel to ceres base bug

In the next area, you’ll see some Stormtroopers below. Take them all out.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base tips

Reach the Spamels

You will then see some Spamels in the background. The next objective is to reach the Spamels.

travel to ceres base bug

Use the wall to run to the other side.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base quest Walkthrough

Continue to use the wall run ability.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base main objective Walkthrough

Then, you’ll reach a breakable door. Use the force but the place will crumble.

Merrin then repairs it.

travel to ceres base bug

In the next area, continue to use the wall and climb onto the metal bars.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Travel To Cere's Base help

You will then reach a meditation point.

travel to ceres base bug

Follow Merrin and take out the Stormtroopers below.

travel to ceres base bug

Once you’re done, get Merrin to make a hook again. Use the cable to go up.

travel to ceres base bug

Take out the Stormtroopers and use the wall to wall run and climb onto the metal bars.

travel to ceres base bug

At the top, there are some stuff to collect. If you wall run to the highest level, there’s a cache.

If you head downwards, there’s also another item.

travel to ceres base bug

To proceed ahead, look for the hook on the metal railings above. Use it to go ahead.

travel to ceres base bug

Continue to wall run to the other side.

travel to ceres base bug

Continue to wall run up.

travel to ceres base bug

From the other side, you have to look behind and wall run to the higher platform.

travel to ceres base bug

Go towards the outer part of the structure and continue ahead.

travel to ceres base bug

You will then reach a zipline device. Activate it to form a shortcut back.

travel to ceres base bug

Continue ahead. Use the wall to wall run and then jump onto the wall with vertical lines. It will bring you all the way down but reduce your speed to soften the fall.

travel to ceres base bug

Defeat the Skriton

Together with Merrin, defeat the Skriton which is a scorpion-like beast.

travel to ceres base bug

Continue towards the Spamels

After the fight, ask Merrin to make another hook and use it to get out of the cave.

travel to ceres base bug

You will now reach the Spamels.

Go to the nearest Spamel and tame it.

travel to ceres base bug

You can now ride the Spamel.

travel to ceres base bug

At some point, you’ll be asked to sprint as the sandstorm is coming.

travel to ceres base bug

Navigate through the sandstorm

After falling down, walk straight.

travel to ceres base bug

You’ll see a flame from a distance. Go towards it and you’ll see that Merrin is the one carrying the flame. Follow her.

travel to ceres base bug

Keep going and you’ll see some Stormtroopers. Defeat them first.

travel to ceres base bug

Defeat AT-ST

After the troopers are down, you’ll need to defeat an AT-ST.

It shoots lasers, missiles and electric bombs. You can reflect the lasers away and avoid the other two.

travel to ceres base bug

Travel to Cere’s base

After the battle, you’ll find yourself spending one night in a shelter with Merrin.

The next day, follow Merrin out. Take the max stim upgrade from the cache.

travel to ceres base bug

Use the hooks to wall run and then jump to the other side and use the cable again.

travel to ceres base bug

At the next area, go to the right side and wall run to Merrin.

travel to ceres base bug

Finally, you’ll reach a door. Use the force to open it.

travel to ceres base bug

You will then meet Eno Cordova in person as he leads you into the base.

travel to ceres base bug

While Merrin and Eno waits for Greez and the rest, go on ahead to find Cere.

travel to ceres base bug

To open the door, use force on the marble at the left side of the room.

travel to ceres base bug

The door will then open.

travel to ceres base bug

Talk to Cere. The main objective ends here.

travel to ceres base bug

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Seven Las Vegas strip hotels reported for bed bugs, health agency says

Portrait of Anthony Robledo

Reports of bed bugs at seven hotels on the Las Vegas strip have recently come forward.

Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood, Circus Circus, Palazzo, Tropicana, MGM Grand, and Sahara are among the list of hotels with recent reports of bug bites. The first report was filed in 2022, according to Southern Nevada Health District records obtained by USA TODAY.

The records show complaints at two Caesars Entertainment properties: bed bugs found at Planet Hollywood in June, and someone bitten while staying at Caesars Palace in January.

A Circus Circus executive was notified of a guest being bitten by bed bugs in their room in January 2022, the records reportedly show. Inspectors found bed bugs present and closed the nearby rooms for two weeks so they could be thoroughly cleaned.

That same month, an MGM Grand room was treated after inspectors found bed bugs and a Palazzo guest told health officials they were bitten during a stay, according to the records.

MGM Resorts said in the unusual event of a bed bug report, hotel officials immediately move guests to a new location and close off the room in question.

"Providing guests with a safe and enjoyable experience is our top priority, and we have robust preventative measures and response protocols to address and resolve any issues that may arise," an MGM representative told USA TODAY. "In extremely rare cases involving bed bugs, we deploy comprehensive isolation, cleaning and extermination procedures that eliminate the problem and ensure other rooms and guests remain unaffected.”

In October 2022, a Sahara hotel guest said they squished a bed bug. The room later tested positive and was cleaned, according to records. The Tropicana Las Vegas had a report of bed bugs this past February.

Arik Knowles, Vice President, and General Manager for Tropicana Las Vegas, said the hotel regularly conducts preventative maintenance programs that prevent bed bugs.

"While highly unlikely, in the event of a complaint, we immediately isolate the affected room and its surrounding areas. At that point, a third-party service will evaluate the situation and provide a recommendation on appropriate next steps, including professional treatment should anything be found," Knowles told USA TODAY. "We are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our customers, which is always our top priority.”

USA TODAY has reached out to all seven hotels for comment.

How to look for bed bugs

Bed bugs gravitate toward places with fabric where humans like to lounge, like beds and sofas.

“There's likely no place where bedbugs are infesting the bathtub,” said Michael Bentley, director of training and education at the  National Pest Management Association . “If they're in the bathtub, we've got a bigger problem and we're not making it any further into the bedroom.”

Keep the luggage away from the rest of the property until after it is thoroughly inspected for bed bugs.

Bed bugs while traveling: How to tell if you have bed bugs in hotels, rentals and what to do if you take them home

How to find bed bugs in hotels

To find out if a hotel or Airbnb has bed bugs, do more than just pull back the bed’s fitted sheet and eyeball it.

Halee Whiting, owner of a hotel sales support  company  and a popular TikToker who created a viral  video  about how to check your lodging for bed bugs, recommends first, turning off all lights and closing the shades. Then, turning on the flashlight, check for the bugs.

Shine the flashlight on the beds during inspection. Pull the sheets back and check under the creases of the mattress, Whiting added.

“They’re pretty cryptic insects,” Bentley said. “Their body is flattened, kind of like business cards, so they can tuck themselves into these tiny nooks and crannies inside of beds and bed sheets and little seams along the bedspread.”

Where do bed bugs come from? Here's how they get in and how you can check for their presence.

What to do if you find bed bugs in a hotel

If you find bed bugs or any sign of them, like their feces, document what you’ve found in photos and video and contact your hotel or rental host immediately.

Most good hotels will refund the stay and put the room you found them in and every room around it out of order until the bed bugs are exterminated, Whiting said.

One property, however, only put the room in question out of order, which allowed the bugs to spread and eventually forced the closure of 24 rooms until the problem could be solved, Whiting shared.

Airbnb's policy is to refund guests if they come across bed bugs but it doesn't always mean there won't be extra costs.

Andrew Forcier of Columbus, Montana said Airbnb refunded him when he found bed bugs in his apartment rental in Montreal earlier this year, but only covered 30 percent of the more expensive hotel he had to book at the last minute instead. That cost him $500.

Contributing: Amanda Lee Myers


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