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Drive isochrone

Travel Time Map

Travel time is one of the most important criteria people use when choosing a destination. Whether traveling for work or leisure, people want to know what is within their reach, within a certain traveling time.

Travel time maps (also called driving time maps or isochrone maps ) show how far you can go from a location within a certain time.

In other words, Isochrones are a powerful analytic tool that offer exact answers to the question "what is within X travel time of this location?"

What Travel Time Maps Can Do For Your Business

People search for information online before making a trip, moving home, job hunting or even finding a specific store branch, which means travel time maps are becoming more popular in the business world. When you display travel time alongside search results on a map, it's easier for your customers to compare results. They don't have to click away to look up info on third-party maps. That keeps them on your website.

Using isochrones helps your visitors scout out locations and amenities based on the required travel time . Customizable travel time search means you display the results that matter to your customers, which establishes your business as one they can rely on.

With Geoapify isochrone maps , you can refine the route by your preferred mode of transport. Choose from walking , driving , truck , bicycle , or public transit . For example, find hospitals within twenty driving minutes of a location, or beaches within thirty public transit minutes.

Using Travel Time Maps (or Isochrone maps) for tourism

With research showing that 85% of family travelers rank being near major attractions or theme parks as being of utmost importance when booking a holiday, providing a travel time map helps them make decisions.

Time travel maps help tourism businesses provide up-to-date and personalized information to their customers. For example, visitors can see which tourist attractions and amenities are in reach of accommodation so they can make the best choice.

Visitors can also check how close accommodations and amenities are to each other, making it easier to plan day trips and make sure they see all the sights they want.

Searching home within 30 min drive radius

Estate Agents

Estate agents can use isochrones to help customers find their next dream home. Having the right things within the right distance is a must when looking for a new home to buy or rent. The time to reach amenities and public transport is important to house hunters. For example, one study found that 25% of people in London said living near a tube is essential when choosing a new home.

Use isochrones to help clients search for schools within a certain walking distance of a property, or shops within a certain driving distance. Customers can also look for sports facilities, swimming pools, other leisure facilities, public transport hubs and more.

Time travel maps make it easier for people to visualize living in a location . They can get a feel for what they'll be able to do in their new location. Using isochrone maps takes the guesswork out of finding properties to view, and encourages customers to book a viewing appointment for houses and apartments that match their needs.

Find network coverage, check warehouse reachability

Businesses of all kinds can use isochrones to show customers the travel time from their location to a specific store location . Use travel time maps to create an up-to-date store finder that helps customers find stores near their home, or look at which stores they’ll be able to reach on their next holiday or business trip.

Businesses can use isochrones to expand their company , too. Use isochrone maps to scout out potential new locations, and get a feel for how reachable those locations will be for your target demographic and staff members.

You can combine isochrones with demographic data to better understand potential new areas. For example, find out if your potential clients live or work nearby and how easy it will be for them to reach you within a decent time frame.

Estimate the reachability of a location

Logistics and Delivery

Businesses use travel time maps to find the best locations for their warehouses and logistic centers . These tools focus on places where the travel times from different customers are minimized, thereby reducing costs and handling your sales better.

For example, the size of the isochrone indicates how easily you can reach a place. Moreover, the overlapping of the isochrones shows well-covered areas , while the holes signify where service is problematic.

Find the best location to improve the commute time

Commute Planning

Individuals can use isochrones to plan commuting times for themselves or their families. Optimizing commute times to work or study locations makes for less time spent commuting, and an easier time coordinating with the rest of the family.

Educational institutions and employers can also use isochrones to help students or employees plan their commutes and find the most efficient routes. Research shows that every minute of commute time lowers job satisfaction and increases stress, so anything you can do to help students and employees find the best route will help.

Looking for a new office location? Use isochrones to see how good or bad the public transport connections are , and see which amenities such as shops or healthcare locations are in easy reach.

Searching a job within desired travel time

Classifieds and Directories

Help classified readers narrow their search to find what matters to them. With isochrones, they can search for jobs or items for sale within a specific distance of their home . No more finding the ideal job or item for purchase, only to find it’s in a hard-to-reach location or simply too far away.

Narrowing results by travel distance means more relevant and accurate results, and more satisfied customers.

Travel time maps have a wide range of applications across industries and even for personal use. Show your visitors the information they need, and they're more likely to stay on your website, or making a booking of enquiry.

Wondering how best to use isochrones in your business? Eager to get started? Try isochrones for free in our playground, or get in touch to discuss your specific needs.

World map

Ready to get started?

Learn more about isochrone maps.


Travel time map

Smappen is a map that tells you where you can travel to in a given amount of time or by covering a certain distance.

travel times map

Depending on the mode of transport you pick, smappen looks at lots of criteria (speed limit on each type of road (city, countryside, highway, etc.), and draws the area that you can reach when travelling the specified distance or time.

These travel-time areas are also called isochrones or catchment areas.

Based on travel times

A driving-radius map tool.

Use smappen to get the right answers.

travel times map

To choose the best location for your business

smappen provides you with population data on your areas, so that you know which is the best location for your business.

To optimize your logistics (delivery, pricing, technicians, etc.)

Save time and money by providing the best-optimized areas for your deliveries or technicians.

To go and visit friends

Just moved to a new city? Friends all over the country? Find where you can get to in a given travel time.

To target your marketing campaigns

Easily extract zip codes from your areas, for the best-targeted campaigns.

To find your next home or job

Want to move, but don’t want to be too far away from your place of work? smappen shows you the ideal geographic area where you should house-hunt, with a variety of home-to-workplace travel times.

Ready to get started with smappen?

The complete guide about travel time maps

Travel time is an essential element that shapes our daily lives, influencing decisions ranging from our commutes to work, to healthcare accessibility, leisure activities, and urban planning. The ability to understand, calculate, and visualize travel time is a game-changer in modern navigation and decision-making.

Behind the scenes of this crucial concept lies technology and data, working together to create what we call “travel time maps.” These maps are not just colorful representations but tools that empower us to make informed choices about where we go, how we get there, and how long it will take.

In this comprehensive guide, we will embark on a journey to explore the significance of travel time and travel time maps in our fast-paced world. We will delve into the technology that underpins their creation and see how data makes travel time mapping possible. Throughout this exploration, we’ll discover the practical applications of travel time maps and discuss strategies to optimize travel time for a more efficient and enjoyable life. So, let’s navigate the world of travel time and its mapping, enhancing the way we experience the world around us.

Understanding travel time

Travel time is more than just a measure of how long it takes to get from point A to point B. It’s a fundamental concept that profoundly affects our daily routines and decisions. In this section, we will unravel the core concept of travel time and its multifaceted impact on our lives.

At its heart, travel time encapsulates the minutes, hours, and sometimes even seconds that stand between us and our destinations. It governs our commutes to work, school runs, and even the time it takes to enjoy a day out with friends. Understanding travel time is the key to unlocking a more efficient and enjoyable life.

As we delve deeper, we will explore the multitude of factors that influence travel time. Weather, with its unpredictable whims, can either expedite or delay our journeys. Traffic congestion in urban jungles can turn a quick trip into a frustrating ordeal, while our choice of transportation mode can be the difference between a leisurely stroll and a hectic rush.

But what ties all these factors together into a coherent and user-friendly concept? The answer lies in the world of “travel time maps.” These visual representations take complex data on weather, traffic, and transportation modes, and present it in a way that’s easy to comprehend. In the next section, we will unravel the technology and data that make the creation of these maps possible.

Creating travel time maps

Travel time maps are the result of meticulous data integration and advanced GIS technology. These maps require access to a wide array of data sources, including real-time traffic information, location data, and comprehensive transportation networks. This data forms the foundation upon which travel time maps are built.

One of the pivotal elements in this process is GIS technology, such as the one offered by Smappen. Smappen, as an innovative geomarketing solution, plays a significant role in creating travel time maps. It leverages GIS technology to process vast datasets and produce visually intuitive maps that help individuals and businesses make informed decisions.

Creating a travel time map with Smappen can provide valuable insights for location-based decision-making. Below is a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a travel time map for free using Smappen:

  • Go to  smappen.com/app/
  • Open the area creation panel on the top left
  • Write your starting address
  • Select the time
  • Choose the means of transport
  • Click on “Compute” button

Your first travel time area is created! For more detailed instructions, you can follow  our tutorials . 

Interpreting travel time maps

Understanding how to read and interpret a travel time map is vital in unlocking the wealth of information it offers to individuals, businesses, and decision-makers alike. These maps are designed to provide valuable insights into travel time, allowing for informed choices. Here, we’ll delve into the key aspects of interpreting travel time maps while incorporating relevant SEO keywords.

Color-Coding and Legends: A fundamental element of any travel time map is the color-coding scheme, where different areas are shaded in various colors to represent varying travel times. The intuitive use of colors serves as a visual guide, with darker hues typically signifying longer travel times and lighter shades indicating shorter journeys. Understanding these color patterns is crucial for quick and accurate interpretation of the map, especially when time is of the essence. Additionally, legends are often provided to clarify the specific time intervals associated with different colors, making it easier to gauge travel durations.

Real-World Examples and Decision-Making: The true power of travel time maps becomes evident when we witness them in action in real-world scenarios. These maps are not just abstract data representations; they play a practical role in guiding decisions. For instance, consider a business owner looking to determine the ideal location for a new store. By consulting a travel time map, they can pinpoint areas with shorter travel times to their target demographic, leading to better strategic choices. Similarly, urban planners utilize travel time maps to identify areas with limited transportation accessibility, paving the way for more efficient infrastructure development. These practical examples showcase the indispensable role travel time maps play in enhancing decision-making processes.

User-Friendly Digital Platforms: In the digital age, travel time maps have become more accessible and user-friendly than ever. Many platforms, such as Smappen, offer intuitive interfaces that make map interpretation a breeze. These digital tools allow users to zoom in, pan, and interact with the map, exploring different regions effortlessly. Whether you’re planning your daily commute or seeking the ideal location for a business expansion, the user-friendly nature of digital travel time maps streamlines the process. With a few clicks, you can gain valuable insights into travel times, empowering you to make more informed decisions in an ever-changing world.

By grasping the principles of color-coding, legends, and practical applications, you’ll be well-prepared to harness the potential of travel time maps in your daily life or business endeavors. Understanding how to interpret these maps effectively opens the door to better planning, improved decision-making, and optimized efficiency.

Applications and importance

Broad Applications Across Sectors: Travel time maps find relevance in a plethora of sectors, serving as a fundamental resource for informed decision-making. In the realm of transportation, they aid in optimizing routes and schedules for public transit systems, reducing commuter travel time and enhancing the overall transit experience. In healthcare, travel time maps guide medical facilities in identifying areas with limited accessibility, ensuring that critical services are within reach for all members of the community. Furthermore, urban planners employ travel time maps to develop efficient infrastructure and to design cities that are more accessible to all. These maps, enriched with data, play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for residents and commuters alike.

Leveraging Travel Time Maps for Decision-Making: Businesses and individuals stand to gain significant advantages by leveraging travel time maps in their decision-making processes. For businesses, the strategic location of a store, warehouse, or distribution center can be a game-changer in terms of customer reach and operational efficiency. Travel time maps provide valuable insights into the ideal location for maximum accessibility. Individual commuters and travelers, too, can benefit from these maps by planning their daily journeys more efficiently, avoiding congestion, and optimizing their schedules.

Optimizing Efficiency and Accessibility: The value of travel time maps lies in their ability to optimize efficiency and accessibility in everyday life. For businesses, this means maximizing the reach of their services while minimizing operational costs. For individuals, it translates to reduced stress, more time for leisure and productivity, and a higher quality of life. With these maps in hand, individuals can make choices that take into account the time it takes to reach their destinations, ultimately improving the balance between their personal and professional lives.

Optimizing travel time with maps

Efficiently managing your travel time is not just about reaching your destination; it’s about transforming your daily journeys into smoother and more productive experiences. In this section, we will share practical strategies and tips for using travel time maps to your advantage, all while incorporating relevant SEO keywords for enhanced visibility.

Practical Strategies for Efficiency:

Plan Ahead: The cornerstone of optimizing your travel time begins with planning. Use travel time maps to foresee potential bottlenecks, traffic congestion, or delays in your route. By being proactive and considering these factors, you can plan your trips at times that minimize disruptions.

Combine Trips: If you have multiple errands or destinations, strategically combine them to minimize travel time. Travel time maps can help you identify areas where you can complete multiple tasks within a single journey, optimizing your schedule and reducing the overall time spent traveling.

Shows you areas you can reach with public transport in a given time.

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Mapnificent shows you the area you can reach with public transport from any point in a given time. It is available for major cities in the US and world wide.

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Mapnificent was originally inspired by mySociety's Mapumental .

Mapnificent was created by Stefan Wehrmeyer .

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Get the miles radius or km radius distance from any location, make a travel time radius map, see how far you can travel in a time limit by car, public transport, walking & more.

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  • Route Planning

How to Generate a Commute Time Map

  • On Jan 11, 2021

Commute Time Maps

Quickly determine the travel time between two locations or see how far you can commute in a certain time frame using a travel time calculator.  Travel time calculators allow you to generate isochrones representing the area you can cover in a certain period of time using public transit, bike, walking, or driving. Travel time and commute time maps are useful for a wide range of use cases from personal use like choosing a house location that is no more than 20 minutes from your work to business use cases like choosing a new office location close to all of your employees as possible.

Table of Contents

What is a Commute Time Map?

A commute time map, or travel time map, allows you to see the time it will take you to commute between a starting point and the locations that you can reach in a certain period of time from that starting point. Instead of measuring distance, a travel time map measures commute time. 

Calculating commute time depends on several factors, including distance, traffic conditions, transport mode, and transit information. Commute maps factor all this in to give you accurate estimates of your travel time. This means estimates are calculated in real-time and might fluctuate from one time of day to another.

Use a commute time calculator to determine the average commute time from one location to another or draw a travel time radius around one location to see all the other reachable locations within a given time limit.

These calculations are available for driving and various forms of public transport, such as buses and trains.

Transportation Mapping Software

What Can You Do with a Commute Time Map?

Many companies use travel time maps to optimize their business and better serve their customers:

  • Site Selection Based on Customers: Choose business locations based on commute times from specific neighborhoods, zip codes, suburbs, and metropolitan areas to ensure your customers can easily reach you.
  • Site Selection Based on Employees: Select work locations near your employees to help them avoid long commutes.
  • Assign Sales Reps: Choose sales reps to work with customers based on commute time to optimize your customer service.
  • Real Estate: List the various businesses, services, and amenities that are reachable from a property within a specific commute time.

How to Create a Commute Time Map with Maptive

Step 1: Sign up for a Maptive free trial account . Try Maptive for free and explore the many mapping tools we have to offer.

Free Mapping Software Trial

Step 2: Upload or input your data. Upload your location data from an existing Excel spreadsheet, copy and paste your data into Maptive, or enter it manually.

Upload your map data

Step 3: Click on “Map Now” to view your map. Your location data is now plotted on a beautiful interactive map. 

Step 4: Choose the Distance Radius/Drivetime Polygon Tool . Select this feature from Maptive’s tools menu.

Distance Radius Map Tool

Step 5: Select “Drive Time Polygon” from the dropdown menu. Enter your trip details. This includes your start location & travel time in hours or minutes.

Commute Time Maps

Step 6: Get your commute time. Your commute time map will be automatically calculated based on your trip details.

Commute Time Maps

Fred Metterhausen is a Chicago based computer programmer, and product owner of the current version of Maptive. He has over 15 years of experience developing mapping applications as a freelance developer, including 12 with Maptive. He has seen how thousands of companies have used mapping to optimize various aspects of their workflow.

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Find out why Maptive is the most powerful mapping tool on the market.

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Signing up with 511PA

  • Creating an account is NOT mandatory on this website; however if you do, you’ll be able to personalize your experience and receive traffic alerts.
  • Select ‘Sign Up’ from the menu options in the top right corner
  • Enter your name, email, and create a password. Click ‘Sign Up' when done.
  • You will get an email to verify your account, click the link that was sent to your email.
  • Including a phone number will allow you to receive text alerts, you will receive an SMS (text) with your confirmation code. Note this is in addition to the email verification.

Creating and saving customized route

Creating & Saving a Customized Route

Drive Icon

  • Review the routes generated and select the one that suits you best.
  • When done, enter a name for your route and click ‘Save’.

Creating alert for your route

Creating an Alert for your Route

  • Once your route is saved, you will be asked if you want to be notified of events on this route. Click ‘Create Route Notification’
  • You will be redirected to the alert creation page. Enter the required information for your route, select a delivery option (email or SMS), and click ‘Save’.
  • You will now be notified of any future events that affect your route.

Welcome to 511PA

Welcome to 511PA

Signing up with 511PA

  • Verify your account by following the link that was sent to your email.
  • If you registered with a phone number, you will also receive an SMS (text) with your confirmation code

Creating & Saving a Customized Route

  • In the Manage My Routes table, find the route that you previously saved that you would like to create an alert for and click ‘Create Alert’.

Content for Heading

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To add to My Cameras View:

  • Map page - Click on a camera icon on the map, then click the "My Cameras" button at the top of the camera popup. Select from the Camera View list to add or de-select to remove.
  • Camera page - Click on the     three dots icon below the camera image to access the "My Cameras" option. Select from the Camera View list to add or de-select to remove.
  • Closed/Stopped
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   Quick Links

Who uses travelmath.

Companies like United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Ryanair use Travelmath to re-route passengers and plan new flight paths.

Celebrities love Travelmath!

"Travelmath is the one app I couldn't live without - it calculates all your journey timings and because I travel a lot, it's essential. Whoever invented Travelmath, I love you! " – Drew Barrymore

"There's a website called Travelmath, it's really good if you're into flight times. "  – Blake Griffin

Dirtiest Public Transit

See the research from our Travelmath study on public transportation hygiene. How does the New York subway rank against Chicago, DC, SF, and Boston?   Read the full study!

Germiest Hotel Rooms

See even more research from our Travelmath study on hotel hygiene. Spoiler alert: Don't turn on the TV...   Read the full study!

   Travel Tools

What is travelmath.

Travelmath is an online trip calculator that helps you find answers quickly. If you're planning a trip, you can measure things like travel distance and travel time . To keep your budget under control, use the travel cost tools.

You can also browse information on flights including the distance and flight time. Or use the section on driving to compare the distance by car, or the length of your road trip.

Type in any location to search for your exact destination .

Quick Calculator

How do i search.

To get started, enter your starting point and destination into the boxes above. If you want an airport , it's best to enter the 3-letter IATA code if you know it. For cities , include the state or country if possible.

You can also enter more general locations like a state or province , country, island , zip code, or even some landmarks by name.

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What is TravelTime?

Travel Time Map Generator & Isochrones

I know i can get from a to b by public transport within my selected time, but it's not showing up.

If you're using public transport to do your analysis, it can look like we don't include a specific transit line. But it is rare that we have forgotten to add it! We have a full data team collecting transport data, and they're rarely caught out. It's usually due to understanding how we calculate travel time catchments. We build the area to include:

  • Walking to the station platform
  • Waiting for the next available departure
  • Time spent boarding the train
  • Giving enough time to take the A to B journey
  • Depart on the station on the other side.

That means if you set your max travel time at 30 minutes, and the train journey you think should be included takes 28 minutes, it probably won't show up, because the other steps push it over the max 30 min limit. Try adding an extra 5-10 minutes to your max catchment area and see if this helps! Understand how we built our public transport model

You can't drive that far / you can drive much further than that

We recommend that you do a little experiment.

  • Open another mapping app of your choice and enter an A to B route
  • Select a departure time for tomorrow.

The average mapping provider gives very vague driving estimations. It's not uncommon to see a journey estimation between 30 minutes up to 2 hours. That's a lot of buffer room!

Our driving model only returns one singular best possible time estimate. We do this using our purpose-built driving model. Explore how we've built our driving model.

Still not convinced?

You can explain your data issue to us here and we can help you out. Please include in your request whether you're using the API for commercial or personal purposes.

About this tool

This demo was built to showcase the TravelTime API. To use the full capabilities of the API you will need coding skills, or experience with one of our integrations: QGIS, Alteryx or ArcGIS. Access to the API gives you larger travel time catchment areas, more transport mode options and large request volumes. Access the developer playground here.

What is a travel time map?

Our map tool allows you to create a 'How far can I go map' by transport mode and time limit. For example someone can ask how far can I drive from my home in 30 minutes. The tool outputs shapes, also known as travel time isochrones visualise where's reachable. Sometimes these shapes are incorrectly labelled as a 'travel time radius map'. A radius is always just a circular shape, but a travel time shape is completely unique as it analyses all locations reachable using a specific mode of transport.

How to create a drive time radius map or other modes

  • Select a start location
  • Select a maximum travel time limit
  • Select a mode of transport, for example driving
  • Voila! There's your driving radius map

Use cases for consumers

  • Create a commute time map so you can see where to live based on commute time.
  • How far can i travel in a given time: compare transport coverage for different areas.
  • Create a drive time radius map: explore how far you can travel on a road trip.

Use cases for businesses

  • Travel time mapping up to 4 hours & cross reference other data sets in GIS such as population data
  • Site selection analysis: analyse the best location to locate a business by adding thousands of analysis points
  • Create a distance matrix or travel time matrix & calculate travel times from thousands of origins to thousands of destinations
  • Network analysis / travelling salesman problem: use spatial analytics to solve routing problems
  • Commute time map - plot thousands of employee commute times for an office relocation

This web page is a limited demo that can do the following:

  • Create up to 3 time polygons visualising where's reachable within 2 hours or less. Our API can create large travel time areas, talk to sales.
  • Calculate travel times from an origin to various points of interest - in this demo we use points from Foursquare Give A to B routing details

Full access

We provide full analysis by all transport modes and all travel time areas in our full service. You can access this by:

  • Book a demo
  • Trial TravelTime API
  • Trial QGIS Plugin
  • Trial ArcGIS Pro Add-In
  • Trial Alteryx Macros

Problem with the data?

  • Nation & World

Father-son duo finishes quest to visit every presidential grave in U.S.

TJ Fallon started visiting U.S. presidential grave sites during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

“I did it out of complete boredom after being furloughed from my job,” the New Jersey native said.

Four years later, not only has he visited all 39 presidential grave sites at least twice, but — as of this month — his son, Henry, 10, has also seen them all.

Henry, of Brick, New Jersey, likely has become the youngest person ever to check off the feat of paying homage to every dead president after he and his father disembarked from their inbound flight to LAX to visit the Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon libraries.

“I’m nervous and excited,” Henry said before walking to Nixon’s grave site in Yorba Linda, California, the visit that would cap his achievement.

Afterward, he said he “kind of” felt accomplished to have seen every presidential grave.

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The Fallons have traveled across the country to visit presidential libraries and cemeteries. They spent Henry’s spring break, for instance, road-tripping around Kansas and Missouri to see the graves of Eisenhower and Truman.

Henry’s favorite president? Lincoln.

But, like many 10-year-olds, Henry is not a big history buff and seems practically uninterested in politics. He zipped through the Nixon Library in an Aaron Judge baseball cap, spending more time practicing his batting swing than paying attention to the exhibits.

His favorite museum is the National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York, he said. And his favorite part of these road trips with Dad is not visiting the presidential gravesites, but stopping at the ballparks along — and sometimes out of — the way. The Fallons were also headed to Dodger Stadium and San Francisco’s Oracle Park — as well as Dinseyland — this week.

“People always ask me why I visit presidential grave sites,” TJ Fallon said. “It’s an odd hobby. But it humanizes all these great figures. They were people with families. They were mortal.”

The hobby began with a random Google search in 2020 when Fallon asked if any presidents are buried in New Jersey. In fact, Grover Cleveland is buried in Princeton. Though Cleveland never attended college, he fell in love with the area after delivering an address at the university in 1896, made Princeton his home after his second term as president and became a trustee of the Ivy League school.

After visiting Cleveland’s grave site, Fallon made an ambitious Google search. “Has anyone visited every presidential grave site?”

Based on his research, Fallon said it seemed like at least one person had done so and maybe others. He set out to do it faster.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dead History (@deadhistory1776)

So, he drove more than 60,000 miles through 34 states to visit all of them in nine months. He’s also gone to all 34 graves of vice presidents, 53 of the 56 graves of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and all 39 signers of the Constitution. He’s been featured by his hometown paper and Jay Leno’s show “You Bet Your Life;” he has 20,000 subscribers on his “Dead History” YouTube channel and 50,000 followers on Instagram.

Fallon says Nixon has the best epitaph of any president: “The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker.” Meanwhile, he believes Martin Van Buren might have the most unassuming grave site in a small cemetery in his hometown of Kinderhook, New York.

Fallon’s enthrallment with presidential history might not have totally rubbed off on Henry, but at least they’ll always have this journey together to look back on.

Seeing America with his dad, Henry said, “means a lot.”

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Kiribati Travel Advisory

Travel advisory august 9, 2023, kiribati - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

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Commercial transportation to/from Kiribati is sporadically available. 

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About Sarajevo

The city of Sarajevo is divided into four municipalities; however, it is Stari Grad (the Old Town) that is undoubtedly the city’s crown jewel. The eastern section of Stari Grad is home to the 15th-century Ottoman quarters. Wandering among the atmospheric alleyways of the Bascarsija, you will be transported to another time and place by the sight of its splendid architecture, the sound of the muezzin from the Gazi Husrey-Beg Mosque and the smell of freshly cooked cevapcici filling the air.

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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

News releases

Sept. 4, 2024

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Preliminary work for the 2025-26 Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter project is underway on Industrial Street near Kasota

Hwy 22 from mankato to st. peter will remain open to traffic in 2024.

MANKATO, Minn. — Preliminary work for the 2025-26 Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter construction project is underway on Industrial Street near Kasota, according to the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

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Construction on Industrial Street between Le Sueur Co. Rd. 41 (Pearl Street) and Le Sueur Co. Rd. 21 includes the installation of erosion control devices, tree and vegetation removal, and pavement work. Starting next week, crews will begin construction of a new roadway adjacent to Pearl Street to expand Industrial Street and provide business access during Hwy 22 construction in 2025-26. Work also includes the realignment of the existing Industrial Street, installation of drainage structures and culverts, curb and gutter, pavement, and lighting.

Local access for businesses near Industrial Road will be maintained with minor impacts for motorists.  This work is anticipated to be complete in mid-October, weather permitting. (map attached)

Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will remain open to traffic in 2024; however, motorists can expect minor traffic impacts for utility and other preliminary construction work.

All construction activities and traffic impacts are weather dependent and subject to change. MnDOT urges motorists to be attentive and drive with caution in work zones where workers are present.

Le Sueur Co. Rd. 45 (Rabbit Road)

Originally planned for construction in 2024, construction on the Le Sueur County 45 (Rabbit Road) bridge has been postponed until 2026. The work on Rabbit Road in 2026 will include a mill and overlay, replacement of the approach panels, new drainage and culverts, and new guardrail.

Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter project overview, costs

Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will be closed in 2025-26, with traffic detoured. The project will include reconstructing the roadway from south of Blue Earth County Road 57 in Mankato to just south of the Minnesota River Bridge in St. Peter, and adding new turn and passing lanes. The project also includes constructing a roundabout at Hill Street (Le Sueur Co.Rd. 21) in Kasota, improving lighting at intersections, repairing and replacing bridges, installing snow fence, and preparing for future construction of a walking and biking trail to connect Mankato to St. Peter. 

Benefits of the project include enhanced safety for motorists, improved traffic flow, smoother pavement, and preparation for a future walking and biking trail. Mathiowetz Construction Company was awarded the project with a bid of $36,896,294.56.

Hwy 22 and Augusta Drive roundabout project in Mankato

Construction of a dual-lane roundabout at the intersection of Hwy 22 and Augusta Drive in Mankato is expected to continue until early October. The project also includes constructing new trail and realigning existing trails. Visit the Hwy 22/Augusta Drive project website for more information and detour routes. l

Stay connected

  • Visit the Hwy 22 Mankato to St. Peter project website for more information and sign up for email updates.


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  2. Travel-time Maps and their Uses / mySociety

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  3. Travel-time Maps and their Uses / mySociety

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  4. Create a Travel Time Map

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  5. Calculate Travel Time Using Mapping Tools

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  28. Kiribati Travel Advisory

    Reissued with updates to health information and Travel Advisory Level. Exercise normal precautions in Kiribati. Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Kiribati. Commercial transportation to/from Kiribati is sporadically available. If you decide to travel to Kiribati: Monitor local media.

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  30. News releases

    511 Travel Info. General Contacts; MnDOT A to Z; Search; News releases. Sept. 4, 2024 ... This work is anticipated to be complete in mid-October, weather permitting. (map attached) Hwy 22 from Mankato to St. Peter will remain open to traffic in 2024; however, motorists can expect minor traffic impacts for utility and other preliminary ...