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Best travel insurance UK 2024 guide

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We all deserve a break now and then. And the last thing you want to think of when booking your holiday is something going wrong. But it’s better to be prepared than caught off guard. That’s why you should always consider travel insurance when going on a trip.

But how can you find the best travel insurance policy for your needs? Read our guide below to find out more.

Why do I need travel insurance?

Travel insurance protects you financially if your trip away doesn’t go as planned and you incur unexpected expenses for delays, losses or medical treatment.

All travellers can benefit from travel insurance. But travel insurance is particularly important if you are going on an independent trip without a tour operator, because if something goes wrong, you will have no other help.

There are three main types of travel insurance:

  • Single-trip cover: this is the most typical form of travel insurance, covering you for a one-off trip or holiday. There will be a time limit on the cover that can range anywhere between one month and 365 days
  • Annual multi-trip cover: this allows you to make multiple trips, or have multiple holidays, in a 12-month period, all under the same travel insurance policy. There may be a cap on how long each individual trip can be
  • Long stay, or backpacker, cover: this is normally used for around the world trips, gap years, and longer cruises, and can last for up to 18 months

To find the best UK travel insurance, compare policies before you go to ensure you get the right coverage for you and the specific trip you’re planning.

How to find the best travel insurance policy


When comparing policies to find the best travel insurance for your trip, you should consider: 

  • Type of cover you need
  • Excess (how much you’ll be expected to pay out yourself before the policy will cover you)
  • Amount of medical coverage, and why pre-existing conditions aren’t included
  • Limit on baggage claims
  • Coverage for specific sports and activities
  • Any potential rewards and discounts
  • Add-ons, such as gadget insurance

Best travel insurance deals and discounts

Looking for the best travel insurance deals from the best travel insurance companies? In most cases, the easiest way to find the best travel insurance deals is to use a comparison website. Travel insurance comparison websites let you compare costs and coverage side by side to find the best UK travel insurance.

The four main comparison websites – Moneysupermarket, Comparethemarket, Confused.com and GoCompare – also often have certain deals and discounts when you buy travel insurance from them, offering some of the best travel insurance deals on the market.

Moneysupermarket : Find the same deal for less, and it will price match and give you a choice of a £20 gift card. Only on annual travel insurance.

Comparethemarket : Two for one cinema tickets with Meerkat Movies and savings at restaurants when you dine out or order pizza in with Meerkat Meals, as well as 25 per cent off coffee and pastries at Caffè Nero every day of the week through the Meerkat app.

(In November 2023, Confused.com and GoCompare had no deals or discounts for travel insurance).

Price is obviously a big consideration when you are looking for the best travel insurance – you’ve probably already spent a lot on your holiday. But you may be able to get much better coverage for just a few pounds extra, so it’s worth scrolling down the comparison site’s list of providers before buying.

Medical costs abroad will undoubtedly be the biggest expense you face if you fall ill abroad, so don’t scrimp on those.

Then think about your next biggest expense (probably cancellation/interruption of your trip) and make sure that you have high-value coverage for that.

If you find you can get much higher coverage (the maximum amount you can claim per type of claim, such as medical or baggage) for not very much more money, go for the slightly more expensive option.

Going direct

Comparison sites won’t always find you the cheapest deals, however. For example, Direct Line offers some of the best travel insurance with Covid cover and is not on comparison websites.

Some of the best travel insurance companies also offer discounts for buying directly from them, as follows:

Bundled coverage options

When looking for the best travel insurance for your holiday, it can make sense to buy a bundle of coverage under one policy.

Comparison websites will often offer add-on gadget cover, winter sports cover or cruise cover all under the one policy. If you need that extra cover, it is typically cheaper to buy your travel insurance this way rather than as separate policies.

What is covered by travel insurance?

The best travel insurance companies will offer you comprehensive coverage across all types of claims. It’s easy to compare the best travel insurance deals using a comparison website.

Medical coverage

This covers you for medical expenses you incur if you become ill or have an accident while away. The best UK travel insurance will have a high level of medical coverage.

For example, medical coverage will pay for any necessary treatment if you come down with severe food poisoning or you fall through a window and have to be taken to hospital in an ambulance.

  • Avoid hefty bills or debt for medical assistance outside the UK
  • Access better treatment – for example, at private vs public hospitals
  • Often, as long as you declare existing conditions or pending treatment or tests, you are covered if you fall ill during your trip (check policy exclusions)
  • Even the best travel insurance companies will likely charge you more if you have a pre-existing medical condition
  • You might have to pay part or all your medical expenses first, then claim on the policy afterwards
  • Even the best travel insurance companies do not cover events that happen after you have consumed alcohol excessively or taken recreational drugs or other substances

Trip cancellation/interruption

This insurance pays out the cost of your missed trip if you have to cancel or cut your holiday short due to unforeseen circumstances.

Young woman in international airport looking at the flight information board, holding passport in her hand, checking her flight

For example, cancellation insurance would normally pay out if you broke your leg just before you were due to travel and had to cancel your trip.

Interruption insurance would cover you if you had to come home early for certain reasons beyond your control – for example, if the area you were staying in was engulfed in wildfires.

  • Money you would have lost on pre-paid, non-refundable travel expenses is paid to you under the policy
  • It can be especially valuable if the trip you are planning is very expensive, as this is money you would lose if you couldn’t go
  • You’ll usually only be covered if your trip is cancelled or cut short for specific reasons listed in your policy
  • You usually won’t be covered if you miss your flight because you are held by customs or cancel because of a work issue or a pre-existing medical condition that is not covered

Baggage cover

This insurance covers the cost of replacing your luggage if it is lost or stolen.

For example, if an airline loses your luggage in transit or your suitcase is stolen from your hostel while you’re away, you can make a claim for the cost of replacing its contents.

You may also be able to claim for costs related to baggage delay if the airline temporarily misplaced your baggage.

  • You can claim for the actual cash value of your belongings or the cost of replacing them (whichever is less)
  • High-value items, such as jewellery or sports equipment, can be very expensive to replace without travel insurance
  • Standard policies usually place per item and total limits on claims.
  • If you are taking very expensive items away, check your policy carefully to ensure that you’re covered (and potentially get a separate policy)
  • Some items could be covered by your home insurance policy, so check your policy carefully to see what is any isn’t. It’s also important to note that, should a lost item be covered by both policies, you can only claim once; an attempt to claim twice would be considered fraud

Personal liability

This insurance covers you if you are held responsible for harming another person or damaging their property.

For example, it covers you in situations where you cause serious damage to your holiday accommodation or accidentally stumble into someone else, causing them to need medical treatment.

  • The cost of defending yourself in a legal case or repairing/replacing damage could be extremely costly without travel insurance
  • Your travel insurance company will take over dealing with a foreign legal system
  • You’re covered for the cost of any compensation (up to certain limits)


  • Not all travel insurance provides personal liability as standard
  • Policies may exclude personal liability while you partake in adventure activities
  • Claims related to you committing a crime or damage by wilful negligence won’t be covered
  • You likely will not be covered if you admit liability or make an offer to pay before talking to your insurer

Finding the best travel insurance with Covid cover

Looking for the best travel insurance with Covid cover? Many travel insurance policies now include cancellation cover for reasons related to Covid. This often applies within two weeks of being due to travel, according to the Association of British Insurers, but individual policies can vary.

To make a claim, insurers often require proof in the form of a medically approved positive Covid test. A lateral flow test or self-diagnosis is usually not accepted.

What Covid-related cover to look for

The best travel insurance with Covid cover should include the following:

  • Cover if you can’t start your trip because you tested positive for Covid before travelling
  • Cover if you or family members cannot return home because you/they test positive for Covid during the holiday
  • Cover for additional costs, such as alternative flights, accommodation and Covid tests
  • Cover if you cannot reach your final destination during transit due to Covid-19

Travel insurance providers with comprehensive Covid cover

Looking for the best travel insurance providers with Covid cover? Most travel insurance policies now offer some kind of Covid cover, but Churchill, Direct Line, M&S and Aviva have some of the most comprehensive offerings, with cover for cancellations and expenses related to Covid.

travel insurance company uk

  • Covid covered as standard on travel insurance policies
  • Cover for trip cancellations if you, a close relative or a travelling companion is diagnosed with Covid-19 or another pandemic disease
  • Cover if you or a person you’re planning to stay with must quarantine (abroad or in the UK)
  • Cover if you can’t use pre-booked and pre-paid accommodation affected by Covid-19
  • Cover for quarantine or where the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against travel within 28 days of departure
  • Cover for emergency medical expenses abroad due to Covid-19

Direct Line

travel insurance company uk

  • Cover for travel to a destination where the FCDO is advising against all but essential travel 
  • Cover for medical expenses if you catch Covid-19 while you’re away 
  • Cover for additional accommodation and transport if you have to quarantine due to Covid
  • Cover for cancellation costs if you or a close relative get Covid-19 before you go
  • Cover for quarantine or if the FCDO changes its advice after you book your trip
  • Cover if you have to cut your trip short if the FCDO changes its country advice unexpectedly

travel insurance company uk

  • Cover for emergency medical expenses if you catch Covid-19 during your trip
  • Cover for unrecoverable costs up to £6,000 if you must cancel your trip or return early, including if you have to self-isolate or quarantine before you travel due to Covid-19
  • Cover for if you need to cancel your trip due to a positive Covid-19 test or if the FCDO advise against travel to your destination in the 31 days leading up to your trip
  • Providing you haven’t travelled against FCDO advice, you’ll also be covered if you catch Covid-19 while abroad

travel insurance company uk

  • Coverage of up to £5,000 per person if you must cancel your trip due to getting Covid (you’ll need to provide confirmation and evidence of a positive test result)
  • Cover for Covid-related emergency medical treatment and expenses while away
  • Cover if you unexpectedly need to quarantine, including extra travel and accommodation costs to get home (provided a return trip was booked) 
  • Cover for costs for any accommodation and excursions unused due to getting Covid where the costs can’t be recovered elsewhere
  • No cover you if you travel against FCDO advice*
  • No cover if you can’t travel because you don’t meet the entry requirements of a country (such as having had Covid vaccinations)*

* It’s worth noting that these clauses are not unusual and the majority of providers will have something similar

Tips for selecting the best UK travel insurance packages

Need some help picking the best UK travel insurance packages to make sure that you get the best travel insurance deals? Here are some tips for picking the best policy features for you.

Coverage limits

When looking for the best travel insurance companies to go with, check coverage limits. These are the maximum amounts your travel insurer will pay if you need to claim. You’ll see when you compare travel insurance policies that coverage limits vary for each type of claim and between policies.

The government-backed MoneyHelper website recommends that the best UK travel insurance should have the following minimum coverage for each type of claim:

  • Medical: £1m or more for travel to Europe and £2m or more for the US
  • Cancellation/interruption: £2,000 or more
  • Missed departure: £500 or more
  • Delay: £200 or more
  • Baggage cover: £1,500 or more
  • Personal liability cover: £2 million or more


Deductibles, also known as the excess, is the amount you have to pay out of your own pocket before your travel insurance will start paying for your claim.

You have to make a trade-off when it comes to choosing the excess and the best travel insurance policy for you.

The lower the excess on a travel insurance policy, the better for you if you have to claim because you will have less to pay from your own pocket (or, more often, deducted from your claim).

But lower excess travel insurance policies are more expensive because the insurer knows it has more to pay out if you claim. Higher excess policies are cheaper, but you’ll have more deducted from your claim.

An exclusion on a travel insurance policy is an event the policy will not cover you for.

Common exclusions on a standard travel insurance policy may not be obvious. According to the ABTA – The Travel Association, these include:

  • Incidents that occur after drinking too much alcohol or taking drugs
  • Theft of unattended possessions
  • Sports, extreme sports and activities such as skiing, white water rafting and bungee jumping
  • Medical treatment resulting from existing medical conditions you have not declared or conditions preventable by vaccine or advisable medication, such as antimalarials
  • Medical costs if you stay abroad after your doctor says you are fit to return to the UK
  • Strikes and industrial action if it was known when you booked your trip
  • Rescheduled flights where the airline has cancelled and then rescheduled your flight
  • Travel to destinations where the FCDO advises against all but essential travel

To get the best travel insurance deals, one way around some of these exclusions is to buy add-ons for adventure activities. In addition, make sure to declare all pre-existing conditions and keep an eye out for any travel disruptions before you book.

Pre-existing conditions

Pre-existing conditions are illnesses or medical conditions you have and are aware of before you travel.

Travel insurance companies will ask you to disclose any pre-existing conditions. If you use a comparison website, it will be among the first questions you’re asked before it shows you quotes. It’s important to be honest.

Some travel insurance companies, but not all, will offer cover for pre-existing medical conditions, while others will offer cover but exclude any claims arising from that medical condition. This will depend on the person being covered and the medical condition.

Most price comparison websites include an option to show insurers who do offer coverage for pre-existing conditions, so that would be a good place to start.

The following are likely to be considered pre-existing conditions you should disclose, according to the government-backed MoneyHelper website:

  • A condition where you are on a list for an operation
  • A condition where you are waiting for test results
  • Anything you have been to the doctor about in the last year, including minor things
  • Any serious conditions you’ve ever had – for example, cancer, heart trouble, respiratory problems or a mental health breakdown

A good tip for everyone, but especially if you have a pre-existing condition, is to buy your travel insurance as soon as you book your holiday. If your condition gets worse and forces you to cancel your plans, you’ll be covered from the day the policy starts.

On family group policies, the cost will be determined based on the riskiest traveller (according to insurers), which could be someone with a pre-existing condition or an older individual. In this case, it is often cheaper for the group for that person to get a separate policy.

Add-on options

Add-ons are extras you can purchase in addition to a standard travel insurance policy. They cost a bit more, but you may find you’re not covered without them. 

Gadget insurance

This covers things that a standard policy may not, such as your mobile phone or laptop. If these items are covered, you may find the claim limits are far less than the cost of replacing them.

Close-up of a person holding a phone taking a picture of a beaut

Before you add this option to your travel insurance, check your home insurance policy, because you may already be covered.

Winter sports/adventure activities

Riskier activities, such as skiing or white water rafting, often require extra holiday insurance because insurers think that you are more likely to need to make a claim doing these things.

Winter sports/adventure activities cover is worth getting, or you may find you are not covered for medical expenses if something goes wrong.

Standard travel insurance is generally meant for land-based holidays so you’ll need to opt for a specialist cruise policy if your holiday is a cruise.

European FCDO travel advice extension

Most standard travel insurance policies are invalid if you travel when the FCDO advises against “all but essential travel”.

This add-on allows you to travel to Europe with a valid travel insurance policy, even if the FCDO has advised against it.

This can be an expensive add-on, but if you really must travel to a risky area, you will need this extension in order to make sure you have cover.

Best holiday insurance summary

Choosing the right travel insurance is an essential part of enjoying peace of mind while you are on holiday.

When looking for the best travel insurance deals, don’t just pick the cheapest policy. Instead, look for the cover limits that match your requirements. For example, baggage cover of £5,000 isn’t worth having if your baggage is worth £1,000; cancellation cover up to £10,000 isn’t worth having if your holiday cost you £2,000.

The easiest way to compare the best travel insurance is usually by using a travel insurance comparison website.

Think about the sort of activities you’ll be doing while you’re away. You may need extra holiday insurance for things such as winter sports or scuba diving or if you are going on a cruise.

Be honest about any pre-existing conditions when buying your travel insurance, or you won’t be covered if you have to claim.

The best travel insurance is a safety net for you and your family to enjoy your trip away stress-free, knowing that you’re covered for everything from medical expenses to cancellations if things go wrong.

Frequently asked questions about the best travel insurance UK packages

Is travel insurance necessary for domestic travel within the uk.

Even where medical costs in the UK are covered by the NHS, a sudden illness could lead to other expenses, forcing you to cancel your trip, the costs of which travel insurance would cover.

Lost or stolen luggage and broken gadgets or other claims for damage can just as easily occur in the UK as abroad.

What is annual travel insurance, and is it a good option for frequent travellers?

Annual travel insurance is a policy that covers you for multiple trips away within any 12-month period. It is often cheaper than buying a separate policy for each trip if you are planning to go away multiple times in one year.

Annual travel insurance is also useful if you are planning a long trip visiting several countries, as often insurers require you to buy travel insurance before you leave the UK rather than abroad mid-trip.

Are there any travel insurance companies that specialise in certain types of trips or travellers?

Specialist travel insurers cater to specific groups of people. It can make sense to seek out travel insurers that cover your needs.

Adventures Insurance, Sports Cover Direct and Snowcard tailor their travel insurance to those who enjoy activity holidays and extreme sports, for example.

Senior travellers are the focus of policies from All Clear, Avanti, Co-op Insurance Services, Free Spirit Flex, Good 2 Go Extra, Goodtogo Insurance, Saga, Staysure and Total Travel Protection.

Insurers offering business trip cover include Allianz, Direct Line, Coverwise and Insure & Go.

How do I make a claim with my travel insurance company?

To claim on your travel insurance while you are away, make sure that you take your policy number with you and the emergency number for your insurer. If you are travelling abroad, take any international numbers too.

Call your insurer as soon as you realise you need to make a claim. Keep all receipts and medical expense forms. If you are travelling with other people, make them aware of your policy details and the insurer’s phone number in case they need to call on your behalf.

To make a claim when you return home, check the following:

  • You haven’t left it too late to make a claim
  • What you’re claiming for is covered
  • The excess is not more than the value of your claim (if so, it’s not worth claiming)

Notify your insurer as soon as possible for a claim form, send it back fast and keep a copy of it. You should also include copies of paperwork to support your claim, such as receipts or medical certificates (keep copies of the originals in case your claim is queried or refused).

Laura Miller round image

Laura Miller

Laura Miller is a freelance journalist, editor, and producer. She has a wealth of consumer finance experience, having written about money matters and business for over 15 years.

During her tenure as a freelance writer, she has worked for ITN, Wired, and The Sunday Times, as well as financial institutions such as Aegon, the Chartered Insurance Institute, and Pension Bee, where she’s presenter of the Pension Confident Podcast.

Laura has previously held roles at The Times, where she was the Acting Editor of Times Money Mentor, The Telegraph as a senior finance reporter and was the co-host of the It’s Your Money Podcast, which was renowned for making complex finance issues accessible, and The Financial Times, where she worked as a News Editor. Laura has also worked at CNN, Politics.co.uk, and as a producer at Radio 5 Live.

Connor Campbell new profile April 2024

Connor Campbell

Connor Campbell is an experienced personal and business finance writer who has been producing online content for almost a decade. 

Connor is the personal finance expert for Independent Advisor, guiding readers through everything they need to know about car insurance and home insurance. From how much it costs to the best insurance providers in the UK, he’s here to help you find the right policy for your needs. 

In his capacity as writer and spokesperson at NerdWallet , Connor explored a number of topics close to his heart, such as the impact of our increasingly cashless society, and the hardships and heroics of British entrepreneurs. His commentary was featured in sites such as The Mirror , the Daily Express and Business Insider . 

At financial trading firm Spreadex, meanwhile, his market commentary was featured in outlets such as The Guardian , BBC , Reuters and the Evening Standard . 

Connor is a voracious reader with an MA in English, and is dedicated to making life’s financial decisions a little bit easier by doing away with jargon and needless complexity.

  • Best home insurance
  • Best life insurance
  • Best pet insurance
  • Car insurance
  • Home insurance guide
  • Buildings insurance
  • Contents insurance
  • Home insurance glossary
  • Admiral home insurance review
  • Aviva home insurance review
  • AXA home insurance review
  • Churchill home insurance review
  • Compare the market review
  • Direct Line home insurance review
  • Esure home insurance review
  • LV home insurance review
  • More Than home insurance review
  • Policy Expert home insurance review
  • Rias home insurance review
  • How we cover home insurance companies

The Independent Advisor brand is operated by 3S Media International Limited. 3S Media International Ltd is an introducer appointed representative of Moneysupermarket.com Financial Group Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA FRN 303190).

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The best travel insurance providers.

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| Editor-at-large

Updated July 31, 2024

In this guide

Woman on holiday relaxed after taking out travel insurance

If you’re travelling abroad this summer, you may wish to consider travel insurance. We explain what it is and some of the best policies on the market for your holiday.

Last year, UK residents made 86.2 million visits abroad. This was over 15 million trips than what was recorded in 2022 and over four times the figure in 2021, when COVID restrictions kept many people at home. 

With many popular events taking place in Europe this year, such as the Euros and the Olympics, this figure may well rise again. So, if you’re taking time outside the country have you considered  travel insurance?

In this article we explain:

  • What is travel insurance

What does travel insurance cover?

The best travel insurance, what types of travel insurance can you buy.

Read more: Passport renewal costs and waiting times

What is travel insurance?

Travel insurance covers the cost of unforeseen events and mishaps that either stop you from going on holiday or affect you while you’re away.

Depending on the policy, it might cover you for:

  • Medical bills if you suffer illness or have an accident while you’re away
  • Cancellation of your trip for reasons outside of your control
  • Lost or stolen baggage

Policies are usually relatively inexpensive and can give you the peace of mind that your costs will be covered if something bad happens while you are on holiday.

According to the Association of British Insurers (ABI), a trade body, the average claim on travel insurance in 2022 was a little over £970. So while these policies won’t stop bad things from happening, but it can prevent you from having to find the money to pay for unexpected costs even after you return from your holiday.

Read more: Ten budget travel tips

Get annual travel insurance with LV= and earn yourself a voucher too

travel insurance company uk

LV= offers comprehensive travel insurance which covers:

• 24-hour helpline if you need us while you’re away

• No limit on the number of trips you can take throughout the year

• It will cover you up to 31 days at a time on its Essential policy and up to 90 days on our Premier policy

Plus, as an added incentive, new customers can earn themselves an Amazon or Love2Shop voucher. Taking out an Annual Essential policy will earn a £5 voucher and taking out an Annual Premier policy will earn a £10 voucher

Find out more

Many people opt to take out travel insurance to cover potential medical care while away.

Every week, 3,000 Brits need emergency medical treatment while abroad, according to the ABI. But it isn’t just about covering medical costs. It can protect you against a range of unplanned events:

  • Cancellation or trip interruption for reasons outside your control
  • Missed transport or delayed departure for reasons outside your control
  • Personal injury and death, including medical evacuation
  • Lost, stolen or damaged items, including baggage, passports and money – check if your home contents insurance protects you
  • Accidental damage or injury caused by you

Does travel insurance cover cancelled flights?

Most travel insurers provide basic cover for cancelled flights. Aviva’s travel insurance, for example, will pay out if your flight is cancelled due to an airport shutdown.

If your airline cancels your flight then you should claim a refund directly with them, so your travel insurance could cover other costs such as hotel bookings, vehicle rentals, and other possible excursions.

What are my rights during strike action or travel disruption?

travel insurance company uk

What are my rights during strike action?

If your flights are cancelled due to strike action you might be entitled to compensation from the airline. But for this to apply, customers must have been given less than 14 days’ notice.

It also depends on whether the airline was at fault or not: so if it’s the airline’s staff who are striking, you should be entitled to compensation.

If you’re worried that your flights might be delayed or cancelled, you should also check your travel insurance policy.

Some policies cover you for a cancelled or delayed flight, provided you took out the policy before the strikes were announced.

But if you haven’t yet bought your insurance, you may be out of luck. This is because most insurers won’t cover you for strikes which were already known about.

Read how travel insurance could catch you out.

Below we’ve listed some of the best travel insurance providers on the market, all of which were nominated in Times Money Mentor awards 2023.


Times Money Mentor award winning cover


Best for over-50s

Post Office

Post Office

Best for those with pre-existing medical conditions


Best for those wanting substantial medical cover  


LATEST OFFER: Earn a voucher when you take out annual travel insurance with LV=

Other notable providers

Despite not winning a nomination at the Times Money Mentor awards, these providers also offer a decent policies

Switched On Insurance

Switched On

Cover for you

Cover for you

Expert travel advice and inspiration.

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Make informed decisions about your next trip with the help of our award-winning travel writers. From city breaks and beach holidays to cruises and safaris, explore the world like never before.

Visit Times Travel

The best travel insurance for cruises

If you’re thinking about taking a cruise, it’s important to take out special additional cover such as a cruise insurance to protect you.

Cruise insurance is normally offered as an add-on to travel policies, and protects you if you:

  • Miss connections to reach the departure
  • Fail to get back on board after planned stops
  • End up being confined to your cabin

Though if you want a dedicated travel insurance policy for a cruise, here’s an option to consider:


Just Travel Cover

Best for cruise holidays

Wine bars are out, bottle shops are in! Find your trendy local one

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Bottle shops are the new wine bars. Think intimate settings, boujee food, and, of course, walls full of tasty bottles to drink. Find your nearest one here .

The best winter sports cover

If you’re planning a skiing and snowboarding trip then it’s important you have insurance that will cover you if you’re involved in an accident on the slopes.

Most travel insurers will offer winter sports cover as an optional add-on to their regular cover and will protect you if you:

  • Need to be airlifted off the slopes or rescued and need medical treatment
  • Turn up and there’s no snow
  • Can’t start skiing and snowboarding because of avalanche risk
  • Find out your equipment – such as skis, snowboard and boots – has been stolen

It’s difficult to predict what the next ski season will look like. But if you’re booking now and want cover for the essentials, here’s a policy to factor into your calculations.



Best for winter sports

What should a basic travel policy cover?

When shopping for travel insurance, you should ensure your policy comes with the following seven things as standard:

1. Medical expenses

This covers the costs of any emergency medical and surgical treatment while you’re away.

It usually costs more for cover in the US as medical bills can run into the tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Any treatment that can wait until you get home is not usually included.

Most policies offer cover of £1 million for medical costs in Europe. This is usually £2 million in the US.

2. Repatriation

This is where you might need to be evacuated from the country you’re visiting.

Repatriation usually happens when you need to get back home to the UK in the event of a medical emergency and is usually covered as standard in most travel insurance policies.

3. Cancellation/curtailment

This covers any travel and accommodation costs you have paid for and can’t use or claim back.

You need a good reason to cancel your trip, so make sure you double check the terms and conditions of your policy.

4. Missed departure

This covers your extra accommodation costs and travel expenses should you miss your departure due to situations outside your control.

It usually includes your car breaking down or being involved in an accident. Leaving home at the last minute won’t count.

This covers you for delays to your travel plans, such as severe weather conditions.

Delays known about before (such as strikes) won’t be covered.

6. Baggage cover

This should cover you if your baggage is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.

You might need extra cover for gadgets or valuable possessions as there are usually limits on separate items.

Losses need to be reported within a certain time frame and you must have a written report from your airline if it loses your baggage.

7. Personal liability cover

This should cover you if you are liable to pay damages due to:

  • Accidental bodily injury to someone
  • Or for loss or damage to someone else’s property
  • Claims made by family members or employees won’t be covered

What extra cover can you buy?

To provide a peace of mind you might be able to add the following onto your policy too:

  • Wedding cover – If you’re travelling abroad for a wedding, some providers might include an add-on which covers damage to your possessions. If you think you need something more comprehensive, then consider a separate wedding insurance policy
  • Gadget insurance – While you’re abroad you may wish to cover your laptop, phone, or tablet from theft or damage
  • Golf equipment cover – Planning to tee off abroad? Then consider cover for moving your clubs overseas. This type of add on includes cover for your equipment if it is lost, stolen, or accidentally damaged

Read more: Is credit card travel insurance any good?

What is not covered by travel insurance?

Travel insurance won’t cover you for a risk that is known about.

For example, if you have a long-standing illness that means you can’t go on holiday, your insurer might not cover you for the cancellation costs.

Insurers also won’t cover you if you have to cancel your trip for reasons within your control. For example, if you miss your flight because you woke up late, your claim is likely to be rejected.

Travel insurance is also unlikely to cover you if you have been irresponsible. For example, if you leave your valuables in your hold luggage then your policy won’t cover you if these items are damaged.

Each policy will have specific things it won’t cover, and this will vary depending on the provider. So it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully.

There are two main options to choose from when taking out a travel insurance policy:

  • Single trip — covers you for one trip of a specified length only
  • Annual multi-trip — covers you for all your trips for one year (if you travel a lot this can work out cheaper than lots of single policies)

You need to make sure that your travel insurance is valid in the country you’re going to. In the UK, providers will offer cover for:

  • Europe only
  • Or the more expensive, worldwide policies (these either include or exclude the US)

But check first which exact countries providers include in their policies. For example, some policies include Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt in their Europe insurance.

There is also specific travel insurance for backpackers, which offers extra cover for those who are likely to be away for an extended period of time or travelling to multiple destinations.

Also bear in mind that if you are doing any extreme sports like skiing or going on a cruise then you might need to buy an add-on.

When should I take out travel insurance?

It’s usually best to take out travel insurance as soon as you have booked your trip.

While many people think of travel insurance as something that covers problems while they are away, some policies cover you for issues, accidents and illnesses that stop you from being able to travel.

Cancellation is one of the main reasons that people claim on a travel insurance policy. If the cancellation happens before you have bought insurance then you wouldn’t be able to claim.

How much should I pay for travel insurance?

Your premium will depend on a range of factors such as your age, health, type of policy, and destination. This is why an average travel insurance premium will likely be meaningless, so make sure to do your research and get a quote from several different providers before deciding on a policy.

Do I need travel insurance?

Unlike car insurance, travel insurance isn’t a legal requirement. However, it does come with a host of benefits such as cover for medical emergencies.

We’ve already listed the benefits of having protection for unexpected medical costs above, and it remains pertinent if you’re travelling abroad and won’t have access to the NHS. According to the ABI, there is one recorded case in 2022 when a traveller in Thailand contracted a serious blood infection which needed intensive medical treatment. The bill eventually came up to £250,000 which was paid in full by their travel insurance provider.

Do I need travel insurance for Europe

If you’re a British citizen, you’ll have access to a Global Health Insurance Card. This provides free or subsidised public healthcare in the EU, but it shouldn’t be considered a replacement for travel insurance. 

Most EU countries don’t offer free medical care like the NHS, so if you’re ill while on holiday you could still be hit with a medical bill.  

If you’re not a UK citizen, consider that some visa applications require you to have a suitable travel insurance policy in place before you apply. If you’re applying for a Schengen visa to travel Europe you’ll need a policy in place which covers medical claims up to €30,000 during your trip.

Read more: Is private health insurance worth it?

FAQs: Travel insurance and medical conditions

Many people solely take out travel insurance to protect themselves from medical expenses. According to the ABI, the average medical claim on travel cover is more than £1,300. Notoriously in the US, these figures run into the tens or hundreds of thousands of pounds.

So below we’ve answered some of the most common medical related questions on travel insurance:

Q. Does travel insurance pay out for pre-existing medical conditions?

Some insurers do provide cover for pre-existing conditions. However, it is vital that you flag these conditions during the application stage. If you don’t it could invalidate your policy.  

Q. Do you need to tell your travel insurance provider if you have a new medical condition?

If there is a significant change to your personal health then you’ll need to inform your provider. This includes being diagnosed with a new long-term illness.

Failure to do so could invalidate your policy.

Q. Can you get travel insurance if you’re over 75 with medical conditions?

Yes. In fact, there are some providers on the market which tailor their policies towards an older demographic. For example, Saga has dedicated policies for over 50s and 70s.

Important information

Some of the products promoted are from our affiliate partners from whom we receive compensation. While we aim to feature some of the best products available, we cannot review every product on the market.

Is travel insurance worth it

What is travel insurance and is it worth it?

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Best Travel Insurance

Here's our pick of the UK's best travel insurance policies, based on independent research 🏆

Top 10 Travel Insurance 2024

  • Cedartree, Platinum 🥇
  • Avanti, Deluxe – up to 16.8% cashback 🥈
  • Tesco Bank, Premier 🥉
  • Columbus Direct,Gold – up to 20.8% cashback
  • LV=, Premier – up to £12.80 cashback
  • Covered2Go, Platinum
  • AA Travel Insurance, Gold
  • Direct Line, Single Trip & Annual
  • FreeSpirit, Gold
  • Puffin Insurance, Platinum

We also have specific Top 10s for Backpacker / Long Stay Travel Insurance and Pre-existing Medical Conditions Travel Insurance .

How did we come up with this list?

We used an algorithm to combine independent ratings from Which? and Fairer Finance with Mr. Travel's summaries of customer feedback from reviews websites 🤓  

Top 10 Travel Insurance Reviews

Read on for insights into the policy features of 2023's best travel insurance policies, as well as a summary of what the experts make of them.

Cedartree Travel Insurance: Platinum Policy

Tailored for Specific Needs

Cedartree's Platinum policy offers a range of specialized coverages to address specific requirements. With a 75% Which? policy score and a ranking of 16, Cedartree stands as a reputable provider. The policy includes medical expenses cover (£15,000,000), baggage cover (£3,000), and cancellation cover (£7,500). Cedartree specializes in cover for cruises, but not for medical conditions, travellers over 65, or winter sports activities.

Read the full Cedartree review or get a quote .

Avanti: Deluxe Policy

Unlimited Medical Expenses Cover

Avanti's Deluxe policy boasts unlimited medical expenses cover, setting it apart from other providers. With a Which? policy score of 70% and a ranking of 41, Avanti provides superior Covid Cover and caters to those with medical conditions. The policy also includes baggage cover (£3,000), cancellation cover (£10,000), and no excess payable on medical claims.

Get up to 16.8% cashback on Avanti travel insurance at Quidco, or read the full review .

Tesco: Premier Policy

Cover for Every Occasion

Known for their vast range of products, Tesco offers a comprehensive Premier policy that ranks impressively at number 3 with an 80% Which? policy score. With superior Covid Cover, Tesco's policy delivers an extensive range of coverage. Notably, the policy provides a high medical expenses cover of £20,000,000, baggage cover (£3,000), and cancellation cover (£10,000). Tesco also offers cover for cruises, winter sports activities, and backpackers .

Get notified about cashback on Tesco travel insurance by Quidco, or read the full review .

Columbus Direct: Gold Policy

Competitive Benefits for Explorers

Columbus Direct's Gold policy secures a 67% Which? policy score and ranks 47th, highlighting its competitive benefits. The policy provides medical expenses cover up to £15,000,000 and includes baggage cover (£2,500) and cancellation cover (£50,000). You can also avail specialized coverage for medical conditions, cruises, and winter sports activities.

Read the full review of Columbus Direct Travel Insurance , or head over to Quidco for up to 20.8% cash back .  

LV: Premier Policy

Trusted Protection for All

With a Which? policy score of 77% and ranking at number 11, LV's Premier policy offers comprehensive coverage. The policy includes medical expenses cover (£10,000,000), baggage cover (£3,000), and cancellation cover (£10,000). LV specializes in providing coverage for medical conditions, cruises, and travellers over 65.

You can get up to £8.50 cashback on LV= travel insurance at Quidco – or you can read our full review of LV= Premier here .

Covered2Go: Platinum Policy

A Comprehensive Cover for Everyone

Covered2Go's Platinum policy stands out as a top choice due to its multitude of features. With a policy score of 79% from Which?, it secures a prestigious fifth position among 71 providers, ensuring high-quality coverage. Notably, Covered2Go excels in Covid Cover with its superior rating. Moreover, the policy offers extensive medical expenses cover (£10,000,000), baggage cover (£5,000), and cancellation cover (£7,500). They also specialize in providing coverage for medical conditions, cruises, travellers over 65 , and winter sports enthusiasts.

Check out our complete review of Covered2Go here .

AA: Gold Policy

Trusted and Reliable Assistance

The AA, a renowned name in the UK, brings forth their Gold policy with a solid Which? policy score of 74% and ranks at number 21. Similar to Covered2Go, the AA offers superior Covid Cover . The policy features medical expenses cover up to an impressive £15,000,000, along with comprehensive cover for airline failure and cancellation (£5,000). While they don't specialize in certain areas such as medical conditions and cruises, the AA does provide winter sports coverage.

Looking for an in-depth review of AA Travel Insurance ? We've got you covered!

Free Spirit: Gold Policy

The Saviours for Pre-Existing Medical Conditions?

Free Spirit's Gold policy resonates with those who have pre-existing medical conditions, earning a Which? policy score of 72% and ranking 32nd. With specialized coverage for medical conditions and cruises, Free Spirit has tailored its policy to meet the unique needs of these travellers. The policy offers up to £10,000,000 in medical expenses cover, baggage cover (£2,500), and cancellation cover (£5,000).

Read our full review of Free Spirit here .

Direct Line: Direct Line Single Trip & Annual

Simplicity and Convenience in One

Direct Line makes travel insurance simple and convenient with their Single Trip and Annual policies. With a solid Which? policy score of 76% and ranking at number 17, Direct Line ensures complete coverage. The policies provide a medical expenses cover of £10,000,000, and include baggage cover (£1,500) and cancellation cover (£5,000). Direct Line also caters to winter sports enthusiasts.

Read our longer review of Direct Line travel insurance , including customer reviews.

Puffin Insurance: Platinum Policy

An Adventure Awaits

Puffin Insurance's Platinum policy completes our list, with a Which? policy score of 75% and ranking at number 19. The policy offers medical expenses cover of £10,000,000, baggage cover (£2,500), and cancellation cover (£5,000). Puffin Insurance stands out by providing specialized cover for winter sports activities but does not specialize in medical conditions, cruises, or travellers over 65 .

Read the complete review of Puffin Travel Insurance here.

Looking for reviews on the best of the rest?

Did you know, Mr. Travel has reviewed more than 100 travel insurance companies? 🤯

See all the travel insurance reviews here .

Or, read our guides to the hottest topics in travel insurance.

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What is travel insurance?

Woman wearing sunglasses

Travel insurance is a policy that can protect you should an accident or loss occur, prior or during your trip in the UK or abroad.

The protection can cover you in case your flight is cancelled, your hotel is unavailable, you fall sick or are injured while you are away. Or your belongings, gadgets or money are lost or stolen. 

You can buy individual, couple or family travel insurance, and you can choose from a single trip to a named destination, or a multi-trip policy which lasts for a year.

You might need to take out a specialist policy or specify if you plan to undertake water sports or skiing, if you're going on a cruise, or if you have any existing medical conditions.

How it works

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COVID-19 and travel insurance

It's important to get travel insurance to cover a range of risks, and find out how much you insurer will provide for COVID-19 related issues.

If you decide to travel against government advice or to a country that the FCO advises against travelling to, then you will not be covered by a travel insurance policy.

Do I need travel insurance?

Young kids in travel costumes

It's not a legal requirement to have travel insurance, but is a very good idea. Firstly, you will be covered if your holiday is cancelled or your hotel is unavailable.

You will also be covered for medical expenses, which is very important when you are outside the UK as most countries do not offer free healthcare.

If you were to need urgent medical treatment in the US or Europe, you would be charged for your care. That could run into hundreds and maybe thousands of pounds.

What our customers say

Types of travel insurance, single trip travel insurance.

Single trip travel insurance , covers you just for one holiday to one destination and is the cheapest option if you just have one trip arranged.

Annual travel insurance

Annual travel insurance , covers multiple trips abroad during a 12-month period. You will need to specify what countries you are planning to visit. For example, if you are only planning to travel within Europe it will be cheaper than a worldwide policy.

Worldwide policy

If you're travelling outside Europe, you will need to buy a worldwide policy. The price will depend on where you are going to visit. For example, a trip to the US will increase the cost of your travel insurance because medical care there is very expensive.

When to take out travel insurance

When you book a trip it's a good idea to book travel insurance at the same time

Be prepared to change your travel plans and/or cancel

Flexible flights or holiday packages make it easier to make alternations in the future

At this point in time, no one can reliably predict how travel rules and regulations might change this summer.

Although travel insurance can cover you for some risks, it will not cover every possible problem connected with the coronavirus.

What is the best travel insurance to get?

Mother and daughter in pool

The best type of travel insurance is the one that best fits the holiday you are going on.

If you're making a single trip and don’t plan any more holidays this year, a straightforward policy to the country you are visiting will be most suitable.

However, if you're planning a couple of holidays, or have an itinerary with multiple trips, you may be better getting an annual travel insurance policy. 

The whole process should only take a couple of minutes:

put in the details of your party


dates of travel

When you have chosen which cover you would like to buy you can filter the results based on medical cover, cancellation cover, baggage cover or the amount of excess you need to accept.

What cover is there for healthcare post Brexit?

Many people may still have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which entitles UK citizens to healthcare within the EU. It is not a substitute for travel insurance, but it does cover you if you are ill or have an accident in an EU country. The Brexit agreement means that the EHIC cards can still be used until their expiry date. They cover pre-existing medical conditions and there are an estimated 27 million in issue.

Once your EHIC has expired, or if you have never had a EHIC, you will need to apply for a new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC). Unlike the EHIC, the GHIC does not cover medical treatment in Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. The GHIC is not a substitute for travel insurance as it does not cover repatriation, cancelled flights, or problems with your accommodation.

What does travel insurance cover?

Travel insurance can help cover your costs or reimburse you if:

You fall ill or are injured while you’re away

Your possessions are lost, damaged or stolen

Your trip is cancelled or abandoned for a specified reason

Depending on the type of policy you choose, you could be covered for extras such as delayed baggage, loss of travel documents, missed excursions and many more.

You might need to take out a specialist policy or specify if you plan to undertake any extreme or winter sports, if you are going on a cruise, or if you have any existing medical conditions.

Some policies exclude more dangerous activities such as riding jet skis or scuba diving.

You can take out a travel insurance policy for just yourself, joint cover for you and partner, or insurance for your whole family or group.

Find more details on  what travel insurance covers .

Why would you need travel insurance?

In the UK we are used to having free healthcare and free treatment at hospitals for Accident and Emergency, but this is not the case in the rest of the world.

Many countries ask people to pay for medical treatment and this can end up being very expensive if you need medical help while you are abroad particularly in the United States with some medical bills reaching tens of thousands of pounds. Some private hospitals will refuse to treat you unless you can prove that you will be able to settle your medical bill, or you have travel insurance policy documents to show them.

A travel insurance policy will mean that you can claim back any costs that you incur if you are sick or injured while you are away, as well as the cost of flying you home if you need further treatment in the UK.

A holiday insurance policy also covers you if your flight is cancelled or your hotel is not available, and if you lose valuables or money during your trip. It gives you peace of mind so you can enjoy your holiday

When should I buy travel insurance cover?

It might be tempting to put it off until your suitcases are packed, but it’s advisable to get travel insurance as soon as your holiday is booked.

If you buy travel insurance with cancellation cover, you’ll be covered from the moment you buy the policy, rather than the start of your trip. That means you can claim if your flight or holiday is cancelled due to circumstances beyond your control.

It’s worth checking the policy details as most insurers will lay out specific circumstances in which they will pay out on cancellation cover, for example if you can no longer travel because you fall ill, become unemployed, or have to deal with the death of a family member.

How much does travel insurance cost?

Cover could cost as little as a few pounds for a short trip in Europe, for example, but the cost will vary depending on how comprehensive the policy is and any extras that are included.

The price will depend on many factors including where you are travelling to, your age, and how much cover you need.

You might find it’s more expensive to cover cruises, winter sports and existing medical conditions — but it’s important to weigh up the value of the cover compared to the cost of your holiday. You should also consider the cost of receiving emergency medical care, as this can quickly build up to thousands in the worst case.

You can find out how much travel insurance will cost you by getting a quote below. It takes just a few minutes and you don’t need to provide many details.

How to compare travel insurance

Don’t just choose the cheapest travel insurance. Use our travel insurance comparison tool to look at the options available and select the best travel insurance for you based on where you are going and what cover you will need.

Getting a travel insurance quote

Our travel insurance comparison tool means when you need to compare travel insurance, getting a quote is simple and easy. Firstly, put in where you are going and for how long, then provide details of yourself and the other people in your party. You will need to let us know if anyone has a pre-existing medical condition. Once you have put in all the details, we will give you a quote or a range of quotes. The whole process should only take a couple of minutes. When you have chosen which cover you would like to buy you can filter the results based on medical cover, cancellation cover, baggage cover or the amount of excess you need to accept.

If you have a pre-existing condition, you can still get a quote. These conditions could include cancer, stroke, serious heart, respiratory and terminal conditions.

Some insurers might not cover you if you already have a serious medical condition, or if you have a number of conditions. Others might only offer insurance at a much higher price. If you're unable to find suitable cover, the Money and Pension Service (MaPS) has also set up a directory of insurers willing to cover customers with pre-existing medical conditions.

You can contact the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) or you can telephone 0800 138 7777.

Then when you have chosen the right travel insurance cover for you, you can buy online by clicking through. It is that simple!

COVID-19 restrictions

Am i covered for covid-19 by travel insurance.

A travel insurance policy should cover you if you're unable to travel because you have tested positive for COVID-19. You'll likely need to provide proof of this when you make your claim.

However, each insurance policy will be different, therefore, it's important to look at the small print when you are comparing policies.

What if my destination goes into lockdown or won’t admit me?

UK travel insurance companies will most likely follow the advice of the Foreign Office regarding travelling abroad if there's another lockdown.

If the Foreign Office advice is not to travel, your UK travel insurance will probably not cover you for travel. In this event you may be able to rearrange flights for a later date or different destination.

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How do I claim on my travel insurance? Find out how to make a successful travel insurance claim if the worst does happen on your holiday.

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Last updated: July 27, 2023

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AWP Assistance UK Ltd , trading as Allianz Assistance and Allianz Global Assistance , is a subsidiary company of Allianz Partners SAS. AWP Assistance UK Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom to provide insurance products and services.  

Please note that, whilst AWP and Allianz Insurance are part of the global Allianz SE group of companies, AWP and Allianz insurance are separate companies and not part of the same group of companies in the UK. Any communications regarding Allianz Assistance services should therefore be addressed to AWP .


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Compare our best travel insurance

Travel insurance covers you for costs that could occur when you are travelling, find the best travel product for your needs, what is travel insurance.

A travel insurance policy protects you against costs you’d otherwise incur if problems arise when travelling. A good policy will cover you for essentials such as cancellation, lost luggage, delayed flights, stolen property, illness, injury and repatriation.

Sometimes, travel insurance is called “holiday insurance”. You don’t legally need it to travel, but it could prove invaluable if something happens while you were away.

A good policy will cover you for essentials such as cancellation, lost luggage and delayed flights."

Do I need travel insurance?

If you experience problems when travelling, you might have to fork out a lot of money.

For example, if you fall ill overseas, your medical bill can run into tens of thousands of pounds or even more, especially if you must remain in hospital for some time or need to be repatriated. 

Don’t fall into the trap of only getting round to travel insurance when you’re pretty much on your way to the airport. Always search for and buy cover when you book your trip, so you’re protected against cancellations or delays, which could wreck your holiday even before it begins.

The right policy will contain all the elements you need. For example, the personal belongings cover limit should be higher than the cost of replacing any expensive items you’re taking with you.

Worldwide travel insurance 

It’s also worth considering worldwide travel insurance if you are travelling outside of Europe.  Worldwide travel insurance can either include or exclude the USA, Canada and the Caribbean, so read the small print.

Types of travel insurance

Single trip insurance.

This covers you for one trip to just one location (or locations - for example, if you’re travelling to a few destinations) for a specific period of time. The cover ends when you return home.

Multi-trip travel insurance

This covers you for every trip you make during a 12-month period. The best policy will depend on what cover you want and how often you travel. If you’re only going on one or two holidays in the next year, it’s usually a good idea to get single-trip travel insurance.

If you travel more often, annual travel insurance could work out much cheaper in the long run. Here’s how to choose between single-trip travel insurance or annual travel insurance.

How to choose the best travel insurance

Shop around, get the right kind of policy, don’t always get the optional extras, what does travel insurance cover, not covered with some policies, how does pre-existing medical conditions impact travel insurance.

Any pre-existing conditions must be declared when you apply for travel insurance. You’ll need to share information about these when you get your holiday insurance quotes and apply for a policy.

If you don’t declare your medical conditions, you cannot claim on your holiday insurance should you fall ill as a result of your condition. For example, if you don’t tell your insurer about your angina and then suffer a heart attack or stroke while on holiday, your policy probably won’t pay out.

That’s why it’s important to be as open and honest as you can when you sort out travel medical insurance. You might like to find specialist cover for people with pre-existing medical conditions.

If you don’t declare your medical conditions, you cannot claim on your holiday insurance."

How can I get cheap travel insurance?

It’s important to find the best travel insurance for your needs rather than just searching for cheap travel insurance. That’s because cheap holiday insurance might not cover what you need.

If you just need standard travel insurance, searching on a comparison site will provide you with an ample selection of policies to consider. 

If you have more specific needs, such as a pre-existing medical condition, you may need to speak to a specialist. The Money and Pensions Service and the British Insurance Brokers’ Association should be able to help you find affordable cover.

Do I need extra protection or a specialist policy?

Not all activities are covered on every holiday insurance policy. Depending on what you’ll be doing while you’re away, you might need extra cover for activities that aren’t included as standard.

You can tailor your policy with extras such as:

Extreme and winter sports cover: This is for accidents that happen while you take part in sports such as skiing or snowboarding. You might see this being called ski travel insurance

Business cover: This provides cover if you’re travelling for work purposes

Golf cover: This covers your golfing equipment and other associated costs

You can also get specialist policies, including:

Travel insurance for seniors: This is for older people, who are statistically more likely to make a medical claim

Pre-existing medical conditions: This travel insurance element is for people with diagnosed health conditions

Cruise travel insurance: Cruise insurance covers incidents such as cabin confinement or a missed port

Backpacker travel insurance: If you’re going away for longer than usual periods, such as a gap-year trip, you may wish to consider backpacker insurance policies

Family travel insurance: If you’re travelling as a family, this can be a good way to save on the costs as it covers you all

Do I legally need to have travel insurance?

No, but you should never travel without it because medical treatment abroad can cost tens of thousands of pounds or more.

When should I buy travel insurance?

It’s best to buy travel insurance as soon as you book your holiday. That way, you’ll be covered if something happens that means you can’t go or you’re delayed. This could include illness or weather disruptions – but check your policy carefully to see what you’re covered for. If you’re not insured, you won’t be able to claim.

Remember that with travel insurance, you’ll usually have to pay for any costs yourself, and your insurer will pay you back later when you claim. So don’t forget to keep receipts and bills to prove what you paid for.

When might I not need to buy travel insurance?

While you should always travel with insurance, you might not need to buy a policy if you already have it through another source, such as through work or as part of a packaged bank account .

Can I get travel insurance with pre-existing medical conditions?

Yes, but it can be more expensive, and not all insurers will cover you. This guide explains how to find travel insurance with pre-existing conditions .

Will my destination be covered?

Most popular destinations will be, but check your policy and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) because some countries may not be insured if they are deemed dangerous.

How long can I go away for?

It depends on your policy, but most insurers offer maximum single-trip lengths of between 30 and 90 days. 

Some insurers will offer longer lengths of cover, such as up to 120 days, although there may be upper age limit restrictions.

Can I claim for cancellation before my holiday starts?

Yes, you’re covered from the moment you take out your policy. For this reason, it’s best to buy travel insurance when you book your trip.

Do I need travel insurance in Europe if I have a EHIC?

Yes, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) only gives you access to basic state-provided healthcare when in European Union countries and Switzerland. It doesn’t cover ongoing care, medicines or repatriation costs.

Despite Brexit, the cards remain valid until their expiration dates. When your EHIC expires, you can replace it with a EHIC UK or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

Will travel insurance cover me if I travel for business?

Yes, and some policies will offer business cover as an extra to cover gadgets and other devices, including laptops and mobile phones as well as business equipment.

Explore our travel insurance guides

How to get travel insurance with pre-existing conditions

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All medical conditions considered

Includes Medical Assistance Plus 

Kids go free on family policies (1) 

a person jumping in the water with flippers

A choice of travel insurance to suit you

We have different types of cover for whatever you have planned. And we consider all medical conditions.

Single-trip cover

Offering cover for anything from a short UK break to a year of travelling around the world

  • Covers you for a one-off trip up to 365 days (2)
  • Perfect for short or long trips for anywhere in the UK or abroad 
  • No age limit

Annual multi-trip cover

Travelling more than once this year? An annual multi-trip policy could save you time and money

  • Cover for multiple-trips for a 12-month period
  • 31-day trip limit, with extensions available up to 45 and 60 days
  • Available for everyone aged up to 75 years

Backpacker cover

Looking for a gap year, career break or to travel the world? We could have the cover you're after

  • Cover for a one-off trip up to 18 months
  • Option to return home for up to 7 days on 3 occasions
  • Available for those aged 18 – 60

Woman holding her mobile up to her face on a video call with a male doctor looking back at her

Medical Assistance Plus: 24/7 holiday health support

Have peace of mind when you travel knowing that health professionals are just one click away.

Medical Assistance Plus (3), powered by Air Doctor, comes free with all our travel insurance policies. It gives you access to outpatient medical support while you’re abroad.

Through the service you can book an in-person or video consultation with a doctor. You can also get prescriptions delivered to your nearest pharmacy.

We’ll send you an SMS reminder about the service the day before you travel (for single-trip and backpacker cover) or the day before your policy begins (for annual multi-trip cover).

Woman wearing swimsuit, swim cap and water shoes running in shallow sea water with shingle beach

Living with a medical condition shouldn’t stop you seeing the world. And, with the right travel insurance in place, you can enjoy peace of mind on your adventures – just in case something unfortunate happens.

At Post Office, we cover most pre-existing conditions. Contact us for a quote to see if we can cover you. It’s important to declare upfront all your medical conditions and any medication you're taking.

If we can’t help and yours is a serious pre-existing medical condition, check the Money and Pensions Scheme (MaPS) directory. It lists companies that may be able to help you. Or call 0800 138 7777.

Choose a travel insurance cover level

We can offer you a choice of economy, standard and premier cover levels.

Policy wording

Upgrade your cover with ease

Need cover for your policy that's not included as standard? Just pay a little more to add these upgrades – optional or mandatory depending on the trip type.

This optional extra helps protect you from the impact of airspace disruption, natural catastrophes, terrorist acts or Covid-19 (5)

If you’re happy with the cover offered, but worried about excess fees, you can opt for an excess waiver. For an additional premium, you can add it to any Post Office level of cover for zero excess fees (5)

Insure all your devices with our easy-to-add gadget cover. It’s perfect to protect all your smartphones, tablets, laptops and consoles (5)

Specialist cover is mandatory for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. There’s greater risk of emergency costs. Make sure you’re protected on the pistes (5)

If you're going on a cruise, specialist cover is both important and mandatory. It covers missed departure due to breakdown, falling ill on board, being confined to your cabin, lost baggage and more (5)

Trip extensions are available up to 45 or 60 days, increasing from the standard 31 days (5)

Ready to get a quote?

Let’s find the protection that’s right for your travels. Get a quote for Post Office Travel Insurance

What is travel insurance?

Travel insurance may be able to protect you against a range of unexpected events. From losing valuables to medical emergencies, and anything else that could spoil your holiday. Take a look at our policy documents to make sure that you’re getting the cover that meets your needs.

Cancellation and cutting short your trip

  • Emergency medical expenses
  • Missed departure
  • Delayed departure

Personal liability and legal costs

We'll repay you for any non-refundable, unused travel and accommodation costs if you have to cancel or cut short a trip due to reasons set out in the policy. This includes pre-booked activities and excursions, car hire, cattery and kennel fees, up to the limits shown

We may be able to help if you need emergency medical treatment, return to the UK (getting you back home) and more while you’re abroad 

Missed departure (6)

We’ll also cover any extra travel and accommodation costs you're charged if you arrive too late to travel on your booked transport. As long as they match the reasons set out in the policy

Delayed departure (6)

You’re covered if your first outbound or final inbound international departure is delayed by 4 or more hours. As long as it matches certain reasons set out in the policy wording

Items that are usually carried or worn during a trip are covered if they get lost, stolen or damaged 

You'll also get protection for any unexpected legal costs you might be charged while you're away 

New-look travel app out now

Our revamped travel app’s out now. It makes buying, topping up and managing Travel Money Cards with up to 22 currencies a breeze. Buying and accessing Travel Insurance on the move effortless. And it puts holiday extras like airport hotels, lounge access and more at your fingertips. All with an improved user experience. Find out what’s changed .

An award-winning provider

Best travel insurance provider.

Post Office won a ‘Best Travel Insurance Provider’ award at the Your Money Awards in 2021, 2022 and 2023

Post Office won a “Best Travel Insurance Provider” award at the British Travel Awards in 2023

Defaqto 5-star rated cover

Our travel insurance policies with premier level cover are Defaqto 5-star rated

Cover you can count on. We’ve paid out over £177 million in travel insurance claims since 2007

Common travel insurance questions, what does travel insurance cover.

Post Office Travel Insurance can cover you for a single trip of up to 365 days(2), or multiple trips in a single year. This applies to trips taken anywhere in the UK and abroad too. We also offer backpacker cover(7) for a single trip of up to 18 months.

The type and level of cover provided depends on the insurance policy type and options you choose. It can include cover for:

  • Cancellation
  • Cutting your trip short and abandonment of your trip
  • Lost, stolen or damaged baggage
  • Lost, stolen or damaged passports
  • Lost, stolen or damaged personal money
  • Personal accidents and liability
  • Legal protection

You can add additional cover to your policy. Options include:

  • Gadget cover
  • Excess waiver
  • Trip disruption
  • 45- or 60-day trip extensions (on  annual multi-trip  only)

Winter sports cover  is compulsory for winter sports trips and  cruise cover  is mandatory if you’re going on a cruise. It’s important to check the different travel insurances available, and their various options and add-ons you can buy. This way, you’re sure to be fully covered for your trip and all you’ll do on it.

Why is it important to have travel insurance?

Having travel insurance is a worthwhile purchase for anyone going abroad for their holidays. Even in relatively safe locations such as central Europe, a number of things can go wrong.

Flights can be delayed. Airlines can lose your luggage. Tourist areas may be prone to opportunist thieves who may target your belongings. And you could fall ill anywhere in the world, to the detriment of your holiday plans.

We hope that none of these events happen to you. But, if they do, you could be out of pocket. And with emergency medical problems it could be by tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Holiday insurance may be able to help avoid some of this risk. It’s a way to insure for travel you, those travelling with you and your belongings.

If your luggage is lost, holiday insurance may not be able to replace it, but the payout from a claim can help recover any costs that you have had to pay to get replacements.

In particular, the medical cover outside of the EU offered by insurance is a necessity.

Within the EU, you may think that an  European Health Insurance Card (Ehic) or its replacement, the UK Global Health Insurance Card (Ghic), can cover all your medical needs. This isn’t true. Some of the most expensive medical services, such as repatriation, aren’t covered by the Ehic or Ghic. They're limited to health cover and won’t help at all with things like cancellation, loss or theft. And the Ehic no longer provides access to healthcare for UK nationals travelling to Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.

Even if you’re staying in the UK for your break , having holiday insurance will provide cover for lost, damaged or stolen possessions such as baggage, and cancellation, cutting your trip short or delay to your trip in some circumstances.

To qualify for cover on our annual multi-trip policies, UK trips must consist of:

  • At least one night's pre-booked and paid-for accommodation, or
  • A stay at least 100 miles from your home, or
  • At least one sea crossing

Why choose Post Office?

You’re in safe hands with Post Office. We won Best Travel Insurance Provider at the Your Money Awards in 2021, 2022 and 2023. We also won bronze for Best Travel Insurance Provider at the British Travel Awards 2023, voted for by the UK public.

Our premier cover is 5 Star Defaqto Rated. Defaqto is a financial information business, helping financial institutions and consumers make better informed decisions.

We have a range of cover options available to suit lots of different holidays, so you can choose the cover that suits you best. We’re there for our customers when they need us the most; since we launched travel insurance in 2007, we’ve paid out over £177 million in claims.

What cover is there for Covid-19 as standard?

Policies purchased from the 31 March 2022 onwards provide cover if:

  • you test positive for Covid-19 within 14 days of your trip and are required to self-isolate by a medical practitioner, the NHS or any UK government body 
  • a medical practitioner certifies you as too ill to travel due to Covid-19 
  • you, someone you’re travelling with, or someone you’re staying with is required to self-isolate by a medical practitioner, UK government body or health authority 
  • you, an immediate relative (8) or someone you plan to travel or stay with dies or is hospitalised due to Covid-19 

If an insured trip has to be cut short, the unused portion of it can be claimed for if:

  • you test positive for Covid-19 after you’ve left the UK and have to self-isolate
  • you test positive on arrival in your destination and are not allowed to continue your trip
  • you, an immediate relative (8) or someone you’re travelling or staying with dies or is hospitalised due to Covid-19

There’s also cover for medical and repatriation costs if you fall ill with Covid-19 while away. Call our emergency assistance line and we’ll help you seek treatment or, if needed, arrange to bring you back to the UK.

There’s no other coronavirus cover on our policies, but for extra reassurance you can add our  trip disruption cover upgrade option. This gives you added protection against missed departures and expenses incurred due to change of testing or quarantine requirements. Add it to your preferred policy for an extra premium.

For policies sold on or after the 31 March 2022

Should the FCDO advise against all travel to your destination, there's no cover under any section of the policy if you decide to travel. 

If the FCDO have advised to only undertake essential travel to a destination and your trip's not essential and you choose to travel, we'll only cover a claim if the cause is not linked to the reason for the FCDO advice. This limitation applies even if you've purchased an optional trip disruption cover upgrade. You may be able to travel with full cover if we authorise in writing that your trip's essential before you depart. Should you like to request this, please email  [email protected]

Please make sure you’re clear what’s covered and what’s not. Check the answers to common questions about coronavirus cover and the full policy wording for more details.

Does Post Office Travel Insurance cover medical expenses?

Yes, our travel insurance covers you for unexpected medical expenses. This includes emergency treatment and hospitalisation, plus repatriation if you need it. Cover's provided up to the limit specified in the policy wording for the specific cover level you choose.

Emergency medical assistance

If you need emergency medical assistance, you can call our dedicated team. They're here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get you the help you need. Check the correct contact details for your policy on our travel insurance help and support page .

Non-emergency medical support

If it’s not an emergency but you still need to see a medical professional, you can use our Medical Assistance Plus (3) service. This outpatient service is included free with all new Post Office Travel Insurance policies.

Get easy access to medical experts such as doctors, dentists and gastroenterologists. The single online platform can be used wherever you are abroad.

Choose whether you’re seen at a clinic, in your hotel or via an online video consultation. All sessions are in your own language. They even have prescriptions delivered to your nearest pharmacy.

This takes away the stress of finding medical help, so you can kick back and enjoy your holiday to the full.

Do I need travel insurance for UK trips?

We provide cover whether you’re taking a break in the UK or going on holiday overseas. You’re covered if your luggage or personal belongings are lost, stolen or damaged while you’re staying away from home in Britain. And if you have to cancel or cut short your trip in some circumstances, we can cover that too. As long as it matches the reasons set out in your policy.

Our annual multi-trip travel insurance can cover you for UK trips too. The minimum requirements are one night’s pre-booked and paid accommodation. Or your stay must be at least 100 miles from your home. Or you must have at least one sea crossing.

Where can I go on holiday in the UK or overseas?

The UK Government provides guidance on travel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office website for the latest travel information. It lists if it's safe to visit your chosen country. This information can change at short notice. So it's a good idea to check the FCDO page regularly.

Remember, your cover won’t be valid if you travel against the FDCO advice of all travel, and local government advice. Check the latest on the FCDO site or read our  where can I go on holiday guide .

Does travel insurance include gadget cover?

Our standard travel insurance policies will only provide limited cover for electronic items such as mobile/smart phones, camcorders and their accessories, all photographic/ digital/ optical/ audio/ video media and equipment, iPods, MP3/4 players or similar and/or accessories, E-book readers, and satellite navigation systems up to the single article limit. The single article limit depends on the cover you’ve taken out. For economy it’s £150, for standard it’s £250, and for premier it’s £400.

Gadget cover  is an optional add on you can buy at any time to add protection for your devices. Check the  policy wording for full terms.

Do you offer a student discount?

Yes, we do. We’ve partnered with Student Beans to offer a discount to students. To claim it, you’ll need to either  register for a Student Beans account (to verify your student status) or  log in with your existing account . You’ll be given a unique code, which you’ll need to enter in the promotion code box that appears when getting your travel insurance quote. The discount will be taken off your quote total.

Do you offer a discount for graduates?

Yes, we do. We’ve partnered with Grad Beans to offer a discount to graduates. To claim it, you’ll need to either register for a Grad Beans account (to verify your graduate status) or log in with your existing account . You’ll be given a unique code, which you’ll need to enter in the promotion code box that appears when getting your travel insurance quote. The discount will be taken off your quote total.

  • Read more travel insurance FAQs

Need some help?

Travel insurance help and support.

For emergency medical assistance, to make a claim, find answers to common questions about our cover or get in touch:

Visit our travel insurance support page

We’re here to help on your travels

Access your travel insurance policy anywhere.

You can buy travel insurance and view your policy all in our free Post Office travel app. Plus you can order and top-up our Travel Money Card wherever you are too

Travel money made easy

Buy your travel money online. You can click and collect from a branch near you or choose next-day delivery to your home

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About our travel insurance

Post Office® Travel Insurance is arranged by Post Office Limited and Post Office Management Services Limited.

Post Office Limited is an appointed representative of Post Office Management Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 630318. Post Office Limited and Post Office Management Services Limited are registered in England and Wales. Registered numbers 2154540 and 08459718 respectively. Registered Office: 100 Wood Street, London, EC2V 7ER. Post Office and the Post Office logo are registered trademarks of Post Office Limited.

These details can be checked on the Financial Services Register by visiting the Financial Conduct Authority website and searching by Firm Reference Number (FRN).

(1) Kids (under 18s) can be covered at no extra cost on our single-trip and annual multi-trip policies provided they have no medical conditions.

(2) For economy, standard and premier policies, the single-trip policy will cover you for one trip up to: 365 days for those aged up to and including 70 years 90 days for those aged between 71 and 75 31 days for those aged 76 years and above.

(3) Medical Assistance Plus is not available for trips taken in the UK, only for international travel. The service allows up to 3 separate medical events per person, per policy and for each medical event up to 3 appointments per person listed on the policy. All appointment charges are covered by your travel insurance policy. You will not need to pay any excess fees for this service.

For any online appointments or where the appointment was held at your accommodation, where a prescription is issued, you will need to pay for any medication and claim upon your return home. No excess will be applied for any prescription charges. If your appointment takes place at a clinic and they have a dispensing chemist, you will not need to pay for your prescription and all charges will be covered by your policy at the point of appointment. If there is no dispensing chemist at the clinic, you will either be given a prescription, or the prescription will be sent to a chemist by the treating doctor, and you will need to pay for any medication and claim upon your return home.

If your medical situation needs to be handed over from an outpatient case to an inpatient case and requires hospital admission, you will be handed over to our emergency medical assistance team in the UK. For any inpatient cases, no excess will be applicable.

(4) Increased to £750 if you bought your foreign currency from Post Office.

(5) Terms and conditions apply.

(6) Delayed and missed departure are only available with our standard and premier cover levels.

(7) Backpacker policies only available on the economy level of cover.

(8) Immediate relative: your mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, civil partner, fiancé/e, your children (including adopted and fostered), grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, daughter-in-law; sister-in-law, son-in-law, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, step-parent, step-child, step-brother, step-sister or legal guardian.

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TrustScore 5.0 | 48,196 reviews

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Avanti Travel Insurance

TrustScore 4.8 | 88,785 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 78,220 reviews

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InsureandGo UK

TrustScore 4.8 | 73,889 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 20,652 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 19,573 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 9,332 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 8,310 reviews

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TrustScore 4.8 | 768 reviews

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Big Cat Travel Insurance

TrustScore 4.8 | 403 reviews

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Staysure Travel Insurance

TrustScore 4.7 | 396,829 reviews

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February this year went to book a flight to canada to attend my sister funeral I think it was about the 8th of the month.spoke with one Damon.told him I was to reach canada before the 17 of February because that was the date if funeral,flight book to travel on the 14 February. On the 14 of February reaching Manchester Airport to booking they could not find my flight. Call Damon them only to find out that it was book January 2025 wow,!! I had to paid anther 234 pound on top to travel the next day. Return home made a complaint. I was told it is my fault. I should check my ticket. Would make a different what date I find out it is 2025. Not happy .I won't be use them again yhe frist and last time .

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Travel insurance

Travel insurance for UK trips

Amy Fontinelle

Alyce Meserve

Alyce Meserve

“Verified by an expert” means that this article has been thoroughly reviewed and evaluated for accuracy.

Heidi Gollub

Heidi Gollub

Published 5:00 a.m. UTC Aug. 14, 2024

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  • Travel insurance for a U.K. trip can be indispensable if you need serious emergency medical care while traveling.
  • A standalone travel insurance plan can offer more comprehensive benefits and higher limits than your credit card or a travel provider’s plan.
  • Buying a policy shortly after booking your trip will give you the best protection against trip cancellation and interruption.

Visiting the United Kingdom as an American can be a pricey proposition. Not only will you be flying overseas, but the exchange rate is perpetually unfavorable. If you have a U.K. trip on the horizon, you may want to purchase travel insurance to protect yourself against financial losses due to unforeseen events that could affect your trip.

Key benefits of having travel insurance for the U.K. 

Whether you’re visiting England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, you’ll face some different risks than you would at home in the U.S.

A comprehensive travel insurance policy can help. It bundles together several types of coverage, including:

  • Trip cancellation insurance .
  • Trip delay insurance .
  • Trip interruption insurance .
  • Baggage insurance .
  • Travel medical insurance .
  • Emergency evacuation insurance .

Here are some ways U.K. travel insurance can protect you financially, as well as where it may fall short.

Trip cancellation insurance

Trip cancellation insurance can reimburse you for what you’ve spent on prepaid, nonrefundable plane fare, accommodations, tours and other travel expenses, as long as you’re canceling your trip for a reason listed in your policy. These covered reasons could include you getting sick or injured, your employer requiring you to work after granting time off or a blizzard canceling flights before you leave.

You must buy your policy well in advance to take full advantage of these benefits, however.

“If you wait until there’s an event impacting the destination, such as a severe winter storm, it’s then too late to buy travel insurance and your prepaid expenses won’t be covered,” said Daniel Durazo, director of external communications at Allianz Partners USA.

Delays on your U.K. trip

Travel delay insurance helps if you’ve started your trip and encounter flight delays or cancellations. It can’t rescue you from the hell of being trapped on the tarmac for hours, but it can provide other helpful benefits.

“Travel delay coverage may help cover the cost of rerouting you to your final destination, or can provide meals and accommodations while you wait,” Durazo said.

While U.K. law and Article 19 of the Montreal Convention do entitle passengers to benefits under certain circumstances, the coverage provided by travel insurance is typically broader.

For example, travel insurance would reimburse you for prepaid expenses such as a hotel night you can’t use or a tour you can’t go on because of the delay. It would reimburse losses from delays unrelated to air travel.

Tackling trip interruption

Depending on the travel insurance policy, trip interruption coverage can reimburse 100% to 200% of your nonrefundable prepaid costs if something goes wrong after you depart or if you have to join your trip late for a covered reason. These reasons may include a natural disaster at your destination, a terrorist attack, a strike or a family member’s unexpected illness (even if they aren’t traveling with you).

Dealing with lost bags and stolen belongings

If your luggage or personal belongings are lost, stolen or damaged during your trip, travel insurance can reimburse you for your losses. But baggage insurance is typically secondary coverage, so you’ll need to seek reimbursement from a common carrier, such as the airline that lost your bag, before turning to your travel insurance for help.

If you experience a baggage loss while traveling, read your policy and follow the steps your insurer requires. These might include notifying the airline that your bag is missing or reporting stolen items to the local authorities.

Handling medical bills in the U.K.

How important is it to have travel medical insurance , included in a comprehensive travel insurance policy, when visiting the U.K.? You might think you could just use your U.S. health insurance or the U.K.’s free universal healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS) if you had a problem, but this could be a costly assumption.

“Many domestic health insurance plans don’t cover medical expenses abroad, and some foreign medical facilities and providers may even require a cash payment up front and often do not accept U.S. insurance plans,” Durazo said.

For example, American visitors to England must pay upfront for most types of medical treatment, and the cost is 150% of standard NHS rates. In March 2022, a long hospital stay could have cost you more than £4,400 (about $5,586).

Medicare generally does not cover international health care. However, some Medigap supplement plans do, so check your existing coverage and see how it compares to what trip insurance offers. Travel medical insurance can offer incredible value for your money, with features like no deductible and 100% coverage up to $1 million for a few dollars per day.

Evacuation for serious medical issues

Should you require a medical flight to get the care you need while visiting the U.K., the money you spent on travel insurance could save your life. It could allow you to recover without the stress of exorbitant evacuation and repatriation bills.

Look for a travel insurance plan that will pay to fly you back home — not just to the nearest “capable” hospital, which may not be your best option for treatment. Even if your U.S. health insurance works abroad, it may not include this coverage.

Travel Insured

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Via TravelInsurance.com’s website

Top-scoring plan

Worldwide Trip Protector

Covers COVID?

Medical & evacuation limits per person

$100,000/$1 million

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Atlas Journey Preferred

Seven Corners

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RoundTrip Basic

$500,000/$1 million

What is the cost of U.K. travel insurance?

Travel insurance for a U.K. trip will cost about 5% to 6% of the total of your prepaid, nonrefundable trip costs. However, other factors, such as the ages of travelers and the length of your trip, will also impact the price. For instance, the average cost of U.K. travel insurance for a family of four (ages 40, 40, 10 and 7) taking a 17-day, $15,000 trip is $629. But if you’re taking a shorter, cheaper trip with fewer travelers, you’ll likely be able to find cheaper travel insurance .

Tips for choosing the right U.K. travel insurance

Many companies offer travel insurance, and the selection can feel overwhelming — especially if you’ve never bought this type of coverage before. These tips can help you choose the right company and plan.

Understand your risks

“One mistake travelers can make is assuming their domestic health insurance will cover them no matter where they are in the world,” Durazo said. In many cases, this isn’t true.

It’s also common to assume that your credit card provides all the travel insurance you might need.

Standalone travel plans tend to be more comprehensive. They may also have higher limits and shorter waiting periods for time-sensitive benefits.

Comparison shop

Coverage limits and exclusions vary by provider and by plan. Also, more expensive plans aren’t always better. Comparison sites can help you quickly understand the differences among plans.

Read the policy

Don’t just read the coverage summary. It’s important to understand the fine print and whether you’re financially protected against the risks you’re concerned about.

Travel insurance comparison sites often make it easy to review the full policy (sometimes called a plan certificate) before you buy. And most companies offer a “free look” period after you buy a policy, so you have time to request a refund if you read through it and decide it doesn’t provide adequate coverage.

The policy will also show you which insurer actually provides the coverage—it might be different from the company selling you the travel insurance plan. Check the underwriting insurer’s financial strength rating to make sure they’ll be around to reimburse you if you need to file a claim.

Evaluate travel insurance reviews

It can be tricky to tell real, unbiased reviews from fake or paid reviews. But if you read enough of them, you’ll likely get a sense of which reviews are more likely to be trustworthy and which companies have the best reputations. Keep in mind, bad reviews are often the result of customer misunderstandings regarding coverage.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The U.K. doesn’t require U.S. visitors to carry travel insurance for stays of six months or less. Still, it’s a good idea to at least buy travel medical insurance if your U.S. health insurance doesn’t offer comprehensive coverage, including medical evacuation coverage, abroad. With the U.K. being made up of islands, it could be challenging to get the care you would need in an emergency without a medical flight.

Decide if trip protection is right for you: Is travel insurance worth it?  

A travel insurance policy for a trip to the U.K. will typically cover not only travel medical expenses but also trip cancelation, delay and interruption; lost or delayed baggage and emergency evacuation.

See what coverage is included: What does travel insurance cover?

Maybe. Some domestic health insurance plans might cover you in the U.K. Review your summary plan description for details, or ask your insurer for a letter explaining your out-of-country benefits. Medicare typically does not cover health care for Americans outside of the U.S. 

If your U.S. plan includes international coverage, see how it compares to the benefits available through a travel insurance plan. If you buy travel insurance with primary coverage for emergency medical benefits, you won’t have to file a claim with your U.S. health insurance company first.

Blueprint is an independent publisher and comparison service, not an investment advisor. The information provided is for educational purposes only and we encourage you to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals regarding specific financial decisions. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

Blueprint has an advertiser disclosure policy . The opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the Blueprint editorial staff alone. Blueprint adheres to strict editorial integrity standards. The information is accurate as of the publish date, but always check the provider’s website for the most current information.

Amy Fontinelle

Amy Fontinelle has more than 15 years of experience helping people make informed decisions about their money, whether they’re refinancing a mortgage, buying insurance or choosing a credit card. As a freelance writer trained in journalism and specializing in personal finance, Amy digs into the details to explain the products and strategies that can help (or hurt) people seeking greater financial security and wealth. Her work has been published by Forbes Advisor, Capital One, MassMutual, Investopedia and many other outlets.

Alyce Meserve is an experienced insurance, personal finance and travel writer. Alyce is a licensed insurance professional in life, health and property and casualty, and holds an Executive Certificate in Financial Planning from Duke University.

Heidi Gollub is the USA TODAY Blueprint managing editor of insurance. She was previously lead editor of insurance at Forbes Advisor and led the insurance team at U.S. News & World Report as assistant managing editor of 360 Reviews. Heidi has an MBA from Emporia State University and is a licensed property and casualty insurance expert.

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NSM closes purchase of UK travel insurance brands AllClear and InsureandGo

The brands will leverage the speciality insurer’s capacity, resources, and technology solutions to fuel their growth.

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Speciality insurer NSM Insurance Group has concluded the acquisition of InsurEVO, which includes UK travel insurance brands AllClear and InsureandGo.

This deal, whose financial terms remain undisclosed. was announced in May 2024 .

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Direct line insurance group plc.

The two travel insurance brands will now leverage the speciality insurer’s capacity, resources, as well as technology solutions to fuel their growth.

The move is expected to position AllClear and InsureandGo as the two “in-demand” travel insurance platforms in the market, NSM noted.

AllClear and InsureandGo group CEO Chris Rolland said: “Joining forces with NSM will bring significant value to our business and our customers.

“NSM will enable us to expand our offerings and leading-edge technology platforms to achieve our number one priority — delivering the best possible experience for our customers to meet their unique needs and to provide peace of mind.”

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Both travel brands have been supporting millions of customers since 2000.

AllClear has serviced more than three million policyholders and is known for offering tailored insurance policies for individuals with medical conditions or of advanced age, across the UK, Ireland, and Australia.

It serves national charities and household brands such as Direct Line, Aviva , Diabetes UK, and Motability.

Apart from AllClear and InsureandGo, InsurEvo comprises another key consumer brand, JustCover.

NSM Insurance Group CEO and founder said: Geof McKernan said: “We are thrilled to officially welcome AllClear and InsureandGo to the NSM family. NSM is committed to the travel and student health insurance space and building out a robust portfolio of leading travel brands around the world.

“We are excited to partner with Chris Rolland to drive exceptional innovation and growth for AllClear and InsureandGo. We have tremendous confidence in his ability to lead these businesses and capitalise on competitive advantages.”

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Welcome to the Money blog, a hub for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Today's posts include Nationwide slashing mortgage rates and a Michelin restaurant reverting temporarily to 1994 prices. Listen to Ed Conway's analysis of UK borrowing and potential tax rises as you scroll.

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Nutella ice cream is making its UK debut.

The Ferrero Group is first selling the flavour in Morrisons, with a wider rollout planned for later this year.

You can expect £1.8m-worth of marketing on TV, social media and other avenues to support the launch.

Abolishing the two-child benefit cap is unaffordable due to an  unexpected increase in government borrowing, a Treasury minister has said.

Darren Jones conceded it was not a decision the government wanted to make "in our hearts".

Borrowing in July stood at £3.1bn - £2bn more than most economists expected.

Asked about the prospects of abolishing the two-child benefit cap in the autumn budget, Mr Jones told the BBC: "You have to just look at the economic statistics that we're talking about today to understand why we just can't afford to do that right now."

Britain's competition watchdog has dropped investigations into Apple and Google for alleged anticompetitive behaviour.

The two tech giants previously came under fire for imposing charges on app developers and for holding a monopoly over the distribution of apps in the UK.

In a market study published in 2022, the Competition and Markets Authority concluded that both companies had too much influence, restricting open and fair competition in the marketplace. 

The watchdog has now decided to drop its investigation pending new laws governing digital markets that may affect the outcome of any case.

The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act is expected to come into force later this year. 

Apple has recently made changes to its app store policy to allow developers to communicate with potential customers and promote products outside the Apple store.

A Google spokesperson said it had made "a number of significant commitments to further broaden the billing options" available to developers.

Parents may struggle with the cost of school uniforms this year, figures suggest.

Half of UK parents say school uniforms and supplies are either very or too expensive, a Loqbox survey found.

Another survey conducted by Moneyboat found parents spend on average £122 on school uniform, rising to £150 in London.

Parenting coach Isobel Mary Champion has shared six tips to make them last longer...

1. Don't tumble dry uniform items or wash them with bulky items like towels - this will make your uniform bobbly and age more quickly. Line dry if possible.

2. Don't wash your child's uniform every day unless it's absolutely necessary - most items (especially in the cooler months) can be worn a couple of times at least before they need washing. This will also extend their lifespan.

3. Most schools have a "nearly new" sale a few times a year where parents can sell used uniform that is still in good condition. Think sustainably and save money by not always buying brand new.

4.  Yes, you can buy your branded items (those with the school logo) from the official retailer - but all other bits and bobs you can usually find cheaper elsewhere - shirts, shorts, trousers, skirts.

5. Mend small rips, fallen hems and loose buttons as soon as possible to prevent the damage from getting worse and rendering the item unwearable.

6. Get your child to change out of their uniform as soon as they get home - this will reduce damage from carpet wrestling, "floor is lava" furniture climbing, dinner spillages, garden play, and all kinds of extra curricular movement.

Asda has introduced a new range of wines from lesser-known regions - all costing £7 or less. 

The Wine Atlas range combines "impressive quality and great value", the supermarket said. 

The wines come from lesser-known grape varieties: Carricante in Sicily, Greece's Rhoditis, Feteasca Regala in Romania, Monastrell Rosado in Spain, Portugal's Jaen and France's Ile de Beaute Corsican Rose.

The supermarket said in a statement: "It's time to put a pause on pinot grigio and say see you soon to sauvignon blanc, because the new range is all about encouraging Brits to broaden their wine horizons by discovering new favourites from lesser-known regions."

The Money blog asked Tom Tryon, the founder of the wine club Vinetribe, for his view, and he said Asda's range was "a great way to showcase some lesser-known grape varieties that will really surprise you.

"We've all had enough sauvignon blanc to last a lifetime, so why not go for it and try something new? 

"Best of all, wines with less famous grapes have to really prove themselves to get on the shelf, so I generally think you get far more for your money," he added.

Economics and data editor Ed Conway   has warned there's going to be "a lot of bad news" in the autumn budget.

Tax rises will feature, but with the chancellor having ruled out raising income tax, national insurance and VAT, what could be set for a hike?

Inheritance tax

One of the taxes most likely to be hiked - the threshold could be lowered from £325,000 when someone dies, or people could pay more than 40% on some inheritances.

A leaked recording of Treasury minister Darren Jones, from before he was in government, suggested he favours such a change.

Council tax

There is speculation council tax is viewed as "out of date".

While Labour said before the election it would not change the banding of council tax, there may be other updates on the table.

Capital gains tax

This levy is imposed on the profit of a sale of assets.

The government could reduce the minimum limit, or raise the percentage of tax levied - with some calling for it to be set in line with income tax.

Business rates

This tax is what business pay instead of council tax on their properties.

The calculations for how much people pay could be updated to reflect a more current situation with property prices.

A tax paid on properties over £250,000, which increases for second homes.

Changing this could increase the volume of transactions and raise more money.

Political reporter Alix Culbertson  goes into more detail on the topic of taxes in the piece here...

One of London's most lauded Michelin star restaurants is turning the clock back on its prices by 30 years next month.

The nose-to-tail cooking specialists at St John, in Smithfield, will charge diners what they would have paid when the eatery first opened its doors in 1994.

Celebrating its 30th anniversary, St John will offer the same dishes it served up in the mid-90s for as little as £3.50 (Welsh rarebit, if you were wondering).

Roast bone marrow and parsley salad will set you back just £4.20, while pheasant and trotter pie comes in at a very reasonable £18 between 9 and 27 September.

The Michelin Guide describes the restaurant as creating a "joyful experience" with "very little ceremony".

"As one of the foremost proponents of nose-to-tail cooking, this is the place to try new things," it reads.

The restaurant puts seasonality "at its core", said the guide, which recommends ordering the warm madeleines for the journey home.

Nationwide today slashed mortgage rates across its range - with one of its deals now the cheapest on the UK-wide market.

A rate of 3.78% is now available to any new and existing customers looking to move home on a five-year fix. 

This is how that compares...

The building society says other cuts apply across buyer types.

Justin Moy, managing director at EHF Mortgages, told industry news agency Newspage: "These are significant headline-grabbing rates from Nationwide. These are rates we haven't seen for at least two years. 

"They will give borrowers plenty of confidence to get back into the property market."

Rates have been edging down in recent months as lenders price in forecast cuts in the base rate from the Bank of England.

Here's how average rates currently look - though it's worth saying that many buyers will be able to find deals lower than these averages...

McDonald's is to open more than 200 new restaurants across the UK and Ireland over the next four years.

It will be the fast-food chain's largest expansion programme for more than 20 years and will create 24,000 jobs.

New restaurant formats will be tested as part of the rollout, McDonald's said, including trials for smaller site formats and  "drive to" restaurant sites.

"We have come a long way since we first opened our doors in Woolwich 50 years ago," said Alistair Macrow, chief executive officer of McDonald's UK&I.

"I'm delighted that in this milestone year we are able to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to growth, and announce the creation of new jobs across the country."

The growth plan is driven by a £1bn investment by the chain and its franchisees.

McDonald's revealed a target of building 10,000 more restaurants globally by 2027.

It currently has 1,435 restaurants in the UK, with around four-fifths owned and operated by franchisees.

But this year it was overtaken by Greggs in the breakfast market - with the bakery chain now turning its focus to evening meal customers.

By James Sillars , business reporter

It's a positive start on the FTSE 100.

A 4% rise in JD Sports stock helped the index climb 0.2% to 8,300 points at the open.

Sports fashion retailer JD had earlier reported a 2.4% rise in underlying sales during its second quarter.

That uptick was not enough, however, to bolster the company's annual profit forecast.

Shares fell sharply in January when JD issued a profit warning, blaming higher costs and poor demand.

They remain about 20% down in the year to date.

Elsewhere, oil costs have continued their decline of the past week.

A barrel of Brent crude currently costs $76.

Fears of weak global demand have been largely responsible for the recent easing.

On the face of it, yesterday's public finance numbers provide a clear rationale for the course of action the chancellor has (according to those I talk to in Whitehall) already decided upon: more taxes and more spending cuts in this October's budget.

It will, I'm told, be pretty grim.

However, it's worth saying there is one other way for the chancellor to create extra headroom against her fiscal rules, which is to change the particular measure she's judging that headroom against.

A lot of economists believe the net debt statistic she inherited from the Conservatives is the wrong one to use in her fiscal rules - and that she should use the country's total national debt, not excluding any debt owned by the Bank of England.

Long story short, if she uses this other measure (and I'm told this is something she is considering) then she suddenly has a lot more headroom.

Even so, don't expect her to change the tune at the budget in October. There will be more bad news to come.

Read my full analysis here ...

The new government is considering whether to scrap health and safety regulations that are seeing homebuilders shrink the size of windows, or put bars on them, to stop people falling out, the Money blog can reveal.

The rules, introduced in December 2021 by the Conservative government, are in the first instance designed to guard against "unwanted solar gains" - or, to put it another way, homes becoming too hot as the climate warms.

This, critics say, is resulting in builders installing smaller windows on new builds.

But they also require builders to account for safety - and so upstairs windows in new-build homes must now be at least 1.1 metres (3.6ft) from the floor.

Former minister Michael Gove launched a review of the rules - with the consultation concluding before the Tories lost power in July.

The new government has yet to make a decision.

A spokesperson for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government told the Money blog: "We have closed a call for evidence on building regulations and are considering the responses before we make our decision."

Earlier this year, Nicholas Boys Smith, chairman of the Create Street thinktank on urban design, told the Telegraph the "foolish" regulations have "incentivised the building of extremely small windows".

"People are not able to look out of their windows if they are sitting down," he said.

"This means, in a normal-sized suburban house, first-floor rooms are darker and less pleasant. 

"It's making it nearly impossible to create houses that fit in with their 20th century, Edwardian, Georgian or Victorian predecessors. The majority of England's most beloved buildings would violate these regulations."

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W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak

The epidemic is concentrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo, but the virus has now appeared in a dozen other African countries.

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A health worker in a yellow gown, a white mask and a blue hairnet holds a sealed plastic bag containing samples in a makeshift laboratory space in a tent.

By Apoorva Mandavilli

The rapid spread of mpox, formerly called monkeypox, in African countries constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization declared on Wednesday.

This is the second time in three years that the W.H.O. has designated an mpox epidemic as a global emergency. It previously did so in July 2022. That outbreak went on to affect nearly 100,000 people , primarily gay and bisexual men, in 116 countries, and killed about 200 people.

The threat this time is deadlier. Since the beginning of this year, the Democratic Republic of Congo alone has reported 15,600 mpox cases and 537 deaths. Those most at risk include women and children under 15.

“The detection and rapid spread of a new clade of mpox in eastern D.R.C., its detection in neighboring countries that had not previously reported mpox, and the potential for further spread within Africa and beyond is very worrying,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O.’s director general.

The outbreak has spread through 13 countries in Africa, including a few that had never reported mpox cases before. On Tuesday, the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared a “public health emergency of continental security,” the first time the organization has taken that step since the African Union granted it the power to do so last year.

“It’s in the interests of the countries, of the continent and of the world to get our arms around this and stop transmission as soon as we can,” said Dr. Nicole Lurie, the executive director for preparedness and response at the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, a nonprofit that finances vaccine development.

Facing the threat of global spread, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has urged clinicians and the public in the United States to be alert for the virus.

The W.H.O.’s designation of a “public health emergency of international concern” is intended to prompt member countries to begin preparing for the virus’s appearance and to share vaccines, treatments and other key resources with poorer nations.

“We need concerted international action to stem this recent, novel outbreak,” said Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist at Yale University who served on the W.H.O.’s mpox committee in 2022.

The outbreak that year stayed mostly within tight sexual networks, among gay and bisexual men. A combination of behavioral changes and vaccination tamped down the spread.

In the United States, for example, the toll dropped to about 1,700 cases last year from more than 30,000 in 2022.

The version of mpox that has been circulating in Congo has always been more virulent, and currently has a death rate of about 3 percent, compared with 0.2 percent in the 2022 outbreak. The infection can produce fever, respiratory symptoms, muscle aches and swollen lymph nodes, as well as a rash on the hands, feet, chest, mouth or genitals.

Until recently, it spread mainly through consumption of contaminated meat or close contact with infected animals and people. Most of the deaths have been in children, who in this region of Africa are already beset by malnutrition and infectious diseases like cholera, measles and polio.

Should the outbreak spread globally, children in developed countries are likely to be less vulnerable to severe illness, experts have said.

Last year, for the first time, scientists discovered sexual transmission of this version of mpox, with cases split about equally among young men and women. According to genetic analyses , sometime around September, the virus gained mutations that enabled it to spread more readily among people. It has done so partly through heterosexual prostitution .

This viral type has not surfaced outside Africa. Over all, there have been more than 17,500 presumed and confirmed mpox cases in 13 countries, according to Africa C.D.C . Most of the cases and deaths have occurred in Congo.

Given the rapid spread, the declaration of a global health emergency was justified, said Anne Rimoin, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who served on the 2022 mpox panel.

“I think we learned a great deal about the speed with which this virus can spread,” she said.

Amid rising numbers, Congo has approved two mpox vaccines , a Japanese product called LC16 and Jynneos, the vaccine made by Bavarian Nordic that was used in 2022 in the United States and Europe. But Congo has yet to institute an immunization plan.

On Aug. 9, the W.H.O. invited vaccine manufacturers to apply for an emergency use listing , a prerequisite for international groups such as Gavi, a global vaccine alliance, to purchase and distribute the shots in low-income nations.

Bavarian Nordic has donated 15,000 doses of Jynneos to be distributed in African countries. But that is a tiny fraction of the 10 million doses needed to control the outbreak, according to Africa C.D.C.

“The challenge is that these vaccines are not sufficient,” even if countries try to protect only the people at highest risk, said Dr. Dimie Ogoina, a Nigerian scientist and chair of the W.H.O.’s mpox emergency committee.

LC16 was used in Japanese children in the 1970s. Clinical trials funded by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations are now evaluating whether Jynneos can protect children and people who have already been exposed to the virus , Dr. Lurie said.

The organization is also supporting the development of a new mRNA vaccine made by BioNTech that would protect against mpox and related viruses, such as smallpox.

“This outbreak has been smoldering for quite a long time, and we continually have missed opportunities to shut it down,” Dr. Lurie said. “I’m really glad that everybody is now paying attention and focusing their efforts on this.”

Apoorva Mandavilli is a reporter focused on science and global health. She was a part of the team that won the 2021 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for coverage of the pandemic. More about Apoorva Mandavilli


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