Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution.

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Latest update

Exercise a high degree of caution in Türkiye overall due to the threat of terrorism.

Higher levels apply.

Turkiye Map May 2023

Turkiye (PDF 895.52 KB)

Europe (PDF 2.62 MB)

Local emergency contacts

Fire and rescue services, medical emergencies.

Call 112 or go to the nearest hospital.

In major cities, call 155. English speaking officers aren't always available.

In rural areas, call Jandarma on 156. English speaking officers are rarely available.

English-speaking officers may be available in police departments at:

In Istanbul, call the dedicated Tourist Police unit on (+90) 212 527 4503.

Advice levels

Exercise a high degree of caution in Türkiye overall.

Exercise a high degree of caution in Türkiye overall due to the threat of terrorism.

See Safety .

Do not travel to within 10km of the border with Syria.

Do not travel  to within 10km of the border with Syria due to serious threat of terrorism, violence and acts of war in this area. 

Reconsider your need to travel to the provinces of Hakkari and Sirnak.

Reconsider your need to travel to the provinces of Hakkari and Sirnak due to the unpredictable security situation.

  • There's an ongoing high threat of terrorist attacks in Türkiye. Possible targets include tourist areas, transport networks, shopping malls, hotels, places of worship and diplomatic premises. Be alert to potential threats, especially in locations frequented by foreigners. Avoid crowds, keep a low profile and be aware of your surroundings. Monitor the media for updates and follow the advice of local authorities.
  • There's an increased threat of military and terrorist attacks against Israel and Israeli interests across the region, and ongoing military action in the Occupied Palestinian Territories could lead to increased tensions in other locations in the region. Demonstration and protest activity may occur, and localised security situations could deteriorate with little notice. Avoid all demonstrations and protests. 
  • Demonstrations and protests can occur and may turn violent. Avoid protests and large public gatherings. Monitor the media and follow the advice of local authorities.
  • There is an ongoing risk of earthquakes in parts of Türkiye. Know the dangers of a major earthquake in your area and where your local shelter is.

Full travel advice:   Safety

  • Malaria is a risk from May to October in Amikova, Çukurova Plain and the southeast. Consider taking anti-malarial medication. Other insect-borne diseases include leishmaniasis and Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever. Ensure your accommodation is insect-proof. Use insect repellent.
  • Foodborne, waterborne and other infectious diseases include tuberculosis, typhoid, hepatitis, measles and rabies. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Avoid raw or undercooked foods.
  • Toxic substances, including methanol, could be mixed into alcoholic drinks. Drink only at reputable venues. Avoid homemade alcohol. Get medical help straight away if you suspect poisoning.

Full travel advice: Health

  • Don't use or carry illegal drugs. Penalties for drug offences are severe and include long prison sentences.
  • By law, you must always carry a photo ID. You should carry your passport or identity document with you at all times. 
  • It's illegal to 'insult' Türkiye, the Turkish flag, the President or government, and the country's founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Don't make insulting comments, including on social media.
  • It's illegal to photograph military sites.
  • Many parts of Türkiye have conservative dress and behaviour standards. Dress modestly, particularly at mosques and shrines. Respect religious and social traditions. Avoid public displays of affection.

Full travel advice: Local laws

You'll need an e-visa for tourism or business if you're staying for less than 90 days in a 180-day period.

  • If you're travelling to Türkiye for medical services, you should apply for a medical visa through the  HealthTürkiye  online portal.
  • Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Türkiye for the latest details.

Full travel advice:   Travel

Local contacts

  • The  Consular Services Charter  details what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.
  • For consular help, contact the  Australian Embassy in Ankara , the Australian Consulate in Istanbul, or the Australian Consulate in Canakkale.
  • To stay up to date with local information, follow the embassy’s social media accounts.

Full travel advice: Local contacts

Full advice

There's an ongoing high threat of terrorist attacks in Türkiye.

Most terrorist attacks have taken place in the southeast of the country, Ankara or Istanbul. 

Attacks could occur anywhere and at any time, including in places visited by foreigners. Possible targets include:

  • tourist sites
  • public transport and transport hubs
  • markets/shopping malls
  • government facilities
  • diplomatic premises
  • hotels, clubs, restaurants
  • places of worship
  • courts and the judiciary
  • political parties
  • major sporting and cultural events
  • educational institutions

Terrorists have also previously targeted Western interests and places associated with the Turkish security forces, such as military barracks and police vehicles.

Previous methods of attack have included armed assaults, suicide bombings, car bombings, rocket attacks, arson, and improvised explosive devices left in garbage bins, crowded areas, shops, and public transport.

To protect yourself:

  • be alert to threats, especially in public places and around significant dates
  • keep a low profile and be aware of your surroundings
  • report suspicious activity or items to the police
  • monitor the media for new and emerging threats
  • take official warnings seriously
  • follow the advice of local authorities

If there is an attack, leave the affected area immediately if it's safe to do so.

If you plan to travel to Türkiye to commemorate Anzac Day, understand the risks and plan ahead. Read our ' Travel overseas for Anzac Day' page for further information on attending the event.

Border regions

The threat of terrorist attacks, violence and acts of war is high along the borders with Syria and Iraq. In the past, rockets have been fired from Syria and Iraq into Turkish territory.

South-eastern provinces

The south-eastern and eastern provinces see occasional clashes, particularly between the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorist group and Turkish security forces.

Attacks by the PKK on government institutions, infrastructure and other sites have affected civilians.

More information:

Kidnapping occurs across the world with political, ideological and criminal motives. Foreigners, including Australians, have been kidnapped overseas while travelling. Kidnaps can happen anywhere, anytime, including in destinations that are typically at lower risk.  

Terrorist groups operating in Syria and Iraq kidnap and murder westerners. These groups may extend their operations into Türkiye.

The Australian Government's longstanding policy is that it doesn't make payments or concessions to kidnappers. 

More information:  

  • Kidnapping  

Civil unrest and political tension

The security situation in the region remains unpredictable and could deteriorate with little or no warning.

Demonstrations and protests

Demonstrations occur regularly in major cities in response to:

  • domestic events
  • international events
  • political developments

Events in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories have led to heightened tensions in the region. Large demonstrations have happened outside diplomatic missions connected to the conflict in major cities, particularly Israeli diplomatic missions in Ankara and Istanbul. 

There are nearly 4 million Syrian and other refugees in Türkiye. Anti-refugee sentiment can be a source of tension and occasionally violence. 

Demonstrations can happen without warning. 

Extremists have targeted political protests.

Peaceful events can turn violent.

Protests in Istanbul have centred around:

  • Taksim Square
  • Istiklal Street
  • streets surrounding Istiklal as far as the Galata Tower and down to Karakoy
  • Okmeydani on the European side
  • Kadikoy on the Asian side

Protests in Ankara often centre around the Kizilay and Tunali areas. They have targeted diplomatic missions.

Protests also happen in other districts of Istanbul and Ankara and other cities and towns, including:

May Day rallies on 1 May can become violent, particularly in Ankara and Istanbul.

Mass rallies often occur during the Persian New Year, 20 - 21 March.

Police break up crowds using the following:

  • water cannons
  • plastic bullets

Tear gas can spread to surrounding areas.

Local authorities can ban events such as public gatherings, celebrations, demonstrations and protests without much warning. 

They may also impose or extend curfews without warning.

To stay safe during periods of unrest:

  • avoid political gatherings, protests and demonstrations
  • obey curfews
  • monitor the media and other sources
  • be alert around key dates, such as 20 to 21 March and 1 May 
  • plan your activities to avoid possible unrest on significant dates

Be prepared to change your travel plans. Contact your airline, travel agent or insurer for help if there are transport disruptions.

  • Demonstrations and civil unrest

Theft and assault

Common crimes include:

  • pickpocketing
  • bag snatching

Crime is especially common in the tourist areas of Istanbul, including:

  • Sultanahmet
  • the Grand Bazaar
  • the Spice Bazaar

To stay safe, monitor local sources for information on crime and:

  • pay close attention to your personal belongings, particularly on public transport and in crowded places
  • avoid secluded parks and unlit areas
  • avoid ATMs on the street, especially at night
  • use ATMs in banks, shops and shopping centres

Drink and food spiking

Foreigners, including Australians, have been drugged by English-speaking strangers who steal their belongings and passports.

Drugs can be present in:

  • chewing gum
  • confectionery

These drugs can cause you to become disoriented and compliant. You may even become unconscious.

To reduce your risk of food or drink spiking:

  • be wary of overly friendly strangers
  • don't accept food, drinks, gum or cigarettes from strangers or new acquaintances
  • never leave food or drinks unattended

Sexual assault

Women may experience physical and verbal harassment. This is more common in regional and conservative areas.

There's been an increase in violent  sexual assaults against women travelling alone or in small groups. Assaults have happened in popular tourist areas, including Istanbul and coastal resorts like Antalya. The assailant is often a person the victim has just met.

There have been reports of sexual assaults on minors alone in public toilets.

If you're a woman:

  • avoid travelling alone, especially after dark
  • avoid isolated locations
  • be wary of new friends and acquaintances
  • stick with people you trust

If a child in your care needs to use a public toilet, go with them.

  • Advice for women
  • Sexual assault overseas

Scams commonly target travellers.

Friendly English-speaking locals may try to scam you out of thousands of dollars.

Typically, these scammers take you to a bar for food or drinks. You're then presented with an inflated bill, often thousands of dollars, and threatened with violence if you don't pay. These scams are regularly reported, particularly in Istanbul.

Scams involving inflated taxi prices or taxis taking longer routes than needed have also been reported. These are particularly common to and from airports in Istanbul. 

Scams are also common among carpet traders.

To protect yourself from scams:

  • insist your taxi driver uses the meter
  • pay attention to your surroundings
  • be wary of deals where your carpet trader arranges to send you goods by post
  • check current scams using  Scamwatch , internet travel blogsand social media sites such as YouTube

Cyber security 

You may be at risk of cyber-based threats during overseas travel to any country. Digital identity theft is a growing concern. Your devices and personal data can be compromised, especially if you're connecting to Wi-Fi, using or connecting to shared or public computers, or Bluetooth. 

Social media can also be risky in destinations where there are social or political tensions or laws that may seem unreasonable by Australian standards. Travellers have been arrested for things they have said on social media. Don't comment on local or political events on your social media. 

More information:  

  • Cyber security when travelling overseas  

Climate and natural disasters

Türkiye experiences  natural disasters and  severe weather , including:

  • earthquakes

If there is a natural disaster or severe weather event:

  • secure your passport in a safe, waterproof location
  • keep in contact with friends and family
  • monitor the media and other sources, such as the  Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System

Bush and forest fires often occur during the summer months, from June to September. Conditions can change quickly. Monitor the local media and follow the advice of local authorities. Read our advice on what to do if you're overseas and  there's a bushfire near you .  

These are most common in heavily forested areas with high temperatures and low rainfall.

Fires have burned close to holiday areas, including:

  • the Aegean coast
  • the Mediterranean coast
  • the Gallipoli peninsula


Earthquakes are a constant risk in Türkiye. There have been major earthquakes in recent years, including in February 2023, when 2 earthquakes occurred in Kahramanmaras province, close to Gaziantep, causing mass fatalities.

The North Anatolian fault runs 20km south of Istanbul and is one of the world's most active. Know the dangers of a major earthquake in your area and where your local shelter is located.

Large, damaging earthquakes could happen at any time. Aftershocks can continue for days or weeks.

When an earthquake happens, you should drop, cover and hold. If an earthquake is long or strong and you're near the coast or other large body of water, you should go to higher ground immediately.

If you're indoors during an earthquake:

  • move no more than a few steps to a heavy, solid object you can get underneath, and hold onto it
  • don't try to run outside
  • stay indoors until the shaking stops
  • stay away from windows, chimneys, and shelves with heavy objects

If you're in bed:

  • hold onto the bed and stay where you are
  • protect your head and body with a pillow and blankets

If you're outdoors:

  • move to the nearest clear spot
  • keep away from buildings, trees and power lines
  • drop to the ground

If you're in a car:

  • drive to a clear place away from buildings, trees and power lines
  • stay in the car with your seatbelt on until the shaking stops

If you're in a lift:

  • stop at the nearest floor and get out

After the earthquake finishes:

  • be aware of possible tsunami risks
  • prepare for travel delays
  • reconfirm your travel arrangements
  • check your accommodation with travel agents and tour operators
  • let your family/friends know that you're safe

During a crisis, local authorities are responsible for helping people living or travelling within their jurisdictions.

More information

  • Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Severe rainstorms can cause flooding and landslides across Türkiye, hampering overland travel and reducing the provision of essential services. Roads may become impassable, and bridges may be damaged.

Severe drought conditions can affect the water supply to several cities.

Running water may not be available in many places, including hotels.

Tours and adventure activities

Transport and tour operators don't always follow safety and maintenance standards, including adventure activities such as diving and ballooning.

If you plan to do a tour or  adventure activity :

  • check if your travel insurance policy covers it
  • ask about and insist on minimum safety requirements
  • always use available safety gear, such as life jackets or seatbelts
  • if proper safety equipment isn't available, use another provider

Travel insurance

Get comprehensive  travel insurance  before you leave.

Your policy needs to cover all overseas medical costs, including medical evacuation. The Australian Government won't pay for these costs.

If you can't afford travel insurance, you can't afford to travel. This applies to everyone, no matter how healthy and fit you are.

If you're not insured, you may have to pay many thousands of dollars up-front for medical care.

  • what activities and care your policy covers
  • that your insurance covers you for the whole time you'll be away

Physical and mental health

Consider your physical and mental health before you travel, especially if you have an existing medical condition. 

See your doctor or travel clinic to:

  • have a basic health check-up
  • ask if your travel plans may affect your health
  • plan any vaccinations you need

Do this at least 8 weeks before you leave.

If you have immediate concerns for your welfare or the welfare of another Australian call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on +61 2 6261 3305 or contact your  nearest Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate  to discuss counselling hotlines and services available in your location .

  • General health advice
  • Healthy holiday tips  (Healthdirect Australia)


Not all medications available over the counter or by prescription in Australia are available in other countries. Some may even be considered illegal or a controlled substance, even if prescribed by an Australian doctor.

If you plan to bring medication, check if it's legal in Türkiye. Take enough legal medication for your trip.

Turkish authorities recommend that you carry a copy of your prescription or a letter from your doctor stating:

  • what the medication is
  • your required dosage 
  • that it's for personal use

For further details you can: 

  • check the Turkish Ministry of Trade's Customs Guide
  • call their customs call centre on +90 312 444 8 482 or 
  • contact the Turkish Embassy in Australia for the latest advice: [email protected]

Health risks

Medical tourism.

Each year, many Australians travel for medical tourism. 

Unfortunately, things don't always go as planned. We're aware of several cases in recent years where Australians have experienced serious complications after their procedures in Türkiye.   

If you're considering medical treatment in Türkiye, you should do your research, including checking whether your insurance will cover you. Before you go, read our advice on  travelling overseas for medical tourism . 

The  HealthTürkiye portal lists the medical providers authorised by the Turkish Ministry of Health. We can't provide recommendations or endorsements for any particular health providers. You should discuss your plans carefully with your Australian doctor, dentist or hospital specialist before committing to any procedure overseas.

  • Health Services General Directorate
  • Authorised Healthcare Providers 
  • International Health Services Call Center  

Insect-borne diseases

Malaria is a risk from May to October in:

  • Çukurova Plain
  • the south-east

There's no malaria risk in the main tourist areas in the west and southwest of the country.

Other insect-borne diseases occur, including:

  • leishmaniasis
  • Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)

CCHF is common in:

  • central Anatolia to the north
  • east of Ankara

Seasonal summer outbreaks of CCHF have been fatal.

To protect yourself from disease:

  • make sure your accommodation is insect-proof
  • use insect repellent
  • wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing

Consider taking medicine to prevent malaria.

Bird flu (avian influenza)

Human deaths from  bird flu (avian influenza) have occurred in Türkiye.

Talk to your doctor about bird flu during your pre-travel health checks.

Measles cases routinely occur in Türkiye, with the country experiencing increased measles activity. Make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date before you travel.

  • Measles Outbreaks 2019 (Department of Health and Aged Care)
  • Measles immunisation service (Department of Health and Aged Care)

Other health risks

Waterborne, foodborne, and other infectious diseases occur, including:

  • tuberculosis

Serious outbreaks sometimes occur

To protect yourself from illness:

  • drink boiled water or bottled water with sealed lids
  • avoid ice cubes
  • avoid raw and undercooked food, such as salads
  • avoid unpasteurised dairy products
  • avoid contact with dogs and other mammals

If you're bitten or scratched by an animal, get medical help immediately.

Seek medical advice if you have a fever or are suffering from diarrhoea.

  • Infectious diseases

Poisoning from alcoholic drinks

Locals and travellers have reported poisoning from alcoholic drinks. Drinks may be contaminated with harmful substances, including methanol.

Locals and travellers have become seriously ill after drinking contaminated alcohol.

Consider the risks when drinking alcoholic beverages, particularly drinks made with spirits.

Labels on bottles aren't always accurate.

To stay safe:

  • drink only at reputable licensed premises
  • avoid home-made alcoholic drinks

Symptoms of  methanol poisoning  can be similar to the effects of drinking too much. This includes fatigue, headaches and nausea.

If you suspect that you, or someone you're with, has been poisoned, get urgent medical attention. It could save you from permanent disability or death.

Report suspected cases of methanol poisoning to the police.

  • Partying safely

Medical care

The standard of medical facilities in Türkiye varies.

Private hospitals with facilities comparable to those in Australia exist in major cities, but services can be limited outside of major cities.

Private hospitals usually need confirmation of insurance or a guarantee of payment before admitting a patient. Costs can be high.

Decompression chambers are available near popular dive sites and major cities in:

If you become seriously ill or injured, you may be able to receive treatment at a private or teaching hospital in Ankara or Istanbul. However, medical evacuation could be necessary, and it can be very expensive. Ensure your travel insurance covers this.

Australians who reside in Türkiye for more than 12 months may have access to Türkiye's Universal Health Insurance (UHI).

  • Republic of Türkiye Social Security Institution  (in Turkish)

You're subject to all local laws and penalties, including those that may appear harsh by Australian standards. Research local laws before travelling.

If you're arrested or jailed, the Australian government will do what it can to help you under our  Consular Services Charter . But we can't get you out of trouble or out of jail.

Authorities have detained thousands of people suspected of having links to alleged terrorist groups. Detainees have limited rights.

Authorities may prevent foreigners and dual nationals from departing Türkiye.

Penalties for using or possessing drugs are severe. They include long jail sentences.

  • Carrying or using drugs

Hiking Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat, between the eastern provinces of Agri and Igdir, is designated a 'special military zone'. You must hire the services of a locally licensed guide if you intend to hike in the area. A licensed company will obtain the necessary permits and assign you to a registered Mountaineer to accompany you throughout your hike. Visiting Mount Ararat without the Turkish government's permission is an offence that could incur severe penalties.

By law, you must always carry a photo ID. Carry your passport or identity document with you at all times. 

Illegal activities could result in severe penalties including:

  • taking photos of military installations
  • searching for historical artefacts without authorisation
  • defacing or destroying Turkish currency
  • failing to comply with Turkish visa conditions or immigration regulations
  • supporting terrorist organisations in Türkiye, including expressions of support on social media

It's also illegal to 'insult':

  • the Turkish flag
  • the Turkish President or Government
  • the founder of Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

This includes making insulting comments on social media. Penalties can be severe.

Selling or exporting antiquities and cultural artefacts without a permit is also illegal. You'll need a receipt and an official certificate to export these goods legally.

If you're arrested or detained, you may be deported from Türkiye. This may happen after your court hearings or after completing your sentence. You may be deported even if you're not convicted.

If you're arrested, ask the local authorities to tell the nearest Australian embassy or consulate.

Australian laws

Some Australian criminal laws still apply when you're overseas. If you break these laws, you may face prosecution in Australia.

  • Staying within the law and respecting customs  

Dual citizenship

The Turkish government recognises dual citizenship.

However, Turkish-Australian dual nationals are treated as Turkish citizens in legal matters. If you're a dual citizen, this limits the  consular services  we can give if you're arrested or detained.

If you are a male Turkish-Australian dual national, you could be forced to complete military service when you arrive.

Check your obligations with an  embassy or consulate  of Türkiye before you travel.

  • Dual nationals

Local customs

Standards of dress and behaviour are conservative in many parts of Türkiye. Some regions are more conservative than others.

Avoid offending locals by respecting religious and social traditions.

Dress modestly, particularly at mosques and religious shrines.

If in doubt, seek local advice.

The Islamic holiday month of  Ramadan  is observed in Türkiye. Respect religious and cultural customs and laws at this time.

During Ramadan, eating, drinking and smoking in public during the day may not be culturally appropriate in some areas. If you're not fasting, avoid these activities around people who are. 

Some areas are more tolerant of travellers and locals who don't fast. Seek local advice to avoid offence.

Explore our  Ramadan  page to learn more, including dates for Ramadan.

LGBTQIA+ information

Same-sex relationships are legal but aren't widely accepted in Turkish society.

LGBTQIA+ events and gatherings may be subject to local government bans.

Avoid public displays of affection.

  • Advice for LGBTQIA+ t ravellers

Visas and border measures

Every country or territory decides who can enter or leave through its borders. For specific information about the evidence you'll need to enter a foreign destination, check with the nearest embassy, consulate or immigration department of the destination you're entering. 

Use the official Turkish government site to  apply for an e-visa online.

Numerous fake and unauthorised websites exist. They may take your money without providing a visa or charge you for information on e-visas that you can get for free on the official website or through the Turkish Embassy in Canberra.

Apply for a medical visa through the  HealthTürkiye online portal if you're travelling to Türkiye to seek medical services (see 'Health').

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document.

If you're not eligible for an e-visa, you'll need to arrange a visa through an  embassy or consulate  of Türkiye before you arrive. If you don't, authorities may refuse entry.

If you're a tourist and arrive by sea, visiting the surrounding areas for up to 72 hours without a visa might be possible. Check your visa requirements with your travel operator or local authorities at the port of entry, and make sure you get entry and exit stamps in your passport. 

If you don't abide by your visa or permit terms, you may be fined, deported and banned from re-entering Türkiye.

Entry and exit conditions can change at short notice. Contact the  nearest embassy or consulate for details about visas, currency, customs and quarantine rules.

  • Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Turkish Ministry of Tourism and Culture information on COVID-19

Border Crossings

All border crossings from Syria are currently closed.

Crossing the border to or from Iraq is difficult. Military activity in the region is ongoing. The Turkish Government tightly controls entry and exit.

Other formalities

If you enter or leave Türkiye by land or sea borders, make sure immigration authorities process you correctly. This applies even for a short trip, such as visiting the Greek Islands.

Make sure your passport is stamped for every exit and arrival. If you don't, you could face difficulties when departing, including:

  • possible fines
  • future travel bans
  • deportation

Travel with children

If you're  travelling with a child aged under 18 years, you may need to provide proof that you're the legal parent or guardian. Check with the  embassy or consulate of Türkiye before you travel.

Some countries won't let you enter unless your passport is valid for 6 months after you plan to leave that country. This can apply even if you are just transiting or stopping over.

Some foreign governments and airlines apply the rule inconsistently. Travellers can receive conflicting advice from different sources.

You can end up stranded if your passport is not valid for more than 6 months.

The Australian Government does not set these rules. Check your passport's expiry date before you travel. If you're not sure it will be valid long enough, consider getting  a new passport .

Lost or stolen passport

Your passport is a valuable document. It's attractive to people who may try to use your identity to commit crimes.

Some people may try to trick you into giving them your passport. Always keep it in a safe place.

If your passport is lost or stolen, tell the Australian Government as soon as possible:

  • In Australia, contact the  Australian Passport Information Service .
  • If you're overseas, contact the nearest  Australian embassy or consulate .

Passport with 'X' gender identifier 

Although Australian passports comply with international standards for sex and gender, we can't guarantee that a passport showing an 'X' in the sex field will be accepted for entry or transit by another country. Contact the nearest  embassy, high commission or consulate of your destination before you arrive at the border to confirm if authorities will accept passports with 'X' gender markers. 

  • LGBTQIA+ travellers  

The local currency in Türkiye is the Lira (TRY).

Most services accept credit cards, but carry a small amount of cash just in case.

EFTPOS and ATMs are widely available.

Local travel

Anzac cove and gallipoli historical site.

The weather can change suddenly in the Gallipoli region.

Winter storms and heavy traffic seriously affect many coastal roads around Gallipoli, including roads in the Gallipoli Historical Site.

  • be prepared for a range of weather conditions
  • obey safety signs and directions
  • don't wander off marked roads and tracks
  • don't separate from your tour group

More information: 

  • Travel overseas for Anzac Day

Driving permit

You can drive in Türkiye for up to 6 months if you have a valid Australian driver's licence (digital driver's licences may not be accepted).

You must get a Turkish driver's licence if you plan to drive for longer than 6 months after your arrival in Türkiye.

  • Turkish Security Directorate (Turkish)

Road travel

Travelling at night on country roads can be hazardous due to poor lighting and local driving practices.

Drink-driving carries a minimum penalty of:

  • an on-the-spot fine
  • confiscation of your driver's licence

Get to know the local road rules and practices.

Check if your travel insurance will cover you before driving.

In the event of a car accident:

  • For accidents with only vehicular damage, exchange insurance information, take photos of the accident before moving the vehicles, and depart if both sides agree. Turkish law requires drivers to fill out a Turkish-only form and provide pictures of the damage. Non-Turkish speakers should call and wait for the police.
  • For accidents involving an injury or a disagreement, remain at the site of the accident. Do not move the vehicle – even out of the way – until the Traffic Police arrive. Report the accident to the Traffic Police or Jandarma by dialling 112). Get a certified copy of the official report from the Traffic Police office (this can take several days).
  • Driving or riding


Avoid using motorcycles due to the poor standard of driving.

Check whether your travel insurance policy covers you for riding a motorbike, quad bike or similar vehicle.

Always wear a helmet.

Use only licensed taxis or reputable limousine services. Arrange these through your hotel.

Taxis in major cities are generally professional, metered and charge according to set rates.

Insist your taxi driver uses the meter.

In rural areas and small towns, you may need to negotiate rates.

Public transport

Türkiye has an extensive inter-city bus and train network. 

  • Transport and getting around safely

International and domestic flights fly out of the new Istanbul Airport instead of Ataturk Airport.

Turkish airports and commercial aircraft have been the subject of terrorist attacks (see  Safety).

Enhanced security measures are in place at major airports.

Airports are often crowded, and security checks can cause delays.

DFAT doesn't provide information on the safety of individual commercial airlines or flight paths.

Check Türkiye's air safety profile with the Aviation Safety Network.


Depending on what you need, contact your:

  • family and friends
  • travel agent
  • insurance provider

Always get a police report when reporting a crime.

Your insurer should have a 24-hour emergency number.

Consular contacts

Read the  Consular Services Charter  for what the Australian Government can and can't do to help you overseas.

For  consular assistance in Türkiye , contact the:

  • Australian Embassy in Ankara
  • Australian Consulate-General in Istanbul
  • Australian Consulate in Çanakkale

You'll need to make an appointment in advance.

Australian Embassy, Ankara

88 Uğur Mumcu Caddesi  Gaziosmanpaşa Ankara  Phone: +90 312 459 9500  Website: Email:  [email protected] Facebook: Australia in Türkiye X: @AusAmbTürkiye

Check the Embassy website for details about opening hours and any temporary closures.

Australian Consulate-General, Istanbul

Süzer Plaza (Ritz Carlton Hotel), Askerocaĝı Caddesi No. 15, Elmadağ Istanbul

Phone: +90 212 393 3300 Email:  [email protected]

Australian Consulate, Çanakkale

Kolin Hotel  Kepez 17100 Çanakkale

Phone: (+90 286) 218 1721  Email:  [email protected]

24-hour Consular Emergency Centre

In a consular emergency, if you can't contact an embassy, call the 24-hour Consular Emergency Centre on:

  • +61 2 6261 3305 from overseas
  • 1300 555 135 in Australia


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COVID-19: travel health notice for all travellers

Türkiye travel advice

Latest updates: Natural disasters and climate – added information on wildfires around Izmir

Last updated: August 17, 2024 07:49 ET

On this page

Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, türkiye - exercise a high degree of caution.

Exercise a high degree of caution in Türkiye due to the threat of terrorist attacks and the possibility of demonstrations throughout the country.

Borders with Iraq and Syria - Avoid all travel

Avoid all travel to within 10 km of the borders with Iraq and Syria, due to the unpredictable security situation and the threat of terrorism.

Earthquake-affected provinces - Avoid non-essential travel

  • Kahramanmaraş

Southeastern provinces - Avoid non-essential travel

  • Bingöl

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Protests related to the situation in the Middle East

Since October 2023, protests have been taken place throughout Türkiye due to the ongoing situation in Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Some protesters have targeted and vandalized popular Western-branded businesses and foreign diplomatic missions.

Additional protests and demonstrations at various locations cannot be ruled out.

For more information about demonstrations

Borders with Iraq and Syria

Despite counter-terrorism operations conducted by Turkish and Iraqi security forces, a threat of terrorism subsists at the border between Türkiye and Iraq. Violent attacks on sites held by terrorist groups or against Turkish and Iraqi security forces occur frequently.

Extremist groups have carried out attacks at border crossings and other locations in Syria close to the Turkish border. The Turkish government has declared some areas in villages along the border with Syria special security zones as part of cross-border military operations.

Foreigners and individuals associated to Western countries are targets for kidnappings and violence by terrorist groups in border areas with Iraq and Syria.

Border areas with Iraq and Syria are subject to extremely dangerous military activities, such as:

  • drone attacks
  • heavy gunfire
  • improvised explosive devices (IEDs) explosions

If you travel near the border with Iraq and/or Syria despite the advisory in effect:

  • exercise extreme caution
  • expect a heightened military presence and movement restrictions
  • avoid travelling after dark
  • monitor local and international media to stay informed on current clashes
  • follow instructions from local authorities and security forces

Southeast region 

Terrorist groups have launched deadly terrorist attacks against Turkish security personnel in several cities and regions in the south and southeast of the country.

  • Remain vigilant
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local and international media

There is a risk, particularly to foreigners, of kidnapping in the area (see Kidnapping, below). Maintain a high level of vigilance at all times.

Avoid overland travel. If you must, drive during the day and stay on major roads. Don’t use public transportation.

There is a threat of terrorism in Türkiye.

There have been armed attacks in crowded places in major cities, such as Ankara and Istanbul. Additional attacks could occur at any time.

Targets could include:

  • Turkish military and government facilities
  • Schools, including universities
  • places of worship
  • airports and other transportation hubs and networks 
  • public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners 
  • public transportation
  • cultural venues

Turkish security officials may set up roadblocks or close streets when they receive reports on specific threats. It is common for Turkish police to patrol proactively and conduct routine ID checks.

Be particularly vigilant during: 

  • sporting events 
  • cultural events, such as concerts
  • religious holidays 
  • public celebrations 
  • major political events, such as political rallies for elections  

Terrorists may use such occasions to mount attacks. 

Mountaineering and hiking

Mount Ararat, between the eastern provinces of Agri and Igdir, is designated a special military zone. You must hire the services of a locally licensed guide agency if you intend to hike in the area. A licensed company will obtain the necessary permits and assign you a registered Mountaineer to accompany you throughout your hike.

If you intend on engaging in mountaineering or hiking:

  • never do so alone and always hire an experienced guide from a reputable company
  • buy travel insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation
  • ensure that your physical condition is good enough to meet the challenges of your activity
  • ensure that you’re properly equipped and well informed about weather and other conditions that may pose a hazard
  • inform a family member or friend of your itinerary, including when you expect to be back to camp
  • know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal
  • obtain detailed information on trekking routes or ski slopes before setting out and do not venture off marked trails

Accurate information on mountain conditions can be difficult to obtain. Weather in mountainous areas can also be unpredictable.


Random ID checks and ‎roadblocks may take place in large cities and on intercity roads.

Cooperate during ID checks and always carry your passport and visa or residence permit. Failure to produce these documents or non-compliance with Turkish officials during identity checks could result in fines, detainment or deportation.

Turkish authorities have detained and prosecuted large numbers of people over social media posts criticizing the government, state officials, president, military operations, etc. You could be subject to scrutiny if you posted similar comments, even if a post was published years ago or outside of Türkiye.

  • Keep in mind the sensitivities
  • Think twice before posting or reacting to online content criticizing the government
  • Restrain and limit your social media footprint

There is a threat of kidnapping-for-ransom along Türkiye’s borders with Syria and Iraq. Extremist groups take advantage of porous borders and an unpredictable security situation to carry out operations and use kidnapping as a means of raising funds.

They may target the local population, foreigners and even foreign aid workers.


Demonstrations may occur. Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also disrupt traffic and public transportation.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Expect enhanced security measures and an increased police presence
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations
  • Be prepared to modify your plans in case of disturbances

Mass gatherings (large-scale events)

Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, can occur throughout Türkiye.

  • Avoid showing signs of affluence
  • Ensure that your belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times
  • If travelling by car, keep valuable belongings out of sight, windows closed and doors locked

Muggings, assaults and sexual assaults occur.

Spiked food and drinks

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery. Do not accept food and drinks from strangers, even if the wrapping or container appears intact.

Don’t go to down-market bars and neighbourhoods. One scam, particularly common in Istanbul, involves locals inviting tourists to bars for food and drinks and then forcing them to pay a steep bill.

Don’t accept letters, parcels or other items from strangers. Drug traffickers sometimes attempt to convince foreigners to deliver packages and messages into and out of Türkiye.

Credit card and ATM fraud occurs. Be cautious when using debit or credit cards:

  • pay careful attention when your cards are being handled by others
  • use ATMs located in well-lit public areas or inside a bank or business
  • avoid using card readers with an irregular or unusual feature
  • cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN
  • check for any unauthorized transactions on your account statements

If you’re travelling to Türkiye to meet someone you’ve only met online, or the person in Türkiye asks to wire money, you may be the victim of a scam. Don’t send money to someone you have never met in person.

Overseas fraud

Women’s safety

There is a risk of sexual assault.

Women travelling alone may be subject to some forms of harassment and verbal abuse. Be aware of your surroundings.

Dress conservatively, especially in areas outside major cities and coastal resorts.

Advice for women travellers

Stray animals

There are numerous stray dogs and cats in Türkiye. Dogs often travel in packs and could attack pedestrians and joggers.

Don’t attempt to feed or pet stray animals.

Road safety

Türkiye has a modern road network. However, uneven surfaces and poorly marked lane changes near construction zones, are common.

Exercise caution, especially when driving in the rain. Severe weather conditions may seriously affect road conditions.

Ensure that your vehicle is in good repair. Avoid driving after dark outside of major cities or major roads.

Accidents are common. You may face the following hazards when driving in the country:

  • reckless driving
  • vehicle breakdown due to poor maintenance practices
  • dangerous road conditions
  • inadequate lighting
  • poor signage
  • high-volume traffic congestion

If you come across an accident, don’t slow down or stop to observe.

If you are involved in an accident, lock your doors and windows and call 112 to notify the police.

Don’t move your vehicle until advised to do so by the police, even if your accident results in:

  • blocked traffic routes
  • injuries to those involved
  • a disagreement
  • a crowd starting to form

You may be permitted to move your vehicle after communicating with the police if you are on a busy road, once you have taken pictures of the scene.

Although pedestrians officially have the right of way, it may not be the case in practice.

General Directorate of Highways

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from Turkish authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for at least 60 days beyond the duration of stay indicated on your visa, e-Visa, visa exemption or residence permit.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Useful links

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Work visa: required Tourism visa: not required for stays of up to 90 days in a 180-day period Business visa: required Student visa: required Medical visa: required

If you are travelling to Türkiye to seek medical services, apply for a medical visa through the HealthTürkiye online portal. You should also consult our advice on medical tourism under the  Health  section before applying for a medical visa.

If you are travelling to Türkiye and need a visa, use the official Turkish government site to apply online and purchase an e-visa before entering the country. Be cautious of third-party websites that offer help in getting any type of visa, as they may charge additional fees to provide information and submit applications for you. They do not operate on behalf of the Government of Türkiye.

If you plan to study or work in Türkiye, you must obtain a visa at a Turkish embassy or consulate before arriving in Türkiye. If you intend to work remotely from Türkiye, you must first obtain a ‘’Digital Nomad’’ visa by submitting the requested documentation on the government of Türkiye’s digital nomads online portal. If your documents are validated, you will receive a Digital Nomad Identification Certificate that you must present at a Turkish embassy, consulate or visa center to receive your visa.

To qualify for a subsequent visa-exempted entry for a 90-day period in Turkiye, you must leave the country for at least 90 days before being allowed to re-enter for another 90 days.

If you wish to remain in Türkiye for longer than 90 consecutive days, you must obtain a residence permit from the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management in the province in which you reside. If you overstay, you might be fined, deported or banned from future travel to Türkiye for a specific period of time.

  • E-visa application system  – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye
  • Residency permit applications – Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Türkiye
  • HealthTürkiye online portal – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye
  • Digital nomads online portal – Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye

Entry stamp

Ensure Turkish immigration officials stamp your passport on arrival. Failure to produce a stamped passport is punishable by a fine, detention and deportation, and can lead to significant delays at departure.

Dual citizenship

Dual Turkish-Canadian citizens must present a valid Turkish passport or piece of identification to enter the country.

  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

Yellow fever is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is no risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is not required to enter this country.


  • Vaccination is not recommended.

* It is important to note that country entry requirements may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada

There is a risk of hepatitis A in this destination. It is a disease of the liver. People can get hepatitis A if they ingest contaminated food or water, eat foods prepared by an infectious person, or if they have close physical contact (such as oral-anal sex) with an infectious person, although casual contact among people does not spread the virus.

Practise  safe food and water precautions and wash your hands often. Vaccination is recommended for all travellers to areas where hepatitis A is present.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a risk in some areas of this destination. It is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It is spread to humans by the bite of infected ticks or occasionally when unpasteurized milk products are consumed.

Travellers to areas where TBE is found may be at higher risk  during April to November, and the risk is highest for people who hike or camp in forested areas.

Protect yourself from tick bites . The vaccine is not available in Canada. It may be available in the destination you are travelling to.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

In this destination, rabies is commonly carried by dogs and some wildlife, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. While travelling, take precautions , including keeping your distance from animals (including free-roaming dogs), and closely supervising children.

If you are bitten or scratched by a dog or other animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. In this destination, rabies treatment may be limited or may not be available, therefore you may need to return to Canada for treatment.  

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who are at high risk of exposure (e.g., occupational risk such as veterinarians and wildlife workers, children, adventure travellers and spelunkers, and others in close contact with animals). 

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Travellers' diarrhea is the most common illness affecting travellers. It is spread from eating or drinking contaminated food or water.

Risk of developing travellers' diarrhea increases when travelling in regions with poor standards of hygiene and sanitation. Practise safe food and water precautions.

The most important treatment for travellers' diarrhea is rehydration (drinking lots of fluids). Carry oral rehydration salts when travelling.

Typhoid   is a bacterial infection spread by contaminated food or water. Risk is higher among children, travellers going to rural areas, travellers visiting friends and relatives or those travelling for a long period of time.

Travellers visiting regions with a risk of typhoid, especially those exposed to places with poor sanitation, should speak to a health care professional about vaccination.  

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever is a viral disease that can cause fever, pain and bleeding under the skin.  In some cases, it can be fatal.  It spreads to humans through contact with infected animal blood or tissues, or from the bite of an infected tick.  Risk is generally low for most travellers. Celebrations which include the slaughtering of animals and contact with their blood and/ or tissues may increase the risk of exposure to the virus.  

Protect yourself from tick bites and wear gloves or other protective clothing if you are in contact with the blood and tissues of  animals, particularly livestock. There is no vaccine available for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

Human cases of avian influenza have been reported in this destination. Avian influenza   is a viral infection that can spread quickly and easily among birds and in rare cases it can infect mammals, including people. The risk is low for most travellers.

Avoid contact with birds, including wild, farm, and backyard birds (alive or dead) and surfaces that may have bird droppings on them. Ensure all poultry dishes, including eggs and wild game, are properly cooked.

Travellers with a higher risk of exposure include those: 

  • visiting live bird/animal markets or poultry farms
  • working with poultry (such as chickens, turkeys, domestic ducks)
  • hunting, de-feathering, field dressing and butchering wild birds and wild mammals
  • working with wild birds for activities such as research, conservation, or rehabilitation
  • working with wild mammals, especially those that eat wild birds (e.g., foxes)

All eligible people are encouraged to get the seasonal influenza shot, which will protect them against human influenza viruses. While the seasonal influenza shot does not prevent infection with avian influenza, it can reduce the chance of getting sick with human and avian influenza viruses at the same time.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Medical tourism

Medical tourism is common in Türkiye. Canadian travellers have had serious health complications following surgeries abroad. The Turkish government recommends that all travellers seeking medical services select healthcare providers authorized by the Turkish Ministry of Health.

Before leaving for medical travel, you should do your research, especially on:

  • the health and financial risks
  • medical facilities performing the intended procedure
  • language barriers, which can lead to misunderstandings about your medical care and conditions
  • travel insurance that includes coverage for the type of medical procedure you will be undergoing

The Turkish authorities established the HealthTürkiye online portal, which provides information to foreigners about medical tourism in Türkiye.

You should discuss your medical plans with your primary healthcare provider in Canada before travelling. 

  • Make sure that the healthcare providers you choose are authorized by the Turkish health authorities.
  • Ask to see the credentials of the healthcare providers
  • Obtain a written agreement detailing the proposed treatment or procedure.
  • Receiving medical care outside Canada
  • If you become sick or injured while travelling outside Canada or after your return
  • Authorized healthcare providers  - Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye (In Turkish)
  • International Health Services Call Center  - Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye
  • HealthTürkiye – Ministry of Health of the Republic of Türkiye

Universal health coverage

Foreigners with residency permits must register for universal health coverage under Turkish Social Security (SGK). Although Canadian citizens are exempt, you may enroll if you have no other coverage and you have been a resident in Türkiye for at least one year.

Universal Health Insurance  - Türkiye's social Security Institution

Medical services and facilities

Modern medical care is available in major cities but may not be in remote areas. Immediate cash payment is often required.

Most provincial and territorial health care programs are extremely limited in the coverage offered abroad. 

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Health and safety outside Canada

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Learn about what you should do and how we can help if you are arrested or detained abroad .

Authorities can request to see your ID at any time. If you fail to present valid identification documents upon request, you could face:

  • deportation
  • entry ban for future travel into Türkiye

During your stay:

  • carry the original version (not only photocopies or digital versions) of a valid government-issued ID, such as your passport, at all times.
  • keep a digital copy of your ID and travel documents in case it is seized or lost
  • follow the instructions of the local authorities requesting the documents

If you are temporarily in Türkiye, you should carry a valid passport that contains a Turkish entry stamp and a valid visa.

If you reside in Türkiye, you should carry your Turkish resident ID (Kimlik and/or Ikamet) and a valid passport that contains a Turkish entry stamp and a valid visa.

The use of illegal drugs is prohibited. Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Convicted offenders can expect lengthy jail sentences and heavy fines.

Don't agree to carry any baggage that is not yours.

Drugs, alcohol and travel


It is illegal to denigrate, desecrate or insult the following:

  • the name or image of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Türkiye
  • the president of the Republic of Türkiye
  • the Turkish flag and the national anthem
  • Turkish currency
  • State organs and institutions and its judicial bodies
  • the police and the military

Religious proselytism

Although religious proselytism is not illegal, some activities may be considered illegal and could lead to detention.

Political discussions

Avoid discussions (including on social media) on historical and religious issues as well as on politics.

  • Restrain/limit your social media footprint.

Online activities

Turkish authorities have detained and prosecuted people over social media posts criticizing the government, state officials, president, military operations. You could be subject to scrutiny even if a post was published years ago or outside of Türkiye.

Authorities have also targeted people and groups for:

  • publishing statements
  • organizing news conferences
  • organizing or participating in nonviolent activities
  • critical writing and online activism protesting the government, its policies, decisions and actions

Even if a case does not go to trial or ends in acquittal, people can be labelled as terrorism suspects and face adverse consequences due to investigations and criminal proceedings, including possible loss of employment and social exclusion.


It is forbidden to photograph military or public installations. Avoid photographing public demonstrations or members of police or security forces. Cameras may be confiscated. Do not photograph people without their permission.

Turkish antiquities and other cultural artifacts that are considered of historical value or of national importance cannot be exported. Seek advice from Turkish authorities prior to departure from Türkiye. If the item can be exported, you will require a sales receipt and the official museum export certificate issued by the Turkish customs office.

2SLGBTQI+ persons

Turkish law does not prohibit sexual acts between individuals of the same sex. However, homosexuality is not widely socially accepted.

Travel and your sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics

Dual citizenship is legally recognized in Türkiye.

If you are a Canadian citizen, but also a citizen of Türkiye, our ability to offer you consular services may be limited while you're there. You may also be subject to different entry/exit requirements .

Dual citizens

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. The convention applies between Canada and Türkiye.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in Türkiye, and if the applicable conditions are met, you may apply for the return of your child to the Turkish court.

If you are in this situation:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • contact the Central Authority for your province or territory of residence for information on starting an application under The Hague Convention
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in Türkiye to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • List of Canadian Central Authorities for the Hague Convention
  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • The Hague Convention – Hague Conference on Private International Law
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance

You should carry an international driving permit.

International Driving Permit

Dress and behaviour

Islamic practices and beliefs are closely adhered to in many parts of the country.

In all places of worship, women should cover their head with a scarf and all visitors should cover their arms and legs.

  • Dress conservatively, especially in areas outside major cities and coastal resorts
  • Behave discreetly
  • Respect religious and social traditions to avoid offending local sensitivities

In 2025, the lunar month of Ramadan is expected to begin on or around February 28.

In public, between sunrise and sunset, be discreet when:

The currency of Türkiye is the Turkish lira (TRY).

Wildfires around Izmir

Large fast-spreading wildfires are affecting northern areas of Izmir.

Authorities have ordered evacuations in areas around Izmir as wildfires threaten to reach the city.

For more information on wildfire


In February 2023, severe earthquakes struck several provinces in southeastern Türkiye resulting in tens of thousands of casualties and significant damage to critical infrastructure, buildings and private houses. There are reports indicating that most of the affected local populations live in temporary shelters or settlements awaiting reconstruction.

The authorities revoked the state of emergency on May 9, 2023. Recovery work is underway, but the situation remains precarious in the following southern provinces affected by the earthquakes:

If you are in the affected area, you can expect:

  • continued telecommunication and electricity disruptions
  • frequent aftershocks
  • limited food, water and hygiene options
  • limited accommodations
  • extremely limited transportation options from the disaster area

If you are planning to travel near an affected area despite this advisory:

  • monitor local media for the latest developments
  • follow the instructions of local authorities

Avoid non-essential travel to the provinces affected by the earthquakes as our ability to provide consular assistance to Canadians in that area is severely limited. If you need assistance, call the Embassy of Canada in Ankara: 90 (312) 409-2700.

Türkiye is located in an active seismic zone. Landslides are possible in affected areas, and strong aftershocks may occur after the initial earthquake.

Earthquakes - What to Do?

Severe rainstorms occur in various regions around Türkiye, especially in the Black Sea region and coastal areas. Heavy rainfall can cause severe flooding and landslides, resulting in extensive damage to infrastructure and hampering the provision of essential services in the affected areas. Roads may become impassable and bridges damaged.

Droughts and snowstorms can also delay travel and disrupt essential services.

Forest fires often occur during the summer months, particularly in provinces on the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts of Türkiye.

The air quality in areas near active fires may deteriorate due to heavy smoke.

In case of major fire:

  • stay away from the affected areas, especially if you suffer from respiratory ailments
  • follow the instructions of local authorities, including evacuation orders
  • monitor local media for up-to-date information on the situation

Local services

Dial 112 for emergency assistance.

Consular assistance

Azerbaijan, Georgia. Offering consular services to Canadians in Iran.

For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada to Türkiye, in Ankara, or the Consulate General of Canada to Türkiye, in Istanbul, and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Warnings and insurance

travel advisories turkey

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice. The embassy staff cannot travel to areas where FCDO advises against travel to help you in person. Staff can offer support by phone and email.

Turkey-Syria border

FCDO advises against all travel to within 10km of the border with Syria due to fighting and a heightened risk of terrorism.

Sirnak city

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to Sirnak city.

Hakkari Province

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to Hakkari Province.

Find out more about  why FCDO advises against travel .

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide as well as support for British nationals abroad which includes:

  • advice on preparing for travel abroad and reducing risks
  • information for women, LGBT+ and disabled travellers

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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Turkish Flag

Last verified: Tuesday, 13. August 2024 at 08:21 AM

Turkey Travel Advisory

  • Western Asia
  • Turkey Travel Advice

We advise caution when travelling to Turkey

Local situation: 3.5 / 5.

We advise caution when travelling to Turkey. We detected travel advisories from 8 sources for this specific country.

Regional Situation: 3.7 / 5

Turkey shares a land border with 8 neighbouring states. For this region of countries (including Turkey), the Advisory Index is 3.7 (average value over all countries). All countries have some reported advisories: Syria (5), Iraq (4.8), Iran (4.5), Armenia (3.3), Azerbaijan (3.3), Georgia (3), Bulgaria with 2.8 and Greece with 2.8 (of 5).

Current informationen on Covid-19 in Turkey

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Turkey. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET).

There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Turkey.


Advice scoring history for Turkey

Chart of the risk level over that last 200 days. This is the daily calculated travel risk for Turkey.

Chart of the number of sources over that last 200 days. This is the daily number of advisory sources (of any rating) that have been active on that day.

Note: Changes happening on the 28th/29th of July 2019 are related to a change in the software and number of sources processed.

Rating Details (single travel warnings)

These are the individual advisories published by other countries about the destination Turkey from a travellers perspective. The scoring of all messages combined is the foundation for the current rating 3.5 out of 5.0 .

Warning Level Icon

This is the general advisory usually covering the country as a whole.

Advisory issued by: New Zealand

Flag of New Zealand

Do not travel within 10 kilometres of the border with Syria due to the threat of terrorism, kidnapping and the potential for violence associated with the ongoing conflict in Syria (level 4 of 4). 


Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: United States

Flag of United States

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed. Exercise increased caution when traveling to Turkey due to terrorism and arbitrary detentions. Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do Not Travel To: Sirnak province, Hakkari province, and any area within six miles (10 kilometers) of the Syrian border due to terrorism. Country ...


Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: Finland

Flag of Finland

Iaktta särskild försiktighet - Undvik alla resor till Turkiets gränstrakter mot Syrien. Undvik resor som inte är nödvändiga till östra Turkiet vid gränsen mot Iran och Irak.


Warning Level Icon

Advisory issued by: Cyprus

Flag of Cyprus

Avoid non-essential travel


Individual rating changes for Turkey

This is the recent history of individual changes of travel advices that affected the total asessment of Turkey. Most recent events first.

Changes from October 14th 2022

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.6 to 3.5 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Finland

The Finnish government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 3.0.

Changes from August 7th 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.6 to 3.8 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of United States

The United States government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 2.0 (by +2.0).

Changes from April 12th 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.3 to 3.6 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Austria

The Austrian government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 5.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 3.0 (by +2.0).

Changes from March 22nd 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.2 to 3.3 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Canada

The Canadian government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 3.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 2.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 18th 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.0 to 3.2 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Ireland

The Irish government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 3.0 (by +1.0).

Flag of Australia

The Australian government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 5.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 4.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from March 14th 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 2.9 to 3.0 . Here are the influencing details:

The Australian government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 4.0.

Changes from March 12th 2020

The total rating for Turkey changed from 2.8 to 2.9 . Here are the influencing details:

Flag of Denmark

The Danish government increased their existing warning for Turkey to 4.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 3.0 (by +1.0).

Changes from September 25th 2019

The total rating for Turkey changed from 0.0 to 0.0 . Here are the influencing details:

The Danish government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 3.0.

The Irish government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 3.0.

Flag of Cyprus

The Cypriot government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 4.0.

Flag of New Zealand

The New Zealand government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 2.0.

The Canadian government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 2.0.

The Austrian government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 3.0.

The United States government issued a new warning for Turkey with a rating of 2.0.

Changes from September 6th 2019

The total rating for Turkey changed from 3.1 to 2.9 . Here are the influencing details:

The United States government decreased their existing warning for Turkey to 2.0 (of 5.0) from the previous rating of 4.0 (by -2.0).

About Turkey

Turkey with its capital Ankara is a country in Asia (Western Asia), slightly larger than Texas (780,580 km²). The country is located Southeastern Europe and Southwestern Asia (that portion of Turkey west of the Bosporus is geographically part of Europe), bordering the Black Sea, between Bulgaria and Georgia, and bordering the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, between Greece and Syria. The climate can be described as temperate; hot, dry summers with mild, wet winters; harsher in interior. The landscape is high central plateau (Anatolia); narrow coastal plain; several mountain ranges. With a population of about 71.89 million citizens.

Turkish flag

Flag of Turkey

Introduction Video

Basic Statistics and Facts

Environmental problems and natural hazzards.

These are problems Turkey is facing. Environmental issues refer to damages of the nature due to industry and society. Natural hazzards refer to potential dangers originating in nature.

Environmental problems

  • air pollution
  • concern for oil spills from increasing Bosporus ship traffic
  • deforestation
  • particularly in urban areas
  • water pollution from dumping of chemicals and detergents

Natural hazzards

  • limited volcanic activity; its three historically active volcanoes; Ararat, Nemrut Dagi, and Tendurek Dagi have not erupted since the 19th century or earlier
  • severe earthquakes, especially in northern Turkey, along an arc extending from the Sea of Marmara to Lake Van

Top Industries and Agricultural Products

These are the main product industries and agricultural products of Turkey. This list indicates what this country is good at producing.

  • automobiles
  • construction
  • electronics
  • food processing

Agriculture products

  • sugar beets

Turkish Imports and Exports

These are the main product categories of imports and exports to and from Turkey.

Export products

  • metal manufactures
  • transport equipment

Import products

  • semi-finished goods

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current travel advisory for turkey.

Turkey is currently rated at 3,5 out of a possible 5.0. Collected from 8 official sources. We advise caution when travelling to Turkey.

Is it safe to travel Turkey in 2024?

Visiting the country Turkey is usually fine. The score is at 3,5 Just keep an eye open, obey local rules and you'll most likely be fine.

How many travel advisories do you know for Turkey?

We currently evaluate 11 official sources each morning. Today, we know of active advisories from 8 individual sources for Turkey.

What is the current Corona virus situation in Turkey?

There are currently no officially reported cases of infections with SARS-CoV-2 (or Coronavirus) in Turkey. As reported by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control this morning (~8:30am CET). There are currently no officially reported deaths related to this disease in Turkey.

What is the size of Turkey?

Turkey has a size of 780,580 km² or 301,383 mi² which is slightly larger than Texas.

Common Frequently Asked Questions

For non-country specific questions, please check our global F.A.Q.

Travel safety map for Turkey and bordering countries.

Risk level icon

If you want to embed Turkey travel warning information into your website or application, check out these tools.

  • Is Turkey safe to travel?
  • What's the safety situation in Turkey?
  • Are there security warnings for Turkey?

Tonga Flag

2020-03-10: Integrated data from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2/ Coronavirus).

2019-09-01: Added timeline charts for risk level and number of advisories.

2019-07-29: Added two more sources (Finland and Denmark). Affects country ratings.

2019-07-15: South-Sudan was missing and was added today.

2019-05-18: Performance improvements for API users.

2019-03-23: Introduced professional API with more data.

2019-02-13: Added three more sources (Cyprus, Ireland and Malta). Affects country ratings.

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Turkey Traveler View

Travel health notices, vaccines and medicines, non-vaccine-preventable diseases, stay healthy and safe.

  • Packing List

After Your Trip

Map - Turkey

Be aware of current health issues in Turkey. Learn how to protect yourself.

Level 1 Practice Usual Precautions

  • Updated   Global Measles August 14, 2024 Many international destinations are reporting increased numbers of cases of measles. Destination List: Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of South Sudan, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Togo, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Zambia

⇧ Top

Check the vaccines and medicines list and visit your doctor at least a month before your trip to get vaccines or medicines you may need. If you or your doctor need help finding a location that provides certain vaccines or medicines, visit the Find a Clinic page.

Routine vaccines


Make sure you are up-to-date on all routine vaccines before every trip. Some of these vaccines include

  • Chickenpox (Varicella)
  • Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis
  • Flu (influenza)
  • Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR)

Immunization schedules

All eligible travelers should be up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines. Please see  Your COVID-19 Vaccination  for more information. 

COVID-19 vaccine

Hepatitis A

Recommended for unvaccinated travelers one year old or older going to Turkey.

Infants 6 to 11 months old should also be vaccinated against Hepatitis A. The dose does not count toward the routine 2-dose series.

Travelers allergic to a vaccine component should receive a single dose of immune globulin, which provides effective protection for up to 2 months depending on dosage given.

Unvaccinated travelers who are over 40 years old, immunocompromised, or have chronic medical conditions planning to depart to a risk area in less than 2 weeks should get the initial dose of vaccine and at the same appointment receive immune globulin.

Hepatitis A - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Hep A

Hepatitis B

Recommended for unvaccinated travelers younger than 60 years old traveling to Turkey. Unvaccinated travelers 60 years and older may get vaccinated before traveling to Turkey.

Hepatitis B - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Hep B

Cases of measles are on the rise worldwide. Travelers are at risk of measles if they have not been fully vaccinated at least two weeks prior to departure, or have not had measles in the past, and travel internationally to areas where measles is spreading.

All international travelers should be fully vaccinated against measles with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, including an early dose for infants 6–11 months, according to  CDC’s measles vaccination recommendations for international travel .

Measles (Rubeola) - CDC Yellow Book

Dogs infected with rabies are commonly found in Turkey.

Rabies is also present in some terrestrial wildlife species.

If rabies exposures occur while in Turkey, rabies vaccines may only be available in larger suburban/urban medical facilities.

Rabies pre-exposure vaccination considerations include whether travelers 1) will be performing occupational or recreational activities that increase risk for exposure to potentially rabid animals and 2) might have difficulty getting prompt access to safe post-exposure prophylaxis.

Please consult with a healthcare provider to determine whether you should receive pre-exposure vaccination before travel.

For more information, see country rabies status assessments .

Rabies - CDC Yellow Book

Recommended for most travelers, especially those staying with friends or relatives or visiting smaller cities or rural areas.

Typhoid - CDC Yellow Book

Dosing info - Typhoid

Avoid contaminated water


How most people get sick (most common modes of transmission)

  • Touching urine or other body fluids from an animal infected with leptospirosis
  • Swimming or wading in urine-contaminated fresh water, or contact with urine-contaminated mud
  • Drinking water or eating food contaminated with animal urine
  • Avoid contaminated water and soil
  • Avoid floodwater

Clinical Guidance

Avoid bug bites.

Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic fever

  • Tick bite 
  • Touching the body fluids of a person or animal infected with CCHF
  • Avoid Bug Bites


  • Sand fly bite

Airborne & droplet

  • Breathing in air or accidentally eating food contaminated with the urine, droppings, or saliva of infected rodents
  • Bite from an infected rodent
  • Less commonly, being around someone sick with hantavirus (only occurs with Andes virus)
  • Avoid rodents and areas where they live
  • Avoid sick people

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Breathe in TB bacteria that is in the air from an infected and contagious person coughing, speaking, or singing.

Learn actions you can take to stay healthy and safe on your trip. Vaccines cannot protect you from many diseases in Turkey, so your behaviors are important.

Eat and drink safely

Food and water standards around the world vary based on the destination. Standards may also differ within a country and risk may change depending on activity type (e.g., hiking versus business trip). You can learn more about safe food and drink choices when traveling by accessing the resources below.

  • Choose Safe Food and Drinks When Traveling
  • Water Treatment Options When Hiking, Camping or Traveling
  • Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
  • Avoid Contaminated Water During Travel

You can also visit the Department of State Country Information Pages for additional information about food and water safety.

Prevent bug bites

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Turkey. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

What can I do to prevent bug bites?

  • Cover exposed skin by wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
  • Use an appropriate insect repellent (see below).
  • Use permethrin-treated clothing and gear (such as boots, pants, socks, and tents). Do not use permethrin directly on skin.
  • Stay and sleep in air-conditioned or screened rooms.
  • Use a bed net if the area where you are sleeping is exposed to the outdoors.

What type of insect repellent should I use?

  • FOR PROTECTION AGAINST TICKS AND MOSQUITOES: Use a repellent that contains 20% or more DEET for protection that lasts up to several hours.
  • Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023, Bayrepel, and icaridin)
  • Oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane-diol (PMD)
  • 2-undecanone
  • Always use insect repellent as directed.

What should I do if I am bitten by bugs?

  • Avoid scratching bug bites, and apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce the itching.
  • Check your entire body for ticks after outdoor activity. Be sure to remove ticks properly.

What can I do to avoid bed bugs?

Although bed bugs do not carry disease, they are an annoyance. See our information page about avoiding bug bites for some easy tips to avoid them. For more information on bed bugs, see Bed Bugs .

For more detailed information on avoiding bug bites, see Avoid Bug Bites .

Stay safe outdoors

If your travel plans in Turkey include outdoor activities, take these steps to stay safe and healthy during your trip.

  • Stay alert to changing weather conditions and adjust your plans if conditions become unsafe.
  • Prepare for activities by wearing the right clothes and packing protective items, such as bug spray, sunscreen, and a basic first aid kit.
  • Consider learning basic first aid and CPR before travel. Bring a travel health kit with items appropriate for your activities.
  • If you are outside for many hours in heat, eat salty snacks and drink water to stay hydrated and replace salt lost through sweating.
  • Protect yourself from UV radiation : use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, wear protective clothing, and seek shade during the hottest time of day (10 a.m.–4 p.m.).
  • Be especially careful during summer months and at high elevation. Because sunlight reflects off snow, sand, and water, sun exposure may be increased during activities like skiing, swimming, and sailing.
  • Very cold temperatures can be dangerous. Dress in layers and cover heads, hands, and feet properly if you are visiting a cold location.

Stay safe around water

  • Swim only in designated swimming areas. Obey lifeguards and warning flags on beaches.
  • Practice safe boating—follow all boating safety laws, do not drink alcohol if driving a boat, and always wear a life jacket.
  • Do not dive into shallow water.
  • Do not swim in freshwater in developing areas or where sanitation is poor.
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming. Untreated water can carry germs that make you sick.
  • To prevent infections, wear shoes on beaches where there may be animal waste.

Keep away from animals

Most animals avoid people, but they may attack if they feel threatened, are protecting their young or territory, or if they are injured or ill. Animal bites and scratches can lead to serious diseases such as rabies.

Follow these tips to protect yourself:

  • Do not touch or feed any animals you do not know.
  • Do not allow animals to lick open wounds, and do not get animal saliva in your eyes or mouth.
  • Avoid rodents and their urine and feces.
  • Traveling pets should be supervised closely and not allowed to come in contact with local animals.
  • If you wake in a room with a bat, seek medical care immediately. Bat bites may be hard to see.

All animals can pose a threat, but be extra careful around dogs, bats, monkeys, sea animals such as jellyfish, and snakes. If you are bitten or scratched by an animal, immediately:

  • Wash the wound with soap and clean water.
  • Go to a doctor right away.
  • Tell your doctor about your injury when you get back to the United States.

Consider buying medical evacuation insurance. Rabies is a deadly disease that must be treated quickly, and treatment may not be available in some countries.

Reduce your exposure to germs

Follow these tips to avoid getting sick or spreading illness to others while traveling:

  • Wash your hands often, especially before eating.
  • If soap and water aren’t available, clean hands with hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol).
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. If you need to touch your face, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing.
  • Try to avoid contact with people who are sick.
  • If you are sick, stay home or in your hotel room, unless you need medical care.

Avoid sharing body fluids

Diseases can be spread through body fluids, such as saliva, blood, vomit, and semen.

Protect yourself:

  • Use latex condoms correctly.
  • Do not inject drugs.
  • Limit alcohol consumption. People take more risks when intoxicated.
  • Do not share needles or any devices that can break the skin. That includes needles for tattoos, piercings, and acupuncture.
  • If you receive medical or dental care, make sure the equipment is disinfected or sanitized.

Know how to get medical care while traveling

Plan for how you will get health care during your trip, should the need arise:

  • Carry a list of local doctors and hospitals at your destination.
  • Review your health insurance plan to determine what medical services it would cover during your trip. Consider purchasing travel health and medical evacuation insurance.
  • Carry a card that identifies, in the local language, your blood type, chronic conditions or serious allergies, and the generic names of any medications you take.
  • Some prescription drugs may be illegal in other countries. Call Turkey’s embassy to verify that all of your prescription(s) are legal to bring with you.
  • Bring all the medicines (including over-the-counter medicines) you think you might need during your trip, including extra in case of travel delays. Ask your doctor to help you get prescriptions filled early if you need to.

Many foreign hospitals and clinics are accredited by the Joint Commission International. A list of accredited facilities is available at their website ( ).

In some countries, medicine (prescription and over-the-counter) may be substandard or counterfeit. Bring the medicines you will need from the United States to avoid having to buy them at your destination.

Malaria is a risk in some parts of Turkey. If you are going to a risk area, fill your malaria prescription before you leave, and take enough with you for the entire length of your trip. Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking the pills; some need to be started before you leave.

Select safe transportation

Motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of healthy US citizens in foreign countries.

In many places cars, buses, large trucks, rickshaws, bikes, people on foot, and even animals share the same lanes of traffic, increasing the risk for crashes.

Be smart when you are traveling on foot.

  • Use sidewalks and marked crosswalks.
  • Pay attention to the traffic around you, especially in crowded areas.
  • Remember, people on foot do not always have the right of way in other countries.


Choose a safe vehicle.

  • Choose official taxis or public transportation, such as trains and buses.
  • Ride only in cars that have seatbelts.
  • Avoid overcrowded, overloaded, top-heavy buses and minivans.
  • Avoid riding on motorcycles or motorbikes, especially motorbike taxis. (Many crashes are caused by inexperienced motorbike drivers.)
  • Choose newer vehicles—they may have more safety features, such as airbags, and be more reliable.
  • Choose larger vehicles, which may provide more protection in crashes.

Think about the driver.

  • Do not drive after drinking alcohol or ride with someone who has been drinking.
  • Consider hiring a licensed, trained driver familiar with the area.
  • Arrange payment before departing.

Follow basic safety tips.

  • Wear a seatbelt at all times.
  • Sit in the back seat of cars and taxis.
  • When on motorbikes or bicycles, always wear a helmet. (Bring a helmet from home, if needed.)
  • Avoid driving at night; street lighting in certain parts of Turkey may be poor.
  • Do not use a cell phone or text while driving (illegal in many countries).
  • Travel during daylight hours only, especially in rural areas.
  • If you choose to drive a vehicle in Turkey, learn the local traffic laws and have the proper paperwork.
  • Get any driving permits and insurance you may need. Get an International Driving Permit (IDP). Carry the IDP and a US-issued driver's license at all times.
  • Check with your auto insurance policy's international coverage, and get more coverage if needed. Make sure you have liability insurance.
  • Avoid using local, unscheduled aircraft.
  • If possible, fly on larger planes (more than 30 seats); larger airplanes are more likely to have regular safety inspections.
  • Try to schedule flights during daylight hours and in good weather.

Medical Evacuation Insurance

If you are seriously injured, emergency care may not be available or may not meet US standards. Trauma care centers are uncommon outside urban areas. Having medical evacuation insurance can be helpful for these reasons.

Helpful Resources

Road Safety Overseas (Information from the US Department of State): Includes tips on driving in other countries, International Driving Permits, auto insurance, and other resources.

The Association for International Road Travel has country-specific Road Travel Reports available for most countries for a minimal fee.

For information traffic safety and road conditions in Turkey, see Travel and Transportation on US Department of State's country-specific information for Turkey .

Maintain personal security

Use the same common sense traveling overseas that you would at home, and always stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

Before you leave

  • Research your destination(s), including local laws, customs, and culture.
  • Monitor travel advisories and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) .
  • Leave a copy of your itinerary, contact information, credit cards, and passport with someone at home.
  • Pack as light as possible, and leave at home any item you could not replace.

While at your destination(s)

  • Carry contact information for the nearest US embassy or consulate .
  • Carry a photocopy of your passport and entry stamp; leave the actual passport securely in your hotel.
  • Follow all local laws and social customs.
  • Do not wear expensive clothing or jewelry.
  • Always keep hotel doors locked, and store valuables in secure areas.
  • If possible, choose hotel rooms between the 2nd and 6th floors.

Healthy Travel Packing List

Use the Healthy Travel Packing List for Turkey for a list of health-related items to consider packing for your trip. Talk to your doctor about which items are most important for you.

Why does CDC recommend packing these health-related items?

It’s best to be prepared to prevent and treat common illnesses and injuries. Some supplies and medicines may be difficult to find at your destination, may have different names, or may have different ingredients than what you normally use.

If you are not feeling well after your trip, you may need to see a doctor. If you need help finding a travel medicine specialist, see Find a Clinic . Be sure to tell your doctor about your travel, including where you went and what you did on your trip. Also tell your doctor if you were bitten or scratched by an animal while traveling.

For more information on what to do if you are sick after your trip, see Getting Sick after Travel .

Map Disclaimer - The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement are generally marked.

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Is it safe to travel to Türkiye right now? Latest travel advice

Here is everything we know about travelling to Türkiye amidst the conflict in Israel

Liv Kelly

Türkiye’s abundance of cultural heritage, fascinating historical sites, great architecture, food and people have made it a go-to holiday destination for decades. Istanbul is an incredibly vibrant city, which straddles two continents, but the country is also known for its beautiful landscape and coastlines. 

However, its proximity to the continuing conflict in Israel , which erupted on Saturday October 7, is causing concern about how safe it is to travel to this region of the world. Here is everything we know about travelling to Türkiye amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict. 

Is it safe to travel to Türkiye at the moment? 

Türkiye  has not been impacted by the conflict in Israel.  It depends on where in the country you’re travelling, but the majority of destinations in Türkiye are safe and tourist-friendly. Certain areas have experienced wildfires over the summer, and the UK Foreign Office estimates that the terrorist threat is ‘very high’. However, travelling to Türkiye is not advised against. 

How about Antalya? 

A city with gorgeous beaches which is full of ancient Greek and Roman remnants, Antalya is one of Türkiye’s fastest-growing tourist destinations.  

The province experienced wildfires earlier this year, which began in the forests of Kemer. However, the region has been considered a safe place to travel since the fires were brought under control. 

Is it safe to travel to Istanbul?

There is currently no official advice stating that it is unsafe to travel to Istanbul.

What is the UK Foreign Office saying? 

The UK Foreign Office advises against all travel to anywhere within 10km of the border with Syria. It also advises against all but essential travel with Sirnak (city) and Hakkari (province). 

Travellers are free to visit the rest of Türkiye, but the advice is to remain vigilant. Political protests can break out unexpectedly and the country is considered to have a ‘very high’ threat of terrorist attacks. The webpage also states that Türkiye is prone to experiencing wildfires during the summer, and recommends taking care when driving through woodland areas. 

What about the Turkey Travel Advisory? 

The advice from the Turkey Travel Advisory is similar to that of the UK Foreign Office. It marks Sirnak, Hakkari and anywhere within 10 km of the Syrian Border as a level four, which means ‘do not travel’. 

Advice about the rest of Türkiye encourages travellers to stay alert, avoid demonstrations and crowds, and to monitor local media for up-to-date information. You can read more about the Turkey Travel Advisory’s recommendations on their webpage. 

How far is Türkiye from Israel? 

Türkiye is 879 km from Israel, or about an hour and a half flight. Türkiye is north of Israel, and the two countries do not share a border. 

Is travel to other countries near Israel safe?

The Foreign Office does not currently advise against travelling to countries bordering Israel, but advice may change quickly as the violence escalates. 

Read more about the latest  travel advice for Israel and Egypt  and Jordan . 

For more information on how to help those affected by the conflict, you can read our guide on where to donate here . 

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Is it Safe to Travel to Turkey

Last Updated on August 4, 2024

In my 50 years of experience traveling in Turkey, I have lived through times of difficult relations between the USA and Turkey. Some Turks would converse about the difficulties, ask questions, state their opinions, etc., but I never felt myself to be in physical danger. That was my experience.

However, there can be  no guarantee of complete safety , anywhere in the world, for any individual traveler that nothing unpleasant will ever happen. Too many individual factors come into play.

Travelers—including Americans—are still going to Turkey and most find a warm welcome, low prices, and all the beauties and advantages that make Turkey one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world each year.

Read the  TTP Safety Page   to learn more about common safety concerns and make travel decisions you can be comfortable with.

Join our Facebook group where you can hear more from long-term residents of Turkey and newly returned travelers who share their advice and experiences.

August 2024 Travel Advice

The current travel advisories remain at the same level. There have been recent reports of protests regarding the war, but there is no increased risk in traveling to Turkey. Tourist destinations remain safe and open for travel. As a traveler, it is generally wise to avoid any large demonstrations in any country.  Because protests may take place outside of the embassy of foreign countries, it can sometimes result in increased traffic in the area or (rarely) embassy closures.  Enroll in your country's travel notification system for the most updated travel warnings and advice (see below).

Is Turkey safe for solo female travelers?

Turkey is in fact a safe destinations for solo female travelers (see our video at the top of this page). But it is important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings, as you would when traveling in any foreign country. It is wise to follow general recommendations such as to dress modestly, avoid traveling alone at night, and to be aware of the local customs and cultural norms. Additionally, it is a good idea to inform friends or family of your travel itinerary and to stay in well-lit and populated areas. Also consider registering with your government's foreign travel system. As with any travel, it is also important to stay informed about any potential safety risks or travel advisories in the area.

Is driving in Turkey safe?

Are there any recommended tips for staying safe while walking around turkey's cities and towns.

Here are 5 tips to stay safe when traveling

  • Avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas, and stay in well-lit and populated areas.
  • Dress modestly and be aware of the local laws and customs as well as cultural norms. Try to blend in and keep a low profile. It's a good idea to keep your valuables, such as your passport and money, hidden and secure. Avoid carrying large amounts of cash, and use a money belt or hidden pouch to keep your valuables safe.
  • Keep a photocopy of your passport and ID (and visa, if applicable) in case they are lost or stolen.
  • Be vigilant in crowded areas (such as tourist sites and in the markets) and on public transportation, as pickpocketing can be a common problem.
  • Write down the emergency number (112) and the information for the nearest embassy or consulate.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey with children?

Yes, many families enjoy traveling in Turkey with their children.  There are many family-friendly destinations. You may find it more convenient to stay at a hotel or accommodation that caters to families. As with traveling in other countries, pay close attention in crowded areas and be sure to have an emergency plan in place for your family.

Travel Advisories

The US has revised the travel warning for Turkey by dropping it down to a 2   with only noteworthy warnings on the Eastern borders.

The terrorism incidents that caused travelers to avoid Turkey for several years are now in the past, with no large events being reported in the past 2 or 3 years. Tourism is in a period of recovery now and tourist numbers in 2022 nearly returned to their 2019 pre-pandemic figures.

I follow the diplomats' advice to avoid large gatherings, especially any that are political, etc. Please read these  Travel Advisories:

UK Foreign Office

The United Kingdom's  Foreign Office has the following information on its  website regarding travel in Eastern Turkey:

"The Foreign and Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advise against all travel to areas within 10 km of the border with Syria.

The FCDO advise against all but essential travel to:

  • the province of Hakkari

Additionally, they advise tourists to always carry their passport and a copy of their visa with them while in Turkey. There's lots more. Here it is.

US Department of State

The  US Department of State  has a travel warning on its  website which includes this Level 2 warning :

"Exercise Increased Caution" is the statement for the whole of Turkey with only the below significant warning mentioned:

Do not travel to:

  • Sirnak province, Hakkari province, and any area within six miles (ten kilometers) of the Syrian border due to  terrorism .

Read the entire  Travel Advisory.

The  Embassy of the United States  in Ankara website  also issues useful advice.

Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Here is the warning for Australian travelers,  which is similar to those mentioned above.

Government Traveler Records

Many national governments maintain records of travelers visiting foreign destinations so they can alert travelers on the road to dangers as they may arise.

For example, if you apply to join the  US Department of State 's  Safe Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) , US diplomats in Turkey will have a record of your personal, passport, contact and emergency information in an online database. If they feel it advisable to alert you to a dangerous situation, the database can make it possible.

If you are not a US citizen, your country's government may have a similar program, to which you may wish to apply. It can't hurt, and it may help, if only to allay anxiety.

Economic Situation & Foreign Relations

In recent years, the Turkish lira has suffered a substantial loss of value versus the major currencies of the US dollar, euro, pound sterling and Japanese yen. This makes a visit to Turkey less expensive for travelers who convert those currencies to liras, but it also has created economic difficulties for the Turkish economy. Its effects are felt most by ordinary Turks, and Turkish businesses.

Relations between Turkey and the USA can be strained at times with trade tariffs being levied by both countries, and disagreements over foreign, military, and banking relations. However, Turkey is a NATO ally which adds an extra level of security.

February 2023 Earthquake

On February 6, 2023 the southeastern region of Turkey suffered a magnitude 7.8 earthquake . Currently, access to the affected areas has been restricted to allow for recovery efforts.

Travel to Turkey remains open and there is no increased risk in visiting other regions of Turkey. Read government alerts linked below for the most updated information.

COVID-19 Situation

There are no restrictions or requirements for entering Turkey. Visitors no longer need to show proof of vaccination, quarantine, or wear masks. For travelers who still wish to take precautions, there are many options for visiting airy outdoor sites which allow you to maintain your distance.

—by  Tom Brosnahan , updated by Kimberly Price

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Turkey travel warning to UK holidaymakers as Foreign Office issues update

Areas to avoid and threat of terrorist attacks reiterated as more than a million brits plan to head off on a turkish summer break, article bookmarked.

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Holidaymakers travelling to Turkey this summer have been warned against visiting certain areas of the country, in updated travel advice from the UK government.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) “advises against all travel within 10km of the border with Syria” and “advises against all but essential travel” to the city of Sirnak and the Hakkari province (both in the south of the country, also near the Syrian border). It also clarifies that “no travel can be guaranteed safe” and anyone visiting Turky should purchase suitable travel insurance.

While not a huge departure from the previous advice, it highlights the political turbulence in a country already struggling in parts following t he 5.6 magnitude earthquake earlier this year . It’s also worth remembering that the majority of holidays in Turkey are without trouble.

The FCDO told The Independent : “The safety of British nationals is always our main concern in determining our travel advice. We constantly review our travel advice for each country or territory to ensure it includes up-to-date information and advice on the most relevant issues for British people visiting or living there.

“The changes to the terrorism section of each Travel Advice page reflects the fact that global terror threat is now more diverse and not limited to those inspired by Islamist ideologies.

“FCDO Travel Advice is just that – advice. It provides information to help British nationals make informed decisions about foreign travel but we cannot enforce it and it remains a decision for individuals whether they feel it is safe for them to travel”.

What are the entry requirements for Turkey?

UK nationals visiting Turkey must have a passport that is valid for at least 150 days from the date you arrive, and it must have at least one full blank page for entry and exit stamps. If you are entering turkey via a land border, make sure your passport has a dated entry stamp before you leave the border crossing.

Anyone visiting Turkey for tourism or business for up to 90 days in any 180-day period does not need a visa. However, if you need to remain in Turkey for more than 90 days, apply for a longer stay visa or get a residence permit before the end of your 90-day stay.

It is worth noting for the future that Turkey is not one of the countries where visitors will need an ETIAS travel permit from next year onwards.

Local laws and customs

There are local laws that tourists should be aware of. It is illegal not to carry some form of photographic ID in Turkey, and smoking is illegal on public transport and in all indoor workplaces and public places.

It is also illegal to insult the Turkish nation or the national flag, or to deface currency. This can include comments about the Turkish state, and carries a prison sentence of between 6 months and 3 years.

Remember to dress modestly if you’re visiting a mosque or a religious shrine, and do not take photographs near military or official installations.

While homosexuality is legal in Turkey, the FCDO warns that “many parts of Turkey are socially conservative and showing affection in public could result in unwelcome attention”.

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Thousands evacuated and travel warnings issued as wildfires rage in Turkey

Wildfires have raged across Turkey in the past few days causing thousands to be evacuated as the country experiences over 130 fires in less than a week

Efforts continue to extinguish fire that broke out in Ovacik district of Karabuk, Turkiye

  • 11:16, 19 Aug 2024
  • Updated 11:34, 19 Aug 2024

Thousands of civilians have been evacuated in Turkey as travel warnings have been issued due to raging wildfires.

Several regions in western Turkey have been evacuated after more than 130 fires blazed across the west of the country over the past week. Whilst most of the 130 fires are now under control, major fires are still active in the provinces of Izmir, Aydin, Manisa, Karabuk and Bolu, which are in the built up, tourist heavy western side of the country.

Over the weekend, thousands of firefighters have been tackling the blazes from both the land and the air. So far, no casualties have been reported, according to Agriculture and Forestry Minister Ibrahim Yumakli. Yesterday, the Forestry Minister announced that firefighters had managed to get two of the larger forest fires under control, with many more expected to become controlled soon.

Has your holiday been impacted by the wildfires in Turkey? Email us at [email protected]

However, Turkish authorities are still issuing warnings as there is a high risk of further wildfires in northern and western Turkey, for the next couple of days, due to high temperatures, low humidity and strong winds. The General Directorate of Forestry has also told people to not light fires outside for the next 10 days as the weather conditions across western Turkey increase the risk of wildfires to 70 per cent.

The UK's Foreign Commonwealth office notes: "Extreme temperatures can affect many areas of Turkey over the summer months." Brits abroad are urged to follow NHS guidelines on dealing with the heat, which include staying hydrated and limiting exposure to the sun.

The FCO cautions: "Wildfires happen frequently in Turkey during summer," and advises travellers to keep abreast of the situation through local news and authority updates.

Sunday marked the fourth day of firefighters battling blazes in attempt to get them under control. The country's Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate, AFAD, announced that more than 131 forest fires erupted in the past week.

As firefighters gain control over some of the fires, Ibrahim Yumakli told reporters: “There is no risk in the section overlooking the city. Firefighters have trapped the fire in a valley. Thank God, this fire in the Yamanlar area of Izmir is now under control.”

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Ibrahim explained that efforts continue to battle the remaining blazes, however most of the flames had now been contained. The wildfires started on Thursday in the Yamanlar Mountain in Izmir’s Karsiyaka district, before quickly spreading to residential and industrial areas.

Due to the escalation, several neighbourhoods had to be evacuated. Across five different neighbourhoods, 900 people had to evacuate their homes. In total, over 4,000 people have been evacuated in the past days.

In a statement on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), the Turkish Urbanisation and Environment Minister, Murat Kurum, informed that of the 52 buildings inspected by the ministry in Karsiyaka, 43 were damaged due to the blaze.

travel advisories turkey

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This July was Turkey's hottest in 53 years, with temperatures reaching 45.9°C in Sirnak in the southeast of the country.

Unfortunately, wildfires are not uncommon in Turkey during the summer. The largest wildfire to have occurred in the country is the Manavgat Wildfire, which began in July 2021 and lasted for more than two weeks.

MORE ON Wildfires Turkey (Türkiye) European Destinations

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Tensions escalate in Middle East: Countries issue travel warnings for Lebanon

India : The Indian Embassy in Beirut has issued multiple advisories, the most recent urging Indian nationals to avoid all travel to and from Lebanon. The embassy has also advised Indians in Israel to remain vigilant and adhere to safety protocols. Air India has suspended flights to Tel Aviv as a precaution. Currently, there are approximately 26,000 Indians in Israel, 10,000 in Iran, and 4,000 in Lebanon.

Turkey : The Turkish Foreign Ministry has advised its citizens currently in Lebanon to depart if their stay is non-essential. The ministry cited concerns over a rapidly deteriorating security situation in the region. This caution comes as tensions escalate, raising fears of further instability.

Read more: India cautions citizens against travelling to Bangladesh until further notice

United States : The US recently said that several airlines have suspended or canceled flights, and many flights are fully booked. Nevertheless, commercial transportation options to leave Lebanon are still accessible. They further advised those looking to leave Lebanon to book any available ticket, even if the flight is not immediate or does not follow their preferred route.

Australia : Australia has directed its citizens and residents in Lebanon to leave immediately. It stressed that the Australian government might face difficulties assisting citizens if tensions lead to the closure of Beirut Airport.

Indonesia : The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised against travel to Lebanon, Iran, and Israel, and urged them to leave immediately from Lebanon and heightened vigilance.

United Kingdom : The UK Foreign Office has updated its travel advisory to recommend caution and to avoid all travel to Lebanon. The advisory reflects growing concerns over the safety of British nationals in the region.

Canada : The Canadian government has issued a warning for its nationals to return home if they are in Lebanon. The advisory also discourages travel to Beirut due to the escalating conflict.

France : The French Embassy in Beirut has urged its citizens to leave Lebanon as soon as they can, reflecting the heightened risks and uncertainties in the region.

Read more: India cautions citizens against travelling to the UK amid ongoing riots

Italy : Italy has also urged its citizens currently in Lebanon to avoid traveling to the southern part of the country and to return to Italy as soon as possible using commercial flights due to the worsening situation. He also advised Italian tourists against traveling to Lebanon.

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Tensions escalate in Middle East: Countries issue travel warnings for Lebanon


British mum dies after ‘Brazilian butt lift’ surgery in Turkey

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A British mum has died after she went to Turkey to have a ‘mummy MOT surgery’, her family has said.

Mum-of-two Kaydell Brown, 38, from Sheffield paid £5,400 to a clinic in Istanbul to get a Brazilian bum lift, a tummy tuck and liposuction.

The operation, which took place at Clinic Expert on March 26 earlier this year, was supposed to take five hours.

But ten hours later, at 7.20am, her family was told she had died on the operating table.

Kaydell’s sister, Leanne, 40, who was going to have the same surgery has now spoken out, calling the clinic a ‘pop up butcher shop that needs shutting down’.

In an interview with ITV, Leanne described how she went to the clinic with her sister, who worked as a hairdresser.

She said medics told her that Kaydell had died and then, a short while later, she was handed an envelope of cash as a refund and informed that she had been booked on the next flight home.

Leanne said: ‘It’s like, “Sorry she’s dead, here’s your plane ticket”.’

The devastated sister explained that ‘loving and caring’ Kaydell had hoped the surgery would get her life ‘back on track’ after she had put on weight when she broke her ankle.

The two sisters then decided they would both have the surgery at ClinicExpert and worked hard to afford the £5,400 needed for the procedures, flights and accommodation.

To have the same procedures at home in the UK, it would have cost £15,000.

When the pair arrived in Turkey, Leanne described how Kaydell was in good spirits.

She said: ‘She was really happy. She was excited. We were smiling, having a laugh and she just wanted to get there and get it done.’

Leanne said staff explained how they had tried to wake Kaydell up after the surgery but that some fat must have travelled to her lungs.

Leanne continued: ‘She went in for surgery about 9.30am and that was the last time I saw her.

‘They told me that evening that she didn’t make it. I couldn’t believe it. I was still in a room waiting for her to come back. I had asked a few times how long she was going to be, and they kept saying, “She’s coming”.

“And then I got a knock on the door and three people walked in and said, “Can you come with us please?”. They started trying to say, “You know there are complications with surgery”, and I said, “Has my sister died?”. And he said, “I’m sorry but yes”.

The heartbroken sister claimed she was refused permission to see Kaydell’s body and that she was back in the airport to get on a flight home the very next day.

Kaydell’s body was returned to the UK three days later.

A pathologist in the UK then examined some of her body tissue, and an inquest into her death was opened in Sheffield on Friday.

Coroner Marilyn Whittle said: ‘We are still making inquiries into the death. We need more information.’

Ms Whittle adjourned the inquest until February 28 for a case management review but also told the family she hopes it can be heard earlier than that.

She added: ‘I hope we can get the answers we need for you.’

When ITV and the Mirror approached bosses at the Istanbul clinic about Kaydell’s death they said ’cause can only be identified by the coroner’s office’ but their ‘deduction’ pointed to a ‘fat emboli blocking a lung blood vessel’.

They said: ‘Complications are [the] undesirable and unexpected result of an operation… They are not malpractices. We are very sad for Kaydell’s loss, but we also have nothing we need to hide.’

‘ClinicExpert has been performing aesthetic surgeries for Turkish and international patients [for] 13 years.

‘It performed slightly over 23,000 aesthetic surgeries. Unfortunately, we lost two aesthetic surgery patients in 13 years. Two is a very big number for us, and for the loved ones of patients.

‘But two over 23,000 is 0.000087 mortality rate. This rate is far below the international averages in most developed countries and most advanced  hospitals . Our medical director and medical board reviewed the case.

‘We didn’t conclude any malpractice in Kaydell’s loss.’

Metro has contacted Clinic Expert for further comment.

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Ukraine war latest: Third Russian bridge 'attacked' - as Putin 'in position he never dreamt in worst nightmares'

Russia says Ukraine has attacked a third bridge in the Kursk region - as an ex-UK foreign secretary says Kyiv has put Vladimir Putin "into a position he never dreamt in his worst nightmares". Listen to a Daily podcast on how Ukraine crossed the Russian president's "red line" as you scroll.

Monday 19 August 2024 17:34, UK

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  • Ukrainian city under attack tells families to evacuate
  • Third bridge 'attacked' in Russian region of Kursk
  • Michael Clarke : Battle of bridges is about to begin
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  • Your questions answered: What is Ukraine hoping to achieve with invasion of Russia?
  • Listen to the Daily above and tap here to follow wherever you get your podcasts

That's all our live coverage on the war in Ukraine for now. 

We will be back if there are any major developments this evening. If not, we'll be back tomorrow with all the latest updates.

Before we go, here's a reminder of today's key events:

  • A "battle of bridges" may be about to start after Ukraine targeted a third Russian bridge in the region of Kursk, defence and security analyst Professor Michael Clarke said;
  • A mandatory evacuation order for families with children has begun in the city of Pokrovsk in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region, as Russian forces advance; Sir Keir Starmer's spokesman says there has been "no change" in the UK's position on Ukraine using Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia's borders;
  • Ukraine's attack on the Kursk region means Russia is not ready to hold peace talks for now, an aide to Vladimir Putin has said;
  • Elon Musk has denied gifting a Tesla Cybertruck to a Chechen warlord;
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a clear indication as to the goals of the two week-old invasion for the first time last night, saying he wanted to create a buffer zone for his country. 

Lithuania has today started building a military base that will accommodate up to 4,000 German troops once it's completed by the end of 2027.

It will be the first permanent foreign deployment for the German military since the end of the Second World War.

Lithuania's chief of defence, Raimundas Vaiksnoras, estimated it would spend more than a billion euros building the base over the next three years.

Amid fears Russia could eventually decide to invade other neighbouring countries, Mr Vaiksnoras said it would give "reassurance to our population and as deterrence, to push the Russians out".

The base will be located near the capital Vilnius, which is about 150 miles from the Russian border and 12 miles from Belarus, a staunch supporter of the Kremlin.

German defence minister Boris Pistorius compared the posting of 4,000 troops to allied forces being stationed in West Germany during the Cold War - a move that was also designed to defend Europe in the case of a Soviet attack.

Russia says it is banning 32 experts and employees at British thinktanks.

Moscow has accused them of pushing an anti-Russian line in Western policy circles, Reuters reports. 

People on the list of those banned, which has been published on the Russian foreign ministry's website, have also been accused of spreading disinformation designed to discredit Moscow. 

We told you earlier that Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, was visiting Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine later this week. 

We now have a little bit more detail on Mr Modi's visit to Kyiv, scheduled for 23 August.

The Ukrainian presidential office said on Telegram that the two leaders would discuss the countries' relations and multilateral cooperation.

"This is the first visit of the head of the Indian government to our country in the history of bilateral relations", the office added.

Ukraine claims to be making advances after launching a shock invasion into Russia's Kursk border region, in a move which has embarrassed Vladimir Putin's top military brass.

Readers have been sending in their questions to our senior correspondents and military experts for their take on the latest developments.

Today, Jane in Shropshire asks:

What is success for Ukraine in their invasion into Russia?

Our  security and defence analyst Michael Clarke says:

This incursion is, by definition, a temporary military manoeuvre, designed to put pressure on Russian strategy and gain some military leverage.

It will end when the coming battle of Kursk has reached a point where Ukrainian forces judge that they can still leave the pocket without being too badly mauled by Russian forces, who will be trying to cut them off from their escape route back into Ukraine. 

But that point may be some weeks away.

Success and failure will be an essentially political judgement: did Ukraine's Kursk offensive relieve Russian military pressure elsewhere - particularly in the Donbas around Chasiv Yar, Toretsk, Niu York and Pokrovsk, where Ukrainian forces are under real pressure? Did it increase support for Kyiv in the West? Did it affect the mood around Putin and the confidence in the Kremlin that they would win this war sooner or later?  

Those will be the metrics by which this bold initiative will eventually be judged.

Sir Keir Starmer's spokesman says there has been "no change" in the UK's position on Ukraine using Storm Shadow missiles inside Russia's borders.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants to use the missiles to attack targets deep inside Russia that could speed up the end of the war.

But Britain, along with other Western governments, have so far rebuffed Kyiv's requests amid fears of escalation.  

Asked about Storm Shadow missiles and whether Ukraine is permitted to use them in Kursk as part of its push into Russia, a No 10 spokesman said: "We are providing military aid to support Ukraine's clear right to self-defence."

Asked about discussions between the UK and overseas partners, including the US and France, the spokesperson added: "We also have an ongoing dialogue with our allies about a co-ordinated effort between us all to do the same thing and be united in our support for Ukraine.

"So, more broadly, yes, there are conversations always happening between ourselves."

Civilians in Pokrosvk in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region have just a week or two to flee their homes as Russian troops make rapid gains, a Ukrainian official has said.

A key target city for Moscow, fighting around Pokrovsk remains the heaviest in eastern Ukraine.

Several clashes were reported in the area last week as Kyiv pushed on with its shock invasion of Russia's Kursk border region.

Serhiy Dobriak, the head of Pokrovsk's military administration, said residents should leave as quickly as they can.

They have "a week or two, no more", he told Radio Liberty's Ukrainian Service.

He said authorities have capacity to evacuate at least 1,000 people per day, but only around half that amount is currently leaving.

Some 53,000 people, including nearly 4,000 children, remain in the city.

More than 121,000 people have been evacuated from nine border districts in Kursk, Russian media is reporting, citing the country's emergencies ministry.

Ukrainian troops launched a cross-border invasion into the region nearly two weeks ago, in a move that shocked Vladimir Putin and his top military leaders and left them struggling to push Kyiv's forces back.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy said earlier that he was briefed by his top military commander that Ukraine was achieving its goals in Kursk.

Kyiv predicts Moscow will have around 200,000 extra forces in Ukraine by the end of the year, according to a report.

Forbes Ukraine cited deputy defence minister Ivan Havryliuk as saying some 800,000 Russian troops were expected in the country by the end of 2024.

Currently, there are around 600,000 soldiers in occupied areas of Ukraine, he said.

Analysts at the Royal United Services Institute say Russian forces have been expanding in size despite suffering heavy casualties, and the Kremlin believes it can sustain the "current rate of attrition" through 2025.

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  1. Turkey Travel Advisory

    Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Do Not Travel To: Sirnak province, Hakkari province, and any area within six miles (10 kilometers) of the Syrian border due to terrorism. Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Turkey. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting ...

  2. Turkey (Türkiye)

    In 2019, Turkey was the United States' 28th largest goods export market and its 32nd largest supplier of goods imports. Turkey is the 7th largest purchaser of U.S. liquified natural gas exports worldwide and an emerging regional. Although overall U.S.-Turkey trade jumped from $10.8 billion in 2009 to $21 billion in 2020, it remains modest ...

  3. Alerts and Messages

    Alerts. Security Alert: Potential for Demonstrations (1 August, 2024) Message for U.S. Citizens: Celebrate Democracy this 4th of July by Ensuring You Are Prepared to Vote in the 2024 U.S. Election (3 July, 2024) Message to U.S. citizens: Ongoing Demonstrations (26 June, 2024) Worldwide Caution Alert (17 May, 2024)

  4. Turkey International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  5. Travel Advisories

    Turkey Travel Advisory: Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution: July 26, 2023: Turkmenistan Travel Advisory: Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions: January 22, 2024: ... TRAVEL ADVISORIES AND ALERTS: THE DETAILS Enroll in STEP. Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

  6. Travel Advisory: Türkiye

    Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency. Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter. Review the Country Security Report for Turkey. Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

  7. Türkiye Travel Advice & Safety

    take official warnings seriously; follow the advice of local authorities; If there is an attack, leave the affected area immediately if it's safe to do so. If you plan to travel to Türkiye to commemorate Anzac Day, understand the risks and plan ahead. Read our 'Travel overseas for Anzac Day' page for further information on attending the event.

  8. Travel advice and advisories for Türkiye

    Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, can occur throughout Türkiye. Avoid showing signs of affluence. Ensure that your belongings, passports and other travel documents are secure at all times. If travelling by car, keep valuable belongings out of sight, windows closed and doors locked.

  9. Travel Advisory Updates

    Office of the Spokesperson. April 19, 2021. State Department Travel Advisory Updates. In order to provide U.S. travelers detailed and actionable information to make informed travel decisions, the Department of State regularly assesses and updates our Travel Advisories, based primarily on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ...

  10. Turkey travel advice

    Warning FCDO advises against all travel to parts of Turkey. Contents Warnings and insurance ... Health; Getting help; Subscriptions. Get email alerts Warnings and insurance Still current at: 19 ...

  11. Travel.State.Gov CSI

    Explore the interactive travel safety map to find information on travel advisories for U.S. citizens.

  12. Turkey Travel Advisory

    We advise caution when travelling to Turkey. We detected travel advisories from 8 sources for this specific country. Regional Situation: 3.7 / 5. Turkey shares a land border with 8 neighbouring states. For this region of countries (including Turkey), the Advisory Index is 3.7 (average value over all countries).

  13. Is it safe to travel to Turkey right now? Latest travel advice

    Over three million Brits visit Turkey each year, and the numbers are only going up. However, while most of the country is considered safe to travel to by the UK Foreign Office, there are travel warnings in place for its border with Syria. Areas around its border with Iraq should also be avoided for non-essential travel.

  14. Turkey

    For information traffic safety and road conditions in Turkey, see Travel and Transportation on US Department of State's country-specific information for Turkey. Hide. ... Monitor travel advisories and alerts and read travel tips from the US Department of State. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Leave a copy of your ...

  15. Is It Safe To Travel To Turkey Right Now? Latest Travel Advice

    The advice from the Turkey Travel Advisory is similar to that of the UK Foreign Office. It marks Sirnak, Hakkari and anywhere within 10 km of the Syrian Border as a level four, which means 'do ...

  16. Is it Safe to Travel to Turkey

    August 2024 Travel Advice. The current travel advisories remain at the same level. There have been recent reports of protests regarding the war, but there is no increased risk in traveling to Turkey. Tourist destinations remain safe and open for travel. As a traveler, it is generally wise to avoid any large demonstrations in any country.

  17. What travelers to Turkey need to know

    Ad Feedback. Now in a three-month state of national emergency, Turkey is a major tourism destination, attracting 44.6 million foreign arrivals in 2022, according to Turkish government statistics ...

  18. Travel warnings: Everything tourists need to know about the Turkey and

    The Kahramanmaras earthquake was felt throughout southeast Turkey and north Syria. The first earthquake hit the southeastern city of Gaziantep at 4.17 am local time. A second quake - with a 7.5 ...

  19. Travel Advisory:Turkey: Level 3: Reconsider Travel T H O

    The Department of State renewed its Travel Advisory for Turkey on August 26, 2020. The Department continues to advise travelers to exercise normal precautions in Turkey. Turkey: Level 3: Reconsider Travel T H O. Reconsider travel to Turkey due to COVID-19. Exercise increased caution when traveling to Turkey due to terrorism and arbitrary ...

  20. Security Message for U.S. Citizens: TURKEY TRAVEL WARNING

    Contact the Consular Agency in Izmir at [email protected]. Call 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada or 1-202-501-4444 from other countries from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

  21. Travel Warning

    For further detailed information regarding Turkey and travel: See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution, Travel Warnings, Travel Alerts, and Turkey's Country Specific Information. Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

  22. Turkey travel warning to UK holidaymakers as Foreign Office issues

    Holidaymakers travelling to Turkey this summer have been warned against visiting certain areas of the country, in updated travel advice from the UK government. The Foreign, Commonwealth and ...

  23. Thousands evacuated and travel warnings issued as wildfires rage in Turkey

    Thousands of civilians have been evacuated in Turkey as travel warnings have been issued due to raging wildfires. Several regions in western Turkey have been evacuated after more than 130 fires ...

  24. Tensions escalate in Middle East: Countries issue travel warnings ...

    In response, several nations, including India, Turkey, the US, Australia, Indonesia, the UK, Canada, France, and Italy, issued urgent travel advisories for Lebanon, urging their citizens to leave ...

  25. British mum dies after 'Brazilian butt lift' surgery in Turkey

    38-year-old Kaydell Brown died during surgery in Istanbul (Picture: Facebook/ITV) A British mum has died after she went to Turkey to have a 'mummy MOT surgery', her family has said. Mum-of-two ...

  26. Wildfires rage in western Turkey for a 3rd straight day exacerbated by

    The General Directorate of Forestry warned people not to light fires outside for the next 10 days because of the weather conditions across western Turkey, warning of a 70% greater risk of wildfires. Firefighters extinguished on Friday a blaze in Canakkale province that threatened World War I memorials and graves at the Gallipoli battle site .

  27. WHO declares mpox outbreak a global health emergency

    The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the ongoing mpox outbreak in Africa a global health emergency. WHO convened its emergency committee amid concerns that a deadlier strain of the ...

  28. Ukraine war latest: Zelenskyy reveals aim of Kursk invasion; Starmer

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the military incursion into Russia's Kursk region aims to create a buffer zone - the first time he has clearly stated the aim of the operation.