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Visiting Paris in August: Weather, Packing & Highlights

visit paris august

When Paris is the Least Parisian...and Visitors Take Over

If you've ever visited Paris in August, you'll know that the city isn't exactly in its normal state. Most locals abandon Paris for the overpacked beaches of the Cote d'Azur or the Atlantic Coast, and Paris falls under the reign of visitors from around the globe. Laid-back, festive, and eerily stripped of its metropolitan stress levels, the city of light is a tourist's playground in August. And as for the full-time residents who've stayed behind, well, they're equally relieved to have fewer locals around. The enthusiasm of visitors tends to be infectious, and Parisians, reputed for their gloomy dispositions, welcome the change of ambiance.

Why to Love the City of Light in August:

In a few words, you (and hordes of other visitors, of course) have the city to yourselves. Traffic nearly grinds to a halt on the streets, and activities like biking or rollerblading around the city are rarely more pleasant. Metro cars may be overpacked and sweltering, but stressed commuters have been replaced with cheerful packs of vacationers. The mood is perhaps less authentically Parisian than at other times of the year, but being an honorary Parisian myself, I can tell you that it can be very pleasant. To add to the fun, free events like open-air cinema, live music, and beaches along the Seine river gives the temporary illusion that Paris is a resort town or amusement park.

August in Paris is also an ideal time for experiencing a  cruise on the Seine river  or on  Paris canals and waterways , especially on hot days when breezes off the water offer a welcome reprieve. Having a relaxed meal while gliding along the water can be to memorable effect.

A Few Highlights in August 2018:

  • Through September 2nd:   Paris Plage (Paris Beach)  turns three locations around the city into an ideal place to relax, read, picnic, or stroll up and down temporary boardwalks. In the evenings, free live concerts and drink-sipping on outdoor terraces along the Seine River are huge draw cards for the adults.
  • Through August 19th:  Open-Air Cinema Festival at the Parc de la Villette--Every year, Parisians and visitors spread out blankets at the ultramodern  Parc de la Villette , where some 40 hit and indie movies are shown for no charge on a giant outdoor screen.
  • Through August 26th: Rock en Seine brings three full days and nights of music to the Domaine International de St Cloud, an enormous green space just outside the western city limits. Camping is an option for anyone who wants to stay for all three days, and some of the world's hottest current acts in rock and indie music perform. 

The August Thermometer

  • Minimum temperature:  15 degrees C (59 degrees F)
  • Maximum temperature:  24 degrees C (75.2 degrees F)
  • Average temperature:  19 degrees C (66.2 degrees F)
  • Average rainfall:  55 millimeters (2.2 inches)

Scroll down for information on how to pack your suitcase for your August sojourn, and more.

How to Pack and Prepare for a Trip to Paris in August?

Before hitting that "book" button and hopping on the plane or train, make sure you prepare properly with a well-planned suitcase and other gear. This is especially important in the late summer, since the weather in the capital frequently alternates between hot, muggy conditions and rain or even thunderstorms. Here's our general advice on how to get ready for your trip:

August in the city of light is generally warm and muggy,  with average temperatures at around 75 degrees F. Rain is frequent and it isn't unusual for autumn-like conditions to foil plans for outdoorsy activities.

In recent years, however, major heatwaves have been known to strike in August , and temperatures have sometimes climbed to the high 90's. In 2003, a two-week heatwave hit Paris in early August and caused a significant number of heat-related illnesses and deaths. Elderly visitors, visitors with medical conditions, and parents with infants and small children should remain especially alert to possible spikes in temperature, and take necessary precautions. Reserving a hotel room with air conditioning is one of them. Making sure to keep plenty of water on hand and drinking regularly, even when you experience little to no sensation of thirst, is another. This advice is especially important for elderly travelers, who tend to not feel thirst as acutely. 

​​ August can be surprisingly rainy, and erratic thunderstorms and heavy showers are common.  Pack a reliable umbrella in case one of these takes you off guard you during a stroll or picnic.

Bring both closed-toed and open-toed shoes. . On hot days or excursions to the park you'll appreciate the open-toed pair, but you'll need a good,  comfortable pair of walking shoes  too, especially since visits to Paris usually involve lots of strolling-- not to mention those maddening metro tunnels and stairs.

Pack a hat or visor and other sun gear  for sunny days when you wish to spend time lounging in one of  Paris' best parks and gardens .

Ready for Your August Trip?:

If so, make sure to book flights and hotels in advance to find good deals: see trusted sites like TripAdvisor . 

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Paris in August is Actually Pretty Wonderful

Visiting Paris in August often gets a bad rap.

Too hot, too crowded with tourists, too empty of locals–the list goes on.

True, Paris isn’t the only city to have this reputation when discussing the best time to visit Europe –but its reputation does tend to scream the loudest.

And you know what?

It’s all (outdated) hogwash.

Paris in August is wonderful!

One Day in Paris: Eiffel Tower with Carousel

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Sure, yes, okay, the lines for big tourist attractions like the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, and the Arc de Triomphe might be insane.

And, yes, you’ll pass plenty of closed-up restaurants and shops with notes on the door that say something to the effect of “At the beach, be back in September”.

(It is, though, a reason to avoid European beaches and mountain towns in August if you’re looking for quiet–the cities are much quieter!).

… B ut none of that is a reason to avoid visiting Paris in August.

Because in addition to long lines and closed restaurants, Paris in August also has plenty of sunshine (which is not to be taken for granted in Paris), blooming flowers, and, oh yeah, it’s Paris.

There’s no bad time to visit Paris !

Planning your own August getaway to the City of Lights?

Here’s what to expect… plus our best tips for making the most of it.

Table of Contents

Why You Should Visit Paris in August

  • Tips for Enjoying August in Paris, France

Read More About Visiting Paris

kate storm and ranger storm standing on the banks of the seine with eiffel tower in the background

August is one of the sunniest months of the year in Paris.

Summertime in Paris brings sunny weather, and August is no exception!

While you can never count on sunny days in Paris (the city is known for its clouds, after all), the odds are much better in the summer than at any other point of the year.

We were lucky enough to have six bright, sunny days complete with blue skies during our first August visit to Paris, and we were absolutely giddy as a result!

Paris in August: Eiffel Tower

The heat is (usually) not that bad.

Average high temperatures during August in Paris run around 25 degrees Celsius/77 degrees Fahrenheit… in other words, for Jeremy and I, absolutely perfect weather.

The month can be humid, so keep that in mind, but that’s merely a minor inconvenience.

Paris has experienced some severe heat waves in recent years, with temperatures soaring up to 40 degrees Celsius/100 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, that’s no more likely than arriving during an unfortunate cold snap or rainy week during other seasons, so it’s no reason to avoid planning your first trip to Paris in August.

After all, if the worst happens, Paris is full of wonderful things to do in less-than-ideal weather!

Paris in August: Petit Palais

You can hit the beach!

The Paris Plages, or beaches set up along the Seine, run through mid-August.

I f you arrive in the first half of the month, you will have the opportunity to sunbathe on the Seine!

Is it a little quirky?

Sure, but it’s also a fun opportunity to do as the locals do and experience a truly seasonal attraction in Paris.

The general rule of thumb is that the plages come down after the first half of the month, but they were still up at the end of our visit in the third week of August.

paris plages along the seine in august as seen from across the river

All the major sights are open and ready for business.

When guidebooks and articles talk about Paris being closed for business in August, they are absolutely not talking about the major touristic highlights–those are all a little too busy in August!

Scroll through any list of the top 20, 30, or 50 things to do in Paris , and you can be reasonably confident that none of them are closed for vacation, and everything from normal tickets to private tours are available as options.

And, for that matter, those guidebooks are a bit outdated!

W hile August is still vacation season for Parisians, escaping the city is no longer as ubiquitous as it once was.

Paris in August: Arc de Triomphe

August in Paris means that you can catch a movie in the park.

Outdoor movies are a popular pastime in Paris in August, and the easiest place to find them is at the Parc de la Villette .

Movies are screened regularly from late July through late August and are shown in their original language.

E ven if you don’t speak French, you may get lucky and find an English-language film available during your August visit to Paris.

people on picnic blankets getting ready to watch a movie in a park

The smaller streets of Paris are a little quieter–take the opportunity to explore!

Though the tradition of locals abandoning the city entirely for the month of August to hit the beach has abated a bit, many Parisians do still go on vacation during this time.

If you duck away from major touristic areas, you’re likely to find some shockingly quiet small streets in Paris.

We spent hours during our August trip to Paris wandering around Marais, the Latin Quarter, and even the quieter streets of Il de la Cite, snapping photo after photo on adorable lanes that we often had all to ourselves.

Paris in August: Empty Street Il de la Cite

August in Paris can mean excellent picnics.

Picnics are a classic Parisian pastime, and August is the perfect month to partake!

Grab a baguette, some cheese, and fruit, plus some eclairs or macarons for dessert, and hit up a park, a shady bench, or even the banks of the Seine for a relaxing meal.

Follow it up with some time in the sunshine reading one of the best novels about France , and you have the makings of a perfect summer day in Paris.

person holding up a french pastry on a picnic in front of the eiffel tower

As a bonus, picnics make it easy to stick to dietary restrictions–traveling to Paris while gluten-free , vegetarian, or with an allergy?

If so, then picnics are an excellent option!

Just be careful with that champagne–each arrondissement in Paris sets its own rules for public drinking.

Many people still bring wine to their picnics, but they tend to be discreet.

Along with picnics, August in Paris is also a fantastic time to explore outdoor French markets –what better way to enjoy a picnic than to make even picking out the ingredients an adventure?

ranger storm sitting on a ledge in paris france with the eiffel tower in the background

Tips for Enjoying August in Paris , France

Skip-the-line passes are your best friend..

In the era of smartphones and constant wifi access, I will never understand why people choose not to buy skip-the-line passes.

With a few clicks on Get Your Guide , we strolled right past an hour-long line at the Arc de Triomphe , a sizable line at the Palais Garnier , and a that-looks-miserable-I-don’t-even-want-to-know-how-long-it-is line at Versailles … for literally the exact same price listed on the door.

And no, none of those visits were sponsored–we just don’t like lines!

Especially when visiting Paris in August (I’m not exaggerating when I say the line to get into Notre Dame was at least 10x longer in mid-August than it was in mid-March), we strongly recommend booking tickets to any major sights that you’re interested in before heading out.

Hitting a lot of museums during your trip to Paris in August?  Consider purchasing a Paris Museum Pass , which includes skip-the-line access to several of Paris’ most iconic sights!

Visiting Versailles: Fountains in the Gardens

Prioritize sights where blooming flowers reign.

We have now strolled through the gardens of Versailles in both January and August, and let me tell you… the difference is astonishing.

If you have your heart set on visiting nearby places like Versailles or Giverny, this is the time of year to do it!

At the very least, be sure to pay a visit to the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris–they are beautiful in August, and a great place for a picnic, too!

Kate Storm in the blooming Luxembourgh Gardens in August, one of the best places to take photos in Paris

Look up when the evening hours are for the museums.

If you’re blessed with sunny days during your August visit to Paris, you may find it as hard as we did to pull yourselves into an art museum for the day–but they’re still worth visiting!

The Louvre and the Musee d’Orsay, along with some smaller museums, usually offer evening hours once a week.

Check out when those are, and consider planning your museum visits for after the sun goes down.

Kate Storm in a black tank stop standing in front of the clock in Musee d'Orsay, an excellent part of any 3 days in Paris France!

Don’t get your heart set on any one restaurant.

… Because yes, many businesses still do close during August in Paris.

It’s not so many that you’ll ever be hard up for food options–at a glance, the city mostly runs as normal–but if you have your heart set on a specific place to eat, you may walk away disappointed.

Kate Storm in a red dress with a bowl of French onion soup on the table in front of her--Bouillon Pigalle is a great pick for lunch during your weekend trip to Paris!

Keep an eye on the weather.

The weather in Paris is notoriously unpredictable, and while the odds are good that you’ll have beautiful weather during an August visit to Paris, always check the weather before setting out for the day.

C loudy days can be reserved for museums, while sunny days are best for viewpoints and gardens!

Honeymoon in Paris: Flowers near Notre Dame

Walk, walk, and walk some more.

Our favorite moments during our visit to Paris in August were all outside.

I n fact, despite intending to visit a couple more museums during this trip, we could never tear ourselves away from the beautiful weather long enough to do it!

Paris in August is made for exploring on foot.

Take your camera, hit the streets (Marais, Montmartre , the Latin Quarter and Il de la Cite are all beautiful areas that are perfect for photo walks), and see how many beautiful things you can find.

If the weather is beautiful, ignore the metro and commit yourself to at least a couple of hours of walking each day.

T his is often how we get between major sights in Paris, and that’s doubly true on beautiful summer days!

Paris in August: Cafe

Have we convinced you to give Paris a try in August yet?

Even a quick stopover in Paris is worth it!

We were completely giddy during our time in the city: even though we had Paris visited more than once already, seeing Paris at the height of summer was a wonderful experience that we will happily repeat in future Augusts to come.

Favorite summer moments from our first August trip to Paris included lounging in the Luxembourg Gardens, wandering the streets of Marais, checking out Marie Antoinette’s Hamlet at Versailles, enjoying the warm breeze on our faces while we snacked on macarons and espresso at outdoor cafes, and enjoying a peaceful stroll in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery.

… A nd that’s just what we did outside!

Our trip to Paris in August left us even more enchanted with Paris than before, and that, I have to say, is quite an impressive feat.

Paris in August: Shakespeare & Company

Ready to plan your trip to Paris in more detail?

You can browse all of our France blog posts here , or check out these Paris guides:

  • The Ultimate 3 Days in Paris Itinerary
  • What to Do in Paris at Night: 21 Exciting Ideas
  • 17 Best Day Trips from Paris (+ How to Get There!)
  • Visiting the Paris Catacombs: The Complete Guide
  • 25+ Magical Things to Do in Montmartre, Paris (+ Map & Tips!)

Tips for Paris in August: #paris #france #august #summer #summerinparis #travel

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

11 thoughts on “Paris in August is Actually Pretty Wonderful”

I’ll be there in Early September. I hope it’s still as nice!

I’m sure it will be! September is a popular month for Paris. :D

Can’t wait to see Paris in August. Taking the whole family for a week!! I have no idea what we’re going to do it will be an adventure!! Thanks for the ideas I will For sure use the skip the line!!!

That is so exciting! Hope you have a fabulous time–we miss Paris constantly. :-)

I agree with everything here! We’re in Paris now (4 days) before road tripping down the west and south coast. We’re staying in Montmarte and it’s surprisingly quiet. Walking the neighborhoods in perfect weather and eating ice cream & crêpes along the way had been the best part. Le Marian is probably our favorite neighborhood so far; we’ll have to check out the Latin quarter.

Thanks so much, Josh! Thrilled you guys are having a wonderful time. Definitely check out the Latin Quarter, it’s beautiful (though of course, much of Paris is). Enjoy those crepes for us!

Great Info thank you. Walked 150Miles on 2 One week trips 2019 July/Dec and will be first place I go across the pond this year in August. Very helpful “on the ground” info.

How do you go about getting “Skip the Line” passes? Is this something that is done before arriving?

Hi Howard! Yes, you’ll want to book those before you arrive. We book all of ours through Get Your Guide! If you take a look at this post, we have links to skip the line passes to top attractions here: https://www.ourescapeclause.com/3-days-in-paris-itinerary/

Hello! How is it now in august

Well with the Olympics taking place through August 11, it’s definitely not going to be a typical year!

If you’re headed to Paris in the first half of the month, I would expect extremely expensive prices (especially for hotels) and lots of crowds.

If you’re going in the second half of the month, things should be more “normal”. :-)

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Paris in August 2024 – What to See, Eat, Pack & Do!

Paris in August is one of the best months for a visit to the French capital. And I know this is an unpopular opinion. Because, yes, it is one of the hottest months and there are more tourists than locals.

But August also offers a more relaxed vibe compared to other times of the year, especially if you explore areas beyond the tourist center. Plus, it’s the perfect time for outdoor Apéros and picnics and warm summer evenings on a Parisian terrace.

Indeed, while some smaller shops and restaurants may be closed for their annual break, all major attractions in Paris stay open in August, ensuring you can still have a full and enjoyable experience in the city.

As a local who loves Paris in August, I will share with you everything you need to know if you visit Paris during this month:

  • Weather Info & Packing Tips
  • Seasonal Travel Info
  • Events & Things to do in August

Lena Profile Pic Salut from Paris

Salut, I am Lena – travel planning expert and parisienne since 2006 🩷

If you purchase through links on this site, I may earn – at no cost to you – a small commission. This helps me cover my costs and keep my website running. Thank you so much for your support 🙂   Learn more

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  • 18 sublime Beaches near Paris France
  • Paris in July 2024 – What to See, Eat, Pack & Do!
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Everything you need to know if you spend this August in Paris

August in Paris is a unique time of the year. And a month, that polarizes like no other, by both, tourists and Parisian a like.

Parisians either hate August due to the influx of tourists filling the city center, or love it because they can enjoy their neighborhoods without their fellow Parisians, traffic jams and crowded Metros.

And in fact, tourists love – or hate – Paris in August for quite similar reasons.

NOTE: In 2024, the Olypic Games take place in Paris. Expect Paris to be brimming full. The games are over on the 11th of August, but don’t expect things to calm down.

Berges de Seine Paris

And here’s a key thing you should know: the month of August is essentially split in two. Before and after the 15th of August.

While you can expect that the sights and popular tourist locations are packed the entire month, there’s a shift that happens around the 15th of August in the rest of Paris.

In the first half of August, the arrondissements outside the center are laid back, relaxed and almost deserted. Most Parisians are on vacations, and the remaining locals enjoy summer by sitting on terraces and appreciating their empty neighborhood.

This shifts after the 15th as Parisians start returning to the city, preparing for the rentrée, the end of summer vacation in early September. It’s like watching the city slowly wake up from a summer nap.

The 15th of August – a bank holiday

August 15th is a significant national holiday – The Assumption. Originally, a religious day commemorating the Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, it’s now more the day that rings in the approaching end of summer vacation.

On this day, you will find most smaller shops and many restaurants closed, but bigger venues and around tourist hotspots remain usually open.

From this day on, Parisians return slowly to the capital, and the city get busier day by day.

Paris in August Street cafe in Montmartre near Consulat

August will give you a rather different view of Paris: more tranquility (thanks to there being fewer people around) but plenty of fun things to do thanks to the spectacular events, picnics in the beautiful parks , river cruises, and museum exhibitions .

No matter what type of vacation you are looking for, the month of August is a fantastic time to visit Paris.

How’s the August weather in Paris?

In August, you can expect your Paris vacation to be generally warm, hot, even. The daytime average temperature hovers around 25 degrees Celsius, and the humidity tends to be low.

However, even though august and hot weather is almost a save bet, keep in mind that Paris can have its rainy spells in August too.

I’ve experienced years when august called more for sweaters than shorts. But I’d say it is still an exception, nevetheless it’s a good idea to pack for both possibilities.

CHECKLIST for your Paris Trip

  • Get a Travel Adapter
  • Book your airport transfer
  • 🚨 Get Travel Insurance
  • Buy your SIM card in advance

✔ Hotel booked?

  • Budget: Hotel France Albion (8.6)
  • Midrange: Hôtel des Arts (9.6)
  • Upscale: Millésime Hôtel (9.2)

✔ Tickets booked?

  • Eiffel Tower ( book here )
  • Louvre ( book here )
  • Versailles ( book here )

Heatwaves in Paris: the carnicule

As said, August in Paris is overall hot. Occasionally there are even heatwaves, called “ carnicule “. Even though heatwaves are rare, during the past years, Paris experienced at least one per summer, if not 2 or 3.

During a carnicule, the temperature can rise to a whopping 38 degrees and not fall below 21 degrees at night. We speak of a “ carnicule ” when the extreme temperatures last for at least three consecutive days.

Given the hot temperatures, you will find warnings everywhere that remind you to drink enough water (remember that you can drink tap water in Paris ).

During a heat wave, you should opt for indoor activities.

me in August in Paris

Important: Book a Hotel with AC during August!

Considering the possibility of heat waves, you need to book a Hotel with air-conditioning during August. This sounds like a no-brainer, but AC is not a given in Paris. If AC is not mentioned in the hotel description, there is usually none.

Related post to find hotels in Paris with AC:

  • Budget Hotels: Best Ibis Hotels in Paris
  • 14 Hotels with Eiffel Tower views
  • My personal favorite: Hôtel Monte Cristo

What to wear in Paris in August 2024

In August, you don’t need to dress in layers: the summer attire is perfect for enjoying Paris. However, you should always bring a light jacket or a sweater , as they will be useful for the chilly nights and early mornings.

Another thing that should be in your purse? A little travel umbrella so that you won’t be unprepared if -against all odds – you are surprised by rain.

As always, the best move is to look at the forecast before leaving for your vacation and pack accordingly. But generally, you will have sunny, warm days in August: get ready to show your best summer outfits!

When packing for your trip to Paris this August, ensure you bring the items below to prepare for the August weather.

Dress comfortably, but make it fashion. Accessories are the best way to render your outfit perfect, and summer means wearing a stylish pair of sunglasses.

There are plenty of options to choose from regarding the right pair of sunglasses. Every fashion brand has its own line of sunglasses: Ray-Ban , Prada , Gucci , and Michael Korrs are only some of the countless options you have.

But if you want to wear something special, Paris is the perfect place to show off your vintage sunglasses! Go for some shopping at the flea market at Porte de Vanves , and gift yourself a brand new (but old) pair of sunglasses!

Arc de Triomphe Summer

Comfortable Sandals

August is the perfect time to wear a comfy but fashionable pair of sandals. Personally, I wear mostly Timberland Sandals or simply Birkenstock . Both are great when doing a lot of walking, and they have enough grip to keep me stable on cobblestones.

If you look for a good pair of sandals for sightseeing AND evening activities: this pair of sandals is what you should pact. Easy to dress up and down depending on the occasion, and the elastic straps and the rubber sole make these sandals stylish and perfect for all-day sightseeing

They also come in different colors if you rather go colorful in summer!

Nothing is better than wearing a hat to protect yourself from the heat. So whether you are strolling down the Parisian streets or waiting in line to enter a museum, a fedora hat like this one is what you need to avoid a painful sunburn, or worse, a sunstroke.

The wide brim will cover your face from the sunshine, and the classic fedora design with light colors will suit all looks.

If you are worried about how to transport a hat to Paris as they are usually not the most packable items, don’t. Just buy one there, you find hats everywhere!

A nice summer dress

Light and pretty dresses are summer essentials, and most Parisian women have a selection of fashionable summer dresses to show off during the day and at night. The best dress you can pack is a casual dress that, properly accessorized, could also be worn for a night out.

Remember that Parisians tend to dress conservatively. If you want to blend in, avoid anything too short – knee-length or just above is best.  This dress will make the perfect outfit for your August in Paris for both: sightseeing and the restaurant afterward!

visit paris august

Order it here

With its shirt-like design and neutral colors, you can wear this dress on any occasion! Dress it up with high-heel sandals and a pair of earrings, or just wear it with flat sandals and a fedora hat to be ready to explore Paris at any moment!

If you are not feeling like wearing black or beige dresses in summer, don’t you worry! Flower prints and colorful dresses are always a way to go among Parisians!

Montmartre Paris in August

Best 6 things to do in Paris in August 2024

If you are visiting Paris in August, you’ll be in town at the peak of the tourist season . While in August, the city empties because Parisians leave for holidays, tourists fill the streets of the French capital instead.

» Must-Do: Book your tickets in advance! 

The streets are emptier, the traffic is relaxed, and the Metro won’t be as crowded, but the sights are! Hence, one of the best decisions you can make is to plan ahead and reserve as many tickets as you can in advance.

Here’s precisely why:

  • The main attractions are in high demand in August.
  • Popular sights like the Eiffel Tower are usually booked out weeks in advance , especially during July and August.
  • Buying tickets on-site might require queuing for hours and a huge time loss – plus: it’s too warm to stand in line for too long

To avoid not finding spots available or wasting time queuing, you really should book your entrance tickets in advance.

Catacombs in Paris - it's always 14°C down there

These sights are in the HIGHEST demand!

For your convenience, here’s a list of sights you need to reserve beforehand.

  • The Eiffel Tower – click here for tickets to the summit!
  • The Louvre – Click here to see the Mona Lisa
  • The Catacombs  – click here to enter Paris’ underground
  • The Castle of Versailles – book your ticket here

You can always (try to) buy tickets on the attraction’s webpage. However, most of them don’t have a cancellation policy and/or are sold out quickly. If you need to be flexible, I recommend booking your Paris tickets with get your guide.

Get your Guide grants you a 24h cancellation and full reimbursement policy, their website is easy to navigate, in English and the tickets are very convenient mobile tickets.

#1 Visit the Eiffel Tower

Quick Access : Book your ticket to the summit right here

Nothing screams “Paris” more than its steel symbol: the Eiffel Tower. Built in 1889, the Eiffel Tower is one of the best places to enjoy a magnificent view of Paris.

 You can either visit the 2nd floor or opt-in to take the elevator to the summit. Both platforms are granting you breathtaking views, but for many, the summit is the real bucket list item !

two days in Paris itinerary

The cheapest option to enjoy the view is by using the stairs. However, tickets are only sold on the homepage a couple of weeks in advance or with a bit of luck (and lots of queuing) on the day of your visit directly at the tower.

Interesting articles if you are traveling on a budget to Paris :

  • 21 Simple Ways to Save Money in Paris
  • 70+ Free & Fun Things to do in Paris
  • What NOT to do in Paris -23 (costly) Paris Mistakes you need to avoid!

If a visit to the Eiffel Tower is not negotiable for you, I advise you not to gamble and buy a ticket for the elevator in advance . Compare prices here: Get Your Guide and Viator .

Especially this year, the Eiffel Tower is insanely busy, and many struggle to find tickets at all. Grab them while you can! If the official ticket online sales point has no tickets available anymore, check here:

  • Direct Access to the Eiffel Tower Summit by Lift
  • 2nd Floor & Seine Champagne Cruise Bundle
  • 2nd Floor, direct access by Elevator

#2 Escape the Heat: Day Trip to Normandy

→ see more day trip destinations to cool you down from the burning hot city

If you run out of options to escape the heat in Paris, why not consider a day trip to Normandy? Catch a bus or a train, or get ready to drive your car for 2 hours to reach the beautiful and history-loaded beaches of Normandy.

Book the best-rated Tour: Normandy D-Day Landing Beaches Full-Day Tour

Beach in the Normandy by the Mont Saint Michel

Visit the landing beaches and the WW2 memorials, but also relax by the seaside, taste a local cider, and enjoy an authentic Norman-style lunch in a charming restaurant to have an incredible day outside Paris!

#3 Enjoy the Breeze on the Seine River

Book your tickets for an unforgettable Seine Cruise here ( for as little as €15! )

Whether caught by a heatwave or just experiencing the regular warm temperature of August, doing activities along the Seine River is always a fantastic idea. You can spend wonderful hours doing a cruise on the Seine River. There are plenty of different cruising options suitable for all budgets.

  • Budget Option: simple but stunning: 1h Seine Cruise
  • Best Value for Money: 3-Course Dinner Cruise 
  • A Special Treat: Gourmet Dinner à la Carte Cruise

two days in Paris

The cruise on the Seine allows you to admire Paris’s main attractions from an unusual perspective while giving you some relief from the hot temperatures.

Whether during the day or at night, cruising the Seine is one of the best activities to do in Paris in August. You won’t be surprised to hear that the cruise on the Seine is one of the most popular activities to do in Paris in the summer. Booking your spot in advance is highly recommended!

#4 Have a Picnic in a Parisian Park

A picnic in the park is the perfect way to experience Paris in authentic Parisian fashion. Having a picnic is almost a national sport for Parisians during the summer months! So find some shade and bring with you lots of food (and wine!) to have the best picnic of your holiday.

Paris has plenty of parks where you can enjoy a wonderful picnic! If you wonder what might be the best spot for a picnic, head to the Seine! The river banks are the most popular hang-out place during summer, especially around Apéro time . If you fancy an outing with more greens, read my post about the nicest parks in Paris .

Coulé Verte in Paris

#5 Explore the Incredible Parisians Museums

→ know what the 16 best Museums in Paris are!

Every so often, the best idea you can have is to visit a museum. Especially when outside is incredibly hot. And even more, if you are in Paris, one of the cities with the best museums.

The Louvre is probably the most renowned museum in the world. There are more than 35,000 works of art and artifacts to see, including the world-famous da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

Don’t miss: 20 most famous paintings in the Louvre

Incredible artworks and air conditioning make museums fantastic spots to spend a warm afternoon: Musée D’Orsay, The Centre Pompidou, and Musée de l’Orangerie are only some museums you can decide to visit.

Eugene Delacroix - Liberty Leading the People

#6 Paris Summer Festivals

Spending time in Paris in August means only one thing: going to summer festivals. Paris in summer is animated by countless occasions to meet new people in the outdoors. Lots of music brought to you by the Fnac Summer Festival and Rock en Seine.

But also movie screens in the park thanks to the Free Cinema Screenings at La Villette , and numerous fun activities on the banks along the Seine created by the Paris Plage , will make your August in Paris remarkable.

What’s going on in Paris in Summer 2024

August is the last month of the summer, and it is the last chance you have (until next year) to participate in the events that Paris offers during summer vacation.

Discover all the best events that will take place in the city of Paris in August 2024.

Until 11 August: Olympic Games

Check here for more information.

August – L’Eté du canal, l’Ourcq en Fetes (Dates to be confirmed)

This traditional festival full of dances, water sports, concerts, cultural activities, river cruises, parties, walks, and cinema en plein air awaits you.

Until End of August – Paris Plage (Dates to be confirmed)

Every summer, the city of Paris is transformed into a seaside resort. The Paris Plage initiative brings into the city the “beaches” and a seaside area’s recreational and sports activities.

August – Open Air Cinema Festival in La Villette (Dates to be confirmed)

Have you ever considered visiting Paris and seeing a movie on the big screen, comfortably sitting on a lawn? This is what the Open Air Cinema Festival is all about! Enjoy the screening of French and international movies for free.

Open Air cinema in Paris

22 – 25 August – Rock en Seine

The 18th edition of Rock en Seine will host concerts by artists from a diverse mix of styles, from indie and punk to pop music.

The Festivals take place in a big and shady park and is as laid back as it gets, and as French as it gets as well! It is the only festival that serves next to beers and fries also Champagne, Wine, and even Fois Gras!

August – September – Silhouette Festival (Dates to be confirmed)

The fantastic Parisian end-of-summer event is dedicated to short movies in the Parc de la Butte du Chapeau Rouge (19th arrondissement).

Throughout august – Exhibitions at the Palais de Tokyo

Throughout August – Les Extatiques art exhibition

This year is the fifth edition of Les Extatiques , the contemporary art exhibition organized on the Esplanade de La Défense and in the gardens of La Seine Musicale. Let yourself be stunned by the incredible sculptures and installation of French and international artists.

Throughout August – Classique au Vert Festival (Dates to be confirmed)

The Parc Floral comes alive with this classical music festival : avant-garde, entertaining, original, and surprising shows will delight your holiday in Paris.

Throughout August – Tréteaux Nomades (Dates to be confirmed)

Parisian’s summer’s end is marked by this traveling festival which annually presents a series of music, poetry, and burlesque performances.

If you have further questions or need some help, click the link to join the free Salut from Paris community on Facebook! 

visit paris august

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PS: Check out these posts, they will help you plan your trip to Paris

  • 20 Arrondissements in Paris (Quick Guide + Map)
  • Paris hidden gems: 80+ well kept secrets you shouldn’t miss
  • 14 Hotels with stunning Eiffel Tower views- for (almost) every budget!
  • Your Perfect 2 Days in Paris! Itinerary & Insider Tips
  • 5 ways to get from Charles de Gaulle airport to Paris – THE complete guide!
  • Scams in Paris! How to avoid the most common cons

FAQ Paris in August

Is August a good time to visit Paris?

Yes, overall, it is a good time to visit. You can expect rather high temperatures and emptier streets because many Parisians are on vacation. However, it’s peak tourist season.

Does Paris shut down in August?

Because of school vacation and bank holidays in July and August, many Parisians leave in August for their annual leave. While sights and bigger stores are open, you will find some smaller restaurants, bakeries and shops closed for vacation.

Is Paris empty in August?

While the streets are emptier and the traffic less dense, sights such as museums and landmarks are rather crowded because it is a peak tourist season.

Why is Paris closed in August?

French children are on summer vacation during July and August and many Parisians are using this time to travel or spend time with their families that are living in other French regions.

Is the Eiffel Tower closed in August?

No, the Eiffel Tower is open 365 days a year.

Are the Museums in Paris open in August?

Yes, Museums are open in Paris during August. The only day when you can expect closures is the 15th of August, a national bank holiday.

Is Paris too hot in August?

On average, temperatures are around 25°C (77°F), but every summer, Paris sees one or two heatwaves (carnicule), where temperatures rise over 35°C (95°F) during day time.

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35 things to do in Paris in August

39 brilliant things to do in Paris this August

Our guide to the best bars, restaurants and galleries still open during Paris’s annual holiday month

Summer in Paris is always pleasant, idyllic even  – especially if you spend it sunbathing in the park or at one of the city’s various mock-up beaches . What’s not so pleasant, is turning up at your favourite bar, geed up for a refreshing cocktail, only to discover it’s shut, as so many are in Paris throughout most of August. Bah, les vacances . So this is why we’ve put together a guide to the best restaurants, bars and galleries open throughout the month, along with the most exciting (of the very few) gigs and festivals taking place in and around the city.

Recommended:  The best parks in Paris open all night this summer

Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

The trendiest bars open for service in August

Rooftop of the philharmonie.

  • Attractions

Rooftop of the Philharmonie

Now the Philharmonie has added another dimension to its already impressive building, with one of the most unique rooftops in the capital. At 37 metres high with a 360° view, it's the perfect spot to see Invalides and the Eiffel Tower from afar.

Summer House

  • Things to do
  • Cultural centres

Summer House

A hybrid dedicated to American Pop culture in all its forms: Summer House brings the best of music, art, cinema, performance art to the Mona Bismarck American Center. Free entry to this amazing summer programme.

Ground Control

  • price 2 of 4

Ground Control

2016's Grand Train becomes Ground Control (again)!After last year's installment in an old SNCF depot near La Chapelle, the Grand Train is reborn as Ground Control. 

  • Cocktail bars
  • 5 out of 5 stars
  • Recommended


Whilst strolling through the Parisian streets on a Wednesday afternoon, you might happen across Nodana. Signalled by a green façade on rue Leon Frot and the green passage Gustave Lepeu, it's easy to guess the vibe even from the pavement. Workshop-like windows, plants everywhere, hanging from the ceiling or beautifully arranged in their terracotta pots.

  • price 1 of 4

Bar Ourcq

If chilling on a deckchair on the banks of a canal or playing pétanque gets you going, head to Bar Ourcq of an evening, where a flip-flop wearing, shorts-sporting clientele is welcomed with open arms.

Au Fond du Jardin

  • 20e arrondissement
  • 4 out of 5 stars

Au Fond du Jardin

Au Fond du Jardin is located as cryptically as it sounds. Behind the glowing light of this pizzeria (a small restaurant with old wooden chairs, and a beaten up stone facade) a treat awaits. The passage at the side leads you to a leafy terrace, with multicolour tables, red brick paving, lavender bushes, climbing wisteria, and strings of lights like a village fête. Hey presto, you're in Provence. 

  • La Madeleine


Hotel Amastan is hiding a new bar destination in the 8th arrondissement. Far from the overpriced chains and same-same brasseries, the cosy and chic Anouk bar with its impeccable stylings and leafy hidden terrace is a find you’ll want to keep to yourself. 

Papa Cabane

Papa Cabane

As soon as the first rays of sunshine hit the ground, Parisians are drawn outside, onto the quais and parc lawns to drink beers and spritzs. Catering to this movement is why more and more ephemeral terraces are opening up across the capital. Adding to this list is Papa Cabane, opening in Bercy park, behind an Ibis hotel. This sprawling 1000m2 terrace, with wooden decking decorated with cushions and deckchairs, is catapulting us into summer.

Le Plan B

Dupleix metro isn't a stop that's highly visited amongst the majority of Parisians. However, it seems that quite a few people live here and like it rather well. And with the arrival of Plan B and O Coffeeshop across the road, the neighbourhood is swiftly developing.


To get to Mooshiner, you first have to make your way through the restaurant Pizza Da Vito, then push your way through the metal door of the walk-in fridge.  It’s all cocktails and whiskies, at a large range of prices – from €6 for the delicious seasonal punch to €14 for a more complex cocktail like the Smokey Island...

Café Odilon

Café Odilon

Move northwards from the busier Jaures area of the Canal de l’Ourcq, and you’ll find a calm little spot where you can enjoy an idyllic view of the Quai de la Marne. Café Odilon opened its doors at the end of April 2016, just in time for the summer, during which customers will be able to enjoy a generously ratio-ed spritz (or two) in the neo-vintage interior and bask in the sunshine that pours through the large bay windows...

Le Perchoir de l'Est

  • Gare de l'Est
  • price 3 of 4

Le Perchoir de l'Est

You may be used to going on holiday via the train station, but this summer in Paris there’s a twist. Arrive at Gare de l’Est, and instead of hopping aboard a train, take a trip up to the roof. The views are breathtaking and the drinks impressive. We start with a sparky, inventive Tequila Viadeta (€6) before moving onto an Old Fashioned (bourbon, sugar, bitters, orange peel, €13)...

  • Canal Saint-Martin

La méduse

Done out in open brick walls and simple lighting for an understated vibe, La Méduse (‘jellyfish’ in French) does well to draw in customers by the Canal Saint-Martin, whose banks are already packed with trendy bars and restaurants. Mixing the drinks here is Hamza Saïdi and he really wows with concoctions like the Soupe Aztèque (mezcal, pineapple juice, lime and agave syrup infused with thyme), which is fresh, heady and smoky in equal measure....

Paris restaurants serving throughout the summer

  • Middle Eastern


The latest project from the Experimental Group gives delivers sexy dishes perfect for date night, girls night, or any other night for that matter.


The azure blue façade contrasts perfectly with the beige stone of rue du Roi de Sicile. It's easy to imagine yourself on the waterfront in the lovely Mediterranean heat. 

Crabe Royal

Crabe Royal

For those that consider crab the humble counterpart to lobster...think again. 

  • Saint-Ambroise


At the end of rue Crespin du Gast we saw a place blossom with big baskets of rhubarb, chives, strawberries, thyme and a multitude of other plants. Whatever it was, it won't last long... 

A stone's throw from Colette on Rue Saint Honoré, the Tuileries gardens, and Rue de Rivoli, Balagan's location couldn't be any more French if it tried. 

  • 18e arrondissement


The blue front window is as blue as the Aegean Sea, with a shaded terrace and smells of hot pitas, gyros and grilled fish are excuding from the doors. 

  • Faubourg Montmartre

Bien Elevé

Whilst the vegan movement is picking up steam, the meat lovers certainly haven’t said their last words just yet. Having said that, the two owners of Bien Elevé in the 9th don’t like to be referred to as just meat-loving carnivores. 

Flora Danica

  • Champs-Elysées

Flora Danica

Like its big sister, Restaurant Copenhagen, Flora Danica has gone through a bit of a refurb. Gone is the sombre decoration and same-same menu, and instead we're treated to a vibrant and stylish ambiance - on and off the plate.  

Rooftop du Mama Shelter

Rooftop du Mama Shelter

Though an undeniable indulgence, dinner on the rooftop of Mama Shelter is a surprisingly homely affair – in no small part thanks to the mellow vibe engendered by the ping-pong table and the array of hammocks and mattresses. 

Grand Cœur

Once a coaching inn in the 17th century and now an elegant restaurant in the heart of the touristy Marais, Grand Coeur is the latest offering from Mauro Colagreco, probably best known for his double Michelin starred address Mirazur in Menton. 

Must-see August exhibitions and art

The centre pompidou.

  • Art and design
  • 4e arrondissement

The Centre Pompidou

The primary colours, exposed pipes and air ducts make the Centre Pompidou one of the best-known sights in Paris. The then-unknown Italo-British architectural duo of Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers won the competition with their 'inside-out' boilerhouse approach, which put air-conditioning, pipes, lifts and the escalators on the outside, leaving an adaptable space within. The multi-disciplinary concept of modern art museum (the most important in Europe), library, exhibition and performance spaces, and repertory cinema was also revolutionary...

Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Taken as a whole (along with the Musée de la Mode et du Textile and Musée de la Publicité), this is one of the world's major collections of design and the decorative arts. Located in the west wing of the Louvre since its opening a century ago, the venue reopened in 2006 after a decade-long, €35-million restoration of the building and of 6,000 of the 150,000 items donated mainly by private collectors. The major focus here is French furniture and tableware. From extravagant carpets to delicate crystal and porcelain, there is much to admire. Clever spotlighting and black settings show the exquisite treasures - including châtelaines made for medieval royalty and Maison Falize enamel work - to their best advantage. Other galleries are categorised by theme: glass, wallpaper, drawings and toys. There are cases devoted to Chinese head jewellery and the Japanese art of seduction with combs. Of most immediate attraction to the layman are the reconstructed period rooms, ten in all, showing how the other (French) half lived from the late 1400s to the early 20th century.

Musée Galliera

Musée Galliera

This look at clothes through history takes an academic approach to its subject. Housed in a hôtel particulier built by Eiffel, the Galliera has a huge costume collection. It has links with the fashion industry, and its initiative with young designers shows innovative work.

Musée National Rodin

Musée National Rodin

The Rodin museum occupies the hôtel particulier where the sculptor lived in the final years of his life. The Kiss, the Cathedral, the Walking Man, portrait busts and early terracottas are exhibited indoors, as are many of the individual figures or small groups that also appear on the Gates of Hell.Rodin's works are accompanied by several pieces by his mistress and pupil, Camille Claudel. The walls are hung with paintings by Van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Carrière and Rodin himself. Most visitors have greatest affection for the gardens: look out for the Burghers of Calais, the Gates of Hell, and the Thinker. Rodin fans can also visit the Villa des Brillants at Meudon (19 av Rodin, Meudon,, where the artist worked from 1895.

Musée Picasso

Musée Picasso

Finally, after many years of building works, the Musée Picasso re-opened its doors on October 25 2014 – once again, the people of Paris can enjoy masterpieces such as La Celestina, The Suppliant or Portrait of Marie-Thérèse Walter. Set in the great 17th century Hôtel Salé in the heart of the historic Marais area, Picasso’s masterpieces hang on the walls of bright, spacious exhibition rooms. First opened 29 years ago, the Musée Picasso is one of the city’s most precious and prestigious institutions – now that it's finally re-opened, it feels like the Parisian art scene is back on track.  That said, after five years of expensive and controversial building works, the venue falls a little short of the innovative modern museum that was promised. This museum holds the largest collection in the world of Picasso’s masterpieces, and yet they are haphazardly exhibited, following no particular chronology or themes. There's a lack of historical and political analyses, depriving visitors of a useful framework in which to grasp the agenda of the 20th century avant-garde artist. Although it is interesting to view Picasso’s work independent of other references, it's a shame not to have made the experience more cohesive.   

The Louvre

Read Time Out's review of The Louvre below or click here for our exclusive photo tour of the museum. The world's largest museum is also its most visited, with an incredible 8.8 million visitors in 2011. It is a city within the city, a vast, multi-level maze of galleries, passageways, staircases and escalators. It's famous for the artistic glories it contains within, but the very fabric of the museum is a masterpiece in itself - or rather, a collection of masterpieces modified and added to from one century to another. And because nothing in Paris ever stands still, the additions and modifications continue into the present day, with the opening of a major new Islamic Arts department 2012, and the franchising of the Louvre 'brand' via new outposts in Lens (www.louvrelens.fr) and Abu Dhabi. If any place demonstrates the central importance of culture in French life, this is it.Some 35,000 works of art and artefacts are on show, split into eight departments and housed in three wings: Denon, Sully and Richelieu. Under the atrium of the glass pyramid, each wing has its own entrance, though you can pass from one to another. Treasures from the Egyptians, Etruscans, Greeks and Romans each have their own galleries in the Denon and Sully wings, as do Middle Eastern and Islamic art. The first floor of Richelieu is taken up with European decorative arts from the Middle Ages up to the 19th century, including room after room of Napoleon III's lavish apartments.The main draw, though, is the p

Musée d'Orsay

  • 7e arrondissement

Musée d'Orsay

In 1973, the Musée d’Orsay’s days were numbered; they were planning to demolish Victor Laloux’s 1900 former train station and its giant clocks to erect an ultra modern luxury hotel on the banks of the Seine. Fortunately, its history and importance prevailed and the newly redesigned Musée d'Orsay was unveiled on December 1, 1986. Then in October 2011, the museum reopened its two most important rooms after years of building works. There are rooms dedicated specifically to Courbet and Van Gogh, as does art nouveau, a first for the museum. Even the superb coffee shop/café tucked behind the clock (designed by the Campana brothers) is submarine themed, in homage to Jules Verne's Nautilus, and has recently been treated to an invigorating lick of paint. A little reminder of these gargantuan updated collections: they begin where the Louvre’s finish off (around 1848) and continue where the Centre Pompidou’s begins (around 1914). In other words, sixty years of art history - from realism to the Pont-Aven school, from Impressionism to pointillism, which attracts more than 3 million visitors a year and occupies nearly 35,000 m2. The highlights in this glass and metal monster gem include: Courbet’s 'L’Origine du monde' and 'Un enterrement à Ornans,' as well as Millet’s 'Glaneuses' and Corot’s landscapes. See Manet’s bridge between realism and impressionism with 'Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe' and 'Olympia'. Then inhale the fumes of Monet's 'La Gare Saint-Lazare', considered the first Impressi

Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais

Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais

Built for the 1900 Exposition Universelle, the Grand Palais was the work of three different architects, each of whom designed a façade. During World War II it accommodated Nazi tanks. In 1994 the magnificent glass-roofed central hall was closed when bits of metal started falling off, although exhibitions continued to be held in the other wings. After major restoration, the Palais reopened in 2005.

Five brilliant gigs and festivals in August

Classique au vert 2017.

  • Music festivals

Classique au Vert 2017

When? August 5-September 17 2017 

What? A series of free classical music concerts in the sunshine.

Where?  In the Parc Floral in the Bois de Vincennes, Classique au Vert returns to Paris this summer with another brilliant series of free open air concerts. Featuring classical music in many different guises, this year the series offers an awesomely diverse programme, ranging from the Orchestre de chambre de Toulouse to Geneva Camerata.  

  • Dance and electronic

Macki Off

Where?   Port de Loisirs Bobigny

When?   5-6 August

What?   Following the knock out success of July's Macki Music Festival, the two DJ organisers are coming back for more with Macki Off. Its a free event set at Bobigny port but with ticketed party boats leaving the quay for a very generous  €8. Be sure to get down and groovy on both land and 'sea'. 

Lil Wayne

Where?  Olympia

When?  16  August, 8pm

What?   With 100 million records sold worldwide, four-time Grammy winner Lil Wayne is bringing the party to Paris this August. The hip-hop artist holds the record for having the most entries on the Billboard Hot 100 chart - beating even the King himself, Elvis Presley. His latest album  FWA   (Free Weezy Album)   featuring Whiz Khalifa and Jeezy is his 11th studio album and shows the maestro has no signs of slowing down despite rumours of retirement.

Open Air Electro

Open Air Electro

Where?   Le 6B

When?   19 August - 2pm-2am

How much?   €8.99

6B's 3000m2 vast open space plays host to sandy beaches and a line up conjured up by the funkiest French radio station, Le Mellotron. Expect sun-soaked easy groovers from Madame Sans G êne too to add some spicey house music to the mix. With party boats, 2 main areas and multiple punchy sound systems to boot, whats not to like? 

Rock en Seine 2017

Rock en Seine 2017

When?  August 25-27 2017

What?  Outdoor rock festival with an international line-up.

Where? The Domaine National de Saint-Cloud Launched in 2003, the Rock en Seine festival in the Domaine National de Saint-Cloud park west of Paris is the city’s premier annual rock festival – something like the French Glastonbury. 

Jazz à la Villette festival 2017

Jazz à la Villette festival 2017

When? August 31-September 13 2017

What? A ‘jazz’ festival that’s very creative with its programming.

Where? The Parc de la VilletteThe Jazz à la Villette festival is one of the most hotly anticipated events of the back-to-school season for musically-minded Parisians. Every concert is unique, a meeting between different artists: jazz, funk, hip-hop, blues and world. 

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Journey To France

Paris In August: Weather, Things To Do And Travel Tips

By: Author Christine Rogador

Posted on Published: November 8, 2023  - Last updated: January 9, 2024

Are you planning to Visit Paris in August and looking for the Best Travel Guide? You’ve come to the right place!

There is undoubtedly something unique about Paris in August. This is the ideal time to discover and immerse yourself in the French capital’s beauty, thanks to the beautiful weather, a variety of cultural events, and the city’s bustling vibe.

In this post, we’ll take you on a virtual tour of Paris in August, highlighting the weather, things to do, and why it’s a fantastic time to visit.

Things you'll find in this article

Temperatures in Paris in August

Rain/snow in paris in august, wind in paris in august, day/light in paris in august, what to wear in paris in august, 1. witness the amazing versailles fountains, 2. the paris plages, 3. go to the latin quarter, 4. visit the luxembourg gardens, 5. explore the pantheon, 6. take a tour in le marais, 7. check out the centre pompidou, get up early in paris during the summer, many local businesses in paris may close, pick a hotel with airconditioning, summer in paris can cost you a lot of money, is it worth it to visit paris in august.

visit paris august


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What is the Weather like in Paris in August

When summer sunlight and warm temperatures are the norm, August is a particularly popular month to visit Paris, France.

In comparison to September, which experiences an average temperature of approximately 17.7°C descending to 14.6°C throughout the duration of the month, the typical temperature at this time of year starts at approximately 20.2°C at the start of the month and descends to 18.1°C in the last few days.

The hottest day ever recorded in August in Paris is 40.3°C, and the lowest temperature ever measured in the city this month is 5.9°C.

During August, Paris receives an average of 55 mm of precipitation over 7 days.  This has an average amount of precipitation, although it has the fewest wet days of any month.

During most years, you won’t notice the rain, especially because some of it may fall at nighttime.  August thunderstorms are not unusual.

In August, the wind in Paris blasts at an average rate of 19.6 kilometers per hour. February has the highest regular wind velocity of 27.8 kilometers per hour, while August has the lowest average wind speed of 19.4 kilometers per hour.

Throughout August, Paris receives an average of eight hours of sunlight per day, two hours less than in July, a statistic that is heavily influenced by cloud cover on any particular day.

The amount of sunlight and daylight hours decreases during the month, with the length of the day dropping by one hour and 35 minutes from August 1st through August 31st.

The ideal summer clothes to wear in Paris are light, breathable garments made of natural fabrics that do not trap heat on your body and keep you as cool as possible.

Pack short-sleeved summer skirts and sandals or breathable shoes. It is also critical to safeguard your head especially eyes from the sun.

If you intend to go on walking or bicycle trips or engage in other outdoor activities, you should be prepared for intense sun and perhaps very high temperatures.

In addition to your basic wardrobe of shirts, bottoms, suitable walking shoes, and apparel, consider the following August staples and options:

  • Short Skirts
  • Casual T-shirts
  • Button-down shirts
  • Cotton T-shirts
  • Espadrilles

Don’t forget to apply sunscreen and perhaps a sun hat.  In practically every Parisian pharmacy, you can also get high-quality sunscreen.

Where to Stay in Paris in August

When planning a vacation to Paris during this exciting month, you’ll want to discover the ideal spot to stay, whether you’re on a tight budget or seeking to splurge. Explore the top budget and premium lodging choices in Paris for an amazing visit.

Budget Hotel in Paris

Location: 23 Rue d’Athènes, 9th arr., 75009 Paris, France

The Villathena is an artistic hotel in Paris’s Opera area. It has air-conditioned rooms with modern décor, free Wi-Fi, and a 24-hour lobby.

Each room at Hotel Villathena has a flat-screen TV with a DVD player as well as a mini-bar. Each room has a private bathroom containing amenities as well as a hairdryer.

Classic Double or Twin Room For 2 (1 night): $113.93 Price + $10.62 taxes and charges

Popular Facilities:

  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Airport shuttle
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Family rooms

Luxury Hotel in Paris

Location: 4ème étage 7 Rue de Penthièvre, 8th arr., 75008 Paris, France

La Source is just a fifteen-minute walk from Gare Saint-Lazare and has a common lounge and a patio in the heart of Paris. This 5-star hotel has a communal kitchen as well as a concierge service. Some of the hotel’s rooms include balconies with city views.

Air conditioning, a safety deposit box, a private restroom with a shower, complimentary amenities, and a hairdryer are included in the hotel’s rooms. Certain rooms have a kitchen with a refrigerator, dishwasher, and oven. The rooms at La Source contain towels and linens for the bed.

Deluxe Suite For 2 (1 night): $745.21 Price + $6.58 taxes and charges

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Baggage storage

Things to Do in Paris in August

If you’re planning a trip to Paris during this sunny month, you’re in for a treat. Here’s a list of things to do in Paris in August to make the most of your summer vacation.

Versailles Fountains

It occurs only throughout the summer, on Saturdays from mid-July until the end of August. This is the time when the majestic fountains of Versailles are illuminated to the accompaniment of classical music.

The Fountains of Versailles are among the primary attractions of Versailles. The 50 fountains as well as 620 water games are an essential part of the Sun King’s planned aesthetics and form a stage.

Every year, Paris Plages returns for even more leisure, sunlight, and ice cream by the lake. The banks of the Seine and the Trocadéro invite you to spend the summer in Paris.

The Paris Plages event, which began in 2002, provides free areas for Parisians and tourists to rest and enjoy recreational activities throughout the hot summer days. Refreshing lawns, sun umbrellas, deckchairs, cultural and sporting events, and swimming are all available.

Latin Quarter

The Latin Quarter is an excellent location for learning about Paris’s history. There are several antique monuments, churches, and other historic sites in the neighborhood. The most notable of these is the Panthéon, a former cathedral that is now a monument to France’s great minds.

Recent tourists praised the Latin Quarter’s unusual architecture, conveniently accessible sights, and boutique lodging alternatives. The reviews were largely good, and the number of specific activities and features noted was nearly as numerous as the neighborhood’s offers.

Luxembourg Gardens

The grounds’ main attraction is an actual palace. The Luxembourg Gardens and the palace were built in 1612. They were created for Princess Marie de Medici, who went on to become Queen of France. During WWII, Nazis captured the house, and the French resistance battled nearby.

The gardens also offer basketball and baseball fields, but visitors say the best way to decompress here is to simply sit back and appreciate the view. Luxembourg Gardens is located in the 6th arrondissement.

Pantheon of Paris

The Panthéon is a beautiful monument, and its neoclassical exterior stands in stark contrast to the French skyline, conjuring up images of ancient Rome rather than big French sensibilities.

The most noticeable distinction between the two is that French architects put a massive spired dome on it. Every day of the week, starting at 10 a.m., you may visit the Panthéon. as well as 6 or 6:30 p.m. The location, in the 5th arrondissement, is reachable via metro line 10.

The Marais has long been known as Paris’ Jewish neighborhood, and many of its streets are steeped in Jewish history. It is well-known for its kosher bakeries and delis.

Today, the Marais neighborhood is a blend of diverse communities and is full with fashionable expensive stores, trendy restaurants, and pubs.

Travelers were unable to avoid falling in love with Le Marais and all it had to offer as they strolled through its vibrant streets.

Centre Pompidou

The Centre Pompidou, built by Renzo Piano along with Richard Rogers, is a 20th-century design masterpiece distinguished for its outside escalators and massive colorful tubes.

It is housed in the National Museum of Modern Art and is globally recognized for its collections of 20th and 21st-century art.

The Centre Pompidou is situated in the city center, a short distance from the Châtelet metro stops. It opens at 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Except for Tuesdays, when it is closed.

Travel Tips in Paris in August

It’s a perfect time to visit Paris, with the sun shining, lengthy daytime hours, and a lively environment. However, Paris, like any other major tourist destination, has its own quirks and peculiarities, particularly in August. Here are four essential travel tips to consider to make the most of your trip:

If you want to spend part of the summer in Paris, be prepared to get up early. In the summer, getting up early in Paris may be a gratifying experience.

Summer days in Paris can be rather hot, so waking up early gives you the opportunity to enjoy milder temps. Without the blazing noon sun, you may enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Seine or explore the lovely alleyways of Montmartre.

People in France, even small company owners, frequently take lengthy summer vacations. This can extend for many weeks, with many Parisians going on holiday. As a result, companies may be forced to close in order to accommodate this seasonal vacation.

Choosing an air-conditioned hotel in Paris during the summer is a good decision. Paris is a busy city, and street noise may be a problem in some locations.

Air conditioning allows you to sleep with your windows closed at night, blocking off street noise while keeping a pleasant temperature.

Summer might be an expensive time to visit Paris. Summer is one of Paris’ busiest tourism seasons, attracting tourists from all over the world.

Summer hotel costs in Paris are often higher owing to increased demand. It is essential to book your accommodations early in advance to get the greatest discounts.

In August, Paris has mild weather and ten hours of sunlight every day, which is ideal for making the most of your trip and seeing as much as possible.

You will love any heat waves caused by global warming. You may also encounter some muggy and humid days. It is up to you to decide if it is worthwhile to visit Paris in August. It might be a terrific time to come if you appreciate warm weather, and outdoor activities, and can put up with some crowds.

Summer is a popular time to visit Paris, and it also provides a fantastic opportunity to engage with people from many cultures and nations. The rush and bustle of Paris against the backdrop of the picturesque is a very other feeling.

Christine Rogador in the Louvre

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.

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Getting around paris, paris travel guide, paris essentials, train travel, paris arrondissements, the best things to do in paris in august 2024 – it's summer in the city, the best things to do in paris for august 2024.

August is usually the laziest, least crowded warm-weather month in Paris. But with the Olympics in town until August 11 and the Paris Paralympic games starting up on the 28th, there are bound to be more visitors than usual. But, according to mayor Anne Hidalgo, it will be business as usual, with the best of Paris activities and events in full swing. So, go ahead and sign up for a guided tour of Versailles , or maybe a gourmet dinner cruise , or one of the dozens of fun activities in Paris.

It's a Paris Insider's secret that August is one of the best months to visit Paris. The weather is superb and, with many Parisians out of town for les vacances — the annual month-long vacation — the crowds are smaller. The city becomes your own personal playground, yet there are still plenty of spectacular events, guided tours of Versailles , gourmet dinner cruises , and classical music concerts . C'est l'été en ville !

Let's take a look at more than forty ways to explore and enjoy the City of Light. In Summer 2024.

Things to Do in Paris – August 2024

Esprit de paris – the top experiences, the best things to do in paris – august 2024, bateaux parisiens dinner cruise: live music & champagne.

Dinner Cruise

It's no wonder this multi-faceted nighttime activity is so popular. It combines cruising along the river with dining on a gourmet dinner and listening to live music. You'll find that everything in Paris looks better from a bateau on the river at night. Famous landmarks pass by as you enjoy a multi-course French meal with wine. Choose the Service Privilege option for the best seating, champagne, and the ultimate experience.

Dinner Cruise

Experience the Magnificence of Versailles

Versailles Walking Tour With Fountain Show

Versailles is a symbol of grandeur and royal decadence. The chateaux and gardens are don't-miss destinations when you're in Paris — and close enough that it's an easy day trip. The only way to avoid standing in the long lines is to go the royal route. Book a skip-the-line tour with a driver/guide to make the past come alive. Includes transportation to and from central Paris.

Maxim's of Paris Seine Dinner Cruise

Maxim's of Paris

Summertime in Paris is the perfect season to board a bateau on the banks of the Seine River for a dinner cruise hosted by Maxim's of Paris , the historic brasserie that debuted in 1900. Now, more than a century later, you have the chance to enjoy Maxim's iconic atmosphere and signature dishes — with truffles, lobster and fresh seafood featured on the menu.

The Masterpieces of the Louvre

Masterpieces of the Louvre

Don't just show up at the world's biggest museum only to wait in line. Skip the queues and go straight to the Louvre's greatest masterpieces. Instead of standing in line, you'll be admiring the Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, and of course, the Mona Lisa. This small-group tour is led by an expert museum guide. After the tour ends you're free to explore the museum as long as you like.

Classical Music in Paris in August

Classical Music in Paris

Paris is renowned for its magnificent Gothic churches; many of these historic buildings are also venues for classical music. The acoustically-perfect La Sainte Chapelle is one our favourite venues. This jewel of Paris — with massive stained glass walls and soaring ceilings — was recently restored in in a dazzling renovation. It's the perfect way to spend a sizzling August evening in Paris. Concerts do sell out, so book today.

Skip the Lines at the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Skip-the-Line Tour

The Eiffel Tower is the most popular monument in the world and the ticket lines are always long. We don't know about you, but we don't want to spend our precious time in Paris standing in lines. That's why we strongly recommend skip-the-line tours that get you to the very top, for the best views.

Eiffel Tower Skip-the-Line Tour

An Evening at Paradis Latin

Champagne Cruise Along the Seine

In the heart of the Latin Quarter is an iconic Paris cabaret & supper club that's been there since 1802. In a building designed by Gustave Eiffel some of the best nighttime entertainment in Paris is to be found in a splendorous and slightly risqué revue. Combine the show with a dinner menu from Michelin-starred Guy Savoy and you'll delight all your senses during a memorable evening.

Dinner & Cabaret at the Moulin Rouge

ET, dinner cruise, Moulin Rouge

A great evening in Paris is one spent at the Moulin Rouge. It starts with a leisurely multi-course meal featuring a classic French menu and champagne. The evening gets even better after dinner when the world-famous show opens at Europe's most popular and enduring cabaret. Dress code at the Moulin Rouge is elegant attire — dress your best, you're in Paris!

Champagne & Food Tour of St-Germain-des-Prés

Champagne & Food Tour

St-Germain-des-Prés, the historic Left Bank neighborhood, is filled with food, wine, and champagne shops. This tour with an expert guide gets you off the beaten track to immerse yourself in French food, culture, and the best of French bubbly, as you travel from shop to shop. Each of the champagne tastings (and there are several) are paired with French cheeses, pâtes , and delicate chocolates & pastries.

Musée d'Orsay Skip-the-Line Impressionism Tour

Orsay Museum Skip-the-Line Tour

The Musée d'Orsay holds the world's most important collection of Impressionist art, with scores of stunning works by the likes of Van Gogh, Monet, Manet, and Renoir. Since the lines are always long, the best way to get to see the art is on a skip-the-line tour with an Impressionism expert guide. Once the tour finishes, you're free to spend as much time as you want perusing the masterpieces.

Orsay Museum Skip-the-Line Tour

Dine on the Eiffel Tower at Madame Brasserie

Dinner on the Eiffel Tower

Finding a table for lunch or dinner on the Eiffel Tower is not only a magnificent idea, it's easier than it may sound. Simply make a reservation at Madame Brasserie , created by Michelin-star chef Thierry Marx. The views are fantastic and the menu is wonderful. Choose the Grande Dame – Paris View for the best experience.

Sainte-Chapelle, Conciergerie & Notre Dame Tour

Sainte-Chapelle, Conciergerie, Notre Dame Tour

Explore the ancient heart of Paris, Île de la Cité, on a guided tour that takes you to the iconic sights including La Sainte-Chapelle and Notre Dame. An expert guide leads this captivating exploration of the rich history of Paris; you'll have the privilege of witnessing the city's breathtaking beauty.

Night Bike Ride + River Cruise Summer is the perfect time for a fun guided cycling tour around the most famous landmarks of Paris, and this 2-for-1 tour delivers. Not only do you visit the most famous sights, you also stop for a cone at Bertillon, the city's most celebrated ice cream shop, and then hop on a river boat for a nighttime cruise along the Seine. A glass of wine is included, of course! BOOK Your Bike --> Private Airport Transfers

Airport Transfer

One of our most appreciated pieces of advice is to pre-arrange transportation from the airport into central Paris. It's comforting to know what's going to happen when you arrive. Our favorite way is to have a private driver waiting upon our arrival to whisk us directly to our hotel. There's something magical about starting your trip to Paris with a touch of luxury and comfort.

Private Airport Transfers

Airport Transfer

Our Top-Ten Left Bank Hotels

Top Left Bank Hotels

Who doesn't love staying on the Left Bank of Paris? Since Hemingway and the Jazz Age, the Left Bank has defined the essence of Paris. The Saint-Germain neighborhood is charming, and so are the best of the hotels in the quartier . Let's take a look at our top picks of Left Bank hotels, updated for 2024.

The Wonders of Versailles

Things to do in paris august 2024, skip the lines at versailles.

VIP Versailles

If you don't want to spend a full day at Versailles, get aboard this half-day tour that includes priority access with an expert guide. With your guide at your side, you'll learn about the royals' lavish lifestyle and their lasting legacy. We like that it's a small-group tour with transportation right from central Paris. Choose from morning and afternoon tours.

Versailles + Claude Monet's Gardens in One Day

Monet's Magical Gardens at Giverny

The only thing more popular than visiting Versailles or Claude Monet's gardens at Giverny is visiting them both on the same day. Meet your guide in Paris and head out to Versailles. Afterwards, you visit Monet's house & grounds where the gardens will be at the peak of the season. Lunch and transportation are included. And, yes, that's Rachel McAdams kissing Owen Wilson at Monet's lily pond!

Versailles Bike Tour + Chateau Visit

Versailles Bike Tour with Skip-the-Line Entrance

We love this summer 2-in-1 activity. Explore the Versailles countryside on two wheels as you glide through forests and pastures, to the local market, to the gardens of Versailles, and past the historic grounds & buildings. You also use your priority-access passes to explore the chateau as long as you like. This makes for a wonderful day, but be sure to book right now!

Glorious Day Trips From Paris

See monet's house & gardens in giverny.

Monet's House & Gardens

The gardens where Claude Monet painted will be at their peak of summer perfection, as will the waterlilies on the idyllic pond. No need to worry about trains or tickets. Choose this small-group tour to spend the afternoon on all things Monet — his stunning pink house & the historic gardens in Giverny. Includes transportation from central Paris.

Spend a Day in the Champagne Region

A Day In Champagne

Focus on the Land of Bubbly on a day trip to the famous Champagne region, just an hour from Paris. Get picked up at your hotel and driven through the beautiful wine country to visit the most famous champagne houses. Finish with a guided tasting of the Grand Crus of Champagne. Sample as much as you want — your expert guide is doing the driving! Hotel pick-up and a multi-course lunch are also included.

Visit The Historic D-Day Beaches

D-Day Tours

Ride through the beautiful Normandy countryside on your way to visit the most important sites of World War II — memorials, landing beaches, and cemeteries. Hard to believe that it was three-quarters of a century ago that the end of that war began on the beaches of Normandy. A classic French lunch is included as is a special tasting session of the region's famous cider.

Explore The Loire Valley – Chateaux & Wines

Chateaux of the Loire Valley Day Tour

This magnificent Renaissance valley is known for more that just its famous chateaux. The Loire Valley also produces world-renowned wines. This very popular tour gets you into the most famous castles, and also includes a wine tasting of the best varietals from the region. Also included is a multi-course French lunch. It's like two trips in one!

Discover Historic Mont Saint-Michel

Mont Saint-Michel

Spend a day exploring the coast of Normandy and the fairytale island of Mont Saint-Michel. You visit the Benedictine abbey that becomes separated from the mainland during high tide. Wander along the narrow streets, the shops, and the abbey's ramparts. On your way to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, you drive through the picturesque Normandy countryside.

Delectable Food & Wine Experiences

Cheese & wine tasting in a paris cheese cellar.

Cheese & Wine Tasting

This is our #1 food activity in Paris. Visit the Marais to descend into a private cheese cellar with an affineur — an expert in aging cheeses. Learn about the proper way to age seven classic French cheeses and how to match them with wines. The small group is limited to 10 to ensure there's more cheese for you! Be sure to book early.

Learn to Make Croissants with a Pastry Chef

Learn to Make Croissants with a Pastry Chef

Flaky, buttery croissants are a lasting taste memory from any trip to Paris. While you're here in the City of Food, take the opportunity to learn how to make croissants in a Parisian kitchen. A professional chef takes you through all the steps to master this iconic French pastry.

Bateaux Mouches Glorious Dinner Cruise + Live Music

Dinner Cruise + Live Music

Indulge your inner romantic when you're in the City of Love by booking a table on this memorable evening cruise to view Paris at its most magical. While you dine on a classic multi-course French dinner, accompanied by live music on-board, your bateau slowly floats past the most famous illuminated landmarks — Louvre, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Eiffel Tower. Sailing at 8:30 PM.

A Taste of Montmartre Food & Wine Tour

Montmartre Cheese, Wine & Pastry Tour

Montmartre, the quartier on the hill is famous for its cobblestone streets, café and terraces, and also for the bohemian crowd who once lived here. Today, it's also famous for its food shops. Join a food-expert guide for a walking tour of the historic district to taste some of the best of French cuisine — cheeses, charcuterie, pastries, and chocolate paired with French wine.

The Food & Wine of the Marais

Food & Wine of the Marais

Join the top-rated food tour in paris to explore the Marais, a culinary hotspot, with a gourmet expert. You dive into the rich melting pot of French cuisine, visiting the top 10 food shops in the historic neighborhood. What do you taste? The best food of France, like cheese, charcuterie, baguettes, chocolate, and the most famous wines. Includes a visit to the oldest food market in Paris.

Chocolate & Pastry Tour of Saint-Germain

Chocolate and Pastry Walking Tour

If wine and Paris go together, what about Paris, chocolate and pastries? Is it a wonder that visitors love this guided walking tour? Get behind the scenes of traditional French desserts, including regional specialities. Along with plenty of sampling of course! And don't worry, any calories will be burned off by the walking.

Learn to Make Croissants with a Pastry Chef

Champagne Tasting River Cruise

Champagne Cruise Along the Seine

You know why this is one of our favorite activities, don't you? It matches Paris with champagne — a marriage made in France. From your perch at the front of the bateau sit back and enjoy the scenery. And what a scenery it is! Glide past world-famous monuments while sipping bubbly and discovering that perhaps the best way to see the City of Lights is from the river.

Champagne Cruise Along the Seine

Wine Tasting in the Heart of Paris

Wine Tasting in the Heart of Paris

France, Paris, Wine — they just go together, don't they? Take the opportunity to learn about the country's wine regions and taste the wines, with guidance from an expert sommelier. We recommend the 2-hour grand cru tasting — it gives the rare opportunity to taste some of the finest wines of France. It all takes place in a charming wine bar very near the Louvre.

Bateaux Parisiens Gourmet Lunch Cruise

Seine River Gourmet Lunch

Cruise along the Seine while enjoying a classic 3-course French lunch aboard Bateaux Parisiens . Soak in the views of the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and Musée d'Orsay as you choose from an a la carte menu with wine. The extras? Live entertainment and a glass of cool champagne to start your adventure. Choose the Service Privilege option to guarantee a window seat.

Paris Cooking Class & Food Market Tour

Market Tour & Classic French Cooking

This popular activity guides you through the creation of an entire French meal, under the tutelage of a Paris chef — entrée, plat, et dessert . At the end of the cooking, sit down and enjoy what you've made. Choose the option that includes a guided tour of the local markets to meet butchers, fishmongers, and produce sellers as you gather the fresh ingredients for your cooking class.

French Food Highlights Private Tour

Private Wine & Dine Tour

T his private tour gets you inside the most exquisite culinary destinations in Paris, making you feel like an insider. François ia your French food & wine guide. Learn from his expertise as he leads to insider's restaurants, boulangeries, and cheese shops, tasting the best of the city's culinary treasures. Bring your walking shoes and your appetite! This is one of our new favourites and the reviews are spectacular.

What's On At the Museums

The louvre & d'orsay in one day.

Louvre & Orsay Museums Skip-the-Line Tour

Time is precious when you're in Paris. Enjoy skip-the-line access on this small-group combo tour. You'll get ahead of the long lines at both the enormous Louvre Museum AND at Musée d'Orsay. See the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo at the Louvre, before heading to the d'Orsay to view the Impressionist paintings by Monet, Renoir, and Van Gogh. Group size is limited to 8 to ensure a personalized experience.

Paris 1874 – The Immersive Experience

Inventing Impressionism

Experience the first Impressionist exhibition through virtual reality. It's Paris, April 15, 1874; 30 painters are presenting 165 of their works, all rejected by the official Paris Salon. Claude Monet, Renoir, Berthe Morisot, Cézanne, and Edgar Degas changed the history of art. This immersive experience brings together architectural plans, aerial photographs, studio archives as well as reviews by journalists and critics of the time • Musée d'Orsay • Ends August 11, 2024 • Information …

Le Corps En Mouvement – The Body in Motion

Le Corps En Mouvement

To mark the occasion of the Paris Olympics and the Paralympic Games, the Petit Palais celebrates The Body in Motion with a journey through its permanent collection. Fifty works from Antiquity to the 20th century trace the origins of the Olympic Games with paintings, sculptures, art objects, drawings and prints. • Petit Palais • May 15 to November 17, 2024 • Information …

La Collection – Revoir Picasso

In 2014 Pablo Picasso's most important public collection was permanently installed in the lavish setting of the Hôtel Salé, a mansion in the Marais. A decade later, the museum pays homage with a three-year retrospective starting with a tribute to Françoise Gilot. Beyond her famous book — Living with Picasso , published in 1965 — Gilot's own artistic career spanned from Réalités Nouvelles to her large compositions of the "emblematic paintings" of the 1980s.

  • Musée Picasso
  • March 12, 2024 to March 12, 2027
  • Information …

La Fontaine des Innocents

Delve into the story of the Fountain of the Innocents during its large-scale restoration. Built during the Renaissance, this monument, originally called the Fountain of the Nymphs , was sculpted by Jean Goujon and designed by the architect Pierre Lescot. Learn about the history and restoration of this famous fountain of the Marais.

  • Musée Carnavalet
  • April 24, 2024 to August 25, 2024

Olympism: Modern Invention, Ancient Legacy

Discover the roots of the first modern Olympic Games, and how the sporting competition of ancient Greece was reinvented in modern times. The exhibition will show how history and archaeology came together to create the world's greatest and most-watched sporting event.

  • Louvre Museum
  • Ends September 16, 2024

The Top Events in Paris

Paris plage returns in 2025.

Paris Plage

The popular annual beach-comes-to-the Seine event is postponed until 2025 to make room for Paris Olympic events. Even without a beach, there will be a lot happening on the river! Save your bathing suit for next year!

Can't make it to the beach? No worries, the beach will come to you. 30 days of summer, 1350 tons of sand, 2 miles of Seine banks, and 250 umbrellas make this one of the greatest annual events in Paris. • On the banks of the Seine • Ends late August

Jazz à la Villette

Annual Paris Jazz Festival

More than 30,000 jazz enthusiasts will attend concerts by well-known musicians and by up-and-coming talent. There will also be film screenings, exhibitions and master classes to celebrate all things Jazz. • Parc Floral de Vincennes • June 30 to September 8, 2024 • Information …

Étê du Canal – Summer on the Canal

The Canal de l'Ourcq celebrates the summer with a fun program of dance , concerts, water activities including boat cruises, films screenings and street art. Canal de L'Ourcq is a trendy part of the Parisian canal network up in the 19th Arrondissement.

  • Canal de l'Ourcq
  • Ends August 11, 2024

Rock en Seine

Join Parisians as they rock out on the edge of the city!

  • Pont de St-Cloud
  • August 21 to 25 2024

Assomption – Assumption Day

This is a national holiday in France . Many shops, restaurants and services will be closed. So, not really different than Covid lockdown.

  • August 15 2024

Paris Planning Guides

Copyright © 2010-2024 Voconces Culinary Ltd, all rights reserved. Original photos © Mark Craft, all rights reserved.

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  • Skip-the-Lines at the Eiffel Tower
  • Visiting The Eiffel Tower
  • Eiffel Tower Information
  • See all…
  • The Arc de Triomphe
  • The Panthéon
  • The Bastille
  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • La Sainte Chapelle
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  • Galliera Fashion Museum
  • Versailles the VIP Way
  • Versailles History & Highlights
  • D-Day Landing Beaches
  • Monet's Gardens at Giverny
  • Mont Saint-Michel
  • Monet + Van Gogh
  • VIP Private Day Trips
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  • Saint-Germain-des-Prés
  • Top 10 Food Experiences
  • Paris Wine Tastings
  • Chocolate Tours
  • 10 Best Cheese Shops
  • The Best Baguette in Paris
  • Food Markets of Paris
  • Le Jules Verne
  • Astrance Paris
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Home > Paris by Month > Paris in August 2024 – Quick Guide by a Local

Paris in August 2024 – Quick Guide by a Local

August in paris 2024.

All you need to know and the best things to do in Paris in August 2024 .

Are you visiting Paris in August? In Paris, August is the second hottest month of the year and also the time when locals go on their annual vacation. Actually, some people start their summer holiday on the weekend of July 14th. That makes Paris a strange place to be: hot, sometimes humid, and without much local feeling.  

However, Paris in August is actually pretty wonderful. Paris in August also has plenty of sunshine (which is not to be taken for granted in Paris), blue skies, and blooming flowers. There are many summer events and fun outdoor activities, so if you know what to expect and how to avoid crowds, August in Paris has its charm, and summer evenings are always fun. This year, Paris will host the 2024 Summer Olympics , so the city will be a special place to be!

So, what is Paris like in August? Keep reading for what to do in Paris in August, the main events in Paris August 2024, and my top tips for getting the most out of your trip to Paris.

Are You Planning a Trip to Paris Last Minute?

If you are booking a last-minute trip to Paris, I’ve got you covered! Below are our must-guides, top tours, hotels, and more:

» Plan:  Paris Travel Planner ; Paris Arrondissements Guide ; Check out the  best Paris Metro tickets for tourists

» Book your flight tickets with  Omio ; book your train tickets with  Omio

Book your transfer from the airport to the city with Welcome Pickups .

» Where to Stay:  Best Districts to Stay in Paris

  • Le Pavillon de la Reine  (historical 5-star hotel in Le Marais)
  • Hotel La Comtesse  (mid-range hotel with Eiffel Tower view from all the rooms!)
  • Hotel Ducs de Bourgogne (super central 4-star hotel near the Louvre)

» Top-Rated Paris Tours & Tickets:

  • Louvre Museum Skip-the-Line Ticket
  • Eiffel Tower Summit Access Ticket
  • Seine River Night Cruise
  • Catacombs Skip-the-line tour with VIP access to restricted areas

Want skip-the-line access at museums & attractions in Paris?  Get your hands on a  Paris Museum Pass !

» Don’t leave without travel insurance!   Safety Wing works well for long and short trips (starting with a minimum of 5 days). SafetyWing covers COVID-19 for new policies purchased, and unplanned quarantine is covered, too.

Table of Contents:

Is Paris Busy in August? Crowds Forecast

Paris weather in august, what to wear in paris in august 2024, best tips for visiting paris in august 2024.

  • Best Things to Do in Paris in August 2024 (and Events in Paris, August 2024)

Where to Stay in Paris in August

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Travel to Paris

Is Paris crowded in August? Paris in August is extremely busy!

August in Paris is the high season , when most people have holidays, so it is paramount to book transportation, accommodation, and tickets to the main tourist attractions in advance.

This year, Paris in August will be more crowded than usual due to the Summer Olympics 2024 , which will be held from Friday, 26 July, to Sunday, 11 August 2024 . Also, expect restrictions to circulate in the areas close to the main venues.

Hotels, especially good ones with a pool, sell out fast or charge ridiculous prices for last-minute bookings, and it is normal for places such as the Eiffel Tower to have tickets booked out months in advance.

As locals leave for their summer holiday, it’s mainly tourists who tend to gather around Paris’ tourist neighborhoods and attractions. A good tip for avoiding crowds in Paris in August is to explore the lesser-known districts.

Below, I list the main attractions for which you will need advance tickets and have added links to my favorite trusty providers for your convenience.

  • The Eiffel Tower
  • The Louvre Museum
  • Versailles Palace
  • Orsay Museum
  • The Catacombs of Paris

In August, Paris is hot and sunny. The average temperatures in Paris are 25C maximum and 16C minimum, with an 11% probability of rainfall.

The good news is that it is rare to experience days of canicule (heatwave) in August. Still, it is good to avoid physical activities, protect your head and eyes from the sun, adapt your outfits to the temperatures, and drink water continuously.

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What to pack for Paris in August? The month of August calls for summer clothing!

Leave your jeans at home and pack natural fabrics, summer dresses, short-sleeved tops, and sandals. Also, it is important to protect your head and eyes from the sun.

If you are traveling to Paris in August, we suggest adding a light jacket or shawl to your Paris packing list for when you want to visit a church, as shorts and tank tops are not allowed.

Paris is the city of fashion and chic, and Parisians tend to wear more dressy clothing than in other European cities, even in the summertime. If you are wondering what to wear in Paris in August, here’s the ultimate guide to packing for Paris in August with clothes that are comfortable and stylish.

If you need ideas on how to combine things to blend in with locals, check out our Spring /Summer style guides for men and women.

  • Paris Style Guide Summer for Women
  • Paris Style Guide Summer for Men

First-timers in Paris who want to visit the main sights usually find it convenient to purchase a Paris tourist pass . While the Paris Museum Pass is the most popular, I recommend checking out this Paris Pass Comparison to find the best tourist pass for you.

Another good way to save time (and sometimes money, too) is to buy single skip-the-line tickets or combo tickets for the top tourist attractions . Tiqets always has many interesting bundles for Paris; check it out!

Don’t overcharge your daily schedule with sights and activities. Leave some room for improvisation; if the weather is too hot, you may want to take breaks during the day.

Does Paris shut down in August? A touristy city like Paris cannot shut down in August, one of the months with more visitors, so don’t worry! But things are different in the less touristy neighborhoods, and, yes, you’ll pass plenty of closed-up restaurants and shops with “Closed for Holiday” notes on the door.

What is open in Paris in August? All the tourist attractions, hotels, bars, and restaurants in the most touristy neighborhoods will be working in full swing, especially this year with the Olympics! Locals tend to come back to Paris in late August, so if you visit during the last week of August, everything will be open.

With the Summer Olympics in Paris , prices in bars and restaurants will be higher than usual, especially in the center. Avoid the most touristy Arrondissements to save money and book in advance.

Getting around Paris by metro in August can be challenging, and it will be even more challenging during the Olympics. Check out our best tips for using the Parisian metro in the summer and allow more time for your metro journeys.

Need travel insurance for France?  Be sure to check rates and coverage with our recommended provider, SafetyWing . SafetyWing works well for long and short trips (starting with a minimum of 5 days). SafetyWing covers COVID-19 for new policies purchased, and unplanned quarantine is covered, too. 


On 15 August, the Catholic Church feasts the Assumption of Mary, and it is a public holiday in all of France.

This is a day off for French workers and affects the opening hours of public offices and smaller shops.

In the Paris city center, around the main tourist sights, you are unlikely to notice the impact of this holiday, but public transportation may be less frequent, and some restaurants may be closed.

The list of top sights opened on 15 August includes the Eiffel Tower, Orsay Museum, Château de Versailles, Centre Pompidou, Arc de Triomphe, Montparnasse Tower, and all the castles near Paris . Also, take extra time to get anywhere on this day and remember that local shops are likely to be closed.

Best Things to Do in Paris in August 2024 (and Events in Paris August 2024)

If this is your first time in Paris, you may want to tick some top tourist attractions off your bucket list. The itineraries below are thought for this, and they are planned around the main sights and the most popular neighborhoods in Paris:

  • Paris in one day
  • Paris in two days
  • Paris in three days
  • Paris in four days
  • Paris in five days
  • Paris in six days
  • Paris in one week

Combine these itineraries with seasonal things or events in Paris in August 2024 for a wonderful trip to Paris. Here’s the list of the top things to do in Paris in August 2024 . Some of the events (or the dates of certain events) are not confirmed yet, so keep clicking for the latest updates.


Olympic Rings Hotel de Ville - Paris

The  33rd Summer Olympic Games  will be held in Paris from  Friday, 26 July to Sunday, 11 August 2024 . While the main events will take place in July 2024, most of the finals will be in August.

Following the Olympic Games tradition, the official  Closing Ceremony  will take place on  11 August 2024 . The Olympic Flame will be ceremoniously extinguished, and a mixture of pride and nostalgia will sweep over the crowd, cherishing the memories created and the bonds forged during these historic Olympic Games.

You can check the full Olympic Games Schedule here .


Luminiscence - Saint Eustache Church, Paris

The show is open all summer in Paris until August 17th!  🔔

Don’t miss the LUMINISCENCE experience , a show that combines 360-degree video mapping, 3D spatialized music, and lighting effects in one of the most beautiful and historical monuments in Paris.

At sunset, step through the doors of the Saint-Eustache Church , second only to the Notre Dame Cathedral, and marvel at its architectural splendors and masterpieces by Rubens, Keith Haring, and Billie Tanner. Listen to the 8,000 pipes of the great organ play haunting melodies. Sit back comfortably in the nave as the voice of the guardian spirit echoes through the space. Embark on a timeless journey as projections magnify the Church’s stunning architecture, revealing every detail with finesse, from its base to the top of its vaults, which rise to over 30 meters. While the building is painted in light, the celestial songs of the choir merge with the power of the great organ to reveal the full acoustic richness of one of France’s most beautiful churches.

Click here to your tickets to this mesmerizing experience now . The ticket includes the tour of the ambulatory to discover the 16 chapels and their artistic treasures, plus the 40-minute immersive 360° show seated in the nave.


Eiffel Tower Paris

The Eiffel Tower is a must-see in Paris, but it is a terrible place to visit during the day in August. Go up the Eiffel Tower after 8 pm to get some fresh air and see how the sun sets in Paris; it’s a magical experience! – Check out availability on the calendar below


Mama Shelter Rooftop Bar Paris

This is one of the best things to do in Paris at night during the summer months. Look for the best rooftop bars in Paris and see the city from above with your favorite cocktail in hand. Some of these cool rooftop bars are part of stylish hotels, but they are also happy to welcome non-guests.


Seine River at Night

Paris is a great city to walk, but for some, it may be hard to walk kilometers and kilometers under the sun. That’s why Paris night tours are so popular during the summer months.

Discover the magic of Paris when it is lit up at night with this Paris by Night Walking tour or this Paris by Night bike tour , or look for the hidden heart of Paris with this Secret Paris guided tour .

This top-rated Paris Segway Night Tour is a fun alternative for exploring Paris at night.

For those who want to experience the Seine River at night,  this lovely boat tour  that starts at the Eiffel Tower is a terrific option. This is one of the best   Seine River boat tours , and it is available at several times in the evening. You will board the boat at the foot of the Eiffel Tower and enjoy an hour-long cruise up and down this beautiful waterway.


Apollo Fountain - Versailles

Versailles is a wonderful place to see in August (check out this Versailles quick guide ). The Versailles Gardens are great to explore in the summer when all the grooves are open to the public for the musical gardens and musical fountains shows.

I especially like the Musical Fountain Show , where all the Versailles fountains and other water features spout to the rhythm of the music.

If you visit Paris in August, the Musical Gardens Show (without the fountains running) usually takes place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, while the Musical Fountains Show usually takes place on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. You can visit any of the Versailles Gardens shows alone (without the Château) or buy a  combined ticket to the Château of Versailles and Gardens  to save time and money –  Click here to buy your tickets to Château de Versailles & Garden Show

On weekends and holidays, the Night Fountains Show closes the day with spectacular fireworks. For the Versailles show dates and Versailles Fountains schedule, check out our quick guide to the Fountains of Versailles .


In the summer, La Villette in Paris 19 turns into an outdoor arena offering delightful opportunities for al fresco evenings in the city. La Villette’s Open-Air Cinema runs from mid-July to mid-August 2024, and there’s always an interesting program of films.

Many people like to arrive at La Villette earlier to reserve a good spot to watch the film, which is usually preceded by a picnic and some glasses of wine.


Place du Tertre - Montmartre

Montmartre is the highest part of Paris and the perfect place to be late in the afternoon to get some fresh air.

If this is your first time in Paris, this Stories of Old Montmartre walking tour covers the main sights of Montmartre. If you already know Montmartre’s main sights, then go off the beaten path with our secret map of Montmartre .

After the walk, look for a restaurant terrace nearby for an alfresco dinner in one of Paris’s most beautiful areas.


Electric Boat - Canal de l'Ourcq

Marin d’ Eau Douce , located at Canal de la Villette in Paris 19, offers electric self-drive boats for 5, 7, or 11 people. These electric boats are a fun way to explore the canal, and they do not require a boating license.

When you book your boat, consider a picnic option on board for lunch or a pre-dinner French apéritif .


In 2024, due to the Olympics and Paralympics taking place in Paris, this event will not be held

Paris Plages

Paris Plages (for 6 weeks, in July and August) is one of the best things to do in Paris in August and a fun way to relax by the Seine River for a couple of hours. There are also other Paris Plages locations in the north, by the canals, with a much more local feeling.

Click on our Paris Plages post for all the locations and the list of events.


Monet water lily pond

If you are spending more than three days in Paris, don’t hesitate to explore beyond the French capital.

The small towns near Paris are usually a bit dead in July or August. My recommendation is to go to Monet’s Garden in Giverny to see the famous water lilies. The water lilies start to bloom in July, so you can see them in bloom, plus dahlias, cosmos, and hibiscus.

Another good day trip in August is the D-Day Landing Beaches in Normandy . Enjoy the refreshing sea breeze while visiting one of France’s most important historical sights.

Click here for other beautiful day trips from Paris


Été du Canal - Paris 19

L’Été du Canal is a fun summer festival that takes place in July and August (this year from 6 July to 11 August 2024) along the banks of Canal de l’Ourcq and Canal Saint-Denis .

This is definitely one of the best events in Paris in August. You can have a drink or an alfresco dinner by the canal, dance in a summer guinguette, or enjoy a boat ride or other water activities.


Piscine Pontoise - Paris 5

If you travel to Paris in August, a splash at the end of the day is always a good idea! In addition to some wonderful hotels in Paris with a pool , the city boasts unique Art-Déco swimming pools , which are also listed as historical monuments. These pools, overlooked by rows of open walkways with old-fashioned cabins for private hire, are the perfect opportunity to relax and cool down in a beautiful atmosphere.

I recommend Piscine Pontoise , in Paris 5. This swimming pool is very central plus it opens until 11.45 pm from Monday to Friday.

The Josephine Baker swimming pool is also special but usually crowded. The pool is floating on the Seine River, moored in Paris 13 close to Bibliothèque Francois Mitterrand. This one-of-a-kind swimming experience is even more special in summer when the glass roof opens up to reveal a huge sun deck providing a fabulous view of the Seine.

New in Paris! This summer (dates TBD), it is possible to have a bath in Canal Saint Martin (Paris 10) from noon to 4 pm. The section of the canal for swimming is located between 116 and 126 Quai de Jemmapes, for a maximum of 300 people. A post-swimming shower is compulsory for all swimmers. The showers (plus some chaises longues for sunbathing) are located just in front of the canal.

visit paris august


Best Way to See the Louvre in 2 hours

When it is too hot outside, a temporary exhibition in an air-conditioned museum is always good, especially if you have already visited Paris’ main attractions.

For the time being, there is not much information on exhibitions in Paris in August 2024. Keep clicking for the latest updates.

Mexica: Offerings and Gods at the Templo Mayor – Musée du Quai Branly , from 3 April to 8 September 2024

Olympism – Louvre Museum , from 24 April to 16 September 2024

The World as It Is – Bourse du Commerce , from 20 March to 2 September 2024

The Egypt of the Pharaohs, from Cheops to Ramses II – Atelier des Lumières , from 9 February 2024 to 5 January 2025

The Orientalists: Ingres, Délacroix, Gérôme… – Atelier des Lumières , from 9 February 2024 to 5 January 2025

Immersive Experience “Aura Invalides” – Musée de l’Armée , from 22 Septembre 2023 to 31 December 2024

Dance – Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie , from 2 July to 31 December 2024

Japan Dream – Atelier des Lumières, from 8 July 2024 to 1 September 2024

Comics on Every Floor – Centre Pompidou , from 29 May 2024 to 4 November 2024

Matisse, L’Atélier Rouge – Centre Louis Vuitton , from 14 May to 9 September 2024

The Art of James Cameron – Cinémathèque Française , from 4 April 2024 to 5 January 2025

Here’s the full list of exhibitions, shows, and concerts for your dates in Paris (use the calendar on the left side to select a date range).


Check out this post about the best events and festivals in Paris this year for more things to do. You may also want to have a look at our guides to Paris in July and Paris in September . Most of the proposed activities can also be enjoyed in August.

As you make your bed, so you lie. Find the right accommodation in Paris – whether it’s a hotel or guesthouse, holiday apartment, or private apartment. We have them all! Book your accommodation by using the interactive map below.

Summer in Paris is hot, and one of the best ways to deal with it is to mix sightseeing with a refreshing break at your hotel pool. Here’s a list of the best hotels with pool in Paris that aren’t just limited to 5-star hotels.

I recommend Booking.com  for booking your hotel in Paris. They have a wide variety of accommodation of all kinds and good rates. In addition, they propose the option to cancel for free, most of the time up to 24 hours.


If you have the budget, why not treat yourself to the pleasure of waking up at an amazing hotel with an Eiffel Tower view ? Some of the best hotels in Paris also have awesome views of the Eiffel Tower, which is especially beautiful during its night show! – Check out the best hotels with Eiffel Tower Views


Le Marais is a central neighborhood in the Seine’s Right Bank, perfect to set your base in Paris, especially if you are visiting Paris for the first time. It is beautiful, well connected by the metro, and with many beautiful cafes and restaurant options – Click here for the best hotels in Le Marais

  • Hotel de Josephine de Bonaparte (charming 4-star hotel inspired by Napoléon’s wife)
  • Hotel France Louvre (mid-range hotel in a typical Haussmanian style)


The neighborhood of Saint-Germain-des-Prés , on the Left Bank, is a great place to put your luggage down in Paris, especially if you are visiting Paris for the first time. It is picturesque and central, with many entertainment, beautiful cafes, and restaurant options – Click here for the best hotels in Saint-Germain

  • Relais Christine (4-star hotel in a 16th-century private mansion)
  • Hotel Chaplain Paris Rive Gauche (mid-range hotel a few meters from Luxembourg Gardens)

And there you have it – the best things to do in Paris in August 2024 and the main Paris events August 2024 to help you plan your trip to Paris this summer. Bon voyage!

Click here for more Paris travel tips

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Quirky parisian explorer with a preference for lesser-known sights, i am continuously looking for new ideas and tips to bring you the best of the city of light read more about me ., i am elisa, the travel blogger behind world in paris. quirky explorer with a preference for the local side of my city and its lesser-known sights, i am continuously looking for new ideas to enjoy the best of paris & around . do you want to go beyond the louvre museum or the eiffel tower keep clicking for first-hand information & my best tips learn more.

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Why Paris in August Perfect for Summer Adventures

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Step into a world of romance and excitement as you explore Paris in August. From strolling along the Seine River to savoring delectable pastries at charming cafes, this blog post is your guide to experiencing the magic of the city during this vibrant time of year.

  • Staying for a long time in Paris? Get 5% off on your travel insurance.
  • Related post: Find More Ways to Enjoy Paris in July.

What to Know Before You Visit Paris in August

visit paris august

Get ready for an enchanting adventure in Paris this August! While the city may be teeming with tourists, fear not. I’ve got the key insights to help you navigate like a pro. Let’s dive in!

Weather in Paris in August

Ah, Paris weather in August! Picture yourself strolling along the enchanting streets, basking in the warm and pleasant temperatures.

Is it too hot in Paris in August, you ask? With average highs ranging from 22°C to 26°C (72°F to 79°F), it’s the perfect climate for outdoor adventures and exploring iconic landmarks.

But don’t forget, August in Paris can also bring occasional showers. Just keep a light raincoat or umbrella in your bag for those unexpected drizzles. But don’t forget, August in Paris can also bring occasional showers.

Outfit Planner

EXTRA TIP : plan what you will wear in advance so you take everything you need and do not have to make extra expenses at the destination. You can download the PDF here; the price is up to you!

Outfit planner PDF

What to Wear in Paris in August

When it comes to what to pack for August weather in Paris, it’s all about finding the perfect balance between style and comfort. 

For men, opt for stylish yet lightweight clothing like linen shirts, chinos, and breathable fabrics. Don’t forget comfortable travel shoes for exploring the cobblestone streets. 

Le consulat, Montmartre, Paris

As for the ladies, pack chic dresses, skirts, or cropped pants paired with blouses. Layering is key for changing temperatures , so bring a light jacket or cardigan. Don’t forget to pack a versatile jacket or sweater for cooler evenings. 

As for travel shoes, go for a stylish pair of sneakers or comfortable loafers that can withstand long walks . For a comprehensive fashion guide on dressing for Paris in August, read this ultimate fashion guide for men . Get ready to rock your Parisian style!

Events in Paris in August

Paris Plages in Paris in Agust

August in Paris is a month bursting with vibrant events and festivals that will make your visit truly unforgettable.

Mark your calendars for August 25th, as it commemorates the Liberation of Paris, a historic moment celebrated throughout the city with parades and festivities.   Take a historical walking tour.

For beer enthusiasts, the Paris Beer Festival is a must-attend event in mid-August, offering a delightful selection of craft brews. Additionally, don’t miss the Paris Beer Week in June , where you can indulge in tastings, workshops, and activities throughout the city. It’s a beer lover’s paradise in the City of Lights. Enjoy a beer tasting tour.

If you need a break from the city heat, head to Paris Plages , a temporary beach along the Seine. Relax on the sandy shores and enjoy various recreational activities.

For punk rock enthusiasts, the Paris Punk Rock Summer Festival offers electrifying performances that will leave you energized. See their website for the updated schedule.

Get ready to immerse yourself in the lively spirit of these festivals in Paris in August, creating cherished memories of your time in the City of Lights.

Best Things to Do in Paris in August

Are you ready for a summer escapade in the captivating streets of Paris? Get inspired with this handpicked list of the top things to do in August, curated for fellow wanderers like you.

Cruising along the Seine River

Immerse yourself in the enchanting allure of Paris in August as you cruise along the picturesque Seine River. Let the tranquil waters carry you past iconic landmarks like the majestic Eiffel Tower and the awe-inspiring Notre Dame Cathedral. 

Seine River Cruise in the day in paris in august

Listen to the informative commentary that unveils the city’s fascinating history, and capture breathtaking photos along the way .

Whether you choose a leisurely daytime excursion or a romantic evening cruise , experiencing Paris from the Seine will leave an indelible mark on your heart.

Visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral

Step into the heart of Paris in August and be captivated by the grandeur of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Marvel at its stunning Gothic architecture and delve into centuries of history within its walls. 

Notre Dame de Paris

Climb the towers for panoramic views of the city, or venture inside to admire the intricate stained glass windows. Despite the tragic fire, the cathedral stands strong as a symbol of resilience and cultural heritage.

Pay a visit to this iconic masterpiece and let its magnificence transport you to another time.

Exploring the Pere Lachaise Cemetery

In August, take a leisurely stroll through the serene Pere Lachaise Cemetery and immerse yourself in its peaceful ambiance .

Discover the final resting places of notable figures from history, including artists, writers, and musicians. From Oscar Wilde to Jim Morrison , their legacies endure in this tranquil setting. 

visit paris august

Wander along the tree-lined paths, contemplate life’s fleeting nature, and marvel at the beautifully adorned tombs that dot the landscape.

Pere Lachaise Cemetery offers a unique and introspective experience for those seeking a moment of reflection in the city of love. Take a guided tour for an unforgettable experience.

Ascending the Eiffel Tower

Elevate your senses in Paris in August by ascending the iconic Eiffel Tower. Let the transparent elevators whisk you up to dizzying heights, providing panoramic vistas of the city below.

At 276 meters above sea level , soak in the breathtaking views from both indoor and outdoor observation decks. 

visit paris august

Whether you visit during the day or under the enchanting lights of the evening, the Eiffel Tower offers an unforgettable experience. Treat yourself to a glass of champagne at the bar and raise a toast to the magic of Paris .

Don’t forget to explore the replica of Gustave Eiffel’s office and the intriguing model showcasing the tower’s original pinnacle. Book a ticket with summit access to enjoy the beautiful views.

For more information, read this guide about the Eiffel Tower .

Discovering the Louvre Museum

Escape the August heat and immerse yourself in the magnificence of the Louvre Museum. Lose yourself in the vast collection of priceless treasures, from the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa to masterpieces by renowned artists .

Admire the grandeur of Caravaggio’s “The Wedding at Cana” and be captivated by the works of Rembrandt and other great masters. 

visit paris august

Explore the halls with the skip the line tickets adorned with ancient Egyptian artifacts , delve into captivating Islamic art , and marvel at exquisite sculptures like the Venus de Milo .

The Louvre Museum is a journey through art and human history that will leave you in awe of its sheer magnificence.

  • Related read: Discover the Essential Works Of the Louvre Museum

Venturing into the Catacombs of Paris

Uncover the hidden depths of Paris in August by venturing into the mysterious Catacombs . Descend into the underground realm and witness the haunting display of six million human remains.

As you navigate the dimly lit tunnels , immerse yourself in the stories of those who lived during tumultuous times, including the French Revolution. 

A small castle like structure in the Catacombs Burials Of Paris France

Let the eerie atmosphere send shivers down your spine, reminding you of the fragility of life. The Catacombs of Paris offer a unique and spine-chilling experience for those who dare to explore its depths with a guided tour .

A pile of bones and skulls from the Catacombs of Paris

Strolling through the Latin Quarter

Let’s embark on a journey through the enchanting Latin Quarter in Paris this August. As we strolled along its picturesque streets, we’ll immerse ourselves in the neighborhood’s bohemian charm and vibrant atmosphere.

Explore the hidden gems and historical landmarks that await us at every turn. 

You can relax and enjoy the beauty of the Jardin des Plantes , marveling at the blooming flowers that grace the garden during the summer months.

And of course, you can’t miss the opportunity to visit the renowned Sorbonne University and soak up the intellectual heritage of the area. 

If classical music is your passion, you can check the online schedule for c aptivating concerts at Sala Pleyel. Let’s allow the Latin Quarter’s lively ambiance and cultural richness to captivate your senses as you dive into the heart of Paris.

  • Learn more: Exploring the Paris’ Latin Quarter

Touring Versailles

How about taking a day trip to the opulent Palace of Versailles? It’s the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of Paris in August. We’ll be transported to a world of grandeur as we wandered through lavish halls and awe-inspiring gardens. 

visit paris august

The Hall of Mirrors will leave us mesmerized by its opulence and historical significance. As we explored the vast estate, we’ll get a glimpse into the lives of French royalty and their retreat from the city. 

And let’s not forget to lose ourselves in the enchanting gardens, adorned with fountains and meticulously manicured lawns. A visit to Versailles promises a journey back in time , leaving us enchanted by its timeless beauty.

  • See more: Find other Ways to Visit Versailles

Walking Down the Champs-Elysées

The iconic Champs-Elysées beckons us to take a leisurely walk along its elegant boulevard in Paris this August. We’ll soak up the timeless elegance that fills the air as we admired luxurious shops and breathe in the irresistible aroma of freshly baked pastries from charming cafes. 

visit paris august

And there, we’ll find respite at the majestic Arc de Triomphe , a symbol of triumph and glory. The lively atmosphere of this famous avenue invites us to indulge in retail therapy and immerse ourselve s in the vibrant energy of the city. 

As we walked along the cobblestone streets, we’ll let the allure of the Champs-Elysées ignite our senses and remind us why Paris is the epitome of style and sophistication.

Exploring Montmartre

Let’s explore the bohemian allure of Montmartre , a neighborhood that sits atop a picturesque hill in Paris this August. Our first stop will be the enchanting Sacré-Cœur Basilica , where we’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the city below. 

Maison Rose de Montmartre

You can then meander through the charming streets, discovering art studios and lively cafes along the way. If we’re feeling inspired, you might even commission a portrait at Place du Tertre. 

Let’s allow the whimsical ambiance and lively spirit of Montmartre to awaken our own creativity and heighten our senses. From its cobblestone alleys to its breathtaking vistas, Montmartre beckons us with its bohemian charm and captivating beauty.

  • Read: Best Things to Do in Montmartre

Admiring the Sainte-Chapelle

Prepare to be awestruck by the ethereal beauty of Sainte-Chapelle, a hidden gem in Paris in August. As you step inside, we’ll be greeted by dazzling stained glass windows that adorn this Gothic chapel.

The vibrant hues created by the sunlight streaming through the intricate designs will leave us mesmerized as if we’ve stepped into a magical realm. 

visit paris august

We’ll allow the serenity of this architectural masterpiece to transport us to a place of tranquility and contemplation. Sainte-Chapelle’s breathtaking beauty is a testament to the profound impact that human artistry and devotion can have on the soul. Get tickets here.

visit paris august

Enjoying Riverfront Dining

In Paris this August, let’s treat ourselves to a memorable dining experience along the riverfront. We’ll indulge in delectable French cuisine , perfectly paired with fine wines, all while immersing ourselves in the romantic ambiance. 

Pareja de picnic al borde del Sena

Whether we chose a charming riverside bistro or a sophisticated restaurant, the panoramic views of the Seine River will provide the perfect backdrop for our culinary delight. 

As we savored each exquisite bite, we’ll let the gentle breeze caress our skin and the enchanting scenery captivate our senses. Riverfront dining in Paris offers an unforgettable experience that combines delectable flavors, scenic beauty, and a touch of romance.

Relaxing at Paris Plages

Beat the August heat by seeking refuge at Paris Plages , a temporary beach along the Seine River. Here, you can embrace the relaxed atmosphere and bask in the sun’s warm embrace as you lounge on sandy shores. 

visit paris august

If you feel like cooling off, you can take a refreshing dip in the designated swimming areas or participate in various recreational activities offered on the beach.

Whether we’re up for a game of beach volleyball or eager to try out water sports, Paris Plages offers a delightful respite from the city’s hustle and bustle. 

Let’s unwind, soak up the blissful ambiance, and enjoy the August sunshine in this urban beach oasis.

Experiencing Nightlife in Le Marais

When the sun sets in Paris this August, let’s immerse ourselves in the vibrant nightlife of Le Marais . This trendy neighborhood comes alive after dark, offering a plethora of stylish bars, clubs, and eclectic venues to explore. 

visit paris august

As we wandered through its bustling streets , we’ll uncover hidden speakeasies, dance to diverse music genres, and have the chance to mingle with locals and fellow travelers alike.  Take a wine and food tour.

Le Marais seamlessly blends historic charm with modern vibrancy, creating an electric atmosphere that caters to every taste. Let’s experience the captivating energy of Le Marais’ nightlife scene and create unforgettable memories in one of Paris’s most fashionable districts.

Indulging in Parisian cuisine

Prepare your taste buds for a culinary adventure through Parisian cuisine this August. Indulge in the flavors that define French culinary excellence, from buttery croissants to rich coq au vin . 

visit paris august

Explore local markets , where stalls brim with fresh produce, artisanal cheeses, and tantalizing treats. We’ll have the opportunity to dine at cozy bistros and Michelin-starred restaurant s, discovering the artistry behind every dish. 

As we savored each bite, let the aromas and tastes transport us to a realm of culinary bliss. Parisian cuisine is a celebration of flavor, and August provides the perfect time to savor its delights.

Vaux-Le-Vicomte: Evenings by Candlelight

Aerial view of the Vaux-Le-Vicomte with people visiting and trees at the back with no leaves indicating Paris in winter

We’re going to finish off this romantic Paris-in-winter date idea with a recommendation for a one-of-a-kind candlelight dinner in a 17th-century French castle .

Picture you and your partner in a low-lit ambiance, sharing the best full-course meal while conversing with each other intimately.

Talk about a perfect romantic night. There’s no doubting the food as it comes from the renowned chefs at Les Charmilles restaurant.

The package also includes a castle tour, including the chateau, gardens, and carriage museum. They will close the night with fireworks to make it even more special.

This package is available every Saturday from May 14th to October 1st, 2022.

Where to Stay in Paris in August

When visiting Paris in August, your choice of hotel can greatly enhance your experience. Three exceptional options await you. Hotel Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel offers stunning views of the iconic Eiffel Tower, ensuring an unforgettable stay. 


Hotel Balzac Champs Elysées Paris exudes classic Parisian charm, making it perfect for those seeking an intimate and refined atmosphere. Book a room at Hotel Balzac.

hotel balzac Paris

Le Meurice , a historical landmark near the Louvre, offers luxurious accommodations and a Michelin-starred restaurant. 

These hotels provide unique experiences that cater to different preferences, whether it’s breathtaking views, timeless elegance, or the epitome of luxury. Choose the perfect hotel and immerse yourself in the enchantment of Paris in August.

What to Eat in Paris in August

In the vibrant city of Paris, August is the perfect time to embark on a culinary journey and tantalize your taste buds with an array of delectable dishes. Let me introduce you to five exceptional locations that promise unforgettable dining experiences.

Eating cheap in Paris

Indulge in the mouthwatering crêpes at Breizh Café . Their blend of traditional Breton recipes with Parisian flair creates a unique and delightful dining experience. With organic buckwheat flour and a variety of savory and sweet fillings , these crêpes are a must-try.

For health-conscious foodies , Bar Healthy offers nourishing plant-based cuisine. Treat yourself to vibrant salads , hearty grain bowls , and refreshing juices that will keep you energized during your stay in Paris.

visit paris august

L’As du Fallafel in Le Marais is a falafel haven. Join the line of eager food enthusiasts and savor their famous falafel sandwiches, bursting with flavors and accompanied by zesty sauces and fresh vegetables.

where to eat in paris on a budget - du Fallafel

Le Comptoir du Relais is a charming bistro where you can indulge in classic French dishes . From succulent duck confit to mouthwatering escargots, each bite showcases the culinary excellence of French cuisine.

Lastly, La Pâtisserie des Rêves is a whimsical pastry shop that will transport you to a dreamlike world of confectionery delights. Delicate macarons , flaky croissants, and intricately designed cakes await, ensuring a sweet ending to your culinary adventure.

These five locations offer diverse flavors and experiences that capture the essence of Paris in August. So, treat yourself to these culinary delights and discover the richness of Parisian cuisine in this enchanting city.

Getting Around Paris in August

Navigating the beautiful city of Paris in August is a breeze with its efficient transportation system. Here are some tips on getting around and the associated costs in euros.

The Paris Metro is a convenient and affordable way to travel. A single ticket costs around €2.10, or you can opt for a carnet of 10 tickets for approximately €16.90. The metro network covers the entire city, allowing you to reach popular attractions with ease.

visit paris august

Another option is the extensive bus network, with a single ticket costing €2.00. Buses provide a scenic way to explore the city and offer a more leisurely travel experience.

visit versailles from paris - bus

For a unique and eco-friendly mode of transportation , consider renting a Velib bike. The first 30 minutes are free, and a one-day pass costs €5.00, making it an affordable option to cycle around Paris and enjoy its charming streets.

Taxis are widely available but can be more expensive . Starting fares typically range from €3.30 to €4.00, with additional charges per kilometer.

Lastly, Uber is a popular ride-sharing option in Paris. Prices vary depending on the distance and demand.

With these transportation options and costs in mind, you can easily navigate Paris in August and make the most of your time exploring this captivating city.

Best Tips for Visiting Paris in August

Here are 10 essential tips to make the most of your visit, covering everything from museum passes to transportation and travel essentials.

  • Get a Paris Museum Pass: Maximize your time and save money by purchasing a Paris Museum Pass . It grants you access to numerous museums and attractions, allowing you to skip the long queues.
  • Book Plane Tickets in Advance : August is a popular time to visit Paris, so book your plane tickets well in advance to secure the best deals and avoid last-minute price hikes.
  • Consider Public Transportation: Instead of renting a car , utilize Paris’s excellent public transportation system. The metro and buses are efficient and affordable, providing easy access to the city’s attractions.
  • Get Travel Insurance: Protect yourself against unforeseen events by investing in travel insurance . It covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost baggage, providing peace of mind during your trip.
  • Get an Internet SIM: Stay connected while exploring Paris in August by purchasing a local SIM card . It ensures you have access to the internet for navigation, communication, and sharing your travel experiences.
  • Travel Money Card: Instead of carrying large amounts of cash, consider using a travel money card . It offers convenience, security, and favorable exchange rates, allowing you to manage your expenses efficiently.
  • Pack a Travel Backpack: Opt for a comfortable and functional travel backpack to carry your essentials while exploring Paris in August. It provides convenience and flexibility, especially when navigating crowded streets or public transportation.
  • Travel Stroller Bag: If you’re traveling with a stroller, invest in a travel stroller bag . It protects your stroller during transit and makes it easier to maneuver through airports and train stations.

Questions for Paris in August

Is paris very crowded in august.

Paris can be quite crowded in August due to the peak tourist season. However, with proper planning and early reservations, you can still enjoy the city’s charms.

Why is Paris cheaper in August?

Paris tends to be slightly cheaper in August because many locals go on vacation, causing some businesses to offer discounts or special deals to attract tourists.

Is the Eiffel Tower open in August?

Yes, the Eiffel Tower is open in August. It’s a must-visit attraction, so be prepared for crowds and consider booking tickets in advance to skip the long queues.

Are Paris museums open in August?

Most Paris museums remain open in August, although some smaller ones may have shorter hours or occasional closures. It’s always a good idea to check their schedules beforehand.

Are Paris restaurants closed in August?

While some Paris restaurants may close for a short period in August, many of them remain open, especially in popular tourist areas. You’ll still find a wide range of culinary options to satisfy your appetite.

Paris in August is a vibrant and bustling destination, offering a blend of cultural experiences, culinary delights, and iconic landmarks. Embrace the energy of the city, plan ahead, and savor every moment of this enchanting summer getaway.

Plan Your Trip to Paris

  • How Many Days Do You Need to Visit Paris
  • 3-Day Itinerary in Paris: a Complete Guide
  • How to Get from Beauvais Airport to Paris
  • How to Get from Orly Airport to Paris?
  • Museums in the 16th Arrondissement of Paris
  • Paris Hidden Gems You Have to Visit
  • The 11 Best Shopping Streets in Paris
  • 5 Ways to Go from CDG Airport to Paris City
  • Paris Travel Tips for Your First Time in the City
  • Best Places to Stay Overlooking the Eiffel Tower of Paris

visit paris august

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Hi there! I’m Vero! I’ve always loved traveling! I have been living in France since 2018. And traveling around this awesome country. I love road trips and traveling by van, and also, some comfy getaways :) Check out: Touristear.com

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Pickyourtrail Travel Blog

Paris in August: Complete Guide To A Perfect French Trip!


Paris is the third most visited city in the world. It sees a footfall of up to 15 million tourists every year. The romance and the adventure that is associated with the city attract many travel bugs from all corners of the world. It is home to iconic attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, the Musee d’Orsay, and the Versailles Palace. The city presents to tourists a destination that is both dipped in excitement and history. There is a dollop of culture with a considerable level of sophistication.

There is indeed plenty to see and do here. A visit to Paris in August makes for a great plan for several reasons. To begin with, the temperatures are both pleasant and relaxing. In addition to that, this is the time when interesting events like open-air cinema, music festivals, etc are held. All these factors combine to make the proposition of visiting Paris in August a great plan indeed. So, keeping that in mind here are some topics of interest pertinent to your ( hopefully ) upcoming travel plans:- 

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Seine Cruise. Eiffel Top. Monalisa Viewing. Art Museums

Weather in Paris in August

Weather in Paris in August

August is considered to be the warmest month of the year in Paris. The city is bustling with life with its busy streets and increased crowds. The city is blessed with a lovely warm and dry climate which only adds to its beauty. This is a direct result of its geography and the typical Western oceanic climate. This is characterised by hot summers and wet winters.

This weather is perfect for a summer holiday in the most romantic city in the whole world. Speaking in terms of numbers, the average temperature in Paris in August is 20 degrees Celsius, with a high of 25 degrees Celsius. The evenings are mild and there is a monthly rainfall of just 21 mm. What this means is that it’s likely to rain on at least 10 days of the month. There is also a slight chance of thunderstorms. Tourists can expect daylight for up to 8 hours in a day and the average humidity is recorded at 64%. Following is a table that summaries these statistics in an easy to read manner: 

Things to Do in Paris in August

1. enjoy live music at the festival rock en seine: .

This is among the largest festivals in all of France. It is usually held from 23rd – 25th of August. Head to André le Nötre hardens of Domaine National de Saint Cloud in the western region of Paris. This festival features performances across several days. In the year 2022, the festival is scheduled to be held from 25th to 28th August. 

Also read: Paris in July: A Complete Guide

2. Relish the Paris Plages: 

Paris Plages ( or Paris beaches ) have been a long-standing engagement for locals and tourists alike. It was originally held in only one location. Fast forward to current times, one can see these sandy stretches in different locations around the city. These usually start popping up around mid-July and continue well into August. So, what are you waiting for? Head to these fun locations on your trip to Paris in August and have a great time! 

3. Head to the outdoors to enjoy a movie: 

Paris in August

It is commonly assumed that grand screenings are a thing of the past. However, in Paris, this is far from true. Summers bring with them free screenings of several movies. These range from cult classics to modern films. A majority of these films are shown in Parc de la  Villette. Since these movies are screened in their original language, there is a decent chance that you may catch a movie in English too. The best part is not the movies, however, that has to be that the viewers can host their very own picnics. Visitors can borrow deck chairs and sit back while munching on their favourite treats while bingeing content on the big screen.

4. Head out of the city for a day: 

If you are among those that feel that the hustle and bustle of the city are simply proving to be a bit too much to your liking, then head out. Head out where you ask? To the little towns found on the outskirts of the French capital, of course. Also, in summers, visitors can head to several Grand Câteaux of the Loire Valley and enjoy the sights and smell there too. This makes for a great activity to engage in while on your trip to Paris in August. 

Also read: 10 Best Day Trips from Paris for a Scenic Getaway

5. Hit the streets, on foot: 

Thanks to the improved weather, there is no better time than the month of August to go about exploring Paris on foot. Just bring along your most comfortable pair of shoes and a water bottle and you will be ready to hit the streets. 

6. Head to the Wonderland festival: 

The Wonderland festival held in Paris runs up till early autumn. One can enjoy engaging in a variety of activities here. From celebrity chefs whipping out their delectable delights to open-air concerts and even stand up comedy. This festival has got it all. It is held in the 20th Arrondissement. While the dates for the 2022 edition of the festival haven’t been announced as of now, we recommend you keep an eye on this one. After all, this festival is easily one of the best things to engage in on your trip to Paris in August. 

Also read: Paris in April: Weather, Things to do, Travel Tips and more!

Things to Do in Paris in August

7. Take in some beautiful panoramic views: 

Come summertime, a fantastic way to appreciate the beauty of Paris is through an elevated vantage point. Thankfully, Paris has an abundance of rooftop bars and restaurants. So, head to one of these establishments to savour the gorgeous views while sipping on a lip-smacking cocktail. 

Also read: Best views of Paris – Visit the most popular viewpoints and soak in the city of Love

8. Head to the parks for a picnic: 

If you are budget conscious, then picnics are among the best ways to enjoy Paris. Head to one of the excellent Parisian markets and stock up on the essentials – baguette, cheese, wine, and so on and then hit the parks to soak in some of the sunshine. 

Eiffel tower

What to Pack for Paris in August

  • Small umbrella
  • Hands-free purse or bag
  • Moisturiser
  • Sunscreen 
  • Travel adapter
  • Power banks

What to Wear in Paris in August

  • Light Sweater
  • Cotton shirts
  • Comfortable shoes

Also read: Shopping in Paris: The fashionista way!

Paris Honeymoon Package Starting @ ₹69,866

Romantic Proposal before Eiffel. Locking of Love at Pont des Arts, Romantic Cruise by the Seine River, Uncovering the Mystic Smile of Monalisa

Best Tips for Visiting Paris in August

  • August marks a time when many of the smaller shops, boutiques and restaurants close up shop. So, we advise you to have some backup plans in case your regular options are closed. 
  • Since August marks the height of peak season, be ready to face long queues at the top Parisian attractions. However, booking your tickets and getting passes in advance can save you plenty of time. 
  • It is recommended that you book your accommodation close to the attractions that you would like to visit on your trip to Paris in August. Doing so will save you plenty of time. 
  • The 15th of August is celebrated as the “ Feast of the Assumption of Mary ”, as a result, most shops close up and even supermarkets operate for reduced hours.
  •  Make sure that your accommodation is equipped with an air conditioner. Heatwaves can certainly make things problematic for visiting tourists, so we recommend you keep an eye to make sure your stay is comfortable and pleasant. 

Best Tips for Visiting Paris in August

Where to Stay in Paris in August

Le Marais is located on the Seine’s Right Bank. It makes for the perfect place to set up base as it is a centrally located neighbourhood. It is the perfect location for when you are travelling to Paris for the first time, it has good connectivity and several cafes and restaurants worth dining at. Following are some accommodation options that you can look into while on your trip to Paris in August: 

  • Hotel De Josephine De Bonaparte: 

This charming hotel has found its inspiration in Napoleon’s wife. Its rooms are romantic and elegant. You will also find yourself admiring its saloons that make for the perfect place to sip on some wines. 

  • Hotel France Louvre: 

This is a typical Haussamaniann style hotel. The rooms are small but cosy and feature elegant furnishings. Some of these rooms also have charming views over Hôtel DeVille and that of Tour Saint Jacques. 

  • Relais Christine: 

This 16th-century establishment is set in a 16th-century mansion in Saint Germain-des-Prés. One can enjoy staying in uniquely designed rooms of different styles. In addition to that, visitors can also enjoy common spaces, a spa, a garden, and lastly – a fitness centre.

Also read: 10 Most Romantic Hotels to Stay in Paris

Where to Stay in Paris in August

Festivals in Paris in August

Following is a list of festivals that you can celebrate and enjoy while on your trip to Paris in August: 

FAQs on Paris in August

A- The Paris Museum Pass is a prepaid card that enables access to over 70 museums and monuments around Paris. These are available on multiple durations starting from 2 days going all the way up to 6 days. The prices range from 109 Euros to 169 Euros. 

A- No, we recommend that you don’t rely on cab services like Uber as the public transport facilities are both economical and well connected. 

A- One can find type C and type C sockets in use, we advise that you carry a travel adapter to keep your precious electronics topped up while on the move. 

So, make a plan to visit Paris in August and explore this amazing city filled with love and happiness. No doubt why Paris is one of the most popular destinations in the entire world. Pickyourtrail is a great platform that offers the best Paris trip packages and Paris couple packages on great deals. you can also customise your France itinerary and enjoy the trip just as your want. All you have to do is click, book and explore!

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Arundhati Toshniwal

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visit paris august

Paris in August: How to Enjoy the “High-Low” Season in the Capital

Last Updated on August 21, 2024

By Didier Moïse, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50131339

Paris in August presents travelers with an odd and interesting scenario. Following  July’s mass exodus of local residents to beaches in the south of France, it’s arguably both high season and low at the same time.

Many shops, restaurants and bakeries close shop for summer vacation, leaving many of us frustrated at having just missed a chance to try out some of the better places for fresh bread, a good glass of wine or a new book.

{Related: How to Make the Most of Summer in Paris?}

Yet tourist season is also at full hilt during this time: hundreds of thousands of visitors throng on the city in the late summer, taking advantage of the numerous free festivals and cheerful open-air events that spill over from June and July.

This commingling of high and low season comes with both benefits and frustrations. In what follows, learn how to make the most of your August sojourn, and avoid some of its more common pitfalls.

I also offer advice on how to pack and a rundown of some of the more interesting temporary exhibits on around town this month. Read on.

Pros & Cons of an August Visit

A cafe terrace in Paris, Montmartre.

August has its real advantages: long days that allow for drawn-out strolls, picnics, or other activities outdoors (scroll down for a few suggestions). There’s a more laid-back ambience, in contrast to the frenetic cosmopolitan vibe you’ll often experience earlier or later in the year.

The locals who do stick around seem especially relaxed, lazing around in parks and flooding terraces. Even during a heat wave such as the one that’s struck in 2019, people adapt and make the most of it, even if it means retreating indoors to museums or shopping centers during the day and then living it up in the cooler evenings.

Of course, there are downsides, too. One is cost: as one of the most popular times of year for tourism, August can rack up quite an expensive bill when you add up hotel stays, flights and /or train tickets.

This is why it’s crucial to research these several months ahead of time and book at a time when you can lock in a good deal. To start the process, compare prices on flights and hotels at Expedia, or  reserve train tickets and passes over at Rail Europe.

What’s more, especially in recent years with increasingly prevalent heatwaves, it can be suffocatingly hot, crowded and sticky in August. If you like your personal space, ou may want to avoid long trips on the metro, opting to walk from point A to point B instead.

{Related: How to Steer Clear of Tourist Traps in Paris?}

visit paris august

And as mentioned earlier, you’ll find a fair number of shops and restaurants closed in August. Often, frustratingly, they’ll be listed as open on Google Maps or their social media pages, but when you arrive you’ll find closed doors and a sign reading only fermeture annuelle (annual closure), followed, hopefully, by a re-opening date.

I recently showed up at a cocktail bar reputed as excellent, only to find such a sign– despite the place being listed as open everywhere I’d checked.

To avoid such disappointments, it’s better to pick up the phone and call the place you’re intent on visiting, and asking whether they’ll be open.

August Weather Trends in Paris, & Some Tips for Packing


While August historically features relatively mild temperatures, heatwaves have become increasingly common, pushing upwards average temperatures and blanketing the city in intense heat and humidity.

As a consequence, you should be prepared for the possibility of dealing with such extreme heat, and taking some precautions for your wellbeing. This includes making sure you stay hydrated and protected from harsh rays.

Summer storms:  August typically has a good number of sunny days, perfect for lounging outdoors. However, summer storm systems are also expected: usually, several humid, heavy and overcast days will be followed with a downpour and sometimes lightning storms. These can be unexpected and even violent; plan accordingly. 

Minimum Temperature:  16 degrees C/60.8 degrees F Maximum Temperature:  25 degrees C/77 degrees F ( over the pas past years, much warmer temperatures have been observed) Average temp:  20.5 degrees C/69 degrees F Average monthly precipitation:  43 mm/1.7 inches (totaling around seven days per month)

How to Pack For Your August Trip?

I generally recommend packing plenty of warm-weather clothes, including skirts and dresses, shorts and light, breathable t-shirts. It can be incredibly humid and “mucky”, and you’ll want to pack clothes that effectively wick sweat away and that are made with breathtable cotton or linen.

Also pack a couple of long-sleeved shirts and at least one pair of long pants or jeans, for cooler mornings and evenings. Bringing one pair of waterproof shoes is probably a good idea, too, unless you want to walk around with sopping wet sandals on the occasional stormy day.

Hydration is essential, especially with average temperatures on the rise. Don’t allow yourself to get even slightly dehydrated: bring a thermos in your day pack or purse if you plan on long walks or even excursions by metro or bus.

I really like, and recommend, the  Klean Kantine brand : these thermoses are made of ecologically friendly materials and keep water or other beverages nice and cool. Also make sure to wear, and reapply, a good sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Even on overcast days, the sun can be more intense than you may think it is in the capital.

Best Things to See and Do in August?

This month isn’t typically preferred by those who want to be in the city when it’s at its most active and exciting, some will really enjoy the slightly lazy and wholly unfrenetic vibe. These are just a couple of suggestions for how to spend your time:  you can also see this page the tourist office for a more extensive calendar of events. 

1. Have a drink on a peniche (boat bar).


Sitting out by the water is one way to enjoy some cool breezes and to take advantage of Paris at its summery best. There are numerous excellent boat bars ( peniches ) offering drinks and/or food and charming waterside views.

Some even host concerts or DJ sets in the evening, when cooler temperatures make sitting outside or even dancing a lot more pleasant.

Boat bars I especially recommend include the Batofar , famous for its live music after dark; the Peniche Demoiselle, a charming yet wholly unpretentious barge stationed near the Parc de la Villette; and Rosa Bonheur sur Seine , an excellent and atmospheric peniche near the Musée d’Orsay.

Read related: Are Paris Boat Tours & Seine Cruises Really Worth Your Time? 

For more on the best boat bars in the capital, you can peruse this list from Time Out Paris .

One word of warning: It’s best to try to go either earlier in the day, at around 5 on, or later in the evening (from 10 pm), as these bars are quite popular with locals and can be impossibly full from around 6 to 10 pm.

2. Enjoy Walking or Lounging on the Seine-side beaches (Paris Plages) 

Paris Plages, an ephemeral beach that takes over the Seine each July and August. Image credit: Public domain

The annual pop-up beaches (“Paris Plages”)  have become a permanent fixture in the capital during July and August. Every year, a long stretch of the right bank of the Seine is transformed into a beach boardwalk, complete with sandy areas, mist showers, chaises longues, beach bars, boating activities and more.

An additional beach location on the lesser-known Bassin de la Villette is arguably even more idyllic, with paddleboats and other rental boats, carousel, plunge pool and even a zipline just for kids.

Paris Plages at Bassin de la Villette. Image: Courtney Traub/All rights reserved

Entry is completely free, and this is an great activity for families with kids of all ages. If you really want to stake out a spot at the beach, however, make sure to get there early.

In 2024, the beaches will be celebrating the Summer Olympics from July 6th through September 8th, this time across three different sites– including (for the first time) the trendy banks of the Canal Saint-Martin .

See this page for more info on Paris Plages in 2024 , including full info on where to swim and cool off this year.

3. Take in music and movies in outdoor festivals 

A concert at Rock en Seine, a three-day rock festival just outside Paris in August. Image: Creative Commons 2.0

Last but certainly not least, make sure to take advantage of open-air music and cinema in August, to really ease into the summer spirit and cool off in the grass, perhaps with a picnic.

Rock en Seine is a three-day festival with big headlining acts in rock that takes over the Domaine de Saint Cloud just west of Paris every summer. You can even camp onsite to really make the most of the experience.

Film fanatic? Just like being outdoors on a balmy summer night? Pack a picnic and head up to the Parc de la Villette in northeast Paris, where dozens of movies are screened for free as part of the yearly  Open-Air Cinema  event.

Related: How to Stage the Perfect Picnic in Paris? 

Also in August ( cancelled in 2024 due to the Summer Olympics), you can enjoy a number of excellent films, with the theme last year year being “stories about friends, clans, families and gangs”.

Open-air cinema at La Villette: free and relaxing. Image: Courtesy of La Villette

Also make sure to make some time for summer jazz festivals at this time of year, including one at La Villette that generally runs through most of the month.

4. Arts & exhibits: A Few Highlights in August 2024

Since, as mentioned earlier, August is low season for in some respects, there aren’t generally as many noteworthy shows and exhibits to see as there are in the early fall and spring in Paris.  

Nevertheless, there are a few highlights worth spending some time on. Below are just a couple I ecommend, and   you can also browse a fuller list here (at the Paris Tourist Office page).

“The Pharaohs of Egypt” at the Atelier des Lumières

The Pharaohs of Egypt show at the Atelier des Lumieres in Paris/Image by © Culturespaces / C. de la Motte Rouge

Despite being dismissed as a trendy space that would soon “lose its light”, as it were, Atelier des Lumières  and its fully immersive, digital exhibitions are still attracting crowds with new shows. This time, they’re flocking to a multimedia exhibit on the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt , which will be running at the Atelier until the beginning of 2025.

Also of note at the former industrial depot is a multimedia show called “Orientalism”, which places the lush artistic masterpieces of French painters Ingres, Renoir and Delacroix under a spotlight– through, as always, mesmerizing interplays of light, color and music.

Orientalism show at the Atelier des Lumieres, Paris/© Culturespaces / C. de la Motte Rouge

Do try to book tickets as early as possible for both these shows, or risk disappointment when they sell out.

When:  Through January 5th, 2025 ( Book tickets here ) or buy timed entrance tickets  here (via Tiqets) .

We Are Here* (Street Art at the Petit Palais)

Through November 17th, 2024, the Petit Palais– generally known for its permanent display of French, Dutch and other masterpieces from the 17th century onward, is extending its usual wheelhouse for a fascinating look at street artists and their profound cultural impact .

As the museum states on their website, the show, entitled “We are Here”, highlights work from several key street artists:

“   Shepard Fairey, Invader, D*Face, Seth, Cleon Peterson, Hush, Swoon, Vhils, Inti, Add Fuel,  and  Conor Harrington  take over the Petit Palais with a selection of monumental works, fostering a dialogue with the Museum’s collections. The exhibition features over two hundred works, all of which are presented in the same gallery space. This spectacular installation was designed as a tribute to the different art salons and fairs of previous times, like the Salon des Refusés and Salon d’Automne, at the origin of numerous artistic revolutions in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this vein, the works on display have been created by major artists who have written and continue to write the history of street art. The immersive scenography invites the public to discover the diversity and wealth of this thriving movement.”  {Related: A Self-Guided Tour of Street Art in Paris}
  • Where:  Petit Palais – Avenue Winston Churchill, 75008 Paris (8th arrondissement)
  • Metro: Champs-Elysées Clémenceau
  • Dates: Through November 17th, 2024

“The World as it Is” (at the Bourse de Commerce)

visit paris august

Housing the Pinault Collection in contemporary art, the Bourse de Commerce  is a relative newcomer to the French capital– but it’s already become known as one of the city’s nerve centers for present-day creation. The current show there is an ambitious look at how some of the world’s most acclaimed and daring artists interpret the contemporary world and its (often tumultuous) events.

{Related:  The Best Small Museums in Paris}

The temporary exhibit showcases around 10,000 paintings, photographs and other works from the Pinault Collection– and it’s something we highly recommend for contemporary art enthusiasts who’ll be in town sometime this summer or autumn.

The South Korean conceptual artist Kismsooja opens the show with her massive installation in the central rotunda: this is a piece that literally makes visitors part of the artistic happening (we won’t give away any more). And in the main exhibition rooms, major works from artists such as Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, Doris Salcedo and Damien Hirst await, among those of many other contemporary creators.

  • Location:  Bourse de Commerce, Paris (see full guide)
  • When:  Through September 23, 2024
  • You can buy tickets here (at the Bourse de Commerce).

Ready to Book Your Trip?

If so, don’t overlook the importance of travel insurance. World Nomads is a well-known company offering a number of policies and options for your next trip. You can compare and buy travel insurance policies direct here. 

[World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using the link above. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.]

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August in Paris can be wonderful-- or nightmarish. Here's how to make the most of it

*Disclaimer: This post contains a small number of affiliate links. If you book products or services though these links, it comes at no cost to you, but will fund more free, original articles and travel tips at Paris Unlocked. Many thanks.  

Courtney Traub

Courtney Traub is the Founder and Editor of Paris Unlocked. She’s a longtime Paris resident who now divides her time (as well as she can manage) between the French capital and Norwich, UK. Co-author of the 2012 Michelin Green Guide to Northern France & the Paris Region, she has been interviewed as an expert on Paris and France by the BBC, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Le Figaro, Matador Network and other publications. Courtney has also written and reported stories for media outlets including Radio France Internationale, The Christian Science Monitor, Women’s Wear Daily and The Associated Press. In addition to going down various rabbit holes of curiosity when it comes to French culture, history, food and art, Courtney is a scholar of literature and cultural history whose essays and reviews have appeared in various forums.

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Best Time to Visit Paris (& Which Month to Avoid)

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Dreaming of visiting the city of lights but wondering what is the best time to visit Paris? Easy. The best time to visit Paris is in April.

Why is April the best time to visit Paris? Well, because there are fewer crowds, prices are lower, the weather is nice, and the city is beautiful during the spring.

As someone who has visited in different seasons I can say that spring in Paris is by far my favorite – and it will likely be a great time for you too.

In this post, I’ve detailed all the reasons why you should travel to Paris in April, other best months to travel to Paris, plus what month you should not go to Paris.

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Planning a trip to Paris? Check out these recommendations:

Best Hotels in Paris: Eiffel View:  Pullman Hotel Budget:  Korner Eiffel Mid:  Hôtel Da Vinci & Spa Luxury:  Hôtel d’Aubusson Boutique:  Hotel de Seine

Best Tours in Paris : 🎫 Eiffel Tower Tickets 🎫 Louvre Guided Tour 🎫 Tour to Versailles Palace 🎫 Moulin Rouge Show 🎫 Le Marais Food Tour

Best Time to Visit Paris

The best time to visit Paris is in the spring, specifically in the month of April. Its a perfect time of year to explore the city without the crowds or getting too hot, yet its warm enough to enjoy walking around the city or sipping a coffee at an outdoor café.

Yellow flowers at a garden in Paris in April

5 Reasons The Best Month to Visit Paris is April

Not convinced yet? Here are my top 5 reasons why you should plan your trip to Paris for April.

1. Fewer Crowds

Paris is one of the most visited cities in the entire world. In fact, on average Paris gets over 40 million visitors each year. The sheer number of tourists can cause the city to be quite crowded, which is why some people find Paris to be overrated .

The busiest time to visit Paris is in the summer, from June through August. Therefore if you want to avoid crowds, I highly recommend avoiding visiting Paris in the summer.

Paris in April will be less crowded than Paris in August, which is definitely a plus to visiting in the spring.

By visiting in April, the crowds will be more manageable plus you benefit from the other pros of Paris in spring – like good weather & a beautiful, romantic atmosphere.

However, if you really hate crowds and want to avoid them completely you may want to look into visiting Paris in January or February, as these tend to be the least crowded months (although the weather can be cold and not ideal in winter).

2. Good Weather

One thing I love about visiting Paris in April is that the weather is the perfect for exploring the city.

The Notre Dame Cathedral on a sunny day in April

On average, daytime temperatures in April are around 17° C (62° F). Especially on a sunny day, it’s a great temperature for walking around the city without getting too warm or too cold.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about the intense heatwaves that have been hitting Paris in the summer time or the fact that most places in Paris do not have air conditioning.

On average, there are about 8 rainy days a month in April, which isn’t bad considering that summertime averages around 6-7 rainy days and in winter the average is around 9-10 rainy or snowy days.

3. Beautiful Atmosphere

Paris is absolutely beautiful in April. Flowers start to bloom in the Luxembourg gardens while cherry blossoms surround the Champs de Mars near the Eiffel Tower – its a truly stunning time of year in the French capital.

visit paris august

Like I mentioned before, I’ve visited Paris in different seasons and I absolutely fell in love with the city during springtime.

Paris during summer? Lets just say it was slightly less beautiful and a much more crowded experience.

April is also a perfect time to take a day trip to Versailles and explore the palace and gardens. Not only is this one of the best historical sites near Paris, but the gardens of Versailles are also incredibly beautiful – especially in the springtime with the lush greenery.

Gardens of Versailles in April

4. Cheaper Prices

Paris in April is much cheaper than visiting Paris in June, July, or August. I’d also argue that it is cheaper than visiting in December (holiday season) or in the other shoulder months of May and September.

Visiting Paris in April likely means cheaper airline tickets and cheaper hotels. Both of these things can really make a difference in how much you spend on your trip to Paris, and it is definitely a huge bonus of why you should visit Paris in April.

So, why is Paris cheaper in April? Well, its considered a shoulder tourist season and experiences fewer crowds than other times of the year. Therefore, the hotels and airlines typically lower prices due to lower demand.

Us in Paris

5. Not Too Many Public Holidays/Closures

One thing many people don’t consider when planning a trip to Paris is the public holidays in France. During public holidays, many shops, restaurants, and attractions will be closed or have limited hours. Plus, prices can be higher during holidays.

In April, the only big public holiday to consider is Easter weekend, which usually falls sometime between late March or in April.

However, there are other months that have several public holidays (such as May and December). Additionally, in August, most French people take an extended 2-3 week vacation which means many smaller local owned shops and restaurants close in Paris during August.

So, a benefit to traveling in April is that you really only need to consider when Easter weekend is when making your travel plans.

Here is a list of the main public holidays in France.

Other Best Months to Visit Paris

If your travel plans don’t work for April then don’t worry! Paris truly is a year-round city, and there are pros and cons to each season. Some of the other best months to visit Paris include March, May, October, November, & December.

🌸 Paris in March & May

March and May are other good months to visit Paris, for many of the same reasons as why you should visit Paris in April.

March especially will have cheaper prices and fewer crowds, but the weather will be a bit more chilly and rainy. There can even be snow in early March!

Paris in May will start to get more crowded and slightly more expensive towards summertime, but has warmer weather, blooming flowers, and a beautiful atmosphere.

A boat going down the Seine River in Paris

Keep in mind there are several public holidays in May including Labor Day (May 1st), Victory Day (May 8th), Whit Monday (end of May), and Ascension Day (end of May). There are typically closures on these holidays.

🍂 Paris in October & November

Paris in the fall is also a wonderful time to visit. While you won’t have all the spring flowers, you do benefit from the fewer crowds and lower prices when visiting Paris in October or November. Plus, the weather during these months is still pretty mild and good for walking around.

🎄 Paris in December

December is a fun time to visit Paris due to the Christmas holiday season. The city of lights truly comes to life during this time of year – from the festive Christmas markets to the sparkling holiday lights.

It isn’t the cheapest time to visit and there will be crowds, but it is a great time to visit for those that love the holiday season.

Paris in December

Cheapest Time to Visit Paris – January & February

While it may not be the overall best time to visit, the cheapest time to visit Paris is January and February . This is because the winter months are considered the low season for tourism and so hotels, flights, and attractions typically have much lower prices compared to summer.

So, if you are looking to visit Paris on a budget then visiting in January or February is the perfect time to go. Plus there are very few crowds during these months which makes it enjoyable.

While the weather is cold (and sometimes snowy) there is still plenty to do in Paris during winter. Paris has so many great museums to visit, shows like Moulin Rouge , and it is even a good idea to visit the Eiffel Tower or Palace of Versailles in winter .

The Louvre Museum in winter

When Not to Visit Paris – August

I recommend avoiding visiting Paris in August because it is hot, expensive, crowded with tourists, and most locals leave for the month on holiday.

This is especially true for the year 2024 as Paris will host the summer Olympics in August (which means extremely high crowds and prices).

If you do visit Paris in the summer, I recommend visiting some hidden gems in Paris that will be less crowded. Additionally, taking a day trip or weekend trip to places like Bruges, Belgium or alternative French cities would be a fun idea.

Reasons Why You Should Avoid Paris in August

Here are a few reasons why I recommend avoiding Paris in August.

👉 August is a Holiday Month in France

Many Parisians take a long holiday in August, and most locals leave Paris at this time. This means that some of the smaller & locally owned shops and restaurants will actually close during this time.

The big attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, etc. and restaurants aimed at tourists will still be open in August, but if you prefer a more authentic experience it is better to avoid this month.

👉 The Weather in August is Too Hot

August can be very hot, humid, and muggy in Paris. The city also can experience intense heatwaves, especially in recent years.

Plus, unlike the US, there isn’t really air conditioning in Paris except for some of the hotels. So restaurants, museums, and attractions can be very warm even indoors.

Additionally there aren’t many places to cool down outside. As someone that lives in Florida, even I have a hard time with the heat of Paris in the summer.

👉 Paris in August is Too Crowded

Last but not least, Paris in August (and really all summer) can be super crowded. The crowds cause longer wait times at attractions and the city honestly seems a bit dirtier because of the high number of people and the liter/trash that gets thrown everywhere.

Where to Stay When Visiting Paris

When you decide which month to visit Paris, you’ll also want to see which is the best of the Paris neighborhoods to stay at.

I love staying in the 6th arrondissement when visiting Paris. The 6th is one of the most beautiful places in Paris, one of the safest neighborhoods in Paris , and is close to many tourist attractions and transportation.

Below are some highly rated & recommended hotels in the 6th arrondissement:

📍 Budget-Friendly:  Hôtel La Parizienne 📍 Mid-Range:  Hotel de Seine 📍 Luxury:  Hôtel d’Aubusson

Paris in spring

FAQ: Best Month to Visit Paris

The best month to go to Paris is April. Paris in April experiences fewer crowds, mild weather, and cheaper prices compared to the summer months. Paris in the spring is also very beautiful, as the flowers bloom and add to the romantic and charming atmosphere of Paris.

The cheapest months to visit Paris are January and February. Winter is considered the low season in Paris, which means there are far less people. Therefore prices for airline tickets, hotels, and more is much cheaper in Paris during the winter months.

The most expensive months to visit Paris is in July and August. As with most European cities, July and August are considered the peak of the high season and the large crowds cause the prices of hotels to be much more expensive during these months.

Paris is most beautiful in April. The spring months of Paris bring blooming flowers, including cherry blossoms which add to the beautiful atmosphere of the French city. The weather in April is mild and sunny, which makes it a beautiful time to visit, especially to experience the beauty of the Luxembourg or Tuileries Gardens.

Paris in April, the best month to visit Paris

The Wrap Up: Best Time to Visit Paris

The best time to visit Paris is April due to the fewer crowds, mild weather, beautiful atmosphere, and cheaper prices when compared to the summer months.

As someone who has visited several times, I highly recommend visiting in April as it is such a beautiful time of year to experience Paris.

Paris is truly an incredible city, but trust me – it does make a difference when you visit.

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Amber is the owner and author of Get Lost in Wanderlust, a blog that helps travelers plan incredible trips across Europe from bucket list cities to charming hidden gems. She has a Bachelor's Degree in History and Psychology, and enjoys learning more about the culture and historical significance of each place she visits. When she isn't exploring Europe, she loves reading, writing, and planning her next adventure.

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When is the best time to go to Paris?

Alexis Averbuck

Mar 29, 2024 • 6 min read

visit paris august

Paris offers a travel experience for every time of year © Leo Patrizi / Getty Images

Alexis is one of the author's of our  latest Paris guidebook . Here she shares her tips on the best time to visit Paris.

As one of the world's dreamiest destinations, Paris never disappoints. Summer sees the Seine lined with people soaking up the city at its sunniest, while the cooler winter temperatures make it the perfect time to explore museums, galleries and cozy cafes. 

When planning a visit, it's also worth checking out Paris' extensive festival and events calendar. It's one of the world's best cultural cities, so you can design a trip that includes anything from special operas and hip-hop dance premieres to French Open tennis.

Paris' plentiful accommodation spans all budgets, but it is often fully booked well in advance, particularly during peak times (April to October, as well as public and school holidays). Reservations are essential at these times, but are also recommended year-round.

Whenever you go, you can enjoy all the best things in Paris , from shopping for the latest fashions to seeing the world's most famous works of art. But if you want to find your own perfect time to see the City of Light, follow our tips on when to visit.

June to August is the best time for relaxing in parks and along the Seine

You'll find locals kicking back along the banks of the Seine year-round, but never more so than on warm summer evenings with a picnic and bottle of wine. While the weather will be great and there’s no better time to enjoy the city’s famed cafe culture, you will be sharing Paris with plenty of other tourists. During August many establishments close as locals flee the summer city heat.

December to January is the best time for budget travelers

Sights are quieter and prices lower during winter, making it a great time for budget travelers – but you won’t have to sacrifice everything that makes Paris wonderful. The weather is mostly rainy and chilly (snow is quite infrequent), but ice-skating rinks pop up across the city, including in some truly picturesque spots like  Galeries Lafayette 's panoramic rooftop. In December, the city will light up with Christmas trees and beautifully decorated shop windows, making it a very magical month.

March to May and September to October are the best times for a bit of everything

Spring (especially April and May) and autumn (particularly September and October) are ideal for visiting Paris – crowds are thinner, but the weather is temperate and lovely. 

In the spring, blossoms give way to leaves greening the city's tree-lined boulevards and flowering window boxes splash color across Paris' Haussmann-era facades. Local street markets are perfect for picking up picnic ingredients since temperatures are now warm enough to head to Paris' parks and gardens , including the city's most popular, the Jardin du Luxembourg , and along the UNESCO World Heritage-listed riverbanks, particularly the Parc Rives de Seine . 

Likewise, the weather is gorgeous and crowds are smaller in fall, making it a great time to go. Autumn colors begin to seep in and the city ups its already impressive cultural offerings.

Ice skaters use a rink in front of Hotel de Ville in Paris

January is for shopping and culture

The frosty first month of the year isn’t the most festive in Paris, but the winter soldes (sales) – brighten the mood. Also, the city’s vast offerings of theater and dance are in full swing.

Key events : Epiphany; Louis XVI Commemorative Mass; Chinese New Year 

February remains chilly, but warms your heart on Valentine’s Day

In February, couples descend on France's romantic capital for Valentine's Day, when virtually all restaurants offer special menus.

Key events: Rétromobile ; Salon International de l’Agriculture

Embrace marvelous March as the city starts warming up

Blooms appear in Paris’ parks and gardens, leaves start greening the city’s avenues and festivals and events begin. The weather remains variable (pack rain gear), but trends to warmer.

Key events : Banlieues Bleues ; Cinéma du Réel

April is "Springtime in Paris"

Sinatra sang about April in Paris, and the month sees the city’s "charm of spring" in full swing, with chestnut trees blossoming and cafe terraces coming into their own. It’s also often the month of Easter.

Key events: Paris Beer Festival ; Livre Paris ; Foire du Trône ; Marathon International de Paris ; Foire de Paris ;  Run Experience Salon du Running

Magnificent May is tops for warmth without the international crowds

The temperate month of May has more public holidays than any other in France and is a peak time for domestic travel . Watch out for widespread closures, particularly on May Day (1 May). But the main tourism season is just beginning, so May offers a chance to sneak in before the biggest crowds.

Key events: La Nuit Européenne des Musées ; Taste Paris ; French Open ; Paris Café Festival

A magnolia blooms in front of the Paris skyline.

June is for summer delight from music festivals to warm-evening strolls

Paris is positively jumping in June, thanks to warm temperatures, a host of outdoor events (many of them free ) and long daylight hours, with twilight lingering until late.

Key events: Nuit Blanche; Festival de St-Denis ; We Love Green ; Fête de la Musique; Marche des Fiertés (Pride); La Goutte d’Or en Fête ; Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes de Belleville

Jump into July for peak Parisian summer fun

During the Parisian summer, "beaches" – complete with sun beds, umbrellas, atomizers, lounge chairs and palm trees – line the banks of the Seine and pools hum with swimmers, while shoppers hit the summer soldes (sales). Heat becomes more intense, as do crowds.

Key events: Paris Jazz Festival ; Bals des Pompiers; Bastille Day; Paris Plages; Tour de France ; Cinéma En Plein Air de la Villette ; La Fête du Cinéma

August empties of Parisians but fills with international visitors

Parisians desert the city in droves during the summer swelter when, despite an influx of tourists, many restaurants and shops shut. It can be hard to get a good bistro meal (with many closed) but it’s a prime time to cycle, with far less traffic on the roads.

Key events: Classique au Vert ; Rock en Seine ; Silhouette

Gentler September brings cooler climes and a rebooted cultural calendar

Tourists leave and Parisians come home: la rentrée marks residents’ return to work and study after the summer break. Cultural life shifts into top gear and the weather is often at its blue-skied best.

Key events: Jazz à la Villette ; Festival d’Automne ; Techno Parade ; Journées Européennes du Patrimoine; Journée Sans Voiture ; Foire de Chatou

Autumn-hued October beckons for low-key days with food and art festivals

October heralds an autumnal kaleidoscope in the city’s parks and gardens, along with bright, crisp days, cool, clear nights and excellent cultural offerings.

Key events: Fête des Vendanges de Montmartre ; Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain ; Salon du Chocolat

Chilly November calls for indoor activities

Dark, chilly days and long, cold nights see Parisians take refuge indoors: the opera and ballet seasons are going strong and there are plenty of cozy bistros and bars.

Key events: Pitchfork Music Festival Paris ; Africolor ; Illuminations de Noël; Beaujolais Nouveau 

Paris sparkles in holiday-filled December

Twinkling fairy lights, brightly decorated Christmas trees and shop windows and outdoor ice-skating rinks make December a wondrous month to be in the City of Light.

Key events: Salon du Cheval de Paris ; Christmas Eve Mass; Le Festival du Merveilleux ; New Year’s Eve

This article was first published Mar 30, 2021 and updated Mar 29, 2024.

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The Best of Paris in One Place

Best Time to Visit Paris by Month: Weather, Budget, Crowds (2024)

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Paris, the city of love and light, beckons you year-round with its timeless charm and mesmerizing beauty. There is no “bad” time to visit this enchanting destination, but if you seek to escape the crowds, snag some deals, or savor the ideal weather, you’re in the right place. This guide will unravel the secrets of the best time to experience Paris’s magic – month by month. Join us on this journey as we explore the city’s distinct seasons, revealing the hidden gems, the cultural tapestry, and the pulse of the French capital.

Table of Contents

Best Time to Visit Paris

The truth is, there’s no single worst time or month to visit Paris. Instead, the perfect time to experience this enchanting city depends largely on your personal preferences. Let’s take a closer look at the different seasons Paris unveils, making it simpler for you to choose the one that aligns with your desires.

  • High Season : June to August and late December
  • Shoulder Seasons : April to May and September to November
  • Low Season : Early December and January to April

Each season offers a unique Parisian experience, and your choice will depend on your preferences, be it mingling with summer crowds or savoring moments of solitude amidst winter’s enchanting frost.

Weather in Paris: Choosing the Best Time to Visit

visit paris august

Understanding Paris means understanding its climate, which plays a significant role in shaping the city’s character. The weather in Paris can dramatically vary from season to season, adding to its charm and providing unique experiences. Let’s explore each season and its distinct climate:

  • March-May (39-66°F) : Spring brings a cool and pleasant climate, with temperatures ranging from 4-19 degrees Celsius. The city bursts with colorful blooms.
  • June-August (55-75°F) : Summer welcomes warmth and pleasant weather, with temperatures spanning from 13-24 degrees Celsius.
  • September-November (41-69°F) : Autumn introduces cooler temperatures with moderate rainfall, offering a climate range of 5-21 degrees Celsius.
  • December-February (36-46°F) : Winter cloaks the city in cold, occasionally accompanied by a touch of snow. Temperatures can dip as low as 2-8 degrees Celsius.

Best Time to Visit Paris for Good Weather

  • Summer in Paris is about enjoying extended daylight and sunny weather.
  • Paris lacks abundant air conditioning, so be prepared for warm temperatures.
  • Spring in April and May offers pleasant weather without the summer crowds.

visit paris august

The summer season in Paris is all about embracing long, sun-soaked days and pleasant weather. From the iconic Sacré-Cœur to the opulent Versailles, the city basks in the warmth of the sun. However, it’s important to note that Paris isn’t famous for abundant air conditioning. While typical temperatures in summer range from 24-29 degrees Celsius (75-84 degrees Fahrenheit), heatwaves can occasionally push the mercury into the 29-35 degrees Celsius (85-95 degrees Fahrenheit) range.

Best Time to Visit Paris to Avoid Crowd

  • For a quieter experience, visit between October and April, avoiding the December holiday season.
  • Early October and April offer pleasant weather for outdoor activities.
  • To avoid crowds, explore popular attractions on weekday mornings and use skip-the-line tickets.

Paris welcomes over 35 million visitors annually, with the majority gracing its streets from May to September. July, in particular, buzzes with activity. But if you’re eager to explore Paris without the crowds, we suggest a different approach.

visit paris august

For a quieter rendezvous with the city, consider visiting between October and April, excluding the bustling holiday season in December. Early October and April offer pleasant temperatures, still ideal for outdoor cafe indulgence. To experience Paris with fewer fellow travelers, visit popular attractions on weekday mornings, dodge the major tour groups, and opt for skip-the-line tickets. After all, Paris is best savored on foot.

Best Time to Visit Paris for Lower Prices: Cheapest Months

  • The off-season, from December (except the Christmas season) to February, is ideal for budget travelers.

For the frugal traveler, the off-season beckons. Winter, from early December to February, with temperatures in the 30s and 40s (1-9 degrees Celsius), is your ticket to Paris at a discount. You’ll save on flights, public transportation, attractions, and accommodations. The Eiffel Tower, adorned with a winter’s touch, reveals a magical facet of the city.

Worried about snow? Fear not; Paris experiences occasional dustings but not harsh winters, making it an accessible and affordable option. While the low season might entail fewer tours and closed businesses, the serenity, lower prices, and charm of an uncrowded Paris compensate handsomely.

Best Time to Visit Paris for Museums

  • Most museums in Paris stay open year-round, with a few holiday exceptions.

Art aficionados, take note – Paris unveils its art treasures best between September and May. During summer, many art galleries restrict their hours, except for the captivating “Nuits Blanches,” where art installations stay open all night, now occurring in early June.

visit paris august

Museums in Paris usually stay open year-round, with a few exceptions on holidays like Christmas, Bastille Day (July 14), and New Year’s Day.

Paris by Month: Choose the Best Time to Visit

January: paris in winter.

visit paris august

January in Paris can be quite chilly, with temperatures ranging from 2-8 degrees Celsius (36-46 degrees Fahrenheit). While it might not be the most festive time, the winter “soldes” (sales) offer an excellent shopping opportunity. The city’s theaters and dance performances are in full swing, providing a cultural backdrop.

February: Romantic Getaway

February remains chilly, with temperatures around 3-10 degrees Celsius (37-50 degrees Fahrenheit). It’s a perfect time for a romantic getaway, with Valentine’s Day drawing couples to the city. Most restaurants offer special menus for this romantic occasion.

March: Blooms and Festivals

In March, temperatures range from 4-13 degrees Celsius (39-55 degrees Fahrenheit). As the city warms up, you’ll witness blooms in Paris’ parks, green leaves on the city’s avenues, and the beginning of various festivals and events. Keep in mind that the weather remains variable, so packing rain gear is advisable.

visit paris august

April: Springtime in Paris

April brings slightly milder temperatures, ranging from 6-16 degrees Celsius (43-61 degrees Fahrenheit). This is when the city’s “charm of spring” is in full swing. Chestnut trees blossom, and cafe terraces become inviting. Additionally, April often includes Easter celebrations.

May: Temperate Tranquility

May offers temperate weather, with temperatures ranging from 8-18 degrees Celsius (46-64 degrees Fahrenheit). This month boasts more public holidays in France than any other, making it a peak time for domestic travel. However, be aware of widespread closures, particularly on May Day (1 May).

June: A Vibrant Summer Prelude

June ushers in warmer temperatures, with a range of 13-24 degrees Celsius (55-75 degrees Fahrenheit). The city comes alive with various outdoor events and longer daylight hours, allowing you to enjoy late evenings in the magic of Paris.

visit paris august

July: Peak Parisian Summer

July experiences some of the hottest temperatures, with a range of 16-28 degrees Celsius (61-82 degrees Fahrenheit). It’s the heart of Parisian summer, and “beaches” along the Seine and summer sales add to the excitement. However, expect intense heat and crowds.

August: A Quieter Summer Interlude

August sees warm temperatures, ranging from 16-28 degrees Celsius (61-82 degrees Fahrenheit). Parisians often leave the city during this time, leading to restaurant and shop closures. However, it’s an excellent time for cycling due to lighter traffic.

September: Return of Parisians

September marks the return of Parisians, and temperatures range from 13-24 degrees Celsius (55-75 degrees Fahrenheit). It’s a pleasant time to visit as cultural life resumes, and the weather often features blue skies.

October: Autumnal Kaleidoscope

visit paris august

October brings the beauty of autumn with temperatures ranging from 10-19 degrees Celsius (50-66 degrees Fahrenheit). The city’s parks and gardens display an array of autumn colors, and crisp days make it a delightful time to explore.

November: Cozy Indoors

November sees temperatures between 6-13 degrees Celsius (43-55 degrees Fahrenheit). The dark, chilly days encourage Parisians and visitors to seek indoor activities, such as attending opera and ballet performances or enjoying the warmth of cozy bistros and bars.

visit paris august

December: A Festive Wonderland

December embraces the holiday spirit, with temperatures ranging from 2-8 degrees Celsius (36-46 degrees Fahrenheit). The city adorns itself with twinkling lights, beautifully decorated Christmas trees, festive shop windows, and enchanting outdoor ice-skating rinks. It’s a wondrous time to experience the magic of the City of Light.

To be honest, the question isn’t about the best or worst time to visit Paris, but rather, the right time for you, based on your preferences and priorities. Paris welcomes travelers throughout the year, and each season unfolds a unique charm, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

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10 Best Museums in Paris: Find the One for Your Interest

Paris Discovery Guide

Which Season is Best for Visiting Paris?

When to Plan Your Visit

  • When to Visit Paris

Which Season Is Best for Visiting Paris?

When should you visit Paris? 

Every season has pros and cons - so here's our guide to figuring out which is "best" for you.

You'll find plenty of special activities and events at every time of the year . . . but depending on what you want to do, how much money you want to spend, and how well you tolerate - or not - large crowds and hot or cold weather, you may find that one season suits you better than another.

Here is our breakdown of what each season in Paris offers - especially the pros and cons - and our recommendations.

Since you can't always choose when you come, we include a few suggestions about how to mitigate some of the "cons" - plus tips about when NOT to visit if you have a choice.

Top photo:  Cherry trees blooming in Paris's Trocadero Garden near the Eiffel Tower, (c) Paris Discovery Guide

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Visiting Paris in the Spring (March, April, May)

Cherry blossoms in Paris's Jardin des Plantes during April

The beauty of Paris in the spring is legendary. 

Flowering trees burst into bloom, days grow longer, sidewalk dining begins to pop up outside numerous cafes and bistros, and Parisians head outdoors.

Find the best places in Paris to see cherry blossoms

Expect plenty of warm days and sunshine - plus a few days of rain.

Almost all attractions and restaurants will be open, and plenty of special exhibits will be underway at museums and the Grand Palais.

Hotels and airfare will still be relatively low in early March, although they will rise as shoulder season kicks in and spring progresses.

Numbers of tourists will increase and lines outside major attractions will grow longer as May approaches - but nothing like they will be during the summer.  To avoid wasting time spending in long ticket lines, get skip-the-line tickets whenever possible.

If you are traveling with children, you should remember that school vacations during April mean lots of other families will be doing the same thing.  

Disneyland Paris is probably where you will notice the biggest numbers of families, and you'll need to reserve your tickets early because they sell out sooner than you might expect (don't ask how we know).  But good news: affordable low-season rates continue through about the third week in May.

Recommendation:  Spring is a wonderful time to visit Paris.  Go in early March to take advantage of lower rates and shorter lines.  Go in mid-April or May to maximize your chance of warmer weather.

Find out more about April in Paris

Check out Paris weather for March, April, May

Visiting Paris in the Summer (June, July, August)

Luxembourg Garden in the summer

Paris summers are glorious.

Light lingers until 11pm, the weather is warm-to-hot, and lots of outdoor activities mean you'll have plenty to do.

Check out Paris Plages and Les Berges on both sides of the Seine, go for a drink and perhaps dinner on one of the river's floating barges, and take a cruise up the Canal Saint-Martin to the huge Parc de la Villette where you can rent a paddle boat for even more fun on the water.

If smaller museums are on your list of places to visit, check their schedules on their websites, as some may close during August.  

Street markets will shrink to almost nothing, as most of their Parisian customers are on vacation.  

A number of restaurants and small boutiques will also close.  But plenty remain open.

Since this is the "high" season for travel to Paris (and other places in France), expect to pay a hefty sum for your plane ticket and hotel.  

Book as early as possible to get the best rates and selection.  Check our tips for finding cheap flights.   You may save a bit on your hotel or apartment by coming in August.

Lines for top tourist attractions will be long, especially in June and July.  Book "skip the line" tickets wherever possible.  And wear plenty of sunscreen when you go out for the day.

Find out how to stay cool during Paris heat waves

Recommendation:  Summer in Paris is a special experience.  Defer visiting the most touristy places until another time, if possible, and embrace everything special that Paris offers during the summer.  

To get somewhat lower rates, go during August if you are not concerned about some places being closed.

Visiting Paris in the Fall (September, October, November)

Luxembourg Garden in Paris in the fall

September days are still warm (if not hot) and mellow, but then the air turns crisp and leaves turn golden.

Parisians return from vacation, infusing the city with energy.

Plenty of tourists remain, and although lines at top attractions grow somewhat shorter, you'll be wise to get skip the line tickets for the most popular attractions - the Louvre, Orsay Museum, Eiffel Tower (read our ticket tips ), Versailles, and the Catacombs.

Days also grow shorter - but so much is going on in the city that you may not notice.

Orchestra, ballet, and opera performances resume, and museums mount spectacular new shows.

Check the Paris concert, ballet, and opera schedule

Hotel rates and airfares begin to drop a bit - although the large number of business conferences and trade shows in October may keep them higher than you'd expect.

Harvest from across the French countryside flows into the

markets and into the restaurants.  Foodies will revel in the bountiful offerings.

Explore Paris (or Versailles or Giverny) by bike & see fall color

Recommendation:   Fall is an excellent time to visit Paris - IF you plan ahead and either avoid the biennial Paris Air Show and other huge events or snag flight and hotel reservations before they're booked up.

Visiting Paris in the Winter (December, January, February)

Christmas decorations at Galeries Lafayette

Paris winters are actually quite beautiful, and the weather is milder than you might expect.  It can be somewhat gray and damp at times, but punctuated by brilliant days (or hours) of bright sunshine. 

Snow does occasionally coat the city - a magical event to celebrate, especially because it looks lovely and then quickly melts. 

Are these months the "best" time to visit Paris?   No - if "best" means the warmer, possibly sunnier months - April through October - when most tourists like to visit.  

But if your perspective is different - if, for example, you love the city's festive decorations, the January sales, the beautiful pearly-gray winterscapes, the buds on flowering trees visible in February, winter is an ideal time to visit Paris.

As a bonus, you will love not having to wait in line or dealing with huge crowds of other visitors.

You'll also be rewarded with the year's lowest airfare and hotel rates - except for the period from about mid-December through the first couple of days in January when rates soar due to family visits, tourists who come for the holidays, and international students who arrive for the spring semester.

Brilliant sunny days occur fairly frequently.  And most years, temperatures may reach the lower and even upper 50s on some days - perfect for walking around without sweating.

Starting in mid-November, Christmas markets and Christmas lights brighten the city through early January, making this a fantastic time to visit the City of Light.  Elaborate Christmas decorations appear all over Paris, with elaborate animated window displays at all the big department stores.

A spectacular light show at Arc de Triomphe on New Year's Eve and lots of celebrating usher in the New Year.

Soldes (sales) signs show up everywhere in early January, ushering several weeks of increasingly steep discounts.  Think of it this way:  the whole city is on sale.

By February, days begin to get longer, and you'll see the sun more frequently.

Recommendation:  Visiting Paris in the winter can be a fantastic experience, especially if you want to enjoy the Christmas markets, party on the Champs Élysées on New Year's Eve, or hit the January sales.  On the other hand, if lack of daylight bothers you, this is not when you should come.

Find out more about Paris in February

When to AVOID Visiting Paris!

 French and EU flags in front of the Patrouille de France aerobatic team at the Paris Air Show - Credit: iStock/VanderWolf-Images

Unless you love huge crowds, paying high rates for your hotel room (if you can get one at all), or have a strong interest in the event causing the crowds, you may want to avoid coming to Paris when the city hosts mega-events. 

The event attendees won't necessarily be at tourist attractions, but they do book up the city's hotel rooms - sometimes far in advance.

These events include:

Paris Air Show - 2025

The famous Paris Air Show focuses on the latest developments in civilian and military aviation, and attracts 350,000+ visitors - LOTS of planes displayed on land and demonstrated in the air.  Although the actual show takes place in Le Bourget Airport north of the city, most attendees stay, dine, and drink in Paris.

Schedule:   7 days, typically in early- to mid-June during odd-numbered years.  The first 4 days are for members, and the remaining three are for the general public.  The next Paris Air Show will be from June 16 - 22, 2025.  See Paris Events in June for exact dates.

Paris Motor Show

The enormous Paris Motor Show introduces new car models and concepts.  Attracts 11,000,000+ visitors.  Takes place at the Porte de Versailles exhibition center in the southeastern part of Paris in the 15th arrondissement.

Schedule:   14 days, typically during the first two weeks of October during even-numbered years.  Every hotel room in the city fills up during this event.  See Paris Events in October for exact dates.

Other Events

As mentioned early, September and October are usually packed with various trade shows in addition to the enormous Paris Motor (Auto) Show in even-numbered years.  It is not unusual to find seemingly every hotel room, Airbnb, and apartment in the city booked, especially if you wait until the last minute to reserve.  Restaurants also get packed.  Tourist attractions are much less impacted.

Paris Fashion Week actually takes place four times each year but the two biggest events are in March for fall/winter collections and late September - early October for spring/summer collections.  Main events take place in the Carrousel du Louvre but other venues are used as well, with the Marais (especially the area around Place des Vosges) being especially impacted.  You'll see lots of fashionably dressed models strolling around, which is fun ... less fun is trying to get a table at a restaurant or book a hotel room during these weeks, particularly on the Right Bank.  Check our September and March events articles for the exact dates, as they vary each year.

School Holidays

Schools across France and the rest of Europe have mid-term week-long holidays during April and October - so expect lots of families with kids and teens as well as school trip participants in Paris during those periods, especially at popular attractions such as Disneyland Paris, some museums, and the Eiffel Tower.  In France, the holiday weeks are staggered for a 4-week period by region.  

Last 2 Weeks in December

As previously mentioned, tout le monde, it seems, comes to Paris during this period to visit family for the holidays, stroll around festive Christmas Markets, gaze at sparkling Christmas lights, attend special Christmas concerts, and celebrate the New Year. 

If you fall into these categories or perhaps simply love the idea of spending Christmas in Paris, be prepared to book your flights early (see our tips for finding cheap flights) and pay almost as much as you might during the summer for flights.  Hotel rates also go up.  Aside from those extra costs, it's a fabulous time to visit the City of Light.

But if your plans are flexible and you want to save money, come during the first two weeks of December or late November when rates are much cheaper.  You can see the dazzling holiday lights and decorations in department store windows and all but the smallest Christmas markets. 

Fun Things to Do & See in Paris during Every Season

Need to book a paris hotel for your visit.

Check out our recommendations for the best neighborhoods to stay in Paris, based on your interests.

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  • Find out how to save time with skip-the-line tickets
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Top Attractions & Tours

Eiffel Tower in Paris

  • Eiffel Tower - Enjoy sweeping views of Paris
  • Louvre Tour - Soak up art & see the Mona Lisa
  • Palace of Versailles - Best way to see the famous Chateau
  • Paris Museum Pass - Choose 2, 4, or 6 days
  • Paris Disneyland - Get express tickets & transport from Paris

Happening in Paris

January in Paris

January in Paris

  • The famous Paris winter sales, concerts, new museum exhibits

February in Paris

February in Paris

  • Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year Parades

March in Paris

March in Paris

  • Mardi Gras, Fountain Shows at Versailles, French Open

April in Paris

April in Paris

  • Paris Marathon, Easter concerts, spring flowers

May in Paris

May in Paris

  • Mother's Day, jazz festival, concerts

June in Paris

June in Paris

  • Summer sales, Pride week, music fests, air show

July in Paris

July in Paris

  • Bastille Day, Tour de France, beaches

August in Paris

August in Paris

  • Free concerts & movies, Rock En Seine

September in Paris

September in Paris

  • European Heritage Days, Fashion Week

October in Paris

October in Paris

  • Wine festival, Halloween, Motor Show

November in Paris

November in Paris

  • Armistice Day, Salon du Chocolat

December in Paris

December in Paris

  • Christmas, New Year's Eve

Hanukkah in Paris

Hanukkuh in Paris

  • Menorah lightings 

Christmas in Paris

Christmas in Paris

  • Holiday celebrations & decorations

Paris Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets

  • Gifts, holiday food, mulled wine, and Santa

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Book Your Paris Hotel

View from Hotel Bourdanaisse near Eiffel Tower

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View of Arc de Triomphe from nearby hotel

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View of Eiffel Tower from new hotel in Paris

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Paris Hotels near the Louvre

Hotels near the Louvre

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Notre Dame Cathedral

Hotels near Notre Dame

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Hotel in Saint-Germain neighborhood in Paris

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Plan Your Paris Trip

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  • Check out top Paris attractions
  • Paris Museum Pass:  Should you get one?
  • Which neighborhood should you stay in?
  • Choose your Paris hotel  
  • How to spend your first day in Paris
  • How to skip the ticket lines
  • Day trips - Versailles, Giverny, Disney, & more
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  • Electric adapters and converters  
  • How to get Euros before you come
  • Best Paris guide books
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  • Paris Catacombs Tour & Tickets
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A Guide to Visiting Paris in August | Attractions, Weather & Museums

Paris , the City of Love, is home to many world-famous attractions. The city needs no introduction as it is a popular vacation destination for all kinds of travelers. From the Eiffel Tower to Disneyland , the city features a wide range of destinations for visitors to explore throughout the year. But if you are planning to visit Paris in August, you are in for a treat. With various outdoor festivals and activities, August is one of the best months to visit Paris, and here's everything you need to know to plan your trip to Paris in August!

Is August a good time to visit Paris?

August is easily one of the best months to plan a trip to Paris. The summer weather is pleasant to explore all the attractions in Paris with 10 hours of daylight every day.

Paris in August - Why Visit

Why You Should Visit 

  • The temperature ranging between 25° C and 15° C can be both pleasant and relaxing.
  • It is the best time to enjoy open-air events in Paris such as Paris Plages, Open-Air Cinema Festival, Musical Festivals, and more.
  • There are fewer tourists in the city as the summer holiday season is over.
  • Enjoy a stroll through the streets and shorter lines outside the attractions.

Paris in August - What to look out for

What to Look Out For

  • The weather is slightly cool, especially during the night and in the morning.
  • Humidity is high in August with chances of rainfall.
  • Hotel and flight fares are higher as it is a popular vacation time for the locals.

Overview of Weather in Paris in August

Paris in August - weather

The weather in Paris in August is warm with temperatures ranging between a high of 25°C and a low of 15°C. There is a moderate chance of rainfall so, make sure you check weather updates regularly and carry an umbrella with you. Overall, the weather in Paris in August is pleasant with 10 hours of daily sunshine and showers scattered throughout the month.

  • Average Temperature: High - 25° C | Low - 15° C 
  • Average Rainfall: 30 mm with approximately 12.3 days of rainfall
  • Daily Wind Speed: 6.2 mph. Light breeze 
  • Temperature of the sea: 27°C

More About Weather in Paris in August

How hot is Paris in August? 

August weather in Paris is warm and pleasant with an average temperature high of 25°C and an average temperature low of 15°C. 

Can You Swim in Paris in August? 

Yes, this is a great time to enjoy swimming in Paris as the average water temperature is around 27°C. Although swimming in the Seine isn’t allowed, you will find several open-air swimming pools available in Paris in August to cool off during the month.

Does it rain in Paris in August? 

The chances of rainfall in Paris in August are high with approximately 12.3 rainy days. However, when it is not raining, the city enjoys up to 10 hours of daylight every day. 

Is Paris Windy in August? 

No. Since the average wind speeds in Paris in August reach up to just 6.2 mph, it is not that windy.

Best Things to do in Paris in August

Paris in August - Eiffel Tower

1. Eiffel Tower

City landmark.

Known for its intricate design and rich heritage culture, Eiffel Tower is one of the top places to visit in Paris in August. Climb this 324m tall building to enjoy panoramic views of Paris city. If you are looking for a romantic date, then this is definitely one of the best places to visit at night.

August Timings: Daily from 9:00 AM – 12:45 AM

Paris in August - Louvre Museum 

2. Louvre Museum 

Museum | learning experience.

Located in the city’s center, the Louvre Museum is one of the most popular art galleries in the world. The museum is located in a royal fort called Louvre and features art and artifacts from around the world. Apart from the famed Mona Lisa painting, you can also find Egyptian antiquities, Greek art, sculptures, graphic art, and more from different time periods. 

August Timings: Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Wednesdays and Fridays: 9:00 AM – 9:45 PM

Paris in August - Disneyland Paris

3. Disneyland Paris

Themepark| kid-friendly.

One of the top places to visit in Paris, Disneyland Park offers a lot of fun attractions and rides for both kids and adults. Plan a visit to the two amazing parks here and meet your favorite characters from childhood.

August Timings: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Paris in August- Arc de Triomphe

4. Arc de Triomphe

City landmark | historic arch.

Arc de Triumphe is a unique structure built in the 19th century to honor the imperial army. The structure features intricate pillar carvings, engraved tales of victory, and sculptures that visitors can admire while enjoying the breathtaking view of Paris city from its terrace.

August Timings: Tuesday to Sunday: 10:00 AM – 11:00 PM

Paris in August - Seine River Cruises

5. Seine River Cruises

Cruise | sightseeing.

A trip to Paris without a Seine cruise is a trip incomplete. This river is an important part of the city’s identity and offers you a different glimpse of Paris. You can take a dinner cruise or an evening cruise to truly enjoy your experience of sailing along the Seine River with your partner.

Paris in August- Versailles Palace

6. Versailles Palace

Historic palace | learning experience.

Versailles Palace is a popular heritage site to visit in Paris. This huge palace with its beautiful garden, Renaissance-era artwork display, and exotic décor is a UNESCO World Heritage Site too. Visit this place to learn about France’s history while marveling at its stunning architecture.

August Timings: Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Closed on Mondays

Paris in August  - Orangerie Museums

7. Visit the Orsay Museum

Orsay Museum is one of the top places to visit in Paris in August for history buffs and art lovers. Here, you will find artworks of amazing artists such as Eugene Carriere, Berthe Morisot, Jean Auguste, and so on. 

August Timings: Tuesday to Sunday: 9:30 AM – 6 PM

Paris in August - Moulin Rouge

8. Moulin Rouge

Live show | entertainment.

A unique thing to do in Paris in August is to catch a cabaret show at the famous Moulin Rouge. This vintage cabaret venue offers a unique and interesting performance to visitors in a beautifully decorated cabaret house

Paris in August- Notre Dame Cathedral

9. Notre Dame Cathedral

Visit this palatial Roman Catholic cathedral that is famous for its Gothic-style architecture, domed roof, and amazing gargoyle sculptures. Take a guided tour of this cathedral to learn more about the highlights and stories of this place that has become a popular tourist destination in Paris.

August Timings: Daily from 8:00 AM – 6:45 PM

Paris in August-  Catacombs of Paris

10. Catacombs of Paris

Historic catacombs.

Catacombs of Paris is a large collection of bones ossuaries that was formed in the 18th century. Visit this underground ossuary where you will find millions of bones and skulls as you navigate the endless tunnels and caves.

August Timings: Daily from 10:00 AM – 8:30 PM

Paris in August- Pantheon

11. Pantheon

Historic monument.

The Paris Pantheon is a crypt where you can find tombs of many famous French figures such as Marie Curie, Victor Hugo, Voltaire, and more. It is one of the top places to visit in Paris in August and is a great way to explore the Latin Quarter too.

Paris in August- Centre Pompidou

12. Centre Pompidou

Contemporary museum.

One of the most fascinating buildings to visit in Paris is Centre Pompidou. There is a museum, a library, and a center for music research here where you can admire both vintage and contemporary art. This structure also features famous exhibitions in France every year.

August Timings : Daily from 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM

Top Experiences & Things to do in Paris in August

Festivals in paris in august.

Festivals in Paris in August

Rock en Seine Music Festival

Venue: Parc de Saint-Cloud

Date: 25 August 2022 – 28 August 2022

Join the biggest summer music festival in France, the Rock en Seine Music Festival. This festival in Paris features 3 days of non-stop performances by over 75 artists on 6 different stages. Make sure that you book your passes in advance as the tickets get sold out like hotcakes, or should we say croissants?

Paris in August - Festivals

Assumption Day

Date: 15 August 2022

One of the most important days for Catholics all over the world, Assumption Day is an important celebration in Paris too. This day is celebrated all over the world in the honor of a vision of Mary in a cave seen by a little girl in Lourdes in 1858. On this day, people in Paris visit churches, hold communal dinners, and spend time enjoying the festivities around the city.

Paris in August - Festivals

Liberation of Paris

Date: 25 August 2022

Another annual celebration in Paris that you must attend is Liberation of Paris Day. This day commemorates the freedom of Paris from Nazi forces in 1944. Throughout the day, the city celebrates with flag raise, a celebratory parade, homage to the fallen soldiers, and lots of music and dancing in the evening.

Paris in August - Festivals

Paris Beer Festival

Venue: Various locations in Paris

Check out the amazing Paris Beer Festival in August where you can try locally crafted beers. Attend the events hosted by the local breweries and pubs. That’s not all, in the last two days of the festival, you can sample many local beers, watch the theatre, dance to music, eat delicious food, and so on.

Paris in August - Festivals

Jazz A La Villette

Venue: Parc de la Villette

Date: 31 August 2022 – 11 September 2022

Jazz A La Villette is a great festival for music lovers where you can hear the best French and international musicians perform for two weekends. This is one of the world’s leading jazz festivals that you cannot miss out on in Paris in August.

Paris in August - Festivals

Open-Air Cinema Festival

Date: 1 August 2022 – 22 August 2022

Another great festival to attend in Paris in August is the Open-Air Cinema Festival. Here, you can watch a mix of classic movies in the open ground during sunset. Bring a picnic basket, a blanket to sit on, and enjoy the show here.

Events in Paris in August

Paris in August - Events

Paris Plages

Venue: Across Paris

Date:  July 2022 – August 2022

Paris Plages is another fun event in Paris where parts of the city are transformed into a beach in the summers. These beaches can be found at several locations where there will be chairs to sit and relax, ice cream stands, swimming pools, and more. Indulge in the fun activities and make the most of your summers in Paris.

Paris in August - Events

Paris Punk Rock Summer

Venue: Petit Bain

Date: 1 August 2022 – 3 August 2022

For music lovers, one of the top things to do in Paris in August is to attend the Paris Punk Rock Summer concert. This two-day event will bring some really famous artists such as Belvedere, Anti-Flag, Grade 2, Circle Jerks, etc. to perform for the audience. So, if you want to party hard in August, then this is the best event to attend.

Paris in August - Events

La Fête Foraine des Tuileries

Venue: Tuileries Garden

Date: 1 August 2022 – 29 August 2022

La Fete Foraine des Tuileries is a fun carnival that takes place in Paris in August. At this festival, you have several amazing rides to enjoy including a giant Ferris wheel, carousels, bumper cars, and more. You will also find delicious carnival food to enjoy here such as cotton candy, waffles, ice cream, BBQ, and more.

Know Before You Visit Paris in August

Paris in August- Travel Essentials

Time Zone: GMT +2

Currency: Euro EUR - €

Country code: +33

Emergency numbers : 15 (SAMU), 17 (Police), 18 (Fire Brigade)

Paris in August- What to wear

What to Wear in Paris in August

  • Paris in August weather is warm and pleasant so, lightweight summer clothes will be ideal for wearing when exploring the city.
  • You can wear summer clothes such as shorts, tees, trousers, skirts, dresses, and more. Do carry a light shrug or jacket to wear at night or early morning when it is slightly cooler.
  • For those who are going to spend a lot of time on the beaches in Paris, beachwear is also a must.
  • Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes as you will be walking a lot in the city.
  • Since there are high chances of rainfall, keep an umbrella handy at all times.

Paris in August  - what to pack

What to Pack in Paris in August

  • Power Adapter: Type C and E plug.
  • Clothes: Shorts, Trousers, Skirts, Dresses, T-shirts, Beachwear, Light jacket, etc.
  • Comfortable shoes or sandals for walking
  • Sunscreen, hat, and umbrella for protection against the sun.
  • Carry a daypack to store essential items such as power bank, shrug, water bottle, etc. when exploring the city.

Paris in August - Getting around

Getting Around Paris in August

By Metro – Paris is divided into 6 zones that are well-connected by a metro. It is the cheapest and most convenient way to explore the city. Another highlight of the metro is that you can travel outside the city limits with a metro ticket.

By Bus – There are bus stops throughout the city that can be used to reach different attractions in Paris. For night owls and party enthusiasts, night buses are also a good option for tourists.

By RER and Tram – If you are traveling in the suburbs of Paris, then RER and Trams are the best options for local exploration.

By Cab – One of the most expensive yet comfortable ways of touring around Paris and nearby area is by hiring a cab.

Paris in August- Stay

Where to Stay in Paris in August

Paris is a popular tourist destination with a wide range of accommodation options for every budget. Here are a few top places to stay in Paris in August:

Budget Hotels: Paris Hotel, Joe & Joe Paris, Le Bellevue, ibis Styles Puteaux Paris La Defense, L’imprimerie Hotel

Mid-Range: Hotel Lorette, Hotel 34B – Astotel, Les Plumes Hotel, XO Hotel Paris, Hotel Maison Mere

Luxury Hotels: The Westin Paris – Vendome, Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, Hilton Paris Opera, Sofitel Paris Baltimore Tour Eiffel

Paris in August - food

What to eat in Paris in August

Foie Gras – A popular yet controversial French dish to eat in Paris is Foie Grass. Made from the liver of a fattened duck or geese, this delicacy is quite smooth and creamy and is often spread on a piece of baguette or toast. Where to Eat: Le Comptoir de La Gastronomie

Croissant – One of the best breakfast dishes to eat in Paris is the buttery, lightweight croissant. There are different fillings available in this but the chocolate croissant is the most delicious option.  Where to Eat: Des Gâteaux et du Pain

Escargot – For non-vegetarians or seafood lovers, one of the top French delicacies to try in Paris is escargot. This dish is made up of snails cooked in garlic butter or truffle butter and is extremely delicious. Where to Eat: Bouillon Cartier

Hacks & Tips to Visit Paris in August

  • Paris in August is a little crowded so, you might have to wait in long queues outside the attractions. To avoid the crowd, arrive early at the attractions and buy skip-the-line tickets.
  • Go on a river cruise or walk along the Seine to enjoy the lovely, warm weather in August.
  • Keep a note of all the festivals and events happening in Paris in August so that you can plan your visit in advance.
  • Buy your flight tickets and book your hotel reservations in advance to avoid last-minute price hikes.
  • Save money by walking in the city and using public transportation to explore the different attractions.
  • Carry an umbrella at all times as it can rain suddenly in Paris in August.
  • Be wary of the tourist scams and petty thefts that are common in tourist areas.
  • Learn to speak a few common French words to navigate easily around the city.
  • When you are going out to eat, always call ahead to reserve a seat in the restaurant.

Explore Paris Through the Year

All your questions about visiting paris in august answered.

Yes, August is one of the best times to visit Paris as the weather is warm and pleasant to stroll and explore the sights in the city.

The best things to do in Paris in August are attending the numerous festivals and events, watching a cabaret performance, enjoying a cruise on the Seine, and more.

No, August is one of the summer months to visit Paris with average temperatures ranging between a high of 25°C and a low of 15°C.

It is warm and muggy in Paris in August with temperatures fluctuating between a maximum of 25°C and a minimum of 15°C.

Yes, you can swim in open-air swimming pools in Paris in August. The water temperature is 27°C, making it perfect for a swim.

Yes, Paris experiences 10 hours of daily sunshine in August when it is not raining.

August is a warm month to visit Paris with an average temperature high of 25°C. As a result, cotton and lightweight clothes are perfect to wear for outdoor excursions. You can wear dresses, skirts, shorts, tees, etc. during the day. If you are going to enjoy the beaches in Paris, then do carry beachwear too.

Yes, the average number of rainy days in Paris in August is 12.3.

Yes, Paris in August is slightly expensive as it is a popular tourist season in the city. This is why visitors are recommended to purchase their tickets in advance to avoid paying high fares later on.

Overall, Paris is a safe city but there are chances of theft and other petty crimes. So, be careful when you are visiting crowded places and events in the city.

A few top attractions to visit in Paris in August are the Catacombs of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and so on.

The average temperature in Paris in August ranges between a high of 25°C and a low of 15°C.

If you are traveling with kids, then the top places to visit in Paris in August are Disneyland Paris, Eiffel Tower, Seine River, and so on.

Rock en Seine Festival, Liberation of Paris, Paris Beer Festival, Jazz A La Villette , and Assumption day are a few main festivals in Paris in August.

Paris Plages, Paris Punk Rock Summer, La Fête Foraine des Tuileries, Open-Air Cinema Outdoor Movies , and Paris Punk Rock Summer are the main events to attend in Paris in August.

18 of the best things to do in Paris in August 2024

18 of the best things to do in Paris in August 2024

What is paris like in august.

Image from author Laura

Paris is still running at full tilt in August as visitors flock to the city during school vacations, even if Parisians are heading in the opposite direction. The long, hot days put an emphasis on outdoor events, but all the city attractions, big and small, are buzzing. If you are wondering what makes summer in the City of Light so extraordinary, read on to discover the best things to do in Paris in August. 

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The 18 best things to do in Paris in August

Join the party at the rock en seine music festival.

Multiethnic girls covered in colorful powder dancing and celebrating summer holi festival

Chaise et l’écran translates as ‘ chair and screen ‘. The idea behind this mini-festival is for people to bring a chair and enjoy an outdoor film screening .

Every year, several films (usually French) are selected and shown at various venues around the Popincourt neighborhood. All screenings are free . The atmosphere is convivial and welcoming. Check online to find out what films have been selected and where to find screenings.

Take your family to the Musée des Arts et Métiers

Musée des arts et métiers, Canal Saint-Martin

The Museum of Arts and Crafts is an amazing museum that is a total delight for both adults and children. If you’re looking to blend education and fun , a visit to the museum in Le Marais is one of the most compelling things to do in Paris in August for families. It is stuffed full of scientific inventions, not to mention brilliant arts and crafts. Many of the displays are interactive and shine an informative light on scientific and engineering progress via the latest inventions that changed history.

Founded in 1794 the Museum has amassed an eclectic collection of exhibits, including the original model of the Statue of Liberty and the first Foucault pendulum. Visits to the Musée des Arts et Métiers are free on the first Sunday of the month and from 6pm on Fridays, so make a note in your diary.

Go to the adventure playground in Jardin Nelson Mandela

Le parc Nelson mendela, ville de Saint Chamond, département de

At the eastern end of the Coulée Verte René-Dumont is Paris’s largest park, Bois de Vincennes. Nestled in Vincennes Woods is the botanic garden Parc floral de Paris , which hosts a series of open-air concerts throughout the summer.

Jazz and classical music are on the agenda, with free concerts in the afternoons (entry to the park is €2.50.) Each week, a ticketed evening concert is hosted. Nothing says summer more than open-air concerts in Paris, and the Festivals do Parc Floral hosts some of the best in Paris in August.

Parc Floral de Paris at Les Pestacles


In conjunction with the jazz and classical music concerts in the Parc floral de Paris is a series of concerts aimed at younger audiences . The concerts are free (park entry is €2.50), with shows aimed at very young children (under 6) and older audiences (7-12).

If you’re seeking things to do in Paris in August that your children will enjoy, check out the program . There’s a good chance you’ll find a concert they will appreciate. Afterward, you can explore the pretty botanic gardens , making it a full and fun day out from the city center.

Scape to the beach in Paris

pont et plage de Paris

Another great day out for families is to head to the Bassin de la Villette , the manmade waterway between canals in the 19th arrondissement .

During the Paris Plages season, swimming pools are opened in the artificial waterway so Parisians and tourists can cool off. There is boating and lots of side events in the neighborhood, notably in nearby Parc de la Villette and during the Été du Canal in Canal de l’Ourcq (see next entry.)

There are also some great bars and cafés in the vicinity, making Villette one of the coolest places to hang out during the summer.

Otherwise, head to the riverbanks of the Seine (Rives de Seine) to sit back on deckchairs like you’re at the beach and enjoy the riverside view . You won’t need your swimsuit for the Paris ‘beaches’ along the Seine though, the river is definitely not for swimming in !

Canalside fun during the Été du Canal

Canal et bassin de la Villette à Paris, Canal Saint-Martin

The canals of Paris are green lungs where Parisians can escape and enjoy leisurely walks through some of the trendiest neighborhoods in Paris . During the summer, Canal de l’Ourcq hosts a series of small events and activities that leans into the area’s popularity when the city heats up.

From cheap ferry rides to floating concerts, the water is the main star as locals make the most of late sunsets to enjoy a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Sit back and enjoy the spectacular light show, La Nuit Aux Invalides (July to September annually - 2023 dates not released yet)

Les Invalides

One of the most awe-inspiring things to do in Paris in August is to watch the dramatic and immersive light show La Nuit Aux Invalides . Projected onto the historically significant Hôtel National des Invalides , the spectacle charts the history of France in 50 eye-opening minutes. The core show follows the life and legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte , whose mausoleum is housed within the Invalides complex.

With tickets starting from just €5 , La Nuit Aux Invalides is a magical show that leaves a lasting impression. One of the highlights of the summer in the French capital.

Surprises abound at the Silhouette Festival of short films

Parc de la Butte-du-Chapeau-Rouge, Paris

One of the hotly anticipated things to do in Paris in August is the free cinema screening in Paris’s third-largest park, Parc de La Villette. From arthouse French films to international blockbusters, the diverse program invites movie fans and nature lovers to come together and enjoy a leisurely evening under the stars .

Some films are shown in English (usually if they were originally filmed in English), but whatever film is on, you are assured of a good night out. Bring a bottle and a picnic to make the most of this ever-popular event.

Take a hop-on, hop-off open-top bus tour of the city


Some of the most stunning sights in Paris can be reached on the popular hop-on, hop-off bus routes. With the sun at its zenith in August, it is a great time to grab a seat on the open-air top deck to whisk you around iconic landmarks. With the streets below crowded with visitors, it is an efficient and rewarding way to see the city without breaking too much of a sweat.

My conclusion


Is August in Paris a good time for a trip?

The summer in August is one awesome time to visit! Jump in the Seine, read in the sun, or enjoy one of the numerous musical events.

What is the weather like in Paris in August?

As you might hope, the weather in Paris in August is relatively hot . Average temperatures range from 59 °F (15 °C) to 76 °F (24.5 °C), but regularly top 86 °F (30 °C.) Exceptional canicules (heat waves) are not uncommon, so sunblock and hats are essentials . Even the customary Parisian rain slows down in August, with just over 12 days of rainfall on average during the month. If you like summer weather, August is a prime time to visit Paris.

Are there any Jours fériés (Public holidays) in Paris in August?

15th – Assomption (The Feast of the Assumption of Mary)

Paris in August: What is closed?

Don’t worry, you will be able to visit a lot of bars, restaurants, and other stores in Paris in August, because mostly only small boutiques and cafés close in August.

What to do in Paris in August 2023?

It is indeed quite hot in Paris in August, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find any activities to enjoy. You can spend the time on the Parisian beach, get a little sizzle from the sun or just enjoy the sunset at bombastic temperatures.

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Laura Schulze

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Paris   Travel Guide

Courtesy of James Farley | Getty Images

visit paris august

Best Times To Visit Paris

The best time to visit Paris is from June to August and September to October. Both summer and fall have its ups and downs. From June to August the weather in Paris is just about  parfait (perfect). Average highs are in the high 70s and there are long days of sunshine. Unfortunately, summer is also the most crowded time – and the most expensive. For lower travel rates and significantly shorter lines at attractions , plan a visit in the fall. The seasonal foliage is known to stun, though the city's spring blooms are pretty famous too. If a travel deal is all that you're after, a visit during the winter will surely shave off travel expenses. Keep in mind though that Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world, seeing upward of 30 million travelers yearly. So no matter what time you visit, there will always be tourists and some crowds. 

Weather in Paris

Data sourced from the National Climatic Data Center

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Popular Times to Visit Paris

Tourism volume is estimated based on in-market destination search query interest from Google and on travel.usnews.com in 2015-2016. Hotel prices are sourced from a sample of U.S. News Best Hotels rates through 2015-2016.

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The Best Times to Visit Paris for Great Weather, Events, and Fewer Crowds

Not that you can ever go wrong with a trip to the City of Light.

visit paris august

Paris is one of the world’s most beautiful cities, stuffed with iconic landmarks, renowned museums, designer boutiques, and acclaimed restaurants. September and October are arguably the best months to visit, when the air turns brisk, Paris Fashion Week is in full force, and changing leaves accent the city.

There are advantages to visiting in every season, however. Although January through March are the chilliest months, they're also the quietest and the best for wrapping up in a chic coat and experiencing Paris like a local. In the spring, vibrant blooms in the famed jardins are a major draw, while the long summer days create the ideal conditions for sipping cocktails at an outdoor brasserie late into the evening.

To help you decide when to travel to Paris, here are the main tourist seasons:

  • High season: June to August and late December
  • Shoulder seasons: April to May and September to November
  • Low season: Early December and January to April

Ready to book your trip to the City of Light? These are the best times to visit Paris depending on your priorities.

Best Time to Visit Paris to Avoid Crowds

Paris is one of the most popular destinations in the world, with tourism peaking between June and August. There are major downsides to visiting Paris in its high season: Large crowds make exploring popular attractions like the Eiffel Tower and Louvre more time-consuming, and you might need a reservation to dine at trendy restaurants. Hotel prices, too, will inevitably climb in the summer months.

If your main objective is to avoid crowds, visit between October and April — sidestepping the jam-packed holiday season in December. Go at the beginning or end of this window for temperatures still comfortable enough to sit outside at one of the quintessentially Parisian cafe tables.

To see the city's top tourist attractions with fewer people around, aim to visit on weekday mornings, but check the official tourism website since many museums are closed one day or more each week. Other crowd-beating tactics include buying tickets that allow you to skip the line and walking instead of squeezing into public transportation. Paris is best enjoyed on foot anyway.

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Best Time to Visit Paris for Good Weather

Travelers are drawn to Paris in the summer because of the long days and sunny weather. It's a stunning time to see the sights, from Sacré Cœur to the Jardin du Luxembourg, and the laid-back atmosphere at cafes and along the Seine is a treat. It's worth noting, however, that Paris is not known for its air conditioning. In fact, AC isn't as common in Europe as it is in the U.S., though most hotels have it. While Paris can see heat waves that bring temperatures in the 80s and 90s, summer temperatures are generally comfortable, in the mid-70s range.

Winter in Paris is relatively mild, but avoid visiting between December and February if you're averse to temperatures in the 30s and 40s. Does it snow in Paris? Not really. The city receives a dusting now and again, but visitors needn't pack bulky gear for extreme weather. Spring temperatures are typically pleasant, in the 50s and 60s, but come with a higher chance of rain — May is one of the rainiest months in Paris. Fall can also bring wet weather. From mid-September to November, after the Labor Day and Fashion Week rushes, Paris quiets down and the weather becomes crisp and autumnal.

Best Time to Visit Paris for Lower Prices

The cheapest time to visit Paris is during the off-season — in the winter, before and after the holiday rush, which means early December, January, and February. These months see average temperatures in the 30s and 40s, but if you don't mind the cold, you'll likely save on flights, public transportation, attractions, and accommodations.

Visiting Paris in winter is special — not least because the restaurants are less crowded and attractions quieter — as well as easy and affordable. Cons include fewer tour options and less frequent tours, including a reduced timetable for cruises on the Seine.

Best Times to Visit Paris for Holidays and Festivals

The city's calendar is packed with festivals, holidays, and traditions worth traveling for. Let's start with the biggest sporting events: the Paris Marathon is typically held in April, the French Open begins in May and ends in June, and the Tour de France typically zooms into Paris in July.

In May, museums across the city open their doors for free perusing after hours on La Nuit des Musées . In the summer, the iconic Fête de la Musique brings live music to parks and other public spaces on June 21, and Bastille Day is marked by military parades and fireworks on July 14. The Paris Jazz Festival is an ongoing event from June to September. Both fall and spring attract the international style set to Paris Fashion Week, held in late September/early October and late February/early March.

Starting around mid-November, the holiday season in Paris sees grand boulevards like the Champs-Élysées ablaze with Christmas lights and holiday markets popping up around the city. Parisians wrap up the holidays with the Feast of the Epiphany, January 6, which is when you'll find king cake (or galette des rois ) on market tables and in bakery windows everywhere.

Worst Times to Visit Paris

There's no bad time to visit Paris — the city is remarkable any time of year, even when it's bitterly cold or sweltering and teeming with tourists. But if you're easily annoyed by heat and crowds, you should probably think twice about a trip in July or August. If you happen to be in Paris during a heat wave, you could be quite uncomfortable sans AC in some attractions, shops, and cafes. And during the high season, prices are correspondingly high.

The holidays are another chaotic (albeit magical) time in Paris. By all means, go in December if you want to shop for unique gifts and see Christmas lights galore, but avoid this period if you're hoping for a quiet trip.

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    There's a lot happening in Paris this summer. A lot! Start your Paris travel planning right here with our curated list of the best things to do in August 2024. Castles, wine tastings, bike tours, museums, swimming pools, movie stars.

  9. Paris in August 2024

    Are you visiting Paris in August? In Paris, August is the second hottest month of the year and also the time when locals go on their annual vacation. Actually, some people start their summer holiday on the weekend of July 14th. That makes Paris a strange place to be: hot, sometimes humid, and without much local feeling.

  10. Paris in August: Weather, Festivals, & Things to Do

    Visiting Paris In August? Here We Delve Into Why You Should Visit, The Weather To Expect, Wardrobe Essentials, Events, And Things To Do.

  11. Paris Events August 2024

    Find top Paris events for August 2024: city beaches, Rock en Seine concert, summer sales, outdoor movies, festivals, walking tours, more things to do in Paris in August!

  12. Why Paris in August Perfect for Summer Adventures (2024)

    From vibrant festivals to outdoor attractions, immerse yourself in the city's culture and enjoy the summer ambiance of Paris in August.

  13. Paris in August: Complete Guide To A Perfect French Trip!

    August is a perfect month to visit and explore Paris But before heading out, check out all the important information here for a great trip.

  14. Paris in August: How to Enjoy the "High-Low" Season in the Capital

    Paris in August presents travelers with an odd and interesting scenario. Following July's mass exodus of local residents to beaches in the south of France, it's arguably both high season and low at the same time.

  15. Best Time to Visit Paris (& Which Month to Avoid)

    The busiest time to visit Paris is in the summer, from June through August. Therefore if you want to avoid crowds, I highly recommend avoiding visiting Paris in the summer. Paris in April will be less crowded than Paris in August, which is definitely a plus to visiting in the spring. By visiting in April, the crowds will be more manageable plus ...

  16. Best time to visit Paris

    As one of the world's dreamiest destinations, Paris never disappoints. But if you want to find the perfect time to go, follow our guide.

  17. Best Time to Visit Paris by Month: Weather, Budget, Crowds (2024)

    Discover the best time to visit Paris, find the perfect months to explore the city, avoid crowds, and enjoy weather! Best time by month.

  18. Paris Events in August

    August is a relaxed month in Paris when many Parisians escape city life for a holiday at the beach or in the mountains. To enjoy the warm summer weather in Paris, head to the Paris Plages beaches along the Seine or pack a picnic and catch a film or concert outdoors.

  19. Best Time to Visit Paris

    Recommendations for the best time to visit Paris based on your interests, budget, other preferences - plus tips and warnings about super-crowded seasons you might want to avoid.

  20. Paris in August 2024

    A complete guide to visiting Paris in August. Find the best things to do in Paris in August including top events, weather information & more!

  21. 18 of the best things to do in Paris in August 2024

    Paris thrums with summer energy, enlivened by outdoor activities and events. We've captured the best things to do in Paris in August 2024 .

  22. Best Times to Visit Paris

    Best Times To Visit Paris The best time to visit Paris is from June to August and September to October. Both summer and fall have its ups and downs.

  23. The Best Times to Visit Paris

    Best Time to Visit Paris to Avoid Crowds Paris is one of the most popular destinations in the world, with tourism peaking between June and August.