
Travel Books IELTS Reading Answer

Janice Thompson

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Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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Reading passage, travel books, questions 27-28, questions 29-36, questions 37-40, travel books ielts reading answer with explanation, tips for answering the question types in travel books ielts reading answers.

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‘ Travel Books ’ is an IELTS Academic Reading passage is a good resource for anyone who is preparing for the IELTS Reading test. This passage will help you understand what kind of reading passages you will encounter and the questions that you will be asked to solve.

To prepare for the IELTS Reading, review the “ Travel Books ” IELTS Reading answers to understand the types of questions and difficulty level you’ll encounter in the IELTS exam .

The question types in this IELTS Reading Passage include:

Multiple-Choice Questions

  • Table Completion

Not sure how to answer IELTS Reading Summary Completion questions? Check out the guide below to learn now!

Travel Books

Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D.

Write your answers in boxes 27-28 on your answer sheet.

27 What were most people traveling for in the early days?

A Studying their own cultures

C knowing other people and places better

D Writing travel books

28 Why did the author say writing travel books is also “a mirror” for travelers themselves?

A Because travelers record their own experiences.

B Because travelers reflect upon their own society and life.

C Because it increases knowledge of foreign cultures.

D Because it is related to the development of human society.

Complete the table on the next page.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer.

Write your answer in boxes 29-36 on your answer sheet.

Write your answers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

37 Why were the imperial rulers especially interested in these travel stories?

A Reading travel stories was a popular pastime.

B The accounts are often truthful rather than fictional.

C Travel books played an important role in literature.

D They desired knowledge of their empire.

38 Who was the largest group to record their spiritual trips during the post-classical era?

A Muslim traders

B Muslim pilgrims

C Chinese Buddhists

D Indian Buddhist teachers

39 During the early modern era, a large number of travel books were published to

A meet the public’s interest.

B explore new business opportunities.

C encourage trips to the new world.

D record the larger world.

40 What’s the main theme of the passage?

A The production of travel books

B The literary status of travel books

C The historical significance of travel books

D The development of travel books

Check out the detailed answers for the questions given above and get an idea of how to improve your reading skills for a top IELTS Reading band score .

27 Answer:  C

Question type:  Multiple Choice Question

Answer location:  Paragraph 1, line 2

Answer explanation:  The 2nd line of the first paragraph states that  Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world. Until recent times, however, travelers did start their journey for reasons other than mere curiosity. While the travelers’ accounts give much valuable information on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local cultures and histories, they are also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.  We can deduce from these lines that travelers simply desire to satisfy the curiosity of the outside world. Most people travel as they want to understand and get acquainted with new people and places. Thus, the answer is C.

28 Answer:  B

Answer location:  Paragraph 1, line 3

Answer explanation:  The 3rd line of the first paragraph states, “ While the travelers’ accounts give much valuable information on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local cultures and histories, they are also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.”  These lines suggest that traveling provides information on cities abroad and a window to better understand the local cultures and histories. They’re also a mirror to the travelers themselves for these accounts help them to gain a better understanding of themselves. Thus, the author says writing travel books are a mirror for travelers themselves because travelers reflect upon their society and life. Thus, the answer is B.

29 Answer:  Persian wars

Question type:  Table Completion

Answer location:  Paragraph 2, line 5

Answer explanation:  The 5th line of the 2nd paragraph states that the  Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars.  These lines suggest that during the time of classical Greece, travelers Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia to gather information for the study of Persian wars. Thus, the answer is the Persian wars.

30 Answer:  allies

Answer location:  Paragraph 2, lines 6 – 7

Answer explanation:  The 6th line of paragraph 2 illustrates that the  Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described much of central Asia as far west as Bacteria (modern-day Afghanistan) based on travels undertaken in the first century BCE while searching for allies for the Han dynasty.  We can deduce from these lines that during the Hans dynasty, traveler, Zhang Qian traveled Central Asia in search of allies. Thus, the answer is allied.

31 Answer:  geographical knowledge

Answer location:  Paragraph 2, last line

Answer explanation:  The last line of the 2nd paragraph is that  Hellenistic and Roman geographers such as Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder relied on their travels through much of the Mediterranean world as well as reports of other travelers to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge.  These lines indicate that during the time of the Roman empire, Roman travelers and Geographers like Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder depended on their travels through the Mediterranean to acquire a vast compendium of geographical information/ knowledge. Thus, the answer is geographical knowledge.

32 Answer:  pilgrimage

Answer location:  Paragraph 3

Answer explanation:  The initial lines of the 3rd paragraph reveals that  during the post-classical era (about 500 to 1500 CE), trade and pilgrimage emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands.  These lines indicate that after the post-classical period, Muslim travelers traveled from East Africa to Indonesia Mecca for trading and pilgrimage. Thus, the answer is a pilgrimage.

33 Answer:  India

Answer location:  Paragraph 3, line 13

Answer explanation:  The 13th line of the 3rd paragraph illustrates that  between the 5th and 9th centuries CE, hundreds and possibly even thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with Buddhist teachers, collect sacred texts, and visit holy sites. Written accounts recorded the experiences of many pilgrims.  We can deduce from these lines that during the 5th and 9th centuries, the Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to collect Buddhist texts and for spiritual enlightenment. Thus, the answer is India.

34 Answer:  colonies

Answer location:  Paragraph 6, line 2

Answer explanation:  The 2nd line of the 6th paragraph states that  European colonial administrators devoted numerous writings to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in the Asian and African colonies they established.  These lines indicate that during the 19th century, the colonial administrator traveled to Asia and Africa to provide information for the colonies they set up. Thus, the answer is colonies.

35 Answer:  principles

Answer location:  Paragraph 6, line 5

Answer explanation:  The 5th line of the 6th paragraph illustrates, “ Painfully aware of the military and technological prowess of European and Euro-American societies, Asian travelers, in particular, visited Europe and the United States in hopes of discovering principles useful for the organization of their societies.”  We can deduce from these lines that by the mid-century of the 1900s, Sun Yat-sen Fukuzawa Yukichi traveled to Europe and US, to study the principles for the reorganization of their societies. Hence, the answer is principles.

36 Answer:  wealthy

Answer location:  Paragraph 8, line 5

Answer explanation:  The 5th line of the 8th paragraph states that  the most distinctive of them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for individuals living in the world’s wealthy societies.  These lines indicate that by the 20th century, people from wealthy countries traveled mass tourism for entertainment and pleasure. Thus, the answer is wealth.

37 Answer:  D

Answer location:  Paragraph 2, line 2

Answer explanation:  The 2nd line of 2nd paragraph states that  after the formation of large, imperial states in the classical world, travel accounts emerged as a prominent literary genre in many lands, and they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about their realms.  We can understand from these lines that post the formation of huge imperial states in the classical period, the imperial rulers were especially interested in the travel stories as they desired knowledge of their kingdoms (realm). Hence, the answer is D.

38 Answer:  B

Question type:  Multiple Choice Question

Answer location:  Paragraph 3, lines 5 & 15

Answer explanation:  In the 5th line of the 3rd paragraph, it is mentioned that  while merchants set out in search of trade and profit, devout Muslims traveled as pilgrims to Mecca to make their hajj and visit the holy sites of Islam.  The 15th line states that  written accounts recorded the experiences of many pilgrims . It is a well-known fact that during the post-classical era (about 500 to 1500 CE), Muslims traveled from East Africa to Indonesia and Mecca for trading and pilgrimage. Therefore, it is evident that Muslim pilgrims were the largest group to record their spiritual trips during the post-classical era. Thus, the answer is B.

39 Answer:  A

Answer location:  Paragraph 5, line 3

Answer explanation:  Paragraph 5 states the fact that the  Muslim and Chinese dominated travel and travel writing in post-classical times . The 3rd line states that  by no means did Muslim and Chinese travel come to a halt in early modern times. But European peoples ventured to the distant corners of the globe, and European printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign lands and peoples for a reading public with an insatiable appetite for news about the larger world.  The volume of travel literature was so great that several editors, including Giambattista Ramusio, Richard Hakluyt, Theodore de Biy, and Samuel Purchas, assembled numerous travel accounts and made them available in  enormous published collections.  These lines demonstrate that Europeans ventured to distant places churning out thousands of travel accounts that describe foreign and public interest in reading those books. Therefore, it is clear that during the early modern era, a large number of travel books were published to meet the public’s interests. Thus, the answer is A.

40 Answer:  D

Answer location:  Paragraph 1 – 8

Answer explanation:  The 8th line of the first paragraph states that  there are many reasons why individuals have traveled beyond their societies. Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world.  We can understand from these lines that the main theme of the passage is the development of travel books. Thus, the answer is D.


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Despite knowing the answers to the questions in Travel Books IELTS Reading Answers, it might not be enough when you want to give your best on the IELTS test. So let’s quickly go over some tips for solving Travel Books IELTS Reading Answers.

These questions ask you to choose the correct answer from a list of options based on the passage’s information.

  • Read the Question Carefully : Understand exactly what the question is asking before looking at the options.
  • Scan for Keywords : Identify keywords in the question and options, then find their locations in the passage.
  • Eliminate Clearly Wrong Options : Cross out options that are clearly incorrect based on the passage to narrow down your choices.
  • Look for Synonyms : The passage may use different words than those in the options, so look for synonyms or paraphrasing.
  • Cross-Check Answers : Ensure that your chosen answer directly answers the question and matches the information in the passage.

Table Completion in IELTS Reading

Table Completion questions require you to fill in the gaps in a table using information from the passage. Each gap corresponds to a piece of information from the text. Following are some tips:

  • Understand the Table Structure : Before reading the passage, examine the table to understand what information is required and how it’s organized (e.g., dates, names, locations).
  • Locate the Relevant Section : Scan the passage for keywords or phrases related to the table’s headings and gaps to find where the required information is discussed.
  • Use the Exact Words : When filling in the table, use the exact words from the passage if possible. Be careful not to change the wording or add extra information.
  • Check for Consistency : Ensure that the information you write in the table makes sense and fits with the surrounding context. Double-check that it aligns with the passage content.
  • Be Mindful of Word Limits : Pay attention to any word limits for your answers (e.g., “no more than three words”). Adhere to these limits when filling in the gaps.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Home » The Ultimate List of Travel eBooks

The Ultimate List of Travel eBooks

The Ultimate List of Travel eBooks

In the past, it seems like the only good travel information was in guidebooks and magazines. Now, there are a number of writers and bloggers that are issuing first-class travel eBooks. For many, these eBooks are rapidly becoming the go-to source for travel information. This Ultimate List of Travel eBooks is a comprehensive list of the best eBooks out there.

Download to your favorite reading platform and enjoy!

The Ultimate List of Travel eBooks is broken down into categories:

General Travel eBooks

Accommodations and lodging ebooks, photography ebooks.

  • Food and Culinary eBooks

Storytelling and Narrative Travel eBooks

Destination and location-specific travel ebooks.

How to Save Money Booking Your Travel Online

How to Save Money Booking Your Travel Online

Getting Out of Auto.... Take Better Travel Photos

Changing Gears: A Family Odyssey to the End of the World

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Thanks so much for this list of ebooks! I've been looking into a few guides and this is a handy place to start!

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5 Great Websites to Download Free PDF Travel Guides

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Are you looking to travel and discover new places on your next vacation? Have a few business trips booked for the year?

No matter where you plan to go, reading up on your destination is always important. And one of the most useful travel accessories is a digital travel guide you can take with you!

Check out some sites where you can find and download destination and travel guides in PDF format! 

1. In Your Pocket

Free city PDF travel guides from In Your Pocket

The site will allow you to download their digital PDF guides for free. All you need to do is to submit an email to download the PDF to your computer. 

2. Free Travel Guides

If you’re traveling to the United States, Free Travel Guides has highly visual, informative and quality travel guides that emails you via a link where you can either view them online or download as a free PDF.

You can even choose to get hard copy travel guides by mail. While they don’t have guides for each state just yet, the guides they do have won’t disappoint you!

Issuu is a digital publishing platform that allows users and brands to upload and showcase their digital publications–travel guides included! 

PDF travel guide stacks on Issuu

On Issuu, you can search for Travel magazines by Publication, Publishers, and Stacks. The latter are collections of travel magazines curated by users, so you’re sure to find a good variety of travel guides recommended by the community.

4. Mexican Caribbean

Aptly named, Mexican Caribbean focuses on travel to the Mexican Caribbean region. Their travel guides are visually appealing and look like top-end magazines.

All travel guides from this site spotlight the type of hidden gem locations you’d be looking to include on your visit to the region. You can access their guides directly from their site and download them for later. 

5. World Nomads

If you’re still researching which country to visit, World Nomads is a site that can help you decide. It has a section dedicated to would-be travelers looking to learn about their destination.

PDF travel guides from World Nomads

Their high-quality downloadable guides are focused by country and are sent to you via a download link after you provide them with an email address.

As a bonus, they even have phrase book apps for different languages to help you communicate with the locals while you travel!

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If you need a PDF viewer for reading all the travel guides you downloaded in PDF format, try our free online PDF Reader . It not only lets you view your PDF anywhere or on any device, it also allows you to annotate and make travel notes on your PDF!

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Home » Gear » books to read while travelling

The Ultimate List of the 50 Best Books to Read While Traveling (Updated 2024!)

One of my favourite things about traveling is that I suddenly have time to read. When I’m hitching, camping or riding a 24 hour train whilst backpacking around the world, I often manage to read two or even three books a week. So over the course of the last year I’ve got through a fair few, some have been frankly life changing, others have been just as much of a slog as an overnight bus!

As travelers, we understand the transformative power of exploration, the allure of the unknown, and the magic of a well-told tale. It’s for this reason I have put together a list of the best travel books to read when backpacking!

Many of these travel books are best read when you’re actually in the country they are set in; for example, reading Shantaram in India is a really fantastic experience and you will get a lot more out of the book. Same goes for books about backpacking in general, they just seem to make the experience much more reflective and relatable.

From dog-eared classics to hidden gems, the best travel books serve as compasses guiding us through distant lands, exotic cultures, and incredible new experiences. They can fuel our wanderlust, ignite our imagination, and remind us of the infinite possibilities that await on the road.

And so, in no particular order, here we go with the 50 best books to read while traveling… The world is waiting – let’s explore it together, one page at a time.

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#1 – On the Road

Jack Kerouac On the Road book to read while travelling 2

The Broke Backpacker is supported by you . Clicking through our links may earn us a small affiliate commission, and that's what allows us to keep producing free content 🙂 Learn more .

Jack Kerouac’s seminal novel should be compulsory reading for all nomads, backpackers and folks who want to live off the grid. In ‘On The Road’ discover 1950s underground America as Kerouac hitches backwards and forwards across the states in search of Jazz, drugs, sex and the meaning of life. Definitely, one of my favourite books to read while travelling and one of the best backpacking books out there.

#2 – The Cloud Garden

The Cloud Garden Best Book

The Darien Gap is a place of Legend. The only break in the Pan-American highway, which runs from Alaska to the tip of South America. The gap is often seen as an almost impregnable strip of swamp, jungle and cloud forest inhabited by FARC gorillas.

This fascinating book tells the story of two unlikely travellers who team up and try to get through the gap from Panama to Colombia, on foot. After a gruelling journey, they are just hours from success when they are captured by FARC fighters and held prisoner in the jungle for nine months. Ok, so you might not want to literally follow in their footsteps but it’s one of the most inspirational books about traveling the world.

#3 – Shantaram

Shantaram 2

The first book I ever read on India, Shantaram inspired me to book a one-way flight to Delhi and travel around India for 14 months. It might just be my favourite book about traveling around the world if I’m honest!

The book follows the possibly true, possibly exaggerated, story of an escaped Australian convict who finds his way to India where he falls in love, works for gangsters, fights the Russians in Afghanistan, gets imprisoned in Bombay, becomes a professional forger and an amateur doctor and experiences life in an Indian slum.

One of the best books to read while travelling in India, it is extremely well written and paints an accurate, although somewhat rosy, picture of life in India.

#4 –  Last Man in Tower

Last Man in Tower 2

21st Century Mumbai is a city of new money and soaring real estate, and property kingpin Dharmen Shah has grand plans for its future. His offer to buy and tear down a weathered tower block, making way for luxury apartments, will make each of its residents rich – if all agree to sell.

But not everyone wants to leave; many of the residents have lived there for a lifetime, and many of them are no longer young. As tensions rise among the once civil neighbours, one by one those who oppose the offer give way to the majority, until only one man stands in Shah’s way: Masterji, a retired schoolteacher, once the most respected man in the building.

Shah is a dangerous man to refuse, but as the demolition deadline looms, Masterji’s neighbours – friends who have become enemies, acquaintances turned co-conspirators – may stop at nothing to secure their money. This is really one of the most poignant books to read while travelling in India, it changed how I viewed the country irreversibly.

#5 – A Long Petal of the Sea

A Long Petal of the Sea, Isabel Allende - favourite travel read of 2020

Backdropped by the ongoing unrest of the Spanish Civil War, A Long Petal of the Sea offers a tale of love in the face of hardship, a complex cast of characters interwoven into the plot, and the daily struggle to survive. This was one of my absolute favourite reads of 2024 and an awesome bit of travel reading – another gem by Isabel Allende!

#6 – Mumbai to Ventiane

Mumbai to Ventiane

Need more India? I loved my 2 years in this country and Leon G Hewis similarly had an awesome adventure that began on this mysterious subcontinent.

His self-published travelogue-slash-thought-diary gives a refreshing look into South and Southeast Asia. He fully captures the feeling of being on the road and confronting new ideas and creatively working yourself out of situations you’d never encounter on your couch at home. If you’re looking for a definative book about traveling the world and the experiences that come with it then this is the one.

#7 – On a Shoestring to Coorg

On a Shoestring to Coorg 2

This is the first travel book that tested the idea that a five-year old daughter makes for a decent travelling companion. A really interesting read on the now-defunct Indian state of Coorg, this book gives a fascinating insight into the origins of backpacker travel in India.

#8 – The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner 2

A fascinating, sometimes painful, read about Afghanistan under Taliban rule. The story follows the fate of two young boys, one of whom is able to escape to America whilst the other, of the Hazara minority group, is forced to stay behind.

#9 – A Thousand Splendid Suns

A Thousand Splendid Suns 2

One of the most inspirational books to read while travelling, I felt that this gave me a real insight into the little known women of Afghanistan and the events that have shaped the country over the last thirty years.

#10 – Born to Run

Born to Run 2

A tale of a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live hidden in canyons and are reputed to be the best long distance runners in the world.

#11 – The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1)

This is THE book to read if you are interested in how the psychedelic movement began, squats, hippy culture or experimenting with LSD.

Follow Ken Kesey, author of One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest, as he leads his band of Merry Pranksters across America fermenting a revolution unlike any other. Definitely, one of the best books to read on the road.

#12 – The Lost City of Z

The Lost City of Z 2

This is THE book you want to read if you are headed into the Amazon. The book tells the tale of an eccentric British explorer, Percy Fawcett, who spent his life leading expeditions into the Amazon in search of the legendary lost City of Z.

The book recounts his life, his encounters with un-contacted tribes and his final expedition, from which he did not return.

#13 – Indonesia, Etc. Exploring the Improbable Nation

Indonesia Etc Exploring the Improbable Nation 2

 In Indonesia Etc, Pisani weaves together the stories of Indonesians encountered on her journey with a considered analysis of Indonesia’s recent history, corrupt political system, ethnic and religious identities, stifling bureaucracy and traditional ‘sticky’ cultures.

Fearless and funny, she gives a compelling and sharply perceptive account of a captivating nation.

#14 – The Motorcycle Diaries

The Motorcycle Diaries

A travel classic, these are the diaries of Che Guevara in which he travels around South America by motorbike. A book that is ALWAYS on the list of best books to read while travelling.

#15 – The Killing Fields

The Killing Fields 2

Hands-down THE best book you can read about Cambodia under the rule of the Khmer Rouge. Heartbreaking, beautifully written and historically accurate, this book will change how you perceive Cambodia forever.

#16 – First they Killed my Father

First they Killed my Father 2

The personal account of a young girl who was taken from her family and trained as a child soldier by the Khmer Rouge.

#17 – The Waiting Land

The Waiting Land 2

It’s about an Irish writer volunteering in Nepal in the 1960’s. The innocent Nepal she writes about it is the one which hordes of travellers each year are still trying to find but which is sadly now gone forever.

#18 – Mud, Sweat and Tears

Mud, Sweat and Tears 2

The inspiring autobiography of Bear Grylls in which he recovers from a broken back and goes on to become one of the youngest climbers to scale Mount Everest. One of the best books to read while travelling anywhere! It truly inspires you to challenge yourself.

#19 – Nine Lives

Nine Lives 2

A Buddhist monk takes up arms to resist the Chinese invasion of Tibet – then spends the rest of his life trying to atone for the violence by hand printing the best prayer flags in India. A Jain nun tests her powers of detachment as she watches her best friend ritually starve herself to death.

Nine people, nine lives; each one taking a different religious path, each one an unforgettable story. William Dalrymple is one of the best writers when it comes to offering an insight into Indian culture and I highly recommend reading everything he has written.

#20 – Heart of Darkness

Heart of Darkness 2

At the peak of European Imperialism, steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way to relieve the elusive Mr Kurtz, an ivory trader renowned for his fearsome reputation.

On his journey into the unknown Marlow takes a terrifying trip into his own subconscious, overwhelmed by his menacing, perilous and horrifying surroundings.

#21 – Blood River

Blood River 2

When Daily Telegraph correspondent Tim Butcher was sent to cover Africa in 2000 he quickly became obsessed with the idea of recreating H.M. Stanley’s famous expedition – but travelling alone.

Despite warnings that his plan was ‘suicidal’, Butcher set out for the Congo’s eastern border with just a rucksack and a few thousand dollars hidden in his boots.

Making his way in an assortment of vessels including a motorbike and a dugout canoe, helped along by a cast of characters from UN aid workers to a campaigning pygmy, he followed in the footsteps of the great Victorian adventurers. This is an epic book for anyone, but it’s epecially of of the best books to read while traveling alone.

#22 – Stranger in the Forest

Stranger in the Forest 2

The best account of an adventure expedition that I have ever read. Stranger in the forest recounts the humorous story of the author’s travels in Borneo where he made lifelong friends with the Penan, jungle people who can catch fish with their feet, imitate the cry of the elusive barking deer, and survive in a fearsomely inhospitable environment.

With their help Hansen learned to hunt pigs, danced in the tribal rituals, discovered the eye watering nature of Penan sex aids and was given the ceremonial name “Rajah Kumis”: King of the Moustache.

He conveys how he came face to face with himself in the patch of map marked “un-surveyed”, and records the experience of living in a proud and ancient tribal community based on mutual respect. One of the most interesting books to read while travelling.

#23 – Absurdistan

Absurdistan 2

Award-winning foreign correspondent Eric Campbell has been stoned by fundamentalists, captured by US Special Forces, arrested in Serbia and threatened with expulsion from China.

He’s negotiated dating rituals in Moscow, shared a house with a charismatic mercenary in Kabul and taken up smoking at gunpoint in Kosovo.

#24 – Speed Bump Himalayas

Speed Bump Himalayas 2

A hilarious and moving true story of trials and tribulations from a time before mobile phones ruined travel. Mark escapes dreary England in search of adventure and washes up in India with his buddy Sean in tow.

Together, they head into the mountains of Nepal on an ambitious trek but Mark is doomed from the start and embarks upon one of the longest survival journeys I have ever heard of… A rollercoaster ride of amusing cultural observations along the hippie trail, pure survival grit and living the nomad dream.

#25 – Travels on My Elephant

Travels on My Elephant 2

With the help of a Maratha nobleman, Mark Shand buys an elephant named Tara and rides her over six hundred miles across India to the Sonepur Mela, the world’s oldest elephant market.

From Bhim, a drink-racked mahout, Shand learned to ride and care for her. From his friend Aditya Patankar he learned Indian ways. And with Tara, his new companion, he fell in love.

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Faq about the best books to read while travelling, final thoughts, #26 – chasing the devil.

Chasing the Devil 2

For many years, war made Sierra Leone and Liberia too dangerous for outsiders to travel through. Facing down demons from his time in Africa as a journalist, Tim Butcher heads deep into this combat zone, encountering the devastation wrought by lawless militia, child soldiers, brutal violence, blood diamonds and masked figures who guard the spiritual secrets of remote jungle communities.

#27 – A Walk in the Woods

A Walk in the Woods 2

For those of you not familiar with Bill Bryson, he is point blank one of the most amusing travel writers out there. In this tale of walking and woe, Bryson attempts to traverse the Appalachian Trail, one of the longest continuous footpaths in the world which crosses tangled woods and heady peaks.

#28 – Royal Road to Romance

Royal Road to Romance 2

When Richard Halliburton graduated from college, he chose adventure over a career, travelling the world with almost no money. The Royal Road to Romance chronicles what happened as a result, from a breakthrough Matterhorn ascent to being jailed for taking forbidden pictures on Gibraltar.

#29 – The Great Railway Bazaar; By Train Through Asia

The Great Railway Bazaar By Train Through Asia 2

Paul Theroux’s account of his epic journey by rail through Asia. Filled with evocative names of legendary train routes – the Direct-Orient Express, the Khyber Pass Local, the Delhi Mail from Jaipur, the Golden Arrow to Kuala Lumpur, the Hikari Super Express to Kyoto and the Trans-Siberian Express – it describes the many places, cultures, sights and sounds he experienced and the fascinating people he met.

Here he overhears snippets of chat and occasional monologues, and is drawn into conversation with fellow passengers, from Molesworth, a British theatrical agent, and Sadik, a shabby Turkish tycoon, while avoiding the forceful approaches of pimps and drug dealers.

#30 – Just a Little Run Around the World

books to read on the road

After her husband died of cancer, 57-year-old Rosie set off to run around the world, raising money in memory of the man she loved. Followed by wolves, knocked down by a bus, confronted by bears, chased by a naked man with a gun and stranded with severe frostbite, Rosie’s breathtaking 20,000-mile, 5 year, solo journey is as gripping as it is inspiring.

#31 – Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, A Journey Through Yugoslavia

Black Lamb and Grey Falcon A Journey Through Yugoslavia 2

Rebecca West’s epic masterpiece is widely regarded as the most illuminating book to have been written in the former state of Yugoslavia. It is a work of enduring value that remains essential for anyone attempting to understand the enigmatic history of the Balkan states and the continuing friction in this fractured area of Europe.

#32 – Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know 2

One of the first books I ever read about expedition-ing, I was inspired to start travelling and to get involved in trekking, climbing and rafting. Ranulph Fiennes has travelled to the most dangerous and inaccessible places on earth, almost died countless times, lost nearly half his fingers to frostbite, raised millions of pounds for charity and been awarded a polar medal and an OBE.

He has been an elite soldier, an athlete, a mountaineer, an explorer, a bestselling author and nearly replaced Sean Connery as James Bond. In his autobiography, he describes how he led expeditions all over the world and became the first person to travel to both poles on land.

He tells the tales of discovering the lost city of Ubar in Oman and attempting to walk solo and unsupported to the North Pole – the expedition that cost him several fingers, and very nearly his life.

#33 – The Worlds Most Dangerous Places

books to read on the road

A serious read for the serious explorer, packed full of practical advice on how to travel in some of the world’s most dangerous places. Brace yourselves for one of the darkest books to read while travelling.

#34 – The Dharma Bums

The Dharma Bums 2

Another Kerouac classic, The Dharma Bums is a journey of self-discovery through the lens of Zen Buddhist thought. Essential reading for all aspiring explorers. Another MUST in the list of best books to read while travelling.

#35 – The Piano Tuner

The Piano Tuner 2

I read this whilst backpacking in Myanmar, it is beautifully written and enabled me to get a lot more out of my time in this stunning country. The story follows a quiet piano tuner, Edgar Drake, who is ordered by the War Office to travel to the jungles of Burma to tune a rare grand piano for an eccentric British officer renowned for his peace making methods in the war-torn Shan states.

#36 – Walking the Amazon: 860 Days

Walking the Amazon 860 Days 2

In April 2008, Ed Stafford began his attempt to become the first man ever to walk the entire length of the River Amazon. Nearly two and a half years later, he had crossed the whole of South America to reach the mouth of the colossal river.

With danger a constant companion – outwitting alligators, jaguars, pit vipers and electric eels, not to mention overcoming the hurdles of injuries and relentless tropical storms – Ed’s journey demanded extreme physical and mental strength.

Often warned by natives that he would die, Ed even found himself pursued by machete-wielding tribesmen and detained for murder.

#37 – The Carpet Wars

The Carpet Wars 2

A personal odyssey through war, friendship and craftsmanship along the old Silk Route. A fascinating travel book that illuminates the contemporary story of southwest Asia and offers a unique insight into the characters of warlords, presidents and sheikhs.

#38 – The Wild Places

The Wild Places 2

“The Wild Places” is both an intellectual and a physical journey, and Macfarlane travels in time as well as space. Guided by monks, questers, scientists, philosophers, poets and artists, both living and dead, he explores our changing ideas of the wild.

From the cliffs of Cape Wrath to the holloways of Dorset, the storm-beaches of Norfolk, the saltmarshes and estuaries of Essex, and the moors of Rannoch and the Pennines, his journeys become the conductors of people and cultures, past and present, who have had intense relationships with these places. One of the best books to read while travelling!

#39 – Extreme Survivors

Extreme Survivors 2

60 of the World’s most extreme survival stories. One of the scariest but best books to read while travelling. Plus it has a foreword by Bear Grylls!

#40 – Kon-Tiki, Across the Pacific by Raft

Kon-Tiki Across the Pacific by Raft 2

“Kon-Tiki” is the record of an astonishing adventure – a journey 4,300 nautical miles across the Pacific Ocean by raft. Intrigued by Polynesian folklore, biologist Thor Heyerdahl suspected that the South Sea Islands had been settled by an ancient race from thousands of miles to the east, led by the mythical hero Kon-Tiki.

He decided to prove his theory by duplicating the legendary voyage. On April 28, 1947, Heyerdahl and five other adventurers sailed from Peru on a balsa log raft. After three suspenseful months on the open sea, alone among raging storms, whales and countless sharks, they sighted land – the Polynesian island of Puka Puka.

#41 – Into the Wild

Into the Wild 2

Perhaps one of the most popular books to read while travelling, although not one of my personal favourites. Into the Wild follows the true story of Chris McCandless, a young man who walked deep into the Alaskan wilderness in search of enlightenment. They also made a movie about it !

#42 – Honeymoon with my Brother

Honeymoon with my Brother 2

After being jilted at his wedding, the author heads off on his two-year, fifty-two country, honeymoon…. with a brother he barely knows. What follows is a series of emotional, amusing and unexpected adventures as the author battles to overcome his loss and reconnect with his brother. One of the most heart wrenching books to read while travelling.

#43 – Travels with Charley

Travels with Charley 2

When he was almost sixty years old, worried that he might have lost touch with the sights, the sounds and the essence of America’s people, Steinbeck took note of his itchy feet and prepared to travel. He was accompanied by his French poodle, Charley, diplomat and watchdog, across the states of America from Maine to California.

Moving through the woods and deserts, dirt tracks and highways to large cities and glorious wildernesses, Steinbeck observed – with remarkable honesty and insight, with a humorous and sometimes sceptical eye – America, and the Americans who inhabited it. One of the most honest books to read while travelling.

#44 – The Alchemist

The Alchemist 2

Santiago, a young shepherd living in the hills of Andalucia, feels that there is more to life than his humble home and his flock. One day he finds the courage to follow his dreams into distant lands, each step galvanised by the knowledge that he is following the right path: his own. The people he meets along the way, the things he sees and the wisdom he learns are life-changing.

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#45 – Siddhartha

Siddhartha 2

A travel classic, Siddhartha is perhaps the most important and compelling moral allegory our troubled century has produced. Integrating Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy, this strangely simple tale, written with a deep and moving empathy for humanity, has touched the lives of millions since its original publication in 1922. Set in India, Siddhartha is the story of a young Brahmin’s search for ultimate reality after meeting with the Buddha.

His quest takes him from a life of decadence to asceticism, from the illusory joys of sensual love with a beautiful courtesan, and of wealth and fame, to the painful struggles with his son and the ultimate wisdom of renunciation. Definitely, one of the most interesting books to read while travelling!

#46 – Full Tilt, Ireland to India with a Bicycle

Full Tilt Ireland to India with a Bicycle 2

Shortly after her tenth birthday, Dervla Murphy decided to cycle to India. Almost 20 years later, she set out to achieve her ambition. Her epic journey began during the coldest winter in memory, taking her through Europe, Persia, Afghanistan , over the Himalayas to Pakistan, and into India. It’s one of the most epic books on backpacking through europe and beyond.

#47 – The Dogs of Nam: Stories from the Road and Lessons Learned Abroad

The Dogs of Nam Stories from the Road and Lessons Learned Abroad 2

A collection of short stories from over a decade of travel. This is no glamorous tale of #wanderlust, but a true and honest accounting of what it means to be a traveller.

#48 – Dark Star Safari, Overland from Cairo to Cape Town

Dark Star Safari Overland from Cairo to Cape Town 2

Travelling across bush and desert, down rivers and across lakes, and through country after country, Theroux visits some of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, and some of the most dangerous.

It is a journey of discovery and of rediscovery — of the unknown and the unexpected, but also of people and places he knew as a young and optimistic teacher forty years before.

#49 – 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus 

1491 New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus 2

A great book to read while traveling the Americas because it corrects the incorrect history many were taught growing up.

Still have some questions? No problem! We’ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Here’s what people usually want to know:

What book would you take on a long journey?

The key is to choose a book that is absorbing but also relatively easy to read as your attention will often be divided. I always try to find a book relevant to the place I am visiting as it really helps me get into the trip!

Which book is very useful for travel?

A copy of the local Lonely Planet will usually come in useful and also be sure to pick up a copy of The Broke Backpackers Backpacker Bible which is full of money saving travel tips.

How do you travel with many books?

Books can be heavy and I dont like carying too many. I personally only carry 1 or 2 at a time and then swap them with other travellers. Alternativley, try a Kindle.

Is reading books good while Travelling?

So reading whilst literrally traveling on a bus or train can put some strain on your eyes. The key is to take frequence eye breaks and not to read too much for too long.

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So there you go! A great list of the best books to read while travelling. For even more reading inspiration, check out my buddy Chris’s new book What the Florida if you want to find the weird in Florida state!

My buddy James at Nomadic Note has put together another mammoth post on the best travel books to fuel your wanderlust, so check that out too if you’re looking for more of the best books to take on vacation.

If there are any I might have missed out, tell me in the comments section!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the list and even sifted through comments to see if our reading tastes align. “The Dogs of Nam: Stories from the Road and Lessons Learned Abroad” is my favorite for long road trips.

I suppose that ‘Cambodia’ offers a captivating account of the nation, combining personal encounters with insightful analysis. Another must-read on my list is ‘The Motorcycle Diaries’ by Che Guevara. This travel classic takes readers on a journey through South America on a motorbike and is a constant presence on the list of best travel books. I enjoy reading it while traveling by train.

I miss traveling so much! As soon as things “go back to normal” a bit more I am heading to EUROPE! This is a great list and in the meantime I will definitely make due with good books about places that I can’t visit (just yet!). I read a super exciting thriller that takes place in the Greek Isles, U.S. and Europe that I thought did a fantastic job at making me feel like I was really there called “Cyclops Conspiracy” by author William McGinnis. It turns out that the author has a whitewater rafting company so when he describes sailing in Greece I could vividly picture it and even though the book is about terrorists smuggling in nuclear weapons this surprisingly scratched my itch for an international locale.

Curious, how do people usually read while travelling? A physical copy of the book or something like a Kindle? I, by far prefer reading physical books, though I wonder if second hand bookstores, book swapping, etc. with fellow travelers is a thing? On longer travels where I’d read more than 1 or 2 books, buying or carrying them with me is impractical. What do people usually do?

I also love a physical book, lots of places on the travel trail have second hand book stores and exchanges, still. If you’re in a particular area or country for a while, some book stores will buy the book back from you (tho for a lower price) if you keep it in good condition.

I’m late to this party, but readers might still appreciate the website Visit This Read That; a collaborative, crowd-sourced, effort, to determine what books best to read when visiting a place.

I would recommend Man Mission by Eytan Uliel, for his info. Got this for my husband who is not the biggest reader, just thought he might like it. He totally does, it’s clever and fun. He took it on a trip this week and said it’s hard not to want to just fly somewhere awesome and see it all!

This list is a treasure. Keep up the good work.

One of the greatest travellers of the modern era was Peter Penney who travelled mainly on foot with virtually no money. His travels took him from Europe to Australia on foot through Burma, right after WW2. His best books are “Dust on my shoes” and “Anywhere but here”. A not well known author Peter Penney has an innovative style of traveling with few resources, no passport and picking up food and money along the road. His playgrounds range from Africa which he traversed back and forth, Asia,the Pacific Islands, Australia, Papua New Guinea, etc. His books are a must read for anyone in love with travel, dry humour and adventure.

hey will, really liked your recommendations. however, just noted a small mistake, for the book absurdistan you are using the wrong book cover and the description is a straight copy paste from goodreads. I think for your readers (including me) it would be welcomed to hear about the book in your own words. Keep on doing what you are doing, I truly found your blog inspirational. Jan

Thanks Jan, I’ll look into that – some of these book descriptions were not added by me but my one of my other writers so maybe that’s the issue anyway 🙂

Will, it`s great list! love it.

about “The Alchemist” book…

This book was a life changing read for me. I was moved and spiritually uplifted by this remarkable story. I usually only read biographies and non-fiction stories, but this has become my favorite book because of the meaningful lessons that are taught throughout. I can’t say enough about this book other than the fact that my children will hear it over and over again and I believe every person should own this book.


Great recommendations here! I love a book that can help with my never-ending wanderlust. I have a historical fiction novel that should definitely be considered for this list called “The Jinn and The Sword” by authors Sara Cook and Robert Peacock. The book takes place during the 16th century imperial Ottoman court. There are some BEAUTIFUL descriptions of Istanbul and Venice. I really enjoyed the mental pictures the authors provided. Il Lupo, master swordswman, and his small posse crush an assassination attempt on the emperor and solve mysteries surrounding the theft of sacred relics. It is exciting, suspenseful, fun, and beautifully written. Check out the website for more info: Hope you will check it out!

I read “On the road” and was very impressed!

So many good books. Thank you for the list.

Ahhhh reading the Kite Runner in Pakistan = <3

Also, anything else by Khaled Hosseini, and The Alchemist are among my favourites!

I thought Shantaram was great, but frustrating in many ways…

‘Nice one Will!

I’ve read “Shantaram” a few times ‘cos it was just so inspiring and an exciting read! As well as “Just a Little Run Around the World.” I very much like the sound of “Honeymoon With My Brother: A Memoir.”

Have you ever read “Kevin and I in India” and “Rupee Millionaire” by Frank Kusy who is hilarious. In fact, I bought all his books! And “It’s on the Meter: One Taxi, Three Mates and 43,000 Miles of Misadventures around the World” a true story about three young British men who decide to travel the world in a London cabbie. It’s such a great read that not only did they make it, but they ended up breaking two world records along the way too!

I’ve read ‘its on the metre’, awesome book! 🙂

Good list mate. Shantaram and White Tiger enriched my experience in India for sure while of course Kerouac had a huge influence (Lonesome Traveller, Big Sur, Desolation Angels, Visions of Cody).. How about Jupiters Travels by Ted Simon.. he spends four years going 60,000 miles round the world on a Triumph in the 1970s. It’s epic and inspired me to travel in a big way. I read it twice. Also Ringolevio by Emmett Grogan, about the San Francisco Digger movement he helps put together after wild adventures in Europe. Good to see you spring back from that UK immigration dept pisstake and best of luck ….

Like you Will, I love to read books set in the country that I am travelling in. I love the feel of paper books but my kindle is more practical. I am looking forward to reading some of these from your list

Hi Will – A great list of books, many are personal favourites of mine. Would just like to add two follow up books of ones previously mentioned that might be of interset. Firstly, The Mountain Shadow, the follow up book to Shantaram (probably my favourite book). Obviously not as good as Shantaram but definitely worth a read. And secondly, Banco, the follow up book to Papillon, which details his adventures once he has found his freedom.

Will, if you didn’t know already, the film is out this year around April of Percy Fawcett and the lost city of Z. ,Was a great read and the film trailer looks awesome.

Holy shit but I did not know that, that is insanely exciting… thanks for telling me!

Can I add Marching Powder by Rusty Young for anyone going to Bolivia?!

Yes you most definitely can, epic book!

I am not fan reading while on travel, but I get interested with these books that you suggested. Gonna try this out.

Nice, a potential convert…happy reading on the road, Greg.

I love Bill Bryson! Check out Indonesian writer Agustinus Wibowo. His works have been translated into English. “Point Zero” is one of the best piece of travel literature I’ve ever read!

What a brilliant list! Some of the best books I’ve read and I imagine the rest are equally great. Thanks 🙂

Glad you like it, Jennie! More to come as I discover new favourites!

Great list – there’s lots I’m interested in reading. I completely disagree with Walking the Amazon, though. That book was very poorly written, which was so disappointing because it should be a fascinating story.

I would also suggest The Unconquered by Scott Wallace to learn about the uncontacted tribes in the Amazon. An incredible story.

For a book about South American, you can try to find ‘The Wizard of the Upper Amazon” which I read almost 40 years ago. About ayawasca and other jungle drugs.

Hi Will. Great site! Which book do you recommend to get ideas about places to visit? thanks 🙂

Hmmm… there’s a few around like ’50 places to visit before you die’ for example but really, it depends on what you want to see… I tend to do a bit of research online first and then simply pack my bag and head out on an adventure! 🙂

Hi – one of the books that inspired me when first travelling was Papillion – the tale of a French convict imprisoned on Devils Island off the coast of South America and his multiple escape attempts (sometimes to live with tribes in Venezuela) and solitary confinement for years on end. Also love the Tim Butcher books but my favourite African travel book is “Congo Journey” by Redmond O’Hanlon…he captures the Africa I know and love.

Papillion is now downloading to my kindle, it sounds absolutely awesome!! 🙂

there is also the film Dude, 1973 with Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. You will probably love the bit when Stevie has to tattoo a tribesman using a mirror to copy the one on his chest. happy travels

I love this, a good book is so important on your travels! Which one is your favourite?

I always carry a copy of Illusions by Richard Bach…. Recently though, I read the Electric Cool Aid Acid Test – a great book, truly inspirational. I’m also a big fan of ‘Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know’ – Rannulph Fiennes is my hero! 🙂

I’m loving this list. Some excellent reads for the road on there. I particularly liked the underrated Travels on my elephant By Mark Shand. But dude I have a couple of bones to pick with you … How can you not include Notes from a small island, the Bryson classic!?! Or a single William Dalrymple book?! Time to update the list dude!

Hi man! There is Dalrymple in there! He’s one of my favourite writers around, I popped in ‘Nine Lives’ – a great book! Hmmm, it appears I did indeed miss out a Byron classic but you can’t have everything man; 50 is a shatteringly small number when it comes to trying to put every decent book up! 🙂

So many great books! Thanks for sharing – my Amazon wishlist just got a whole lot longer 🙂

I have actually read some of these. Many more to add to my to-read list.

This list is AMAZING!! Now to just get my hands on some of these titles while I am on the road…. hmmm… 🙂

Thanks Lina!! I’m currently working my way through a whole bunch of books on South America! Any recommendations?

51: Jupiter’s Travels 52: Dreaming of Jupiter

Thanks for the list; have read about half of them so time to crack on with the rest!

Shantaram has got to be one of the best books I’ve read so far! Love your blog and sorry about the Nepalese monster 🙂

Cheers Eve! I love Shantaram, I read it right before I headed to India and it somehow prepared me! Regarding the Nepalese monster… I still have the scar to tell of my tale down the pub!

I recently found the White Tiger on a book swap shelf. It’s such a great book!

I just discovered your blog today and have been really enjoying reading back though your articles. Thanks!

The white tiger was one of the first books I read whilst backpacking in India, it’s awesome -really describes the country well! Have you been to India yet?

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Travel Accounts IELTS Reading Passage with Answers

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Travel Accounts

A There are many reasons why individuals have traveled beyond their own societies. Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world. Until recent times, however, trade, business dealings, diplomacy, political administration, military campaigns, exile, flight from persecution, migration, pilgrimage, missionary efforts, and the quest for economic or educational opportunities were more common inducements for foreign travel than was a mere curiosity. While the travelers’ accounts give much valuable information on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local cultures and histories, they are also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.

B Records of foreign travel appeared soon after the invention of writing, and fragmentary travel accounts appeared in both Mesopotamia and Egypt in ancient times. After the formation of large, imperial states in the classical world, travel accounts emerged as a prominent literary genre in many lands, and they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about their realms. The Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars. The Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described much of central Asia as far west as Bactria (modern-day Afghanistan) on the basis of travels undertaken in the first century BC while searching for allies for the Han dynasty. Hellenistic and Roman geographers such as Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder relied on their own travels through much of the Mediterranean world as well as reports of other travelers to compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge. ieltsxpress

C During the postclassical era (about 500 to 1500 CE), trade and pilgrimage emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands. Muslim merchants sought trading opportunities throughout much of the eastern hemisphere. They described lands, peoples, and commercial products of the Indian Ocean basin from East Africa to Indonesia, and they supplied the first written accounts of societies in sub-Saharan west Africa. While merchants set out in search of trade and profit, devout Muslims traveled as pilgrims to Mecca to make their hajj and visit the holy sites of Islam. Since the prophet Muhammad’s original pilgrimage to Mecca, untold millions of Muslims have followed his example, and thousands of hajj accounts have related their experiences. One of the best-known Muslim travelers, Ibn Battuta, began his travels with the hajj but then went on to visit central Asia, India, China, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Mediterranean Europe before returning finally to his home in Morocco. East Asian travelers were not quite so prominent as Muslims during the postclassical era, but they too followed many of the highways and sea lanes of the eastern hemisphere. Chinese merchants frequently visited Southeast Asia and India, occasionally venturing even to east Africa, and devout East Asian Buddhists undertook distant pilgrimages. Between the 5th and 9th centuries CE, hundreds and possibly even thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with Buddhist teachers, collect sacred texts, and visit holy sites. Written accounts recorded the experiences of many pilgrims, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, and Yijing. Though not so numerous as the Chinese pilgrims, Buddhists from Japan, Korea, and other lands also ventured abroad in the interests of spiritual enlightenment.

D Medieval Europeans did not hit the roads in such large numbers as their Muslim and east Asian counterparts during the early part of the postclassical era, although gradually increasing crowds of Christian pilgrims flowed to Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela (in northern Spain), and other sites. After the 12th century, however, merchants, pilgrims, and missionaries from medieval Europe traveled widely and left numerous travel accounts, of which Marco Polo’s description of his travels and sojourn in China is the best known. As they became familiar with the larger world of the eastern hemisphere – and the profitable commercial opportunities that it offered – European peoples worked to find new and more direct routes to Asian and African markets. Their efforts took them not only to all parts of the eastern hemisphere but eventually to the Americas and Oceania as well.

E If Muslim and Chinese peoples dominated travel writing in postclassical times, European explorers, conquerors, merchants, and missionaries took center stage during the early modern era (about 1500 to 1800 CE). By no means did Muslim and Chinese travel come to a halt in early modern times. But European peoples ventured to the distant corners of the globe, and European printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign lands and peoples for a reading public with an apparently insatiable appetite for news about the larger world. The volume of travel literature was so great that several editors, including Giambattista Ramusio, Richard Hakluyt, Theodore de Bry, and Samuel Purchas, assembled numerous travel accounts and made them available in enormous published collections.

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F During the 19th century, European travelers made their way to the interior regions of Africa and the Americas, generating a fresh round of travel writing as they did so. Meanwhile, European colonial administrators devoted numerous writing to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in Asian and African colonies they established. By midcentury, attention was flowing also in the other direction. Painfully aware of the military and technological prowess of European and Euro-American societies, Asian travelers, in particular, visited Europe and the United States in hopes of discovering principles useful for the reorganization of their own societies. Among the most prominent of these travelers who made extensive use of their overseas observations and experiences in their own writing were the Japanese reformer Fukuzawa Yukichi and the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

G With the development of inexpensive and reliable means of mass transport, the 20th century witnessed explosions both in the frequency of long-distance travel and in the volume of travel writing. While a great deal of travel took place for reasons of business, administration, diplomacy, pilgrimage, and missionary work, as in ages past, increasingly effective modes of mass transport made it possible for new kinds of travel to flourish. The most distinctive of them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for individuals living in the world’s wealthy societies. Tourism enabled consumers to get away from home to see the sights in Rome, take a cruise through the Caribbean, walk the Great Wall of China, visit some wineries in Bordeaux, or go on safari in Kenya. A peculiar variant of the travel account arose to meet the needs of these tourists: the guidebook, which offered advice on food, lodging, shopping, local customs, and all the sights that visitors should not miss seeing. Tourism has had a massive economic impact throughout the world, but other new forms of travel have also had considerable influence in contemporary times. Recent times have seen unprecedented waves of migration, for example, and numerous migrants have sought to record their experiences and articulate their feelings about life in foreign lands. Recent times have also seen an unprecedented development of ethnic consciousness, and many are the intellectuals and writers in the diaspora who have visited the homes of their ancestors to see how much of their forebears’ values and cultural traditions they themselves have inherited. Particularly notable among their accounts are the memoirs of Malcolm X and Maya Angelou describing their visits to Africa.

Questions 28-35 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from Reading Passage 3 for each answer. Write your answer in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet.

Questions 36-40 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. Write your answers in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.

36 Why did some people travel in the early days?

A to do research on themselves B to write travel books C to have a better understanding of other people and places D to study local culture

37 The travelers’ accounts are a mirror to themselves,

A because they help them to be aware of local histories. B because travelers are curious about the world. C because travelers could do more research on the unknown. D because they reflect the writers’ own experience and social life.

38 Most of the people who went to holy sites during the early part of the postclassical era are

A Europeans. B Muslim and East Asians. C Americans. D Greeks.

39 During the early modern era, a large number of travel books were published to

A provide what the public wants. B encourage the public’s feedback. C gain profit. D prompt trips to the new world.

40 What stimulated the market for traveling in the 20th century?

A the wealthy B travel books C delicious food D mass transport

Travel Accounts IELTS Reading Passage Answers

28. Persian wars

30. geographical knowledge

31. pilgrimage

32. Buddhist teachers

33. colonies

34. principles

35. wealthy

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Updated on 07 February, 2024

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. content writer & study abroad expert.

Kanika Pruthi

Exploring Travel Books Reading Passage:

Travel books have long captured the imaginations of readers, offering a window into distant lands and cultures. These literary journeys provide more than mere escapism; they serve as cultural bridges, linguistic tools, and historical records. From the sun-drenched streets of Spain in Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' to the rugged landscapes of Africa in Karen Blixen's 'Out of Africa', travel literature invites readers to explore the world from the comfort of their homes.

The tradition of travel writing is as old as literature itself, with ancient texts recounting tales of adventure and exploration. In the modern era, this genre has evolved to include a wide range of perspectives—covering the nomadic lifestyle of the beat generation in Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' to the contemplative walks through the English countryside in Robert Macfarlane's 'The Old Ways'. Each travel book offers unique insights into the human experience and the world's diverse tapestry.

Reading travel books enhances one's understanding of geography, culture, and history. They often contain detailed descriptions of landscapes, insightful commentary on cultural practices, and reflections on historical events as seen through the eyes of travelers. They are an invaluable resource for those seeking to learn about the world, providing context to the places they might one day visit.

For IELTS learners, travel books can be a rich resource. They can help improve vocabulary, introduce varied sentence structures, and provide engaging topics for discussion. Moreover, these books often exemplify descriptive and narrative writing styles, which are beneficial for those looking to score high in the IELTS Reading and Writing sections.

Table of Contents

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Q1. What is one way travel books serve readers, according to the passage?

A. As linguistic tools

B. As modern atlases

C. As fictional novels

D. As scientific guides

Q2. Fill in the blank: Travel books provide more than escapism; they act as cultural _______, linguistic tools, and historical records.

Q3. True or False: Travel writing is a new genre that has only appeared in modern literature.

Q4. According to the passage, what does Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' cover?

A. Urban lifestyles

B. Nomadic lifestyle of the beat generation

C. Maritime explorations

D. Space travel

Q5. Fill in the blank: Each travel book offers unique insights into the _______ experience and the world's diverse tapestry.

Q6. What genre does Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises' belong to, as mentioned in the passage?

A. Science fiction

B. Travel literature

C. Autobiography

D. Historical fiction

Q7. True or False: Travel books often contain detailed descriptions of landscapes and cultural practices.

Q8. What type of walks does Robert Macfarlane's 'The Old Ways' discuss?

A. Mountain climbs

B. Urban walks

C. Contemplative walks in the English countryside

D. Spiritual pilgrimages

Q9. Fill in the blank: Reading travel books can enhance one's understanding of _______, culture, and history.

Q10. What IELTS sections can benefit from reading travel books, as suggested in the passage?

A. Speaking and Listening

B. Reading and Writing

C. Listening and Writing

D. Speaking and Reading

A1. A. As linguistic tools

Explanation: The passage states that travel books serve as cultural bridges, linguistic tools, and historical records.

A2. bridges

Explanation: The missing word 'bridges' fits in the context of travel books serving as cultural connectors.

Explanation: The passage mentions that the tradition of travel writing is ancient, not new.

A4. B. Nomadic lifestyle of the beat generation

Explanation: Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road' is noted in the passage for covering the nomadic lifestyle.

Explanation: The passage refers to travel books offering insights into the human experience.

A6. B. Travel literature

Explanation: 'The Sun Also Rises' is listed as an example of travel literature.

Explanation: The passage explicitly states that travel books include detailed descriptions of landscapes and cultural practices.

A8. C. Contemplative walks in the English countryside

Explanation: 'The Old Ways' is described as discussing contemplative walks through the countryside.

A9. geography

Explanation: Geography is mentioned alongside culture and history as subjects enhanced by reading travel books.

A10. B. Reading and Writing

Explanation: The passage suggests that reading travel books is beneficial for improving skills in the Reading and Writing sections of the IELTS.

For IELTS aspirants, travel books are not just a means of vicarious exploration but a tool for expanding their linguistic horizon. They serve as a practice ground for absorbing new vocabulary, understanding complex sentence structures, and engaging with diverse narrative styles—all of which are crucial for excelling in the IELTS exam. The questions provided here are designed to test comprehension in a similar format to the actual IELTS Reading section, ensuring that learners are well-prepared for the variety of prompts they may encounter. Engaging with this article and its accompanying questions is an excellent step toward ensuring readiness for the IELTS and gaining the confidence to achieve the best possible score.


Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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How to read terry pratchett's discworld books in order (chronologically & by publication date).


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  • With 41 novels in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, exploring the diverse subseries offers a rewarding journey into this comic fantasy world.
  • Novels can be read thematically or in publication order, both methods providing a rich experience spanning wizards, witches, and more fantastical beings.
  • Readers have the flexibility to choose their own reading order within Discworld's series, with different subseries offering unique perspectives on Pratchett's intricate universe.

It can be a challenge breaking into Terry Pratchett's sprawling Discworld universe, but there are ways through it that make more sense than others. There are 41 novels in Terry Pratchett's comic fantasy book series , along with various standalones and guides, and it is a world well worth exploring. Among some of the best fantasy books in the English language, Discworld was Pratchett's life's work, published between 1983 and 2015 over 32 years. Pratchett's commitment to world-building was laudable, setting many novels in the same universe despite not all following the same story.

Pratchett was a hero in more ways than one, chronicling his struggle with Alzheimer's in documentaries for the BBC and donating significant sums to Alzheimer's Research UK before passing away in 2015 at 66. Pratchett left his literary realm as his legacy, with Steven Ross graphic novels, Discworld computer and board games, and Terry Pratchett TV adaptations all included. Before diving into Discworld , it pays to examine what order the books were written in and how they are sorted thematically, to determine where best to begin.

C.S. Lewis put lots of time and care into each installment of the Narnia series, but not every book in the universe is equally compelling or strong.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld Books In Publication Order

There are 41 discworld novels.

The humorous fantasy series began with 1983's The Colour of Magic and ended with 2015's The Shepherd's Crown , which was published posthumously. The series often parodied or satirized other work within the fantasy or sci-fi genres , and was set in a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants, which were standing on a giant turtle. There was Discworld romantasy , police procedural novels, and witch and vampire books, among others, demonstrating the wide range of topics covered in the series.

A stickler for Terry Pratchett may want to read the Discworld books in publication order.

Discworld was episodic, with each novel working perfectly well in and of itself. Despite this, the novels are generally grouped thematically , although there is a lot of overlap. While the novels can be read thematically, a stickler for Terry Pratchett may want to read the Discworld books in publication order. Readers will be rewarded with a huge scope of characters and locations. Wizards, gnomes, werewolves, and trolls were just some of the superhuman races that populated Pratchett's Discworld.

  • The Colour of Magic (1983)
  • The Light Fantastic (1986)
  • Equal Rites (1987)
  • Mort (1987)
  • Sourcery (1988)
  • Wyrd Sisters (1988)
  • Pyramids (1989)
  • Guards! Guards! (1989)
  • Eric (1990)
  • Moving Pictures (1990)
  • Reaper Man (1991)
  • Witches Abroad (1991)
  • Small Gods (1992)
  • Lords and Ladies (1992)
  • Men at Arms (1993)
  • Soul Music (1994)
  • Interesting Times (1994)
  • Maskerade (1995)
  • Feet of Clay (1996)
  • Hogfather (1996)
  • Jingo (1997)
  • The Last Continent (1998)
  • Carpe Jugulum (1998)
  • The Fifth Elephant (1999)
  • The Truth (2000)
  • Thief of Time (2001)
  • The Last Hero (2001)
  • The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (2001)
  • Night Watch (2002)
  • The Wee Free Men (2003)
  • Monstrous Regiment (2003)
  • A Hat Full of Sky (2004)
  • Going Postal (2004)
  • Thud! (2005)
  • Wintersmith (2006)
  • Making Money (2007)
  • Unseen Academicals (2009)
  • I Shall Wear Midnight (2010)
  • Snuff (2011)
  • Raising Steam (2013)
  • The Shepherd's Crown (2015)

How To Read Discworld In Chronological Order

The books were published chronologically.

Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels were written and published in chronological order. There is a rough continuity to the series, with some books making more reference to previous books than others. As such, there is enrichment to be gleaned from reading the books in chronological order . The books stand on their own just as well as parts of the whole, so each book could be viewed as a sequel to the one before it, but doesn't have to be. There are no prequels. To read the books in chronological order, just read them in order of their publication date.

Terry Pratchett was the best-selling author in the UK in the 1990s.

Some novels within Discworld share similar storylines, settings, characters, and genres, which are said to fall into their own subseries. There are multiple subseries in Discworld which all vary significantly. Discworld was the literary sandpit that Terry Pratchett played in for most of his career, so this diversity of material makes a lot of sense. Novels in the same subseries weren't published in chronological order, one after the other. Grouping and reading the books this way helps tackle Discworld in more bite-size chunks and helps in the event of preferring specific topics within Pratchett's fantasy comedy world.

Every Subseries In Terry Pratchett's Discworld Universe (& The Standalones)

There are six discworld subseries.

Rincewind is the wizard protagonist of this subseries, which initiated Discworld in 1983 with The Colour of Magic. This bumbling wizard acted as a tourist guide for Twofold in Ankh-Morpork, the biggest city in Discworld, but he couldn't stop them both from getting into all kinds of trouble. The wizarding wonder of this subseries spanned heroes and magic , laying a solid foundation for the varied novels to come.

One of the important subsets of Terry Pratchett's Discworld , this mini-series covered the witches of Lancre . The Wyrd sisters riffed off the witches in Macbeth , although taking magic far less seriously. These clever, funny witches used " headology " as a part of their practice, an intriguing type of psychology. Granny Weatherwax was an iconic character in this subseries and voiced many of Pratchett's thoughts on what it means to be an aging character in fantasy.

The grim reaper did fatherhood in this hilarious and insightful group of books exploring the human condition. Featuring rock bands, Christmas, and the grim reaper farming, it is a solid entry to the Discworld series or a jem to arrive at a few books in. This series exemplified the difficulty of adapting Discworld when a producer was told to " lose the death angle " by US backers.

Perhaps the most popular Discworld subseries overall, the City Watch subset contains a novel that many Pratchett fans cite as their favorite Discworld novel, Guards! Guards! . Set in Ankh-Morpork, this series was a police procedural, displaying the various misadventures of one Sam Vimes. These redemptive novels were moving and sardonic , exploring the inner workings of the Watch —the controversial The Watch TV adaptation was loosely based on these novels.

Industrial Revolution

These novels are grouped together as they all followed a different piece of technology as it was introduced to Discworld. However, the novels within the subseries have different characters who have cameos throughout the entirety of Discworld. A challenging sequence of novels to categorize, the Industrial Revolution miniseries featured a lot of overlap with other subseries . Conman Moist Van Lipwig is a memorable asset of these books, restoring the Ankh-Morpork Post Office in Going Postal .

Tiffany Aching

The only subseries targeted toward young adults in Discworld , the Tiffany Aching books followed trainee witch Tiffany Aching. These books are heavily linked to the Witches novels and would be better read after them. Terry Pratchett's daughter, Rihanna Pratchett, co-authored the tie-in book Tiffany Aching's Guide to Being a Witch, which is a great accompaniment for this magical story.


Pyramids and Small Gods are two books largely considered standalones in the Discworld universe, although some consider them to be their own subseries of sorts. They are both based on ancient civilizations but also have completely different plots and characters. Many swear by Small Gods as the best Discworld novel and the best gateway novel to the world. The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents is another standalone and a YA book that is hugely relevant to people of all ages.

The Best Order To Read The Discworld Books In

There is no right order.

Ultimately, there is no one right order in which to read Terry Pratchett's Discworld . Since each book stands alone, it is actually delightfully easy to dive into Discworld, and the order of reading has little consequence on the experience. But with a little guidance, a personal optimum can be achieved . For instance, most people will find the Tiffany Aching series a far more rewarding read after consuming the Witches books first. And if the thought of reading a series of 41 books is off-putting, less committed readers can approach Discworld via subseries.

Crime thriller fans can approach City Watch for an introduction to this lengthy fantasy series that brooks no rival, whereas high fantasy nerds may do well to get started with the Rincewind subseries. The Witches series has a distinctly feminist tone, so it is well worth reaching for this if that sounds like an enlightening endeavor. Those looking for a short, short burst of Discworld to measure their taste for Pratchett's distinctive tone should probably start with Small Gods , or the third or fourth book in the series as a whole - the ones where Pratchett really got into the swing of Discworld , according to him.

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I didn’t know the Lonely Planet books were available for Free. Great list thank you!

Inspired To Explore

Until recently I didn’t know either, but now we all know and we can take advantage of it :)


What a great list – was just talking about a European excursion last night. Will definitely check some of these out.

Great timing then! Hope these will help you with your planning :)

Marie Ericson

Alaska is definitely on my list!


This is awesome! I love reading travel themed novels, memoirs and guidebooks to help inspire my next trip! I could have used the Alaska and Iceland one last year!

You can read them anyway, to freshen up the memories you made there! :)

The Best Travel Wallets: Reading Answers

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IELTS General Test – Passage 16: The Best Travel Wallets reading with answers explanation, location and pdf. This reading paragraph has been taken from our huge collection of Academic & General Training (GT) Reading practice test PDFs.

The Best Travel Wallets reading answers

The Best Travel Wallets

Keep all your bank cards, documents, passports and ID in one of these convenient carriers, which have been selected by Becca Meier.

A   Kipling Travel Doc Travel Document Holder

This zip-around wallet comes in five different patterns and is made of nylon. It also has a space where users can put a pen, pockets for cards, an ID window and a pocket for change.

B   Lifeventure Mini Travel Document Wallet

This is a waterproof wallet, which uses anti-RFID (radio frequency identification) material so your financial details will be safe. It is black with smart sky-blue finishing touches and has a small internal compartment, a smartphone pocket and an external pocket. It can fit two passports.

C   Cath Kidston Breton Stripe

A wallet so slim it could easily pass for a small notebook. The inside compartment labels identifying each separate section all have silver lettering on them. The wallet has a special coating which makes it easy to wipe anything like sand off.

D   Ted Baker Voyager’s Travel Wallet

This wallet comes in smooth black leather, and is no bigger than a passport, but roomy enough for any insurance documents or flight tickets. A small navy-blue pen is supplied inside.

E   Radley Abbey Travel Wallet

This plain travel wallet opens up to reveal pockets in various colours labelled ‘cards’, ‘passport’ and ‘tickets’, as well as others left blank for extras. It comes in a handy drawstring bag.

F   Gotravel Organiser

The black wallet features seven slip-in card compartments, two small interior zip pockets and a load of other slip-in compartments. It can fit at least four passports.

G   Gotravel Glo Travel Wallet

This is a simple, very reasonably priced wallet. It is made of PVC plastic and will suit those who like a wallet that is easy to spot. It comes in a range of bright colours with a white holiday-related design on the front. It has five compartments that can fit a passport with other cards/tickets.

Questions 1-8

Look at the seven reviews of travel wallets,  A-G .

For which travel wallet are the following statements true?

Write the correct letter,  A-G , in boxes  1-8  on your answer sheet.

NB     You may use any letter more than once .

1.    This wallet will suit people who prefer natural materials.

2.    Users of this wallet do not need to worry about taking it out in the rain.

3.    Parts of the inside of this wallet have categories printed on them in one colour.

4.    This wallet would suit someone who needs to keep several passports together.

5.    Something is provided for writing.

6.    This will suit people who want to be able to find their document wallet easily in their luggage.

7.    Something to keep this wallet in is provided.

8.    This wallet has been specially made to prevent people detecting the numbers on any bank cards, etc. inside it.







Answers with Explanation

Check out The Best Travel Wallets reading answers below with explanations and locations given in the text.

1   D

2   B

3   C

4   F

5   D

6   G

7   E

If you want the pdf summary of The Best Travel Wallets reading passage and answers, please write your email in the comment section below. We’ll send it across at the speed of light.

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Grandfather Ghandi Book Cover

Grandfather Gandhi by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus

(India) Grandfather Gandhi offers a rare look into the private life of Mahatma Gandhi. As Arun Gandhi shares the lessons he learned growing up in his grandfather’s village, readers are drawn to appreciate and learn from the love and respect between a boy and his grandfather.

Around the World - Somewhere in the World Right Now Book Cover

Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett

(The World) Have you ever wondered what the other side of the world is doing while you’re sound sleep? After all, when you lay your head down at the end of a day, a new day is just beginning somewhere else. Stacey Schuett explains world time zones in a lyrical and easy-to-understand way.

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World book cover

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman

(The World) When you have a hankering for a piece of apple pie and the market is closed, what do you do? Well, you might have to stow away on a boat to Jamaica for sugar or hitch a ride to England for some cream. Because when you want apple pie, the world is your marketplace!

Around the World in 80 Poems

Around the World in 80 Poems by James Berry

(The World) This collection of colorful poems celebrates the diversity that makes up our world. You’ll find poems that will make you laugh and some that will make you cry. But together they will leave you feeling inspired and amazed by the uniqueness and the beauty of our world and the people who call it home.

Take Me Out to the Yakyu Book Cover

Take Me Out to the Yakyu by Aaron Meshon

(Japan) Baseball is popular in the United States, but it’s a fan favorite in Japan, too! Join a little boy and his grandfather at baseball (or yakyu!) games in both countries. The customs and the words may be different, but the game is the same no matter where you go!

The Field Book Cover

The Field by Baptiste Paul

(The Caribbean) Vibrant illustrations and fast, snappy prose bring a colorful Caribbean world to life as a group of children gather in their favorite place to play their favorite game. They don’t even care if it starts to rain or if they have to run in the mud—just so long as they can play ball!

FREE Around the World with Picture Books Library List

download around the world picture books library list

Are you ready to take your children around the world with picture books? The journey begins at your local library! Download our Around the World with Picture Books Library List .

cover of Give Your Child the World

If you’re looking for even more picture books from around the world, Give Your Child the World: Raising Globally Minded Kids One Book at a Time by Jamie C. Martin ( Simple Homeschool ) is an absolute treasure. Filled with more than 600 carefully chosen books for kids of all ages, this book is a wonderful resource for any family!

Around the World with Picture Books Recommended by Our Readers

  • The Hungry Coat (Turkey) by Demi (Recommended by Emily, via Blog Comment)
  • Jamela’s Dress (South Africa) by Niki Daly (Recommended by Debbie, via Blog Comment)
  • Honey, Honey Lion! (Africa) by Jan Brett (Recommended by April N., via Facebook)
  • Too Many Tamales (Mexico/US) by Gary Soto (Recommended by Vivienne M., via Facebook)
  • Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain (Kenya) by Verna Aardema (Recommended by Vivienne M., via Facebook)
  • Another Celebrated Dancing Bear (Russia) by Gladys Scheffrin-Falk (Recommended by Vivienne M., via Facebook)
  • A Giraffe Goes to Paris (France) by Mary Tavener Holmes (Recommended by Jessica S., via Facebook)
  • The Cat Who Walked Across France (France) by Kate Banks (Recommended by @bethanxknight, via Instagram)
  • Monsoon (India) by Uma Krishnaswami (Recommended by Anna F., via Facebook)
  • The Tiger and the Dried Persimmon (Korea) by Janie Jaehyun Park (Recommended by Karen D., via Facebook)
  • Tap-Tap (Haiti) by Karen Lynn williams (Recommended by @counting.joys, via Instagram)
  • The Worry Stone (Native Peoples/US) by Marianna Dengler (Recommended by @counting.joys, via Instagram)
  • Everybody Cooks Rice (Multicultural) by Norah Dooley (Recommended by @counting.joys, via Instagram)
  • Papa Piccolo (Italy) by Carol Talley (Recommended by Tiffany T., via Facebook)
  • Tikki Tikki Tembo (China) by Arlene Mosel (Recommended by @chrissye84, via Instagram)
  • White Tiger, Blue Serpent (China) by Grace Tseng (Recommended by Laura J., via Facebook)
  • The Story About Ping (China) by Marjorie Flack (Recommended by @egfreeman7712, via Instagram)
  • A Pair of Red Clogs (Japan) by Masako Matsuno (Recommended by Jenny R., via Facebook)
  • Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal Dog (Japan) by Pamela S. Turner (Recommended by Ashleigh F., via Facebook)
  • Malaysian Children’s Favourite Stories (Malaysia) by Kay Lyons (Recommended by Ong H., via blog comment)
  • The Magic Buffalo (Malaysia) by Jainal Amambing (Recommended by Ong H., via blog comment)

Is there a picture book from another country or culture that your family loves to read? Please share it in the comments and I’ll add it to our Readers’ Picks box!

FREE Picture Book LIbrary Lists

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' data-src=

What a great list of books. Definitely saving this resource for our library lists.

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I’m glad this will be useful for you, Stacey!

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Brittany Mccowan

I love this! I can’t wait to incorporate these books in my homeschool!

I hope you find lots of books to enjoy, Brittany!

' data-src=

Love it. Thank you!

' data-src=

Great book selection! Thanks for writing this blog. Very helpful

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Loreen Gunter

Love all the resources and ideas you share! It sure helps with the homeschooling journey. Thank you 😊

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Thank you for sharing! This book list looks great.

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Stephanie Miller

These are excellent suggestions!

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Lindsay Williams

I love a good book list! Thanks for posting this, AAL!!

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Rachael Banks

What a wonderful collection of books! I have already downloaded the list for our next library trip!

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Angela Calinski

This is a great resource… ill keep this list for our next library trip

' data-src=

We love the classic “Mama, Do You Love Me?” but lots of these look wonderful!

Thank you for the recommendation, Marleigh!

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Danielle Lawrence

Gosh, what a great list! Picture books captivate my children (and me!) so much more than rote memory from a curriculum. They are the glue that binds those pieces of knowledge together!

' data-src=

These are great ideas!

Thank you, Casey!

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This is awesome! I’m downloading the list. I love to offer diverse literature to young learners!

Thank you, Dinah! I hope you find lots to enjoy and learn from here!

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Thank you so much for this great list!

You’re welcome, Heather!

' data-src=

Thank you for this great list! I think this is a wonderful way to introduce cultures from around the world.

You’re welcome, Katlyn. Sharing great books together is a great way to learn about so many important things!

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Tracy Wright

Great book selection!

Thank you, Tracy!

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Beth Prince

I love books from different cultures!! Thank you for making this list. Our homeschool group is doing an around the world study this year. I’m sharing this blog post with them!! Thanks for all the ways to make learning fun and engaging!

I’m so glad these book recommendations will be helpful for your homeschool group’s around the world study, Beth! You’re welcome!

' data-src=

I love a good list! And love teaching my kids about different countries and cultures. Already started reading some of the books on this list and they are great! My favorite part is that I can print the list and or download it to my phone so it’s handy when I go to the library or what to books on hold in advance.

I’m pleased to hear you are enjoying some of the books already, Miriam! I’m glad the printable/downloadable list is so handy for you as well.

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Natalie Szymanski

My daughter loves learning about the Earth and Space – and this is perfect for her!

I hope you find lots of books that your daughter enjoys from this list, Natalie!

' data-src=

These look wonderful, thank you for introducing me to all these books! I only have two on your list and we love them.

You’re welcome, Amanda.

' data-src=

Love the recommendations and synopsis of each book. They are a huge help in teaching my children of other countries and cultures. Thank you!

I’m glad this is helpful for you, Julie! You’re welcome.

' data-src=

All your recommendations have been wonderful so far! I can’t wait to check out these books for my geography loving daughter!

I hope your daughter enjoys these recommendations too, Kristen!

' data-src=

Thank you for providing this list of books!

You’re welcome, Angela.

' data-src=

This is a great list outside the common reading lists for children. I’m looking forward to looking many of these up.

I hope you and your students enjoy these, Heather!

' data-src=

This is an incredible list! Thank you!

You’re welcome, Andrea!

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The Hungry Coat (Turkey)

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Tracey Bradley

Is there a complete supply list of what we will need for this study guide?

Tracey, I’m not sure what you are asking. This is a list of pictures books for enjoying together. There isn’t a study guide or supply list.

Please let me know if you have other questions or if I’m not understanding correctly.

Tracey Cannon Bradley

Hi! Sorry for the confusion! There are several great art projects and cooking activities. I’m trying to make a list of everything I’ll need for these activities

Tracey, Well, we don’t have any art projects or cooking activities on our website based on the theme of “around the world”. We do have ABC Crafts ( upper case and lower case ) and ABC Snacks recipes that include ingredients and supplies list.

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Eight new travel books to read on vacation this summer

A great travel read is an ideal companion for warm-weather vacation time, whether you’re beach-bound or staying home. After all, books are fellow travelers on demand: In their company, you can catch vicarious thrills without budging from your preferred mix of sun and shade. And this year has brought a fresh crop of travel writing worth exploring, tales that include illustrated Siberian journeys, brooding mysteries and continent-hopping memoirs.

Craving distant horizons? Scratch the itch with one of the best travel books of 2022 — so far.

“ The Slow Road to Tehran: A Revelatory Bike Ride Through Europe and the Middle East ,” by Rebecca Lowe

When reporting on Lebanon’s 2014 simmering refugee crisis — a trip that included a bicycle journey against all recommendations — London-based writer Rebecca Lowe drew one important conclusion: “Never trust people who say things can’t be done.” Such can-do spirit suffuses her new book about a 2015 solo cycling journey from London to Tehran, which unfolds across 20 countries and nearly 7,000 miles.

“We think you’ll probably die,” one friend told Lowe on the eve of her departure. She didn’t, and Lowe, whose winningly self-depreciating tone persists through adventures and misadventures alike, is no naif. A veteran journalist with a focus on human rights, Lowe is clear-eyed about the fraught history of Western adventurers in the Middle East, with a reporter’s knack for depicting the vivid characters she encounters. Available in travel-friendly e-book format, the book’s hardback edition will be released Sept. 6.

“ Border Crossings: A Journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway ,” by Emma Fick

The Instagram-era ubiquity of travel photography can lend a curious sameness to strangers’ shots of hotel breakfasts and tropical beaches. Watercolor sketches depicting artist Emma Fick’s 2017 journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway offer a refreshing alternative, with paintings of bathroom fixtures, local officials and Russian cafeteria food that dodge the genre’s cliched tropes altogether.

Why you should pack physical books when you travel

Handwritten notes accompany the images, which are sometimes framed with a traveler’s-eye view of train windows and passenger compartments. Others serve as whimsical compendiums: Fick lists Mongolia’s five domesticated animals; documents fellow passengers’ fuzzy-slippered train wear; and ranks the quality of second-class dining cars by country. The effect is charming, yes, but it also invigorates.

“ Crossed off the Map: Travels in Bolivia ,” by Shafik Meghji

As prologue to this thoughtfully reported book, British travel writer Shafik Meghji recounts a telling bit of apocrypha. Following a diplomatic kerfuffle, Queen Victoria is said to have taken a pen and crossed Bolivia off her map of South America, insisting the country could therefore not exist.

Despite a 21st-century increase in tourism, much of Bolivia remains largely unfamiliar to foreigners, says Meghji, who has written guidebooks for more than a decade. For a better acquaintance, this book is the next best thing to a slow journey through the country’s staggeringly varied topography. Readers can tag along with Meghji by Amazonian riverboat, follow in the footsteps of jungle Jesuits or go on foot into the high-altitude Potosí silver mines that enriched an empire.

“ Riverman: An American Odyssey ,” by Ben McGrath

Americans have long loved tales of traveling folk heroes, such as Johnny Appleseed and Chris McCandless. When New Yorker writer Ben McGrath first encountered Dick Conant — a bearded, overall-clad wanderer then traveling by plastic canoe from New York to Florida — he seemed to have stumbled upon the real deal floating past the backyard of his Hudson River home.

After Conant’s boat was found abandoned in North Carolina, McGrath set out on a quest to learn about the life of a man he calls a “modern-day Huck Finn.” There’s plenty of fodder for romance: Conant logged thousands of miles on American rivers, and many of the people he met along the way remember him, years later, with astonishing clarity. But darker sides of Conant’s life emerge in McGrath’s reporting, which illuminates but does not resolve the book’s central mystery.

“ A Hard Place to Leave: Stories From a Restless Life ,” by Marcia DeSanctis

In writing that spans continents and nearly four decades, Marcia DeSanctis mines a lifetime of travel for this new collection of essays. That time lends depth that first impressions cannot touch. She retraces portions of journeys through the Soviet Union and Russia, layering memory upon place to rich effect.

Some pieces originally appeared as stand-alone stories in publications such as the New York Times Magazine and Vogue, but together they take on a journey’s momentum. Along the way, DeSanctis encounters spies and love interests, but it’s her lushly polished writing that makes this book a joy to read.

“ Lost in the Valley of Death: A Story of Obsession and Danger in the Himalayas ,” by Harley Rustad

After an Instagram-famous traveler vanished in Northern India’s Parvati Valley, his followers and family were left wondering: Did he walk away for good, or is it something worse? In one of his final posts, Justin Alexander Shetler announced his intention to “wander alone in these majestic Himalaya,” adding: “I should be back soon.”

Travel guidebooks aren’t dead, but they’ll never be the same. Maybe that’s a good thing.

Rustad’s gripping investigation of Shetler’s life showcases a late-model brand of very online enlightenment seeker. Think: flowing clothing, lots of meditation and shirtless pics captioned with inspirational platitudes. But there’s more to Shetler than such cliches might suggest — and more to this story than an ad hoc vision quest gone wrong. The Parvati Valley has a dark reputation as India’s “backpacker Bermuda Triangle,” Rustad reports, and dozens of travelers have disappeared there.

“ The Catch Me If You Can: One Woman’s Journey to Every Country in the World ,” by Jessica Nabongo

When Ugandan American blogger Jessica Nabongo touched down in Seychelles in October 2019, she became the first Black woman to visit every country on Earth. Her longtime followers will recognize the chatty, clear-eyed tone that makes this country-by-country book such breezy fun to page through. (It’s further enlivened by images of Nabongo looking unflappably glamorous, with far-flung places as her enviable backdrops.)

Still, Nabongo’s love of travel shines brightest in encounters with the countries she was warned most vigorously against. She finds warm hospitality in Iran, a joyous welcome in Haiti and selfie-seeking crowds in Afghanistan. In passages recounting racism at home and abroad, she also writes frankly about the challenges of traveling while Black. Available June 14.

“ Imagine a City: A Pilot’s Journey Across the Urban World ,” by Mark Vanhoenacker

If you’re not tussling for legroom and overhead bin space, it’s easier to remember that flying is a spectacular way to see our planet. Belgian American pilot Mark Vanhoenacker blends privileged cockpit views with travelogue and memoir in his new book, which reads as a love letter to the cities he’s returned to again and again.

Chapter names — “City of Signs,” “City of Gates” — recall those in Italo Calvino’s sublime metaphysical travel tale “ Invisible Cities ,” Vanhoenacker notes, but the places that fill this volume are more concrete. When seen from a cockpit at sunset, Salt Lake City is “the city of the reddening peaks.” While passengers snooze on predawn flights to Kuwait, pilots watch gas flares illuminate the desert. As in a previous book, “ Skyfaring: A Journey with a Pilot ,” Vanhoenacker captivates when describing the silent beauty of a world glimpsed from above. Available July 5.

Smith is a writer based in Vermont. Her website is . Find her on Twitter and Instagram : @jenrosesmithvt.


travel books reading pdf

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    Academic IELTS Reading Sample 234 - Travel Books. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27- 40, which are based on Reading Passage 234 below. There are many reasons why individuals have travelled beyond their own soci­eties. Some travellers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the larger world.

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    This essential guide is the answer to all your questions on overseas travel: from planning to packing, and budgeting to bargaining, it's all here. Nellie Huang of Wild Junket. $7.99. The Adventure Traveler's Handbook. Provides a mixture of tips and inspirational stories for both new and experienced outdoor explorers.

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    Four Feet, Two Sandals. by Karen Lynn Willams. and Khandra Mohammed. (Pakistan) A powerful way to introduce children to the plight of refugees all around the world, Four Feet, Two Sandals is a beautifully told tale of friendship, kindness, and hope in the midst of suffering and sadness.

  23. Eight new travel books to read on vacation this summer

    Available in travel-friendly e-book format, the book's hardback edition will be released Sept. 6. " Border Crossings: A Journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway ," by Emma Fick

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