moana hero's journey worksheet answers

Read and watch each section of the hero's journey as seen in the movie Moana, and complete your hero's journey diagram.

In 2 sentences , explain how that section of the movie fits with this part of the hero's journey.

Draw one symbol that fits with that part of the movie as well as that phase in the hero's journey.

The Ordinary World

This is where the Hero's exists before his present story begins, oblivious of the adventures to come. It's his safe place. His everyday life where we learn crucial details about our Hero, his true nature, capabilities and outlook on life. This anchors the Hero as a human, just like you and me, and makes it easier for us to identify with him and hence later, empathize with his plight. 

Call to Adventure

The Hero's adventure begins when he receives a call to action, such as a direct threat to his safety, his family, his way of life or to the peace of the community in which he lives. It may not be as dramatic as a gunshot, but simply a phone call or conversation but whatever the call is, and however it manifests itself, it ultimately disrupts the comfort of the Hero's Ordinary World and presents a challenge or quest that must be undertaken. 

The Refusal

Although the Hero may be eager to accept the quest, at this stage he will have fears that need overcoming. Second thoughts or even deep personal doubts as to whether or not he is up to the challenge. When this happens, the Hero will refuse the call and as a result may suffer somehow. The problem he faces may seem to much to handle and the comfort of home far more attractive than the perilous road ahead. This would also be our own response and once again helps us bond further with the reluctant Hero. 

Meeting the Mentor

At this crucial turning point where the Hero desperately needs guidance he meets a mentor figure who gives him something he needs. He could be given an object of great importance, insight into the dilemma he faces, wise advice, practical training or even self-confidence. Whatever the mentor provides the Hero with it serves to dispel his doubts and fears and give him the strength and courage to begin his quest. 

Crossing the Threshold

The Hero is now ready to act upon his call to adventure and truly begin his quest, whether it be physical, spiritual or emotional. He may go willingly or he may be pushed, but either way he finally crosses the threshold between the world he is familiar with and that which he is not. It may be leaving home for the first time in his life or just doing something he has always been scared to do. However the threshold presents itself, this action signifies the Hero's commitment to his journey an whatever it may have in store for him. 

Tests, Allies, Enemies

Now finally out of his comfort zone the Hero is confronted with an ever more difficult series of challenges that test him in a variety of ways. Obstacles are thrown across his path; whether they be physical hurdles or people bent on thwarting his progress, the Hero must overcome each challenge he is presented with on the journey towards his ultimate goal. 

The Hero needs to find out who can be trusted and who can't. He may earn allies and meet enemies who will, each in their own way, help prepare him for the greater ordeals yet to come. This is the stage where his skills and/or powers are tested and every obstacle that he faces helps us gain a deeper insight into his character and ultimately identify with him even more. 

Approach (inmost cave)

The inmost cave may represent many things in the Hero's story such as an actual location in which lies a terrible danger or an inner conflict which up until now the Hero has not had to face. As the Hero approaches the cave he must make final preparations before taking that final leap into the great unknown. 

At the threshold to the inmost cave the Hero may once again face some of the doubts and fears that first surfaced upon his call to adventure. He may need some time to reflect upon his journey and the treacherous road ahead in order to find the courage to continue. This brief respite helps the audience understand the magnitude of the ordeal that awaits the Hero and escalates the tension in anticipation of his ultimate test. 

The Supreme Ordeal may be a dangerous physical test or a deep inner crisis that the Hero must face in order to survive or for the world in which the Hero lives to continue to exist. Whether it be facing his greatest fear or most deadly foe, the Hero must draw upon all of his skills and his experiences gathered upon the path to the inmost cave in order to overcome his most difficulty challenge. 

Only through some form of "death" can the Hero be reborn, experiencing a metaphorical resurrection that somehow grants him greater power or insight necessary in order to fulfill his destiny or reach his journey's end. This is the high-point of the Hero's story and where everything he holds dear is put on the line. If he fails, he will either die or life as he knows it will never be the same again. 

After defeating the enemy, surviving death and finally overcoming his greatest personal challenge, the Hero is ultimately transformed into a new state, emerging from battle as a stronger person and often with a prize. 

The Reward may come in many forms: an object of great importance or power, a secret, greater knowledge or insight, or even reconciliation with a loved one or ally. Whatever the treasure, which may well facilitate his return to the Ordinary World, the Hero must quickly put celebrations aside and prepare for the last leg of his journey. 

This stage in the Hero's journey represents a reverse echo of the Call to Adventure in which the Hero had to cross the first threshold. Now he must return home with his reward but this time the anticipation of danger is replaced with that of acclaim and perhaps vindication, absolution or even exoneration. 

But the Hero's journey is not yet over and he may still need one last push back into the Ordinary World. The moment before the Hero finally commits to the last stage of his journey may be a moment in which he must choose between his own personal objective and that of a Higher Cause. 


This is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with death. The final battle also represents something far greater than the Hero's own existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to his Ordinary World and the lives of those he left behind. 

If he fails, others will suffer and this not only places more weight upon his shoulders but in a movie, grips the audience so that they too feel part of the conflict and share the Hero's hopes, fears and trepidation. Ultimately the Hero will succeed, destroy his enemy and emerge from battle cleansed and reborn. 

This is the final stage of the Hero's journey in which he returns home to his Ordinary World a changed man. He will have grown as a person, learned many things, faced many terrible dangers and even death but now looks forward to the start of a new life. His return may bring fresh hope to those he left behind, a direct solution to their problems or perhaps a new perspective for everyone to consider. 

The final reward that he obtains may be literal or metaphoric. It could be a cause for celebration, self-realization or an end to strife, but whatever it is it represents three things: change, success and proof of his journey. The return home also signals the need for resolution for the story's other key players. The Hero's doubters will be ostracized, his enemies punished and his allies rewarded. Ultimately the Hero will return to where he started but things will clearly never be the same again. 


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Moana and The Hero's Journey

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Moana comes face to face with her parents for the first time after she returns from her journey.

This event fits which stage of the Hero's Journey?

The Magic Flight

Confronting the Father

Confrnting the Enemy

The Supreme Ordeal

Moana lives in her village on an island. She has an urge to be close to the water.

This statement fits which stage of the Hero's Journey?

The Ordinary World

The Call to Adventure

The Refusal

Entering the Unknown

Moana's grandmother, Tala, urges Moana to go find Maui by giving her the knowledge she needs for the journey.

Supernatural Aid/Meeting with the Mentor

After returning the heart to Te Fiti, Moana must return to her island and say good-bye to Maui.

This statement best fits which stage of the Hero's Journey?

The Road of Trials

The Road of yellow brick

The Magic trick

Moana eventually teams up with Maui who helps her complete the quest.



Moana is tested on her journey through several battles including the coconut pirates and the giant crab.

Supernatural AId/Meeting with the Mentor

Moana's island is struck by disease and all of the resources are diminishing. Moana wishes to leave the island and restore the heart of TeFiti.

Which stage of the Hero's Journey fits this statement?

Master of Two Worlds

Moana returns safely home to her island where she has saved her people after restoring the heart of Te Fiti.

Master of two Worlds

Moana sails out past the reef and into the ocean for the first time. This is further than anyone else has gone for years.

The Call to the Ocean

Entering the Quest

Moana's fight with Te Ka is the final showdown. Moana almost gives up but finds the courage to save her people. She successfully returns the heart of Te Fiti.

Which stage of the Hero's Journey shows that the hero is in a brand new place where there may be a constant threat of death?

Which stage of the Hero's Journey shows the hero connecting with a wise person who gives advice, training, or equipment?

Which statement below best describes "Confronting the Father?"

The hero meets his/her father

The hero meets another hero

The hero meets someone who has power over his/her life

The hero meets someone who is weak and helpless

Which statement best describes the "Master of Two Worlds"?

The hero returns home stronger than before

The hero is now president of two places

The hero has 2 roles in his/her home

The hero has to choose between two homes

If we could watch another movie that tracks the Hero's Journey, what would you pick?

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

The Wizard of Oz

Finding Nemo

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Hero's Journey Worksheets

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hero's journey worksheet

Joseph Campbell Hero's Journey Worksheets

Joseph Campbell definition of a hero, or the monomyth, is a basic pattern found in many narratives, myths, and stories across cultures. Based on Joseph Campbell's definition of a hero, the storyline follows an archetypal protagonist as they transform through a journey. These worksheets can be a useful teaching tool to engage students in analyzing this common plot structure and recognizing it across texts, or even movie films. In this blog post, we will explore what a this progression is, the benefits of these worksheets, and how teachers can effectively integrate them into the class.

What is a Hero's Journey Chart?

This chart is a graphic organizer that maps out the narrative structure of the monomyth. Having kids fill out a chart is an activity that develops critical thinking as they analyze the events of a narrative and categorize them into the correct stage.

There are many versions of monomyth charts available. Most include the key stages or plot points typical of one of these stories: the ordinary world, call to the quest, refusal of the call, meeting a mentor, stepping across the threshold to a new world, tests/enemies, approach to the inmost cave, the conflict, the reward for overcoming the conflict, the road back, resurrection, and return with the elixir. A chart tracks the protagonist through each stage of this transformative story.

Hero's Journey Stages: From the Ordinary World and Back Again

Using these worksheets, students explore how the protagonist undergoes change in each stage:

  • Ordinary World: The protagonist's everyday life.
  • Call to Adventure: The protagonist is needed for a quest.
  • Refusal: At first, the protagonist is reluctant to embark on the mission.
  • Mentor: The protagonist has help or guidance from a mentor figure.
  • Crossing the Threshold: The protagonist enters the new world.
  • Tests, Allies, Enemies: The protagonist faces trials, meets friends and foes.
  • Approach to the Cave: Preparing for the biggest obstacle.
  • Supreme Ordeal: The ultimate crisis point.
  • Reward: The protagonist receives some prize for passing the situation.
  • The Road Back: The return begins.
  • Resurrection: A final challenge that may arise.
  • Return: They return, transformed.

Exploring each stage brings depth to literary or movie analysis. Kids come to understand the archetypal storyline that connects so many storied heroes, in both film and literature.

Tips for Using Hero's Journey Worksheets

Here are some tips on integrating these worksheets into your ELA, film, or mythology lessons:

  • Use as a Pre-Reading Activity: Distribute blank hero’s journey chart graphic organizers and have your class speculate on key narrative events before reading a story. After reading, they can compare their guesses to the actual plot progression of the film or book.
  • Review Story Structure: After reading a monomyth narrative like The Odyssey , have your class complete printable worksheets to reinforce understanding of narrative structure. Additional activities could include analyzing Odysseus's hero's journey in Homer's Odyssey or comparing Odysseus to an epic hero .
  • Literary Analysis: Provide excerpts from novels or short stories for kids to analyze. Have them use the hero’s journey worksheet free online to identify stages in the passages. They could also examine examples of archetypes and types of heroes in literature like the tragic hero or antihero .
  • Write Your Own Story: Your class can apply the monomyth template to plan an original narrative for a protagonist of their choice. Understanding the qualities of an everyday hero could inspire ideas.
  • Compare Hero’s Journeys: Give your class different worksheets for literary and film characters such as Odysseus ( The Odyssey ), Luke Skywalker ( Star Wars ), Harry Potter, or Frodo ( Lord of the Rings ). Have them compare and discuss the journeys using the data. Comparing journeys of a tragic hero like Othello or Macbeth could also yield insightful discussion.

Integrating analysis of different literary or film protagonist types and examples deepens students' understanding of the monomyth template.

Why Use a Hero's Journey Graphic Organizer?

Integrating a graphic organizer into English or mythology lessons when teaching archetypes offers numerous benefits for learning and engagement. Using a graphic organizer facilitates critical analysis as students map the narrative progression of a story. They identify how plot structure aligns with the stages of the monomyth template conceived by Joseph Campbell in his analysis of world monomyths.

As your class completes printable hero’s journey worksheets, they build deeper comprehension of fundamental storytelling elements and archetypes. Recurring figures like threshold guardians, the trickster, or the shapeshifter become familiar. Recognizing these story conventions for archetypes across myths, literature, and movie examples creates connections. For example, the presence of enemies, tests or supreme ordeals before the climactic resolution, and the transformative nature of the experience.

Comparing completed worksheets for different protagonists also grows appreciation for archetypes and the monomyth concept. For instance, contrasting graphic organizers charting Odysseus’ long voyage home to Ithaca with watching Luke Skywalker’s life and galactic quest in a movie format emphasizes similarities in these archetypes despite vastly different settings. As Carl Jung the father of archetypal psychology described, archetypes resonate across cultures and eras through symbols in the collective unconscious.

Further, exposure to the heroic journey blueprint can boost creative writing. Your class can invent and write about original heroes and plot a quest story incorporating stages of the monomyth outline. The ordinary world, call to the quest, stepping from the first threshold into the unknown, road of trials, and thrilling climactic resolution become waypoints on their protagonist’s transformation. Internalizing this storytelling structure empowers the imagination.

In all, integrating analysis of monomyth plots using worksheets, charts, and graphic organizers offers multifaceted benefits for student learning. It stretches critical thinking while elucidating recurring narrative patterns for archetypes that speak to primal parts of the human psyche.

How to Make a Hero's Journey Worksheet

Choose one of the premade templates.

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!

Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.

Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.

Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!

Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions about Hero's Journey Worksheets

What does a charting the hero's journey worksheet involve.

A charting the hero's journey worksheet maps out the narrative structure of a story onto the template of the hero's journey. This type of graphic organizer has sections for each stage of the monomyth, including departure, initiation, and return.

What are the stages of the hero's journey worksheet?

Some key stages often included on a hero's journey worksheet or chart are: the ordinary world, call to adventure, crossing the first threshold, meeting allies/enemies, road of trials, approaching the inmost cave, supreme ordeal, seizing the reward, the journey home, resurrection of final challenge, and return with the elixir.

Why teach the stages of the hero’s journey?

Learning the stages of the hero’s journey benefits students in multiple ways. It builds story analysis skills as students map plot structure onto the monomyth template. Recognition of story patterns and archetypes across myths and literature improves literacy. Creative writing is enabled as students incorporate heroic journey elements into original protagonists and adventures.

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  19. Hero Journey Analysis of Moana by Jennifer Kramm

    Moana's runtime is 107 minutes. Allowing time for the pauses, this lesson should take approximately 2-2.5 hours. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT's content guidelines. Using Joseph Campbell's hero journey stages, students will analyze the Disney film Moana.

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    Description. The following questions are designed for a classroom discussion about Moana, with a focus on figurative language and symbolism. These questions aim to encourage students to think critically about the use of language and the deeper meanings within the film. They can be used to facilitate a thoughtful and engaging conversation.

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