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Travel Time Pay Rules in California (2024): The Ultimate Guide

Posted January 31, 2020 by lewislaw & filed under Employment Law Articles .

Travel Time Pay Rules in California (2020)

Last Updated:

  • January 18, 2024

A comprehensive guide to travel time pay rules in California —when employees are entitled to be paid for travel time and how to recover those lost wages.

Unpaid travel time can exceed over $100,000 in lost wages, interest and penalties.

Find out how much of your travel time should be paid and how you can recover it.

Article Contents:

Section #1: types of travel time that should be paid, types of travel time that should be paid.

Section 1 - Travel That Should Be Paid

  • Time when you actually perform work (i.e. sending email, making phone calls, etc.); OR
  • Time when you do not actually perform work (and might even be doing personal things like checking the internet, texting and making personal calls), but when your employer exercises enough control over you that the law considers it working time.

When is an employee considered to be "Performing Work"?

Unlike John, however, Mary is required, on her way to work, to drive to a secure storage facility to pick up the tools she will use for that day. On the way home from work, she is required to return to the storage facility to unload the tools, clean them, and make sure they are locked up for the night. 

Mary is entitled to be compensated for the time spent loading, unloading, and cleaning the tools, as well as for the time she spends traveling between the storage facility and company headquarters. This is because these activities add time and exertion beyond what her normal commute would require. In other words, she is performing actual work for her employer during that time.

When is an employee “subject to control” of the employer?

Many legal cases considering whether an employee should be paid for travel time focus on the issue of whether the employee was “subject to the control” of the employer during the travel time. The key question is what does your employer require you to do?

  • Does your employer require you to travel to work in a company vehicle?
  • Does your employer require to follow certain when traveling to or returning from work each day?

Examples where the employee should be paid for travel time

  • When the employer provides transportation to a jobsite (example: a bus) and requires that employees only use that form of transportation to get to work.
  • When the employee has already reported to the worksite at the beginning of a shift and then the employer instructs the employee to travel to other locations.
  • When the employee is required to engage in overnight travel (for example, if the employee is required to take an airplane to attend a conference in another state, the employee must be compensated for time traveling, as well as time spent checking bags, going through security screening, etc.).

Examples where the employee is not entitled to be paid for travel time

  • When the employee is making the normal commute between home and work.
  • When the employer provides transportation to a jobsite (example: a bus or company van) but does not require that employees use of that mode of transportation to arrive at the job.
  • When, during required overnight travel, the employee takes time to do personal things like go out to dinner, go sight-seeing, or sleep.

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Section #2: When Should You Be Paid For Travel Time?

When should you be paid for travel time.

Section 2 - When You Should Be Paid For Travel Time

Travel when overnight stay is required

  • Conferences
  • Sales meetings
  • Continuing education requirements

From the Law:

Travel from one workplace to another in the same day, travel from home to work when there is no fixed workplace, if you are required to report to a work location that is farther away than your normal work location., if you have no fixed job site and are required to travel an unreasonable distance to get to work., travel from home to work in a work vehicle, travel when you work from home (virtual or remote employees).

More than 8 million people now work exclusively from home. In California nearly 6% of workers work from home , a percentage that almost doubles when you look at some locations in the San Francisco Bay and Los Angeles areas.

Section #3: How Much Should You Be Paid for Travel Time?

How much should you be paid for travel time.

Section 3 - How Much You Should Be Paid For Travel Time

You must be paid at least minimum wage or your regular hourly rate for travel time.

Employers can pay a lower hourly rate for travel time..

  • Provide you notice prior to the travel time.
  • Separately track your travel time.
  • Separately list your travel time, including the total hours traveled and your travel time rate on each pay stub.

Section #4: How to Calculate Your Travel Time Pay

How to calculate your travel time pay.

Section 4 - How to Calculate Travel Time Pay

Calculating your travel time pay

How to calculate overtime (based on travel hours), reimbursement for travel expenses (mileage), section #5: how to recover your travel time pay, how to recover your travel time pay.

Section 5 - How to Recover Travel Time Pay

There are strict time limits for recovering your unpaid travel time

Recovering travel time pay while you are still working at the company.

  • Discrimination
  • Retaliation
  • Firing/Termination
  • Reduction in Pay
  • Reassignment of Position
  • Other Adverse Employment Actions

Recovering travel time pay if you do not want to file a lawsuit

Section #6: choosing the right attorney, choosing the right attorney.

Section 6 - Choosing Right Attorney for Travel Time Pay Case

Questions You Can Use to Interview Attorneys

  • Do you practice employment law?
  • What is your level of experience dealing with travel time cases?
  • Have you had favorable outcomes? (Most attorneys will be able to answer this question. But they might not be able to tell you how much they have won in these types of cases if there is a confidentiality agreement in place. Attorneys are obligated to keep confidential settlements confidential.)
  • What do you think is the best strategy for handling my case keeping in mind my goals? (tell the attorney about your goals for resolving the case)
  • How long will it take to resolve my case?
  • What is your fee structure?
  • What does your fee include and exclude?

After speaking with the attorney, consider the following questions:

  • Was the attorney responsive?
  • Did the attorney answer your questions?
  • Did the attorney inspire confidence in you that he or she knew the subject matter?
  • Is the attorney someone you feel you can trust?

Section #7: Hire an Experienced Travel Time Pay Attorney

Hire an experienced travel time pay attorney.

Section 7 - Hire an Experienced Travel Time Pay Attorney

Free Case Review

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travel pay in california

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Counting and Recording Hours of Work: Travel Time, Overtime & More

A variety of California and federal laws govern your counting and recording of employees' working hours and compensation. Under certain circumstances "working hours" may include such activities as travel time and education/training time.

Common Mistake

  • Not paying required overtime premiums.

Workdays and Workweeks Defined

Having a clearly defined workday and workweek is important because it affects your overtime obligations to employees.

Best Practices

  • Once you define a workday and workweek, stay consistent.
  • Familiarize yourself with the "seventh-day" overtime rule.

Hours of Work Limitations

Various federal and state requirements impose limitations on work hours. HRCalifornia can help you determine which to follow when federal and state regulations conflict.

Rest Breaks and Meal Periods

You have certain legal requirements regarding employee meal and rest breaks in California.

Piece Rate Workers

California employers must pay piece rate workers for rest and recovery periods and other non-productive time at specified minimum hourly rates, separate from the piece rate compensation.

Paid Non-working Time Overview in California

There are times when you need to pay a nonexempt employee for time not spent working. If you pay a special rate for travel time, or other special circumstances, you must establish and communicate the rate to employees in advance of the event. The amount and duration depend on what the employee is doing during that time.

Travel Time Pay

Under certain circumstances, you may be required to pay your employees for their travel time.

Pay For Education and Training Time

If you require employees to attend lectures, work courses, employer-sponsored training programs, or employee meetings, you must count that time as hours worked for pay purposes.

Makeup Time Pay

Makeup time allows an employee to request time off for a personal obligation and make up the time without receiving overtime pay. Under certain conditions, you may allow makeup time, upon request from an employee, but you are not obligated to do so.

Compensatory Time Off

Private employers subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are forbidden from offering compensatory time off (CTO) in lieu of paying overtime wages.

Time Keeping and Recording

You must maintain an accurate record of employees' hours of work and compensation. Failure to do so may force you to disprove what an employee claims to have been his/her actual work hours.

Time Keeping Exceptions for Specific Industries

Due to the operational needs of certain industries, the California Labor Code and Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Orders allow for specific variations in how hours of work are recorded, how records are maintained, and how certain types of hours are treated for pay purposes.

Working Hours for Minors

California and federal labor laws place certain limitations on the number of hours minors may work, as well as the spread of those hours, depending on the worker's age, the industry and the season of the year. Extended working hours may be allowed under certain circumstances.

Related Resources

CalChamber members have access to several tools and services that help those who manage human resources to work through counting and recording work hours issues, including:

Meal and Rest Break Quiz » How much do you know about meal and rest breaks? Use this quiz to test your knowledge.

Meal and Rest Periods Policy » Use this policy to remind employees of legally required meal and rest breaks to ensure employees understand that your obligations to provide such breaks are met.

Meal Break Waiver » Use this form when you have a nonexempt worker who will work a shift of six hours or less and both you and the worker wish to waive the required 30-minute meal break.

Meal Break Waiver - Second Meal » Use this form when you have a nonexempt worker whose shift will be more than 10 hours but less than 12 hours, the worker has not waived his first meal break, and both you and the worker wish to waive the second required 30-minute meal break.

Alternative Workweek Calendar » You can use this calendar as an example of an alternative workweek schedule, noting the restrictions associated with alternative workweeks.

Makeup Time Checklist » If you are considering a makeup time policy for your employees, use this checklist before implementing the policy to make sure you are covering all the key issues.

California Labor Law

  • California Overtime Pay
  • California & Federal Labor Law Posters
  • California Termination Laws
  • California Workers' Compensation
  • COBRA Health Insurance
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing
  • Employee Handbook
  • Exempt and Nonexempt Employees
  • Family and Medical Leaves
  • Independent Contractor vs. Employee
  • Meal and Rest Break Law
  • Harassment in the Workplace
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Travel Time in California: A Must-Know Guide for Employers

travel pay in california

Take control of California’s time, overtime, and break laws using Timeero.

Understanding travel time pay in California is essential for employers. It involves complex rules and regulations that affect how you compensate your employees, manage your operations, and protect your bottom line. Get it wrong, and you risk costly lawsuits and unhappy employees, not to mention inefficient practices that will eat into your profit.

So, let’s get it clear from the get-go: Is travel time paid in California?

A short answer is yes, but you should know that not all travel counts. 

To avoid the pitfalls of failing to comply with legal requirements, you should familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of travel time pay and mileage reimbursement in California.

Our guide is here to explain the concept of travel time pay, how it differs from regular pay, and what California state law stipulates. 

We’ll also provide some practical tips on calculating California travel time pay and mileage reimbursement accurately and fairly.

Overview of California Labor Laws Related to Travel Time

When enforcing travel time pay, the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) pays a lot of attention to detail. 

The DLSE guidelines specify when you must compensate your employees for travel time, whether running a local errand or going on an out-of-state business trip. 

Remember that if you overlook these directives, you can risk your company financially and reputationally. Ignoring DLSE’s well-outlined norms can open you up to legal complications, including penalties that could negatively impact your bottom line. 

So, what are the rules you need to follow?

What Constitutes “Hours Worked” in California

In California employment law, “hours worked” is crucial in defining compensable time, including travel time. It includes:

  • Time actively spent performing work-related tasks , such as sending emails, making phone calls, or visiting clients.
  • The time when employees aren’t directly involved in work but remain under sufficient control of the employer , to the extent that the law considers it is working time. This usually means they’re not free to follow purely personal pursuits during that time.

Specific Rules Governing California Travel Time Pay

  • Using employer’s vehicle. The time spent traveling is compensable if an employee has to use the company vehicle for work purposes.
  • Carrying employer tools. If an employee transports tools or equipment for their employer, adding time and effort beyond the usual commute, that extra time must be paid.
  • Alternate worksite reporting. If an employer requires an employee to travel to a different job site on a short-term basis, which involves more than a minor distance, this travel time must be compensated.
  • Special circumstances. Activities like education and training time may also count as “working hours” under certain conditions.
  • Special rates. If an employer decides to pay a special rate for travel time, they must establish and inform employees about this rate in advance.
  • Advance notice and minimum wage. Employees must be informed of the travel rate in advance, and this rate cannot fall below the minimum wage.

When Does Travel Time Require Pay in California?

To better explain the issue, let’s discuss a couple of examples in which employees are entitled to travel time pay under California law: 

  • If your employees are making trips during work hours for business-related tasks — for instance, shuttling between different office locations or running errands for supplies, those hours are generally compensable.
  • You must reimburse the travel time when an employee travels out of town for a business event and returns the same workday. However, note that the usual commute time to the regular workplace and back to the employee’s home can be excluded from this calculation.
  • If employees are required to stay overnight for business purposes, the rules become more complex. Generally speaking, the time spent traveling during regular working hours is compensable. However, the same doesn’t apply to the time at the destination unless it’s spent working. 
  • If travel is a central part of the employee’s job (think sales representatives or delivery drivers), almost all the time spent traveling during work hours is compensable, including wait time at airports or other transit hubs.
  • Mandatory attendance at training sessions or conferences also requires compensation for travel time. If the event is outside of regular work hours, but attendance is compulsory, you must also reimburse your employees for travel time.

For example, if Sarah, a sales rep, has to drive from her regular work location to a client’s office in the middle of the day, that time is compensable. If she’s flying out for a multi-day conference, the time spent in transit could be considered work hours, depending on various factors. The rules around this scenario might differ and involve considerations such as meals and lodging.

Differentiating Between the Everyday Commute and Compensable Travel Time 

Understanding the fine line between commute time and work-related travel is critical to avoiding legal complications.

Your employees’ normal commute to and from the regular worksite is generally off your tab. In other words, you’re not required to reimburse your employees for the time they spend commuting between their homes and their regular worksites.     

However, certain situations turn the usual commute into compensable work time.

  • Employer-provided transportation. If an employee must come to a determined place and use the employer’s transportation to and from the worksite, that travel time is compensable under California law.
  • Restrictions on personal transportation. If employees aren’t allowed to use their own transportation and must use the employer’s, then the time is also considered work time that must be compensated.

The Morillion v. Royal Packing Co. case is crucial for understanding the travel time pay in California. The court held that the employees who had to travel on the employer-provided buses were entitled to compensation for their travel time since they were subject to the employer’s control and could not use that time for their own purposes. This case has important implications for defining what constitutes compensable work hours under the law.

Travel Time Pay and Mileage Reimbursement in California

If an employee’s job description requires using their personal vehicle for work-related activities, according to the California Labor Code Section 2802 , employers have to reimburse them. This is not just for fuel expenses but also includes factors like vehicle wear and tear.

Moreover, the right to mileage reimbursement is non-waivable. So, what does this mean for you? 

Simply put, even if your employment contract states that employees waive their rights to mileage reimbursement, this provision is void in a court of law.

Although many employers rely on the IRS standard mileage rate for calculating reimbursements, it’s important to note that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

If an employee can prove that their actual expenses have exceeded this rate, you must cover the difference.

The risks of not abiding by these rules are far from trivial. Failure to adequately reimburse employees can result in wage and hour lawsuits, a situation no employer wants to find themselves in. 

A reliable mileage tracking solution , such as Timeero, can help you accurately track and adequately reimburse your employees for business mileage.

Legal Must-Dos and Best Practices for California Employers

To that end, let’s explore legal must-dos and best practices that can serve as your guiding compass.

Advanced time and mileage tracking

To stay compliant with California labor laws , consider using one of the best employee GPS time and mileage tracking software designed with precision in mind. Such a tool won’t only automate what could be an error-prone manual process but also provide airtight records should any legal problems arise. Trust us, robust software is a worthwhile investment.

Up-to-date policies

Your employee handbook isn’t just a document; it’s your legal shield. Make sure it’s always updated with the latest company travel policy and mileage reimbursement policy . 

This will keep your team informed and serve as your first line of defense in case of disputes or inquiries.

Regular audits

You shouldn’t wait to find yourself in legal trouble to examine your processes. Regular audits can serve as a preventative measure, offering a clear insight into any discrepancies that could snowball into serious legal issues. Think of it as your business health check-up.

Expert consultation

Regulatory changes sometimes happen without much notice. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to consult legal experts who specialize in California labor law . Remember, preemptive legal advice is often much more affordable than dealing with potential litigation or lawsuits.

How Can Timeero Help Employers Stay Compliant With California Travel Time?

Compliance with California’s travel time regulations is easier than you think, thanks to Timeero. 

Our comprehensive software offers a range of features designed to keep you in line with 

California state laws effortlessly.

Time Tracking

timeero time clock

The crucial concept in California travel time pay is the concept of “hours worked.” Any compliance with the law must start there.

Timeero offers precise time-tracking functionalities that comply with California laws, capturing details of your employees’ work hours to ensure fair compensation.

All your employees need to do is download a mobile app on their phones and clock in when their workday begins. The app will keep track of all their work-related activities and automatically create time cards with the clock in and out time and the total number of hours worked. 

As the app tracks time during working hours only, the hours worked will also include employee travel time. 

Timeero software comes with an option to set a different hourly rate for the jobs you create, giving you flexibility around the travel time rate.

Mileage Tracking

But Timeero’s usability for compensating your workers’ travel expenses doesn’t end there. 

When employees use their own vehicles for work-related tasks, accurate mileage tracking is essential for reimbursement, in line with California Labor Code Section 2802. Timeero facilitates this with its powerful tracking features.

timeero mobile tracker

When it recognizes driving, the Timeero mobile app automatically starts tracking employees’ mileage and routes, capturing precise data for accurate reimbursement.

timeero suggested mileage

You can also use the app to replay employees’ routes and compare their actual routes with the shortest routes to their destinations.

Segmented Tracking

To provide a clearer view of how employee time is spent during work hours, Timeero offers segmented tracking capabilities. This visual timeline and data gathered can be especially useful in the context of California’s nuanced labor laws around travel time.

Segmented tracking will give you a quick overview of your employee’s travel time vs. time spent on site. If there are any potential issues when it comes to excessive travel time or mileage, you will be able to spot them right away.

California Overtime Settings

Timeero includes settings specifically designed for tracking California-specific overtime and double-time hours , helping you maintain compliance with state labor laws.

timeero overtime settings

You can choose the California Overtime Rules feature in the company settings, set the overtime rate, and have the exact payroll data ready when the next paycheck is due.

California Breaks

During their working hours, non-exempt employees in California are mandated to use their breaks. Not providing them with breaks leads to premium pay and potential legal and financial penalties.

Timeero includes a California Breaks Tracker feature that helps you ensure compliance with California meal and rest break laws , further reducing the risk of labor law violations.

timeero daily sign off form

With this feature, your California workers must complete the Daily Sign-off form before clocking out from their shifts. This way, they will verify whether they’ve used their breaks in a way that is compliant with California breaks law. Timeero will also automatically alert you if there is a compliance issue.

Disclaimer: California laws are complex, so this article serves informational purposes only. Consult your legal team for personalized advice.

FAQ: Travel Time in California

Is it a law in california that you must be paid for travel time.

Yes, it’s a legal requirement. Failure to comply with the California Labor Code and DLSE guidelines on travel time pay can result in legal actions, including penalties and back pay.

How Many Hours Per Day Is Travel Time in California?

There’s no hard and fast rule for a “per day” cap on travel time. However, what counts as compensable hours varies based on travel, whether a special one-day assignment or an overnight trip. An accurate time-tracking tool is your best friend here.

How Much is Travel Pay in California?

In California, the rate for travel time pay is typically calculated at the employee’s regular rate of pay. But, in some cases, both sides may agree to a different rate for travel time before the travel takes place. The rate must be at least the minimum wage.

With Timeero, mastering California’s time, overtime, and break laws is a breeze.

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Employee Travel Reimbursement – The Law in California

Under California labor laws, you are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses or losses directly related to your job. If your employer tries to shortchange you or fails to reimburse you for work-related travel expenses, you may be able to recover compensation by filing a claim or lawsuit.

Below, our California labor and employment attorneys discuss the following frequently asked questions about lawsuits for unpaid travel expense reimbursement:

  • 1. What travel expenses does my employer have to reimburse in California?

2. What if I combine personal travel with work-related travel?

3. does my employer have to reimburse me for mileage in my own car.

  • 4. Can I file a lawsuit to get unpaid travel expenses reimbursed in California?
  • 5. Can my boss fire me for filing a claim for travel expenses?

Also see our article on vacation pay .

Under California labor laws, you are entitled to travel expenses or losses directly related to your job.

If you have further questions after reading this article, we invite you to contact us at Shouse Law Group.

1. What travel expenses does my employer have to reimburse?

Under the California Labor Code, an employer is required to work expense reimbursement reimburse an employee for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred that are directly related to the job. This includes expenses as a “direct consequence of the discharge of his or her duties, or of his or her obedience to the directions of the employer.” 1

Travel Expenses

Travel expenses for employees depend on the

  • type of job,
  • amount of travel,
  • amount of time away from home, and
  • employer’s travel expense policy.

California labor laws require employers to reimburse employees for all losses and expenditures that directly result from an employee’s work duties. 2

Many workers are confused over employer reimbursement because there is are conflicting policies. California labor law provides a blanket explanation for reimbursable expenses. However, an employer’s policy may provide a different description of what is available for reimbursement.

In addition, there are Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regulations on what types of business expenses are deductible and what might be considered income. However, the IRS regulations on travel expenses generally relate to tax liability and not related to what California employers are required to reimburse. 3

Common Travel Expenses

Travel expenses subject to reimbursement generally include any work-related expenses incurred when the employee is away from the office. Common travel expenses may include:

  • Travel time
  • Mileage expense
  • Hotels and motels
  • Parking fees
  • Taxi or cab fees
  • Bus/Metro/Subway fares
  • Business center expenses (copy, fax, printing)
  • Phone and internet access charges
  • Conference registration fees
  • Currency conversion fees for foreign travel
  • Postage for sending work materials

Employers may put specific limits on travel expenses, such as limiting air travel to economy class or requiring a maximum reimbursement subject to the lowest cost airfare. Employers may also require employees to book travel arrangements through a preferred travel agent or designated department.

Employers may also place maximum limits on certain travel, including maximum hotel rates and maximum meal reimbursements. However, they cannot require an employee to pay out-of-pocket for any costs above those limits if they are expenses paid in the performance of the employee’s duties. An employer may not violate California labor laws simply because they have a more restrictive company policy. 4

Example : Barney has to travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco for a series of company meetings. Barney will stay in San Francisco for 3 nights before returning to Los Angeles. Barney’s company has a per diem rate of $120 per night for hotels. Barney cannot find any hotel or motel within 30 miles of the meeting location for under $120 per night. The cheapest hotel Barney found is in Oakland for $150 per night. Barney tells his boss the hotel is more expensive than the per diem rate and Barney’s boss says Barney has to be at that meeting but he will not be compensated for more than the per diem rate. Barney submits his travel expenses for $450 for three nights at the hotel. Barney would likely be eligible for full reimbursement of his hotel expenses because they were incurred in carrying out his job duties and at the direction of his employer. The employer’s per diem would not override the company’s legal obligations to reimburse the employee for reasonable work expenses.

However, just because an employee spends money during a work trip does not mean the expense is work-related. Personal entertainment, such as going out a movie or taking a friend out to dinner, is generally not work-related.

Example : Barney’s per diem rate for meals is $60 per day for San Francisco. Barney submits his expense report for $350 for meals over three days because he took an old friend out to dinner at an exclusive sushi restaurant, which cost $250. Barney’s employer may limit Barney to the maximum $180 per diem reimbursement for meals because taking a friend out to an expensive dinner is not a reasonable work-related expense.

Company Credit Card

Company credit cards are usually billed directly to the employer.

Many employers provide certain employees with a credit card to use for work-related expenses. In general, these cards are billed to the company and the employee does not incur any expenses or losses when using the card. However, the employee is still entitled to reimbursement for reasonable cash expenses and any travel expenses incurred on a personal credit card.

Combining work-related and personal travel will depend on the employee’s expense policy, federal tax law, and California labor law. In general, when employees combine personal and work-related travel they are only required to be compensated for the travel expenses directly related to performing work duties.

Example : Martin works at an office in San Bernardino and has to go to a two-day trade show in Philadelphia. Martin is a military history buff and wants to add a trip to Gettysburg. Martin extends his 3-day and night hotel rental by one night and his car rental by one day to accommodate his side-trip.

In general, Martin should be reimbursed for his round-trip airfare, 3 nights hotel, 3 days worth of meals, 3 days of a car rental, gas used during those three days. However, Martin may have to pay out of pocket for his extra day’s meals, hotel, gas, and car rental because his side trip to Gettysburg was not work-related.

If your employer requires you to drive as part of your job, your employer must reimburse you for work-related driving costs. This may include running occasional errands for your employer, or a traveling salesman who spends many hours every week driving around.

Commuting time and expenses of driving from your home to and from work are generally not included. However, if your employer asks you to run an errand on your way to work, that would be considered a work-related expense that should be reimbursed.

In most cases, an employer will reimburse an employee based on the IRS guidelines for standard mileage. In 2023, the standard mileage reimbursement for business-related driving is 62.5 cents per mile driven. This number is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating a vehicle. 5

The IRS standard reimbursement rate includes the cost of regular maintenance and repairs (such as oil changes and tire replacement).

However, an employer may also reimburse an employee for the employee’s actual driving expenses. This method is usually more burdensome on the employee and the employer. Driving costs would generally include gas, repairs, insurance, depreciation, registration, and regular maintenance. The employee and employer would then have to determine what amount of costs were incurred for business use. 6

Example : Daryl drives his 1991 Toyota Celica 30 miles each way to and from work every workday. One day a week, Daryl uses his personal car to drive 10 miles each way to pick up company reports from the printer, reimbursed at the standard mileage rate. Daryl’s boss asks him to pick up coffee for everyone on the way into work. However, during this coffee run, Daryl’s trusty car finally breaks down and he has to buy a new car. Daryl’s employer has to reimburse Daryl for his 20-mile weekly printer pick up trip as a work-related drive. Daryl’s employer may also have to reimburse Daryl for the morning coffee drive as it was directed by his employer. However, Daryl’s employer is generally not liable to pay for Daryl’s car repairs or a new car. The costs of regular maintenance are rolled into the standard mileage reimbursement rate.

4. Can I file a lawsuit for unpaid travel expenses?

If an employer fails to reimburse an employee for reasonable work-related travel expenses, the employee may be able to file a lawsuit for compensation. An employee may be able to seek reimbursement of necessary expenditures, as required by California labor law.

Damages for unpaid work losses or expenses also include interest at the same rate as judgments in civil actions. 7

In addition to recovering travel expenses, an employee may be able to seek “necessary expenditures or losses” related to claiming those expenses. In a court action, these necessary expenditures may include attorney’s fees and court costs. 8

When an employer violates the California Labor Code, the California Labor Commissioner’s Office may also issue a citation against an employer. The commissioner may issue a citation with financial penalties against an employer for violating California’s travel reimbursement obligations. Any amount recovered by the commissioner will be paid to the employee. 9

In many cases, an employer may be in violation of California labor laws against multiple employees. A company’s unlawful travel expense policy may leave many employees under-compensated. Successful travel reimbursement class action lawsuits often involve unpaid reimbursement for travel expenses or losses.

5. Can my boss fire me for claiming travel expenses?

It is illegal for an employer to retaliate against an employee for exercising their rights under California labor laws. 10

An employer shall not take retaliatory action, including termination, against an employee for citing wage and hour violations or filing an unpaid expense lawsuit. Firing an employee for filing a labor violation claim may be considered “wrongful termination” .

If an employer retaliates against an employee for bringing a labor violation lawsuit, the employee may be able to seek damages for lost wages, including interest and reasonable attorney’s fees. The employee may also be able to seek reinstatement to their job or other equitable relief.

Legal References:

  • Labor Code 2802  — Obligations of Employer (“(a) An employer shall indemnify his or her employee for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by the employee in direct consequence of the discharge of his or her duties, or of his or her obedience to the directions of the employer, even though unlawful, unless the employee, at the time of obeying the directions, believed them to be unlawful.”)
  • See IRS Tax Topic 514 – Employee Business Expenses.
  • Labor Code 2804 LC — Obligations of Employer (“Any contract or agreement, express or implied, made by any employee to waive the benefits of this article or any part thereof, is null and void, and this article shall not deprive any employee or his personal representative of any right or remedy to which he is entitled under the laws of this State.”)
  • See IRS – Standard Mileage Rates. See also Travel Reimbursements , California Department of Human Services.
  • Gattuso v. Harte Hanks Shoppers, Inc. 42 Cal.4th 554 (2007) , (“The parties agree that one method an employer may use for automobile expense reimbursement is to calculate the automobile expenses that the employee actually and necessarily incurred and then to separately pay the employee that amount. This actual expense method is the most accurate, but it is also the most burdensome for both the employer and the employee. The actual expenses of using an employee’s personal automobile for business purposes include fuel, maintenance, repairs, insurance, registration, and depreciation.”)
  • Labor Code 2802 LC, see endnote 1 above. (“(b) All awards made by a court or by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for reimbursement of necessary expenditures under this section shall carry interest at the same rate as judgments in civil actions. Interest shall accrue from the date on which the employee incurred the necessary expenditure or loss.”)
  • Labor Code 2802 LC, see endnote 1 above. (“(c) For purposes of this section, the term “necessary expenditures or losses” shall include all reasonable costs, including, but not limited to, attorney’s fees incurred by the employee enforcing the rights granted by this section.”)
  • Labor Code 2802 LC, see endnote 1 above. (“(d) In addition to recovery of penalties under this section in a court action or proceedings pursuant to Section 98, the commissioner may issue a citation against an employer or other person acting on behalf of the employer who violates reimbursement obligations for an amount determined to be due to an employee under this section. The procedures for issuing, contesting, and enforcing judgments for citations or civil penalties issued by the commissioner shall be the same as those set forth in Section 1197.1. Amounts recovered pursuant to this section shall be paid to the affected employee.”
  • Labor Code 98.6 LC — Discharge or discrimination, retaliation, or adverse action against employee or applicant for conduct delineated in this chapter or because employee or applicant has filed complaint or claim, instituted or caused to be instituted any proceeding under or relating to his or her rights or testified relating to the same on behalf of that person or another.

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Travel Pay Laws in California: What Employees Need to Know

Travel Pay Laws in California: What Employees Need to Know

Sometimes our employers require us to travel for work-related purposes. But what aspects of employee travel are California employers required to pay for? Travel pay in California can be a confusing area of law, but the following overview can help you navigate the ins and outs of travel pay laws in the California workplace.

Understanding Travel Pay Laws in California

As a general rule, California employees are paid for all of their time spent working, and this includes time that an employee spends traveling for work. If an employee is eligible for overtime compensation, and the employee’s travel time puts him or her over the standard forty-hour work week, then the employee should be paid overtime compensation accordingly. Yet all employees know that their commute to and from work is generally not considered time they spend working. So at what point does the time an employee spends behind the wheel, on a subway or train, or in a taxi for work become compensable travel time?

  • Compensable travel time must be considered hours worked.  If your employer controls you during the time you spend traveling, or you are permitted to work during travel time, then you should be compensated as these hours are considered hours worked.
  • If travel is made on an employer-selected route.  If you travel along an employer-selected route, then you are under your employer’s control and should be compensated for the travel time.
  • If travel is for the purpose of delivering work-related items.  If you are required to use your vehicle to deliver work-related items – such as tools to a worksite, or food to hungry customers at their homes – then the time traveled is considered hours worked and you should be paid for the travel time.
  • Time spent getting to job functions may be compensable.  If you spend time getting to a meeting or conference that is work-related, it is likely compensable travel time. Similarly, time spent getting to an alternative worksite from your home, or to an airport or train station for work-related travel is usually compensable travel time.
  • Reimbursement for work-related vehicle use.  Additionally, you should be reimbursed for wear and tear and mileage associated with work-related travel, under California Labor Code Section 2802.

Compensated travel time is important to employees who must travel for work. California employees must be notified of the travel rate in advance, and the travel rate cannot be less than minimum wage. Sometimes travel time is compensated at a different rate than normal hours worked, but employees who are eligible for compensated travel time should be paid accordingly under California law.

In conclusion, California employees who travel for work are often entitled to travel pay. If you believe that you should have received travel pay, but were not compensated by your employer, please consult with an experienced  California employment lawyer  regarding the matter. Get a free consultation today.

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  • 6 Things You Need to Know About Travel Time Pay in California

Your employer told you to drive to a store in Los Angeles to buy some donuts during normal work hours. Are you going to get paid for that trip, and why? Today, we brought our Los Angeles employment law attorney Jeffrey Rager to spell out what is travel time pay, when you are eligible to receive it, how it is calculated, and whether travel time always equals business time.

Travel Time Vs Commuting Time: What Is The Difference

But before we delve into the topic, let’s make sure that you understand the difference between commuting time and travel time. The former refers to an employee’s personal time spent to commute back and forth from work to home, while travel time is time spent traveling by an employee for work-related activities.

Under California employment laws, travel time should be paid, and can be either local trips or travel away from home.

Are You Eligible For Travel Time Pay

You are eligible to receive pay for local travel time only if you are a non-exempt employee (meaning: you are employed on an hourly basis). Exempt employees, who are paid based on their performance and expertise, are not entitled to travel time pay.

For non-exempt employees, travel time – as well as education and training time – are classified as “working hours,” which means their employers are legally required to pay them for it.

For example, let’s get back to the situation we have mentioned in the very beginning. If you are asked by your employer or supervisor to drive to a store to pick up some items during normal work hours, you should be paid for your travel time.

Time Spent Traveling Away From Home

An employer in Los Angeles and elsewhere in California is required to compensate his employees for any time spent traveling away from home. Let’s say, for example, that your employer directs you to attend a two-day event in New York City. Since you will have to spend time traveling from Los Angeles to New York City, your employer should pay travel time.

Our Los Angeles wrongful termination lawyer at Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers explains that California employers are typically required to compensate their employee for spending any time that is under the employer’s control.

How To Calculate Travel Time Pay

Calculating travel time pay for salaried employees, who get paid bi-weekly or monthly, is not a problem, since they get paid regardless of the number of hours worked.

Hourly employees, meanwhile, should be paid on an hourly basis, which means travel time may not be as easy to calculate. It is highly advised to speak to an employment law attorney to find out whether or not travel time pay was calculated properly in your particular situation.

Is One-Day Or Overnight Stay Paid

If you have not been for a one-day or overnight stay, seek immediately legal advice of a lawyer. While hourly employees in Los Angeles and elsewhere in California are generally required to receive travel time pay in these situations, there are certain exceptions. That is why you should speak to an attorney to learn more.

Should Your Employer Compensate For Travel Expenses

Definitely. Travel time itself is not the only thing that an employer pays for. Travel expenses should be compensated by your employer, as employees can generally deduct unreimbursed travel expenses. In case you are traveling for both work-related activities and personal travel, you will have to keep separate checks for business-related expenses.

Calculating travel time pay and understanding employment laws is not the easiest task. That is why you are highly advised to get a free consultation from an experienced Los Angeles employment law attorney to determine whether or not your travel time pay is fair, or how to take legal action against an employer who does not pay for travel expenses.

Contact Rager & Yoon – Employment Lawyers for a free case evaluation. Call our Los Angeles offices at 310-527-6994 or fill out this contact form today.

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Unpacking travel time compensation in california: know your rights.

by PLBH | Nov 11, 2023

travel pay in california

Grasping the nuances of travel time compensation in California is crucial for employees navigating work-related travel. This type of time is often payable when an employer mandates attendance at a specific location and dictates the mode of transportation.

Here are five essential aspects to understand about travel time compensation. If you require help from an employment law attorney , contact PLBH at (800) 435-7542 for a free legal consultation.

Normal Commute vs. Compensable Travel Time

The standard journey to and from your job site typically doesn’t qualify for travel time compensation under California law. The decisive factor is the degree of employer control—regular commutes offer personal discretion, falling outside employer-paid hours. Yet, if your employer mandates travel through specific transportation means, such as a company shuttle from a common gathering point, that period under the employer’s direction may become compensable.

Minimum Wage Requirements for Travel Time

Travel time pay must align with at least the state’s minimum wage standards. If your work contract remains silent on the matter, this travel time should be remunerated at your regular wage rate. However, employers sometimes designate a lower hourly rate for travel time, which is permissible as long as it meets or surpasses minimum wage benchmarks.

Travel Time Pushing Towards Overtime

For nonexempt employees, accumulative travel hours might tip the scales, necessitating overtime wages. California labor laws stipulate overtime pay at 1.5 times your standard rate after exceeding daily or weekly work hour thresholds. Travel time can significantly contribute to reaching these overtime-eligible hours, a detail often overlooked by workers.

California’s Stance vs. Federal Guidelines

Comparatively, California’s labor laws are more favorable to employees than federal guidelines concerning travel time. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) doesn’t consider employer control as a factor for compensable work, potentially limiting travel time remuneration under its jurisdiction.

Mileage Reimbursement for Work-Related Travel

If your work-related travel involves your personal vehicle, California law may entitle you to mileage reimbursement. This compensation covers vehicle-related expenses incurred due to employer-required travel. Businesses often resort to the IRS’s standard mileage rates to calculate these reimbursements.

Addressing Unpaid Travel Time

Should you find yourself uncompensated for rightful travel time, California law permits you to lodge a wage and hour claim. This process can help you reclaim unpaid wages, including interest, and possibly cover attorney’s fees and court costs. Claims can be directed through legal action or filed with the Labor Commissioner’s office within the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE).

If you’re navigating the complexities of travel time compensation and feel you might be owed for your travel, don’t hesitate to reach out to PLBH at (800) 435-7542 . Our team is dedicated to ensuring your rights are upheld and that you receive the compensation you’re entitled to.

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Travel Time Pay Rules in California (2022):

Are you an hourly worker? Did you know that California law requires that hourly workers be paid for hours worked, which may include pay for travel? Pay for travel consists of time where an employee is not necessarily required to perform work but is still under an employer’s control. It is important to note that commuting to and from work is generally not time that an employer must compensate. Have you ever found yourself working off the clock? Contact your California employment lawyer for a confidential consultation.

For example, time spent as a passenger in a transportation-related entity is considered to be under the employer’s control if required by the employer.  Examples of such include, attending an event or meeting. On top of that, there are instances where travel-related cases such as waiting in traffic, purchasing a ticket, or getting on board, count as under the employer’s control.  However, there are cases where travel doesn’t count under the employer’s control.  These instances include; meals, relaxation breaks, and personal business.

In addition,  California law permits employers to pay different rates for travel time. Although the rate must not be less than minimum wage , it can be under what their normal pay rate is. It is important to note that, in order to qualify for a reduced travel time payment, the employer must have notified you of a different pay rate for travel time  before   you travel.

Contact California Our Labour Law Attorney at Leichter Law Firm, APC For Free Consultation

If you believe that your employer has committed violations of the wage and hour laws, you don’t have to file an EEOC claim as you would in a typical discrimination case. Instead, you can hire a private attorney and file a suit as soon as you discover the violation. If other people at your company have also been denied overtime , meals, or breaks, you may be able to file a special type of FLSA class action lawsuit.

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Travel Time Compensation in California

Posted By: SV Employment Law Firm on March 3, 2016


California law requires that employers pay employees for all hours worked. The term “hours worked,” however, is not all that simple to define or apply. The analysis is compounded when the hours worked are, for instance, part of the employee’s commute, consist of travel to a remote conference, or spent moving from client to client throughout the day. Once you conclude the time is “worked,” you must include those numbers in overtime calculations, and decide whether you want to pay travel at a different rate than the employee’s regular rate of pay.

What Constitutes Hours Worked For Purposes Of Compensation?

California Wage Orders (issued by the California Industrial Welfare Commission [the “IWC”]), define “hours worked” as “time during which an employee is subject to control of the employer, and includes all the time the employee is suffered or permitted to wor k, whether or not required to do so.” IWC Wage Order 4, Section 2K. Although the term “suffered or permitted” is included within the Order’s overall discussion of employer control, California courts have held that the tests for whether an employee was “controlled” or “suffered or permitted” to work can also be independent of each other. In other words, an employer is required to compensate for travel if the time falls into either or both categories. Morillion v. Royal Packing Co., 22 Cal. 4th 575, 583(2000).

An employee is “controlled” by the employer whenever the employer “directs, commands or restrains” an employee. Bono Enterprises, Inc. v. Bradshaw (1995) 32 Cal. App. 4th 968, 975 . “Suffered or permitted” to work refers to time worked where the employer knows the employee is working and does nothing to stop it, or when the employer possesses information from which such knowledge can be inferred, and that the employer “had reason to know” that the employee was performing work on its behalf.

Is Commute Time Ever Compensable?

Merriam-Webster defines the term “commute” as “to travel some distance between one’s home and place of work on a regular basis.” ( http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/commute ). Whether commute time is compensable in part or whole depends on the mode and purpose of employer provided transportation, and whether use is mandated or voluntary. In other words, is the employer in control?

  • Regular Commute: An employer is not required to compensate an employee for the time it takes him to go from his residence to his regular work site.
  • Ridesharing: An employer is not required to compensate an employee for time spent in company provided transportation from a pick up point to the work site so long as participation is entirely voluntary. If, for instance, an employer provides a bus for workers that picks them up at a subway station and transports them to work but the employee could get there by using his own transportation; i.e., a car, bike, etc., the employer is not required to pay compensation.
  • Employer Control of Travel: An employer is required to compensate an employee for time spent riding in or driving a company vehicle from his home or a central stop to the work site if the employer requires employees to reach their worksite on company provided transportation. For instance, Walt Disney’s employee lot was a hike (over a mile) from the employee entrance to the Magic Kingdom. Disney prohibited employees from parking close to the park and provided a mandatory shuttle service from the employee parking lot.

When is Business Travel Compensable?

  • Off the Business Clock

Off-the-Clock work is work performed outside of regular business hours, or pre- or post-shift work may be compensable. For instance, in terms of travel time, certain tasks have been found to be compensable:

  • Mandatory Remote Conferences and Meetings
  • Taking the company controlled vehicle (bus, van, vehicle) where the employee cannot perform personal tasks (stopping to shop, dropping kids off at school, etc.)
  • Waiting for the company vehicle where the use of the vehicle is mandatory.
  • Commute time from residence to remote client or vendor locations that exceeds regular commute time (i.e., the delta between regular commute and additional time to reach remote site).
  • Mapping routes to customer locations.

If an employee is required to attend an offsite conference or meeting, the time spent traveling to and from the meeting is compensable. Additionally, time spent in reaching the point of departure (i.e., travel from home to the airport) which is over and above the time spent in the employee’s regular commute is compensable. Also note that the time spent in attending a mandatory conference or meeting is compensable at the employee’s regular rate of pay.

  • Travel Between Clients in a Single Workday

Once an employee reports to work, any work related travel occurring during the day is compensable.

Can Travel Pay Rates Be Lower than Regular Rate of Pay?

Yes, so long as all time is compensated at a rate equal to or higher than the minimum wage rate for California. Also, the employee must be informed of the lower rate in advance of the assigned travel. Be sure and check your location for its own minimum wage rate.

What About Overtime?

The employer must use a “weighted average” to obtain a regular rate of pay for overtime purposes. The California employer must pay 1-1/2 or 2 times the regular rate of pay for all time worked over 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week. The regular rate is calculated as follows:

Regular Hours + Travel Hours in Workweek ——————————————————– Total Compensation for Workweek

Need more information? Want to check your calculations? Please contact us with questions at 650-265-0222 or [email protected] .

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Travel Time Pay for Hourly Employees: A Guide for Small Business Owners

By Homebase Team

Travel Time Pay for Hourly Employees

If you run a small business where your workers are paid by the hour but also have to travel for work, it’s important to understand what your obligations are and what your employees are legally entitled to regarding hourly employee travel time. This includes understanding federal and state laws, as travel time pay for hourly employees can be governed by both.

Exempt employees don’t have to worry about this issue as much. This is because they get a fixed amount of money in every paycheck, regardless of their travel time. However, the government sets rules for non-exempt employees that say employers must ensure travel time pay and mileage reimbursement.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about travel pay for hourly employees so your business stays compliant.

What is travel pay?

Travel pay is money that an employer reimburses to an employee when traveling for work. It covers the cost of travel and related expenses, such as airfare, gas, train fare, mileage, and meals. Travel pay doesn’t cover an employee’s regular commute to and from work.

However, what about in some emergency situations, or when the employer asks the employee to do work-related tasks outside of their normal hours? In those cases, time spent commuting from home may be considered as paid time and eligible for travel pay.

How does travel pay work?

Travel pay works by providing eligible employees with reimbursement for expenses during work travel. It can sometimes look like this:

  • A company creates a travel policy that details travel time pay for hourly employees and salaried team members. The document should outline how employees should get approval for travel and include an in-depth list of reimbursable travel expenses.
  • An employee travels offsite for a two-day course. Anytime they incur a business-related expense, they save the receipt. 
  • After the trip, the employee fills out an expense report and submits the receipts and any supporting documents outlined in the company travel policy.
  • The expense report is reviewed by the HR or finance department, sent for approval, and the employee is reimbursed.

What’s the difference? Travel pay vs. break pay vs. mealtime pay.

travel pay in california

It’s important to note that travel time is different from break or meal time . According to the US Department of Labor , any break less than 20 minutes or longer breaks where the employee still has work duties must be paid.

If an employee is asked by their employer to travel during a full break or lunch period, that travel time is considered work-related. In this situation, following the Department of Labor, travel time pay is required. 

To avoid any confusion, it’s a good idea to have a separate policy in place that explains how lunch breaks and rest periods are handled in terms of pay.

Who is entitled to receive travel time pay?

Only certain employees, known as non-exempt employees, have the right to be paid for the time they spend traveling for work. This includes both hourly and salaried employees who fall into the non-exempt category.

On the other hand, there are exempt employees who are not entitled to payment for work-related travel. Hourly employee travel pay does not apply to exempt employees.

In the United States, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) identifies different types of exempt employees, like executives, administrative staff, professionals, computer workers, and outside salespeople.

These exempt employees don’t get paid specifically for their travel time since they receive a fixed salary regardless of their travel obligations.

Do you have to pay hourly employees for travel time? Here’s when.

So is travel time considered work time? It depends on the travel. Here are three common situations regarding travel pay for hourly employees. It’s important to note that these are general guidelines. Specific rules may vary depending on the location and applicable laws. 

You should familiarize yourself with your jurisdiction’s regulations to ensure compliance with travel time payment requirements.

travel pay in california

Local travel.

If an employee’s job requires them to travel within their regular work hours, they must be paid for that time. This includes situations where they are engaged in work or waiting while traveling, even if it’s outside their normal work hours. 

However, employees who are on breaks or have enough time to do personal things are not eligible for payment during those periods.

Local travel example.

Employee A is a personal assistant who drives Client B, around town to run errands. If this travel is part of Employee A’s job duties and occurs during their work hours, Employee A must be paid for that time.

Special one-day assignment to another city.

Paying hourly employees for out of town travel can occur if an individual has to make a one-day trip to another city for work-related activities like conferences, classes, meetings, or similar events. 

You must pay them for the travel time to and from that city. However, you can deduct the time they would normally spend on their regular commute. Some businesses choose to pay for the entire commuting time, but it’s not mandatory.

Special one-day assignment to another city example.

Let’s say your employee works in your office and you send them to a conference. They travels from their home to the conference location and return on the same day. The roundtrip takes them two and a half hours, while their regular daily commute is only 30 minutes.

In this case, you can deduct the 30-minute commute and pay them for two hours of travel time.

Overnight travel.

Is a non-exempt employee traveling away from home and staying overnight? Then you must count the hours they work on regular working days, as well as work hours on non-working days (like weekends or holidays). 

However, hourly employees traveling for work don’t need to be paid for travel time that falls outside their regular work hours. The exception is if they are working during that travel time (e.g., answering work emails or doing research on a work trip).

Travel time pay rate law by state.

There are various laws regarding travel for work. In some states, travel time pay rates must be the same as the rates for regular working hours, or they need to meet the minimum wage requirements at least. 

However, in other cases, business travel compensation rates might be calculated as a percentage of the employee’s normal pay rate.

In California , any travel time that exceeds an employee’s regular daily commute is considered compensable and must be paid at the agreed regular or overtime rates. Employers can set different rates for travel time, but they cannot be lower than the minimum wage.

In New York , the minimum wage regulations cover work-related travel. Employees must be paid for travel time if it is part of their job duties.

Oregon has different classifications for work travel time: portal-to-portal travel, travel between worksites, travel on special one-day assignments, and overnight travel. Generally, travel time pay is required for all types except portal-to-portal travel (home-to-work and work-to-home).

In New Jersey, the Wage and Hour Laws ensure fair payment for travel time. When employees are required to travel between job locations as part of their work, they must be paid at the same rate as regular working hours.

In Maryland, a 2022 court ruling has indicated that travel time may need to be paid if workers are required to report to a shuttle that takes them to and from a work site. 

While laws addressing travel time have not yet been explicitly changed, small business owners in Maryland should stay aware of ongoing developments which may affect their payment obligations..

Nevada law states that any travel time considered as work should be paid at least at minimum wage rates. Additionally, any training requested by the employer must also be paid as it is considered work time.

Remember, these are general explanations, and specific regulations may vary. It’s essential for employers and employees to familiarize themselves with the specific laws in their state to ensure compliance with travel time pay requirements.

To make sure your business is following the rules, it’s important for you to understand the specific regulations about travel time pay in your area. Likewise, employees should be aware of their rights regarding travel time pay. They need to ensure they receive fair compensation for the time they spend traveling for work.

How to calculate work travel time.

One of the big challenges for business owners? Figuring out how to pay hourly employees for travel time accurately and ensure that employees’ paychecks are fair and calculated correctly.

Paying travel time for hourly employees involves considering various factors, such as the specific laws in your jurisdiction and your company’s policies. Here are some common practices:

Calculate actual hours.

One approach is to track and pay hourly employees for the actual time spent traveling. This includes the time spent commuting between job sites or client locations. Employees should be compensated at their regular hourly rate for these travel hours.

Paying at overtime rates.

If the travel time causes hourly employees to exceed their regular working hours or if it falls under overtime criteria based on applicable laws, it should be compensated at the appropriate overtime rate.

Set flat rates.

Some employers choose to establish fixed flat rates for travel time. This means paying a predetermined amount for each trip or assignment, regardless of the actual hours traveled.

How Homebase can help calculate work travel time.

Now you know that to calculate work travel time, you should find a way to track your employees’ hours spent traveling. You can manually log employee travel times, including start time, end time, destination, expenses, and so forth in a document. One warning: manual tracking can result in costly errors. This is why many business owners use online timesheets to manage work travel.

For example, Homebase is a time-tracking tool that makes managing travel pay and employee hours much more straightforward. The tool automatically tracks employees’ hours and locations while they’re on the move using GPS. This means you can keep track of how much time your employees spend traveling for work.

Homebase also has features to streamline time tracking and invoicing. You can set different pay rates for travel hours and regular work hours, helping you streamline payroll. It also helps you handle overtime pay and helps you plan employee routes and schedules to optimize travel time.

Sign up to Homebase today to manage travel time pay for hourly employees with ease. Free trial for 14 days.

Optimize your schedule and keep your team in sync with Homebase.

Travel Time Pay FAQs

How do you pay travel time for employees.

The method of paying travel time for employees depends on various factors, including the applicable laws and company policies. Here are a few common approaches:

Paying at regular or overtime rates

In many cases, travel time is paid at the same rate as regular working hours. However, if employees exceed their normal work hours or if the travel time falls under overtime criteria, it should be compensated at the appropriate overtime rate.

Different rates for travel time

Some employers choose to set specific rates for travel time, separate from regular working hours. These rates may be negotiated or agreed upon before the start of job execution, but they should not be lower than the minimum wage rates.

Lump sum or flat rate

In certain situations, employers may opt to provide a fixed amount as a lump sum or flat rate to cover travel time. This can simplify calculations and ensure consistent payments.

How do you pay non-exempt employees for travel time?

Paying non-exempt employees for travel time requires careful consideration of legal requirements and company policies. Here are some common practices:

Compensate actual travel hours

One approach is to track and pay non-exempt employees for the actual time they spend traveling. This includes the time spent commuting between job sites, client locations, or other work-related destinations. Employees should be compensated at their regular hourly rate for these travel hours.

Apply overtime rates

If the travel time causes non-exempt employees to exceed their regular working hours or qualify for overtime based on applicable laws, it should be compensated at the appropriate overtime rate.

Establish flat rates or lump sum payments

Employers may choose to establish fixed flat rates or provide lump sum payments for travel time. This involves paying a predetermined amount for each trip or assignment, regardless of the actual hours traveled. However, it’s important to ensure that these rates comply with legal requirements, such as meeting or exceeding minimum wage rates.

Do employers have to pay hourly employees for travel time?

The requirement to pay hourly employees for travel time depends on various factors, including the specific laws in your jurisdiction and the nature of the travel. Here are some general guidelines:

Regular commute

In most cases, employers are not obligated to pay hourly employees for their regular commute from home to the workplace and vice versa. This is considered ordinary home-to-work travel and is typically not considered compensable travel time.

Work-related travel

However, when hourly employees are required to travel for work-related purposes, such as going to client locations or job sites, the travel time may need to be compensated. If the travel time exceeds the employee’s regular commute or falls under specific criteria outlined in labor laws, employers may be required to pay hourly employees for that travel time.

It’s important to note that travel time pay regulations can vary by jurisdiction, so it is advisable to consult the labor laws in your specific location and seek legal advice to ensure compliance.

Additionally, establishing clear travel time policies and communicating them effectively to employees can help avoid confusion and promote fair compensation practices.

Does flight time count as hours worked?

If the purpose of your flight is to travel from one destination to another for work purposes during regular work hours, this is considered hours worked. So, flight time counts as paid travel time. However, this rule doesn’t apply in some circumstances, so it’s always best to check local laws and company policy.

Do hourly employees get paid while traveling?

Travel time during an employee’s regular work hours is considered hours worked and, therefore, eligible for compensation. For example, if your work hours are 9am-5pm, and you travel between 11am-4pm, you are eligible for travel time pay.

What is compensation time for travel?

Sometimes known as “comp time,” this refers to the time employees are compensated for when they travel for work. For example, paying travel time or providing time off in lieu of pay.

Remember:  This is not legal advice. If you have questions about your particular situation, please consult a lawyer, CPA, or other appropriate professional advisor or agency.

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When Must California “Prevailing Wage” Employees Receive Travel Time Pay?


California requires anyone employed on a “public works” project worth more than $1,000 to receive at least the “prevailing wage” for all hours worked. The Department of Industrial Relations establishes the prevailing wage  that must be paid for all hours worked by a non-exempt employee in certain job classifications. Typically, the “hours worked” do not include time the employee spends commuting to and from the public works job site.

Indeed, as a general rule, an employee’s commuting time (to and from a regular work site) is not counted as work time under any federal or state labor laws governing, for example, minimum wage and overtime. As far as the law is concerned, and specifically in the support for Labor Code 510, the working day begins “in the office, not commuting to and from.” But there are exceptions. For instance, California courts have held that when an agricultural employer requires its employees to take its buses to and from a job site, that time must be compensated, as the employees are “subject to the control of the employer” during this travel period. Additionally, workers who must travel a distance beyond their normal commute to get to and from a remote job site that generally must receive some travel time pay.

Calif. Appellate Court Orders Reconsideration of Employee Class Action on Travel Pay

This question of when employers must pay for work-related travel is a practical, and critical, legal issue. Employers do not have to pay for commuting time, absent special circumstances under which the employee remains subject to the employer’s control during travel. However, a recent decision from the California Third District Court of Appeal, Rojas-Cifuentes v. Modular Systems, Inc. , offers employees another option to seek compensation for certain work-related travel.

This case involves a Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) lawsuit filed by an employee against his employer for a number of alleged California Labor Code violations. The employer manufactured and installed modular classrooms throughout California. One of the PAGA claims addressed the employer’s alleged failure to pay the prevailing wage for “travel time related to a public works project,” i.e., the time spent by a class of aggrieved employees traveling to numerous California cities to install the modular classrooms, which sometimes required overnight stays.

A California Superior Court judge declined to certify a class action based on this issue. The judge concluded that there were “too many individualized issues” among the class members that would require looking at specific contracts. The judge noted that some contracts required employees to travel to sites in company vehicles, while other contracts said the employees could choose to use their own transportation. Generally, when an employee has the option of using employer shuttles or other employer-provided transportation, no travel time pay is due.

The Third District, however, held that the trial court was too quick to reject class certification, and that an employee’s right to compensation for travel time did not necessarily depend on their contracts. At the same time, the Third District noted the law in this area was “complicated.”

Basically, federal law–specifically, the Fair Labor Standards Act–states travel time must be compensated when an employee who normally works at a fixed location is given a “special 1-day assignment in another city.” California law, however, contains no similar law, although the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement has said in opinion letters that employees who are “normally assigned to a specific work location” should be compensated for any unusual travel time spent commuting to a temporary worksite.

In any event, the Third District held that the FLSA alone was enough to require the Superior Court to reconsider its position on class certification, i.e., whether the employer should have paid travel time to a class of these prevailing wage employees who were required to travel well beyond their normal commute to do their job. At the same time, the appellate court rejected the employee’s claim that all travel time related to a public works project required compensation. The Court said there was no basis for this position in federal or state law.

Contact California Employment Lawyer Karen J. Sloat Today

As the Third District observed, the rules governing employee compensation for travel time are quite complicated and depend heavily on the particular facts and circumstances of a given situation. If you have questions or concerns about whether you are being properly paid for all of your working time and need to speak with a qualified Riverside County & Coachella Valley employment lawyer representing employees , contact the Sloat Law Grouptoday.



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by Jennifer Brown Shaw and Alayna Schroeder | The Daily Recorder | January 29, 2019


Employers require at least some employees to travel for business purposes. When hourly employees travel as part of the job, several employment law issues require attention.

Commute Time An employee’s regular commute generally is not compensable. However, there are exceptions. For example, employees required to meet at a central location and take employer-provided transportation to a worksite, must be compensated for all time spent on the employer’s transportation. If an employee must perform significant work at home before commuting to a worksite, the employee’s workday begins at home, and the employer must pay for any travel that follows, including the “commute” to the first worksite.

Recently, California’s Third Appellate District clarified that commute time is not compensable when the employer does not control it, and the employee does not perform any useful work. In Hernandez v. Pacific Bell Telephone Company, Inc. , the employer allowed, but did not require, certain employees to use employer-owned vehicles to commute from home directly to customer worksites, and vice versa. The employees claimed that they should be paid for the commute time, in part because they transported employer equipment in the company’s vehicles.

The court pointed out that the employees were not required to drive the employer’s vehicle home, nor were they required to use the equipment before or during the drive. So, the time was the employee’s regular, non-compensable commute.

Employees Without a Fixed Worksite

Another issue is how to compensate workers for travel time when employees do not have a fixed worksite and instead travel directly to alternate sites. The California Department of Labor Standards Enforcement (“DLSE”)—the agency responsible for enforcing wage and hour laws—has taken the position that when employees have a “reasonable expectation” that a position will require commuting to different worksites (such as certain positions in the construction industry), the employer can require the employees to travel “reasonable distances” without compensating them for that commute time.

Unfortunately, there is no bright line rule defining a “reasonable distance.” However, an employer’s definition should not be arbitrary. For example, if employees live in a close geographic area and commute less than an hour each day, it would be unreasonable to consider a worksite three hours away a “reasonable distance.”

Employees Working From Home

Employers also must address how to compensate employees for travel when they work from home, but may sometimes be required to travel to another location, like the employer’s headquarters or a client site. Applying the principles laid out in Hernandez and other cases, employers should focus on whether the purpose the travel and whether they control it. For example, an employee who otherwise has an office at an employer site, but who chooses to telecommute with the employer’s permission, should not be treated the same way as an employee whom must work from a home office to service a specific sales territory.

It bears noting, however, that once the employee begins performing work, whether at home or at the first worksite, any additional travel during the workday is compensable.

Employees Working Out of Town

Another tricky issue is about how to pay non-exempt employees for out of town travel. Federal and California law differ significantly on this issue. Under federal law, when employees travel overnight via a “common carrier” (such as a plane, train or bus), they must paid only for the travel time that occurs during regular work hours.

California law does not focus on when travel occurs, however. So, employees should be compensated for overnight (and other out of town travel) regardless of when the travel occurs, and including all non-personal time, such as layovers or delays. However, not all of the time spent in another location (such as time at a hotel sleeping or watching TV) is compensable as travel time.

Travel Expenses

In addition to paying for travel time, under California Labor Code section 2802, employers are responsible for paying employees’ “necessary” business expenses, including travel-related expenses.

Employers sometimes focus on federal tax-related rules and impose “per diem” expense limits set by the Internal Revenue Service. The expenses incurred must be “reasonably necessary.” So, if a flat per diem is realistic and covers “reasonable” expenses, it may be sufficient. On the other hand, it may be unrealistic to set a $100.00 per night per diem for hotel costs in San Francisco. Unfortunately, there is no legal authority confirming that per diems necessarily satisfy the employee’s obligation to pay expenses under the Labor Code when actual, reasonable expenses exceed the employer’s allowance.

Employers also must reimburse employees for the business-related costs of driving a personal vehicle to take into account factors such as gas, wear and tear, and maintenance. Although the law does not require employers to meet this obligation in a specific way, the DLSE has taken the position that reimbursing for mileage at the current IRS per-mile allowance presumptively covers an employee’s costs (requiring the employee to prove otherwise).

Strategies to Limit Travel Costs

Employers have options for limiting travel time and expenses, such as the following:

Employers may require non-exempt employees to use available technologies like video conferencing. Or, they can assign travel-related responsibilities to properly classified exempt “white collar” employees (who need not be paid extra for travel time) whenever possible. Exempt employees nevertheless must be reimbursed for travel-related expenses.

With advanced notice, employers lawfully may pay non-exempt employees for travel time at a lower rate, such as minimum wage. Overtime, however, must be compensated at the blended, “regular rate.”

Employers may communicate their expectations that employees exercise good judgment in incurring travel expenses. For example, rather than focusing solely on the least expensive mode of travel, employers can encourage employees to focus on efficiency, taking into account both the expense (e.g., of a plane ticket versus driving) and the travel time. Employers may impose discipline on employees who do not meet expectations.

Employee travel raises complex issues, particularly with respect to “non-exempt” employees. In addition to cost concerns, employers must consider employee safety, the safety of the public, liability for accidents, and other similar issues. For these reasons, employers should develop comprehensive strategies for responsible, efficient travel.

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5 basic rules for understanding travel pay in california.

Updated: May 19, 2015

Understanding Travel Pay in California: When is Travel Time Compensable?

5 basic rules of travel pay.

  • “Commuting time from an employee’s regular place of work each day is not work time, so employers do not have to pay employees for this time.” Kwong explained.
  • “If an employee spend time traveling to a location for a special assignment, or spends substantial travel time for an emergency outside your normal work hours, that time that’s spent traveling during regular work hours is considered part of their principal job duties.” Travel in these circumstances or outside of normal work hours is compensable work time.
  • If an employee reports to a central location to pick up equipment before proceeding to his or her assigned worksite, the time spent traveling to the central location is not work time. The time spent traveling to the assigned worksite is work time.
  • Overnight travel or travel away from home is always work time under California law. Under federal law, it is work time only when it cuts across the employee’s normal workday and/or requires the employee to work on weekends or days when he or she would not otherwise be required to work.
  • Regular meal periods and time spent sleeping or in other leisure activities while traveling is not work time, and the employer does not have to pay the employee for this time.

19 thoughts on “5 Basic Rules for Understanding Travel Pay in California”

I did a job that was 100 miles away each way. 200 miles return a day. I provided transportation to my 3 employees in my truck so they could commute together( using carpool) and paid for the fuel for the entire week with them taking turns driving. This truck did not transport any equipment or tools needed and was only used for transportation for employees. We started work from 8 am to 3pm most days for another contractor. Am i required to pay them additional travel time and if so how much am i supposed to pay. This was a prevailing wage job from 8am to 4pm.

Best regards,

Shane pipeline contractor.

I have an employer which sends me to other cities in ca and only pays travel one way and unless an actual 8 hours on the job the travel time is at a lower rate and certainly no travel time to get back home, that is my personal time spending up to three hours of travel back from the job and do not get paid for. Don’t know if this employer is twisting things to meet his needs but the three hours in paid travel just doesn’t seem morally right

I recently ran in to an issue with an employer.

For this temp company, we are to report at 7:30am at a staging area where a bus will take us to the work site.

My understanding is well get paid at 9am till 4pm. Then have to wait for the company bus to transport us back to the staging area where we can then get our personal vehicles and leave.

My understanding is that if your required to report somewhere at a required time, then you are on the clock.

Am I correct or am I wrong? The 1 hour travel time in the company bus each way should be paid or un paid?

Hello, I am currently living in the Inland Empire. I work as a vacation sales relief rep for a food distributor out of Ontario, CA. I travel all over Southern CA for my employment. Holding this position is drive time pay acceptable or is there a rule of thumb as to how many miles driven before clicking in is allowed statewide?

Thanks, Kristopher

Question I work for a company in AZ they get job sites in CA. The employer wants to pay our commute 75 miles after we have been on the road. Is this the law or Is the employer trying to save money?

My employer has me driving anywhere from 95 miles to 130 miles one way to work on different sites my shortest commute has been an hour and a half one way to two and a half hours one way am I entitled by law to any compensation

Can an employer in california make you clock out so you can go get materials for the employer? She makes us clock out and use our own vehicle for parts or material runs

My employer has employees arrive at our home office in Chula Vista, often times gathering supplies for the work which will be done daily at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, CA. The employees leave the home office in vans and travel to that job. This has gone on for a decade. When the job is 50 miles away my employer pays travel pay. My employer states that it is only 48 miles to the gate at Camp Pendleton. Well the job site is not at the gate, the work is being done 5 miles further inside the gate at the Navy’s LCAC site. Should these employees receive travel pay? I feel these employees are all being taken advantage of.

I’m being sent to work for a week an hour away. Does that hour of travel get counted as an hour of work? according to my supervisor its not, but my hour back is. It makes no sense.

I went to the PIHRA conference and my employer will reimburse me for mileage. Is the mileage calculated from my home to the conference or from my workplace to the conference?

I’m leaving for Malaysia in a week. my employers HR says that travel time does not equal out 1 to 1. 1 hour traveld to one hour worked. I am an hourley employee. and i will be traveling 42 hours 19.30 to get there and 23.20 on the return flight. do i get compensated for that time 1 to 1

I hope somebody can explain this to me this is the law in California I get assigned to show up at a different locations every day and end the day at a different location job sites every day. My company policy Significant Additional Commuting Time ( Travel Time )

For functions or activities requiring commuting time of more than 30 minutes, work time should be started after 30 minutes.

• As an example, if an employee leaving home first thing in the morning proceeds directly to a designated location on the other side of the city which will require a one hour drive, the first 30 minutes is non-paid commute time and the second 30 minutes is paid time. • In this example, if the same employee leaves the job site one hour from his home, the first 30 minutes is paid travel time. The last 30 minutes to their home is considered non-paid commute time. • If the commute time is not in excess of 30 minutes, no additional time should be added to work hours.

• Although not required by most state or local laws, “Significant Additional Commuting Time” will be recorded as “working time.” It will therefore be counted towards daily or weekly thresholds requiring overtime pay (i.e., the hours are counted towards an employee’s 40 hours of working time in a week or 8 hours of working time in a day).

I had traveled to China and Israel for the last few months, and each time I travel for work I am told I can only claim 6 hours a day for International travel. Is this company keeping within State and Federal laws.

I am working as a contractor. My primary work location is MY OWN HOME. However, my firm sent to me to work on-site at a client’s offices for three weeks, which is an 85-mile drive in EACH direction in L.A. traffic. Needless to say, a daily commute was not possible, so I ended up booking an inexpensive motel room for each night of my three-week stay. I am also spending a small fortune in meals (away from home) and mileage for my car. I asked my firm to cover my travel expenses, but they declined, saying they were not obligated to do so (I live in California). So, I had to cover all of my own costs, which left VERY LITTLE in net pay for this project. In all my years of doing this, I have never known any company to refuse to pay an employee’s work-related travel expenses. What are my options here? Is my company required to cover my travel costs? Help!

I have an employer that on any given day I could work 10-12 hours including travel time but the travel time is not being applied to daily OT, so end of week I could work 50 hours and have no overtime. Is this correct

Hi Durrell, did you ever get an answer to this? If so, would you please share it with me as I have the same question.

I work as a merchandiser. I get paid once I arrive at the first store. One windy day I was traveling from one store to another and my car was hit by a big piece of wood (wind caught it from a truck) I asked my company about paying for the damages since I was on company time. Or at least pay my deductible. They have been avoiding my emails. Any help on this?

I have an hourly employee getting ready to take a business trip in the company vehicle to another location for one week. Does his hourly rate change?

Can an employer require you to stay at a coworkers home during a business trip instead of paying for a hotel room?

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Travel Time

Time spent traveling during normal work hours is considered compensable work time. Time spent in home-to-work travel by an employee in an employer-provided vehicle, or in activities performed by an employee that are incidental to the use of the vehicle for commuting, generally is not "hours worked" and, therefore, does not have to be paid. This provision applies only if the travel is within the normal commuting area for the employer's business and the use of the vehicle is subject to an agreement between the employer and the employee or the employee's representative.

Webpages on this Topic

Handy Reference Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act - Answers many questions about the FLSA and gives information about certain occupations that are exempt from the Act.

Coverage Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Fact Sheet - General information about who is covered by the FLSA.

Wage and Hour Division: District Office Locations - Addresses and phone numbers for Department of Labor district Wage and Hour Division offices.

State Labor Offices/State Laws - Links to state departments of labor contacts. Individual states' laws and regulations may vary greatly. Please consult your state department of labor for this information.

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California Travel Time Pay Rules

If you’re a California employee who travels for work, you may be wondering about the rules for travel time pay. Here’s what you need to know.

The California Labor Code states that employees who are required to travel for their job are entitled to pay for their travel time. This includes time spent traveling to and from work, as well as time spent on the job site.

In general, employees are entitled to their regular pay rate for travel time. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. For example, employees who are required to travel during their normal work hours may be entitled to overtime pay for their travel time.

Additionally, employees may be required to travel a certain distance in order to be eligible for travel time pay. The California Labor Code specifies that employees are only entitled to pay for travel time that is “incidental to the work.” This means that employees who are required to travel for work are not entitled to pay for time spent traveling to and from their home and work.

If you have any questions about travel time pay, be sure to speak to an attorney or your local labor department.

  • 1 Is travel time considered work time in California?
  • 2 How is travel time paid in California?
  • 3 Should you get paid for travel time?
  • 4 Is travel time considered work time?
  • 5 Do you have to pay drive time in California?
  • 6 How far can my employer make me travel to work?
  • 7 Does employer have to pay for travel time in California?

Is travel time considered work time in California?

In general, the answer to this question is yes. In California, travel time is generally considered to be work time, provided that the travel is job-related. 

There are a few exceptions to this rule, however. For example, if an employee is required to travel for personal reasons, that travel time is not considered to be work time. Additionally, if an employee is travelling for the purpose of entertaining clients or customers, that travel time is not considered to be work time. 

Generally speaking, however, travel time is considered to be work time in California. If you have any questions about this, or if you believe that your travel time is not being treated as work time, it is best to speak with an attorney.

How is travel time paid in California?

In California, employees are typically paid for their travel time according to the number of miles they have to travel from their home to their work. If an employee has to travel more than one hour one-way to work, they are typically paid at a rate of one and a half times their regular hourly wage. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, if an employee has to travel during their normal work hours to a different work location, they are typically not paid for their travel time. Additionally, employees who are required to travel for their job are not typically paid for their travel time, even if it is more than one hour one-way.

There are a few exceptions to this rule as well. For example, if an employee is required to travel for their job and they are not able to do their job from home, they are typically paid for their travel time. Additionally, employees who are required to travel for their job and are not able to work while they are travelling are typically paid for their travel time.

Should you get paid for travel time?

There is no definitive answer as to whether or not you should get paid for travel time. Some people believe that you should be compensated for the time it takes you to get from one place to another, while others argue that this is simply part of the job. Ultimately, it is up to your employer to decide whether or not to pay you for travel time.

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not to get paid for travel time. First, you need to consider how long it takes you to get from one place to another. If it takes you longer than usual to travel to your destination, you may be able to argue that you should be compensated for this time. Additionally, you should consider the cost of travel. If you are required to use your own vehicle to travel to work, you may be able to argue that you should be reimbursed for your expenses.

Ultimately, it is up to your employer to decide whether or not to pay you for travel time. If you feel like you are not being compensated fairly for your travel time, you may want to speak with your boss or human resources department. By understanding your employer’s policy on travel time, you can ensure that you are being compensated fairly for the time you spend getting to and from work.

Is travel time considered work time?

The question of whether or not travel time is considered work time is a complicated one. The answer depends on a variety of factors, including the type of travel, the reason for the travel, and the employer’s policies.

Generally speaking, travel for work-related reasons is considered work time. This includes travel to and from a work site, as well as travel for business purposes. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if an employee is traveling for personal reasons and the employer does not require them to report for work, then the travel is not considered work time.

Additionally, employers may have their own policies on whether or not travel time is considered work time. So it is important to check with your employer to find out their specific guidelines.

Overall, travel time is generally considered work time unless the employee is traveling for personal reasons and the employer does not require them to report for work. It is important to check with your employer to find out their specific policies on this matter.

Do you have to pay drive time in California?

In California, as in most states, you are required to pay for all the time you spend driving your car, whether you are driving for work, for pleasure, or to get from one place to another. The only exception is when you are driving in a carpool with at least one other person, in which case you can split the cost of driving time with your passengers.

There are a few ways to calculate how much you owe for drive time. The most common way is to use the IRS’s mileage rate, which is currently 54 cents per mile. You can also use the actual cost of driving your car, including gas, oil, repairs, and depreciation. Whichever way you calculate it, you will need to keep track of your driving expenses and include them on your tax return.

If you are self-employed, you can also deduct your driving expenses as a business expense. This can be a great way to reduce your taxable income and save money on your taxes.

While driving can be a necessary part of life, it’s important to remember to keep track of your expenses and to file your taxes correctly. Thanks for reading!

How far can my employer make me travel to work?

Can my employer make me travel to work?

Your employer can make you travel to work, but there are some restrictions. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), employees must be paid for their travel time if it is considered work. Generally, employees must be paid for all travel time, including time spent traveling from home to their first work-related destination and back home again at the end of the workday. However, there are a few exceptions.

If an employee’s workday begins at one work site and ends at another work site, the employer does not have to pay for the time the employee spends commuting between the two sites. This exception applies only if the employee’s job duties require her to be at each work site during the workday.

If an employee is required to travel to a work-related destination, but is not required to be at that destination during the workday, the employer does not have to pay for the time the employee spends traveling. For example, if an employee is required to attend a meeting in another city, but the meeting is not during the employee’s normal work hours, the employer does not have to pay for the travel time.

If an employer requires an employee to travel for work, but the employee is not required to work during the entire trip, the employer must pay for the time the employee is working. For example, if an employee is required to travel to a work-related destination, but only works for a few hours while she is there, the employer must pay for the hours the employee worked.

The FLSA does not restrict the distance an employee can be required to travel to work. However, there may be state or local laws that limit the distance an employee can be required to travel. Employees should check with their state or local labor department to find out if there are any restrictions.

Does employer have to pay for travel time in California?

In California, employers are not required to pay for travel time. However, there may be some instances where employers are required to pay for travel time. For instance, if an employee is required to travel for work, the employer may be required to pay for the travel time. Additionally, if an employee is required to travel to a remote work location, the employer may be required to pay for the travel time.

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In California, what rules apply when determining what constitutes hours worked?

California wage-and-hour law clearly states that any hour an employee spends performing work on behalf of the organization, or work that the organization knew or had reason to know was being performed by the employee, is considered hours worked and therefore deemed compensable time, regardless of where the work was performed (with some limitations).

The Labor Commissioner has adopted the federal regulations permitting the practice of computing working time by rounding to the nearest five minutes, or one-tenth or one-quarter of an hour. Such rounding is acceptable as long as it is applied both ways (for both employee and organization) so as not to result, over a period of time, in failure to compensate employees properly for all time they have actually worked.

Key considerations regarding compensable hours are outlined below.

Reporting-Time Pay

California Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Orders require that employers pay nonexempt employees for certain unworked but regularly scheduled time, in addition to the hours the employee actually works. See, IWC Orders 1-16, Section 5. Such payments are known as reporting-time pay. The following are specific requirements for reporting-time pay:

Each workday an employee is required to report to work but is not put to work or is furnished with less than half of his or her usual or scheduled day’s work, the employee must be paid for half the usual or scheduled day’s work, but in no event for less than two hours or more than four hours, at the employee’s regular rate of pay.

If an employee is required to report to work a second time in any one workday and is furnished less than two hours of work on the second reporting, he or she must be paid for two hours at the employee’s regular rate of pay.

Exceptions to the requirement for reporting-time pay, found in IWC Orders 1-16, apply to the following situations:

When operations cannot begin or continue due to threats to employees or property, or when civil authorities recommend that work not begin or continue.

When public utilities fail to supply electricity, water or gas, or there is a failure in the public utilities or sewer system.

When the interruption of work is caused by an Act of God or other cause not within the employer’s control—for example, an earthquake.

The reporting-time pay provisions do not apply to employees on paid standby status or when an employee has a regularly scheduled shift of less than two hours, such as a relief cashier who works only during a one-hour period in the middle of the day.

Reporting-time pay for hours in excess of the actual hours worked is not counted as hours worked for purposes of determining overtime.

Call-back, On-call and Standby Time

An organization does not automatically have to pay a nonexempt employee for carrying a beeper, cell phone or other mobile device. Whether the on-call time is compensable will depend on the degree to which the employee is under the organization’s control. Factors to be considered include the degree of the restriction on the employee’s freedom, whether the employee is required to be on the organization’s property, and the impact the on-call policy has on the employee’s ability to perform personal business. On-call time may be paid at a different rate than the employee would receive for working.

Whether on-call or standby time off the work site is considered compensable must be determined by looking at the restrictions placed on the employee. A variety of factors are considered in determining whether the employer-imposed restrictions turn the on-call time into compensable hours worked. Some of the factors to consider include:

Whether a fixed time limit for response is unduly restrictive.

Whether the on-call employee can easily trade his or her on-call responsibilities with another employee.

To what extent the employee engages in personal activities during on-call periods.

During times when the employees are subject to the employer’s control, on-call or standby time at the work site is considered hours worked, and employees must be compensated for this time even if they do nothing.

Travel Time

Whether an employer needs to pay a nonexempt employee for travel time depends on many factors. Commuting—traveling from home to the usual work site—is not considered paid travel time. If the organization provides the employee with a company vehicle, the travel time to the employee’s usual work site is not paid time, even if the employee is performing small tasks such as refueling the vehicle. An employer does need to have an agreement with the employee regarding the use of the vehicle.

Most other travel time is considered work time, including travel to a different work site on a temporary basis or travel when an organization does not allow an employee to use his or her own transportation. In California, travel time is considered compensable work hours when the employer requires its employees to meet at a designated place, use the employer’s transportation to and from the work site, and prohibits employees from using their own transportation.

Generally, travel time longer than the employee’s normal commute to and from his or her regular work site is considered compensable. Employees who are required to report to a temporary work site or who experience a change in work site location must be compensated for any travel time in excess of the time normally required to report to their regular work site.

Time spent driving or as a passenger on an airplane, train, bus, taxi cab or car, or other mode of transportation in traveling to and from an out-of-town business-related trip and time spent waiting to purchase a ticket, check baggage or get on board is considered time spent under the employer’s control and therefore is compensable as hours worked.

Nonexempt employees may be paid for their travel time at a pay rate lower than the usual rate of pay. This rate may be as low as the minimum wage. The rate at which the travel must be paid depends upon the nature of the compensation agreement. If the employer has agreed to pay a fixed hourly rate of pay for any work performed, then travel time must be paid at that regular hourly rate or, if applicable, the required overtime rate. An employer may establish a separate rate of pay for travel before the work is performed for hourly employees, provided the rate does not fall below the statutory minimum wage.

De Minimis Time

The California Supreme Court ruled in 2018 that employers must pay workers for routine off-the-clock activities, such as setting the alarm and closing the store at the end of the day—even if the amount of time is minimal. Employers in California may no longer rely upon the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) de minimis rule which states that infrequent and insignificant periods of time beyond the scheduled working hours, which cannot as a practical matter be precisely recorded for payroll purposes, may be disregarded. 

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Best Travel Insurance in California: Top Plans for Your Next Trip

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

Whether you're road-tripping to Palm Springs or passing through LAX to catch a flight around the world, the best travel insurance companies for Californians offer comprehensive coverage options for a wide range of people and needs.

For this guide, we looked at coverage options, customizability, and the best companies for specific situations, such as pre-existing conditions.

Here are Business Insider's picks for the best travel insurance companies in California. 

Best Travel Insurance Companies in California

  • Best Overall: Nationwide Travel Insurance
  • Runner-Up: AXA Assistance USA
  • Best for Cruises: Travel Guard
  • Best Reputation:  C&F Travel Insured
  • Best for Pre-existing Conditions:   Tin Leg Travel Insurance
  • Best for Digital Nomads:   WorldTrips Travel Insurance
  • Best Low-Cost Option:   Trawick International Travel Insurance
  • Best for Road Trips: Travelex Travel Insurance
  • Best for Adventure Sports: World Nomads Travel Insurance

Nationwide Travel Insurance

Nationwide is of the largest players in the travel insurance space, offering nearly endless options for any customer on the travel spectrum, including annual travel insurance plans which can offer frequent travelers the flexibility to "set it and forget it" on their travel insurance coverage.

Nationwide Essential also offers some of the most affordable policies in the market compared to similar plans from competitors, which makes it a great pick for just about anyone. Buyers can discuss bundling options as Nationwide also sells homeowners, auto, pet, and other insurance products. Its travel insurance quoting is just as easy as it has been with other Nationwide insurance products.

Read our Nationwide travel insurance review .

AXA Assistance USA

AXA offers consumers a great option for no-stress travel insurance: low-priced plans, generous coverage limits on key categories including primary insurance on lost luggage, and up to 150% reimbursement for qualifying trip cancellations.

While add-ons are limited and rental car coverage is not included by default on cheaper plans, AXA is a perfect fit for travelers who don't plan to drive (or who already hold a travel credit card with rental car coverage), and don't need any additional bells and whistles.

Read our AXA Assistance USA travel insurance review .

Travel Guard

AIG is well-known insurance provider, and a great fit for travelers who want to ensure that they can get their money back in the event of canceled or interrupted travel plans.

While the company's policies can be pricey compared to its competitors, the high medical and evacuation limits make AIG a solid choice for older travelers who value peace of mind and simplicity over highly customizable plans that may be bolstered with medical upgrades.

Read our AIG Travel Guard travel insurance review .

C&F Travel Insured

While every travel insurance company has negative reviews about its claims process, C&F Travel Insured 's claims process has a consistent stream of positive reviews. One customer wrote that C&F processed a claim within 48 hours. Additionally, C&F regularly responds to customer reviews within one business week, making reviews a consistent way to reach the company.

Additionally, in C&F's fine print, it mentions that any claims that take more than 30 days to pay out will begin to accrue interest at 9% APY.

C&F's reputation isn't the only thing to speak highly of. It offers an array of add-ons uncommon in the travel insurance industry, such as Interruption for Any Reason insurance and CFAR coverage for annual plans. C&F also offers discounts for children on its Protector Edge plan and free coverage on its Protector plan.  

Read our C&F Travel Insured review . 

Tin Leg Travel Insurance

Tin Leg is a great fit for travelers with medical issues in particular. Seven of Tin Leg's eight travel plans include coverage for pre-existing conditions as long as you purchase your policy within 15 days of your initial trip payment.

Thanks to coverage for pre-existing medical conditions as well as for potential COVID-19 infection while traveling, this company offers some of the best financial investment options for travelers who are or will be exposed to higher health risks and issues.

Read our Tin Leg travel insurance review .

WorldTrips Travel Insurance

WorldTrips has affordable premiums, highly customizable add-ons, and generous coverage for core categories of travel insurance. All this makes it a great option for digital nomads, students studying abroad and backpackers.

However, travelers should keep in mind that plans are not particularly flexible, and coverage amounts are limited unless you plan ahead to pay for the areas and amounts that you need.

Read our WorldTrips travel insurance review .

Trawick International Travel Insurance

Trawick offers low premiums across its five plans, most of which offer coverage for pre-existing conditions. You'll find robust medical travel insurance that can help higher-risk and anxious travelers find peace of mind while on the road. This company also offers high medical evacuation coverage limits, up to $1,000,000.

Read our Trawick travel insurance review .

Travelex Travel Insurance

Travelex offers three plans:

  • Travel Basic
  • Travel Select
  • Travel America

The Travelex America plan is meant for trips limited to the U.S., but it has the highest coverage limits in many areas compared to its other programs. If you're flying somewhere, the lost baggage limits are higher. Its natural strengths shine for road trippers, though. Travelex America adds coverage for roadside service and rental car coverage for unexpected accidents. It also covers pets should you be involved in an accident while on the road.

While your standard auto insurance does extend to car rentals within the U.S. for a limited time, any accident would affect future rates. Travelex would eliminate the risk of reporting to your auto insurance provider for minor incidents within its purview.

Read our Travelex Travel Insurance review .

World Nomads Travel Insurance

World Nomads distinguishes itself from others by covering over 300 sports and activities, from skydiving to golf. Additionally, its one of the few travel insurance companies that allow you to purchase after departing for your destination. However, you'll have a 72-hour waiting period before coverage kicks in.

That said, World Nomads doesn't have the highest coverage limits compared to its competitors on this list, travel medical insurance capping out at $100,000. It also isn't the most flexible provider, only providing two plans to choose from with no options for pre-existing condition coverage. Yet, World Nomads still stands out for its sports coverage and post-departure coverage.

Read our World Nomads travel insurance review .

Get Travel Insurance Quotes in California

Faqs about the best travel insurance in california.

There isn't one best travel insurance company; there are many great providers on the travel insurance market today. Our overall winner was Nationwide for its breadth of coverage options. AIG Travel Guard, AXA, Berkshire Hathaway, Tin Leg, WorldTrips and Trawick also made the cut. The best pick for you will depend on what features you value the most, like a low premium or high coverage limits.

While coverage varies by policy, common exclusions often include pre-existing medical conditions (unless you have purchased a waiver), accidents caused by high-risk activities if not specifically covered (e.g., skydiving, scuba diving), travel for medical procedures, and events known before purchasing the policy (e.g., traveling during a pandemic). Always read your policy carefully to understand the exclusions.

The average cost of travel insurance is 4% to 8% of your total trip cost, so it could vary widely depending on where you're traveling and the length of your trip. Your age, the number of people in your group, and other factors can also influence how much you'll pay.

Yes, travel insurance typically offers some coverage of canceled flights, but if this benefit is important to you, make sure you read the fine print of your policy to make sure it offers adequate reimbursement. If you think you may need to cancel your travel plans, you should consider purchasing cancel for any reason (CFAR) travel insurance .

The best travel insurance for adventure sports is World Nomads , which covers over 300 sports in its base plan.

How We Reviewed the Best Travel Insurance Companies

To come up with our list of the best travel insurance companies, we evaluated each insurer based on the following factors:

Guide Methodology: What We Considered

Policy Types

Travel insurance is essential, but often underused partly because people aren't getting what they want. Business Insider's 2023 travel study showed 10.65% of travelers surveyed bought cancel for any reason insurance. Cost may be a factor, but in many cases, the coverage is more affordable than you might think. Regardless, companies must offer a diverse range of coverage options. We award five stars to companies offering all standard coverages and additional options like pet and sports equipment protection.

Our 2023 travel study indicated the majority of purchases were made through the travel provider (ex: flight protection insurance when you're purchasing your airline tickets). While these may be sufficient for some customers, we look for companies offering a more comprehensive range of services.

According to the U.S. Travel Insurance Association, the average cost of travel insurance will be between 4% and 8% of total travel expenses. Anything beyond that price point should include additional benefits beyond the standard inclusions, such as CFAR protection or upgraded medical coverage. Anything below that 4% threshold may leave you lacking important or sufficient coverage in an emergency.

Convenience and Flexibility

Whether you're an infrequent traveler or a suitcase warrior, a good travel insurance company should have you covered. In many cases, you might not even have to talk to a person in order to purchase your policy.

Many people think of travel insurance in context with specific trips, but most of these top contenders sell both single-trip and multi-trip policies, also known as annual travel insurance. Some companies also offer plans specifically designed for cruisers, students abroad, and business travelers. (Read our guide to the best cruise travel insurance companies for more details.) Finally, all of these providers offer multiple options for getting the specific areas and amounts of coverage that you want.

Claims Handling

Most travelers never have a large claim. Premiums are low, and it provides peace of mind for the just in case situations. So they leave reviews based on their reduced stress levels. But what happens if you lose your luggage or have to stay a few extra days due to an unexpected accident? Will your insurance carrier cover your claim without all the hassle? We check real customer reviews to sort this out for you.

Ease of Use and Support

When purchasing, during your trip, and throughout the claims process, you may need extra support. Does the company have a 24/7 help line? Does it have an online or mobile system allowing you to self-manage? Essentially, what are the options when you need help? We look at the big picture to evaluate the average customer experience with each company.

You can read our full insurance rating methodology for even more details.

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Bank of America, Wells Fargo are under investigation for handling of customers funds on Zelle

(Reuters) - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is investigating major U.S. banks for their handling of customer funds on the peer-to-peer payments platform Zelle Network, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The probe focuses on JPMorgan  (JPM.N), Bank of America  (BAC.N), and Wells Fargo  (WFC.N), among other large banks, the report said, citing people familiar with the matter.

JPMorgan last week had disclosed in a filing that it was responding to the CFPB's inquiries regarding Zelle and was considering whether to sue a U.S. consumer watchdog over the agency's inquiries.

Wells Fargo also has previously disclosed in public filings that government authorities have been probing the handling of customer disputes via Zelle.

The proliferation of fraud and scams on Zelle, which is owned by seven major banks including JPMorgan and Bank of America, has drawn attention from U.S. lawmakers including Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren and regulators concerned about consumer protection.

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Banks have argued that covering the cost of scams will encourage more fraud and potentially cost billions of dollars.

Spokespeople for JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, BofA and the CFPB declined to comment.

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California teachers don't get paid family leave. Gov. Newsom vetoed a bill to change that. Lawmakers are trying again.

By Julie Watts

Updated on: August 15, 2024 / 6:09 AM PDT / CBS News California

As a new school year begins, lawmakers are again trying to give public school teachers paid family leave .

Supporters believe the benefit will help attract and retain high-quality teachers in the face of an increasing  shortage.  But critics worry  that the bill —which has widespread support among the Democratic majority in the Legislature and is a priority for the  Legislative Women's Caucus —could come at the actual expense of students .

The union-backed bill , authored by the  Democratic Majority Leader Cecilia Aguiar-Curry , would give teachers 14 weeks of fully paid leave after having a baby, paid for by school districts through existing state funding .

Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed a similar bill in 2019, but won't say which way he's leaning on this legislation, which goes even further than the bill he vetoed.

The reality is that hundreds of thousands of California teachers and public employees are still not entitled to paid leave after having a baby. In fact, teachers effectively have to pay for their own substitute teacher after giving birth.

Teachers excluded from receiving paid family leave 

In 2019, CBS News California Investigative Correspondent Julie Watts discussed the issue with Newsom, shortly before he vetoed a previous bill that would have provided paid family leave for teachers. 

At the time, the Governor  had recently increased paid family leave for most other Californians. However, teachers and public employees were excluded under existing state law. 

WATCH 2019 STORY: Many California public employees ineligible for paid family leave

"So just to be clear, there's nothing that you, as the Governor, can do to basically allow anybody who wants [to] to opt [in]?" CBS News California  asked Newsom in 2019.

"Well, there's a lot the Governor can do, and we're pursuing that," Newsom responded . "And every day, we're pursuing more of that."

He went on to criticize then-President Donald Trump.

"I remember on the campaign trail a guy by the name of Donald Trump talking about paid family leave," Newsom recounted during the interview. "I'd love him to fulfill a promise. Maybe this is one he could consider."

"Nothing has happened"

"So what have you done?" asked Pittsburg, California teacher Emily Price as she watched Newsom's 2019 interview five years later. 

CBS News also  interviewed Price in 2019 . At the time, she was a Southern California public school teacher with a brand new baby. 

WATCH 2019 STORY:   Many California public employees ineligible for paid family leave

"People are surprised,"  Price said in 2019 . "They think, 'Oh, you're out on maternity leave, getting paid to take care of your baby.' … It's like no, not really, ran out of pay a while ago."

A lot has changed in Price's life since we first interviewed her and Newsom.

Today, she teaches in the Bay Area – and her baby starts kindergarten this week.

But one thing hasn't changed: public school teachers still aren't eligible for paid family leave in California.

"It's been five years. Like, nothing has happened. So, we need your help, Governor," Price said.

Watch the full 2019 Paid Family Leave interview with Governor Gavin Newsom

Who gets paid family leave in California? 

Most Californians are entitled to up to 16 weeks of paid leave after having a baby. 

New moms are entitled to up to eight weeks of disability pay to recover after birth. Newsom signed legislation in 2022 that increases maternity disability pay for lower-wage workers to  90% of their salary beginning in 2025 . 

California also offers another eight weeks of paid family leave — up to 70% of a person's salary — for mothers, fathers and adoptive parents to bond with a new baby. Other Californians can use the eight weeks of paid family leave to care for a sick relative. 

Public school teachers aren't entitled to any of it.

"It's already hard enough to be a teacher," Price said. "Like, we don't go into teaching for the money."

More than 70% of teachers are women.  According to data from California State Teachers' Retirement System, cited in the Assembly Appropriations analysis  for its bill, women teachers average nearly $100,000 less in retirement than their male counterparts, in part because they're forced to use up their accrued vacation and sick leave when they have babies.

"I know many teachers who try to time their pregnancies to align with summer," Price said.

And those who can't time their pregnancies to summer vacation often return to work without any sick leave to use when they, or their children, inevitably become ill.

Collective bargaining 

"There are hundreds of thousands of Californians who are not entitled to this leave right now. How is that possible?"  CBS News California asked Newsom in 2019.

"It's possible because they haven't bargained for it,"  Newsom said.

He explained that paid leave is something the unions must collectively bargain for. Members can't individually opt-in.

Since that interview, the number of state employees without paid leave has decreased, according to data obtained by CBS News California Investigates from California's Labor & Workforce Development Agency. 

In 2019, CBS News California identified 95,000 state employees who were not entitled to paid family leave, along with an unknown number of city, county, special district and federal employees, and the majority of the more than 300,000 California teachers.

Updated data now indicate an estimated 52,000 state employees belong to unions that still have not bargained for paid family leave, including California Highway Patrol, firefighters, corrections officers, and at least four other categories of state employees. 

Five years later, the California Teachers Association says the vast majority of its members still do not have paid family leave. However, the CTA could not provide a comprehensive list of local unions with or without the benefit, so it is unclear how many teachers still lack paid leave. 

CTA representatives cited anecdotal examples and explained that while some local teachers' unions have successfully negotiated some paid leave with their school districts, they say other districts refuse to negotiate paid leave without state guidance or a mandate. 

Why can't teachers opt-in to disability and paid family leave?

California's paid family leave is paid for by a 1% disability tax on your paycheck. However, under state law, public employees don't pay into State Disability Insurance (SDI). So they can't collect.

"I don't understand why that's not an option," Price said. "Yes, I'll give a portion of my salary to be able to access this amazing benefit."

Instead, public school teachers get 12 weeks of unpaid leave and must use up any vacation or sick leave before they effectively pay for their own substitute teacher – up to 50% of their salary.

"Why can't the state allow individuals to opt into disability insurance," CBS News California asked Gov. Newsom in 2019.

"Our task force … This is what we're exploring," Newsom said, referring to the  Paid Family Leave Task Force he created in 2019. 

CBS News California asked the Governor to sit down with us again to discuss paid family leave for teachers, now five years later. His office denied our multiple requests, telling us that the Governor was too busy. 

In lieu of an interview, CBS News California asked for examples of what he and his Paid Family Leave Task Force had done since we last spoke - specifically to address paid family leave for California's 300,000+ teachers. 

His office sent a list of accomplishments, including expanding paid family leave  from 6 to 8 weeks in 2019, expanding it further in 2020  and increasing disability  wage replacement rates to 90% pay in 2025 .

However, the Governor's office couldn't point to any accomplishments that helped increase wage replacement or provided any paid family leave for teachers. 

California lawmakers rally behind new bill

Assembly Majority Leader and Vice Chair of the Woman's Caucus Cecilia Aguiar-Curry wants to give teachers 14 weeks of fully paid leave, paid for by school districts through Prop 98 funding instead of California's overburdened state budget.

"Paying for their own sub. Do you think that's fair? Come on," Aguiar-Curry told CBS News California in an interview on the assembly floor last week. 

Her union-backed bill has widespread support among the Democrat majority, but the Governor vetoed a similar bill shortly after our last interview . 

His veto message stated, in part, "[T]his bill will likely result in annual costs of tens of millions of dollars that should be considered as part of the annual budget process and as part of local collective bargaining."

"What do you say to the critics who say you're sacrificing funding for students to pay the teachers?" CBS News California asked Aguiar-Curry.

"I'm saying to them, a happy instructor is a happy classroom is a happy child," she said. "I'm also saying to the Governor, you mentioned you wanted to make sure this was in the budget. You never did it."

As a teacher, Emily said that she is concerned the bill could divert funding from programs for students.

"I see year after year different programs and services being cut," Price said.

However, as a parent, she says she is just as concerned about the increasing teacher shortage. 

And as a parent who is also a teacher, she believes paid family leave will help attract and retain quality teachers.

What's next?

The bill, " AB 2901: School and community college employees: paid disability and parental leave , " has 17 co-authors, which is a sign that it is popular among Democratic lawmakers. 

The Assembly already passed this bill, so it's up to the Senate, which could vote as early as next week.

But anything can happen, especially if the Governor doesn't want to sign it.

  • Julie Watts Investigates
  • Gavin Newsom
  • KCAL News Investigates
  • Julie Watts
  • KPIX Investigates
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Julie Watts is a national-award-winning investigative correspondent for CBS News, covering California. Her investigations, Capitol accountability reports, and solutions-oriented journalism air weekly on CBS stations across California.

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All you can fly.

travel pay in california


After the one time yearly payment, pay only a flat fee at booking and get ready to take off..



Find your next destination among 780 routes and 53 countires. *.



Seat availability opens up, up to 3-days prior departure and is always subject to availability and restrictions (without a minimum guarantee) *, frequently asked questions.

All You Can Fly is a 12-month membership program provided by Wizz Air Hungary Limited that enables members to travel extensively on eligible Wizz Air flights. Here is how it works:

  • Registration : Register to the All You Can Fly plan here .
  • Great adventures : Embark on an array of great travel experiences with your All You Can Fly membership.
  • Fees : Pay a one-time voucher fee and the cost of the flat fee per flight segment when booking. Within the special introductory period, the introductory voucher fee is 499 EUR. After the introductory period, the voucher fee is 599 EUR. The flat fee is 9.99 EUR per segment.

All You Can Fly membership includes all our international routes. Seats are subject to availability, which depends on several external and internal factors. For more information about these factors, please find the general terms and conditions here .

Your flights do not include carry-on or checked baggage, only one personal item (max. size 40 x 30 x 20 cm*).

Yes, you can.

  • Visit the Wizz Air website : Go to Wizz Air’s website and click on the “Check-in & bookings” tab.
  • Log in : If you have not logged in already, log in to your Wizz Air account.
  • Select your upcoming trip : Choose the trip.
  • Find your booking : If you can’t see your upcoming trip, use the “Find booking” option. Enter your reservation code and the last name on the reservation.
  • Manage your booking : On the “Manage my booking” page, you can add any additional services or products you need.
  • Proceed to payment : Once you have made any necessary changes, proceed to the payment section.

Once you have successfully paid for All You Can Fly , you can start booking your flights right away. Keep in mind that Wizz Air has a special introductory period where customers can purchase the membership on an introductory fee, and the booking process begins in September.

For the time being, Wizz Air plans to provide an overall 10,000 All You Can Fly memberships. During registration, you should provide Wizz Air with your airport of preference in the following countries.

The introductory price is only for this year’s membership; next year, the standard price applies.

Visit the All You Can Fly website and log in with your credentials. Once you are logged in proceed to “My account” and start to look for flights that match your travel dates and preferences. Once you find a suitable flight, book it right away using your membership.

Certainly! With All You Can Fly membership, you can book one-way flights based on your preferences. Keep in mind that seats are subject to availability, which depends on several external and internal factors. For more information about these factors, please find the general terms and conditions here .

If there is no return flight available due to seat unavailability or if it is not within the 3-day (72 hours) booking window, you can book a flight using the regular booking process.

Unfortunately, flights booked with All You Can Fly cannot be modified. In case change is needed, a new ticket has to be purchased on All You Can Fly website .

It is important to be aware that if you miss three flights (so-called "no-shows"), Wizz Air reserves the right to terminate the membership with immediate effect and without the option of a refund. In addition to that, you might be subject to a contractual penalty up to the amount of the voucher fee.

Unfortunately, booked All You Can Fly flights cannot be modified. In case change is needed a new ticket has to be purchased on All You Can Fly website .

It is important to be aware that if you miss three flights (no-shows), Wizz Air reserves the right to terminate the membership with immediate effect and without the option of a refund. In addition to that, you might be subject to a contractual penalty up to the amount of the voucher fee. If you have any medical reasons that affect your travel plans, please do not hesitate to contact our call center .

When using the All You Can Fly membership, members can book up to three segments per day within a 12-month period keeping these guidelines in mind:

  • Book flights you intend to board : Only book flights you plan to take.
  • Avoid overlapping flights : Do not book flights that overlap with each other.
  • Avoid duplicate itineraries : Ensure you do not have duplicate bookings.
  • Choose feasible flights : Book flights that are possible for you to fly.

If you are eligible for a refund, please contact our Call Center. Visit our ‘Contact us’ page, find the section for ‘Existing bookings,’ and select the appropriate number.

a. Refund for Unsubscribing Within 14 Days : If you decide to unsubscribe within the first 14 days and haven not booked your first flight yet, Wizz Air will reimburse the full amount of the voucher fee.

b. No Refund After Booking : Unfortunately, if you have already booked a flight and used your voucher during the 14-day withdrawal period, you cannot withdraw from All You Can Fly and cannot receive a refund.

After the withdrawal period, as a general rule, your subscription plan cannot be terminated before the end of the 12-month term.

WIZZ All You Can Fly is automatically renewed every year, ie at the expiry of your 12 months eligible period . As a general rule, you may terminate your eligibility to All You Can Fly during a given eligible period in which case your eligibility to All You Can Fly will be terminated after the end of the mandatory 12 months eligible period. In such case Wizz Air will not renew your eligibility to All You Can Fly for the next eligible period.

For more information about the termination process and the specific provisions on termination, please find the general terms and conditions here .

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  • {{ $t('flight-status') }}
  • {{ $t('timetable') }}

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  • {{ $t('find-booking') }}
  • {{ $t('check-in') }}
  • {{ $t('add-service') }}

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  • {{ selectedLanguage }}


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  3. "Travel Time" in California

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  5. Employee Travel Reimbursement

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  6. Travel Pay Laws in California: What Employees Need to Know

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  7. Navigating Travel Time Pay in California: 6 Essential Facts

    Under California employment laws, travel time should be paid, and can be either local trips or travel away from home. Are You Eligible For Travel Time Pay. You are eligible to receive pay for local travel time only if you are a non-exempt employee (meaning: you are employed on an hourly basis).

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  9. Unpacking Travel Time Compensation in California: Know Your Rights

    Claims can be directed through legal action or filed with the Labor Commissioner's office within the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE). If you're navigating the complexities of travel time compensation and feel you might be owed for your travel, don't hesitate to reach out to PLBH at (800) 435-7542.

  10. Q&A on Travel Pay in California

    Q&A on Travel Pay in California. By HR Daily Advisor StaffOct 15, 2012 HR Management & Compliance. Updated: May 19, 2015. Travel pay for non-exempt employees can become complicated in a hurry, especially with California's employee-friendly wage and hour laws imposing additional burdens on employers beyond the federal travel pay requirements.

  11. California Employers Association

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  13. PDF STATE OF CALIFORNIA Gavin Newsom, Governor

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  14. Travel Time Compensation in California

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  15. Travel Time Pay for Hourly Employees (2024 Update)

    Travel pay works by providing eligible employees with reimbursement for expenses during work travel. It can sometimes look like this: ... California. In California, any travel time that exceeds an employee's regular daily commute is considered compensable and must be paid at the agreed regular or overtime rates. Employers can set different ...

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    In addition to paying for travel time, under California Labor Code section 2802, employers are responsible for paying employees' "necessary" business expenses, including travel-related expenses. ... With advanced notice, employers lawfully may pay non-exempt employees for travel time at a lower rate, such as minimum wage. Overtime ...

  18. Travel Reimbursements

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  21. Travel Time

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  25. Canada & Mexico Unlimited Talk, Text and Data in CA & MX

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    In 2019, CBS News California identified 95,000 state employees who were not entitled to paid family leave, along with an unknown number of city, county, special district and federal employees, and ...

  29. WIZZ All You Can Fly

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