
সাজেক ভ্যালি

সাজেক ভ্যালি (Sajek Valley) , বর্তমান সময়ে ভ্রমণ পিপাসু মানুষের সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় গন্তব্য সাজেক। রাঙামাটি জেলার বাঘাইছড়ি উপজেলায় অবস্থিত সাজেক বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে বড় ইউনিয়ন হিসাবে খ্যাত। সমুদ্রপৃষ্ঠ থেকে যার উচ্চতা ১৮০০ ফুট। সাজেকের অবস্থান রাঙামাটি জেলায় হলেও ভৌগলিক কারণে খাগড়াছড়ির দীঘিনালা থেকে সাজেক যাতায়াত অনেক সহজ। খাগড়াছড়ি জেলা থেকে সাজেকের দূরত্ব ৭০ কিলোমিটার আর দীঘিনালা থেকে ৪০ কিলোমিটার।

চারপাশে মনোরম পাহাড় সারি, সাদা তুলোর মত মেঘের ভ্যালি আপনাকে মুগ্ধ করবেই। সাজেক এমনই আশ্চর্য্যজনক জায়গা যেখানে একই দিনে প্রকৃতির তিন রকম রূপের সান্নিধ্যে আপনি হতে পারেন চমৎকৃত। কখনো বা খুব গরম অনুভূত হবে তারপর হয়তো হটাৎ বৃষ্টিতে ভিজে যাবেন কিংবা চোখের পলকেই মেঘের ঘন কুয়াশার চাদরে ঢেকে যাবে আপনার চারপাশ। প্রাকৃতিক নিসর্গ আর তুলোর মত মেঘের পাহাড় থেকে পাহাড়ে উড়াউড়ির খেলা দেখতে সাজেক আদর্শ জায়গা।

কংলাক পাহাড় হচ্ছে সাজেক ভ্রমণে আসা পর্যটকদের কাছে প্রধান আকর্ষণ। আর সাজেক ভ্যালির শেষ গ্রাম কংলক পাড়া লুসাই জনগোষ্ঠী অধ্যুষিত এলাকা। কংলাক পাড়া থেকেই কর্ণফুলী নদী উৎপত্তিস্থল ভারতের লুসাই পাহাড় দেখা যায়। চাইলে রুইলুই পাড়া থেকে দুই ঘন্টা ট্রেকিং করে কমলক ঝর্ণা দেখে আসতে পারবেন। সুন্দর এই ঝর্ণাটি অনেকের কাছে পিদাম তৈসা ঝর্ণা বা সিকাম তৈসা ঝর্ণা নামেও পরিচিত।

সাজেক এর সূর্যোদয়

দিন কিংবা রাত সাজেক যেন শিল্পীর তুলিতে আঁকা ছবির মত, সময় গড়ায় তবু সাজেক পুরাতন হয় না। সাজেকে গেলে অবশ্যই সকালে ভোরের সময়টা মিস করবেন না। মেঘের খেলা আর সূর্যোদয়ের আলোর মেলা এই সময়েই বসে। এই জন্যে আপনাকে খুব ভোরে উঠে চলে যেতে হবে হ্যালিপ্যাডে, সেখান থেকেই সবচেয়ে সুন্দর সূর্যোদয় দেখা যায়। বিকেলের কোন উঁচু জায়গা থেকে সূর্যাস্তের রঙ্গিন রূপ আপনাকে বিমোহিত করবেই। আর সন্ধ্যার পর আকাশের কোটি কোটি তারার মেলা, আপনার প্রাণ জুড়িয়ে দিবে নিমিষেই। আকাশ পরিস্কার থাকলে দেখা পাবেন মিল্কিওয়ে বা ছায়াপথের।

ঘুরে দেখতে পারেন চারপাশ ও আদিবাসীদের জীবন যাপন। সহজ সরল এই সব মানুষের সান্নিধ্য আপনার ভাল লাগবে। আর হাতে সময় থাকলে সাজেক ভ্যালি থেকে ফেরার পথে ঢু মেরে আসতে পারেন হাজাছড়া ঝর্ণা, দীঘিনালা ঝুলন্ত ব্রিজ ও দীঘিনালা বনবিহার থেকে।

সাজেকের রূপের আসলে তুলনা হয় না। সারা বছরই বর্ণিল সাজে সেজে থাকে সাজেক। বছরের যে কোন সময় আপনি সাজেক ভ্রমণ করতে পারেন। তবে জুলাই থেকে নভেম্বর মাসে সাজেকের চারপাশে মেঘের খেলা দেখা যায় বেশি। তাই এই সময়টাই সাজেক ভ্রমণের জন্যে সবচেয়ে ভালো।

সাজেক যাবার উপায়

সাজেকের অবস্থান রাঙামাটি জেলায় হলেও খাগড়াছড়ি জেলার দীঘিনালা হয়ে সাজেক যাতায়াত অনেক সহজ। তাই প্রথমেই আপনাকে খাগড়াছড়ি আসতে হবে। ঢাকা থেকে খাগড়াছড়ি যেতে চাইলে হানিফ এন্টারপ্রাইজ, সৌদিয়া, সেন্টমার্টিন হুন্দাই, ইম্পেরিয়াল এক্সপ্রেস, দেশ ট্রাভেলস, শ্যামলী, শান্তি পরিবহন, এস আলম, ঈগল ইত্যাদি বাসে করে যেতে পারবেন। নন এসি এইসব বাস ভাড়া ৭৫০-৮৫০ টাকা। এসি বাসে যেতে চাইলে সেন্টমার্টিন হুন্দাই রবি এক্সপ্রেস, হানিফ এন্টারপ্রাইজ, রিলাক্স ট্রান্সপোর্ট, শ্যামলী, দেশ ট্র্যাভেলস, ইকোনো সার্ভিস ১০০০ থেকে ১৬০০ টাকা ভাড়ায় যেতে পারবেন। আর বাসগুলো সাধারণত রাত ১০ টার মধ্যে খাগড়াছড়ির উদ্দেশ্যে ছেড়ে যায়। এছাড়া শান্তি পরিবহন বাস সরাসরি দীঘিনালা যায়, ভাড়া ৭০০ টাকা। ঢাকায় গাবতলী, কলাবাগানসহ শহরের বিভিন্ন প্রান্তে রয়েছে এইসব পরিবহণের কাউন্টার। ছুটির দিন গুলোতে যেতে চাইলে আগে থেকেই টিকেট কেটে রাখা ভালো নয়তো পড়ে টিকেট পেতে ঝামেলা পোহাতে হতে পারে।

খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে সাজেক এর দূরত্ব প্রায় ৭০ কিলোমিটার। খাগড়াছড়ি শহরের শাপলা চত্বরের কাছ থেকে জীপগাড়ি/চাঁন্দের গাড়ি রিজার্ভ নিয়ে সাজেক ভ্যালি ঘুরে আসতে পারবেন। যাওয়া আসা সহ দুইদিনের জন্যে ভাড়া নিবে ৯,০০০-১০,৫০০ টাকা। এক গাড়িতে করে ১২-১৫ জন যেতে পারবেন। তবে লোক কম থাকলে অন্য কোন ছোট গ্রুপের সাথে কথা বলে শেয়ার করে গাড়ি নিলে খরচ কম হবে। যদি তা সম্ভব না হয় তাহলে সিএনজি দিয়ে সাজেক যেতে পারবেন। রিজার্ভ ভাড়া লাগবে ৪০০০-৫০০০ টাকা। তবে পাহাড়ি উঁচু নিচু রাস্তা বলে সিএনজি দিয়ে ভ্রমণ না করাই ভালো।

জীপ সমিতি ও পার্বত্য যানবাহন মালিক কল্যান সমিতি কর্তৃক খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে সাজেক যাওয়ার ভাড়ার তালিকা

এছাড়া আপনি যদি একা বা ২-৩ জন হন তাহলে খাগড়াছড়ি শাপলা চত্ত্বর থেকে অনেক গ্রুপ পাওয়া যায়, সেখানে অন্য গ্রুপের সাথে কথা বলে তাদের সাথে শেয়ার করে যেতে পারবেন অথবা জিপ সমিতির অফিসে গেলে ওরা ম্যানেজ করে দিবে অন্য কোন গ্রুপের সাথে।

এছাড়া খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে দিঘীনালায় গিয়ে সেখান থেকে সাজেক যেতে পারবেন। খাগড়াছড়ি থেকে দীঘিনালার দূরত্ব ২০ কিলোমিটার। খগড়াছড়ি থেকে দীঘিনালা বাস ভাড়া ৪৫ টাকা, মোটর সাইকেল জনপ্রতি ভাড়া ১০০ টাকা। আবার চাইলে মোটরসাইকেল রিজার্ভ করে সাজেক ঘুরে আসা যায়। যে কোন গাড়ি ঠিক করার আগে কি দেখবেন, কি করবেন এইসব ভালো মত কথা বলে নিবেন।

তবে আপনাকে অবশ্যই মাথায় রাখতে হবে, যেভাবেই যান আপনাকে দিঘীনালায় ৯টা থেকে ৯টা ৩০ মিনিটের মধ্যে পৌঁছাতে হবে। দিঘীনালা থেকে বাকি রাস্তা নিরাপত্তার জন্যে আপনাকে সেনাবাহীনির এসকোর্টে যেতে হবে। সেনাবাহিনীর এসকোর্ট দিনে দুইবার পাওয়া যায়। সকাল ৯ টা ৩০ মিনিটে একবার, আবার ২ টা ৩০ মিনিটে আরেকবার। সকালের এসকোর্ট মিস করলে আপনাকে বিকেল পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা করতে হবে, আর বিকেলের টা মিস করলে আপনাকে পরের দিন পর্যন্ত অপেক্ষা করতে হবে। এসকোর্ট ছাড়া যাবার অনুমতি পাবেন না। দিঘীনালা পৌঁছে হাতে সময় থাকলে হাজাছড়া ঝর্ণা ঘুরে দেখে আসতে পারবেন।

দিঘীনালা থেকে যাবার পথে বাগাইহাট, মাচালং বাজার, তারপর রুইলুই পাড়া হয়ে পৌঁছে যাবেন সাজেকে। খাগড়াছড়ি শহর থেকে সাজেক যেতে সময় লাগবে দুই থেকে তিন ঘন্টা। এই সময় আঁকাবাঁকা উঁচু নিচু পাহাড়ি রাস্তা ধরে চলার সময়টুকু আপনার জন্যে স্মরণীয় হয়ে থাকবে। চারদিকে সারি সারি পাহাড় আর সবুজের সমারোহ আপনাকে ভুলিয়ে দেবে পথের সব ক্লান্তি।

চট্রগ্রাম থেকে সাজেক ভ্রমণ : চট্রগ্রাম থেকে খাগড়াছড়ি বা দিঘীনালা হয়ে সাজেক যেতে পারবেন। চট্রগ্রামের কদমতলী থেকে বিআরটিসি এসি বাস সারাদিনে ৪টি বাস চলাচল করে, ভাড়া ২০০টাকা । এছাড়া অক্সিজেন মোড় থেকে ১ ঘণ্টা পর পর শান্তি পরিবহনের (ভাড়া ১৯০টাকা) বাস চলাচল করে। চট্রগ্রাম থেকে বাসে করে খাগড়াছড়ি যেতে সময় লাগবে ৪-৫ ঘন্টা।

রাঙ্গামাটি থেকে সাজেক ভ্রমণ : রাঙ্গামাটি থেকে নৌপথ এবং সড়কপথ উভয়ভাবেই বাঘাইছড়ি যাওয়া যায়। রিজার্ভ বাজার লঞ্চঘাট থেকে প্রতিদিন সকাল ৭ টা ৩০ থেকে ১০টা ৩০ এর মধ্যে লঞ্চ ছাড়ে যেতে সময় লাগে ৫-৬ ঘন্টা। জনপ্রতি ভাড়া ১৫০-২৫০ টাকা। রাঙ্গামাটি বাস টার্মিনাল থেকে সকাল ৭ টা ৩০ থেকে ৮ টা ৩০ ঘটিকার মধ্যে বাস ছাড়ে, জনপ্রতি ভাড়া নেয় ২০০ টাকা। সময় লাগে ৬-৭ ঘন্টা। এছাড়াও ঢাকা ও চট্টগ্রাম থেকেও সরাসরি বাঘাইছড়ি যাওয়া সম্ভব। বাঘাইছড়ি থেকে জীপ (চাদেঁর গাড়ি) অথবা মোটর সাইকেলে সাজেক ভ্যালীতে পৌঁছানো যায় এতে জনপ্রতি ভাড়া লাগে ৩০০/-টাকা।

কক্সবাজার থেকে সাজেক ভ্রমণ: কক্সবাজার থেকে খাগড়াছড়ি হয়ে সাজেক যাওয়া যায়। শান্তি পরিবহনের বাস কক্সবাজার – খাগড়াছড়ি রুটে চলাচল করে। কক্সবাজার থেকে রাত ৯ টা ও ১০টায় বাস খাগড়াছড়ির উদ্দ্যেশে ছেড়ে যায়, নন এসি এই বাসের ভাড়া ৫৫০ টাকা।

কোথায় থাকবেন

সাজেকে থাকার জন্যে প্রায় শতাধিক রিসোর্ট ও কটেজ আছে। এক রাতের জন্যে রুম নিতে রিসোর্ট ভেদে ১৫০০ টাকা থেকে ১৫,০০০ টাকা পর্যন্ত ভাড়া লাগবে। ছুটির দিনে যেতে চাইলে মাসখানেক আগে থেকেই বুকিং দিয়ে রাখা ভালো, নয়তো ভালো রুম পাবার নিশ্চিয়তা কম। আর কম দামে থাকতে চাইলে আদিবাসী কটেজ গুলোতে থাকতে পারেন। এছাড়া বর্তমানে পরিবেশের সাথে খাপ খাইয়ে নতুন নতুন অনেক কটেজ হয়েছে। সাজেকের সব কটেজ থেকেই মোটামুটি সুন্দর ভিউ পাওয়া যায়।

সাজেকের রিসোর্ট ও কটেজ

সাজেক রিসোর্ট (Sajek Resort) : বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী পরিচালিত রিসোর্ট সাজেক রিসোর্ট। নন এসি রুম গুলোর ভাড়া ১০,০০০ – ১৫,০০০ টাকা। আছে খাবারে ব্যবস্থা। সেনাবাহিনিতে কর্মরত বা প্রথম শ্রেনীর সরকারি কর্মকর্তাদের জন্যে ডিসকাউন্ট রয়েছে। যোগাযোগ করতে পারেন এই নাম্বারেঃ 01859-025694 / 01847-070395 / 01769-302370

রুন্ময় রিসোর্ট (Runmoy Resort) : মোট ৫ টি রুম আছে। প্রতিটি কক্ষে ২ জন থাকতে পারবেন। নিচ তলার রুম ভাড়া ৪৪৫০ টাকা। প্রতিটি কক্ষে ২ জন থাকতে পারবেন। ৬০০ টাকা দিয়ে অতিরিক্ত বেড নিতে পারবেন। উপরের তলায় দুইটি কক্ষ আছে ভাড়া ৪৯৫০ টাকা। প্রতিটি কক্ষে দুই জন থাকতে পারবেন। এটাতেও ৬০০ টাকা দিয়ে অতিরিক্ত বেড নিতে পারবেন। যোগাযোগ: 0186547688

মেঘপুঞ্জি রিসোর্ট (Meghpunji Resort) : সুন্দর ইকো ডেকোরেশনের ও আকর্ষণীয় ল্যান্ডস্কেপিক ভিউ সহ মেঘপুঞ্জিতে আছে ৪টি কটেজ, প্রতিটি কটেজে সর্বোচ্চ ৪ জন থাকা যাবে। ভাড়া ৪০০০-৪৫০০ টাকা। যোগাযোগঃ 01815-761065, ফেসবুক পেইজ ।

রিসোর্ট রুংরাং (Resort RungRang) : সাজেকের বেস্ট রিসোর্ট গুলোর একটি রিসোর্ট রুংরাং। রিসোর্টে বসেই দিগন্তজোড়া সারি সারি পাহাড় এবং মেঘের উড়োউড়ি দেখার জন্য আদর্শ। নান্দ্যনিক ইন্টেরিয়র ডিজাইনে সাজানো এই রিসোর্টে আছে ৪টি ডাবল এবং ৪টি কাপল রুম। ছুটির দিনে ডাবল বেড রুম ভাড়া ৩৫০০ টাকা এবং কাপল ২৮০০ টাকা। অন্য সকল দিনে ডাবল বেড রুম ভাড়া ২৮০০ এবং কাপল ২০০০ টাকা। বুকিং এর জন্যে যোগাযোগ নাম্বার: 01884-710 723 , 01869-649 817

ম্যাডভেঞ্চার রিসোর্ট (Madventure Resort) : রিসোর্টের প্রতি তলায় আছে প্রশস্ত বারান্দা। ২৪ ঘন্টা ইলেকট্রিসিটি ও পানির ব্যবস্থা আছে। ম্যাডভেঞ্চার রিসোর্টে প্রিমিয়াম কাপল রুম ভাড়া ৪০০০ টাকা, কাপল ক্লাসিক রুম ভাড়া ৩৫০০ টাকা এবং ডাবল ক্লাসিক রুম ভাড়া ৩৫০০ টাকা।  যোগাযোগঃ 01885-424242,  ফেসবুক পেইজ ।

মেঘ মাচাং (Megh Machang) : সুন্দর ভিউ ও তুলনামূলক কম খরচে থাকার জন্যে মেঘ মাচাং রিসোর্ট অনেকের পছন্দ। আছে খাওয়া দাওয়ার ব্যবস্থা। মেঘ মাচাং-এ পাঁচটি কটেজ আছে । ভাড়া ৩৫০০-৪৫০০ টাকা। যোগাযোগঃ 01822-168877, ফেসবুক পেইজ ।

জুমঘর ইকো রিসোর্ট (Jumghor Eco Resort) : থাকার জন্যে এই রিসোর্টে পৃথক কটেজে মোট ৬টি কাপল রুম রয়েছে। প্রতিটি রুমে সর্বোচ্চ ৪ থাকার ব্যবস্থা আছে। কটেজ প্রতি ভাড়া ৪০০০ টাকা। যোগাযোগঃ 01884-208060, ফেসবুক পেইজ ।

লুসাই কটেজ (TGB Lushai Cottage) : সুন্দর ডেকোরেশন ও ভালো ল্যান্ডস্কেপিক ভিউয়ের টিজিবি লুসাই কটেজে কাপল, ফ্যামিলি কিংবা গ্রুপের জন্য বিভিন্ন ক্যাটাগরির কক্ষ রয়েছে। এসব রুমের ভাড়া ২৫০০ টাকা থেকে ৪৫০০ টাকা। যোগাযোগঃ 01634-198005, ফেসবুক পেইজ ।

আলো রিসোর্ট (Alo Resort) : সাজেকের একটু আগে রুইলুই পাড়ায়। ৬ টি রুমের মধ্যে ডাবল রুম ৪ টি (২টি বেড)। ভাড়া ১০০০-১৫০০ টাকা। যোগাযোগঃ 01841-000645, ফেসবুক পেইজ।

আদিবাসী ঘর: এ ছাড়া আরও কম খরচে থাকতে চাইলে আদিবাসিদের ঘরেও থাকতে পারবেন। জনপ্রতি ১৫০-৩০০ টাকায় থাকা যাবে। ফ্যামিলি বা কাপল থাকার জন্যে আদর্শ না হলেও বন্ধু বান্ধব মিলে একসাথে থাকা যাবে।

আরও পড়ুন : সাজেকের সকল রিসোর্টের তথ্য গাইড

সাজেক এর খাওয়া দাওয়া

সব রিসোর্টে খাবার ব্যবস্থা আছে তাই আগেই রিসোর্টগুলোতে বলে রাখলে পছন্দমত রান্না করে দিবে সেক্ষেত্রে প্রতিবেলা প্রতিজন ১০০-২৫০ টাকা পর্যন্ত খরচ হতে পারে আর মেনু হিসেবে পাবেন ভাত আলুভর্তা, মুরগীর মাংস ইত্যাদি। চাইলে রাতে বার বি কিউও করতে পারবেন। এছাড়া আদিবাসী ঘরেও খাওয়া যায়, আগে থেকেই বলে রাখতে হবে কি খাবেন, তাহলে রান্না করে দিবে। সাজেকে খুব সস্তায় পেঁপে, আনারস, কলা ইত্যাদি ফল পাবেন চেখে দেখতে ভুল করবেন না।

সাজেক ভ্রমণ টিপস

  • সাজেকে অনেক জায়গায় বিদুৎ নেই, সোলার পাওয়ার ব্যবস্থা আছে। সাথে করে পাওয়ার ব্যাংক রাখতে পারেন।
  • সাজেকে শুধুমাত্র রবি, এয়ারটেল ও টেলিটক এর নেটওয়ার্ক ভালো পাওয়া যায়।
  • সাজেক যাবার পথ অনেক আঁকাবাঁকা ও উঁচু নিচু, তাই এই পথ বিপদজনক। জীপের ছাঁদে ভ্রমনে সতর্ক থাকুন।
  • সাজেক যেতে গাইডের প্রয়োজন হয় না।
  • আদিবাসীদের ছবি তোলার ক্ষেত্রে তাদের অনুমতি নিয়ে নিন। অনুমতি ছাড়া ছবি তুলবেন না।
  • আদিবাসী মানুষজন সহজ সরল তাদের সাথে ভদ্র ব্যবহার করুন ও তাদের কালচারের প্রতি সম্মান দেখান।
  • ছুটির দিনে গেলে ঝামেলা এড়াতে আগে থেকেই (মাস খানেক) রুম বুকিং দিয়ে রাখুন।
  • যাবার পথে কয়েক জায়গায় নিরাপত্তা বাহিনীর ক্যাম্প আছে। সেখানে ভ্রমণকারী সদস্যদের কিছু তথ্য জমা দিতে হয়। নিরাপত্তার সার্থে তাদের সহযোগিতা করুন। সাথে করে নিজের জাতীয় পরিচয় পত্রের কপি রাখুন।
  • দুই তিন দিনের জন্যে গেলে গাড়ি বসিয়ে না রেখে, শুধু যাবার জন্যে গাড়ি ঠিক করুন, ফিরে আসার সময় অন্য কোন গাড়িতে আসুন কিংবা দিঘীনালা থেকে ফোন করে গাড়ি পাঠিয়ে ফেরত আসতে পারবেন।

ফিচার ইমেজ : আব্দুল মোমিন/উইকিমিডিয়া

ভ্রমণ সংক্রান্ত যে কোন তথ্য ও আপডেট জানতে ফলো করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এবং জয়েন করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে ।

ম্যাপে সাজেক ভ্যালি

শেয়ার করুন সবার সাথে.



Sajek Valley Tour- Cost, How to go, Where To stay

Sajek valley tour.

Sajek Valley is called the Kingdom of Clouds. Sajek is the beautiful creation of the creator. It belongs to the Sajek Union of Baghaichhari Upazila of Rangamati District, Bangladesh. Sajek Valley is 1800 feet above ground level. There are three colonies in Sajek. They are Ruilui, Hamari, and Konglak respectively. Sajek’s most attractive things are its clouds. The road of Sajek is more than a rollercoaster. You will be amazed to see such beautiful resorts or cottages in the mountains above thousands of feet!

Best time to visit Sajek –

You can visit Sajek at any time of the year. Sajek has its own beauty in each season. But if you want to see clouds, you can go between July and November . But I went to Sajek 2 times. November and January. I didn’t get any clouds in the month of January. But I got such a beautiful view of the sky that cannot be expressed in words.

How to Sajek Valley-

Even though Sajek is in the Rangamati district, it has to travel through Khagrachari. This route is more accessible.

Khagrachari bus comes directly from Dhaka. Buses leave for Khagrachari from any bus stop in Dhaka like Kolabagan, Sayedabad, Gabtoli, or Kolyanpur. Non AC fare- 900 to 1000 taka and AC bus fare- 1000 to 1600 taka. It will take 7-8 hours to reach Khagrachari. (Buy Dhaka to Khagrachari bus ticket online) You can get down at Shapla Chottor of Khagrachari . Take your breakfast and then reserve a CNG, Tourist car, jeep, or motorbike from Shapla chottor. You should reserve a tourist car for 12 people, a Jeep for 14-16 people, and CNG for 3 people. However, the driver will have to pay extra if there are more than 12 people in the jeep.

Khagrachari to Sajek up-down trip fare-

Tourist car – 5100 Tk

Mahendra/Jeep- 5400 Tk

CNG- 3000 Tk

Cost from Khagrachari to Sajek (1 night)-

Tourist car-6600 Tk

Jeep – 7700 Tk

CNG- 3900 Tk

(1-night stay in Sajek) +cost of Khagrachari to Sajek + visit to other places of Khagrachari 

Tourist Car- 8100 tk

Jeep-9700 tk

Stay 2 nights +fare from Khagrachari to Sajek cost-

Tourist car-8600 tk

Jeep-10500 tk

CNG-4900 Tk

Cost from Khagrachari to Sajek (2 nights)+ visit to other places of Khagrachari

Tourist car – 11500 tk

Jeep-12500 tk

CNG- 5900 Tk

If you come from Khagrachari via Dighinala and go to Sajek, the fare will be less than 1000 Tk. This fare for traveling to Sajek is fairly fixed. But in-season and off-season may vary the fare. However, off-day fares are higher than on other days. From Dighinala or Shapla Chottor, you have to go directly to Baghaihat Army Camp . After entering your name there, you have to leave for Sajek. So to go to Sajek you must be at the army camp between 10 am and 2:30 pm. It takes quite a bit of time to enter the name here. At this time you will see some fruit shops around. Different types of fruits are available like hills banana, papaya, plum, coconut, sugarcane, pineapple, grapefruit, etc.

Sajek Valley Resort –

There is no shortage of resorts in Sajek . According to the quality, the rent of each resort is different. But definitely stay overnight at a resort with a good view. We stayed in a room with a balcony at Hotel Paradise. However, if you have a resort of your own choice, book it in advance. Check the resort environment and facilities before booking the room.

Sajek Valley Food Hotels-

Sajek has many hotels and restaurants. You can choose your preferred package. But you have to order at least 1 hour before eating. You can’t get food in Sajek Valley without an order. Must try indigenous items of Sajek. We really liked the traditional Spicy meat paste, hill chicken curry, and bamboo chicken . But don’t forget to check the food quality of the hotel before ordering food. You have to buy water here. And the price is a bit high, but it’s normal in hilly areas.

What to see in Sajek Valley-

1) Ruilui village – Mainly tourists come to visit this neighborhood. Sajek’s hotels, resorts, and parks are all included in this area.

2) Konglak Hill – The highest point of Sajek is Kanglak Hill. To go there, you have to trek for about 1 hour. The path is not so difficult, if you want, you can buy a bamboo stick for support. On the way up the hill, you will find two small shops. Where you can buy bananas, water, and cold drinks. Both sunset and sunrise are beautiful at Kanglak Hill. But if you want to see the sunrise, you must leave early in the morning, and it’s also very difficult to trek in the sun.

3) Kamalak waterfall – Kamalak waterfall is also known as Pidam Taisa or Sikkam Taisa . It takes 2-2.30 hours to reach this waterfall by trekking from Sajek Valley. It’s not easy to cross this trekking road to reach the waterfall. Must take a guide with you.

4) Sajek Helipad – Sajek Helipad is a famous place to watch the sunset. But if you want, you can also watch the sunrise. This place is best for chatting at sunset time with a cup of tea. The tribals have their own traditional food stalls here. You can try their bamboo tea.

5) Stone Garden – The entry fee is Tk 20. A small park. The park is beautifully designed with stones.

6) Jharbhoj Picnic Spot – This place is very beautiful. A beautiful view is available from here. There are various arrangements for entertainment inside. Entry fee- 20 rupees.

7) Lusai Village – One of my favorite places in Sajek is Lusai Village . The entrance fee for this village is 30 taka. A neat and clean little village. Their main objective is to show the history, tradition, culture, and lifestyle of the Lusai Tribals to the tourists. Here you can also take photos wearing Lusai traditional clothes. The Lusai house is made of straw and bamboo. If you want to have a closer look at the lifestyle of the Lusai, you can also stay overnight here. They have a small Tree resort. The rent of which will be 2000 taka per night. The most interesting thing I found was a shop without a shopkeeper. They display their products in the shop with price tags. If you want to buy anything, just take it and pay honestly. I like their idea.

*** Sajak’s Bamboo Chicken and Bamboo Tea are a must-try.

Also, on the way to or from Khagrachari, you can visit Dighinala Hanging Bridge, Hajachara Jharna, and Dighinala Forest Bihar. Also, after spending one night in Sajek, you can also visit Alu Tila Cave, Tareng, Hanging Bridge of Khagrachari the next day.

Budget-Friendly Tour Tips-

1) Try to avoid closing days. Off days are quite crowded so everything costs more.

2) Try to go in groups. This will reduce the cost of the tourist car or Jeep per person.

3) Where to go, what to see, and how many nights to stay, settle everything and the rent before hiring the tourist car/CNG/Bike/Jeep.

4) Check the item before eating and fix the price.

5) Check the quality of the resort and price before staying at the resort.

6) Come to Khagrachari by non-AC bus.

Warning for Sajek Valley Tour-

1) Carry the photocopy of the national identity card.

2) You have to be at the army camp between 10 am and 2:30 pm. Otherwise, You will not be able to enter Sajek.

3) Do not trek to Kamalak Springs without a guide. Weak, respiratory, and heart patients should not come for this trek. The trekking road is very slippery so wear a trekking shoe.

4) You will not get any other network except Robi and Teletalk SIM.

5) If you want to travel in Off day, must book a resort before coming.

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Bangladesh Travels and tours: cheap, budget travel with professional English local guides

Sajek Valley – Experience The Valley Of Clouds

The Bandarban District, situated in the southeast of Bangladesh, encompasses the southern part of the mountainous Chittagong Hill Tracts. The district, which is largely covered by forests and mountains, is home to the Bakkhali, Matamuhuri, and Shankha rivers. There is still debate about which of the mountains in the Bandarban district is the tallest mountain in Bangladesh: Keokradong in the southeast of the Upazila Ruma or the Mowdok Mual in the Upazila Thanchi.

We can find rainforests, deciduous forests, bamboo forests, ferns, and grasslands and find animals such as wild dogs, wild cats, elephants, leopards and over 600 bird species. The flora and fauna are similar to those found in neighboring Myanmar rather than India.

Agriculture is done by using slash-and-burn techniques, which, along with soil erosion caused by deforestation, are the primary drivers of landscape change. The majority of the local people consider themselves to be among the tribal population, collectively referred to as Jumma, although there is a large influx of Bengali immigrants. The Jumma consists of a diverse group of tribal people such as the Marma, Murong, Tripuri, Bawm, Tanchangya, Chakma, Chak,Khyang, Khumi, Lushei, Pankho, Ruma and Thanchi. Although muslims have a slim majority, Bandarban has a large number of Buddhists Christians and also traditional religions. 

In this tour we’ll discover the natural beauty and rich culture of the hill tribes in the east of Bangladesh. You’ll enjoy great views over the green mountains and will get introduced to several of the tribes living in the area. You’ll also get a great introduction to the rivers of the east, along which life is centered here. One of the highlights of your tour is a stay on our private house boat on Kaptai Lake, which can host up to 6 people over six beds!

Our journey will also take you to Sajek Valley, which is known as the Queen of Hills and The Roof of Rangamati. The valley is named after the Sajek River, which originates from the Karnafuli river. The river is a natural border between Bangladesh and India. Sajek Valley is one of the most scenic regions in Bangladesh and is surrounded by mountains, dense forest, grasslands and hills. The valley is crossed by many rivers, big and small, which cross the valley. In Sajek Valley we can find many ethnic minorities such as Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Pankua, Lushai and Sagma. A lot of economic activities are dominated by women which you’ll notice at the tea stalls and food joints along the roadside. You’ll also quickly notice how warm and welcoming the people in this area are. Some of the places we’ll visit: – Meghla – Nilgiri – Nilachol – Shoilo Propat Waterfall – Sorno Mondir Golden Temple Highlights of the tour  – Experience tribal lifestyle – Try local food – Enjoy chander gari ride on hilly roads – Houseboat experience – Alutila cave and hanging bridge expedition 

All transportation & meals included

Day 1: Dhaka to Bandarban

We’ll help you on board of the night coach from Dhaka, you’ll arrive around 6 am more or less 8 hours.

Day 2: Nilachol and Sorno Mondir

After breakfast and hotel check-in we’ll head to Meghla and at noon we’ll have a typical Bengali lunch, after which we’ll visit the Golden Temple. We’ll enjoy the sunset at Nilachol and will then stay overnight at a local hotel at Bandarban.  

Day 3 NIigiri, Shoilopropat and Chimbuk We’ll drive to Nilgiri in the very early morning, which is one of the most popular spots in Bandarban among locals, but still relatively unexplored by foreign tourists. We’ll have breakfast here and will then go to Chimbuk Hill and visit the Shoilo Propat Waterfall. We’ll have lunch on the way back to Bandarban and then continue our journey towards Rangamati, where we’ll check in to Rangamati Parjatan Hotel (or similar), followed by dinner.

Day 4: Experience Kaptai Lake By Houseboat

After boarding our house boat from Asambosti, breakfast or snacks will be served on board and off we go cruising towards Berannye Lakeshore cafe where we’ll enjoy kayaking and have traditional local lunch after which we’ll enjoy the beauty of the surrounding hill tracts. We’ll then head to the docking station at  Divine Lake Island Resort while enjoying sunset. You’ll spend the night on the house boat under a sky full of stars. 

Day 5: Kaptai Lake to Rangamati We’re starting our day having breakfast on the boat, enjoying the gentle tides of the water and the tranquil natural surroundings after which we’ll board on our speedboat and start cruising towards Shuvolong Waterfall. At noon we’ll have a traditional lunch (bamboo fish) at Chang Pang Restaurant which is located on an island in the middle of Kaptai Lake. After lunch, we’ll head to the Hanging Bridge of Rangamati and enjoy the sunset at Polwel Park. Tonight we’ll sleep at Parjatan Rangamati. 

Day 6: Journey to the valley

After an early breakfast we’ll go to our boat towards Longudu, where we’ll be in time for lunch. From there we’ll go by open jeep to Sajek Valley and will arrive mid afternoon. We’ll then continue to Bhagaichori and will drive the beautiful road to Sajek Valley and in the late afternoon we’ll check in at the hotel. We’ll have a magnificent sunset from the helipad of Sajek. We’ll spend the night at the Hill View Resort. 

Day 7: Konglak Pahar And Jharvhuj Park

Enjoy the early morning view of the clouds over the valley. We’ll have a nice hike today and will have traditional lunch. In the afternoon we’ll visit the highest point of the Valley: Konglok Para, where you’ll also get to see a tribal village, followed by a visit to Jharvhuj Park.

Day 8: Alutila Cave And Risang Waterfall

Visit of Kahgrachori town in the morning anf in the afternoon we’ll explore Alutila cave and the Risang waterfall. After dinner you’ll be brought to your coach for your way back to Dhaka. Day 9: Dhaka

Today you’ll arrive at the bus station at Dhaka, end of tour.


– Accommodation

– Houseboat experience 

– Overland transfers and coaches

– Tour Guide

– Entrance fees and activities 

– All meals

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Sajek Valley Travel Guideline 2024

  • Staff Editor
  • August 25, 2023

Sajek Valley Travel

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Sajek valley tour package : call 01766990725.

Who does not want to be lost in a white cloud-like cotton? Sajek Valley, currently the most popular destination for pilgrims/travelers, is located in the biggest union of Bangladesh, Baghaichari Upazila of Rangamati district. It is on the border of Mizoram in the north of Rangamati district. The north side of Sajek is Tripura, Langadu of Rangamati on the south, Mizoram of India on the east, Khagrachori Dighinala on the west. The height of Sajek Valley from sea level is 1800 feet. Though Sajek is located in the Rangamati district, it is very easy to travel from Dighinala to Khagrachari due to geographical reasons. Sajek is 70km away from Khagrachari district and 40 kilometers from Dighinala . If you want to go to Sajek, you will have to get permission from the Baghaihat Police or Army camp.

Sajek Valley Group or Family Tour: Call 01766990725

Sajek is the biggest union of Bangladesh, whose size is 702 square miles. The area is formed with the combination of Sajek Ruiluipara and Konglak Para. Established in 1885, the height of the Ruiluipara is approximately 1720 feet from the sea level and the height of the Konglakpara from the sea level is approximately 1800 feet. Mainly, Sajek is the living place of indigenous people, including Lusai, Pankhwa, and Tripura. The banana and orange of Sajek are very famous. Many parts of Rangamati are seen from Sajek Valley. So, the Sajek valley is called the roof of Rangamati.

The attractive places of Sajek:

In Sajek, the beautiful mountain in a row, the valley of clouds like white cotton will surely fascinate you. Sajek is a wonderful place surrounded by three types of nature. Sometimes, it is very hot, or it will probably be wet in the rain, and unexpectedly, a thick fog will be covered in the twinkling of the white clouds. The Sajek Valley Tour is the ideal to watch the fluttering hilly clouds like natural landscapes and cotton.

See Also: Top 15 Waterfalls In Bangladesh.

Konglak Hill is a major attraction for tourists who are visiting Sajek. Konglak, the last village of Sajek Valley, is the area inhabited by the Lusai community. From the Konglak Hills, you can watch the origins of the Karnafuli River, the Lusai Hills of India. If you want to trek through Ruului Para for two hours, you can enjoy the Kamalak fountain. This beautiful fountain is also known to many people as Padaam Toisha Jharna or Sikam Toisha Jharna.

Day or night Sajek is like an awesome art painted by an artist, with the passes of time, Sajek is not old. If you go to Sajek, don’t miss the dawn. The white clouds and the sunrise/sunset light create an amazing environment. To see the sunrise, you have to go to Hollypad early in the morning. In the afternoon, the color of the sunset from a high land will make you seduced. And after the evening, the billions of stars in the sky will shine, and your life will shake you. If the sky is clean, you may watch the Milky Way or the galaxy. You can look around and live the life of indigenous people. It will give you unforgettable feelings by getting the touch of those simple people. And when there is a time in your hands when returning from Sajek Valley, you can watch the Hazachara Jhorna, Dighinala hanging bridge, and Dighinala Banbihar.

Perfect Time To Visit Sajek Valley:

Sajek is beautiful in all the seasons. According to the seasons, it gets a new color that is attractive and exceptional. So, it is no matter if you are going in the Summer or Winter, you will get a new taste of Sajek. But in the Rainy, Autumn, and Late autumn, you will feel the white clouds very closely. So, it is considered as the best time to visit Sajek Valley. There is no problem if you go another time to travel to Sajek.

Read More: Jadipai Waterfall Bandarban.

How To Go To Sajek:

Dhaka To Khagrachari (Sajek)

Though Sajek is located in the Rangamati district, it is much easier to travel with Dighinalala of Khagrachari district. So first you have to come to Khagrachari. If you want to go to Khagrachari from Dhaka, you can go by Saudia Paribahan, Shyamoli, Shanti Paribahan, S. Alam, Eagle, etc. on the bus. It will cost you nearly BDT 520 in the non-AC bus. If you want to go to the AC bus, you will find BRTC or Saint Martin Paribahan with BDT 700 to 900. Besides, the Shanti Paribahan goes directly to Dighinala and it takes only BDT 580. There are counters of these buses at various points of the city, including Gabtali and Kalabagan in Dhaka. If you want to go on holiday, it may be difficult to get a ticket if you don’t buy a ticket before.

Khagrachari To Sajek

The distance between Khagrachari and Sajek is about 70 km. You can visit Sajek Valley by reserving a Jeep Gari/Chander Gari from Khagrachari. It will cost you BDT 8000 to 10000 with the return fare. It is perfect for 12 to 15 people. But if you are in a small group, then join with another group to reduce the cost. If it is not possible to find any other group, then you can take CNG. It will cost you BDT from 4000 to 5000. However, it is better not to travel by CNG as the road is very wavy.

Besides, if you are alone or only 2-3, then many groups are available from the Khagrachari Shapla Chattor, where you can talk to other groups or share your incidents with the Zip Association office. They will manage another group for you.

Apart from you can visit Sajek by going from Khagrachari to Dighinala first. It is 23km from Khagrachari to Dighinala. It takes BDT 45 on the bus and BDT 100 per person on a motorcycle. You can also reserve a motorcycle to travel to Sajek. Before hiring any car/bike, discuss in details about what would you do and what to look.

It is important to realize that you must keep in mind, as you go, that you must reach Dighinala before 10 am. You will have to go to the army’s escort for the safety of the rest of the road from Dighinala. The army escorts are available twice a day. Once in the morning at 10 am and again in the afternoon. If you miss the morning escort, you have to wait until the afternoon, if you miss the afternoon, you will have to wait till the next day. Without the escort, you will not get permission to leave. When you reach Dighinala, you can visit Hazagarh Jhorna if you have time to hand.

  • Check also about Amiakhum WaterFall Bandarban.

On the way from Dighinala to Sajek, you will cross Bagaihat, Machalong Bazar, and then Ruilui Bazar. It will take two to three hours to go from Khagrachari city to Sajek. The rows of hills and green skyline will make you forget all the tiredness of the road.

Chittagong To Sajek: 

You can go to Khagrachari or Dighinala for Sajek from Chittagong. Daily 4 BTRC AC Bus left Kadamtoli, Chittagong, for Khargrachari. Besides, from the Oxyzen Mor of Chittagong, the buses of Shanti Paribahan go to Chittagong every 1 hour. It takes 4 to 5 hours to go from Chittagong to Khagrachari.

  • Read More About Nilachal Bandarban (Parjatan Center).

Rangamati To Sajek: 

From Rangamati, both launches and buses left in the waterways and the roadways for Baghaichhari. The launches left from Reserve Bazar Ghat around 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM. It takes 4 to 5 hours. Besides, from Rangamati bus terminals, the buses leave between 7:30 am and 8:30 am. It takes 5 to 6 hours. Otherwise, it is also possible to go to Baghaichhari directly from Dhaka or Chittagong. From Baghaichhari, there are available Jeeps, Motorcycles, or Chander Garis to reach the Sajek Valley.

Where will you stay?

There are more than 40 resorts and indigenous cottages to stay the night in Sajek. If you want to go on holiday, it is better to have a booking earlier than a month to get a quality room. If you want to stay at a lower price, indigenous cottages can suit you. Besides, new cottages are being added considering the environment. All the cottages assure a fairly beautiful view of Sajek. Among the most popular resorts and cottages, we have made an efficient list, including Sajek Resort, Runmoy Resort, Megh Mechang, Jumghor Eco Resort, TGB Lushai Cottage, Meghpunji Resort, Resort Rungrang, Alo Resort, Affordable Cottages of Indigenous People.

What will you eat?

All the resorts have food arrangements, so if you say it in the resort before cooking, they will serve according to your preferences. It will cost you nearly BDT 100 to 200 for each meal. On the menu, you will find rice flour, chicken meat, etc. If you desire, you can arrange Bar-B-Q tonight. You can also eat in the houses of indigenous people. You have to tell them about your menu, and they will offer you the best food. The fruits, including Papaya, pineapple, and banana, are very cheap; don’t forget to taste them.

  • Read More About Dim Pahar Bandarban.

Tips for Traveling Sajek:

  • Before going to Sajek, ensure the booking of your room via phone call. It will help you avoid a hassle in the holidays or during the off-season.
  • There is no electricity in Sajek. Though there are options for Solar Charging, it takes longer to charge and is not easily available. Good options to keep Power Bank with you.
  • In Sajek, there are only available mobile networks including Robi, Airtel, and Teletalk networks.
  • The way to go to Sajek is very screwed and high, so this path is dangerous. Beware of traveling on the roof of the jeep.
  • In Sajek, it does not need to take the help of any guide.
  • Take permission for indigenous photographs. Do not take pictures without permission.
  • Indigenous people are very simple and honest. Always respect their lifestyle, beliefs, and culture.
  • There are security camps in some places on the way to Sajek. They need some information about travelers. Cooperate for your safety. Keep a copy of your national identity card.
  • Marayong Thong Bandarban.
  • If you want to stay more than two or three days, instead of keeping the car with you, just fix the car to go. Come back with another vehicle or return to Dighinala by renting another car.
  • It is a remote place and hilly areas, so keep necessary items and emergency medicine with you. Do throw any chips, packets or waste anywhere of the hilly areas, keep it in the right place. This is our pride, so it is our duty to keep it neat and clean.

Want to make a group or family tour in Sajek?

Sajek is a perfect place for a group or family tour. The beauty of this place will give you awesome feelings. At the same time, you can come back within a day by visiting here. Hopefully, you can go to Sajek within a tight budget. If you want to travel to Sajek safely and want to enjoy the place with more joy, Travel Mate can help you with arranging the tour.  Contact us for further details. Above all, you may add any missing information from the comment section. Happy Traveling. ♥

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Real Journey Travels

Sajek Tour Package 3 Nights and 2 Days: Your Ultimate Getaway Guide

Sajek Valley, known for its panoramic views and lofty mountains cloaked in dense fog, has become a magnetic point of interest for travelers seeking an escape into nature. Located in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, Sajek Valley offers a serene experience complemented by the rich cultural tapestry of the indigenous communities living there. The 3 Nights and 2 Days tour package to Sajek Valley is tailored for those aiming to immerse in the tranquility of the hills while exploring the local sights.

The package typically includes a comprehensive itinerary, covering transport from Dhaka to Khagrachari and then onto Sajek Valley itself, often using reserved local vehicles such as ‘Chander Gari’ for the hilly terrains. Accommodation is arranged in resorts or cottages that offer stunning views of the lush landscape and cloud-hugged peaks. Visitors are taken to key attractions like Konglak Para, Ruilui Para, Richang Waterfall, and the iconic Sajek Helipad, which provides a vantage point for breathtaking scenic vistas.

Planning Your Trip

Best time to visit, how to book your package, understanding package prices, what’s included in your tour package, travel essentials, transport options to sajek, accommodation details, preparing for the weather, sajek valley itinerary, day 1: arrival and exploration, day 2: adventure and sightseeing, local attractions, natural and historical sites, cultural and lifestyle exploration, food and dining, local cuisine options, dining experience at the resort, additional activities, evening entertainment, additional tour options, tips and suggestions, safety and comfort, managing personal expenses, leaving sajek valley, check-out process, returning to dhaka, contact and support, tour organizer contact information, online presence and resources, customer testimonials, more travel guides.

Amazing rice terraces views

When planning a 3-night, 2-day tour to Sajek Valley, consider the best time to visit, booking procedures, package prices, and what your tour package will include to ensure a well-organized and enjoyable trip.

The optimal period for a Sajek Valley tour is from October to April. During these months, the weather is favorable, with less rainfall and clear skies, allowing for stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

Booking a tour package can typically be done online through travel agency websites or by contacting local tour operators directly. Ensure you book with a reputable company that offers secure payment options and has good customer support.

Tour package prices can vary based on several factors including transportation (AC or non-AC bus), accommodation type, and the inclusion of any additional activities or services. Prices usually range from 5,500 BDT for non-AC bus packages to 6,500 BDT for AC bus options.

Deposits may be required to secure a booking, and some operators may offer payment plans or EMIs (Equated Monthly Installments) for more expensive packages.

A standard Sajek Valley tour package typically includes transportation, accommodations, and a guided tour of key sights such as Konglak Para, Ruilui Para, and Richang Waterfall. Additional services may be available for an extra fee. It is essential to review the inclusions carefully to understand what you are paying for.

Local traditional village in Sajek

For travelers planning a short trip to Sajek Valley, understanding the transport options, accommodations, and weather preparations are crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Accessing Sajek Valley from Dhaka typically involves a two-part journey: first reaching Khagrachhari by bus, then transferring to a local vehicle for the ascent into the valley.

  • AC Bus : Tickets can cost around 6500 BDT per person.
  • Non-AC Bus : A more economical option available for approximately 5500 BDT per person.
  • Jeep/CNG : Local transport, also known as ‘chander gari,’ facilitates transport from Khagrachhari to Sajek.
  • Costs and availability may vary; booking in advance is recommended.

Staying in Sajek Valley offers various options, including resorts and cottages, which often provide basic to comfortable amenities suitable for different budgets.

  • Resort RungRang and Runmoy Resort : Popular choices among visitors.
  • Rooms vary from standard to premium couple rooms , impacting the price.
  • Resort RungRang : Known for its scenic views.
  • Runmoy Resort : Offers good facilities for families and couples.

Sajek Valley, known for its fluctuating weather conditions, requires travelers to pack accordingly to ensure comfort throughout their journey.

  • Clothing : Lightweight clothing for the day and warm layers for the cool evenings.
  • Rain Gear : Umbrellas or raincoats are advisable due to unexpected showers.
  • Footwear : Durable shoes for trekking or exploring the hilly terrain.

Packing smart can greatly enhance the experience of the short but memorable 3 nights and 2 days Sajek tour package.

Sajek village on the mountain

The Sajek Valley itinerary ensures visitors experience the beauty and adventure of the region in a compact 3-night, 2-day package, covering key attractions such as Khagrachari, the hanging bridge, and Alutila Cave.

Visitors typically begin their journey with a nighttime departure from Dhaka, arriving early in Khagrachari town. After breakfast in Khagrachari, travelers proceed to Sajek Valley. The route requires an army escort for safety and traverses captivating landscapes. Upon reaching Sajek Valley, tourists settle in and have lunch.

Key activities for Day 1:

  • Breakfast at Khagrachari town
  • Journey to Sajek Valley with army escort
  • Check-in and lunch
  • Afternoon exploration of local sights like the hanging bridge and Helipad for breathtaking views.

The second day is filled with explorations and sightseeing. Adventures include visits to prominent landmarks and natural wonders.

  • Visit Alutila Cave for an exciting caving experience
  • Explore nearby ethnic villages and interact with locals
  • Sightseeing at Megh Machang for panoramic valley views
  • Leisure time for photography and relaxation at the Helipad

Visitors spend the night at their chosen accommodation, absorbing the tranquility of the valley.

Local sceneries in Sajek

Sajek Valley’s tour packages offer an extensive exploration of the region’s natural beauty and rich cultural tapestry. Visitors can look forward to an array of sightseeing options that span from cascading waterfalls to cultural encounters with indigenous communities.

Risang Waterfall: Known for its breathtaking cascade, Risang Waterfall is a must-visit for those seeking the tranquility of nature. The falls are not just a sight to behold but also offer a refreshing experience for those who might wish to take a dip in its cool waters.

Tareng: An oasis of biodiversity, Tareng is an elevated area with verdant landscapes. Hiking through Tareng allows travelers to immerse themselves in Sajek’s lush, green vistas.

Konglak Para and Ruilui Para: These hilltop communities provide a vantage point for panoramic views of the valley. One can witness the mesmerizing sunrise and sunset that transform the sky into a canvas of vibrant hues.

Stone Garden: A geological marvel, the Stone Garden showcases an impressive array of rock formations. Visitors can walk among the stones, some of which date back to the Old Stone Age, offering a tangible connection to the past.

Tribal Lifestyle: The indigenous groups of Sajek Valley offer a glimpse into their unique way of life. Observing their daily routines, from weaving to farming, can offer insightful perspectives on their harmonious existence with nature.

Travelers to Sajek Valley can anticipate an enriching journey that not only includes the embrace of untouched natural wonders but also provides an authentic encounter with the area’s long-standing cultural heritage.

Food and wine offering for Sajek tours

During a 3-night and 2-day Sajek Valley tour, travelers have ample opportunities to indulge in both local ethnic cuisine and a variety of dining experiences at their chosen resorts.

Sajek Valley offers a diverse range of local culinary delights that are sure to intrigue visitors. Bamboo chicken , known locally as Bansh Pora Murgi , is a unique dish that’s a must-try for meat lovers — chicken marinated and cooked inside bamboo stalks. Visitors can savor this alongside staples like rice and khichuri , a comforting rice and lentil dish. Breakfast options often include paratha , a flaky, buttery flatbread that pairs well with curries and tea. A traditional Bengali menu might also feature fresh river fish and vegetable curries, providing a broad taste of the region’s flavors.

Resorts in Sajek Valley typically cater to guests with an array of dining options. They often offer a fusion of local and international dishes. Many feature special BBQ dinners with a variety of grilled meats, seafood, and vegetables, allowing diners to enjoy their meals al fresco against the backdrop of the valley’s lush landscapes. The dining settings range from casual to more intimate settings, with an emphasis on using fresh, locally-sourced ingredients to give guests a genuine and memorable dining experience.

Sunrise over Sajek valley in Bangladesh

In the Sajek Valley 3 Nights and 2 Days Tour Package, travelers have ample opportunities to indulge in a variety of additional activities that enhance the travel experience. These range from evening entertainment to exploring more scenic spots in and around Sajek Valley.

After a day of explorations, one can unwind with evening entertainment options that are designed to complement the serene atmosphere of Sajek Valley. Guests often enjoy a bbq party under the starlit sky, accompanied by soft drinks to quench their thirst. The ambiance is often accentuated with fire torches that add a warm glow to the nocturnal festivities.

Sajek Valley is surrounded by attractions that can enrich the travel itinerary. Noteworthy additional tour options include:

  • Hanging Bridge : Visitors can take a stroll on the local hanging bridge, where they experience panoramic views of the valley and feel the thrill of suspension above the treetops.
  • Meghpunji : An excursion to Meghpunji offers a chance to witness the awe-inspiring sunrise and sunset amidst the clouds, a truly magical experience for nature lovers.
  • Horticulture Park : For those interested in flora, a visit to the horticulture park provides insight into the region’s botanical diversity, showcasing a range of indigenous plant species.

Each of these activities connects tourists more deeply with the natural and cultural fabric of Sajek Valley.

Amazing nature views and lush greeneries over Sajek Valley

When planning a Sajek Valley tour package that spans 3 nights and 2 days, travelers should prioritize their safety and comfort, as well as effectively manage their personal expenses. These elements are critical in ensuring a fulfilling experience amidst the clouds and serene landscapes of Sajek Valley.

Travelers should arrange local transport with reputable providers to ensure safety. Army check posts are present en route for additional security due to Sajek’s proximity to the borders. For comfort during the journey from Dhaka city to Sajek Valley, options for both air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned buses are available. Jeep travel is popular and can be bumpy; thus, it’s advisable to confirm with tour operators that vehicles are well-maintained.

  • Local Transport: Chander Gari (local jeeps) for traveling from Khagrachari to Sajek
  • Safety Measures: Check for army escort availability, often required for the last part of the journey

Personal expenses on a Sajek Valley tour can vary. Budgeting for local transport, food, and unexpected costs is wise. While some packages may include meals and transport, it’s prudent to have a contingency fund. Besides, travelers should carry cash as ATMs might be scarce beyond major towns.

  • Transport (Local & Return Journey)
  • Accommodation
  • Food & Beverages
  • Souvenirs and personal shopping

By having a clear understanding of the transport options and the security procedures, as well as a solid plan for managing costs, visitors can expect an enjoyable and hassle-free trip to Sajek Valley.

Long and winding roads over at Sajek Valley

When the journey in Sajek Valley concludes, visitors must coordinate their departure from the serenity of the mountains back to the bustling activity of Dhaka. The return involves a straightforward check-out from accommodations and a travel plan that accounts for the distances and transport options.

Accommodation check-out in Sajek Valley typically follows the standard time, often by 12:00 PM. Guests should confirm their bills, return room keys, and ensure personal belongings are packed. Documentation or receipts for stay should be kept handy as they may be required during the check-out. Lastly, communicating with local transportation should be arranged in advance to ensure timely departure.

The journey from Sajek Valley to Dhaka can be made by various modes of transport, with bus options being the most common.

  • AC Bus: Comfortable travel with amenities (recommended for long journeys)
  • Non-AC Bus: A more budget-friendly option with basic facilities
  • Local Transport: Local options such as ‘Chander Gari’ to reach bus terminals

Visitors should plan for approximately a 7 to 8-hour transit from Sajek to Dhaka, which includes travel to the bus terminal and the subsequent bus journey. For convenience, tickets should be booked in advance, considering both Dhaka to Sajek and the return leg to ensure a seat on the preferred bus service.

Vacation home in beautiful Sajek Valley

For those planning the Sajek Valley 3 Nights and 2 Days tour, dedicated support channels are provided by the tour organizer to ensure a smooth and well-informed travel experience.

Customer Service Hotline:

  • For immediate assistance: +880XXXXXXX (Available from 9 AM to 8 PM)

Email Support:

  • General Inquiries: [email protected]
  • Booking Support: [email protected]

Physical Office Address:

  • Example Tour Organizer, 123 Road Name, City, Country
  • To view packages and book online: ExampleTourOrganizer.com

Social Media:

  • Here, tourists can find the latest updates, travel tips, and customer reviews.

Support Resources:

  • FAQ Section: Easily accessible on the tour organizer’s website, offering answers to common questions.
  • Live Chat Function: Available on the website for real-time assistance during business hours.

Picturesque Sajek valley views

When should one book the Sajek Valley Tour Package? Bookings should be confirmed at least 2 days before the journey begins. It’s advisable to deposit 50% of the total amount for confirmation.

How are the bus seats and resort rooms allocated? Allocation is based on a first booked, first-served basis.

What is the best time to visit Sajek Valley? The optimal time for visiting Sajek Valley is from July to November, during which the clouds tend to be thick and low, enhancing the scenic experience.

What does the Sajek Valley Tour Package typically include?

  • Duration: 3 Nights and 2 Days
  • Locations Covered: Khagrachori, Sajek Valley, and nearby attractions
  • Scenic Sajek Valley
  • Local ethnic communities
  • Alutila Ghuha (cave)
  • Richang Waterfall
  • Bus transfers
  • Accommodation in an eco cottage
  • Sightseeing activities

What is the mode of transport within Sajek Valley? Jeep services known as ‘Chander Gari’ are commonly used for local transport within the valley.

Group of tourists who went to Sajek Valley

Customers who experienced the Sajek Valley 3 Nights and 2 Days Tour Package have shared their feedback on the services provided. Their insights reflect the quality and satisfaction level regarding the tour.

  • Jasmine T. noted the efficiency of the transportation arrangements saying, “The bus tickets and reserved Chander gari were timely and made travel hassle-free.”
  • David L. was impressed with the lodging , stating, “The accommodation at Sampari Resort provided comfort and a splendid view of the valley.”
  • Maya P. appreciated the itinerary , mentioning, “Visiting places like Alutila Cave and The Hanging Bridge enriched our experience.”
  • Alex Q. highlighted the customer support , “The tour guides were knowledgeable and very helpful throughout the trip.”

The feedback is summarized as follows:

This customer input indicates a positive response to the Sajek Valley Tour Package’s ability to provide an enjoyable and well-organized travel experience.

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Sajek Valley Tour 2024 | Sajek Tour

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Sajek Valley tour is one of the most beautiful and popular places in Bangladesh. It is located in Baghaichhari Upazila of Rangamati district, with an area of ​​702 square miles. It is a border area of ​​Tripura-Mizoram. Its height is 1800 feet above sea level. Although it is located in Rangamati district, it is very convenient to travel here from Khagrachari. Because, its distance from Khagrachari’s Dighinala is only 40 km. So the travel enthusiasts prefer to go to Sajek from Dighinala. All update information about of our  goroli  website. I hope our post most helpful for you. Because of the lack of water in Saje. But don’t worry. Water needed for bathing and other purposes is delivered to Sajeka by truck every day.

Table of Contents

Sajek Valley Tour cost

Although Sajek is located in Rangamati district, it is very easy to travel to Sajek via Dighinala in Khagrachari district. So first you have to come to Khagrachari. If you want to go to Khagrachari from Dhaka, you can take Hanif Enterprise, Saudia, Shyamli, Shanti Paribahan, S Alam, Eagle etc. buses. Non AC bus fare is Tk 620. If you want to go by AC bus, you can go to Saint Martin Hyundai Robi Express, Hanif Enterprise, Relax Transport, Shyamoli, Desh Travels, Econo Service for 1000 to 1500 Tk. And the buses usually leave for Khagrachari by 10 pm. Besides, Shanti Paribahan bus goes directly to Dighinala, the fare is Tk 680.

How to get from Dhaka to Sajek Valley

Shyamoli, Hanif, S Alam, Saudia and Shanti Paribahan buses ply on Khagrachari route from Dhaka. There are transport counters in different parts of Dhaka city including Gabtali, Kala Bagan. The bus leaves from Dhaka and reaches Khagrachari town via Chittagong Road via Comilla, Feni via Mirsrai of Chittagong. It takes about 8 hours.

Khagrachari to Sajek valley fare list

From Khagrachari you have to go to Saje in an open jeep, also known as Chander Garhi. follow the under table sajek valley fare list :

Travel to Sajek valley from Chittagong

Chittagong From you can go to Sajek via Khagrachari or Dighinala. BRTC AC bus from Kadmatoli of Chittagong runs 4 buses daily, fare is 2000 taka. Besides, Shanti Paribahan bus (fare 190 taka) runs every 1 hour from Oxygen Junction. It will take 4-5 hours to go from Chittagong to Khagrachari by bus.

Travel from Cox’s Bazar to Sajek valley tour

Sajek can be reached from Cox’s Bazar via Khagrachari. Shanti Paribahan buses ply on Cox’s Bazar – Khagrachari route. The bus leaves from Cox’s Bazar at 9 and 10 pm for Khagrachari, the fare of this non-AC bus is Tk 550.

Travel from Rangamati to Sajek

Baghaichari can be reached from Rangamati by both sea and road. The launch takes 5-6 hours from Reserve Bazar Launch Ghat every morning between 7:30 AM and 10:30 AM. Fare per person 150-250 taka. The bus departs from Rangamati Bus Terminal between 7:30 am and 8:30 am, the fare is Tk 200 per person. It takes 6-7 hours. It is also possible to go directly to Baghaichhari from Dhaka and Chittagong. Sajek Valley can be reached from Baghaichari by jeep (carriage) or motorbike at a fare of Rs.300/- per person.

where will you stay Sajek valley

There are more than a hundred resorts and cottages to stay in Sajeke valley . Depending on the resort, the rent for a room for one night will be from Tk 1500 to Tk 15,000. If you want to go on holidays, it is better to book a month in advance, otherwise there is less certainty of getting a good room. And if you want to stay at a lower price, you can stay in tribal cottages.

Sajek Valley Tour cost

Resort Rungrang :

Resort Rungrang is one of the best resorts in Sajek. The resort is ideal for watching the horizon line the mountains and the clouds fly by. The resort has 4 double and 4 couple rooms with elegant interior design. On holidays double bed room rent is 3500 taka and couple 2800 taka. All other days double bed room rent 2800 and couple 2000 taka. Contact Number for Booking: 01884-710 723, 01869-649 817

Sajek Resort

Bangladesh Army managed resort Sajek Resort. Non AC rooms are priced at Tk 10,000 – 15,000. Food is available. There is a discount for serving in the army or first class government officials. You can contact this number: 01859-025694 / 01847-070395 / 01769-302370

Runmoy Resort

There are 5 rooms in total. Each room can accommodate 2 persons. The ground floor room rent is Tk 4450. Each room can accommodate 2 persons. You can get an extra bed for 600 rupees. You can also buy an extra bed for 600 rupees. Contact: 0186547688

Meghpunji Resort

Meghpunji has 4 cottages with beautiful eco decoration and attractive landscape view, each cottage can accommodate maximum 4 persons. Rent 4000-4500 Tk. Contact: 01815-761065

Madventure Resort

The resort has spacious balconies on every floor. Madventure Resort premium couple room rent 4000 taka, couple classic room rent 3500 taka and double classic room rent 3500 taka. Contact: 01885-424242

Megh Machang

Megh Machang Resort is preferred by many for its beautiful view and relatively low cost. There are catering facilities. There are five cottages in Megh Machang. Rent 3500-4500 Tk. Contact: 01822-168877

Sajek Valley

Jumghar Eco Resort

For accommodation, this resort has a total of 6 couple rooms in separate cottages. Each room accommodates a maximum of 4 people. 4000 rupees per cottage. Contact: 01884-208060

Lusai Cottage

With beautiful decoration and good landscape view, TGB Lusai Cottage has different categories of rooms for couples, families or groups. The rent of these rooms is from Tk 2500 to Tk 4500. Contact: 01634-198005

Ruilui neighborhood just before Sajek. Out of 6 rooms, 4 are double rooms (2 beds). Rent 1000-1500 Tk. Contact: 01841-000645

Tribal houses

Apart from this, if you want to stay at a lower cost, you can also stay in tribal houses. You can stay for 150-300 rupees per person. Although not ideal for families or couples, friends can stay together.

  • There is no electricity in many places in Sajek, there is solar power system. You can also keep a power bank.
  • Only Robi, Airtel and Teletalk networks are available in Saje.
  • The road to Sajek is very winding and up and down, so this route is dangerous. Be careful when traveling in jeeps.
  • Sajek does not require a guide.
  • Take permission from indigenous people when photographing them. Do not take pictures without permission.
  • Be kind to the indigenous people and show respect for their culture.
  • Book a room in advance (a few months) to avoid hassles if you go on holidays.
  • There are security forces camps at several places on the way. Members traveling there have to submit certain information. Cooperate with them for safety. Keep a copy of your national identity card with you.
  • If you go for two or three days without leaving the car, just fix the car to go, come back in another car or call from Dighinala and send a car and come back.

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Tour De Sajek

Last updated on 05-Dec-2023 , By Shuvo

At 12:30 AM midnight of 8th November I picked up Saleh from Mohakhali bus stand and sent him home, yes he was a bit tired after a 9 hours bus journey from Rangpur but part of him was excited as within the space of 14 days we will tour again on the hill tracks of Bangladesh , this time Sajek a small village in Khagrachori, the small part that we missed on our last tour.

tour de sajek

Sajek is roughly 320 km from Dhaka so me (Source) , June vai and Saleh vai once again geared up for another tour on the hill of Bangladesh. We started our journey from Shantinagar at 7:15 AM in the morning, Saleh vai picked up Suvro’s vai Yamaha Fazer as unlike last time Saleh vai came in Dhaka without his bike, June vai was testing UM DSR Hypersports and me with Lifan KP150 new white edition.

saleh md hasan

Because of our delayed start we caught up with huge amount of traffic on the highway, gladly we crossed Comilla and had our breakfast at Highway INN. We move through that place and made our 3rd stop at Bariar hat.

By then we covered 180 km and we were chatting among ourselves that two weeks back we crossed the same place for an epic road trip alone with 6 other bikes, sadly we were missing them but it was time to move on. We took another break in a tea plantation on our way.

sajek valley bike tour

We reached Khagrachori and took the road to Sajek which was some 70 km from the city. The road is very good, unlike the road of Nilgiri the tarmac is fresh and don’t have any sand or dust on the corner or in the middle of the tarmac, but the biggest problem was that it was very bumpy.

All of us needed to make sure that the rear tires don’t have more than 30 PSI pressure. You need to cross some BGB camp and need to register your name on the army camp for security reason.

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We had snacks in one of the army canteens. The roads were different; there was a grip but lots of hill climbing. The final 8 km up to Sajek was the most challenging as you really needed to climb a huge gradient from the bottom of the hill you could see the top of the hotel which you needed to climb. It was epic scenery. Finally, we reached the Sajek at 4 pm.

sajek natural view

We eat some fresh fruits from the local market. We enjoyed the sun-set from the helipad and then we sat and had some tea from the army resort. We rented a room in ALO RESORT where we parked our bikes; our luggage’s and then went on the top of the hills to set up our tent for camping. It was a full moon and we enjoyed every single moment of that with the wind giving a small chill in our heart.

camping at sajek

Next morning we woke up by dawn at 4 AM and were busy taking pictures and were waiting for the sun to come out and cut through the clouds. The scene was majestic where you have the sun light coming behind the hills while the moon’s ray is dimming. Sometimes clouds come and cover the whole valley and you can’t see things just 50 meters in front of you.

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We spend hours around Sajek and at 10 AM in the morning left Sajek for Dhaka. On our way back me and Saleh found a small off road which leads to a iron bridge which was very old, as June vai was busy taking pictures we spent some time on it and took some pictures, it was beautiful to see small stream passing under you.

In the similar manner we came towards Dhaka, had lunch at Highway Inn. But we were hit with some tough luck as just 60 km from Dhaka we were caught up in a small storm and for the rain we took shelter in a petrol pump. Our bikes got all dirty by now but slowly and calmly we moved towards Dhaka and finally at 6 PM we were at Jatrabari flyover.

Things were over for all of us but Saleh needed to attend his office next day so he left Dhaka that night at 11 PM by bus. It was a epic road trip, a slight different from the one we did 2 weeks prior to this one.


• It is always better to keep the headlight ON while riding on Hill Tracks and come on every turning it helps to identify the opposing vehicles about you.

• There are some villages on the way to Sajek, so you need to ride carefully and make sure that you don’t hit any animals.

• Water is scare on hilly area at this time of the season so don’t pollute or waste any water.

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• There some army resort costing from 4000-10,000 BDT and you need to book the rooms from Dhaka.

• Most important of all, PLEASE put all your garbage’s in dustbin not on the roads or on the hills as it really harms the area.

• There are mosquitoes on these hill tracks so better take all the necessary medicines.

Published by Shuvo

About Shuvo

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Sajek Valley Tour Package

Sajek Valley Tour Package 4 night 3 Days

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Starts from TK. 13999|4 Night | 3 Days

   price valid till 10 sep 2024..

Witness the true beauty of Rangamati hill tracts in Sajek valley with this tour. The tour will begin & end in Khagrachari. Sajek Valley is located in Baghaichari Upazila of Rangamati district. It is 1,800 feet high from the sea level. If you want to go to Sajek, you will have to get permission from the Baghaihat Police or Army camp. The area is formed with the combination of Sajek Ruiluipara and Konglak Para. Sajek is the living place of indigenous people including Lusai, Pankhwa, and Tripura. This two-day tour to the serene Sajek valley will rejuvenate you throughout your vacation.

Package Inclusion

·            Round-trip private transportation (Khagrachari - Sajek - Khagrachari).

·          Accommodation in a resort.

·          All entry fees included.

·          Experienced driver/guide provided.

·          Breakfast, lunch, and dinner included for 3 days.

Package Exclusion

·        Bus transportation to/from Khagrachari included.

·          Personal expenses not included.

·          Personal medicine not included.

·          Insurance not included.

·         Anything that is not mentioned in the inclusions is not included.

Rooms will be allotted from the following Resorts only:

·          Gospel Resort

·          Meghchut Resort

·          Monoava Resort

·          Sajek Eco Valley Resort

·          Abakash Emanuel Resort

·          Chader Bari Resort

·          Megh Macchang Resort

·          Megh Kabbo Resort

·          Shampari Resort, Sajek

·           Breakfast: Paratha, Egg, Vegetables, Dal, Water, Tea.

·         Lunch menu: Plain rice, Alo Vorta, Chicken Curry (Deshi), Vegetables, Dal, Water.

·         Dinner: Chicken BBQ, Paratha, Soft drinks & water

·         Breakfast: Khichuri, Egg Curry, Salad, Water.

·         Lunch menu: Plain rice, Aloo Vorta, Bamboo Chicken (Deshi), Vegetables, Dal, Water.

·         Dinner: Chicken BBQ, Paratha, Soft drinks & water.

·         Lunch menu: Plain rice, Aloo Vorta, Chicken curry/ Duck Curry (Deshi), Vegetables, Dal, Water.

·         Dinner: Plain rice, Aloo Vorta, Bamboo Chicken (Deshi), Vegetables, Dal, Fish fry, Soft Drinks Water.

Travel Tips:

·          Carry a Robi/Teletalk Phone Sim.

·          Wear a hat/cap for sun protection.

·          Apply sunscreen lotion.

·          Use a water-resistant mobile cover.

·          Bring a power bank.

·          Pack bathing soap and personal sanitary items.

·          Carry a flashlight.

·          Pack appropriate personal clothing.

·          Bring a towel/Gamcha.

·          Wear sunglasses.

·          Don't forget to bring a hat.

·          Carry personal medicine.

·          Bring personal hygiene products.

·          Carry a camera with extra batteries.

·          Carry a copy of your NID card.

·          Pack dry food.

·          Use mosquito repellent lotion/cream.

Do's and Don'ts while on the tour

·          Don't drop anything in the water or the jungle; use the designated bins for trash disposal.

·          No smoking in the resort.

·          Be mindful of water and electricity usage.

·          Have meals on time for smooth management.

·          Keep an eye on your children.

·          Take care of your valuables.

·          Nariatravels or the tour operator will not be responsible for accidents, theft, loss, or damages.

·          Notify the tour operator in advance for any changes or cancellations.

·          Littering is strictly prohibited in the river, shore, and tourist spots.

·         Breakfast at the resort.

·         Depart from Khagrachari towards Sajek Valley.

·         Enjoy the scenic drive through the Rangamati hill tracts.

·         Arrive at Sajek Valley and check-in to the cottage.

·         Lunch at the cottage.

·         Visit Konglak Para and explore the local indigenous community.

·         Witness the stunning panoramic views of Sajek Valley.

·         Return to the cottage.

·         Dinner at the cottage.

·         Overnight stay in Sajek Valley.

·         Breakfast at the cottage.

·         Full day exploration of Sajek Valley.

·         Visit various viewpoints to capture the breathtaking landscapes.

·         Immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of the valley.

·         Enjoy nature walks and hikes in the surrounding areas.

·         Lunch at a local restaurant.

·         Continue exploring the beauty of Sajek Valley.

·         Free morning for leisure or optional activities.

·         Relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

·         Check-out from the cottage.

·         Depart from Sajek Valley towards Khagrachari.

·         Lunch at a local restaurant in Khagrachari.

·         Visit Alu Tilla and Horticulture Park OR Risang Waterfalls (Choose one based on preference).

·         Return to Khagrachari.

·         Dinner at a local restaurant.

·         Overnight stay in Khagrachari.

·         Breakfast at the hotel.

·         Check-out from the hotel.

·         Depart from Khagrachari for your onward journey.


                                                                              end of the tour, additional information.

·       All mentioned durations and activities are subject to change due to traffic conditions or other obstructions.

·       The journey time from Khagrachari to Sajek and Sajek to Khagrachari need to be followed strictly because both the journeys can be made only with army escort.


Copy of NID card

Economy Couple Package

This package can accommodate 2 travelers. For Khagrachari - Sajek round-trip transportation, the travelers will be accompanied by a reserved transportation. They will be provided with a couple room that has a balcony with a view of Bangladesh.

Economy Group Package

This package can accommodate 6-12 travelers. For Khagrachari - Sajek round-trip transportation, the travelers will be accompanied by a reserved Chander Gari (Jeep). They will be provided with rooms that have a balcony with a view of Bangladesh. The rooms have 1 double bed and 1 additional mattress/bed. Each room can accommodate 4 travelers.

Premium Group Package

This package can accommodate 6-12 travelers. For Khagrachari - Sajek round-trip transportation, the travelers will be accompanied by a reserved Chander Gari (Jeep). They will be provided with rooms that have a balcony with a view of Mizoram. The rooms have 1 double bed and 1 additional mattress/bed. Each room can accommodate 4 travelers.

Premium Couple Package

This package can accommodate 2 travelers. For Khagrachari - Sajek round-trip transportation, the travelers will be accompanied by a reserved vehicle. They will be provided with a couple room that has a balcony with a view of Mizoram.

What is the duration of the Sajek Valley Tour Package?

What is the starting and ending point of the tour, how high is sajek valley from sea level, do i need to obtain permission to visit sajek valley, what indigenous people live in sajek valley, what is included in the tour package, what is not included in the tour package, can i choose the resort for accommodation, are there any guidelines or rules to follow during the tour.


  • Sky View Trade Valley, (13th Floor),66/1 VIP Road Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
  • +8802-48322622-4
  • [email protected]
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Sky View Trade Vally, (13th Floor),66/1 VIP Road Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.

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sajek valley bike tour

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Green Belt

Green Belt Sajek Valley Tour

Sajek Valley Tour Package

Do you want to float like clouds right over the Mountains? We all cherish such moments. There are several tour organizer offer Sajek valley tour package. But Green Belt take pride in being the most female-friendly tour organizer in Bangladesh. Green Belt works with the family and corporate tours with the coziest environment and affordable budget. As a female-friendly tour organizer, we always look closely to our female traveler’s tiniest advantages and disadvantages. Also, Bangladesh’s top multinational and corporate houses depend on us for their tours due to our wholesome arrangement and professional services.

Sajek Valley Tour

❑  Date of Journey:

Tour 1: 1 April Tour 2: 8 April

❑ Place to visit: ⦿ Sajek Valley ⦿ Konglak Para ⦿ Ruilui Para ⦿ Richang Waterfall ⦿ Tareng ⦿ Stone Garden ⦿ Helipad ⦿ Alutila Cave ⦿ Hanging Bridge.

❑ Package Price: Per person 5500 BDT (Non AC Bus) Per person 6500 BDT (AC Bus)

Couple Packages:

Non Ac Bus + Standard Couple Room: 12000 BDT Non Ac Bus + Premium Couple Room: 13500 BDT Ac Bus + Standard Couple Room: 14000 BDT Ac Bus + Premium Couple Room: 15500 BDT

❑ Resort:  Resort RungRang or same quality eco resort for standard Package.

sajek valley tour package

গ্রিন বেল্ট সাজেক ট্যুরের একটি মুহুর্ত!

Sajek Valley Tour Plan

The first night we will start from Dhaka and reach Khagrachori in the next morning. After freshen up in the group rooms, we will have breakfast together.

After that, we will start for Sajek Valley in a Mahindra Jeep. Hopefully, we will check-in at the resort by midday. Then we will spend the whole day roaming around different spots in Sajek Valley.  At night, we will arrange a BBQ party in front of our own resort RungRang . It is mentionable that only Green Belt arranges the BBQ party by its own supervision in Sajek Valley among all agencies. Other agencies will purchase the BBQ dinner items from the restaurants.

The next day we will depart from Sajek Valley with the army escort and reach Khagrachori. We will visit Risang Jharna (waterfall), Alutila Cave, Tareng, and The Hanging Bridge near the town. Finally, you will get a group room in a comfortable hotel for freshening up and set for Dhaka by bus at night. This is our plan of Sajek Valley Tour Package.

Confirmation Deadline

You can confirm your booking at least 2 days before the journey starts. For Booking confirmation you have to deposit at least 50 percent of your total amount. The bus seats and resort rooms will be allotted on a first booked, first-serve basis.

❑ Food Menu: Breakfast: Parata, Egg, Vegetable & Tea (Day 1). Khichuri Egg, Mineral water (Day 2) Lunch: Rice, Bamboo Chicken, Vegetable, Bhorta, (Day 1). Special tribal menu with Mushroom & duck meat. (Day 2) Dinner: Bar-B-Q Chicken, Parata, Mineral Water (Day 1). Rice, Vegetable, Bharta, Beef/Chicken/ Fish (Day 2).

Including’s in Sajek Valley Tour Packages

⦿ Dhaka – Khagrachari – Dhaka Bus Tickets. ⦿ Sightseeing as per itinerary ⦿ Jeep Service for 2 Days. ⦿ Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. ⦿ Cottage accommodation. ⦿ Guide Service

Package Excludes

⦿ Personal Expenses. ⦿ Soft Drinks. ⦿ Any type Insurance. ⦿ Anything not mentioned above.

 Child Policy

⦿ Children under 3 years are out of cost. But they have to share seats with their guardians. ⦿ Children 4+ to 7 years will be charged accordingly. ⦿ Children above 7 years will be charged as adult.

Our Experience

Green Belt started its journey way back in 2016. Since then, we have grown from a small travel agency to the country’s most organized and travelers-friendly tour organizer. Until now, Green Belt has organized more than 1000 tours with grand success and fantastic travelers feedback.

Apart from the Sajek Valley tour package, we also organize tours in our country’s popular tourist spots. These destinations include Cox’s Bazar, Saint Martin , Rangamati, Sylhet , Sundarbans , Tanguar Haor , and Bandarban . Green Belt also operates tours outside the country, mainly to Sikkim , Darjeeling , Meghalaya , Bhutan, and Kashmir.

Country’s leading corporate house taken our corporate  tour package service. Like various honorable secretaries of Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka North City Corporation, Technovista, Drug International, and Coca-Cola (Abdul Monem Ltd.). Some other notable organizations that have cordially taken our service include Roxy Paint, Dutch Bangla, Mercantile Bank, City Bank, various branches of 9 banks, Dhaka Medical college and Asgar Ali Medical college.

Our Sajek Valley tour package comes in three different budgets and categoriest. These are Economy – Standard -and Premium varieties.

Let Transforming your dreams to memories!

How to deposit booking money

⦿ You can use Bank, Bkash or other mobile banking service to deposit money for Sajek Valley Tour Package. ⦿ Booking money can be deposited directly at office. Shah-Ali Plaza, 14th Floor, Mirpur 10, Roundabout.

Contact: 0188 4710 723 0186 9649 817 0188 6363 232

Facebook: Green Belt – গ্রিন বেল্ট

Our others tour packages

⦿ Sylhet Tour Packages ⦿Bandarban Tour Packages

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Sajek Valley Tour Package | সাজেক ভ্যালী ট্যুর প্যাকেজ | 2024

Sajek Valley is one of the most attractive tourist places in Bangladesh and is 2000 feet above sea level .As we know sajek valley is located at the top end point of Bangladesh so whenever you try to travel sajek valley it will be costly so that Dhaka City designed a Sajek Valley Tour Package for budget friendly tour .

Check Also : Resort in Sajek Valley

Sajek Tour package:

The best time to visit Sajek valley is from October to the end of the march. At that time you will see the clouds from your room . This is a very budget friendly tour package for students please don’t compare it to a luxury one .Dhaka to Sajek Distance: 335 KM. Rangamati to Sajek Distance: 135 KM. Chittagong to Sajek Distance: 176 KM.

Sajek Valley Group Tour Plan:

Our Sajek Valley tour will start the journey from Dhaka to Khagrachari bus at 10:00 PM from Kalabagan / Arambagh .

At the early morning we reach khagrachari and freshen up and take breakfast , After that we will ride a chander gari and start our journey to Sajek Valley. In our sajek valley tour package we usually book some megh view cottage such as Megh Polli Resort , Megh Bilash Resort , Megh chut resort and so on. After check in into room and lunch we will take rest before exploring the beauty of Sajek Valley . We will have dinner at 8:30 PM and chill the overnight.

Check Also : Top Resort in Sajek Valley 

Sajek Valley Tourist Spot

Our Day start with the sun rise , we explorer the most beautiful sun rise in the world at Helipad  in Sajek Valley.

প্রথম দিনঃ   22 অক্টোবর  ( শনিবার )  রাত 11 টায় ঢাকা থেকে খাগড়াছড়ির উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা দিবো।

দ্বিতীয় দিনঃ  23 অক্টোবর ( রবিবার ) ভোরে খাগড়াছড়ি পৌছেব  ফ্রেশ হয়ে সকালের নাস্তা খেয়ে রিজার্ভ সাদা পিকআপ গাড়ি করে সাজেকের উদ্দেশ্যে যাত্রা।  সাজেক (রুইলুই পাড়া) পোঁছাবো, বেলা 1 টা নাগাদ রিসোর্টে চেক-ইন। দুপুরের খাবারের পর রুইলুই পাড়া থেকে কংলাক যাত্রা। সূর্যাস্ত দেখবো হেলিপ্যাডে এসে।  রাতে বারবিকিউ ডিনার, আড্ডা।  

তৃতীয় দিনঃ 24  অক্টোবর ( সোমবার ) খুব ভোরে উঠে সাজেকের হেলিপ্যাডে গিয়ে সূর্য উদয় দেখবো। ফিরে এসে সকালের নাস্তার পর 10 টায় সাজেক ত্যাগ। এরপর খাগড়াছড়িতে বেলা 1 টা দুপুরের খাবারের পর জেলা পরিষদের ঝুলন্ত ব্রীজ, রিসাং ঝর্ণা, আলুটিলা গুহা ঘুরে রাতের খাবার শেষে রাত 10  টায় ঢাকার উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা।

25 অক্টোবর  মঙ্গলবার সকালে ঢাকা পৌছে অফিস করতে পারবেন।

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Sajek Tour details:

★★★ ফ্রী ফটোগ্রাফি। ( সবাইকে তোলার সুযোগ দিতে হবে)

সবার জন্য থাকছে টি-শার্ট ফ্রী।

১। ঢাকা টু খাগড়াছড়ি আপডাউন টিকিট (নন এসি/ এসি চেয়ার কোচ)

২। প্রত্যেকটি রুম এটাচ বাথ বিশিষ্ট এবং রুমে দুইটি বড় খাট থাকবে, 4 জন করে অবস্থান করবেন!

৩। কাপলদের জন্য এটাচ বাথ বিশিষ্ট রুম।

৪। মেয়েদের থাকার রুম আলাদা থাকবে।

৬। প্রতিদিন সকাল, দুপুর ও রাতের খাবার ( 6 বেলা) [ কেউ যদি খাবারের মেনু জানতে চান তাহলে পেজের ইনবক্সে মেসেজ করে জানতে পারবেন]

৭। অভ্যন্তরীন পরিবহনের জন্য দুই দিনের জন্য  সাদা পিকআপ গাড়ি।

৮। সাজেক, আলুটিলা গুহা, রিসাং ঝর্ণা, জেলা পরিষদ পার্কে এন্ট্রি টিকিট।

৯। দক্ষ গাইড সার্ভিস, নিরপত্তা এবং উন্নত সেবা।

Sajek Valley Tour Package Includes:

  • রুইলুই পাড়া সম্পূর্ণ
  • কংলাক পাড়া সর্বোচ্চ চূড়া
  • স্টোন গার্ডেন
  •  লুসাই গ্রাম ( এন্ট্রি ফি ব্যক্তিগত)
  •  রিসাং ঝর্ণা
  •  আলুটিলা গুহা
  •  জেলা পরিষদ পার্ক, ঝুলন্ত ব্রিজ এবং সম্ভব হলে খাগড়াছড়ি শহরস্থ স্থান।

Sajek Valley Tour Package Excludes :

১। কোন ব্যক্তিগত খরচ।

২। যাত্রা বিরতিতে খাবার।

Sajek valley tour cost:

4 person in room – 4400 BDT 2 person in room – 5500 BDT

Booking Policy :

বিকাশ/ নগদ / রকেটে খরচ সহ 2000 টাকা পাঠিয়ে বুকিং কনফার্ম করতে পারবেন। ট্যুর বাতিল করলে বুকিং মানে ফেরত দেওয়া হবে না।

বুকিং নাম্বারঃ 01957-345431 ( bkash, rocket,, Nagad)

Frequently Asked Question :

Q: How much does the sajek valley tour cost ?

A: It costs 4500 to unlimited.

Q: What is Sajek valley tour’s best time?

A: October to March . 

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    Sajek Tour | Episode 01 |Noakhali to sajek | Sajek valley Bike Tour_____"Music Credit https://youtu.be/vWZ_vPXfg8I https://youtu.be/RurEk5hLgfw...

  12. Sajek Valley Tour Package: A Comprehensive Tour Plan in Bangla

    Package Includes: · Dhaka - Khagrachari - Dhaka bus ticket. · The entire journey will be in Chand's car for two days. · 6 meals in two days. BBQ at night. · Tickets to enter Sajek and Jhadbhoje. · Cost of staying at the resort. · Sightseeing. · Group-based rooms (2 times) for a fresh experience in Khagrachari.

  13. Tour De Sajek with motorcycle

    Tour De Sajek. Sajek is roughly 320 km from Dhaka so me (Source), June vai and Saleh vai once again geared up for another tour on the hill of Bangladesh. We started our journey from Shantinagar at 7:15 AM in the morning, Saleh vai picked up Suvro's vai Yamaha Fazer as unlike last time Saleh vai came in Dhaka without his bike, June vai was ...

  14. Sajek Valley Tour Package

    Highlghts: Witness the true beauty of Rangamati hill tracts in Sajek valley with this tour. The tour will begin & end in Khagrachari. Sajek Valley is located in Baghaichari Upazila of Rangamati district. It is 1,800 feet high from the sea level. If you want to go to Sajek, you will have to get permission from the Baghaihat Police or Army camp.

  15. Sajek Valley

    Sajek Valley | Short Trip | Bangladesh | Bike Tour | Bangladesh ... ... Home. Live

  16. Sajek Valley Tour Package

    Sajek Valley is the most attractive place for every tourist. It's like a cloud kingdom above the sky. All seasons are best time to visit the sajek valley. We have sajek tour package for family, couple & corporate. We operate all sajek valley tours by our own tour guide. Our package also includes Khagrachori all tourist spots. We have complete Dhaka to Sajek Valley tour package at minmum cost ...

  17. Dhaka to Sajek Valley Bike Tour

    #sajek_bike_tour #dhaka_to_sajek_bike_tour #sajek_tour #sajek_valley_travel_guide #মেঘের_রাজ্য_সাজেক_ভ্যালি #dhaka_to_sajek#sajek_valley_bike_tour # ...

  18. Sajek Valley Tour Package

    As a female-friendly tour organizer, we always look closely to our female traveler's tiniest advantages and disadvantages. Also, Bangladesh's top multinational and corporate houses depend on us for their tours due to our wholesome arrangement and professional services. Sajek Valley Tour Date of Journey: Tour 1: 1 April Tour 2: 8 April

  19. Dhaka To Sajek Tour Guide 2024 #motovlog #sajek_valley ...

    Dhaka To Sajek Tour Guide 2024 #motovlog #sajek_valley_travel_guide #bangladeshibiker #bike #vlog2024.

  20. Sajek Valley Bike Tour

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  21. Sajek Valley Tour Package

    Check Also : Resort in Sajek Valley. Our 51th Sajek Tour Group Sajek Tour package: The best time to visit Sajek valley is from October to the end of the march. At that time you will see the clouds from your room . This is a very budget friendly tour package for students please don't compare it to a luxury one .Dhaka to Sajek Distance: 335 KM.

  22. Dhaka to sajek valley bike Tour||মেঘের ...

    বাইকিং লাইফের প্রথম সাজেক ভ্যালির অভিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করলাম, যারা যারা নতুন ...

  23. Sajek Tour

    Sajek Tour | সাজেকের আঁকাবাঁকা ভয়ংকর সুন্দর রাস্তা | #sajek_tour #sajek_valley_travel_guide.