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Vašich Top 8 zájazdov

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Európske pohárové súťaže

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Vaše obľúbené súťaže

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300 % zážitok s TOP klubmi sveta. Poďte s nami zo Slovenska na unikátny futbalový maratón v Anglicku, Taliansku či Španielsku

Poďte s nami na najlepšie zápasy novej éry ligy majstrov. aj priamo z bratislavy, uefa mení herný systém ligy majstrov aj európskej ligy. pribudne viac tímov, končia skupiny, prečo cestovať s nami.

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Atraktívna ponuka

Od samotnej vstupenky cez ekonomické ubytovanie až po 5 hviezdičkový hotel so sprievodcom. Určite si vyberiete.

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Záleží nám na vašom pohodlí

Kvalita zájazdu ovplyvňuje futbalový zážitok. Preto si dávame záležať. U nás dostanete viac ako iba naháňanie sa na štadión.

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Užite si viac ako futbal

Ak už cestujete stovky kilometrov, chcete vidieť mesto. Prevedieme vás najzaujímavejšími atrakciami. Spravíte si chuť pred futbalom.

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Staráme sa o vás

Máte otázku? Radi vám pomôžeme. Sme známi perfektnou komunikáciou. Nech sa páči. Vyskúšajte si ju hneď teraz.

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Klienti hovoria za nás

Chceme, aby ste boli spokojní. Pracujeme na tom každý deň. Aj vďaka vám sa pýšime priemerným hodnotením 9,47 z 10 bodov

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S nami ste v bezpečí

Sme členom SACKA a poistení voči úpadku. Pre pokoj a pohodlie na cestách vám zabezpečíme komplexné cestovné poistenie.

Prihláste sa do Newslettera a získajte zľavu 25€ na zájazd

Prihlásením do Newslettera súhlasíte s ochranou osobných údajov

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Zájezdy a vstupenky na fotbal | FotbalTour.cz


Vyberte si z 305 zájezdů a 461 vstupenek za skvělé ceny, 15 let zážitků, které společně prožíváme dodnes.


Liga mistrů: AC Milán – Liverpool

17.9.2024 Liga mistrů Více informací


Liga mistrů: Manchester City – Sparta Praha (charter)

23.10.2024 Liga mistrů Více informací

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Liga mistrů: FC Barcelona – B. Mnichov

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Liga mistrů: Inter Milán – Arsenal

6.11.2024 Liga mistrů Více informací

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Liga mistrů: Real Madrid – AC Milán

5.11.2024 Liga mistrů Více informací

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Liga mistrů: Liverpool – Real Madrid

27.11.2024 Liga mistrů Více informací

Evropské poháry

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Anglická Premier League

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Anglická Premier League - jiné

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Španělská Primera División

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Italská Serie A

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Francouzská Ligue 1

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Německá Bundesliga

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Ostatní sporty a akce

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Již 206981 klientů s námi vycestovalo za sportem

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Fotky našich spokojených klientů #fotbaltour

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Nevšední zážitky v Londýně. Co zažít při návštěvě Premier League?

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Etihad Stadium: Tady se představí pražská Sparta!

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Nejen české kluby! Poháry si zahraje i spousta krajánků

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Bouřlivá atmosféra nedaleko republiky: Ferencváros

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K cene zájazdu bude pripočítaná cena za cestovné poistenie vo výške 3,5€ / deň / osobu.

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Slovak Sport Travel

Exkluzívna možnosť trénovať v akadémii Realu Madrid City podľa metodiky Fundación Real Madrid. Nielenže zažijete tréning na svetovej úrovni, ale budete mať aj možnosť preskúmať krásne historické mesto, ponoriť sa do španielskej kultúry a zažiť futbalový zápas naživo!

football tour sk

Pozrite sa s nami na túto úžasnú súťaž a zažite na vlastnej koži atmosféru ostrovného anglického futbalu vďaka našim leteckým zájazdom alebo samostatným vstupenkám.

Arsenal, Crystal Palace, Chelsea, Fulham, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham a West Ham.

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Zájazdy a vstupenky na Formulu 1 do Rakúska, Maďarska, Belgicka, Talianska, Abú Dhabí... Splňte si svoj sen a naživo sledujte pretekárov ako Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Sergio Perez, Lewis Hamilton, Valtteri Bottas, Fernando Alonso a mnoho ďalších!

football tour sk

Vycestujte s nami na najlepšie tenisové turnaje ako Monte Carlo Rolex Masters, Mutua Madrid Open, ATP Rím Masters, French Open, Wimbledon a mnoho ďalších... Vidieť naživo najlepších tenistov a tenistky sveta je určite veľkým lákadlom!

168 zájazdov a 1189 vstupeniek za skvelé ceny!

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Zájazdy a vstupenky na futbal, hokej, tenis, formulu 1 a ďalšie športové udalosti



Vstupenka, letenka z/do Viedne, ubytovanie, raňajky, cestovné poistenie



Vstupenka, letenka, ubytovanie, raňajky, cestovné poistenie






Camping & vstupenka



Doprava, vstupenka na celý pretekársky víkend, ubytovanie, raňajky, poistenie, delegát



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MS v hokeji 2025 vo Švédsku a v Dánsku - rozpis zápasov, program, skupiny

Po niekoľkých mesiacoch sú známe zápasy v MS v hokeji 2025. Kompletný program všetkých zápasov, ktoré sa odohrajú v Štokholme (Švédsko) a v Herningu (Dánsko), nájdete na našom...

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Monte Carlo Rolex Masters 2025

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Program preteku F1 Maďarska 2024

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Madrid Open 2025 - program turnaja, rozlosovanie

Kompletný program Mutua Madrid Open - jedného z antukových turanjov série Masters 1000 - nájdete v článku na našom blogu tu.

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Cestujte s nami

Na nás sa môžete kedykoľvek spoľahnúť, darčekový poukaz, nezabudnuteľný zážitok pre vašich blízkych.

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Darujte exkluzívny futbalový zájazd a nezabudnuteľný zážitok ako darček k narodeninám, výročiu svadby, promócii, novomanželom alebo zamestnancovi.

Radi vám pripravíme atraktívny darčekový poukaz s venovaním presne podľa požiadaviek.

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ŠK SLOVAN BRATISLAVA official website

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The new fan-activity during the games - the prize is an attractive trip to Munich's Allianz Arena!

In a cooperation with FutbalTour.sk we have prepared a new attractive competition for our fans.   FutbalTour.sk is the most famous company in Slovakia which is organizing football tours and gives our Fans an option to guess the half-time result during the home games. People can give their tip to the hostesses, sitting at football tour desk, next to the entrance to the stadium. Every fan who submits his/her guess, obtains directly the signed cards of our players. Those fans who guess the correct half time score enter into a prize draw, a big final and can win one of the following:

III. place - ŠK Slovan souvenirs II. place - ŠK Slovan souvenirs I.place – attendance at the final round, ŠK Slovan souvenirs, Adidas soccer ball signed by Slovan players.

About FutbalTours.sk FutbalTours.sk is the company specializing in organizing tours to the football matches. In the portfolio of tours offered by the company are trips to football matches of Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Arsenal London and many more. Its services include transportation, accommodation and match tickets. The professional team of FutbalTour.sk provides the best service and give some interesting information about the city, history and traditions of the visited club.

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Achievements and trophies.

UEFA Cup Winners Cup

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Zlatí partneri Gold partners

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Robservations: the demonstrated dangers of dismissiveness … breakout year for bryan cox jr. …  “championship dna” … and keeping up with keesean.

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Labour Day Rematch records: It all started with Ronnie in 1977

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Charlie has been coached by SK Football Coaching for several years now - in that time he's transformed immeasurably both on and off the pitch. SK have supported his development throughout and have helped Charlie overcome fears and anxieties. SK have also supported him through a difficult time where he underwent a major operation and lost the confidence to play football. I can only thank SK Football Coaching a lot. 

Wales Tour FRIDAY - June 2021

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Progressing players, developing people ..









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SK Football Coaching was established in June 2017 by three professional coaches who share an aim of establishing and developing local junior footballers to progress, enjoy themselves and compete.

Since then, SK has grown from one session per week to an organisation that coaches in schools, for football clubs, specialist & one-to-one sessions and hosting a Development Centre and an Academy, as well as holiday camps as part of the SKFC Development Programme.

SK Football Coaching is not a grassroots league club and we believe that junior clubs are best run the way they have been for a number of years.

SK Football Coaching are based in a number of locations around the Stockport and South Manchester area.


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Bethel High School

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Curtis Senior High School

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Emerald Ridge High School

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Sumner High School

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Yelm High School

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Ticket Prices & Event Information

Information for the 2022-2023 school year coming soon…

Orange Veins

Football in Turkey

In the Süper Lig, the national league of Turkey, the best teams from the country compete for the cup. The most well-known teams from Turkey are Galatasaray SK, Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Istanbul Başakşehir FK and Trabzonspor.

Out of these clubs Galatasaray has been the most successful in the first division, winning a total of 22 championship titles. Turkey has brought up several famous players, for example Arda Turan, Burak Yilmaz, Hakan Çalhanoğlu and former football players Hakan Şükür and goalkeeper Rüştü.

Furthermore the passion with which the Turks follow football is widely known, even far outside of Turkey.

Create your own football tour to Turkey

Many famous football players and coaches have commented on the dedication with which the Turkish fans follow the game. Therefore, playing a friendly match or watching a professional game in Turkey is an experience your youth players will not soon forget!

If you base your team in the capital city of Istanbul, a city that is part of both Europe and Asia, you can easily combine your football activities with sightseeing.

Turkey has historically been an important training camp destination where teams from all over Europe could train during their winter break.

As a result, the Turkish coast is littered with excellent training facilities. So why not consider Turkey as the destination for your next training camp?

Why book a football tour to Turkey

  • Excellent training facilities
  • Visit the country with the most passionate football fans in the world!
  • Combine football activities with interesting cultural activities in Istanbul

Tailor-made football tours

Whether you book a football tour, training camp, pre-season trip or a tournament trip: all our tours are tailor-made, to suit the needs of you and your youth players. Choose your preferred services below and we will create your own itinerary. Would you like to maximize your players’ development potential? Why not make this a multi destination trip!


Map of Turkey

Beşiktaş JK

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Report: Georgia Football Announces Ticket Pricing Changes for 2025 Season

Jonathan williams | sep 6, 2024.

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  • Georgia Bulldogs

Georgia football has announced their changing ticket pricing for the 2025 college football season.

On Friday, it was announced by the University of Georgia that changes were coming in regard to ticket pricing for the 2025 college football season. The University sent out this release regarding the new changes.

*From the University of Georgia*

After a thorough analysis of season ticket pricing within the SEC and other peer institutions, UGA will adjust the William C. Hartman Fund per-seat contribution requirements in various sections of Sanford Stadium. Parking will also be modified, with the implementation of tiered contribution requirements and a parking pass fee.

Under the new pricing model, UGA will remain in the bottom third of total ticket costs (ticket cost plus per-seat contribution requirement) compared to SEC and Big Ten peer institutions. Per-seat contribution requirements have only changed twice since the 2005 football season, and season ticket prices have remained unchanged on a per-game basis since the 2018 season.

While some sections will experience increases, 30 percent of season tickets will either see a reduction in the Hartman Fund per-seat contribution or remain unchanged for the 2025 season. The cost of a season ticket will be set at $560 per ticket for the 2025 football season ($80 per game).

“Our top priority when looking at ticket pricing models was to keep prices economical and budget friendly, while also evaluating rising operational costs,” said J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics Josh Brooks. “This new model accomplishes both of those things. It allows us to provide the resources necessary to continue the championship tradition of UGA Athletics, while keeping comprehensive ticket costs in the bottom third of our national peers.”

Additionally, per-seat contribution requirements will be adjusted again before the 2027 football season. This step plan is designed to keep increases smaller and allow donors to financially plan for the changes that UGA will implement over the next few years.

Donors who want to renew their season tickets and parking for the 2025 football season will need to meet their new per-seat minimum contribution requirement prior to the renewal deadline on April 1, 2025. The season ticket renewal process will open in mid-February 2025; contributions can be made at any time.

Current football season ticket holders can access a personalized explanation of how the changes will affect them at georgiadogs.com/my account. More information about the new pricing structure can also be found at this link .

Other Georgia News:

  • Georgia Football's 2024 Recruiting Class Already Paying Off in Week One
  • Georgia Football Injury Report Following Game Against Clemson Tigers
  • WATCH: Kirby Smart Addresses Media Ahead of Week Two Matchup

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Jonathan Williams


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  • Turkish Super League
  • Galatasaray

Galatasaray Tickets

Galatasaray Tickets

Upcoming Events

Galatasaray vs çaykur rizespor.

Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi Rams Park, İstanbul

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 20:00

Starting Price: 1,344.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Gaziantep FK

Friday, September 20, 2024, 20:00

Fenerbahçe vs Galatasaray

Ülker Stadyumu, İstanbul

Saturday, September 21, 2024, 20:00

Starting Price: 10,472.00 TL

Galatasaray vs PAOK Europa League

Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 20:30

Starting Price: 3,348.80 TL

Galatasaray vs Kasımpaşa

Sunday, September 29, 2024, 20:00

Starting Price: 1,456.00 TL

FK RFS vs Galatasaray Europa League

LNK Sporta Parks, Riga

Thursday, October 3, 2024, 20:30

Starting Price: 150.00 €

Galatasaray vs Alanyaspor

Sunday, October 6, 2024, 19:15

Starting Price: 1,500.00 TL

Antalyaspor vs Galatasaray

Antalya Stadyumu, Antalya

Sunday, October 20, 2024, 18:00

Starting Price: 2,500.00 TL

Galatasaray vs IF Elfsborg Europa League Tickets

Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 20:30

Starting Price: 4,032.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Beşiktaş

Sunday, October 27, 2024, 20:00

Starting Price: 5,712.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Tottenham Hotspur Europa League

Thursday, November 7, 2024, 20:30

Starting Price: 7,280.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Samsunspor

Sunday, November 10, 2024, 20:00

AZ Alkmaar vs Galatasaray Europa League

AFAS Stadion, Alkmaar

Thursday, November 28, 2024, 18:30

Starting Price: 240.00 €

Galatasaray vs Eyüpspor

Sunday, December 1, 2024, 20:00

Sivasspor vs Galatasaray

Yeni Sivas 4 Eylül Stadyumu, Sivas

Sunday, December 8, 2024, 18:00

Malmö FF vs Galatasaray Europa League

Elena Stadium, Malmö

Thursday, December 12, 2024, 18:30

Starting Price: 260.00 €

Galatasaray vs Trabzonspor

Sunday, December 15, 2024, 16:00

Starting Price: 5,800.00 TL

Beşiktaş vs Galatasaray

Tüpraş Stadyumu, İstanbul

Monday, December 30, 2024, 18:00

Starting Price: 15,000.00 TL

Başakşehir FK vs Galatasaray

Fatih Terim Stadyumu, İstanbul

Starting Price: 500.00 TL

Alanyaspor vs Galatasaray

Alanya Oba Stadyumu, Alanya

Kasımpaşa vs Galatasaray

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Stadyumu, İstanbul

Çaykur Rizespor vs Galatasaray

Çaykur Didi Stadyumu, Rize

Starting Price: 2,600.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Fenerbahçe

Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 20:00

Starting Price: 22,500.00 TL

Galatasaray vs Adana Demirspor

Galatasaray vs başakşehir fk, galatasaray vs bodrum fk, galatasaray vs konyaspor, galatasaray vs sivasspor, galatasaray vs kayserispor, galatasaray vs antalyaspor, galatasaray vs göztepe, trabzonspor vs galatasaray.

Şenol Güneş Stadyumu, Trabzon

Starting Price: 985.60 TL

Eyüpspor vs Galatasaray

Samsunspor vs galatasaray.

Samsun 19 Mayıs Stadyumu, Samsun

Göztepe vs Galatasaray

Göztepe Gürsel Aksel Stadyumu, İzmir

Starting Price: 4,000.00 TL

Bodrum FK vs Galatasaray

Bodrum Şehir Stadı, Muğla

Kayserispor vs Galatasaray

Kadir Has Stadyumu, Kayseri

Gaziantep FK vs Galatasaray

Kalyon Stadyumu, Gaziantep

Hatayspor vs Galatasaray

Mersin Stadyumu, Mersin

Galatasaray vs FK Dinamo Kiev Europa League

Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 20:30

Starting Price: 4,100.00 TL

AFC Ajax vs Galatasaray Europa League

Johan Cruijff Arena, Amsterdam

Thursday, January 30, 2025, 18:30

Starting Price: 350.00 €

Passolig Card Application 2024-2025

Biletwise Turkey Head Office, İstanbul

Wednesday, December 31, 2025, 00:00

Starting Price: 40.00 €

Upcoming events by Category

Trabzonspor, adana demirspor, antalyaspor, çaykur rizespor, gaziantep fk, kayserispor, ziraat turkish cup, turkey super cup.

  • 24 Oct 2023 - Will Galatasaray be able to make history?
  • 30 Sep 2023 - Will Galatasaray keep the winning streak on?
  • 01 Apr 2023 - Galatasaray locked in on the target!
  • 03 Feb 2023 - Galatasaray going for a new record!
  • 07 Jan 2023 - It's Derby Time in the Süper Lig!
  • 05 Nov 2022 - Galatasaray and Beşiktaş face off for the 129th time!
  • 22 Oct 2022 - Galatasaray return to the league!
  • 29 Sep 2022 - Galatasaray face the Adana challenge!
  • 15 Sep 2022 - Stars are taking the field in Galatasaray!
  • 26 Aug 2022 - Derby week in the Süper Lig!

The most convenient and easy way to buy Galatasaray match tickets is biletiwise! If you want to witness the championship struggle of the Galatasaray on the spot, buy the match ticket through biletiwise, support your team! If you cannot find your place in the stands, sell your season pass or match ticket at the price you want, through biletwise, make your voice heard by your fans!

Galatasaray football team was founded in 1905. Having enjoyed the championship in the season 1907-08, the team has also set an example for the establishment of new Turkish teams. Galatasaray is also the first team to go out of the country in 1911 with the away game with the Hungarian Klojvar team. In the pre-professional period, Galatasaray, Altınordu İdman Yurdu, Moda, Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş played championship struggles and have been champions in league matches played with different names such as Istanbul League, Friday League and Sunday League. Gazi Bust mug, which was won in 1928, is the first and only cup held in its name while Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is alive. Galatasaray football team, which took the first Professional league trophy to its museum in the history of 1961-62, reached a happy ending in the league in 1962-63. The team that finished the league in 1963-64 was entitled to participate in the Cup Winners' Cup for the first time in its history. Football team Galatasaray, Turkey Cup in the 1963-64 season led to the museum. Metin Oktay, nicknamed the Crownless King, who was one of the legendary players of the team who became the champion again in 1968-69, made his jubilee with this championship. Galatasaray football team, which took the TSYD Cup to the museum before the 1970-71 season, reached the league championship in the same season. Reaching the league championship in the 1971-72 season, the team reached the 5th League championship in total. Galatasaray football team, which was entitled to participate in the European Cup under its new name for the first time in its history in the 1974-75 season, was entitled to participate in the Cup Winners Cup in the 1975-76 season. Yellow-red, indicating the success of the 1980-81 Super Cup win of the season in the league, he has won the Turkey Cup in the 1984-85 season. Despite finishing the league in the 1985-86 season, he received the title of the first team to finish the league. Taking the league cup to its museum in the 1986-87 season, Galatasaray won its 7th championship in professional leagues. Yellow reds reached a happy ending in the league under the leadership of Tanju Çolak in the 1987-88 season. Galatasaray football team, which had 5 league championships between 1988-1999, experienced its golden age in 1999-00 season. Fatih Terim management team, organized last time TSYD Cup, league title, Cup and Turkey made history by winning the European Championship. At the same time, he completed the years 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-99 as the league champion and the yellow reds completed the 1999-00 season as champions and became the first and only team 4 times in a row. Having won the Super Cup in the 2000-01 season, the team broke new ground and took the league cup to its museum in the 2001-02 season. Turkey Cup in the 2004-05 season led to the yellow-reds of the museum became clear that the winning side in the last match of the league cup champion in the 2005-06 season. 2007-08, 2011-12, yellow-reds completed as league champion in the 2012-13 season, 2012-13, 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17 Super Cup season in Turkey, 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015- 16 in Turkey Cup season has been the champion. The club plays its matches in the Türk Telekom Arena Ali Sami Yen Sports Arena.Galatasaray, which reached a total of 23 titles in the Super League, closed the 2022-2023 season as champion under the leadership of Okan Buruk. In Galatasaray, which has a star like Mauro Icardi in its squad, Icardi achieved great success by contributing 23 goals and 8 assists in 26 matches in the 2022-2023 season and won the hearts of the fans.

The address of the safe and affordable ticket, biletwise, offers the opportunity to watch Galatasaray matches on the spot! If you want to be in the championship struggle of Galatasaray, buy your ticket through biletiwise at the easiest and most affordable price, be a partner in excitement! To buy and sell match tickets, biletwise is available 24/7. Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe, Beşiktaş and all team supporters sell their season-pass through biletiwise and transfer them to their color players! Register now, sell your combination or match ticket at the price you want! To buy a match ticket, choose the most suitable seat and category, buy your ticket, do not leave your team alone in Galatasaray matches!

How to buy a Galatasaray football ticket?

To buy a match ticket, sign up for biletwise now! Log into your account. Choose your Galatasaray football tickets. Proceed to the checkout page. Complete payment by credit or debit card. It's that easy!

How to sell my Galatasaray football ticket?

To sell a match ticket, sign up for biletwise now! Log into your account. Choose a ticket category for the Galatasaray football. Fill in your information and list your tickets on biletwise. Do not leave both your seat and pocket empty!

Buy Galatasaray football tickets with the advantageous prices via biletwise , watch matches live.

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  19. Turkey

    The most well-known teams from Turkey are Galatasaray SK, Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Istanbul Başakşehir FK and Trabzonspor. ... Whether you book a football tour, training camp, pre-season trip or a tournament trip: all our tours are tailor-made, to suit the needs of you and your youth players. Choose your preferred services below and we will ...

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  21. Vstupenky a zájazdy na preteky F1

    [email protected]; Nezmeškajte zľavy a akcie. Prihláste sa na odber newslettera a dostávajte na email najnovšie a najlepšie ponuky. E-Mail * Obľúbený klub ... Súhlasím, aby Premier Sport Tour, s. r. o. (IČO: 46 219 455) a HOCKEY TOUR s. r. o. (IČO: 51 244 004) spracúvali moje osobné údaje za účelom príležitostného ...

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  23. Galatasaray Tickets, Prices, Fixture

    Galatasaray football team was founded in 1905. Having enjoyed the championship in the season 1907-08, the team has also set an example for the establishment of new Turkish teams. Galatasaray is also the first team to go out of the country in 1911 with the away game with the Hungarian Klojvar team.

  24. Pro Football Hall of Fame Invitational pairs NFL players, PGA Tour

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  25. Vstupenky a zájazdy na zápasy Liverpoolu

    [email protected]; Nezmeškajte zľavy a akcie. Prihláste sa na odber newslettera a dostávajte na email najnovšie a najlepšie ponuky. E-Mail * Obľúbený klub ... Súhlasím, aby Premier Sport Tour, s. r. o. (IČO: 46 219 455) a HOCKEY TOUR s. r. o. (IČO: 51 244 004) spracúvali moje osobné údaje za účelom príležitostného ...

  26. Gamla Upsala SK

    Suivez en direct le match de Elitettan en Football entre Gamla Upsala SK et IFK Kalmar sur Eurosport. Le match commence à 16:00 le 7 septembre 2024. Lisez les dernières informations sur Gamla ...

  27. Sun Bowl Stadium: Details about tickets, parking, alcohol policy

    UTEP football tickets. Fans can call 915-747-8837 and charge individual game tickets to a major credit card. Tickets will be sent via text (mobile delivery).