Application for a Study Tour |Class 4-8 & SSC/HSC [2023]

application for a study tour. Summer vacation starts from 30th May. Your class want to go on an excursion to Cox’s Bazar. You need some monetary help from your Principal.

Now write an application to your Principal for some money for excursion.

20 December 2014

The Principal X College, Dhaka.

Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour/excursion.

We, the students of class XII of your college beg to draw your kind attention (8) to the fact that we are willing (3) to go on a study tour at Paharpur, Mahastangarh and Mainamati. It is a historical place. Monotonous (4) classes make our life dull (f) and boring . A study tour can relieve from this monotony. Moreover, a study tour will increase our knowledge. Two of our professors have agreed to guide our team. It may kindly be added for your information that the group will consist of 15 members and we want to spend two days at each place. We think we will need Tk. 2000/- each. We like to contribute Tk. 1500/- each and we will need Tk. 7500/- in addition to our contribution.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to sanction Tk. 7500/- for the purpose and make necessary arrangements to make the tour successful.

Yours obediently.

The students of Class XII.

  • Bangla meaning of application for a study tour.

30 মে থেকে আপনার গ্রীষ্মকালীন ছুটি শুরু হচ্ছে। আপনার ক্লাস কক্সবাজার ভ্রমণে যেতে চায়। আপনার প্রিন্সিপালের কাছ থেকে কিছু আর্থিক সাহায্য প্রয়োজন। আইসি।

এখন ভ্রমণের জন্য কিছু অর্থের জন্য আপনার প্রিন্সিপালের কাছে একটি আবেদন লিখুন।

20 ডিসেম্বর 2014

প্রিন্সিপাল এক্স কলেজ, ঢাকা।

বিষয়: অধ্যয়ন সফর/ভ্রমনে যাওয়ার অনুমতির জন্য প্রার্থনা।

আমরা, আপনার কলেজের দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ছাত্ররা আপনার সদয় দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করছি (8) যে আমরা পাহাড়পুর, মহাস্থানগড় এবং ময়নামতিতে একটি অধ্যয়ন সফরে যেতে ইচ্ছুক (3)। এটি একটি ঐতিহাসিক স্থান। একঘেয়ে (4) ক্লাস আমাদের জীবনকে নিস্তেজ (f) এবং বিরক্তিকর (af) করে তোলে। একটি স্টাডি ট্যুর এই একঘেয়েমি থেকে মুক্তি দিতে পারে (ফে ফায়ার)। তাছাড়া একটি স্টাডি ট্যুর আমাদের জ্ঞান বৃদ্ধি করবে। আমাদের দুইজন অধ্যাপক আমাদের দলকে গাইড করতে রাজি হয়েছেন। আপনার অবগতির জন্য এটি যোগ করা যেতে পারে যে গ্রুপে 15 জন সদস্য থাকবে এবং আমরা প্রতিটি জায়গায় দুই দিন কাটাতে চাই। আমরা মনে করি আমাদের ১০ হাজার কোটি টাকা লাগবে। 2000/- প্রতিটি। আমরা টাকা দিতে চাই। 1500/- প্রতিটি এবং আমাদের টাকা লাগবে। 7500/- আমাদের অবদান ছাড়াও।

তাই আমরা প্রার্থনা করি এবং আশা করি আপনি টাকা মঞ্জুর করার জন্য যথেষ্ট সদয় হবেন। 7500/- এই উদ্দেশ্যে এবং সফর সফল করার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা করুন। আপনার বাধ্যতামূলকভাবে.

দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর ছাত্ররা।

Application for a study tour for Class 4-8

12 Aguest 2022 The headmaster, Dhaka City College, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for a study tour

Sir, We, the students of your college, beg to draw state that we would like to go on a study tour at Bagerhat. It is a historical place. The study tour will help us to acquire knowledge and get pleasure and even broaden our outlook. Moreover, a study tour will increase our knowledge. Two of our professors have agreed to guide our team.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant our prayer and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently, The students of your college.

You can write for this topic to use above Applications format 1. Application to the headmaster seeking permission to go on a study tour. 2. Prayer to the headmaster for permission to go on a study tour (Bagerhat) 3. Prayer for permission to go on an excursion to Sundarbans Prayer for go on an excursion/ a study tour to Jufflong Application/ Prayer for permission to go on a 4. study tour to Madhabkunda Application to the Principal seeking permission to go on a study tour

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Application for Arranging an Educational Trip (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional application for arranging an educational trip.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Application for Organizing a School Educational Excursion

First, find the sample template for application for arranging an educational trip below.

To: Principal, [School Name]

Subject: Application for Arranging an Educational Trip

Respected Principal,

I am writing to request your permission to arrange an educational trip for the students of our school. This trip will help us learn new things outside the classroom and make learning fun.

We plan to visit [Destination], a place rich in history and culture. Our aim is to explore [specific educational goals], which will enhance our knowledge and understanding of the subject.

The trip will be supervised by our teachers and we will maintain discipline throughout. We will also ensure that all safety measures are followed to keep everyone safe.

We kindly ask for your approval and support in organizing this educational trip. Your guidance and permission mean a lot to us.

Thank you for considering our request.

Sincerely, [Your Name] Grade [Your Grade]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “application for arranging an educational trip” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Arranging an Educational Trip to a Science Museum

Application for Arranging an Educational Trip to a Science Museum

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City, State, PIN Code]

Subject: Application for Arranging an Educational Trip to a Science Museum

I am writing to request permission to organize an educational trip to a Science Museum for the students of [Class/Grade] at [School Name]. We believe that this trip will provide a great opportunity for our students to learn and explore the wonders of science in a practical and engaging manner.

The Science Museum is a place full of exciting exhibits and interactive displays that will help our students understand various scientific concepts in a fun and interesting way. By visiting the museum, our students will be able to see and experience science in action, which will enhance their learning and spark their curiosity.

This educational trip will not only supplement the science curriculum but also inspire our students to pursue a deeper interest in the field of science. It will be a day filled with learning, discovery, and fun for all the participants.

We kindly request your approval and support for this educational trip to the Science Museum. We assure you that all necessary arrangements will be made to ensure the safety and well-being of the students throughout the trip.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Teacher/Coordinator] [Contact Number]

Application for Organizing an Educational Trip to a Historical Landmark

Application for Organizing an Educational Trip to a Historical Landmark

To: The School Principal

Subject: Application for Organizing an Educational Trip to a Historical Landmark

I am writing to request permission for organizing an educational trip to a historical landmark in India for the students of [School Name]. This trip aims to provide an enriching learning experience outside the classroom.

The proposed destination for the trip is [Historical Landmark Name], a place of great historical significance in our country. This visit will give students the opportunity to witness the rich cultural heritage and learn about the events that shaped our nation’s history.

The trip will be supervised by our teachers and will include guided tours, interactive sessions, and informative activities to engage students in a fun and educational manner. It is scheduled to take place on [Date of Trip] and will be a full-day excursion.

We believe that this trip will not only enhance the students’ knowledge of history but also foster their curiosity and appreciation for our heritage. It will be a memorable experience that complements their academic learning and encourages a deeper understanding of our past.

We seek your kind approval and support in making this educational trip a reality for the students of [School Name]. Your consideration in this matter is highly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention.

[Your Name] [Designation/Grade] [Contact Information]

Application for Planning an Educational Trip to a Wildlife Sanctuary

Application for Planning an Educational Trip to a Wildlife Sanctuary

To: The Principal, [School Name]

Subject: Application for Planning an Educational Trip to a Wildlife Sanctuary

We, the students of [Class/Grade], are excited to propose an educational trip to a Wildlife Sanctuary. This trip will help us learn about the diverse animals and plants found in our country.

Our aim is to explore the sanctuary, observe wildlife in their natural habitat, and understand the importance of conservation. We believe this experience will enhance our knowledge about nature and wildlife.

We request permission to organize this trip on [Proposed Date] with supervision from our teachers. We assure you that we will adhere to all safety guidelines and behave responsibly during the trip.

This educational experience will not only enrich our learning but also instill in us a sense of responsibility towards protecting our environment.

We look forward to your approval and guidance in making this trip a successful and educational one.

Thank you for considering our proposal.

[Your Name] [Class/Grade]

Application for Setting up an Educational Trip to a Planetarium

Application for Setting up an Educational Trip to a Planetarium

To, [Recipient’s Name/Authority], [Organization/School Name], [City, State, Pin Code].

Subject: Application for Setting up an Educational Trip to a Planetarium

Respected [Recipient’s Name/Authority],

I am writing to request permission to organize an educational trip to a planetarium for the students of our school, [School Name]. The purpose of this trip is to enhance the learning experience of our students in the field of astronomy and space science.

The trip is planned to take place on [Date] at [Planetarium Name], located in [City]. This visit will provide our students with the opportunity to observe celestial bodies, learn about the solar system, and understand the wonders of the universe in an interactive and engaging manner.

We believe that this trip will not only supplement the classroom teachings but also ignite a sense of curiosity and wonder among the students. It will allow them to learn in a fun and hands-on environment, helping them to grasp complex concepts in a practical and exciting way.

We kindly request your approval and support for this educational trip to the planetarium. Your cooperation in making this trip possible will greatly benefit the students and contribute to their overall academic growth.

Application for Coordinating an Educational Trip to a Botanical Garden

Application for Coordinating an Educational Trip to a Botanical Garden

To: The Principal of [School Name]

Subject: Application for Coordinating an Educational Trip to a Botanical Garden

Dear Principal,

I am [Your Name], a teacher at [School Name]. I am writing to request permission to organize an educational trip to a botanical garden for the students of [Class/Grade].

The purpose of this trip is to help students learn about different types of plants, flowers, and trees that are found in our country. It will be a fun and interactive way for them to understand the importance of nature and conservation.

The botanical garden we have chosen is [Name of Botanical Garden] located in [City/State]. It is a beautiful place with a variety of plants and trees that will surely capture the interest of our students.

We plan to have a guided tour of the botanical garden, where students will have the opportunity to learn about the different plant species, their uses, and how they contribute to our environment. There will also be interactive activities and games to make the learning experience more engaging.

We believe that this trip will not only be educational but also a memorable experience for our students. It will help them appreciate the beauty of nature and understand the importance of preserving our environment for future generations.

We kindly request permission for [Number of Students] students to participate in this trip. We will ensure that all necessary arrangements are made to ensure the safety and well-being of the students throughout the trip.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your approval so that we can proceed with organizing this educational trip for our students.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Designation] [Contact Information]

How to Write Application for Arranging an Educational Trip

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with a clear subject line: “Application for Educational Trip Arrangement.”
  • Introduce yourself and your purpose briefly.
  • State the reason for the trip and its educational benefits.
  • Include the date, destination, and duration of the trip.
  • Mention the number of participants and their grade levels.
  • Explain transportation and accommodation needs.
  • Provide a rough budget breakdown and funding sources.
  • Express any special requirements or considerations.
  • Request approval and support for the trip.
  • End with a polite closing and contact information.

Related Topics:

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “application for arranging an educational trip”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Study Tour Application for Class 9, 6, 7, 10, 8, 11, HSC, SSC

Nowadays, students and working people go on study tours or picnics in various educational institutions and also in various workplaces. Study tours are usually for students of educational institutions.

There is usually a picnic for the office staff. If you are a student of an educational institution, then you can know details in this post about how to write application form for study tour or banquet.

So without delay read this post with full attention. We conduct study tours to different places from time to time while in educational institutions. In that case we have to write an application

form with the headmaster before giving the tour. This post is published about the rules for writing that application form. If you are a student of a school and want to write a study tour application

form to the headmaster of your school, you must first write: To, Headmaster. Next write your school name and school address. Then write the subject. Application for picnic as subject or application for educational trip.

Next to write sir, it is our humble submission that we are 6th, 7th, 8th class students of your school. We intend to travel to the said place or specific places as a part of our education.

Because travel or picnic is very important in education. We students feel bored or bored while studying. So a banquet is very necessary to increase the progress of studies in ourselves.

Therefore the Headmaster is bound to grant our application. You can discuss in detail where you want to give a tour or where you want to have a picnic. Later, below all or after writing the application form,

you have to mention the fact that the students in any of your classes want to go to the banquet. The rules for writing application form for study tour are discussed above.

Study Tour Application

You can use the rules in schools, colleges and universities. So if you want to write application form for HSC then you can write application form from above.

Moreover, if you want to download the pdf file of the application form or education tour application form, then you can also download it from our website.

You can write the application form according to the rules of writing the application form for banquet mentioned above. Check out other posts on our website for more information on education.

Various educational information is published on our website. Moreover, a post has been published on our website about the rules for writing various application forms. You can see them if you want.

application study tour class 6

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Application for Permission to Go on a Study Tour – 7 Examples

Application for Permission to Go on a Study Tour - Application for Study Tour

An Application for Permission to Go on a Study Tour is a formal request made by a student or a group of students to their school or educational institution seeking approval to embark on a study tour or excursion.

The application typically includes details about the purpose and scope of the study tour, including the proposed itinerary, destinations, dates, and expected outcomes. It may also include information on the number of students, chaperones, and any associated costs.

Sample Application for Permission to Go on a Study Tour

The application for permission to go on a study tour serves as a formal request for permission to undertake the study tour or excursion and is typically submitted to the relevant authority, such as the principal or head of school, for approval.

The purpose of this application for permission to go on a study tour is to ensure that the proposed study tour is in line with the school’s policies, guidelines, and educational objectives and that the student’s safety and welfare are adequately addressed.

Here are the best 7 examples for application for study tour:

20 March 2023 The Principal Ideal School & College Motijheel, Dhaka

Subject: Application for Permission to Go on a Study Tour

I am writing to seek permission for [number of students] students from [name of school/college/university] to embark on a study tour. The purpose of this tour is to provide students with an opportunity to expand their knowledge and experience beyond the classroom.

We plan to visit [destination(s)] from [start date] to [end date]. The tour will be led by [name of teacher or chaperone], who will be responsible for the safety and well-being of the students. We will be staying at [name of accommodation], which has been chosen for its safety, comfort, and affordability.

During the tour, we plan to visit various [museums/historical sites/industries etc.] that are relevant to our curriculum. We believe that this tour will provide our students with a unique opportunity to enhance their learning experience, gain practical knowledge, and develop their social skills.

We have thoroughly researched the destinations and have made all necessary arrangements, including transportation, accommodation, and meals. The total cost of the tour is [amount in dollars], which will be borne by the students and their parents.

We would be grateful if you could grant us permission to undertake this study tour. We assure you that we will adhere to all school policies and guidelines, and take all necessary safety measures during the tour.

Thank you for your consideration of our request. We look forward to your positive response.

[Your Name] [Student/Class Representative]

Dear Principal,

I am writing to request permission for [number of students] students from [name of school/college/university] to participate in a study tour. The tour is an essential part of our curriculum and aims to broaden our knowledge and understanding of [subject/topic].

We plan to visit [destination(s)] from [start date] to [end date]. The tour will be led by [name of teacher or chaperone], who will supervise the students and ensure their safety and well-being throughout the trip. We have arranged for comfortable and safe accommodation at [name of hotel/hostel], and we will be traveling by [mode of transportation].

The study tour is an opportunity for us to apply what we have learned in the classroom to real-life situations. We will be visiting [museums/historical sites/research facilities etc.] and meeting with experts in the field. We believe that this tour will enhance our knowledge and provide us with practical experience that we cannot gain in the classroom.

The total cost of the tour is [amount in dollars], which includes all transportation, accommodation, and meals. We have already collected [percentage of total cost] of the total amount from each student, and we will ensure that the remaining balance is paid before the tour.

We would be grateful if you could grant us permission to undertake this study tour. We assure you that we will take all necessary safety measures during the tour and that the students will adhere to the school’s policies and guidelines.

Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to your positive response.

I am writing to request permission for a study tour for our class. As you know, practical learning experiences are essential for a complete education. A study tour provides students with the opportunity to learn outside the classroom and to gain practical knowledge on various subjects.

Our class is planning to visit a historical site that is related to the subject matter we are currently studying in our History class. The site is [Name of the site], and it would be an excellent opportunity for us to learn more about the history of our country and its culture.

We have prepared a detailed itinerary for the tour, and we will be accompanied by our History teacher and other school staff members. The trip will be scheduled for [Date] and will last for [Number of days]. We have also made arrangements for transportation, accommodation, and food.

We understand that this tour will require some financial resources, but we are ready to cover the expenses ourselves. We will be happy to contribute and raise funds to support the tour.

We believe that this study tour will help us to enhance our knowledge and broaden our perspectives on the subject matter we are studying. We are confident that this experience will be beneficial to us in our academic and personal lives.

[Your Name]

I am writing to formally request permission for a study tour for the students of [Class or Grade]. As you are aware, educational tours serve as a great opportunity for students to expand their knowledge beyond the walls of the classroom and gain hands-on experience in their respective fields.

We wish to organize a study tour to [Destination] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. During this period, our students will have the chance to visit various places of historical, cultural and educational significance. They will also get the opportunity to interact with experts in their field and witness firsthand the applications of concepts they have learned in class.

The study tour will be supervised by experienced teachers who will ensure that all students follow a strict schedule and adhere to school rules and regulations. We will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students during the tour.

To make this trip possible, we request your support and approval. We believe that this study tour will have a significant impact on the education and lives of our students, and we hope that you will consider our proposal.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Class or Grade] [School Name]

I am writing to request permission for a study tour for the students of [Class or Grade]. We would like to organize a trip to [Destination] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This study tour will provide our students with an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom and gain hands-on experience in their respective fields.

During this period, students will have the chance to visit various places of historical, cultural and educational significance. They will also get the chance to interact with experts in their field and witness firsthand the application of concepts they have learned in class.

The study tour will be supervised by experienced teachers who will ensure that all students follow a strict schedule and adhere to school rules and regulations. We understand the importance of safety during such trips and will take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students during the tour.

We believe that this study tour will have a significant impact on the education and lives of our students. As such, we request your support and approval to make this trip possible.

I am writing to request permission for a study tour for the students of [Class or Grade]. Our proposed destination is [Destination] and we plan to embark on this educational trip from [Start Date] to [End Date].

This study tour will provide our students with practical exposure to various cultural, historical and educational aspects that cannot be learned within the confines of the classroom. It will also give them an opportunity to interact with experts in their field and witness firsthand the application of concepts they have learned in class.

Experienced teachers will accompany the students throughout the tour to ensure that they adhere to the school rules and regulations while following a strict schedule. We understand the importance of student safety during such trips and assure you that all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure their well-being.

We believe that this study tour will have a significant impact on our students’ education and personal growth. We humbly request your support and approval to make this educational tour possible.

Thank you for considering our proposal.

I am writing this letter to request permission for a study tour for our class. As you are aware, studying in the classroom can be limiting and a study tour will provide us with an opportunity to learn and experience things beyond the walls of the school.

We would like to visit various historical sites and museums that are relevant to the subjects we are studying. This will not only enhance our understanding of the topics but also make learning more exciting and engaging. It will also give us a chance to bond as a class and create memories that we can cherish for a lifetime.

We have planned the study tour during the upcoming semester break, from August 18, 2024 to August 18, 2024. We have estimated the cost per student to be [amount] which includes transportation, entry to the various sites, and accommodation. We assure you that we will take utmost care of ourselves and follow all safety guidelines during the trip.

We kindly request you to grant us permission for the study tour and also extend your support in making the necessary arrangements. We believe that such experiences will help us become better learners and responsible citizens.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name] [Class and Roll Number]

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Application for Study Tour or Excursion

Application for Study Tour or Excursion:  Suppose, you are a student of KDC college or KDC high school. The students of your class want to go for a study tour or excursion . So, you need permission from the principal of your college or the headmaster of your school. Now, write an application to the headmaster or principal requesting or asking for permission to go for a study tour or excursion .

The answer to the application for the study tour:

11. January. 2021

The Principal / (The Headmaster)

KDC College, Dhaka. (KDC School)

Subject: Application for study tour /excursion to  Foys Lake .


With due respect, we the students of class xii of your college (class x of your school) would like to draw your kind attention that our half-yearly examination has been completed and the winter vacation will be started in a few days. So, we are willing to go for a study tour (excursion) to Chittagong Foys Lake and Saint Martin Island. This will help to remove our boredom and make our mind refresh. It will also broaden our outlook and knowledge. Our Bangla and English Lecturers (teachers) have been agreed to guide us. Now, we need your kind permission.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to allow us to arrange a study tour considering our monotonousness and learning scope and oblige thereby.

We remain sir.

Obediently yours,

The students of class xii (x) .

KDC College, Dhaka

Note: If you are an HSC student, no need to write the words in the 1 st brackets. If you are a student of SSC, write The Headmaster, School, and Class x in place of “ The Principal, College and class xii).

If the question contains "Study tour", please omit the word "Excursion" .

If the question contains  "Excursion",  please omit the word    "Study tour" .

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Write an application to the principal of your school to arrange an educational trip..

Application to the principal to arrange a study tour or How to write application for tour to principal, educational trip application,

 Formal email/application to the headmaster seeking permission to go on a study tour

write a application to the principal for educational tour

To, The Principal, Govt. High School/College Sir, With due respect, I state that I am the class representative of F.Sc pre-engineering Section A. We have just taken mid-term exams. The classes will start on the 10th of this month. There is seven days gap. We, the class as a whole, have decided to go on a tour to refresh ourselves. We have planned to visit Changa Manga forest and Safari Resorts near Lahore. We want to go on the tour on college buses. I am writing to you on behalf of my class. Sir, the total cost of the tour will not exceed Rs 56, 000. We will contribute to half of the expenses. It is nice weather and we do not want to miss the opportunity to get together at a nice resort like Changa Manga forest. Finally, this is our last year at college. We want to collect as many memories as we can during these last days. We request you to give us permission for the said tour. We want to depart on Saturday 7th date and will be back on Monday 8th. Our supervisor has also given permission for this tour. The permission letter is attached along with the application. We shall be thankful to you for your favor. Yours Obediently, X. Y. Z

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19+ Application Writing for Class Six English 2nd Paper 2022


Write an application to the Headmaster praying for the remission of delay fine.

1. Suppose, you are a student of Monipur High School, Dhaka. Your family was in a financial crisis; so you could not pay the tuition fee in time. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for the remission of delay fine. 5 August 2016 The Headmaster Monipur High School, Mirpur, Dhaka Subject : Prayer for remission of delay fine. Sir, I would like to state that I could not pay my tuition fee for the month of July due to financial crisis. My father works in a private firm and he did not get his regular salary for the last two months. Now he is able to provide the money and I want to pay the regular fee without delay fine. It can be noted that I was paying my fees regularly before July. I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to consider my circumstance and grant me the remission of delay fine and permit me to pay the usual fee only. I remain Sir, Your most obedient pupil, Md. Sabbir Ahmed Class–VI, Roll-11.

Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a full-free studentship.

2. Suppose, you are a student of Bogra Zilla School. Your father is a retired school teacher. He cannot bear your educational expenses. Now, write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for a full-free studentship. 2 January, 2016 The Headmaster Bogra Zilla School, Bogra. Subject : Prayer for a full free studentship. Sir, I respectfully state that I am a student of class VI of your school. My father is a retired school teacher. He is the only earning member of our family. I have three school going brothers. My father has to bear their educational expenses. So, it is very difficult for him to provide my educational expenses any more with his poor income. I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to grant me a full free studentship and give me an opportunity to continue my studies. I remain Sir, Sabbir Ahmed Class VI, Roll-3

Write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for re-admission.

3.Suppose you are a student of class VI of Police Line High School, Jessore. You could not pay your tuition fees for the month of July because of the low income of your father. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for re-admission. 10 August 2016 The Headmaster Police Line High School, Jessore Subject : Prayer for re-admission. Sir, I would like to state that my father is a poor govt. employee. He has to maintain a large family with his small income. Besides, I have four school going brothers and sisters. So I could not pay my tuition fee for the month of last July. As a result my name has been struck off the roll. Now I am in a position to clear all the dues. I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly give permission for my re-admission. I remain, Sir, Your most obedient student, Md. Rakibul Islam. Class-VI, Roll-8

Write an application to the Headmaster praying for leave of absence on account of your illness.

4.Suppose, you are a student of Govt. Girls, School, Khulna. You could not attend school for three days on account of illness. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for leave of absence on account of your illness. August 5, 2016 The Headmaster Govt. Girls’ School, Khulna. Subject: Prayer for leave of absence for three days. Sir, I have the honour to state that I am a student of class VI in your school. On account of my fever and cold I couldn’t attend school from the 1st instant to the 3rd instant. I was under medical treatment of a doctor. I shall be highly obliged if you kindly grant me leave of absence for three days as stated above. A medical certificate is attached herewith for your kind perusal and necessary action. I remain, Sir Yours most obediently Rashed Ahmed

Write an application to the headmaster asking for leave in advance.

5.Suppose, you are a student of Rajshahi Zilla School, Rajshahi. Your elder sister is getting married. You have to stay at home and do a lot of work. Now, write an application to the headmaster asking for leave in advance. 7 February, 2016 The Headmaster Rajshahi Zilla School Rajshahi Subject : Prayer for leave in advance. Sir, I have the honour to state that I am a student of class VI in your school. The marriage ceremony of my sister comes off on Friday next. As I am the only son of my parents. I have to do a lot of work and help my parents in many ways which cannot be done by any outsider. In fact, my father wants me to stay home till the marriage ceremony is over. I shall be highly obliged if you kindly grant me leave in advance for five days with effect from Thursday, the 9th February, 2016. I remain Sir Your most obedient pupil, Mizanur Rahman.

Write an application to the Headmaster praying for morning school.

6.Suppose, you are the students of Monipur High School, Dhaka. It is summer season now and very hot during day time. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for morning school. 5 January, 2016 The Headmaster Monipur High School, Mirpur Dhaka Sub: Prayer for morning school. Sir, We, the students of your school, beg most respectfully to state that owing to excessive heat for the last few days, it is now quite difficult for us to stay in the classroom at noon. On the other hand, we can neither be fully attentive to our teachers nor can take active interest in our lessons in such a hot weather. Even effective teaching by our teachers does not carry the impact upon us as desired. We, therefore, pray that you would kindly take necessary action so that we may start our classes just at 7:30 am instead of 10:30 am with immediate effect. We remain Sir Yours most obediently The students of class VI

Write an application to the Headmaster asking for a TC.

7.Suppose, you are Arif, a student Barisal Zilla School. Your father is a govt. employee. Recently he has been transferred to Dhaka. Now write an application to the Headmaster asking for a TC. 24 June, 2016 The Headmaster Barisal Zilla School Barisal. Subject: Prayer for a transfer certificate. Sir, Most humbly and respectfully I would like to inform you that I am a student of class VI in your school. My father who is a government employee has received an order of posting from here to Dhaka. My family is going to be shifted there soon. It is shocking for me to change the school at this stage. But I cannot help moving with my parents. Because I have no relatives with whom I can reside in Barisal. So, I am badly in need of a transfer certificate from you. Under this circumstances, I shall be highly obliged if you kindly issue me a transfer certificate as early as possible. I remain Sir, Obediently yours Rashed Hassan Class-VI, Roll-2

Write an application to your Headmaster seeking permission to go on a study tour and praying for monetary assistance.

8.Suppose, you are the students of class VI of Khulna Zilla School. You wish to undertake a study tour to Shat Gambuz Mosque. Now, write an application to your Headmaster seeking permission to go on a study tour and praying for monetary assistance. 1 February, 2016 The Headmaster Khulna Zilla School, Khulna. Subject: Prayer for permission to go on a study tour. Sir, With due respect, we would like to inform you that we, the students of class VI, wish to undertake a study tour to Bagerhat Shat Gambuz Mosque. We feel that we should know our country and learn about various important places. Mere bookish knowledge does not satisfy us unless we see things with our own eyes. Such a visit to this place will give us a clear idea of our glorious history. We hope that this tour will widen our knowledge, ideas and outlook. Our team will consist of 25 students and two teachers and it will take two days for the tour. We have already collected money. But we need more monetary assistance from the school fund. We shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow us to make the tour and sanction us a handsome amount as monetary assistance. We remain Sir, Yours most obediently The students of Class VI

Write an application to your Headmaster for starting a debating society in your school.

9.Suppose, you are the students of Khulna Zilla School. You have been feeling the necessity of a debating society in which you may have training in debating. Hence, write an application to your Headmaster for starting a debating society in your school. 2 January 2016 The Headmaster, Khulna Zilla School Khulna Subject : Prayer for starting a debating society. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to inform you that we have been feeling the necessity of a debating society in which we may have training in debating under the guidance of our teacher. May we, therefore, hope that you may be pleased to arrange a debating society in our school at an early date. We remain, Sir, Your most obedient student, The students of Khulna Zilla School Khulna

Write an application to the Headmaster/ Headmistress for setting up a computer club in the school.

10.Suppose, you are the students of Rajbari Zilla School. Your school have not got any computer club. Now, write an application to the Headmaster/ Headmistress for setting up a computer club in the school. 10 April 2016 The Headmaster Savar Cantonment Public School Savar, Dhaka Subject : Prayer for setting up a computer club in our school. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we have no computer club in our school. We are living in an age of science. The modern age is greatly dependent on computer. It is being used in every avenue of our life. It has made the impossible possible. Ours is an age of competition. We are lagging behind without the knowledge of computer. So, to keep pace with the modern world, it has become necessary for us to have a good command over computer knowledge. In these circumstances, we want to start a computer club in our school which will help us to know computer skills well. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly consider the matter and take necessary steps to set up a computer club in our school. Your most obedient student, The students of class six, Savar Cantonment Public School

Write an application to the Headmaster to open a reading room in your school.

11.Suppose, you are the students of Govt. Jubilee High School, Sunamganj. There is no reading room in your school. As a result, the students face many problems. Now, write an application to the Headmaster to open a reading room in your school. 1 August 2015 The Headmaster Govt. Jubilee High School, Sunamganj Subject : Prayer for opening a reading room. Sir, With due respect we, the students of your school, would like to draw your attention to the matter that ours is a famous and large school in the district. It is a matter of sorrow that we have no reading room in our school. As a result, most of the students spend their leisure hours either by chatting or roaming about aimlessly. If we had reading room, we could utilize our leisure time. Some periodicals, newspapers and books of renowned writers would be kept in the reading room. They would help us to increase our knowledge. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly take necessary steps to open a reading room in our school immediately. We remain, Sir, ‘Z’, Class–VI, Roll No. 1 For the students of Govt. Jubilee High School, Sunamganj.

Write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a canteen in your school campus.

12.Suppose, you are the students of Ideal High School, Motijheel, Dhaka. There is no canteen in your school. The students have to stay for a long time in the school. So they need tiffin. Now, write an application to the Headmaster for setting up a canteen in your school campus. 10 August 2015 The Headmaster Ideal High School, Motijheel, Dhaka Subject : Prayer for setting up a canteen in the school campus. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to draw your attention to the fact that most of us come from long distances. We have to stay in the school for a long time. To pass this long time we need tiffin. But for the want of a canteen we have to take tiffin from outside restaurants, which is both costly and unhygienic. So we feel the necessity of a canteen in the school campus. We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to consider our case and take necessary steps to set up a canteen in the school campus as early as possible. We remain, Sir, Md. Mizanur Rahman Class–VI, Roll–04 On behalf of the students of Ideal High School, Motijheel, Dhaka

Write an application to the Headmaster praying for holding a cultural function in your school.

13.Suppose, you are the students of Chittagong Govt. High School. You want to arrange a cultural function in your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for holding a cultural function in your school. 10 April 2016 The Headmaster Chittagong Govt. High School, Chittagong Subject : Prayer for holding a cultural function. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that we wish to hold a cultural function on the occassion of Pahela Baishakh. We have already discussed it with our class teacher and he has given us some valuable advice. We have decided to raise a fund for the function by taking subscription from the students. We also request you to sanction some money for this purpose. We, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to hold the function and give us financial support to arrange the programme successfully. We remain, Sir, Your most obediently, ‘X’, Class–VI, Roll No. 2 For the students of Chittagong Govt. High School, Chittagong

write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission to play a friendly football match.

14.Suppose, you are the students of class six in your school. You want to play a friendly football match with the students of class seven of your school. Now, write an application to the Headmaster of your school praying for permission to play a friendly football match. 21 August 2016 The Headmaster Magura Govt. High School, Magura Subject : Prayer for permission to play a friendly football match. Sir, We, the students of class six of your school, would like to state that we wish to play a friendly football match with the students of class seven at 3:30 pm today at our playground. We, therefore, hope that you would kindly grant our prayer and allow us to play the match. We remain, Sir, Your most obediently, Popy For the students of class six.

Write an application to the Headmaster praying for a half holiday.

15.Suppose, you are the students of Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka. A friendly football match between your school and Motijheel Model School & College will be held at your school playground today. You want to enjoy the match. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for a half holiday. 17 March 2016 The Headmaster Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka Subject : Prayer for a half holiday. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to state that a friendly football match between our school and Motijheel Model School & College will be held at 3 pm at our school playground today. The match will be very competitive. We want to enjoy the exciting match. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant us a half holiday and give us a chance to enjoy the match. We remain Sir, Your most obediently Md. Ashiqur Rahman Class–VI, Roll–02 On behalf of the students of Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School, Dhaka

Write an application to the Deputy Commissioner for immediate sanction of relief for the flood affected people of your locality.

16. Suppose, you are the inhabitants of a locality. Your locality has severely been affected by the recent flood. The people of your locality are in need of relief greatly. Now, write an application to the Deputy Commissioner for immediate sanction of relief for the flood affected people of your locality. 30 August 2016 The Deputy Commissioner Rajbari District Subject : Prayer for immediate sanction of relief for the flood affected people. Sir, We, the inhabitants of Kalimohor Union, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the recent flood has caused a great damage in our locality. Flood has washed away houses, crops and cattle. Thousands of people have become homeless. They are spending their days and nights under the open sky. Many people have taken shelter on the roofs of houses, on trees and even on boats. The sufferings of the people know no bounds. They have been starving for days. They are affected by waterborne diseases for the lack of pure drinking water. Cholera, diarrhoea and many other diseases have broken out in an epidemic form. Flood has already taken some valuable lives. In these circumstances, they are urgently in need of food, relief goods, medicines and pure drinking water. We, therefore, expect that you would be kind enough to consider the miseries of the people of our locality and send relief goods and medical team to save the lives of the flood affected people as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Md. Shofi Uddin Miah On behalf of the people of Kalimohor Union

Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad for sanctioning tubewells.

17. Suppose you, the inhabitants of the village kola kanto Nagore, have been suffering for want of pure drinking water. Now write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad for sanctioning tubewells. 17 March 2016 The Chairman Chapila Union Parishad Gurudashpur, Natore Subject : Prayer for sanctioning tubewells. Sir, We, the inhabitants of the village of Kola Kanto Nagore under your union, would like to inform you that about 5,000 people live in our village. But it is a matter of great regret that the villagers are suffering much for want of pure drinking water for a long time. They use water from the nearby river or ponds. This water is polluted. And as a result, they often suffer from various diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery, etc. Under the above circumstances, we request you to sanction necessary number of tubewells in our locality as early as possible. Yours faithfully,

  • Md Mottalib Hossain
  • Md. Abul Azad Sarkar On behalf of the villagers.

Write an application to the Headmaster praying for a seat in the school hostel.

18.Suppose, you are Monjur, a student of Pabna Zilla School. You have to come to school on foot from your village home. It is about three kilometres away from the school. It hampers your study and health. Now, write an application to the Headmaster praying for a seat in the school hostel. 10 April 2016 The Headmaster Pabna Zilla School, Pabna Subject : Prayer for a seat in the school hostel. Sir, With due honour, I would like to state that I am a student of class six in your school. I live with my parents in a village and my village is about three kilometres away from your school. I have to come to school on foot from my village home. This is why I feel difficulties on the way to school. If the weather is rough, it is difficult for me to reach school in time. Besides, everyday I get tired after returning from school and cannot concentrate on my studies. It hampers my study and health. So, I am urgently in need of a seat in the school hostel. I, therefore, hope that you would be kind enough to consider the circumstances and allot me a seat in the hostel so that I can concentrate on my studies without any anxiety. I remain Sir, Your most obedient student Md. Monzurul Islam Class-VI; Roll-10

Write an application to the Headmaster seeking permission to go on a picnic.

19.Suppose, you are the students of Kushtia Zilla School. The students of your school wish to arrange a picnic. Now, write an application to the Headmaster seeking permission to go on a picnic. 5 January 2015 The Headmaster Kushtia Zilla School, Kushtia Subject : Prayer for permission to go on a picnic. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to state that we want to arrange a picnic at Mahasthangarh in Bogra. Here lies the Majar of Shah Sultan Balkhi. The archaelogical signs of the ancient city ‘Pundra’ have been found there also. We hope that this tour will increase our outlook besides giving us an opportunity to enjoy ourselves. We, therefore, expect that you would be kind enough to permit us to visit the place and sanction us a handsome amount of money for the purpose. We remain, Sir, Your most obediently, Md. Farhan Labib Class–VI, Roll–01 On behalf of the students of Kushtia Zilla School, Kushtia.

Write an application to your Headmaster/ Headmistress praying for an English daily for the common room.

20.Suppose, you are the students of Collegiate High School, Dhaka. Your school common-room has got no English daily. As a result, you are deprived of reading this. Now, write an application to your Headmaster/ Headmistress praying for an English daily for the common room. 6 February 2015 The Headmaster Jessore Zilla School, Jessore Subject : Prayer for an English daily for the common room. Sir, We, the students of your school, would like to draw your kind attention that our common room provides a few facilities. The remarkable lack is that the common room has got no English daily. As a result, we are deprived of reading an English Newspaper. An English daily can increase our knowledge of the language, vocabulary. We can improve our reading skills by reading it. English is an international language and it has importance in every avenue of our life. We can have a good command over English by reading English daily. Besides the Bengali dailies, if we get an English daily we will be greatly benefited. We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to realize our necessity and take measures to provide us an English daily in the common room. Yours faithfully B, Class–VI, Roll No. 1 On behalf of the students of your school.

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Application for permission to go on a study tour


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Application for taking permission to arrange a study tour

With due respect, we are the students of class VI of your school, beg to state that we want to go to a study tour on next week for refreshment. We think we can gain practical knowledge of various things along with our textbooks. It also helps to make a good breakthrough from our boring life. So we need your permission and financial support and we are also hoping you to come with us.

We will be much obliged if you allow us to arrange and go on the study tour.

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Application for Educational Tour

Application for Educational Tour

[Educational tour is important for a student. This type of tour is helpful for practical learning. As a student, you can write a simple letter to the education authority about your education, address, details of the tour, dates, places to be visited, the concession you are eligible for with purpose. Below briefly describe on Sample Application for Educational Tour to the principal or administration authority. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]

Date: DD/MM/YY

The Registrar/Administration…

College/University name…

Sub: Application for Study Tour

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is (Your name) from (department name) at the University. I am writing to you on behalf of my class/department. (Describe in your words). Since you know that creative education always needs research and observation. Though, technology has made it easier for us to research online and explore new things. But, sometimes physical learning is very important. (Explain your actual cause and situation).

We want you to allow us to arrange a study tour to (Area and place name, e.g., a museum and art centers). We are sure that this tour will help us grow in this field. (Cordially describe your greetings and requirements). It will enhance our creativity which would further increase the worth of this institute. Looking forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Batch and Registration no…

Subject and Department name…

Another Format,

The Principal…

School/College name…

Sub: Application for Arranging Study Tour

Respected Sir,

With due respect, we would like to bring it to your knowledge that we are planning an educational trip to (Area or place name, e.g., Coca-Cola Factory) for (***) grade students. (Describe in your words).

In the wake of our current course outline and lectures, students have decided to visit the site as it will be easier to learn from experience. The aim of this trip is to create awareness among students that how industries work and how production takes place, how a business runs and what type of technical people works at school. (Explain actual cause and situation).

For this purpose, we need your permission letter so we can send it to the head office of (Company/factory name) to get their permission. Therefore, it is humbly requested that a study tour to the site be arranged. Kindly respond to us as soon as possible so we can move towards the next step. Students shall be very thankful to you.

Yours obediently,

On behalf of the student of Class/Grade no…

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Date: dd/mm/yy

The Principle,

School/College Name…


Subject: Prayer for Permission to go on Study Tour.

With due respect, we are the students of your school/college (Class), beg to state that we want to go to a study tour on next week for refreshment. We think we can gain practical knowledge of various things along with our textbooks. It also helps to make a good breakthrough from our boring life. So we need your permission and financial support and we are also hoping you to come with us.

We will be much obliged if you allow us to arrange and go on the study tour.

Yours obediently


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Your Office Partner

Application for Study Tour to Industries, Factories or Other Places

Want to write a requesting application for a study tour? We are giving you Samples of the application letters to the school principal, college principal, or hod in university for the permission of educational tour, or study tour regarding your subject areas.

Application for Study Tour

To Principal LSE University U.K

This is “your name” from the fine arts department at the University. I am writing to you on behalf of my class. Since you know that creative education always needs research and observation. Though, technology has made it easier for us to research online, and explore new things. But, sometimes physical learning is very important.

We want you to allow us to arrange a study tour to London’s museum and art centers. We are sure that this tour will help us grow in this field. It will enhance our creativity which would further increase the worth of this institute. Looking forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,

Application Letter for Study Tour

The Principal Hayley College of Industrial Research Tokyo, Japan


It is kindly requested to you for the arrangement of a study tour to Industrial Area. We are much eager since our enrollment in this college to visit the industry and observe the processes of manufacturing different products. We want you to kindly head this tour too. We hope your response shall be in the favor of this request.

Yours Obediently,

C-3 Industrial Design Class

Application for Arranging Study Tour

The Headmaster

With due respect, it is stated that I am a student of Geography in your class. In the wake of our current course outline, and lectures, students have decided to visit the site as it will be easier to learn from experience. It will allow students to observe the place first hand, and enable them to collect more accurate data.

Therefore, it is humbly requested that a study tour to the site be arranged. Students shall be very thankful to you.

Yours obediently

Permission Letter for Industrial Visit to Principal

The Principal, Allied Learning School

Respected Sir,

With due respect, we would like to bring it to your knowledge that we are planning an educational trip to Nestle Factory for grade 9 th , and 10 th students.  The aim of this trip is to create awareness among students that how industries work, how production takes place, how the business runs, and what type of technical people works at school. For this purpose, we need your permission letter so we can send it to the head office of Nestle to get their permission. Kindly respond to us as soon as possible so we can move towards the next step. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Sara Mike

Request Letter for Permission to Visit Your Factory

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to request permission to visit Mars Chocolate Factory along with the students of the primary class of Beacon House Wapda Town. Along with education, extracurricular activities, and field trips are also necessary for the growth of a student’s mental capability.

This year at the request of many students we decided to select your factory as the venue of the field trip. The children are really excited, and for most of them, it’s their childhood dream. In this regard, I sent this letter. We are expecting nearly 150 students on the field trip, and the conveyance will also be provided by the school.  I request you to please give us permission. If you agree to this then I will send you another detailed letter which will contain the number of students coming along with the days in which the trip can be set then you can confirm, and tell us the final plan.

Feel free to contact me for any further queries, or clarification. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Fatima Aamir


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application study tour class 6



JNV Opens Class 6 Admission For 2025: Key Guidelines And Application Details Released

Curated By : Education and Careers Desk

Local News Desk

Last Updated: August 10, 2024, 16:32 IST

Delhi, India

Students will be selected based on an entrance test.

Students will be selected based on an entrance test.

The admission process for class 6 students has officially started for the session of 2025.

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) has officially opened the admission process for Class 6 students for the academic year 2025. Interested students and their parents can now apply online through the official website, The application form for the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) for Class 6 admission is also accessible on

To secure a spot in one of the prestigious Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, students must complete the application process online within the stipulated time. The admission process includes specific guidelines and rules that applicants must adhere to, ensuring a smooth and successful application.

  • Students can take admission only in Navodaya Vidyalaya located in their district. It is also necessary to fill out the residence certificate while submitting the form.
  • To be eligible for admission to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in class 6, a candidate must have completed full-time studies in classes 3,4, and 5 from a government, government-aided, or recognized school and must have successfully passed each of these classes.
  • Students will only get one chance to appear in the Navodaya Vidyalaya entrance exam.
  • 75 per cent of the seats in Navodaya Vidyalaya are reserved for students coming from the rural areas of the district. The remaining 25% of seats will be filled based on the merit of candidates from both urban and rural areas as per the reservation criteria of the district.
  • To gain admission in Navodaya Vidyalaya through rural quota, the students must pass the 3rd, 4th and 5th standard from a government, government-aided, or government-recognised school situated in the rural area of that district.
  • Students who have completed their education up to the 3rd, 4th and 5th standards in a school located in an urban area will be considered as belonging to the Urban area.

Students will be selected based on the entrance test. The name of this exam of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST).

In every branch of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, 75 per cent of the seats are reserved for students from rural areas. Furthermore, there is a provision to give reservations for students belonging to the scheduled castes, and scheduled tribes in proportion to the population of the district. Nevertheless, the national ratio for these reservations must not be less than 15 per cent for SCs and 75 per cent for STs, and the combined reservation for both should not exceed 50 per cent. Additionally, there is a compulsory reservation of one-third of the total seats for girls.


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