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More New Pages Planned & will be listed here Armada Control Center & Armada Resources


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via STFC Official Reddit At last, “Armadas Coming Soon” can be replaced with Armadas Are Here! We hope you’re as excited as we are because it’s going to be an epic adventure!

Players use an Armada to band together with members of their Alliance to form a greater force that is capable of taking on tougher enemies.

Armada Control Center Building

Build an Armadas control center in order to unlock the Armadas feature and lead your own Armada. Available at Ops level 23.

New Armada Targets Armada Targets are powerful new opponents that can be found in Level 20+ star systems across Federation, Klingon, Romulan and neutral space. (see Neutral Zone & Faction Zones for locations)

Do Armada Targets belong to their respective Factions? Yes, Armada Targets that belong to a faction count as being of that faction for abilities, dailies & so on.

  • Armada Targets can only be attacked by Armadas - they are too strong to be defeated with normal attacks
  • Due to their size and power, Armada Targets are not affected by the following research bonuses and abilities :

New Resources

  • Armada Credits are earned by defeating Armada Hostiles and can be used to purchase rewards in the Alliance Store.
  • Armada Directives are used to start Armadas. Players can get more from the Alliance Store, by completing Daily Goal milestones, and by upgrading the Armada Control Center.
  • Armada Tactical Cores are specialized command, control and communication systems used to upgrade the Armada Control Center

Everything you need to know about Armadas!

To start an Armada attack, you need the Armada Control Center building in your station. Starting at level 23 , this building can be unlocked through a new research node called ‘Unlock Armada Control Center’ in the Station research tree. This research uses a new resource, Armada Tactical Cores.

Starting an Armada attack requires Armada Directives, a new resource. These can be acquired from the Alliance Store, and by upgrading the Armada Control Center (each new level grants some Directives). They can also be acquired, from completing Daily Goals (one of the milestone rewards will award some Directives dependent on your level) or purchased via the store.

Once you start an Armada attack on a target, it creates an 'Armada Pin' on the system map close to the target, with a zone around it.

In order to take part in the Armada attack, you and each member of your Alliance who wants to participate need to:

1: Join the Armada and 2: Have a ship idle within the zone when the attack takes place and the countdown expires. (15 minutes after you start the Armada attack).

The maximum number of ships that can take part in the Armada attack ranges from 2-5 and is determined by the building level of the leader’s Armada Control Center (the Armada leader’s ship also counts toward the max). You can join multiple Armadas with your ships, but only your strongest ship in each Armada will take part. (You can consider any extra ships as a backup in case your main ship gets taken out by another player). The ships that will be taking part in the battle will have a purple glow around them in the system. When the timer runs out, the Armada leader’s ship, as well as the most powerful ships that have joined the Armada and are within the Armada zone will all fight together against the target. If you take part in an Armada attack that defeats the target, you'll earn Armada Credits, which can be used to buy new reward packs in the Alliance store. One of the participants of the Armada will have the chance at receiving a loot chest with additional credits!

The launch of Armadas will feature challenging cooperative PvE targets that grant significant rewards. You will be able to play together and help your friends progress by leading or contributing your ships to Armadas.

Not only that - but Armadas will also provide players opportunities to compete. Armada tournament events reward Alliances for their performance . Be on the lookout for players attempting to intercept your Armada as it forms. Or find theirs and strike back! When you find an Armada target, get your Alliance ready to defend against any incoming competing players.

Revisit Mission Dialogue

Developer Comments: Star Trek Fleet Command has a rich storyline and narrative so with this feature we are giving you the chance to revisit missed dialogues from missions.

  • Allows you to read through the history of a quest and its logs
  • Highlights choices and actions that you performed in the quest chain

Empty State in all Stores Developer comments: When a store doesn’t have any bundles, it currently looks empty. With this change, you’ll be able to correctly identify when this is the case.

View Resources in refinery Instead of Refinery Level, you now see relevant resources.

Other Notes [ ]

Armadas bonus exceptions

Due to their size and power, Armada Targets are not affected by the following research bonuses and abilities:

• Research: Combat - Defensive Tactics • B’Rel Class - Cloaking System • Gladius Class - Secret Weapon • Grace Chen - Energy Absorber • T’Laan - Objective Defense • Tal - Resistance • Mara - Wife of a Dahar • Qa’ug - Excel under Pressure • Severus - Spreading Fire • Yuki Sulu - Disrupting Field • John Harrison - Sabotage • Marlena Moreau - No Fear • Cadet Nyota Uhura - Scan the Enemy • Vixis - Fake Communiques • D’joaki - Shatter Defenses • Chang - Dogs of War

  • 1 Faction Reputation
  • 2 The Swarm
  • 3 Nanoprobes

Solo Armadas

Jem'Hadar Solo Armadas are different than other armadas in that you run them alone with three of your own ships. The target has more health and lower damage output relative to FKR armadas, so burning and ramping damage can do a lot of the work here. It's important to remember that burning and hull breach affect the target, so all your ships and their officers can benifit from them.

Get an officer running mitigation on all your ships. There are quite a few ways to do this

Sisko Miles

This is the highest damage output of the three mitigation crews discussed here. Dont bother with changeling kira, she's not very effective. Use Six of Eleven for dps instead, or use the extra spot for hullbreach, burning. This crew works very well with nero and gorkon, because mile's extra shots gives them both more rolls to activate, and Sisko's crit ramp will essentially guarantee 100% up time on hull breach after only a few rounds.

Five of Eleven Six of Eleven

This is a good middle ground between damage and loot yield. The last slot can go to either khan for dps, or to utility.

Riker Beverly

Damage Ramp from Riker, Mitigation from Beverly

Picard Beverly

Kind of a niche pick, it's interesting because picard's captain maneuver will add a 120% boost to all officer maneuvers. So an officer ability with a value of let's say 10, would have 12 added to it for a total of 22. this means putting either Georgiou or Lorca side car would give them over 100% chance to activate every round.

Kirk Spock Zhou

These crewes do essentially the same thing; regen shields and raise mitigation. Spock's ability to regen shields is largely based on how much defense you can stack lower decks, as well as the tier of your spock. Once you progress beyond 35 uncommon solo armadas, Spock probably wont be regenerating enough shields to make this crew worthwhile. if your morale ship's shields are depleted in your combat log, it might be time to stop crewing Spock and just use another mitigation crew. The choice between Beverly and Zhou is based on their teir, and you should choose whichever has the higher value of defense to mitigation.

On The Enterprise

Kirk Beverly

Smilar to running kirk and Spock on another ship, The Enterprise's ship ability regens shields with no need for Spock. This leaves you with a free officer slot to use for utility or damage.

On The Sarcophagus

The Sarc has a lot of hull and deals almost no damage outside of territory nodes. If you've been skipping lots of ships and don't have a third ship that can survive armada damage, you can use your Sarc as a platform for Lorca or Georgiou to maintain hull breach or burning.

Picard and Beverly is the best thing to run here, as they will ensure even a t1 Lorca or Georgiou will activate every round.

Beverly Worf

If you don't have Picard, try this with Georgiou or Lorca in the third slot.

Important single officers

These go in your empty crew slots

Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command

Star Trek Fleet Command Officer Guide

Enterprise crew, klingon patriots crew, nero’s crew, blood and honor crew.

blueprint calculator

Romulan Patriots

Section 31 crew, shakedown cruise crew, surveyors & miners, auxiliary controls, khan’s crew, starfleet academy crew, glory in the kill crew, another time crew, unimatrix twelve, discovery origins, discovery crew, terran empire, tos enterprise crew, khitomer’s revenge, pride of romulus, ferengi conglomerate, lower decks.

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Star Trek Fleet Command best crew combinations

Star Trek Fleet Command best crew combinations

Officers belong to factions, and based on that, they share some general characteristics and abilities as follows:

  • Federation:  Officers of this faction are defense-oriented.
  • Ability : Morale
  • Klingon : Klingon Officers are mainly focused on attack.
  • Ability : Hull Breach
  • Romulan:  This faction's Officers offer utility and health growth.
  • Ability : Burning

STFC officer classes

  • Engineering

In addition, they are also members of various groups .

Like ships, their rarity varies from 'Uncommon' to 'Epic'. Based on that, they have a set number of traits that can be used on ' Away Team Assignments ':

  • Uncommon : 0

Captain's Maneuver

Captain maneuvers

Crew Synergy

Crew synergy bonus

Deploying crew members of the same group , will provide a synergy bonus to the Captain's Maneuver ability, increasing its effectiveness.

Diverse experience provides the most benefit to the Captain. Putting an officer of each class (but of the same group) on the bridge, will grant the maximum synergy bonus.

Scan the enemy man

Best Crews in Star Trek Flee Command

For example, a crew that increases the mining rate of gas is great for mining gas, obviously, but it's not beneficial when it comes to battle.

Additionally, each faction complements the strengths of a certain ship type as follows:

  • Federation : Explorer
  • Klingon : Interceptor
  • Romulan : Battleship

Synergy bonus, as powerful as it is, it's not everything in some cases. There are Officers abilities that work extremely well against a certain type of enemy, or compliment another officer, regardless of their group.

So in that sense, we can't say that there's one crew that's the best at everything. For better or worst, that's not how Star Trek Fleet Command works.

Fighting Hostiles

Pike Moreau crew combination

If you have these two, even at lower levels, you are set, at least when it comes to farming hostiles. Pike and Moreau are the core, but the 3rd member of your crew can be either Chen or T'Laan depending on the enemies you are facing. 

star trek fleet command crew for armada

But of course, especially as a new player, it's more likely not to have Epic or even Rare officers. In that case, you can go with high level Cadet or Next Gen combinations. 

A Next Gen crew would look something like this:

  • Joachim 
  • Marla McGivers

Best mining crew combination

  • Barot 

These are just some examples of great crew combinations against certain game content. Hopefully, with the information we've provided here, you can figure out on your own which of your available officers are the best for the ships that you have.  

Discover more Sci-Fi games on our top 25 Sci-fi games list for iOS and Android devices! If the strategic aspect of Star Trek: Fleet Command is what you enjoy the most, better check our top 25 strategy games list for Android and iOS systems! 

Mihail Katsoris

Formation Armadas

Uncommon loot table, rare loot table, complex nanotech exchange.

Formation armadas are an armada requiring twelve ships to do properly. This can be anywhere from from four to twelve players, with up to three ships each (one at each branching armada). When you look at the armada, there are three seperate armadas attached to a central core, and each of these must be defeated to get a mega chest.

Each individual armada is beatable seperately, but must be started by another person. So once the first one is started, two other players need to start the other two armadas. Then up to four people can join each armada. The first armada sets a 15 minute timer, as the other two are started they join that timer. Any player from ANY alliance can start these, so if you are trying to get all three with your alliance mates, be quick so someone doesn't steal one of the other two.

If you beat all three armadas you will get a mega chest. But even if you fail to kill all three, if you are in one that is killed you will still get rewards. The person who starts it will get a chest, and each other person will get Artifact Tokens. One other person will randomly receive another chest, with less value than the starting chest. So if you start one of these, and beat all three you will get two chests, one for starting, and one for defeating all three.

So far, crews seem to be the same as regular armadas. So any crew that would be used for a regular armada can be used here.

The artifact tokens you get as rewards from the formation armadas can be spent in the Artifact Store.

These will get you artifacts, which basically act as research. To collect this research you must collect enough fragments to unlock and then upgrade artifacts in your Artifact Gallery.

The artifacts in here act as research. Once you restore it, you'll have that research boosting different aspects of the game.

star trek fleet command crew for armada

Formation Armadas - Species 8472 & Rare Formation Armadas

star trek fleet command crew for armada

A formidable new enemy emerged in the Delta Quadrant. Species 8472 was able to travel through the fluidic space through quantum singularities and brought the fight to our dimension.

Formation Armadas found in selected systems of the Delta Quadrant contain several simulations of Starfleet Headquarters used for reconnaissance and gathering intelligence on Starfleet’s capabilities.

Like all strongholds, Formation Armadas have their weaknesses. Each armada has three targets that, if destroyed simultaneously, will ensure the total annihilation of the armada.

Commanders above Operations level 26 can participate in attacks against Formation Armadas. To initiate an attack, you’ll need 100 Formation Armada Directives, which can be gained through Daily Goal completion. Additional directives can be found in the Offers tab.

Open a secure comms channel

Communication and coordination are critical to taking Formation Armadas down. Three teams, which can be from different Alliances, must select their top four Commanders to participate in the attack (twelve Commanders in total).

When a Formation Armada has started its timer on one of the targets, subsequent Armada starts against the rest of the target will inherit the timer of the already active Armada; this way, they are automatically synchronized.

When a Formation Armada is destroyed, Commanders will receive Artifact and Premium Artifact tokens in their rewards. These tokens are crucial in discovering Artifacts in the Artifact Gallery. Artifacts are unique and powerful items that will grant a wide range of highly potent buffs to the ones who acquire them. To learn more about them, check  here . ________________________________ M57 Update: The Delta Quadrant is expanding its boundaries as a new enemy lurks around: the Borg Unicomplex, the evil represented by the new  Rare Formation Armadas .

Brave Commanders of Operations 38 and above can join forces and rally against the Rare Formation Armadas. Follow the mission chain inviting you to explore the new sector in order to go through your very first Rare Formation Armada fight (level 31).

Beware! The following new systems are harboring the new enemy: 

Samarklew (35)

Larrios (38)

Ronkel (41)

Michfort (46)

Johlan (51)

Andracona (56)

Gareilly (60)

The Rare Formation Armadas require Rare Directives ; these will be available through the 7-day chest, as well as other places, such as offers in the store. 

Once the enemy is taken down, Commanders will receive rewards such as: 

Artifact tokens

Artifact shards 

Complex nanotech, a new currency that can be used for claiming chests containing a variety of items, such as new officer shards, rare skill points, isolytic artifacts and tokens.

Important note : The Armada Control Centre size bonus does not apply to Formation Armadas.

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STFC: Xindi Armadas

STFC’s recent update introduced Xindi Armadas to the game and if you are interested in defeating them, you have to use Dezoc.

Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) released the patch notes for update 64.1 on Tuesday, 19 March 2024. Not only did this update resolve various bugs, but it also introduced new content that you can enjoy.

The update revealed that players level 51 and higher can now test their fleet’s strength against the new Xindi Armadas.

Table of Contents

According to the update, the new Xindi Armadas’ purpose is to consolidate older armadas. Players will have to come up with new strategies and endeavor to save time by providing rewards from old armadas and new rewards.

If you defeat a Xindi Armada, there is a chance that you could obtain G6-related rewards, which will help you in the recent G6 expansion.

The patch notes revealed that the Xindi Armadas were designed to challenge players to think creatively, as they are not easy to vanquish from the galaxy.

Scopely therefore encourages players to help each other as they develop their own strategies to vanquish the new enemies.

STFC: Xindi Armadas

Similarly to other enemies in STFC, the Xindi Armadas can only be found in specific systems in the galaxy. Players therefore have to travel to G5 space, where they can encounter Uncommon and Rare Xindi Armadas.

When you have found a Xindi Armada, you can attack it to earn rich rewards. Keep in mind, however, that at the start of the round, if the Xindi Final Weapon is not burning, its weapon damage is increased by a certain percentage.

Every eight round, the hostile’s final weapon fires its super weapon, which deals lethal damage to your ship. This weapon can be disabled if the Xindi final weapon is assimilated at the beginning of the round when the weapon will fire.

Xindi Armada Location

In order to find a level Xindi Armada, you have to travel to a specific system within the STFC galaxy. The systems in which you can encounter the new hostiles are:

As seen in the table, you will have to travel to high-level systems if you are interested in defeating a Xindi Armada. The higher the level of the system that you want to travel to, the more your warp range has to be.

If your vessel’s warp range is too low, you will not be able to travel to the mentioned systems.

Unfortunately, you cannot choose the crew that you want to use against the Xindi Armadas randomly as you will be defeated.

Most players have decided to use a normal Armada crew for these new foes, however, they were unsuccessful.

This is because you need a burning effect on the lower deck and Dezoc to successfully vanquish the Xindi Armadas.

On the official STFC Discord channel, a player known as [FOLD] ArsenicTouch mentioned that he used Chakotay, Janeway and Doc with Dezoc and Neelix at tier 3.

Another player used Janeway , Chakotay and Doc with maxed Dezoc and Neelix and they successfully defeated the Xindi Armadas.

Even though it is possible to defeat the Xindi Armadas as a solo player, this is not recommended as they are extremely powerful.

We therefore recommend that you team up with another player and try to destroy the enemies together.

Several players have wondered if they can destroy a Xindi Armada without Dezoc and so far, no one has been successful. It can therefore be said that Dezoc is required for vanquishing the new enemies.

Unfortunately, you cannot obtain Dezoc for free, which means that you have to spend real life money to add him to your officer collection.

Players simply have to obtain the in-game store and follow the given instructions to purchase Dezoc.

If you successfully vanquish a Xindi Armada from the galaxy, you will be rewarded. You will earn Kemocite , however, whether you receive Refined Kemocite or Superior Kemocite will be determined by the enemy you defeated.

Kemocite is allegedly a new currency in STFC which can be exchanged for numerous items.

Keep in mind though that some items require more Kemocite than others. Players may therefore choose to save their Kemocite to purchase an expensive item.

According to the update, there is also a weekly claim, and the rewards will be segmented by OPS level range.

Players will receive G6 materials, resources, speedups and Artifacts and Temporal Artifacts . There is also a chance that you will get ship blueprints, which allows you to expand your vessel collection.

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