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Family at the Peaugres Safari, in summer

Ardèche Guide ➜ Discover ➜ Top 10 to explore ➜ Peaugres Safari, the preservation of species

Peaugres Safari, the preservation of species

Peaugres Safari, the preservation of species

An African plain in the heart of France

The largest animal park in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region, Peaugres Safari is a wild territory dedicated to the conservation of rare and protected species.  Your wildlife journey will take you through four continents spread across 80 hectares, from Madagascar to the Poles.  On the way, you will meet all kinds of unusual animals, as well as some more familiar species at close quarters in the farm.  More than 1200 animals from 134 species live at this veritable Noah’s Ark, from giraffes to lions, bears to red pandas.   There is something here to delight everyone. 

Peaugres Safari Park for all ages

Perched cabin of the Peaugres Safari overlooking the black bear park

This is how it works.  First drive round a designated circuit that takes you through two countries in one hour.  Enjoy two contrasting environments as you travel from the zebras, rhinos and hippos of Africa to the forests of North America, home to black bears and herds of bison.  Then leave your vehicle in the car park and continue on foot to meet some of the must-see residents of the safari park, including tigers, all kinds of monkey species, lemurs, the sealions’pool, giraffe walkway, and Leonie’s Farm. 

Did you know?

Every year, the keeper of the park’s animal food store handles 80 tonnes of apples, 33 tonnes of meet, 21 tonnes of fish, 2.5 tonnes of bananas, 100 kilos of Emmental, 7650 eggs, and 5000 yoghurts.

Hands-on experiences

Go behind the scenes with a variety of unique activities.  Discover the day-to-day work of a keeper, or maybe get involved with preparing meals for the hungry animals before feeding them.  You could also take a private drive in a 4 x 4 around the car circuit or take a guided walk by moonlight.  The choice is yours!

Family on a safari tour at The Peaugres Safari

A good night’s sleep

Like the idea of sleeping over?  Spend an unforgettable night in a wooden tree house in the heart of the North American zone.  Over a typical Ardechois supper, you will hear wolves howling and all the other nocturnal noises of the nature around you. 

Long-eared owl

Safari de Peaugres – a bird conservation area

Many areas have been left as wilderness, a haven for a wide variety of species of insect, bird and amphibian who find both food and shelter here .  In recognition of the 120 species of bird recorded, Safari de Peaugres was designated a Refuge LPO in 2021 by the League for the Protection of Birds.

Prepare and book my stay around Peaugres Safari

Activities around peaugres safari.

Zen riding

Hot-air balloon flight with MONTGOLFIÈRES & Cie

Balloon flight with Ardèche Montgolfières

Balloon flight with Ardèche Montgolfières

Climb the trees

Climb the trees

Cycling tours with Cyclotouristes Annonéens

Cycling tours with Cyclotouristes Annonéens



  • Saint-Désirat

Hot-air balloon flight with “Annonay’s balloons” association

Hot-air balloon flight with “Annonay’s balloons” association

Hot-air balloon flight with “Annonay, hot-air balloon birthplace” association

Hot-air balloon flight with “Annonay, hot-air balloon birthplace” association

Fishing lessons and courses

Fishing lessons and courses

Hiking and cycling with GoupilAventure

Hiking and cycling with GoupilAventure

Strolls with “Les lamas de là-bas”

Strolls with “Les lamas de là-bas”

Ateliers cuisine anti-gaspi et cohésion d’équipe

Ateliers cuisine anti-gaspi et cohésion d’équipe

Accommodation around Peaugres Safari

Gîte M. Deloche Jacky

Gîte M. Deloche Jacky



  • Saint-Victor



Le Fayard

Le Pin Sylvestre

Le Chêne

Gîte Rognat – Accueil

  • Saint-Félicien

Authentique – Rognat

Authentique – Rognat

Le Clos des Ceintres – Ecorce

Le Clos des Ceintres – Ecorce

Restaurants around the Peaugres Safari

Mas de la Madeleine Restaurant

Mas de la Madeleine Restaurant

  • Largentière

Restaurant La Bastide de Sanilhac

Restaurant La Bastide de Sanilhac

L’Auberge Gonflée

L’Auberge Gonflée

  • Laurac-en-Vivarais

L’Ardoise Bleue

L’Ardoise Bleue

  • Charmes-sur-Rhône

Le Grain de Malice

Le Grain de Malice

Le Salon d’Ann. Sophie “si la gourmandise m’était contée …”

Le Salon d’Ann. Sophie “si la gourmandise m’était contée …”

Restaurant la Treille

Restaurant la Treille

Les Coloquintes

Les Coloquintes

Le Spritz

  • Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas

Les Bains Restaurant

Les Bains Restaurant

  • Vals-les-Bains



Les Touristes Restaurant

Les Touristes Restaurant

What’s on ?

Must see, must do

Equiblues Festival

Equiblues Festival

  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Saint-Agrève

Farmers’ market with music – Saint Félicien

Farmers’ market with music – Saint Félicien

  • Commercial event

Festival Equiblues : 25 ème édition #5

Festival Equiblues : 25 ème édition #5

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : Projection documentaire

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : Projection documentaire

Summer escapes: In search of Amon-Bique’s sacred totem pole

Summer escapes: In search of Amon-Bique’s sacred totem pole

  • Saint-Jeure-d’Andaure

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : L’atelier ouvert

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : L’atelier ouvert

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : Concert Mélancolie Gang

Festival Lectures sous l’arbre : Concert Mélancolie Gang

Reading under the tree: Read aloud workshop

Reading under the tree: Read aloud workshop

Readings under the tree: “Read, dream, write…” writing workshop

Readings under the tree: “Read, dream, write…” writing workshop

Reboule’s festival

Reboule’s festival

Exposition “Couleus et formes” à Arlebosc

Exposition “Couleus et formes” à Arlebosc

Festival Musique en Vivarais Lignon : Ensemble SR9, Vibraphone et marimbas, “Métamprphoses”.

Festival Musique en Vivarais Lignon : Ensemble SR9, Vibraphone et marimbas, “Métamprphoses”.

Are dogs allowed in Safari de Peaugres?

All dogs (other than Category 1) are allowed in the park, apart from in close encounter enclosures, but must be kept on a lead shorter than one metre.  

Dogs in Category 2 must be muzzled at all times in all zones accessible by the public (visitor circuit and car parks).  

  Dogs in Category 1 are forbidden from entering the park.  

Is Safari de Peaugres open in bad weather?

You can stil l see the animals, even when it i s raining, so the park does remain open in bad weather , but if in doubt, check the website.  

To discover

Aerial view of the Crussol castle

Crussol castle back to the Middle Ages

safari de peaugres mail

Grotte Chauvet 2 – Ardeche

Orgnac Grand Site De France

Aven d’Orgnac ‘Grand site de France ‘

Mont Gerbier de Jonc in summer, with cows

Mont-Gerbier de Jonc

The Ardeche Train

The Ardeche steam train, a historical line

Group looking at the Ray-Pic Waterfall

The Ray-Pic waterfalls and the volcanic heritage

The Païolive wood

The Païolive Wood, a fairy nature site

Canoe under the Pont d'Arc

Pont d’Arc and the Ardeche gorges

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Safari de Peaugres

Safari de Peaugres

Plongez dans l’atmosphère du grand nord canadien. Entre ours noirs et loups arctiques, dormez dans une cabane perchée, au cœur de la forêt, à quelques mètres de ces grands carnivores. À pied, en bus, en voiture, le parc vous offre tous les modes d'évasion. De Madagascar aux pôles, vous rencontrerez les espèces les plus insolites et caresserez nos amis les plus familiers, comme les animaux de la ferme. Afrique, Amérique du Nord et contrées asiatiques se rejoignent au Safari de Peaugres.

Fort de ses 80 hectares de nature préservée et de l'attention qu'il porte à ses animaux, le Safari de Peaugres se positionne comme un lieu de sensibilisation au monde vivant. Parc animalier moderne, il a pour principales missions la conservation, l'éducation et la recherche.

Le Safari Splash a ouvert pour l'été. C'est une aire de jeux d’eau ouverte à toute la famille ! Maillot de bain obligatoire pour tous (enfants et accompagnants).

Le Safari de Peaugres fête en 2024 ses 50 ans ! Offres promotionnelles ; Safaris en Afrique, séjours dans les cabanes perchées… à gagner ; soirées anniversaire ; nouveau parcours sensoriel ; nouvelle espèce à sauvegarder ; nouveaux tableaux oniriques lors du Festival de Lumières Sauvages… Autres nouveautés : les sculptures dinosaures des Lumières Sauvages restent en place pendant l'été. Vous pouvez aussi découvrir un sentier pieds nus au milieu d'une nouvelle espèce ; les chiens des prairies !

Le Safari de Peaugres est le 3ème parc animalier français à devenir Refuge LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux) Une belle reconnaissance pour toutes les actions concrètes déjà réalisées en faveur de la faune et flore locale : installation de nichoirs, bannissement des herbicides, tonte raisonnée, récupération d’eau pluviale, création du Gitaki il y a tout juste 10 ans...

Du 08/07 au 01/09/2024, tous les jours de 9h30 à 19h. Du 02/09 au 29/09/2024, tous les jours de 10h à 18h30.

Adulte : 27,50 € (à partir de 13 ans) Enfant : 23,50 € (3 à 12 ans) Tarif réduit : 22 € (Personne en situation de handicap) Forfait famille : 106,80 € (2 adultes + 3 enfants). Gratuit pour les moins de 3 ans. Tarif groupe à partir de 20 personnes. Billet sunset valable uniquement les vendredis du 12 juillet au 16 août 2024 uniquement de 17h à 21h : 14€ Billet futé 7 jours à l'avance en ligne.

  • Parking à proximité
  • Parking autocar
  • Salle hors-sac
  • Défibrillateur
  • Aire de pique-nique
  • Carte bancaire/crédit
  • Chèque-Vacances Classic
  • Animaux acceptés
  • Durée moyenne (individuels) : 225 min

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safari de peaugres mail

Immersion in the wild world at Safari de Peaugres

One of the essentials of the Ardèche a quarter of an hour from Annonay . A change of scenery and a great thrill await you when exploring the 80 hectares of the zoological park. More than thousand animals are to be admired in this largest animal park in Auvergne Rhône Alpes. Both children and adults will leave with dreams of adventures head full.

50 years of the Safari de Peaugres in 2024

What is the peaugres safari.

It is an animal park which has the particularity of offering a route by car and a route on foot as close as possible to the natural environment of the species. More than a zoo, the Safari of Peaugres is a place of awareness of the living world . It encourages visitors to observe, understand, be enthusiastic, marvel...

safari de peaugres mail

What animals are present at the Peaugres Safari?

safari de peaugres mail

De many animals are to be observed: primates, carnivores, herbivores, birds, reptiles, insects… Animals known to all such as the lions , cheetahs, bears, giraffes, Elephants , sea lions, zebras… but also the most unusual such as the six-banded armadillo, bush pigs, bush dogs, wild dogs or the zebra mongooses…

Immersion enclosures to be closer to the animals

Another particularity of the Safari de Peaugres is to offer immersion enclosures to be closer to the animals. You will be able to discover, on tiptoe, the intimacy of maki-cattas, parrots, wallabies, alpacas, maras... But also caress the very affectionate goats of Léonie's farm! In these immersion enclosures, where everyone evolves with respect for animals , the animals have never been so close!

safari de peaugres mail

Visit the Peaugres Safari in VIP mode

The Safari de Peaugres offers several visits to become a privileged visitor of the park and live new adventures and unforgettable!

Some examples of VIP visits:

New for 2024: Budding healer et Caregiver for an adult day , for adults or children, these activities allow you to put yourself in the shoes of a Peaugres Safari keeper. On the program: feed, observe, entertain but also clean their enclosure!

New for 2024: VIP family “We have the fangs” , feeding wolves, giraffes, cheetahs, hyenas, gray wolves and tigers.

4×4 Safari: for 1h15, discover the Safari car route in a 4×4 with opening roof and enjoy the anecdotes and secrets of the animal caretaker who accompanies you. Ideal for amateur or professional photographers who can immortalize, without car windows, the different animals.

The chef's tour: come visit the North American black bear enclosure with the animal leader then aboard a 4×4.

Wild walk in the moonlight: a walk at nightfall to discover the animals in an atmosphere conducive to strong emotions. You will be guided by an animal trainer who will reveal all the secrets of the animals on the walking tour.

Wild Lights Festival

Every year, from November to March, you can discover the Wild Lights Festival at the Peaugres Safari. 

After your day at the park, wait for nightfall and live an extraordinary experience through a luminous path made up of more than 500 sculptures in the shape of animals and plants.

Sculptures made entirely by hand according to an ancestral Chinese tradition, will illuminate the walkways of the Safari de Peaugres walking park and will make you live a new magical and colorful adventure. Discover giant insects, exotic birds, large mammals and many other sculptures.

On a nocturnal musical background, let yourself be guided by these luminous lanterns inviting you on a dreamlike and enchanting journey through the alleys of the zoo.

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Safari de Peaugres

Safari de Peaugres

Home » Safari de Peaugres

The “Safari de Peaugres,” situated in the stunning Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southeastern France, is a remarkable safari park that offers visitors an immersive and educational experience with a diverse array of animal species from around the world. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, this sanctuary provides a range of attractions and activities suitable for visitors of all ages. Here’s a glimpse of what makes the Safari de Peaugres a must-visit destination:

Safari Adventure: The sanctuary features an exhilarating safari experience where visitors can embark on a safari tour in the comfort of their own vehicles. This unique adventure allows you to get up close to free-roaming animals, including majestic lions, towering giraffes, and curious zebras, in expansive natural enclosures that closely mimic their native habitats.

Diverse Wildlife: The park is home to a diverse collection of animals, from charismatic African species to native European wildlife. Visitors can observe these creatures in settings that replicate their natural environments, providing an authentic experience of their behaviors and ecosystems.

Educational Focus: Safari de Peaugres places a strong emphasis on education and conservation. Visitors can engage in informative talks, guided tours, and interactive exhibits that provide valuable insights into the lives of animals, their behaviors, and the importance of wildlife conservation efforts.

Hands-On Experiences: The sanctuary offers interactive experiences that allow visitors to feed certain animals under supervision, creating memorable and educational moments.

Conservation Initiatives: By choosing to visit Safari de Peaugres, you actively support its dedication to wildlife conservation and raising awareness about the challenges facing these incredible creatures in the wild.

Scenic Location: Set within the breathtaking landscapes of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the park offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is an excellent addition to your exploration of this picturesque region in southeastern France.

Family-Friendly: Safari de Peaugres provides a welcoming environment for families, making it an ideal destination for children. Kids can enjoy educational activities, animal encounters, and a chance to learn about the natural world.

Accessibility: The park is easily accessible by car, making it a convenient and enjoyable outing for those exploring Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and its natural wonders.

Safari de Peaugres offers a thrilling opportunity to experience the wild wonders of the animal kingdom, gain a deeper appreciation for their lives and habitats, and actively contribute to conservation efforts. Whether you’re an animal enthusiast, a nature lover, or simply seeking an entertaining and educational adventure in the heart of southeastern France, this sanctuary provides an unforgettable opportunity to witness the beauty and diversity of wildlife. Come and immerse yourself in the world of animals at Safari de Peaugres, where entertainment, education, and conservation come together in the picturesque Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, southeastern France.

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Safari de Peaugres

Safari de Peaugres

⭐ Viens découvrir des animaux sauvages au Safari de Peaugres . Un safari authentique à quelques pas de chez toi !

Billets pour le Safari de Peaugres 🎫 Enfant (3-12 ans) 🎫 Adulte (13 ans et +)

Ce qui t’attend 🦒 Pars en safari à bord de ton propre véhicule et traverse de vastes enclos naturels 🐆 Observe des animaux divers : girafes, guépards, loups, ours et bien d'autres ! 🎮 Des jeux éducatifs amusants pour occuper les plus petits

Infos 📅 Date: sélectionne tes dates directement dans le sélecteur de billets 🕒 Heures : de 11h à 16h les samedis et dimanches et de 12h à 16h les vendredis. Attention, une arrivée après 14h ne vous permettra pas de faire les deux circuits. Aucune entrée possible entre 15h et 17h00. ⌛ Durée : 1h circuit en voiture + 2h circuit à pieds 📍 Lieu : Safari de Peaugres 👤 Âge requis : ouvert à tous ♿ Accessibilité : ce lieu est accessible aux personnes à mobilité réduite, des fauteuils roulants peuvent être loués sur place 🚗 Attention : les cabriolets, deux-roues, caravanes et remorques ne sont pas autorisés. Les camping-cars sont autorisés si rien n'y est accroché ❓ Pour cette expérience, tout achat est définitif et les tickets ne peuvent être remboursés, échangés ou modifiés. Consulte nos Conditions générales de vente pour plus d'informations.

Description Prépare-toi à une aventure sauvage au Safari de Peaugres ! Découvre plus de 1 000 animaux exotiques et domestiques, en voiture ou à pied. Admire les girafes, les guépards, les ours bruns et bien d'autres depuis ton vehicule ! Et en bonus, les plus petits pourront s'occuper avec des jeux éducatifs spécialements conçus pour eux. Prêt pour un safari inoubliable ? Achète tes billets pour le Safari de Peaugres !

Comment y aller ?

D821, Peaugres, 07340

Choisis une date ou une session

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Tickets for the Peaugres Wow Safari (07)

Offered by :

Safari de Peaugres

Peaugres (07)

Instant booking

You can cancel free of charge up to 48h before the date of the activity.

Activity description :

Would you like to discover a wide variety of animal species in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region? Venture to the Safari de Peaugres, the region's largest animal park .

Created in 1974 by Paul de la Panouse, founder of Thoiry Zoo, it combines a car tour with a more traditional walking tour.

Wild, immersive adventures

  • 5 km car tour of the African and North American continents
  • A walking tour to discover different species
  • Magnificent animals: cheetahs, hyenas, lions, wolves, bears, lynxes, giraffes, hippopotamuses, zebras, panthers, tigers, primates...
  • Discover the new sea lion bay
  • Watch the animals being fed
  • Take part in the various activities on offer

Super easy to use ✨

  • Receive your tickets by e-mail
  • Scan your tickets at the entrance on your cell phone
  • Tickets valid all day

Zero booking fees

Price per person - From age 13

Price per person - From 3 to 12 years inclusive


4,4 (16 reviews)

Our reviews come exclusively from customers who bought this activity These comments have been automatically translated

At the top! Have a great day!

26 jul 2024

A great day out with the little kids. We got to see the animals up close. Great stuff! And we were lucky enough to have a bear cross in front of the car.

Great family day out I recommend

15 may 2024

Very beautiful park, many species of animals, the arctic wolves are magnificent.

16 may 2024

We are very happy and the children even more so.

Address : Safari de Peaugres 07340 Peaugres Access: - By car: 1h from Lyon via A7

Know before you go

How to use your ticket.

  • Admission on presentation of purchased tickets
  • E-tickets accepted

Opening hours

  • Open all year round, but not every day
  • High season (July and August): 9:30am-7pm
  • Low season: 10am-6.30pm
  • All outings are final

Other information

  • Free parking at park entrance
  • This is not a "no queuing" ticket
  • All exits from the park are final
  • Catering services available (cafeteria, sandwich shop...)
  • Picnic areas available
  • Water fountains
  • Souvenir store
  • Strollers and wheelchairs for hire
  • Disabled access
  • Tickets for children aged 3 to 12 and adults aged 13 and over
  • Free for children under 3

icon coin

-5% currently

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  1. contact

    Adresse. Wow Safari Peaugres Montanet 07340 Peaugres. Réserver. Billets; Pass annuels

  2. Wow Safari Peaugres

    Vous pouvez aussi gagner des séjours Safari en Afrique, dans nos cabanes cachées… en enregistrant votre billet. Billet Sunset : 14€ pour une visite de 17h à 21h le vendredi 16 août. Wow Safari Peaugres: + de 1200 animaux à découvrir, en voiture et à pied, à travers des aventures immersives, en voiture et à pied .

  3. Safari de Peaugres

    Safari de Peaugres, Peaugres. 71,304 likes · 889 talking about this. Bienvenue dans le plus grand parc animalier de Rhône Alpes ! Le Safari de Peaugres est situé en Ardèche. À pied, en voiture ou en... Safari de Peaugres, Peaugres. 71,188 likes · 860 talking about this. Bienvenue dans le plus grand parc animalier de Rhône Alpes !

  4. Safari de Peaugres

    Safari de Peaugres. Excellent Wildlife Park with drive-through safari and walking large enclosure zoo gardens.Fun educational games, high ecological standards,cheetahs,bears, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, antelopes, and much more all add up to a wonderful day for all the family. Restaurant and Gift Shops free parking.

  5. Safari de Peaugres

    Safari de Peaugres is an 80 ha zoo in the Peaugres area of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, near Annonay. It is one of the largest tourist attractions in departement of Ardèche. The zoo presents 800 animals from 120 species. Monkey World have rescued a white-faced saki female from here called Chloe in 2016.

  6. Peaugres Safari, the preservation of species

    Safari de Peaugres - a bird conservation area. Many areas have been left as wilderness, a haven for a wide variety of species of insect, bird and amphibian who find both food and shelter here. In recognition of the 120 species of bird recorded, Safari de Peaugres was designated a Refuge LPO in 2021 by the League for the Protection of Birds.

  7. Safari de Peaugres

    Fort de ses 80 hectares de nature préservée et de l'attention qu'il porte à ses animaux, le Safari de Peaugres se positionne comme un lieu de sensibilisation au monde vivant. Parc animalier moderne, il a pour principales missions la conservation, l'éducation et la recherche. Conseils et suggestions. Le Safari Splash a ouvert pour l'été.

  8. Safari de Peaugres

    Jul 11, 2024 - Excellent Wildlife Park with drive-through safari and walking large enclosure zoo gardens.Fun educational games, high ecological standards,cheetahs,bears, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, antelopes, a...

  9. Visit Safari de Peaugres in Peaugres

    4 continents over 80 hectares: a journey to the depths of animal life. Welcome to the largest wildlife park in Rhône Alpes! On foot, by bus, by car, park your offers all modes of escape. You travel to Madagascar to the poles, you experience the most unusual species and caress our most familiar friends, like farm animals. Africa, North America and Asian countries meet at the Safari de Peaugres.

  10. Safari de Peaugres

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  11. Safari de Peaugres

    Bienvenue sur la chaîne officielle du Safari de Peaugres (Ardèche, France), le plus grand parc animalier de la région Rhône Alpes.

  12. Parc animalier

    Les 900 animaux du Safari Parc sont nés à Peaugres ou viennent de parcs zoologiques français ou étrangers.C'est un parc qui sensibilise le public aux enjeux écologiques, milite pour l'environnement et dénonce les menaces qui pèsent sur la biodiversité. Sur près de 80 ha, Peaugres offre aux visiteurs deux circuits : un en voiture, l ...

  13. Tickets for Safari de Peaugres

    Registered address: Safari Parc de Peaugres, 07340, Peaugres, FR Contact details. Reach out to the Tiqets Help ... At Safari de Peaugres, just one hour from Lyon, Valence, or Saint-Etienne, over 1,000 creatures roam freely around spacious environments that replicate their natural habitats.

  14. Peaugres Safari

    Immersion in the wild world at Safari de Peaugres. One of the essentials of the Ardèche a quarter of an hour from Annonay. A change of scenery and a great thrill await you when exploring the 80 hectares of the zoological park. More than thousand animals are to be admired in this largest animal park in Auvergne Rhône Alpes.

  15. Safari de Peaugres

    Safari de Peaugres. Excellent Wildlife Park with drive-through safari and walking large enclosure zoo gardens.Fun educational games, high ecological standards,cheetahs,bears, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, antelopes, and much more all add up to a wonderful day for all the family. Restaurant and Gift Shops free parking.

  16. Safari de Peaugres

    ⭐ Come and discover wild animals at the Peaugres Safari. An authentic safari just around the corner! Tickets for the Peaugres Safari 🎫 Children (3-12 years) 🎫 Adult (13+) Highlights 🦒 Go on safari in your own vehicle through vast natural enclosures 🐆 Observe a variety of animals: giraffes, cheetahs, wolves, bears and more!

  17. Safari de Peaugres

    The "Safari de Peaugres," situated in the stunning Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of southeastern France, is a remarkable safari park that offers visitors an immersive and educational experience with a diverse array of animal species from around the world. Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, this sanctuary ...

  18. Safari de Peaugres

    Safari de Peaugres. Excellent Wildlife Park with drive-through safari and walking large enclosure zoo gardens.Fun educational games, high ecological standards,cheetahs,bears, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, antelopes, and much more all add up to a wonderful day for all the family. Restaurant and Gift Shops free parking.

  19. Safari de Peaugres

    fr . Français English. Cancel. Tu découvres les événements de . Lyon . Catégories ; Catégories . Toutes les expériences à Lyon ... ⭐ Viens découvrir des animaux sauvages au Safari de Peaugres. Un safari authentique à quelques pas de chez toi ! Billets pour le Safari de Peaugres 🎫 Enfant (3-12 ans) 🎫 Adulte (13 ans et +)

  20. Safari de Peaugres (@safari.peaugres) • Instagram photos and videos

    18K Followers, 315 Following, 1,602 Posts - Safari de Peaugres (@safari.peaugres) on Instagram: "Le + grand Parc animalier de Rhône-Alpes + de 1200 animaux ~ En et à ~ Pour être reposté: @safari.peaugres #selfielaGirafedePeaugres"

  21. Safari de Peaugres

    Attractions near Safari de Peaugres: (6.04 km) Ardeche Montgolfiere (9.12 km) MONTGOLFIÈRES & Cie (9.54 km) Mystere Express (4.83 km) 100 Issues - Annonay Escape Game (1.64 km) Le Chateau de Gourdan; View all attractions near Safari de Peaugres on Tripadvisor

  22. Peaugres Safari: discount tickets, rates & reviews

    Venture to the Safari de Peaugres, the region's largest animal park< Toggle navigation. I have a gift voucher. Français; English; Español; Activities Gift ... Tickets for the Peaugres Wow Safari (07) Offered by : Safari de Peaugres ...

  23. Safari de Peaugres (Peaugres)

    FR Peaugres Safari. Nature & Natural History. Safari de Peaugres. Le Montanet. 07340 Peaugres. France. View on map; Website; Images of Safari de Peaugres ... If you've visited Safari de Peaugres, you can write your review below! Please pay attention to our content guidelines before you post your review.