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Published Nov 7, 2016

Creating That Vulcan Picture Box for Beyond

star trek beyond concept art

The Vulcan picture box in Star Trek Beyond certainly struck a chord with moviegoers, but, wow, even though it doesn't seem so long ago, it has been over two years since we were working hard on Beyond . And the story of the two years building to that touching moment is worth sharing, especially with Beyond out now on Blu-ray.

star trek beyond concept art

The art department started in the Spring of 2014 and the prop department started up in early September. Andy Siegel was to be the prop master again, beginning on his second Trek film. Scott Chambliss was the production designer in charge of the art department. And a great deal of the crew from the previous J.J. films were back on board, too. Somewhere in late October, however, we all got laid off with the change of directors, and we all went into a holding pattern until a new director was brought on.

star trek beyond concept art

This took a while, but when Justin Lin was brought on we were all ready to start up again. While waiting for the production launch date, everyone received an extremely sad email stating that Justin wanted to bring on his own design team and that everybody, including Scott Chambliss, was going to be replaced. We were heartbroken, to say the least, but life in Hollywood goes on -- and we went our separate ways. But then, Tom Sanders took on the role of the new production designer and, miracle of miracles, he kept Andy Siegel on board as prop master. Keeping Andy meant that (assistant property master) Melissa Harrison and the rest of the original prop team would stay together for yet another fun time on Trek .

star trek beyond concept art

Beyond was a pretty heavy prop show with a lot of new weapons and devices to be created. In addition to the usual list of props there were several new Vulcan items that had to be designed. Jewelry was one of the first things on the list. In a nod to Mr. Chambliss, the design team used the layered triangular frames that he set into motion on the first J.J. film, which dates back to 2007. The shapes were always very elegant and worked perfectly in all the Beyond jewelry concepts. Andy had to create a special necklace for Uhura to wear; it’s the one given to her by Spock. I drew five different variations and Tom and Justin both chose version #5. The final necklace generated quite a bit of dialogue in the film, but resulted in very little screen time.

star trek beyond concept art

The very last piece drawn for the film was a little Vulcan box that was basically a man's version of a picture locket. This piece was written into the script shortly after Leonard Nimoy passed away. We drew a couple of choices for it and included a picture of the cast from The Original Series . Andy presented the concepts to Tom and Justin, and we were about 98% there. The box was a bit more rectangular than they wanted, so it was squared off a bit and the picture was changed to a cast shot from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier . Ironically, this picture is the final image depicting the entire original crew. The subsequent films featured various TOS cast members, but never the whole team again.

star trek beyond concept art

After the requested few changes to the design were made, the prop was then built and filmed. It wasn't until seeing the film at the premiere did I realize what a magical piece that little box was meant to be. Such a wonderfully sentimental scene this was, with Zachary Quinto's Spock emotionally – yes, emotionally -- saying goodbye to Nimoy’s Spock. It was a beautifully filmed moment complemented by a small snippet of Alexander Courage's Trek score playing softly in the background.

Everyone in every art department draws countless images for a production, but once in a rare while one of the ideas really stands out in a special way -- and this little Vulcan picture box is definitely one of them. It also, for me, represents great times on a great movie with some great friends. Thanks, Andy.

star trek beyond concept art

And if you were thinking that this is the end of the article, that’d be a most-illogical thought. As always, it is now time for the latest addition to my TOS Red Dress photo series. Mrs. Maygen Brockway has been a model for a little over six years and is very diverse in her themes and styles. I saw her portfolio when I first moved to Southern Utah and could not wait to set up a shoot with her. Early in the year, our schedules matched and we met up in beautiful Snow Canyon to shoot the Red Dress theme. In addition to the usual props, I brought along a 1:350th scale model of the TOS Enterprise. I have to say that the shots of Maygen and the model are my very favorites. She held that monster in a variety of fantastic poses on steep rocky grades and did so with great elegance. The end results are fodder for every Trek -loving fan.

star trek beyond concept art

When Maygen is not modeling, she is an assistant manager at one of the high-end jewelry stores in town. If you’re ever in Utah and have questions about diamonds, she knows all. Thanks, Maygen, for the great shoot -- and you are always my favorite to work with. Be sure to follow her on her Model Mayhem page, .

John Eaves is veteran artist and illustrator who has lent his talents to too many films and television shows to count. Actually, he's at 60-plus and counting. Over the years, he's made a tremendous mark on Star Trek , as he's worked on The Final Frontier , all four TNG films, DS9 and Enterprise , Star Trek: The Exhibition, Star Trek Online, Star Trek (2009) , Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond .

Check out John Eaves' website, Atomic Johnny's Pin-Ups .

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Saturday 6 August 2016

Star trek beyond's new uss enterprise, by sean hargreaves.

star trek beyond concept art

This was the design I gave visual effects, so any changes beyond what you see here were out of my hands, but looking at the film its pretty close. The brief was to beef up the neck and arms, but I took it upon myself to go further. Certain details and livery are not present as I took it to a certain level, time permitting. Also the classic red graphics were placeholders at the time. I worked many long hours at work and after work and weekends on this, knowing the weight of the responsibility, which I didn't take lightly. From growing up watching Star Trek in the countryside of Northern England, this was a great honor to be one of the few to be given the great responsibility to design this ship.

star trek beyond concept art


star trek beyond concept art

Sorry to be negative, but this a bad design, worse than JJ's....and didn't think it could get uglier. Proved wrong.

star trek beyond concept art

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Looks a little better here, but it was ugly as sin in the film. And it really annoys me that " ,The brief was to beef up the neck and arms ," essentially amounts to undoing the changes they made to the first one for the start of 'Beyond'just so it would look weaker, which already ruined the look of the 09 model. They should have just ended the film with the crew looking at the unfinished, but still recognisable space frame instead of rushing this thing out.

star trek beyond concept art

Why would they make the ship look more boxy and less fast? This looks more like the ship that would have come before the '09 Enterprise. The nacelles pylons, swept forward at the back and squared off at the front? We've seen that in concept art from other trek movies where they had to design a new Enterprise, and it was always, in my opinion, wisely rejected. The neck is almost the same, squared off front swept forward back, makes the ship look like a swan. Sorry, I'm not a fan.

star trek beyond concept art

Calm yourselves people. I'm sorry to Mr. Hargreaves that he put so much work into this thing and only about 75-85% of his work made it into the final product. The entire bridge module and the staggered decks under it are changed completely in the final film. The impulse drive is slightly different. The neck and warp engine pylons are almost totally different. The neck sweeps forward and doesn't have that massive curve just before it meets the saucer in the final version, as well as having a forward mounted photon torpedo launcher as on the previous design. The trailing edges of the warp pylons join with the side of the secondary hull as on the previous design as well. The shape of the saucer, secondary hull, and the warp nacelles appear to be the only things really left unchanged in the finished product.

star trek beyond concept art

I definitely like it better than the nu1701, if only for the fact that the nacelles are now properly balanced with the rest of the ship... but I'm still not a big fan. One of Jeffries' original intentions designing the 1701 was to make it look as though it were constantly defying gravity--that's why the nacelle pylons are so tiny and attached to the front of the nacelles and why the neck is so thin--and Probert took that concept and ran with it when he defined the entire aesthetic of the franchise. Including (crucially) the tmp1701's pylons that widened near the top. The idea was to put all of the "weight" up high to imply a sort of gravity-defying floatiness to the design. And Probert succeeded beautifully. But it's pretty clear that no one working on the nuTrek movies had even the slightest desire to follow the same general thoughts that defined the franchise, to the point where the nu1701 and nu1701a feel more like reactions *against* Jeffries' and Probert's work.

star trek beyond concept art

Just got used to the '09. I never really liked the large nacelles though.

Why do the film makers take delight in destroying the Enterprise?

star trek beyond concept art

I absolutely loved the redesign of the 1701 for Beyond. The swooped back smaller nacelles were (in my opinion) exactly what it needed from the beginning. It was even neat how the attack on the Enterprise was based on the design. But this A design is just awful, literally backwards as far as esthetics go. I hope they go right on to B after the fourth film...

You know, destroying the Enterprise every few years kinda defeats the purpose of seeing this vessel as another valuable character in the storyline. It would be like blowing up the Millennium Falcon at the end of each SW movie. Doing so waters down the ships' history, it retains few "character" traits. It just becomes a generic presence with the Enterprise name slapped on it. I actually LOVE the JJ Enterprise. Ryan Church is a masterful designer. I'm an artist, and from my experience, that ship was a perfect blend of form and function. Great lines, voluptuous... and worthy. When Kirk destroys the E in STIII it had meaning. The ship had a long history and had seen the crew through thick and thin. Now, Its just another "redshirt". Not to mention, part of the Trek legacy was the idea that Kirk could see his ship and crew through each harrowing event with nary a scratch.

star trek beyond concept art

This ship ? Misses. It just doesn't work. JJ Prise looks stronger and more defined. They only had to update it slightly and it wood of looked way cooler and look like a real upgrade/refit. This new ship does not look real, more like some artsy yepy art Peace (and the back does look like a berd but in a weird way ).

I finally saw the movie and im glad to see that this is just concept art. The filmversion keeps more the look of JJ's 1st Enterprise, this one shown here,for me at least looks absolutely bad, the pylon structures and the neck are way to fat, the proportions of the saucer section an the rest of the ship doesnt work in this concept. This is of course just my personal oppinion and shall not offend the designer.

star trek beyond concept art

Intersting concept art, but not the Enterprise-A in the movie. I a very big fan of the version we got on screen, as it much more closely resembles the classic Constitutuon design we grew up with.

star trek beyond concept art

Speaking as a graphical artist, I have to say this concept art is pretty harrowing. Not only has the artist taken what little charm and appeal the JJ'prise had and removed it, but they've manage to make the design worse. The whole lower section feels uninspiring and really lazy. Like someone was playing around with the subpatch tool and stumbled around an appealing shape. Lord the warp pylons and the neck alone are making my eyes want to water. Where did inspiration for this design come from? The bin labelled "Past Enterprise Rejects"? Its hard to believe anyone could grow up watching Star Trek and still manage to make what ever this thing is.

star trek beyond concept art

The nacelles are improved, but the pylons are too thick and are too far back on the engineering section and too far forward on the nacelles. I would like to get a better look at the final film again to see what was different between concept and screen.

star trek beyond concept art

This is one ugly mother f***** from the side view, it is just plain dame SH*T! and looks like a major step back in ship design, the warp nacelles are too similar to the Franklin which is supposed to be a very old ship, they had better massively improve this by the time the next movie comes out! I have seen the movie twice and was disappointed when I saw it on screen but this concept just really is a MAJOR step back!

I absolutely adore the 09 style Enterprise we've had for three movies. This however is really ugly. Because it shows up so briefly in the film I can only hope and think that they're going to revise the design more by the next film. Especially considering JJ is going to be the director again and may wish for another design.

I love and have been a Star Trek fan since the very first episode of the original series. In all that time and right up to the movie, 'STAR TREK: Beyond', i can honestly say that all the designs for the military battleship Enterprise have totally sucked; it looks like a toilet seat with handles. Having said that however, they were never designed for real world thinking purposes but, purely for television dramatic design flare. In the early years that was fine as, after all, it was a fantasy series etc but towards the end of the 20th century we should have been seeing ships that were totally different in design and shape...even more so now that we are in the 21st Century. The designs are just exagerations of early UFO sightings which the public was more aware of back in the 1960's and were therefore more able to accept the sci-fi aspect of it all. In todays modern look, way of thinking, expectations and attiudes a ship of this design would be laughed at by any military race of beings. It wouldn't last 2 minutes in a battle scenario because its shape, not size, just makes it an easily hit target. I've never understood why it had to be such a big ship except that with American idea of things, everything always has to be big and dramatic rather than sleek and deadly. By the way as a finishing note. No one design is ever going to please EVERYONE...that's just the way of the world peeps! Live good and prosper resonably.

star trek beyond concept art

This is without a doubt the most hideous and awful design for an Enterprise I've ever seen. Eugh, what was the designer thinking? In my opinion, the Enterprise A has one of the nicest designs in Trek history, a compromise between practical and graceful. This looks like a deformed mutant cousin of the already ugly Abrams-verse design. I really hope they fix this horrendous visage in the next film, this is ridiculously ugly from all angles.

Not a fan of the JJ Enterprise or on these images this new 1701-A update. I'll admit the new A did not look so bad on the screen but we only got a quick glimpse and being honest neither of the nuTrek Enterprises are a patch on the original Enterprise or the refit, which is with out a shadow of a doubt the best looking Enterprise. Hopefully they will do something about the god awful design before the next movie as it would not take much to fix it. The problems for me are in the engine nacelles. They are too close together and a touch to bulky for my taste and the pylon mount needs to come back from the Bussard collector along with the pylon needs inverting so its wide at the top and narrow at the engineering hull. Someone did a very good render of what I am talking about and it looks miles better than anything that has come from the studio.

Okay back with an update on my views of the new Enterprise-A seen in beyond! Now that i have the Blu Ray of this film, i have frame by frame watched the new ship and while it is clearly a massive improvement over the UGLY concept art, i personally hate the design of the warp nacelles as they look like star fleet went through their garbage bin and thought yeh lets stick these on the ship! rather than use more advanced ones, even if only aesthetic. This new ship is supposed to be the most advanced in the fleet so why have they gone back to 3 banks of phasers top and bottom of the saucer? the 1701 in this film had been upgraded to 6 banks, now the 1701 in this film has had some major changes to it such as: more windows around the saucer edge, swept back warp pylons, smaller warp nacelles, taller and thinner neck, which has made it ugly and fragile which i can only assume was to make the effect of having it cut to pieces by the swarm more dramatic! another theory i have is that by making it look like its been on diet gives the new 1701-A ship an even beefier chunky look. I think the people who produce Star Trek films need to spend more time on making sure that there is continuity with the ships and also sizing, for example you only have to look at the Klingon bird of prey used in TNG, its the same model used in search for Spock but in TNG they wanted us to believe it is a much bigger ship! what total CRAP! I love Star Trek and the Enterprise ship, and it very disappointing when they don't seem bothered to put the effort in or enough of it!

Just realised i forgot to mention about the mistake in Beyond, when the Enterprise is under attack by the swarm, in one of the shots the Enterprise has reverted back to 3 bank configuration of phaser banks "underside of saucer" and the neck looks chunkier plus the forward facing photon launcher looks smaller, i bet they used the CGI model from the 2009 movie, they really need to communicate better between departments or studios! as this is what happens no continuity "sort it out" people!

Agree completely, this Beyond-A is an absolutely hideous monstrosity. It is far too organic in form and just looks completely ridiculous, especially from the rear. Even the godawful Enterprise D and unbearably ugly Voyager aren't this bad and those things were beastly disgraces. It is an unseemly abomination from every angle. The 09 Enterprise, although inferior in every way to the prime design, is infinitely preferable to this grotesque mess.

Yeah. By all means. Let's just freaking destroy the Enterprise again in the fourth movie. And build another one at the end of that. Then destroy that one in the fifth movie. And keep going on and on and on and use it as the signature segway device from film to film until we exhaust the entire alphabet. Then we can continue the process further with Roman numerals. And since numbers have no end we can do this forever. Into infinity. Boldly going where no man has gone before. Literally.

star trek beyond concept art

Try to un-see this: Thanks to the pylons connecting to the engines far forward and also connecting to the secondary hull far aft, from the rear the ship looks like a woman spreadeagled and displaying her genitals (the landing bay). Strange choices there.

star trek beyond concept art

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Star trek concept art: 5 designs we wish we got (5 that should have been passed up on).


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Concept art is a crucial part of the filmmaking process. It is used not only to develop the idea of the project but also to sell the project to potential investors, directors, and producers. There are many talented artists behind the final products we know and love.

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Unfortunately, sometimes the artists' work gets changed or thrown in the bin altogether. What we end up with can be light years away from what they drafted. And to be honest, sometimes we wish they'd stuck to those first ideas. Or even when those designs get through to the final stage, maybe the creative team should've reconsidered.

When it comes to Star Trek , there's an entire universe of creative potential waiting to be thrown onscreen and enough concept art to fill books. Here are five pieces of that art we wish made it into the final product and five we really wish they hadn't used.

Wish: Altamid

Star Trek Beyond was meant to reinvigorate the movie franchise. Due to poor advertising and a divisive final product, however, it fizzled at the box office. The movie went with a rather bland color palette, perhaps to make it seem more grounded in reality. Concept art from Victor Martinez paints a different picture.

This rendering of Altamid, the planet on which the Enterprise crash lands, shows a much brighter world full of what could be sinkholes. Instead of this gorgeous faraway world, we got a faded planet that looks much more like home than like anything to be discovered in the Final Frontier.

Pass: The Discovery

Star Trek Discovery 's titular ship actually seems based on a design by Ralph McQuarrie from the 1970s. McQuarrie was tapped to work on a project called Star Trek: Planet of the Titans that was abandoned in 1977. His concept art from this project shows a ship with a triangular body attached to the standard round saucer.

The Discovery' s design is credited to veteran Star Trek concept artist John Eaves. Eaves is a talented artist and creator, but his (and McQuarrie's) starship design makes for nothing more than some clunky space geometry. It just doesn't look like a sturdy space-faring design.

Wish: Klingon Bridge Chair

Star Trek Discovery presented a unique challenge to its concept artists: design a futuristic world in 2017 that's set ten years prior to the world already designed in 1960. The way we depict the future now is very different from the technicolor fantasy of the future built fifty years ago. Nevertheless, the writers and artists worked around canon to create a semi-believable refurbished future.

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Not all of the future made it into the show. This bit of Klingon technology was meant to move along a vertical track as its controller needed to command the ship. Its elaborate design, created by Samuel Michlap, matches the details of the Klingon Sarcophagus Ship. It would've made a great addition to an intimidating Klingon bridge.

Pass: The Motion Picture Uniforms

The pajama-like uniforms from Star Trek: The Motion Picture have become legendary among Trekkies. The thin gray suits were both unflattering and wildly unpractical for space battles. Granted, the Starfleet uniforms from The Original Series were also pajama-like but at least they were colorful.

Robert Fletcher's designs do make the uniforms look smarter than they turned out on screen. The lines are sharper than the fabric ended up being capable of. Nevertheless, we wish they'd passed on these designs.

Wish: Federation Battle Shuttle

Concept artist Victor Martinez also designed this Federation battle shuttle for Star Trek Beyond. Its sleek design ended up influencing the design of Krall's swarm ships instead of appearing in the film itself. According to Martinez , the shuttles have room for one pilot and two to three passengers in tandem style seating.

It would have been neat to see these shuttles in action. Starfleet claims not to be a military organization but these shuttles might beg to differ. What would the purpose of these shuttles be? Now we'll never know.

Pass: Into Darkness Klingons

There was a lot of controversy surrounding the redesign of the Klingons for Star Trek: Into Darkness. The Klingons' appearance has been altered nearly every era they've been on screen. They started as simply particularly tan and hairy human look-a-likes. Then their foreheads became wrinkled and their armor more advanced. This change was explained away in Enterprise as the result of a virus.

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Into Darkness changed the Klingons once more. The concept art by Constantine Sekeris shows the battle gear of these new Klingons. They have awkward, bug-like helmets and heavy armor that looks like rhinoceros hide. Some things are better left untouched.

Wish: Phase II Bridge

Star Trek: Phase II was supposed to be a television series sequel to the original Star Trek . The series got pretty far in production before it was turned into The Motion Picture. Concept art from the series remains, including this depiction of the Enterprise 's bridge by Mike Minor.

This design of the bridge was the inspiration for the one in The Motion Picture but it lost the sleekness of the art. It ended up gray instead of white as well. It's a shame this bridge wasn't used. It looks like it also could've inspired the sleek and shiny bridge in 2009's Star Trek.

Pass: Vulcan City

This Vulcan city is only featured briefly in 2009's Star Trek. It sets the scene for what Spock's life on Vulcan is like. It's red and dusty with skyscrapers that look like they're carved out of stalagmites and stalactites.

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This concept art by James Clyne looks beautiful but what sense does an upside-down city make? Are the people inside also upside-down being supported by artificial gravity? Or do you take the elevator down to the dangling tip of the building? We have no idea.

Wish: The Borg Queen

The Borg Queen has one of the best entrances in Star Trek. Like all Borg, she is made up of organic and robotic parts. When she's not needed she separates her two components. She is at once creepy and fascinating.

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The Borg Queen we got was okay, but we could've gotten an even cooler one. This concept art for Star Trek: First Contact by Ricardo Delgado shows a more ornate Borg Queen. This version has almost an ancient cultural vibe. It would have been interesting to see how that translated to the big screen.

Pass: The Enterprise-D Bridge

This may be the most controversial item on this list. Andrew Probert's design of the Enterprise-D' s bridge is a product of its time. It's slouchy and "retro" and very 1980s. Unfortunately, it looks like more of a lounge than the command center of the most advanced ship in Starfleet.

The bridge is what aliens see when they communicate with the flagship of the United Federation of Planets. It's the background of first contact. It's also the command center during a battle. It is not a recreation lounge. Look at the helmsmen's seats. They're practically recliners! Unprofessional.

NEXT:  5 Things We Want to See in the Next Star Trek Movie (& 5 That We Don’t)

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Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships And Stunning Alien Vistas

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Martinez, whose art can be found on his Facebook page , did some of these early on with production designer Scott Chambliss and others for later reshoots with Production Designer Andrew Murdock.

The early ones are pretty easy to pick out, since they include “Federation Fighters” which were cut from the final film due to script changes and rewrites. The NCC-1507 on them is just a placeholder, by the way — it’s from an existing Star Trek ship and is used because the actual name and numbers for things haven’t been finalised when concept artists do their work.

Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships And Stunning Alien Vistas

The rest of the designs are for the mine shaft that serves as the villain’s base in the movie, and they’re pretty close to what we actually ended up seeing.

Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships And Stunning Alien Vistas

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New Star Trek Beyond concept art

  • Thread starter F. King Daniel
  • Start date May 6, 2020

F. King Daniel

F. King Daniel

Fleet admiral.

  • May 6, 2020

Some really cool stuff here, including early versions of Yorktown from before they went totally bonkers with the spiralling arms. Also plans for the Kelvin pod, the Federation shuttle and different versions of Krall's drone army. There's also some planet stuff from Orci's unmade version of Beyond. Click here!  

David cgc

Don't see full construction blueprints much. Very cool.  


Vice Admiral

  • May 7, 2020

The shuttle looks similar to the type 11 from INS  

The shuttle looks basically identical to the so-called Takayama type from the preceding movie - the only real differences are in the cockpit forward windows (the windshield now wraps around the corners), and the aerial on top of the cockpit (now missing) and the side "impulse engine" bulges astern (now added). So I don't quite see what would be meant by executing this one in prop form. It had been a prop or at least an interactive interior set in the previous movie: surely that one would have been used as is, even if (and probably when) it had been struck down, with someone at carpentry dusting off the old blueprints? Timo Saloniemi  



These are amazing and cool. Also, until I clicked on the first photo, it looked like the Galaxy class nacelles were redesigned to be like TOS, with the light reflecting off it looking like plasma.  

  • May 11, 2020

Great work certainly. If an intruder were to materialize on board, I could see this exploded view come to life, unfurl to a particular deck to a close up of a moving dot  

NCC-73515 said: Click to expand...

I just wish they'd shown them more  

NCC-73515 said: I just wish they'd shown them more Click to expand...

Khan 2.0

  • May 14, 2020

Looking at other stuff on the site I never knew about: -Spock Primes Trek V photo was originally going to be a photo of them in the TOS era? (which wouldn't really make sense as they'd be too close in age to the Kelvin counterparts) -Cancelled ST09 Spocks Playmates (including TOS era figures tie ins to the 2009 film) Looking for Orci ST3 design stuff on there but can't seem to find any  

Khan 2.0 said: Spock Primes Trek V photo was originally going to be a photo of them in the TOS era? (which wouldn't really make sense as they'd be too close in age to the Kelvin counterparts) Click to expand...


  • May 21, 2020

star trek beyond concept art

RAMA said: Everyone I've talked with who worked on ST Beyond tells me Orci's version was better. Click to expand...


I have spoken............

KennyB said: Beyond was just behind ST09 and way ahead of STiD for me..........if that many people had access to it I'm shocked it hasn't leaked online somewhere. Click to expand...


  • May 22, 2020
  • May 23, 2020
RAMA said: It's my favorite by a smidge over ST09, but the BTS scenes guys are so adamant it makes me really curious! Release the Orci cut!! Click to expand...


Khan 2.0 said: paramount is so confused of what to do regarding a new Trek film hopefully they'll re-greenlight Orcis ST3 for immediate post corona lockdown shoot so off the cuff Shatner has to cancel a bunch of convention appearances for emergency filming! Click to expand...
  • May 24, 2020

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  4. Star Trek Beyond IMAX World Premier Time Lapse

  5. Star Trek: Voyager! My custom intro made on blender in 4K

  6. Star Trek Beyond


  1. Star Trek Beyond Did The Coolest Thing With Captain Kirk's Classic Speech

    Star Trek (2009) was a reboot in every way, transforming Star Trek into a thrilling, action-packed roller coaster with blockbuster special effects. Star Trek Into Darkness perhaps pushed the cinematic chaos a bit too far. However, Star Trek Beyond, written by Simon Pegg and Doug Jung, and directed by Justin Lin, touched upon the themes of ...

  2. Star Trek Beyond Exclusive Concept Art Revealed

    Hitting Blu-ray on November 1. Ahead of Star Trek Beyond's impending launch on Blu-ray, Paramount Pictures has provided IGN with a batch of exclusive concept art from the sci-fi film. Check out ...

  3. Stunning New STAR TREK BEYOND Concept Art Released

    Top: Sean Hargreaves. STAR TREK BEYOND had some of the most radical new designs in all of the Trek movies, from the beautiful Yorktown Station to the worn-out USS Franklin to the underground caverns on Altamid… and of course - spoilers! - that other new starship, too.. This week, artists Victor Martinez and Sean Hargreaves have begun to release their amazing concept artwork for this ...

  4. ArtStation

    Here are a few paintings from my role as Art Director on 'Star Trek : Beyond'

  5. Alternate worlds of Star Trek Beyond concept art: Altamid, Starbase

    The amazing aliens of Star Trek Beyond; Cherry Tree assimilate new ideas to create the Bor... Fleet Command's Borg event comes to a close with M... Alternate worlds of Star Trek Beyond concept art: ... Discovery round-up: Set photography, aliens, conce... Turn your baby into a redshirt; Picard round-up: 360 set video, location and make-...

  6. 20 Crazy Star Trek Concept Art Designs Better Than What We Got

    Early Alien Designs, Star Trek: TOS and TNG. The original Star Trek and The Next Generation introduced a host of aliens, brought to life by '60s prostheses and '80s special effects. When these aliens were brought to the screen, they often looked quite different from their concept art. The first piece (left) is an early concept for the M-113 ...

  7. STAR TREK BEYOND Concept Art Reveals a New Starship

    Now, a few if of those fans who donated to the charity drive has unexpectedly received their STAR TREK BEYOND concept artwork, months ahead of the film's July release — and it's something hinted at in the BEYOND trailer released last December. Fan and Omaze contributor DB Wilson received this framed 20″ x 36″ poster this week ...

  8. John Eaves' prop designs for Star Trek Beyond

    To keep track of all the latest information on Star Trek Beyond, including more concept art and other behind the scenes coverage, visit my Star Trek Beyond guide page. at 03:32. Labels: art, behind the scenes, Beyond, concept art, Kelvin, movies, nuTrek, props. 4 comments:

  9. Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships and Stunning ...

    Much of Star Trek Beyond takes place on an alien planet the crew gets stranded on after the destruction of the Enterprise. In this concept art by Victor Martinez, you can get a closer look at some ...

  10. The Trek Collective: The art of Starbase Yorktown, from Sean Hargreaves

    The art of Starbase Yorktown, from Sean Hargreaves and Milena Zdravkovic. My new favourite thing in the entire Star Trek multiverse is Starbase Yorktown; that staggeringly beautiful structure is one of the most amazing creations to ever grace the screen, and a perfect icon of the Federation utopia. Indeed, designer Sean Hargreaves put that ...

  11. ArtStation

    Had the honor of Leading a special team to wrap this up in about 3 months. We took the initial concept sketch model and adjusted it to fit into the 1701-A universe and added in a few fun elements including an arboretum, Ten Forward, Boardroom, captains quarters and there's even a little Facepalming JL Picard in a window(too motion blurred though). Specifically i did the Saucer minus the core ...

  12. Creating That Vulcan Picture Box for Beyond

    The very last piece drawn for the film was a little Vulcan box that was basically a man's version of a picture locket. This piece was written into the script shortly after Leonard Nimoy passed away. We drew a couple of choices for it and included a picture of the cast from The Original Series. Andy presented the concepts to Tom and Justin, and ...

  13. Sean Hargreaves

    Sean Hargreaves is a Production Designer, Lead Concept Designer, Visual Effects Art Director and Matte Painter working in the entertainment industry.His work includes films such as Star Trek: Beyond, Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

  14. Star Trek Beyond's new USS Enterprise, by Sean Hargreaves

    To keep track of all the latest information on Star Trek Beyond, including other behind the scenes coverage, ... I'll be posting even more concept art from the film in the coming days. at 01:29. Labels: art, behind the scenes, Beyond, concept art, Kelvin, nuTrek, ships. 27 comments:

  15. ArtStation

    It looks like you're using ArtStation from Great Britain. Would you like to change the currency to Pounds (£)?

  16. Idris Elba Star Trek Beyond concept art : r/startrek

    Living legend. Still acts. Wanted to be a part of the reboot. Wanted to be in more Trek after Generations, etc. Elba as Picard is no different than Pine as Kirk. As far as The Human Torch, The Fantastic Four were created a few years before Star Trek, and The Human Torch has been a Marvel character in one form or another since the 1930s!

  17. Star Trek Concept Art: 5 Designs We Wish We Got (5 That Should Have

    Pass: The Discovery. Star Trek Discovery 's titular ship actually seems based on a design by Ralph McQuarrie from the 1970s. McQuarrie was tapped to work on a project called Star Trek: Planet of the Titans that was abandoned in 1977. His concept art from this project shows a ship with a triangular body attached to the standard round saucer.

  18. ArtStation

    Here is a layer build of some concept art I created as Art Director on 'Star Trek : Beyond'

  19. Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships And Stunning Alien Vistas

    Image Cache: Much of Star Trek Beyond takes place on an alien planet the crew gets stranded on after the destruction of the Enterprise. In this concept art by Victor Martinez, you can get a closer ...

  20. Strar Trek Beyond Concept Designs by Sean Hargreaves : r/scifi

    Strar Trek Beyond Concept Designs by Sean Hargreaves. Yorktown was cool, but utterly, insanely illogical and impractical. 100% agreed. For me, it seems like the trend in movies to constantly increase the sense of scale and scope of everything in a story just makes it harder to connect with. I miss human-scale sci fi.

  21. ArtStation

    Here are a few paintings from my role as Art Director on 'Star Trek : Beyond'

  22. 'Star Trek : Beyond'

    'Star Trek : Beyond' - Concept Art

  23. New Star Trek Beyond concept art

    Forums > Star Trek Movies > Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe > New Star Trek Beyond concept art. Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies: Kelvin Universe' started by F. King Daniel, May 6, 2020. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral. Joined: Nov 5, 2008 Location:

  24. Star Trek Beyond Concept Art Shows Off Starships and Stunning Alien

    In this concept art by Victor Martinez, you can get a closer look at some designs for the planet, some ships that never made it to screen, and more. Much of Star Trek Beyond takes place on an alien planet the crew gets stranded on after the destruction of the Enterprise. In this concept art by Victor Martinez, you can get a closer look at some ...