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Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Zackary Hooper

Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Ever find yourself scratching your head over when to use ‘travel’, ‘trip’, or ‘journey’? Me too. In fact, these terms are commonly misused by even the most well-traveled folks among us.

Table of Contents

As an English language aficionado and travel enthusiast, I dove deep into linguistic resources to clear up this confusion once and for all. This blog will guide you through the nuances of these three words , helping you navigate your way to flawless English usage in any travel context .

Ready for departure?

Key Takeaways

  • Travel refers to going to a place, especially far away.
  • Trip involves traveling from one place to another, usually for a short period of time.
  • Journey implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.
  • Proper usage of these terms is essential in effectively conveying our experiences.

Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.

Travel as a verb meaning to go to a place, especially far away

Travel, as a verb, emphasizes the act of moving from one location to another. This movement often involves significant distance between the two points. For instance, you might say you are traveling to Europe or Asia from America – places that are undoubtedly quite far from each other.

Notably, travel doesn’t always require a return trip; it merely notes the action of going somewhere far . Even voyages into space can be considered travel! So next time you utter “I love to travel,” note that this phrase speaks volumes about your passion for exploring distant destinations and embracing new experiences on a broader geographic scale .

Trip as the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time

When we talk about a trip, we’re referring to the act of traveling from one place to another. It’s usually for a short period of time and involves moving between different locations .

Think of it as going on a vacation or taking a quick getaway. A trip can be as short as a day or extend over several days, but it generally doesn’t involve staying in one place for an extended period.

So whether you’re heading out on a road trip with friends or catching a flight to explore new cities, remember that a trip is all about the process of getting from point A to point B , enjoying the journey along the way.

Journey as traveling from one place to another, not necessarily returning

A journey is all about the experience of traveling from one place to another, without the expectation of returning . It can be a long and exciting adventure, with multiple destinations along the way.

Unlike a trip or travel, which often involves going somewhere and then coming back, a journey implies forward movement and exploration . It’s like embarking on a voyage of discovery, where you’re eager to see what lies ahead and open to new experiences.

Whether it’s backpacking through Europe or sailing around the world, a journey offers endless possibilities for exploration and self-discovery .

Common Uses and Examples of Travel, Trip, and Journey

– Travel: “I love traveling to different countries , experiencing new cultures and exploring exotic destinations.

– Trip: “We took a weekend trip to the beach, enjoying sun-kissed days and relaxing by the seaside.”

– Journey: “His journey across the desert was filled with challenges and self-discovery as he embarked on a soul-searching adventure.”

Travel: “I love to travel to different countries.”

I absolutely adore exploring different countries . Experiencing new cultures, trying unique cuisines , and immersing myself in unfamiliar landscapes is what makes travel so thrilling for me.

Whether it’s wandering through ancient ruins in Greece or hiking through the vibrant jungles of Costa Rica, I find immense joy in venturing beyond my comfort zone and discovering all that the world has to offer.

Travel opens my eyes to different perspectives and allows me to create lasting memories that I cherish forever.

Trip: “We went on a business trip to New York.”

Last week, I had the opportunity to go on a business trip to New York . It was an exciting experience that allowed me to explore the bustling city and meet with important clients . During the trip, we visited various companies , attended conferences , and even had some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York.

Being able to immerse myself in a different environment for a short period of time was both refreshing and educational. Overall, it was a successful trip that helped us strengthen our professional relationships and achieve our business goals.

Journey: “His journey around the world took him three years.”

I embarked on a three-year journey around the world, exploring new cultures and experiencing incredible adventures along the way. From bustling cities to remote villages, my journey allowed me to immerse myself in different landscapes and meet fascinating people from all walks of life.

It was a transformative experience that broadened my horizons and shaped my perspective on the world.

Clarifying Misuses of Travel, Trip, and Journey

Many people mistakenly use the term “travel” for short distances, but it should be reserved for going to faraway places. To understand the proper usage of these words, read on!

Incorrect uses of travel: “He traveled to the grocery store.”

Using the word “travel” to describe a short trip to the grocery store is incorrect. Travel usually refers to going to a distant place, especially far away. So, it’s important to use this term appropriately and not for everyday local trips like grocery stores.

Proper uses of the terms: “I traveled to Europe.”

I traveled to Europe for my summer vacation. It was an exciting travel experience filled with new cultures, delicious food, and breathtaking sights. The proper use of the term “travel” in this context refers to going somewhere far away , especially to a different country or continent .

In this case, I embarked on an adventure from my home country to Europe, immersing myself in each destination’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Traveling to Europe broadened my horizons and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel, trip, and journey may seem similar, but they each have their own nuances. Read on to delve deeper into the distinctions between these terms and how to use them correctly in your everyday conversations.

Travel focuses on the action of going to a distant place.

Travel allows us to embark on exciting journeys to faraway destinations. It is the act of physically moving from one place to another , often to distant locations . Whether it’s exploring a new country , immersing ourselves in different cultures , or experiencing thrilling adventures , travel is all about the exhilarating action of venturing beyond our comfort zones .

So pack your bags and get ready for an incredible journey filled with unforgettable experiences!

Trip emphasizes the process of traveling and staying in a place.

A trip is all about the journey itself and the experience of being in a specific place . It focuses on the process of traveling from one location to another, while also emphasizing the time spent staying in that particular place.

Whether you’re taking a short weekend trip to a nearby city or embarking on a week-long vacation, a trip is about immersing yourself in new surroundings and enjoying everything that destination has to offer.

Journey implies a longer and more significant travel experience.

When embarking on a journey, you can expect a more extensive and meaningful travel experience . Unlike a simple trip or travel, a journey often involves exploring multiple destinations or pursuing a specific purpose .

It encompasses the idea of venturing into the unknown and embracing new challenges along the way. Whether it’s an epic road trip across several countries or a spiritual pilgrimage to sacred sites, a journey offers an opportunity for personal growth and transformation .

It allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures , navigate unfamiliar terrain, and create lasting memories. So if you’re seeking an adventure that goes beyond mere transportation from point A to point B, set out on a journey that will take you further and leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Conclusion and Importance of Using the Correct Terms

Understanding the distinctions between travel , trip, and journey is crucial in accurately conveying our experiences . By using these terms correctly, we can communicate more effectively and avoid confusion .

So whether we’re embarking on a short trip or a life-changing journey , let’s remember to use the right words to describe our adventures ! Keep exploring and keep traveling!

1. What is the difference between travel, trip, and journey?

Travel refers to the act of going from one place to another, while a trip is a specific instance of traveling for a particular purpose or destination. A journey, on the other hand, implies a longer and more meaningful experience that may involve personal growth or transformation.

2. Can you give examples of each term – travel, trip, and journey?

Sure! Travel can include activities like flying to a different country or taking a road trip across states. A trip could be going on vacation to Disneyland or visiting family over the holidays. And a journey might involve backpacking through Europe for several months or embarking on a spiritual retreat.

3. Is there any overlap between these terms?

Yes, there can be some overlap between these terms depending on context. For example, someone’s “trip” may also be considered their “journey” if it involves self-discovery or exploration. Similarly, long-term travel experiences may encompass both the notions of “travel” and “journey.”

4. How does understanding the distinction between these terms help in communication?

Understanding the distinction between travel, trip, and journey helps in effective communication as it allows us to accurately describe our experiences and intentions when discussing our travels with others. It provides clarity and avoids confusion by using appropriate terminology when sharing stories or making plans involving different types of travel experiences.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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travel and journey meaning

Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

travel and journey meaning

600+ Confusing English Words Explained

The act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning.

  • We took a five-day trip to the Amazon.
  • You’re back from vacation! How was your trip ?
  • I went on business trips to Switzerland and Germany last month.

Use the verbs “take” and “go on” with trip .

  • A round-trip ticket is a ticket for going and coming back.
  • A one-way ticket is only for going.

Travel (v.)

Going to another place (in general).

  • I really like to travel.
  • He travels frequently for work.
  • My sister is currently  traveling through South America.

Travel (n.) can be used to describe the act of traveling in general:

  • Travel in that region of the country is dangerous.
  • World travel gives you a new perspective.

Incorrect uses of travel :

  • I bought this shirt on my  travel  to Thailand. I bought this shirt on my  trip  to Thailand.
  • I’m planning a travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning to travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning a trip to the U.S. next year.

Journey (n.)

One piece of travel (going from one place to another) – usually a long distance.

  • The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
  • He made the 200-mile journey by bike.
  • “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao-tze,  Tao Te Ching

We can also use journey in a more “metaphorical” way to talk about progress in life:

  • He has overcome a lot of problems on his spiritual journey.
  • My uncle is an alcoholic, but he’s beginning the journey of recovery.

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travel and journey meaning

Further Detail


When it comes to exploring new places, two terms that often come to mind are "journey" and "travel." While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two. In this article, we will delve into the attributes of both journey and travel, highlighting their unique characteristics and exploring how they contribute to our overall experiences.

Definition and Purpose

A journey can be defined as a process of personal growth and self-discovery, often involving a long and transformative experience. It goes beyond the physical act of moving from one place to another and encompasses the emotional and psychological aspects of the voyage. Journeys are often associated with introspection, reflection, and profound changes in one's perspective.

On the other hand, travel refers to the act of moving from one location to another, typically for leisure, business, or exploration purposes. It focuses more on the physical aspect of the journey, such as visiting new destinations, experiencing different cultures, and broadening one's horizons. Travel is often associated with adventure, excitement, and the pursuit of new experiences.

Duration and Distance

One of the key differences between journey and travel lies in their duration and distance. Journeys are often characterized by their extended length, spanning weeks, months, or even years. They involve a deeper commitment and dedication to the process, allowing individuals to immerse themselves fully in the experience. In contrast, travel can vary in duration, ranging from short weekend getaways to longer vacations. The distance traveled during a journey is often greater, as it may involve crossing continents or exploring remote and challenging terrains.

Emotional and Spiritual Growth

While both journey and travel offer opportunities for personal growth, the emotional and spiritual aspects are more pronounced in a journey. Journeys often push individuals out of their comfort zones, forcing them to confront their fears, face uncertainties, and adapt to unfamiliar environments. This process of self-discovery and introspection can lead to profound emotional and spiritual growth, fostering resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Travel, on the other hand, tends to focus more on the external experiences and interactions with different cultures and environments. It provides opportunities to broaden one's horizons, gain new perspectives, and develop a sense of cultural appreciation. While emotional and spiritual growth can still occur during travel, it may not be as intense or transformative as in a journey.

Planning and Flexibility

Another aspect to consider when comparing journey and travel is the level of planning and flexibility involved. Journeys often require meticulous planning, as they involve long-term commitments and logistical considerations. Individuals embarking on a journey need to plan for accommodations, transportation, finances, and other practical aspects to ensure a smooth experience. However, journeys also require a certain level of flexibility, as unexpected challenges and detours may arise along the way, requiring adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Travel, on the other hand, can be more flexible in terms of planning. While some trips may require detailed itineraries, others can be more spontaneous and open-ended. Travelers often have the freedom to explore different destinations, change plans on a whim, and embrace unexpected opportunities. This flexibility allows for a more relaxed and carefree experience, where individuals can go with the flow and let the journey unfold naturally.

Impact and Memories

Both journey and travel leave a lasting impact on individuals, shaping their memories and perspectives. Journeys, due to their transformative nature, often have a profound and long-lasting impact on one's life. The memories created during a journey become cherished milestones, serving as reminders of personal growth, challenges overcome, and lessons learned. These memories can shape individuals' future decisions, values, and aspirations.

Travel, while perhaps not as transformative, still creates lasting memories and impacts individuals in various ways. The experiences gained during travel can broaden one's worldview, foster cultural understanding, and create lifelong connections with people from different backgrounds. The memories of beautiful landscapes, unique encounters, and exciting adventures become treasured souvenirs, reminding individuals of the joy and wonder of exploring the world.

In conclusion, while journey and travel share similarities in terms of exploring new places and gaining experiences, they differ in their depth, purpose, and impact. Journeys are characterized by their transformative nature, emotional and spiritual growth, and longer duration. They require careful planning and offer opportunities for profound self-discovery. On the other hand, travel focuses more on the physical aspect of exploration, providing opportunities for cultural appreciation, broadening horizons, and creating lasting memories.

Whether one embarks on a journey or indulges in travel, both offer unique attributes that contribute to personal growth, broaden perspectives, and create lifelong memories. Ultimately, the choice between a journey and travel depends on individual preferences, goals, and the desire for self-discovery or external exploration. So, whether you choose to embark on a transformative journey or embark on a thrilling travel adventure, embrace the experience and let it shape your life in its own unique way.

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Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'..

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Definition of journey

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Definition of journey  (Entry 2 of 2)

intransitive verb

transitive verb

Did you know?

The Latin adjective diurnus means “pertaining to a day, daily”; English diurnal stems ultimately from this word. When Latin developed into French, diurnus became a noun, jour, meaning simply “day” The medieval French derivative journee meant either “day” or “something done during the day,” such as work or travel. Middle English borrowed journee as journey in both senses, but only the sense “a day’s travel” survived into modern usage. In modern English, journey now refers to a trip without regard to the amount of time it takes. The verb journey developed from the noun and is first attested in the 14th century.

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Examples of journey in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'journey.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Noun and Verb

Middle English, from Anglo-French jurnee day, day's journey, from jur day, from Late Latin diurnum , from Latin, neuter of diurnus — see journal entry 1

13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 2

14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

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“Journey.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/journey. Accessed 19 Aug. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of journey.

Kids Definition of journey  (Entry 2 of 2)

Middle English journey "a trip, travel," from early French journee "day's work, day's journey," from jour "day," derived from Latin diurnus "of a day, daily," from dies "day" — related to diary , journal

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Britannica English: Translation of journey for Arabic Speakers

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Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour

Published 29/07/2015 In Blog

travel and journey meaning

The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words. 

Travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour can be easily confused by all those students learning English, so below are clear explanations of how to use the 5 terms: 

*Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go

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[ jur -nee ]

a six-day journey across the desert.

Synonyms: tour , jaunt , excursion

a desert journey.

a week's journey.

the journey to success.

verb (used without object)

Synonyms: peregrinate , rove , roam

/ ˈdʒɜːnɪ /

  • a travelling from one place to another; trip or voyage
  • the distance travelled in a journey
  • the time taken to make a journey
  • intr to make a journey

Derived Forms

  • ˈjourneyer , noun

Other Words From

  • journey·er noun
  • outjourney verb (used with object) outjourneyed outjourneying

Word History and Origins

Origin of journey 1

Synonym Study

Example sentences.

If either is selected, it would not launch until 2026 at the earliest, and would take at least a few months to make the journey.

The job is a cherry on top, but the journey and the experience of being able to audition and leave your heart in the room and feel good about it, no matter what happens, that’s rare and that was amazing.

Cross-device measurement helps connect the dots of your customer’s journey and ensures you know how effective your campaigns are at driving user behavior.

You are somewhat of a new grandmother and you’ve been enjoying that journey.

Instead of having numerous articles addressing each of these particular questions, brands and publishers could consolidate this information as it is all pertinent to the same stage of the journey that the user is in.

The brokers then scout out potential “crew members” who can earn substantial discounts for working the journey.

The next day, after driving to Putney on the outskirts of London, we start the end of our journey.

The NYPD Emerald Society pipes and drums struck up a slow march and the procession began the journey to the cemetery.

We began a journey with Koenig in the first episode of Serial.

But the sunlight is threatening to fade and a three-and-a-half-hour river journey back to Kisangani looms.

With a hammer the boy knocked off some of the slats of the small box in which Squinty had made his journey.

Then summoning a smart young jemadar with whom he had talked a good deal during the journey, he asked him to read the chit.

But dismissing them from our thoughts for the time being, as we did then from our presence, let us continue our journey.

If the journey is now distasteful to her, she has but her own rashness to blame in having sought it herself.

It was past sundown when they left San Bernardino, but a full moon made the night as good as day for their journey.

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  • exploration

What Is The Plural Of Journey?

Plural word for  journey.

The plural form of journey is journeys (not journies ). Words that end with a – y preceded by a vowel ( a, e, i, o, u ) are made plural by adding an -s at the end, as in chimney / chimneys and monkey / monkeys . 

This can be confusing, because the plural form of words that end with a – y and are preceded by a consonant is made by changing the ending to -ies , as in party / parties , candy / candies , and duty / duties .

More About Journey

What does  journey mean.

A journey is a trip, especially one to a faraway place that takes place over a long period of time.

The word trip can refer to any instance of traveling from one place to another, no matter how long or short it is. The word journey , though, typically implies a long trip—one that’s at least several hours, and perhaps several months or even years. It also often implies adventure—a journey might even be a quest . A journey may or may not have a planned destination other than whatever lies ahead.

The word is also commonly used in a figurative way to liken any lengthy process or progress to such a trip, as in Life is a journey, with many interesting detours. 

Journey can also be used as a verb meaning to make a long trip, as in We must journey to the land beyond the mountains.

Example: My favorite books are about people who make epic journeys around the world.

Where does  journey come from?

The first records of the word journey come from around the 1200s. It comes from the Middle English word journee , meaning “day,” ultimately from unattested Vulgar Latin diurnāta , meaning “a day’s time” or “a day’s work.” In English, the meaning of the word journey originally meant something like “a day’s travel,” but eventually came to mean “a long trip.”

A journey can last a day but the word usually refers to longer trips. The word is sometimes preceded with the mode of transportation that’s used, as in The city is reachable only by a long train journey. Discussion of journeys often involves their destination or purpose. When people say, “It’s the journey , not the destination,” they mean that the significance and value of a journey is what happens along the way, from moment to moment, as opposed to the achievement of its ultimate goal.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to journey ?

  • journeyer (noun)
  • outjourney (verb)

What are some synonyms for journey ?

What are some words that share a root or word element with journey ? 

What are some words that often get used in discussing journey ?

  • destination

How is  journey used in real life?

Journey is very commonly used in a figurative way.

I ask you to accompany me on my journey to Chile and Peru in your prayers. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) January 15, 2018
Life is indeed a journey. Successful is he who can navigate the ups and downs without losing his balance. Don’t dwell on your past, don’t wallow in self-pity, don’t repeat your mistakes, don’t focus on negativity, help others along the way, spread kindness wherever you go! — Mufti Menk (@muftimenk) August 17, 2020
Some people around us will not understand our journey. They don’t need to; it’s not for them — Paulo Coelho (@paulocoelho) May 4, 2019

Try using  journey !

Which of the following words is a synonym of journey ?

A. voyage B. trip C. trek D. all of the above

Definition of 'journey'

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Definition of journey noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • They went on a long train journey across India.
  • to begin/continue/complete a journey
  • Many refugees made the journey alone.
  • Did you have a good journey?
  • the outward/return journey
  • We broke our journey (= stopped for a short time) in Madrid.
  • (British English) Don't use the car for short journeys.
  • It's a day's journey by car.
  • The average journey time is about 50 minutes.
  • on a journey She took her sister with her to keep her company on the journey.
  • journey from… Devizes is a two-hour journey from London.
  • journey to… It is unclear why he embarked on his final journey to Vienna.
  • (British English) I'm afraid you've had a wasted journey (= you cannot do what you have come to do) .
  • (informal) Bye! Safe journey! (= used when somebody is beginning a journey)
  • a business trip
  • a five-minute trip by taxi
  • a long and difficult journey across the mountains
  • a tour of Bavaria
  • the first expedition to the South Pole
  • We went on an all-day excursion to the island.
  • The children were on a day’s outing from school.
  • We had a day out at the beach.
  • a(n) foreign/​overseas trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition
  • a bus/​coach/​train/​rail trip/​journey/​tour
  • to go on a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion/​outing/​day out
  • to set out/​off on a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion
  • to make a(n) trip/​journey/​tour/​expedition/​excursion
  • destination
  • measures to cut the number of car journeys into the city
  • He is planning a journey through Europe this summer.
  • People were crammed onto ships for the dangerous journey across the Atlantic.
  • Dawn was breaking as we set out on the last leg of our journey.
  • Few people have made this journey and lived to tell the tale.
  • He made the emotional journey back to the house he grew up in.
  • He wrote a column chronicling his journeys around the Americas.
  • Her search took her on an incredible journey across the world.
  • The bus driver told us where to change buses for our onward journey.
  • The bus journey from London to Athens took 60 hours.
  • The journey continued in silence.
  • The journey takes about five hours.
  • They continued their journey on foot.
  • They doubted that he would survive the journey to the nearest hospital.
  • They were on a journey to the Far East.
  • This is the story of the first astronauts and their journey into the unknown.
  • take (somebody)
  • be tired after a journey
  • be tired from a journey
  • a leg of a journey

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  • I was excited by the character's journey in the film.
  • journey (from something) (to something) The book describes a spiritual journey from despair to happiness.

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When do Hummingbirds leave? As migrations starts, how to spot the flitting fliers

Portrait of Cybele Mayes-Osterman

As summer vacations wrap up and kids return to school, one small bird is preparing for a monumental journey.

Hummingbird migration season gets underway in August, sending the birds flying to warm destinations thousands of miles away to last out the cold winter months and bringing bird-watchers new opportunities to catch sight of them on their trip.

Weighing as little as 2 grams , hummingbirds don't appear to be formidable creatures. But every year as autumn approaches, many birds native to the U.S. set off on a long journey south in search of warmer climates and blooming flowers.

Chillier temperatures don't necessarily bother the birds, but finding new food sources is a top priority, said Chad Witko, the National Audubon Society's senior coordinator for avian biology.

"Migration is timed with flower phenology," Witko said. "When flowers are coming to bloom, that's when birds are trying to time their migration."

Hummingbirds cross Gulf of Mexico, travel more than 3,500 miles

About 20 of the world's 363 known hummingbird species call the U.S. home, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology .

Most are native to the western U.S., especially Arizona and southern Texas, said David Wiedenfeld, a senior conservation scientist with the American Bird Conservancy. "East of the Mississippi, we really only have one kind," the Ruby-throated hummingbird, he said.

When migration season begins, Ruby-throated hummingbirds are still abundant throughout the eastern half of the U.S., according to the Audubon Society's online bird migration explorer tool. "By early October, they are starting to show up in Central America," Wiedenfeld said, and they settle in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica for the winter.

On their journey, some birds cross the Gulf of Mexico, cruising from the coast of Texas or Louisiana to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico without stopping, according to Wiedenfeld.

The trip takes them about 18 hours, "without landing, without eating, without drinking," he said. "For these little, tiny birds, it's a tremendous crossing."

The Rufous hummingbird, the only species of hummingbird native to Alaska, is an exceptionally far traveler. Birds traveling south could end up as far as California or Mexico during migration season, according to Wiedenfeld.

In January 2010, one Rufous hummingbird was caught and marked in Tallahassee, Florida . Six months later, the bird was caught again southeast of Anchorage – a journey of more than 3,500 miles, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game .

Ruby-throated hummingbirds, meanwhile, can reach as far north as Ontario, Canada, during the summer, before flying to Costa Rica over the winter months.

Rufous hummingbirds also have a unique looping migration pattern, Witko said. In the spring, they travel north along the Pacific Coast, but as the end of summer approaches, "those birds don't follow the coastline back south," Witko said. "They're migrating further east from the coast," including through the Rocky Mountains.

More: Spring is hummingbird migration season: Interactive map shows where they will be

Young hummingbirds face the journey alone

Bird experts say not all hummingbirds depart at the same time. Males begin the journey first, with females and then juveniles following soon afterward. "There's this kind of asynchronous cycle of migration," Witko said.

Since males play a minor role in raising their young, they often embark on the trip south sooner, usually by the first of September, followed by females a few weeks later after their offspring leave the nest. Then, the young hummingbirds set out on the journey alone.

"They're doing it for the first time, all on their own," said Witko. "They're just setting off using instinct. They've evolved the signals ... that tell them to go certain directions and certain places."

Hummingbirds gather near native plants, bird feeders

The onset of migration season means hummingbirds will be out and about, and easier to spot.

"Seeing hummingbirds really comes down to finding places where there's native plants, native flowers," Witko said. "Those are always some of the best spots." The Audubon Society maintains an online database of bird-friendly plants native to different areas.

Bird feeders also are an easy way to attract hummingbirds to the backyard. And they don't require fancy equipment – anyone can make homemade nectar by mixing one part sugar with four parts water, according to a recipe from the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute .

There's no need to worry that bird feeders will disrupt a hummingbird's natural pattern of searching for food or delay their journey. The birds naturally see feeders as a supplemental source of food, according to the Audubon Society .

Hummingbirds aren't skittish, offering bird enthusiasts a close-up view of their furiously beating wings. "You can often watch them fairly close, 15 or 20 feet away," Wiedenfeld said. "Sometimes, if you've got a feeder right outside your window, they'll let you get closer."

"It can be amazing to watch what they can do, hovering and flying backward, all the acrobatics they can do. They're amazing."

Cambridge Dictionary

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Meaning of travel – Learner’s Dictionary

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travel verb ( MAKE A JOURNEY )

  • It costs less if you travel at the weekend .
  • We hired a car so we could travel further afield .
  • I have travelled extensively in Europe .
  • They travelled the length and breadth of Scotland together.
  • It's a film about the adventures of two friends travelling across Africa .

travel verb ( MOVE )

  • Space travel may become very common in the near future .
  • The price includes travel and accommodation .
  • The travel company completely fouled up our holiday .
  • They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students .
  • Over the years I've lost my taste for travel.

(Definition of travel from the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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Florida’s abortion law is driving more residents to seek care in other states.

Some pregnant women are bypassing Florida's six-week abortion ban by traveling to other states where it is less restricted.

Clinics in Washington and Chicago are reporting increases in patients from Florida and elsewhere in the Southeast. But it’s not easy to travel, and some women are finding ways to work around the law.

Amber Pugh got a call recently from a pregnant woman who was crying and desperate.

“She shared with me that the partner involved with the pregnancy was refusing to assist her; he was verbally abusive,” said Pugh, who helps Florida residents access abortions as a care coordinator for the National Abortion Hotline .

“She's already struggling to provide for her two children,” Pugh continued, “She can't afford another child at this time because she's already behind on her rent payments."

This woman had been pregnant nearly six weeks and wasn't going to have time to get a legal abortion in Florida, Pugh said. By then, it would be too late.

The state has outlawed most abortions after six weeks, But even before that period lapses, patients must visit a clinic twice at least 24 hours apart before undergoing the procedure.

The woman was eventually able to obtain an abortion, said Pugh. But she had to travel hundreds of miles to the Washington, D.C., area.

“It's been incredibly difficult to watch care be decimated to this point in Florida,” said Pugh.

Demand for travel support soars

Though abortions have declined in Florida since a six-week law went into effect May 1, that doesn’t necessarily mean fewer people are seeking them. Many are traveling out of the state, while others are using telehealth to get abortion medications in the mail.

The National Abortion Hotline is reporting a dramatic increase in demand for travel support. It’s the largest patient assistance fund for abortions in the country.

In May and June, there was a 575% increase in people helped by the hotline travel out of the state, compared with the same period in 2023, data show . Then, abortion in Florida was available until 15 weeks of pregnancy, and many patients from other Southeast states with stricter bans were coming to Florida for care.

“Florida really served as a critical hub for abortion access, not just for Floridians, but for the entire Southeast of the country,” said Brittany Fonteno, president and CEO of the National Abortion Federation, which runs the hotline.

Amber Pugh attends a Planned Parenthood rally to protect Title X in March 2019. She works for the National Abortion Hotline and says it’s been painful to watch access to care be “decimated” in Florida under the six-week ban.

Now Floridians and others are turning to places like D.C., Virginia and Illinois.

“We've certainly seen a significant increase already,” said Dr. Allison Cowett, an OB-GYN who serves as medical director for Family Planning Associates in Chicago.

The health center served twice as many abortion patients from Florida and nearby states in June of this year compared to 2023. Making the trip can be costly, in more ways than one.

The journey can be tough

Patients may have to get time off work or arrange child care. They typically fly in and must spend at least one night in a hotel. Some tell Cowett that they've never been to a big city like Chicago, while others have never flown.

"We are taking care of these people who are traveling for, you know, already a stressful situation wanting to exercise their right to an abortion and needing support and care, and really being more traumatized by having to travel these long distances," she said.

Abortion funds are helping many of these patients plan and pay for their trips, Cowett said.

But even with financial help, not everyone can drop everything and travel to get an abortion right away, said Chelsea Souder, co-owner of Hope Clinic in southern Illinois. The clinic reported 1,200% and 600% increases in Florida patients for June and July of this year, respectively, compared with last year.

"The further that people have to travel, the more likely people are getting pushed further in pregnancy, and what we've seen at Hope since the Dobbs decision is that folks who are trying to access abortion in the second trimester have increased 2½ fold," said Souder.

The later in pregnancy someone gets an abortion, the more expensive it is and the higher the risk for complications.

Doctors with Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida say despite state health officials' attempts to clarify exceptions to the six-week abortion ban, they're still worried for patients.

Hope Clinic is just over the border with Missouri, which has banned abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in its 2022 ruling for Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization .

Clinic personnel are experienced in working with out-of-state patients, said Souder, and they applied lessons learned over the past two years to prepare for the aftermath of Florida’s six-week law. Those include building capacity and strengthening relationships with groups that can provide travel support.

Abortion opponents urge women seeking them to reconsider

Pregnant women have a legal right to travel to places with fewer abortion restrictions, said John Stemberger, an Orlando attorney and president of Liberty Counsel Action . The group opposes abortion.

Stemberger wants women to pursue parenthood or adoption instead.

“It's not just about changing the law; it's about changing the hearts and minds of people,” he said. “So when a pregnant woman who doesn't have resources or is scared or is ‘abortion-minded,’ that she thinks differently because people around her – society, the media – think differently. And there's resources there to support that woman, especially if finances are the issue, that should never be the issue to have an abortion.”

Stemberger cites the roughly 160 pregnancy centers in Florida, which get millions of dollars in state funding, along with programs that provide women with free baby supplies, such as formula and diapers, as examples.

Abortion rights advocates argue carrying a pregnancy to term isn't an option for some people.

Telehealth allows some patients to get abortion care from home

Travel isn't the only way Floridians are working around the state's law. There's been a nationwide surge in people getting abortion medications through the mail. Medical professionals in places without abortions bans prescribe the pills mifepristone and misoprostol online and patients take them at home.

It's illegal in Florida to use telehealth or mail pills for abortions, though the bans apply to doctors, not pregnant women. And several states have passed what are known as shield laws to protect doctors from punishment for treating residents in states with abortion restrictions.

A recent report from the Society of Family Planning's #WeCount project found that between October and December 2023, nearly 8,000 telehealth abortions were provided each month under shield laws to people in states with severe restrictions on telehealth abortion.

Authors of the report only included data on telemedicine abortions provided by licensed clinicians in the U.S. and note additional people are ordering the medication online outside the traditional health system, known as “self-managed” abortion.

Research shows self-managed abortions are safe and effective when patients take the medications as prescribed. This method is also usually less expensive than visiting a clinic and could be a good option for some people unable to travel, said Cowett of Family Planning Associates.

"So we're hoping people will get the appropriate instructions and medication from a reputable source, whether it's through telemedicine or several of the online medication abortion providers that have popped up and who have become more important in the abortion provision ecosystem in the last two years,” she said.

Still, the FDA only approves the use of abortion pills in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Some patients may also prefer to visit a clinic in person or need to for health reasons.

Amendment 4 is on the ballot

The barriers to care may be too much for some Floridians, said Qudsiyyah Shariyf, deputy director of the Chicago Abortion Fund .

The group has helped hundreds of residents from Florida and nearby states access abortions in Illinois since May 1.

But Shariyf suspects others are continuing pregnancies they don't want.

"Rich people are always going to be able to travel across the country to get the medical care that they need, but people who don't have access to resources, don't have safe people in their communities that they can go to for support, continue to be disproportionately impacted," Shariyf said. “Those are the people that are making the decisions to not get the care that they need because they feel like no resources are available to them.”

Abortion funds are available to help patients in need, said Shariyf, but she stressed they need more money to keep up with the growing demand.

Abortion access in Florida could change again if voters choose to protect it in the state's constitution.

Amendment 4 is on the November ballot and would allow abortions until fetal viability, which is usually around 24 weeks, or when a health provider deems that it’s necessary. The measure needs 60 percent approval to pass.

Copyright 2024 WUSF 89.7

travel and journey meaning


  1. English Travel Vocabulary Words and Phrases • Learn English with Harry

    travel and journey meaning


    travel and journey meaning

  3. Travel, trip or journey?

    travel and journey meaning

  4. Differences between travel, trip, journey and voyage

    travel and journey meaning

  5. A journey worth traveling is often a journey filled with challenges

    travel and journey meaning

  6. What Is The Difference Between Travel, Trip, and Journey

    travel and journey meaning


  1. Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

    Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey. Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.

  2. Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

    One piece of travel (going from one place to another) - usually a long distance. The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus. He made the 200-mile journey by bike. "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao-tze, Tao Te Ching. We can also use journey in a more "metaphorical" way to talk about ...

  3. Journey vs. Travel

    Journey Travel; Definition: A long and often difficult process of personal growth or development. The act of going from one place to another, typically over a distance. Duration: Can be short or long-term. Can be short or long-term. Purpose: Often associated with personal transformation or achieving a specific goal.


    Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'. The explanation below should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel. The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job. Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.

  5. Difference between "Trip", "Travel", and "Journey"

    There are small differences between these words. For one, travel is more commonly used as a verb than a noun. You won't really hear someone say "I'm going on a travel", but you'll often hear people say "I'm going on a trip". As for trip and journey, trip usually refers to a small casual outing that can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.Journey, however, has a more epic and grandiose ...

  6. meaning

    A journey is something that has plans that may change at will. There could be a few trips in a journey and certainly a lot of travel. journey can also designate a group experience. An "instructor" could take you on a journey to do or learn something. The fact is you don't exactly know where you are going, although you may know the main topics ...

  7. Difference between "Travel", "Trip", "Journey", "Tour", "Voyage"

    Meaning : As a verb, "travel" means "to go from one place to another, usually over a considerable distance". It can be used for physical journeys as well as for the movement of objects or information. As a noun, "travel" is used to describe the activity of traveling or specific journeys. Grammar :

  8. Journey Definition & Meaning

    journey: [noun] something suggesting travel or passage from one place to another.

  9. Travel, journey, trip, voyage or tour?

    Travel: The word travel is used to talk about the act of travelling in general. 1. My hobbies are music and travel (en vez de 'I love cinema and travel') Travel can be both a noun and verb. As a noun, it names the act of going from one place to another; and as a verb it describes the action of doing so. *Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work.

  10. Travel, Trip or Journey? What's The Difference?

    "I went on a TRIP.... agh... JOURNEY... I mean TRAVEL..." Have you ever said something like that? 😄 If you have, you're definitely not alone. Most students ...

  11. English Usage

    dispose of - get rid of. disturb - disturbed. each other - one another. easy - easily. effective - efficient. electric - electrical - electronic. emigration - immigration - migration. employ - use.

  12. JOURNEY Definition & Meaning

    Journey definition: a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip. See examples of JOURNEY used in a sentence.


    JOURNEY definition: 1. the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle: 2. a set of…. Learn more.

  14. TRAVEL

    TRAVEL definition: 1. to make a journey, usually over a long distance: 2. If something travels well/badly, it…. Learn more.


    JOURNEY meaning: 1. the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle: 2. a set of…. Learn more.

  16. JOURNEY definition and meaning

    3 meanings: 1. a travelling from one place to another; trip or voyage 2. a. the distance travelled in a journey b. the time.... Click for more definitions.

  17. journey noun

    Synonyms trip trip journey tour expedition excursion outing day out These are all words for an act of travelling to a place. trip an act of travelling from one place to another, and usually back again:. a business trip; a five-minute trip by taxi; journey an act of travelling from one place to another, especially when they are a long way apart:. a long and difficult journey across the mountains

  18. Journey vs. Travel

    A journey often conveys a sense of adventure or personal growth, potentially involving challenges or discoveries. In contrast, travel can refer to any movement, including routine or everyday trips, without the implication of a transformative experience. 5. The term journey can be used metaphorically to describe personal or spiritual quests.

  19. Journey

    journey: 1 n the act of traveling from one place to another Synonyms: journeying Types: show 43 types... hide 43 types... commute a regular journey of some distance to and from your place of work drive , ride a journey in a vehicle (usually an automobile) long haul a journey over a long distance mush a journey by dogsled odyssey a long ...

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    A two week journey into space could likely become an eight month stay aboard the International Space Station. Astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams became the first pilots for Boeing's new ...

  21. Riding the Trans-Mongolian Railway, one of the world's most ...

    A roundtrip journey on the Trans-Mongolian between Ulaanbaatar and Zamiin-Uud makes for an easy and interesting two-day trip. However, travelers can extend the journey by stopping for a couple of ...

  22. Angel Number 111 Spiritual and Love Meaning, 111 and 1111

    When you see angel number 111 in connection with your twin flame journey, it can have several potential meanings. First, it can be a reassurance that you and your twin flame are divinely supported ...

  23. Visiting Every Country in the World: Greek American's Record Breaking

    To cope with the challenges that such a herculean task entails, Zervos explained that he relies on rituals. "Turning on the AC and putting your toiletries at a certain place, putting your bags in a certain way, unpacking a bit so it just feels a little bit more lived in," Zervos said, are part of his coping mechanisms to find meaning in the rush of staying on track.

  24. TRAVEL

    TRAVEL meaning: 1. to make a journey, usually over a long distance: 2. If something travels well/badly, it…. Learn more.

  25. Group travel insurance: When you need it and advantages

    Unlike individual travel insurance, group travel insurance does not factor the individuals' age into account. What it does factor in is the number of travelers and the total cost of the trip.

  26. As Hummingbird migration begins, how to catch them on their journey

    Hummingbirds cross Gulf of Mexico, travel more than 3,500 miles. About 20 of the world's 363 known hummingbird species call the U.S. home, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.. Most are ...

  27. TRAVEL

    TRAVEL definition: 1. to make a journey: 2. If light, sound, or news travels, it moves from one place to another: 3…. Learn more.

  28. Florida's abortion law is driving more residents to seek care in other

    But she had to travel hundreds of miles to the Washington, D.C., area. "It's been incredibly difficult to watch care be decimated to this point in Florida," said Pugh. Demand for travel support soars. Though abortions have declined in Florida since a six-week law went into effect May 1, that doesn't necessarily mean fewer people are ...

  29. Xbox Holiday Travel Guide: How to Keep Playing Your Favorite Games, No

    The holidays can be a perfect time to relax, unwind, and enjoy some quality time with your family and friends. But if you're a gamer, the holidays may arrive at a time when you're 50 hours into your Starfield playthrough, or when you're this close to completing that Halo Infinite battle pass. Fortunately, through the power of Game Pass and Xbox cloud saves, hitting the road doesn't ...