• 目指せるキャリア・資格

ホテル科 サービススタッフコース ホテルビジネス・大学コース

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ホテルビジネスの可能性を探求し マルチプレイヤー として活躍する


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tokyo air travel hotel college

ホテルの可能性を 探究するゼミ

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現役ホテリエから 学ぶ!

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キャリアを広げる 大学コース

総支配人にプレゼン! ホテルの可能性を探究 するゼミ


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現役ホテリエから学び、 最大8回の インターンシップ

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実際にホテルで働くことで 得られる知識や経験があります


ホテル業界での キャリアを広げる 大学コース


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tokyo air travel hotel college



英語力がアップし、 企画力も身につきました


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子育てしながらキャリアを積む。 後輩のために道を作りたい


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目指せる キャリア・ 資格

  • レストランサービス技能検定
  • 「ハングル」能力検定試験
  • ホテルビジネス実務検定
  • マナー・プロトコール検定


(株)帝国ホテル/ザ・リッツ・カールトン東京/マンダリン オリエンタル 東京/ハイアットセントリック銀座東京/ハイアットリージェンシー東京/ハイアットリージェンシー瀬良垣アイランド沖縄/ANAインターコンチネンタルホテル東京/ヨコハマグランドインターコンチネンタルホテル/シェラトン・グランデ・トーキョーベイ・ホテル/ザ・キャピトルホテル東急/(株)ミリアルリゾートホテルズ/(株)八芳園/星野リゾートマネジメント 他

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カリキュラム・ 時間割

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tokyo air travel hotel college


tokyo air travel hotel college


tokyo air travel hotel college


tokyo air travel hotel college


tokyo air travel hotel college


About Tokyo Kogakuin Japanese Language School

This school has a long history, having begun Japanese language education in 1971, and it is one of the most reputable Japanese language schools in Japan. Moreover, it is part of an educational foundation, which was founded according to the strict criteria of Japan’s private-school code. Also part of the same educational foundation is Tokyo Kogakuin College of Technology (containing departments of Architecture, Electronics, Information Technology, Computer Graphics, Sound Production, Media, Sports Business, Manga, Animation, University Studies, Management, Law, and so on) and Tokyo Air Travel Hotel College (containing departments of Airline, Airport Service, Hotel, Tourism, Railway, Bridal, English, and so on).

tokyo air travel hotel college

Many Lessons

Reasonable   tuition, good location, career support , for students who wish to get a job in japan after graduation, career center at technos college will support your placement activities.

Student Discount

As a part of Academic juridical corporation, various discounts will be gained such as transportation passes, long distance travels, movie tickets, etc.

Student Insurance

Our students have the student disaster/injury insurance provided by the Tokyo college association as our affiliated colleges.

Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education / Introduction page

The Akademeia 21st Century Website for International Students

  • Tokyo Hospitality Academy

(School name changed from Tokyo Tourism College in April 2024)

  • The Akademeia 21st Century International Students TOP
  • Course Guide
  • Tokyo Akademeia

Tokyo Hospitality Academy Features of (School name changed from Tokyo Tourism College in April 2024)

Appeal of tokyo hospitality academy.

Aiming for the world's highest level of hospitality, cultivate the spirit of Japanese hospitality!

tokyo air travel hotel college

On-campus original event

Collaboration with group schools nationwide! Showcasing two years of learning in contests. Learning isn't just about acquiring knowledge and skills.  Tokyo Hospitality Academy  hosts numerous educational events where students can gain confidence in what they have learned in AO2.5 years. Being part of the Akademeia 21st Century on a national scale allows us to hold 'national contests,' where you can receive evaluations from top judges.

  • Hotel Customer Service Contest
  • My HOTEL Presentation
  • Cocktail Competition
  • National English Speech Contest
  • Korean Speech Contest
  • Japanese Speech Contest
  • Chinese Speech Contest
  • Airline Customer Service Contest
  • Domestic Travel Planning Contest
  • Overseas travel Planning Contest
  • Simultaneous Examination for Domestic Travel Service Supervisor <National Qualification>
  • Station Customer Service Contest
  • Adachi Wedding Award

"Industry-Academia Collaborative Program" to Learn Directly at Professional Sites

We are actively collaborating with the tourism industry to realize a more practical specialized education.  We conduct internships and training in various industries, allowing students to learn directly in professional settings from day one and nurturing 'job-ready talent.' Domestic/International Hotel Training: Over two years, students gain more than 20 experiences in superlative real-world settings. They learn about the challenges, depth, and enjoyment of customer service and the importance of teamwork. Travel Department × Leading Travel Companies: We work closely with major travel companies to provide practical learning opportunities in travel product planning and sales. We also organize sales events for in-school travel products.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Acquire practical skills with similar facilities and equipment!

The facilities and equipment at Tokyo Hospitality Academy are faithfully replicated to resemble actual real-world settings.  By constantly learning in a realistic environment, students  can acquire the skills necessary to excel in their careers and be valuable assets to employers.

Campus Life

We will introduce various events that will liven up your school life for two years.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Approximately 50 events held annually

At Tokyo Hospitality Academy not only can you learn in the classroom, but there are plenty of events that transcend the boundaries of your department. Enjoy a fun and exciting campus life while meeting irreplaceable friends.

Overseas training trip (optional)

Each department at Tokyo Hospitality Academy prepares various overseas training trips so that you can feel the authentic hospitality first-hand. You can gain valuable experience by observing the work of local professionals and receiving direct instruction.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Hotel Customer Service Manners Contest

Demonstrate your ability to respond and make proposals to customers.

This is an opportunity to showcase the customer service and proposal skills acquired through in-house practical training and internships conducted in the first year. In a contest format, students from sister schools in Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka compete in front of professionals from the active hotel industry. It's a chance to test your service skills and experience a sense of personal growth.

Departments & Majors

Introducing the subjects you can study at tokyo hospitality academy (changed name from tokyo tourism college in april 2024).

People working at the forefront of the admired tourism service industry were not all professionals from the start.  It all began with feelings like 'liking' and 'seems interesting.'  What's important is believing in your own 'liking.' Just longing for something won't change the future.  Let's start walking towards your dreams at Tokyo Hospitality Academy!

Hotel Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Hotel Management Major
  • Hotel Front Major
  • Theme Park & Resort Hotel Major
  • Restaurant Service & Bartender Major
  • Hospitality Business Major

Tourism Business Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Japanese-Chinese Interpretation Course
  • International Tourism Service Course
  • Business Japanese Course

Travel Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Travel Major
  • Tourism Management Major
  • Tour Conductor Major
  • Visit Japan Major

Airline Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Grand Staff Course
  • Cabin Attendant Course
  • Ground Handling Course

Food Creation Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Patissier Major
  • Barista & Cafe Produce Major

Global Languages Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Comprehensive English Course
  • English/Korean Course
  • English/Chinese Course
  • English Study Abroad Course
  • Chinese Study Abroad Course

Korean Language Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Korean Course
  • Korean Study Abroad Course
  • Korean University Transfer Course

Railway Service Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Railway Service Course
  • Railway Maintenance Course

Bridal Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Wedding Planner Major
  • Dress Stylist Major
  • Bridal Beauty Major
  • Bridal Flower Major

Funeral Director Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Funeral Director Course

Digital Communication Department

tokyo air travel hotel college

  • Digital Tourism Course

Tuition fee

  • Common  to all 2-year courses
  • List of textbooks, teaching materials, and training expenses (estimated for the previous year)     ​ ​
  • *1 At our school, all students are covered by student accident insurance through a contract with an insurance company, in preparation for unforeseen accidents such as traffic accidents and injuries that may occur during the school year from the day of enrollment until graduation.
  • *2 Tuition fees for the second year will include an additional 16,000 yen per month, as the focus will be on practical training and research projects.
  • * In addition to the above, "textbook fee" and "material fee" are required. (Varies depending on each department/major)
  • ● Separate tuition fees may be required for elective subjects (seminar), supplementary classes, etc.
  • ● Tuition fees can only be paid for one year in two terms: the first term and the second term. Preferred payment method for admission application form (Bulk delivery/split delivery) Please mark one option.
  • ● In case of installment payment, graduation album production cost is included in the second half.
  • *1 The Tourism Business Department International Tourism Services Course is a free selection system, so the amount charged will vary depending on the subjects you select.
  • *2 For all departments, the amount charged may differ depending on the elective subject due to the cost of textbooks and examination fees.
  • *3 In all departments, you may be required to separately purchase a computer or tablet to take online classes.

Tuition payment regulations

  • ● Tuition fees are typically paid in a lump sum for one year, but installment payments for "first term" and "second term" are possible for tuition fees only.
  • ● For those who request to withdraw their enrollment by March 31st, tuition fees excluding the admission fee will be refunded.

For those who request withdrawal after April 1st, second semester tuition fees may be refunded based on the following criteria.

  • ① If you submit a request for withdrawal from April 1st to September 30th and our school approves it, the second semester tuition fee will be deducted from the tuition fee for that academic year. The refund will be made after deducting the prescribed administrative fee.
  • ② If you submit a request for withdrawal between October 1st and March 31st and our school approves it, your tuition fees for that year will not be refunded.
  • ● If the tuition fee is not paid by the specified date, the student will be deemed to have declined admission.

  • School Website
  • Google Maps

Tokyo Hospitality Academy SNS (School name changed from Tokyo Tourism College in April 2024)

Latest information is updated here!

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About the Akademeia 21st Century 

About the  Akademeia 21st Century


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Admissions Guideline


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Support System

鈴木 良 先生(東京エアトラベル・ホテル専門学校)の紹介

  • 東京エアトラベル・ホテル専門学校



〒184-8543 東京都小金井市前原町5丁目1-29

鈴木 良 先生


TOEICに出てくる英語は一般のネイティブスピーカーたちが使う普通の英語です。TOEICを勉強したり、テストを受けていると「英語ではこんなふうに言うんだ!」という驚きや感動がたくさんあります。私はもう20年以上英語に触れていますが、それは今も同じです。そんな新しい発見がある英語を一緒に勉強していきませんか? TOEIC is not just an English test,but it is a learning world. You can learn something new every day you study TOEIC! If you want to find love for English, Tokyo Air Travel hotel College is the place to do it. We’re waiting for you!


この学校のスマホ版は 左のQRコードをスマホで 読み込んで下さい。

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Tokyo / Vocational school JTB Travel & Hotel College

Faculties, departments, and courses, international tourism business course.

Comprehensive Travel Course

  • Coed Daytime 2 years

Global Inbound Course

International Hotel & Bridal Course Coed Daytime 2 years

International tourism business department (night course) coed evening 2 years, international tourism business dual department (night course) coed evening 2 years.


Travel Hotel Expert

Where to stay in Tokyo first time: 11 Best areas

Where to stay in Tokyo first time

My partner and I visited Japan a few years ago, spending 10 wonderful days exploring Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. I understand that finding the right place to stay in Tokyo as a first-time visitor can be a bit challenging. 

That’s why, in today’s article, I will share with you what I believe are the best areas to stay in Tokyo for first-time traveler s, along with a map. I’ll also share where we stayed in Tokyo and recommend some of the best hotels for various budgets.

Visiting Tokyo for the first time can be an exciting and somewhat overwhelming experience due to the city’s size, culture, and sheer number of things to see and do. Before going into the details of the main article, let’s look at some tips and recommendations for first-time visitors to Tokyo.

You can decide when to visit based on your preferences for weather and events. Spring, March to May (cherry blossoms) and autumn, September to November (fall foliage) are popular seasons. Research and plan your itinerary but leave some flexibility for spontaneity. 

Tokyo has an extensive and efficient public transportation system , including subways, buses, and trains. Consider buying an IC card like Pasmo or Suica for convenient use on the Tokyo Metro Line and JR Line. Consider buying a Japan Rail Pass if you plan to travel outside of Tokyo.

You can rent a pocket Wi-Fi device or buy a Japan SIM card at the Narita or Haneda airports to stay connected during your trip. Download apps like Hyperdia to navigate the train. 

Carry some cash, as not all places accept credit cards. ATMs at 7-Eleven and Japan Post are foreigner-friendly.

Try local dishes like sushi, ramen, tempura, and okonomiyaki at local restaurants. Don’t be afraid to explore small, local eateries for authentic experiences. Sample street food from stalls and markets like Tsukiji Fish Market and Nakamise Shopping Street in Asakusa.

Must-visit places include the Tokyo Skytree, Meiji Shrine, Senso-ji Temple, and Imperial Palace. You can explore neighborhoods like Shibuya (famous for the Shibuya Crossing), Harajuku (fashion and youth culture), and Akihabara (electronics and pop culture).

Those interested in the history and museums can consider visiting the Tokyo National Museum, Mori Art Museum, and teamLab Borderless for unique art and cultural experiences.

Tokyo is a shopping paradise . You can explore high-end shopping in Ginza, and enjoy the hustle and bustle of shopping streets in Shibuya and Harajuku. Visit the Ameya-Yokocho market for bargains and Asakusa for traditional souvenirs.

Tokyo is one of the safest cities in the world . But, like any tourist destination, it is always recommended to be cautious of your belongings, follow local laws and regulations.

You can also consider taking day trips to nearby destinations like Nikko, Kamakura, Yokohama, or Hakone for a change of scenery.

While many signs are in Japanese, you can get by with English in most tourist areas. Learning a few basic Japanese phrases like “hello” (konnichiwa) and “thank you” (arigatou gozaimasu) can be helpful. Follow local customs, such as not tipping in restaurants and respecting personal space.

Now comes the most important part of finding a hotel to stay: It is highly recommended for first-timers to book accommodation in a neighborhood located along the JR Yamanote Line.

This is because the Yamanote Line is a major train line loops around central Tokyo and passes by many of the city’s famous tourist attractions, including Shibuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo Station, Shimbashi, Ikebukuro, Ueno, Harajuku, Yoyogi, Akihabara, Hamamatsucho, and Ebisu. 

Staying close to the major stops on the Yamanote Line allows you to have the easiest access to iconic attractions and activities by public transportation.

Table of Contents

Where to stay in Tokyo for the first time?

  • Tokyo Station
  • Tokyo Disney

Map of the best areas to stay in Tokyo

The best areas to stay in Tokyo for first-time tourists are Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ginza, Asakusa, Ueno, and Roppongi. Tokyo’s public transportation system is excellent, making it easy to explore the city regardless of where you choose to stay.

Most first-time visitors to Tokyo choose to stay in Shinjuku and Shibuya because they are the major transport hubs of the city, making it easy to explore other parts of the city and the airports.

Shinjuku is a bustling and central district, known for its vibrant nightlife and attractions such as the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building and Shinjuku Gyoen. Shibuya is a youthful and energetic district famous for its lively shopping scene, the Shibuya Crossing, and Hachiko Statue. 

In addition to Shinjuku and Shibuya, all of the other areas are also very convenient for first-timers:

  • Tokyo Station is the best area for accessing the bullet trains to get to other cities in Japan. 
  • Ginza is an excellent choice for luxury travelers and shop lovers.
  • Asakusa offers a taste of traditional Tokyo and is good for those interested in Japanese history and culture. The area has a great selection of budget-friendly hotels.
  • Ueno offers a bit more laid-back and budget-friendly compared to some other areas.
  • Akihabara is an ideal base for tech enthusiasts and fans of Japanese pop culture.
  • Roppongi is a popular choice for expats and visitors looking for a lively atmosphere. 
  • Shimbashi has good transportation links, close to both Ginza and Tokyo Tower.
  • Odaiba is perfect for families and those interested in modern architecture.
  • Tokyo Disney, a convenience base if you plan to spend most of your time at Disney Resort.

Once you choose the area you want to stay, you can pick a hotel that suits you. Tokyo has all kinds of accommodations ranging from luxury international brand hotels to budget hostels.

You can consider staying in ryokans (traditional Japanese style inns) if you’re couples, or capsule hotels if you’re budget backpackers.

Keep in mind that accommodations in the popular areas such as Shibuya, Shinjuku, Tokyo Station, and Ginza tend to be more expensive than other areas, but it is well worth it being in the middle of the action. And if you look into it, you are still able to find good value for money hotels. 

If you want wider choices of budget-friendly accommodations, you can stay in Asakusa, Ueno, or Akihabara. Of course, these areas still have excellent transportation to get around.

During my first trip to Tokyo, my partner and I stayed at the popular Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku . The hotel has a fantastic location, in the heart of Shinjuku. Short walk from public transportation, easy access to Haneda and Narita airports with Limousine Airport Bus service.

Below is the live map of popular areas in Tokyo.

Let’s get into the details of the recommended areas to stay in Tokyo, especially for first-timers. I’ll provide you with some suggestions for the best places to stay in each area, catering to every budget. 

All hotels in Tokyo have been carefully selected by me, with guest review scores of at least 8.0 or higher at the time I chose them. If you don’t like my suggestions (perhaps they don’t suit your budget or preferences), you can click the “MORE DEALS” button where you can choose your own hotel.

11 Best areas to stay in Tokyo for first-timers & tourists:

1. shinjuku.

Shinjuku is a popular choice for first-time visitors due to its central location and excellent transportation connections. Shinjuku is known for its vibrant nightlife, shopping, and skyscrapers, making it a convenient and exciting place to stay. 

Shinjuku Station is one of the busiest and most well-connected train stations in Tokyo, providing easy access to other parts of the city and even day trips to nearby areas like Nikko or Hakone. You can also take the Narita Express directly from Narita International Airport to Shinjuku Station.

Shinjuku is a great base for day trips to nearby attractions like Harajuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara, as they are just a short train ride away.

Shinjuku’s Kabukicho district is famous for its nightlife, including bars, clubs, and entertainment options. You can enjoy karaoke, visit themed bars, or simply explore the vibrant atmosphere after dark.

You can experience the traditional side of Japan by visiting the Golden Gai area, which consists of small, historic bars and eateries.

The district offers a diverse culinary scene, from street food stalls to upscale restaurants. You can savor a wide variety of Japanese and international cuisines. 

Shinjuku is a shopping paradise with numerous department stores like Isetan, Takashimaya, and Odakyu, as well as electronics shops and boutique stores, catering to a wide range of budgets and tastes.

You can explore cultural sites such as the Hanazono Shrine and Samurai Museum; catch a show at the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall or visit the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, a beautiful park, perfect for a relaxing stroll or a picnic.

Shinjuku is also  characterized by its impressive skyline filled with towering skyscrapers, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, which offers an observation deck providing views of the city.

Best places to stay in in Shinjuku:

  • Luxury ($$$): Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo , 5-star hotel, 5 mins walk from Shinjuku Train Station and  Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building. Also close to Kabukicho nightlife area, Meiji Jingu Shrine, and Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden.
  • Mid-range ($$): Hotel Sunroute Plaza Shinjuku , very popular 4-star hotel, 4 mins walk from Shinsen-Shinjuku Station and JR Shinjuku Station. It has currency exchange, airport shuttle, and laundry services.
  • Budget ($): Onsen Ryokan Yuen Shinjuku , popular traditional accommodation, great for couples, but you need to book far in advance. Lovely onsen with amazing views of the city.
  • Budget ($): The Knot Tokyo Shinjuku , great 3-star hotel located in a quiet area, moderately close to tourist attractions and public transportations.

Shibuya is a fantastic choice for first-time visitors to Tokyo, known for its iconic Shibuya Crossing and youthful, great shopping, energetic atmosphere. Shibuya is well-connected to other parts of Tokyo through Shibuya Station, allowing for easy access to explore the rest of the city and beyond.

The Shibuya Crossing is one of Tokyo’s most famous landmarks, and staying in Shibuya means you can experience it multiple times a day. Watching the synchronized chaos of pedestrians crossing the street is a must-see Tokyo moment.

Shibuya is a shopping paradise, with department stores like Shibuya 109 offering the latest fashion trends. You’ll also find countless boutiques, international brands, and quirky shops.

Shibuya caters to a younger crowd, making it perfect for those who enjoy a vibrant and trendy atmosphere. It’s a hub for Tokyo’s youth culture and entertainment.

Shibuya boasts a lively nightlife scene with countless bars, clubs, and entertainment options. The district is a popular destination for nightlife enthusiasts.

While known for its modernity, Shibuya also offers cultural experiences, such as Meiji Shrine, located just a short walk away in Harajuku. The shrine provides a peaceful contrast to the bustling streets of Shibuya.

Harajuku and Omotesando are trendy neighborhoods within walking distance of Shibuya, offering even more shopping, dining, and cultural experiences. Harajuku is famous for its street fashion, while Omotesando is known for its upscale boutiques and cafes.

Keep in mind that Shibuya can be quite crowded, especially during peak hours, but that’s all part of the excitement and energy of the area. Whether you’re interested in shopping, nightlife, or experiencing Tokyo’s youth culture, staying in Shibuya will put you right in the heart of the action.

Best hotels in Shibuya for first-time visitors:

  • Luxury ($$$): Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, A Pan Pacific Partner Hotel , 5-star hotel, centrally located in Shibuya, 5 mins  walk from Shibuya Station, 2 mins  train ride to Harajuku and Meiji Jingu Shrine. Airport shuttle, and laundry service available.
  • Mid-range ($$): Shibuya Stream Excel Hotel Tokyu , 4-star hotel, close to Moyai Statue, Shibuya Station and Konno Hachimangu Shrine.
  • Budget ($): JR-East Hotel Mets Shibuya , budget-friendly 3-star hotel in a prime location in Shibuya, 800m from Shibuya Station and Scramble Crossing. Also close to Konno Hachimangu Shrine, Hachiko Statue and Moyai Statue.

3. Tokyo Station

If you want easy access to various train lines and Shinkansen (bullet train) routes for day trips to other parts of Japan or if you have early morning departures or late-night arrivals, staying near Tokyo Station is a convenient choice. The Imperial Palace and its gardens are also nearby.

Tokyo Station is one of the major transportation hubs in Tokyo. It serves as a central hub for several train lines, including the Shinkansen (bullet trains) that can take you to other cities like Kyoto and Osaka.

If you’re flying into Narita International Airport, the Narita Express (N’EX) provides direct access to Tokyo Station. It’s a convenient and comfortable way to travel between the airport and the city center.

Tokyo Station itself has a wide range of shops and boutiques, including high-end brands. You’ll also find the Daimaru and Marunouchi Building shopping complexes nearby.

Tokyo Station is close to the Marunouchi business district, making it convenient for business travelers attending meetings and conferences.

Explore historical landmarks such as Tokyo International Forum and Tokyo Station itself, known for its impressive architecture.

The Ginza shopping district and the Tsukiji Fish Market (now Toyosu Market) are within a reasonable distance, offering additional cultural and culinary experiences.

Best places to stay in Tokyo Station:

  • Luxury ($$$): The Tokyo Station Hotel , a 5-star hotel conveniently located  right next to the Marunouchi South Exit of Tokyo Station. Short walk from Ginza, Tokyo International Forum, and Imperial Palace. Short train ride to The Akihabara and Tsukiji areas.
  • Mid-range ($$): karaksa hotel TOKYO STATION , 4-star hotel has family rooms, 24-hour front desk and luggage storage space, a short walk from Bellesalle Yaesu.
  • Budget ($): Super Hotel Premier Tokyo Station Yaesu-Chuoguchi , 3-star hotel, located a short walk from JR Tokyo Shinkansen (bullet train) Station and Ginza shopping area. 

Renowned for high-end shopping and dining, Ginza is an excellent choice if you enjoy luxury brands and upscale experiences. It’s also close to Tsukiji Fish Market (now Toyosu Market).

Ginza is Tokyo’s premier shopping district, known for its luxury boutiques, department stores, and flagship stores of renowned international brands. If you enjoy shopping for high-quality fashion, cosmetics, jewelry, and electronics, this is the place to be.

You’ll find Tokyo’s most famous department stores, including Mitsukoshi, Matsuya, and Wako. Ginza Six modern shopping complex offers a mix of luxury shopping, fine dining, and cultural experiences.  

The main street in Ginza, Chuo-dori, is closed to traffic on weekends, allowing pedestrians to stroll and shop in a car-free environment. It’s a great opportunity to explore the boutiques and window shops.

Ginza is also home to numerous art galleries, theaters, and performance venues. The Kabuki-za Theatre, dedicated to traditional Japanese kabuki performances, is a prominent landmark.

Ginza is renowned for its high-end dining options, including Michelin-starred restaurants and international cuisines. You can enjoy some of the finest culinary experiences in the city here.

Ginza is centrally located, making it easy to access other popular areas in Tokyo. It’s well-connected by subway and is not far from Tokyo Station, so you can easily explore the rest of the city.

While Ginza is not known for its nightlife as much as some other districts like Shinjuku or Shibuya, there are still some upscale bars and lounges where you can enjoy a sophisticated evening out.

Best hotels in Ginza:

  • Luxury ($$$): The Gate Hotel Tokyo by Hulic , great 5-star hotel, within walking distance from  Marunouchi Building, Tsukiji Fish Market, National Diet Building, and Kachidoki Bridge.
  • Mid-range ($$): Daiwa Roynet Hotel Ginza PREMIER , 4-star hotel, a few steps from Ginza Itchome Station on the Yurakucho Line. Easy distance from Tsukiji Fish Market and Ginza Mitsukoshi department store.
  • Budget ($): Sotetsu Fresa Inn Ginza Sanchome , 3-star hotel centrally located close to Asahi Inari Shrine, Antique Mall Ginza, Wakayama Art Museum, and Pola Museum Annex.

If you’re interested in traditional Japanese culture, staying in Asakusa offers easy access to Senso-ji Temple, Tokyo Skytree, and traditional shops. It has a more relaxed atmosphere compared to some other areas.

Senso-ji Temple is one of Tokyo’s most iconic and historic temples. Leading up to Senso-ji Temple is Nakamise-dori, a vibrant shopping street with traditional stalls selling souvenirs, snacks, and local crafts. It’s an excellent place to pick up unique gifts and sample Japanese street food.

Asakusa offers opportunities for cultural experiences, such as kimono rentals, tea ceremonies, and calligraphy lessons. You can immerse yourself in traditional Japanese activities.

Asakusa is situated along the Sumida River, and you can take a leisurely cruise to see Tokyo from a different perspective. The Sumida River area is also a great spot for spring cherry blossom viewing.

While not located in Asakusa itself, the Tokyo Skytree is just a short distance away. You can easily visit this modern landmark for panoramic views of the city.

Kappabashi-dori street is known for shops selling kitchenware and restaurant supplies. If you’re a food enthusiast or chef, it’s a fascinating place to explore.

Asakusa has its subway station (Asakusa Station) and is well-connected to other parts of Tokyo by public transportation. It’s a convenient base for exploring the city.

While Asakusa offers upscale options, there are also many budget-friendly accommodations and eateries, making it suitable for travelers with various budgets.

Best places to stay in Asakusa:

  • Mid-range ($$): Onyado Nono Asakusa Natural Hot Spring , 4-star hotel, close to  Edo Taito Traditional Crafts Center, Asakusa Public Hall and Asakusa ROX Shopping Center.
  • Mid-range ($$): Prostyle Ryokan Tokyo Asakusa , 4-star traditional accommodation, located close to Great Tokyo Air Raid Memorial Monument.
  • Budget ($):  The Kanzashi Tokyo Asakusa , a great 3-star hotel, offering free bikes, walking distance from Edo Taito Traditional Crafts Center and Kinryu Park. Close to Nitenmon Gate and Asakusa Fujiasama Shrine.
  • Hostel ($): Resol Poshtel Tokyo Asakusa , great 1-star capsule hotel, ideal for solo travelers and backpackers, located in Taito, a short walk from Drum Museum, Asakusa Public Hall, and Kappabashi-dori Shopping Street. 

Ueno is known for its cultural attractions like Ueno Park, home to museums and a zoo. It’s a good choice if you enjoy museums, history, and green spaces.

Ueno Station is a major transportation hub with connections to various train lines and the Shinkansen (bullet train). It’s easy to reach other parts of Tokyo and make day trips to nearby cities from here.

Ueno is home to Ueno Park, one of Tokyo’s largest and most famous parks. Within the park, you can explore museums, a zoo, beautiful cherry blossoms during the spring, and peaceful walking paths. The park is a great place for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.

Ueno Park houses several major museums, including the Tokyo National Museum, the National Museum of Western Art, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. If you have an interest in art, history, or culture, you’ll find plenty to explore here.

Located near Ueno Station, Ameya-Yokocho Market offers a wide range of goods, from fresh produce and street food to clothing and electronics.  

In addition to museums, Ueno has several historic temples and shrines worth visiting, such as Kaneiji Temple and Toshogu Shrine.

Ueno offers a range of accommodation options, including budget-friendly hotels and hostels, making it a good choice for travelers on a tighter budget.

The nearby Yanaka neighborhood retains a traditional, nostalgic atmosphere with its narrow streets, old wooden houses, and numerous temples. It’s a pleasant area to explore on foot.

Recommended places to stay in Ueno:

  • luxury ($$$): Minn Ueno , 4-star hotel, within walking distance from  The Shitaya Shrine, Choen-ji Temple, and Shitamachi Museum.
  • Mid-range ($$): Hotel Resol Ueno , 3-star hotel, in Taito district, close to Front gate of Honobo In Kanei-ji Temple, Saigo Takamori Statue, and Ryukoku-ji Temple.  
  • Budget ($): Hotel Sardonyx Ueno , 3-star hotel, within walking distance from Keisei Ueno Train Station, offering high-speed rail link to Narita Airport.

7. Akihabara

This area is a haven for tech and anime enthusiasts. If you’re into electronics, gaming, or anime culture, staying here is a must.

Akihabara is world-famous for its countless electronics shops, ranging from small specialty stores to massive multi-floor retailers. If you’re interested in purchasing or exploring the latest gadgets, cameras, computers, or tech-related items, this is the place to be.

Akihabara is at the heart of Tokyo’s anime and manga culture. You’ll find numerous shops dedicated to anime, manga, figurines, and collectibles. It’s a paradise for fans of Japanese pop culture.

Akihabara is home to some of Tokyo’s most extensive gaming arcades. You can enjoy a wide range of arcade games, including rhythm games, fighting games, and claw machines.

Akihabara is known for its unique maid cafes, where you can enjoy a themed dining experience with waitresses dressed as maids. It’s a quintessential Akihabara experience.

If you’re into cosplay, Akihabara offers numerous shops selling costumes, accessories, and makeup to help you create your favorite character’s look.

Despite its modernity, Akihabara also has some cultural attractions, such as Kanda Myojin Shrine, where you can witness traditional Shinto rituals and architecture.

Best places to stay in Akihabara for first-time visitors:

  • Luxury ($$$): Monday Apart Premium Ueno Okachimachi , a short walk from Kamezumiinari Shrine,Akihabara Neribei Park, and Convention Room AP Akihabara.
  • Mid-range ($$): hotel MONday Premium Ueno Okachimachi , 4-star accommodation, easy access to Akihabara Neribei Park, Fujisoft Akiba Plaza and Matsuzakaya Ueno.
  • Budget ($): Best Western Hotel Fino Tokyo Akihabara , great 3-star hote, walking distance from Kamezumiinari Shrine, Fujisoft Akiba Plaza and Akihabara Park.

8. Roppongi

Popular for its nightlife and expat-friendly atmosphere, Roppongi is a good option if you enjoy bars, clubs, and international dining.

Roppongi Hills is a major shopping and entertainment complex in the area, offering a range of boutiques, department stores, and unique shops. You can also explore the Mori Art Museum for contemporary art.

Visit the Mori Tower in Roppongi Hills for panoramic views of Tokyo from the observation deck. It’s especially stunning at sunset and in the evening.

 Besides the Mori Art Museum, Roppongi is home to the Suntory Museum of Art and the National Art Center, offering opportunities to explore Japanese and international art.

Roppongi is well-connected by public transportation, including the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line and Oedo Line, making it easy to explore other parts of Tokyo.

Best hotels in Roppongi for tourists:

  • Luxury ($$$): Mitsui Garden Hotel Roppongi Tokyo Premier , great 5-star hotel, close to Sony Music Roppongi Museum and  Asahi Shrine.
  • Mid-range ($$): Candeo Hotels Tokyo Roppongi , 4-star hotel, short walk from Roppongi Station and  Asahi Shrine.
  • Budget ($): remm Roppongi , 3-star hotel, in  Minato district in Tokyo, a short walk from  Roppongi Hills and Mori Art Museum.

9. Shimbashi

Located near Tokyo’s business district, Shimbashi is convenient for business travelers. It’s also close to Ginza, Shiodome and Hamarikyu Gardens.

Shimbashi Station is a transportation hub with connections to various train lines, including the Yamanote Line. This makes it easy to travel to popular destinations like Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Tokyo Station.

 Shimbashi is a convenient starting point for a visit to Odaiba, a futuristic entertainment district known for its unique architecture, shopping malls, and attractions like TeamLab Borderless.

Best places to stay in Shimbashi:

  • Luxury ($$$): Conrad Tokyo , 5-star hotel in a great location, a few steps away from Ginza.
  • Mid-range ($$): Dai-ichi Hotel Tokyo , 4-star hotel, 2 mins walk from JR Shimbashi Station. The hotel offers Direct airport limousine buses from/to Narita and Haneda airports.
  • Budget ($): Sotetsu Fresa Inn Shimbashi Hibiyaguchi , 3-star hotel, 2-minute walk from Shimbashi Station and Uchisaiwaicho Station, easy access to Ginza, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and Tokyo Sky Tree tower by a short train ride. 

Odaiba offers a more modern and futuristic vibe with attractions like teamLab Borderless, Oedo Onsen Monogatari, and shopping centers. It’s a unique choice if you want to experience a different side of Tokyo.

Odaiba has several shopping complexes, including Aqua City Odaiba, DiverCity Tokyo Plaza (known for the life-sized Gundam statue), VenusFort, and Palette Town. These malls offer a wide range of shops, boutiques, and restaurants.

Odaiba is home to a variety of entertainment options, such as the Miraikan (National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation), Sega Joypolis (an indoor amusement park), and Tokyo Joypolis. You can also enjoy a round of golf at the Odaiba Golf Club or take a ride on the Daikanransha Ferris Wheel.

Oedo Onsen Monogatari hot spring theme park provides a relaxing traditional Japanese onsen experience with a modern twist. It’s a great place to unwind after a day of sightseeing.

Odaiba offers scenic waterfront views, and you can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Odaiba Seaside Park or the Odaiba Beach. The beach is especially pleasant during the warmer months.

Odaiba is accessible by the Yurikamome Line, which provides a unique elevated train ride with excellent views. Additionally, there’s a water bus service that connects Odaiba to other parts of Tokyo.

Best places to stay in Odaiba:

  • Luxury ($$$): Grand Nikko Tokyo Daiba , 5-star hotel, 20-minute monorail and train ride from JR Tokyo Station.
  • Mid-range ($$): Daiwa Roynet Hotel Tokyo Ariake , 4-star hotel, great location, close to train stations.
  • Budget ($): Sotetsu Grand Fresa Tokyo-Bay Ariake , 3-star hotel, a short walk from Kokusai Tenjjijo Station,  exhibition center Tokyo Big Sight, and Panasonic Centre Tokyo.

11. Tokyo Disney

If you plan to spend most of your time at Tokyo Disney Resort, consider staying in the Disney hotels or nearby areas like Maihama or Urayasu for easy access to the parks.

The Disney Resort Line, a monorail system, connects the parks, hotels, and Ikspiari, making it easy to get around the resort.

Best hotels in Tokyo Disney:

  • Luxury ($$$): Grand Nikko Tokyo Bay Maihama , 5-star official hotel of Tokyo Disney Resort, 20 mins train ride from Tokyo Station. Free shuttle bus from JR Maihama Station , 4 mins walk from Bayside Station on the monorai for services to Tokyo DisneySea and Tokyo Disneyland. Close to stops for Limousine buses from Narita and Haneda Airports.
  • Mid-range ($$): Tokyo Bay Maihama Hotel , great 4-star hotel, easy access airport limousine buses, free shuttle from/to Bayside Station of the Disney Resort Line, free shuttle from/to JR Maihama Station.
  • Budget ($): Hiyori Hotel Maihama , 3-star hotel, a few mins drive from Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea.

In conclusion

The best places to stay in Tokyo for first-timers are Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ginza, Asakusa, Ueno, and Roppongi. These areas offer convenient access to tourist attractions and public transportation, making them ideal bases for newcomers.

  • Where to stay in Tokyo for family with kids
  • Best areas to stay in Shinjuku
  • Best areas to stay in Shibuya
  • Best places to stay in Japan for the first time
  • Best areas to stay in Kyoto first time
  • Best areas to stay in Osaka for first time
  • Best areas to stay in Hiroshima
  • Best areas to stay in Yokohama
  • Best areas to stay in Hakone without a car

There you have it, my recommendations for the popular areas and neighborhoods that you can stay during your first trip to Tokyo. I hope you found my article helpful and enjoy your holiday!

About Author: Ocean Cameron

I'm Ocean, founder and main editor of travelhotelexpert.com. I’m a passionate traveler who specializes in uncovering the best hotels and locations in every city, especially for first-timers, all without the need for a car.

Disclosure: This page contains affiliate links. This means that, at absolutely no additional cost to you, I'll earn a small commission if you click through and purchase something I've recommended. I only recommend products that I use myself or firmly believe in. Thank you!

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・Tokyo kogakuin kisha-poppo nursery - 0m

・ Tokyo Kogakuin College - 20m

・Fuchu 5th Junior High School - 450m

・Minami Junior High School - 450m

・Komyo 2nd nursery - 490m

・Fuchu 6th Elementary School - 600m

・Megumi 2nd nursery - 830m

・Kita nursery - 850m

・Maehara Elementary School - 890m

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Experience the beauty of Japan. Visit spectacular Tokyo, with its hustle and bustle and extremely modern districts that coexist with quiet, peaceful areas. Experience the serenity of Mount Fuji, and stay in a Ryokan to have a chance to enjoy its Onsen (public hot bath). Continue your journey to Kyoto and visit Tenryuji Temple followed by a walk through its mystic bamboo forest. Visit Jikogudani Monkey Park and stroll amidst its forests with its rivers.


  • Roundtrip economy class air ticket from Canada to Tokyo (via Calgary)
  • 9 nights guided vacation
  • 9 nights accommodation
  • 16 meals: 9 Breakfasts, 4 lunches, 3 dinners
  • Admission tickets for all trips and visits mentioned in the itinerary
  • Kawaguchiko Lake boat ride
  • Experience sleeping at a Ryokan (Traditional Japanese Hotels)
  • Enjoy bath at an onsen and traditional Japanese dinner
  • Visiting Modern and Historical sides of Japan with coach and professional tour guide
  • Airport arrival transfer
  • Exclusive Offer: Includes $1000 off per couple (reflected in rates)

Not included: Gratuities, meals & beverages not mentioned in the itinerary, travel insurance.

Guaranteed Departure  Boat ride : Kawaguchiko Lake. City tour in  : Tokyo, Kyoto. Evening tour : Shinjuku in Tokyo, Traditional quarter of Gion in Kyoto. Admission ticket : Metro, Zojoji Temple, Meiji Temple, Sensoji Temple in Tokyo, Arakurayama Sengen Park in Mont Fuji, Village Museum in Iyasi No Sato Nenba, Toyota Museum, Tenryu-ji Temple, Arashiyama bamboo forest in Kyoto, Fushimi Inari, Imperial Palace, Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto, Matsumoto Castle, Zenko-ji Temple, Gomakuyo ceremony,Jigokudani Monkey Park in Nagano, Yumomi performance in Kusatsu, Nikko Toshogu Shrine, Taiyuinbyo Mausoleum in Nikko. 6 Lunch or Dinner Included in : Tokyo, Tokyo, Kawaguchiko, Tsumago, Nagano, Ikaho.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Day 1: Canada – Tokyo

Fly from Canada to Tokyo

6.30 PM: Meeting with guide. Late in the afternoon, we will pay a visit to this fascinating country by taking a trip on the metro (tickets included) to the Shinjuku district and see the crowds of people who use this modern and efficient collective transport system. Shinjuku is one of the most important nightlife districts. Dinner included and return to hotel by metro with our guide.

Day 3: Tokyo (B/L)

In the morning, we take part in a 5-hour trip with our guide to see this amazing city, with its hustle and bustle and extremely modern districts that coexist with quiet, peaceful areas. Brief stop at the Zojoji Temple to make a beautiful photograph of the Tokyo Tower. Pay attention to the hundred of Jizos, stone traditional protecting deities who guide us on our travels, give power to those who are weak (such children) and those in dangerous places, and who are dressed including hats, robes and windmills. Then we head to the junction of Shibuya, a junction that is said to be the most crowded in the world. The Meiji Temple is dedicated to the Emperor Meiji, his wife, and their spirits. We continue on our bus along the elegant street of Omotesando. We will edge the most beautiful part of the Imperial Palace and the gardens. Stop to visit the famous Nijubashi Bridge. We will pass through the district of Akihabara, the “electric town” with icons from the popular Japanese Manga and Anime culture and then see Kokugikan, the Sumo stadium, home of this Japanese sport. We will also visit the Buddhist temple of Sensoji, the oldest and most important temple in Tokyo, with its 55-metre high pagoda. Then we will have some free time to visit the traditional commercial street of Nakamise in the district of Asakusa. Lunch included in a local restaurant. Return to hotel. Free time in the afternoon.

Day 4: Tokyo – Mount Fuji – Kawaguchiko (B/D)

We travel to the beautiful area of Monte Fuji, through pretty countryside on our way. First of all we see the ARAKURAYAMA SENGEN PARK, with its beautiful pagodas, and from here enjoy the best and most well-known views of Mount Fuji. After this we go on to KAWAGUCHIKO with its tiny houses, flowers and mountains, and its beautiful lake. On our arrival, we will visit the FUJI SENGEN SHRINE set in a magical site surrounded by tall trees, and the starting point of the traditional pilgrimage to the mountain. At the shrine, we will express our thanks for being able to visit this wonderful place. The visit also includes a delightful boat trip on Kawaguchiko Lake. After lunch, we start to ascend Mount Fuji on the road that takes us to the “fifth station”, surrounded by spectacular forests and views, to a height of 2,305 meters. Return to Kawaguchiko, with time to stroll near the lake. We will stay at a Ryokan (a traditional Japanese hotel), and have the chance to enjoy its ONSEN (public baths). Dinner included.

Note : In winter, the route up to Mount Fuji is closed due to snow or other adverse weather conditions; during this season, we will ascend as far as the authorized point. In the planned Ryokan, some rooms are in Japanese style, with accommodation on tatamis, and others are in western-style. Accommodation may sometimes be in a western type hotel

Day 5: Kawaguchiko – Iyasi no Sato Nenba – Toyota – Kyoto (B)

We are only 130km (81 miles) from KYOTO. In the morning, we continue along the pretty road bordered by lakes to IYASHI NO SATO NENBA, a tiny village destroyed by a typhoon in 1966 and later restored as a traditional open-air mountain village and museum. Its traditional houses have been transformed into arts and crafts shops, restaurants and traditional museums. We then have the opportunity to admire the SHIRAITO FALLS, considered done of the most attractive sites in Japan, with a waterfall height of 150 meters. We will then continue to NAGOYA, the third most important city of Japan, on the shores of the Pacific. Here we will visit the TOYOTA MUSEUM (admission included), a must-see for motor lovers. We continue to KYOTO, accommodation.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Day 6: Kyoto (B/L)

We spend all day in the city that was the capital of Japan from the year 794 to 1868 and home to the Imperial Court. During World War II the city was the only major Japanese to escape the bombardments, and so it still preserves its wealth of artistic heritage; the famous protocol restricting greenhouse gas emissions was signed in Kyoto in 1997. We head for the outskirts of Kyoto to Arashiyama, where we cross the Togetsukyo Bridge (¨bridge over the moon¨), which has fantastic views. We will visit the Tenryuji temple, one of the ¨five major Zen temples of Kyoto¨ and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, followed by a walk through its mystic bamboo forest. The visit includes a trip to one of the most important parts of the city. We will see the marvellous Shinto Shrine of Fushimi Inari, the Imperial Palace and Kinkakuji temple, “the golden pavilion” and its wonderful gardens.

Free time before visiting GION, a busy traditional quarter famous for its Geisha. Free time.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Day 7: Kyoto – Tsumago – Matsumoto – Nagano (B/L)

We set out for TSUMAGO, passing attractive country scenery on our way. This small village with its wooden houses is one of the prettiest places in Japan. Free time to explore and lunch included. Then we continue to MATSUMOTO, a tourist city, where we will visit the impressive 16th century castle, known as the “Crow Castle”. Free time to explore this bustling tourist city. We continue to NAGANO, accommodation.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Day 8: Nagano – Monkey Park – Kusatsu – Ikaho Onsen (B/L/D)

In NAGANO we will see the Zenko-ji, a place of pilgrimage with the first Buddhist image in Japan. Our travellers will be included the Gomakuyo ceremony to bring luck. After this, we will travel to the beautiful Japanese Alps and in the mountains we will go to the JIGOKUDANI Monkey Park, where we will include lunch and stroll amidst its forests with its rivers and spa waters where colonies of Japanese macaques live and bathe. After this, very beautiful high mountain scenery (we go up to 2,172 metres), passing semi-active volcanoes. KUSATSU, an attractive spa town, its main square full of life. We will include attendance at a Yumomi show, with its actresses and singing telling us about the traditional method used to cool the spa waters. We follow this with a walk in the city park which has the open air Onsen. Then on to IKAHO, a picturesque spa town where we will stroll in its ancient centre with its staircase streets. We will stay at a RYOKAN, a Japanese style hotel where we will continue to enjoy its baths. Traditional Japanese dinner included.

Note : In the autumn, depending on the amount of fruit in the mountains, the movement of the monkeys is unpredictable. If the macaques do not come down to the park, it may be closed. The visit to Kusatsu and the Yumoni show are cancelled due to the weather from November to April.

tokyo air travel hotel college

Day 9: Ikaho – Nikko – Tokyo (B)

We continue on our way to NIKKO, and in this fantastic town we will visit the impressive Nikko-Toshogu Temple with its room with the sound of a dragon. We will also see the Taiyuinbyo mausoleum, an impressive place full of peace. After this a stroll by the river in Kanmangafuchi, Hundreds of Jizos watch us! We will have free time in the centre before leaving for TOKYO once more.- Arrival in Tokyo at around 18.30 in the evening.- End of our services. Please, check the time of your flight in case you might need an additional night.

Day 10: Tokyo (B)

Day at leisure

Day 11: Tokyo – Canada (B)

After breakfast your day is free at leisure until transfer to airport for your departure flight.

tokyo air travel hotel college

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I just returned from the Paris Olympics and it was nothing like I expected. These 7 awful things surprised me the most.

I attended the Paris Olympics as an event organizer and writer, as I did for the 2020 Tokyo Games.

Tokyo spoiled me and raised my expectations for Paris, but I left early feeling underwhelmed.

The lack of AC, limited transportation shuttles, and hard water disappointed me in Paris.

I worked as an event organizer and writer at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics for a nonprofit sports media organization (separate from my journalism day job) and returned in that same capacity for the Paris Olympics this summer. Working at the Olympics is always a unique experience.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics were pushed to 2021 , with tight restrictions in place.

No spectators were allowed and only a limited number of media professionals and necessary personnel were present. Surprisingly, it was an amazing experience.

I spent days quarantining before I could leave my hotel room. But once I got the green light to roam free, I could feel the Olympic spirit that I saw on TV when I was growing up. Pride, patriotism, and unity somehow managed to cut through the fear and isolation that had consumed many of us throughout the pandemic.

Tokyo was efficient, clean, and accommodating, so I had reasonable expectations for Paris, which had already hosted the Olympics twice.

Unfortunately, Paris didn't even come close to the experience I imagined. Here are the seven things that surprised me most.

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2. The rats weren't afraid, which made me afraid.

I came across a funny tweet that asked, "What did Paris do with all the rats?" I'm convinced they put them all under a bridge in Montmartre, where I stayed, because I passed more than a dozen rats huddled together while I was taking a walk on my first night.

These rats did not run away. Instead, they started casually walking in my direction. I work in New York City, but I will never get used to rats that aren't afraid of humans.

I wasn't shocked that rats roam the streets of Paris; I've watched "Ratatouille." However, the boldness and audacity with which these French rats approached me kept me on edge.

3. Transportation was a headache.

I spent $60 as soon as I landed in France. That was my first shock. I was not informed about any media shuttle from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport to my hotel in Montmartre — about 25 to 30 kilometers, or 17 miles, away. One of my colleagues flew in with bags and camera equipment and had to haul everything to her hotel on the train.

In Tokyo, there were free shuttles to transport guests from the airport to media-appointed hotels. In Paris, I was given a 30-day free Métro card and directed to the taxi area.

I could've taken a free one-hour commute on the train and subway, but since I had too many bags, I opted to pay for a 30- to 40-minute taxi ride.

Tokyo had shuttles that ran to every venue we visited. Paris, on the other hand, had limited buses. No shuttles operated between the press center and one of the basketball venues located in Lille — two hours from my hotel.

4. The visa process I witnessed was heartbreaking.

Africans typically experience higher rejection rates when applying for a Schengen visa. I learned this firsthand when I organized a concert in Paris during the Olympics and received an invitation letter from one of the mayors for three West African musicians to perform in the city.

I thought an invitation letter from a French official, service passports, and all required documents would be enough to secure a French visa, but I was mistaken. And it was a costly mistake. After being led to several French embassies and consulates, the artists I was trying to work with were denied entry to France. This left a bitter taste in my mouth.

It was hard to enjoy a place that I felt didn't want my people there.

5. Tokyo set unrealistically high expectations for free swag.

Tokyo spoiled me. When it hosted the 2020 Games, it gave the press lots of functional and meaningful swag.

Maybe the city had to give away all of the merchandise it produced before the pandemic. The Tokyo media center gave away Tokyo 2020 book bags, towels, notepads, pens, stadium cushions, and more. The organizers even had students from local schools present gifts to different delegations.

Based on the generosity of Tokyo, I created a little extra room in my suitcase for Paris swag. All we got was a Coca-Cola water bottle. I'm still grateful because something is better than nothing, but I wasn't impressed.

I would've loved something that represented Paris or French culture.

6. The water was too hard and caused my skin to blister.

The first time I visited Europe was over 20 years ago. I was just a kid spending the summer with my cousins in the Netherlands. This time, I returned to the States with a rash all over my face, arms, and legs. I was later diagnosed with severe eczema triggered by the harsh water .

During the Olympics, I experienced the same discomfort. Within days of being in Paris, blisters started spreading across my body — especially on my hands. I couldn't wash my face with water; I had to use wipes.

It was so uncomfortable that I bumped my flight up and left before the closing ceremony . Based on what I know now, I would've paid closer attention to the accommodations and searched for a newer hotel with updated plumbing and filtered water.

7. The hotel breakfast was a huge disappointment.

Every morning, the hotel staff hung a bag on my door handle with a hard baguette, a soft croissant, and sometimes a banana or an apple.

This was not the Parisian hotel breakfast I was expecting. Where were the crepes? The eggs? Again, I should've done my research. I couldn't keep up with all the carbs and politely asked the hotel staff not to deliver breakfast after the first week.

Despite these inconveniences, the Olympics was an experience to remember.

It's easy to dwell on everything that went wrong, but many great moments were sprinkled between the chaos.

For starters, the city of L'Île Saint-Denis hosted Station Afrique , a venue celebrating African music, fashion, food, and culture. All of the concerts I attended there were amazing. It was a great precursor to the 2026 Youth Olympics , which will take place in Dakar, Senegal — the first Olympic event to ever be held on the African continent.

The indescribable energy of being in the stadium while these athletes break records and make history cannot be replicated on a TV screen. I appreciated having access to these spaces and meeting the foreign Olympic volunteers who sacrificed their time and money to make these Games happen.

Finally, most of the food was good. Whether the AC worked or not, every restaurant I visited was worth the sweat. And I met many great people, which made the experience worth it.

August 15, 2024: This story was updated to clarify that Manseen Logan attended the Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024 Olympics as part of a nonprofit sports media organization.

If you volunteered or worked at the Paris 2024 Olympics and would like to tell your story, email Manseen Logan at [email protected] .

Read the original article on Business Insider

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The ‘Orgasm Gap’ Isn’t Going Away for Straight Women

A new study suggests they still have fewer orgasms during sex than men do, even with age and experience.

An illustration of two people hugging. One person has purple and orange stars and wavy lines across their body. The other person does not have the stars and wavy lines across their body.

By Catherine Pearson

Sex researchers and therapists have long known that women in heterosexual relationships tend to have fewer orgasms than men do. A large new study suggests that this “orgasm gap” persists — and does not improve with age.

The Numbers

The research, published recently in the journal Sexual Medicine, found that across all ages, men of all sexual orientations reported higher orgasm rates during sex — from 70 to 85 percent — compared with 46 to 58 percent for women. Lesbian and bisexual women between ages 35 and 49 reported higher orgasm rates than their heterosexual counterparts.

The analysis included data from eight Singles in America surveys, which are funded and conducted by Match.com annually in collaboration with The Kinsey Institute, the sexuality and relationships research program at Indiana University. The sample included more than 24,000 single Americans between the ages of 18 and 100.

Researchers were especially interested in the question of whether orgasm rates vary by age. Amanda Gesselman, a research scientist with the Kinsey Institute and lead author on the study, said she thought the team might find evidence that the orgasm gap narrows as women develop confidence and learn what they like (and, perhaps, their partners develop skills to help pleasure them).

However, while older gay and bisexual men and lesbian women did have higher orgasm rates, “we really didn’t see evidence of closing the orgasm gap overall,” she said, adding that she hopes future studies will explore the age-orgasm connection further.

“We really, as a society, sort of prioritize men’s pleasure and undervalue women’s sexual pleasure,” Dr. Gesselman said. “And I think that contributes to consistent disparities.”

The Limitations

Emily Nagoski, a sex educator and author of the book “Come Together” — who did not work on the new study — said a limitation of the study was that the survey asked: “When having sexual intercourse in general, what percentage of the time do you usually have an orgasm?” But it did not provide a more specific definition of what “sexual intercourse” means.

Research shows the majority of women require some form of clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm. So if straight women defined “sexual intercourse” as vaginal penetration alone, it makes sense that there was a significant gap in orgasm rates, she said.

A more revealing question might be, “What percentage of the sex you have do you like?” Dr. Nagoski said. “Orgasm is not the measure of a sexual encounter. Pleasure is the measure of a sexual encounter.”

Ultimately, what matters is that people spend time figuring out what makes a satisfying sexual encounter for them — which often includes things like connection, trust and comfort, said Kristen Mark, professor at the Eli Coleman Institute for Sexual and Gender Health at the University of Minnesota.

“There are so many ways to experience sexual pleasure, so it’s important not to equate the orgasm gap to a pleasure gap,” she added.

Dr. Mark said that may be especially true later in life, when factors like the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, a partner’s erectile problems or other health challenges can make it difficult for women to reliably orgasm during sex — but they might still be enjoying the sex they are having.

What Progress Looks Like

At the same time that sex researchers and experts are calling for a more nuanced understanding of what makes sex “successful,” they express frustration at the fact that heterosexual women of all ages are still not having as many orgasms as their partners.

Laurie Mintz, a professor of psychology at the University of Florida and author of “Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters — and How to Get It,” said the study’s findings underscore the need for comprehensive sex education. But that’s not enough.

Women need to figure out what they find pleasurable, and then feel confident and comfortable communicating that to their partners, Dr. Mintz said. That requires an attitude that conveys “I deserve pleasure as much as my partner,” she added — and it also requires a partner who is receptive and open. Dr. Mintz acknowledged that both are easier said than done, calling the orgasm gap an “insidious” byproduct of patriarchal attitudes toward sex.

Women who are unable to orgasm, or who are simply not having sex that feels good, can talk to their general practitioner, Dr. Mark added — though she lamented that it tends to fall on patients, not medical professionals, to initiate conversations about sexual health. And she acknowledged that most doctors get little if any training in sexual health. Still, “it’s their job to meet you where you are and find you the resources you need,” Dr. Mark said. For instance, issues like dryness and pain during sex after menopause — which can make orgasms elusive — are treatable.

But she and other sexual health experts emphasized that there are larger issues at play. Among them, the lingering idea that women’s sexual pleasure is somehow secondary.

“It can be fixed,” Dr. Mintz said. “It’s going to take education, and empowerment, and acceptance of vibrators and lubricants, and using the word ‘clitoris’ — and all of that.”

Catherine Pearson is a Times reporter who writes about families and relationships. More about Catherine Pearson

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A new study suggests women in heterosexual relationships still have fewer orgasms  during sex than men do, even with age and experience, creating an “orgasm gap.”

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