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TimeTraveller™ by Skawennati

Animated image of the back profile of a man standing above an empty road

Skawennati ,  TimeTraveller™ , 2007-2014, machinima, 9 episodes, 75 min. Image courtesy Skawennati / ELLEPHANT

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TimeTraveller™ tells the story of Hunter, a young Mohawk man living in the twenty-second century who meets Karahkwenhawi, a young Mohawk woman from our era. Follow them while they use an edutainment system popular in the future —TimeTraveller™— to embark on a virtual joyride that immerses them in historical events significant to Native North Americans, such as the Dakota Sioux Uprising, the Oka Crisis and the occupation of Alcatraz Island.

NOTE: TimeTraveller™ is a nine episode series, and contains coarse language, discussions of sex and depictions of nudity.

Skawennati makes art that addresses history, the future, and change. Her work has been presented internationally. A Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) of Kahnawà:ke residing in Montreal, she co-directs Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace, a research-creation network based at Concordia University. She is represented by ELLEPHANT.


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The Time Machine

H. g. wells.

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The time traveller quotes in the time machine.

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What might appear when that hazy curtain was altogether withdrawn? What might not have happened to men? What if cruelty had grown into a common passion? What if in this interval the race had lost its manliness, and had developed into something inhuman, unsympathetic, and overwhelmingly powerful? I might seem some old-world savage animal, only the more dreadful and disgusting for our common likeness—a foul creature to be incontinently slain.

Technology and Progress Theme Icon

Seeing the ease and security in which these people were living, I felt this close resemblance between the sexes was after all what one would expect; for the strength of a man and the softness of a woman, the institution of the family, and the differentiation of occupations are mere militant necessities of an age of physical force…

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Strength is the outcome of need; security sets a premium on feebleness. The work of ameliorating the conditions of life—the true civilizing process that makes life more and more secure—had gone steadily on to a climax. One triumph of a united humanity over Nature had followed another. Things that are now mere dreams had become projects deliberately put in hand and carried forward. And the harvest was what I saw!

Very simple was my explanation, and plausible enough—as most wrong theories are!

To sit among all these unknown things before a puzzle like that is hopeless. That way lies monomania. Face this world. Learn its ways, watch it, be careful of too hasty guesses at its meaning. In the end you will find clues to it all.

For, by merely seeming fond of me, and showing in her weak, futile way that she cared for me, the little doll of a creature presently gave my return to the neighborhood of the White Sphinx almost the feeling of coming home.

But gradually the truth dawned on me: that Man had not remained one species, but had differentiated into two distinct animals: that my graceful children of the Upper-world were not the sole descendants of our generation, but that this bleached, obscene, nocturnal Thing, which had flashed before me, was also heir to all the ages.

At first, proceeding from the problems of our own age, it seemed clear as daylight to me that the gradual widening of the present merely temporary and social difference between the Capitalist and the Labourer, was the key to the whole position.

Inequality and Social Class Theme Icon

The nemesis of the delicate ones was creeping on apace. Ages ago, thousands of generations ago, man had thrust his brother man out of the ease and the sunshine. And now that brother was coming back—changed! Already the Eloi had begun to learn one old lesson anew. They were becoming reacquainted with Fear.

Still, however helpless the little people in the presence of their mysterious Fear, I was differently constituted. I came out of this age of ours, this ripe prime of the human race, when Fear does not paralyse and mystery has lost its terrors.

And during these few revolutions all the activity, all the traditions, the complex organizations, the nations, languages, literatures, aspirations, even the mere memory of Man as I knew him, had been swept out of existence. Instead were these frail creatures who had forgotten their high ancestry, and the white Things of which I went in terror.

Then I tried to preserve myself from the horror that was coming upon me by regarding it as a rigorous punishment of human selfishness. Man had been content to live in ease and delight upon the labours of his fellow-man, had taken Necessity as his watchword and excuse, and in the fullness of time Necessity had come home to him. I even tried a Carlyle-like scorn of this wretched aristocracy in decay. But this attitude of mind was impossible. However great their intellectual degradation, the Eloi had kept too much of the human form not to claim my sympathy, and to make me perforce a sharer in their degradation and their Fear.

I saw an inscription in some unknown character. I thought, rather foolishly, that Weena might help me to interpret this, but I only learned that the bare idea of writing had never entered her head. She always seemed to me, I fancy, more human than she was, perhaps because her affection was so human.

I understood now what the beauty of the Over-world people covered. Very pleasant was their day, as pleasant as the day of the cattle in the field. Like the cattle, they knew of no enemies and provided against no needs. And their end was the same.

It is a law of nature we overlook, that intellectual versatility is the compensation for change, danger, and trouble. An animal perfectly in harmony with its environment is a perfect mechanism. Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change. Only those animals partake of intelligence that have to meet a huge variety of needs and dangers. So, as I see it, the Upper-world man had drifted towards his feeble prettiness, and the Under-world to mere mechanical industry.

So I travelled, stopping ever and again, in great strides of a thousand years or more, drawn on by the mystery of the earth’s fate, watching with a strange fascination the sun grow larger and duller in the westward sky, and the life of the old earth ebb away.

Or did he go forward, into one of the nearer ages, in which men are still men, but with the riddles of our own time answered and its wearisome problems solved? Into the manhood of the race: for I, for my own part, cannot think that these latter days of weak experiment, fragmentary theory, and mutual discord are indeed man’s culminating time!

The Time Machine PDF

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'Time Traveller From 2714' Tells World To Prepare For Three Major Dates In 2022

'Time Traveller From 2714' Tells World To Prepare For Three Major Dates In 2022

Self-proclaimed time-traveller aery yormany (@aesthetictimewarper) shared a new video on tiktok.

Jess Hardiman

A ‘ time traveller ’ who says they’re from the year 2714 has told the world to prepare itself for three major events coming up in 2022 – including a warning about everyone’s favourite topic: Covid. 

Of course, many people purporting to be time travellers rarely have any straightforward, breezy premonitions for our future; they usually tend to favour the grandeur of the doom and gloom, whether we like it or not. 

They could tell us that your roast potato game will peak sometime around March, when you serve up the fluffiest, crispiest spuds you’ve ever made, or that at the end of October you’ll be treating yourself to a new washing machine. 

But arguably there’s not much TikTok content to be made from that, so instead we’re getting predictions about human-chimp babies and new Covid strains. Yay! 

Self-proclaimed time traveller Aery Yormany ( @aesthetictimewarper ) shared a new video to get us all ready for 2022, writing: “There is a lot you need to know.” 

In the clip, the TikToker says: "I have been thought of as a fake time traveller for too long, so remember these three major dates in early 2022.” 

They proceed to list three predictions for the coming year, including the discovery of a sea creature that’s even larger than a blue whale. 

They explain: "March 11 - the first human has a child with a chimpanzee, it can talk and has mixed features. 

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"April 19 - a new Covid strain 'omega' emerges, five times worse than all other versions. 

"September 17 - the largest creature is discovered in the ocean, called the Cerine Croin, over four times the size of the blue whale." 

I’m not entirely sure September counts as ‘early 2022’, but we’ll just ignore that. 

As for the predictions themselves, it seems not everyone was entirely convinced, commenting to say they found the video ‘just really funny’. 

Others tried to add their own into the mix, with one joking: “I’m a time traveler and I predict that in February there will only be 28 days.” 

Another said: “I’m a time traveler too. On January 1st 2022 it will be the first day of that particular year. It’s true guys I’m 61 I’ve seen it happen before.” 

A third added: “I’m from the future also here’s my prediction... New Batman movie will be released March 4th 2022." 

Topics:  News , TikTok

Jess is a journalist at LADbible who graduated from Manchester University with a degree in Film Studies, English Language and Linguistics. You can contact Jess at [email protected] .

@ Jess_Hardiman

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The Donald Trump Time Traveler Theory Explained

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Okay, let's start with the facts. Ingersoll Lockwood, an American author and lawyer published two children's books and one short pamphlet between 1890 and 1896. In 1898, Lockwood published his first book titled, " The T ravels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger", which was then followed up in 1893 with , " Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey". Lockwood last 'book' was published in 1896 and titled, " 1900: or, The Last President", which can all be found in full on  

Before we go any further you must know it is not easy sleeping when you constantly question if your reality is real. We are sorry if this keeps you up at night and thank you for reading. Oh, and get your tinfoil hats ready, we'll let you know when to put them on.

Ingersoll Lockwood's first two novels follow a young boy named Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian Von Troomp. Little Baron Trump, as he is referred to comes from a very wealthy family that lives on 5th avenue in New York City, in what is called Trump Castle. In the books Little Baron and his dog Bulger, go on a series of wild adventures through other dimensions and time with the help of a mystical character named Don Fum. Don helps Baron and Bulger find the portal to his 'World within a World', that eventually (and we're not kidding) lead them to Russia. 

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The story is your average (to the day) children's novel, written in response to works like Lewis Caroll's, " Alice In Wonderland ". Though, that is not why we are talking about these books. Their merit is simply their striking closeness with our modern world. A world where our President is Donald Trump, who himself lived on 5th avenue with his son Barron in we call Trump Tower. The similarities are strange, yet at the same time are all there really is.

Lockwood's final novel, " 1900: Or The Last President ", begins with a scene of New York City in chaos. It's early November and a hugely unpopular outsider candidate has just won the election for the presidency. Police officers are in the streets trying to calm the growing rioters as, "mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of anarchists and socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years" - “the Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob.” That fifth avenue hotel is now where Trump tower stands, and those anarchists and socialists are present day enemies of Donald Trump. 

Castle Trump

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In light of these strange connections between Lockwood's book and our world, there are a number of other missing pieces. For example, the real Barron Trump does not have a dog, let alone a dog named Bugler. And when Lockwood’s books were rediscovery this was the case. However, that is no longer true, because the Trumps did eventually adopt a Goldendoodle named Patton. Why, because it’s seen as strange if a president doesn’t have any pets.

It was reported that Trump didn’t care much for a pet, but Melania knew Barron would want one. Reports say Barron had tears in his eyes when the two met for the first time. Wait, so what, he has a dog, it’s not Bulger though? Now would be a good time to get those hats out. 

So Barron’s dogs' name is Patton. George S. Patton is an American Military captain who was an instrumental factor in the US’s victory at The Battle of The Bulge during WWII. We know it’s stretch but with all the strange connections so far it’s not too big a leap to take from Bulge to Bulger. 

Baron & Bulger

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In addition to the stories of Baron Trump, there is another book written by Ingersoll Lockwood titled, " Laconics of Cult " where Lockwood writes about superstition and the occult, much in the same light he does in his children novels. Laconic is an adjective that literally means, "of few words", which seems to be a spot on description of the real Barron Trump.  

Now with that out of the way, let's begin. These books written by Lockwood are the basis for a greater and farther-reaching story than we could imagine. And besides being one of the most quality shitposts in Internet history, who knows, it might just be true. 

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Donald Trump is a time traveler. There I said it, but we don’t have proof.

John Trump, the uncle of Donald Trump was an engineer who worked for MIT at the time of Nikola Tesla’s death. When Tesla died the federal government confiscated all of Tesla’s work and hired a group of scientists and engineers to help them decipher his notes. John Trump was among the men chosen for this task.

In interviews that John gave later in life, he talks about how these notes of Tesla’s influenced him to study new methodologies beyond what he thought probable. And of course, the speculation is that John Trump discovered the means of time travel but died before it could be realized.

This is where Trump comes into play. John Trump left his nephew with his findings hoping that at a later date Trump would be able to complete what he started. This is where two theories combine into one. John Titor, the famous “time traveller” is believed to actually be Donald Trump.

Trump went forward in time and saw a world ruined by war and famine, disguising himself as John Titor and joining the army in the future. It’s a weak jump and more on this idea below in the original shitpost. I don’t see what this adds to the already strange story.

Now, as in any good story, there needs to be an explanation. Something ‘real’ that grounds the narrative in a world with rules an laws. Even the best shitposts do this because just making shit up only entertains for so long before narrative the runs its course. Well, in this story, that figure is none other than Pepe The Frog.

All this time travel and divine destiny are made possible for a number of reasons, but all of them due to the ancient Egyptian god of chaos Kek or Keku. Kek is a figure who appears as a frog-headed being and in ancient Egypt was worship for his magical abilities. Many people joke that the popular meme Pepe The Frog is a modern-day reincarnation of, Kek the god of chaos. Furthermore, Pepe became a symbol of the Trump campaign and in doing so became a sign of the far-right as the two became synonymous in the mainstream.

Why does this matter? Well, people joked and joked about meme magic for months leading up to the election. The Trump campaign even embraced the Pepe memes, Trump retweeted images of himself as Pepe on occasion and heavily relied on online supporters for their memes.

It seemed like Trump winning the election was near impossible. No one and I mean, no one in the mainstream honestly thought Trump has a snowball's chance in hell at beating Hillary Clinton. It seemed like the only way to victory was by some sort of luck or dare I say magic. So what do we make of this? The books, Trump’s family history and of course his victory. Trump has done things many thought impossible. So what the heck, maybe he is a time traveller, it wouldn’t be the first time we were wrong.

But no matter the questions we can answer or the dots we can connect, there is still one big question to ask, and that's why? Why would Donald Trump need to time travel? What is he saving us from? What is he getting us into? And those questions my friends are best left for the comments.

Below is the original 4chan thread which first came up with this theory. Enjoy.

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21 Savage Insults That Burnt People to a Crisp

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Do you believe in time travel? I’m a skeptic myself — but if these people’s stories about time travel are to be believed, then I am apparently wrong. Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll have to eat my words. In all honesty, that might not be so bad — because the tradeoff for being wrong in that case would be that time travel is real . That would be pretty rad if it were true.

Technically speaking time travel does exist right now — just not in the sci fi kind of way you’re probably thinking. According to a TED-Ed video by Colin Stuart, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev actually traveled 0.02 seconds into his own future due to time dilation during the time he spent on the International Space Station. For the curious, Krikalev has spent a total of 803 days, nine hours, and 39 minutes in space over the course of his career.

That said, though, many are convinced that time dilation isn’t the only kind of time travel that’s possible; some folks do also believe in time travel as depicted by everything from H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine to Back to the Future . It’s difficult to find stories online that are actual accounts from real people — many of them are either urban legends ( hi there, Philadelphia Experiment ) or stories that center around people that I’ve been unable to verify actually exist — but if you dig hard enough, sincere accounts can be found.

Are the stories true? Are they false? Are they examples of people who believe with all their heart that they’re true, even if they might not actually be? You be the judge. These seven tales are all excellent yarns, at any rate.

1 The Moberly–Jourdain Incident

Paris, France- April 10, 2010: Paris is the center of French economy, politics and cultures and the ...

In 1901, two Englishwomen, Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain , took a vacation to France. While they were there, they visited the Palace of Versailles (because, y’know, that’s what one does when one visits France ). And while they were at Versailles, they visited what’s known as the Petit Trianon — a little chateau on the palace grounds that Louis XVI gave to Marie Antoinette as a private space for her to hang out and do whatever it was that a teenaged queen did when she was relaxing back then.

But while they were there, they claimed, they saw some… odd occurrences. They said they spotted people wearing anachronistic clothing, heard mysterious voices, and saw buildings and other structures that were no longer present — and, indeed, hadn’t existed since the late 1700s. Finally, they said, they caught sight of Marie Antoinette herself , drawing in a sketchbook.

They claimed to have fallen into a “time slip” and been briefly transported back more than 100 years before being jolted back to the present by a tour guide.

Did they really travel back in time? Probably not; various explanations include everything from a folie a deux (basically a joint delusion) to a simple misinterpretation of what they actually saw. But for what it’s worth, in 1911 — roughly 10 years after what they said they had experienced occurred — the two women published a book about the whole thing under the names Elizabeth Morison and Frances Lamont simply called An Adventure. These days, it’s available as The Ghosts of Trianon ; check it out, if you like.

2 The Mystery Of John Titor

Old electronic waste ready to recycle

John Titor is perhaps the most famous person who claims he’s time traveled; trouble is, no one has heard from him for almost 17 years. Also, he claimed he came from the future.

The story is long and involved, but the short version is this: In a thread begun in the fall of 2000 about time travel paradoxes on the online forum the Time Travel Institute — now known as Curious Cosmos — a user responded to a comment about how a time machine could theoretically be built with the following message:

“Wow! Paul is right on the money. I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline.
“By the way, #2 is the correct answer and the basics for time travel start at CERN in about a year and end in 2034 with the first ‘time machine’ built by GE. Too bad we can’t post pictures or I’d show it to you.”

The implication, of course, was that the user, who was going by the name TimeTravel_0, came from a point in the future during which such a machine had already been invented.

Over the course of many messages spanning from that first thread all the way through the early spring of 2001, the user, who became known as John Titor, told his story. He said that he had been sent back to 1975 in order to bring an IBM 5100 computer to his own time; he was just stopping in 2000 for a brief rest on his way back home. The computer, he said, was needed to debug “various legacy computer programs in 2036” in order to combat a known problem similar to Y2K called the Year 2038 Problem . (John didn’t refer to it as such, but he said that UNIX was going to have an issue in 2038 — which is what we thought was going to happen back when the calendar ticked over from 1999 to 2000.)

Opinions are divided on whether John Titor was real ; some folks think he was the only real example of time travel we’ve ever seen, while others think it’s one of the most enduring hoaxes we’ve ever seen. I fall on the side of hoax, but that’s just me.

3 Project Pegasus And The Chrononauts

Close up of golden pocket watch lean on pile of book.

In 2011, Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillings stepped forward, claiming that they were former “chrononauts” who had worked with an alleged DARPA program called Project Pegasus. Project Pegasus, they said, had been developed in the 1970s; in 1980, they were taking a “Mars training class” at a community college in California (the college presumably functioning as a cover for the alleged program) when they were picked to go to Mars. The mode of transport? Teleportation.

It gets better, too. Basiago and Stillings also said that the then- 19-year-old Barack Obama , whom they claimed was going by the name “Barry Soetero” at the time, was also one of the students chosen to go to Mars. They said the teleportation occurred via something called a “jump room.”

The White House has denied that Obama has ever been to Mars . “Only if you count watching Marvin the Martian,” Tommy Vietor, then the spokesman for the National Security Council, told Wired’s Danger Room in 2012.

4 Victor Goddard’s Airfield Time Slip

World War II P-51 Mustang Fighter Airplane

Like Anne Moberly and Eleanor Jourdain, senior Royal Air Force commander Sir Robert Victor Goddard — widely known as Victor Goddard — claimed to have experienced a time slip.

In 1935, Goddard flew over what had been the RAF station Drem in Scotland on his way from Edinburgh to Andover, England. The Drem station was no longer in use; after demobilization efforts following WWI, it had mostly been left to its own devices. And, indeed, that’s what Goddard said he saw as he flew over it: A largely abandoned airfield.

On his return trip, though, things got… weird. He followed the same route he had on the way there, but during the flight, he got waylaid by a storm. As he struggled to regain control of his plane, however, he spotted the Drem airfield through a break in the clouds — and when he got closer to it, the bad weather suddenly dissipated. But the airfield… wasn’t abandoned this time. It was busy, with several planes on the runway and mechanics scurrying about.

Within seconds, though, the storm reappeared, and Goddard had to fight to keep his plane aloft again. He made it home just fine, and went on to live another 50 years — but the incident stuck with him; indeed, in 1975, he wrote a book called Flight Towards Reality which included discussion of the whole thing.

Here’s the really weird bit: In 1939, the Drem airfield was brought back to life. Did Goddard see a peek into the airfield's future via a time slip back in 1935? Who knows.

5 Space Barbie

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I’ll be honest: I’m not totally sure what to do with thisone — but I’ll present it to you here, and then you can decide for yourself what you think about it. Here it is:

Valeria Lukyanova has made a name for herself as a “human Barbie doll” (who also has kind of scary opinions about some things ) — but a 2012 short documentary for Vice’s My Life Online series also posits that she believes she’s a time traveling space alien whose purpose on Earth is to aid us in moving “from the role of the ‘human consumer’ to the role of ‘human demi-god.’”

What I can’t quite figure out is whether this whole time traveling space alien thing is, like a piece of performance art created specifically for this Vice doc, or whether it’s what she actually thinks. I don’t believe she’s referenced it in many (or maybe even any) other interviews she’s given; the items I’ve found discussing Lukyanova and time travel specifically all point back to this video.

But, well… do with it all as you will. That’s the documentary up there; give it a watch and see what you think.

6 The Hipster Time Traveler

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In the early 2010s, a photograph depicting the 1941 reopening of the South Fork Bridge in Gold Bridge, British Columbia in Canada went viral for seemingly depicting a man that looked… just a bit too modern to have been photographed in 1941. He looks, in fact, like a time traveling hipster : Graphic t-shirt, textured sweater, sunglasses, the works. The photo hadn’t been manipulated; the original can be seen here . So what the heck was going on?

Well, Snopes has plenty of reasonable explanations for the man’s appearance; each item he’s wearing, for example, could very easily have been acquired in 1941. Others have also backed up those facts. But the bottom line is that it’s never been definitively debunked, so the idea that this photograph could depict a man from our time who had traveled back to 1941 persists. What do you think?

7 Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor

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According to two at least two books — Catholic priest Father Francois Brune’s 2002 book Le nouveau mystère du Vatican (in English, The Vatican’s New Mystery ) and Peter Krassa’s 2000 book Father Ernetti's Chronovisor : The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine — Father Pellegrino Ernetti, who was a Catholic priest like Brune, invented a machine called a “chronovisor” that allowed him to view the past. Ernetti was real; however, the existence of the machine, or even whether he actually claimed to have invented it, has never been proven. Alas, he died in 1994, so we can’t ask him, either. I mean, if we were ever able to find his chronovisor, maybe we could… but at that point, wouldn’t we already have the information we need?

(I’m extremely skeptical of this story, by the way, but both Brune’s and Krassa’s books swear up, down, left, and right that it’s true, so…you be the judge.)

Although I'm fairly certain that these accounts and stories are either misinterpreted information or straight-up falsehoods, they're still entertaining to read about; after all, if you had access to a time machine, wouldn't you at least want to take it for a spin? Here's hoping that one day, science takes the idea from theory to reality. It's a big ol' universe out there.

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When is Elon Musk's interview with Donald Trump? Date, start time, how to stream

Portrait of Emily DeLetter

Former President Donald Trump will sit down for an interview on Monday night with Elon Musk , one of the world's richest men.

Musk announced the interview Sunday on X, formerly Twitter, after Trump had teased it last week in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

Musk owns X, and is also the founder of SpaceX and co-founder of Tesla. He did not give any mention in the brief post of what would be discussed in the interview, other than it would be "unscripted with no limits on subject matter."

The interview between Trump and Musk comes as the former president is seeking reelection to the White House against Vice President Kamala Harris , who recently announced Minnesota Gov.  Tim Walz  as her running mate. Trump chose Ohio Sen. JD Vance as his running mate in July.

Here's what to know about Monday's interview between Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

Sign-up for Your Vote: Text with the USA TODAY elections team.

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When is Elon Musk interviewing Donald Trump?

Musk announced on X that he will be interviewing Trump on Monday, Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. ET.

How to stream Elon Musk's interview with Donald Trump

The interview between Musk and Trump will be streamed live on X , formerly Twitter, on Monday, Aug. 12 at 8 p.m. ET.

The interview will be hosted on Trump's account, @realDonaldTrump , X announced.

Musk made a call out for questions and comments in a tweet Sunday night.

Trump interview comes after DeSantis' rocky campaign announcement on X

This isn't the first live event to take place on X this election cycle, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launching his brief presidential campaign on the social media platform last year.

The live event with Musk, DeSantis and moderator David Sacks was plagued by technical difficulties , which persisted for more than 20 minutes before the governor was able to deliver his speech and participate in a question-and-answer session.

Musk is hoping to avoid any technical difficulties that could arise before the interview with Trump, posting Sunday that he will do "some system scaling tests tonight & tomorrow."

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Since taking over the social media platform, Musk reinstated Trump's account in 2022, which was banned in January 2021 in the final days of his term.

Although his account has been unbanned, the former president prefers to share news via his own platform, Truth Social .

The voyage of the Altar Stone: A Stonehenge mystery solved (maybe)

Researchers revealed that the long-mysterious Altar Stone at the heart of the world’s most famous prehistoric monument came from faraway Scotland.

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LONDON — The world’s most famous prehistoric monument continues to surprise and amaze. Researchers on Wednesday revealed that the long-mysterious “Altar Stone” at the heart of Stonehenge came from faraway Scotland, raising tantalizing new questions about how — and why — a six-ton slab of sandstone made its way from north to south 5,000 years ago.

Aliens? Not likely, unless the government knows something we don’t. Could it have been deposited nearby by ice - age glaciers that covered Britain during the woolly mammoth Pleistocene? Probably not. The ice sheets in Scotland were moving north, not south, and so deposited their moraines in the opposite direction.

So we are left with two theories: that the Altar Stone was dragged 500 miles or more overland by our Neolithic forebears, before the invention of the wheel, across the high hills and through the dense forests of prehistoric Britain; or, as these scientists speculate, that the stone was ferried via sea by Stone Age mariners, a routing that “demonstrates a high level of societal organization with intra-Britain transport during the Neolithic period.”

Meaning? That Neolithic peoples were capable of delivering a Stone Age prehistoric FedEx package weighing 13,227 pounds from as far north as the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland to the Salisbury Plain southwest of present-day London, with the understanding that six tons is approximately the weight of a full-grown male African elephant.

Such a delivery might have taken a decade or more — but “just in time” is relative.

At this point, the scientists say your guess is about as good as theirs, which is why Stonehenge remains “a wonder of the world.”

The new research, led by scientists at Curtin University in Australia, is jaw-dropping — upending a century of geological inquiry to conclude that the Altar Stone, long believed to originate from Wales, actually hails from Scotland, and would have had to make a trip of 450 to 600 miles.

The stone must have meant a lot to the people back then. There is other evidence of other stones being moved from stone circle to stone circle.

“But this is a very, very long way,” said Heather Sebire, senior curator at Stonehenge for the group English Heritage. She called the new findings “amazing.”

What was Stonehenge — a burial site, a meeting place, an astronomical clock or a “computer”?

The Altar Stone has always been a spooky outlier, unique in its composition and its placement, and one of the most analyzed pieces of stone ever, a kind of moon rock for the archaeologist set.

You can visit it today. It lies at the center, the heart, of the stone circle but was found recumbent, lying flat, on the horizontal. When did it arrive? Maybe 2500 B.C. Could it have come to Stonehenge later? Sure, but the builders might have had to squeeze it into place.

Nobody knows whether the Altar Stone served as an altar, just as the nearby “ Slaughter Stone ” probably had nothing to do with sacrifice — human or otherwise. These were just the romantic (lurid) names that the early pearl-clutching antiquarians gave the rocks, imagining druids doing their nasty business to appease some unholy deities.

A 25-year-old PhD student named Anthony Clarke, who is originally from Wales and visited Stonehenge as a child, led the search for the provenance of the Altar Stone.

Clarke and colleagues examined two polished samples of the stone, each thinner than a strand of hair — and wow.

Robert Ixer, an archaeologist at University College London, an authority on the geology of Stonehenge and a co-author of the paper that appears in the journal Nature, said the team in Australia had just two samples of the Altar Stone to work with.

“But that was enough,” he told The Washington Post.

He called the new provenance of the Altar Stone “astonishing.” Ixer spent much of his career assuming the Altar Stone was from Wales, still a far distance, but not nearly as far away as Scotland.

So precious is the Neolithic monument, a World Heritage site, that it is no longer possible to take a hammer and chisel, as the Victorians and their predecessors did, and knock off a chunk to examine.

Ixer explained that the two samples in the research paper included one collected in the 1840s with a hammer, and a second from the 1920s, which was excavated at the site as a bit of detritus. And it is those two slivers that led researchers to a conclusion about the geographic provenance of the Altar Stone.

“They are both fragments of the Altar Stone with the exact same characteristics,” Ixer said.

The analysis of the Altar Stone was also overseen by Chris Kirkland at the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group within Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences. The cutting-edge laboratory usually spends its time helping to look for iron ore and gold deposits.

In this case, the group used lasers to light and mass spectrometers to explore the individual grains in the Altar Stone sliver, paying most attention to the minerals apatite, rutile and zircon, which decays at a known rate and so becomes a kind of “geologic clock” for dating material.

They found the specific grains in the Altar Stone contained minerals that were as old as 2 billion years and others 450 million years old, which produced a kind of chemical fingerprint.

The geologists from Curtin say with 95 percent certainty that the Altar Stone is Old Red Sandstone from the Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland, an area that stretches from the Orkney Islands to Inverness.

Two other stones make up most of the Stonehenge assemblage. The big sarsen stones, which form the upright posts and lintels in the postcards, the dramatic images of the monument, came from nearby quarries, not many miles away.

The others are called “bluestones,” which form the outer circle, and those stones came from quarries in Wales.

How all the sarsen and bluestones were moved remains a hotly debated topic — were they wrapped in willow baskets and rolled? Or pushed along on sleds, or rolled on logs, or just dragged by humans with rope and leather, maybe helped by oxen?

As for the Altar Stone, these researchers like a maritime route. They point out that Neolithic people introduced the common vole from continental Europe to Orkney. There is also evidence of the long-distance marine transport of cattle and quarried stone tools and pottery. Goods and animals crossed the English Channel way back then.

Researchers have found evidence of Neolithic dugout canoes — but mostly in rivers, not seaside. Seagoing rafts, perhaps boats with hulls lined with animal skins? That is a good guess, but there is little physical evidence on the shorelines because these kinds of materials decay quickly.

The geologists here say that more geologists will now work hard to pinpoint the exact place in Scotland where the Altar Stone came from — and they confess that another generation of archaeologists will puzzle to figure out how and why the stone was moved, perhaps never to know.

“As these things may be lost to history,” as Clarke said. Or maybe not.

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From Nova Scotia to Montreal: Driving Solo (and on a Budget) in a ‘Relocation’ R.V. Rental

When rental companies need to move their vehicles, they frequently offer one-way trips at a steep discount. Our Frugal Traveler snapped up a deal that took her through eastern Canada.

A vividly colored illustration shows an R.V. camper van parked in a clearing next to some orange and yellow rock formations. In the foreground are two Canada geese with black necks and heads and white throats. The sky is hot pink and in the background are silhouettes of trees and a pink and orange sky, with the sun just setting into an aqua sea.

By Elaine Glusac

Elaine Glusac is the Frugal Traveler columnist, focusing on budget-friendly tips and journeys.

Quebec City was designed to be imposing. On a steep hill above the St. Lawrence Seaway, behind 17th-century ramparts, the city’s streets are narrow and cobbled — no place for a road-hogging, 21st-century recreational vehicle.

Or so I thought, as I planned an ambitious solo R.V. road trip across eastern Canada — from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to Montreal — that would take me through one of the oldest European cities in North America.

Colonial streets weren’t my only mental roadblock when I set out in May to take advantage of a six-night “relocation” deal on an R.V. rental for 39 Canadian dollars a night (about $28) from the Canadian company CanaDream ; its trips normally start at 136 dollars nightly.

When R.V. companies need to move their vehicles to satisfy seasonal demand, they frequently offer relocation or one-way trips at discounted prices. The R.V. rental company Cruise America calls them “one way specials,” which recently included 75 percent off a trip in July from Las Vegas to Orlando. One-way sales from El Monte RV recently listed departures from 30 to 90 percent off.

Based in Calgary, CanaDream shuffles its fleet among seven locations across Canada. With relocation itineraries, the company stipulates the vehicle and departure and arrival dates. Renters pay for gas, food and campsite access in addition to the discounted vehicle.

Travel by R.V. took off during the pandemic as North Americans discovered the convenience and privacy of taking a home on the road. As someone who makes a living traveling light, I considered that style of travel freighted, sluggish and spontaneity-sapping.

What I got over six nights and nearly 800 miles on my maiden R.V. journey was an adventure in driving, a test of self-sufficiency and an introduction to slow-lane travel.

Driver’s ed

Before setting foot in Halifax, I had watched a video about my vehicle — the 22-foot-long Deluxe Van Camper — introducing the many indicators that monitor electricity, waste and water. My sense of responsibility only grew when I got the keys and set out on my journey.

While small for an R.V., the two-person Deluxe Van Camper was taller, longer and less nimble than camper vans I’d driven in the past, which you might expect from a vehicle that you can comfortably stand upright in (its interior height was 6 feet, 3 inches).

The apartment on wheels contained a bathroom with a hose extension on the faucet that doubled as a shower head; a galley kitchen with a microwave, stove and small refrigerator; and a sofa in the back that converted into a firm queen bed. Storage areas, cabinets and drawers contained removable window shades and amenities that seemed essential to me — namely bedding, towels and kitchenware, which cost 175 dollars. A roof hatch and ceiling fan kept air circulating overnight.

Setting out after stops for food and drinking water (the water on board is not potable), I was immediately met by what I came to consider the “R.V. Symphony,” a soundtrack of clattering dishes and tinkling utensils punctuated by the squeak of wood cabinets.

Aware of the extra space needed to brake in an R.V., I drove like an A student fresh out of driver’s training, distant from vehicles ahead, going under the speed limit and, when it was time to park, picking remote, traffic-free spots.

Though I would become more comfortable driving with each passing day, my pace was deliberate as I stuck by my instinct to never drive more than 90 minutes straight. Sightseeing breaks relieved the concentration required of driving.

Tidal adventures

Over the first two days, I skirted the Bay of Fundy, where the highest tides in the world vary up to 53 feet. A few hours from Halifax, I followed the signs to Joggins Fossil Cliffs (free), a UNESCO World Heritage Site where tides have exposed the fossil remains of a 300-million-year-old forest along cliffs roughly 100 feet high.

Crossing into New Brunswick, I continued along the north shore of the bay to a campsite at Ponderosa Pines Campground (70 dollars). It neighbors Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park , one of the province’s biggest attractions, with its tide-carved sea stacks.

My quiet lakeside campsite, like all the R.V. parks I visited, included power and water hookups, a fire ring and picnic table.

In the morning, awakened by honking Canada geese, I took a mile-long forest trail from the campground to Hopewell Rocks (admission 15.85 dollars).

High tide peaked just before the park opened at 9 a.m., surrounding the park’s more than 20 free-standing sea stacks — monoliths that had eroded from the mainland cliffs — in water. As the tide rapidly receded, a park interpreter pointed out the resemblance of the rock profiles to humans.

“There are a lot of native legends of people turned to stone,” he said, echoing the Indigenous Mi’kmaq legend in which an angry whale transforms runaway slaves into rock.

From Hopewell Rocks, a rural half-hour drive passed barns and fields in route to shoreside Alma just outside of Fundy National Park . Tiny Alma has a string of restaurants near its working marina. At Alma Lobster Shop , I savored a briny lobster roll and seafood chowder combo (29 dollars) from a bayside picnic table near sun-bleached whale bones.

With about three hours to visit Fundy National Park (admission 9 dollars), I stopped at the ranger station for advice on a speed tour. The staff seemed accustomed to the question, sending me first to Dickson Falls Trail to hike a nearly mile-long loop through a lush, fern-filled gully split by the stone-carving cascade. Farther down the shore, I followed the pine-shaded Shiphaven Trail along an estuary where shipwrights once built schooners on a gravel bar.

Back in the R.V., I settled in for a two-hour drive — punctuated by a few bird-watching stops — to my next campsite in the provincial capital of Fredericton . On the St. John River, Hartt Island R.V. Resort was quiet in spring, its water park still awaiting warmer weather (60 dollars). Several riverside sites away, my closest neighbors were a pair of backpacking cyclists from England.

I stoked a campfire with dried leaves and watched diving ospreys, soaring eagles and paddling loons as the temperatures dropped with the sunset.

Local encounters

A former British garrison, Fredericton is filled with intriguing 19th-century buildings that made me long for a ride that was a bit more agile on city streets. But I braved them the next morning to hit the city’s renowned Fredericton Boyce Farmers Market at 7 a.m. when parking was available.

The weekly Saturday event draws more than 200 vendors of everything from local produce to food-truck samosas. The best provisioning of the trip turned up aged Cheddar from neighboring Prince Edward Island (10 dollars), a loaf of sourdough (8 dollars) and spinach pies (2 dollars each) from a Lebanese vendor.

Before leaving town, I arranged to meet Cecelia Brooks and Anthony Brooks, a mother-and-son team who guide forest walks with an Indigenous point of view through their company, Wabanaki Tree Spirit Tours (60 dollars). We met at Odell Park , a 400-acre swath of old-growth forest just minutes from downtown and began by burning small amounts of sweetgrass in homage to the giant hemlocks, some of which are over 400 years old.

We meandered through the forest for more than two hours, stopping to discuss plants and fungi that were used by First Nations people as medicine or food and to sample the balsam fir tea and homemade acorn cookies that Ms. Brooks, who is Mohawk and Wolastoqiyik, toted along in a basket.

“The elders say the Creator gave us everything we need,” she said.

Quebec, plugged and unplugged

In Rivière-du-Loup , on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, a seasonal Christmas castle and its giant Santa sculpture came between my site at Camping du Quai (39 dollars) and the water.

In search of better views, I joined locals in camp chairs awaiting sunset at Parc de la Pointe , a boulder-filled beach park a 30-minute walk down the shore.

The next morning, I topped off the water tank and made the drive in a little over two hours (with a short rest break) to Quebec City and Bassin Louise RV Parking . I reached the public lot in Old Port near the city walls by skirting the traffic-knotted center of town.

Bassin Louise offers “ boondocking ,” or R.V. camping, without services like electricity and water. As a woman sleeping in her vehicle in a city, I closed the window shades for the duration. So did the occupants of dozens of R.V.s and vans around me. The lot seemed quiet, but having met the French Canadian couple in a truck camper next door, I knew that — if needed — help was a honk away (overnight parking costs 75 dollars, according to the lot’s website, but the on-site kiosk only asked for 16 dollars).

Short of spending 10 times more for a hotel within the walls, I couldn’t imagine a better location, just five minutes on foot from the tourism office where I joined a two-hour walking tour I booked through GetYourGuide ($26).

“I love my city,” said Hélène Lemieux, the guide who ushered our group of 12, most of them from the United States, among landmark buildings while relating the city’s history as of 1608 when the French explorer Samuel du Champlain arrived to set up a trading post.

The British took over after a pivotal battle in 1759 and Ms. Lemieux helped us distinguish French buildings — with small windows, rough stone facades and dormered roofs — from English ones, made with rectangular stones. She seemed to delight in leading us where other groups weren’t, including the rear of the 17th-century Quebec Seminary .

She ended the tour in a deserted alley, saying, “If you see a little passage, go inside!”

City traffic

The final frontier was getting the R.V. safely to Montreal, a roughly three-hour trip — with a break worked in — through rush hour. It was the last, stomach-churning challenge.

I didn’t miss the R.V. Symphony as I rode toward the airport in an Uber. But I missed my mobile home in the way you miss a great campsite. Taking all the conveniences of home — including a bed, bathroom and kitchen — on the road seemed indulgent. And it was; gas, which came to about $285, cost nearly as much as the vehicle, $290.

In total, the relocation offer saved more than $400 and the R.V. itself forced me to slow down, stop frequently and, possibly, see more.

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Lake Como, Italy:  Stars like George Clooney frequent this scenic corner of northern Italy, but you might be surprised by how affordable it can be. Here’s an insider’s guide .

South of France:  Horses, bulls and birds of all types live among the pink marshes of the Camargue, a rugged landscape shaped  by the relentless push and pull of sea and river.

Disney Theme Parks:  As Disney has raised the cost of tickets and hotel rooms at its theme parks, and added pricey, difficult-to-navigate tools, even its most loyal fans are asking themselves  if they should rethink their vacations.

Helsinki, Finland:   Explore the stunning architecture  of the new central library, browse treasure-filled shops in the Design District, sweat in a wood-burning sauna, sip cocktails on a schooner and trek across islands in the surrounding archipelago.

Salzburg, Austria:  The compact Austrian city of medieval alleys, majestic Alpine views and just 150,000 residents bursts to life in the summer .

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Ny instagram model maecee marie lathers blames party drugs and time travel for crash that killed 2 in miami.

A Mercedes-driving Instagram model from New York blamed party drugs and time travel for the reason she allegedly caused a three-car wreck and killed two people — including a father — in downtown Miami last week.

Maecee Marie Lathers, 24, confessed to police she was under the influence of “pink cocaine” when she ran a red light and crashed into a black Range Rover before trying to flee the area on Aug. 10, according to WPLG .

Instagram model Maecee Marie Lather blamed "pink cocaine" for a car crash that killed two people in Miami on Aug. 10, 2024.

“Pink cocaine” also known as “tusi” or 2C is a synthetic drug concoction linked to a dangerous Venezuelan gang and blowing through New York City’s drug scene .

“She advised she was under the influence of “2C” a known party drug and that she was from the future and had a crystal ball,” Florida 11th Circuit Court Judge Mindy S. Glazer read from a police report, according to video obtained by the outlet.

Lather’s car and the Range Rover collided with a silver Suzuki sedan carrying three people heading to work.

The 24-year-old driver of the Range Rover suffered minor injuries.

The driver of the Suzuki, identified as Abraham Ismael, had to be extricated from the car and died at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the outlet said, citing the arrest report.

The rear passenger was killed instantly.

Ismael’s wife, Juanita Hernández was in the front passenger seat and survived the crash.

Lather attempted to flee the scene of the crash but was grabbed by bystanders before she could run off.

Hernández was hospitalized and said she was unable to work due to her injuries. She also said that her husband left behind a 16-year-old son.

“I am now unable to work due to my injuries, and the boy’s life has been turned upside down,” the heartbroken wife wrote on GoFundMe. “His mother, who lives in Nicaragua, suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is now not only grieving but also left without the financial support her son provided.”

Lather, whose license has been suspended since January, attempted to flee the crash scene but was stopped by bystanders who grabbed her and brought her back to the crash, Local10 reported .

Abraham Ismael was driving with his wife, Juanita Hernández, to work when Lather crashed into their Suzuki sedan killing Ismael and the third passenger.

Police found Lather vomiting as she later admitted to being under the influence of the party drug.

Lather, whose Instagram account features her posing in revealing clothes and bikinis, was fitted with a green anti-suicide vest during her court appearance Friday.

Her social media account, with only 11,000 followers, claims she is affiliated with two modeling agencies and her bio reads “(money) on my (brain)” and “dope in real life.”

The Instagram model, originally from Fort Plain, NY, has reportedly been living in the Sunshine State since 2022,

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Prosecutors called Lather a “potential flight risk” because of the felony charges she faces, and could face.

Lather was charged with four counts of driving without a license resulting in death or serious injury and four counts of leaving the scene of a crash resulting in death or serious injuries, all felonies, according to court records viewed by The Post.

“She’s an absolute danger to the community based on killing or driving when she shouldn’t have been in a car and she’s clearly impaired based on her statements,” Glazer said. “And if it wasn’t for the citizens or witnesses nearby who stopped her, she would have completely fled.”

The Instagram model, who is originally from Fort Plain, NY, has been living in the Sunshine State since 2022.

Glazer ordered Lather be held on a $140,000 bond.

If the reduced bond is paid, Lather would be placed on house arrest with a “No Driving Order.”

Instagram model Maecee Marie Lather blamed "pink cocaine" for a car crash that killed two people in Miami on Aug. 10, 2024.


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  5. Time Traveller: Season 2

    time traveller tm

  6. Time Traveller (2018)

    time traveller tm


  1. Travelling through time these days is easy thanks to TimeTraveller™

    Travelling through time these days is easy thanks to TimeTraveller™. Observe famous historical events and interact with the people who made them happen! Ideal for students, architects, artists, and anyone else who wants to experience history as it really was!

  2. TimeTraveller™

    What is TimeTraveller™? Ultra-light: It's like wearing nothing at all. Wrap-Around Frames: Get 360 degrees of realistic imagery. Voice-Activated: Navigate history using our highly customizable Speech Recognition Software. Simple, Informative HUD: Access maps, fun facts, historically accurate accessories and the Find-A-Date™ Search Engine.

  3. TimeTraveller™

    A.D.1875A.D.1862A.D.1990A.D.2112A.D.1680A.D.1969A.D.1490InterludeA.D.2121 TimeTraveller™ is a .......

  4. TimeTraveller™ by Skawennati

    Jackman Hall, Art Gallery of Ontario. TimeTraveller™ tells the story of Hunter, a young Mohawk man living in the twenty-second century who meets Karahkwenhawi, a young Mohawk woman from our era. Follow them while they use an edutainment system popular in the future —TimeTraveller™— to embark on a virtual joyride that immerses them in ...

  5. Time Traveller (tm) THE TIME MENAGERIE

    Interrupted once again on a return journey to 1888 AD, the Time Traveller and Poul the Penguin arrive at Versailles, 1786 and discover a sinister villain has...

  6. The Time Machine

    The Time Machine is an 1895 dystopian post-apocalyptic science fiction novella by H. G. Wells about a Victorian scientist known as the Time Traveller who travels approximately 800,806 years into the future. The work is generally credited with the popularization of the concept of time travel by using a vehicle or device to travel purposely and ...

  7. The Time Traveller Character Analysis

    The Time Traveller Character Analysis. Though he is not the narrator of The Time Machine, the Time Traveller is the book's protagonist. He is an eminent but eccentric British scientist, and his particular interest in time travel leads him to build a time machine that transports himself into the future.

  8. TimeTravellerTM

  9. 'Time Traveller From 2714' Tells World To Prepare For Three ...

    A ' time traveller ' who says they're from the year 2714 has told the world to prepare itself for three major events coming up in 2022 - including a warning about everyone's favourite ...

  10. The Time Travel Fund [tm]

    We believe Time Travel will one day be possible, so we have started an investment fund that may one day pay for you to travel to the future. Help us help you reach the future today!

  11. Time Traveller

    Kelvin Hou is the Founder and CEO of Time Traveller, a company dedicated to creating immersive gaming and social XR+AI experiences. With a proven track record in media and entertainment, Mr. Hou founded Mtime in 2006, China's leading entertainment website later acquired by Wanda. Following this success, he founded JYdata, acquired by Hylink ...

  12. Time travel

    Time travel is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future. Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, particularly science fiction. In fiction, time travel is typically achieved through the use of a hypothetical device known as a time machine.

  13. Walz is making a 5-state dash for campaign cash, traveling solo for 1st

    Walz is making a 5-state dash for campaign cash, traveling solo for 1st time as Harris' running mate

  14. The Donald Trump Time Traveler Theory Explained

    John Titor, the famous "time traveller" is believed to actually be Donald Trump. Trump went forward in time and saw a world ruined by war and famine, disguising himself as John Titor and joining the army in the future. It's a weak jump and more on this idea below in the original shitpost.

  15. 7 Stories Of People Who Have Claimed To Travel In Time

    Do you believe in time travel? I'm a skeptic myself — but if these people's stories about time travel are to be believed, then I am apparently wrong. Who knows? Maybe one day I'll have to ...

  16. Tracking Hurricane Ernesto

    Ernesto was a Category 1 hurricane in the Sargasso Sea Saturday evening Atlantic time, the National Hurricane Center said in its latest advisory. The hurricane had sustained wind speeds of 75 ...

  17. TimeTraveller™

    The TimeTraveller™ glasses enable you to be immersed in the environment. The HUD (Heads-up Display) gives you all the information you need to enjoy it - where and when you are; what languages are being spoken (along with a real-time translator), maps, and, of course, the Find-A-Date Search Engine. We take the information from historical ...

  18. The time traveler's almanac

    Item Size. 4804146558. xii, 948 pages ; 25 cm. "The Time Traveler's Almanac is the largest and most definitive collection of time travel stories ever assembled. Gathered into one volume by intrepid chrononauts and world-renowned anthologists Ann and Jeff VanderMeer, this book compiles more than a century's worth of literary travels into the ...

  19. Dubai International Airport, busiest for global travel, sees half-year

    Dubai International Airport has seen a record 44.9 million travelers pass through its terminals in the first half of this year. That puts the world's busiest airport for international travel back on track to beat its all-time record, as aviation booms after the coronavirus pandemic.

  20. Donald Trump, Elon Musk interview: Start time, how to stream on X

    Tech billionaire Elon Musk will interview former President Donald Trump Monday night on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter.

  21. Harris and Walz to take bus tour through Pennsylvania ahead of

    Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will roll through Pennsylvania on a bus tour Sunday, dropping in on the crucial battleground state just days before the ...

  22. Fly like Iron Man. Join a battle in Wakanda. Here are the major theme

    Disney announced a slew of future theme park and cruise projects to be developed in the coming years, including a villains-themed land, an "Encanto" ride, an ability to take flight like Iron ...

  23. The voyage of the Altar Stone: A Stonehenge mystery solved (maybe)

    Researchers revealed that the long-mysterious Altar Stone at the heart of the world's most famous prehistoric monument came from faraway Scotland.

  24. Map: 4.4-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Los Angeles

    A light, 4.4-magnitude earthquake struck in Southern California on Monday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The temblor happened at 12:20 p.m. Pacific time about 2 miles southeast ...

  25. The Tim Traveller

    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Last month, the 300,000th person subscribed to this channel. And we all know what that means: it's Q&A time. Now, where would be a good place to do a Tim Traveller Q&A ...

  26. TimeTraveller™

    Tell a Friend| Home| About| Videos| Store| FAQ TimeTraveller™ is a .......

  27. Driving Through Eastern Canada in a Cheap R.V. Rental

    When rental companies need to move their vehicles, they frequently offer one-way trips at a steep discount. Our Frugal Traveler snapped up a deal that took her through eastern Canada.

  28. NY Instagram model Maecee Marie Lathers blames party drugs and time

    A Mercedes-driving Instagram model, Maecee Marie Lathers, from New York blamed party drugs and time travel for the reason she allegedly caused a three-car wreck and killed two people in downtown ...

  29. Legendary Time Traveler Planners & Traveler's Notebook Accessories

    About Us. Time Traveler makes beautifully hand finished planners, journals and related accessories that are skillfully designed in the United States and may be personalized with your name, company logo or a combination of both. Recall a time when quality, craftsmanship and, especially, individuality were commonplace.

  30. TM Travel

    55 Plumbley - Circular - Frecheville. X74 Sheffield Interchange - Meadowhall Interchange. 76A Sheffield - Chancet Wood. 218 Sheffield - Bakewell. 252 Crystal Peaks - Sheffield. 508 Mastin Moor - Springwell School. 510 Brimington - Springwell School. 511 Brimington - Springwell School. 512 Calow - Springwell School.