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Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women: Your Ultimate Guide to Snacking Without Compromise

Varun Kwatra

  • December 5, 2023
  • Sustenance / Snack

Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women

Planning a road trip while pregnant can seem daunting.

Between morning sickness, food cravings, and fatigue, the thought of sitting in a car for hours on end probably doesn’t sound appealing.

However, with a bit of preparation and planning, road-tripping during pregnancy can be safe, comfortable, and enjoyable.

The key is packing plenty of snacks to keep your energy up, prevent headaches, assuage any nausea, and satisfy those pregnancy cravings when they strike.

But finding healthy snacks that are also easy to pack and transport can be tricky.

Have no fear – this ultimate guide covers everything you need to know about choosing the best snacks for pregnancy road trips.

Understanding Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy

When you’re eating for two, getting adequate nutrition is crucial.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , pregnant women have increased calorie needs, as well as higher recommendations for essential nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Snacking between meals helps meet these enhanced nutritional demands that support your baby’s growth and development.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics emphasizes the importance of incorporating snacks like fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, whole grain crackers, and yogurt.

These provide nutrients like fiber to prevent constipation, lean protein to maintain energy levels, and vitamins and minerals to nourish you and your baby.

Consulting with your doctor or a registered dietitian can help personalize snack choices to your individual dietary needs. They may recommend supplements or suggest snacks targeted to the symptoms you’re experiencing.

Navigating Common Pregnancy Discomforts With Snacks

Soothing Snack Remedies - Tackling Common Pregnancy Discomforts

Between nausea, heartburn, fatigue, and other pregnancy woes, discomfort is common during those 9 months.

Luckily, strategic snacking can help minimize issues and get you back on track.

Keeping Nausea at Bay

During the first trimester especially, nausea and vomiting affect up to 90% of moms-to-be, says the American Pregnancy Association .

While the exact cause is unknown, keeping something in your stomach can alleviate queasiness.

Easy-to-digest carbohydrates like pretzels , rice cakes , or crackers are ideal first-trimester snacks.

Cold foods also seem to help, so popsicles, frozen grapes, or melon can do the trick too.

Taming Heartburn Triggers

Later in pregnancy, around 40% of women deal with heartburn caused by relaxing stomach muscles, says Dr. Sarah Levy , OB-GYN.

Unfortunately, many go-to snacks are heartburn instigators.

Skip the acidic fruits, chocolate, coffee, and fried foods.

Choose safer options like yogurt, low-fat cheese, nuts , seeds, hard-boiled eggs , or avocado instead.

Staying hydrated by sipping water between snacks also helps minimize symptoms.

Combating Car Sickness

Being a passenger while pregnant can trigger nausea and vomiting due to shifting hormones, explains pediatrician Dr. Jessica Madden .

If you’re prone to car sickness, snack on plain crackers or pretzels before and during the drive.

Having a portable airsickness bag on hand provides relief too.

Ginger candy , lemon drops, or peppermint can also curb queasiness.

Trimester-Tailored Snacking for Road Trips

Trimester-Targeted Snacks - Nourishing Options for Pregnant Women on the Go

Your snack cravings and tastes change as pregnancy progresses. Understanding trimester differences helps you choose snacks that satisfy you.

First Trimester Snacks

Surviving first-trimester exhaustion and nausea makes finding snacks you can stomach a top priority.

Stick with bland carbs that won’t trigger sickness like crackers, pretzels , toast, or cereal.

Add a Protein pick-me-up by pairing with peanut butter , nuts, seeds, or hard-boiled eggs .

Staying hydrated is also crucial, so drink water or diluted fruit juice between snacks.

Second Trimester Snacks

As nausea subsides, second-trimester snack options expand with cravings kicking in too.

Take advantage by working in nutritious choices like Greek yogurt topped with berries, vegetables dipped in hummus or guacamole, trail mix with nuts and dried fruit, or apple slices with nut butter .

Go ahead and enjoy a small serving of whatever sounds good within moderation – just don’t overdo the sugar and salt.

Third Trimester Snacks

During the home stretch, heartburn returns, and you’ve got a baby pressing on your stomach.

Choose lighter snacks more easily tolerated and digested.

Try Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal , bananas, melon, boiled eggs, rice cakes , or a smoothie made with almond milk and protein powder.

Keeping snacks easily accessible is key too as your mobility decreases.

Experiment to find what specific snacks appeal most by trimester while focusing on nutrition.

Just steer clear of common pregnancy food no-nos like unpasteurized dairy, raw eggs and fish, deli meat, raw sprouts, and juice or cider unpasteurized.

Healthy Homemade Snack Delights: Nutrient-Packed Indulgences for Pregnant Women

Rather than relying solely on prepackaged snacks, consider making some yourself. Homemade options allow controlling ingredients for customization to your diet and restrictions.

Portability does require some additional planning for transport and storage, but with the right recipes, it’s easy to make satisfying snacks for pregnancy road trips.

Here are 6 of my favorite homemade snacks perfectly suited for a road trip while pregnant.

No-Bake Gluten-Free Energy Bites

No-Bake Gluten-Free Energy Bites - Delightful and Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women

These no-bake bites are the perfect portable snack to deliver an energy boost on the go. They come together fast thanks to just 7 ingredients.

Being both gluten-free and dairy-free, they can also be easily adapted to work for a vegan diet or any other diet! Their perfectly portable bite-size makes them ideal road trip snacks.


  • 1 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1⁄2 cup almond butter
  • 1⁄2 cup dark chocolate chips
  • 1⁄3 cup honey
  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1⁄4 tsp sea salt


  • Add all ingredients to a medium bowl and stir until thoroughly mixed. The mixture should pull together when pressed.
  • Using a small cookie scoop or spoon, form the mixture into 1” balls and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Refrigerate until firm, about 30 minutes. Store refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Nutrition per ball: 90 calories, 5g fat, 6g carbs, 2g protein, 2g fiber, 45mg calcium

Pregnancy-Friendly Trail Mix

Customizable and Nutritious Trail Mix - Pregnancy-Friendly Snack

Make your own crave-worthy trail mix with just the ingredients you love! Control the salt as well as customize it to your taste and dietary preferences.

Start with a combo of nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pecans which have protein, healthy fats, and minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium.

Add omega-3-rich seeds like pumpkin, sunflower, or flax seeds too. Dried fruit choices are endless – try mango, cherries, apricots, cranberries, or apples.

Top it off with just a touch of antioxidant-rich dark chocolate and you’ve got the perfect snack for the road.

Here’s one easy recipe for you to try right now:

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1⁄2 cup pecans
  • 1 cup raw pumpkin seeds
  • 1 cup dark chocolate chips
  • 1⁄2 cup unsweetened dried cherries
  • 1⁄2 cup unsweetened dried mango
  • Mix all ingredients together in a medium bowl. Adjust amounts of each ingredient to taste preferences.
  • Store trail mix in an airtight container, away from heat and moisture. Will keep it fresh for up to 3 weeks.

Nutrition per 1⁄4 cup: 220 calories, 16g fat, 16g carbs, 5g protein, 4g fiber, 100mg calcium

Nourishing Yogurt Parfaits

Refreshing and Nutritious Yogurt Parfait - Pregnancy-Friendly Snack

Layered yogurt parfaits make an easy, on-the-go energizing snack or light meal any time of day! It provides you with protein from dairy, fiber from fruit and nuts, or granola.

Using plain Greek yogurt gives you a neutral palette to customize. Top with fresh or frozen antioxidant-rich berries like raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries. Sprinkle with a hearty, low-sugar granola or chopped nuts for some crunch.

You’ve got endless combinations for a snack that’s as nutritious as it is delicious. The sealed containers keep parfaits contained mess-free too.

For now, you can start with this easy recipe:

  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup mixed berries, fresh or thawed
  • 2 tbsp chopped walnuts
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1⁄4 cup granola
  • In two separate small containers with lids, layer 1⁄2 cup yogurt, 1⁄2 cup berries, 1 tbsp walnuts, then 1⁄2 tbsp honey and 2 tbsp granola.
  • Seal and refrigerate overnight or for up to 2 days. The compostable containers make these perfect for portable snacking!

Nutrition per parfait: 250 calories, 9g fat, 29g carbs, 13g protein, 4g fiber, 200mg calcium

Whole Grain Banana Nut Muffins

Wholesome and Delicious Banana Nut Muffins - Pregnancy-Friendly Snack

Muffins spell convenience for snacking on the go.

Swap out all-purpose flour for a whole grain like spelt or buckwheat and add mashed banana for natural sweetness and moisture. Mix in walnuts or pecans for some crunch along with nutrition. Boost with ground flaxseed for an omega-3 punch too.

Bake up a batch before your trip and they’ll last 3-4 days stored properly. Easy, nutritious, and delicious!

Here’s one such easy recipe to make a batch of healthy muffins for grab-and-go snacking on your next pregnancy road trip!

  • 2 very ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1 cup spelt flour
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1⁄2 cup chopped walnuts
  • 1⁄4 cup maple syrup
  • 1⁄4 cup olive oil
  • Preheat oven to 375°F. Line 12 cups of a muffin tin with liners or grease.
  • Whisk together dry ingredients in a large bowl. In another bowl, whisk wet ingredients until combined.
  • Gently mix wet ingredients into dry, being careful not to overmix. Divide batter evenly into prepared muffin cups.
  • Bake for 18-22 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow to cool before storing.

Nutrition per muffin: 180 calories, 9g fat, 21g carbs, 4g protein, 4g fiber, 40mg calcium

Veggies & Homemade Dips

Vibrant Veggie Sticks with Homemade Dips - Nutritious and Pregnancy-Friendly Snack

Munching on fresh veggies quashes snack attacks and gives you important pregnancy nutrients like vitamin C, folate, and fiber.

Offering dips adds flavor and makes them even more tasty. Whip up cottage cheese dip, hummus, bean dip, or a quick yogurt ranch mix.

Pair with crunchy, refreshing picks like snap peas, mini peppers, carrots, jicama, cucumbers and celery.

It’s easy to pack an assortment for the journey.

Here’s a recipe for you to dip your way through a snack attack with this fresh and tasty veggie combo!

  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp dried dill
  • 1 garlic clove , minced
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1⁄2 tsp salt
  • Assorted veggie sticks like carrots, celery, peppers, etc.
  • Whisk yogurt, lemon juice, and seasonings together in a small bowl.
  • Serve as a dip alongside chilled raw vegetable sticks.
  • Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Nutrition per 2 tbsp: 25 calories, 0g fat, 2g carbs, 2g protein, 3g fiber, 100mg calcium

Protein-Packed Roasted Chickpeas

Crispy and Protein-Rich Roasted Chickpeas - Healthy Pregnancy-Friendly Snack

Chickpeas pack a nutritional punch with fiber, folate, iron, and protein. Roast them in the oven with olive oil and spices for a crunchy, crave-able snack that’s perfect for the car.

Try cayenne, paprika, garlic powder, or cumin to liven things up. Or go sweet with cinnamon and brown sugar. Either way, they’re tasty and super portable.

Store in reusable containers or bags .

Just beware of potentially gassy side effects!

Here’s one easy recipe for you to whip up a batch of crispy roasted chickpeas for a satisfying crunch on the go!

  • 15 oz canned chickpeas , rinsed and dried
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp chili powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1⁄2 tsp garlic powder
  • Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Toss chickpeas with oil and spices in a medium bowl until fully coated. Spread in a single layer on a sheet.
  • Roast for 35-40 minutes, shaking pan halfway through, until browned and crispy.
  • Let cool completely before packing in a reusable container. Will keep it for up to 1 week.

Nutrition per 1⁄4 cup: 110 calories, 3g fat, 15g carbs, 4g protein, 4g fiber, 50mg calcium

With a little effort, homemade snacks let you control ingredients, skip additives, and personalize to your pregnancy needs. Get the whole family involved to make it more fun!

Embracing Mindful Snacking

When your mind and body need nourishment, snacking guilt has no place. Instead bringing mindfulness to snacking creates a positive experience.

Stay connected to your hunger signals and notice if a craving is emotional or physical. Pause to appreciate flavors and textures.

Minimize distractions to become more attuned to the baby’s movements after eating. Snacking with the intention ultimately nourishes you both.

Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women with Diverse Needs and Dietary Restrictions

When you’re pregnant, it seems everyone has an opinion on what you should and shouldn’t be eating.

If you have food allergies, or intolerances, or are maintaining a special diet like vegan or gluten-free, finding suitable snacks can be even more challenging.

The good news is with a bit of adaptation, healthy snacking is possible for all types of diets on the road.

Vegan Road Trip Snacks for Pregnancy

Colorful and Nutritious Vegan Road Trip Snacks - Pregnancy-Friendly Choices

Sticking to a vegan diet while pregnant simply means avoiding animal products like meat, eggs, and dairy. Getting sufficient protein, iron, calcium, and omega-3s does require some extra attention.

Luckily, there are still plenty of plant-based snacks perfectly suited for road trips. Stock up on these satisfying picks:

  • Fresh or roasted veggies paired with hummus, guacamole, or nut butter
  • Trail mix with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit
  • Apple or banana slices with almond or peanut butter
  • Smoothies made with plant-based milk and protein powder
  • Overnight oats with chia seeds , walnuts, and berries
  • Popcorn sprinkled with nutritional yeast
  • Plant-based protein bars and granola bars
  • Sliced tofu or tempeh

Focusing on incorporating plenty of beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and produce into road trip snacks helps vegan mamas stay nourished.

  • Healthy Vegan Road Trip Snacks: The Ultimate Guide to Elevate Your Delicious and Sustainable Travel
  • Best Vegan Road Trip Snacks: The Ultimate Guide for a Delicious and Nutritious Journey

Gluten-free Road Trip Snacks for Pregnancy

Diverse and Nutritious Gluten-Free Road Trip Snacks - Pregnancy-Friendly Choices

When you’re avoiding gluten found in wheat, barley, and rye while pregnant, sticking to natural whole foods is your best bet for travel snacks.

Check labels to confirm that packaged snacks are also certified gluten-free. Here are some easy gluten-free snacks for the road:

  • Vegetables and guacamole with gluten-free crackers
  • Cheese slices or Greek yogurt
  • Popcorn or roasted chickpeas
  • Smoothies made with gluten-free milk and fruits/greens
  • Apples or bananas with nut butter
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Gluten-free granola bars , nut bars, and fruit snacks

Following a gluten-free diet does make finding convenient snacks more challenging. But loading up your cooler and snack bag ahead helps you stick to it successfully on the go.

RELATED: Healthy Gluten-Free Road Trip Snacks: The Ultimate Guide to Your Delicious and Nutritious Travel Provisions

Dairy-free Road Trip Snacks for Pregnancy

Dairy-Free Delights - Nutritious Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women

If dairy disagrees with you during pregnancy, look for milk substitutes like almond, oat, coconut, hemp, or pea milk. Check labels since milk proteins still sneak into many packaged snacks. These dairy-free options won’t leave you missing out:

  • Smoothies made with your preferred non-dairy milk
  • Sliced fruit with lime juice and chili pepper seasoning
  • Guacamole or hummus with sliced raw veggies
  • Apple or celery sticks with nut butter
  • Plant-based yogurt made from coconut or soy
  • Popcorn lightly sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt

With so many plant-based milk and yogurt options available today, sticking to a dairy-free diet for pregnancy is very doable.

Soy-free Road Trip Snacks for Pregnancy

Soy-Free and Satisfying - Nutritious Snacks for Pregnant Women on the Go

For those avoiding soy due to food sensitivities, allergies, or other concerns, beware of packaged snacks, meat alternatives, canned soups, and bottled dressings containing soy protein or soybean oil.

Check labels diligently. Choose from these soy-free snacks instead:

  • Vegetables or rice crackers with hummus or bean dip
  • Cheese slices or dairy-based yogurt
  • Hard-boiled eggs sliced over greens
  • Cookies or granola bars made with alternative flours and oils
  • Fresh fruits like berries, melon, mango, and pineapple
  • Trail mix soy-free with nuts, seeds, and dried fruit

While eliminating soy does remove some convenient high-protein snack options, with planning you can still eat well on the road.

Store-bought snacks for pregnancy road trips

Convenient and Nutritious Store-Bought Snacks for Pregnant Women on Road Trips

Despite best intentions, preparing everything from scratch isn’t always feasible when prepping for travel while pregnant and needing quick snacks at the ready.

Turn to store-bought snacks you can easily toss in your bag while still getting nutrition. Here are some healthy packaged picks for the car:

  • Low-sugar yogurt and cottage cheese
  • String cheese or laughing cow cheese wedges
  • KIND fruit bars
  • Nature’s Bakery fig or apple bars
  • Mary’s Gone Crackers
  • Hail Merry tarts

Check out your local Whole Foods, Sprouts, Trader Joe’s, or online at Thrive Market for pre-vetted natural snacks free of artificial and questionable ingredients. Convenience without compromise!

The bottom line is nourishment for you and your baby remains the priority when choosing pregnancy snacks, no matter your dietary needs. With extra attention and planning, healthy snacking is achievable on the road for all kinds of diets!

Essential Packing and Storing Tips for Road Trip Snack Success

Smart Snack Packing and Storage for a Smooth Road Trip

Prepping snacks before a road trip reduces headaches down the road – literally! Follow these tips for smooth snacking from start to finish:

  • Pack an insulated cooler bag with ice packs for perishables and items needing refrigeration.
  • Bring reusable containers in varied sizes to corral different snacks.
  • Keep utensils, wet wipes, and napkins handy for easy eating access.
  • Sort snacks into separate containers for each passenger to easily grab their preference.
  • Plan for extras in case pregnancy cravings strike or delays occur en route.

Following sound food safety practices minimizes risk while keeping snacks fresh and appealing. That includes washing produce, avoiding cross-contamination, and packing cold items with ice packs not just loose ice.

Some road trip snack essentials to have on hand include:

  • Fresh fruits and chopped raw veggies
  • Yogurt, cheese and hummus
  • whole grain crackers , granola bars , and pretzels
  • Nut butter sandwiches or lettuce wraps
  • Boiled eggs
  • Milk or nut-based smoothies

Final Verdict on Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women

Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women - A Journey of Nourishment

Healthy snacking is paramount for pregnant mamas at home or on a road trip.

Proper nourishment benefits you and your baby with the nutrients needed for maintaining energy levels, curbing discomforts, and supporting your little one’s growth and development.

Planning ahead and packing nutrient-dense snacks makes travel smoother while keeping your hunger satisfied.

This guide outlined tips for choosing snacks that align with shifting needs across trimesters, minimizing pregnancy discomforts, and accommodating diverse diets and restrictions.

Whether opting for the convenience of store-bought options or taking time for homemade creations, snacking intentionally is achievable on the move.

As you look ahead to your own pregnancy road trip, use the recommendations here to make your planning less stressful.

Pack snacks you enjoy plus a few extras to be prepared for cravings or delays. Stay nourished and comfortable so you can embrace the journey and create special memories even with your growing bump!

For more road trip tips tailored to expecting moms, check out these helpful resources:

  • What to Expect’s guide to road trips while pregnant
  • Parents magazine suggestions for travel snacks when pregnant

Wishing you safe and happy travels ahead! Let me know if you have any other questions.

FAQs: Snacking For Pregnancy Road Trips

Car driving on a scenic road

Still have lingering questions about finding snacks to suit your pregnancy needs on the road? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.

What are the healthiest road trip snacks when pregnant?

Focus on snacks that offer nutrition to nourish you and your baby, like fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, nuts, seeds, whole grain crackers , and nut butter. Hydrating choices like water and milk are smart too.

What snacks help with pregnancy nausea in the car?

Plain crackers, pretzels , popcorn, popsicles, frozen grapes, and cold fruit help settle an upset stomach. Ginger chews, lemon drops, and mint can also curb car sickness.

How do I choose snacks if I have pregnancy food cravings?

Go ahead and indulge cravings in moderation by working nutritious choices into the mix. Just be sure to avoid risky foods. When chocolate or sweets tempt you, try having fresh fruit with a touch of dark chocolate chips.

How should I pack snacks to stay safe for eating?

Use an insulated cooler with ice packs to keep perishable foods chilled. Wash fruits and vegetables ahead if possible. Bring utensils, small plates, and napkins for clean eating. Reusable containers help avoid spills.

What snacks provide the protein needed during pregnancy?

Great protein-rich snack options include Greek yogurt , cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, edamame, nuts, seeds, nut butter sandwiches, protein bars, and smoothies made with protein powder , milk, or yogurt.

Varun Kwatra

Varun Kwatra

Hey you, Wowzer! I'm Varun Kwatra, a road trip enthusiast with a passion for exploring new places and immersing myself in the beauty of the open road.

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14 first-trimester snacks you can actually stomach, according to a nutritionist

acai bowl with a spoon on a table


Eating while dealing with morning sickness is not for the faint-hearted.

Updated March 2, 2022

For many expectant mamas, finding food you actually want to eat during the first weeks of pregnancy can be a challenge, thanks to nausea, food aversions, powerful cravings or digestive woes—or a combination of the above. (We’ve been there too, mama!)

Small meals can help. Regular snacks can be essential in keeping the seemingly endless fatigue and nausea at bay, as when your stomach is empty or your blood sugar gets low, your surging hormones can increase nausea (hello, crackers in your nightstand).

These snacks aim to be both palatable and neutral-tasting enough for when all you really can keep down is a plain bagel or dry cereal, but they’re also packed with additional nutrients to help your body keep doing the important work of growing a baby.

What every mother wants to eat and can tolerate during the first trimester can vary widely, but here are a few of our favorites.

1. Plain Greek yogurt with frozen berries

Greek yogurt has two to three times the amount of protein as regular yogurt, which means that it can help you feel fuller longer and provide you with some of the essential nutrients that your body needs, such as calcium. Paired with thawed berries, this naturally sweet snack will keep your blood sugar balanced and keep you sated for a while—until your next snack, that is.

2. Cottage cheese and pineapple

With 13 grams of protein in half a cup, cottage cheese is one of the best dairy sources of protein. Pair it with super-sweet fresh pineapple for a classic snack that can help you make it through that 3 p.m. slump without needing a snooze.

3. Chia pudding with coconut milk

Soaking tiny chia seeds in coconut milk makes for a stellar plant-based snack that’s also packed with good fats and loads of minerals. Sweeten it to your heart’s content with maple syrup or honey, or add a dollop of jam when serving.

4. Banana smoothie

You may not be able to stomach a green smoothie, especially thicker ones, during your first trimester, but this one is light and simple: Blend 1 cup oat milk, 1/2 frozen banana (sliced), and 1 small orange (peeled) in a high-powered blender. It’s intensely refreshing and packs both calcium and protein.

5. Toast for days

Toast often seems like a wonder food during the first trimester, and while you might crave it topped with just butter, try some smashed avocado and a little salt for a satisfying dose of good fats.

Or top buttered toast with a sliced hard-cooked egg and a little salt or cheese. Some complex carbs, a dose of protein and fat will make your unsettled stomach calm right down.

6. DIY trail mix with dry cereal

Straight-up nuts might not sit so well during the first trimester, but you have a better chance of feeling good if you mix them with some complex carbohydrates. Try Kashi Heart to Heart cereal, Puffins, Crispix or even Kix to make a super snack mix.

7. Banana and nut butter

Bananas are a good source of potassium, and their natural carbohydrates might even make you feel a little l ess queasy. Top wi th a spoonful of peanut or almond butter for a creamy dose of protein.

8. Protein bars

Pregnant people need lots of high-quality protein, so keep a stash of easy-to-digest protein bars on hand. We particularly love them served very cold straight from the fridge as an afternoon or early-morning nibble.

9. Air-popped popcorn

A little salty, a little crunchy and filled with fiber, popcorn can satisfy those cravings for crunchy foods. Make it yourself in the microwave—all you need is a brown paper lunch bag and some kernels, and then top with salt, butter or olive oil, plus grated parmesan or nutritional yeast.

10. Flax crackers and cheese

Saltines are great for keeping nausea at bay, but they won’t fill you up for very long. Trade them in for a cracker with a little more substance (and fiber, protein and good fatty acids) like nutrient-dense flax crackers. You can top them with a bit of cheese or a savory nut-based spread for a mini-meal.

11. Roasted chickpeas

Craving chips or pretzels? Try roasted chickpeas . They’re both crunchy and salty and will likely sit well in your stomach—and they get bonus points for being a solid source of protein, fiber and magnesium.

12. Edamame with sea salt

These steamed soybeans are neutral-tasting but can be a great way to get in a veggie when you can’t even stomach the idea of broccoli or kale. Dust on a bit of sea salt or dip them in soy sauce for a salty snack.

13. Dates with nut butter

Dates are packed with iron and other minerals and are a super sweet way to quell sugar cravings. Thanks to their fiber density, they’ll help keep your blood sugar balanced, to boot.

14. Hard-boiled eggs with everything bagel spice

Trust us on this—a sprinkle of everything bagel seasoning is all you need to make hard-boiled eggs crave-worthy. Oh, and a drizzle of good olive oil on top. Then revel in all the choline and protein you’ll rack up.

Bonus round: 5 first-trimester pregnancy snack combos

1. apples, peanut butter and whole-grain crackers: a power-packed trio.

Apples, peanut butter, and whole-grain crackers make an excellent snack combo to kick start your journey right. Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, this snack is designed to keep you satiated between meals.

Natural peanut butter, spread over slices of apple and whole-grain crackers is a delightful treat. The combo offers a good mix of proteins and fibers, keeping your energy levels steady. Not a fan of peanut butter? Don’t worry; you can try different combinations using almond or cashew nut butter and fruits like pears or bananas.

2. Tortilla Chips and Guacamole: A Crunchy Delight

If you are someone who enjoys a crunch in their snack, whole-grain, higher-fiber tortilla chips paired with guacamole could be your go-to option. The guacamole, rich in folate, a vitamin B essential to prevent birth defects, is a nutritious dip choice. Add to this the heart-healthy fats present in avocados, and you have a snack that is both healthy and delicious. For an alternative protein-rich dip, try a bean dip.

3. Yogurt, Nuts and Fruit: A Trio of Goodness

Including three servings of low-fat dairy in your daily diet can ensure that you and your baby get enough calcium for strong bones and teeth. Greek yogurt, which is high in protein, can be a more filling choice. You can top it with a sprinkle of nuts for added protein and fiber, and a serving of fruits like berries or diced peaches, making it a wholesome and delicious snack.

4. Chocolate and Fruit: A Sweet Surprise

Craving chocolate? You’re in luck! Chocolate may lower your risk of preeclampsia, a condition that can cause high blood pressure and organ damage in some pregnant women. Pair a small portion of chocolate with fruit to balance the sweetness. You could even opt for chocolate-covered fruit ! Chocolate pudding made with low-fat milk or chocolate yogurt can also be a great dairy-boosting snack.

5. Trail Mix: A Portable Snack

For those who love a mix of sweet and savory, trail mix can be an ideal snack. The best trail mixes contain salt-free nuts, sugar-free dried fruit, and dark chocolate. These ingredients provide the fiber, iron, and other vital minerals to support your health. You can create your own mix at home or buy a ready-made one. Some trail mixes come in single-serve packs, making them easy to carry around.

Frequently Asked Questions

What snacks are safe in pregnancy.

Safe snacks during pregnancy include plain Greek yogurt, fresh fruits like apples or berries, and whole-grain crackers with cheese. Remember, mama, to choose snacks that feel good to your tummy and energize you.

What should I eat in my first trimester of pregnancy?

Focus on light, nutrient-rich foods like smoothies, avocado toast, and cottage cheese with pineapple. Small, frequent meals can help with nausea and ensure you’re getting the vitamins and minerals both you and your baby need.

What are good protein snacks for the first trimester?

Good protein snacks include hard-boiled eggs, a handful of almonds, or a slice of whole-grain toast with peanut butter. These can help keep your energy up and support your baby’s growth.

Can I eat junk in the first trimester?

It’s okay to indulge a craving now and then, but try to keep junk food to a minimum. Opt for healthier alternatives that satisfy your cravings but also provide nutrients. Remember, it’s all about balance, mama!

What is unsafe in the first trimester?

Avoid raw fish, undercooked meats, and unpasteurized cheeses to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Also, steer clear of high-caffeine drinks and any substances not recommended during pregnancy.

Can I eat Chick-fil-A while pregnant?

Yes, you can enjoy Chick-fil-A occasionally, but opt for grilled items over fried. Be mindful of portion sizes and balance it out with a fruit cup or side salad.

Why is my belly so big at 6 weeks pregnant?

Every mama’s body reacts differently to pregnancy. A bigger belly can be due to bloating, the way your baby is positioned, or it might just be your body’s unique response to pregnancy.

What fruits should pregnant women avoid?

It’s best to avoid high-mercury fruits like some types of fish and unpasteurized juices. Also, limit intake of papaya, pineapple, and grapes in the first trimester as some believe they might not be ideal.

What foods help prevent miscarriage?

While no specific food can prevent miscarriage, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can support a healthy pregnancy. Remember to stay hydrated and take your prenatal vitamins, mama!

A version of this post was posted on November 24, 2015. It has been updated.

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21 Top Healthy Travel Snacks (Dietitian Approved)

Wondering what a registered dietitian brings to eat while traveling to stay healthy? I’m sharing my favorite dietitian approved healthy travel snacks that are nutrient dense and low in added sugar.

I love traveling but it quickly becomes no fun when I don’t feel my best (aka my digestion is off) or come home with a cold. These healthy travel snack ideas will help you fuel you up for any adventure, plus, they’re packed with the good nutrition you need to feel your best while traveling.

I’m sure there will be no shortage of delicious where ever you’re going, however it’s important to pack some strategic, nutrient dense snacks for planes, trains and all those other moments when you just need something in between meals.

I was also recently quoted with my picks for the best things for a quick travel breakfast in this Huffington Post article “ Best Breakfast Foods To Eat When You’re Traveling, And Why It Matters .”

Healthy Airport Dining Options

Being hangry with a delayed flight and limited food options is no way to kick off a trip or vacation. While you can’t control what curveballs might come your way while traveling, you can control what snacks you pack to have on hand for any travel situation! A little planning a head of time to pack snacks is to key to fueling up and feeling your best while traveling.

Airports have definitely come a long way when it comes to food choices. At O’Hare airport there are a few different local Chicago restaurants and a couple of Cibo Express locations throughout the airport that stock many of the snacks on my list of healthy travel snacks below and I know a lot of other airports are expanding their options which is great.

4 Key things to Look For in a Healthy Travel Snack

1. protein content.

Snacks with protein take longer for our body to digest vs. carbs. That’s the reason eating a snack that is all carbs doesn’t work to keep us full for that long. Packing high protein snacks will help ensure that the snack will keep you fuller for longer and fueled up for travel and activities.

2. Fiber Content

When you’re reading a nutrition label check the fiber content. Why? Fiber helps to keep us fuller for longer and is needed for healthy digestion. I would say it’s even more important while traveling because long flights and adjusting to new time zones can mess with our digestion and cause constipation.

To prevent constipation while traveling make it a point to incorporate fibrous foods like fruits, veggies and nuts and seeds. And for packaged snacks, anything above 3 grams of fiber is considered a good source of fiber, and 5 or more is considered “high in fiber”.

3. Sugar Content

Sugar content will vary from snack to snack. Fruit, veggies and dried fruits contain natural sugars, whereas some packaged snacks can contain a lot of added sugar. Bars are notorious for their sugar content, which is why you want to pick ones that are lower in sugar and contain protein and fiber.

4. Portability

Simple, mess free and easy to pull out of your bag when you’re running from gate to gate! This is a must for snacks which is why I like all of packaged items on the list below or packing fruits/veggies from home in a reusable stasher bag !

21 Dietitian Approved Healthy Travel Snacks

These 20 dietitian approved travel snacks include ones that are high in protein, low in sugar, gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo-friendly options. They’re easy to stash in your bag and take with you whenever your travels take you!

  • Nut Butter Packets
  • Purely Elizabeth Individual Oatmeal Cups or Plain Oatmeal Packets
  • CHOMPS Meat Sticks
  • KIND Zero Added Sugar Bars
  • That’s It Fruit Bars
  • Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers Snack Packs
  • Nuts or Low-Sugar Trail Mix
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Portable Fruit & Veggie Slices
  • Olive Pouches
  • Dried Fruit
  • Air Popped Popcorn
  • Hard-Boiled Eggs
  • Ella’s Flats
  • Low Sugar Yogurt
  • Homemade Wrap/Sandwich
  • Low Sugar Granola
  • Nut Butter Stuffed Dates
  • Roasted Chickpeas
  • Baked Cheese Crisps
  • Tuna Pouches

1. Nut Butter Packets

A good source of plant-based protein and fat for staying power, I love stashing these in my bag for a quick snack. Pair with a piece of fruit or add to oatmeal to make it a bigger snack / smaller meal.

2. Purely Elizabeth individual oatmeal cups or plain oatmeal pouches

Great for breakfast or a snack in between flights, oatmeal will give you extra fiber (extra important for digestion when you’re off your routine!) Get plain pouches and add your own fruit and nut butter or opt for these from Purely Elizabeth that are low in sugar and high in fiber.

3. CHOMPS meat sticks

A great on-the-go source of protein that you can eat while walking, each stick has 9-10 grams of protein per stick, no added fillers and no added sugar — it doesn’t get much better than that! They’re also gluten free, dairy free, AIP friendly, whole30 approved and low carb.

4. KIND Zero Added Sugar Bars

With around 7 grams of fiber per bar and 5 grams of protein these are a no brainer to stash in your bag for any type of travel. I love the caramel almond sea salt flavor!

5. That’s It Fruit Bars

Made from fruit, these bars are a good option to pair with a snack that contains protein like nuts or a meat stick for a well rounded snack that’s bright and flavorful from the fruit bar.

6. Simple Mills almond flour crackers

These are my favorite crackers because they’re made with nutrient dense ingredients and nothing artificial. They’re gluten free and perfect for pairing with any kind of dip or hummus.

7. Nut packets or low-sugar trail mix

Think pistachios, almonds, or walnuts. You can find Wonderful Pistachios at most airports and I really like these pistachio snack packs that are easy to stash in any purse.

Trail mix is another great option, but be sure to check the ingredient label as many contain added sugars and extra oils. If you have the time, throw one together at home with nuts and seeds!

8. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a good source of plant-based protein, fiber and magnesium. Magnesium also known as the calming mineral can help with calmness and relaxation which we could all use while traveling, you know?!

9. Portable Fruit & Veggie Slices

Think apple slices, berries, or a banana. Cut them up ahead of time and store in a stasher bag to snack on in flight or in any other on-the-go travel situation. Prepare some carrots, celery, or pepper slices in a bag ahead of time to snack on on-the-go.

10. Olive Pouches

If you love a salty snack these olive pouches are perfect plus they’re a good source of healthy fat. Pair with crackers and cheese for the start of an adult lunchable.

11. Dried Fruit

Think dried mango, apple rings, prunes, unsweetened banana chips. Here again it’s important to look at the label because there can be added sugar included. Dried fruit is sweet enough as is, so just make sure you see one ingredient (the fruit) only! Target has a great selection of dried fruit from their Good & Gather line.

12. Air Popped Popcorn

Popcorn contains about 3 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein per serving depending on the type and is another easy one to pack to satisfy the taste for something a little salty. I like these individual bags from Pipcorn .

13. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Eating hard-boiled eggs on a plain might be controversial (!!) but if you’re in a travel situation where you feel like you can bust them out, go for it because they’re a great source of protein (around 7 grams per large egg) and other essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin D and B vitamins to help you feel your best.

14. Ella’s Flats

Getting enough fiber while traveling can be hard, plus it’s normal for our digestion to be off after a long flight, little sleep and time zone changes. These high fiber seed crackers are great to have on hand when travel constipation strikes. Dress them with hummus or avocado for a good high fiber snack.

15. Low Sugar Yogurt

Grab this on the other side of security (yogurt is not TSA approved) and opt for one that’s low in sugar and contains simple ingredients like siggi’s or fage.

16. Homemade Wrap/Sandwich

This is one of the best ways to make sure you have a snack/meal that is balanced and will keep you full for most of your travel. I recommend using a whole-grain bread, adding a source of protein like turkey, a veggie or two, and hummus.

17. Low Sugar Granola

Granola can make for a good snack but it’s important to be aware that many are packed with added sugar. I love Purely Elizabeth granola because it’s lower in sugar than most.

18. Nut Butter Stuffed Dates

Dates make for a great travel snack because they’re high in fiber and easy to take on-the-go. Opt for pitted dates, and fill with almond or peanut butter for a balanced snack with staying power.

19. Roasted Chickpeas

A good snack that contains plant-based protein and fiber if you’re sick of nuts are roasted chickpeas . They’re also easy to make at home, so you can make a big batch and share with your travel partner.

20. Baked Cheese Crisps

With 9 grams of protein per serving, these baked cheese crips are a fun snack with staying power. Perfect to pair with a meat stick for a savory snack situation or toss into a homemade trail mix for some flavor and texture diversity.

21. Tuna Pouches

I recently discovered these very inexpensive and convenient tuna pouches that make for a great pantry staple and travel snack. Pair with some crackers for a quick, protein packed snack (15 grams of protein per pouch!) and I didn’t find that these omitted a fishy smell when opened so that’s a plus!

High Protein Snacks for Travel

Out of all of these snacks, if you’re looking specifically for higher protein snacks for travel (or at least more than 5g per serving), I recommend the following:

  • CHOMPS meat sticks
  • Pistachio Packets

More Healthy Snack Suggestions

  • 25 Healthy Road Trip Snacks Nutritionists Swear By
  • Best Protein Packed Snacks for Women
  • 20 Healthy Dairy-Free Snacks Approved By Dietitians
  • 13 Healthy Crackers Approved By Dietitian

Hydration Essentials for Healthy Travel

  • Electrolyte packets. For international travel, I recommend one packet per day plus a couple extra. I cannot stress enough how important it is to travel with these to help prevent dehydration and in case you start to not feel good while traveling. The European sun is no joke in the summer and when you’re walking around all day dehydration can definitely happen. I recommend this brand and this brand .
  • Empty Water Bottle. BYO bottle to refill at the airport to help with hydration. Sometimes it’s hard to drink enough water especially after a long flight and when your first adjusting to a new time zone so having a water bottle with you is a great way to help keep hydration up.

This post contains affiliate links which means I may get a commission if you click one of the links and end up buying something.

This article has been updated and edited. Originally Posted: June 20, 2019

 How to Build a Snack Board 

Veggie & rice spring rolls with thai peanut sauce, wild wonders® stuffed pepper taco boats, apple, brie and prosciutto flatbread, fall farro salad with delicata squash, creamy vegan pumpkin soup, one thought on “ 21 top healthy travel snacks (dietitian approved) ”.

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12 Healthy Snack Ideas During Pregnancy

Preparing healthy snacks during pregnancy can help ensure you're getting optimal nutritionand supporting your baby's growth and development.

As your body grows and adjusts, you may experience appetite changes. Food cravings , as well as aversions, are extremely common in pregnancy —and so is fatigue . Because you're tired, stocking your pantry with ingredients to prepare easy-to-make, healthful snacks is essential.

In the first trimester, you may find that you can only eat small portions at a time due to morning sickness, increasing your need for snacks. By the second and third trimester, energy needs increase and healthy snacks can help ensure you're getting adequate nutrition.

Verywell / Jessica Olah

This article will provide you with tips for healthy pregnancy snacks, as well as offering 12 healthy snack ideas for pregnancy to keep you and your developing baby safe, nourished, and happy.

What to Eat During Pregnancy

To optimize maternal health and support fetal growth and development, it's important to eat a well-balanced diet that contains foods from all food groups. This can include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, high-quality protein, and dairy products. It's also important to wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them to reduce the chance of ingesting "bad" bacteria.

If you experience morning sickness, you can try replacing large meals with healthy snacks every one to two hours and drinking plenty of fluids to help reduce nausea.

12 Healthy Snack Ideas

During pregnancy, it's always good to have snacks on hand. These healthy snacks are satisfying and packed with nutrients to keep you and your baby nourished.

Carrots and Hummus

Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Serving: 6-8 baby carrots and 1/4 cup hummus Calories: 176

Not only are raw veggies like carrots and bell peppers crunchy and delicious, but they're also much lower in fat and sodium than traditional chips. Pair them with hummus for a tasty, nutrient-rich snack.

Yogurt and Fruit Parfait

kirin_photo / Getty Images

Serving: 1/2 cup whole-milk Greek yogurt, 1/4 cup berries, 2 tablespoons nuts or granola Calories: 225

Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium . It's also packed with probiotics to promote a healthy digestive system. Pair with fresh berries for an antioxidant-rich, nutritious snack to help you stay satisfied until your next meal.

A Greek yogurt parfait with fruit packs protein, calcium, magnesium , and vitamin B12 to help your baby grow and develop. The berries also add vitamin C, folate , and manganese .

Rice Cakes With Nut Butter

MSPhotographic / Getty Images

Serving : 2 plain rice cakes and 2 tablespoons almond butter Calories: 242

If you're experiencing a sweet tooth, spread nut butter on a rice cake for a satisfying, midday snack. You can also prepare it with a banana or dark chocolate chips for an extra-sweet treat.

Cottage Cheese With Berries

LauriPatterson / Getty Images

Serving: 1 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 cup berries Calories: 198

With nearly 11 grams of protein per serving, cottage cheese is a nutritious on-the-go snack for pregnancy. It's also a good source of calcium to keep your teeth and bones strong. Pair it with fresh berries for added flavor and nutrients.

Nuts or Trail Mix

Elizaveta Antropova / Getty Images

Serving: 1 ounce (about 23 almonds) Calories: 167

Nuts and seeds are always great to have on hand because they require little preparation. They're also rich in protein, healthy fats , and vitamins and minerals to keep you satisfied when a craving strikes. Almonds and other nuts also pair nicely with string cheese for a filling on-the-go snack.

Food & Wine / Samantha Lande

Serving: 3 cups air-popped popcorn Calories: 100

Popcorn is a whole grain and is high in fiber and can be a healthy snack when it's air-popped and lightly seasoned. However, it's best to skip or limit popcorn that's coated in sugar, such as caramel corn.

Egg on English Muffin

Juanmonino / Getty Images

Serving: 1 English muffin and 1 scrambled egg Calories: 208

During pregnancy, it's crucial to get enough vitamin D to maintain proper levels of calcium. Egg yolks contain a high amount of vitamins D, A, E, and K.

Simply scramble an egg and serve it on a toasted English muffin for a convenient, nutritious breakfast meal. Remember to make sure the yolk is cooked thoroughly to destroy any harmful bacteria.

Serving: 1/2 banana, 1 cup raspberries, 1 cup almond milk, 1 tablespoon nut butter, 1/2 cup ice Calories: 270 calories

Drinking smoothies during your pregnancy can maximize your nutrition and counteract morning sickness. B vitamins , especially vitamin B6 can help with nausea associated with early pregnancy. It can also support the healthy development of your growing baby.

Fill your smoothie full of natural sources of B6 like bananas, spinach, walnuts, and avocados.

Boiled Eggs

Laurie Ambrose / Getty Images

Serving: 1 hard-boiled egg Calories: 78

Eggs are chock-full of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals necessary to support both you and your baby's nutrient requirements throughout pregnancy. The egg's yolk is a great source of choline, which is essential for your baby's brain development.

Avocado Toast

ArxOnt / Getty Images

Serving: 1 slice whole-wheat toast and 1/4 avocado Calories: 142

Avocados contain large amounts of key nutrients you need during pregnancy, such as folate, healthy fats, and potassium . Pair it with whole-grain toast, and you've got yourself a fiber-filled satisfying snack.

To make, mash the avocado in a bowl and season with salt and pepper to taste. Spread on a slice or two of toasted whole-grain bread.

Apple and Cheese

Serving: 1 apple and 1 ounce cheese Calories: 214 Apples offer filling fiber, as well as vitamins A and C, and potassium. Plus, cheese supplies calcium, protein, and fat for a satisfying snack.

Bananas and Sunbutter

Pridannikov / Getty Images

Serving: 1 banana and 1 tablespoon sunbutter Calories: 200

Bananas are one of the easiest on-the-go pregnancy snacks. They're high in carbohydrates which can help you maintain energy throughout the day when pregnancy fatigue strikes. They are also high in potassium, vitamin B6, and fiber.

Adding sunbutter supplies some protein, healthy fats, and magnesium.

Pregnancy can be a rewarding, exciting journey. At the same time, it can be overwhelming. Growing a baby takes a toll on your body. During pregnancy, your body requires larger amounts of certain nutrients, including folic acid, protein, iodine, iron, and calcium.

In addition, pregnancy causes fatigue, making it difficult to plan and prepare nutritious, healthy meals each day. Focusing on eating healthy and incorporating easy-to-make, simple snacks can help you meet your nutritional needs and support your baby's growth and development.

MyPlate. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding .

MedlinePlus. Morning sickness .

Réhault-Godbert S, Guyot N, Nys Y. The golden egg: nutritional value, bioactivities, and emerging benefits for human health .  Nutrients . 2019;11(3):684. doi:10.3390/nu11030684

American Pregnancy Association. Natural sources of vitamin B during pregnancy .

Korsmo HW, Jiang X, Caudill MA. Choline: exploring the growing science on its benefits for moms and babies .  Nutrients . 2019;11(8):1823. doi:10.3390/nu11081823

Nieman DC, Gillitt ND, Henson DA, et al. Bananas as an energy source during exercise: a metabolomics approach .  PLoS One . 2012;7(5):e37479. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037479

By Lindsey DeSoto, RD, LD Lindsey DeSoto, RD, is a registered dietitian specializing in nutrition and health and wellness content.

best travel snacks for pregnancy

  • Health & Wellness

19 Healthy Pregnancy Snacks to Satisfy All Your Cravings

profile picture of Natalie Gontcharova

Figuring out what to eat while pregnant and which foods to avoid can feel like solving an intricate puzzle. But one thing’s for sure: You need lots of healthy pregnancy snacks to keep you feeling fueled and full. (This is your sign to stock up!)

Healthy snacks for pregnancy ensure you get the additional calories you need when growing baby, says Natalie Carroll , RDN, a registered dietitian and lactation counselor specializing in women’s health. For the record, most pregnant people need about 340 extra calories a day during the second trimester and 450 extra daily calories during the third trimester, notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although individual needs vary. That’s an extra one or two pregnancy snacks!

Another good reason to eat more bits and bites? “Snacks are often better tolerated later in pregnancy, when we often cannot eat a whole meal without feeling too full,” says Carroll. But how do you make sure your pregnancy snacks are actually healthy for you and baby? We consulted the experts for the nutritional lowdown. Read ahead to learn about the best snacks for pregnancy, healthy alternatives for cravings and more.

What Are the Best Snacks for Pregnancy?

The best snacks for pregnancy include a combination of carbohydrates, healthy fats, animal- or plant-based protein and fiber , says Carroll. “A combination of these nutrients will ensure that you’re getting a snack that’ll satisfy and satiate your hunger while promoting stable blood sugars, which is important in pregnancy—and anytime, really!” she says.

Balancing your nutrients when it comes to healthy pregnancy snacks is also key if you’re experiencing morning sickness . “If you’re in a state of survival mode because of nausea and vomiting, eating what you can keep down is important,” says Ryann Kipping , RDN, a registered dietitian, and owner and founder of The Prenatal Nutritionist. “Try eating something blander and carb-rich first to settle your stomach, like crackers, then follow it up with protein or fat, like cheese. If you really don’t feel like eating anything at all, you can also try more plain foods without strong odors or flavors, like cereal with milk or a strawberry smoothie.”

Carroll agrees, adding that carbs on their own can lead to a blood sugar crash, ultimately causing more nausea or fatigue. She suggests topping your bread with avocado, or adding some pistachios to whole-grain graham crackers. Eating frequent mini meals or snacks can also help alleviate nausea.

Building your snacks around the key nutrients of protein, fat and fiber “will [also] help decrease intense sweet cravings because meals with plenty of protein and fat decrease the rapid rise in your blood sugar,” Kipping says. That said, pregnancy cravings are normal, and it’s okay to indulge from time to time. “In most cases, I recommend eating exactly what you crave and then moving on with your day,” says Kipping. “When we often make the ‘healthy alternative,’ we still crave what we initially wanted and then eat it later.”

Then again, you might have pregnancy food aversions that can keep you from eating the pregnancy snacks you typically enjoy. In that case, fruit can be your best friend, says Carroll. “Fruit can often be a safe, nutrient-dense choice that provides carbohydrates for energy, fiber for bowel regularity and satiety, and hydration,” she says.

Healthy Pregnancy Snack Recipes

If you’re looking for healthy pregnancy snacks that you can whip up at home, here are a few of our favorite recipes .

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Peanut butter energy bites

Looking for healthy sweet snacks during pregnancy? These fiber-filled peanut butter bites from Kipping’s The Feel-Good Pregnancy Cookbook will satisfy your craving and give you the extra energy you need.

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • ½ cup dark chocolate chips
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • ½ cup ground flaxseed
  • 2 tbl. chia seeds
  • ⅓ cup unsweetened coconut shreds (optional)
  • Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
  • Form ingredients into 1-inch balls. Store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Sweet potato fries

This satisfying pregnancy snack from Kipping’s book uses avocado oil, which increases your absorption of key nutrients in the sweet potatoes.

  • 2 small to medium sweet potatoes, cut into 3-inch spears
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. garlic powder
  • 2 tbl. avocado oil
  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Fill a large mixing bowl with cold water, add the potato spears and allow them to soak for 30 minutes. This reduces the starch content of the potatoes, allowing them to crisp up when baked. (You can skip this step if you’re short on time.)
  • If you soaked the potatoes, drain the water and dry them with a paper towel. Add the salt, pepper, garlic powder and oil to the bowl and toss to coat the potatoes.
  • Spread the fries out evenly on the prepared baking sheet, making sure they aren’t overlapping each other, if possible.
  • Bake for 15 minutes. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and flip the potatoes. Bake for an additional 15 minutes, or until you notice the fries turning brown on the edges.

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Home-baked kale chips

Kipping’s kale chips are the perfect pregnancy snack if you’re craving something crunchy and salty.

  • 1 bunch kale, torn into bite-size pieces
  • 1 tbl. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp. garlic salt
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
  • Place the kale pieces in a large mixing bowl and toss with oil and garlic salt.
  • Spread the kale out in an even layer on the prepared baking sheet.
  • Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Blueberry lemon cottage cheese muffins

“These have whole-grain flour, antioxidant-rich blueberries and protein-packed cottage cheese,” says Carroll. “You can eat [them] on their own or pair with some nuts or a cheese stick to make it more filling.”

  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup white, whole-wheat flour
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup coconut sugar
  • 2 tsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. baking soda
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1 cup full-fat cottage cheese
  • ⅓ cup avocado or olive oil
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest
  • 3 tbl. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. vanilla or almond extract
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Line 12 muffin cups with paper liners.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together flour, sugars, baking powder, baking soda, salt and nutmeg. Set aside.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, cottage cheese, butter, lemon zest, lemon juice and vanilla.
  • Stir egg mixture into flour mixture just until moistened; fold in blueberries. Divide batter evenly among prepared muffin cups.
  • Bake for 20 to 22 minutes or until muffins are golden brown and tops spring back when lightly pressed. Place pan on rack; let cool.

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Cannoli dip with graham crackers

Carroll says she created this sweet dip when she was pregnant. It’s perfect if you have a sweet pregnancy craving!

  • ¼ to ⅓ cup of full-fat ricotta cheese (you can also use cottage cheese blended in a food processor until smooth)
  • ¼ tsp. almond extract (sub vanilla, if desired)
  • Drizzle of honey, to your taste
  • 2 tsp. slivered almonds
  • 2 tsp. mini chocolate chips
  • 1 serving graham cracker or thin cookie
  • Mix all ingredients except the crackers in a small bowl or ramekin.
  • Serve and scoop with graham crackers or cookies.

Healthy Pregnancy Snack Ideas

When pregnancy fatigue doesn’t leave you with a ton of time to cook, these healthy quick snacks for pregnancy can save the day.

Fruit and nuts (or nut butter)

Pair a banana, apple or clementine with a package of raw nuts, suggests Carroll. Kipping also suggests dipping an apple or banana into a nut butter. (Bananas and peanut butter are a delicious classic!)

Protein stick and popcorn

Pair a turkey or beef stick with a bag of prepackaged popcorn (sweet or savory) for a healthy protein snack for pregnancy, says Carroll.

Cottage cheese and fruit

If you’re looking for healthy bedtime snacks for pregnancy, top ½ cup of cottage cheese with cut-up cantaloupe or pineapple. “I like a protein snack before bed to help stabilize overnight blood sugar levels and promote satiety,” says Carroll.

Yogurt, berries and nuts

Top a serving of low-sugar or plain Greek yogurt (you can sweeten it with honey or maple syrup) with ¼ cup of berries and a few tablespoons of sliced almonds, suggests Carroll. You can also add chia seeds to your yogurt for extra protein, suggests Kipping.

Sweet trail mix

You can use raw almonds or cashews, unsweetened dried cherries and dark chocolate chips—or other ingredients you like—to create a sweet trail mix to munch on, suggests Carroll.

Hummus, raw veggies and pita

Chop up some of your favorite veggies, unwrap some pita bread and you’re good to go.

Baked potato with yogurt and chives

The creamy, rich mix of the potato with yogurt will satisfy many a craving. Bonus: It’s super easy to make!

Mixed berry smoothie

Mix some frozen berries with milk and enjoy. Thick, creamy and sweet, you’ll get the satisfaction of slurping up a milkshake—without the sugar crash.

Chips and salsa

You may not be able to have a margarita while pregnant, but you can certainly enjoy this nutritious snack. Salsa is loaded with fresh tomatoes and veggies. You can also chop up some extra carrots, zucchini or whatever you’re prepping for dinner and you’ve got yourself a delicious, dippable crunch fest.

Avocado toast

Of course this now-classic makes our list. Mash up half an avocado (aka your dose of good fats), slather onto whole-grain toast, and give it a squeeze of lemon. You can drizzle it with honey for a bit of sweetness.

Hard-boiled egg with crackers

Egg is loaded with protein, calcium and vitamin A—an all-around win if you’re looking for healthy pregnancy snacks.

Oatmeal, walnuts and raisins

Topping your oatmeal with nuts and raisins will give you a mini meal with plenty of protein, fiber and healthy fats.

Whole-wheat bagel with almond butter

This is another winning combination of fiber, protein and healthy fats.

This sushi-bar staple makes for a tasty pregnancy snack. Just toss a serving in the microwave and you’ve got your afternoon vitamin C hit. You can pair it with a whole-grain carb too.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

Plus, more from The Bump:

How to Eat a Healthy Pregnancy Diet

How to Choose the Best Prenatal Vitamins

Here’s What’s Up with Those Pregnancy Cravings

Natalie Carroll , MS, RDN, CDN, CLC, is a registered dietitian and lactation counselor specializing in women’s health. She specializes in working with people with prediabetes, gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Ryann Kipping , MPH, RDN, LDN, is a registered dietitian, owner and founder of The Prenatal Nutritionist, and author of The Feel-Good Pregnancy Cookbook .

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Weight Gain During Pregnancy , June 2022

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pregnant woman eating a salad in kitchen at home

Healthy eating for pregnancy, postpartum & breastfeeding

50+ easy healthy pregnancy snacks (high protein + low sugar).

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Busy Mom? You need this healthy & easy meal prep plan with grocery list and prep instructions in your life!

Need healthy, milk boosting snacks? Click here to get your copy of our best homemade breastfeeding snacks!

Are you a hungry pregnant mom who needs more energy? Are you trying to have a healthy pregnancy? There are lots of real food, healthy pregnancy snacks that can help you curb cravings, boost nutrients and give you more energy. Snacking can be good for you when you choose your snacks wisely. This list of healthy snacks for pregnancy is based on nourishing, nutrient dense foods so that you can snack without the guilt.

During pregnancy you need to eat A LOT of good food to grow a healthy baby.

Eating snacks 2-3 times per day is a good idea to help balance blood sugar and boost energy. Nutrient dense snacks and healthy pregnancy recipes can give you the extra boost you need.

Taking care of yourself and eating well will help make it easier to have a healthy pregnancy .

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List of Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

The pregnancy snacks in this list are based on the basic principles of nourishing your pregnant body outlined in this post here . The snacks are generally gluten free and paleo friendly.

These are great healthy snacks for pregnancy cravings as they are low and sugar and high in protein.

The pregnancy snack ideas listed are divided into the following categories:

  • Low glycemic fruit
  • Snacks high in protein
  • Iron rich snacks
  • Nutrient dense snacks
  • Healthy fat snacks

Many of the snacks fall into multiple categories! The best effort has been made to arrange them appropriately for quick reference.

The focus here is on real food snacks that are easy to prepare, or that you can buy.

Getting close to your due date? You might also want to check out our list of snacks for labor !

This pregnancy grocery list has lots of good ideas too.

Stocking your fridge and pantry with the healthiest foods will make it easy to choose wisely.

Want to know the easiest way to get more pregnancy superfoods in daily? Upgrade your snacks and drinks!

Sign up below to download our FREE healthy drink and snack list based on the BEST foods for pregnancy .

Print it out and put it on your fridge to make healthy eating during pregnancy EASIER. 

This list of healthy snacks is not just for pregnancy though! It is also useful for postpartum, breastfeeding and busy mom life. Eating nourishing snacks is a habit that all moms can use!

If you’d like to learn more about how to eat the best possible diet while pregnant for growing a healthy baby, check out the Perfect Pregnancy Plan .

Low Glycemic Fruit – Snack Ideas while Pregnant

Keeping your blood sugar balanced is important during pregnancy. These low glycemic fruits can be good choices for keeping gestational diabetes under control.

  • Grapefruits
  • Strawberries – read more about the benefits of strawberries while pregnant
  • Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries

Check out these pregnancy smoothie recipes containing the fruits above.

High Protein Snacks for Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need extra protein.

Boost your protein and get extra energy with these high protein snacks for pregnancy.

  • Peanut, almond, or sunbutter with celery, apple slices, gluten free toast or crackers
  • Rice cakes with nut butter, bananas, raisins and hemp seeds
  • Pregnancy energy balls – with almonds, date fruit and cacao.
  • Goji Berries
  • Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, pepitas
  • Natural beef jerky

Iron Rich Pregnancy Snacks

Have low iron levels during pregnancy? Boost your body and avoid pregnancy anemia with these iron rich snack ideas.

  • Kale or spinach and artichoke dip
  • Liver – meatballs or pate   (there’s a lot of concern about the safety of eating liver during pregnancy, so check out this deep dive into the research , so you can understand why you should be eating this superfood.)
  • Roasted chickpeas
  • Vegan Green Hummus – a super healthy homemade version from Fit as a Mama Bear 
  • Quinoa granola bars
  • Dried fruit including raisins, peaches, or prunes
  • Peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews, or sunflower seeds

Nutrient Dense Snacks to Eat while Pregnant

All of these snack ideas have a variety of nutrients and superfoods to help you grow a healthy baby.

  • Homemade larabars – These Coconut Cream Larabars are fantastic (I made them for my last labor)
  • Homemade energy bites/balls – these can be customized and made ahead
  • Seaweed snacks, nori
  • Smoothies – like my favorite green smoothie  
  • Dark chocolate
  • Deviled eggs with avocado
  • Eggs for scrambles, omelets, egg sandwiches, or hard boiled eggs
  • Overnight oats or Soaked oatmeal
  • Granola – this is my favorite granola recipe and favorite store-brought brand
  • Cut up fresh veggies (cucumbers, carrots, baby tomatoes, broccoli, celery) with homemade yogurt dip
  • Lemon salted cucumbers
  • Keto pretzels – made with almond meal!
  • Dried fruit – dates, apricots or cranberries
  • Beet hummus, white bean hummus or carrot hummus
  • Yogurt – Greek or homemade with toppings hemp seeds, flax seeds, chia seeds, granola, fresh fruit (banana, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc.) Eat alone, as pregnancy smoothies or in smoothie bowl. Use raw honey or pure maple syrup as sweetener.

Healthy Fat Snacks for Pregnancy

All of these healthy snacks for pregnancy help to boost your healthy fats such as Omega 3’s.

  • Coconut manna/butter – sooooo amazing by the spoonful, or in baked goods or smoothies
  • Cheesecake bites – made using cream cheese, coconut oil or grass fed butter these are more like a dessert that’s good for you. More pregnancy desserts here.
  • Coconut oil fudge – so easy to make, has natural sugar, and is loaded with healthy fats so eat as much as you want and no guilt.
  • Chia pudding
  • Buttered radishes with Kerry Gold butter – seriously good way to get in healthy fats!
  • Wild-caught canned sardines, anchovies, and smoked oysters – also a good source of DHA
  • Gluten free bagel with cream cheese + smoked salmon + avocado (optional add: red onion, capers, tomato)
  • Ice cream or popsicles made with coconut milk – this Cashew Butter Fudge Coconut Ice Cream also has date fruit which can help with an easy labor !

Now that’s A LOT of good food to fill your hungry belly!

What are your favorite healthy pregnancy snacks ? Share with us on the comments below or with the hashtag #birtheatlove on Instagram!

Figuring out what to eat for a healthy pregnancy doesn’t have to be stressful! Join the Birth Eat Love Community below for resources to have you eating well and feeling your best!

Keep Reading about Healthy Eating during Pregnancy…

  • Top Real Food Pregnancy Diet Questions Answered
  • The Ultimate Postpartum Grocery List and Meal Ideas  – food to stock up on before baby!
  • 7 Reasons to Love Real Food for Pregnancy
  • 7 Steps to Planning Healthy Pregnancy Meals Using Pinterest

Need more healthy pregnancy meal ideas? Check out these recipe collections (just for pregnant Moms)!

7 Healthy Pregnancy Breakfast Ideas

Your Quick Guide to Lunch Ideas for Pregnancy

Healthy Pregnancy Dinner Recipes (Superfood Edition)

9 Instant Pot Pregnancy Recipes

Healthy Pregnancy Drinks (that are yummy and actually good for you)

Save this post for later! Click the Pinterest button to see additional images to pin!

More snack ideas for moms.

Breastfeeding Snacks (to make more milk)

Best Postpartum Snacks

Healthy Pregnancy Made Easy!

A 1-page PDF with 17 Ways to Nourish Your Pregnant Body . Learn what to eat daily, a few times a week, and for a energy boost, so that you can feel your best during pregnancy!

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good site thanks for sharing

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Nutrients to Aim for During Pregnancy

To help you handle the extra demands on your body as your pregnancy progresses and support the growth of your baby, it’s vital that you eat well and aim for good nutrition. Listed below are some key nutrients to aim for throughout your pregnancy and why they’re so important. 

  • Protein: Protein plays such a vital role in keeping both people healthy throughout pregnancy. Protein provides mom with energy, helps regulate her blood sugar, and helps build those crucial cells that carry oxygen and iron throughout the bloodstream. If mom doesn’t consume enough protein during pregnancy, this can increase the risk of a low birth weight for baby. Aim for 70-100 grams of protein per day. 
  • Iron: The expansion of blood volume puts you at higher risk of anemia during pregnancy. Pregnant women need double the amount of iron than non-pregnant women in order to keep hemoglobin levels up, which will aid in blood and oxygen supply to your baby and help you avoid several potential side effects of anemia. 
  • Calcium: Your baby is going to need plenty of calcium to support her growing bones and teeth, and you’re going to need plenty as well in order to avoid osteoporosis. Some of the best calcium-rich foods include dairy products, salmon, and broccoli. 
  • Omega-3s: Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to be vital to your baby’s brain and retina development and also help prevent preterm labor, pre-eclampsia, as well and pre and postnatal depression ( source ). 
  • Vitamin D: You should try to aim for 4,000 IU of vitamin D daily throughout your pregnancy. Vitamin D not only supports your immune system, but also helps support your baby’s bone development and curb some of those crazy emotions that we often experience during and after pregnancy. There are even some studies that suggest that certain pregnancy complications, such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and low birth weight, may be linked to vitamin D deficiency ( source ). 
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is also known to boost your immune system. It also aids in collagen production, which is essential for tissue repair for mom and bone and teeth development for baby. It even enhances your ability to absorb iron.
  • Magnesium: This incredible mineral helps optimize blood pressure levels, promotes better sleep, aids in digestion, and supports muscle relaxation. It is known to help prevent preterm labor and improve growth and circulation of your baby. 350-400 mg/day is the average recommended dietary intake for pregnant women. 
  • Potassium: Getting enough potassium helps maintain the balance of fluids and electrolytes in your cells. It helps combat fluid retention, leg cramping, and high blood pressure.  
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): Folate is imperative to healthy infant development. Consuming it during your pregnancy will help prevent serious birth defects, such as spina bifida. Aim for 600 mcg daily. 
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is important for the development and functioning of your baby’s brain and nervous system. It’s also known to boost energy and provide morning sickness relief . This vitamin is found in a wide variety of foods, including bananas, poultry, salmon, chickpeas, and more. 
  • Vitamin B12: B12 is also important for your baby’s brain and nervous system development. It’s also believed that when combined with folate during pregnancy, it can help prevent spina bifida and other spinal and central nervous system birth defects in your baby. Major sources of B12 include eggs, fish, beef, and dairy products.

**Please note, this is not a complete list. For further information, please check out this Pregnancy Nutrition Chart that includes 33 essential nutrients for pregnant women. 

25 Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

Listed below are 25 healthy snack ideas for pregnant mamas . As you’ll quickly notice, many of the best pregnancy snacks, like all good things, are found in pairs. Plus, these snacks are comprised of some of the healthiest foods to eat while pregnant.

**Please consult your healthcare provider before making any dietary changes if you have gestational diabetes. 

1. Apple Slices with Nut Butter

best travel snacks for pregnancy

A classic snack-time pair that is nutritious and delicious! Apples provide fiber, which will leave you feeling fuller longer and also help combat constipation during pregnancy . Nut butters serve as healthy fats and excellent sources of protein. Be sure to look for nut butters that contain minimal ingredients and avoid added sugars and hydrogenated oils. 

2. Hard Boiled Egg and Grapes

There are so many health benefits of eating eggs. This superfood is a high quality protein with all the right amount of essential amino acids. They’re also a source of vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, and iron. Pair it with some watery grapes to add in potassium and vitamins C and K.

3. Baby Carrots and Hummus

Baby carrots are one of the best sources of vitamin A, which will help with your baby’s development of their skin, eyes, teeth, and bones. And hummus is actually one of the healthiest foods for pregnancy out there! It’s not just a high-protein pick, it’s also loaded with iron, healthy carbs and fat, folate, calcium, and more.

4. Dates with Cream Cheese and Almonds

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Did you know that dates can actually help prepare your body for labor ? Why? Because they have an oxytocin-like effect on the body, which aids in cervix ripening. They’re also loaded with vitamin K, so eating them late in pregnancy can help prevent postpartum hemorrhaging, much like oxytocin does. Not everyone enjoys the taste of dates though, so pairing them with some cream cheese and almonds can help turn them into a delicious and protein-filled snack. You could also swap out the almonds for walnuts.

5. Cottage Cheese and Peaches

Partner calcium and protein with some vitamin C whenever you pair cottage cheese with peaches. Switch up the fruit and try pineapple, berries, or melon instead.

6. Air Popped Popcorn

Air popped popcorn is packed with fiber, making it a nice filling snack. It also contains vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, and protein, believe it or not. Drizzle on a healthy fat, like coconut oil and add a dash of salt. You can also sweeten it up a bit with some dark chocolate chips or dried fruit.

7. Cheese Cubes and Bell Pepper Slices

A soft and crispy snack-time duo. Cheese is an excellent source of calcium, fat, and protein, while bell peppers have antioxidants and are rich in vitamin C to help boost your immune system.

8. Homemade Trail Mix

best travel snacks for pregnancy

If you love sweet and savory snacks, then trail mix might just hit the spot and curb those not-so healthy pregnancy cravings. Pair your favorite nuts, seeds, and dried fruit with a little bit of dark chocolate, providing you and your baby with protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Here’s a good guide on how to build your own healthy trail mix.

9. Whole Grain Toast with Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon

This is one of my favorite pregnancy snacks. Salmon is an excellent source of protein and vitamin D, and it’s also loaded with omega-3s, which is vital for your baby’s brain development and may even help boost your mood. Spread some pasteurized cream cheese on a toasted slice of whole grain or Ezekiel bread and top it with some hot-smoked salmon for a nice, filling snack.

10. Kefir Popsicles

These are the perfect pregnancy snack for a hot summer day. These popsicles provide probiotics and protein from the kefir and loads of vitamin C from the fruit. They’re also usually sweetened with honey, which contains antioxidants and can help protect the body from inflammation. Here’s one of my favorite kefir popsicle recipes.  

11. Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter and Raisins

best travel snacks for pregnancy

You might remember this favorite childhood snack as “Ants on a Log.” Peanut butter for protein, raisins for fiber and potassium, and celery stalks for its powerful antioxidant powers.

Continue reading below.

  • 35 Healthy Postpartum Freezer Meals for New Moms
  • 15 Lactation Recipes to Help Boost Breast Milk Supply
  • 3 Easy Freezer Meals to Make Before Baby
  • The Most Healing Foods for Postpartum Recovery

12. Roasted Chickpeas

best travel snacks for pregnancy

An excellent vegan option that provides protein, healthy carbs, and fiber. They’re also a good source of iron, B vitamins, and folate. They give mom-to-be an energy boost and are known to help prevent neural defects in babies. There’s lots of different ways to cook these, but you may enjoy this healthy recipe the most during pregnancy.

13. A Banana and Glass of Milk

Bananas are a trusty source of potassium, providing anemic pregnant women with a helpful boost to their hemoglobin levels. They’re also a great source of folate. Of course, milk provides calcium, protein, and some vitamin D. To optimize nutrition for you and your developing baby, it’s best to go grass-fed and full-fat when it comes to choosing milk.

14. Baked Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent form of beta carotene, which transforms into vitamin A and is essential for healthy fetal development. It’s also a great source of vitamin C, manganese, vitamin B6, potassium, and fiber. Just be sure to keep the toppings healthy as well.

15. Avocado Toast

best travel snacks for pregnancy

If you’re looking for a snack that’s full of healthy fats and carbohydrates, then avocado toast may be your best bet. There’s a lot of recipes out there, but I just like to drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on a toasted piece of whole grain bread and then spread half of an avocado on top. Yum!

16. Yogurt Parfait

Snack it up with a nutritious parfait. Layer plain yogurt, granola, chia seeds, and berries, and sweeten it up with just a touch of honey. Combining these foods will provide your body and your baby with calcium, protein, fiber, omega-3s, antioxidants, vitamin C, and folate. Use greek yogurt to add in even more protein.

17. Dark Chocolate and Clementine

This healthy snack is sure to hit those sweet late-night pregnancy cravings. Not only does dark chocolate have antioxidants, it’s also been shown to lower your risk of high blood pressure when eaten in moderation. Clementines are high in folate, packed with vitamin C, and are the perfect pop-in-your mouth snack. 

18. Fruit and Spinach Smoothie

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Such a great way to get those greens in. Spinach is bursting with folate and iron, and when you pair it with foods high in vitamin C, such as strawberries, kiwis, and mango, your body absorbs that iron even better. Avoid adding dairy in your smoothie for optimal iron absorption.

19. Cherry Tomatoes with Mozzarella Cheese

Tomatoes and mozzarella cheese topped with some fresh basil is really such a magical snack! Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and also contain lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects your heart. They even have potassium, which helps manage your blood pressure. And then there’s your pasteurized mozzarella that provides calcium, protein, B vitamins, phosphorus, and zinc. 

20. Chia Pudding

With all their nutritional components, chia seeds provide so many benefits during pregnancy. They can help boost your energy, stabilize your blood glucose levels, help combat pregnancy constipation, and even strengthen your baby’s teeth and bones ( source ). 

One of the most yummy ways to add these to your diet is through some chia pudding . Top it with some fresh berries and granola for vitamin C and fiber. 

21. Veggies and Greek Yogurt Dip

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Some of the best vegetables you can eat during pregnancy include bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and green peas, as they’re loaded with various vitamins and minerals. Dip them in some homemade greek yogurt dip , and you’ve just added a healthy dose of protein and probiotics to your snack. 

22. No-Bake Energy Bites

My favorite recipe for no-bake energy bites is the one from The Girl Who Ate Everything . These bite-sized energy balls are made with oats, peanut butter, honey, flaxseed, and a few chocolate chips. I also like to add in some chia seeds for even more nutritional benefits. Combining these ingredients, load this snack up with healthy fats, fiber, protein, and omega-3s.

23. Cocktail Shrimp

Shrimp have low levels of mercury and a low fat content, but are high in protein, making them an excellent healthy snack to eat during pregnancy. Now, research does suggest that pregnant women should consume no more than 8-12 ounces of shellfish per week, so do keep that in mind when planning out your meals and snacks ( source ). 

Shrimp also contains omega-3s, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B2, and vitamin D.

24. Egg on Ezekiel Toast

Another great way to grab all the nutritional benefits of eggs is with an egg on toast or egg-in-the hole snack. This is honestly one of my favorite late-night snacks when I’m pregnant or breastfeeding. 

Remember that it’s best to avoid undercooked eggs (runny yolks) while pregnant. You can top your toast with either scrambled eggs or a chopped up hard boiled egg. Let your egg-in-the-hole cook until the egg is well set. 

Again, eggs are such a great source of protein and contain so many other vitamins and minerals, including choline, which helps your baby’s brain and spine develop properly ( source ). 

Ezekiel bread is about as healthy as bread can get, as it’s high in fiber and protein, has no-added sugar, and contains several other micro and macronutrients. Unfortunately, it’s not gluten-free though, so not a good option for those with celiac or a gluten intolerance. 

25. Pumpkin Seeds and Dried Fruit

A little twist on traditional trail mix. Pumpkin seeds, in particular, are a wonderful source of iron, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants and even have strong anti-inflammatory properties.

Pair them with some dried mango or cranberries that generally contain a lot of fiber and are great sources of polyphenol antioxidants, which are known to help with blood flow, digestive health, and control of blood sugar levels.

Healthy Snacks for Mom and Baby

I hope this list gave you tons of easy and healthy snack ideas to eat throughout your pregnancy. Making nutritious choices while you’re expecting will help promote optimal development for your baby and reduce your risk of complications , both during pregnancy and postpartum. There’s lots of yummy choices out there to help you meet the variety of nutrients that your growing baby and body needs!

What About You?

What are some of your favorite healthy pregnancy snacks? Share your top snacks in the comments below and be sure to share this post with other moms-to-be. 

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This is AMAZING!!!! I total ‘What to Eat’ guide and every one of your ideas look delicious! Thank you so much for helping people like me who are clueless!! <3

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Smoked salmon is okay for pregnancy?

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Hot smoked salmon is safe for pregnancy. If you’re buying cold smoked salmon, you just want to be sure to heat it up before consuming to prevent risk of listeria (just like with lunch meat). This also depends where you live, as the UK considers cold smoked salmon safe for pregnancy, having a low risk of any parasitic infection. Remember, you still want to consume low-mercury fish in moderation, maybe once or twice a week.

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I love a fresh ripe avocado and munching on strawberries as healthy snacks!

Yum! So simple and healthy.

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The egg on toast says that the egg is to be over easy. But everything else I read says that you can’t have runny yolks while pregnant. Can you explain this receipt a little more?

Hi Amanda, thank you for your comment. You are correct that it is not recommended to have eggs with runny yolks while pregnant. I think there is just some confusion on the wording in this post, specifically in this sentence: “Another great way to grab all the nutritional benefits of eggs is with an easy egg on toast or egg-in-the hole snack.” I was implying that the snack itself is easy, not an over easy egg, but I can definitely see how one could read it as such. I am changing the wording of this sentence to make it more clear, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!

You can top your toast with scrambled egg or a chopped up hard boiled egg (this is what I did during my pregnancies). For an egg in the hole, just make sure to let it cook a little longer for a set egg.

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10 healthy snacks for pregnancy

Hungry, but not sure what to eat between meals? Satisfy your pregnancy cravings with these easy, healthy snacks.

Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D.

You had a hearty breakfast before you left for work an hour ago, but your stomach is already growling. Sound familiar? Pregnancy can ramp up your appetite significantly, which is one reason healthy snacks are so important during pregnancy.

You also need more calories and nutrients when you're pregnant. "The goal is to balance getting enough nutrients to support the growth of your fetus and maintaining a healthy weight," says the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Opens a new window (ACOG). If you're pregnant with one baby, you need an extra 340 calories daily starting in your second trimester , and a bit more in your third trimester .

But talk to your doctor or midwife about your needs, because "your calorie needs may vary depending on your physical activity level and individual health factors," says Erin Hinga , a registered dietitian and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board .

These snacks for moms-to-be have essential pregnancy nutrients , they're easy to make, and they clock in between 200 and 300 calories. They're all delicious, too!

1. Apple and cheese

1 medium apple with hard cheese like cheddar, Monterey Jack, or Swiss

Most women don't get enough fiber in their diet to begin with, and pregnancy increases your requirement to about 28 to 30 grams (g) of fiber daily. That can be a tall order when you're dealing with morning sickness in the first trimester (and maybe beyond) or that full and bloated feeling later on. To make sure you're hitting the fiber mark, it's smart to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, which also help to keep you hydrated while pregnant .

One medium apple has more than 4 g of fiber and provides 95 calories. Apples are pleasantly crunchy and couldn't be more portable. Plus, apple peel is full of pectin, a soluble fiber that may improve digestive health.

Another must-have pregnancy nutrient is calcium . Moms-to-be need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of this mineral each day. Not only is calcium necessary for keeping your bones and teeth strong, it's essential for your baby's bone structure . And if you don't get enough through the foods you eat or a supplement, your growing baby will take it from your bones. Note: Prenatal vitamins – though packed with other important nutrients – typically don't contain much calcium, so don't count on yours to meet this need.

Each 1-ounce slice of cheddar cheese has 200 mg of calcium, netting you 20% of your daily requirement. Each slice is about 110 calories and 9 g of fat, so stick to one or two slices.

2. Egg on an English muffin

1 egg (scrambled or fried) on an English muffin or toast

You've probably heard about the importance of vitamin D . It helps calcium get absorbed in the body, and it has been linked to preventing cancer, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation.

During pregnancy it's vital to get enough vitamin D to help support your baby's growing bones and teeth and to make sure your little one's immune system functions properly outside the womb. Pregnant women need 600 IU or more of vitamin D daily. Up to 4,000 IU per day is safe, according to the National Institutes of Health Opens a new window .

One egg serves up 20 IU of vitamin D. The vitamin D is in the egg yolk , so don't ditch the yolk, but do make sure it's cooked through (as long as they're fully cooked or pasteurized, eggs are safe to eat during pregnancy.) Other good sources of vitamin D are fortified milk (98 IU per 8 ounces), salmon (360 IU per 3.5 ounces), and canned tuna (200 IU per 3 ounces).

Egg yolks also contain choline , which is essential for your little one's developing brain and can help prevent birth defects . You need 450 mg daily of choline, and you can knock out 125 mg with just one egg.

3. Homemade trail mix

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, 1/2 cup dried tart cherries, 1/2 cup raw almonds, and 1/2 cup dark chocolate chunks (makes 2 cups; 1/2 cup = 1 serving)

1/2 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut, 1/2 cup dried diced mango, and 1/2 cup cashews (makes 2 cups; 1/2 cup = 1 serving)

Note: Store the trail mix in the fridge or freezer to keep it fresh.

There are many varieties of trail mix, but these recipes offer a tasty mix of pregnancy boosters containing calcium, vitamin D, and the mineral magnesium , which helps build bones and teeth. Moms-to-be need about 350 mg of magnesium daily, and pumpkin seeds offer that amount in just a quarter of a cup. Other good sources of magnesium include cooked spinach, black beans, and Brazil nuts.

Finding it hard to drift off at night? Most women have trouble sleeping at some point in their pregnancy. Dried tart cherries contain naturally occurring melatonin , which may improve the quality and duration of sleep. Try mixing them into your trail mix or cereal for a bedtime snack.

Dark chocolate contains heart-protective cocoa flavanols and has been shown to help lower blood pressure. Plus, it contains small amounts of the bone-building minerals magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and phosphorus.

Make sure to include almonds in your diet – especially if you're not big on dairy products. Per ounce, almonds contain 76 mg of calcium, plus 1 mg of iron and 3.5 g of fiber. And the fat they contain is almost all heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Snack on them whole, or use them atop yogurt, oatmeal, and salads.

4. Greek yogurt parfait

A small container of plain Greek yogurt topped with 1 cup blueberries and 2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

There are many reasons why Greek yogurt has become the star of the dairy aisle. It's loaded with protein (it requires twice as much milk to make), boasting about 14 g of protein per 5.3-ounce single-serving container. For the same reason, it provides 15% of your daily calcium requirement. It also contains probiotics , which help you maintain a healthy digestive system. All that, plus a smooth and creamy texture that makes it taste decadent.

Topping Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries adds nearly 4 g of fiber, plus an antioxidant boost. Two tablespoons of chopped walnuts (half an ounce) adds 93 calories, 1 g of fiber, and healthy omega-3 fats. Walnuts also contain the B vitamin biotin, which helps you get energy from the food you eat.

5. Chips or veggies and guacamole

1/2 cup cucumber slices, 1/2 cup carrots, and 1/2 cup celery sticks with 1/4 cup guacamole

1 ounce (about 10 chips) of lower sodium tortilla chips with 1/4 cup guacamole

Most women have some swelling in their hands, feet, ankles, and calves at some point in their pregnancy. Avoiding excess sodium will help you beat the bloat. When you've consumed too much salt, your body holds on to more water to help keep the sodium levels in your body balanced. Drinking more water and eating food with a high water content will help you flush the excess salt from your system.

Both cucumber and celery are low in calories and contain a lot of water (96 and 95% respectively; carrots are 87% water). And guacamole is packed with potassium , a vital mineral that helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in your body's cells. You need 2,900 mg of potassium a day while pregnant. That might sound like a lot, but most fruits and vegetables contain at least some potassium.

If you'd like to make your own guacamole, mash a ripe avocado with the juice of a lime, then stir in some chopped red onion and cilantro.

6. Cottage cheese, fruit, and granola

A small bowl of 1 percent-fat cottage cheese topped with 1 cup of fruit and 2 tablespoons of high-fiber granola

A snack-size cup of cottage cheese (4 ounces) nets you 69 mg of calcium and 14 g of protein for just 81 calories. Mix it with 1 cup of bright, juicy mango, and you'll get the added bonus of 71 micrograms (mcg) folate , a B vitamin that plays a key role in the development of your baby's spinal cord and nerves.

During pregnancy you need 600 mcg of folate/folic acid daily. (Folic acid is the man-made form of folate.) Of course your prenatal vitamin will include folic acid, but folate from food sources is beneficial, too. One cup of fresh mango also contains almost 3 g of fiber to help combat constipation . Other high-fiber fruits include apples, pears, and oranges.

Many types of store-bought granola are high in added sugar and don't have a lot of fiber. Look for one with at least 3 g of fiber per 1/3 cup serving and no more than 9 g of added sugar.

7. Whole-grain crackers and peanut butter

6 crackers and 2 tablespoons peanut butter

This is such an easy and portable snack. You can stash a bag of crackers and a packet of peanut butter in your purse and bring it pretty much anywhere. And 2 tablespoons of peanut butter provide 7 g of protein, plus calcium, magnesium and folate, as well as good, unsaturated fats. The crackers also contribute 3 g of protein, along with 4 g of filling fiber.

8. Pita with hummus and tomatoes

1 whole-grain pita or tortilla , 1/2 cup halved cherry tomatoes, and 1/4 cup hummus

For something savory in that stretch between lunch and dinner, grab a whole-grain pita or tortilla and load in halved cherry tomatoes and hummus. Tomatoes provide 25 calories per cup and have a substantial amount of beta-carotene, which is important for a healthy immune system.

Hummus packs just over 100 calories per 1/4 cup and provides 3 g of protein, 2 g fiber, and nearly 1 mg of iron, helping you reach your daily goal of 27 mg per day.

9. Toaster waffle with almond butter and pear

1 toasted, whole-wheat frozen waffle or slice of whole-wheat toast topped with 2 tablespoons almond butter and sliced pear

Sometimes you just need something to satisfy your sweet tooth. Pump up the nutrition of a frozen waffle or toast by smearing it with natural almond butter, which has no added sugar. Almond butter offers 3 g of protein and more than 1.5 g of fiber in each 98-calorie tablespoon.

You need between 60 and 100 g of protein daily, depending on your weight, activity level, and trimester. And you need 28 g of fiber a day, which will help prevent constipation.

Layer pear or apple slices on top for some natural sweetness and extra fiber.

10. Everything-seasoned avocado toast

1 slice sourdough bread, 1/3 ripe avocado, and 1/4 teaspoon "everything bagel" seasoning

The famous avocado toast lives up to the hype. Avocados are packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, and 1/3 of the fruit (yes, it's a fruit!) provides 80 calories, 3 g of fiber, 250 mg of potassium, and 6 g of good fats. A slice of sourdough bread (around 90 calories) offers 4 g protein, plus 2 g fiber. Add a small sprinkle of "everything bagel" seasoning for a little crunch and flavor. If you're feeling super hungry, add a fried egg for another 6 g of protein.

These are just a few of the snacks that can support you and your baby during pregnancy. See if your favorite foods are pregnancy-safe with the BabyCenter app "Is it safe?" tool.

Learn more:

  • Waking up hungry: How to handle pregnancy hunger pains
  • 12 best foods to eat when pregnant
  • Your best fast-food options during pregnancy

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

ACOG. 2023. Nutrition during pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/nutrition-during-pregnancy Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

ACOG. 2017. Vitamin D: Screening and supplementation during pregnancy. American College of Gynecologists. https://www.acog.org/-/media/project/acog/acogorg/clinical/files/committee-opinion/articles/2011/07/vitamin-d-screening-and-supplementation-during-pregnancy.pdf Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

Howatson G et al. 2012. Effect of tart cherry juice ( Prunus cerasus ) on melatonin levels and enhanced sleep quality. European Journal of Nutrition 51:909-16. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22038497/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

MedlinePlus. 2022. Eating right during pregnancy. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000584.htm Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2024. Calcium. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Calcium-HealthProfessional/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2022. Choline. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Choline-HealthProfessional/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2022. Folate. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Folate-HealthProfessional/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2022. Magnesium. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2022. Potassium. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Potassium-HealthProfessional/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

NIH. 2023. Vitamin D. Fact sheet for health professionals. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-HealthProfessional/#h8 Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

OASH. 2021. Folic acid. Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/folic-acid#references Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

Triche EW et al. 2008. Chocolate consumption in pregnancy and reduced likelihood of preeclampsia. Epidemiology 19(3):459-64. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18379424/ Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

USDA. 2020. Dietary guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/sites/default/files/2020-12/Dietary_Guidelines_for_Americans_2020-2025.pdf Opens a new window [Accessed April 2024]

Frances Largeman-Roth

Where to go next

pregnant couple cooking in the kitchen

25 Best Travel Snacks For Your Next Trip

These picks are approved by our registered dietitians and taste testers for your next adventure.

best travel snacks

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

Our top picks:

Grass Fed Original Beef Jerky Snack Sticks

CHOMPS Grass Fed Original Beef Jerky Snack Sticks

Blueberry Walnut Superfood Oatmeal

Purely Elizabeth Blueberry Walnut Superfood Oatmeal

Classic Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs

Justin's Classic Peanut Butter Squeeze Packs

Ideal snacks for travel include ones that will keep in your backpack, purse or carry-on without melting or falling apart. If you're traveling by plane, you'll want to make sure the snacks are TSA-compliant , so no liquid or gel food items over 3.4 ounces. Most importantly, the best snacks should have a combination of protein and fiber to keep you fueled and satisfied. Try to aim for about four grams each of protein and fiber, and keep added sugar to a minimum (under eight grams is ideal per snack, which is the equivalent of two teaspoons). Always prioritize fresh produce when possible, since they offer a great combination of fiber and antioxidants to keep you feeling your best during your travels.

Fruits and vegetables also are packed with water, a smart way to stay hydrated during your trip. Hydration in general is the key to savvy travel — especially for long plane rides, so don't forget to bring an empty water bottle with you to fill after you go through security at the airport. Since the altitude is dehydrating, and turbulence/delays can make beverage service unpredictable, it’s worth the investment to buy a second, unsweetened drink at the airport. Pair that with these nutrient-dense snacks and you'll be sure to have a great vacation.

Made from sustainably sourced proteins, these convenient jerky sticks are a notch above from what you'll find at a traditional convenience store en route to your travel destination. The beef and venison varieties are 100% grass-fed and finished, and turkey options are free-range. Every CHOMPS option is hormone-free, antibiotic-free and has lower sodium counts than other options on the market.

Per serving (one stick): 90 calories, 6g total fat, 2.5g sat fat, 25mg cholesterol, 290mg sodium, 0g total carb, 0g fiber, 0g total sugars, 9g protein

Oats are an easy base for when you're at a hotel or during any travel experience. Ones that come in a convenient cup like this from Purely Elizabeth just require a bit of hot water that you can ask for on the airplane. While oats can be a great source of fiber and whole grains, flavored varieties tend to be very high in added sugar and void of any protein. That's why these cups are a top pick for us since they only have six grams of added sugar and pack in nine grams of protein from collagen, creating a well-balanced choice.

Per serving (one container): 230 calories, 5g total fat, 0.5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 130mg sodium, 37g total carb, 5g fiber, 9g total sugars, 6g added sugars, 9g protein

Nut or seed butter packs offer a great dose of healthy fats and you can add them to crackers, cereal, oatmeal, fruit or other snacks you've packed (or simply enjoy them on their own). Bonus: Packs smaller than 3 ounces, like these ones, get the thumbs-up from TSA . They even pack in seven grams of protein too.

Per serving (one pack): 210 calories, 18g total fat, 3.5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 25mg sodium, 6g total carb, 1g fiber, 2g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 7g protein

Frooze Balls Double Filled Energy Balls (6 Pack)

Double Filled Energy Balls (6 Pack)

These energy balls are the perfect bite to stash in your purse or backpack for your trip. Made from dates, nuts and fruit, each bite has two freshly made fillings inside and is seriously satisfying. Flavors include caramel chocolate peanut butter, chocolate hazelnut, dulce de leche, lemon, peanut butter and jelly, raspberry dark chocolate and triple chocolate fudge. The tiny packs are great for travel.

Per serving (two balls, peanut butter and jelly): 126 calories, 6g total fat, 2g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 32mg sodium, 16g total carb, 2g fiber, 12g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 3g protein

LesserEvil Himalayan Pink Salt Popcorn (24 Pack)

Himalayan Pink Salt Popcorn (24 Pack)

Popcorn is a great volume-rich snack, meaning you can eat quite a bit of it for very little calories. It is also considered a whole grain and good source of fiber. Skip the movie theatre popcorn dripping in butter, and opt for air-popped or lightly oil-popped varieties. The convenient mini bags from LesserEvil are great to stash in your carry-on and are made with organic extra-virgin coconut oil.

Per serving (one bag): 50 calories, 3g total fat, 2.5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 90mg sodium, 7g total carb, 2g fiber, 0g total sugars, <1g protein

Mariani Probiotic Prunes (4 Pack)

Probiotic Prunes (4 Pack)

Between lengthy travel plans and a new environment, keeping things regular can be a challenge. That's why our dietitians suggest having some prunes on hand during any trip. Prunes have a slew of health benefits , and research suggests that prunes are as effective as over-the-counter products to help with constipation. We especially love these prunes from Mariani that add in probiotics for additional gut health and immune support to keep you healthy during your trip and beyond.

Per serving (five to six prunes): 100 calories, 0g total fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 26g total carb, 3g fiber, 16g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 1g protein

UNiTE Protein Bar Variety Pack (12 Pack)

Protein Bar Variety Pack (12 Pack)

Protein bars can make for an easy travel snack, but not all of them are created equal (some mimic the nutrition facts of a candy bar more than anything else). We like these gluten-free bars from UNiTE that are nutrient-dense and made with dates, nut butters and whey protein. The churro flavor was a tester favorite and packs in 10 grams of protein and five grams of fiber at under 200 calories.

Per serving (one bar, churro): 190 calories, 9g total fat, 1g sat fat, 35mg cholesterol, 70mg sodium, 19g carb, 5g fiber, 9g total sugars, 7g added sugars, 11g protein

Sweet Loren's Breakfast Biscuits, Cinnamon Sugar (30 Count)

Breakfast Biscuits, Cinnamon Sugar (30 Count)

We can't get enough of these sweet breakfasts biscuits that come in convenient packets of three and are made with better ingredients than others on the market. One serving makes for a light breakfast on-the-go or a layover snack, and is packed with 19 grams of whole grains, 4 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and five B vitamins. Plus, the biscuits are gluten-free and come in blueberry, cinnamon sugar, and chocolate flavors.

Per serving (one pack): 200 calories, 8g total fat, 3g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 180mg sodium, 32g carb, 3g fiber, 11g total sugars, 11g added sugars, 4g protein

Whisps Baked Cheese Bites (12 Pack)

Baked Cheese Bites (12 Pack)

Bringing perishable foods like yogurts and cheese sticks might not be possible during your travels, but you'll get the best of both worlds with these baked cheese bites from Whisps that are shelf-stable. Whisps first ingredient is protein-packed cheese and each bite is super crispy and satisfying with a whopping 13 grams of protein per serving. They come in a few fun flavors as well and were a family-friendly hit in taste tests.

Per serving (23 crisps, parmesan): 150 calories, 10g total fat, 7g sat fat, 30mg cholesterol, 350mg sodium, 1g carb, 0g fiber, 0g total sugars, 13g protein

Simple Mills Pop Mmms (3 Pack)

Pop Mmms (3 Pack)

Looking for something to crunch on mid-flight? These bite-sized popped crackers are baked and made with 1/3 cup of vegetables per serving like organic butternut squash. They have a cheesy flavor and are light and airy. Throw some in a handy reusable snack bag that you can refill all trip long.

Per serving (44 crackers): 140 calories, 5g total fat, 1g sat fat, 5mg cholesterol, 280mg sodium, 21g carb, 1g fiber, 1g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 2g protein

Natural Delights Medjool Date Strips with Tajin

Medjool Date Strips with Tajin

Who knew that fresh Medjool dates and Tajin chili lime seasoning would pair so well together? This snack offers a unique flavor profile for sweet and spicy lovers, and the simple ingredient list is one to rave about. "Loved the spicy flavor. A flavorful snack and good for on the go," one tester said.

Per serving (one pouch, six pieces): 100 calories, 0.5g total fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 340mg sodium, 22g carb, 3g fiber, 19g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 1g protein

Prevail. Grass Fed Beef Jerky (4 Pack)

Grass Fed Beef Jerky (4 Pack)

Our dietitians are fans of this jerky from Prevail since it is 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef jerky and is free from fillers and additives. Taste testers appreciated its tender texture and balanced flavor since it is cherrywood smoked and seasoned with organic spices. Most importantly, it has lower sodium and sugar counts than competitors, so you won't get bogged down on your trip. And with 12 grams of protein per serving, it's perfect to keep you fueled on those long rides in the car.

Per serving (one ounce, original): 70 calories, 1.5g total fat, 0g sat fat, 30mg cholesterol, 280mg sodium, 5g total carb, 0g fiber, 4g total sugars, 12g protein

Jackson's Sweet Potato Chips (15 Pack)

Sweet Potato Chips (15 Pack)

A top performer in our potato chips taste test , these sweet potato chips from Jackson's come in perfectly sized snack packs for travel. They are made with premium avocado oil and cooked low and slow to maintain the stability and integrity of the oil's healthy fats. The brand uses non-GMO heirloom sweet potatoes , and while the sea salt is the healthiest options, the flavored choices are truly delicious.

Per serving (one ounce): 150 calories, 9g total fat, 1g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 150mg sodium, 16g total carb, 2g fiber, 3g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 1g protein

Junkless Chewy Granola Bars, Chocolate Chip (24 Bars)

Chewy Granola Bars, Chocolate Chip (24 Bars)

An upgraded version of your favorite chewy granola bar, this snack is actually significantly lower in sugar than other brands and is free from high-fructose corn syrup or sugar alcohols. Made from simple ingredients, we love the soft and chewy texture of the bar and that it has no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. "Nice and chewy with just the right amount of chocolate chips to peanut butter," one taste tester said.

Per serving (one bar): 130 calories, 3.5g total fat, 0.5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 22g total carb, 2g fiber, 5g total sugars, 3g protein

Biena Roasted Chickpea Snacks, Sea Salt (10 Pack)

Roasted Chickpea Snacks, Sea Salt (10 Pack)

Crispy chickpeas are the perfect protein-packed snack to keep in your carry-on that won't crumble or fall apart. Of course you can make them on your own , but a pre-made pack like this is extra convenient for travel. We love that each portable pouch offers a filling combination of eight grams of both fiber and protein per serving.

Per serving (one pouch): 140 calories, 3.5g total fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 230mg sodium, 20g total carb, 8g fiber, 1g total sugars, 8g protein

Sweet Nothings Nut Butter Bites (6 Pack)

Nut Butter Bites (6 Pack)

Wholesome and delicious, these disc-shaped, organic bites feature a chewy outer shell of dates, oats and flaxseed wrapped around a nut butter filling with all-organic, no-added-sugar ingredients. Free from gums, stabilizers, preservatives or artificial flavors, each package offers up to four grams of plant-based protein. The bite size treat is perfect for tiding you over at the end of your flight.

Per serving (one package, oatmeal raisin): 145 calories, 5g total fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 70mg sodium, 23g total carb, 3.5g fiber, 15g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 4g protein

Siete Grain-Free Mexican Shortbread Cookies

Grain-Free Mexican Shortbread Cookies

Skip the oversized cookies at the airport and pack a few of these seriously delicious Mexican Shortbread cookies from Siete. Made with a lightly sweetened blend of almond flour and pecan pieces with a dash of cinnamon, testers couldn't believe that each cookie only has one gram of sugar. The grain-free treat has a crispy texture and won't fall apart in transit either.

Per serving (five cookies): 150 calories, 9g total fat, 5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 120mg sodium, 17g total carb, 1g fiber, 5g total sugars, 5g added sugars, 1g protein

Second Nature Antioxidant+ Protein Smart Snack Mix (12 Pack)

Antioxidant+ Protein Smart Snack Mix (12 Pack)

Trail mix is a favorite travel snack since it always keeps well and is also resistant to crumbling in your bag. These portion-controlled packets from Second Nature are great for stashing for a road trip or flight. We especially love the flavor combination in the antioxidant mix, and the filling fiber and protein makes this a smart choice. Plus, it doesn't have any chocolate chips like many other mixes which may melt in your bag in transit.

Per serving (one package): 250 calories, 17g total fat, 2.5g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 60mg sodium, 21g total carb, 4g fiber, 13g total sugars, 5g added sugars, 8g protein

RIND Snacks Straw-Peary Skin-On Dried Fruit (3 Pack)

Straw-Peary Skin-On Dried Fruit (3 Pack)

This chewy whole fruit medley is packed with dried strawberries bursting with jammy flavor, bosc pears and sweet fuji apples. Our dietitians love that RIND maximizes nutrition and minimizes waste by taking upcycled fruit that would otherwise go to waste, retaining their nutrient-rich peels and gently drying them into snackable slices. Plus, dried fruit like this keeps really well when traveling.

Per serving (1/2 cup): 140 calories, 0g total fat, 0g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 33g total carb, 5g fiber, 15g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 1g protein

RXBAR Chocolate Lovers' Protein Bars Box (10 Bars)

Chocolate Lovers' Protein Bars Box (10 Bars)

When it comes to simple ingredient lists, it doesn't get much better than RXBAR. These tasty bars come in a wide variety of flavors and are loaded with 12 grams of protein thanks to nutrient-dense egg whites. Plus, they are a good source of fiber too — the combo of protein and fiber can help keep you full for longer on those lengthy road trips and train rides. Our registered dietitians point out that these delicious bars are sweetened with dates for binding purposes and contain no added sugar.

Per serving (one bar): 210 cal, 9g total fat, 2g sat fat, 0mg cholesterol, 260mg sodium, 23g carb, 5g fiber, 13g total sugars, 0g added sugars, 12g protein

Headshot of Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., NASM-CPT

Stefani (she/her) is a registered dietitian, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, where she handles all nutrition-related content, testing and evaluation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. She is also Good Housekeeping’s on-staff fitness and exercise expert. Stefani is dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based content to encourage informed food choices and healthy living. She is an avid CrossFitter and a passionate home cook who loves spending time with her big fit Greek family.

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12 healthy food tips every traveling pregnant woman should know

Traveling can especially take a toll on pregnant women, so it's important to stay hydrated and keep a bottle of water on hand.

Since flying on airplanes can be dehydrating, pregnant women should stay away from foods high in sodium and instead pack food that's rich in fibrous carbs, healthy fats, and lean protein — like nuts, fruit, and whole-grain crackers.

Getting adequate sleep is just as important as eating right.

Have you ever felt drained and gross after a work trip?  Chances are, you don’t eat as healthy as you could while on the go.  This, combined with the stress of traveling, can put anyone in a funk.  When you’re pregnant, business travel can leave you feeling even worse, and is even harder on your body.  So how can you stay relatively healthy, and get you and your baby the nutrients you need, while on your trip?  With a little advanced planning, and a more mindful approach to your meals, you can stay in control of your food choices while on the go, and feel better about yourself when you return.

Airport/In Transit

Airplane and airport food is terrible.  It’s unappealing, sometimes weird, and always overpriced.  Even the fruit is unattractive - a monopoly of Red Delicious apples, wrapped in plastic, in a fake wooden bin.  Can’t we get a Pink Lady in here? Here are some tips to make the most of your airport and airplane confinement.  

  • Drink water - It’s easy to forget to drink water when traveling, but water is one of the most important nutrients when you’re pregnant.  And, you need to drink even more when traveling.  After security, buy the biggest water bottle you can find, or fill your cup if you brought your own, and start sipping.  Water won’t replace food, but it can help prevent a major hunger breakdown.
  • Eat before the airport - Even if you’re up at 3am, eat something before you leave or bring something in the car.  A slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, a bowl of cereal and fruit, oatmeal with fruit and a glass of milk are all good options.  Lauren Schmitt, Registered Dietitian and Certified Personal Trainer, is the Owner of Healthy Eating and Training, Inc, in Los Angeles, CA.  She offers this advice.  “Look for a blend of fibrous carbs, lean protein and healthy fat to ensure you meet all macronutrient needs.  This combination will also help keep you feeling satisfied longer so that you don’t give into the less nutritious options surrounding you.” Otherwise, by the time you get through security, chances are you’ll be hungry or worse, starving.  Starving leads to bad decisions.
  • Plan snacks and buy ahead - Bring your own snacks.  Shop for them when you’re in a good mood and feeling healthy.  Tie it into a regular shopping trip and add something specific to your list (ex. dried apricots, popcorn, nuts).  Schmitt suggests, “Look for snacks that are portable but not highly processed. For instance, grab an apple and a snack size peanut butter packet or bring a homemade muffin and applesauce instead of a bag of chips or cookies.”  This goes for both sides of the trip...make sure you refresh your snacks for the ride home.
  • Bring a lunch/meal - Don’t be ashamed of brown-bagging your lunch...while airlines sometimes describe their food with enticing terms, it never lives up to the description.  You know what you’re getting with whatever you pack, and it’s not a dry, tasteless, 3-day old “gourmet” ham and cheese sandwich that cost $15. “Try packing something with all of the major food groups,” Schmitt advises.  “Soon enough you will be packing school lunches so this is good practice. It can be as simple as a string cheese, whole grain crackers, fruit, carrots, a hummus packet and edamame. Altogether, those form a complete meal that will keep you satisfied.”  Nervous about the room in your carry-on? Spread peanut butter on a wheat tortilla and roll it up - it will take up less space and doesn’t squish easily. Combined with the other food groups, it will travel well and you will feel good about it.
  • Don’t wait until you’re starving - You already know it’s a bad idea to go grocery shopping when you’re hungry , and even worse when you’re pregnant and hungry.  The same mentality applies at the airport. It’s okay if you slack on the planning and have to buy something at the airport.  But get something as soon as you can, or when you feel the slight pang of hunger setting in. Otherwise you’ll probably make a less optimal choice that you will regret later.
  • Avoid salty, processed foods - Traveling can wreak enough havoc on your pregnant body, with increased chances of dehydration, swelling, and exposure to a lot more germs when your body is less apt to fight them off.  “When buying something in a package with a label, watch out for added sodium. The last thing you want while pregnant is extra sodium which causes water retention. The altitude while flying will already cause water retention so you don’t need sodium to add to that issue as well.  Snacks with greater than 200 mg of sodium should be avoided,” Schmitt recommends.

When you get to where you’re going

It can still be hard to stay on track even when you’re at your destination.  You’re off routine. Many factors can steer you toward more comforting, less healthy food choices, like all-day meetings and work dinners, sleep deprivation, and the overall stress of work travel.  Try the suggestions below to stay mindful of the decisions you make.

  • Drink water - This is important enough to mention multiple times.   You and your baby need water , and lots of it.  Traveling dehydrates you, so drink a few more glasses than you normally would at home, and increase it even more if you notice any symptoms of dehydration.  Keep a water bottle with you at all times.
  • Eat a solid breakfast - Grab a solid, healthy breakfast at the beginning of your work day, that contains all the macronutrients - fibrous carbs, lean protein and healthy fat.  Even if breakfast is provided at your meeting/event, it’s often sugary pastries that provide limited nutritional value and leave you feeling hungry in an hour. A solid breakfast in the morning will set the stage for better choices throughout the day.  
  • Snack frequently - Sometimes snack breaks are not easy to come by on a business trip.  But when you’re pregnant, it’s important to eat small meals frequently to maintain your energy.  Remember those nutritious snacks you bought for the plane? Bring them with you and nibble every couple hours.  If you have time, check out a nearby grocery store and buy some healthy, fresh essentials to keep with you, like fresh fruit or some pre-cut veggies.  
  • Build in exercise - It’s hard to exercise on a work trip, and you may be even more sedentary than normal, due to all day meetings or sitting in conferences.  Build in little opportunities for exercise where you can. Walk to dinner with coworkers instead of taking a short cab ride. Ask a coworker to walk and talk for a meeting instead of sitting.  Take the stairs, or go for a walk on your lunch break. If you can’t do any of these things, even a 2 minute child’s pose in your hotel room counts. You’re pregnant and tired...do what you can, but try to do something.  
  • Consciously choose your meal - You’re exhausted, it’s been a long day, and now you’re at a work dinner when you just want to crawl into bed.  It can be tempting to gravitate toward comfort food, which for many, is not very healthy. Take a deep breath, think about you and your baby. Consider how much better you will feel if you go with a healthier option.  And make your choice. Even if you still go with your comfort entree, do it consciously, not mindlessly.
  • Sleep as much as possible - Similar to the choices you make when you’re starving, if you are sleep deprived, you might make unhealthy food choices .  Plus, you and your baby need to rest.  So if you’re faced with the decision of heading to the bar for a nightcap with your colleagues, or snuggling into bed, consider the missed networking opportunity as an investment in a healthier day for you and your baby.  For some pregnant women, this is a total no-brainer, since you’re not drinking anyway, but for others, you may need to give yourself permission to not be working the entire time you’re on a business trip.

Keep in mind that these tips are not about depriving yourself! In fact, cut yourself some slack if you’re on a business trip. It’s stressful enough to travel without feeling like you have to be perfect in terms of your diet or activities.  The best goal is to stay in control of your choices during your trip. Don’t wake up covered in candy wrappers with melted chocolate on your sheets and wonder how it happened. If it’s going to happen, make it happen on your terms...not because of a moment of weakness, but because of a determined and decisive plan.  

Shannon Irving is the founder of Pregnancy Plate, LLC , which makes it easier to eat healthy during pregnancy with week-by-week meal plans. She is passionate about the benefits of a healthy diet for mom and baby, and strives to make a healthy diet attainable and realistic during pregnancy for all moms-to-be.  

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Watch: There's a gym in NYC that's designed for pregnant women and new moms

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Smart pregnancy snacks for moms on the go, 9 healthy pregnancy snacks for moms on the go.

These are the best snacks for pregnant mothers on the move. 

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You want to give your baby the best nutrition before they enter the world. Your baby's health depends on what you eat, and every bite matters when it comes to nourishing your little one. But you've got a lot to do, and you need snacks you can make in minutes. 

Your growing baby requires important nutrients: protein for building muscles, calcium, and vitamin D for forming strong bones, and iron for making extra red blood cells needed during pregnancy. The best snacks for pregnancy satisfy your cravings and  your baby's need for nutrients .

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Try these 9 pregnancy snacks to keep you and your baby satisfied on the go.

Kefir is a fermented beverage made from milk. It's loaded with probiotics and calcium for your growing baby's bones. Plus, it contains very little lactose, so even people with lactose intolerance will probably tolerate kefir well. For a flavorful twist, try this key lime kefir smoothie:

  • 6-8 ounces plain kefir 
  • Juice of one lime
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • Blend until smooth.

2. Avocado Toast

Who doesn't love rich, creamy avocado spread on toast? Avocado is a good source of essential fatty acids which is important for mom and baby.

  • Toast 1 slice of your favorite whole-grain bread.
  • Slice a medium avocado in half.
  • Remove the stone from the avocado.
  • Scoop half the flesh from the avocado with a spoon. (For an extra kick, place it in a small bowl and mix in lemon juice or salsa to your taste.)
  • Spread the avocado on your warm toast.

3. Roast Chickpeas

These will satisfy your crunchy cravings, and they're full of fiber and protein. To make them at home:

  • Preheat oven to 450 F.
  • Drain a 12-ounce can of chickpeas packed in water.
  • Toss with 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Season with cayenne, cumin, cinnamon, or any other spices you prefer.
  • Store these in an air-tight container for a great, portable snack.

4. Parmesan Popcorn

In addition to the fiber naturally found in popcorn, you can get an added boost of calcium for your baby's bones when you make this gourmet treat:

  • 1 freshly popped snack-sized bag of plain microwave popcorn
  • 1/4 cup finely grated Parmiggiano-Reggiano cheese
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl while the popcorn is still hot and enjoy.

5. Peanut Butter Energy Bites

Rich, filling and full of vitamin E as well as Niacin, these energy bites will satisfy your sweet tooth as well as your hunger:

  • 1 cup uncooked oats
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/8 cup mini semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1/8 cup toasted coconut, if desired
  • Combine all ingredients. Chill, then roll into 1-inch balls and serve.

High in fiber and protein, a cup of raw edamame provides just 127 calories. Depending on your preferences, it can be boiled, steamed, pan-fried or microwaved and ready in minutes. To pan-fry edamame:

  • Heat a small amount of oil over high heat in a skillet.
  • Add fresh or frozen edamame.
  • Reduce heat to medium.
  • Allow edamame to cook (without stirring) until slightly charred, then turn over and char the opposite side of the edamame pods.
  • Sprinkle with iodized salt or crushed red pepper flakes if desired. Serve warm.

7. Quesadilla

Grab a whole-wheat tortilla and some of your favorite cheese, and you've got a satisfying, portable snack that provides fiber, B vitamins and calcium. You can even top with lettuce, cilantro, tomatoes or peppers to get a serving a veggies or leafy greens that will provide folate.

  • Heat a small amount of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.
  • Place a 6-inch whole-wheat tortilla in the skillet.
  • Cover the tortilla with shredded cheese.
  • Heat until cheese melts.
  • Fold in half and enjoy!

8. Mini Veggie Pizzas

Whole-wheat English muffins, a little pizza sauce, mozzarella and leftover chopped veggies. Stick them under the broiler for the best flavor, or microwave for about a minute if you're really crunched for time. These mini pizzas are a good source of vitamin C and calcium. To make mini pizzas:

  • 1 whole-grain English muffin, split in half
  • 1/4 cup pizza sauce, divided
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Chopped vegetables
  • Layer sauce, cheese and vegetables on top of English muffin halves. Broil for 3-5 minutes or until cheese is melted and begins to brown.

9. Yogurt Parfait

For a super-quick snack, grab an individual carton of protein-rich Greek yogurt. If you have a few extra minutes, make a parfait:

  • 6-8-ounce carton Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh fruit, chopped or sliced
  • 1/4 cup granola
  • Layer yogurt and fruit in a small dessert dish. Top with granola and enjoy!

And remember you don’t need to completely deny your cravings. Having a little dark chocolate can be ok. Select dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa for the greatest health benefits. As a good rule of thumb, use moderation in your choice of foods.

If you’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and are watching how much sugar you eat, try a Glucerna ® shake or snack bar . They taste great, are high in protein, and have a unique blend of slow-release carbohydrates to help manage blood sugar.

What's the key to easily building smart pregnancy snacks? Combine a high-fiber fruit or vegetable with another food that's high in protein or heart-healthy fat. Soon, you'll be snacking like a pro, and you and your baby will both benefit.


Postpartum Nutrition Tips to Help Support Recovery

A smiling mother and baby lie face to face on a bed.

Focusing on postpartum nutrition can help you heal and recover after your baby arrives.

The Promising Role of HMOs in Reducing Risk of NEC

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The Role of HMOs in Reducing NEC

Welcoming a new baby into the world should be an exciting time if you're an expecting parent. But when your child is born premature, it's normal to worry about the possible health challenges and complications they may face.

Necrotizing enterocolitis, also known as NEC, is a rare condition that premature babies may develop during their  first weeks of life . Though NEC can be managed, its effect on a child's health can be serious. NEC prevention may also be possible, according to new preliminary studies. 

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9 Snacks to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth During Pregnancy

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Pregnant woman in front of a fridge late at night

Because you’re just so hungry.

When you’re pregnant, your metabolism goes into hyperdrive. Not only is your body responsible for keeping you charged up and moving, it now must feed a growing human being. And that’s a lot of work. So much work, in fact, that you might find yourself with midnight hunger pangs. When that happens, these middle of the night snacks are what you should reach for.

Now cravings might be calling you at all hours of the day, but Caroline Thomason, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Virginia, says that if you’re hankering for a treat past the witching hour, your blood sugar likely needs a boost.

“If you wake up in the middle of the night, your blood sugar might be too high or too low based on what you ate before. So I would try to re-stabilize your blood sugar,” Thomason tells Romper. But what are the best bites to get your blood sugar in order and cure a craving that might be infiltrating your dreams? Fortunately, Thomason has plenty of healthy suggestions, real deal small snacks you can even prepare before bed so that you don’t have to sleepwalk to the fridge and forage for something to cut the cravings asap.

1 Cheese & Crackers

Still life with cheese

“A perfect pair of something like that would be like cheese and crackers,” says Thomason. “Because you don't want to wake up again and you want to have energy when you get up in the morning. You don't want to do something that's going to derail your blood sugar again and then just send you on that cycle.” With the carb/protein combo of crackers and cheese, Thomason says you can regulate your blood sugar so you can fill up and then get back to sleep.

2 Apples & Peanut Butter

Another protein/carb combo, this one might appeal to those with more of a sweet tooth. The apple might cover sweet cravings, but Thomason says eaten alone, it might also not be enough. “Fruit might cause your blood sugar to spike,” explains Thomason. “Carbs are then absorbed really fast. So you’re going to end in a crash again. That protein piece prevents the spiking crash and keeps us more stable.”

3 Greek Yogurt

A bowl of plain Greek yogurt, and a bowl of fresh blueberries and raspberries on the table

“A lot of times in the middle of the night, if you've been sleeping, you're not ready to have a meal,” says Thomason. That’s why she suggests grabbing snacks that are quick and easy to digest. In this case, Greek yogurt. And the great thing is, there are all kinds of easy to eat Greek yogurts on the market now, some even in pouch format so you can sip quickly, then get back to sleep.

4 Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is another easy to grab midnight snack for pregnant women. All you need is a spoon. It’s something that’s going to be super easy and digestible,” says Thomason.

Pickled Zucchini in Mason Jars with Dill, Crushed Red Pepper and Garlic

“With cravings during pregnancy, there's some interesting research to show that there’s maybe actually a biological need behind them,” says Thomason. Take for instance, pickles. Many women find pickles irresistible while pregnant. “Pickles are super salty, but usually not the best choice to choose salty foods,” says Thomason. “But when you're pregnant, you have an increased sodium need. So it can actually be beneficial to maybe follow that craving. So should you eat a pickle in the middle of the night? Thomason’s advice: Go for it.

6 Chocolate

Much like pickles, a craving for chocolate could also be serving a greater purpose, Thomason says. “Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is high in magnesium and has a lot of antioxidants. And sometimes we just need that boost from our pregnancy.” Now, should you eat an entire bag of Oreos? Hard no. But a piece of dark chocolate? Sure.

Pregnant women might be worried about eating after a certain hour or indulging their midnight cravings, but Thomason says the reason the body is begging for a snack is because it didn’t fill up enough during the day.

“You can preempt those cravings by really making sure you have good nutrition all day and then hopefully you're not waking up in the middle of the night because you missed out on them or you didn't get enough,” says Thomason.

So listen to your hunger pangs and don’t be too worried about indulging cravings. Your body just might be telling you it needs something in the process.

Caroline Thomason, RDN LDN CDE, Certified Diabetes Educator and Registered Dietitian

This article was originally published on Dec. 15, 2019

best travel snacks for pregnancy

best travel snacks for pregnancy

10 Healthy Snacks For Expectant Black Moms

best travel snacks for pregnancy

Discover 10 healthy snack ideas tailored for expectant Black moms to support both baby's growth and mom's health.

Quintessa Williams

Published Aug 23, 2024

When expecting, finding the right snacks can play a crucial role in managing cravings and ensuring you and your baby get the nutrients needed. For Black moms-to-be, finding a balanced and healthy diet can be especially important due to the higher risks of specific conditions like hypertension and gestational diabetes. 

Here are 10 healthy ideas for easy munching many of which are high protein snacks for pregnancy. These are all tailored to support the health of expectant Black mothers.

1. Greek Yogurt And Berries

Greek yogurt is a high protein snack for pregnancy that is also packed with calcium, essential for pregnancy. Adding berries like strawberries or blueberries boosts antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. This snack is great for aiding digestion and supporting the immune system.

2. Nuts And Seeds

A handful of nuts or seeds can provide a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein, which are all vital during pregnancy. For example, almonds, walnuts, and chia seeds are excellent choices that help build the baby’s nervous system and keep the mother’s heart healthy.

3. Apple Slices With Peanut Butter

This classic snack combines the crisp sweetness of apples with the creamy richness of peanut butter, offering a balanced mix of fiber and protein. It’s perfect for staving off hunger and stabilizing blood sugar levels.

A warm bowl of oatmeal can be a comforting snack at any time of the day. Rich in fiber, oatmeal helps prevent constipation, a common issue during pregnancy. Enhance the flavor and nutritional value by topping it with a spoonful of almond butter or a sprinkle of ground flaxseed.

5. Cottage Cheese With Pineapple

Cottage cheese is also high in protein and calcium, which is important during pregnancy. Adding pineapple makes for a sweet treat and provides a burst of bromelain, an enzyme that can help reduce inflammation and aid digestion.

6. Boiled Eggs

Eggs are a great source of choline, which is important for your baby’s brain development. They’re also a high protein snack for pregnancy and easy to prepare ahead of time, making them a convenient snack.

7. Fruit Salad

A colorful fruit salad made with a variety of chopped fruits provides vitamins, minerals, and hydration. Include fruits like kiwi, strawberries, and mangoes, all high in vitamin C and other antioxidants that support the immune system.

8. Air-Popped Popcorn

When unsalted and unbuttered, popcorn is a low-calorie snack that’s high in fiber, it can be a satisfying light snack to manage hunger between meals without adding excessive calories.

9. Smoothies

A smoothie made with spinach, a banana, some Greek yogurt, and a sprinkle of flaxseeds provides a powerhouse of nourishment. It’s an easy way to consume nutrients essential for pregnancy, such as calcium, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

10. Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamin A, and their high fiber content helps with blood sugar control. Baking them as fries is a healthier alternative to satisfy those crunchy, salty cravings.

Snacking Smart During Pregnancy

The right treats also help manage pregnancy symptoms. Here are a few tips for incorporating these snacks into your daily routine:

  • Plan Ahead : Prepare and portion out snacks at the beginning of the week to make grabbing something healthy on the go easier.
  • Listen to Your Body : Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Snacking is healthy, but it’s important to eat mindfully.
  • Stay Hydrated : Along with your nutritious snacks, remember to drink plenty of water. Hydration is key for maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Choosing the right snacks during pregnancy can significantly impact your health and your baby’s development. For Black women, focusing on snacks rich in nutrients yet low in sugars and unhealthy fats is particularly important. These snacks not only provide the necessary source of nutrition but also help manage and mitigate any risks during this special time.

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30 Best Gifts for Pregnant Women and Expecting Moms 2024

Pregnant women have a lot to look forward to — but it’s not always easy-breezy leading up to their little one’s entrance into the world. “Keep in mind [they’re] likely uncomfortable and overwhelmed,” says Corinne Lange, a nurse practitioner who has spent nearly a decade helping pregnant and postpartum women navigate the ups and downs of carrying a baby.

What brightens tired, overwhelmed people more than a thoughtful gift? And we’re not talking something for the tiny new arrival (though we love an adorable baby gift as much as anyone). With the help of Lange and my own insights as a mom of two, I gathered the best gifts for pregnant women. My picks will help your pregnant loved one unwind, relieve a few aches and pains, and let them know they deserve to pamper themselves before life looks a little different.

Table of Contents

  • Best Gifts for Pregnant Women and Expecting Moms
  • How We Chose

Nuuly Subscription  »

Nuuly Subscription

List Price:

$98 per month

Buying new clothes to accommodate pregnancy’s bodily shifts can be expensive and feel wasteful. With a Nuuly subscription, though, pregnant women can pick six gorgeous new pieces, whether they need clothes for work or fun, and then replace them with fresh items the next month. It takes the stress and waste out of outfitting a pregnant or postpartum body, and allows them to discover styles that help them feel fab.

Aēsop Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash  »

Aēsop Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash

Starting at $10 (1.6 oz.)

Germs should be avoided during pregnancy and postpartum, notes nurse practitioner Lange, but she also cautions that sanitizers with harsh scents can be too much for newly sensitive pregnant noses. Enter: Aēsop Resurrection Rinse-Free Hand Wash. Its scent is quietly divine, and it doesn’t require any water for a totally cleansing wash. There’s a small size perfect for a diaper bag , but we also love the bigger one to prop on a changing table or feeding station.

Ceremonia Aceite De Moska Scalp Oil  »

Ceremonia Aceite De Moska Scalp Oil

Give pregnant moms a product that both enhances their lustrous locks while they’re growing their baby and works to promote hair growth when postpartum hormonal fluctuations can cause it to shed. The Ceremonia Aceite De Moska Scalp Oil does all that, is easy on sensitive skin, and feels super indulgent, allowing you to give one of the greatest gifts of all — a good hair day.

ThermoFlask 40 oz Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle  »

ThermoFlask 40 oz. Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle

Extreme thirst is an ever-present beast in pregnancy, and a ThermoFlask is one of the few water bottles totally up to the challenge. Its spout makes one-handed sips easy; the straw collapses (rather than sticks out of the cup) to discourage germ buildup and spills; it’s big enough to minimize refills; it keeps water chilled for 24 hours; and it’s dishwasher safe. In short, quenching new mom thirst has never been more efficient.

Free People We The Free Soho Convertible Sling  »

Free People We The Free Soho Convertible Sling

A big ol’ everything-but-the-kitchen-sink diaper bag will be a necessity soon, but every gal also deserves a sleek bag that doesn’t scream “I’m a mom!” for quick jaunts around town. The Free People Soho Convertible Sling is cute and deceptively roomy, easily fitting essentials like a diaper, bottle, and wipes. It’ll make easy-breezy outings a reality even for harried new moms .

Brooklyn Herborium Momma Moon Sitz Bath  »

Brooklyn Herborium Momma Moon Sitz Bath

Pregnancy and postpartum are tough on the body, and every woman experiencing it deserves the chance to soak in some herbs and florals specifically designed for them. This carefully curated Brooklyn Herborium Momma Moon Sitz Bath doesn’t just target their aches and pains; it also serves as a much-needed reminder to calm the body and mind.

ESARORA Ice Roller  »

ESARORA Ice Roller

Puffy face, fatigue, headache, stress, tired eyes — all can be tackled with this simple, wallet-friendly tool. Anyone can just stick an ESARORA ice roller in their freezer and roll it over their face to get instant relief from the bodily demands of growing and birthing a little babe. Like an ice bath for athletes, it’s chilly but effective.

Lightning 10 Foot Phone Charger  »

Lightning 10 Foot Phone Charger

$24.99 (For a two-pack)

Moving around gets increasingly difficult as pregnancy progresses — and it doesn’t always get easier once baby makes their arrival. An extra-long, super-fast Lighting 10 Foot Phone Charger ensures she’s not worried about battery life whittling down while they’re cozy on the couch or scrolling during a feeding session.

Hunza G Square Neck Swim  »

Hunza G Square Neck Swim

Hunza pioneered the magical scrunchy material that conforms to bodies of every size without ever getting too stretched out. When you give a pregnant woman The Hunza G Square Neck Swim, you’re not just giving them a cute suit that will fit no matter where they are in their journey — you’re giving them the excuse they need to enjoy some pool or beach time.

RockDove Women’s Original Two Tone Memory Foam Slipper  »

RockDove Women’s Original Two-Tone Memory Foam Slipper

Slip-on shoes are a pregnancy prerequisite. Along with accommodating swelling, they save people from having to bend over to get on shoes, a task that gets increasingly difficult as they grow or experience aches and pains. The RockDove Original Two Tone Memory Foam slipper fits wide and comfy but still manages to feel supportive. Plus, a rubber sole means these could be worn for quick trips outside, keeping pregnant feet cozy 24/7.

Roamies Adjustable Slides  »

Roamies Adjustable Slides

If your favorite pregnant woman has a summer pregnancy or lives in a warmer climate, switch out the warm slip-ons for some slides that give toes room to breathe. These Roamies Adjustable Slides are impossibly comfy but still provide orthopedic support, and have adjustable straps that can accommodate the swelling and deswelling of pregnancy and postpartum. Plus, tons of fun colors mean there’s a style for everyone to love.

NuGO Fiber d’Lish Cinnamon Raisin Bars  »

NuGO Fiber d’Lish Cinnamon Raisin Bars

Labor and delivery nurse practitioner Lange has one word for pregnant and postpartum women: “Fiber!” NuGo Fiber d’Lish bars are easy to grab when she’s too tired or busy to make the nutrient-dense meals that help stressed systems get back on track. Sure, it’s not the most glamorous gift, but we promise there will be a moment where it’s the most appreciated.

Nurtured 9 Eucalyptus and Peppermint All-Natural Shower Steamers  »

Nurtured 9 Eucalyptus and Peppermint All-Natural Shower Steamers

A trip to the sauna may have to wait, but that doesn’t mean a pregnant woman can’t enjoy the calm that a little steam brings with Nurtured 9 All-Natural Shower Steamers. Your expectant friend just has to place them in the shower and turn on the water to enjoy spa-like peppermint and eucalyptus scents that will put their tired body and mind at ease.

ISSEVE Nesting Silicone Food Storage Containers  »

ISSEVE Nesting Silicone Food Storage Containers

If nesting mode is activated, give your pregnant pal storage containers that will make their frozen meal prep look as good as it'll eventually taste. Bonus: These sturdy, stackable, and lidded ISSEVE Besting Silicone Food Storage Containers make handy on-the-go snack containers once the new arrival is old enough to chow down.

Weleda Stretch Mark Massage Oil  »

Weleda Stretch Mark Massage Oil

The jury is still out on whether or not any massage oil can actually prevent stretch marks. But Weleda makes one that is wonderful to use, regardless of whether some marks eventually appear. It’s rich but not oily, and unlike many other body oils, has just a hint of a fresh scent for pregnant women who can’t handle strong smells. Using it will be a nice reminder to slow down and pamper the bump.

Manta Sleep Mask  »

Manta Sleep Mask

You may not be able to give the priceless gift of sleep, but you can give the tools that make it easier to snooze. The Manta Sleep Mask design blacks out light and distractions without being too cumbersome, inching expectant and postpartum moms closer to the sanity that sound sleep brings. She’ll appreciate a sleep mask for those precious moments of delivery room hospital sleep under bright lights!

Maya Chia The Super Blend  »

Maya Chia The Super Blend

Know a pregnant woman who swears she doesn’t have that glow? Give her an assist with Maya Chia The Super Blend. This ultra-rich concentrate is indulgence at its finest, working to build vibrant, smooth complexions even as pregnancy threatens to dull bright faces. Plus, its smell is decadent but light, bringing a little luxury to the nightly pregnancy routine.

Sunday Citizen Snug Throw  »

Sunday Citizen Snug Throw

A pregnant woman may declare she simply can’t get comfortable. We sympathize, which is why we want you to challenge her claim by giving her the coziest, softest, snuggliest blanket around. She’ll revel in the comfiness the Sunday Citizen Snug Throw delivers.

RGBDOT Couch Cup Holder  »

RGBDOT Couch Cup Holder

Whether they’re at the stage of pregnancy where getting up is a tad tricky or they’re anticipating nap-trapped days on the couch ahead, an RGBDOT couch cup holder helps your expecting loved one keep essentials like coffee mugs, water bottles, snacks, baby bottles , and the remote close and contained for an A+ relaxation station.

The Mindful Drinking Co. Ready to Drink Seasonal Bundle  »

The Mindful Drinking Co. Ready To Drink Seasonal Bundle

Great news for pregnant people who miss their favorite drink: There are tons of delicious, elevated alcohol-free drink options available out there now. And great news for you: You can send them a Mindful Drinking Co. seasonal box full of some of the best, helping them find their new go-to.

Canon IVY 2 Mini Photo Printer  »

Canon Ivy2 Mini Photo Printer

Don’t let all kinds of bump pics and new baby snaps live only in a camera roll! A Canon IVY 2 Mini Photo Printer gives pregnant women a chance to print out these precious moments in seconds via an easy-to-use app. They can print a favorite for the fridge or give out mini-souvenir photos when friends and family come to visit, all without ever having to leave their seat.

Heelkl Adjustable Neck Fan  »

Heelkl Adjustable Neck Fan

Nurse practitioner Lange knows that pregnancy gets hot and uncomfortable, and recommends a mini fan that helps keep the rising bodily temps at bay. This Heelkl Adjustable Neck Fan sits inconspicuously around the neck, making it perfect for staying cool and hands-free whether running errands in the heat or chilling on the couch.

L.L. Bean Cozy Sherpa Wearable Throw  »

L.L. Bean Cozy Sherpa Wearable Throw

Soon-to-be moms in chilly climates will thank you every time they get to don this incredibly soft, comforting wearable throw. Cozy during pregnancy, it’s also a nice gift if you know someone who plans to nurse.

Levain Cookie Club Monthly Subscription  »

Levain Cookie Club Monthly Subscription

$49 per month

Sure, you can make the argument that it’s always a good time for a monthly cookie delivery (and we would agree!). But pregnancy is an extra good time to send a recurring sweet treat to someone you love — and it doesn’t get any sweeter than a Levain Cookie Club subscription. These famously dense cookies pack rich flavors, crispy edges, and gooey centers into every bite, handily satisfying any sweet pregnancy craving.

Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush Bundle  »

Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush Bundle

A Sheila Stotts Natural Boar Bristle Brush Bundle is a long-lasting gift. Along with keeping up pregnancy hair strength and shine, It helps support a healthy scalp that can stave off postpartum hair loss. Plus, this bundle includes a brush that’s the perfect size for baby. (One note: If your pregnant friend has extra thick or curly hair, the mixed natural boar and nylon brush might be a better fit.)

Fluxx Card Game  »

Fluxx Card Game

Your pregnant loved one might not be up for raucous nights out, but that doesn’t mean they can’t engage in a little fun and games . Fluxx is a delightfully kooky card game that’s easy to pick up and endlessly playable, staving off the boredom of pregnancy and making nights in loads of fun.

DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks  »

DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks

Any pregnant woman will tell you she could use just a little rejuvenation. Guess what? You can give it to her with these DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks. Soothing and easy to wear while doing anything from tidying up to resting in bed, they help minimize tired, puffy eyes and maximize feeling good.

Aoceley Cordless Rechargeable Table Lamps  »

Aeoceley Cordless Rechargeable Table Lamps

$89.90 for two

Pregnancy can be filled with midnight trips to the loo, and a baby’s entrance into the world is filled with some late nights, too. The last thing anyone needs is to be stumbling in the dark. Light their way with lamps that are as stylish as they are practical. And when sleepless nights are (hopefully!) over, these make wonderful additions to kids’ play tables or evening patio hangs.

Kept Collection “Childhood, a History” Journal  »

Kept Collection Childhood, a History Journal

A lovely journal can help expectant moms keep track of the little pregnancy moments she may forget in the coming years. The “Childhood, a History” journal from Kept Collection has sweet and easy prompts to make documenting these moments simple even for people who aren’t natural record keepers. In the process, they’ll get excited about all the fun ahead, and create a personal heirloom their growing baby will treasure.

L’Occitane Almond Milk Concentrate  »

L’Occitane Almond Milk Concentrate

Body butter could be considered a necessary indulgence at any time, but it’s especially comforting when pregnancy is usurping a body’s nutrients and moisture. L’Occitane Almond Body Milk restores that lost hydration and firms skin all over. The scent is mild enough for pregnant sensitivities, and the formula packs a velvety punch that screams “pamper yourself.”

How We Chose the Gifts for Pregnant Women

At U.S. News 360 Reviews, we know that you want to shower pregnant loved ones with gifts that help ease the physical and emotional demands of carrying a baby. When selecting the best gifts for pregnant women, we sought out items that would be both practical for this time in their life and something they are wary of splurging on for themselves.

We talked to Corinne Lange, APNP , who has worked for nearly a decade as a labor and delivery nurse, as well as an OB clinic nurse. She offered her insight on gifts that would help women avoid some of the most common challenges associated with pregnancy. We also considered price points, and whether the gift is something that could also be appreciated post-pregnancy. With all this in mind, we landed on a variety of the best gifts for pregnant women that help them feel celebrated and seen throughout their pregnancy and beyond.


Rachelle Dragani , the author of this piece, has been researching and writing stories in the commerce space for more than a decade. Her expertise includes family and lifestyle goods, and at U.S. News 360 Reviews, she’s helped shoppers choose gifts for everyone from babies to brides . When Dragani was pregnant, she was grateful for gifts that felt too indulgent for her to splurge on herself, like rich body butters, soft pajamas, and cushioned sandals.

Megan Wood is U.S. News 360 Reviews Senior Editor, focusing on family baby gear, a role that perfectly combines her decade of product review and editorial testing experience with her love of obsessively helping parents find the right products for their families. When she was pregnant (and constantly hungry), she appreciated edible gifts and anything pampering.

About Our Team

Rachelle Dragani

Rachelle Dragani


Megan Wood

Senior Editor, 360 Reviews

U.S. News 360 Reviews takes an unbiased approach to our recommendations. When you use our links to buy products, we may earn a commission but that in no way affects our editorial independence.


  1. 11+ Best Pregnancy Snacks of 2023

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  2. 20 Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

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  3. 10 Super Healthy Pregnancy Snacks for the Hungry Mom-to-Be

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  4. 20+ High Protein Pregnancy Snacks You'll Actually Enjoy

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  5. The big list of easy pregnancy snacks

    best travel snacks for pregnancy

  6. Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

    best travel snacks for pregnancy


  1. Best Healthy Pregnancy Snacks to Satisfy Your Cravings

    Snacks, too, are a smart form of nutritional insurance. While your calorie needs ramp up during pregnancy (500 more per day by the third trimester), it's more crucial than ever to use those extra calories to fill your body with key nutrients that support your baby's development — particularly protein, folate, calcium, vitamin D, DHA (omega-3 fatty acid), iodine and iron.

  2. 50+ Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

    Do the best you can on any given day! Whole grain cereal with nondairy milk (banana optional!) Whole grain toast with scrambled eggs or hard-boiled eggs. Whole grain toast with nut butter or cottage cheese. Whole grain toast with butter. Whole grain crackers with nut butter and jam. Pretzels with nut butter or cheese.

  3. Healthy Road Trip Snacks for Pregnant Women: Ultimate Guide

    Embark on a road trip with peace of mind by packing pregnancy-friendly snacks. Get options to combat discomfort, satisfy cravings, and cater to special diets.

  4. 14 Nutritionist-Approved First Trimester Snacks

    Bonus round: 5 first-trimester pregnancy snack combos 1. Apples, Peanut Butter and Whole-Grain Crackers: A Power-Packed Trio. Apples, peanut butter, and whole-grain crackers make an excellent snack combo to kick start your journey right. Packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats, this snack is designed to keep you satiated between meals.

  5. 21 Top Healthy Travel Snacks (Dietitian Approved)

    9. Portable Fruit & Veggie Slices. Think apple slices, berries, or a banana. Cut them up ahead of time and store in a stasher bag to snack on in flight or in any other on-the-go travel situation. Prepare some carrots, celery, or pepper slices in a bag ahead of time to snack on on-the-go. 10.

  6. Healthy Snacks for Pregnancy: Ideas, Tips, Preparation

    Serving: 1 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 cup berries. Calories: 198. With nearly 11 grams of protein per serving, cottage cheese is a nutritious on-the-go snack for pregnancy. It's also a good source of calcium to keep your teeth and bones strong. Pair it with fresh berries for added flavor and nutrients.

  7. Healthy Pregnancy Snacks: Recipes and Ideas

    Healthy snacks for pregnancy ensure you get the additional calories you need when growing baby, says Natalie Carroll, RDN, a registered dietitian and lactation counselor specializing in women's health.For the record, most pregnant people need about 340 extra calories a day during the second trimester and 450 extra daily calories during the third trimester, notes the Centers for Disease ...

  8. Smart Snacks When You're Pregnant

    Apples, Peanut Butter, and Crackers. 1 /12. For pregnant women, the best snacks -- like this one -- combine things from at least two food groups. With protein, fiber, and healthy fats, you'll stay ...

  9. Healthy Pregnancy Snacks

    These snack ideas, eaten in moderation, offer great nutrition and an option to curb those sweet cravings. #4: Cheeses and cold cuts. Cheese is an excellent choice for snacking on the go because it fills you up quickly, thanks to its high protein count. This pregnancy snack contains B vitamins, vitamin A and fat.

  10. 50+ Easy Healthy Pregnancy Snacks (high protein + low sugar)

    Boost your protein and get extra energy with these high protein snacks for pregnancy. Peanut, almond, or sunbutter with celery, apple slices, gluten free toast or crackers. Rice cakes with nut butter, bananas, raisins and hemp seeds. Pregnancy energy balls - with almonds, date fruit and cacao. Goji Berries.

  11. 25 Healthy Pregnancy Snacks That Are Loaded With Nutrition

    Some of the best vegetables you can eat during pregnancy include bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, and green peas, as they're loaded with various vitamins and minerals. Dip them in some homemade greek yogurt dip, and you've just added a healthy dose of protein and probiotics to your snack. 22. No-Bake Energy Bites.

  12. 10 healthy snacks for pregnancy

    1/2 cup cucumber slices, 1/2 cup carrots, and 1/2 cup celery sticks with 1/4 cup guacamole. 1 ounce (about 10 chips) of lower sodium tortilla chips with 1/4 cup guacamole. in their hands, feet, ankles, and calves at some point in their pregnancy. Avoiding excess sodium will help you beat the bloat.

  13. Pregnancy Snacks for Your Cravings and Challenges

    1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper. 1/2 to 1 tbsp. olive oil. Preheat oven to 400°F (204°C) and lightly spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray. Set aside. Rinse and thoroughly dry the ...

  14. 46+ High Protein Snacks for Pregnancy

    The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends between 5-7 ounces of protein for pregnant or lactating women. It's suggested that this protein comes from meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, nuts, seeds, soy, and vegetable sources.

  15. 25 Best Travel Snacks For Your Next Trip

    The churro flavor was a tester favorite and packs in 10 grams of protein and five grams of fiber at under 200 calories. Per serving (one bar, churro): 190 calories, 9g total fat, 1g sat fat, 35mg ...

  16. 12 healthy food tips every traveling pregnant woman should know

    Here are some tips to make the most of your airport and airplane confinement. Save time and money by eating a meal at home before heading out to the airport. Julio Cortez/AP. Drink water - It's ...

  17. Healthy Pregnancy Snacks That You Won't Feel Guilty for Craving

    Keep reading for the best pregnancy snacks that you'll love! The Best Healthy Pregnancy Snacks. In general, you want to try and follow the 80/20 rule. 80% nutritious and 20% treats. This type of rule should apply to snacking as well. Here are my best healthy pregnancy snacks! Celery and Peanut Butter @tulipscookiebar

  18. Road Trip Snacks: The Best Healthy Snacks on the Go

    Low-fat Greek yogurt. Hummus with veggies. Fruit cups made with fresh fruit. Pre-cut veggies. Oatmeal. The prices at the airport can be sky high, though, and you may be on the run to make a ...

  19. 9 Healthy Pregnancy Snacks for Moms on the Go

    1/4 cup pizza sauce, divided. Mozzarella cheese. Chopped vegetables. Layer sauce, cheese and vegetables on top of English muffin halves. Broil for 3-5 minutes or until cheese is melted and begins to brown. 9. Yogurt Parfait. For a super-quick snack, grab an individual carton of protein-rich Greek yogurt.

  20. 22 Pregnancy Snacks To Keep In Your Purse

    9. Hard-Boiled Eggs (When Stored Properly) Easy to make and store in your fridge for a quick grab-and-go snack, hard-boiled eggs are packed with protein, choline, and other pregnancy-essential nutrients. 10 Ensure you eat this snack within two hours of leaving your fridge! 10. Protein-Packed Trail Mix.

  21. 5 Snack Foods to Eat While Pregnant

    Low iron, or anemia, is the most common nutritional deficiency among pregnant women. To increase the absorption of iron in beans, pair them with a food high in vitamin C such as sliced bell peppers, oranges, melon or strawberries. One caveat: Packaged dried bean snacks have variable amounts of sodium.

  22. Best Snacks For Pregnancy

    Oatmeal Nature's Path Organic Instant Oatmeal. $27 for six 8-pack boxes See at Amazon. Opens a new window. Jump to Review. Dark Chocolate UnReal Dark Chocolate Peanut Gems. $26 for 11-oz. bag See at Amazon Opens a new window. Jump to Review. Frozen Yogurt Bars Yasso Mint Chip Frozen Yogurt Bars. $7 for four See at Amazon Opens a new window.

  23. 6 Late-Night Snacks For Pregnancy That Are Healthy, Easy ...

    2 Apples & Peanut Butter. Another protein/carb combo, this one might appeal to those with more of a sweet tooth. The apple might cover sweet cravings, but Thomason says eaten alone, it might also ...

  24. 10 Healthy Snacks For Expectant Black Moms

    Here are 10 healthy ideas for easy munching many of which are high protein snacks for pregnancy. These are all tailored to support the health of expectant Black mothers. 1. Greek Yogurt And Berries. Greek yogurt is a high protein snack for pregnancy that is also packed with calcium, essential for pregnancy.

  25. 30 Best Gifts for Pregnant Women and Expecting Moms 2024

    Extreme thirst is an ever-present beast in pregnancy, and a ThermoFlask is one of the few water bottles totally up to the challenge. Its spout makes one-handed sips easy; the straw collapses ...