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12 Things to Know Before Traveling to Colombia

Things to know before visiting Colombia: patience

Are you planning on visiting Colombia? Then you’ll probably find these travel tips for Colombia useful!

Colombia, a country with beautiful nature and generally very friendly people. But a country that at the same time many people, including my parents, think is dangerous and a place to avoid.

I was very excited though to explore this country and to be able to form my own opinions. I spent a month as a digital nomad in Medellin , Colombia’s second-largest city,  and several weeks traveling around the country.

Before I traveled to Colombia I wondered what the main things you should know about Colombia are.

To find out I spoke to many experienced travelers, local Colombians, and expats currently living in Colombia . That resulted in a lot of information about traveling in Colombia, safety in Colombia and other travel tips.

The most important advice I received, and several travel tips for Colombia I want to share with you here.

1. Don’t Worry Too Much About Safety but Follow a Few Rules

Things to know before traveling to Colombia: safety tips

By Sue & Mike from 197travelstamps.com

“Murder, drug trafficking, kidnapping, and corruption – we’ve all heard some crazy stories about safety in Colombia. But, in contrast to popular belief, traveling through Colombia is actually not very dangerous.

The safety situation has greatly improved over the last few years.

You will be very unlikely to have any problems if you follow these basic safety rules :

  • Don’t carry valuables like jewelry and cash in plain sight. If you have an expensive camera, consider using an unremarkable bag to carry it and check your surroundings before using it.  
  • When you walk on the side of the road, don’t carry your bag on the side facing the street. Robberies from motorbike riders happen every now and then.
  • Don’t use (unlicensed) street taxis. Download the Uber or Cabify app to order taxis. The drivers are registered and so is every single ride you take.
  • Don’t walk around at night, use a taxi.

Once you get to Colombia, you will be overwhelmed by the beauty of the country and the kindness of the people.

You won’t have to worry too much about safety. If you still have doubts, ask the staff at your hotel or the Airbnb owner about safety tips – they will know best.”

Also Read: Staying Safe While Traveling – Practical Tips

2. The Temperature in Colombia Depends on Altitude Rather Than Time of Year

El Peñón de Guatapé

By Carlitos from Casa Hotel San Pedro

“Since Colombia is a tropical country, there are no seasons, so temperature depends on altitude rather than the time of the year.

For example, Bogotá has a pleasantly cool temperature during the day with chilly nights, while Cartagena has very hot and humid days and warm nights.

Any multi-city trip to Colombia requires a full range of clothes to prepare for all of these temperatures.”

3. Learn to Be Patient Like a Local

Things to know before visiting Colombia: patience

“The pace of life is different in Colombia.

If you are from a Western country, you may be used to the fast-running clockwork that is life in your country. Little things like a delayed train or a long queue at the supermarket are major annoyances.

Life is different in Colombia. Sometimes a little less organized, a little less on time, and sometimes just plain chaotic.

A delay of a bus or a flight of several hours without any information or updates from staff would cause major riots in many Western countries. In Colombia, nobody will get nervous over something like this and people will just continue talking and socializing until the situation straightens itself out.

If you find yourself in such a situation, keep cool and try to learn from the patience of the locals.”

4. Learn Some Spanish – a Few Words Go a Long Way

an old Colombian man

By James, an expat in Colombia, and Sue & Mike

Mike: “English isn’t widely spoken in Colombia.

Hotel staff usually do speak some English and they will be able to help you out with most things you may need if you don’t speak any Spanish. But I would recommend you learn a few words before you travel to Colombia, and bring a phrasebook.

The locals definitely appreciate any effort you make towards speaking their language and your travel experience will be so much more genuine if you can ask the old man on the bus next to you about his day.”

James: “If you already speak Spanish, look up Colombian slang on the internet. It doesn’t take long and helps a lot.”

5. Cocaine is a Taboo in Colombia

Things to know before traveling to Colombia: Cocaine is a taboo topic

By Karin from GirlAstray.com

“When Colombians travel abroad they inevitably face questions and jokes about cocaine. Sometimes, people even directly ask them for drugs.

However, cocaine is a big taboo in Colombian society as the conflict it initiated has taken an immense toll on the people and many families lost their loved ones.

In Bogota, although drugs are easy to find for those who are looking for them, the area of the “L” street where illegal substances and services are sold is dangerous and full of crime.

When traveling to Colombia, avoid joking about drugs or suggesting that locals use cocaine regularly as it is very insulting. Besides, most of the white powder is exported to the USA and Europe anyway.

It goes without saying that you won’t make a great impression if you start a discussion about Pablo Escobar armed with only what you learned from the Narcos series either!

Avoiding judgmental comments and perhaps this topic altogether is usually the safest way to avoid hurting someone’s pride and feelings.”

6. Communication Works Differently in Colombia

Things to know before traveling to Colombia: communication

By Rebecca and Michele, expats living in Colombia, and Carlitos, a Colombian

Rebecca: “I find that language tends to be more formal here.

I tend to be really short in my communication. I’ll text someone exactly what’s on my mind. For example, “So today we are really going to need XYZ and do ABC.”

I will get back, “Buenos Días, como estás? Como estás tu familia?” Tu perrito? Tús hijos? ( “Good morning, how are you? How is your family? Your dog? Your kids?” ). You can’t skip the greeting and formality for the sake of efficiency and brevity. Even in short face-to-face encounters.”

Michele: “Yes, this drives me crazy. My professors at the university told me that they knew I was a gringa ( foreigner ) before even meeting me based on the short, to the point, almost cold, emails I would send them asking some questions.”

Carlitos:  Yes, that’s Colombia. Also don’t just say “hola” (“ hello” ). “Muy buenas tardes, señora” (“ a very good afternoon, madam” ) is much more the local custom.”

7. Mañana Does Not Mean Tomorrow

a colorful street in Colombia

By Susan and Luis, expats living in Colombia

Susan: “Mañana does not mean tomorrow here… it’s more like some time in the future.”

Luis: “And “ahora” ( “now” ) means sometime in the next hours. If you want something to be done right now, you have to use “ya” ( “already” ).

This difference and the excessive politeness drives me crazy as a Spaniard with a more direct Spanish language.”

8. Transportation and Money in Colombia

Things to know before traveling to Colombia: about transportation and money in Colombia

By Rick and Beth, expats in Colombia

Rick: “Taxis and buses go anywhere in the country and are very inexpensive. However, Palomino, on the Caribbean coast, does not have any taxis, nor ATMs.

Long-distance buses are comfortable, have air conditioning and sometimes even wifi.

Latam and Wingo airlines are very inexpensive compared to other airlines. For example, a one-way flight from Bogota to Barranquilla may cost as little as US$ 35.  Viva Colombia is another low-cost airline worth checking out.

ATMs are in English and Spanish and the surcharge is about equal to US$ 3.00.”

Beth: “Bring a debit card to get cash, and be sure to let your bank know where you will be.

Using ATMs is a much better option than trying to exchange money.”

9. Tipping in Colombia

what you should know before traveling to Colombia: tipping culture in Colombia

By Rebecca and Linnea, expats in Colombia

Rebecca: “In most restaurants I am familiar with in Bogota, the tip is included in the bill (normally 10%). That tip is spread amongst all the staff.

So if you want to give something extra to just your waiter, which seems to be more optional, that needs to be separate.”

Linnea: “Many of the smaller more typical Colombian places will neither ask nor expect a tip usually.

With that being said, of course, one should tip something if the service was good. But it’s not mandatory, like in some other countries.”

10. Wear Sunscreen

things one should know before traveling to Colombia: use sunscreen

By David, an expat in Colombia

“Use sunscreen!!! Because Colombia is located close to the equator the sun is strong.

Even in a place like Bogota where the air is cool, the sun is incredibly intense.”

Also Read: 15 Of The Best Beaches in The World – including 2 beaches in Colombia!

11. Keep Your Cool in Colombia

Things to know before traveling to Colombia: anger and violence

By Steven and Shantideva, living in Colombia

Steven: “Like many other cultures throughout the world, Colombians do not like public displays of anger, frustration, or drama. It is considered very unattractive and unwanted here.  

If a gringo ( foreigner ) displays any loss of composure he/she will likely be tuned out, ignored as low class, or generally be dismissed.

In my area, they will look at you as if you are a crazy person or simply ignore you as if you are literally not there at all.”

Shantideva: “In Barranquilla you’ll have 2 kinds of reactions if you show anger in public:

  • You’ll be totally ignored.
  • You’ll be punched in the face by a local who thought your anger was directed at him.”

12. Enjoy the Beauty of Colombia

What to know before traveling to Colombia

By Mary and Janwillem, living in Colombia

Mary: “Colombia is music, salsa, rumba, everywhere. It doesn’t matter what time, for what reason or how many people there are, the people always sing and dance.

There is always a reason to move your hips. And you either join in or you miss out.

Colombia is the country where all taxi drivers seem to be listening to Olímpica Estéreo ( radio station ) which makes me feel like I live in the center of the Caribbean.”

Janwillem: “Try to visit some villages, the beauty of this country is not in the cities at all. it is outside. Come and visit Tamesis, where I choose to live after 11 years in Colombia.”

Colombia has a lot to offer with its incredible diversity in landscapes and cultures.

From historical cities to cute little towns. Lush jungle, snow-capped volcanoes, rocky deserts, endless plains, gorgeous beaches, coffee and cocoa plantations and alpine lakes.

I hope you found this list of things to know about Colombia useful. And if you are traveling to Colombia soon, enjoy exploring this beautiful country!

  • A Digital Nomad’s Guide to Medellin, Colombia
  • The Best Rooftop Bars in Medellín
  • Interview About Expat Life in Medellín
  • Everything You Need to Know Before Trekking to The Lost City in Colombia
  • The Best Place to Watch the Sunset on San Andres Island
  • Interview About Living in Cali, Colombia
  • What It’s Like to Move to & Live in Cartagena, Colombia

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Are you thinking about traveling to Colombia? Colombia is a beautiful and very diverse country. These are some useful things to know before you travel to Colombia.

1 thought on “12 Things to Know Before Traveling to Colombia”

Very well written, thanks for the tips! Indeed, Colombia has come a long way since the time of the roaring drug trade, and is today one of the most enjoyable countries in South America.However, there are tourist-targeting scammers and petty crime to be wary of.

Do be wary of the gold / emerald shop price scam, fake towel charge, airport unofficial taxi robbery, carjacking, drug set-up, fraudulent money changers, unsolicited tours, hostel attacks and many more!

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Travel Tips for Colombia – 25 Things to Know Before You Go

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Colombia is an incredible country to visit. It’s filled with breathtaking beauty, diverse natural habitats, amazing architecture, and incredible people. You will find very quickly that you benefit from travel tips for Colombia before you go, so you’re prepared for this adventure.

Some helpful tips will make your visit easier and safer. They will also make your trip a lot more fun if you know about them beforehand. (So, good for you for researching in advance and finding this post!)

This is my list of the top 25 best travel tips for Colombia to be sure you have a great time and are well prepared. I spent several weeks touring the country, and want you to have as great of an experience as I did!

cartagena, colombia, brightly colored buildings, two men talking

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25 Helpful Travel Tips for Colombia

Going to a developing country takes some extra planning, and it’s a bit different from what you may be used to. I encourage you to consider going to more local-type establishments to get to know the real Colombia instead of staying in 5-star resorts and not leaving the property.

To enjoy the trip, you will want to do some preparation in advance, and these Colombia travel tips will be helpful for when you arrive and you are traveling around.

The first five is a list of Colombia travel tips that will be great to know before you leave, though they can help you while you’re in Colombia as well. The remainder will be helpful while you’re traveling.

One thing to keep in mind is that many of these travel tips for Colombia apply to many Latin American countries. So, flag this page for future trips!

1. Learn Some Basic Spanish

Most Colombians don’t speak English, though you can generally find someone who can help you in a pinch in larger cities like Bogotá, Cartagena, and Medellín.

It will be really helpful if you learn at least some basic Spanish to help you with basic things like checking into a hotel, ordering food, finding your way around, getting directions, and purchasing things.

My Spanish is pretty poor, but I know some basics, and between that, context, and pantomiming, you’d be surprised how well you can communicate.

Bring a dictionary or have Google Translate teed up on your phone. It’s one of the really helpful apps that I highly recommend and one you will make good use of in Colombia.

2. Bring Cash

You will find that credit cards aren’t widely used in Colombia, even in hotels and restaurants. They are used more often in the larger cities, but always be prepared in case cards are not accepted.

A nice hotel I stayed at in Manizales didn’t accept credit cards, and I was surprised. The good thing is that coming from many countries, the exchange rate is very favorable. You don’t need to bring a large amount to get by, and banks and ATMs are pretty easy to find.

things to see in manizales, things to do in manizales, temple del sagrado corazon los agostinos, colombia churches, beautiful blue and white church

3. Plan for Wide Swings in the Weather

You will find the weather is very diverse in Colombia if you are traveling to multiple places. Check out the weather averages before you leave and plan accordingly with what you pack.

Bogotá had lows in the 40s Fahrenheit, but Cartagena was extremely humid when I went with highs in the high 90s. I had to bring some tanks and a down jacket.

It takes some planning to be prepared for this, but you’ll be much happier if you bring what you need. Of course, you can always buy something while you’re traveling as well.

4. Visit Several Places in Colombia

I mentioned this earlier, but this is such an important tip. You can’t just go to Bogotá to really feel you’ve been to Colombia. It is so very different from Cartagena, or the small town of Salento. There is really no comparison.

Most of the Americans I met were in Cartagena , though there weren’t many of them. I did meet a family in Bogotá as well, but none during my other travels.

You will find the Colombian people overall to be very warm and friendly. There are definitely differences throughout the country in the people, the food, and what the land is like.

Do yourself a favor and really get to know and enjoy Colombia and all of its amazing variety. And it’s a good idea to get off the “Gringo path” to see what Colombia is all about. Of course, go to Cartagena, Bogota, and Medellin, but treat yourself to someone else as well!

Guatapé, Guatape colombia, day trips from medellin, guatape, places to visit in colombia, colombia tourist attractions, day trips from medellin, zocalo, zocalos, medellin, colombia, colombia travel tips

5. Don’t Drink the Water

Anyone who does their research before going to Colombia will find this, but there’s actually a little more to it than simply drinking water. People have a tendency to forget when eating fruits and vegetables.

You can’t eat anything that was rinsed in water. The only way you can in order to ensure you won’t get sick is if it’s peeled or cooked. I have seriously never wanted to eat a salad as much as when I travel to countries where I can’t drink water!

Also, you can’t have ice. So, think about it when you get your favorite soda and ditch the ice. You’ll be happier for it.

6. Keep Mum About the Man from Medellín

Yes, you know the one I mean. Him . He’s much of the reason why Colombia got its bad rap to begin with, so the people overall aren’t fond of him and don’t want to talk about him. The Colombians are very proud and want to put it behind them. Let them.

You may get some strong reactions if you do mention him, so if you do so, do it quietly.

Do the country a favor and skip the tours dedicated to him. It’s just not a good practice to support this kind of tourism. Colombians want to forget him, so please let them.

medellin, things to do in medellin, Guatapé, Guatape colombia, day trips from medellin, guatape, places to visit in colombia, colombia tourist attractions, day trips from medellin, man from medellin, pablo escobar, colombia travel tips, beautiful green area looking out over a lake,

7. Use the Trash Bin Next to the Toilet for Paper

In Colombia, people dispose of paper in the trash bin, and they don’t flush it. This is because most of the country has septic systems and old creaky pipes.

You don’t want to be that person who clogs the pipes. So, do the kind thing and toss your trash in the bin they kindly left for you.

8. Always Carry Hand Sanitizer and Toilet Paper

While we’re on the fun subject of toileting, here’s another good idea for you. You will often find bathrooms don’t have toilet paper, so it’s a good idea to have some with you. And when they do have paper, they may not have a seat on the toilet.

You will want to buy a lottery ticket if you find a bathroom with toilet paper, a seat, paper towels, or a working hand dryer.

9. Take Day Tours to Learn the Area

If you can find a reasonably-priced day tour (with no “gringo tax”), they are a great idea. You get an insider’s perspective about the area, and it’s nice to have help navigating, as public transportation in Colombia can be really challenging.

I took a day tour from Cartagena to the town of Palenque , a trip to the colorful Guatapé from Medellín , and went on a Zipaquira Salt Cathedral day trip from Bogotá .

All of these trips were amazing. Though I might have found a way to do it with public transportation, I would have missed out on all the wonderful history behind these areas. Just don’t get caught thinking you need to pay hundreds of dollars for these trips.

The most expensive one I took was $65 USD, and they were all amazing. Perhaps this is two Colombia travel tips in one- both suggesting taking day tours and being aware of the “gringo tax.”

catedral de zipaquira, zipaquira cathedral, Catedral de Sal, catedral de sal de zipaquira, beautiful old stone church, colombia travel tips

10. Be Careful with Taxis and Uber

Update : it appears that as of 2021, Uber may be more prevalent and possibly even legal to use in Colombia. I encourage you to do some research before you plan to go to be sure, as I see some conflicting reports.

Uber is technically illegal in Colombia. I say “technically,” as you will find Uber operating in some of the cities by some industrious locals. However, I did hear about some harassment by taxi drivers and worse in Cartagena.

It’s best not to use Uber, both for safety and to support the local taxi drivers. They will appreciate it, and it’s a good practice to support local business owners when you can.

For taxis, make sure the meter is running or negotiate the cost of your trip up-front. This is similar to what you’ll see in many other countries and not unique to Colombia.

11. There are Many Dogs (and Cats) Roaming the Streets

They seem better cared for in some areas, though they can pull on your heartstrings. It’s a good idea not to approach them unless they approach you to avoid the risk of being bitten.

When we stopped for a quick break on the way back from Guatapé, I saw my bus driver pull a large bag of dog food out of the bus and feed some of the dogs. One used only three legs and was very friendly with people. They were clearly very well-fed.

12. You Will See a Strong Military Presence

You’ll see military troops almost everywhere you go, especially in the larger cities. It can be unnerving at first, but it’s actually a good thing.

It is generally not because of crime in an area, but it is used as a strong deterrent. This is part of how Colombia has “cleaned up its act.”

You don’t want to do anything to call attention to yourself, of course. But unless you’re doing something illegal, you generally won’t be bothered by them.

13. In-Country Flights are Cheap

Buses are very cheap and can be a crazy experience, but they can take a long time. If you’re short on time, give a flight a look. EasyFly and VivaColombia are two local airlines to look for if you’re interested in a flight. 

I booked a flight on EasyFly from Medellín to Armenia when I learned the 6 to 8-hour bus ride was taking more than 11 hours. I only had a few days in Salento and decided it was worth the cost to save time.

The plane was tiny, and my international-sized carry-on didn’t even fit in the overhead compartment, but it was no issue. The bags were all lined up next to the place when we got off.

Cocora Valley, salento colombia, things to do in salento, wax palms, salento quindio, things to do in salento colombia, what to do in salento colombia, places to visit in colombia, woman walking on a suspension bridge

14. Try the Almuerzo

Almuerzo means lunch in Spanish. But, what I’m referring to is the special lunch offering which is generally bandeja paisa.

You usually start with soup and then a massive dish of meat, white rice, arepa (cornmeal cake), plantain, red beans, a small salad, and a drink (remember, no ice, and don’t eat the salad unless you’re feeling very lucky)!

It’s huge and usually runs around 8k COP, which is around $2.50 USD. Seriously. And go hungry and plan not to eat dinner. It’s that huge.

bandeja paisa, things to eat in colombia, colombia travel tips plate of food with chicken, beans, avocado, corn cake

15. Portions are Massive

While I’m on the subject of large meals, you will find most of the meals in Colombia are large. The bandeja paisa almuerzo is a good example (when it’s served at dinner time, they usually call it bandeja paisa, but it’s essentially the same thing).

I got ajiaco which is chicken soup. They literally filled my table with dishes, including a large bowl of chicken broth, chicken, Peruvian corn, three kinds of corn, and guascas (a local herb).

Then they brought dishes with arepa and white rice. And not to stop there, they brought more dishes with toppings, including capers, hot sauces, and crema.

I literally ate this one dinner meal for three meals. And it was amazing! (I highly recommend trying some of the soups, which are Colombian specialties).

ajiaco, things to eat in colombia, colombian soup, colombia soup, ajiaco, chicken soup with rice, bread, corn, colombia travel tips

16. Try Aguardiente

What is aguardiente? It’s a locally-made liquor of distilled sugar cane.

We were offered it by our host in Salento, Colombia, with aguapanela, a drink made of sugar cane boiled to bubbly goodness and cooked for a long time, with water added.

It is sweet but not overly so, and has the taste of a lightly sweetened iced tea. It’s sometimes mixed with some lemon juice, so that it tastes like an Arnold Palmer.

Tejo is a fun game in Colombia played by throwing rocks at packets filled with explosives. What doesn’t sound amazingly fun about that??

tejo, things to do in salento, salento colombia, salento quindio, places to visit in colombia, what to do in salento colombia, colombia travel tips

17. Don’t Expect Anything for Free

Colombians generally expect that work should be compensated, so don’t expect samples for free. And if someone offers you something, they will expect you to pay for it.

This happened to me in Medellín when a young man kept trying to give me a woven bracelet. I declined several times, in fact, but he kept trying and ended up tying it loosely on my wrist. Then, he promptly demanded money for it. I was a bit put off, of course.

This also happens when you see people dressing up for you to take a photo of. They want money for it. Even if you aim your phone in their general direction.

When you’re in Bogotá, avoid this creepy-looking dude at all costs. I didn’t even have my phone up when he heckled the @#$% out of me for money. I finally gave up and paid him, then snapped this picture. And yes, he actually tried to get money from me a second time.

things to see in bogota, colombia tourist attractions, clown baby in a stroller

18. Drink Lots of Fruit Juices (Jugos)

The fruit juices are crazy good, and I highly recommend them. A word of caution, though, as they do have water in them. If you get a shake with milk thinking you’re avoiding the water, you’re not, as they put ice in them.

I finally gave in and tried one, and I was hooked. Now, I have read that they are often made with purified water (agua filtrado). However, I’m not sure if this is true or not. I can only tell you that if you’re going to take a risk, this is where you want to take it.

Traditional flavors are good, but try something different. My favorite was lulo, which is the naranjillo fruit. It was described as a citrusy rhubarb, and that really nailed it. It’s sweet and tart and amazing.

Mora (blackberry) is great, and I loved maracuyá (sweet passionfruit) as well.

19. Try the Snacks Sold on Buses

Last food one, I promise! This was a bit weird to me, I’ll admit it. I took a couple of buses, and people got on and sold homemade snacks. Weird, right? Well, buy them. It’s quite common in Colombia.

I bought an empanada for the equivalent of 20 cents in USD, and it was filled with strawberry goodness. She had already hopped off by the time I tried it, or I might have been tempted to buy more! Yum.

20. Go to the Mercados

The mercados, or markets, are where the locals do their shopping. They don’t go to supermarkets, which are usually at a higher price. You can find the freshest ingredients in the mercados as much less than you can at the supermarkets.

You also get to people-watch with the locals, which is always fun. In addition to food, you can find some really nice handmade items like carvings and woven goods, so it’s a good idea to go to bring gifts back for the people who thought Colombia was unsafe to travel to.

21. Tipping Isn’t Required

If you’re coming from the US or even Europe, most people expect to tip for any service. Things are a bit different in Colombia, though.

Taxis don’t require tips, though you can certainly round up to make your life easier (and not have a pocket full of change). You can pay 10% at restaurants if you wish, though they are not expected.

Most restaurants pay their staff what would be considered a living wage. Tips aren’t factored into that compensation.

You should consider paying tips for tours and guides, and 10 – 15% is a great guideline for those. They aren’t generally required overall, but they are nice and appreciated, especially if you feel the service warrants one.

Cocora Valley, salento colombia, things to do in salento, wax palms, salento quindio, things to do in salento colombia, what to do in salento colombia, places to visit in colombia, farm, colombia travel tips

22. The Colombian People are Amazing

Most people that you meet are very kind and helpful, and it’s genuine. I met a sweet young woman in a crowded subway car in Medellín. I was exhausted from a long day and was pushing to go see just one more thing (or two) before calling it a day. But it was hot, and I was pretty overwhelmed.

She made eye contact with me, smiled, and said something. I was far too tired for my brain to comprehend, and though I understand a little bit of Spanish, I don’t really know enough to be able to have a conversation.

We got off at the same stop, and she said something that I believe was asking where I was going. My radar went up, but I told her to stop. She got all excited, took my arm, and led me to the right train.

We ended up getting off at the same stop again (which she probably told me, had I understood), and she led me out, then gave me a warm hug and waved goodbye. It was incredibly sweet and so appreciated.

what to do in cartagena, cartagena turismo, tripadvisor cartagena, things to do in Cartagena, colombia, getsemani, street art, mural of a woman wearing a shirt that says take back the power

23. Colombia is Generally Safe

Is Colombia safe ? It’s a very common question people ask before visiting.

You need to be aware and careful as you do anywhere. Would you go to New York City and walk around with a backpack on your back that was open? Of course not.

So, you take the same precautions. Keep an eye, or better yet, a hand, on your belongings at all times. This is one of the most important Colombia travel tips to consider when you visit.

Be aware and make sure you aren’t zoning out on your phone and not paying attention. Colombia is a poor country, and some people may take advantage of the opportunity if presented. Don’t do so, and you will be fine.

24. Keep an Open Mind

No matter what preconceived notions you have about Colombia, leave them in the airplane. Take an open mind with you when you land, and be open to all that Colombia offers you.

From the incredibly friendly and industrious people to the history and culture to the incredible food—Colombia offers a lot for those willing to embrace it.

25. Be Prepared to Fall Madly in Love with Colombia

Colombia truly is amazing. If you are open and give it a chance, you will get swept up in how amazing it is, and you may be surprised to find you don’t want to leave.

These Colombia travel tips will help you along the way to make your trip easier so you can see what an amazing country it is.

Like most of Latin America, Colombia is a place where it is a great idea to prepare before you leave. Review these Colombia travel tips to help you set your expectations.

They’ll also help you to know what you should and should not do when you’re there. Bring an open mind and have an amazing time.

Is Colombia Safe for Travel?

As you start to plan for your trip and talk to people, you may be a little surprised by people’s reactions. Most people will give you a blank stare as if they are trying to get into your brain to figure out why you would want to go there.

Or, they will say that it’s not safe due to the reputation it has. Some may come out directly and say, “ Is Colombia safe to travel ?”

Now, the history of Colombia is a bit sketchy, and there were significant issues from drug cartels in the 1980s and 1990s that were blasted all over the news.

Take a poor country with a very corrupt government with the perfect climate for growing a certain white powder, and before you know it, there is a significant and bloody problem. This is all true and is well documented.

What’s not true, however, is that is how the country is now. Is there still drug production? I’m sure there is. However, the drug cartels have ceased their large-scale production, and the country is much more peaceful now.

There is still crime, and it is still, sadly, a poor country, so things happen. But believe it or not, Hollywood doesn’t always get it right and doesn’t always tell the whole story. Shocking, right?

So, I encourage you to do your research, and you will find a beautiful country full of amazing people.

Throw out everything you think you know about Colombia and consider going with an open mind. I fell madly in love with this country, and I think you will, too. And no, this isn’t even one of the tips (though it should be)!

medellin, things to do in medellin, Guatapé, Guatape colombia, day trips from medellin, guatape, places to visit in colombia, colombia tourist attractions, day trips from medellin, colombia

Planning Your Colombia Vacation

Colombia isn’t a very heavily touristed country overall, though tourism is increasing rapidly. You will find more tourists in certain areas, especially the bigger cities.

I saw mention of the “Gringo trail” on a blog I read before I went and found that very much to be true. There are certain areas the tourists or gringos, usually go to.

In general, this includes Cartagena , Medellín , Bogotá , Tayrona Park, and Salento (for the amazing Cocora Valley hike ). You’ll find a good number of tourists backpacking or traveling through Colombia in these areas.

When I went, this was where I found the most tourists. I do recommend those areas and loved the ones I went to. But, I encourage you to step off the “gringo trail” to visit other places if you can to get a really good feel for the country.

In addition, it’s a good idea to see at least 3-4 places when traveling in Colombia. Each place is so very different, and even the big cities are worlds apart from the small towns.

There are some amazing UNESCO World Heritage sites in Colombia recognized for their beauty, cultural aspects, or other significance. I went to the Coffee Triangle and to Cartagena .

salento colombia, things to do in salento, salento quindio, things to do in salento colombia, what to do in salento colombia, places to visit in colombia, brightly colored building with two people talking in fromt

25 of the Top Colombia Travel Tips

Don’t miss visiting Colombia. You’ll fall in love with everything from the incredible natural beauty to architecture, people, and food. It’s an amazing place you won’t get out of your head for years after your visit—trust me on that!

It’s a different type of country to visit, but you’ll be prepared with the top Colombia travel tips.

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  • Best Day Trip from Bogotá—Zipaquira and the Salt Cathedral
  • The Best Colombian Coffee Farm Tour in Salento
  • Hiking Cocora Valley—The Top Thing to Do in Salento
  • Top 10 Things to Do in Salento Colombia
  • A Traveler’s Guide to the Best Places to Visit in Colombia

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travel tips in colombia

Sam is a travel-obsessed animal lover on a quest to create a life of travel with her dog. She loves learning new things, snuggling a dog, architecture, hiking, and bold red wine. Join her in creating a life to dream about!

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Soaring Andean summits, unspoiled Caribbean coast, enigmatic Amazon jungle and cryptic archaeological ruins. Colombia boasts all of South America's allure and more.

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Planning Tools

Expert guidance to help you plan your trip.

Best Things to Do

Colombia attracts record numbers of visitors with its incredible landscapes, vibrant cities and warm welcome. These are the top 14 things to do in 2024.

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Colombia's landscape is stunning and impressive but those features can be hard to navigate on the ground. Here's how to get around Colombia.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

Colombia Travel Guide

Your ultimate colombia travel guide, with tips, and things to see and things to do in colombia. great for first-time and returning travelers..

Located between the Caribbean, the Amazon Jungle, and the Andes Mountains, Colombia has something for everyone.

A bright, colorful country, it is a very popular tourist destination and for good reason.

Rich with culture and history and full of tropical climates, it makes a great place for fans of the outdoors or those who want to experience its many beaches and islands.

Add in the vibrant nightlife in cities like Medellin and it is a perfect vacation spot.

This Colombia travel guide will help you plan your next vacation. 

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cartagena things to do aviary

Table of contents

Table of Contents

Fast Facts about Colombia

  • Power voltage is 110V at 60 Hz.
  • Colombia’s currency is the Colombian Peso and 1 Colombian Peso is equal to 0.0003 USD.
  • The best way to get around Colombia is by bus.
  • As long as your stay is under 90 days, you do not need a tourist visa, just a valid US passport.
  • Popular network providers in Colombia include Claro, Tigo, and Movistar. You can purchase a SIM card through any of these networks by visiting their official stores.
  • Colombia has a sales tax rate of 19%.

Things to See and Do in Colombia

Tayrona National Park:  Found in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, head over to the Tayrona National Park to explore beautiful beaches and the Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria, the highest coastal mountain in the world. Once there, you can hike through the hillsides to see Pueblito, a village full of history and sacred sites from an ancient civilization, or go to the rainforest and see a variety of animals and species, including the very rare cotton-top tamarin (monkeys). https://www.beautifulworld.com/south-america/colombia/tayrona-national-park/embed/#?secret=xCh0K8LhzY

Gold Museum:  Spend time at this very popular gold exhibition in Bogotá. Take a guided tour to learn more about Colombia and its history or explore at your own pace and see artifacts and gold pieces from pre-Hispanic metallurgy.

Walled City of Cartagena:  Feel like you are back in time and explore the bright, colorful streets of Cartagena. Walk past beautiful restored colonial houses and buildings, enjoy fine dining, shop at designer boutique stores, and sample delicious fruits from the fruit stands.

Laguna de Guatape:  One of the most popular places in Medellin is the town of Guatape. Take a guided tour or explore on your own. Climb the 700 steps of the El Peñol rock to experience views like no other, see the artwork that decorates the town, visit the abandoned mansion of Pablo Escobar, and swim in the lake of Guatape.

San Andres Island:  Spend a day (or more) at this famous coral island. Swim in the warm waters, scuba dive with stingrays, explore the various caves, and take in peaceful sights.

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  • Things to do in Cartagena – Visit the Jewel of Colombia
  • Top 5 Must See Cities in Colombia
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Budget:  Colombia offers backpacker hostels with a mix of dorm-styled and private rooms for around 320 to 1,200 Colombian Pesos per night. Hostels tend to come with swimming pools, lounge areas, and/or complimentary breakfast.

Mid-Range:  For mid-range hotels, expect to pay 160,000 to 500,000 Colombian Pesos per night. Amenities include air-conditioned rooms and suites, outdoor pools, hotel restaurant and bar, fitness areas, complimentary breakfast, and free Wi-Fi.

High-End:  Upscale hotels can go from 650,000 to 1,500,000 Colombian Pesos per night and include top-class hospitality service, upscale rooms with private balconies, prime city locations, ocean views, elegant dining, pools and spas, and more.

Check out our favorite booking platforms Booking.com , Tripadvisor and VRBO for the best deals on accommodation.

Food :  The cuisine of Colombia is a mix of Indigenous, African, Spanish, and Arab cuisine and favors rice and bread, legumes, meat and seafood, and a variety of fresh fruits. When out and about, stop by local street vendors to taste some chopped papaya and mangoes or grilled corn on the cob or pastel del pollo (chicken-stuffed pastry) or Obleas con Arequipe (wafer sandwich with caramel sauce). At night, head down to a sit-down restaurant to enjoy more Colombian cuisine. Expect to pay roughly 25,000 Colombian Pesos per day for food.

The Best Ways to Get Around Colombia

Getting to colombia:.

Getting to Colombia:   The El Dorado International Airport in Bogotá is Colombia’s busiest airport and is just 9 miles, or a 30 to 60-minute drive, to Bogotá city. If traveling closer to the Amazon region, the Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport is a good option.

Flights:   You can check for the best flights to Colombia on   Skyscanner .


Train:  Colombia has a nonexistent train system for passengers.

Bus:  Colombia offers many bus options both for shorter distances and to travel between cities. Long-distance buses are similar to a train and offer air-conditioning and sometimes Wi-Fi. Take a bus from Cali to Bogotá in about 10 hours for 70,000 Colombia Pesos, or take a city bus for 2,000 Colombian Pesos.

Rent a car:  To rent a car in Colombia, you will need a valid US license valid for at least two years. Note that is not as recommended to rent a car, as it is considered less safe than taking a bus. If you do rent, make sure to find a rental agency that offers insurance. Prices start at around 400,000 Colombian Pesos per day. Colombia also offers taxi services and Ubers.Check for prices and availability here.

When to go To Colombia

  • The best time to visit depends on where you are going. December to March are the driest months in general, which is ideal for those going to the Andes Mountains. If you’re heading to the Amazon region, go between July and August, where there is less rainfall. To avoid the crowds and get better prices on flights and hotels, November is a good month to visit Columbia.

Where to Stay in Colombia

Ibis Medellin :  Stay in the heart of Medellin at this stylish hotel. The convention center, Museum of Modern Art, downtown area, and the train station are all just minutes away. Once you’re done exploring, head back to the hotel for free high-speed Wi-Fi, air-conditioned rooms, and the hotel’s bar and restaurant.

Hotel Vilar America:   Come stay at this charming hotel situated between the historic and nightlife districts of Bogotá. Enjoy free Wi-Fi and breakfast, family rooms with flat-screen TVs, and the hotel’s restaurant before venturing out in Bogotá.

Hotel Cosmos Cali :  Enjoy air-conditioned rooms with flat-screen TVs at this hotel in Cali. Room service, free Wi-Fi, and breakfast are included. Take a short walk to the Cali City Theater or head down to the Cali bullring.

What to Pack for Colombia

  • Sunscreen:  Protect your skin from the beautiful sun with some sunscreen.
  • Hiking Boots:  Keep your feet comfortable with a sturdy pair of hiking boots.
  • Swimsuit:  With so many beaches and waters to explore, make sure to bring a swimsuit with you.

See our packing tips:  packing tips

Colombia Travel Guide: Best Booking Resources

Whenever we travel to we make sure to start with these companies. We have tried a lot of different ones over the years and all of these have consistently proven to be the best when it comes to offering great prices.

We have used every one of these personally and continue to do so.

  • Booking.com : This is our go site to when comparing prices for accommodation. It usually has the cheapest prices, especially in Europe and we love their interface. Not to mention you get free cancellation and you are guaranteed the best price.
  • Trip Advisor :  What we like about Trip Advisor is that we can look at all the reviews and then book our accommodation. TripAdvisor is where we go when we want to compare prices with multiple accommodation providers.
  • VRBO : is the main search engine we use when we are looking for a home or apartment rental. It can sometimes be cheaper than hotels and it is the best way to stay in areas that offer a more local feel.
  • Hostelworld :  With one of the largest databases of hostels in the world, Hostelworld is the go-to site when you are looking for budget accommodation.
  • Skyscanner : This is the first place we check for flights. It consistently comes back with the cheapest and best options. It allows us to compare a lot of airlines to get the best price.
  • Rome 2 Rio :  If you want to see how to get somewhere by plane, train, bus, ferry or car Rome2Rio lays it all out for you as well as related costs.I love how they show it all to you on a Google Map and it works offline.
  • Get Your Guide:  For all your day trip and city guide needs, we use Get Your Guide. It has the world’s largest collection of things to do with more than 30,000 activities in 7500 destinations.
  • World Nomads Insurance:  When traveling to Italy you should always have travel insurance. We have found the best bang for your buck is by far World Nomads.

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Colombian Food: 28 Traditional Dishes to try in Colombia or at home

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Immerse Yourself in Colombia: An Authentic Travel Guide


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Discover Colombia

If you asked someone 30-odd years ago what they knew about Colombia, you’d probably get responses relating to drug cartels, danger and of course Pablo Escobar.

Since then Colombia has moved on dramatically. Just take the constant 10% increase in tourists year on year as an example of how this country has changed for the better.

We’ve created this ultimate guide to Colombia to share with you everything that this diverse country has to offer. Decided that Colombia is somewhere you HAVE to visit? 

Check out our twelve in-depth guides to learn about the best things to do and see in Colombia.

Is Colombia worth visiting?

Boat and pier at Playa Libre

Colombia is one of the world’s most diverse countrie s, boasting two oceans, the Andes mountain range, cultural and thriving cities, flourishing jungles and with that native wildlife.

Housed across Colombia’s 59 national parks , you’ll find over 10% of the world’s animal species, making it a great country to explore if you love wildlife.

If exploring the wilderness is not what you are after, there’s no need to worry. Colombia has a number of energetic metropolitan cities that offer a great food scene, a number of historical sites and innovation spurred by the entrepreneurship that’s flourishing within the cities.

Destinations like Cartagena boast stunning colonial architecture that tells a story of years ago, transporting you back in time as you wander through its streets.

Throughout Colombia, you’ll come across a number of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities . Whether it be whitewater rafting, hiking, kitesurfing, horse riding, or diving…the list literally goes on and on!

Keep reading: Looking for inspiration on where to stay? Check out our list of 43 best places to stay In Colombia to discover the most unique and best-value accommodations out there.

Is Colombia safe?

Despite Colombia’s huge steps towards change, people are still asking the same question – ‘Is Colombia safe?’

In short, it’s safe to travel to Colombia , but you need to be aware of which places are better to avoid. We’ve put together a devoted blog that delves into travelling safely in Colombia . You can use this resource to help you decide whether Colombia is safe enough for you.

Best destinations in Colombia

Barranquilla Colombia

Top 3 places to visit in Colombia

Colombia is a diverse country offering lots of different opportunities and adventures depending on where you go.

As hard as it is to pick, here are our top three places to visit in Colombia:

Medellin — an incredible and innovative city

Medellin skyline

Once home to the famous drug lord, Pablo Escobar, Medellin used to be considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Fast forward to now and Medellin has completely transformed itself into a thriving and innovative cosmopolitan city.

The city is considerably safer with a top-notch transport system via its metro system and cable cars, numerous stunning parks and delicious restaurants.

Another great thing about Medellin, due to its location, temperatures remain warm and pleasant , meaning you can visit all year round. If you are in Medellin, we also recommend taking the 2-hour bus journey from Medellin to Guatape as a day trip.

Cartagena — where the Caribbean and Colombia collide

Cartagena Colombia

Situated on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Cartagena boasts some of the best-preserved colonial architecture in all of the Americas.

Once a crown jewel of the Spanish empire, you’ll clearly understand why it’s been made a UNESCO World Heritage Site after a few hours of strolling around Cartagena. The 13 km of ancient walls seemed to have preserved the city, giving you the feeling of going back in time.

Being on the coast, Cartagena isn’t too far from some amazing beaches including Playa Blanca. Inevitably though, this kind of beauty has attracted tourists from all over the world, meaning some of the popular sites and beaches can get very busy! It’s only a 1 to 1.5-hour flight from Bogota to Cartagena .

Tayrona National Park — some of Colombia’s best nature

Beach with mountains in Tayrona National Park

Tayrona National Park sits in northern Colombia at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta where they meet the Caribbean coast.

The national park is a large protected area perfect for travellers looking to explore some of the best beaches in Colombia or adventure through lagoons to picturesque cloud forests. The beaches offer great places to snorkel, whilst the jungles provide opportunities to hike amongst wildlife such as birds, lizards and monkeys.

It takes around 5 hours from Cartagena to Tayrona National Park , while it’s only 3 hours from Barranquilla and less than an hour from Santa Marta .

When is the best time to visit Colombia?

Due to Colombia’s proximity to the equator, temperatures remain stable throughout most of the year. Temperatures do vary depending on altitude, though. The higher you go, the colder it tends to be.

Here’s a rough guide of the average temperatures depending on altitude:

  • < 1000 m –  More than 24°C (Cartagena, Santa Marta, Cali)
  • 1000 – 2000 m – ~ 20°C (Medellín, Manizales)
  • 2000 – 3000 m – ~ 14°C – (Bogota, Pasto)

Colombia has two seasons, a wet and a dry one. The dry season is between December and March , considered one of the best times to visit Colombia, and the wet season runs from April to June and October to November . July to September can also be a good time to visit because it’s mainly dry, plus it’s whale season!

December to February is the busiest time

However, you won’t be the only person wanting to travel at the best time, so if you chose to visit Colombia between December and February, expect a lot of tourists. With more tourists come higher prices as businesses have the leverage to increase prices.

Travelling outside of these months can save you some money and also provide the opportunity to explore tourist sites without thousands of other tourists.

How to get around in Colombia

Colombia is a huge country with plenty of amazing destinations to explore. Around a third of the country is taken up by the Amazon Jungle where moving around is extremely difficult, but luckily the rest of the country isn’t quite as tricky to navigate.

Here’s a short overview of the main transport options:

travel tips in colombia

When travelling around Colombia, one of your main forms of transport will be its extensive bus network. Long-distance buses tend to be relatively comfortable with reclining seats, air conditioning and toilets.

You’ll be looking for comfort as journeys between the big cities are pretty long . For example, Medellin to Cartagena is 14 hours, and Bogota to Cali is 10 hours.

The main bus companies in Colombia are Expreso Palmira, Bolivariano and Trejos , which also provide good service and easy-to-use websites.

A big tip when travelling by bus in Colombia is to wear warm clothes. We all love a bit of air conditioning, but those buses get seriously cold. Ten hours in arctic temperatures isn’t exactly going to be enjoyable!

LATAM plane

Flying in Colombia is a popular option, especially for those short on time or who have a larger budget to play around with.

There are a number of domestic airline providers including the two biggest Avianca and Copa. VivaColombia is also a big player in the airline space and tends to offer the cheapest flights, but watch out for the luggage restrictions.

The majority of the time flights are more expensive than the bus, but it’s worth checking just in case, because the cost-time ratio may be worth it. Do keep in mind that taking a short-haul flight can be up to ten times more polluting than taking a more environmentally-friendly option like the bus.

By colectivo

Colectivos are small minivans or truck-style vehicles that are mainly used for short journeys within a city or between two that are nearby. This form of transportation is predominantly used by locals, meaning they’re usually cheap.

Make sure to agree on the price to your destination before getting in, though. They’re definitely not as comfortable as the bus and don’t have much space for your luggage. Because they don’t have set pick-ups and drop-offs, they can get you closer to where you want to be than the bus.

A big downside though is that they don’t leave until they’re full , so you could be waiting around for a while!

Although renting a car in Colombia isn’t a very popular choice amongst travellers, it doesn’t mean it’s not an option. You’ll need a passport, credit card and international driver’s license in order to rent a car with prices starting from around $17.

Sure, having your own car gives you the freedom to explore at your own leisure, but do consider that the road quality between some cities isn’t great and Colombians aren’t known to be the most careful drivers. Bus travel is also very convenient, so we would recommend using the available transport.

Colombia doesn’t have a train network , so unfortunately this isn’t an option!

Entry requirements and visa for Colombia

We all love to hear it, travelling to Colombia is relatively stress-free when it comes to immigration and Visas. A large number of countries are able to enter Colombia visa-free for a period of up to 90 days.

This includes countries such as the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand and those within the European Union, amongst others. These countries are all included in the list of countries that don’t require a Visa .

In addition, all visitors are required to have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after the date of entry, so make sure to renew your passport if it’s going to run out soon.

Proof of exit

Sometimes Colombian border force will ask you for proof of exit from the country in the form of a plane, bus or boat ticket. Other times they won’t. If you don’t want to take your chances but don’t know when you want to leave Colombia, there’s a way around it.

‘Rent’ a plane ticket for $12.  Best Onward Travel  book a real plane ticket for you that is valid for 48 hours. It’s 100% legal and safe.

Must-try food in Colombia


Colombia’s food scene varies depending on which region you’re visiting, meaning if you’re backpacking through Colombia you’ll be treated to a variety of dishes and flavours.

Colombia is a country rich in natural ingredients which you’ll find in their predominantly meat-based dishes and delicious soups.

Of course, we couldn’t write about Colombia and not mention the coffee. Coffee in Colombia boasts a mild, well-balanced flavour that is popular all around the world. Their average annual coffee production is 11.5 million bags, the third highest in the world.

Here are some of our favourite dishes you have to try whilst you’re in Colombia:

  • Bandeja Paisa — is the national dish of Colombia. It was originally created to provide peasant workers with enough energy for a hard day’s work. Nowadays it’s a substantial, high-calorie lunchtime meal which is perfect for anyone looking for a challenge. It consists of rice, plantain, arepa (corn cakes), avocado, minced meat, chorizo, black sausage, fried pork rind and then topped with a fried egg. We wish anyone who takes this dish the best of luck!
  • Mondongo Soup — you’ll find this dish served in most Colombian restaurants, but the dish may not be for everyone. It consists of diced tripe (typically the stomach of a cow, slow-cooked chicken or beef stock and lots of vegetables. When in Rome as they say!
  • Empanadas — are a popular snack throughout both Central and South America. They are typically deep-fried pastries stuffed with a variety of different fillings, from meat with potatoes to vegetarian options. If you’re looking for a healthier choice, you can also find baked versions too. Empanadas are usually super cheap and the perfect snack to tide you over till dinner.

Essential travel tips for Colombia

Different currencies

Here’s a selection of the best tips and pieces of information that may make your trip to Colombia that bit easier:

Paying with Colombian Pesos in Colombia

Colombia uses the Colombian Peso . The last time we checked (June 2023), $1 was equivalent to around 4170 COP.

It’s good to always have some cash on you. Not all establishments take cards. You’ll also need cash for taking the bus, markets and tips too.

In all of the big cities, there will be plenty of ATMs available to withdraw money and in more rural areas, you may have to rely on bank branches instead.

Most ATMs in Colombia charge between 10,000 and 14,000 COP to withdraw money. However, BBVA, Davivienda and Colpatria don’t apply charges to certain cards, so try these ones first.

Buying a sim card in Colombia

There are three main mobile providers in Colombia — Movistar, Tigo and Claro . You’ll be able to find stores for these providers all over Colombia, and in most of the international airports. Claro is the most popular of the three and offers great coverage, speed and packages.

Although it can be tempting to buy a sim card when you first arrive in a country, if you’re on a budget, I would avoid doing this. The sim cards at the airport are often a lot more expensive than buying it in a store in the city. They know that people will pay for convenience!

Colombia’s language cheat sheet

The language spoken in Colombia is Spanish .

It’s always good to know a few essential words before travelling to a place, so here are a few to get you started:

  • Hello – Hola
  • Thank you – Gracias
  • Please – Por favour
  • Sorry – Lo siento
  • Beer – Cerveza

The perfect packing list for Colombia

For the majority of your time in Colombia, you’ll probably be enjoying warm temperatures and lots of sunshine. Meaning you’ll need cool and light clothes.

However, if you’re venturing to higher altitudes, make sure to bring some warmer clothes, especially for the nighttime. A rain jacket is also a good shout if you’re travelling outside of the dry seasons.

Aside from the essential travel gear, here are some that have become permanent fixtures on our packing list:

  • Reusable water bottle – they’re better for the environment and can save you money on water.
  • A portable charger – there’s probably going to be a time when your phone’s battery is on red, at a time that you desperately need it.
  • An adaptor – Colombia uses plugs A and B, the same as the main plugs used in North and Central America. A universal travel adaptor is a great buy if you’re travelling between different continents.

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Katewriter - Gecko Routes

Kate is a writer, (ex)Management Consultant and avid traveller. She recently returned from a 2-year career break exploring the world and decided corporate life wasn’t for her. She’ll soon be testing life as a digital nomad. She’s visited over 40 countries and fell in love with Latin America in particular. Her travelling has inspired a passion for yoga, salsa, hiking and Spanish.

Colombia places to stay

  • Explore more
  • Barranquilla
  • Santa Marta
  • Isla Grande
  • Tayrona National Park
  • Bogota to Cali
  • Bogota to Cartagena
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20 Things to Know Before Visiting Colombia (including safety measures!)

things to know before visiting Colombia, colombia travel tips, wanderluluu

I have been visiting Colombia since 2105 and have learned a lot about this beautiful country during that time. A lot of people ask me what it’s like here, and I usually start by describing the gorgeous and diverse landscapes, and the friendly people. That being said, there are so many things that might be surprising to first-time visitors (as they certainly were to me!), so I thought I’d put a list together of the top 20 things to know before visiting Colombia.

1. English is not common

It is said that less than 10% of the Colombian population speaks English. That means that more times than not, you will not be able to communicate in English while traveling around the country (outside of major hotels). This is one of the most important things to know before visiting Colombia because I found it quite difficult to navigate when I first arrived and knew nothing but “hola,” “gracias,” and “donde está el baño.” (LOL) That being said, it is still possible, it can just be extremely frustrating.

That is why I recommend learning some basic phrases and words before you visit. This isn’t too groundbreaking, as I think as a responsible traveler you should always try to learn at least a few words of the language of the country you are visiting! You can’t and shouldn’t assume that everyone will speak YOUR language when you are visiting THEIR country.

I have found Duolingo to be the easiest, fastest, and most efficient way to learn basic Spanish phrases that will help you navigate. There is even a travel section that will help you specifically with travel phrases.

2. There are specific ways to greet someone depending on gender

In Colombia, women often give one kiss right cheek to right cheek when meeting or greeting other women OR men. Men meeting or greeting other men, however, will shake hands. This is pretty common in most Latin American countries but wanted to mention just in case you weren’t aware.

3. Always watch where you’re walking

This is an important one as it relates to your physical safety! Sidewalks here in Colombia are known to change levels out of nowhere or even worse, have huge craters/holes that you could accidentally step into. The sidewalks and roads here are not accessible to the physically disabled which is a huge thumbs down.

Bogotá specifically is known for sidewalks made out of loose tiles that will often pop up when you step on them. If it just rained (which is likely because it’s always raining in Bogotá!) the tiles will spit water out at you! Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

4. The lack of rules on the road

I’m just going to come out and say it – the driving rules here in Colombia are CRAZY. Even 5 years later, I have not gotten used to the craziness of the road.

First off, stop signs are a suggestion, as I don’t think I’ve ever been in a car here that stops fully at a stop sign.

Second, it is a rarity to see drivers use their blinker to change lanes. I don’t know how everyone knows what everyone else is doing but there is some sort of method to this madness I guess?

Thirdly, motorbikes are one of the most common forms of transportation here so you’ll see them all over the road. You will see them riding in-between lanes, and zipping all over the place. Often times, motorbikes will be within inches of another car, and I cringe every single time!

And lastly, please, please, please always look both ways when you are crossing the street – between the cars, motorbikes, and bicycles, you just never know!

I am not telling you this to scare you. I’m telling you so that you are not surprised and so you know that it is just the way it is down here.

5. Street performers and street vendors are very common

Often times when you are stopped at a red light, you will likely see a street performer jump out into the street and either start dancing, doing a magic trick, juggling, or some other circus act. When they are done with their performance, they will visit the first several cars in line asking for a tip. If you have some change, tip these guys! They are hustling trying to make a buck.

Similarly, there are always street vendors going up to car windows to sell fruit, flowers, cold drinks, candy, and snacks. Another common thing you will see are people washing car windshields for a tip. This is up to the driver, so you will likely not have to act on this. Lastly, sometimes you will get people who are not selling anything but go car to car asking for money.

The moral of the story is that this is all totally normal so don’t be scared if people are coming up to your window!

6. The humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and how that relates to Colombia

Listen, I am no expert and I am not here to try and explain the inner workings of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Instead, I would just like to mention it because it does affect your visit to Colombia and is definitely one of the important things to know before visiting Colombia.

More than 1.6 million Venezuelans have crossed the border into Colombia in the past few years to escape the political and economic crisis going on in their home country. It’s extremely sad and has left so many Venezuelan people fighting for their lives and just trying to survive.

That being said you will notice a lot of homeless families on the streets of most major Colombian cities asking for food and money OR selling trash bags or candy to try and make a little bit of money. They will often be holding cardboard signs explaining their dire situation and it will likely say “Nosotros somos venezolanos” or have a little Venezuelan flag drawing on it.

If you are driving within Colombia, you may also see families with suitcases and carts walking down the side of the highways. The solution to this crisis goes far beyond your small food or monetary donation to the people in this situation, but anything helps.

7. Every building has security detail, and barbed wire fencing for security is normal

You know how in the US the only apartment buildings that have security are typically the ultra-luxury complexes? Well in Colombia, pretty much ANY apartment complex has front desk security know as “porteros.” Beyond that, you’ll see security personal at pharmacies, grocery stores, clothing stores, office buildings – everywhere.

It can be startling to see so many security gates and guards, plus so much barbed wire protecting buildings. But it’s important to note that Colombia had a very dangerous past so you will see a lot of security measures from this time period still in effect today. Think of it like this: They are existing safety measures rather than super necessary safety measures.

8. There is a military presence in the streets

It’s pretty common to see military personal in full military gear walking down the streets, especially in Bogotá. Not just police, but full-on military. If I saw this in back in Massachusetts I would be extremely concerned, but here it’s super normal and no cause for alarm. You will mainly see them in front of government buildings or in front of an apartment building that may be home to a government official. You’ll also see them on the outskirts of the city doing security detail. Sometimes you’ll see them strolling down the street. All normal 🙂

9. Services are cheap but clothing and anything imported is expensive

Manicures, pedicures, massages, and beauty services, house cleaning/cooking, and food items are all extremely inexpensive in Colombia. But you will be surprised to know that most clothing and imported items (especially wine!) are actually quite expensive. For example, Yellowtail wine which probably costs $6 or $7  in the USA is like $15 USD per bottle here in Colombia!

10. The only good public transport system in Colombia is in Medellín

Medellín has an AWESOME public transit system with easily accessible trains and cable cars that will get you anywhere in the city.

In Bogotá, the public transport system is buses ONLY, called the “TransMilenio.” In a city of 8 million people where buses are the only option for public transit, you have to assume that it is not a very efficient system. Think of any major capital in the world (Tokyo, NYC, Madrid…) and they likely have an awesome metro system (well, maybe besides Rome!)

11. Ride apps like Uber, Beat, and Didi are technically illegal…

Even though Uber, Beat, and Didi are technically illegal, they still operate and everyone I know still utilizes these ride pick-up platforms. That being said, a few of the ways to avoid getting in any sort of issue is to sit in the front seat as if a friend is picking you up, and remember your driver’s name in case you get pulled over and a cop accuses the driver or operating Uber. I have NEVER had an issue in the 5 years I have been visiting Colombia, so I wouldn’t worry too much, just be aware that the driver will likely ask you to sit in the front seat!

12. Pico y Placa

As a visitor, this won’t be something that will affect you, but it’s one of the interesting things to know before visiting Colombia! In all of the major cities in Colombia (like Bogotá, Medellín, Bucaramanga, etc) there is something called pico y placa. This is a driving restriction policy in place to help traffic congestion in the cities. Basically, depending on your license plate numbers ending in certain digits, you can only drive on certain days and during certain hours!!! That’s how bad traffic can get here…especially in Bogotá. Think LA traffic level – YIKES.

13. “M” on a bathroom door does not mean “Men”!!!

Keep in mind that you are in a Spanish speaking country so M & W won’t apply here for bathroom doors!!! The M on a bathroom door stands for Mujeres aka WOMEN and the “H” on the bathroom door stands for Hombres aka MEN! You may also see D for Damas aka ladies or C for Caballeros aka gentlemen.

14. Always keep in mind the saying “no dar papaya”

“No dar papaya” is a popular saying in Colombia which translates to “don’t give papaya.” This basically means: don’t give someone the opportunity to take advantage of you. Although violent robberies are not common, petty theft is. So don’t walk down the street with your phone out, and not paying attention to your surroundings. You are already a more likely target because you are foreign, so don’t make it easy for someone to steal from you.

Whenever I need to check my phone for something I will ALWAYS take a look at my surroundings first, or stop near the entrance to a store so that I don’t put myself in a vulnerable situation.

I am sure you want to take photos of your trip while visiting Colombia. This is absolutely A-okay to do but I wouldn’t walk around with your $1,000 USD camera slung over your shoulder as you might while traveling in other places.

This would be an example of being flashy and showing what you have – aka giving papaya . Instead, keep your camera in your bag and only take it out when you want to take a photo of something specific.

Although “no dar papaya” is a Colombian saying, I would say to follow this as a general rule of thumb pretty much anywhere you travel!

Post on Colombia safety tips coming soon!

15. Talking about Pablo Escobar can be offensive

One of the most offensive things you can do in Colombia is to talk about the show NARCOS and Pablo Escobar as if he is some cinematic hero. Don’t forget that he was a real person who devastated a country and brought so much pain to so many people. Pretty much every Colombian knows someone who was personally affected by him and that time period in Colombia.

It’s not cool, it’s not glamorous – it’s painful and digs up painful memories of the past. If you’re taking Pablo Escobar tours so you can go home and brag to your friends that you saw where he partied, vacationed, or lived – just don’t. If you’re taking Pablo Escobar tours because you are interested in learning about Colombia’s past and the REMARKABLE comeback the country made after decades of terror, okay.

My opinion: Skip the Pablo Escobar tours and forego your need to see where Pablo Escobar lived or partied or any of that and focus on the beauty of Colombia and the resilient people who make it such a wonderful place.

16. Bogota is one of the most elevated cities in the world

Did you know that Bogotá sits at over 8,660 ft above sea level? That’s over 3,000 feet higher than Denver!!!

That being said, don’t forget to….

  • drink tons of water
  • don’t do too much strenuous activity on your first day
  • but also don’t just lay in bed!
  • try to eat light food like soups – luckily Colombia is KNOWN for their amazing soups like ajiaco (a Bogotá specialty)
  • try not to drink alcohol on the first day of your trip

…all of this will help you avoid altitude sickness. (In Colombia they call altitude sickness “Soroche.”) Oh, and one more thing – don’t forget your sunscreen because in this high altitude there is less atmosphere blocking the harmful rays!

17. Not everywhere in Colombia is hot

Of course, Colombia has hot weather. In Cartagena , you can expect to be dripping sweat if you’re outside of air conditioning for more than 20 minutes. Down in Leticia in the Amazon , the same. But there is a misconception that ALL of Colombia has extremely hot weather, which is not true! Remember how I was just telling you how highly elevated Bogotá is? That means that the weather can get pretty chilly! In fact, the average daily temperature is in the mid-60s and a normal outfit in Bogotá would be jeans, a long-sleeve shirt, jacket, scarf, and sneakers or boots. Keep in mind that Medellín can be chilly at night even with beautiful 70-degree weather during the day. Make sure to pack accordingly! (Colombia packing list coming soon!)

18. Don’t bother exchanging your money

For one, money changers are pretty hard to come by outside of the airport. Though they do exist, I can’t even think of one to recommend to you in Bogotá.

Secondly, the money changers at the airports have a terrible exchange rate so I really wouldn’t recommend using that!

And thirdly, you won’t want to walk around with that much cash on you anyways.

That being said, I really recommend taking money directly out of an ATM. There are several banks here in Colombia that don’t charge a fee so you will likely only get a fee from your own home bank (UNLESS YOU BANK WITH CHARLES SCHWAB !!!) I recommend taking a look at this AWESOME article by A Social Nomad on ATM fees in Colombia if you want to save and kind of get the lay of the land on banks and ATMs here in Colombia.

Because I bank with Charles Schwab, I avoid ATM fees AROUND THE WORLD and also don’t get charged by my bank. Basically what I’m saying is that by banking with Charles Schwab , I use ATMs for free around the world hehe. You can too – check it out! This isn’t an affiliate link BUT by using my link you will get a $500 credit if you open a bank account with them! Just a friend helping another friend 😉

19. There are phrases you need to know if you plan to pay for things with a Credit Card

In the USA and many other countries, all you need to do when purchasing a product is hand over your card and the cashier will swipe and you’re done. Here in Colombia, the payment systems are very different and so the cashier is required to ask you questions when paying with a credit card. This is one of the most helpful things to know before visiting Colombia because I was SO confused when they first were asking me these questions!

  • The first question they will ask after you hand over your credit card is “ahorros, corriente, o credito?” you will respond with “credito.” (ahorros is savings, corriente is checking, credito is credit – you will obviously be using credit because you’ll be using an international credit card!)
  • The second thing they will ask you is “cuantas cuotas?” you will answer with “una.” Cuotas are like installment payments. So even if you are purchasing a loaf of bread, they will ask how many installments you’d like to pay in. Cuotas only work with Colombian cards so no matter what, your card will only be charged one quote – but you still have to answer 🙂
  • The third thing they will ask you is “últimos dígitos?” you will answer with the last 4 digits of your credit card number. Definitely memorize the last 4 digits of the card you plan to use (or write it down somewhere) because if you don’t know, they will need to take the card out, find the numbers, and then start the payment process all over again.
  • Lastly, they will ask you “quieres una copia?” aka do you want a copy of the payment receipt. If you need this for accounting purposes by all means answer si, but you will end up with a LOT of little papers! I usually say no, and just keep the “factura” or the detailed bill.

20. In restaurants, payment is made at the table

Speaking of credit cards and payment…you know how in the USA it’s super common for the waiter to take your card away where they will charge it without you being present? That doesn’t happen in Colombia! Another of the important things to know before visiting Colombia and going out to dine is that the waiter will actually bring a portable credit card system directly to the table. All you have to say after you ask for the check is “datáfono” so that they know you are paying by card and not by cash (“efectivo”). I am telling you this so you know to never give your credit card and see it go out of sight – that is not normal!

Well, that about wraps up this post on 20 things to know before visiting Colombia! I hope you learned something new and gained some insight before your trip. If you have any questions at all, make sure to drop a question in the comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP!

Wanderluluu xx

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I’m Lauren, an award-nominated blogger from Massachusetts on a mission to debunk the myth that the world is a scary and dangerous place for female travelers…starting with Colombia! 29 countries, across 5 continents later, I now call Bogotá, Colombia home after visiting on and off for the past 4.5 years, and am here to show you all the beautiful travel experiences you can have not only here in Colombia, but in destinations across the world!

travel tips in colombia

A Guide to Tipping in Colombia: What is the Tipping Etiquette?

travel tips in colombia

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Great post! I especially liked learning about “no dar papaya.” Hope to one day experience Columbia and these tips are already so helpful! Thanks for sharing!

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Lauren Mae Pelkey

Rory – so glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful! Yes the no dar papaya is a BIG one to keep in mind.

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Hi! I’m from Colombia and this post it’s too much certain with the things about the country. Nice tips for all people who wants to come here. Bucaramanga it’s pretty beautiful and have amazing nearby things to do. Congrats!.🤗

Thank you so much Juan – means a lot coming from a Colombian!!! 🙂

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Heidi Murphy

this was really informative to me. well done and thank you very much. i leave on Monday!

Hi Heidi – so glad to hear you found this helpful. I hope you have a GREAT time in Colombia!

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Thanks so much for all of the helpful tips and its all written in a great way to give a realistic expectation.

Can you recommned a place for volumeeyelash extrnsions in bogota or cartagena😊

Hi Hanna – so glad you found this post helpful! I unfortunately don’t have a recommendation for eyelash places in Bogota as I don’t get that service done, but I do know of a few near my neighborhood if that is helpful? Shoot me a DM on Instagram (@wanderluluu) and I can find them for you!

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Jenny Desmond

Excellent article, Lauren! I particularly love tip #20 about payment being made at the table. Being from Colorado, we are more relaxed about the waiter walking away with our credit card, whereas my Colombian friends warned me to be sure my card never leaves my sight. Also, THANK YOU for addressing the “Escobar tourism”, this is something that we can be so ignorant about. Let’s spend our money in helping entrepreneurs get ahead rather than supporting the reputation of someone who did heinous atrocities to their country (and ours). I’m going to share this blog post with my friends and guests traveling to Colombia, it’s quite consistent with my travel experiences.

Hi Jenny – thank you so much for this lovely feedback! I really appreciate you sharing this with your friends and guests traveling to Colombia…that truly means so much to me!

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Merle Krouse

Center for Disease Control recommends a ton of vaccinations before going to Colombia. We are going to be in Bogota, Cartegena and Medellin (sorry about the spelling) for 11 days in September. What’s your thoughts?

Hi Merle, the only vaccine I needed to get when first coming to Colombia (besides being up to date on all the “normal” vaccines you needed to attend school in the USA back in the 90s haha) was Yellow fever vaccination – but that was specifically because I was going to be traveling the the Amazon and to Parque Tayrona. I doubt you need a Yellow fever vaccine for Medellin or Cartagena and you definitely don’t need it for Bogota (there are really no mosquitoes in Bogota – it’s 8500 feet elevated!) HOWEVER, that Yellow Fever vaccine has come in handy in so many of my travels across southeast asia and Europe so if you are big travelers, I think it’s a really important vaccination to get. This all being said, I am NOT a medical professional, so my best advice is to make an appointment with a travel doctor (I recently went to a CVS minute clinic and made a travel doctor apt) and ask exactly what you need to get in order to have a safe trip. They will go through your entire vaccine history and look through what is necessary for you. Hope this helps!

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Let’s connect, meet wanderluluu.

I’m Lauren, an award-nominated blogger and children's author from Massachusetts on a mission to debunk the myth that the world is a scary and dangerous place for female travelers…especially Colombia! 30+ countries, across 5 continents later, I now call Bogotá, Colombia home after visiting on and off for the past several years, and am here to show you all the beautiful travel experiences you can have not only here in Colombia, but in destinations across the world!

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travel tips in colombia

Nomadic Matt: Travel Cheaper, Longer, Better

Colombia Travel Guide

Last Updated: March 12, 2024

a colorful alleyway looking down a hill in Bogota, Colombia

Colombia is fast becoming the travel highlight of South America. After decades of struggling with crime and cartels, Colombia has become a hub for digital nomads and budget backpackers. More and more people are visiting to soak up the sun and enjoy the country’s low cost of living.

I loved my time in the country. I had falsely assumed that six weeks would be enough to get a good sense of Colombia. After all, six weeks is a fair amount of time to spend anywhere.

But I was wrong. Given its size and the sheer number of activities, it was barely enough to scratch the surface. (Though I did manage to see a lot more than I thought I would!)

From unbelievable scenery and lush jungles (Colombia is home to 10% of the world’s biodiversity), beautiful beaches, incredible street are, stunning architecture, salsa dancing, delicious food and cutting edge culinary trends, the ancient sites of Tierradentro and San Agustín, hip cities like Medellín and Bogotá, Colombia is a travel paradise

I had such high expectations based on what I heard from other travelers, but the country lived up to all the hype. I wish I had more time there, but I’ll just have to go back!

This comprehensive Colombia travel guide gives you all the tips and tricks you need to plan your dream trip!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Colombia

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Colombia

People walking around on the ruined Ciudad Perdida in the rainforest of Colombia

1. Get lost in Bogotá

Bogotá is Colombia’s vibrant capital. The historic downtown, La Candelaria, is filled with bright colonial buildings, museums, restaurants, bars, churches, and centuries-old houses. The foodie scene in the city is incredible, with a lot of international options and cutting-edge gastronomy.

2. Explore Tierradentro National Park

Located in southwestern Colombia, Tierradentro is one of the most important archaeological sites in South America. It contains over 100 underground tombs dating from the 10th century BCE that are the only examples of their kind in the Americas. It takes a day or two to hike all the paths around the tombs.

3. Walk the Cocora Valley

The Cocora Valley is home to Colombia’s national tree, the wax palm, which grows nearly 200 feet tall. This area also has one of the most popular day hikes in the country. You’ll cross jungle rivers, visit a bird sanctuary, and enjoy some stellar views and forest scenery. The route takes about five hours to hike.

4. Fall in love with Medellín

Medellín is one of the fastest-growing cities in Colombia. It has enough activities and things to do to fill weeks on end: microbreweries, museums, walking tours, spacious parks, street art, food tours and markets, incredible nightlife, and more. I loved it so much I spent a few weeks here.

5. Trek to the Lost City

The Lost City was built around 800 CE and contains 169 terraces carved into the mountains. It’s one of the most beautiful treks in the country, and the site is older than Machu Picchu! To visit, you need to hire a tour operator (you can’t do it by yourself). Treks last 4-6 days and cost 1,150,000 COP.

Other Things to See and Do in Colombia

1. journey to isla gorgona.

Once a prison island, Isla Gorgona is now part of a national park that lies 48 kilometers (30 miles) off the Pacific coast just southwest of Cali . You’ll see snakes, bats, monkeys, and sloths and the boat journey over also offers some chances to see humpback whales, sharks, and giant sea turtles. The remains of the prison can be seen too. Admission to the park is 51,000 COP per person.

2. Visit San Agustín

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, San Agustín is a small mountain town in the southwest that’s home to hundreds of pre-Columbian statues and burial mounds. Its collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures is the largest in Latin America. You need at least one full day (two to see it all in-depth). Admission to the park is 25,000 COP per person.

3. Journey into the Amazon

The Amazon basin covers almost one-third of Colombia and is the perfect place to experience the jungle. Leticia is a town bordering Peru and Brazil and is considered the jumping-off point for jungle excursions and visiting the indigenous villages on the Amazon River. The regions of Guaviare, Putumayo, and Caqueta are also popular for birding, waterfall hikes, and white-water rafting trips. For trekking, most tours involve taking a boat up the river from Leticia and a stop off with an indigenous tribe before arriving at Amacayacu National Park to begin your trek. Prices vary depending on the duration of your trip but expect to pay at least 150,000 COP.

4. Go diving

Colombia is home to some excellent dive sites. The tropical waters around San Andrés and Providencia (both of which are just off the coast of Nicaragua) are home to all kinds of fish and coral species. Tayrona National Park is an ideal place to go if you’re interested in getting up close to some sunken ships, while Gorgona Island is another hotspot for marine life. Humpback whales are common around Gorgona Island between August and October, and it’s also the only place in Colombia to see whale sharks. Expect to pay around 200,000-300,000 COP for a two-tank dive.

5. Learn about coffee

Colombia is home to some of the world’s best coffee, and a tour of a plantation is the best way to find out how your morning brew gets from farm to cup. Salento is the best base for doing coffee tours as it’s one of the oldest towns in the coffee-growing region. The Finca El Ocaso Salento plantation offers one of the most in-depth visits for learning about how the entire process works. Even if you’re not a coffee drinker (I’m not) it’s worth taking a tour to learn about this important industry. Tours start from 25,000 COP.

6. Take in the chaos of Cali

As Colombia’s third-largest city, Cali is the center of the sugar and coffee industry for the country, as well as being host to a terrific nightlife. The city is also the salsa capital of the world and there are tons of places to learn how to salsa dance here. Be sure to also relax in the famous Plaza de los Poetas (Square of the Poets), a park filled with life-like statues of local poets and visit the Iglesia de la Ermita (Ermita Church), one of the city’s most striking pieces of architecture thanks to its 20th-century Gothic design. Eat at the restaurants on Ave 9N in Granada, and try some chuleta valluna (a delicious Colombian dish of breaded and marinated fried pork cutlets).

7. Day trip to Popayán

Popayán rivals Cartagena as Colombia’s most impressive colonial town. It’s known as La Ciudad Blanca (The White City) because all the buildings are painted white. Popayán is also a college town (there are three universities here), and it has produced 17 presidents too. I really loved the slow pace of life and the surprisingly robust food scene here (eat at La Cosecha Parrillada, Restaurante Italiano y Pizzeria, La Fresa, and Mora de Castilla). While you don’t need a lot of time here (take the walking tour, climb the hill, see the churches, and you’re done), I do suggest staying longer to enjoy the slow pace of life. So much of Colombia is go-go-go; it’s nice to find a place that’s more “stay and relax awhile.”

8. Dance and party through Carnival

It may not be Rio de Janeiro, but Colombia has a great Carnival season. Although the Carnival in Barranquilla (which is the largest) takes place in February, Pasto and Manizales offer carnivals in the first week of January. The Carnaval de Blanco y Negro in Manizales is a wild few days of revelry (make sure you bring old black and white clothes if you attend as you’re certain to get doused in flour, paint, and foam!).

9. Do some extreme sports in San Gil

San Gil, located 300 kilometers (186 miles) north of Bogotá, is considered the outdoors capital of the country. Extreme sports fans love it here. You can go white-water rafting, paragliding, caving, rappelling, jungle trekking, and more here. Prices vary but expect to pay around 80,000 COP for paragliding and closer to 200,000 COP for a white-water rafting trip.

10. Relax in Tayrona National Park

Located on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Tayrona boasts long stretches of golden beaches lined with coconut palms and a dense rainforest with lots of easy day hikes. I highly suggest you start early at the big entrance at El Zaino and exit the park through Calabazo. This underused route takes a whole day, and once you pass the Cabo San Juan campground, you get the last half of the trail to yourself. Tayrona is also home to over 20 dive sites, including shipwrecks and coral reefs, and two-tank dives are as little as 300,000 COP. For some beach time, head to picturesque Cabo San Juan. At the end of the sandy stretch of beach is a lookout point, topped with a hut of hammocks.

11. Head to the Providencia and San Andrés Islands

These islands, which are actually closer to Nicaragua than Colombia, are considered some of the most unspoiled places in the Caribbean. They have white-sand beaches, stunningly clear blue water, and few crowds (though, thanks to some recent press, Providencia is becoming a lot busier). Try to make it when tens of thousands of black crabs migrate to the sea, which happens twice a year for 1-2-weeks between April and July. It’s not always easy to nail the timing but the sight is truly something to see! As mentioned, the region is also perfect for diving.

12. Visit Guatapé

This pueblo is one of the most picturesque towns in Colombia and one of the most colorful in the world as most of the traditional homes have murals painted on the bottom half of their façades that depict animals, people, and shapes. Most people come to climb the steep (and difficult) staircase to the top of the monolithic Rock of Guatapé (La Piedra) for some of the best views in the country. Guatapé is a long day trip from Medellín (hostels in the city organize them throughout the week), so I recommend trying to spend at least a night here so you aren’t as rushed and can enjoy the area a little more.

13. Hike in Chingaza National Park

This is one of the biggest nature reserves in Colombia, home to more than 1,000 plant species and 187 bird species. Here you can learn about the Páramo ecosystem (an alpine tundra ecosystem) and how it affects the global water system. (Fun fact: Nearly 80% of Bogotá’s water supply comes from Chingaza.) If you’re going to hike, one of the best routes is the challenging hike to the summit of Lagunas de Siecha.

14. Hike in Minca

Minca is located in the foothills of the Sierra de Santa Marta Mountains. Once a sleepy backpacker town, it’s now a hot spot for tourists escaping the oppressive heat on the Caribbean coast who want to do some quiet hikes. One of the best hikes here is to Los Pinos, but it isn’t easy and takes 6-8 hours (though it’s worth the effort). Just make sure you bring lots of water and start early so you don’t get stuck in the dark.

15. Visit Cartagena

Cartagena is one of the most visited destinations in Colombia, thanks to a lot of direct flights and cruise ship visits. The city was founded by the Spanish in 1533 (though there were indigenous settlements in the area as far back as 4,000 BCE) It’s famed for its Old Town, a maze of cobbled alleys, flower-covered balconies, and large churches on spacious plazas. Despite the crowds (and there are a lot of crowds), I really enjoyed Cartagena. While there aren’t a lot of tourist activities (you can do most of them in a single day), what makes it a wonderful place to visit is just that: it’s somewhere you can slow down, relax, and gorge on the phenomenal food!

16. Take a free walking tour

One of the first things I do when I arrive in a new city is to take a free walking tour. It’s the best way to see the highlights and connect with a local guide who can answer all your questions. All the major cities have free walking tours in English that provide a solid introduction to the country. Just make sure to tip your guide at the end!

  For information on specific destinations in Colombia, check out these guides:

  • Bogotá Travel Guide
  • Cali Travel Guide
  • Cartagena Travel Guide
  • Medellín Travel Guide
  • Santa Marta Travel Guide

Colombia Travel Costs

Two women in bright, colorful dresses, walking down a street with baskets of fruit on their heads in Cartagena, Colombia

Accommodation – Most hostel dorm rooms in Colombia cost 30,000-45,000 COP per night, though in some cities and towns you can find them as low 15,000 COP. Private hostel rooms cost around 40,000 COP, though during the high season and in major metropolitan areas, it can be double that or even more. Free Wi-Fi and self-catering facilities are common, and many hostels also include breakfast.

Budget hotels in Colombia cost around 60,000 COP per night. On the coast and in the high season, however, most places are closer to around 120,000 COP. If you’re looking to stay at some of the really lovely boutique hotels the country has to offer, expect to pay around 650,000 COP or more a night.

Airbnb is available in the larger cities, with private rooms starting around 50,000 COP per night but going as high as 150,000 COP if you don’t book early. For an entire home or apartment, prices start at 150,000 COP but average closer to 280,000 COP.

There aren’t many campgrounds in Colombia, but hostels and guesthouses sometimes let you pitch a tent on their property. They charge you as much as a dorm bed though. Avoid wild camping here as it isn’t very safe.

Food – Colombian food is a blend of indigenous, Caribbean, and European traditions. While ingredients and popular dishes vary by region, common staples include maize, potato, cassava, rice, and all kinds of tropical fruit (dragon fruit, papaya, guava, passionfruit). Fried plantains, chicken soup, tamales, empanadas, meat pies, and roasted piglet are just some of the delicious popular dishes you’ll encounter.

A meal at a restaurant serving local food costs between 10,000-15,000 COP in the major cities and about 6,000-10,000 COP in the countryside. You can also find a lot of cheap food like empanadas for 2,500 COP (they make the best snack food). An arepa on the street is about 3,000-5,000 COP. Ceviche, which is popular throughout the country, costs around 15,000 COP.

Most Western restaurants cost 20,000-30,000 COP for a main dish. For fast food (think McDonald’s), expect to pay 15,000-20,000 COP for a combo meal.

Beer at the bar can be found for as little as 4,000 COP but you’re likely to pay double at a backpacker bar. Cocktails, which are becoming really popular here, cost around 20,000 COP.

Grocery shopping is very cheap, costing about 80,000-100,000 COP per week for staples like rice, beans, produce, and some meat or seafood. Most hostels have kitchens so you can make yourself breakfast and sandwiches to lower your food costs.

Backpacking Colombia Suggested Budgets

If you are backpacking Colombia, my suggested budget is 115,000 COP per day. This assumes you’re staying in a hostel dorm, cooking some meals and eating cheap street food, taking public transportation to get around, limiting your drinking, and sticking to mostly free or cheap activities like free walking tours and enjoying nature.

On a mid-range budget of 235,000 COP per day, you can stay in a budget hotel or private Airbnb, eat out for all your meals, enjoy a few drinks, take some guided tours, take a couple of cheap domestic flights, and do more paid activities like visiting museums and taking a food tour.

On a “luxury” budget of 500,000 COP per day, you can stay in a hotel, eat out anywhere you want, drink more, take more domestic flights, and do whatever tours and activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you spend more, some days you spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in COP.

Colombia Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

Colombia is generally an inexpensive destination to visit. Accommodation is cheap unless you are staying at major hotel chains. There are a ton of markets with cheap food, local attractions are affordable, and buses are cheap. But if you want to save even more, here are some extra ways to save money in Colombia:

  • Eat like the locals – It’s easy to eat on a budget here if you stick to local Colombian food. Street food is super cheap, allowing you to fill up on a budget. Skip the fancy restaurants and Western food.
  • Avoid drinking cocktails – Colombia has a lot of awesome cocktail bars now — especially in Medellín — but these drinks are expensive, usually costing around 20,000 COP (sometimes up to 30,000 COP). If you’re on a budget, skip the cocktails and stick to beer.
  • Cook your food – While local food is really cheap, you can also save some money by grocery shopping. It’s not as glamorous but shopping for some of your meals will help you cut costs so you can afford to eat out more here and there.
  • Avoid the hostels on the Caribbean coast – The hostels on the Caribbean coast were pretty lackluster. They were expensive and didn’t have great facilities, especially the bigger “resort” ones in beachside towns like Palomino. Instead, you can find comparatively cheap budget hotels on Booking.com for less than a private room in a hostel (and only slightly more than a dorm bed).
  • Avoid “Gringolands” – Everything where the gringos cluster are is going to be double its normal price. Avoid staying in areas with lots of tourists and expats (like Poblado in Medellín, Cartagena’s Old Town, or Park 93 in Bogotá) since you’ll end up paying more for everything.
  • Stay with a local – Couchsurfing connects you with locals who not only give you a free place to stay but can share their insider tips and advice. It’s the best way to save money and connect with a local.
  • Fly Viva Air – If you’re planning to fly around Colombia, the best deals are on Viva Air. It has the cheapest fares in the country (though it flies to the fewest places). It’s best to book a few weeks in advance. (LATAM and Avianca, the two major carriers, also have deals sometimes so check their websites too.)
  • Use miles and points – Get to Colombia by using your miles to fly Avianca (which is part of Star Alliance). There are also a lot of hotel chains in Colombia where you can use points too. If you have miles and/or points, you can burn through a lot of them in Colombia — and the redemption rates are excellent! And if you want to learn how to start earning miles for free travel, this post can show you how to get started!
  • Avoid the airline surcharge – Non-Colombians are charged higher airfare prices than locals. If you look at the non-local version of the website, you won’t see the super saver cheap fares. To get around this, load up the local Spanish versions of an airlines’ website. Then use your browser extension to translate the pages and book away! This gives you the lower, Colombian prices, and no one will challenge you at check-in about your fare.
  • Take Uber – Uber is the cheapest way to get around Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín. That said, Uber is actually illegal so don’t sit in the back seat or you might get stopped. I also like to tip the Uber drivers here, since the fares are so cheap and they are taking a risk. But all the drivers I met did this out of necessity — they couldn’t pay their bills if it weren’t for Uber.
  • Haggle with taxi drivers – There are no meters in Colombia. While prices from the airports are regulated and non-negotiable, everything else is just a matter of your bargaining skills. If you’re going to take taxis, haggle before you get in the car.
  • Take free walking tours – Most major and medium-sized cities in Colombia have free walking tours. They are a good way to see the city on a budget and connect with a guide who can answer all your questions. My favorites include Free Walking Tour Cartagena, Free Walking Tour Bogotá, and Real City Tours Medellín.
  • Pack a water bottle – The tap water here is generally safe to drink so bring a water bottle with you to avoid buying single-use plastic. My preferred bottle is LifeStraw , which has built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Where to Stay in Colombia

Looking for a budget-friendly place to stay? Here are some of my favorite accommodations in Colombia:

  • Media Luna (Cartagena)
  • Republica Hostel Cartagena (Cartagena)
  • Los Patios Hostel Boutique (Medellín)
  • Hostel Rango Boutique
  • Sugar Cane Hostel (Medellín)
  • Selina (Bogotá)
  • The Cranky Croc Hostel (Bogotá)
  • La Brisa Loca (Santa Marta)
  • Dreamer Santa Marta (Santa Marta)
  • Hostel Masaya Santa Marta (Santa Marta)
  • Viajero Cali Hostel & Salsa School (Cali)
  • Oasis Cali Hostel (Cali)

How to Get Around Colombia

Brightly colored buses and trucks lined up under trees ready to take passengers throughout Colombia

Public Transportation – Local transportation is cheap here. The metro in Medellín is only around 2,500 COP for a one-way fare. Local buses are the most common type of transportation in towns and cities. The fare is usually between 1,000-2,500 COP.

Colectivo – A colectivo in Colombia is a minibus, a shared taxi, or a large Jeep (and really, anything else that gets you around). These are run by private owners and are used mostly for short journeys between towns. You have to negotiate the price ahead of time. Since they’re faster and more direct than regular buses, they’re also more expensive.

It’s very common for travelers to use a colectivo . Drivers usually yell out destinations as they pass on the streets, or they approach you to see if you’re going their way.

Bus – Intercity buses are the most common way to get around Colombia. A bus from Bogotá to Medellín costs around 52,500 and takes around 9 hours while a bus to Quito, Ecuador from Bogotá costs around 181,000 COP and takes over 24 hours. Medellín to Manizales is 31,000 COP and Salento to Cali is 59,000 COP. On average, expect to spend 20,000-40,000 COP for a bus.

Companies like Expreso Palmira and Expreso Trejos are reliable companies, and they make it easy to research schedules and fares on their websites.

Flying – Budget airlines are often cheaper than buses in Colombia, so make sure to search for flights to compare prices. Viva has the cheapest flights (though they also have strict luggage restrictions). A flight from Bogotá to Medellín, for example, can be found for as little as 55,000 COP! Book early to find the best deals.

Train – There are no trains in Colombia.

Car rental – Cars can be rented for as little as 90,000 COP per day, though you don’t need one to get around the cities. Additionally, since break-ins are common I’d avoid renting a car unless you’re doing a specific trip beyond the cities. Drivers need to be at least 21 and have an International Driving Permit.

When to Go to Colombia

Colombia’s location near the equator keeps the climate pretty consistent throughout the year, with average daily temperatures hovering around 24°C (75°F) near the coast and 7-17°C (45-63°F) at higher elevations.

The peak season for tourism is from December to March, as well as the week before Easter (Semana Santa). Prices are most expensive during this time, but the country overall is fairly dry. If you’ve come to have fun, time your visit for the Carnival in Barranquilla, which takes place every February. This is the biggest Carnival, but Pasto and Manizales also have lively carnivals in the first week of January.

The rainy season varies per region. In the mountainous Andean area, there are two dry and two wet seasons. The driest months occur from December-March and then July-August. In Southern Colombia, rainfall is more frequent, but the showers never last long.

If you’re planning on doing a bit of everything in Colombia — from hiking in the mountains to lounging on beaches and visiting ruins — December to March is definitely the best time to visit so you can take advantage of ideal conditions all across the country. Just be prepared for bigger crowds.

How to Stay Safe in Colombia

Colombia requires a lot of caution. On the whole, it’s generally safe and you’re not going to get kidnapped or anything. But there is still a lot of petty crime in the country, especially at night.

In fact, there’s a local expression about this in Colombia: “No dar papaya” (Don’t give papaya). Essentially, it means that you shouldn’t have something “sweet” out in the open (a phone, computer, watch, etc.) that would make you a target. Keep your valuables hidden, don’t wander around places you shouldn’t at night, don’t flash money around, avoid coming out of nightlife spots alone at night, etc.

Simply put: Don’t put yourself in a position where people can take advantage of you.

Do not do drugs here. You’re going to get a lot of offers but don’t be one of those people. First, it’s a huge insult to Colombians, who are trying to shed their drug-related past and don’t want to be associated with the cartels. Second, it’s illegal (although small amounts of cocaine and marijuana are decriminalized). Third, there’s a lot of violence associated with it, and you can end up in some bad situations. Don’t do drugs here.

You should also use caution when withdrawing money from an ATM. Avoid the ATMs on the street if possible and go into the bank to use the ATM. That way you can put your money away discreetly without being watched.

If you are eating out, keep your backpack on your lap or place your foot or a chair leg through a strap. It is very common for someone to try and snatch your bag so keep it secure at all times.

If you’re worried about getting ripped off you can read about common travel scams to avoid here. There’s a lot so keep an eye out!

Look for hotels or hostels with 24-hour security. You always want someone around in case you need assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID. Forward your itinerary along to loved ones so they’ll know where you are.

If you experience an emergency and need assistance, dial 123.

Because of the current situation in Venezuela, it’s a good idea to avoid the border towns of Cúcuta and Maicao.

For more in-depth coverage of how to stay safe in Colombia, check out this post we wrote that answers some frequently asked questions and concerns.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance protects you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Colombia Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Booking.com – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

Colombia Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on Colombia travel and continue planning your trip:

The 5 Best Hotels in Medellín

The 5 Best Hotels in Medellín

The 6 Best Hotels in Bogotá

The 6 Best Hotels in Bogotá

Where to Stay in Bogotá: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in Bogotá: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in Medellín: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Where to Stay in Medellín: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

Is Colombia Safe to Visit?

Is Colombia Safe to Visit?

How Much Does it Cost to Travel Colombia?

How Much Does it Cost to Travel Colombia?

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Top 16 Travel Tips for Colombia

Rosario Islands, Cartagena

These travel tips for Colombia are guaranteed to make your upcoming trip a great one.

During my first time in Colombia I enjoyed exploring different parts of the country from big cities, to small cities, to its beautiful coastal islands.

What I loved most about Colombia was the diversity found in its different regions. No matter where you decide to go you’ll find kind people, delicious food, a rich history, and plenty to see and do.

In this guide you’ll find my best travel advice for Colombia including recommendations on which destinations you don’t want to miss.

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Table of Contents

Travel Tips for Colombia

Travel tips for Colombia

If you’ve never been to Colombia before I encourage you to spend time in Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena during your first visit.

For those of you that have additional time, definitely make the effort to get outside of the big cities.

Colombia is covered in beautiful landscapes and natural environments. if you enjoy spending time in the outdoors I promise you won’t be disappointed with your time in Colombia.

In this post I’ll be sharing some of my best Colombia travel tips to help you plan your first visit.

I honestly had an incredible time and learned a ton while exploring this country.

So whether you’ve got a few days or even three weeks in Colombia , I’ve got you covered with these Top 16 Travel Tips for Colombia.

1. You must visit Cartagena

Travel Tips for Colombia

My favorite days in Colombia were spent in Cartagena.

Its one of the most fun and lively cities in Latin America and has incredible beaches, food, and nightlife.

Whether you have a week or just one day in Cartagena I promise you’re going to enjoy your visit here.

Cartagena’s colorful streets are both photogenic and extremely walkable. It’s an easy place to love, and one you’ll likely want to come back to someday.

I recommend booking your hotel in the walled section of the city so you’re close to the action. This is where you’ll find the beautiful streets, fantastic restaurants, and rooftop bars. 

If possible, I would spend at least three or four days in Cartagena. This will give you time to check out the various neighborhoods and even get out to some of the nearby islands. 

If you want to experience the best things to do in Colombia , you don’t want to miss out on a visit to Cartagena.

2. Be prepared for the humidity

travel tips in colombia

If you have long hair, this might be the most important of these travel tips for Colombia. 

The weather in Colombia is hot and humid just about all the time. Be prepared for this weather by packing light, comfortable clothing.

This means shorts, tank tops, sundresses, sandals, and sun hats. You will not want to wear pants, or even shoes and socks, trust me. 

Being prepared for humidity also means knowing what to do with your hair. This is a big mistake I made during my visit. I normally flat iron my hair each day, which I also did while in Colombia.

The problem was that as soon as I walked outside, my hair became a fluffy mess. I didn’t have one good hair day the whole time I was in Colombia. 

My advice is to bring a really good hair product that will take the volume and fluff out of your hair. Whatever you choose, bring a lot of it. You’ll be using much more than usual. 

3. Visit the rooftop bars at sunset

Cartagena skyline

The rooftop bars in Cartagena are the perfect way to watch a sunset and end a long day of exploring the city.

You’ll find dozens of them all around the walled city, each with its own character and ambiance. 

Here are just a few to get you started:

  • Movich Hotel

I recommend not hitting up the rooftop bars until the sun begins to set. You do not want to be sitting on a rooftop in the hot midday Colombia sun while drinking alcohol.

But once the sun goes down, all bets are off. Many of the rooftop bars have a pool too, so if it’s still too hot, bring your bikini. 

4. Get on a boat

Downtown Cartagena

If you’re going to be spending time along the beautiful Caribbean beaches of South America, you really should get out on the water .

Just off the coast of Cartagena you’ll find the Rosario Islands . The islands make up one of the country’s national parks, which was created to protect the nearby coral reef. 

Visitors to the islands can go swimming, snorkeling, sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding, and even jet skiing.

The beaches can get a bit crowded on some of the islands, but not all. If you end up renting a private boat for the day, ask to go to some of the more remote areas.

If that’s not an option just plan to arrive early before the crowds arrive. 

Be advised that the return trip to Cartagena from the Rosario Islands can get a little choppy.

If you are nervous on boats at all, you’ll want to make sure you get back earlier in the day as opposed to late afternoon. I was told the waves get bigger the later you return.

5. Enjoy Colombian cuisine

Cartagena restaurant

One of the best things about Colombia is the food. If you’ve never tried Colombian cuisine before, you’re in for a real treat.

During your entire time here, I recommend trying as many different things as you can handle. 

Due to the country’s location on the Caribbean coast, you’ll find plenty of fresh seafood and fish. If you’re not a seafood fan like me don’t worry, there’s plenty of other options. 

You’ll find the majority of Colombian cuisine to be fresh and flavorful.

There are great restaurant scenes in Cartagena and Medellin if you’re looking for some nice restaurants to try in the evenings. 

If you’re looking for more budget-friendly options, try the local street food in Cartagena, or stop into one of the local restaurants outside the main tourist zones. 

6. Spend time in Medellin

Medellin Colombia

While it’s true Medellin has a complicated past, present-day Medellin has lots to offer.

In recent years Medellin has grown into a popular, yet affordable place to visit with an up and coming art scene, trendy restaurants, and abundance of outdoor adventure opportunities nearby.

In fact, due to its affordability Medellin has also become one of the most popular digital nomad destinations in the world and now has a large expat community.

Popular things to see in Medellin include Parque Arvi, Jardin Botanico, and Casa de la Memoria.

If you like street art, you definitely don’t want to miss a visit to the city’s notorious Comuna 13 neighborhood. This now artsy neighborhood has transformed itself from its violent past when it used to be better known for cartel activity.

Those looking to enjoy the outdoors and explore a bit outside Medellin can take a day trip to nearby Guatape . You can also book a guided tour to Guatape here .

To get to Medellin you can book short domestic flights from either Cartagena or Bogotá or any other nearby major cities.

7. Get Colombian Pesos

Colombian Peso

If you’re going to be traveling around Colombia, especially in rural areas, you’ll want to have Colombian Pesos (COP) on you at all times.

Try to keep small denominations in your wallet so you can pay for low-cost items like street food, souvenirs, or tips.

Many small family-owned restaurants do not take credit cards and may not have change for large bills. So just to be on the safe side, keep cash on you whenever possible.

I encourage you to do a little research before you arrive so you know where to get the best deal on Colombian Pesos.

For most people, pulling cash out at an ATM will be a much better deal than using a currency exchange in an airport or in touristy areas.

You might want to contact your bank ahead of time and ask about any foreign transaction fees or exchange rates.

As of July 2022, the conversation rate is about: $1.00 USD is equivalent to $4,490.58 COP.

8. Explore on foot

Travel Tips for Colombia

One of the best ways to get to know a city is to get out there and see it on foot. Have a general destination in mind and then just explore.

I’ve had some of the best times and stumbled upon some of the most interesting things when just out walking around in a new place. 

When exploring a new city on foot you get to see it slowly and up close. It’s also easy to stop and take a closer look at anything that catches your eye. 

The walled city in Cartagena is especially great to explore on foot. There’s not much traffic and the area is fairly small.

There are tons of unique local shops, restaurants, and bars to check out. Plus, without a car you don’t have to worry about parking and you can save that rental car money for more food or drinks.

If where you’re headed is too far to walk you can always take a taxi, or use public transport if you’d like to save money.

9. Wear sunscreen everyday

Cartagena travel tips

While in Colombia you’ll be close to the equator and will likely have more sun exposure than normal. So be sure to bring a high SPF sunscreen with you and bring a lot of it.

You’ll want to make sure to cover any exposed areas with sunscreen before you leave your hotel room each day.

It is recommended that you reapply your sunscreen several times throughout the day.

Make sure to bring a reef-safe sunscreen and one that is water-resistant. If you’ll be in or near the water, reapply your sunscreen every half hour or so.

You may also wish to bring a sun hat to help protect your face and eyes.

10. Talk with the locals

Fruit ladies, Cartagena

Another thing you’re going to love about visiting Colombia is the friendliness of the people.

You’ll notice immediately that Colombians are welcoming and friendly, and many love to talk to foreigners.

If you get the opportunity, don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. Getting to know the locals is a great way to get to know a place.

Plus, chatting it up with the local residents is the perfect way to get Insider information on the best things to do and best restaurants in the area.

Never underestimate the power of good advice from a local. 

11. Dress nicely

By dress nicely, I do not mean to wear expensive or fancy clothes.

I only mean that you might want to plan your outfits each day so that you feel confident and look nice in your pictures.

Colombia is a beautiful country, especially the streets of Cartagena. Trust me, you’re going to be taking a ton of photos.

I don’t usually wear dresses, like ever! But I packed a few on this trip because I knew I would be going out in the evenings with the other girls and I wanted to look put together in my photos.

Consider packing solid colorful items to mix and match.

12. Explore smaller neighborhoods

Getsemani, Cartagena

Many times, the most interesting things to see and do in a new city will be found outside of the city center and main tourist areas.

Look into exploring nearby residential neighborhoods or the fun artsy neighborhoods that tend to be on the outskirts of the city. 

If you’re visiting Cartagena, walk over to the Getsemani neighborhood for lunch or coffee. While you’re there explore the streets and check out all the great street art. 

If you’ll be in Medellin make your way over to Comuna 13. This neighborhood was formerly known as one of the most dangerous places in the country due to the incredibly high number of homicides.

The area has since reinvented itself and is now home to some of the world’s best street art.

This is also where you’ll find some amazing views of the surrounding city. Book a walking tour so you don’t miss out on the fascinating history of this area. 

13. Explore outside the big cities

Guatape Rock, Colombia

These travel tips for Colombia are designed to help you have the best trip possible, and that includes seeing as much of the country as you can.

There’s so much to see outside the big cities of Cartagena, Medellin, and Bogota.

Colombia is a huge country and its full of natural beauty and charming small towns.

Getting outside the cities is a great way to experience another side of the country and see what life is like in rural areas. 

Just outside Medellin is the small town of Guatape , known for the massive rock pictured above. Visitors can hike to the top of the rock for some incredible views of the surrounding countryside.

There’s also a lake nearby where you can go swimming, kayaking, and even parasailing.

Whatever you’re into when it comes to outdoor adventure, you can do it in Colombia.

Even if you don’t feel comfortable renting a car and driving outside the city, there are tons of day tours available that can take you anywhere you want to go. 

  • Day tours from Medellin .
  • Tours from Cartagena.

If you’re looking for some outdoors time, consider a road trip to Tayrona National Park or Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta National Park.

Both of these locations offer great hiking opportunities and the latter is home to the famous Lost City.

14. Consider hiring a private driver

Medellin traffic Colombia Colombia

If you’re going to be exploring Medellin or any other of the other large cities, consider hiring a private driver while you are there.

This is an especially good deal if you want to get to areas outside of the big cities to explore the smaller towns and national parks.

During my visit earlier this year, our group ended up hiring a private driver for two days while in Medellin.

Our driver was wonderful and took us on a tour of the city, out to Comuna 13, and even out to Guatape Rock and the city of Guatape.

Had we taken Ubers or taxis everywhere, we likely would have ended up in two separate cars on multiple occasions, so we felt better knowing we could get from place to place in the same vehicle for a much lowewr price.

15. Spend a day at the beach

Travel tips for Colombia

While there is so much to see and do exploring the cities of Colombia, be sure not to miss a relaxing day at the beach.

You should take advantage of the beautiful Caribbean waters and sunny weather at least once during your visit. 

You’ll find long stretches of sandy beaches along the Cartagena coast near the city center.

If you prefer a more remote experience, you can take a private boat out to the nearby Rosario Islands . The water surrounding these islands is calm and the most beautiful shade of blue.

If you have your own boat you can visit several of the islands on your own time. If you have a few people to share the cost with, even better.

16. Purchase travel insurance

Colombia travel tips

Traveling Soon? Don’t forget your travel insurance.

  • Travel insurance is now more important than ever.
  • Travel insurance is probably less than you think it is. (Ex. For a week in Spain next month I’m paying less than $62.00.)
  • Travel insurance covers a lot more than you think it does.
  • It’s better to have it, than need it and wish you’d bought it.
  • See for yourself. Check prices here .

A post about travel tips for Colombia would not be complete if I didn’t mention travel insurance.

If you’re ever going to be traveling outside your home country, I always recommend purchasing travel insurance.

Travel insurance can be especially important if you plan on participating in adventurous activities. 

When you’re in an unfamiliar place, moving around a lot and trying lots of new things, you never know when something might go wrong.

It’s better to be safe and have the insurance, then trying to figure out what to do if you happen to hurt yourself in another country.

Travel insurance is surprisingly affordable and can be purchased in just a few minutes.

If you’re wondering where to purchase travel insurance, I use World Nomads .

Is it safe to travel Colombia?

Bogota travel

Is Colombia safe? In short, yes it is. If you use common sense as you would anywhere else you are traveling you should not have any problems.

As I’m sure you are aware, Colombia has a bad reputation due to its long and storied past filled with drug cartels and violent crime.

But truth be told, the days of Pablo Escobar are long gone and the country is undergoing a positive and impressive transformation.

As a result, violent crime is way down, tourism is way up, and the streets of Cartagena are calling.

Here are a few common-sense travel tips for Colombia that will keep you safe while traveling around the country:

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t walk around with your face in your phone. Stay alert and look around.
  • Don’t flash your money around. If you’re paying for something on the street, be discreet and pull out just the amount you need.
  • Don’t wear expensive jewelry, clothing, or accessories. Leave your designer items at home and don’t dress flashy. Basically, don’t give people the opportunity to take advantage of you. As the locals would say “no dar papaya” which roughly translates to “don’t give papaya.”
  • Don’t wander around at night. If you plan to go out in the evenings, take a taxi. You don’t want to be walking around on deserted streets or in the big cities if you’re unfamiliar with the area.
  • Don’t be waving your cell phone around. Keep it in your purse or pocket and only use it when you need it.
  • Keep your bag or purse close to your body. Wear a cross-body purse and keep it zipped up.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these travel tips for Colombia and found them useful in planning your own trip. If you have any Colombia travel tips of your own you’d like to share, let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

Colombia Travel Guide

Looking for an in-depth Colombia travel guide ?

Then you’re in the right place!

Forget what you’ve seen on the news or on Netflix: Colombia is a gorgeous, culturally-rich country that is absolutely worth visiting.

As crime rates have decreased in recent years, tourism to Colombia has steadily increased, with more and more travelers singing the praises of this exciting, diverse destination.

There’s a little something for every kind of traveler in Colombia, from outdoor adventurers to history buffs to coffee addicts.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered.

Colombia is home to several world-class cities that blend historic charm with modern sophistication.

Bogota, the country’s capital, is home to several top museums, a vibrant culture, and delicious food — both on the street and in top restaurants.

Cartagena is a charming Old World city by the sea, featuring a walled colonial historic district that will transport you back in time.

And Medellin , once known for its role in the drug trade, is now home to a thriving art scene with tons of awesome shops and restaurants.

Each city also makes a great home base for day trips to top attractions like Tayrona National Park and Guatape. Read on to learn more.

Colombia’s natural wonders are also absolutely worth exploring. From beautiful beaches to the lush rainforests of the Amazon, there’s much to experience in this beautiful country.

Outside of the city of Leticia, you can embark on a cruise down the Amazon River for the adventure of a lifetime, interacting with some of the area’s unique wildlife (although ideally from a safe distance!).

The country’s Pacific Coast is home to some of the best whale watching in the world from July through November.

Head to Bahia Solano to see humpback whales migrate from the South Pole – it’s a truly incredible sight.

And of course, you can’t miss the beaches of Tayrona National Park , complete with white sand, clear blue waters, and aerial hammocks perfect for relaxing.

Keep reading to dive into resources that will help you with planning a trip to Colombia in South America.

Note: This ultimate guide to Colombia travel contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

Colombia travel guide

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Use this Colombia travel map to begin planning your trip to this incredible country!

Colombia map

Click here for an interactive Google Map version of the above graphic.

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Best Colombia Tours

Explore local culture with a Colombian tour guide through these unique excursions:

  • Full-Day Rosario Islands Including Barú, Cholon and Playa Blanca from Cartagena
  • Freedom Tour of Palenque in Cartagena
  • Lodotherapy in the Totumo Volcano with Visit to Galerazamba from Cartagena
  • Full-Day Guatavita and Salt Cathedral from Bogota
  • Full-Day Guatapé (Pueblo de Zocalos) & Piedra del Peño lfrom Medellín
  • The Dark Days: Pablo Escobar and The New Medellin Tour
  • Medellin ATV Tour

Colombia Hotels

Click here to browse the best Colombia travel hotels!

Prefer self-contained stays?

Click here to check out unique local rentals !

You can also use this map to search for local stays:

Colombia Travel Insurance

It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling solo or with a group on a Colombia tour. When visiting Colombia — or any other country in the world — make sure to get travel insurance to protect your health and safety.

In my opinion, the best travel medical insurance for travelers is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

With coverage, you’ll have peace of mind as you embark on your Colombia travel itinerary.

Click my referral link here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

Colombia Travel Guide FAQ

Below, find answers to frequently asked questions about traveling in Colombia .

Q: What are the best places to visit in Colombia?

One of the most popular places to visit in Colombia is the country’s Caribbean coast. Aside from gorgeous beaches, this area has tons to offer travelers looking for some sun-soaked adventures.

Cartagena , one of the largest cities in the area, sits right on the coast and blends Old World charm with the exciting vibe of a modern, beachfront city. Here you can explore one of the best-preserved colonial cities in Latin America, full of gorgeous churches and bright-colored buildings that will make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time.

Not far from the city is Tayrona National Park , where you can lounge on the idyllic beaches or trek through the lush jungle.

You can also take a day trip to El Tutomo Volcano , located just an hour from Cartegena. Take a dip in the mud baths and emerge with incredibly soft skin and hair (as well as a few new friends!). For a little extra R&R, book a mud massage or mud wash!

Located in Central Colombia, the city of Medellin has quickly become a top spot for travelers. Featuring gorgeous colonial architecture, beautiful parks, and a trendy art scene, Medellin has much to offer every kind of traveler.

One of the city’s top attractions is the Plaza Botero , a park dedicated to artist Fernando Botero, featuring 23 of the artist’s sculptures in the open air. You can see more of his work, as well as three floors worth of Colombian art, at the Museum of Antioquia .

Want to see some of the best views of Medellin? Hop on the Medellin Metrocable , a cablecar line offering amazing panoramic views of the city.

You can also take a stroll through the trendy neighborhood of El Poblado and search for the best cup of coffee in the city.

For a great day trip , head to Guatape , a small town featuring a 740-step monolith that you can climb for incredible views of the surrounding area. The town is also a top spot for outdoor adventurers, with opportunities for kayaking, hiking, swimming, and more.

Not far from Medellin is Bogota , the capital of Colombia. Featuring colorful street art and colonial architecture, the city is the perfect spot for a bike tour . This is a great way to get to know the city and its culture, as you’ll wander through colorful markets, stop to play traditional games, and get to know a bit about the country’s tumultuous history.

In the city’s historic center, La Candelaria , you’ll find attractions like the Gold Museum , an entire museum dedicated to the history, art, and pursuit of one of the most sought-after metals in the world.

At the National Museum of Colombia , you’ll find over 20,000 objects and artifacts that tell the story of the country’s rich history.

And for some incredible views of the city, climb up to the church at Monserrate , Bogota’s tallest mountain.

Q: Is Colombia expensive for tourists?

Colombia is a fairly inexpensive destination. You can easily find inexpensive accommodation, food, and transportation options throughout the country, particularly if you avoid more tourist-heavy areas.

The average traveler spends about $36 USD per day in Colombia on accommodation, transportation, food, activities, and other travel expenses.

Q: What is the best way to travel around Colombia?

Air travel is considered the best way to get around Colombia. Colombia is a fairly large country so you can save a ton of time traveling between cities by plane.

Domestic flights are also pretty inexpensive, sometimes only a little more than a bus ticket on the same route. Check out low-cost carriers like Viva Air that often offer great deals on flights; if you’re traveling from the U.S., Viva even offers flights from Miami!

Buses are also a great way to get around, particularly if you’re traveling somewhere off the beaten path, as you’ll find routes servicing almost every town in the country.

While buses are ubiquitous in Colombia, they are not always the most relaxing way to travel. Bus drivers have been known to blast music throughout the bus or crank up the sound on whatever movie they’re showing.

You also may have to get off the bus mid-journey for at a military checkpoint and could be subject to a security inspection. If you opt for the bus, don’t expect to sleep through the trip.

Q: Is Colombia safe for travel?

Colombia can get a bad rap when it comes to safety but it has come a long way in recent years. Violent crimes like muggings and kidnappings have decreased significantly and while petty theft does happen, it’s no reason to avoid the country altogether.

It’s a good idea to stay somewhere with 24-hour security so that you have someone to turn to if something goes wrong. You’ll also want to heed the usual advice for avoiding petty theft abroad — don’t show any signs of obvious wealth, keep your phone and any other valuables out of sight and in a safe place to avoid pickpockets , and always be aware of your surroundings.

This is also a place where you don’t want to go out alone at night, particularly if you’re a solo female traveler . If you’re out late, get an Uber back to your accommodation or walk back in a group.

Q: What do I need to know before going to Colombia?

One thing to know before going to Colombia is that only about 4% of the country’s population speaks English. It’s definitely a good idea to learn the language or at least a few Spanish phrases before your trip so that you can communicate with the locals.

At the very least, make sure you have a good translator app on your phone so that you’re not stuck at shops and restaurants. Learning a few phrases in the native language also shows a level of respect for the culture of the country you’re visiting. Time to get that Duoling streak back up!

Once you get to Colombia, you’ll quickly learn that cash is king in this country. Some higher-end shops and hotels will take credit cards but in most cases, you’ll need cash.

The flip side of this is that it’s not exactly safe to carry a lot of cash with you in Colombia. If there’s a lockbox or safe at your accommodation, keep some cash there and just carry as much as you need for the day.

Note, too, that more remote destinations like Tayrona National Park do not have any ATMs, so you’ll want to make sure you have enough cash for the duration of your stay before you head out.

It’s also important to look where you’re going in Colombia. This probably seems pretty obvious but it’s a particularly important tip here.

The sidewalks and roads in Colombia are known to have large cracks and holes that can make it easy to trip and fall. Move carefully (particularly at night!) and watch out for any loose bricks, uneven pavement, or cracks that could send you to the doctor.

Q: How many days should you spend in Colombia?

Most experts suggest spending about 10 days in Colombia to really maximize your time in the country.

There’s a lot to see in Colombia and a 10-day trip will allow you to spend a little time in most of the country’s top destinations while giving you ample time to travel from place to place.

Q: What is the best month to visit Colombia?

While the weather in Colombia varies from place to place, the country is widely considered a year-round destination.

December through March is considered Colombia’s high season, with much of the country experiencing pleasant, sunny weather.

December and January are the country’s busiest months for tourism, so if you’re planning on visiting during these months be sure to book your travel and accommodations far in advance.

September through November is technically Colombia’s low season, but the weather is generally pretty dry. These months are definitely worth considering if you want to avoid the crowds and save a little money on travel expenses.

Q: Do I need a Colombia travel visa?

Travelers from the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, European Union, and Australia do not need a visa to enter Colombia. Travelers from most South American nations including Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela simply need a national ID to enter the country and can leave their passports at home.

It’s recommended to view your country’s Colombia International Travel Information page for the most up-to-date information on entry and exit rules and Colombia Travel Requirements. You can also contact the Consulate General of Colombia.

Q: Where is Colombia?

Colombia is located in northwestern South America. It shares borders with Panama (northwest), Venezuela and Brazil (east), and Peru and Ecuador (south).

Q: Are credit cards accepted in Colombia?

Credit cards — particularly Visa and Mastercard — are typically accepted in big cities and tourist areas. That being said, Colombia is a country where many places are cash-only, so make sure to always have some on you.

Q: Can you drink the tap water in Colombia?

The tap water is generally safe to drink in most places in Colombia as long as your destination isn’t too remote. That being said, it’s recommended to check with your hotel to be sure.

Q: What is the local currency in Colombia?

The local currency in Colombia is the Colombian Peso.

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Taylor On A Trip

Colombia Travel Tips for 2024 (24 Things to Know Before You Go)

by Taylor On A Trip | Aug 11, 2023 | Colombia , Travel , Travel Tips , Uncategorized | 4 comments

The author in front of a yellow and blue building in La Candelaria, Bogota

I honestly wish I had read more Colombia travel tips before I went to the country. Not that I had a bad time – quite the contrary, actually – I had an excellent time. Still, there are some tips that really would have come in handy had I known about them before I got there.

I recently traveled to Colombia as a solo female traveler , and I met a ton of cool people and had zero safety incidents. So, if you’re planning a trip to Colombia and are wondering what you need to know before you go, then don’t worry, I got you. In this article, I’ll dish my top Colombia travel tips so that your trip can be easy breezy and you have a safe and fun time. Let’s get into it!

24 Colombia Travel Tips

No dar papaya (don’t give papaya).

The author standing with a beer in Medellin, Colombia

Chances are, if you’ve been researching safety in Colombia, then you’ve heard the term “no dar papaya”. Translating into “don’t give papaya”, the phrase essentially means not to give anyone else a reason to rob you.

I know, the #1 slot on this list is a bit of a kicker, but I don’t mean to scare you. The truth is that, while Colombia is generally safe, you have to keep your wits about you when it comes to the safety of yourself and your things.

So, don’t put yourself in a vulnerable situation, and don’t make it easy for someone to rob you.

To “not give papaya”, I recommend not pulling out your phone, wallet, camera, or any other “flashy” thing on the street, using a slash-proof day bag (I personally carried the TravelOn Anti-Theft Bag in Colombia and loved it), and walking around with someone else whenever possible.

I stuck to these few rules and never had an incident in Colombia.

Pack for Many Climates in Colombia

The author kayaking with the city of Cartagena in the background in Colombia

Be warned, Colombia is not one-size-fits-all when it comes to weather and climate.

For example, Colombia’s capital city of Bogota usually sees year-round temperatures between 7°C/44°F and 19°C/66°F and rarely deviates from this. Meanwhile, the coastal city of Cartagena is fairly hot year round — even the coldest month (January) sees average temperatures of 27.6°C/81.6°F.

And that’s not even taking into account all the Colombian deserts and rainforests in between.

Safe to say, pick your precise Colombian destinations and pack accordingly.

Rideshare Apps are Illegal (But Still Widely Used)

Two people on a motorbike in La Candelaria, Bogota, Colombia

It’s a paradox that tends to trip up a lot of travelers when they arrive in Colombia: rideshare apps like Uber are illegal, but tourism workers will tell you to use them.

It’s true, though Uber technically operates in Colombia due to a loophole, it is “illegal” in the country. Still, you can access it in all major cities and it operates like it does elsewhere.

And because of how Uber operates with the trust and rating system, it is technically also the safest way to get around the major cities, despite the illegalities.

The only catch to this is that you’ll have to sit in the front seat of the rideshare, instead of in the back. This makes it look like you’re a friend of the driver. Trust me, I did this, it’s a thing.

Never Hail a Taxi off the Street

The Montserrate Funicular cable car in Bogota, Colombia

When it comes to staying safe in Colombia, knowing who you’re in a car with is paramount. For this reason, never hail a cab off the street, and always use a rideshare app.

While the #1 way I got around the major cities was by using Uber, I do also recommend having the app Cabify downloaded on your phone as an alternative.

It’s technically illegal too, but safety is always the top priority.

Book Shuttles From the Airport to Your Hotel

A hotel room at the Diez Hotel Categoria Colombia in Medellin

Another caveat to using rideshare apps in Colombia is that they’re not recommended for use at the airport. To be honest, with military personnel and other officials around, it’s not worth the risk of using this method.

Of course, as I said above, do not use the taxi services at the airport either. Bag theft is an issue, especially at the Bogota airport.

Instead, plan ahead and schedule a shuttle service. I recommend either booking a private service through a trusted provider or choosing a hotel that will schedule a shuttle for you.

The only way I got to and from airports in Colombia was by booking shuttle services through my hotels. They weren’t as cheap as I expected but they weren’t as expensive as some other places (cough, Cancun, cough).

Bring a Water Filtration Device

Two kayaks in the Cartagena bay

Overall, Colombia has a safe drinking water supply for both locals and visitors. You may find that the water has a heavily-chlorinated smell, but for the most part, you can drink the tap water in Colombia.

However, this generally only applies to urban areas. If you’re staying at a hotel, then you can absolutely use the water from the tap. However, this may not hold true in all rural areas.

A good strategy is to ask if the water is safe to drink when you get to a new destination, or just get used to purifying it as you go. I purified my drinking water by using my Grayl Geopress , and I never got sick once. Anecdotal, maybe, but true nevertheless!

Acclimate to High Elevation Places in Colombia

The author and a group of people at Montserrat with the city of Bogota in the background

Did you know that Bogota is the 4th-highest capital city in the world? It’s true, and at 8,612 feet above sea level , it’s a fact that really shouldn’t be ignored.

Landing in a city like Bogota, especially when coming from a place closer to sea level, makes it easy to get winded and feel light-headed. The oxygen is much thinner at these heights.

Due to this, I recommend taking it easy on your first couple of days at high-elevation Colombian destinations. Don’t drink alcohol or do any strenuous activities like hiking while you’re acclimating.

I actually witnessed the fallout of this on the Montserrat cable car. My tour group was sharing a car with a family from France, and just as we were getting close to the top of the mountain, one of the daughters in the family just *passed out*. Like, collapsed clean cold onto the floor of the cable car.

She was totally okay in the end, but still, a reminder to not take the low oxygen levels lightly.

Plan Your Colombia Itinerary Around Both Urban Areas and Nature

The viewof the land near Guatape from Piedra del Penol

The beauty of Colombia lies in its wild diversity. Between the bustling cities, quaint small towns, lakelands, oceanfronts, deserts, and rainforests, it’s hard not to see that it really has it all.

So in a country with so much to see, it’s a good plan to experience as much of this diversity as you can.

Explore the food markets in Bogota, hike amongst the tallest palm trees in the world in Valle de Cocoa, dance the night away in Medellin, and climb all the way to the top of Piedra del Penol in Guatape.

This is the tip of the iceberg, but you get the picture.

Take Guided Walking Tours in Colombia

Two people at a food market stall in Bogota, Colombia

On my first day in Colombia I booked a local cuisine walking tour around La Candelaria, Bogota (this was the exact tour I booked, and my guide was Lorenzo). I ate fantastic dishes, met some locals, got the lay of the land, and met a bunch of fellow travelers that I had beers with at the Cranky Croc Hostel all night.

On my second day in Colombia, along with the travelers I met the night before, I took a major sites walking tour around Bogota (similar to the one I personally took).

In my opinion, booking walking tours is the best way to see the cities of Colombia.

Expect Relatively Cheap Domestic Travel

The view of Cartagena Colombia from an airplane seat

I’m not going to lie, it cost just under a full arm and leg to let myself from my home in Winnipeg, Canada to Bogota. However, once I was in Colombia itself, I was pleasantly surprised to find the prices of buses and planes were reasonable.

Now, I wouldn’t put the prices quite in line with notoriously economical destinations like Southeast Asia, but they didn’t break my budget either.

I flew within Colombia twice — the first time with Avianca and my second time with LATAM. My flight from Bogota to Medellin was $291.180 COP ($98.80 CAD) and my flight from Medellin to Cartagena was $256.412 COP ($87 CAD).

Note the Currency Punctuation

The author with the city of Bogota in the background

You’ll notice in my point above about domestic travel that I wrote “291.180 Colombian Pesos”. This doesn’t mean that my flight was 291 Pesos, it means that it was 291180 Pesos. As in hundreds of thousands.

This is because, where in the USA you’ll have a “,” and in Canada you’ll have a space to denote tens and hundreds of thousands, Colombians put a period.

This is important, as assuming that the period means the end of a dollar amount could mean you end up paying hundreds of thousands more pesos than you had anticipated.

Don’t Stray too Far off the Beaten Track

The author on a street in Bogota witha yellow taxi and colorful umbrellas in the background

Look, y’all know I love a good adventure off the beaten trail, but I’m going to caution this method of travel in Colombia.

There are still parts of Colombia that are very dangerous and where tourists should not go under any circumstances, such as the Darien Gap. Still, even more than this extreme, you should do a lot of research before you plan your route. Some places are safer than others.

Basically, have fun, but don’t completely fly by the seat of your pants when it comes to your itinerary.

Learn Some Spanish Before You Go

A colorful street in the town of Guatape, Colombia

Full stop, if you don’t know some Spanish, you’re going to have a tough time in Colombia. Most people in Colombia simply do not speak English, and you’ll have to resort to miming to communicate.

Of course, most people working in the tourism industry, such as at big hotels, will speak English. And there are plenty of day trips and tours in Colombia with English-speaking guides. But as for restaurant workers or Uber drivers, not so much.

I recommend knowing at least the basics to get around Colombia.

Expect a Strong Military Presence & Highway Checkpoints

A colorful street in Bogota

As every Colombia safety guide will warn you, crime is still an issue in the country.

Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have solo traveled Colombia if I thought it wasn’t safe to go, and I certainly wouldn’t be advising you on it now if this wasn’t the case, but pickpocketing and theft are still relatively common.

For these reasons, you’ll see a strong police and military presence in the country, especially around the financial districts and on highways.

Don’t Glorify Pablo Escobar or Narcos

The view of Medellin from La Catedral

I’ll be the first to admit that I took a Pablo Escobar tour in Medellin . It was fantastic. I learned a ton about his influence on Colombia, and I visited some very important historical sites in connection with him.

But I didn’t bring him up on the street to anyone and everyone, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do either. Pablo Escobar’s reign is still very recent, and many scars remain from that time. Almost every local has a connection to this story, and unless they instigate it, I’d hesitate to bring it up.

Don’t Judge Colombia by its 80s & 90s Reputation

A street in Cartagena painted multiple bright colors with flowers and plants

Speaking of Pablo Escobar, it’s important to note that Colombia has come a long way since he was alive. The security and safety situation has drastically improved, and though the country is absolutely still dealing with some of the effects, it’s not quite like it once was.

For this reason, be open and curious while visiting Colombia. Always keep your wits about you, but don’t live in fear the whole time you’re there either.

Tipping isn’t Required, But Appreciated

People sitting around a table eating Tamales in Bogota

It’s a Colombian travel tip that’s on many a mind: “How much should I tip in Colombia?”

And thankfully, the answer is pretty simple (unlike in Canada where I’m expected, or not, I dunno, to tip everyone and their grandmother). Tipping in Colombia isn’t required but 10-15% is absolutely appreciated, especially in sit-down restaurants .

Research the Crime Rate in Your Desired Colombian Destination

The sun setting over the water in Cartagena, Colombia

I’ve touched on this a few times, but the crime rates in Colombia vary greatly by region, city, and even neighborhood.

Because of this, research where you’re going to stay in Colombia, by city, and by neighborhood.

Moreover, I don’t recommend wandering aimlessly in Colombia’s major cities, as doing so could mean leaving a safe area for a lesser-safe area without really knowing it.

Dress Smartly, But Not Flashy

The author on a street in Bogota

It’s no secret that the people of Colombia are some of the most gorgeous and well-put-together in the world. And it’s no wonder — beauty is a big deal here.

So, my friends, it’s important that our clothing choices fit in with the crowd and are classy, but not too flashy.

Again, “ No Dar Papaya” , but it’s not unusual to see women in nice jeans, dresses, and skirts, while men wear nice pants and well-fitted shirts.

Get Cash From ATMs Inside Colombian Banks

A colorful street in Bogota with pedestrians

First-off, planning to exchange cash from your home currency to Colombian Pesos, while in Colombia , is going to give you a terrible exchange rate. I wouldn’t do this, personally.

Instead, I recommend ordering Colombian Pesos in advance of your trip from your bank at home. Then, only use ATMs in banks to withdraw cash while in Colombia.

Only withdrawing cash from banks means you know the machines haven’t been tampered with, and that nobody can take your money while you’re on the street. Again, no dar papaya.

This Colombian travel tip will save you some money and keep you from getting scammed at shady ATMs.

Always Have Some Cash on You

A fruit stand at a market in Bogota

Cash is still king in Colombia. While you’ll be able to pay with a credit card at most hotels, shopping centers, and major restaurants, most smaller places will be cash-only.

I recommend only carrying a day’s worth of cash on you at a time, for both safety and budget reasons.

Don’t Put Too Much on Your Itinerary

Piedra del Penol in Colombia with stairs and shops outside

Guys, my Colombian itinerary was jam-packed to the teeth. I wanted to see as much as possible and found myself in transit more than I would have liked.

Of course, if you have months of travel time at your disposal to explore Colombia, then disregard this point entirely. But if you have limited vacation time, then I recommend only choosing one or two destinations and making the most of them.

There is honestly so much to see in this country; don’t run yourself haggard trying to do it all.

A hotel room with luggage in Cartagena

I know I know, “packing light” is one of the most basic Colombian travel tips of all time. But hear me out — I’ve spent a lot of this post explaining “no dar papaya” and the need to fit in with the locals — so dragging a ton of luggage around simply won’t tick off either of these boxes.

Make life easy on yourself and only bring the essentials.

So, why do I have so much luggage in this photo, you ask? Well, I traveled to Panama directly after this trip, and carried around a drone and other camera equipment that I took out a total of zero times.

So, yeah, pack light folks.

Try the Local Beer

The author holding a "Club Colombia" beer.

I’m going to be honest with you, my Pablo Escobar tour guide bought me this beer. He dropped the rest of the group off at their respective hotels, grabbed us a couple of beers for the road, and then proceed to drive me to my hotel and ask me about relationships and the minds of women (lol).

Right after I took this photo, I got a text from him asking if I wanted to go dancing (I politely declined).

Still, the moral of this story is that no matter where in the world you travel, Colombia included, beer brings people together. Drink the local beer, take in the local sights, and have the time of your life. Plus, it’s just good.

Thanks for reading my travel tips for Colombia! I hope this gave you a ton of insight into the country, and be sure to ask me any questions in the comment section!

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we hailed cabs on the street all the time and it went perfectly fine and safe! :)

Taylor On A Trip

So glad you had that experience! I mostly based my choices around what the hotel concierges told me, and also my comfort level as a solo female traveler. But great to reinforce that there are safe options :)


Gorgeous photography, I have no words to describe it. There is no answer to the photography you have done. Everyone wants to get in-depth information about colombia. Thank for post.

Aw thank you so much! Hope it helped your trip research :)

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Home to a traumatic but rich history, stunning scenery and some of the continent’s most welcoming and sophisticated people, Colombia is a natural draw for travellers to South America. Despite its four-decade-long civil war and reputation for violence, improved security conditions have led to a sharp increase in tourism.

Facts about Colombia

Where to go in colombia, outdoor activities in colombia, colombia’s festival planner, plan colombia, travel ideas for colombia, created by local experts.

Unforgettable Colombia

Unforgettable Colombia

Spend your first days in Colombia exploring its capital city Bogotá before heading further to the coast: Cartagena and Santa Marta will be next on the agenda. From wandering the historic city center to hiking the jungles to a virgin beach, Colombia will be an unforgettable trip!

Colombia: music & arts explored

Colombia: music & arts explored

If you are a lover of the arts than look no further. This trip will bring you culture, art, architecture, music and dance: visit local markets and workshops, admire the graffiti in Bogotá, discover historical city centers and “Fondas” – local bars with exotic decoration and typical Colombian music.

Colombia for nature & adventure lovers

Colombia for nature & adventure lovers

Do you like adventure and nature? Then you're in luck, this trip combines the best of both. Go horse riding through the Risaralda valley and join a bike tour through Cartagena, visit the beautiful Cocora Valley and discover the Coffee Cultural Landscape. There's something for everyone!

Classic Colombia

Classic Colombia

Colombia's rich culture and traditions make it a fascinating holiday destination: from the streets of Bogotá move on to the stunning Valle de Cocora and Salento with its remarkable wax palms. From Medellín take a day tour to Guatapé before finalizing your trip in coastal Cartagena.

Exploring Colombia

Exploring Colombia

Explore three of the most famous Colombian cities Bogota, Medellín and Cartagena during this 9-day trip. Get to know each city and its unique people by diving deep into the culture, history and traditions.

Colombia: Family Adventure

Colombia: Family Adventure

From city adventures to experiencing a pump in your adrenaline while river rafting and learning more about the different species of birds, monkeys, squirrels, peccary and other species that can be found during an exiting rainforest trail....this truly is a trip packed with family fun activities!

Foreigners and Colombians alike are now far more able to explore this thrilling paradise of cloudforested mountains, palm-fringed beaches and gorgeous colonial cities. The only country in South America to border both the Pacific and the Caribbean, Colombia offers a huge range of ecosystems, from the Amazon rainforest near Leticia to the snowcapped mountains of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and the tropical islands of San Andrés and Providencia.

Start planning your trip to Colombia today! With the help of our local experts and their carefully crafted Colombia itineraries , you're guaranteed an unforgettable experience

Population 46.3 million

Languages Spanish (official), plus various indigenous languages

Currency Colombian peso (C$ or COP$)

Capital Bogotá (population: 7.6 million)

International phone code 57

Time zone GMT -5hr

Cosmopolitan Bogotá is, like most capitals, a busy commercial centre, with a vibrant cultural scene and festive nightlife. The two other major cities, Medellín and Cali, are also lively but less overwhelming. Better still are the small towns scattered throughout the country that could turn out to be the highlight of your visit. Popayán and Mompox, for example, are famed for raucous Semana Santa (Easter week) celebrations, and Mompox has a timeless beauty to it. Colombia’s coffee-growing region, the Zona Cafetera, offers breathtaking walks in the foothills where the bean is grown, accommodation in authentic fincas (coffee farms) and excellent trekking.

Most visitors make time – and rightfully so – to head north to the Caribbean for the sun. Just a stone’s throw from the beach, the walled city of Cartagena is the biggest Spanish colonial port in South America. A few hours east, the less scenic Santa Marta and fishing village of Taganga are near Parque Nacional Tayrona, whose picturesque sandy beaches are unrivalled. The two are also great bases for a five-day trek to the archeological ruins of La Ciudad Perdida, the Lost City.

Ciudad-Perdida-Lost City-colombia-shutterstock_536359471

Ciudad Perdida, Lost City © Shutterstock

Almost un-Colombian in their feel, the remote Caribbean islands of San Andrés and Providencia both offer great diving, crystal-clear waters and – particularly in Providencia’s case – a unique Raizal culture.

As you head north from Bogotá through the Andes to Bucaramanga, picturesque colonial villages like Villa de Leyva give way to more tropical, river-fed bastions of adventure tourism such as San Gil.

In the southeast, Colombia’s stake of the Amazon, centred on Leticia, may not be as well known as Peru’s or Brazil’s but it offers a slice of jungle adventure and a gateway into the neighbouring countries. The southwest, near Popayán, boasts some wonderful scenery as well as the monumental stone statues and burial chambers of the forgotten cultures of San Agustín and Tierradentro.

Discover more places in Colombia


  • North of Bogotá Travel Guide
  • The Pacific coast Travel Guide
  • San Andrés and Providencia Travel Guide
  • The southwest Travel Guide

Adrenaline junkies might hyperventilate when they discover Colombia. From almost every vantage point there’s a snowcapped peak to climb, an untamed river to ride or some sunken coral reef to explore.

Colombia’s waters are a good (and cheap) place to learn to scuba dive. All along its 3000km of coastline, but especially around Santa Marta and Taganga, and also on the islands of San Andres and Providencia – home to the world’s third-largest barrier reef – operators offer week-long PADI certification courses for around COP$650,000. Be sure to enquire about the reputation of dive operators before signing up, check their PADI or NAUI accreditation, the instructor-to-student ratio and ask for recommendations from other divers. Snorkelling is also particularly good on the islands.

There is a concentration of Class II–IV rapids among the many rivers in the departamento of Santander – three intersect near San Gil – that offer some spectacular challenges to white-water rafting enthusiasts, while the river near San Agustin gives you a somewhat tamer ride.

Hiking in Colombia is second to none: there are demanding week-long adventures in Parque Nacional de Cocuy, jungle treks to the spectacular ruins of Ciudad Perdida, and shorter but no less attractive rambles around Manizales and Salento in coffee country.

Football is the national sport and Colombians have a reputation for being some of South America’s most skilled players. Cycling is also a common passion – the mountainous land here is made for rugged biking – and Colombians regularly compete in the Tour de France.

Bogota, Colombia © mehdi33300/Shutterstock

Bogota © Shutterstock

Colombia knows how to party and does so year-round. You can join in the following:

January Carnaval de Blancos y Negros . Pasto’s un-PC celebrations dating back to the days of slavery, with revellers with whitened and blackened faces throwing chalk and flour over each other.

February Carnaval de Barranquilla . Second-biggest carnival in South America, complete with parades, dancing, drinking and music, held forty days before Easter

March Semana Santa . Holy Week celebrated with nighttime processions by the faithful; particularly impressive in Popayán and Mompox

June/July Rock al Parque . Massive free thee-day pop/rock/funk/metal/reggae concert in Bogotá’s Parque Simón Bolívar.

August Feria de las Flores . Medellín’s big bash, culminating in a parade of peasants bearing flowers down from the mountains.

September Festival Mundial de Salsa . Cali’s salsa festival, with the hottest moves on show at the Teatro al Aire Libre Los Cristales

November Reinado Nacional de Belleza . Cartagena crowns Miss Colombia amid parades, street dancing and music

December Feria de Cali . Epic street parties.

On August 7, 2010, Juan Manuel Santos was inaugurated as the fortieth president of Colombia, following a failed attempt by former President Álvaro Uribe to run for an unprecedented third term in office. Uribe was first elected in 2002 on a platform of law and order and turned to the US for help in dealing with the country’s perpetual cycle of violence by tipping the military balance in their favour. Under Plan Colombia , the US has committed around US$7 billion in foreign aid, most of it to the military, to root out illegal drug trafficking and the guerrilla protectors that allow it to blossom. Largely intended to eradicate the growing of coca , Plan Colombia funded crop spraying on a large scale. Since the early 2000s coca production has declined dramatically – with the security situation improving as well – and Peru has now surpassed Colombia in coca production. However, coca farming has also adapted, for example by being planted in smaller areas, and the people who suffer the most from Plan Colombia have often been the impoverished farmers whose food crops have been sprayed alongside the coca plants and who have received no compensation from the Colombian government. Under Uribe drug-related crime declined and Santos has vowed to continue his predecessor’s hardline security policies.

Top image © Jess Kraft / Shutterstock

Travel advice for Colombia

From travel safety to visa requirements, discover the best tips for traveling to Colombia

  • Eating and drinking in Colombia
  • Getting around Colombia: Transportation Tips
  • How to get to Colombia
  • Travel Tips Colombia for planning and on the go
  • Weather in Medellin in April
  • Weather in Medellín in March
  • Weather in Colombia in January
  • Weather in Colombia in February
  • Weather in Colombia in April
  • Weather in Colombia in June
  • Weather in Colombia in July
  • Weather in Colombia in August
  • Weather in Colombia in September
  • Weather in Colombia in October
  • Weather in Colombia in November
  • Weather in Colombia in December

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updated 24.04.2024


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Colombia Travel Tips: 10 Cool Things to Know Before You Go

Colorful buildings on a street in Jardin Colombia

If you are heading to South America, don’t miss these Colombia travel tips shared with us by travel writer Mike Jensen. Read more about him below.

Colombia is a country of a dynamic and colourful culture and generally friendly people. With so much to do and so many things to see, you can easily book a month’s worth of travel and still have a lot more discovery to cover.

With a coastline on its edge and mountains along its border, adventurers flock from all over the world to navigate its diverse terrains.

But hit shows like “Narcos” combined with an infamous history involving drug lords and cartels, cast this beautiful country in a negative light.

That version of Colombia has largely disappeared, giving way to a reinvigorated capital of Bogota and a culture defined by its bravery and resilience.

Colombia travel tips

If you’re planning on a trip to this South American country , here are ten essential tips to know:

1. Drop your stereotypes about drugs and cocaine

Most residents in Medellin still recall growing up in an environment characterized by drug wars, but those days are long gone. Coca leaves are still chewed on the streets and available for tourists, but Colombia has moved on from its sordid past.

The hero-villain Pablo Escobar is definitely still the most famous person coming from this country. However, Colombia’s culture is a lot more diverse. Modern-day Colombia is made more vibrant and unique by its survival of its brutal past and story of redemption.

2. Safety and security are not an issue

Safety in Colombia has vastly improved throughout the years. A huge part of this is a heightened presence of military personnel at checkpoints and in high-traffic areas in the city. The drug cartels are still present, but they’ve moved their business off the streets.

The FARC is also on the brink of a monumental peace agreement (2016/17), so many factors contributing to the misconception about Colombia’s lack of safety are going away.

This unfair view of Colombia is unfortunate, but the locals are warm and generous. They are a proud people, and they won’t be shy to show you the beauty of their culture. If you want to find bad people in Colombia, you will definitely find them, just as you will in any other country. If you take regular safety precautions when you travel regardless of destination, you’ll find that Colombia is a safe and enjoyable place to travel.

Street art in Medellin

3. Be prepared for unpredictable weather

Weather in different parts of Colombia varies greatly. It depends more on the altitude than the time of the year. If you’re travelling from north to south, it will be more likely that you’ll experience all four seasons. Bogota is relatively cool during the day and chilly at night, while Cartagena is known for very humid weather and Medellin for what feels like eternal spring.

4. Aguardiente is the most Colombian staple you should have

There’s no drink more popular in Colombia than aguardiente. Every administrative region in Colombia has a license to produce its own aguardiente, so there’s no one way to describe it. It usually has an alcohol content of 60%, which already gives you an idea of what kinds of experiences go along with it.

There’s no Colombian celebration without aguardiente. You’ll also find these consumed in bars, at home, and on street corners. It’s meant to be drunk straight or as shots and usually ends with an unforgettable “guayabo de aguardiente”, which is Colombian slang for hangover.

Overlooking Valle del Corcora in Salento is a must see when traveling to Colombia

5. Head over to a Pueblito for the weekend

Pueblitos are small villages that dot the Colombian countryside, which can be great weekend destinations. While the cities are abuzz with energy, the Pubelitos offer servings of the country’s colonial past and old-world charm. There are many Pubelitos you can visit from any major urban city. All can be accessed by road.

It’s easy to hire a chauffeured car or rent your own to make the trip. The most iconic Pueblito is Guatavita off of Bogota , which offers idyllic views of casitas that best characterize Colombia’s classic countryside.

6. Perk up your days with café tinto

One of the many popular exports of Colombia is coffee beans, and it’s in very high demand even inside the country. Colombia’s coffee beans are so heavily exported that you’ll most likely be served Nescafe in a coffee shop unless you make your way to one of the coffee farms.

The best way to find café tinto, however, is through the throngs of vendors selling café tinto in thermal jugs on every street and town square. These small cups of coffee are very strong and commonly taken black.

Coffee beans roasting in Salento Colombia

7. Colombia is not as cheap as it once was

Colombia can still be cheaper than travelling in Europe, but don’t expect dirt cheap prices that are common in Southeast Asia. The biggest spending will be on accommodations, especially in popular backpacker or tourist towns. There will be a place for any kind of budget, but you will end up spending a bit more on a standard room in Colombia than you normally would in Asia.

If you will be doing long-distance travelling by bus, these tickets can also be expensive, but they’re comfortable, airconditioned, and sometimes have WiFi. Eating out can also be quite pricey unless you stick to street food, which is a great cuisine on its own.

8. Colombian food is hearty and filling

If you’re travelling to Colombia, forget about your diet. Colombian food is equivalent to comfort food – so engrained in the culture of the people and meant to express warmth and a sense of home. That said, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of the dishes are fried, and there’s a noticeable lack of vegetables. Meals mostly consist of rice and meat with a medley of side dishes that include some vegetables, beans, or fruits.

Street food is a cheap option, but not necessarily a healthy one. The most popular one is the arepa, which is a type of bread made from maize and sometimes stuffed with cheese or meat. Another popular snack is the empanada, deep-fried minced meat in batter. 

Coffee cups on a table at a coffee tasting in Salento, Colombia

9. Try to learn key Spanish words

Some people in Colombia know how to speak English, but it’s not a very common language. Sometimes, not even people who work in the tourism industry know how to speak English. Hotel receptionists usually know how to speak English and would be the best people to help you navigate around the city.

Look up common Spanish words for directions, places, and questions. If you do know some Spanish, learning a bit of Colombian slang will also help. If all else fails, be ready to have a translator on your phone to make things go more smoothly. (Download the free Google Translate App from the Apple App Store or from Google Play .)

Metro cable car in Colombia

10. Colombia is beautiful

There are so many aspects to Colombia that make this country an unforgettable destination. You will hear music everywhere, locals dancing salsa and rumba regardless of time and place, and it’s difficult not to join in. Landscapes are very diverse – lush jungles, volcanoes, deserts, beaches, plantations, alpine lakes – and outdoorsy folk will have a ball exploring the country. Lastly, Colombians are generous and kind; hanging out with the locals will definitely add a different dimension to your trip.

Getting to Colombia

Getting to Colombia is easy, either via road, plane, private boat, or cruise ship. And once here, how to get around Colombia can be just as simple.

Final thoughts on travelling to Colombia

Colombia has gone through rough times, but the modern-day country has a lot to offer. There is beauty to be seen everywhere, from its kind people to the gorgeous sceneries. Whether you’re visiting for a week, a month, or even a year, there is much adventure to be had, and it’s not unlikely that you will fall in love with this country.

Save on your trip with these resources

These are our go-to companies when we travel. We believe this list to be the best in each category. You can’t go wrong using them on your trip too.

  • Flights : we use Expedia for the best and cheapest flight options.
  • Accommodations: we use Booking.com (hotels), VRBO (self-contained), or Hostelworld (budget).
  • Cars (gas or electric): we use RentalCars to search for deals and dealer ratings.
  • Motorcycles : we have heard good things about BikesBooking .
  • Campervans or Motorhomes : we use Campstar where Albom Adventures readers get a 3% discount.
  • Private guides : we often find the best option is to work with a private guide .
  • Travel Insurance: while not required, we always opt for travel insurance and start at InsureMyTrip to compare coverage plans.

Check out our travel resources page for more companies that we use when you travel.

Be sure to check out Albom Adventure’s South American itinerary , as well as our guides to Cartegena and to the animals at the port area .

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A city street in old town Cartagena representing a list of Colombia travel tips

Which of these Colombia travel tips surprised you?

About the author.

Bio photo of Mike Jensen

Mike is addicted to both adventure and travel, so he decided to combine the two to form TheAdventourist . There, he shares his journey from one adrenaline rush to another, always exploring new places as he goes. You can find him sharing his travels on Facebook . 

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Reader Interactions

Paul Pietrangelo

May 3, 2021 at 1:27 am

Hi Rhonda, It’s been some time. Sorry for not being there often. We had so many problems with this new home to the point I want to move. This builder is useless. I lived in Pointe West for over 31 years with less problems and I’m living in this new home for just 4 months with so many problems. The builders of today just want their money and that’s all. I miss cruising. Some friends want us to go on a cruise in January. I’d love to but my wife & I are not sure because of all the difficulties and most of all Covid. We have our first shot and will get the second one in August. I’m stay scared. Maybe we’ll cruise in 2023. Enjoy but keep safe.

Cruisin Paul

June 14, 2020 at 4:03 pm

This is interesting, and I learned a lot! I got interested in Colombia when I had a group of pre-teen students visit my school (at the time). I want to go one of these years.

Manisha Yadav

May 6, 2020 at 5:17 am

Detailed article and beautiful tips. Let us hope travel opens soon.

April 30, 2020 at 1:12 pm

i have a friend that grew up in Colombia that recently went and she was showing me all of her pictures. Essentially everything you said about Colombia she agreed with. Thanks so much for sharing your tips and encouraging travel to this gorgeous destination!

L. Diane Wolfe

April 29, 2020 at 5:26 am

I’d love to try genuine Columbian coffee.

April 29, 2020 at 2:37 am

Well done as always. I would love to have some coffee. I’ll bet it’s even better there and the Colombian coffee here.

Have a fabulous day and week, Rhonda. ♥

April 29, 2020 at 1:15 am

Obviously a country with a love for vibrant colors – the first two shots are so vibrant! Great series.

Alex J. Cavanaugh

April 28, 2020 at 11:36 pm

Think I’ll avoid both drinks and watch what food I eat. Shame they don’t do more vegetables.

Alan Blair Bates

April 28, 2020 at 3:02 pm

I guess things have changed on the violence end of things but I like what you have to say.

Photo Cache

April 28, 2020 at 12:29 pm

It is a popular travel destination. I don’t know if I get to visit it someday.

Worth a Thousand Words

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Colombia Travel Tips: 16 Things to Know Before You Travel to Colombia

From the aromatic coffee plantations to the bustling streets of Bogotá, Colombia’s transformation into a travel haven is complete. With a little preparation and knowledge, you can carve out an unforgettable experience in this unforgettable country.

travel tips in colombia

There was a time when Colombia was the place in South America that people skipped over, avoided, and detoured around. Known for violence, cartels, kidnappings, and drugs, it was a destination on very few people’s bucket lists. Today it’s a different story.

A decade ago most people couldn’t point out Colombia on a map—now it has become the new star of South America. Having thrown off its troubled past, the country is now a welcoming place to travelers of all types.

From nature to adventure sports, from incredible coffee to world-class nightlife, Colombia really does have something for everyone.

That being said, it’s still a rather new destination—it can be helpful to have a bit of guidance and a few tips when planning your first trip to Colombia. This travel guide is a compilation of our top Colombia tips to make sure you enjoy everything this incredible country has to offer.

You Probably Don’t Need a Visa and Can Stay Up to 180 Days


Most people who visit Colombia get to enjoy visa-free travel. This is available for citizens of 90+ countries including Canada, the US, Australia, and all of Europe (you can search other countries here ). On entry, an automatic 90-day tourist permit will be given to most visitors.

While the 90-day entry stamp is standard, the exact number of days is up to the discretion of the immigration officer. Make sure you double-check how many days the officer wrote in your passport, just in case.

Either way, if you come from one of the visa-free countries, you are entitled to both the initial 90-day entry permit as well as an additional 90-day extension. This means you could potentially spend up to 180 days out of the year in Colombia without needing a visa. The 180 days rule applies to both the calendar year and consecutive days in the country.

Extending the initial tourist permit is a very simple process without much planning. One option is to leave the country and return, allowing you to get a new stamp. The other option is to extend your permit while in Colombia. As of 2020, this can now be done completely online via the  Migracion Colombia  website.

For most people visiting Colombia, the 90-day tourist permit is more than enough. On the other hand, Colombia’s tourism slogan was, “The only risk is wanting to stay.” If you find yourself wanting a bit more time to explore all that Colombia has to offer, those 180 days/year of visa-free travel might come in handy.

You’ll Want To Brush Up On Your High School Spanish

Knowing even a bit of Spanish can come in incredibly handy here. Colombia travel hasn’t been as prolific as travel elsewhere on the continent, so you’ll find that fewer people speak English than in many other places in South America .

Overall, Colombia is considered a country with low English proficiency . You can definitely get by without much Spanish, especially in the larger cities like Cartagena or Medellin. Getting further off the beaten track, though? You’ll find some Spanish much more necessary. At the very least, you should learn how to read a bit of Spanish.

Unless you stick to a very guided tour, you’ll also find most of your day-to-day interactions with locals require basic Spanish. From taxi drivers to waiters, you’ll need either some level of Spanish or a really good translation app.

Colombians, as a whole, are also incredibly friendly. Knowing a bit of the local language  can help make your trip a lot more fun and give you a chance to meet more locals. Consider brushing up on your skills, even if just a bit, before you leave for Colombia.

Or If You Want to Learn, Colombia is a Great Place to Study Spanish

If your level of Spanish doesn’t extend much past basic greetings, don’t worry! You don’t need to cancel your trip. Colombia is actually one of the best places in Latin America to learn Spanish.

The standard Colombian accent is often said to be a bit easier for new learners to pick up. While there is a lot of slang, the accent (especially in Bogota) is considered very neutral and clear for non-native speakers.

As mentioned above, Colombia also doesn’t have as many English speakers as some other Latin American countries. This means you will have even more opportunities to practice what you’re learning in your day-to-day activities with locals.

You’ll find language schools throughout Colombia. Most offer day, week, or even month-long programs. There are also options to combine your studies with a traditional home-stay or volunteer program. Some schools even offer a combination of Spanish and salsa dance courses to get a full feel for the Colombian experience. Make sure you read up on your options and check for reviews before committing.

It’s One of the Most Diverse Places on Earth


Did you know Colombia is actually the second most diverse place in the world, after Brazil? When you take into account size though, it actually comes out on top as the most diverse country in the world by area.

If Earth’s biodiversity were a country, it could be called Colombia.

National Geographic

This isn’t hard to believe once you start exploring a bit of Colombia yourself. From the Pacific to the Caribbean, from the Amazon Jungle to the high, snow-capped Andes, Colombia has a bit of everything.

In fact, the country has over 8,000 labeled ecosystems , protected by 59 different nationally designated protected areas, including national parks and reserves. There are over 50,000 known species of animals and/or plants in Colombia, with 9,000+ being found nowhere else in the world.

It’s not just the biodiversity that makes Colombia special, though. The people of Colombia are also very diverse with a mix of indigenous, afro-descendants, Spaniards, and other international ethnicities.

Colombia has 80+ indigenous ethnic groups with 64 different Amerindian languages spoken in the country. It was also home to the first “freetown” in the Americas, Palenque, which was established by escaped slaves on Colombia’s Caribbean coast. You’ll also find smaller communities of Arab, Romani, Jewish, Korean, and other immigrant groups spread throughout Colombia.

This ethnic diversity makes Colombia a beautiful place  to experience. The music and cultural traditions of Palenque are considered a time capsule into the past, with many African traditions (like drum song and dance) still practiced in the community. You also won’t have to search far for intricately designed traditional handicrafts from the various indigenous groups of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

Even the food of Colombia celebrates the country’s ethnic diversity, from almojábanas (a type of bread) to indigenous herbs like guasca which is used in the iconic Colombia ajiaco soup.

Even If You Stay 180 Days, You Won’t Be Able to See Everything

Colombia is a hotspot for digital nomads

When I first mentioned that you could visit Colombia up to 180 days per year, you probably thought that was more than enough. Let me tell you from first-hand experience that even with 180 days to visit, you wouldn’t be able to see even a fraction of what this incredible country has to offer.

As I mentioned, Colombia is diverse with so much to see, do, and experience.

It is the only South American country to have both a Pacific and Caribbean coastline. It has high Andes mountain passes, small pueblos, modern cities, desert landscapes, rolling hills, and vast plains. People come to visit Colombia for the food, the culture, the nightlife, for whale watching and scuba diving, and for jungle treks and adventure sports.

Whether you have six months or six days, you’re going to have to narrow down your choices. Thankfully, we have a whole itinerary with plenty of highlights to see on your visit. Let this serve as your travel guide to making the most of your time.

If you only have one or two weeks in Colombia , your best bet is to visit just 2 or 3 regions. You could check out one of the major cities (Bogota, Cartagena, or Medellin) and then spend a few nights in the coffee region before heading to the Caribbean coast.

I would recommend swapping out the Caribbean for the Amazon or Pacific regions for a bit more adventure. You could also tack on a few days in Cali if you are planning to check out some salsa classes.

You Need to Think About How You’ll Get Around

Giant truck on the street in Colombia

Once you realize how big Colombia is (it’s a little over twice as large as France), you start to realize how it might be hard to see everything you want to see. Add in the fact that the Andes Mountains run right down the center of the country and you’ll quickly understand why planning how you’ll get around is important.

Whether you’re taking taxis, buses, or planes between destinations, you’ll need to take time restrictions and budget into consideration.

Around Colombia, You’ll Have to Navigate Mountains

When it comes to Columbia travel, the public bus system is the cheapest mode of transportation and rarely needs to be booked ahead of time. That being said, buses are not the fastest mode of transportation. Winding mountain passes and narrow two-lane highways mean even traveling between two relatively close places can take a full day.

Flying is a much quicker and more convenient option, especially if you are traveling between distant regions. Thankfully, Colombia has a number of budget airlines. You’ve got your fair number of options to search for. On the downside, this does limit the spontaneity of your plans a bit.

In the past, another consideration when booking travel was safety. Traveling by public buses to visit certain regions of Colombia was not recommended even just a few years ago. However, since the Peace Agreement with the rebel FARC, you can leave those safety concerns behind. Opting to take buses vs flying is now much more a personal decision based on budget and travel style.

Getting Around is Easy in Most of Colombia’s Cities and Towns

In the cities, you will find many ride-share and taxi apps. Uber is popular (though it may or may not be permanently kicked out of Colombia in Jan 2020) as well as DiDi and Beat. You can usually flag down taxis off the street, but I recommend ordering one through a taxi app or by calling instead.

Remember: taxis flagged in the street may not always be metered. Negotiate your fare beforehand.

Bright public bus in Colombia

The public transportation options in Colombian cities are often overcrowded but overall decent. In Medellin, the metro system is a point of pride in the city. On the other hand, the TransMilenio system in Bogota is despised almost universally by locals and travelers alike. (I could take it or leave it.)

As a plus, Colombians are very friendly and usually happy to help lost travelers who are using public transportation systems.

It Has a Dark Past But a Bright Future

Brightly painted buildings on a Colombian street with a tuk-tuk

It’s fair to say the popularity of a certain Netflix show has boosted interest and travel to Colombia. As someone who has fallen in love with Colombia—the people, the culture, the food—it can be frustrating that so many people still have that Narco image of Colombia in their mind. But it’s also part of the country’s past, and it can’t be ignored in these Colombia travel tips.

Colombia was once one of the most dangerous places in the world. From the streets to the highest levels of government, drug cartels ruled with an iron fist. Kidnapping and murder happened each day and no corner of the country was truly untouched by violence.

Even after the fall of Pablo Escobar and the major cartels, Colombia still struggled with ongoing internal conflict between government forces, paramilitary, and rebel groups like the FARC.

But there’s good news! In the last few decades, Colombia has turned a corner to start moving into a much brighter future.

Today Colombia is seen as a gem of South America with growing economic opportunity and a strong tourism industry. Its biggest export is no longer drugs, but flowers. And people nowadays visit to enjoy a different type of stimulant⁠—delicious Colombian coffee.

While we can’t ignore Colombia’s dark past, it’s future is bright. Your visit gives Colombia a much-needed tourism boost.

Visiting Colombia is Safe

If it wasn’t clear from the section above, Colombia is a much safer place than it once was . All the popular depictions of narcos and cartels that you read about or see on TV are straight out of the ‘80s. Colombia is safer today than many places in the world, especially for travelers.

Violent crime rates have plummeted. The cartels have lost their hold on the country and cocaine production has dropped drastically. The 2016 Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC rebels even earned then-President Juan Manuel Santos the Nobel Peace Prize.

The most common crime that visitors face is simple pickpocketing. While you definitely don’t want to go wandering alone at night with lots of money, with a little common sense, most travelers will be fine. Bad luck and bad timing can happen to anyone, but overall, Colombia is considered safe for travelers.

That being said, there are certain areas you’ll want to avoid, especially around the borders, as they have a higher safety risk. It’s always best to check your government travel advisory listing before you visit, as situations do change.

It Might Be Safe But You Still Need Travel Insurance

Even in the safest places in the world, sometimes you just run into a bit of bad luck. Having travel insurance in Colombia  is a great way to give yourself peace-of-mind no matter where in the world you visit.

Colombia does have its fair share of theft and pickpocketing. Travel insurance can help you avoid a ruined trip if something does go missing.

Colombia also offers some great adventure sports options. Travel insurance that covers these types of activities is smart in case of any accidents.

Overall, finding the best travel insurance  before your trip to Colombia is just a smart move. This is one of the most important tips I can offer! My favorite insurance is World Nomads.

And as Colombians Say “Don’t Give Papaya”

Colombians have a saying: “dar papaya.” It literally means “to give papaya.” The actual translation though is more of a warning to not set yourself up to be taken advantage of or robbed.

Like I mentioned above, the most common scam  travelers in Colombia face is pickpocketing. Phones and money are by far the most common items to be stolen. And most of the time travelers get their pockets picked because they were “giving papaya.”

Pulling out your phone in the middle of the street, flashing your money at the bar, grabbing sketchy taxis off the street, or casually tossing your phone on the table while eating dinner are perfect examples of this.

“Giving papaya” doesn’t just apply to your phone or wallet. It’s doing anything to attract attention to yourself and potentially your valuables. Want to avoid being robbed in Colombia? Don’t flash money or wear expensive jewelry, don’t get drunk and walk home alone, etc.

Don’t give papaya, consider your safety when you’re out and about, and you are sure to have a much smoother trip.

It Has Some Incredible Cities

Now that we have safety out of the way, let’s dive into what makes a visit to Colombia great! We’ll start with its incredible cities.

The capital of Colombia, Bogota is a modern, bustling city perched high in the Andes Mountains. Sitting at 8,660ft (or 2,640m), it’s a place that can quite literally take your breath away.

Most visitors to Bogota give it a day or two at most. It’s a huge city but the highlights can be seen in just a few days if you don’t have a lot of time. Some of those highlights include the Botero Museum, the Gold Museum, and the sweeping views from Monserrate.

Bogota also has some of the country’s best nightlife and restaurants. If you are considering taking Spanish classes, Bogota also has a wider selection of schools and programs than other cities.

Capital of the coffee region, Medellin is by far most traveler’s favorite Colombian city. Nicknamed the “City of Eternal Spring,” Medellin has near-perfect weather year-round. It’s also home to arguably some of the friendliest people in Colombia.

Medellin sits in a narrow valley with a number of barrios/neighborhoods that are popular with tourists, including El Poblado, Envigado, and Laureles. These neighborhoods are packed with busy restaurants, bars, coworking spaces, parks, and coffee shops.

If you do spend some time in Medellin, it’s also worth checking out a few of the more local neighborhoods. A visit to the Comuna 13 neighborhood is a great way to see a bit of the scarred past of the city but also how it has been reborn through art, culture, and community.

Sitting on Colombia’s Caribbean coastline, Cartagena is a city for lovers of architecture and history. Surrounded by the old city wall, you’ll find many of Cartagena’s colonial homes restored to their original beauty.

Here you can explore quiet plazas, take a ride in a horse-drawn carriage, or step inside a colorful church. At night, Cartagena comes alive with the sounds of salsa and cumbia, especially in the neighborhood of Getsemani.

For a more modern take on Cartagena, head out to the Bocagrande and Castillogrande neighborhoods. These neighborhoods both have decent beaches, lots of restaurant options, and a nice stretch where you can shop for local souvenirs.


Barranquilla is the urban core of the Caribbean coast. Known mostly as a port city, it’s often overlooked by travelers (other than international shipping businessmen). That being said, Barranquilla has a lot to offer all kinds of travelers, from museums to great art and music festivals year-round.

The highlight of Barranquilla though, hands down, is Carnival. The city is home to the second-largest carnival in the world and if you happen to be in Colombia just before Ash Wednesday, it shouldn’t be missed! The Carnaval de Barranquilla was even honored as a “masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity” by UNESCO in 2003.

Santa Marta

Santa Marta, further down the coast, is the gateway to some of Colombia’s most beautiful natural parks. The city itself is another colonial gem⁠—smaller than Cartagena, but equally as charming. It is also home to some of the best urban beaches in Colombia.

The beach in the center of town is quite crowded and not the best. But just outside the city center, you will find two suburbs with great beaches: El Rodadero and Taganga. El Rodadero attracts a largely Colombian crowd and is mainly filled with fancy hotels and resorts. Taganga, on the other hand, is very popular with backpackers and travelers, with many hostel options.

Although Cali is the capital of sala, it’s another place that is often overlooked by travelers. If you have any interest at all in learning to dance, this is where you come.

The city is unsurprisingly filled with incredible salsa schools and clubs. If you show up at a club, a local is 100% likely to pull you into a dance. It’s also a great place to check out a longer salsa course (if you have time) as it is a bit more affordable to live here than Colombia’s other major cities.

Even if you’re not a dance lover, you’ll appreciate the salsa vibes all over the city. Check out Tin Tin Deo—they sometimes offer free lessons!

Colombia is Relatively Welcoming and Progressive When it Comes to LGBTQ+ Travelers

Latin America has a pretty bad reputation overall for LGBTQ+ safety, and a lot of it stems from the region’s traditional Catholic culture. Colombia, however, is very progressive when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights and welcoming LGBTQ+ travelers.

On the Spartacus Gay Travel Index , Colombia was ranked 21 out of 197 countries for most welcoming LGBTQ+ travel destinations. That makes the country second in Latin America, after Uruguay.

While views on LGBTQ+ rights and relationships vary across the country, you’ll find Bogota to be the most open. The city actually elected a new mayor in 2019 who is the first openly gay woman to be elected mayor of any capital in the Americas. Bogota is also home to Theatron, the largest gay nightclub in Latin America.

Colombian Food is Delicious!

The food is safe to eat in Colombia

What’s the point of traveling anywhere in the world if you don’t check out a bit of the local food? Thankfully Colombia has some incredible local cuisine, from street food to high-end dining to everything in between.

A lot of travelers might think of Colombian food as bland, overly fried, and salty. The reality? They couldn’t be more wrong.

Bogota is known for having some of the best restaurants in the world, including Restaurante Misia, and Leo (these are both splurges, though). Pick any Colombian city or town and you’ll find great street food options from lechona to obleas. You won’t have to search long to find it.

If you’re traveling all the way to Colombia, don’t miss the chance to try bandeja paisa, ajiaco soup, buñuelos, changua, or any of other unique Colombia specialties. Each region is known for something special, from exotic Amazonian fruit to the coconut rice of the coasts.

Don’t be afraid to ask a local to recommend a street vendor, restaurant, or menu item. Locals have the best insider tips!

And You’ll Definitely Want to Try the Fruit

You can’t talk about Colombian food without mentioning the fruit. Colombia, as one of the most diverse places on the planet, is filled with rare and exotic fruits  you’ve probably never even heard of. In fact, one of the best things you can schedule into your Colombia travel itinerary is a tour of the local fruit market in Bogota, Paloquemao.

Fruit options vary depending on where in Colombia you are, but major markets usually cover a wide range of options. There is arazá, caimito, cherimoya, chontaduro, ciruela, corozo, curuba, feijoa, granadilla, guanabana, lulo, and so much more.

My suggestion? Grab a few pesos, head out to the local market, and just see what you can discover.

It’s a Great Place for Adventure Sports Lovers

Paragliding Over Medellin, Colombia

If adrenaline is more your thing, Colombia also has you covered. From paragliding to white water rafting, you can get your thrill in a dozen or more ways.

The capital of adventure sports in Colombia is definitely San Gil. Located in Colombia’s Santander region, the small city is surrounded by dramatic mountains, rivers, and forests. This makes for the perfect adventure sports arena.

Paragliding in Colombia  is probably the most popular adventure sport option with companies offering paragliding in Bogota, Medellin, San Gil, and other major regions. There are also a few places to bungee jump in the country.

White water rafting and caving are popular in the San Gil area. The most popular cave option is La Cueva de la Vaca outside Curiti. Rafting trips on the Suarez River can range from mild, beginner rapids to level four rapids.

Colombia is Filled with History

Travelers come to Colombia for many reasons: the natural landscapes, the great nightlife, the world-famous cultural events, etc. If you are a history fan though, Colombia has even more to offer.

Pre-colonial history in Colombia is fascinating with many important archaeological sites spread throughout the country. The two most famous are probably the Lost City and San Agustin.

The Lost City, Ciudad Perdida, is thought to be 650 years older than Machu Picchu. Located in the mountains outside Santa Marta, the hidden ruins of the city are only accessible by a multi-day hike.

The San Agustín Archaeological Park, in southern Colombia, is considered the world’s largest necropolis. It is also the largest collection of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in all of Latin America.

Moving to more modern history, Colombia’s colonial past has left behind many colorful buildings and towns. Cartagena is by far the best example, with gorgeous old colonial mansions. Similarly, the colonial center of Bogota ( La Candelaria) shouldn’t be missed. For a small-town example, head to the colonial town of Villa de Leyva, known for its whitewashed buildings and cobblestone streets.

But the People Are The Real Reason You Will Fall in Love With Colombia

Colombian women walking down the street balancing bowls of fruit

Colombia has so much to see and do. It’s one of those places you visit once and fall in love with forever. There is a reason it has gone from an overlooked piece of Latin America to one of the top travel destinations in the world in only a few short years.

It’s not just the vibrant cities or picturesque towns, or its mountainous landscapes, pristine beaches, or high-quality coffee. What truly makes Colombia special is the people.

For years, Colombia was a no-go zone where few travelers ventured. Despite this, Colombians are overall quite proud of their country and what it has to offer. Rather than being annoyed or fazed by the sudden influx of tourists, Colombians are excited for the opportunity to show the world their homeland.

Colombians are welcoming, open, and some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. It’s no wonder traveler after traveler finds themselves falling in love with this beautiful country and its amazing people.

If you’ve read this far, I already know you’re excited to set out on this journey. In our great search for underappreciated destinations around the world, you’re not going to regret this trip to Colombia.

I hope these tips serve as a useful travel guide for you to navigate one of my favorite places on the planet!

Colombia Travel Tips FAQs

What you need to know before travelling to colombia.

Things to know before travelling to Colombia: you probably don’t need a visa and transportation can be tricky.

Is it safe to travel to Colombia right now?

Colombia is generally safe to travel, but the US State Department has issued a Level 3 travel warning and recommends people reconsider travel.

How do you prepare a trip to Colombia?

The best way to prepare for a trip to Colombia is to research the local culture and customs and brush up on your Spanish.

Is Bogotá safe for white tourists?

Yes, Bogotá is safe for tourists.

Do I need malaria pills for Colombia?

Yes, it is a good idea to bring malaria pills if you’re going to a high-risk area in Colombia.

Jeremy Scott Foster

Jeremy Scott Foster

Nice write up (though you forgot to talk about social life and possibility of finding spouse there). That said, this was useful and helped me plan my trip – specifically, going to a different region via PLANE instead of bus. So thanks for the article!

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Colombia travel tips | Discover 30x the most beautiful places!

colombia bezienswaardigheden

Colombia is an amazing country to visit in South America. Its culture and landscapes couldn’t be more diverse. The country has a tragic history, because of the many civil wars and violent war on drugs, and it only opened years ago for tourism.  I visited Colombia many times over the last years and was able to explore different parts of the country. I absolutely fell in love. This is an article with the best and most beautiful places to visit i n Colombia. Including the best time to visit and 25 travel tips for national parks, cities, lovely villages, breathtaking nature, archaeology, adventurous tours and cultural experiences in Colombia. To make you excited about putting this destination on your bucket list and help you get the most out of your travels.

Discover the most beautiful places in Colombia | 30 travel tips

Colombia has many different geographic regions, cultures and vibes. From the Andes mountain range, a desert, the highest wax palms in the world, immense rivers, Amazon rainforest, beaches to Cosmopolitan cities and colonial towns, a great art scene, archaeological places, a lovely coffee culture and so much more. Enjoy this list with 25 travel tips for all regions in the country, including Colombia off the beaten path.

Visit the flamingo reserve

Visit a wayuu indigenous community, la ciudad perdida – lost city, coffee villages salento & filandia, beaches around cartagena, get the free south america travel guide.

Deborah posing at river and waterfall in Colombia

Map of Colombia with places to visit

The map is color coded as follows:

Blue : places to visit & things to do

Yellow : hotels

Red: restaurants

Cities to visit in Colombia | 4 travel tips

Medellín is one of the best cities to visit in Colombia.  It used to be one of the most dangerous cities in the world because of the Medellín cartel, led by drug lord Pablo Escobar. But after the death of Escobar, the city has gone through a huge transformation. Nowadays it is a bustling and cosmopolitan metropolis, where you easily can spend days and enjoy the many sights, activities, great restaurants and lovely neighborhoods.

Colombia Travel tips | one of the best cities to visit in Colombia

Take the metro cable car and enjoy the views of the city and surroundings. Comuna 13 used to be one of the most dangerous neighborhoods, today it is one of the most visited place in the city because of the great street art and many social projects. The Poblado district is bursting with trendy restaurants and lunchrooms. Modern art can be found around the Plaza Botero, the Museo de Antioquia or in the MAM and in the Casa de la Memoria you can learn about the tragic history of the city. But it is also possible to leave the busy city behind and unwind in the mountains of Parque Arvi or in the beautiful botanical garden.

Medellín is a city I was able to visit many times. Check out my personal travel tips and best places to visit in Medellín Colombia in the next article. You can find many tours in and around Medellin here.

Hotel tips for Medellin

  • Celestino Boutique hotel
  • The Charlee
  • Click Cack hotel

Bogotá is the cosmopolitan capital of Colombia and for most travelers a first introduction to the country. Like many South American capitals, Bogotá is a crowded city with up to 10 million inhabitants. The city has different sides: A nice colonial center, rich and hip neighborhoods in the north, poor slums in the south, a large business center, many universities and a vibrant art and cultural scene. Bogota has a lot to offer and it’s absolutely recommended to spending a couple of days.

Bogota, one of the best cities to visit in Colombia

You can take the cable car to the 3000meter high Monseratte mountain. From here you have a view of entire Bogotá and you realize how big this city actually is. Stroll through the historic center and the nice neighborhood of La Candelaria, with cute shops, restaurants and street artists. If you like art: In the center you can admire fantastic street art, which often hides interesting stories, get to know the art of Fernando Botero, observe modern art in the MAMBO or visit the hip artgalleries in the Teusaquillo district. But the gold museum is also worth a visit. This museum has one of the largest gold collections and takes you on a journey through pre-Columbian Colombia.

Streets of Bogota, one of the best cities to visit in Colombia.

In the next article I’m sharing the best places to visit and things to do in Bogota in Colombia . You can find many tours in and around Bogotá here .

Deborah at viewpoint Monserrate with view of Bogota

Hotel tips for Bogotá

  • Casa Legado
  • La Coli na Hotel Cottage
  • Hab Hotel Bogota
  • Tequendama Suites

Cartagena , one of the most beautiful places in Colombia

Cartagena is probably one of the most visited and beautiful places in Colombia. It is the capital of the Bolivar department and located on the Caribbean coast. As a traveler you will mainly visit the colonial center, the artistic neighborhood Getsemaní, the beaches and the islands: Las Islas Rosarios.

Cartagena, one of the places to visit in Colombia

As in many beautiful places, you’re unfortunately not the only visitor.  The amount of tourists can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have visited other parts of Colombia. Nevertheless, a visit to Cartagena should not be missed.  In the colonial center you walk past squares, old forts, monasteries, churches, colorful streets and every corner is just beautiful. Cartagena is a true picture heaven!

Cartagena, one of the beautiful places to visit in Colombia

Great food and drinks

Also, when it comes to amazing restaurants and trendy bars, this is going to be your city. From simple eateries to hip roof-top bars and culinary experiences. Try to make a reservation at Mar y Zielo, Cuzco or Townhouse . Curious about other things to do in Cartagena in Colombia? This is an overview with tours and activities.

Hotels in Cartagena

  • Amarla Boutique Hotel
  • Townhouse Boutique Hotel
  • Casa Pizarro – Getsemani
  • Casa Pestagua
  • Sofitel Legend Santa Clara

Calí is Colombia’s third city, after Bogotá and Medellín . The city has ​​a tragic past, because of the Cali cartel that dominated the city for years. Nowadays you can easily visit Calí. It is the capital of Valle del Cauca, a province with a lot of sugar cane, citrus, avocado and banana plantations. Calí is the city of the Colombian salsa and music. But there are not many highlights. I recommend visiting Calí especially if you are a music and dance lover and plan to take dance classes or enjoy the bustling nightlife.


If you are planning to visit Calí, make sure to hike the Cerro de las tres Cruces viewpoint, for an amazing view of the city. Looking for things to do in Cali Colombia? Check out tours ans activities here.

Hotels in Cali

  • Alko Hotel Casa Nispero
  • Alko Hotel Integrado

Popayan is called the white city of Colombia, because of the white center and its colonial buildings. It is said to be one of the best preserved colonial cities in America. However, opinions and feelings about Popayan are mixed. But even if you use Popayan only as a starting point for the Puracé national park and the local market in Silvia, it is a nice city where you can spend some great time. You can stroll through the colonial center along churches, visit viewpoints and museums and learn more about the history.

Discover the best things to do in Popayan, including tips for tours, restaurants, hotels and the best way to visit the Ciudad Blanca in Colombia.

In this travel guide you will find the best things to do in Popayan, including tips for tours, restaurants, hotels and the best way to visit the Ciudad Blanca in Colombia.

Hotel tips Popayán Colombia

  • Hotel Dann Monasterio
  • Casa Loma Boutique Hotel
  • More hotels in Popayán

Nature & National parks | beautiful places in Colombia | 6 travel tips

The tatacoa desert.

Did you know Colombia has a desert? El desierto de Tatacoa.  It is officially a large tropical dry forest, because of the annual rainfall. However, it is called the Tatacoa desert in Colombia.  Tatacoa consists of two parts: a beautiful red rocky area, El Cuzco and a bizarre grey part, Los Hoyos.  The colors, shapes, and cacti make this one of the most surrealistic places in Colombia. Different layers and the fossils in the rocks, proof a million-years old history. The best way to discover the area is by going on a walk in the early morning or late afternoon, when temperatures are cooler than during the day. Try to also spend the night in the desert in one of the posadas to enjoy amazing starry skies and visit one of the observatories.

Tatacoa desert | el cuzco, Colombia travel tips

In this article I’m telling you everything you want to know about a visit to the Tatacoa desert in Colombia, including useful tips.

Valle de Cocora , one of the most beautiful places in Colombia

Valle de Cocora is without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in Colombia for hiking. The valley is known for the Palma de Cera de Quindío, the highest wax palm in the world, with an average height of 50 to 60 meters. It is also Colombia’s national tree. The valley can be reached by jeeps from the nice coffee village of Salento. There are several trails you can walk, from easy to difficult, passing breathtaking viewpoints. It is also possible to explore the area by horse.

Valle de Cocora | one of the most beautiful places in Colombia - Colombia travel tips

Want to explore beautiful Cocora Valley and surroundings? You can find a tour here . Do you want to learn more about Valle de Cocora? Check out my tips for your visit to Cocora Valley, including hiking trails here.

Deborah in Valle de Cocora, one of the most beautiful places in Colombia.

Hotels around Valle de Cocora

  • Lumbre Glamping
  • Hotel Kawa Mountain Retreat

Tayrona national park

Do you want to go on a lovely day hike? Then make sure to visit the Tayrona national park. This park is located on the coast in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and is the former home of the Tayrona Indians. Especially the combination of beaches, viewpoints and rainforest make this one of the unique places to visit in Colombia. Along the way you will encounter small indigenous settlements, with remains of huts, burial mounds and ceremonial places. A good day hike is the route to Cabo San Juan and back (2 hours one way). Playa La Piscinita and Cabo San Juan are great beaches for swimming and relaxing. The walks are doable, but the heat and high humidity can make it difficult at times! If you don’t feel like walking, you can also take a horseback ride.

The Tayrona national park is closed annually in February. In this period the park is spiritually cleaned by the local population. Do you want to visit Tayrona national park? You can book your tour here.

Tayrona Nationaal Park | one of the best places to visit in Colombia

Hotels in Tayrona national park

  • Ecohabs Bamboo 
  • Ecohabs Tequendama
  • Quetzal Dorado Eco-Lodge  
  • Cabaña Barlovento  

Do you want to know more about Tayrona National Park? Santa Marta is a good starting point for your trip to Tayrona. In the next article you read more about things to do in Santa Marta and surroundings in Colombia .

El Caño Cristales – River of Five Colors

Ever heard of the rainbow river? Located in the Serrania de La Macarena mountain range in the province of Meta, El Caño Cristales is probably one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. The river is called the liquid rainbow river because of the bright color red and other bright colors like yellow, green, blue and black that you will find here. The red color comes from the water plant Macarenia Clavigera, which blooms for a few months a year. These river plants are unique in the world and only occur in this National Park, between July and November. It is therefore one of the most beautiful natural places in Colombia.

El Caño Cristales | one of the most beautiful places to visit in Colombia

Caño Cristales can be visited by air, flying from Bogotá, Medellín or Calí to La Macarena. From here you can book a tour to the river. The river is in a remote area and can only be reached by foot or on horseback. The best time to visit Caño Cristales is between June and the end of November, because only then the river plants are in bloom and the National Park is open.

Keep in mind: Caño Cristales is located in an area that is not always considered safe by embassies and governments. Make sure you are well informed before you visit this area. Also, it is recommended to always visit this area with a guide and reliable tour company.

Puracé national park

Puracé is a national park, located southeast of the city Popayan , consisting of 86,000 hectares. It is dominated by the 4600 meters high and active Puracé volcano, which is visible on clear days. In this park you can go for walks, float in hot springs, view waterfalls and if you are lukcy even spot condors. It is a beautiful area that reminds many people of Iceland. Make sure to bring solid hiking shoes (it can be slippery) and be prepared for different climatic conditions. The weather changes quickly.

Purace national park, one of the most beautiful places in Colombia.

The best way to visit Puracé national park is with a day tour from Popayan . If you travel by bus from San Agustín to Popayan, you will cross part of the National Park. However, this is not the most spectacular part.

Do you want to learn more about Popayan, the white city of Colombia? In this travel guid e you will find the best things to do in Popayan, including tips for tours, restaurants, hotels and the best way to visit.

Frailejones and the páramo

In the national park Puracé you will find yourself at altitudes around 3000 meters, the tree line. Between the tree line and the snow line (4000 meters) lies the páramo, a special plain consisting of moss, peat, grass and shrubs. The water from the surrounding glaciers creates streams and lakes, and makes it one of the main freshwater supplies of the nearby villages and towns. In this area, you will come across one of my favorite plants, the frailejones, aka the big monk because of its shape. They absorb moisture from the air, which they filter and introduce into the soil through their roots! A fascinating area!

Páramo and frailejones.

The rock of Guatapé

One of the famous places in Colombia is Peñol de Guatape. This is a 200m high rock and you can hike to the top, by taking more than 700 steps on a climbable staircase. And yes, it is a pretty tough hike up. But the view is more than rewarding!  Once you’ve made it to the top, you have a 360degree view of the lake and lush environment. The rock is located near the town of Guatapé, famous for its steep streets, coffee bars, art shops and many colorful houses. Every house is a true piece of art, as residents paint their houses in bright colors, and decorate the bottom with fresco like panels called zocalos. It’s incredibly photogenic and one of the most lovely places to visit in Colombia.

Penol de Guatape

You can visit Guatapé with a day tour from Medellín. If you have more time, you can travel to Guatapé by yourself and spend the night in one of the lovely hotels. It gives you the chance to leave early morning to the Guatapé rock and enjoy the rock with less people.

Hotel tips Guatapé

One of the most beautiful places in Colombia to see flamingos is the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos . Because the water is low and full of tasty fish, it is a birds heaven. From the village of Camarones you board a small local sailing boat, made of wood and sail into the lagoon. Along the way you will come across fishing boats and enjoy the many species of birds around you. And it is incredible to observe these elegant birds that step very slowly through the water and then suddenly fly all together a few hundred meters further.

Flaminngos in Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos in La Guajira.

Do you want to visit flamingo reserve? You can find more information here . Have a look in my article about Awatawaa Ecolodge in La Guajira Colombia , a good starting point for your visit.

Archaeology in Colombia | 2 Travel tips

The mysterious statues and tombs of san agustín.

Are you interested in archeology? Then a visit to San Agustín should not be missed. Thousands of years ago, the southern part of Colombia was home to a mysterious civilization, known as the San Agustín culture. This civilization built burial mounds in which they placed beautiful statues. Today you can visit the archaeological site. A winding jungle path runs along 35 amazing sculptures, where you can marvel at for minutes. It’s an absolute highlight for me!

San Agustín Colombia | archaeological beautiful places in Colombia

This site is one of the least visited places in Colombia and really off the beaten path. In the next article, I’m telling you everything you want to know about San Agustín, Colombia, including helpful tips.

The underground temples of Tierradentro

In Tierradentro you can visit underground tombs. The tombs date from 600 and 900 AD and are said to belong to priests and important chiefs. The location on mountain slopes and painted decorations make it one of the best places to visit in Colombia, if you are interested in archaeology. Entire spaces and pillars are painted and decorated with images.

Tierradentro | one of the most beautiful archaeological places in Colombia

The burial chambers consist of several rooms and are located 3 to 6 meters underground. You can enter the tombs via steps and marvel at the murals and architecture. There are 64 graves in Segovia, 25 of which are open to the public. Keep in mind that the distances between the tombs are at least 15 to 20 minutes walk. It is therefore recommended to bring solid shoes.

Free South America travel guide

Colombia has many indigenous inhanitatants who live in different parts of the country. When you are in the province La Guajira you should take the opportunity and visit a Wayuu family. The Wayuu are indigenous people who live in La Guajira, on the border with Venezuela. Around 48% of the residents are Wayuu. Wayuu settlements consist of 4 to 6 houses with large herds of goats. They live closely with nature and music and dance play a major role during their ceremonies. Most Wayuu live in isolation and far from each other to avoid mixing of their goat herds.

Wayuu community in La Guajira.

During a visit you will learn about traditions such as the Majayura, a ritual mating dance of the young virgin, where the girl is dressed up beautifully in red. If you are even slightly interested in indigenous peoples and their traditions, this visit is an absolute must.

Do you want to read more about the Wayuu? Have a look in my article about Awatawaa Ecolodge in La Guajira Colombia , where I visited a Wayuu community.

Adventurous trips | beautiful places in Colombia

The hike to La Ciudad Perdida in Colombia, is a once in a lifetime experience. La Ciudad Perdida, the lost city of the Tayrona, a pre-Columbian culture, is located in the middle of the jungle of the Sierra Nevada. The only way to reach this place, is by foot, through the jungle, for four days. Two full days to reach the city and afterwards the exact same way back. You will spend the night in hammocks or bunkbeds, with local communities, along the way.

La ciudad Perdida, one of the most Beautiful places in Colombia

You will be amazed by the colors, mystery and peace of the old city.  But not only the destination is worth it, the landscape, lush vegetation and isolated indigenous communities during your hike, will make every day of this trip unforgettable.

Do you also want to hike the Lost City? You can book your tour here . In the next article you can read everything you want to know about the Lost City trek and hike in Colombia , including a packing list + many useful tips.

How difficult is the hike?

This hike is not for everyone. You need to have a good physical condition, as the walks are 7 to 8 hour every day, and the humidity is intense. Besides that, a lot of adventure is involved, you will be crossing rivers and climb steep mountains.  I won’t lie if I say that there are moments, that you just want to quit and go home. But if you like hiking, adventure and history, this is a hike not to miss.

travel tips in colombia

Curious to learn more about the Lost City trek and hike? In the next article you can read everything you want to know about the Lost City trek and hike in Colombia , including a packing list + many useful tips.

Travel tips and beautiful places in lovely towns in Colombia.

Villa de leyva.

If you’re looking for a nice weekend away from the busy capital of Bogotá, you should follow the Bogotanos and visit Villa de Leyva. This mountain village is located in the province of Boyacá, at an altitude of 2100 meters.  The center consists of cobbled streets, white colonial houses with terracotta roof tiles, balconies with countless flowers and churches. Besides that there is a view of the mountains in every part of the city. In 1954 Villa de Leyva was declared a National Monument. It is a town where you just want to walk around, discover and take pictures. It is a wonderful trip to escape the busy capital.

Villa de Leyva.

What to do in this town? In the next article I’m sharing the best places to visit , including travel tips for Villa de Leyva in Colombia . Want to visit Villa de Leyva from Bogota? You can book your transportation here.

One of the most pretty places in Colombia is the town of Barichara. This colonial town is located in the mountains of the province of Santander. It ​​means the place of tranquility, in native languages. Barichara is often used as a setting for Colombian soap series because of its romantic white buildings and streets. You can stroll through the lovely town for hours, take pictures and visit the local church. In the surroundings you can take walks and enjoy views from the viewpoint Salto del Mico.

Barichara | one of the most beautiful places in Colombia

Hotels in Barichara

Barichara has boutique hotels in beautiful natural environments, such as Casa Mahanaim , Hotel Boutique Venturi and Serranía del Viento . Are you looking for a unique location to spend the night? An unforgettable experience is a night in one of the panoramic domes of the Natural-Glamping , where you sleep under the stars. Private jacuzzi and terrace with a view of el Gran Cañón de Chicamocha, is included.

Minca is a small village in the hills of the Sierra Nevada and one of the most beautiful places in Colombia. It is also an ideal destination to cool down, from hot and sweaty Santa Marta . In Minca you can watch birds, walk through coffee and cocoa plantations, visit waterfalls, go for hikes and enjoy the sunsets from your hammock.

Minca can be easily reached from Santa Marta. You can book your day tour here. Do you want to learn more about what to do in Minca? Check out my Minca travel guide with many tips in the next article.

vieews from Minca Colombia

Hotels in Minca

One of the best places to stay in Minca is Trekker Glamping . You will be sleeping in a luxuriously furnished dome, located in a natural environment. From your private terrace, you enjoy amazing views of the jungle, Santa Marta and the Caribbean coast.

Trekker Glamping Minca Colombia - everything you want to know

Curious about Trekker Glamping in Colombia? In the next article you’ll read everything you want to know about Trekker Glamping, including tips for things to do in Minca.

Did you ever read a book by Gabriel García Márquez? Then you might recognize the lovely atmosphere and stories of the locals in the fictional Colombian town of Macondo. Santa Cruz de Mompox Colombia, often called Mompos by the locals, could be one of these towns. You will find the tranquility of everyday Colombia here. Locals hang in their chairs in front of their houses and are willing to have a chat or drink with you.  The center consists of picturesque squares, colored churches, pastel-colored houses and inner gardens with endless flowers. Mompox, is located on the Rio Magdalena in the province of Bolivar and is still visited by few people.

Mompox Colombia

One of the best things to do, is a boat trip on the Rio Magdalena. You pass small villages, local fishermen and fruit plantations and along the way you will be able observe many monkeys, water birds and iguanas. Mompox is a true hidden gem and one of the off the beaten path places in Colombia.

Looking for travel tips to visit Mompox, Colombia? Discover the best things to do in Mompox Colombia here.

Hotels in Mompox

  • Portal de la Marquesa
  • Boutique hotel Bioma
  • La Casa Amarilla
  • Casa Verde Albarrada

El Jardín is one of the most beautiful places in Antioquia Colombia and less visited than the town of Guatapé. The amount of painted houses and balconies, with flowers, will make you speechless. You can also explore the surroundings and spot pretty birds, visit a coffee plantation or use the cable cars, offering views of the surroundings. It is also possible to go on a hike to the waterfall “La Cascada La Escalera” or horseback riding.

El Jardin, one of the best places to visit in Antioquia Colombia

El Jardín is 130 km away from Medellin. You can visit El Jardín with a tour or travel by yourself and spend the night in a lovely hotel, such as Hotel Plantación. Looking for more hotels in El Jardín? This is an overview with hotels.

Hotels in El Jardín

  • Hotel Plantación

Tips for the Coffee triangle, the Colombian coffee region  

Colombia is known for its fantastic Arabica coffee beans that are exported to all parts of the world. And even though you can find coffee plantations all over Colombia, a visit to the Zona Cafetero or Eje cafetero should not be missed. This Colombian coffee region forms a triangle between the cities of Manizales, Pereira and Armenia. You can walk through the coffee plantations, pick beans and learn more about the process. It is remarkable that the coffee in Colombia is less tasty than you would expect, since the best beans are intended for export. But no worries, you can still find high quality coffee on the plantations or in coffee villages such as Filandia and Salento.

Coffee triangle | The area is one of the best places to visit in Colombia if you like coffee.

Looking for an itinerary through the coffee triangle in Colombia? A few days on the road with a car, visiting villages, cocoa and coffee plantations, enjoying good food and drinks and staying overnight in three high-end boutique hotels. In the next article I’ll tell you more about the best itinerary through the coffee region in Colombia , including things to do, hotels, excursions + useful tips.  The coffee region is easily accessible from Medellin (4 to 5 hours) and Cali (3 hours). The area is one of the best places to visit in Colombia if you like coffee.

Salento is a bohemian town in the heart of the coffee triangle. It is located at an altitude of 1900 meters in the province of Quindio. The town is famous for its colored houses and amazing coffee. This photogenic town is also the perfect starting point for a trip through Valle de Cocora and a visit to the coffee plantation El Ocaso . A less busy alternative to Salento is the nice town of Filandia. Filandia is located in a beautiful area and is full of colorful houses and coffee shops as well. Want to learn more about Salento. Check out the travel tips for Salento Colombia in the next article.

salento, Colombia

Colombia art tips

Art is a great way to understand more about a country and its culture.  Colombia has a lot of great artists, including writes and painters such as Gabriel García Marquez and Fernando Botero. In this article I’m listing some of the most remarkable and famous artists, coming from Colombia . Including where you can find their work throughout the country.

Most beautiful places and beaches in Colombia

The most beautiful beaches around Santa Marta Colombia can be found around Palomino. And it is more quiet here than on beaches around Cartagena. You can enjoy the beach, but also go on trips to the Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos or visit the waterfalls in la Quebrada de Valencia.

Palomino | beach in Colombia

Do you love unique places in nature and are you looking for a true paradise? Then you should stay at One Santuario Natural, also known as One Love hotel, located along the Palomino River. The beautiful jungle surroundings, the flowers, the sound of the river, the delicious food and the sounds of the birds will make you relax and completely disconnect from the outside world.  In this article you will read all about my stay at One Santuario Natural and I will give you tips about what to do in the surroundings: The Sierra Nevada.

Cartagena is a perfect starting point to visit one of the surrounding beaches. Bocagrande is the city beach and often compared to Miami. But in my opinion, you want to avoid the bustle of the city and therefore travel a bit further. One of the most beautiful places and beaches can be found at Islas del Rosario, an archipelago off the coast of Cartagena in Colombia. The archipelago consists of 27 small islands, with idyllic sandy beaches, a turquoise sea and coral reefs. The whole area has been declared a national park because of its beauty; the Corales del Rosario y San Bernardo.

Colombia tips | beaches around Cartagena

Rosario islands can be reached by boat from Cartagena. You can book a day trip from Cartagena, where you sail past the islands, stopping along the way for snorkeling, swimming, and lunch. You can also choose to spend a day at one of the beach clubs on the islands.  My favorite places are IslaBela , a quiet place with a nice sandy beach and  bohemian Fenix Beach  , an Ibiza-like beach club with a beach and music among others. Another option is to drive to Playa Blanca by car, wich will take you about 1 hour.

Hotel travel tips for Islas Rosarios Colombia

Do you want to spend the night on the Rosario islands? On IslaBela ,  you will find simple but nice bungalows on the beach. Are you looking for a luxurious beach experience? Then have a look at Hotel Las Islas , located on a private beach, with your own swimming pool (note, this is a place where you have save some money for). Looking for more options? In the following links you will find hotel options for Isla Baru, Isla Grande and Tierra Bomba .

Colombia Jungle travel tips

Leticia is located in the Colombian Amazon on the border of Peru, Colombia and Brazil. For a long time it was an important narco transit route, until the Colombian army intervened. Nowadays this small town is one of the best places to visit if you want to go on a jungle adventure in Colombia. The best things is to go on a multi-day tour, where you spend the night in a jungle lodge. During the day, you go on boat trips and walk through the jungle to discover medicinal plants, orchids, caimans, snakes, monkeys, freshwater dolphins, pirañas and birds. It is also recommended to visit the indigenous communities of the Ticuna, Yaguas and Cocomas, who live here very protected and remote. You will learn more about their way of living, traditions and culture.

Do you want to go on an amazing jungle adventure in Leticia? You can go on a 2, 3, 4 of 5-day trip through the Colombian Amazon and its borders with Brazil and Perú and get to know local indigenous communities.

Monkeys in Leticia

Spend the night in the jungle

One of the most beautiful eco-lodges is Calanoa Amazonas , located on the Amazon River, in the heart of the rainforest, 60 kilometers from Leticia. From this beautiful and sustaianble eco-lodge, you can go on different expeditions and experience ths Amazon at its best. Besides that, this ecolodge has a foundation, working on the conservation of the biological and cultural diversity of the Amazonian region, supporting educational and conservation processes, and the preservation of ancestral knowledge and cultural practices.  

Want to know more about Calanoa Amazonas?   In the next article I’ll tell you more about my experiences at Calanoa Amazonas jungle lodge and I’ll give you tips for the best things to do in the Colombian Amazon.

Travel tips: local mark et Silvia Colombia  

Are you around Popayan or Cali on a Tuesday? Then try to include a visit to the market of Silvia in your itinerary. Every week many locals, including the Guambiano indigenous people, from the surrounding villages, gather here to sell their fruit, vegetables, meat and other goods. It is so colorful and wonderful to walk around. The church is also worth a visit. Moreover, you will find beautiful traditional jewelry at the market.

Local market in Silvia, one of the most beautiiful places to visit from Popayan in Colombia.

Do you want to visit the local market of Silvia? You can find an interesting tour here .

Mini travel guide Colombia

What to do in colombia in february | carnival tips.

One of the best places to visit in Colombia in February is Barranquila. During four days, this Caribbean city is completely turned upside down with dance, music, fire breathers and colorful floats because of the annual Carnival de Barranquila. The festivities start on Saturday before Ash Wednesday with the six-hour La Batalla de Flores (The Battle of the Flowers), followed by masquerade parades the next day with dance groups, music and visitors.

Barranquilla’s Carnival slogan is: Quien lo vive, es quien lo goza, (Those who live it are those who enjoy it). Attending this festival is a once in a lifetime experience and one of the best things to do in Colombia. Unesco even declared it one of the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2003.

Best time to visit Colombia | travel tips

When is the best time to visit Colombia? Colombia has a constant climate with high temperatures, due to its location near the equator. However, there can be regular tropical rain showers. But Colombia has different regions and due to height differences, each region has its own climatic conditions. In the lower located areas, the average temperature is 23 ° C to 28 ° C. Areas between 1,000 and 2,000 meters above sea level, have an average temperature of between 16 ° C and 19 ° C. Above 4,000 meters, it can be freezing and there is snow. Colombia has a dry and rainy season. In the north the dry season runs from December to March and in the south from June to August, also high season. The time to visit Colombia is from December to March and July to September.

Travel around Colombia

Colombia is a large country with different regions. If you want to see a lot, you will have to make domestic flights . You can book hotels at different destinations in Colombia and go on tours from here. It is also easy to rent a car at certain places, so that you are independent and free to stop wherever you want, such as in Medellin, the coffee triangle and the Caribbean coast between Cartagena and La Guajira.

Need a rental car for your trip to Colombia? Use  Rental Cars  to search and compare your car rental options. A quick and easy tool and no need to have up multiple tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. They also have great discounts and cancellation policies. 

Tours Colombia

  • Minca day tour
  • Tayrona national park tour 
  • Santua ri o de Fauna y Flora Los Flamencos
  • Lost City hike
  • Tour to Puracé national park
  • More tours in Colombia

More hotel tips for Colombia

Where to stay in Colombia? Like any other country, Colombia has so many beautiful hotels. For both work and personal trips, I visited Colombia dozens of times. When I travel by myself, I always look out smaller scale hotels with beautiful interiors, a nice atmosphere and a convenient location. In addition, I like to support the locals and love a sustainable approach around a hotel. I always spend a lot of time researching, before I book my stay. In the next article I will tell you more about my favorite places to stay in Colombia: The best boutique hotels, sorted by city and region in Colombia.

More about Colombia

  • Bogota city guid e
  • Medellin city guide
  • Best boutique hotels in Colombia
  • Popayán – discover the white city
  • A unique itinerary through the coffee region of Colombia
  • Valle de Cocora – tips for your visit
  • Lost City trek – everything you want to know
  • Santa Marta city guide
  • Salento – tips for your visit
  • Discover Mompox in Colombia
  • Tatacoa desert – everything you want to know
  • San Agustín statues
  • Tips and things to do in Minca
  • Villa de Leyva – tips for your visit

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25 Colombia travel tips | Discover the best and most beautiful places to visit in Colombia. Breathtaking nature, cities, villages & culture.

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Meghan Markle Wears Chic Sleeveless Suit on Day One of Colombia Trip

The Duchess of Sussex kicked off her and Harry's visit to the South American country in style.

preview for Meghan Markle’s Best Looks Ever

Every item on this page was chosen by a Town & Country editor. We may earn commission on some of the items you choose to buy.

For the occasion, the Duchess of Sussex opted for a navy Veronica Beard suit, featuring the brand's Orlinda Vest and Arte Pant . She carried a white Loro Piana bag , and accessorized with black suede Monolo Blahnik heels. She also had a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses with her for the sunny Colombia weather. Prince Harry, meanwhile, kept it simple in a coordinating navy suit and a bright blue dress shirt.

Orlinda Vest

Orlinda Vest

Arte Pant

Loro Piana Loom 32 Grained Leather Top-Handle Bag

BB 105mm Suede Pumps

Manolo Blahnik BB 105mm Suede Pumps

Vice President Márquez invited the Sussexes to Colombia, and will be with them as they tour Bogotá, Cartagena, and Cali over the next few days. "In these vibrant locations, they will have the exceptional opportunity to engage with leaders, youth, and women who embody the aspirations and voices of Colombians committed to progress," she said. "In addition to these meaningful interactions, The Duke and Duchess will experience the rich heritage of Colombia."

Later today, the Sussexes will visit the Colegio Cultura Popular, a local school, as part of the Archewell Foundation's ongoing efforts to understand the impact of social media on young people. After, the Sussexes will take in a performances at the Plaza del Carnaval y la Cultura in San Juan de Pasto, and will end the day by attending a summit about creating a healthier and more ethical digital landscape.

Headshot of Emily Burack

Emily Burack (she/her) is the Senior News Editor for Town & Country, where she covers entertainment, culture, the royals, and a range of other subjects. Before joining T&C, she was the deputy managing editor at Hey Alma , a Jewish culture site. Follow her @emburack on Twitter and Instagram .

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the duke and duchess of sussex visit colombia day 3

King Charles Visits Southport

the duke and duchess of sussex colombia visit day 4

Meghan Markle's Final Colombia Engagement

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Harry & Meghan Are Dancing Up a Storm in Colombia

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Shop Meghan Markle's Colombia Outfits

the duke and duchess of sussex colombia visit day 3

Harry & Meghan's Colombia Trip, in Photos

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Princess Lilibet Has Found Her Voice

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Meghan Markle Speaks Spanish to School Children

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See Meghan Markle Wearing Princess Diana's Jewelry

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Royal History of Meghan's Cartier Nail Necklace

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Meghan Markle Owns Two Versions of This Dress

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Harry and Meghan Arrive in Colombia


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Programme, favourites... Everything you need to know about Boccia tournaments

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Questions? Contact us

What sports will be featured at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

The Paralympic Games programme includes 22 sports and 23 disciplines with 549 events taking place across 269 sessions from 28 August to 8 September. The 23 disciplines are blind football, boccia, goalball, Para archery, Para athletics, Para badminton, Para canoe, Para cycling road, Para cycling track, Para equestrian (Para dressage), Para judo, Para powerlifting, Para rowing, Para swimming, Para table tennis, Para taekwondo, Para triathlon, shooting Para sport, sitting volleyball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis.

Where will the 2024 Paralympic Games be held?

The Paralympic Games will be held in Paris and its suburbs such as Clichy-sous-Bois, La Courneuve, Versailles, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Vaires-sur-Marne. Outside of Paris, para shooting will be held in Châteauroux.

How many venues will there be at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

There will be 20 competition venues, including iconic sites such as the Grand Palais, the Champs de Mars, the Eiffel Tower, Roland-Garros and the Pont Alexandre III.

When will the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games take place?

The Paralympic Games Paris 2024 will be held from 28 August to 8 September 2024, with over 11 days of competition.

How many athletes will participate in the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games?

Around 4,400 athletes are expected to participate in the Paralympic Games Paris 2024.






  1. The best places to visit in colombia my travel tips

    travel tips in colombia

  2. A Travel Guide to Backpacking Colombia

    travel tips in colombia

  3. Best Things To do in Colombia (Backpacking Colombia Travel Guide

    travel tips in colombia

  4. Top 16 Travel Tips for Colombia

    travel tips in colombia

  5. 10 Very Best Places In Colombia To Visit

    travel tips in colombia

  6. Colombia Travel Guide, Trip To Colombia, Colombia Destinations, Travel

    travel tips in colombia


  1. 13 things to know before traveling to Colombia

    Stick to exploring one section of the country and exploring it well: spend three weeks bouncing between sun-soaked, Caribbean beaches or heading from Medellín deep into the Zona Cafetera. Your trip should match Colombia's characteristic pace: slow and enjoyable. 2. Domestic flights are affordable and quick.

  2. 21 Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Colombia

    Colombia is a South American country with such rich diversity that instead of our planned one month visit, we stayed here much longer. An interest in traveling to Colombia grows every year, so we want to share with you 21 essential things you should know before planning a trip and visiting this beautiful country.

  3. 12 Things to Know Before Traveling to Colombia

    Also Read: Staying Safe While Traveling - Practical Tips. 2. The Temperature in Colombia Depends on Altitude Rather Than Time of Year El Peñón de Guatapé Colombia travel tips. By Carlitos from Casa Hotel San Pedro "Since Colombia is a tropical country, there are no seasons, so temperature depends on altitude rather than the time of the year.

  4. Colombia Travel: Official tourism guide

    Travel to Colombia! This unmissable destination welcomes you. Discover its stories through a journey through diversity, culture and people. ... Discover the Specialized Guide for Diving in Colombia. Get ready for sea turtle release in Colombia. View more. Fairs and Festivals. 28 Sep 2024 - 29 Sep 2024. Jazz in the Park Festival.

  5. Travel Tips for Colombia

    This is one of the most important Colombia travel tips to consider when you visit. Be aware and make sure you aren't zoning out on your phone and not paying attention. Colombia is a poor country, and some people may take advantage of the opportunity if presented. Don't do so, and you will be fine. 24.

  6. Colombia 3-Week Itinerary: The Ultimate 2024 Travel Guide

    Either have a look at our 2-week Colombia travel guide or consider dropping Tatacoa, Minca, or Palomino from your 3-week Colombia itinerary. Day 1: Bogota (Arrival) ... Costs of Traveling in Colombia. Travel on a budget in Colombia, from $150 − $1040 USD weekly per person, mid-range $570 − $1180 USD, and high-end from $1140 − $2060 USD ...

  7. Colombia travel

    Colombia. South America. Soaring Andean summits, unspoiled Caribbean coast, enigmatic Amazon jungle and cryptic archaeological ruins. Colombia boasts all of South America's allure and more. Best Time to Visit. Best Places to Visit. Attractions.

  8. The Ultimate Colombia Travel Guide (Updated 2021)

    Your ultimate Colombia travel guide, with tips, and things to see and things to do in Colombia. Great for first-time and returning travelers. Located between the Caribbean, the Amazon Jungle, and the Andes Mountains, Colombia has something for everyone. A bright, colorful country, it is a very popular tourist destination and for good reason.

  9. Colombia Travel Guide 2024 · Itineraries, Top Places, Safety

    A Travel Guide to Colombia with ️ Travel Itineraries, ️ Top places to visit in 2024, ️ Beautiful coastlines and beaches, and more! Colombia. Travel Guide. Where skyscrapers sit next to quaint pueblos, and dense green rainforests merge with surreal red deserts.

  10. Immerse Yourself in Colombia: An Authentic Travel Guide

    The higher you go, the colder it tends to be. Here's a rough guide of the average temperatures depending on altitude: < 1000 m - More than 24°C (Cartagena, Santa Marta, Cali) 1000 - 2000 m - ~ 20°C (Medellín, Manizales) 2000 - 3000 m - ~ 14°C - (Bogota, Pasto) Colombia has two seasons, a wet and a dry one.

  11. 20 Things to Know Before Visiting Colombia (including safety measures

    Colombia travel tips. 12 Comments. Share; Lauren Mae Pelkey. I'm Lauren, an award-nominated blogger from Massachusetts on a mission to debunk the myth that the world is a scary and dangerous place for female travelers…starting with Colombia! 29 countries, across 5 continents later, I now call Bogotá, Colombia home after visiting on and off ...

  12. Colombia Budget Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

    Colombia Travel Guide. Last Updated: March 12, 2024. Colombia is fast becoming the travel highlight of South America. After decades of struggling with crime and cartels, Colombia has become a hub for digital nomads and budget backpackers. More and more people are visiting to soak up the sun and enjoy the country's low cost of living.

  13. ULTIMATE Colombia Travel Guide

    Tours range so widely in price and length so it's hard to give a figure, but for the sake of this Colombia travel guide, I'll try to give you a ballpark figure. A city tour will usually cost around 60,000-100,00 COP ($12.50-$21 USD). Other tours like the Lost City Trek can set you back 400,000-600,000 COP ($83-$125 USD).

  14. Top 16 Travel Tips for Colombia

    13. Explore outside the big cities. These travel tips for Colombia are designed to help you have the best trip possible, and that includes seeing as much of the country as you can. There's so much to see outside the big cities of Cartagena, Medellin, and Bogota.

  15. Colombia Travel Guide

    Colombia Travel Guide FAQ. Below, find answers to frequently asked questions about traveling in Colombia. Q: What are the best places to visit in Colombia? One of the most popular places to visit in Colombia is the country's Caribbean coast. Aside from gorgeous beaches, this area has tons to offer travelers looking for some sun-soaked adventures.

  16. Colombia Travel Guide

    Get information on Colombia Travel Guide - Expert Picks for your Vacation hotels, restaurants, entertainment, shopping, sightseeing, and activities. Read the Fodor's reviews, or post your own.

  17. Colombia Travel Tips for 2024 (24 Things to Know Before You Go)

    Bring a Water Filtration Device. Me and my lovely guide kayaking in the waters of Cartagena, Colombia. Overall, Colombia has a safe drinking water supply for both locals and visitors. You may find that the water has a heavily-chlorinated smell, but for the most part, you can drink the tap water in Colombia. However, this generally only applies ...

  18. Colombia Travel Tips: How To Plan The Perfect Trip

    Colombia Travel Tips. Mistakes are inevitable when traveling, whether it's planning, interacting with locals, choosing transportation and activities, or packing. Want to know which ones to avoid at all costs? Here's my compilation of top Colombia travel tips gathered after many years of helping thousands of travelers explore this fantastic ...

  19. Colombia Travel Guide

    CapitalBogotá (population: 7.6 million) International phone code57. Time zoneGMT -5hr. Where to go in Colombia. Cosmopolitan Bogotá is, like most capitals, a busy commercial centre, with a vibrant cultural scene and festive nightlife. The two other major cities, Medellín and Cali, are also lively but less overwhelming.

  20. Colombia Travel Tips: 10 Cool Things to Know Before You Go

    That version of Colombia has largely disappeared, giving way to a reinvigorated capital of Bogota and a culture defined by its bravery and resilience. Colombia travel tips. If you're planning on a trip to this South American country, here are ten essential tips to know: 1. Drop your stereotypes about drugs and cocaine

  21. Colombia Travel Tips: 16 Things to Know Before You Go

    For most people visiting Colombia, the 90-day tourist permit is more than enough. On the other hand, Colombia's tourism slogan was, "The only risk is wanting to stay.". If you find yourself wanting a bit more time to explore all that Colombia has to offer, those 180 days/year of visa-free travel might come in handy. 2.

  22. Colombia Itineraries: How To Plan YOUR Best Travel Route

    A flight or two can definitely make a bigger travel route in Colombia easier to plan. Of course, you can also get carried away with adding flights. I sometimes see itineraries posted online where the person is only flying around (e.g. Bogota > Medellin > Santa Marta > Armenia for Salento > etc. all by air).

  23. Colombia travel tips

    Including the best time to visit and 25 travel tips for national parks, cities, lovely villages, breathtaking nature, archaeology, adventurous tours and cultural experiences in Colombia. To make you excited about putting this destination on your bucket list and help you get the most out of your travels.

  24. Colombia International Travel Information

    Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Colombia. If you decide to travel to Colombia: Avoid protest areas and crowds. Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information. Keep a low profile. Be aware of your surroundings.

  25. Meghan Markle Wears Sleeveless Navy Suit in Colombia: Shop Her Look

    Meghan Markle Wears Chic Sleeveless Suit on Day One of Colombia Trip The Duchess of Sussex kicked off her and Harry's visit to the South American country in style. By Emily Burack Published: Aug ...

  26. MSN


  27. Paris 2024 Summer Olympics

    Paris 2024 will host the XXXIII Olympic Summer Games, 26 July to 11 August. Follow all the latest news as France prepares for the world's biggest international sporting event. The Games concept features iconic monuments and cultural and sports facilities primarily located on the banks of the Seine.