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Adora Resort (5*)

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pre tých, ktorí hľadajú oddych v prestížnom letovisku Belek, v hoteli s dlhoročnou tradíciou a kvalitnými all inclusive službami, odporúčame hotelový komplex Adora Resort. Vyníma sa priamo pri nádhernej dlhej piesočnatej pláži s plážovým mólom venovaným oddychovej zóne. Rozsiahla upravená záhrada, excelentný servis a priateľský personál sú základnou charakteristikou tohoto miesta. Po minuloročnej rekonštrukcii vás privítajú nové izby vo všetkých častiach hotelového komplexu. Pre krátku vzdialenosť od letiska, rôzne športové aktivity a aquapark, ho odporúčame rodinám s deťmi.

rozsiahly hotelový komplex s exotickou a upravenou záhradou nachádzajúci sa priamo pri piesočnatej pláži, v stredisku Belek • luxusné baldachýny so servisom (za poplatok) • 5 km od mesta Kadrie s množstvom nákupných a zábavných možností • 25 km od medzinárodného letiska v Antalyi

zrekonštruované 2-lôžkové izby s možnosťou 1 prístelky (budova Queen - za príplatok) alebo až 2 prísteliek (budova King - za príplatok, časť Club) • zrekonštruované rodinné izby určené pre 4 osoby v budove Queen (na vyžiadanie, za príplatok) • klimatizácia • SAT TV • telefón • trezor (zdarma) • minibar (denne dopĺňaný nealko nápojmi) • vlastné príslušenstvo (kúpeľňa so sprchou, resp. vaňou, WC a sušičom na vlasy) • balkón

hotelový komplex sa skladá z budovy Queen, King a z časti Club vsadenej do nádhernej záhrady • vstupná hala s recepciou • lobby bar • hlavná hotelová reštaurácia • 4 a´la carte reštaurácie • plážový bar • bar pri bazéne • disco bar • cukráreň • vonkajší bazénový komplex s oddelenou časťou pre deti • aquapark s toboganmi a šmykľavkami • vnútorný bazén • vnútorný detský bazén • wellness a spa centrum (masáže, peeling - za poplatok) • turecké kúpele a sauna (zdarma) • fitness centrum • jóga • aerobik • lekcie tanca • stolný tenis • tenisové kurty • šipky • boccia • vodné pólo • vodná gymnastika • plážový volejbal • miniklub • detské ihrisko • amfiteáter • vodné športy na pláži (za poplatok) • wifi pripojenie • zábavné hotelové animácie • živá hudba a večerné show


formou all inclusiveULTRA All inclusive » raňajky, neskoré raňajky, obedy a večere formou chutných švédskych stolov vrátane nápojov • vybrané nealkoholické a miestne alkoholické nápoje • 24-hodinový all inclusive servis • občerstvenie počas dňa • káva, čaj a koláčiky • zmrzlina • turecké placky • polnočné občerstvenie • minibar v izbe • 1x vstup do jednej a´la carte reštaurácie - nutná rezervácia vopred • miniklub • slnečníky, ležadlá a plážové osušky pri bazéne a na pláži • medzinárodné zábavné hotelové animácie a večerný program


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Adora Resort

foto Turecko -  Adora hotel 2024

pre tých, ktorí hľadajú oddych v prestížnom letovisku Belek, v hoteli s dlhoročnou tradíciou a kvalitnými all inclusive službami, odporúčame hotelový komplex Adora Resort. Vyníma sa priamo pri nádhernej dlhej piesočnatej pláži s plážovým mólom venovaným oddychovej zóne. Rozsiahla upravená záhrada, excelentný servis a priateľský personál sú základnou charakteristikou tohoto miesta. Po minuloročnej rekonštrukcii vás privítajú nové izby vo všetkých častiach hotelového komplexu. Pre krátku vzdialenosť od letiska, rôzne športové aktivity a aquapark, ho odporúčame rodinám s deťmi.

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rozsiahly hotelový komplex s exotickou a upravenou záhradou nachádzajúci sa priamo pri piesočnatej pláži, v stredisku Belek • luxusné baldachýny so servisom (za poplatok) • 5 km od mesta Kadrie s množstvom nákupných a zábavných možností • 25 km od medzinárodného letiska v Antalyi

hotelový komplex sa skladá z budovy Queen, King a z časti Club vsadenej do nádhernej záhrady • vstupná hala s recepciou • lobby bar • hlavná hotelová reštaurácia • 4 a´la carte reštaurácie • plážový bar • bar pri bazéne • disco bar • cukráreň • vonkajší bazénový komplex s oddelenou časťou pre deti • aquapark s toboganmi a šmykľavkami • vnútorný bazén • vnútorný detský bazén • wellness a spa centrum (masáže, peeling - za poplatok) • turecké kúpele a sauna (zdarma) • fitness centrum • jóga • aerobik • lekcie tanca • stolný tenis • tenisové kurty • šipky • boccia • vodné pólo • vodná gymnastika • plážový volejbal • miniklub • detské ihrisko • amfiteáter • vodné športy na pláži (za poplatok) • wifi pripojenie • zábavné hotelové animácie • živá hudba a večerné show

zrekonštruované 2-lôžkové izby s možnosťou 1 prístelky (budova Queen - za príplatok) alebo až 2 prísteliek (budova King - za príplatok, časť Club) • zrekonštruované rodinné izby určené pre 4 osoby v budove Queen (na vyžiadanie, za príplatok) • klimatizácia • SAT TV • telefón • trezor (zdarma) • minibar (denne dopĺňaný nealko nápojmi) • vlastné príslušenstvo (kúpeľňa so sprchou, resp. vaňou, WC a sušičom na vlasy) • balkón


formou all inclusive ULTRA All inclusive » raňajky, neskoré raňajky, obedy a večere formou chutných švédskych stolov vrátane nápojov • vybrané nealkoholické a miestne alkoholické nápoje • 24-hodinový all inclusive servis • občerstvenie počas dňa • káva, čaj a koláčiky • zmrzlina • turecké placky • polnočné občerstvenie • minibar v izbe • 1x vstup do jednej a´la carte reštaurácie - nutná rezervácia vopred • miniklub • slnečníky, ležadlá a plážové osušky pri bazéne a na pláži • medzinárodné zábavné hotelové animácie a večerný program


Oficiálna trieda

Belek - dovolenka leto 2024.

Exkluzívne letovisko na Tureckej riviére, s nádhernými píniovými a eukalyptovými lesmi a s hotelmi prestížnych značiek, sa najmä vďaka golfovým ihriskám stalo významným strediskom medzinárodného cestovného ruchu. Profesionáli, pokročilí i začiatočníci sem prichádzajú, aby si na zelených ihriskách svetových parametrov zahrali a oddýchli zároveň. Novšie, modernejšie letovisko tvoria predovšetkým honosné luxusné hotelové komplexy s akvaparkom, umiestnené vo veľkých a starostlivo udržiavaných exotických záhradách.

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How a gay beach oasis flourished in Michigan’s Bible Belt

Gay artists, club owners and nude bathers have found a safe haven in saugatuck and douglas since the 1890s..

Key takeaways

Summary is AI-generated, newsroom-reviewed.

  • Saugatuck and Douglas became known as the “Fire Island of the Midwest.”
  • LGBTQ+ history in the area dates back to late 19th century.
  • The Dunes Resort is a major gay attraction.

SAUGATUCK AND DOUGLAS, Mich. — Jeff West was looking for a change of pace. After decades of running clubs and restaurants in West Hollywood, he left California in search of peace and quiet. He had been to Laguna Beach and Palm Springs, but a new gay-friendly destination was calling to him: twin vacation towns on Lake Michigan with a population of less than 2,500 people.

“I arrived in the winter, and I was so amazed by it,” said West, 67, who grew up in Texas and spent his life in Southern California. “Seeing snow was just so beautiful. I remember feeling my shoulders relax.”

In the summers, West celebrates with friends on the lake. During winter, he’s part of a gay bowling team called the Gutter Queens. Since relocating in 2021, he has become a real estate agent, spending his days selling other people on the joys of life here.

Saugatuck and its neighboring town, Douglas, form a rainbow bubble within Michigan’s Bible Belt. The area is off the beaten path compared with the coastal hangs that typically attract huge gay crowds, yet its reputation rivals spots like Provincetown and Fire Island.

Drive through the lush, wooded roads in the warmer months and you’ll find a summer camp atmosphere. Hammocks hang outside a popular coffee shop. Kids spill floats purchased from the Douglas Root Beer Barrel out of their parents’ car windows.

Pride flags fly from many businesses and homes, a stark difference from the conservative towns in Western Michigan. At the Dunes Resort, the pool is packed with Speedo-clad gay men all summer long, and disco balls light up the confetti-filled dance floor every weekend.

“This is a small community where we get to enjoy the finer things in life and be comfortable and free,” West said. “It’s paradise for somebody like me to be able to come to a place and just feel so welcome.”

‘Fire Island of the Midwest’

There’s evidence of queer tourists and residents flocking here since the late 19th century, thanks to a long and colorful cast of eclectic artists, eccentric couples and LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs.

According to the Chicago Tribune , it really hit its stride in the 1960s as “a loosey-goosey mecca for pleasure-seekers, gay or straight.” During that era, the town was seen as a party destination for motorcyclists, college kids and queer people from near and far.

Gay travel guides like Bob Damron’s Address Book began ramping up around the same time, dubbing Saugatuck the “Fire Island of the Midwest.” Though a state law prohibited bars from hosting groups of gay people, a local jazz venue called the Blue Tempo became known for serving gay patrons.

Eric Gollannek, executive director of the Saugatuck-Douglas History Center , said the second edition of Bob Damron’s Address Book references the Blue Tempo as a mixed-crowd bar and also mentions “an interesting beach” nearby: a strip of sand that stretched from the north side of Saugatuck’s popular Oval Beach to the mouth of the Kalamazoo River.

  • Stop at the Douglas Root Beer Barrel for a Chicago dog and a float.
  • Take a dip in Lake Michigan at the Oval Beach .
  • Hit the Dunes Resort for a pool party.

“They collected $5 to use their beach for the day,” said John Rossi, the facilities manager for Ox-Bow School of Art and Artists’ Residency, a program that’s affiliated with the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. “You could sunbathe nude, as long as you were not visible to the public.”

Rossi visited Denison’s Beach, owned by a local marine businessman named Frank Denison, for the first time in the 1970s. “It was mostly gay, but there was a mix, I could tell,” Rossi said. “Sometimes there were lesbians that frequented it, and occasionally you might see a straight couple.”

Rossi, 68, grew up about 40 miles away in Grand Rapids. He said word-of-mouth recommendations initially brought him to the area.

“There was this network — people told you, you knew what was safe and what wasn’t,” Rossi said. “I mean, there were three bars in Grand Rapids. There were two bars in Lansing you could go to. There were a lot of bars in Detroit we used to go to.”

One of the people who began frequenting the Blue Tempo was Carl Jennings, who was living near Grand Rapids with his wife and children. Though he was closeted at the time, he would spend his weekends tending bar in Saugatuck.

“Back then, you had to live and lead two lives. You had to be a straight person, or at least appear to be that way,” Jennings told Michigan Public radio in 2016. “And then, if you’re fortunate enough to find something like Saugatuck, it just felt warming and accepting.”

Eartha Kitt and ‘tea dances’

The Blue Tempo burned down in 1976, and the loss of that de facto gay space was felt immediately. By the early 1980s, Jennings had come out to his family and found his life partner, Larry Gammons. The couple decided to go into business together.

“We thought, ‘You know what, we should open a gay resort,’” said Gammons, now 77.

They originally set their sights on a hotel in Saugatuck, but the Saugatuck town council didn’t want to issue a liquor license to a gay business. After they were turned down for a third time, they found a shuttered roadside motel in Douglas and quickly made an offer on the property. At the first Douglas council meeting, they were able to secure their liquor license.

The Douglas Dunes finally opened in 1981, becoming one of the largest LGBTQ+ resorts in the country.

“May 1 was our grand opening, and we laughed about the fact that the city didn’t know what hit ’em, because cars were lined up and down the highway,” Gammons said. “All these people, they just showed up.”

“As you well know, all you’ve got to do is tell a gay person, and they spread the news. It spreads like crazy,” he added. “And everybody was so excited about a new big place opening up.”

Gammons and Jennings wanted the resort to be as safe as possible, so they hired their own security to make sure that homophobes wouldn’t get inside to harass patrons. They also made it clear to local police that they’d expect help with external issues. Over the years, the Dunes was targeted by gay bashers, received a bomb threat and even got a threatening call from the Ku Klux Klan.

Nonetheless, the resort was popular and quickly earned a reputation for throwing huge parties with fantastic entertainment.

“The music was so much better at the Dunes than in Grand Rapids,” Rossi said. “I used to talk to the DJs and I’d just tip them a couple bucks, and I’d say, ‘What was that you just played?’”

They booked performers such as Eartha Kitt, Linda Clifford and the Weather Girls (though the latter had to cancel at the last minute) and hosted tea dances every Sunday.

“We turned down Madonna,” Gammons said. “Her brother lived in the Detroit area, and he was gay, and Carl was DJing. She was just a punk rocker, and she went up to [Carl] when he took a little break and said: ‘I’m better than that girl. You know, you ought to put me onstage.’”

“We turned her down, and it was about six, eight months after that, she went to New York and got discovered,” he added.

The parties raged on for decades, with Gammons telling the Chicago Tribune in 1995 that gay tourism was bringing “an estimated $6 million annually to the area,” according to the paper. Gammons and Jennings sold the Douglas Dunes in the late 1990s to Danny Esterline, Greg Trzybinski and Mike Jones, who renamed it the Dunes Resort .

Though there is a widely cited statistic about Saugatuck-Douglas being home to more than 140 gay-owned and gay-friendly businesses, Jones said in an email that that number was “made up” for press releases and websites to “promote the area as gay-friendly.”

Jones, 58, still remembers visiting the Dunes — which he calls a “little Midwestern gay Mecca” — for the first time in 1990.

“It really stood out as like, ‘This isn’t normal.’ Even in Chicago in the late ’90s, guys weren’t holding hands walking downtown,” he said. “And you’re really right in the middle of God’s Christian reform, Southwest Michigan. So it’s almost like there’s a bubble over us. You have to remember that the whole world isn’t like this.”

Though Jones had visited many of the popular gay hot spots and swore he’d never live in a small town, he felt differently at the Dunes.

“I’ve been to P-town, and we’ve been to Fire Island, and we’ve been to Key West and Rehoboth, but they’re just a different attitude,” Jones said. “And I never thought when I was in Fire Island or P-town or Rehoboth: ‘This place is great. I want to live here.’”

Nude bathers in the 1890s

With a bit of close reading, the queer history in Saugatuck and Douglas dates back more than 120 years. Gollannek, the executive director of the local history center, said there are examples of same-sex relationships from the late 19th century through the 1920s.

“There’s sort of oblique references to ‘women dressing in men’s clothing, and it’s a problem,’ and ‘nude bathing of men and boys at the beach’ in the 1890s,” Gollannek said.

Some gay tourism can be attributed to the rise of steamboat travel, which made it easier for visitors to make their way over from Chicago. But the most obvious influence on the area’s emerging queerness was a woman named Elizabeth Bandle.

“She and her family had land in Saugatuck on a farm,” said Shanley Poole, 27, the engagement liaison and storyteller for Ox-Bow. “She invited a few students and professors up to do plein-air painting, because the lighting there was just gorgeous, and it kind of became a tradition year after year.”

Among the people who visited Bandle Farm in the early 1900s were Frederick Fursman and Walter Marshall Clute, artists from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago who went on to found Ox-Bow in 1910. Since artists and city-dwellers were typically more accepting of queer people at the time, it created an environment that fostered gay tourism.

“In 1910, we have these groups of artists and freethinking individuals — bohemian folk — coming to a secluded area,” Gollannek said. “Avant-garde artists coming here, painting plein-air, working with nude models, and this becomes a place where there’s some openness.”

The Saugatuck-Douglas History Center has records of LGBTQ+ people living in the area starting in 1917, with interior designer Florence “Dannie” Ely Hunn purchasing a cottage near Saugatuck-Douglas with Mabel “Jims” Warren, her partner of more than 50 years.

Many locals can also recall LGBTQ+ people and couples whom they met during their first trips to Saugatuck.

“We have had members within [the] GLBTQ community that go back to probably the ’30s, ’40s, like Mary Kay Bettles,” Rossi said. “She met her lover at a place over by where the chain ferry is now. It used to be a gas station and an ice cream shop.”

Bettles and her partner, Jean Palmer, were not the kind of couple who flew under the radar.

“Jean would wear ball gowns and fur coats and sit on her really rustic cabin porch during the summertime, and Mary Kay Bettles was, like, wearing jean shirts and trousers and loved her dogs,” Poole said. “And [Bettles] would wear a sheriff’s badge and kind of dubbed herself the sheriff of Ox-Bow and would chase people off campus if they didn’t have a reason to be there.”

Some visitors and residents were closeted in their hometowns, but felt safe to live with their partners and express affection in Saugatuck-Douglas. Burr Tillstrom , the Chicago-based puppeteer, kept his private life quiet, but purchased a barn in Saugatuck during the 1960s, which allowed him to loosen up as he spent his summers teaching at Ox-Bow.

Rossi, who’s now 68, also grew up during an era that lacked the language and freedoms that many LGBTQ+ people have today.

“Among artists, there was more of a tolerance for ‘less traditional lifestyles,’ as they would call it,” he said. “The definition of gay didn’t really come until maybe the ’50s or ’60s.”

“Saugatuck was sort of used to the fact that there was an eclectic crowd that came here. They painted, they partied, they spent money,” Rossi said. “And, you know, when people spend money, and money’s to be made, money does not have sexual orientation.”

These days, Saugatuck-Douglas is a bit different. It’s more expensive than it once was, with many hotels charging upward of $500 per night, and the frisky nude beach became a thing of the past when the Land Conservancy of West Michigan purchased Denison’s old land around 2009 .

“Now the city owns it,” Gammons said, “so no nudity, no hanky-panky, no liquor, no nothing.”

Julia Carmel is a Los Angeles-based writer. You can follow them on X: @julcarm .

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Exkluzívne letovisko na Tureckej riviére, s nádhernými píniovými a eukalyptovými lesmi a s hotelmi prestížnych značiek, sa najmä vďaka golfovým ihriskám stalo významným strediskom medzinárodného cestovného ruchu. Profesionáli, pokročilí i začiatočníci sem prichádzajú, aby si na zelených ihriskách svetových parametrov zahrali a oddýchli zároveň. Novšie, modernejšie letovisko tvoria predovšetkým honosné luxusné hotelové komplexy s akvaparkom, umiestnené vo veľkých a starostlivo udržiavaných exotických záhradách.

Turecké pobrežie Stredozemného mora je synonymom priezračnej tyrkysovej vody, hrejivých slnečných lúčov, blankytne modrej oblohy, členitých zálivov, majestátnych a pyšných pohorí a zároveň vyniká bohatstvom starovekých pamiatok. Oblasť, ktorú pôvodne obsadili Gréci a neskôr ovládali Rimania, je posiata zachovalými antickými pamiatkami. Stredomorskému pobrežiu Turecka, oddelenému od suchej Anatolskej plošiny horským pásmom Taurus, dominujú strmé útesy a mysy, striedajúce sa s úrodnými územiami. Do tejto nádhernej krajiny, v ktorej sa spája európska kultúra s vôňou Orientu, každoročne smeruje čoraz väčší počet turistov zo všetkých kútov sveta. Svojimi nádhernými, prevažne piesočnatými plážami pozdĺž viac ako 8.000 km dlhého pobrežia, obkolesenými citrusovými, banánovými, bavlníkovými ako i avokádovými plantážami, ku ktorým romanticky ladí tyrkysovo sfarbené, po okrajoch priezračné more, poskytuje skvelé podmienky na bezstarostné kúpanie, opaľovanie a vodné športy – teda presne to, čo väčšina z vás od letnej dovolenky čaká. Fascinujúce hotelové komplexy s kvalitnými all inclusive službami, končiace takmer až na brehu krištáľovo čistého mora, čakajú na vás v 5 známych tureckých letoviskách: Kemer, Antalya - Lara, Belek, Side a Alanya. Pre tých, ktorí chcú podniknúť cestu za poznaním a zaujímajú sa o kultúru, ponúkame mimoriadne obľúbené fakultatívne výlety s pestrým programom. Čaká na vás bájna Trója, historický Efez, Pergamon, Kappadokia, Pamukkale a mnohé ďalšie, ktoré si zachovali svoje stovky rokov staré čaro. Turci, veľmi pohostinný a otvorený národ, radi vidia vo svojej zemi turistov a srdečne ich vítajú.

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A Magical Guide to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party — What to See, Eat, and Do

Here’s everything you need to know about Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

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Rides and attractions, party food and drinks.

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Tips for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party

Abigail Nilsson/Walt Disney World

Spooky season starts early in Orlando. Disney World and Universal Orlando kick their Halloween festivities off before Labor Day, so guests have more than two full months of limited-time events, seasonal eats, and fall-themed fun to enjoy.

Disney’s fan-favorite Halloween event, Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, started at Magic Kingdom on Aug. 9, and I was there on opening night. This special event requires its own ticket and is not included in standard daily park admission, but I think it’s worth the extra cost; during the five-hour party, we went on eight attractions with minimal waits, hit several trick-or-treat stops, snagged some of the specialty party foods, and saw the parade, fireworks, and stage show. 

Here’s everything you need to know — from can’t-miss entertainment to the best snacks — to plan the perfect night at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.

At only five hours long, it’s impossible to see and do everything at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party in one night, but you can check most of the must-dos off your list — if you go in with a game plan.

Pause the trick-or-treating, character greetings, and rides for one thing: Mickey’s Boo-to-You Halloween Parade. The parade starts with an appearance from the mysterious Headless Horseman, galloping his way from Frontierland to Main Street, and features iconic classic Disney characters in their Halloween best, alongside unique cavalcades of spooky characters — like the hitchhiking ghosts from Haunted Mansion. The stunning floats, special character appearances, and catchy theme song make this my favorite Disney World parade, and I highly recommend making it a priority as you plan your night at the party. 

The parade happens twice a night at 8:15 p.m. and 11:15 p.m. and travels from Frontierland (starting near Tiana’s Bayou Adventure) up to Liberty Square and then around the hub in front of Cinderella’s Castle , before heading down Main Street, U.S.A. We found a spot around 7:45 p.m. in Frontierland, but the first show Is typically busier, and people were waiting well before that for prime viewing spots. 

Creepy emcee Jack Skellington hosts Disney’s Not-So-Spooky Spectacular at Cinderella’s Castle at 10 p.m. Fireworks, projections, and music from “Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas” will have you singing “This Is Halloween,” even in August. 

The “Hocus Pocus” Villain Spectacular features a mashup of notorious Disney villains who come to help the Sanderson Sisters from “Hocus Pocus.” The show takes place up to four times nightly (depending on the date), so you have plenty of chances to check it out — I recommend catching the midnight showing on the way out of the park. There are also dance parties in Tomorrowland, singing pirates in Adventureland, and the Cadaver Dans Barbershop Quartet in Frontierland. 

Courtney Kiefer/Walt Disney World

Rides are open during the party, so guests can expect short wait times for many of Magic Kingdom ’s top attractions. Both Tiana’s Bayou Adventure and Tron Lightcycle/Run offer standby lines during the party — something you won’t see during typical park hours when you need a virtual queue or paid Lightning Lane to access them — so this is a great time to ride these sought-after attractions to your heart’s content. 

A few rides offer special theming for the event: You can ride Space Mountain in complete darkness (with eerie tunes to up the thrill factor), spin around the Mad Tea Party with a festive ambiance, or listen to some Halloween-inspired jokes at Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor. If Space Mountain is too intense for you, hop on the PeopleMover for an aerial view of the party and a peek inside Space Mountain, where you can see and hear the overlay without so many twists and turns. 

Although it can be a long wait during the party, definitely make time to ride the Haunted Mansion. A duo of delightful ghosts entertain guests in the cemetery portion of the queue, and I found the ghosts’ interactions with the guests to be funny and clever, making for one of our favorite parts of the evening. 

Along with event-exclusive merchandise, there are bites and sips that you can only snag during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party.

You can find them at quick-service locations throughout the park, and it's wise to read about every available option on the Disney website beforehand so you can plot out your snack plans. At Aloha Isle, the Dole Whip Mango and Chamoy Float (also available during regular park hours this season) was a personal favorite; it combines refreshing mango-flavored Dole Whip with pineapple juice, chamoy, and tangy chili lime salt. The Spicy Meatball Arrabbiata Flatbread at Pinocchio Village Haus was a tasty and satisfying option for a quick dinner between rides. The Friar’s Nook has several party-exclusive eats, including the ominous-sounding Bowl of Bones and the Buffalo Chicken Hand Pie; we tried and enjoyed both, but the hand pie was my favorite here. There are dozens more unique food and beverage offerings available, so make a list of your must-try treats and check them off as you work your way around the park. (Don’t forget that many locations offer mobile ordering via the Disney app.)

For guests looking for a more relaxing meal in a table-service setting, Be Our Guest, Cinderella’s Royal Table, and The Plaza Restaurant are open and offer some party-exclusive eats. This party was the only time I have ever seen a wait as short as 10 minutes to eat at Cinderella’s Royal Table without a reservation — though you can make reservations for these table-service restaurants ahead of the party if you’d like.

Dessert parties are also available to book (for an extra charge) if you want snacks and access to a reserved area for the fireworks. 

Character Appearances 

Watch for characters decked out in their Halloween best throughout the park. You can take photos with Mickey and pals in their festive attire, Stitch in his adorable Elvis costume, and Pooh, Eeyore, Piglet, and Tigger in their almost-too-cute outfits — plus more characters (including some “rare” characters that you don’t usually see at the parks) in their typical attire. 

Jack Skellington and Sally from “The Nightmare Before Christmas” are very popular, and their lines often exceed an hour. 

Ready for the best trick-or-treating ever? When you arrive at Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, you’re given a bag and your first treat of the night, a full-size bag of M&Ms. The event offers more than a dozen trick-or-treat locations around the park, where cast members load your bag up with Mars Wrigley candies (think Twix, Snickers, Starburst, Skittles, and more — all the name-brand candies you always hoped to score when trick-or-treating around your neighborhood when you were younger).

Each location is indicated on the map and by a trick-or-treat pylon. Lines may look long, but they typically move fast—just have your bag open when you get to the front. We went to about half of the treat locations and ended up with a ton of candy (I think we counted about 70 pieces each), so kids and adults alike will love filling their bags with all the candy they’d like. The ticket price includes all the trick-or-treating, so there’s no additional cost. 

And if you or your kids have allergies, don’t worry — you can still enjoy trick-or-treating. Guests with allergies receive a teal treat bag and will get tokens from cast members at each trick-or-treat location that they can exchange for allergy-friendly treats at the Allergy-friendly Centers in Liberty Square and Main Street, U.S.A. Although we don’t have food allergies, we poked our heads in to see how it worked, and knowledgeable cast members explained which treats suited different needs so guests could pick which they’d like. I’d expect the Main Street location to get pretty busy toward the end of the night as people exchange their tokens before leaving the park, so consider swapping some out halfway through the night or head to Liberty Square to avoid the rush (it was empty when we visited at around 9:30 p.m.).

Tickets and Dates

Magic Kingdom will host nearly 40 nights of spooky fun this year. Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party started on Aug. 9 and runs through Oct. 31. (After that, the park will undergo a magical transformation from Halloween to holiday ). This is a separately ticketed event, so you won’t be able to access the party on a standard Magic Kingdom day ticket. Ticket prices vary by date from $119 to $199, with the most expensive tickets around Oct. 31, but annual pass holders and Disney Vacation Club members can score a $10 discount on party tickets in August and September.

The event lasts from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m., but guests with party tickets can get in the park earlier — more on that below. Tickets are still available for some September and October nights on the Disney World website . 

Mariah Wild/Walt Disney World

Get there early. 

Even though the party doesn’t officially start until 7 p.m., party ticket holders can enter the park beginning at 4 p.m. Plan to get there just before 4 p.m. to get in line for the party entrance and knock out a few attractions before the party starts — though event-specific experiences at attractions won’t start until 7 p.m. Some guests take this early entry opportunity to hop in line for their favorite characters (Jack and Sally are a very popular choice) so they can be among the first when the party meet-and-greet begins. 

Wear a Disney-inspired costume. 

Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party is one of the few times guests ages 14 and up can wear costumes inside the park, but there are rules you need to know about, especially for guests over 13. For guests 14 and up, costumes must be family-friendly, costume masks aren’t allowed, and costumes can’t reach the ground. For more details about what can and can’t be worn, check out the official rules on the Disney World website . Even if you don’t dress up, seeing other guests in their best Disney-inspired outfits is so fun. 

Stay at a resort on the monorail. 

Wondering which Disney World hotel to book for your Halloween getaway?  Disney's Grand Floridian Resort and Spa , Disney's Polynesian Village Resort , and Disney's Contemporary Resort are all located on the monorail that goes to Magic Kingdom, making for an easy ride to and from the party. Disney’s Contemporary Resort is just a 10-minute walk from the park, making it the most convenient option for visitors who don’t want to deal with the crowds leaving the park when the party is over. 

American Sign Language interpretation is available at some shows on select nights. 

American Sign Language interpretation is available at select shows on three dates (Aug. 23, Sept. 26, and Oct. 24). Check the Disney World website for more details about accessibility during the event. 

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Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel & Business Centre

How do i get to the hotel from domodedovo airport.

By taxi Official taxis from the airport currently cost around $50 or $70, depending on the class of car, and the drive to the Radisson Slavyanskaya will take around 90 minutes. You can also order a transfer with a driver to meet your plane here .

By train The Aeroexpress rail link is probably the fastest way to reach downtown Moscow. Trains run from Domodedovo to Pavelets Railway Station. The service runs every 30 minutes daily from 6am to 12am, the journey takes 40-50 minutes, and standard adult tickets cost around $11, with discounts for small children, family tickets, and first class tickets available. Then take the brown circle line from Paveletskaya Metro Station and travel clockwise four stops to Kievskaya, which is only a few steps from the Radisson Slavyanskaya.

By bus Buses run from Domodedovo (the stop is between exits 2 and 3 of the arrivals lounge) to Domodedovskaya Metro Station in the south-west of Moscow. The regular bus service runs from 6am to 12am daily at 15-minute intervals. Tickets cost less than $4, and the journey takes 25-30 minutes. There is also a slightly more expensive (and slightly faster) minibus shuttle service that runs every 15 minutes, with less frequent services throughout the night.


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