Security Alert May 17, 2024

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Travel Advisory August 21, 2024

Hungary - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued after periodic review without changes.

Exercise normal precautions in Hungary.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Hungary.

If you decide to travel to Hungary:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  X/Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Hungary.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel. 
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Six months validity recommended; three months validity beyond planned departure date from the Schengen Zone required.

One (1) page per stamp.

Not required for stays under 90 days.

Amounts of more than 10,000 Euros (or equivalent currency) must be declared.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Budapest

Szabadság tér 12 H-1054 Budapest Hungary Telephone: +(36) (1) 475-4400 Email: [email protected]

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Hungary is a party to the Schengen Agreement, which allows for free movement between certain European countries. U.S. citizens may enter Hungary for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. If you plan to stay longer, please visit the Embassy of Hungary for the most current visa information.

Traveling Through Europe : If you are planning to visit or travel through European countries, you should be familiar with the requirements of the Schengen Agreement. Please review our U.S. Travelers in Europe page .

  • Your passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay .
  • You will need sufficient proof of funds and a return plane ticket .
  • For additional information about visas for the Schengen area, see the Schengen Visa page .

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Hungary.

Find information on dual nationality , prevention of international child abduction and customs regulations on our websites.

Safety and Security

Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and scheduled commercial flights) 

Terrorism: Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad, including in Europe. For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Crime: Although Hungary is generally a safe place to visit, you should use caution and stay alert. Be especially careful in crowded tourist areas, train stations, buses, trams, and metros.

Passports, cash, and credit cards are favorite targets of thieves. The Embassy regularly receives reports of pickpocketing on the trains between Budapest and Vienna, so please be especially mindful of your belongings when traveling this route. There have been some instances in Budapest where U.S. citizens were overcharged exorbitant prices for food, beverages, or taxi services. Always verify the cost before making a purchase.

There have been incidents, although rare, where U.S. citizens were unknowingly drugged. Do not accept food or drink from anyone but a server. Additionally, the Embassy has received reports of racially motivated assaults. Please report all crimes to the local police. In an emergency dial 112 for help and contact the U.S. Embassy for follow-up assistance.

General tips to avoid becoming a victim of crime:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not walk alone at night.
  • Be vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Stay alert in crowded locations frequented by tourists.
  • Always keep your belongings secure.
  • Do not accept food or drink from anyone but a server.

Victims of Crime: Hungarian authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes committed in Hungary. Report crimes to the local police by calling 112 .

U.S. citizen victims of violent crime and sexual assault are encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance. See our webpage about help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care 
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Provide general information regarding the victim’s role during the local investigation and following its conclusion
  • Provide a list of local attorneys 
  • Provide our information on victim’s compensation programs in the U.S.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Demonstrations: Political gatherings and protests occur frequently in Hungary, mostly in Budapest. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events. Ethnic nationalist groups have gained popularity in Hungary in the past years, in some cases advocating intolerance towards migrants and minorities, including Jews, Roma, and LGBTI+ individuals. Although these far-right groups do not engage in violence and are not explicitly anti-United States, you should avoid public demonstrations and confrontations with their members.

  • Demonstrations can be unpredictable, avoid areas around protests and political rallies. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • In a few instances where demonstrations have turned violent, authorities have used riot police to control crowds.

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence are encouraged to contact the Embassy for assistance.

International Financial Scams: See the  Department of State  and   FBI webpages for information.

Tourism: The tourism industry is generally well-regulated and rules enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is generally available throughout the country. Outside of major metropolitan centers, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.  Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

  • Always carry your passport with you in Hungary. Local police may require you to show documentation to establish your identity upon request. Hungarian police may take you into custody if you attempt to prove your identity with documents other than a passport.
  • Hungary has a zero-tolerance policy for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Penalties are severe, including significant jail time.

Some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information.

Special Circumstances regarding Banking and Customs:

  • Travelers’ checks are not universally accepted in Hungary. ATMs are readily available.
  • It is not possible to cash personal checks in Hungary without a local bank account, which requires residency.
  • Western Union is the most prevalent international money transfer company and has many locations throughout Hungary. You must have photo identification to receive a wire transfer.
  • Visit the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary for information about import and export of potentially restricted items.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods: Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the U.S. Department of Justice website for more information.

Faith-Based Travelers: See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report – see country report
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers: There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTQI+ events in Hungary. However, organizers may encounter disruptive behavior by far-right wing extremists at events supporting the LGBTQI+ community.

See our LGBTQI+ Travel Information page and section 6 of our Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities: The law in Hungary prohibits discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities, and the law is enforced. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is as prevalent as in the United States. The most common types of accessibility issues may include accessible facilities and ease of movement. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, and general infrastructure. There can be a significant difference in accessibility between Budapest and the rest of the country.

Students:   See our Students Abroad webpage and FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for Women Travelers .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also provides Traveler Health Information for Hungary .

For emergency services in Hungary dial:

  • 104 for Ambulance Services
  • 107 for the Police
  • 105 for the Fire Department
  • 112 for English-Speaking Emergency Responders (All Types of Emergencies)

The U.S. Embassy maintains a list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

Ambulance services are widely available in Hungary, but training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards. All ambulances may not be equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.

Adequate health facilities are available in the capital and other major cities, but health care in rural areas may be below U.S. standards. Medical staff may speak little or no English. Generally, in public hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight in non-emergency wards. Psychological and psychiatric services are limited, even in the larger cities, with hospital-based care only available through government institutions.

Some hospitals and doctors require payment “up front” prior to service or admission. Credit card payment is not always available. Some private clinics and hospitals may require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before admitting a patient. Travelers should make efforts to obtain complete information on billing, pricing, and proposed medical procedures before agreeing to any medical care. Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.

We do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance coverage overseas. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas. We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Prescription Medication: Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. Check with the government of Hungary to ensure the medication is legal in Hungary. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription. Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are widely available at pharmacies.

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Surrogacy: If you are considering traveling to have a child through use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) or surrogacy, please see our ART and Surrogacy Abroad page . Hungarian law forbids surrogacy arrangements.

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety: Roadside assistance, including medical and other services, is available. Dial 112 to speak to English-speaking emergency operators.

Highways and urban roads are generally in good condition. As in most European countries, you must pay a toll to use Hungary’s highways. Payments must be made either at a gas station or online .

  • Areas under construction are not always adequately marked.
  • Be on the alert when driving in rural areas. Rural roads are often narrow and poorly lit.
  • Pedestrians, tractors, and farm animals often share the use of rural roads.
  • Train crossings are not always well-designated.

Additional information on road conditions is available from “ Útinform ” at +36-1-336-2400.

Traffic Laws: Hungary has zero tolerance for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs. Prison sentences for DUI violations or accidents caused by impaired drivers are severe.

  • Police often conduct routine roadside checks and administer breath-analysis tests.
  • Police stop vehicles regularly to check documents.
  • Use of hand-held cell phones while driving is not permitted.
  • Car seats are required for infants.
  • Children under the age of 12 may not sit in the front seat.
  • Seat belt use is mandatory.
  • You can drive in Hungary with a valid U.S. driver’s license for one year as long as you have a certified Hungarian translation of the license attached. After one year of residence, you must obtain a Hungarian driver’s license.
  • International driver’s permits (IDP) issued by the American Automobile Association (AAA) are acceptable when used with a valid state driver’s license.

Hungarian police issue traffic violations in the form of a postal check that reflects the amount of the fine. You may pay the fines at any Hungarian post office. Police will confiscate the passport of a person who chooses to contest the fine and issue the person an “invitation letter” to appear at the police station to resolve the dispute. Police will return the passport after resolution and/or payment of the fine.

Public Transportation: Public transportation in Budapest is excellent. Budapest’s tram, subway, and bus service are reliable. Find more information online: Budapest Public Transport . Public transportation outside of Budapest is not as dependable.

  • To avoid being a subject to on-the-spot fines in public transportation, you must follow rules for purchasing and properly validating your ticket.
  • Taxis in Budapest are plentiful and generally inexpensive. All taxis are yellow, marked accordingly, and should have meters. The Embassy urges all travelers to insist on using a metered taxi, and to avoid entering into agreements with taxi drivers to an unmetered fare.
  • Hungary’s train service is generally reliable. The Embassy regularly receives reports of pickpocketing on the trains between Budapest and Vienna. Be mindful of your belongings when traveling this route.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Hungary’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Hungary’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Hungary . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, hungary map, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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How to Apply for Hungary Schengen Visa?

How to Apply for Hungary Schengen Visa?

Table of Contents

Overview of hungary, hungary schengen visa eligibility, required documents for hungarian visa.

  • Valid passport
  • Passport sized photos
  • Application form
  • Fingerprints (biometric data)
  • Travel medical insurance
  • Reason for visit
  • Where you will stay (accommodation)
  • How you will fund your trip (finances)
  • Proof that you will leave Hungary before your visa becomes invalid/expires. This is often in the form of a paid roundtrip plane ticket (proof of return).
  • Please note, if you are applying from a country where you do not legally reside, you must supply proof of legal residence with your application.

Hungarian Schengen Visa Fee

Hungarian Schengen Visa

How to Apply for Hungarian Schengen Visa : Steps

  • Step 1:  Determine your Purpose for travelling to Hungary, which will determine the Type of visa you should apply for.
  • Step 2:  Determine how many Entries to Hungary/the Schengen area you need.
  • Step 3:  Gather your Required Documents .
  • Depending on the location of the consulate/visa center you are applying through, you may have to schedule an appointment in order to submit your application. Alternatively, you may be able to drop off your application without prior arrangement, so long as you do so during normal operating hours. Contact your Hungarian Consulate/visa center directly to find out if you need to schedule an appointment in order to submit your application. 
  • Applications for Hungarian Schengen Visas can be downloaded online, through the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website via this link . Alternatively, you can collect a paper copy application at your respective Hungarian Consulate/Embassy.
  • Step 6:  Pay the application fee .
  • While different Hungarian consulates/processing centers may have different procedures for submitting applications, in almost all cases, applications must be submitted in person to the consulate/center you are applying through.
  • In rare cases, an authorized person may submit your application on your behalf, so long as the application authorization is certified by a notary. Other exceptions to personal submission include cultural/ professional/sporting associations or institutions, which may submit applications on the behalf of a member, and valid travel agencies, in the event the applicant is taking part in an organized travel trip. Please note, your application must be signed by you personally, even if someone else is submitting it for you.
  • When you submit your application, you will likely also be asked to submit biometric data (fingerprints). Children younger than 12 years are likely exempt from having their fingerprints collected. If you have previously submitted fingerprints (within the last 59 months), you likely will not need to resubmit them.
  • Please note, after submitting your application, you may be asked to return at a later date for a personal interview to provide further information/materials related to your trip.

When to Apply

Submit your application at least 15 days prior to the day you intend to travel, and no earlier than 6 months before you leave.

Where to Apply

Applications for Schengen visas to Hungary should be submitted at either a Hungarian Consulate or a visa application center that has a relationship with Hungary.

Ideally, you will lodge your application in the country where you legally reside/hold a residence permit.

If you must apply through a Hungarian Consulate/Embassy or visa application center located in a country where you do not legally reside, you must have a valid reason for doing so. Valid reasons include that you are legally staying in another country (on a valid visa/ permit), and that the consulate within the country has accepted your reasons for applying through them and has chosen to process your application.

Click here to find Hungarian Consulate/Embassies nearest to you.

In countries where there is no Hungarian consular presence, applications may be lodged via the consulate of a Schengen state representing Hungarian consular interests.

In countries where there is neither a Hungarian consular presence nor a Schengen state representing Hungarian consulate interests, you may apply through any Hungarian Consulate located outside the Schengen area.

Processing Time for Hungarian Schengen Visa Fee

The Hungarian Schengen visa processing time is generally 15 days , although it can take up to 45 days in certain cases.

If your visa was approved:

Collect your visa and make sure the information it contains is valid and complete.

If your visa was denied:

If you receive a Schengen visa rejection for Hungary, you (or your legal representative) have the right to an appeal within 8 days of receiving your rejection.

Begin this process by picking up your standard issued-visa refusal form, which describes why your request was denied. Your letter of rejection should explain the detailed steps of the appeal process, including where to send it.

Your appeal is decided by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which renders a decision 15 days after receiving the appeal.

You should submit your Schengen visa appeal in writing in either Hungarian or an EU official language (if you choose to submit in a non-E.U. language, you must include an official translation of your appeal). Your appeal should be signed either by you personally or someone who is legally authorized to sign for you.

Please note, you must also submit an appeal fee of 30 euros, which is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the appeal (positive or negative).

Finally, once you obtain your Schengen Visa for Hungary, please note the following:

Your visa may be revoked if you do not notify the Hungarian Consulate/visa application center of any changes to your trip itinerary that occur after you have submitted your application.

Being approved for a Hungarian visa does not guarantee you entry to either Hungary or the general Schengen area – you can still be refused entry to both places upon arrival.

Alternatively, you may have to show additional documents regarding your finances or accommodation in order to enter Hungary/the Schengen area.

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Faq about hungary schengen visa, is schengen visa valid for hungary.

Yes, Schengen visa validity extends to Hungary, as Hungary is one of the Schengen states. This means that if you successfully apply for a Schengen visa, you can use it to enter Hungary.

How long a Hungary Schengen visa takes?

The typical processing period for Hungary Schengen visas is 30 days, although you may receive a decision on your application in anywhere from 15-60 days.

Is it easy to get visa for Hungary?

It’s easy to get a visa for Hungary if you meet all the Schengen visa requirements. Applicants who receive visas are those who successfully demonstrate that they 1) Can afford all the costs associated with their trip to Hungary 2) Will exit the Schengen area before their visa expires and 3) Do not present a security risk to the zone (in terms of terrorism/criminality/health). Essentially, meeting the Hungary visa requirements entails submitting documents and materials which demonstrate your financial soundness, awareness of your visa’s terms and conditions, and general good character. Applying is relatively easy and consists of submitting the materials on time and in total. If you meet the requirements, you should therefore find it easy to get a visa for Hungary.

Do I need Travel Medical Insurance for my Hungary visa application?

If you are applying for a Hungary Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory, you will have to submit proof of coverage with your application. This insurance is meant o provide you with coverage in the event that you experience medically related repatriation, medical care, and/or hospitalization or death while you are in the Schengen area on a Schengen visa. Therefore, if you experience a medical issue while you are abroad that requires you to go ot the hospital, your travel medical insurance will pay for the cost of your treatment, rather than your host country. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Compliant Schengen Visa insurances. If you wish o proceed: Buy my Travel Medical Insurance.

If you are applying for a Schengen Visa, Travel Medical Insurance is mandatory. To simplify your application process, Insurte, partners with leading European Insurance Companies operating under EU regulations provide Travel Medical Insurances. If you wish to proceed, please click below:


hungary visit visa from saudi

  • Appointment, Working hours
  • D Type Visa/Residency Permit

Schengen (C) Visa

  • Travel Medical Insurance (Schengen Visa)
  • General Data Protection Regulation €“ information
  • Authentication/legalisation services
  • Business in Hungary

Home / Schengen (C) Visa

Necessary documents for C Visa:

1. Valid national passport:

Issued within the last 10 years and with at least 3 months validity after the scheduled return, with at least two blank pages. If the passport does not state the place of birth, a copy of ID card or a birth certificate must be submitted.

2. Visa application form:

- Completed, signed twice by the applicant, if applicable, authorization of third person.

3. Two recent passport-sized photographs (ICAO standard) with a white background, not stapled. Full face, no head or face cover(s) that prevent(s) full visibility of the facial features.

4. Travel Medical Insurance:

Proof of travel medical insurance covering the entire period of intended stay, valid for all Schengen States and covering any expenses, which might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical attention, emergency hospital treatment or death during the stay. The minimum coverage must be EUR 30€™000.00.

5. Flight Ticket:

Copy of flight reservation/s including details of the itinerary and the flight reservation number.

6. Employment letter:

Original letter from employer/sponsor in Saudi Arabia stating employment status, position held, date of recruitment, length of contract and whether renewable or not, as well as salary, attested by the Chamber of Commerce. The letter must include the purpose of the visit and cost coverage guarantee, whether it is covered by the company or by the applicant. The letter from the sponsor must include the name and contact details (including mobile number) of the responsible person from the company.

If Self-employed: valid original trade license and one copy thereof with English translation.

7. Financial Means:

Bank statements for the last three months, including the current balance, or other verifiable evidence of sufficient means of subsistence during the intended stay, e.g. credit card copy.

For minors travelling without their parents/legal guardian: original authorization signed by their parents/legal guardian and copy of passport(s) of parents/legal guardian.

Depending on your visa type:

For Business/conference/event:

- Invitation letter from a company or an authority to attend a meeting, conference or confirmed registrations for trade fairs or congresses.

The invitation letter must state the exact period and duration of the event, and whether the company covers the costs for the applicant's stay or not.

If the applicant needs to travel regularly, that should be also mentioned.

- Hotel reservation covering the intended stay.

For tourism:

- Proof of accommodation during intended stay: hotel reservation or copy of a rental contract or proof of self-used property in the name of the applicant.

For private visits:

- Original invitation letter signed by the host covering the intended stay. The invitation letter from the host must include the contact details and a full reference address. A copy of the passport or Residence Card.

For SchoolTrip/Summer Camps :

- Certificate of enrolment at an educational establishment in the Schengen Member State for the purposes of attending vocational or theoretical courses within the framework of basic and further training or student cards or certificates of the courses to be attended. The certificate of enrolment from the educational establishment must include the contact details and a full reference address.

For Medical Treatment

- A document issued by the medical institution in the Member State confirming that the applicant will receive medical care in that institution; the document should include the date(s) of the treatment, duration and cost.

- A recent medical report from a Saudi health or rehabilitation facility.

- Pre-payment or other proof of sufficient financial means to cover the medical treatment and related expenses, such as insurance coverage.

A proof of who covers the costs, if covered by a third party.

Diplomatic and other Official Government Missions

- Verbal Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stating also the purpose of the visit.

Additional requirements for: Non €“ Saudi Nationals:

1. Iqama valid for at least three months after the planned date of return, and one copy thereof.

2. Saudi Arabian re-entry visa valid beyond the intended date of departure from the territory of the Schengen States and 1 copy thereof.

3. Bank statements (showing the regular monthly income/salary) for the past six months.

4. Private/domestic staff:

- A letter from the sponsor and a copy of the job contract - Copy of the sponsors€™ passport and Schengen visa.

5. Questionnaire duly filled in English and signed.

About C visa applications please contact one of the VFS Global Visa Application Centre:

Saudi-Arabia VFS Global€“Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Riyadh, in Jeddah, and in Al-Khobar , or in specific cases - after prior consultation - at the Consular Section of the Embassy.

Bahrain VFS Global€“Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Manama

Schengen visa application form: HERE

Visa representation - Slovakia

Thevisa representation of the Slovak Republic by Hungary in Riyadh has been terminated as of 13thof May, 2024.

Applicants travelling to Slovakia shall lodge their application at the Embassy ofthe Slovak Republic or its service provider.

Visa representation -Lithuania

Travelling to Lithuania

How to read the visa sticker

The Schengen visa has the form of a sticker in your passport. Please check carefully all the data in the sticker.

Duration of visit (€œDURATION OF VISIT€DAYS€ heading on the visa sticker): This heading indicates the number of days during which the holder may stay in the territory for which the visa is valid (Schengen area/Hungary). The duration of visit is counted from the date of entry in the territory. The authorised duration of visit may be shorter than the validity period of the visa. In the case of multiple-entry Schengen visas valid for more than 180 days, the authorised duration of each visit is 90 days in any 180-day period. Please note that it is the visa holder who is responsible for observing the rule and not exceeding the allowed 90 days of stay within any 180 days period. In case of multiple entries, the accumulated amount of days can be determined by the entry/exit stamps in the passport. A useful tool to calculate the amount of days in the Schengen area is the so-called Short-stay Visa Calculator .

Type of visa: A €“ airport transit visa, C €“ uniform Schengen visa (visits for not more than 90 days), D €“ long-stay visa (visits for more than 90 days)

Number of entries: This heading shows the number of times the visa holder may enter the Schengen area (the number of visits which may be spread over the entire period of validity of the visa).

Right of entry

The visa does not automatically entitle the holder to enter the Schengen area. When crossing the border, visa holders are required to prove that they meet the entry conditions, which in general means that they can be asked to justify the purpose andconditions of the intended stay and to prove that they have sufficient means of subsistence, both for the duration of the intended stay and for the return to their country of origin.

C Visa Appeal Information

The C visa appeal requires the payment of the appeal fee

You have 8 days from the receipt of the decision to raise an appeal in writing and at the same time paying the appeal fee. Without paying the appeal fee the Embassy does not consider any emails as an appeal.

An appeal must be lodged within 8 days. Remark: if the last day of the deadline within which the appeal is to be lodged is not a working day, the appeal still can be lodged the on the next working day after. Competent authority with which an appeal may be lodged: Magyarorsz叩g Nagyk旦vets辿ge, Rij叩d . The appeal will be decided upon by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, within 15 days after its receipt.

Arabic Guide to help fill out the C application form

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Different types of visas for Hungary

General visa requirements for Hungary

As a member of the EU/EFTA and the Schengen area, as well as holder of visa waiver agreements with thirty countries worldwide (consult our section on Travelling to Hungary), it is possible to enter Hungary without a visa for a short-term stay. Immediately afterwards, however, you must apply for a residence permit if you wish to continue your stay in the country.

For EU/FTA, Schengen and visa waiver agreement nationals

If you're a national of the thirty countries Hungary has signed a visa waiver agreement with ( see the full list here ), or a citizen of the EU/EFTA or one of the Schengen countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland), you can enter Hungary with just a valid passport and/or identity card. You should be aware that the amount of time you can stay in Hungary differs depending on your nationality and the type of identification you have, but in any case, it should not exceed a period of 90 days. After that, you are entitled to stay in the country for 180 more days if you can prove that you're pursuing employment and that you have enough funds to support yourself. By the 93rd day of your arrival to Hungary, you need to notify your residence to the regional directorate. Your family members can enter the country with a short-term visa (type C) even if they intend to stay longer than 90 days. But within 93 days from their arrival to Hungary, they need to apply for a residence card at the Office for Immigration and Nationality's regional directorate.

Good to know: The registration certificate for EU/EFTA nationals costs HUF 1,000 (about 3 euros) and you can pay it with your card or with a bank deposit, using the cheque that will be issued by the regional directorate.

Useful link:

Registration Certificate for EU/EFTA Nationals

For all other nationals

If you wish to stay in Hungary for longer than what the short-term visa would allow, you should apply for a residence permit right away. The process costs 60 euros and usually takes 30 days.

Good to know: Since 2011, when applying for a residence permit in Hungary you are required to give your fingerprints. This rule also applies to children from 6 years old and up.

The documents you'll need to apply for a residence permit may vary depending on whether you're coming to Hungary to work, start your own business, study or do research and also depending on your nationality. It is important that you check with the Hungarian embassy or consulate in your home country what applies in your particular case. As a general rule, you will be expected to procure the following:

  • A completed and signed 'residence permit' application form ( you can download it here )
  • A passport that will be valid for at least three months after the requested visa expires
  • A recent (taken within the last six months) passport-size photo in colour
  • Documents supporting the purpose of your stay (aka university acceptance documents if you're in Hungary to study or a contract if you've come to work)
  • Documents showing you have accommodation (like a lease)
  • Proof that you have enough funds to support yourself
  • Health insurance or enough funds to cover it

Good to know: If your application for a residence permit is declined, you have eight days from the moment you received the notification to submit an appeal to the regional directorate of the Office for Immigration and Nationality that processed your application. The appeal takes another 30 days to be processed.

Visa applications information

Anne-Lise Mty

Anne-Lise studied Psychology for 4 years in the UK before finding her way back to Mauritius and being a journalist for 3 years and heading's editorial department for 5. She loves politics, books, tea, running, swimming, hiking...

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hungary visit visa from saudi

Travel Daily

VFS Global opens Hungary visa application centres in KSA

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VFS Global has opened Hungarian Visa Application Centres across three cities in Saudi Arabia. 

A Hungarian visa.

Located in Al-Khobar, Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi Arabians can now submit visa applications and enrol for biometrics at the centres.

KSA is the third country in the Middle East, after Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, from where applicants can apply for a visa to Hungary.

Another centre in Bahrain is expected to be launched in the coming months.

The three centres are centrally located in the main business districts of Al-Khobar, Jeddah and Riyadh. Services at all three locations will commence from 25 February.

Since commencing visa processing operations in Saudi Arabia in 2005, VFS Global serves 19 client governments in the country.

VFS Global has been serving the Government of Hungary since 2010, and currently serves the client in 8 countries from 33 visa application centres globally.

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Travel Agency in Saudi | Minha Travel

Hungary Visa – Schengen

Hungary  is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River. It shares land borders with Slovakia in the north, Ukraine in the northeast, Austria in the northwest, Romania in the east, Serbia in the south, Croatia in the southwest, and Slovenia in the west.

Required Documents

  • Your passport valid for at least 6 months beyond return date are required. Your passport must have at least two blank pages
  • Recent color passport photograph (35–45mm in width), no more than 6-months old
  • UAE residence permit must be valid for three months after the departure from the Schengen area
  • Original personal bank account statement for the last six months signed and stamped by the bank
  • NOC Letter from the company should be mentioned designation, date of joining, salary paid, the purpose of visit and financial arrangements

Supporting Documents

For Tourism

  • Proof of accommodation (i.e. valid and existing hotel booking, etc.)
  • Proof of flight ticket booking or flight reservation including return
  • International health insurance covering the entire territory of all Schengen member states with a minimum coverage of € 30.000
  • In case of dependents- copy of sponsor’s valid passport and UAE residence visa to be attached to letter from sponsor
  • Sponsored family members (spouses, students etc.) have to enclose a copy of original birth and marriage certificate including an English translation

For Visiting family and/or friends

  • Invitation letter signed by the host
  • Copy of host’s passport
  • Host’s Residence Permit

For Business/ Official

  • Invitation letter from the company or business partner in Hungary

You need an embassy visa for Hungary if you have a Saudi Arabian passport

Visa options for hungary, visitor visa.

Travelers need a visa to visit Hungary for Business or Tourism. A paper or embassy visa is the only visa available for travelers visiting Hungary. The visa is typically a stamp or sticker added to the passport. Travelers must obtain this visa from a local embassy, consulate, or visa center before traveling.

This is not offered by sherpa°.

Apply on the government site.

How sherpa° works

Find the visa you need.

Government visa requirements depend on your destination and passport. We’ll help you find what you need before you go.

We’ll help you get prepared before you go.

Submit your application

Our easy-to-use forms guide you through the process. Then we review your application before it’s submitted⁠, maximizing your chances of approval.

Our easy-to-use forms guide you through the process.

Check your inbox

Once you’re approved, you’ll get an email with your eVisa and all the instructions you need. Now you’re free to travel with confidence.

Once you’re approved, you’ll get an email with your eVisa.

We’re trusted by the world’s leading travel brands

Hungary visa requirements for other passport holders.

  • Hungary Visa Exemption
  • Saudi Arabia

Hungarian visa for Saudi Arabian citizens

Visa requirements:, hungary tourist visa requirements:.

  • Holding Saudi Arabian passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Hungary.
  • Proof of onward travel (departure) from Hungary.

If you are looking for Hungary visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Saudi Arabia, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or consulate of Hungary nearest your place of residence.

  • Riyadh : The Embassy of Hungary in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Working hours: Open now. Close in 1 hours 45 minutes )

Visa application requirements

Tourism Statistics Chart

The line chart shows the number of visitors from Saudi Arabia traveling to Hungary from 2008 to 2018.

References: , World Bank and multiple sources. (This data is for informational purposes only. Please see our disclaimer page for more information.)

Hungary & Saudi Arabia comparison

Hungary's area is approximately 90,530 km2 (34,953 sq mi), while the area of Saudi Arabia is approximately 2,149,690 km2 (829,999 sq mi). This means Saudi Arabia is 23.75 times bigger than Hungary.

As of August 2024, Hungary's population is ~9.6 million people - 27,464,286 fewer people than the population of Saudi Arabia.

We have highlighted Hungary & Saudi Arabia’s relative positions on world's map for your reference.

Frequently asked questions, answered

How many visitors from saudi arabia travel to hungary in one year.

The number of visitors from Saudi Arabia visiting Hungary in 2018 was approximately 8,776.

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Do you need a travel visa?

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Today’s Forecast

Useful information.

  • Budapest to Riyadh: 3458.21 km (2148.83 mi)
  • Travel time: 7 hours 12 minutes

This page was last updated on: August 2024

Online Saudi Visa from Hungary

Saudi visa for hungarian citizens, saudi e-visa summary.

  • » Application for apply for Online Saudi Visa is now open to Hungarian Citizens
  • » The Saudi eVisa allows Hungarian nationals to stay for up to 90 days
  • » Hungarian citizens must submit the application for the Saudi eVisa at least 3 days before scheduled departure to the Kingdom

Other Saudi Visa Requirements

  • » Saudi Visa Online Application is open for Hungarian nationals
  • » Hungarian Citizens can arrive by all three methods of transport using Saudi Visa Online, i.e. Land, Air or Sea
  • » Saudi Visa Online is for short visits such as Tourist, Umrah, Event, Transit
  • » A valid email and online method of payment like a Debit or Credit card

Saudi Visa for Hungarian citizens

For Hungarian nationals, Saudi Arabia can appear like a remote location, yet it is the ideal emerging nation for adventurous visitors.

Whether it's scuba diving in the Red Sea, experiencing great outdoors of AlUla's stunning desert or undertake heritage and historical tour in Jeddah , this emerging Middle Eastern nation has plenty to offer everyone.

A valid Electronic Visa (eVisa) is now required for all Hungarian citizens planning short-term visits to Saudi Arabia. Don't risk denied boarding - ensure you apply online and obtain your eVisa before your trip. The Saudi eVisa program offers a hassle-free way to secure travel authorization. Skip the embassy visit and complete the entire application process online.

This eVisa is ideal for Hungarian travelers planning tourism or business trips to Saudi Arabia. For extended stays or work/residence purposes, a different type of visa may be required.

You must, however, secure a visa before visiting Saudi Arabia. Saudi Visa from Hungary is not optional, but a traveling to the country for short stays. Before travelling to the Middle East, Hungarian nationals can swiftly and simply get travel permission online.

Types of Saudi eVisas Available

  • Tourist eVisa : This is the most common type of Saudi eVisa for Hungarian citizens, allowing them to visit the country for tourism or leisure. A multiple-entry visa grants travelers the flexibility to enter and exit Saudi Arabia multiple times within the visa's validity period.
  • Umrah eVisa : This type of Saudi Arabia electronic Visa is specifically for Hungarian citizens who wish to perform the Umrah pilgrimage. A single-entry visa permits travelers to stay in Saudi Arabia for a limited period to complete their religious obligations.
  • Business or Events : Your visit may be commercial in nature like attending a technical workship or a business meeting or participating in a conference. Saudi e-Visa is ideal for short-term business or event focussed trips.

Saudi eVisaApplication Process for Hungarian Citizens

Hungarian citizens can conveniently apply for a Saudi eVisa from the comfort of their homes or offices without having to visit a Saudi embassy or consulate . The application procedure is straightforward and includes a few easy steps:

Complete the Online Saudi eVisa Application Form

  • Start by visiting the Saudi eVisa website .

Complete the online application form with the necessary data. You will need to give the following details:

Personal Details:

  • Full name (as it appears on your passport)
  • Nationality
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth

Passport Details:

  • Passport number
  • Issuing country
  • Date of issue
  • Date of expiration

Contact Information:

  • Home address
  • Telephone number (including country code)
  • Email address

Travel Plans:

  • Purpose of your trip to Saudi Arabia (e.g., tourism, business, visit family/friends)
  • Intended travel dates (arrival and departure)
  • Intended port of entry in Saudi Arabia (e.g., King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh, King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah)

Upload Required Documents.

You will have to during the application process upload digital copies of the required documents (see the Required Documents for Applying section for details).

Pay the Saudi eVisa Processing Fee.

Pay the Saudi eVisa processing fee using a valid credit or debit card. The fee includes medical insurance for Saudi Arabia, which is mandatory for all travelers.

Receive the Saudi eVisa by Email.

After submitting your application and paying the processing fee, you will receive your Saudi eVisa by email. Make sure to print it out and present it to immigration officials upon arrival in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi eVisaFees and Payment Methods

The Saudi eVisa for Hungarian citizens comes with a processing fee , which includes mandatory medical You will have to pay during the application process.

  • For the duration of your visit to Saudi Arabia, purchase insurance. The charge may be paid using a
  • Please be aware that the processing charge is not transferable or exchangeable valid credit or debit card .
  • Please be aware that the processing charge is not transferable or exchangeable your application is denied or you decide not to travel.

Documents required to apply for a Saudi Arabia Visa for Hungarian citizens

Before they are allowed to visit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lawfully, all Hungarian citizens must obtain visas. Visitors have access to a wide range of visas, including but not restricted to business visas, job visas, student visas, and more.

The electronic visa for tourism is the simplest type of visa to get (also known as a Saudi Arabia eVisa). To increase the number of tourists travelling to Saudi Arabia, this authorization went into effect in 2019 for nationals of more than 65 different nations .

It is good for numerous trips to the nation for up to 90 days at a time during the first year following the date of acceptance. There are no lines, no in-person interviews, and no long commutes to the closest embassy. Anything can be done online.

READ MORE: Complete your application with confidence by following Online Saudi Visa Application Process guide.

How to apply For a Online Saudi Visa for Hungarian Citizens?

The Saudi Visa Application Form enables visitors from certain nations to enter the country. The online application procedure may be finished quickly and easily. Hungarian nationals may enter Saudi Arabia with ease and quickly thanks to a straightforward visa application process. Candidates may complete the online application while they relax in their own homes.

Candidates can first learn about the pertinent information that will be sought by researching the Saudi Arabia online application form. The Saudi Visa application form can be finished in a short amount of time.

The primary prerequisites outlined above must be followed fully and accurately to finish this. If you don't, your application for the visa may be rejected or processed slowly. Travelers must wait for their eVisa to be accepted after submitting their application and payment. When the authorities receive the application, this typically takes between 24 and 72 hours. However, the wait time may be significantly longer owing to demand and other factors. The tourist will receive the eVisa in their email inbox when it has been completed.

Note: A copy of the eVisa must be shown together with the traveler’s passport when they arrive in Saudi Arabia to gain entry. The traveler is required to abide by Saudi Arabian legislation once within the country. This includes adhering to their visa's restrictions, such as not overstaying it.

Saudi eVisa Processing Time for Hungarian Citizens

The normal processing time for a Saudi eVisa for Hungarian citizens is between 1 and 5 business days . However, it is strongly advised to apply for the Saudi electronic Visa as early as possible so that your authorization for travel is received.

In some circumstances, extra processing time might be needed to be required due to errors in the application form or other factors. Make sure to double-check your application before submitting it to avoid any delays.

Validity and Duration of the Saudi eVisa

The Saudi eVisa for Hungarian citizens is from the date of issuance, it is valid for 365 days (one year) issue. During this period, travelers can enter Saudi Arabia multiple times, with each stay not exceeding 90 days (3 months).

Please note that if your Hungarian passport expires before the end of the eVisa's validity period, your Saudi eVisa will automatically become invalid. In such cases, you must obtain a new passport and apply for a new Saudi eVisa .

Entering Saudi Arabia with an eVisa

Hungarian citizens holding a valid Saudi eVisa can get entry to the country through any of the following ports of entry:

Land Checkpoints

  • King Fahd Bridge at the Bahrain border
  • Al Batha crossing at the United Arab Emirates border
  • King Khalid International Airport, Riyadh
  • Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport, Medina
  • King Abdulaziz International Airport, Jeddah
  • King Fahd International Airport, Dammam
  • All Saudi Arabia seaports are open for eVisa holders arriving from Hungary.

Upon arrival, present your printed Saudi eVisa to the immigration officials at the port of entry, along with your valid passport.

Extending the Saudi eVisa for Hungarian Citizens

Suppose you are planning to elongate your stay in Saudi Arabia beyond the 90-day limit allowed by your Saudi eVisa. In that case, you must apply for an extension at the nearest General Directorate of Passports office (Jawazat) in Saudi Arabia. Please note that extensions are granted at the discretion of the Saudi authorities and are not guaranteed.

Important Tips and Information

To ensure that you have a smooth and hassle-free trip to Saudi Arabia, keep the following tips and information in mind:

  • Always carry a printed copy of your Saudi eVisa and a valid passport during your stay in Saudi Arabia.
  • Make sure to follow the local customs, traditions, and laws in Saudi Arabia to avoid any misunderstandings or legal issues.
  • Familiarize yourself with the current travel bans and restrictions in Saudi Arabia before planning your trip.
  • If you are a dual citizen with multiple passports, use the same passport to apply for the Saudi eVisa and travel to Saudi Arabia.

In case your Saudi eVisa application is denied , you can reapply after addressing the reasons for the rejection. However, you must again pay the processing fee for each new application.

With this comprehensive guide on the Saudi eVisa for Hungarian citizens , you are now well-prepared to plan your trip to Saudi Arabia and enjoy a memorable experience in this fascinating country.

Overview of Online Saudi Visa Application

Fill out the application : The online e-Visa form for Saudi Arabia will take just minutes to complete. It is advisable to double-check the data to prevent any further issues or barriers in the visa-granting procedure. To apply for a Online Saudi Visa, you must provide personal details like name, place of birth passport details as well as your contact information and date of birth.

Pay the Online Saudi Visa Application registration charge : To pay the Saudi visa online or the e-Visa fee and cover the cost of the e-Visa, use a credit card or debit card. The Saudi Arabia visa application will not be reviewed or processed without payment. To proceed with submitting the e-Visa application, the requisite payment must be made.

It is mandatory to pay for health insurance as part of Online Saudi Visa . Visitors from Hungary are covered by health insurance through the Saudi Arabia eVisa for up to SAR 100,000 in the event of a medical emergency while they are in the Kingdom.

Saudi e-Visa delivery through email : Once your Saudi e-Visa has been authorized by Saudi Government, you will receive an approval email containing your Saudi e-Visa in PDF format. The Saudi e-Visa could be rejected if there is any spelling error or if the information does not match the government's data submitted to the embassy.

Note: Your application may also be rejected if insufficient supporting documentation or material is submitted. To enter Saudi Arabia, you must present your e-Visa at the airport along with a passport that won't expire in the next six months, your ID card, or a bay form if you're a child.

Frequently Asked Questions about Online Saudi Visa

Saudi Arabia Visa Online Requirements

To receive their eVisa online, tourists who desire to enter the Kingdom must have the following documents ready:

  • Hungarian nationals coming to Saudi Arabia must have valid passports.
  • A valid Hungarian passport that is still valid at least six months after the intended entry date into Saudi Arabia
  • Accurate email address to get information about your application and the Saudi Arabia eVisa
  • Pay the fees with a debit or credit card.

As a s citizen of Hungary, you are not required to visit Saudi Embassy or get sticker on your passport. You are eligible to obtain eVisa or electronic Visa by email. In case your situation is complex and some of your family members or group are not eligible for electronic visa, then please apply for a regular visa from the nearest Saudi Embassy .

Also, although a booking confirmation is not required, Hungarian travelers seeking a Saudi Arabia eVisa will need to submit accommodation located in the Kingdom. Note: You may apply for an eVisa for Saudi Arabia online if you plan to go to Saudi Arabia on vacation, business, or to see friends and relatives. Any smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer may be used for this.

Hungarian Embassy in Saudi Arabia registration

Hungarian are recommended to register with the closest embassy whether they are visiting temporarily or spending a long time. The Hungarian Embassy in Saudi Arabia provides a service called Registration of Hungarian Abroad. Hungarian visitors can register online before their trip to the nation. After they have registered, the Embassy will be able to get in touch with Hungarian nationals there in an emergency or to deliver crucial information. This is advantageous in the following situations:

  • Natural catastrophes
  • Public unrest
  • International crises that might impact the return trip
  • Personal emergency situations (the Saudi Embassy will assist the relatives of tourists in reaching them)

Things to do and places of interest for Hungarian Citizens

  • Explore cliff-side caves and panoramic views over Al Ahsa’s flourishing oasis
  • Visit Riyadh’s first drive through cinema
  • Witness the waterfall in Lake Park Namar
  • Walk along the Sky Bridge in the Kingdom Centre
  • Jump around at BOUNCE Rawdah’s trampoline park
  • The Judah Thumb and the Yellow Lake, Al-Ahsa
  • Giant Mirrored Cube in the Desert of AlUla
  • Traditional & Bedouin Markets of Jeddah
  • Great Mosque of Mecca
  • Eat your way through Lebanese classics at Niyyali
  • Explore the spectacular natural wonder that is the Al Waba volcano crater

Embassy of Hungary in Saudi Arabia

Please apply for a Online Saudi Visa 72 hours in advance of your flight.

Online Saudi Visa Application

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  1. Visa Information

    Overview. Schengen information. Schengen States issue uniform visas for short stay visit not exceeding 90 days in any 180-day period. The Schengen visa may be issued for a single entry (as a rule for the 1st time visitors of the Schengen area), for two entries, or as a multiple entry visa in case the applicant proves the need or justifies the intention to travel frequently as well as proves ...

  2. | vfsglobal

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  3. Hungary Visa

    To meet the short-term stay visa requirements for Hungary, applicants must submit the following documents to the Hungarian embassy or consulate: The Hungarian Schengen visa application form. Documents generally required for any Schengen visa application. Schengen visa insurance. The insurance should have a minimum coverage of €30,000 for ...

  4. Home

    Address: Al Waha District, Ahmad At-Tunisi Str. 23 12444, Riyadh Country code: 00 966 Phone: (0) 11 454 6707 (due to technical issues, currently not working), (0) 11 456 8644 Fax: (0) 456-0834 Email: consular.ryd [at] Consular days: Tuesday, Thursday 10AM - 2PM Visa: Apply at VFS Global's centers in Riyadh, Jeddah, Al Khobar and Manama.

  5. Apply for a visa

    Get started with your visa application View more Once you are ready to apply, you can download the visa application form , complete it, print the complete form and bring it with you to the Visa Application Center (together with the documents required for the Visa category chosen) for submission.

  6. PDF Check List for Short Stay Visa

    submission at any VFS Visa application center in Saudi Arabia. The Embassy of Hungary reserves the right to consider an inadmissible file according to art. 19, Visa Code. We however recommend you to start the application procedure as early as possible, but not earlier than 6 months prior to your entry date to the Schengen states, in order to ...

  7. Consular Information

    1.) "C"-type, short term (less than 90 days) Schengen visa applications. About C visa applications please contact one of the VFS Global Visa Application Centre: Saudi-Arabia VFS Global-Etimad Hungary Joint Visa Center in Riyadh, in Jeddah, and in Al-Khobar, or in specific cases - after prior consultation - at the Consular Section of the ...

  8. Hungary International Travel Information

    Hungary is a party to the Schengen Agreement, which allows for free movement between certain European countries. U.S. citizens may enter Hungary for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. If you plan to stay longer, please visit the Embassy of Hungary for the most current visa information.

  9. Hungary Visa for Saudi Arabian citizens 2024

    The Hungary tourist visa remains valid for 3 months. The Hungary Sticker visa must be used within 90 days of issuance. A total of 10 documents are required to apply for the Hungary Sticker visa. Hungary Schengen Visa is required for Saudi Arabian citizens. Find out more about Hungary visa exemptions and special conditions.

  10. How to Apply for a Hungary Schengen Visa?

    Step 1: Determine your Purpose for travelling to Hungary, which will determine the Type of visa you should apply for. Step 2: Determine how many Entries to Hungary/the Schengen area you need. Step 3: Gather your Required Documents. Step 4: Schedule a Hungarian Schengen Visa appointment (if applicable).

  11. Schengen (C) Visa

    Schengen (C) Visa. Necessary documents for C Visa: 1. Valid national passport: Issued within the last 10 years and with at least 3 months validity after the scheduled return, with at least two blank pages. If the passport does not state the place of birth, a copy of ID card or a birth certificate must be submitted. 2. Visa application form:

  12. General visa requirements for Hungary

    If you wish to stay in Hungary for longer than what the short-term visa would allow, you should apply for a residence permit right away. The process costs 60 euros and usually takes 30 days. Good to know: Since 2011, when applying for a residence permit in Hungary you are required to give your fingerprints. This rule also applies to children ...

  13. VFS Global opens Hungary Visa Application Centres in three cities

    Residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can now apply for visas to Hungary at Visa Application Centres launched for the Embassy of Hungary in three citi. 22 Safar 1446 - 26 August 2024 ... Hi sir I am Sohel Bangladeshi passport holder currently staying here in Dammam Saudi Arabia since 2004 now I like to visit Hungary how can I get visit visa ...

  14. VFS Global opens Hungary visa application centres in KSA

    By Mark Elliott On Feb 24, 2016. VFS Global has opened Hungarian Visa Application Centres across three cities in Saudi Arabia. A Hungarian visa. Located in Al-Khobar, Jeddah and Riyadh, Saudi ...

  15. Hungary Visa

    Hungary is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Its capital, Budapest, is bisected by the Danube River. It shares land borders with Slovakia in the north, Ukraine in the northeast, Austria in the northwest, Romania in the east, Serbia in the south, Croatia in the southwest, and Slovenia in the west.

  16. VFS opens Hungary visa application centres in KSA

    by Nikhil Pereira February 25, 2016 05:46 AM GST. VFS Global has inaugurated three new visa application centres for travellers seeking Hungarian visas. The three centres are positioned across three cities in the country: Al-Khobar, Jeddah and Riyadh to submit visa applications and enrol for biometrics. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the third ...

  17. Hungarian visa requirements for Saudi citizens

    Travelers need a visa to visit Hungary for Business or Tourism. A paper or embassy visa is the only visa available for travelers visiting Hungary. The visa is typically a stamp or sticker added to the passport. Travelers must obtain this visa from a local embassy, consulate, or visa center before traveling.

  18. VFS Global launches Hungary visa service in Saudi Arabia

    KSA Business. Thu, 25 Feb 2016. VFS officials at the inaugural ceremony. Residents of Saudi Arabia can now apply for visas to Hungary at new VFS Visa Application Centres launched for the Embassy ...

  19. Hungary Visa

    Before now, Al visa-exempt visitors needed to visit Hungary was valid passports, and they were good to go. However, all this changed with the launch of the Electronic Travel Information and Authorization System. While they can still visit Hungary without visas, they must apply for this authorization online.

  20. Hungary visa requirements for Saudi Arabian citizens

    Holding Saudi Arabian passport that is valid for six months beyond the period of the intended stay in Hungary. Proof of onward travel (departure) from Hungary. If you are looking for Hungary visa information, such as available types of visas, or how to apply from Saudi Arabia, we recommend you visit or contact the embassy or consulate of ...

  21. Saudi eVisa

    Saudi Arabia is opening its doors to the world through its new tourist visa. Through the fast and easy-to-use online portal, international visitors from 66 eligible countries can apply for an eVisa and discover the warm hospitality of Saudi people the rich heritage, vibrant culture, and diverse and breathtaking landscapes; from the mountains of Abha to the beaches of the Red Sea to the ...

  22. Saudi Visa Online for Hungarian Citizens

    Saudi Visa from Hungary is not optional, but a traveling to the country for short stays. Before travelling to the Middle East, Hungarian nationals can swiftly and simply get travel permission online. Types of Saudi eVisas Available ... As a s citizen of Hungary, you are not required to visit Saudi Embassy or get sticker on your passport. You ...